05 Jul

Greece and Democrats by Colonel Bob Pappas, USMC, Retired

Greece and Democrats
by Colonel Bob Pappas, USMC, Retired
“Let’s see if I have this straight. Greece is, but for Germany and other EU nations bailing it out, bankrupt. The long and short of how that happened is that Greece having joined the EU adopted a cradle-to-grave economic model and embarked on paying its workers dream salaries and retirement benefits, not to mention “universal” health care, such as that is. Costs rapidly escalated given increases both in the number and breadth of government programs.
Having found liberal lending at the EU “trough” the cure to its expanding largesse, Greek politicians believed the “borrowing well” was infinitely deep and would be a permanent cure for its spending addiction, much like U.S. Democrats and RINOs. In the meantime, Greek government unions, similar to California, Wisconsin and other places kept beating the drum for more. The government responded by borrowing more so politicians could dole it out to union members who in turn paid union dues, a portion of which was then used to help elect the same politicians who would continue the cycle.
But, interest on the borrowed money i.e. the Greek national debt, began to mount to the point where the EU realized that Greece was too far extended to service, much less repay its debt. The scenario is somewhat reminiscent of Zorba with Greece representing Zorba, in “Zorba, the Greek.” When responsible people at the EU awakened to the fact that it was impossible for Greece to service its debt, it instructed Greece to find ways to economize.
For a short time the Greek Government “cooked the books” but was soon found out and forced to begin to tighten its economic belt. Greek Unions/Socialists/Communists reacted by blaming everyone but themselves and the situation turned ugly; Unions foment riots seen daily on TV in response to legislative grappling with the out-of-control economic situation. Were Greeks so stupid like Zorba, as to believe there would never be a day of reckoning? (Are U.S. Democrats/RINOs any different?) That EU membership would not exact a toll on its sovereignty? (Democrats in general could care less about sovereignty.) That borrowing more than the country could produce would have no consequences? Talk about arrogant! “Because I am, you owe me,” a concept with a familiar ring in certain U.S. circles.
Across the Atlantic in Washington, D.C. Democrats and RINOs have the mistaken impression like Greek politicians, that the county’s wealth is theirs to give or take, and if taxes are not generating enough revenue, “raise taxes on the rich,” or borrow more from Communist China.
In short those people believe that the Federal Government owns the Country. Why else would Congressional Democrats unilaterally enact “Obamacare” over the objections of the large majority of U.S. population who will be stuck with the bill? Their mindset is abundantly manifest in the laws they have enacted. Notwithstanding their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, most are interested only in advancing their political careers, serving themselves and pocketing the change.
Democrat strategy has always been to overspend then “force” an increase in taxes to cover the costs. In the past that worked because of the expanding economy, but this time spending is so obscene that U.S. citizen taxpayers are rebelling. How to deal with the resultant debt is the struggle in the ongoing budget debate in Washington.
Increasing taxes on “the rich” would not work even if increased to 100% because there is not enough money even at that rate to cover Democrat/RINOs spending. Incidentally 100% taxation was Obama’s father’s “dream” not just on the rich, but everyone. If those who presently pay no taxes believe they will escape, think again, they will be forced to work, the days of the free ride are over, to at long last help carry the load of their “entitlements.” “Where’s my check?”
For decades Democrats/RINOs have spent so much that as of now future generations of U.S. taxpayers will pay taxes that are so high they will essentially work to support the government and government programs. Stated another way, everyone will work for the government and the country will have arrived at the oxymoron of a socialist utopia.
This prospect is both the essence and fulfillment of Obama’s and Democrats’ strategy to “spread the wealth around.” Although there is plenty of precedent to show that their model fails 100% of the time, liberals, whether in Greece or the U.S. are endowed with the inherent and inalienable intellectual fallacy that they are somehow uniquely equipped to pick up the clean end of the socialist “turd.”
Semper Fidelis.
Bob Pappas


Wild Thing’s comment……..
People need to wake up and see we could follow Greece in what has happened to them.
Good article by the Col.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67