21 Jun

News From Iraq ~ The Bunker Notebook ~


This Category Bunker Notebook at Theodore’s World, 
will be about the things shared in emails from 
our troops and other Americans that are 
located in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Theodore’s World is very aware of how 
loose lips endanger our troops and other Americans 
working in the hot zones, so at all times great care will be 
taken in how much information is posted. 

Some notes will be directly from the troops 
and other notes from those such
as employees with Halliburton and others.


From an employee of Haliburton in Baghdad

“Thanks! Baghdad is being dealt with as we speak. We can hear the sounds,
of freedom. We’ve been hearing the same chatter about XXXXXXX for the last several days that we heard about Fallujah just before they whacked it in November 2004.
We have no electricity at the moment and this place is HOT. The Media reports, still the sameI have yet to see them ever tell the whole truth about events in Iraq. Why should they start now? WT, I know you and I agree on the media as other things I share with you.
What happened to our soldieres literally turns my stomach. This pisses me off.
Our guys get tortured while we tip-toe around trying to fight a PC war so as not to “offend” anyone. The “insurgents” need to suffer a mass slaughter in order to send a message.
I agree. We need to drop some more of the 500-pounders. They are routing out quite a few of them.

We fight an enemy that holds nothing higher than religion and it’s purposes for them, to include human life or the lives of their own people, and as military members who have been or are now deployed to these areas we must fight blindfolded and our hands tied around our backs vor fear of the ” CNN ” issues that we may face for doing our job.
Thank you for your support.I get a chance to read your blog and the comments are good. The Vets there for their support too.
Sincerely, Lt.
Scout Sniper Platoon Commander

We are still doing our best to get these [bad guys], they are definitely getting allot smarter though as far as tactics. [They] are hiding in crowds of people after throwing grenades at us. Its hard as hell to avoid an ambush because they always seem to know we are coming and the people don’t give us any accurate intel as to what and where the insurgents are. Anyway we were on a night patrol and one of the [Bad Guys] was hiding in an alley and tossed a homemade grenade in the middle of the element. one of my shooters got hit in the hand (non shooting hand). He is fine, its a million dollar wound, he was back doing missions the next day. We think he ran into a nearby crowd of people and then disappeared, but of course the crowd did not see anything.
thanks for the email and support. later.

TomR says:

Hi Guys.
Thanks for the wonderful job you are doing for us. Keep sending your 1st hand info and comments here to Wild Thing. A lot of Vietnam vets here who understand very well your problems with guerilla warfare and even worse, PC.
When ya come home it will be to a big hearty Welcome!