August 06, 2020
Gun sales rise amid 'Defund the Police' movement and coronavirus ~ GOOD!!!!
Gun sales rise amid 'Defund the Police' movement and coronavirus
Wild Thing's comment............
Protect yourself now and do not comply. Do not surrender your weapons. God Bless America ! People are realizing just how important the 2nd amendment is.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:24 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 27, 2019
Bill allowing teachers to be armed passes in Florida Senate
Bill allowing teachers to be armed passes in Florida Senate
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:40 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 19, 2019
Lawmaker Amanda Chase on gun rights and her decision to open carry on the Virginia Senate floor
Lawmaker Amanda Chase on gun rights and her decision to open carry on the Virginia Senate floor
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:27 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 30, 2016
"Radical Islamic Terrorists Targeting Gun-Free Malls"
"Radical Islamic Terrorists Targeting Gun-Free Malls"
Veteran U.S. Navy SEAL Dom Raso warns that radical Islamic terrorists are in America and planning to attack our shopping malls. They've spent a generation dreaming of this twisted goal and are waiting for the right moment to strike. Gun-free malls in states and cities where politicians have reduced our Second Amendment freedoms are the most vulnerable—they give terrorists and the lone wolves they inspire an upper hand against defenseless Americans. Elitists who want to restrict our right to bear arms will call this fear mongering. They are wrong. Their failures to keep America safe have made this our new reality. We either accept it and take measures to prevent impending attacks, or we idly wait for the dire consequences.
Wild Thing's comment............
Thank you Dom for all you are doing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Concealed Carrier Prevents Mass Shooting At S.C. Nightclub
Concealed Carrier Prevents Mass Shooting At S.C. Nightclub
A man with a concealed carry license stopped a shooter after the latter opened fire on a crowd of people at a nightclub in South Carolina early Sunday morning, according to
After getting into a fight with another person, the 32-year-old suspect pulled out a gun and began to fire at a crowd of people gathered outside of the club, hitting and injuring four, WISTV reports. One of the victims, who holds a concealed-carry permit, shot back in self-defense, hitting the suspect in the leg.
The suspect has been charged with four counts of attempted murder. He was also charged for unlawfully carrying a weapon and for carrying one while committing a violent crime.
The concealed carrier who shot back won’t be facing any charges, as his permit to carry was valid.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Take that Obama - or would you rather have seen dead people to promote your weak-a$s agenda????
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
June 26, 2016
Clearly unconstitutional !! Hawaii Becomes First U.S. State To Put Gun Owners In FBI Database
Hawaii Becomes First U.S. State To Put Gun Owners In FBI Database
Hawaii’s governor signed a bill making it the first state to place its residents who own firearms in a federal criminal record database and monitor them for possible wrongdoing anywhere in the country, his office said.
The move by gun control proponents in the liberal state represents an effort to institute some limits on firearms in the face of a bitter national debate over guns that this week saw Democratic lawmakers stage a sit-in at the U.S. House of Representatives.
Hawaii Governor David Ige, a Democrat, on Thursday signed into law a bill to have police in the state enroll people into an FBI criminal monitoring service after they register their firearms as already required, his office said in a statement.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation database called "Rap Back" will allow Hawaii police to be notified when a firearm owner from the state is arrested anywhere in the United States.
Hawaii has become the first U.S. state to place firearm owners on the FBI's Rap Back, which until now was used to monitor criminal activities by individuals under investigation or people in positions of trust such as school teachers and daycare workers
"As you can imagine, the NRA finds this one of the most extreme bills we've ever seen," said Amy Hunter, a spokeswoman for the National Rifle Association's institute for legislative action.
The law could affect gun owners outside Hawaii, because the state requires visitors carrying guns to register, Hunter said.
As a result, they could be added to "Rap Back" because they arrived in the state with a gun, she said. The Hawaii attorney general's office said a weapon-carrying visitor should be able to petition for removal from the national database after leaving the state.
Hawaii state Senator Will Espero, a Democrat who co-authored the law and owns a gun, called it "common sense legislation that does not hurt anyone."
The law, which takes effect immediately, allows police in Hawaii to evaluate whether a firearm owner should continue to possess a gun after being arrested.
"It just means local police will be notified," Espero said in a phone interview.
Wild Thing's comment.............
This is totally against our Constitution.
How about putting Muslims in an FBI database instead!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM
June 20, 2016
Former Navy SEAL Dom Raso Explains Why The AR-15 Is A Common Sense Weapon For Self-Defense
Former Navy SEAL Dom Raso Explains Why The AR-15 Is A Common Sense Weapon For Self-Defense
As Democrats ramp up their attack on so-called “assault weapons” the NRA has hit back with a video by former Navy SEAL Dom Raso explaining why the AR-15 is a common sense weapon for self-defense.
Raso described the weapon as “easy to learn and easy to use” and explained again, for those who don’t get it, that the Second Amendment doesn’t have a thing to do with hunting.
He also chastised presumptive Democrat presidential nominee for her stance on banning the firearm.
“Hillary Clinton says ‘weapons of war’ have no place on our streets and that we need to ban AR15s immediately,” he said in the five-minute video.
“She knows AR-15s are a powerful defense against radical Islamic terrorists,” Raso continued. “That’s why she’s been surrounded by guards armed with them for the past three decades.”
Wild Thing's comment............
He is great and did an excellent job in this video. I hope a lot of people see this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
June 19, 2016
New Hampshire Used Car Dealer Bundles AR-15 With Vehicle Purchase For Qualified Buyers: ‘Buy A Car, Get An AR’
NH Used Car Dealer Bundles AR-15 With Vehicle Purchase For Qualified Buyers: ‘Buy A Car, Get An AR’
(the purchaser has to pass the background check to possess a weapon)
A U.S. used car dealership in New Hampshire is offering an unconventional bundle with the purchase of a vehicle: a free assault rifle.
Hagan’s Motor Pool in Rochester, New Hampshire is running a “Buy a Car, Get an AR” promotion for select vehicles, offering AR-15 semi-automatic rifles as a bonus.
“Need a car? Want a free AR-15 also? Get both at Hagan’s,” the used car dealer touts in an ad posted on its Facebook page. Hagan’s even makes an appeal to people to promote this campaign and “Make America Armed Again,” noting that Facebook would not permit such advertising.
The promotional bundle actually kicked off last month, but mostly went under the radar. In the past week, however, in the wake of the tragic Orlando shooting, the promo drew more attention and started sparking controversy. The used car dealer continues to sell a number of vehicles with the AR-15 bundle and seems unfazed by criticism.
Hagan’s, for its part, says that interested customers have to pass a background check to take advantage of this promotional bundle, meaning that it won’t be handing out assault rifles to anyone who buys a used car. Even so, it’s a bit odd to say the least to sell a car + rifle combo.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Sounds OK to me. It is always good when a person realizes guns are not the enemy.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
Rush Limbaugh: If You Think Any Gun Law Would Have Stopped Mateen YOU'RE A FOOL!
Limbaugh : If You Think Any Gun Law Would Have Stopped Mateen YOU'RE A FOOL!
Wild Thing's comment.................
Glad Rush spoke about this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
May 25, 2016
Hawaii Could Be First To Put Gun Owners In FBI Database
Hawaii Could Be First To Put Gun Owners In FBI Database
Hawaii could become the first state in the United States to enter gun owners into an FBI database that will automatically notify police if an island resident is arrested anywhere else in the country.
Most people entered in the “Rap Back” database elsewhere in the U.S. are those in “positions of trust,” such as school teachers and bus drivers, said Stephen Fischer of the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division. Hawaii could be the first state to add gun owners.
“I don’t like the idea of us being entered into a database. It basically tells us that they know where the guns are, they can go grab them” said Jerry Ilo, a firearm and hunting instructor for the state. “We get the feeling that Big Brother is watching us.”
Supporters say the law would make Hawaii a leader in safe gun laws. Allison Anderman, a staff attorney at the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, said the bill was “groundbreaking,” and that she hadn’t heard of other states introducing similar measures.
Sen. Will Espero, who introduced the bill, and the Honolulu Police Department said Hawaii could serve as a model for other states if it becomes the first to enact the law.
Yet others say gun owners shouldn’t have to be entered in a database to practice a constitutional right.
“You’re curtailing that right by requiring that a name be entered into a database without doing anything wrong,” said Kenneth Lawson, faculty at the University of Hawaii’s William S. Richardson School of Law.
Legal experts say the bill could face challenges, but would probably hold up in court. Recent Supreme Court rulings have clarified states’ ability to regulate gun sales, said David Levine, a law professor at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.
Wild Thing's comment............
Criminalizing a right to bear arms. The perfect example of tyranny.
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:53 AM
May 09, 2016
80 Yr Old Great-Grandma Uses Gun To Kill Home Invader Attacking Husband
80 Yr Old Great-Grandma Uses Gun To Kill Home Invader Attacking Husband
This 80-year-old great-granny got a gun and wasn’t afraid to use it.
Barb Moles shot and killed a home intruder who beat her husband with a crowbar and stabbed him with a knife. She now tells a local televison station she is “not just the typical granny.”
“You know, never in my whole life did I ever anticipate having to take another life — especially at age 80,” Moles told KOMO-TV in Seattle, Wash., last week. “Give me a break here!”
Moles grabbed her gun, a .38-caliber pistol, when she saw her 75-year-old husband bleeding on the floor during a home invasion in their rural Sultan home around 8:30 p.m. on April 28.
Deputies said Steven Sheppard, 25, attacked Leland Moles after breaking into the couple’s home to steal drugs.
KOMO reported that when Sheppard encountered Barb Moles, he said one word: “Gun.”
Moles, a grandmother of eight and a great-grandmother of three, pulled the trigger four times. Three bullets hit the mark, KOMO reported.
“I was just intent upon stopping him,” she told the station. “I didn’t have any other thought in my head. I just knew I had to stop him.”
Q13 Fox reported that Sheppard was an ex-con who spent time in prison for robbery.
Leland Moles remains in a hospital where he is listed in stable condition, the station reported.
The Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office continues to investigate Moles’ actions.
KOMO reported that the gun was a Christmas gift from her husband.
She said she wouldn’t hesitate to use it again.
“You know how mothers are with their kids,” she said. “That’s the way I am with my husband. I just protect his back. I’m not just the typical granny -- in case you haven’t noticed.”
Wild Thing's comment................
There is a photo of her at the link. Her husband was a smart man for buying her a pistol for Christmas.
A gift of life, for life.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
April 02, 2016
Freedom's Safest Place
Freedom's Safest Place
Wild Thing's comment............
I love this one, it is the best .
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
March 04, 2016
Smith & Wesson Sales Soar Amid Rising Gun Control Worries
Smith & Wesson Sales Soar Amid Rising Gun Control Worries
Gun maker Smith & Wesson Holding Corp (SWHC.O) reported a better-than-expected 61 percent jump in quarterly revenue, at a time when the U.S. presidential election campaigns and recent shootings fuel fears of stricter gun laws.
Shares of the company were up about 5 percent at $26.66 in extended trading.
Chief Executive James Debney told analysts on a conference call on Thursday that the demand for firearms is a result of short-term influences of “potential impact of news events and the current political environment”.
Smith & Wesson said firearm net sales jumped 56.4 percent to $194.7 million in the third quarter, from a year earlier.
Rival Sturm Ruger & Co Inc’s (RGR.N) CEO, Michael Fifer, said last week he expected a lift in demand for the company’s firearms if a Democrat wins this year’s presidential elections.
Democratic presidential front-runner Hilary Clinton has been calling for new rules to make background checks more comprehensive and close “loopholes” on some kinds of gun purchases. Such calls in the past have led to higher firearms sales out of fear that limits are coming.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Haha Obama has been great for gun sales.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM | Comments (1)
January 02, 2016
Obama Meeting With AG Loretta Lynch On Monday To Plan Unilateral Action Without Congress For Gun Control
Barack Obama said on Friday he would meet with U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Monday to discuss ways of reducing gun violence in the United States amid reports he intends to take executive action on the issue.
Obama, in his weekly recorded address, said he has received “too many letters from parents, and teachers, and kids, to sit around and do nothing.”
He has repeatedly urged Congress to tighten gun laws, with his calls growing louder following the 2012 massacre at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, and again this fall after mass shootings in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and San Bernardino, California.
“A few months ago, I directed my team at the White House to look into any new actions I can take to help reduce gun violence,” Obama said in the address. “And on Monday, I’ll meet with our attorney general, Loretta Lynch, to discuss our options.”
The Washington Post, citing several individuals briefed on the matter, said Obama and Lynch would “finalize a set of executive actions on guns that he will unveil next week.”
Frustrated with little action from Congress, Obama has vowed to use “whatever power this office holds” to put in place gun control measures through executive action, which does not require congressional approval.
“We know that we can’t stop every act of violence,” Obama said. “But what if we tried to stop even one? What if Congress did something – anything – to protect our kids from gun violence?”
The Post said Obama would use his executive authority in several areas, including expanding new background-check requirements for buyers who purchase weapons from high-volume dealers.
Wild Thing's comment...............
He is bound and determinded to keep on destroying everything,
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (3)
December 28, 2015
Gun Owners Stop Four Life-Threatening Incidents In Five Days During The Christmas Season
Gun Owners Stop Four Life-Threatening Incidents In Five Days During The Christmas Season
The Christmas season was a bad time to be a criminal near a person with a weapon.
There were a total of four incidents involving a person using a gun to stop a crime or other life-threatening incident between December 22 and December 26, according to a list compiled by the Crime Prevention Research Center.
December 22:
Brandon Johnson was shot and killed after attempting to rob two men looking to buy a vehicle in Gary, Indiana during a Craigslist scam. Johnson’s girlfriend was also shot in the thigh but is expected to survive, according to the Washington Times. The shooter, who is from Illinois, told police that when he arrived to make the Craigslist purchase Johnson instead pulled a gun resulting in the shooter pulling out his own weapon to defend his life.
December 23:
A criminal attempted to hold up Captain Max Seafood in Miramar, Florida. Except the robber didn’t get very far into his plan because an employee pulled out a gun and killed the suspect, according to NBC Miami.
December 24:
Bill Kessler shot and killed a large dog that was attacking his beagle in Detroit, Michigan.
“Before he got to me I got my pepper spray out and sprayed him but that didn’t stop him. After the pepper spray the dog started attacking mine, I tried kicking it, but it was so aggressive I took out my gun and shot it,” Kessler told Freep.
According to police, a warrant will likely be issued for the owner of the dead dog for the charge of “dog at large,” which is a misdemeanor.
December 26:
Antonio Bagley shot and killed Jerrell Walker after Walker attempted to rob him in Warner Robins, Georgia. Bagley told police that the attempted robbery took place late on Christmas night, and resulted in him firing the fatal shot to Walker’s torso
Wild Thing's comment..............
I am so glad I have my permit for a Concealed weapon. Just knowing I can carry if I want to makes a difference.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (1)
December 23, 2015
Florida store offers free gun with jewelry purchase
Florida store offers free gun with jewelry purchase
Wild Thing's comment............
The idea sounds ok to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (3)
December 21, 2015
Obama Poised To Tighten Gun Laws Using Executive Powers After His Hawaiian Vacation
Obama Poised To Tighten Gun Laws Using Executive Powers After His Hawaiian Vacation
Senior congressional aides and sources in the gun-control community expect the White House to use its executive powers to tighten federal gun laws shortly after President Barack Obama returns from a Hawaiian vacation in early January.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Thursday he anticipates a legal review to continue through the holidays.
Since the deadly shooting in San Bernardino, Calif., White House officials have been, as Earnest has put it, “scrubbing through the law” to determine whether and how Obama can use his constitutional authorities to make it harder for terrorists and other potential mass shooters to legally obtain firearms.
On both sides of the Capitol, sources involved in the guns debate say, as one senior House GOP leadership aide put it, “something is brewing on guns.”
The hot-button issue returned to the front burner of American politics following the lethal Islamic State-inspired California shooting.
Since, however, Republican lawmakers have blocked Democratic measures on stiffening gun laws; and Democrats have kept a mental health bill the GOP has tied to mass shootings from passing, saying they would rather close loopholes in gun laws first.
A recent CNN/ORC poll suggests the American public is siding with GOP arguments. The survey found a majority (52 percent) of those polled oppose tighter gun laws. And a Washington Post/ABC News poll found 53 percent are against the assault weapons ban the White House has endorsed.
So far, the White House is keeping its plans — and the details of its legal review — under wraps. But sources say the administration is zeroing in on the definition of just who is in the gun sales realm.
“What we expect is that they are going to better define what it means to be ‘in the business’ of selling firearms,” said a source with knowledge of the administration’s thinking. Congressional aides say they are hearing similar rumblings.
Wild Thing's comment............
MOLON LABE!!! Remember that the American Revolution began when the British tried to seize the citizens' arms at Lexington in 1775. Didn't work out too well for the Redcoats.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (3)
December 08, 2015
Florida Sheriff Says Get A Gun, It’s The Only Thing That Stops Bad Guys
Florida Sheriff Says Get A Gun, It’s The Only Thing That Stops Bad Guys
Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey said residents who legally carry firearms shouldn’t act as vigilantes, but should be ready to respond to threats until police can arrive. “Let there be no mistake in what I’m about to say,” Ivey said. “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. If you are a person who is legally licensed to carry a firearm, now is a time more than ever to realize that you and you alone very well might be the first line of defense for you [and] your family.”
Wild Thing's comment...........
This is great when the police say things like this, they know those of us that obey the laws and appreciate that guns are for protection for our loved ones and homes.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
December 02, 2015
Detroit Police Chief: Citizens Carrying Guns Makes Detroit Safer From Terrorist Attacks
Detroit Police Chief: Citizens Carrying Guns Makes Detroit Safer From Terrorist Attacks
Detroit’s police chief says he believes the number of armed citizens in the city would deter would-be terrorists from carrying out attacks similar to those in Paris for fear of return fire.
“A lot of Detroiters have CPLs (concealed pistol licenses), and the same rules apply to terrorists as they do to some gun-toting thug, Chief James Craig said, The Detroit News reported. “If you’re a terrorist, or a carjacker, you want unarmed citizens.”
In Detroit last year, 1,169 handgun permits were issued and more than 8,000 guns were registered with the police department, The Detroit News reported. Statewide, more than 115,000 gun permits were issued, according to Michigan State Police and more than 30,000 Detroit residents are legally armed.
Although officials maintain there are no specific or credible threats, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security last week released a bulletin to 18,000 law enforcement agencies nationwide, warning police there could be attacks similar to the Nov. 13 terrorist strikes in Paris.
Chief Craig made waves in 2013 when he said more armed citizens would help drive down crime in the city. In 2014, he attributed a 37 percent drop in the number of robberies in Detroit to armed citizens.
Wild Thing's comment..................
Good for this man.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:49 AM
November 25, 2015
Surging Concealed Carry: The American Response To Paris Terror Attacks
Surging Concealed Carry: The American Response To Paris Terror Attacks
A large part of the American response to the Paris terror attacks is a surge in concealed carry, with a greater-than 100 percent jump in permit applications in some places.
sign-ups for concealed carry classes at San Antonio’s Texas Guns “doubled” following the Paris attacks and permit applications in Limestone County, Alabama, saw their “biggest spike” following the attacks as well.
Now there is Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, where Police One reports that permit applications for one day increased by more than 100 percent on Monday, November 16. The Allegheny Sheriff’s Office described the days after the Paris attacks as those in which “the line [for concealed carry permit applications] will go clear out the door [and] wrap around to the courtyard.” The sheriff’s office estimated the number of phone calls relating to concealed carry “]quadrupled]” in the attack aftermath.
The NRA-ILA reports that concealed carry permit applications “more than doubled” in Chester County, Pennsylvania. And Cleveland’s ABC 5 reports that concealed carry permit applications in Summit County, Ohio were up 60-percent on Wednesday, November 18, compared to Wednesday, November 11.
ABC 5 reported that permit applications “doubled” in Portage County, Ohio, too.
As these surges in concealed carry take place around the country they are being complimented by a sharp rise in gun sales. And it is important to note that many of those buying guns in the wake of the Paris attacks are first time gun buyers. Breitbart News reported this jump in first time gun buyers last week, ABC 3 reported it in Florida, and ABC 5 reports that the gun stores in Ohio are seeing the same thing.
Store owners say that people who have never owned a gun before are now coming in to obtain one for the security it provides.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Not surprised, people want to protect themselves and their loved ones.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
November 05, 2015
$100 tax on every gun: Congresswoman introducing anti-violence bill
$100 tax on every gun: Congresswoman introducing anti-violence bill
A new bill would tax gun owners at a rate of $100 per firearm with proceeds going towards anti-violence and mental health programs.
Rep. Nydia Velazquez, D-NY., said the measure would reduce the number of guns in circulation and providing needed funding for programs aimed at reducing violence. The legislation will be introduced in the U.S. House this week.
"Gun violence is a plague on our city that shatters lives and tears families apart," Velázquez said. "This bill will take meaningful steps to address the issue, reducing the flow of guns on the street, empowering law enforcement to better track missing weapons, while investing in community anti-violence programs."
Velazquez's proposal would assess a $100 federal tax on the sale of all new firearms. Revenue generated from the tax would go to the Department of Justice for safety and mental health improvement grants.
"If making guns more expensive means fewer end up in commerce, I'm happy with that result," Velázquez said. "However, if guns are going to be sold, then those purchasing and selling them should pay for programs that can reduce the incidence of gun violence in our local communities."
The "Reducing Gun Violence in Our Neighborhoods Act" would also strengthen the reporting requirements related to lost or stolen guns and establish a national database of missing weapons. It would also require all gun owners to report any stolen weapons within 48 hours or face a $10,000 penalty.
According to the National Rifle Association, Americans have acquired more than 170 million new firearms since 1991. The Congressional Research Service estimated the number of firearms in the U.S. at more than 310 million.
The measure has received the support of the Brooklyn and Queens District Attorneys, local gun control organizations and various community groups.
Velasquez's proposal is just the latest in a series of gun control measures introduced by Congressional Democrats. Earlier this summer, another New York Congresswoman, Rep. Carolyn Maloney, introduced a measure that would require gun owners to have liability insurance coverage before being allowed to purchase a weapon or face a fine of up to $10,000.
Wild Thing's comment.............
And how does she propose to tax the street gangs and all the other bad guys. sheesh.
I can't stand these democrats................... fill in here with bad ass cussing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
October 16, 2015
California Looks to Take Another Big Swipe at Second Amendment With New Gun Control Proposal
California Looks to Take Another Big Swipe at Second Amendment With New Gun Control Proposal
California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom is proposing a 2016 ballot initiative that would ask voters to strengthen the state’s gun laws by restricting ammunition sales, requiring owners to turn in high capacity magazines and requiring gun owners to report lost or stolen guns to law enforcement.
If adopted, the proposal Newsom planned to release Thursday would make California the first state in the nation to require background checks at the point of sale for ammunition, although other states require purchasers to obtain licenses and go through background checks ahead of time.
The proposal was drafted by Newsom, a candidate for California governor in 2018, and sponsored by the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. It comes in the wake of high-profile killings nationwide and three recent San Francisco Bay Area killings in which the shooters allegedly used stolen guns to commit the crimes.
The ballot initiative would ask voters to make five changes to state law:
- Eliminate the stockpile of now-banned large-capacity magazines with 11 rounds or more: Owners would be required to sell them to a licensed firearms dealer, take them out of state or turn them in to law enforcement to be destroyed. State law already bans manufacturing or selling magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.
- Background checks for ammunition purchases: Ammunition dealers would need to conduct a background check at the point-of-sale for all ammunition, and dealers would need a license similar to those required to sell firearms. Stores also would be required to report to law enforcement if ammunition has been lost or stolen.
- Reporting lost and stolen guns: California would join 11 other states in requiring that lost or stolen firearms be reported to law enforcement.
- Felons must relinquish weapons: California courts would set up a clear process to relinquish weapons. The authors say that more than 17,000 Californians who are prohibited from owning firearms currently have guns.
- Firearms database: The California Department of Justice would have to notify the federal instant criminal background check system when someone is added to the database of those prohibited from purchasing or possessing a firearm. California currently reports to the federal system voluntarily.
Wild Thing's comment..............
They are seeking more gun and ammo control so the criminals will have a safer job of being criminals.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
October 04, 2015
Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey Encourages ‘Fellow Christians’ To Get Gun Permits
Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey Encourages ‘Fellow Christians’ To Get Gun Permits
Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey is encouraging Christians to arm themselves following Thursday’s mass shooting in Oregon in which the gunman reportedly singled out Christians.
But the Republican Senate speaker’s call drew criticism from Tennessee Democratic Party Chairwoman Mary Mancini, who charged him with “fearmongering” and “apocalyptic delusions.”
In a Facebook post Friday, Ramsey referred to a “recent spike in mass shootings across the nation” as “truly troubling.”
“Whether the perpetrators are motivated by aggressive secularism, jihadist extremism or racial supremacy, their targets remain the same: Christians and defenders of the West,” he wrote.
“While this is not the time for widespread panic,” Ramsey added, “it is a time to prepare. I would encourage my fellow Christians who are serious about their faith to think about getting a handgun carry permit. I have always believed that it is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.
“Our enemies are armed,” he added. “We must do likewise.”
The post included a link to a Tennessee government website describing the steps necessary to obtain a state-issued handgun permit.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Amen Tennessee Lt. Gov Ramsey we must be vigilant at all times!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
September 30, 2015
With 14 shot in 15 hours, Mayor Rahm Emanuel wants gun laws to reflect the values of Chicago
With 14 shot in 15 hours, Mayor Rahm Emanuel wants gun laws to reflect the values of Chicago
ix people were killed and at least eight people were wounded, including an 11-month-old boy and a 2-year-old boy, during a bloody start to the week in Chicago that saw 10 of the victims shot at two scenes less than 3 miles apart on the South Side.
The first of those shootings occurred Monday evening when a family on its way back from an outing was gunned down in the Back of the Yards neighborhood, leaving a pregnant mother and a grandmother dead and three others -- including an 11-month-old boy -- wounded, police said.
The second multiple shooting occurred about five hours later when two men and the mother of a 4-year-old were killed and two other people were wounded near a playground in the Fuller Park neighborhood on the South Side, according to police. A sister said the woman was killed coming to the aid of a relative.
The burst of violence follows two straight weekends when more than 50 people were shot in Chicago. That's the first time that has happened on back-to-back weekends over the four years the Tribune has been tracking shootings. In August, more than 40 were shot on four consecutive weekends.
So far this year, at least 2,300 people have been shot in Chicago, about 400 more than during the same period last year, according to a Tribune analysis. Through Sunday, homicides have risen to 359, up 21 percent from 296 a year earlier, according to preliminary data from Chicago police.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Tuesday addressed the shooting in Back of the Yards, saying he was angry and “enough is enough.”
Continue reading just click here.............
Wild Thing's comment...............
They have a lot of gun laws in Chicago and it has not helped. They still do not understand it is the bad guy not the gun.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM
September 28, 2015
San Francisco's last gun shop to close over new regulations
San Francisco's last gun shop to close over new regulations
Ever since it was opened in the 1950s by a celebrated Olympic shooter, High Bridge Arms has been a defiant fixture in San Francisco's Mission District, but a coming wave of new firearms restrictions has prompted the last gun shop in the liberal City by the Bay to pack it in.
The proposed new city regulations, which could only be aimed at High Bridge Arms, would have required the shop to take and preserve video of all transactions and turn customers' personal data over to police on a weekly basis. General Manager Steven Alcairo said the shop's owners finally threw in the towel after years of what they consider being unfairly targeted with burdensome rules and regulations. Past regulations have required the shop to bar ads and displays from its windows and install cameras and barriers around its exterior. The shop has 17 cameras as it is, and turns video over to police on request, he said.
"This time, it's the idea of filming our customers taking delivery of items after they already completed waiting periods," Alcairo said. "We feel this is a tactic designed to discourage customers from coming to us.
"This year, it's this and next year will probably be something else," Alcairo added. "We don't want to wait for it."
Business for the last gun shop in the city of 840,000 has been good, according to Alcairo, especially since the store, which caters to law enforcement and outdoors enthusiasts, announced it would close next month.
Situated in the prominent city heart of Mission Street, High Bridge Arms was founded in the mid-1950s by Bob Chow, who competed in the 1948 Olympics 25-yard pistol shooting event. By some accounts a Bay Area institution, it has long been a tourist destination - specially for members of the law enforcement community who visit the city.
“I found the staff to be friendly, decent, law-abiding people who have been harassed by the San Francisco anti-gun crowd for quite some time,” Jim Wilson, a retired sheriff from Alpine, Texas, told as he recalled stopping by the shop during a visit to San Francisco a few years back.
But the shop has long been a thorn in the side of the city's aggressive advocates of gun control. City Supervisor Mark Farrell, who publicly requested that the city attorney’s office draft the new restrictions two months ago, said “easy access to guns and ammunition continue to contribute to senseless violent crime here in San Francisco and across the country.”
“Even though San Francisco has some of the toughest gun control laws on the books in the country - there is more we can do to protect the public,” he said in a statement before introducing the package.
Ladd Everitt, spokesman for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, said the proposed regulations are not onerous and said “video evidence is a critical component in bringing lawbreakers to justice.”
“If High Bridge Arms is so scared of implementing such a practice, my first question would be, ‘What do you have to hide?,'" he said. "Why in the world aren't we requiring all gun stores to tape sales at this point?”
Days after the ordinance including the new restrictions was announced earlier this month, the store announced an inventory clearance and closing sale on Facebook.
“It’s with tremendous sadness and regret that I have to announce we are closing our shop,” read the post. “It has been a long and difficult ride, but a great pleasure to be your last San Francisco Gun shop.”
Outdoorsmen and Second Amendment supporters blasted the city for targeting the shop, saying the new laws will do nothing to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.
“This is yet another piece of thoughtless, superficial, anti-American, anti-gun legislation that is a dangerous threat to our freedom and Constitution,” Chris Cheng, winner of The History Channel’s Season Four TOP SHOT, and a San Francisco resident, told “High Bridge Arms, like many gun shops around America, was a place for well-to-do folks to gather and talk shop about firearms and freedom.”
California attorney Chuck Michel, who specializes in firearms law and civil rights, said the legislation seems aimed merely at giving politicians a chance to “falsely claim they are doing something about gun violence.”
“For years San Francisco politicians have inappropriately blamed licensed and inspected gun retailers for violence actually caused by gangs, drugs, and sanctuary city laws,” he said. “The City has imposed a crushing burden of redundant and pointless regulatory red-tape on firearm retailers, all in an effort to put them out of business. Now they have gotten their wish.”
Wild Thing's comment..............
This is so wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honest law abiding citizens of San Fransisco, if there are any left, I advise getting out while you can. The city has openly declared war on law abiding citizens exercising their second amendment rights, while protecting criminals within the city in the name of "equality". With the last gun store gone, you won't easily be able to defend yourselves, and the criminal element will know this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
September 14, 2015
Marcus Luttrell’s Message To Terrorists
Marcus Luttrell’s Message To Terrorists
Wild Thing's comment............
I like this ad a lot.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
September 05, 2015
Florida Gun Makers Design AR 15 With Bible Verse And Cross Etched On Each Side So ‘Muslim Terrorists Won’t Use It
Florida Gun Makers Design AR 15 With Bible Verse And Cross Etched On Each Side So ‘Muslim Terrorists Won’t Use It’
SEVERAL PHOTOS AT THE LINK....CLICK HERE there is also a video at the link.
- Manufacturer Spike's Tactical is marketing the weapon, called the Crusader
- It has a psalm on one side and a Knights Templar Long Cross on the other
- Navy SEAL Ben 'Mookie' Thomas had the idea for the powerful weapon
- He believes the design will mean no devout Muslim will ever use it
- The divisive gun has already drawn criticism from Muslim groups
A gun manufacturer in Florida has designed an assault rifle featuring Christian symbols - in the hope it will never be used by 'Muslim terrorists'.
Spike's Tactical in Apokpa is selling the powerful weapon, called the Crusader, for $1,395. It has a Psalm on one side and the Knights Templar Long Cross – a symbol of the Christian Crusades to reclaim the Holy Land from Muslims - on the other.
The Bible verse, Psalm 144:1, reads: 'Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.'
Muslim groups have condemned the divisive gun, which they suggest will be bought by 'Christian terrorists'.
The safety selector on that controls the Crusader's trigger has three settings: Peace, War and God Wills It
The company's spokesman, former Navy SEAL Ben 'Mookie' Thomas, said he came up with the idea after listening to news reports of ISIS using US weapons they had taken from Iraqi soldiers.
He said the message and symbol inscribed on the firearm will stop devout Muslims picking it up.
'Off the cuff I said I'd like to have a gun that if a Muslim terrorist picked it up a bolt of lightning would hit and knock him dead,' Thomas told the Orlando Sentinel.
But the move has drawn criticism from local Islamic groups who question the motive behind the design of the gun.
Hasan Shibly, executive director from Council on American-Islamic Relations of Florida told the Sentinel: 'Is it designed for Christian terrorists?
'We need to have a conversation on gun violence. There has been utter silence from gun manufacturers. It's time for them to stop trying to make a buck on this.'
He also claimed that out of 205 mass shootings in the US this year, only one was carried out by a Muslim.
The firm insists they did not mean to anger anyone, they simply wanted to produce a gun that encapsulated Christian values while the world is faced with the rise of ISIS.
They added that they would never produce a gun with a verse from the Koran on it.
Also Primary Arms (among others) has it:
From FOX News
Manufactured by Spike’s Tactical in central Florida, the $1,395 AR-15 has a Bible verse etched into it that says “Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.” Etched on the other is a symbol of a Crusader's cross from the Middle Ages. The weapon's safety selector has three settings: Peace, War and God Wills It.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Great idea.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
August 26, 2015
Walmart To Stop Selling AR-15s, Claims Decision ‘Is Not Political’
Walmart To Stop Selling AR-15s, Claims Decision ‘Is Not Political’
Just months after winning against a Trinity Church lawsuit designed to force Walmart to quit selling AR-15s and “high capacity” magazines, Walmart corporate says it will quit selling AR-15s of its own accord.
Moreover, corporate stresses that the decision is “not political.”
According to Gun Talk radio host Tom Gresham, Walmart corporate “confirmed” their decision to quit selling AR-15s on August 25.
Gresham tweeted, “CONFIRMED with Walmart corporate offices. Getting rid of AR-15s. They aren’t selling. Replacing with hunting guns. ‘Not political.’”
This latest gun-related decision comes after the retail giant has spent a decade shifting back and forth on guns and gun sales. In 2013, Walmart’s vacillation on guns included meetings between Walmart “representatives” and then-Attorney General Eric Holder.
TIME magazine reports that Walmart announced an end to gun sales in a third of its stores in 2006. Then, when the economy tanked in 2009, they broughtback guns to bring back customers. Now, they say they will quit selling AR-15s–the most popular semi-automatic rifle platform in America–but will continue selling hunting rifles.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Walmart endorsed Obamacare so now I guess they are on his bandwagon about guns as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
July 29, 2015
Los Angeles lawmakers vote to ban large-capacity ammunition magazines, report says
Los Angeles lawmakers vote to ban large-capacity ammunition magazines, report says
Los Angeles lawmakers reportedly voted unanimously on Tuesday to ban the possession of large-capacity ammunition magazines.
The decision by the Los Angeles City Council has thrust the spotlight on the city in the midst of a heated national gun debate. Juliet Leftwich, legal director for the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence told the Los Angeles Times that such magazines have been “the common threat” in nearly all mass shootings that have plagued the U.S. Supports of the ban say it’s a small step to stop the bloodshed in the city.
The National Rifle Association and other gun rights group argue the law violates the second amendment and have threatened to sue the city.
Councilman Paul Krekorian said defiantly before a cheering crowd in front of City Hall: “If the NRA wants to sue us over this, bring it on.”
An eager Mayor Eric Garcetti is ready to sign the measure that passed 12-0 with three council members absent in the voting. However, some gun control activists weren’t happy to hear about a proposal to exempt retired police officers from the rules.
California law already bans manufacturing large-capacity magazines, as well as offering them for sale or bringing them into the state, according to the newspaper. However, the law doesn’t ban people from possessing them. Krekorian says that “loophole” jeopardizes public safety.
Los Angeles officials first sought to draft the bill two years ago and were pressed to move forward by gun control activists. Among them were Ruett and Rhonda Foster whose 7-year-old son was killed in a barrage of bullets fired at a local park.
On the other side, gun rights groups say the law violates the right for citizens to protect themselves. One official argues it puts citizens in danger.
Anna M. Barvir, an attorney with Michel & Associates, which represents the NRA and the California Rifle and Pistol Association said such magazines that hold more than 10 rounds “are in common use for self-defense and they are overwhelmingly chosen for that purpose.”
“I don’t think it’s going to have any effect on gun violence,” said Chad Cheung, the director of CalGuns Shooting Sports Association, at Tuesday’s hearing. Cheung argued that the ruling wouldn’t matter because neighboring cities such as Burbank and Glendale could still possess the magazines.
The measure give Los Angeles residents who own such magazines 60 days to remove, surrender or legally sell or transfer them after the law goes into effect. Breaking the law would result in a misdemeanor.
The Los Angeles Times reports the rules exempt police and military gun owners, licenses firearm dealers and people who obtained guns before January 1, 2000. Another proposal to include retired police officers in the list will be debated next week, according to the newspaper.
Wild Thing's comment..........
The left busy at work messing with wrong things. They would not blame the bad guys no matter what, instead it is the gun or bullets that are the criminals.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
June 19, 2015
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani Gun control doesn't prevent crime
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on the shooting at a South Carolina church, gun control and mental health care in the U.S.
Wild Thing's comment.............
People keep wanting to blame the guns. If the killer at that church did not have access to a gun and he wanted to kill people there are always other ways to do it. to blame the gun is stupid.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
June 02, 2015
Obama's DOJ Wants New Gun Regs By End Of Year - Obama Coming For Your Guns
Obama's DOJ Wants New Gun Regs By End Of Year - Obama Coming For Your Guns
Wild Thing's comment............
He just keeps pushing buttons, every day, non stop. I sometimes wonder if he will ever go away.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
April 18, 2015
Grassley to Holder: Why Is The VA Putting So Many Veterans on Your Federal Gun Ban List?
Grassley to Holder: Why Is The VA Putting So Many Veterans on Your Federal Gun Ban List?
by Katie Pavlich
Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) has sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder expressing deep concerns over Veterans Affairs evaluations classifying veterans as "mentally defective" and banning them in the federal background check system from purchasing or owning a firearm.
According to Grassley's office, the VA "reports individuals to the gun ban list if an individual merely needs financial assistance managing VA benefits," keeping them from exercising their Second Amendment rights. (Bolding is mine)
"The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) is effectively a national gun ban list and placement on the list precludes the ownership and possession of firearms. According to the Congressional Research Service, as of June 1, 2012, 99.3% of all names reported to the NICS list’s "mental defective” category were provided by the Veterans Administration (VA) even though reporting requirements apply to all federal agencies. And that percentage remained virtually unchanged as of April 2013. Given the numbers, it is essential to ensure that the process by which the VA reports names to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for placement on the NICS list recognizes and protects the fundamental nature of veterans’ rights under the Second Amendment," Grassley wrote in the letter. "Specifically, once the VA determines that a veteran requires a fiduciary to administer benefit payments, the VA reports that veteran to the gun ban list, consequently denying his or her right to possess and own firearms. In the past, the VA has attempted to justify its actions by relying on a single federal regulation, 38 C.F.R. § 3.353, which by its plain language grants limited authority to determine incompetence, but only in the context of financial matters: 'Ratings agencies have sole authority to make official determinations of competency and incompetency for purposes of: insurance and…disbursement of benefits.'"
The VA is placing veterans on the gun ban list without proper legal backing and is certainly engaged in over reach through this practice.
On top of serious concerns about the infringement of Second Amendment rights, Grassley is raising questions about the lack of due process for veterans classified as "mentally defective," and therefore unfit to purchase a firearm, who simply need help managing VA benefits.
"The VA’s regulation appears to omit important findings and never reaches the question of whether a veteran is a danger to himself, herself, or others. Thus, a VA determination that a veteran is “incompetent” to manage finances is insufficient to conclude that the veteran is “mentally defective” under the ATF’s standard that is codified in federal law," Grassley continued. "Furthermore, when a veteran receives a letter stating that the VA believes he is unable to manage his finances, that veteran now has the burden of proving that he is in fact competent to manage his benefit payments and does not need a fiduciary. However, underlying the hearing is a real possibility that the right to firearms will be infringed. Therefore, in light of the liberty and property interests involved, placing the burden of proof on the veteran is highly suspect. Under similar circumstances, the burden is generally on the government. Further, the hearing that takes place is inside the VA administrative system and composed of VA employees rather than a neutral decision maker. Under the current practice, a VA finding that concludes that a veteran requires a fiduciary to administer benefit payments effectively voids his Second Amendment rights—a consequence which is wholly unrelated to and unsupported by the record developed in the VA process. Accordingly, Congress needs to understand what justifies taking such action without more due process protections for the veteran."
Grassley has asked Holder to respond to the following questions by April 30, 2015:
1. Is the primary purpose of the NICS list to preclude firearm ownership and possession by individuals who are a danger to themselves and/or others? If not, what is the primary purpose of the NICS list?
2. Is the primary purpose of the VA’s reporting system to report the names of individuals who are appointed a fiduciary?
3. Out of all names on the NICS list, what percentage of them have been referred by the VA?
4. Do you believe that a veteran adjudicated as incompetent to manage finances and appointed a fiduciary is likewise mentally defective under the ATF standard? If so, what is the basis for that conclusion?
5. Does the standard employed by the VA to report names to the DOJ for subsequent placement on the NICS list comply with the protections of the Second Amendment? If so, please explain how, in light of due process concerns described above.
6. Given that the VA adjudication process can result in a complete infringement of a person’s fundamental Second Amendment right, do you believe that the use of the “clear and convincing” evidentiary standard is proper? If so, why?
7. Is the DOJ satisfied that all names reported from the VA for placement on the NICS are, in fact and in law, persons who should not own or possess a firearm because they are dangers to themselves and/or others? If so, what evidence supports that conclusion?
8. Given that 99.3% of all names in the NICS “mental defective” category are reported from the VA, has the DOJ reviewed the VA’s reporting standards and procedure? If so, please provide a copy of the review that took place. If no review took place, please explain why not.
9. What review process does DOJ have in place to ensure that names are properly on the NICS list
10. How many individuals have appealed their placement on the NICS list? How many individuals were successful in their appeal?
11. In light of the fact that the Supreme Court has held the Second Amendment to be a fundamental right, has the DOJ changed any processes and procedures relating to the NICS system which were in existence prior to that holding?
12. Besides the VA, what other federal agencies have reported names to the NICS list since 2005? And how many names were reported by each agency since 2005?
Wild Thing's comment.............
It would be great if he gets answers but from everything else connected to Holder doing the right thing I have my doubts.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
April 11, 2015
Fantastic! Rick Perry Speech at 2015 NRA-ILA Leadership Forum
Rick Perry: 2015 NRA-ILA Leadership Forum
Texas Gov. Rick Perry addresses the crowd at the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum, an event of the 2015 NRA Annual Meetings in Nashville, Tennessee.
Wild Thing's comment............
Love his speech.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Ted Cruz at 2015 NRA-ILA Leadership Forum
Ted Cruz at 2015 NRA-ILA Leadership Forum
Texas Senator Ted Cruz addresses the crowd at the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum, an event of the 2015 NRA Annual Meetings in Nashville, Tennessee.
Wild Thing's comment............
This is a wonderful speech.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Awesome! Sheriff David Clarke Jr. at NRA Nashville 2015 Freedom Forum ( FULL SPEECH)
Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke Jr. at NRA Nashville 2015 Freedom Forum ( FULL SPEECH)
Wild Thing's comment..........
Love his speech. He sees right through Obama like so many of us.
A strong defender of Second Amendment Rights, his call for private citizens to exercise their right to keep and bear arms, has done wonders for making the disreputable elements that haunt Milwaukee (as they do every urban area), as least more cautious in attempting assaults on fellow citizens, as they cannot know if they will meet resistance in the commission of some crime against person or property.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
April 06, 2015
Total Idiots!! Gabby Giffords’ Gun Control Group: Fight Terrorism With Gun Control
Gabby Giffords’ Gun Control Group: Fight Terrorism With Gun Control
In their ceaseless search for new reasons to push gun control, Gabby Giffords’ gun control group–Americans for Responsible Solutions (ARS)–is now pushing gun control as a way to fight terrorism.
While this is only one of the 10 proposals ARS is currently advocating, it is certainly one of the most egregious inasmuch as it demonstrates Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly will stoop to anything–to include pushing already failed measures–just to get some kind of gun legislation passed.
We have seen this with background checks, which Giffords is actively pushing as way of “stopping violence,” although her attacker–Jared Loughner–passed a background check to acquire the handgun with which he shot her.
And now we see it in the push to fight terrorism with gun control, which is taking place in the wake of recent terror attacks in Europe where Islamists were not hindered in the least by background checks that included not only a criminal checks, but also in-depth psychological checks.
Remember–gun control does not control criminals or terrorists, it only controls law-abiding citizens who, ironically, are not a threat to begin with.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Their goal has nothing to do with the safety of the public, it's about destroying the second amendment and then having full control of society to promote and employ a Marxist type of government.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
March 17, 2015
Texas Senate Approves Open Carry — and Gov. Greg Abbott Is ‘Warming Up’ His ‘Signing Pen’
Texas Senate Approves Open Carry — and Gov. Greg Abbott Is ‘Warming Up’ His ‘Signing Pen’
The Texas Senate on Monday gave preliminary approval to a bill that would allow open carry in the Lone Star State.
Senate Bill 17 makes open carry legal for gun owners with legal concealed carry permits. Senators voted 20-11 to approve the bill for a final vote. It was a straight party line vote that pitted Republicans against Democrats.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has made it clear that he will sign an open carry bill if it is sent to his desk. He tweeted this message.
I'm warming up my signing pen: Texas Legislature Ready to Move Forward on Open Carry Bill #tcot #txlege @NRA
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) March 16, 2015
KVUE-TV reports that senators “approved four amendments including delaying implementation until 2016, banning open carry on college campuses and two that would require more advanced training for police and license holders.”
The open carry bill will receive a final vote on Tuesday and is expected to pass. The legislation will then be sent to the Texas House for final approval before heading to Abbott’s desk.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Gov. Abbott is a good man, I am so glad Texas went from a good Gov. Perry to another good man Greg Abbott instead of to some leftie.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Fact Checkers Have Complaints On Obama Statements On Guns
Fact Checkers Have Complaints On Obama Statements On Guns
Wild Thing's comment...........
Good example of what a total jerk POS Obama is and how anyone could sit there in his audience and think this is all OK proves what idiots they are.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM
The ATF’s Ammo Ban Is Back…in the Form of a New Bill From Democrats
The ATF’s Ammo Ban Is Back…in the Form of a New Bill From Democrats
Four House Democrats have taken the Obama administration’s idea of a regulation to ban a widely used kind of ammunition — one it had to pull back because it was so unpopular — and turned it into legislation.
Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) introduced the Armor Piercing Bullets Act, which he said would ban the sale of “.223-dervied, 5.56x45mm NATO ‘green tip’ rounds” that are commonly used on the AR-15 rifle. That’s the same ban that the ATF proposed in February, through the adoption of a “framework” that would justify a ban on all bullets that can pierce police body armor.
The ATF’s framework prompted the submission of almost 90,000 comments, most of which opposed the plan as one that would ban a popular round used in a popular rifle. For years, these green tip rounds have enjoyed an exception from a ban on armor-piercing bullets, because they are generally used for sporting purposes.
But even when announcing that this framework would be indefinitely delayed, the ATF indicated it would continue to work on the issue and see if there’s a way to implement its framework. At a hearing last week, ATF Director B. Todd Jones said his agency was “figuring out how we do this rationally.”
Engel was more direct, and said the ATF had it right, and that it’s framework should now be implemented via legislation.
“As the ATF rightly pointed out, these rounds can easily be loaded into concealed pistols and other short guns, making them particularly dangerous to police officers,” Engel noted. “The well-being of the men and women who protect us should not, and need not, be a partisan issue. I encourage all of my colleagues in Congress to support this obvious measure that will, if enacted, save lives.”
Engel blamed the gun industry for promoting the use of armor-piercing bullets.
“There is absolutely no compelling argument to be made for anyone else to have access to them,” he said. “But the out of touch gun industry lobby is fighting tooth and nail to keep cop-killing ammunition on the streets.”
Republican senators opposed to the ATF’s proposal said last week that the real issue is how banning a popular cartridge makes it harder for people to exercise their Second Amendment rights.
“If law-abiding gun owners cannot obtain rifle ammunition, or face substantial difficulty in finding ammunition available and at reasonable prices because government entities are banning such ammunition, then the Second Amendment is at risk,” dozens of senators wrote in a letter to the ATF.
Other Democrats supporting Engel’s bill are Reps. Yvette Clarke (N.Y.), Carolyn Maloney (N.Y.), and Bonnie Watson Coleman (N.J.).
Wild Thing's comment..........
I wish these jerks would stop messing with guns, ammo etc. Lots of Dems have guns so why would they want it , we Republicans are not the only ones.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
March 11, 2015
Watch As Expert Takes Aim At A Target Over 2 Miles Away!
Watch As Expert Takes Aim At A Target Over 2 Miles Away!
The round had to travel for 7.2 seconds before impact.
New Jersey native and long distance shooting aficionado Jim Spinella headed to FTW Ranch in Barksdale, Texas, armed with a team from Hill Country Rifles to attempt an unthinkable 3,600-yard shot with a rifle.
Spinella was firing a Hill Country Rifle long range tactical in 375 Cheytac with a Schmidt & Bender 5-25×56 scope. With the assistance of his spotters and wind calls by an FTW instructor, Spinella manages to hit the target on his third shot. His first two just barely missed the mark, but that’s still impressive from two miles away.
The distance of the shot placed the travel time of the round at 7.2 seconds for impact.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
March 05, 2015
Wayne LaPierre: Obama ‘Acting Like A Dictator’ With Executive Ammo Ban
Wayne LaPierre: Obama ‘Acting Like A Dictator’ With Executive Ammo Ban
Police Say Obama Bullet Ban Is Not Needed, AR-15 Round Is Not A Threat
Wild Thing's comment......
He sure is acting like a dictator and it is getting worse every day.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Dictator Obama and His Gun Control By Executive Action - The Kelly File
Gun Control By Executive Action - The Kelly File
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama the Unconstitutional president, the POS!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM
March 04, 2015
Obama and His ATF and the Ban on More Ammo
Last week it was announced that Obama will ban 5.56 mm ammo.
Now the Obama Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are planning to ban ammo to one of the most popular types of rifle ammunition.
The Obama administration is considering banning a type of ammunition used in one of the most popular types of rifles because it says the bullets can pierce a police officer’s protective vest when fired from a handgun.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is proposing the ban of some types of 5.56 mm rounds – or .223-caliber – used in widely available and popular AR-15-style rifles because the bullets can also be used in some new types of handguns. Other types of 5.56 mm rounds would still be legal to buy, own and fire from guns.
The rule change would affect only “M855 green tip” or “SS109″ rounds with certain types of metal cores. People who already own the ammunition would be allowed to continue to legally own it, but manufacturers would not be allowed to produce, sell, import or distribute it.
In a letter to ATF Director B. Todd Jones last month, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., objected to the rule change, saying it would “interfere with Second Amendment rights by disrupting the market for ammunition that law-abiding Americans use for sporting and other legitimate purposes.”
Armor-piercing handgun ammunition has been banned since 1986 as a way to protect police officers under the federal Law Enforcement Officers Protection Act. The rifle bullets now facing a ban were long considered exempt because they were used for sporting purposes, such as target shooting.
Wild Thing's comment.........
What the hell is this, every few days he is going to ban more and more ammo. sheesh
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
March 03, 2015
Obama spokesman Josh Earnest: Banning Ammo Is a “Common Sense Step” We Can Take
Obama spokesman Josh Earnest: Banning Ammo Is a “Common Sense Step” We Can Take
White House spokesman Josh Earnest says that banning ammo was a “common sense step we can take” to ensure “we are protecting Second Amendment rights.”
Josh Earnest: The president has long believed that there are some common sense steps that we can take to, and what I mean is the federal government including Congress, to ensure that we are protecting the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding Americans while also some common sense steps to prevent people who shouldn’t have guns from getting them… It’s a common sense step we can take.
Wild Thing's comment.......
They are taking every freedom under the Constituent away. And no one is stopping the little dictator.
I can't wait for the next election, I pray we get a conservative and he is strong and fixes all the horrible things Obama has been doing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Which Gun Best Suits You? Answer These 10 Questions to Find Out
Which Gun Best Suits You? Answer These 10 Questions to Find Out
Just CLICK HERE to be taken to the quiz.
Wild Thing's comment...........
This was the one that the test told me. heh heh
AR-15 Rifle
Your personality demands a combination of precision and power that only the popular AR-15 semi-automatic rifle can deliver.
You work hard and play hard, but you also take pride in being prepared for the worst possible scenario so that you are always ready to protect yourself and your family. You don't put much -- if any -- stock into what your critics might say about you, because your principles guide you through what's right and wrong.
Metaphorically speaking, you know you might one day need 30 rounds to get the job done – even if it's unlikely.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
February 27, 2015
Obama to ban bullets by executive action, threatens top-selling AR-15 rifle
Obama to ban bullets by executive action, threatens top-selling AR-15 rifle
As promised, President Obama is using executive actions to impose gun control on the nation, targeting the top-selling rifle in the country, the AR-15 style semi-automatic, with a ban on one of the most-used AR bullets by sportsmen and target shooters.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives this month revealed that it is proposing to put the ban on 5.56 mm ammo on a fast track, immediately driving up the price of the bullets and prompting retailers, including the huge outdoors company Cabela’s, to urge sportsmen to urge Congress to stop the president.
Wednesday night, Rep. Bob Goodlatte, the Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, stepped in with a critical letter to the bureau demanding it explain the surprise and abrupt bullet ban. The letter is shown below.
The National Rifle Association, which is working with Goodlatte to gather co-signers, told Secrets that 30 House members have already co-signed the letter and Goodlatte and the NRA are hoping to get a total of 100 fast.
“The Obama administration was unable to ban America’s most popular sporting rifle through the legislative process, so now it’s trying to ban commonly owned and used ammunition through regulation,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director of the NRA-ILA, the group’s policy and lobby shop. “The NRA and our tens of millions of supporters across the country will fight to stop President Obama’s latest attack on our Second Amendment freedoms.”
At issue is so-called “armor-piercing” ammunition, an exemption for those bullets mostly used for sport by AR-15 owners, and the recent popularity of pistol-style ARs that use the ammo.
The inexpensive 5.56 M885 ammo, commonly called green tips, have been exempt for years, as have higher-caliber ammunition that also easily pierces the type of soft armor worn by police, because it’s mostly used by target shooters, not criminals. The agency proposes to reclassify it as armor-piercing and not exempt.
But now BATFE says that since the bullets can be used in semi-automatic handguns they pose a threat to police and must be banned from production, sale and use. But, as Goodlatte noted, the agency offered no proof. Federal agencies will still be allowed to buy the ammo.
“This round is amongst the most commonly used in the most popular rifle design in America, the AR-15. Millions upon millions of M855 rounds have been sold and used in the U.S., yet ATF has not even alleged — much less offered evidence — that even one such round has ever been fired from a handgun at a police officer,” said Goodlatte’s letter.
Even some police don’t buy the administration’s claim. “Criminals aren't going to go out and buy a $1,000 AR pistol,” Brent Ball, owner of 417 Guns in Springfield, Mo., and a 17-year veteran police officer told the Springfield News-Leader. “As a police officer I'm not worried about AR pistols because you can see them. It's the small gun in a guy's hand you can't see that kills you.”
Many see the bullet ban as an assault on the AR-15 and Obama’s back-door bid to end production and sale.
“We are concerned,” said Justin Anderson with Hyatt Gun Shop in Charlotte, N.C., one of the nation’s top sellers of AR-15 style rifles. “Frankly, we're always concerned when the government uses back-door methods to impose quasi-gun control.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
Obama cannot let one day go by without doing something against our country, something against we the people. His hate for America is so strong and he is not finished yet.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
February 22, 2015
Getting a gun legally in Europe may be hard, but terrorists have little trouble
Getting a gun legally in Europe may be hard, but terrorists have little trouble
Europe, a continent long known for the rarity of gun violence, is confronting twin challenges that give the issue sudden urgency: a growing population of radicalized young men determined to strike targets close to home, and a black market awash in high-powered weapons.
The problem has been rendered vividly in recent weeks by a pair of deadly assaults that each paralyzed a European capital. In Paris and Copenhagen, the attacks were carried out by former small-time criminals turned violent extremists who obtained military-grade illicit weapons with apparent ease.
In contrast with the free-firing United States, Europe is generally seen as a haven from serious gun violence. Here in Denmark, handguns and semiautomatic rifles are all but banned. Hunting rifles are legally available only to those with squeaky-clean backgrounds who have passed a rigorous exam covering everything from gun safety to the mating habits of Denmark's wildlife.
"There's a book about 1,000 pages thick," said Tonni Rigby, one of only two licensed firearms dealers in Copenhagen. "You have to know all of it."
But if you want an illicit assault rifle, such as the one used by a 22-year-old to rake a Copenhagen cafe with 28 bullets on Saturday, all it takes are a few connections and some cash.
"It's very easy to get such a weapon," said Hans Jorgen Bonnichsen, a former operations director for the Danish security service PET. "It's not only a problem for Denmark. It's a problem for all of Europe."
European leaders have made tighter controls on weapons trafficking a priority in recent weeks, following the killing of 17 people in Paris by three attackers. The shootings in Copenhagen this past weekend, which left two people dead, raised the ominous prospect of copycat attacks across Europe.
But officials acknowledge there is no clear solution. The same open-border policies that allow people and goods to flow freely across the continent also make it extremely difficult to crack down on illegal weapons — a fact that arms dealers have been all too eager to exploit.
"You can find Kalashnikovs for sale near the train station in Brussels," acknowledged a Brussels-based European Union official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the record. "They're available even to very average criminals."
In the case of the Paris attackers, they were able to obtain an entire arsenal: AK-47 assault rifles, pistols, a Skorpion submachine gun and even a rocket-propelled grenade launcher. All of it was purchased in Brussels for about $5,000, according to Belgian media reports.
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Wild Thing's comment............
Bad guys will always be able to get guns, same thing with terrorists. That is why it is soooo important that the good guys are always able to get them and own them as well. We should always be able to protect ourselves and our homes and loved ones.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:52 AM | Comments (1)
February 15, 2015
Obama to Blame! ATF To Ban Common AR-15 Ammo
In a move clearly intended by the Obama Administration to suppress the acquisition, ownership and use of AR-15s and other .223 caliber general purpose rifles, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives unexpectedly announced today that it intends to ban commonplace M855 ball ammunition as “armor piercing ammunition.” The decision continues Obama’s use of his executive authority to impose gun control restrictions and bypass Congress.
It isn’t even the third week of February, and the BATFE has already taken three major executive actions on gun control. First, it was a major change to what activities constitute regulated “manufacturing” of firearms. Next, BATFE reversed a less than year old position on firing a shouldered “pistol.” Now, BATFE has released a “Framework for Determining Whether Certain Projectiles are ‘Primarily Intended for Sporting Purposes’ Within the Meaning of 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(17)(c)”, which would eliminate M855’s exemption to the armor piercing ammunition prohibition and make future exemptions nearly impossible.
By way of background, federal law imposed in 1986 prohibits the manufacture, importation, and sale by licensed manufacturers or importers, but not possession, of “a projectile or projectile core which may be used in a handgun and which is constructed entirely . . . from one or a combination of tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper, or depleted uranium.” Because there are handguns capable of firing M855, it “may be used in a handgun.” It does not, however, have a core made of the metals listed in the law; rather, it has a traditional lead core with a steel tip, and therefore should never have been considered “armor piercing.” Nonetheless, BATFE previously declared M855 to be “armor piercing ammunition,” but granted it an exemption as a projectile “primarily intended to be used for sporting purposes.”
Now, however, BATFE says that it will henceforth grant the “sporting purposes” exception to only two categories of projectiles:
Category I: .22 Caliber Projectiles
A .22 caliber projectile that otherwise would be classified as armor piercing ammunition under 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(17)(B) will be considered to be “primarily intended to be used for sporting purposes” under section 921(a)(17)(C) if the projectile weighs 40 grains or less AND is loaded into a rimfire cartridge.
Category II: All Other Caliber Projectiles
Except as provided in Category I (.22 caliber rimfire), projectiles that otherwise would be classified as armor piercing ammunition will be presumed to be “primarily intended to be used for sporting purposes” under section 921(a)(17)(C) if the projectile is loaded into a cartridge for which the only handgun that is readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade is a single shot handgun. ATF nevertheless retains the discretion to deny any application for a “sporting purposes” exemption if substantial evidence exists that the ammunition is not primarily intended for such purposes.
You can continue reading just CLICK HERE.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama and his tyranny are very much alive. Our Founding Fathers feared this country would have an Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
February 13, 2015
Senate Takes up Concealed Carry Reciprocity
Senate Takes up Concealed Carry Reciprocity
Gun owners would be allowed to carry concealed weapons around the country under new legislation introduced in the Senate.
The Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act would allow gun owners who have a concealed carry permit in their home state to bring their firearms in any other state with concealed-carry laws.
"This operates more or less like a driver’s license,” Sen. John Cornyn (Texas), the second-ranking Republican in the upper chamber, told The Hill. "So, for example, if you have a driver’s license in Texas, you can drive in New York, in Utah and other places, subject to the laws of those states."
Cornyn, a Texas Republican, said this would “eliminate some of the ‘gotcha moments,’ where people inadvertently cross state lines” with guns they are legally allowed to carry in their home state.
The National Rifle Association endorsed the bill Thursday, calling it a “much-needed solution to a real problem for gun owners.”
“The current patchwork of state and local laws is confusing for even the most conscientious and well-informed concealed carry permit holders. This confusion often leads to law-abiding gun owners running afoul of the law when they exercise their right to self-protection while traveling or temporarily living away from home,” said Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action.
“Our fundamental right to self-defense does not stop at a state's borders. Law abiding citizens should be able to exercise this right while traveling across state lines,” Cox added.
Gun control groups say the bill poses a significant danger for society at a time when lawmakers should be strengthening background checks to address recent shootings.
“Federally imposed concealed carry laws interfere with states’ fundamental right to determine who is too dangerous to carry hidden, loaded guns in public,” Everytown for Gun Safety President John Feinblatt told The Hill.
Concealed carry is allowed in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, but to varying degrees. Most states, but not all, require gun owners to apply for a permit.
Cornyn’s bill previously came close to passing in the Democratic-controlled Senate, and may have a better chance this time around under the Republican majority.
Wild Thing's comment.......
One has to think that Obama would veto this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
January 30, 2015
DEA and ATF cooperated to record gun show attendee license plates
DEA and ATF cooperated to record gun show attendee license plates
According to emails obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union, federal authorities planned to monitor gun show parking lots with automatic license plate readers.
The insight comes from a damning report released by the ACLU this week on a secretive program by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to build a massive database of license plates images collected by automated license plate reader devices. As part of this investigation, emails released through the Freedom of Information Act detailed a planned cooperation between the DEA’s National License Plate Recognition initiative and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to scan and record the plates and vehicle images of gun show attendees.
“DEA Phoenix Division Office is working closely with ATF on attacking the guns going to [redacted] and the gun shows, to include programs/operation with LPRs at the gun shows,” reads an April 2009 email.
The time and place mentioned in the email coincides with known information on the Justice Department’s Fast and Furious operation, a controversial “gunwalking” scandal that possibly transferred as many as 2,000 guns to drug traffickers in Mexico. That program was run out of the Phoenix ATF Field Division office, just two miles from the DEA office.
However, DOJ officials were quick to issue denials this week following the release of the story, advising that the ATF did not in fact engage in tracking gun show attendees.
“The proposal in the email was only a suggestion. It was never authorized by DEA, and the idea under discussion in the email was never launched,’’ according to DEA administrator Michele Leonhart, the Wall Street Journal reported.
While there may not have been any gun show surveillance, federal agencies have nonetheless built an immense database.
An undated DEA slideshow released to the ACLU mentions that, at the time, 100 plate readers were deployed in eight states to include California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada, Florida, Georgia and New Jersey. These readers were a mixed of fixed, portable and mobile devices that could scan and record as many as ten images per vehicle.
The extensively redacted presentation states that the then-current database held some “343+ million” images and that cleared law enforcement personnel from other federal, state, local and tribal agencies could access the archives.
This information alone brought concern from the ACLU.
“Automatic license plate readers must not be used to collect information on lawful activity — whether it be peacefully assembling for lawful purposes, or driving on the nation’s highways,” the group stated in its report. “Without strong regulations and greater transparency, this new technology will only increase the threat of illegitimate government surveillance.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
There is just too much snooping on we the people. It should be concerning to every American.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
January 29, 2015
Gun range's ban on Muslims draws fire
Gun range's ban on Muslims draws fire
In the five months since Jan Morgan banned Muslims from her gun range in Hot Springs, Ark., business has boomed and predictions of a lawsuit brought by federal civil rights enforcers have so far proved inaccurate.
Morgan, who claims keeping Muslims out of her Gun Cave Indoor Firing Range is a matter of public safety and not a constitutional issue, says she made the decision in September after two customers she deemed suspicious visited. She said their furtive behavior and cellphone ringtones of “Allahu Akhbar” prompted her to revise her range’s policies.
“We are dealing in lethal firearms,” Morgan told “I’m not going to let a Nazi shoot in here, or a Ku Klux Klan member in here, either.”
Morgan said she excludes those she believes to be Muslim based on their names. She says business is up, but she has gotten threats, which she brushed off.
“I’m not going to let a Nazi shoot in here, or a Ku Klux Klan member in here either.”- Jan Morgan, gun range operator
Morgan’s “no Muslims” stance has her in the legal crosshairs of at least two groups. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) wrote to Attorney General Eric Holder seeking the Justice Department’s involvement.
“Given the recent spike in anti-Muslim rhetoric, including Islamophobic statements by government officials, community leaders and media outlets, death threats, and other bias incidents targeting Muslims, I urge you to investigate this matter soon,” a letter sent by CAIR to Holder in October stated.
“CAIR believes that systematically banning Muslims from a place of business is a violation of federal laws prohibiting racial and religious discrimination and will inevitably result in a hostile environment for ordinary Muslims in Arkansas,” the letter added.
The Justice Department did not respond to requests for comment on the matter. CAIR’s letter was copied to Gov. Mike Beebe, whose term has since ended, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Arkansas, and the ATF's Little Rock Field Office. CAIR’s litigation director told none of the recipients has responded.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Arkansas also has petitioned federal authorities to do something about Morgan’s rules. Executive Director Rita Sklar told Morgan’s claim the gun range was acting out of legitimate caution is a dog that doesn’t hunt.
“It’s discrimination based on religion, or, in this case, perceived religion and is a violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act,” Sklar said. “It isn’t based on that person’s behavior or anything they could reliably use that could be used to bar the person from the premises.”
Sklar also said that while the ACLU chapter has not heard back yet from the DOJ, her group would be “more than happy” to proceed with legal action should a client approach them.
“We would be happy to talk to anyone who had been turned away because he or she is Muslim or perceived to be Muslim,” Sklar said. “We would be more than happy to take her to court to get her to do the American, moral thing.”
While no Muslim plaintiffs have stepped forward, a father and son who say they are Hindu claim they were kicked out last week.
"My dad and I just got kicked out of a Muslim-free gun range," read a tweet from the man claiming to have been booted. "I'm not Muslim, I'm just brown."
Legal experts say Morgan may be within her rights if her gun range is deemed a private club. Federal law bars discrimination or segregation in places of public accommodation or those that affect interstate commerce. In a legal challenge, Morgan might have to prove that her business does not fall under federal civil rights regulation.
"Federal law forbids religious discrimination by places of public accommodations," said Cornell University Law School Professor Michael Dorf. Arkansas has a state law that does the same thing. Under the federal case law, in order for an entity to count as a private club, it must have some sort of restricted membership and not be generally open to the public.
"A gun range that is generally open to the public but excludes Muslims - or any other group based on a forbidden classification - could not fairly say that everyone is a member except Muslims," Dorf added.
Mark Killenbeck, a Constitutional law professor at University of Arkansas School of Law, said if Morgan is sued, she could have a hard time showing her gun range is a privvate club and not subject to the federal statutory ban on discrimination of the basis of religion.
"The Court has held that truly private entities can engage in such discrimination but requires that they are truly and demonstrably private and that the club and its members have a 'common expressive purpose,'” he said. "There are ways that the owner might be able to make that claim, but I am skeptical."
In the meantime, Morgan is not budging. She likened offering target practice to potential terrorists to flight schools offering lessons on simulators to the 9/11 terrorists. And because firearms are involved, she said her case is not analogous to cases in which private businesses have been sanctioned for refusing to serve other groups, such as gays.
“One mistake can cost another human being’s life,” she said. “There’s no room for mistakes when you’re handling firearms. We aren’t just refusing to make a wedding cake here.”
Morgan claims business has “quadrupled” with people from out of state coming to the range and some even offering donations for what they predict will be a legal battle. She also said she has been threatened, which she responded to by posting her home address on the range website and daring those issuing threats to do so in person.
“I am the infidel your Imam warned you about,” Morgan wrote under an image of her packing heat.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Jan is a friend on Facebook and here is a link to her page.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
January 17, 2015
Company That Provided Guns for ‘Taken 3′ Does More Than Talk After Reading Liam Neeson’s Fiery Anti-Gun Rant ~ Good!!
PARA USA, the firearms company that provided guns for use in the movie “Taken 3,” is cutting all ties with the film’s star, Liam Neeson, after he made a number of fiery anti-gun comments in a recent interview.
Not only did PARA USA say that the company “regrets its decision to provide firearms for use in the film,” the gun manufacturer vowed to never again provide firearms for any future films starring Neeson.
“While the film itself is entertaining, comments made by its Irish-born star during press junkets reflect a cultural and factual ignorance that undermines support of the Second Amendment and American liberties,” the company wrote in a Facebook post on Thursday.
PARA USA also urged its “friends and partners in Hollywood” and other gun companies to “refrain from associating our brand and products with his projects.”
“There’s too many f***ing guns out there,” Neeson said in a recent interview. “Especially in America. I think the population is like, 320 million? There’s over 300 million guns. Privately owned, in America.”
He continued, “I think it’s a f***ing disgrace. Every week now we’re picking up a newspaper and seeing, ‘Yet another few kids have been killed in schools.’”
Wild Thing's comment......
I am so glad this company did this. Neeson was way out of line. If he is so anti gun then he should stop being a hypocrite and never do another action film again....ever.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
January 07, 2015
Veteran's guns seized after being treated for insomnia
Veteran's guns seized after being treated for insomnia
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is horrible and beyond stupid. It is all about control over we the people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
December 26, 2014
Anti-Gun ‘PSA’ Tells Kids to Turn in Their Parents’ Guns
Anti-Gun ‘PSA’ Tells Kids to Turn in Their Parents’ Guns
The video ad is complete with ominous piano-dominated background music, a recently created video intended to become a public service announcement (PSA) shows a teenage boy taking a gun out of a drawer in his parents' bedroom and bringing it to school. At the end of a class period, he puts it on the desk of his shocked teacher and asks her, "Can you take this away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house."
The video then shows the following words (in caps): "OUR CHILDREN DESERVE A SAFE WORLD," followed by a frame demanding: "STOP GUN VIOLENCE NOW."
The far left video public service announcement released by a San Francisco-based production company.
Wild Thing's comment.......
They are working hard to try and turn America's youth into Nazi Germany.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
December 07, 2014
Austin Cop’s Incredible Sure Shot Stops Crazed Gunman, Saving Lives
(Video where you can hear the suspect firing round after round:)
Austin Cop’s Incredible Sure Shot Stops Crazed Gunman, Saving Lives
Holding the reins of two horses with one hand, Austin Police Sgt. Adam Johnson raised his service pistol and fired a bullseye into the target some 312 feet away.
Down went Larry McQuilliams, and so ended his rampage through the streets of the Texas capital, where he’d fired more than 100 rounds from his AK-47 and .22-caliber rifles at buildings. The shot, from Johnson’s Smith & Wesson M&P .40 pistol, hit McQuilliams square in the chest and made the 15-year-veteran the toast of gun enthusiasts around the country.
“At a minimum, it was extraordinary shot,” said Army Maj. John Plaster, a retired Special Forces operator, long-range shooting expert and author of “The Ultimate Sniper: An Advanced Training Manual for Military and Police Snipers.”
It was not immediately clear if Johnson’s center-mass shot killed McQuilliams, or if the longtime criminal died from a self-inflicted shot a moment later. Results from an autopsy are pending, but there’s no disputing the improbably accurate bullet fired by Johnson brought a safe end to the Nov. 28 incident.
Johnson used a department issued Smith and Wesson M & P .40 pistol. (Smith and Wesson)
“It’s not impossible,” Plaster added. “Wild Bill Hickok shot bad guys from a hundred yards away with a handgun, but he was also a great shot.
“I would say what this officer did was phenomenal, especially if he didn’t brace his arm against anything.”
McQuilliams, 49, had multiple weapons, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and a map of 34 downtown buildings that likely were potential targets in his pre-dawn rampage the day after Thanksgiving, according to Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo. He’d already shot up the Mexican consulate, the federal courthouse and a downtown bank.
“For a guy to keep his composure and holding two horses with one hand and taking a one-hand shot with the other hand, it says a lot about the training and professionalism of our police department,” Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo said to the Austin American-Statesman.
Johnson, who works with the Mounted Patrol Unit, was about to get off duty and stabling the horses when he heard shots and returned fire at 2:33 a.m.
On Friday, Johnson, who is on routine administrative leave following the incident, made his first public appearance at a holiday charity event.
The sharpshooter told a local radio host he thanked God for being at the "right place at the right time."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Great story and a happy ending, to know the bad guy was talken out and lives were saved.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
November 29, 2014
One of the country’s largest producers of ammunition magazines for guns has chosen Austin, TX. for its corporate headquarters
Colorado ammo magazine maker moves HQ to Austin
One of the country’s largest producers of ammunition magazines for guns has chosen Austin for its corporate headquarters, the company said.
Magpul Industries Corp., formerly based in Erie, Colo., said its new corporate headquarters will be at 8226 Bee Caves Road in Austin. The company said it closed on the new facility in November.
Magpul said it also has moved its production, distribution and shipping operations to Cheyenne, Wyo., where a manufacturing and distribution center is scheduled to open in January.
Magpul officials had announced in January that they planned to move their operations out of Colorado because of new state laws that include restrictions on how many cartridges a magazine can hold. Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s office had reached out to Magpul, to encourage the company to relocate to Texas.
Magpul did not say how many employees would move to the Austin facility. Company officials could not be reached for comment Friday.
All of Magpul’s existing Colorado facilities will close during the first quarter of 2015, the company said. The company plans to open an administrative office in Colorado to support the relocation, with that site then serving as a regional support office after the move.
“These new facilities in Texas and Wyoming immediately enhance and expand the company’s business operations,” Duane Liptak, director of product management and marketing for Magpul, said in a written statement. “Magpul remains committed to completing the final phases of this transition without disruption to our customers and business partners.”
Magpul did not disclose a purchase price for the Bee Caves Road property, but the property was previously being marketed by Oxford Commercial for $3.995 million. The site is 3.89 acres, with a 16,000 square foot office building.
Wild Thing's comment......
Good news for Texas. It is understandable why they would move to Texas.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
November 28, 2014
Black Friday’s Big Gun Sales Trigger Two Background Check Requests Per Second and a More Easily Beaten System
BRIDGEPORT, W.Va. — More gun sales than ever are slipping through the federal background check system — 186,000 last year, a rate of 512 gun sales a day, as states fail to consistently provide thorough, real-time updates on criminal and mental histories to the FBI.
This Friday opens the busiest season for gun purchases, when requests for background checks speed up to nearly two a second, testing the limits of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS.
NICS did about 58,000 checks on a typical day last year. That surged to 145,000 on Black Friday 2013. They’re bringing in 100 more workers than usual for the post-Thanksgiving rush this year.
Much of the responsibility for preventing criminals and the mentally ill from buying guns is shouldered by about 500 men and women who run the system from inside the FBI’s criminal justice center, a gray office building with concrete walls and mirrored windows just outside Bridgeport, West Virginia.
There are more than 48,000 gun retailers in the U.S., from Wal-Mart stores to local pawn shops. Store clerks can use the FBI’s online E-Check System, which federal officials say is more efficient. But nearly half the checks are phoned in. Three call centers — in Kentucky, Texas, and Wheeling, W.Va. — take these calls from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. every day but Christmas.
The call centers have no access to privileged information about buyers’ backgrounds, and make no decisions. They just type in their name, address, birthdate, Social Security Number and other information into the system. On Black Fridays, the work can be grueling: One woman took a call that lasted four hours when a dealer phoned in the maximum 99 checks.
“Rules had to be stretched,” recalled Sam Demarco, her supervisor. “We can’t transfer calls. Someone had to sit in her seat for her while she went to the bathroom.”
By federal law, NICS researchers must race against the clock: They have until the end of the third business day following an attempted firearm purchase to determine whether or not a buyer is eligible.
“They won’t proceed or deny a transaction unless they are ABSOLUTELY certain the information they have is correct and sufficient to sustain that decision,” FBI spokesman Stephen G. Fischer told the AP.
You can continue reading here........... just click this link.
Wild Thing's comment.......
The direction our country is going each day I am not surprised if more and more people want to own a gun to protect themselves.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
November 26, 2014
NRA News Ginny Simone Reporting....Servin' Up the Second Amendment
NRA News Ginny Simone Reporting .... Servin' Up the Second Amendment
Good food, friendly service and a huge helping of freedom — that’s what they’re dishing up at Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colorado. “It’s not about politics, it’s a way of life,” says one of the servers, who can be seen brandishing a Ruger Blackhawk .357 on her hip. But she’s not alone, customers carry too and owner Lauren Boebert wouldn’t have it any other way. “We’re certainly able to protect ourselves,” she says.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Love this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
November 14, 2014
Buffalo, NY Police Going After Recently-Deceased Pistol Permit Holders’ Guns
Buffalo, NY Police Going After Recently-Deceased Pistol Permit Holders’ Guns
In a new attempt to reduce the amount of guns on the street, police in Buffalo, NY are going after deceased pistol permit holders.
Last week at a press conference, the BPD told reporters that a majority of guns used in crimes seem to come from guns stolen from homes. This led to the new program of confiscating guns of the recently-deceased in order to make sure the guns do not make their way to the streets.
“We recently started a program where we’re cross referencing all the pistol permit holders with the death records, and we’re sending people out to collect the guns whenever possible so that they don’t end up in the wrong hands,” said Police Commissioner Daniel Derrenda.
Wild Thing's comment..........
A good reason not to let gov. know about every gun a person owns.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
October 12, 2014
Report: 92 Percent of Mass Shootings Since 2009 Occurred in Gun-Free Zones
Report: 92 Percent of Mass Shootings Since 2009 Occurred in Gun-Free Zones
On October 9, the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) released a revised report showing that 92% of mass public shootings between January 2009 and July 2014 took place in gun-free zones.
The CPRC report was released in response to an Everytown for Gun Safety study claiming only 14% of mass public shootings took place in gun-free zones. Everytown actually claimed 86% of such incidents occurred in places where guns were allowed.
CPRC showed that the 86% claim rests on Everytown's "inclusion of attacks in private homes" and "numerous errors in identifying whether citizens can defend themselves." For example, Everytown "[ignores] rules that prevent general citizens from carrying guns [for self-defense]" in certain cities, and they fail to recognize that "allowing police to carry guns is not the same thing as letting civilians defend themselves."
So Everytown might count an attack in a public area in Los Angeles as a mass shooting where guns are allowed because certain guns are allowed in the city with a permit. However, they miss the fact that L.A. County issues a minuscule number of concealed carry permits, and many of the ones that are issued are granted only "to wealthy [political] donors."
Using the same numerical standard that Everytown used--four or more people killed--but taking all rules and regulations against firearm possession into account, CPRC showed that only 8% of mass public shootings occurred in places where citizens could have guns for self defense.
Wild Thing's comment...........
When you read the history of guns and people not being able to have guns in their homes it's a history of dictators, tyrants, and despots crushing citizens.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
September 07, 2014
Gun Shop Ordered By NY State Police To Turn Over Customer Records Or Face A Swat Raid
Gun Shop Ordered By NY State Police To Turn Over Customer Records Or Face A Swat Raid
The owner of a New York gun shop says he was given 24 hours to comply with a “request” from the New York State Police to turn over records of all customers who have purchased “bullet button” AR-15 rifles since the passage of the hastily-passed SAFE Act in 2013.
Joseph F. Palumbo, owner of the Albion Gun Shop in Albion, New York, told TheBlaze on Wednesday he had no choice but to turn over roughly 165 customer records last week. Now, both he and his customers are concerned that “door-to-door confiscation” or “warrantless searches” could come next.
An AR-15 with a “bullet button” modification makes it so the rifle’s magazine is not detachable without a special tool. Though the legality of bullet button semi-automatic rifles appears to murky under the SAFE Act’s unclear definition of a “detachable” magazine, Palumbo said he was only recently informed in “vague” terms that the weapons he sold are not compliant under the law.
It is illegal to purchase or sell semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines in New York following the passage of the SAFE Act. Rifles obtained before the gun control law was passed are required to be registered with the state government. The law also limits all magazine capacity to 10 rounds, regardless of when they were made or purchased.
Palumbo claimed he was told by an undercover officer that police first considered raiding his business with an armed SWAT Team to retrieve the records. The lead investigator, however, opted to take a more peaceful approach, he said.
Palumbo told TheBlaze he’s not entirely sure why law enforcement officials suddenly became focused on his business. He said there have been rumors that his gun shop came under scrutiny after police received an anonymous complaint via the NY SAFE “Tipline” that promises a $500 reward to anyone who provides information leading to an arrest under the gun control law. He also said he’s heard rumors that an anti-gun group could be responsible.
After he was initially informed by the undercover officer that the state police wanted the customer records related to the modified AR-15 rifles, Palumbo said police didn’t want to return to his gun shop and requested that the list be sent via email. He said he reluctantly complied because his hands were tied due to the restrictive provisions found in the SAFE Act and he realized a SWAT team could raid his store and confiscate all of his inventory.
Palumbo said the SAFE Act gives police unprecedented authority to investigate cases involving so-called “assault weapons.”
A New York state trooper allegedly called back after receiving the customer list and requested phone numbers as well, information which Palumbo said he doesn’t have.
“They did not tell us anything else,” he told TheBlaze. “I have a lot of customers concerned that the cops are going to come kick their doors down or conduct warrantless searches. … It’s something I am worried about, it’s something my attorney is worried about, it’s something my customers are worried about.”
Palumbo told TheBlaze that he consulted a hotline set up by the state police in 2013 about the legality of AR-15 rifles with the bullet button modification under the SAFE Act. He said he was told that the guns should be OK, but they never gave him a definitive answer.
The gun store owner has since hired a “very good” attorney specializing in the Second Amendment and hopes to resolve the matter in a timely fashion. Palumbo said he doesn’t want to have to spend large amounts of money to sue New York state over the incident, but he is “more than prepared” to do so if that’s what it takes to protect his customers and business.
“Obviously in New York, our state is totally screwed up,” he added. “You are constantly on eggshells — not even just with this incident. Every time you turn around and there’s a shooting, every time there’s a gun-related incident, you sit back and think, ‘Oh gosh, what are the going to ban next?’”
Wild Thing's comment............
I hate this living in communists controlled America and yet here we are.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
August 14, 2014
Maryland Federal Judge Rules AR-15′s Are “Dangerous And Unusual Arms” And Therefore Not Protected By Second Amendment
Federal Judge Rules AR-15′s Are “Dangerous And Unusual Arms” And Therefore Not Protected By Second Amendment
In what looks to be a terrible ruling for Maryland gun owners a federal judge has essentially ruled that guns that were regulated by the state of Maryland last year, including AR-15 and AK style rifles (as well as other magazine fed, semi-auto rifles with certain features), “fall outside Second Amendment protection as dangerous and unusual arms,” according to a 47 page opinion by U.S. District Judge Catherine C. Blake.
The case in question is Kolbe et al v. O’Malley et al which named numerous plaintiffs including the Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Maryland Licensed Firearms Dealers Association, Maryland State Rifle and Pistol Association, and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), among others which challenged the constitutionality of Maryland’s strict new gun laws.
Here are some of Blake’s other comments emphasis mine,
Upon review of all the parties’ evidence, the court seriously doubts that the banned assault long guns are commonly possessed for lawful purposes, particularly self-defense in the home, which is at the core of the Second Amendment right, and is inclined to find the weapons fall outside Second Amendment protection as dangerous and unusual.
Blake’s comments are misguided at best and it would seem difficult to weigh her opinion against the Supreme Court’s Heller decision.
Blake is a Bill Clinton appointed judge.
Wild Thing's comment.......
The judge is an idiot who doesn't really know how common AR-15's are! They are lightweight and easy to hold, especially for women. Many different companies make them, and with lots of different features.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
August 11, 2014
More Desert Eagle 1911s Coming Soon
New Desert Eagle 1911s from Magnum Research & Cabela’s
Magnum Research, Inc. has partnered with Cabela’s to offer four new designs to their Desert Eagle 1911 line of pistols.
The first two models are the .45 ACP Desert Eagle 1911G and Desert Eagle 1911C pistols, model numbers DE1911GSBCAB and DE1911CSBCAB. Both models feature a precision-cast frame machined from carbon steel and a slide machined from solid steel billets, and both sport a matte black finish.
The “G” model is a full-size 1911 with 5-inch barrel and 8.625-inch overall length (OAL), while the “C” model is a commander-size with 4.3-inch barrel and 7.87-inch OAL.
These two models also incorporate an exclusive gray frame treated with a high-temperature ceramic Cerakote coating and are accented with black appointments. Either model is available now for $948.
The other two new models in the Magnum Research and Cabela’s offering are similar .45 ACP Desert Eagle 1911G and 1911C pistols, model numbers DE1911GCH and DE1911CCH. However, these models (pictured below) feature a case-hardened steel frame developed using Turnbull’s bone charcoal process. Either model is available now for $1,120.
Wild Thing's comment........
Wait until the lefties hear this gun is made in Israel.
Beautiful gun, expensive but beautiful.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
June 30, 2014
Shooters Grill staff packing six shooters while serving burgers Second Amendment-style
From left, Shooters staffers Ashlee Saenz, owner Lauren Boebert, Jessie Spaulding and Dusty stand in front of the business in their work attire. Photo credit: Christopher Mullen / Post Independent
Shooters Grill staff packing six shooters while serving burgers Second Amendment-style
While establishments around the country are setting up gun-free zones, one Colorado restaurant is welcoming customers who are packing – and they’re waited on by armed servers.
The restaurant’s name: Shooters Grill, located in the gun-friendly town of Rifle.
Waitress Ashlee Saenz serves customers with a loaded Ruger .357 Blackhawk handgun holstered to her leg, Old West-style,and she knows how to use it, she told the Post Independent.
“Guns are welcome on premises,” a sign on Shooter’s front door says. “Please keep all weapons holstered, unless the need arises. In such cases, judicious marksmanship is appreciated.”
Shooters owner Lauren Boebert called herself a strong supporter of the Second Amendment.
“We encourage it, and the customers love that they can come here and express their rights,” Boebert told the Post. “This country was founded on our freedom. People can come in carrying their gun, and they can pray over their food.”
Boebert and her husband, Jayson, opened the Western-themed restaurant a little more than a year ago. Its menu features American and Mexican food. Alcohol is not in the offing, and the décor and philosophy reflect Boebert’s strong faith..
“I consulted with my Christian friends, and everyone said ‘Shooters’ sounded like a bar or a strip joint,” she said. “But I thought, this is Rifle — it was founded around guns and the Old West. We called it Shooters and started throwing guns and Jesus all over the place.”
The restaurant offers training classes every other month so participants can qualify for a concealed carry permit in Colorado and Utah. The sessions even include dinner.
In a town with a low crime rate, Police Chief John Dyer told the Post he likes Shooters’ business model.
“If it was a bar, I might be saying something different. But I have no problem with it,” he said. “And besides, they make a really good burger.”
Wild Thing's comment...........
God bless them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
May 21, 2014
Marine's Black Knight Transformer: The Flying Truck
May 21 (Bloomberg) --- Part-truck, part-helicopter, the Black Knight Transformer can travel at 70 mph on the ground and then hover thousands of feet in the air. The modular hybrid can carry cargo or wounded soldiers from the front line. Here is what the Black Knight's first successful test flight looks like. (Source: Bloomberg)
Wild Thing's comment............
Maybe they will use this sometimes instead of the normal Humvee that has our troops in it and exposes them to IED's .
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM
May 13, 2014
Texas Gun Store Marquee: ‘I Like My Guns Like Obama Likes His Voters…’
Texas Gun Store Marquee: ‘I Like My Guns Like Obama Likes His Voters…’
A gun store outside of Houston, Texas went for some LULZ with its front marquee this week, at the expense of its characterization of President Barack Obama’s electoral demographic.
The sign out front of Katy, TX’s Tactical Firearms reads, “I like my guns like Obama likes his voters: undocumented.”
Tactical Firearms changes its sign every week, and the one-liners usually come from the staff. According to the owner, this week’s sign is reference to the fact that Texas does not require firearm registration. “Thank god for our First and Second Amendment rights,” he said in a statement to local news agencies. “It’s meant as a joke. It’s meant to be funny.”
This is not Tactical Firearms’ first foray into the politics of gun control. Last fall the shop hosted a debate among then-CNN host Piers Morgan, Ted Nugent, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, and State Senator Dan Patrick.
Wild Thing's comment............
Funny and also true
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
April 17, 2014
Obama Requests $182 Million to Push New Gun Control Laws
Obama Requests $182 Million to Push New Gun Control Laws
According to The Washington Free Beacon, President Barack Obama’s budget proposal also calls for $1.1 billion to “protect Americans from gun violence—including $182 million to support the president’s ‘Now is the Time’ gun safety initiative.”
Attorney General Eric Holder said on Friday that gun tracking bracelets are something the Justice Department (DOJ) wants to “explore” as part of its gun control efforts.
When discussing gun violence prevention programs within the DOJ, Holder told a House appropriations subcommittee that his agency is looking into technological innovations.
“I think that one of the things that we learned when we were trying to get passed those common sense reforms last year, Vice President Biden and I had a meeting with a group of technology people and we talked about how guns can be made more safe,” he said.
“By making them either through finger print identification, the gun talks to a bracelet or something that you might wear, how guns can be used only by the person who is lawfully in possession of the weapon.”
“It’s those kinds of things that I think we want to try to explore so that we can make sure that people have the ability to enjoy their Second Amendment rights, but at the same time decreasing the misuse of weapons that lead to the kinds of things that we see on a daily basis,” Holder said.
The Justice Department has requested $382.1 million in increased spending for its fiscal year 2014 budget for “gun safety.”
Included in the proposal is $2 million for “Gun Safety Technology” grants, which would award prizes for technologies that are “proven to be reliable and effective.”
President Barack Obama’s budget proposal also calls for $1.1 billion to “protect Americans from gun violence—including $182 million to support the president’s ‘Now is the Time’ gun safety initiative.”
A recent innovation allows a gun owner to only unlock a safe with a fingerprint scan and an “RFID-equipped bracelet.”
Others have suggested manufacturing GPS tracking and RFID chips into every gun. RFID chips transmit location data and are used by law enforcement agencies to send automatic alerts if a weapon moves away from the tracker, indicating that the gun is lost or stolen.
Obama’s Now Is the Time initiative would ban “assault weapons” and limit ammunition magazines to 10 rounds. can click on this link of Obama's and scroll down the page for more information.
Wild Thing's comment..............
There are a lot of democrats that own guns, I just don't see how even their blind following of Obama there would be a majority vote of gun control etc.about guns.
But then again it could end up being it only applies to you and I and not politicians just like the commie obamacare has been set up. We live in a country of dictators now. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
April 12, 2014
Over 90 Percent of New York Gun Owners Refusing To Register Their Firearms As Required By New Gun Control Law
Over 90 Percent of New York Gun Owners Refusing To Register Their Firearms As Required
By New Gun Control Law
With the April 15 deadline for gun registration under the SAFE Act fast approaching, estimates indicate over 90 percent of gun owners have yet to comply.
Making matters worse for elected officials–and Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) in particular–is the fact that many law enforcement officers at various levels have openly stated that they will not enforce SAFE Act requirements.
According to, while the state waits for the “registration of 1 million firearms designated as ‘assault weapons’ under the NY SAFE Act,” leaks believed to be coming from within the New York State Police indicate the number registered to date is “as low as…3,000-5,000 firearms.”
This is figure is impossible to verify beyond a shadow of doubt because a provision in the SAFE Act forbids law enforcement from releasing registration figures.
Breitbart News reported that SAFE Act protesters gathered on March 16 and burned "nearly a thousand gun registration forms." And on March 28 we reported that NY State Police decided not to enforce the SAFE Act's 7-round magazine limit.
In January of this year The Oneida Daily Dispatch reported that Assemblyman Bill Nojay (R-Pittsford) suggested that law enforcement is not going to be eager to go after those who refuse to comply: "The rank and file troopers don't want anything to do with it. [And] I don't know of a single sheriff upstate who is going to enforce it."
Nojay continued: "If you don't have the troopers and you don't have the sheriffs, who have you got? You've got Andrew Cuomo pounding on the table in Albany."
Wild Thing's comment............
Our world keeps changing and not for the better......very concerning. I hate the government to get bigger and more powerful when it was not meant to be that way.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
March 29, 2014
Wow! Check Out How Aweseome Sen. Cruz questions Dianne Feinstein Regarding Weapons
Ted Cruz v Dianne Feinstein
Wild Thing's comment...........
Cruz is amazing, he zeros in so beautifully right on target.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
March 22, 2014
Hawaii's Gun Restrictions Deemed Unconstitutional
Hawaii's Gun Restrictions Deemed Unconstitutional
On the heels of two Ninth Circuit Court decisions striking down restrictions on concealed carry permits in California, the same court just put Hawaii on notice that some of its gun restrictions need to be changed as well.
Early in February, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that San Diego County's rule requiring residents to show "good cause" before being allowed to obtain a concealed carry permit violates the Second Amendment.
"The court ruled that the right to keep and bear arms is, in and of itself, a sufficient cause for bearing arms for self-defense. Moreover, it is a sufficient cause both inside and outside of one's domicile," Breitbart reported on February 13.
Forcing citizens to prove to the government why they should be allowed to gain a carry permit is a process called "may issue." With a may issue rule, government puts the onus on citizens to prove that they should be allowed to observe their Second Amendment rights. The Ninth Circuit essentially informed the California county that it must institute a "shall issue" rule, one that assumes the citizen is eligible for a permit unless government can prove otherwise.
This same rule has now been struck down for Hawaii and by the same Circuit Court.
With the case Baker v. Kealoha (9th Cir. Mar. 20, 2014), the Ninth Circuit ruled that Hawaii's restrictions were just like San Diego County's and the rules would have to be reworked to conform to earlier court decisions.
Law professor Eugene Volokh notes that gun rights advocates cannot start celebrating just yet because various cases are still making their way through the courts and these decisions could be overturned. But he also says that the law has been moving in the direction of expanding Second Amendment rights, not restricting them, so the "writing is on the wall" for gun control fanatics.
Wild Thing's comment..............
People are so weird, the left anyway......they want to take guns away or control gun owners and yet their judges, liberal judges let so many bad guys out of jail.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
March 21, 2014
“One Million Gun Owners In New Jersey Are Also Going To Say, We Will Not Comply”
“One Million Gun Owners In New Jersey Are Also Going To Say, We Will Not Comply”
In a video posted Tuesday at Sipsey Street Irregulars, Anthony P. Colandro of New Jersey Gun for Hire told a State Assembly committee that he, along with many others, will not comply with a gun control bill working its way to Chris Christie’s desk.
He told lawmakers the bill being considered will turn a million gun owners into criminals with the stroke of a pen.
“Have you guys seen what is happening in Connecticut right now?” he asked. “One million gun owners in New Jersey are also gonna say, like our brothers and sisters in the north, that we will not comply.”
“And I can tell you here and now, I will not comply,” he added.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Great job Anthony.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
March 20, 2014
Baristas Carry Guns at Spokane Coffee Shop
Baristas Carry Guns at Spokane Coffee Shop
The next robber who tries to hold up Jitterz Java in Spokane, Washington is likely to face a gun. After three robberies in a month, the owner says there always will be a gun at the coffee stand.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Good for this girl.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
March 19, 2014
Rhode Island Dems May Revive Bill To Ban Sale of All Semi-Automatic Guns
Rhode Island Dems May Revive Bill To Ban Sale of All Semi-Automatic Guns
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — The debate over gun control is returning to the Rhode Island Statehouse, but it’s unclear if anything has changed from last year, when a proposal to ban the sale of semi-automatic weapons fell flat.
Gun rights supporters say they’ll gather at the capitol Tuesday as lawmakers review legislation that would ban the sale of semi-automatic firearms. The bill was first introduced last year following the 2012 Newtown, Conn., school shooting.
Supporters say restrictions on the weapons would reduce the risk of a mass shooting as well as more common acts of gun violence. But gun rights supporters say the proposal would infringe on Second Amendment rights and do little to address the problem of gun crime.
Lawmakers will also review legislation to ban large-capacity magazines.
Wild Thing's comment.............
"Arms in the hands of citizens may be used at individual discretion in private self defense."- John Adams
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
March 16, 2014
New Jersey Gun Control Push Drove Up Gun Sales, NRA Memberships
New Jersey Gun Control Push Drove Up Gun Sales, NRA Memberships
As News Jersey lawmakers pushed more gun control in 2013, background checks for gun purchases surged 40 percent, and memberships in the NRA and other gun rights groups grew as well.
Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs Executive Director Scott L. Bach said the spikes in background checks for gun purchasers were "a direct result misguided legislative attacks on legal gun owners instead of criminals and madmen."
According to, Bach said the push for gun control drove the increased membership in gun rights groups as well.
In 2008--the year Obama was elected--there were approximately 40,000 background checks performed on firearm purchasers in New Jersey. In 2012, that number jumped to 85,851; in 2013 it skyrocketed to 120,071.
New Jersey officials are currently considering even more gun control as they weigh lowering legal magazine capacity from 15-rounds to 10-rounds in the Garden State.
Bach said this latest push for gun control will only drive gun purchases and memberships in gun rights groups even higher.
Wild Thing's comment............
The harder they push, the harder we the people push back.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
March 11, 2014
Gun Control and Smart Guns Discussed by Varney and Katie Pavlich
Here is a photo of Katie Pavlich, she is very pro gun and does a lot of target shooting with various guns that she owns. Sometimes she will post a photo on her Facebook page.She is with FOX news so many of you might be familiar with her. She is also a strong conservative.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Katie also wrote a book titled......"Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up"
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
U.S. Firearm production sets record in 2012: AR-15 production up over 100%
U.S. Firearm production sets record in 2012: AR-15 production up over 100%
The number of firearms manufactured in the U.S. for sale to American customers hit an all-time high in 2012, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (BATFE) new Firearms Manufacturers and Export Report. American firearm manufacturers produced roughly 8.3 million firearms for sale in the U.S., a new record, up 33 percent from the 6.2 million produced for American customers in 2011.
The report shows not only that Americans valued firearms in 2012 more than ever before, but also that they particularly valued the kinds of firearms that gun control supporters have tried the hardest to get banned–handguns and semi-automatic rifles.
Production of handguns rose 32 percent to four million in 2012, as compared to 2011, including a 36 percent increase in pistols and an 18 percent increase in revolvers. Production of the AR-15, the most popular rifle in America, more than doubled in 2012, to over 825,000, not counting the large numbers made by Remington, Bushmaster and Sturm, Ruger. Total rifle production rose 38 percent, to three million, while shotguns rose 18 percent to 900,000.
We’ve been hearing for some time from those who want to ban guns that Americans aren’t interested in them anymore; that firearm ownership is on the decline. Like their fanciful notions that gun crime is somehow “exploding” or that concealed carry licensees are ticking time bombs, the numbers simply don’t back up their claims.
The anti-gunners are going to need all the “new math” they can muster, because the 2012 report contains figures for only two months of the surge in firearm purchases that began with President Obama’s reelection. Meanwhile, the FBI’s NICS figures indicate that Americans bought even more firearms in 2013 than they did in 2012.
For those who support the Second Amendment and American manufacturing, these figures provide cause for celebration. For those still seeking to ban private possession of firearms, they may want to skip the champagne and head straight for the aspirin.
Wild Thing's comment............
I do hope all the politicians nationwide are paying close attention to these numbers. Gun grabbing could be a career ending move.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
March 10, 2014
Connecticut Police Refusing To Enforce New Anti-Gun Law
Connecticut Police Refusing To Enforce New Anti-Gun Law
A showdown is developing between a sizable number of Connecticut state police officers and the politicians who passed into law highly restrictive gun control, gun bans, and bans on high capacity magazines.
Gun rights legal expert and activist David Hardy reported Friday that 250 law enforcement officers in Connecticut have signed an open letter stating that they will not enforce the new anti-gun and magazine laws, which they consider to be a violation of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
A major news story on these developments is due to be published soon, but Hardy received an advanced notice via email from Tyler Jackson, the head of the Connecticut Peace Officers Association, the organization that sent the open letter.
According to Hardy,
Tyler Jackson has emailed me an interesting story, soon to appear online (I'll link to it once it does)-- the gist is that the head of the Connecticut Peace Officers' Assn has released an open letter stating that the police will not "be party to the oppression of the people of the state by enforcing an unconstitutional law." So far 250 LEOs have cosigned the letter.
Gunowners in the state have already ignored the mandate to comply with the new laws, refusing to register with the state government their possession of so-called "assault weapons" and forbidden magazines.
It is estimated that over 300,000 gunowners have practiced civil disobedience in refusing to register and give up the newly forbidden items. Only roughly 50,000 citizens in the state have complied.
But now these courageous citizens have key support in high places. With at least 250 law enforcement officers joining them in disobeying an unconstitutional law, the gunowners have a new weapon in their arsenal -- the support of hundreds of police officers.
Hardy reported that with the lack of support of police, Connecticut faces massive civilian resistance, with police officers refusing to enforce a law that to most citizens crosses a line that is unacceptable in a free society.
If such a thing can happen in a deeply blue state in New England, what would law enforcement encounter if they attempted such an ill-fated attack on Constitutionally-protected rights in Texas, Wyoming, South Carolina, Utah, or Kentucky?
This is something that the political powers that be in government and law enforcement -- and in the Courts -- should think long and hard about before acting in such a knee-jerk fashion as Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, and Massachusetts have done.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Those pushing gun control prove they should never again be elected to office, any office.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (2)
March 08, 2014
Rep. Mike Kelly: 'They're Coming for Your Guns'
NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland—On March 6th, Breitbart News had the opportunity to talk to Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) about the way gun control was defeated in 2013 and what needs to happen in order to win the battle against gun control again in 2014.
Our first question regarded 2013: "When you look at last year, how do you think we were able to defeat gun control? What to you ultimately believe was the key?"
Kelly responded:
We got on it early, and we got on it often, and we went with the NRA, and we got the public to understand what was going on. That was crucial, because if you were to talk to the people that want to take our guns away they always say, 'No, no, no, you misunderstand what we're trying to do. We just want to protect people.' And we said, 'No, we know exactly what you want to do. You want to take our guns from us. You want to take away the ability that we have to protect ourselves.'
And what we have to understand in 2014 is that the gun control proponents are never going away. This is a world movement that would reduce us down to a level where we lose sovereignty of our own gun policy, of our trade policy when it comes to arms.
Breitbart News also asked: "So what should gun owners and freedom-loving Americans do?"
Kelly said in response:
You've got to keep talking to people. You have to constantly be ringing that bell, 'They're coming for your guns, they're coming for your guns.' Because as soon as we back off, we lose. And if we let them convince us that they really don't want to take our guns away, then we lose.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I think he is absolutely correct. Obama and the people telling him what to do will never give up.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
March 05, 2014
Gun Group Says "Bring It On" As Fears Grow Of Confiscation, Arrests
Gun Group Says "Bring It On" As Fears Grow Of Confiscation, Arrests
Wild Thing's comment.............
I am so glad we do not live there.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
February 20, 2014
Mom Uses Rifle To Fight Off Armed Home Invaders Who Smash Through Her Door
Mom Uses Rifle To Fight Off Armed Home Invaders Who Smash Through Her Door
A Detroit woman surprised a trio of armed teen thugs when they came to try and rob her house.
You don’t want to mess with this mom!
The Detroit woman surprised a trio of armed teen thugs when they came to try and rob her house.
Instead of sitting back and watching them steal her stuff, she locked and loaded a rifle — and then fired it as she chased them back outside.
The dramatic incident was caught on surveillance camera.
Footage shows the three teens trying to kick down her front door.
But, as they start to make their way inside, the woman pops up with a gun. She starts firing to try and scare them off, and they all run away.
One of the boys, armed with a handgun, tries his luck again and rushes the door.
But he soon scuttles off again after hearing bullets being fired in his direction.
The woman, who does not want to be identified, told WXYZ Detroit she “didn’t have time to get scared” as she rushed to protect her children.
“I let them know I had a gun once they were in the house and they challenged me and said ‘no you don’t have a gun’ so that’s when I shot off the first round,” she said.
“I wasn’t feeling anything at the moment, I got scared afterward,” she added.
No one was hurt in the incident, and cops arrested the three suspects soon after.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Thank God she is OK and good thing she had a weapon.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
February 19, 2014
NJ Gun Grabber Says Gun Magazines Over 10 Rounds Are Only For “Domestic Terrorists And Gangsters”
NJ Gun Grabber Says Gun Magazines Over 10 Rounds Are Only For “Domestic Terrorists And Gangsters”…
Gun-control advocates frequently use scare tactic to mislead the public into supporting laws that unnecessarily restrict Second Amendment rights.
In New Jersey, the most stringent firearms laws in the country don’t satisfy the rabid activists there. They are pushing to lower the legal magazine size from 15 to 10.
“Our top priority is a 10-round limit on magazine size,” Bryan Miller, executive director of Heeding God’s Call, told on Friday. The group’s sole purpose is pushing for more gun control. Its primary tactic is to hold “prayer vigils” outside firearms stores.
“Nobody needs a 15-round ammunition magazine unless they are a domestic terrorist or a gangster,” Mr. Miller claimed.
Mr. Miller neglected to mention that virtually all law enforcement uses firearms with more than 10 rounds. And of course, so do millions of law-abiding Americans.
Frank Jack Fiamingo is the president of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society, a grass-roots gun rights group that opposes the magazine ban.
The firearms industry has been fighting back against these new limits to magazine size that have passed in the past year in states such as New York (seven rounds) and Colorado (15 rounds).
Larry Keane is the general counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, which represents firearms and ammunition manufacturers.
“The Justice Department studies of the federal ban on modern sporting rifles — which also restricted magazine capacity — showed that restricting the size of a magazine by an arbitrary number, such as 10, does not reduce crime,” Mr. Keane said, referring to the industry’s preferred term for so-called assault weapons.
“It simply limits the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves and their families.”
In New Jersey, gun-grabber activists have been effective in getting new laws because they have strong allies in the Democrat-controlled Legislature.
It is expected that political pressure will increase to pass more gun-control bills in order to put Gov. Chris Christie in a tight spot. Mr. Christie is considering a run for president as a Republican, which is a nonstarter for someone who is viewed as anti-gun.
The political battles have already started.
Wild Thing's comment............
What a bunch of baloney.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
February 17, 2014
Remington Arms moving 2,000+ jobs to move from NY to Alabama
Remington Arms moving 2,000+ jobs from NY to Alabama
High level sources have informed Yellowhammer News that Remington, one of the world’s largest gun manufacturers, will on Monday join Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley in announcing that they are bringing over 2,000 jobs to Alabama.
The company is viewing the move into Alabama as an expansion, but it will likely impact their Ilion, NY plant as well. The New York facility currently employees around 1,200 people. It is expected to stay open, but with a reduced workforce.
“The company is making the move as an expansion of capacity, production and research,” a source told Yellowhammer on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. “The demand for Remington products has skyrocketed recently, for obvious reasons, so they need to increase their production capacity. They will be expanding their research capabilities with the Alabama plant, too.”
The initial estimated impact on Alabama’s economy will be roughly $87 million.
According to Remington’s website, the company designs, produces and sells sporting goods products for the hunting and shooting sports markets, as well as military, government and law enforcement markets. Founded in 1816 in upstate New York, the Company is one of the nation’s oldest continuously operating manufacturers. Remington is the only U.S. manufacturer of both firearms and ammunition products and one of the largest domestic producers of shotguns and rifles. The Company distributes its products throughout the U.S. and in over 55 foreign countries.
Remington first began considering new locations after the New York legislature passed the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act in response to the tragic shootings in Newtown, Conn. In addition to banning magazines that contain more than seven rounds and requiring instant background checks on ammo purchases, the NY SAFE Act broadened the definition of so-called “assault weapons” to include a wide range of guns, including the Bushmaster, which was being manufactured at Remington’s New York plant.
Almost half the states in the country have made pitches to Remington, included Arizona, Oklahoma, Michigan, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. But in the end, the company chose Huntsville, Ala.
The optics could not be worse for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who told WCNY radio host Susan Arbetter about a month ago that “extreme conservatives” who are “right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay,” have “no place in the state of New York.”
Gov. Bentley and Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard both immediately responded to Cuomo’s comments.
“In Alabama we strongly support and uphold our great U.S. Constitution on which our nation and our states were founded,” Bentley told Yellowhammer. “The Constitution serves to protect individual Freedoms. Among them are those guaranteed in the Second Amendment, which protects the right of the people to keep and bear Arms. We will protect the Freedoms of individuals and welcome any one or any company to Alabama to discover as so many have, that we are a pro-business state filled with good, hardworking people.”
“If he doesn’t want hard working pro-life and pro-2nd Amendment people in his state, we will gladly take them here in Alabama,” Speaker Hubbard added.
It looks like that’s exactly what is happening.
Yellowhammer will have full coverage of the announcement on Monday.
Wild Thing's comment.............
We are seeing more and more of this happening. Weapon companies moving their companies from unfriendly States.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
January 25, 2014
National Newspaper Chain To Build “State-By-State” Database of Legal Gun Owners With Concealed Weapons Permits
National Newspaper Chain To Build “State-By-State” Database of Legal Gun Owners With Concealed Weapons Permits
A national newspaper chain with nearly 100 publications and 1.6 million readers is considering building “state-by-state databases” on concealed weapons permit holders, according to an internal e-mail.
The plan, laid out in an email from a top editor at North Carolina-based Civitas Media, could be similar to a controversial project a New York state newspaper carried out in 2012 which included an online map that identified gun owners in two counties by name and address. Civitas’ database project was detailed the plan in a Jan. 19 e-mail to newsrooms in 11 states, including Ohio, Illinois and Pennsylvania.
“The second project examines the explosion of ‘conceal and carry’ gun permits across the U.S.,” wrote Jim Lawitz, Civitas’ director of content, in an e-mail first obtained by the Buckeye Firearms Association. “Through public records act requests, we will attempt to build state-by-state databases that list those who have the right to carry a concealed weapon.”
Wild Thing's comment.............
By the time Obama is done destroying our beloved America many of us will probably be on many of the left's lists.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM | Comments (1)
January 13, 2014
A Warning to America from Canada: After Registering Guns, Comes Confiscation
From Canada to America : After Registering Guns, Comes Confiscation
Wild Thing's comment...............
Canada must be amazed like so many other countries that have been our friends to see what is happening to America from Obama and the far left.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
January 12, 2014
Largest Gun Auction Website Hits Historic Level Of Sales
Largest Gun Auction Website Hits Historic Level Of Sales, the world’s largest gun auction website, announced Friday it reached a historic occasion since its launch in 1999. The online firearms and shooting gear auction site reached $3 billion in online sales.
According to a press release, “ is an informative, secure, and safe way to buy and sell firearms, ammunition, and hunting and shooting gear online. promotes responsible ownership of guns and firearms.” Steve Urvan, CEO of, will be in Las Vegas Tuesday at the annual Shot Show convention where he will be presented with a commemorative plaque in recognition of his site’s success.
Nationwide, gun sales have been at a record high and according to reports, over 21 million applications were put through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) just last year. A number of analysts claim that the rise in gun sales and new gun owner ship is due to new regulations the Obama administration has either put forth or has threatened to push.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Good people want guns and should always be able to get them. They do not go around killing people for fun or as gang members. Obama could care less about any of this, with any kind of gun control he shows he only wants the bad people to have guns.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
January 11, 2014
California Democrats to Push for Background Checks for Purchase of Ammo
California Democrats to Push for Background Checks for Purchase of Ammo
Following passage last year of some of the strongest gun-control laws in the nation in the wake of the school shooting in Newton, Conn., leading California Democrats will open a new front in the fight against gun violence this year with a proposal to conduct background checks on people who purchase ammunition.
State Senate Democrats will push to require a comprehensive background check on anyone seeking to purchase ammunition, and to require a one-year permit for ammunition purchases.
“Anyone can walk into any gun store, a bait and tackle store, and purchase all the ammunition they want to, no questions asked,” Sen. Kevin de Leon (D), the bill’s lead sponsor, said in an interview. “The ammunition is the fuel that feeds the violence. The gun itself, the hand gun or the long gun or the high-powered weapon is the delivery device. The gas, the fuel, is the ammunition, and no one knows who buys it.”
No other state has gone as far as to regulate ammunition purchases, de Leon said, though gun-control advocates in other state legislatures, including New York, have expressed interest in copying the proposal.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Hello democrats the bad guys are not gong to be getting your background checks.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (2)
January 10, 2014
Resident Turns on Home Invaders with AK-47
Resident Turns on Home Invaders with AK-47
A home invasion in Florida took a strange turn after the resident went after the suspects with an AK-47.
According to NBC Miami6, one home invasion suspect was fatally shot and two others are on the run from authorities after a Davie, Florida resident fired his AK-47 at his attackers last Thursday.
Three armed men allegedly entered the victim’s apartment and pistol-whipped the resident inside. Then the resident got a hold of his AK-47.
“The resident of the apartment had possession of an AK-47 and after he received this beating he was able to get possession or control of that, and started shooting at these suspects as they were fleeing,” Davie Police spokesman Capt. Dale Engle said.
The shooter was taken in for questioning but has since been released. He is cooperating with detectives, according to Engle.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Love it......finally,,,people refusing to become victims to thugs and criminals....refreshing and redeeming !!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
January 05, 2014
Fantastic!! 90-Year Old Store Owner Pulls Gun on Would-be Armed Robber
90-Year Old Store Owner Pulls Gun on Would-be Armed Robber:
90-year-old laundromat owner, George Hicks of Dayton, Ohio, turned the tables on an attempted robber when he was confronted in his office recently. Security video captured the foiled robbery and showed a man wearing a hoodie, demanding cash from Mr. Hicks. The unknown suspect then got quite a surprise when the elderly man refused the request and pulled out a chrome semi-automatic gun, sending the burglar running from R&J Laundromat. In a report via KTRK ABC 13, George laughed saying, “I said, ‘I”ll Blow Your **** Brains Out, and He was Gone”
Wild Thing's comment.................
God bless this 90 year old man.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Obama Announces Executive Orders to Limit Gun Ownership – US Veterans Hardest Hit
Obama Announces Executive Orders to Limit Gun Ownership – US Veterans Hardest Hit
Gun Groups Wary of Obama's New Firearms Initiative: 'Devil's in the Details'
The White House inched forward Friday with two new executive actions aimed at boosting the federal background-check system. The new laws will make it more difficult for “anyone who may pose a danger to themselves or others” to purchase a gun.
Under the measures announced by the White House, the Justice Department will propose changes to the federal background check system to clarify who under U.S. law is prohibited from possessing a firearm because of mental health problems.
The Department of Health and Human Services also will propose a regulation aimed at making it easier for states to submit information about the mentally ill to the federal system, without blocking all people who seek mental health treatment from owning guns.
“The administration is committed to making sure that anyone who may pose a danger to themselves or others does not have access to a gun,” the White House said in a statement. “The federal background check system is the most effective way to assure that such individuals are not able to purchase a firearm from a licensed gun dealer.”
The new laws may make it even more difficult for US veterans to own guns.
US veterans started receiving letters from the government last year informing them that they are disabled and not allowed to own, purchase or possess a firearm. If the veteran does decide to purchase a firearm he will by fined, imprisoned or both.
This comes on page 2 of the VA letter. Please CLICK HERE TO READ......
The letter to veterans stated:
“A determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition. If you knowingly violate any of these prohibitions, you may be fined, imprisoned, or both pursuant to the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub.L.No. 103-159, as implemented at 18, United States Code 924(a)(2).”
Obmaa’s latest executive orders will no doubt make it even harder for US veterans to own or purchase firearms.
Wild Thing's comment............
Even when Obama is on a vacation he still is messing with our country. He also gave three speeches the last few days on tape that he made before he left for Hawaii.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Gun Re-Registration Law Begins in Washington DC
Gun Re-Registration Law Begins in Washington DC
Eboni K. Williams (Radio Talk Show Host) and Emily Miller (Sr. Editor, Washington Times) join FNC's Mike Huckabee to weigh in with their perspectives on the recent gun re-registration laws taking affect for 2014 in DC.
Wild Thing's comment.............
This is stupid to make people do this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (2)
December 29, 2013
Connecticut Gun Owners Wait in Line to Do Something Many Gun Owners Hope They Never Have To
Connecticut residents waited in long lines on Thursday to register their firearms and high-capacity magazines before the state’s new gun laws go into effect on Jan. 1, 2014.
WFSB-TV reports that a “long-line of people” stood outside the Public Safety Building in Middletown, Conn., all day to register semi-automatic rifles and high-capacity magazines. Several residents were upset with the “unconstitutional” requirement, while at least one person didn’t appear to mind.
“I understand why they’re doing it, but I don’t think it’s constitutional,” resident Scott Boccio told WFSB-TV as he was registering his guns.
Charles Gillette, who was registering magazines, told the news station that he would have a problem with it if the state was trying to ban the magazines or firearms, but said “if they want to just know where they are, that’s fine with me.”
However, not one gun owner who was registering firearms or magazines said they think the new laws will reduce gun violence.
“If people are going to do things illegally, they’re not going to be here registering their gun,” Jared Krajewski, another resident registering firearms, said.
For now, in Connecticut, the law is the law. The new gun control measures were put into place following the tragic school shooting in Newtown, Conn.
State police Lt. Paul Vance said that gun owners must fill our forms completely and some may require a notary.
Wild Thing's comment................
The street gangs are probably standing in line as well to register their guns.....NOT.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
December 28, 2013
Convenience Store Clerk Turns The Tables on Armed Robber
Watch- This goes on for about a minute and the 2 leave the area of the surveillance cam. They emerge, owner now has the gun
Convenience Store Clerk Turns The Tables on Armed Robber
A convenience store clerk in Ohio fought back against an armed robber and was able to disarm him late Saturday night.
Sandusky native 34-year-old Marc Alvarez was working at Convenience Food Mart when a masked robber armed with a gun burst through the front door just after 11 o’clock. Alvarez attacked the crook, got his gun, and ran him out of the store, Sandusky Register reports.
Alvarez said his primary concern during the incident was protecting a female co-worker.
“My main priority at the time was to keep my co-worker who was with me safe and out of the way,” said Alvarez.
The masked marauder demanded money, but instead of emptying the register, Alvarez walked around the counter and fought back. In the ensuing struggle, Alvarez managed to disarm the criminal and ran him out of the store.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
December 11, 2013
Cops use two AK-47s to jump-start car
Does the Swiss Army knife have a contender for the title of most handy tool? This one can be used in battle, at weddings – and to jump-start cars.
The ubiquitous Kalashnikov assault rifle has come to the rescue of several embattled Yemeni policemen.
Not in a firefight. Instead, it was in firing-up their unreliable car.
The problem: A flat battery. The solution – two Kalashnikovs and some lengths of wire.
The application: Linking the battery terminals between two cars in order to give one a jump-start.
The Al Arabiya News Channel has broadcast the incident to highlight the challenges faced by the small Middle-Eastern nation’s police force.
The country, which sits between Saudi Arabia and the Gulf of Aden, has a population of 23 million and 50 million firearms.
The Kalashnikov automatic rifle has been the favorite of military and police forces – as well as rebels and insurgents – for decades due to its simple and rugged design.
Wild Thing's comment...............
LOL never saw this before.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
November 04, 2013
Awesome Black conservative leaders (CURE) discuss how the NRA was created ( video)
Black conservative leaders discuss the reason the NRA was founded and how gun control is an effort to control people. CURE is the largest black conservative think tank in the nation and is headquartered in Washington, D.C.
CURE organized the news conference in response to concerns shared by black conservatives that the Senate proposed laws will restrict their ability to defend themselves, their property and their families. They are also concerned that the proposed gun control legislation puts too much power in the hands of politicians.
"I believe that it is our duty to stand together and challenge the proposals currently on the table in the Senate, which invoke painful memories of Jim Crow laws and black codes," said CURE president and founder, Star Parker. "Black history is rife with government demands for background checks in order to qualify for constitutional rights. All Americans should be concerned."
Star Parker, a nationally syndicated columnist and other noted thought leaders, authors and speakers will make the case against the type of gun control measures President Obama and his liberal allies are proposing. While the group believes that Sandy Hook was a national tragedy, they oppose its use as an opportunity to advance government control and strip any American citizens of their constitutional rights. In the middle of Black History Month, CURE is calling for a serious national dialogue about the impact of gun control on the black community.
Wild Thing's comment..................
Thank you, it is so great to see good people speaking out. Excellent video.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (2)
October 31, 2013
Senator Ted Cruz To Trayvon Martin’s Mother During Senate Hearing: No, Stand Your Ground Laws Are Not Racist ( video)
Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin, who was shot and killed by George Zimmerman in early 2012, appeared on Capitol Hill Tuesday for a hearing regarding the controversial “Stand Your Ground” laws. When it came time for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) to speak at the hearing, he informed the still-grieving mother that Stand Your Ground laws actually benefit African-Americans as much as, if not more than, they do whites.
Cruz began by offering his condolences for Fulton’s loss, but quickly moved on to defend the trial by jury process that found Zimmerman not guilty of murder. He also noted, correctly, that the “subject of this hearing, the Stand Your Ground laws, was not a defense that Mr. Zimmerman raised. So this entire hearing–the topic of this hearing–is not the issue on which that trial turned.” Though Zimmerman’s defense team did not end up using Stand Your Ground, it did come out during the trial that Zimmerman was likely aware of the law’s protections when he shot Martin.
“We know that some in our political process have a desire to exploit that tragic, violent incident for agendas that have nothing to do with that young man who lost his life,” Cruz continued. “We have seen efforts to undermine the verdict of the jury and, more broadly, to inflame racial tensions that I think are sad and irresponsible.”
Then, Cruz got to one of his primary points, which concerned that effect of Stand Your Ground laws on African-American communities. He rejected the notion, put forward earlier in the hearing that “no one could reasonably believe that Stand Your Ground laws protect those in the African-American communities who are victims of violent crimes.” He found that idea particularly remarkable since “a great many African-Americans find themselves victims of violent crime and have asserted this defense to defend themselves, defend their families, defend their children.”
Cruz also cited the fact that "in 2004 a state senator in Illinois by the name of Barack Obama co-sponsored an expansion of Illinois' law providing civil immunity for those who use justifiable force to defend themselves" as evidence that similar laws could not possibly be racially biased. "The notion that stand your ground laws are some form of veiled racism may be a convenient political attack," he said, "but it is not borne out by the facts remotely."
Wild Thing's comment.............
Love what he said, he truly is a good man.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
October 22, 2013
Pastor Pulls Gun on Robber: 'No, You Get on the Ground'
Pastor Pulls Gun on Robber: 'No, You Get on the Ground'
On October 18, a robber brandishing a fake gun in an Evansville, Indiana discount store told Pastor Carl Sanders to get on the ground. Sanders responded by pulling his concealed carry handgun and telling the robber, "No, you get on the ground."
According to NBC News, Sanders said he saw "a young man bouncing up and down with a bandanna on his face." He did not see any other customers, but he saw the robber pushing one of the Dollar General employees.
The suspect then turned with what was supposed to look like a gun wrapped in a plastic bag and told Sanders to "get down on the ground." Instead of complying, Sanders pulled his gun and said, "No, you get on the ground."
Sanders said, "I knew he had something in this hand and I wasn't going to let him get to me first." He added, "I told him don't move, just put your face down on the ground and don't even look at me."
He then held the suspect at gun point until police arrived.
He says he did not shoot the suspect "because he didn't deserve to be hurt." But Sanders said, "I wanted him to know you can't do this."
Wild Thing's comment..........
While Jesus teaches us forgiveness and to love thy neighbor, he still wants us to stand up for ourselves and others.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
October 01, 2013
Good grief! Visa Cuts Off Country’s Top Gun Store… For Selling Guns
Visa Cuts Off Country’s Top Gun Store… For Selling Guns…
A subsidiary of Visa, a key Obama campaign donor, that specializes in credit card transactions has abruptly stopped servicing the nation’s largest gun store after four years because the store sells guns, a fact the owners never hid.
Hyatt Gun Shop of Charlotte, N.C., told Secrets that the subsidiary,, simply sent an email to owner Larry Hyatt to announce that it was suddenly breaking off the business relationship. The reason: “The sale of firearms or any similar product.”
The company email said that gun sales violated a section of the service agreement the two signed over four years ago and after Hyatt went into detail about its sales and products — and name.
“We’ve never seen anything like this,” said Justin Anderson, Hyatt’s marketing director. He said it took a week and thousands of dollars to line up a “gun friendly” credit card processor for online sales.
The brushoff of Hyatt’s business has sparked a national boycott effort against and parent company CyberSource organized by the website Grass Roots North Carolina. “It looks like the small but noisy anti-gun crowd has gotten to what must be a jelly-spined PR department at CyberSource and Authorize.Net. Either that, or leadership at these companies have simply become anti-gun all on their own,” said the website in announcing the boycott.
Anderson suspects that the company, purchased by Visa in 2010, got cold feet dealing with a leading gun seller and he said that he’s heard of other gun stores being dropped. The company had no immediate comment.
Wild Thing's comment............
More sicko democrat agenda at work.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
September 26, 2013
Hollywood's New Favorite Cars Are Armored and Electrified
Hollywood's New Favorite Cars Are Armored and Electrified
Celebrities from Steven Seagal to Kanye West are rolling in the latest status ride: Luxury vehicles that can take a bullet -- or shock a paparazzo.
Publicist Ronni Chasen was waiting at a red light in Beverly Hills in 2010 when she was shot five times through the car's closed passenger window and killed. Christopher Wallace, aka Biggie Smalls, was leaving a party in L.A. when a gunman sprayed the door of the rap star's Suburban with 9 mm bullets, striking Wallace four times and killing him.
The combination of guns, death and the particular vulnerability that a car on a public street presents to stars who are under siege from paparazzi and stalkers hits close to home for many in L.A.'s celebrity culture, where spending lavishly on personal security is a seldom-discussed necessity.
According to Aaron Cohen, director of IMS Security in Hollywood, whose clients have included Katy Perry, Kate Moss and Charlie Sheen, the cost to secure the home of a tabloid-exposed family like that of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie can top $1 million a year. So it's inevitable that celebrities -- as well as Hollywood's high-net-worth agents, studio executives and producers -- would extend their security periphery to include the possession that serves as a mobile status-signifier in this car-obsessed city.
Enter the armored vehicle. The trend got rolling in L.A. in the aftermath of the 1992 riots, when navigating the jittery city in military-derived SUVs like the Mercedes G-500 suddenly seemed prudent. (Arnold Schwarzenegger was a famous early adopter.) Now, heavily armored vehicles designed to withstand large-caliber ordinance are turning up at valets around town.
At the extreme end of the spectrum is the Prombron Iron Diamond armored vehicle from Latvia's Dartz Motorz Co. (Dartz manufactured Sacha Baron Cohen's gold-plated presidential SUV featured in The Dictator.) According to car news website Jalopnik, Kanye West recently ordered two Iron Diamonds, for $1.2 million each. New York Knicks guard J.R. Smith was spotted in Manhattan's Meatpacking District parking a $450,000 Gurkha F5 armored truck -- the same brute driven by Dwayne Johnson in Fast Five.
Mercedes, BMW and Bentley quietly manufacture armored versions of their cars. The BMW 7 Series High Security can withstand armor-piercing bullets and is outfitted with run-flat tires and a sealed ventilation system in case of attack by chemical weapons.
The cars aren't sold in the U.S., leaving plenty of business for companies like Texas Armoring Corp. in San Antonio, which has custom-built bulletproof rides for Steven Seagal and rap star T.I. and for a referral-only L.A. company co-owned by America's Got Talent judge Melanie Brown and husband Stephen Belafonte that rents armored cars. Texas Armoring strips a vehicle to the frame and installs countermeasures like electrified door handles that deliver nonlethal shocks to carjackers and overzealous paparazzi. The finished cars take two to three months to convert at a cost of as much as $100,000 and are virtually indistinguishable from unarmored vehicles.
Texas Armoring executive vp Jason Forston says the company has seen demand in the U.S. soar the past five years. "A large part of it is celebrities, pro athletes and rock stars," Forston says. "You even have a lot of Hollywood executives, studio heads, people not in the spotlight." Forston credits the "climate of fear right now -- the growing gap between the haves and the have-nots" -- for the surge in sales.
IMS Security's Cohen is not quite convinced of the need for driving an armored Range Rover to dinner at Soho House: "I've been in the risk-management business for 10 years, and I can tell you statistically, with the exception of a few cases, I don't think there's a need for it. In my opinion, it's overkill."
On the other hand, says Robert Siciliano, a New York-based security expert: "A bullet costs about 25 cents. It will go through a nonarmored vehicle pretty efficiently. What's your life worth?" West earned about $20 million last year, according to Forbes. In that context, says Siciliano, "to spend three quarters of a million dollars on an armored vehicle isn't that outrageous. I bet Biggie Smalls' mom wishes he had."
Wild Thing's comment............
The only thing I can think of that would be concerning about these is what if or when gang members buy these. The gangs that have a lot of drug money like cartels etc. That would be very concerning for the police to have to worry about.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
August 31, 2013
Criminals Thumb Their Noses At NYPD Over New “Don't Stop And Frisk Rules”
Shooting off their mouths: Gun-carrying criminals taunting NYPD cops after stop-frisk ruling
Criminals Thumb Their Noses At NYPD Over New “Don't Stop And Frisk Rules”
Thugs with guns think they’re the ones calling the shots on the streets in the wake of the anti-NYPD stop-and-frisk ruling.
“You can’t stop me! You can’t do that no more! There are new rules!” suspect Steven Sidbury, 21, allegedly yelled at officers as they approached him in crime-riddled East New York last week.
The cops walked over to Sidbury when they spotted a suspiciously heavy object in the pocket of his hoodie outside 225 Wortman Ave. in Brooklyn just before midnight Thursday.
He taunted them over stop-and-frisk, then ran and tripped — and a loaded .38-caliber revolver dropped out of his jacket, law-enforcement sources told The Post.
Sidbury was arrested — his third weapons bust in three years.
“This is just what you’re going to see more of — people are going to be more arrogant and brazen, and they’re not going to be afraid of the police,’’ said a source familiar with the case.
Cops in the troubled 40th Precinct in The Bronx also griped that criminals have been openly jeering them — even in front of their precinct — over this month’s Manhattan federal-court ruling against stop-and-frisk.
Officers responding to a call about three suspects with guns on 138th Street across from the station house around 7 p.m. Saturday saw a trio matching their description, sources said.
The suspects ran into a building, where one turned around at the stairwell and hissed at the cops, “You ain’t stop[ping] me! You ain’t gonna frisk me! No more stop-and-frisks! Whatcha gonna do?”
The cops frisked the men anyway — with one officer later saying he would fall back on the “I was in fear of my safety’’ defense if questioned, a source said.
No weapons were recovered. But cops believe it’s because the perps simply had time to hide them.
“They’re not stupid. They stash [guns] quick,’’ a source said.
Several hours earlier, cops in the 40th Precinct spotted a guy wearing a hooded sweat shirt on the 85-degree day at 141st Street and Cypress Avenue. The man appeared to be casing a would-be robbery victim, a source said.
When a cop approached, he shouted, “You can’t be stopping me, yo! The cops can’t be harassing us!’’
He was still frisked. No gun was recovered.
One source predicted that there will be more bloodshed in the streets as criminals fearlessly carry their weapons instead of stashing them somewhere — and fire in the heat of the moment.
“They’re going to carry their guns, and if they get into a fight, they’re going to shoot right away,’’ the source warned.
“Every single [perp] I have encountered is very happy about the ruling,’’ a Manhattan police source said.
“It is a very common thought now amongst perps that stop-question-and-frisk infringes on their rights to carry concealed guns.”
Wild Thing's comment...........
Today we have politicians wanting to take our guns away, and at the same time they are bound and determined to protect the criminal.
I will take the old version of America over the new one any day.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
August 27, 2013
New Bill In Congress Seeks To Tax Gun Sales Extra 20% And Ammo Sales Extra 50%
New Bill In Congress Seeks To Tax Gun Sales Extra 20% And Ammo Sales Extra 50%
There is a new anti-gun bill sitting on Capitol Hill, and it doesn’t deal with banning particular models of firearms or even universal background checks.
The Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act of 2013, was proposed by U.S. Reps. Danny K. Davis, D-Ill., and Bill Pascrell, D-N.J. The bill seeks to raise the tax rate on gun sales from 10% to 20%.
Perhaps even more disturbing is that the bill also seeks to raise the tax rate on ammunition purchases to 50%.
Davis released the following statement in a press release,
Gun violence is a daily reality for America and, in particular, for urban cities like Chicago. The crisis should outrage us all. This legislation is a pro-active approach to reducing gun violence by using proven preventive programs which have been starved for funds until now. As part of a comprehensive, multidimensional strategy to reduce gun violence, this legislation closes major loopholes in tax law and lays out an equitable, long term, sustainable strategy to provide the requisite resources.
Note how Davis fails to correlate the high crime in Chicago with the extreme gun-control laws that prevent law-abiding citizens from protecting their own life and property.
Wild Thing's comment...............
People that are good law abiding people simply want to be able to protect themselves. None of us are going around taking out anyone like the bad guys are. The democrats never state the high crime areas of the left like Chicago etc. where it is the bad guys going after innocent people or gang related killings.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
August 18, 2013
Woman with Concealed Carry Handgun Stops Six Robbers at Houston Denny's
Woman with Concealed Carry Handgun Stops Six Robbers at Houston Denny's
A woman whose husband was being accosted by six men in a Houston area Denny's pulled her concealed carry handgun from her purse and opened fire on the robbers.
According to, the wife was in the restroom, and when she came out she saw her husband lying on the floor, the group of robbers nearby. Police say she then "pulled her gun and shot at them."
It appears the robbers shot back and police say there was a shootout. The robbers were apparently running as they shot.
"No bystanders or customers" in the restaurant were injured, and the robbers "fled the scene."
The brother of the robbery victim praised the woman for doing what she did and said, "Self-defense saved my brothers' life."
Wild Thing's comment.............
Guns save lives.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
August 14, 2013
California Senate Passes Bill Mandating Background Checks And Permits For Ammunition Purchases
California Senate Passes Bill Mandating Background Checks And Permits For Ammunition Purchases
A controversial gun measure proposed by a Southern California lawmaker that would require background checks for all ammunition purchases statewide is moving forward in Sacramento.
Senator Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles) first introduced Senate Bill 53 last December, which would require anyone wishing to purchase ammunition in California to first obtain a Ammunition Purchase Permit issued by the Department of Justice, valid for one year from the date of issuance.
To obtain such a permit, the holder would have to pass a traditional background check as well as a mental health check, according to De León. The legislation would also ban online and mail order sales of ammunition to Californians.
In addition, SB 53 would require all ammunition sales to take place at a limited list of State-approved “ammunition vendors”, who would also be required to submit sales records to the CA Department of Justice.
Wild Thing's comment.................
Glad I don't live in California.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
July 10, 2013
New Phone App Allows People to Pinpoint Gunowners In Their Area
New Phone App Allows People to Pinpoint Gunowners In Their Area
UCSD Lecturer Brett Stallbaum has released an Android app called Gun Geo Marker to allow people to ‘Geolocate Dangerous Guns and Owners.’
According to Slashdot, the app description states: ‘The Gun Geo Marker operates very simply, letting parents and community members mark, or geolocate, sites associated with potentially unsafe guns and gun owners.
Geolocate Dangerous Guns and Owners with the Gun Geo Marker. Geolocation means marking dangerous sites on the App’s map so that you and others can be aware of the risks in your neighborhood.
The Gun Geo Marker operates very simply, letting parents and community members mark, or geolocate, sites associated with potentially unsafe guns and gun owners. These locations are typically the homes or businesses of suspected unsafe gun owners, but might also be public lands or other locations where guns are not handled safely, or situations where proper rights to own or use any particular type of firearm may not exist. Electronically marking these locations can help others in the area learn about their geography of risk from gun accidents or violence. No matter what your safety concern with firearms might be, you should feel free to use this tool to provide the most accurate information you can such that others can make their own safety decisions.
As a crowd sourced information tool, the information about dangerous gun sites comes from users. Please follow us at, and
Users gave the App a 1.2 average rating on on 1-5 point scale. They are not impressed.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Leave gun owners alone, the bad guys are the ones people should be worried about. Not your every day citizen that has no intention of gong out and killing people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
July 06, 2013
Permits Soar to Allow More Concealed Guns
Permits Soar to Allow More Concealed Guns
A growing number of Americans are getting permission to carry firearms in public—and under their clothes—a development that has sparked concern among some law-enforcement authorities.
Applications for "concealed-carry" permits are soaring in many states, some of which recently eased permit requirements. The numbers are driven in part by concern that renewed gun-control efforts soon could constrain access to weapons, along with heightened interest in self-defense in the wake of mass killings in Newtown, Conn., and Aurora, Colo.
Since July 1 of last year, Florida has granted more than 173,000 new concealed-carry permits, up 17% from the year before and twice as many as five years ago, for a total of about 1.09 million permits in the state.
Ohio, meanwhile, is on pace to nearly double last year's total of 65,000 new permits, which would be nearly three times as many as in 2007. And Oklahoma, Tennessee, Wyoming and Nebraska all have nearly matched or surpassed last year's totals with half of 2013 still to go.
A dozen states surveyed for this article, including Texas, Utah and Wisconsin, issued 537,000 permits last year, an 18% increase compared with a year prior and more than double the number issued in 2007. Early figures for 2013 show many states are on pace for their biggest year ever.
About eight million Americans had concealed-carry permits as of last year, the Government Accountability Office said in what it called a conservative estimate.
"I suppose it's the same reason people are reporting gun sales are up and ammunition sales are up," said Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine, referring to concern among gun owners about the recent push for gun control. "It's nothing unique in Ohio.…It seems to be a consistent trend across the board."
continue reading just click here...............
Wild Thing's comment...............
Nick and I got our a few years ago and I am so glad.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
June 28, 2013
Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman to give away an AR-15 on July 4th
Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman to give away an AR-15 on July 4th
Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman announced Thursday he will give away a Bushmaster AR-15 on July 4 to attract supporters to his campaign from the pro-gun movement.
“Why am I giving away an AR-15 rifle? It’s just one way to thank you for defeating Obama’s anti-gun agenda this year,” the email, sent from Friends of Steve Stockman, said. “But the battle for the right to keep and bear arms is heating up again. President Obama and Sen. Harry Reid are not happy that they didn’t pass any gun control yet, so they’re coming back for more.”
The email refers to the Bushmaster as “the firearm that Obama most wants to ban.”
“I hope you realize that the only reason Obama has not been able to ban semi-autos, magazines and gun shows is because of your activism.”
Stockman, a staunch Second Amendment supporter, also invited gun manufacturers to establish their businesses in his district, according to a statement posted on his congressional website on April 5.
“Attention all persecuted gun owners and unwanted manufacturers: this is an open letter to invite all to the 36th Congressional District of Texas,” the statement said.
Stockman is no stranger to political showmanship. In an April 10 press release regarding the gun ban vote championed by California Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein “Stockman will also deliver U-Haul gift cards to the offices of Mark Begich, Mark Pryor, Mary Landrieu, Kay Hagan and Max Baucus should they vote for the package, to help with move-out expenses after they are defeated by voters in 2014.”
His campaign is also known for the bumper-sticker, “If babies had guns they wouldn’t be aborted.”
The gun giveaway is hosted on his reelection campaign website and the promotion ends 11:59 PM July 3, 2013. The winner will be required to undergo a dealer’s background check and must meet all laws of the recipient’s jurisdiction.
The email also included a video of his interns shooting the AR-15.
Wild Thing's comment................
Love Texas and how people think there.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
June 15, 2013
Ammo Manufacturer Comes Up With The Ultimate Jihadi-Deterent: Pork-Infused Bullets
Ammo Manufacturer Comes Up With The Ultimate Jihadi-Deterent: Pork-Infused Bullets…
You’ve probably already heard about the bizarre, Islamist slaughter of an off-duty British soldier in broad daylight on a busy street in London in May 2013.
The two assailants struck the victim with a car then jumped out and began hacking and slashing him with knives and a meat cleaver. The murderers then strutted around the victim’s body for 15 to 20 minutes until armed police arrived, upon which the self-proclaimed jihadists launched an assault on the police and were shot.
Most strange is the way that the attackers waited around after the slaughter, strutting and bragging, but not particularly threatening or attempting to harm any of the onlookers, until armed police units finally arrived, at which point the murderers commenced what could only be characterized as a suicide attack – having brought knives to a gunfight.
Many have asked why the attackers just waited around for the armed police. Why didn’t they flee or continues attacking others, as one might expect from a couple of crazed murderers? What were they waiting for?
The answer to that question is very significant. These men were waiting for their tickets to Paradise – and 72 virgins. They engaged in their act of jihad, killing an “infidel aggressor, enemy of Islam,” and then waited around for the armed police to show up so they could die in battle for Allah’s glory, martyrs, and therefore elected for special rewards in Paradise. [...]
A company in northern Idaho has come up with a culturally sensitive solution. Jihawg Ammo has developed a proprietary system for infusing ballistic paint with pork. The special pork-infused paint is then applied to the bullets of loaded ammunition. The inclusion of pork in the paint makes the bullets haraam, or unclean. Under Islamic law, anyone who comes in contact with any haraam item is then unclean, and must engage in a cleansing ritual. No unclean person can be admitted into Paradise. Do not pass Go. Do not collect 72 virgins.
The objective of Jihawg Ammo is not to insult Muslims, nor even to send a terrorist to Hell. The objective is to serve as a deterrent – to place the promise of instant passage to Paradise into doubt in the minds of would-be jihadists. Without the promise of Paradise, how many Muslim literalists would be willing to lay their lives – and eternal souls – on the line in order to engage in acts of terrorism?
Wild Thing's comment..................
Interesting comments as well at the link of the article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
June 13, 2013
Grandmother, 72, Fends Off Burglar With .357 Magnum
Grandmother, 72, Fends Off Burglar With .357 Magnum
Jan Cooper, a 72-year-old grandmother defended her property and life with a .357 magnum and fended off burglar with a long rap sheet of past crimes.
Jan Cooper, of Anaheim, fired one shot from her .357-magnum Smith & Wesson revolver around 12:30 a.m. Sunday as a man attempted to break into her home. During a 911 call of the incident, Cooper can be heard begging with the dispatcher to send deputies and warns that she has a gun at the ready as her Rottweiler barks furiously in the background.
Minutes later, a breathless Cooper says the man has come to the back porch and is trying to get in the house through a sliding door. Through the vertical blinds, Cooper saw his silhouette just inches away through the glass as he began to slide open the door.
“I’m firing!” Cooper shouts to the dispatcher as a loud band goes off.
Cooper then curses at the suspect, shouting at him to “back up.” [...]
Perez had a rap sheet that included other burglary and narcotics charges and was on parole and staying at a halfway house not far from the Coopers’ address, Amormino said.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Three cheers for this woman.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
June 12, 2013
Senator Barbara Boxer celebrated Santa Monica Shooting That Left Six People Dead: “This Gives Us Wind At Our Back” To Pass Gun Control
Senator Barbara Boxer celebrated the rekindling of talks about gun-control legislation after a shooting at Santa Monica College last Friday.
“Every single time something like this happens, I think this does give us wind at our back,” Boxer said on MSNBC over the weekend. On Friday, a gunman opened fire on the school’s campus in the state of California, killing six people, including the gunman.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Wow and no one in the media is screaming about this and how bad she is to speak like this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
May 30, 2013
California Senate Passes New Gun Control Laws – Including Ammo Registry
California Senate Passes New Gun Control Laws – Including Ammo Registry
The California Senate passed SB 53 and sever other gun control measures this afternoon. The SB53 bill creates new state permits that require background checks for buyers of ammunition and sets up an ammo registry.
The California Senate today approved a package of bills that tighten the state’s regulation of firearms by outlawing detachable and large capacity magazines, keeping track of people who buy ammunition and widening the category of offenders who are prohibited from owning guns for 10 years.
Senate Democrats drafted the bills in response to December’s school shooting in Newtown, Conn.
“The package, if you look at the whole array of measures before this body today, are designed to close loopholes in existing regulations, keep the circulation of firearms and ammunition out of the hands of dangerous persons, and strengthen education on gun ownership,” Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg said to his colleagues as he argued in favor of the legislation.
“These bills attempt to respond to those well-publicized tragedies and many more that go unpublicized.”
Republicans, who hold a minority in the state Senate, voted against the bills, arguing that they would make it harder for law-abiding citizens to access weapons, while doing little to combat crime. They said mass shootings are caused by mental illness, not a lack of gun regulations.
Wild Thing's comment.................
California is such a beautiful State but the left has totally taken over there and I am so glad we moved out of California when we did.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
May 18, 2013
54 Colorado Sheriffs File Civil Rights Lawsuit Against Anti-Gun Bills: It’s About Upholding The Constitution And Public Safety
Press Conference: 54 Colorado Sheriffs File Suit Against Anti-Gun Bills
54 Colorado Sheriffs File Civil Rights Lawsuit Against Anti-Gun Bills: It’s About Upholding The Constitution And Public Safety
The lawsuit also includes disabled and womens’ group plaintiffs who also are fighting to protect their rights.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Good for them, stay strong!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (1)
May 17, 2013
Stupid Rep. John Tierney (D-Mass.) Introduces Bill Mandating Guns Be Made With “Personalization Technology” So Only Owner Can Fire It, Says He Based It On James Bond Movie
Dems offer gun control bill inspired by latest James Bond movie 'Skyfall'
A House Democrat inspired by the last James Bond movie has offered legislation to produce handguns with “personalization technology.”
The idea is to produce guns that can only be used by the gun’s owners. Rep. John Tierney (D-Mass.) cited the latest James Bond movie, “Skyfall,” as inspiration for the bill.
“In the most recent James Bond film, Bond escapes death when his handgun, which is equipped with technology that recognizes him as its owner, becomes inoperable when it gets into the wrong hands,” Tierney’s office said in a statement introducing the bill. “This technology, however, isn’t just for the movies — it’s a reality.”
Under his bill, guns made in the United States would have to be built with this technology two years after the bill becomes law. Older guns being sold by a business or individual would have to be retrofitted with this technology after three years.
Wild Thing's comment..................
I swear these dems do not have brains.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (2)
May 04, 2013
Taya Kyle, Chris Kyle’s Widow, Speaks At Memorial For Chris At NRA Leadership Forum: “An Everyday Man Loving His God, His Country And His Family”
Taya Kyle, Chris Kyle’s Widow, Speaks At Memorial For Chris At NRA Leadership Forum: “An Everyday Man Loving His God, His Country And His Family”
Before Taya Kyle, the wife of slain Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, even said a word, the crowd at the National Rifle Association Leadership Forum was on their feet giving her the longest standing ovation of the day. Just before she took the stage, a video honoring Kyle was shown at the Houston event.
“I challenge anyone to tell me there isn’t evil in this world,” Kyle said, her voice drenched in emotion. “From the days of Cain and Abel, we know all too well there will always be evil. But that evil shouldn’t take away our freedoms. In fact, the only way to defeat evil is by taking advantage of our freedoms.
Kyle went on to talk about the side of her husband that people never knew.
“First, promise me that you won’t think of Chris solely as a hero. He wouldn’t want that. Instead, I ask you to see him the way he would’ve wanted you to see him. As just an everyday boy who did his best at what he loved, growing into an everyday man, loving his God, loving his country…and loving his family,” she said, wiping a tear from her eye as the audience interrupted her with applause.
The widow talked about her slain husband’s appreciation for guns and insisted that guns do not commit acts of evil, people do.
Though she held up remarkably well while talking about her husband, there were moments when her emotions got the best of her, particularly when she saw a meaningful photo of Chris Kyle riding a horse and wearing a cowboy hat put on the big screen behind her.
“He grew up to be a fine cowboy, and a handsome one at that if you don’t mind me saying,” Kyle quipped being overcome with emotions.
Kyle thanked the entire audience for fighting for the rights of all Americans, including veterans, which is what Chris would have wanted, she said. Chris Kyle dedicated his life to helping fellow veterans, including creating the FITCO Cares Foundation that serves veterans.
Kyle, 38, and his friend Chad Littlefield, 35, were killed on Saturday, Feb. 2, 2013, by a troubled veteran going through a tough time. He wasn’t trying to “treat” the troubled vet, he was simply trying to be a brother to a fellow serviceman. Kyle proudly talked about regularly taking soldiers suffering from physical or emotional issues on hunting trips and other outdoor activities to provide comradery, friendship and support.
Wild Thing's comment.............
God bless Taya Kyle and prayers for her.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
April 27, 2013
Government Ammunition Stockpiling Causing Price Hikes, Shortages
Government Ammunition Stockpiling Causing Price Hikes, Shortages
Ammunition factory worker: "We could work seven days a week and not meet the demands right now. It's just crazy out there"
Accusations and denials of government ammunition stockpiling are driving up prices and fear for gun owners.Friday, two members of the Oklahoma Congressional Delegation introduced legislation to put a stop to it. What hasn't stopped is the price spike for ammo.
Squeezing off a few rounds at the range is getting expensive. A box of bullets that went for $9 four years ago can now run close to $30.
Production lines at ammunition manufacturers for the past decade have been running near full capacity.
"We could work seven days a week and not meet the demands right now. It's just crazy out there. Supply and demand, we just can't keep up with demand," said Willy Tague, a factory worker. Military contracts continue to gobble up bullets, despite the troop draw down in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Additional purchases by the Department of Homeland Security have triggered accusations that the government is trying to limit what the public can buy as part of a back-door-gun control policy. That fear has gun owners grabbing as much as they can.
"They're stockpiling. Why?" They're afraid of what's going to happen, well they're cautious about it I think," said Barry Brock, a factory worker.
Wild Thing's comment....................
We have the worst government with Obama and his ilk.
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:50 AM | Comments (1)
Congress Members Question DHS On Massive Ammo Buys; Allocating 1000 More Rounds Per Agent Than A U.S. Soldier
Congress Members Question DHS On Massive Ammo Buys; Allocating 1000 More Rounds Per Agent Than A U.S. Soldier
Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz said Thursday that the Department of Homeland Security is using roughly 1,000 rounds of ammunition more per person than the U.S. Army, as he and other lawmakers sharply questioned DHS officials on their “massive” bullet buys.
“It is entirely … inexplicable why the Department of Homeland Security needs so much ammunition,” Chaffetz, R-Utah, said at a hearing.
The hearing itself was unusual, as questions about the department’s ammunition purchases until recently had bubbled largely under the radar — on blogs and in the occasional news article. But as the Department of Homeland Security found itself publicly defending the purchases, lawmakers gradually showed more interest in the issue.
Democratic Rep. John Tierney, D-Mass., at the opening of the hearing, ridiculed the concerns as “conspiracy theories” which have “no place” in the committee room.
But Republicans said the purchases raise “serious” questions about waste and accountability.
Chaffetz, who chairs one of the House oversight subcommittees holding the hearing Thursday, revealed that the department currently has more than 260 million rounds in stock. He said the department bought more than 103 million rounds in 2012 and used 116 million that same year — among roughly 70,000 agents.
Comparing that with the small-arms purchases procured by the U.S. Army, he said the DHS is churning through between 1,300 and 1,600 rounds per officer, while the U.S. Army goes through roughly 350 rounds per soldier.
He noted that is “roughly 1,000 rounds more per person.”
“Their officers use what seems to be an exorbitant amount of ammunition,” he said.
Nick Nayak, chief procurement officer for the Department of Homeland Security, did not challenge Chaffetz's numbers.
However, Nayak sought to counter what he described as several misconceptions about the bullet buys.
Despite reports that the department was trying to buy up to 1.6 billion rounds over five years, he said that is not true. He later clarified that the number is closer to 750 million.
He said the department, on average, buys roughly 100 million rounds per year.
He also said claims that the department is stockpiling ammo are "simply not true." Further, he countered claims that the purchases are helping create broader ammunition shortages in the U.S.
The department has long said it needs the bullets for agents in training and on duty, and buys in bulk to save money.
While Democrats likened concerns about the purchases to conspiracy theories, Republicans raised concern about the sheer cost of the ammunition.
"This is not about conspiracy theories, this is about good government," Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said.
Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who chairs the full Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said he suspects rounds are being stockpiled, and then either "disposed of," passed to non-federal agencies, or shot "indiscriminately."
If that is the case, he said, "then shame on you."
Wild Thing's comment..................
Obama and his people could care less if they are not transparent, and they walk and talk like dictators. The thing is they get away with all they do.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
April 22, 2013
Poll: Majority Of Americans Think Guns Make Homes Safer
Poll: Majority Of Americans Think Guns Make Homes Safer
Following the defeat of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) so-called ‘gun safety’ legislation this week, new polling shows that a majority of Americans believe having a gun in their homes makes them safer.
As a Washington Post and ABC News poll shows, 51 percent of Americans now say having a gun in their home makes it a safer place, compared to 29 percent who say it makes their home more dangerous.
Wild Thing's comment...............
Obama won't like this poll , not at all.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
April 20, 2013
Student arrested for sporting NRA t-shirt
“I never thought it would go this far because honestly I don’t see a problem with this, there shouldn’t be a problem with this,” said Jared Marcum, 8th grade student at Logan Middle School in Charleston, WV. He’s referring to his suspension, arrest and charges of obstruction and disturbing the education process – for wearing an NRA t-shirt. The shirt, with an image of a gun printed on it, landed the otherwise law-abiding teen in jail Thursday.
“I will go to the ends of the earth, I will call people, I will write letters, I will do everything in the legal realm to make sure this does not happen again,” said Jared’s father, Allen Lardieri. Logan County School District has to yet comment on the incident.
Wild Thing's comment...................
The America I grew up in is gone. There are only moments where it shows up, but other then that it is not longer exists.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
April 17, 2013
Freudian slip? Sen. Harry Reid calls bill "anti-gun legislation"
Freudian slip? Sen. Harry Reid calls bill "anti-gun legislation"
Wild Thing's comment...................
LOL a big oops Harry hhahahaa
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
Law Enforcement Disagrees with President Obama and Mayor Bloomberg on Gun Control
Law Enforcement Disagrees with President Obama and Mayor Bloomberg
Wild Thing's comment.............
Good for those in law enforcement standing up to Obama on this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM
April 15, 2013
War Veteran Arrested for get this ....“Rudely Displaying” Rifle
PHOTO'S and Video's at link.....CLICK HERE.............. ( Includes photo of Army Master Sgt. C.J. Grisham with President G.W. Bush)
War Veteran Arrested for “Rudely Displaying” Rifle
A decorated war veteran on a Boy Scout hike with his 15-year-old son was arrested alongside a Texas country road after a police officer accused him of “rudely displaying” a firearm.
Army Master Sgt. C.J. Grisham told Fox News he was illegally disarmed by members of the Temple Police Dept. – even though he held the proper permits to carry his weapons.
Grisham and his son were on a 10-mile hike in a rural area populated by wild boars and cougars. He was carrying an AR-15 rifle and a .45 caliber pistol.
He was charged with resisting arrest – even though video his son filmed of the incident clearly showed that Grisham did not resist arrest. Police later reduced the charges to interfering with a peace officer while performing a duty – a class B misdemeanor.
“I’m still frankly and honestly 100 percent confused about what I’m being charged with,” Grisham said.
Temple Police told local media that the Fort Hood soldier refused to hand of his weapon – leading to his arrest. However, the video shows that Grisham complied with their demands.
One of the officers told Grisham that anyone holding a gun is considered dangerous, according to a 15-minute video obtained by Fox News.
“In this day and age people are alarmed when they see someone with what you have,” one of the officers told a handcuffed Grisham. “They don’t care what the law is.”
At one point in the video Grisham asked the officers why they failed to ask to see his carry and conceal permit.
The video shows the arresting officer telling the Fort Hood soldier that he was “rudely displaying” the AR-15.
Grisham, who is a “huge Constitutionalist,” then asked the officer if he cared what the law is.
“The easy wrong would have been to surrender my rights and allow the cops to disarm me,” he said. “That’s the easy wrong to me. The hard right is putting ourselves on the line knowing that something could happen.”
Grisham told Fox News he plans on fighting the charges and suing the police department for what he considered to be an illegal arrest and violating his Constitutional rights.
“For the first time in my life, I had to sit in jail,” he said. “I’ve never been in jail — never been accused of a crime. I was treated like a street thug.”
A pre-trial hearing has been set for May 29th.
Wild Thing's comment.................
This BS is way out of control! This is very disturbing. What is becoming of our once-free nation?!?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
April 14, 2013
NY Police Confiscate Guns, Allegedly For Mental Health Reasons Under New SAFE Act; Get Wrong Person Too
NY Police Confiscate Guns, Allegedly For Mental Health Reasons Under New SAFE Act; Get Wrong Person Too
In a surprising turnaround, New York State Police have admitted that they made a mistake when they confiscated the guns and suspended the permit of an Erie County resident on the grounds of mental health.
Late Wednesday, Erie County, NY, released a statement (posted below) blaming the New York State Police for giving them bad information regarding the suspension of a pistol permit and demand to surrender firearms sent to Amherst resident David Lewis.
(Mr. Lewis was not identified in our original story, his name has since been released in conjunction with court documents filed by his attorney, Jim Tresmond.)
“Erie County Clerk Chris Jacobs said that late today he received a call from the New York State Police informing him that they had provided information on the wrong person when they notified his office of someone whose permit should be suspended because of the new mental health provisions in New York’s SAFE Act,” the release begins.
“When the State Police called to tell us they made a mistake and had the wrong person … it become clear that the state did not do their job here and now we all look foolish,” the release went on to say in a quote from Clerk Jacobs.
Not only was it offensive and unconstitutional, but they also had the wrong person. A mental health provision that is not narrowly drawn is susceptible of broad interpretation and can be used to deny rights very easily.
Wild Thing's comment...............
Wow! Scary stuff!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
April 09, 2013
Manufacturer of Colt AR-15s Relocating To Texas
Manufacturer of Colt AR-15s Relocating To Texas
Colt Competition, a manufacturer of high end Colt AR-15 rifles in Canby, Oregon, is moving its firearms production to the 2nd Amendment supporting state of Texas.
According to CBS DFW,
A firearms company that makes AR-15 style rifles for the iconic brand Colt, will open a plant in Breckenridge in Stephens County. Oregon company Bold Ideas confirmed the development Friday.
Bold Ideas goes by the name Colt Competition, making high accuracy rifles for competition shooting.
A firearms company that makes AR-15 style rifles for the iconic brand Colt, will open a plant in Breckenridge in Stephens County. Oregon company Bold Ideas confirmed the development Friday.
Bold Ideas goes by the name Colt Competition, making high accuracy rifles for competition shooting. …
The move by Colt Competition into Breckenridge comes as the CEO of Colt Manufacturing in Connecticut has said there will soon be few good answers to keep his company in the state. Connecticut passed some of the nation’s most restrictive gun laws this week.
It also comes weeks after Governor Rick Perry reportedly sent letters to gun companies, encouraging them to move to Texas. Perry sent a message on Twitter to Colorado company Magpul as recently as March 21, saying “Come on Down to Texas.” The Governor’s office did not confirm Friday if it had sent a recruitment letter to Colt Competition.
This move follows on the heels of Magpul’s recent decision to pull their manufacturing of the company’s highly popular polymer gun parts and accessories out of the radical anti-gun state of Colorado. The radical anti-gun state of Connecticut is posturing to be next. In reaction to the draconian gun ban recently passed in their home state, one of the oldest manufacturer of guns, Colt, has threatened to leave. After 175 years.
Wild Thing's comment..................
Good for Colt.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
April 05, 2013
Awesome! 15 Year-Old Young Woman takes Three-Minutes to Totally Dismantle Arguments for Maryland’s Gun Control Agenda
15 Year-Old Young Woman takes Three-Minutes to Totally Dismantle Arguments for Maryland’s Gun Control Agenda .....3/25/13
Wild Thing's comment............
This girl does a fantastic job.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
April 04, 2013
Similar To Nazi's....Harry Reid’s Gun Control Bill Allows the Beginnings of a National Gun Registry
Harry Reid’s Gun Control Bill Allows the Beginnings of a National Gun Registry
The final step of Nazi control in Austria was registration and confiscation of guns.
As Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) must know, Americans who own firearms have a special sensitivity to a “Big Brother” federal government that wants to keep centralized records on who owns what guns and where in America. Loose language in his gun control bill (S. 649) could start America down that slippery slope.
Since the Second Amendment guarantees to the people the right to keep and bear arms, many Americans look askance at efforts to create centralized records that might some day, in some distant future neither wanted nor expected, facilitate a despotic government’s efforts to disarm the populace or ensure that its supporters but not its opponents possess arms. Some Americans look at history and view that concern as far-fetched; others look at history and see careful attention to that concern as essential to maintaining freedom…
…In a departure from section 103(i) of Public Law 103-159, section 122(a)(4) of the Reid bill enacts a new section 922(t)(4)(B)(ii) of title 18 of the U.S. Code to direct Attorney General Eric Holder to issue regulations “requiring a record of transaction of any transfer that occurred between an unlicensed transferor and an unlicensed transferee.” The legislation does not define the term “record of transaction,” does not specify any limitations on who creates and who keeps the record of transaction, and does not explicitly incorporate the existing prohibition on a national firearms registry.
Continue article CLICK HERE.............
Wild Thing's comment................
Very concerning and very scary.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
April 03, 2013
Dem Rep. Degette Mocks Senior Citizen – Says “You’d Probably Be Dead Anyway” if Confronted by Armed Criminals
Dem Rep. Degette Mocks Senior Citizen – Says “You’d Probably Be Dead Anyway” if Confronted by Armed Criminals
On Tuesday night The Denver Post editorial board hosts a public forum on gun legislation at the national level. U.S. Reps. Diana DeGette and Ed Perlmutter, State Sen. Kevin Lundberg, and Larimer County Sheriff Justin Smith are among the scheduled panelists. During the question and answer period a concerned Denver citizen asked Democratic Representative DeGette how he was supposed to defend himself under the new Colorado gun laws. DeGette smirked and mocked the senior citizen saying,
“The good news for you, you live in Denver. The Denver PD would be there within minutes. (laughing) You’d probably be dead anyway.”
Wild Thing's comment...................
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
April 02, 2013
Connecticut lawmakers agree on tough gun control bill
Connecticut lawmakers agree on tough gun control bill
Connecticut lawmakers announced a deal Monday on what they called some of the toughest gun laws in the country that were proposed after the December mass shooting in the state, including a ban on new high-capacity ammunition magazines like the ones used in the massacre that left 20 children and six educators dead.
The proposal also called for background checks for private gun sales and a new registry for existing magazines that carry 10 or more bullets, something of a compromise for parents of Newtown victims who had wanted an outright ban on them, while legislators had proposed grandfathering them into the law.
The package also creates what lawmakers said is the nation’s first statewide dangerous weapon offender registry, immediate universal background checks for all firearms sales and expansion of Connecticut’s assault weapons ban.
“How will they register a magazine? It seems a little weird,” he said.
A new state-issued eligibility certificate would also be needed to purchase any rifle, shotgun or ammunition under the legislation. To get the certificate, a buyer would need to be fingerprinted, take a firearms training course and undergo a national criminal background check and involuntary commitment or voluntary admission check.
Wild Thing's comment..............
And any new gun laws will not change one thing, bad people killing innocent people. Only gun owners that are good people will be pressured to obey any new laws....this is all beyond stupid and...........against the 2nd Amendment.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (2)
March 29, 2013
Outrage After Des Moines Register Publishes Interactive Map Identifying Schools With No Security
Outrage After Des Moines Register Publishes Interactive Map Identifying Schools With No Security
Iowa parents are outraged after the Des Moines Register published an interactive map detailing the security levels of all of the school districts within the state. The map identified which districts have security and which don’t.
After receiving complaints, the Des Moines Register took down the map and issued a statement that reads in part:
“We listed no addresses or the names of specific schools – just the districts’ names.”
The interactive feature of the map did reveal the district and the number of students.
Rick Green, the editor of the paper, has said, “I love the role that we play here in Iowa, and I care too much about the safety of school teachers and students to do anything so that people would think we were being reckless and heartless.”
Wild Thing's comment.............
Wow amazing how people even think it is ok to do such a thing.......disgusting.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM
March 20, 2013
Harry Reid Explains why Diane Feinstein’s “Assault Weapons Ban” Won’t be Included in the Democrats’ Gun Control Bill
Harry Reid Explains why Diane Feinstein’s “Assault Weapons Ban” Won’t be Included in the Democrats’ Gun Control Bill: “It has Less than 40 Votes”
Wild Thing's comment................
LOL this must have really ticked off Dianne Feinstein.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM
Dianne Feinstein Says She’s Not Done With Gun Grab: “I’m Not Going To Lay Down And Play Dead”
Feinstein Says She’s Not Done With Gun Grab: “I’m Not Going To Lay Down And Play Dead”
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) shot back late Tuesday at the notion her federal assault weapons ban bill was doomed after Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) decided against including it in a base bill of gun control measures.
“This is very important to me and I’m not gong to lay down and play dead,” she said on CNN. “I think the American people have said in every single public poll that they support this kind of legislation.”
Reid earlier Tuesday said the Senate would vote on Feinstein’s bill as an amendment to the broader gun-reform package, but that it would not be packaged with some of the less-controversial measures that deal with increasing school safety, and cracking down on straw purchasers.
Reid defended the decision to reporters, predicting Feinstein’s legislation wouldn’t pull a majority even in the Democratic-controlled Senate.
Wild Thing's comment.....................
Go away Dianne! I guess she thinks if she stops her feet and makes demands she will get her way.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM
Obama Chief Of Staff: “We’re Going To Find The Votes” To Pass Assault Weapons Ban
Obama Chief Of Staff: “We’re Going To Find The Votes” To Pass Assault Weapons Ban
White House chief of staff Denis McDonough said in an interview Tuesday that Senate Democrats’ decision to introduce a gun control bill that doesn’t include an assault weapons ban does not constitute a setback for President Obama’s gun control efforts.
In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, McDonough said the bill can still be brought up as an amendment and that there should still be a concerted effort to pass it.
“We’re going to work on this. We’re going to find the votes,” McDonough said, according to a transcript. “And it deserves a vote and let’s see if we can get it done.”
The prospects for the assault weapons ban have never been good, even in the Senate, where Democrats have the majority. In announcing that it would likely not be part of the Senate’s package earlier today, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) spoke as if the effort was over and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said the ban was very far from the level of support needed for passage.
Wild Thing's comment...............
More of the demanding, dictator regime.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM
March 19, 2013
Hitler Survivor Condemns Gun Control 'KEEP YOUR GUNS, BUY MORE GUNS
Katie Worthman was born in Austria, and lived there for seven years under Hitlers brutal regime, and after world war II, she also lived three years under Soviet communist occupation. Needless to say, but Mrs. Worthman is someone who has an acute awareness of how media distorts things and tyranny comes to power. Mrs. Worthman, not only says that the media was wrong about how Hitler came to power, but she says that "In the beginning, Hitler didn't look like, or talk like a monster at all. He talked like an American politician."
She says that the story of Hitler overthrowing governments and people in order to come to power just simply isn't true, but rather the Austrian people elected Hitler with 98% of the vote at the ballot box. Mrs. Worthman then goes on to say that the Austrian people had guns, but the government began to say that they were dangerous, so they began to implement gun registration. Then she said this was followed by turning in their weapons to the police station in order to cut down on crime, and if citizens didn't... there would be capital punishment.
Mrs. Worthman says that the dictatorship, "didn't happen over night, but it took 5 years, gradually, little by little, to escalate to a dictatorship."
She then goes on to say that, "When the people fear the government, that's tyranny, but when the government fears the people, that's liberty."
As a Nazi survivor, what is her advice to us... "Keep your guns, keep your guns and buy more guns."
Wild Thing's comment...............
Important video to share.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM | Comments (1)
March 18, 2013
Gun Shops Face Massive Ammunition Shortage
Gun Shops Face Massive Ammunition Shortage
NEW YORK (CNNMoney)- Gun enthusiasts are buying firearms with unparalleled zeal. As a result, ammunition is in short supply nationwide.
"We can't get any inventory within a 100-mile radius," said Mark Campbell, owner of Mid America Arms in St. Louis. He's having a hard time keeping ammo in stock. "It started right around the election, as soon as President Obama mentioned gun control. But right after the school shooting in [Newtown] Connecticut, that's when it went crazy."
Even the big ammunition retailers are feeling the pinch. Wal-Mart (WMT, Fortune 500) has been rationing its ammo since January, to three boxes per customer per day. And when a gun retailer like Cabela's (CAB) gets two or three shrink-wrapped pallets of 5.56 mm or .223 ammunition for AR-15 assault rifles, they're "cleaned off like locusts, within a couple of hours," according to Brian Rafn, a research director at Morgan Dempsey Capital Management in Milwaukee who follows ammo manufacturers.
Wild Thing's comment................
My Dad used to tell me that one day there might be a time when the left and a Democrat president might go after our guns. He said that many years ago when I was a little girl. He hoped it would never happen but he said there was a chance it might happen.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (2)
March 10, 2013
Sen. Feinstein: US Soldiers Should Not Be Bannd From Gun Control Laws – They May Have PSTD
Sen. Feinstein: US Soldiers Should Not Be Bannd From Gun Control Laws – They May Have PSTD
At a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting on Thursday, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California) opposed an amendment to her Assault Weapons Ban legislation that would allow military veterans to continue to buy the firearms that would be banned. Feinstein says a veteran may be mentally ill and should be prevented from purchasing firearms.
If I understand this, this adds an exemption of retired military. As I understand our bill, no issue has arose in this regard during the 10 years the expired ban was in effect and what we did in the other bill was exempt possession by the United States or a department or agency of the United States. So that included active military.
The problem with expanding this is that, you know, with the advent of PTSD, which I think is a new phenomenon as a product of the Iraq War, it’s not clear how the seller or transferrer of a firearm covered by this bill would verify that an individual was a member, or a veteran, and that there was no impairment of that individual with respect to having a weapon like this.
Wild Thing's comment.................
Sheesh, she needs to walk the plank!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
March 05, 2013
NRA will sponsor an April NASCAR race in Texas
NRA to Sponsor NASCAR Cup Race in Texas
The National Rifle Association is taking its relationship with racing to a new level as the title sponsor of a NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race.
The deal with Texas Motor Speedway comes at a time when the NRA is involved in a renewed debate on gun violence in the wake of the December shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.
“It’s not about politics. It’s about sports marketing,” TMS president Eddie Gossage said Monday after the announcement of the one-year agreement with the NRA that includes a renewal option.
The April 13 race at Texas, the first scheduled night race in the Cup Series this season, will be known as the NRA 500.
This is not the NRA’s first title sponsorship in NASCAR. The group sponsored the second-tier Nationwide race last September at Atlanta, which like Texas is owned by Speedway Motorsports Inc.
“They saw it was obviously a very attractive sports marketing opportunity and seized it. That’s what it’s all about,” Gossage said. “It’s about putting on one of the great sporting events in America. I know in Atlanta last year they saluted a lot of the people that make America free. They are going to salute American freedoms and American families with this race. That’s their plan so it seemed to be a good fit.”
Wild Thing's comment................
Great idea and it will keep the NRA in the news. Obama will hate it which is another thing to be glad about.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:45 AM | Comments (1)
March 04, 2013
Homeowner Takes Biden’s Advice, Gets Arrested
Homeowner Takes Biden’s Advice, Gets Arrested
During the past few days and weeks, VP Joe Biden has been passing out advice on how to use a shotgun--the problem is, much of what he has advised is against the law. Virginia Beach resident Trevor Snowden found this out the hard way when he fired "a shotgun through the door" and faced charges for "reckless handling of a firearm."
The 22-year old Snowden fired through a door after seeing two masked men by a window of his residence.
It was during an interview with Field & Stream that Biden said one of the pluses of using a shotgun for home defense over an AR-15 is that you can "just fire the shotgun through the door" to keep people away from your house.
The problem with this advice, as Trevor Snowden discovered, it that using a shotgun in that manner is illegal.
As Breitbart News pointed out in another place, this goes right along with Biden's suggestion that homeowners randomly fire shotguns into the air to scare off intruders--after all, that is what he tells his wife to do if she hears someone outside when he's not home. Yet firing guns into the air within city limits is illegal as well.
Wild Thing's comment.................
LOL good grief.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
February 28, 2013
Biden Has More Shotgun Advice: “Just Fire The Shotgun Through The Door”
Field & Stream Gun Rights Interviews: Joe Biden
Biden Has More Shotgun Advice: “Just Fire The Shotgun Through The Door”
Well, the way in which we measure it is—I think most scholars would say—is that as long as you have a weapon sufficient to be able to provide your self-defense,” Biden said. “I did one of these town-hall meetings on the Internet and one guy said, “Well, what happens when the end days come? What happens when there’s the earthquake? I live in California, and I have to protect myself.”
I said, “Well, you know, my shotgun will do better for you than your AR-15, because you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door.” Most people can handle a shotgun a hell of a lot better than they can a semiautomatic weapon in terms of both their aim and in terms of their ability to deter people coming. We can argue whether that’s true or not, but it is no argument that, for example, a shotgun could do the same job of protecting you. Now, granted, you can come back and say, “Well, a machine gun could do a better job of protecting me.” No one’s arguing we should make machine guns legal.
PLEASE CLICK HERE read entire article/interview.
Wild Thing's comment......................
Joe Biden school of self defense.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM
February 26, 2013
Buy a Shotgun Joe Biden Lying AR-15 ~ LOL
Wild Thing's comment...................
Practice makes perfect. I have no idea who put this video together but it is so funny.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (2)
February 23, 2013
Oregon Democrats Push Legislation to Ban Guns and Search Homes Without Warrants
Massive Gun Ban Introduced
Oregon Democrats Push Legislation to Ban Guns and Search Homes Without Warrants
Democrats in Oregon are pushing legislation that not only bans guns but allows warrantless searches of your home by government officials.
Two days after Senate Democrats claimed they would not seek a ban on modern firearms and feeding devices, Democrats in the Oregon House introduced just that.
Seven Senators joined with eight House Reps to introduce a sweeping ban on virtually all modern firearms. Among the Senators is, of course, Ginny Burdick, who claimed on Wednesday “that she is backing off an attempt to push through a bill on gun clips that she drafted following the December shootings at the Clackamas Mall.” The other sponsors are:
Remember them.
HB 3200 not only bans most modern guns and magazines, it allows warrantless searches of your home, requires background checks and registration for a firearm you already own and as-of-yet undefined storage requirements. We say “a firearm” because even if you comply with the restrictions in this bill you may still only own one.
Wild Thing's comment..............
This is all so crazy.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Disarmed Australians have a word of warning for America
This is whats coming to the US if we don't STOP THE GUN GRABBING LIBERALS!
From December 2012
Disarmed Australians have a word of warning for America
Wild Thing's comment..............
This is all very concerning.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
February 21, 2013
List Growing of Gun Makers Stop Selling To Law Enforcement In Anti-Gun States
In less than two weeks, at least 18 companies have made the decision to stop selling to law enforcement in states that limit a private citizen’s right to own a gun.
Olympic Arms, Inc
La Rue Tactical
EFI, LLC – Extreme Firepower
York Arms
Templar Custom
Cheaper Than Dirt
Bullwater Enterprises
Westfork Armory
Smith Enterprise
Alex Arms
Spike’s Tactical
Quality Arms
Liberty Suppressors
Doublestar Corp
American Spirit Arms
Trident Armory
Head Down Products
J&G Sales
I recommend clicking this link to go to The Blaze and see the entire write up, it is has lots of information. - Chrissie
Wild Thing's comment.....................
More of how bad Obama is for our country.. It just keeps coming each day how toxic he is!!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (2)
New NRA Ad BLASTS Clinton, Obama and Fellow DC Elites For Marginalizing Law-Abiding Americans
New NRA Ad BLASTS Clinton, Obama and Fellow DC Elites For Marginalizing Law-Abiding Americans
The arrogance of their superiority requires this reminder, “We must never forget that they work for us. They don’t make us free. We’re free already.”
Wild Thing's comment...................
Excellent ad from the NRA!
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM
February 19, 2013
Democratic Colorado State Senator Jessie Ulaberri says there are alternatives to guns for self defense, like ballpoint pens
Democratic Colorado State Senator Jessie Ulaberri tells the Colorado Senate Judiciary Committee there are alternatives to guns for self defense, like ballpoint pens.
..."this time saying essentially we are better off if citizens don’t bear arms to protect themselves and others – just wait for a gunman to reload and then attack him with – a ballpoint pen!"
Wild Thing's comment................
LOL oh really???? Someone has taken this man's brain! If he thinks something so stupid then how about giving the Secret Service ballpoint pens to protect Obama. There you go...all fixed.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (5)
Colorado Dem On Why Women Don’t Need Guns: You May “Feel Like You’re Going To Be Raped, When You May Actually Not Be”
Colorado Dem On Why Women Don’t Need Guns: You May “Feel Like You’re Going To Be Raped, When You May Actually Not Be”
“There are some gender inequities on college campuses… that’’s why we have call boxes, that’s why we have safe zones, that’s why we have the whistles. Because you just don’t know who you’re gonna be shooting at. And you don’t know if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone’s been following you around or if you feel like you’re in trouble when you may actually not be, then you pop out that gun and you pop, pop around at somebody.”
Late into the gun debate Friday, February 15th, Representative Joe Salazar talked about concerns that women could have about self defense on college campuses.
Salazar said: "That's why we have call boxes, that's why we have safe zones, that's why we have the whistles."
.....then "You don't know if you feel like you're gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone's been following you around, or you feel like you're in trouble, and when you may actually not be . . ."
Wild Thing's comment..................
I am so glad I do not live in Colorado and I have always wanted to, but not anymore.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (3)
February 18, 2013
Seattle Senate Bill Includes “Home Inspection” As Part Of Gun Control Measure - Goodbye America!
Seattle Senate Bill Includes “Home Inspection” As Part Of Gun Control Measure
Forget police drones flying over your house. How about police coming inside, once a year, to have a look around?
As Orwellian as that sounds, it isn’t hypothetical. The notion of police home inspections was introduced in a bill last week in Olympia.
That it’s part of one of the major gun-control efforts pains me. It seemed in recent weeks lawmakers might be headed toward some common-sense regulation of gun sales. But then last week they went too far. By mistake, they claim. But still too far.
“They always say, we’ll never go house to house to take your guns away. But then you see this, and you have to wonder.”
That’s no gun-rights absolutist talking, but Lance Palmer, a Seattle trial lawyer and self-described liberal who brought the troubling Senate Bill 5737 to my attention. It’s the long-awaited assault-weapons ban, introduced last week by three Seattle Democrats.
Responding to the Newtown school massacre, the bill would ban the sale of semi-automatic weapons that use detachable ammunition magazines. Clips that contain more than 10 rounds would be illegal.
But then, with respect to the thousands of weapons like that already owned by Washington residents, the bill says this:
“In order to continue to possess an assault weapon that was legally possessed on the effective date of this section, the person possessing shall … safely and securely store the assault weapon. The sheriff of the county may, no more than once per year, conduct an inspection to ensure compliance with this subsection.”
In other words, come into homes without a warrant to poke around. Failure to comply could get you up to a year in jail.
Wild Thing's comment................
Socialized medicine = Obamacare............against what America has stood for
Now we see this crap happening about guns (gun control) and our freedoms being attacked.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
Gun Shops Running Low On Ammunition
Gun Shops Running Low On Ammunition
Gun shops are running low on ammunition from a run by customers fearful of potential gun-control legislation, according to gun retailers and customers.
Prices have more than doubled over past year in some shops, retailers are putting limits on the amount a customer can buy, and some common types of ammunition, such as .22-caliber long rifle shells, are hard to get.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation, which represents ammunition makers, retailers, hunters and sport shooters, attributes what it calls “spot shortages” around the country to rising popularity of sport-shooting and hunting, and to people who are “keeping firearms for personal and home defense.”
Please click here for the complete article and video..............
Wild Thing's comment...............
It is very telling that all the gun and ammo sales have happened because of Obama being president. It speaks volumes how bad he is for our country and how concerned we the people are about his agenda.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (3)
February 17, 2013
Colorado government may force gun company out of the state
Colorado government may force gun company out of the state
The Democratic-controlled Colorado House of Representatives gave early approval to a bill limiting ammunition magazines to 15 rounds on a voice vote Friday, despite threats by at least two companies to close shop and move to a more gun-friendly state.
One of those companies, Magpul, makes 30-round magazines for sale to military customers, as well as other equipment for assault rifles. Alfred Manufacturing, a third-generation Colorado company, also said it would relocate if the bill becomes law.
The bill specifically exempts magazine manufacturers and their employees from prosecution, but Magpul Chief Operating Officer Doug Smith has said the company will move out of Colorado on general principle. Magpul employs about 600 people.
The state House of Representatives will officially vote on this and other gun control bills on Monday. Vice President Joe Biden, who is vacationing in Colorado this weekend, called Democratic lawmakers and encouraged them to stick to their guns, according to FOX31 Denver.
During hours-long debate Friday, some in the Republican minority thought that the threat of losing jobs might make some Democrats think twice about passing a bill that even some of its supporters admitted wasn’t perfect and may not curtail gun violence.
“The issue here is not the size of the magazine,” said Republican Rep. Jim Wilson. “This issue is the Democrats trying to pass something in the heat of battle.”
Although bill sponsor Democratic Rep. Rhonda Fields spoke passionately about how the ban would save lives — “I firmly believe that high capacity magazine clips have no purpose except in a theater of warfare,” she said — other Democrats conceded that the measure bordered on symbolic.
Democratic Rep. Lois Court said that one purpose of passing laws was to make a statement about “what kind of society we believe ourselves to be.”
She said that the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School was the last straw for people looking for stricter gun control laws and she compared it to the 1963 Birmingham church bombing that killed four young girls, a tipping point in the civil rights debate.
“[Sandy Hook] was one of those galvanizing historical moments,” she said. “That’s what this is about.”
Democratic Rep. Sue Schafer made similar comments in urging a yes vote on the bill, but used the 2012 theater shootings in Aurora as her point of reference, calling it a “wake-up call.”
The bill, she said, is “not perfect, but it’s something a little bit better than what we have now.”
Democratic Rep. Claire Levy called the bill a “constructive first step,” and urged its passage even while conceding that it wouldn’t end gun violence.
“High-capacity magazines have the potential to cause a massive amount of death in a very short period of time,” she said. “We need to do something, and this is the right thing to do.”
Not all Democrats voted for the bill. Rep. Edward Vigil, a Democrat who represents a rural district in southern Colorado, said he didn’t relish breaking from his party on this issue, but that he is a longtime supporter of Second Amendment issues.
“It’s difficult not to go home with those you dance with, if you know what I mean,” he said. “But some of us in rural Colorado that have constituents with rural values and who believe that (such a ban is) a slippery slope, have to be cognizant of that.”
Republicans pulled out all the stops in arguing against the ban, citing everything from mental illness to a “pill-popping society” for causing horrific violence, and calling it an unenforceable feel-good proposal that limits law-abiding citizens’ ability to defend themselves while doing nothing to curb gun violence. One lawmaker even amended the age-old argument that “guns don’t kill people” by noting that magazines themselves have never killed anyone.
Continue reading click here............
Wild Thing's comment...............
It is such a totally weak argument to say that guns kill people, as though the gun walks out the door and looks for people to shoot. The left sure hates to blame the bad guy for the murders we have seen happen. They will go to any lengths to try and force their control agenda on Americans.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (3)
February 05, 2013
Ann Coulter To Obama on Gun Control: “Screw You, You Think We Don’t Care About The Children?”
Ann Coulter To Obama on Gun Control: “Screw You, You Think We Don’t Care About The Children?”
Ann Coulter on Hannity:
“It’s not just that they are talking about..They must demonize legal gun owners. And Obama, ‘oh, look at him, he cares about the children. Screw you! You think we don’t care about the children? You’re the one who won’t do anything about the mentally ill!’
Wild Thing's comment...............
Good for Ann, I wish Obama cared about what we have to say about our guns.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (2)
February 04, 2013
Status of Gun Industry
Status of Gun Industry
by Doug Ross
Attention F.B. fans: to follow will be several IMPORTANT Info updates about the status of the gun industry currently, followed by an INVENTORY UPDATE: We traveled to Texas for Industry meetings concerning the shortages, here's what we were told.
Smith & Wesson-is running at Full capacity making 300+ guns/day-mainly M&P pistols. They are unable to produce any more guns to help with the shortages.
RUGER: Plans to increase from 75% to 100% in the next 90 days.
FNH: Moving from 50% production to 75% by Feb 1st and 100% by March 1. Remington-Maxed out!
Armalite: Maxed out.
DPMS: Can't get enough parts to produce any more product.
COLT: Production runs increasing weekly...bottle necked by Bolt carrier's.
LWRC:Making only black guns, running at full capacity...can't get enough gun quality steel to make barrels.
Springfield Armory: Only company who can meet demand but are running 30-45 days behind.
AMMO: Every caliber is now Allocated! We are looking at a nation wide shortage of all calibers over the next 9 months. All plants are producing as much ammo as possible w/ of 1 BILLION rounds produced weekly. Most is military followed by L.E. and civilians are third in line.
MAGPUL is behind 1 MILLION mags, do not expect any large quantities of magpul anytime soon.
RELOADERS... ALL Remington, Winchester, CCI & Federal primers are going to ammo FIRST. There are no extra's for reloading purposes... it could be 6-9 months before things get caught up. Sorry for the bleak news, but now we know what to expect in the coming months. Stay tuned, we'll keep you posted...
They didn’t know when they’d be getting anything back in stock, from magazines to rifles to pistols. Manufacturers were running full-bore, but couldn’t come close to keeping up with market demand. It wasn’t just the AR-15s, the AK-pattern rifles, the M1As, and the FALs that were sold out. It really hit me when I realized that the World War-era M1 Garands, M1 carbines, and Enfield .303s were gone, along with every last shell. Ubiquitous Mosin-Nagants—of which every gun store always seems to have 10-20—were gone. So was their ammo. Only a dust free space marked their passing. I’ve never seen anything like it.
Every weapon of military utility designed within the past 100+ years was gone. This isn’t a society stocking up on certain guns because they fear they may be banned. This is a society preparing for war.
Barack Obama, Dianne Feinstein and the rest of the Statists have done more to promote gun ownership than the NRA ever did. Well done, Democrats!
Wild Thing's comment...................
IMO the gun industry to do well is good news, I am all for capitalism. This wanting to ban guns any gun is the height of stupidity. The left hates the gun more then the person that committed the murders at these schools etc.
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
1st Aviation Brigade, US Army
RVN, Sep66-Mar68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
January 28, 2013
Two Young Ladies Explain Why They Need An AR-15
Two Young Ladies Explain Why They Need An AR-15
CNN's Piers Morgan has been arrogantly claiming - on seemingly a nightly basis - that no one needs an AR-15.
On his show Thursday, Morgan got a much-needed education on the subject from 22-year-old Celia Bigelow who explained, "I want a gun that can hold a lot of ammo because if I'm faced with an intruder or multiple intruders that come into my home, I want to make sure I have enough ammo to get the job done, especially if they're armed"
Wild Thing's comment.................
I think the girls did a good job.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
January 26, 2013
Assault Weapons Ban Lacks Democratic Votes Needed to Pass Senate
Assault Weapons Ban Lacks Democratic Votes Needed to Pass Senate
A proposed ban on sales of assault weapons would be defeated in the U.S. Senate today unless some members changed their current views, based on a Bloomberg review of recent lawmaker statements and interviews.
At least six of the 55 senators who caucus with Democrats have recently expressed skepticism or outright opposition to a ban, the review found. That means Democrats wouldn’t have a simple 51-vote majority to pass the measure, let alone the 60 votes needed to break a Republican filibuster to bring it to a floor vote.
A ban on the military-style weapons is among the legislative goals President Barack Obama outlined in his recommendations to Congress on curbing gun violence. Yesterday, Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein of California introduced legislation to outlaw such sales during a news conference where survivors of past shootings, some of them with bullets still lodged in their bodies, urged its passage
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told a Nevada television station Friday that the Senate is unlikely to pass an assault weapons ban or a radical revamp of filibuster rules.
But the Democratic leader was optimistic about changes to immigration laws, noting that it will be the chamber’s top priority this year.
In the interview that aired on Vegas PBS this weekend, Reid, a gun rights supporter, struck a pragmatic tone on gun control measures.
“Let’s be realistic. In the Senate, we’re going to do what we think can get through the House. And I’m not going to be going through a bunch of these gyrations just to say we’ve done something because if we’re really legislators, the purpose of it is to pass legislation,” Reid said.
He said he wants to see what President Barack Obama wants to do by administrative means. Reid also expressed reservations about legislation to outlaw assault weapons, a measure that he has long opposed.
“Is it something that can pass the Senate? Maybe. Is it something that can pass the House? I doubt it,” Reid said. “So I think there are things that we know we can do.”
Wild Thing's comment.....................
Good news!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (1)
January 25, 2013
Guns that would be banned under Feinstein plan
Guns that would be banned under Feinstein plan
Below are the types of firearms that would be prohibited under the bill introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., according to her website. For more on this story, follow our coverage here.
Rifles:All AK types, including the following: AK, AK47, AK47S, AK–74, AKM, AKS, ARM, MAK90, MISR, NHM90, NHM91, Rock River Arms LAR–47, SA85, SA93, Vector Arms AK–47, VEPR, WASR–10, and WUM, IZHMASH Saiga AK, MAADI AK47 and ARM, Norinco 56S, 56S2, 84S, and 86S, Poly Technologies AK47 and AKS; All AR types, including the following: AR–10, AR–15, Armalite M15 22LR Carbine, Armalite M15–T, Barrett REC7, Beretta AR–70, Bushmaster ACR, Bushmaster Carbon 15, Bushmaster MOE series, Bushmaster XM15, Colt Match Target Rifles, DoubleStar AR rifles, DPMS Tactical Rifles, Heckler & Koch MR556, Olympic Arms, Remington R–15 rifles, Rock River Arms LAR–15, Sig Sauer SIG516 rifles, Smith & Wesson M&P15 Rifles, Stag Arms AR rifles, Sturm, Ruger & Co. SR556 rifles; Barrett M107A1; Barrett M82A1; Beretta CX4 Storm; Calico Liberty Series; CETME Sporter; Daewoo K–1, K–2, Max 1, Max 2, AR 100, and AR 110C; Fabrique Nationale/FN Herstal FAL, LAR, 22 FNC, 308 Match, L1A1 Sporter, PS90, SCAR, and FS2000; Feather Industries AT–9; Galil Model AR and Model ARM; Hi-Point Carbine; HK–91, HK–93, HK–94, HK–PSG–1 and HK USC; Kel-Tec Sub–2000, SU–16, and RFB; SIG AMT, SIG PE–57, Sig Sauer SG 550, and Sig Sauer SG 551; Springfield Armory SAR–48; Steyr AUG; Sturm, Ruger Mini-14 Tactical Rife M–14/20CF; All Thompson rifles, including the following: Thompson M1SB, Thompson T1100D, Thompson T150D, Thompson T1B, Thompson T1B100D, Thompson T1B50D, Thompson T1BSB, Thompson T1–C, Thompson T1D, Thompson T1SB, Thompson T5, Thompson T5100D, Thompson TM1, Thompson TM1C; UMAREX UZI Rifle; UZI Mini Carbine, UZI Model A Carbine, and UZI Model B Carbine; Valmet M62S, M71S, and M78; Vector Arms UZI Type; Weaver Arms Nighthawk; Wilkinson Arms Linda Carbine.
Pistols:All AK–47 types, including the following: Centurion 39 AK pistol, Draco AK–47 pistol, HCR AK–47 pistol, IO Inc. Hellpup AK–47 pistol, Krinkov pistol, Mini Draco AK–47 pistol, Yugo Krebs Krink pistol; All AR–15 types, including the following: American Spirit AR–15 pistol, Bushmaster Carbon 15 pistol, DoubleStar Corporation AR pistol, DPMS AR–15 pistol, Olympic Arms AR–15 pistol, Rock River Arms LAR 15 pistol; Calico Liberty pistols; DSA SA58 PKP FAL pistol; Encom MP–9 and MP–45; Heckler & Koch model SP-89 pistol; Intratec AB–10, TEC–22 Scorpion, TEC–9, and TEC–DC9; Kel-Tec PLR 16 pistol; The following MAC types: MAC–10, MAC–11; Masterpiece Arms MPA A930 Mini Pistol, MPA460 Pistol, MPA Tactical Pistol, and MPA Mini Tactical Pistol; Military Armament Corp. Ingram M–11, Velocity Arms VMAC; Sig Sauer P556 pistol; Sites Spectre; All Thompson types, including the following: Thompson TA510D, Thompson TA5; All UZI types, including: Micro-UZI.
Shotguns: Franchi LAW–12 and SPAS 12; All IZHMASH Saiga 12 types, including the following: IZHMASH Saiga 12, IZHMASH Saiga 12S, IZHMASH Saiga 12S EXP–01, IZHMASH Saiga 12K, IZHMASH Saiga 12K–030, IZHMASH Saiga 12K–040 Taktika; Streetsweeper; Striker 12.
Belt-fed semiautomatic firearms:All belt-fed semiautomatic firearms including TNW M2HB.
Wild Thing's comment.............
WOW this is some list!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Sen. Diane Feinstein Rolls out “Assault” Weapons Ban; Would ban 158 Firearms
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Here is video of Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein officially putting forward their attack on the Second Amendment rights of every American. Their so-called “Assault Weapons Ban” would ban 158 firearms, but would clearly affect law-abiding citizens rather than preventing what it claims to prevent. The previous “Assault Weapons Ban” did not prevent the Columbine mass shooting, nor many other mass shootings. Feinstein and her ilk are seizing on the terrible Newtown tragedy to push their long-standing anti-gun agenda.
This bill is going nowhere. Even Joe Biden is already throwing it under the bus:
NBC NEWS: “Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday downplayed the importance of passing an assault weapons ban, even as Senate Democrats began a formal push to revive restrictions on those firearms.
“I’m much less concerned quite frankly about what you call an assault weapon than I am about magazines and the number of rounds that can be held in a magazine,” said Biden.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Who knows what we will end up with when they get done messing with the 2nd Amendment. This is all so wrong.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
Kudlow: Feinstein’s Gun Ban Bill “An Off-The-Chart, Over-The-Edge Outrageous Violation of the 2nd Amendment”
Kudlow: Feinstein’s Gun Ban Bill “An Off-The-Chart, Over-The-Edge Outrageous Violation of the 2nd Amendment”
Congressional Democrats are reintroducing legislation to ban assault weapons but the measure faces long odds even after last month’s mass school shooting in Newtown, Conn.
The measure unveiled Thursday is authored by Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who wrote the original assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 when Congress refused to renew it under pressure from the National Rifle Association.
Kudlow on CNBC hammers Feinstein for her proposal. Larry’s guest says it would be very difficult for the legislation to pass because Harry Reid has signaled that he will not bring up for a vote in the senate anything that has not passed the House.
Kudlow calls this a complete disregard for the 2nd Amendment.
Wild Thing's comment...................
Kudlow calls this a complete disregard for the 2nd sure as heck is!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
January 24, 2013
School District Buys 14 AR-15 Assault Rifles To Keep On Campuses For Student Protection
School District Buys 14 AR-15 Assault Rifles To Keep On Campuses For Student Protection
The Fontana Unified School District Police Department purchased 14 AR-15 assault weapons to protect students in response to recent shootings across the country, but some school leaders and citizens think it’s a step in the wrong direction.
FUSD Superintendent Cali Olsen-Binks approved the acquisition of the rifles, which are being stored on campuses in locked safes for responding police officers in the event of an attack.
Fontana Police Chief Rodney Jones and Mayor Acquanetta Warren supported Olsen-Binks’ decision.
“It’s unfortunate that we have to have that, but it’s the best message we can send to anybody that thinks to harm our children,” said Jones. “The message we’re sending is…not here, not now, we’re prepared for you. And if you seek to harm our children, we will neutralize that threat and you will most likely be killed.”
Warren said, “Everyone wants children safe. At this time, we as a community, we have to come together and find other ways. But in the interim, our police officers need to be equipped.”
Wild Thing's comment..............
The left will not like this and so what if they don't.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
January 20, 2013
Democrat’s Proposal Will Force Gun Owners to Store Assault Weapons At Government Approved Storage Depots
Democrat’s Proposal Will Force Gun Owners to Store Assault Weapons At Government Approved Storage Depots
Massachusetts State Representative David Linsky has filed a new bill that would force gun owners to undergo mental health background checks, pay an additional 25% tax on all forms of ammunition, and require firearms categorized as “assault weapons” to be stored outside of their homes at government approved sites.
Natick Patch reported, via Black Listed News:
“This bill is a comprehensive effort to reduce all types of gun violence – murders, intentional shootings, accidental shootings and suicides. There is not one solution to reducing gun violence – we can’t eliminate it – but there are a lot of common-sense steps that we can take to significantly reduce the everyday tragedy of gun violence and deaths,” said Linsky…
…“I have spoken with hundreds of people over the past few weeks in developing this legislation – victims, police officers, criminologists, physicians, and yes – gun owners and sportsmen,” stated Linsky. “There are a lot of good ideas out there. We should all have one goal – reducing gun violence and trying to keep more tragedies from happening.”
Provisions in the bill include:
Having one standard of the issuance of all gun licenses, giving local police chiefs the ability to evaluate all aspects of an application for a gun license.
Requires proof of liability insurance for possession of a firearm, rifle or shotgun.
Requires that all large capacity weapons and grandfathered assault weapons must be stored at gun clubs or target ranges.
Requires live shooting as part of the curriculum for a basic firearms safety course; this is not a current requirement.
Requires all applicants for gun licenses and FID cards to sign a waiver of mental health records for review to be destroyed after decision.
Imposes 25% sales tax on ammunition, firearms, shotguns, and rifles; dedicates funds towards firearms licensing, police training, mental health services, and victim’s services.
Brings Massachusetts into compliance with the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).
Limits gun buyers to one firearm purchase per month.
Wild Thing's comment................
What sick people on the left.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
Bill Clinton Warns that “Many Democratic Lawmakers will be Defeated if they Choose to Stand” with Obama for Gun Control
At a gathering of top Democratic donors, former President Bill Clinton issued a warning today that President Obama’s Gun Control push could very well cost some Democrats in Congress their jobs in 2014 – if they choose to vote with Obama:
Bill Clinton warned a group of top Democratic donors at a private Saturday meeting not to underestimate the passions that gun control stirs among many Americans.
“Do not patronize the passionate supporters of your opponents by looking down your nose at them,” Clinton said.
“A lot of these people live in a world very different from the world lived in by the people proposing these things,” Clinton said. “I know because I come from this world. . . .
And Clinton said that passing the 1994 federal assault weapons ban “devastated” more than a dozen Democratic lawmakers in the 1994 midterms — and cost then-Speaker of the House Tom Foley (D-Wash.) his job and his seat in Congress. . . .
Clinton closed his remarks with a warning to big Democratic donors that ultimately many Democratic lawmakers will be defeated if they choose to stand with the president. “Do not be self-congratulatory about how brave you for being for this” gun control push, he said. “The only brave people are the people who are going to lose their jobs if they vote with you.”
Wild Thing's comment..................
Obama could care less what effect his agenda has on other politicians in his party.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (1)
January 19, 2013
Champion Shooter Demonstrates The Difference Between 5 Semi-Automatic Firearms (Video)
Champion Shooter Demonstrates The Difference Between 5 Semi-Automatic Firearms
AR-15, Browning 30.06, Berretta 12 Gauge, Browning 9MM, Colt 1911 .45 cal.
Cool video. BTW, the AR-15 makes a smaller hole than 3 of the other guns.
Here’s Champion shooter Jesse Duff on tonight’s Hannity. She really knows her stuff when it comes to firearms
Wild Thing's comment...............
Excellent video.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
Libtalkers Attack Rush: ‘Some People Deserve To Be Shot In The Face’
Libtalkers Attack Rush: ‘Some People Deserve To Be Shot In The Face’
KARL FRISCH (17 Jan 2013): When people like Rush Limbaugh show absolutely no compassion for the lives that were lost it only inflames the crazy conspiracy people that think this never happened.
STEPHANIE MILLER: Yeah he didn’t like the tone was not quite you know ah I guess jovial enough at a news conference about children getting shot.
JIM WARD: I guess it’d be wrong for me to say that some people deserve to be shot in the face. So I won’t say that.
STEPHANIE MILLER: Don’t say that. For Gods sakes.
CHRIS LAVOIE: Don’t say that.
STEPHANIE MILLER (15:12) Oh dear that went Directly to NewsBusters. Okay I apologize for everything Jim Ward just said.
JIM WARD: Everything, really?
STEPHANIE MILLER: No, not that one part.
Wild Thing's comment................
They better not hurt Rush or they will know the wrath of conservatives. I am sick of this threatening crap from the left and so are thousands of other people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Total Idiot Actor Danny Glover: Second Amendment was Created to Prevent Slave Revolts and Indian Uprisings (Video)
Danny Glover: Second Amendment was Created to Prevent Slave Revolts and Indian Uprisings
Danny Glover told Texas A&M students Thursday that the Second Amendment was created to prevent slave revolts and Indian uprisings.
The Constitution’s Second Amendment was created to bolster slavery and capture land from Native Americans, award winning actor Danny Glover told a group of students at a Texas A&M sponsored event on Thursday.
“I don’t know if you know the genesis of the right to bear arms,” he said. “The Second Amendment comes from the right to protect themselves from slave revolts, and from uprisings by Native Americans.”
“A revolt from people who were stolen from their land or revolt from people whose land was stolen from, that’s what the genesis of the second amendment is,” he continued.
Glover, best known for roles in the “Lethal Weapon” franchise and “Angels in the Outfield,” was addressing students at an event being held in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Director of Texas A&M’s Memorial Student Center, Luke Altendorf, told Campus Reform on Friday that the university was unaware of Glover’ talking points prior to his speech.
Wild Thing's comment.................
He is not only stupid but a racist as well. He is one of the people that has praised Castor.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (1)
January 18, 2013
Chicago Alderman Wants GPS Tracking Devices On All Guns
Chicago Alderman Wants GPS Tracking Devices On All Guns…
A South Side alderman is asking for City Council hearings on an unorthodox gun control measure that would allow for GPS tracking of firearms.
WBBM Newsradio Political Editor Craig Dellimore reports Ald. Willie Cochran (20th), a former police officer, has suggested that global positioning system chips be embedded in new guns, and retrofitted on existing firearms, so they could be located if they go missing.
“Just like if your car gets stolen, OnStar can tell you where your car is. If your gun gets stolen, and you report it, we should be able to find that gun,” he said.
Cochran has introduced a resolution asking the Committee on Public Safety to hold hearings to receive testimony on the matter. A Massachusetts state senator from Boston has been pushing a similar measure in that state.
Cochran acknowledged it might be expensive to install GPS chips on current and future firearms, but not as expensive as the cost of gun violence to society.
“Let’s measure what it costs in hospital costs, lost wages, deaths,” he said.
Wild Thing's comment......................
LOL stupid or what hahahaha These people have lost their ever loving minds.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Joe Biden: Gun Control “Is About Civility In Society” - What a liar!
Biden: Gun Control “Is About Civility In Society”
Joe Biden explained President Barack Obama’s gun control measures by saying that “It is about civility in society,” according to the Huffington Post. ”This is about the coarsening of our culture.”
Biden, who delivered remarks to a group of American mayors, joked, ”As one hunter told me, if you got 12 rounds, it means you already missed the deer 11 times. … You should pack the sucker in. You don’t deserve a gun, period, if you’re that bad.”
Biden said he’s ready to fight for the gun control measures. ”We, you, the citizens can change the nation,” he said, according to Huffington Post. “I’ve been in this fight a long time. I have no illusions about the fight that’s in front of us … But I know full well the obstacles up against us are not impenetrable.”
Wild Thing's comment...................
I am so sick of these people and their lies and BS.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (2)
January 17, 2013
Obama Gun Plan to Cost $500 Million
Obama Gun Plan to Cost $500 Million
Braced for a fight, President Barack Obama on Wednesday unveiled the most sweeping proposals for curbing gun violence in two decades, pressing a reluctant Congress to pass universal background checks and bans on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines like the ones used in the Newtown, Conn., school shooting.
A month after that horrific massacre, Obama also used his presidential powers to enact 23 measures that don't require the backing of lawmakers. The president's executive actions include ordering federal agencies to make more data available for background checks, appointing a director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and directing the Centers for Disease Control to research gun violence.
But the president, speaking at White House ceremony, focused his attention on the divided Congress, saying only lawmakers could enact the most effective measures for preventing more mass shootings.
"To make a real and lasting difference, Congress must act," Obama said. "And Congress must act soon."
The president vowed to use "whatever weight this office holds" to press lawmakers into action on his $500 million plan. He is also calling for improvements in school safety, including putting 1,000 police officers in schools and bolstering mental health care by training more health professionals to deal with young people who may be at risk.
Even supportive lawmakers say the president's gun control proposals — most of which are opposed by the powerful National Rifle Association — face long odds on Capitol Hill.
House Speaker John Boehner's office was non-committal to the president's package of proposed legislation, but signaled no urgency to act. "House committees of jurisdiction will review these recommendations," Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said. "And if the Senate passes a bill, we will also take a look at that."
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy said ahead of Obama's presentation that he didn't know whether an assault weapons ban could pass the Senate, but said there are some measures that can, such as improved background checks.
"There are some who say nothing will pass. I disagree with that," Leahy, D-Vt., told students at Georgetown University Law Center. "What I'm interested in is what we can get."
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., called Obama's package "thoughtful recommendations" and said the Senate would consider legislation addressing gun violence early this year.
"The tragedy at Sandy Hook was just the latest sad reminder that we are not doing enough to protect our citizens - especially our children - from gun violence and a culture of violence, and all options should be on the table moving forward," he said.
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus dismissed Obama's measures as "an executive power grab."
"He paid lip service to our fundamental constitutional rights," Priebus said of the president, "but took actions that disregard the Second Amendment and the legislative process."
Acknowledging the tough fight ahead, Obama said there will be pundits, politicians and special interest groups that will seek to "gin up fear" that the White House wants to take away the right to own a gun.
"Behind the scenes, they'll do everything they can to block any commonsense reform and make sure nothing changes whatsoever," he said. "The only way we will be able to change is if their audience, their constituents, their membership says this time must be different, that this time we must do something to protect our communities and our kids."
The president was flanked by children who wrote him letters about gun violence in the weeks following the Newtown shooting. Families of those killed in the massacre, as well as survivors of the shooting, were also in the audience, along with law enforcement officers and congressional lawmakers.
"This is our first task as a society, keeping our children safe," Obama said. "This is how we will be judged."
Seeking to expand the impetus for addressing gun violence beyond the Newtown shooting, the president said more than 900 Americans have been killed by guns in the month since the elementary school massacre.
"Every day we wait, the number will keep growing," he said.
The White House has signaled that Obama could launch a campaign to boost public support for his proposals. Nearly six in 10 Americans want stricter gun laws in the aftermath of the Newtown shooting, with majorities favoring a nationwide ban on military-style, rapid-fire weapons and limits on gun violence depicted in video games, movies and TV shows, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll.
A lopsided 84 percent of adults would like to see the establishment of a federal standard for background checks for people buying guns at gun shows, the poll showed.
The president based his proposals on recommendations from an administration-wide task force led by Vice President Joe Biden. His plan marks the most comprehensive effort to address gun violence since Congress passed the 1994 ban on high-grade, military-style assault weapons. The ban expired in 2004, and Obama wants lawmakers to renew and expand it.
Other measures Obama wants Congress to take up include limiting high-capacity ammunition magazines and requiring background checks for all gun buyers in an attempt to close the so-called "gun-show loophole" that allows people to buy guns at trade shows and over the Internet without submitting to background checks.
Obama also intends to seek confirmation for B. Todd Jones, who has served as acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives since 2011.
The president's plan does little to address violent images in video games, movies and entertainment, beyond asking the CDC to study their impact on gun crimes. Some pro-gun lawmakers who are open to addressing stricter arms legislation have insisted they would do so only in tandem with recommendations for addressing violence in entertainment.
The president's long list of executive orders also include:
— Ordering tougher penalties for people who lie on background checks and requiring federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system.
— Ending limits that make it more difficult for the government to research gun violence, such as gathering data on guns that fall into criminal hands.
— Requiring federal law enforcement to trace guns recovered in criminal investigations.
— Giving schools flexibility to use federal grant money to improve school safety, such as by hiring school resource officers.
— Giving communities grants to institute programs to keep guns away from people who shouldn't have them.
Wild Thing's comment...................
Spending and more spending and more borrowing to keep us in debt.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
The 23 Executive Actions Obama Just Signed Regarding Guns
The 23 Executive Actions Obama Just Signed Regarding Guns
1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system.
2. Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system.
3. Improve incentives for states to share information with the background check system.
4. Direct the Attorney General to review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks.
5. Propose rulemaking to give law enforcement the ability to run a full background check on an individual before returning a seized gun.
6. Publish a letter from ATF to federally licensed gun dealers providing guidance on how to run background checks for private sellers.
7. Launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign.
8. Review safety standards for gun locks and gun safes (Consumer Product Safety Commission).
9. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal law enforcement to trace guns recovered in criminal investigations.
10. Release a DOJ report analyzing information on lost and stolen guns and make it widely available to law enforcement.
11. Nominate an ATF director.
12. Provide law enforcement, first responders, and school officials with proper training for active shooter situations.
13. Maximize enforcement efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime.
14. Issue a Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence.
15. Direct the Attorney General to issue a report on the availability and most effective use of new gun safety technologies and challenge the private sector to develop innovative technologies
16. Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes.
17. Release a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits them from reporting threats of violence to law enforcement authorities.
18. Provide incentives for schools to hire school resource officers.
19. Develop model emergency response plans for schools, houses of worship and institutions of higher education.
20. Release a letter to state health officials clarifying the scope of mental health services that Medicaid plans must cover.
21. Finalize regulations clarifying essential health benefits and parity requirements within ACA exchanges.
22. Commit to finalizing mental health parity regulations.
23. Launch a national dialogue led by Secretaries Sebelius and Duncan on mental health.
Additionally, Obama proposed limits on high-capacity magazines and an assault weapons ban among measure he’d like Congress to pass.
Wild Thing's comment................
So, if the government can produce a gun law bill so quickly........why can’t they do the same with a budget?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (3)
Marco Rubio: “President Doesn’t Have the Guts To Admit He Doesn’t Believe in 2nd Amendment”
Marco Rubio: “President Doesn’t Have the Guts To Admit He Doesn’t Believe in 2nd Amendment”
Sen. Marco Rubio was not impressed with Barack Obama’s 23 gun control actions. He had this to say on The Factor tonight.
“I actually believe the president doesn’t have the guts to admit he doesn’t believe in the Second Amendment although he states that he is. The Second Amendment is in the Constitution. I didn’t write the Constitution, neither did you, neither did he. If he doesn’t want the Second Amendment to be in the Constitution or if he wants to reform the Second Amendment then have the guts to admit that.”
Wild Thing's comment....................
Obama hates the 2nd Amendment and the Constitution.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
Manly DHS Janet Napolitano to 'EXPAND and Formalize Coordination' on Gun Control Efforts
DHS to 'Expand and Formalize Coordination' on Gun Control Efforts
Janet Napolitano, head of the Department of Homeland Security, released a statement Wednesday saying she is "proud to support" the Obama administration's efforts to "combat gun violence in our country." Here's more from Napolitano's statement:
In the aftermath of the tragic Newtown shooting, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), together with the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the FBI have worked to identify measures that could be taken to reduce the risk of mass casualty shootings. In the coming days, DHS will expand and formalize coordination of ongoing efforts intended to prevent future mass casualty shootings, improve preparedness, and to strengthen security and resilience in schools and other potential targets. DHS will work with partners at all levels of government, to address five critical areas intended to reduce the risk of mass casualty shootings in the United States: Prevention, Protection, Response, Education, and Research/Evaluation. DHS will also work with law enforcement to refresh, expand and prioritize the implementation of nationwide public awareness efforts such as the “If You See Something, Say Something™” campaign. This is a critical issue that requires immediate attention and I look forward to supporting the President and this Administration as we move ahead.
Wild Thing's comment...................
The left love their power, they feed on it, breath from it, even if they use it against we the people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (1)
January 16, 2013
Headlines from Drudge showing Guns Very Polular
Vegas: 60,000 Expected To Attend Gun Show...
The National Shooting Sports Foundation was focusing its 35th annual SHOT Show on products and services new to what it calls a $4.1 billion industry, with a nod to a raging national debate over assault weapons.
The group said it has issued credentials to nearly 60,000 industry professionals, recreational gun owners and law enforcers to attend.
“Hunting and the recreational shooting sports are here to stay. And so are we,” Steve Sanetti, the foundation president and chief executive, said in a show-opening statement. “A prerequisite to any dialogue involving our industry and its products is an honest recognition of the legitimacy of what we do and the important part of the national culture which we represent.”
Idaho: 'People can hardly walk they've got so much stuff'
S Dakota: 'Unprecedented demand'
Kentucky: 'Store shelves bare'...
Virginia: Lines Stretched for Hundreds of Yards...
HENRICO COUNTY, Va. (WTVR) – With the national discussion on strengthening gun control laws as a backdrop, close to a thousand people came the Showplace on Mechanicsville Turnpike Saturday. It was the first day of the C&E Gun Show.
Lines stretched for hundreds of yards throughout the parking lot comprised of gun enthusiasts wanting to browse the latest technology or stock up on ammunition.
Wild Thing's comment....................
Good Americans doing what we have a right to do.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM
January 13, 2013
NRA President on Meeting with VP Joe Biden
NRA President David Keene on Meeting with VP Joe Biden: “Not an Open-Minded Conversation”; Designed Only to Let Obama/Biden “Check the Box” and Say, “We Talked to Them” – Audio
NRA President David Keene describing his meeting with Vice-President Joe Biden this past week. Keene said it was clear that Biden really had no interest in what they had to say. Rather, the meeting was so Biden and Obama could “check the box” and say they met with the NRA.
Wild Thing's comment....................
Not surprised, the left has no intention of listening to we the people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:45 AM
January 12, 2013
North Texas soon will be home to a one-of-a-kind gun range Luxurious Frisco gun club
Luxurious Frisco gun club
As the nation looks to crack down on guns, many Texans are embracing their rights.
North Texas soon will be home to a one-of-a-kind gun range. The Frisco Gun Club is being built on El Dorado Parkway near the Dallas North Tollway. It’s designed for the affluent.
Darren Beck lives in Frisco. When he wants to take some target practice with his rifle, he drives to the closest range, about 16 miles away, in East Plano. Beck is one of the first people to sign up for the club.
"There's no reason a shooting range has to be dark and dingy," Beck said. "Why can't it be nice and airy?"
In artist renderings, the outside of the facility looks more like a country club than a shooting range. Indoors, it will have a 40 lane gun range, a retail store, on-site gunsmiths, a cafe, and training room for concealed handgun classes.
"We just think if you want to appeal to an affluent audience or affluent demographic, like Frisco, people would like to come into a place that's just nice," said Christian Putnam, the club’s Chief Executive Officer.
VIP club members, who pay a premium price, will have a private dining area with an outdoor patio, fireplace, and even more amenities.
"It's more like going to Neiman Marcus than going to a no-frills gun store," Putnam said.
The Frisco Gun Club isn't the first business to pull the trigger into luxury shooting ranges with the latest technology, including state-of-the-art ventilation. It follows the Athena Gun Club in Houston, the Scottsdale Gun Club in Arizona, and the Colonial Shooting Academy in Richmond, Virginia.
So far, there's been no public opposition to the $9 million club. One of the largest anti-gun organizations in the country, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, said they're okay with the concept.
"If people want to enjoy shooting in a nice, safe place, God bless them," said Coalition spokesman Tad Everett. "But, if they're stockpiling assault weapons in their home, that's another issue."
But with recent deadly mass shootings in Colorado and Connecticut, the gun control debate is once again in the public psyche. However shooting enthusiasts, like Darren Beck, doubt it will impact the Frisco project.
"To me, the gun range can only make it better," Beck said. "Any time you can get gun owners out there practicing and learning and experiencing what happens with their guns, that's only going to lead to more safety."
Gun enthusiast Ron Weber agrees.
"Words on a page are not going to stop a predator or somebody with a mental defect," Weber said. "All it does is prevent law-abiding citizens the opportunity to defend themselves."
Gun club executives say they would rather leave the gun control debate to the National Rifle Association. They say this project is all about luxury and entertainment.
Wild Thing's comment.....................
Good and I hope more and more gun clubs open and more and more guns are sold and ammo and Obama can go jump in a shallow lake.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
LMAO....Gun parts store registers, uses it to promote gun rights
Gun parts store registers, uses it to promote gun rights
California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein — a staunch supporter of gun control — may soon regret not registering her own domain name, since will now be run by a firearm parts and accessories store that will use the site to promote gun rights.
“COMING SOON! Senator Feinstein’s Biggest Fan Page,” reads the title of the new pro-gun site, “Someone didnt [sic] register their own name… This should be fun. Thats right Dianne your biggest fan site is going to be run by…”
The domain name was created by California resident Dimitrios Karras on Jan. 4, 2013, according to Karros is the CEO of the gun parts and accessories store Ares Armor, which will now run the site.
“It’s funny,” Karras told the Daily Caller News Foundation, adding that his company was not very good at political correctness. “This is going to be an entertaining thing.”
Karras said that he was frustrated when he saw how Feinstein and other members of Congress managed the commenters that criticize them on their Facebook pages, and that he wanted to have platform where people could say whatever they wanted.
“[Feinstein's] got a big mouth on her, she thinks she’s pretty much the queen of the state. She almost thinks she’s the queen of the country,” he said.
“What we’re most likely going to do with this is, literally leave it open-ended,” Karras told TheDC News Foundation. “We’re going to put up a few posts and everything like that, but we’re not going to be moderating any of the comments. So it’s one of those things where people are going to be able say whatever the heck they want.”
“My thing is I may not agree with what people have to say, but I’m going to defend to the death their right to say it,” he said.
However, is not the only domain name Karras registered, telling TheDC that the next domain name to be released will be for California Sen. Barbara Boxer.
“She’s not the only one that we registered,” Karras said. “She’s just the first one that we’ve released.”
Feinstein — the author of the Assault Weapons Ban bill that expired in 2004 — has promised to introduce updated gun control legislation early this year, according to a statement.
CONTINUE article click here...................
Wild Thing's comment.......................
Would I do this? No way. Not that it is illegal it isn't, but I would fight back in other ways. BUT I have to say I do love that someone did what this article says.
When a person has a domain name like the one for this blog, I have to make sure I do not let it run out, it costs money and if it ran out and I did not notice it fast enough I could be without it easily. Not fun at all if one is a blogger, but I doubt Feinstein will be upset about it except for what her domain name is being used for. hahahahahaha
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM
January 11, 2013
Wyoming Tells Washington Gun Grabbers To Back The Hell Off
Wyoming Tells Washington Gun Grabbers To Back The Hell Off
Wyoming lawmakers propose bill to nullify new federal gun laws
Wyoming lawmakers have proposed a new bill that, if passed, would nullify any federal restrictions on guns, threatening to jail federal agents attempting to confiscate guns, ammunition magazines or ammunition.
The bill – HB0104 – states that “any federal law which attempts to ban a semi-automatic firearm or to limit the size of a magazine of a firearm or other limitation on firearms in this state shall be unenforceable in Wyoming.”
The bill is sponsored by eight Wyoming state representatives ad two state senators. If passed, the bill would declare any federal gun regulation created on or after January 1, 2013 to be unenforceable within the state.
In addition, the bill states would charge federal officials attempting to enforce a federal gun law within the state with a felony – “subject to imprisonment for not more less than one (1) year and one (1) day or more than five (5) years, a fine of not more than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or both.”
The bill also allows the Attorney General of Wyoming to defend a state citizen from any prosecution by the United States Government.
One of the bill’s co-sponsors, Wyoming State Senator Larry Hicks, told The Washington Examiner that this type of legislation sends a message to the federal government in Washington D.C.
“It says that your one size fits all solution doesn’t comport to what a vast majority of the state believes,” Hicks explained in an interview.
Citing the Tenth and the Second Amendments, Hicks asserted that the legislation was Constitutional, adding that he fully expected it to pass in the Wyoming state legislature. Hicks said that his Wyoming constituents were upset about the looming threat of gun control coming from Washington, particularly since Vice President Biden signaled yesterday that President Obama was willing to issue an executive order to tackle the gun issue.
“They are very, very upset that we’re going to see some level of federal takeover of our weapons and abuse of our rights given to us by the Second Amendment,” Hicks stated. “Also that the federal government will bypass our legislative officials and confiscate our weapons through executive order. This gives citizens of the Western United States a great deal of concern.”
Rep. Kendell Kroeker, the lawmaker that spearheaded the bill, explained that he hoped that the federal government would recognize their constitutional rights based on the Tenth and Second Amendments.
"I think that its necessary when the federal government violates our rights in the Constitution we have to act," he explained.
The proposed legislation has recieved a overwhelmingly positive response from their constituents, according to the bill's sponsors, even from citizens of other states.
Kroeker said that since he introduced the bill he has received up to 50 emails from constituents thanking him for standing up for their rights.
“Most of the feedback that I have received is very encouraging," explained State Rep. Mark Baker, a fellow co-sponsor. "Many citizens from other states have contacted me stating that they are envious of our state’s initiative."
Kroeker said that he currently owns several handguns, rifles, shotguns and an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle - the model targeted by gun control proponents.
"People in Washington tend to overreact," Kroeker said. "They try to place blame on gun owners punishing in the innocent to pay for the crimes of the guilty."
Hicks explained that the model of the bill was taken from a bill passed in the State of Montana in 2009 adding that it wasn’t much different from what he’d seen other states do.
“I don’t think this is controversial in Wyoming at all,” he added. “I fully expect this bill to pass.”
Wild Thing's comment.....................
I sure hope all the States fight back if Obama does something about guns.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (3)
Joe Biden Task Force Eyeing 'Universal' Background Checks, Ammo Limits
Biden Task Force Eyeing 'Universal' Background Checks, Ammo Limits
The National Rifle Association emerged from a meeting Thursday with Vice President Biden and accused his gun violence task force of leading an "attack" on the Second Amendment -- just hours after Biden gave a glimpse into the gun-control recommendations expected to hit the president's desk in a matter of days.
The vice president said earlier that "an emerging set of recommendations" focuses on launching "universal" background checks, restricting high-capacity magazines and allowing federal agencies to do more research on gun violence.
He revealed where the task force was headed a day after drawing outrage from Republican lawmakers by saying the administration might use "executive orders" to implement some policies. He said he plans to have the recommendations, which are not yet final, to President Obama by Tuesday.
But the NRA, after sitting down with Biden and other firearms groups Thursday afternoon, blasted the effort as primarily focused on restricting gun rights.
"We were disappointed with how little this meeting had to do with keeping our children safe and how much it had to do with an agenda to attack the Second Amendment," the group said in a written statement. "While claiming that no policy proposals would be 'prejudged,' this Task Force spent most of its time on proposed restrictions on lawful firearms owners -- honest, taxpaying, hardworking Americans.
"It is unfortunate that this administration continues to insist on pushing failed solutions to our nation's most pressing problems. We will not allow law-abiding gun owners to be blamed for the acts of criminals and madmen."
Aside from the NRA, Biden also met Thursday with sports groups like the Outdoor Industry Association and firearms groups like the National Association of Arms Shows. Attorney General Eric Holder and other Obama Cabinet secretaries were meeting as well with Walmart and several other sports retailers.
Biden said the list of possible recommendations so far includes a call for "universal background checks." He said this would include not just closing the so-called gun show loophole but imposing background checks for all transactions, including private sales.
He also said, "I've never heard quite as much about the need to do something about high-capacity magazines as I've heard spontaneously from every group that we've met with so far."
Biden planned to round out the day with a meeting Thursday evening with entertainment industry representatives. On Friday, he plans to meet representatives from the video game industry.
Still, much of the discussion, and proposals from Democratic members of Congress, continue to center around gun control.
Biden drew complaints from Republican lawmakers when he suggested Wednesday, while meeting with gun control groups, that the administration might go around Congress to implement some provisions.
"There are executive orders, executive action that can be taken," Biden said. He also said separate legislative action would be "required."
"Vice President Biden would do well to read the 2nd Amendment and revisit the meaning of the phrase 'shall not be infringed,'" Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., said in a statement. "Bypassing Congress to implement radical policies is never acceptable."
The White House and the NRA have found little common ground as the two groups craft separate responses to the tragedy.
The NRA, after staying silent for several days after the Connecticut school massacre, eventually called for a national school security plan to install armed officers at every school in the country. The White House, though, has suggested that plan would not be effective.
But the NRA and other firearms group say the same about proposed restrictions on certain weapons types, noting that assault weapons are not often used in the commission of violent crimes -- handguns are more common.
The Washington Post reported over the weekend that Obama was considering measures beyond reinstating a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. According to the paper, the task force was considering measures like universal background checks for gun buyers, a national gun database, strengthening mental health checks and tougher penalties for people carrying guns near schools or giving them to minors.
Gun-advocacy groups, including Arizona for Gun Safety, the Brady Campaign, the Campaign to Keep Guns off Campus and Mayors Against Illegal Guns, attended a meeting with Biden Wednesday.
Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, after the meeting affirmed that administration officials "talked about ... their willingness to use executive action where that's appropriate."
Wild Thing's comment..................
I would love to see a headline.........Founding Fathers set course to take down Biden and Obama from power and kick them the heck out of office. The elect someone that loves our Constitution and our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM | Comments (2)
January 10, 2013
Obamacare Amendment Forbids Gun and Ammo Registration
Obamacare Amendment Forbids Gun and Ammo Registration
Good news -- it has become known that hidden deep within the massive 2800-page bill called Obamacare there is a Senate Amendment protecting the right to keep and bear arms.
It seems that in their haste to cram socialized medicine down the throats of the American people, then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Barack Obama overlooked Senate amendment 3276, Sec. 2716, part c.
According to reports, that amendment says the government cannot use doctors to collect "any information relating to the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition."
CNN is calling it "a gift to the nation's powerful gun lobby."
And according to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), that's exactly right. He says he added the provision in order to keep the NRA from getting involved in the legislative fight over Obamacare, which was so ubiquitous in 2010.
Wild Thing's comment...............
Very interesting, wouldn't it be something if something like this can stop Obama and it is in his socialized medicine.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (1)
Dictator Freak Obama considers bypassing Congress on gun control
Wild Thing's comment.......................
To you democrats that read this, Obama hates you, hates America, hates our Constitution, and his legacy will be one of hate. He continues to be the most hated president our country ever had and the worst president.
If Obama messes with our gun rights, then it would only be fair if every single Secret Service agent is pulled away from protecting not only all politicians but also Obama. Let him fend for himself and protect himself in the same way we would all have to do. The same for anyone that has bitched about guns, that uses protection services such as celebrities, businessmen/women etc. They can hire guards but the guards should not be allowed guns either. The guards or protection service can go and learn self defense in other forms and good luck jerks to one and all.
Level the field big time so to speak.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM
January 09, 2013
NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Close To Announcing Sweeping New Gun Control Laws
Close To Announcing Sweeping New Gun Control Laws
Governor Working On Deal That Would Go After Assault Weapons, Magazines
YONKERS, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) — A deal to give New York one of the toughest gun control laws in the nation is being negotiated by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who, sources said Tuesday, is hoping to announce the plan Wednesday during his State of the State speech in Albany.
Cuomo hopes to jump-start the 2013 legislative session with a big deal that could dramatically alter gun control laws across the state.
Highly placed sources told CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer that Cuomo is negotiating with Assembly and Senate leaders for a package of gun control laws that would be a dramatic response to the gun violence besetting the nation, including the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.
“It’s a very divisive topic,” Cuomo said on Wednesday. “There’s a lot of energy on both sides. Some people are vehemently against’ some people think we’re out of our minds for not passing it.”
Sources told Kramer the governor and lawmakers are negotiating furiously in the hope that Cuomo can announce a deal during his speech Wednesday.
Sources said the package is expected to include:
* New restrictions on assault weapons
* Stiffer penalties for using a gun to commit a crime
* New limits on the number of bullets in a gun magazine
“Gun control is highly political, politically contentious situation. It is polarizing,” Cuomo said.
In Westchester County, where Mamaroneck’s Hommocks Middle School was under lockdown last week amid reports a gunman tried to enter the school, the need for gun control is on the minds of many.
“There’s just too many incidents that are happening that you think could be avoided if there were stronger regulations about it,” one mother from Larchmont said, adding when asked if her children’s safety is her motivation, “Absolutely, I mean you can’t even send them to school now. Now my kids have police in front of their school. I mean you wonder how far it’s going to go.”
“I think it’s necessary with everything that’s happening,” Mamaroneck resident Gail Nubile added. “With the recent things that have been going on it does make you think that things to be happening, so you have to be extra cautious.”
Cuomo’s move comes as Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Gun Violence released a new commercial to push for federal action. It features Roxanna Green, the mother of Christina Taylor-Green, who was killed two years ago Tuesday in the Tucson, Ariz., massacre.
“How many more children must die before Washington does something to end our gun violence problem?” Roxanna Green says during the ad.
It would be quite a coup for Cuomo, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, to show progress on gun control while Washington dithers.
Late Tuesday night a Cuomo spokesman said the sides still had not reached an agreement, but sources told CBS 2′s Kramer there is talk of keeping the Legislature in session for the rest of the week to make sure a deal gets done.
Wild Thing's comment......................
Too bad the democrats don't work as hard at following and honoring our Constitution as they do at attacking it and doing things to take freedoms away.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (2)
January 07, 2013
Democrat Sen. Heidi Heitkamp: Reported Obama Gun Control Ideas “Way in Extreme. . . And It’s Not Going to Pass...." – Video
Democrat Sen. Heidi Heitkamp: Reported Obama Gun Control Ideas “Way in Extreme. . . And It’s Not Going to Pass...." – Video
Democrat Sen. Heidi Heitkamp on reported Gun Control proposals likely to be put forward by Barack Obama – at least one Democrat with some common sense:
“I think you need to put everything on the table, but what I hear from the administration – and if the Washington Post is to be believed – that’s way, way in extreme of what I think is necessary or even should be talked about. And it’s not going to pass, that’s the other thing . . . “
Wild Thing's comment...............
I hope more will speak out and Republicans better or they are dead politically.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Obama To Push Gun Control With Crony Capitalist Tactics Used To Pass Obamacare
Obama To Push Gun Control With Crony Capitalist Tactics Used To Pass Obamacare
Obama plans to ally himself with big business once again by using crony capitalist tactics to pass gun control just as he used them to pass Obamacare. In this case, Obama reportedly plans to make sure that the new gun control law benefits big businesses that sell weapons.
“[T]he White House is developing strategies to work around the National Rifle Association that one source said could include rallying support from Wal-Mart and other gun retailers for measures that would benefit their businesses,” The Washington Post reports.
“Wal-Mart and other major gun retailers may have an incentive to support closing a loophole that allows people to bypass background checks if they purchase firearms at gun shows or through other types of private sales,” the Post explained, citing a source who works with the Obama administration on gun issues.
Obama used the same tactic when passing his health care law, when Jim Messina (the White House deputy chief of staff, at the time, who went on to manage the 2012 presidential campaign) negotiated with the drug industry to get them to pay for pro-Obamacare television ads.
Wild Thing's comment...............
Obama the community organizer always takes his agenda to the streets and campaigns with his lies to push his agenda. Because the idiots out there believe his BS!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
January 06, 2013
Feinstein’s New Gun-Ban Bill Likely to be Introduced January 22
Feinstein’s New Gun-Ban Bill Likely to be Introduced January 22
Report: Democrat Sen. Diane Feinstein to Introduce Sweeping Gun Control Bill on January 22; Bill Greatly Expands Definition of “Assault Weapon”; Feinstein Herself said to be Personally Looking at “Pictures of Guns”
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)–author of the federal “assault weapon” and “large” ammunition magazine ban of 1994-2004–has said for weeks that she will soon introduce an even more restrictive bill. Leaders in the U.S. Senate have stated that January 22 will be the first day on which new Senate legislation can be proposed, so that is the most likely date for the new, sweeping legislation to be introduced.
On Dec. 17th, Feinstein said, ”I have been working with my staff for over a year on this legislation” and “It will be carefully focused.” Indicating the depth of her research on the issue, she said on Dec. 21st that she had personally looked at pictures of guns in 1993, and again in 2012.
The article also gives a rundown on what Feinstein is likely to propose in the legislation. I think it is clear that the real intent of her “Assault Weapons Ban” is to destroy the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:
*Reduces, from two to one, the number of permitted external features on various firearms. The 1994 ban permitted various firearms to be manufactured only if they were assembled with no more than one feature listed in the law. Feinstein’s new bill would prohibit the manufacture of the same firearms with even one of the features.
*Adopts new lists of prohibited external features. For example, whereas the 1994 ban applied to a rifle or shotgun the “pistol grip” of which “protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon,” the new bill would drastically expand the definition to include any “grip . . . or any other characteristic that can function as a grip.” Also, the new bill adds “forward grip” to the list of prohibiting features for rifles, defining it as “a grip located forward of the trigger that functions as a pistol grip.” Read literally and in conjunction with the reduction from two features to one, the new language would apply to every detachable-magazine semi-automatic rifle. At a minimum, it would, for example, ban all models of the AR-15, even those developed for compliance with California’s highly restrictive ban.
*Carries hyperbole further than the 1994 ban. Feinstein’s 1994 ban listed “grenade launcher” as one of the prohibiting features for rifles. Her 2013 bill goes even further into the ridiculous, by also listing “rocket launcher.” Such devices are restricted under the National Firearms Act and, obviously, are not standard components of the firearms Feinstein wants to ban. Perhaps a subsequent Feinstein bill will add “nuclear bomb,” “particle beam weapon,” or something else equally far-fetched to the features list.
*Expands the definition of “assault weapon” by including:–Three very popular rifles: The M1 Carbine (introduced in 1941 and for many years sold by the federal government to individuals involved in marksmanship competition), a model of the Ruger Mini-14, and most or all models of the SKS.–Any “semiautomatic, centerfire, or rimfire rifle that has a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds,” except for tubular-magazine .22s.
–Any “semiautomatic, centerfire, or rimfire rifle that has an overall length of less than 30 inches,” any “semiautomatic handgun with a fixed magazine that has the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds,” and any semi-automatic handgun that has a threaded barrel.
*Requires owners of existing “assault weapons” to register them with the federal government under the National Firearms Act (NFA). The NFA imposes a $200 transfer tax per firearm, and requires an owner to submit photographs and fingerprints to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE), to inform the BATFE of the address where the firearm will be kept, and to obtain the BATFE’s permission to transport the firearm across state lines.
*Prohibits the transfer of “assault weapons.” Owners of other firearms, including those covered by the NFA, are permitted to sell them or pass them to heirs. However, under Feinstein’s new bill, “assault weapons” would remain with their current owners until their deaths, at which point they would be forfeited to the government.
*Prohibits the domestic manufacture and the importation of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. The 1994 ban allowed the importation of such magazines that were manufactured before the ban took effect. Whereas the 1994 ban protected gun owners from errant prosecution by making the government prove when a magazine was made, the new ban includes no such protection. The new ban also requires firearm dealers to certify the date of manufacture of any >10-round magazine sold, a virtually impossible task, given that virtually no magazines are stamped with their date of manufacture.
*Targets handguns in defiance of the Supreme Court. The Court ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller that the Second Amendment protects the right to have handguns for self-defense, in large part on the basis of the fact handguns are the type of firearm “overwhelmingly chosen by American society for that lawful purpose.” Semi-automatic pistols, which are the most popular handguns today, are designed to use detachable magazines, and the magazines “overwhelmingly chosen” by Americans for self-defense are those that hold more than 10 rounds. Additionally, Feinstein’s list of nearly 1,000 firearms exempted by name (see next paragraph) contains not a single handgun. Sen. Feinstein advocated banning handguns before being elected to the Senate, though she carried a handgun for her own personal protection.
*Contains a larger piece of window dressing than the 1994 ban. Whereas the 1994 ban included a list of approximately 600 rifles and shotguns exempted from the ban by name, the new bill’s list is increased to nearly 1,000 rifles and shotguns. But most of the guns on the list either wouldn’t be banned in the first place, or would already be exempted by other provisions. On the other hand, the list inevitably misses every model of rifle and shotgun that wasn’t being manufactured or imported in the years covered by the reference books Sen. Feinstein’s staff consulted. That means an unknown number of absolutely conventional semi-auto rifles and shotguns, many of them out of production for decades, would be banned under the draft bill.
For added information and the rest of the article please CLICK HERE.
Wild Thing's comment..................
I would like to think people would fight back if the lefties do put a bill through or change the 2nd Amendment, but in all honesty I don't think there will be any fighting back. Not if a person judges from this last election and how people did not vote like crazy to get Obama out of office. Yes the election was close but there should have been even more people that love America more.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (3)
U.S. Marine on CNN, He Wrote Letter to to Democrat Diane Feinstein about Gun Ban - Video
On CNN, Marine Who Wrote Letter Gone Viral to Democrat Diane Feinstein Slams Planned Gun Ban: “Unconstitutional Laws aren’t Laws” – Video 1/5/13
This is the U.S. Marine – Cpl. Joshua Boston – who wrote the now viral letter to Democrat Sen. Diane Feinstein telling her she is overstepping her domain by trying to infringe on the 2nd Amendment Rights of Americans. Boston was on CNN today, where he clearly dumbfounded the host with his strong defense of the 2nd Amendment. When asked what he would do if Feinstein’s gun ban were to become law, he said:
“Unconstitutional laws aren’t laws.”
Wild Thing's comment...............
I agree...... “Unconstitutional laws aren’t laws.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (2)
Democrat Leading Gun Control Drive Says Don’t Call It Gun Control Because It Makes It Harder To Pass Legislation
Democrat Leading Gun Control Drive Says Don’t Call It Gun Control Because It Makes It Harder To Pass Legislation
The Californian picked to lead congressional Democrats’ efforts on gun control says the positions held by some gun rights advocates are unnecessarily divisive, and that government action should go beyond simply outlawing certain weapons.
“I think assault weapons are a pox on the home of every gun owner,” Rep. Mike Thompson said Saturday on CNN. “I think that’s the thing that’s going to cause the overwhelming majority of people in this country who aren’t gun owners to have negative feelings about those of us who are gun owners.” [...]
The phrase “gun control,” Thompson said, is not comprehensive enough for the discussion.
“A lot of times when you talk about gun control, you turn off more than half of your audience,” he said in the interview. Possible solutions can include “everything from the background checks to the assault magazines, the assault weapons, the mental health (system) capacities that we have, our culture of violence that seems to be so overwhelming right now.”
Wild Thing's comment.................
LOL the left always want to rename things to fit their lies, then it helps them to get more and more control over we the people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:08 AM
January 05, 2013
Malkin Takes on NY Newspaper for Publishing Names of Gun Owners "Shame on Them..."
Malkin Takes on NY Newspaper for Publishing Names of Gun Owners "Shame on Them..."
Wild Thing's comment.................
All this anti-gun insanity is so dangerous.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (2)
January 04, 2013
Gun Control in Australia - Watch and Weep
Feb 28, 2011
When a country takes away guns from its citizens it's in big trouble as they are finding out in Australia.
Wild Thing's comment...............
I pray this never happens here in AMERICA.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (1)
Illinois Cops Banned From Denny’s Till general manager Said It Was OK
Illinois Cops Banned From Denny’s
An Illinois police chief has banned his officers from a Belleville Denny’s Restaurant after a manager told five on-duty detectives they had to leave because one of them had a firearm.
“The Belleville Police Department is very disheartened by the lack of respect shown to on-duty sworn police officers, Capt. Don Sax said in a statement to Fox News. “Until further notice all on duty Belleville Police officers are banned from Denny’s Restaurant unless responding to an official call for service.”
The incident occurred on New Year’s Day when five detectives were eating at the restaurant. A manager approached their table and told one of the detectives that she had to take her weapon out to her car or leave the restaurant.
The detectives initially thought it was a joke, Sax said, noting that all of the officers had displayed their badges and several police radios were on the table.
“(The manager) stated that he had a complaint from another customer about the weapon and she had to take the weapon outside or leave,” he said.
The manager told the detectives that Denny’s only allows officers in uniform to carry weapons. The detectives said that wasn’t going to happen so they got up to leave.
Sax said the restaurant’s general manager eventually came over and said it was fine for the detectives to be in the restaurant.
“At this point the detectives were very embarrassed and felt the situation was entirely too awkward for them to remain and all left the restaurant,” Sax said.
A spokesperson for Denny’s told Fox News told Fox News the restaurant manager made a mistake. They do allow both uniformed and non-uniformed officers to carry weapons in the restaurant.
The spokesman said it was a case of miscommunication. They said the manager was trying to do the right thing after a diner had complained.
Denny’s said they regret any misunderstanding.
Wild Thing's comment.............
The idiot customer that complained is the one that should be banned or kicked out.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM
January 03, 2013
Total Jerk Democrat Leo Terrell Covers His Ears In Protest of Hannity’s Questioning
Leo Terrell, the king of on-air meltdowns is on Fox News Hannity with Jay Sekulow from the ACLJ. The topic is gun control and background checks. Hannity talks about Newtown and at the end he brings up the name OJ and Leo covers his ears until they go to a commercial. Hannity says, “Hello?…Hello?”
Wild Thing's comment.......................
LMAO ....Leo Terrell what a jerk and how childish.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
January 01, 2013
Pravda Praises Americans For Standing Up For Their Right To Bear Arms
Pravda Praises Americans For Standing Up For Their Right To Bear Arms…
These days, there are few few things to admire about the socialist, bankrupt and culturally degenerating USA, but at least so far, one thing remains: the right to bare arms and use deadly force to defend one’s self and possessions.
The excuse that people will start shooting each other is also plain and silly. So it is our politicians saying that our society is full of incapable adolescents who can never be trusted? Then, please explain how we can trust them or the police, who themselves grew up and came from the same culture?
No it is about power and a total power over the people. There is a lot of desire to bad mouth the Tsar, particularly by the Communists, who claim he was a tyrant, and yet under him we were armed and under the progressives disarmed. Do not be fooled by a belief that progressives, leftists hate guns. Oh, no, they do not. What they hate is guns in the hands of those who are not marching in lock step of their ideology. They hate guns in the hands of those who think for themselves and do not obey without question. They hate guns in those whom they have slated for a barrel to the back of the ear.
So, do not fall for the false promises and do not extinguish the light that is left to allow humanity a measure of self respect.
Wild Thing's comment...................
Good for Pravda .
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (2)
1995 Flashback of Dianne Feinstein Says Her Goal Is To Disarm All Americans
From 1995.......Dianne Feinstein Says Her Goal Is To Disarm All Americans…
Wild Thing's comment................
The left can pretend is it about the murder of children but in truth it is not, not in my opinion. It is all about the agenda of the far left. The only hope we can have are the democrats that do love to hunt and do own guns themselves for protection and will possibly fight this total gun control from people like Dianne Feinstein.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:40 AM
December 31, 2012
Disgusting From a President: Obama On Second Amendment Rights: “Something Fundamental Has To Change”
Obama On Second Amendment Rights: “Something Fundamental Has To Change”…
Barack Obama appeared on NBC’s “Meet The Press” on Sunday, talking about the “fiscal cliff” negotiations and priorities for his administration in his second term.
“Something fundamental in America has to change,” said Obama, who visited on December 16 with families of victims of the Newtown, Connecticut, school shootings.
The president said Sunday he will put forth a proposal next year to change firearm laws. Among the things the legislation will address are assault-style rifles, high-capacity ammunition magazines and background checks on all firearm sales.
Wild Thing's comment...............
That any president would say this or think it is so beyond disgusting and should alarm every American.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (2)
December 29, 2012
450 Teachers Apply for 24 Spots in a Free Ohio Firearms Training
450 Teachers Apply for 24 Spots in a Free Ohio Firearms Training
More than 450 teachers and other school employees from around Ohio have applied for 24 spots in a free firearms-training program being offered by the Buckeye Firearms Association.
“We’re pleasantly surprised, but it’s not shocking,” Ken Hanson, legal chairman for the association, said today of the response since the group began taking applications on its website 10 days ago. “The demand has been there for quite some time.”
The issue of arming school employees to protect students has been “on the radar” of school boards in Ohio for several years, he said, but the organization decided to launch its training program after the Dec. 14 shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., where a gunman killed 20 children and six adults.
“That was the breaking point,” he said. “We decided it’s time to quit talking about it and move forward.”
The first firearms class, a three-day program at the Tactical Defense Institute in West Union in Adams County, hasn’t been scheduled nor have the participants been chosen. Applications are being accepted at, the website of the group, which lobbies for the rights of gun owners.
The same week that the Buckeye Firearms Association announced its offer, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine said schools should consider arming “someone” in their buildings as the first line of defense against a gunman. Beginning Jan. 14, his office will work with law enforcement and educators to train teachers and administrators to deal with “active shooters.”
The local police union expressed concerns this week about arming teachers or others who work in schools.
“It’s our position that there should be law-enforcement officers in schools,” said Jason Pappas, president of the Fraternal Order of Police Capital City Lodge No. 9. “To have civilians with guns in schools who could be mistaken for an active shooter only causes confusion for law enforcement.”
Columbus school-board member Mike Wiles also prefers trained police officers in schools. He’s willing to listen to all options for keeping students safe, but he said the notion of arming staff members would require support from “the board, the community, the staff, the parents, everybody.”
Hanson said his group likes the idea of police officers in schools but worries that those school officers are among the first lost to budget cuts when school districts encounter financial problems.
Arming teachers and other school employees is “budget neutral,” he said.
Although the Buckeye Firearms Association will fund the first class in its Armed Teacher Training Program, Hanson estimated the cost for tuition, ammunition and lodging for each participant at $1,000.
More than 70 percent of the school employees who have applied are teachers, about half of whom work in elementary schools, he said. Others are administrators and even custodians and food-service workers.
Beginners won’t be accepted. The program is looking for applicants with “significant prior firearms experience,” Hanson said.
John Benner, a former member of the Hamilton County regional SWAT team who owns the Tactical Defense Institute, said the class will be an intensive three-day program in dealing with active shooters.
By the end of the course, only participants who can pass the same firearms tests administered to law-enforcement officers should be armed in a school, Benner said.
“If they can’t qualify, they shouldn’t be carrying a gun,” he said. “There has to be some standard.”
Whether any of those who complete the course can carry guns in schools will be up to individual school boards and perhaps the state legislature.
The Ohio Revised Code allows school boards to give individuals written authorization to carry a gun on school grounds, Hanson said. The law, an exception to the ban on guns in schools, is found in ORC 2923.122.
But the legal counsel for the Ohio School Boards Association sees another legal hurdle to arming teachers or other school employees.
Hollie Reedy referred to ORC 109.78, which says that no public or private educational institution is permitted to employ a person “who goes armed while on duty” unless the person has completed a basic peace-officer training program or has
20 years of active duty as a peace officer.
“(Section) 2923.122 is not the end of the story,” Reedy said. “We have to look at other parts of the code.”
Jonathan Fulkerson, deputy chief counsel for the state attorney general, disagreed with her interpretation of ORC 109.78, which he said addresses the hiring of special police officers or security guards.
“I don’t see how 109.78 would apply to a teacher,” he said. “It covers a whole other area.”
Wild Thing's comment................
Take THAT, libs!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
December 21, 2012
Sales Of Bulletproof Backpacks Soar After School Shootings
Sales Of Bulletproof Backpacks Soar After School Shootings
Parents may have a new option when it comes to protecting their children while at school in the wake of the Connecticut school shootings.
A Salt Lake City, Utah, company called Amendment II is offering a “Ballistic Backpack” lined with carbon nanotube armor sewn into the rear of the pack and comes in boys, girls, and teen/young adult models.
Jill Stringham with Amendment II told KNX 1070 NEWSRADIO that the product is the result of the company’s overall mission.
“Our goal has always been from the very beginning of this company is that we wanted to save lives, whatever level that is, we don’t care, whether that is children or military or Secret Service or whoever it is,” Stringham said. “Our passion and our goal and our science behind it is that we want to save lives.”
The backpacks – which cost $300 – weigh just slightly more than a regular backpack and can be easily swung to the front of the body to be used as a shield, or even “serve as center of mass protection while fleeing the scene of the shooting,” according to the company’s product description.
Demand for the product spiked so quickly following the shootings on Dec. 14 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., that the company’s website has crashed at least once.
“[Customers] can’t get through because it’s taken them two to five minutes to upload our website,” Stringham said.
The “Ballistic Backpack” was initially offered in different styles for boys, girls and teens before Amendment II announced those styles were “no longer available.”
Other products being sold on the site include a tactical vest for children and designer armor for adults.
Stringham said the company will not make any profit off of sales of the backpacks.
Wild Thing's comment...................
I never knew this kind of thing was made.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM | Comments (2)
Tennessee Considering Bill To Pay For Secretly Armed Teachers In Schools
Tennessee Considering Bill To Pay For Secretly Armed Teachers In Schools
Tennessee has emerged this week as a center of the “the answer is more guns in schools” sentiment following the Newtown, Conn. elementary school shooting.
A member of the Republican-controlled legislature plans during its upcoming session to introduce a bill that would allow the state to pay for secretly armed teachers in classrooms so, the sponsor told TPM, potential shooters don’t know who has a gun and who doesn’t.
Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam (R) has said the idea will be part of his discussions about how to prevent a shooting like the one in Newtown from happening in the Volunteer State.
As has been seen following other mass shootings, there’s a strong segment of the gun rights lobby that says the answer to events like the one in Newtown is more guns in more places. But they’ve said the recent massacre shows how important it is to put guns into elementary schools, where even gun-friendly states like Tennessee don’t currently allow them.
Wild Thing's comment..................
We will see how long it takes for the left to stop this, since they are so anti-gun. I hope not but time will tell.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
December 20, 2012
Idiot Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee on House Floor Urges Americans, “Turn in Your Guns” – Video
Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee on House Floor Urges Americans, “Turn in Your Guns”
From the land of people who think if all the law-abiding citizens don’t have guns – we’ll all be safer.
Wild Thing's comment.................
Sheila needs to go to the corner of the room, sit down and shut up. Her brains leaked out long ago.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
December 17, 2012
Progressives (Communists) Plan March on NRA Headquarters Monday Afternoon
Progressives Plan March on NRA Headquarters Monday Afternoon
No one is more to blame for the massacre of 20 first graders and six women at the Sandy Hook Elementary School than the National Rifle Association.”
CREDO, a progressive grassroots group, is organizing a march on the National Rifle Association’s lobbying arm in Washington, D.C. Monday.
“After the shooter Adam Lanza, no one is more to blame for the massacre of 20 first graders and six women at the Sandy Hook Elementary School than the National Rifle Association,” CREDO wrote on the Facebook page where the march is being organized. “To stop the senseless killing we must first stop the NRA.”
Wild Thing's comment..................
I sure wish our Founding Fathers were still around.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (2)
Awesome Speech One Of The Fathers of a Victim of the Columbine High School Shootings
Guess our national leaders didn't expect this. On Thursday ( 1999 ) , Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton, Colorado, was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful.
They were not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it received well. It needs to be heard by every parent, every teacher, every politician, every Sociologist, every Psychologist, and every so-called expert! These courageous words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and deeply personal. There is no doubt that God sent this man as a voice crying in the wilderness..
The following is a portion of the transcript:
"Since the dawn of creation there has been both good & evil in the hearts of men and women. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence. The death of my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, and the deaths of that heroic teacher, and the other eleven children who died must not be in vain. Their blood cries out for answers.
"The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew his brother Abel out in the field. The villain was not the club he used.. Neither was it the NCA, the National Club Association. The true killer was Cain, and the reason for the murder could only be found in Cain's heart.
"In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA. I am not a member of the NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own a gun. I am not here to represent or defend the NRA - because I don't believe that they are responsible for my daughter's death. Therefore I do not believe that they need to be defended. If I believed they had anything to do with Rachel's murder I would be their strongest opponent
I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy -- it was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! Much of the blame lies here in this room. Much of the blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves. I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expresses my feelings best.
Your laws ignore our deepest needs,
Your words are empty air.
You've stripped away our heritage,
You've outlawed simple prayer.
Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
And precious children die.
You seek for answers everywhere,
And ask the question "Why?"
You regulate restrictive laws,
Through legislative creed.
And yet you fail to understand,
That God is what we need!
"Men and women are three-part beings. We all consist of body, mind, and spirit. When we refuse to acknowledge a third part of our make-up, we create a void that allows evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and wreak havoc. Spiritual presences were present within our educational systems for most of our nation's history. Many of our major colleges began as theological seminaries. This is a historical fact. What has happened to us as a nation? We have refused to honor God, and in so doing, we open the doors to hatred and violence. And when something as terrible as Columbine's tragedy occurs -- politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that contribute to erode away our personal and private liberties. We do not need more restrictive laws. Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre. The real villain lies within our own hearts.
"As my son Craig lay under that table in the school library and saw his two friends murdered before his very eyes, he did not hesitate to pray in school. I defy any law or politician to deny him that right! I challenge every young person in America , and around the world, to realize that on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School prayer was brought back to our schools. Do not let the many prayers offered by those students be in vain. Dare to move into the new millennium with a sacred disregard for legislation that violates your God-given right to communicate with Him. To those of you who would point your finger at the NRA -- I give to you a sincere challenge.. Dare to examine your own heart before casting the first stone! My daughter's death will not be in vain! The young people of this country will not allow that to happen!" - Darrell Scott
Wild Thing's comment....................
This is an awesome speech and I recommend everyone to read it and share it if you like.
Interesting to note that not only were his words ignored by so many, way too many, but it has even gotten worse leaving God out of schools, and other places.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (1)
December 16, 2012
Gun Crime Soars in England by 35% Where Guns Are Banned
Gun Crime Soars in England by 35% Where Guns Are Banned
Since NBC sportscaster Bob Costas gave us an anti-gun lecture two weeks ago during Sunday Night Football, we’ve heard a lot from progressives like Juan Williams, Bob Beckel and anti-gun advocacy groups about how countries in Europe with strict gun control laws don’t have problems with gun crime. We’ve also heard the reason the United States has a “gun crime problem” is because we allow citizens to own handguns however, the numbers on violent crime committed using a gun tell a different story.
New data out from the UK, where guns are banned, shows gun crime has soared by 35 percent.
The Government’s latest crime figures were condemned as “truly terrible” by the Tories today as it emerged that gun crime in England and Wales soared by 35% last year.
Criminals used handguns in 46% more offences, Home Office statistics revealed.
Firearms were used in 9,974 recorded crimes in the 12 months to last April, up from 7,362.
It was the fourth consecutive year to see a rise and there were more than 2,200 more gun crimes last year than the previous peak in 1993.
Wild Thing's comment................
This is the kind of thing that needs to be hammered into the brains of the gun haters. They do not care about the victims as much as they hate guns. They use the slaughter of the innocent to push their left agenda against guns.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM
Dem Rep. Jerry Nadler Calls On Obama To Label The NRA “Enablers Of Mass Murderers”
Dem Rep. Jerry Nadler Calls On Obama To Label The NRA “Enablers Of Mass Murderers”
Today, following the shooting massacre of 20 children in a Connecticut school, President Obama said that “meaningful action” needed to be taken to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future.
But what “meaningful action” can Obama actually take, given Republican control of the House and Congress’ deeply felt fear of the politically mighty National Rifle Association? And politics aside, what new laws would actually solve or make a dent in the country’s crazed-gunman problem?
Rep. Jerry Nadler said thinks that the president has only one option.
“There’s only one meaningful action he can take, which is to take on the N.R.A., label them as the enablers of mass murderers they are, really push for strong gun-control legislation and call out those congressional leaders who don’t support it,” Nadler told me this afternoon.
“It is time to call out the N.R.A. as enablers of mass murder and start embarrassing people and saying, ‘Who do you stand with? The parents and children of this country or the potential mass murderers?’”
Nadler said there’s nothing else Obama can do, realistically.
“There is no other meaningful action,” Nadler said. “He has to know that. … I can’t imagine what else he could have meant.”
Wild Thing's comment...............
So it begins, when will they ban cars and baseball bats, and knives and how about windows..people have been thrown out of windows.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
December 10, 2012
Guns Have Never Killed Anyone
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (1)
November 27, 2012
Gun Store Owner Who Banned Obama Supporters: 'Business Is Booming'
Gun Store Owner Who Banned Obama Supporters: 'Business Is Booming'
Last week, the owner of an Arizona gun shop made national headlines after it was reported that he had posted a sign and taken out a full page ad in a local newspaper that banned Obama supporters from entering his store. One week later, Cope Reynolds is cashing in on the attention.
Mr. Reynolds, owner of Southwest Shooting Authority says “business is booming” after his sign and newspaper ad caught the attention of various media outlets. The sign read: “If you voted for Barack Obama, your business is not welcome at Southwest Shooting Authority. You have proven you’re not responsible enough to own a firearm.”
Reynolds says he has been inundated with hundreds of calls and emails from media types and supporters. When asked about business, he replied, “I’ve been busier than a cat covering up poop on a marble floor.”
The Arizona Republic spoke with Mr. Reynolds about his sign and the effect it’s had on his business:
“People are saying that I’ve alienated half of our customers,” Reynolds said, laughing. “No, I haven’t. I haven't alienated any of my customers, because the people who voted for Obama don’t buy guns here. They don't come here at all. I haven’t alienated. I’ve improved things. I have packages sitting on my desk to be shipped to places like Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Idaho, Nevada and California.”
Talking Points Memo asked Mr. Reynolds how he will prevent Obama supporters from entering the store and purchasing merchandise. He said he will not be conducting a litmus test to determine the customer’s political views but that he is considering giving discounts to registered Republicans and Libertarians.
Seventy-Five percent of the calls he is getting are positive, Reynolds says. “You can always tell the ones that are not -- 9 out of 10 of them start out with vile and nasty language. And I guess they don’t have the intelligence to carry on a conversation like an adult.” Reynolds also revealed that he has been receiving death threats saying, “Just comes with the territory I guess.”
Mr. Reynolds admits that there haven’t been any serious attempts by the Obama administration to change America’s gun laws, but he suspects that is coming now that the president has been reelected.
Wild Thing's comment......................
I know there have been other gun shop owners that did this as well and I bet they are having a good business too.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (1)
September 20, 2012
T E X A S P R O U D.... "Don't Mess With Texas"
BANK OF CHAPPELL HILL TEXAS (Chappell Hill Is a small town between Houston and Brenham on Hwy 290).
Any would-be robbers planning to walk into this bank had better think twice. There's a new sign in town.
About a month ago, Chappell Hill Bank president Edward Smith looked at a sign on the front door prohibiting concealed weapons from his bank and decided to make a policy change. Licensed to carry a handgun? Come on in, and bring your weapon. The sign, now prominently displayed on the bank's front door, says: "Lawful concealed carry permitted on these premises. Management recognizes the Second Amendment of the U.S. Right of all citizens. We therefore support and encourage the carrying of licensed concealed weapons."
Smith said he made the policy change to send a warning to potential robbers, and to express support for Americans to bear arms. "We had the conventional sign on the window, with the red circle and pistol inside and a line through It.I started thinking...we've got this "no gun" sign up, so a robber can come in and do anything he wants. But if we've got a policy that allows handguns, he won't know how many people in the bank are gonna be carrying a concealed weapon. There may be some little old lady who's mad at the government, and would love to use her concealed weapon," he said.
The bank has been robbed twice in the last three years, including last March when a man walked in, ordered bank employees to fill a canvas bag with money, and then fled in a pickup truck. The man, who didn't brandish a weapon, has not been caught.
The sign has made Chappell Hill Bank somewhat of an Internet curiosity. He's also been contacted by various media outlets wanting interviews. "It's kind of gotten a life of its own," he said. Expressions of support have far outnumbered criticism. "I haven't gotten any reactions from Chicago or California, which doesn't surprise me," Smith said with a chuckle.
The policy change has also brought Chappell Hill Bank some new customers, as well as comments from people outside Washington County , saying that they'd bank there if they lived here, said Smith. "I tell them that we're a full-service bank, and we're on the Internet. They can bank online," he said.
Wild Thing's comment............
What a great story. I LOVE this man, love how he did this and why. AWESOME!
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
1st Aviation Brigade, US Army
RVN, Sep66-Mar68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:44 PM | Comments (2)
August 09, 2012
NYC Mayor Bloomberg Blows Up At Reporter Over Gun Control Question
Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City may be taking a national stand against gun violence--but he apparently can't stand local, television reporters who challenge him on a city policy involving NYPD "shell casings."
The Mayor got testy with yours truly--Mary Murphy--when I questioned him Monday about the June sale of 28-thousand pounds of spent, shell casings from the NYPD's firing range in the Bronx .to an ammunition dealer in Georgia.
Wild Thing's comment..............
My guess is, if Obama gets a second term we will be seeing gun control of some kind. augh!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM
July 27, 2012
Obama signals support for new gun laws vs. Mitt Romney Says 'New Gun Laws Not Needed'
Obama has added his voice to the push for stricter gun control in the wake of the massacre last week at a Colorado movie theater.
Obama, speaking Wednesday evening to the National Urban League, affirmed his belief in Americans' right to own guns, but he singled out assault rifles as better suited for the battlefield.
"I believe the Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to bear arms," Obama said. "But I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not on the streets of our cities."
The president, in making the comments, went further than he typically does in suggesting Washington open a new debate on gun control. It's a topic he has handled lightly in the past, but his remarks Wednesday night follow statements from vocal gun control advocates like New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg calling for new restrictions.
Republicans, though, have largely said new laws are not the answer. Mitt Romney, pressed on the gun control issue in an NBC News interview during a visit to London, said changing laws won't "make all bad things go away."
"I don't happen to believe that America needs new gun laws. A lot of what this ... young man did was clearly against the law. But the fact that it was against the law did not prevent it from happening," he said.
James Holmes, a 24-year-old grad school dropout, is accused of opening fire in a midnight showing of the new Batman movie in Aurora, Colo., killing 12 and injuring dozens. Police say he used a shotgun, semi-automatic rifle and handgun in the shooting, and another handgun was found in his car -- all purchased legally, as was 6,000 rounds of ammunition.
Wild Thing's comment ...................
No way Obama, we know you want do a lot about gun control and are just waiting for a second term.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (4)
July 26, 2012
Mitt Romney: 'New Gun Laws Not Needed'
Wild Thing's comment..........
Good, I am glad he was asked about this.
I really think if Obama gets a second term he will to all he can about gun control.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM
July 25, 2012
Mayor Bloomberg: Police Officers Should Not Protect Americans Until Strict Gun Control Is Enacted - This is INSANE
Mayor Bloomberg: Police Officers Should Not Protect Americans Until Strict Gun Control Is Enacted
You can now see why this clown had to spend $103 million to get reelected mayor in NYC (and still only barely won). Bloomberg on CNN said the he doesn’t understand why police officers don’t go on strike until something’s done about guns.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg is calling for drastic action to get lawmakers to crack down on guns in the wake of the massacre in Colorado.
He believes the nation’s police officers have it in their power to get political leaders moving on gun control.
Appearing on CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight” on Monday, the mayor urged police officers, who stand in the front lines against violent criminals, to take a stand to prompt Congress to renew the expired federal ban on assault weapons.
“I don’t understand why the police officers across this country don’t stand up collectively and say, ‘We’re gonna go on strike. We’re not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what’s required to keep us safe,’” Bloomberg said.
“After all, police officers want to go home to their families and we’re doing everything we can to make their jobs more difficult,” the mayor added.
Bloomberg walks back statement...but just a wee bit.- Wild Thing
“I didn’t mean literally go on strike,” he said at a Tuesday event about the economic impact of same-sex marriage. “In fact, in New York, they can’t go on strike. There’s a law against it.”
Wild Thing's comment......
He not only owes EVERY American an apology for that ill thought out comment, he needs to step the hell down from his position.
Absolutely disgusting.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (5)
July 24, 2012
Charles Krauthammer: 'The Gun Lobby Is The Majority Of American People'
Wild Thing's comment..............
The liberals are so predictable. Every single time there is a shooting there will always be a certain amount of liberals screaming about gun control of some kind. They spend more time talking about banning guns or a type of gun then they do speaking about the tragedy.......that is shameful.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (3)
July 23, 2012
Elderly Man Samuel Williams Shoots Robbers at Internet Cafe
Elderly Man Samuel Williams Shoots Robbers at Internet Cafe
Samuel Williams could soon become a poster child for concealed carry. Or rather a poster senior citizen.
Williams is being hailed as a hero this week after he sprung into action on Friday to thwart an armed robbery at an internet cafe. Williams was present when two masked thugs walked into the Palms Internet Cafe in Marion County, Florida. One of the men was brandishing a gun while the other had a bat. They started ordering patrons around and one smashes a computer screen. That’s when Williams took action.
Williams was seated toward the back of the cafe dressed in a white shirt, shorts and baseball cap.
One of the masked men, identified as Duwayne Henderson, 19, comes in pointing a handgun at customers. The second man, Davis Dawkins, 19, is seen swinging a bat at something off screen, which was later identified as a $1,200 computer screen.
As Henderson turns his back, Williams pulls out a .380-caliber semi-automatic handgun, stands from his chair, takes two steps, nearly drops to one knee, and fires two shots at Henderson, who bolts for the front door.
Williams takes several more steps toward the door and continues firing as Henderson and Dawkins fall over one another trying to exit the building. The two eventually run off screen.
Both of the crooks suffered non-life threatening gunshot wounds and were later captured. And according to police, Williams — a licensed concealed carry gun owner — won’t face any repercussions.
“Based on what I have seen and what I know at this time, I don’t anticipate filing any charges,” Bill Gladson of the State Attorney’s Office, told
But he’s not the only one talking. Some of the customers are. And they’re grateful for what Williams did.
“I think he is wonderful. If he wouldn’t have been there, there could have been some innocent people shot,” said Mary Beach.
UPDATE: also has an interview with one of the robbers, Duwayne Henderson. In it, Henderson describes the robbery from his perspective:
“I feel horrible. It doesn’t feel good. It makes you think about life’s decisions, and how you should live your life,” Henderson said in an interview with the Star-Banner at the jail on Saturday afternoon.
Hours after his release from the hospital, Henderson, who talked about the pain he feels in his buttock and hip, said the plan was to “barge in, get the money and leave.” He said “he never expected anyone to be armed.”
“The gun was broken and rusty and wasn’t loaded. Nobody was going to get hurt,” he said, standing with crutches.
Retrieving the customers’ phones was what he said was their “main priority.” That way, he said, the customers could not call law enforcement officials.
Henderson theorizes the reason why he was caught off guard is because, when Dawkins entered the business, he busted a computer monitor with the baseball bat and “glass got into his face.”
“He couldn’t warn me,” Henderson said.
With the glass temporarily blinding his friend, Henderson noticed two women were behind the counter and he thought that was “fishy.” Turning around to see what the women were doing, Henderson said he was shot.
“I turned around to run and my
leg gave out. That was when I got shot. I hit the ground, and he was still shooting. I thought I was going to die,” Henderson said.
Henderson said that, “by the grace of God,” his “leg came back.”
“I ran,” he said.
He and his counterpart, Davis Dawkins, fled to a friend’s house and were eventually apprehended. Henderson says Dawkins used to be an employee at the cafe and knew there would be money on hand.
And even though Henderson seems to be carrying some remorse, he still has a bone to pick with Williams, the elderly man who shot him, for firing while he (Henderson) was on the ground.
“I was down, and I’m not going to continue to shoot you,” he said.
A piece of information Williams didn’t have the luxury of knowing.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Thank God for Samuel Williams, I am proud of him. He had to think fast and he did the right thing. It could have ended a lot different imo if he had not reacted the way he did.
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
1st Aviation Brigade, US Army
RVN, Sep66-Mar68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (5)
April 18, 2012
House Republicans Block EPA from Banning Lead in Ammunition
House Republicans Block EPA from Banning Lead in Ammunition
The House on Tuesday passed legislation giving hunters and fishing enthusiasts access to certain public lands to pursue their sport and also blocked the Environmental Protection Agency from banning lead for use in ammunition and fishing tackle.
The Sportsmen’s Heritage Act passed on a mostly party line vote of 274 yeas and 146 nays.
Republicans argued that the ability of sportsmen and women to fish and shoot on public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Forest Service is being threatened by the Obama administration and environmentalists through bureaucratic regulations.
Republicans also said that banning lead bullets and tackle would cause economic harm to the recreation industry and kill jobs.
“It would be a massive power grab by the EPA without a clear lack of legal authority, but has that ever stopped the EPA under this administration? Sadly, it hasn’t,” said Rep. Doc Hastings (R–Wash.) chairman of the House Resources Committee.
The bill recognizes hunting and fishing as historic and traditional recreational activities on public land and requires the federal bureaucracy to support those rights, said Rep. Rob Bishop (R–Utah), chairman of the Resources subcommittee on national parks, forests and public lands…
…Federal law already bans the EPA from regulating lead ammunition, however, more than 100 environmental groups petitioned the agency last month to ban it claiming the lead can poison those who eat wild game shot with the ammunition, or other animals that accidentally ingest the metal in dead carcasses.
“There is no scientific evidence for their position,” Hastings said. “So this (bill) makes it crystal clear Congress has primacy on this issue and it should be respected.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
I don't really think it is about lead. It’s about completely overturning the second amendment, except that it’s based completely on a baldfaced lie.
Congress needs to take the government back from tyrannical agencies and get the country moving again.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (7)
February 12, 2012
NRA official: Obama wants to outlaw guns in 2nd term !!!
NRA official: Obama wants to outlaw guns in 2nd term
While 49 other states have ratified Concealed Carry laws, Illinois is diligently working to track and punish their own citizens for exercising their Constitutional rights. If Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has his way, gun owners will not only be tracked in the same manner as sex offenders, but will be slapped with a repeating $65 fee…for each gun.
Rahm Emanuel proposes $65 per-gun fee and registry
Emanuel’s proposal would require all handgun owners to obtain a certificate of registration from the State Police for every handgun they own — at a cost of $65-per-weapon — and to renew that registration every five years.
They would be required to provide: their name, address and telephone number; the manufacturer of the gun, its model type and serial number; and the date and source of the purchase.
Whenever a handgun is sold, the seller would be required to report the sale to the State Police “no less than 48 hours prior to delivery.” Handgun buyers would have 20 days to file for a new certificate of registration. Anyone caught carrying or possessing an unregistered handgun would face a Class 2 felony.
If gun owners cannot afford to pay the $65 fee for each gun they must turn their guns in to local law enforcement for destruction. Punishment for not complying is a Class 2 Felony. How unfortunate for the rest of the good people of Illinois to have the scourge of Chicago in their state. And this fresh on the heels of signing a check for $399,950 to the Second Amendment Foundation after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Chicago’s ban on handguns…because it was unconstitutional.
If you think this is a bummer for the residents of Illinois, just wait. Emanuel, the heart and soul of the first two years of the Obama administration, is tipping Obama’s hand for his second term.
At the CPAC on Friday, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre had this warning…
NRA official: Obama wants to outlaw guns in 2nd term
While delivering one of the liveliest and best-received speeches at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre said the president’s low-key approach to gun rights during his first term was “a “conspiracy to ensure re-election by lulling gun owners to sleep.”
“We see the president’s strategy crystal clear: Get re-elected and, with no more elections to worry about, get busy dismantling and destroying our firearms’ freedom, erase the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights and excise it from the U.S.
Mr. LaPierre said the president's two Supreme Court appointees — Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan— are "two of the most rabid anti-gun justices in history." He also accused Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of being a foe of gun rights.
And with the possibility of two or more Supreme Court justice positions opening during the next four years, the NRA official warned that gun ownership would be in jeopardy if Mr. Obama stays in office.
"If we get one more like those three, the Second Amendment is finished," he said. "It'll be the end of our freedom forever."
Mr. LaPierre, who said "there is no greater freedom than to own a firearm," predicted that gun owners will rally en masse to defeat Mr. Obama in November.
"All of what we know is good and right about America, all of it could be lost if Barack Obama is re-elected," he said. "It's all or nothing."
Obama is a nightmare for the Second Amendment. He wants to make sure the government and criminals have guns…and the citizens don’t. You can’t have Marxism until you disarm the populace. It looks like the state of Illinois will be the first state to institute Marxism in the Union. Thanks for nothing, Rahm/Chicago. Just wait until Obama’s second term and he gets to appoint two more Supreme Court Justices…Chicago will be the United States.
Wild Thing's comment.........
These people refuse to read plain English. “. . . the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”
A mandatory fee IS an infringement.
May God help us all if this idiot-in-chief is re-elected.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (3)
May 12, 2011
Free Shotgun With A/C Repair Plant City, Florida
- A Plant City business has launched an unusual and bold promotion: buy an air conditioning unit, get a gun.
The owners of United Electrical Systems say they're only trying to offset the cost of doing business in a slow economy.
"If the air conditioners are broke, they would rather repair them, or they're just going without it because they can't afford to repair it," owner Tim Toole said.
Toole and co-owner Jim Harden are the first to admit, they'll do almost anything at this point to keep business going.
"If I had to wear a monkey suit and walk up and down the street, and I thought it would bring in business, I would do it," Harden said.
If they had to give away shotguns to bring in business, they'd do that too ... and they are.
"We'll run a background check and if we approve them, we will give them a shotgun," Harden said.
Customers who purchase and have a 15 seer Air Conditioning system installed by the company are eligible to receive a free Remington model 870 12 gauge shotgun.
Toole and Harden say customers will have to follow the same steps they would with any licensed gun dealer. They say they will be careful in trying to get that extra boom in business.
"If we think that you come in and you look like you shouldn't have a weapon, you're not going to get one," said Harden.
For customers that don't want a gun or don't qualify, a charitable donation will be made in their name.
A spokesman with the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office says they have no problem with the shotgun giveaway, as long as the law is followed.
Wiild Thing's comment.......
Can you imagine how much obama would hate this. heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (2)
March 17, 2011
Obama Seeks to Restrict 2nd Amendment Without Congressional Approval ~ Most Anti-Gun President in US History
Obama Seeks to Restrict 2nd Amendment Without Congressional Approval ~ Most Anti-Gun President in US History
Sean Hannity did this video back in 2008 of obama and guns.
Please share this with others that might have forgotten or did not know how strongly he is anti-guns. He is the most anti-gun president in the history of America. ~ Wild Thing
Obama Seeks to Restrict 2nd Amendment Without Congressional Approval
The Second Amendment is one of the cornerstones of American Democracy and Independence. It guarantees the "right to bear arms," allowing average citizens to own firearms.
The Founding Fathers included this provision, amongst other reasons, because the British tried to restrict who could own weapons and how many in order to force colonists into submission.
It protects against a tyrannical government with a strangle hold on power and guns.
Administration officials now say that President Obama is looking fervently into ways to restrict the Second Amendment. Even worse, the President is looking at ways around the legislature completely, hoping that laws can be "secured strictly through executive action."
The Department of Justice held a meeting Tuesday, the first of what is expected to be many, discussing gun laws. The main focus? The White House's attempts to form a gun policy and change laws.
One official stated, “The purpose of these discussions is to be a productive exchange of good ideas from folks across the spectrum. We think that’s a good place to start.”
At the same time as this meeting, Democrats introduced new legislation to increase gun control. The bill mirrors new laws supported by Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY). On limiting gun ownership, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who supports the bill, stated:
"Too often, any serious discussion about guns devolves into ideological arguments that have nothing to do with the real problem. Our coalition strongly believes in the Second Amendment. We also know from experience that we can keep guns away from dangerous people without imposing burdens on law-abiding gun owners."
Wild Thing's comment.......
He really does think he’s a dictator....and HE IS!!!!!!!
When Obama said, “I do solemnly swear that I will . . . to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” it meant as little as all his other promises. The evil, anti-American thug from Kenya/Indonesia/Hawaii/Chicago is a liar who wants to destroy our country. What also is very concerning is that so many real live Americans joined the fictional and dead voters in putting that communist in office.
Administration officials now say that President Obama is looking fervently into ways to restrict the Second Amendment. Even worse, the President is looking at ways around the legislature completely, hoping that laws can be "secured strictly through executive action."
In 1787, just outside Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Mrs. Powell asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or monarchy?” Without hesitation, Franklin responded, “a republic if you can keep it.”
Obama’s plan is indeed to transform our nation into a society dependent on the federal government, and in doing so, undermine our Constitution and America’s system of limited government.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (3)
January 29, 2011
House DEMOCRATS Call For Gun Hearings
House Dems call for gun hearings
A top House Republican rejected calls by Democrats for hearings on gun safety in the wake of the Jan. 8 shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), suggesting that such hearings could interfere with the prosecution of the alleged gunman, Jared Loughner.
Rep. John Conyers (Mich.), top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, and 15 other Democrats on the panel sent a letter to Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) on Friday seeking hearings on several gun-safety issues related to the Tucson shooting. Six people died in that attack and 14 others, including Giffords, were wounded. Giffords was transferred to a Houston hospital this week to begin a long-term rehabilitation program.
Smith said the inquiries Democrats proposed have merit, but timing them before Lougher’s trial could have the “unintended effect of prejudicing the ongoing criminal proceedings.”
While acknowledging that there is little support in Congress for broad gun-control measures, Conyers and his Democratic colleagues suggested the hearings – and congressional action – should be “a carefully crafted and narrowly focused review of these issues and other possible loopholes in current law.”
“We fully recognize and appreciate the sensitivity of the subjects raised by the recent tragedy in Tucson in which our colleague, Gabrielle Giffords, was shot and eighteen other were wounded or killed, including members of her staff, a Federal judge, and several other citizens,” the Democrats wrote. “However, we also believe it is not only possible, but imperative that Congress review the relevant issues in a civil and objective manner.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Tell John Conyers to pay more attention to his jailbird wife and his son driving around in Govt. Caddillacs, and dont be so bothered about passing new laws on guns.
We have plenty of laws now thank you.
There are many rural liberals, who no matter how liberal they are, know that they need guns (guns being a fact of life in rural America).
Idiot Liberals fail to recognize that we, in the rest of America, have a Different Definition of GUN Control.
Theirs is Confiscate..........
ours is...........
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (7)
January 28, 2011
Obama to Push Gun Control Which Will Make Him A One Term President
White House to Push Gun Control
Obama intentionally did not mention gun control in his State of the Union, but aides say that in the next two weeks the administration will unveil a campaign to get Congress to toughen existing laws.
At the beginning of his State of the Union address, President Obama tipped his hat to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who’s now recuperating in a Houston medical facility. But throughout the hourlong speech, he never addressed the issue at the core of the Giffords tragedy—gun control—and what lawmakers would, or should, do to reform American firearm-access laws.
That was intentional, according to the White House. An administration official says Obama didn’t mention guns in his speech because of the omnipresent controversy surrounding the Second Amendment and gun control. Tuesday’s speech was designed to be more about the economy and how, as Obama repeated nine times, the U.S. could “win the future.”
But in the next two weeks, the White House will unveil a new gun-control effort in which it will urge Congress to strengthen current laws, which now allow some mentally unstable people, such as alleged Arizona shooter Jared Loughner, to obtain certain assault weapons, in some cases without even a background check.
Tuesday night after the speech, Obama adviser David Plouffe said to NBC News that the president would not let the moment after the Arizona shootings pass without pushing for some change in the law, to prevent another similar incident. “It’s a very important issue, and one I know there’s going to be debate about on the Hill.”
The White House said that to avoid being accused of capitalizing on the Arizona shootings for political gain, Obama will address the gun issue in a separate speech, likely early next month. He’s also expected to use Arizona as a starting point, but make the case that America’s gun laws have been too loose for much longer than just the past few weeks.
As the White House prepares its strategy, several gun-policy groups are saying they were burned by the lack of any mention of guns in the president’s highest-profile speech of the year. “President Obama tonight failed to challenge old assumptions on the need for, and political possibilities of, reducing the gun violence—which he suggested should be done two weeks ago in Tucson,” said Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the nation’s largest gun-safety group. No group said it had been consulted by the White House regarding legislative suggestions.
Meanwhile, the National Rifle Association has stayed largely silent following the Arizona shootings. Asked about a specialized White House effort on guns, a spokesman for the powerful gun lobby declined to comment.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Facts mean nothing to these monsters. The agenda is control of thee and me. Nothing will be allowed to get in the way. We are only an executive order or two from a situation that will rapidly spiral out of control.
Tom mentioned this yesterday that Obama was not going to give up on this. And then I saw this how he thinks he will go about it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (7)
January 26, 2011
Chris Matthews' Insider News: Obama Will Have "Special Night On Guns..."
During MSNBC's State of the Union coverage, Chris Matthews reveals he has learned that President Obama will address gun control in the near future.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I would be totally shocked if obama pulled this off about gun control. The last I heard there are some 60 million gun owners in our country and they are not all republlicans. He would have to do it as an Exe. Order I suppose. sheesh
Meanwhhile if and when he gives his speech about this, it should help gun and ammo sales. Obama earns "Gun Salesman of the Year" award for the third year in a row!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (7)
January 10, 2011
DEMOCRATS Disrespect For Those Killed In AZ. They USE Them Now To Ready A Gun Control Bill and Bill Banning Free Speech
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), pounced on the shooting massacre in Tucson AP Photo
DEMOCRATS Rep.McCarthy (N.Y.) Readies Gun Control Bill and Pennsylvania Rep. Robert Brady Also Has Bill Banning Free Speech
McCarthy readies gun control bill
One of the fiercest gun-control advocates in Congress, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), pounced on the shooting massacre in Tucson Sunday, promising to introduce legislation as soon as Monday targeting the high-capacity ammunition the gunman used.
McCarthy ran for Congress after her husband was gunned down and her son seriously injured in a shooting in 1993 on a Long Island commuter train.
“My staff is working on looking at the different legislation fixes that we might be able to do and we might be able to introduce as early as tomorrow,” McCarthy told POLITICO in a Sunday afternoon phone interview.
Gun control activists cried it was time to reform weapons laws in the United States, almost immediately after a gunman killed six and injured 14 more, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, in Arizona on Saturday.
Many said that people with a history of mental instability, like the alleged shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, should not be able to buy a gun — and no one should be able to buy stockpiles of ammunition used by the 22-year-old assailant.
McCarthy said she plans to confer with House Speaker John Boehner and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to see “if we can work something through” in the coming week.
McCarthy’s spokesman confirmed the legislation will target the high-capacity ammunition clips the Arizona gunman allegedly used in the shooting, but neither he or the congresswoman offered any further details.
“Again, we need to look at how this is going to work, to protect people, certainly citizens, and we have to look at what I can pass,” McCarthy said. “I don’t want to give the NRA – excuse the pun – the ammunition to come at me either.”
Pennsylvania Rep. Robert Brady, a Democrat from Philadelphia, told CNN that he also plans to take legislative action. He will introduce a bill that would make it a crime for anyone to use language or symbols that could be seen as threatening or violent against a federal official, including a member of Congress.
Another vocal supporter for gun control, Illinois Rep. Mike Quigley, told POLITICO that he hopes “something good” can come from the Arizona tragedy – perhaps discussion on a new assault weapon ban, sales at gun shows and tracing measures.
Wild Thing's comment.........
If McCarthy’s husband and some of the other passengers on the Long Island Railroad were armed, the Jamaican murderer would have been stopped in his tracks.
What terrible people they are....... exploiting somebody else’s misery for their own political gain. This left-wing anti-gun fanatic is nothing short of an opportunistic VULTURE, always ready to take advantage of a tragedy.
God help us if such legislation ever becomes law... it will quickly become a politically correct standard to QUELL FREE SPEECH ... Under such a law - citizens will be censored - any and all dissent will be interpreted as THREATENING ... and FREE POLITICAL SPEECH WILL DIE.
The Town Halls of 2008 would never again be seen - citizens in those town halls who spoke out vociferously would under such a law become Terrorists.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." ~Thomas Jefferson, Proposed Virginia Constitution, 1776, Jefferson Papers 344
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (3)
December 21, 2010
Feds Want Reporting for High-Powered Rifle Sales
Feds want reporting for high-powered rifle sales
The federal agency that monitors gun sales wants weapons dealers near the Mexican border to start reporting multiple sales of high-powered rifles, according to a notice published in the Federal Register.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has asked the White House budget office to approve an emergency request requiring border-area gun dealers to report the sales of two or more rifles to the same customer within a five-day period.
The emergency request, published Friday in the Federal Register, is likely to face stiff opposition from gun rights advocates, including the National Rifle Association. ATF wants the Office of Budget Management to approve the request by Jan. 5.
NRA officials did not immediately return a telephone message for comment Monday. Last week the group's chief lobbyist, Chris Cox, told the Washington Post that the "NRA supports legitimate efforts to stop criminal activity, but we will not stand idle while our Second Amendment is sacrificed for politics." The Post first reported the proposal.
High-powered rifles have become the weapon of choice for Mexico's warring drug cartel. More than 30,000 people have been killed in Mexico's drug war since President Felipe Calderon launched an offensive against the powerful drug gangs shortly after taking office in late 2006.
Officials on both sides of the border have said weapons bought legally in the United States are routinely smuggled into the Mexico. The proposed reporting requirement would apply to sales of two or more semi-automatic guns more powerful than .22-caliber rifles that use a detachable magazine within a five-day period.
ATF, which tracks weapons found in Mexico and has tied tens of thousands of recovered guns to U.S. dealers, has been criticized for not doing enough to curb the flow of guns to Mexico, where firearms sales are highly restricted.
Last month a Justice Department report on the agency's Operation Gunrunner criticized the program as being narrowly focused on individual gun buyers and not larger smuggling organizations believed responsible for significant numbers of guns being shipped across the border.
Currently there are no reporting requirements for rifles.
If approved by the White House, the new reporting requirement would affect nearly 8,500 border-area gun dealers in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas and be in place for 180 days.
Wild Thing's comment........
In the minds of this administration, the law abider is the criminal.
Looks like another way the Mexican Government is trying to move the problem and burden to the United States Taxpayer.
''The proposed reporting requirement would apply to sales of two or more semi-automatic guns more powerful than .22-caliber rifles that use a detachable magazine within a five-day period.''
Outrageous. The 0bama regime is using this as an excuse to infringe upon the right of US citizens. This administration is well on it's way to undermining and eventually nullifying the 2nd amendment. November 2012 cannot come too soon.
If I remember my history right it took 25 years - from 1750 to 1775 - for the Founders to organize, find leadership and make a plan to take on the British Crown.
It’s a very interesting story how they did it. One key was to take over local governments. This acted as a political base to start brushfires all over the colonies that the Tories couldn’t control.
We’re still no where near taking back local governments from the leftists, but 650 new patriots in state legislatures was a big surprise. I think we can build on that and cause major problems for the fascists in Washington.
One thing we can all do is elect county sheriffs who believe in the constitution and the 2nd amendment. Any federal operation that tries to enter the county can be legally neutralized.
A couple of sheriffs did that during Katrina, refusing to allow the feds into their counties.
William Shatner on Gun Control - It's How Well You Aim the Gun
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (10)
Merry Christmas from Tiger Valley
A Tiger Valley student finishes up her Christmas shopping
TIGER Valley is a premier firearms and operational skills training facility located in central Texas. The facility includes a 1000 yard KD range, UKD range, shoot house, six story tower and nine tactical training bays. TIGER Valley offers pre-designed courses as well as custom designed classes to meet the training requirements of Federal, State, and local Law Enforcement agencies; military personnel; and private citizens.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Fantastic ! LOL I love it!
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
US Army Aviation
Vietnam 1966-68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (3)
September 09, 2010
Carrollton City Council Bans Drugs, Turns Focus to Gun Shops
Carrollton City Council bans drugs, turns focus to gun shops
Guns, not drugs, took center stage at Tuesday evening's City Council meeting.
Without a word of discussion, council members passed a law banning the sale of popular inebriants like K2 and salvia. Such bans have been a hot issue in other cities, but Carrollton's meeting-goers saved their breath to talk gun shops.
Specifically, they talked about Big Slim's Firearms, which upset some residents when it opened last week across the street from houses and in the same mini mall as a liquor store.
Council member Terry Simons proposed a new ordinance – to be discussed at a future meeting – that would restrict future gun shops from opening near liquor stores and certain other retail establishments.
During a public forum later in the meeting, one resident lambasted the proposal.
"Move to China or North Korea," the man said. "I guarantee you won't find any gun stores there."
Steve Babick, president of the Highlands Neighborhood Association, who helped start the controversy by e-mailing the mayor with concerns about Big Slim's, said opposition to the gun shop was "fear of the unknown." He invited Big Slim's owners to speak at a future neighborhood meeting.
In the lobby outside the meeting, Big Slim's co-owner Jack Kendall said he'd be happy to take up that offer. But he called Simon's proposal to restrict future gun shops unfair – even though it would not affect existing gun shops such as his own.
"I don't think gun owners and gun enthusiasts would like to see gun shops being treated like strip clubs," he said.
Kendall said he didn't expect Simon's proposed ordinance to go anywhere. Even if it is approved, the Texas State Rifle Association has promised to fight it.
Reached by phone, the association's executive director, Alice Tripp, ridiculed the notion that a gun shop operating near a liquor store posed a public danger.
"How on God's green earth could you tie the two together?" she said. " 'I got drunk and bought a gun?' There's no logic there."
During a break in the meeting, Simons defended his proposal. Big Slim's posed a potential threat to public safety, he said, pointing to numerous burglaries and a deadly shooting that took place near the mini mall in recent years.
But the council member contended he wasn't stepping on Second Amendment rights.
"I'm not for gun control," he said, adding that he spent the holiday weekend hunting doves.
Check this out..................
Democrats Schedule Senate Meeting to Regulate Gun Sales
“Firearms in Commerce: Assessing the Need for Reform in the Federal Regulatory Process”
Full Committee
DATE: September 14, 2010
TIME: 10:00 AM
September 7, 2010
The Senate Committee on the Judiciary has scheduled a hearing entitled "Firearms in Commerce: Assessing the Need for Reform in the Federal Regulatory Process" for Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 226 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building.
Wild Thing's comment.........
If they ban guns in any way, it will make a lot of Democrats furious as well. This might be one of the big issues that both conservatives and democrats agree least a lot of democrats would. Almost all the democrats I have known during my career all had guns.
....Thank you JohnE U.S. Army for sending this to me.
Soldier/Generator Mechanic
Companies: 288TH Q.M. Co
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:48 AM | Comments (4)
September 08, 2010
Long Island Man Arrested For Defending Home With AK-47
Long Island Man Arrested For Defending Home With AK-47
He was arrested for protecting his property and family.
But it’s how the Long Island man did it that police say crossed the line.
He got an AK-47 assault rifle, pulled the trigger and he ended up in jail, reports CBS 2’s Pablo Guzman.
George Grier said he had to use his rifle on Sunday night to stop what he thought was going to be an invasion of his Uniondale home by a gang he thought might have been the vicious “MS-13.” He said the whole deal happened as he was about to drive his cousin home.
“I went around and went into the house, ran upstairs and told my wife to call the police. I get the gun and I go outside and I come into the doorway and now, by this time, they are in the driveway, back here near the house. I tell them, you know, ‘Can you please leave?’ Grier said.
Grier said the five men dared him to use the gun; and that their shouts brought another larger group of gang members in front of his house.
“He starts threatening my family, my life. ‘Oh you’re dead. I’m gonna kill your family and your babies. You’re dead.’ So when he says that, 20 others guys come rushing around the corner. And so I fired four warning shots into the grass,” Grier said.
Grier was later arrested. John Lewis is Grier’s attorney.
“What he’s initially charged with – A D felony reckless endangerment — requires a depraved indifference to human life, creating a risk that someone’s going to die. Shooting into a lawn doesn’t create a risk of anybody dying,” Lewis said.
Grier said he knew Nassau County Police employ the hi-tech “ShotSpotter” technology in his area and that the shooting would bring police in minutes. Cops told Guzman he was very cooperative.
Grier also said he was afraid the gang outside his house was the dreaded MS-13. And Nassau County Police Lt. Andrew Mulraine, head of the gang unit, said MS-13 has 2,000 members in the county.
“They’re probably the most organized. They almost have a military hierarchy within the gang, so they are the most organized gang we encounter on a daily basis,” Mulraine said.
You may think a person has the right to defend their home. But the law says you can only use physical force to deter physical force. Grier said he never saw anyone pull out a gun, so a court would have to decide on firing the gun.
Police determined Grier had the gun legally. He has no criminal record. And so he was not charged for the weapon.
That ShotSpotter technology pinpoints where a gun has been fired within 35 feet. Police said it also detected two other shootings in nearby Roosevelt that night.
VIDEO at LINK....CLICK HERE and scroll to end of article.
Wild Thing's comment........
If a free citizen cannot be allowed to possess a fully-functional AK 47, then he is not a free citizen.
This man, was protecting his wife, children, and home - after being threatened verbally with death by 20 gang members, is the one charged by the police.
Meanwhile, the Federal Government won't enforce its own immigration laws, and sues the one state that at least attempts to find out who is even here illegally!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (6)
June 29, 2010
U.S. Supreme Court Rules Chicago Gun Ban is Unconstitutional
U.S. Supreme Court Monday struck down Chicago's ban on private ownership of handguns, saying the Second Amendment applies to states and municipalities as well as the federal government.
The high court extended its 2008 ruling in Heller vs. United States, which allowed residents in Washington, a federal enclave, to have guns for self-defense in their homes.
Supreme Court votes 5-4 Weighs Right to Bear Arms
U.S. Supreme Court Rules Chicago Gun Ban is Unconstitutional
The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the right to “keep and bear arms” in a decision announced to day to reverse the Chicago gun ban. In making this ruling, the court is essentially making it clear that the right to “keep and bear arms” applies to gun control laws at the local and state level as well as the federal.:
Supreme Court Opinion: Two years ago, in District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U. S. ___, this Court held that the Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms for the purpose of self-defense and struck down a District of Columbia law that banned the possession of handguns in the home. Chicago (hereinafter City) and the village of Oak Park, a Chicago suburb, have laws effectively banning handgun possession by almost all private citizens. After Heller, petitioners filed this federal suit against the City, which was consolidated with two related actions, alleging that the City’s handgun ban has left them vulnerable to criminals. They sought a declaration that the ban and several re-lated City ordinances violate the Second and Fourteenth Amendments. Rejecting petitioners’ argument that the ordinances are un-constitutional, the court noted that the Seventh Circuit previously had upheld the constitutionality of a handgun ban, that Heller had explicitly refrained from opining on whether the Second Amendment applied to the States, and that the court had a duty to follow established Circuit precedent. The Seventh Circuit affirmed, relying on three 19th-century cases—United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U. S. 542, Presser v. Illinois, 116 U. S. 252, and Miller v. Texas, 153 U. S. 535— which were decided in the wake of this Court’s interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment’s Privileges or Immunities Clause in the Slaughter-House Cases, 16 Wall. 36.
Held: The judgment is reversed, and the case is remanded……. FULL OPINION ( PDF )
Brit Hume explaining liberal hatred of gun rights
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank God five Supreme Court justices saw fit to, you know, respect that part of the Constitution.
They ALL should have but thank God for the five at least.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (3)
June 28, 2010
NRA Issues Gag Order to Its Board Members on Elena Kagan
NRA Issues Gag Order to Its Board Members on Elena Kagan
Internal Senate emails confirmed by NRA Board Members are highlighting just how far the National Rifle Association has fallen.
The organization recently collaborated with the left to obtain a carve out of the DISCLOSE Act, legislation designed to silence bloggers and outside interest groups like tea party activists. This was a first amendment issue and the NRA gladly took a position and campaigned for its members to take a position on the DISCLOSE Act.
One of the NRA’s chief arguments was that it needed the carve out to be effective in its advocacy of Second Amendment issues. But here’s the problem: these internal Senate emails confirmed by NRA Board Members show that the National Rifle Association’s management team has explicitly and directly told the NRA’s board they are prohibited from testifying about second amendment issues during the Elena Kagan confirmation hearings.
That’s right: the foremost gun rights lobby in the nation is prohibiting its board from testifying in the Elena Kagan confirmation hearings about the second amendment.
The NRA did issue a statement on Friday after the internal Senate email began leaking out informing people of the gag order. The statement noted Kagan’s problematic record on guns, but that’s just smoke and mirrors. Don’t believe them when they say they are working with Senators to investigate her record. If they were really working with Senators, they would have accepted an invitation to testify on the Kagan nomination when they were invited. The gag order on board members is not limited to providing testimony, but it prohibits board members from coming out against Kagan in their individual capacity.
If the NRA is really working with pro-guns Senators and Kagan is really hostile to Second Amendment rights, which she is, they will score her confirmation vote and actually make the score count this time, unlike they did on the confirmation of Sonya Sotomayor. With Sotomayor, they waited until several days after RedState began demanding a score and then, in effect, announced they’d score it and ignore it.
First they collaborated with the left to get the DISCLOSE Act through the House, now they are blocking their own from speaking out against Elena Kagan. Is this the deal the NRA cut with the left? They get a carveout and shut up their board?
NRA Discourages Board Members From Testifying Against Kagan
On the eve of confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan -- and for the second time in two weeks -- the National Rifle Association (NRA) is under fire from conservatives.
According to RedState's Erick Erickson, a prominent conservative blogger, "internal Senate emails confirmed by NRA Board Members show that the National Rifle Association's management team has explicitly and directly told the NRA's board they are prohibited from testifying about second amendment issues" during the Kagan hearings.
It turns out that during the confirmation hearings for then-Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, the testimony of former NRA President Sandy Froman angered current NRA leadership, because she didn't obtain permission to appear at the hearing – and because she appeared as former President of the NRA (she's also a Harvard Law grad a practicing attorney). The situation worsened when several members of the NRA board of directors also signed a letter opposing Sotomayor.
As one prominent board member (who asked not to be named) told me, Chris Cox, the executive director of the association's lobbying arm, NRA-ILA, "was livid because he didn't 'authorize' them to speak directly to Congress." After the Sotomayor hearings, a letter was sent to all NRA board members reminding them they did not speak for the NRA or the board.
Of three NRA board members I contacted, only one confirmed "explicitly and directly" receiving any sort of directive that could be interpreted as a "gag order" regarding Kagan. But all three sources confirmed that NRA board members actively opposed to Sotomayor's confirmation have been severely chastised "to the degree that they would not speak out against Kagan" (as one board member – who requested anonymity – told me).
Because most members of the NRA's board of directors are also heavily involved in numerous other conservative organizations, it seems unusual the NRA would expect board members to remain silent on the Kagan nomination (in fact, many have already spoken out).
These conservatives also see the NRA as having become too much a part of the "Washington scene" in recent years.
It is also important to note that it was only after pressure from conservatives that the NRA agreed to "score" the Sotomayor vote. Deciding to score a vote is important because it means Senators who voted for confirmation received a lower grade on the powerful gun lobby's scorecard.
And this perception was reinforced just a couple of weeks ago when the NRA came under heavy public criticism from conservatives – including a member of their board of directors -- for working with Democrats on a "carve out" exempting the NRA from proposed campaign finance disclosure rules that conservatives view as limiting free speech.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I think the NRA has been infiltrated by the libs. This would never have happened 20 years ago. They need to clean house big time for one thing.
This proves the maxim - if an organization is not specifially conservative, it will eventually drift leftward.
If they go back to being what they used to be I would become a member again. BUT not until they do, it is hard enough to have to fight back aganist the left then to add in fighting back a group etc, that is supposed to be on the side of our Constitution.
The other day someone told me that The Second Amendment Sisters were right on top of the Katrina Gun Grab issue, immediately denouncing it and getting the ball rolling. The NRA came late to the party and as the big dog, got more credit than they deserved. I thought that was interesting, I didn't know that before.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 PM | Comments (8)
June 16, 2010
URGENT ALERT: NRA Cuts Deals to Limit Free Speech
The National Rifle Association is suffering a sudden onset of amnesia this week, as the gun lobby cuts a deal to exempt itself from the latest Congressional attempt to repeal the First Amendment. NRA members may soon regret the organization's bid to ingratiate itself with Democrats at the expense of its longtime free-speech allies.
URGENT ALERT: NRA cuts deals to limit free speech
Three prominent Washington D.C. websites are reporting what many capitol insiders warned of: the National Rifle Association has made a deal with the devil (i.e. anti-gun Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid) to limit the free speech of Americans in exchange for their carved-out exemption.
While some pro-gun rights advocates may think free speech does not matter or that nothing another gun advocacy group does should ever be questioned, the National Association for Gun Rights and I take a very different view.
Without the right to free speech, we are defenseless in the battle to save our Second Amendment rights.
Let me be clear: restricting our First Amendment rights is the first step to stripping us of our Second Amendment rights, and should be resisted at every turn.
We don’t care who you are or what an organization may have done in the past – we only care about whether your actions will promote or harm our rights.
And frankly, this craven deal by the NRA will damage our gun rights and our free speech rights. After you read up on the facts, I ask you to give the NRA an earful by calling 1-800-672-3888 and insist they renounce the deal with Pelosi and Reid. Believe me, it is not too late if you will get involved.
Though at first objecting to the DISCLOSE Act, which would radically limit the free speech of organizations and thus, gun owners, the NRA has now agreed to an exemption for their organization (and other mammoth, mostly liberal, organizations like AARP and probably in exchange for support of the Democrats’ bill.
This legislation would place draconian limitations on the ability of organizations to voice their opinions on politicians, and by extension, their legislation. The chilling effect on free speech would be difficult to overstate.
Along with their tacit endorsement of Senator Harry Reid, the NRA is signaling that they trust the Democrats will spare the Second Amendment from further assaults.
But that’s a strategy of appeasement, and to put it bluntly, it’s insane. It just delays the inevitable.
Winston Churchill addressed this strategy when he said “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”
This is not the only time the NRA has cut a deal to harm gun owners and gun rights in the glare of an anti-gun media frenzy.
Just a three years ago, the NRA joined with arch gun-hater Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) to pass H.R. 2640, the Veteran’s Disarmament Act. When gun control advocates saw the Virginia Tech shootings as an opportunity to pass gun control, the NRA immediately signed the documents of surrender and actively lobbied Congress to pass legislation that will disarm tens of thousands of Americans, including veterans.
Why did they do that? Frankly, they were more concerned with what the media and Washington power-bosses were saying than their loyal-to-a-fault members.
Similarly in 2004 when, desperate to pass the Firearms Manufacturers’ Lawsuits Protection bill, the NRA dangled a re-authorization of the Clinton Assault Weapons ban in front of hungry politicians. The deal was going to be that if anti-gun politicians voted for the Lawsuit Protection bill, the NRA would not oppose re-authorization of the sun-setting Clinton Gun Ban.
Thankfully, a coalition of groups led by the National Association for Gun Rights joined together to kill that deal by exposing it to the light of honest gun owners across this nation... just like we are doing now. In that fight, after a few weeks of excuses and covering their tracks, the NRA backed off of the deal, the Lawsuit Protection Bill still passed and the Clinton Gun Ban ended.
What can you do?
Tell the NRA you’ve had enough, and urge them to kill the DISCLOSE Act, not cut a deal to pass it. Call them at 1-800-672-3888 today, as it may be too late tomorrow.
NRA endorses Harry Reid
From Right to Left.
Sen Harry Reid, Wayne LaPierre (NRA), Chris Cox (NRA)
LaPierre goes out on Tea Party Rally Day in Searchlight, Nevada ( the same day ) to meet with Harry Reid instead of going to the Tea Party event. If he did not want to go to the Tea Party fine, but to go see Harry Reid????? sheesh!
Wild Thing's comment........
This is shocking, I never knew the NRA was like this.
I never joined any of the gun groups before. Then last year the NRA had a special price running for their membership so I joined the NRA. This latest news shows me not to renew or stay a member any longer. That is why I hate to join things too easily, a person never knows what turns they will take later on.
I went to google and there is another group Gun Owners of America, so far I don't think they have ever compromised our rights.
From Gun Owners of America website:
House Democrats Close to Reinstituting Penalties for Criticizing Congress
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (7)
March 15, 2010
Wyoming State Plan Fines Feds $2,000 Over Gun Rules
State plan fines feds $2,000 over gun rules
Wyoming has joined a growing list of states with self-declared exemptions from federal gun regulation of weapons made, bought and used inside state borders – but lawmakers in the Cowboy State have taken the issue one step further, adopting significant penalties for federal agents attempting to enforce Washington's rules.
According to a law signed into effect yesterday by Democratic Gov. Dave Freudenthal, any agent of the U.S. who "enforces or attempts to enforce" federal gun rules on a "personal firearm" in Wyoming faces a felony conviction and a penalty of up to two years in prison and up to $2,000 in fines.
WND reported just days ago when Utah became the third state, joining Montana and Tennessee, to adopt an exemption from federal regulations for weapons built, sold and kept within state borders.
A lawsuit is pending over the Montana law, which was the first to go into effect.
But Wyoming's law goes further, stating, "Any official, agent or employee of the United States government who enforces or attempts to enforce any act, order, law, statute, rule or regulation of the United States government upon a personal firearm, a firearm accessory or ammunition that is manufactured commercially or privately in Wyoming and that remains exclusively within the borders of Wyoming shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be subject to imprisonment for not more than two (2) years, a fine of not more than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), or both."
Gary Marbut of the Montana Shooting Sports Association, who has spearheaded the Montana law, now describes himself as a sort of "godfather" to the national campaign.
He said the issue is not only about guns but about states' rights and the constant overreaching by federal agencies and Washington to impose their requirements on in-state activities.
He said South Dakota, Oklahoma, Alaska and Idaho also appear to be close to adopting similar legislation, and several dozen more states have proposals in the works.
According to an analysis by Michael Boldin at the Tenth Amendment Center, the federal government has used the Commerce Clause, which authorizes the regulation of commerce that crosses state lines, to regulate just about anything.
In the Montana lawsuit, the federal government's brief argues it can regulate intrastate commerce because of the Commerce Clause.
But the analysis said what the states are doing is simply a nullification.
"Laws of the federal government are to be supreme in all matters pursuant to the delegated powers of U.S. Constitution. When D.C. enacts laws outside those powers, state laws trump. And, as Thomas Jefferson would say, when the federal government assumes powers not delegated to it, those acts are 'unauthoritative, void, and of no force' from the outset," Boldin wrote.
"When a state 'nullifies' a federal law, it is proclaiming that the law in question is void and inoperative, or 'non-effective,' within the boundaries of that state; or, in other words, not a law as far as the state is concerned. Implied in such legislation is that the state apparatus will enforce the act against all violations – in order to protect the liberty of the state's citizens," he continued.
"By signing HB95, Gov. Freudenthal places Wyoming in a position of proper authority while pressing the issue of state supremacy back into the public sphere," he continued.
According to the Casper, Wyo., Star-Tribune, the law takes effect in July and consumers could purchase guns immediately under the exemption from the state's sole firearms manufacturer, Freedom Arms, which makes revolvers in the $2,000 price range.
Wild Thing's comment......
Something is definitely stirring out there in “fly over” country and the arrogant inside the beltway anti-gun people need to take notice.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (4)
March 13, 2010
Fed Agencies Seize Toys, Call Them 'machine guns'
Fed agencies seize toys, call them 'machine guns'
Claim pot metal frames actually could fire bullets
wnd ...for complete article
A gun rights organization has launched a Freedom of Information request following a decision by federal Customs and Border Protection agents to seize a shipment of toy pellet guns and a determination by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that they could be converted into machine guns so they must be destroyed.
Government agencies have explained that the Airsoft toys, made of a soft pot metal and lacking a firing mechanism, easily could be converted into a true weapon capable of automatic fire.
"Our firearms technology branch classified this as a machine gun," BATFE Special Agent Kelvin Crenshaw said in a report assembled by Gun Owners of America. "With minimal work it could be converted to a machine gun."
Gun Owners spokesman Erich Pratt told WND today his organization has launched a FOIA demand for information to find out on what basis the government reached that conclusion.
The case stems from the confiscation just weeks ago of the shipment of several dozen of the plastic pellet-firing Airsoft toys from Brad Martin and his son, Ben, in Cornelius, Ore.
An analysis by John Velleco, director of federal affairs for Gun Owners noted that, "To make the transformation, the entirety of the upper receiver would have to be replaced, but the lower receiver would still be unable to endure the intense force of live ammunition because it is made of pot metal (inexpensive alloys) instead of hard steel.
"And all of this work would actually cost more than buying a real – and stable – AR-15 rifle," he said.
The toys also lacked the orange paint on the muzzle that some classes of toys are required to have, but the Martins confirmed that when that situation had arisen with previous shipments from their Taiwan supplier, they were allowed to paint the ends of the barrels.
Jason Jonah of Andy and Dax Surplus said, "it looks like a gun, but the insides are completely different, the design is different, and the material it's made of is just not strong enough to fire real ammunition."
If somebody tried to fire real ammunition, he said, it mostly likely would blow up the toy.
"The gun would come apart and the pieces fly at you," he said. "If it weren't the ATF making these accusations, I'd laugh, but they must be taking it seriously. In all my years, I've never had anyone talk – even laughingly – about changing these into weapons," he said.
He said it would be about as easy to convert an Airsoft into a real weapon as transforming "your Cuisinart or any other electrical appliance into a real gun.
"It's made of the same plastic or low-quality aluminum as any other appliance. So maybe you turn it into a firearm, but it would be like transforming any other electrical appliance – hiding a gun inside an electrical appliance," he said.
He noted that in an Airsoft, the trigger doesn't activate a firing mechanism, it sends "an electrical signal to the battery, which sends more signal to the motor, which is spinning and sending out those pellets."
Velleco accused the federal government, through its gun regulatory agency, of becoming "an arrogant and out-of-control bureaucracy with a history of trampling on people's gun rights."
Wild Thing's comment........
“Our firearms technology branch classified this as a machine gun,”
Good grief.
Personally I think they should demonstrate for us. Let them shoot the first "converted" model while I hide behind a tree with a video camera!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (7)
March 06, 2010
NRA News: UN Doomsday Treaty
NRA News' investigative reporter Ginny Simone takes a look at the global gun control goals of the United Nations. By pushing for a binding international treaty aimed at superseding the U.S. Constitution, the United Nations is committed to rendering Americans' Second Amendment rights to own a firearm meaningless. Simone interviews past and current U.N. officials and politicians and examines the debates at the United Nations Small Arms Summit to expose the international anti-gun agenda.
Wild Thing's comment........
Excellent video about this. I also like the way they list the countries involved in being anti-gun. It is a chilling video regarding the dangerous push for taking away an American's right to own a weapon.
Hamilton warned in the Federalist papers that the greatest threat to our liberties would not be an armed conflict but loss of freedom INCREMENTALLY - bit by bit, if the people lose their vigilence. Be Ever Vigilant!
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (7)
March 05, 2010
To Keep and Bear Arms
To Keep and Bear Arms
by Doctor Zero ( John Hayward)
Twenty-five years ago, a little after sunrise on a Monday morning, the front door of my house was kicked in by a man who had blown his mind with crack cocaine. He marched my family upstairs at gunpoint. When I reached the top of the stairs and turned around, he put the gun in my forehead and pulled the trigger.
I’ve always heard it was good to begin a composition with an arresting opening paragraph. That’s the catchiest one I can offer from an otherwise modest biography. I hope the rest of this essay lives up to the opening. I’ll do my best.
I don’t mind admitting this incident gave me a lifelong aversion to guns. I don’t have any objection to other law-abiding citizens bearing arms – in fact, I’m strongly in favor of it. It’s just not a right I have chosen to exercise, although I’m working on getting over it. I’m fascinated by the beauty and science of firearms. I rarely pass a gun magazine on the stands without flipping it open, and I love attending gun shows. My first close encounter with a gun was rather… intense, so I’m understandably nervous around them. I recently discovered I’m a remarkably good shot with a target rifle, after some friends invited me to shoot with them. I’ve decided twenty-five years is long enough to be uncomfortable around the reality of something I’ve always supported in theory.
The Second Amendment is once again in the news, as the Supreme Court considers a case that would invoke the Fourteenth Amendment to apply it to the states, striking down restrictive state and local gun-control laws… oh, wait. You’re probably wondering why I’m still here, having been shot in the head and all. Well, I got lucky. I was able to knock the gun out of the way just in time, and the bullet wound up in the wall, instead of my brain. I had managed to make a hasty call to the police as the door was being kicked in, and they arrived to find the perp and I wrestling for control of the weapon at the bottom of the stairs. No one died in my house that day.
I wish the Supreme Court would do more than rule the Second Amendment applies to the states. It’s long past time the last, ridiculous cobwebs of ambiguity were cleared away from the right to keep and bear arms. Gun control has been simmering on low heat for a while, after boiling over in the Nineties. We should clear it off the Constitutional stove altogether. We have better things to do than slip into another bitter, tedious argument about whether the government can interfere with our right, and duty, to defend ourselves.
The notion that citizens have no good reason to be armed, because the State can protect them from violent crime, is one of the most dangerous lies Big Government has fed its subjects. The government reduces crime through the police and court systems, but no matter how tirelessly the police work, there is very little chance they can actively defend you from assault. There aren’t enough of them, and there never could be. The very areas of privacy that allow us to relax with our friends and families will always be soft targets for criminals… unless we fortify them ourselves. The police arrived at my house several minutes too late to play a role in my attempted execution. They made excellent time – there happened to be a unit in the area. If things had gone a little different, they might have arrived just in time to avenge me.
Citizen access to firearms has reduced crime rates time and again, but this is more than a matter of practicality. It’s a question of principle. The people of an orderly nation surrender the business of vengeance to the government, replacing it with the rule of law. They cannot be expected to surrender the right of defense. The right to protect yourself, and your family, from injury and death is an essential part of your dignity as a free man or woman. Without the First Amendment, you are a slave. Without the Second, you are a child.
The Western nations which have abandoned this essential understanding of an individual’s right to self-defense have become rotting orphanages filled with dependent children. They’re not dealing very well with the invasion of a determined ideology that has complete confidence in its own righteousness, and few reservations about using violence to assert itself. Losing the dignity of self-defense is part of the degeneration from master of the State to its client. As this dignity fades, the people and their government speak less of responsibilities, and more of entitlements.
The Second Amendment is a concrete expression of the American birthright of independence. With the right of self-defense bargained away, our rights to speak and vote give us modest influence in a collective. The Founders wanted more, and better, for us.
Sometimes liberals sneer at the idea we might keep arms against government tyranny, because a bunch of pistol-packing Tea Party types have no chance of repeating the success of the Revolution against a modern military force. This completely misses the point. A disarmed populace has little choice but to obey orders. If the population is armed, a tyrant’s forces have to do more than just brandish their weapons… they’d have to start pulling triggers. Victory for a righteous populace would come in the military’s refusal to pull those triggers. Tyranny should never be easy. Of course, it should never come to that again, in the United States. As long as the population is armed, this is an understanding, and a duty… not an assumption.
The right to keep and bear arms is a crucial intersection of liberty and obligation. A gun owner is entrusted with the solemn duty to tend his weapons carefully and securely. In accepting this duty, we remove the destiny of our loved ones from the hands of madmen, and it is no longer measured by the distance of a friendly police car from our homes. It would be a mark of our maturity as a nation if we stopped telling ourselves that freedom can exist in the absence of responsibility… or danger. The shards of those illusions carry sharp edges, when they shatter.
The New York Times article about the case before the Supreme Court ends this way:
The Supreme Court’s conservative majority has made clear that it is very concerned about the right to bear arms. There is another right, however, that should not get lost: the right of people, through their elected representatives, to adopt carefully drawn laws that protect them against other people’s guns.
Carefully drawn laws will not protect you from other people’s guns. Believe me. None of the people carefully drawing those laws will rely upon them for their protection.
Wild Thing's comment........
Excellent write up.
The Second Amendment.........America's Original Homeland Security!
Government and liberty are natural adversaries. The founders of our nation understood this. With that understanding in mind they crafted a Constitution and a Bill of Rights designed to limit the power of government and guarantee the rights of the people. The rights that they intended to protect were those written about in the Declaration of Independence and other un-enumerated rights, e.g. the natural, inalienable rights of man.
Be Well ~ Be Armed ~ Be Safe ~ Molon Labe!
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
February 21, 2010
ATF Tries to Revoke "Montana Made" State Sovereignty Laws
ATF Tries to Revoke "Montana Made" State Sovereignty Laws
National Association for Gun Rights
We all predicted this would happen.
In a move typical for that fear-mongering organization with an ever-swelling acronym, the BATFE has written gun dealers in the states of Montana and Tennessee to let them know the BATFE will be disregarding the states' sovereign gun laws.
The "Montana Made" law, just like Tennessee's Firearms Freedom Act, is very simple.
Much of the claimed federal authority to regulate firearm sales and transfers stems from a liberal interpretation of every American tyrant's favorite subterfuge, the "interstate commerce" clause. In essence, this is what gives the BATFE its nasty teeth.
With this in mind, Montana correctly understood that any weapon made in Montana by Montana residents and sold in Montana to Montana residents is Montana's business and Montana's business alone.
Montana thus sought to take charge of its firearms industry with the application of a simple truism:
Any gun made in Montana by Montana residents and sold in Montana to Montana residents is intrastate commerce, not "interstate commerce," and thus does not full under the purview of the federal government.
Potentially, the state would be able to say goodbye to NICS checks; Brady background checks; NFA taxes, bans and NFA databases -- and most importantly, federal "assault weapons" bans, which Montana and Tennessee rightly anticipated.
In effect, the "Montana Made" law would have permitted Montana gun companies to manufacture any kind of weapon banned by federal law -- including so-called "assault weapons" -- and sell them to fellow Montana residents.
Moreover, in this scenario, no one -- neither the manufacturer nor the dealer nor the buyer -- would have to kowtow to the BATFE by paying them a $200 tax and surrendering one's privacy to their notoriously inaccurate and oft-abused National Firearms Registry.
It was a new day for freedom -- and other states besides Tennessee were thinking of following suit: Alaska, Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas.
Well, the BATFE -- never one to have its power downplayed (or acronym belittled)-- has written letters to both Montana and Tennessee gun dealers letting them know that they proceed at their own risk.
We can only guess what new horrors those words portend -- probably more dead housewives and children as disgruntled ATF thugs shoot-to-kill anyone suspected of perhaps owning a firearm not properly taxed and regulated by Washington, D.C., power brokers.
What else would be new.
A few of our members expressed interest in contacting the BATFE to vent some righteous anger -- the same thing we did when the Department of Defense said they were going to ban all once-fired military brass for resale.
Remember how the DoD reneged on that commitment after just a few days due to the widespread backlash from gun owners and law enforcement?
Well, this is a bit different. Writing the ATF and providing them with your information is akin to giving thieves your home address and the hours you won't be home.
We're going to take a different, less dangerous approach.
We've been talking to state officials from both Montana and Tennessee today to try to figure out the best way we can help these state laws succeed.
Dudley Brown
Executive Director
National Association for Gun Rights
Wild Thing's comment........
This BILL is a shot across the Obama bow. And I pray that states and citizens keep firing and keep their powder dry. Montana is saying that the federal government has no right to regulate what goes on INSIDE their state.
This is a law passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor. It’s not about Schweitzer anymore; he did his part. Why would a Democrat sign such a law?
The answer is, “Because the people demanded it.”
This is a reaction against Obama. People have been buying guns and ammunition as has never before been seen. They KNOW Obama, and they KNOW Democrats.
And for good reason: Obama is pushing a treaty to ban reloading. Liberals are trying to regulate the components of ammunition as explosives and thus restrict ammunition. Liberals in California are nakedly attempting to circumvent the 2nd Amendment by regulating ammunition, hence making guns useless.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (5)
February 08, 2010
U.N. Gun Ban Faces Pre-emptive Attack

U.N. gun ban faces pre-emptive attack
'There's no doubt that the real agenda is domestic firearms control'
A gun rights organization has launched a petition effort to build opposition to plans being discussed by U.S. officials and the United Nations that could result in the confiscation and destruction of privately owned firearms inside the U.S.
The online petition, run by officials with the National Association for Gun Rights, offers participants a conduit to tell their U.S. senators a "Small Arms Treaty"' being discussed is "nothing more than a massive global gun control scheme, designed to register, ban and confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens."
Spokesman Luke O'Dell has explained in on online statement that the exact wording of the proposal so far has been kept "under wraps."
"But looking at previous versions of the U.N. 'Small Arms Treaty,' you and I can get a good idea of what's likely in the works," he wrote. "Don't let any of the 'experts' lull you to sleep by saying 'Oh, we have it handled' or 'Until you know exactly what's in the treaty you can't fight against it.'"
"Judging by Ambassador [John] Bolton's comments – who certainly knows what to expect from the American-freedom-hating international crowd that infests the U.N. – we are certain the treaty's going to address the private ownership of firearms," O'Dell wrote.
In a video posted on the website for the National Rifle Association, Bolton said, "I think it was clear from the outset that the Obama administration would move in this direction. The only thing that's surprising is that it's taken this long."
He said the presentations have portrayed the "Small Arms Treaty" as something to address international arms trade. "But there's no doubt that the real agenda is domestic firearms control," he said.
He said there are many references that the only targets would be "illicit" arms.
"That begs the whole question. What's legal and what's illegal in a domestic application?" he said.
"Whatever the appearance on the surface, there's no doubt that domestic firearms control is right at the top of the agenda," he said.
O'Dell suggested that the new "international" law could bring tougher licensing requirements, programs to confiscate "unauthorized" firearms and even a ban on the private ownership of weapons inside the U.S.
The petition delivers to senators a request to oppose any plans to ratify a U.N. "Small Arms Treaty."
"The ratification of this treaty would also likely create an international gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun confiscation," it states.
WND reported last fall when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton first announced the U.S. had changed its stance and would support negotiations of an Arms Trade Treaty to regulate international gun trafficking.
The Bush administration had opposed it.
The U.S. also at that point joined a nearly unanimous 153-1 U.N. vote to adopt a resolution setting out a timetable on the proposed Arms Trade Treaty, including a U.N. conference to produce a final accord in 2012.
While Clinton called the plan a "crucial national security concern for the United States," gun rights advocates said it was an attempt under President Obama to sneak gun control into the U.S. without having the issue debated in Congress.
At the time, Brian Wood, disarmament expert for Amnesty International, said in a Bloomberg report the U.S. is the largest conventional arms trader in the world and the unregulated trade of conventional arms "can fuel instability, transnational organized crime and terrorism."
"All countries participate in the conventional arms trade and share responsibility for the 'collateral damage' it produces – widespread death, injuries and human rights abuses," said Rebecca Peters, director of the International Action Network on Small Arms in an Agence France-Presse interview. "Now finally governments have agreed to negotiate legally binding global controls on this deadly trade."
But Bob Barr, a former U.S. representative and presidential candidate of the Libertarian Party, explained in a separate interview with the NRA how a treaty that looks like it's all about fighting international crime will necessarily lead to erosion of Second Amendment gun rights:
"Even though [treaty advocates] all say, 'We are not going to involve domestic laws and the right to keep and bear arms, that won't be affected by all this,' that's nonsense," Barr said. "There's no way that if you buy into something like this and a treaty is passed regulating to ensure that firearms transfers internationally don't fall into the hands of people that the U.N. doesn't like, there's no way that that mechanism will work unless you have some form of national regulation and national tracking."
The effort is just one more of the outreaches launched under Obama that critics fear could lead to additional gun bans. They have expressed concern his nominee to head the Occupational Safety and Health Administration could arbitrarily ban guns across large segments of society as a "job safety" concern.
Also, Obama's attorney general, Eric Holder, supported Washington, D.C.'s ban on handguns before it was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. And since Obama has been in office, he's already advocated for a treaty that would require a federal license for hunters to reload their ammunition, has expressed a desire to ban "assault" weapons, has seen a plan to require handgun owners to submit to mental health evaluations and sparked a rush on ammunition purchases with his history of anti-gun positions.
Citizens wishing to speak out on the issue can contact the State Department or the National Rifle Association.
"The ratification of this treaty would also likely create an international gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun confiscation," it states.
The United Nations and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are moving forward with their plan to confiscate your guns.
The United States joined 152 other countries in support of the Arms Trade Treaty Resolution, which establishes the dates for the 2012 UN conference intended to attack American sovereignty by stripping Americans of the right to keep and bear arms.
Working groups of anti-gun countries will begin scripting language for the conference this year, creating a blueprint for other countries when they meet at the full conference.
The stakes couldn't be higher.
Former United Nation's ambassador John Bolton has cautioned gun owners about the Arms Trade Treaty and says the UN “is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there’s no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Once again the UN moves to kill our rights in order to "stop violence and strife."
And it goes on and on....proving the UN is useless and naive. "but were trying to formant a more peaceful world and have justice", but do nothing to actually achieve these ends against despotic and violent regimes/states.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (8)
January 25, 2010
Staff Sgt. Steve Reichert Sniper 1 Mile Kill Shot
A U.S. Marine, Staff Sgt. Steve Reichert, has scored a kill shot while engaging the enemy in Iraq, and the shot was over a mile away. For his actions, Staff Sgt. Reichert has been awarded the Bronze Star for Valor.
In the after-action report, the platoon leader made a remarkable account: that Reichert made the shot from 1,614 meters – about a mile away. His accuracy was the deciding factor in the outcome of the firefight.
1,614 meters translates in to 1765.0918662 yards. There are three feet in a yard, so that number times three yields 5,295.2755986 feet. Staff Sgt. Reichert scored a kill shot at fifteen feet beyond a mile.
This is from Steve Reichert's appearance on History Channel's sniper special, where he tells his story about his fights in Iraq. Part one above and Part Two below. .
In the early morning hours of April 9, 2004, a Marine sniper and his spotter crawled on top of an abandoned oil storage tank in Lutafiyah, Iraq. Their mission was routine as they covered their squad’s patrol movement through the small town during the Arba’een pilgrimage. As it turned out, it was also a mission that will go down in the volumes of Marine Corps history.
Staff Sgt. Steve Reichert, a 25-year-old scout sniper with Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, and Medfield, Mass., native, was recently awarded one of the Corps’ top medals, the Bronze Star with a combat ‘V’ for valorous action.
The 1998 Medfield High School graduate spends his off hours firing at targets with his M82A3 .50-caliber special application scoped rifle (SASR).
During this particular mission atop the oil tank, Reichert settled himself in a very exposed position -- though he was able to prop up a few steel plates on some sand bags. He and his spotter occupied that position knowing they were extremely vulnerable to enemy fire.
“I didn’t really think about it at the time,” said Reichert. “But when we heard the fifty cal rounds impacting the oil tank we took what little cover there was.”
As the patrol moved toward the town, Reichert observed a dead animal located in the patrol’s path. It was then when he recalled his training in enemy tactics, techniques and procedures for improvised explosive devices (IED) and made radio contact with the patrol leader to redirect. The patrol leader radioed back to Reichert and confirmed his suspicion that two wires were leading out of the dog carcass.
“We encountered IEDs daily,” said Reichert. “The IED that the squad came up on was in a dead animal, and with my spotting scope I could see the slight reflection of the wires coming out of the animal.
But despite the squad’s preventive measures, a routine situation turned treacherous.
A rocket-propelled grenade, or RPG, was fired at the Marine patrol and seconds later enemy machine gun and small-arms fire pinned them down, according to Reichert. The Marines couldn’t effectively engage the enemy machine gunner on the rooftop of a nearby building so they radioed to Reichert on the oil storage tank. He took one shot and missed, then made the proper wind and elevation calculations to make his mark. A moment and a trigger pull later, Reichert took out the gunner.
In the after action report, the platoon leader made a remarkable account, that Reichert made the shot from 1,614 meters – approximately a mile away. His accuracy was the deciding factor in the outcome of the firefight.
Soon after, a few insurgents began to climb a set of stairs on the backside of the building where the firefight was taking place. Reichert aimed into the brick wall where he thought the men were and fired.
All three of the men dropped. Reichert’s armor-piercing round penetrated the wall and killed one man -- possibly wounding the other two with bullet and brick fragmentation.
“I was concerned about my Marines making it out of there in one piece,” said Reichert. “And at the same time I was loving life. I was outside of the gunmen’s range, but they were within my weapon’s range. I guess I could compare it to shooting ducks in a barrel.”
But the parlor game atmosphere proved to be more difficult than he may have expected.
“I could see that the two Marines got separated (from the platoon) and saw that a small group of insurgents were maneuvering into position to ambush the Marines. Once they stopped moving I shot one; the other two ran.”
Reichert looks back at his mission as a learning experience – not only for him, but for others who follow in his footsteps.
“I’ve learned a few lessons in life that I think helped me along the way,” said Reichert. “Never quit, no matter how tough life can get.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
What a shot. Another Carlos Hathcock!!!! God Bless him and God Bless the Troops.
And this form Jack......
"I had the M2 on my tank stateside and fired it a lot, an awesome weapon, In Vietnam we mounted one on a swivel track mounted on the lead 5 ton it was our "gun truck", it was destroyed on highway 19 during one of those 'non battles' we doggies sometimes witnessed."
....Thank you Jack for sending this to me.
Army Combat Engineers
Quang Tri & Chu Lai '68 -'69
United States Army
Jack's blog is Conservative Insurgent
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (4)
January 16, 2010
Legislation Introduced to Attack Gun Shows in Washington
Legislation Introduced to Attack Gun Shows in Washington
State Representatives Brendan Williams (D-22) and Maralyn Chase (D-32) have introduced House Bill 2477, a bill that seeks to abolish the private transfer of firearms, even between family and friends, at gun shows.
Simply put, HB2477 would hold law-abiding gun owners liable for the acts of criminals. Under this bill, if a firearm is privately transferred at a gun show to a person who is ineligible, the seller can be held liable for injury or death caused by the criminal use of that firearm.
Further, in order to implement this bill, tracking firearm ownership will be required. The predictable follow-up to this bill's passage is comprehensive firearms registration
Please contact both of your State Representatives and your State Senator at 800-562-6000 and politely urge them to oppose HB2477.
Wild Thing's comment........
They sure keep trying to mess with gun owners.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (5)
January 13, 2010
Model Myleene Klass Warned By Police After Scaring Off Intruders With Knife
Myleene Klass warned by police after scaring off intruders with knife
Myleene Klass, the broadcaster and model, brandished a knife at youths who broke into her garden – but has been warned by police that she may have acted illegally.
Miss Klass, a model for Marks & Spencer and a former singer with the pop group Hear'Say, was in her kitchen in the early hours of Friday when she saw two teenagers behaving suspiciously in her garden.
The youths approached the kitchen window, before attempting to break into her garden shed, prompting Miss Klass to wave a kitchen knife to scare them away.
Miss Klass, 31, who was alone in her house in Potters Bar, Herts, with her two-year-old daughter, Ava, called the police. When they arrived at her house they informed her that she should not have used a knife to scare off the youths because carrying an "offensive weapon" – even in her own home – was illegal.
Jonathan Shalit, Miss Klass's agent, said that had been "shaken and utterly terrified" by the incident and was stepping up security at the house she shares with her fiancé, Graham Quinn, who was away on business at the time.
He said: "Myleene was aghast when she was told that the law did not allow her to defend herself in her own home. All she did was scream loudly and wave the knife to try and frighten them off.
"She is not looking to be a vigilante, and has the utmost respect for the law, but when the police explained to her that even if you're at home alone and you have an intruder, you are not allowed to protect yourself, she was bemused.
"Her questions going forward are: what are my rights, and what are you actually allowed to do to defend yourself in your own house?"
The Sunday Telegraph's Right to Defend Yourself campaign is seeking a change in the law to provide greater rights and immunity from prosecution for householders in dealing with intruders.
Chris Grayling, the shadow home secretary, said: "This incident just shows why things are still very confused on this issue and why we need a change in the law."
A spokesman for Hertfordshire Police said: "We got a call at 12.45am on Saturday to reports of the owner of the property hearing noises outside their address.
"Officers were in attendance and checked the property.
"There was no one around although they could see footprints in the snow. No property had been taken and there were no intruders. It was treated as a trespass incident.
"Words of advice were given in relation to ensuring suspicious behaviour is reported immediately."
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is what happens when you let those who should be in prison run the asylum. I'm afraid we're not very far behind the U.K.
More guns, less crime!!!
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (9)
NRA News: UN Doomsday Treaty With Ginny Simone
NRA News' investigative reporter Ginny Simone takes a look at the global gun control goals of the United Nations. By pushing for a binding international treaty aimed at superseding the U.S. Constitution, the United Nations is committed to rendering Americans' Second Amendment rights to own a firearm meaningless. Simone interviews past and current U.N. officials and politicians and examines the debates at the United Nations Small Arms Summit to expose the international anti-gun agenda.
Wild Thing's comment........
We want our right to own a gun!.....But it's slipping away by these people who intend to control every aspect of our life. They are not elected; you can't get rid of them; they answer to no one; they are powerful and getting more power every day; and, they are coming after... us as fast as they can. Once it's gone, we'll NEVER, EVER get it back.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:44 AM | Comments (5)
January 11, 2010
Ban NBA Player Gilbert Arenas For Life For Bringing Guns To Wizards' Locker Room?!?
January 4th video
Arenas should be banned from NBA
Gilbert Arenas doesn't get it.
He doesn't understand the importance of weighing the consequences of his actions before he acts.
That's what prompted NBA commissioner David Stern to recently suspend the Washington Wizards guard and declare that he "is not currently fit to take the court in an NBA game."
Not only did Arenas bring guns into the Wizards' locker room last month, he and teammate Jarvis Crittenton, according to, drew on each other after a heated discussion over a gambling debt. And to top off the list of Arenas' questionable decisions, he smiled as he pointed his fingers at his teammates as if they were guns while they encircled him before a game against Philadelphia recently.
"If I really did something wrong, I would feel remorse for what I did," Arenas said. "I didn't do anything."
Arenas does not get it.
In announcing Arenas' punishment, Stern warned the Washington Wizards guard that his conduct will "ultimately result in a substantial suspension, and perhaps worse."
"Perhaps worse." Those words should keep Arenas awake at night because Stern has zero tolerance when it comes to guns in the workplace.
"The possession of firearms by an NBA player in an NBA arena is a matter of the utmost concern to us," Stern said in a statement released by the NBA.
Arenas, in the second year of a six-year, $111 million dollar contract, has been suspended indefinitely — without pay. He would have made $16.2 million this season, but he will lose about $147,200 per game. That's pocket change for Arenas.
If the NBA really wants to send a message, it should ban Arenas from the league. His contract with the Wizards should be voided, and he should never be allowed to participate in an NBA game again.
That would send a message that even Gilbert Arenas could understand.
NBA needs to ban Gilbert Arenas for life for bringing guns to Wizards' locker room
David Stern's next move should be to throw Gilbert Arenas out of the NBA.
For life.
Stern needs to make an example out of Arenas and send a zero-tolerance message to his players.
Stern has to make it crystal clear that the NBA now has a gun ban.
After announcing the indefinite suspension, will the commissioner do what needs to be done by instituting what should be known as the "Arenas Rule?" Or is he merely going to suspend Arenas for a year and then allow him back into the NBA in January of 2011?
As Stern himself said, "the possession of firearms by an NBA player in an NBA arena is a matter of the utmost concern to us."
Arenas engaged in damage control Wednesday, releasing a statement in which he admitted his attempts at humor "showed terrible judgment."
That's the same "terrible judgment" he used in showing up at his team's locker room with his stash of unloaded weapons.
Arenas tried to make nice Wednesday with Stern when he called to apologize, but the damage has been done.
Then again, Arenas has given Stern the kind of opening he needs to trash his current gun policy and make it a fireable offense if any player is caught with a weapon.
No exceptions.
If Stern were to implement "the Arenas Rule," players might think twice about owning a gun. Nowadays, it seems like everyone is packing. Devin Harris of the Nets estimates that as many as 75% of players own guns. That would amount to about 300 players.
"That sounds about right," said an official with one Eastern Conference team, whose duties include reminding players that they need to register their weapons and keep them off team property. "Guys have guns to protect themselves when they go out. They don't own them to use on anyone. It's for peace of mind."
Regardless, the NBA has already gotten enough terrible publicity with players and guns over the last few years. Even if Arenas never pulled a trigger.
Wild Thing's comment........
Why should Stern ban a man for exercising a right? Do you suggest speech next? Having the gun isn’t the problem.
If they think this is bad just wait until he finds out how many fans are carrying guns.
Rape, drugs and other criminal acts can be tolerated but having a gun is unpardonable. If Michael Vick, who was convicted of a felony and served prison time, can be allowed to return to the NFL, and Mike Tyson forgiven and was back in boxing, then why should Arenas, who has not been convicted of anything, be banned for life? In fact, other than brandishing the firearm(s) in question, he has not committed a crime that he’s been charged with. His guns were not loaded. No Bullets
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:49 AM | Comments (9)
December 24, 2009
Ammunition Control by the Obama Administration
Ammunition Control by the Obama Administration
by A.W.R. Hawkins
Without bullets, a gun is no more useful as a weapon than a rock or a hammer. Although an unloaded gun could be thrown at an intruder or a tyrant, the lack of ammunition ultimately reduces it to the status of a glorified paperweight.
And this is not lost on the nearly 100 million gun owners in America, a number of which are asking if the current shortage of bullets is the result of backdoor efforts at gun control (via ammunition control) by the Obama Administration?
The quick answer to that question is -- not exactly.
In other words, the reasons behind the current shortage, as the well as the price increases on what little ammunition is available, are both governmental and nongovernmental in nature.
As for the government’s role, a prime example arose in March 2009 when the Department of Defense (DOD) suddenly changed its policy about selling old brass from spent military rounds to Georgia Arms, an ammunition manufacturer located in Winston, Georgia.
According to Curtis Shipley, President of Georgia Arms, on March 12, 2009, the DOD, which had been a longstanding source of cheap brass for the ammo manufacturer, decided that brass could only be purchased from the military if it was “mutilated.” In other words, it would not longer be possible to buy empty brass casings that Georgia Arms could then clean, quickly reload, and sell to the public at a low price.
When I spoke to Shipley, who had been accustomed to buying spent brass in increments of fifteen tons from the DOD, he said, “This portended higher prices because it required us to either mutilate perfectly good brass when we picked it up from a military base or have a DOD employee travel with us (and the brass) to verify that we did indeed mutilate it at a another site.”
Once mutilated, Georgia Arms would have had to melt the brass down, re-alloy it (casings for each caliber require a specific alloy blend that can sustain the pressures for that caliber), and then re-shape it into the proper casing for whichever caliber they were manufacturing.
Said Shipley: “Such a process would add approximately $90 to the cost of one thousand rounds of 9mm ammunition right off the bat.”
Fortunately, the public outcry against this DOD maneuver was so great that the order to mutilate all brass was rescinded after just five days. However, those five days were enough to contribute to another problem the government had been causing since November 2008 – namely, fear of an all out Obama-led assault on guns and ammo.
Speaking to this fear, Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, said: “You can go to gun stores all over the country and many of them will have a picture of President Obama hanging on the wall. However, when you get up close to the picture and look at the caption on the bottom, instead of saying ‘President’ it says ‘Gun Salesman of the Year.’”
Pratt said gun owners are rightly leery of this administration. Obama supports the new California law that will require every semi-automatic pistol sold in that state to come equipped with a special firing mechanism that makes a distinctive mark – a “fingerprint” – on every bullet casing it fires. And currently, some Democrats in the House of Representatives want to take that law a step further and enact legislation that would force ammunition companies to place serial numbers on every shell casing they manufacture.
Let me just say that if you think ammunition is scarce and expensive now, wait till manufacturers have to put a serial number on every casing and maintain records containing the names, addresses, etc., of everyone who purchases such casings.
No wonder Pratt said: “None of this is about safety. Rather, it’s about finding ways to create an ammo and gun registry that will allow the government to finally figure out which son got daddy’s gun when daddy passed away.”
And while the government is doing its part to make ammunition harder to find, either directly, via episodes like the one between Georgia Arms and the DOD, or indirectly, by scaring citizens to death through anti-gun posturing that has caused a run on ammo sales, the market plays a role as well. With demand outpacing supply the market sustains higher prices for ammo under Obama than it was able to sustain for that same ammo during the presidency of a pro-gun politician like George W. Bush.
Add to this the fact that we’re now sending the majority of the lead from our recycled car batteries to China, instead of selling that lead to ammunition manufacturers who can cheaply reclaim it to make affordable bullets for their casings, and it’s no wonder consumers are scrambling to find ammunition and then paying a fortune for it when they do.
Did I fail to mention that millions upon millions of rounds of ammunition are currently being diverted to our troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere right now as well? While this is understandable, it further highlights the fact that we gun owners are in a tight spot, as far as getting ammunition for our guns is concerned.
With all these variables affecting the availability of ammunition, this would be a great time to join a group like Gun Owners of America. By so doing we would assure the politicians in D.C. that if they use their offices to further deny us bullets for our guns, we will use the voting booth to deny them the very offices they now hold.
I LOVE IT!!! And this video is a big ol' poke in the eye to the anti-gun government.
Wild Thing's comment........
Our message, DON’T TREAD ON US!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:44 AM | Comments (4)
December 16, 2009
University of Colorado Bans Nerf Guns
University of Colorado bans Nerf guns
It was a rough week for gun rights in Colorado.
First, Colorado State University voted to ban concealed firearms on campus.
Then the University of Colorado went a few steps further and cracked down on another nefarious threat: Nerf guns.
Plans for a student-led game of humans vs. zombies took a hit after campus security officials discovered that players intended to use the popular orange-and-green toy weaponry. Simulated guns, even those that shoot spongy Nerf balls, are banned at the University of Colorado.
The game, a national craze on college campuses, involves "zombie" students attempting to eliminate "human" students by pelting them with Nerf balls or socks. Once a "human" has been tagged, he becomes a zombie and must wear a bandana around his head.
Humans can stun zombies for 15 minutes by tagging them with a Nerf ball or sock. Zombies must hit at least one human every 48 hours or "starve." The game ends when all the humans have been turned into zombies or all the zombies have starved, which can take days.
CU spokesman Bronson Hilliard said students cooperated fully, replacing the Nerf guns with balled-up socks and even taking it upon themselves to hang fliers in dormitories warning players to leave their Nerfs at home. The game started Dec. 1 and ended a couple of days later.
Still, it didn't take long for cries of "liberal killjoys" to ring out across the Internet. The contrast was especially stark given the headlines that week at Colorado State University, thought to be the last college outside Utah that allowed students to carry concealed weapons on campus with a permit.
The CSU Board of Governors voted unanimously Dec. 4 to ban concealed weapons over the objections of students. Presidents of the Colorado State system have until February to submit a weapons plan that complies with the new policy.
"No guns of any kind, real or toy, from air rifles to paintball guns to Nerf guns, are allowed on campus under the laws of the regents," said a statement issued by Joe E. Roy, chief of police at the University of Colorado Police Department. "We are simply enforcing a longstanding policy, not inventing a new category of enforcement."
The debate over Nerf guns isn't limited to Boulder. Since Humans vs. Zombies first began at Goucher College in Towson, Md., in 2005, colleges have wrestled with whether to allow students to pack Nerf heat. Opposition intensified after the deadly 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech.
Chief Roy noted that Nerf guns can look real to passers-by at a distance. Two years ago, Alfred University in upstate New York went on a two-hour lockdown after a faculty member reported a student carrying a weapon that turned out to be a Nerf gun.
That's even more likely now that some Nerf heat-packers are painting their plastic weapons to look like the real thing. Mr. Hilliard pointed to a Web site that advocates painting Nerf guns black in order to achieve that authentic look.
"We love Nerf guns as much as the next adult adolescent male. But there comes a day in all of our lives when we realize that you can't scare the hell out of anyone with a bright orange and pink pistol shooting foam darts," says the Gizmodo Web site under the heading "Realistic Nerf Weaponry Combines Laser Sights with the Color of Death."
At Bowling Green State University in Ohio, administrators banned the use of Nerf guns for a semester, but then met with student organizers and drew up a list of guidelines, such as keeping the game outside of school buildings. Students also agreed to refer to the weapons as Nerf "blasters," not guns.
The next semester, the Nerf ban was lifted, said Landon King, a junior and past president of the BG Undead, which organizes the games.
"We haven't had any issues, other than people coming up and asking, 'What's that?' " said Mr. King, who added that the group always coordinates its games with campus police. "My only advice for the University of Colorado would be to work with the university, listen to their concerns, and meet them halfway."
Wild Thing's comment.......
I can understand that realistic weapons used in a threatening manner can lead to tragic misunderstandings, but this paranoia of all weapons, real or fake is a symptom of a societal sickness.
They only kill nerf people and they put holes in their nerf skin and cause all the nerf blood and nerf guts to fall out onto the ground. It really is a horrible sight to see.
....Thank you JohnE PFC U.S. Army for sending this to me.
Soldier/Generator Mechanic
Companies: 288TH Q.M. Co
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (10)
November 24, 2009
William Shatner on Gun Control ~ LOL
Wild Thing's comment.......
LMAO I know I have posted this before but I LOVE it so much and it just feels good. heh heh
......Thank you SSGT Steve
SSgt Steve
1st MarDiv, H Co., 2nd Bn, 5th Marine Regiment
2/5 Marines, Motto: "Retreat, Hell"
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (1)
November 12, 2009
2nd Amendment Concerns Over Obama's Nominee
Obama to attack guns as public-health threat?
2nd Amendment advocates worry over opinions of OSHA nominee
Second Amendment advocates are expressing alarm that the most significant attack on gun rights across the United States in years soon could come in the form of a workplace "safety" regulation under President Obama's nominee to run the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Obama has nominated David Michaels, a George Washington University professor and the chief of the Project on Scientific Knowledge and Public Policy, which reportedly partially is funded by George Soros.
"The controversial OSHA nominee and left-leaning public health advocate also seems to have strong views on firearms," wrote Walter Olson at
"That's by no means irrelevant to the agenda of an agency like OSHA, because once you start viewing private gun ownership as a public health menace, it begins to seem logical to use the powers of government to urge or even require employers to forbid workers from possessing guns on company premises, up to and including parking lots, ostensibly for the protection of co-workers."
Michaels, who although he would have to be approved by the U.S. Senate, comes with views that concern Second Amendment advocates.
In his 2007 writing to laud the ability of the federal government to respond by creating new laws to ban activities or behaviors.
"When the toll of preventable and pointless deaths or injuries from any single event or related events becomes so great, or particular aspects of the story bring it to the public's attention, our nation invariably demands more and stronger regulation, not less," Michaels wrote at the time.
"In the U.S., we see an average of one gun-related homicide every 45 minutes, or 32 each day," he wrote. "These are usually treated as isolated incidents, until a horrific event like the Virginia Tech massacre reawakens the public and strengthens public health advocates who are attempting to prevent gun violence."
OSHA is an agency that already has a well-earned reputation for abusing its authority and reaching beyond its stated purpose. Add one zealot and it easily becomes an oppressive entity with immense power over all American businesses, large and small. At a time in which America's businesses desperately need the freedom to responsibly pursue earning profits and put workers back on the payroll, the chemical potency of combining Obama's left-wing agenda with an anti-business zealot manager at OSHA could prove toxic," Myrick wrote.
The first vote on Michaels' nomination already was canceled by the Senate Committee on Health, Labor, Education and Pensions.
At the Examiner, gun rights writer David Codrea warned that some "public health" excuse could be used for imposing draconian restrictions on gun owners.
He cited the comment from a director of the CDC's National Center for Injury Control and Prevention that, "We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes. Now it [sic] is dirty, deadly, and banned."
"Does anyone doubt that Michaels will bring a similarly creative agenda to apply through regulatory measures under the guise of 'occupational safety and health?'" he asked.
The National Gun Rights organization called him an "anti-gunner."
Columnist Dave Kopel at the Independence Institute in Colorado said, "Plenty of Obama's administration appointees have a longer record of anti-gun activism than David Michaels, but perhaps none of them have the ability to make such a dramatic, instant change in the lives of law-abiding gun owners.
"By its own fiat, OSHA could outlaw the possession of firearms in every workplace and every employee parking lot in the United States," he wrote.
"That David Michaels is anti-gun is undisputed," he continued.
"The Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution means that a valid federal law or regulation wins in any conflict with a state law. Many states have laws that protect the rights of employees to store lawful firearms in parking lots at work. If an OSHA regulation prohibiting such storage existed, the federal regulation would trump state law," he said.
"Under Michaels, OSHA could write a regulation stating that it is illegal for any business to allow guns in the workplace or in parking lots. No handgun could be locked in the trunk of a car, even if the owner has a Right-to-Carry license. No rifle could be stored in the car, even if there’s no ammunition around and the gun will be dropped off at the gunsmith after work," he said.
Obama's attorney general, Eric Holder, had supported Washington, D.C.'s ban on handguns before it was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. And since Obama has been in office, he's already advocated for a treaty that would require a federal license for hunters to reload their ammunition, has expressed a desire to ban "assault" weapons, has seen a plan to require handgun owners to submit to mental health evaluations and sparked a rush on ammunition purchases with his history of anti-gun positions.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I could be wrong, but I think if Obama makes a move on guns, we will have Congress for the next 20 years if he tries that. Gun control is a totally lost issue for the Dems, as the country is now something like two to one against it as a ‘cure’ for crime. MUCH HIGHER than the polling has ever shown.
Plus there are a lot of Democrats that own guns, for protection and also for hunting.
Obama is a threat to all of our freedoms!
....Thank you JohnE PFC U.S. Army for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:44 AM | Comments (3)
November 09, 2009
NRA Backs Law Against Adoption Agencies' Gun Questions
NRA Backs Law Against Adoption Agencies' Gun Questions
By: Rick Pedraza Article Font Size
Adoption agencies are violating gun owners' rights by asking prospective parents whether they keep guns and ammunition in the home, according to a Florida state legislator trying to ban the practice.
And the National Rifle Association backs the law Republican Sen. Thad Altman has introduced in the Florida Legislature that would make it unlawful for an adoption agency to ask gun ownership questions, according to a report in the Miami Herald. Such questions violate privacy rights, the proposal contends.
Altman became involved in the issue after two constituents in his congressional district complained when they tried to adopt a child.
“An adoption agency has no right to subvert the privacy rights of gun owners,'' Marion Hammer, a lobbyist for the NRA, told The Herald.
Hammer noted that requiring individuals to register guns is illegal in Florida; therefore, requiring couples to disclose whether they own firearms before adopting a child should be, too.
Liz Bruner, a spokeswoman for the Children's Home Society, said Florida’s privatized child-welfare system asks about gun ownership because the state’s Department of Children & Families requires it in its role overseeing the adoption process.
“We're trying to get an updated form to use, but there's a gray area over what [form] we can use,” Bruner said.
A spokesperson for Florida's DCF reported that some forms used in the state's adoption process include the gun ownership question, while other forms don’t, depending on which subcontractor handling the adoption process is involved.
NRA critics, including Democratic Sen. Nan Rich, contend the gun ownership question on adoption forms is valid and doesn’t agree that adoption agencies should be banned from asking the question. “Parents frequently ask if other parents have guns in the home before their kids play there, so why can't an adoption agency just ask?” Rich told The Herald.
Wild Thing's comment..........
"Hammer noted that requiring individuals to register guns is illegal in Florida"
I never knew this, every time we have bought a gun at the gun store we always had to register them. Maybe they mean from gun shows or from private citizens.
And the other thing about having to ask about guns by an adoption agency. I grew up with guns in the home and from a young age was taught about them.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (6)
November 03, 2009
Election Day " Bring It On" ~ William Shatner
Wild Thing's comment............
LMAO I love this.And it is perfect to show for today with the election happening. Here we have the heh heh perfect candidate.
......Thank you SSGT Steve
SSgt Steve
1st MarDiv, H Co., 2nd Bn, 5th Marine Regiment
2/5 Marines, Motto: "Retreat, Hell"
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (7)
October 27, 2009
A Novel Idea. Register Non-gun Owners
A Novel Idea. Register non-gun owners
Vermont State Rep. Fred Maslack has read the Second Amendment to the U.S.Constitution, as well as Vermont 's own Constitution very carefully, and his strict interpretation of these documents is popping some eyeballs in New
England and elsewhere.
Maslack recently proposed a bill to register "non-gun-owners" and require them to pay a $500 fee to the state.
Thus Vermont would become the first state to require a permit for the luxury of going about unarmed and assess a
fee of $500 for the privilege of not owning a gun
Maslack read the "militia" phrase of the Second Amendment as not only affirming the right of the individual citizen to bear arms, but as a clear mandate to do so.
He believes that universal gun ownership was advocated by the Framers of the Constitution as an antidote to a "monopoly of force" by the government as well as criminals
Vermont 's constitution states explicitly that "the people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and the State" and those persons who are "conscientiously scrupulous of bearing arms" shall be required to "pay such equivalent." Clearly, says Maslack, Vermonters have a constitutional obligation to arm themselves, so that they are capable of responding to "any situation that may arise."
Under the bill, adults who choose not to own a firearm would be required to register their name, address, Social Security Number, and driver's license number with the state.
"There is a legitimate government interest in knowing who is not prepared to defend the state should they be asked to do so," Maslack says
Vermont already boasts a high rate of gun ownership along with the least restrictive laws of any state .. it's currently the only state that allows a citizen to carry a concealed firearm without a permit.
This combination of plenty of guns and few laws regulating them has resulted in a crime rate that is the third lowest in the nation
"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
This makes sense!
There is no reason why gun owners should have to pay taxes to support police protection for people not wanting to own guns.
Let them contribute their fair share and pay their own way.
Wild Thing's comment.........
What a great idea!
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (8)
October 05, 2009
Feds Sued To Keep Out of State's Gun Affairs
Map of gun law activity assembled by
Feds sued to keep out of state's gun affairs
Complaint filed seeking affirmation of Montana Firearms Freedom Act
By Bob Unruh
In the second major front in the war over gun rights that has developed in just days, a lawsuit has been filed against U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder seeking a court order that the federal government stay out of the way of Montana's management of its own firearms.
The action was filed by the Second Amendment Foundation and the Montana Shooting Sports Association in U.S. District Court in Missoula, Mont., to validate the principles and terms of the Montana Firearms Freedom Act, which took effect today.
WND previously reported on the precedent-setting move taken over the course of recent months when the 2009 Montana Legislature approved the bill and the plan was signed into law by Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer.
The law provides guns and ammo made, sold and used in Montana would not require any federal forms; silencers made and sold in Montana would be fully legal and not registered; and there would be no firearm registration, serial numbers, criminal records check, waiting periods or paperwork required.
The idea is spreading quickly. Tennessee already has a similar law, and similar plans have been introduced in many other states.
An organization called the Firearms Freedom Act has created a map of such activity nationwide:
The move comes at a time the nation has a president who has placed anti-gun activists in several influential positions, including an attorney general who supported a complete handgun ban in the District of Columbia before the U.S. Supreme Court threw it out.
Get "Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of Self-Defense" and learn why you have a responsibility to be armed.
Montana's plan is called "An Act exempting from federal regulation under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution of the United States a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition manufactured and retained in Montana."
The law cites the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that guarantees to the states and their people all powers not granted to the federal government elsewhere in the Constitution and reserves to the state and people of Montana certain powers as they were understood at the time it was admitted to statehood in 1889.
"The guaranty of those powers is a matter of contract between the state and people of Montana and the United States as of the time that the compact with the United States was agreed upon and adopted by Montana and the United States in 1889," the law states.
The lead attorney for the plaintiffs' litigation team is Quentin Rhodes of the Missoula firm of Sullivan, Tabaracci & Rhoades, PC. The team includes other attorneys working in Montana, New York, Florida, Arizona and Washington.
"We're happy to join this lawsuit," said Alan Gottlieb, founder of the SAF, "because we believe this issue should be decided by the courts.
"We feel very strongly that the federal government has gone way too far in attempting to regulate a lot of activity that occurs only in-state," added MSSA President Gary Marbut. "The Montana Legislature and governor agreed with us by enacting the MFFA. We welcome the support of many other states that are stepping up to the plate with their own firearms freedom acts."
David Codrea, a Gun Rights Examiner writer, noted the federal government already has started attacking the move.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, he wrote, previously had written to Federal Firearms Licensees, warning that they could be prosecuted for following the state laws in Montana and Tennessee
"What if an FFL was not acting in his capacity as a federal licensee to manufacture for personal use, or to transfer firearms strictly within a state? Or what if a person so engaged was not a federal licensee at all?" Codrea asked.
Then he answered: "ATF's determined intent to hold all accountable under federal law has not wavered. In a letter to MSSA president Gary Marbut, Richard Chase, Special Agent in Charge, Denver Field Division, states: 'The manufacture of firearms or ammunition for sale to others within Montana requires licensure by ATF.'"
In a statement the SAF said, "The primary purpose of the MFFA is to set up a legal challenge to federal power under the commerce clause."
The lawsuit seeks a "declaratory judgment" and is "brought for the purpose of determining a question of actual controversy between the parties."
"Passage of the MFFA was an express exercise by the State of Montana of powers reserved to the states and to the people under the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution," the lawsuit said.
"The MFFA is also authorized under the conditions of the compact with the United States that Montana entered upon admission to the union. The United States Congress therefore has no authority, under the limited powers granted to it by the United States Constitution, to preempt the MFFA."
The arguments continued, "Under the 10th Amendment, all regulatory authority of all such activities within Montana's political borders is left in the sole discretion of Montana. Federal law therefore does not preempt the MFFA and cannot be invoked to regulate or prosecute Montana citizens acting in compliance with the MFFA, so long as they do so solely within the political borders of Montana."
The Illinois State Rifle Association and the Second Amendment Foundation filed a lawsuit against the city of Chicago claiming the city enforces a handgun ban identical to the one struck down by the Supreme Court in the case District of Columbia v. Heller and that the ban violates residents' Second Amendment rights.
In Heller, the court rejected a lower court position that claimed the Second Amendment applied only to state "militia," such as the National Guard. However, the 5-4 ruling referenced the federal jurisdiction of Washington, D.C., and not states and localities.
This case, McDonald v. Chicago, challenges a 7th Circuit court ruling that said the Second Amendment applies only to federal regulation of an individual's right to guns and not in cases of restrictions by states and municipalities like Chicago and Oak Park, Ill.
The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states: "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Furthermore, Section 1 of the 14th Amendment, or the Privileges or Immunities Clause, states:
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
The plaintiffs argue that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms" in the Second Amendment is "incorporated" into the 14th Amendment and applies to both states and localities.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I love it and I wish it would happen in all the States for everyone.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (5)
October 01, 2009
Supreme Court to hear challenge to Chicago gun law
Otis McDonald, 76, who is suing the city of Chicago over its handgun ban, describes how he was threatened at gunpoint in his neighborhood. (Abel Uribe/Chicago Tribune)
Supreme Court to hear challenge to Chicago gun law
The Supreme Court set the stage for a historic ruling on gun rights and the 2nd Amendment by agreeing today to hear a challenge to Chicago's ban on handguns.
At issue is whether state and local gun-control ordinances can be struck down as violating the "right to keep and bear arms" in the 2nd Amendment.
A ruling on the issue, due by next summer, could open the door to legal challenges to various gun control measures in cities and states across the nation.
The case also will decide whether the 2nd Amendment protects a broad constitutional right, similar to the 1st Amendment's right to free speech or the 4th Amendment's protection against unreasonable searches and seizures.
In the past, the Supreme Court had given short shrift to the 2nd Amendment by saying it applied only to national laws and that its aim was to preserve "well-regulated militias."
With the court's action today, Richard Pearson, executive director of the Illinois State Rifle Association, said his organization has a good chance at reversing the city's ban. The rifle association is a party to the McDonald suit.
"All the ban does is prevent law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves," Pearson said. "It has no affect on the criminals at all."
If anything, not allowing citizens to carry guns puts criminals at an advantage, Pearson said.
Chicago's Law Department said it was not surprised by today's development and added: "The city of Chicago remains committed to its handgun ordinance, which was enacted to respond to the problem of gun violence in large urban centers."
But Otis McDonald, 76, who is suing the city over its gun ban, says he keeps a 20-gauge shotgun at home to protect himself from gangs that plague his Morgan Park neighborhood.
"The people that want to control me, my family, my property, these are the people that I want to protect myself from," McDonald said earlier today.
The same children who used to play basketball in McDonald's backyard now threaten his life, he said.
"The plaintiffs in this case ... are good people," said David Sigale, a co-attorney on the McDonald lawsuit. "They're law-abiding. They want to protect themselves. They want to protect their homes. They want to protect their families. They're not the crime problem in Chicago. They never have been."
The Supreme Court's traditionally narrow view of the 2nd Amendment conflicts with the views of most Americans, according to opinion polls.
Last year, the court in a 5-4 decision breathed new life into the amendment by ruling that it protected an individual's right to have a handgun at home for self-defense. The decision in District of Columbia vs. Heller struck down a local ban on handguns.
But since the nation's capital is a federal enclave, the court did not reconsider its 19th century rulings that said the 2nd Amendment applied only to federal laws and restrictions.
Since then, several gun owners have filed new constitutional challenges in several cities, including Chicago and Oak Park. They lost when judges there said they were bound by the high court's earlier rulings.
But the Supreme Court Wednesday said it had voted to hear the appeals from gun owners in Chicago and Oak Park and to decide whether the 2nd Amendment restricts local and state laws as well as national measures.
Lawyers for the gun owners argued that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms" set out in the 2nd Amendment is "incorporated" into the 14th Amendment and thereby applies to states and localities.
Lawyers on both sides of the dispute say the gun-rights case revives a once-fierce debate over how to read the Bill of Rights.
Since the 1st Amendment begins with the words, "Congress shall make no law respecting" such matters as an "establishment of religion" or "abridging the freedom of speech," it was understood originally to limit only Congress and the national government. The same was true of the other parts of Bill of Rights.
After the Civil War, the 14th Amendment was added to the Constitution, and it says a state may not "abridge the privileges and immunities" of citizens nor deprive any person of "liberty . . . without due process of law."
In the mid-20th century, the Supreme Court decided, in a step-by-process, that such fundamental rights as the freedom of speech, the free exercise of religion and the freedom from "unreasonable searches" are part of the "liberty" protected by 14th Amendment. These rulings permit constitutional challenges to state and local laws.
The 2nd Amendment was all but ignored by the Court until recently. In their appeal, lawyers for the gun owners say the court should rule either that the right "to keep and bear arms" is a "privilege" of citizenship or is part of the "liberty" protected by the 14th Amendment.
Lawyers for Chicago had urged the court to reject the appeal. They said that easily concealed handguns pose a special danger in cities. "Homicides are most often committed with guns, especially handguns," they said, citing a Justice Department study. The city also said that while nearly all handguns are illegal, residents are permitted to have rifles or shotguns at home for self-defense.
It is not clear whether the court will rule squarely on whether the Chicago ordinance is constitutional. Lawyers for the city proposed that if the justices take up the issue, they rule only on whether the ordinance can be challenged under the 2nd Amendment, and then send the dispute back to Chicago for a trial.
The court said it will set arguments in the Chicago cases for January or February. The case is McDonald vs. Chicago.
Wild Thing's comment........
Praying they uphold our Constitution. Gun Control in Chicago has done NOTHING to stop the murderous gangs and criminals. If law-abiding citizens were able to defend themselves crime would go DOWN, not UP!
Of course, the gang bangers will still target each other, but that hasn’t changed in DECADES - with guns legal or without!
A communist, racist judge like Sotomayor will hardly be looking out for the rights of Americans who want to defend themselves against criminals. Justice Thomas has been an influential member and an interesting book has been written how he has helped shape other Jurors thoughts. Perhaps he can impart some common sense on her
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 PM | Comments (7)
September 23, 2009
Man Teaching Gun Safety Shoots Himself
Man Teaching Gun Safety Shoots Himself
A Missouri man who was teaching his girlfriend about firearm safety on Friday pointed a gun at his head to prove a point and accidentally shot himself dead.
The Jefferson County Sheriff said that James Looney, 40, of Imperial, Mo., was teaching his girlfriend about the different safety mechanisms on guns by putting guns to his head and asking her if they would go off. The first two guns did not go off, but the third gun actually fired.
Looney was transported to a nearby hospital and pronounced dead the next morning.
According to witnesses, Looney was going to take his girlfriend to the shooting range the next day, but insisted on firearm safety the day prior.
People accidentally shooting themselves in the head isn't uncommon. Earlier this month, a Tennessee man suffered a non life-threatening injury after he accidentally shot himself in the head. Last month, a Florida man was handling an unfamiliar gun when it went off and shot him in the head .
DEA Agent Explains Gun Safety to Kids
After the the cop’s Glock goes off, you can see later in the video he next goes after some type of rifle and the kids head for the door screaming, “put it down!”.
Wild Thing's comment........
OMG Hahaha ......sorry the man died showing his girlfriend how to use a gun.
ALL guns ARE loaded.
We know this truth to be self evident. Apparently, Mr. Looney...and if EVER a name was apt...thought he knew better and paid for it.
And I think the DEA agent needs a refresher course. haha
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:46 AM | Comments (3)
September 02, 2009
Congressman Bobby Rush (D.Il) Pushes For National FOID Card
Rush pushes for national FOID card
Illinois is the only state in the union that requires gun owners to have a current Firearm Owner Identification (FOID card). Congressman Bobby Rush (D- 1st CD) thinks it's time a national FOID card was issued. He also wants all guns to be registered with the Attorney General.
The National Rifle Association is sounding the alarm over Rush's latest introduction of HR 45.
Big Brother's New Target: Tracking Firearms
The measure calls for all handgun owners to submit to the federal government an application that shall include, among many other things: a photo; an address; a thumbprint; a completed, written firearm safety test; private mental health records; and a fee. And those are only some of the requirements to be licensed!
The bill would further require the attorney general to establish a database of every handgun sale, transfer, and owner's address in America. Moreover, the bill would make it illegal to own or possess a "qualifying firearm" -- defined as "any handgun; or any semiautomatic firearm that can accept any detachable ammunition feeding device…" without one of the proposed licenses.
Rush's "Blair Holt Law" is named after a tragic shooting of a young Chicago Public School student who protected his girlfriend from the bullet of an attacker that boarded a school bus and began shooting.
Evidently, the firearm was illegally transported across state lines, and shock! the criminal didn't have the courtesy or fear of the law to check with law enforcement before he obtained the gun and used it to wield havoc among innocent, defenseless minors on a school bus.
We in Illinois may have worn down our resistance and accept invasions of constitutional liberties such as the right for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves from conscience-deprived fellow humans, but that doesn't mean the rest of the nation will subordinate themselves without a fight.
Gun control is the next item on the Obama agenda, after governmentizing our health care. Where will you stand on this one?
Wild Thing's comment.........
In this BILL if a minor obtains a firearm (even from stealing it) and injures someone with it, the owner of the firearm may face a multiple-year jail sentence. How many gun owners will know about that provision of the law until it's too late and they find themselves in federal court charged with a felony? Spending several years in a federal penitentiary for simply being the victim of a common thief would be the most outrageous miscarriage of justice I can think of offhand.
.... Thank you Eden for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:49 AM | Comments (8)
August 27, 2009
Soldiers Take Time Out to Teach New Shooters
Spc. Joseph Hein, U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit, instructs a student on the intricacies of the M-16A2 rifle during the Small Arms Firing School, Aug. 1, at Camp Perry, Ohio.
Sgt. Nathan Verbickas, U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit, goes over the M-16A2 rifle with a group of students at the Small Arms Firing School, Aug. 1, at Camp Perry, Ohio. Close to 700 civilians participated in the rifle class while another 500 took part in the pistol class.
Nathan Baldwin, 14, concentrates on his target during live-fire training Aug 1. He is being instructed on the M-16A2 by Spc. Evan Hess, U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit. Soldiers from the USAMU conducted the 2009 Small Arms Firing School, teaching novice shooters the efficient application of the fundamentals of marksmanship.
Soldiers take time out to teach new shooters
Michael Molinaro serves as the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit public affairs officer
Aug. 24, 2009
Every summer at Camp Perry, Ohio, prior to the National Rifle and Pistol Trophy Matches, Soldiers from the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit take time out of their own training to pass their knowledge and shooting skills on to the next generation of American shooters.
The Small Arms Firing School was instituted in 1918 by the Department of Defense and is conducted by the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit. The school is held so the military can teach the efficient application of the fundamentals of marksmanship, said Sgt. 1st Class Jason St. John, USAMU. His team is assisted by members of the Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Army Reserve and National Guard.
The concept sprang up so that civilians would have familiarity with the weapon and could make a smooth transition from civilian to Soldier if the nation's security situation became unstable. More than 1,000 eager-to-learn shooters took part in this year's class.
"We are teaching civilians so that in a time of war, with the knowledge that they have and if it's a real bad deal, then they can help out the military," said Sgt. 1st Class Lance Dement, USAMU. "But they are also going to become competitive shooters. We're going to show them what is right and stress to them the basics of shooting."
The day starts with classroom instruction and covers everything from the functioning of the weapon to proper positioning. The instructors are among the best in the field, as evident at the pistol class, where 2009 National Pistol Champion Sgt. 1st Class James Henderson of the USAMU was among the lead instructors.
After a few hours in the classroom, the students make the short trek to the range and get a feel for the weapon in dry-fire simulation. There are two students per military instructor.
Upon their return from lunch, students load live rounds into the chamber and shoot, some for the very first time. The USAMU provides M-16A2 rifles for the students to use and installs a block to deny the use of the "burst" or automatic function on the rifle.
The school ends with a sanctioned Excellence in Competition match where shooters are afforded the opportunity to earn four points toward their distinguished badge.
The school was tweaked this year and broken into a basic and an advanced class. The basic class was tailored for those who have never shot a pistol or rifle, said St. John. They were given an introduction to the military small-arms and an inclusion to what a shooting competition encompasses.
"The advanced class was a clinic for middle-of-the-road to top-of-the line competitive shooters and covered mental management training, preparing for a competition, and basically what it's going to take to get to that next level," said St. John.
Splitting the class into two and enabling the instructors to teach in relation to a shooter's experience instead of a general audience seemed to be a success as apparent by the large number in attendance.
"It's the first time we've done this and I think it's the way to go," Dement said. "In previous years we had around 400 students or less (for the rifle class) and now we're close to 700. With the price of ammo going up, the cost of fuel, the economy the way it is, and people are still coming -- that's a good thing. They are the future of the sport."
All walks of life took part in the class-men, women and children. The students ranged in age from 11 to 70, St. John said. State junior shooting teams showed up, families planned their family vacations around the trip to Perry, and others flew a very far distance to learn from the best military in the world.
"I've been looking forward to this for some time," said Stewart George, who made his way all the way from Belrose, Australia, with three others to take part in the school. "A friend of mine heard about the school and we wanted to learn from the best, so here we are. I've done some Army Reserve time and shot a rifle, but not an M-16A2."
The class enables the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit to connect with America. The dedication, professionalism and expertise the Soldiers demonstrate to the students instill positive impressions of the Army that may help prospective candidates in their decision to enter the Army, officials said.
"It's such a great thing," said Jim Davis, Hamilton, Ind. "This is the best place in the country, maybe the world, to learn about shooting and everything that goes with it."
Davis took his son and three other children from the Dekalb County 4-H Club to the rifle class, stressing to them how valuable the instruction is to them now and down the road.
"I still remember when I came to this school as a teenager," he said. "I tell my kid that this is something that you'll always remember."
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is great, I love this. God bless our troops for all the many things they do, so many things we don't even know all of them.
....Thank you JohnE PFC U.S. Army for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (6)
August 18, 2009
Townhall Meetings and the 2nd Amendment
Chris Matthews welcomes William Kostric the man who legally brought a gun to an Obama Town Hall meeting. In classic media spin, Matthews, the Hardball host tried to pigeonhole the constitutional advocate on a variety of issues.
"CNN's Loud Debate On Gun-Toting At President Obama's Recent Events " - 08/17/09
Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest
About a dozen people carrying guns, including one with a military-style rifle, milled among protesters outside the convention center where President Barack Obama was giving a speech Monday—the latest incidents in which protesters have openly displayed firearms near the president.
Gun-rights advocates say they're exercising their constitutional right to bear arms and protest, while those who argue for more gun control say it could be a disaster waiting to happen.
Phoenix police said the gun-toters at Monday's event, including the man carrying an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle slung over his shoulder, didn't need permits. No crimes were committed, and no one was arrested.
The man with the rifle declined to be identified but told The Arizona Republic that he was carrying the assault weapon because he could. "In Arizona, I still have some freedoms," he said.
Phoenix police Detective J. Oliver, who was monitoring the man at the downtown protest, said police also wanted to make sure no one decided to harm him.
"Just by his presence and people seeing the rifle and people knowing the president was in town, it sparked a lot of emotions," Oliver said. "We were keeping peace on both ends."
Last week, during Obama's health care town hall in Portsmouth, N.H., a man carrying a sign reading "It is time to water the tree of liberty" stood outside with a pistol strapped to his leg.
"It's a political statement," he told The Boston Globe. "If you don't use your rights, then you lose your rights."
Police asked the man to move away from school property, but he was not arrested.
Phoenix was Obama's last stop on a four-day tour of western states, including Montana and Colorado.
Authorities in Montana said Monday they received no reports of anyone carrying firearms during Obama's health care town hall near Bozeman on Friday. About 1,000 people both for and against Obama converged at a protest area near the Gallatin Field Airport hangar where the event took place. One person accused of disorderly conduct was detained and released, according to the Gallatin Airport Authority.
Heather Benjamin of Denver's Mesa County sheriff's department, the lead agency during Obama's visit there, said no one was arrested.
Arizona is an "open-carry" state, which means anyone legally allowed to have a firearm can carry it in public as long as it's visible. A permit is required if the weapon is carried concealed.
Paul Helmke, president of the Washington, D.C.-based Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said people should not be allowed to bring guns to events where Obama is.
"To me, this is craziness," he said. "When you bring a loaded gun, particularly a loaded assault rifle, to any political event, but particularly to one where the president is appearing, you're just making the situation dangerous for everyone."
He said people who bring guns to presidential events are distracting the Secret Service and law enforcement from protecting the president. "The more guns we see at more events like this, there's more potential for something tragic happening," he said.
A call to a Secret Service spokesman was not immediately returned Monday.
The National Rifle Association also did not return a call for comment.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Chris Matthews does a rapid fire type of questioning. The other day I heard someone on talk radio playing a sound bite of Chris Mathews and I counted how many questions he asked the person in rapid fire mode before he actually shut up and alllowed his guest to reply. 19 19 questionos in a row. It was amazing, that a human being would do this and he does it with each interview. The more angry Chris Matthews is the more questions and louder he asks them.
The man he interviewed about the gun held his own really well.
It also shows the variety of people at the Townhall meetings, and I lke that because it shows across the board how much the American people are totally against Obamacare. The media can't just say it is conservatives when libertarians and even democrats have shown up.
I lost count how many Veterans I have met that carry a gun with them. Usually you can't even see it on them, it is no big deal. Many will have it attached to the leg under jeans,if they wear boots it is not even noticable. Or women having a small gun in their purse.
Now my thoughts about the guns being taken there. We have seen the tactics of the ACORN and SEIU thugs, maybe they would think twice before pushing someone around if they saw a weapon.
I have no problem with what these fellows did. We’re in a cold civil war. As long as they are responsible, their presence will avoid any hot wars at these rallies.
And as far as that idoit Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the people screaming the most about lawful firearms use are completely silent about the Obama Brownshirts, the thugs from SEIU and ACORN.
If we don't use our rights why have them.
Two wars have been fought on this countries soil when the principles of the Declaration of Independence have been flagrantly violated. The liberals should know that real Americans still pledge their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to uphold those principles. The more they know, the less likely they are to make it three.
....Thank you Jack for sending this to me.
United States Army
Army Combat Engineers
Quang Tri & Chu Lai '68 -'69
Jack's blog is Conservative Insurgent
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (13)
July 22, 2009
Obama Takes Aim At Gun-Rights Revolt
Obama Administration Takes Aim At Gun-Rights Revolt
The Obama administration is raising the stakes in a fight over states' rights and firearm ownership by arguing that new pro-gun laws in Montana and Tennessee are invalid.
In the last few months, a grass-roots, federalist revolt against Washington, D.C. has begun to spread through states that are home to politically active gun owners. Montana and Tennessee have enacted state laws saying that federal rules do not apply to firearms manufactured entirely within the state, and similar bills are pending in Texas, Alaska, Minnesota, and South Carolina.
Yet the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, and Explosives now claims that that not only is such a state law invalid, but "because the act conflicts with federal firearms laws and regulations, federal law supersedes the act."
Tennessee's law already has taken effect. The BATF's letter on July 16 to firearms manufacturers and dealers in the state says "federal law requires a license to engage in the business of manufacturing firearms or ammunition, or to deal in firearms, even if the firearms or ammunition remain within the same state."
A similar letter was sent to manufacturers and dealers in Montana, where the made-in-the-state law takes effect on October 1, 2009. Neither law permits certain large caliber weapons or machine guns, and both would bypass federal regulations including background checks for buyers and record-keeping requirements for sellers.
While this federalism-inspired revolt has coalesced around gun rights, the broader goal is to dust off a section of the Bill of Rights that most Americans probably have paid scant attention to: the Tenth Amendment. It says that "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Read literally, the Tenth Amendment seems to suggest that the federal government's powers are limited only to what it has been "delegated," and the U.S. Supreme Court in 1918 confirmed that the amendment "carefully reserved" some authority "to the states." That view is echoed by statements made at the time the Constitution was adopted; New Hampshire explicitly said that states kept "all powers not expressly and particularly delegated" to the federal government.
More recently, federal courts have interpreted the Tenth Amendment narrowly, in a way that justifies almost any law on grounds that it intends to regulate interstate commerce. In the 2005 case of Gonzales v. Raich, for instance, the Supreme Court ruled that a person growing marijuana for her own medicinal use could have a "substantial effect on interstate commerce."
(In an impassioned dissent at the time, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote: "If Congress can regulate this under the Commerce Clause, then it can regulate virtually anything -- and the federal government is no longer one of limited and enumerated powers.")
Gary Marbut, president of the Montana Shooting Sports Association, said in an interview with on Monday that he expects to be facing off against the Obama administration in court soon. "We will find the right test cases to get us in court," he said.
Marbut believes that the letters were't that meaningful because they were addressed to gun manufacturers and dealers who already are licensed by the federal government. "Those people already are under the thumb of the Feds," he said. "We've assumed they wouldn't want to put their circumstances at risk in dabbling in the state-made guns business. The people who the letters are addressed to are pretty irrelevant to the whole discussion."
Washington drops hammer on state gun plan
Federal gun regulators have written to gun dealers around Tennessee, dropping the hammer on a new state law that exempts weapons made, sold and used inside the state from interstate regulations.
The letter, dated just days ago, was distributed to holders of Federal Firearms Licenses.
In it, Carson W. Carroll, the assistant director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, told dealers the Tennessee Firearms Freedom Act, adopted this year, "purports to exempt personal firearms, firearms accessories, and ammunition manufactured in the state, and which remain in the state, from most federal firearms laws and regulations."
The exemption is not right, the federal agency letter contends.
"As you may know, federal law requires a license to engage in the business of manufacturing firearms or ammunition, or to deal in firearms, even if the firearms or ammunition remain with the same state," the letter said. "All firearms manufactured by a licensee must be properly marked. Additionally, each licensee must record the type, model, caliber or gauge, and serial number of each firearm manufactured or otherwise acquired, and the date such manufacture or other acquisition was made.
"These, as well as other federal requirements and prohibitions, apply whether or not the firearms or ammunition have crossed state lines," the letter said.
The law was adopted by the state Legislature this year. It provides that "federal laws and regulations do not apply to personal firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition that is manufactured in Tennessee and remains in Tennessee." It also carries exemptions for certain types of weapons and ammunition and the requirement that all firearms made or sold in the state have "Made in Tennessee" on them.
Tennessee is not the first state to move in this direction. WND reported earlier that Utah was considering such a plan, and the state of Montana earlier adopted its own gun exemption procedure.
Montana's bill provides that guns, ammo, accessories, silencers and other products made, sold and used in the state would not require any federal documentation, registration, serial numbers, records check or waiting period.
The pushback from the states comes at a time when the federal administration is replete with anti-gun activists in influential positions, including an attorney general, Eric Holder, who supported a complete handgun ban in the District of Columbia before it was tossed by the U.S. Supreme Court.
The Obama administration has even pushed for a treaty that would require sportsmen who reload their ammunition to obtain a federal license.
The Montana plan cites the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that "guarantees to the states and their people all powers not granted to the federal government elsewhere in the Constitution and reserves to the state and people of Montana certain powers as they were understood at the time that Montana was admitted to statehood in 1889."
"The guaranty of those powers is a matter of contract between the state and people of Montana and the United States as of the time that the compact with the United States was agreed upon and adopted by Montana and the United States in 1889," the Montana plan states.
"The regulation of intrastate commerce is vested in the states under the 9th and 10th amendments to the United States Constitution, particularly if not expressly pre-empted by federal law. Congress has not expressly pre-empted state regulation of intrastate commerce pertaining to the manufacture on an intrastate basis of firearms, firearms accessories, and ammunition," it says.
Further, state lawmakers cite the Second Amendment right of the people to "keep and bear arms as that right was understood at the time that Montana was admitted to statehood in 1889."
The Tennessee plan includes many of the same arguments.
The Tennessee Gun Owners website includes this comment: "And the battle begins. I don't believe this was unexpected. According to the 10th Amendment, the state has authority. Tennessee is applying its constitutional rights. The feds are saying, no, the Constitution doesn't count. Calling all lawyers!"
In Montana, a Democrat governor signed the gun exemption law; in Tennessee, a Democrat governor allowed the gun exemptions to become law without his signature.
At, there was a discussion among hundreds of members who have stated their willingness to bring a lawsuit against the federal government over the issue.
"The sovereign state of Tennessee should stand her ground. If people would stand up to the bully (Big Brother) we might take back some of the rights that have been stolen from us. It will not be comfortable. It will not be easy. But, it can be done, if we want it bad enough," said one participant.
One other was a little less eloquent, but his message came through.
"This is a crock! This is a free state and it's time to tell the thieves in Washington to butt out."
The weapons definitions are part of a general move on the part of states – Alaska being the most recent – to simply declare their sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment.
About three dozen states have begun working on such plans.
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin signed House Joint Resolution just days ago. It "claims sovereignty for the state under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution of the United States."
The joint resolution does not carry the force of law, but supporters say it is a significant move toward getting their message out to other lawmakers, the media and grassroots movements.
While seven states – Tennessee, Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Alaska and Louisiana – have had both houses of their legislatures pass similar decrees, Palin signed Alaska's Tenth Amendment declaration and Tennessee's governor signed that state's Tenth Amendment declaration of sovereignty.
Sheriff Mark's website
Wild Thing's comment...........
Everything Obama does is to fit his Marxist/Commie agenda. He's already the biggest failure in the nation's history, and the only openly socialist pig ever elected to the seat.
Someone needs to tell Obama that he is not the Supreme Court. Our Founding Fathers put the 2nd Amendment in there for a reason.
They could also take the opportunity to tell him he’s not Congress either, and explain perhaps that all these unelected czars he’s appointing without any approval or accountability are illegal. He’s got Cabinet secretaries. Not friggin’ czars.
Obama knows his time is very limited because many are on to him about his being in presidency illegally! Someone pulling his strings wants these things done fast and the main thing they want done is confiscate guns so they can pass these bills without out caring anymore what people say if they ever did.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:50 AM | Comments (5)
July 18, 2009
Missouri Car Dealer Offers Free AK-47 With New Truck
The article below is from FOX, but the video is from CNN. Please note how the woman doing the interview speaks about guns. LOL
The owner of a Missouri dealership is giving away free AK-47s with the purchase of any truck. Actually, he’s offering a voucher that buyers can use to buy an AK-47 at a gun store.
Buy a truck and get a free AK-47 gun.
That's the deal a Missouri truck dealer is offering new customers who buy a pick-up truck in August.
Mark Muller, owner of Max Motors in Butler, says he knows people will be bothered by the promotion.
But not to worry, Muller is not handing out free guns. Instead, he will give buyers a voucher to use at a gun store after they obtain a license to carry a concealed weapon.
The AK-47 is an upgrade on a previous promotion in which Muller gave away vouchers for the price of a Caltec pistol.
The retail value of an AK-47 is $450 dollars but Muller says customers can spend their voucher on the gun of their choice.
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is the website for the dealer in the story.
This dealer had a previous promotion offering a handgun.
Obama this is called Capitalism, something you hate, something you are trying to destroy.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (12)
July 09, 2009
Why Do Liberals Bleed?
Why Do Liberals Bleed?
By Robin of Berkeley
I've been thinking about learning how to fire a gun, maybe even buying one. Now if you are a lifelong conservative, Red State dweller, and NRA member, you might be thinking, "Big yawn. What's next? She'll be telling us what she had for breakfast?"
"Berkeley is a city of victims. You try to understand the street people and the criminals and sit down and talk to them and then they hit you on the head and steal your purse. The police come and then you refuse to press charges. The criminals know this and prey on you."
And he's right: almost everyone I know has been a victim of some awful crime, from being in restaurants during takeover robberies (not uncommon here), to being robbed at gunpoint, to being assaulted for no other reason except a thrill for the assailants.
A neighbor, who had lived all over the world, once said to me, "Berkeley is the most dangerous place I've ever lived." Her husband was robbed at gunpoint as were almost all her friends. She couldn't wait to get out of here.
I wish I could say I'm an exception to the victim rule. But several years ago I was coming out of a restaurant in a decent area and was mugged. As Gavin de Becker states in his seminal book, The Gift of Fear, (which I, unfortunately, read after the fact), victims generally sense when they're about to be victimized but ignore the signs in order to be nice and not judgmental. This was my situation exactly. I could tell right away that the guy looked sinister. But it was a major street, at high noon, and I didn't want to seem racist, so I turned the corner a few feet to reach my car, and a minute later, had my purse stolen as well as all my feelings of being safe in the world.
I'll spare you (and me) the horrible details, but the incident ended with my having a broken nose and two black eyes, and needing surgery for the nose several days later. People wrote bad checks and stole rental cars in my name for a year afterwards. I developed a fear not only of people, but of the phone and the mail, as every day was another reminder of what happened.
Witness the response of a left wing friend, Judy, when I told her I was mugged. She said, and I quote, "I don't think what you went through was so bad. And anyway he was a victim too." (Maybe it's a good thing I wasn't armed back then.)
So I'm asking myself whether I should become armed, and I'm also wondering why so many "educated" people (I might have just answered my own question) put up with crime infested streets? Why are the biggest protests against the cops? Why are the innocent viewed as guilty, and the guilty innocent? Why is no one up in arms about liberals literally bleeding?
Then it occurred to me: Stockholm Syndrome, the same brainwashing that turned Berkeley resident Patty Hearst into Tania the bank robber. She was tortured, sexually abused, and kept in isolation by the far left group, the Symbionese Liberation Army (kissing cousins of Bill and Bernadine's Weather Underground). Successfully brainwashed, she joined their twisted and sick "army."
In the real Stockholm, the hostages were locked in a vault for days, came to "love" their captors in that perverted way that an abused woman loves her husband, and refused to testify against them in court. One even became engaged to her captor.
SS (good acronym, huh?) is rooted in a basic, primordial instinct for self protection in the wake of extraordinary trauma and terror. To survive, the victim identifies with the captors and merges psychologically with them. But SS takes on a life of its own when victims stop seeing their own humanity and want only to serve the abuser.
Living in places like Berkeley, being force fed propaganda, with police afraid to protect you, your friends unsympathetic, and no one armed, SS can spread like a virus. What starts out as compassion morphs into complicity. Occasionally there may be someone, like me, who snaps out of the trance they've been in for decades. After all, Tania woke up and became Patty Hearst again and, interestingly, married her bodyguard. (I bet that they own a whole lot of weapons.) But she had to leave Berkeley for a leafy, sheltered life elsewhere to do this.
But then again, I never bought into the notion of collective guilt, that groups of people are guilty because of the color of their skin, and individuals are exonerated because of some protected victim status. I'm the rare bird. In Berkeley, most people are so over identified with their ideology, that their logical, questioning minds have flown the coop along with a God-given knowledge, possessed by every 5 year old, of right and wrong.
As a good, loyal liberal, I always expected others to take care of me. If I gave my unqualified loyalty to the system, I could sleep well at night. But now, with victims left bleeding, a dangerously naive government, and sheep like masses, I see the absurdity of my thinking.
I heard a philosopher once say that one of the biggest existential tasks of life is giving up the fantasy of the ultimate rescuer. Liberalism reinforced this fantasy for me, as it does for so many others. Now I see the truth: We come into this world alone, and we will leave it alone. When we live our lives in the back seat of the car expecting Daddy to drive us, we only have a child's view of the world.
On that very dark day in November years ago when I became an object of someone's evil and inhumanity, I glimpsed a truth I never wanted to see: that there really is no protection, not in the way I had always thought, not by other flawed humans. I didn't know what to do with this insight until 1 1/2 years ago when I discovered that there were others out there like me, that there was something called conservatism, and now slowly but surely the pieces are coming together for me, one by one.
As I continue on the path to independence and personal responsibility, perhaps looking to myself for protection is another step on my journey.
So let me try to convey to you the enormousness, the Alice in Wonderland quality of my even posing the question, something I've never, ever considered in my life. No one I know owns a gun. I've never seen a gun (well on a holster of a police officer but I never wanted to get up close and personal with it). I have given lots of good money over the years for gun control. Learning to fire a gun seems as ludicrous as deciding to take up brain surgery.
But, I am rethinking absolutely everything. There is not a single thing that I believed, that I held absolute and holy, that is not up for grabs. My brain is in a tizzy 24/7 and I don't know if up is down, or if east is west.
And the thought about a gun just came to me last week when I was listening to talk radio. A caller related how an armed citizen in the South stopped a take over robbery in a fast food restaurant. A light went on in my head. Suddenly I realized that the Red States may be on to something: the police are strongly supported, the citizens have guns, and, therefore, the gangsters may be a little reluctant to take over the local Burger King.
Contrast that to the Blue States where few liberals own guns and the police are being emasculated. You may have heard of the horrendous case in Oakland where four cops were killed by a known felon, on a parole violation for child rape. But the powers that be in Oakland sent out the message to the police to make nice and not scare the populace, so the officers never drew their guns when approaching this felon. (Anyone else notice how the Left is slowly but surely disarming the police and military, situation-by-situation?) When I expressed my heartfelt grief to a friend about the deaths of these brave officers, he said, "The man who shot them was a human being too."
(I'd like to say that, as a psychotherapist, I responded in a sophisticated and psychologically crafty manner. No such luck. I almost blew a gasket, turned bright red, and said with barely contained anger, "He lost his claim to be human when he raped a child." To the friend's credit -- and perhaps some fear on his part -- he shut up.)
So what I realized during the talk show is that in places like Berkeley, only the criminals have the power. Not only do they have the power of guns, they are supported by several thousand brainwashed zombies who give the green light to criminals because they are the victims of someone else's "privilege" and "supremacy" and "imperialism." (Although I was a leftist until recently, I was the rare exception: I never excused crime because of the bad guy's race, creed, age, sex, or daddy being a meanie.)
I recall vividly what a Berkeley police officer once told me:
Wild Thing's comment......
Good for her, she is not gonig to be disappointed. Great piece she wrote I hope a lot of gun control people read it.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (6)
July 08, 2009
Sports Writer Mike Lupica Blames McNair Death On death on 'American gun culture'
Steve McNair: Killed by 2nd Amendment?
Sports writer blames NFL star's death on 'American gun culture'
After former NFL and Super Bowl quarterback Steve McNair was found shot dead yesterday, the police said he was a victim of murder, but one well-known sports writer claims the athlete was a victim, instead, of the "American gun culture."
Mike Lupica is the author of more than two dozen sports-related books and novels, an ESPN TV personality, a regular writer for the New York Daily News and, apparently, no friend to gun-rights advocates.
In response to the discovery of McNair's body and that of his alleged mistress, both shot presumably by the semiautomatic pistol found at the crime scene, Lupica penned an article titled,
"Steve McNair's famous face becomes just another victim of American gun culture."
Lupica's article takes a couple of soft shots at the presence of firearms in America, commenting, "Where did the gun come from? Where it always comes from: Somewhere," and, "This weekend McNair was famous again, this time as a crime statistic, homicide victim, dead by gun," before concluding with a far more pointed comment:
"McNair is the 36th homicide victim in Nashville this year. That is down from 41 at the same time last year," Lupica writes. "Only in a country of gun lovers is that considered progress."
Second Amendment gun rights advocates, however, have criticized Lupica's comments as insulting and "ignorant" of the facts.
"Blaming the 'gun culture' for a criminal act is a calculated insult to the tens of millions of peaceable American gun owners who own firearms and do not engage in violence," responded David Codrea, Gun Rights Examiner for "The fact is, guns in private hands are overwhelmingly used to save lives, most of the time without firing a shot."
Codrea told WND that especially given the circumstances – including the fact that police are not currently seeking suspects, which some are speculating indicates a likely murder-suicide scenario – blaming the deaths on "guns" constitutes a cop out.
Wild Thing's comment........
What a loony leftist this Mike Lupica is, sheesh. Blaming the gun instead of the person that shot McNair.
Gosh, and when was the last time they booked a gun, took gun fingerprints and a photo of the guilty gun then threw that gun in the jail cell.
Lupica and all of his kind, will use McNair’s death merely as an excuse to promote his anti-gun bias. Lupica and his ilk dance on the graves of the dead just to promote their gun grabbing, nanny state, anti-freedom agenda. No doubt Lupica is busy at a cocktail party with Sarah Brady tonight to celebrate another gun death.
....Thank you JohnE PFC U.S. Army for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (8)
July 02, 2009
Federal Agents Hunt For Guns, One House At A Time
Federal agents hunt for guns, one house at a time
In front of a run-down shack in north Houston, federal agents step from a government sedan into 102-degree heat and face a critical question: How can the woman living here buy four high-end handguns in one day?
The house is worth $35,000. A screen dangles by a wall-unit air conditioner. Porch swing slats are smashed, the smattering of grass is flattened by cars and burned yellow by sun.
“I’ll do the talking on this one,” agent Tim Sloan, of South Carolina, told partner Brian Tumiel, of New York.
Success on the front lines of a government blitz on gunrunners supplying Mexican drug cartels with Houston weaponry hinges on logging heavy miles and knocking on countless doors. Dozens of agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives — sent here from around the country — are needed to follow what ATF acting director Kenneth Melson described as a “massive number of investigative leads.”
All told, Mexican officials in 2008 asked federal agents to trace the origins of more than 7,500 firearms recovered at crime scenes in Mexico. Most of them were traced back to Texas, California and Arizona.
Among other things, the agents are combing neighborhoods and asking people about suspicious purchases as well as seeking explanations as to how their guns ended up used in murders, kidnappings and other crimes in Mexico.
“Ever turning up the heat on cartels, our law enforcement and military partners in the government of Mexico have been working more closely with the ATF by sharing information and intelligence,” Melson said Tuesday during a firearms-trafficking summit in New Mexico.
Firearms dealers visited
The ATF recently dispatched 100 veteran agents to its Houston division, which reaches to the border.
The mission is especially challenging because, officials say, that while Houston is the number one point of origin for weapons traced back to the United States from Mexico, the government can’t compile databases on gun owners under federal law.
Agents instead review firearms dealers’ records in person.
People who are legally in the United States and have clean criminal records, but are facing economic problems are often recruited by traffickers to buy weapons on their behalf in order to shield themselves from scrutiny.
Knocks at the door of the shack that looked to be the definition of hard times went unanswered.
“I am out of here,” Sloan said a few moments later, as a pit bull lazily sauntered from the back yard. “I don’t like pit bulls walking up behind me.”
Best information source
On second thought, Sloan switched to Spanish and interviewed a neighbor.
The neighbor said the woman left a month ago after a fight with her husband or boyfriend, who still lived there with what she called “other degenerates.”
“An angry ex-girlfriend or wife is the best person in the world, the greatest source of information,” Sloan said.
The night before, the duo were in a stakeout where they watched a weapons sale.
They also combined efforts with the Drug Enforcement Administration for an aircraft to stealthily follow traffickers to the border.
On this day, agents weren’t wearing raid jackets or combat boots and weren’t armed with warrants.
Guns were hidden under civilian shirts.
Another tip took agents on a 30-minute drive from the shack to a sprawling home with a pool in the back and an American flag out front.
It turned out two handguns, of a type drug gangsters prefer, were bought by a pastor for target practice.
Some stories, they say, are hard to believe.
The lamest so far came from a police officer: He said he bought a few military-style rifles, left them in his car and — on the same night — forgot to lock a door. He couldn’t explain why he didn’t file a police report or why he visited Mexico the day after the alleged theft.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I guess multiple gun purchases in day are red flagged.
....Thank you JohnE PFC U.S. Army for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (8)
June 20, 2009
PA Court: Philly Gun Laws Invalid
PA court: Philly gun laws invalid
Two key provisions of Philadelphia's most recent attempt to impose local gun controls - banning "straw purchase" of handguns and banning assault weapons - were invalidated today by a state appeals court.
Following a series of rulings that doomed previous Philadelphia gun control laws, the Commonwealth Court held that the state Supreme Court ruled in 1996 that only the state legislature - not municipalities - has the authority to enact gun laws.
But the 6-1 majority of the Commonwealth Court affirmed part of the 2008 decision of then-Philadelphia Common Pleas Court Judge Jane Cutler Greenspan and allowed three other provisions to remain in effect.
Greenspan, now on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, had ruled in those three provisions that the National Rifle Association and other challengers of the Philadelphia laws were not affected seriously enough to have legal standing to sue.
Those provisions - requiring reporting of lost or stolen handguns, allowing temporary seizure of guns by police and barring gun ownership by people subject to "protections from abuse" orders - remain in effect in Philadelphia.
Richard Feder, chief of appeals in the city Law Department, said his office is "seriously considering" appealing the two invalidated provisions to the state Supreme Court.
Feder said the reporting provision is now in effect and the other two have not yet been implemented because they are legally complex and require the city to draft and adopt regulations.
In invalidating the assault weapon and straw purchase provisions, Judge Bonnie Brigance Leadbetter, the president judge of Commonwealth Court called the precedent set by the Supreme Court in 1996 "crystal clear."
Judge Doris Smith-Ribner wrote separately, concurring and dissenting from the majority opinion.
Smith-Ribner wrote that she did not believe the Supreme Court had totally barred local gun control and said a case could be made for provisions of the Philadelphia ordinance regulating assault weapons and the "straw purchase" of guns for other people not legally permitted to own firearms.
The five city ordinances, enacted in April 2008, were immediately challenged in court by the National Rifle Association, National Shooting Sports Foundation, Pennsylvania Association of Firearms Retailers, two local firearms retailers and four individuals.
"It's signficant," said Joseph Grace, executive director of the gun-control group CeaseFire PA, of the Commonwealth Court's decision.
Grace noted that the city's lost-or-stolen reporting ordinance is now the only one in Pennsylvania that has passed court muster - despite a failure to enact a similar law last year in the legislature.
"This decision simply puts the ball back where it should be - in the General Assembly," Grace said. "Cities and mayors have been taking action in the absence of any action from the General Assembly."
Since Philadelphia passed its gun control package in April 2008, Grace said, six Pennsylvania cities and one borough have enaced ordinances requiring the reporting of lost or stolen handguns: Allentown, Reading, Pottsville, Pittsburgh, Lancaster and Harrisburg and Wilkinsburg Borough in Allegheny County.
The NRA recently challenged the Pittsburgh ordinance in Allegheny County Common Pleas Court, Grace said.
Wild Thing's comment......
From what I have read Ribner-Smith is an activist judge who rules by what she believes, not what the law says.
Good for the NRA for standing up for our natural right to self defense.
....Thank you JohnE PFC U.S. Army for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:46 AM | Comments (4)
June 12, 2009
Obama Wants To Eliminate 8 of 10 Pocketknives
Obama move would eliminate 8 of 10 pocketknives
'If this were to pass and you cross the state line with one, it's a felony'
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency is proposing a new definition that could be used to eliminate 8 of 10 legal pocketknives in the United States right now, according to activists who are gearing up to fight the plan.
The federal bureaucracy is accepting comments – written only – that must be received by June 21 before its planned changes could become final, but Doug Ritter of, said the implications of the decision would be far-reaching, since many state and federal agencies depend on the agency's definitions to determine what is legal in the United States.
For a long time, those switchblades that have long stiletto blades that are spring-ejected powerfully from the side or end of the handle have been illegal in the United States, but now a review by the agency of its own approval in 2008 of a particular type of knife for import is raising serious alarms.
Ritter said the effect of the proposed change would be that the new design in knives, many of which contain a tiny spring to help the user pull open the blade and lock it into position, would be classified alongside those true weapons where the user just presses a button and the blade is ejected.
"They are saying that any knife that you can open quickly or any knife that you can open with one hand is therefore a switchblade," Ritter told WND.
On his organization's website there are suggested letters for consumers to reproduce and dispatch to both the Customs agency as well as their members of Congress over the issue.
Ritter suggested that up to 80 percent of the pocketknives sold in America today either are one-handed opening knives or so-called assisted opening knives – and they all suddenly would be classified as illegal switchblades.
He said the change came after the incoming administration of President Barack Obama reassigned some managers at the agency.
"What we do know is when the incoming administration reshuffled assignments at Customs, it moved the responsibility for knives and switchblades from one organization with Customs to a new organization," he said. "That group has, as far we can tell, virtually no experiences, background or anything with knives."
Ritter said the reason for the change isn't clear, "but certainly this administration is no friend to things like knives and guns," he said.
A successful campaign to change the definition would mean thousands would be out of work in the knife industry, and the impact would have far-reaching effects.
For example, if someone would be caught with a newly-illegal "pocketknife," would the resulting charges be structured to allege that person was dangerous or had an illegal weapon, and how would that change the defendant's right to own a firearm, he wondered.
"If this law were to pass and you cross the state line with a folder (pocketknife) in your pocket, it would be a federal felony," he said.
"In reality, pocketknives are tools, he said. "Certainly they can be used as a weapon." But so could a screw driver or other hand tools.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Is obama trying for “knife salesman of the year” as well? What’s next? motorcycle salesman of the year?
This is so pathetic! Out of all the problems facing the country right no....ALL brought on by Obama,, they can’t find anything better to do. Will they ban bow and arrows, rocks and sticks next? Baseball bats?
I have always had knives, knives and guns like part of nature. hahahaha
If this law passes, just transporting a pocket knife across state lines will be a felony. I wish this were a joke.
What is this thing that Obama has against sharp, pointed objects? Like how he ordered the graduating midshipmen of the U.S. Naval Academy not to be allowed to have their Swords. NO other President ever did such a vile horrible thing, never.
President Bush with a sword.
LMAO I bet this would really FREAK out the Obama limpy wrist. BOO Obama!
Major von Tempsky's....the Von Tempsky Bowie
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:46 AM | Comments (7)
June 05, 2009
Pastor Asks Members To Bring Guns To Church
Pastor Asks Members To Bring Guns To Church
A Kentucky pastor is inviting his flock to bring guns to church to celebrate the Fourth of July and the Second Amendment.
New Bethel Church is welcoming "responsible handgun owners" to wear their firearms inside the church June 27, a Saturday. An ad says there will be a handgun raffle, patriotic music and information on gun safety.
"We're just going to celebrate the upcoming theme of the birth of our nation," said pastor Ken Pagano. "And we're not ashamed to say that there was a strong belief in God and firearms — without that this country wouldn't be here."
The guns must be unloaded and private security will check visitors at the door, Pagano said.
He said recent church shootings, including the killing Sunday of a late-term abortion provider in Kansas, which he condemned, highlight the need to promote safe gun ownership. The New Bethel Church event was planned months before Dr. George Tiller was shot to death in a Wichita church.
Kentucky allows residents to openly carry guns in public with some restrictions. Gun owners carrying concealed weapons must have state-issued permits and can't take them to schools, jails or bars, among other exceptions.
Pagano's Protestant church, which attracts up to 150 people to Sunday services, is a member of the Assemblies of God. The former Marine and handgun instructor said he expected some backlash, but has heard only a "little bit" of criticism of the gun event.
Up in arms
John Phillips, an Arkansas pastor who was shot twice while leading a service at his former church in 1986, said a house of worship is no place for firearms.
"A church is designated as a safe haven, it's a place of worship," said Phillips, who was shot by a church member's relative for an unknown reason and still has a bullet lodged in his spine. "It is unconscionable to me to think that a church would be a place that you would even want to bring a weapon."
Phillips spoke out against a bill before the Arkansas General Assembly that would have permitted the carrying of guns in that state's churches. The bill failed in February.
Pagano, 50, said some members of his church were concerned that President Barack Obama's administration could restrict gun ownership, and they supported the plan for the event when Pagano asked their opinion.
'Responsible' gun ownership
Marian McClure Taylor, executive director of the Kentucky Council of Churches, an umbrella organization for 11 Christian denominations in Kentucky, said Christian churches are promoters of peace, but "most allow for arms to be taken up under certain conditions."
Taylor said Pagano assured her the event would focus on promoting responsible gun ownership and any proceeds would go to charity.
"Praise The Lord & Pass The Ammunition" - Harry Kaye
Wild Thing's comment.........
Wasn’t bringing your guns to church a frontier tradition back in the day? Simple good manners and common sense when injuns or bandits might strike at any time? At least in all the westerns I loved watching as a kid.
John Phillips, an Arkansas pastor who was shot twice while leading a service at his former church in 1986, said a house of worship is no place for firearms.
"A church is designated as a safe haven, it's a place of worship," said Phillips, who was shot by a church member's relative for an unknown reason and still has a bullet lodged in his spine. "It is unconscionable to me to think that a church would be a place that you would even want to bring a weapon."
Apparently, this particular church also requires you to leave your sense of irony at home.
Scouts Out! Cavalry Ho!
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:48 AM | Comments (8)
May 28, 2009
Gov. Charlie Crist May Veto Right-to-carry Licensing Fund raid
Florida: Gov. Crist may veto right-to-carry licensing fund raid
Gov. Charlie Crist said Tuesday he may veto a raid on a trust fund that supports right-to-carry licensing. Faced with an extraordinarily tough budget year, lawmakers have proposed spending $6 million of the roughly $8.5 million trust fund in other areas. That has prompted protests from the National Rifle Association as well as Agriculture Commissioner Charles Bronson, who oversees the right-to-carry permitting program.
Weapons-licensing fund raid at risk
Tampa Bay Online
The $66.5 billion state budget Gov. Charlie Crist will sign Wednesday is likely to appease at least one vocal Florida constituency: gun owners.
Crist will sign a budget balanced with $2 billion in tax and fee increases, including a dollar-a-pack increase in the cigarette tax, the first such tax hike since 1990.
But he plans to veto a $6 million transfer, or what critics call a raid, on a fund backed by fees that people pay to seek or renew their concealed weapons permits, which are valid for seven years.
"I'm inclined that way," said Crist, noting that he met last week with Marion Hammer, the longtime lobbyist for the National Rifle Association who led a well-organized, grass roots effort to oppose the transfer. "She is a tremendous advocate, and I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment."
Hammer said the money is needed to repair and improve computers and add more temporary workers to process an unprecedented backlog of permit applications. The Legislature siphoned the money as part of $600 million in similar transfers to avoid higher tax increases or deeper budget cuts.
By vetoing the transfer, Crist can reinforce political support among gun owners at a pivotal time: He has just begun a U.S. Senate campaign in which his Republican rival, former House Speaker Marco Rubio, openly questions Crist's conservatism.
The NRA bought radio ads in support of Crist's 2006 candidacy for governor, citing his support for a law that clarified the right of private citizens to defend themselves when attacked in their homes.
More than 30,000 people have flooded the governor's e-mail inbox in support of a veto. Some drew a blunt connection between gun ownership and Crist's senatorial ambitions.
"I realize you are busy preparing for a run in the Senate, but you need to start listening to your voters," wrote Dwight Cooke of Largo, a retired police detective who said he did not own a firearm. "Without your assistance, I'm afraid I see no reason to vote for you or recommend others to vote for you in the future."
The demand for gun permits is at an all-time high in Florida. Agriculture Commissioner Charles Bronson, whose agency issues gun permits, has added dozens of temporary employees to reduce a backlog of applications.
By law, the state must issue a permit within 90 days of receipt of a complete application. Otherwise, the applicant can demand a license even if a criminal background check is not complete.
The director of the state licensing division, Connie Crawford, said 88,084 applications for permits or renewals were awaiting review Tuesday. That number included applications by private investigators, security guards and others who may carry firearms.
Crawford said the average processing time is 12 to 14 weeks, which is slightly more than 90 days, and she said "it is conceivable" that some applicants may wait up to six months for their permits. But she added it's not unusual for applications to be incomplete, such as by not being notarized or missing a required photo.
Rep. Jim Frishe, a St. Petersburg Republican, defended the $6 million budget transfer in a May 21 e-mail to a constituent. He said the fund would still have $18 million next year and that trust fund transfers were unavoidable to help pay for "the core missions of state government: education, health care and public safety."
Hammer, the NRA lobbyist, disagreed. "In an economy where gun ownership is growing," she said, "this is an area of government that is growing."
Wild Thing's comment........
Charlile Crist is a “Say What I Have To Say To Get Elected” type of politician. Charlie Crist is a RINO. As long as he is Gov. I sure hope he stays strong about the 2nd Amendment.
Marion Hammer is a one-woman RKBA army. The state of Florida is blessed to have her. They don’t mess with Marion! Thank God!
....Thank you Richard for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:46 AM
May 21, 2009
Obama May Grab for Guns
Obama May Grab for Guns
by Jillian Bandes
Obama voiced his support for an anti-gun treaty with such wide ranging implications that it could ban everything from assembling guns in kits to repackaging spent shells.
The treaty was signed by former President Clinton, but never approved by Congress. It has gained approval in 29 other countries. Obama put his weight behind it during his whirlwind tour abroad late last month.
Yesterday’s passage of legislation that revoked the longstanding ban on guns in national parks proved that this treaty would probably fall by the wayside once more, said Larry Provost, President of Gun Owners of America. But the fact that Obama voiced his support for it speaks volumes about the President’s view of the Second Amendment, after his famous claim to not “take away guns” from law-abiding Americans.
The treaty would “pretty clearly would require, without a whole lot of extrapolation, a regulation of all firearms in the United States,” said Provost.
Called the “Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials,” the legislation’s bans are multitudinous:
The manufacture or assembly of firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials: a. from components or parts illicitly trafficked; or b. without a license from a competent governmental authority of the State Party where the manufacture or assembly takes place: or c. without marking the firearms that require marking at the time of manufacture.
These sweeping regulations could affect everything from BB guns to toy guns, and could even prevent the individual re-loading of guns by the owners themselves. It could potentially require matching insignia on bullets and shells, meaning that re-use of cases would be illegal – a practice that is more common during a recession.
The regulations could also affect gun clubs, by banning “association or conspiracy” with illegal gun activities. So if an NRA member commits an offense, clubs or advocacy groups could be liable.
The treaty could even call for action against the dealer who sold an offender a weapon. If Mexico calls for the extradition of a gun dealers, the U.S. would be obligated to resolve it by “other means of peaceful settlement” that are yet undefined.
In addition to a Presidential signature, sixty-eight out of 100 Senate members are needed in order for an international treaty to be approved in the United States. But the move to overturn the National Parks gun ban gained 67 signatures, meaning passing further gun restrictions is unlikely, said Provost.
“You have [Senators] who you’re just really surprised are voting pro-gun,” he said.
Another post I did on this:
Wild Thing's comment.............
I really believe Obama seeks destruction of the Second Amendment. But what about this below:
Article I, Section 10, paragraph 1 declares: “No State shall enter into any Treaty...”
All civil magistrates are bound by oath to abide by the U.S. Constitution, and nowhere in the U.S. Constitution is any authority given for these United States to be subject to and bound by any earthly piece of paper that abrogates or is alien to the Constitution of the United States. As a matter of fact, Article VI, paragraph 2, the latter half of which is quoted at the outset above, in its first half, says only three (3) pronouncements are “the supreme Law of the Land”:
1) “THIS [the U.S.] Constitution,”
(2) “the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof” (i.e., as permitted by, in conformity with, and to implement this Constitution), and
(3) “all treaties made....under the Authority of the United States” (”under” designates that treaties are not over, not above, and not even equal to the authority of the United States granted to it by the States via the U.S. Constitution - but remain under, inferior to its jurisdiction).
A treaty may not do or exceed what the Congress is charged to do or what it is forbidden to do. Constitutional authority supersedes, overrules, and precludes any contrary treaty authority.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (8)
May 16, 2009
TAX Imposed on Second Amendment Rights in Florida
From : Marion P. Hammer
USF Executive Director
NRA Past President
When government takes money from citizens for general use by government, IT'S A TAX.
When government confiscates user fees from trust funds intended to be used to administer specific programs and converts it to government use for other purposes, IT'S A TAX.
When government leaders claim to oppose tax increases and promise not to create new taxes but then raid trust funds, they have deceived you because THEY HAVE CREATED A NEW TAX.
In a last minute sneak attack on gun owners, the Florida Legislature raided the concealed weapons and firearms licensing trust fund and CREATED A TAX ON THE EXERCISE OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT.
They took $6 million from the Division of Licensing Concealed Weapons and Firearm Trust Fund that is intended, by law, to be used solely for administering the concealed weapons and firearms licensing program. THAT IS A DEFACTO TAX ON GUN OWNERS.
Because legislative budget officials have refused to allow the Division of Licensing to use their own trust fund money to hire necessary staff and upgrade equipment, the Concealed Weapons and Firearms Licensing program is in crisis.
It is a crisis created by the legislature and anti-gun budget staffers. They refused to allow gun owners' money to be used to administer the gun owner program -- as required by law -- then confiscated gun owners' money for their own political purposes. THEY CREATED A SECOND AMENDMENT TAX.
Right now, the concealed weapons and firearms licensing program is backlogged and overloaded due in part to the refusal of budget officials and the Legislature to allow the Division of Licensing to use its own trust fund money to hire more employees and expand/upgrade equipment.
Crates of unopened mail containing license and license renewal applications sit in storage. The backlog of mail sitting unopened, at times, has extended beyond 90 days while existing licenses are expiring because renewal applications haven't been opened and processed.
Currently (although the Division of Licensing has been working weekend shifts to clear the backlog), it is taking 13-14 weeks to process a "perfect" application once it has been opened. That is an unequivocal violation of the law that requires issuance or denial of a license by a time certain –– a violation of law that legislative leaders are condoning by their actions.
THE LAW REQUIRES THE DIVISION OF LICENSING TO ISSUE A LICENSE WITHIN 90 DAYS OF RECEIPT OF THE APPLICATION -- or deny the license "for cause," based upon the criteria set forth in the law. Theft of operating funds by the Legislature is not "just cause" for failure to issue licenses or renewals within 90 days.
Theft of those operating funds IS A TAX ON THE EXERCISE OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT.
While applications sit gathering dust, legislative leaders took $6 million of approximately $8 million held in the trust fund. That $6 million is supposed to be used to pay employees, buy upgraded equipment, upgrade or replace computers or software, and to otherwise administer the concealed weapons and firearms licensing program.
BUT, feigning a desperate need for funds for education and health care, legislative leaders recklessly and ruthlessly confiscated gun owners’ trust fund money. Why? Because they were building a so-called "working capital" fund for the 2010-12 legislative term, reported now to be in the neighborhood of $1.8 BILLION DOLLARS. This so-called "working capital fund" is for the use of future legislative leaders. THAT MAKES IT A TAX ON THE EXERCISE OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT.
While Senate leadership reportedly fought to stop the ruthless raids on trust funds, in the end, they simply caved and HELPED the House of Representatives CREATE A SECOND AMENDMENT TAX.
The bad behavior doesn't end there.
Obviously fearing the Governor would use his line-item veto to stop THE SECOND AMENDMENT TAX, proviso language was inserted in the bill in a clear attempt to intimidate the Governor.
The proviso language says that if any portion of the moneys swept from this and other trust funds does not become law (meaning it is vetoed), that portion of the money shall be deducted from the EDUCATION BUDGET. This is clearly designed to keep the Governor from vetoing THE SECOND AMENDMENT TAX, and prevent trust fund money from being taken back out the House leadership's so-called "working capital" fund.
Money in the concealed weapons trust fund came from gun owners. No money to administer and run the concealed weapons and firearms licensing program has ever come from general revenue, or any other state fund or revenue source. The taking of these gun owner user fees is a de facto tax on the exercise of the Second Amendment.
Whether you are a resident or non-resident holder of a Florida Concealed Weapons and Firearms License, this affects you!
You can Call, Fax, or Email Governor Charlie Crist IMMEDIATELY, and ask him to VETO THE SECOND AMENDMENT TAX created by the confiscation of $6 million from the Division of Licensing Trust Fund.
Phone number: (850) 488-4441 or (850) 488-7146
Fax number: (850) 487-0801
Send your email to the Governor at this address:
Wild Thing's comment........
I have never been a huge fan of Charlie Crist. I just don't trust Crist to ever do the right thing. When they are more rino then conservative that is the feeling that has to be constantly there. Will he do the right thing or not.
“”The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” — (Thomas Jefferson)”
....Thank you Richard for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:45 AM | Comments (10)
May 10, 2009
A New Gun Law Being Considered in Congress
Next step? No guns allowed for right-wing 'extremists'
Bill empowers attorney general to forbid firearms for those 'suspected dangerous'
A new gun law being considered in Congress, if aligned with Department of Homeland Security memos labeling everyday Americans as potential "threats," could potentially deny firearms to pro-lifers, gun-rights advocates, tax protesters, animal rights activists, and a host of others – any already on the expansive DHS watch list for potential "extremism."
Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., has sponsored H.R. 2159, the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009, which permits the attorney general to deny transfer of a firearm to any "known or suspected dangerous terrorist."
The bill requires only that the potential firearm transferee is "appropriately suspected" of preparing for a terrorist act and that the attorney general "has a reasonable belief" that the gun might be used in connection with terrorism.
Gun rights advocates, however, object to the bill's language, arguing that it enables the federal government to suspend a person's Second Amendment rights without any trial or legal proof and only upon suspicion of being "dangerous."
"Rep. King would deny citizens their civil liberties based on no due process," objected Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America. "A 'known terrorist?' Look, if the guy has committed an act of terrorism, we shouldn't have to worry about him being able to buy a gun; he should be in jail!"
Pratt further warned of the potential overlap of H.R. 2159 and a recent DHS memo that warned against potential violence from "right-wing extremists," such as those concerned about illegal immigration, increasing federal power, restrictions on firearms, abortion and the loss of U.S. sovereignty.
"By those standards, I'm one of [DHS Secretary] Janet Napolitano's terrorists," Pratt said. "This bill would enable the attorney general to put all of the people who voted against Obama on no-gun lists, because according to the DHS, they're all potential terrorists. Actually, we could rename this bill the Janet Napolitano Frenzied Fantasy Implementation Act of 2009."
Pratt's biggest concern, however, is the sidestepping of the Constitution and due process that the nebulous language of this bill could permit.
"Unbeknownst to us, some bureaucrat in the bowels of democracy can put your name on a list, and your Second Amendment rights are toast," Pratt said. "This is such an anti-American bill, this is something King George III would have done."
Wild Thing's comment.........
I never knew Rep. Peter King was anti-gun. Who needs liberals when RINOS do the job for them!! What is it in the water in Washington that gives even Republicans harebrained ideas?
Our rights as Americans are being stripped away at a speed I never thought I’d see in my lifetime. If ever an American needed to be an armed citizen, it is now. This is not a Bill put through yet, but we sure as heck need to know about it and what is going on. This is the kind of thing that they could pass and non of us would know about it till it was too late. The 2nd Amendment as the rest of the Constitution means nothing to these characters.
Bills like this will turn “potential threats” into real ones....but that might also be the intent.
And, the nefarious deeds of a crafty terrorist need not involve guns at all. I’m sure they would be happy to produce a mushroom cloud rather than a hail of bullets.
It appears due process is being thrown out the door. This is a flexible bill of attainder that can be twisted any way the bureaucrat sitting in the Attorney General's office desires.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:47 AM | Comments (13)
May 06, 2009
Teenagers Gather to Support Gun Ownership Rights
Second Amendment Wheaton Forum
Second Amendment Wheaton Forum
Future Leaders and Special Guests:
Olivia Snow and Christos Dimoulis
Megan Liddy
Nik Powell
Greg Pfauth
Don Castella
Teenagers gather to support gun ownership rights
A group of young people Tuesday night chimed in on the old debate over gun control.
And the message they stressed during a Second Amendment forum at Wheaton city hall was that gun-control measures won't reduce firearm-related violence.
"Additional laws and taking away the rights of the people to bear arms simply will never work," said Christos Dimoulis, a 15-year-old South Barrington resident.
The home-schooled student served as master of ceremonies during the meeting, which was held in response to an April 21 gun control forum sponsored by several League of Women Voters chapters and the Illinois Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
Because last month's forum was held for Wheaton North High School students, the organizer of Tuesday's event said she wanted local teenagers to participate.
"We must have high school students addressing the other side and their peers," said Rosanna Pulido, who invited several teens to speak.
Olivia Snow said she decided to participate because she wanted to talk about the value of the U.S. Constitution.
"We stand here today as young Americans feeling that it is our duty - not only to protect our own rights - but to protect the rights of the generations to come," the 17-year-old Wheaton resident told the crowd of more than 100 people.
Unlike last month's gun control forum, which was cut short because of hecklers, Tuesday night's forum was calm. Members of the audience interrupted speakers only to applaud, cheer or voice agreement.
While several gun-rights experts spoke, the teenagers got a huge response.
Nik Powell, a 16-year-old sophomore at Lake Park High School in Roselle, said he enjoys shooting guns with his father and uncle. "It's a good experience for the whole family as long as you know what you are doing," he said.
And 15-year-old Megan Liddy said shooting sports and hunting have helped boost her confidence.
"I haven't always been good at school and I haven't always been good at sports," the Wheaton Warrenville South High School student said. "But I have always been good at shooting and I have always been able to beat people at it."
Dimoulis argued that increased gun-control measures will only make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to obtain firearms. At the same time, criminals will find a way to arm themselves.
"The government fails to realize that they cannot legislate morality," Dimoulis said. "If a person is immoral, no law will make that person do what is right."
Wild Thing's comment........
This was a totally Awesome event. The Students were wonderful and a thanks also to the Daily Herald for a Fair and Balanced article!
A very bright spot in our furture leaders reading and knowing the Constitution!
The video above is part one that has been posted so far at YouTube.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:05 PM | Comments (5)
May 05, 2009
Obama Pushes Anti-Gun Treaty
Obama supports an international treaty creating sweeping gun control efforts.
As Lou Dobbs notes here, Obama is in favor of the ratifying CIFTA, the Inter-American Convention Against Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms. On its face, the treaty sounds reasonable because it would “prevent, combat, and eradicate the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials”. However, upon reading the bill we discover the following:
Stressing the need, in peace processes and post-conflict situations, to achieve effective control of firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials in order to prevent their entry into the illicit market.
Obama has promised Mexican President Felipe Calderon that he would urge the Senate to take up CIFTA. He is doing this under the cover of the drug cartel violence in Mexico. Obama and Calderon quoted a statistic echoed by the corporate media that 90% of the weapons seized in Mexican raids were purchased from U.S. gun shops and a reason why the U.S. needs to ratify this treaty. In fact, this is a lie — only a mere 17% of guns found at Mexico crime scenes have been traced to the U.S.
CIFTA would bury the Second Amendment under “pertinent resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly.” It would criminalize ammunition reloading (defined as explosives manufacture) and gun assembly (including firearm kits and presumably breaking down weapons for cleaning or transport).
Language contained in the CIFTA treaty insists it respects “the principles of sovereignty, nonintervention, and the juridical equality of states.” Not mentioned is the fact the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties has a superior rank to national laws. If the CIFTA treaty is ratified without exception, it would kill U.S. sovereignty and lead the way to destroying the Second Amendment.
It should be noted that only the Senate needs to ratify the treaty. Article II, section 2, of the Constitution states that the president “shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur.”
The United States was one of the first signatories to CIFTA in November, 1997. The Convention was transmitted to the Senate in June 1998 and to this day awaits the Senate’s advice and consent. 29 of the 34 OAS member states have ratified CIFTA. Only the US, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and St. Vincent & Grenadines have yet to do so.
Treaty Endangers Second Amendment and U.S. Sovereignty
On April 16, 2009, President Obama emerged from a meeting with Mexico’s President Calderón to announce his support for the “Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing and Trafficking in Firearms” treaty (CIFTA): an international gun control treaty signed by President Bill Clinton in 1997 but never ratified by the U.S. Senate.
Unlike Clinton, Obama has no plans to let the treaty languish without ratification. Thus he promised to push the treaty through the Senate quickly as a means of curtailing the border violence and arms trafficking in Mexico’s current drug wars. Yet the text of CIFTA indicates that the treaty would do very little to curtail violence in Mexico, unless creating a national gun registry in the United States is something that will cut crime south of the border.
For example, the preamble of the treaty describes “the urgent need for all states, and especially those states that produce, export, and import arms, to take the necessary measures to prevent, combat, and eradicate the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms.” To accomplish this, the preamble calls for the “exchange of information” and “effective control of firearms [and] ammunition” between nations that sign treaty.
The “exchange of information” implies that our government would not simply have a gun registry that is nationally accessible, but internationally accessible as well.
When I contacted Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, about this aspect of the treaty, he said, “It would clear the way for imposing a national gun registry [and] would overturn the current prohibition on keeping centralized firearms records by the federal government.”
But this isn’t even the scariest part of the CIFTA. Once you get past the preamble, you see that another goal of the treaty is to ensure a special “marking" on “firearms…at the time of manufacturing.” Article VI of the treaty explicitly states that the purpose behind “marking” the weapon is to make “tracing the firearms” back to the store or firearm dealer who first sold the weapon easier (even if the dealer sold the weapon legally to someone who passed the NICS background check in the United States).
Lest we underestimate the danger of this aspect of treaty, note that Article XIII of the treaty calls for signatories to make available to other signatories the names of “authorized producers, dealers, importers, exporters, and, whenever possible, carriers of firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials.” In other words, even though your local gun-store owner sells his weapons legally by following all federal guidelines, any gun he sells that is taken across a border illegally could result in a knock on his door by international investigators. Making matters even worse, Article XIX of the treaty provides for “extradition” of those in violation of CIFTA.
Pratt was especially leery of this aspect of the treaty, saying: “Our government has [already] been doing all it can to reduce the number of firearms dealers [in this country]. CIFTA would make dealers vulnerable to extradition to such paradigms of due process as [exist in] Mexico.”
When HUMAN EVENTS contacted U.S Senators John Cornyn (R-Texas) and James Inhofe (R-Okla.) to get their views on the treaty, they were both emphatic on their commitment to defend the Second Amendment and U.S. sovereignty in matters relating to guns and gun ownership.
Cornyn said he was “concerned that the inter-American arms trafficking treaty may lead to infringement of our Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms [without providing any] solution to…the problems occurring along the U.S.-Mexico border.” He said he “will vigorously oppose the ratification of any treaty that impinges on the constitutional rights of the American people affirmed by the Supreme Court last year.”
While Inhofe believes “violence in Mexico is no doubt expanding and must be firmly addressed,” he rejected the idea of addressing it though “a treaty that may be used to impose further restrictions on law-abiding citizens of the United States.” Inhofe also shared Pratt’s concern over what this treaty would mean for lawful firearms dealers in the United States. According to Inhofe: “CIFTA…is not aimed at the criminals. It is aimed at U.S. manufacturers who sell firearms legally to American citizens.”
Like Cornyn, Inhofe made it clear that he could “not support the ratification of CIFTA or any international treaty that places limitations on our constitutional rights.” He believes “our national sovereignty must be respected and…will not allow another country or international body to dictate our gun polices.”
So what does all this mean for freedom loving Americans? It means we need to be grateful for the work Cornyn and Inhofe (and others) are doing. But it also means we need to do our duty as informed citizens and act.
When President Obama asks the Senate to ratify CIFTA, we must call our Senators and implore them to oppose it.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Obama and the Democrats are pushing many different programs through as fast as they can in the hopes the people will be overwhelmed and can’t react to all of them.
Obama is an Enemy of the Republic.
I contacted both Senators. The GOP Sen. lists a category in the pull down menu for the email section, “GUNS” while the Democrat has “Gun Control”. Tells you something doesn't it!
Senators of the 111th Congress
Here is what I sent via their Web Mail:
“Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing and Trafficking in Firearms” treaty (CIFTA): an international gun control treaty signed by President Bill Clinton in 1997 but never ratified by the U.S. Senate.
It would impinge upon the 2 nd Amendment.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (10)
April 26, 2009
Rock ~ Bullet ~ Hammer
George Fath moved to his mobile home in rural Steuben County two months ago. The previous owners left a lot of trash in the yard, so Fath was cleaning up Thursday afternoon. That's when he found a 22 caliber bullet in the yard. He didn't want his three young boys to get hurt from the bullet, so Fath decided to dispose of it.
"My hammer was outside so I took the bullet and put it on a rock and smacked it with the hammer," Fath said.
Fath wasn't expecting the bullet to fire.
"It went off and went into my belly and knocked me on my butt," Fath said.
Fath said he thought he was shot in the stomach. His wife called 911. According to the police report the bullet didn't actually hit Fath.
"Fath was not bleeding, and it did not appear that Fath was struck with the bullet. Fath suffered a minor abrasion to the area of his stomach," police records read.
But, Fath told NewsChannel 15 the bullet did go in his stomach and doctors removed it at the hospital.
"I smacked the bullet and fell down and blood came pouring out," Fath said. "I was hitting it to smash it. I didn't expect it to go bang."
Fath said he'll never hit a bullet with a hammer again.
"I wasn't thinking about it. It was the dumbest thing I ever did in my life. I suggest nobody do it," Fath said.
Police agree. Steuben County Sheriff Rick Lewis said no one should ever hit a bullet with anything.
"The round can go anywhere. It could hit the person striking it with a hammer, a neighbor, a child in the yard. There's just no controlling where the bullet will go," Lewis said.
A bullet doesn't have to be in a gun to fire.
"Anytime you get pressure [to the end of the bullet] to cause it to explode, it will fire," Lewis said.
If someone finds a bullet, don't throw it in the trash either.
"Call local law enforcement and we can take car of it," Lewis said.
Wild Thing's comment......
Oh GREAT, now the government will be after our hammers too!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (6)
April 07, 2009
Obama To Cut Military $1.4 billion and Give His Group ACORN $8 Billion
It's designed to either shoot down or detonate against enemy ballistic missiles. They're like flying mines. This is designed as a defense mechanism, the MKV will seek out LAUNCHED nuclear missles and hit them. How the MKV-L concept works & its successful first hover ground test (Dec. 2008).
Gates announced yesterday that U.S. missile defense programs would be slashed by over $1.4 billion (roughly 15%).
This decision comes on the heels of North Korea's ICBM launch; Iran's continued development of nuclear weapons and advanced missile technologies; and the disturbing buildup of China's defense infrastructure. Iran's president went so far as to publicly state his goal of a world without America and Israel.
"We are in the process of an historical war between the World of Arrogance [the West] and the Islamic world, and this war has been going on for hundreds of years... ...In this very grave war, many people are trying to scatter grains of desperation and hopelessness regarding the struggle between the Islamic world and the front of the infidels."
While slashing $1.4 billion from strategic missile defense programs, President Obama found more than $8 billion for a liberal activist group entwined in "a pattern of crimes ranging from voter fraud to a mob-style 'protection' racket."
Richard Burr of North Carolina, ACORN is eligible for roughly $8 billion in block grants and redundant increases in the budget for the U.S. Census.
Gates is currently holding his hatchet briefing. Here are the cuts to missile defense he just announced:
Total cuts in missile defense: $1.4 billion or roughly 15%.
Cancel second Airborne Laser (ABL) aircraft, keep the one remaining ABL prototype as a testbed and revert to pure R&D.
No increases in Ground-based Interceptor (GBI) deployment in Alaska. Remaining silos will stay unfilled. European GBIs will be decided on later during the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR).
Termination of the Multiple Kill Vehicle (MKV) program. As you recall, MKV just recently had a well, awesome, test:
Fourth, in the area of missile defense:
We will restructure the program to focus on the rogue state and theater missile threat.
We will not increase the number of current ground-based interceptors in Alaska as had been planned. But we will continue to robustly fund continued research and development to improve the capability we already have to defend against long-range rogue missile threats – a threat North Korea's missile launch this past weekend reminds us is real.
We will cancel the second airborne laser (ABL) prototype aircraft. We will keep the existing aircraft and shift the program to an R&D effort. The ABL program has significant affordability and technology problems and the program's proposed operational role is highly questionable.
We will terminate the Multiple Kill Vehicle (MKV) program because of its significant technical challenges and the need to take a fresh look at the requirement.
Overall, the Missile Defense Agency program will be reduced by $1.4 billion.
Pentagon to end F-22 production
In a blow to Lockheed Martin, the Pentagon has decided to purchase to end funding of the F-22 fighter jet.
The decision by Defense Secretary Robert Gates will rouse widespread opposition in Congress and is likely to bog down the 2010 budget approval process, with F-22 supporters maneuvering to secure more money.
The Pentagon will fund four of the radar-evading stealth fighters in the upcoming 2009 emergency war-spending request, but those additional aircraft will do little to keep the production line in Marietta, Ga., open beyond 2011. Lockheed Martin is the main contractor for the F-22, each of which costs about $140 million.
Gates announced the decision at a press conference on the Defense budget on Monday afternoon.
No money will be requested in the fiscal 2010 budget, congressional and industry sources familiar with the budget briefings told The Hill. Gates has been making calls to the chairmen of the congressional defense committees.
The final F-22 of the 183 currently on order will be delivered at the end of 2011. Building another four would keep the line open for only a few months beyond that end date.
Lockheed Martin and its subcontractors, including Boeing, in recent weeks have stepped up their campaign to keep the production line open. They argue that 25,000 people work directly for the 1,000 suppliers of the F-22 in 44 states, and another 70,000 indirectly owe their jobs to this program.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Fox reported on TV that this will mean the end of 90,000 jobs. So let's see, next we will hear how more people are unemployed and it is Bush's fault. I mean that IS how the liar Obama does his thing.
I think Obama has hated this country since he was a child.
My understanding is that the F-22 is a most valuable weapon for our future defense and that should be the argument to keep funding it.
Curses upon those who would strike the sword from the hand of our country.
Want top see a totally cool website? It is for the F22 Fighter. It opens with an F 22 Raptor coming right at you.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (10)
April 02, 2009
Nationwide Shortage Leaves Gun Owners Scrambling For Ammo
There was ammo on these shelve.........
Nationwide shortage leaves gun owners scrambling, paying extra
Reports from across the country confirm that gun owners seeking to stock up on ammunition are facing the same list of problems: shortages, back orders, elevated prices and a long line of people staring at empty shelves where boxes of bullets used to be.
"Just about everywhere I've been, it's sold out," Darren Lauzon told KMGH-TV in Denver after he failed to find ammunition for his new .45 pistol. "Wal-Mart, Sportsman's, wherever."
"Folks have been experiencing shortages all over the country," a spokesman for the National Rifle Association told the Santa Rosa Press-Democrat in California. "Since the election there has been a great increase in firearms sales as well. Background checks are up, enrollment in training and safety classes is up, concealed weapons permits are up, gun sales are up – and ammo manufacturers can't keep up with demand."
Gun shops and retailers agree: the press for ammunition is emptying their shelves quicker than the manufacturers can restock them.
"We're probably selling ammunition right now at a 200 percent increase over normal sales," said Richard Taylor, manager at the Firing Line in Aurora, Colo.
"We've probably got over 4,000 cases of ammunition on back order currently. But we just don't know when we're going to receive that," Taylor told KMGH. "Y2K was just like a little blip on the radar screen compared to this. I mean, it's just phenomenal."
A Wal-Mart salesman told Ross Kaminsky of Human Events, "We used to get shipments almost every day. Now we only know we'll have it when we see it. I get at least a half-dozen calls a day asking for ammunition, especially for handguns, and when it arrives, the customers buy everything."
The shortages are creating multiple complications for both gun owners and sellers.
KSNW-TV in Wichita reports the cost of ammunition in many Kansas stores has risen between $5 to $15 more per box over the last six months, and even still, many retailers are limiting the amount of ammunition customers can buy.
"It is a bad problem," Bill Vinduska with Bullseye Firearms told the station, "because we really would rather be able to supply our customers their needs; and not being able to do that is really a problem."
"When you're turning down two or three thousand, four thousand dollars a day in sales because you just can't get the product, that's significant," said Burnie Stokes from Panhandle Gunslingers to KFDA-TV in Amarillo, Texas.
Jere Jordan, general manager Midsouth Shooters Supply in Clarksville, Tenn., a company that specializes in mail-order sales of ammunition and reloading supplies, told the Associated Press that his company has sold out of ammunition commonly used in semiautomatic pistols and popular military rifles.
And even though Midsouth is taking orders for supplies used by hobbyists to handload cartridges, Jordan has no idea when they'll be filled.
"The wait? We're not even guessing on the wait anymore," Jordan said. "It's exceeding 60 days."
Who's to blame for shortages?
According to Lawrence Keane, senior vice president of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a trade organization representing both manufacturers and retailers, the shortages pinching store owners aren't the fault of their suppliers.
"We have heard from all across the country that there is a tremendous shortage of ammunition," Keane told the AP. "We've heard this from the manufacturers, that their customers are calling them trying to get supplies for inventory, and that the manufacturers are going full-bore, pardon the pun."
The shortages, for the most part, stem from a widespread surge in customer demand for ammunition, a surge many link to the election of Barack Obama and the belief, perpetuated in part by the National Rifle Association, that the new president favors limiting the right to bear arms codified in the Second Amendment.
"Sen. Obama's statements and support for restricting access to firearms, raising taxes on guns and ammunition and voting against the use of firearms for self-defense in the home are a matter of public record," declares Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA's Political Victory Fund. "Barack Obama would be the most anti-gun president in our nation's history."
Wild Thing's comment.........
If President Reagan or Bush were President there would be a run on ammo. Conservatives are not stupid and sure some buy a lot more ammo then others, cost enters in too, how much a person can afford. But I am all for people buying ammo if they can afford it, learn how to store it and be as safe as possible.
Obama is not making our country safer, by all the things he has done from day one he has put us all in danger.
Initeresting article and I love the response by Chris W. Cox.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (12)
March 26, 2009
NRA:The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina
NRA: The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, Police Superintendent P. Eddie Compass unleashed a wave of confiscations with these chilling words:
"No one will be able to be armed. We will take all weapons. Only law enforcement will be allowed to have guns."
Thousands of firearms were then confiscated from law-abiding gun owners. The police gave no paperwork or receipts for those guns. They just stormed in and seized them.
New Orleans gun owners are showing up at these trailers, with serial numbers of their firearms, expecting Mayor Nagin and his band of anti-gunners to respect the Federal courts.
They are met by stony-eyed bureaucrats who say serial numbers aren't enough—and that gun owners now need PROOF OF PURCHASE of these firearms.
How many of those gun owners do you think had original receipts for those firearms? And even if they did, how many do you think could find those receipts in the wreckage of a hurricane?
Many of these firearms were passed down from father to son, generation to generation. Some are precious heirlooms. Some are collector's pieces won in our wars. And they were all lawfully owned and they must be returned to their owners.
How to Carry a Concealed weapon
Wild Thing's comment.........
Oh my God this is scary. I hope and pray this never happens again anywhere in our country.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (8)
March 22, 2009
M16 Taking the Fight To The Enemy
American troops are slowly helping Iraqi forces convert from Russian designed AK-47s to American M-16 and M-4 assault rifles. The process involves taking one Iraqi brigade at a time and putting the troops through a 21 day course on how to use the M-16. The training involves a lot of time spent on marksmanship, as well as the need for keeping the M-16/M-4 clean. Neither marksmanship or weapon maintenance have ever been major priorities in the Iraqi army.
So far, only the more elite commando and SWAT units have received the American rifles, in addition to a few infantry brigades. Marksmanship and cleaning issues aside, Iraqis like the M-4 because it is two pounds lighter than the AK-47. This is a big deal for Iraqis, who tend to be smaller than U.S. troops.
Many Iraqi troops are not keen on getting the M-16. They know it is more accurate, and that they are getting more target practice to improve their shooting skills. But the M-16 requires more maintenance. You have to clean it a lot. The less accurate AK-47 was much more tolerant when it came to sand and dust.
However, Iraqi NCOs and junior officers tend to prefer the M-16 for its lighter weight, and lighter ammo. The M-16 ammo weighs more than a third less than AK-47 rounds. That extra accuracy and ammo can be a lifesaver in combat.
U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Derek Renaud, 34, of Angola, New York, offers some tips to an Afghan national army soldier trying to zero in his weapon at Kabul Military Training Center, March 17. Renaud, officer in charge of the range during qualification and zeroing of M16s, mentors ANA recruits as they learn to use their new M16s. He's a member of the Camp Alamo Mentor Group's Basic Warrior Training branch.
Afghan National Army Kandak Receives First M-16s for Field Training
CAMP ALAMO, Afghanistan
Afghan national army recruit Mirza Budin, 24, sat with dozens of his fellow Kandak soldiers on the parade field, March 2, putting his new M-16 through functional checks.
Budin, a member of Kandak 102 here at the Kabul Military Training Center, is among the first to get the new rifles in hand during training. For their Kandak it was week seven and coalition mentors were busy explaining the nuances of the new weapon to them.
“I’m not sure yet, but I think it’ll be good,” said the clean-shaven soldier when asked what he thought about the addition. “Based on what I’ve been told, it’s a very good rifle, but I haven’t had an opportunity to shoot it yet. I’m looking forward to using it.”
As are the rest of the Kandak if the cheers let out during the training is any indication; but first things first – as training in the use and maintenance of the M16 is the most important aspect, according to instructors.
“Compared to the M-16, AK-47s require little maintenance,” said Lt. Col. Sean Nikkila, KMTC Mentor Group Operations officer. “They do not need to be cleaned as often, and are easy to handle. M-16s require regular cleaning, which is a new concept to many of the ANA soldiers who are familiar with the AK-47.”
The 38-year-old officer from Tigard, Ore., said while the AK-47 is easier to maintain, they’re not very accurate.
“Only a very experienced marksman will be effective past 150 meters with the AK47,” said Nikkila. “M-16s are very accurate for a moderately trained marksman to distances up to 350 meters or greater. This makes the M-16 a very valuable weapon in terrain with large distances where ANA soldiers may be able to engage anti-coalition forces beyond the range of an AK-47 used by the enemy. M-16s also use the standard 5.56mm NATO round. This allows the ANA to utilize ammunition provided by coalition countries that is of high quality and compatible with other NATO weapons.
These advantages aren’t lost on the ANA soldiers now roaming the training center ranges.
“Soldiers are impressed with the M-16,” said Nikkila. “The rifles are in very good condition when compared to the AK-47s they had. Since the M-16 has been in the U.S. inventory for over 40 years, we have high quality training materials that have been well tested over the years.”
ANA instructor Master Sgt. Zabi Ullah said the major “challenge will be in getting accustomed to the weapon. They’ll need to get comfortable with it, but so far the response has been good from those receiving the rifle. I hope they remain positive.”
Zabi, a five-year veteran of the ANA, said Kandak 102 will soon get to use their new weapons in a comprehensive field training exercise. “To complete their training, the soldiers will take part in an exercise testing their ability to implement squad movements, ambush tactics and firing at night.”
To ensure the soldiers are ready for the test, Basic Warrior Training mentors include eight days of M-16 specific training in their schedule.
“The biggest difference will be in the zeroing and qualification,” said Lt. Col. Bradley Perrier, BWT Senior Mentor. “With the M-16, the soldiers are required to zero their weapon, and then qualify it. Each soldier has a different target and will know if they truly qualify. With the AK-47, the soldiers shot at the same targets previous soldiers fired on and really had no idea if they had effectively put a bullet in a silhouette. With the M-16 they know without a doubt.”
While Kandak 102 was the first to receive their M-16s, the swap out came in week seven. According to Perrier, Kandak 106 gets theirs in week two – right before Basic Rifle Marksmanship training begins.
“Up to this point the ANA soldiers have been extremely engaged,” said Perrier, from Whitehouse, Texas. “The soldiers were attentive and learned quickly.
Having already put their training to work on the range, soldiers from the 102nd Kandak still remain optimistic.
Following his turn on the range zeroing in his weapon Private Nazif Ullah, 20, from Baghlan province, said “We were familiar with the AK-47 … the resilience of it was good. We just received the M-16 now and don’t know how tough it is, but after firing it I’d have to say it’s better than the AK-47.” His partner agreed.
“In my opinion the M-16 is better than the AK-47 because I’ve fired both,” said Private Akhteyar Ahmad, 26, from Ningarhar province. “I found the M-16 better in marksmanship. I shot three rounds with the AK and didn’t hit the target at all. I shot three with the M-16 and hit the target twice.” It makes for a good feeling for everyone involved.
“They’re really excited about it,” said Sgt. 1st Class John Schmidt, a 38 year old from Lawton, Okla.., and BWT mentor. “They’re more excited about this than anything else we’ve been teaching them up to this point.”
Wild Thing's comment......
Any weapon our troops can use to get rid of the enemy is a winner. My prayer is that these people they are training use them against the bad guys as well. Not being negative, but I always worry about that.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (6)
March 19, 2009
Good News ....DOD Brass Ban LIfted
Feds undercut ammo supply
But Defense policy reversed after intervention by 2 Montana senators
Responding to two Democratic senators representing outraged private gun owners, the Department of Defense announced last night it has scrapped a new policy that would deplete the supply of ammunition by requiring destruction of fired military cartridge brass.
The policy already had taken a bite out of the nation's stressed ammunition supply, leaving arms dealers scrambling to find ammo for private gun owners.
Mark Cunningham, a legislative affairs representative with the Defense Logistics Agency, explained in an e-mail last night to the office of Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., that the Department of Defense had placed small arms cartridge cases on its list of sensitive munitions items as part of an overall effort to ensure national security is not jeopardized in the sale of any Defense property.
The small arms cases were identified as a senstive item and were held pending review of policy, he said.
"Upon review, the Defense Logistics Agency has determined the cartridge cases could be appropriately placed in a category of government property allowing for their release for sale," Cunningham wrote.
The Defense Department liaison was responding to a letter yesterday to the Defense Logistic Agency's Vice Admiral Alan S. Thompson from Tester and fellow Montana Democrat Sen. Max Baucus. The senators argued "prohibiting the sale of fired military brass would reduce the supply of ammunition – preventing individual gun owners from fully exercising their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. We urge you to address this situation promptly."
One of the companies that brought attention to the issue is Georgia Arms, which for the last 15 years has been purchasing fired brass casings from the Department of Defense and private government surplus liquidators.
The military collects the discarded casings from fired rounds, then sells them through liquidators to companies like Georgia Arms that remanufacture the casings into ammunition for the law enforcement and civilian gun owner communities.
But earlier this month, Georgia Arms received a canceled order, informed by its supplier that the government now requires fired brass casings be mutilated, in other words, destroyed to a scrap metal state.
The policy change, handed down from the Department of Defense through the Defense Logistics Agency, cut a supply leg out from underneath ammunition manufacturers.
The policy compelled Georgia Arms to cancel all sales of .223 and .308 ammunition, rounds used, respectively, in semi-automatic and deer hunting rifles, until further notice. Sharch Manufacturing, Inc. had announced the same cancellation of its .223 and .308 brass reloading components.
"They just reclassified brass to allow destruction of it, based on what?" Georgia Arms owner Larry Haynie asked WND. "We've been 'going green' for the last dozen years, and brass is one of the most recyclable materials out there. A cartridge case can be used over and over again. And now we're going to destroy it based on what? We don't want the civilian public to have it? It's a government injustice."
It looks like the ban has been lifted. Brass casing sold for domestic use will not require mutilation.
from Georgia Arms
" A hardy congratulation is due to our loyal customers, our good friends, and our fellow shooting enthusiasts through out this great nation! Due to the diligent and overwhelming effort of many thousands of you, calling, writing, and emailing our elected officials, DOD Surplus, LLC, has rescinded its prior directive that ALL small arms spent casings be mutilated rather than recycled. This was a huge victory for common sense and we would like to thank each and every person who made an effort and played a role in correcting this mistake. We at Georgia Arms are proud of everyone who took the time and had the courage to stand up for our rights. We believe, that by your outpouring of anger and dismay, you not only extended our liberty and freedoms but also took a stand for economic common sense in a time when we know our government should be trying to reduce costs at all levels rather than throwing money away for some politically correct reason or the other. Again, our hat is off to everyone who helped and thanks to God as well. We will roll up our sleeves and go back to work; we have 223’s and 308’s to build! We will start shipping backorders today. "
(This was pertaining to an outstanding bid on a lot of brass that we won prior to the mutilation order. DOD sent us a bill for the brass after we had refused it due to the mutilation requirements. DOD on Monday sent us a bill for the brass and when we responded that we had already refused it due to the mutilation clause, we received this reply via email.)
Word came down that all shells 50 caliber or smaller CAN still be purchased without the mutilation requirement as long as kept in the US."
More from The Firearm Blog.....
- Prior to 11/2008, Demil B items required no mutilation for sale to the public. That policy changed in November, but several exceptions were granted. Expended munitions brass was one of those given a waiver.
- Enter the new administration. Since Demil B category items had been given a broad, general label as “national security sensitive” someone above the DRMS (likely in the DLA) reviewed the policy and immediately went with a CYA policy and yanked all exemptions. No thoughts or considerations were given to the implications of this policy change, but this directive was issued to DOD Surplus effective immediately last week.
- Shit storm blows up as a result. In particular, the letters, phone calls, and emails to our legislators, the media, and anyone else who would listen caused this policy to be review post haste.
- As of this morning our company was informed that expended munitions brass will now be reclassified as Demil Q –– which requires no mutilation unless sold to a foreign country.
Wild Thing's comment.........
All little things and large, that are the basic strengths of this Republic are now under sage.
Nicholas reminded me about something. The comedian Pat Paulsen, a regular on the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, first announced he was running for President in 1968 as the candidate for the Straight Talking American Government (STAG) Party. Throughout the campaign he repeatedly described himself as the "common ordinary simple savior of America's destiny." Other campaign slogans he used included "We cannot stand pat," "We can be decisive, probably," "United we sit," and "If elected, I will win." He responded to all criticism with the phrase "Picky, picky, picky."
Paulsen declared that "issues have no place in a presidential campaign." However, he did announce a position on a few issues. For instance, on the issue of gun control he favored letting everyone have guns but locking up the bullets.
Is that weird he would say that or what!
........Thank you Mark and Tom for sending this information to me. They both go together so well and make a good post on this. I am learning so much!!! I never knew about all of this before.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
US Army Aviation
Vietnam 1966-68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:50 AM | Comments (9)
Gun Advocates Ready for Battle on Federal Assault Weapons Ban
Gun Advocates Ready for Battle on Federal Assault Weapons Ban
Get ready for a gunfight.
Attorney General Eric Holder is using the drug violence in Mexico to "confuse and mislead" Americans in an attempt to reinstate the expired Federal Assault Weapons Ban, gun advocates claim.
Holder revealed his intention to reinstate the ban last month while announcing more than 700 arrests in connection with a crackdown on Mexican drug cartels operating in the United States.
"As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to re-institute the ban on the sale of assault weapons," Holder said. "I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico, at a minimum."
Holder said reinstating the ban would decrease the flow of guns from the U.S. into Mexico. He declined to offer a timeframe for any re-implementation; Justice Department spokesman Matt Miller also declined comment on Tuesday.
But Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the National Rifle Association, told that Holder's "argument in general is bizarre."
"It's a delusion to say that diminishing the Second Amendment in America is somehow going to stop these ruthless drug cartels in Mexico."
LaPierre called on Holder and Justice Department officials to uphold existing laws and focus on increasing enforcement along the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border, rather than consider additional legislation.
"The answer is to enforce the law on both sides of the border," LaPierre said. "I reject the notion that the reenactment of that ban would have any impact on the Mexican drug cartels."
LaPierre, referring to the drug-related violence that killed more than 6,200 people in Mexico last year, accused Holder of trying to "put a failed political agenda on the back of a national tragedy."
Signed into law by President Clinton in 1994, the Federal Assault Weapons Ban prohibited the sale of ammunition clips with more than 10 rounds and 19 types of semi-automatic military-style guns, including AK-47s and AR-15s. The ban expired in 2004, and a 10-year extension proposed by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., was voted down.
Michael Hammond, spokesman for the Gun Owners of America, said he was not surprised by Holder's comments.
"We expected the Obama administration, contrary to promises made during the campaign, to do everything it can to go after us," Hammond said. "It's no surprise to us that [Holder] is using a crisis as an argument to achieving his policy goals."
During a House subcommittee hearing last week, Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action, warned against making U.S. gun owners "scapegoats" for the Mexican crisis.
"The message here is clear: According to some, the violence in Mexico is not the fault of the drug cartels or their American customers, nor is it the fault of decades of Mexican government corruption," Cox said in prepared remarks.
"In their view, the fault lies with American gun owners. This is an outrageous assertion."
Authorities should ramp up border security and continue targeting so-called straw buyers who do the cartels' "dirty work," Cox said.
But Tom Diaz, senior policy analyst at the Violence Policy Center, testified at the subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs on Thursday that the U.S. civilian gun market is fueling violence in Mexico and on both sides of its border.
"If one set out to design a 'legal' market conducive to the business of funneling guns to criminals, one would be hard-pressed to come up with a 'better' system that the U.S. civilian gun market -- short of simply selling guns directly to criminals from manufacturer and importer inventories," Diaz said in prepared remarks.
"The U.S. gun market not only makes gun trafficking in military-style weapons easy, it practically compels that traffic because of the gun market's loose regulations and the gun industry's ruthless design choices over the last several decades."
Citing February 2008 congressional testimony of William Hoover, assistant director of field operations at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)...
Diaz said military-style weapons like the Barrett .50-caliber rifle, the Colt AR-15 .223-caliber assault rifle and the AK-47 are "precisely the makes and models of firearms that have been carefully designed, manufactured or imported and heavily marketed over the last 20 years by the U.S. civilian gun industry."
More than 7,770 guns sold in the U.S. were traced to Mexico last year, up from 3,300 in 2007 and roughly 2,100 in 2006, according to ATF statistics. It was not immediately clear what percentage of those guns fell under the United States' federal assault weapons ban.
Diaz also cited ATF tracing data that shows Mexican drug cartels receive between 90 and 95 percent of their firearms from the United States.
Along with measures such as targeting Texas, Arizona and California -- the three primary states where firearms are illegally smuggled into Mexico -- Diaz called for the implementation of an "effective" federal assault weapons ban modeled on a bill introduced in 2007 by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y.
Diaz said manufacturers continued to sell assault weapons throughout the ban by making minor design changes. He also called for the passage of a bill introduced by Feinstein during the last session of Congress that would regulate .50-caliber sniper rifles under the National Firearms Act.
Meanwhile, Democratic lawmakers like Alaska Sen. Mark Begich and Montana Sens. Max Baucus and Jon Tester have already informed Holder that they'll vigorously oppose any new gun restrictions the Obama administration may be considering.
In a letter to Holder shortly after his comments, all three senators urged the Justice Department to focus on enforcing existing laws.
And Arizona state Sen. Jonathan Paton, who testified at last week's hearing, said additional gun laws are just not the answer.
"It would actually hurt the problem rather than help it," Paton, a Republican, said of re-instituting the federal assault weapons ban. "They're not giving us the resources on the laws that we already have on the books. What makes me think they're going to give us the resources for new laws?"
Paton cited Mexico's far stricter gun laws as proof that new domestic laws in the United States won't deter criminals intent on trafficking arms.
"It's not going to solve the problem you have with M-16s and AK-47s; they're already banned and they're already going into Mexico at a feverish pace," Paton told "The day they start taking their border security as serious as we do, Mexico will cut down tremendously on its amount of guns."
Important Message From NRA Chief Lobbyist Chris W. Cox on Attorney General Holder's Recent Remarks Supporting Reinstatement of the Failed 1994 Gun and Magazine Ban
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Today in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, 65 Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives, led by Congressman Mike Ross (D-AR), expressed their opposition to the reinstatement of the failed 1994 ban on semi-automatic firearms and ammunition magazines. These congressmen cited numerous studies that proved the 1994 ban was ineffective, and they strongly urged Attorney General Holder to stop his effort and instead focus on the enforcement of existing gun laws.
NRA would like to thank Congressman Ross for his leadership on this effort. We will continue to work with Members of Congress from both parties on this important issue.
This is a 6 page pdf mostly with signatures and names.
Beck & Wayne LaPierre ( NRA ) discuss gun control and the 2nd Amendment on March 18, 2009
Wild Thing's comment........
“there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make...”
What a load of baloney.
They want to infringe on the rights of Americans to lower crime in Mexico???? Good grief! I think its another created crisis to use as an excuse to institute their commie plans. But then an oath and the Constitution mean nothing to these people.
Eric Holder wants to take away the very weapons that we need to defend ourselves from the murderous criminals who are invading our nation. The feds refuse to deploy forces to the border to control it, they refuse to build the fence to keep bad people out, and they want us to give up our ability to defend ourselves from said invaders. I guess this is “change we can believe in”. Eric Holder can go suck a lemon.
How is disarming Texans going to protect them agains Mexican armed to the teeth coming across our undefended border!
......Thank you Lynn for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:47 AM | Comments (12)
March 18, 2009
Obama Secretly Ends Program That Lets Pilots Carry Guns
Obama secretly ends program that lets pilots carry guns
After the September 11 attacks, commercial airline pilots were allowed to carry guns if they completed a federal-safety program. No longer would unarmed pilots be defenseless as remorseless hijackers seized control of aircraft and rammed them into buildings.
Now President Obama is quietly ending the federal firearms program, risking public safety on airlines in the name of an anti-gun ideology.
The Obama administration this past week diverted some $2 million from the pilot training program to hire more supervisory staff, who will engage in field inspections of pilots.
This looks like completely unnecessary harassment of the pilots. The 12,000 Federal Flight Deck Officers, the pilots who have been approved to carry guns, are reported to have the best behavior of any federal law enforcement agency.
Since Mr. Obama's election, pilots have told us that the approval process for letting pilots carry guns on planes slowed significantly. Last week the problem went from bad to worse. Federal Flight Deck Officers - the pilots who have been approved to carry guns - indicate that the approval process has stalled out.
Pilots cannot openly speak about the changing policies for fear of retaliation from the Transportation Security Administration. Pilots who act in any way that causes a “loss of confidence” in the armed pilot program risk criminal prosecution as well as their removal from the program. Despite these threats, pilots in the Federal Flight Deck Officers program have raised real concerns in multiple interviews.
Arming pilots after Sept. 11 was nothing new. Until the early 1960s, American commercial passenger pilots on any flight carrying U.S. mail were required to carry handguns. Indeed, U.S. pilots were still allowed to carry guns until as recently as 1987. There are no records that any of these pilots (either military or commercial) ever causing any significant problems.
Screening of airplane passengers is hardly perfect. While armed marshals are helpful, the program covers less than 3 percent of the flights out of Washington D.C.'s three airports and even fewer across the country. Sky marshals are costly and quit more often than other law-enforcement officers.
Armed pilots are a cost-effective backup layer of security. Terrorists can only enter the cockpit through one narrow entrance, and armed pilots have some time to prepare themselves as hijackers penetrate the strengthened cockpit doors. With pilots, we have people who are willing to take on the burden of protecting the planes for free. About 70 percent of the pilots at major American carriers have military backgrounds.
Frankly, as a matter of pure politics, we cannot understand what the administration is thinking. Nearly 40 House Democrats are in districts were the NRA is more popular than House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. We can't find any independent poll in which the public is demanding that pilots disarm. Why does this move make sense?
Only anti-gun extremists and terrorist recruits are worried about armed pilots. So why is the Obama administration catering to this tiny lobby at the expense of public safety?
Wild Thing's comment............
Has Hussein Obama done anything that does not harm the country ? sheesh!
Terrorists are now celebrating and suffering an abundance of riches so they really don’t know what to do first. The Obama administration is the best thing that ever happened to them.
So Obama's deal is let's make it easy for the terrorists! Let these pilots be sitting ducks. No one should have guns to protect themselves or others!
Then should also completely disarm Air Force One. Obama is neutering our Country on a daily basis and getting away with it!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (6)
Drug Cartels' New Weaponry Means War
Police officers drive past a burning police vehicle in Zihuatanejo, Mexico. In a three-week period, five grenade attacks were launched on police patrols and stations.
Drug cartels' new weaponry means war
Narcotics traffickers are acquiring firepower more appropriate to an army -- including grenade launchers and antitank rockets -- and the police are feeling outgunned.
Reporting from Zihuatanejo, Mexico, and Mexico City -- It was a brazen assault, not just because it targeted the city's police station, but for the choice of weapon: grenades.
The Feb. 21 attack on police headquarters in coastal Zihuatanejo, which injured four people, fit a disturbing trend of Mexico's drug wars. Traffickers have escalated their arms race, acquiring military-grade weapons, including hand grenades, grenade launchers, armor-piercing munitions and antitank rockets with firepower far beyond the assault rifles and pistols that have dominated their arsenals.
These groups appear to be taking advantage of a robust global black market and porous borders, especially between Mexico and Guatemala. Some of the weapons are left over from the wars that the United States helped fight in Central America, U.S. officials said.
"There is an arms race between the cartels," said Alberto Islas, a security consultant who advises the Mexican government.
"One group gets rocket-propelled grenades, the other has to have them."
There are even more ominous developments: Authorities reported three thefts of several hundred pounds of blasting material from industrial explosives plants in Durango during a four-day period last month. Authorities believe the material may have been destined for car bombs or remotely detonated roadside devices, which have been used with devastating effect in Iraq, killing more than 1,822 members of U.S.-led forces since the war there began nearly six years ago.
The Mexican army has recovered most of the material, and there has been no reported use of such devices.
Grenades or military-grade weapons have been reported in at least 10 Mexican states during the last six months, used against police headquarters, city halls, a U.S. consulate, TV stations and senior Mexican officials. In a three-week period ended March 6, five grenade attacks were launched on police patrols and stations and the home of a commander in the south-central state of Michoacan. Other such attacks occurred in five other states during the same period.
At least one grenade attack north of the border, at a Texas nightclub frequented by U.S. police officers, has been tied to Mexican traffickers.
It is a long article , you can read the rest of it here.......
Wild Thing's comment........
Good grief, all the way into Durango, the only Durango I konw of is Durango, Colorado. These gangs are coming further and further into other States. I don't want them in ANY City or State in our country.
This is a DRUG war. But Obama and Holder are using it for something else. Holder/Obama are gonna try to punish American citizens for the crimes happening in another nation!
The Obama administration will seek to reinstate the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 during the Bush administration, Attorney General Eric Holder said today. "As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons," Holder told reporters.
Holder said that putting the ban back in place would not only be a positive move by the United States, it would help cut down on the flow of guns going across the border into Mexico, which is struggling with heavy violence among drug cartels along the border.
"I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico, at a minimum." Holder said at a news conference on the arrest of more than 700 people in a drug enforcement crackdown on Mexican drug cartels operating in the U.S.
....Thank you Horace for sending this to me.
Horace Smith
Pvt. E-1, USAR
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (6)
March 17, 2009
DOD Issues Directive About Sale of Military Brass To Ammunition Remanufactures
No Longer Just Paranoia
For months, anyone who's proffered the position that the Obama Administration was anti-gun has been dismissed as being a variety of things, from sore loser to rampant paranoid. Nonetheless, since assuming office, members of the Obama administration have steadily- and stealthily- moved against firearms and ammunition.
Their only public blunder was Attorney General Holder's saying the "assault weapons ban" needed to be reinstated. Quickly, House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi - no friend of gun owners - went on record as opposing Holder's suggestion. She went as far as to parrot the words of pro-gun groups, saying the government should enforce the laws on the books today, rather than introducing new laws.
At the same time, the State Department notified Canadian authorities of plans to issue an export ban on "military caliber ammunition" to Canada. That proposed action would prevent the sales of .223, .308 and other military calibers.
When Canadian authorities protested - and notified several members of the American media, the U.S. State Department suddenly went silent. But they quietly reinstated other rules and charges firearms exports-retroactively.
While it seemed they had been headed off on one proposal, they had actually drawn attention away from other actions. If you're into incrementalism, that translates as a win.
Anything passed brings the ultimate goal that much closer.
Last Friday, the anglers and hunters were notified that the National Park Service planned to make all lands under their control totally lead-free by 2010. No lead in ammo or fishing tackle.
As we report in today's Outdoor Wire, that decision has kicked off howls of protests - and questions about the NPS trying to usurp states' rights by issuing their unilateral decision with no prior notification. It's definitely not going to be a decision without some serious discussions. That still doesn't mean the NPS will back off on their decision.
All these things are racing along on parallel tracks. Now, many observers - and not just those on the pro-gun side of the discussion - believe the country is hurtling toward a confrontation.
The catalyst might be any one of several flashpoint issues, but both groups seem to believe a reckoning is unavoidable.
For months, I've gotten reports of everything from re-tasking of military heavy assault units for domestic violence scenarios to calls for "committees of correspondence" designed to spread news the way word was spread by citizens of the then-British colonies.
In each instance, I've discounted the reports as internet hysteria that has produced breathless notices of "the real-deal on the new assault weapon ban"- or references to HR45 - a gun registration bill that is a prime example of "eyewash legislation". It's purpose has already been achieved.
Part of that discounting has been due to the fact that hot-blooded rhetoric seems to run along with firearms ownership.
To the chagrin of industry officials, there's never a shortage of people willing to go on camera, get red-faced and spout "from my cold dead hands" phrases.
Admittedly, those people concern me, but more for their reinforcement of a negative stereotype to people who have no opinion one way or the other on firearms.
Today, however, a report that has nothing to do with rhetoric, hyperbole or rumor.
A very disturbing report that points to a very real assault on ammunition supplies.
The Department of Defense has issued a directive that bans the sale of military brass to ammunition remanufacturers.
Without that brass, a very large dent is put into civilian ammunition supplies.
New Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service (DRMS) requirements call for the "mutilation of shell casings". Mutilation, incidentally, is the destruction of the property "to the extent that prevents its reuse or reconstruction".
Government officials will determine what constitutes "sufficient mutilation" but it's safe to say that it will no longer be suitable for remanufacturing.
The first word of this latest decision came over the weekend when Georgia Arms' Larry Haynie released a letter notifying him of the new requirement.
For a company with an order in for 30,000 pounds of expended military brass in .223, .308 and .50 BMG, that was not a pleasant notification.
Georgia Arms was remanufacturing more than one million rounds of .223 ammunition monthly; selling that ammo on the civilian market to resellers and to government agencies all over the country.
Tomorrow, Georgia Arms will start sending cancellation notices for .223 ammunition to law enforcement agencies across the United States. Haynie says he may have to layoff half of his sixty-person workforce.
A new welcome page posted on Georgia Arms' website ( says simply "Due to new government regulations concerning the purchase of surplus brass, we are removing sales of all 223 and all 308 until further notice."
From there, it directs visitors to the government website for contacting elected representatives.
All of us need to start contacting our elected representatives -and telling them, quite directly, that we're not going to put up with a move that not only curtails access to ammunition (nearly all .223 and .308 manufacturing capacity is tied up to satisfy the needs of the military) for civilians - but wastes taxpayers' money turning usable surplus into scrap metal.
Reducing the ammo brass to scrap reduces the value of the metal/surplus by nearly eighty percent. It also means that recast brass - in shippable form - may be shipped to China, one of the largest markets for U.S. metals on the world market.
If this is allowed to go unchallenged, anyone who owns a modern or traditional rifle in .223 or .308 calibers will see the impact- probably sooner than later.
"Anyone" in this context means everyone from recreational shooters to law enforcement trainers.
Pulling military brass out of the consumer supply chain means that all the manufacturing capacity being dedicated to meeting the military need will effectively become unavailable to civilians - forever.
Export rulings, lead bans, and brass mutilation orders from separate areas of the federal government look coincidental - on the surface. I'm not big on conspiracy theories - partially because I doubted the new administration would have gotten its collective act together so rapidly.
Seems I've been wrong on that one - and mistakenly using the word "hoard" when talking about the nearly-insatiable demand for ammunition that continues across the country. Today, laying up of ammunition might be better described as prudent preparation for possible problems.
States are beginning to serve notice to the federal government they will not enforce laws that violate individual rights. The federal government seems intent on creating a society with increasingly higher numbers of people dependent on the government for either sustenance or employment. Average citizens are beginning to grow tired of being asked to "tote the note" for others' irresponsibility.
These are, indeed, uncertain times.
Today, it's important that every reader take time to notify Congress that we - taxpayers - oppose this latest DOD move- and all the other not-so-subtle moves against gun owners.
You can contact your elected officials in Washington by going to this webpage and following the links to your respective Senator or Congressman.
One key member of the United States Senate is Montana's Senator Max Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. Baucus could make a call to the Pentagon and let them know their budgets might be reexamined if they don't reconsider this latest directive. At that point, the directive might labeled a "misunderstanding" and rescinded.
But it is important that we keep pressure on Congress.
If that means phone calls, e-mails, and letters, let's get that done. If that doesn't produce results, we need to look beyond symbolic gestures like sending tea bags or bringing hundreds of thousands of gun owners to Washington and state capitols to protest.
These are, indeed, uncertain times. But the time for uncertain actions may be passing.
We'll keep you posted. In the meantime, maintain situational awareness.
--Jim Shepherd
I got this from one of our nephews in my email:
An Important Message From Gun Owners Of America
Land grab bill coming back, again
Monday, March 16, 2009
Do you agree with people like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, who treat the Second Amendment as if it were written only to protect your ability to go hunting and target shooting?
Or do you agree with Gun Owners of America, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who believe that the Second Amendment protects a pre-existing fundamental right that is essential to the preservation of liberty?
Well, a whole lot of people in Congress are claiming to protect your Second Amendment rights, but all they’re really doing is protecting your hunting season.
We’re talking about the Omnibus Public Lands Act. You helped to defeat this bill last week in the House, but Congressional leaders have vowed to bring it up again soon.
S. 22 is an enormous package of over 190 bills lumped together with a price tag of $10 billion. The bill will greatly expand the amount of land controlled by the National Park Service, thus spreading the agency’s unconstitutional gun regulations to more areas.
Fear of upsetting gun owners — who helped elect many members of Congress from both parties — kept this bill off the floor for several weeks.
Then, in a meeting last Tuesday, not held in an open committee hearing but behind closed doors, House leaders brokered a deal with some supposedly pro-gun Democrats.
They said they were concerned about your gun rights. They said they were going to “fix” the bill.
But they did not address the NPS anti-gun regulations that prohibit carrying a firearm for self defense without a government issued concealed carry permit.
What did they do? They added language to the bill to say you can still go hunting.
That’s right. Many Congressmen claimed to be protecting the Second Amendment, when all they were really doing was thumbing their noses at self defense.
Here is the entire “pro-gun” amendment that was considered in the House. Judge for yourself if this really protects your Second Amendment rights:
“Nothing in this Title shall be construed as affecting the authority, jurisdiction, or responsibility of the several States to manage, control, or regulate fish and resident wildlife under State law or regulations, including the regulation of hunting, fishing, trapping, and recreational shooting. Nothing in this Title shall be construed as limiting access for hunting, fishing, trapping, or recreational shooting.”
They may as well have called it the “Elmer Fudd Protection Act.”
A lot of people who voted for this bill campaigned for office as champions of gun rights. They said “Send me to Washington; I’ll fight for the Second Amendment.” And this is what we get? Pathetic.
But let’s be clear. The issue is not just about the NPS gun restrictions, as bad as they are. And whether or not you personally use federal land is not the point.
What is important is the disdain with which legislators hold your Second Amendment rights.
It is imperative that you speak up on this issue. The outcome of this battle will be a preview of what we can expect for the next two years.
Will your gun rights be comprised away little by little? Or will we stand together and hold legislators accountable to their campaign promises to uphold the Second Amendment?
This week there may be several votes in both the Senate and House on the Omnibus Land bill.
Congressional leaders plan to act quickly in an attempt to ram this down the throat of the American people without a fair and open process. They desperately want to avoid any amendment that would truly protect your gun rights.
Congress hopes to leave the gun ban in place, and enlarge the areas affected by it. For example, the bill expands existing park land, creates new national trails that will fall under the gun restrictions, and authorizes the federal government to buy more land adjacent to national parks and trails.
House and Senate leaders plan to move on this bill rapidly, although they are ambiguous about the process.
But our message to Congress is simple: Stop playing around with our Second Amendment rights!
We don’t care about the process. We care about the Second Amendment. And we mean ALL of the Second Amendment, not just hunting.
Tell Congress you expect them to protect your right to keep and bear arms without compromising. Please take a few seconds and send the pre-written message below.
When you’re done, become a force multiplier. Send this alert to a few friends.
It is important that you take this action because right now GOA is the only gun rights organization speaking out for ALL of your Second Amendment rights.
We’ve all forwarded jokes or funny pictures to our friends. How about forwarding a message to help protect our God-ordained constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms?
And please do not think your voice won’t be heard. Remember, this bill failed to pass the House by just two votes last week because people like you took action.
Congressmen need to know that their votes in the coming days will impact YOUR vote next year. But if they don’t hear from you and they think you’re not looking, many will treat your rights with contempt.
We’re not alone in this battle. In the Senate, pro-gun champions such as Sens. Tom Coburn and Jim DeMint are prepared to lead the fight against this bill.
In the House, Reps. Paul Broun, Rob Bishop and Doc Hastings are among those fighting hard for your gun rights.
In fact, there are many in Congress willing to stand up for the Second Amendment, but they are repeatedly squashed by the anti-gun leadership or undermined by pro-gun compromisers. Pro-gun Congressmen who want to
repeal the gun ban are being told, in effect, to “Shut up and vote!”
Friends, we know we’ve asked for a lot of action from you already this year.
Unfortunately, that is not going to stop. But we will all draw the line at some point. Let’s work together and do it now.
Thank you for working with Gun Owners of America. Our effectiveness in Washington depends on your activism. PLEASE try to get your pro-gun friends and family involved. Now more than ever, every voice is critical.
ACTION: Please use the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at to tell your Representative and Senators to reject the lands bill (S. 22) unless your Second Amendment rights are protected. Per usual, a
pre-written letter is provided for your convenience.
Pre-written message
The Omnibus Public Land Act of 2009 is expected to come to the floor soon.
I urge you to oppose this bill if, as expected, the leadership does not allow an amendment to repeal the anti-gun regulations of the National Park Service.
Recent changes made by the Interior Department only allow persons with a concealed carry permit to possess a self-defense firearm on NPS land. Non-permit holders are still prohibited from carrying a firearm for their protection.
And please don’t be fooled by a supposedly pro-gun amendment to “fix” the bill that was brought up last week during the House debate on S. 22. That language only modestly protects hunting and recreational shooting.
While protecting the rights of sportsmen is important, the Second Amendment is NOT about hunting rights. I am more concerned about my ability to defend my life, and the lives of my loved ones, than I am about plinking cans.
Congressional leaders have been ambiguous about how this legislation will come to the floor, but my message to you is clear: protect ALL of my Second Amendment rights.
Please OPPOSE final passage on any land bill that does not repeal the NPS gun ban.
Once you have contacted your legislators, please consider checking out GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt’s recent appearance (along with noted author Dr. John Lott) on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s show “Freedom Watch.”
Fox has posted the video on YouTube .
Judge Andrew Napolitano's show called Freedom Watch airing every Wednesday from 2pm - 3pm. Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America and John Lott, Author of "More Guns, Less Crime" discuss the Second Amendment.
Wild Thing's comment.........aka "The cold dead handers"........
Whew they sure are are drunk with power, I hope they back away and don't do this, but the one element that can restrain them is the media and they are too busy have fantasies about their Obama, although that is wanning a tad lately, thank goodness. .
Only the King’s men shall have weapons. Only the King’s men shall be able to use the King’s lands. No game shall be taken from the King’s lands. This takes me back the better part of a millenium to Merrie Olde England.
I think these people doing this are forgetting about the millions of us across this awesome land that are imo the kind of citizens that obey the laws, are not causing trouble, know what our Constitution says and live the kind of lives that prefer not to have big government. Like it has been said law abiding citizens. I would not want to mess with that kind of person and I am one of them. And um well , how shall I put this, we know how to use a weapon, we want to be able to protect our loved ones, our property and that is something maybe one needs to be a-hem reminded of especially now. I sure can hardly wait for 2010 to get here!!!! OH and we also believe in honest elections not the kind that Obama's ACORN runs.
They will try to make the use of arms prohibitively expensive, or useless in some other way through a war of taxation and attrition, and the hyper regulation of munition factories (laws regardining workers around lead).
There are approx 60 million gun owners in this country. There are 1 million active military at best...who is going to do the eliminating?
"The tree of Liberty needs to be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (10)
Rham and Obama and Guns
"Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed
when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed."-Sarah Brady
Rahm Emanuel Speaks at the Brady Center's Stand Up For a Safe America (DC)
Video Script:
The right to bear arms is one of the fundamental ideals on which our nation was founded.
Hardworking, law-abiding Americans have for generations enjoyed this freedom in their communities and with their families.
But Barack Obama believes that many Americans simply 'cling' to guns in times of economic distress. Speaking behind closed doors to an audience of San Francisco donors Barack Obama said "they cling to guns or religion .... as a way to explain their frustrations"
Obama's anti-gun record is long.
In 2004, he voted against legislation drafted to protect homeowners from prosecution in cases where they used a firearm to halt a home invasion.
In 2003, he voted in support of legislation that would have effectively banned most of the privately held hunting shotguns, target rifles, and black powder rifles in Illinois.
And in 1996, Obama supported a ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama and Rahm are total idiots. I wish it were that simple, but I fear the correct description is they are a bunch of Communists.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (11)
March 03, 2009
Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban
Eric Holder (Obama's Attorney General): Make Assault Weapons Ban Permanent
Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban
The Obama administration will seek to reinstate the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 during the Bush administration, Attorney General Eric Holder said today.
As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons," Holder told reporters.
Holder said that putting the ban back in place would not only be a positive move by the United States, it would help cut down on the flow of guns going across the border into Mexico, which is struggling with heavy violence among drug cartels along the border.
"I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico, at a minimum." Holder said at a news conference on the arrest of more than 700 people in a drug enforcement crackdown on Mexican drug cartels operating in the U.S.
Wild Thing's comment........
Hussein is placing the United States on greased skids to oblivion. Obama and the left are killing everything our Founding Fathers stood for. In a sane world, they all would have been jailed for treason.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (14)
February 21, 2009
Lou Dobbs on the Second Amendment Under Fire
Concern mounts that the second amendment right to bear arms will soon be restricted.
Obama supports a punitive high excise tax on ammunition, making gun manufacturers liable for firearm abuse, and even a ban on the manufacture of hand guns. Eric Holder, Attorney General, is just as adamantly determined to restrict the freedoms guaranteed to citizens by the Second Amendment of the Constitution.
Wild Thing's comment.........
When Erick Holder makes the first gun grab, it will be the 2nd Shot Heard Around the World
How about if Erici Hholder himself has to go tell Ted Nuggent he must surrender his guns. I do not want him to send the BATF, an officer of the law or the FBI. I want to see that chicken shit go himself and do it. LOL
These power-mad Marxists are afraid of the Second Amendment for the exact reason the founders insisted on it being included in the Bill of Rights.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (6)
February 11, 2009
Guns ~ B.Hussein Obama ~ and His X-Black Panther Friend Rep.Bobby Rush
House Bill titled 'HR 45, Blair Holt Licensing and Record Act of 2009
Title: To provide for the implementation of a system of licensing for purchasers of certain firearms and for a record of sale system for those firearms, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: ( X-Black Panther party member) Rep Bobby RushL. [IL-1] (introduced 1/6/2009)
Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/9/2009 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.
The last part of the Bill:
This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall not apply to any department or agency of the United States, of a State, or of a political subdivision of a State, or to any official conduct of any officer or employee of such a department or agency.
Here they come, ready or not. Feel the water getting warmer?
It will make it illegal to own a firearm unless it is registered with the database in Washington D.C. As a gun owner you will have to be finger printed, you will be required to provide your DL#, SS#, you must maintain a valid address at all times, submit to mental and physical health records being put on file, you will also be required to file any address changes and any ownership changes even if a private sale. Each update will cost $25 and if you fail to comply you will lose your right to own firearms. This bill and its language mirror almost completely one defeated last year in the House of Representatives by soon to be Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Will we the citizenry be as lucky this time?
Pass this on to everyone who believes in strict Constitutionalism and remember that laws only apply to those who obey them. Criminals by definition and nature do not abide by laws. New laws and restrictions only apply to the law abiding citizen and are not written with the criminal in mind. With guns, it is not about having laws on the books to prosecute individuals, it is about taking guns away from the people so that no one has them in the first place.
One last item to note, when assuming power and creating a fascist state, Hitler was a proponent of strong gun laws because a disarmed populace was much easier to control than an armed one. The kings of old also outlawed weapons of any kind in any region that they conquered to quell the ability of the citizens to up rise against them.
The Founding Fathers of this nation understood all of the above and because of this they included the second amendment in the constitution. In fact, they knew that at some point in every society’s life span that the need for the population to arise came about. To this end they made the right to keep and bear arms against a tyrannical state an absolute right that could not be revoked. They did this because the first thing tyrants and despots do is to remove a population’s right to defend themselves When this is done, the tyrants have no problem with the destruction of society as we know it.
Spread this news to all true patriots! Protect your Second Amendment!
The following is a summary of the bill as provided by the Congressional Research Service. If you read the whole bill, you’ll find it will effectively preclude the ownership of ANY firearms by law-abiding people unless licensed by the Attorney General. How long do you think THAT would take??
Congressional Research Service Summary
The following summary was written by the Congressional Research Service, a well-respected nonpartisan arm of the Library of Congress. GovTrack did not write and has no control over these summaries.
1/6/2009–Introduced. Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 - Amends the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act to prohibit a person from possessing a firearm unless that person has been issued a firearm license under this Act or a state system certified under this Act and such license has not been invalidated or revoked.
Prescribes license application, issuance, and renewal requirements.
Prohibits transferring or receiving a qualifying firearm unless the recipient presents a valid firearms license, the license is verified, and the dealer records a tracking authorization number.
Prescribes firearms transfer reporting and record keeping requirements.
Directs the Attorney General to establish and maintain a federal record of sale system.
(1) transferring a firearm to any person other than a licensee, unless the transfer is processed through a licensed dealer in accordance with national instant criminal background check system requirements, with exceptions;
(2) a licensed manufacturer or dealer from failing to comply with reporting and record keeping requirements of this Act;
(3) failing to report the loss or theft of the firearm to the Attorney General within 72 hours;
(4) failing to report to the Attor ney General an address change within 60 days; or
(5) keeping a loaded firearm, or an unloaded firearm and ammunition for the firearm, knowingly or recklessly disregarding the risk that a child is capable of gaining access, if a child uses the firearm and causes death or serious bodily injury.
Prescribes criminal penalties for violations of firearms provisions covered by this Act.
Directs the Attorney General to:
(1) establish and maintain a firearm injury information clearinghouse;
(2) conduct continuing studies and investigations of firearm-related deaths and injuries; and
(3) collect and maintain current production and sales figures of each licensed manufacturer.
Authorizes the Attorney General to certify state firearm licensing or record of sale systems.
Wild Thing's comment..........
"Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security."
Mr. Black Panther didn’t get any movement in the Judiciary Committee. Now it got kicked down to a Homeland Security SUBcommitee.
Also there are no CoSponsors for the Bill.
Two good things so far but still this Bill is VERY concerning to say the least.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (11)
January 28, 2009
Ted Nugent Discusses the 2nd Amendment
Ted Nugent discusses the 2nd Amendment with Evan Smith, host of the KLRU program TEXAS MONTHLY TALKS and editor of TEXAS MONTHLY magazine.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Ted is so good and I am so glad he is a voice and consistenly speaks out about the 2nd Amendment. We need more like him out there speaking up.
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
US Army Aviation
Vietnam 1966-68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (8)
January 02, 2009
The 2nd Amendment
The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. (waiting for attack)
The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either... The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental.
1. Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.
2. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.
3. I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy.
4. When seconds count, the cops are just minutes away.
5. A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him 'Why do you carry a 45?' The Ranger responded, 'Because they don't make a 46.'
6. The old sheriff was attending an awards dinner when a lady commented on his wearing his sidearm. 'Sheriff, I see you have your pistol. Are you expecting trouble?' 'No Ma'am. If I were expecting trouble, I would have brought my shotgun.'
7. Beware the man who only has one gun. HE PROBABLY KNOWS HOW TO USE IT!!!
But wait, there's more!
" I was once asked by a lady visiting if I had a gun in the house. I said I did. She said 'Well I certainly hope it isn't loaded!' To which I said, of course it is loaded, can't work without bullets!' She then asked, 'Are you that afraid of someone evil coming into your house?' My reply was, 'No not at all. I am not afraid of the house catching fire either, but I have fire extinguishers around, and they are all loaded too.' To which I'll add, having a gun in the house that isn't loaded is like having a car in the garage without gas in the tank. "...
....Thank you Mark. I got this awhile back and the elction posts were in abundance, and I didn't post it earlier so I saved it for today.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (11)
January 01, 2009
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence Sues the Bush Administration
The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence sued the Bush administration yesterday in hopes of stopping a new policy that would allow people to carry concealed, loaded guns in most national parks and wildlife refuges.
"The Bush administration's last-minute gift to the gun lobby, allowing concealed semiautomatic weapons in national parks, jeopardizes the safety of park visitors in violation of federal law," said Paul Helmke, the group's president. "We should not be making it easier for dangerous people to carry concealed firearms in our parks."
An Interior Department spokeswoman refused to comment on the lawsuit, saying the department does not discuss pending litigation.
It's not the only lawsuit over last-minute regulatory changes that the Bush administration wants to achieve.
Yesterday, California Attorney General Jerry Brown announced that his state is suing the Bush administration to block changes in regulations that are intended to reduce input from federal scientists.
"Unfortunately, the Bush administration has had an antipathy to using sound science," Brown said. "This is the latest assault as Bush goes out the door. It's intolerable."
The lawsuit was filed late Monday in U.S. District Court in San Francisco.
The Interior Department issued the revised rules this month. They allow federal agencies to issue permits for mining, logging and similar activities without a review from federal biologists if the agencies' research shows that the project will not affect plants and animals.
The changes also block agencies from using the Endangered Species Act to consider the effects of greenhouse-gas emissions on ecosystems when reviewing projects such as new roads or coal plants on federal land.
Brown is asking the court to block the new rules, which could give the incoming administration of President-elect Barack Obama time to review them.
Wild Thing's comment........
I can't stand liberals. They want to control us, from the cradle to the grave. Now that Obama is taking over they smell victory. They are totally worthless!
What the heck is wrong with people about guns. I just don't get it. Do these people not have a brain? Good grief! These Brady people sure hate the 2nd Amendmment.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:46 AM | Comments (11)
December 24, 2008
Actor David Spade Buys High-Powered Rifles for Local Police Department
David Spade Buys High-Powered Rifles for Local Police Department
Actor and one-time Phoenix resident David Spade has donated $100,000 to the Phoenix Police Department. The department will use the much needed funds to buy high-powered rifles to defend the city from the growing influence of Mexican drug cartels.
Through his publicist, Spade explained that "these guys need to be able to do their jobs, and I am just happy I could help."
Spade says he got the idea for the donation after seeing a story on FOX News. Phoenix police say Spade called asking to donate to their rifle program after he saw that officers, outgunned and desperate for more firepower, wanted to buy their own semi-automatic rifles.
“Mr. Spade has stepped forward and has given a gift to our officers of increased safety," said Police Chief Jack Harris. "I am thrilled that we were able to accept that money that will hopefully bring us to 300 rifles on the street.”
Phoenix Police Sgt. Alan Hill says 50 AR-15 rifles to be purchased with the donation will be given to patrol officers.
Spade, 44, grew up in the Phoenix area and graduated from Arizona State University. The "Rules of Engagement" star has helped out cops before, donating $25,000 to the family of a fallen Phoenix police officer last year.
Wild Thing's comment........
I heard this story on FOX and was surprised, but Nicholas said that David Spade is politically conservative.
When we still lived in Malibu, Calilf. there was a horrible North Hollywood Shootout. Nicholas and I had just been to that same bank the day before.
1997 North Hollywood Shootout part 2...there are more videos of this at the YouTube site
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (7)
December 20, 2008
Los Angeles City Council Passes Host of New Gun and Ammunition Laws
The Los Angeles City Council passes a host of new gun and ammunition laws.
VIDEO HERE form the Los Angeles News
The move is intended to help reduce the city's gun and gang violence, but an NRA lawyer says a lawsuit is likely.
By Maeve Reston
December 18, 2008
The Los Angeles City Council approved a package of gun control laws Wednesday, placing new requirements on ammunition sellers and banning the sale of military-style ammunition in the hopes of further reducing the city's gun and gang violence.
The measures ban the sale of .50-caliber ammunition, capable of penetrating a car's engine, and would require the city's ammunition vendors to be licensed, to sell ammunition face-to-face instead of over the Internet and require gun dealers to report a full accounting of their inventory twice a year to the Police Department.
The council passed laws prohibiting the installation of secret compartments for guns in cars and allowing the city to permanently seize vehicles used by certain gang members during a crime, which was proposed by City Atty. Rocky Delgadillo.
The council also approved an ordinance that would allow landlords to evict tenants who are convicted of illegally possessing weapons or ammunition within 1,000 feet of the rental property.
A lawyer for the National Rifle Assn. said his client probably would file suit to block some of the measures.
Los Angeles Police Chief William J. Bratton and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who helped develop the ordinances with Councilman Jack Weiss and other members, praised the package at a news conference before the vote.
"We use this to stop a vehicle," Bratton said, holding up a .50-caliber bullet longer and thicker than a finger. "Unless you are out trying to kill Godzilla, and I think the last time we saw Godzilla was in the 1950s, there is no need for this type of weapon" unless it is in the hands of the military or law enforcement, he said.
Villaraigosa dismissed questions about whether the ammunition restrictions would have a practical effect since buyers could simply purchase the bullets over the Internet or in cities where the laws do not apply.
"Part of what we're doing here is leading the way," Villaraigosa said, stating that the measures are another tool to fight gun violence and that he hoped other cities and President-elect Barack Obama's administration would follow suit. "This is the most far-reaching effort of any big city in the country. . . . This isn't about symbolism; it's about results."
The council approved the measures unanimously.
But C.D. Michel, a Long Beach attorney who represents the National Rifle Assn. and the California Rifle & Pistol Assn., said his clients were likely to sue over the new laws governing ammunition sales and vendors because they either conflict with or are duplicated by state law.
Michel, the law partner of city attorney candidate Carmen A. Trutanich, also questioned the effectiveness of the ammunition measures, noting that there are only a handful of gun vendors left in the city and buyers could go elsewhere.
"A lot of these don't really do what the sound bite would portray them as doing," said Michel, who accused Weiss of pushing the measures to get publicity for his own campaign for city attorney. "It's about trying to look like you're doing something when you're not really doing anything. . . . My clients will just just challenge the ones that are illegal in court."
Weiss, who introduced four of the ordinances and is chairman of the city's public safety committee, addressed the possibility of legal challenges by the NRA at the news conference.
"I think the message from everyone up here to the NRA is pretty simple: Make our day. We will fight you in court. We will win," Weiss said.
Wild Thing's comment......
NO. The new law IS intended to make it harder for law abiding citizens to defend themselves from the criminal element, and thus to become more dependent on the State and the police. There IS no other explanation. The lawmakers HAVE the data, they HAVE the statistics, and they STILL keep "tightening" gun laws. Their disingenuousness becomes more obvious to everyone with every new statute.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (18)
December 04, 2008
The Life-and-Death Cost of Gun Control
The Life-and-Death Cost of Gun Control
By John R. Lott, Jr.
Banning guns is in the news. India practically bans guns, but that didn’t stop the horrific Muslim terrorist attacks this last week.
A football player concerned for his safety violates New York City’s tough gun control regulations by carrying a concealed handgun, and people call for everything from banning NFL players from carrying guns to demanding that the athlete serve many years in jail.
When police can’t promise to protect law-abiding citizens such Plaxico Burress or the victims in India, why don’t we allow people the right to protect themselves?
Where is the sympathy or debate in either case over letting people defend themselves? Given that the terrorists smuggled their machine guns in with them, would anyone argue that India’s extremely strict gun licensing and artificially high prices for guns helped prevent the terrorist attacks? In fact, the reverse is more likely the case.
Would Plaxico Burress, the New York Giant’s receiver who was arrested yesterday, really have been safer just trusting the police to protect him?
In India, victims watched as armed police cowered and didn’t fire back at the terrorists. A photographer at the scene described his frustration: “There were armed policemen hiding all around the station but none of them did anything. At one point, I ran up to them and told them to use their weapons. I said, ‘Shoot them, they’re sitting ducks!’ but they just didn’t shoot back.”
Meanwhile, according to the hotel company’s chairman, P.R.S. Oberoi, security at “the hotel had metal detectors, but none of its security personnel carried weapons because of the difficulties in obtaining gun permits from the Indian government.”
India has extremely strict gun control laws, but who did it succeed in disarming?
The terrorist attack showed how difficult it is to disarm serious terrorists. Strict licensing rules meant that it was the victims who obeyed the regulations, not the terrorists.
Academic research has continually found that police are the single most important factor in reducing crime, but police can’t always be depended on to be quick enough.
The attack also illustrates what Israelis learned decades ago. — Putting more soldiers or police on the street didn’t stop terrorist’s machine gun attacks. Terrorists would either wait for the armed soldiers or police to leave the area or kill them first. Likewise, in India, the Muslim terrorists’ first targets were those in uniform (whether police or security guards).
Terrorists only stopped using machine guns to attack Israelis once citizens were allowed to carry concealed handguns. In large public gatherings, a significant number of citizens will be able to shoot at terrorists during an attack — and the terrorists don’t know who has them.
With mass shootings becoming more difficult, terrorists were forced to switch to a less effective strategy: bombs. Bombings are more difficult for armed citizens to stop because they can’t respond after the bomb blows up.
Still, even though handguns can only kill would-be bombers before they set off their bombs, during waves of terror attacks, Israel’s national police chief will call on all citizens who are allowed to carry guns to make sure they carry their firearms at all times, and Israelis have many examples where citizens with concealed handguns have saved lives.
In their warped minds, both terrorists and the murderers are kamikaze-like killers, who value maximizing the carnage. Even if the killers expect to die anyway, letting victims have guns at the scene can help deter these crimes in the first place by reducing their expected return.
Do Football Players Need Self-Defense?
Physically huge NFL players admitting they feel threatened by crime? This hardly fits their tough, macho image. Our concern is supposed to be for women walking alone at night. Who can have sympathy for a professional football player such as Plaxico Burress who is 6 feet 5 inches and weighs 232 lbs.?
Burress, who has no previous criminal record, now faces between three and a half to 15 years for illegally carrying a concealed handgun with him in Manhattan, if convicted. He was arrested Monday and was released on $100,000 bail. — Burress had had a concealed handgun permit in the state of Florida for the last five years, but he forgot to renew it in May this year.
While the massive size and strength of NFL players might make them seem like unlikely potential crime victims, their wealth and high public profile nonetheless make them particularly attractive targets for violent criminals.
Last year, the Washington Redskins’ Sean Taylor was killed during a robbery at his house. The Denver Broncos’ defensive back Darrent Williams was killed outside a nightclub.
As Tampa Bay Buccaneers cornerback Ronde Barber noted, “We are targets, we need to be aware of that everywhere we go.” Yet, the news coverage doesn’t engender much sympathy for Plaxico Burress.
So, what do many NFL players do when they realize that their physical strength does not give them enough protection from violent crime? The same thing that many other would-be victims do — they get guns. Well over 50 percent of NFL players are estimated to own guns, somewhat higher than the 45 percent of American adults who own guns.
Not everyone approves. Mike Ditka, the Hall of Fame tight end and former Chicago Bears football coach, advocates banning NFL players from owning guns. Ditka said, “I don’t understand the league, why can anybody have a gun? I will have a policy, no guns, any NFL players we find out, period, you’re suspended.” AOL Sports writer Michael Smith also supports the ban and says, “If you carry a gun around, you’re more likely to hurt yourself than protect yourself.”
It would be great if the police were always there to rescue would-be victims, but as the police themselves understand, they virtually always arrive on the scene after the crime has already occurred. Fortunately, just as criminals are deterred by higher arrest rates or longer prison sentences, the fact that potential victims own guns deters some attackers. The Department of Justice’s National Crime Victimization Survey, which covers almost 30 years, also shows that having a gun is consistently by far the safest course of action for victims.
Over the last three or four years, numerous professional players can attest to the benefits of owning guns. For example, Corey Fuller, the 5-foot, 10-inch, 210-pound defensive back for the Baltimore Ravens, was confronted by two armed robbers outside his Tallahassee house. One robber chased Fuller into his house where his wife and children were sleeping, but Fuller was able to grab a gun and fire at the attackers, who then ran away.
* T.J. Slaughter, a 6-foot, 233-pound linebacker, was arrested for allegedly pointing a gun at motorists who pulled up next to him on the highway. Slaughter denied that he had pointed the gun at the motorists and claimed that they had threatened him. No charges were filed, though, possibly following Dikta’s rule, the Jacksonville Jaguars still cut Slaughter the next day. Jacksonville claimed Slaughter was performing poorly.
Professional athletes’ physical strength hardly makes them immune to crime. Take a couple additional examples.
* The Oakland Raiders’ Javon Walker (height: 6-3, weight: 215 lbs.) was robbed and beaten this past June while visiting Las Vegas. He was hospitalized with a concussion and facial injuries.
* The Houston Texans’ Dunta Robinson (height: 5-10, weight: 184 lbs.) was robbed by two men in his home a year ago. The robbers bound him with duct tape and stole jewelry.
Unfortunately all of the nation’s four leading pro-sports leagues — the National Football League, the National Basketball Association, the National Hockey League and Major League Baseball — trivialize the athletes’ concerns over safety. The NFL’s official advice: “In some circumstances, such as for sport or protection, you may legally possess a firearm or other weapon. However, we strongly recommend that you not do so.” The league advocates passive behavior when confronted by a criminal.
* Fred Taylor (height: 6-1, weight: 228) a running back with the Jacksonville Jaguars made the point clear: “League officials tell us we need to take measures to protect ourselves. But the NFL says we can’t have guns in the facility –even in the parking lot. Crooks know this. They can just sit back and wait for us to drive off, knowing we won’t have anything in our vehicle from point A to point B.”
Even professional athletes are not supermen. T.J. Slaughter expresses no regrets for having a gun despite running afoul of political correctness and being cut by the Jaguars. He says, “I believe legally owning a gun is the right thing to do. It offers me protection. I think one day it could save my life.” It seems a lesson that many who are not quite as strong can also learn from.
Toys R Us
The media can’t be blamed for some of the left out information and misimpressions about guns. For example, the news coverage over the weekend about a shooting at a Toys R Us in Palm Desert, California gave the wrong impression about guns. It seemed the perfect fit –- two couples squabbling over who would get a toy resulting in a deadly shoot out. Surely this demonstrated the dangers of letting people have guns for self defense.
But political correctness made it difficult for local authorities to even admit a simple and important fact — the two couples were members of rival gangs. As Palm Desert city councilman Bob Spiegel told The L.A. Times, there were apparently “two rival groups shopping at the store.” Even stories that mentioned the gangs often left the mention until the end.
Unfortunately, commentators at places such as the Huffington Post confuse letting gang members and law-abiding citizens carry guns. As one remarked: “does anybody still think concealed weapons laws are a good idea?” But in contrast to gang members, data for states like Florida or Texas indicate that concealed handgun permit holders lose their permits for any gun-related violation at hundredths or thousandths of one percent and even then usually for very trivial, non-threatening violations.
When police can’t promise to protect law-abiding citizens such Plaxico Burress or the victims in India, why don’t we allow people the right to protect themselves? Unfortunately, bans do more to encourage crime than prevent it.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is an excellent by article by John Lott. Here is John Lott Jr.'s website.
....Thank you Mark for this article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (22)
A Little Gun History Lesson
A Little Gun History Lesson
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million 'educated' people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.
It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. The first year results are now in: Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)!
In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent. Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals still possess their guns! It will never happen here? I bet the Aussies said that too! While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.
There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the ELDERLY. Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in successfully ridding Australia n society of guns. The Australian experience and the other historical facts above prove it. You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information.
Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens.
The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind him of this history lesson.
With Guns....... .. ....We Are 'Citizens'.
Without Them........ We Are 'Subjects'.
During WWII the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!
Note: Admiral Yamamoto who crafted the attack on Pearl Harbor had attended Harvard U 1919-1921 & was Naval Attaché to the U. S. 1925-28. Most of our Navy was destroyed at Pearl Harbor & our Army had been deprived of funding & was ill prepared to defend the country.
It was reported that when asked why Japan did not follow up the Pearl Harbor attack with an invasion of the U. S. Mainland, his reply was that he had lived in the U. S. & knew that almost all households had guns.
....Thank you Chief for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (2)
November 19, 2008
It’s The 7th Annual National Ammo Day!
It’s National Ammo Day!
"A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."
Second Amendment
* Number of firearms in America: 228,000,000360
* Number of firearm owning households: At least 50,600,000361
* Projected firearm owning households in America: 60-85 million
* Number of guns used in crimes: 450,000362
* Percentage of guns used in crimes: 0.09%
Over 50 million law-abiding, gun owning households committed NO crime today… but collectively, we stop 2.5 million crimes per year… 6,849 a day!
Fact: Every day, 550 rapes, 1,100 murders, and 5,200 other violent crimes are prevented just by showing a gun. In less than 0.9% of the time is the gun ever actually fired.
Keep up the good work and keep your ammo supply stocked!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (12)
November 16, 2008
Obama Wants Applicants' Web-Posting Past and Do You Have a Gun?
Obama Wants Applicants' Web-Posting Past
Questionnaire Asks Job Applicants To Document Blog Posts, Comments, Facebook Profiles And More
If you want a job in an Obama administration, be prepared to disclose every blog post or comment you've ever written.
A ...nine-page questionnaire ......(pdf file) requires applicants to list -- and if possible, provide copies of -- all "posts or comments on blogs or other Web sites" they have ever made. Also required are "aliases" or nicknames used on those sites.
Translated into English, this means that President-elect Obama wants to know far more about you than his predecessors did. That requirement would force applicants to disclose information about Facebook and MySpace pages, profiles posted on dating Web sites, and even what was posted on Web sites like CNET and YouTube that allow readers to append comments.
Note that question doesn't only ask for potentially embarrassing or incendiary posts. It wants a list of "each" one.
It also asks for the URLs of "any Web sites that feature you in either a personal or professional capacity," and suggests MySpace and Facebook by name as examples. Dating sites like would be included, too.
Perhaps this won't be a problem for older Democrats vying for senior positions like treasury secretary or attorney general. But for today's Facebook-and-YouTube generation, requesting a list (and, "if readily available," a copy) of all Web site posts and comments the applicant ever made is not a trivial task to complete -- and means that the Obama administration may not be quite as tech-savvy as its reputation would indicate.
These and other questions seem to represent Obama's plan to avoid the the Lani Guinier Effect. President Clinton appointed Guinier as assistant attorney general, and then was forced to withdraw her nomination in the face of severe criticism. Clinton claimed at the time that he had not read her writings favoring racial quotas.
Clinton also was forced to withdraw the nominations of Zoe Baird and Judge Kimba Wood for attorney general because of questions about whether they paid employment taxes for their nannies. President George W. Bush had the same problem with former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, appointed to be Homeland Security secretary.
Obama's questionnaire seeks to remedy that problem. It asks four questions about domestic help, including housekeepers, babysitters, nannies, and gardeners. It asks about child support payments, information about enemies that may "criticize" your nomination, tax returns, loans, jobs held abroad, and so on.
One question asks: "Do you or any members of your immediate family own a gun? If so, provide complete ownership and registration information."
That's raised eyebrows among gun owners -- and drawn fire from the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action--because there is no general federal requirement that guns be registered. Under federal law, it's possible to be given a firearm by a family member or purchase one from a private party without your name being included in a federal database. (Laws in a handful of states, including California, are more restrictive.)
In a 1996 survey sent to state politicians, Obama said he supports a law banning the "possession" of handguns. He also indicated he supported Washington, D.C.'s gun ban, which was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. His campaign Web site said the Second Amendment protects an individual right and noted that "millions of hunters and shooters own and use guns every year," but did not mention firearms used for self-defense.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Well shoot, there goes my future job. LMAO Hey Barack, you show me yours and I'lll show you mine. hahaahaha Oh my gawd!
1984 has nothing on Barack Hussein Obama's 2008/2009.
Did anyone else here that????? Free speech flying out the window.
Applicants being vetted more thoroughly than Obama was. LOL What a fraud he is, what a liar, racist, terrorist lover,power hungry, limp wristed jerk.
Here is one for HO-bama
[ ] YES [ ] NO
Were you born in Kenya?
To this day we know basically nothing about Obama. Yet the SOB wants the most intimate details of others' lives.
Funny what he demands of others yet refuses to provide himself.
Remarks of Senator Barack Obama on the Confirmation of Judge John Roberts
"Let me also say that I remain distressed that the White House during this confirmation process, which overall went smoothly, failed to provide critical documents as part of the record that could have provided us with a better basis to make our judgment with respect to the nomination. This White House continues to stymie efforts on the part of the Senate to do its job. I hope with the next nominee who comes up for the Supreme Court that the White House recognizes that in fact it is its duty not just to the Senate but to the American people to make sure we can thoroughly and adequately evaluate the record of every single nominee who comes before us."
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (17)
October 30, 2008
Gun Sales Increase Could Predict Election
We’re utterly fascinated by this.
In 2004, we don’t remember hearing about anyone scared Kerry was going to take their guns away - and we worked Pennsylvania for Kerry (Pittsburgh area). There were a lot of gun shops and firing ranges there, and we never heard anything about people stocking up on guns because they were scared Kerry was going to try to take them away.
Obama is perceived as more liberal than Kerry, and in fact the most liberal Democrat that’s run for president in as long as anyone can remember. Biden as VP makes this the most liberal ticket that Democrats have ever fielded. There is nothing about it that puts the bitter, gun-and-relgion-people-who-are-apathetic-to-those-not-like-them living in Pennsylvania at ease.
Absolutely nothing.
In fact, the thought of Obama becoming president freaks these people out. So much so that they’re stocking up on firearms.
We just don’t see how this can bode well for Obama. These are “Reagan Democrats” and Republicans. They’re Clinton Democrats too. And they recoil at the thought of an Obama administration.
Have you ever heard of anything like this? We checked, and can’t see any evidence of this in past elections — where the Democrat so freaked rural, working class, sportsman types out that they felt compelled to stock up on weapons to protect themselves.
We think this is a piece of a larger puzzle…one that’s becoming much more clear as we inch closer to November 4th:
(1) Democrats like us at HillBuzz are working with Republicans for the first time in our lives to elect John McCain/Sarah Palin because we do not like or trust Obama/Biden.
(2) Hillary Democrats not openly working for McCain are silently voting for him — and voting Republican for the first time in their lives in most cases.
(3) Early voting has not met Obama’s expectations — Republicans are tied or ahead in most states, and nowhere is Obama enjoying blowout advantages he claimed he’d have.
(4) In all states, there is a marked “enthusiasm gap” between support for Obama and support remembered for Kerry in 2004 or Gore in 2000…lack of yard signs, stickers, posters, and excitement to vote for Obama, despite what the media claims.
(5) Gun owners afraid of Obama, and stocking up on weapons because they are that freaked out by the thought of anyone voting for him.
We’d love your thoughts on that last one, as we think it could be a cultural barometer like the Family Circle cookie baking contest or Halloween mask sales — something that shows a large scale cultural like or dislike of a candidate.
All of these anecdotal signs point to a McCain win…with those gun sales being the most fascinating of all.
Because those gun owners are the heart of the country. If Obama hasn’t won them over, and instead seems to have driven them away, screaming, then we just don’t see how he wins.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Well yes, what does the left expect when they nominate a Marxist Barack Hussein Obama. Like the article from Hillary's Buzz says even some Democrats as well don't want their guns taken away and not all of them are as left as Obama, Pelosi, Reid and others pushing the communist, Marxist agenda on our country. Add in all the Democrats that are upset, rightly so about their vote literally being stolen from them by Obama and the DNC.
Look at this below, it is very telling of how people on the left (Democrats) have reacted to Obama as the candidate.
....Thank you 2ndDivisionVet, for the link to this article and the following links and information below as well.
Here’s several millions (minimum) of PUMAs, etc..
Hillary Clinton Supporters For John McCain:
Party Unity My A$$ PAC/People United Means Action PAC:
Democrats Against Obama/Nobama ever!
Just Say No Deal:
Take a look around these sites for a half hour or 45 minutes....(there are hundreds more linked to these, just look for links)
... this is a VERY SHORT, PARTIAL LIST!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (20)
September 26, 2008
Obama Trying To Silence NRA Latest Ad Campaign
Barack Obama’s campaign is trying to silence the National Rifle Association’s latest ad campaign using strong arm tactics by threatening them with possible legal action if they run the ads:
Failure to prevent the airing of “false and misleading advertising” may be “probative of an underlying abdication of licensee responsibility” Cosmopolitan Broad. Corp v. FCC, 581 F.2d 917, 927 (D.C. Cir. 1978).
So basically, stop running NRA’s ads, or your broadcast license could be in jeopardy. They detail the WaPo’s repetition as proof. This is Chicago politics at its finest folks. If you can’t win fair, win dirty. This is not how a free society is supposed to function. This is not the kind of man I want leading my country.
Besides, every bit of what NRA claimed is true. It’s the Obama campaign and the news media that’s lying. The ads are based on a real, proven record.
Wild Thing's comment........
Communists can not allow opposing poits of view. What is encouraging is the NRA ads must be hitting the mark to draw this reaction.
What a thug Obama is, maybe we should call the ticket.....Thug and Plugs.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (8)
September 25, 2008
Megyn Kelly Grills Obama Spokesman On NRA Ads
Megyn Kelly grills Obama spokesman on NRA ads
Wild Thing's comment..............
Bravo to Megyn Kelly! Megyn rocks! Isn't it great how we have so many awesome people on our side. We really do and here for awhile there it felt like we were doomed. hahaaa
Let the dems have their Helen Thomas, Huffington, Pelosi , Harry Reid, and the rest of thier ilk. We have Sarah Palin, Megyn Kelly, Congressman Mike Pence, John Boehner, and many others !!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (10)
June 28, 2008
B.Hussein Obama And The Second Amendment
RNC Ad: Obama And The 2nd Amendment
The right to bear arms is one of the fundamental ideals on which our nation was founded.
Hardworking, law-abiding Americans have for generations enjoyed this freedom in their communities and with their families.
But Barack Obama believes that many Americans simply 'cling' to guns in times of economic distress. Speaking behind closed doors to an audience of San Francisco donors Barack Obama said "they cling to guns or religion .... as a way to explain their frustrations"
Obama's anti-gun record is long.
In 2004, he voted against legislation drafted to protect homeowners from prosecution in cases where they used a firearm to halt a home invasion.
In 2003, he voted in support of legislation that would have effectively banned most of the privately held hunting shotguns, target rifles, and black powder rifles in Illinois.
And in 1996, Obama supported a ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns.
But now Obama's running for President and claims no knowledge of this, even though his handwriting is all over it.
Barack Obama: Out of touch with American values. Not ready to lead.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (14)
June 26, 2008
Individual Right To Bear Arms AFFIRMED!!!
Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm
Our Founding Fathers Intent!
Affirmed 5-4.
The decision goes further than the Bush administration was asking for!! WOO HOO!!!
Thank you God.
And thank you President Bush for allowing the American people to protect themselves from criminals, stalkers and other lunatics and tyrannical governments.
Praise and Blessings to the Almighty and all SCOTUS Justices who voted to protect those rights.
I think all of us would buy Heller a steak right now, along with 5 of the Justices. A steak, a cigar and a whiskey.
The court’s 5-4 ruling strikes down the District of Columbia’s 32-year-old ban on handguns as incompatible with gun rights under the Second Amendment. The decision goes further than even the Bush administration wanted, but probably leaves most firearms laws intact.
The court had not conclusively interpreted the Second Amendment since its ratification in 1791. The amendment reads: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
Source:SCOTUS blog
Court: A constitutional right to a gun
Answering a 127-year old constitutional question, the Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to have a gun, at least in one’s home. The Court, splitting 5-4, struck down a District of Columbia ban on handgun possession. Although times have changed since 1791, Justice Antonin Scalia said for the majority, “it is not the role of this Court to pronounce the Second Amendment extinct.”
Justice Scalia’s opinion stressed that the Court was not casting doubt on long-standing bans on carrying a concealed gun or on gun possession by felons or the mentally retarded, on laws barring guns from schools or government buildings, and laws putting conditions on gun sales.
In District of Columbia v. Heller (07-290), the Court nullified two provisions of the city of Washington’s strict 1976 gun control law: a flat ban on possessing a gun in one’s home, and a requirement that any gun — except one kept at a business — must be unloaded and disassembled or have a trigger lock in place. The Court said it was not passing on a part of the law requiring that guns be licensed. It said that issuing a license to a handgun owner, so the weapon can be used at home, would be a sufficient remedy for the Second Amendment violation of denying any access to a handgun.
Justice Scalia’s recitation from the bench of the majority’s reasoning continued for 16 minutes. Justice John Paul Stevens followed, for seven minutes, summarizing the reasons for two dissenting opinions — his and one written by Justice Stephen G. Breyer.
The decision was the final one of the Term and, after issuing it, the Court recessed for the summer, to return on Monday, Oct. 6. Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., said that concluding orders on pending cases will be released by the Court Clerk at 10 a.m. Friday.
The opinion can be downloaded here. This is a pdf file.
1. The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a
firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for
traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
Pp. 2–53.
(a) The Amendment’s prefatory clause announces a purpose, but
does not limit or expand the scope of the second part, the operative
clause. The operative clause’s text and history demonstrate that it
connotes an individual right to keep and bear arms. Pp. 2–22.
(b) The prefatory clause comports with the Court’s interpretation
of the operative clause. The “militia” comprised all males physically
capable of acting in concert for the common defense. The Antifederalists
feared that the Federal Government would disarm the people in
order to disable this citizens’ militia, enabling a politicized standing
army or a select militia to rule. The response was to deny Congress
power to abridge the ancient right of individuals to keep and bear
arms, so that the ideal of a citizens’ militia would be preserved.
Pp. 22–28.
(c) The Court’s interpretation is confirmed by analogous armsbearing
rights in state constitutions that preceded and immediately
followed the Second Amendment. Pp. 28–30.
(d) The Second Amendment’s drafting history, while of dubious
interpretive worth, reveals three state Second Amendment proposals
that unequivocally referred to an individual right to bear arms.
Pp. 30–32.
(e) Interpretation of the Second Amendment by scholars, courts
and legislators, from immediately after its ratification through the
late 19th century also supports the Court’s conclusion. Pp. 32–47.
(f) None of the Court’s precedents forecloses the Court’s interpretation.
Neither United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U. S. 542, 553, nor
Presser v. Illinois, 116 U. S. 252, 264–265, refutes the individualrights
interpretation. United States v. Miller, 307 U. S. 174, does not
limit the right to keep and bear arms to militia purposes, but rather
limits the type of weapon to which the right applies to those used by
the militia, i.e., those in common use for lawful purposes. Pp. 47–54.
2. Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited.
It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any
manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed
weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment
or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast
doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by
felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms
in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or
laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of
arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those
“in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition
of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.
Pp. 54–56.
3. The handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement (as applied to
self-defense) violate the Second Amendment. The District’s total ban
on handgun possession in the home amounts to a prohibition on an
entire class of “arms” that Americans overwhelmingly choose for the
lawful purpose of self-defense. Under any of the standards of scrutiny
the Court has applied to enumerated constitutional rights, this
prohibition—in the place where the importance of the lawful defense
of self, family, and property is most acute—would fail constitutional
muster. Similarly, the requirement that any lawful firearm in the
home be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock makes it impossible
for citizens to use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense and
is hence unconstitutional. Because Heller conceded at oral argument
that the D. C. licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily
and capriciously, the Court assumes that a license will satisfy
his prayer for relief and does not address the licensing requirement.
Assuming he is not disqualified from exercising Second Amendment
rights, the District must permit Heller to register his handgun and
must issue him a license to carry it in the home. Pp. 56–64.
478 F. 3d 370, affirmed.
SCALIA, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which ROBERTS,
C. J., and KENNEDY, THOMAS, and ALITO, JJ., joined. STEVENS, J., filed a
dissenting opinion, in which SOUTER, GINSBURG, and BREYER, JJ.,
joined. BREYER, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which STEVENS,
SOUTER, and GINSBURG, JJ., joined.
Quotes from the opinion:
“Logic demands that there be a link between the stated purpose and the command.”
“We start therefore with a strong presumption that the Second Amendment right is exercised individually and belongs to all Americans.”
“the most natural reading of ‘keep Arms’ in the Second Amendment is to “have weapons.”
“The term was applied, then as now, to weapons that were not specifically designed for military use and were not employed in a military capacity.”
“Putting all of these textual elements together, we find that they guarantee the individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation.”
“Thus, we do not read the Second Amendment to protect the right of citizens to carry arms for any sort of confrontation, just as we do not read the First Amendment to protect the right of citizens to speak for any purpose.”
“The prefatory clause does not suggest that preserving the militia was the only reason Americans valued the ancient right; most undoubtedly thought it even more important for self-defense and hunting.”
“It was plainly the understanding in the post-Civil War Congress that the Second Amendment protected an individual right to use arms for self-defense.”
“Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited.”
“Although we do not undertake an exhaustive historical analysis today of the full scope of the Second Amendment, nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.”
“We also recognize another important limitation on the right to keep and carry arms. Miller said, as we have explained, that the sorts of weapons protected were those ‘in common use at the time.’ 307 U. S., at 179.”
“Whatever the reason, handguns are the most popular weapon chosen by Americans for self-defense in the home, and a complete prohibition of their use is invalid.”
“In sum, we hold that the District’s ban on handgun possession in the home violates the Second Amendment, as does its prohibition against rendering any lawful firearm in the home operable for the purpose of immediate self-defense. Assuming that Heller is not disqualified from the exercise of Second Amendment rights, the District must permit him to register his handgun and must issue him a license to carry it in the home.”
On the question of the Second Amendment’s application to the States: “23 With respect to Cruikshank’s continuing validity on incorporation, a question not presented by this case, we note that Cruikshank also said that the First Amendment did not apply against the States and did not engage in the sort of Fourteenth Amendment inquiry required by our later cases. Our later decisions in Presser v. Illinois, 116 U. S. 252, 265 (1886) and Miller v. Texas, 153 U. S. 535, 538 (1894), reaffirmed that the Second Amendment applies only to the Federal Government.”
Justice Stephen Breyer wrote a separate dissent in which he said, “In my view, there simply is no untouchable constitutional right guaranteed by the Second Amendment to keep loaded handguns in the house in crime-ridden urban areas.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:55 AM | Comments (25)
Supreme Court Gun Ban Ruling Expected Today
Supreme Court Gun Ban Ruling Expected
The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday, did not release its long-awaited ruling on whether the District's handgun ban violates the Second Amendment. That means the potentially landmark decision will almost certainly come today when the court is planning to issue the last of its rulings for the term.
The case, District of Columbia v. Heller, which was argued nearly four months ago, could settle the decades-old debate over whether the Second Amendment grants individuals the right to own firearms.
Mayor Adrain M. Fenty is planning to hold a news conference at the John A. Wilson Building after the decision is announced.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Citizens are armed; subjects are not. We shall remain armed.
The founding fathers based the bill of rights on thier beleif that we have a right to ", liberty, and the persuit of happiness..."
Liberty and the pursuit of happiness are all great, but pretty meaningless if one cannot defend his life. This is what we have come to today.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (10)
June 03, 2008
Obama Vows to Disarm America
Obama's goal? 'Jeopardize U.S. battlefield superiority'
Critics blast Dem for assurance he'll cut nation's defense dollars
An organization dedicated to the mission of protecting and defending individual freedoms and rights under the U.S. Constitution is criticizing presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama for promising to cut, and possibly gut, U.S. military defense spending.
The Center for Individual Freedom, a non-partisan, non-profit, has posted one version of a YouTube video of Obama "inexplicably" pledging" to "unilaterally jeopardize American military superiority."
"When you find yourself in a hole, just keep digging," the organization said in its accompanying commentary. "That appears to be the logic of Sen. Barack Obama, who already finds himself in the proverbial hole on defense and national security issues. At this pace, he'll reach China by November."
The organization said the Obama video, which originally was posted online by BarackObamadotcom in late 2007 but has been reproduced in other versions too, he tells an audience at a group called Caucus4Priorities he would cut "tens of billions of dollars" in spending.
This would come at a time "when our armed forces are already stretched and in need of new weapon technologies and armor," said CFIF.
The original 2007 video is here: Barack Obama promised a leftist group that he would disarm the United States.
He also guarantees he will "cut investments in unproven missile defense systems," and he "will not weaponize space," and that "unnecessary" spending will be eliminated.
"Most alarmingly, however, Sen. Obama literally promises to 'slow development of future combat systems,'" CFIF said.
"Think about the frightening implications of this pledge for a moment.
"Future combat systems are the cornerstone of American military modernization and superiority. As America fights the war on terror and deters potential military aggression by rogue nations cross the world, advanced combat systems provide us with better equipment, unmatched situational awareness and communication systems that result in American battlefield domination. Other ascendant nations such as China and Russia seek to match our prowess, but we continue to outpace them," CFIF said.
It cited new satellite technology that "allows us to pinpoint and eliminate the enemy, unmanned drones that promise amazing advances in battlefield safety and effectiveness, bunker-buster weapons that penetrate deep into the caves in which remote terrorists hide and communications systems that allow lightning-quick troop deployment and rescue missions."
"They ultimately protect the lives and health of our troops, just as they protect us," CFIF said. "Despite this, Sen. Obama bizarrely pledges to jeopardize our battlefield superiority."
The group cited the nation's stealth aircraft, which penetrated Saddam Hussein's air defenses, precision-guided weaponry that has reduced harm to non-combatants and the Strategic Defense Initiative, "which forced Mikhail Gorbachev's negotiating hand and helped end the Cold War."
Obama uses the speech to emphasize that he is "the only major candidate who opposed this war from the beginning."
He says:
Thanks so much for the Caucus4Priorities, for the great work you've been doing. As president, I will end misguided defense policies and stand with Caucus4Priorities in fighting special interests in Washington.
First, I'll stop spending $9 billion a month in Iraq. I'm the only major candidate who opposed this war from the beginning. And as president I will end it.
Second, I will cut tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending.
I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems.
I will not weaponize space.
I will slow our development of future combat systems.
And I will institute an independent "Defense Priorities Board" to ensure that the Quadrennial Defense Review is not used to justify unnecessary spending.
Third, I will set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons. To seek that goal, I will not develop new nuclear weapons; I will seek a global ban on the production of fissile material; and I will negotiate with Russia to take our ICBMs off hair-trigger alert, and to achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenals.
"In what realm does Sen. Obama’s ideology dwell, that he would expect his promises to somehow endear him to American swing voters?" CFIF asked. "What makes Sen. Obama's statement most perplexing is the fact that he already faces an uphill battle to convince American voters that he won't be the second coming of Jimmy Carter in undermining our military forces."
Wild Thing's comment.........
I have posted this video before, but I did not have the added article and it is important too. It even had the video with it so this really is the original video of when he spoke.
How can anyone be this stupid, he has no idea how important our military is, how important it is to have the best in technology and anything we would need to defend our country and aid our troops.
....Thank you Mark for the link to this update and article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (8)