January 26, 2013
Sarah Palin and Fox News Channel Part Ways ~ OK with me Bye Bye!
Sarah Palin and Fox News Channel Part Ways
Republican former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has parted ways with Fox News Channel after working for three years as a paid commentator, the cable TV network said on Friday.
Palin, who went from being a little-known governor to a political sensation after Senator John McCain picked her as his running mate in the 2008 presidential election, was one of the channel’s biggest names despite appearing only occasionally.
“We have thoroughly enjoyed our association with Governor Palin,” Bill Shine, Fox News Channel executive vice president of programming, said in a statement. “We wish her the best in her future endeavors.”
Fox News Channel declined to give details of Palin’s departure, and a spokesperson said only that the two had “parted ways.”
Wild Thing's comment..............
Sarah showed what she is about and it is all about Sarah. Big disappointment imo. I had enough of her and am glad I don't have to hear the screechy voice anymore on FOX.
She led her followers ( too many became zombie like in their worship of her) on as she kept them in suspense mode for a year as to would she run or not for President.
She attacked Gov. Rick Perry when he was running for President when she was on Greta's show with Bachmann. And this was after she had endorsed him when he ran for Gov. Rick Perry had not changed at all but Sarah sure as heck did.
She waited until Nov. 5th to endorse Mitt Romney even after he had won the GOP nomination.
She did many other things that disappointed me I am not going to bother to list here. The important thing is I for one am glad FOX has let her go.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:40 AM | Comments (4)
January 12, 2012
Sarah Palin Says She Agrees With Rick Perry's Criticism of Romney and Bain and Says Romney Should Prove His Claim of Creating 100,000 Jobs
Wild Thing's comment........
Hannity tries to get her to put down Perry. She'll have no part of it. He tries to get her to say the criticism of Romney's time at Bain is wrong. She would have no part of it. No doubt from this interview that Sarah Palin is no fan of Willard the liberal. Great interview.
She also talked about her disgust with Michelle Obama after Sean asked her about Michelle Obama.
You can always identify the people who REALLY would dismantle the DC gravy train. The media hates them.
Sarah is one of them. And so is Rick Perry.
Romney calls himself the master job creator, 100,000 jobs. Prove it! Romney has has also refused to show his tax returns or open his books
Well, all of a sudden, Romney has backed off that number after Perry has pounded him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (2)
October 06, 2011
Sarah Palin Says She Will Not Run For President
Sarah Palin joined Greta Van Susteren last night on Greta's show on FOX to explain her decision to not run for President of the United States. The conservative governor told Greta,
“I can be more effective in a decisive role to get others elected” including a Republican President, Republican Senators and Republican members of the US House of Representatives. Sarah said she knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was the right decision.
October 5, 2011 6:20 PM EDT
Sarah Palin confirmed in a letter to supporters she will not run for President in 2012, saying at this time she can be more effective in a decisive role to help elect other Conservatives to office.
Below is a copy of Palin's letter:
October 5, 2011 Wasilla, Alaska After much prayer and serious consideration, I have decided that I will not be seeking the 2012 GOP nomination for President of the United States. As always, my family comes first and obviously Todd and I put great consideration into family life before making this decision. When we serve, we devote ourselves to God, family and country. My decision maintains this order.
My decision is based upon a review of what common sense Conservatives and Independents have accomplished, especially over the last year. I believe that at this time I can be more effective in a decisive role to help elect other true public servants to office – from the nation’s governors to Congressional seats and the Presidency. We need to continue to actively and aggressively help those who will stop the “fundamental transformation” of our nation and instead seek the restoration of our greatness, our goodness and our constitutional republic based on the rule of law.
From the bottom of my heart I thank those who have supported me and defended my record throughout the years, and encouraged me to run for President. Know that by working together we can bring this country back – and as I’ve always said, one doesn’t need a title to help do it.
I will continue driving the discussion for freedom and free markets, including in the race for President where our candidates must embrace immediate action toward energy independence through domestic resource developments of conventional energy sources, along with renewables. We must reduce tax burdens and onerous regulations that kill American industry, and our candidates must always push to minimize government to strengthen the economy and allow the private sector to create jobs.
Those will be our priorities so Americans can be confident that a smaller, smarter government that is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people can better serve this most exceptional nation.
In the coming weeks I will help coordinate strategies to assist in replacing the President, re-taking the Senate, and maintaining the House.
Thank you again for all your support. Let’s unite to restore this country!
God bless America.
– Sarah Palin
Reaction from Gov. Rick Perry to Sarah Palin’s announcement that she will not run for President:
Rick Perry:
“Sarah Palin is a good friend, a great American and a true patriot. I respect her decision and know she will continue to be a strong voice for conservative values and needed change in Washington.”
Reactions from her Fans:
Dozens of commenters on Conservatives4Palin.com, an online hub for Palin supporters, reacted angrily to the news of her decision.
Many of the commenters expressed outrage that Palin had declined to run after months, if not years, of speculation. “To the people who said they knew Sarah Palin wasn’t running,” wrote commenter Jarred113, “You we’re right. She played everybody for the money. Goodbye, cruel world.”
“It’s as simple as this: Sarah Palin is NOT who most of us thought she was,” a commenter called Jules wrote. “She is nothing but a politician that cashed in on her supporters for 3 years to get rich and famous.”
A commenter named Dave Kawaski wrote that he had “never felt so betrayed in my life.” Jeffjackie said he felt “absolutely betrayed.”
“We all look like dupes now to the Palin haters,” he continued.
Wild Thing's comment......
I feel badly for those that have been waiting such a long time for Sarah to make a decision. Many reacted with anger and others were just very sad and upset.
I do wish her well and God bless her and her family.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (5)
September 13, 2011
Greta and Mrs.Palin ~ Shame On Both Of Them
Wild Thing's comment.......
During that debate, Perry said he got $5,000 from Merck, and he raised $30M. He said to Bachmann:
If you think I can be bought for $5,000, I am offended”. It left her speechless.
Referring to Perry, Greta said "He says he would charge more than six thousand dollars to flip." This is an outrage because Perry did not say that!! Greta LIED! It was a federal program. It was tested, and Perry didn't make a dime on it. It was a $5000 campaign contribution from a drug company to the incumbent Republican governor. OOOOoooooh. Like they wouldn't have given him that measly contribution anyway.
Greta has been longing for Sarah to say she would be a candidate on her( Greta's) show. It would be a big scoop for Greta. Instead tonight Greta got the real Sarah.
So Palin made an accusation that Perry took Merck money in order to pass that bill. She did it in a very passive aggressive way. Too bad, I thought that was her supporters who did such things and she was above the fray. Apparently not. That is sad to see that happening.
Given that Sarah Palin endorsed Perry AFTER the whole Gardasil thing and even went to Texas and did a huge rally with him, her comments tonight on Greta's show prove what a total phony Sarah is. Why would she endorse him if she felt so strongly about it?
Sarah campaigned for McCain and helped to destroy the life of a good conservative J,D. Hayworth along the way .J.D. Hayworth. McCain destroyed his life, he didn't just defeat him, he destroyed him totally and completely financially and professionally, and Sarah helped McCain to do it. She never stepped forward once to help out JD afterward, not once.Why has she never ever admitted to making a mistake.
And Greta was interviewing Michele Bachman and said to her regarding Perry's comment about Merck's contribution to his campaign...and this is an exact quote since I had taped it and played it twice:
"He says he would charge more than six thousand dollars to flip."
Perry did NOT say that. This is an outrageous thing for Greta to have said and done.
There is a calmness and something very right inside my mind and heart when I support Gov. Perry. I listen to what he says but also how he says things, a directness, a strength and he means what he says. He is what a leader is and he will make a wonderful President. What Sarah did tonight imo is unforgivable and sad too. But I am also outraged at it because she did do some damage. Not for my support but in what she did she aided the enemy, the left they have got to be eating this up. She thought only of herself and not how important it is to get Obama out of office knowing that Gov. Perry has lead in the polls from day one. He is the one to take on Obama and win for our beloved country.
I realize some of you may get upset with me for saying these things. But I do not worship people, I loved Sarah for what I felt she was, and sincere was one of those things. She wanted to much to be like Reagan, but her words and deeds last night and some other things in the last few months have been a disappointment. I would never have mentioned any of this but she brought it on and I will not let it stand and stay quiet. Our country is more important to me then not being upset with Sarah and what she seems to think is acceptable treatment of a good man.
Just one last thought. Sarah has some very loyal people supporting her although the number has lessoned over time. People that from what I have seen online at varioius places at forums and Facebook are almost holding their breath waiting for her. She is doing them a disservice by her indecision. That is something that has bothered me how unfair it is to those that continue to support her. Many articles have been written about this and I have and will not post them because I felt it was negative to Sarah. But I mention it now since Sarah took the gloves off.
This rant of mine will not happen again with Sarah. Once is enough and now you know some of the things I have been bothered by and felt it best not to go into.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (4)
September 03, 2011
Sarah Palin Arrives In Iowa
URBANDALE, Iowa (AP) — Sarah Palin is making a surprise appearance at a suburban Des Moines restaurant.
And she was greeted there Friday night with chants of “Run, Sarah, run!”
When asked about the current field of GOP presidential hopefuls...Palin mischievously claimed that another candidate could still join the fray.
“Happy with the field of candidates,” Palin said. "I always think that there’s room for more, though, because spirited debate and more competition will allow an even better discourse and a more rigorous discourse that the public deserves.”
The event is 11am to 2pm Central time - Palin schedule to speak starting around 1:15pm Central time
CSPAN is carrying the whole event - CNN and Fox and MSNBC will pick it up when Palin speaks plus there will be multiple streaming videos online
Accompanied by husband Todd, Palin worked the crowded restaurant, shaking hands, posing for pictures and hugging babies.
Wild Thing's comment........
The article says "Sarah Palin is making a surprise appearance". I am not sure how that works to be a surprise, since there was a large group of people there waiting for her and also a podium and a gentlemen that made a speech. But that is OK I just find it odd how the article states that. LOL it is OK it is just funny to me.
I am wishing Sarah all the best whatever she decides to do. Maybe she will say she is entering the race in her speech today, no one knows. It is up to Sarah.
As you all know I have chosen to give my support to Gov. Rick Perry, he has entered the race and wants to make the scarifces it takes to work to save our country.
That is not to lesson what a terrific person Sarah is and has been for our country.
Sarah's speech today is something I do not want to miss, it should be fantastic.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (5)
August 24, 2011
Palin Blasts 2012 Speculation But Applauds
Palin blasts 2012 speculation but applauds
Sarah Palin's political action committee pushed back on rumors she has made a decision about a run for the White House, but offered pointed praise to CNN Political Reporter Peter Hamby for "setting the record straight."
A statement on the website of SarahPAC said predictions about her future are "intended to mislead the American people."
"These are the same tired establishment political games that fuel the 24 hour news cycle and that all Americans will hopefully reject in 2012, and this is more of the 'politics-as-usual' that Sarah Palin has fought against throughout her career," the Monday night post said.
Karl Rove, former top adviser to President George W. Bush, said Sunday that the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee was likely to run for president in the next election. Rove, who also co-founded the conservative political action committee, Crossroads GPS, cited her travel schedule and recent web video as evidence she will make a run for the White House. Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer predicted "Palin is in" during an appearance on Fox News Monday.
CNN published a story from Hamby Monday that included Palin's recent comments from Iowa, saying "I doubt it" when asked if she would be ready to join the race by Labor Day.
"Kudos to CNN for setting the record straight and including Governor Palin's own words," the SarahPAC post said.
The statement comes after Palin visited Iowa on the same weekend as the high stakes Ames Straw Poll and ahead of her scheduled visit to the first-in-the-nation caucus state September 3 to speak a tea party gathering.
Charlie Gruschow, co-founder of the Iowa-based Tea Party of America, who is sponsoring the September event, told CNN Palin's address will be longer than a typical stump speech.
"We were told a month ago that she will make a major statement at the event," Gruschow said. "Whether it be an announcement to run, not to run, or lay a marker in the sand for other candidates. That is what I am and was referring to."
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am glad they corrected this for Sarah and that CNN did one thing right in doing so. Credit where credit is due. When I post things I try hard not to give the wrong information but one cannot help it if the actual source has misquoted or given the wrong impression so this is all fixed now by Sarah's team and CNN.
Regarding Sarah, I love her, respect her and whatever she does I wish her the best and God's blessing in all things for her. If she runs I wish her the best too. My wish would be a Perry/ Palin ticket would be awesome.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM
August 23, 2011
Clues Dropped on Potential Palin Run, but Decision Still a Secret
Clues Dropped on Potential Palin Run, but Decision Still a Secret
The Restoring America Rally with Sarah Palin will be held on Saturday, September 3, 2011. The event is from 11 am to 2 pm at the Indianola Balloon Grounds in Indianola, Iowa.
Charlie Gruschow, co-founder of event host Tea Party of America, told reporters that Sarah Palin is going to make a major announcement at Tea Party rally in Indianola, Iowa over Labor Day Weekend.
Sarah Palin is either laying the groundwork for an imminent entry into the presidential race or having a whole lot of fun toying with political analysts.
…She stoked the speculative fire once again on Friday, posting a slickly produced video of her trip on the SarahPAC website. In the video, which included shots of Palin interacting with the crowd interspersed with giddy media commentary, the narrator declared the ex-governor is still “grabbing the attention of Iowans and, yes, the media.”
The real tease came at the end, with a written reminder to Iowans that Palin will “see you again” on Sept. 3. That’s when Palin is expected to deliver a speech at a Tea Party rally in Indianola, Iowa.
Charlie Gruschow, co-founder of event host Tea Party of America, told FoxNews.com he doesn’t know what Palin will do at the rally, but that “all we’re being told is that she’s going to make a major announcement.”
Palin has the SarahPAC fundraising machine at her disposal should she decide to run. And the former vice presidential nominee has hardly faded from the GOP electorate's mind. She is still averaging about 10 percent in national polls, according to an average kept by RealClearPolitics. That's ahead of every other contender save for Texas Gov. Rick Perry -- the contest's newest official candidate -- and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
However, a Rasmussen Reports poll out Monday showed that President Obama would slay Palin in a head-to-head matchup if the election were held today. According to the poll, 50 percent would support Obama compared to 33 percent for Palin. Rasmussen notes this is the first time Obama has climbed out of the 40s in a hypothetical match.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am sure it will get good media coverage and not sure if it will be on C-Span as they do sometimes cover tea Party things.
If I find out I will post more closer to the date.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (6)
August 20, 2011
SarahPAC Releases New Palin Video that Has the Feel of a Presidential Campaign
Wild Thing's comment........
A video like that is a campaign video. It wouldn't be made unless one was running for office. She will enter the race.
It is a fantastic video and I love the bear at the end.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (4)
August 19, 2011
Sarah Palin Interviewed On The Following Shows: Lour Dobbs, Greta and Meygn Kelly ~ Videos
Palin Talks Economy, 2012 on Lou Dobbs
Sarah Palin yesterday discussed the economy and the 2012 Presidential race on Lou Dobbs from her home studio in Wasilla, Alaska.
Sarah Palin on Great 's show on FOX from last night.
She discuses how people in the Tea Party movement should ease up on Orin Hatch who has been rising up and been strong to fight back on things. Greta had asked her about how the Tea party sometimes act ( in her words) like the dems and rep.'s do in Washington D.C.
They also talked about Hillary Clinton and how she has done things instead of Obama doing those things like dealing with Syria.
Sarah Palin of Fox News " America Live" with Megyn Kelly PART 1
Sarah Palin of Fox News " America Live" with Megyn Kelly PART 2
Wild Thing's comment......
Every one of these interviews was good, some had similar things in them but that has to be expected when they all ask Sarh some of the same questions.
Great interviews though and Sarah did fantastic.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (4)
August 18, 2011
Sarah Palin Will Talk to Megyn Kelly This Afternoon and Will Be On Greta's Show Tonight
Source : Motivation Truth blog Thanks to my friend Adrienne Ross, it is her blog. ~ Wild Thing
Megyn Kelly tweets that Governor Palin will join her on America Live today:
@SarahPalinUSA joins me on AMERICA LIVE today at 2:15pm EST, don't miss!
Thursday, for Governor Sarah Palin at 10pm eastern, ON THE RECORD.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Maybe she will say a date that would be her deadline for her decision. But either way I did want to let you know she will be on these two shows today.
God bless you Sarah we love you.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:33 PM
August 17, 2011
Sarah Palin Stops Bus Tour To Go Back To Alaska For Start Of School Year
In a note posted on her Facebook page Monday, Palin said she’s headed “back to Alaska for the start of the school year.”
“While kids crack open their school books, I look forward to continuing my own writing and research on strategies and plans to help move our country forward,” she wrote.
Palin noted that she’ll be back on the road before long – she’s scheduled to keynote a Sept. 3 tea party rally in Waukee, Iowa, near Des Moines.
Her Facebook note didn’t mention it, but she’s also scheduled to headline an Oct. 7 rally with Glenn Beck in St. Charles, Mo., according to a local conservative talk-radio station’s announcement Monday.
The leg of Palin’s “One Nation” bus tour that’s now ending lasted four days, beginning midday Friday, when Palin appeared at the Iowa State Fair.
Wild Thing's comment.......
This election is the most important one in my lifetime. Maybe in all of our countries history. I am in no rush to dedicate my support to any one person yet. I am impressed with Gov. Perry and will continue to post things about him. I am impressed with Sarah Palin and when and if there is news about her ( even as a non candidate) that will get posted too.
Also right now Perry is making a difference, he is speaking out and we so need that. He is getting the left upset and I like that too. His speech when he entered was awesome and impressed me a lot. His speech so far of all those that actually have entered is the only one that stands out, that made tears come to my eyes of how I want my candidate to speak of our country.
Someone at Facebook posted that the latest date Sarah can enter (or anyone else that is thinking about it ) and be on a primary ballot in every state is November 22, 2011.
Ronald Reagan did not announce until November 13th in 1979.
The reason conventional wisdom states one has to get in early enough is normally:
1) They have to garner name recognition.
2) They have to get the signatures to qualify for state ballots.
3) They have to have dedicated supporters in all states to get out the drive to collect those signatures.
4) They have to have an on the ground game organization.
5) They have to have the money to propel them forward in the primary.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (2)
August 14, 2011
Palin Visits Reagan Boyhood Home
Palin visits Reagan Boyhood Home
DIXON – Outside President Ronald Reagan's Boyhood Home, a small crowd began to form.
With no public announcement and no fanfare, Sarah Palin's flashy "One Nation" tour bus pulled into town and parked on "Ronald Reagan Way."
On board were the former Republican vice presidential candidate, her husband, Todd, her daughter, Piper, and a niece, McKinley, both 10.
They all toured the home of the most beloved GOP president, in the town he always called home, during Reagan Trail Days, the town's annual 5-day festival celebrating its native son, and during the centennial year of his birth.
Many in the crowd, needless to say, were thrilled.
For her part, Palin seemed to enjoy the tour.
"I think the home was absolutely beautiful and so appreciative, speaking on behalf of I think a lot of Americans, that this town has put such effort into the restoration of this," Palin said afterward.
"These volunteers are amazing. This is beautiful."
Dressed in a tan skirt and white button-up shirt with a red, white and blue pin in the shape of a cross, Palin signed autographs and posed for cellphone pictures before getting back on bus and heading to Eureka College.
The visit wasn't a total surprise. Ann Lewis, chairwoman of the Dixon Ronald Reagan Centennial Commission, was honored on Friday night at the Trail Days Reagan Gala. A short time later, around 10:45 p.m., she got a phone call from a Palin representative.
"People at Eureka College had given them my number," Lewis said. "They wanted someone to act as a guide."
Lewis agreed to show Palin around – and also to keep the visit under wraps, she said Saturday.
After visiting the Boyhood Home, Lewis took the group to historic Lowell Park, where a handsome Ronnie Reagan was a lifeguard back in his teens and early 20s, and where he reportedly fished 77 people – many of them young women – out of the Rock River.
To complete the local tour, the bus made its way back through Dixon along Ronald Reagan Way.
"We drove from the river all the way up," Lewis said. "She was very gracious. She was answering questions. She signed pictures."
Lewis said Palin's next stop Saturday was Eureka College, Reagan's alma mater.
Anne Brousil was among who met Palin on her stop in Dixon.
"I live down the street, and the neighbor told me that Sarah Palin's bus just pulled up, and we're Republicans and I thought we would just come on down and say hello," Brousil said.
Brousil grabbed her copy of Runner's World magazine – the one in which Palin appeared – before she dashed out the door.
Palin autographed the mag, and the two even chatted about Brousil's preparation for an upcoming triathlon.
She's "very personable, friendly and interested in the people that she's talking with," Brousil said.
Lee Murray told Palin that the next time he sees her, he hopes it's when she's in the White House.
The 93-year-old thinks the potential candidate is "pretty honest."
"She means well. I think she's a good American," Murray said.
He said he was surprised to see Palin in Dixon, where he's lived since 1945. He was so excited that he planned to tell his family about meeting Palin even before returning home, he said.
Two years ago, Sally Campbell didn't get Palin's autograph when the two were in The Villages in Florida at the same time, she said.
"My friend called me this morning and said, 'Sally, Sarah Palin's up at the Reagan house,' so what did I do? I hopped in the car," Campbell said.
"I think she's absolutely down-to-earth, and she's got it."
Campbell and her friends Donna Misner and Janey Coffey, all of Dixon, each got Palin's autograph.
Misner said she had no idea she would be meeting Palin on Saturday. "It's exciting," she said.
Coffey called Palin a "delightful, real person."
Palin hasn't said if she'll be running for president in 2012; her bus tour across the country is one of her ways of testing the waters.
She and her reps have steadfastly refused to divulge a "One Nation" itinerary, instead sending people to sarahpac.com for information.
The former Alaska governor also attended the Iowa State Fair Friday, also unannounced, in advance of Saturday's Iowa Republican Party Presidential Straw Poll in Ames.
Palin wasn't the only celebrity to visit Reagan's hometown this week.
Reagan's oldest son, Micheal Reagan, paid a visit to the Boyhood Home on Monday, on a trip that included throwing out the first ball at the Cubs/Cardinals game last Saturday, on Reagan Day at Wrigley Field.
"Michael Reagan on Monday and Sarah Palin on Saturday," Lewis said. "What a week for Dixon."
Wild Thing's comment......
I love that she went to his childhood home.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 PM | Comments (3)
August 13, 2011
Sarah Palin on 'Hannity' “I am still considering a run,” said Palin to thunderous applause and cheering. ~ Videos of Full Interview!!
Sarah Palin on 'Hannity' Part 1
Sarah Palin on 'Hannity' Part 2
Hannity asked about Saturday's Iowa Straw Poll and where Governor Palin was on her decision about 2012: “I am still considering a run,” said Palin to thunderous applause and cheering. “I think the good folks here in Iowa believe it’s time this country is put back on the right track and they are ready for some positive change that will allow that!” Palin said to more crowd applause and cheering.
Regarding last night’s debate, Palin said, “I’m thankful some folks took of some gloves [Newt Gingrich], people deserve candidates that are passionate.”
Hannity continued, “You’ve been beaten up and you bounce back, how do you do it?”
Palin said, “It’s human nature, we make a choice how we react. We can become bitter or better. We’re used to being beaten up and we chose to be better.”
When asked if what we see what is going on around the world in Europe and various other countries; could come to America, Palin said, “Absolutely. We should not be naive enough to put our head in sand… if we repeat the mistakes they have made, the out of control government spending, we are naive to think that we are not going to end up the same way. We know the solutions it’s just a matter of applying them.” Palin continued, “Even the 10 year deal we just passed, we’re not going to solve problem… we’re not digging to the root of problem.”
When asked about the newly elected subcommittee, Palin responded, “I agree with some of the candidates last night, it’s a stupid idea. More government bureaucrats… I’ll bet you can go out here (pointing to the crowd) and find 10 members… find 10 farmers and they can tell you what can we do to make cuts to get the economic engine up and running and going and thriving and they can give you a better idea than those 10 members [on the subcommittee]. These [subcommittee] members have been part of the problem not the solution— with all do respect— no more of the same… no more politics as usual!” The crowd cheered.
On the debt downgrade, and out of control government spending, Palin said, “[During the debt debate] the American public told them what to do… cut the spending, cap the budget and balance the budget, now we are saying cut the crap and balance!”
Hannity asked Governor Palin if she didn’t see a candidate emerging whom she could support, would she jump in the race, Palin said, “I’ve described the passion as a fire in the belly and it’s not just me… that passion is real sincere, I love this country, these folks love this country and we want to make sure we hand the next generation blessings of liberty.”
When asked on what specifically a President Palin would do to turn around the country, Palin said, “Cut back all spending… there is so much the state governments could be doing… department of education [for instance] states should have control of a curriculum… that applies to every area in respect to the 10th amendment. Let state rights shine through and empower people of America.”
Palin continued, on the fundamental problem of DC, “No faith in the American people… (pointing to the crowd) YOU know how to spend your money better than DC!” Palin said to more applause and cheering.
When asked how to breakthrough all the propaganda and lies the democrats spew, Palin responded, “That’s your job and my job. To bust through the lies and hold them accountable and make sure they are not getting away with telling people that government is the answer, government is the problem— look what’s happening around world, let’s not repeat what’s on going around the world.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
She said in another write up that she will make the final decision by September as a deadline.
Very exciting and keep praying, especially for our beloved country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (5)
Sarah and Todd Palin Greeting Fair Goers At Iowa State Fair
Sarah Palin and husband Todd, greet fair goers during a visit to the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, Iowa,
Sarah Palin outlasted most of the few dozen reporters, photographers, and camerapeople who mobbed her on a visit to the Iowa State Fair that seemed aimed first of all at meeting the national press.
By the time she trudged up a dirt parking lot to the fair’s VIP area, only ten or so reporters were left, and we’d run out of questions. She looked up, seeming a bit startled by the silence, and drew a few more.
Then she vanished to shake hands with the Fair’s sponsors and other worthies. Her staff, though, returned with corn dogs for the press.
Wild Thing's comment........
Good idea too how her staff fed the press. Obama would have charged them and we know Biden would have since he charges his security for their rent.
Also please check out the many photos at this page. Some really great photos of her time there.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM | Comments (6)
August 11, 2011
Sarah Palin Bus Tour To Roll Into Iowa
Palin bus tour to roll into Iowa
After a nearly three-month hiatus, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is planning to crash the presidential party once again with a heartland-themed re-launch of her "One Nation" bus tour this week in Iowa, according to a Palin fundraising email obtained by CNN.
Palin is bringing her Constitution-themed bus to the Iowa State Fair, just 30 miles south of where the Republican presidential field will take the stage on Thursday for a presidential debate in Ames.
It's not yet clear which day the tour will begin, but her surprise arrival in Iowa will happen before the closely watched Ames straw poll. Palin is not on the straw poll ballot.
According to a video link included the fundraising email for Palin's political action committee, it appears the bus will also take Palin to Missouri and Illinois to visit the respective hometowns of former presidents Harry Truman and Ronald Reagan.
"The heartland is perfect territory for more of the One Nation Tour as we put forth efforts to revitalize the fundamental restoration of America by highlighting our nation's heart, history, and founding principles," Palin writes in the email.
Tim Crawford, the treasurer, confirmed the authenticity of the email but would not provide more the details about the tour.
Mike Ditka Thinks Sarah Palin Is A Great Lady
Mike Ditka is an old-school type of guy. Sarah Palin built her reputation on being an old-school type of woman. So it makes sense that the iconic former leader of Da Bears might harbor a fondness for the former Alaska governor/vice presidential candidate, and during a recent address in Illinois (as part of a speaker series that previously featured Palin), Ditka confirmed it for all to hear:
While speaking at the Washington Area Community Center’s Lessons for Leaders (Washington, IL) on August 6, Coach Mike Ditka lambasted the mainstream media (MSM) and heaped praise on Gov. Sarah Palin. Said Ditka:
“I understand Sarah Palin spoke here last year. I admire her. She’s a great lady, mother and wife, and that’s more important than the [bull****] the media spreads about her.”
Ditka has offered up a strong defense of Palin before. For instance, in 2010, during an interview on Fox and Friends, he said “Sarah Palin is one of the greatest people I’ve ever met.”
When he stumped for Palin/McCain in 2008, Ditka said Palin “epitomizes all the good qualities of this country.” He also called on audience members to put party affiliation and anything else that divided them aside long enough “put Country First” for a change. (Ditka lead by example by unashamedly admitting he was a Republican and a conservative, and most importantly, he said, “I am an American.”)
Wild Thing's comment........
"Sarah Palin is planning to crash the presidential party once again "
Notice the way CNN does their story about Sarah. Sheesh they don't slant their news much do they. GRRRRRRR
What jerks they are!
We love you Sarah!!!!
Here is the actual email that CNN was to cheap and slanted to put in their article.
SarahPAC sent out the following email:
Dear SarahPAC Supporter,
We are very happy to jump back on the bus for another leg of our “One Nation Tour”! We accept with gratefulness an invitation to meet folks at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines this week. The heartland is perfect territory for more of the One Nation Tour as we put forth efforts to revitalize the fundamental restoration of America by hig...hlighting our nation’s heart, history, and founding principles... Let’s stay committed to the worthy cause – restoring all that is good and strong and free in America!
Thank you sincerely,
Sarah Palin
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (6)
July 27, 2011
Hey Obama! “It’s the spending stupid!”
Sarah Palin weighed in on the debt debate again on Greta Van Susteren’s Fox News show Tuesday night, calling President Obama’s handling of the situation “more Obama drama.”
“Scaring the American people is exactly what President Obama is doing in that bizarre speech he gave last night,” she said. “He’s getting pretty good at this fear-mongering.”
Palin characterized the Aug. 2 deadline as “looming, but it’s not Armageddon, it’s not life or death.”
Her solution to the problem?
“It’s the spending, stupid,” she said. “President Obama does not know what he is doing when we ask him to lead us out of this situation we’re facing with bankruptcy.”
Wild Thing's comment.....
Obama knows exactly what he is doing, he wants to destroy our country and then blame the Republicans. There still are enough of his followers that will believe him. AUGH!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM
July 19, 2011
“The Undefeated”...Theaters Sell Out From Atlanta to Orange County
'The Undefeated' Trailer
The much anticipated Sarah Palin documentary, “The Undefeated”, which chronicles Sarah Palin’s rise from mayor of Wasilla, Alaska to national prominence, will play exclusively in AMC Theatres .
Wild Thing's comment.......
Sarah has the intelligence, values, will power and sheer strength to be a GREAT president and to save America and our Constitution!
I am thrilled at the response for her film. I hope it will show in more and more cities so more people can see it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (4)
June 17, 2011
Sarah Palin On FOX Last Night With Judge Napolitano
On the government release of her emails: “It certainly shows the priorities in what was once a respected cornerstone of our democracy; our mainstream media and we see that priorities are quite skewed. With the gusto they went after my emails; I hope folks who read the emails learned a lot about energy independence, fish and game conservation, protecting second amendment rights, why I opposed Obama’s stimulus package.
"I hope folks learned a lot from these benign and boring emails but it showed a picture of what my priorities were, with a servant’s heart, trying to serve the people of Alaska. I knew there was nothing to hide because I know what I have done over these years. There are some things in the emails that I thought provided some vindication like why I killed the bridge to nowhere. Hopefully it just shed some more light into my ideology.”
She also talked doing all that she can to defeat Obama:
"I would love to give the White House fits, I would I would love to stir it up even more"
"The electorate needs to know what OUR records are and what WE stand for."
At the end she talked about the Libya war that hasn't received consent from Congress and that the cost of the war is adding up at a time when we can not afford it
Wild Thing's comment.......
Good interview, The Judge asked good questions and let her speak - unlike O’Reilly.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (6)
June 12, 2011
No Bombshells in Palin Emails But This Has Proved MSM Is DNC Tool!
No Bombshells in Palin Emails
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — There are no bombshells, no "gotcha" moments.
The emails of Sarah Palin — more than 24,000 pages of them released Friday by the state of Alaska from her first two years as governor — paint a picture of an image-conscious, driven leader, closely involved with the day-to-day duties of running the state and riding herd on the signature issues of her administration.
She angled for the vice presidential nomination months before John McCain picked her — and hinted at presidential aspirations.
The messages give a behind-the-scenes look at a politician who burst onto the national stage after serving as Wasilla mayor and less than two years as Alaska governor. They show a woman striving to balance work and home, fiercely protective of her family and highly sensitive to media coverage. She expressed a sometimes mothering side with aides but also was quick to demand answers or accountability.
They seem to depict a more moderate Palin who worked to find a state response to global warming — she has since dismissed studies supporting climate change — and gave props to then-Sen. Barack Obama for his support of a natural gas pipeline in Alaska.
The records, comprising more than 13,400 emails, shed new light on Palin's rise from little-known governor to national political sensation. The emails end in September 2008, shortly after her selection to be McCain's running mate. It was then that citizens and news organizations first requested the records.
Wild Thing's comment.........
It has proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the MSM is nothing but a DNC tool.
Is there another person on the planet who has been more examined that Sarah Palin? I can't think of anyone.
On CNN, Anderson Cooper asked, ‘is there any AMMUNITION to use against Sarah Palin’?
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (8)
June 11, 2011
Pieces Of Human Debris (Democrats and Media, the campaign arm for Obama) And Their Obsession With Palin Emails a “Disgrace” They are TERRIFIED of Sarah Palin!!!
Charles Krauthammer calling the way the Mainstream Media is salivating over 24,000 pages of Sarah Palin’s emails a “disgrace.” Both The Washington Post and The New York Times are actually enlisting readers to help them dig through the emails to find dirt on Palin. They make no pretense of trying to be fair or even-handed. Even Democrat Kirsten Powers mocked what the liberal media is doing by pointing out they have discovered that Palin thought about getting a “tanning bed,” which Powers noted is important for us to know!
To this day, the liberal media has no questions about Barack Obama and his radical associations. Sarah Palin is a private citizen right now. She is not even a candidate for President. But they will do anything they can to destroy her. They already look like the biased fools that they are, and when they come up with nothing significant from those 24,000 pages, it will be confirmed.
MSNBC Live Blogging Palin Email Release
"The 24,000 pages of emails from Sarah Palin's terma s governor of Alaska were released at 9 a.m. local time Friday, or 1 p.m. ET. Reporters from msnbc.com, the news website, are live-blogging the event."
" This is our last post tonight. We'll start Saturday at 8 a.m. Juneau time, or 12 p.m. ET, in a new post here on Open Channel, as citizens continue to read the emails at Centennial Hall in Juneau."
LINK Here of the low life scrum, not worth the air they breath home grown TERRORISTS!
Wild Thing's comment........
But zero interest in any of obama's records!
Democrats are the enemy of my country, of what is good about our country! Homegrown terrorists!
If Palin is no threat why are they running scared enough to pull this sh**?
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (5)
Rush: Search & Destroy Mission Against Palin; No Curiosity Who Obama Really Is
Rush: Search & Destroy Mission Against Palin; No Curiosity Who Obama Really Is
The New York Times and the Washington Post both are begging readers to help them sift through 24,000 e mails of Sarah Palin’s from her time as governor of Alaska. Now, they’re not going to let these people into their newsrooms. They’ll have to do this from home in their pajamas. But they’re soliciting help from their readers to pore through these Palin e mails.
I don’t recall this happening when we had that e mail release from the Hadley Climate Center at the University of East Anglia that demoed the hoax — that illustrated, that foretold the hoax — that is manmade global warming there was an effort to bury those e mails. But now, the New York Times and Washington Post want their readers to help them sift through these 24,000 e mails. This is an obsession. It is an obsession — and I’ll tell you, this is all going to end up backfiring on these people.
It’s just too much.
You watch. Don’t doubt me on this.
Wild Thing's comment.....
You tell them Rush, this whole thing makes me sick to my stomach!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (3)
Sarah Palin Documentary, The Undefeated, Coming Exclusively to AMC Theatres® on July 15th
“The Undefeated”, which chronicles Sarah Palin’s rise from obscurity to national prominence, will play exclusively in AMC Theatres starting on July 15th. You can vote for the movie to play in your town at The Undefeated website.
Victory Film Group today announced The Undefeated, which chronicles Sarah Palin’s rise from obscurity to national prominence, will play exclusively at select AMC Theatres (AMC), a leading theatrical exhibition and entertainment company, starting on July 15th.
The film will launch in markets such as Dallas, Denver, Oklahoma City, Orlando, Atlanta, Orange County, Phoenix, Houston, Indianapolis, and Kansas City. Cinedigm Digital Cinema Corp. (NASDAQ: CIDM), a full-service theatrical distributor specializing in digital cinema, is managing the theatrical release and ARC Entertainment has taken on worldwide distribution responsibilities for the project.
“After screening The Undefeated, we took the unusual step of immediately exploring an expedited theatrical release, something we normally wouldn’t do during the busy summer months,” said Trevor Drinkwater, CEO, ARC Entertainment.
“AMC is committed to providing distinct content to diverse audiences across the United States,” said Nikkole Denson-Randolph, VP, Specialty & Alternative Content at AMC Theatres. “We are proud to consistently offer a wide variety of product to our guests.”
“The Undefeated is the ideal candidate for digital theatrical distribution,” stated Jonathan Dern, President of Cinedigm Entertainment Group. “Given Palin’s ardent following throughout the country, digital cinema allows us to be extremely precise and efficient in our distribution strategy, bringing this much-anticipated film directly to interested theatre-goers.”
In addition to the cities in which the movie is expected to launch, the public also will be encouraged to vote on future theatre locations that may screen The Undefeated. Voting takes place at www.cinedigm.com/theUndefeatedMovie
Bannon was approached by Palin's close aide, Rebecca Mansour, with a request to make a few you tube videos explaining a number of Palin's historical accomplishments while Governor of Alaska.
But so taken was Bannon with Palin's record and leadership, he made a feature-length movie, financing it himself while keeping complete editorial control. Palin was not even interviewed for the film (he used audio from her book "Going Rogue" for continuity.)
Bannon's background is interesting. He is a former naval officer and ex-Goldman Sachs banker now filmmaker who was enormously impressed with an American patriot with frontier values from the last great American frontier.
Palin's background is blue collar. Her father was a schoolteacher who never made more than $23,000 a year. Her mom was a homemaker. Her husband is working class and she belongs to no political dynasty or any insiders clique either in the beltway or Alaska. She is us. She is the quintessential maverick, an outsider, but despite this, she beat old boy powerhouse Republican Frank Murkowski in the primary before crushing the competition in the general election to become Alaska's youngest -- and first female -- chief executive on sheer goodness and will.
And even those of us who thought we knew what champion Palin was, knew little of her monumental achievements.
The film is divided into three parts. First, how she came from nothing to battle the corrupt powers fighting against her (and the best interest of Alaskans) and achieved unprecedented success in a very short period of time despite the odds. The second part of the film shows the true leadership, natural charisma and intelligence that makes Sarah Palin uniquely qualified to inherit the Reagan mantle. She is the only conservative leader who can lead a Reaganesque Revolution and bring the American people (the tea party movement) back into power and into the Oval office. Steve Bannon has been quoted as saying, "This film is a call to action for a campaign like 1976: Reagan vs. the establishment."
Wild Thing's comment......
This is great! There is a brilliance to Sarah Palin.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
June 09, 2011
Visiting American Foundations With Sarah Palin
Wild Thing's comment.......
America needs Sarah so much! Thank you Sarah for taking a stand for our country. I pray you decide to run for President.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (6)
June 06, 2011
Sarah Palin Speaks About Obama’s Disastrous Economic Record
Sarah Palin talks the economy, energy, Afghanistan, Libya, Paul Revere and much more.
Full Interview: Sarah Palin on Fox News Sunday
This is video below taken from the interview above just to point out what she said about obama's economy. ~ Wild Thing
Sarah Palin Compares Obama's Failed Record to Sinking Titanic
The point is this administration has got to be honest and candid with the American public. The bottom line is their plans for bigger government, more federal control over our private sector, more regulations, and more burdensome mandates on our businesses and on our people, it’s not working. And we do need to shift gears and change course. It’s very noble of President Obama to want to stay at the helm and maybe go down with the sinking ship but I prefer and many Americans prefer that we start plugging the hole that we start powering up the bilge pump and start getting rid of some of the unsustainable debt that is sinking our ship. We don’t have to go the way of the Titanic.
Chris Wallace after his interview with Sarah Palin, Chris Wallace told the FOX News Sunday panel,
“This is the first time I ever thought ‘This woman is a serious candidate.’”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Absolutely great interview!! Palin is very sharp. That’s why she keeps beating the Communists and their Progressives. They hate her for being a mirror of goodness and all the our Founding Fathers wanted America to be forever.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (3)
Howard Dean warns Democrats Sarah Palin could beat Obama in 2012
Howard Dean warns Democrats Sarah Palin could beat Obama in 2012
Howard Dean, the former Democratic National Committee chairman who helped Democrats capture the White House in 2008, warns that Sarah Palin could defeat President Obama in 2012.
Dean says his fellow Democrats should beware of inside-the-Beltway conventional wisdom that Obama would crush Palin in a general-election contest next year.
“I think she could win,” Dean told The Hill in an interview Friday. “She wouldn’t be my first choice if I were a Republican but I think she could win.”
Dean warns the sluggish economy could have more of a political impact than many Washington strategists and pundits assume.
“Any time you have a contest — particularly when unemployment is as high as it is — nobody gets a walkover,” Dean said. “Whoever the Republicans nominate, including people like Sarah Palin, whom the inside-the-Beltway crowd dismisses — my view is if you get the nomination of a major party, you can win the presidency, I don’t care what people write about you inside the Beltway,” Dean said.
Dean spoke to The Hill the same day the Labor Department revealed the national economy added only 54,000 jobs in May and the national unemployment rate had risen to 9.1 percent.
Last month the private sector created 83,000 jobs, about a third the average for the previous three months.
Dean said he doesn’t think Palin will win the GOP nomination or would have the advantage over Obama in 2012. But he warned it is dangerous for Democrats to dismiss her.
“Anybody who gets the nomination could win the presidency,” he said. “Do I think she’s going to get the nomination? No. But that process is so difficult and really tests candidates in ways that no other process can."
Wild Thing's comment........
They've feared her since September 2008. I guess with Howard Dean saying this will bring on more attacks by the media toward her. But they do it anyway.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (2)
June 05, 2011
Sarah Palin: Obama Is Not Just Misconstuing Facts & Information... He's Lying
“The truth is that President Obama is lying. He’s not just misstating. He’s not just misconstruing some facts or some data. No, he’s lying when he says that those with Down Syndrome, that those with autism, those that need that safety net will be left on their own if the Republicans have their way. That is not true.”
Wild Thing's comment.....
Sarah is right and he is not only telling lies about that but he lies more easily then he can speak the truth.
If he did not have the media in his camp from day one, he never ever would have won the last election.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
June 02, 2011
Sarah Palin‘s Bus Defaced With ’Media Whore’ Sign
Someone put a "I, The Media Whore" Sign on Sarah Palin's Bus Outside of FOX Studios in NYC
Palin‘s Bus Defaced With ’Media Whore’ Sign
Someone posted an unfriendly sign on Sarah Palin’s tour bus earlier today. The villain’s message, pasted directly over the words, “We the People” on a picture of the Constitution, read, “I, The Media Whore.”
[the sign] was sacrilegiously placed over a monster image of the preamble to the United States Constitution for nearly 15 minutes. The bus was parked outside Fox News headquarters.
You can see some brief footage of the tour bus, complete with the mini-poster in the video above.
Wild Thing's comment........
What kind of degenerate would plaster that kind of filth about a woman when she has her 10 year old daughter in tow? Typical Obama attitude. Try to destroy all that is good.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (7)
Desperate Democrats Have To Make Big Deal Of Palin Eating Pizza With A Fork ~ LOL
Sarah Palin slammed for eating pizza with fork in NY!
Sarah Palin has been slammed for eating pizza with a fork in New York.
Donald Trump shared a pie at Famiglia Pizzeria in Times Square during a stop on her 'One Nation' bus tour on Tuesday and both of them used forks.
"She doesn't know any better. Only Sarah Palin would eat pizza with a fork in New York," the New York Daily News quoted Darrell Carter, an exterminator from the Bronx, as saying.
Adama Tourray, a clothing store employee from the Bronx, said he has never seen anyone eat pizza with a fork in the Big Apple before.
"It's not New York style. You got to grab it," he said.
Wild Thing's comment......
Too funny LOL The left is really going nuts. hahaha
What is also funny is that Donald is also eating it with a fork and the media ONLY mentions Sarah. They really are obesessed.
I have eaten pizza with a fork before and I have met a lot of New Yorkers that have as well. So those in this story are lliars when they say no one in N.Y. eats pizza with a fork.
Heh heh, the only way for Sarah and the Donald to eat the pizza is to put the whole freaking uncut pie on one of the walls of the restaurant and then take out a couple of AR-15s and use it for target practice cutting slices. Then heat the slices up a little once again and eat the damn slices with a fork.
Now that would get NYers, the pizza world, and Leftists’ panties in a wad!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (5)
June 01, 2011
Sarah Palin Wants To Terminate All Energy Subsidies, Including Ethanol ~ Good For Sarah Palin!
Sarah Palin wants to terminate all energy subsidies, including ethanol
Sarah Palin was asked Tuesday about the sticky subject of ethanol subsidies, and she said that not only they should they be squelched but that all federal energy subsidies should be eradicated.
"I think that all of our energy subsidies need to be relooked at today and eliminated," Palin told Real Clear Politics at a coffee shop in Dillsburg, Pa. "And we need to make sure that we're investing and allowing our businesses to invest in reliable energy products right now that aren't going to necessitate subsidies because, bottom line, we can't afford it."
Ever the maverick, Palin was responding was in direct opposition to Mitt Romney, who last week in Iowa, came out in favor of government subsidies for ethanol, the fuel produced from corn and other farm products.
"I support the subsidy of ethanol. I believe ethanol's an important part of our energy solution in this country," Romney told a supporter from West Des Moines on Friday.
Neither former governor has officially stated his or her intention to run for the GOP nomination for president; however, Romney is expected to throw his hat in the ring later this week.
One former governor who has committed to running is Tim Pawlenty. In fact, it was in his statement announcing his candidacy that he also backed the elimination of ethanol and other energy subsidies. Unlike Palin, however, Pawlenty wants to take it slowly.
"The truth about federal energy subsidies, including federal subsidies for ethanol, is that they have to be phased out," the former Minnesota governor Pawlenty said last week. "We need to do it gradually. We need to do it fairly. But we need to do it."
Palin believes that the markets, not the $5 billion in government incentives, should determine what path the U.S. takes in regards to energy.
“We’ve got to allow the free market to dictate what’s most efficient and economical for our nation’s economy,” Palin said. “No, at this time, our country can’t afford the subsidies. Before, though, we even start arguing about some of these domestic subsidies that need to be eliminated — should be — we need to look at ending subsidies and loans to foreign countries and their energy production that we’re relying on, like Brazil.”
This is from April 30th ,2001
Democrat Martin Frost effectively conceded that Palin’s analysis of the oil industry was correct. Here’s the video courtesy of PalinTV.
Palin: As for the government subsidies that we’re hearing Obama flirting with right now in wanting to decrease those or eliminate those, we’re only talking about four billion dollars. Compare that to the fourteen trillion dollar debt that he, our President, has certainly contributed to and four billion dollars is a drop in the bucket and he shouldn’t assume that the four billion dollars is going to affect Big Oil. No, it’s the independent explorers that we want out there with their entrepreneurial spirit and their manpower and their job creating ability to be out there exploring and then responsibly exploiting and extracting our god-given natural resources.
Frost: I’m a supporter of the President’s. I’m concerned that he’s going to lose credibility on this oil and gas issue because he’s not telling the truth entirely. What he is saying is that you need to eliminate four billion dollars worth of tax breaks for major oil companies because major oil companies have obscene profits. The problem with this is that one of the big tax breaks that he’s citing -intangible drilling costs- excuse me -percentage depletion- was repealed by Congress, excuse me, in 1975, 36 years ago, as it affects major oil companies. The only ones that get percentage depletion anymore are domestic independents who drill most of the wells in the United States and employ four million people. Now the press doesn’t do a very good job of covering oil and gas tax issues. They don’t understand them. But if the press ever picks up that the President is not telling the truth about the depletion allowance, that it doesn’t go the major oil companies, he’s going to have additional problems, I believe, in the polls.
Palin: Again, you have to remember that President Obama, and I’m going to say this with all due respect to the office of the Presidency, he doesn’t know what he’s doing when it comes to energy. He does not know, as I just pointed out, that the four billion dollars that he thinks he’s gonna stick it to Exxon, BP, Conaco Phillips that no, it’s going to be the independent producers, the explorers that we want out there creating jobs that are going to be hit with an end of subsidy.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Heh heh , this will get the Left wee-weed up.
I agree with Sarah. There is really no such thing as subsidies, there is only forcing someone else (taxpayers) to pay for it. Drill, baby, drill is the solution!!
Based on her experience in Alaska, Sarah knows the energy business better than anyone currently in Washington--or trying to get there. This is her wheel house and she should use it to every advantage.
For far too long, progressive republicans and RINO's have used federal subsidy to grow a welfare/power base amongst corporations.
Palin was on the Judge Perino show a few weeks ago and defended the tax breaks that Obama wanted eliminated because she said that it would hurt the smaller companies that are trying to compete and basically said that Obama didn’t know what he was talking about- so she does differentiate between subsides and tax breaks—she knows the oil and gas business.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (6)
May 30, 2011
Awesome Rolling Thunder, Rep. LTC Allen West and Sarah Palin We Thank You
Rep LTC Allen West and Sarah Palin at Rolling Thunder 2011
Sarah Palin at Rolling thunder
There’s no better way to see D.C. than on the back of a Harley! My family may be used to snowmachines more so than motorcycles (though you couldn’t tell it with Todd driving a hog today with Piper on the back and with Bristol riding on the back of another bike). But whether you’re riding the open road or the frozen tundra, you’re celebrating a free spirit. What could be more American than that?
Today’s Rolling Thunder rally in DC is all about freedom. And it’s about duty and loyalty and service. The message heard loud and clear through the roar of tens of thousands of bike engines declared, “We will never forget our heroes left behind!” Truly, our POWs and MIAs honored today are America’s real heroes.
ARLINGTON, VA - MAY 29: Isaiah, a 10-year-old Chihuahua dressed as Gen. George Patton and owned by Buddy Sours of Browntown, Virginia, joins thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts and military veterans in the Pentagon parking lot before the start of Rolling Thunder rally May 29, 2011 in Arlington, Virginia. Isaiah has more the 45,000 miles on a motorcycle and this is his sixth year participating in Rolling Thunder.
Wild Thing's comment........
I am thrilled that Sarah and Allen West got to meet each other. What a great Memorial Day weekend this has been.
And what an experience to be among so many who dedicate their lives to America’s POWs and MIAs. God Bless them always.
**** If you have not seen it yet please also check further down the page for the post yesterday about Sarah and Rolling Thunder for more photos and videos.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (8)
May 29, 2011
Thank God For Rolling Thunder and For Sarah Palin BOTH Love America ( Videos and Photos )
Todd was on a motorcycle himself & Sarah rode on one.
Sarah is seen waving around 0:22 into video
Rolling Thunder Riders Praise Sarah Palin's Participation in Rally
ABC News' Sheila Marikar [@sheilaym] reports: For the riders of Rolling Thunder, the news that Sarah Palin will participate in their national rally on Sunday came as a surprise. A welcome surprise.
“I think that’s wonderful,” said Gerri Tramel, president of one of Rolling Thunder’s Tennessee chapters. “Anybody that’s involved -- Republican, Democrat, independent, whatever -- if you’re involved with our veterans, I think that’s wonderful. Not just Sarah Palin -- anyone that’s a politician.”
For more than 20 years, as many as half a million motorcycle riders from across the country have descended on Washington, D.C., during Memorial Day weekend to raise awareness about prisoners of war and those missing in action. Rolling Thunder announced Thursday that Palin accepted an invitation to participate in its May 29 rally. She’ll kick off her One Nation Tour the same day, a bus trip along the northeast coast that aims “to educate and energize Americans about our nation's founding principles.”
Asked how Palin came to be involved with the rally, Rolling Thunder spokeswoman Nancy Regg said, “I honestly don’t know.”
“I’m not the person that invited her,” she said. “We send letters to people all the time and invite them. We invited her to ride, she has accepted and she and her husband have both agreed to ride for us.”
Regardless of Palin’s political agenda -- the “Will she or won’t she?” fervor over her potential presidential run reached new heights this week -- the members of Rolling Thunder agreed her participation is a boon.
“If she wants to support the troops, we’re all for it,” said Greg Benson, president of Rhode Island’s Rolling Thunder chapter.
“I certainly welcome any positive publicity surrounding our cause, anything to bring attention to POWs and MIAs,” said Jeffrey Stewart, who leads a Rolling Thunder chapter in New Hampshire, a state that will be crucial to Palin if she runs in 2012. “Whether it’s a celebrity or a politician-celebrity -- I’m not exactly sure what she is right now -- having Sarah Palin there means more people will be paying attention to our cause.”
Stewart considers himself a Republican. While he’s not gunning for Palin to run in 2012, he would like more politicians to recognize the country’s veterans, as she’ll do this weekend. Like many of Rolling Thunder’s members, he’s a veteran himself, having served in the Army during the 1980s.
“I’d love to see [President] Obama walk out and say, ‘Thank you,’” he said. “I’d love to see [Vice President Joe] Biden come out and say, ‘Thank you.’ Anyone who wants to be president, I'd love for them to come and acknowledge us.”
There are riders who worry that Palin’s presence might take away from the aim of the event.
“I don’t know if she’s using the veterans or the amount of people there for a political gain,” said Susan Bailey, whose husband, Winston Bailey, is the president of an Ohio chapter of Rolling Thunder. She has ridden with the national rally for 16 years in a row.
“As far as her running again, I don’t know, she seems kind of wishy-washy, quitting the government,” Bailey said, referring to Palin’s curtailed gubernatorial stint in Alaska. “Whether she’s really committed to it is my question.”
For now, pretty much all that’s certain about Palin is that she’ll ride with Rolling Thunder through the streets of Washington Sunday and ride in a bus up the northeast coast after that. (Specifics remain unclear; a Palin aide did not know what kind of motorcycle the former governor planned to cruise.) That’s good enough for some of Rolling Thunder’s members.
“In the long run, it’s probably a good thing,” Stewart said. “What’s that thing that celebrities say, ‘Any press is good press?’ I think that’s the case here.”
Sarah Palin at the “Rolling Thunder” bike rally on Sunday.
Sarah Palin made a grand entrance at the Rolling Thunder biker rally on Sunday, wearing a black Harley-Davidson helmet and visibly enjoying herself as a crush of reporters and bikers swarmed her motorcycle.
Ms. Palin, the former governor of Alaska, was joined by her husband, Todd, who was wearing a matching helmet, and her daughters, Bristol and Piper. Their arrival at the Pentagon North parking lot turned the lazy Sunday morning into a celebrity affair.
Ms. Palin climbed aboard a chopper, assisted by a member of the Rolling Thunder staff, but was unable to move because there were so many members of the press snapping photos. Organizers eventually brought in police, also on motorcycles, to clear a path.
After moving just a few feet, Ms. Palin got off the bike to sign autographs and talk with the crowd. At one point she could be heard discussing “the missing,” a reference to the soldiers still missing in action — a key part of the Rolling Thunder cause.
Her plans for the day had been a closely guarded secret among those in her small circle of advisers. Rumors flew for most of the morning that she was on her way, and that she would ride a motorcycle with the Rolling Thunder bikers.
That’s exactly what she did. Ms. Palin rode on the back as another woman drove her motorcycle. Todd Palin drove another motorcycle, with Piper on the back, and Bristol rode on a third with another driver.
Organizers for the rally said the Palins would not be among the speakers during the Rolling Thunder rally on the National Mall later in the afternoon.
Wild Thing's comment........
I love Rolling Thunder and Sarah too and I think this was a great thing today. There are still people that have had no clue about Rolling Thunder and what they do. By Sarah being there she brought attention to Rolling Thunder and she did it in a class act way. It was very clear she did not want to make it about her and to forcus on Memorial Day and what it means. I am saying that because there were some jerks that compalined about her even being there. Those that did that would not like anything she did imo and just used this day and event to once again bash Sarah.
Thank you Rolling Thunder and thank you Sarah Palin for all you do.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 PM | Comments (4)
May 28, 2011
Sarah Palin Video of Start of Bus Tour
Wild Thing's comment......
Well done video I wish it was longer.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM
May 27, 2011
Sarah Palin to Hit The Road On Memorial Weekend
Sarah Palin will hit the road this Memorial Day weekend on a tour of the Northeast — with a stop in New Hampshire — aboard a red, white and blue bus emblazoned with the words: “One Nation Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty & Justice For All.”
Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin (R), who has been largely out of the public eye through much of the spring, will reemerge beginning Sunday as she kicks off an East Coast tour that will put her back in the spotlight and no doubt fuel renewed speculation about a possible presidential campaign in 2012.
“Starting this weekend, Sarah Palin will embark on a one-nation tour of historical sites that were key to the formation, survival and growth of the United States of America,” according to a statement from her political action committee. “The tour will originate in Washington, D.C., and proceed north up the East Coast. More information will follow.”
Palin advisers declined to provide details of the itinerary or engage questions about whether Palin’s public appearances were a precursor to a genuine exploration of a presidential campaign. Asked why she was doing the tour, Tim Crawford, the treasurer of Palin’s PAC, said, “Because she wants to see how this nation was built and get fired up about that.”
The announcement of the Palin tour coincides with news, first reported in Real Clear Politics, that a full-length documentary by conservative filmmaker Stephen K. Bannon charting her political rise in Alaska will debut in Iowa next month, with plans to also show it in New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. Also this week came unconfirmed reports, first appearing in the Arizona Republic, that she and husband Todd have purchased a $1.7 million home in Scottsdale, Ariz., which would be a more convenient location from which to base a national campaign than Alaska.
Up to now, most Republican strategists have assumed that Palin would not seek the presidency in 2012. She has made no trips this year to Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina, the three most important early states in the nomination calendar. Nor has she been known to be reaching out to potential fundraisers or to grass-roots activists.
She traveled to Israel earlier in this spring and has made regular appearances on Fox News, for whom she is a paid contributor, but at a time when the Republican nomination battle has moved into a new phase, the party’s 2008 vice presidential nominee has been mostly absent from the scene.
Still, she remains the most significant potential candidate still on the sidelines. A new Gallup poll, released Thursday, showed Palin with 15 percent among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents. That put her second behind former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, who was at 17 percent.
Restoring the Good in America!
Our nation is at a critical turning point. As we look to the future, we are propelled by America’s past. It’s imperative that we connect with our founders, our patriots, our challenges and victories to clearly see our way forward. A good way to do this is to appreciate the significance of our nation’s historic sites, patriotic events and diverse cultures, which we’ll do in the coming weeks on our “One Nation” tour.
We’ll celebrate the good things that bring Americans together; those things that will give us the needed strength to meet the heady challenges ahead. I’ve said many times that America doesn’t need a “fundamental transformation,” instead we need a restoration of all that is good and strong and free in America! So, together let’s prepare ourselves for the days ahead by reminding ourselves who we are and what Americans stand for.
We’ll celebrate the meaning of our nation’s blueprints, our Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, which are the threads that weave our past into the fabric necessary for the survival of American exceptionalism. Our founders declared “we were born the heirs of freedom”, and despite our difficulties and disagreements, we remain one nation under God in freedom, indivisible. Through visits to historical sites and patriotic events, we’ll share the importance of America’s foundation.
We encourage you to support the pro-America events we’ll be privileged to participate in during these coming weeks. Discover the ties that bind Americans, our history, our traditions, and the exceptional nature of our country!
Follow the One Nation tour at
-Sarah Palin
Wild Thing's comment........
I LOVE her bus! giggle......How could anyone not love that bus! Her bus looks terrific and carries a great message.
I am Excited, jubilant ecstatic!
Rolling thunder break out...perfect.
And when she speaks heh heh every single word will make the left bleed from their ears.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
May 23, 2011
Sarah Palin - We the People Need To Rise Up And Take A Stand For Israel
Palin on Fox News with Jeanine Pirro
In a Fox News appearance Saturday night, Sarah Palin slammed President Barack Obama's Middle East speech and revealed that she'd like to change her cell phone ringtone to Gretchen Wilson's "Redneck Woman."
The former Alaska governor chastised President Obama for seeking a Middle East peace agreement at the expense of Israel's territory.
“Anyone who studies history, studies the old testament, studies geography understands that Israel now is surrounded by enemies at all times,” Palin said on Jeanine Pirro’s “Justice With Judge Jeanine.” “It should be now that America takes a stand in defending our enemies in Israel.”
"More than ever we should be standing strong with Israel and saying ‘No, you don't have to divide Jerusalem, you don't have to divide your capital city,’” she added.
Palin went on to say that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “does not need to be lectured by President Obama on the importance of peace. He understands it.”
“I'm going to call him our temporary leader because my goal is to make sure that President Obama is not reelected in 2012 so that we don't have to continue to go down this path of this foreign policy that really makes no sense,” she said.
Here is the song Sarah said would like to have for her Ringtone it is by Gretchen Wilson - Redneck Woman
Gretchen played at a Sarah event in one of the Carolinas when she was campaigning in the last presidential campaign ( for VP)
Wild Thing's comment........
She rocked it!
Pray for America
Als Sarah has apparently bought a new home in AZ. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SEE PHOTOS and more information.
Reaganite Republican blog.......Sarah Palin Reportedly Aquires $1.6M Home in Scottsdale, Arizona (photos)
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (5)
May 19, 2011
Sarah Palin on FoxBusiness With Eric Bolling
H/T The Right Scoop
Wild Thing's comment.........
Wonderful interview!! She was also on Hannity last night.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
May 05, 2011
Sarah Palin: "Show the Photos As a Warning to Others Seeking America's Destruction"
Sarah Palin: "Show the Photos As a Warning to Others Seeking America's Destruction"
Sarah Palin demanded Wednesday that President Obama stop "pussy-footing around" and release the ghoulish Osama Bin Laden death photos.
The Tea Party darling and would-be Presidential contender tweeted that America's enemies need to see the consequences of their diabolical deeds.
"Show the photos as a warning to others seeking America's destruction," Palin posted on Twitter shortly after Obama put the kibosh on showing the bullet-riddled body of the Al Qaeda chief.
"No pussy-footing around, no politicking, no drama; it's part of the mission," wrote the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate.
Palin was joined by GOP leaders like South Carolina Sen. Lindsay Graham in calling for the pictures to be made public no matter how "gruesome" and "inflammatory" the White House says they are.
Earlier Wednesday, Obama told CBS "60 Minutes" that he's holding back the photos to avoid inciting "additional violence" or to be used as a "propaganda tool." "We don't trot out this stuff as trophies," Obama said.
Wild Thing's comment......
I hope she runs for President. I also like Allen West but he has stated there is no way at this time.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (4)
April 27, 2011
Sarah Palin On Greta Van Susteren Comments About Katie Couic's Leaving
Sarah Palin was on with Greta Van Susteren last night:
And Sarah got in one last shot on liberal journalist Katie Couric who announced this week that she will step down from her spot on CBS nightly news.
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL I love Sarah's sense of humor. Heh heh she did good.
Psst! Sarah please run for President!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM
April 22, 2011
Sarah Palin: Birther Issue; Media Needs To Ask Obama The Tough Questions
Wild Thing's comment........
I sure hope she is considering running for President.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (5)
April 10, 2011
Sarah Palin Is Asked About Trump and His Obama Birth Certificate Investigation
Sarah Palin on Obama’s Birth Certificate: Obviously There’s Something There… “He Seems to Be Going to Great Lengths to Make Sure It Isn’t Shown”
Sarah Palin on Donald Trump’s birth certificate investigation:
Sarah Palin was interviewed live today on Fox News’ Justice with Judge Jeanine, and was asked to weigh in on the rather sudden addition of Donald Trump’s voice to the “Birther movement“, as well as the money “The Donald” is devoting to researching the existence of the president’s birth certificate. Palin’s answer? She noted it wasn’t that unthinkable for Trump to be curious about Obama’s birth certificate, as it was an issue that has transfixed a sizable segment of the body politic.
She expressed hope that perhaps Trump’s piles of money would be the key ingredient missing from prior investigations of the President’s birthplace; Orly Taitz, despite having about 10 jobs, doesn’t have a hotel in New York City —know what I mean? Palin also expressed hope that Trump’s money and resources could counter the $2 million she claims Obama has spent to keep the certificate hidden from the public. Her attitude suggested a quiet, but not overt, encouragement of Trump’s investigation.
Jeanine switched gears, asking Palin what she personally thought of the controversy surrounding Obama’s American citizenship. Again, her answer was shrewd. “I believe he was born in Hawaii,” she stated, citing the announcement of his birth in the paper. Leading with this response was smart.
Palin also adding that the president’s decision not to release his birth certificate was “perplexing.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Good for Sarah Palin and good for Donald Trump.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (11)
March 29, 2011
Beauty With Brains (Sarah Palin) vs. The Beast America Hater (Obama ) ~ Sarah Talks to Greta Van Susteren About Obama’s Libya Speech
Palin: Obama "Did Not Make The Case For This Intervention"
“I think it was a profoundly disappointing speech because it proved that the Obama doctrine is still full of chaos and questions…Why in the world would our military might be used according to the UN and Arab League’s desires and NATO’s leadership in this skirmish or this war or whatever it is that Obama calls it?… “
"U.S. interests can't just mean validating some kind of post-American theory of intervention, wherein, we wait for the Arab League and the United Nations to tell us 'thumbs up, America you can go now and act' and get on the back of the bus and then we wait on NATO and wait for the French to lead us. That's not inspirational," Sarah Palin told FOX News last night.
Wild Thing's comment........
Good for Sarah!
Greta has always been very fair and she certainly has been great with Sarah!
Obama made no case for military action in Libya being in the vital national interests of the United States.
Obama set forth a doctrine that seems to say that the United States is going to act militarily only in league with international coalitions and under the approval of the United Nations.
Obama said the continuing U.S. role will be limited, and that we will not go after Gadhafi himself – but will leave that to the people of Libya.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (4)
March 26, 2011
Massachusetts Democrat Rep.Michael Capuano Opposes Libya Raids Because "President Palin Might Invade Iran" ~ President Palin Now THAT Sounds GREAT!
Dem Rep Opposes Libya Raids Because 'President Palin Might Invade Iran'
HOST HAL SPARKS : By the way, I’ve said respectively there is a tremendous amount of positive debate going on on the left side of the aisle where meaningful people who really do have good intentions are having a conversation about the validity of Operation Odyssey Dawn and the you know action in Libya and on the right there just seems to be a clamor to be on the opposite side of the president regardless of circumstance no matter what.
[Rep Mike Capuano D-MA joined the show]
SPARKS : Give me your assessment of sort of where we are with Libya and where we need to be going.
CAPUANO: Well, for me, I believe in the Constitution and I think the Constitution requires the president to get the approval of Congress to take an act of war. I’m disappointed that the president didn’t come to Congress before hand. I’m an early and ardent supporter of the President, but that does not mean I have given him carte blanche. Nor would I give anyone carte blanche because he won’t be president forever and my fear is you know President Palin [disdain] might decide to invade Iran without [Sparks interrupts]
SPARKS: And use that same power.
CAPUANO: ha ha ha. And so for me I want to think that this is the right thing to do, but honestly all I know about the issue is what I have learned through the media and I think that’s an inappropriate way to go and I think the president I hope the president comes to Congress this week and number on explains it to us better, explains what his goals are, what he thinks we should be doing.
Why we are there as opposed to not in Sudan and not in Yemen? And I do think those arguments can be made, but nonetheless I thinks it’s incumbent on him to do it and I’d like to hear those discussions.
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is the same democrat that said it is "Sometimes it's necessary to get out on the streets and "get a little bloody," in reference to labor battles in Wisconsin.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (4)
March 24, 2011
Sarah Palin: "Why Is It That the US Often Tells Israel That They Need to Back Off?"
Sarah Palin: “President Obama was inappropriate to intervene in a zoning issue in Israel. Let Israel decide their zoning issues themselves… I would have taken the opposite approach by the way.”
Sarah Palin on the Palestinians: Why is it that too often in the past that the US government has told Israel that they’re the ones, the Jewish community, that they need to back up or there will never be peace? They need to keep conceding. Why aren’t we putting our foot down with the other side and telling the Palestinians if you’re serious about peace quit the shellacking and the shelling, quit the bombing of innocent Israelis? Look at the young Israeli family that was slaughtered in their house a week or two ago. Look at today the bombing of those innocents at a bus station in Jerusalem. No we need to be strong.
Greta Van Susteren: You’d take a harder line?
Sarah Palin: I would take a harder line.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I love this interview with Sarah. Can you imagine if all of our elected leaders spoke this strongly for Israel and against the terrorists. WOW It would be like added ammo for our troops to be backed like that. And for Israel too, to have a friend that stands so strong by Israel's side.
I pray so much that someone strong will run for president, like Sarah, Allen West .....someone that knows our country is on the brink of no return as we know it if the rino's and left stay in power.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (6)
March 22, 2011
Sarah and Todd Palin Visit Israel
Sarah Palin and her husband Todd Palin meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara Netanyahu March 21, 2011 in Jerusalem, Israel.
The Palins visit the Netanyahus
Palin promises to come back for a week (Bibi refused to meet liberal group; chose Palin)
Ahead of the meeting, Netanyahu’s office checked with Palin to see whether they could expand it to a full reception for her with other politicians and aides, but she politely declined.
In an effort to keep her visit as private as possible, Palin also declined all requests for interviews and did her best to avoid the media as she toured the Mount of Olives and Christian sites in Jerusalem on Monday.
Palin and her husband Todd arrived for a two-day visit on Sunday afternoon and toured the Western Wall and its adjacent tunnels. They will visit the Old City again on Monday, tour Gesthsemane and the Mount of Olives, and have dinner with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara at their official residence in Jerusalem.
In private conversations, she vowed to return soon – for a full week – and said she would meet with more politicians and the media then.
J Street officials, who are in Israel for a meeting of the Knesset Diaspora Affairs Committee, complained on Monday that Netanyahu had refused a request to meet with them but had chosen to meet with Palin.
The left-wing American lobby’s president, Jeremy Ben-Ami, said he had wanted to meet with Netanyahu “to introduce ourselves and explain how we can work together as allies.”
Ben-Ami wrote in a letter that “while the Prime Minister doesn’t have time to meet a movement that now represents over 170,000 pro- Israel, pro-peace supporters, he has time to host Sarah Palin for dinner.”
World Likud chairman and Likud MK Danny Danon and Western Wall Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz served as Palin’s tour guides on Sunday night. Palin was told that Jews were not allowed to pray openly on the Temple Mount and about the Arab riots that accompanied Netanyahu’s decision to authorize the creation of an exit from the Western Wall tunnels in 1996.
“Why are you apologizing all the time?” Palin asked her guides.
Palin expressed regret that she would not be able to visit Nazareth or Bethlehem during her brief stay in Israel, but promised that she would soon come back for longer.
“It’s overwhelming to be able to see and touch the cornerstone of our faith,” Palin told reporters upon exiting the tunnels. “I’m so thankful to be able to be here, and I’m thankful to know the Israel-American connection will grow and strengthen as the peace negotiations continue.”
Rabinowitz said that Palin prayed at the point closest to the Holy of Holies and left a note with a personal prayer. Unlike the incident that occurred when then-presidential candidate Barack Obama visited the Western Wall in July 2008, nobody removed her note from the Wall and gave it to the press.
“She said that she absolutely supports Israel and that America is the biggest friend that Israel has,” Rabinowitz said.
When Rabinowitz shared the story of Purim with Palin, she told him it was especially meaningful to be at the Kotel on Purim.
Danon said that Palin’s visit to the Western Wall Tunnels was very exciting.
“She really connected to the story of the Jewish nation,” Danon said. “She knows the material but there’s nothing like standing in front of those big stones and hearing about the connection. I know that she loves Israel, and after a visit like this, she has a personal connection to the Western Wall.”
He called upon Obama to make his first visit to Israel as president as soon as possible.
Palin, who was wearing a large Star of David, told Danon that she had flags of Israel “on my desk, in my home, all over the place” and that she would carry around a flag she bought in Israel.
“She didn’t go into diplomatic issues, but I can clearly say from the questions she asked in relation to our conflict here with the Muslims in these holy sites that she knows that we are right and that the Muslims are just claiming things for provocation and they’re not right,” Danon said.
Israeli Reporter: “Israelis Don’t Know Much About Sarah Palin, But They Know She Loves Israel”
Wild Thing's comment.......
God bless Sarah, she lets her light shine. Our Country is desperately in need of someone of her patriotic character.
I saw the pics of Bibi with Huck and with Mitt. They looked like they were taken in a government office somewhere - not at Bibi's home.
The left-wing American lobby’s president, Jeremy Ben-Ami, said he had wanted to meet with Netanyahu “to introduce ourselves and explain how we can work together as allies.”
"Ben-Ami wrote in a letter that “while the Prime Minister doesn’t have time to meet a movement that now represents over 170,000 pro- Israel, pro-peace supporters, he has time to host Sarah Palin for dinner.”
The Lefties will not fool Bibi for a second.
Sarah’s a class act. She’s smart and lives by the values that made America great. How dare the scum who are behind J Street suggesting that they are affiliated with Jews or Israel. They are enemies within of Israel and the Jewish people. JStreet is an Arabist front group bankrolled by George Soros. All that used to be secret. It is secret no more. Ben Ami is a traitor and it amazes me that he thinks he can still fool anybody.
The U.S. needs a president. Sarah fits the bill.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (9)
March 11, 2011
Palin Already Booked On Debate Day
Palin already booked on debate day
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) will headline a military appreciation event and fundraiser on May 2 in Colorado — the same day as the first GOP presidential primary debate in California.
The potential presidential candidate is scheduled to speak at an event titled "Tribute to the Troops With Sarah Palin" at Colorado Christian University, in the Denver area.
The 7 p.m. Mountain Time event falls on the same day as the NBC News-Politico debate — the first of the GOP primary season — which will be held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif.
John Andrews, a university official, told The Denver Post he was aware of the debate when the college booked the 2008 vice presidential nominee and said he did not expect Palin to attend the debate.
"Presumably, this means she will be doing [the fundraiser] instead of any other engagement on the second," Andrews said.
The announcement comes as Palin continues to grapple with her decision on whether to run for president. Palin said recently she is still undecided.
"You enter a race to win the race, so there are still a lot of considerations that have to be made," she told the BBC in an interview that aired Monday. "We haven't made up our mind or desire to make an announcement yet as to what it is we will be doing."
Palin said the considerations include her ability to match President Obama's fundraising prowess and whether the country would be ready for an "unconventional" candidate like her.
Melissa Giller, a spokeswoman for the Reagan Presidential Library Foundation, told the Post that no likely Republican candidates have committed to attend the debate, which will be moderated by NBC "Nightly News" anchor Brian Williams and Politico editor John Harris.
Palin will not collect an honorarium for the event, Andrews told the Post. According to the event's website, all of its proceeds will be donated to the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), which benefits families of deceased soldiers.
"It's not a political day," Andrews said. "It's a day to honor our armed forces."
Wild Thing's comment........
Brian Williams, was the first to get the message out to attack her immediately after her fantastic speech when she was picked for the vice Presidential nominee.
And Politico give me a break. So already we know this first debate is loaded heavy from the left. I would treat NBC “Nightly News” anchor Brian Williams and Politico editor John Harris, like the disgusting poison they are.
I would love to see debates held by Heritage something like that.
Palin is THE game changer and everybody, including the RINO’s and the clowns in the media know it.
January online Townhall poll results:
Sarah Palin - 22.27%
Mitt Romney - 14.48%
Ron Paul - 11.52%
Mike Huckabee - 10.76%
Newt Gingrich - 10.03%
Herman Cain - 7.14%
Chris Christie - 5.55%
Tim Pawlenty - 3.02%
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (3)
March 08, 2011
Sarah Palin's Gun-toting Stalker Arrested By FBI 50 Miles From Politician's Home
Shawn R. Christy, right, looks over court documents Wednesday with his mother, Karen, center, and father, Craig, at the family's home in McAdoo
Shawn R. Christy, right, looks over court documents Wednesday with his mother, Karen, center, and father, Craig, at the family’s home in McAdoo.
Sarah Palin's gun-toting stalker arrested by FBI 50 miles from politician's home
A teenager who sent threatening letters to right-wing US politician Sarah Palin has been arrested in her home state of Alaska.
Shawn Christy, 19, from Pennsylvania, had been issued a court order in October warning him to keep away from the Republican former-vice presidential candidate.
But Mrs Palin’s family have revealed that Mr Christy was held by the FBI in Anchorage, 50 miles from her home town of Wasilla. Authorities have ordered him to return to Pennsylvania.
Mr Christy had told family members he planned to travel to Wasilla to try and get the restraining order against him dismissed.
Last month the teenager filed a legal motion to remove the six-month restraining order, imposed after he sent the 46-year-old former governor threatening emails and letters.
He even sent receipts from a gun purchase to Mrs Palin and her longtime friend, Kristan Cole.
Coming after the attack by a deranged 22-year-old gunman on Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the threat caused alarm in the former vice presidential candidate’s camp.
McAdoo man admits threatening Sarah Palin
A court document filed on behalf of Palin in district court in Anchorage, Alaska, states that Shawn R. Christy had been threatening and stalking her through phone and e-mail communications.
According to the court transcript, Palin testified by telephone that she feared for her life and for her family's safety.
"Bottom line is, he is crazy and could kill me," Palin said in the transcript. "He wants me dead."
In an interview Wednesday night at his McAdoo home, Christy said he tried to contact former presidential candidate U.S. Sen. John McCain and Palin, McCain's running mate, because he believed the U.S. Secret Service had tampered with his cell phone.
Christy said he began making threats to get their attention and have his phone fixed.
"It wasn't the brightest idea," Christy said Wednesday.
The document alleges Christy tried to get in touch with Palin numerous times, made references to having guns and said he would be coming to Alaska and she should "watch her back." Christy also claimed to have a sexual relationship with Palin and threatened to sexually assault her, the document states.
At the court hearing Monday, Palin also testified that Christy believes he has a relationship with her daughter, Willow, and has brought up the girl's name.
The Secret Service investigated and found that Christy did make threats to Palin, the document states.
A similar restraining order was granted to a friend of Palin, Kristen Cole, 48, of Alaska, effective Monday. Both orders state Palin and Cole believe Christy to be delusional.
According to the court document, Cole stated that even after asking Christy to stop contacting her in 2009, he continued to do so, sometimes every few weeks and sometimes daily in an attempt to be put in touch with Palin. The document also states that Christy tried to arrange meetings with Cole and Palin, threatened Cole and once told her he, "tried to follow the Bible but had evil and wickedness in him."
Wild Thing's comment........
I sure hope she has security. I only remember her having it during the campaign.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (5)
March 07, 2011
Sarah Palin Responds About Semi Known Kathy Griffin Playing a 'Sarah Palin type' on 'Glee'
Sarah Palin: "Kathy Griffin Is A 50-Yr-Old Bully / Has-Been Comedian"
Palin was asked how she felt about Kathy Griffin playing a 'Sarah Palin type' on 'Glee'.
Griffin, like so many others on the left, relentlessly bully conservatives like Sarah Palin and even target her helpless children.
Wild Thing's comment........
Just one ity bity correction for awesome Sarah to know.........Griffin isn't a has-been, she is a never-was.
Kathy Griffin is a rude crude ignorant unpleasant obnoxious yucko!
You can tell when the LEFT REALLY IS scared of a Republican by the amount of vitriol the left spews at and about them.
Sarah Palin is the PERFECT EXAMPLE OF THIS, as is Michele Bachmann. Sarah SCARES the we-we out of the Leftwing-Nut, Libratard, Progressive, Dumb-O-cRAT Party,
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (3)
February 07, 2011
Sarah Palin's Visit To Reagan Country
Ronald Reagan’s Ranch, the Western White House is a place where young people come to be inspired by the life, the ideas, the character of Ronald Reagan.
Sarah Palin went horseback riding at the Reagan Ranch this weekend.
Sarah gave a powerful speech at our banquet last night, before an enthusiastic overflow audience. She eloquently and gracefully paid tribute to one of the most significant speeches in American history, Ronald Reagan’s “Time for Choosing” address—while at the same time outlining a vision for America that builds upon President Reagan’s.
Our day with Governor Palin actually started much earlier than her arrival at the Reagan Ranch Center. We first greeted Governor Palin when she arrived at the Reagan Ranch itself, family in tow. Joined by Bristol, Willow, Trig, and grandson Tripp, the Governor visited Ronald Reagan’s favorite retreat for the sole purpose of walking in his footsteps, to better understand what motivated and inspired this great man. We had to ask her to let us chronicle the event in photos and video, to which she reluctantly agreed.
Governor Palin and her family spent hours at the Ranch on Friday. She met with Young America’s Foundation president Ron Robinson and Vice President Kate Obenshain. She heard personal accounts of the President’s life at Rancho del Cielo—the Ranch in the heavens—from trusted Reagan friend and confident Dennis LeBlanc and former Secret Service agent John Barletta. After touring the grounds, Governor Palin even mounted a horse—confident in the saddle—and road the very same trails the President loved with Agent Barletta. She had asked if it would be possible to ride, wanting to experience the Ranch as Ronald Reagan did.
You can continue on with this write up at Big Government website. Good article.
With former Secret Service agent John Barletta
Wild Thing's comment........
Outstanding article and well worth going to their website to read the whole thing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (8)
February 06, 2011
Palin: Obama's 3 a.m. call went to answering machine
Sarah Palin, in her first comments on the uprising in Egypt, called the situation President Barack Obama’s 3 a.m. phone call and said, “It seems the call went right to the answering machine.”
Palin, the former GOP vice presidential candidate, spoke with Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody after her speech Friday night at the Reagan Ranch in Santa Barbara, California.
In the interview, the potential Republican presidential candidate said, “We need to know what it is America stands for so we know who it is that America will stand with. And we do not have all that information (from the administration) yet.”
She told “The Brody File” she was “not real enthused about what it is that’s being done on a national level and from (Washington) in regards to understanding all the situation there in Egypt.”
Palin criticized the administration’s public response, saying “nobody yet has explained to the American public yet what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us . . . who will be taking the place of (Egyptian President Hosni) Mubarak.”
“In these areas that are so volatile right now because obviously it’s not just Egypt but the other countries too where we are seeing uprisings, we know that now more than ever, we need strength and sound mind there in the White House,” she said.
According to a transcript from CBN released Saturday evening, Palin said there were still unanswered questions on the protests that led to the upheaval.
“Remember President Reagan lived that mantra: Trust but verify,” she said. “We want to be able to trust those who are screaming for democracy there in Egypt, that there is a true sincere desire for freedoms. And the challenge that we have, though, is how do we verify that what we are told, what it is that the American public are being fed via media, via protesters, via the government there in Egypt in order for us to have some sound information to make wise decisions on what our position is.”
On the question of “who’s going to fill the void” after Mubarak leaves office, Palin said “Is it going to be the Muslim Brotherhood? We should not stand for that, or with that, or by that.”
She told the interviewer, “Any radical Islamists, no, that is not who we should be supporting or standing by. So we need to find out who was behind all the turmoil and the revolt and the protests so that good decisions can be made in terms of who we will stand by and support.”
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL love that line about the answering machine. heh heh This is pure Sarah. She has some great lines and the guts to say them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:48 AM | Comments (2)
January 30, 2011
Sarah Palin To Headline Celebration To Honor the 100th Anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s Birth
Young America’s Foundation announced today that Governor Sarah Palin will give the keynote address on February 4 at its Reagan 100 Opening Banquet at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, California, for the 100th anniversary celebration of President Reagan’s birthday. Governor Palin was Alaska’s youngest and first woman governor and the first female Vice Presidential candidate in the history of the GOP.
“I am very excited to have been selected to address Young America’s Foundation’s Reagan 100 dinner,” Governor Palin said. “Young America’s Foundation has been sharing the values of President Reagan with young people for more than 40 years, and there is no organization more committed to preserving freedom’s future.”
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s birth, Governor Palin will reflect on the seminal speech by President Reagan, “Time for Choosing,” that discussed the risks and rewards before an America at a crossroads in the early 1960’s. Governor Palin will draw parallels to today while calling for young people to continue the Reagan revolution into the future.
Vice President Dick Cheney will also headline the celebration weekend and deliver the keynote address at the closing Reagan 100 Dinner Banquet on Saturday, February 5 at the Reagan Ranch Center.
Ronald Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara
Ronald Reagan's Jeep Scrambler Displayed at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, California
Wild Thing's comment......
This is AWESOME news..to speak at this event is a huge honor.
Reagan was a great leader because he had faith in the greatness of the American people. Sarah Palin is very much like him in that respect.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (6)
January 27, 2011
Sarah Palin on Obama's SOTU Address: His Theme of "WTF" Was Spot On
"Win the future." That was President Obama's slogan for his State of the Union address, in which he used the phrase (or a variant) 11 times.
Sarah Palin on Obama's SOTU Address: His Theme of "WTF" Was Spot On
Sarah was in fire last night with Greta and she said that it was strange with Obama and his " win the future" theme last night in his State of the Union speech. She initial it on Greta as 'WTF' moments......She is goading the WH and the press on purpose---- love it! She said that the Spunik remark by the President was one of those 'WTF' moments!
She said that there were a " lot of WTF moments last night"
Wild Thing's comment.......
She came out swinging. Said Obama’s SOTU was “hard to stomach”.
LOL Sarah Palin is a smart woman. She knows when to be serious, when to be funny and has a great presentation. WTF! Good job, Girl!
Here are the TWO videos for her full appearance on Greta’s show: This is sooo good!
Part ONE
Part TWO
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (6)
Obama’s Message to America: The Era of Big Government is Back, Now Help Me Pay For It...By Sarah Palin
Obama’s Message to America: The Era of Big Government is Back, Now Help Me Pay For It
by Sarah Palin
The President’s state of the union address boiled down to this message: “The era of big government is here as long as I am, so help me pay for it.” He dubbed it a “Winning The Future” speech, but the title’s acronym seemed more accurate than much of the content.
Americans are growing impatient with a White House that still just doesn’t get it. The President proves he doesn’t understand that the biggest challenge facing our economy is today’s runaway debt when he states we want to make sure “we don’t get buried under a mountain a debt.” That’s the problem! We are buried under Mt. McKinley-sized debt. It’s at the heart of what is crippling our economy and taking our jobs. This is the concern that should be on every leader’s mind. Our country’s future is at stake, and we’re rapidly reaching a crisis point. Our government is spending too much, borrowing too much, and growing too much. Debt is stifling our private sector growth, and millions of Americans are desperately looking for work.
So, what was the President’s response? At a time when we need quick, decisive, and meaningful action to stop our looming debt crisis, President Obama gave us what politicians have for years: promises that more federal government “investment” (read: more government spending) is the solution.
He couched his proposals to grow government and increase spending in the language of “national greatness.” This seems to be the Obama administration’s version of American exceptionalism – an “exceptionally big government,” in which a centralized government declares that we shall be great and innovative and competitive, not by individual initiative, but by government decree. Where once he used words like “hope” and “change,” the President may now talk about “innovation” and “competition”; but the audacity of his recycled rhetoric no longer inspires hope.
Real leadership is more than just words; it’s deeds. The President’s deeds don’t lend confidence that we can trust his words spoken last night.
In the past, he promised us he’d make job creation his number one priority, while also cutting the deficit, eliminating waste, easing foreclosures in the housing markets, and making “tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development.” What did we get? A record $1.5 trillion deficit, an 84% increase in federal spending, a trillion dollar stimulus that stimulated nothing but more Tea Party activism, 9+% unemployment (or 17% percent if you include those who have stopped looking for work or settled for part time jobs), 2.9 million home foreclosures last year, and a moratorium on offshore drilling that has led to more unemployment and $100 dollar a barrel oil.
The President glossed over the most important issue he needed to address last night: spending. He touched on deficit reduction, but his proposals amount to merely a quarter of the cuts in discretionary spending proposed by his own Deficit Reduction Commission, not to mention the $2.5 trillion in cuts over ten years suggested by the Republican Study Committee. And while we appreciate hearing the same President who gave us the trillion dollar Stimulus Package boondoggle finally concede that we need to cut earmarks, keep in mind that earmarks are a $16 billion drop in the $1.5 trillion ocean that is the federal deficit. Budget cuts won’t be popular, but they are vitally necessary or we will soon be a bankrupt country. It’s the responsibility of a leader to make sure the American people fully understand this.
As it is, the American people should fully understand that when the President talks about increased “investments” he’s talking about increased government spending. Cut away the rhetoric and you’ll also see that the White House’s real message on economic reform wasn’t one of substantial spending cuts, but of tax increases. When the President talks about simplifying the tax code, he’s made it clear that he’s not looking to cut your taxes; he’s looking for additional tax revenue from you. The tax “simplification” suggested by the President’s Deficit Reduction Commission would end up raising taxes by $1 trillion over the next decade. So, instead of bringing spending down in line with revenue, the President wants to raise our taxes to pay for his massive spending increases. It’s tax and spend in reverse: spend first, tax later.
And the Obama administration has a lot of half-baked ideas on where to spend our hard-earned money in pursuit of “national greatness.” These “investments,” as the President calls them, include everything from solar shingles to high speed trains. As we struggle to service our unsustainable debt, the only thing these “investments” will get us is a bullet train to bankruptcy.
With credit ratings agency Moody’s warning us that the federal government must reverse the rapid growth of national debt or face losing our triple-A rating, keep in mind that a nation doesn’t look so “great” when its credit rating is in tatters.
Of course, it’s nice to give a speech calling for “investment” and “competition” in order to reach greatness. It’s quite another thing to advocate and implement policies that truly encourage such things. Growing the federal government is not the answer.
Take education for example. It’s easy to declare the need for better education, but will throwing even more money at the issue really help? As the Cato Institute’s Michael Tanner notes, “the federal government has increased education spending by 188 percent in real terms since 1970 without seeing any substantial improvement in test scores.” If you want “innovation” and “competition,” then support school choice initiatives and less federal control over our state and local districts.
When it comes to energy issues, we heard more vague promises last night as the President’s rhetoric suggested an all-of-the-above solution to meeting our country’s energy needs. But again, his actions point in a different direction. He offers a vision of a future powered by what he refers to as “clean energy,” but how we will get there from here remains a mystery. In the meantime, he continues to stymie the responsible development of our own abundant conventional energy resources – the stuff we actually use right now to fuel our economy. His continued hostility towards domestic drilling means hundreds of thousands of well-paying jobs will not be created and millions of Americans will end up paying more at the pump. It also means we’ll continue to transfer hundreds of billions of U.S. dollars to foreign regimes that don’t have America’s interests at heart.
On the crucial issue of entitlement reform, the President offered nothing. This is shocking, because as he himself explained back in April 2009, “if we want to get serious about fiscal discipline…we will have to get serious about entitlement reform.” Even though the Medicare Trust Fund will run out of funds a mere six years from now, and the Social Security Trust Fund is filled mainly with IOUs, the President opted to kick the can down the road yet again. And once again, he was disingenuous when he suggested that meaningful reform would automatically expose people’s Social Security savings to a possible stock market crash. As Rep. Paul Ryan showed in his proposed Roadmap, and others have explained, it’s possible to come up with meaningful reform proposals that tackle projected shortfalls and offer workers more options to invest our own savings while still guaranteeing invested funds so they won’t fall victim to sudden swings in the stock market.
And what about that crucial issue confronting so many Americans who are struggling today – the lack of jobs? The President came to office promising that his massive, multi-trillion dollar spending programs would keep unemployment below 8%; but the lack of meaningful, pro-free market reforms in yesterday’s speech means his legacy will almost certainly be four years of above 8% unemployment, regardless of how much he increases federal spending (or perhaps I should say because of how much he’s increased it).
Perhaps the most nonsensical bit of double-speak we heard last night was when the President said that hitting job-creators with a tax increase isn’t “punishing their success. It’s about promoting America’s success.” But government taking more money from the small business entrepreneurs who create up to 70% of all jobs in this country is not “promoting America’s success.” It’s a disincentive that will result in less job creation. It is, in fact, punishing the success of the very people who created the innovation that the President has supposedly been praising.
Despite the flowery rhetoric, the President doesn’t seem to understand that individuals make America great, not the federal government. American greatness lies in the courage and hard work of individual innovators and entrepreneurs. America is an exceptional nation in part because we have historically been a country that rewards and affirms individual initiative and offers people the freedom to invest and create as they see fit – not as a government bureaucrat does. Yes, government can play an appropriate role in our free market by ensuring a level playing field to encourage honest competition without picking winners and losers. But by and large, government should get out of the way. Unfortunately, under President Obama’s leadership, government growth is in our way, and his “big government greatness” will not help matters.
Consider what his “big government greatness” really amounts to. It’s basically a corporatist agenda – it’s the collaboration between big government and the big businesses that have powerful friends in D.C. and can afford to hire big lobbyists. This collaboration works in a manner that distorts and corrupts true free market capitalism. This isn’t just old-fashioned big government liberalism; this is crony capitalism on steroids. In the interests of big business, we’re “investing” in technologies and industries that venture capitalists tell us are non-starters, but which will provide lucrative returns for some corporate interests who have major investments in these areas. In the interests of big government, we’re not reducing the size of our bloated government or cutting spending, we’re told the President will freeze it – at unsustainable, historic levels! In practice, this means that public sector employees (big government’s staunchest defenders) may not lose jobs, but millions of Americans in the private sector face lay offs because the ever-expanding government has squeezed out and crippled our economy under the weight of unsustainable debt.
Ronald Reagan said, “You can’t be for big government, big taxes, and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy.” President Obama’s proposals last night stick the little guy with the bill, while big government and its big corporate partners prosper. The plain truth is our country simply cannot afford Barack Obama’s dream of an “exceptionally big government” that may help the big guys, but sticks it to the rest of us.
- Sarah Palin
Wild Thing's comment.......
““The era of big government is here as long as I am, so help me pay for it.”
Great line, and oh so true.
Excellent piece - great smackdown of Obama. Sarah was on a roll, with her interview with Greta and then she also wrote this write up about Obama's speech.
New people like Rubio had the appropriate pissed off scowls on their face at the State of the Union, thank God. But there were far to camera shots of the faces this time like there used to be for the SOTU address. So who the heck knows how our side reacted. grrrr
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (2)
January 18, 2011
Exclusive: Sarah Palin on 'Hannity'
Sarah Palin’s interview on Hannity last night, where she responded to questions about the massive attacks on her in the wake of the Tucson Mass Shooting, and regarding her political future.
Sarah Palin being asked about her political future in the wake of the Tucson Mass Shooting, and all the attacks against her. Palin told Sean Hannity she has not decided whether to run for President, but she said, “I can tell you one thing: I’m not going to sit down. I’m not going to shut up.”
Gov. Sarah Palin reacting to the attacks from the Left on her for using “crosshairs” on a map last year to target Democrats for defeat, when Democrats have used “bullseyes” on maps to target Republicans. Palin said it reminded her that for those on the Left, “if it weren’t for their double-standards, they’d have no standards.”
Wild Thing's comment........
GO SARAH! She doesn’t give them an inch!
‘They cant make us sit down and shut up.’
That is exactly what is being attempted!!!
God BLESS her she is quick on her feet and absolutely BRILLIANT!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (3)
January 13, 2011
Death Threats Against Sarah Palin at 'Unprecedented Level,' Aides Say
An aide close to Sarah Palin says death threats and security threats have increased to an unprecedented level since the shooting in Arizona, and the former Alaska governor's team has been talking to security professionals.
Palin has taken much heat for her "crosshairs" map that targeted 20 congressional Democrats in the 2010 mid-term election, including that of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was the main target of Saturday's attack.
Friends say Palin, a possible 2012 contender, was galled as suggestions of her role in the tragedy have swirled.
Palin responded in detail today to the attacks leveled against her, but while her intentions may have been to shift the blame away from herself, she instead put her in the hot seat again.
"Journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn," she said in an early morning Facebook post today.
The term "blood libel" has been used historically to falsely accuse Jews of using Christian children's blood to prepare their Passover matzoh. The myth is said to have begun in Europe as early as the 12th century, perpetuated by the death of a small boy in England in 1144.
It's a term that Jews say has been used to incite anti-Semitism and justify violence against them for centuries.
Palin's use of the word has triggered some deep emotions, even among those who believe Palin has been a target of unfair criticism since the Tucson shooting.
The Jewish Fund for Justice assailed Palin for abusing a tragic episode in Jewish history.
"We are deeply disturbed" by her commentary, president Simon Greer said in a statement today. "Unless someone has been accusing Ms. Palin of killing Christian babies and making matzoh from their blood, her use of the term is totally out of line."
The National Jewish Democratic Council called the video a step in the wrong direction.
"This is of course a particularly heinous term for American Jews, given that the repeated fiction of blood libels are directly responsible for the murder of so many Jews across centuries -- and given that blood libels are so directly intertwined with deeply ingrained anti-Semitism around the globe, even today," it said in a statement.
"The last thing the country needs now is for the rhetoric in the wake of this tragedy to return to where it was before," liberal group J Street said in a statement. "We hope that Governor Palin will recognize, when it is brought to her attention, that the term 'blood libel' brings back painful echoes of a very dark time in our communal history when Jews were falsely accused of committing heinous deeds."
But not all Jews are offended by the term. Liberal political commentator and Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz pointed out that the term has been used frequently as a metaphor and in a broader context.
"The term 'blood libel' has taken on a broad metaphorical meaning in public discourse," he said in a statement to biggovernment.com. "I myself have used it to describe false accusations against the State of Israel by the Goldstone Report. There is nothing improper and certainly nothing anti-Semitic in Sarah Palin using the term to characterize what she reasonably believes are false accusations that her words or images may have caused a mentally disturbed individual to kill and maim."
Wild Thing's comment.........
I am so sick and tired of the liberals. They better be ready with the repercussions if anything happens to Sarah. The Media and everyone on the left are pushing something that is pure evil and could cause a war on our soil and they will be the ones to blame for it. They are stocking the flames. Idiots do not have any idea what they are doing.
The liberals and the media lit a dangerous fuse this week, trying to place blame, without any facts or connections!!!
Sarah is under strong attack and needs strong prayers for protection.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (7)
January 12, 2011
Sarah Palin Responds - "America's Enduring Strength"
Sarah Palin responds to both the tragedy in Arizona and the political exploitation of this event. She doesn’t name names or point the finger defensively at any one person, but rather turns this into a teaching moment for America, suggesting that this is when America’s core values need protecting the most. This is perhaps her most presidential speech:
Like millions of Americans I learned of the tragic events in Arizona on Saturday, and my heart broke for the innocent victims. No words can fill the hole left by the death of an innocent, but we do mourn for the victims’ families as we express our sympathy.
I agree with the sentiments shared yesterday at the beautiful Catholic mass held in honor of the victims. The mass will hopefully help begin a healing process for the families touched by this tragedy and for our country.
Our exceptional nation, so vibrant with ideas and the passionate exchange and debate of ideas, is a light to the rest of the world. Congresswoman Giffords and her constituents were exercising their right to exchange ideas that day, to celebrate our Republic’s core values and peacefully assemble to petition our government. It’s inexcusable and incomprehensible why a single evil man took the lives of peaceful citizens that day.
There is a bittersweet irony that the strength of the American spirit shines brightest in times of tragedy. We saw that in Arizona. We saw the tenacity of those clinging to life, the compassion of those who kept the victims alive, and the heroism of those who overpowered a deranged gunman.
Like many, I’ve spent the past few days reflecting on what happened and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame for this terrible event.
President Reagan said, “We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” Acts of monstrous criminality stand on their own. They begin and end with the criminals who commit them, not collectively with all the citizens of a state, not with those who listen to talk radio, not with maps of swing districts used by both sides of the aisle, not with law-abiding citizens who respectfully exercise their First Amendment rights at campaign rallies, not with those who proudly voted in the last election.
The last election was all about taking responsibility for our country’s future. President Obama and I may not agree on everything, but I know he would join me in affirming the health of our democratic process. Two years ago his party was victorious. Last November, the other party won. In both elections the will of the American people was heard, and the peaceful transition of power proved yet again the enduring strength of our Republic.
Vigorous and spirited public debates during elections are among our most cherished traditions. And after the election, we shake hands and get back to work, and often both sides find common ground back in D.C. and elsewhere. If you don’t like a person’s vision for the country, you’re free to debate that vision. If you don’t like their ideas, you’re free to propose better ideas. But, especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible.
There are those who claim political rhetoric is to blame for the despicable act of this deranged, apparently apolitical criminal. And they claim political debate has somehow gotten more heated just recently. But when was it less heated? Back in those “calm days” when political figures literally settled their differences with dueling pistols? In an ideal world all discourse would be civil and all disagreements cordial. But our Founding Fathers knew they weren’t designing a system for perfect men and women. If men and women were angels, there would be no need for government. Our Founders’ genius was to design a system that helped settle the inevitable conflicts caused by our imperfect passions in civil ways. So, we must condemn violence if our Republic is to endure.
As I said while campaigning for others last March in Arizona during a very heated primary race, “We know violence isn’t the answer. When we ‘take up our arms’, we’re talking about our vote.” Yes, our debates are full of passion, but we settle our political differences respectfully at the ballot box – as we did just two months ago, and as our Republic enables us to do again in the next election, and the next. That’s who we are as Americans and how we were meant to be. Public discourse and debate isn’t a sign of crisis, but of our enduring strength. It is part of why America is exceptional.
No one should be deterred from speaking up and speaking out in peaceful dissent, and we certainly must not be deterred by those who embrace evil and call it good. And we will not be stopped from celebrating the greatness of our country and our foundational freedoms by those who mock its greatness by being intolerant of differing opinion and seeking to muzzle dissent with shrill cries of imagined insults.
Just days before she was shot, Congresswoman Giffords read the First Amendment on the floor of the House. It was a beautiful moment and more than simply “symbolic,” as some claim, to have the Constitution read by our Congress. I am confident she knew that reading our sacred charter of liberty was more than just “symbolic.” But less than a week after Congresswoman Giffords reaffirmed our protected freedoms, another member of Congress announced that he would propose a law that would criminalize speech he found offensive.
It is in the hour when our values are challenged that we must remain resolved to protect those values. Recall how the events of 9-11 challenged our values and we had to fight the tendency to trade our freedoms for perceived security. And so it is today.
Let us honor those precious lives cut short in Tucson by praying for them and their families and by cherishing their memories. Let us pray for the full recovery of the wounded. And let us pray for our country. In times like this we need God’s guidance and the peace He provides. We need strength to not let the random acts of a criminal turn us against ourselves, or weaken our solid foundation, or provide a pretext to stifle debate.
America must be stronger than the evil we saw displayed last week. We are better than the mindless finger-pointing we endured in the wake of the tragedy. We will come out of this stronger and more united in our desire to peacefully engage in the great debates of our time, to respectfully embrace our differences in a positive manner, and to unite in the knowledge that, though our ideas may be different, we must all strive for a better future for our country. May God bless America.
- Sarah Palin
Wild Thing's comment........
Sarah is wonderful !!! God bless you Sarah!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:25 PM | Comments (4)
December 21, 2010
Rev. Franklin Graham talking about Gov. Sarah Palin
Rev. Franklin Graham talking about Gov. Sarah Palin and her recent trip with him to Haiti to check on the Cholera Crisis there and to raise awareness about the tremendous needs there.
Graham praised Palin for the way she showed compassion to the suffering people in Haiti:
“She came in with her smile. She would sit on the cots – now you have to understand, a Cholera Clinic – these cots have been soaked in urine and fecal matter, and vomit – Cholera is a horrible thing – and she just sat right there in the middle of it, holding people’s hands, talking to people, holding babies. It was an amazing thing. She is quite a lady, and she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty. . . . She is a person that has a heart that has tremendous compassion for people. She loves people, and she cares deeply about people.”
Graham said that Palin has a very strong faith, and is a committed follower of Jesus Christ.
Wild Thing's comment........
To get that kind of compliment from the Graham family is not easily earned. Franklin saw love in action.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (5)
December 12, 2010
Sarah Palin Goes To Haiti With Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham
Franklin Graham and Sarah Palin arrive in Haiti
Sarah Palin, Todd Palin and Greta Van Susteren joined Franklin Graham today on his trip to help those suffering in Haiti.
Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham returned to Haiti today to survey our work with cholera patients, hand deliver Operation Christmas Child shoe box gifts to hurting children, and meet with staff.
Samaritan’s Purse teams have been working in Haiti since the country was devastated by a deadly earthquake in January. Still struggling to recover from the quake, the Haitian people have more recently suffered from the growing cholera epidemic that has already claimed more than 2,000 lives and from the hurricane that pummeled the island nation in November.
“I don’t know of any people in recent years who have suffered more, and in such a short period of time than the people of this small country—with an earthquake, a hurricane, and now a cholera epidemic,” Graham said.
I am pleased that Gov. Palin will accompany us on a brief trip to Haiti this weekend, and I appreciate her willingness to visit Haiti during such troubled times,” Graham said. “I believe Gov. Palin will be a great encouragement to the people of Haiti and to the organizations, both government and private, working so hard to provide desperately needed relief."
Remember the promises from Barack and Michelle Obama to the Haitians that they wouldn’t be forgotten? Not a word from either on the cholera crisis, which was likely brought there by the UN Peacekeepers. CDC is over there, but playing down the UN link to the epidemic.
Bristol Palin with Cissie Graham
Palin said the following about the Haiti visit:
I've really enjoyed meeting this community...They are so full of joy. We are so fortunate in America and we are responsible for helping those less fortunate. Samaritan's Purse is still here doing the tough work.
Wild Thing's comment........
God bless Sarah and her family and I am glad Greta from FOX News is in there too. Greta has been great to Sarah and shown her a lot of well deserved respect. I am not positive, but I heard Greta's husband help set up SarahPac...not sure though.
But it shows how Sarah has an effect on good people. Of course the yukky people will never like her, they only threaten her, but good people can see Sarah is for real. Todd is great too I love how he is strong and supportive and does his thing and yet is there as a team with Sarah for the important things too.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (1)
December 10, 2010
Sarah Palin - American Girl-Tribute
Wild Thing's comment........
What a wonderful video!!!
And just think she has a birth certificate and she hasn't got any of her past school records hiden. She is Sarah and honest and not owned by George Soros!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (5)
December 09, 2010
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks Supporters in 'Operation Payback'
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks Supporters in 'Operation Payback'*
by Jack Tapper
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email.
Hackers in London apparently affiliated with “Operation Payback” – a group of supporters of Julian Assange and Wikileaks – have tried to shut down SarahPac and have disrupted Sarah and Todd Palin’s personal credit card accounts.
“No wonder others are keeping silent about Assange's antics,” Palin emailed. “This is what happens when you exercise the First Amendment and speak against his sick, un-American espionage efforts.”
Palin has criticized Wikileaks founder Assange, writing on Facebook that his “past posting of classified documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders?...Assange is not a 'journalist' any more than the 'editor' of al-Qaeda's new English-language magazine Inspire is a 'journalist.’ He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands."
Added SarahPAC aide Rebecca Mansour, “the governor voiced her opinion knowing full well that she was speaking out against a shady disreputable organization with no regard for laws or human life. This is how they operate. The world should not be intimidated by them."
Wild Thing's comment......
Manning should be courtmarshalled and stood against a wall, Assange should be waterboarded until he gives up what we need, then stand him against a wall, too.
By the way, where was our government when the first leaks came out? What did they do about them, besides locking up Manning?
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:47 AM | Comments (2)
November 30, 2010
Serious Questions about the Obama Administration's Incompetence in the Wikileaks Fiasco
Serious Questions about the Obama Administration's Incompetence in the Wikileaks Fiasco
Assange is an "anti-American operative with blood on his hands"
Sarah Palin from her Facebok notes
We all applaud the successful thwarting of the Christmas-Tree Bomber and hope our government continues to do all it can to keep us safe. However, the latest round of publications of leaked classified U.S. documents through the shady organization called Wikileaks raises serious questions about the Obama administration’s incompetent handling of this whole fiasco.
First and foremost, what steps were taken to stop Wikileaks director Julian Assange from distributing this highly sensitive classified material especially after he had already published material not once but twice in the previous months? Assange is not a “journalist,” any more than the “editor” of al Qaeda’s new English-language magazine Inspire is a “journalist.” He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?
What if any diplomatic pressure was brought to bear on NATO, EU, and other allies to disrupt Wikileaks’ technical infrastructure? Did we use all the cyber tools at our disposal to permanently dismantle Wikileaks? Were individuals working for Wikileaks on these document leaks investigated? Shouldn’t they at least have had their financial assets frozen just as we do to individuals who provide material support for terrorist organizations?
Most importantly, serious questions must also be asked of the U.S. intelligence system. How was it possible that a 22-year-old Private First Class could get unrestricted access to so much highly sensitive information? And how was it possible that he could copy and distribute these files without anyone noticing that security was compromised?
The White House has now issued orders to federal departments and agencies asking them to take immediate steps to ensure that no more leaks like this happen again. It’s of course important that we do all we can to prevent similar massive document leaks in the future. But why did the White House not publish these orders after the first leak back in July? What explains this strange lack of urgency on their part?
We are at war. American soldiers are in Afghanistan fighting to protect our freedoms. They are serious about keeping America safe. It would be great if they could count on their government being equally serious about that vital task.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I agree, there are a lot of questions. And this whole thing should never have gotten this far.
Sarah Palin raises a perfectly reasonable questions so of course the Obamabots will circle the wagons and attack her for it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (6)
November 28, 2010
A Thanksgiving Message to All 57 States
A Thanksgiving Message to All 57 States
by Sarah Palin
My fellow Americans in all 57 states, the time has changed for come. With our country founded more than 20 centuries ago, we have much to celebrate – from the FBI’s 100 days to the reforms that bring greater inefficiencies to our health care system. We know that countries like Europe are willing to stand with us in our fight to halt the rise of privacy, and Israel is a strong friend of Israel’s. And let’s face it, everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma and they end up taking up a hospital bed. It costs, when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early, and they got some treatment, and ah, a breathalyzer, or an inhalator. I mean, not a breathalyzer, ah, I don’t know what the term is in Austrian for that…
Of course, the paragraph above is based on a series of misstatements and verbal gaffes made by Barack Obama (I didn’t have enough time to do one for Joe Biden). YouTube links are provided just in case you doubt the accuracy of these all too human slips-of-the-tongue. If you can’t remember hearing about them, that’s because for the most part the media didn’t consider them newsworthy. I have no complaint about that. Everybody makes the occasional verbal gaffe – even news anchors.
Obviously, I would have been even more impressed if the media showed some consistency on this issue. Unfortunately, it seems they couldn’t resist the temptation to turn a simple one word slip-of-the-tongue of mine into a major political headline. The one word slip occurred yesterday during one of my seven back-to-back interviews wherein I was privileged to speak to the American public about the important, world-changing issues before us.
If the media had bothered to actually listen to all of my remarks on Glenn Beck’s radio show, they would have noticed that I refer to South Korea as our ally throughout, that I corrected myself seconds after my slip-of-the-tongue, and that I made it abundantly clear that pressure should be put on China to restrict energy exports to the North Korean regime. The media could even have done due diligence and checked my previous statements on the subject, which have always been consistent, and in fact even ahead of the curve. But why let the facts get in the way of a good story? (And for that matter, why not just make up stories out of thin air – like the totally false hard news story which has run for three days now reporting that I lobbied the producers of “Dancing with the Stars” to cast a former Senate candidate on their show. That lie is further clear proof that the media completely makes things up without doing even rudimentary fact-checking.)
“Hope springs eternal” as the poet says. Let’s hope that perhaps, just maybe, they might get it right next time. When we the people are effective in holding America’s free press accountable for responsible and truthful reporting, then we shall all have even more to be thankful for!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
- Sarah Palin
Wild Thing's comment.......
You can never, ever let a charge go unanswered, good for Sarah!!!! The left hates to be laughed at. That’s why they despise Rush. Keep laughing Sarah!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM
November 24, 2010
Sarah Palin: I Will Not Waste My Time With Katie Couric
Palin: I Will Not Waste My Time With Katie Couric
PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEO......Thank you so much.
Palin: "As for doing an interview with a reporter that who already has such a bias with whatever it is that I would come out and say, why waste my time"
"A reporter that is so bias and will spin and gin up whatever it is that I have to say to create contoversy, I swear to you, I will not waste my time with her"
Wild Thing's comment.......
Good for Palin. She SHOULD ignore the witch.
Part of being a good managers is staying out of ambushes. Or at least learning from your mistakes. Avoiding all interviews is a mistake. However rewarding someone who attacked you is an even bigger mistake. Indicating that someone who pulled a GOTCHA interview will never get another is a way to manage the behavior of future interviewers.
I think there is no doubt she was set up by McCain's people.
I hope that in addition to the Couric smackdown, Sarah and other GOP’ers refuse to have any debates in front of biased lefties...or at least to have an equal representation of conservative questioners/moderators. This should be the new rule for the general, too.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (2)
October 30, 2010
Sarah Palin: Lisa, are you going to shut down my Facebook page for writing this?
Sarah Palin: Lisa, are you going to shut down my Facebook page for writing this? .
Yesterday, Lisa Murkowski’s hired guns threatened radio host Dan Fagan, and more importantly, the station that airs Fagan’s show, with legal action for allegedly illegal “electioneering.” The station, unlike Murkowski, who is flush with millions of dollars from vested corporate interests, does not have a budget for a legal defense. So it did what any small market station would do when threatened by Beltway lawyers charging $500 to $1000 an hour – they pulled Dan Fagan off the air.
Does all this sound heavy handed? It is. It is an interference with Dan Fagan’s constitutional right to free speech. It is also a shocking indictment against Lisa Murkowski. How low will she go to hold onto power? First, she gets the Division of Elections to change its write-in process – a process that Judge Pfiffner correctly determined had been in place without change for 50 years. She is accepting financial support from federal contractors, an act that is highly questionable and now pending before the FEC. And today, she played her last card. She made it clear that if you disagree with her and encourage others to exercise their civic rights, she’ll take you off the air.
The concept of “electioneering” involves several issues, but typically refers to campaigning at the polls, which is appropriately banned. Under federal law, it can also mean paying for advertising on broadcast media during a federal election cycle, and it requires disclosures if done by groups and corporations. Fagan used satire to mock Murkowski’s write-in efforts and encouraged Alaskan’s to run as write-in candidates. That is not illegal. That is free speech.
Individuals like Dan Fagan have a fundamental right to speak their minds without threats from the incumbent Senator from Alaska. It is hard to find a constitutional right Americans cherish more than the right to free speech. This was a right Joe Miller, as a decorated combat veteran – a tank commander tested in battle, was willing to die to defend. Dan Fagan has not always agreed with me, but I will gladly defend his right to speak freely on his radio show, which he has often used to criticize me. In fact, Fagan has actually used his radio show to attack and insult me, my husband, my children, and my family in just about every way possible. He was especially insulting to my son, who left for a war zone to defend Fagan’s right to attack our family. But when I was his governor, I never would have dreamed of threatening his right to free speech. I support him in this fight because this D.C. Beltway thuggery, as exemplified by Lisa Murkowski’s latest threat, is ruining our country. The powers that be want ordinary Americans to sit down and shut up and let the ruling class ride us right off the debt cliff we’re heading towards with Obama, Pelosi, and Reid steering the nation’s car. We can’t let them. Now is the time to put aside our past differences and stand up to the establishment powers.
This whole episode confirms again why we need to elect Joe Miller. Lisa, you can sue me if you want (you won’t be the first). But I will not be intimidated from speaking my mind. Your intimidation just empowered us liberty-loving Alaskans. Are you really that out of touch?
- Sarah Palin
Wild Thing's comment........
Way to go, Sarah! In her note she is defending Dan Fagan after what he has said about her and her family is something to point out as well.
Freedom of speech is being threatened now more then ever. Sarah did great speaking out about this!
Murkowski is really horrible. Lisa Murkowski really must be defeated.
For those of you that live in the Dallas, Texas area..................
Sarah Palin Coming to Dallas, TX. Nov. 10th
Sarah Palin will be speaking at the Majestic Theatre in Dallas, TX, for a fundraiser for the Pro-life group Heroic Media, November 10th.
Heroic Media is a faith-based non-profit that places television, Internet and billboard advertisements to help women facing unexpected pregnancies. Their advertisements provide help line numbers that connect women with pregnancy resource centers.
More information here.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (6)
October 09, 2010
Palin Takes A Big Step Toward 2012 Run for President
Palin Takes A Big Step Toward 2012 Run for President
Former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin is raising new speculation in conservative circles that she is already preparing for a 2012 presidential bid. In the latest and clearest example of her plans, Palin met with some 50 national conservative leaders Wednesday in Palm Beach, Florida where she discussed economic and diplomatic policy and led some to declare that she's in the race.
"This was an indication that she's strongly considering running," said one insider. "She was very knowledgeable and gave intelligent answers, despite how she's been characterized," added the insider. "And she was extremely charming."
The meet-and-greet was organized by the conservative magazine and website Newsmax and its boss Christopher Ruddy. Palin, currently a Fox News contributor, has said Newsmax is one of her favorite news sources. Her trip sprung from an accidental meeting in June at the Belmont Stakes race in New York when Palin and Ruddy bumped into each other.
Ruddy, whose Web site helped sell 250,000 of Palin's 2008 campaign book, arranged for Palin to be interviewed by radio host Michael Reagan for an upcoming webcast dubbed "Make America Great Again." Palin will kick off the webcast campaign October 12. Her next book, America By Heart, is due out next month.
During her stop, Ruddy and his staff presented Palin with a faux Newsmax cover showing her running for the presidency. It was headlined: "Yes in 2012."
At a later reception and dinner, she made her case on several issues to top conservative leaders, among them, Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, pundit Dick Morris, activist Ralph Reed, and John Raese, the West Virginia Republican Senate candidate who holds a surprise lead over Democratic Gov. Joe Manchin.
"This was an indication that she's strongly considering running," said one insider.
Conservatives have warmed to Palin in part because of her golden touch in picking Tea Party candidates to back in House and Senate races, giving her a ready-made support base in a presidential bid.
Wild Thing's comoment.......
If she did run can you imagine the sleepless nights Obama would have. heh heh Just thinking about a debate between Sarah and Obama..........heh heh...... he would be stuttering more then ever.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (3)
August 10, 2010
Sarah Palin Confronted In Homer, Alaska By A Fraud
Sarah Palin confronted an unhinged leftist in Homer, Alaska who hates her… But wants her as governor. How crazy is that!
H/T Gateway
From the video: Sarah Palin engaged in a back and forth with a protester in the city of Homer, AK. After the first few talking points the protester ran out of ammo and Ms. Palin cleaned up the mess. What began as a confrontational moment ended with the former Alaska Governor telling her detractor “we probably have a lot in common” and the protester agreed.
UPDATE: Apparently, the “lame-stream” media is now commenting on Sarah Palin’s eyebrow movements.
Sarah Palin responded :
The LSM has now decided to use this brief encounter for another one of their spin operations. They claim I – wait for it – “appear to roll my eyes” when the lady tells me she’s a teacher. Yes, it’s come to this: the media is now trying to turn my eyebrow movements into story lines. (Maybe that’s why Botox is all the rage – if you can’t move your eyebrows, your “eye rolling” can’t be misinterpreted!) If they had checked their facts first, they would have known that I come from a family of teachers; my grandparents were teachers, my father was a teacher, my brother is a teacher, my sister works in Special Needs classrooms, my aunt is a school nurse, my mom worked as a school secretary for much of her professional life, we all volunteer in classrooms, etc., etc., etc. Given that family history, how likely is it that I would “roll my eyes” at someone telling me that they too work in that honorable profession? Stay classy, LSM.
HERE is one of the articles from the liberal media:
Did Sarah Palin Roll Her Eyes at Teaching?
Sarah Palin was up in Homer, Alaska, recently, fishing with her Discovery Channel crew in tow, when she was met with an unpleasant protest: a giant banner reading "Worst Governor Ever," unfurled nearby by local Kathleen Gustafson. For whatever reason — maybe she wanted to win over a heart and mind — Palin decided to go over and talk to the woman. Part of the conversation was filmed on a camera phone by Billy Sullivan (who owned the property), despite the best efforts of Todd Palin and Palin's security to block his view. The whole exchange is a little uncomfortable to watch — Gustafson tells Palin she sold out and became a celebrity, Palin offers mock gratitude in return. But all in all, it's nothing to write home about — except for one moment (which comes at the 1:10 mark). When Palin asks Gustafson what she does for a living, and Gustafson tells Palin she's a teacher, Palin and her daughter groan and exchange eye rolls as if to say, "Of course, only a teacher would be such a liberal nut." Belittling teachers? Palin really is a maverick.
UPDATE OMG LOOK at this...............................
(HOMER TRIBUNE/Randi Somers) – Director Kathleen Gustafson (left) steps in to provide harmony as Hedwig (Atz Lee Kilcher) polishes up his performance at Pier One on Aug. 28.
Kathleen Guftafson is not a teacher.
Kathleen Gustafson Radio Stunt? ****UPDATE: Singer in a Drag-Queen Band Too?***Much More, this was a Complete Setup that Backfired****UPDATE: Gustafson a “Theater Tech”?
by MacRanger of Macs Mind blog
Been digging around on Mrs Gustafson.
Seems she’s a personality of sorts on KBBI AM 890 Homer Alaska. Far cry from just being a “school teacher” don’t you think?
Wanna bet she set this up as a publicity stunt. It would appear after getting aptly handled by Sarah she should have stayed at home.
UPDATE: Here’s a story about her singing abilities with a drag-queen band. Whoohoo!
UPDATE II: So far no confirmation of Gustafson’s claim to be a school teacher. However she is President, Board of Directors, Kachemak Bay. Family Planning Clinic (KBFPC) in Homer, AK. Figures.
UPDATE II: According to the Alaska Teacher Certification website there is a Kathleen Gustafson registered, but unknown if this is her.
UPDATE III: It’s not unless she lives in Juno.
UPDATE IV: More to come, but this wasn’t at all what it was purported to be. Much of it surrounds Shannyn Moore, whom Palin threaten to sue a while back and who along with a group of bloggers is a member in good standing of the Palin Derangement Syndrome Club.
Want to guess who else is a member of the club?
UPDATE VI: According to the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District website there is no Kathleen Gustafson registered as a teacher in the district which includes Homer.
UPDATE VII: Actually there is. A Kathleen Gustafson does appear on this PDF from the district. According to the document she’s not a teacher but a “Theater Tech” at Homer High School. I wonder how the school district would feel about her misstating or more appropriately impersonating a teacher.
Wild Thing's comment........
Sarah Handled this “teacher” VERY WELL! LOL
If you hate your governor and thought this person was terrible wouldn't you be cheering if they left office early? Hahahahaha
This whole thing is just so funny. It’s hilarious that her haters expect her to go “Howard Dean crazy” but she always remains polite and therein she takes control of every confrontation.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
March 13, 2010
Ray Stevens - Caribou Barbie
Wild Thing's comment......
This is good, I love it. Ray Stevens has been doing some awesome videos.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (3)
March 03, 2010
Sarah Palin on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Last Night
She also did a stand up routine as seen in the second video above.
Following is the transcript of Sarah Pailn's monologue jokes during her comedy debut on "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno," March 2, 2010:
Hello. Thank you, Jay. Thank you. I'm so happy to get to be here. This is a thrill of a lifetime really. And Alaska, being so different from Los Angeles. Here when people have a frozen look on their face, I find out it's Botox.
It is so beautiful here, though, so warm and beautiful. Back home, ooh, it was freezing. It was 5 degrees below Congress' approval rating.
Shaun White on the show. Oh, what an amazing athlete. I watched him do a double McTwist 1260, and the only other people to do a double McTwist 1260 was last week: the White House on healthcare."
It's great to be on the same show as Shaun White. Last time I was this close to the Flying Tomato was when someone threw one at me at a book signing.
I watched the Winter Olympics: skiing, fighting on the ice, skating, bob sledding. In Alaska, that's our morning commute.
How about that amazing closing ceremony. It was beautiful. The minute I saw the giant moose, I remembered I hadn't cooked anything for the kids' dinner.
And that's because I've been really busy. I picked up a gig in Las Vegas at the Legends show, playing Tina Fey.
And next I get to headline. I'll be the speaker at the NRA convention. So be there, or else.
The truth is though I'm glad I'm not vice president. I'm glad because I would not know what to do with all that free time.
But Jay, thank you so much for inviting me. I saw where it's been a few weeks of unfair, non-stop criticism, people who don't know the real story. And I just say, Jay, welcome to my world."
LMAO on the other network Lettermen had Mitt Romney on his show. This will make you laugh.
“Now what about that Sarah Palin," says Letterman, who had to apologize for an off-color joke about the former Alaskan governor's daughter last year. "She’s not ready to be president, is she?” (LOUD groans from audience)
“She’s terrific,” Romney rapidly replies to derisive audience laughter. “She really is! She’s terrific. She’s got energy, passion – by the way, you know, be careful what you say about her.”
Letterman says he knows.
Romney adds with a smile, “She has a rifle, you know.” (Audience laughs)
Wild Thing's comment.......
Sarah was FABULOUS! Even did her own comedy routine which was hysterical! At one point she said "Oh, I like to get the Left all wee-wee'd up." LOL
Loved Palin saying the temps in Alaska are 5 degrees less thaan congresses approval rating! Ha!
I think Sarah was having a lot of fun...and rightfully so.
Leno treated her great. And of course Letterman is the jerk.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (8)
February 09, 2010
Obama Teleprompter Crutch VS. Sarah Palin With Hi Mom Written on Her Hand
Sarah wrote “Hi Mom!” on her palm during her campaign stop with Governor Rick Perry of Texas.
( MSNBC crank reporter Andrea Mitchell mocked Sarah Palin and jotted a few notes on her hand this morning on the air.)
The left went bonkers after they discovered that the TelePrompter-less former Governor Sarah Palin wrote notes on the palm of her left hand for her speech to the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville. The far left absolutely freaked over this non-issue rather than focus on her brilliant speech knocking the Obama Administration’s horrid record on economics and national defense.
Wild Thing's comment.......
LOL this is just too funny.
The left has their teleprompter addict and Sarah simply did a note on her hand. And they say nothing about Obama.....of course not. But them went on and on and on about what Sarah did. The left is so sick they cannot even get it a little . hahaha Brain dead zombies every one of them on the left.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (9)
February 08, 2010
Sarah Palin Campaigns for Rick Perry in Texas Yesterday
About 15,000 people formed a line that snaked around the Berry Center in Cypress, just northwest of Houston. They've come an hour early on Super Bowl Sunday to grab tickets and see Sarah Palin and Rick Perry. The crowd is big, really big, for a governor's campaign and is more on the scale of a presidential rally. Signs around the arena welcome Sarah Palin to Texas and say "Texas is Succeeding"
Part Two
Wild Thing's comment.......
Sarah spoke about Texas and Perry. Obama couldn’t say two sentences without saying “I” or “me” and that translated into big time losses for his candidates.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (6)
February 07, 2010
Sarah Palin on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace~ AWESOME Interview!!
Sarah Palin on Fox News Sunday Pt 2 of 3
Sarah Palin on Fox News Sunday Pt 3 of 3
TRANSCRIPT: Fox News Sunday Interview With Sarah Palin
WALLACE: How do you see yourself as a member of the Tea Party movement or a member of the Republican Party?
PALIN: Oh, I think the two are and should be even more so merging because the Tea Party movement is quite reflective of what the GOP, the planks in the platform are supposed to be about. Limited government and more freedom, more respect for equality. That's what the Tea Party movement is about, so I think that the two are much entwined and I'm happy about that.
WALLACE: So what's wrong with the Republican Party that these Tea Party activists feel they have to go outside the GOP?
PALIN: Because both major parties, the "D" and the "R"s have both kind of lost their way in some respects. The GOP has some very strong planks in the platform that build a platform that I believe is best to build a strong, safe prosperous nation.
When the GOP strays from the planks in the platform, a people's movement like the Tea Party movement is invited in to kind of hold these politicians accountable again and remind them of their constitutional limits there on the federal level and it's a beautiful movement. I'm proud to get to be a part of it in terms of at least hearing from those in the Tea Party movement and sharing with them what I believe are some common sense solutions to the challenges facing us.
WALLACE: You say you are happy to be or proud to be a part of it. Some people think you want to be the leader of the Tea Party movement.
PALIN: No, I would hope that the Tea Party-ers don't believe that they need some kind of well-oiled machine, some kind of replicate of the GOP or the Democrat Party and instead they remain a movement of the people uprising and saying, listen to us, we have some common sense solutions that we want our politicians to consider and to implement and this is much bigger than a hockey mom from Wasilla.
It's much bigger than any charismatic guy with a teleprompter. It is the people's movement. It's about the people and I'm proud to be a part of this.
WALLACE: You recently stirred up some controversy as you often do, even when you endorsed Rand Paul as the Senate, he's running in the Senate primary in Kentucky the GOP Senate primary. And Bill Kristol, your long-time supporter was upset with you because one of the things he pointed out, Paul wants to close Guantanamo. He wants to send the detainees back to Afghanistan. He wants to repeal the Patriot Act. He wants to do away with any federal role in either gay marriage or drug laws, leave it to the states. Why would you support a guy like that?
PALIN: Because he's a federalist and he wants the states to have more say and as we respect the 10th Amendment in our Constitution, he wants the states to have more say in a lot of these issues. But nobody is ever going to find a perfect candidate. There are things that I don't agree with Rand Paul, and yet his domestic policies for the most part, I do agree with. He wants limited government. He wants the Feds to start taking their hands off states issues and I respect that and I'm proud to support him. Again, never finding a perfect candidate, no doubt he disagrees with me on a whole lot of issues. But proud to support him and others whom I can believe in.
WALLACE: What do you think of Barack Obama's presidency so far?
PALIN: He has some misguided decisions that he is making that he is expecting us to just kind of sit down and shut up and accept, and many of us are not going to sit down and shut up. We're going to say no, we do not like this...
WALLACE: Wait, wait, where's he saying sit down and shut up?
PALIN: In a general just kind of general persona I think that he has when he's up there at, I'll call it a lectern. When he is up there and he is telling us basically, I know best, my people here in the White House know best, and we are going to tell you that yes, you do want this essentially nationalized health care system and we're saying, no, we don't. And the messages are not being received by Barack Obama. So I think instead of lecturing, he needs to stop and he needs to listen on health care issues. On national security, this perceived lackadaisical approach that he has to dealing with the terrorists. We're saying that concerns us and we're going to speak up about it and please don't allow this persona to continue where you do try to make us feel like we need to just sit down, shut up and accept what you're doing to us.
WALLACE: Let's talk about national security. During the campaign, you said this about Mr. Obama. "Our opponent is someone who sees America as imperfect enough to pal around with terrorists who targeted their own country." The president has escalated the war in Afghanistan. He has launched more drone attacks in his first year than George W. Bush did in eight years. Given what he's done as president, do you take back palling around with terrorists?
PALIN: No, I don't, because his associations with Bill Ayers and with others, he never really has, I think, adequately addressed why in the world he would have a relationship with a type of person like that, who had such disdain for America that he would want to bomb, harm, hurt, kill, Americans.
WALLACE: But has he done a good job in protecting the country?
PALIN: So the things that he has done right now as president in protecting the country, more power to him. We appreciate that he kind of went there fully with the commanders on the ground asking for more reinforcements in Afghanistan. Couldn't get there all the way with these guys, but kind of went there. Good, more power to you. And I speak as a military mom, too, saying thank you. You're giving me a little bit more of a secure knowledge that you're looking out for our troops and the things that their commanders are asking for. I'm thinking kind of, of my son in this situation. Thank you for doing that. However, there are many things that he is doing today that cause an uneasiness in many, many Americans, I'm one of those.
Who looks at the way that he is treating the trials of these terrorists and kind of as gosh, they're on a crime spree right now. No, we are in war. These are acts of these war that these terrorists are committing. We need to treat them a little bit differently than an American who is worthy -- an American being worthy of our U.S. constitutional rights. I don't think the terrorists are worthy of our rights that people like my son fight and are willing to die for.
WALLACE: The unemployment rate fell to 9.7 percent in January. The growth rate of the economy, 5.7 percent in the fourth quarter. Doesn't President Obama deserve some credit for that?
PALIN: Very happy to hear about that miniscule decrease there in the unemployment rate, but better that than a growing unemployment rate. The point is though that we have lost millions and millions and millions of jobs as we have incurred greater and greater debt and deficit, debt that I believe is immoral because we're handing the bill to our children. They're going to have to pay for our needs and some of our wants today and I think that is unfair.
The point being, millions of jobs have been lost because, I think Chris, what’s coming from the White House is just a fundamental difference from a lot of Conservatives in our belief that government is not the answer. The bailouts, the takeovers of the private sector
-- that’s not the answer. That is not what built this great country into the most prosperous, healthiest, safest country on Earth.
No. It -- it is free enterprise. It's the innovation, and work ethic of our small businesses, and -- and our entrepreneurs.
Empowering them to be able to keep more of what they earn, and reinvest according to their priorities. And then be able to create jobs -- one -- one job at a time with the principles that are free market -- free enterprise based.
I don't think that is what we're seeing coming out of the White House. It -- it's quite fundamental -- the difference there.
WALLACE: Let's turn to Sarah Palin, because there are some questions quite frankly I've wanted to ask you for a while now.
In your book, "Going Rogue," you said that when you first heard that you were pregnant with Baby Trigg, you wrote this: "I'm out of town.
No one knows I'm pregnant. No one would ever have to know."
You made the choice to have Trigg, and it obviously -- you were showing me earlier pictures of him -- it was the right choice for you. Why not allow all women to make their own choice?
PALIN: Well I believe that these babies in our womb have the right to life. And that's what I stand on. And I did. I -- I honestly, candidly talked about that in my book when I said, "I can understand the sensitivity of the issue," because I've been there.
I've -- I've understood why that fleeting thought would enter a woman's mind.
And then when I found out that after ultra sounds, after tests, that Trigg would be born with Downs Syndrome, of course that thought occurred to me again. Wow, this is why a woman would be fearful of less than ideal circumstances, and maybe think that a quote, unquote, "problem," could just be swept away.
And instead I was able to kind of ratchet back my fears very quickly, and -- and remember that no -- so many of us who have that fundamental belief in the sanctity of life and the potential for every human innocent life, I got to fall back on that. And -- and that did lead me to make the right decision in allowing this baby to be born. And this baby now turning out to be the best thing that has ever happened to me and my family.
WALLACE: But can you understand where some women...
PALIN: Of course I can understand. That's why...
WALLACE: ... some people would say...
PALIN: ... I wrote about it.
WALLACE: ... I applaud your choice. Let me make my own decision.
PALIN: And that's why I wrote about it as saying that I understand why those thoughts would enter their mind. I want to empower women though. I -- I want -- and -- and if Trigg is an example, and if Pam Tebo's (ph) son, Tim Tebo (ph) is an example of the potential for every human life, then so be it. Let Trigg be that example.
I want women to know that they are strong enough, and they are smart enough to be able to do many things at once -- including carrying a child. Giving that child life. And then perhaps if they're in less than ideal circumstances or they're carrying a child while they're trying to pursue career, or avocations, or -- or education opportunities -- less than ideal circumstances.
Giving that child life which it deserves, and then perhaps looking at adoption, or looking at other circumstances after. But not snuffing out the life of a child.
WALLACE: The second thing is your decision to resign as governor of Alaska...
WALLACE: ... with 17 months left in your term. You said, "I wasn't going to run for reelection. So I was going to be a lame duck." You said that the state was being paralyzed, because all of your opponents were filing these lawsuits." Didn't you let your enemies -- your opponents drive you from office?
PALIN: Hell, no. Thankfully I didn't. What's -- what we did was we won, because the state today -- it's not spending millions of dollars to -- to fight these frivolous lawsuits, and -- and frivolous ethics charges. Ethics charges like me wearing a jacket with a snow machine logo on it. And getting charged for an unethical act for doing such a thing.
Little piddly, petty things like that that were costing our state millions of dollars. And costing me and my administration -- my staff members -- about 80 percent of our time fighting those things. "No," we said, "We're not going to play this game."
We picked our battle. And we said, "We're going to get out there, and we're going to fight for Alaska's issues," which usually involve energy independence. We're going to fight for these issues on a different plane. And we're not going to let you guys win. You're not going to let...
WALLACE: But -- but...
PALIN: You're not going to...
WALLACE: ... they're going to think they won, cause you're no longer governor. Let me -- let me just make...
PALIN: I don't think that they...
WALLACE: Let me just make this...
PALIN: I don't think that they think I -- look it. I'm sitting here talking to Chris Wallace today. I think some of them are going, "Dang, we thought she'd sit down and shut up after we tried to do to here what we tried."
WALLACE: Yes. Well I don't know that that's going to be
-- instead of this...
PALIN: And now we get to talk about energy independence.
Now we get to talk about those things that are important to Alaskans, and our country.
WALLACE: OK. But wait a minute. When -- before we were talking about Ronald Regan, do you openly admit he was your political inspiration...
WALLACE: ... really a formative figure in your...
WALLACE: ... developing of political consciousness?
Reagan during his entire second term as governor of California was a lame duck. Reagan in that second term was being sharply attacked by anti-war radicals. I can tell you, Ronald Reagan would never have quit.
PALIN: It's a big difference between just getting political pot shots fired your way. I can handle those. I get those -- shoot I -- I got more of those this morning. So what? That doesn't matter. But when it adversely affected the people that I was serving, that's bull. And I wasn't going to put up with that. Again millions of dollars -- a paralyzed administration. My staff not knowing what they could do or say, because the adversaries were continuing to obstruct. No way. I love Alaska too much to put them through that.
So in that last -- in that lame duck session I'm like no. I'm going to hand the reigns over to the lieutenant governor. He's as conservative as I am. He can progress our agenda -- a common sense conservative agenda for our state. And we can all get on with life.
WALLACE: You talk about new potshots. I think what you're probably referring to is that NBC has gotten a hold -- I'm sure you've heard -- of hundreds of emails in which your husband -- it was during your days as governor -- your husband, Todd, exchanged views with state officials about a judicial appointee, about appointments to -- to various state boards. A labor dispute -- was what he was doing appropriate?
PALIN: Absolutely. And you know there are so few people in the political world, and the media world that -- someone like me that we can trust. My husband is -- is -- he's my soul mate. He's my best friend. He's my number one advisor. I'm going to bounce things off Todd. Nothing confidential that couldn't be shared with others out there in the public. Todd never circulated anything that was confidential, and hadn't already been circulated.
WALLACE: But it's one thing to advise...
PALIN: He certainly had the right to express his opinion on things too. No, what NBC...
WALLACE: But it's one thing to advise you. He was also sending emails to state officials.
PALIN: He was forwarding on emails. And here's another thing. Todd and I being in some -- in some cases thousands of miles apart. If I emailed him about something -- say I was outside traveling. Todd's home. He's -- he's there at -- at a desktop, and I'm telling Todd, "Hey, Todd. Print this off for me. I'm going to grab it on my way home." Cause I work off a Blackberry constantly.
For practical reasons it helped too.
Todd helped as Alaska's first dude with no staff, with no office, being thousands of miles away in a -- a -- during a lot of times that with his job in Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope, and commercial fishing. He helped with workforce development issues.
Issues that meant a lot to him, and -- and people, yes, out there in the real world with car hearts (ph), and steel toed boots, and -- and hard hats trying to build this country. Todd helped in that respect.
He never got into the minutia of the politics. Todd's too good for that. He hates this kind of periphery political bull stuff that we go through. He's not a part of any of that. And, no. More power to Todd for being a good advisor, and a good practical person with common sense solutions.
WALLACE: We like to do a lightening round. Quick questions -- quick answers. So I want you to play along with me here.
PALIN: All right.
WALLACE: Attorney General Eric Holder -- should he step down?
PALIN: Sure. He should. And I think Rham Emanuel should step down too. I think these guys are giving our president wrong advice, and for a variety of reasons I would like him to step down...
WALLACE: And specifically Holder -- what...
PALIN: Yes. Yes. Because of the way that we are treating these terrorists allowing them our U.S. Constitutional protections when they do not deserve them.
WALLACE: Should the rule "don't ask -- don't tell" for the Military be revealed?
PALIN: I don't think so right now. I'm surprised that the President spent that on his State of the Union speech when he only spent about nine percent of his time in the State of the Union on national security issues. And I say that because there are other things to be worried about right now with the Military.
I think that's kind of on the back burner. It's sufficient for now.
To put so much time and effort and politics into it, unnecessary.
WALLACE: White House Chief of Staff -- you mention him -- Rahm Emanuel. You called him out. He used the "R" word. He said, "retarded." He has now apologized for using that word, met with activists, said he's going to join the campaign to try to eliminate use of that word --
PALIN: Oh, you know, Rahm Emanuel, I think he had some indecent and insensitive ways of being, including his language. And as I said for a variety go reasons, giving the President poor advice and his heavy handedness. I think he should step down.
I'm not politically correct. I am not one to be a word police. But I do believe that his insensitivity, in a time when I had just promised in my GOP convention speech that those with special needs and families and those who love those with special needs would have a friend, and a advocate in the White House if John McCain and I were so blessed as to be elected.
That didn't stop me because our votes didn't carry the day, we didn't win. That didn't stop my passion, my commitment to reaching out and to helping the special needs community when they asked for it. And they did ask for it on this one. They reached out to me and said, can you kind of highlight the problem that we have the White House, with both the President and his Chief of Staff being so insensitive to the special needs community. And I said, I'm here. Send me. I will do so.
WALLACE: OK. But Rush Limbaugh weighed in this week. And he said this:
"Our politically correct society is acting like some giant insult's taken place by calling a bunch of people who are retards, retards."
PALIN: He was satirical (ph) in that --
WALLACE: Wait a minute, let me finish.
WALLACE: "I mean, these people, these liberal activists are quote, kooks." Should Rush Limbaugh apologize?
PALIN: They are kooks, so I agree with Rush Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh was using satire to bring attention to what this politically correct --
WALLACE: But he used the "R" word.
PALIN: Using satire. Name calling by anyone -- I teach this to my children, you teach it to your children and your grandchildren, too. Name calling by anyone, it's just unnecessary. It just wastes time.
Let's speak to the issues and --
WALLACE: But you know what some people are going to say, Governor, and have said. They say, look, when it's her political adversary Rahm Emanuel, she's going to call him out, he's indecent, apologize. But when it's a political friend like Rush Limbaugh, oh it's satire
PALIN: I didn't hear Rush Limbaugh calling a group of people whom he did not agree with "F-ing retards." And we did know that Rahm Emanuel, it's been reported, did say that. That's a big difference there.
But again, name calling, using language that is insensitive by anyone -- male, female, Republican, Democrat, it's unnecessary, it's inappropriate and let's all just grow up.
WALLACE: All right. You can are a FOX News analyst so I want you to take off your political player hat and put the analyst hat on and really try and do your best job, almost like one of the commentators of the Super Bowl.
PALIN: Oh gee, I'll try. OK.
WALLACE: Handicap the 2012 GOP presidential race for us. Who's the front-runner?
PALIN: No idea. I have no idea.
WALLACE: You're not a very good analyst.
PALIN: Fire me then, Roger. Sorry. I already failed. But listen, no, we have some strong, some young terps (ph) in this party. Paul Ryan, I'm very impressed with Paul Ryan.
WALLACE: Congressman from Wisconsin.
PALIN: Yes. He's good. Man, he is sharp, he is smart, articulate and he is passionate about these common-sense solutions that America has got to adopt to get us on the right road.
I can name a whole lot of people.
WALLACE: Well, what about Romney and Huckabee and Pawlenty?
PALIN: As I say, I could name a whole lot of them but we don't have a whole lot of time. But I'm very impressed with many of the characters, the personalities of those with great intelligence in this party and I can't wait to see who rises to the surface, after hopefully some very competitive, contested primaries.
I'm all about competition. I'm all about, even on our local level and state level, I want to see contested primaries where we are forced via competition to work harder, produce better, be more efficient and that's what these contested primaries that I look forward to will produce.
WALLACE: You talk about rising to the top. There's a new poll out this week of Republican voters across the country and it shows someone named Sarah Palin leading the 2012 race by five points over Mitt Romney. Aren't you the front-runner for the nomination?
PALIN: Nope. Don't know who conducted that poll and I know that polls are fickle and heck, after this interview, Chris, we may see a plummeting in the poll numbers. Who knows. These are fickle. I can't comment on what the poll numbers mean today.
WALLACE: Why wouldn't you run for president?
PALIN: I would. I would if I believe that that is the right thing to do for our country and for the Palin family. Certainly, I would do so.
WALLACE: And how do you make that decision over the next three years?
PALIN: It's going to be thankfully a lot of time to be able to make such a decision. Right now, I'm looking at, as I say, other potential candidates out there who are strong. They're in a position of having the luxury of having more information at their fingertips right now. So that the current events that we're talking about today, they --
WALLACE: Wait, wait, wait. Because -- you're basically saying you will consider it.
PALIN: I think that it would be absurd to not consider what it is that I can potentially do to help our country. I don't know if it's going to be every seeking a title though. It may be just doing a darn good job as a reporter or covering some of the current events.
WALLACE: But you're going to consider, you're go to go through the process of thinking --
PALIN: I won't close the door that perhaps could be open for me in the future. I don't want any American to ever close the door in their personal or their professional lives and put themselves in a box and say, heck, yes I'm going to do that. Or, no way I'm not going to do that, when we don't know what the future holds.
WALLACE: There's a report this weekend that you are now getting daily e-mail briefings on domestic and foreign policy issues from a group of top advisors in Washington, D.C.
How come?
PALIN: Ever since our PAC was formed, we have had good people contributing. Some -- many volunteers, I guess you would call them advisors, yes, firing away e-mails to me every morning saying, this is what's happened in Washington overnight. You need to be aware of this. Good. It's great. It's helpful.
WALLACE: Do you -- isn't that the move of somebody who is thinking about running for president?
PALIN: You mean, conventionally how someone would -- I have no idea how conventionally people do this. How they try to open a door that's cracked, if it's even open. And if that involves having a group of advisors send them e-mails every morning. I don't know how any of that stuff works. I don't know, I'm just appreciative of having some good information at my fingertips right now.
WALLACE: Would you say that you're more knowledgeable about domestic and foreign affairs now than you were two years ago?
PALIN: Well, I would hope so. Yes, I am.
Two years ago my engagement was on the state of Alaska. Largest, most diverse state in the union. Twenty percent of the U.S. domestic supply of energy coming from our state, desiring to and working towards rampage up that domestic energy production. That was my focus.
Now, of course, my focus has been enlarged. So, I sure as heck better be more astute on these current events, national issues than I was two years ago.
WALLACE: I know that three years is an eternity in politics. But how hard do you think President Obama will be to defeat in 2012?
PALIN: It depends on a few things. Say he played, and I got this from Buchanan, reading one of his columns the other day. Say he played the war card. Say he decided to declare war on Iran, or decided to really come out and do whatever he could to support Israel, which I would like him to do. But that changes the dynamics in what we can assume is going to happen between now and three years. Because I think if the election were today, I do not think Obama would be re-elected.
But three years from now things could change if on the national security threat --
WALLACE: You're not suggesting that he would cynically play the war card.
PALIN: I'm not suggesting that. I'm saying, if he did, things would dramatically change if he decided to toughen up and do all that he can to secure our nation and our allies. I think people would perhaps shift their thinking a little bit and decide, well, maybe he's tougher than we think he is today. And there wouldn't be as much passion to make sure that he doesn't serve another four years --
WALLACE: But assuming he continues on the path that he going on and we don't have that rally around the flag (ph) --
PALIN: Then he's not going to win.
WALLACE: Not going to win?
PALIN: He's not going to win. If he continues on the path that he has American on today -- and here's the deal -- that's what a lot of Americans are telling him today and he's not listening. Instead he's telling everybody else, listen up and I'll tell you the way it is.
Well, we have a representative form of government in our democracy.
And we want him and we want Congress to listen to what those things are that we are saying. And that's what the Tea Party movement is about, too. It's not a well-oiled beautiful machine.
It's the people saying, please hear us. Congress, you have constitutional limits and we want you to adhere to those. We have free market principles that built out country. Mr. President, we want you to remember those. We want you to look back on successes in history, like what Reagan did in times of crisis. And, could you repeat those things because they are proven to succeed.
WALLACE: Word is that you're getting $100,000 for this speech this weekend. True?
PALIN: I'm not getting it. They're writing a check -- a $100,000 check. And as I've said from Day One on this, I'm turning right around and being able to contribute it back to the cause. That means to people, to events --
WALLACE: So you're going to use your PAC and contribute it to candidates?
PALIN: I don't know if it's going to go to the PAC or if it goes to some non-profit or what.
Bottom line, I'm not personally benefiting from this. And the funny thing is, as I've had a lot of people, including a couple of talented people and talent at FOX say, funny thing about these type of speeches, Sarah you're an anomaly. Nobody ever has asked, are you getting paid for this? Or, what are you going to do with the money?
But, this is the new normal I think when it comes to me, is people wanting to have me under a microscope and figure out every little detail of my life, including speaking fees.
Bottom line, Tea Party movement, I'm giving the money back to the cause.
WALLACE: Finally, regardless of whether you ever run for political office or not. What role do you want to play in the country's future?
PALIN: First and foremost I want to be a good mom. And I want to raise happy, healthy, independent children. And I want them to be good citizens of this great country.
And then I do want to be a voice for some common-sense solutions. I'm never going to pretend like I know more than the next person. I'm not going to pretend to be an elitist. In fact, I'm going to fight the elitist because for too often and for too long now, I think the elitists have tried to make people like me and people in the heartland of America, feel like we just don't get it and big government is just going to have to take care of us.
I want to speak up for the American people and say, no, we really do have some good common-sense solutions. I can be a messenger for that.
Don't have to have a title to do it.
WALLACE: Can I get a "you betcha" out of it?
PALIN: Oh, you betcha.
WALLACE: Governor, thank you.
PALIN: Thank you.
WALLACE: Now that you've found the way to FOX NEWS SUNDAY, I hope you'll come back.
PALIN: Thank you, I will.
Wild Thing's comment......
This was the best interview I have ever seen with Palin.
Not ONE “Let me be Clear” phrase from Sarah. How refreshing is that!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 PM | Comments (4)
February 03, 2010
Sarah Palin Wants Rahm Fired
Are You Capable of Decency, Rahm Emanuel?
The newly-released mind-boggling, record-smashing $3,400,000,000,000 federal budget invites plenty of opportunity to debate the merits of incurring more and more debt that will drown the next generation of Americans. Never has it been possible to spend your way out of debt. So... let the debate begin.
Included in the debate process will be opportunities for our president to deliberate internally the wisdom of this debt explosion, along with other economic, military and social issues facing our country. Our president will discuss these important issues with Democrat leaders and those within his inner circle. I would ask the president to show decency in this process by eliminating one member of that inner circle, Mr. Rahm Emanuel, and not allow Rahm’s continued indecent tactics to cloud efforts. Yes, Rahm is known for his caustic, crude references about those with whom he disagrees, but his recent tirade against participants in a strategy session was such a strong slap in many American faces that our president is doing himself a disservice by seeming to condone Rahm’s recent sick and offensive tactic.
The Obama Administration’s Chief of Staff scolded participants, calling them, “F---ing retarded,” according to several participants, as reported in the Wall Street Journal.
Just as we’d be appalled if any public figure of Rahm’s stature ever used the “N-word” or other such inappropriate language, Rahm’s slur on all God’s children with cognitive and developmental disabilities – and the people who love them – is unacceptable, and it’s heartbreaking.
A patriot in North Andover, Massachusetts, notified me of Rahm’s “retarded” slam. I join this gentleman, who is the father of a beautiful child born with Down Syndrome, in asking why the Special Olympics, National Down Syndrome Society and other groups condemning Rahm’s degrading scolding have been completely ignored by the White House. No comment from his boss, the president?
As my friend in North Andover says, “This isn’t about politics; it’s about decency. I am not speaking as a political figure but as a parent and as an everyday American wanting my child to grow up in a country free from mindless prejudice and discrimination, free from gratuitous insults of people who are ostensibly smart enough to know better... Have you no sense of decency, sir?”
Mr. President, you can do better, and our country deserves better.
- Sarah Palin
Rahm Apologizes for Privately Calling Liberal Activists "Retarded"
Jack Tapper
White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel apologized to the head of the Special Olympics today after the Wall Street Journal reported the fiery Chicagoan privately called a group of liberal activists "f---ing retarded."
Last August, Emanuel "showed up at a weekly strategy session featuring liberal groups and White House aides," the Journal's Peter Wallsten reported. "Some attendees said they were planning to air ads attacking conservative Democrats who were balking at Mr. Obama's health-care overhaul. 'F—ing retarded,' Mr. Emanuel scolded the group, according to several participants. He warned them not to alienate lawmakers whose votes would be needed on health care and other top legislative items."
A White House official confirms that Emanuel made the remark and reports that Emanuel called Tim Shriver last week when the Journal story first appeared to apologize to the disabled community and the apology was accepted.
Wild Thing's comment........
I had no idea Rahm had even said this..WOW..what a disgraceful, disgusting comment to make. Good take down by Sarah. She knows lecturing them gets deep under their skin.
Rahm Emanuel - the nasty ballerina.
This is the second time the White House has offended the Special Olympics.
And this quote of his happened last AUGUST. He's only now apologizing? It shows his heart. If he were sincere he would have apologized last August, but now that he got called out he's apologizing solely for political expediency's sake. Pffft.. Thanks to Sarah for laying into him.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (7)
January 21, 2010
" I Just Love Doing That!"
Wild Thing's comment..........
The left is soooo predictible with their hate and fear of Sarah Palin.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (4)
January 19, 2010
Sarah Palin To Make VIP Appearance At Daytona 500
Palin to make VIP appearance at Daytona 500
Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin will be a VIP guest at next month's Daytona 500.
Daytona International Speedway president Robin Braig says Palin will make her first appearance at NASCAR's most storied track the day before she serves as guest speaker at the city's annual chamber of commerce dinner.
Palin won't have any official role in the Daytona 500, but the former Alaska governor will be introduced at the pre-race drivers meeting along with other celebrities.
Braig says track officials checked with NASCAR's political advisers before signing off on Palin's visit. Braig says the reaction was to "showcase her just as much as we would our mayor, our governor or our senators."
Wild Thing's comment......
I wonder if they will let her drive the pace car.
This is OUTSTANDING! You betcha! Now, picture Obama doing the same thing.........I thought so. LOL
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (15)
January 12, 2010
Sarah Palin to Contribute to Fox News and Starts Tonight
Governor Palin Joins FoxNews (FoxPromo 2010-01-11)
Sarah Palin joins Fox News as a contributor! Sarah Palin will debut on The O’Reilly Factor TONIGHT, Tuesday at 8p ET for her first official day on the job.
Former Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska has signed on as a contributor to the Fox News Channel.
The network confirmed that Ms. Palin would appear on the network’s programming on a regular basis as part of a multiyear deal. Financial terms were not disclosed.
Ms. Palin will not have her own regular program, one person with knowledge of the deal said, though she will host a series that will run on the network from time to time. This person would not elaborate, but the network does have a precedent for such a series. Oliver L. North is the host of an occasionally running documentary series on the military called “War Stories.”
Many suspected that when Ms. Palin retired as the governor of Alaska last summer she was doing so to pursue some sort of career in television. The Fox News deal, however, would not seem to be all-encompassing, and would appear to give her room for other pursuits, as well.
The deal was formally announced on Monday afternoon. Robert Barnett, Ms. Palin’s lawyer, did not respond to a call for comment. “I am thrilled to be joining the great talent and management team at Fox News. It’s wonderful to be part of a place that so values fair and balanced news,” Ms. Palin said in a statement.
Fox News' Brett Baier a good guy welcomes the new FOX contrinuttor from his show.
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has signed a multi-year deal with FOX News to serve as a contributor across all FOX News platforms, announced Bill Shine, Executive Vice President of Programming.
In making the announcement, Shine said, "Governor Palin has captivated everyone on both sides of the political spectrum and we are excited to add her dynamic voice to the FOX News lineup." As a contributor, Palin will provide political commentary and analysis for FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOXNews.com, and FOX News-produced special event political programming for FOX Broadcasting.
In addition, she will host periodic episodes of FNC's "Real American Stories," a series exploring inspirational real-life tales of overcoming adversity throughout the American landscape that will debut in 2010.
Palin added, "I am thrilled to be joining the great talent and management team at FOX News. It's wonderful to be part of a place that so values fair and balanced news."
Also, Bill O'Reilly's producer appeared on FOX News's online streaming show, The Strategy Room this afternoon and announced Palin would be appearing on O'Reilly Tuesday night as her first contributor appearance.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Great news - expect a huge response from the left - squawking and bleating - it will be such fun to watch them pull their hair out. The best part is when Fox’s ratings rise due to her appearances the libs will bitch and moan and be confused why it happened. (while they tune in to watch)
I love this. She trained in TV Journalism. This is a perfect fit, and she can come and go as she pleases.
This would be like Ronald Reagan's career in radio. His commentary kept him in the public eye and vastly increased his positives as the Great Communicator right up until he declared as a candidate for president.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (10)
January 08, 2010
Palin rebuffs CPAC, Keene ~ GOOD For Sarah!
Palin rebuffs CPAC, Keene
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Pain is turning down an invitation to speak at one high-profile conservative gathering while accepting another.
Palin is declining an invitation to address the Conservative Political Action Conference next month because, a source said, she does not want to be affiliated with the longtime organizer of the traditional movement confab.
At issue is the role of David Keene, head of the American Conservative Union which organizes CPAC. In September, POLITICO reported that Keene asked FedEx for between $2 million and $3 million to get the group’s support in a bitter legislative battle with rival UPS.
A source close to the Palin camp says that request led to a decision to stay away from the upcoming CPAC conference, calling it a forum that will place “special interests over core beliefs” and “pocketbook over policy.”
“That’s not what CPAC should be about and people are tiring,” the source said. “Palin is taking a stance against this just as she did in Alaska.”
When asked about the move, Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton said: “We support those who advance our core beliefs and lead by principle.”
In the past Keene has criticized Palin in the conservative press, telling Newsmax in July that she was "whining" about her press coverage and was not yet ready for primetime.
"Conservatives like her, but you've got to have more than that," Keene told the outlet. "You've got to be more than a rock star. If in fact she's interested in the presidency, she has got to establish herself as someone you can envision in the Oval Office. And it's become more difficult to envision than it was at the time of the election."
While Palin was turning down CPAC, she accepted an invitation to the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans this April.
"I'm looking forward to addressing conservative activists from across the south at the 2010 Southern Republican Leadership Conference," Palin said in a statement announcing her attendance. "This is a great opportunity to listen and speak to those who are helping to set the direction of our party."
While Palin has received hefty payments for other speeches, her appearance at the SRLC will not be paid.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Smart move. CPAC seems to be turning into some kind of circus.
It is refreshing to have a “politician” stay true to their own values, and not be sucked in with the rest of the crowd.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (6)
January 03, 2010
"Sarah Palin, Man of the Year"
Sarah Palin, Man of the Year
by Don Surber ( a columnist with the Charleston Daily Mail )
2009 was an extraordinary year in which ordinary people did extraordinary things not because they were the easy things to do, but because they were the right thing to do. The people ranged from young Hannah Giles who jump-started her journalism career by donning a hooker’s garb to bring down the racketeer influenced corrupt organization known as ACORN, to Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger III, who culminated the decades of his life that he worked toward airline safety simply by landing an engineless plane on the Hudson River.
Michael Paul Mizzone, a carpenter’s business representative, pulled Josef R. Bruckuf, 82, out of a burning house, severely burning himself in the rescue. Police Sergeant James Crowley refused to buckle under presidential pressure and apologize for arresting a belligerent man. Economist Douglas W. Elmendorf refused to buckle under presidential pressure to cook the books for Obamacare.
The list of such candidates was long as the United States and Canada are nations that still celebrate and nurture rugged individualism. We still produce people like Stephen McIntyre who demand proof before they sign onto the global warming fad.
And lest we forget, the Netherlands gave us Jasper Schuringa, who saved Flight 253. The Dutch have our gratitude.
While each of the finalists was deserving, there can be only one man of the year — Sarah Palin. In the pantheon of people who stood up this year for that which is right, no one else stood taller or looked better.
She endured the most and came to symbolize the majority of American citizens who are stunned by the attempt to rapidly dismantle this great nation of ours and transform it into another Euro-weenie socialist country that apologizes for trying to save the rest of the world over the years.
The cynic in me said I should honor the person most responsible for reviving the conservative movement — Barack Obama. His arrogance and over-reach gave people pause. The plunder of the treasury in February caused even apolitical people to question his true motives. His slide to 44% approval among voters came lightning quick and we all know that thunder follows lightning.
But conservatives make lousy cynics. Skeptics yes. We refuse to act now, think later. This is why so many of us were cool to the theory of global warming. Climategate proved us correct. We may be suspicious, but being conservative means never saying things will not get better someday. Usually tomorrow. Conservatives are patient. Wait till next year became the battle cry by August. We shall see how that works out in November.
This post originally was written as the runner-up slot. Most readers thought Sarah Palin would be the first Man of the Year of the Don Surber blog, but I had other plans. Just as in the Miss Alaska contest a quarter-century ago, she would be the runner-up. Rush Limbaugh’s CPAC speech was a magical moment in American history and so he would win.
The more I thought about it, though, the more I realized that while Rush Limbaugh deserved the award, Mrs. Palin did even more for the conservative movement, and therefore for America, this year than even he did. In the final days, they switched places.
Naming Sarah Palin as Man of the Year is the only logical conclusion to a year when Americans who petitioned their government for a redress of grievances were smeared as “un-American” by the people who are temporarily in charge.
And still the people rose up.
Mrs. Palin has endured more slings and more arrows than any other politician in America. She may not have gone into any burning buildings, but she was singed nonetheless. Had Obama’s mansion deal received one-tenth the scrutiny that her shopping for clothes received, we conservatives would be grousing today about President Hillary. All things considered, Mrs. Clinton would have been the better president than this one.
The personal attacks on Mrs. Palin this year were so vile that if she were the Rutgers women’s basketball team, David Letterman would have lost his job. But CBS put profits above decency. Letterman had no problem calling her a slut and her daughter a slut on national TV; it upped his ratings as liberal misogyny is alive and well and profitable.
His offer of a half-assed apology with an invitation to come on his show and boost his ratings was met with an the iciest No of the year, so cold that it actually shocked him into giving a real apology.
Mrs. Palin moved on, marching to the beat of the American drummer. She caught hell from the left for another year, and began firing back. Her Facebook posts are well-written and thought out. Tagging Obamacare as having “death panels” rattled the lefty cages and woke up Americans to the rationing of health care that was right around the bend.
Not all the criticisms of her were without substance. Many of us remain puzzled by her decision to resign abruptly as the governor of Alaska. But her campaign for the 2012 presidency continues despite this misstep. She stood up for what is right and held her head high as she marched forward — ever forward.
Half the people of the United States love her for hanging in there. They love her for sharing their values of home, hearth and country. They love her for being of the the people, by the people and for the people.
Oh, not the elites and the elitist wannabes. The little potty-mouthed drones on the left think they are so sophisticated as they mock 14-year-old girls, babies with Down syndrome and people who shop at Wal-Mart. The Washington Post’s book reviewer bragged that she did not read Sarah Palin’s book. Ignorance is now a status symbol for the left.
Ordinary people did read her book and they were impressed. The people who shop at Wal-Mart bought 1 million copies of her autobiography in just 2 weeks. Thousands of them stood in line by the thousands in the freezing nights of November and December just to get her autograph. She is of them — a hockey mom who is naive, unsophisticated and learning just how rotted from within America’s political system has become. She beat corruption in Wasilla. She beat corruption in Alaska. And well, she finished 2009 with a higher approval rating than The Won.
She did this despite nearly universal adulation in the press for him and nearly universal condemnation in the press for her.
The people know the elites hate her. Dumping on her has gone beyond the point of reason. The Tina Feying of her backfires anymore. We get it already. The more they mock her, the deeper the resolve of her fans. The odd thing is, her detractors slam her because Sarah Palin boosts ratings. They are trying to stop the hurricane with a beach umbrella.
Her appearance on Oprah Winfrey pushed Oprah’s ratings — which have sagged since Oprah publicly endorsed Obama — up by 68%. Mrs. Palin gave Oprah her highest ratings in 2 years, easily topping the appearances by anyone named Obama.
She is genuine. Her beliefs in freedom, in independence and in community service reflect how she was raised. She does not hide who she is. There are no ulterior motives. There is no one underneath her bus.
The question anymore is not whether she is ready for the presidency — unlike our current president, she has had her mettle tested in fire several times now and passed with quite more than a gentleman’s B+ — but rather the question is whether she is too pretty to be president.
Sarah Palin, Man of the Year of the Don Surber blog for 2009.
The other finalists:
Rush Limbaugh, Man of the Year Runner-up.
and you can go HERE to see the others.
Wild Thing's comment.........
And to the women libbers that will be offended by Sarah being referred to as a man. Taken as a verb, the word "man" means to take charge of a job. This Sarah Palin does with vigor.
Go get em Sarah! Keep up the great work!
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (13)
December 20, 2009
The Palin Wonder – by Jamie Glazov
The Palin Wonder – by Jamie Glazov
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Victor Davis Hanson, a classicist and historian at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution.
FP: Victor Hanson, welcome to Frontpage Interview.
Hanson: Glad to be here again.
FP: Sarah Palin is, clearly, carving out a national presence right now. It’s not just the appeal of her book, but also her outspokenness on the Copenhagen conference and other issues. What do you think she might be up to? And what is she tapping into? What are her possibilities?
Hanson: I think she taps into a current of populist unhappiness in the country with Washington insiders, Big Money, and condescending elites in the media and popular culture. The Wasilla mom of five, married to the snow-mobile champ, is simply the antithesis of all that. She senses the general disgust with an insider class that has nearly bankrupted the country through insane federal spending and equally insane financial speculation. She resonates in this regard mostly through an authentic middle-class upbringing, the real-world living of Alaska, natural intelligence, spunk and drive that sent one from the Wasilla city-council to the governorship of Alaska—and common sense answers like less government, lower taxes, more self-reliance, and national confidence.
Her can-do “let’s develop our own energy and spend no more than we earn” creed has a reassurance in these days. People root for her. The Ivy-Leaguers in government, whether the lawyer Obama or the economist Summers, haven’t exactly wowed the public with their studied brilliance so far.
Palin feels at ease with Middle America, and in a strange way is the antithesis to Barack Obama. Both are young, and charismatic, and appeal to populist constituencies. But whereas Obama came out of a Honolulu prep school and elite Ivy League hot-house, and had to acquire, quite artificially, his street credentials at the foot of Rev. Wright and in the Chicago scratch-back world of Valerie Jarrett and Mayor Daley, Palin was a true product of the working class and took on rather than swam into the status quo political structure.
That fact was sadly lost in 2008, but it is starting to ring true as her popularity rises and Obama’s declines. Remember, though, these are mostly perceptions still, and Palin will have to give long interviews, do debates, lecture, write, and show a public grasp of the issues in the way that earlier charismatic, non-career politicians like Eisenhower and Reagan could—in contrast to flash in the pans like a Wesley Clark. For 2008 and much of 2009 the left and the media successfully caricatured her as a creationist, white-supremacist, Christianist nut, but that demonization is wearing off. Quite simply, the more the public sees her, the more it likes her—and that’s not true of most politicians like a Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid—or Barack Obama.
FP: Can you expand a bit on what is it that the liberal-Left hates so much about Palin?
Hanson: Well, well, let us count the ways:
1) Feminists resent her stance on abortion, not just her pro-life views, but the fact she delivered a challenged child in her 40s and her teen-daughter delivered an out of wedlock boy; for many professional women on the up and up, those decisions are not just absurd but scary.
2) The elite Left was furious over her populist appeal, particularly her charm, good looks, accent, and appearance. In sum, their view was “don’t hoi polloi know, as we do, that this glitzy thing is a moose-hunting mom with an Idaho BA? To a Maureen Dowd or Sally Qunin, a Christian mom, who hunts, lives in Alaska, and is married to Todd is OK—but not OK if she thinks she can come east and run their US.
3) She’s an interloper outside the normal cursus honorum. Almost all our female columnists, many of our politicians, and several of our TV personalities either married into, or were born into, influence and can trace some of their careers to the wealth or influence of powerful husbands, fathers, and mentors. Not Palin—she had no family or marital connections, no money, no powerful fixer, she’s a genuine up-from-the-bootstraps sort of feminist that, oddly, feminists don’t define as feminist.
4) Conservative, attractive women, with traditional marriages and child-raising, for a variety of reasons, earn media scorn;
4) She scares the Left by her star power; few in America can fill stadia like she can—and that worries the powers that be. Populism is supposed to be a leftist phenomenon, but when a conservative resonates with the folks, that raises concern.
5) Finally, her accent, her demeanor, her poorly prepared interviews with Couric and Gibson all cemented for many intellectuals and cultural grandeess, both left and right, the idea that she was hickish. Many tsk-tsked her in snobbish disdain.
FP: What do you think of Palin?
Hanson: I both admire and worry about her. She has exuberance and natural intelligence, coupled with energy and toughness and a certain fearlessness, and doesn’t seem to be a trimmer, but consistently articulates a common-sense position on the issues. On the other hand, she has so many obstacles in a strictly political sense to overcome. She is based thousands of miles away from New York and Washington. She is the mother of 5 and has little money, or powerful friends. The East-Coast Right dislikes her as much as the liberal elite. With young children, the Levi Johnston mess, the resignation from the governorship, the constant traveling to earn an income for her large dependencies, she is burning the candle at both ends. So I admire her pluck, but again worry that her present frenzied pace is unsustainable.
FP: What advice would you give to Palin?
Hanson: After her book tour ends and she has earned some money, I wish she would hunker down somewhere to write, recharge and contemplate things. A month at Hillsdale College, for example, where, in friendly and supportive surroundings, she could debate, talk to faculty, read and write would be wonderful, or in fact a month almost anywhere she could review issues, have her views tested and debated, and do some in depth reading and discussion would be great.
If she wrote a weekly column or did a bi-weekly radio address, in the fashion of Reagan, that too would allow her to both support her family and at the same time master the intricacies of modern national politics. She has so many gunning for her, that she needs to be proactive. Joe Biden did not know that FDR was not President in 1929 or that TV was still experimental—but given his status, the media shucked “Oh, that’s just Joe!” Obama can be clueless about state geography, a 50-state union, or the basics of US history, but that’s because “he’s tired and has so much on his mind.” Wasilla moms has no such margin of error.
The good news is that she is so energetic, naturally talented, and charismatic, that, with a few weeks prep, she could redo the Couric interview and sparkle. What happened in 2008, was that she went from a supportive populace in Alaska to a hostile prime-time lion’s den, without proper appreciation that she was the antithesis of most of the values and lifestyles of those who would write and comment on her—and they were waiting for her in a way I think she did not anticipate. That said, I think we can already see that she is becoming media-savvy and picking her venues carefully.
FP: Victor Hanson, thank you for joining Frontpage Interview.
Wild Thing's comment........
Great comments by Victor Davis Hanson. Hanson has superior insight with historic perspective and the ability to express himself very clearly so it is a treat to read his take on Sarah. Not surprised he’s a fan.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (6)
December 12, 2009
Sarah Palin Makes Surprise Appearance on 'Tonight Show'
Sarah Palin on The Tonight Show w/Conan O'Brien & William Shatner
Sarah Palin made a surprise appearance on “The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien” on Friday — and turned the tables on actor William Shatner.
In recent appearances on the late-night television show, Shatner has adopted a serious pose and recited some of Palin’s less serious observations.
He was brought out again Friday to read passages from Palin’s blockbuster “Going Rogue.” The carefully selected passages included ones about rapper Kid Rock and stalking sheep.
Afterward, it was Palin’s turn to read from Shatner’s autobiography, “Up Till Now.” The former Alaska governor’s selections included one in which Shatner talks about visiting an African elephant “in my underwear.”
After the readings, there appeared to be no hard feelings. The two left the stage arm-in-arm.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Sarah on NBC network-— OPPOSITE Letterman!! LOL Love it!
Sarah is unstoppable now that she’s calling her own shots. Sarah got absolutely HUGE applause from Conan O'Brien's audience. That was a really funny segment with William Shatner, and Sarah did a fantastic job... she's a natural!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (9)
December 07, 2009
Palin Pokes Fun At Herself At Journalists' Dinner
Palin pokes fun at herself at journalists' dinner
Sarah Palin poked fun at herself in a speech to journalists Saturday night, drawing laughter when she announced she "came down from my hotel room and I could see the Russian embassy."
The 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate also joked that she had orginally thought of titling her book "How To Look Like a Million Bucks, or Only $150,000" before settling on "Going Rogue." In one of the controversies surrounding her candidacy, the campaign spent about $150,000 on her wardrobe.
Palin was the Republican speaker at the winter dinner of the Gridiron Club, an organization of Washington-based journalists.
Rep Barney Frank, D-Mass., represented the Democrats.
Palin targeted her hosts, Democrats and Sen. John McCain's campaign staff, as well as herself.
If the election had turned out differently, she said, "I could be the one overseeing the signing of bailout checks and vice president Biden could be on the road selling his book, 'Going Rogaine.'" Biden has sparse hair.
The crack about seeing the Russian embassy from her hotel referred to Palin having told an interviewer during last year's campaign that her qualifications for high office included that "you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska."
As for her hosts, she said she was glad to be appearing before an elite audience of leading intellectuals, "or as I like to call it, a death panel."
McCain's campaign staff also came in for a barb from the former Alaska governor when she said she is touring the country by bus as she sells her book.
"The view is so much better from inside the bus than under it," she said, referring to the poisonous relations between her and some of the McCain campaign staff.
Focusing on criticism she has received from Steve Schmidt, a senior strategist in McCain's presidential campaign, she said, "If I need a bald campaign manager I guess I'm left with James Carville," a Democrat.
In her book, she wrote that Schmidt felt she wasn't prepared enough on policy matters and even wondered if she was suffering from postpartum depression following the April 2008 birth of her son Trig, who has Down syndrome.
Palin, who resigned as governor following her vice presidential campaign, is a potential contender for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.
Greta Van Susteren managed to obtain the text of her speech. Below is an excerpt:
Good evening. It’s great to be in Washington and I am loving the weather. I braved the elements and went out for a jog! Or, as Newsweek calls it, a cover-shoot. It’s a privilege to be here tonight at the Washington DC Barnes & Noble. Tonight, I'll be reading excerpts from my new book. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? “Going Rogue”
Yukon wasn’t sure if I’d go with that title and somebody suggested I follow the East Coast selfhelp trend and go with, “How To Look Like A Million Bucks…For Only 150 Grand.” Todd liked, “The Audacity of North Slope.” Hey, I considered not having a title at all. I’ve said it before, but you Beltway types just don’t seem to get it. You don’t need a title to make an impact.
But anyway, let’s get started. I’ll begin my first reading on Page 209.
It was pitch black when we touched down in Arizona late on August 27, 2008. The next morning we drove to John McCain’s ranch in Sedona. John was waiting on the porch. Before he can say a word, I tell him, I'm quoting now. I know why I’m here, and I’m ready. But, I'm worried. The cost of credit protection for the largest U.S. banks is rising precipitously. Have you given any thought to the run on the entities in the parallel banking system? Do you realize the vulnerability created when these institutions borrow short term in liquid markets to invest long term in illiquid assets? John said, “you betcha!” I thought, “you betcha?” Who talks that way?
Well, sometimes you just have to trust your instincts. When you don’t, you end up in places like this. Who would have guessed that I’d be palling around with this group? At least now I can put a face to all the newspapers I read. It is good to be here and in front of this audience of leading journalists and intellectuals. Or, as I call it, a death panel.
To be honest, I had some serious reservations about coming to visit your cozy little club. The Gridiron still hasn’t offered membership to anyone from my hometown paper in Wasilla, the Matanuska-Susitna Valley Frontiersman. And my dad thought it was just a plain bad idea to leave the book tour for some football game. He might have a point!
I’ve been touring this great, great land of ours over the last few weeks. I have to say, the view is much better from inside the bus, than under it! But really, I am thrilled to be with you. And I’d like to thank the Gridiron for the invitation and Dick Cooper for his introduction. To paraphrase John F. Kennedy, this has to be the most extraordinary collection of people who have gathered to viciously attack me since the last corporate gathering at CBS.
Wild Thing's comment..........
LOL I love it.
She has been through so much yet she has the ability to just smile, take it all in, and keep on laughing. This is great, sounds like she had a great time. And the media was obsessed with her, there were lines before the event with members of the press and others who attended waiting to shake her hand.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (10)
December 04, 2009
Huckabee on Palin:"She has a very different political direction than I do" ~ NO Kidding, Sarah Rocks!
Huckabee on Palin: 'She has a very different political direction than I do'
Former Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-Ark.) on Wednesday sought to put distance between former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) and himself.
Huckabee, in an interview with Christianity Today, stressed that the two potential 2012 presidential candidates have different “political direction[s]” and questioned both of their statuses as presidential contenders.
“We’re both Republican, we’re both pro-life—there are a lot of similarities that way—but she has a very different political direction than I do,” he said. ” I’m not sure of her future politically, and I’m really not sure of mine either.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Yes, a VERY different political direction. Sarah Palini is a Conservative, and you’re an idiot. Huckabee is headed into obscurity. Earth to Huck.... you dont have a political future now go away.
Huckabee sent out millions of robocalls in the southern states accusing Fred Thompson of being pro-abortion. That was what killed Fred, since his best bet, after the opening primaries stacked in liberal crossover states, was to do well in the South.
And, in making those calls, Huckabee flat out lied about Fred. But it was too late to undo the damage.
My. God. Reacting to a letter from a public official about a very serious matter with sarcasm?
The man is not fit to be President. Most of us conservatives figured that out last year.
This letter is from 2004, and is generally directed at Gov. Huckabee for his clemency actions, and to the effects of these actions specifically to the county where Mr. Hirschfeld is/was the prosecutor. The letter from Hirschfeld seems sincere, and the reaction to it is obviously out of bounds by the Governor and his office.
Huckabee "Laughed Out Loud" at Prosecutors Objections To Clemency
In 2000, Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas, commuted the sentence of Maurice Clemmons. Clemmons had been convicted in Arkansas for a series of burglaries and robberies that began in 1989, and would not have been eligible for parole until 2021. But Mr. Huckabee, who as governor granted more than 1,000 pardon or clemency requests, made him eligible for immediate parole.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (6)
Sarah Palin on the Rusty Humphries Radio Show Was Asked About Obama's Birth Certificate and His Associations
Palin On Rusty Humphries show Part 1 (Dec 3 2009)
You can listen to the entire video or go to 6:45 and start there.
Sarah Palin on the Rusty Humphries radio show today where she said she believes the issue of President Barack Obama's Birth Certificate is fair game as an issue, as well as his past radical associations.
Palin said she did not know that the birth certificate is an issue she would need to bring up, because she said the public is bringing it up. But she did say she thinks her campaign with John McCain did not make enough of an issue about Obama's radical associations.
Rusty:Would you make the birth certificate an issue if you ran?
Sarah Palin:
I think the public, rightfully, is still making it an issue. I don’t have a problem with that. I don’t know if I would have to bother to make it an issue ’cause I think there are enough members of the electorate who still want answers.
Rusty: Do you think it’s a fair question to be looking at?
Sarah Palin:
I think it’s a fair question, just like I think past associations and past voting record — all of that is fair game. You know, I’ve got to tell you, too: I think our campaign, the McCain/Palin campaign didn’t do a good enough job in that area. We didn’t call out Obama and some of his associates on their records and what their beliefs were and perhaps what their future plans were. And I don’t think that that was fair to voters to not have done our jobs as candidates and as a campaign to bring to light a lot of the things that now we’re seeing made manifest in the administration.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I don't listen to Rusty's show, I only even heard of him about a month ago. haha But I liked how Sarah answered the questions and I LOVE how she is direct and does not do that verbal dance and never answers like so many in politics do all the time.
She just said that Obama's Birth Certificate is fair game..."
She is right! There are way too many historical records and files that pertain to Obama that are less-accessible than Charles Manson right-now.
And THAT'S totally and Constituitionally-Unacceptable for a man who's been entrusted with the Most Responsibility-laden job in the United States of America, if not the entire earth.
Sarah’s clear thinking is such a fresh breeze compared to nearly any other politician. She’s simply fearless, and speaks the plain truth without guile.
I hadn’t thought about what she thinks of the bc controversy, but I should have guessed that she would see the obvious disconnect between what Obama has claimed, and what he has done, in regards to his bc/eligibility/paper trail.
If he is eligible, as he says he is, then he would have shown the world his bc a long time ago. This question never would have (and never should have) become a controversy, if Obama could prove his bona fides.
LMAO oh my gosh look at this!!!!! David Plouffe, Campaign manager, is BEGGING I tell you. He wants all of us, all of America to buy his book. hahahhaaha
Plouffe: "Going Rogue, it's selling predictably well, it's selling about like distortions and mistruths would at a tea party rally...Now her book obviously talks about her vision which was completely rejected on November 4th 2008 by the America people and I think would take us into the complete wrong direction.
He wants everyone to buy Audacity to Win, to beat Palin in sales for one day & he'll donate a dollar.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:42 AM | Comments (5)
December 03, 2009
Sarah Palin Book Tour and the Jealous Hateful LEFT is Upset Sarah Sometimes Uses A Private Jet
Sarah Palin Booktour 12-2-2009 Springfield MO
Palin told an estimated crowd of 5,000 packed in Keeter Gymnasium at College of the Ozarks that despite her resignation, she is moving on “in the battle with new strategy.”
Or as her father, Chuck Heath, put it: “He said after my resignation speech, ‘Ah, she’s not retreating, she’s reloading.’
Palin was the keynote speaker tonight during a convocation that honored World War II veterans and others connected to the private college with “Great American” awards. Palin was the inaugural recipient of the award for her contributions to promoting patriotism, said College of the Ozarks President Jerry Davis.
Silver Dollar City co-owner Sharon “Sherry” Herschend, an alumna of the school, was among seven people who received a Great American Award from the college. The military veterans participated in a program where they visited battlefields with students to teach the young people about sacrifices their elders made, Davis said.
As part of Palin’s speaking contract, College of the Ozarks sought to ban reporters from covering the speech. But the News-Leader and other local media outlets obtained free tickets and sent reporters to cover the speech from the bleachers.
Sarah Palin Bus Tour Hits Speed Bump With Private Jet Controversy
Rogues, it seems, will be rogues: As she promotes her new book with an equally hyped down-home bus tour, former vice presidential candidate and Alaska governor Sarah Palin has been jetting to some stops on a Gulfstream II private jet, which rents for $4,000 an hour.
According to the blog Palingates, which first reported the story, Palin took the plane on Nov. 21, 23 and 25 between book tour stops in Rochester, N.Y., Roanoke, Va., Fort Bragg, N.C., Birmingham, Ala., and Orlando, Fla. On Nov. 25, she then flew to Pasco, Wash., for Thanksgiving and was met at the airport by a bevy of journalists who filmed the landing.
Larger media outlets have since played up the apparent bait-and-switch. Yesterday morning on ABC's Good Morning America, Diane Sawyer introduced a segment on Palin's private-jet use by saying that Palin "frequently can be seen photographed in front of the bus that she took on the road. But ... you don't often see photos of her in front of a very expensive private plane she's been taking." Correspondent David Wright then noted that Palin was traveling in style even as "her fans camped out in the bitter cold, just for the chance to meet her."
Palin responded to the reports Tuesday afternoon on her Facebook page. "If you're scratching your head wondering why my flight and hotel logistics warrant news coverage, join the club," she wrote.
Wild Thing's comment......
So Palin has a private jet she takes to fly the long distances, whoop-dee-do. Why not, it doesn't bother me one bit. I want her to be safe, to travel easily and why does it matter if it is in a bus or a plane. The left hates her so much.
Oh and I’m sure they’ll be right on that Nancy-Pelosi-flying-free-of-charge-in-military-jets thing anytime
now. ( tapping my foot, waiting, waiting, waiting )
Nancy Pelousy takes a GOVERNMNET jet that costs US $30,000 and hour to operate and that is okay.
Obama goes to China with SEVENTY ONE vehicles in his little parade (all shipped there via US government jets at the taxpayer’s expense on probably half a dozen jets) costing untold MILLIONS of dollars and the left doesn’t whisper a word.
For Pete's sake, are these same people outraged because Al Gore flies around in a private jet while telling the rest of us that our carbon output will destroy the earth?" NO they don't mind at all.
I have never seen anything like it. She drives the media to ever new psychotic episodes.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (9)
November 23, 2009
Palin Book Tour Draws Massive Michigan Crowd Including NBC's Andrea Mitchell Trying To Ask Questions
Sarah Palin Book Signing in Grand Rapids, MI
Sarah Palin at a book signing where she was asked some questions by NBC's Andrea Mitchell.
Andrea Mitchell was in the crowd of people and was being held back by police, but she still was able to ask a couple of questions. Later Andrea Mitchell had to acknowledged that there were 1500 people VERY early in line. Waiting outside the mall until they were allowed inside.
Palin book tour draws massive Michigan crowd
A crowd estimated at more than 1,500 already had lined up by mid-morning at a Grand Rapids, Mich., bookstore in advance of a 6 p.m. book signing by 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, whose book "Going Rogue" has already become a runaway bestseller -- one day after its release.
Die-hard fans of the former Alaska governor traveled from all over the state and began setting up outside a Barnes & Noble store in the city's Woodland Mall at around 9 p.m. last night, hunkering down in 30-degree overnight temperatures to camp out nearly a day ahead of Mrs. Palin's arrival.
The book store, located in the city's Kentwood area, had braced for massive crowds and handed out wristbands starting at 7 a.m. Wednesday on a first-come basis today for those hoping to see Mrs. Palin, who is slated to arrive by tour bus later this evening for a three-hour signing. Her book has sparked much interest and heavy dissection by media and political types as they feast on details from Mrs. Palin's early life and her personal account of her role in the 2008 presidential election.
Barnes & Noble spokeswoman Maddie Hjulstrom said the store has given out a limited number of wristbands based on how many books they think Mrs. Palin can reasonably sign, but said they have also created a standby line for those hoping that she will stay on and continue to sign for overflow fans, who she said are energized by her appearance.
"She has had a good history in Grand Rapids and the town is very excited to have her and to have this as the start of her book tour, " Ms. Hjulstrom said.
Wild Thing's comment..........
LOL the most powerful woman in America being a Conservative..it just kills them on the left. heh heh
Sometimes there is news that just makes one feel good. This is one little item that makes up for the deep disgust and sadness at the moronic attacks on Sarah Palin.
Go Sarah! Your energetic supporters love you!
I will never forget the look on Mitchell's face when she announced Sarah was the VP choice. I am no doctor, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn express last night, and if that wasn't the look of discomfort from some sort of "personal exam" I don't know what is.
Andrea Mitchell knows in her heart and soul this is the real deal, and it kills her.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (6)
November 22, 2009
Terrified and Dangerous Obama Seeks To Attack and Rebut Private Citizen Sarah Palin
President seeks $500,000 for ads to rebut Palin
Another e-mail from info@barackobama.com hit my inbox yesterday. The subject: Sarah Palin.
It begins: "Right now, Sarah Palin is on a highly publicized, nationwide book tour, attacking President Obama and his plan for health reform at every turn."
The mail goes on to say "It's dangerous. Remember, this is the person who coined the term "Death Panels" -- and opened the flood gates for months of false attacks by special interests and partisan extremists."
"Whatever lie comes next will be widely covered by the media, then constantly echoed by right-wing attack groups and others who are trying to defeat reform."
"So we're setting a big goal: $500,000 in the next week to help push back against Sarah Palin and her allies.....We need to be prepared. And we're counting on you help. Can you chip in $5?"
So it has come to this: a sitting president soliciting donations for counter-attack ads on a former VP nominee hockey mom that most of the mainstream media rediculed in the last election. If her claims are so outrageous, why bother spending the money to respond? Maybe because a lot of people are listening to her, and many of them might just agree with what she is saying.
Organizing for America, a fundraising arm of the DNC, sent an email to supporters today in an attempt to raise $500,000 off her assertion this fall that Democratic health care bills would create panels of government bureaucrats to decide end-of-life care.
The email asks Obama supporters to donate $5 to “help push back against Sarah Palin and her allies.”
Here’s the full email:
Right now, Sarah Palin is on a highly publicized, nationwide book tour, attacking President Obama and his plan for health reform at every turn.
It's dangerous. Remember, this is the person who coined the term "Death Panels" -- and opened the flood gates for months of false attacks by special interests and partisan extremists.
Whatever lie comes next will be widely covered by the media, then constantly echoed by right-wing attack groups and others who are trying to defeat reform.
As we approach the final sprint on health reform, we can't afford more deception and delay. We need to be ready for anything -- and have the resources to respond with ads, events, and calls to Congress when the attacks come.
So we're setting a big goal: $500,000 in the next week to help push back against Sarah Palin and her allies. Please chip in $5 to help reach our goal.
Earlier this month, Palin publicly said that she hopes health reform will be "dead on arrival." And since then, she's been working fiercely toward that goal.
On Tuesday, Palin went on Rush Limbaugh's radio show where she outrageously -- and falsely -- suggested that Americans could "face jail time as punishment" if they don't buy insurance.
Palin has many more interviews scheduled on Hannity and other conservative shows in the next few weeks, with more platforms to go after the President. As soon as she does, the rest of our opponents will likely parrot those attacks.
We need to be prepared. And we're counting on you help. Can you chip in $5?
Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America
Wild Thing's comment............
So a sitting president is campaigning against a private citizen.
Dictator Obama must raise the money. Without it, he can’t go up against her on his own. He has to buy off the media and politicians. One of the worst Presidents this country has ever had.
He can spend time on responding to a book tour, but sits there like jelly on a bun concerning troop deployments.
He is the 3M(Muslim-Marxist-Mulatto)POTUS!
Three months ( something like 84 days ) , since he was asked by the General for more troops and still DITHERING!
This just goes to show:
1. Ovomit is absolutely scared stiff of Sarah Palin
2. Ovomit will spare no legal or illegal means to attempt to destroy anyone not brainwashed by his continuous BS
3. Ovomit is nothing more than a street thug
4. Ovomit is the most classless son of a bitch who ever sat in the oval office
5. Ovomit loathes real Americans and thinks he's royalty
I think it is important to rembember the other high-profile thug arm of Obama politics:
Andy Stern, president of SEIU, visits the president 22 times that we know of......His Purple Shirts have so far beaten down a Town Hall protester in St. Louis resulting in a trip to the hospital, shoved and pushed other Town Hall protesters around, and has been observed stuffing the seats of Town Hall meetings so that the local constituency were shut out of the meetings and couldn't challenge the Socialized Health Care bill with their locally elected politician.
I hope she has strong security.....I really do. I fear for her safety with those rabid left-wing radical hate groups, or from this administration itself.
6. The Demoncratic Party has sunken to the likes of Stalin, Hitler and their all-time favorite Marxist - Fidel Castro
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (11)
November 19, 2009
Sarah Palin Interview on Hannity
Here is complete video of Gov. Sarah Palin's interview tonight with Sean Hannity. She was on for the full hour:
Sarah Palin interview on Hannity Pt 4 of 6
Sarah Palin interview on Hannity Pt 5 of 6
Sarah Palin interview on Hannity Pt 6 of 6
Palin on Nidal Hasan: "Profile Away"
by Associate editor Matthew Continetti
I spoke to Governor Palin by phone this afternoon. Lots of interesting material, but to me the most interesting takeaways were the following:
1) I asked about Palin's upcoming visit to Ft. Hood. "We had planned on that before the tragedy struck," she said. She commented on the trail of evidence linking the alleged Ft. Hood shooter, Maj. Nidal Hasan, to militant Islam. "There were such clear, obvious, massive warning signs that were missed," she said. "This terrorist, even having business cards" that identified him as an "SoA" or soldier of Allah. Palin blamed a culture of political correctness and other decisions that "prevented -- I'm going to say it -- profiling" of someone with Hasan's extremist ideology. "I say, profile away," Palin said. Such political correctness, she continued, "could be our downfall." If the upcoming investigations into the attack reveal bad decision-making on the part of senior officials, Palin continued, those officials ought to be fired.
Palin visits Ft. Hood on December 4. She plans to donate all the royalties from her book-signing there to the families of the victims.
2) I also asked Governor Palin about Attorney General Holder's decision to try September 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohamed in federal court in New York City.
"Does KSM deserve constitutional rights?" I asked.
Palin's response: "Not no, but hell no."
And she went on: "That was an atrocious decision," she said. "And it makes a mockery of our judicial system." She focused in particular on the fear that "war criminals" like KSM and his accomplices will use the trial as a "platform" to denigrate America.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Sarah is the America I grew up in.
I love how she answers questions in a direct, look you in the eye, straight forward way. So many politicians will never answer and when they do it is a half hour later and water down.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:49 AM | Comments (6)
November 17, 2009
Rush Limbaugh Interview With Sarah Palin as She Hits A Grand Slam
Rush Interviews Gov Palin pt 1 Nov 17
Rush Interviews Gov Palin pt 2 Nov 17
This is rough transcript
RUSH: We are going to open this hour with a rare personal interview, a rare guest. It doesn’t happen much on this program, but we are happy to have with us former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, whose book, Going Rogue, hits the shelves today and it’s already headed for I think a record in sales. Governor Palin, thanks for making time. It’s great to talk to you again. We spoke last Thursday in an interview for the Limbaugh Letter, but it’s great to have you here on the radio.
GOV. PALIN: Hey, thank you so much, and dittos from an Alaskan.
RUSH: Where are you, by the way? Where are we speaking to you from?
GOV. PALIN: In a hotel room in New York City. I’m going to do a couple of interviews after that and then head to Grand Rapids for the kickoff of the book tour.
RUSH: This is going to be exciting. Are you looking forward to that?
GOV. PALIN: I am so looking forward to this. I cannot wait to meet some of these good Americans all across this country. It’s going to be a blast.
RUSH: They can’t wait to meet you, judging by the reception you got during the campaign. Now, ladies and gentlemen, Governor Palin, when we spoke last Thursday I spoke to her a lot about the things in her book regarding the campaign. That stuff you’ll read in the Limbaugh Letter, and I predicted to Governor Palin then that much of her book would be ignored in light of the dirt that she was supposedly dishing from the campaign. So Governor Palin what I’d like to do here is go some different directions from what we did in the newsletter interview and start with the economy. We have 10.2% unemployment. We see no end in sight. The administration and others are suggesting next year could be just as bad with unemployment going up to 11%. What would you do differently than is being done now?
GOV. PALIN: It’s over 10%, and in fact it could be closer to 17 or 18 when you consider those who have kind of given up and not applying for unemployment benefits. So it’s bad, it’s really bad and then of course Fed Chair Bernanke announced that there are still weak job prospects for the very short term and probably long term, and that’s an uncomfortable place for our country to be. What we need to do is shift gears and really head in another direction because what we’re doing right now with the fed, it’s not working. We need to cut taxes on the job creators. This is all about jobs, creating jobs. We have to ramp up industry here in America, and of course reduce the federal debt, quit piling on and growing more. But those common sense solutions there, especially with the cutting taxes on the job creators, that’s not even being discussed. In fact, increased taxes is the direction it sounds like Obama wants to go.
RUSH: You mean that you don’t even hear it being discussed on the Republican side or within the administration?
GOV. PALIN: Within the administration, and as it is discussed on the Republican side, Republicans need to be bolder about it. Independents need to be bolder about that solution that has got to be considered and plugged in. This is the only solution that will be successful. We need to rehash some history that proves its success. Let’s go back to what Reagan did in the early eighties and stay committed to those common sense free market principles that worked. He faced a tougher recession than what we’re facing today. He cut those taxes, ramped up industry, and we pulled out of that recession. We need to revisit that.
RUSH: Why do you think this administration is ignoring that blueprint? What is their ultimate objective here? They’re sitting in the middle of abject failure of their number one stated goal, and that’s job creation. So what are they really trying to do here do you think?
GOV. PALIN: Well, you wonder, you wonder because history proves what will work and you wonder if they’re realizing that and if it’s just perhaps a stubbornness at this point that they are so committed to going down this road of growing government and interjecting the feds’ control in the private sector more and more which will prove to be more failure. I don’t know if it’s obstinate thinking that they’re engaged in right now or if they truly just do not believe what the free market, free enterprise economic solutions are that built up this country.
RUSH: Do you think this is going to be a major issue in the congressional elections in 2010, and if so, how would you advise Republicans to pursue it?
GOV. PALIN: It better be a major issue, absolutely. Of course, national security will be, too, and hopefully we’ll talk a little bit about some of the decisions being made in that arena that cause so many of us concern but, yeah, the economy, that’s what it’s going to be because it’s all about jobs, it’s all about Americans who are hurting right now and what those solutions are that are so obvious, so common sense that need to be plugged in. And those are Republican, they’re common sense conservative principles that we just need to apply.
RUSH: New York 23 is being portrayed as a race in which you and I, because we supposedly went up there, handpicked Doug Hoffman, he supposedly lost, even though that race, they still haven’t finished counting the votes. It’s two weeks! This is not Chicago. They haven’t finished counting the votes. He says he wishes he could un-concede now. But they’re trying to diminish conservatism, and I think in the process intimidate the Republican Party from going in that direction. What’s your read on New York 23?
GOV. PALIN: I think this is exciting. It’s encouraging. No matter the outcome even with his recount of some of those, well, uncounted ballots, it’s exciting that the race is going to be even closer, and it’s a clearer and clearer picture that what Americans are seeking, even in a district there in New York, they are seeking common sense, conservative solutions to all the challenges that we’re facing. I’m glad to see this.
RUSH: So the positive thing there is that the Republican Party was rebuffed in nominating essentially a RINO, a liberal?
GOV. PALIN: Well, I think what you saw there is — and of course it’s not just the Republican machine, it’s the Democrat machine, too. You know, if you’re not the anointed one within the machine, sometimes you have a much tougher row to hoe and that’s what Hoffman faced. He was the underdog. I think great timing for him, though, to stand strong on his conservative credentials and essentially come out of nowhere and prove that an American without that resume, without that machine backing can truly make a difference in an election like this.
RUSH: Well, now, you used the term, “If you’re not the anointed one by the party machine, you’re the underdog and you have a tough row to hoe.” Based on things that I read, the Republican establishment would not anoint you to be a nominee of their party should you choose to go that way. I’m not asking you the question because I know you’re not going to answer and give away what your plans are in 2012.
GOV. PALIN: (chuckles)
RUSH: Do you consider yourself one of these unanointed ones within your own party?
GOV. PALIN: Well, to some in both parties, politics is more of a business. It’s not so much a commitment to an agenda or a person or values or issues. It’s more of a business — and, no, I’m not a part of that. So if they’re going to keep using that way of thinking in their decisions on who they anoint, who they will support or not then, no. I’ll never be a part of that. But hopefully we’re going to see a shift with independents, with the Republican Party and the Democrat Party, and we’re going to get back to what the issues are, what really matters, and then hopefully we’re going to go from there, which will be much fairer to the electorate.
RUSH: All right, independents, slash, third party. A lot of people — mistakenly, in my view — are looking at New York 23 as evidence that, see, a third party could actually do well. But that’s not a good example because there was no primary there. As you said, the party bosses chose Dede Scozzafava on the Republican side and a Democrat. Had there been a primary, New York 23 would not have been constituted as it was. So what are your thoughts now on the viability of a third party if the Republican Party can’t be brought around?
GOV. PALIN: You know, to be brutally honest, I think that it’s a bit naive when you talk about the pragmatism that has to be applied in America’s political system. And we are a two-party system. Ideally, sure, a third party or an independent party would be able to soar and thrive and put candidates forth and have them elected, but I don’t think America is ready for that. I think that it is... Granted it’s quite conventional and traditional, but in a good way that we have our two parties, and I think that that’s what will remain. And I say that, though, acknowledging that I’m not an obsessive panther, I understand why people — good people like my own husband — refuse to register in a party. Todd’s not a Republican and yet he’s got more common sense conservatism than a whole lot of Republicans that I know because he is one who sees the idiosyncrasies of the characters within the machine and it frustrates him along with a whole lot of other Americans who choose to be independent. But in answer to your question, I don’t think that the third party movement will be what’s necessary to usher in some common-sense conservative ideals.
RUSH: Now, you mentioned independents. We need to get independents. Independents right now are abandoning the Democrat Party. They did so in New Jersey. They did so in Virginia. And the White House pretty much proves this because the White House was out prior to the election saying, “Ah, Republican Party identification in polls is as low as it’s ever been.” Therefore, for Republicans to win these races there had to be independents moving in their direction. Now, I know you’re not in politics now but you have political experience. I’m not in politics. I’ve never gone out and gotten votes. I’ve always been curious about the professional politicians’ insistence that we go out and “get independents.” Sure you want to shore up the base. But these magical, whatever it is, 20% of people that are not identified or do not self-identify themselves with either party, what’s the way to get them?
GOV. PALIN: I think just naturally independents are going to gravitate towards that Republican agenda and Republican platform because the planks in our platform are the strongest to build a healthy America. We’re all about cutting taxes and shrinking government and respecting the inherent rights of the individual and strengthening families and respecting life and equality. You have to shake your head and say, “Who wouldn’t embrace that? Who wouldn’t want to come on over?” They don’t have to necessarily be registered within the Republican Party in order to hook up with us and join us with that agenda standing on those planks. In Alaska, about 70% of Alaskans are independent. So that’s my base. That’s where I am from and that’s been my training ground, is just implementing common-sense conservative solutions. Independents appreciate that. You’re going to see more and more of that attraction to the GOP by these independents as the days go on.
RUSH: If the GOP articulates what you just articulated. I’ve always believed the way to get them... Reagan got them by just being who he was, articulating conservatism. Conservatism is nothing different than the founding principles of the country. Therefore, the key to getting independents is Republicans who can articulate those beliefs.
GOV. PALIN: You know another key to this, too, is to not hesitate duking it out within the party. This is what I appreciate about the Republican Party. We have contested, aggressive, competitive primaries. We’re not like this herd mentality like a punch of sheep — with the fighting instincts of sheep, as Horowitz would say — like some in the Democrat Party; where, heaven forbid, you take a stand and you oppose somebody within your own party because it’s the right thing to do. I appreciate that in the Republican Party. Some on the other side say — you know, they’re observing what goes on in the GOP and say — “That’s infighting, and they can’t get along, and there’s no consensus there.” No. This is healthy debate, good competition that makes candidates work harder. It makes for a better product, if you will, at the end of the day. I appreciate that about our party.
RUSH: We are talking to Governor Sarah Palin. We take a brief prosperity time-out. We’ll be back and continue with Governor Palin right after this.
RUSH: And we’re back. Our remaining moments are former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, starting her book tour today. Let’s talk about your book tour, your career in general, Governor Palin. Who are you trying to reach, and for what purpose, with the book and your book tour? What’s your goal here?
GOV. PALIN: I’m not trying to reach the liberal elites in this country, and it’s a good thing I’m not trying to, because I’m not succeeding there. Just everyday, hardworking Americans who want government back on their side and I want to help them have their voice be heard. And the book is all about that, and the book is about my record and my accomplishments as a mayor and as a governor that kind of lay the foundation for Americans to see where it was that I was and how I got to where I am. It was just a lot of hard work and it was a lot of very common sense measures that I undertook politically and practically speaking, and the book is about that, and hopefully people will read it and enjoy it and learn something from it.
RUSH: What’s our biggest energy challenge as a country? Do you believe at all or some or a lot in the modern-day go-green movement of solar and wind and all of these nefarious things that really don’t produce anything yet?
GOV. PALIN: I think there’s a lot of snake oil science involved in that and somebody’s making a whole lot of money off people’s fears that the world is... It’s kind of tough to figure out what the shady science right now, what are we supposed to be doing right now with our climate. Are we warming or are we cooling? I don’t think Americans are even told anymore if it’s global warming or just climate change. And I don’t attribute all the changes to man’s activities. I think that this is, in a lot of respects, cyclical and the earth does cool and it warms. And our greatest challenge with energy is that we’re not tapping it to the abundant domestic supplies that God created right underfoot on American soil and under our waters. It’s ridiculous that we are circulating hundreds of billions of dollars a year in foreign countries, asking them to ramp up production so that we can purchase it from them — especially from the regimes that can control us via energy, using it as a weapon against us, potentially. It’s nonsense that this administration and past administrations haven’t really understood yet that inherent link between energy and security. I think more and more Americans are waking up to the fact, though, and we will hopefully see changes there soon.
RUSH: Vice President Biden chided you, saying, “It’s a little bit more complicated,” Governor Palin, than “Drill, Baby, Drill,” which is one of your chapter titles. What’s complicated about drilling for oil?
GOV. PALIN: Exactly. What is complicated about tapping into abundant, safe domestic supplies that could provide stability for our country and security for our country? I know Alaska has billions of barrels of oil underfoot, and we have the natural gas that’s waiting to be tapped, too; and other states do, too. It’s not that complicated. It’s political, and that’s what is the shame is in this, is that for political reasons we’re not allowing to tap these domestic supplies.
RUSH: What are your thoughts on the congressional health care reform bills going through the House and the Senate?
GOV. PALIN: Well, we don’t really know, do we, what’s in that Senate version, the Senate consideration? It will be soon but we have no idea of costs. We don’t know how many will be insured. We’re waiting to hear that. We don’t know if the tax funding of abortions will be in this new version that’s sitting over on the Senate side. We don’t know if those who choose not to purchase this government-mandated level of coverage will face jail time as punishment. There are so many questions unanswered. I don’t like the idea, in general, of the federal government thinking it needs to take over health care — which essentially this is — and control one-sixth of our economy. Not when there are common-sense solutions to meeting health care challenges in our country, like allowing the intra- and interstate competition with insurers, tort reform, cutting down on the waste and fraud that the Obama administration insists if we just did that we’ll pay for this one-point-some trillion-dollar health care reform package. So lots of common sense solutions that need to be plugged in before ever considering federal government taking it over.
RUSH: You mentioned earlier you wanted to talk about national security, that you hoped it came up. Well, here it is: What do we face? What are our threats, and are we prepared, or not?
GOV. PALIN: Well, I think domestically a threat that we’re facing right now is the dithering and hesitation in sending a message to the terrorists that we’re going to claim what Ronald Reagan claimed. Our motto is going to be: “We win, you lose.” The way that we do that is allow McChrystal to have the reinforcements that he’s asking for in Afghanistan. That sends that message to the terrorists over there that we’re going to end this thing with our victory. We need to start facing Iran with tougher and tougher sanctions that need to be considered. We need to work our allies with the Iranian issues, like Britain and France and not allow access to favorable international monetary deals. That’s a great threat that I think would kind of shake up Ahmadinejad and get him to listen. We need to look at halting Iran’s imports of refined petroleum products. They’re quite reliant on imported gasoline, and we need to use that hammer to wake up the leadership there, too. Those are two big challenges that we have right now, domestically and in naming those two countries, Afghanistan and Iran. Two big challenges there, too.
RUSH: Thirty seconds: Immigration. Can you do it in 30 seconds before we have to go?
GOV. PALIN: I can’t do it in 30 seconds but just know that... You know, let me put it simply: Illegal immigrants are called “illegal” for a reason. We need to crack down on this. We need to listen to the border states where the governors there have some solutions and we need to get serious about that.
RUSH: Governor Palin, thanks very much. It’s been a pleasure. It’s been fun. Thanks for last week as well and good luck on what I know is going to be a life-changing book and book tour.
GOV. PALIN: Hey, thank you. Keep up the good work.
RUSH: Thank you.
GOV. PALIN: And all the best to all your listeners.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Sarah Palin: “We have to crack down on illegal immigration; it’s called illegal for a reason.”
She doesn’t have an albatross around her neck anymore. This is fantastic.
It was an AWESOME interview. That is why the media keeps on bringing up the McCain campaign and soap opera crap like Levi. They don’t want Sarah to talk about the issues because they KNOW she is smart. The more people hear her speak out about the issues, the more people will realize that she is intelligent. That is why the media is propping up Levi every damn minute, to counter her popularity. They don’t want her to gain momentum so they bring their useful idiot out.
Sarah will very soon hit the 1 million mark for number of fans on her Facebook page
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:20 PM | Comments (5)
Sarah Palin and Barbara Walters Also Part of Oprah Interview
Sarah Palin to Barbara Walters: Barack Obama 'incorrect, disingenuous' on death panels; tea party movement is 'beautiful'
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin turns more political in her interview with ABC's Barbara Walters.
Their chat starts on Tuesday's "Good Morning America."
Palin's first interview to promote her book, "Going Rogue," aired today on "The Oprah Winfrey Show."
Palin has blasted President Barack Obama's push for health-care reform by saying the changes would open decisions on the elderly and disabled to "death panels." Obama has blasted that criticism as "a lie, plain and simple."
Palin notes that the words "death panels" are not found "in any of those thousands of pages of different variations of the health-care bill." Yet Palin adds that the president is "incorrect, and he is disingenuous."
The woman who was John McCain's running mate last year hails the tea party movement. She says that the McCain campaign was wrong to support the first bailout package.
"That very first bailout, yes. Now we have learned, too, it didn't fulfill the promises that were made by Congress, and by the White House, that bailing out these businesses that were 'too big to fail,' " Palin said. "That did not put our economy back on the right track. So we learn from our mistakes. The tea party movement, beautiful. It energizes our country. More power to these people who are showing up there."
Palin tells ABC that running for president in 2012 isn't on her radar screen -- a statement she made to Winfrey, too.
But when you consider some of the ordinary turning into extraordinary events that have happened in my life, I am not one to predict what will happen in a few years," Palin said.
"My ambition if you will, my desire, is to help our country in whatever role that may be, and I cannot predict what that will be, what doors would be open in the year 2012," she said.
Will she play a major role? "If people will have me, I will," she said.
Sarah Palin On Being Interviewed By "The Perky One"
In her interview with Oprah Winfrey which was broadcast on "The Oprah Show" Monday, Sarah Palin refers to Katie Couric as "The Perky One":
Oprah: ...been in a situation where you leave and you say "I wish I had said something different." So when you finished that interview did you think, "I wish I had just named some magazines?"
Sarah: Absolutely! Then we probably wouldn't be talking about it today.
Oprah: So you are saying now that the reason why you had the responses to Katie Couric is because you were annoyed with her?
Sarah: Well, I was annoyed with where we were, what we were doing at the time, and all these segments too. We had just come off the most amazing rally, working the rope line for I don't know how long, these energized awesome people, and I'm pumped up, over the top pumped up with energy, and I'm so happy and running back stage. And my friend Betsy opens the curtain for me and there's the perky one again, with the microphone and the cameras rolling, and I'm like, hey, you know, give me a couple of minutes to gather...
Oprah: Perky meaning Katie.
Palin: With all due respect, yeah.
Oprah: You're pretty perky too.
Sarah: I talk a lot about the Katie Couric interview in the book because I want the transcript, too, to speak for itself, to show that she asked me twelve different times my position on abortion and the morning after pill. She did not want, I guess, to hear my first candid, truthful response about being pro life and wanting to usher in a culture of life and empower women to know that they are strong enough and smart enough to have that child. I gave my answer and she asked it again.
A video clip of this segment of the interview is here, courtesy of "Real Clear Politics. The Oprah Show's recap of the full interview is here.
NewsBusters.org, Sarah Plain had said that some of her annoyance with Couric stemmed from what she perceived as an elist attitude on Couric's part:
"Well, and, obviously, I have, of course, all my life I'm a lover of books and magazines and newspapers," Palin said. "By the time she asked me that question, even though it was kind of early on in the interview, I was already so annoyed, and it was very unprofessional of me to wear that annoyance on my sleeve, but it was like ... ‘Are are you kidding me? Are you really asking me?' To me, it was in the context of, ‘Do you read? How do you stay informed, you're way up there?' It seemed like she was discovering this nomadic tribe, a member of a tribe from some Neanderthal cave in Alaska, asking me, ‘How do you stay in touch with the real world?'"
She said she thought Couric was indicative of the state of journalism today and the fundamental problems with it.
"That's how I took the question, so I kind of-- well, didn't kind of, I did. I rolled my eyes and was annoyed with the question and thought, ‘You know, I think that this is a problem with the state of journalism today, is no matter what I say to her, it will probably be twisted, perceived as a bit negative.'"
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am looking forward to Rush's talk with Sarah today on his show.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:50 AM | Comments (2)
November 08, 2009
"But Sunday’s Coming" by Sarah Palin
The Pelosi Bill Was Rammed Through on Saturday, But Sunday’s Coming
Sarah Palin posted the following on her Facebook Page
by Sarah Palin
We’ve got to hold on to hope, and we’ve got to fight hard because Congressional action tonight just put America on a path toward an unrecognizable country.
The same government leaders that got us into the mortgage business and the car business are now getting us into the healthcare business.
Despite Americans’ decisive message last Tuesday that they reject the troubling path this country has been taking, Speaker Pelosi has broken her own promises of transparency to ram a health “care” bill through the House of Representatives just before midnight. Why did she push the 2,000 page bill this weekend? Was she perhaps afraid to give her peers and the constituents for whom she works the chance to actually read this monstrous bill carefully, if at all? Was she concerned that Americans might really digest the details of a bill that the Wall Street Journal has called “the worst piece of post-New Deal legislation ever introduced”?
This out-of-control bureaucratic mess will be disastrous for our economy, our small businesses, and our personal liberty. It will slam businesses at a time when we are at double-digit unemployment rates – the highest we’ve seen in a quarter of a century. This massive new bureaucracy will cost us and our children money we don’t have. It will rob Americans of more of our freedom and further hamper the free market.
Make no mistake: we’re on course to have government commandeer one-sixth of our economy. The people who gave us Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac now want to run our health care. Think about that.
All of us who value the sanctity of life are grateful for the success of the pro-life majority in the House this evening in its battle against federal funding of abortion in this bill, but it’s ironic because we were promised that abortion wasn’t covered in the bill to begin with. Our healthy distrust of these government leaders made us look deeper into the bill because unfortunately we knew better than to trust what they were saying. The victory tonight to amend the bill and eliminate that federal funding for abortion was great – because abortion is not health care. Now we can only hope that Rep. Stupak’s amendment will hold in the final bill, though the Democratic leadership has already refused to promise that it won’t be scrapped later.
We had been told there were no “death panels” in the bill either. But look closely at the provision mandating bureaucratic panels that will be calling the shots regarding who will receive government health care.
Look closely at provisions addressing illegal aliens’ health care coverage too.
Those of us who love freedom and believe in open and transparent government can only be dismayed by midnight action on a Saturday. Speaker Pelosi’s promise that Americans would have 72 hours to read the final bill before the vote was just another one of the D.C. establishment’s too-common political ploys. It’s broken promises like this that turn people off to politics and leave them disillusioned about the future of their country.
But despite this late-night maneuvering, many of us were paying close attention tonight. We’ll keep paying close attention. We need to let our legislators in Washington know that they still represent us, and that the majority of Americans are not in favor of the “reform” they are pushing. After all, this is still a country “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” We will make our voices heard. It’s on to the Senate now. Our legislators can listen now, or they can hear us in 2010. It’s their choice.
- Sarah Palin
Wild Thing's comment........
God Bless you Sarah and we will continue to FIGHT for our country.
"Sunday’s Coming"...... It is a reference to a very famous sermon by a black preacher. He said it many times during the sermon. It is in reference to Friday the day that Jesus died but Sunday the day that He rose from the dead is coming. It's saying that it might be seem dark and horribly foreboding right now but a Sunday is coming by the grace of Almighty God.
Our forefathers risked their lives, their family and their fortunes to give us the republic. This sermon below is well worth listening to. He is great and does remind us all that.......... like Sarah says......Sunday is coming.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (4)
November 03, 2009
Sarah Palin Response to Vice President Biden's Comments
Palin's Latest Facebook Note
As the vice president knows, I have always advocated an all-of-the-above approach to American energy independence. Among other things, my alternative energy goal for Alaska sits at 50 percent because Alaska reached more than 20 percent during my term in office. The Obama-Biden administration, on the other hand, recently announced a renewable goal of only 25 percent. However, domestic drilling should remain a top priority in order to meet America’s consumption and security needs.
The vice president’s extreme opposition to domestic energy development goes all the way back to 1973 when he opposed the Alaska pipeline bill. As Ann Coulter pointed out, “Biden cast one of only five votes against the pipeline that has produced more than 15 billion barrels of oil, supplied nearly 20 percent of this nation’s oil, created tens of thousands of jobs, added hundreds of billions of dollars to the U.S. economy and reduced money transfers to the nation’s enemies by about the same amount.”
This nonsensical opposition to American domestic energy development continues to this day. Apparently the Obama-Biden administration only approves of offshore drilling in Brazil, where it will provide security and jobs for Brazilians. This election is about American security and American jobs.
There’s one way to tell Vice President Biden that we’re tired of folks in Washington distorting our message and hampering our nation’s progress: Hoffman, Baby, Hoffman!
- Sarah Palin
Wild Thing's comment.......
Game, set, and match: Palin.
LOL Good one Sarah!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (8)
October 26, 2009
Newt goes "Saul Alinsky" on Sarah Palin's endorsement of Doug Hoffman
Belittle, denigrate, laugh at, ridicule, mock, defame, vilify, malign, disparage, isolate, disparage...
Has Newt Gingrich gone to the "dark side?" Well, you have to wonder, when he attacks both the endorsement by Sarah Palin of Doug Hoffman. Not only does he attack the candidate from the Conservative Party for a U.S. House seat election in upstate New York, he attacks Sarah Palin's endorsement, saying it will lead to the end of the GOP for generations to come.
by Edisto Joe
Sarah Palin's endorsement of Conservative, Doug Hoffman, in the upstate New York Senate Race over Republican Dede Scozzafava who is backed by Newt Gingrich, is a clear example of the present problem facing the Republican Party. Scozzafava is a Republican in name only. She votes like a liberal, stands for big government, abortion rights, and even supports laws to make it easier for unions to organize private business. So why would Newt Gingrich support her?
According to Newt, if you want to take back Congress from the Democrats, then you need to accept Republican candidates who may not fully conform to party ideals. I'm sorry Newt, but Sarah's right on this one. As she stated on her Facebook page, "Political parties must stand for something" and she's absolutely right.
Gingrich's reasoning only makes sense if you are strictly a supporter of party politics by name only. It is not the way to fix the Republican party and retake Congress and the White House. Another line of reasoning says, what good is it to elect a candidate that will support the Democratic agenda and eventually go the way of Arlan Specter. Better to stand up for your beliefs and die at the ballot box than give aid and comfort to the enemy.
This is exactly the reason Palin is endorsing Doug Hoffman. Without Hoffman in this race it would be a contest against two Democrats, one who happens to be running on the Republican ticket. Hoffman may not win and indeed recent polling shows that may be the case, but at least another "pretender" from the Republican side will have a harder time winning office. This is the message that needs to be sent to the RNC.
Conservative tradition and beliefs will never disappear from the American landscape. In fact most Americans hold dear to those ideals weather they admit it or not. The left has invested huge sums of time and capital in combating the conservative message and courting the independent voter. Republicans fearing unemployment adapted a middle of the road philosophy in believing it would be more popular with the electorate. By moving away from their core principals they invited disaster in the last elections and have given us the worst of all outcomes, a Liberal Democratic Administration that controls both Houses of Congress.
Sarah Palin is shaking up the Republican establishment and her voice cannot be ignored. The "old guard" in the party better listen and take note. Those thousands that marched on Washington and took part in the town hall meetings had you in their sights as well as the Democrats.
The only way to get this country back on the right track and derail the rapid advance of socialist policy is to go back to Reagan style politics. Her endorsement of Doug Hoffman has more to do with setting the party straight than abandoning the parties candidate. Newt Gingrich of all people should realize this. In the past he has been the one who called on Republicans to adhere to core values and the beliefs of their party. His endorsement of a left of center Republican leaves one scratching their head.
The product says made in America but the parts all come from China. What good comes from endorsing a candidate for office who you already know sides with your opponent? The Republican Party needs to get back in the game. Right now they're playing scared, not wanting to lose. Its time to play to win and that means going hard on the offensive and standing up for the principals that gave you victory in the past. Right now you stand for nothing!
Wild Thing's comment.........
Palin is exactly right on this, and Newt is out to lunch supporting such an abject RINO...in fact, worse than a RINO.
Gingrich must think we’re all stupid, He essentially says,”If we all just become the liberal democrat party we will win elections”
So, according to Mr. Gingrich, she's really a conservative, despite her far left positions on many issues and endorsement by the Daily Kos. We're just not sophisticated enough to understand I guess.
Conservatives are the majority, we can win if we stand on principles. Make the moderates come to us.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (19)
October 22, 2009
The Evil Left Coming Out With Their Version of Lookalike Book "Going Rouge"
Lookalike Book "Going Rouge" is Coming
We know that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin can hunt, and even field-dress a moose, but how will she take to poachers on her book sales? Start-up publisher OR Books has announced plans to publish Going Rouge: Sarah Palin An American Nightmare, a collection of essays about the maverick Republican with a title — and cover design — remarkably similar to Palin’s upcoming memoir. What’s more, OR’s paperback tome will be released on Nov. 17, the same day that Palin’s own Going Rogue: An American Life hits shelves — and one day after Palin’s just-announced, first-ever appearance on Oprah Winfrey’s show.
Going Rouge is compiled by Richard Kim and Betsy Reed, two top editors of the left-leaning weekly The Nation, and includes essays by Nation regulars like Katrina vanden Heuvel, Naomi Klein, and Katha Pollitt. It’s the first release from OR Books, a fledgling outfit founded earlier this year by publishing veterans John Oakes and Colin Robinson that “embraces progressive change in politics, culture and the way we do business,” according to its website.
I realize that this anti-Palin book is a paperback and probably won’t be stocked anywhere near Palin’s hardcover memoir in bookstores, but are these jackets look too similar to be, well, fully kosher? At the very least, might some hockey-mom-loving conservatives be confused enough to pick up the wrong book? You betcha!
includes essays by Nation regulars like Katrina vanden Heuvel, Naomi Klein, and Katha Pollitt.
OR Books isn’t unique in its attempt to capitalize on Sarah Palin’s upcoming memoir, Going Rogue — nor in rearranging the letters of the title for its own effort. Cartoonist Julie Sigwart and political satirist Micheal Stinson are self-publishing Going Rouge: The Sarah Palin Rogue Coloring & Activity Book, a 48-page paperback that will be released Nov. 17 (the same day as the G.O.P. firebrand’s autobiography as well as OR Books’ anti-Palin essay collection, also titled Going Rouge). The sample pages on the book’s promotional website fall clearly into the realm of political satire, including a coloring page with lipsticks and pigs (naturally) and a caricature of Palin in fishing overalls and possible “fishing gear”: a gun, a saw, an ax, and a bomb.
Wild Thing's comment......
This is desperation from the far left! Someone behind the scenes had to pay for this to happen. They must be TRULY fearful of Sarah Palin
Disgusting how the far left have become. A bunch of angry, vile, maggots.
They can't even spell correctly (unless this is part of their plan):
Going Rogue vs. Going Rouge.
I do think they are wanting people to make the mistake of buying the wrong book. Like someone in a hurry and grabs the book and thinks it is the one our Sarah did.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (13)
October 19, 2009
Sarah Palin to campaign in Texas For Gov. Rick Perry
Republican gubernatorial campaigns in Virginia and New Jersey are giving Palin the cold shoulder out of fear that she might alienate independent voters.
But it's a very different story in the Texas Republican gubernatorial primary, a conservative slugfest between Gov. Rick Perry and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison.
Palin will campaign for Perry sometime next year, according to his campaign, but the dates are still being finalized. Palin endorsed the Texas governor's re-election bid earlier this year.
"She will be coming here to campaign sometime after the first of the year once she is done with her book tour," said Perry spokesman Mark Miner.
Palin's spokesman Meg Stapleton did not respond to inquiries seeking to confirm the visit.
After Palin resigned in July, Perry said he was proud to have Palin's support and boasted that she was planning to come to Texas to campaign for him. "If there's a bigger endorsement in the Republican universe, I don't know who it is than Sarah," he said at the time.
Hutchison spokesman Jeff Sadosky said both candidates will have high-profile conservatives campaigning for them as the race heads down the final stretch.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Kay Hutchison can stick it. One of the many rino things Kay Bailey Hudchison has done, she stopped the border fence.
Gubernatorial candidates filed with the Texas Ethics Commission
Felix Alvarado
David W. Carpenter
Francis “Fran” L. Cavanaugh
Jeffrey Joseph “Jeff” Daiell
Richard S. “Kinky” Friedman
Henry “Hank” Gilbert
Clement Glenn
Curtis Wayne “Tank” Hartfield
Kay Bailey Hutchison
Larry S. Kilgore
John Koo-Hyun Kim
William C. “Bill” Lawrence
Debra Medina
Steven S. “Steve” Nichols
Rick Perry
Kenneth Richardson
John Roland Ross
Leslie J. “Less” Sanderfer III
Tom Schieffer
Farouk Shami
Mark P. Thompson
*Filed as of Oct. 8.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (7)
October 18, 2009
"Drill"...... by Sarah Palin

Drill Petroleum is a major part of America’s energy picture. Shall we get it here or abroad?
By Sarah Palin
Given that we’re spending billions of stimulus dollars to rebuild our highways, it makes sense to think about what we’ll be driving on them. For years to come, most of what we drive will be powered, at least in part, by diesel fuel or gasoline. To fuel that driving, we need access to oil. The less use we make of our own reserves, the more we will have to import, which leads to a number of harmful consequences. That means we need to drill here and drill now.
We rely on petroleum for much more than just powering our vehicles: It is essential in everything from jet fuel to petrochemicals, plastics to fertilizers, pesticides to pharmaceuticals. According to the Energy Information Administration, our total domestic petroleum consumption last year was 19.5 million barrels per day (bpd). Motor gasoline and diesel fuel accounted for less than 13 million bpd of that. Meanwhile, we produced only 4.95 million bpd of domestic crude. In other words, even if we ran all our vehicles on something else (which won’t happen anytime soon), we would still have to depend on imported oil. And we’ll continue that dependence until we develop our own oil resources to their fullest extent.
Those who oppose domestic drilling are motivated primarily by environmental considerations, but many of the countries we’re forced to import from have few if any environmental-protection laws, and those that do exist often go unenforced. In effect, American environmentalists are preventing responsible development here at home while supporting irresponsible development overseas.
My home state of Alaska shows how it’s possible to be both pro-environment and pro-resource-development. Alaskans would never support anything that endangered our pristine air, clean water, and abundant wildlife (which, among other things, provides many of us with our livelihood). The state’s government has made safeguarding resources a priority; when I was governor, for instance, we created a petroleum-systems-integrity office to monitor our oil and gas infrastructure for any potential environmental risks.
Alaska also shows how oil drilling is thoroughly compatible with energy conservation and renewable-energy development. Over 20 percent of Alaska’s electricity currently comes from renewable sources, and as governor I put forward a long-term plan to increase that figure to 50 percent by 2025. Alaska’s comprehensive plan identifies renewable options across the state that can help rural villages transition away from expensive diesel-generated electricity — allowing each community to choose the solution that best fits its needs. That’s important in any energy plan: Tempting as they may be to central planners, top-down, one-size-fits-all solutions are recipes for failure.
For the same reason, the federal government shouldn’t push a single, universal approach to alternative-powered vehicles. Electric cars might work in Los Angeles, but they don’t work in Alaska, where you can drive hundreds of miles without seeing many people, let alone many electrical sockets. And while electric and hybrid cars have their advantages, producing the electricity to power them still requires an energy source. For the sake of the environment, that energy should be generated from the cleanest source available.
Natural gas is one promising clean alternative. It contains fewer pollutants than other fossil fuels, it’s easier to collect and process, and it is found throughout our country. In Alaska, we’re developing the largest private-sector energy project in history — a 3,000-mile, $40 billion pipeline to transport hundreds of trillions of cubic feet of natural gas to markets across the United States. Onshore and offshore natural gas from Alaska and the Lower 48 can satisfy a large part of our energy needs for decades, bringing us closer to energy independence. Whether we use it to power natural-gas cars or to run natural-gas power plants that charge electric cars — or ideally for both — natural gas can act as a clean “bridge fuel” to a future when more renewable sources are available.
In addition to drilling, we need to build new refineries. America currently has roughly 150 refineries, down from over 300 in the 1970s. Due mainly to environmental regulations, we haven’t built a major new refinery since 1976, though our oil consumption has increased significantly since then. That’s no way to secure our energy supply. The post-Katrina jump in gas prices proved that we can’t leave ourselves at the mercy of a hurricane that knocks a few refineries out of commission.
Building an energy-independent America will mean a real economic stimulus. It will mean American jobs that can never be shipped overseas. Think about how much of our trade deficit is fueled by the oil we import — sometimes as much as half of the total. Through this massive transfer of wealth, we lose hundreds of billions of dollars a year that could be invested in our economy. Instead it goes to foreign countries, including some repressive regimes that use it to fund activities that threaten our security.
Reliance on foreign sources of energy weakens America. When a riot breaks out in an OPEC nation, or a developing country talks about nationalizing its oil industry, or a petro-dictator threatens to cut off exports, the probability is great that the price of oil will shoot up. Even in friendly nations, business and financial decisions made for local reasons can destabilize America’s energy market, since the price we pay for foreign oil is subject to rising and falling exchange rates. Decreasing our dependence on foreign sources of energy will reduce the impact of world events on our economy.
In the end, energy independence is not just about the environment or the economy. It’s about freedom and confidence. It’s about building a more secure and peaceful America, an America in which our energy needs will not be subject to the whims of nature, currency speculators, or madmen in possession of vast oil reserves.
Alternative sources of energy are part of the answer, but only part. There’s no getting around the fact that we still need to “drill, baby, drill!” And if those in D.C. say otherwise, we need to tell them: “Yes, we can!”
3 to 4.3 Billion Barrels of Technically Recoverable Oil Assessed in North Dakota and Montana’s Bakken Formation—25 Times More Than 1995 Estimate
6 months ago I was watching a news program on oil and one of the Forbes Bros. was the guest. This is out of context, but this is the actual question as asked.
The host said to Forbes, "I am going to ask you a direct question and I would like a direct answer, how much oil does the U.S. have in the ground.."
Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, "more than all the Middle East put together."
Please read below.
The U. S. Geological Service issued a report in April ('08) that only scientists and oil men knew was coming, but man was it big. It was a revised report (hadn't been updated since '95) on how much oil was in this area of the western 2/3 of North Dakota ; western South Dakota ; and extreme eastern Montana .... check THIS out:
The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska 's Prudhoe Bay , and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign oil. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Even if just 10% of the oil is recoverable.... at $107 a barrel, we're looking at a resource base worth more than $5.3 trillion.
'When I first briefed legislators on this, you could practically see their jaws hit the floor. They had no idea..' says Terry Johnson, the Montana Legislature's financial analyst.
'This sizable find is now the highest-producing onshore oil field found in the past 56 years' reports, The Pittsburgh Post Gazette. It's a formation known as the Williston Basin , but is more commonly referred to as the 'Bakken.' And it stretches from Northern Montana, through North Dakota and into Canada . For years, U. S. oil exploration has been considered a dead end.. Even the 'Big Oil' companies gave up searching for major oil wells decades ago. However, a recent technological breakthrough has opened up the Bakken's massive reserves..... and we now have access of up to 500 billion barrels. And because this is light, sweet oil, those billions of barrels will cost Americans just $16 PER BARREL!
That's enough crude to fully fuel the American economy for 2041 years straight.
2. And if THAT didn't throw you on the floor, then this next one should - because it's from TWO YEARS AGO!
U. S. Oil Discovery- Largest Reserve in the World!
Stansberry Report Online - 4/20/2006
Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of the Rocky Mountains lies the largest untapped oil reserve in the world. It is more than 2 TRILLION barrels. On August 8, 2005 President Bush mandated its extraction. In three and a half years of high oil prices none has been extracted. With this motherload of oil why are we still fighting over off-shore drilling?
They reported this stunning news: We have more oil inside our borders, than all the other proven reserves on earth. Here are the official estimates:
- 8-times as much oil as Saudi Arabia
- 18-times as much oil as Iraq
- 21-times as much oil as Kuwait
- 22-times as much oil as Iran
- 500-times as much oil as Yemen
- and it's all right here in the Western United States .
HOW can this BE? HOW can we NOT BE extracting this? Because the environmentalists and others have blocked all efforts to help America become independent of foreign oil! Again, we are letting a small group of people dictate our lives and our economy.....WHY?
James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says we've got more oil in this very compact area than the entire Middle East -more than 2 TRILLION barrels untapped. That's more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the world today, reports The Denver Post.
Sarah Palin fans can expect to see a new Palin political organization surface as her memoir, “Going Rogue: An American Life,” hits the shelves next month.
The New York Post reported this week that Palin’s new group will be called “Stand Up For Our Nation.” (News Corp. owns both the Post and The Wall Street Journal.) Crawford, who is treasurer of Palin’s existing political-action committee, SarahPAC, refused to provide any details about the new organization’s purpose or structure.
Wild Thing's comment........
Reaganesque. Simple, direct, and compelling. A laying out of the facts in a clear and direct way that the public can digest. Point eloquently made by our next President.
Amazing how "common sense" conservatism ALWAYS succeeds. And compared with Obama's “all Marxism, all the time” is not even a fair contest. heh heh
Liberals like to pretend that we should stop using oil and use solar power instead. Show us a solar-powered dump trunk and then they've got something.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
....Thank you Jack for sending this to me.
United States Army
Army Combat Engineers
Quang Tri & Chu Lai '68 -'69
Jack's blog is Conservative Insurgent
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (10)
October 02, 2009
Cover of Sarah Palin's Book "Going Rogue" Has Become Number 1 Only Hours After Announcement
The book won't be released until November and she's already topped the list at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Palin 'grateful' for top spot
A publishing industry source told POLITICO that they "cannot remember a non-fiction book taking off like this in the pre-order market. It became number one only a couple of hours after nothing more than a date announcement. It is truly unprecedented."
Two days after the release date of Sarah Palin’s book was announced, it's already become the top seller
at both Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com.
Palin’s publisher announced Monday that the former governor of Alaska and Republican vice presidential
candidate had finished her memoir, "Going Rogue: An American Life," early and was moving the release
date up from the spring to November 17.
A Palin source told POLITICO that she "is very grateful" for the strong early sales.
"This book has taken off like a rocket," the source said.
Much of the 400-page book is based on journals Palin kept during her vice-presidential run.
Palin collaborated on the book with Lynn Vincent, a San Diego-based writer who has co-written several
books and was previously a features writer for World magazine, a conservative Christian publication.
HarperCollins is co-publishing the book with Zondervan, a company that publishes evangelical books, and
whose mission statement is "To be the leader in Christian communications meeting the needs of people with resources that glorify Jesus Christ and promote biblical principles."
Rush has been very supportive of Sarah Palin all during the campaign last year and now too.
Here is video of Rush Limbaugh today talking about Sarah Palin and the more than 1,000 offers she has
received to make speeches. Rush said 20 Speakers Bureaus offered to represent her. Her upcoming book - "Going Rogue" - went number one in only two days of receiving pre-orders.
Rush talked about the television news ratings too, pointing out that MSNBC has fallen below CNN, and said
that Fox News had more viewers than MSNBC, CNN, and Headline News combined.
Rush said the GOP has a pretty good bench of potential Presidential candidates in Pawlenty, Romney, and
Palin. Rush said the GOP lost because it did not nominate a truly conservative candidate.
Wild Thing's comment........
Fantastic!!!!! I am thrilled about this. She will do so good with her book. I am proud of her. God bless Sarah Palin.
A side note: those of you that have signed up for Blastoff, this is a good way to use it too. You can get a discount with Barnes Noble and order more then one book too if you like. The more books she sells the better.
I sure hope she runs for President. Maybe when her books keep selling out she will see how needed she really is and after all those horrible attacks know how respected and loved she is too.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (12)
September 29, 2009
Sarah Palin's Book Title: 'Going Rogue'
Sarah Palin’s publisher plans to announce Tuesday that the title of her eagerly awaited memoir will be “Going Rogue: An American Life.”
Publication is being moved up from spring to Nov. 17 in order to catch the holiday book-buying season. The former Alaska governor has been in huge demand as a speaker, and continues to harvest a bounty of media attention.
A mammoth first printing of 1.5 million copies has been ordered — the same first run as “True Compass,” the memoir of the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy.
Palin had a deadline of Sept. 15 for her manuscript and turned it in a bit early. Copy-editing and fact-checking are now underway in a race to meet the crash publishing schedule, which has been accelerated four or five months because of the huge anticipated demand.
After Palin left office on July 26, she went with her husband, Todd, and her children to San Diego, the home of her collaborator, Lynn Vincent, and worked on the book for several weeks.
Later, Palin spent several days in New York, going over the final edits.
Palin mischievously embraced the phrase “going rogue” at the end of her troubled campaign for vice president on the ticket headed by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).
The phrase has its roots in an Oct. 20 story by Slate's John Dickerson, with the lead: "Has Sarah Palin "gone rogue"?"
Wild Thing's comment........
LOVE the title, this book is going to ROCK. And you just know this book will be sold out the second the book shows up for pre release
LOL Just thinking how Obama won't like this one bit. heh heh He wants all the attention all the time.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (12)
September 24, 2009
Palin Slams Obama's Spending in Debut Speech in Asia
Palin slams Obama's spending in debut speech in Asia
Sarah Palin said the US government was wasting taxpayers' money and could aggravate poverty, said delegates at her first speech outside North America on Wednesday.
Palin, the former governor of Alaska, gave hundreds of financial big-hitters at the CLSA Investors' Forum in Hong Kong a wide-ranging speech that covered Alaska, international terrorism, US economic policy and trade with China.
Her performance, which was closed to the media, divided opinion.
Some of those who attended praised her forthright views on government social and economic intervention and others walked out early in disgust.
"She was brilliant," said a European delegate, on condition of anonymity.
"She said America was spending a lot of money and it was a temporary solution. Normal people are having to pay more and more but things don't get better. The rich will leave the country and the poor will get poorer."
Two US delegates left early, with one saying "it was awful, we couldn't stand it any longer". He declined to be identified.
In the CLSA speech, which lasted about 75 minutes, Palin also tackled the recent US trade spat with China, a country she said the United States should have the best possible relationship with.
According to delegates, she said US President Barack Obama's administration worsened an already difficult situation when earlier this month he slapped duties on Chinese tire imports blamed for costing American jobs.
They said she praised the economic policies of former US President Ronald Reagan and criticised the current administration for intervening too much during the recent financial crisis.
Although she touched on the threat posed to the United States by terrorism and talked about links with traditional US allies in Asia such as Japan, Australia and South Korea, one Asian delegate complained she devoted too much time to her home state of Alaska.
"It was almost more of a speech promoting investment in Alaska," he said, declining to be named.
"As fund managers we want to hear about the United States as a whole, not just about Alaska. And she criticised Obama a lot but offered no solutions."
Another said he was disappointed that she took only pre-arranged questions.
Several delegates saw the speech as a sign of her ambitions to run as a presidential candidate in 2012 and a useful indication of the potential direction of US politics in the future.
"It was fairly right-wing populist stuff,' one US delegate said.
Palin blasted Obama's proposals on healthcare, reiterating a previous statement made to the press that the plan would include a bureaucratic "death panel" that would decide who gets assistance, he said.
Another from the United States said: "She frightens me because she strikes a chord with a certain segment of the population and I don't like it."
CLSA, an arm of French bank Credit Agricole, said it closed Palin's session to the media after she indicated that she would have to adjust her speech if reporters were present.
Sarah Palin, Hong Kong, CLSA Asia Pacific Markets Conference, Sept. 23, 2009 Speech Excerpts
On Conservatism:
You can call me a common-sense conservative. My approach to the issues facing my country and the world, issues that we’ll discuss today, are rooted in this common-sense conservatism… Common sense conservatism deals with the reality of the world as it is. Complicated and beautiful, tragic and hopeful, we believe in the rights and the responsibilities and the inherent dignity of the individual.
We don’t believe that human nature is perfectible; we’re suspicious of government efforts to fix problems because often what it’s trying to fix is human nature, and that is impossible. It is what it is. But that doesn’t mean that we’re resigned to, well, any negative destiny. Not at all. I believe in striving for the ideal, but in realistic confines of human nature…
On Liberalism:
The opposite of a common-sense conservative is a liberalism that holds that there is no human problem that government can’t fix if only the right people are put in charge. Unfortunately, history and common sense are not on its side. We don’t trust utopian promises; we deal with human nature as it is.
On what caused the financial crisis:
While we might be in the wilderness, conservatives need to defend the free market system and explain what really caused last year’s collapse. According to one version of the story, America’s economic woes were caused by a lack of government intervention and regulation and therefore the only way to fix the problem, because, of course, every problem can be fixed by a politician, is for more bureaucracy to impose itself further, deeper, forcing itself deeper into the private sector.
I think that’s simply wrong. We got into this mess because of government interference in the first place. The mortgage crisis that led to the collapse of the financial market, it was rooted in a good-natured, but wrongheaded, desire to increase home ownership among those who couldn’t yet afford to own a home. In so many cases, politicians on the right and the left, they wanted to take credit for an increase in home ownership among those with lower incomes. But the rules of the marketplace are not adaptable to the mere whims of politicians.
Lack of government wasn’t the problem. Government policies were the problem. The marketplace didn’t fail. It became exactly as common sense would expect it to. The government ordered the loosening of lending standards. The Federal Reserve kept interest rates low. The government forced lending institutions to give loans to people who, as I say, couldn’t afford them. Speculators spotted new investment vehicles, jumped on board and rating agencies underestimated risks.
On Milton Friedman:
Now even Milton Friedman, he recognized that the free market is truly free when there is a level playing field for all participants, and good financial regulations aim to provide the transparency that we need to ensure the level playing field does exist, but we need not, we need to make sure that this regulatory reform that we’re talking about is aimed at the problems on Wall Street and won’t attack Main Street.
On the Federal Reserve:
How can we discuss reform without addressing the government policies at the root of the problems? The root of the collapse? And how can we think that setting up the Fed as the monitor of systemic risk in the financial sector will result in meaningful reform? The words “fox” and “hen house” come to mind. The Fed’s decisions helped create the bubble. Look at the root cause of most asset bubbles, and you’ll see the Fed somewhere in the background.
On deficits and Reaganism:
Common sense tells you that when you’re in a hole, you have to stop digging! A common sense conservative looks to history to find solutions to the problems confronting us, and the good news is that history has shown us a way out of this, a way forward from recession. Ronald Reagan, he was faced with an even worse recession, and he showed us how to get out of here.
If you want real job growth, you cut taxes! And you reduce marginal tax rates on all Americans. Cut payroll taxes, eliminate capital gain taxes and slay the death tax, once and for all. Get federal spending under control, and then you step back and you watch the U.S. economy roar back to life. But it takes more courage for a politician to step back and let the free market correct itself than it does to push through panicky solutions or quick fixes…
I can’t wait until we get that Reaganomics sense supplied again because we are going to survive, and we’re going to thrive and expand and roar back to life. And as the world sees this, the world will be a healthier, more secure, safer and more prosperous place when this happens.
On greenhouse gas legislation:
It seems like some are looking to ever more ways that will actually destroy economic opportunities today. Take for example, Washington’s cap-and-trade scheme. I call it the “cap-and-tax” scheme. Right now we have the highest unemployment rate in 25 years, and it’s still rising. And yet some in D.C. are pushing a cap-and-tax bill that could cripple our energy industry or energy market and dramatically increase the rates of the unemployed, and that’s not just in the energy sector.
American jobs in every industry will be threatened by the rising cost of doing business under this cap-and-tax plan. The cost of farming will certainly increase. That’s going to drive up the cost of groceries and drive down farm incomes. The cost of manufacturing, warehousing and transportation will also rise. We are all going to feel the effects. The Americans hardest hit will be those who are already struggling to make ends meet today, much less with this new tax every month…
I am not indifferent to environmental concerns. Far from it. As governor, I created a sub-cabinet to study the impacts of climate change in my state. And I was the first governor to do so. It took us in a new direction…
I’m a supporter of nuclear power and renewables. We can develop these resources without destroying our economy. And we can help the environment and our economy through energy independence.
On health care:
I seem to have acquired notoriety in national debate. And all because of two words: death panels. And it is a serious term. It was intended to sound a warning about the rationing that is sure to follow if big government tries to simultaneously increase health care coverage while also claiming to decrease costs. Government has just got to be honest with the people about this….
As I said, it’s just common sense to realize that government’s attempts to solve large problems like the health-care challenges that we have, more often create new ones, and a top down one size fits all plan will not improve the workings of a nationwide health-care system that accounts for some one-fifth of our economy.
Common sense also tells us that passing a trillion dollar new retirement program, that’s not the way to reduce health-care spending. Real health-care reform is market oriented, patient centered and result driven. It would give all individuals the same tax benefit, that an ideal plan that I would have in mind, same tax benefits as those who get coverage through their employers. And give Medicare recipients vouchers so that they can buy their own coverage. And reform tort laws and change regulations to allow people to buy insurance across state lines. Rather than another top down government plan, we should give Americans themselves control over their own health care with market friendly responsible ideas.
On relations with China:
We engage with a hope that Beijing becomes a responsible stakeholder, but we must take steps in the event that it goes in a different direction. See, we all hope to see a China that is stable and peaceful and prosperous. Optimism that yes, it will be.
Asia is at its best when it is not dominated by a single power. In seeking Asia’s continued peace and prosperity, we should seek, as we did in Europe, an Asia whole and free. Free from domination by any one power…
On China’s relations with Taiwan, and other controversial issues:
We simply cannot turn a blind eye to Chinese policies and actions that could undermine international peace and security. Here, China has some one thousand missiles aimed at Taiwan and no serious observer though believes that it poses a serious threat to Beijing. Those same Chinese forces make our friends in Japan and Australia kind of nervous.
China provides support for some of the most questionable regimes, from Sudan to Burma to Zimbabwe. China’s military buildup, it raises concern from Delhi to Tokyo because it’s taking place in the absence of really any discernable threat to it. China, along with Russia, has repeatedly undermined efforts to impose tougher sanctions on Iran for its defiance of the international community in pursuing its nuclear program. And the Chinese food and safety, uh food and product safety record, of course it’s raised alarms from East Asia and Europe to the U.S. and domestic instance of unrest. From the protest of Uighurs and Tibetans to Chinese workers throughout the country rightfully makes a lot of people nervous.
On human rights and democracy in China:
The more politically open and just China is, the more Chinese citizens of every ethnic group will be able to settle disputes in court rather than on the streets. The more open it is, the less we’ll be concerned about its military buildup and its intentions. The more transparent China is, the more likely it is that they will find a true and lasting friendship based on shared values as well as interests. And I’m not talking about a U.S.-led democracy crusade. [We’re] not going to impose our values on other countries. We don’t seek to do that. But the ideas of freedom and liberty and respect for human rights, it’s not just a U.S. idea. They’re very much more than that. They’re enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and many other international covenants and treaties.
On China-U.S. economic relations:
Our economic interdependence drives our relationship with China. I see a future of more trade with China and more American high tech goods in China. But in order for that to happen, we need China to improve its rule of law, and protect our intellectual property. We need to avoid protectionism and China’s flirtation with state assisted national champions. On our part we should be more open to Chinese investment where our national security interests are not threatened. In the end though, our economic relationship will truly thrive when Chinese citizens and foreign corporations can hold the Chinese government accountable when their actions are unjust.
Wild Thing's comment......
Sarah called it "a view from Main Street."
Another from the United States said: "She frightens me because she strikes a chord with a certain segment of the population and I don't like it."
LMAO oh really so you do not like us, you POS. If you make a statement then give your name you freak, own it instead of throwing it out there.
Her resignation from Gov of AK was the smartest move she could make. Sarah Palin strikes fear into the hearts of Liberals and Socialists and RINOs everywhere.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (13)
September 14, 2009
Sarah Palin vs. Dr. Death
Sarah Palin vs. Dr. Death
by Stuart Schwartz
Ezekiel Emanuel is upset. The president's health care czar sees the growing resistance to his vision, to his brave new world of government-run "communitarian" health care in which politicians and bureaucrats control one-sixth of the economy and 100% of our bodies. He doesn't quite understand how it all came apart on him, but he does know who started the unraveling: Sarah Palin.
Where does she get off attacking him? Sarah Palin, it seems forever Sarah Palin. And he wonders, as have so many others, what it takes to put a stake through her heart? People should listen to him, not Sarah Palin. He is the philosopher king of Democrat health care. And he went to Harvard, you know.
One day he was vacationing in the Italian Alps, a top-level government bureaucrat and Democrat insider enjoying the fruits of his labors on behalf of the common good. Government health care was cruising and Zeke was the guy Time magazine predicted will build the most "equitable and ethical" health care system north of Cuba. Marty Peretz, his friend and publisher of The New Republic, described him as quintessential Harvard, "very impressive" and stuffed with "gravitas."
And then he got the call: Sarah Palin had done the unthinkable. She had read the health care bill. Mainstream journalists hadn't read the bill. Congress hadn't read its own bill. But Sarah Palin did. Sarah Palin! He has a medical degree and doctorate in political philosophy from Harvard. The only Harvard she's knows is the chunk of ice off Prince William Sound, Harvard Glacier.
Then she writes something on Facebook -- Facebook, for Obama's sake! -- and suddenly the president, congress, the media, and everyone who is anyone inside the beltway is scurrying for cover. Palin wrote that she wanted nothing to do with Obama's "death panel," the collection of bureaucrats who Zeke was so proudly putting together to assess the "level of productivity" that would determine individual access to medical care
They went after her, but...it was over. Everyone was talking death panels. Sarah Palin had let people know: if you're old, if you're sick, if you're disabled, they're targeting you. It became Mrs. Mom vs. Dr. Death, the governor vs. the terminator.
She cut through the rhetoric, the academic jargon, and adoring press to the truth: Ezekiel Emanuel and Barack Obama and the Democrat-led Congress are putting in place a health care system that will control the lives -- and deaths -- of citizens to an extent never seen in this republic. Her reaction:"we're saying not just no, but hell no!
And Zeke is upset. A slam-dunk had been transformed into an epic battle and, as an American Thinker commentator put it, ObamaCare turned into a "sick joke." That's not how it's supposed to be -- he went to Harvard, you know.
Ezekiel Emanuel "abhors" what she's done. She read his articles, which "even well-educated people" would have a difficult time understanding. And she's certainly not well educated. She's a graduate of the University of Idaho, where they probably write doctoral dissertations in crayon. And she only has a bachelor's degree -- in communications, for Obama's sake!?
It's as if the waitress at the Harvard Faculty Club had, instead of a check, taken out a baseball bat and cold-cocked him. Or the ball girl at the tennis event sponsored by the Harvard Club of Washington DC had reared back and smacked a Dunlop A-Player right into his groin. This is not supposed to happen -- he went to Harvard, you know.
This is crazy! People are packing town halls in protest. They are listening to Sarah Palin and not Zeke, who has been a fellow at Oxford -- the one in England, not the suburb of Fairbanks. And he has written nine books, almost a dozen chapters in other books, and more than 225 other pieces on bioethics and morality. And certified as a genius by The New York Times, which hired him as a book reviewer for its Sunday newspaper
And yet, this, this... this Facebook writer described his thinking as "downright evil." And demanded that he explain why he's trying to put in place centralized health care that "would refuse to allocate medical resources to the elderly, the infirm, and the disabled who have less economic potential."
Evil!? Sarah Palin called him evil!? She said "death panels," he didn't. Hey, some lives are worth more to society than others. Therefore, health services cannot be guaranteed for individuals like Trig, Palin's baby with Down Syndrome, who are "irreversibly prevented" from contributing to the public good. There is a subtle difference.
Sarah Palin simply does not understand. No nuance. She did not go to Harvard, nor is she a board member of Princeton University's Center for Human Values, where Zeke provides support for philosopher Peter Singer. Singer is best known for the view that fetuses and many disabled have less of a right to live than, say, fully functioning humans and "adult gorillas and chimpanzees." No, Zeke believes that those who know better, who understand morality, should make decisions for those less able to do so.
Like Sarah Palin. Like Trig. Like your grandma. And this is because he cares. Just ask him: "I hope at the end of the day I can make things better for people, especially vulnerable people." As an original member of the academic "communitarian" movement, he has pledged to establish "just" health care by means that are "nondemocratic or practice discrimination." A just society doesn't simply happen, he explains. You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs... so to speak.
So when Sarah Palin says she doesn't want her "baby with Down Syndrome" to stand in front of his medical panels... that shows just how unsophisticated her thinking really is. She has already made the anti-social choice of giving birth to a child with a severe disability, who will never be able to live the "complete life" outlined by Zeke on behalf of the government.
Therefore, it is the responsibility of a health care system that operates in the public good to deny Trig -- or grandma, for that matter -- health services that are better used elsewhere. Sarah Palin, not the government, is to blame. She chose to have Trig. She forced a situation that provides her with, as Zeke puts it, "bleak choices."
And so government, for the sake of the common good, may deny Trig medical care. And may do the same with the elderly, the severely disabled, and others who fall low on the "complete life" value scale. It is the best way, the moral way, the smart way.
And Zeke knows smart -- he went to Harvard, you know.
Wild Thing's comment......
Another good one by by Stuart Schwartz. Excellent article, be sure to click on the links in the article. heh heh
"Then she writes something on Facebook — Facebook, for Obama’s sake! "
LMAO I just love it. Sarah is great. She has singelhandedly blown up Obamacare. They know it, State-run media knows it and history will record it as such.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (11)
Press Secretery Robert Gibbs Calls Palin a Liar Yet Again
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs chastises Republican Congressman Joe Wilson for calling Barack Obama a liar, during the President's speech to Congress - AND THEN - defends The President for calling Sarah Palin a liar.
Wild Thing's comment......
Sure more double standard, it is ok for him to call Sarah a liar. But God forbid a Republican calls the freak Obama a liar. Obama is the LIAR!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (6)
August 30, 2009
Obama's 3:00 AM Call
Wild Thing's comment......
A year ago today we were introduced to Sarah Palin.
Love the Sarah Palin video, well done! Thie voice is that of Tammy Bruce.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (4)
August 23, 2009
"Obama snares Palin, Media in wide blame-game net" by Caroline Baum
Obama Snares Palin, Media in Wide Blame-Game Net
When the political winds shift -- when a party is voted out of power or a policy is panned by the public -- Washington turns to its favorite pastime: the blame game.
And so it is with President Barack Obama, who tripped on his sprint to the health-care-reform finish line. Voters, it seems, want to understand a little more about what ObamaCare will mean for them, what it will do to the doctor-patient relationship, and what it will cost future generations in higher taxes and, yes, rationed supply.
Rather than examine the public’s concerns, the plans’ inconsistencies or the sheer irresponsibility of trying to ram something this big and complicated through Congress without a small-scale trial, the Obama administration is pointing fingers. Lots of them. Most of the targets are just plain silly.
1. Conservative groups
When liberal activists, including trade unions, Acorn and MoveOn.org, protested against anything and everything President George W. Bush said or did, it was called grassroots democracy.
When conservative groups encourage supporters to attend town hall meetings and make their sentiments known to their congressmen, it’s un-American, disruptive and the work of right- wing extremists.
Madame Hypocrite
Where was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California, when President George W. Bush was being compared to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis? She was a “fan of disrupters” in those days, as she told anti-war protesters at a January 2006 town hall meeting in San Francisco. Pelosi only developed a thin skin (too much plastic surgery?) when the Democrats took control of the executive and legislative branches of government.
The effort to blame right-wing groups is transparent. If my feedback on a recent column is indicative of the political persuasion and demographic distribution of the protesters, these are ordinary Americans energized by the debate, frustrated at not having a voice and motivated to exercise their right of free speech. Attempts to smear opponents and shut down debate are, well, un-American.
2. Insurance Companies
Garnering support for health-insurance reform by demonizing insurance companies is a cheap shot, albeit one that resonates with the public. After all, these are the faceless bureaucrats who deny or pay claims in a seemingly arbitrary manner and refuse or cancel coverage if you cost them too much money.
Stubborn Facts
Facts are stubborn things, this White House is quick to remind us. And in this case, the facts don’t support the vilification.
If insurance companies were gouging the public, the evidence would show up in one of two places, according to Graef Crystal, a compensation expert in Santa Rosa, California, and occasional Bloomberg News columnist: excessive executive pay or excessive returns to shareholders.
His analysis of five major health insurers shows just the opposite: below-market pay and below-market shareholder returns.
“There’s no case here for undue enrichment of shareholders” or over-compensating CEOs, Crystal finds.
Health care needs a major overhaul, but that’s no reason to make scapegoats out of insurance companies.
3. The Media
I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard Obama point the finger at the media at his town hall meeting last week in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Fishing Expedition
The president, defending the White House’s fishing expedition for “fishy” e-mails on health-insurance reform (suspended this week by popular demand), blamed the media for “distorting what’s taken place.”
Is this the same media that was in the pocket for candidate Obama and waltzed us through the honeymoon? If Bush had been as reliant on his teleprompter as Obama, or said “Cinco de Cuatro” when he meant “Cuatro de Mayo,” the press would have been all over him for being inept.
Sorry, Mr. President, you have no idea what it means for the media to distort what’s taken place. The long-gone Bush administration is getting more negative press than you are.
4. Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin, the recently retired governor of Alaska, 2008 Republican vice-presidential candidate and Democrat’s favorite whipping boy (or girl), created a stir with a reference to death panels on Facebook. Palin said she didn’t want her parents or Down-Syndrome baby to “have to stand in front of Obama’s ‘death panel’ so his bureaucrats can decide” what kind of medical care should be allocated to these less productive members of society.
Blame the Democrats
This is the same Sarah Palin whose foreign policy experience was summed up during the campaign by her ability “to see Russia from land here in Alaska.” This is the same Sarah Palin credited with changing the terms of the debate? C’mon. That’s too laughable to address.
Besides, there’s a kernel of truth in what she said. Like all goods and services, medical care is a scarce resource that must be rationed. The only question is how: by the market (price) or by government mandate.
If government is doing the rationing, what exactly will bureaucrats use to determine who gets what care and who doesn’t?
Opposition to fast-track health-insurance reform is coming from Obama’s own party. Senator Kent Conrad, Democrat of North Dakota and one of six Finance Committee members involved in bipartisan negotiations, said on Fox News Sunday that the goal is to “get this right,” not meet some “specific timetable.”
He said the Senate lacks enough votes to pass a bill with a public option. “To continue to chase that rabbit, I think, is just a wasted effort.”
There’s always room for one more -- the Democrats -- on Obama’s blame-game list.
Wild Thing's comment........
When I first read this article my reaction was sheesh what an article. I was thinking of how there is no one in the criminal lib media or worse, in the GOP, that will come out and tell the truth like this author. Good for Baum .
The GOP are too chicken to come out and slam Obama, they are afraid to be called racists. Sarah can give a rats behind what the libs or the media thinks of her, so she speaks her mind. The GOP of course refuses to defend her, because they are gutless.
I really think those of the liberal elite who think she lacks intellectual depth are walking right into her trap.
Heh heh
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (8)
August 19, 2009
Sarah Palin Smackdown to Obama for Brazilian Offshore Oil Development and See Soros Connection
Sarah Palin pummeled Team Obama over the news yesterday that the government will fund Brazilian offshore oil development and research but deny US companies access to oil deposits off our own shores.
Today's Wall Street Journal contains some puzzling news for all Americans who are impacted by high energy prices and who share the goal of moving us toward energy independence.
For years, states rich with an abundance of oil and natural gas have been begging Washington, DC politicians for the right to develop their own natural resources on federal lands and off shore. Such development would mean good paying jobs here in the United States (with health benefits) and the resulting royalties and taxes would provide money for federal coffers that would potentially off-set the need for higher income taxes, reduce the federal debt and deficits, or even help fund a trillion dollar health care plan if one were so inclined to support such a plan.
So why is it that during these tough times, when we have great needs at home, the Obama White House is prepared to send more than two billion of your hard-earned tax dollars to Brazil so that the nation's state-owned oil company, Petrobras, can drill off shore and create jobs developing its own resources? That's all Americans want; but such rational energy development has been continually thwarted by rabid environmentalists, faceless bureaucrats and a seemingly endless parade of lawsuits aimed at shutting down new energy projects.
I'll speak for the talent I have personally witnessed on the oil fields in Alaska when I say no other country in the world has a stronger workforce than America, no other country in the world has better safety standards than America, and no other country in the world has stricter environmental standards than America. Come to Alaska to witness how oil and gas can be developed simultaneously with the preservation of our eco-system. America has the resources. We deserve the opportunity to develop our resources no less than the Brazilians. Millions of Americans know it is true: "Drill, baby, drill." Alaska is proof you can drill and develop, and preserve nature, with its magnificent caribou herds passing by the Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), completely unaffected. One has to wonder if Obama is playing politics and perhaps refusing a "win" for some states just to play to the left with our money.
The new Gulf of Mexico lease sales tomorrow sound promising and perhaps will move some states in the right direction, but we all know that the extreme environmentalists who serve to block progress elsewhere, including in Alaska, continue to block opportunities. These environmentalists are putting our nation in peril and forcing us to rely on unstable and hostile foreign countries. Mr. Obama can stop the extreme tactics and exert proper government authority to encourage resource development and create jobs and health benefits in the U.S.; instead, he chooses to use American dollars in Brazil that will help to pay the salaries and benefits for Brazilians to drill for resources when the need and desire is great in America.
Buy American is a wonderful slogan, but you can't say in one breath that you want to strengthen our economy and stimulate it, and then in another ship our much-needed dollars to a nation desperate to drill while depriving us of the same opportunity.
- Sarah Palin
Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling
h/t GatewayPundit
You read that headline correctly. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration is financing oil exploration off Brazil.
The U.S. is going to lend billions of dollars to Brazil's state-owned oil company, Petrobras, to finance exploration of the huge offshore discovery in Brazil's Tupi oil field in the Santos Basin near Rio de Janeiro. Brazil's planning minister confirmed that White House National Security Adviser James Jones met this month with Brazilian officials to talk about the loan.
The U.S. Export-Import Bank tells us it has issued a "preliminary commitment" letter to Petrobras in the amount of $2 billion and has discussed with Brazil the possibility of increasing that amount. Ex-Im Bank says it has not decided whether the money will come in the form of a direct loan or loan guarantees. Either way, this corporate foreign aid may strike some readers as odd, given that the U.S. Treasury seems desperate for cash and Petrobras is one of the largest corporations in the Americas.
But look on the bright side. If President Obama has embraced offshore drilling in Brazil, why not in the old U.S.A.? The land of the sorta free and the home of the heavily indebted has enormous offshore oil deposits, and last year ahead of the November elections, with gasoline at $4 a gallon, Congress let a ban on offshore drilling expire.
The Bush Administration's five-year plan (2007-2012) to open the outer continental shelf to oil exploration included new lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico. But in 2007 environmentalists went to court to block drilling in Alaska and in April a federal court ruled in their favor. In May, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said his department was unsure whether that ruling applied only to Alaska or all offshore drilling. So it asked an appeals court for clarification. Late last month the court said the earlier decision applied only to Alaska, opening the way for the sale of leases in the Gulf. Mr. Salazar now says the sales will go forward on August 19.
This is progress, however slow. But it still doesn't allow the U.S. to explore in Alaska or along the East and West Coasts, which could be our equivalent of the Tupi oil fields, which are set to make Brazil a leading oil exporter. Americans are right to wonder why Mr. Obama is underwriting in Brazil what he won't allow at home.
Who else besides Obama has taken an interest in Petrobras?
George Soros Cut Petrobras Stake in Second Quarter
His New York-based hedge-fund firm, Soros Fund Management LLC, sold 22 million U.S.-listed common shares of Petrobras, as the Brazilian oil company is known, according to a filing today with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Soros bought 5.8 million of the company’s U.S.-traded preferred shares.
Soros is taking advantage of the spread between the two types of U.S.-listed Petrobras shares, said Luis Maizel, president of LM Capital Group LLC, which manages about $4 billion. The common shares were 21 percent more expensive than preferred today, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. …
Petrobras preferred shares have also a 10 percent additional dividend, said William Landers, a senior portfolio manager for Latin America at Blackrock Inc.
“Given that there will most likely never be a change in control in the company, I see no reason to pay a higher price for the common shares.” Brazil’s government controls Petrobras and has a majority stake of voting shares.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Petrobras makes up 23% of George Soros’ financial portfolio!
Sarah Palin was one intelligent and capable person in the last presidential race. Sarah delivers another eloquent smackdown to the Kenyan usurper.
She’s not afraid of his Marxist ass. Notice she doesn’t even call him President, she calls him Mr. Obama, or the Obama White House..AWESOME. She does have to be politic. She stopped short of calling him a white-hating, racist, long-legged mac-daddy. I would love to see Rev. Manning making the rounds on the 2010 campaign trail. heh heh
Obamacare has been front and center in the public eye for weeks now.
Lurking in the back rooms of Washington is Cap & Trade. It has worked its way thought The House of Representatives. This dangerous monster is still around, it deserves as much scrutiny by the taxpayers as health care.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:28 PM | Comments (8)
August 08, 2009
Sarah Palin Says Obama's Plan to Overhaul Health Care is 'Evil'
Sarah Palin at first apperance since resignation
NRA's XVIII Gun Collectors Seminar in Anchorage, Alaska on Saturday night, August 1, 2009.
Palin Says Obama's Plan to Overhaul Health Care is 'Evil'
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin called President Obama's health plan "downright evil" Friday in her first online comments since leaving office, saying in a Facebook posting that he would create a "death panel" that would deny care to the neediest Americans.
"Who will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course," the former vice Republican presidential candidate wrote on her Facebook page, which has nearly 700,000 supporters.
"The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil," Palin wrote.
An e-mail sent to Palin's spokeswoman to confirm authorship was not immediately returned Friday.
Obama, a Democrat, campaigned on a promise of offering affordable health care to all Americans. He has proposed a system that would include government and private insurers.
Republicans say that private insurers would be unable to compete, leaving the country with only a government-run health program. They warn that could leave Americans with little control over their health care.
Republican criticism has included claims that the reform plans will lead to rationing, or the government determining which medical procedures a patient can have. However, millions of Americans already face rationing, as insurance companies rule on procedures they will cover.
Denying coverage for certain procedures might increase under proposals to have a government-appointed agency identify medicines and procedures best suited for various conditions.
In the posting, Palin encouraged her supporters to be engaged in the debate. "Nationalizing our health care system is a point of no return for government interference in the lives of its citizens. If we go down this path, there will be no turning back," Palin wrote.
"Let's stop and think and make our voices heard before it's too late," the posting said.
Palin resigned as Alaska governor on July 26 with nearly 18 months left in her term. She cited not only the numerous ethics complaints that had been filed against her also her wish not to be a lame duck after the first-term governor decided not to seek re-election next year.
Palin, popular with conservatives in the Republican party, has said she wants to build a right-of-center coalition, and there is speculation she will seek the presidency in 2012. In the two weeks since she resigned, Palin has made only one public appearance, giving a Second Amendment rights speech last Saturday before a gun owners group in Anchorage.
Palin also has been largely silent before Friday's post. She was a voracious user of the social networking site Twitter, and promised to keep her supporters updated with a new private account after she left office. But that hasn't happened, leaving some of her fans begging for updates in the past two weeks.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Sarah Palin..100 PERCENT SPOT ON!! God Bless her.
Look at this..... heh heh
From Facebook:
Sarah Palin has 696,341 supporters
and for comparison purposes......
Mitt Romney has 68,000 supporters
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (6)
August 03, 2009
Maureen Dowd: Sarah Palin Scared ~ A Must Read LMAO
Maureen Dowd: Sarah Palin Scared
By Stuart Schwartz
(Stuart H. Schwartz, Ph.D., is a former newspaper and retail executive. He is on the faculty at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia )
You're Maureen Dowd, and you're scared. The self-doubt, the "Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas," the whole Robert Frost thing --you know, "The Road Not Taken" -- relentlessly nibbles at the edge of your consciousness.
You're Maureen Dowd and you're scared -- Sarah Palin scared. Others -- like columnists Peggy Noonan and Kathleen Parker -- are jealous. But you are scared. You're celebrated, a Pulitzer prize-winning columnist for The New York Times, famed and feared, known as the "Queen of Snots" for eviscerating prose largely directed at conservatives and middle America, which begins at the Hudson River and ends just east of zip code 90210 in California.
But...the Big 6-0 is in front of you (wait-isn't that my mother's age, sixty years?! How can this be!?), the last gasps of menopause still flash hot and cold, and suddenly a woman comes on the political scene whose life, choices, and successes are the polar opposite of the choices you've made the centerpiece of your life -- written a whole book about, in fact, Are Men Necessary: Why Sexes Collide.
You have relentlessly developed an aura of intellect and sex. You are "a smart, ambitious, alluring woman in a crazy, often infuriating man's world." That's how Howard Kurtz -- a dear friend -- described you in the Washington Post. He wrote what you wanted him to write: Your mystique, your sexuality "is at the heart of Dowd's take on life."
You are the anti-Palin. You live alone because your job and accomplishments are intimidating to men, you're without children because you refuse to be "Mrs. Anonymous Biological Robot in a Docile Mass" of family and boring community, and you're not married because that's for the Sarah Palins of the world, women who want to become "harpies and nagging wives and mothers." Choices -- you chose sexy and accomplished.
Sexy. Sexy and smart. Do you hear that, Sarah Palin? Forget menopause. Sure, the face in the mirror has dried around the eyes and the mouth -- but you're of Irish stock, you know, and they're known for that white and fragile complexion. Nothing that your favorite moisturizer, Crème de la Mer, a mere $130 an ounce at the preferred store of the women of the Times, Saks Fifth Avenue, can't handle. And, of course, a ban on updating the headshot accompanying your column; not that you care, just that you have better things to do than sit for a photo of a face that hasn't changed in a decade, right?
Sarah Palin gets under your skin. Talk about itching and dryness. She thinks she's so smart. But it takes more than a runner's glow and frozen tundra to make a woman. And even then...well, it was just a bit more than five short years ago that a magazine in Canada -- which has snow, just like Alaska -- looked around and declared you to have "commanding wit and beauty."
But...you're Sarah Palin scared. You can't turn back the clock. And so you and your colleagues savage her in print and on the air, declaring her "a volatile and scattered country-music queen without the music," more stripper than executive.
And that family, you ask hotly, your estrogen fade fueling the flames? Doesn't she know successful women don't have large families, having paid the price and "squandered their fertility"? But never mind. You are one of the most powerful women in media and your choices have led to moments of extraordinary pleasure, such as Chris Matthews, grinning ear-to-ear, prostrating himself on MSNBC when you appeared as his guest: "Wow. Maureen Dowd. You're unbelievable. You are fabulous. I look up to you."
Take that, Sarah Palin!
Hah! Real women don't do families -- hasn't anyone read your column, when you channeled Sex in the City and declared that women "come to life in Sarah Jessica Parker's Carrie Bradshaw." Hardly the terrain of the Terror of the Tundra. You are the real woman, not "Caribou Barbie."
Everyone knows that, even Liz Trotta, a Fox News commentator who is conservative and old (is that what happens when you cross the big 6-0?). Liz says Sarah Palin is "inarticulate and undereducated," using "good looks and gender" to get somewhere. She's right: Palin has no brains, just "sexy shoes" and a stripper body that gets attention. Then, of course, she "put(s) away her breast pump" and shows everyone her only authentic assets.
Stupid woman making stupid choices. Why can't she just go away?! You're Maureen Dowd and you're hot and you're accomplished and....well, you're hot, a hundred times hot, described by elite media as "a glamorous woman surrounded by a rapt circle of men."
You're hot, right? And, because you're interested in the journalism of truth, you've made sure that every glimpse at your world shows you to be an "utter and unreconstructed fox", as New York magazine put it. "Men can't resist you," journalists proclaim. Even Vanity Fair speculates about what goes on in your bedroom. Your life, your body won't let you be 60 years, which is the new 50, perhaps 45...no, make that 39.
And then, along comes trashy Sarah Palin, who smiles a "vacuously spunky" smile that shows her "utterly unready to lead the world -- or even find the world on a map." And she's surrounded herself with family in an era when a real woman understands that "being married or otherwise tied down removes a gal's aura of sexual mystery."
But still, they talk about her, about her energy, about her looks, her youth, her family, her youth, and -- as Thomas Lifson puts it -- her "unmatched charisma and authenticity." And did you mention her youth? And now you're looking at her choices, a former governor of an "oversized igloo, " a "hockey mom" and "Miss Alaska runner-up," surrounded by that gruesome family of "Wasilla hillbillies"...and now you're Howard Dean in a low-backed black dress with spaghetti straps, screaming "Yeargh!!"
You're Sarah Palin scared, with a whole new set of hot flashes to worry about. You're afire, radiating enough heat to power for a month the seven homes of Michael Douglas, who was your lover before he married Catherine Zeta-Jones. Or for a year the country retreat of Howell Raines, former head of the Times; or the beach paradise of West Wing creator Aaron Sorkin; or the...need you go on?
Choices. Her husband is dumb, a "hunky Eskimo" with lead between his ears, perfect for someone "hopelessly over her head." He has a fishing boat and works for an oil company -- big deal! Aaron Sorkin has been in and out of your bed for much of the past decade, and he is a big deal. The talented creator of a hit television show could spend more on a weekend freebasing cocaine at the ritzy Four Seasons than Palin husband makes in a year. Now, Miss Alaska, who makes the best choices?
You're "bewitching," "a sorceress." So says Todd Purdum, once a colleague at the Times and now an editor at Vanity Fair. Yes, the same Todd Purdum who savaged Palin in Vanity Fair this month. He never could resist you, carrying your bags on trips, running to your place in the middle of the night to fix your computer. He's your Todd Puppy...pant, pant, pant. Anything to make you happy. And his evisceration of that "underqualified ‘babe'" makes you very happy, indeed.
But you're Maureen Dowd and you're scared. New Yorker Film critic David Denby looks at you and sees a woman who is "essentially sour and without hope." And no matter what you do, what you say...the big 6-0 is around the corner. And your ritzy Georgetown place seems quieter.
And, what's worse, you suspect that Sarah Palin, when her time comes and she is faced with the Big 6-0, will just smile and say "You betchya" ...and celebrate.
Wild Thing's comment........
You Betcha !
OMG this is hilarious! What great writing this is! A fine tribute to a bitter burned up Maureen Dowd. She deserves every word in this.
Maureen Dowd's biggest nightmare is that she's going to wind up like Helen Thomas, but Helen won't step aside and let Maureen take her place.
The centerpiece of practically every Dowd column is an ad hominem attack on some conservative she doesn’t like. Obviously Dowd is quite unable to analyze issues rationally. She is The Queen of Snark. The little ferret biting at the ankles.
Maureen Dowd, Peggy Noonan, Kathleen Parker, and Katie Couric all of them jealous of Sarah and spewing hate for her each one in their own horrible way.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
CNN Whores For Obama Yet Again With More Lies About Sarah Palin
Alaskan CNN stringer Dennis Zaki, sourced to an anonymous Anchorage blogger and the National Enquirer.
Todd and Sarah Palin to divorce
Alaska Report
"AlaskaReport has learned today that Todd Palin and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin are to divorce. Multiple sources in Wasilla and Anchorage (including a former Palin staffer) have confirmed the split."
CNN Bozo Accidentally Outs His Source; Palins Threaten Legal Action On Divorce Smear
An attorney for Sarah Palin has delivered a letter threatening legal action against an anti-Palin blogger who was the source of a divorce rumor that the attorney for the former Alaska governor called "categorically false."
Publication of the letter at a Web site that repeated the rumor has uncovered circumstantial evidence that the anti-Palin blogger "Gryphen" is a kindergarten teacher at an Anchorage elementary school....
CNN stringer/anti-Palin blogger Dennis Zaki published ... a copy of a letter from Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein, ordering "Gryphen" to retract the allegations -- calling them "complete fabrications, false and defamatory" -- or face legal action. The Van Flein letter, published by Zaki with the name of the recipient blacked out, ended with this sentence:
"If you do not have an attorney, please let me know if you want to be served with the summons and complaint at the kindergarten where you assist or at your residence." (Emphasis added.)
By publishing the letter, Zaki inadvertantly provided valuable information to an anonymous tipster who compiled online research indicating the identity of "Gryphen," ....
The tipster also forwarded examples of the Immoral Minority blog's attacks on Palin, where "Gryphen" used vulgar obscene language in reference to Mrs. Palin, including the so-called "Trig Truther" suggestion that the governor was not actually the mother of her fifth child:
"Wherever Trig came from he has proved to be a very valuable asset to Sarah Palin indeed. But just where did Trig Palin come from? As of today, as of this minute, and after over a month of searching I cannot tell you. I simply do not know for certain. I do know however where he did not come from. He did not issue forth from Sarah Palin. He may have been conceived inside her house (The jury is still out on that one), but he was not conceived in her uterus. On that one fact I have absolutely no doubt." -- June 6, 2009
Media in Alaska will not be able to ignore the news that the state's most notorious anti-Palin blogger is a kindergarten teacher at public school. Having spent part of my early career as a newspaper reporter covering the education beat, I can predict that "Gryphen" will soon at the center of a maelstrom of controversy....
"Gryphen" is Jesse Griffin, a part-time teaching assistant at Trailside Elementary School in Anchorage. At his Immoral Minority blog, Griffin now confirms the basics (without using his real name), saying he has "every confidence that I will be vindicated."....
Wild Thing's comment........
It would be very easy for CNN with all their resources to check out any kind of items that cross their desk BEFORE they put lies out there. But CNN does not care as long it is something negative about Sarah. Rumors are hatful and they hurt. There is so much out there on Obama it is not rumor it is true. When CNN and other news networks don't tell the truth and don't do investigative reporting on their own it is not longer a news network , it is what we have all seen, a propaganda machine for the left, the Progressives in power and those backing them.
If Sarah were a liberal they would have a parade for her. The reaction she gets from people is awesome, huge crowds to hear her speak, of course the left wishes she were on their side, since she is not, and since she is smart and beautiful, they hate her. They can’t stand the fact that she is not one of them, they hate the fact that she has strong Conservative beliefs and is HAPPILY MARRIED with 5 beautiful children and a grandchild, and also a son fighting for our freedom in Iraq, they absolutely HATE it. Liberals hate our country, Sarah says God Bless America every single chance she gets, while Obama and his ilk are doing all they can to destroy our country. The left makes up these phony rumors about her getting divorced, and all the other horrible things they have said and done.
Here he is on the school website:
And this is his blog, he really hates her.........
And here is a post at this jerks blog about all of this happening and about Palin's lawyer:
Was it something I said?
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (2)
July 26, 2009
Sarah Palin Farewell Address AWESOME!
Sarah Palin Farewell Address (1/2) - 7.26.09
Sarah Palin Farewell Address (2/2) - 7.26.09
Some notes and comments from me.
Sarah going after the press: “quit making thing up”... loud applause
Freedom of the press....democracy depends on you. In honor of the American solider how about you quit making things up!
To the Media: “our new Governor has nice kids, too. LEAVE THEN ALONE!”
Going over her record as Governor right now. A lot of accomplishments in a short period of time.
She’s on fire.
pro 2nd Amendment jibe at hollywood.
We eat therefore we hunt!
State rights is a big theme with Palin, and I applaud her for it.
Government can’t make you happy or healthy or wealthy or wise!!!!!!
I love how the military is hanging with her, and how she's returning the love
This woman has the political instincts of a tiger on the hunt. She senses weakness at the National Level in both the Reoublican Party, AND in Washington, as more of the TRUE Obama is getting past the media’s self-censorship.
She is delightful!
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:04 PM | Comments (6)
Sarah Palin Picnic in Wasilla, Alaska (Speech~Video)
Gov. Sarah Palin kicked off the first of three picnics marking her departure from office with a hometown tribute to the troops and an elbow at the news media.
Speaking before a friendly crowd at a park here Friday night, two days before she resigns, Palin invoked her soldier son to assure supporters that she is not downcast over the political frustrations that are prompting her to quit before her term is up.
She told the hundreds gathered in a military “Honor Garden” that she wanted to “do something… more worthy than speaking politics” before sharing a story about a reporter who had asked her about how she handles difficult days.
“I said, ‘Oh no,’ it is not a down day – my son called this week from Iraq,” Palin recalled, referring to her son, Track, an Army enlistee. “He is safe, he is sound. It is always a good day when my son calls.”
Interrupting the applause, Palin said: “I wish that some in the media would keep things like that in perspective, what is really important in our country. And what is important is our freedoms, America’s security, our liberty.”
Later, citing military families that have lost loved ones, she again drew loud applause by saying: “Let us continue to love our country, be proud of our country, never apologize for our country.”
She concluded her remarks by noting that it was the last time she’d appear in her hometown as governor, thanking the city that first elected her as mayor.
After she was done, one man yelled out, “We want you as our commander-in-chief,” prompting more cheers from the crowd and a military-style salute from Palin.
But that was the only hint she gave as to her future plans.
Sarah and crowd praying during invocation
Gov. Sarah Palin has made her last official appearance in her hometown as the leader of Alaska. The Governor's Picnic in Wasilla attracted thousands of people from as far away as Texas, New York and Florida.
They prepared enough hot dogs, watermelon and root beer floats for 5,000 picnickers. Some came for the free food and music, but the main attraction was someone who has grown up and made her home right in their own backyard.
It was the first taste of Palin's three-course picnic weekend. And even in her hometown, neighbors who've grown up around Palin seemed a little star struck. "She served me a hotdog and she signed napkins for myself and this gentleman up here that I've been chatting with," said Wasilla resident Cindy Harvey.
And for those visiting from Outside, it was a meal they'll never forget. "There's five of us here from Louisiana," said Diana Hobson. "We love Sarah Palin -- I've been looking for Sarah Palin T-shirts all over Wasilla."
"I just told her that everybody, when we left and said we're coming to Alaska, they said, ‘Tell Sarah we love her,' so she signed my book," said Anna Bayless of Austin, Texas.
Rush praised Governor Palin tonight on Fox News Channel's “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren”. Here's the video: Just one note. Rush states he never talked to her, he meant he has not talked to her about no longer being a Gov. because Rush interviewed her on his show last year during the campaign and she called in and spoke with him.
Major General Craig Campbell: Sarah Palin “Awesome” Commander-in-Chief of Alaska National Guard
Wild Thing's comment.......
It is pathetic that her simple words of love and respect for our country and the troops are so hard to find from our “representatives” these days!
Compare to Obama who flies all over the world apologizing for the USA (idiot), but then when he runs his mouth without the facts can only "recalibrate his words" (weasel).
Today Sarah heads to Fairbanks where she'll hand over power to Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (15)
July 25, 2009
Sarah Palin Says Goodbye at Picnic
As She Steps Down, Palin Vows to Reclaim Ethics Fight
Sarah Palin, who rose from obscurity to become Alaska's governor three years ago, began her career as a combative whistleblower crusading against state political corruption. She accused GOP leaders of violating ethics laws, then publicized details of the confidential investigations.
Now, as Palin prepares to step down Sunday, 18 months before the end of her term, she vows to resurrect her early crusader image on a national stage.....
"I'm not leaving the governorship because of any particular ethics complaint. Rather, I have explained that the millions of dollars spent by the state and the diversion of resources to address politically inspired records requests, personnel board costs and wasting staff time is unnecessary and harmful to the state," Palin said in written comments to The Washington Post. "I will take the battle nationally and I won't shy away from challenging the powerful, the entrenched, the corrupt and anyone standing in the way of getting our country back on the right track."
~snipet ~
"I will not worry about some 'political image,' " she said. "The people will judge me on my substance and my message, not my 'image.' "
Friday July 24th, .......More than a thousand people showed up Friday for Gov. Sarah Palin's annual picnic held in her hometown of Wasilla. Palin, who is resigning and leaves office on Sunday, used the occasion to sign autographs and hand out hot dogs.
"Palin's Wild Ride: Early popularity an advantage with Legislature"
Wild Thing's comment......
The article is mostly about her campaign with McCain and other things from the past but her quotes are what stand out so I wanted to share them with you.
giggle, the fact that she gave this statement to the Washington Post was to make sure it got wide distribution to all the liberals out there. WaPo articles are picked up by lots of smaller newspapers. It’ll go all over. She knows it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (10)
July 22, 2009
Gov. Sarah Palin To Feds: Alaska Is Sovereign State
Palin to feds: Alaska is sovereign state
Constitutional rights reasserted in growing resistance to Washington
Gov. Sarah Palin has signed a joint resolution declaring Alaska's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution – and now 36 other states have introduced similar resolutions as part of a growing resistance to the federal government.
Just weeks before she plans to step down from her position as Alaska governor, Palin signed House Joint Resolution 27, sponsored by state Rep. Mike Kelly on July 10, according to a Tenth Amendment Center report.
The resolution "claims sovereignty for the state under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution of the United States."
Alaska's House passed HJR 27 by a vote of 37-0, and the Senate passed it by a vote of 40-0.
According to the report, the joint resolution does not carry with it the force of law, but supporters say it is a significant move toward getting their message out to other lawmakers, the media and grassroots movements.
Alaska's resolution states:
Be it resolved that the Alaska State Legislature hereby claims sovereignty for the state under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution of the United States.
Be it further resolved that this resolution serves as Notice and Demand to the federal government to cease and desist, effective immediately, mandates that are beyond the scope of these constitutionally delegated powers.
While seven states – Tennessee, Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Alaska and Louisiana – have had both houses of their legislatures pass similar decrees, Alaska Gov. Palin and Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen are currently the only governors to have signed their states' sovereignty resolutions.
The resolutions all address the Tenth Amendment that says: "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
The Tenth Amendment Center also reported that Florida State Sen. Carey Baker, R-Eustis, introduced a memorial earlier this month urging "Congress to honor the provisions of the Constitution of the United States and United States Supreme Court case law which limit the scope and exercise of federal power."
"Now more than ever, state governments must exercise their Constitutional right to say no to the expansion of the federal government's reckless deficit spending and abuse of power," Sen. Baker said. "With this resolution, our Legislature can send a message to Washington that our state's rights must be respected."
The full text of Florida's memorial is available on the Tenth Amendment Center website.
As WND reported, South Carolina's proposal, S. 424, is titled: "To affirm South Carolina's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution over all powers not enumerated and granted to the federal government by the United States Constitution."
Essentially it's a reminder that the United States is made up of individual states; it's not a federal authority broken up into political subdivisions.
In South Carolina, the proposals remains pending in the state Senate, where Sen. Lee Bright said he still hopes that it will be adopted this year.
The proposal there notes specifically that the "federal government was created by the states … to be an agent of the states," and the states currently "are treated as agents of the federal government," many times in violation of the Constitution.
Bright told WND the movement is spreading from state to state as fast as lawmakers discover it.
Michael Boldin, a spokesman for the Tenth Amendment Center, said his organization has created a posting for all such proposals to be tracked.
Among the states where such proposals at least have been considered are Louisiana, Colorado, Wisconsin, Florida, Illinois, West Virginia, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Nevada, Oregon, Alabama, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Idaho, New Mexico, South Dakota, Virginia, Kentucky, Alaska, Indiana, Tennessee, Arkansas, Minnesota, South Carolina, Georgia, Kansas, Texas, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Missouri, Iowa, Montana, Michigan, Arizona, Washington and Oklahoma.
In Louisiana, it passed the Senate in May and the House in June.
In Idaho, it passed the House in March and the Senate in April.
In North Dakota, it passed the House and Senate both in April, with the House a short time later adopting changes made by the Senate.
In South Dakota, it was approved by both houses of the Legislature and under that state's rules does not need the governor's signature.
In May, Rep. M.J. "Manny" Steele, a Republican in South Dakota, wrote that he believes up to $11 trillion is being wasted in the coming years by Washington's efforts "to duplicate and micromanage our states' affairs."
He said states should manage their own affairs and not be dependent on a federal cash cow to make ends meet. Likewise with industries, he said, citing federal cash dumps on the banking, insurance and automobile industries.
Steele told WND his dollar estimate was based on what President Obama himself has allocated in the coming years to spend on stimulus packages, industry bailouts and the like.
"If we would just let the market take care of these things," he said.
His letter noted that Alaska, Georgia, Idaho, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma and South Carolina legislatures joined South Dakota's in passing some statement on the Tenth Amendment this year. The results vary based on state procedures, however. In Oklahoma, the governor vetoed the plan and it was launched on its second trip through the legislature and has been passed by the House.
"Over the course of decades, there have been increasing federal mandates and acts designed to effectively step in and legislate the affairs of our various states from Washington D.C.," Steele said. "Federal usurpation into state affairs severely limits the ability of state governments to operate according to their citizens' wishes."
Wild Thing's comment.........
Fantastic that she did this! GO Sarah!
Sarah would be a President that actually upholds the Constitution of the United States, unlike the Obama plant that lives and breaths hate for the Constitution.
Excellent. Keep the movement growing. The RATS are unconsitutional Marxists out to crush our personal freedoms and states’ rights.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:45 AM | Comments (8)
July 18, 2009
Kate Obenshain Discusses Media Efforts To Bring Palin Down
Young America's Foundation VP Kate Obenshain discusses the media's efforts to bring Governor Palin down.
Wild Thing's comment......
Good for Kate for what she says about Sarah. The left is not going to give up so I am really glad to see so many on our side speaking out about Sarah.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (4)
July 17, 2009
Jackie Mason Speaks Out For Sarah Palin
Greta: Sarah Palin Easily Most Popular National Republican Candidate [FOX News]
Wild Thing's comment.......
The look on his face as he ends with, "You lowlife bastards..," is precious. He's actually seething with righteous disdain for the Sarah-haters.
Americans love Sarah because Sarah loves America. I'm talking about the America we grew up in, that saved the free world, and that shines as a beacon of joyous freedom and sovereign independence for all the world to aspire to.
The same America that Obama and his Sarah-hating zealots feel they have to apologize for, and then somehow "change for the better."
Better than what? We're the best that there is, and Sarah is going to help us make sure that we keep it that way. I hope that, when she take office, she goes after all the traitors, theives and usurpers who have burned our Constitution.
Thanks, Jackie. For a Hollywood dude to talk like you takes real chutzpah!
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (6)
Sarah Palin Favorablitiy Ratings
Rush Discusses Palin's Favorablitiy Ratings July 16, 2009
From Rush Limbaugh:
Gallup: 72% of Republicans Approve of Sarah Palin
Rush: Liberals and Drive-By Media Fear Palin the Most
Wild Thing's comment.......
Rush Limbaugh as well has praised and supported Sarah in the past. Since she made her announcement he has also said he has supported her in private. In that sense its complete .
The ones that Sarah Palin scares are not right-wing. They are RINO or Democrats.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (7)
July 15, 2009
"Sarah Palin, political genius" by Willie Brown a Democrat
Willie Brown, Mayor of San Francisco from 1996 to 2004 & Speaker of the California Assembly from 1980 to 1995 had this to say about Governor Palin:
Sarah Palin, political genius
by Willie Brown
The pundits are wrong. Conventional wisdom is wrong. Sarah Palin's decision to step down as Alaska governor was a brilliant move.
Palin has some of the best political instincts I have ever seen. She became a pop-culture superstar overnight when John McCain made her his veep pick, and she's still second only to President Obama among politicians the public is interested in. Even in liberal San Francisco, she'd be front-page news if she ever came to town.
But that kind of celebrity comes at a high price. What a lot of people don't know is that Palin entered Alaska politics as a reformer attacking the corruption of the state's Republican establishment. As such, she was the darling of the Democrats - until she hooked up with McCain.
After the election, with Palin back home but positioning herself for a 2012 presidential run, it was clear she would catch nothing but ridicule from Alaska's Democrats. It was not going to be pretty.
If Palin wants to play on the national field, she has to be free to move around. She has to be able to drop into Indiana, Ohio or Tennessee and help Republican candidates raise money. She has to be available for radio and TV.
She has to be like Gavin Newsom, free to roam around the country, safe in the knowledge that things will pretty much take care of themselves back home.
Instead, Palin faced the prospect of being constantly pinned down in a state that is a day and a half away from the rest of America. She would have been totally isolated in every sense of the word.
Now she can study up on issues where she is lacking and become a full-time political celebrity.
The pundits call her a quitter, but let's be honest - the pundits never liked her to begin with. Better to take one hit for stepping down and move on than to stay in Alaska and die a death by a thousand cuts.
Governor or not, Palin is still the biggest star in the Republican galaxy. After all, who else have they got?
Wild Thing's comment.......
Like they say, "Even a broken clock is right twice a day."
I lived in California for 27 years and I’ve never liked Willie Brown’s politics but this man is right on target on this one. Willie Brown doesn’t pretend to be anything he’s not.
She won’t have McCain’s RINOs to hold her back any more! Unlike many Republicans, Sarah Palin gets it. She knows whats wrong in the country and she knows how to fix it. It is the conservative values that the Republican party has let go of for too long, and kissed up to the dem lites in the party and the rinos' .
Based on her initial announcement alone, we can infer that this brave and beautiful spirit is drawing up plans for a metaphorical big game hunting expedition throughout the country with a focus in the DC wilds. The MacArthur quote was not an idle comment. Free of the legal and political shackles, Sarah Palin will take the fight to preserve the Constitution and US Sovereignty into enemy territory. It is an urgent and righteous cause. We the people are ready to join the fray. All she has to do is signal when ready.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (6)
July 14, 2009
The 'Cap And Tax' Dead End ....by Sarah Palin
The 'Cap And Tax' Dead End
By Sarah Palin
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
There is no shortage of threats to our economy. America's unemployment rate recently hit its highest mark in more than 25 years and is expected to continue climbing. Worries are widespread that even when the economy finally rebounds, the recovery won't bring jobs. Our nation's debt is unsustainable, and the federal government's reach into the private sector is unprecedented.
Unfortunately, many in the national media would rather focus on the personality-driven political gossip of the day than on the gravity of these challenges. So, at risk of disappointing the chattering class, let me make clear what is foremost on my mind and where my focus will be:
I am deeply concerned about President Obama's cap-and-trade energy plan, and I believe it is an enormous threat to our economy. It would undermine our recovery over the short term and would inflict permanent damage.
American prosperity has always been driven by the steady supply of abundant, affordable energy. Particularly in Alaska, we understand the inherent link between energy and prosperity, energy and opportunity, and energy and security. Consequently, many of us in this huge, energy-rich state recognize that the president's cap-and-trade energy tax would adversely affect every aspect of the U.S. economy.
There is no denying that as the world becomes more industrialized, we need to reform our energy policy and become less dependent on foreign energy sources. But the answer doesn't lie in making energy scarcer and more expensive! Those who understand the issue know we can meet our energy needs and environmental challenges without destroying America's economy.
Job losses are so certain under this new cap-and-tax plan that it includes a provision accommodating newly unemployed workers from the resulting dried-up energy sector, to the tune of $4.2 billion over eight years. So much for creating jobs.
In addition to immediately increasing unemployment in the energy sector, even more American jobs will be threatened by the rising cost of doing business under the cap-and-tax plan. For example, the cost of farming will certainly increase, driving down farm incomes while driving up grocery prices. The costs of manufacturing, warehousing and transportation will also increase.
The ironic beauty in this plan? Soon, even the most ardent liberal will understand supply-side economics.
The Americans hit hardest will be those already struggling to make ends meet. As the president eloquently puts it, their electricity bills will "necessarily skyrocket." So much for not raising taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 a year.
Even Warren Buffett, an ardent Obama supporter, admitted that under the cap-and-tax scheme, "poor people are going to pay a lot more for electricity."
We must move in a new direction. We are ripe for economic growth and energy independence if we responsibly tap the resources that God created right underfoot on American soil. Just as important, we have more desire and ability to protect the environment than any foreign nation from which we purchase energy today.
In Alaska, we are progressing on the largest private-sector energy project in history. Our 3,000-mile natural gas pipeline will transport hundreds of trillions of cubic feet of our clean natural gas to hungry markets across America. We can safely drill for U.S. oil offshore and in a tiny, 2,000-acre corner of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge if ever given the go-ahead by Washington bureaucrats.
Of course, Alaska is not the sole source of American energy. Many states have abundant coal, whose technology is continuously making it into a cleaner energy source. Westerners literally sit on mountains of oil and gas, and every state can consider the possibility of nuclear energy.
We have an important choice to make. Do we want to control our energy supply and its environmental impact? Or, do we want to outsource it to China, Russia and Saudi Arabia? Make no mistake: President Obama's plan will result in the latter.
For so many reasons, we can't afford to kill responsible domestic energy production or clobber every American consumer with higher prices.
Can America produce more of its own energy through strategic investments that protect the environment, revive our economy and secure our nation?
Yes, we can. Just not with Barack Obama's energy cap-and-tax plan.
Wild Thing's comment........
Go Sarah!!
“The ironic beauty in this plan? Soon, even the most ardent liberal will understand supply-side economics.”
Good one Sarah! This is terrific ! LOL I love it! I think a little bit of Ann Coulter (who also is very much for Sarah), has been rubbing off on Sarah. Love the sarcasm coming from Sarah. I can’t wait til she is unleashed. She isn’t even unleashed yet and she is smacking Obama left and right. Imagine what happens after July 26th, Obama will have to find a bunker to hide in.
This is the path that Reagan took while he was in the wilderness: op-eds, radio spots and speeches.
"So, at risk of disappointing the chattering class, let me make clear what is foremost on my mind and where my focus will be:"
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (17)
July 12, 2009
Gov Palin Signs 5 Resolutions Protecting Gun Ownership Rights From Feds
Have you noticed when she is among the troops she is listening intently Notice the sincere focused attention, showing that whatever is said is being seriously considered and not to be forgotten. ~ Wild Thing
Gov Palin Signs 5 Resolutions Protecting Gun Ownership Rights From Feds
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Governor Palin has signed House Bill 201 into law. The bill, sponsored by Representative Craig Johnson, changes the expiration date of a concealed handgun permit from five years from the date of issue to the person's birthday. “The right to own guns & use them responsibly is something I and many other Alaskans cherish,” Governor Palin said. “We have to be vigilant to protect the rights of individual Alaskans to own & use guns. I appreciate the work of our legislature in standing up for the Constitution.”
The Governor also signed 4 resolutions. HJR 17, sponsored by Representative John Harris, urges Congress not to pass HR 45. The federal legislation would put burdensome licensing & registration controls on individual gun owners.
SJR 10, sponsored by Senator Joe Thomas, urges Congress to pass S 371. The legislation would ensure that citizens of each state who are licensed or authorized by their home state to carry a concealed weapon, could do so in another state as long as they comply with the laws of that state. Currently, states offer this right of reciprocity through individual agreements that can vary from state to state.
HJR 27, sponsored by Representative Mike Kelly, reasserts states’ rights. The resolution reminds the federal government that the 10th Amendment limits the scope of federal powers to those specifically granted by the Constitution of the United States & no more.
SJR 3 is a resolution sponsored by Senator Gene Therriault. The resolution expresses support to Congress for repealing the ban on carrying a firearm on National Park Service lands. Congress did so in May, & the repeal becomes effective February 2010.
Wild Thing's comment......
Thank you Sarah, you never let us down. Looking forward to cheering you on for a very long time. ( big smile)
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (8)
July 09, 2009
Sarah Palin Poll Numbers Have Her Right At Top With Mitt Romney
Poll: Sarah Palin remains threat to Mitt Romney in potential GOP 2012 race
Boston Herald
Former Bay State Gov. Mitt Romney is locked in a statistical dead heat with Sarah Palin for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination, despite the Alaska governor’s abrupt resignation last week, according to a new poll of Republican voters.
Romney leads all Republican presidential contenders, garnering 25 percent of the vote, edging out Palin (24 percent), former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (22) and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (14 percent) in the Rasmussen poll released yesterday.
Palin’s abrupt resignation has shaken up the GOP 2012 race, with some saying it clears the way for a White House run but others calling it a career-ending misstep.
The poll also found that 40 percent believe Palin’s resignation hurts her presidential hopes while 24 percent said it helps. But Palin still led all potential candidates in favorability with 76 percent. Romney was second with a 73 percent favorability rating.
The poll also found that 75 percent of voters believe a GOP candidate could defeat President Obama, 41 percent of whom said it was “very likely.”
Palin’s Support Rises Among Republicans
Sarah Palin’s decision to resign as governor of Alaska lifted her standing among Republicans, according to a USA Today/Gallup Poll.
A USA Today story about the poll says, “Republicans are somewhat inclined to see her more favorably” in light of her announcement Friday. But neither that story nor one on Gallup’s web site gives precise numbers.
Seven out 10 respondents in the poll, conducted Monday, say their views about Palin weren’t influenced by her departure as governor.
Of those who were affected by the move, Democrats view Palin less favorably by a 4-to-1 margin and independents by a 2-to-1 ratio.
Two-thirds of Republicans support the idea of Palin as a major national political figure in the future, the poll says. Three-fourths of Democrats oppose that idea, as do 55 percent of independents.
As for a possible presidential campaign, 72 percent of Republicans say they would likely vote for her, compared to 44 percent of independents and 17 percent of Democrats
Wild Thing's comment........
It can only get better for her as 0bama will continue to lead this country on a path of destruction and the media being taken down with their fellow Demonrats they always build up with lies and Palin speaking out and not having the inept McPain handlers to hold her back.
But but but the State Run Media says she shot herself in the foot.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (8)
July 08, 2009
Sarah Palin To Speak At The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum
Governor Palin first speaking event will be at The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum in Simi Valley, California. She has been invited to speak at the 50th Anniversary Gala of the Simi Valley Republican Women.
Guest Speaker:
Governor Palin
Saturday, August 8, 2009
5:30 p.m. Cocktail Reception and Tours
6:30 p.m. Dinner
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum
40 Presidential Drive
Simi Valley, CA
Cocktail Attire
$150 per Person
Make Checks Payable to SVRWF
Reply by July 20th, 2009
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (4)
July 07, 2009
John Ziegler Podcast With Palin Spokesperson Meg Stapleton
After joining her family on a fishing trip Monday, Gov. Sarah Palin granted interviews to each of four news networks, and CNN was the first to get its story on the web. Unfortunately, the article contains only one direct quote consisting of nine words from the governor out of a ten-minute interview. The rest of CNN's web report is mostly background and reaction from Alaska.
CNN's Story .....CLICK HERE
CNN will likely air video from its interview in short segments throughout the day, as has been its custom when interviewing Palin in the past. CNN reporters Drew Griffin and Kathleen Johnston did report that the governor said that she announced her impending resignation because responding to a series of politically-motivated ethics complaints was making huge demands in terms of state resources such as time and money. The meritless complaints have taken away from the job she wanted to do for her constituents. But we already knew this, so the only thing really new from CNN's interview that it has posted so far is a teaser in the form of this money quote from Gov. Palin:
"I am not a quitter; I am a fighter."
Fox News was another one of the networks which interviewed the governor, and that interview -- or at least a portion of it -- will air on "America's Newsroom" with Megyn Kelly and Bill Hemmer later this morning at 9:00 AM.
ABC was also granted an interview, and the network will show it on its "Good Morning America" program.
John Ziegler talks with Palin spokesperson Meg Stapleton about Sarah Palin's decision to resign as Alaska Governor
RIGHT CLICK......to hear this interview........
Wild Thing's comment......
John Ziegler talked with Gov. Palin's personal spokesperson Meg Stapleton about the decision to resign. Ziegler asked Stapleton about a report by NBC's Andrea Mitchell Friday that Gov. Palin was "through with politics, period." Stapleton told Ziegler, "Someone is misleading Andrea."
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (8)
July 06, 2009
Limbaugh, Coulter and Matalin Views on Sarah Palin
This video and interview is from the Radio Equalizer who got Rush Limbaugh's reaction to Gov. Sarah Palin's decison to resign as Governor of Alaska. Limbaugh essentially says he does not know what her future holds, but he believes this will not preclude her deciding to run for office in the future. He did say he believes Palin must base her operations in the Lower 48, and not in Alaska if she is to be successful on the national stage.
From FOX: Ann Coulter: Sarah Palin Is Too "Big" To Stay As Alaska's Governor - 07/05/09
Here is video of Republican strategist Mary Matalin saying she believes Gov. Sarah Palin's resignation announcement is a "brilliant" move that will rally many supporters around the nation in her defense. Matalin says she believes this assuming there is no scandal behind the decision, which she does not believe exists.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am glad to see where they are not trying to second guess Sarah and are just supportive of what she wants to do. Meanwhile Sarah can know we are all here for her.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:48 AM | Comments (12)
July 05, 2009
Palin's Attorney Threatens to Sue Liberal Blogs & State-Run Media For Slander
July 4, 2009
On July 3rd, 2009, Governor Sarah Palin announced her intent to resign her gubernatorial duties and transfer the powers of Governor to Lt. Governor Sean Parnell.
Almost immediately afterwards, several unscrupulous people have asserted false and defamatory allegations that the “real” reasons for Governor Palin’s resignation stem from an alleged criminal investigation pertaining to the construction of the Wasilla Sports Complex. This canard was first floated by Democrat operatives in September 2008 during the national campaign and followed up by sympathetic Democratic writers.1. It was easily rebutted then as one of many fabrications about Sarah Palin. Just as power abhors a vacuum, modern journalism apparently abhors any type of due diligence and fact checking before scurrilous allegations are repeated as fact...
To the extent several websites, most notably liberal Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore, are now claiming as “fact” that Governor Palin resigned because she is “under federal investigation” for embezzlement or other criminal wrongdoing, we will be exploring legal options this week to address such defamation. This is to provide notice to Ms. Moore, and those who re-publish the defamation, such as Huffington Post, MSNBC, the New York Times and The Washington Post, that the Palins will not allow them to propagate defamatory material without answering to this in a court of law. The Alaska Constitution protects the right of free speech, while simultaneously holding those “responsible for the abuse of that right.” Alaska Constitution Art. I, Sec. 5 http://ltgov.state.ak.us/constitution.php?section=1
These falsehoods abuse the right to free speech; continuing to publish these falsehoods of criminal activity is reckless, done without any regard for the truth, and is actionable.
Text of the press release from her attorneys here at
Full text at
* This past year Governor Palin won 15 different bogus ethics complaints filed against her.
* The state of Alaska spent $2 million defending the governor.
* It cost those Sarah Palin-haters nothing to file the bogus complaints.
* Fighting the complaints left Sarah and Todd Palin $500,000 in debt.
Wild Thing's comment.......
She's rolled up her sleeves and ready to fight back. Sarah scares them, otherwise they wouldn’t bother with her.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:49 AM | Comments (4)
Palin Always Makes A Difference To Save America
Palin in 2012!
By Pamela Geller
Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska announced yesterday that she is resigning and will not seek a second term as governor. Many conservatives are characterizing this as an abdication of responsibility and a failure of will. Quin Hillyer wrote in the American Spectator that "Sarah Palin's resignation is an appalling dereliction of duty and a highly cynical move to set herself up for a presidential run for which she is manifestly unqualified."
I vehemently disagree. She did not quit. From what I saw of her speech before Fox inexplicably cut it off (after seven days of wall-to-wall Michael Jackson coverage), this is not a woman who is retiring or "cutting and running," as Hillyer put it. She is getting into the fight to save America. Palin committed herself to fighting "for our state and our country, and campaign(ing) for those who believe in smaller government, free enterprise, strong national security, support for our troops and energy independence." Obama's treasonous presidency has made this struggle necessary. Palin, like all patriotic Americans, is shocked by what is happening. Obama is destroying this country. She knows it. We all know it. We need a leader.
Palin is that leader. On Friday she assumed the mantle. She delivered a campaign speech. She spoke on the eve of Independence Day about the sacrifices great Americans have made, and what our Founding Fathers fought and died for. Without naming Obama, she went after his disastrous policies, saying that "living beyond our means today is irresponsible for tomorrow," and noting that as governor she had "vetoed debt-ridden stimulus dollars." She believes in and wants to fight for free enterprise, small government and national security.
And is she really "manifestly unqualified" to be president? I am unmoved by assertions that Palin needs more foreign policy experience or more experience of any kind. She has the key ingredient to great leadership: common sense. I am not concerned that she won't get up to speed on the nitty gritty details of national and international issues. Her thinking is sound. She has common sense, a moral compass and a very definite understanding of good and evil.
And best of all, she is not a product of the limp-wristed, spineless GOP of the Age of Obama. There is a struggle in the Republican Party for the heart and soul of our future: the RINOs (McCain, Romney, etc.) versus true individualists and conservatives like Palin. She is outside the box. She has grit. She has guts. That is why she so frightens the RINOs, leftopaths and freedom haters. The Democrats despise Palin because she best embodies everything they are not. She is principled, true, hard working, smart and honorable. She embodies all that is good and fine and decent – you couldn't have written a more charismatic, honorable character in a Victor Hugo novel.
Because of this, the left and the RINOs like Hillyer, out of their hatred of the good for being good, will do anything and say anything to destroy this woman. She has already been mercilessly attacked. Those on the right who have suffered the slings and arrows of the vile left smear machine know that the more they throw, the greater you are. The more vile, disgusting and outrageous the smear, the more envious and afraid you know the destroyers are.
And in Palin's case they have stopped at nothing. An army of political operatives filed 15 spurious ethics charges against her, draining the public resources. She and her staff spent huge amounts of time and incurred over half a million in legal fees fighting charges that were ultimately dismissed. And the same shills who laud Obama for dropping a cool $100,000 on dinner and a show with Meesh in New York City are aghast that Sarah spent $150,000 of donated bucks on her wardrobe for the presidential campaign. Now the Democrats and their propaganda machine, the dinosaur media, will continue to attempt to destroy and marginalize this wonder woman.
New media better pick up the slack – and make the point that this move will allow Palin to spend more time in the lower 48 states, where we urgently need her voice, without the left accusing her of neglecting her duties as governor.
Her country needs her desperately. She is answering our call. The 2012 campaign began today!
Wild Thing's comment.....
Obama only wishes he could give speeches like Sarah. Sarah has it all and there is a difference in being chanted at like Obama was and the love and respect like Sarah receives.
Sarah will be great whatever she does, and she will also make a difference in this world just as she has been doing.
Remember what she said ...."ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW!"
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:46 AM | Comments (9)
July 04, 2009
Sarah Palin News
Team Sarah Founders address Governor Sarah Palin’s decision to step down as Governor of Alaska
Today Team Sarah commented on the announcement that Sarah Palin will step down as Governor of Alaska on July 25, 2009: “Sarah Palin has always been an intensely independent woman-- always true to her faith, her family and call to public service. She has taken vast numbers of Americans to a new place: politics without cynicism. And she has provided women with a new political role model,” said Team Sarah Co-Founder Marjorie Dannenfelser. “Her entrance onto the public stage has had an immensely positive effect, drawing in massive numbers of Americans new to the political process. We have every confidence she will have an equal and profound impact in whatever projects she undertakes now.”
“Team Sarah members anxiously await Palin’s next decision on how she believes she can best serve our nation. Since the 2008 Election, the continual presence of personal attacks on both Governor Palin and her family indicate that she remains a threat to the liberal feminist political establishment,” said Team Sarah Co-Founder Jane Abraham. “Despite criticism, Governor Palin’s success will endure. Team Sarah’s thousands of members remain as engaged as ever on TeamSarah.org. The Governor has inspired millions, and her audience of enthusiastic support will only grow in the future.”
Team Sarah is a coalition of Americans dedicated to advancing the values that Sarah Palin represents in the political process. Its political networking website, www.teamsarah.org, has grown to over 70,000 activists.
After Friday's announcement, some aren't so sure about Palin's prospects.
"I am real surprised. It is real unconventional," William Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard, told FOX News. "It would make sense to finish the governorship and then run for president in 2012.
But Kristol didn't count Palin out for 2012, calling her "crazy like a fox."
"It's a huge gamble -- but some of her gambles have paid off in the past," he said. "If I had to bet right now, I would bet that we just heard the first opening statement in the 2012 presidential race."
Palin also hinted at her own national ambitions, invoking a quote that she credited to Gen. Douglas MacArthur: “We are not retreating; we are advancing in another direction.”
Palin ended 2008 with a striking run of personal successes in high-profile popularity polls. According to a poll by Gallup she was the second most admired woman of the year, after Hillary Clinton. Time magazine chose her as the world’s fourth most influential person, behind Barack Obama, Henry Paulson of the US Treasury and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France.
Last week she triumphed in an annual poll, commissioned by a property website, as the person Americans would most like to have as their neighbour.
An internet campaign is already under way to promote Palin as the Republican party’s best choice to challenge Obama in the presidential elections of 2012. More than 60,000 people have joined TeamSarah.org, an umbrella group that unites numerous pro-Palin fan clubs such as Catholics for Sarah, Texans for Palin and Small Business-Owners for Sarah.
James Brislin, a Connecticut team member, noted that “the Republican party has lost its way . . . Sarah Palin is who we need moving forward”.
Sarah Palin breaks the mold again
By Thomas Lifson
A different school of thought is that she is planning a run for the presidency, and realizes she cannot do that from a base in Alaska. The distance from the mainland and the lack of media coverage of her while acting as governor would make it all but impossible to put together the sort of organization one needs to run for president. Freed from the duties of governor, she can go out and give speeches, supporting candidates and earning chits, meeting people and capitalizing on her unrivaled hold on the GOP base, which loves her. Mark Levin presented a particularly insightful case that this is what Governor Palin has in mind, all the while acknowledging that he doesn't know any inside information.
And there is such a need to BUILD up and FIGHT for our state and our country. I choose to FIGHT for it! And I'll work hard for others who still believe in free enterprise and smaller government; strong national security for our country and support for our troops; energy independence; and for those who will protect freedom and equality and LIFE... I'll work for and campaign for those PROUD to be American, and those who are INSPIRED by our ideals and won't deride them.
I WILL support others who seek to serve, in or out of office, for the RIGHT reasons, and I don't care what party they're in or no party at all. Inside Alaska - or Outside Alaska.
This does sound as though she is planning to campaign for politicians across the country. And then there was this basketball analogy:
Let me go back to a comfortable analogy for me - sports... basketball. I use it because you're naïve if you don't see the national full-court press picking away right now: A good point guard drives through a full court press, protecting the ball, keeping her eye on the basket... and she knows exactly when to pass the ball so that the team can WIN. And I'm doing that - keeping our eye on the ball that represents sound priorities - smaller government, energy independence, national security, freedom! And I know when it's time to pass the ball - for victory.
Because I like and admire Sarah Palin, and think she has unmatched charisma and authenticity, my hope is that she intends to devote her professional energies to running for president, and, in the process, lead the opposition movement to the radical change Obama and the Democrats are trying to accomplish. But it is a hope more than a prediction.
Wild Thing's comment......
She knows exactly what she is doing. She is finally free..free, free as a bird and now she can soar to new heights. Libs are probably more terrified of her now then they were of her yesterday
God does not pluck someone like Sarah from obscurity unless there is a purpose. I believe Sarah is a person of destiny just as Ronald Reagan was.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:49 AM | Comments (8)
July 03, 2009
VERY Ugly Arianna Huffington Encourages Bashing of Retarded People
Palin Will Run In '12 On More Retardation Platform
written by Erik Sean Nelson
**** email of the author*****
In Sarah Palin's resignation announcement she complained about the treatment of her son Trig who always teaches her life lessons. She said that the "world needs more Trigs, not fewer." That's a presidential campaign promise we can all get behind. She will be the first politician to actually try to increase the population of retarded people. To me, it's kinda like saying the world needs more cancer patients because they teach us such personal lessons.
Her first act as President: To introduce a Pre-K lunch buffet that includes lead paint chips. Sort of a Large HEAD-START Program.
She will then encourage women to hold off on pregnancies until their 40's just to mix up some chromosomes.
She now is in favor of abortion only in case of diploid birth.
Her policies will increase jobs because Wal-Mart is building new stores each day and someone has to be the greeter.
This will lead to smaller government because fewer Americans will have the cognitive ability to hold a government job.
Look, she says she's resigning as governor because people are making attacks on her and Trig. If she ever did become president, all Osama bin Laden would have to do to defeat the United States is Photoshop a picture of Trig and she'd surrender the country that night. As she said, "That's not politics as usual." It isn't. Politicians don't usually quit for so stupid of reasons.
Wild Thing's comment.....
Huffington is one of Obama's political whores, sorry but that is how she runs her blog and the things she says and allows to be written at her blog. Arianna’s envy of Sarah is all-consuming.
The article above was published at Huffington's blog shortly after the resignation of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin with the following headline: Palin Will Run in '12 on More Retardation Platform
To make sure that the article's reference to Gov. Palin's infant son Trig who was born with Down Syndrome last year, the article is keyword tagged by the Huffington Post: ...Sarah Palin Trig; Trig; Comedy News
Huffington and her people at her blog are scared to DEATH of Sarah. Human behavior gets no lower then this article. That is the most disgusting piece of excrement I've ever read!
One thing for sure, if ObamaDeathCare were to take over people like Trig would become targets, maybe THAT is why Sarah moved so fast. She is out to stop Deathcare.
My question for Arianna would be how many husbands can one woman turn gay? Just asking.
Huffington took the article down that was attacking Sarah's son Trig.
Here is the same link and see what it has there now.
Huffington Post Apologizes for Offensive Sarah Palin Article
The Huffington Post issued an apology Friday evening for an article about the resignation of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin posted at their website entitled, Palin Will Run In '12 On More Retardation Platform, written by HuffPo writer Erik Sean Nelson.
An e-mail apology from Mario Ruiz of HuffPo:
Due to an editorial lapse, Erik Sean Nelson’s post on Sarah Palin bypassed the normal vetting process and appeared on HuffPost — but was never featured anywhere on the site. Even though satiric works are generally given greater latitude, Nelson’s post falls outside of HuffPost’s editorial guidelines. As such, if not for the error, it would not have been approved for publication, and was removed from the site as soon as our editors became aware of it. We sincerely regret the error and any offense it might have caused.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:20 PM | Comments (5)
Sarah Palin Resigns as Alaska's Governor
In a stunning announcement, Gov. Sarah Palin said Friday morning she will resign her office in a few weeks.
Speculation has swirled for weeks, perhaps months that Palin would not seek re-election in 2010 as she pursues a political career on the national stage. The former vice presidential candidate has long been rumored to be considering a run at the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.
Palin did not address those rumors at the press conference at her Wasilla home, during which she did not take questions from reporters.
Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell will be inaugurated as her successor at the Governor's Picnic at Pioneer Park in Fairbanks on Sunday, July 26, Palin said.
Parnell said he will seek election to the governor's office in 2010. Parnell ran unsuccessfully against Rep. Don Young in the Republican primary last year.
Palin made the announcement flanked by Parnell and most, if not all, of her cabinet.
Palin Quits as Alaska Governor
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said Friday that she is stepping down at the end of the month, setting up a potential run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin shocked the political word Friday by announcing that she will step down at the end of the month and transfer power to Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell.
Palin made the announcement from her home in Wasilla, flanked by her husband, Todd, and family and state commissioners.
The announcement came on the same week that one of her top public health officials says she was forced out of office because Palin felt she wasn't in step on social issues.
Palin's decision now allows her to avoid the difficult task of running for president while serving as governor.
Todd Palin told FOX News that his wife will concentrate on "doing the things for Alaska and the country" that she is passionate about and can not do as governor with the limitation and constant opposition she deals with within the state.
Palin, who defeated incumbent Gov. Murkowski in a primary in 2006,.gained national prominence when GOP presidential candidate John McCain picked her as his running mate last year. But her approval ratings in the state have skidded in recent months.
Palin has been dogged in recent months by ethics inquiries. Her office last month announced the 15th dismissal of an ethics complaint against her or one of her staff.
On Wednesday, Beverly Wooley, who has worked more than 20 years in public health in Alaska, most of it with the municipality of Anchorage, ended her stint as state public health director.
She's the second top health official to leave within days. The state's chief medical officer, Jay Butler, left in late June after declining to take on Wooley's job along with his own. He now is in Atlanta, overseeing a U.S. Centers for Disease Control task force on a vaccine to protect against the H1N1 flu virus.
Wild Thing's comment........
I am so proud of her. I was shocked at first, but the more I think about it this is a stand up kind of thing to do.
This is an all or nothing decision. And that is the kind of person Sarah is and why I respect her so much.
She has made a smart political move. She'll be free to raise $$$, not chained to the affairs of State. The way other politicians have done it is they stay in office USE those who voted for them as they beg for money to run for the next office and are not doing the job they were elected to do. Just my take on it. Sarah has her own way of doing things.
Her speech was awesome and as soon as it shows up on YouTube I will post it.
Here it is:
It is labeled as Part 2 but there is no part one so I think the person that did the video just has part one as the media covering this and then they broke to her giving her speech.
LOL OOPS I was wrong..... Part ONE is now available. Sorry for the messy post,.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:30 PM | Comments (16)
Sarah Palin At High Noon
Sarah Palin At High Noon
By Lloyd Marcus
( Lloyd Marcus is the Singer/Songwriter of the "American Tea Party Anthem" and President, NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color).
I just watched the classic movie "High Noon" (again). Gary Cooper played a brave sheriff who brought law and order to his town. As one woman said, "He made it safe for a decent woman to walk down the street". A recently released outlaw was coming back to town on the noon train to deliver vengeance against the sheriff who put him away. His gang of three arrived early to help their leader take out the sheriff.
Fully aware of why the bad men were in town, the sheriff could not arrest them because they had not broken any laws. Waiting is not illegal.
Desperate, the sheriff interrupted a church service to solicit help. After much debate, the ungrateful town folks declined. They even suggested the sheriff "get out of town" hoping the trouble would follow him. The sheriff contemplated their recommendation. He began saddling his horse, but something inside would not allow him to run away. Heroically, the sheriff faced the bad guys and won!
I thought of another strong, gutsy, bold, stand-on-principles hero, Sarah Palin, in her own modern day version of High Noon. Sheriff Palin rode into America Town on a white horse with conservative guns blazing and saved a dead McCain campaign. She brought hope to weary and battered conservative town folks and gave them a reason to vote.
Outlaw Obama and his posse, the hate filled liberal media/Democrat gang, came to town a gunnin' to politically eliminate Sheriff Palin. They ambushed her at Miss Katie Couric's CBS saloon. Though wounded numerous times, Sheriff Palin survived.
She bravely stood tall and rode high in the saddle while ungrateful, weak kneed Republican town folks ran for cover, hid in their homes and peeked nervously through the curtains.
Why are Obama and his gang so committed and desperate to destroy Palin? Could it be they recognize her destiny, like that of Moses, to set her people free? And why is she so despised by them? Obama's gang hate Palin for all the reasons we love her. Sheriff Palin is a good, decent and strong character driven conservative leader. Palin also believes in God. Such humility and virtues are as repulsive to liberals as showing Dracula the cross.
Something that sticks in the craw of many liberal women is that in their youth, they brought into the feminist rhetoric that women's liberation means no husband and family. Tragically, they find themselves aging and alone. Meanwhile, this conservative woman has it all: great career, fine family and a husband who loves and respects her. Adding insult in injury, Sheriff Palin looks mighty fine in her jeans.
Recently, the libs sent an old washed up gunslinger, the Letterman Kid, to challenge Sheriff Palin to a shoot out. Palin planted two bullets between the pathetic old dude's wrinkly eyes before he could un-holster his gun.
Despite Sheriff Palin's courage and willingness to fight, Obama and his posse rule America Town. They are in the process of taking over everything! Obama took over the livery stable and banned horses. While he and his posse continue riding horses, we town folks are forced to ride miniature ponies.
But in the spirit of what has made America Town great, an uprising is a brewin'. A huge conservative posse is building daily. Our first battle will be in 2010 to win back America Town's House and Senate. Then, in 2012, God willing and the creek don't rise, Sheriff Palin will lead us to victory in the battle of Little Big Washington DC. Years earlier, another great lawman cleaned up America Town, Sheriff Ronald Reagan.
After Sheriff Palin sweeps out the Obama gang, perhaps once again, we will be as what Sheriff Reagan affectionately called us, "a shining city on a hill".
Wild Thing's comment......
Great article.
I loved this...it isn't about making her a Sheriff in reality, it is about recognizing that she has STOOD up to the media that has tried over and over to hurt her-both professionally and worse, personally.
She does exude a certain love of country that annoys liberals, and she is UNASHAMED of being a good person, who loves her family and does so with great zeal. That she was willing to bring Trig into the world, loving him and embracing him absolutely makes the folks who love abortions cringe. They hate her because she is EVERYTHING they are not and more.
I would love to meet Lloyd Marcus, the author of this article, I know exactly what he meant. I saw republicans hiding when Sarah arrived on the scene, as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:27 PM | Comments (3)
June 29, 2009
Governor Palin Visits Camp Bondsteel ( More Videos)
Wild Thing's comment.......
Thank you Sarah you are very much appreciated!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (6)
June 26, 2009
Gov. Sarah Palin Talks to Camp Bondsteel Soldiers TODAY Kosovo
“John Kerry, Why the Long Face? We are a beacon of hope of light for the rest of the world because we stand for freedom.” ~ Sarah Palin
In Kosovo just hours ago, Gov. Sarah Palin spoke to a group of servicemen and
answered Sen. John Kerry's joke that he wished Palin had been the governor who went missing:
"He looked quite frustrated and he looked so sad. I just wanted to reach out to the TV and say 'John Kerry, why the long face?'"
Wild Thing's comment.......
I love her comebacks, she always does it in a take no prisoner way. heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 PM | Comments (5)
June 24, 2009
Governor Palin visits USS Stennis
Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin greets Alaskan constituents inside the hanger bay of the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) on Monday during the military joint-training exercise Northern Edge 2009 (Photo by Army Sgt. Ricardo Branch, Northern Edge Joint Information Bureau).
Governor Palin watches flights take off
Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin watches flight operations off from the deck of the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) on Monday during the military joint-training exercise Northern Edge 2009 (Photo by Army Sgt. Ricardo Branch, Northern Edge Joint Information Bureau)
Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin watches flight operations off from the deck of the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) on Monday
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and her husband Todd walk to a C-2A Greyhound logistics aircraft that will be taking them out to the USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) during exercise Northern Edge 2009, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska, June 18, 2009. Northern Edge 2009 is Alaska's largest military training exercise. It prepares joint forces to respond to crises throughout the Asia-Pacific region. (Released/U.S. Air Force photo by TSgt Dennis J. Henry Jr.)
Governor Palin visits USS Stennis
by Army Sgt. Ricardo Branch
Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin made a surprise visit to Sailors and personnel onboard the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) on Monday during the military joint-training exercise Northern Edge 2009.
The invitation came as a surprise for the governor, who jumped at the opportunity to visit U.S. service members and learn more about U.S. Navy operations.
"This is such an honor to be here," Palin said. "It's a once in a lifetime opportunity for my husband Todd and I to see an aircraft carrier in action, and see what its crew does to keep America safe."
During the visit, Palin toured the ship's facilities to include; flight deck takeoffs and landings, bridge operations, a tour of the hangar bay, and a meet and greet with Alaskan constituents.
"I'm enjoying this opportunity to meet the men and women of the ship," she said. "It's a chance to meet the people who have chosen to serve something greater and larger than themselves and a good time to say thank you."
The Stennis, which is in the Gulf of Alaska, is supporting Alaska's premier joint services exercise with fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft operations.
Rear Adm. Mark A. Vance, commander of the Carrier Strike Group Three (CCSG) 3, said any visit from a high profile official is a real honor for the personnel onboard the ship.
"It's not every day a governor comes onboard," Vance said. "We tell our Sailors thank you every day, but when it comes from someone like Governor Palin, it makes it all the more special."
He said the visit comes at a time when the Stennis has been at sea for five months in various exercises before coming up north to Alaska in support of Northern Edge.
"This is a huge deal for them," Vance said. "This visit is icing on the cake after a five month cruise at sea."
Throughout her visit on the ship, Palin was asked what part of the ship excited her the most. Her reply was simple--the people.
"Meeting the men and women really touched my heart," she said. "Just shaking their hands and meeting them is a real honor. I have a great appreciation for the military and everyone out here. When just looking at many of the young men here, I see my son. He's serving in the military and just like everyone here, has the same drive and dedication in protecting those he loves."
Governor Palin's 20-year-old son, Track, is currently serving in Iraq as a member of the U.S. Army.
The Stennis will be wrapping up Northern Edge operations this week and returning to its home station for some much needed time off for the Sailors and personnel onboard the vessel.
Wild Thing's comment.......
It sure feels good to read about a real conservative and I love when she visits the troops.
Thank you Sarah!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (8)
June 16, 2009
Sarah Palin, the 21st Century 'It' Girl
Governor Sarah Palin, with Jeff Roy, National Commander of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, pins the Purple Heart Medal on Wayne Stackhouse, with his wife, Ilene by his side. Also pictured, the Operation Denali climbing team, who begin their ascent of North America's tallest mountain on June 1, 2009. ~ This photo is from Gov.Sarah Palin's website. ~ Wild Thing
Sarah Palin, the 21st Century 'It' Girl
By Jay Valentine
The best and the brightest on the left go into politics. The best on the right run their own businesses. So it is no surprise that the left is far more adept, even expert at the art of hardball politics. And they are telling us something profound.
The left is telling us something many feel, many find as a hunch, that Sarah Palin is the most dangerous threat to the Obama administration with no close second. The left is telling us this by their "over the top" attacks. Not just the Letterman assaults, but the constant barrage of grievances filed against her in Alaska. The attacks every day on Palin for no apparent reason -- except that the left seems to see her quite differently from any Republican candidate. A difference of kind, not of degree.
They would never do this to Romney, Huckabee or Newt, at least not to this level. There is a clear reason -- these guys couldn't fill up a high school stadium unless they were giving out free beer.
What is the Sarah difference? Well, it's not the issues, at least that is not all of it. It is the charisma factor. Charisma is not learned, it is innate. One is born with it and no amount of training can inject it. Jack Kennedy had it. So did Reagan. Now Obama. Out of the thousands of politicians who have come and gone over the last generation, not one other person has shown "it."
Money is no longer the life blood of politics. Charisma is. Charisma can raise money overnight; money far beyond what a tired, inarticulate incumbent can raise from rich donors.
When you have "it," the conventional rules no longer apply. Reagan was vilified in 1976 and few thought he could ever be president. No matter how the liberals berated him as a "dumb actor" who made chimp movies and the actor who never got the girl, he just looked the American people in the eye, gave them a dose of common sense and it was over. Carter went on to build low income houses and a life of obscurity punctuated by mischief.
The street fighting, world class, lifelong political experts of the left see "it" and it makes them crazy. They went crazy for Obama; they are going crazy for Palin, although in the other direction.
Palin could fill a stadium if she were reciting a cookbook. But she isn't. She is delivering common sense to an electorate that is becoming ever more jaded every day with the Obama nonsense. Miranda rights for terrorists? $4 trillion deficit?
Look at the blow she delivered with one phrase about "styrofoam columns" and imagine what she can do with the material Obama has recently given her.
Opposing Palin's values has no payoff for the left. They oppose those values for any conservative. They have to destroy her. And that is her power because they can't destroy her.
Whenever she chooses, she will take her first trip to Iowa to campaign for some obscure congressional candidate, and when she does, the liberal media cannot ignore the screaming crowds. And they will not be crowds manufactured by an advance team. They will be fired up mothers, working people who do not want to pay for deadbeats' mortgages, people who are now going to grass roots tea parties.
The television age gives "it," charisma, more power than ever before. Charisma is magnified through television. How else to explain how a 2 year senator few knew could derail Hillary in a few months. How else to explain how an anti-charisma John McCain, someone television does not flatter or magnify, saw his crowds surge when Palin was next to him. Palin, an obscure, unknown governor of our most distant and most unknown state, walked onto the national stage and ignited a burst of energy that may well have taken McCain over the top, until his Queeg-like pausing of his campaign to work on a financial crisis and then vote for a bailout.
The landscape is now quite different. There are tens of millions of people who never voted for Obama, telling their friends "don't blame me." There is a growing number who did vote for Obama who have lost their jobs at car dealerships, who have not found work yet even after the massive spending, and there are those who just say "...this is not the change I had in mind."
Some thought McCain would be the anti-charisma candidate against the charisma candidate and that would work. Now we may be lining up for the common sense charisma campaign against the nonsense charisma.
The left is telling us something and they are the experts. They are telling us not to make Palin the conservative candidate because if we do, it will be humiliating. I agree with them and I take them at their word.
It will be the undoing of Obama, and it may be overwhelming.
Wild Thing's comment........
Great article!!!!
"They have to destroy her. And that is her power because they can't destroy her. "
Who else on the right does the left go after with such mouth frothing intensity, other than Sarah Palin?
Limbaugh abd Dick Cheney, but ElRushbo is not a politician and VP Dick Cheney won't be running for Office either.
You can know more about an individual by who their enemies are than any other indicator. Sarah scares the hell out of 'em, because she's Reagan in a skirt!
Sarah, take it to the people directly. Live and unedited and we can take our country back.
The writer of this article is correct, the left is telegraphing their fear of Sarah. They can’t help themselves as they realize she has the ability to completely circumvent the media with her communication skills so their ability to manipulate and destroy is extremely limited. And the GOP beltway handlers are furious because she’s snubbing their advances as they attempt to hitch a ride on her rising star. She doesn’t need’em.
Letterman is the latest idiot to find out about her appeal but he won’t be the last. The nastiness directed at her will increase coming not only from the libtards but the Vichys as well. But it won’t make any difference she’s way too tough and I think many of them are starting to realize the fact.
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
US Army Aviation
Vietnam 1966-68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (15)
Gov. Palin Talked About the Miranda Rights At the Convention
And this is from part of a transcript from the Rush LImbaugh show where he was talking about the Miranda Rights Obama wants done to terrorists. More copmparisons between Reagan and Sarah Palin being right on how to fight the enemy. ~ Wild Thing
The Weekly Standard on his blog mentioned that terrorist detainees in Afghanistan are being read their Miranda rights.
This signals a huge shift once again that fighting terrorism is a criminal enterprise. It brings back the old days of the way the Clinton administration went about it. But when you start Mirandizing noncitizens, especially foreign enemy combatants on the battlefield, when you start Mirandizing them, you are granting them constitutional rights when they are not citizens. Now, if you can do that, if you can grant a constitutional right and Mirandize a foreign terrorist, enemy combatant, then I guess you can automatically grant citizenship to people who are not citizens, couldn't you?
Andy McCarthy has written much about this at National Review Online, and he actually goes back and says one of the people that can be blamed for this is Senator McCain. I don't have his story right in front of me, but Senator McCain supported -- back when McCain was on his anti-torture bandwagon and was trying to curry favor with people on the left to get their votes by agreeing that the US tortured people.
One of the ways that McCain sought to prevent torture and make it illegal, which it always has been anyway, was to make it possible for what the Obama administration is doing. And they did this on the quiet. It took a member of Congress finding this out. Sarah Palin warned of this in her acceptance speech at St. Paul, the Republican convention, last September.
SARAH PALIN: Al-Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America, and he's worried that someone won't read 'em their rights.
Look, this woman was drawing 20,000 people, or more, at campaign rallies. She was the sole source of excitement and passion during the Republican campaign.And she knows what she's talking about.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Sarah spoke the truth and didn't hold back. She has not changed one bit and stays constant. I think that is why the rino's are afraid of her too. They go back and forth and we never can count on them being consistent as a conservative. They vote demorcat on more things then they vote Republican.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (4)
June 10, 2009
Leftie Contessa Brewer Shows Her Ugly Self In Interview With John Ziegler About Sarah Palin
Total leftie Contessa Brewer interviews John Ziegler, and has a difficult time handling it. She winds up cutting off Ziegler's mike.
Wild Thing's comment......
Whew wow this woman is such a leftie. The poor thing she really dislikes Sarah Palin thinks it is just fine and dandy that Lettermen has been spewing total hate for Palin on his late night TV show.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 PM | Comments (10)
June 09, 2009
Gov.Palin is Awesome and The Left Can't Stand it!
Sarah Palin On Obama's Disastrous Economics: "We Told Ya So
This isn't the speech the jerk Dunn is talking about. This video is from the Hannity show last night in case you missed it. ~ Wild Thing
Palin's Lawyer Denies She Lifted Gingrich Article
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has been accused of paraphrasing at length from an article co-written by Newt Gingrich when she gave a speech, but her lawyer says proper credit was given.
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has been accused of paraphrasing at length from an article co-written by Newt Gingrich when she gave a speech, but her lawyer says proper credit was given to the former House speaker.
Blogger Geoffrey Dunn, who is writing a book about the former Republican vice presidential candidate, made the accusation on the Huffington Post Web site.
Dunn compared Palin's speech introducing conservative talk show host Michael Reagan, son of former President Ronald Reagan, to an Anchorage audience Wednesday to the article urging Republicans to study Reagan, written by Gingrich and Craig Shirley in 2005.
"It is abundantly clear in context, and even in subcontext, that the overview of President Reagan's legacy was attributed to Newt Gingrich," Palin's lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, said.
"Far from 'lifting' or plagiary, this is proper attribution in a political speech," Van Flein said. "The audience was made aware that Mr. Gingrich wrote about President Reagan's legacy, and Gov. Palin attributed her paraphrasing to Mr. Gingrich expressly and did so at the beginning and at the end of the paraphrasing."
Palin twice referenced Gingrich during the speech. Toward the beginning, she said, "Recently, Newt Gingrich, he had written a good article about Reagan."
Later, she said, "What Newt had written in this article, he wrote, 'Remember how refreshing it was with his outrageous directness that Americans loved, and praised and deserved' that Reagan dealt with, with then the troublesome Soviet Union, remember this? His vision for the Cold War? We win, they lose."
Wild Thing's comment.........
What a bunch of BS, as soon as Sarah speaks anywhere she is always beat up by the left....always. They hate her so much. Gov. Palin has to respond, and then the story switches to her being an accused plagiarist, rather than focusing on her criticism of the current administration.
Palin was the only politician in a 2 year period that landed punches on Obama. hahaa The left just can't stand it.
The leftie idiot Dunn at Huffington Post and his ilk are really scraping the bottom of the barrell to even try to make Sarah into something she is not. What an obsessed little queen Dunn is. hahaha
Let's take a look at the Author: Geoffrey Dunn
Look at what he writes at the author Dunn at Huffington Post:
(only 2 articles NOT about Sarah Palin)
“Palin Lifts From Gingrich in Anchorage Speech”
“Slap Shot: Alaska Legislators Set to Override Palin’s Veto”
“Pinocchio in Drag: Sarah Palin’s Latest Lies”
“Stimulus Interruptus: Palin’s Lies to Nowhere About Obama’s Recovery Package”
“Sarah, Greta & Scientology—Part II: Van Susteren Doth Protest Too Much”
“HuffPo Exclusive: Right-Wing PAC Behind Palin Poll Revealed”
“Palin Pallin’ Around with Scientologists: Todd & Sarah & John & Greta”
“Sports Illustrated’s Big Palin Suck-up”
“Pandering for Palin: SarahPAC Makes First Sales Pitch”
“She’s Too Sexy?: Sarah Palin and Voodoo Social-Psychology”
“Palin Nailed in Another Ethics Scandal”
“Palin’s Evangelical Base Slaps Down Bristol”
“Palin’s Facebook Page: Opposes Obama’s Stimulus Plan”
“White Fangs: Judd vs. Palin Battle Gets Nasty”
“Dog Eat Dog: Palin Patron’s Checkered Past”
“Palin Agonistes: Governor’s Aides Charged with New Ethics Violations”
“Sarah Palin’s Big Obama Lie”
‘Watermelon Roll’: More Racism from ‘Team Sarah’
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (15)
June 08, 2009
Palin ~ " Told Ya So" .....I LOVE It and Palin is Right!
Mon Jun 08 2009 10:29:02 ET
Sarah Palin hits FOXNEWS tonight for the big 'Told Ya So' interview, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
As President Obama vows to spend the 'stimulus' faster, Governor Palin tells host Sean Hannity: 'You gotta quit digging that hole!'
HANNITY: What do you make of – look at the state of the economy now...
PALIN: Well, when you consider that the federal government is about eleven trillion dollars in debt, and we’re borrowing more to spend more.. it defies any sensible economic policy that any of us ever learned through college. It defies economy practices and principles that tell ya ‘you gotta quit digging that hole when you are in that financial hole’
Palin continues:
"America is digging a deeper hole and how are we paying for this government largesse. We’re borrowing. We’re borrowing from China and we consider that now we own sixty percent of GENERAL MOTORS – or the U.S. government does… But who is the U.S. government becoming more indebted to? It’s China. So that leads you to have to ask who is really going to own our car industry than in America."
HANNITY: You know but it goes back - It does go back a little to the campaign. I mean, ‘spread the wealth, patriotic duty…’
PALIN: Kind of a ‘we told ya so’.
HANNITY: Well, is that how you feel?
PALIN: That’s how I feel! I feel like… and I think that more and more constituents are going to open their eyes now and open their ears to hear what is really going on and realize ok… Maybe we didn’t have a good way of expressing that, or articulating that message of ‘here is what America could potentially become if we grow government to such a degree that we cannot pay for it and we have to borrow money from other countries, some countries that don’t necessarily like America.
And this many months into the new administration, quite disappointed, quite frustrated with not seeing those actions to rein in spending, slow down the growth of government. Instead Sean it is the complete opposite. It’s expanding at such a large degree that if Americans aren’t paying attention, unfortunately our country could evolve into something that we do not even recognize.
HANNITY: Socialism?
PALIN: Well, that is where we are headed. That is where we have to be blunt enough and candid enough and honest enough with Americans to let them know that if we keep going down these roads… nationalizing many of our services, our projects, our businesses, yes that is where we would head. And that is why Americans have to be paying attention. And we have to have our voices heard. And ultimately it need to be our will, the American people’s will imposed on Washington, instead of the other way around.
The interview is set to air tonight on FOXNEWS, 9 PM ET.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Three cheers for Sarah! She is right, she and all of us told everyone we could what Obama would be like.
Thank you Sarah!!!!!! And when Sarah did it she was slandered, picked on horribly, you name it.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:22 PM | Comments (9)
June 07, 2009
20,000 Plus Turned Out in Auburn, N.Y. To See Gov.Sarah Palin
Gov. Palin speaks at Seward House during Founder's Day events in Auburn, NY on June 6, 2009. Part 1 of 5.
Palin speaks at Seward House Part 2
Palin speaks at Seward House Part 3
Palin speaks in Auburn, NY - Part 4
Palin speaks in Auburn, NY - Part 5
More than 20,000 people turned out to see Palin lead a parade through downtown Auburn and sign a proclamation honoring Seward, the 19th-century Secretary of State who negotiated the $7.2 million deal with Russia for Alaska, which is celebrating its 50th year of statehood.
Later, Palin spoke to several hundred people at a private fundraiser for the Seward House Museum, where she criticized the Obama administration for its policies on national security and energy and its handling of the economic crisis.
"It's clear to many that some of our priorities as a nation are reversed," Palin told the several hundred people who each paid $100 or more to attend a garden party on the museum grounds. "Alaskans get tired of hearing that Washington bureaucrats know what's best for us so we push and fight and challenge decisions made inside the Beltway when they are not in the best interests of the country, and we know that decisions that are being made recently are not in the country's best interests."
Alaska became the nation's 49th state on Jan. 3, 1959.
Palin and her entourage arrived in upstate New York on Friday. She toured the home of Harriet Tubman, the Civil War-era abolitionist who led dozens of slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad and is buried in Auburn. Later Friday, she traveled to Seneca Falls to visit the National Women's Hall of Fame and Women's Rights National Historic Park.
Palin's trip was paid for by her political action committee, SarahPAC.
Her husband and daughter Willow, as well as Palin's sister and her son, accompanied the governor to upstate New York.
From her speech:
"We never need to fear that though we're not a perfect nation, that we must apologize for being proud of ourselves."
Our resources are there, and the time is now, right now, and we're ready to develop. And we already provide about 17% of the U.S. domestic supply of energy, but we could do more. And it's time. But believe it or not, what prohibits our development, what stands in the way, is government in Washington D.C.
Alaska can actually quench America's thirst for hydrocarbons for years, and reduce energy costs, and reduce the dependence on foreign sources of energy if given the opportunities that America was founded upon -- remember that was the exploration, and the innovation, and the production, and the hard work.
But drilling seems to be such a sensitive issue right now. It’s a political one that many don’t want to take on because it’s not an easy issue even though the choice really is quite clear. You can provide jobs and energy independence and national security by drilling in your sister state. Or you send jobs and you send our money to foreign countries asking them to ramp up production of energy sources so that we can import it – some of these countries not necessarily liking America – that is the choice.
Now Alaskans get tired of hearing that Washington bureaucrats know what’s best for us. So we push and we fight and we challenge decisions made inside the Beltway when they’re not in the country’s best interest. And we know decisions being made lately, we believe are not in the nation’s best interest, not when they can’t lead us to energy independence. So though it seems that there are some attempts to try to make some from Alaska to sit down and shut up, we’re not going to sit down and shut up, we’re going to spread the message.
We persist because as Alaskans we are independent thinkers, who like Central New Yorkers, we seek to do what is right, not what is just easy. And it seems that when government moves out of the way, that’s when progress can happen.
I recently turned down, or vetoed, stimulus dollars that were tied to implementing...some mandates from the federal government trying to take away more control of our local governments, and our families, and our businesses. In this case, implementing universal energy building codes that some claimed after I vetoed the money “oh, she’s just trying to make a political statement.” And, no, I’m actually trying to use some common sense here, and some may be uncomfortable with that, but it is the right thing to do.
You know the response I got when I vetoed these dollars? “Girl, are you crazy, the federal government is handing out free money and if you don’t take it another state’s going to spend it.” Oh this borrowed, debt ridden, government growing money – it is not free money, and taking it takes away anything that is free.
So many in Congress warned the states about the ramifications of accepting the money, and most legislators went around governors who didn’t want to take all the money, and they resolved via resolutions to take the money anyway. But opportunity for development and local control, that is what’s taken away when all of these dollars are accepted without questioning them, because, believe it or not, there are fat strings attached to this borrowed money. See that attitude of free money is wrong.
Finally I have just conceded, I’ve said ok, I just won’t claim that there are strings attached. I won’t use that term anymore. Because the more we dig into these mandates, these connections that the money would have that we would spend coming from the federal government, including the string attached to these dizzying federal debts that we are handing to our kids and to their kids to pay off for us – I can’t say strings attached anymore, now I say they are ropes...They are debt building, binding, controlling ropes and it is bigger government that ultimately will take away our opportunities and our freedoms.
And now precedent says government will bail you out, depending on the decisions that you’ve made if you’re not prudent with your business dollars. Government will buy you out. Anyone need a car? And this is a problem because we cannot afford this government largess and control and unrestrained spending. I don’t think that’s what Seward had in mind. And I do not believe it’s the will of the people.
Wild Thing's comment..........
WOW 20,000 plus, fantastic! It’s so refreshing to see LEADERSHIP from an elected official.
I looked this place up where she spoke. Auburn only has a population of 28,000 and it’s heavily democrat. A Virginia couple that traveled 12 hours to see Sarah.
Out of an estimated 20,000 people screaming Sa-RAH, Sa-RAH, they found a rumpled protestor who tried to bring up the unfortunate stereotypes about her.
Sarah has the ability to lead and inspire. Reagan had it. Palin is younger and less experienced than Reagan when he ascended to the national scene, but she has it as well.
.....Thank you Richard for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (12)
May 15, 2009
Palin Backs Miss Calif., Blasts 'Liberal Onslaught'
Palin Backs Miss Calif., Blasts 'Liberal Onslaught'
In a strongly worded statement relased late Wednesday, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin defended Miss California Carrie Prejean and ripped into "the liberal onslaught of malicious attacks" against Prejean for her response to a question about gay marriage.
"I can relate as a liberal target myself," Palin said. "What I find so remarkable is that these politically-motivated attacks fail to show that what Carrie and I believe is also what President Obama and Secretary Clinton believe — marriage is between a man and a woman."
"I applaud Donald Trump for standing with Carrie during this time. And I respect Carrie for standing strong and staying true to herself, and for not letting those who disagree with her deny her protection under the nation's First Amendment Rights," the former vice presidential candidate said.
"Our Constitution protects us all — not just those who agree with the far left," Palin said.
Wild Thing's comment..........
There is an effort to shut down conservative viewpoints on certain issues via intimidation. It is important to point out that those defending free speech are the people on the right not the left. The left only believes in freedom of speech as long as you think exactly like they do.
Interesting too, the right supports the troops and Veterans more then the left and the Veterans and troops are the very ones that have paid the price for our freedoms.
More and more anyone who deviates from the party line of the left can find themselves demonized, slandered or threatened. What the left did with Miss California, or anyone else that does not think like the left does, they will intimidate, with their goal being to warn any future individual who might be asked about same sex marriage or one of their other issues, they better answer with the left talking points or we will come after you to destroy you.
We can bet that there are people that observed what happened to Miss California, Sarah Palin, Joe the Plumber and others that sit back and make the decision NOT to speak out, NOT to answer from their heart or speak out. So in the end with those making that decision give the left a win and the halt of discussion and freedom of speech.
Over the years we have seen less and less stand up to the left and that is why those coming in now to speak up for Miss California and those that did the same for Sarah Paliln and Joe the Plumber and others need to be applauded.
This blog is not PC as it states and pays tribute each day to those that gave us our freedoms.
Thanks to Gov. Palin for being someone we all can admire and God bless her for speaking out.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (8)
May 13, 2009
Gov. Sarah Palin Radio
Governor Palin's own "friendly" media
Executive Producer of Sarah Palin Radio is LaDonna Hale Curzon
Wild Thing's comment........
Wonderful idea, I like that she is not the Executive Producer that way she is freed to be the Gov. and keep being Sarah making a difference.
I check out the site and if you click around the next page has a little list of some of the shows that have aired in the past.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (4)
May 05, 2009
Sarah Palin Honored by NRA With Assault Rifle
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was bashed for her pricey wardrobe, but now she's getting a lethal accessory.
The National Rifle Association Foundation will present Sen. John McCain's ill-fated running mate with a military-style assault weapon next week.
The all-white "Alaskan Hunter" - fashionable until Labor Day - is the civilian version of a modified M-4 rifle carried by U.S. troops overseas.
Alaska's feisty Republican governor, who is weighing a potential 2012 presidential bid, will receive the rifle made by Templar Consulting at a May 14 NRA banquet.
It's engraved with Palin's name and adorned with a map of the state on the collapsible stock - made legal after the expiration of the assault weapons ban in 2004. The Big Dipper from the state flag is etched on the magazine well behind a vented barrel guard.
The rifle is chambered in .50-caliber "Beowulf." It's the same caliber used by heavy machine guns, which can take down big game, and in war zones "can disable both motor vehicles and assailants with body armor," according to ammo manufacturer Alexander Arms' Web site.
Templar gun designer Bob Reynolds told the NRA's magazine that Palin had stood up for Second Amendment gun rights and "I just wanted to do something to give back."
Wild Thing's comment.........
Wow, outstanding news. Congrats to Sarah! God bless Sarah Palin.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (12)
May 02, 2009
Alaska's 50th Anniversary Chopper
The first part of the video is the part I showed you the other day telling about how American Cholpper was doing a bike for Alaska.
Rodger was so kind to send me this and it has the bike on it, the finished product. Fantastic!!
"Alaska commissioned OCC (Orange County Choppers) to build a custom chopper in honor of its 50 years as a state. Paul confers with Governor Sarah Palin, and funally delivers the goods. I filmed it all for you. "
~ Rodger and his awesome blog is Curmudgeonly & Skeptical blog
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (2)
April 30, 2009
Gov. Palin On American Choppers Show Tonight
Date: Tonight
Where : American Choppers on TCL ( The Learning Channel )
Time: 2100
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin recently welcomed the crew from Orange County Choppers – whose custom motorcycle business is featured on TLC's American Chopper – to Anchorage where show star Paul Teutul Sr. researched building a bike to honor Alaska's 50-year anniversary of being a state.
"It means so much to the state of Alaska that these guys are building this bike that will honor statehood here," Palin says in the episode, airing April 30 at 9 p.m.
Paul Sr. hangs out with the Governor in her office and talks about the Alaskan weather, snowmobiling and fishing in the summer. "I inherit whatever [husband] Todd rejects from the year before," Palin says.
After inviting the OCC crew back for the summer months, she suggests having fun Alaska style, saying, "We'll ride the bike to the fishing hole."
Although initially nervous about the meeting, Paul Sr. says that he felt Palin was "a real down to earth person to talk to."
Wild Thing's comment.....
I have never seen the show before, but this is exciting. I will watch it for sure.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (6)
March 20, 2009
Palin Hits Obama on 'Special Olympics' Comment
Palin Hits Obama on 'Special Olympics' Joke
Gov. Sarah Palin responded to remarks made last night by President Obama related to the Special Olympics on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno":
“I was shocked to learn of the comment made by President Obama about Special Olympics,” Governor Palin said. “This was a degrading remark about our world’s most precious and unique people, coming from the most powerful position in the world.
“These athletes overcome more challenges, discrimination and adversity than most of us ever will. By the way, these athletes can outperform many of us and we should be proud of them. I hope President Obama’s comments do not reflect how he truly feels about the special needs community.”
Well, after the way his allies went after her, he really couldn't count on a full-throated defense of a boneheaded comment. Obama used the whole "it's just a joke" excuse with his "lipstick on a pig" comment, too.
Wild Thing's comment........
She's exactly the person who needs to answer this. Let him have it, Sarah Barracuda! Nicely done, Sarah. God bless Sarah and her whole family.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 PM | Comments (7)
Gov.Sarah Palin to Rejects 55% of Stimulus Bill
Sarah Palin turns down millions(55 percent) in federal stimulus funding for Alaska
Gov. Sarah Palin just told reporters that she’s accepting only 55 percent of the federal economic stimulus money being offered to Alaska. The governor said that she will accept only about $514 million of the $930 million headed to the state.
“We are not requesting funds intended to just grow government. We are not requesting more money for normal day-to-day operations of government as part of this economic stimulus package. In essence we say no to operating funds for more positions in government,” Palin said.
The biggest single chunk of stimulus money that Palin is turning down is $160 million for education. There’s also $17 million in Department of Labor funds (vocational rehabilitation services, unemployment services, etc.), about $9 million for Health and Social Services and about $7 million for Public Safety. The full list and the specifics aren’t available from the governor’s budget department yet.
Palin said she’ll work with the Legislature if it decides that it wants to go ahead and accept the money (although she didn’t rule out vetoes). But the deadline for the Legislature to decide could be April 3. Legislators from both parties said, if that is the deadline, it doesn’t leave them much time to sort through it all.
Reaction among lawmakers was mixed. Members of the all-Republican state Senate minority said Palin is taking a wise course and it’s important not to accept federal money that could end up costing the state in the long run.
Anchorage Democratic Rep. Les Gara suggested Palin could be pandering to voters outside Alaska and said it’s hurting the state's education, public safety and quality of life.
“I’m worried the governor is taking this sort of national political stance which is that she’s going to be the opposite of Barack Obama on everything,” he said.
U.S. Sen. Mark Begich quickly issued a written statement today calling for lawmakers to accept the remainder of the stimulus money.
“I trust the legislature will do the right thing and take Alaska’s share of the money for education in the economic recovery package,” the statement quotes Begich as saying. “We owe it to our children to give them the most opportunities possible, and this is money fairly allocated to Alaska in this stimulus package.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
Good job, Sarah! You make us proud. Sarah walks the walk.
Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska went on record recommending her state avoid approximately half of the stimulus package. Some highlights:
"We can't accept the bait."
“We are not accepting funds, intended though, to just grow government.”
"We are not going to increase our dependence on Washington.”
And my favorite is when she quotes Thomas Jefferson:
“When all government domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided on one government on another, and will become as oppressive as the government from which we separated.”
Accepting too much from Washington, dillutes the separation of powers, and eventually leads to a government much like the one, America first declared independence from.
....Thank you Jack for sending this to me.
Army Combat Engineers
Jack's blog is Conservative Insurgent
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (6)
March 16, 2009
Gov. Palin To Be Keynote Speaker At Major Fundraiser
Today, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), and U.S. Representative Pete Sessions (R-TX), Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), announced that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will deliver the keynote address at the annual Senate-House Dinner to be held on June 8th at the Washington Convention Center:
“Governor Palin has quickly emerged as one of the most popular and recognizable faces in the Republican Party, and we are honored to have her deliver the keynote address at the Senate-House dinner. As a proven leader in her home-state of Alaska, Governor Palin represents a breath of fresh air from the business-as-usual crowd in Washington, and is one of our Party’s up-and-coming young governors who will play a critical role in our re-building efforts in the years to come. Last fall, she electrified and energized crowds across the country, and we expect she will generate a similar amount of enthusiasm at this spring’s dinner.” – NRSC Chairman John Cornyn
“On behalf of Congressional Republicans, it is a pleasure to announce one of the brightest rising stars in the Republican Party, Sarah Palin, will deliver the keynote address at this year’s Senate-House dinner. Gov. Palin’s conservative values, commendable achievements in Alaska and the sheer energy she personifies make her one of the most compelling visionaries of our Party. With respect, admiration and enthusiasm, I look forward to welcoming her to Washington and await the inspirational address our Party needs, as it rebuilds and prepares for a victorious election cycle.” – NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions
Palin Keynotes Major Fundraiser
Gov. Sarah Palin will keynote the Republican campaign committees' top fundraiser in June, a sign of her enduring popularity with the Republican base and a signal that she has not foreclosed on the possibility of a run for president. The annual "Senate-House" dinner is scheduled for June 8 at the Washington Convention Center. A joint release calls Palin "a breath of fresh air from the business-as-usual crowd."
Wild Thing's comment......
What Sarah is doing is smart, both for the Party and for her, and she's picking and choosing her fights well. I like the way she says no to some things and yes to others.
That she said yes to this event she is able to show that the party needs her, and not the other way around.
I love how she is staying in the news and at the same time she is being an awesome Gov. We will be seeing more and more of her in the future too, I really believe this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 PM | Comments (6)
March 11, 2009
Gov. Sarah Palin Supports Extending Tax Suspension
Gov Palin Supports Extending Tax Suspension on Motor Fuel in Alaska
Juneau, Alaska
Governor Sarah Palin pledged her support today for Senator Bettye Davis' bill to extend Alaska's suspension of the motor fuel tax. Senate Bill 14 extends a portion of the governor's multi-phase statewide energy plan she introduced last year to help Alaskans combat the high cost of energy.
"Alaskans are unique among Americans in the contiguous states in terms of transportation costs," Palin said. "In rural Alaska, particularly, many people are still paying outrageous fuel costs. Heating and fuel bills are double and triple what others pay in the Lower 48. I support any sound measure that relieves the burden Alaskans feel in their pocketbook; in this case, it’s continued support for eliminating a tax at the pump."
According to the AAA Daily Fuel Gauge Report, Alaskans pay on average $2.519 per gallon of regular gasoline, which is more than 30 cents higher than California, which has the highest price per gallon in the contiguous states. Even Hawaii, another remote state, pays seven cents per gallon less than Alaska. National comparisons can be viewed at fuelgaugereport.com.
“The concept is that this bill will help stimulate the economy during the current recession,” Senator Davis said. “It will grant relief to all consumers of motor fuel, including aircraft, watercraft and standard motor vehicles.”
"I appreciate Senator Davis' efforts on this," Palin said. "So do Alaskan families that are really feeling the pinch. The average commuter driving between Anchorage and the Valley fills up their rig at least twice a week; these costs add up quickly. By extending our gas tax suspension, Alaskans, such as these commuters, will continue to save their hard-earned money, and government will learn to live on a tighter budget."
Here is some extra news about Sarah..........................
Harborview Elementary and Juneau Montessori School students listen as Governor Sarah Palin reads aloud on March 2, 2009.
Wild Thing's comment........
"and government will learn to live on a tighter budget"
Like music to our ears to hear a politicican say this.
“commuters, will continue to save their hard-earned money, and government will learn to live on a tighter budget.”
Now THAT, is good governance!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (4)
February 17, 2009
Greta Talks With Gov. Sarah Palin
Greta talked to Sarah Palin about the stimulus package and Sarah said she had a message for Barack Obama..VETO THAT BILL. She said this bill is wrong for America and they should go back to work to come up with something that will REALLY stimulate the economy. Also, she was VERY upset about the proposal to bring back the Fairness Doctrine, said that Conservatives have every right to speak their mind and that they should NOT be silenced.
Wild Thing's comment......
Yeah basically she told Obama off. LOL I LOVED it..BEST interview yet. Sarah really let loose, Greta started talking to Piper and Sarah jumped in and brought up the Fairness Doctrine, boy was she upset, but WOW she was fired up about that pork bill.
Obama is going to be upset that she is once again getting attention... the thin-skinned one can't take it heh heh.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (12)
February 16, 2009
Tonight: On the Record w/ Greta
Greta heads to Alaska to drop by the Palin household...
And check in with the governor and her family.
Time: 2200 EST
FOX News
Wild Thing's comment.....
Sorry I am late with this I just got home. haha
But I wanted to make sure to let you know.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 PM
February 13, 2009
Terrorist Bill Ayers Wants Sarah Palin to Share Talk Show
Bill Ayers Wants Sarah Palin to Share Talk Show
During the presidential campaign, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin highlighted Barack Obama's connection to former Weather Underground member Bill Ayers – charging that the candidate was "palling around with terrorists." Now Ayers wants to bury the hatchet with a joint talk show.
"Pallin' Around with Sarah and Bill," is the name Ayers has come up with, according to a report by CNN.
Though Ayers sent her a note after the election touting the virtues of such a show, he concedes, "I haven't heard back."
The revelation will be featured in the next New York Times magazine.
Not surprisingly, Ayers was not asked to stump for Obama during the campaign. In fact, there was no communication at all, according to Ayers.
"They apparently didn't want to call me, and I certainly wouldn't have initiated it," he said.
With his interview with the magazine, Ayers broke a long silence. He granted no interviews during the campaign – although he claims that this reticence to confront the media was not at the insistence of the Obama camp.
As to his feelings toward now President Obama, Ayers told the New York Times that in his opinion, Obama's election was "a strike against white supremacy."
Ayers told the magazine that he still looks at himself as a "radical," but Obama is, in his opinion, a "moderate Democrat."
Fueled by outrage over racism and the Vietnam War, the Weather Underground waged a low-level war against the U.S. government through much of the 1970s, bombing targets across the country.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I wouldn’t go anywhere near that terrorist and breathe the same air. There is no way she ever lower herself to respond to Ayers.
Can you belileve the nerve of this guy?
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (12)
February 04, 2009
Palin on the Stimulus~ 'I Agree With the Decision to Vote NO"
Juneau, Alaska
Governor Sarah Palin again today expressed her serious concerns with President Obama’s proposed stimulus package. In a joint letter sent to Alaska’s congressional delegation, Governor Palin, House Speaker Mike Chenault and Senate President Gary Stevens cautioned that unrestrained spending, initiation of new programs that the states may be asked to continue after the federal stimulus is gone, and the borrowing of hundreds of billions of dollars to pay for it may result in serious economic problems in the future.
“I agree with the decision of Senator Murkowski and Congressman Young to vote NO on the package,” Governor Palin said.
“It's a given that a stimulus package is needed and will happen,” Palin said. “With guaranteed spending on the table, I am arguing for needed construction projects and tax breaks that will truly stimulate the economy and create jobs, and against increased federal programs that will become a state's unfunded mandate to continue funding for generations.”
Wild Thing's comment........
I am so glad she is not tied to McCain anymore. She is soooo much better without him.
Our Gov. here in Florida I think is waiting for a handout grrrr.
But for Sarah she is one of the few governors who has come out with a strong “NO” vote on this spending bill. God bless her!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (6)
February 02, 2009
Typical ABC Hit Piece On Gov. Palin
Palin stiffs the House Republicans
ABC News' Jonathan Karl reports: When House Republicans planned their annual winter retreat, they extended an invitation to Alaska Gov. Sara Palin, hoping the party's 2008 vice presidential nominee would give a morale-building speech to the more than 130 Republican members of Congress gathered this weekend in Hot Springs, Va.
Retreat organizers tell ABC News that Palin politely declined, giving a perfectly understandable reason. According to the Congressional Institute, which hosted the conference, Palin said she simply could not make it to the retreat because pressing state business made it impossible for her to leave Alaska this weekend.
So where is Palin this weekend? She's in Washington, D.C., attending the super-elite Alfalfa Dinner.
"She lied to us," said a Republican at the retreat.
Asked why Palin told the Republicans she could not leave Alaska this weekend, Palin spokesman Bill McAllister offered this non-responsive answer:
"My understanding is that the governor has not scheduled any partisan events on her current trip to D.C.," McAllister told ABC News.
The House Republicans seemed to do just fine without Palin. Their list of speakers included Republican stars Michael Steele, Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty and Newt Gingrich.
Asked about Palin's no-show, House Republican leader John Boehner shrugged.
"Whatever," Boehner said.
Wild Thing's comment........
I am so glad to see this article, because it means Sarah is still a huge threat, to the left and to the RINO's as well. God bless you Sarah. I want to show you some things.
First of all this:
" She lied to us," said a Republican at the retreat.
Can ABC name him or her that said this?
ABC reporting a story without named sources or attribution. It ought to be considered a political hit job unless they are able to provide facts rather than interpretation and names rather than anonymous sources.
She had already announced to the people of Alaska that this weekend was not going to include any partisan activity. If she had attended that event, she would have caught hell at home.
Her appearance at the Alfalfa Club dinner which is HUGE and a much bigger deal was planned quite sometime ago, whereas the other event was probably organized more recently.
she sent to the Alaska congressional delegation, and the 4 videos I think it was a couple of days ago, her speech State to State address where she spoke about the stimulus bill and also how the only thing she was concerned with in the bil are the things dealing with infrastruture, roads etc. She has stated several times she is against 99 percent of the stimulus bill.
She will be speaking at CPAC and she attended the Republican Governors Conference back in December.
She explained this in a interview she gave in Alaska last week. She gets hundreds of invitations to speak. She is only accepting those that promote Alaska’s business.
And there is also this.............
Mike Pence Reshapes Retreat to Aid Rebuilding Plan
"Chairman Mike Pence (Ind.) has made sweeping changes to the agenda that the House Republican Conference will follow at its annual retreat this week. Rather than running a typical “rally the troops” program, he’s hoping to use the gathering as a platform for the broader rebuilding effort under way within the GOP. To that end, the list of those invited to join the House Republicans at the Homestead in Hot Springs, Va., on Thursday sounds like a 2012 presidential primary ballot.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels are among the speakers scheduled to attend, while three other governors — California’s Arnold Schwarzenegger, Alaska’s Sarah Palin and Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal — sent their regrets, according to sources familiar with the guest list.
Soooooooo here is my question............Why no hit piece on Arnold or Jindal, only Sarah.
And this one last thing to share with you.......
This is the only video, the media was not allowed at this event.
Palin lying low during Washington trip
cnn for complete article.....
The Alfalfa Club dinner is the ultimate venerable gathering of elite politicians, but it has become an especially big draw this year, because White House sources have confirmed Obama is slated to attend.
Palin’s office also said she had plans to participate in a number of other nonpartisan functions while she’s in Washington over the weekend, including a private dinner Friday night at the residence of prominent businessman and former Republican operative Fred Malek.
A number of Republican and Democratic senators are also on the guest list for that event, including Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-California, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky.
Palin also planned to take part in a luncheon Saturday at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a foreign policy think tank.
“She came into the campaign as the maverick, as the person outside the establishment,” Zelizer said. “What she really needs to do now is build her credentials with the establishment. Right now, the goal is not to build her support with the grassroots, it’s to build her support inside the beltway.”
OK, so the only part of the stimulus package that Sarah is wanting to make sure passes is about the infrastructure. ( roads etc. for Alaska), She said she is against the rest of it .
An elected leader’s politics are defined by the pattern of their political behavior over time. The pattern of Sarah Palin’s behavior shows her to be a true conservative.
She talked to the reporters and said she was going to Washington to make sure Alaska received their share for infrastructure dollars. Also, she mentioned some concerns about the infrastructure projects that may be funded through the federal stimulus package. She says that Alaska will need more time to implement any funded projects because of the weather conditions there: it’s too cold to build roads and bridges for a greater percentage of the time than, say, in North Carolina .
She also mention an exemption Alaska needs in terms of time lines for some shovel ready projects that congress says they have to be shovel ready and have to get them out the door wheather it be 90 days or 120 days Alaska needs an exemption because of climate.
She's being pummeled by Alaska Democrats for not seeking more money. Don't believe all this propaganda.
Look at this........
Palin, other state leaders at odds over stimulus funds
"Lawmakers say there are concerns that Palin is seeking too little federal stimulus money, and Alaska may not get its fair share."
She's only requested $150 million for 4 gasline-related projects and 1 project to upgrade the Kodiak missile battery. Furthermore from the above article:
"Palin issued her list on Jan. 12, saying it would not be a good idea to ask for more, and cautioned it was necessary to be "mindful about the effect of the stimulus package on the national debt."
This is just another lame MSM attempt to divide and conquer with Palin as a juicy target with her being in DC this weekend. Don't fall for it. That doesn't mean that a buch of RINO governors don't have their hands out. Unfortunately they do.
"Palin has campaigned nationally against earmark abuses, and asked state agencies to limit their earmark requests. "
"Hoffman said his definition of earmarks may differ from the governor's. "
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 PM | Comments (5)
Gov.Palin Expresses Concerns on Economic "Stimulus" While in D.C.
Governor Expresses Concerns on Economic Stimulus While in D.C.
Governor Sarah Palin this weekend met with business, economic and political leaders in the nation’s capital to discuss problems she sees for Alaska with the pending economic stimulus package in Congress.
"Alaska and other states need to be treated fairly,” Governor Palin said. “Much of the stimulus plan we've seen focuses on spending for government programs that would be a burden on states to continue funding, and doesn't focus enough on spending that actually does put people back to work and stimulate the economy. Working with our D.C. staff, I took advantage of the opportunity to speak with Democrats and Republicans to voice my concerns. I appreciate their time and assistance in paying attention to our state."
Governor Palin discussed troubling elements in the stimulus package including provisions that punish Alaska for forward-funding education, the mass transit funding formula that will limit Alaska opportunities but will pour money into other states, and the "shovel-ready" criteria for projects that northern climates might not be able to accommodate consistently due to the shortened construction season.
The governor continues to express concerns first identified in a Jan. 7 letter to the Alaska congressional delegation about the overall level of spending and the hugely increased deficit our nation is growing. Under the legislation, the U.S. would continue sending money to OPEC nations even as it continues to borrow and miss opportunities to develop domestic supplies of energy.
"Worst of all, the stimulus package rewards states for not planning when it comes to prioritizing for things like education, as Alaska has planned ahead by forward-funding 21 percent of our General Fund dollars for this very important priority,” said Palin. “It appears only those states that did not plan ahead with education will benefit. States like Alaska should not be punished for being responsible; yet that's what the plan means for Alaska right now.”
The governor has asked the nation’s leaders to look at these issues to ensure fairness in the stimulus package and that the package does not harm the long-term fiscal health of the nation. Contrary to some news reports, she looks forward to continuing to work with Alaska’s congressional delegation to accomplish the state’s goals.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am so glad Sarah put this out for all to see. Several of the media outlets have been saying Sarah agreed with the stimulus bull. She was voted on and hired in Alaska to do a job and she has been doing a wonderful job. Alaska is her priority as it should be. Some in the media have also been saying she is thinking too small and only about Alaska. How stupid is that, she is the Gov. of Alaska and when she decides to run for a different office like maybe President then she will speak on bigger terms.
Sarah is concerned about the package, she is in no way in favor of it, just the opposite. She is for FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY and she is right. Why should people who are responsible have to be punished for those who are not. She is 100 percent right.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (10)
We Can Send a Birthday Card to Gov. Sarah Palin
February 11th ( 1964) is Sarah Palin’s birthday.
If you would like to send Sarah a card you can send your cards to:
Alaska State Capitol Building
Third Floor
P.O. Box 110001
Juneau , AK 99811-0001
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:44 AM | Comments (6)
January 30, 2009
Gov. Palin Unveils 'SarahPAC'
Gov. Palin Unveils 'SarahPAC'
Former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin has started a new political action committee – in a move that many are seeing as a precursor to a possible run for president in 2012.
The organization now has a website, SarahPAC.com, registered to a post office box in Arlington, Va. The PAC is scheduled to post on the Federal Elections Commission website.
While the FEC website now lists Palin as a 2012 candidate, FEC representative Judith Ingram told WND the Alaska governor is not officially registered to run for the presidency, and the entry is only the FEC's technical placeholder for the time being.
The PAC supports priorities Palin has had as Alaska governor, including: resource development, education, health, transportation and infrastructure development and reform and transparency in government.
The committee encourages citizens to stick to their values as President Obama takes charge of the nation.
"As a new president takes office and begins to lead our country, Gov. Palin believes that every one of us has a duty and responsibility in this time of economic crisis and international challenge. Each one of us must step up to the plate, get involved in the spirit of renaissance and renewal that is critical to America's success," it says.
Sarah Palin's Official PAC Dedicated to building America's future, supporting fresh ideas and candidates who share our vision for reform and innovation.
SarahPAC believes America's best days are ahead. Our country, founded on conservative principles and the fight for freedom, must confront the challenges of the 21st century with integrity, innovation, and determination.
SarahPAC believes energy independence is a cornerstone of the economic security and progress that every American family wants and deserves.
SarahPAC believes the Republican Party is at the threshold of an historic renaissance that will build a better future for all. Health care, education, and reform of government are among our key goals. Join us today!
PAC = Political Action Committee private 501 c(3) organization (outside of the government, per ethics rules) that publicly supports a specific set of goals and values as expressed by a candidate or potential candidate.
PAC is a legal funding mechanism for a potential candidate and the first step toward running for higher office.
Governor Palin's State of the State Address 2009 Part 1
Governor Palin's State of the State Address 2009 Part 2
Governor Palin's State of the State Address 2009 Part 3
Governor Palin's State of the State Address 2009 Part 4
I love this 4th one, she talks abouto smaller government and small business owners. All very positive and conservative.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Good for Sarah, she is going to start now. God bless Sarah and her family.
Her stance on alternative energy in Alaska is excellent. Her position on fiscal responsibility is not only excellent, but is diametrically opposed to what is going on in Washington.
I was very disappointed by Sen. McCain's tepid defense of his choice of running mate, and his daughter Meghan's coy refusal to answer any questions regarding Gov. Palin. When pressed by the reporter to say whether she still had the same favorable opinion as she had in an earlier appearance, Meghan McCain refused to answer, implying that she did not. I find that very disturbing, as Gov. Palin has been nothing but gracious.
She helped McCain and I think it is extremely bad taste for one thing to behave like John McCain and Meghan have been. I realize Meghan had said before she voted for Kerry, but even so the tremendous response Sarah got was such a plus for the campaign, she ( Meghan ) should be forever grateful.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (14)
January 23, 2009
Sarah Palin's Book Deal
Sarah Palin may be shopping a book
The former GOP vice presidential candidate is reportedly working with Robert Barnett, who brokered deals for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Some reports say she is seeking as much as $11 million.
Palin has reportedly enlisted the services of Robert Barnett, the Washington lawyer who represented President Obama, would-be President Hillary Rodham Clinton and former President Bill Clinton in their multimillion-dollar book deals.
Barnett declined to comment. But a variety of published sources, including the Hollywood Reporter, said that Barnett was on board in helping to sell a Palin book.
Presumably, the book would tell her side of the 2008 presidential election, when the GOP nominee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, plucked Palin out of relative obscurity and offered her the vice presidential spot. Though she was a darling of conservatives and ignited the Republican base whenever she appeared in public, Palin has made it known that she had a difficult time with McCain's strategists.
Throughout the campaign, Palin was kept under wraps by staff, and her appearances were carefully orchestrated in the failed hope of protecting her from ridicule. Frequently when she did engage the media, she appeared ill prepared at best and hopelessly naive at worst. Her comments on Russia and politics were a steady diet for late-night comedians.
During the campaign, there were charges that Palin tried to censor books at the Wasilla, Alaska, library when she was mayor of that community. Though the reports turned out to be overblown (she did ask the librarian about removing some books and then dismissed her along with other officials), the ink stuck to her, helping with conservatives and hurting with other voters.
Still, for many on the right, keeping Palin on a tight leash was one of the campaign's significant failures. The GOP ticket was ahead in some polls going into September, when the economy tanked and McCain's drive to White House faltered.
The economy could also be a factor in how much Palin, whose family is not wealthy, could earn from any book. In recent months, reports of her wanting as much as $11 million for her memoirs have surfaced, though she could get far less. Former First Lady Laura Bush just sold her memoirs for less than $2 million.
But there is more than money at stake. Palin has been trying to stay in the spotlight, presumably with an eye on 2012, and a book could help as well as giving her some sort of a base beyond Alaska.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I hope she gets a sweet deal. More then the lefties ever got and lines will form at book stores, and I bet it will go #1 very fast! Take that, President Milli Vanilli.
Three cheers for Sarah!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (21)
January 20, 2009
Gov. Sarah Palin on Glenn Beck Debut Show on Fox
Sarah Palin on Glenn Beck Debut Show on Fox
Wild Thing's comment.........
Here is the interview of Gov. Sarah Palin on Glenn Becks show from last night.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (14)
January 08, 2009
Sarah Palin: Conservative of the Year
Sarah Palin: Conservative of the Year
by Ann Coulter
Sarah Palin wins HUMAN EVENTS’ prestigious “Conservative of the Year” Award for 2008 for her genius at annoying all the right people. The last woman to get liberals this hot under the collar would have been … let's see now … oh, yeah: Me!
The entire presidential election year was kind of a downer for conservatives. Once the “maverick” John McCain won the nomination, the rest of the year was like watching a slow motion car crash. Except at least a slow-motion car crash is occasionally entertaining. So it was going to be a long year.
When McCain chose our beauteous Sarah as his running mate, the maverick was finally acting like a real maverick -- as opposed to the media’s definition of a “maverick” which is: “agreeing with the editorial positions of the New York Times.”
Pre-Palin it had been one race -- boring old “You kids get off my lawn!” John McCain versus the exciting, new politician Barack Obama, who threw caution to the wind and bravely ran as the Pro-Hope candidate. And then our heroic Sarah bounded out of the Alaska tundra and it became a completely different race. This left the press completely discombobulated and upset. They didn't know whether to attack Sarah for not having an abortion or go after her husband for not being a sissy.
I assume Palin was chosen because McCain had heard that she was a real conservative and he had always wanted to meet one -- no, actually because he needed a conservative on the ticket, but that he had no idea that picking her would send the left into a tailspin of wanton despair.
But if anyone on the McCain campaign chose Palin because she would drive liberals crazy, my hat is off to him!
True, Palin made some embarrassing gaffes.
She complained that we didn’t have enough “Arabic translators” in Afghanistan -- not realizing the natives don’t speak Arabic in Afghanistan, but rather a variety of regional dialects, the most common of which is Pashtun.
Speaking to military veterans one time, Palin said, “Our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today.”
She bragged about passing a law regulating the nuclear industry that it turned out never became a law at all.
Some days Palin said Venezuela's dictator Hugo Chavez should suffer "regional isolation" -- but then on others she’d say she supported the president’s meeting with Chavez.
She told one audience about recent tornados in Kansas that had killed 10,000 people. In fact, a dozen people were killed in the tornados.
She referred to the “57 states” that make up the U.S.
Speaking of her eldest daughter’s pregnancy, she said Bristol was being “punished” with a baby.
As you probably know -- or guessed by now -- none of these gaffes were uttered by Palin. They are all Obama gaffes. Luckily, he made them to a star-struck press that managed not to ask him a difficult question for two years.
It seemed like the media would introduce an all-new double standard each day throughout the two glorious months of Palin’s candidacy.
I don’t remember, for example, zealous inquiries into the supposedly peculiar religious practices of any candidates in past elections. No one in the press touched on Sen. Joe Lieberman’s religious beliefs when he was Gore’s running mate. (Nor, while we’re on the subject, was the media particularly interested in the beliefs of the religion that inspired the 9/11 attacks on America.)
But the press snapped right back into their anti-religious hysteria for a candidate who was a Pentecostal! The same media that couldn’t be bothered to investigate Obama’s ties to former Weathermen or Syrian Nationalist Tony Rezko was soon hot on the trail of a rumor that Palin’s church had a speaker 30 years ago who spoke in tongues!
Let me think now: Were there ever any unusual or otherwise noteworthy speeches or sermons given in churches where Obama worshipped? Hmmm … it's on the tip of my tongue.
Liberals also suddenly decided that a woman with children could not handle the stress of higher office. Until Palin reared her beautiful head, this is precisely the sort of thinking liberals would have denounced as the Neanderthal, backwards, good old boy network attitude that had created a “glass ceiling.”
Let’s consider the facts: Palin’s oldest son was about to be under the tender care of Gen. David Petraeus after being shipped off to Iraq. Her next oldest child was about to be married and probably would prefer that her parents butt out. That left three children under the age of 15, which was almost the same as Obama had.
So Palin had one more child -- and a lot more executive experience -- than the guy at the top of the Democrats’ ticket. (I suspect what liberals were really mad about was that if Palin became Vice President, she probably would have hired a nanny who was a U.S. citizen.)
Having indignantly rejected experience as a presidential qualification in the case of Obama, liberals had to raise questions about Palin’s experience gingerly. But, in short order, they threw caution to the wind and began energetically criticizing Palin for her lack of experience. I call that two … two … two standards in one!
Like most Democrats, both Obama and Biden boasted of their humble beginnings, while having fully adopted the attitudes, pomposity and style of the elites.
Meanwhile, Palin is the sort of genuine American that brings out the worst, most egregious pomposity of liberals. For weeks, Carl Bernstein was showing up on TV to announce: “We still don’t have the date of first issuance of her passport.” Members of the establishment would be astonished to learn that more Americans have guns than passports.
Liberals were angry at Palin because they thought she should look and act like Kay Bailey Hutchinson: Upper crust, prissy and stiff.
Palin had a husband in the Steelworkers Union, a sister and brother-in-law who owned a gas station, and five attractive children -- one headed for Iraq, one a Down’s syndrome baby and one the cutest little girl anyone had ever seen.
In a nutshell, Palin was everything Democrats are always pretending to be, but never are.
She didn’t have to conjure up implausible images of herself duck hunting as Hillary Clinton did. Nor was Palin the typical Democratic elected female official who went straight from college into politics, like Nita Lowey.
Despite their phony championing of “women’s issues” (i.e. abortion) there was not one Democrat woman who could win a head-to-head contest with Palin. Especially not if we got to see their faces. Democrats may have a fleet of women politicians, but they don’t have a deep bench of attractive ones. You don’t even think of most Democratic woman as women: Rosa Delauro, Nita Lowey, Patty Murray, Janet Napolitano -- and the list goes on. Oh, sure, there are the odd female Democrat sex kittens -- your Janet Renos, your Donna Shalalas -- but they're the exception to the rule.
After Palin gave her barnburner of a speech at the Republican National Convention, a friend of mine in a liberal industry told me his friends were aggressively confronting him demanding to know if Palin was raised by a secret cult of Christians that taught children nothing but Creationism and public speaking.
Oh, how I wish he had said “yes.” Imagine the aneurisms! I think what liberals were trying to say was: Gosh, she’s an exceptionally attractive mother of five!
The Obama campaign was so alarmed by Palin’s speech, it loudly dismissed the speech saying she didn’t write it. At least that’s what a press release written by an Obama campaign staffer said.
Indeed, the first words out of every Palin critic's mouth were: "Good speech, but she didn't write it." So I guess all liberals were reading the same talking points written for them by the Obama campaign. At least Palin pays her speechwriters. Neil Kinnock is still waiting for his check.
Speaking of Joe Biden, he said that Palin’s speech had a lot of style but little substance. Inasmuch as Biden was Obama's running mate, I think that meant he liked it!
A newspaper in Boston responded to Palin’s speech by interviewing hairdressers who criticized Sarah's hairstyle. (Where were these people after Joe Biden's speech?)
Trendy dinner party opinion soon demanded that all liberals take up the cry that Palin must let the press have a whack at her. Almost immediately after she was introduced to the nation, the cry went up: “When are we going to be allowed to ask Palin questions?”
Palin’s refusal to meet with the press for one week after being chosen as McCain’s running mate was evidently more maddening than Obama's refusal to appear on Fox News for almost the entirety of his campaign.
Everyone acted as if Obama’s feat of running for President for two years constituted a complete and thorough vetting.
It might have been, except that the entire media had apparently agreed: “OK, none of us will ask Obama about Tony Rezko, William Ayers, and Jeremiah Wright.”
Hillary was hissed by the audience for mentioning Rezko at a Democratic debate and George Stephanopoulos nearly lost his career for asking Obama one William Ayers question at another.
Osama bin Laden was more upset about the Rev. Jeremiah Wright than liberals were -- especially after "Jeremiah Wright videos" passed "al Qaeda videos" for most total viewings on Youtube. (He was kicking himself for not coming up with that “God Damn America” line first!)
Who cares if Palin was qualified to be President? She was running with John McCain! There was no chance that ticket was going to place her anywhere near the presidency. In fact, I can’t think of a better place to put someone you wanted to keep away from the White House than on a ticket with McCain.
Palin was a kick in the pants, she energized conservatives, and she made liberal heads explode. Other than his brave military service, introducing Sarah Palin to Americans is the greatest thing John McCain ever did for his country.
But unless Palin is going to be the perpetual running mate of “moderate” Republicans who need conservative bona fides, she will need to become wiser and better read. Even Reagan didn’t run for President in his 40s. (True Obama is in his 40s, but we are not Democrats.)
Perhaps Palin’s year is 2012, but I would recommend that she take a little more time to become older and wiser. She ought to spend the next decade being a good governor, tending to her children so none of them turn out like Ron Reagan Jr., and reading everything Phyllis Schlafly, Thomas Sowell, Ronald Reagan and “Publius” have ever written. (She also might keep in mind that HUMAN EVENTS was Ronald Reagan’s favorite newspaper!)
In time, HUMAN EVENTS’ 2008 Conservative of the Year will be ready to be our President and someday can sweep into office and dismantle all the heinous government programs Obama and the Democrats are about to foist on the nation. Who knows? She might even be able to run as the candidate of "hope" and "change."
Wild Thing's comment.........
"I assume Palin was chosen because McCain had heard that she was a real conservative and he had always wanted to meet one "...
LOL, too good.
" can’t think of a better place to put someone you wanted to keep away from the White House than on a ticket with McCain"
Classic Coulter wit. Ann Coulter is awesome!!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (13)
Gov. Sarah Palin Interviewed About The Media!!
How Obama got elected
In an interview for the forthcoming documentary "Media Malpractice" Governor Sarah Palin, for the first time at length, takes on the media coverage of her and the 2008 campaign.
Wild Thing's comment........
I like the way he does this interview, he is calm and he listens to her answers. I bet it felt good to her to be able to do this interview.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (9)
January 06, 2009
Liberal Conspiracy to Defame TeamSarah: Busted!
Liberal Conspiracy to Frame and Defame TeamSarah: Busted!
TeamSarah.org, an online community of over 63,000 who admire Sarah Palin and all she stands for, currently is experiencing an attempt at framing the whole community as guilty of unsavory racist behavior. This apparently is part of an overall attempt by the the worst elements of the progressive faction, conduct for which all liberals should be ashamed to be associated, even indirectly.
This was started, for example at DemocracyUnderground (which brags that it intends to turn the word conservative “radioactive”) — well before that unfair and arguably defamatory piece was published in The Huffington Post, an extremist liberal website that evidently does not police its own content for accuracy. It is shocking that the HuffPo dropped any pretense of journalistic standards — like, for instance, simply calling TeamSarah and its proprietor, the Susan B. Anthony List, for a balanced picture, before running a recent attack on TeamSarah.
Thanks go out to Kelley S who serves TeamSarah brilliantly as a guardian, going out on patrol, looking for invaders who are attempting to frame and defame the community.
Thanks to Kelly, we now have screen shots, ID’s, and IP’s of a number of individuals who have planned an effort, and attempted to implement it, to act as agent provocateurs and discredit Team Sarah by planting racist and other unsavory material as if they were members.
We now have the evidence of what we suspected all along: the liberal extremists have been creating “sock puppets,” fake people whose sole mission is to come to TeamSarah, post horrible things, and then make copies of these posts to “prove” that we are bigots and cretins. It is the equivalent of framing the innocent, it is pure dirty tricks. And it is vile. We call upon all principled Liberals to condemns these actions. This is not the first time this has happened. We have also documented “dirty tricks” from DemocracyUnderground.com and from YAforObama.
We will not REACT and let these attacks cause us to mistrust one another or become distracted. TeamSarah is standing by our very high community standards.
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank goodness, the left will stop at nothing to try and bring trouble to Sarah or anything conected to her.
Team Sarah is wonderful and I am thrilled to be a member there.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (12)
January 03, 2009
Gov Palin Welcomes Int'l Delegation to Celebrate 50 Years of Alaska
Gov Palin welcomes int'l delegatioin to celebrate 50 years of Alaska
January 2, 2009, Anchorage, Alaska – Governor Sarah Palin today is welcoming an international delegation of diplomats who are traveling to Alaska to celebrate Alaska Statehood Day on January 3, 2009. Representatives from several Asian and European countries accepted Governor Palin’s invitation to participate in weekend celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of Alaska being admitted to the Union.
“We welcome these representatives with our best Alaska hospitality. We are pleased with their recognition of the importance of our 50th anniversary,” Governor Palin said. “It is a special honor to welcome Ambassador Kislyak and to showcase our state to this high-profile international group.”
Among the traveling dignitaries is Mr. Sergey Kislyak, newly appointed Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the United States, who is making his first visit to Alaska.
“I am so pleased to be here this weekend,” Ambassador Kislyak said. “As discussed in my meeting with Governor Palin, it is encouraging to note the similarities between Alaska and the Russian Far East. Our existing commercial connections and the mutually beneficial nature of our professional partnerships can only help provide a measure of stability as, together, we face the global economic challenges that lie ahead.”
Ambassador Kislyak also met with representatives of the Aleut International Association, Institute of the North, Alaska Rule of Law Initiative, National Parks Service, ISER Alaska Chukotka Project, and Turnagain Elementary School Russian Immersion Program, all of whom have been involved in multi-year Russia-related projects.
In addition to Ambassador Kislyak, foreign dignitaries include Yuri Gerasin, Consul General of the Russian Federation; Julian Evans, British Consul General; John Mataira.. and Haijun Wang, Deputy Director General of the Foreign Affairs Office of China’s Heilongjiang Province. Mr. Wang is leading a four-person delegation from Heilongjiang Province, a sister province to Alaska
Wild Thing's comment.......
Was Obama ever leading delegations of foreign diplomats from Russia, the UK, China, ROK, Canada and others(3 of whom are UN P5 members with nukes) when he wasn't bothering to hold meeting on the Senate Foreign Relations committee?
Will Katie Couric be reporting on this? Interviewing the Russian Ambassador? Are they other governors meeting with diplomats from the P5 countries?
Notice the book "Divided Twins" in front of her, which is all about the similarities between Alaska and Siberia. I wonder if all the MSM pundits who got thrills up their legs when they saw Obama reading The End of America by Fareed Zakharia(or some similar title) have ever heard of that book. I wonder if they've read it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (8)
A Visit To Gov. Sarah Palin During The Holidays 2008
Gov. Sarah Palin receives a flight jacket from Lt. Gen. Craig E. Campbell Dec. 6 as a token of thanks for supporting the Alaska National Guard during Operation Santa Claus 2008 in Kivalina. Operation Santa Claus, an Alaska National Guard community relations and support program, provides toys, books and school supplies for young people in communities across the state. Photo: Spc Paizley Ramsey, 134th Public Affairs Detachment
Governor Sarah Palin and daughter, Piper, visit with Rabbi Yosef Greenberg at the Chanukah Arts Festival in Anchorage.
Governor Sarah Palin celebrates the first day of Hanukkah with members of the Jewish community in downtown Anchorage
Governor Sarah Palin, Rabbi Yosef Greenberg, Rabbi Michael Oblath and Ranamanmohan Minhas, representative of the Alaska Indian Sikh Temple, participated in lighting memorial candles for those lost in the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (8)
December 31, 2008
Tragic News from Up North
....Thank you Jack for sending this to me. Jack's wonderful blog is Conservative Insurgent
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (11)
December 30, 2008
Gov. Palin's Alaska Air National Guard F-16s and KC-135's
Gov. Sarah Palin's Alaska Air National Guard F-16s and KC-135's
These were taken over Mt. McKinley around Anchorage. The tanker and F-16's are assigned to Eielson.
The Tanker belongs to the AK Air National Guard and the F-16's are part of the 363rd Fighter Wing and are used as aggressor aircraft during three exercises they have up there. "Cope Thunder", "Cobra Gold" and "Northern Edge".
There were a couple of them at Mountain Home for their airshow this Summer ...and many commented on their paint schemes .
Wild Thing's comment.........
FANTASTIC! I LOVE how they are painted!!!!
.... Thank you Tom for sending all these awesome photos to me and the information about them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (12)
December 22, 2008
Piper Palin Radio Interview
Piper Palin Radio Interview - Says She Would Like To Be President - Will Run In 2036
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is so cute, she is so much like Sarah. God bless this wonderful family.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (4)
December 19, 2008
Palin To Refuse Proposed $25K Pay Hike
Palin to refuse proposed $25K pay hike
JUNEAU, Alaska
Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said she would refuse a $25,000 pay raise during her current term as Alaska governor.
A state commission recommended boosting the governor's pay to $150,000 from $125,000.
The five-member state Officers Compensation Commission, created by the state Legislature, also said legislators needed more money, along with the lieutenant governor and government department heads, the Anchorage Daily News reported.
If the commission pushes ahead with a pay raise, Palin will not accept the money, spokesman Bill McAllister said.
"Her view is, it's just not appropriate to accept a pay raise in the middle of the term," he told the newspaper.
Palin's term ends in 2010.
Palin makes 46 percent more than her most recent predecessor, Frank Murkowski, but is the 24th-lowest paid governor, the commission said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Palin 2012........Change We Will Be Begging For!
Contrasting this to the various and sundry silverspooners like Kennedy and Pelosi as they gobble up every Congressional pay raise like clockwork.
California should take a page from her book. Michigan too!
LOOK at this..........
With economy in shambles, Congress gets a raise
By Jordy Yager
Posted: 12/17/08
A crumbling economy, more than 2 million constituents who have lost their jobs this year, and congressional demands of CEOs to work for free did not convince lawmakers to freeze their own pay.
Instead, they will get a $4,700 pay increase, amounting to an additional $2.5 million that taxpayers will spend on congressional salaries, and watchdog groups are not happy about it.
“As lawmakers make a big show of forcing auto executives to accept just $1 a year in salary, they are quietly raiding the vault for their own personal gain,” said Daniel O’Connell, chairman of The Senior Citizens League (TSCL), a non-partisan group. “This money would be much better spent helping the millions of seniors who are living below the poverty line and struggling to keep their heat on this winter.”
However, at 2.8 percent, the automatic raise that lawmakers receive is only half as large as the 2009 cost of living adjustment of Social Security recipients.
Still, Steve Ellis, vice president of the budget watchdog Taxpayers for Common Sense, said Congress should have taken the rare step of freezing its pay, as lawmakers did in 2000.
“Look at the way the economy is and how most people aren’t counting on a holiday bonus or a pay raise — they’re just happy to have gainful employment,” said Ellis. “But you have the lawmakers who are set up and ready to get their next installment of a pay raise and go happily along their way.”
Member raises are often characterized as examples of wasteful spending, especially when many constituents and businesses in members’ districts are in financial despair.
Rep. Harry Mitchell, a first-term Democrat from Arizona, sponsored legislation earlier this year that would have prevented the automatic pay adjustments from kicking in for members next year. But the bill, which attracted 34 cosponsors, failed to make it out of committee.
“They don’t even go through the front door. They have it set up so that it’s wired so that you actually have to undo the pay raise rather than vote for a pay raise,” Ellis said.
Freezing congressional salaries is hardly a new idea on Capitol Hill.
Lawmakers have floated similar proposals in every year dating back to 1995, and long before that. Though the concept of forgoing a raise has attracted some support from more senior members, it is most popular with freshman lawmakers, who are often most vulnerable.
In 2006, after the Republican-led Senate rejected an increase to the minimum wage, Democrats, who had just come to power in the House with a slew of freshmen, vowed to block their own pay raise until the wage increase was passed. The minimum wage was eventually increased and lawmakers received their automatic pay hike.
In the beginning days of 1789, Congress was paid only $6 a day, which would be about $75 daily by modern standards. But by 1965 members were receiving $30,000 a year, which is the modern equivalent of about $195,000.
Currently the average lawmaker makes $169,300 a year, with leadership making slightly more. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) makes $217,400, while the minority and majority leaders in the House and Senate make $188,100.
Ellis said that while freezing the pay increase would be a step in the right direction, it would be better to have it set up so that members would have to take action, and vote, for a pay raise and deal with the consequences, rather than get one automatically.
“It is probably never going to be politically popular to raise Congress’s salary,” he said. “I don’t think you’re going to find taxpayers saying, ‘Yeah I think I should pay my congressman more’.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (12)
December 18, 2008
Gov. Palin Proposes 7 Percent Cut In State Spending
Palin proposes 7 percent cut in state spending
Gov. Sarah Palin released her proposed budget for next year, and if the Legislature follows her lead, the state will be spending less money.
Palin's $4.9 billion budget proposes an overall 7 percent cut in state spending, although state agencies would see a slight increase in the operating budget.
The governor is proposing cuts in capital projects to achieve the decrease in spending. Palin, surrounded by her budget staff and state commissioners, made the announcement Monday morning in Juneau.
With oil revenues on the decline, she says the state is forced to adjust the way it spends money.
"We of course are going to be prudent," Palin said. "We're going to live within our means. We don't want any Alaskans to assume that government is the answer to all of the challenges and issues and problems that any individual faces."
The governor's budget cuts state spending for capital projects like roads and schools by 57 percent. But her operating budget for state agencies calls for a 2 percent increase.
In total, it's a 7 percent decline, and she expects to have money left over.
"Based on the fall revenue forecast, the spending level we propose in (fiscal year 2010) would result also in a surplus, about a $388 million surplus," she said.
The governor's proposed budget is only where the conversation starts. The real budget will emerge from the Legislature after months of hearings.
"We can't act as we're broke," Speaker of the House John Harris said. "We certainly aren't broke, but if we're going to spend money we need to invest it in things that are good long-term for the state of Alaska."
Some lawmakers fear the administration's oil price forecast is overly optimistic, which could increase the downward pressure on state spending.
"I am very uncomfortable with the numbers the Department of Revenue came out with for projected oil prices," said Rep. Mike Hawker, co-chair of the Finance Committee. "That's going to be one of our first projects -- evaluating what we should be using as a proper number."
And some lawmakers say slashing capital projects could accelerate a decline at a time the economy is showing signs of strain.
"With federal spending likely to be trailing off you have to look at what the private sector is doing, and the oil industry and the tourism industry, and so forth," Sen. Hollis French, D-Anchorage, said. "And you want to make certain you're not adding to a problem when you could be helping the economy by spending a little bit more."
But lawmakers are neither critical of, nor applauding, the governor's proposed budget, because they know it is only a beginning.
Palin is proposing the same level of revenue sharing for cities and municipalities, $60 million.
Outgoing Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich applauded that move, although he says he is somewhat concerned about the shrinking capital budget.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Sarah is wonderful, conservatives are the best!!
"We of course are going to be prudent," Palin said. "We're going to live within our means. We don't want any Alaskans to assume that government is the answer to all of the challenges and issues and problems that any individual faces."
Yessssss, thank you Sarah, I wish the rest of the country would listen to you.
She doesn’t just talk our principles, she displays them in life and career.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:44 AM | Comments (8)
December 16, 2008
John McCain No Support For Palin and Trashes RNC Ad
MCain Won't Support Palin 2012 Run ... Yet
Sunday, Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, praised his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, but stopped well short of giving her the nod as the GOP’s standard bearer in 2012.
On ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” McCain was asked if he would back Palin in 2012.
His terse reply was that he “can’t say something like that,” adding that the GOP has a stable of great governors poised to play a greater leadership role in the party, according to a report in The Hill.
“I have the greatest appreciation for Gov. Palin and her family, and it was a great joy to know them,” he conceded. “She invigorated our campaign.”
McCain used the forum to voice support for President-elect Barack Obama and for some of Obama’s Cabinet choices.
He said that the national security team picks could be his own. He also praised the tapping of Timothy Geithner as Treasury Secretary, according to the report.
McCain, however, was quick to condemn the tactic of the Republican National Committee seeking to take political advantage of the arrest of Democratic Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich – by attempting to link the incoming Obama administration to the controversy.
“In all due respect to the Republican National Committee and anybody - right now, I think we should try to be working constructively together, not only on an issue such as this, but on the economy stimulus package, reforms that are necessary,” McCain said.
“Look, the president of the United States has been selected,” McCain added. “It’s time for us all to join behind him and help however we can. These are challenging times.”
Also here is McCain on David Letterman Dec. 11th, 2008
Wild Thing's comment.......
At first this made me angry, but now I have to laugh about it. McCain is actually VERY jealous. He let it be known way back his first choice for VP was Joe Lieberman. Poor baby did not get to pick him, whoever it was knew he would not have a chance and none of us would want his ticket like that. Thus Sarah Palin was picked and we all were and still are enthused about her.
He saw the reaction change so much once he picked Sarah. The turn out at the rallies was enormous and ONLY because of Sarah. Toward the end many of the signs held up did not even have McCain's name on them. LMAO So there McCain!
He didn’t count on such a visceral, positive reaction from a large segment of conservative Republicans. She outshone him.
And, contrary old cuss that he is, self-destructive fool that he has always been, he really resents her for it.
What got me big time during the campaign was, there was Sarah hitting the opponent hard with facts, facts about Ayers, and Rezko etc. Facts that a lot of people even today some do not know about those names, you know the me me me crowds that never get into politics and research the candidates.
And while she was doing all the hard work, there was John McCain, kissing up to Obama, scolding voters for asking questions about Obama being a Muslim, telling them Obama was a man of Honor. Blasting ads in some of the States that showed Rev Wright and his hate speech. Laying into a man that introduced him (McCain) on the campaign trail for using Obama's full name.
Hello John, you attacked the TRUTH, you attacked the base, YOU attacked the best thing that a candidate could have for a VP......Sarah Palin.
Sarah campaigned as a person on a mission to win.
McCain campaigned by his words 90% of the time as a person that wanted to lose.
McCain is a walking poster-boy for what is wrong with the Republican party.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (20)
December 14, 2008
Gov. Sarah Palin's Church Damaged in Suspicious Fire
Anchorage Daily News A evidence tag sits beneath a window at the Wasilla Bible Church on Saturday, December 13, 2008, after a suspicious fire on Friday night did an estimated $1 million. A multi-agency task force is investigating the scene.
Palin's church damaged in suspicious fire
An arson fire has badly damaged Gov. Sarah Palin's home church, which came under the national spotlight during her failed campaign as the Republicans' vice presidential nominee.
Damages to the Wasilla Bible Church were estimated at $1 million, authorities said Saturday. No one was injured in the fire, which was intentionally set Friday night while a handful of people, including two children, were inside, according to Central Mat-Su Fire Chief James Steele. He said the blaze was being investigated as an arson.
Palin was not present when the fire broke out.
Steele said a multi-agency task force was being assembled to investigate the fire.
He said he didn't know of any recent threats to the church. Steele said authorities were noting the church's connection with Palin, but added that they didn't know if that was relevant to the fire.
"It's hard to say at this point. Everything is just speculation," he said. "We have no information on intent or motive."
Steele would not comment on the means used to set the fire.
Pastor Larry Kroon declined to say whether the church had received any recent threats.
"There are so many variables," he said. "I don't want to comment in that direction."
Palin on Saturday stopped by the church, which is located in her home town of Wasilla, 40 miles north of Anchorage. Her spokesman, Bill McAllister, said in a statement that Palin told an assistant pastor that she apologized if the fire was connected to the "undeserved negative attention" the church has received since she became the vice presidential candidate on Aug. 29.
"Whatever the motives of the arsonist, the governor has faith in the scriptural passage that what was intended for evil will in some way be used for good," McAllister said.
The thousand-member evangelical church was the subject of intense scrutiny after Palin was named John McCain's running mate. Early in Palin's campaign, the church was criticized for promoting in a Sunday bulletin a Focus on the Family "Love Won Out Conference" in Anchorage. The conference promised to "help men and women dissatisfied with living homosexually understand that same-sex attractions can be overcome."
The fire was set at the entrance of the church and moved inward as a small group of women were working on crafts, Steele said. Two children also were present, he said.
The group was alerted to the blaze by a fire alarm.
Kroon said he was called about 9:30 p.m. Friday and by the time he got to the church, smoke was pouring out of the building.
Firefighters worked in minus-20-degree temperatures outside the building.
Sprinklers kept the fire from spreading beyond offices and classrooms on the first two floors of the three-story building. But Steele said firefighters had to break through some of the interior to reach flames trapped inside walls. The main worship area sustained some water damage.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Thank you God that no one was injured. What sick loons would do this? Unbelievable.
"church, which came under the national spotlight during her failed campaign as the Republicans' vice presidential nominee."
"failed" .... the stupid hateful media has to put the failed word in. They could at least not be so obvious about their hate for conservatives.
The article is about a fire that could have easily taken lives and yet the media has to make it political in how they write their report.
It will be interesting to see how many politicans speak out against this IF it is proven to be a politically inspired arson attack. My bet is that there won’t be many, and the media will say that Gov. Palin brought it upon herself and the church. We have nothing but physical and moral cowards as leaders, and that is why Gov. Palin is so valuable.
So sad that Sarah blames herself for this, this was NOT her fault, this was the fault of the left wing liberal nut jobs that are now controlling the majority of the United State. Sarah Palin is wonderfull and first class. I realize too that is also why she felt she had to say something.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:44 AM | Comments (4)
December 11, 2008
Sarah Palin Number One in 2008 Year-End Google Zeitgeist
2008 Year-End Google Zeitgeist
As the year comes to a close, it's time to look at the big events, memorable moments and emerging trends that captivated us in 2008. As it happens, studying the aggregation of the billions of search queries that people type into the Google search box gives us a glimpse into the zeitgeist — the spirit of the times. We've compiled some of the highlights from Google searches around the globe and hope you enjoy looking back as much as we do.
Fastest Rising (Global)
1. sarah palin
2. beijing 2008
3. facebook login
4. tuenti
5. heath ledger
6. obama
7. nasza klasa
8. wer kennt wen
9. euro 2008
10. jonas brothers
Wild Thing's comment.......
I LOVE it, of course it is only right that Sarah be number one and Obama not number one . Tah dah!
Thank God for Sarah Palin.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (10)
December 09, 2008
Gov. Sarah Palin Lauds Interior Secretary’s Firearm Decision
Governor Lauds Interior Secretary’s Firearm Decision
December 5, 2008,
Anchorage, Alaska
Governor Sarah Palin today lauded the decision by the U.S. Department of the Interior that will allow an individual to carry a concealed weapon in national parks and wildlife refuges. The new rule only applies if the individual is authorized to carry a concealed weapon under state law in the state in which the national park or refuge is located.
“The possession and use of firearms is especially critical to Alaskans,” Governor Palin said. “We will continue to protect gun rights. The ability to carry a firearm can define a life or death situation, especially for protection against surprise encounters with wildlife, mainly bears. I appreciate the Interior Department recognizing this is a step in the right direction.”
Within Alaska, most of the national parks and refuge areas are open to various forms of hunting, so possession and use of firearms is already widely allowed under both state and federal law. Currently, firearms are prohibited in Denali National Park, Glacier Bay National Park, Katmai National Park, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park and Sitka National Historical Park. The new rule will take effect in January.
Wild Thing's comment......
Can you imagine going out in the forests in remote Alaska without a big gun?
Sarah Palin = Respects Our Constitution
Barack Obama = Considers it just another piece of paper
This is an example of why the MSM literally hate Sarah and want to destroy her. If Sarah can raise this much ruckus by just issuing a press release what could see do when she is actively campaigning? As always, Sarah’s timing is impeccable.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (16)
December 03, 2008
McCain's Presser Brings Palin-mania Back
McCain's Presser Brings Palin-mania Back...
Wild Thing's comment.........
Sarah is awesome and she is not done yet. ( big smile) Thanks to Sarah!
Liberals hate her because she threatens what “they think” they stand for and as for the women ( mostly democrats) that hate her , it is because she has a loving family, is pro-life, attractive etc. and has worked her way up from the bottom so to speak. Everything that is sweetness and goodness is what they despise because they are just empty souls wandering around this planet aimlessly.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
Lots of Love for Palin in Georgia
Lots of Love for Palin in Georgia
by Amanda Carpenter
More than 3,000 Atlanta metro residents turned out to see their GOP Sen. Saxby Chambliss campaign with Republican rockstar Sarah Palin this afternoon at the Gwinnet Arena.
I had the chance to stop by and see the event since it was on the way home from a long Thanksgiving weekend in Auburn, Alabama with my fiance's family.
Chambliss may have had top billing at the campaign stop for his run-off election against Democrat Jim Martin, but there was no doubt the crowd was there for his stumping partner Palin. Even Sen. Chambliss seemed a little amazed at the size. He relished the attention, waving both arms in the air to greet everyone.
Hundreds of young girls came to the arena. Many carriied news magazines with Palin on the cover for her autograph after the event. "Sarah 2012!" was a common refrain and a popular sign. One girl even dressed in a pageant sash and tiara, a nod to the former beauty queen on stage. The young Palin fan held a huge poster that read "Gov. Palin, can I please have photo op?"
In her speech, Palin stuck to red meat themes: reform, energy independence, the war on terror, guns and life. And, she was gracious to her former running mate, John McCain, praising him repeatedly.
Palin reassured the crowd "commensense, pro-working class, conservative values" were still strong in America despite the McCain-Palin 2008 loss. "Losing an election does not mean losing our way," she said.
The Alaskan Governor did not attack Democratic President-elect Barack Obama as she often did on the campaign trail. She did emphasize at one point, however, it would be "ludicous" to raise taxes given the current economic environment that had been officially labeled a recession by economists earlier that afternoon.
The entire event lasted roughly 50 minutes, including the prayer and Pledge of Allegience. Palin was mobbed by the crowd after it closed.
As this reporter was walking out, a man drove up to me who had rushed home from work to catch the event. He asked if everything was over. I said yes it had ended, but Palin was signing autographs when I walked out. Before I could finish my sentence he gave me a brisk "Thank you!" and zoomed towards the arena.
Wild Thing's comment.........
And Saxby Chambliss won! Now we jsut have to wait to hear what happens with Franken, and I do soooo hope he does not win.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (2)
November 14, 2008
Gov. Palin’s Speech & Press Conference, Republican Governors Conference
Introduced by RGA Chairman Gov. Rick Perry of Texas
Gov. Palin’s Speech & Press Conference, Republican Governors Conference
Part 1 of 3
Part 2 of 3
Part 3 of 3
And there is also this...........
CNN Lou Dobbs Tonight Transcript
November 13, 2008
Well in Miami today Governor Palin and 15 other Republican governors met to heal wounds and demonstrate party unity and find some sort of direction, but the big draw for more than 100 reporters there, something Governor Palin never did during the campaign, she held a formal press conference. Take a listen to how she responded to a question about her celebrity.
GOV. SARAH PALIN (R), ALASKA: I don’t know if it’s political celebrity, but I want to put to good use my experience that I have as the governor of an energy-producing state to help our nation become energy-independent. And you know we’re going to focus here on what we can do as a team of Republican governors together.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I really like hearing her speak. She never speaks in circles like so many politicians do and she answers questions direct and clear.
Thank you Sarah!
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:07 PM | Comments (10)
November 13, 2008
Sarah Palin Saved GOP From Landslide Defeat
Sarah Palin saved GOP from landslide defeat
by Dick Morris
As Richard Nixon wrote, “history is written by liberals,” but the story of the 2008 campaign is too important to cede to them the analysis of what happened. A close analysis of the returns indicates several key realities:
a) Sarah Palin made a vast difference in McCain’s favor. Compared to 2004, McCain lost 11 points among white men, according to the Fox News exit poll, but only four points among white women. Obama’s underperformance among white women, evident throughout the fall, may be chalked up, in large part, to the influence of Sarah Palin. She provided a rallying point for women who saw their political agenda in terms larger than abortion. She addressed the question of what it is like to be a working mother in today’s economy and society and resonated with tens of millions of white women who have not responded to the more traditional, and liberal, advocates for their gender.
b) Turnout did not increase substantially. Despite predictions (by me and others) of a vastly greater voter turnout, it didn’t happen. About 127 million people voted in 2008, compared to 122 million in 2004. By contrast, turnout rose by almost 20 million between 2000 and 2004. The emphasis on early voting and the heavy participation in primaries indicated the likelihood of a huge increase in turnout, but, on Election Day, the turnout was modest.
c) The black vote made a huge difference; but young people did not. Obama, as expected, generated a big increase in African-American voter turnout. Fox News’s exit polls estimate that blacks constituted 13 percent of the turnout in 2008, compared with 11 percent in 2004 and 10 percent in 2000. But voters under 30 years of age were still the same 11 percent of the vote that they were in 2004. The surge of young voters, which was supposed to animate Obama’s rise, failed to happen.
d) The turnout efforts of groups like ACORN made a huge difference. Ultimately, it was the difference in voter turnout among Republicans and Democrats that, in addition to the higher black vote, elected Obama. According to Curtis Gans of American University, Republican turnout dropped from 30 percent in 2004 to 28.7 percent of the electorate in 2008, while the Democratic proportion of voters rose from 28.7 percent to 31.3 percent. Much of this increase came from newly registered voters, many as a result of ACORN’s efforts. Voter registration rose by 6 million in 2008, which may have accounted for virtually all the increase in turnout.
The message for conservatives is clear:
The focus of Democrats on grassroots activism, begun in 1998 by MoveOn.org, was crucial to the Obama election. Instead of relying on the Republican Party to carry the message to the electorate, conservatives must organize their own grassroots movements — like GOPtrust.com — and boost turnout and enthusiasm among those who share their worldview. The backbreaking tasks of registering voters and getting out the vote are key to winning elections in the post-media era. Online networking and building of cyber-roots organizations is the way to go in competing in the new politics we face today.
Will the Republican Party get its act together to compete?
Who knows. Will conservatives take matters into their own hands and build the kind of organization and Internet base that the liberals have over the past 15 years? They better. Unless we want to witness a fundamental change in our laws, society and culture, conservatives had better get busy and emulate their leftist brethren in building organizations to tap into their base. In the ’80s, groups like the National Rifle Association and the Moral Majority filled this need. Today, new groups must move to the fore to fill the void. And they better do it fast!
Wild Thing's comment............
Excellent article and Sarah Palin sure did keep us from a horrible landslide, the liberals and the RINOs recognize this, hate her for it, and are doing all in their power to keep her from moving forward with the conservative base of the party towards 2012.
But it's not going to work!!
We need to keep writing to our Sen. and Rep.'s and keep after them and keep soldiering on. While standing up in any way we can ourselves over these next four years .
We lost, America lost but one thing that did come out of this that is good is we got to know Gov. Sarah Palin and she got to know that we voted for the ticket because she was on it.
...Thank you Mark for this article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (14)
November 12, 2008
Team Sarah Defends Gov. Sarah Palin
"Team Sarah" Defend Palin Against Attacks
Marjorie Dannenfelser on Bill O'Reilly, hosted by Laura Ingraham.
Marjorie Dannenfelser is president of the Susan B. Anthony List, a nationwide network of pro-life Americans dedicated to advancing pro-life women in the political process. The organization is based in Arlington, Va. She is co-founder of Team Sarah, a national grassroots effort in support of Gov. Sarah Palin.
Wild Thing's comment.........
This group Team Sarah is huge and they are all supportive of Sarah. I thrilled that this group got started. It will be good too for Sarah as well as she knows about it and approves. They are not giving up just because the election is over. I was so glad to see that. This way we have a head start for whatever Sarah decides to do and along the way can give support as well.
....Thank you John for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (4)
November 11, 2008
Gov. Sarah Palin Visted and Interviewed by Greta Van Susteren
Greta interviews Sarah Palin part 1
Greta interviews Sarah Palin part 2
Greta interviews Sarah Palin part 3
Greta interviews Sarah Palin part 4
"I borrowed the Governor’s jacket, boots and pants to go on the snow machine with Todd"
Wild Thing's comment.........
I am so impressed with her in this interview. And it sounds like Palin might be open to 2012. As far as I am concerned she is the frontrunner and we have four years to get support for her run against Obama.
Also while watching the interview I think I heard in the background the moaning and groaning of the left wishing Sarah Palin was not so fantasitc. heh heh Yes lots of moaning and groaning from the left and the rino's too.
Sarah is very smart and I think people underestimate her at their peril.
And Team Sarah is up to 55,000 members and growing. What is also great there they have other groups within the main group. That makes it reallly cool too. One for those that listen to Rush and support Sarah Palin and many of the States are also repsented as well as causes too. Also the membership is both men and women.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (22)
Gov. Sarah Palin To Attend Governors’ Meeting
Palin Is Center Stage at Governors’ Meeting
Gov. Sarah Palin is headed out of state again, this time to Miami.
She'll be the shiniest star at Thursday and Friday's annual Republican Governors Association meeting.
Palin will hold a press conference Thursday at the convention and then will appear on a panel titled "Looking Toward the Future."
The panel's conservative luminaries (and Palin is the only woman on the panel, and as far as I can tell, the only female speaker at the event) will include retired U.S. Army Gen. Tommy Franks, Rep. Mike Pence, R-Indiana, New York Times columnist William Kristol, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota and Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida.
91 percent of Republicans have a favorable view of Palin.
64 percent of Republicans say Palin is their top choice for the GOP 2012 presidential nominee.
Wild Thing's comment......
This is great, this is saying to her distractors " I am not going anywhere and you have not gotten to me with your attacks.".
God bless you Sarah.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (8)
November 10, 2008
Just A Reminder Tonight....Gov. Sarah Palin Interview by Greta Van Susteren
Time: 10 p.m. EST when Gov. Sarah Palin sits down with Greta for her first post-election interview — only on 'On the Record'.
by Greta Van Susteren
We just left Governor Palin’s house….it was an interesting afternoon with the Governor and her family. Our goal was to find out a bit more about the Governor — we have seen her on the trail but that is not the most natural way to get to know someone. We talked about many things - family, campaign, energy, women, Senator Clinton, moose, snow machines (and yes, I went for a 75 mph ride on the ice with Todd and then I drove it myself on the ice), the day she got the call from Senator McCain…governing Alaska, and much more….) Governor Palin made moose chili for everyone and Piper was helping serve the food. Tune in Monday night to On The Record…..
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (6)
November 08, 2008
Sarah Palin TV ad by the Our Country Deserves Better Committee
Wild Thing's comment...........
When I watched Obama's acceptance speech, it was bland, unexciting, nothing that would make a person proud of being an American or proud of America. It was as horrible and he is.
What a difference in Obama speaking and even a short video of Sarah Palin in one of her speeches.
There is no way a leftie can make others feel the Anthem in their hearts and the allegiance in their souls to our country like a Conservative.
...Thank you Mark for sending this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:12 PM | Comments (3)
Greta Van Susteren Interview Of Gov.Sarah Palin Monday Night
Monday, November 10th
Time: 10 p.m. EST when Gov. Sarah Palin sits down with Greta for her first post-election interview — only on 'On the Record'.
Fox News host Greta Van Susteren has landed the first post-election interview with Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the network announced today.
The host of "On the Record" is flying Saturday to Alaska, where she'll interview the onetime Republican vice presidential candidate on Sunday and Monday.
The taped interview will air on her program Monday evening on Greta Van Susteren's show on FOX.
Wild Thing's comment......
I am so glad Greta got the interview. Greta behaves as a real journalist and has always treated her with respect.
From what I have seen so far she has yet to do any slant or slander like so many do. She has shown Sarah respect.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (12)
Gov. Sarah Palin Talks to Media at Her Office in Alaska
Gov. Sarah Palin Talks to Media at Her Office in Alaska - Video 11/7/08
Wild Thing's comment.......
The reporters don't realize something, Sarah has such class and she really leaves them in the dust by the way she answers them. It is not obvious and loud like how Hillary would do screaming and a shrill voice. Sarah does it looking them in the eyes and just being Sarah. I am so proud of her. Thank you Gov. Palin for showing the world why you are so much better then all those attacking you, I know it is hard and you are a winner in every way.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (8)