June 08, 2015
Perry to Hillary: Fix Your Own State Before You Attack the People of Texas
Perry to Hillary: Fix Your Own State Before You Attack the People of Texas
Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” former Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) reacted to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton accusing Republicans of intentionally attempting to disenfranchise voters based on race, age and poverty level and said she insulted the people of Texas who overwhelmingly supported the law.
Perry said, “Well, I think it’s way outside the norm of ridiculous, if you want to know the truth of the matter, to call out the people of the state of Texas, that’s what she did, I just happened to be the governor that signed that legislation and support it, and the vast majority of the people of Texas support it, and what Secretary Clinton did was saying the state of Texas didn’t.”
He continued, “Why would you say that you need a photo id to get a library book or to get on an airplane? This is a state issue, and this is an issue that the people that the state of Texas overwhelmingly support. so you know, I don’t know who she is playing to, but she is not playing to the people of Texas and I don’t think she is playing to the Americans that believe that the sanctity of the vote is really important and you need to have a photo id to go and vote. And the people of Texas wanted it, and whichever state Hillary Clinton considers to be her home state, she goes home and argues there to not to have it.”
“I think we make it pretty easy in the state of Texas for people to vote. again, I don’t know what her beef is with the people of the state of Texas about voter id but I think she is on the wrong side of the issue,” he added.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Good for Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
June 05, 2015
Gov. Rick Perry Announced His Run for President 2016
June 5th, 2015
Governor Rick Perry announces his campaign for the 2016 Republican nomination for President. Introduced by his wife Anita and flanked by retired U.S. Navy SEALs Marcus and Morgan Luttrell, the widow of “American Sniper” Chris Kyle, and many others.
Here are just a few things he said in his speech.
" On that peaceful, wind-swept setting, there lie 9,000 graves, including 45 pairs of brothers, 33 of whom are buried side by side, a father and a son, two sons of a president. They all traded their future for ours in a final act of loving sacrifice. In that American Cemetery, it is no accident each headstone faces west: west over the Atlantic, towards the nation they defended, the nation they loved, the nation they would never come home to.
It struck me as I stood in the midst of those heroes that they look upon us in silent judgment. And that we must ask ourselves: are we worthy of their sacrifice? The truth is we are at the end of an era of failed leadership."
Weakness at home has led to weakness abroad. The world has descended into a chaos of this president’s own making, while his White House loyalists construct an alternative universe where ISIS is contained and Ramadi is merely a “setback” – where the nature of the enemy can’t be acknowledged for fear of causing offense, where the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, the Islamic Republic of Iran, can be trusted to live up to a nuclear agreement.
No decision has done more harm than the president’s withdrawal of American troops from Iraq. Let no one be mistaken, leaders of both parties have made grave mistakes in Iraq. But in January, 2009 – when Barack Obama became Commander-in-Chief – Iraq had been largely pacified. America had won the war. But our president failed to secure the peace. How callous it seems now as cities once secured with American blood are now being taken by America’s enemies, all because of a campaign slogan.
Wild Thing's comment............
A genuine American leader that knows what he is talking about and has done what he is talking about.
This was the best announcement speech so far, by a long, long way. Rick Perry gives America real hope again. Made me think about the optimism of Ronald Reagan.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Flanked By Navy SEALS, Rick Perry Announced He's Running For President
Flanked By Navy SEALS, Rick Perry Will Announce He's Running For President Today
by Katie Pavlich
Former Texas Governor Rick Perry will officially announce his presidential plans today from Addison, Texas flanked by an impressive group of special operations veterans. Perry is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. Check out the list:
Retired U.S. Navy SEAL Paul Craig
Retired U.S. Navy SEAL JJ Jones
Taya Kyle, widow of Chris Kyle, the most lethal sniper in U.S. history and author of American Sniper
Retired U.S. Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, author of Lone Survivor
Navy SEAL Morgan Luttrell
Retired U.S. Marine Corps Captain Dan Moran
Retired U.S. Navy SEAL Pete Scobell
Retired U.S. Navy SEAL and Medal of Honor Recipient Mike Thornton
New York Times Bestselling author Brad Thor will also be at the announcement along with Melanie Luttrell, wife of Marcus Luttrell.
Late last week Taya Kyle, the widow of Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, sent out an email in support of Perry for RickPac detailing her personal relationship with the governor and his wife. She will also be in attendance today.
"One of the greatest things my husband, Chris Kyle, ever did was move our family to Texas. Even though he is gone, this state that shaped his patriotism, integrity and loving spirit reminds us of him at every turn. I tend to keep my political opinions to myself—the only candidate I ever endorsed was in a race for county sheriff—but this is different. On Thursday June 4th, I’ll be in Addison, Texas, where I’ll proudly stand with one of the great leaders this state and country have ever produced: Rick Perry," Kyle wrote. "I got to know Rick and Anita Perry outside of the public eye, where I’ve had an up-close view of their humility and commitment to doing the right thing for people regardless of who gets the credit. Believe me, they are a breath of fresh air in a political system full of people playing games and twisting the truth. My husband may have been in the military, but no one tells me which leader to follow. Instead, I look beyond the sound bites and even minor disagreements to find who has the economic TRACK RECORD and the CHARACTER it takes to make tough choices in the face of criticism. That’s why I’ll be there in person as Rick and Anita Perry discuss their future and his vision for America. Please join me and patriots like Marcus & Morgan Luttrell as we stand with our friend, Gov. Rick Perry."
Wild Thing's comment........
I love that he had Veterans there it made it even more special.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
May 22, 2015
Join Captain Dan Moran (USMC) Ret. for Rick Perry Announcement June 6th
As a United States Marine, I witnessed leadership make the difference between success and failure, life and death. I learned that it takes experience to keep calm under pressure, act decisively, and lead the way to victory.
At 11:30am CT on Thursday, June 4, I hope you will join me in Addison, Texas, as we stand with a proven leader who will share his vision for the future of America, Gov. Rick Perry.
Together, we’ll celebrate what’s great about America and witness a turning point in the fight to restore principled leadership to our country. So please RSVP today to join me and patriots like:
Retired U.S. Navy SEAL Paul Craig
Retired U.S. Navy SEAL JJ Jones
Taya Kyle, widow of Chris Kyle, the most lethal sniper in U.S. history and author of American Sniper
Retired U.S. Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, author of Lone Survivor
Melanie Luttrell, wife of Marcus Luttrell
Navy SEAL Morgan Luttrell
Retired U.S. Marine Corps Captain Dan Moran
Retired U.S. Navy SEAL Pete Scobell
Brad Thor, New York Times bestselling author
Retired U.S. Navy SEAL and Medal of Honor Recipient Mike Thornton
See you in Addison.
Dan Moran
Captain USMC (Ret.)
Wild Thing's comment...........
Love this list from Dan Moran and there are others in other branches of service as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
Governor Rick Perry, an American Hero, and a Harley
Governor Rick Perry, an American Hero, and a Harley
(22 Photos)
Later this week, you’ll hear the story of Jack Holder, one of the most famous living WWII airmen, who fought his way across both Pacific and European theaters of war. A Texas native and a good friend of mine, Jack confided in me that he was a big fan of Gov. Rick Perry. The Governor had been instrumental in theCHIVE’s highly-publicized move from California to Texas, during which time the Governor and I connected – we’re both WWII enthusiasts to an extent far beyond a hobby.
So I called the Governor and asked if he’d take time out of his busy schedule to visit with this hero? Governor Perry, an Air Force Captain himself, simply responded, “When and Where?” What followed was one of the most fascinating and powerful discussions we’ve ever had on theCHIVE, all of which was recorded on our Podcast. It’s available for download right here.
As the Governor was leaving our office having deftly dodged all my, “On a scale of 1 to 10, are you running for President?” I asked him about his upcoming travel plans and the Governor lit up. Gov. Perry told me he was headed to Iowa on June 6th for a 30 mile motorcycle ride from Perry, Iowa, to Boone to raise money for the Puppy Jake Foundation, an organization that trains and places service dogs with wounded veterans. I asked him which motorcycle he was riding?
“I’m trying to figure that out right now, actually.”
“Governor, I think I know a guy in Iowa who could help you out in that department.”
“That’s really not necessary, John.”
“Have you ever heard of a man named Taylor Morris…”
Navy EOD tech Taylor Morris was leading a team of Army Special forces to a classified location when Taylor stepped on an IED. It exploded underneath him and blew off all four of his limbs,
“As I somersaulted through the air, I watched my arms and legs fly off.”
Taylor landed back in the blast crater. This is where the story of Taylor’s bravery goes next-level.
After the explosion, Taylor didn’t lose consciousness; he didn’t go into shock. His thoughts immediately crystalized. Even though Taylor was bleeding to death, he called to the oncoming medics NOT to come get him, putting their safety in front of his own life.
“There was no visual on the mine and no sound ID on my mine detector. That told me the mine was old. If there were other mines out there, the medics wouldn’t see them or detect them unless it was cleared properly. I knew I had arterial bleeding from all 4 limbs and I was bleeding out fast. I told my buddies to stop, I didn’t need anybody stepping on another one.”
The area around Taylor was finally cleared by the second EOD and the medic finally administered combat casualty care. Taylor remained conscious through the ordeal. Somehow he survived…
Three days after the explosion, Taylor landed back in the States and was transported to Walter Reed hospital in Washington D.C. to begin the long and painful rehab process. Upon his arrival, Taylor became only the 5th person at Walter Reed to ever survive a four limb amputation.
His physical progression defied everybody’s expectations. Taylor was known to refuse to leave rehab – he pushed himself to his physical limits, despite the pain. Only a month after the explosion the stitches in his arms were removed and he was fitted for prosthetics.
Around that same time I heard of the man named Taylor Morris. I received a dozen personal emails from many of his brothers describing his heroism on the battlefield, how difficult his road to recovery would be, and about his girlfriend Danielle, who was the only person they knew who was just as strong as Taylor. She never left his side at Walter Reid.
With his medical bills paid, theCHIVE quickly launched a campaign to build Taylor his dream home when he finally returned to Iowa. The campaign shattered GoFundMe records, raising $250,000 in 24 hours.
After 2 years of rehab, Taylor returned home to Iowa a hero.
After I told the Governor about Taylor Morris, he explained he’d be out in Iowa near Taylor’s home in Cedar Falls on the 19th and would love to visit Taylor if it was okay with him?
I called Taylor and asked if he still had that bike and was “putting oil in it n’ stuff.” I explained to him the Governor had a big charity ride for veterans in June.
“Of course. Can he ride? It’s a fast bike, John.”
“I’m pretty sure he can, I dunno.”
Governor Perry arrives on the farm and greets Taylor and his fiance, Danielle.
Please CLICK HERE to continue story and see the amazing and wonderful photo essay as well it is well worth it.
Wild Thing's comment..........
This is such a great story and I loved seeing the photos with it. Perry truly cares about his fellow Veterans and our troops. I love that he is a Veteran.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
Rick Perry Speech at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference Oklahoma City 2015
Rick Perry Speech at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference Oklahoma City 2015 .....PART ONE
Part TWO
Wild Thing's comment..............
Excellent speech, loved it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
May 19, 2015
'Ride with Rick' in Perry, Iowa on June 6th
'Ride with Rick' in Perry, Iowa on June 6th
Wild Thing's comment........
Great cause for our fantastic troops and a huge thank you to Rick Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
May 16, 2015
Rick Perry To Announce White House Intentions On June 4th
Rick Perry will announce whether he is running for president on June 4, according to a spokesman.
Anita Perry, wife of the former Texas governor, tweeted out an invitation to an event that morning in Dallas hosted by Perry’s political action committee, RickPAC. A spokesman said he will be “announcing his intentions” about 2016 at the event.
“Governor & Mrs. Perry have been discussing the future of our great country and how their family can play a role,” the invitation reads. “Join them in Dallas, TX on June 4th for a special announcement.”
Wild Thing's comment............
I am hoping he will enter, I think he will.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
May 11, 2015
Gov. Rick Perry South Carolina Freedom Summit 5/9/15
Gov. Rick Perry South Carolina Freedom Summit 5/9/15
The event featuring many potential contenders for the 2016 Republican party presidential nomination was held at the Peace Center in Greenville, SC.
Wild Thing's comment...........
I sure do like Rick Perry. I also love that he is a Veteran. Loved his speech.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
May 10, 2015
Governor Rick Perry (R-TX) at the South Carolina Freedom Summit
Governor Rick Perry (R-TX) at the South Carolina Freedom Summit
Former Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) delivers remarks at the South Carolina Freedom Summit hosted by Citizens United and Representative Jeff Duncan (R-SC).
Wild Thing's comment.........
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
May 03, 2015
Lone Survivor’ Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell Shares Special Friendship with Rick Perry
Lone Survivor’ Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell Shares Special Friendship with Rick Perry
SIMI VALLEY, California — Two noted veterans took to the stage on Monday evening at the Ronald Reagan Library. Former Texas Governor Rick Perry, who is likely gearing up for a presidential announcement, arrived to introduce former Navy SEAL and author of Lone Survivor, Marcus Luttrell.
Perry, 65, served as a captain in the Air Force, and Luttrell’s story of surviving an ambush in Afghanistan is well known. Beyond the friendship and evident respect they share for one another, Perry and Luttrell said they share a special father-son-type relationship.
“Tonight you are going to have the great privilege to hear from someone who simply understood that he owed a debt–a debt to the individuals who had come before him,” Perry said.
He continued:
We are in the presence of some extraordinary human beings and none more so than the one you’ll hear from tonight, who is just a regular, common country boy who found himself in extraordinary circumstances and realizes how fortunate he is to be here. And until he takes his dying breath, he will honor those individuals who served before him. … He will honor this country and what this country stands for around the world.
Luttrell, 39, took the stage, speaking candidly and using humor to draw the audience into his otherwise morose stories. He recounted his experience serving our country and his close ties to the Perry Family.
“I was the creepy guy in the attic,” he said, explaining that they had taken him in and were the only family he had when he showed up one day, unannounced, at the governor’s mansion in 2007.
Ever since that fateful day, Mrs. Anita Perry had helped nurse him back to health following extensive damage to his body from the war, including to his spine.
Luttrell recalled that he was never the strongest link in the SEAL chain. He said he was never the weakest, either, which meant those around him never had to worry about him breaking. He then told the audience about the day he found his breaking point. It was the day his fellow SEAL and brother in arms, Mike, was killed in Afghanistan:
I was sitting in my boots, shaking and he kept screaming, “I need your help up here man. I need your help.” And it got so intense that I actually put my weapon down over my leg and covered my ears … because I couldn’t stand to hear him die. … And that was the last time I saw him.
He said the one thing they could not put in the film about his book was how many times he and his brothers got knocked out. “Normally, you get knocked out one time a year, maybe. I got knocked out six times in the gun fights. I was tucking my brain back into my ears, man. My hands were shaking, [and] I couldn’t see anything, really,” he told the captivated audience.
One by one, each of his SEAL teammates was killed. Luttrell had escaped the deadly clutches of the Taliban several times. Then the day arrived when he thought perhaps his end was near, too. But his life was spared by an Afghani villager named Mohammad Gulab, who found Luttrell and took him into his home.
Luttrell spoke of the importance of discipline and respect. Although he said his father was never really around, he explained that he taught him to “respect yourself and respect … other people. And the only time you lose your respect is when you lose your discipline. And you’re the only one who can go that way.”
During his time on tour in Afghanistan, he said, “Only three people kept in touch with me: my mother, my brother, and Governor Perry.”
He added, “Governor Perry taught me how to be a good man and to be a good husband. Not only does he have to take care of his own family, but the state of Texas. That’s a big deal, [and] that’s important.”
Luttrell lived with the Perry family until he met his wife, Melanie. The couple has two children.
“That’s my family,” he said of the Perrys. And “they’re the best thing that ever happened to me. … Thanks for being my best friend, my father figure, and for teaching me the important values that I learned after the military. That’s why you’re the godfather of my kids, man.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
I love the story of the friendship of Perry and Marcus Luttrell .
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
April 26, 2015
Rick Perry: Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition Summit 2015
Rick Perry: Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition Summit 2015
Wild Thing's comment...........
Love his speech.
When Perry speaks of our military one knows he means it, he is a Veteran and none of the other candidates are Veterans.
His experience as a leader is beyond question with his past experience as a true leader to other gov.s in how to run a State the way it should be.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
April 22, 2015
Gov. Rick Perry: Where I Come From (new video)
Rick Perry: Where I Come From
Wild Thing's comment..................
Great new video.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
April 19, 2015
Gov. Rick Perry at the New Hampshire Republican Party’s leadership summit
Gov. Rick Perry at the New Hampshire Republican Party’s leadership summit
I could not find a YouTube video of his speech.........but you can CLICK ON THIS LINK to see a video from C-SPAN.
Four-term Texas Gov. Rick Perry took to the podium on day one of the New Hampshire Republican Party’s “First in the Nation” leadership summit to a solid round of applause and began by discussing veterans and invoking Lincoln, before segueing to attack Obama over foreign policy.
When asked a question on illegal immigration, Perry quickly seized on his experience as governor, pointing out that he deployed his state’s National Guard. Perry insisted he doesn’t buy the notion that the border can’t be sealed, adding that there can be no genuine action on immigration in Washington until it is sealed. Perry insisted it’s about assets and people and the appropriate application of both.
As for his initial remarks, Perry transitioned to Hillary Clinton from his opening, calling her the “architect” of today’s failed foreign policy. Perry claims that the American people came to understand the failings of both Obama and Clinton before last November, which led to the GOP capturing the majority in both houses of Congress. “A congressional majority is a terrible thing to waste,” added Perry.
Ideologically speaking, “The conservative movement must be the agent of reform,” he says. He went on to strike a populist tone, in essence criticizing Washington for favoring big banks at the expense of small businesses and unemployed Americans. “Let’s just spend more money,” is always Washington’s answer to the middle class, said Perry, before going on to bemoan big government, while pointing out that Washington is now one of the richest places in America.
Calling for new leadership, Perry claimed America is only “a few good decisions away” from the best days the country has ever seen. He then called for a reworking of the tax code to lower corporate tax rate. Perry also criticized Obamacare as a job killer, saying it encourages employers to go from full-time to part-time employees. He then called for its repeal. Later in his remarks Perry insisted that Obamacare has the potential to literally destroy the country both economically and in terms of healthcare. He cited his work in Texas on tort reform and how it led to hundreds of more doctors practicing in Texas.
Perry also took on Common Core as another symptom of big government interfering with issues best left to the states, education in this case.
Wild Thing's comment......
A great heartfelt message by Rick Perry, I loved his speech.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
March 29, 2015
Rick Perry Has Tough Words for Islam
Radical Islam (Liberals Will HATE This!)
Texas Governor Rick Perry is already a conservative superstar and is a likely 2016 Presidential candidate. But at a private meeting with the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean in London, Perry explained his foreign policy positions and just how serious the radical Islam threat is.
In addition, he described how dangerous the creeping “Islamification” of Britain is. He called for moral clarity in this ongoing global battle against terrorism.
Speaking on the dangers of radical Islam, Governor Perry chose not to follow the form of U.S. President Barack Obama or UK Prime Minister David Cameron by insisting that Islamic terrorists are “not Muslim,” a convenient dodge recently described as a “reassuring assertion, and one that almost everyone, including the vast majority of Muslims, would desperately like to believe”, but ultimately “wishful thinking.”
Instead, Perry asserted the moralistic strength of Western culture, and that of ISIS a “falsehood”: “Their twisted version of Islam amounts to a creed of human cruelty – pure sadism, and nothing more.”
He pulled no punches when describing in graphic detail the ISIS advance: “The enslavement, the beheadings, the crucifixions, the mass executions, the forced conversions. And all of this, of course, by men who tell themselves they are doing God’s work on this earth.” Criticising those who assert “quite plainly, that the Middle East is ultimately no concern of ours” Perry opposed moral relativism in the face of the barbarity of the Islamic State: “we have every right to judge, and every reason to act.”
Also, Perry noted how dangerous it is now that so many people throughout the world hold shamefully anti-semitic views about Israel and its people:
Concern about rising anti-Semitism in Europe, as well as the Islamification of Britain was also apparent, as the Governor was at pains to emphasise his belief in Britain as America’s first ally and friend in the world. Perry said some within British society, in “Islamic areas… where extremists are gaining the upper hand” had come to expect “the ways of the sharia code to replace British law and British liberty,” and Britain was seeing the rise of anti-Semitic “no-go zones.”
And in his full-throated defense of the West, he issued a battle-cry against Islamic radicals:
But to every extremist, it has to be made clear: we will not allow you to exploit our tolerance, so that you can import your intolerance. We will not let you destroy our peace with your violent ideas. If you expect to live among us, and yet plan against us, to receive the protections and comforts of a free society, while showing none of its virtues or graces, then you can have our answer now: No, not on our watch!
It is clear that Perry has the moral clarity to speak out against evil in this world, and is well suited to lead our nation.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Great comments from Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
March 25, 2015
Excellent Interview of Gov. Rick Perry
Excellent Interview of Gov. Rick Perry
Wild Thing's comment...........
I like when the person doing the interview shows respect like this, too many times it is done by someone that is determined to twist what the person says.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
March 08, 2015
Time for a military man in the White House? by Larry Kudlow
Time for a military man in the White House?
by Larry Kudlow
More than any election since 1980,” ace pollster Kellyanne Conway tells me, “2016 will be a national-security contest.” And she says former governor Rick Perry may have the best chance to convince voters that he can be commander-in-chief.
Let’s think on that. With the world in turmoil, who do you really want sitting across the negotiating table from Vladimir Putin, the Iranian mullahs, or the Chinese? How about a military man to command the war to destroy radical-Islamic jihadism?
Very few people know that between 1972 and 1977, Perry served in the U.S. Air Force, flying C-130 tactical aircraft in Europe and the Middle East. He is the only current GOP candidate to have worn the military uniform. And he rarely talks about it.
Perry’s childhood goal was to learn to fly. He went into the Air Force after graduating from Texas A&M. And he ended his five years of service with the rank of captain. As Perry would say on other subjects, “That matters.”
The Perry story usually revolves around the Texas economic-growth miracle. But the military service? The captain’s rank? The piloting of strategic-airlift planes? That’s hardly known. And in his 14 years as governor of the Lone Star state, plenty of national-security issues (and border-security issues) came across his desk.
So imagine this: A president who actually served in the regular military. A president who understands the military, listens to the military, and has good relations with the military — the opposite of the Obama experience.
And imagine having a president who looks forward to the daily intelligence briefing, completely unlike Obama. What a change.
Perry spoke last week at a small dinner in New York City. Few there knew Perry had worn the Air Force uniform, much less that he held the rank of captain. But as he addressed the 50 or so at the dinner, it showed. It showed in his ramrod-straight posture. It showed when he described his tough foreign-policy views and opposition to Obama’s national-security policies. And it was unmistakable when he so easily discussed the constant need for “a show of force.”
Haven’t heard that phrase from anyone lately. My wife, whose father was a career Air Force officer, describes “a show of force” as something to intimidate the enemy. She says it means: We’re here, we’re stronger, and we could really hurt you. You might recall that during the Cold War, hundreds of C-130s flew over Europe as a show of force against Soviet aggression.
At the recent CPAC conference, Perry devoted nearly two-thirds of his speech to national-security issues. He described a simple truth about current U.S. foreign policy: “Our allies doubt us and our adversaries are all too willing to test us.” He sees ISIS and the whole radical-Islamic-jihadist movement as the worst threat to freedom since communism.
In his New York talk, he expressed concern that our military is hollowing out. He’s actually running an ad on the Internet about the need to strengthen American national security. No other candidate is doing this.
Perry also strongly supports Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. From what we know of the Obama Iran deal, it looks like a very bad deal indeed. And Perry draws attention to how Team Obama has backpedalled on a number of Iran-deal issues, with the result that Iran could be allowed to build nuclear weapons while boosting its economy.
Perry says: No, Iran must not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. He says: No, the U.S. should not normalize relations with Iran until Iran ceases to support terrorist groups that ultimately will target the U.S. and its allies.
Finally, Perry has adopted the Reagan model whereby America must be economically strong in order to be internationally secure.
Unlike his military credentials, his role in the Texas economic miracle is well known. While Perry was governor, low taxes, deregulation, and tort reform led to the creation of nearly one-third of the new private-sector jobs in America. He’s a Tenth Amendment man. He loves it when states compete against each other to create a climate of risk-taking and growth. And he wants to bring the Texas economic model to Washington.
Now, it’s way too early to endorse anyone for the GOP nomination. That’s not my intent here. But it’s important to bring out the facts about all the Republican presidential candidates. And most of you might only know half the story about Rick Perry. He’s an economic miracle worker, but he’s also a military man with national-security credibility.
And in typical military fashion, he’s an optimist. Perry has faith. And he believes America’s best days are in front of us.
Sounds like a show of force.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I thought this was a very nice write up and true as well as fair to Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
March 06, 2015
Rick Perry Condemns Iran Negotiations Point By Point
Rick Perry criticizes, point-by-point, the nuclear deal the United States is seeking with Iran.
At the end of the video, which was first reported by The Weekly Standard, Perry says the next president should not be bound by any agreement President Obama signs if Congress doesn’t support it.
“An arms control agreement that excludes our Congress, damages our security, and endangers our allies has to be reconsidered by any future president. We must not allow the incompetence of one administration to damage our country’s security for years and decades to come,” Perry said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Good for Perry, and I like the part about how the next president should not be held to deals Obama makes with Iran.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
February 28, 2015
Rick Perry CPAC 2015 Full Speech
Some of his talking points..............
The current administration “bows to political correctness,” making the United States less safe by not identifying the current enemy as a “religious movement” with “apocalyptic” aims; the conservative movement must be “the agent of reform” on the debt and must demand every government agency be held to account “for every dime they spend”; and finally a play to optimism: “We had a Civil War, two World Wars, we survived a depression. We even survived Jimmy Carter. We will survive the Obama years too!”
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
February 18, 2015
Rick Perry on dealing with ISIS
Rick Perry on dealing with ISIS
Former Texas Governor Rick Perry talks about Obama's failures to stop ISIS and what must be done now.
Wild Thing's comment............
Every American should be concerned with how Obama is NOT handling this at all. What on earth will it take for his voters to wake up.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
February 16, 2015
Rick Perry Visits New Hampshire 2015
Rick Perry Visits New Hampshire 2015
Wild Thing's comment.......
I love New Hampshire "Live Free or Die". It speaks volumes!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
February 08, 2015
Awesome Speech! Rick Perry Speaks at APP Red, White and Blue Gala
Rick Perry Speaks at APP Red, White and Blue Gala
Wild Thing's comment......
Excellent speech by Rick Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
October 27, 2014
Rick Perry Draws Larger Crowd than Hillary Clinton in North Carolina
Rick Perry Draws Larger Crowd than Hillary Clinton in North Carolina
(Washington Free Beacon) – Texas Governor Rick Perry and professional public speaker Hillary Clinton both held rallies in North Carolina over the past few days for their respective party’s Senate candidate in what is shaping up to be a close race that has already attracted its fair share of 2016 contenders.
Embarrassingly for Clinton, the crowd she drew at a Kay Hagan rally in Charlotte (population 800,000) was less than half the size of what Perry was able to attract in Smithfield (population 12,000) in support of Thom Tillis.
Wild Thing's comment........
Good, I hope every time Hillary speaks some place she has a low turn out.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
October 02, 2014
Governor Perry Slams Obama for Immigration Policies - Ebola Case in Texas
Governor Rick Perry slammed the Obama administration for his open border policies Wednesday night on Hannity. Sean asked the Texas governor to comment on Obama’s ‘Deferred Enforced Departure Memorandum for Liberians.’
Barack Obama issued a presidential memorandum on September 26th to defer deportations of Liberians, the same day the Texas Ebola patient first visited the hospital.
Perry said it was not a good idea for Obama to sign the Liberian legislation – and Obama needs to secure the border.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Thank you Gov. Perrry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
September 12, 2014
Corrupt and Pushing Illegals on us,Mexico Condemns Texas Gov. Rick Perry For “Irresponsible” Deployment Of National Guard Troops To Border
Thursday, 11 September 2014
The Government of Mexico deeply rejects and condemns the deployment of troops from the Texas National Guard to the border, announced today by the office of the governor of that state, Rick Perry.
Mexico underscores that it is irresponsible to manipulate border security for political reasons. We insist that the phenomenon of migration should be managed from a holistic and regional perspective through a medium term vision with shared responsibility which guarantees peace, inclusion and prosperity in the region.
The unilateral measure taken by the government of Texas is undoubtedly mistaken and does not contribute to the efforts in which our two countries are engaged to build a safe border and create a solution to the phenomenon of migration. The measure will not lead to greater understanding between our societies, and it stands in opposition to the values and principles by which Mexico and the United States govern our bilateral relationship.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Mexico can go pound sand.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (3)
August 20, 2014
First Class Gov. Rick Perry Takes His Mug Shot
First Class Gov. Rick Perry Takes His Mug Shot
"I'm going to enter this courthouse with my head held high knowing that the actions I took were not only lawful and legal but right… If I had to do so, I would veto funding for the public integrity unit again… I’m going to fight this injustice with every fiber of my being… And we will prevail.” - Governor Rick Perry
While prominent liberals including ThinkProgress, the New York Times editorial board, Jonathan Chait, David Axelrod, Timothy Noah, and others have all joined in giving a thumbs-down to the indictment of Texas Governor Rick Perry, the Travis County District Attorney’s office seems determined to continue its pursuit of Perry. As a result, Perry turned himself in Tuesday and got photographed.
Wild Thing's comment..........
This mugshot is not of a broken, weakened, or ashamed man. That is the mugshot of a man who is preparing to eat the lunch of the Texas Democrat Party, and quite possibly the DNC.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
August 18, 2014
Liberal Law Professor Alan Dershowitz Outraged By Perry Indictment: “Everyone Should Stand Against It”
Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz calls himself a “liberal Democrat who would never vote for Rick Perry,” but he’s still “outraged” over the Texas governor’s indictment Friday on charges of abuse of power and coercion.
The charges are politically motivated and an example of a “dangerous” trend of courts being used to affect the ballot box and politics, he told Newsmax on Saturday.
“Everybody, liberal or conservative, should stand against this indictment,” Dershowitz said. “If you don’t like how Rick Perry uses his office, don’t vote for him.”
Wild Thing's comment..............
Perry is getting support from many on both sides of the isle.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
August 17, 2014
Awesome! Rick Perry FIRES BACK - This is 'OUTRAGEOUS!'... 'We Don't Settle Political Differences With Indictments in This Country!'
Rick Perry FIRES BACK - This is 'OUTRAGEOUS!'... 'We Don't Settle Political Differences With Indictments in This Country!'
'This indictment is nothing more than abuse of power and I cannot and will not allow that to happen'
'This farce of a prosecution will be revealed for what it is!'
This is Governor Perry at a press conference Saturday.
Wild Thing's comment............
Bravo Gov Perry! Right on, right on, right on, right on!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
Gov. Bobby Jindal Joins Ted Cruz In Supporting Rick Perry, Calls Action A “Political Witch-Hunt”
Gov. Bobby Jindal Joins Ted Cruz In Supporting Rick Perry, Calls Action A “Political Witch-Hunt”
Proud of the potential other 2016 candidates supporting him, shows character.
Senator Ted Cruz
Unfortunately, there has been a sad history of the Travis County District Attorney's Office engaging in politically-motivated prosecutions, and this latest indictment of the governor is extremely questionable. Rick Perry is a friend, he's a man of integrity – I am proud to stand with Rick Perry. The Texas Constitution gives the governor the power to veto legislation, and a criminal indictment predicated on the exercise of his constitutional authority is, on its face, highly suspect.
The lawsuit against @GovernorPerry is a blatant misuse of the judicial system by liberal activists who couldn’t defeat him at the polls.
— Gov. Bobby Jindal (@BobbyJindal) August 16, 2014
.@GovernorPerry exercised his constitutional authority and this circus is simply a political witch-hunt.
— Gov. Bobby Jindal (@BobbyJindal) August 16, 2014
I stand behind @GovernorPerry in his fight for honest government and I am certain he will prevail in this partisan suit.
— Gov. Bobby Jindal (@BobbyJindal) August 16, 2014
Wild Thing's comment.......
Good for both of these men standing up for Rick Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
August 16, 2014
Gov. Rick Perry Indicted by the Office Whose Ethics Perry Was Criticizing - Progressives attacking Perry!
Gov. Rick Perry Indicted by the Office Whose Ethics Perry Was Criticizing
The leftist effort to get Perry for actually going after corruption.
A grand jury indicted Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Friday for abusing the powers of his office by carrying out a threat to veto funding for state prosecutors investigating public corruption — making the possible 2016 presidential hopeful his state’s first indicted governor in nearly a century.
A special prosecutor spent months calling witnesses and presenting evidence that Perry broke the law when he promised publicly to nix $7.5 million over two years for the public integrity unit, which is run by Travis County District Rosemary Lehmberg’s office. Several top aides to the Republican governor appeared before grand jurors in Austin, including his deputy chief of staff, legislative director and general counsel. Perry himself wasn’t called to testify.
He was indicted by an Austin grand jury on felony counts of abuse of official capacity and coercion of a public servant. Maximum punishment on the first charge is five to 99 years in prison. The second is two to 10 years.
Perry said Lehmberg, who is based in Austin, should resign after she was arrested and plead guilty to drunken driving in April 2013. A video recording made at the jail showed Lehmberg shouting at staffers to call the sheriff, kicking the door of her cell and sticking her tongue out.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Total Bullshit !
When is the Obama indictment coming ...?
This is Chicago tactics (Holder & Oblamer) getting back at Perry for deploying the National Guard to the border.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Travis County Obnoxious Drunk Pig DISTRICT ATTORNEY LEHMBERG'S Booking Footage (video)
This is a video of Rosemary Lemberg. Who is Rosemary Lemberg? Rosemary Lemberg, Democratic head of the Travis County DA’s Office(Travis read: only liberal part of Texas, Austin) was arrested for DWI. She fought, cursed and threatened the officers. She thereafter refused to step down, because that would have allowed Rick Perry to appoint someone else to the position, possibly someone who wasn’t a Democrat.
It is a common practice of law enforcement to video uncooperative prisoners to protect themselves and to record possible issues.
So rather than have this woman who threatened officers in a position that actually requires integrity, Perry said he would veto funding the the Public Integrity Unit which was under Lemberg’s command, until they got their ethics straightened out and did something to resolve the problem.
The Public Integrity Unit’s response? Indict Rick Perry. That’s his “big crime”. According to the Statesman, many Republicans have said the Public Integrity Unit has unfairly targeted their party for prosecutions. The Travis County District Attorney’s office has for decades been led by Democrats, including Lehmberg.
The Prosecutor who just indicted Governor Perry, Michael McCrum, was appointed by Obama to be US Attorney in West Texas. But McCrum withdrew his name from nomination because the GOP took too long to confirm him. This whole thing STINKS like every single thing the filthy trash on the left touches.
Wild Thing's comment............
She is an obnoxious pig. And Rick Perry did the right thing. This is all about progressives going after Rick Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
August 15, 2014
Rick Perry Blasts Harry Reid for accusing him of using border as a political stunt (video)
Rick Perry SLAMS Harry Reid for accusing him of using border as a political stunt
This is a great interview with Rick Perry on the border issue. He’s quite upset that Congress is gone for 5 weeks while the border crisis is still going on and blames Harry Reid for refusing to handle this issue.
When asked about Harry Reid accusing him of using this border crisis as a political stunt, and he hit back hard at Harry Reid:
Well, I say the same thing to him that I say to President Obama. Why don’t you go down there and take a look at what’s going on. Talk to the mother and the father and the family of the border patrol agent who was killed by an individual who has been deported multiple times. Look them in the eye, Harry Reid, and tell them that it’s a political stunt. I will tell you, we’re going to do what we have to do in the state of Texas to protect our citizens. Harry Reid needs to try that on.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I love the way he speaks up about this and how he also takes action.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
July 21, 2014
Gov. Perry To Send 1000 National Guard To The Border
Gov. Perry To Send 1000 National Guard To The Border
Texas Gov. Rick Perry is set to announce Monday that 1,000 U.S. National Guard troops will be deployed to the Rio Grande Valley, according to an internal memo detailing the plan obtained on Sunday.
State Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, D-McAllen, confirmed that Perry is set to announce the deployment on Monday.
“Gov. Perry plans to hold a press conference tomorrow at 2 p.m. and he is calling up the National Guard to help out on the border,” Hinojosa said Sunday evening. “Of course, we are opposed to bringing up the National Guard. We do not need to militarize the border. These are families and children. We need to manage the situation.”
The National Guard troops will be deployed to the Valley to join the Texas Department of Public Safety in its recent surge to combat human smuggling and drug trafficking amid the influx of mostly Central Americans illegally crossing the Rio Grande.
“This is not a militarization of the border,” the memo states. “The DPS and the National Guard are working to keep any drug and human trafficking south of (U.S. Highway) 83 and with the goal of keeping any smuggling from entering major highways to transport East/West/and North.”
DPS officials want to send National Guard troops into western areas of the Valley and the ranch lands further north, according to the memo.
“Smuggling has supposedly according to DPS moved West on the border with an increase in Jim Hogg County,” the memo states. “DPS especially wants to apply the Guard in the rural areas to patrol.”
The National Guard deployment will cost up to $12 million per month, with $9.8 million of that personnel and vehicle costs and another $2.4 million estimated to cover the cost of helicopters.
“It would take a month to get 1,000 troops on the ground but they will only slowly call up the troops,” the memo states.
Activating the National Guard alongside DPS personnel will bring Texas’ total cost of deploying additional resources to the surge to $5 million per week.
“It is not clear where the money will come from in the budget,” the memo states, adding that Perry’s office has said the money will come from “non critical” areas, such as health care or transportation.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Good for Gov. Perry !!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (3)
July 11, 2014
Gov. Rick Perry: Obama Didn't Even Know the Border Patrol Was Stationed 40 Miles From Border
Gov. Rick Perry: Obama Didn't Even Know the Border Patrol Was Stationed 40 Miles From Border
Wild Thing's comment..............
Perry has been asking for the things to secure the border for years and too many in Washington do not want to listen to him
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
July 10, 2014
Gov. Rick Perry: I Don't Know Whether Obama Heard What I Said
Rick Perry: I Don't Know Whether Obama Heard What I Said
Wild Thing's comment...........
I agree with Perry, Obama only pretends to listen and then he does whatever he wants to.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
July 08, 2014
Good for Perry! Rick Perry Refuses Obama’s Offer To Shake His Hand When He Lands In Texas
Rick Perry Refuses Obama’s Offer To Shake His Hand When He Lands In Texas
Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) won’t be on hand to greet President Barack Obama when Air Force One lands in Austin on Wednesday.
The governor’s office says the White House extended an invitation to Perry to meet Obama on the tarmac when he arrives for Democratic fundraisers in Dallas and Austin. However, Perry refused the offer, asking instead to meet with Obama in private to discuss the high number of unaccompanied children arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border in recent months.
“I appreciate the offer to greet you at Austin-Bergstrom Airport, but a quick handshake on the tarmac will not allow for a thoughtful discussion regarding the humanitarian and national security crises enveloping the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas,” Perry wrote Monday in a letter to the president. “I would instead offer to meet with you at any time during your visit to Texas for a substantive meeting to discuss this critical issue.”
The Texas governor has been a vocal critic of the president’s handling of the situation at the border, repeatedly suggesting that the administration is “in on this somehow.”
Wild Thing's comment................
Good for Perry and I agree with him.It would only be a stupid photo op for Obama and it would mean nothing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
July 07, 2014
Gov. Rick Perry Clashes Stands up to Liberal ABC's Martha Raddatz on Illegal Immigration
Texas Governor Rick Perry appeared on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos and clashed with guest host Martha Raddatz.
During the interview Raddatz repeatedly interrupted the Republican governor and defended Barack Obama’s reckless and dangerous open border policies.
Rick Perry was not deterred.
RADDATZ: — of the Customs and Border Patrol say he is confident they have enough resources on the border. They’ve added…
PERRY: He is…
RADDATZ: — people.
PERRY: — he is absolutely and totally wrong. For one thing, there is a Border Patrol agent — I should say, 15 Border Patrol agents per mile from El Paso to California. In Texas, that number is seven Border Patrol agents totally per mile. So the idea that there’s equity and there’s enough Border Patrol agents is totally and absolutely…
RADDATZ: But — but…
PERRY: — incorrect.
RADDATZ: — but Governor, this — this is about a law. This isn’t necessarily about Border Patrol. This is about a law. You heard in Jim Avila’s piece, they have to let these people into the country when they’re from non-contiguous nations, when they’re from Central America or South America.
Should that law be changed?
PERRY: The rule of law is that “The Constitution” requires the United States to secure the border. And we’re not doing that. We haven’t done it for years. And we are paying a huge price.
When you have catch and release policies that send…
RADDATZ: But — but, Governor, please…
PERRY: — a message to people…
RADDATZ: — go back to the law…
PERRY: — in Central America…
RADDATZ: — the 2008 law that was signed into law by George Bush.
Isn’t this is a backlog in the courts?
Doesn’t that have to be addressed first?
PERRY: What has to be addressed is the security of the border. You know that. I know that. The president of the United States knows that. I don’t believe he particularly cares whether or not the border of the United States is — is secure.
And that’s the reason there’s been this lack of effort, this lack of focus, this lack of resources…
RADDATZ: He’s telling people not to come.
PERRY: — and…
RADDATZ: He’s telling them in ads not to come into the United States, not to leave their homes.
PERRY: About — about five years too late would be my response to that. The president has sent powerful messages time after time…
RADDATZ: But, Governor, you’ve made — I — I want to go back to an interview you did on Fox News. You re— you recently made some pretty serious allegations against the federal government.
Let’s — let’s listen to what you said to Fox News.
PERRY: The federal government is just absolutely failing. We either have an incredibly inept administration, or they’re in on this somehow or another. I mean I hate to be conspiratorial, but I mean how do you move that many people from Central America across Mexico and then into the United States without there being a fairly coordinated effort?
RADDATZ: Governor, do you really believe there’s some sort of conspiracy to get people into the United States by the federal government, by the Obama administration?
PERRY: When I have — when I have written a letter that is dated May of 2012, and I have yet to have a response from this administration, I will tell you they either are inept or don’t care, and that is my position.
We have been bringing to the attention of President Obama and his administration since 2010, he received a letter from me on the tarmac. He sends — I have to believe that when you do not respond in any way, that you are either inept, or you have some ulterior motive of which you are functioning from.
So the issue is, this president understands now that we have a huge problem on our southern border. We have to deal with it. And I don’t think you’re going to be able to address it until you put the resources there, and that’s boots on the ground. We’re asking for the FAA to allow for drones to be used.
Unless we secure our southern border, this is going to continue to be a massive amount of individuals that are coming to the United States. And, frankly, we don’t have a place to house them as it is. And if we have a major event, a hurricane that comes in to the Gulf Coast, I don’t have a place to be housing people who are displaced.
RADDATZ: OK, governor, I’m going to have to stop you there.
PERRY: This administration is housing them.
RADDATZ: I’m going to have to stop you there.
Wild Thing's comment.............
God bless Rick Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
July 03, 2014
Texas Governor Rick Perry invites Obama to come to the border during his stop in Texas next week
Rick Perry: Cut Off Foreign Aid to To Mexico and Central American Countries Until the Flood of Illegals Stops
Texas Governor Rick Perry invites Obama to come to the border during his stop in Texas next week
Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) on Wednesday endorsed cutting off foreign aid to Mexico and other Central American countries until they help stanch the flood of child migrants crossing the border illegally.
Perry said the most important thing is to have the humanitarian crisis stymied and to secure the border.
A number of House Republicans, led by Rep. Randy Weber (R-Texas), on Tuesday introduced a proposal to do just that, titled the Illegal Entry Accountability Act.
More than 52,000 unaccompanied minors — mostly from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras — have been detained on the U.S. border after entering through Mexico, mainly through the Rio Grande Valley into Texas.
Perry: "I would suggest the diplomatic reach with foreign aid to the leaders of those countries, And basically say, 'you will engage in stopping this traffic coming up through your country, and if you don't, this foreign aid is going to stop.' That is a boycott I could support."
Wild Thing's comment..........
Love Governor Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
April 27, 2014
Gov. Perry's take on the NY ad....LOL I agree with Perry, only an idiot believes the NY ad
Perry says of the New York ad, “I thought I’d seen everything.”
“People make all kinds of claims. But when I saw this, I thought I’d seen everything. The facts – New York is the unfriendliest state for business… If you’re tired of New York, there’s an option: Texas. Creating jobs, creating success, leading the way.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
Love it, good one Gov. Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (3)
April 24, 2014
Gov. Rick Perry rips ‘out-of-control’ federal government over Texas land dispute
Perry rips ‘out-of-control’ federal government over Texas land dispute
Texas Gov. Rick Perry joined his state’s top attorney on Wednesday in blasting the federal Bureau of Land Management over concerns that it may be looking at laying claim to thousands of acres of property in northern Texas.
“The federal government already owns too much land,” Perry told Fox News.
At issue are thousands of acres of land on the Texas side of the Red River, along the border between Texas and Oklahoma. Officials recently have raised concern that the BLM might be looking at claiming 90,000 acres of land as part of the public domain.
On Tuesday, state Attorney General Greg Abbott, who is running to replace Perry, raised the issue in a letter to the BLM director. He also told Breitbart.com he’s ready to “go to the Red River and raise a ‘Come and Take It’ flag to tell the feds to stay out of Texas.”
Abbott reiterated his comments Wednesday night on "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren."
"At a minimum, (the federal government is) overreaching, trying to grab land that belongs to Texans, or worse, they are violating due process rights by just claiming that this land suddenly belongs to the federal government, swiping it away from our Texans," said Abbott, who threatened court action. "This is just the latest symptom of what seems to be a federal government run amok that is messing in states’ rights and now messing in private property rights."
Perry told Fox News he stands with Abbott on this issue.
“It’s not a dare, it’s a promise that we’re going to stand up for private property rights in the state of Texas,” Perry said, calling the federal government “out of control.”
The federal government is currently in a preliminary review phase, and any action on the land would be years away.
The BLM argues that any land in question was long ago determined to be public property anyway.
“The BLM is categorically not expanding Federal holdings along the Red River,” a BLM spokeswoman said in a written statement on Tuesday.
The spokeswoman referred to a 140-acre plot “determined to be public land in 1986” – an apparent reference to a 1986 federal court case. Texas landowner Tommy Henderson lost 140 acres to BLM in that case, and he claims the agency is now using that decision as precedent to pursue more property.
Perry claimed private property would be affected here, and questioned the BLM’s position.
“Is the federal government going to come back in and say, ‘you know what, Mexico used to own the state of Texas so let’s have a conversation of where the rightful ownership of this is’?” he said.
The debate comes on the heels of a tense standoff earlier this month in Nevada, after BLM tried to round up cattle owned by rancher Cliven Bundy – the product of a long-running dispute over unpaid grazing fees. Hundreds of states’ rights supporters, some of them armed, showed up to protest, and BLM back off citing safety concerns.
In the Texas matter, the Supreme Court incorporated the Red River as part of the border with Oklahoma nearly a century ago.
It’s unclear how seriously BLM might be looking at laying claim to additional boundary land.
BLM said it is merely in the “initial stages of developing options for management of public lands,” as part of a “transparent process with several opportunities for public input.”
Wild Thing's comment.............
I agree the Fed government owns ways too much land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
March 25, 2014
Gov. Rick Perry on Hannity Last Night
Wild Thing's comment..........
Texas has been sooooo blessed to have Perry for their gov.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
March 08, 2014
Gov. Perry is Interviewed Following his speech at CPAC Friday
Following his speech at CPAC Friday, Townhall's Cortney O'Brien sat down with Governor Rick Perry to discuss how Texas has taken the lead on job creation, pro-life legislation and criminal justice reform as he reflected on his leadership. He then explained why Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is the best person to take the reins from him in November.
Wild Thing's comment............
Perry is so good,I have a lot of respect for him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
February 27, 2014
Gov. Rick Perry Blasts Ruling Striking Down Ban on Same-Sex Marriage: 'It Is Not The Role of The Federal Government To Overturn The Will of Our Citizens'
Gov. Rick Perry Blasts Ruling Striking Down Ban on Same-Sex Marriage: 'It Is Not The Role of The Federal Government To Overturn The Will of Our Citizens'
Rick Perry says that a federal judge who struck the state's gay marriage ban today is going against the will of the people.
'Texans spoke loud and clear by overwhelmingly voting to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman in our Constitution, and it is not the role of the federal government to overturn the will of our citizens,' Perry said in a statement issued after the ruling by federal judge Orlando Garcia.
'The 10th Amendment guarantees Texas voters the freedom to make these decisions, and this is yet another attempt to achieve via the courts what couldn’t be achieved at the ballot box.'
In 2005, Proposition 2, 'The Definition of Marriage Act' passed overwhelmingly in Texas with 76% of the vote
The judge who struck it down, Judge Orlando Luis Garcia was nominated by Bill Clinton in 1993
Wild Thing's comment..............
I am glad Rick Perry spoke out about what has happened.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
February 25, 2014
Obama Threatens Gov.'s ...Gov. Rick Perry: “I was troubled today by the tone of the president…” - Obama Met with National Governors Association
Rick Perry admitted today that he was very troubled by Obama’s tone today addressing the National Governors Association:
I don’t mind telling you I was a bit troubled today by the tone of the president. …For the president of the United States to look Democrat and Republican governors in the eye and to say ‘I do not trust you to make decisions in your state about issues of education, about transportation infrastructure…’ – that is really troubling.....there is more on the video above.
The Governors were threatened by our President. Yes, Gov. Rick Perry said he was troubled, in a rather polite take on the meeting, but the details he went into after that rather polite take on the meeting literally chilled me to the bone. According to Gov. Haley's take, he also told them they no longer have a say in how higher education or the National Guard is handled in their state. The a'hole said "you've been asking for cuts, well you got them"
Wild Thing's comment............
This is VERY concerning and scary what could happen.
To threaten 50 Governors, Republican and Democrat has got to be one of the dumbest moves yet. And you can tell that Gov. Perry was couching his words. Gov. Nikki Haley nodding really reinforced the power, and the severeness of his statements.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
February 22, 2014
Rick Perry: I keep waiting for Obama to call me and say ‘thanks for saving my bacon’
Rick Perry: I keep waiting for Obama to call me and say ‘thanks for saving my bacon’
Rick Perry did an interview with MSNBC where he pointed out how much Texas has contributed to the job growth of the United States, even saying that he’s still waiting for Obama to call him and say ‘thanks for saving my bacon’.
This is the FULL interview.......
Texas Governor Rick Perry unplugged
The Cycle’s Abby Huntsman conducted a wide-ranging one-on-one interview with Texas Gov. Rick Perry about 2016, marijuana, the possibility of Texas turning blue, the minimum wage, economic growth in his state, other big name Texas lawmakers, and more.
Wild Thing's comment...........
I love how easy it is to listen to Gov. Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
February 20, 2014
Gov. Rick Perry supports these candidates for Texas Supreme Court
Gov. Rick Perry supports these candidates for Texas Supreme Court
In the 2014 Texas Republican primary, Governor Rick Perry urges Republicans to vote for Chief Justice Nathan Hecht, Justice Jeff Boyd, Justice Jeff Brown and Justice Phil Johnson.
Wild Thing's comment..........
This is neat how he does this. Voting for Judges is one of the hard things to know which one to pick. No one has to of course, but to at least know where ones Gov. stands on the various people seems to me it would help.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
February 15, 2014
Statement by Gov. Perry on Occidental Petroleum relocating headquarters to Texas
Statement by Gov. Perry on Occidental Petroleum relocating headquarters to Texas
AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry today released the following statement on Occidental Petroleum Corporation moving its corporate headquarters from Los Angeles, California to Houston:
“Occidental Petroleum is the largest oil producer in Texas and one of the largest in the nation, so it seems only fitting the company would locate its headquarters in Houston, the Energy Capital of the World,” Gov. Perry said. “Oxy ranks 125 on the Fortune 500 list, and the company’s move is further evidence Texas has built the most dynamic, pro-growth economy in the nation.”
Wild Thing's comment............
Can you imagine if every State had a man like Rick Perry for Gov. ......wow!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
February 01, 2014
Gov. Perry Honors Texas Veterans of Foreign Wars
Gov. Perry Honors Texas Veterans of Foreign Wars
1/31/2014 - AUSTIN - Gov. Rick Perry today thanked veterans and their families for their service and sacrifice for our nation at the 2014 Texas Veterans of Foreign Wars Mid-Winter Conference. The governor also highlighted steps Texas has taken to ensure veterans and their families have access to the services they need and deserve when they return to civilian life.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I love his speech. God bless you Gov. Perry and God bless our Veterans.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
January 01, 2014
Gov. Rick Perry: You can’t dress up the failures of Obamacare
Gov. Rick Perry: You can’t dress up the failures of Obamacare
By Rick Perry
The promise and potential I normally greet each New Year with is, this year, being tested by a great sense of peril as Americans face the full brunt of the disastrous impacts of Obamacare in 2014. The delays, deceit and debacles that marked Obamacare’s rollout in 2013 show no signs of slowing in the new year.
People all across the country have witnessed what a disaster this program has been from its earliest stages, ranging from the $600 million website debacle to the sad fact that President Barack Obama flat-out deceived the American people when he promised that those who like their coverage could keep it. To stem the bleeding, the administration is resorting to arbitrary delays for some Obamacare mandates, which only inject more confusion into the marketplace and with consumers.
Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius and the president are left with selling a faltering program to an American public that has rightfully become more and more concerned with what it’s learning about this law.
Much of what sold Obamacare in the first place was the administration’s assertions that we could trust them, and that even though nobody could explain precisely how or why, Obamacare would make everything better. It hasn’t. Sadly, it takes more than empty assertions to fix what ails Obamacare.
To start with, consider the nearly 6 million Americans estimated to have already lost their insurance thanks to Obamacare. This was not something the administration told us about, although it should have foreseen this catastrophe.
Instead, they claimed 7 million people would be signing up on the federal exchanges. That’s the number they estimated would be necessary to make the program financially feasible. To date, the administration estimates about 2 million people have signed up for insurance, far short of its target of 3.3 million by now.
The math gets worse heading into the new year. Starting in 2014, up to 80 million Americans might lose their employee-sponsored policies because those policies don’t comply with Obamacare specifications. And those fortunate enough to keep coverage will still face a host of health care taxes, fees, premium increases and increased out-of-pocket costs.
The sticker shock will be felt on every level, from small-business owners who’ll suddenly see their bottom line shrink or even vanish, to employees who could see their paycheck shrink dramatically as their premiums rise, or they face higher co-pays and deductibles. Or, worse yet, see their jobs vanish because their employer can’t afford to keep them on anymore. We’re already seeing reports of employers cutting employee hours to avoid Obamacare mandates.
Obamacare apologists may attempt to explain away all that by insisting these are transitional changes — even though it flies directly in the face of statements and promises to the contrary made by President Obama himself.
The truth is, these are real failures of this law, and they will profoundly affect every single American, whether they have coverage or not.
The insurance industry — already being forced to cover more people without seeing the promised influx of younger, healthier uninsured purchasing coverage to help cover costs — is being forced to cut costs and raise premiums, meaning less choice, less coverage and longer wait times for Americans at doctor’s offices and hospitals, despite paying more money out of their pockets.
Another consequence of Obamacare is the effort to cram more people into an already broken and costly Medicaid system without any reforms. Increasing income disregards, eliminating asset testing and forcing previously ineligible individuals into Medicaid all function as a backdoor expansion of Medicaid. Yet Obamacare’s own system to transfer Medicaid applicants to Texas doesn’t even work.
Despite what they say, not only is Obamacare not solving any of our health care issues, it’s making them far worse. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling you something — something you don’t want and can’t afford.
Wild Thing's comment............
Perry is so good, he really has been a great Gov. I would trust him on anything he wanted to do. He is awesome.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (2)
November 11, 2013
Gov. Rick Perry: Obama Apology Not Enough, "He Needs to Stand Up in Front of the Amercan People and Say, You Know What? I Perpetrated a Fraud on You" (Video)
Rick Perry: Obama Apology Not Enough, "He Needs to Stand Up in Front of the Amercan People and Say, You Know What? I Perpetrated a Fraud on You"
ABC's Jeff Zeleny goes one-on-one with Governor Rick Perry on his first trip to Iowa since 2012
That Obama apology for lying about 'you can keep your plan?' Perry says it's not even close.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Perry is excellent.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (2)
July 19, 2013
Texas Governor Rick Perry Signs Abortion Restrictions
The new law bans abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy and dictates when abortion-inducing drugs can be taken.
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - Texas Gov. Rick Perry has signed sweeping new abortion regulations that threaten the existence of most clinics in the state.
The Republican signed legislation Thursday that had sparked weeks of protests at the state Capitol.
The new law bans abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy and dictates when abortion-inducing drugs can be taken. But it also requires abortion clinic doctors to have hospital admitting privileges and restricts abortions to surgical centers.
Only 5 of Texas' 42 abortion clinics currently meet the new requirements. The law takes effect in October.
Wild Thing's comment..............
God bless Gov. Perry!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
July 09, 2013
Texas Gov. Rick Perry Announces He Won’t Seek 4th Term as Governor
Texas Gov. Rick Perry Announces He Won’t Seek 4th Term as Governor; Reports Say He is “Passing the Word” He’ll make a 2016 Presidential Run
Wild Thing's comment...............
Love Rick Perry. He has been the best Gov. that any State ever had.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
June 30, 2013
Gov. Perry Speaks at National Right to Life Convention in Texas
Gov. Perry Speaks at National Right to Life Convention in Texas
DALLAS - Gov. Rick Perry today rallied pro-life advocates from around the country at the National Right to Life Convention. The governor has called a second special session to protect women and the unborn in Texas.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Thank you God for Rick Perry. Love his speech.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
June 28, 2013
Gov. Rick Perry: Wendy Davis Didn't 'Learn from Her Own Example that... Every Life Matters'
Perry: Wendy Davis Didn't 'Learn from Her Own Example that... Every Life Matters'
During a speech to the National Right to Life Convention Thursday, Gov. Perry of Texas spoke of state Sen. Wendy Davis (D) who, according to the Huffington Post, is being hailed as a hero by abortion supporters for her filibuster of a bill that would saved the lives of thousands of babies.
Perry observed to his listeners:
Even the woman who filibustered the Senate the other day was born into difficult circumstances. She was the daughter of a single woman, she was a teenage mother herself. She managed to eventually graduate from Harvard Law School and serve in the Texas senate. It is just unfortunate that she hasn’t learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters.
Davis was raised by a single mother and became a single mother herself at the age of 19.
The bill that Davis filibustered would ban abortions in Texas after 20 weeks of pregnancy, require abortion clinics to be regulated as ambulatory surgical centers, and require the doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals and administer abortion-inducing drugs personally to patients.
Davis and abortion supporters--who claim to be proponents of women’s health--charged that if the law passed, many abortion clinics would have to close because they might not meet the new health standards.
President Obama tweeted his support of Davis, and when the chaotic pro-abortion crowd ended up drowning out the final vote with shouts and screams, Perry immediately called for another special session to begin on July 1st to bring the vote forward.
In response to Perry’s comments about her unwillingness to allow the unplanned children of other mothers to be born, Davis responded, according to tweets from a Texas Observer reporter, “They are small words that reflect a dark and negative point of view,” and “Rick Perry’s statement is without dignity and tarnishes the high office he holds.”
Wild Thing's comment..................
God bless Gov.Perry, he truly is an awesome man.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
June 11, 2013
Gov. Rick Perry on Obama Adm: 'This is a Culture of Intimidation, This is a Culture of Trying to Put the Squeeze on People You Disagree With'
Wild Thing's comment..............
So very true!! Thank you Gov. Perry for speaking the truth.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
June 02, 2013
Dem Governors Whine: Rick Perry Is Trying To Take All Of Our Jobs
Dem Governors Whine: Rick Perry Is Trying To Take All Of Our Jobs
Gov. Rick Perry’s high-profile efforts to lure jobs to Texas from other states may be good business and smart politics back home, but they’re infuriating to prominent Democrats around the country.
Perry’s forceful recruitment campaigns, featuring radio and magazine ads as well as personal appearances, promise low-tax, pro-growth policies in Texas —and they also trash the business climate in places like California (“…I hear building a business in California is next to impossible”) and Illinois (“…an environment that, intentionally or not, is designed for you to fail.”)
Those attacks hit where it hurts and have touched off an angry political backlash against Perry outside the Texas borders, with Democrats mocking his attempts to steal jobs as clownish – and warning the Republican governor to keep his handsoff. In a memorable put-down, Gov. Jerry Brown said Perry’s incursions into California were about as effective as breaking wind.
But other observers say Perry knows exactly what he’s doing.
“At the end of the day, no matter how any of the [states] respond, people are left with two distinct messages: That guy down in Texas has got big brass balls and he’s creating a lot of jobs,” Mark McKinnon, a political strategist with deep Texas ties, told POLITICO. “It’s brilliant marketing and very smart politics.”
McKinnon also noted, “Of course it breaks all the rules of inter-state diplomacy and protocol.”
Perry has stepped up jobs raids into the blue states of Illinois and California this year,efforts that come as he looks to announce his next political step after the Texas legislative session concludes. His current gubernatorial term is up in 2014, and he hasn’t ruled out a 2016 presidential run.
Wild Thing's comment..............
IMO Gov. Perry is the number one best Gov. in our country. Democrats are jealous. Instead of waking up and seeing that liberal run States do not succeed they would rather try and start a war against Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (1)
May 29, 2013
Gov. Perry visits oldest WWII Veteran
Governor Rick Perry paid a visit Monday to the oldest veteran of World War II at his home in East Austin.
107-year-old Richard Overton chatted with the governor on his porch.They both said they were honored by the meeting and spent most of the time talking about Overton's time in the service.
Overton said he came back from the war without a scratch, but it's the memories that can be too much to bear.
"It don't bother y'all, when you talking about the stuff that we had to go through. I never want to go through it again," he said.
Overton says he hopes everyone will use this holiday to honor the men and women who have served.
Wild Thing's comment...........
God bless both Gov. Perry and Richard Overton.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
May 05, 2013
Gov. Rick Perry says Obama wants to ‘disarm the American public’ - Very True!
Gov. Rick Perry says Obama wants to ‘disarm the American public’
Gov. Rick Perry sat back in shock when I told him President Obama told Mexicans that an upside of his efforts to infringe the Second Amendment would be to make them safer. The Texas Republican, a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association (NRA)
“The idea that a United States president would go to Mexico and make that statement is incredulous,” the 2012 president candidate told me in an interview after his rousing speech at the NRA annual meeting in Houston Friday. “His goal — well before he became president of the United States — was to try to disarm the American public. He just disregards the Constitution.”
In Mexico City Friday, Mr. Obama said that, “Most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States.” He mentioned that the Constitution protects the right to bear arms (he didn’t say “keep arms”), then continued that, “I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common-sense reforms that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous people. That can save lives here in Mexico and back home in the United States.”
The president never mentioned the debacle on his watch of Fast and Furious, yet said, “We’ll keep increasing the pressure on gun traffickers who bring illegal guns into Mexico. We’ll keep putting these criminals where they belong — behind bars.”
Mr. Perry has a very different view of the importance of restricting gun rights in America in order to protect Mexicans. “Nothing could be a greater tragedy for America than to disarm the public,” the Lone Star State chief executive said. “If mothers want peace of mind. If mothers want their children to be safe. An armed, knowledgeable general populace is the way for that to occur.”
I asked Mr. Perry about whether he would run for president again in 2016. “I will announce an the end of this year,” he replied. To keep the Second Amendment preserved with the intent of our Founding Fathers, the voters need to elect someone to the White House who respects the Constitution and puts freedom and America first.
Wild Thing's comment................
God bless Gov. Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
April 14, 2013
Gov. Rick Perry To Gun Companies: “There’s Still A Place For Freedom That Is Very Much Alive And Well, That Place Is Called Texas"
Gov. Rick Perry To Gun Companies: “There’s Still A Place For Freedom That Is Very Much Alive And Well, That Place Is Called ‘Texas’”
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) – Texas Governor Rick Perry on Friday said a gun manufacturer that has decided to leave Connecticut should “come on down” to the Lone Star State.
PTR Industries, a maker of military-style rifles, threatened to leave Connecticut after the passage of one of the toughest gun-control laws in the United States. Connecticut enacted the measure in the wake of the Newtown school shooting that killed 20 first-graders and six adults.
“Hey, PTR,” Perry posted on Twitter on Friday. “Texas is still wide open for business!! Come on down!”
The Connecticut law bans high-capacity ammunition clips of the kind used in the December school shooting and adds to the firearms covered by the state’s assault-weapons ban.
A second Connecticut gun company, Stag Arms, a maker of AR-15 style rifles, is also threatening to leave the state. The companies are being wooed by officials from gun-friendlier states such as Florida and Arkansas, as well as Texas.
“We want to send a message that Texas is wide open for business, whether you’re a weapons manufacturer or whether you’re a tubular steel manufacturer,” Perry told reporters in Austin on Friday.
“There is still a place for freedom that is very much alive and well,” the Republican governor added. “That place is called Texas.”
Wild Thing's comment..................
Good for Gov Perry!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
April 05, 2013
Gov. Rick Perry to Texas gangs: ‘We’re going to hunt you down and we are going to punish you’ - GOOD for Perry!
Rick Perry to Texas gangs: ‘We’re going to hunt you down and we are going to punish you’
During a press conference addressing the recent shooting deaths of two Texas prosecutors, Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas, was specifically asked about the suspected ties of the murders to the Aryan Brotherhood – a violent white supremacist gang.
Perry acknowledged that there was a concern, but explained that the state of Texas was investigating multiple gangs and drug cartels.
“It’s obviously open for interpretation and investigation. We will leave no stone unturned,” Perry stated. “Any organization that is operating in the state of Texas outside the bounds of our laws are going to be put on notice that we’re going to hunt you down and we are going to punish you and do our best to remove that type of threat to the safety of the citizens of the state of Texas.”
Wild Thing's comment.................
Gov Perry is such a good man and a great Gov.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM | Comments (2)
February 26, 2013
Gov. Rick Perry Will Speak at CPAC
Rick Perry Will Speak at CPAC
Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) will speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference, the annual gathering of top Republican rising stars.
This will be the first time Perry has stepped onto the national stage since his 2012 presidential campaign flamed out after a series of missteps and gaffes. He’s reportedly interested in taking another shot at the White House in 2016, though it’s unclear if he’ll be able to recover from his last foray into national politics.
Perry is just one of nearly a dozen potential presidential candidates speaking at the mid-March event, which will be held just outside of Washington, D.C.
List of the speakers at CPAC 2013:
Bobby Jindal
Paul Ryan
Marco Rubio
Rand Paul
Scott Walker
Jeb Bush
Rick Santorum
Mitt Romney
Newt Gingrich
Wild Thing's comment................
I am glad Rick Perry will be speaking.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM | Comments (2)
February 24, 2013
Gov. Rick Perry: Texas Going Blue “Is The Biggest Pipedream I Have Ever Heard”
Rick Perry: Texas Going Blue “Is The Biggest Pipedream I Have Ever Heard”
or many, it’s the country’s ultimate over-the-horizon electoral question: Could Texas become a blue state?
To which Texas Republican Gov. Rick Perry emits a hearty guffaw. Texas going blue, he says, “is the biggest pipedream I have ever heard.”
To explain just how preposterous, Gov. Perry summons the example of the state’s two arch rivals, the University of Texas and Texas A&M, his alma mater, whose colors are maroon and white.
“The University of Texas will change its colors to maroon and white before Texas goes purple, much less blue,” he said in an interview on the edges of the National Governors Association winter summit in Washington, D.C.
The largest and most reliable Republican state on the presidential map has fallen into the GOP column in every presidential election since 1980. Mitt Romney last year won the state and its 38 electoral votes by 16 percentage points.
But were it to tip the other way, thanks to its swelling Hispanic population and the growth of urban liberals in cities like Dallas and Austin, the Republican route to the White House would grow perilously narrow.
Many political pollsters and demographers predict the state could get wobbly sooner than many Republicans think, possibly going blue by as early as 2020.
Gov. Perry rejects that notion with his own version of “Remember the Alamo.” Why?
“It’s because of freedom,” he says. “People in Texas truly aspire to freedom. They don’t want government coming in and telling them how much of this or how much of that.”
At heart, he argues, there’s just something about Texas. “Democrats are about government getting bigger and bigger and government providing more and more,” he says. “Texans have never been for that, and Texans never will.”
Wild Thing's comment...................
I love how when Rick Perry speaks out it is always strong and not weak responses.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
February 07, 2013
Gov. Perry running ads in California encouraging businesses to move to Texas
Perry running ads in California encouraging businesses to move to Texas
Texas Republican Gov. Rick Perry is back on the airwaves — this time in California, where he is trying to encourage businesses to relocate to Texas.
In a radio ad that will run all week in California, Perry snubs California’s taxes and regulations on business and touts a better business climate a few states over.
“Building a business is tough, but I hear building a business in California is next to impossible,” Perry says in the ad.
“I have a message for California businesses: Come check out Texas. … See why our low taxes, sensible regulations and fair legal system are just the thing to get your business moving to Texas.”
The ad is running in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Inland Empire and San Diego media markets on six radio stations.
Wild Thing's comment....................
Perry takes action on wanting business to be a success.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
February 03, 2013
Texas Gov. Perry says Boy Scouts should keep no-gay policy
Feb. 2, 2013: Gov. Rick Perry, left, bows his head for the invocation during the annual Boy Scouts Parade and Report to State in the House Chambers at the Texas State Capitol, in Austin, Texas. (AP)
Texas Gov. Perry says Boy Scouts should keep no-gay policy
AUSTIN, Texas – Texas Gov. Rick Perry said emphatically Saturday that the Boy Scouts of America shouldn't soften its strict no-gays membership policy, and dismissed the idea of bending the organization to the whims of "popular culture."
Perry is an Eagle Scout and in 2008 he authored the book "On My Honor: Why the American Values of the Boy Scouts Are Worth Fighting For." It detailed the governor's deep love for the organization and explained why it should continue to embrace traditional, conservative values -- including excluding openly gay members and Scout leaders.
America's longest-serving governor addressed the Texas Scouts' 64th annual Report to State, where hundreds of Scouts from around Texas filled the state House of Representatives to announce their delegation's recent accomplishments.
Perry has addressed the gathering several times before, most recently in 2010, but not since the announcement that the Scouts' national leadership is mulling scrapping the mandatory exclusion of gay members. Instead, the group could allow different religious and civic groups that sponsor Scout units to decide for themselves how to address the issue -- either maintaining the exclusion or opening up their membership.
Even though the Boy Scouts reaffirmed the no-gays policy just seven months ago, the proposal is expected to be discussed, and possibly voted on, at the meeting of the Scouts' national executive board, which begins Monday in Irving, outside Dallas.
Perry told the youngsters that the Scouts was a key reason he joined the U.S. Air Force and later sought public office, and that society's failure to adhere to the organization's core values was a cause for high rates of teen pregnancy and wayward youth who grow up to be "men joining their fathers in prison."
Speaking to reporters afterward, Perry said: "Hopefully the board will follow their historic position of keeping the Scouts strongly supportive of the values that make Scouting this very important and impactful organization."
"I think most people see absolutely no reason to change the position and neither do I," Perry said. He said his views on the subject haven't changed since writing his book, in which he noted that profits would be donated to the Boy Scouts of America Legal Defense since "they continue to be under attack from the forces of secularism."
Asked if he would feel different about the Scouts if the policy is changed, Perry wouldn't say. But he added: "to have popular culture impact 100 years of their standards is inappropriate."
He also disagreed that allowing members of all sexual preferences would make the Scouts more tolerant: "I think you get tolerance and diversity every day in Scouting."
Fred Sainz of the Human Rights Campaign, a national gay rights group, said Saturday, "It's a shame that Governor Perry has chosen to be on the wrong side of history."
"Governor Perry and the Boy Scouts are both completely out of touch with where America is going on this issue," he said "There should be one national, non-discrimination policy. We can't quite wrap our heads around why that is so difficult to do in 2013."
Perry wrote in his book that he doesn't "believe the teaching of sexual preference fits within the parameters of Scouting's mission," but also made it very clear he'd like to keep gay members from joining.
"Because gay activism is central to their lives, it would unavoidably be a topic of conversation within a Scout troop. This would distract from the mission of Scouting: character building, not sex education," he wrote.
Perry also questioned whether sexual preference is determined at birth or is a matter of personal choice in his book, and wrote that he doesn't believe in "condemning homosexuals that I know personally."
Zach Wahls is an Eagle Scout raised in Iowa by two lesbian moms who has become a leading activist against the no-gays policy. Wahls said by phone Saturday he believes national Scout leaders will soften the membership policy next week, and he hopes the move won't make Perry won't turn his back on the Scouts.
"We've been called bullies and had people say `you're imposing your will,"' he said. "Our organization isn't calling for the removal of anybody who disagrees with us. We support fully inclusive Scouting."
Wild Thing's comment................
I agree with Rick Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM
January 31, 2013
Gov.Rick Perry Says Without Texas, This Country’s Economy “Would Be In Trouble”
Rick Perry Says Without Texas, This Country’s Economy “Would Be In Trouble”
Wild Thing's comment...........
I wish all the Gov.'s would be like Rick Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
January 30, 2013
Gov. Rick Perry Proposes Returning Unspent Tax Money Back to Citizens
Gov. Rick Perry Proposes Returning Unspent Tax Money Back to Citizens
Today, I’m calling for a mechanism to be put in place so when we do bring in more than we need, we’ll have the option of returning tax money directly to the people who paid it. “Currently, that’s not something our constitution allows. We need to fix that.”
Gov. Rick Perry presented a glowing assessment of the Texas economy Tuesday and said there was more than enough money in the state’s Rainy Day fund for a one-time, $3.7 billion-investment in water and transportation upgrades while also cutting taxes.
The Republican governor, who for weeks has called on the Legislature to hold down government spending even with the state’s economy booming, used his biennial State of the State speech Tuesday in the House chamber to call for a one-time investment in infrastructure he said is needed to ensure a high quality of life.
The Texas constitution calls for a percentage of oil and gas revenues to go into the Rainy Day Fund, which is nearing its constitutional cap.
“Our bank balance is healthy, our economy is growing, our future is limitless,” Perry said.
Perry also called on lawmakers to amend the Texas Constitution to allow the state to return tax money it collects but doesn’t spend to its citizens.
About 64 percent of state revenues come from sales tax, so it’s not clear how money could be returned directly to taxpayers.
Wild Thing's comment..........................
God bless Gov. Perry, he truly makes a difference.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (2)
January 13, 2013
Gov. Rick Perry Takes Texas-Sized Jab At Andrew Cuomo
Rick Perry Takes Texas-Sized Jab At Andrew Cuomo
There’s a Texas style feud brewing between Rick Perry and New York Gov. Cuomo.
Perry, the Texas governor and possible 2016 Republican presidential contender, took a swipe at the Democrat Cuomo during a policy forum Thursday.
“You could say that the economic climate that has allowed (Texas) to grow and create jobs, he’d dearly love to be able to stand up and say, ‘We did this in New York.’ But he can’t.”
Perry also said Cuomo, “if he were truthful” would admit that he’d want to be a Texan.
“I’m sure that I couldn’t get all 49 other governors to admit that they would want to be Texans,” Perry said, according to The Associated Press.
Cuomo administration officials did not immediately respond to Perry’s jab.
Wild Thing's comment.....................
Love it and God bless awesome Gov. Rick Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (1)
December 20, 2012
A Simple Act of Kindness and Compassion from Gov. Perry
A Simple Act of Kindness and Compassion from Gov. Perry
You can tell a lot about a man just from watching the way he treats his momma, children, and dogs.
The best of men treat all three with the utmost of kindness, respect, and dignity.
This morning I was invited to attend a Holiday coffee reception for the Capitol Press Corps at the newly-renovated Governor’s Mansion, hosted by Gov. Rick Perry. We were allowed to invite one guest, so I invited my 11-year old niece to be my date.
As a 6th grader, she’s currently studying Texas History in school, and I thought this would be a wonderful opportunity for her to see some real Texas history up close and in person (if you have never been in the Governor’s Mansion, the first floor is a remarkable museum of Texas history, with paintings, artifacts, furniture, and collections from governors dating all the way back to Elisha M. Pease, the first Texas Governor to live in the Governor’s Mansion upon it’s completion in 1854).
Additionally, my niece’s dog — a 6-year old Chocolate Lab/Weimeraner mix — was put to sleep yesterday evening after being diagnosed with Splenic Mastocytosis (a form of cancer spreading through his blood stream). I thought that skipping school and going on a little field trip to meet our state’s Governor would help cheer her up.
Being that the reception was filled with a bunch of journalists who were busy trying to get a quote for their next anti-Rick Perry screed, rather than acting like guests in the home of the Governor, it was hard to find a moment to introduce me niece — the only child in attendance — to the Governor. When we finally did get a moment, you could tell that he was relieved to get away from the reporters, and invited my niece into the library for an introduction and picture.
I mentioned to Gov. Perry – a big dog lover himself (we met his black Lab, Rory, at the end of the reception) — that my niece had just buried her beloved dog Nolan (named after the Texas legendary pitcher Nolan Ryan) the night before. Gov. Perry immediately put his arm around her shoulder and said, “Come on, I want to show you something.” Then the two of them slipped out a side door between the dining room and the library and disappeared together out onto the Mansion grounds.
When they came back in about 15 minutes later, my niece told me that Gov. Perry had taken her outside to show her where his last dog, Lady Perry, was buried on the Mansion grounds, and talked to her about life and loss and the value of a good dog.
It was a moment of simple and genuine kindness toward a little girl still mourning the loss of beloved dog, but one that made a huge impression on her. And one that she and I both appreciate immensely. Thank you, sir.
There’s a scene in the movie Cookie’s Fortune, where Willis Richland (played by Charles S. Dutton) is sitting in jail, suspected of killing his long time friend Jewel Mae “Cookie” Orcutt (Patricia Neal). The Sheriff (Ned Beatty) tells the prosecutor “He’s innocent.” When the prosecutor asks how he knows that, the sheriff says, “Because I’ve fished with him.”
I was reminded of that scene while driving my niece back to school. And reflecting on some of the other times I’ve spent around Governor Perry. You may not like his politics. You can mock his debating skills and inability to remember the third item on a list of three. But he’s a damned good and decent man. I know; I’ve seen how he treats dogs and children.
Wild Thing's comment....................
Gov. Perry is such a good man, a special man. I will always be one of his supporters.
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
1st Aviation Brigade, US Army
RVN, Sep66-Mar68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
December 18, 2012
Gov. Rick Perry speaks out against gun control hysteria
View more videos at: http://nbcdfw.com.
Gov. Rick Perry spoke out against gun control Monday in wake of the mass school shooting in Connecticut. Perry also talked about his presidential run, saying he "would do it again."
Gov. Rick Perry: People with permits should be able to carry guns anywhere in public including schools.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Not only is Perry not joining the sudden rush to ban guns, he’s doubling down and talking about the need for armed school staff to protect our children.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (1)
Rick Perry talks guns with Washington Times
Rick Perry talks guns with Washington Times, calls his favorite rifle a ‘work of art’
Gov. Rick Perry's rifle of choice is a LaRue OBR 5.56.(LaRue Tactical)
Rick Perry’s favorite rifle is a LaRue OBR 5.56, but he’s also fond of his Colt .45 and 12-gauge shotgun.
The governor agreed to talk firearms, well at least exchange emails, with the Washington Times for a feature it’s doing on newsmakers and their gun collections.
He call his LaRue rifle a “work of art” and said one of his favorite hobbies is going to LaRue tactical and using their gun range for target practice.
He said target shooting was a way for him to unwind and relax. Indeed, in South Carolina, while campaigning for president, the governor peeled off from the schedule for a stolen half-hour at a shooting range.
In the article, he referred to it as “my form of golf.”
“I’m still trying to get a hole in one – five rounds in the same hole – but I haven’t quite got there yet,” Perry said.
Wild Thing's comment...................
I am so glad Gov. Perry is speaking out.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (1)
December 06, 2012
Gov. Rick Perry on future of GOP
Wild Thing's comment...............
The States that have Republican Gov. and especially if they are conservatives will survive longer then the others will. IMO
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (3)
September 22, 2012
Governors Risk Scott, Risk Perry and Scott Walker discuss how Gov. Romney will create Jobs
Wild Thing's comment............
I love how these Gov.'s work together. Gov. Perry and Gov. Scott here in Florida have been very good friends.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (1)
September 21, 2012
Gov. Rick Perry Does Best Tweet Ever!!!
The other day when Obama was on David Lettermen, Obama was asked by Lettermen how much was the National debt. Obama had no idea then uh'd a bit and then answered he thougth it might be 15 trillion.
Wild Thing's comment........
BAM! POW! Right in the kisser. hahaha I LOVE RICK PERRY!!!!!
Obama is stupid besides being a socialist, Marxist. And anyone that votes for him is as stupid as he is. They would have to be.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (2)
March 17, 2012
Gov. Perry on Texas’ Blocked Voter I.D. Law: ‘It’s Unfortunate We Have to Spend All This Money Defending America’s Rights Against Obama Administration’
Rick Perry on Texas’ Blocked Voter I.D. Law: ‘It’s Unfortunate We Have to Spend All This Money Defending America’s Rights Against Obama Administration’
A major push-back is building up in Texas after the Justice Department (DOJ) blocked a new voter I.D. law. The law would require voters to show photo identification before entering the polls to cast their vote. The feds say it’s unfair to minorities, but supporters are saying that it would cut down on fraud.
Gov. Rick Perry, who supports the law, told Bill Hemmer, that there were multiple cases of voter fraud in various parts of Texas and stressed that America needs good, open, honest elections whether it be Republican or Democrat.
“In today’s world having a photo I.D., whether it’s to get on an airplane or whether it’s to cash a check or it’s to check a library book out, it’s pretty standard fair.”
He went on to say that Texas will be taking this issue to the Supreme Court and said it’s unfortunate that they have to spend a lot of money and time defending America’s right to make sovereign decisions against the Obama administration.
In addition, Perry addressed the issue of Texas’ decision to block Planned Parenthood that resulted in the loss of federal funds of Medicaid’s Women Health Program. He said, “We’re not going to let the program die, we’ll find the money somewhere. It’s just sad that you have an administration that is more interested in paying off and rewarding their political supporters,” he said.
“We’re going to make sure those 100,000 or so plus women have those services, but again, it’s an exposure of this administration’s clear politics that they’re playing.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
Another case of Obama over-reaching his authority!!
Thank God for Rick Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (4)
February 10, 2012
Gov. Rick Perry Speech at CPAC 2012 – Complete Video 2/9/12
"What 2012 offers us is a chance to offer a starkly different vision for America," he said. "We can't tinker our way to victory. We've got to be bold. We've got to be clear. We must embrace constitutional conservatism."
The audience ate up Perry's remarks, which were delivered with a few minor stutters, giving him multiple standing ovations.
Aides close to the Texas governor suggested after he dropped his presidential bid that he was interested in running for president again in 2016. His broad-strokes speech indicated that idea might still be on his mind.
He said that Republicans lost control of Congress in 2006 not "because of an unpopular war" but because they were spending too much and accepting earmarks.
He went after Obama, and used the controversial Clint Eastwood Super Bowl ad for Chrysler to do it.
"If it's halftime in America I'm fearful of what the final score's going to be if we let this president start the second half as quarterback," he said.
Perry ran through a laundry list of perceived government overreaches. "You ought to be outraged!" he yelled. Members of the audience responded with calls of "We are!"
"You ought to be incensed!" he continued. "You don't have to settle this election … you have the power, and more important you have the Constitution on your side."
Perry finished by calling on the audience to "take our country back."
Gov. Rick Perry on Whether He Might Run for President Again: “Oh Sure. . . . Ronald Reagan Wasn’t Successful the First Time He Ran”
Perry is asked if he thinks he would run for President again someday, and Perry responds, “Oh sure.” He went on to remind: “Ronald Reagan wasn’t successful the first time he ran.”
Wild Thing's comoment........
Perry gave a great speech at CPAC. He certainly is missed more then ever.
Good I am glad about this. Rick Perry made no mention of Mitt Romney , the current delegate leader in the GOP nomination fight, in his remarks to CPAC attendees Thursday afternoon. Nor did he express further support for the man he endorsed for president after ending his own bid -- Newt Gingrich.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM
February 07, 2012
Rick Perry Says He Has "Plenty of Fight" Left
Rick Perry Says He Has "Plenty of Fight" Left
"I just went home, rearmed, reloaded my mags and I'm going to be fighting on a different front" ~ Governor Rick Perry
and interview
Gov. Rick Perry re-emerged in the national spotlight tonight, offering his first post-presidential primary interview to Fox News.
He told correspondent Shannon Bream that looking back, he regrets not getting into the race "substantially sooner."
"I don't govern by polls. I've been low in the polls before," he said.
First lady Anita Perry also appeared in the interview. She confirmed the pair is open to another run at national office.
What will she do differently next time?
"Prepare better, more debate prep. I'd do it all over again. I hope he will," she said.
“I’m not slipping off into the sunset. I’m not riding off into the west,” Perry told Republican activists in Round Rock. “We’ve got plenty of work to do right here in the state of Texas. And I got plenty of fight left in this old 61-year-old body.”
It was Perry’s first public appearance since pulling of out the presidential race on Jan. 19. He was treated to a hero’s welcome — including two standing ovations — at the event, a fundraiser for the Republican Party of Williamson County.
Perry, who had never lost an election before, leaned on the sports culture of Texas A&M University, his alma mater, to explain what happened to him in the 2012 race. Aggies don’t like to use terms like “lose” or “defeat.”
“We just ran out of time,” Perry said. “I’m not used to running out of time.”
The governor said he would remain engaged in the fight against what he sees as federal overreach and the “misguided socialist policies from President Obama.”
“This movement is bigger than any one man or woman,” Perry said. “It goes forward at a ballot box near you in 2012."
Perry said he would continue to promote Texas nationally as a “beacon of responsible conservative governance.”
He travels to Washington this week to address the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, and he will serve as the Republican speaker at the spring dinner of the Gridiron Club and Foundation in Washington in late March.
Perry hasn’t ruled out running again for governor in 2014 — or for president again, perhaps in 2016.
“I’d do it all over again,” Texas first lady Anita Perry said in an interview on Fox News that aired Monday. “I hope he will.” The governor said in the same interview that if he could change anything about the 2012 race he would have gotten in the race “substantially sooner.”
Republican leaders are doing their best to give Perry a Texas-size welcome back home. Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, who introduced Perry on Monday night, borrowed a few lines from Theodore Roosevelt, who once hailed the kind of man who “fails while daring greatly.”
“He’s back,” Dewhurst said of the governor. “And he’s stronger.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Love this and I am thrilled how both Anita and Rick speak of the future and that he will not just go silent into the night. He will continue to make a difference.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (4)
January 19, 2012
America's Finest True Conservative Texas Governor Rick Perry Suspends Campaign, Endorses Gingrich
Gov Rick Perry's Speech:
As I have stated numerous times on the campaign trail, this campaign has never been about the candidates.
I ran for President because I love America, our people and our freedom. But the mission is greater than the man.
As I have traveled across this great country: from New Hampshire to California, from Iowa to Florida, and to numerous states in between, I have discovered a tremendous purpose and resiliency in our people. They have never lost hope despite current circumstances.
They haven’t stopped believing in the promise of America or the American Dream.
Americans are down, but we can never be counted out. We are too great a people. What is broken in America is not our people, but our politics.
And what we need is a Washington that is humbler, with a federal government that is smaller so our people can live freer.
I entered this campaign offering a unique perspective: a governor who has led a large state leading the nation in job creation, an executive leader who has implemented conservative policies, a son of tenant farmers born with little more than a good name, but who has experienced the great possibilities of freedom.
But I have never believed that the cause of conservatism is embodied by any one individual. Our party, and the conservative philosophy, transcends any one individual. It is a movement of ideas that are greater than any one of us, and that will live beyond our years.
As a former Air Force pilot, I know we can’t lose track of the ultimate objective in carrying out our mission, and that objective is not only to defeat President Obama, but to replace him with a conservative leader who will bring about real change.
Our country is hurting with more than 13 million unemployed, nearly 50 million on food stamps and a debt of more than $15 trillion and growing.
We need bold, conservative leadership that will take on the entrenched interests and give the American People their country back.
I have always believed the mission is greater than the man.
As I have contemplated the future of this campaign, I have come to the conclusion that there is no viable path to victory for my candidacy in 2012.
Therefore, today I am suspending my campaign and endorsing Newt Gingrich for president.
I believe Newt is a conservative visionary who can transform our country.
We have had our differences, which campaigns inevitably bring out. And Newt is not perfect, but who among us is?
The fact is, there is forgiveness for those who seek God and I believe in the power of redemption, for it is a central tenet of my own Christian faith.
And I have no question Newt Gingrich has the heart of a conservative reformer, the ability to rally and captivate the conservative movement and the courage to tell the Washington interests to take a hike if it’s what is best for the country.
As a Texan, I have never shied away from a good fight, especially when the cause was right.
But as someone who has always admired a great Texas forefather -- Sam Houston -- I know when it is time for a “strategic retreat.”
So I will leave the trail, return home to Texas and wind down my 2012 campaign organization. And I will do so with pride knowing I gave myself fully to a cause worthy of our country.
And as I head home, I do so with the love of my life by my side, a woman who makes every day a good one when she is by my side, my wife Anita.
Thank you Anita for all you have done.
I also want to thank my son Griffin, my daughter Sydney, and my daughter-in-law Meredith for standing with us in this great effort.
With a good wife, three wonderful children, and a loving God in my life, things will be good no matter what the future holds.
I’m proud of the policies we put forward to the American people and believe they provide the right path forward for our party and our nation: overhauling Washington and returning power to state and local governments and to the people, creating energy jobs and energy security, cutting spending and eliminating unnecessary federal agencies and cutting taxes to a flat, fair 20 percent.
And I will continue to fight for these conservative reforms because the future of our country is at stake and the road we are traveling today – President Obama’s road - endangers our future.
I want to thank some wonderful individuals who have stood by my side in this state: Katon Dawson, Ambassador Wilkins, and a strong and good man serving you in Congress, Mick Mulvaney.
I want to thank all my supporters from across the country, in particular Governor Bobby Jindal, Steve Forbes and Governor Sam Brownback, as well as Senator Jim Inhofe, Congresswoman Candice Miller and Congressman Sam Graves.
And I want to say a special thanks to three distinguished veterans who have joined me on the campaign trail: Medal of Honor awardee and Navy SEAL Mike Thornton, Navy Cross recipient Marcus Luttrell and Purple Heart recipient, Marine Captain Dan Moran.
I began this race with a sense of calling.
I felt led into this arena to fight for the future of this country.
I feel no different today than I did then, knowing a calling never guarantees a particular destination, but a journey that tests one’s faith and character.
So now the journey leads us back to Texas, neither discouraged nor disenchanted, but instead rewarded for the experience and resolute to remain in the arena and in the service of a great nation.
Our country needs bold leadership and a real transformation.
We must rise to the occasion and elect a conservative champion to put our nation back on the right track.
And this I know, I am not done fighting for the cause of conservatism. In fact I have only begun to fight.
Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.
Wild Thing's comment.........
GREAT sadness today for my beloved country. America has a GREAT loss today with Rick Perry pulling out of the campaign. He is a man of Honor, integrity and the ONLY true conservative that has been running for President.
I ask one thing , do not ask me about supporting Newt Gingrich because I will not. There is no way I will vote for Newt and his Mistress wife to be in our White House.
We had a chance to set America back on track and too many so called conservatives chose to ignore the person that they had begged for at all the Tea Party rallies...a conservative that wanted small government , to get rid of Obamacare and all the other things Rick Perry would bring to his Presidency. Perry gave 100% and always have and always will. Texas is blessed to have this GREAT man as their Gov.
Every day supporting Rick Perry was a joy and a deep feeling America could be saved and rescued and brought back to the America we all have loved so much. It was an honor to support Rick Perry and I always will.
I love you my dear friends, you mean so very much to me. Pray for our country because 4 more years of Obama will end our country completely. His election will give him the go ahead to do more damage then imaginable.
I love you all! (((hug)))
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:44 AM | Comments (13)
January 17, 2012
South Carolina's Mike Thornton Medal of Honor Recipient To Travel With Rick Perry Today
This is last night from Rick Perry......."Proudly standing with South Carolina's Mike Thornton Medal of
Honor recipient, who is traveling with us tomorrow."
Wild Thing's comment........
Perry is the ONLY candidate that has Veterans speaking with him and for him on video ads, and travel with him to speak a lot of the time on the campaign trail.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM
Rick Perry Strong and Awesome in Debate Tells Mitt Romney to Release His Tax Returns (Video)
Rick Perry Strong and Awesome in Debate Tells Mitt Romney to Release His Tax Returns
Gives strong, confident performance at South Carolina Fox News Debate
MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. – Texas Gov. Rick Perry stood out as a solid conservative and the only true Washington and Wall Street outsider left in the GOP race, and decried the Obama administration war on South Carolina and other states’ efforts to pass Voter ID, immigration and other laws and policies.
“This administration is out of control,” Gov. Perry said. “The state of Texas is under assault by federal government. South Carolina is at war with this federal government and with this administration. What this Justice Department has done, not only have they taken them to task on Voter ID, they’ve also taken them to task on their immigration law, and then the most egregious thing is the National Labor Relations Board coming into a right-to-work state and telling the state of South Carolina, ‘We’re not going to let a private company come in here.’ That is irresponsible, I will suggest to you it’s unconstitutional, and when I’m the president of the United States, the states are going to have substantially more rights to take care of their business and not be forced by the EPA, or by the Justice Department for that matter, to do things that are against the will of the people.”
During tonight’s debate, sponsored by Fox News, The Wall Street Journal and the South Carolina Republican Party, Gov. Perry laid out his commitment to overhauling Washington, cutting taxes to a flat and fair 20 percent and sparking American job creation. The debate highlighted Gov. Perry’s experience creating more than a million net new jobs during the last 11 years as the governor of the state of Texas, which is the 13th largest economy in the world.
In response to the bickering between the other candidates on the stage, Gov. Perry said, “This is a great example of the insiders that are having a conversation up here, and the fact of the matter is this: Washington, D.C., needs to leave the states alone and let the states decide this issues and don’t do it from Washington, D.C.”
Over the last several months, Gov. Perry has traveled the country sharing his plans to get America working again and emphasizing his commitment to bringing the change the American people want to see to Washington, D.C., as president. The governor’s Uproot and Overhaul Washington plan establishes a part-time Congress, and calls for cutting congressional sessions, staffs and salaries in half. The plan puts an end to bailouts and earmarks, and is designed to stop the out-of-control Washington spending that has put our nation more than $15 trillion in debt.
Gov. Perry also touted his Cut, Balance and Grow plan, which creates a simpler, flatter and fairer 20 percent personal and corporate tax rate; reigns in federal spending; and calls for a federal Balanced Budget Amendment. He has also laid out an Energizing American Jobs and Security plan designed to take advantage of our domestic energy resources, making the cost of electricity and fuel cheaper and more predictable, revitalizing manufacturing and reducing our country’s dangerous dependence on hostile foreign oil sources.
“We need to cut the tax rate down to where people feel confident that they can risk their capital and have a return on their investment,” Gov. Perry said. “That’s the reason that I’ve laid out a simple and flat tax of 20 percent with their home mortgage deduction and charitable deduction and local taxes deducted, get rid of capital gains tax, get rid of the tax on Social Security benefits and then take 20 percent of that and mail your check in. Even Timothy Geithner can get his taxes in on time with that type of a system.
“Getting America back to work again — that’s what I’ve done for 11 years as the governor of the 13th largest economy in the world. A million jobs that have been created in my state because we have created that climate where job creators know they can go out and risk their capital and have a return on their investment.
“As the president of the United States, that’s what I’m going to do. Walk into Washington, D.C., work towards a Balanced Budget Amendment to the United States Constitution and work to make Congress a part-time body so they stay less time in Washington, D.C., go back home and get a real job like everybody else has, and live under the laws that they pass.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Rick Perry is the best candidate we have had in decades ( since Reagan) and the media is trying to destroy him and give us Romney.
Yes his first few debates were a problem, but since then he has been doing great. The Huckabee Froum type debates he has always been awesome with. And the other kind like the one last night he has getting so strong it is a joy to see happening.

Here is a photo talking to a WW11 Veteran.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (3)
Rick Perry Talks About His Love of America - Moms Matter 2012
CafeMom hosted a live, hour-long event with Governor Rick Perry, and his wife Anita Perry, to ask them questions about the election from moms, as part of our Moms Matter 2012 initiative. More than 100 moms in South Carolina attended the event, which was moderated by CafeMom's election correspondent, Lindsay Ferrier and pollster Frank Luntz.
Wild Thing's comment........
It is an hour in length and if you have the time it is well worth watching. A great interview!!!
I love how he gets a little chocked up when talked about our Flag and patriotism and what it stands for.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
January 16, 2012
Rick Perry Says Obama Administration Rhetoric about U.S. Marines Urinating on Dead Taliban Fighters is “Way over the Top” and Shows “Disdain for the Military” ~ Thank you Gov. Perry!!
Rick Perry talking to CNN’s Candy Crowley where he was asked how he would handle the controversy over a video showing U.S. Marines urinating on the bodies of dead Taliban fighters. Perry said while it was a “stupid mistake” by “18, 19 year-old kids,” to “call it a criminal act” is “over-the-top rhetoric” that shows the “disdain for the military” of “this administration.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Good for Perry!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (3)
January 15, 2012
Gov Rick Perry in the Huckabee Forum2 GOP Debate Yesterday Received the Most Applause ( video )
Wild Thing's comment........
Perry blew the crowd away, his passion, his humor and his conviction resonated with the southern crowd.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (6)
" DOES WASHINGTON CARE ANYMORE " sung by Rebecca Winterowd
Wild Thing's comment........
This is another video from my friend at FB that is the beautiful singer in this video. Her name is Rebecca and her husband Dan writes the lyrics.Her husband Dan served under Reagan and H.W. Bush in the 1/504th PIR, 82nd Airborne Division. And compliation by Nancy Oliver.
This video is a Tribute to the military and Veterans for Gov. Rick Perry for President.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (4)
The Difference ~ Excellent Video
Wild Thing's comment.......
OH and also Obama made his stupid Saturday speech yesterday and said...... blah blah blah. heh heh That is about what I think of things he says. He is sooooo done!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM
USNews Joins Club For Growth in Praising Rick Perry's Economic Policy as the Best and Trumps Gingrich, Santorum as Top Conservative Standing
USNews Joins Club For Growth in Praising Rick Perry's Economic Policy as the Best and Trumps Gingrich, Santorum as Top Conservative Standing
First, tax policy, where Rick Perry comes out on top. His plan is far superior to both of his competitors for the conservative crown and, frankly, ranks above everyone
~ snipet~
On spending, the big test is support for or opposition to House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan's budget. Despite the doomsday crowd howling about "savage" cuts, the Ryan budget simply slows the growth rate of federal spending. This chart by Ph.D. economist Dan Mitchell of the Cato Institute says it all. As readers will note, the slope of the spending line continues to climb under our current path and Rep. Ryan's blueprint. On this criterion, we see Perry, and Santorum near the top. Former Speaker Gingrich, however, comes in dead last with his characterization of Ryan's budget as "right-wing social engineering."
On net, Gov. Rick Perry seems the best of the bunch on both spending and taxes. Finally, a compelling reason for him to stay in the race.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Perry deserves to get tons of positive feedback . He has proven his leadership, proven he makes an atmosphere that people will create jobs and open a busineiss.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (2)
January 13, 2012
The TEXAS DPS - New 36 ft. Patrol/Gunboat ~ Thank You Gov. Rick Perry!!
The photos are from the Homer Garrison Law Enforcement Academy , in Austin,Texas.
Designed and built to protect Falcon Lake on the Tex.-Mex. border . . .
The armaments onboard include:
5 - static mounted [2 dual & 1 single] FN M240B 7.62×51 mm NATO
Light machineguns, 2 - Barrett .50 BMG Sniper Rifles, and other assorted
5.56 rifles, 9mm sub machineguns, and grenade launchers.
from September 2009.......Gov. Perry Announces Highly Skilled Ranger Recon Teams as Texas Efforts to Enhance Border Security
Wild Thing's comment........
As Tom said, "How many governors besides Rick Perry would OK this?"
Perry takes a stand and knows there has to be a strong response and help for his citizens of Texas. Don’t shoot at Texas Rangers unless you plan on meeting your maker really soon! Gov. Perry says what he means - and means what he says. Thank God for Rick Perry!
He said a single shot against a U.S. law enforcement officer is "one too many."
"We are going to use overwhelming force. We're going to use tactics ... You shoot a law enforcement officer, you're going to get return fire," he said.
Officers then saw the raft full of drugs, he said. As they approached the raft, large, jagged rocks flew from the Mexican side of the river, wounding two game wardens. The rocks were followed by four to six gunshots.
Texas Rangers, state game wardens and U.S. Border Patrol agents, operating a unified "Ranger Reconnaissance" mission, fired back big time, spraying some 300 rounds.
"They encountered force, and we will appropriately respond to that force, and we will go home at the end of the day, and we will protect ourselves, and we will protect our citizens," TPW Col. Peter Flores said. "That's not negotiable."
These are the actions of Governor Perry's Texas Ranger Interdiction Teams.
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
US Army Aviation
Vietnam 1966-68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (5)
If You Love America Check Out This Video
Wild Thing's comment........
Exceptional ad for an exceptional candidate and leader!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM
January 12, 2012
Sarah Palin Says She Agrees With Rick Perry's Criticism of Romney and Bain and Says Romney Should Prove His Claim of Creating 100,000 Jobs
Wild Thing's comment........
Hannity tries to get her to put down Perry. She'll have no part of it. He tries to get her to say the criticism of Romney's time at Bain is wrong. She would have no part of it. No doubt from this interview that Sarah Palin is no fan of Willard the liberal. Great interview.
She also talked about her disgust with Michelle Obama after Sean asked her about Michelle Obama.
You can always identify the people who REALLY would dismantle the DC gravy train. The media hates them.
Sarah is one of them. And so is Rick Perry.
Romney calls himself the master job creator, 100,000 jobs. Prove it! Romney has has also refused to show his tax returns or open his books
Well, all of a sudden, Romney has backed off that number after Perry has pounded him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (2)
Rick Perry Walks The Talk ~ Veterans Showing Support for Rick Perry
Marine Capt. Dan Moran, with Lt. Gen. Weber, left, and Thomas Graham, center,, says this about Governor Perry & South Carolina: "I remember when I was in Ramadi, we were being told by everyone that the city could not be won.....We spilled a lot of blood, but won! With my shield or on it!"
Capt. Moran will be with Governor Perry at events in Monday, January 9 at 8:00 am at Mama Penn's Family Dining in Anderson, S.C.— with Thomas Graham.
Wild Thing's comment........
We have been dismissed because they have no fear of We The People.We have been dismissed because the power no longer resides with the people.We have been dismissed because our Country is no longer Of, By and For the People.But we must take a stand and fight for our Freedom and our Liberty.We need a Fire in our Belly again to take our Country Back! We need a Leader who believes in this and can lead the way.
It may take baby steps to get it done but steps we must take and we have to start where we stand.
I’m Fed Up. Perry is Fed Up too and is trying to do something about it.
He said that he was not going to “nibble around the edges” but instead was going to go at it with a sledgehammer.
I stand with Perry and believe he can take the reigns that will lead us back to our Freedom, Liberty and being the Great America we once were.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM
Great Songs Supporting Rick Perry and Photos Of Perry Campaign In South Carolina
Signs for republican presidential candidate Texas Governor Rick Perry are seen outside of The Gun Rack shop in downtown Aiken, South Carolina 1/12/12
Rick Perry talks with Novee Mitchell (C), 4, and her sister Cam Mitchell (L), 5, as they work on drawings in Ryan's Downtown Market & Deli Aiken, South Carolina January 11, 2012.
Rick Perry signs autographs for Cam Mitchell, 5, left, and her sister Novee, 4, both of Aiken, S.C. , during a campaign stop, Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2012, in Aiken, S.C.
Wild Thing's comment..........
A few photos of the campaign and the song in the video at the top that I thought you might like.
heh heh here is another song by the same singer . Awesome!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (1)
No More Go-along-to-Get-along
by Gov. Rick Perry
In politics, as in life, there can be an overwhelming temptation to go along to get along; to be a team player; to do the easy thing even when it’s not the right thing.
For far too long, insiders from both parties have played these games. Talk up fiscal responsibility, but spend big. Talk about a federal government that fulfills its basic responsibilities, but then vote to expand it beyond all recognition so that it cannot possibly do so. Talk about doing what’s right, but then do what the establishment wants instead.
Americans deserve better—and they deserve to get to choose something better this year. In 2012, Americans have the opportunity to decisively move away from big government, built up over years and years by both parties in Washington, D.C.
As I said in Sunday’s NBC/Facebook debate, President Obama has thrown gasoline on the fire, but let’s be honest: The bonfire was raging well before Obama ever left Chicago.
Policies and spending served up by Washington, D.C. insiders, in several notable instances designed and written by Wall Street insiders to suit their needs, not ours, caused and then exacerbated this situation. In too many cases, these advocates of big spending and bad policy have used their positions of power to enrich themselves, both while in office and once outside of it. Republicans have been complicit in this scheme, just as Democrats have.
It is time for it to end.
To accomplish that, Americans will need to seek out genuine outsiders prepared to make the powers-that-be uncomfortable by pursuing policies that will put a stop to insiders’ behavior-as-usual.
As the lone conservative outsider on the ballot, I have a clear plan to overhaul the Washington status quo.
Andy Roth, Vice President of the Club for Growth, said it well earlier this week: “Rick Perry, I think, has one of the best if not the best plans. He’s got a ‘Cut, Balance and Grow’ plan where he wants to institute a Balanced Budget Amendment and cap spending at 18 percent, and then he wants to cut taxes all over the place. That would just really be a pro-growth boon. It’d be eliminating capital gains, lowering corporate tax rates and personal tax rates down to 20 percent. Very, very strong plan.”
For many Republicans, a balanced budget amendment is little more than easy political posturing when they know Democrats will not allow one to be passed. In earlier years, when Republicans exercised 100 percent control over the purse strings, they were not for constraining spending. In fact, they were in favor of as much big government as possible, so long as the beltway establishment “blessed” that big government as serving “conservative” ends.
As Roth noted, Rick Santorum “was a prolific earmarker,” Newt Gingrich “supported Medicare Part D, which expanded entitlements in a huge way,” and Mitt Romney “actually deserves to be in last place on this because it’s very uninspired ideas that he has. He barely wants to tinker around with the tax code…”
Voters have a clear choice between big government “conservatives” and a true limited government conservative.
I am a conservative outsider committed to seriously overhauling Washington, ending the IRS as we know it by cutting taxes to a fair and flat rate, and stopping job killing regulations dead in their tracks.
But to accomplish these things, one thing has to happen first: Americans must reject those who are part and parcel of the problem at the polls – the Washington and establishment insiders. We have that opportunity to really overhaul Washington and elect an authentic conservative in 2012. Let’s take it.
Wild Thing's comment........
I LOVE LOVE love this that Perry wrote. He truly is what America needs so much to be President.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
January 11, 2012
Rick Perry Would Be Awesome In A Debate With Obama ~ Check Out This Video
I am SO wanting to see Governor Perry take on Barack Obama!Perry is awesome!!
This video shows Governor Perry wiping the toilet out with Politico’s chief White House correspondent.
Perry Confronts Left-Wing Politico Reporter Over Story: ‘You Got A Name?’
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (2)
January 10, 2012
Club for Growth Says Presidential Candidate Rick Perry's Economic Plan Is "THE Best" and " "massively pro-growth"
Andy Roth with Club for Growth says...." Rick Perry has the BEST Plans, if not THE BEST PLANS for our economy.
WINNER --Rick Perry gets an A grade ("has one of the best if not the best plan")
Ron Paul-- gets a very good grade (for what he wants to do)
Rick Santorum/ Newt Gingrich--- get "C" grades ( bad past records)
Jon Huntsman-- gets Incomplete grade (his plan is incomplete)
Mitt Romney--- gets " worst fail " grade ( Andy Roth says.... "he deserves to be in last place" )
In fact, the president of the Club for Growth, Chris Chocola, called Rick Perry's new plan "massively pro-growth" in a statement..
"Rick Perry’s plan for tax reform would be massively pro-growth. A Flat Tax like the one proposed by Perry would unleash years of economic growth if it is passed into law. Furthermore, eliminating the tax on dividends and capital gains would immediately add trillions of dollars in new wealth to the economy, benefiting all Americans. Perry clearly understands that revitalizing the economy should start with a complete overhaul of a tax code that has nearly choked economic growth to death. Conservatives looking for a champion to carry the banner of a pro-growth tax reform will surely rally behind this bold proposal."
Wild Thing's comment........
This is a huge endorsement so to speak. It is not like an offical endosement, but good enough. They take their break downs seriously and a lot of people listen to them. The video is fantastic, if you get a chance to watch it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (5)
" The Choice" by Gov.Rick Perry !~ This is an excellent article!
The Choice
by Gov. Rick Perry
This election—including the Republican primary contest— is about a fundamental question in American politics: We have an opportunity to decisively turn away from big government in Washington. Do we want to take it?
Conservatives across the country are fed up with President Obama’s Washington approach to governance. Massive, budget-busting, deficit spending (except on defense, where he proposes cuts that are downright dangerous). Bailouts. An ever-mounting national debt. A federal government that has reached its tentacles further into Americans’ lives, by virtue of Obamacare with its noxious individual mandate to purchase health insurance. Excessive, bureaucratically dictated, job-killing environmental regulation. Dodd-Frank. The actions of the National Labor Relations Board, the Federal Communications Commission, and countless other agencies. A President who has engaged in offensive recess appointments to pay back his political allies ahead of a race he could well lose. And so on.
Almost universally, Republicans hold in contempt the real-life “ends” of the Obama administration’s policies, though admittedly there are those self-described conservatives who have favored (and even authored) Obamacare-like approaches to health care and policies like cap-and-trade. To us, those ends look decidedly liberal and reminiscent of European social democracies, and out of step with our vision for America.
Yet some conservatives, while rejecting the “ends” have not yet fully rejected the means, despite the fact that many Americans—and not just conservatives or libertarians— have reached the conclusion that the federal government has just become too big and has its fingers in too many pies, with the predictable negative real-world consequences for the rest of us.
They argue that a big intrusive government is fine, desirable even, so long as it pursues “conservative” goals, which frequently when scrutinized are neither conservative nor worthy. Earmarks are okay, as long as they are directed by “conservatives.” Expansions of government like Medicare Part D and No Child Left Behind were acceptable because they represented “Republican” policy. Congress spending all its time in Washington, DC, and legislating madly is fine, so long as the congressmen are Republicans and they are pursuing something that the Washington, DC, establishment has deemed “conservative.” It’s okay to have a government so big, so unaccountable and playing with so much money that serving Members of Congress can get rich while on the job, and once off the job, they can get even richer by becoming high-powered corporate consultants before skipping over to K Street itself, to try to grow government and spend even more of your money.
To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, we have reached a critical juncture at which government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem.
Big government conservatives will never truly overhaul Washington because they need the status quo in place to accomplish their objectives. They don’t want to rebuild the machine; they simply want to change the people pulling the levers.
But that is not what the American people want. There is such deep and widespread discontent that nothing short of a complete overhaul will satisfy their justifiable demands.
The American people expect changes equal to their concern, which is the highest it’s been in at least a generation, and I am the only candidate with a vision that is as strong and sweeping as the public is angry.
While others promise to tinker with the status quo, I am the outsider who will overhaul Washington. Others talk about trimming the bureaucracy; I will eliminate the Departments of Commerce, Energy and Education, gut the activist EPA, freeze bureaucrat salaries and make Congress part-time. Others talk about cleaning up the tax code; I say let Americans throw the whole thing out and pay a simple flat tax instead. Others talk about creating jobs; I alone have worked with the private sector to create more than 1 million jobs while the rest of the country lost 2 million jobs.
This is what the 2012 election is about with the Republican primary process ongoing, and it is what the 2012 general election should be about, too.
Do we want to stick with a big government approach that may, if self-described “conservatives” are in power, deliver up conservative ends, even though that same big government will be used by liberals to advance progressivism the second they get their hands on the reins of power?
Or do we want to try something different—making Washington, DC, as inconsequential as possible in our lives and scaling back the federal government to focus on legitimate national priorities like defense and border security, and leaving other matters like education, for example, to the states and localities?
This is the choice that I believe faces us, as more primaries approach and as Republicans select a nominee. Our answer to the question will determine the outcome of the nomination battle, and it will also determine whether this choice is ultimately presented to the American people in November.
I, for one, hope it will be. America cannot abide another four years of big, intrusive government, no matter its philosophical goals. It’s time for a change. That entails Americans getting a choice.
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank you Gov. Perry for writing this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (2)
January 09, 2012
Rick Perry At the Debates Over the Weekend ~ Excellent
Unlike Romney, Rick Perry is not going to hide behind politically correct language when describing Obama. He says in this clip that not only is Obama a Socialist, but that our founding fathers didn’t want America to be a socialist nation.
Perry jokes about remembering 'cuts'. hahha love how he did this. it was a lighthearted moment for everyone. Perry's got personality plus. Cute and lovable. I am so glad to see him stressing what is important about himself- he's got executive experience like no one else.
Wild Thing's comment........
Both debates this last weekend Perry did great. I wish they would have called on him more, but I understand they only do that when the candidate is in the top of the polling.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (4)
Rick Perry Picks Up Key Endorsement in South Carolina
Rick Perry attacks Obama and picks up key endorsement in South Carolina
GREENVILLE, S.C. — Texas Gov. Rick Perry continued to barrel across the Palmetto State on Saturday, picking up a prized endorsement here in the heart of South Carolina’s most conservative and evangelical region.
More than 400 curious partisans packed Tommy’s Country Ham House to check out the latest Republican presidential hopeful — the largest crowd assembled at this iconic political eggs-bacon-and-grits joint since another Texas governor, George W. Bush, was running for president in 2000.
As Perry walked through the restaurant with his wife, Anita, he made clear that his hopes of winning the Republican nomination rest with South Carolina. “We’re going to campaign in South Carolina with fervor,” Perry said, calling the state “a conservative beacon on the eastern seaboard of this country. It is truly a bright light.”
Fortunately for Perry, one of the state’s most influential Republicans, former state House speaker David Wilkins, who served as Bush’s ambassador to Canada, embraced him here.
Wilkins ticked through the bullet points of Perry’s biography: married with two grown children, a Southerner, a conservative, started his political career at age 34, served in uniform, attended a land-grant university.
“I’m sure all of you have many things in common with Governor Perry, and that’s the point,” Wilkins said. “Governor Perry is one of us. He is someone that we can relate to, he is someone that we can connect with, he is someone that we can believe in. And Governor, South Carolina is a small state, but we have a big heart. We want our government to do a few things — a few things — and do them well, and then get out of the way.”
At that, shouts of “Amen!” rang out among the crowd.
Perry is aggressively building a campaign organization in South Carolina, home to the first primary in the South, where evangelical Christians make up a sizable portion of the Republican primary electorate. Perry, who laces his comments with references to his faith, is expected to do well here, although Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), who also appeals to evangelical voters, has been making an aggressive push, as well.
Perry secured a slew of endorsements from state legislators and other South Carolina Republican figures in recent days, advisers said, and plans to begin rolling some of them out as early as next week.
Perry is wrapping up an eight-day campaign swing this weekend that began with his official announcement last Saturday in Charleston, S.C. He planned to return home to Austin on Saturday afternoon, and aides said he plans to spend the next week raising money and building his campaign organization. Perry may not return to the campaign trail until the following week.
At the Ham House here, Perry spoke for only five minutes but left no doubt about what his campaign would be about.
“We may talk about a hundred different issues by being asked different questions, but let me tell ya, every time I’m going to come back to the issue that is most important to Americans, and that is, ‘How are we going to get this country workin’ again, sir?’ ” Perry said.
“The answer is: We’re gonna cut the taxes, we’re gonna lower the regulations, we’re gonna get the lawyers out of our business, and we’re gonna get America back workin’ again.”
Perry lashed out at President Obama, as he has at each stop on his busy campaign schedule over the past week.
“The Obama administration recently referred to food stamps as economic stimulus,” Perry said. “Food stamps are not the solution. They are a symptom of a problem, Mr. President. There’s too many people out of work. Most Americans don’t yearn to be dependent on government. They want economic freedom. Economic freedom comes from work and wages, not welfare.”
Perry said his campaign would be about change.
“It is time for change,” he said. “Not rhetoric of change, but a record of change. We will get America workin’ again. God bless you.”
In a short news conference after his final event of the day, Perry criticized Obama’s handling of troop deployments in Afghanistan and Iraq.
“We need to be thoughtful before we ever go into an area that America’s interests are truly being impacted, and then we need to start having a thoughtful conversation with those commanders in the field about how to be bringing our young men and women back,” Perry said. “Look, I think the president made a huge mistake by signaling the enemy that we’re going to leave at a particular time. That’s bad public policy, but more importantly it put our kids in harm’s way.”
He also defended his comments earlier in the week about global warming.
“I just happen to believe that the earth’s temperature has been moving up and down for millenniums now, and there are enough scientists out there now that are skeptical about the reasons for it,” he said. “And I happen to be one of those that are skeptical that for us to spend billions of dollars on a theory that is not proven, and that you have skeptical science against that, is not in America’s best interest.”
Wild Thing's comment........
People love to meet him, and their response always is so great.
I really hate how close the Caucus things are to each other, It really is unfair to all the candidates.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (4)
Rick Perry Says The Truth Calls Ron Paul a Hypocrite For His Earmark Record
Rick Perry nailed Ron Paul tonight on his earmark record.
“We call that hypocrisy.”
Wild Thing's comment........
I still cannot believe how people think Ron Paul is the answer. Thank you Rick Perry for saying it like it is.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM
January 07, 2012
It's Time For RICK PERRY If You Want To Restore America and A Fiscal and Social Conservative
From Rush Limbaugh's page: "Perry is the only true small government conservative left in the race. He doesn't support ethanol subsidies (or other government subsidies), which cost him some support in IA, which settled for "big government" c...onservative Santorum. But the Tea Party supporters really ought to do their homework and get behind Perry, who is truly our last, best hope of reigning in an out-of-control federal government."
It's Time For RICK PERRY If You Want To Restore America and A Fiscal and Social Conservative
by Chrissie aka Wild Thing
Seeing the polls, fixed or not on Romney and how the media, Ann Coulter, CNN, and yes evwen FOX have been pushing Romney and Newt on all of us.
It furiates me that people who claim to be Conservative are so quick to throw one of the most successful Conservative Governors in the country under the bus and not listen at all to his actual record of job creation and economic growth. That is what this country needs the most right now!!! Jobs and economic growth!!!!
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi said at the Huckabee debate: "Perry is the one that lived up to being the 10th Amendment Purist Tonight", and the and the entire panel agreed.
It's sad that more people don't know what a Constitutional genius Perry is. If folks would take the time to read his book, Fed Up, they would get that he is the only hope we have to take Big Government and send it PACKING.
In April 2009 and again in 2011, Perry endorsed a resolution supporting state... sovereignty, under the argument that the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution reserves such authority. On April 9, 2009, Perry said, "I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our State. That is why I am here today to express my unwavering support for efforts all across our country to reaffirm the States' rights affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe that returning to the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and its essential 10th Amendment will free our State from undue regulations, and ultimately strengthen our Union."
What a Rick Perry diplomacy would look like: not reckless, but measured, backed up by strength, unwilling to tolerate insult, and ready to act with force and decision when necessary.
PERRY refused to raise taxes when Texas faced a record $10 billion budget shortfall in 2003. Instead, he was the first Texas governor since World War II to sign a budget that lowered state spending (and has now done it twice). As governor, Perry has used his line item veto to cut over $3 billion in proposed spending.
Gov Perry is the ONLY candidate who passed TORT reform and defunded planned parenthood . no other candidate has even ever tried .Perry would make a great President and would turn this country around, put us back on course.
Perry is a Veteran, he is from a place where eight seconds separates the men from the boys. He is for a strong Military (will not apologize to foreign governments). He will make an awesome CIC and will never treat our troops like pawns on a chess board like Obama does.
Let's put the best candidate with the best record and the best plan to get DC off our back and restore our greatness. Not some has been insider like Newt who ran to promote his brand and not Mitt who ran to complete his resume but Perry who ran because this country is in deep shit and he saw all his parents and grandparents had worked for, his and America's heritage being sold in DC!
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (4)
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Will Chair Rick Perry's Arizona Campaign
Arpaio Will Chair Rick Perry's Arizona Campaign
AUSTIN, Texas - In a move to reassure conservatives who think he's soft on illegal immigration, Gov. Rick Perry announced Friday that controversial Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio will chair his campaign in Arizona.
Although admired by conservatives for his get-tough approach to controlling illegal immigration in his Southern Arizona county, Arpaio is facing allegations by the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division on a wide range of issues, including claims of practicing a pattern of racial profiling and discrimination and carrying out heavy-handed immigration patrols based on racially charged citizen complaints.
Arpaio endorsed Perry in the Republican primary before the federal investigation surfaced, and he campaigned for Perry in both Iowa and New Hampshire.
Since the Justice Department probe came to light, Perry has defended Arpaio, telling Fox News in December that "these people are out after Sheriff Joe." The sheriff's support is meant in part to bolster Perry's record as tough on immigration. He has taken heat from conservatives for a Texas law he signed granting in-state college tuition to the children of illegal immigrants.
Also on Friday, Perry filed the required documents to get on GOP primary ballots in Arizona, Illinois, Ohio, Vermont and Washington, D.C.
"As my campaign for president moves forward, our superior organization and resources allow me to compete nationwide, where I'm confident our unmatched jobs record, conservative fiscal and social policies, and status as the only Washington outsider can win over Republican voters," Perry said in a statement.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I am thrilled Perry has asked Sheriff Joe to do this. They are a good team.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (4)
January 06, 2012
CNN contributor Dana Loesch:" Rick Perry is the only conservative who can defeat Mitt Romney in the GOP primary"
Radio host, CNN contributor and Big Journalism editor Dana Loesch told CNN that Texas Governor Rick Perry is the only conservative who can defeat Mitt Romney in the GOP primary.
“I look and see who could take out Mitt Romney. Rick Santorum cannot take out Mitt Romney. Neither can Ron Paul. Neither can Newt Gingrich. Perry seems one of the candidates who can take out Mitt Romney.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
I would have even gone further and said Perry is the ONLY candidate that is fiscially and socially conservative period!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 PM | Comments (1)
January 05, 2012
Rush Limbaugh: “I Hope Perry Stays In”
“I hope he stays in.” said Rush Limbaugh today on his radio show, after acknowledging that there was some confusion about whether Rick Perry had decided to stay in the race for president or not.
“Does he have a high enough base here to pull off what now would be a miracle?” asked Limbaugh, “I hope he stays in.”
From Rush Limbaugh’s website:
There was a tweet, you know, Perry last night said he’s gonna head back to Texas for prayer and reflection to figure out what he should do next. ‘Cause he spent a lot of money in Iowa, and it didn’t translate to votes. And the theory is that, you know, money didn’t translate to votes in Iowa, then it may not translate to votes anywhere else. And is it worth going into debt? Does he have a high enough base here to pull off what now would be a miracle? I hope he stays in. ‘Cause I told you I like Perry, and I like Santorum, and I told you countless times I know either one of those guys — and I said this about Bachmann as well — if any of them are elected president, I have no doubt whatsoever they are gonna be fighting for this country each and every day, no doubt whatsoever. I hope Perry stays in.
From the day before:
Rick Perry has always made me smile. I look at Rick Perry speak and I smile, sometimes I laugh. I've met Rick Perry a couple times, and I've enjoyed it thoroughly both times. I like Rick Perry.
Anyway, I've got the sound bite now of Rick Perry. This was Sunday in Des Moines, and this is The Politico White House correspondent Mike Allen interviewing Rick Perry. He says to him, "Governor, some of your staffers have told us that you ran this as a gubernatorial campaign for too long, that you didn't look big enough, you didn't get big enough. You take some responsibility for that?"
PERRY: (echo) I don't know who you're talking to.
ALLEN: Well, these are members --
PERRY: So I can't respond unless you give me a name.
ALLEN: These are members of your staff --
PERRY: You got a name?
ALLEN: -- who say --
PERRY: You got a name?
ALLEN: (1.5 second pause) You won't listen to...?
PERRY: You got a name?
ALLEN: (1.2 second pause) Uhhhh.
PERRY: If you don’t have a name to tell me this individual who said this, then I don't take that as a corroborated source.
RUSH: And that's Rick Perry, "You got a name? You got a name?" This is not somebody stupid, folks, doing this. You got a name? In fact, it was Mike Allen, (imitating Allen) "Uh, you're -- you're -- well, you -- you -- uh -- you're not gonna reply? You're -- you -- you're -- you're not gonna react to that?" "You gotta name?" "But I got a staffer, the staffer said that you're basically stupid and suck." "You got a name?" "But you -- uh --"
RUSH : It doesn't sound like somebody stupid to me, folks.
Wild Thing's comment........
What Santorum, Gingrich, and Romney offer is no cure but a continuation of the status quo.
We deserve better and that comes from us because those three won't give us the best. Rick Perry always has given his best, he understands how things are supposed to work and it works well in Texas, which funny enough is a republic, just like the federal government.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (3)
January 04, 2012
Rick Perry - On to South Carolina
Wild Thing's comment........
Gov. Perry talk about how many jobs Obama lost and how many Texas created, how many businesses Obama closed and how many started in Texas, etc. Hammer Obama like only you can do because YOU are the answer for what is so sick in our country. YOU are the one that appreciates our Constitution and what our Founding Fathers wanted for our beloved country. YOU Rick Perry can heal our Nation and business large and small will hear your facts about what you have done, and drilling like we need so desperately to do in our country will be happening, and all the things you have told us you have done in Texas you can tell people THIS is what you want to do for All of America. Love you Gov. Perry and thank you for being the ONLY candidate that our country needs and thank you for answering the call from a Nation that needs to be restored.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:30 PM | Comments (1)
Best Candidate Rick Perry stays in race, tweets: 'Here we come South Carolina'
The Best Candidate Rick Perry stays in race, tweets: 'Here we come South Carolina'
The Republican wrote on his official Twitter account on Wednesday: "Here we come South Carolina!!!" He attached a photo of himself jogging near a lake, wearing a Texas A&M running shorts and showing a thumbs-up.
Speaking to reporters Wednesday afternoon following the tweet, Perry said, "This was not a hard decision."
The Texas governor confirmed that he will participate in the upcoming New Hampshire debates and head to South Carolina. He added that there are "real republicans with real primaries" to come.
South Carolina campaign chairman Katon Dawson told NBC News, "Iowa picks corn, New Hampshire picks campaigns' pockets, and South Carolina picks Republican presidents and we are ready to rumble."
"This election is about stopping a President of the United States and his administration that is abusing the Constitution of this country, that is putting America on a track to bankruptcy. It is a powerful moment in Americans' history, and you are on the front lines. This is Concord. This is Omaha Beach. This is going up the hill realizing that the battle is worth winning." ~ TX Gov. Rick Perry
Wild Thing's comment.........
I truly believe that he is the only acceptable candidate .
It is RICK PERRY that is needed now in this very time of history, the one carrying that message to us and from us to D.C. I can think of no better time in our country’s history than NOW to get back to those very things that our country was built on and stands for!
Rick Perry has the strength, conviction, and solid record to turn America around.Rick Perry is the one with the stats on job creation.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 PM
January 03, 2012
Steve Forbes With Rick Perry and Massive Crowds In Sioux City, Iowa
Gov. Rick Perry sits with Steve Forbes, right, gestures during a campaign stop at the Stoney Creek Inn
Perry's son is also the one laughing really hard sitting near Rick Perry.
Sioux City, Iowa
Rick Perry: Iowa caucuses only the beginning of 'marathon' GOP race
As a distance runner before being slowed by back problems, the Texas governor said...... "I finished my marathon, and I expect to finish this marathon as well." He said conservatives "don't have to settle for something less than what your values are."
Reporting from Sioux City, Iowa— Facing weak poll numbers and the very real possibility of a bottom-tier finish in Iowa's kickoff caucuses, Rick Perry on Monday likened the 2012 Republican presidential contest to a marathon that was still in its first mile.
Speaking to supporters in the faux-rustic lobby of a modern hotel near the banks of the Missouri River, Perry said the early stages of a long race are often misleading, and he predicted that other candidates would "hit the wall" later on.
A distance runner before being slowed by back problems, the Texas governor said, "I finished my marathon, and I expect to finish this marathon as well." He said conservatives "don't have to settle for something less than what your values are."
Perry predicted that "every day that goes by, we're going to get stronger," and he called himself the only GOP contender who could combine an outsider message with, "more importantly," an "ability to raise the money to go all the way through."
Wild Thing's comment..........
I love these videos of the speeches Anita and Rick make. They are very natural and sincere and genuine. Perry is great at joking with people too which makes others feel comfortable.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (2)
Rick Perry Joined by Marine Capt. Dan Moran and US Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell in Perry, Iowa
"On the campaign trail in Iowa I asked Marine Corps Capt. Dan Moran what he was doing in Iowa? Talking to veterans and telling his story! And it's a real moving and inspiring story...he's for Rick Perry, a veteran for veterans!"
Marcus Luttrell, author of "Lone Survivor", interviewed by Matt Lauer on The Today Show on June 12, 2007.
And THIS is an amazing story of Marcus Luttrell, and Rick and Anita Perry.
As Texas Governor Rick Perry makes his final pre-caucus appearances before Iowa voters today, he will be joined on the stump by a figure who’s well-known locally: 1996 and 2000 presidential candidate Steve Forbes.
The famous flat-tax advocate is expected to attest to Perry’s outside-the-box, anti-Washington campaign message.
But also joining Perry will be someone who once preferred to live in the shadows: former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell.
He received the Navy Cross after surviving a vicious 2005 battle in which three of his fellow SEALs were killed when they were discovered inside Afghanistan while pursuing a Taliban leader.
Luttrell later wrote about the experience in his book, “The Lone Survivor.” It is being made into a Peter Berg movie due for release next year.
Unlike Forbes, Luttrell isn’t expected to testify today to Perry’s policy. Rather, he will speak to the Republican presidential candidate’s character.
In a story Perry himself related to a trio of reporters from the Globe and two other news organizations during a chance encounter last night at Des Moines’s Django restaurant, Luttrell and the governor formed a bond after their own chance meeting on Coronado Island in San Diego.
Perry - still Air Force trim, with a BlackBerry on his hip and a Texas Ranger standing watch as he headed for the men’s room - recalled how his wife, Anita, insisted they head to California for a week in July 2006 to escape the Texas heat.
Perry initially resisted, mimicking with flailing arms how he gets antsy after more than three days in the same place, but he recalled being won over as they arrived at the red-roofed Hotel del Coronado.
Its deep beach blends into the Pacific Ocean, not only providing an air of tranquility but also a perfect, 70-degree running spot for people like Perry - and SEALs like Luttrell.
Their training base and headquarters is located on a secure area of the beach just south of the hotel.
The governor told the reporters that during his stay, he met a Navy man from Texas who encouraged him to come visit their operation. When Perry accepted the offer, Luttrell - a native of Huntsville, Texas - was among the few who volunteered to give up time on a Saturday to accompany the governor on the tour.
Over the course of their two hours together, Perry said, Luttrell said little more than “yessir” and “no sir.” But as his homestate governor went to leave, the Navy man asked Perry if he knew what had just happened to Luttrell.
When Perry said “no,” he was told Luttrell had just received the Navy Cross.
The governor, sensing Luttrell’s discomfort, said he congratulated his fellow Texan but didn’t push him for details.
Instead, Perry found the answers for himself.
The governor recalled sitting down at his laptop and doing a Google search for the name “Marcus Luttrell.”
He said it wasn’t until the third page of results before he found a small mention of his Navy service.
Perry said he then recalled the Navy man mentioning “Operation Redwing.”
When he typed in those two words, the screen filled with immediate hits. Perry moved both arms from high to low to emphasize how data came cascading down the screen.
The governor, who flew Air Force cargo planes in the 1970s, said he eagerly read the story about Luttrell and his team.
They were discovered on June 28, 2005, by three goat herders as they hid in the mountains while hunting a Taliban leader deemed responsible for a series of killings in eastern Afghanistan and the Hindu Kush mountains extending into Pakistan.
The group voted about what to do: one, Matthew Axelson, favored executing the herders, fearing they would betray them to Taliban forces; one, Danny Dietz, abstained, not wanting to make the life-or-death decision. The third, team leader Michael Murphy, said he would join Luttrell in whatever decision he made.
Luttrell voted to release the herders, fearing the possibility of criminal charges for violating their rules of engagement.
He later told the “Today” show’s Matt Lauer he regrets that decision every day.
Within an hour, the group was surrounded by Taliban forces. One-by-one, Luttrell’s teammates were shot and killed. A rescue helicopter carrying eight fellow SEALs was shot down by a Taliban rocket-propelled grenade, killing 16 overall.
Luttrell, though, was able to crawl away, despite being badly wounded. He later was taken in by Afghan villagers before being rescued six days after the battle.
Murphy was later awarded the Medal of Honor for his own heroics.
Perry told the reporters that after his initial meeting with Luttrell in California, the two reconnected in Texas as the SEAL battled post-traumatic stress disorder and struggled to get off a morphine regimen.
Over time, Rick and Anita Perry - the parents of two children - offered him a spare bedroom in the third floor of their Austin-area home. (They still are unable to live in the Texas Governor’s Mansion since it was burned by an arsonist while being renovated in 2008.)
Luttrell’s bed was nothing more than an air mattress, the governor related.
Perry said he also intervened with Navy Secretary Ray Mabus to get Luttrell the medical and psychological treatment he needed. He ended up being a regular presence in the home for about two years.
In 2010, Luttrell established the Lone Survivor Foundation, which is aimed at helping wounded warriors return home.”
Also in 2010, he got married. And this past May, Luttrell and his wife, Melanie, had a son.
His name is “Axe,” after Matthew Axelson, the SEAL teammate who voted to kill the herders and instead died himself in the Afghan mountains that June day.
Wild Thing's comment..........
If you have the time I recommend watching each one of these videos. It is really worth it, I promise.
Marcus Luttrell and his wife were included in the Perry family’s decision of whether Rick Perry should run for the nomination .
If Rick Perry's kind of character is not worthy of the Oval office then I don’t know what is.
And I truly believe Perry will make a great President. He will also be a surpurb Commander in Chief.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
Veterans Speak About Rick Perry
Veterans Speak About Rick Perry
Wild Thing's comment.........
Character counts.
No other candidate has this caliber of Americans support. It just is not there for the others. Veterans and our troops are very much a part of Rick Perry's world and it shows in the friendships he has built over the years.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM
January 02, 2012
Great Photos of Rick Perry Along The Campaign Trail
Rick Perry listens to Catcher Jones, 7, of Greenville, S.C. , as Jones tells him about his desire to become President of the United States and to become an Eagle Scout
LOL I love this!
Gov. Rick Perry pretends to cut the hair of a customer as Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindall, left, watches during a campaign stop at barber shop in De Witt, Iowa, Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2011
Wild Thing's comment..........
Normally I post a lot more things at my Facebook page so if you are on Facebook please check out my page for stories and write ups about Perry if you are for Rick Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (5)
Fort Dodge, Iowa Rick and Anita Perry ~ C-Span Taped Entire Event!!
Rick Perry .......C-Span broadcasted the entire event in Fort Dodge, Iowa:
Wild Thing's comment..........
The next First Lady, Anita Perry stopped by the Sharaton in West Des Moines today. Spoke with her briefly and learned she and Sydney are having dinner with Steve Forbes this evening.
LA Gov Bobby Jindal, Texas AG Greg Abbot and Steve Forbes are spending the next two days campaigning for Gov Perry!
On Monday night, in the appropriately named Iowa town of Perry, the Texas governor and his family will hold their final event of the day alongside Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback, both of whom endorsed Perry early in the race. Joining them on stage will be former presidential candidate Steve Forbes, the chief proponent of Perry's flat-tax proposal, and Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, a longtime Perry ally in Austin. South Carolina Rep. Mick Mulvaney, one of the most popular conservatives in the early Southern primary state, is also making the trek to Iowa for the Perry rally.
Marcus Lutrell is also to be arriving to be there on Tuesday I believe.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
December 31, 2011
A Must See Video....Rick Perry Answers "gotcha" Question ~ Fantastic!
Here is video of Texas Gov. Rick Perry on the campaign trail where he took what he called a “gotcha” question, and used it to hammer big Government and excessive spending. The question was about “Lawrence v. Texas,” a Supreme Court case where the court struck down anti-sodomy laws in Texas. Perry was not about to get drawn into a debate about the subject, but stayed on topic with his answer.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I absolutely love his answer, his passion and I agree with him. This man IS what IMO the Tea Party movement was begging for IMO.
Governor Perry is just the kind of president we need right now. When someone focuses on the vision of the Founding Fathers and what they intended our government structure to be, as Governor Perry does and writes about in his book " Fed Up", you can understand how he is going to lead us well into a stronger future and away from the damage the Obama administration and yes even earlier administrations have injected into our society and lives.It’s time for a change, a REAL change, and the best part about this is that the government structure Perry speaks of and espouses was given to us those Founding Fathers through a loving and blessing God, and it provides the most wonderful system of governing as a people there could ever possibly be on this earth.
I truly believe Rick Perry is now, in this very time of history, the one carrying that message to us once again, and I can think of no better time in our country’s history than NOW to get back to those very things that our country was built on and stands for!
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:40 AM | Comments (2)
December 30, 2011
Rick Perry The Most Experience In Leadership and The True D.C. Outsider~ America Needs This Man For President
Wild Thing's comment.........
Gov. Rick Perry is the D.C. outsider.
ROMNEY (64) – lawyer – Bain Capital – Massachusetts Governor [2003-07] 4 years public office, plus additional 6+ years running; 1994 U.S. Senator [MA] bid – lost; U.S. Presidential bids [2008, 2012]; author
SANTORUM (53) – lawyer [Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC. – D.C. and Pittsburgh offices since ’07] – Fox News Contributor - 16 years public office, U.S. House of Representatives, Pennsylvania [1991-95] - U. S. Senator [1995-07] lost bid for 3rd term by largest margin in PA GOP history]; author
BACHMANN (55) – lawyer – Minnesota State Senate [2003-07]; U.S. House of Representatives [MN] [2007- _____] 8 years public office ; political activist; foster parent; 2011 autobiography
GINGRICH (68) – U.S. House of Representatives [GA] - 20 years [Speaker 1995-99] Resigned from U.S. House of Rep after win - Fox News Contributor – adviser - speaker – author
PAUL (76) - U.S. House of Representatives [TX] - 20 years + 6-8 odd years running - Libertarian presidential bid [1988] – GOP presidential bids [2008-2012] -- U.S. Air Force flight surgeon [1963-65/Natl G. 1965-68] – OBGYN; author
PERRY (61) - Texas Governor [2000 - ______] – 26 years public office: TX Lt. Gov [1999-’00]; TX Agriculture Commissioner [1991-99]; TX House of Rep [1985-91] ; Cotton Farmer [8 years]; Captain, U.S. Air Force pilot [1972- 77]; author
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM
December 29, 2011
"Today, We Salute You " Rick Perry Thanks Our Troops ( video)
When I'm president of the United States, all veterans will have a parade to celebrate their service to their country, to show them how much we appreciate them and say thank you for your selfless sacrifice to our men and women in uniform." - Rick Perry
Wild Thing's comment.........
NO one can compare to the man Rick Perry. I am so exicted that he is running for President. It will be an honor to vote for him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (4)
Steve Forbes: Rick Perry Is The Best Candidate
Perry's still the best candidate
Rick Perry has taken some serious punches, but he’s still in the fight and is the best man to lead the country out of its current economic morass, Steve Forbes told the Milford Rotary Club on Wednesday.
Forbes, the chairman and editor-in-chief of Forbes Media, who sought the Republican nomination himself in 1996 and 2000, made several stops in New Hampshire on Wednesday stumping for Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Perry is currently campaigning in Iowa in preparation for the caucuses that will be held next Tuesday.
During the Rotary Club lunch, Forbes spoke about Perry’s strengths as governor of Texas, his ability to create a climate that brought jobs into the state while slashing spending and holding the line on taxes.
And Perry’s plans for fixing the country’s current economic crisis are the most reasonable of all the candidates, said Forbes.
Stopping the Federal Reserve from printing massive amounts of money to try and fix problems that can’t be fixed if the dollar becomes weakened in the process is hurting the United States, Forbes said.
“Rick Perry understands the need for a stable dollar,” he said.
Perry’s plan for a 20 percent flat tax, with a few exemptions built in to help average folk, is a much-needed alternative to what Forbes called President Barack Obama’s “Darth Vader” tax policy. The current tax code, all nine million words of it, needs to be killed and a new tax system put in place, said Forbes.
“Rick Perry’s recognized that it’s beyond reform.”
Forbes also said Perry understands the destructive forces of over-regulation are preventing Americans from restoring the economy through innovation.
“Regulation costs the American economy $1.75 trillion a year,” he said. “There’s a lot of entrepreneurial spirit in this country, but it needs the right environment to grow.”
And repealing the so-called “Obamacare” health care reform is necessary in order for the country to find the right solution for out-of-control costs and a broken system.
“This is the most important election since 1980,” said Forbes, and Perry “has proven that he can govern a large state and get things done.”
But Rotarian Dick D’Amato expressed doubt that Perry could lead the nation after stumbling over his own policy proposals during a debate.
“How do you expect this man to be President if he can’t remember the three departments of government he wants to get rid of?” asked D’Amato.
But Forbes responded by saying it wasn’t Perry’s mistakes he looked at, but rather how he handled himself in the aftermath of those mistakes by putting himself out there and taking his lumps.
“What impresses me is what you do after you make a mistake,” he said. “Part of campaigning is that it brings you down to earth. There are going to be days when things don’t go right.”
In an interview following the Rotary luncheon, Forbes said that while Perry has a tough fight ahead of him in Iowa and New Hampshire, the candidate is in it for the long haul and has a chance of turning the tides against Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, his two most serious opponents in the race.
Romney, Forbes said, lacks the policy ideas necessary to make real changes in Washington and is also going to have a difficult time facing off against Obama because the Massachusetts health care policy adopted while he was governor of the Bay State so closely resemble Obamacare.
“It’s hard to go against Obamacare when that plan was based on his plan,” said Forbes.
For Gingrich, while he’s got a strong plan for taxes, the problem is a lack of leadership skills as witnessed by members of Congress who served with him when he was Speaker of the House, said Forbes.
“His executive ability isn’t there,” Forbes said. “He had real problems when he ran the house.”
And though Paul will likely take a solid 15 percent of the vote in the primaries, Forbes said his strong domestic policy ideas are outweighed by the flaws in his foreign policy.
“On foreign policy he’s way off-base and unrealistic in the world we live in,” Forbes said.
Though Perry won’t win Iowa, having a decent showing in the caucuses will help him establish credibility going into the primaries, Forbes said. And though Romney will likely win New Hampshire, Forbes believes there’s plenty of room for Perry to achieve stronger numbers in the coming months.
“Nobody’s going to be able to deliver a knock-out blow in this primary,” Forbes said.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I agree, Perry IS the best candidate.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (4)
December 23, 2011
Rick Perry Wears Bracelet Honoring Deceased Iowa SEAL
On the road to Ottumwa, Ia. — Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who kicked off an Iowa bus tour last week alongside a Marine veteran from his state, paid tribute to a deceased Iowan and Navy Seal during a stop here this morning.
The mention came during a string of slams on the federal government that has become common for Perry.
“Our Constitution clearly enumerates some powers for the federal government, and one of them is a standing military. And God bless ‘em, we get that right,” he said.
Then Perry paused, pulling up one of his sleeves to reveal a bracelet that reads: KIA 8-6-11 Remember J. T.
In a moment that veered from his standard stump speech, Perry seemed to struggle for words:
“I wear a – I wear a little band, matter of fact one of your Iowans, who was killed on the sixth day of August this last year, who was one of those Navy SEALS that went down in a helicopter, Jon Tumilson, to remind me about my duty to make sure those young men and women have the support they need as they serve on active duty.”
Tumilson, a Rockford native, was one of 30 Americans killed last summer under attack from enemy forces in Afghanistan. His funeral in Rockford became well-known when moving images of his dog lying on the floor near Tumilson’s coffin went viral.
Perry met with Tumilson’s parents when they rode on his bus for a stretch last Sunday in Charles City. That’s when he received the bracelet, Perry’s campaign said.
Perry faced a firestorm of criticism for a recent television ad in which he questions gays serving openly in the military. Daniel Moran, the Marine Captain from Texas who toured with Perry last week, said that Perry holds a deep respect for service members, often making personal calls to his state’s veterans.
“A lot of people don’t realize,” he said. “He doesn’t advertise it. And I admire that.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
There is such a great feeling if we had a Veteran that supported our troops and other Veterans as President. I pray that happens and that it will be Rick Perry in the WH and CIC.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (4)
December 22, 2011
American Story Beautiful Anita and Rick Perry (video)
Perry’s Wife Heads Up New Campaign Ad
Mrs. Perry: “It’s an old-fashioned American story. I married my high school sweetheart, but first I had to wait as he volunteered for the Air Force and flew planes all over the world.”
“I’m Anita Perry. When Rick’s tour of duty as a captain in the Air Force ended, he returned home to farm with his dad and asked me to marry him.”
“We grew up in small towns, raised with Christian values — values we still believe in. And we know Washington, D.C., could use some of that.”
Gov. Perry: “I’m Rick Perry, and I really approve this message.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
Love this ad and what a great couple they are. I love the way Rick comes into the video.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (3)
Gov. Rick Perry: Fannie and Freedie and Bonnie and Clyde
Continuing to rail against the ways of Washington, Texas Gov. Rick Perry labeled mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac the “modern-day Bonnie and Clyde,” a reference to the famous outlaw couple who traveled the United States during the Great Depression.
“They’re stealing from the people,” Perry told a standing-room-only crowd of at least 150 at the Button Factory restaurant. His criticism of the quasi-governmental mortgage lenders also served to remind voters of rival candidate Newt Gingrich’s association with Freddie Mac, which paid the former House speaker $1.6 million for what Gingrich has described as consulting services.
Conducting a two-week bus tour leading up to the Jan. 3 GOP caucuses in Iowa, Perry got his best reception to date from the crowd, which applauded loudly at his calls for constitutional amendments to mandate a balanced budget and a part-time Congress. They were especially enthusiastic when he talked about his religious faith.
“I’m not afraid to admit I’m a Christian,” Perry said, and joked that he prays to be a better presidential candidate. “I prayed right before I walked over here that I wouldn’t make any mistakes that my friends in the media would be able to put on television,” he quipped, grinning at the journalists assembled in the back of the room. “I pray a lot because I’m prone to make a lot of mistakes.”
For the second consecutive day, Perry was joined by Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who led the event with a succinct and forceful review of Perry’s jobs record and policy proposals.
“I think Rick Perry is the right man to put in the White House to get our country back on track,” said Jindal, who was Perry’s first high-profile endorsement. Jindal has warned audiences that the country can’t afford any more “on-the-job training” with President Obama. Perry focused his remarks on criticizing Obama rather than his fellow candidates.
Wild Thing's comment.........
He is getting a great response in Iowa.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
December 20, 2011
Presidential Candidate Gov. Rick Perry ...The Best Choice and Here is Why
From Red State Blog
Don’t Settle: Rick Perry for President.
The Right Choice
Not a site endorsement; this is the view of the undersigned RedState Contributors
If this website has a purpose – if any conservative website or publication has a purpose – it must begin with electing conservatives to significant public offices. We have the chance to nominate a conservative for president and win the White House in 2012. We can fumble that chance away by settling for a nominee we can’t trust to pursue conservative policies in office, or we can make a stand for the best, most conservative potential president in the field. That’s Rick Perry, and we enthusiastically endorse him to be the 45th President of the United States.
2012 is a year of enormous opportunity for conservatives. The sitting president is deeply unpopular and discredited, the economy is mired in the doldrums, and the public’s trust in Washington and its traditional ways is at an all-time low. Tea Party-backed conservative successes in 2010 show that the public is willing to embrace candidates who dissent from the bipartisan consensus – a consensus that gives us an ever-growing federal government in general and too much federal interference and favoritism in the economy in particular. President Obama’s deep unpopularity with independents, together with the growth of left-wing populist protest movements, shows that dissatisfaction with the status quo reaches far beyond the conservative base. But the failure of some Tea Party conservatives in 2010 is also a reminder that to win, we need candidates who are serious, experienced, and battle-tested. That’s Rick Perry.
The Most Conservative Candidate
Perry is the most reliable conservative in the race. He has made his share of missteps over 25 years in public life, as have all the candidates, but when you think seriously about which of the major candidates would govern in the most consistently conservative fashion, the answer is obvious. Perry hasn’t zigzagged or flip-flopped his way through his career, and he’s not overtaken by a new enthusiasm every week. Neither flights of fancy nor bipartisan consensus for its own sake are in his nature. His long record in office, and his base of support, place him well to the right of Mitt Romney and – on the great issues of the day – to the right of Newt Gingrich as well. Judging the men just by their records, Perry can be counted on to govern to the right of either.
A brief summary of examples of Perry’s lengthy record tells the story of his conservatism:
-67 tax cuts for a total taxpayer savings of $14 billion.
-Fewer government employees per capita than when he took office.
-Perry has consistently scored a solid “B” rating from the Cato Institute on spending.
-Persistent action (not just words) on pro-life issues, ranging from breaking roadblocks to a parental notification law in 1999 to a groundbreaking defunding of Planned Parenthood in 2011.
-The Club for Growth: “Pro-growth conservatives looking for a champion on the issue of tort reform will be hard pressed to find a candidate with a better record than Governor Perry.”
The single biggest issue on which Perry has taken heat from the right is immigration. But there, too, Perry has been on the front lines. Perry is easily the most pro-border security Governor in U.S. history, having spent more than $400 million Texas taxpayer dollars since 2005 to do one of the few duties the Federal Government is obligated to do. Immigration is not the central issue of this election – jobs and the size of government are far more important – but Perry is comfortably in the center of the Republican Party on immigration, and he has consistently shown that he will take seriously the foundational task of securing the border first.
The Best Potential President
Perry is well-prepared by experience and temperament to take on the presidency. He’s the longest-serving Governor in the history of the nation’s second-largest state. He’s a calm, steady hand at the helm, with strong Christian faith and a stable family. He’s come up from humble, rural roots, served his country overseas in the Air Force, and made a living in the private sector as a rancher and cotton farmer. Perry is studious and deliberate in making decisions, and resolute without being unduly stubborn in carrying them out; when he’s erred, as with the Gardasil controversy, he’s backed down, but when he’s right he sticks to his guns. He’s been tested by crises in office, including Hurricane Rita in 2005 and Hurricane Ike in 2008 (as well as the 300,000 refugees sent into Texas by Hurricane Katrina) and 2011′s wildfires. And he’ll appoint conservatives aplenty to his administration: a look at who he will owe his nomination to, if he pulls this out, tells us that. Armed with conservative convictions and surrounded by solid conservative advisors, Perry has the necessary experience and temperament to get the job done.
The one knock on Perry is that his poor debate performances and periodic campaign trail gaffes will open him to the same vulnerabilities in office as President Bush: an inability to respond to criticism or explain his own policies. That’s a fair concern, but it should not be overstated. First, Perry’s reputation in Texas is very different from Bush’s. Bush was all about bipartisan bonhomie; Perry has left the state littered with the political corpses of people who stood in his way. Remember Jim Hightower, the left-wing talker who coined the phrase “the only things in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead armadillos”? Perry ended his political career 21 years ago. Maybe Perry’s not Demosthenes, but he knows how build a team that gets his message out and go after his foes.
Second, debating skill takes on outsize importance in the primaries, when candidates have to stand out on a stage crowded with 7 or 8 people who all agree with each other 80-90% of the time. All Rick Perry needs to do is step onstage and everyone will know how he’s different from Barack Obama.
Third, the main job of the president is making decisions, not talking, and Alex Kaufmann makes a great point regarding how guys like Perry get things done:
Until yesterday, I wasn’t completely sure why I liked Rick Perry so much. I have a list of reasons, but none of them really got to the root of why I like him.
Yesterday the reason finally dawned on me. I watched this wonderful 11-minute video from Ben Howe entitled “The Rick Perry I Know”…
… and I had a revelation: Rick Perry is just like my Dad.
…Like my Dad, Rick sees the population of the world in three categories: Innocent people, and the good guys, who protect them from the bad guys. This sort of man has a profound and selfless love for the first group; a great admiration and willingness to work with the second; and if you’re the third group… God help you. A few people fall into the category of “I haven’t figured you out yet“, and are treated skeptically but fairly. This might be a simplistic worldview, but it’s an admirable and pragmatic one which has served our species well for a very long time.
Perry Can Win
Some will complain that Perry does not appear electable right now. But he can still win the nomination; this has been a wildly unpredictable primary season, and it’s not over yet. Romney can still be defeated – there remain 75-80% of GOP primary voters who have been listening to Romney for five years and still are not sold on him as the nominee. Gingrich can still collapse – he carries enormous political baggage of every imaginable kind, and lacks Perry’s organization. The other candidates (Huntsman, Paul, Bachmann and Santorum) could still enjoy a surge in an early state, but lack the organization or broad base of support to advance to the top tier. If one of the two current front-runners crumbles, Perry is best-positioned to make this a two-man race that could last through June, like the Obama-Hillary slugfest of 2008.
And after Iowa and New Hampshire, the terrain shifts to turf that more naturally favors a Perry revival. The remaining two January primaries are in South Carolina and Florida. Arizona is one of just two primaries (in addition to several caucuses) in February. And if he ends up in a two-man race with Romney, 10 of the 23 states that vote in March – controlling 60% of the delegates selected that month – are likely to be distinctly friendlier territory for Perry than Romney: Georgia, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Kansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri and Louisiana. Perry should easily have the money to carry the fight through these states and take the lead in the race, if he can make his case.
Yes, Perry has fallen back in the pack. But he is not to be written off lightly: he’s won more statewide elections than the rest of the GOP field put together, and has never lost one. Sure, Texas is a Republican state – but it wasn’t when Perry started running for office, and he’s part of the reason that changed.
As for the general election, there is no reason to believe that either Romney or Gingrich would be a significantly stronger general election candidate. Both have multiple major vulnerabilities. In Romney’s case, he’s won one election in 17 years of running for office, he’s transparently insincere and has flip-flopped on nearly every issue you could name. His signature achievement is Romneycare, a bill that drew Ted Kennedy’s approval and set the stage for Obamacare. Truthfully, the campaigns have only scratched the surface of his vulnerabilities arising from his wealth and business practices, something that will not be so easily looked over by the Obama campaign. In Gingrich’s case, he’s never held executive office or won a statewide election. He was – not so long ago – perhaps the most unpopular politician in living memory, and his marital and other problems are likely to dog him throughout the election. Are both men miles better than Obama? Yes. Could both win? Yes, against this president in this year. But both have such severe electoral vulnerabilities that preferring either to Perry solely on grounds that they’d run better in a general election is a fool’s errand.
The Jobs Governor For A Jobs Election
Perry’s greatest asset is that he has a tremendous story to tell about the success of the Texas economy. When it comes to the Texas economy, it is important to start with what Governor Perry has not done. He has not micro-managed the Texan economy with a heavy hand. During his ten years in office, Gov. Perry has instead encouraged and protected the pro-growth and small-government policies and attitudes that are widely considered to have caused the record boom in the state’s population, not to mention a remarkably quick recovery from the recession that the rest of of the country seems to be still mired in. The Texas state budget is projected to have a surplus next year, thanks largely to increased sales tax and energy revenue (Texas has no state income tax); and has largely gotten back the jobs lost in the recession. Whether or not you credit the governor for the situation, consider this: Rick Perry’s political experience has been in an arena where not interfering in the economy for the sake of interfering has been shown to work. This is a valuable trait all in its own.
And the Texas jobs record is impressive, swimming upstream against a nation where Washington has hemorrhaged money on shovel-ready rhetoric while the economy burns. Two graphs from Will Franklin tell the story more eloquently than words:
In Texas, Rick Perry’s style of governance has gotten the jobs done. Conservatism is about what works. Texas, under Rick Perry, works. We owe America the chance to do the same. Rick Perry for President.
Aaron Gardner
Ben Howe
Brad Jackson
Moe Lane
Steve Maley
Dan McLaughlin
Neil Stevens
Russ Vought
Lori Ziganto
Wild Thing's comment...........
I know this is long but is is excellent!
I am extremely disappointed in most of the blogs that have said in the past they are conservative and yet they are either pushing for Mitt or Newt. Disgusting! After all the compalining about Obama and then to have a person like Rick Perry right in front of them as a candidate and react like he hardly exists.
These good people at Red State have shown they are NOT a bunch of phony conservatives, but the real thing.
Thank you to Red State and there many great write ups about Rick Perry.
If you get a chance I recomoment watching the video, he answers questions about his Father and his service to our country and so many things. It is a marvelous interview.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
December 18, 2011
Coffee Blend Named After Rick Perry’s 9/11-Inspired Cowboy Boots
Rick Perry had the boots inscribed with the words 'freedom' and 'liberty', and refers to them as his 9/11 boots.
Coffee Blend Named After Rick Perry’s 9/11-Inspired Cowboy Boots
CLEAR LAKE, Iowa — Rick Perry’s cowboy boots, which make an appearance on the campaign trail every now and then, have kicked their way into the coffee world. One coffee shop has created a coffee blend named after those famous Texas boots bearing the words “Freedom” and “Liberty.”
The Cabin Coffee Company here in Clear Lake developed the “Freedom & Liberty Blend,” made of 100 percent Arabica Beans and described as being “Rich & smooth, medium bodied, sparkling acidity, with Smokey undertones.”
Brad Barber, the owner of Cabin Coffee Co., presented Perry with a bag of the coffee before the Texas governor’s event today at the coffee shop.
Perry’s brown ostrich boots are custom made, date back to 2001, and were inspired by 9/11.
“They were a pair that were made in June, I think the summer of ’01, and they said, ‘What do you want on top of them?’ And I said ‘I’ll call you back. I was at a loss,’” Perry told ABC News. “And then on the 12th or 13th of September, I called them back and said, ‘I know what I want on my boots. I want an American flag on each one of them and on the left one, liberty and on the right one, freedom.”
Though they are not seen often on the campaign trail, Perry still wears those 10-year-old boots, admitting, “They have been re-soled a few times.”
The “Freedom & Liberty Blend” of coffee sells for $13.50 a pound and $8.00 for half a pound.
Wild Thing's comment.........
What a neat thing they did for Gov. Perry. I love when people jump in with passion for Perry like this. Candidates really work hard and Perry is such a good man and the best candidate.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (1)
Rick Perry's RESURGENCE!!!
After several increasingly strong debate performances, polling has dramatically improved for Rick Perry. People are starting to see beyond the exaggerated caricature that the media presents, and are noticing that Perry has the conviction, the vision, and the proven record to turn America around.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Love these ads they are great to share with others. We have been getting Perry ads on TV here in Florida as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (1)
December 17, 2011
Cpt. Dan Moran Joins Rick Perry in Council Bluffs, IA
Wild Thing's comment.........
What a HUGE difference in Perry and his friends and associations and what we have now in the WH. Night and day difference.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (2)
I LOVE Rick Perry's Response! ~ Perry on Haley: I'd rather call in the Marines
Perry on Haley: I'd rather call in the Marines Rick Perry shrugged off his fellow southern state governor, South Carolina's Nikki Haley, deciding to back rival Mitt Romney, in an interview with CNN's John King. "That’s one vote, I’ll be real honest with you, I’ve got a medal of honor recipient Jim Livingston, who endorsed me on the deck of the Yorktown last week, and you know, no offense but I like those guys that have that type of long-time record of endorsements," said Perry, according to POLITICO's Emily Schultheis. "I greatly respect Gov. Haley, but if I had to pick between the two, love having those veterans stand up and say this is the guy, this is the man for the job." Perry also again dinged Ron Paul for suggesting that there is no real evidence Iran is moving to acquire nukes, saying, "There should be no space between the United States and Israel, and I was just really taken aback by Ron Paul’s almost nonchalant statement about, you know, let the mullahs go, there’s not any evidence that they’re getting a bomb. That’s certainly not my information, I’m relying on some pretty wise and plugged-in people – I talk to John Bolton on a regular basis and the ambassador is greatly concerned about Iran."
Rick Perry did a lot to help her get elected and this is how she returns his support. The Tea party movement also did a lot to help her get elected and again this is how she appreciates that support she got that helped push her into a win. I love Perry's statement about this. Fantastic!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM
| Comments (2)
Wild Thing's comment...........
Both Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh talked about what she did on their shows on Friday.
December 16, 2011
Winner Rick Perry! GREAT Rick Perry Debate Night: Best Quote From Perry
Perry: I'm The Tim Tebow Of Presidential Race
"I'm ready for the next level. Let me tell you, I hope I am the Tim Tebow of the Iowa caucus," Texas Gov. Rick Perry said of the underestimated Denver Broncos quarterback.
Perry: Holder Should Resign For Not Knowing About Fast And Furious
Perry Praises 10th Amendment In Defense Of Texas Energy Policy
Perry hammers congress: Send them home, Let them get a job like everyone else
Perry: Obama Has Most Muddled Foreign Policy I Can Remember
Wild Thing's comment.........
IMO....Perry’s third EPIC WIN. And he got huge applause.Juan/Chris Wallace/and Cavuto all thought Perry won!
Reagan was an outsider running as an outsider. Reagan was a governor.and he was not the greatest debater. He had some very good lines here and there, but if people judged debates the way they do NOW by the effectivness of the lie they tell, then Reagan would not have done that well, because he had a way of just telling the plain truth,...exactly like GOV. Rick Perry does. Rick Perry is the closest we really have to Reagan,
Love how Perry speaks directly to the American people .
After the debate, Juan Williams, Neil Cavuto and Chris Wallace all said Rick Perry was the winner of the debate. Perry did not get as much time of course because of his standing so they did more air time and questions to Newt. But the time Perry did have was awesome and he made a huge win for himself. He had several very loud appluse reactions from the audience.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (1)
Chris Wallace: "Two Big Winners Were Michele Bachmann And Rick Perry"
PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEO..... they did not make it where a person can post it, so you have to click on the link. HUGE thank you ~ Wiild Thing
Chris Wallace: "Two Big Winners Were Michele Bachmann And Rick Perry"
Wild Thing's comment..........
Also Juan Williams and Neil Cavuto said Perry won and did really well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (2)
Obama's People More Attacks On Sheriff Joe ~ Perry Defends Sheriff Joe
Perry Defends Sheriff Joe
Governor Rick Perry is coming to the defense of Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, in light of a scathing Justice Department report against the self-proclaimed toughest sheriff in America. Feds claim a 3-year probe into the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office shows Arpaio committed a wide range of civil rights violations against Latinos through racial profiling and discrimination.
Perry called the charges little more than a political hit job during an interview Thursday with Fox's Neil Cavuto. "I don't know what all the details are but I do know this, that nothing surprises me out of this administration," Governor Perry said. "I would suggest to you that these people are after Sheriff Joe, he is tough, and again when I'm president of the United States you're not gonna see me going after states like Arizona."
The Perry camp went even further, releasing this statement: "Governor Perry knows Sheriff Arpaio as a dedicated law enforcement professional fighting to keep his neighbors safe in the wake of federal failures to secure the border and deal with border crime. The Justice Department's action smacks of politics, as do so many of the Obama Administration's misguided actions and excuses."
In addition to the civil rights investigation over his infamous immigration sweeps, a federal grand jury has been looking into whether Arpaio's office abused its power by using excessive force against Latinos. As part of the report, Arpaio must set up new policies against discrimination, improve training, and make other changes that would be monitored by a judge. Arpaio has until January forth to decide if he wants to comply.
Perry secured Sheriff Joe's endorsement less than three weeks ago.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Perry has always been a man to defend his friends and he has done this with Sheriff Joe before the endorsement from Sheriff Joe. These two really want to get things done and Obama has done all he can to stop both of them regarding illegals.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (1)
December 15, 2011
Rick Perry Ad About Washington D.C. Being Politically Correct
Wild Thing's comment......
Another good ad from Perry. Some of these ads he also has running in the cities and towns in Iowa.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM
December 14, 2011
Momentum ~ Outstanding Rick Perry Ad ( video )
Wild Thing's comment.....
This is an excellent ad for Perry. I wanted to show it to you.
If you LOVE America this is the ONLY candidate ( RICK PERRY ) we should want to send to lead our country and restore the tremendous damage Obama and the left have done and are doing to our beloved country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (1)
December 12, 2011
Rick Perry Was Outstanding In Interview With Typical Media Chris Wallace ~ Full Video of interview
H/T/ The Right Scoop blog
Governor Rick Perry from Texas told Chris Wallace today on FOX News Sunday that he would support a constitutional amendment to allow prayer back in school.
“It’s not the Supreme Court’s business telling Americans when and how they should pray.”
He also vowed not to nominate activist judges to the Supreme Court like Barack Obama did.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Perrry did excellent in the interview with Chris Wallace. He was outstanding in his unique, down-to-earth way. He made Chris Wallace look like a desperate, petty, obama boot licker.
Chris Wallace completely left out any reference to Rick Perry's slap at the media and slam on Obama over his incompetent foreign policy and the loss of our drone that brought the loudest sustained applause during last night's debate. So Chris was being the typical media, sorry Chris no kudos for you. Chris Wallace is a mean spirited little lefty. He loves to try to play gotcha with every conservative candidate.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (4)
December 11, 2011
Rick Perry to Appear on 'Fox News Sunday' with Chris Wallace

Rick Perry will be on with with Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday."
Wild Thing's comment..........
Perfect timing for Rick to be on one of the shows this morning right after the debate last night. He needs more exposure and I think this will help. There is much too much of the networks pushing Newt and Mitt all day.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (2)
Rick Perry Hits Home Run In Iowa Debate, Gets Loudest and Most Sustained Applause
Gov. Rick Perry says since Obama did nothing about the drone that was taken down in Iran he is basically handing it over to Russia and China so they can take a peek at U.S. military technology.
"The idea this president now, with Iran getting one of our predator drones in their possession, and he had opportunities -- he had two choices. Actually, he had three. He chose the worse. And those two opportunities he had was to either retrieve that drone or to destroy it. And he did the worst of the three. And he did absolutely nothing. And the Russians and the Chinese will have our highly technical equipment now. This president is the problem," Perry said at the ABC News debate in Des Moines, Iowa.
When asked about his tax policy, he had this to say
Most Americans these days can barely afford a friendly wager of $5 but Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who has claimed he's part of the middle class, tried to bet fellow-candidate Rick Perry $10,000 Saturday night.
During ABC's debate at Drake University in Iowa, Perry noted that Romney had suggested in his book that the health insurance mandate he signed into law as the governor of Massachusetts should be the model for the country.
"You know what?" Romney replied. "You've raised that before, Rick."
"It was true then," Perry interrupted.
"I'll tell you what, 10,000 bucks?" Romney asked, holding out his hand to seal the deal. "Ten thousand dollar bet?"
"I'm not in the betting business," Perry declared.
The candidates were asked about marital fidelity and if it was important.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry said that a candidate's marital fidelity is "important" to the presidential race, an apparent knock at frontrunner Newt Gingrich, whose current wife was his mistress during his second marriage.
"I make a vow to my wife but I made a vow to God. And that's pretty heavy lifting in my book," Perry said in Saturday night's Republican debate in Iowa, sponsored by ABC News.
"When I make a vow to God, then I would suggest to you that's even stronger than a handshake in Texas, added Perry.
Moderator George Stephanopoulos then asked whether Perry thinks "a candidate who breaks his marital vows is more likely to break faith with voters?"
"I think the voters are wise enough to figure that one out," he said. "I've always kind of been of the opinion that if you cheat on your wife, you'll cheat on your business partner. So I think that issue of fidelity is important."
"I mean, it's a characteristic of which people look at individuals, whether it's in their business lives or whether it's in their personal lives or whether it's picking someone to serve in public office for them," Perry added. "Individuals who have been in fidelity with their spouse, I think that sends a very powerful message. If you will cheat on your wife, if you will cheat on your spouse, then why wouldn't you cheat on your business partner? Or why wouldn't you cheat on anybody for that matter?"
Bret Baier with FOX Special Report tweeted that it's PERRY'S best night ever and will probably shake up GOP race !!
Wild Thing's comment.........
Perry's best debate! Grand Slam! He got the loudest and the most sustained applause for taking it to Obama over the drone!
Perry truly is the best candidate, he is the most conservative and I love his record and each one of his Plans he has laid out for us to learn about.
Rick Perry is the one with the stats on job creation. The one with military experience. The one who doesn't waver on life. The one whose hobby isn't golf but shooting and hunting. The one who knows what it's like to deal with the Fed bureaucracy from a states point if view. The one who is suing the EPA.
He is strong, he's passionate...and he's a doer. PLUS...he's a true patriot; both for his state and for his country.
This is the man that can take on the corruption in D.C. And this is the man people can and should get behind.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (6)
To ALL Especially Veterans and Our Troops "A President of Honor" ~ A Must See Video!
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is Rick Perry's latest ad, it truly is special. I love that he is a Veteran and has the support of other Veterans.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
December 09, 2011
Are You A Veteran? Gov. Rick Perry Announces Veterans for Perry Coalition
MOUNT PLEASANT, S.C. – Texas Gov. Rick Perry today announced the formation of the Veterans for Perry Coalition aboard the U.S.S. Yorktown in Mount Pleasant, S.C. The veterans coalition reflects the strong support from veterans across the nation for Gov. Perry, the only presidential candidate in the race who volunteered to serve his country.
Gov. Perry served in the U.S. Air Force as a tactical airlift pilot from 1972-1977, flying C-130 tactical airline aircraft, moving military troops and equipment. The Perry Veterans Coalition is already more than a hundred strong and will continue to grow as more veterans join to voice their support for their fellow vet.
“My father was a tailgunner who flew 35 missions as part of the Allied effort to liberate Europe,” said Gov. Perry. “Like many from that generation, he spoke infrequently about his service because he knew the great cost of war and would rather think about peace. I was proud to follow in his footsteps, serving four and half years as a C-130 pilot in the United States Air Force. But I will be the first to tell you that this country has given me more than I could ever offer in return. It is one of the highest honors of my life to be endorsed by more than 100 distinguished veterans from all across the country today. As president, I will be committed to honoring their service with the resources, support and leadership they deserve.”
“As the only presidential candidate who volunteered to serve his country, the way that I did, I am confident that Gov. Perry will be an advocate for veterans like myself as President of the United States,” said Dakota Meyer, Medal of Honor recipient and one of the national co-chairs of the Veterans for Perry Coalition. “I know that he understands the privilege of serving our country and will honor and support veterans like myself.”
“Gov. Perry truly understands the honor of volunteering to serve our great nation,” said Major General James Everett Livingston, Medal of Honor recipient and one of the national co-chairs of the Veterans for Perry Coalition. “He has advocated on behalf of veterans and their families as governor of Texas, and I know he will proudly represent me and veterans across the nation when he is president.”
As governor, Rick Perry successfully worked to establish the nation’s largest tuition assistance program authorizing $4 million for state military personnel attending public or private institutions of higher learning in Texas. He helped pass a constitutional amendment, approved by voters, to authorize an additional $500 million in bonds for veterans housing loans and cemeteries.
Gov. Perry and Texas lawmakers worked to make voting while overseas easier for active-duty military members and extended the property tax exemption for fully disabled veterans to their surviving spouse while also ensuring that the property tax exemption follows disabled veterans to a new property if they move. He also created a $3 million workforce development initiative to ensure veterans and their families have the resources necessary to receive an education, get a job and return to civilian life after their deployments are over.
Gov. Perry secured an additional $5 million to expand mental health treatment and support programs for veterans and their families and directed Texas state agencies to establish veteran-to-veteran support groups across the state. Finally, Perry and lawmakers established in-state tuition for veterans who are eligible for federal education benefits, and their spouses and children, while providing a tuition exemption for dependent children whose parent is a Texas resident deployed on active duty overseas.
Veterans who want to stand with a candidate who believes in the values that our nation was built upon and one who volunteered to defend them, as they did, are invited to join the Veterans for Perry Coalition and show their support for Gov. Perry by visiting www.rickperry.org/veterans-for-rick-perry
Below is a list of those who are already serving on the Veterans for Perry Coalition.
National Co-Chairs
•Major General James Everett Livingston, MOH, U.S. Marine Corp (Ret.) (South Carolina)
•Chuck Larson, Sr., Fmr. U.S. Attorney and Justice Attaché to U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, Colonel (USAR, Ret.) (Iowa)
•Dakota Meyer, Sergeant, USMC (Ret.) (Kentucky)
•William R. Mann, Lt. Colonel, US Army (Ret.) (Florida)
•The Honorable Allen B. Clark , Fmr. Assistant Secretary for Veterans Liaison and Program Coordination and Director, National Cemetery System at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, CPT (USA-Ret) (Texas)
National Steering Committee
•The Honorable James Inhofe, U.S. Senator, Oklahoma, U.S. Army (Ret.)
•The Honorable Sam Johnson, United States Congressman, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
•The Honorable Brian Birdwell, Texas State Senator, District 22, Lt. Col. U.S. Army (Ret.)
•The Honorable Jerry Patterson, Texas Land Commissioner, Lt. Col. U.S. Marine Corp (Ret.)
•Dr. Richard Box, U.S. Army (Ret.)
•Marcus Luttrell, Petty Officer First Class, U.S. Navy Seal (Ret.)
•Mike Thornton, U.S. Navy Seal (Ret.)
•Daniel P. Moran, Captain, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.)
State Leadership Teams
•State Chair: Chuck Larson, Sr., Fmr. U.S. Attorney and Justice Attaché to U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, Colonel (USAR, Ret.) (Iowa)
•State Co-Chair: The Honorable Royd Chambers, State Representative, District 5 and Master Sergeant, Iowa National Air Guard, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
•Steering Committee:
•Dale Andres, Brigadier General, U.S. Army (Ret.)
•Gary Fischer, Captain, U.S. Army (Ret.)
•Wayne Vanderkrol, Captain, Army National Guard (Chaplain)
•Gannon Hendrick, Captain, U.S. Army Reserve
•Andy Andersen, Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.)
•Lee D. Booton, U.S. Navy, Seaman 1st Class
•Rick LaMere, US Army, (Ret.)
•John W. Sturdy, Sgt. Major, U.S. Army (Ret.)
•Jeffrey A. Havenner, Major, U.S. Army
•Dick L. Rattray, Lt. Colonel, USMCR (Ret.)
•Tom Hanrahan, U.S. Navy
•Zac Buttercase, Army National Guard
•Gabe Haugland, Army National Guard
New Hampshire
•State Chair: The Honorable Frank McCarthy, State Representative, Major, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret. Mustang)
•State Chair: Jim Adams, Pittsfield, Petty Officer Second Class, U.S. Navy
•Steering Committee:
•The Honorable Fred Rice, State Representative, Major, U.S. Army (Ret.)
•The Honorable Larry Gagne, State Representative, Petty Officer Third Class, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
•The Honorable Emile Beaulieu, Mayor of Manchester, Senior Master Sergeant, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
•The Honorable Chuck Douglas, Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.)
•Ambassador Joe Petrone, Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.)
•Dan Fleetham, Jr, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.)
•The Honorable Al Baldassaro, State Representative, First Sergeant, U.S. Marines (Ret.)
•State Chair: The Honorable Jeff Brandes , State Representative, District 52, U.S. Army (Ret.)
•State Chair: The Honorable George Moraitis, Jr., State Representative, District 91, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
•Steering Committee:
•Tavis McElheny, Lieutenant, U.S. Coast Guard (Ret.)
•Tony Buntyn, Colonel, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
•Richard Sugg, Staff Sgt, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
•Harlen Twible, Lieutenant U.S. Navy (Ret.)
•Carl Jackson, Petty Officer Second Class, U.S. Navy
•Chet Renfro, Major, U.S. Army (Ret.)
•Bill Helmich, Lance Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.)
•Ben Warren, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.)
•Fred Manno, Air Man First First Class – U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
•Yvonne Pillmore , Lt. Colonel, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
South Carolina
•State Chair: James Everett Livingston, Major General U.S. Marines (Ret.)
•Steering Committee:
•Major General Bob Livingston , Adjutant General – State of South Carolina
•Herb Ellis, Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.)
•James “Boo” Alford, Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army (Ret.)
•Darwin Simpson, Major General, S.C. Army National Guard (Ret.)
•Todd Humphries, Staff Sergeant., U.S. Army (Ret.)
•Roger Sanderson, Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army (Ret.)
•Mark Kelly , Sergeant, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
•Daniel Jones, Sergeant, US Army
•Charles E. Edge, Lieutenant Colonel, US Army (Ret.)
Gov. Perry has also received the endorsement of the following veterans:
James Veasey – AR
Debra Justin – CA
Scott Jeffcoat – DC
Andy Seabolt – FL
Guido Echevarria, Sr. – FL
Dave Scholl – FL
Gannon Hendrick – IA
Eligio Marin – IL
Matt Walker – IL
Stephen MacKenzie – IN
Robert Nail – IN
Philemon St. Amant, II – LA
Joshua Randall – MA
Robert Vinson – NC
Dick Hinch – NH
John Starkey – NH
Al Baldassaro – NH
Ken Weyler – NH
George Camiolo – NH
Spec Bowers – NH
Gerard Leduc – NH
Royce Elkins – NH
Bob Greemore – NH
Moe Villeneuve – NH
Omer Beaudoin – NH
Cliff Hurst – NH
Robert Ferry – NH
Louis Prince – NH
Bill Miller – NH
Michael Bain – NH
Ed Gionet – NH
Art Gisi – NV
Steven Cochran – OH
David Randall – OR
Frank Bonneau, Jr. – OR
Clint Curtis – PA
Lyndsey Curtis – PA
Justin Wax – TN
Glen Gardner – TX
Shawn Bowles – TX
Ty Linker – TX
Larry Tally – TX
Kevin Allen – TX
John Harper – TX
Ron Ruffin – TX
Jason Woytek – TX
Scott O’Grady – TX
Kirk Yarbrough – TX
Jonathan Hamilton – TX
Ty Scott – TX
Al Poteet – TX
Bill Curlett – TX
James Bailey – TX
Louis R. F. Preysz III – VA
Ed Timperlake – VA
David Swarthout – WI
Wild Thing's comment.........
Fantastic!!! Nick joined this to show his support for Rick Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (4)
December 08, 2011
Trucker For Rick Perry ~ Remember America Will Vote and That Speaks Louder Then Polls
Wild Thing's comment..........
Love it, this person that has this truck is speaking out and it is great.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
December 07, 2011
Perry Speaks Out Against Obama and Hillary Pushing Foreign Nations to "put premium on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights"
Perry Slams Obama Gay Rights Promotion
After both US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made speeches Tuesday urging gay rights overseas, Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry hit back against spending taxpayer dollars promoting a lifestyle "deeply objectionable" to many Americans of faith.
The Texas governor also slammed such a move as "not in America's interests," in a strongly worded statement claiming the Obama Administration is "at war" with religious Americans.
Obama ordered all government agencies that play an active foreign policy role to take steps to encourage foreign nations to put a premium on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights.
Clinton, meanwhile, in an impassioned speech at the United Nations in Geneva, committed $3 million to start a Global Equality Fund to support civil society organizations working for LGBT rights worldwide, AFP reported.
But Perry labeled Obama's plan a "silly idea."
"Promoting special rights for gays in foreign countries is not in America's interests and not worth a dime of taxpayers' money," Perry said.
"But there is a troubling trend here beyond the national security nonsense inherent in this silly idea. This is just the most recent example of an administration at war with people of faith in this country.
"Investing tax dollars promoting a lifestyle many Americas of faith find so deeply objectionable is wrong.
"President Obama has again mistaken America's tolerance for different lifestyles with an endorsement of those lifestyles. I will not make that mistake."
Wild Thing's comment.........
Good for Rick Perry!!!!
And how sick and horrible of OBama and Hillary to do such a thing. sickening!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (2)
State Rep. Ken Weyler Chairman of the New Hampshire House of Representatives Endorses Rick Perry
Gov. Rick Perry's resume is impressive
December 6, 2011
The polls have been pretty consistent for months now. Obama has reached a low that no president contemplating reelection has seen before him. We can be confident that the next president will be one of the Republican candidates that we have been seeing.
The liberal media is showing their bias like never before. Obama was their creation; an obscure candidate whose background was never fully explored. So they are pursuing their agenda with dedication. Destroy all threats to the incumbent. Whoever leads in the polls go after first. The debates are trivial and superficial. This is just a "gotcha" game to embarrass each of them.
Diane Sawyer led the news every 15 minutes about Rick Perry's momentary lapse of memory as if it were disqualifying. She fails to realize that the majority of us have had similar experiences. Yet I don't know of any of the rest of us who think there are 57 states. Why didn't that get similar coverage? It is high time to look seriously at the Republican candidates. What are the backgrounds? What plans do they offer? What can they show for successful accomplishments?
These are the reasons I endorse Gov. Rick Perry for our next president. Here is a man who showed a willingness to make the supreme sacrifice for our country early in his life. Right out of college Rick joined the U.S. Air Force to become a pilot. Having similar experience, I know how challenging that program was. He later became a state representative in Texas, then the agriculture commissioner, then lieutenant governor. He is now one of the longest serving governors of Texas, a state that rarely reelects their governor.
He has shown us his plan for economic recovery, and what gives it credence is the job creation that has happened in Texas. Almost 40 percent of the last year's new jobs were created in Texas.
I have been a long-time state representative in New Hampshire. We have studied what other states have done when we encounter a challenge in our state's government. It is impressive how often the best solution has been done in Texas. They have led in performance budgeting, and welfare reform, and other areas of governing. Rick Perry has been an important part of that state's government for decades.
Now that is a resume that deserves your approval. Let's put accomplishments ahead of empty slogans that make no sense, like "This is the best country in the world and we need to change it!" Why wasn't that questioned? Let's stop paying attention to the media who would like nothing better than to destroy any opponent of Obama. Let's do our own thinking and help our country to recover from the worst president in our history. We need good ideas, not empty slogans. Support Rick Perry in the primary, and for president. Some of these polls amount to "who have you heard about in the news lately?" Thank you.
State Rep. Ken Weyler
Chairman, N.H. House
Finance Committee
Wild Thing's comment.........
Great letter I love how he worded his endorsement for Gov. Rick Perry for President.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Visits with Neil Cavuto after Endorsing Rick Perry for President
Wild Thing's comment..........
Sheriff Joe knows what he is talking about. Perry walks the talk and has been fighting for the border to be done the best way.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (3)
December 05, 2011
"For Almost 200 Years Congress Served Part Time, Up Until the 1950's, Rick Perry Is Right" article by Gov.Bobby Jindal
Rick Perry at the New Hampshire House of Representatives ~ This is an amazing speech!!!!
Congress should be a part-time job
By Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal
As the incoming freshman Congressional class readies itself to lead and improve our country, they should remember the “do-nothing” Congress of Harry Truman’s era. Based on the first two years of the Obama administration, I’m all in favor of a do-nothing Congress. If Truman were alive today, I expect he’d long for the “good old days” when Congress had a measure of self-restraint.
Americans don’t have a high opinion of Congress right now. Polls show that only 21 percent of Americans believe Congress is doing a good job. When it comes to ethics and morality, studies show Americans rank congressmen barely above car salesmen—an unfair comparison, at least most states have lemon laws to protect you from dishonest car salesmen.
Believing they’re unpopular because Americans “just don’t understand” the great job they’re doing, congressmen send out more letters, fight for more pork and earmarks, and make more TV appearances. But the American people dislike congressmen precisely because they know what they’re doing—they’re spending our country into oblivion. Congress has lost touch with the people they are supposed to serve.
Our country is in terrible financial shape, as we compile a massive debt for our children and grandchildren to pay. Right now, each American “owes” $45,000 on the national debt, and that figure is set to rise much higher. What we need to do is institute a series of radical changes that I would call the “Saving Our Grandchildren’s Inheritance” package.
We start by remaking Congress and there are several vital steps American needs to take.
The first: make being a congressman a part-time job. We used to pay farmers not to grow crops so maybe we should pay members of congress not to pass laws. It would fundamentally change Washington, forcing congressmen to spend much more time back in their districts interacting with regular people. It would also encourage greater independence by young members of Congress. Most crucially, under a part-time Congress, congressmen would no longer regard politics as their career.
Plenty of solid research shows Congress feels the need to do something when it’s in session. Looking at Congress over a 25-year period, Professors Mwangi Kimenyi and Robert D. Tollison discovered the more time Congress spends in session, the longer and more complex laws become, and the more money Congress spends.
We also need a series of what I would call Fiscal Sanity Initiatives. For example:
• We need a federal balanced budget amendment. Most states already have to abide by these limits, and Washington should do the same.
• We should adopt a constitutional amendment to require a supermajority in Congress to raise taxes, along with a pay-as-you-go rule to help enforce a balanced budget amendment.
• A supermajority should also be required for government spending that exceeds historical norms as a percentage of GDP.
Serving in Congress used to be just that—an act of service, not a financially lucrative training ground for lobbyists. Our Founding Fathers envisioned that being a member of Congress would be a part-time job. Pennsylvania’s state constitution even had a provision calling for members of the Legislature to “have some profession, calling, trade, or farm, whereby he may honestly subsist.” Otherwise, they feared legislators would come to rely on politics as a career, and they would be unable to “preserve [their] independence.” Back then, farmers would literally leave their fields and go to legislate in our nation’s capital.
For almost two hundred years, being in Congress meant holding down another job. As recently as the 1950s, Congress was still largely a part-time institution. Aside from extraordinary times such as World War II, members arrived in Washington by train in January and left in the summer. Granted, a part-time Congress would face its own ethical issues. How can we avoid conflicts of interest when people simultaneously run a business and pass laws? How could we prevent businesses from hiring congressmen just for the sake of influence? The answer is simple: full disclosure. Let the voters know everything, and they can render their judgment at election time.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I LOVE Perry's speech! WOW!!!
And this is great that Gov. Bobby Jindal not only supports Perry but also agree so much with what he wants to do and has written this item above.
Something to share with you.....
Rick Perry's 'Fed Up': Book Proceeds Go To Conservative Group Echoing Controversial Policy Ideas
Perry lives and breathes the 10th amendment in at least 4 ways
1. In his governing
2. In his writing
3. In his speeches
4. With proceeds from his book " Fed UP" - 100% to the Center for the Tenth Amendment. He received high praise from Huckabee, and the 3 state attorney's general on his fidelity to and understanding of the 10th amendment in the Saturday "debate" forum hosted by Huckabee.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (2)
December 04, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry Has Best Responses At Last Night's Huckabee Presidential Forum (video)
Gov. Rick Perry shared his faith in the U.S. Constitution, plan to overhaul Washington and vision to get America working at the Republican Presidential Forum, hosted by Mike Huckabee and Attorneys General Pam Bondi, Ken Cuccinelli and Scott Pruitt.
“I’ve lived a purpose-driven life and my purpose was never to be President of the United States, but our country’s in trouble,” Gov. Perry said. “Our country needs us working together to take our country back. I hope again that you’ll take a look at my plan and give me that second opportunity and I’ll promise you that every day I will work to make Washington, D.C., as inconsequential in your life as I can.”
And here are some tweets and messages and quotes from others about the debate:
....... Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi: "Perry is the one that lived up to being the 10th Amendment Purist Tonight"
.... tweet from Ann Coulter to David Limbaugh: "I thought ole Rick Perry did very well."
Wild Thing's comment..........
First up is Newt Gingrich. He’s getting hammered by Cuccinelli on his (big government) record. “How can we trust you?”
Rick Santorum was up second. He did OK but looked angry.
Rick Perry did an excellent job tonight.
The Texas governor called for term limits for Supreme Court Justices.
Michele Bachmann was behaved since this was a non attack debate
Ron Paul was nuts.
Mitt still likes Romney-care.
I have backed Rick Perry since the beginning. One big reason is his record of achievement. We have to have an actual record to beat the Obama charm offensive. He also has a very strong social conservative background.
In this election we must put a candidate up against Obama with a record to contrast Obama. If we put up Newt or Mitt there is no real reason to vote for those two, but Perry actually can say "I created jobs in Texas while Obama lost jobs and this is how I did it and this is how I will do it."
Obama cannot debate, he needs a teleprompter just to talk to 6th graders. Screw that son of a bitch. Let's put the best candidate with the best record and the best plan to get DC off our back and restore our greatness. Not some has been insider like Newt who ran to promote his brand and not Mitt who ran to complete his resume but Perry who ran because this country is in deep shit and he saw all his parents and grandparents had worked for, his and America's heritage being sold in DC! That is why Perry is running.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (6)
Proven Leadership.... Gov. Rick Perry
Wild Thing's comment.........
Perry is a solid fiscal and social conservative with a successful executive governing record to back it up. Perry is the best Reagan conservative of all the 2012 wannabees.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM
December 02, 2011
Rick Perry Was Great On Jay Leno Last Night (12/1/11)
H/T The Right Scoop
And this was Perry's ad right before the Leno show..........
Wild Thing's comment.........
Perry always does so great in interviews and when he gives speeches. And the last few debates he has improved on the debates as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (5)
New Rick Perry TV Ad..." Energy Jobs"
Rick Perry casts Barack Obama as former President Jimmy Carter in a new television ad about energy independence.
The 30-second ad, titled "Energy Jobs," starts with both Obama and Carter bemoaning America's dependence on foreign oil. Republicans often make that comparison, hoping Obama will follow Carter's path as a one-term president.
The video then cuts to Perry offering his own energy plan. Perry says he wants to eliminate regulations and that he hopes to create 1 million jobs.
"President Obama and Washington? All talk. No action," Perry says. "I'm an outsider so I'll step on a few toes if necessary to reopen our oil and gas fields."
Wild Thing's comment.........
I am so glad this will air on TV, we get to see so many awesome YouTube videos of the candidates and now the ads we have been seeing will be showing on TV.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (1)
November 30, 2011
SUPERMAN, Dean Cain Endorses Rick Perry
SUPERMAN Endorses Rick Perry
"I undoubtedly like Rick Perry," Cain said on Fox and Friends. "I like him a lot. I like his record on job creation."
The actor, best known for his role as Clark Kent/Superman in the 1990s TV series "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman," added that Perry is an "upstanding guy."
Wild Thing's comment........
Dean Cain has voted Republican for as long as I remember how him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM
Town Hall with Rick Perry and Sheriff Joe Arpaio (complete video)
Texas Gov. Rick Perry today received the endorsement of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a steadfast advocate for border security and national leader in combating on illegal immigration, citing Gov. Perry's unmatched efforts to bolster border security in Texas in light of a federal government that for too long has abdicated this basic responsibility to the states. Sheriff Arpaio made his announcement at Joey's... Diner in Amherst, New Hampshire.
"The federal government has failed on border crime and border enforcement, and no candidate for president has done more to secure the border than Governor Rick Perry. I have been watching Governor Perry and Texas closely and know his border surge operations with state, local and federal law enforcement officials have helped shut down the illegal trafficking of weapons, drugs and people," said Sheriff Arpaio. "I'm endorsing Rick Perry because we need a tough-on-crime president who will champion and fund full-time border security operations from Brownsville to San Diego. Governor Perry has a superior border security record and plan to make our border and our nation safer."
Wild Thing's comment........
Later in the day ......there was also a great interview on Hannity - Sheriff Arpaio to Hannity, "He isn't a robot. He's human. If that's what you want, you can get them from Japan." LOL!
This video is an hour long, I just wanted to let you know.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM
November 29, 2011
Fun Video Of Rick Perry on Fox and Friends
Rick Perry's Boot Collection
Wild Thing's comment........
I love his personality and you can tell they like it too on FOX and Friends.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM
November 27, 2011
Sheriff Joe Arpaio to Endorse Rick Perry Next Week
Sheriff Joe Arpaio to Endorse Rick Perry Next Week
Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the sheriff of Maricopa County, Ariz., who calls himself “America’s Toughest Sheriff,” will endorse Texas Gov. Rick Perry next week, a source with knowledge of the endorsement told ABC News.
Arpaio espouses a hard-line stance on illegal immigration, leading raids to round up and jail illegal immigrants, and was a major proponent of the controversial Arizona immigration law. Perry has spoken with Arpaio several times over the phone since entering the presidential race.
Arpaio, a much sought after endorsement in the GOP field, plans to campaign with Perry in New Hampshire next week, the source said. The Texas governor will be in the Granite State Tuesday and Wednesday, holding three town halls and a breakfast at the Nashua Chamber of Commerce along with speaking at the New Hampshire State House.
Perry, who touts himself as the only candidate with firsthand experience in dealing with border security, encountered backlash from Republican voters after a statement he made in a September debate suggesting that those who oppose the education of illegal immigrants “don’t have a heart.”
Perry has since walked back that statement, saying on several occasions that it was “inappropriate” and “insulting.”
As Texas governor, Perry signed a voter ID law, vetoed a bill that would allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses and sent $400 million to the border in the form of Texas Ranger reconnaissance teams.
Unlike the rest of the Republican field, Perry opposes the construction of a fence along the entire U.S-Mexico border. Instead, Perry he says the fences should be concentrated in metropolitan areas.
During Texas’ last legislative session, Perry attempted to pass a law that banned sanctuary cities, even setting it as an “emergency” item, but the bill failed to pass in the state legislature’s special session this summer.
Over the past three months, Arpaio has sent short missives over Twitter indicating his courtship by Republican candidates. Arpaio met Rep. Michele Bachmann in September and Herman Cain in October, and he has spoken over the phone with Mitt Romney.
Sheriff Arpaio to campaign with Perry
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona will campaign with Rick Perry in New Hampshire on Tuesday, the Texas governor's campaign told CNN on Saturday.
The man famous for his tough stance on illegal immigration has not endorsed a presidential candidate, though he has been courted by the likes of Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, businessman Herman Cain, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Perry.
Arpaio is a hard-liner on illegal immigration in a state known for its tough 2010 law on the issue. Among other provisions of the law, it would require that local police, during the enforcement of other laws, check the immigration status of anyone they suspected of being undocumented.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit said the measure overstepped Arizona's authority, and the state is seeking a U.S. Supreme Court ruling to settle the issue.
Arpaio's endorsement could be helpful to Perry, who has been the subject of criticism from conservatives for some of his actions on illegal immigration.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I am thrilled about this, it is fantastic that Sheriff Joe is going to endorse Perry. Great news!
Thank you Sheriff Joe.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (5)
Gov. Rick Perry: ‘I Strongly Oppose Amnesty’
Gov. Rick Perry: ‘I Strongly Oppose Amnesty’
October 6th, 2011
Governor Perry says he is against the Federal DREAM Act, “I strongly oppose amnesty.”
The federal DREAM Act is an amnesty bill, and I strongly oppose amnesty. The Texas educational residency bill was vastly different.
Because the federal government has failed in its basic duty to protect our borders, states are forced to deal with illegal immigrant issues.
In Texas, we had to deal with the children of illegal immigrants residing in our state and attending our schools, as the federal government requires states to educate these children through the public school system. Lawmakers in Texas – indisputably one of the most conservative states in America – were virtually unanimous in their decision.
The Legislature determined the payment of in-state college tuition is available to all students who have lived in Texas for at least three years and graduated from a public high school. If you meet those requirements, you pay in-state tuition, whether you relocated from Oklahoma, Idaho, Canada or Mexico. The only difference is that Texas residents who aren’t documented must be on the path to pursue U.S. citizenship to be allowed to pay in-state tuition.
There were a number of reasons the bill received widespread support among conservatives. Importantly, it has never had a cost to Texas taxpayers. In fact, our institutions of higher learning would actually lose tens of millions of dollars in lost tuition payments if the law were repealed.
And it would lower the odds that these students would receive subsidized health care or end up in prison. Protecting taxpayers was a serious concern, given that a Supreme Court decree already requires taxpayers to pay for K-12 education for undocumented students.
This is the link where the above information is from. If anyone is interested in the entire interview please click here.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Perry above all the others knows what he is talking about. He has lived it, having the longest border of dealing with the illegals.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (2)
November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving...Perry and Marcus Luttrell Share In This AWESOME MUST SEE VIDEO
Securing the American Dream (Marcus' Story) ....the "LONE SURVIVOR STORY" .. Marcus Luttrell. every American , endorsement of Gov. Perry ..
Republican presidential candidate Texas Gov. Rick Perry's Thanksgiving message focuses on giving thanks to our military, and comes from a decorated Navy SEAL Perry refers to as a "second son." In the web video, fellow Texan Marcus Luttrell, shares his heroic story fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, and praises the man he says he often calls on for fatherly advice.
Luttrell was born and raised in Huntsville, Texas. He received the Navy Cross for his actions in Afghanistan during Operation Red Wing.
Luttrell says he's not a political person, but in the web video he gives Perry a resounding endorsement. "He's one of the most honorable men I've ever met. As far as character and honor and commitment and all those words that most people use as a punch line, he lives that stuff. It's those characteristics in a man, and especially in him, that I think embody what the president of the United States should be."
In 2005, Luttrell and SEAL Team 10 were on a mission to kill or capture a high-ranking Taliban leader. His team came across two goat herders in a ravine. They took a vote, and decided to let the herders go. And about an hour later, the team found itself in an intense gun battle with up to 100 Taliban fighters.
Luttrell's entire SEAL team was killed. He walked seven miles to evade capture, and was eventually sheltered by an Afghan tribe, until American forces were able to rescue him six days later.
The campaign says Luttrell met Rick and Anita Perry while they were on a trip to San Diego, back in 2006. A Marine Corps aviator they were introduced to on the trip invited the Perrys to a SEAL graduation ceremony, where they met Marcus.
Marcus and the Perrys went to dinner together that night and he told them his story. They stayed in close contact, especially after Marcus returned to Texas.
Perry is an Air Force veteran who flew C-130 tactical airlifts from 1972 to 1977. He has often said, "There is no other state that takes care of its veterans better than the state of Texas.
Perry lists as those commitments: programs providing emotional support to returning vets; housing assistance for vets; the most success of all 50 states in finding vets work; and eliminating property taxes for 100-percent disabled vets.
For his part, Luttrell started the Lone Survivor Foundation, a nonprofit foundation dedicated to building a therapeutic ranch facility to support veterans and their families affected by post-traumatic stress disorder and serious combat injury.
Luttrell wrote a New York Times bestseller based on his experiences. Universal Studios is also making "Lone Survivor" into a movie.
Wild Thing's comment............
Thank you Marcus Luttrell and Rick Perry. God bless you both BIG TIME!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (2)
November 23, 2011
Rick Perry and Bachmann Disagree On Suspending Aid To Pakistan
Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann and Texas Gov. Rick Perry are clashing over whether the United States should continue to provide more than $1 billion in aid to Pakistan. (
Wild Thing's comment........
Just watched a Frontline episode about the terrorist who planned Mumbai.
Of course he and his group were supported by the Pakistani military and the ISI.
I would really doubt any intelligence coming out of that cesspool. I disagree with Bachmann that we should give them any money.
Perry and Bachmann disagreed over suspending aid to Pakistan.
Perry would suspend aid until Pakistan demonstrates that it would be a trusting ally however Bachmann believes that to be highly naive and would continue aid to Pakistan because she worries that their nukes would fall into the hands of the Taliban or Al-Qaeda/
Cut them off. Freaking Bin Laden was being sheltered by their government! I agree with Perry! Scrap it out and start all over again after proven negotiations!
I have to share this too. LOL this is so funny.
Rick Santorum said, "Africa is a country on the brink." Ron Paul smirked. Herman Cain nodded in agreement.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM
Perry Responds To Deficit, Defense Spending Question
Since the 12-member congressional panel was unable to find $1.2 trillion in budget savings, across-the-board spending cuts are slated to kick in -- including a large chunk in defense spending that pro-defense conservatives are protesting. President Obama said on Monday that he would veto any effort to roll back the supercommittee "triggers."
"It was reprehensible, for me, for this president to stand in front of Americans and to say that that half a trillion dollars, $500 million-plus is not going to be on the table and we're just going to have to work our way through it, putting young men and women's life in jeopardy," Perry said in a CNN debate on foreign policy Tuesday. "Even his own secretary of defense said it was irresponsible. As a matter of fact, if Leon Panetta is an honorable man, he should resign in protest."
Perry blamed Mr. Obama for what he called the "super failure."
"We had a president of the United States who is not a leader. He pitched this over to them and said, here, you all figure this out," Perry said.
Wild Thing's comment........
I love the passion Perry has, he will always look out for our troops and their needs.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM
November 22, 2011
GOP Candidate Gov. Rick Perry Joins Bret Baier's 'Special Report' In The Center Seat ~ GREAT Interview
Gov. Perry on Failure of Super Committee
GOP candidate joins 'Special Report' All-Star panel
Perry Talks Syria, United Nations
GOP candidate joins 'Special Report' All-Star panel
Wild Thing's comment........
I wish the many interviews that all of us see ONLINE would be shown on TV like this one with Bret and his people. Perry is so impressive in these interviews. He is so right for the job of President!!!! Perry truly walks the talk. I love the way he answers questions, he looks the person straight in the eye, explains clearly so no one will not get it unless they are trying hard to be stupid. ( imo) He does NOT speak in ad jingle like Cain and he does NOT talk down to you like Newt. Perry is REAL and authentic and a true conservative!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (2)
November 21, 2011
Interview of Beautiful First Lady of Texas Anita Perry (Videos)
Anita Perry Interview - Part 1
Anita Perry Interview - Part 2
The first lady of Texas agrees with her husband Rick Perry, President Obama’s health care policies are socialist. Yes, Anita Perry went there too. “It is socialized medicine. People can call it what they want– nationalized health care, that is what it is in my opinion,” Mrs. Perry told Fox News.
In fact, Mrs. Perry says her strong feelings about health care reform are why she wanted her husband to run for president. “I don’t like socialized medicine and that’s the path we’re going. We have the greatest health care system, why would we want to change it,” Perry says.
Mrs. Perry’s background qualifies her to talk about health care. She was a practicing nurse in Texas for 17 years, working in surgery, pediatrics, intensive care, administration and teaching. She has advocated for health care issues as the governor’s wife, and has continued talking about it on the trail, making stops at hospitals and nursing schools.
When pressed on why she feels Obama’s health care policies are socialist, she points to her father, a “bed side” physician who told her, “‘the moment we take a dollar from the federal government they will tell us how to start practicing medicine.’” Perry went on to say she agrees with him that “every American should have the choice they want. To have that physician they want.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Anita Perry is first class and so is Rick. What a great couple they are.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (2)
Rick Perry New Ad : Outsider
Wild Thing's comment........
He does excellent ads and we have been seeing his ads on TV here in Florida as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (4)
November 20, 2011
Presidential Thanksgiving Family Forum – Complete Video
Thanksgiving Family Forum – Complete Video
Presidential Thanksgiving Family Forum, hosted by Frank Luntz. It runs for about 2 hours and has Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul, Rick Sanoturm, Rick Perry, Herman Cain, and Newt Gingrich.
Mitt Romney and Huntsman would NOT participate, they were asked but refused.
Wild Thing's comment........
Before you watch the video I would like to tell you all something. I just finished watching the Thanksgiving Family Forum . Crying oh my gosh the sharing that went on was powerful. The thing I wanted to share about if you watch it, is to look at Rick Perry as he listens. His compassion, his leaning in toward each candidate that speaks and shares a story of how God has been powerful in their lives etc. Here is a man, Rick Perry, that has been attacked horribly by Herman Cain, has had the race card used against him by Herman Cain, has been omitted by Cain as to who he would support for President etc. and when Cain broke down a little telling how hearing he had 4 stage cancer.....RICK PERRY... reached his strong hand and rubbed the shoulder of Herman Cain like one would do to show support especially what a man might to do a close friend to show support and understanding. Would Cain have done that I would bet my life on it he would not. When others told their stories Cain pretty much was stone. But Perry did this and one would have to be blind not to see the kind of a man that Perry is to his core. He is a man that impresses me every single day how he thinks, what he has done as Gov. and a leader and what he will do as President. I wish this forum had been on TV so people could have seen Perry in this.
I only wrote about Perry because yes I support him but also it was something that really stood out to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (3)
Rick Perry: What To Do On A Day Off
Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry explained that shooting sniper rifles was his version of golf.
“This is my golf,” the candidate said, praising the owners of a gun shop that “make the finest sniper rifles in the world.”
“I’m still trying to get a hole in one,” Perry’s voice is heard saying over video of him firing one of the rifles.
“For me it’s really relaxing and getting to come hang out with what I consider to be patriots, the men and women that work here.”
Watch this video from Rick Perry 2012, broadcast Sept. 28, 2011
Wild Thing's comment........
Love this. I know I posted another one about his not being a golfer but this one is a little different and I thought you might like to see it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (4)
November 19, 2011
Rick Perry on Cavuto Show - November 18, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry talks about his plan to overhaul Washington, his flat tax proposal, congressional insider trading, and other reasons why the DC Establishment is scared of his policy proposals.
Wild Thing's comment.....
This was a really good interview. I got to watch it live and am so glad it is on video so I can share it with you.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (3)
November 18, 2011
Rick Perry The Only Candidate To Have the Vision Of The Tea Party Movement
Rick Perry: Last, Best Hope to Fight Washington, D.C. Corruption
(Nov. 17, 2011) — Washington, D.C. is hopelessly corrupt. None of the critical problems America is currently facing will be resolved without effectively addressing the blatant dishonesty and frequent criminality of politicians and their wealthy facilitators.
Corruption in Washington, D.C. can assume many forms.
Financial corruption
Peter Schweizer’s new book “Throw Them All Out” reveals a pattern of suspicious stock trading by members of Congress from both parties based on their financial disclosure statements and legislative activities.
In our current get-rich Congress, every member of the House and Senate can mix business with governing by trading stocks and making land deals while considering major pieces of legislation.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) – When Visa went public in March 2008, then-Speaker of the House Pelosi and her husband bought some of their shares at the opening IPO price—access that would be virtually impossible for the average individual investor.
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) – Baucus played a central role in forging the health-care-reform bill. As he was negotiating with pharmaceutical companies and putting his imprint on the legislation, Baucus was also buying and selling health-care stocks.
Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) – John and Teresa Heinz Kerry made numerous trades in health-care stocks, buying almost $750,000 in Teva Pharmaceuticals in November 2009 alone, while Kerry actively pushed Obama-care as a member of the health-care subcommittee.
Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) – Polis sat on two committees central to the crafting and language of Obama’s health-care bill. At the same time, he invested millions of dollars in stocks and funds related to health care and pharmaceuticals.
Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL) – After learning in a September 2008 briefing with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Fed chairman Ben Bernanke that the financial markets were in deep trouble, Bachus began aggressively buying and selling stock options.
Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) – On Dec. 10, 2009, then-House Minority Leader Boehner bought tens of thousands of dollars of health-care stocks, including in health-insurance companies. On Dec. 15, The Washington Post declared that the “public option” for health insurance was dead.
Rep. Shelley Capito (R-WV) – After a briefing with Paulson and Bernanke, Capito sold between $100,000 and $250,000 shares of Citigroup; she and her husband accrued as much as $50,000 in capital gains from Citigroup transactions made throughout the crisis.
Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) – When Hastert was Speaker of the House, he inserted a $207 million earmark into a federal highway bill for a parkway near land he owned in rural Illinois. When he first went to Congress in 1986, Hastert’s net worth was less than $300,000. When he retired in 2007, it was close to $11 million.
Legal corruption
Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced that it has obtained three new documents that provide additional information about Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan and the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) while she served as solicitor general. Justice Kagan has said she was not actively involved in the Department of Justice (DOJ) discussions regarding Obamacare. Moreover, the Supreme Court justice did not recuse herself from the High Court decision in April 2011 not to “fast-track” for Supreme Court review Virginia’s lawsuit challenging Obamacare.
“These new emails are bound to raise additional questions about whether Justice Kagan ought to participate in High Court deliberations on Obamacare. Certainly, if these documents were known at the time of her confirmation, there may have been quite a different Senate debate. The Obama Justice Department dumped these documents just before a holiday weekend, hoping they would go unnoticed. This slow-walking of documents out of the Obama Justice Department is scandalous and makes one wonder what other information they are sitting on,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Attorney Leo Donofrio has evidence conclusively establishing that, during the run-up to the 2008 election, 25 U.S. Supreme Court opinions referencing Minor v. Happersett (1875), the case which proves that Obama is an illegal President, were sabotaged, then republished at Justia.com, the main resource on the web for all things related to United States Supreme Court holdings. According to that report, Justia.com CEO Tim Stanley was associated with Obama For America 2008.
Intellectual and Character corruption
Barack Hussein Obama would not today be occupying the office of President of the United States if members of Congress had honored their oaths of office, upheld the Constitution and respected the rule of law.
Members of Congress are fully aware that Obama is a Constitutionally illegal President and has committed felonies both before and after occupying the Oval Office.
Obama is, according to the U.S. Constitution an illegal President, who has committed felonies both before and after occupying the Oval Office.
Because exposure of the Obama fraud and criminal activity would reveal the depth of corruption in the two-party system, a conspiracy of silence is maintained and a deliberate misinformation campaign is conducted by the Republican and Democrat Parties and their facilitators in the mainstream media to mislead the American people.
Addressing the corrupt status quo
Admittedly, I am distrustful of politicians and skeptical regarding the promises they make.
Despite these reservations, Texas Governor Rick Perry is the only Presidential candidate who has thus far addressed the corruption issue as a major part of his campaign platform.
Perry’s proposals include:
Members of Congress are too entrenched in Washington, out-of-touch, and frankly do little to actually benefit the American people while they are in session. Work to establish a part-time, Citizen Congress, cut congressional pay in half and repeal the rules that prevent members of Congress from holding real jobs in their home states and communities.
Criminalize insider trading by members of Congress.
Congressional office budgets have doubled since 2000. Freeze federal civilian hiring and salaries until the budget is balanced.
End lifetime appointments of federal judges by instituting an 18-year term limit.
No more bank bailouts, no earmarks for pet projects and no spending beyond the country’s means.
The Obama Administration is the most corrupt in U.S. history only because our elected officials in Washington, D.C. have aided or abetted it.
Wild Thing's comment........
At last there's a candidate, Rick Perry, who has the chutzpah to confront DC corruption.
One of the many things Perry has spoken about is the corruption in D.C. and how government is too much in our lives. These were things the tea party movement hammered about. I think once the people realize it is Perry and no one else that is answering the call from the tea party movement they will come to their senses, yes I mean senses and see that Perry is the only true candidate to restore America. I pray this happens because all the others are just kissing up to us saying what we think we want to hear some doing it well and others half assed. But Perry has done it in Texas and he will do it across America if he is elected.
So I say wake up tea party movement.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (2)
November 17, 2011
Awesome Rick Perry Ad Hammers Obama for Calling Americans “Lazy”; Says “Obama’s Socialist Policies are Bankrupting America”
Perry telling it like it is. He takes President Obama to task for calling Americans “lazy,” and he flat out says, “Obama’s socialist policies are bankrupting America.”
Wild Thing's comment........
It will be such an honor to vote for Rick Perry. I can hardly wait.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (4)
November 14, 2011
Rick Perry On Saving the Lives of our Troops
During Saturday night’s debate between the current GOP hopefuls, Governor Rick Perry of Texas responded to congressman Ron Pauls accusations that waterboarding was torture.
..."Where there are people who would kill them (American soldiers) in a heartbeat, under any circumstances and use any technique that they can… For us not to have the ability to try to extract information from them, to save our young people’s lives, is a travesty. This is war! That’s what happens in war! And I am for using the techniques, not toruture, but using those techniques that we know will extract the information to save young American lives and I will be for it until I die. " ~ Rick Perry during the debate 11/12/2011
Wild Thing's comment........
I love how he spoke up to Ron Paul. I get so upset when idiots say waterboarding did not do any good when we have proof that it has.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (3)
November 13, 2011
Tough Talk, Humor Set Perry Apart At Latest Debate
Tough Talk, Humor Set Perry Apart At Latest Debate
By Richard Dunham
Houston Chronicle/Hearst Washington Bureau
SPARTANBURG, S.C. — The first foreign policy debate of the Republican presidential campaign was a mix of tough talk and sly humor, as the candidates took turns Saturday night denouncing President Barack Obama’s foreign policy and Texas Gov. Rick Perry tried to rehabilitate his campaign with several quips about his forgetful answer in the last debate.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann led the criticism of Obama’s Middle Eastern policies, with Bachmann declaring that the president’s miscalculations were leading to a “worldwide nuclear war against Israel.”
Romney said Obama’s inability to stymie Iran’s nuclear ambitions is his “greatest failing from a foreign policy standpoint.”
But while the candidates were unanimous in their contempt for the Democratic incumbent, they sharply disagreed about the use of waterboarding, U.S. aid to Pakistan, relations with China and strategies for ending the war in Afghanistan.
Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman were the lone voices of opposition to so-called “enhanced interrogation” of prisoners and continuing military deployment in Afghanistan.
“Torture is illegal,” said Paul, a Republican congressman from suburban Houston. “I think it’s uncivilized … and is really un-American.”
Perry, whose performance in Wednesday’s debate in Michigan led some pundits to predict his demise as a candidate, was by turns forceful and humorous at the 90-minute debate sponsored by CBS News, National Journal and the South Carolina Republican Party.
When asked by co-moderator Scott Pelley, of CBS News, what he would do with the Energy Department’s nuclear weapons programs if he eliminated that agency — the very one Perry could not recall during Wednesday’s debate — the governor quipped, “Glad you remembered it.”
“I’ve had some time to think about it, sir,” Pelley volleyed.
“Me, too,” Perry said with a smile.
But Perry turned serious when he took Paul to task for opposing waterboarding or other harsh interrogation techniques.
“This is war,” Perry said. “This is what happens in war … And I will be for it until I die.”
Billed as “the commander-in-chief debate,” the encounter at Wofford College focused on international policy and national security issues. And while Perry has little experience on foreign policy — he boasted that he was “commander in chief” of more than 20,000 Texas National Guard troops — he made several major policy pronouncements that set him apart from the pack.
Perry, for example, was the only candidate to call for sanctions against Iran’s central bank, predicted that China, like the Soviet Union, will be relegated to “the ash heap of history,” and advocated dismantling current foreign aid programs and forcing each nation to explain why it should receive any assistance from Uncle Sam.
The Texas governor did not attack any of his rivals Saturday and received praise from Gingrich, who has surged into the top tier of candidates in recent polls. Gingrich seconded Perry’s foreign aid proposal: “What he said made absolutely perfect sense,” Gingrich said.
Perry’s supporters were euphoric after the debate and predicted it was the start of a monumental comeback.
“It was a home run and answered any questions about his abilities,” said former South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Katon Dawson. “We saw the Rick Perry that we all know and love.”
This was from the other day Perry went on with Megyn Kelly, he did an excellent interview. ~ Wild Thing
Rick Perry talked to Megyn Kelly about his “oops” move at the debate on America Live and said, “I really stepped in it that’s for sure, and in fact, some of it’s still stuck on my feet.”
He went on to say, “People understand. You make mistakes. Things don’t come out of your mouth right, but we talked about a lot of important issues like my tax plan.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Perry's humor about the gaffe showed he can laugh at himself, a good trait for us all.
This time in the debate, Perry did not hold back, he was strong and confident. I was very impressed how well he did. Love it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (2)
Perry Great At CBS News Debate Saturday Night
from The Teen Conservative ~ I love this, this is a site for teens and God bless these future voters.~ Wild Thing
The Winner of the CBS News Debate Is…Nov 12, 2011 ........RICK PERRY
Breaking news: The Texas governor is not out of the race just yet. We all remember Perry’s horrific performance in the CNBC Debate earlier this week, and so did Rick. He fired back tonight like no other. With plenty of applause moments and zingers, he clearly planned to win this debate. While there were really no apparent losers, Perry clearly had an edge over others with his military experience. This is what Perry supporters were wanting, hopefully he can keep it up.
Also toward the very end of the video, the camera pans to Perry's wife and daughter.
Perry Takes a Page from The Gipper
So Perry was quick to cut off CBS’ Scott Pelley, one of the debate moderators in South Carolina, when he began a question, saying, “Governor Perry, you advocate the elimination of the Department of Energy. If you eliminate the Department of Energy...”
“I'm glad you remembered it,” interjected Perry with a big smile as the audience broke into applause and laughter. Pelley responded, “I've had some time to think about it, sir.” And Perry shot back again to even more laughter, “Me, too.”
Far from being uptight after his earlier stumble, Perry was loose even before the debate. Backstage before the TV lights came on, Perry said to fellow candidate Rick Santorum, “So tonight if I need a lifeline, I'm just gonna look to you, OK?”
"Perry’s use of humor was reminiscent of Reagan’s rebound in 1984 after the then-president's performance in that year's first presidential debate with Democratic nominee Walter F. Mondale raised questions about whether age had dulled Reagan's mental quickness. At the second debate, Reagan was ready when he question came up. “I will not make age an issue in this campaign," he said. "I'm not going ...to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience.” The lasting image from that debate is Mondale laughing heartily at the joke at his expense. And the question of Reagan’s age was put to rest for the campaign."
Anita Perry Knocks on Doors to Promote Husband
SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Donning a rhinestone “PERRY 2012″ pin on her sweater, Anita Perry knocked on doors on the tree-lined Fairlane Drive here in South Carolina this morning, pressing residents to consider voting for her husband in this presidential election.
“I’m out walking and hoping I can get people to vote for Rick Perry this morning for president,” she said as she spoke with a voter in the doorway of her home.
One woman told Perry she hoped the governor would perform better in Saturday night’s debate, but noted his slip-up Wednesday night showed he was human.
“Maybe he won’t stumble tonight,” the woman told Perry as she walked down the steps of her home.
“I hope not,” Perry answered with a laugh.
“That’s OK, that was quite fun. I think it showed he was human-like,” the woman said.
Anita Perry walked the neighborhood with Katon Dawson, the chair of the Perry campaign in South Carolina, and volunteers who continued the block walk after the Texas first lady left.
Dawson said most South Carolinians are still undecided in this election, and he argued Perry’s handling of the slip-up in Wednesday’s debate has proven he possesses the leadership and character that will resonate with voters, regardless of how difficult the recovery from the blunder will be.
“Rick Perry’s going to fit really well with this state, and his leadership ability, his character integrity have shown in the last couple of days,” Dawson said. “It’s never easy. It wasn’t easy before. I mean, ‘Oops’ kind of made it human, you know. I mean at the end of the day, it was something that happened.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Lots of good things from the debate I wanted to share with all of you.
What a fantastic first lady Anita Perry would make! As First Lady of Texas, she has been an active advocate for nursing and other health care issues. The Anita Thigpen Perry Endowment at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio focuses on nutrition, cardiovascular disease, health education, and early childhood development. In 2008, the Anita Thigpen Perry School of Nursing at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center was renamed in her honor.
AND she is a Republican who votes for Conservative candidates and values. Not sure what we would do with ANOTHER Democrat first lady who votes for liberal candidates and issues like Herman Cains wife.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (2)
Perry, Gingrich Standout in GOP Debate Last Night (11-12-11)
Perry, Gingrich standout in GOP debate
Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry turned in is strongest debate performance of the campaign Saturday, though former House Speaker Newt Gingrich stole the show by schooling debate moderators on terrorist assassinations and refusing their efforts to get him to criticize frontrunner Mitt Romney.
With the nation's economy resisting recovery and joblessness stubbornly high, foreign policy issues have played only a minor role in the GOP debates this election cycle. But those issues took center stage in Saturday’s meeting in South Carolina, a crucial early-primary state.
Compared to past debates, Perry turned in a strong performance and even managed to joke about suffering brain freeze during last week’s debate when he forgot the name of the Energy Department, one of three agencies he was pledging to eliminate if elected president.
Romney used the appearance to showcase a broad knowledge of foreign policy issues. Herman Cain, who shares the top of the polls with Romney, escaped any questions about the growing scandal involving accusations that he has sexually harassed women in the past. But Cain has yet to really demonstrate detailed understanding of many foreign policy issues and several times avoided giving specific answers, instead falling back on his often-used answer that he will first have to consult with his military advisors and gather more information.
Cain won applause in the CBS/National Journal debate when he announced that he would revive waterboarding – simulated drowning often categorized as torture – as a legal interrogation technique, as did Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota.
"If I were president, I would be willing to use waterboarding," Bachmann said. "I think it was very effective. It gained information for our country."
One of Perry's stand-out moments came when he offered a passionate defense of allowing the military to use other enhanced interrogation techniques, which the Obama administration has prohibited.
"This is war," Perry said, adding that he believed the technique would be used to save American lives. "That is what happens in war."
Perry also scored points with the audience when he pledged to zero-out the nation's foreign aid budget and instead let counties make their case to the United States as to why the should receive money. Perry said countries like Pakistan, which has harbored terrorists including Osama bin Laden and where some within the government may be working against the United States, may not get much aid under his administration. Perry helped to set part of Saturday night’s agenda, calling to cut off aid to Pakistan. He pledged full support for Israel, however.
Gingrich, who has been experiencing a surge in the polls, once again sparred with the debate’s moderators, this time over when it would be considered legal to sign a death warrant for an American citizen overseas who is thought to be a terrorist. The question referenced Anwar al-Awlaki, a Yemeni-American who was killed by a U.S. sanctioned drone strike last month.
Pelley referred to al-Awlaki as a "terrorist suspect," and Gingrich lectured that al-Awlaki had been found guilty by a special panel.
"The correct thing in an act of war is to kill people who are trying to kill you," Gingrich said. "If you engage in war against the United States, you are an enemy combatant. You have none of the civil liberties of the United States. You cannot go to court."
Gingrich, who has made sparring with moderators standard operating procedure during debates, had earlier zinged the moderator for asking the former speaker to elaborate on his recent accusation that Romney lacks the ability to change Washington.
"Would you care to evaluate Gov. Romney's ability to think outside the box and change the United States national security or foreign policy perspectives?" Gingrich was asked.
"No," he said to audience applause.
Wild Thing's comment........
Some positivei write ups have been coming in since the debate.
It was great when Perry said about the zero funding to all countries and start fresh then Newt backed him up and agreed with him. Perry went on to say even Israel but that Israel is already a proven friend. The whole thing went really well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (3)
November 10, 2011
Why I Will Continue to Support Perry ~ Excellent Article!
Why I Will Continue to Support Perry
By the time you are reading this, people in all 57 states, civilians and corpsemen alike, will know that Perry had a horrible gaffe at tonight’s debate because he forgot his third department to cut. This will overshadow what was otherwise a solid debate by him (I know, I know, “Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?”)
Despite his gaffe, I still support Rick Perry. Going into tonight’s debate, Perry was the only candidate who I felt had a great combination of strong executive experience and a record of fighting Washington and advancing conservative causes. Coming out of tonight’s debate, Perry is still the only candidate who has a great combination of strong executive experience and a record of fighting Washington and advancing conservative causes. And he will still have a strong record of conservative leadership after he finishes his waffle.
Rick Perry may not know off the top of his head which three departments he would like to cut, but he does know how to cut spending. Under Perry for the first time since World War II, Texas cut its budget, (take that W.), not by growing the budget less than proposed, but by actually spending less than it did in the previous budget. Every budget that Rick Perry signed was a balanced budget. We need someone with a strong record of fiscal responsibility to right the ship, when even the Republicans in Washington are willing to sell us out to the SuperCommittee by raising taxes now for the promise of future cuts that never come.
Rick Perry may not know how to develop debate points, but he knows how to develop a pro-business environment. The thing that this country needs most can be summed up in three letters: J-O-B-S. Texas has created one million net jobs during his tenure in Texas, during that same time, the country as a whole lost 2.5 million net jobs. Texas added four seats in the latest census because of the number of people moving to Texas in order to find work. Indeed, CNBC named Texas it’s number one state for business in 2010. And just like when the stock market crashed and Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television to explain what happened, Rick Perry will explain how overregulation and overtaxation are killing employment in America.
Rick Perry may fight against words, but he also fights against Washington. Texas has fought against overregulation by the EPA; the Department of Education; State Department, and The Department of Immigration and Naturalization Services, just to name a few.
Rick Perry is not a good debater. Rick Perry is a good leader and a solid conservative. If we can’t have all three in a candidate, I would rather have the guy who knows how to put conservative policies into action and show that they can work through example, rather than a candidate who can explain why conservative policies are great on paper, but never plans to implement them. Showing that your policies work in practice and not just on paper, translates to any language: including Texan and Austrian, or anywhere else your trip on the Intercontinental Railroad will take you.
Can Perry best Obama in a debate? I don’t know. What I do know is that people are seeing that Obama’s policies don’t work, and that even Perry can show that his do. People understand that. What I also know is that when consevative policies are implemented and get the economy growing again, people aren’t going to remember what was said in some debate.
I will gladly pass over Rick Perry the next time I need to pick a debate partner. I will gladly continue to support Rick Perry the next time I need to choose a president.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama stated there are 57 states, Romney can't remember his wife or how long they have been married.
But who is the one that will be crucified for not remembering something it will be Perry. And you know what I could care less. He smiled and said he could not remember, that is being honest and certainly no crime.
I do hope you read the article above it is really good and well worth the read.
For me I am truly honored to support Perry for President.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (3)
Post Debate Video of Rick Perry ~ Sincere, down to earth....a Great man!
Wild Thing's comment........
Since you all probably saw the debate last night I thought you might like to see this POST debate video of Perry. I love so much how he speaks afterward and answers questions. He is so natural with people in this kind of a setting.
I love this tweet by Perry. I checked Perry's website and they had a live tweet going on after the debate. It it is own tweet and it says.....
Governor Perry: "Really glad I wore my boots 2nite because I stepped in it out there. I did still name 2 agencies to eliminate. Obama has never done that!"
I have to tell you this was something that if I had not been for him already it would have sealed the deal. His being positive, his joke like that about Obama...the whole thing was so good.
Romney forgot how many years he has been married so he messed up in the debate. When it happened he joked about it. OK here is the difference...Perry forgets the word Energy and he smiles and admits he can't remember. But who is the one the RINO'S and media will crucify????
"Have at it " as Perry would say.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (3)
November 09, 2011
A Not To Miss Interview With Rick Perry by ABC's Christiane Amanpour ~ Video
GOP presidential candidate discusses 2012 race with ABC's Christiane Amanpour.
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL I know I say that a lot that he does a great interview, but it is true. This one he is asked some questions he has not been asked before. So it makes it better in that way too.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (2)
November 08, 2011
Rick Perry’s parents say their son is strong medicine needed by a sickly nation
Rick Perry’s parents say their son is strong medicine needed by a sickly nation
PAINT CREEK, Texas — Rick Perry may be the 61-year-old governor of Texas, and a candidate for president of the United States, but he’s always going to be Amelia Perry’s baby.
And in these parts, you don’t talk bad about a woman’s baby.
Consider this recent exchange at St. John’s Methodist Church in Stamford, a small town about 16 miles from the Perry family’s homestead in Paint Creek.
The Rev. John Erwin stood in the pulpit of the historic church and offered what many may consider a sad but safe observation about the world — politicians lie.
That’s when 82-year-old Amelia Perry’s voice rose above the sermon.
“John, my son is the governor of the great state of Texas,” she said. “And he is not a liar.”
The pastor paused briefly, then galloped on with the message.
A few minutes later, he repeated the fightin’ words — politicians lie.
This time, Amelia Perry stood from her pew.
“I told you once,” she said, her voice icy. “My son is not a liar.”
A moment of uncomfortable silence was followed by waves of laughter.
After years of shooing reporters off their doorstep, Rick Perry’s parents — Ray, an 86-year-old cattleman, and Amelia, an expert quilter — agreed last week to an exclusive, wide-ranging interview with The Dallas Morning News.
The ground rules were this: They would not talk about politics, dignify salacious rumors or criticize their son’s opponents for the GOP nomination.
“I probably shouldn’t be doing this because Rick asked us not to, but somebody needs to know,” said Amelia Perry, handing out candy at a Halloween carnival sponsored by First United Methodist Church in Haskell.
“The country is declining and we need somebody who can turn it around. If we don’t, these children, and my grandchildren, will never know the America we know.”
Ray Perry, who served 28 years on the Haskell County Commissioners Court, sat nearby under a black cowboy hat. His Western shirt is starched crisp, his denim jeans creased.
“Life is a whole lot different out here than it is in Dallas,” he said, motioning to swarms of children buzzing by in costumes. “I’m 86 years old. What business do I have sitting out here watching these little kiddos?
“I don’t believe they do that in Dallas. They’re not as close as we are out here in sparsely populated West Texas.”
The Perrys say their son’s church training, pull-yourself-up-by-your-own-bootstraps work ethic and straight-shootin’ style is the strong medicine needed by a sickly nation.
“The way we look at it, this country needs Rick Perry because he’s the kind of person who will lead,” said his daddy. “We certainly don’t need another Obama; we don’t make any bones about that.”
For the most part, the Perrys painted their son in the pastels used by proud parents.
“I may be a little biased, but I don’t think he’s perfect and I don’t always agree with him,” said Amelia Perry. “But he’s smarter than I am and he wants what’s best for America.”
On more controversial topics — sexual harassment allegations against current Republican front-runner Herman Cain or the racial epithet once painted on a rock at the family’s hunting lodge — they offered a simple “No comment.”
‘Little bitty’ politician
The Perry family’s political heritage extends at least back to the 1880s in West Texas when the governor’s great-great-grandfather, W.D. Hamilton, served in the state Legislature from Trinity County. His grandfather and father were both elected leaders in Haskell County.
Politics is in the blood, and Ray Perry said he could see it in his son when he was 7 or 8 at the former Methodist Church in Paint Creek.
Before each service, men would gather outside in knots to discuss issues of the day.
Little Rick Perry started on the outside of the circle, but it didn’t take long for him to work his way inside. He wanted to be heard.
“He’s always been a politician, ever since he’s been little bitty,” said Ray Perry. “He’d get hold of one of those coattails and tug on it. He wanted those men to recognize him, and he’d even join in the conversation.”
Perry raised 4-H animals and thrived in the Boy Scouts, where he eventually earned an Eagle Scout badge. He was the popular quarterback of Paint Creek High School, which, because of its size, played six-man football.
The scheme fit Perry, who was a scrawny teenager but a fast one. When he would get on the edge, or turn the corner, he often went all the way.
Making a name
That was his style in politics, too.
Perry was elected to the state House of Representatives in 1984 as a Democrat.
In six years, he earned a reputation as a fiscal conservative who would occasionally vote to open the state’s checkbook.
In 1989, he defected to the GOP and ran against popular Democratic Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower.
The Perrys said they were not surprised when their son pulled off the long-shot victory.
“You won’t find anyone who works harder when he’s campaigning than Rick Perry,” said his dad. “He works at it constantly. The first time he ran for statewide office, people would say, ‘Rick who?’
“But Rick had a Cessna 310, and he was a pilot. He absolutely wore that airplane out campaigning around the state.”
He has since been elected Texas lieutenant governor, took over the state’s highest office in December 2000 when George W. Bush resigned to become president and won three full terms as governor, in 2002, 2006 and 2010.
On Aug. 13, Perry announced in South Carolina that he would seek the Republican nomination for president.
‘He works hard’
Amelia Perry said everyone believes their children are the smartest, strongest and most beautiful creatures on earth. She did, too, while raising Rick Perry and his older sister, Milla.
But there were times she sensed something special in the boy with a square jaw and thick flop of brown hair.
During his sophomore year in high school, Rick Perry asked his daddy for two things — a drum set and a motorcycle.
His daddy replied, “I’m not buying you a drum set and I’ll never buy you a motorcycle, but you can have a horse.”
So, they found a sturdy pony at a fair price and drove out to Big Spring to pick him up.
When they got back to their ranch, Ray Perry told his son to untie the horse and ease him out of the trailer.
Moments later, his son was screaming.
The horse had reared on its hind legs and come down on the young boy. His arm was snapped, and a piece of jagged bone protruded from the skin.
Perry’s arm was eventually set in Abilene, about 60 miles away.
Doctors weren’t sure it would ever work right again.
But Rick Perry wanted to play football his senior year of high school, and he dreamed of flying. So, he took to physical therapy with gusto — push-ups, pull-ups for hours each week, building back the muscle and mobility.
“He wasn’t a large teenager, but he wanted to play football,” his mother said. “By the time he went back to school that next fall, he had grown 3 or 4 inches and put on 14 or 15 pounds.
“He works hard. Rick Perry works hard at everything he does.”
After graduating from Texas A&M, Perry did join the Air Force and become a pilot. He flew C-130 transport planes around the globe, retiring in 1977 with the rank of captain.
“I think the big jolt for Rick Perry was when he came home from the Air Force and moved back into his bedroom at home,” said his mother. “He had been a captain in the Air Force and he’d been all over the world, commanding those boys.”
In some ways, it was a time of self-discovery.
After leaving the Air Force, Perry was so glad to be home he said he would never leave Haskell County. But it didn’t take long for him to realize the wide-open prairie wouldn’t hold his dreams.
His parents said he would take off for days at a time, with nothing but a bedroll, his horse and old dog named Kelly.
“He was a farm boy and a rancher’s son and he just liked this West Texas life,” said Amelia Perry. “He might spend a night or two down there by the Brazos River, hunting, and then he’d throw a deer up on the back of the saddle and come on home. He’s just like that.”
‘It could happen’
Rick Perry’s life has changed a lot since those carefree days.
His parents can’t pick him up at the airport, even if they wanted to. And when they walk down the street with their son in Austin, they try to stay in the background.
But in other ways — important ways — Ray and Amelia Perry say their son is the same rough-hewn, square-jawed, level-headed West Texas boy who used to run around in their back pasture.
They say if he wants to president of the United States, God willing, he will be president.
“I was born and raised to think there may be a lot of people who are richer than I am, and prettier than I am, but there’s nobody better than I am, as long as I’m trying to live right,” said Amelia Perry.
“And I raised my children that way, to think they can do anything. And I believe it could happen.”
Wild Thing's comment........
What dear parents he has. This ia a special story about them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (4)
November 04, 2011
Rick Perry on the Economy with CNN's John King
Here is the economic portion of the CNN interview with John King on Nov. 3, 2011
Rick Perry scored another very strong interview on CNN's John King USA. Recorded in Iowa, in this segment, Perry makes a forceful argument for his economic plan, the 20% flat tax, by telling King what his response would be to an Obama attack ad. Obama hypothetically can say that the Perry economic plan would be unfavorable to he middle class. Perry's answer, in a nutshell, is what has Obama's economic record done for the middle class? There are 14 million unemployed and we aren't going anywhere fast. The Perry plan, he said, creates an environment where entrepreneurs will feel comfortable about investing in their businesses and that those entrepreneurs will create jobs, and reverse the failed policies of President Obama.
Another very good answer Perry made was to John King's inquiry about what Perry would say to the G-20 meeting in France this week. Perry said that once President Rick Perry got America's economic house in order with lower taxes and cutting spending that his message to Europe would be to follow America's lead. Good stuff.
Comments by the pundits after the interview on John King USA on CNN last night:
John King: "This is a man very comfortable in his skin - very confident man."
Ed Rollins (former Bachmann advisor): "That was an extraordinary interview. If Iowans can see him in the mode he was in today - very confident - very articulate...you turn him loose here in Iowa for 8-9 weeks and he'll be back in this race."
Gloria Borger: "I kept thinking as I was watching this interview, where has this candidate been in the presidential debates?"
Wild Thing's comment........
Perry thank you for being a true leader, a man of integrity and honor and with some 27 years experience making a difference for your State and one day I hope and pray for America as well.
The enitre interview was one of the best I have seen with Perry. Too bad Fox does not come up to par lately on this. O'reilly did a terrible job and made it all about O'reilly. Hannity is so far into Cain that even though Rick did great , Hannity was awful himself.
I am so glad I am able to show you at least this much of the interview.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (5)
November 03, 2011
Rick Perry Was Interviewed on Hannity Last Night ~ Videos
Rick Perry on 'Hannity' Part 1
Rick Perry on 'Hannity' Part 2
Wild Thing's comment.........
Loved this interview, Hannity asks him a lot of questions. Perry is so good at explaining things, so clear and easy to understand.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (2)
November 02, 2011
Rick Perry Offers Advice to Young Marine
Rick Perry Offers Advice to Young Marine
Texas Governor Rick Perry often shows his appreciation for men and women serving in the military, whether it’s on Twitter or in a public speech, and at a townhall in Des Moines Tuesday, Perry offered some advice to a young man entering the Marine Corps this December.
As Perry mingled in the crowd following the townhall, he was approach by Joseph Buhr, an eighteen year old from Altoona, Iowa, who is set to enter basic training for the Marines in December. When he learned the young man would enter the Marines in one month, Perry put his arm around Buhr’s shoulder, drew him in, and whispered in his ear with a few words of advice.
“He told me that if I don’t come across certain challenges along the road of life, I should probably step up my game a bit,” Buhr recounted to ABC News after the exchange. “In the Marine Corps, that actually means quite a bit. You do have to compete quite a bit to succeed in that career.”
“It means a lot coming from a guy who has been very successful in life and who has also been in the military,” Buhr said.
Perry served in the Air Force from 1972 to 1977, flying C-130 tactical aircraft, before returning to Paint Creek, Texas to help on his family’s farm. Buhr said he not only appreciated Perry’s advice, but also found it critical for a president to have military experience in order to fully comprehend the needs and strategy of the military.
“There cannot be a commander in chief who has not serve in the military,” said Buhr. “If he hasn’t served in the military, he doesn’t understand how it works. You need to have knowledge of how things work inside in order to command it.”
Wild Thing's comment........
I love how Perry did this and can relate to our troops and Veterans.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM
November 01, 2011
Sean Hannity Introducing Rick Perry at Freedom Concert ~ Fantastic Video!!
Wild Thing's comment........
I LOVE supporting Rick Perry, it feels so good to know he is the right one to be President. To not have any second thoughts about him and be excited each day to post things about him.
This video I would say is a must see, and any of you that are Perry supporters too please feel free to share it with others.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
October 31, 2011
Rick Perry on "Fox News Sunday" With Chris Wallace ~ an in depth interview
Rick Perry went on Fox News Sunday this is the in depth interview
H/T... The Right Scoop
Wild Thing's comment.........
Perry was terrific in this interview. Chris Wallace was pushing hard on some thigns and Perry did not back down the same with some of the questions after the interview.
Only Rick Perry !!!!!........ please note that NONE of the other candidates ........
None of the other candidates are presently Governors.
None of the other candidates have to deal with a State Legislature.
None of the other candidates have to deal with the crap that comes down from Washington to their state.
None of the other candidates have to deal with a border that the Fed Gov/Obama will not secure.
None of the other candidates have had to deal with Obama’s nonsense for 3 years.
None of the other candidates have governed over the an economy so large, if it were a country, would be 13th in the world.
None of the other candidates have governed over 25 million people.
None of the other candidates have cut taxes, eliminated fraud in state government programs, reduced government spending, reduced regulations, got tort reform through legislation and created an atmosphere in a state that created more than a million jobs even during a recession.
None of the other candidates have overseen natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, drought and major fires.
None of the other candidates have been elected three times.
None of the other candidates have governed over a state with 41 counties each one larger than Rhode Island.
None of the other candidates have governed over a state that has 3 cities that are in the largest 10 in the United States.
None of the other candidates have governed over a land mass area larger than all of New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois combined.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (4)
Rick Perry Has 10 Year Track Record Of Appointing Conservative Judges
The single biggest consideration in a presidential candidate IMHO is their choice of Supreme Court Justices. Perry has a 10 yr track record of appointing nothing but conservatives - No Harriet Myers or David Souters. Only one judge that he has appointed has ever lost reelection. THERE IS NO GUESSING AS TO WHAT KIND OF JUDGE HE WILL APPOINT.
Supreme Court Is Elected, but Bears Perry’s Stamp
In Texas, virtually all judges are elected. But since he took office in 2000, Gov. Rick Perry has picked most of the winners on the state’s highest civil court, the Texas Supreme Court.
For example, in June 2010 Mr. Perry appointed Debra Lehrmann to fill out the term of Harriet O’Neill, who had stepped down. Last November, in her first general election, Ms. Lehrmann went on to handily win a six-year term
To date, only one of Mr. Perry’s 10 Supreme Court appointees has lost a subsequent election to the court. In 2002, Xavier Rodriguez was defeated in the Republican primary, his first. Observers at the time attributed the loss to his Hispanic last name.
Like his predecessors “for generations,” according to Judge Don Willett of the State Supreme Court, Mr. Perry has had the opportunity to appoint so many justices in part because of a financial disincentive for judges to remain on the bench once they are eligible to retire with full state benefits and a pension. Salaries in the private sector can be very alluring.
“The salary economics are pretty stark,” Judge Willett said in an e-mail, adding, “It’s unfortunate when elected officials, judges included, exit before serving their full terms, but the math is unrelenting.”
Second, running as an incumbent, even a newly minted one, has advantages. Donors and lobbying groups are reluctant to go against a sitting justice, or one who has the governor’s stamp of approval.
Whatever the cause, the result is a mostly Perry-appointed Supreme Court that Alex Winslow, the executive director of the liberal consumer advocacy group Texas Watch, said had upheld the governor’s “staunchly pro-defendant and anti-consumer” ideals. (The state’s highest court in criminal matters is the Court of Criminal Appeals.)
Mr. Winslow’s organization analyzed the Supreme Court’s decisions during the 2008-9 term and found that it sided with consumers in 27 percent of cases involving an individual against a corporation or government agency — and it reversed jury verdicts in 72 percent of cases.
But Todd Olsen, a Republican consultant who runs judicial campaigns and is a former vice president of Karl Rove & Company, argues that studies trying to prove that the justices vote as a “Perry block” are problematic and do not account for all variables.
“I don’t think there’s anything clear there,” Mr. Olsen said. “It’s really hard to do a study like that. There are judges who have all had lots of experience. That’s the one thing that is in common among all of them."
Judge Willett took over his predecessor’s six-year term with 15 months remaining when Mr. Perry appointed him in 2005. He said the governor had chosen judges who reflected his judicial philosophy, which Judge Willett described as “unabashedly conservative.” Mr. Perry, he said, understands the importance of judicial appointments and would carry that understanding into the White House were he elected president.
“If you’re president, it’s often your court appointments that seal your legacy with a capital L,” the judge said. “I’m confident Governor Perry gets that, consummately.
“He doesn’t do squishy. His judicial picks, from the Supreme Court on down, will not be philosophical ciphers, but impeccably credentialed conservative stalwarts who act judicially by adjudicating, not politically by legislating.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
For me Perry gets a resounding YESSSSS for President.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (2)
October 30, 2011
Rick Perry's Wonderful Interview On WHO Radio
Rick Perry does an interview. He is fabulous as always.
Wild Thing's comment........
I love how calmly Perry speaks and answers the questions in the video above.
Toward the end of the interview he takes questions and some of the stupid questions I have heard several times online that have been answered sooooo many times. But I realize that is how people are when they want a rino and not a conservative that has spoken the truth and the voter keeps ignoring it. But Perry does an awesome job handling these IMO idiots. hahaha God bless Rick Perry.
Just to let you all know for those that might be interested........Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace , Gov Perry will be on for the full hour!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (2)
October 29, 2011
New Rick Perry Ad.... Excellent!!
Wild Thing's comment.........
LOVE this ad and love how he has Rush in it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (1)
October 27, 2011
Paul Ryan on the Perry Plan: ‘I Can Tell You This: It Would Grow The Economy’
Paul Ryan on the Perry Plan: ‘I Can Tell You This: It Would Grow The Economy’
By Avik Roy
In a conference call today sponsored by the Heritage Foundation, Paul Ryan answered some questions regarding the Perry plan for an optional flat tax.
Ryan once proposed an optional flat tax, with two brackets of 10 and 25 percent. “I can tell you this: it would grow the economy,” Ryan said of the Perry plan. “This enters the good stage of the campaign . . . where the candidates are putting forth actual ideas and bold solutions.”
Ryan made two counter-arguments, one practical and one political, against the concern raised by Shannen Coffin and others that an optional flat tax will increase the complexity of the tax code instead of reducing it. “The practical argument is, people have their lives organized around the current code . . . You’ve got to give people time to adjust and prepare. When you completely convert over to a system by halting a tax expenditure, you [introduce] a lot of economic dislocation to the economy . . . You can smooth that transition.”
Secondly, said Ryan, the optional approach blunts the power of the “tax expenditure lobby” that otherwise persuades Republicans to block fundamental tax reform. He cited an episode from the mid-2000s, when Republicans controlled the House, the Senate, and the presidency, and couldn’t pass fundamental tax reform, because lobbyists convinced Republican members of the House Ways & Means Committee to protect various tax expenditures.
Finally, a point that didn’t come up in the call is that, under Perry’s proposal, individuals who choose to file under the flat-tax process will not be able to go back into the old system. Hence, the idea is to stimulate a voluntary, but unidirectional, migration over to a flat-tax system.
Wild Thing's comment........
Each day now we are hearing from people how they liek Perry's plan.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (1)
October 26, 2011
Perry Flat Tax Plan Wins Conservative Fans
Perry Flat Tax Plan Wins Conservative Fans
Texas Gov. Rick Perry was widely praised by conservatives on Tuesday as he issued his flat tax plan which he hopes will revive his struggling campaign for the White House.
The plan, which reduces corporate and income taxes to 20 percent, would “immediately add trillions of dollars in new wealth to the economy,” Club for Growth president Chris Chocola said, while of Americans for Tax Reform leader Grover Norquist called it “a great step forward.”
The plan would allow taxpayers to pay at the current rates or to adopt the flat tax plan. During his speech Perry waved a postcard saying that would be the size of the average American’s tax return as he compared it with a tax code of 72,000 pages. He claimed the plan’s very simplicity would save $483 billion in tax compliance costs.
“Each individual taxpayer will have a choice,” he said. “You can continue to pay your taxes, as well as the lawyers and accountants, or you can file on a postcard.”
Perry’s plan also eliminates the death tax and taxes on social security payments, while maintaining deductions for mortgage interest, charitable giving and state and local taxes for families earning less than $500,000. It increases standard deductions to $12,500. It also gets rid of the long-tern capital gains tax.
It would give corporations a one-off opportunity to repatriate earnings from abroad – which he estimated at $1.4 trillion – with a reduced tax rate of 5.25 percent. He called that, “The kind of economic stimulus that President Obama could have achieved if he wasn’t so hell-bent on passing big government schemes that have failed American worker.”
Perry said his plan would “shut down the cottage industry of corporate tax evasion,” and offer an incentive for companies to invest once more in America.
“The flat tax will unleash growth, but growth is not enough,” said Perry in his speech. “We must put a stop to this entitlement culture that risks the financial solvency of this country for future generations.”
He said every child born in America immediately owes the federal government $46,000.
In his Wall Street Journal article Perry said, “Fixing America's tax, spending and entitlement cultures will not be easy. But the status quo of byzantine taxes, loose spending and the perpetual delay of entitlement reform is a recipe for disaster.
“Cut, Balance and Grow strikes a major blow against the Washington-knows-best mindset. It takes money from spendthrift bureaucrats and returns it to families. It puts fewer job-killing regulations on employers and more restrictions on politicians. It gives more freedom to Americans to control their own destiny. And just as importantly, the Cut, Balance and Grow plan paves the way for the job creation, balanced budgets and fiscal responsibility we need to get America working again.”
Chocola immediately hailed the proposal. “A Flat Tax like the one proposed by Perry would unleash years of economic growth if it is passed into law,” he said.
“Perry clearly understands that revitalizing the economy should start with a complete overhaul of a tax code that has nearly choked economic growth to death. Conservatives looking for a champion to carry the banner of a pro-growth tax reform will surely rally behind this bold proposal.”
Norquist tweeted his reaction. “TX Governor Rick Perry’s flat tax alternative is great step forward. Doesn’t create a VAT or sales tax that could grow.”
In a second tweet, Norquist added, “Perry’s flat tax has the classic lines of a Steve Jobs’ product. Seamless. ….and Steve Forbes likes it. I’ll take two.”
Forbes – who ran for president on the GOP ticket in 1996 and 2000 with a flat tax as his main platform – is an adviser to Perry and helped draw up the plan. He called it a “win-win all around,” because of its simplicity.
Forbes said the time has come for a flat tax. “People want it, they hunger for it,” he told Fox News. “You saw the reaction to Herman Cain’s plan, even with the sales tax part of it. Rick Perry does not have a sales tax, which is going to make the plan even more appealing.” “It’s going to be very exciting,” he added. “A very low rate, generous exemptions for adults and for children, make it worthwhile to invest in America again, drastically simplifying the tax code, lowering the corporate tax rate.”
CATO scholar Daniel J. Mitchell has reviewed the plan, and gives Perry a solid B+: "As a long-time advocate of a pure flat tax, I'm not happy that Perry has deviated from the ideal approach. But the perfect should not be the enemy of the very good. If implemented, his plan would dramatically boost economic performance and improve competitiveness. All things considered, though, I prefer the flat tax. The 9-9-9 plan combines a 9 percent flat tax with a 9 percent VAT and a 9 percent national sales tax, and I don’t trust that politicians will keep the rates at 9 percent. The worst thing that can happen with a flat tax is that we degenerate back to the current system. The worst thing that happens with the 9-9-9 plan, as I explain in this video, is that politicians pull a bait-and-switch and America becomes Greece or France." Source CATO Institute
Wild Thing's comment........
These are some wonderful quotes about Perry's tax plan.
So we have two awesome plans from Perry...his energy one and this one regarding tax. I am thrilled with both of them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:57 AM | Comments (3)
Rush Limbaugh On Perry's Tax Plan:"I'll go on record as saying I, El Rushbo, think is great. It's fabulous. I like it. "
Rick Perry's Tax Plan is Great
October 25, 2011
For complete transcript PLEASE JUST CLICK HERE
RUSH: Rick Perry announced his tax plan today, which I'll go on record as saying I, El Rushbo, think is great. It's fabulous. I like it.
In fact, the president of the Club for Growth, Chris Chocola, called Rick Perry's new plan "massively pro-growth" in a statement today.
"Rick Perry’s plan for tax reform would be massively pro-growth. A Flat Tax like the one proposed by Perry would unleash years of economic growth if it is passed into law. Furthermore, eliminating the tax on dividends and capital gains would immediately add trillions of dollars in new wealth to the economy, benefiting all Americans. Perry clearly understands that revitalizing the economy should start with a complete overhaul of a tax code that has nearly choked economic growth to death. Conservatives looking for a champion to carry the banner of a pro-growth tax reform will surely rally behind this bold proposal."
Wild Thing's comment........
Great response from Rush.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM
Mark Levin on Perry's Tax Plan: " Perry Has Come Up With One Hell of a Proposal! "
Wild Thing's comment........
Mark starts off discussing Obama and then goes into what he thinks of Rick Perry's plan. Mark also explains it to his listening audience.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (1)
Larry Kudlow on CNBC, the Kudlow Report Host Discusses With Rick Perry's Hisi Tax Paln ~ Great Interview VIDEO
Larry Kudlow on CNBC, the Kudlow Report Host Discusses With Rick Perry's Hisi Tax Paln ~ Great Interview VIDEO
Wild Thing's comment........
This is not a long interview at all and well worth watching it. Perry is strong and clear about what his plan is about.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM
October 25, 2011
My Tax and Spending Reform Plan ..."Cut, Balance and Grow" By Rick Perry
11 am EST economic speech in Gray Court, SC and 3 pm ET press conference at the statehouse in Coumbia, SC.
Tuesday, Oct. 25
** On Tuesday morning, Gov. Perry will unveil the next pillar of his jobs/economic plan at ISO Poly Films and later in the afternoon he will hold a press conference at the South Carolina State House.
You can tune in this morning at 11a.m. Eastern for live stream live video of our "Cut, Balance and Grow" announcement: http://rickperry.org/
** He is also scheduled for an interview on the Bill O’Reilly show on FOX News Tuesday night.
( tonight)
My Tax and Spending Reform Plan
Individuals will have the option of paying a 20% flat-rate income tax and I'll cap spending at 18% of GDP..
The folks in Washington might not like to hear it, but the plain truth is the U.S. government spends too much. Taxes are too high, too complex, and too riddled with special interest loopholes. And our expensive entitlement system is unsustainable in the long run.
Without significant change quickly, our nation will go the way of some in Europe: mired in debt and unable to pay our bills. President Obama and many in Washington seem unable or unwilling to tackle these issues, either out of fear of alienating the left or because they want Americans to be dependent on big government.
On Tuesday I will announce my "Cut, Balance and Grow" plan to scrap the current tax code, lower and simplify tax rates, cut spending and balance the federal budget, reform entitlements, and grow jobs and economic opportunity.
The plan starts with giving Americans a choice between a new, flat tax rate of 20% or their current income tax rate. The new flat tax preserves mortgage interest, charitable and state and local tax exemptions for families earning less than $500,000 annually, and it increases the standard deduction to $12,500 for individuals and dependents.
This simple 20% flat tax will allow Americans to file their taxes on a postcard, saving up to $483 billion in compliance costs. By eliminating the dozens of carve-outs that make the current code so incomprehensible, we will renew incentives for entrepreneurial risk-taking and investment that creates jobs, inspires Americans to work hard and forms the foundation of a strong economy. My plan also abolishes the death tax once and for all, providing needed certainty to American family farms and small businesses.
My plan restores American competitiveness in the global marketplace and provides strong incentives for U.S.-based employers to build new factories and create thousands of jobs here at home.
First, we will lower the corporate tax rate to 20%—dropping it from the second highest in the developed world to a rate on par with our global competitors. Second, we will encourage the swift repatriation of some of the $1.4 trillion estimated to be parked overseas by temporarily lowering the rate to 5.25%. And third, we will transition to a "territorial tax system"—as seen in Hong Kong and France, for example—that only taxes in-country income.
The mind-boggling complexity of the current tax code helps large corporations with lawyers and accountants devise the best tax-avoidance strategies money can buy. That is why Cut, Balance and Grow also phases out corporate loopholes and special-interest tax breaks to provide a level playing field for employers of all sizes.
To help older Americans, we will eliminate the tax on Social Security benefits, boosting the incomes of 17 million current beneficiaries who see their benefits taxed if they continue to work and earn income in addition to Social Security earnings.
We will eliminate the tax on qualified dividends and long-term capital gains to free up the billions of dollars Americans are sitting on to avoid taxes on the gain.
All of these tax cuts will be meaningless if we do not control federal spending. Last year the government spent $1.3 trillion more than it collected, and total federal debt now approaches $15 trillion. By the end of 2011, the Office of Management and Budget expects the gross amount of federal debt to exceed the size of America's entire economy for the first time in over 65 years.
Under my plan, we will establish a clear goal of balancing the budget by 2020. It will be an extremely difficult task exacerbated by the current economic crisis and our need for significant tax cuts to spur growth. But that growth is what will get us to balance, if we are willing to make the hard decisions of cutting.
We should start moving toward fiscal responsibility by capping federal spending at 18% of our gross domestic product, banning earmarks and future bailouts, and passing a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution. My plan freezes federal civilian hiring and salaries until the budget is balanced. And to fix the regulatory excess of the Obama administration and its predecessors, my plan puts an immediate moratorium on pending federal regulations and provides a full audit of all regulations passed since 2008 to determine their need, impact and effect on job creation.
ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank and Section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley must be quickly repealed and, if necessary, replaced by market-oriented, common-sense measures.
America must also once and for all face up to entitlement reform. To preserve benefits for current and near-term Social Security beneficiaries, my plan permanently stops politicians from raiding the program's trust fund. Congressional IOUs are no substitute for workers' Social Security payments. We should use the federal Highway Trust Fund as a model for protecting the integrity of a pay-as-you-go system.
Cut, Balance and Grow also gives younger workers the option to own their Social Security contributions through personal retirement accounts that Washington politicians can never raid. Because young workers will own their contributions, they will be free to seek a market rate of return if they choose, and to leave their retirement savings to their dependents when they die.
Fixing America's tax, spending and entitlement cultures will not be easy. But the status quo of byzantine taxes, loose spending and the perpetual delay of entitlement reform is a recipe for disaster.
Cut, Balance and Grow strikes a major blow against the Washington-knows-best mindset. It takes money from spendthrift bureaucrats and returns it to families. It puts fewer job-killing regulations on employers and more restrictions on politicians. It gives more freedom to Americans to control their own destiny. And just as importantly, the Cut, Balance and Grow plan paves the way for the job creation, balanced budgets and fiscal responsibility we need to get America working again.
Wild Thing's comment........
I am also hoping they put what he says on a YouTube and if they do I will post it as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (4)
Rick Perry Along With Rick Scott Sign Strong America Now Pledge to Tackle Debt and Eliminate the Deficit ~ Fantastic!
Perry Signs Strong America Now Pledge to Tackle Debt and Eliminate the Deficit
Gov. Rick Perry signed the Strong America Now pledge which binds him to tackling wasteful spending in Washington by implementing the waste elimination process Lean Six Sigma.
Mark Levin has also signed the pledge as a “prominent citizen”
Governor Perry is also one of only five U.S. Governors who has signed the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act pledge, those five governors including:
Nikki Haley
Gary Herbert
Sean Parnell
Rick Perry
Rick Scott
"We have a serious responsibility to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars, and the bill we passed in Texas created a process for us to examine spending and find ways to be more efficient," said Gov. Perry. "Continuing the effort to eliminate waste will be a cornerstone of my administration. The federal government has an obligation to tighten its belt just as American families and employers have had to do for the last three years. We've done it in Texas, and I am proud to stand by Strong America Now to take this effort to the federal level to rein in the out-of-control spending in Washington, D.C."
Wild Thing's comment........
Good for Perry and I am also glad to see my Gov. Rick Scott on the list of Gov.'s.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM
October 24, 2011
Steve Forbes Makes It Official He Endorses Rick Perry For President
Steve Forbes Endorses Rick Perry
Steve Forbes, a two time Republican presidential candidate, endorsed Governor Rick Perry in an interview on Fox News late Sunday afternoon. On Tuesday, Rick Perry will unveil his economic plan which includes measures to drastically reform the tax code and lower the corporate tax rate. It will also, he says, provide generous exemptions for “adults and for children.”
Unlike Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan, however, Perry’s plan will not include a sales tax. Forbes asserts that this small but significant difference, coupled with the governor’s “firm leadership,” are reasons why he is endorsing Perry’s candidacy.
Wild Thing's comment........
Good news - great endorsement for Rick Perry.
Given Perry's flat tax, in addition to Perry’s “Job Creation” plan, he’s obviously got a secure grasp on just what this country needs to begin our recovery from Obama.
RICK PERRY: “We are fed up with being overtaxed and overregulated. We are tired of being told how much salt we can put on our food, what windows we can buy for our house, what kinds of cars we can drive, what kinds of guns we can own, what kinds of prayers we are allowed to say and where we can say them, what political speech we are allowed to use to elect candidates, what kind of energy we can use, what kind of food we can grow, what doctor we can see, and countless other restrictions on our right to live as we see fit.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (6)
October 21, 2011
Steve Forbes: Perry’s flat tax ‘most exciting tax plan since Reagan’s’
Steve Forbes: Perry’s flat tax ‘most exciting tax plan since Reagan’s’
by Zachary Roth
October 20, 2011
Steve Forbes, whose flat tax plan helped make him an unlikely contender for the Republican presidential nomination 15 years ago, is praising a new version of the idea from Rick Perry. And Forbes, who says he helped devise Perry's plan, left little doubt that he'll formally back the Texas governor before long.
In an interview with Yahoo News, Forbes called Perry's proposal, announced in a speech Wednesday, "the most exciting tax plan since Reagan's," in 1980.
Asked whether that included his own 1996 plan, Forbes said it did, because unlike him in 1996, when he fell short of upsetting front-runner Bob Dole, Perry "is going to win."
Forbes, the chief executive of his family's eponymous publishing empire, said the Perry camp reached out to him for help in crafting their plan. "We got into discussions of basic principles--how the thing might be shaped," he said. "The candidate concluded it ought be a simple rate. Make it as simple and bold as possible."
Forbes hasn't officially said that he's backing any candidate, but he left little doubt that he'll formally get behind Perry soon. He said he would announce his support for one candidate soon, "and I don't think it'll surprise anyone.".
Wild Thing's comment.........
A true flat tax is the best workable option for the entire country.
In 1981 Reagan began his quest to reduce the number of personal tax rates from roughly 64 spread over four categories of the federal income tax code, down to two, 28% and 15% by 1988. A great acommplishment.
What Perry wants to do is even better.
And also I really like Perry's wonderful Energy Plan which would create several hundred thousand jobs in the 100 days. This would get the ball rolling. Perry knows energy very well. He has only been in a campaign for 2 months and the others have been running for months, and Romney for 5 years. Those so called debates run by liberal moderators were certainly not debates. However, you only want to smear and trash as you have from the moment he entered the race.
Rick Perry is a real leader with real solutions.
I love this quote!
...."When Romney kept insisting Perry let him talk and sounded whiney in doing it, the Texan finally looked at him and said, “Have at it.” So he uses a marvelous Southwest colloquialism to give Romney permission to proceed. That one may go down with Reagan’s “There you go again” to Carter. Never mind politics, American public life has not seen this kind of camera presence since maybe John Wayne. Men like him and women admire him. And he seems to be getting used to the debate format. On or off stage, he’s got a commanding and theatrical presence." ~ Obi-Wan Kanobi Jim Geraghty
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (4)
October 20, 2011
Perry's Plan To Be A Flat Tax Proposal and Steve Forbes on Rick Perry’s Flat Tax Plan: ‘I’m elated!’
Steve Forbes on Rick Perry’s Flat Tax Plan: ‘I’m elated!’
As you might have heard, Texas Governor Rick Perry is planning to come out with a flat tax proposal next week. The plan hasn’t even been finalized, but it already has at least one big backer.
“I’m elated by it,” Steve Forbes told me. “And I think Governor Perry will surge ahead of Herman Cain,” he said.
“Herman Cain gets credit of realizing the [current tax] code has to go [but] the virtue of what Governor Perry is doing is that he does not bring in a sales tax,” he said.
In 1996, Forbes popularized the issue in the United States, running for president with a flat income tax as his signature issue.
Forbes stressed that Perry’s plan isn’t complete — that he’s still “tweaking” it. But Forbes indicated Perry’s plan would be similar to the one Forbes proposed in 1996 — which called for no income taxes on families until they hit $36,000 of yearly income. (After earning that amount, they would then pay a flat 17 percent tax on additional income.)
“I think the same principle will be at work with Governor Perry. The rate they are still tweaking, but the concept will be the same,” he said.
Forbes says the exemptions for people making below $36,000 (or whatever the new number is) are important, “so you don’t hit people with low incomes.”
Regarding the flat tax concept, Forbes said it’s an idea whose time has come. “The idea — even though it has been a while coming in the U.S. — has been gaining traction around the world, ranging in size from Albania to Russia,” Forbes said. “So we’re catching up with the rest of the world.”
Forbes also mocked Mitt Romney’s 59-point plan, saying: “I heard one person say, hey, Moses had only 10.”
“In six days, I’m going to release the details of an economic growth package that will create jobs, create growth, create investor confidence in America again,” Perry said at the Western Republican Leadership Conference Wednesday morning. “Scrapping the three million words of the current tax code, starting over with something simpler — a flat tax. I want to make the tax code so simple that even [Treasury Secretary] Timothy Geithner can file his taxes on time.”
“I am not the candidate of the establishment. You won’t hear a lot of shifting nuance from me,” Perry said. “I’m going to give the American people a huge big old helping of unbridled truth that we can’t continue to spend what we’re spending, that we can’t avoid entitlement reform because we’re afraid of the third rail of politics.”
Perry’s appearance at the debate and speech Wednesday morning marked his first appearance in Nevada this campaign cycle, and he presented a more energetic persona than in previous weeks.
“Let’s get Washington out of the way in order to save and preserve the American way. Let’s do it. Let’s roll,” Perry said as he closed his speech while shaking his hands in the air.
Wild Thing's comment........
There is such a great feeling to what has been happening especially in the last few days. Things are coming together and I like the way Perry does it step by step making sure each Plan has been well thought out.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (4)
Rick Perry Has Made Texas One of the Most Industry-friendly States in the Nation
Rick Perry has made Texas one of the most industry-friendly states in the nation
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Gov. Rick Perry likes to say the best way to promote economic growth is to reduce regulation. When it comes to the environment, Perry has made Texas one of the most industry-friendly states in the nation.
Perry has cut funding for clean air programs and sued the Environmental Protection Agency to avoid enforcing laws to make the air cleaner. As part of his Republican presidential campaign, he routinely blasts the White House for tightening environmental standards.
“As president, I would roll back the radical agenda of President Obama’s job-killing Environmental Protection Agency,” Perry wrote recently in an op-ed for the New Hampshire Union-Leader. “Our nation does not need costly new federal restrictions, especially during our present economic crisis.”
Those positions get big applause at Republican debates and fundraisers, and also provide insight into how he would govern if elected, particularly when it comes to the EPA.
In Texas, Perry signed a state budget that slashes funding for the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality from $833.3 million to $565.5 million over the next two years. In his budget proposal, Perry had provided even less: $552.5 million. Texas boasts the second largest environmental agency in the world, behind only the EPA; the state agency had requested $882.6 million just to maintain current programs.
The cuts were part of the governor’s plan to slash $15 billion in state spending to cope with revenue shortfalls in the sagging economy. Environmentalists complained that the cuts will hurt the most effective clean air programs in the state, including ones that were helping to reduce auto emissions.
Perry used the EPA as his punching bag during his 2010 gubernatorial campaign, and he is using the federal agency as a foil again in the presidential race
Executives in the state’s oil and gas industry, the nation’s largest, say they have enjoyed a cooperative relationship with the Texas’ environmental agency, despite tougher federal rules.
“Texas always has been, and has continued to be under Governor Perry, one of the states where it’s a more friendly regulatory environment,” said David Blackmon, director of government relations for Houston-based El Paso Corp. The national natural gas company operates the nation’s largest interstate pipeline system, which runs through 29 states.
Federal regulations have increased under Perry’s tenure, but Texas has implemented fewer new rules than most other states. Blackmon said the real difference between states is the administrative costs of obtaining permits.
He said the Texas agency has “reached out to business and found solutions that not only cleaned up the air, but did it in a way that has a minimal impact on our ability to do business.”
~ snipet ~
Another new measure made tightening air quality permits on the oil and gas industry more difficult. That law, which Perry signed in June, requires the Texas environmental agency to analyze the effect of new regulation on the economy — including how it might hurt a company — before implementation. The economic impact could override the environmental benefit of the new regulation.
The new law reflects Perry’s contention that global warming is a questionable theory and that regulation always creates an adverse business climate.
During an August campaign swing through New Hampshire, Perry said of climate change, “I don’t think, from my perspective, that I want to be engaged in spending that much money on still a scientific theory that has not been proven, and from my perspective, is more and more being put into question.”
Perry spars with Romney at CNN Debate over illegal immigration ~ I LOVED this, Perry stayed strong and Romney got all red faced.
...That's -- I'm running for office, for Pete's sake, I can't have illegals. -- Mitt Romney, GOP presidential debate - October 18, 2011 - Las Vegas, NV
Note : Romney didn’t object to having undocumented workers working for him because it’s illegal; he objected because he thought it would hurt his political career.
Wild Thing's comment........
Regarding the debate clip I posted I was truly impressed with Perry in the debate. He needed to come on strong and he did. Not like a bully but with strength and used the truth to go at his opponents.
Interesting to note Romney this morning came out with a vile video of Perry that was filled with lies about Perry. It was really bad and went virial on the internet pretty fast. I guess Romney's campaign got some serious feedback about it being way below the belt so they took it down. But then hours later Romney came out with yet another one filled with lies . Plus the Mitt Romney camp, launched an anti-Rick Perry website, careerpolitician.com. LOL now isn't that a tactic that Obama used, he sure did. I put the link because you might want to see the horrible video Romney has there.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (3)
October 19, 2011
Debate Score: Perry For the Win
Debate Score: Perry For the Win
by Bryan Preston
There were two Ricks on debate stage tonight, and both came in loaded up and ready to hunt. Rick Santorum threw a blizzard of punches at Mitt Romney early over his claim that as president, Romney, the author of RomneyCare, would repeal ObamaCare. The punches landed and the damage showed on Romney’s face. Rick Perry came in loaded up to speak aggressively for his energy plan, and spoke with an energy and conviction that has not come through in previous debates. Romney came under the most intense fire he has faced in any of the 2011 debates and while he handled it well, the criticisms of his record are legitimate and will sting. Romney’s red face as he tried to to redirect the examination over to Newt Gingrich revealed that he knew the night wasn’t going well for him.
Herman Cain also faced the toughest questioning of any debate so far, regarding his 9-9-9 tax plan, and handled it mostly with his usual humor and wit. The former talk radio host can engage in an open debate with the best of them, but his lack of depth showed in spots. He didn’t seem to know the details of his 9-9-9 plan early on. Cain did do well when discussing his ideas for reforming health care: No mandates, but focus on market-based reforms like allowing purchase across state lines. Nothing new, but nothing wrong with any of it either.
Perry also hit Romney directly for “hypocrisy” for having hired illegal aliens. Romney laughed and denied, but the story has been out there since 2007 or thereabouts. Romney lost his cool, for the second time. Perry scored another direct hit, and Mitt turned red again. The ice man melted.
Perry also did well on the question of securing the border: It’s about a fence, plus other security measures including technology and boots on the ground. Bachmann got in a jab about the president’s illegal alien relatives who keep popping up in the news, before moving on to declare that she would build a fence along the entire border. There is actually less policy daylight between most of the candidates on the border than the stage arguments suggest, but the arguments drew out some personalities, and it’s hard to see Romney benefiting from the exchange.
Tonight’s was the most lively debate, and does have the potential to change the race a bit. Perry came to fight and from tax policy to spending to funding the UN, showed that his issue knowledge is broad. Romney wasn’t prepared to take hits from so many other candidates. Romney’s packed supporters in the audience and other blogs provided some soundtrack to back their man up but I doubt it did much good. Romney’s cool broke too many times for his own good. His whining about being talked over, when he isn’t shy about interrupting others, was entertaining but revealed a thin skin. Romney probably had his best moment during the religion debate, but that’s such tired ground now and Romney has so overreached on that issue that it’s unlikely to make any difference.
This was Perry’s best night. He took control when he needed to, threw the president’s and his competitors’ words against them at opportune moments, and showed a strong and knowledgeable presence going toe to toe with Romney. Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann also had good nights. Gingrich can speak brilliantly on any policy thrown at him. His brief closing statement showed that he is among the adults in the room. Santorum spoke very well on values. Cain and Romney took sustained fire and handled it unevenly. Cain was at his worst on the question of whether he would contemplate releasing terrorists held at Gitmo in exchange for an American hostage. There is simply no way to justify his answer to Wolf Blitzer, earlier today. Ron Paul was, infuriatingly, Ron Paul, capable of saying things at the edge of brilliance but coupling them with statements that make little sense or betray a hole in his moral thinking. While I admire his logical mind, I don’t admire some of the places it takes him.
The clear winner tonight was Rick Perry. He looked like a seasoned leader who has found his voice, at last. Newt Gingrich came in a strong second, Cain and Santorum follow him and Romney follows them. He was strong in spots but had trouble keeping his cool, an d had no good answers to explain his own policy history. Passion is one thing; all of the candidates brought that tonight. Edging close to revealing a Hulk moment is something else.
There was something else different about tonight’s debate. In past debates, Romney’s press team has easily outpaced all of the other campaigns combined in the number of press releases they sent out while the debate continued. Not so, tonight. The Perry press team must have rolled over the Romney team 8 to 1 or more. From the top on down, the Perry team is moving with a new energy.
Wild Thing's comment........
This was Perry's best debate performance thus far. Coming in second I would have to say it was Newt. I have to give him credit for when he is good.
Romney got so ticked his face got red and he almost stammered.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (5)
If You Love America and Have Conservative Values THIS Is Your Man....Rick Perry!
Let's look at the borer issue:
Perry has had to deal with an international border that was suppose to be secured by the Federal Government on behalf of all the United States.
Perry has a tougher stance on border and immigration law enforcement than any of the other candidates and that is a fact.
Perry has exactly the right idea and the experience to stop illegal immigration. He can’t do it as Governor of Texas but he can do it as President.
He has actually put Texas Taxpayer money (400 million) on that border, Texas Ranger Recon Teams, have you ever seen or heard of the Texas Rangers Recon?They are about as BAD ASS as you can get. Then Perry has also put the Texas Guard and TXDot Officers along with equipment.
He has done it. He has experience with it.
He has fought Obama in Wash DC on one side and the drug cartels on the other side.
He has fought with Obama for 3 years to get Federal help. but Obama keeps sending troops to other countries to protect their borders. And then he runs guns down across the Texas/Arizona/New Mexico borders to the drug cartels.
And the Perry haters need to remember it is the Federal Governments job to secure it’s international border with another country not Texas.
Perry is also aware of the farmers and ranchers along the border and so those yakking about the fence the 1200 mile fence over a river, cliffs, mountains, huge lakes and American’s private property need to wise up and pay attention to all the things Perry HAS done about this issue.
Just because there are candidates out there that can speak like a car salesman (Romney), speak like they will spend billions and billions of dollars over 10-15 years to build a fence over Americans private property - lakes - 1200 mile river - cliffs - mountains - National Park - resorts (sounds nice Bachmann - except it will waste taxpayer money, won’t work & takes too long), speak like they want to not only build an Electrified Great Wall of China that would kill people and call it a joke does not mean they know what they are doing.
Mexico is the United States’ second-largest export market and third-largest trading partner.
Top U.S. exports to Mexico include electronic equipment, motor vehicle parts, and chemicals.
And there are more than a MILLION AMERICANS living in Mexico. (legally of course)
On a DAILY BASIS, there are one million people and one billion dollars worth of commerce crossing the US-Mexico border. Again on a daily basis.
And just one more thing, Mexicans come legally into the United States everyday to shop, vacation and spend their money.
Many people in the US do not realize that 50% of Mexicans are not poor but are in fact wealthy and they like to spend their money in the United States.
An American President pissing off Mexico is not a good thing for America or our economy.
If an American President can tick off Mexico, what other countries are they going to possibly cause friction with?
Foreign Policy: You need someone who does not shoot off their mouth, is inexperienced, non Presidential and that does not know what they are doing. (We have that now)
We don't want to start straining relationships or worse wars with our allies.
Take a look at Cain for example. We hear some of the media and the Cain supporterss say Perry is not prepared for the debates. I disagree, Perry is simply not good with debates. I wish he was but I am discussing about being prepared and the one who is NOT prepared is Cain. Cain has shown he is lacking in the foreign policy area already during some of his interviews.
Mexico is a foreign country as is Israel. Cain wants a high wall the entire distance ( which will not happen) and look at his answer about Israel.
Example - Transcripts below: From Chris Wallace interview of Cain
WALLACE: Where do you stand on the right of return?
CAIN: The right of return? [pause] The right of return?
WALLACE: The Palestinian right of return.
CAIN: That’s something that should be negotiated. That’s something that should be negotiated.
“I don’t think they have a big problem with people returning,”
And there is also this by Gilchrist:
Minuteman Project founder Jim Gilchrist endorses Rick Perry for Texas governor
“I had to come 1,200 miles to find a governor who believes in a simple principle called the rule of law,” Gilchrist said at the Crescent Hotel. “I’m here to encourage all you Texans to stand your ground and get out there and vote for this governor.”
Gilchrist later added that “Perry has a clear record of decisive action to secure our borders, stop illegal drug and human trafficking trade and is very clearly the right choice for voters in Texas to fight illegal immigration.”
In accepting the endorsement, Perry blasted the federal government’s effort to secure that nation’s borders.
“Washington’s record on border security has been one of indifference, of neglect and failure,” Perry said. “That’s why Texas has been stepping up with resources to fill the gap left by Washington.”
Perry said the state, over the last two legislative sessions, has pumped in over $225 million for border security.
“We’re not going to rest in Texas until that border is completely secure,” Perry said.
The Trans-Texas Corridor never happened - Perry put a stop to it.
GREAT article below from......
The following week several of us met with Governor Perry and the TXDOT Commissioner and Executive Director to share the frustration and opposition of our constituents across the state to the TTC.
After a lengthy meeting, Governor Perry did something that has made me respect him as I have no other leader which I have observed or served alongside.
He sat back in his chair, gave our arguments thought and said, “Tell your constituents you talked to the Governor, and the Trans-Texas Corridor is no more.”
To this day, the handful of legislators in attendance at that meeting have respected Rick Perry—a man who was confident, honest, and exhibited absolute integrity to his citizens.
He often does not receive the proper recognition and credit he deserves for his decisive response to the will of Texas citizens against the TTC.
When presented with their objections and opposition, he brought a halt to the ill-conceived TTC. This is in stark contrast to our current President who sees the destructive results of his policies and has no intention of admitting fault or changing course, but instead blames everyone else for his errors in judgment.
From his action to end the TTC to his signature on legislation to protect the rights of coastal property owners struggling to recover and rebuild in the aftermath of a hurricane, Rick Perry has responded to Texan landowners’ concerns about private property rights.
October 1, 2008 Gov. Rick Perry releasesd this statement
“In a free market economy, government should not be in the business of using taxpayer dollars to bail out corporate America. Congress needs to take off its partisan gloves and work together to bring both short and long term stability to the credit markets. They need to stop blaming each other and start thinking about solutions that put the taxpayers of this country first.”
So to those of you that like Herman Cain's 999 plan.
As Center for American Progress Vice President for Economic Policy Michael Ettlinger put it, the plan “would be the biggest tax shift from the wealthy to the middle-class in the history of taxation, ever, anywhere, and it would bankrupt the country.”
And the Cain people keep pushing the lie that Paul Ryan supports Cain's 99 plan even after THIS has been posted at my blog and on Facebook by many of us.
Kevin Seifert, a spokesman for Ryan, clarified late Thursday that the budget committee chairman has not endorsed Cain or the specifics of his “9-9-9″ plan, but rather that he “loved” that it was becoming “a starting point for a larger conversation on tax reform.”
Perry's Plan Phase 1
This is a great plan. Lots of substance...showing how fast Perry intends to put Americans back to work. What is nice is Perry’s 11 years experience as Governor...he has what is needed for this country NOW. President is not an entry level job. You don’t walk in the Oval Office wondering how this all works.
Governor Perry's Energy Paper Hits All The Right Notes
Rick Perry released his aptly named Energizing American Jobs and Security plan, a blueprint outlining his energy and environmental policies. Leaving no rock unturned, Perry lays out a strong plan aimed at spurring domestic investment and job creation, reining in the out-of-control Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); and reducing our nation’s deficit.
Keeping in line with much of the legislation coming out of the Republican controlled House of Representatives, Perry first looks to undo the damage caused by the Obama Administration over the past three years. Refusing to issue drilling permits at a reasonable rate, the Department of the Interior has put forth an impossible number of hoops for oil and natural gas producers to jump through. Across town, Lisa Jackson’s EPA has scared America’s job creators into inaction. With a slew of punitive, unnecessary regulations coming down the pipe, America’s manufacturers and energy producers are hording capital until they fully comprehend EPA’s compliance costs. Perry’s blueprint would reprimand these agencies, expediting permit processing and giving American businesses the certainty investment requires.
Consistent with Perry’s record as governor, he believes that state-run EPAs are best equipped to determine and enforce environmental regulations. Bogged down in the fight against the federal EPA, devolution of environmental regulation to state agencies is something conservatives should talk about more.
Also encouraging is Perry’s plan to simplify our distortive tax code through repealing tax credits and subsidies. Cleaning up the code of course, would be done in a revenue neutral way as he promised Americans he would not raise their taxes when he signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. ATR has long championed this strategy for tax reform, which was modeled after Reagan’s successful 1986 plan. Repealing credits and plowing the savings into lower rates would not only simplify the tax code, but make it more fair—a step towards a truly innovative free energy market.
I believe Oct 25 is the date Gov. Perry has scheduled to unveil his economic growth package. As mentioned above it "will tackle tax reform, entitlement reform and real spending reductions."
Cains idiot challenge Perry for evangelical votes
I will not judge anyone that says they are a Christian and for Cain to mouth off like he did shows me how truly shallow he is. He knows Perry had a prayer weekend for Texas asking for rain, he is aware Perry IS a Christian.
Perry is 100% Pro-Life and has always been pro life.
He recently got a bill passed in Texas that requires women to get a sonogram and if willing a discussion from doctor before she can get an abortion.
He believes marriage is God ordained and between a man and a woman.
Rick Perry is all these things:
Pro-10th Amendment
Pro=2nd Amendment
Pro-Domestic Drilling
Pro-Lower Federal Regulation
Pro-Patriot who Loves America
Pro-Balance Budget Amendment
Pro-Lowering Taxes
Pro-Smaller Government
Pro-Securing the Border
Against-Amnesty for Illegals
Against-Drivers License for Illegals
Pro-Voter ID to prevent Illegals voting.
Lowered Taxes in Texas * Balanced the State Budget for the first time since World War II
Against-Obama's Policies
Has been fighter against Obama for 3 years
Has fought back against Obama AND the EPA
A 3 term Governor of the largest mainland State. Governor for 25 million people.
Served as a pilot in the US Air Force flying C-130's.
LOVELY First Lady Anita!!!
Has extensive Experience governing and Leading.
Rick Perry's Book ......" Fed Up"...............
"FED UP!" by Gov. Rick Perry - Forward by NEWT GINGRICH: Rick Perry's book "almost came too late"
"I wish this book had never needed to be written. It almost came too late. America is recklessly accelerating toward economic disaster. Fed Up! may be the last warning sign to the danger that lies ahead. Rick Perry, Texas governor for the past decade, is uniquely qualified to offer a firsthand perspective on why the United States—the most successful civilization in human history—is being threatened with economic collapse.
First Principles
Faith, freedom, and free enterprise are the pillars of a strong, safe, prosperous society. Rick knows that when these principles are protected, America succeeds, and when they are undermined, America fails. But the Left has a different belief. The Left believes that most people are not capable of pursuing happiness and that a strong centralized government is best able to provide for them. While claiming compassion for humanity, the Left's policies are destructive to the human beings subject to them—as we have had to learn painfully again and again.
The Left's self-serving solution to every crisis, economic or otherwise, and many of their own doing, is always the same: inflict higher taxes on Americans to create more government programs with more rules and regulations that result in less freedom, less innovation, less safety, and less prosperity.
The problem with the Left’s one solution, as Rick forcefully explains in the pages that follow, is that it doesn't work. It's never worked, and it never will work. The record shows it.
But what the record also shows is that when power and freedom are returned to the people, when people are rewarded for work, and when government holds the line on spending, individuals and opportunity thrive. We have seen that result most spectacularly recently in Texas, and in the mid-1990s
Wild Thing's ( aka Chrissie) comment..........
I did not list all the issues but enough of the ones that are mostly discussed.
I love Perry's Paln 1 and am looking forward to the others. It is a great plan. Lots of substance...showing how fast Perry intends to put Americans back to work. What is nice is Perry’s 11 years experience as Governor...he has what is needed for this country NOW. President is not an entry level job. You don’t walk in the Oval Office wondering how this all works.
Rick Perry has the conservative goods, and the record to prove them. Rick Perry has the qualities that make a good president, he is a conservative, and on the issues which anyone can check out online he is pretty much down the line what the Republican party base has wanted and looked for.
When the GOP listens to the conservative base elections are won, when they push a non conservative on the base too many stay home and do not vote.
It is a fact, Perry has not done well in debates. But when he gives a speech rooms are silent, people learn forward with intensity listening and not only liking what Perry says but loving it. He rouses passion once again in his speeches for the America we love and have missed since back in the Reagan years. Listen to some of his speeches they stand out compared to all the other candidates. None of the others can reach out and make a person feel like that. Someone said once how they miss having a President that when he speaks one is left with great quotes from the speech. We had that with Ronald Reagan and we would have that with Rick Perry.
Listen to some of his speeches they stand out compared to all the other candidates. None of the others can reach out and make a person feel like that. Someone said once how they miss having a President that when he speaks one is left with great quotes from the speech. We had that with Ronald Reagan and we would have that with Rick Perry. I am not talking about othe jingle ad type of speaking that Herman Cain does or the rhetoric of no passion and fake feeling from Romney, but real substance. The kind that Perry brings from deep within his heart.
That Perry was in the military is another plus. He loves our troops and Veterans and both have responded to him in a positive way.
Rick Perry is a bottom line man. He cuts through the garbage and goes where we need to go....pass all the silly garbage and hit the bottom line of the situtation along with the solution to that particular problem.
Perry on Obamacare......“No issue is more critical for the defense of freedom and the American way of life than the preservation of our free-market health care system and the total repeal and dismantling of so-called Obamacare.” ~ Rick Perry
I will finish this post with a quote by Rick Perry. One can feel Reagan as you read it. Perry is NOT Reagan and no one will be. But Reagan IMO is a standard of excellence, not perfect but one that has been the best President in my lifetime. If anyone could come close to that love of our country, that wanting everyone to have the American dream and not just in lofty words but in a President that wanted it for all of us it is like Reagan was...... Gov. Rick Perry.
"What I learned growing up on the farm was a way of life that was centered on hard work, and on faith and on thrift," Perry said. "You see, as Americans we’re not defined by class, and we will never be told our place. What makes our nation exceptional is that anyone, from any background, can climb the highest of heights. As Americans, we don’t see the role of government as guaranteeing outcomes, but allowing free men and women to flourish based on their own vision, their hard work and their personal responsibility. And as Americans, we realize there is no taxpayer money that wasn’t first earned by the sweat and toil of one of our citizens." ~ Rick Perry ( quote taken from his announcement to run for President)
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
Rick Perry - America's Jobs Governor ~ Great New Ad
Wild Thing's comment........
What a wonderful ad. Energy independence YESSSsssss!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM
October 18, 2011
Rick Perry's Energy Plan Hits All The Right Notes
Channeling the House GOP, Perry proposes to overhaul DOI/EPA, simplifying the tax code, and unleashes America’s job creators.
Last week, presidential candidate Rick Perry released his aptly named Energizing American Jobs and Security plan, a blueprint outlining his energy and environmental policies. Leaving no rock unturned, Perry lays out a strong plan aimed at spurring domestic investment and job creation, reining in the out-of-control Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); and reducing our nation’s deficit.
Keeping in line with much of the legislation coming out of the Republican controlled House of Representatives, Perry first looks to undo the damage caused by the Obama Administration over the past three years. Refusing to issue drilling permits at a reasonable rate, the Department of the Interior has put forth an impossible number of hoops for oil and natural gas producers to jump through. Across town, Lisa Jackson’s EPA has scared America’s job creators into inaction. With a slew of punitive, unnecessary regulations coming down the pipe, America’s manufacturers and energy producers are hording capital until they fully comprehend EPA’s compliance costs. Perry’s blueprint would reprimand these agencies, expediting permit processing and giving American businesses the certainty investment requires.
Consistent with Perry’s record as governor, he believes that state-run EPAs are best equipped to determine and enforce environmental regulations. Bogged down in the fight against the federal EPA, devolution of environmental regulation to state agencies is something conservatives should talk about more.
Also encouraging is Perry’s plan to simplify our distortive tax code through repealing tax credits and subsidies. Cleaning up the code of course, would be done in a revenue neutral way as he promised Americans he would not raise their taxes when he signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. ATR has long championed this strategy for tax reform, which was modeled after Reagan’s successful 1986 plan. Repealing credits and plowing the savings into lower rates would not only simplify the tax code, but make it more fair—a step towards a truly innovative free energy market.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is a great plan. Lots of substance...showing how fast Perry intends to put Americans back to work. What is nice is Perry’s 11 years experience as Governor...he has what is needed for this country NOW. President is not an entry level job. You don’t walk in the Oval Office wondering how this all works.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (2)
October 16, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry On Obama, Creating Jobs and Energy and Environment
Perry made many appearances on the morning talk show circuit to offer a preview of his jobs and energy plan that was unveiled Friday morning in Pittsburgh.
Governor Rick Perry stopped by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review offices for an in-depth interview. The Trib put the interview on video.
Rick Perry on creating jobs
Rick Perry on Energy and Environment
Wild Thing's comment........
This was a great interview.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
October 15, 2011
Rick Perry Thanking and Speaking About The NRA
and this from January 19, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry will take a day to travel to Las Vegas and attend the National Shooting Sports Foundation's SHOT (Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade) show, his spokesman said Wednesday.
The governor is going only for the day to attend a book signing for his book Fed Up!, which argues that Washington is out of control.
The show is being held at the Sands Expo and Convention Center and is expected to draw 50,000 industry professionals.
Rick Perry at the SHOT Gun show in Las Vegas signing "Fed Up" books . This photo is of Perry when Ted Nugent stopped by his book for the book signing.
Perry had stationed his promotional booth right in front of a Texas based specialty weapons manufacturer LaRue Tactical. In the little spare time Perry has he has been known to show up at LaRue Tactical to do a little shooting. LaRue Tactical is well known in the high end AR-15 platform gun enthusiast circles.
I bet Perry will also be signing more than a few of his namesake gun, the Ruger .380 True Texan Coyote Special. Although the newly released Smith & Wesson Governor revolver would also be an appropriate gun to get signed by one of the most gun friendly Governors in the country.
Wild Thing's comment........
It would be so great to have a President that felt like Perry does about guns. Instead of 70 plus rounds of golf like Obama does. To have a President out there target shooting. heh heh
Perry on guns:
"Perry said, "Thankfully, we have organizations like these that are devoted to defending our essential Second Amendment rights and protecting the pillars of our democracy. I honestly believe in an individual’s right to carry for the way it helps a citizen with self-defense and for the deterrent effect it has on other violent crimes. This keeps us all safer."
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (2)
October 14, 2011
Governor Perry Appears on Kudlow and Company on Oct. 13, 2011 and Previews His Energy Plan
Rick Perry and a preview of his enery plan
Rick Perry to unveil far-reaching energy plan
Texas Gov. Rick Perry is set to unveil a far-reaching energy plan Friday that would dramatically expand oil and gas exploration — and, he may hope, also reboot his presidential campaign.
"Getting the energy industry back to work is the quickest way to spark 1.2 million good, well-paid American jobs, and at the same time reduce our dependence on energy from nations that are all too often hostile to the United States," Perry said in a telephone interview Thursday with USA TODAY previewing the speech at a Pittsburgh steel mill.
He vowed to reverse many of the energy policies pursued by President Obama, saying "the radical environmental movement" had been "sitting in the front of the train, being the engineer" during Obama's tenure.
As president, Perry says, he would move to:
•Open federal lands to more energy exploration and production, including the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska and lands in the Mountain West. More offshore drilling would be permitted in the Gulf of Mexico and off the southern Atlantic coast.
He would continue to bar drilling in the Florida Everglades, a fragile ecological area located in what happens to be a key primary and general-election state.
•Approve pipelines to facilitate new energy fields, including the Keystone XL Pipeline. The controversial project, which would carry crude oil from Canada to refineries as far south as Texas, is now stalled in a State Department review.
•Suspend and reconsider many of the Environmental Protection Agency's recent mandates and regulations, including rules designed to improve air quality. He would repeal the EPA's authority over CO2 and other greenhouse gases linked to climate change.
•Curb the ability of environmentalists and others to slow down projects through the courts. He would establish firm litigation deadlines to expedite lawsuits and consider establishing special federal environmental courts with expertise that presumably would allow them to reach decisions more quickly.
•End the practice of federal agencies reaching consent decrees with advocacy groups, forcing them to pursue lawsuits instead.
•Phase out subsidies and tax incentives that benefit specific kinds of energy. Some favor the oil and gas industry; others were devised to encourage development of such renewable energy sources as wind power. He would retain a research and development tax credit available to all types of energy producers.
"It's leveling the playing field," Perry said. States would be free to encourage particular forms of alternative energy themselves, he said, as he did with a wind energy program in Texas.
He called the energy speech "phase one" of detailing his policy proposals, to be followed by the end of the month by a plan on taxes and federal spending.
Perry's blitz starts with Larry Kudlow's CNBC show Thursday night ( see video above) . The Texas governor will then hit almost all of the morning news programs.
He is slated to appear on "Good Morning America," "Today," "The Early Show," "Fox & Friends" and Sioux City's KTIV. Perry will also call into radio programs in Iowa with Sam Clovis, New Hampshire with Brian Tilton and South Carolina with Ashley Byrd. Perry is additionally going to sit for an interview for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.
The aggressive schedule reflects not just the desire to drive the message of the day — by promoing the speech — but also a view in Perryworld that they need to play to the candidate's strengths more. They hope to give voters a better sense of Perry via those venues in which he performs better and to change the impression left from his debate appearances.
Wild Thing's comment........
LOVE it, thank you Gov. Perry, I hope you win the election and then go on to do as much if not all of the things you would like to do.
If you watch the video above he also discusses health care etc.
Governor Haley Barbour on twitter - @haleybarbour - "Good candidates are patient. They don't have to win every debate or straw poll." Keep the faith my friends. This is a marathon not a sprint.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (3)
Rick Perry — Best Hope for Solid Conservative in 2012
Rick Perry — Best Hope for Solid Conservative in 2012
By John Stemberger
I have good news and bad news for conservatives. But the good news and the bad news are both the same thing: We have six very impressive, lifelong conservative candidates running for the presidency.
They are the smartest candidates, the most principled candidates, the most patriotic candidates, the most persuasive candidates, and the candidates with the best ideas.
The problem lies in the fact that conservatives do not have a single favorite candidate. They have six favorite candidates! And as long as they remain split between each of their six “favorite” candidates, they will eventually help nominate Mitt Romney — the very candidate they least trust on the issues.
There are three fairly cohesive voting blocs that make up the Republican primary coalition.
The first and largest group is the social conservatives, who are comprised of primarily evangelicals and pro-life Catholics.
The second group is the GOP establishment, which primarily consists of Republican Party leaders, and big money and corporate interests.
The third, and newest group on the scene within the Republican coalition, is the dynamic, but not as predictable, tea party supporters.
Each of these three coalition groups could potentially control the nomination process if — and only if — the members of that group unite behind one candidate.
William F. Buckley used to say that he was not for “the most conservative” candidate. He said he was for “the most conservative candidate that is electable.” Unfortunately, conservatives today are not following Buckley’s wise advice and strategic counsel.
The GOP establishment behaves almost entirely pragmatically. They typically try to find the Republican most likely to be elected and back that candidate (irrespective of what that candidate believes) in order to ensure party insiders retain control.
Former Republican and former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist is the best example of how the GOP establishment will elect any Republican that they think can win. Currently GOP establishment types are doing the same thing again with Mitt Romney. Party regulars are uniting rapidly behind Romney and as a result, GOP insiders are controlling the nomination.
On the other hand, many evangelicals and tea party supporters are behaving as ideological purists. In their effort to choose the most conservative candidate (irrespective of their ability to win) they are violating Buckley’s principle and as a result are unknowingly helping the GOP establishment secure the nomination of Mitt Romney.
There is only one scenario where this can be stopped: Evangelical and tea party conservatives must immediately unite behind Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Rick Perry is the most conservative candidate who is also electable. Perry is our last and best hope to send a solid conservative to the White House.
On all three legs of Ronald Reagan’s winning issue coalition, economics, social issues and foreign policy, Rick Perry should be the conservative’s choice.
Perry is also the most electable candidate in the general election. The campaign in November of 2012 will be about one thing — jobs. Gov. Perry has the best record on creating new jobs and revitalizing the economy.
In contrast, Romney is one of the most problematic candidates in the general election. With Romenycare, his flip-flops on social issues, his inability to carry Southern states, and his lack of appeal to the critical Latino swing vote, Mitt Romney is another John McCain waiting to happen.
There is no way the base is going to be excited about and pour themselves into a Romney campaign.
Principled politics is an art form. Participating in it with as many candidates as there are now is like a complex chess match. You must capture the tension between principle and pragmatism. Rick Perry captures it perfectly. He is the William F. Buckley candidate.
Wild Thing's comment........
Nice write up and well worth the read.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (2)
Bloomberg Confirms Governor Perry is America's Jobs Governor ~ He Has Created 73% of The Entire COUNTRY'S JOBS!
Wild Thing's comment.........
Rick Perry has created 73% of the entire COUNTRY'S JOBS! Three is NO other candidate that can come near what Perry has done that is GREAT as a leader. He will make a fantastic President!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (2)
October 13, 2011
Two Must See Videos Of Gov. Rick Perry ~ You Won't Be Sorry!
Videos were done AFTER the debate Tuesday night as he spoke to the crowd.
Here are two videos of Rick Perry the way that we want to hear him speak at the debates, courtesy of Aaron Gardner, via Moe Lane, via Red State.
Governor Perry has the reputation of a swaggering Texan, but he's not one to knock others off the podium. He's a gentleman, who is out to defeat the real enemy: Barack Obama. and big, centralizes, expensive, inefficient and unConstitutional Government. These are the real threats to liberty and the real job killers.
In these videos, he's speaking to a group of college students about jobs, tar sand oil fields and the proposed gas pipeline from Canada through the US, and about Social Security and Medicare.
Below are TWO awesome videos of Governor Rick Perry‘s remarks after the debate Tuesday night. They are both a must see!!! ~ Wild Thing
The first part of Perry's post-debate remarks on 10/12/2011
Wild Thing's comment........
What thoughtful and intelligent answers from Governor Perry.
I hope he can get this comfort on the debate stage soon and no one will be able to surpass him!
And NO teleprompter!
Rick Perry is a solid fiscal and social conservative and has a great executive governing record in Texas.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (2)
New Poll of GOP Presidential Candidates Who Would Defeat Obama Perry Comes In Second and Cain Third
A new poll by Evolving Strategies shows the top three GOP Presidential Candidates would defeat President Obama.
Mitt Romney leads Obama 40%-33%,
Perry leads Obama 42%-36%,
Herman Cain leads Obama 35%-34%.
Wild Thing's comment........
Perry beats Obama by wide margin and comes in second to be able to beat Obama.
Romney shows he does not have a lot of Republican support.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (3)
State Tea Party Express Has Great Ad About Two Rick Perry and Scott Walker Two True Leaders
New “State Tea Party Express” ad slams Obama on jobs, gives props to Rick Perry and Scott Walker
State Tea Party Express, a newly created 501c4 non-profit group that comes from the makers of the Tea Party Express, is about to launch a nationwide ad blitz with the following TV ad.
The ad slams Barack Obama as a job destroyer and points to Wisconsin and Texas as shining examples of job friendly environments. The ad is curiously favorable to Rick Perry, and brings about the feel that folks behind the Tea Party Express might be leaning towards Rick Perry with their political action support.
October 12th marks the launch of a new media and grassroots campaign aimed at confronting President Obama’s “Jobs Plan.” With unemployment remaining at record levels, we can no longer rely on the past policies of out-of-control spending and taxation that continue to fail. We must look to leaders the have faced similar economic turmoil, but were able to obtain positive results.
Two of these examples are Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin and Governor Rick Perry in Texas. Gov. Walker has led a manufacturing driven jobs recovery with the sector growing at a rate more than double the national average. Gov. Perry’s policies during his tenure created over 1 million jobs – even while the nation lost over 2 million jobs.
Wild Thing's comment........
Excellenrt ad! We do need men like Perry and Walker.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM
October 12, 2011
Rick Perry, No Ad Jingles Like Herman Cain Uses TOO Much Of, No RomneyCare Like Romney ...Perry Is The ONE With Substance and Experience For President!
Yesterday Rush Limbaugh said that Christie's endorsment of Romney is proof that the GOP establishment is "desperate" for Romney to be the Republican nominee.
"They're doing everything they can to make sure -- you know, Bachmann, Santorum, they're not in the top tier now, but they want to make sure they stay there." Limbaugh said, "Perry is the only genuine conservative threat to Romney, and this is an effort to take him out."
Cain appeared on Neil Boortz’s show today, and said the following:
Boortz, at the tail end of the interview, asks Cain how he’d do in a debate against Obama:
“It would almost be no contest.”
Ticking off ways he could compete with Obama, Boortz says that Cain would be able to talk about the black experience in America.
Cain’s response: “[Obama's] never been a part of the black experience in America.”
If Herman Cain wants to be the second black American president he needs to show some restraint once in awhile.
We know his mother was white, but Obama is known as the first black president and no matter what else has has been, the worst president in the history of America, Cain cannot take Obama's blackness away from him.
Cain tends to speak a lot in quips and too much of the time it leaves communicating what he means by the wayside.
Wild Thing's comment........
Very unimpressed with Herman Cain. I am tired of hearingi “999″ for one thing, but also the jingles need to stop. They make him come off with no substance….and not presidential. This is not about who can write or say the best advertising jingles, it is about the most powerful office in our country and it used to be the most powerful office in the world. The one other countries looked to and counted on.
So No thank you Herman Cain, you do not have my vote.
Rick Perry has the experience, has class, and knows how to get our country back on track. And Rick has substance.
During the debate they stayed on Romney way too much. But when they did get to Perry he did ok and a couple of times he did GREAT and much better then the last debates.
Perry did good, he sounded solid and trustworthy.
We have to remember that this is not Romney's first time he is an old hand at this. Perry is the newest one at it for President and that is a whole new ballgame, different then running for Gov.
Bottom line I am pleased with Perry, tired of hearing 999 from Cain. ( augh!) and like how Newt speaks up the way he does.
My vote as always goes for Perry, he would be the best imo by far compared to the others.
On the Fed:
Perry would consider Bernanke printing more money "almost treachorous, or treasonous"
Perry refuses to apologize for remarks on Bernanke
Perry advocates audit of the Federal Reserve
Perry says he would not reappoint Bernanke
Over the past 5 years, Texas has created more jobs than all other states combined
Perry against raising debt ceiling
Wants to scrap the federal income tax by repealing the 16th amendment
Perry calls for 6 month moratorium on government regulations
Supports balanced budget amendment
Since June 2009, 37% of all jobs created in the entire U.S. were created in Texas
First governor since WWII to reduce general revenue spending – by $3 billion using line item veto
Cut billions in property taxes
Cut taxes on small business and instituted tort reform
Texas is growing over twice as fast as the second fastest growing state and three times as fast as the third
Perry spent 4 years active duty (not Reserve or Nat'l Guard) as an Airforce pilot
Left Airforce with the rank of Captain
Was in the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M
Opposes the repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell"
Lifetime member of the American Legion
Troops should be commanded only by American commanders and military not subject to “international debating societies.” No “military adventurism”
Social Issues:
Support for one-man, one-woman marriage amendment
Opposes gay marriage, opposes special protection for homosexuals in workplace and housing, opposes the repeal of DADT
Signs anti gay marriage pledge
Properly defines contemporary evolution as a “theory”
Pro Life:
Planned Parenthood centers close after Perry signs bill defunding them
Perry believes abortion should be made illegal
Supports constitutional amendment banning abortion
Signed the Susan B. Anthony pro-life/anti-abortion pledge
Pledges pro-life VP pick
Pushed bill for ultrasounds before abortions and bill for pro-life license plates
Advocated for and eventually signed a stringent voter ID law
Pushed for anti-sanctuary city law
Opposes the federal dream act
August, 2010: Perry asks Obama for 1,000 additional National Guard troops on border
Perry sends Whitehouse $350 million bill for cost of illegal immigration
Advocates the use of unmanned drones to patrol border
"I can promise you that when I’m the President of the United States, the border will be secure" (1:36)
Vetoed bill allowing drivers licenses for illegal aliens
Directed over $400 million toward Texas Ranger special teams, National Guard and technology for border control
Perry behind removal of left-wing textbooks from Texas schools
Texas home schoolers endorse Rick Perry
Perry speaks at home school rally
Perry refuses $700 million in Obama education funds because of federal mandates
Perry seeks major reform of higher education
Fought for school vouchers
Rejects global warming - science skewed by financial interests
Called Al Gore a “false prophet of a secular carbon cult…" lol
New York Times: “Mr. Perry has been at war with the E.P.A. almost since the day he took office as governor”
Had the courage to admit in Iowa that he wants to end the federal ethanol mandate
EPA is a target for Perry
Perry signs anti-eminent domain bill protecting Texas property owners
"I'll work every day to try to make Washington, D.C., as inconsequential in your life as I can"
TX Gov. Rick Perry Reintroduces TSA Anti-Groping Bill
Slams food stamps and government subsidies
Karl Rove and the Democrats desperate to stop the Rick Perry posse
Would repeal Obamacare
Rick Perry never lost and election
Among trial lawyers, “there is no presidential candidate who inspires the same level of hatred – and fear – as Perry”
Considers the federal income tax “the greatest milestone on the road to serfdom”
Perry has overseen more executions than any governor in modern history
Perry signs bill raising the state speed limit to 85 miles per hour.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (4)
October 11, 2011
"Comeback Kid?" Perry Interview by Parade Magazine (comming out 10-23)
If a week is a year in politics, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has been through a decade since he entered the race to be the GOP presidential nominee on Aug. 13. At first he was heralded as the great right hope of the Republican Party, but after missteps in debates and comments on hot-button issues—Social Security, immigration—he faltered in the polls. Perry is undeterred—the American people, he says, need his blend of straight talk, job-creation savvy, and hand-on-the-heart patriotism.
He took a break from his hectic campaign schedule last week to sit down with Lynn Sherr for an interview with PARADE magazine.
So, what happened to you in the early debates?
Rick Perry: "A debate is an eight-ring circus, and you have a minute to talk. Sometimes it can be hard to explain your position on a host of issues. I readily admit I’m not the slickest politician nor the smoothest debater."
Do you feel as if the other candidates have been ganging up on you in the debates?
Rick Perry: "When you come into the fray and you’re leading in the polls, you’re going to get attacked by everyone. I get it. I’m a big boy, and I know how to play that game. "
Your critics say you’re not electable. Your response?
Rick Perry:"Well, I disregard that. Americans are looking for somebody to stand up and tell them the truth, and I have a record to back it up. Ultimately, if I can explain my heart, my jobs record, and my philosophy to Americans, I’m pretty confident that I’ll win."
You’re a very successful fund-raiser. But it’s been reported that nearly half of the major donors during your governorship ended up receiving business contracts, political appointments, or tax breaks. The word that’s been applied to you is “cronyism.” How do you respond?
Rick Perry:"That’s the same old, tired criticism which comes when people don’t want to talk about the real issues, like how do we create jobs."
But is there any truth to it?
Rick Perry:"No. Decisions in Texas are generally legislative, with the lieutenant governor, speaker, and governor making them together. There were no unilateral decisions from my office dealing with those issues. And I’ll go back to my record. I’ve been elected three times as governor. The people obviously have confidence in me."
Your wife, Anita Perry, tends to stay out of the spotlight. At the Sept. 12 debate, you described her as “beautiful, thoughtful, incredible.” What is she like as a person?
Rick Perry:"She’s very smart and loyal. She’s not predisposed to be a public figure since she saw how her father, a small-town doctor, had to be shared with all these other people. She’s also a great patriot. "
Some of our recent presidents have admitted to experimenting with drugs. What about you?
Rick Perry:"No, ma’am. Not unless you call caffeine a drug. Or cold beer or whiskey."
Governor, how would you make the White House more like Texas?
Rick Perry:We’d have Blue Bell ice cream and Hill Country barbecue.
Look for the full story in the Oct. 23 issue of PARADE.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I see him more like Reagan than any of the others.....a good man with good values.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (2)
Who Is Anita Perry? ~ Wonderful Interview!
Who Is Anita Perry?
Talk about meeting cute: Anita Thigpen first saw Rick Perry at a piano recital in Haskell, Texas, when she was 6 and he was 8. They began dating in high school and wed in 1982.
Known as private and shy, the candidate's wife could be his best spokesperson. Perry, 59, is in fact a warm, chatty woman brimming with Texas charm who finishes her interview by inviting the writer out for a beer.
A former nurse, she has begun traveling the United States to campaign for her husband. In this rare one-on-one, Perry opens up about the man she calls "Ricky." (Look for the full story in the Oct. 23 issue of PARADE.)
LYNN SHERR: Let’s start with an easy question. How would you describe your husband?
ANITA PERRY: I think he’s the most handsome man. And he’s creative, smart, kind, thoughtful. …
What’s your pet name for him?
Ricky. He calls me Nita.
Your husband says you urged him to enter the race. Why?
My daddy was a family practice doctor, and in the 1970s after Medicare began, I remember him telling me, as wise as he was, “We’re moving towards socialized medicine. The first time you take a dollar from the federal government, they’ll start trying to control your life.” I became a nurse, and I’ve seen government take away more and more of our freedom to choose the care we want and the drugs we want.
When did you first talk to your husband about running?
I started thinking about it last November after his reelection. Then in June a friend sent me a magazine article; it was about Obamacare. I read it and thought, “I don’t want more of the same.” One day Rick and I were talking and I said, “I am so concerned with our children’s future and their children’s future and what will happen to them. We’ve given so many years to public service, and we need to make a difference.” I didn’t want us to wake up when we were 80 and regret we didn’t do this. Our country is in danger, in my opinion.
He’s taken a lot of heat over his 2007 executive order mandating that sixth-grade girls get the HPV vaccine unless their parents opted out. [It was overturned by the state legislature.] What role did you play in his decision?
I didn’t know anything about it.
What was your reaction when you heard about it?
I wish he’d talked to me first.
Was it the wrong decision?
No, but I thought he handled it the wrong way. I’ve been cochair for the March of Dimes immunization program, and I’m pro-immunization. I would have supported the vaccine. I do not see it as an opening for sexual promiscuity in any way. I see it as another immunization.
Do you think your husband’s taking some unfair hits?
Yes, he’s said he made a mistake. He just wants to get rid of cancer in our lifetime. I don’t know how many other men would admit, “I made a mistake.”
Presidential campaigns usually get very ugly. Can you handle it?
It’s already ugly. [laughs] It’s so unkind and unfair, because you know what? All we want to do is serve our country, fight for freedom, and bring back America, the greatest country in the world. The other day, an older lady asked me, “What do you think about the polls?” I said, “I can’t look at them. All I can do is get up every day and tell everyone what a wonderful man and leader Rick Perry is.”
If he is elected president next year, what issues or causes will you take up as first lady?
It’s hard to say. I’m a health care professional. I love our military. But we’ve got a lot of work to do before we make it to the White House.
You’ve said your husband prays every night and morning. Yes. He always asks for wisdom for our president. What about you?
I pray that God will send his angels to protect my children.
Is it hard for you to go out and make campaign speeches?
It’s not hard. I’ve had lots of years to do it, and I’ve become comfortable in that role. I love meeting people—goodness gracious, that’s the best part.
When your husband gives speeches, do you ever find yourself wanting to put words in his mouth?
No, because he always says the right thing.
Well, most of the time. Whether he says it in a way that you or I want to hear …
Let me ask you one last question about the future. If you make it all the way to the White House, what will you bring with you?
Fun, humor, kindness, and a love for our country.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Anita would make such a beautiful and wonderful First Lady in our White House.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (3)
October 08, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry's Speech At The Values Voter Summit in Washington,D.C. Yesterday
H/T The Right Scoop blog for the video
Rick Perry addressed a conservative audience at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., on Friday.
Rick Perry: I Am a Conservative
Rick Perry: I Am a Conservative ......."At the mention of a new leader in the White House, the crowd gave Perry a standing ovation.
Perry made sure his audience knew that his economic policies as governor helped spur job growth during a recession. As governor, he kept taxes low, regulation limited, and advocated tort reform – all of which he said made the Texas economy stronger. He vowed to implement the same policies for the entire nation if he becomes president.
"The only kind of stimulus that will work is the kind that puts more money in your pocket, not the government’s," he said.".......
Those in the White House today don't believe in American exceptionalism, they'd rather emulate the failed policies of Europe. But we see what their policies have led to. 14 million Americans out of work. 45 million Americans on food stamps. And according to WSJ, nearly half of Americans receive government assistance.
“American exceptionalism is the product of unlimited freedom and there is nothing troubling our nation today that cannot be solved by the rebirth of freedom.” — Perry
“I believe in this great country of ours. I believe in the capacity of our people to create prosperity through private ingenuity. I believe in the values of American people. Americans know anything worth achieving in life requires hard work not government’s handout.” - Perry
Perry: ...”You can’t spread success by punishing it. You can’t unite our country by dividing it.
“As a border governor I have dealt with the carnage that was caused by failures in our federal border policy,” he stated. “I know the answers to those failures is not to grant amnesty to those who have broken the law to come to this country.”
As governor, he vetoed a bill that would have given driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants and also advocated for photo identification to be presented when voting.
“There is no homeland security without border security,” Perry reassured his applauding audience.
Wild Thing's comment........
Excellent speech by Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (5)
October 07, 2011
Twenty-Five Arkansas Elected Officials and GOP Leaders Endorse Gov. Perry for President
Twenty-Five Arkansas Elected Officials and GOP Leaders Endorse Gov. Perry for President
Rick Perry for President website
Gov. Rick Perry today received the endorsement of 25 elected officials and conservative leaders in Arkansas, including 19 state lawmakers, four GOP county chairs, Land Commissioner John Thurston, and National Committeewoman Reta Hamilton.
“The support of these principled conservative leaders will be instrumental in this campaign and I am honored to have their endorsement,” said Gov. Perry. “I look forward to partnering with them as I travel the country sharing my vision for how to get America working again so that we can create the jobs our nation needs and put the country back on track to prosperity.”
“Gov. Perry’s record of executive achievement in Texas is unmatched, and it is clear that he is the leader our nation needs to get America working again after having led Texas to the forefront of job creation over the last decade,” said Arkansas State Representative David Sanders. “America desperately needs his vision, expertise and proven conservatism in the White House.”
To read the list PLEASE CLICK HERE....Thank you.
Wild Thing's comment........
Good news for Perry and I forget how many States now he has had endorsements from but it keeps growing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM
October 05, 2011
Texas First Black Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson Says Ranch Furor an Overreaction
Texas First Black Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson Says Ranch Furor an Overreaction
Wallace Jefferson, the first black chief justice of the Texas Supreme Court, said the hunting ranch name controversy is "much ado about nothing" and argued the implication that Rick Perry is insensitive to matters of race is flatly wrong. Jefferson, who was appointed to the post by Perry, and whose great-great-great-grandfather was a slave owned by a Waco district judge, said the reality is quite the opposite: Perry "appreciates the role diversity plays in our state and nation."
Jefferson said he can recall his first conversation with Perry, in 2001, like it was yesterday. They talked about how Jefferson's father and Perry had both been Air Force officers. Jefferson said Perry shared his view that in all circumstances, merit mattered, not race.
"To imply that the governor condoned either the use of that word or that sentiment, I find false," Jefferson said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank you Chief Justice Jefferson.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (3)
Why I Support Rick Perry
Why I Support Rick Perry
Rick Perry will be the next President of the United States if I have anything to do with it.
Who am I? I’m a mom, a doctor, a business owner, a former Michigander, Californian and New Yorker, a conservative with a libertarian streak, a Tea Party attender and reporter, a blogger, an activist, and for 14 years, a Texan.
For the last four plus years, I’ve been howling in dismay at our national political catastrophe. It started under President Bush who I believed was a good man (still do) but possessed of the soft, big government ease driven by noblesse oblige. I didn’t ascribe to “compassionate conservatism” because I believe conservatism to be inherently compassionate and loathed ceding rhetorical ground to leftists who are anything but compassionate.
Unlike many big government Republicans, I believe the government itself, when too big, too unwieldy, is a force for evil. Good intentions cease to matter. The government, like a glioblastoma growing out of control strangles the life out of the brain and then body of the country.
President Obama came into office and shot the system through with estrogen (trillions of money), thus growing the tumor, and squeezing what little life remained out of the patient politic. I’ve been appalled at how quickly it’s happened. How easily. How mercilessly. Heaven help us.
Heaven helps those who help themselves. No savior comes in the guise of American president. Christ will return when he sees fit. Until then, we make do with humans. We filter through the possibilities and decide.
That means eliminating choices. Many of them. A positive choice means leaving others behind. So, I’ll explain why I’m leaving others behind. Some I won’t mention because it’s never going to happen.
Mitt Romney: This. Watch it and you’ll see why I haven’t spent the last years of my life fighting to get a guy like this as our nominee. He is a disaster of a candidate. He has no guiding principles. He’s been very pro-abortion. He’s been, obviously, for Obamacare, the mandate and centralized control of the health care system. He buys into manmade global warming. He was vociferously pro-bailout, aka TARP. He was enthusiastically for the stimulus. He was pro-Amnesty. Yes. He was. Do I need more reasons to be against this man’s candidacy? Do I need to explain why I’m nigh to apoplectic about conservatives elevating people who cannot beat this guy?
Newt Gingrich: I like Newt. He’s smart, articulate, knows the evil media, and he’s innovative. He also lead-footed, ham-handed, has horrible instincts (NY 29, Cap-n-Trade, etc.) and ultimately, his character failings make him a no-go. I would like him somewhere in the government, though. I like his ideas of Six Sigma for government. I like many of his ideas.
Herman Cain: I like Herman. I’ve had the privilege to interview him a couple times–twice formally and once, off the cuff. He’s smart, funny, and accomplished in the private sector. He has never held elected office. This matters to me. He’s a good talker. What is his walk? We don’t know. I would NEVER hire someone as even a receptionist who hadn’t demonstrated that she or he had the skills to do the job. Many of you believe that the private sector is good experience for politics and I’d say being successful in business is a good launching board for politics at the state or even in the House or Senate. The Presidency is something else altogether. To me, it’s the absolute height of arrogance to assume you’ve got what it takes to lead the country when you have never demonstrated even the minimal leadership necessary to run a congressional district. Run for Governor. Prove yourself. I want to see more out of Chris Christie, for heaven’s sake. Why would I be okay with an untested politician like Herman Cain? I wouldn’t.
Now, to why I support Rick Perry:
I live under the light hand of the Texas system–a hand that Governor Perry has done everything in his power to make lighter. He cut the size and scope of government even as the Texas population grew faster than any place in the nation. We started a business here with nothing but a credit card. You know how much money we were making a month when we first moved here fourteen years ago? Two thousand a month. Gross. With a baby. Slowly, surely, we built our business and life here.
When we first got to Texas, my husband worked with doctors who were heavily involved in the Worker’s Comp (work injuries) and Personal Injury (car accidents) system. It was rife with abuse. There were rings of lawyers, doctors, and accident fakers who exploited the system. Governor Perry directly took on the fraud and abuse which meant taking on the trial lawyers association. In one day after the law was passed (my husband had long since gone into practice for himself and had a holistic practice), the shysters lost the whole scam. It was beautiful to behold.
And then, this last year, Governor Perry pushed through “loser pays” on lawsuits. I cannot even tell you how much lawyers in Texas hate Rick Perry. And it’s one reason I love his record. It’s also a reason, they’ll fight tooth and nail against him nationally.
Perry has curbed malpractice judgments. So now, doctors are moving to Texas in droves. The Houston medical center is a haven of medical innovation and bold new treatments. People fly from all over the country to come here for cancer treatment and more. When a family member was diagnosed with cancer, do you know how long it took to get an appointment with the number one specialist in the world? Less than one week. I would shudder to be in Massachusetts suffering under impossibly long doctor wait times.
Rick Perry has fought Barack Obama from day one. I don’t know how many lawsuits have been filed back and forth against the federal government, but I know there’s multiple fights with the EPA, there’s Obamacare, there’s Medicaid, there’s the border, and on and on. Other people talk about fighting President Obama. Governor Perry has gone straight at President Obama’s socialist agenda and tangled with him both rhetorically and in the courts of law.
Governor Perry is taking on the entrenched elites of higher education trying to make education affordable to all people. He has challenged state educators to come up with a $10,000 college education. He wants Professors to teach. And he doesn’t give up on good ideas. Notably, he’s been fighting Karen Hughes and the higher ed cronies who want the status quo because it gives them immense power and riches.
If you’ve watched the debates, you’ve wondered if Governor Perry can give a speech or articulate a point of view. Well, I’ve seen him soar on multiple occasions and in different venues. People hunger for articulate, passionate and ardent speaking. I understand the adoration that people have for Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain. They can breath fire and illuminate at the same time. Rick Perry, on his game, is even better. I’ve seen them all speak multiple times. Governor Perry can instill confidence and hope and lay out ideas with the best of them.
I want our president to know what it’s like to have skin in the game, to be in the military…to sacrifice. Rick Perry was a C-130 air force pilot who finished as Captain. Pilots need to make quick decisions in demanding situations..life and death decisions.
Governor Perry is solidly anti-abortion, pro-gun-rights, anti-job killing regulations, pro-capitalist, pro-America, pro-Israel, and for economic expansion. More than being for these things, his professional walk supports these things. He doesn’t just talk or evangelize (though he does both), his record supports these principles.
I believe that Governor Perry can bring the success that his administration facilitated in Texas to America. The Obama-Keynesian experiment has been an abject failure. What’s the alternative? A mushy Mitt Romneyesque big government Republicanism that expands the power of the government just at a slower rate? A rhetorical flourish from a businessman with no legislative experience?
Oh, hell no.
We need experience. We need principles. We need a very human and a very capable Rick Perry.
Finally, a word to those are wilt before the press’ and left’s demonizing of one of our own. Stand up! For heaven’s sake. Hold your ground and be principled. I can assure you that even mealy mouthed Mitt will be minced meat before the press gets done with him. Look at the video above. That’s what will be the fodder for Obama’s campaign videos.
Even worse, turning to a novice when experience is needed seems to be the height of folly considering where and why America is where she is at now.
Governor Perry needs to do a better job of making his case. But he DOES have a case and a good one. Conservatives dismantling him are working very hard on giving us Mitt Romney as the Republican nominee. I find that unconscionable.
The country is in too bad of shape to be swept away by superficialities. Look at the candidate’s record. At this juncture, he must have one.
For those who are cynical and believe that none of this really matters, I beg to differ. I lived in California in the late 80s during the first housing bust. I lived in Michigan during its slow decline as it went back to seed due to unsustainable union demands and abject Democrat corruption in the big cities like Detroit and Flint. I lived in upstate New York and watch the life blood — IBM, Xerox, and on and on — leave the state because businesses could no longer afford to do business there.
I know a liberal when I see one. I know a conservative when I see one.
Rick Perry is a conservative. He has been willing to veto his own party when they head down a big government road. He has done it over and over again. That takes spine. And it has been something sorely lacking in both of the last two Presidents.
So, I’m asking you to give Governor Perry another look. He’s been in public service a long time and stuck to his principles and managed to govern one of the biggest states in the nation. But the policies aren’t some pie-in-the-sky distant thing. They affect lives. They have affected my life for fourteen years. And while there have been times I’ve been irritated with the Governor, most of the time, I’ve had the luxury of not paying attention to what he’s doing because he’s been doing it right.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a President who you didn’t have to worry was ruining the country every single minute? It’s a low bar, to be sure, but it’s seemed unreachable for years now. I’d like that to change.
Wild Thing's comment......
Excellent write up.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (3)
October 04, 2011
Perry Has Appointed More Minorities Than Any Governor In Texas History
Perry Has Appointed More Minorities Than Any Governor In Texas History
Even some of Perry’s fiercest Texas critics say they do not believe he is racist. They point to his record of appointments as evidence: He appointed the state’s first African-American state supreme court justice, Wallace Jefferson, and later made him chief justice. (Jefferson’s great grandfather was a slave, “sold like a horse,” Perry once said with disgust.) Perry’s former general counsel and former chief of staff, Brian Newby, is black; so is Albert Hawkins, the former Health and Human Services Commissioner who Perry handpicked to lead the massive agency in 2002.
“He doesn’t have a racist bone in his body,” said former Democratic state Rep. Ron Wilson, who is black and served with Perry in his early years in the Legislature. “He didn’t then, and he doesn’t now.”
Added Dallas Democratic Sen. Royce West, who is also black: “I don’t agree with him on policy issues, but you can point to many things he has done that were sensitive to ethnic minorities.”
Indeed, in his 11-year gubernatorial tenure, Perry has appointed more minorities to statewide posts — including university regents and secretaries of state — than any governor in Texas history.
“Texans need to see that no matter where you come from, the color of your skin or the sound of your last name, that if you are willing to work hard and play by the rules you can become anything you want in this state,” Perry said in a 2010 interview with The Dallas Examiner.
Wild Thing's comment........
Gov. Rick Perry has the conservative goods, and the record to prove them and the screaming match leveled at him will become suspect, only after we finish courting candidates without the goods whose rise is based only on how well they throw rocks at Rick Perry. The proof that conservatism is alive and actually on duty is in only one candidate whose got the record to prove it. Rick’s got it and they want it. Overeach and the fiction flacking with half truths will eventually meet its Waterloo. Voters catch on to the killing field over time.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (3)
Florida Republican Leader Paul Senft Endorses Governor Perry for President
Florida Republican Leader Paul Senft Endorses Governor Perry for President
Texas Gov. Rick Perry today received the personal endorsement of Florida National Committeeman Paul Senft in his campaign for president.
“I’m proud to endorse Gov. Perry for president – he has been leading Texas to more job creation, while President Obama has failed to lead on anything,” said Senft. “Gov. Perry’s proven record of job creation is the best of any candidate in the field, and as a man of faith he is the strong, principled leader this party and our nation need. He will be an excellent Commander-in-Chief and respect the 10th Amendment to make Washington less intrusive in state government and less consequential in our daily lives so that our country can thrive and prosper as we rebuild our global pride and respect.”
Paul Senft is a long time GOP activist from Haines City in Polk County and has served as Florida’s National Committeeman since 2004. He is also an RNC Executive Committee Member, and previously served as the State Committeeman and Chairman for the Polk County Republican Executive Committee.
“Paul Senft has been a powerful force in advancing the values and priorities of the Republican Party in Florida, and I am honored to have his endorsement,” said Gov. Rick Perry. “I look forward to his partnership in this campaign as I travel the nation sharing my vision to restore our economy and get America working again.”
Wild Thing's comment.....
Nice and important endorsement for Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:40 AM
October 03, 2011
Gov. Perry Stands With Gibson Guitars
During a campaign stop in Memphis this week, Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry adeptly played to the rhetoric of unrest reverberating around Tennessee and beyond as a result of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s raid on Gibson Guitars.
Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey, himself a critic of the Gibson raid and one of Tennessee’s highest profile Perry supporters, introduced the Texas governor during a lunchtime fundraiser at the Memphis Botanical Gardens.
Before striding to the mic, Perry took a quick detour over to the guitar player in the corner of the room.
“Let me come over here and make sure … yes, that’s what I thought that was. God bless you, that is a Gibson guitar!” Perry announced to the audience, which included local business leaders and GOP state lawmakers Rep. Mark White and Sen. Brian Kelsey.
“And you tell the government, ‘Keep your hands off of my Gibson!’,” Perry exhorted the musician.
That chop at the federal government over the Gibson raids in Nashville and Memphis was the latest in a chorus of opposition that’s grown in intensity ever since federal agents investigating whether the company illegally imported wood temporarily shut down the facilities. The government seized wood, electronic files and guitars.
A “We Stand With Gibson” rally, sponsored by several dozen Tea Party and Republican groups, is scheduled in Nashville at the Scoreboard Restaurant on Oct. 8 from 2-4 p.m. Speakers slated to appear include Gibson CEO Henry Juszkiewicz, U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn and talk radio hosts Steve Gill, Phil Valentine and Mark Skoda.
Musicians are also increasingly speaking out about the issue.
In a video posted to Gibson’s “This Will Not Stand” website, Sully Erna – a member of the heavy metal band Godsmack – said “I believe in their innocence, and I stand by them 100 percent as they fight to protect their rights.”
Country legend Charlie Daniels riffed and railed on the Gibson raids for the Facebook faithful.
“When I went to Iraq the first time, I saw a great need for recreational musical instruments as a lot of the troops played, to one degree or another, but just didn’t have instruments to help while away the lonely off duty hours,” Daniels wrote. “When I got back stateside I started something we called Operation Heartstrings in an effort to provide instruments and strings to our men and women serving so far away from home. The first call I made was to Henry Juszkiewicz, the owner of the Gibson Guitar Company who, without hesitation, donated one hundred Gibson guitars and a gross or so of strings to the project.”
Wondered Daniels, “Is this what America has come to, that the resources of the United States government can be used to settle political scores by a petulant president and a totally out of control Justice Department?”
.....Thank you BobF, for sending this to me.
1973 - 1999
Charlie Daniels did a good piece on how Gibson is being persecuted by the current administration for what he suspects is their support of Republicans. He also mentions how Gibson gave guitars and strings to Operation Heartstrings to provide instruments to our troops overseas.
Charlie Daniles Note at his Facebook page
And if you are on oFacebook HERE IS Charlie Daniels facebook page
When I went to Iraq the first time I saw a great need for recreational musical instruments as a lot of the troops played, to one degree or another, but just didn't have instruments to help while away the lonely off duty hours.
When I got back stateside I started something we called Operation Heartstrings in an effort to provide instruments, and strings to our men and women serving so far away from home.
The first call I made was to Henry Juszkiewicz, the owner of the Gibson Guitar Company who, without hesitation, donated one hundred Gibson guitars and a gross or so of strings to the project.
Henry is good American and businessman who makes a quality product and exports it to the world, providing a lot of American jobs in the process.
On August 24, agents from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Homeland Security executed a raid on the corporate headquarters and two of the factories of the Gibson Guitar Company in Nashville, TN.
They confiscated 24 pallets of Indian rosewood, some finished guitars and some of the company's computer files, claiming that Gibson had illegally imported the wood used to make fretboards and bridges on their guitars.
A little known - and recently amended - piece of legislation called the Lacey Act contends that American companies have to operate according to the laws of the country exporting the wood.
The feds contend that if the fretboards had been finished in India and imported that way there would be no problem, but that when imported in the raw form and finished by American workers it is illegal.
And here's the sickening thing, the complaint did not originate with the Indian government. They are perfectly happy to export the unfinished fretboards.
The deputy director general of foreign trade for India even stated in a letter in July of this year that rosewood ebony from India was freely exportable but the feds seem to want to use their own interpretation of the law to harass Gibson.
And I do mean harass.
Why not the other guitar companies who import and use the same wood, why single out Gibson?
Could it be that Henry Juszkiewicz has been known to support Republican candidates while at least one other major guitar manufacturer supports Democrats?
Is this what America has come to, that the resources of the United States government can be used to settle political scores by a petulant president and a totally out of control Justice Department?
Is there not anything more pressing and more dangerous to America than persecuting an old and honorable American company that provides much-needed jobs in a job-hungry economy?
No matter what he says, Obama has a careless disregard for American jobs, especially if they're not unionized.
If the Homeland Security Department needs something to do they could provide some much needed help on the Arizona border.
This is disgusting.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops, and for our country.
God Bless America
Charlie Daniels
Wild Thing's comment.......
Love stories like this. And I love what Perry said and Charlie Daniels note.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (2)
Herman Cain Plays The Race Card
This is where it began....................
Maybe Stephanie McCrummen Just Likes Using the N Word
This is perhaps the most bizarre attack on Rick Perry to come so far.
Hugh Hewtitt has a very good take down of it. It shows the extent to which the Democrats will go to attack Republicans. Stephanie McCrummen, a Washington Post based reporter formerly stationed in Nairobi has a history of fanning racial flames out of context.
In a move that was genuinely supported by people of all races in North Carolina, McCrummen earlier this year tried to paint tea party backed school board members as racist for restructuring a school busing program in the Raleigh area. Again, there were a large number of black residents supportive of the measure, but McCrummen’s reporting failed to get into that.
Now, she’s out with a story about Rick Perry and his dad using a hunting camp with a big rock on it that has the word “Ni**erhead” on it. Rick Perry’s father painted over the rock. At some point, they turned the rock over so it couldn’t be seen.
The Washington Post story makes clear that Perry didn’t like it, that his dad painted over it, that they weren’t responsible for it, and that all seven people who who saw it remember it in the 80′s, might have seen it in 2008 (but really are not sure), and did not associate it with either Rick Perry or his father.
As Hugh Hewitt notes:
Many, many people were interviewed for the story. Only seven recall seeing the rock, and not one of them connect Rick Perry to it, nor do any of the people –either from among these seven or who knows how many more were contacted for the piece– tie Rick Perry to offensive comments, language or actions. Though a lot of space is devoted to this story, no detailed reporting on what the seven saw and when they saw it is included, which allows for incredible supposition about the ambiguity to take root. Thus a story that could have major implications for the presidential campaign in 2012 is built on anonymous sources whose stories aren’t even detailed.
It is a drive-by slander
It also seems to be a slander Herman Cain is picking up and running with as a way to get into second place.
But Stephanie McCrummen gets to use the word ni**ger 8 times in the story and connect it to Rick Perry.
Rick Perry disputes Washington Post story on slur
"A number of claims made in the story are incorrect, inconsistent, and anonymous, including the implication that Rick Perry brought groups to the lease when the word on the rock was still visible. The one consistent fact in the story is that the word on a rock was painted over and obscured many years ago.
"Governor Perry and his family never owned, controlled or managed the property referenced in the Washington Post story. The 42,000-acre ranch is owned by the Hendricks Home for Children, a West Texas charity.
"Perry’s father painted over offensive language on a rock soon after leasing the 1,000-acre parcel in the early 1980s. When Governor Perry was party to the hunting lease from 1997 to 2007, the property was described as northern pasture. He has not been to the property since 2006.
Herman Cain was asked about this on Sunday morning show " This Week".....His response is what is a big disappointment and because he chose to use the race card in his reply now Al Sharpton has made a statement that Perry should step down as a candidate. ~ Wild Thing
Perry family quickly removed offensive name from camp, campaign says
Rick Perry's presidential campaign said Sunday that his family moved quickly when they found they that the Texas hunting camp they leases was named "Niggerhead," and painted over the word on a rock next to the camp entrance.
The rapid response from the Texas governor's campaign, to a newspaper report Sunday about the camp name and to criticism from his one African-American rival, was an attempt to stem any political fallout for a candidate who has struggled to regain his footing since a weak debate in Florida and a surprise loss in a straw poll there.
The Washington Post reported Sunday that Perry's family leased the Texas land starting in 1983.
The newspaper reported that Perry said his father painted over the word in the early 1980s, and that it was eventually turned over to further ensure the word couldn't be seen. But the newspaper also reported that some other visitors recalled seeing it displayed after the early 1980s.
One of Perry's Republican opponents, , businessman Herman Cain, called the use of the name troubling.
"That is very insensitive. And since Gov. Perry has been going there for years to hunt, I think that it shows a lack of sensitivity for a long time of not taking that word off of that rock and renaming the place," Cain said on ABC's "This Week."
"Yes, it was painted over," Cain said. "But how long ago was it painted over? So I'm still saying that it is a sign of insensitivity."
Cain defeated Perry by a 2-to-1 ratio in the straw poll of Florida Republicans, a surprise setback that punctuated Perry's poor debate performances. A new Fox News poll shows former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney with the support of 23 percent of Republican voters, Perry with 19 percent and Cain with 17 percent.
Ray Sullivan, Perry's campaign communications director, issued a statement soon after Cain was asked about the camp on both the ABC and Fox morning programs.
"Mr. Cain is wrong about the Perry family's quick action to eliminate the word on the rock, but is right the word written by others long ago is insensitive and offensive. That is why the Perrys took quick action to cover and obscure it," Sullivan said.
"As Gov. Perry told the Washington Post, 'The old name has its origins from another time and era when unfortunately, offensive language was used to name some land formations around the country. When my dad joined the lease in 1983, he soon painted over the offensive word. It is my understanding that the rock was also turned over to further obscure what was originally written on it.'"
Sullivan went on to stress that Perry has appointed African-Americans to several Texas posts, including chief justice of the state supreme court and his own chief of staff.
In another statement Sunday, Sullivan disputed the Post report that the word was still visibly displayed on occasions when Perry took guests on hunting trips to the leased land.
"A number of claims made in the story are incorrect, inconsistent, and anonymous, including the implication that Rick Perry brought groups to the lease when the word on the rock was still visible," Sullivan said.
"The one consistent fact in the story is that the word on a rock was painted over and obscured many years ago," Sullivan said.
The land near his boyhood home of Paint Creek, Texas, is owned by the Hendricks Home for Children, a charitable group.
Wild Thing's comment........
Perry is resurging and our leftist MSM is busily digging up whatever dirt it can find and then Cain plays into it.
Cain did not have to play the race card on this, he could have taken the high road and he did not. This is campaign season and every interview counts, why else did they make such a big thing about Perry saying that about not having a heart. They crucified him for that.
Cain would have looked much better if he had said it had been taken care of end of story.
And this from the Chicago Tribune:
When asked last week about the name, which is now painted over, Perry said the word on the rock was an "offensive name that has no place in the modern world," the Post said.
Perry told the paper that his father painted over the name on the rock in 1983 or 1984, shortly after his family first leased the property. "Ever since, any time I ever saw the rock it was painted over," Perry said.
“Cain said the former name for the camp was “a more vile, negative word than the n-word, and for him to leave there as long as he did before I hear that they finally painted over, it is just plain insensitive to a lot of black people.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (4)
October 02, 2011
Great Interview! Michael Savage Interviews Texas Gov. Rick Perry on 10th Amendment
Michael Savage Interviews Texas Gov. Rick Perry on 10th Amendment ~ PART ONE
Michael Savage Interviews Texas Gov. Rick Perry on 10th Amendment ~ PART TWO
April 2009
Texas Governor Rick Perry is furious that Texas is losing its sovereignty, because of the Stimulus Bill, and so he is striking back with strongly worded statements about how much he hates the feds.
Rick Perry is just mad as hell about how he is being forced to spend billions of dollar in federal stimulus money in ways the federal government demands.
So he joined some state legislators in supporting a Texas House bill affirming Texas' sovereignty under the 10th Amendment.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is the kind of strong leader that wants the best for America would be as President. I love his passion and how he takes a stand for our country.
Both videos are fantastic, especially the second one. but I would watch both of them for sure.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM
The Plot Against Perry...by Eugene Vallorani
Written on October 1, 2011
by Eugene Vallorani ( Mr. Vallorani is a resident of Beaumont Texas, a self employed Financial Consultant and a retired veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps)
The Mainstream Media, including Fox News, and the establishment of the Republican Party have put together a coordinated effort to defeat Governor Rick Perry’s bid for the Presidency of the United States. There are three reasons why these groups are plotting against Perry.
First, he hails from Texas and they claim he is “soft on illegal immigration.” I will set the record straight on Perry’s immigration policy. Second, he’s not a “silver tongued” public speaker — as if that should be a qualification anyway. We all know what the last “silver tongued” orator has done to our country. Actions, my fellow citizens, speak louder than words. Third, Governor Perry is a Christian Conservative.
Plot #1: Discredit Perry’s Position on Immigration
First, my fellow Americans need to understand that Texas is a border state that shares 1,800 miles with Mexico. Governor Perry is adamant that the Federal Government must commit more troops on the border with the addition of aerial surveillance with unmanned drones. Governor Perry has also dispatched the fabled Texas Rangers to perform reconnaissance missions on the border. Does this sound like a candidate who is “soft on immigration?”
Secondly, let me address Perry’s position on granting in-state tuition to the children of illegal aliens. One of the many great things about Texas is that we do not have State income tax. State schools are funded by sales tax and property tax. Everyone living in Texas, regardless of national citizenship, supports these institutions by paying sales tax. Besides, this tuition law was one passed overwhelmingly and nearly unanimously by the Texas Legislature in 2001. The Wall Street Journal, in an editorial published September 27, 2011, reported that clearly 73 percent of those children are native born Americans. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that such children cannot be deprived of an elementary public education based on the immigration status of their parents. That ruling applies to all 50 states. Texas allows citizens of all its border states to also pay in state tuition. To politicize a decades-old law over the education of innocent little children because of the citizen status of their parents is not right.
To further understand my point, please take a minute to watch the video of my fellow conservatives who support Perry’s position on immigration. If Republicans are not careful, we will drive Christian Conservative hispanics to the Democrat Party!
Texas is the only state in the Union that fought its own war of independence and many of its heroes are Hispanics like Juan Seguin and President Zavalla. These men are as much heroes in Texas as Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie and Sam Houston. In Texas, there is a special bond between its Anglo and Hispanic citizens — we are all free men under God.
The Left wants population control. They don’t want immigrants in America, because they will not be able to achieve and sustain their Socialist dream. Why are conservatives supporting a Left-wing agenda?
Plot #2: Portray Perry as a Poor Public Speaker
On September 22nd, the Fox News organization allegedly worked behind the scenes to portray Governor Perry’s facial expressions in a negative light while his “so-called” fellow Republicans attacked him. Technical operations and camera angles can be used make one look good or bad to the viewing public. During their hosted debates, CNN and MSNBC concentrated their negativity toward Governor Perry both during and after the debate.
Fox commentator Sean Hannity is being most hypocritical when he adulates New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, but fails to report that Mr. Christie favors gun control and has no arguments against homosexual marriage. Mr. Hannity’s actions reinforce my thesis that Fox, the Left wing media, and the Eastern elites of the Republican Establishment really do support gun control, same sex marriage, and all of the filth and immorality that has befallen this once Christian nation.
Plot #3: Dismiss Perry because he came from a poor family and he is a Christian
Governor Perry is the son of a share cropper. He grew up in a house without running water and worked in the fields with Mexican workers. He went on to become an Air Force officer, pilot, and longest-serving Governor in the history of Texas. His life is truly an American success story fulfilled. Most importantly, he has placed his faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is the same Lord and Savior that our hispanic brothers worship. The media despises Christians and persecutes them at every opportunity. They are doing this to Perry as well.
Believe me when I say that Governor Perry is the only one who can defeat President Obama. If Mr. Romney wins the nomination, the Tea Party will probably split and form a Third Party. We all know this will ensure the re-election of Mr. Obama and our great country will be ruled once again by godless non-believers. Now is the time for all Christians from all denominations to unite and not to be misled by the Media who would willingly bring about the decline and fall of America.
Perry is a Christian and a Patriot who loves America. He is the only man who can defeat Obama and take America back from the clutches of his socialist regime.
This article was written by Mr. Vallorani is a resident of Beaumont Texas, a self employed Financial Consultant and a retired veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Thank you Mr. Vallorani for your service to our country. This is an excellent write up and the video as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (2)
October 01, 2011
Exclusive: Rick Perry Says It’s President Obama Who’s Soft, Not the American People ~ A Must See Video Great Interview
In an exclusive interview, Rick Perry spoke to Carl Cameron about his record on immigration, the death of Anwar al-Awlaki, and Obama’s comments that Americans are “soft.”
Perry defended his strong record on immigration in Texas. He said that the problem is that the federal government has failed to secure the border, so as governor he has to deal with the problem.
He said that since illegal immigrants had already crossed the border, he had two options: to kick them to the curb or to educate them. The Texas legislature overwhelmingly voted to educate them. He said the real issue that people need to focus on is securing the border, which President Obama will not do.
Perry spoke about the death of Anwar al-Awlaki and attributed it to GItmo remaining open and allowing us to garner intelligence from its prisoners.
Of remarks made by President Obama that Americans are “soft,” Perry clarified that Americans have it “tough” because of this president. He went on to say, “Americans aren’t soft. We’ve got some bad policies on tax and regulation in Washington, D.C. that are kicking people out of jobs every day. That’s the real tragedy. What we’ve got is a soft president.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is a great interview!!! One that would be good to share with others that are interesting and close to making a decision.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (4)
Gov. Rick Perry's Townhall Meeting At The Adams Memorial Opera House
Gov. Rick Perry's Townhall Meeting with New Hampshire voters at the Adams Memorial Opera House in Derry. This is the Governor s first town hall meeting in New Hampshire since announcing his campaign for President in August.
The video was done by C-SPAN and they do not have it where it can be posted at blogs. So I will put the LINK here for you to click on. His Townhall was so good!!!!!! I missed the first part of it when it was happening, they did it live yesteday, so I am really glad they at least have the link so I can share it with all of you.
DERRY — Texas Gov. Rick Perry delivered an anti-tax, pro-business message last night at a town hall-style forum on the Presidential primary trail.
Perry signed the New Hampshire anti-tax pledge made famous by former Gov. Meldrim Thomson.
Thomson's son, Tom, was on hand for the moment, as Perry first straddled, then brandished a giant ax that the late governor had used on the campaign trail 40 years ago with an "Ax the Tax" slogan.
"I know how to use it," Perry told Thomson, to applause and laughter.
More than 100 people turned out for the forum at the Adams Memorial Opera House.
"Americans can't find a job. Our country is in trouble," Perry told the audience.
"The fact is there is nothing ailing America that the rebirth of freedom cannot cure," Perry said. "Freedom from too much government, freedom from too much spending, from too much borrowing, freedom from too much regulation," he said.
"Imagine for a minute, if you will, an America where we can set our people free. Employers who are free from over-regulation will once again be able to invest in the economy and create jobs," he said. "Americans will be able to get back to work."
Perry was asked whether he would go after President Obama aggressively on the campaign trail.
"Today, driving in, (gas) was $3.40 a gallon. The unemployment rate is somewhere between 9 and 10 percent. We've got a double-A credit rating. And our national debt, stacked upon the back of those young men and women in that middle row, is approaching $15 trillion. You ask yourself, 'You better off today than you were two and a half years ago?' No sir," he said. "We will take it to this President, day in and day out."
He defended his stance on the need for Social Security reform, saying he would not change a thing for those receiving benefits now or those approaching retirement age.
After fielding several questions, he returned to the theme of reviving the economy. "If we don't get America working," Perry said, "All these other questions don't matter."
He stressed regulatory and tax burdens must be reduced for companies. "We have run them off," Perry said of the flight of businesses overseas.
Perry, since announcing this summer, has at times led the Republican field in some national polls, but is now in a close race with Mitt Romney nationally. He has been trailing Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, by a wide margin in New Hampshire.
Perry's message appealed to those in attendance.
"I like what I heard. I think he's very straightforward," Linda Mrock of Derry said.
While not ready to commit to Perry, she said he was a candidate who could get her vote.
"A lot of different things he said in there I like," Jane Manning of Derry said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
This was soooo good!!!!! I hope you watch the video as well as the transcript.
Thank you..
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (2)
September 30, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry Playing The Piano For Houston's 2 Minute Drill Segment
Governor Perry reveals his hidden talent, which has always had a huge impact in his life. ABC, Channel 13, Houston's 2 Minute Drill segment asks a question of each candidate that allows voters to discover the answers to personal and issue topics. This one is about Rick Perry.
This is a wonderful article about Perry and his wife. Well worth reading! ~ Wild Thing
Rick Perry: My wife prodded me to enter presidential race
Governor Rick Perry, the Republican presidential contender, has said that "the reason" he is running for the White House was that his wife told him "to do your duty".
Speaking at a fundraising event for campaign donors in Beverly Hills, California on September 8th, Mr Perry praised his wife Anita, stating that "we grow beautiful women in Texas" and it was 45 years since they had first met at a piano recital near his home in Paint Creek, Texas.
"And actually, the reason I'm standing before you is that, I was quite comfortable and happy being the governor of the state of Texas, and as she shared with me, 'You know, you're reasonably good at it'," he said.
"But she said, 'You do not have the privilege to stand on the sidelines. Our country is in trouble and you have to do your duty'. And so honey I want to say thank you for prodding me across the line."
Some of Mr Perry's detractors have said that he was pushed into running for president and that his poor debate performances reflect a lack of motivation. A senior adviser to Mitt Romney, the Texan's main rival, said that Mr Perry had embarked on "a careless candidacy prompted by his wife" and campaign consultants.
Mrs Perry, however, is seen by the Perry campaign as a major asset and is being used to help introduce him to voters and "humanise" him after a recent drop in popularity that has seen him, according to a Fox News poll, slip behind Mr Romney.
Mr Perry often tells anecdotes about his wife. In his first appearance in Iowa, he took his jacket off and joked: "This shirt has a few wrinkles in it. It's not my wife's fault."
This week, Mrs Perry, who has previously remained in the background of her husband's campaigns, has been holding solo events on the stump. At a breakfast in Urbandale, Iowa this week she said that he was "going to be better prepared" at the next debate. "He's never had a debate class nor debate coach in his life."
The $1,000 per head Beverly Hill fundraiser was attended by about 150 people and hosted by Paula Kent Meehan, a philanthropist, former actress and model and co-founder of the hair care company Redken.
Mr Perry spoke in the Japanese gardens of Mrs Kent Meehan's opulent French Regency style home at 1174 Hillcrest, which she bought from Elvis Presley in 1971.
The event was private and followed a more exclusive $5,000 per head gathering in a small pagoda elsewhere in the gardens. A recording of Mr Perry's comments was made available to The Daily Telegraph.
Mr Perry talked glowingly of his wife, his childhood sweetheart, describing her as "awesome" and "my best friend and a wonderful mother and wife, First Lady and a great advocate for healthcare in our state".
Referring to the presidential debate held at the Reagan Library the night before, he said it had been "magnificent for Anita and myself to be overlooking those beautiful Simi Valley hills, to look out underneath the wings of Air Force One, to think about Ronald Reagan".
The Texas governor has often spoken of how influential she was in his decision to run for president. In an Associated Press interview in July, before he announced he would run, he recalled a "very sobering conversation" with his wife.
"It was one that made me sit down and reconsider my blanket rejection, if you will, of my interest in running for the presidency. I've gone from 'no way, no how' to 'I'm going to think about this' to getting comfortable in my heart and calm in my soul that this is an appropriate thing to do.
"I still don't wake up every morning and go, 'Man, being a president of the United States is something I dream about every day,' no more than, I suppose, a soldier on June the 5th or June the 6th of 1944 looked forward to running up the beach at Normandy."
Mrs Perry, a nurse whose father was a doctor, is a passionate opponent of President Barack Obama's health care reform. In a Time magazine interview this month, Mr Perry said: "I mean we've got one of the finest, if not the best, health-care systems in the world. She sees Obamacare as destroying that."
Katherine Cesinger, a spokesman for Mr Perry, told the Telegraph: “As the governor has said, Mrs Perry urged him to stop and take a look at this and really think about the opportunity that was in front of him.”
But, she added, there were also “a number of other people whose opinions and concerns and advice” he sought. “He took that all into consideration but absolutely Mrs Perry was a big factor in beginning that process.”
Wild Thing's comment......
I love how he talks about his wife too.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM
September 29, 2011
Rick Perry: What To Do On A Day Off, Perry Says This Is His Golf ~ LOL Love it!
Rick Perry Campaign showing what he enjoys doing on a day off: Going to the gun range. Perry says –
“This is my golf.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Perry is wearing the Alamo Flag on the back of his jogging T-Shirt.
For well over 150 years, popular culture has placed the 1824 Flag flying from the walls of the Alamo during those fateful thirteen days when a handful of determined men stood before the might of the Mexican army and shouted "Liberty or Death."
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (2)
GREAT Interview of Texas Gov. Rick Perry Says His Use Of The Word 'heartless' Was Inappropriate and He Answers Many Good Questions
Rick Perry said Wednesday that he was sorry for saying at last week’s Republican debate that those opposed to providing an in-state tuition break to the children of illegal immigrants “did not have a heart.”
“I was probably a bit over-passionate by using that word and it was inappropriate,” Perry said in a interview with Newsmax. “In Texas in 2001 we had 181 members of the legislature — only four voted against this piece of legislation — because it wasn’t about immigration it was about education.”
But Perry stood by his argument that building a fence along the entire Mexican border was unwise. The Texas governor said that the fence would likely be expensive, ineffective and violate the property rights of those who owned land on the border.
“In the metropolitan areas where the fencing actually can play a positive role, absolutely,” he said. “But you have to have boots on the ground … having an obstacle without observation is no obstacle at all. So just the idea of building a fence and saying, ‘That will take care of it, let’s just build a fence,’ has never worked in the history of mankind.”
Wild Thing's comment........
The video above is an interview and I have to say it is one of the best interviews of Perry I have ever seen.
This man is so needed to be President. I love his answers, I love how he is direct in his replies and what he says I agree with.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
September 28, 2011
Rick Perry An Immigration Radical? Hardly
Fort Worth Star Telegram is a major Obama supporter and has never been kind to Perry ~ Wild Thing
Rick Perry an immigration radical? Hardly
Texas Gov. Rick Perry is a radical who encourages illegal immigration.
That incendiary line of attack in the free-for-all among Republican presidential hopefuls begs for a deep breath and a dose of rational reflection.
Since 2001, Texas has allowed students to qualify for in-state college tuition if they've lived in the state for three years leading to high school graduation, completed their studies for a diploma or a GED, and enrolled at a public higher education institution.
Citizens, legal residents and other immigrants can get lower rates under the law. Students who meet the criteria but aren't U.S. citizens yet must file a statement that they intend to seek legal status.
The policy, which won widespread support in the Legislature before getting Perry's signature, has moral, practical and financial dimensions.
Illegal immigrant students who qualify under the law for in-state tuition were brought to the United States as children; consider this their home; and, by staying in school, have demonstrated a commitment to better themselves and become civic contributors. They most likely are not going anywhere, so it's more sensible, as Perry has pointed out, to make sure they're educated than a "drag on our society."
Perry's Republican opponents portray this well-considered decision as an inconceivable giveaway of taxpayer benefits to the undeserving.
At the Sept. 22 Republican debate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said that "an illegal alien" could get a "$100,000 discount" for four years at the University of Texas: "That kind of magnet draws people into this country to get that education, to get the $100,000 break. It makes no sense."
U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania also tried to paint Perry as some immigration softie who's handing out money bags at the border.
But here's some perspective.
The flagship UT Austin is one of the most expensive state universities and the hardest to get into. Tuition for full-time undergraduate students varies by academic college: For a business student, the four-year benefit of in-state over out-of-state tuition amounts to $99,640. For a liberal arts student, it the difference would be $87,024 over four years.
So, Romney's not far off on the four-year figure. But according to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, in the 2009-10 fiscal year, 612 students at UT Austin qualified for in-state tuition under the special provisions.
The Coordinating Board doesn't have a breakdown of how many of the students are here illegally.
Overall during 2009-10, 16,476 students qualified under the residency law for in-state rates: 12,028 were enrolled at Texas' 80 community, technical and state colleges; 4,403 were at the 35 public universities; and 45 were at eight health-related institutions.
That represents about 1 percent of all students enrolled in the state's colleges and universities, according to the Coordinating Board.
Support has come from the influential Texas Association of Business and chambers of commerce, as well as educators, the Texas Catholic Conference and civil libertarians.
In 2009, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott upheld the law. This summer, the U.S. Supreme Court also rejected a challenge to a similar law in California.
Maybe this kind of policy choice wasn't right for Romney's Massachusetts, Santorum's Pennsylvania or Bachmann's Minnesota. But Texas lawmakers, including Perry, have concluded it's right for Texas: a public investment that will yield a long-term payoff for the state's well-being.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Interesting that a liberal paper would be good to Perry and not attack him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (3)
September 27, 2011
Superman vs. Warm Body ~ A Must Read About Rick Perry!!!
By Thomas Sowell
One of the problems in trying to select a leader for any large organization or institution is the tendency to start out looking for Superman, passing up many good people who fail to meet that standard, and eventually ending up settling for a warm body.
Some Republicans seem to be longing for another Ronald Reagan. Good luck on that one, unless you are prepared to wait for several generations. Moreover, even Ronald Reagan himself did not always act like Ronald Reagan.
The current outbreak of "gotcha" attacks on Texas Governor Rick Perry show one of the other pitfalls for those who are trying to pick a national leader. The three big sound-bite issues used against him during the TV "debates" have involved Social Security, immigration and a vaccine against cervical cancer.
Where these three issues have been discussed at length, whether in a few media accounts or in Governor Perry's own more extended discussions in an interview on Sean Hannity's program, his position was far more reasonable than it appeared to be in either his opponents' sound bites or even in his own abbreviated accounts during the limited time available in the TV "debate" format.
On Social Security, Governor Perry was not only right to call it a "Ponzi scheme," but was also right to point out that this did not mean welshing on the government's obligation to continue paying retirees what they had been promised.
Even those of us who still disagree with particular decisions made by Governor Perry can see some of those decisions as simply the errors of a decent man who realized that he was faced not with a theory but with a situation.
For example, the ability to save young people from cervical cancer with a stroke of a pen was a temptation that any decent and humane individual would find hard to resist, even if Governor Perry himself now admits to second thoughts about how it was done.
Many of us can agree with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's contention that it should have been done differently. But it reflects no credit on her to have tried to scare people with claims about the dangers of vaccination. Such scares have already cost the lives of children who have died on both sides of the Atlantic from diseases that vaccination would have prevented.
The biggest mischaracterization of Governor Perry's position has been on immigration. The fact that he has more confidence in putting "boots on the ground" along the border, instead of relying on a fence that can be climbed over or tunneled under where there is no one around, is a logistical judgment, not a question of being against border control.
Texas Rangers have already been put along the border to guard the border where the federal government has failed to guard it. Former Senator Rick Santorum's sound-bite attempts to paint Governor Perry as soft on border control have apparently been politically successful, judging by polls. But his repeated interrupting of Perry's presentation of his case during the recent debate is the kind of cheap political trick that contributes nothing to public understanding and much to public misunderstanding.
Those of us who disagree with Governor Perry's decision to allow the children of illegal immigrants to attend the state colleges and universities, under the same terms as Texas citizens, need at least to understand what his options were. These were children who were here only because of their parents' decisions and who had graduated from a Texas high school.
Governor Perry saw the issue as whether these children should now be allowed to continue their education, and become self-supporting taxpayers, or whether Texas would be better off with a higher risk of those young people becoming dependents or worse. I still see Governor Perry's decision as an error, but the kind of error that a decent and humane individual would be tempted to make.
I have far more questions about those who would blow this error up into something that it is not. Error-free leaders don't exist — and we don't want to end up settling for a warm body.
Ultimately, this is not about Governor Perry. It is about a process that can destroy any potential leader, even when the country needs a new leader with a character that the "gotcha" attackers demonstrate they do not have.
To find out more about Thomas Sowell and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com. Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. His website is www.tsowell.com.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I thought this was an excellent article by Sowell on Perry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (4)
September 26, 2011
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio Speaks About Immigrant Tuition
On immigrant tuition, Marco Rubio sounds like a Rick Perry man
U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, whom every presidential candidate would love to have as a running mate, sounds a lot like a Rick Perry supporter when it comes to the issue of tuition help for immigrants who grew up in the United States long after they were brought here illegally.
The issue flared up at the last presidential debate when Perry defended a bill he signed in Texas that gave in-state tuition rates to some illegal immigrants who graduated from Texas high schools. Perry was booed by the tea-party crowd.
Rubio, who hasn't and won't endorse in the race, might meet the same fate.
"I think there’s general consensus behind the idea that we need to do something to help out kids who were brought here by our parents longtime ago and who have grown up in this country," Rubio said a few weeks ago, echoing comments and sentiments he made on the campaign trail last year.
“I do think that we need to figure out how we accommodate kids who have something to contribute to our nation’s future. Whether it’s serving in the armed forces or going on to college and graduated who have basically lived most of their lives (here),” he said.
"I would say the vast majority of Americans would say that doesn’t feel right," to deport or deny education help to a person in a case where "you’re going to go to college and you’re a good student and you’re valedictorian of your school or you’re going to go into the military," Rubio said. "We’ve got to figure something out. And that’s what we’re in the process of trying to do."
When Rubio was the state Legislature he supported legislation similar to one that Perry has caught flak for.
“There was a Florida bill," Rubio said. "It was pretty limited to a number of people, you had to have a certain GPA. It was very limited in scope. I don’t know what the Texas bill was. I remember the one in Florida we did some work, but it was a limited bill and it was narrowly focused on a group of people, which is one of the issues happening with the Dream Act now -- that it’s not narrow.”
Wild Thing's comment......
And now of course this awesome man will be called a RINO, and we will see another firing squad on another electable Republican who can put away the Marxists.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (5)
Obama Attacks Perry For “Denying Climate Change,” Insinuates Texas Wildfires Are Result Of Global Warming
Obama Attacks Perry For “Denying Climate Change,” Insinuates Texas Wildfires Are Result Of Global Warming…
h/t Weazel Zippers
ABC News Jack Tappers Tweet
Obamam needs to learn something, but it would not matter. He would still tell lies. ~ Wild Thing
Texas Tech Plant Ecologist: La Niña One Major Cause for Texas Wildfires
A Texas Tech University plant ecologist said a natural weather event called La Niña has much of the blame for the recent rash of wildfires.
Written by John Davis
About 1.5 million acres of Texas has burned this year, and a Texas Tech University plant ecologist said a natural weather event called La Niña has much of the blame for the recent rash of wildfires.
Dylan Schwilk, an assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, researches plants and fire. He’s studied the effects of wildfires in places such as the California, South Africa, Australia and Texas.
The current fire problem in West Texas is being fed by dormant, warm-season perennial grasses throughout the high and rolling plains area he said. Last year’s El Niño event helped these grasses grow thick. After going dormant for the winter, and because of this year’s La Niña drought, it’s left plentiful fuel lying on the ground.
“Here in West Texas, we get these powerful, low-humidity winds,” he said. “It’s amazing what fire will carry through out here. Even in heavily grazed areas, the winds lay fires flat. It’s very likely the relatively good rain we received last year contributed to higher fuel loads.”
Perry spokesman responds:
“Perry spokesman Ray Sullivan responded, “It’s outrageous President Obama would use the burning of 1,500 homes, the worst fires in state history, as a political attack.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
Obama’s lack of decency knows no bounds — he is making fun of the devastating wild fires in Texas.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (2)
September 24, 2011
Rick Perry Speech At Florida CPAC as He Gets Big Welcome From Florida Conservatives
Rick Perry gets big welcome from Florida conservatives
ORLANDO, Fla. -- After putting in a disappointing debate performance the night before, Texas Gov. Rick Perry could take comfort on Friday in the ecstatic reception he got from a large crowd of conservatives meeting here to take a gander at the presidential field.
"As conservatives, we know that values and vision matter. It's not who's the slickest candidate or the smoothest debater that we need to elect," he told 500 attendees at the Conservative Political Action Conference. "Remember President Clinton? Man, he could sell ice cubes to Eskimos and the next day be against ice cubes."
The remark was a dig at Romney, who struggled with a reputation as flip-flopper on issues during his 2008 presidential campaign. And it also served Perry's purpose of portraying himself as the regular Joe in the campaign, in contrast to the "slickest" candidate, Romney.
Romney, who spoke before Perry at the event, received a warm welcome. But the crowd stood and cheered as soon as Perry took the stage at the Orange County Convention Center. The Texas governor accentuated his usual anti-Washington stump speech with references to former President Ronald Reagan, a conservative icon. "We need to push through to that shining city on the hill," Perry said. "As President Reagan said, we need bold colors, not pale pastels."
He also opened a new line of attack against President Obama, blasting him for proposing to charge retired military veterans $200 a year to stay on the Tricare-for-Life that supplements Medicare coverage. "Our veterans have already sacrificed enough for this country," Perry said. "Leave them alone."
Perry delivered his dual criticism of Obama's health care law and the one that Romney passed in Massachusetts, which the crowd seemed to love. "The nanny state was not needed for our forefathers," he said. "The nanny state didn't groom our greatest generation, my father's generation, who freed millions of people from oppression during World War II. The nanny state didn't inspire innovation and technology, the creation of wealth of the entrepreneurial spirit."
He brought the crowd to its feet again at the end of his speech, with, "If we want America working again, we need Washington to get out of the way."
Wild Thing's comment.......
I know over at Facebook there is a lot of pushing for Romney and attacking Perry. I REALLY do not like Romney--and when it comes to "Rinoism", he has Perry beat by a mile. And I fear that if Romney is the candidate, a whole lot of conservatives will not vote. And that will be--as we found out in 1986 and 2008--disastrous.
Perry is my choice, even after the last debate. He is for state's rights, and against the federal government in your life. I love that he says he will make the government as inconsequential to our lives as he possibly can. He hates Obamacare, is pro life and the list goes on and on.
I agree with what Mark said about the debate....."after last night Perry looked stiff and uncomfortable.". He is right, one could see it and feel it.
For some reason Perry is awesome with speeches, sincere, even intense at getting his point across, one can feel his passion. But in debates so far he freezes up, seems very uncomfortable.
In person people really like him and that is what comes across in his speeches too. He needs to bring that same thing to the debates somehow. Not so much for me, I have decided for me it is Perry, but for so many others that are still deciding.
“Our country’s in trouble, I think even those on the left understand that. I will go to that Oval Office every morning and try to make Washington as inconsequential as I can in your lives. I know it’s time for a change in this country. There is nothing ailing America that can’t be cured with the rebirth of freedom.” - Rick Perry
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (4)
September 23, 2011
Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton Advising Rick Perry On Foreign Policy
Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton — the confrontational, sui generis, conservative foreign policy figure who considered a run for president — has been, I’m told, among those advising Governor Rick Perry on foreign policy as the candidate rapidly ramps up his presidential campaign.
Wild Thing's comment........
I like the people Perry picks to talk to and get advice from. What a difference in these people and Obama and his American hating trash.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (7)
George Soros Funds Texans for Public Justice A Left Wing Attack Group ~ Republicans Be Aware Of Attacks On Perry As Many Come From This Source
Who is really leveling “cronyism” charges at Perry?
In a post today entitled “Perry’s system of patronage and cronyism,” Jennifer Rubin highlights a scathing report by Texans for Public Justice entitled “Crony Capitalism: The Republican Governors Association in the Perry Years.”
But there is another report by Texans for Public Justice that is equally disturbing. It is called “The Governor’s Gusher,” and it documents 100 wealthy donors who “have sought corporate welfare, relaxed regulatory rules or other government favors” in exchange for their political largess in Texas gubernatorial races.
Texans for Public Justice dubs these individuals the “Profiteers” and notes that “The ranks of the … Profiteers include corporate welfare kings, snake oil salesmen, money launderers, tax evaders, tort dodgers, tobacco hacks and toxic waste dumpers.” According to TPJ director Craig McDonald, “A disturbing number of these profiteers made a fortune off government handouts or by bending or breaking regulatory rules.”
The report was published more than a decade ago, on Jan. 20, 2000.
It’s target? Another Texas governor, George W. Bush, who had just launched a campaign for --you guessed it -- President of the United States.
There’s more. Bush and Perry are not the only Texas conservatives seeking higher office who have been charged with “crony capitalism” by Texans for Public Justice. TPJ also leveled similar charges against John Cornyn in January 2002, while Cornyn was serving as Texas attorney general preparing a campaign for United States Senate.
See a pattern here?
Far from a “good government foundation,” Texans for Public Justice is a left-wing attack group that seems to issue scathing “crony capitalism” attacks on Texas conservatives just as they prepare to run for national office. It has received funding from George Soros and other left-leaning foundations, as well as an undisclosed list of what the groups leader, Craig McDonald, vaguely calls “some wealthy liberal individuals, including trial lawyers.” McDonald made his political biases quite clear in a recent piece for the New York Times last month, where he criticized Perry’s “embrace of the Christian right and his positions on marriage, abortion, education, environmental protection and health care” and wrote:
Perry’s boots, twang and swagger are triggering flashbacks among swing voters still smarting from the last cowboy presidency. But don’t equate Perry and George W. Bush. Texas clones cows — not cowboys. When Perry took the reins from Bush in 2000, he pulled Texas even farther right…. Meet Rick Perry: the guy who’ll make you miss George Bush.
Texans for Public Justice ‘s opposition to Gov. Perry may have less to do with its concerns about “crony capitalism” than Perry’s conservative agenda. One area where TPJ seems particularly unhappy with Perry is his successful passage of “loser pays” lawsuit reform in Texas. TPJ has been an intractable opponent of tort reform in Texas. Indeed, a pro-tort reform coalition called Texans for Lawsuit Reform recently turned the tables on Texans for Public Justice and issued a scathing report of its own on the group’s political biases and its failure to disclose many of its funders.
They found:
TPJ is nothing that it claims to be. It is not Texan. Nothing about it is public. And, it is definitely not interested in justice… TPJ first appeared in Texas in 1997, when veteran operatives of leftist, out-of-state organizations – such as Ralph Nader’s Public Citizen – came to this state to set up the organization. The TPJ version of justice is one-sided. Since its inception, TPJ – preying on the good intentions of media outlets across Texas and this nation – has used an array of slanted, self-published reports to criticize a select segment of this state’s political spectrum. The targets of TPJ’s attacks are almost exclusively Republicans, business leaders and organizations, and those interested in the reform of Texas’ civil justice system.
There may or may not be something to the “crony capitalism” charges against Rick Perry. No doubt we will find out more as the presidential campaign unfolds. But conservatives should pause before taking the word of a secretive, left-wing, Soros-funded organization that has spent the last 15 years attacking conservative politicians who work to rein in trial lawyers and institute pro-business reforms.
Wild Thing's comment.......
You might want to know about this. There are some Republicans that are using sources from this group for information without knowing that Soros is behind it. They get their articles out into the main media and then republicans quote them. They are out to take Perry down, and one of the reasons is because many of them are lawyers and they despise Perry for his stand on frivilous lawsuits from lawyers etc.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (3)
September 22, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry's New Ad ~ Proven Leadership
Gov. Rick Perry is the only Texas governor since WWII to cut general revenue spending. He signed historic tax cuts and some of the strongest lawsuit reforms in the country. Since June ‘09, more than 40 percent of all net new jobs in America have been created in Texas… No wonder the media wants to knock him out of the race!
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) says Rick Perry is right on Social Security – It IS a Ponzi scheme.
The Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee on Tuesday drew fire from Democrats for backing Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s description of Social Security as a “Ponzi scheme.”
Social Security fits the technical definition of a Ponzi scheme, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) told conservative Laura Ingraham on her radio show.
“It’s not a criminal enterprise, but it’s a pay-as-you-go system, where earlier investors — or say, taxpayers — get a positive rate of return, and the most recent investors — or taxpayers — get a negative rate of return,” he said. “That is how those schemes work.”
Perry’s description of the Social Security as a “Ponzi sceheme” has been attacked by former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Perry’s leading challenger for the GOP presidential nomination. Romney criticized Perry for scaring seniors and wanting to abolish the program, warning that the Republican nominee needs to work to reform the program.
“They’re both right,” Ryan said of Perry and Romney. “[Social Security] is not working, it is going bankrupt, and current seniors will be jeopardized the most by the status quo.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Really good ad, I wonder when the ads will start to show up on TV. I guess it is still too early for that to begin.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM
September 21, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry on Hannity Tonight...TOMORROW Night Will Be Debate ON FOX
2012 candidate Rick Perry sits down with Sean for an exclusive interview tonight on 'Hannity'
FOX Hannity on FOX
Again sorry about my mistake about saying the debate was tonight. It is tomorrow night. But Perry will be on Hannity tonight. 9pm EST
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:44 PM
GREAT Speech By Gov. Rick Perry: Obama’s Middle East Policy Is Naive, Arrogant, Misguided and Dangerous
We are indignant that certain Middle Eastern leaders have discarded the principle of direct negotiations," he said. "We are equally indignant of the Obama administration and their Middle East policy of appeasement."
Perry called on the U.S. to approach the Middle East with a "new firmness and a new resolve." Perry criticized Obama for demanding concessions from the Jewish state that Perry says emboldened the Palestinians to seek recognition by the U.N.
"We would not be here today ... if the Obama policy in the Middle East wasn't naive and arrogant, misguided and dangerous," he said.
Perry said the U.S. -- to show there are "consequences" for the action at the U.N. -- should reconsider its aid to the Palestinians and shut down the Palestinian Liberation Organization's Washington office if the vote proceeds. He also expressed support for continued settlement construction and suggested the U.S. Embassy be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, as a nod of support for a united Jerusalem under Israeli rule.
He continued: “The Obama policy of moral equivalency, which gives equal standing to the grievances of Israelis and Palestinians, including the orchestrators of terrorism, is a very dangerous insult.”
Perry accused the Obama administration of encouraging the Palestinians to abandon direct talks with Israel, in a “policy of appeasement.”
"There is no middle ground between our allies and those who seek their destruction"
Wild Thing's comment.......
“The obama policy of moral equivalnecy which gives equal standing to the grievances of Israelis and Palestinians – including the orchestrators of terrorism – is a very dangerous insult,” Perry said. “There is no middle ground between our allies and those who seek their destruction.”
This was a great speech!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM
September 19, 2011
Rick Perry To Hold Pro-Israel Press Conference This Week
Perry To Hold Pro-Israel Press Conference This Week
Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry will hold a press conference with American and Israeli-Jewish leaders in New York on Tuesday in which he is expected to address the upcoming deliberations at the United Nations, MK Danny Danon (Likud), said on Saturday night.
Danon, who will participate at the press conference, said he would ask Perry ahead of the conference to adopt the initiative the MK is advancing to annex Judea and Samaria in response to the unilateral Palestinian moves at the UN.
On Friday, Perry accused US President Barack Obama of distancing himself from Israel and blamed US foreign policy “errors” for the Palestinian push for statehood at the United Nations.
Perry said Palestinian leaders believe US-Israeli relations have weakened and said “the ultimate Palestinian solution” remains the destruction of the Jewish state.
“Errors by the Obama administration have encouraged the Palestinians,” the Texas governor wrote in a Wall Street Journal column.
“It was a mistake to agree to the Palestinians’ demand for indirect negotiations conducted through the US, and it was an even greater mistake for President Obama to distance himself from Israel and seek engagement with the hostile regimes in Syria and Iran,” he wrote.
Wild Thing's comment.......
He is a friend of Israel unlike the Marxist Muslim we have in the White House now.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (3)
September 18, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry And His State of the State Address From February 8th Of This Year ~ A Must See Video!!!!
2/8/2011 - AUSTIN - Gov. Rick Perry delivered his State of the State address today, proposing to consolidate or suspend non-critical state agencies in order to make state government more streamlined and efficient. The governor also outlined his priorities for the 82nd Legislative Session, including balancing the budget without raising taxes, preserving essential services, and strengthening Texas' position as a national economic leader through sound policies.
"As leaders, we must continue to be fiscally responsible with taxpayer dollars and truly reform our approach to governance," Gov. Perry said. "Our discussions about streamlining state government must be followed by a willingness to act, including consolidating or suspending non-mission-critical entities until the economy improves."
Wild Thing's comment......
If I was rich I would pay people to watch thie video. This is a good example of more about who Perry is and what makes him who and what he is as a person and a leader, husband and Gov.
If you want to know what Perry believes in, his outlook for business, his goals etc. this is the video. I am so impressed to hear this speech he gave. This would also be a great video to share with others that are making serious thoughts on who to vote for in the next election.
He covers so many topics in this speech I could not list them all. I promise you it is well wortth the time to watch it.
What a difference in this speech and the anti-American and anti-business speeches we have heard from Obama.
One could take this video and think how Perry would speak as a President, where instead of speaking about his State of Texas it would be about the entire USA.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (4)
Anita Perry Defends Husband's Stance on Social Security
Anita Perry, wife of GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry, defended her husband while speaking at the Pinellas County Reagan Day Dinner Saturday night.
Anita Perry defends husband's stance on Social Security
In a speech to a Republican group in St. Petersburg Saturday, Anita Perry, wife of GOP presidential frontrunner Rick Perry, defended her husband's stance on Social Security – an area where Mitt Romney has accused him of backing off controversial former comments.
"He does not back down in the face of criticism. He rejects weathervane politics … When he stakes his ground, he holds it," including on Social Security, she said.
Perry delivered a humorous, folksy speech to about 450 Republicans at a fundraising dinner for the Pinellas County Republican Party, including descriptions of the small Texas towns where they both grew up.
"There were 13 people in his graduating class" in high school, she said of her husband growing up in Paint Creek. "He was the highest-ranking boy."
In his book Fed Up, and elsewhere, Perry called the popular program "a Ponzi scheme" and questioned its constitutionality, saying the federal government should be running a pension programs and suggesting it should be left to the states.
Without retracting those comments, Perry now says only that the program needs to be reformed.
"I've known him since I was 6 years old," Anita Perry said.
"He has not backed down an inch from saying Social Security's financing is broken. It must be reformed," she said.
Earlier in the day, Anita Perry attended a gathering of Republicans, including delegates to next weekend's Presidency 5 state Republican Party convention and straw poll, at Ron's Barbecue in Hudson.
All of the presidential candidates will attend the event, but Perry appears to be working hardest at recruiting delegates for the straw poll, which could have a significant effect on the race.
One delegate and Perry backer at the event, Rachel O'Connor of Wesley Chapel, a candidate for county commissioner in Pasco's District 1, said she believes Perry is leading among Pasco's delegates, but added, "I think a lot of them are undecided and waiting to see them in person in Orlando."
County party official Bill Bunting, also for Perry, gave a more optimistic estimate, saying he thinks half of Pasco's 86 delegates are for Perry.
Wild Thing's comment.......
She will make a beautiful First Lady of our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
Gov. Rick Perry: Government Must Help Returning Combat Veterans
Texas Gov. Rick Perry yesterday was the keynote speaker at the annual gala for the Lone Survivor Foundation, created by a Navy SEAL honored for surviving one of the worst single-day losses of life in Navy SEAL history.
The Lone Survivor Foundation provides therapeutic and other support to wounded American combat veterans and their families.
It was founded by Marcus Luttrell, who was awarded the Navy Cross for combat heroism. He is the lone SEAL team member to survive a June 2005 firefight with the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Perry: Government must help returning combat veterans
Almost all American combat veterans "come home bearing scars" and the government has a role to play in helping them heal, Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Saturday night.
Perry spoke during the second annual gala for the Lone Survivor Foundation, which provides therapeutic and other support to wounded American combat veterans and their families.
Perry, the frontrunner in most polls sizing up the field vying for the Republican presidential nomination, believes in making government as inconsequential as possible in peoples' lives. But he said of returning veterans:
"We must take care of them, every last one of them" and use whatever resources are necessary.
The governor said the state should help connect military veterans with employers and assist them in cutting through red tape with the Veterans Affairs Administration and other support networks. He added that there's no state better than Texas for helping returning veterans rejoin the U.S. workforce. He said 40,000 have gone back to work in Texas this year alone.
"Always bragging about Texas," he quipped, straying briefly off-script.
The Lone Survivor Foundation was created by Marcus Luttrell, who was honored for surviving one of the worst single-day losses of life in Navy SEAL history. A native of Huntsville, Luttrell was awarded the Navy Cross for combat heroism as the lone SEAL team member to survive that June 2005 firefight with the Taliban in Afghanistan. He detailed the experience in his best-selling 2007 book, "Lone Survivor."
Addressing a sympathetic crowd that gave him a standing ovation even before he began speaking, Perry called being in the military the highest possible public service and said, "the United States has no match on the battlefield."
He thanked a SEAL team for killing Osama Bin Laden and recalled a helicopter crash in Afghanistan last month that killed 22 members of another SEAL team as they rushed aid to troops in a firefight.
"Americans always face these challenges. We face them head on and they don't stop us because that's part of our national character," Perry said.
Luttrell said the governor agreed to address the gala long before he entered the presidential race — but still kept his promise to show up.
"He's like a father to me," Luttrell said. Perry said the pair didn't always agree, but joked "I am always right."
Wild Thing's comment.........
Perry has a huge respect for the troops and the veterans.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (3)
September 17, 2011
The Big Hoss, With Perry’s Entry, The GOP Presidential Race Got The Adrenaline Shot It Lacked
The Big Hoss
With Perry’s entry, the GOP presidential race got the adrenaline shot it lacked.
by Rich Lowry
You could tell Rick Perry was going to be a big problem for Mitt Romney as soon as the Texas governor started blowing him kisses. Asked a question on his first campaign leg about a Romney talking point, Perry brushed it off with a smooch and said, “Send him my love.”
It was classic Perry — audacious, a little gauche, and entertaining as hell. Surely, Romney didn’t get blown many “right back atcha” kisses in the offices of Bain Capital or during his time as Massachusetts governor. The message was that Romney was about to get a challenge from a competitor less polite and earnest than erstwhile candidate Tim Pawlenty.
With Perry’s entry into the race, the GOP presidential battle got the adrenaline shot it lacked. Republican primary voters had been yearning for a big, combative personality. They flirted with Donald Trump while he flirted with them, and briefly bestowed their favor on the energetic and mediagenic Michele Bachmann. But Perry has filled the void in full.
He’s a current officeholder and not a former something-or-other. He has a view of the world exactly counter to the president’s. He evidently has an allergy to nuance. And he campaigns with a plunge-into-the-crowds, let-it-all-hang-out relish that none of the other candidates can match. There is no substitute for a politician enjoying himself, and out on the hustings, Perry acts as if nothing could possibly please him more than shaking another hand or slapping another back.
Even during the debates, where his performances have been uneven, Perry has usually been loose and confident. He never shies from a fight, and (most of the time) seems to enjoy them. He laughs easily. No one would vote to elect him to the Oxford Union, but if it somehow happened, he’d have a heck of a time exchanging frank views with “the fellas.”
What we’re about to see is if these qualities of Perry — call it his “hossness” — are enough for him to become the durable frontrunner in the Republican-nomination fight. He can go a long way just by demonstrating he’s a fighter in the mold of a Sarah Palin or a Donald Trump. That means making the occasional incendiary comment, never apologizing, earning the hatred of the elites, and not sweating the details. All of this, Perry has nailed.
But to become president of the United States, he’ll have to reach persuadables who don’t value outrageousness for its own sake. If he’s never willing to back down, he’ll have to go — should he win the nomination — all the way to November 2012 defending the notion that Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke is possibly guilty of treason. On Social Security, he’s managed to take what turns out to be his thoroughly conventional Republican view that the program should stay the same for seniors and near-retirees while it’s reformed for younger people and make it radioactive through his choice of words and his theoretical musings. His campaign so far has no policy except generalized statements celebrating Texas and condemning the federal government.
Tellingly, his weakest moments in the debates have come when he’s been attacked from the right and can’t fight back with brassy, crowd-pleasing one-liners. He’s made uncomfortable by his streak of pragmatism as Texas governor. For all his self-portrayal as an anti-government purist, he’s adept at marshaling and using power. When he says he’s pro-business, he’s not kidding. Republicans will have to quickly drop the phrase “crony capitalism” from their vocabulary if he’s the nominee.
In this year of populist discontent, the blunt outsider Rick Perry has a natural call on the Republican heart. The question is whether he can maintain enough appeal over time to the Republican mind, which will eventually calculate the odds of a prospective nominee vanquishing the incumbent. Whether Perry makes it or not, he’ll never be dull. If success were solely a matter of animal spirits, he’d be a lead-pipe cinch.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I really liked this write up, I thought it was excellent.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (4)
Rick Perry Slams 'socialized medicine' ~ Thank You Gov.!
Rick Perry slams 'socialized medicine'
Rick Perry has proved he will keep coming at his rivals hard, and today in a speech at the Iowa Credit Union League he added another data point:
"The model for socialized medicine has been tried before…whether it was in western Europe or in Massachusetts…The problem with state-sponsored health care is that you cannot contain it just within the borders of your state. When that plan took effect, it also increased Medicare/Medicaid costs.”
Perry also said [Mitt] Romney’s health care law, which last night he referred to as RomneyCare, had “killed” 18,000 jobs according to a Beacon Hill Institute study.
“Think about what ObamaCare would do if it’s implemented all across this country. It must be repealed.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
There are some really important things that have got to be in the future debates and this topic is one of them. I sure hope the debates do not get into a rut lead by Michele Bachmanns nagging on the same topic over and over again.
We need to hear about Obamacare, Cap and Trade, drilling for oil and yes jobs too. Good for Perry. This is where we need to be. It is time to slam Obama on this 24/7.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (2)
Perry Colleagues Remember Solid Pilot And Airman
Perry colleagues remember solid pilot and airman
When Rick Perry joined the 772nd Tactical Airlift Squadron in 1974, his fellow Air Force pilots could sense the poised, self-assured second lieutenant was headed for a successful career. But many never imagined his future lay in politics, or that he would one day become the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president.
"I knew he would be really good at whatever he decided to do," said Bobby Forman, who attended Texas A&M University with Perry and later served with him at Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene. "I had no inkling or even concept of Rick going into politics. It never crossed my mind."
It's a refrain repeated by several airmen who served with Perry in the 772nd, where Perry was by at least one account the most popular person in the unit.
"I think we were all surprised," said Dale Scoggins, who served with Perry as an aircraft commander. "We weren't talking politics a lot back then. The topic of the era wasn't deep philosophical questions."
In interviews with half a dozen men who served with Perry 35 years ago, a picture emerges of Perry as a good pilot, a competent and safety-conscious airman and a magnetic personality who often invited his comrades on hunting trips near his hometown of Paint Creek in West Texas and who could be the life of the party on the unit's many overseas deployments.
But the picture is in some ways incomplete: Perry and his campaign have so far refused to release any of the governor's military records, including evaluations he received during his Air Force career, which spanned 1972 to 1977. And Perry's military years have largely gone unexplored by Texas or national media outlets. Except for rare interviews on the subject and brief references in his two books, little more than a general narrative has become part of the public record.
Since joining the presidential race, Perry has frequently touted his Air Force experience, using it to emphasize President Barack Obama's lack of military service. "I think (service members) would really like to see a person who's worn the uniform in that office," he told reporters in August.
In the crowded Republican field, only Perry and U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Lake Jackson, an Air Force flight surgeon, have military experience.
Perry's publicly available military documents, which the Austin American-Statesman obtained from the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, sketch the rough outline of a fairly run-of-the-mill Air Force career.
After graduating in 1972 from Texas A&M, where he was a yell leader, Perry entered pilot training at Webb Air Force Base in Big Spring about three months before the Paris Peace Accords brought what was supposed to be an official end to the Vietnam War. Fighting would continue for a couple more years, but by the time Perry joined the 772nd squadron in 1974, American air forces had been pulled out of Vietnam.
He became a pilot of C-130s, the military cargo planes that have been a workhorse in the military air stable since the 1950s.
He moved through the ranks at a normal pace, according to his superiors in the unit, and left the Air Force as a captain.
According to an official history of Perry's currently deactivated squadron, the unit flew throughout the world, making airlifts from Mali to Panama and participating in relief efforts that brought grain and aid to earthquake- and flood-stricken regions.
Though Perry's publicly available records and accounts don't point to any obvious problems or anomalies, and though Perry has made his military service an important part of his fledgling presidential campaign, experts say his campaign is likely exercising an abundance of caution when it comes to releasing his full military records.
"From a campaign point of view, it strikes me that they're not interested in putting out any information that they don't have full knowledge of or control over," said Daron Shaw, a former George W. Bush campaign strategist and government professor at the University of Texas. "It's not clear what the upside is. The campaigns are so risk-averse, they don't want to deal with it."
Shaw said the campaign would be likely to thoroughly vet the records to make sure they don't cause any problems and then seek to time any release for maximum political impact, perhaps tying it to a major foreign policy speech.
"They want to do things on their own terms," Shaw said.
Another reason campaigns hesitate to release military records is that by their very nature, military evaluations include pluses and minuses, meaning even routine evaluations can be interpreted negatively, said UT government professor Bruce Buchanan.
"If I'm a candidate, I don't want stories like that out there," Buchanan said.
Most presidential candidates have been reluctant to release full military records in recent years, even when military service has been a campaign cornerstone.
Bush famously was involved in skirmishes with the media over release of his Texas Air National Guard records and didn't release some until after his first term; Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., didn't release the entirety of his records until after his failed 2004 campaign; and even Sen. John McCain, whose service in Vietnam was a pillar of his 2008 campaign, did not release the entirety of his extensive naval records after questions emerged over his flying safety.
Shaw said he ultimately expects Perry's campaign to release his records. "They could dig their heels in, but all that would do is fuel conspiracy theories," he said.
Perry joined the Air Force as the Vietnam War was winding down, and Perry's A&M classmate and squadron comrade Forman said the war loomed large among members of the A&M Corps of Cadets, where he said he and Perry were determined to become officers.
"Hundreds of our mutual friends ended up over there, and many of our friends left A&M early and went over," he said. "It was definitely a big part of our young adult lives: you have an obligation to serve your country, and that was definitely a big part of our thought processes as well as we entered our obligations as officers. In mine and Rick's case, we wanted to be pilots, and the best way was through the Corps of Cadets and entering the Air Force."
According to his service record and an official history of the 772nd Tactical Airlift Squadron, Perry joined the squad in 1974, about a year after the squad did a short rotation in Southeast Asia, flying in and out of the war zone.
Former squadron mates say Perry made an immediate impression on his fellow airmen when he arrived at Dyess Air Force Base in 1974 after flight training.
"People are assessing you from the moment you walk in the front door," said Forman, an Abilene resident who served as an aircraft commander with the 772nd squadron. "You were dealing with massive personalities. All of us were extremely confident young men, and he thrived in that environment."
"I remember he was slim, trim and in good athletic condition," said William Alexander of Colleyville, another pilot who served at Dyess with Perry. "I thought he was a pretty sharp guy and dependable. Some (airmen) you had to worry about, but he was on top of things."
Former mates say Perry, then a bachelor, often invited them on duck hunting trips and that his rental house near the base became a hangout for other officers.
"He was probably the most popular kid in the squadron," said Thomas Epperson, a retired pilot in Woodstock, Ga., who mentored Perry when he first joined the Air Force. "He was a lot of fun, a good guy."
The squadron deployed ceaselessly during the 1970s, making regular flights to Germany and England, as well as trips to Africa and Central America, to provide relief aid.
Fellow pilot John Petro, of Garden Ridge, remembers a trip to Turkey when local base workers went on strike, forcing hungry airmen to eat military ready-to-eat meals. "The next crews brought us in bratwurst from Germany. Rick was on one of those crews, and we were so happy to see him," he said. "He had a reputation as a good pilot. He was a good, capable pilot and very safe."
Scoggins, now a real estate consultant in Abilene, said the atmosphere on overseas deployments was boisterous and fun-loving. "It was kind of like a fraternity environment," he said. "The emphasis in that time was where's the nearest cold beer, where are we going to sleep tonight, where's the party."
Perry recently said during a speech at Liberty University that he found God after his time in the Air Force.
"I was 27. I'd been an officer in the United States Air Force commanding a fairly substantial piece of sophisticated equipment, telling men and women what to do. But I was lost spiritually and emotionally. And I didn't know how to fix it," Perry said.
Perry has also said that his frequent overseas deployments shaped his post-military outlook. "It became abundantly clear to me, at that particular point in time, that America was this very unique place and that our form of democracy was very rare," he told the Abilene Reporter-News in April.
Wild Thing's comment.......
So how many pieces like this did we see in Obama’s campaign ? I don’t mean military experience (of course) but something as basic and normal as quotes from people in his past that remembered him ???
We are still waiting on John Kerry’s military records, aren’t we.
And no one knows whether Obama was really enrolled at any of his schools other than assuming that he was enrolled at Harvard when he was on the law review. But somehow, no one’s leaked his transcripts.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:40 AM | Comments (3)
September 16, 2011
Perry Repeats Socialist Charge Against Obama Policies ~ Good! Perry Is Correct!!
Rick Perry comes out swinging in an exclusive interview in the new issue of Time magazine, which hits newsstands tomorrow. Perry sat down with the magazine's editor, Rick Stengel, and Mark Halperin, its editor at large and senior political analyst; he was photographed for the cover by Platon in a tight close-up.
Perry Repeats Socialist Charge Against Obama Policies
In an interview with Time magazine, Gov. Rick Perry showed that he had no intention of softening the cactus-thorned rhetoric he developed during his decades in Texas politics, notably repeating his characterization of President Obama’s policies as “socialist.”
“Look, when all the answers emanate from Washington, D.C., one size fits all, whether it’s education policy or whether it’s health care policy, that is, on its face, socialism,” Mr. Perry told Time’s Richard Stengel and Mark Halperin.
In 2009, Mr. Perry told a Republican group in Texas that the Obama administration is “hell bent on taking America towards a socialist country.” This year, as he faces charges from his rivals for the Republican nomination that his positions are too extreme to win the general election, Mr. Perry said he will not change the way he speaks to appeal to the nation as a whole.
He also refused to back down from his characterization of Social Security as a “Ponzi scheme.”
“American citizens are just tired of this political correctness and politicians who are tiptoeing around important issues,” he said. “They want a decisive leader.”
He continued, “No one gets confused about the point I was making, that we have a system that is now broken. We need to make sure that those on Social Security today — and those approaching it — know without a doubt it will be in place.”
Wild Thing's comment......
If ObamaCare and the redistribution of wealth AREN’T socialist policies, what are they?
Perry is dead on accurate; perhaps even kind in his criticism.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (4)
September 15, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry Speech at Liberty University in Virginia
Gov. Rick Perry Speaks at Liberty University in Virginia; Tells Students the “Politics of this Country Should be Governed by Christian Values” .
From Lynchburg, Virginia where Gov. Rick Perry spoke to a convocation of Liberty University this morning, urging students to be involved in the political process. Perry reportedly told the students that “the politics of this country should be governed by Christian values,” and their involvement was needed to make that come to pass.
"Liberty student Meredith Shuler said Perry’s speech sealed the deal for her: She’ll be voting for the Texas Governor in the primary. “I was really impressed about he didn’t try to sell votes,” Shuler told TheDC. “He just really poured his heart out to the students.”
Texas Gov. Rick Perry used his speech at America’s largest evangelical University on Wednesday to connect with young evangelical Christians, abandoning the harsh political rhetoric of the 2012 campaign thus far in favor of a more faith-based message.
Perry still threw a few punches at Washington, D.C. establishment figures, though.
“Don’t muzzle your voice because you’re young,” he told the group of young evangelicals. “You have the right, like every American, to speak your mind. You have the right to insist on change, to tell the people in power that you will not have your inheritance spent or your future mortgaged.
“This country is your country as well. Don’t leave it to a bunch of Washington politicians to tell you how to live your life. This is your future that we are debating today. Don’t be silent.”
Perry said Americans need more Christian values in general. “It is important that [Christian leaders] stand in the pulpit every day and defend those values, those Christian values,” Perry said. “America is going to be guided by some set of values. The question is going go to be: Whose values?”
The Texas governor said he believes America will be guided by “the Christian values that this country was based upon.”
Several students in the audience told The Daily Caller that they found his apolitical approach refreshing.
Veronica Romero, a student who is undecided about which candidate she will support in 2012 when she casts her first vote for president, told TheDC she thinks Perry “really connected” with students through stories about his college years and young life. “He talked about what he went through in life and what he had to do just to succeed in school,” Romero said. “I think that helped him connect really well with the student body here.”
“It wasn’t what I expected,” added Sara Rodriguez, another Liberty University student. “I expected him to talk in a more political way, and it was more geared toward life itself. Not that I don’t like political stuff, but you could definitely see that he’s like a real person.”
Liberty student Meredith Shuler said Perry’s speech sealed the deal for her: She’ll be voting for the Texas Governor in the primary. “I was really impressed about he didn’t try to sell votes,” Shuler told TheDC. “He just really poured his heart out to the students.”
Shuler said Perry’s line about pushing back on Washington politicians really stuck with her. “He wants us to stand up and fight for what we believe in,” she said.
Brendan Madigan, a student from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, drove all the way to Lynchburg, Va., to hear Perry and said it was well worth it. Madigan is the chairman of a Pro-Perry group of North Carolina students.
“I go to UNC Chapel Hill, not the most conservative campus in the world,” Madigan told TheDC. “But people are coming on board with our group because they’re saying, ‘look, the Obama administration has failed to create jobs; they’ve failed to turn this economy around.’ And Governor Perry — you look at what he’s doing in Texas — great job creation, they’ve created more jobs in Texas than in the other 49 states combined. That’s what students are looking for.”
Wild Thing's comment........
One of the things I also like is how Perry listens, one can tell during the debates as well. He leans in and the square look in the eyes and listens. To be campaigning himself and yet at the same time to make improvments along the way I think is a plus. It shows he is not arrogant like Obama too and that is very refreshing.
I have also noticed that Gov. Rick Perry and Herman Cain have honesty and humor as part of their core. I used to love how Reagan has a sense of humor and it came in handy many times.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (2)
Houston Family Who’s Daughter Died of Cervical Cancer Defends Rick Perry against Attacks on HPV Vaccine
Houston Family Who’s Daughter Died of Cervical Cancer Defends Rick Perry against Attacks on HPV Vaccine
For the critics of Rick Perry who try to make his Executive Order in 2007 to get the HPV Vaccine to young women in Texas some kind of diabolical decision, they might want to take a look at this video report from Houston TV Station KTRK. It tells the story of a cervical cancer victim that Gov. Rick Perry became very close to as she was dying. Her family is speaking out in Perry’s defense, angry that he is being vilified for taking up the cause of protecting the lives of young women.
Wild Thing's comment........
I really belileve Perry cares deeply about the people he represents and that will carry over if he wins to be President.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (3)
September 14, 2011
Dr. Ronald DePinho, The President of MD Anderson Cancer Center Calls it “Unethical” to Not Support HPV Vaccination
Food for thought. Perhaps the attacks on Rick Perry for his attempt at an Executive Order to get the HPV Vaccine to young girls in Texas will end up doing good – not so much for those using it against him for political gain – but to raise awareness that the vaccine can prevent 80% of cervical and head / neck cancers caused by the HPV virus. Perry’s Executive Order never went into effect because of political opposition, and he now admits he went about it all the wrong way. But he does not back away from his desire to get the vaccine to young girls and young women to try and prevent cervical cancer.
Here is video of Dr. Ronald DePinho, President of the renowned MD Anderson Cancer Center, talking bluntly about the incredible benefits of the HPV vaccine. He calls it is, “not just sound but one of the great scientific advances in the history of medicine.”
Dr. DePinho went on to say that as the father of two young girls, as well as speaking as a physician, “there’s only one path here, which is to support vaccination. To do anything else would be unethical.”
Gov. Rick Perry's 2007 attempt to require that girls in Texas be vaccinated against the cancer-causing human papillomavirus, commonly known as HPV, has become a political hot potato. But Dr. Ronald DePinho, the new president of MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, says the vaccine is not just sound but "one of the great scientific advances in the history of medicine."
In last night's GOP presidential debate, Perry faced repeated criticism from other candidates for his HPV push. Michele Bachmann said it was “flat out wrong” to require that “innocent little 12-year-old girls be forced to have a government injection through an executive order.”
Part of Bachmann's critique was that Perry's executive order, which he now says he would handle differently, was the byproduct of cronyism. Perry's former chief of staff, Mike Toomey, was a lobbyist for the drug company Merck, maker of the vaccine, at the time. In interviews following the debate, Bachmann reportedly went even further, suggesting that the vaccine was a "a very dangerous drug" and could cause "mental retardation."
But today, in an interview with the Tribune, DePinho said that as a physician, and the president of a leading cancer research institution and as a father of two young girls, "there's only one path here, which is to support vaccination."
"To do anything else would be unethical," DePinho said.
His recommendation for anyone who opposes the vaccine: "Visit one patient with cervical cancer in an advanced state."
Wild Thing's comment......
I am glad this Dr. spoke up, maybe it will calm the waters of some of the constant bashing.
We have so much at risk with Obama in office and so many other things we need to be discussing and working hard to get someone elected to beat Obama. Obamacare is HUGE and I for one want to hear from the candidates how will you get rid of it. There are other questions as well, and we need to move on so we can hold the person accountable for what he/ she has said during the campaign about things like Obamacare etc.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (6)
Rush Limbaugh :“Forget this Vaccine Business. This is Ending Up Being a Giant Distraction” ~ Exactly Rush Is Right!
“Alright, Perry goofed up by using an executive order on the Gardasil,” Limbaugh said. “There’s no question he goofed up on it instead of taking it to the Texas legislature. He’s admitted that over and over again. I think one of the reasons that Perry gets tired is that he had all the questions. He had to answer a question three or four times last night and he did it smiling.”
However, Limbaugh cautioned the candidates not to use that against Perry, particularly because there was an opt-out provision in his executive order. Bachmann, he said, may have taken her attack a little too far.
“There was an opt-out,” Limbaugh explained. “If anybody didn’t want to take it they didn’t have to… So next time I’m going to have to issue another warning. Next time – not only don’t bother with this Social Security ‘Ponzi scheme’ stuff, but forget this vaccine business. This is ending up being a giant distraction. Now I said that [Michele] Bachmann may have jumped the shark. It’s just a gut a feeling.”
Limbaugh said Bachmann should have taken her victory in last night’s debate on the Gardasil issue and left it alone after that.
“Alright, now she had scored the points in the debate,” he said. “But now this comment has become a news item for Bachmann today, rather than what she said at the debate last night. That’s what I mean by ‘jumping the shark.’ She scored the points and should have left it there.”
I agree with Rush, Bachmann made her point, now back off and get ono to the next thing. You all are right about this as well, there are so many things that need to be talked about and the border etc. as well and details of what would be done about it by each of the candidates.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM
| Comments (2)
Wild Thing's comment.....
September 13, 2011
Debate aka “pile on Rick Perry night"
Governor Mitt Romney didn’t want to give Rick Perry an ounce of credit for the his role in the million jobs created in the state of Texas. Romney explained it this way, “He was dealt four aces.”
The desperation of several of the candidates was very obvious, as they launched one attack after another at the Texas Governor.
Michele Bachmann attacked Perry on the HPV vaccine,although she repeatedly misstated that girls were forced to receive the vaccine, ignoring that an “opt out” was given as a choice to parents. Perry has made clear he regrets using an Executive Order, but said he does not regret siding with “life” in wanting young women to be protected from Cervical Cancer – which the vaccine prevents.
Rick Santorum also mentioned Rick Perry’s name almost every time he spoke, even when he wasn’t asked about Rick Perry. He attacked Perry on the HPV issue as well as on immigration issues.
Mitt Romney attacked Rick Perry on Social Security right at the beginning of the debate, but Perry got the best of the exchange by pointing out that Mitt Romney is trying to “scare seniors” for political gain, and has himself called the way Social Security is being managed a “fraud.”
Newt Gingrich did very well once again, having perhaps the statement of the night when he said that Barack Obama “scares Americans every day.”
It was not an easy night for Perry because he was constantly the focus of attacks. But what the other candidates actually do when they repeatedly focus on Perry is to build him up as the frontrunner. They are desperate.
Wild Thing's comment......
Debate was ok and having it with the tea party from all over was interesting how they did it.
When they were attacking each other they got to go on and on, but if they start talking about real solutions they get cut off??
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (3)
Bobby Jindal Endorses Rick Perry
Prior to the Republican debate, Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal talked to CNN's John King about why he's endorsing Perry. Executive experience, economy and jobs is Rick Perry's strength Jindal tells King. He says Rick Perry understands the founder's vision.
Wiild Thing's comment.....
I like this very much. Bobby being a Gov. endorses Gov. Perry and both of them have had nothing but trouble from Obama so they really know first hand how bad Obama has been to deal with as Gov.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (4)
Rush Warns GOP Candidates Not To Attack Perry on Social Security
Rush Warns GOP Candidates Not To Attack Perry on Social Security
Rush says that some of these GOP candidates are on the record saying the same thing that Perry said about Social Security, namely Romney, and he is warning them not to attack Perry over it. He also warns Bachmann by name, saying he’s heard she is planning an attack on Perry as well.
He says it isn’t an endorsement, but radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh warned Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s competitors that he will go to bat for Perry if they choose to attack him over his claim that Social Security is a “Ponzi scheme.”
During his Monday show, Limbaugh warned the 2012 Republican field not to use Perry’s remarks against him. He specifically named Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
“I’ve not endorsed anybody and this is not an endorsement” Limbaugh said. “But be very careful if you start attacking Rick Perry on Social Security and the ‘Ponzi scheme.’ There are too many of you out there who have already said that yourselves — Mitt Romney. Mitt, you have already called it a Ponzi scheme. And worse.”
“I’ve got a whole list of people here — media and outside — in politics who have referred to Social Security as a Ponzi scheme,” Limbaugh went on. “And I’m hearing that Michele Bachmann is preparing to lay into Rick Perry about Social Security being a Ponzi scheme. And I would like to warn everybody: Be careful here because you’re pandering to the media.”
Wild Thing's comment....
Well Rush was right again. hahaa Michele Bachmann went into some kind of frenzy rant at Perry, even to the point of her voice going a tad shrill. haha
Michele calm down and speak in your lower voice, it is more effective to say the least.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (1)
September 12, 2011
Tonight CNN/Tampa Tea Party Movement Debate
CNN/Tampa Tea Party Express Debate on Sept. 12 at the Florida State Fairgrounds.
CNN and the Tea Party Express, along with more than 100 local tea party groups from every state across the country, will team up Monday, September 12 to present a first-of-its-kind debate from the site of the 2012 Republican National Convention: Tampa, Florida.
Eight Republican presidential contenders will face questions from moderator and lead political anchor Wolf Blitzer during the two-hour event, which will air live on CNN from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. from the Florida State Fairgrounds.
The debate will focus on a wide-range of topics, including the role, size and scope of government, with a specific emphasis on issue number one to tea party members and all Americans: the economy.
In addition to questions from Blitzer, audience members inside the debate hall, made up in part by members from tea party groups in 31 states and the District of Columbia, will be invited to ask questions directly to the candidates. Questions will also be taken live from tea party members at debate watch parties in Phoenix, Ariz.; Cincinnati, Ohio; and Portsmouth, Virginia. Online, CNN will solicit questions via comments on CNNPolitics.com, the CNN Politics Facebook page, and by using the #CNNTeaParty hashtag on Twitter.
The following Republican candidates will participate in the debate: Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, businessman Herman Cain, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, Texas Rep. Ron Paul, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.
“The Tea Party plays an important role in advancing principles of fiscal responsibility and conservative governance across our nation through its efforts to recruit and elect leaders that will fight to instill these values in the halls of government at all levels throughout our nation,” said Gov. Perry. “I look forward to the opportunity this debate presents to discuss my record of conservative leadership and to share my vision with the great people of this country about how we will get America working again.”
Wild Thing's comment......
Seems kind of funny to have the Tea Partys from all over and CNN together on this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (5)
September 08, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry's Response To Texas Death Penalty Question At Debate Drew Cheers and Other Perry Responses ~ Awesome!
Brian Williams: Governor Perry a question about Texas. Your state has executed 234 death row inmates more than any other governor in modern times. Have you struggled to sleep at night?
Governor Rick Perry: No sir. I’ve never struggled with that at all… If you kill one of our children or police officers or another citizen in a crime you will face the ultimate justice in Texas.
Then the cherring got louder for Rick Perry.
NBC host Brian Williams didn’t expect Rick Perry to correct his misstatements.
Perry corrected Williams on the minimum wage jobs in Texas.
Governor Rick Perry quickly corrected NBC’s Brian Williams tonight when he tried to smear the governor’s jobs record in Texas. Perry told Williams that 95% of the jobs created in Texas were above minimum wage.
After an hour it’s become obvious that the media’s only objective tonight was to attack Rick Perry.
Perry just said, “I sorta feel like the pinata here.”
Brian Williams goes back on the attack against Rick Perry – challenges him on the Texas school systems.
Rick Perry: “For the president to come to El Paso and say the border is more secure than it’s ever been, he either has the worst intel in history or he’s an abject liar.”
Perry gets a question on how to make the border secure
Rick Perry: For Obama To Say The Border Is Safe, Either He's Got Poor Intel Or "He's Was An Abject Liar"
Wild Thing's comment......
Perry did great and I loved his responses. I have seen several articles about the debate and the ones I have seen have Perry as the winner of the debate.
The main thing for me it is the first time I have seen him debate so that was important just on a personal level to see the person I am for in action.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (7)
Why Rick Perry Won the GOP Debate at the Reagan Library
Why Rick Perry Won the GOP Debate at the Reagan Library
“When the dust settles on presidential debates, they are usually remembered for one defining moment, and in this case, that was undeniably the exchange between the race’s two frontrunners on Social Security.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry refused to back down on his comments that Social Security was a “Ponzi scheme,” explaining that while it would be there for those at or near retirement, it was not sustainable for younger generations. He said politicians need to be willing to be “provocative” on the issue in acknowledging that the program was a “monstrous lie.”
Yet Mitt Romney played it safe, saying there needed to be tweaks to the program’s finances, but that it was wrong to call it a failure.
The exchange, more than any other moment in the debate, epitomized the contrast between Perry and Romney’s approaches to the campaign. Romney is the establishment candidate who is trying to win on the basis of being the most “reasonable” and electable, whereas Perry wants to come across as somebody who will stick to his conservative principles and tell it like it is.
Ultimately, I think this contrast is likely to play into the hands of Perry in the Republican primaries, because right now the base wants somebody who is willing to shake things up and challenge the status quo. And there’s good reason for them to feel this way. For anything to get done about the nation’s long-term fiscal problems, we’ll need a president who is willing to embrace real changes to our existing entitlement structure. After watching this exchange, Perry seemed willing to do that, whereas Romney seemed to be offering more of the same. His general answer on Social Security tried to have it both ways. By defending the program as a great success that simply needed to be adjusted, it wasn’t all that different from Obama.
So I think Perry, with the Social Security answer, his strong defense of his death penalty record, touting of Texas’s economic performance, and his willingness to attack his rivals in a way that Tim Pawlenty was not, showed us why he shot up into the lead in national polls shortly after entering the race. Yet he seemed to tire as the debate wore on, and many of his answers — such as on global warming, foreign policy, the uninsured rate in Texas, and education — were evasive, vague and unfocused. While he didn’t make any major gaffes tonight, in future GOP debates, and especially if he becomes the nominee, he’ll have to come off as a long more polished and demonstrate a better grasp of specifics.
Perry’s courage in speaking the truth about Social Security bodes well for his willingness to frontally tackle entitlement reform, and the opposite appears true of Romney. A principal reason that voters are reluctant to change entitlements is because politicians lie to them, claiming that these programs are just fine. Perry, on the other hand, says things like this: “I think the first step in finding the solutions is admitting we have a problem—and admitting that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme.” Perry is right.
Wild Thing's comment......
This is an awesome write up, I hope you all have time to read it. It really describes why Perry made a difference in the debate and I think he will keep on hitting hard on important things.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (3)
September 07, 2011
Tonight Is The Reagan Centennial GOP Candidates Debate
No word yet on whether Gov. Perry will be able to leave the state to take part in tomorrow’s GOP Presidential Debate at the Reagan Presidential Library.
September 6, 2011 Gov. Rick Perry held a press conference in the Austin community of Steiner Ranch Tuesday morning, thanking fire professionals for their help in trying to contain the wildfires throughout central Texas for the past two days.
Perry took an aerial tour of fire damage in Steiner Ranch. He took off by helicopter from Steiner Ranch Elementary School.
The Steiner Ranch fire damaged or destroyed 54 homes. It burned 125 acres. Five firefighters suffered injuries fighting the flames. All of them have since been treated and released.
Perry said there have been 3.6 million acres burned by wildfires in Texas, and about 1,000 homes destroyed, since the wildfire season began in December 2010.
The Governor says there is still a lot of work ahead.
Sept. 7, 2011, at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, Calif. The debate, hosted by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, will also be co-hosted by NBC News and POLITICO.
WHEN: Begins at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT on Wednesday, Sept. 7.
It will air live on MSNBC
DEBATE LOCATION: At the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, as a part of the Reagan Centennial Celebration.
MODERATORS: POLITICO Editor-in-chief John F. Harris and NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams, with questions from Telemundo's Jose Diaz-Balart.
QUESTIONS FROM READERS: POLITICO has been soliciting questions from readers for the last few weeks and will incorporate them into the debate.
Wild Thing's comment.......
As of this posting I am not sure if Gov. Perry will attend or not. Perhaps throughout the day it will be announced.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (3)
September 06, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry Unable To Attend The Jim DeMint Freedom Forum Because of Fires Raging Throughout Texas
Perry: 'Never Seen a Wildfire Season Like This'
"I'm not paying attention to politics right now. People's lives are in danger and that's all I care about" -- Governor Rick Perry
Republican presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry did not attend the Palmetto Freedom Forum of GOP candidates Monday , sponsored by Sen. Jim DeMint, and instead returned to Texas to deal with the wildfires in the state, DeMint and the Perry campaign told CNN.
The South Carolina senator's office said they learned of Perry's plans not to attend the Columbia, South Carolina event Monday morning.
"The Governor is in close contact with emergency operations officials regarding fires in Texas, including calls with his emergency management chief this morning," Perry's campaign communications secretary Ray Sullivan told CNN.
"Governor Perry is cancelling the remainder of his South Carolina schedule today (including DeMint Fourm) and his California schedule tomorrow in order to return to Texas ASAP."
This note below was written hours BEFORE Perry spoke on the video above There has been even more damage from the fire as Gov. Perry describes above. . ~ Wild Thing
14,000 acres burned in Bastrop. More than 300 homes lost, and there’s still no containment. A mandatory evacuation has been issued for all circle D County — all homes on Schwantz Ranch Road, Old Potato Road and all Highway 21 homes east to Paige. Also Wilderness Ridge, Cedar Creek, Allen Creek are also being evacuated.
“It’s catastrophic,” Stanford said of the Bastrop County fire. “It’s a major natural disaster.”
There are C-130’s dropping fire retardant and helicopters dropping water from the lake.
Photos click here
Wild Thing's comment......
This is SO awful - I LOVE Texas - and am so sorry this is happening.
My prayers for all Texans in harms way. This has been such a horrible year here with the fires and drought in Texas.
The whole central part of the state is a tinderbox with no relief in sight.
I know what this feels like to live with fires coming right up to the door of your home, the choppers flying over the house, the smell of smoke so think you can barely breath, your eyes burning like crazy and your heart pounding out of your chest.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (2)
South Carolina Rep. Mick Mulvaney Endorses Rick Perry in South Carolina
Mulvaney ( favorite with the Tea Party movement ) endorses Perry in South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina (CNN) - South Carolina Rep. Mick Mulvaney endorsed Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Monday, CNN has learned.
Mulvaney, elected in 2010, is an enormously popular figure in the state's conservative movement, even outside of his congressional district.
It’s a tremendous opportunity for me, I have tremendous faith in the governor. He’s also given me a list of several people to talk to … we will be reaching out to the best conservative minds in the country [to put together an economic plan.”
“Not only am I endorsing him, I’m going to join the team effective immediately.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Fantastic! It is great to see endorsements coming in for Rick Perry, and well deserved.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM
September 04, 2011
Rick Perry's Medal of Honor Motorcycle To Be Auctioned To Benefit Freedom Angels
Rick Perry's Medal of Honor Motorcycle auctioned for Freedom Angels
The Medal of Honor motorcycle is a Harley Davidson ridden by Texas Governor Rick Perry and signed by 17 Medal of Honor recipients.
Governor Perry plans to auction the motorcycle with the proceeds going to benefit Freedom’s Angels.(Founded by Mrs. Ted Nugent)
Wild Thing's comment.....
It feels so good to have someone running for President that knows what our troops go through, their sacrifice and is a Veteran himself.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM
Gov. Rick Perry Campaigned in New Hampshire Saturday
Texas Gov. Rick Perry campaigned in New Hampshire today, and CNN reports he had a suggestion for President Obama and his big “Jobs Speech” this coming Thursday Night:
Chichester, New Hampshire (CNN) - Texas Gov. Rick Perry focused blame for the economic slump squarely on President Barack Obama in a pair of speeches Saturday, as his stump speech continues to take shape.
Reading from notes, the folksy leader launched a blistering assault on the president for failing to turn around the country's fiscal struggles, and offered his record in Texas as his recipe for success.
"It's time for a change," he told a group of largely undecided Republican voters in Manchester, New Hampshire. "And I'm not talking about the rhetoric of change, I'm talking about a record of change."
Perry said he had created jobs in Texas, while the president had expanded the role of the federal government without creating long-term jobs, and had taken the country in the wrong direction, he said.
He also had some advice for the president as he prepares to announce a jobs plan next week.
"If the president wants to make a good jobs speech, he needs to stand up in front of the American people and say we're going to repeal 'Obamacare,' " Perry told an audience in Chichester, to thunderous applause.
At the house party in Chichester, Perry spoke emotionally about service members fighting in foreign wars. He said the country should spend more money caring for its veterans. On the subject of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Perry said there should be a "national conversation" over the next year before the election, but said he did not favor setting timetables for withdrawal.
Perry was asked at each crowded event about preventing illegal immigration, and said it was the federal government's responsibility to aid in border protection by sending National Guard troops.
Gerald Easson, of Farmington, said he was impressed by the governor's candor.
"Talk is cheap. I'm going by facts. What they've accomplished, what they can do," he said. "Everything he's tackled, he's accomplished it."
State Rep. Al Baldasaro, who has yet to endorse a candidate, had a similar response.
"He looks you in the eye and he tells you how it is," Baldasaro said. "He's not looking over my shoulder. He's talking to me when I ask him a question."
Baldasaro said he asked for more information about Perry's record on caring for veterans in Texas to help him make a decision about supporting the governor.
He may have been 2,000 miles from the border, but Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry’s immigration record in Texas quickly became the focus in New Hampshire Saturday afternoon.
Speaking to hundreds of Granite State voters at a private reception, the Texas governor was asked whether he supported a fence along the Mexican border.
“No, I don’t support a fence on the border,” he said, while referring to the long border in Texas alone. “The fact is, it’s 1,200 miles from Brownsville to El Paso. Two things: How long you think it would take to build that? And then if you build a 30-foot wall from El Paso to Brownsville, the 35-foot ladder business gets real good.”
Instead, Perry said he supported “strategic fencing” and National Guard troops to prevent illegal immigration and violence from Mexican drug cartels.
Rick Perry talking immigration with Arpaio, Sheriff Joe tweeted and Sheriff Joe also posted about it at his Facebook page.
Wild Thing's comment.......
"He looks you in the eye and he tells you how it is," Baldasaro said. "He's not looking over my shoulder. He's talking to me when I ask him a question."
I like what this person said. I think that is important. I have met politicians over the years and too few will do this, most of them are looking to see the next person to shake hands with.
And I have to say the way he explains about the border I’m alright with his explanation. He explained this on the Mark Levin Show, and if there are other ways to accomplish the same thing, I’m ok with it.
The Texans I know that live near the border say ...."they need the Rio Grande for our farmers and ranchers. Any Texan that knows anything about our border knows a fence will not work here. It's not true that Governor Perry "prefers open borders."
I also love that Gov. Perry called Sheriff Joe yesterday. I have read several times that Perry is not closed on discussions of learning more and we know he has already shown when he made a mistake he said so. This is a good man and I think he will listen to we the people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (3)
September 03, 2011
Rick Perry’s Campaign Tries to Raise Cash off Obama’s Golf Game ~ GREAT Idea!!!!
Rick Perry’s Campaign Tries to Raise Cash off Obama’s Golf Game
Rick Perry’s latest fundraising appeal looks to raise some money off President Obama’s golf game. In an email to supporters Thursday, Rob Johnson, Perry’s campaign manager, asked potential donors to open their pocketbooks to the amount of $76 — exactly the number of rounds of golf Obama has played since entering the White House.
“In honor of his prodigious golf habit, I ask you to donate $76 today – a dollar for each round of golf Obama has played since becoming president,” Johnson wrote.
A golfing theme exists throughout the donation request email, tying Obama’s handling of the economy to a round of golf.
“31 months, 12 days and 76 rounds of golf later, we still await the president’s plan to create jobs. Or, more precisely, his next plan following the failed stimulus that spent our children’s inheritance, exploded the debt and led to greater unemployment. Now the president wants a mulligan,” Johnson wrote in the email.
“Help us yell a pre-emptive ‘fore’ before the president takes a three-iron to the economy and makes matters worse.”
Perry, who has claimed the frontrunner title after catapulting to the top of polls this week, has been on a fundraising blitz since the start of his campaign nearly three weeks ago.
He crisscrossed Texas this week, attending fundraisers in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston and San Antonio. He also crossed the Texas border into Louisiana and Oklahoma to raise some cash as well. The Perry campaign plans to hold fundraisers in California and New York later in the month.
And what about Perry’s golf game? The Texas governor thanked Triton financial for sponsoring the 2011 Champions Tour in Austin and was even paired with a pro-golfer in a 2007 tournament that benefited Shriners Hospitals for Children. But the reviews of Perry’s golf game didn’t bode well for the Texas governor.
“Perry did, however, bring along a security contingent complete with those Secret Service-type earpieces, which would have been interesting if it wasn’t so laughable given the only thing most knew about him was that he was the guy you backed up 20 yards from each time he addressed a shot,” a Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist wrote.
Perry spokesman Mark Miner told ABC News that the governor had golfed before but didn’t play regularly.
Wild Thing's comment.........
LOL This is such a great idea. heh heh It slams Obama at the same time.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (2)
Rick Perry on Mark Levin Show, Sept 1, 2011
Great interview.
Perry opposes the federal DREAM Act, explains his stand on in-state tuition and border control. He covers the usual topics such as federal overreach, tort reform, and Texas’ job performance as well.
Levin calls Perry a “solid conservative.” Levin pointed out that some have been attacking him ( Perry) but they have lost sight of the fact that Reagan was attacked as well for not being the extreme conservative that they thought he should be when he was running for office.
Wild Thing's comment......
I really like how when he is asked a question he answers it, directly and with no beating around the bush. He does not use the avoiding way of answering like so many in office do all the time.
Mark Levin is also right about how Reagan was treated when he ran for office. Then those same people joined the rest of the people like myself after they saw how awesome Reagan was as a President. I am not sure what that is called... maybe being a political purist or something. It goes beyond not wanting a rino, it is expecting perfection and that is just not going to happen from anyone.
I hope you all get a chance to listen to the video above, it is worth it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (5)
September 02, 2011
C-130 Rick Perry: He Flew The World Before Politics
C-130 Rick Perry: He flew the world before politics
By Sarah Kleiner Varble
Rank: Retired as a captain
Hometown: Haskell
Crew job: C-130 aircraft commander
Served in the Air Force: 1972 to 1977
Dyess AFB tour: March 4, 1974, to Feb. 28, 1977
His story:Way back before he was governor of Texas, Rick Perry had two choices as a young member of the Air Force.
He could either follow his dream and work toward becoming an instructor pilot in the sleek T-38, or he could fly the hulking C-130, planes that affectionately were referred to as "trash haulers" by Perry and his cohorts.
"There was no telling what you were going to haul around on any given day, from high value cargo like human beings to the colonel's kitty litter," Perry told the Reporter-News in a recent phone interview.
He wanted to fly T-38s, but not badly enough to move to Selma, Ala., where he would have been assigned. So, Perry chose to stay in Texas and fly the C-130.
In 1974, he moved to Dyess Air Force Base, about 55 miles from his hometown of Haskell, and began a career that took him all over the world and shaped his political future.
"It was one of the great adventures of my life," Perry said. "I had a fairly pedestrian life until I was 23 years old."
Perry could count on one hand the number of trips he had taken out of his home state by the time he graduated from Texas A&M University, but everything changed when he joined the Air Force.
Flying C-130s, Perry lived in Germany and Saudi Arabia. He flew in Central and South America, North Africa and all over Europe.
"I saw all of these different types of governments and I made the connections to how the people acted and looked, and it became abundantly clear to me that, at that particular point in time, that America was this very unique place and that our form of democracy was very rare," Perry said. " ... That was the greatest gift I received from my years of being in the military, and they really shaped my outlook on the rest of my life."
Perry retired from the Air Force in 1977 — but not without one last adventure.
As his final days approached, Perry was assigned to a mission to "haul trash" to Bermuda with a relatively inexperienced crew.
"I'm sure the young guys stayed up a little longer than the older guy, which would be me at 26 years old," Perry said, and they fell asleep on the way back to Abilene.
About the time the plane reached Atlanta, a fire light for the No. 3 engine flashed once. And then it flashed again.
Perry poked his co-pilot as the light reappeared and held steady on red.
Using the headset, he asked the loadmaster to take a look at the engine from the window and about that time, the engine exploded and blew a tail pipe off the plane.
"He started screaming that we were on fire and that we were all going to die," Perry said. "The aircraft operated as advertised and flies amazingly well on three engines."
Perry and his crew were stuck at Pope Air Force Base while awaiting a new engine. With three days left in his enlistment, Perry called the command post at Dyess and informed them that they would have to send a new pilot along with the engine if they didn't hurry.
"I said, 'In three days, I'm not Captain Perry anymore, I'm Mr. Perry, and I'm going home," Perry said.
The engine arrived and the plane returned to Dyess in time for Perry to retire Feb. 28, as planned.
He went on to be elected to the state House of Representatives, agriculture commissioner, lieutenant governor and, finally, governor of Texas.
19-year-old Rick Perry 1969 TX A&M Yearbook, Aggieland
Perry attended Texas A&M University, where he was a member of the Corps of Cadets, a member of the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity and one of A&M's five yell leaders (a popular Texas A&M tradition analogous to male cheerleaders).
He interned with the Southwestern Company during the summer time as a door-to-door book salesman where he honed his communication skills. Perry graduated in 1972 with a degree in animal science.
While at Texas A&M University Perry successfully completed a static line parachute jump at Ags Over Texas (a United States Parachute Association dropzone), the dropzone that was then in operation at Coulter Field (KCFD) in Bryan, Texas, just north of Texas A&M (in College Station, Texas).
Wild Thing's comment.......
I like that he served our country. And I have been reading how he has made trips to visit the troops in Iraq etc.
Please note that when it says he retired from the Air Force that is the author of the article not Rick Perry saying that. Obviously he did not retire after 5 years, but I suppose the author did not know that. I just wanted to point that out to the lefties that read and lurk at this blog and then try to spread lies like they do with Sarah Palin. etc.
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
US Army Aviation
Vietnam 1966-68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (4)
Texas First Lady Anita Perry Speaks About Her Husband, Governor Rick Perry.
This is from 2009, but I thought it would be nice to hear Anita Perry.
April 2010
Texas Governor Shoots, Kills Coyote Who Threatened Dog a Lab
AUSTIN, Texas -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry has a message for wily coyotes out there: Don't mess with my dog.
Perry says he needed just one shot from his laser-sighted pistol to take down a coyote that was menacing his dog during an early morning jog in an undeveloped area near Austin.
Perry told The Associated Press he sometimes carries his pistol, loaded with hollow-pointed bullets, when he jogs on trails because he's scared of snakes -- and that he'd seen coyotes in that area.
When the coyote came out of the brush toward his daughter's labrador retriever puppy on a February jog, he charged it and shot it with his .380 Ruger pistol.
"Don't attack my dog or you might get shot ... if you're a coyote," Perry said
Wild Thing's comment.......
Two great videos to watch, please feel free to pass them on if you lilke.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (3)
August 31, 2011
It's Time for Perry ~ GREAT Video
Wild Thing's comment......
Excellent ad and one to share with others.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
August 30, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry Speech to National VFW; Gives Special Salute to Heroes of Vietnam - 8/29/11
Gov. Rick Perry Speech to National VFW; Gives Special Salute to Heroes of Vietnam - 8/29/11
From Rick Perry's speech to the VFW:
Rick Perry Wades Into Foreign Policy with Speech to Veterans
Texas Governor Rick Perry delved into foreign policy this morning as he addressed the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in San Antonio, warning that the United States “cannot concede the moral authority of our nation to multi-lateral debating societies.”
“I do not believe that America should fall subject to a foreign policy of military adventurism. We should only risk shedding American blood and spending American treasure when our vital interests are threatened and we should always look to build coalitions among the nations to protect the mutual interests of freedom loving people,” Perry told thousands of veterans today.
“It’s not our interest to go it alone. We respect our allies, and we must always seek to engage them in military missions. At the same time, we must be willing to act when it is time to act. We cannot concede the moral authority of our nation to multi-lateral debating societies, and when our interests are threatened American soldiers should be led by American commanders.”
Perry pointed to the lessons learned from the Vietnam War as helping leaders make more cautious decisions when engaging in combat.
“A president should never send our sons and daughters into war without a plan to win and the resources to make that possible,” Perry said. “It’s a dangerous world that we live in today. Our enemies often don’t wear uniforms or swear allegiance to a particular flag but instead to an ideology of hatred. As the 10th anniversary of the attacks of 911 approach, we must renew our commitment to taking the fight to the enemy wherever they are before they strike at home.”
Two weeks ago, Perry, who flew C-130s in the Air Force from 1972 to 1977, stated that one of his greatest motivations to run for president was to ensure “every young man and woman who puts on the uniform of this nation respects highly the president of the United States.”
“I think the military men and women respect the commander in chief regardless of who it is. I think they really like to see a person who’s worn the uniform in that office and, you know, I think that’s just a true statement and I wouldn’t back up off of it an inch,” Perry told a group of reporters at the Iowa State Fair earlier this month. “Go ask your veterans if they’d rather see somebody who’s never served as the commander in chief.”
Perry never served in a war but highlighted the dedication and service of his father, who was a tail gunner in World War II, flying 35 missions over Germany in 1944 and 1945.
“He helped liberate millions from tyranny. When he came home he didn’t seek acclaim or credit, he just wanted to live in peace and freedom,” Perry recounted. “His story is not unique. Indeed his story was if anything very representative of our entire generation, the greatest generation who know all about placing country and community ahead of self.”
“I know the credo of survivors of war that only the heroes are the ones who never make it home, but in my eyes you all are heroes every one of you.”
In his speech, Perry announced a new Texas initiative called Housing4TexasHeroes, a three million dollar grant program which will help veterans buy, build, rehabilitate, or rent homes.
“A great nation cannot turn its eye away from wounded warriors. We should honor them with the best healthcare possible, with help transitioning back to civilian life and with jobs,” Perry said. “It anguishes me to see young men and women come home scarred, feeling isolated, unable to cope with what they’ve experienced. these are our precious sons and daughters. They are our nations’ newest generation of heroes. They are our own flesh and blood. We must take care of them, everyone of them.”
Wild Thing's comment........
GO Perry!!!!
Breathing fresh air is getting to be exhilarating again!!
Perry starting to talk about foreign affairs. Key points:
- US should only act militarily when our national interests are at stake or when we are threatened or attacked;
- US should work with allies whenever possible;
- US should not concede our moral authority to act to groups line the UN;
- US troops should only be commanded by US officers;
- Perry announces a Texas initiative to help veterans to buy, build, renovate or rent homes.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (3)
Obama and White House, Media Allies 'declare war on Rick Perry' To Try To Crush Him
White House, media allies 'declare war on Rick Perry'
With each passing day, the so-called "mainstream media" - known here as the "Democrat-media complex" - proves it can no longer be trusted to provide Americans with objective news, especially in the arena of Presidential politics.
Douglas MacKinnon writes of the fear Rick Perry generates among liberal media types:
Not since Ronald Reagan has a Republican candidate for president evoked such outright fear and loathing from the mainstream media and the far-left.
They are flat-out petrified of Perry and are desperately trying to kill off his candidacy before it can take hold. Why?
Simple. As they suspiciously heap praise on the likes of Jon Huntsman and even Mitt Romney, they increasingly worry that Perry has the best chance to defeat their handpicked socialist messiah now occupying the Oval Office.
With exactly that mission in mind, an editor of a major newspaper told me: "We plan to declare war on Rick Perry and do all in our power to crush him."
"Declare war?" Is this the job of a publication whose purpose is to inform the public?
The answer, clearly, is no - but as Newsbusters documents every day, the Democrat-media complex is doing all it can to destroy any GOP candidate before the very first primary in 2012.
MacKinnon continues:
There you have it. No pretense of integrity, professionalism or of unbiased news-gathering. This particular newspaper plans to use its very considerable resources to destroy the Perry campaign before it gains momentum. Period.
The entire complex - print and broadcast divisions alike - have attacked every conservative candidate on practically every front. Perhaps they sense that their guy - Barack Obama - is slipping so badly in the polls that he could give Democrats a Carter-style defeat in 2012.
Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center discussed this with Sean Hannity recently on Fox News:
Attacks on Republicans like Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, and Sarah Palin that compare them to the Three Stooges are just a sign that the liberal media is getting worried that their champion Barack Obama stands a good shot of losing next year's election. What's more, any Republican who gets attacked as an intellectual lightweight should "wear it as a badge of honor."
How desperate is the Obama camp?
Todd J. Gilman writes at the Dallas Morning News that in addition to the standard opposition research, the Obama campaign is reaching out to average Texans for their view of Rick Perry:
The Obama campaign team is asking Texans to share complaints about Gov. Rick Perry, and compiling the critiques for possible use in Perry-bashing ads and other material - a sure sign the president's advisers are taking no chances.
"Your feedback will help hold him accountable on the campaign trail, inspire fellow Texans to get involved, and introduce his record -- his actual record -- to voters across the country," Hector Nieto, the campaign's Texas director, told Texas supporters by email blast today. "Your words will remind him that even as he runs, he won't be able to hide -- a lesson he apparently hadn't learned as recently as last week. That's when his campaign explained that the positions he took in the book he wrote just nine months ago, like saying that Social Security is unconstitutional and `a crumbling monument to the failure of the New Deal,' no longer represent his views.
"But what other Americans are just starting to learn about -- and, frankly, reject -- Texans have dealt with for more than a decade. It's up to us to make sure he doesn't get to run away from the truth."
A post at the conservative blog Hot Air notes:
Yes, they really do have an online form just for this on Obama’s campaign site. I’m intrigued by the fact that they’re not content to rely on standard oppo research in this case but want man-on-the-street grumbling from Texas liberals instead. Is that because they’re deeply (and understandably) worried about voters being dazzled by Texas’s record on jobs and think that only “eyewitness testimony” from the locals disputing it will be effective? Or is it because Perry has a huge, obvious populist advantage over President Spock such that only fellow salt-of-the-earth southerners might be able to counter it?
The Democrat-media complex is so fearful of an Obama defeat, they are attacking conservative voters in addition to the candidates themselves.
Newsbusters' Clay Waters wrote that Bill Keller, the outgoing executive director for the New York Times, mocked the Christian beliefs held by some of the candidates, and compared it to belief in space aliens. Naturally, to operatives of the complex, anyone who believes in God and questions the theory of evolution is backward and unworthy to participate in American democracy.
Matt Hadro wrote at Newsbusters that CNN's Jack Cafferty slammed conservative supporters of Palin, Bachmann and Perry as being "allergic to brains."
Despite the attacks, Perry presses on, introducing himself to voters.
MacKinnon concludes:
As he tells his story and as he explains his vision, more and more voters are lining up behind him. As that momentum builds, more and more from the left and right try to twist his words, besmirch his reputation and deceive the American people.
Fortunately for all who still cherish traditional values, the voters are wise to these self-serving attacks on Perry. Most are now willing and anxious to hear the Texas governor out.
"The rest," MacKinnon writes, "is up to him."
Wild Thing's comment........
I think Perry can handle the attacks he will get. He knows that we have an enemy within he has experienced it first hand in his dealings with Obama.
If only people would wake up and see what a monster Obama is, besides his agenda, the character of Obama is evil. He could care less about what he does or has done to destroy others.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (4)
Gov. Rick Perry Receives Endorsement in Oklahoma from U.S. Sen. James Inhofe and Pledges to Lift Regulations on Oil and Natural Gas Industries
Gov. Rick Perry Receives Endorsement in Oklahoma from U.S. Sen. James Inhofe and Pledges to Lift Regulations on Oil and Natural Gas Industries
Gov. Rick Perry making a stop in Tulsa, Oklahoma this afternoon to receive the endorsement of Oklahoma U.S. Senator James Inhofe for President.
After Inhofe’s endorsement, Perry made brief remarks, saying he intends to lift regulations on drilling for oil in states like Oklahoma that will create jobs and help make America more energy independent.
He also made it clear that if he is elected President, “I will never send our young men and women into places where America’s interests are not clearly defined.”
“Americans don’t believe our country is in decline, but that rather Washington is in decline.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Love it, we have got to have a President that understands how important the Oil drilling is for our country. Obama might understand but he is bent on destroying it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (2)
August 29, 2011
Perry, Romney To Speak In San Antonio This Week For The Veterans of Foreign Wars National Convention BUT This Is First Time In 112 Year History No One From WH Wants To Be There
Perry, Romney to speak in S.A.
For the first time in 112 years, no one from the White House will appear at the VFW convention.
Republican presidential hopefuls Gov. Rick Perry and Mitt Romney will be in San Antonio this week for the Veterans of Foreign Wars national convention, but for the first time in its 112-year history, no one from the White House has committed to making an appearance.
Officials with the nation's largest combat veterans association said they have about 8,000 registrants, many of whom are battling airport cancellations from Hurricane Irene to make it to the downtown Convention Center for Monday's kickoff.
That's when Perry is scheduled to take the stage. By custom, he was invited as governor of the host state. Conference leaders said they have asked him to appear as state governor — not as a presidential candidate — because his invitation went out before he announced he was seeking the GOP nomination.
On Tuesday, Romney is set to speak. Several months ago, when invitations went out for speakers, the former governor of Massachusetts was at the time the lone presidential candidate to have announced, VFW officials said. The group's policy is to invite only announced presidential candidates.
“No matter what, we take heat for it,” said VFW spokesman Jerry Newberry. “When President Clinton spoke one year, we caught heat from members. When President Bush did, we took heat. Same with President Obama. But we're a diverse organization, and we don't care what party (speakers) come from.”
Adding to the frustration is not having Obama or any of his representatives accept the group's invitation. The organization is noted for its advocacy of veterans' rights, especially health care and military benefits, both of which are on the chopping block in talks about reducing the federal budget.
“When the President is unable to attend, it has always been customary for the White House to choose a high-level administration official as an alternative speaker,” wrote Richard Eubank, the group's national commander, in a statement.
“It is an insult of the highest magnitude that for the first time in the history of the VFW, the White House has apparently decided that this great and iconic organization of combat veterans and all of its members are not worthy of its notice by not at least offering a first-tier speaker from the administration.”
Obama is scheduled to speak to another veterans organization, the American Legion, on Aug. 30 in Minneapolis for its annual national convention. It has an estimated 2.4 million members and is made up of both combat and noncombat veterans.
The VFW's national gathering will last four days, concluding Thursday after a series of seminars and business meetings designed to prioritize issues for its estimated 2 million members.
Wild Thing's comment.....
Obama should not be anywhere near our Veterans or our troops and that is my first reaction.
I do realize how it is something that is supposed to be done and like the article says each time someone is not happy with the president.
My second reaction is what a slap in the face it is for him not to go or send someeone for him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (6)
August 28, 2011
Rick Perry - A Veteran for Veterans
Veterans for Rick Perry seeks to promote the candidacy of Governor Rick Perry as our next Commander-in-Chief. He is a veteran and he stands with veterans.
Texas Governor Rick Perry served in the U.S. Air Force from 1972 to 1977 as a C-130 tactical airlift aircraft pilot in Europe and the Middle East. In his more than 11 years as governor of the second largest state in the nation, Texas has experienced immense economic growth, balanced a $26 billion budget deficit, and maintained a solid economy while most other states were in the red. Additionally, he has led one of the most aggressive border security efforts this country has ever seen, directing more than $230 million toward border security, cutting down on gang violence and providing real-time surveillance and intelligence to law enforcement on the ground.
Of significant importance to veterans, he has promoted a veteran-friendly climate throughout Texas and supports policies that enable the men and women who've served our nation to return home to the support they need to provide for their families through strong mental health programs, educational opportunities and, of course, a vibrant economy.
As Governor, Rick Perry:
* Supported and signed "College Credit for Heroes," SB 1736 (2011), which establishes a pilot project at the Texas Workforce Commission in coordination with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to develop a model for college transfer methods that maximizes academic and workforce education credit awarded to universities to veterans for military experience.
* Signed legislation making it easier for active-duty military to vote while overseas.
* Extended property tax exemptions for fully disabled veterans to their surviving spouses and signed legislation ensuring that property tax exemptions follow disabled veterans to new property if they move.
* In June 2010, Gov. Perry announced a $3 million workforce development initiative through the Texas Workforce Commission to ensure veterans and family members have the resources necessary to receive an education, procure jobs and return to civilian life after their deployments end. The initiative connects the dots between the high-quality training our military offers and college coursework and professional certification standards.
* In November 2009, the governor worked with the Legislature and the Health and Human Services Commission to secure an additional $5 million to supplement the $1.2 million from the state budget to expand mental health treatment ans support programs for veterans and their families.
* The governor also directed the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) and DSHS to establish veteran-to-veteran (V2V) support groups across the state. These V2V groups help veterans by allowing them to share their experiences with fellow veterans.
Our country needs a candidate who will promote the values of freedom, independence, capitalism and free-market enterprise. We believe that Rick Perry is the man for the job.
Wild Thing's comment......
This is the Veterans for Perry website.
And if you are on Facebook they also have a page there.
Veterans for Perry......Facebook page
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (5)
Rick Perry Speaking in Ottumwa Iowa. Aug. 27, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry speaking in Ottumwa, Iowa today. He talked to an enthusiastic crowd about his own small-town, farm life roots in Texas, where he was raised on a cotton farm.
Perry blasted the Obama Administration for saying “Food Stamps” is a form of economic stimulus. Perry said, “That’s not the solution – that’s the problem, sir. . . Economic freedom comes from work and wages – not from welfare.”
" The American Way is not about empowering government, but about empowering people."
Perry said, if elected, his first act on the first day in office will be to “sign an Executive Order that wipes out this President’s misguided, one-size fits-all Health Care plan called ObamaCare.”
Krauthammer: “Absolutely” Gov. Rick Perry Could be our Next President
Charles Krauthammer this weekend saying, “Absolutely,” Gov. Rick Perry could be our next President. He was asked if he agreed with New York Times Columnist David Brooks who has said it is “time to take Rick Perry seriously,” because he “could be our next President.”
Krauthammer responded:
“Absolutely. Look, it it could be a fluke, a Trump phenomenon, but I think it is deeper than that here. I think Brooks is right in his column. He says he has a simple message, which is: ‘Smaller government, I made it work, I created jobs,’ which is a powerful force in the country today. It’s what powered the Republicans to their astonishing success in 2010. It’s sort of Paul Ryan without the numbers and the nuance. And it’s a message that if he keeps it simple, I think that could be a winning message, in the primary and even in the general election.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
I am so glad he mentioned Obamacare. This is sooooo important to get rid of this nightmare.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (3)
August 27, 2011
Golfer Paul Azinger Zings Obama Over Jobs ~ Good For Azinger For Speaking The Truth
Golfer Paul Azinger Zings Obama Over Jobs
Pro golfer Paul Azinger thinks President Obama might be hitting the links a bit too hard.
The author, businessman and 12-time PGA Tour winner took to Twitter Thursday to zing the commander-in-chief over his frequent golf outings while on vacation in Martha's Vineyard.
"Facts: Potus has played more golf this month than I have: I have created more jobs this month than he has," Azinger wrote.
Obama's advisers say he plans to outline a new jobs plan when he, and Congress, return to Washington. He's been pushing for weeks for new trade deals, a patent law overhaul and an extension of the payroll tax cut -- the president may build on those ideas next month, though he is expected to offset his proposals with further calls for deficit reduction.
But the president's critics say he's had an on-again-off-again commitment to job creation, repeatedly vowing to make it his top priority since 2009 before diverting to something else.
Azinger, winner of the 1993 PGA Championship, has branched out into business since his glory days on the tour. He's written books, one about his battle with cancer, and has developed a golf-oriented iPhone app.
ESPN comments:
“Paul’s tweet was not consistent with our social media policy, and he has been reminded that political commentary is best left to those in that field,”
Wild Thing's comment........
ESPN is run by raging lefties.
If Azinger had tweeted something supportive of Obama, and negative to the GOP... nothing would have been said.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (4)
Poll Shows Tea Partiers Favor Perry to Bachmann by More Than Double
Poll Shows Tea Partiers Favor Perry to Bachmann by More Than Double
While Michele Bachmann founded the Tea Party Caucus in the House of Representatives before she even decided to run for president, Texas Governor Rick Perry, her 2012 rival, is reportedly more popular among Tea Partiers, garnering double the support in a recent Gallup poll.
The poll, released Friday, shows Perry with 35 percent of Tea Party supporters while Bachmann trails considerably at 14 percent.
Wild Thing's comment......
Always nice to hear good news.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (1)
Perry Bills Feds $349M for Incarcerating Illegals and Not Doing Enough To Secure Border Costing Tax Payer Funded Resources
Perry Bills Feds $349M for Incarcerating Illegals and Not Doing Enough To Secure Border Costing Tax Payer Funded Resources
Texas Gov. Rick Perry has asked the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for nearly $350 million to cover the costs he says Texas has incurred incarcerating illegal immigrants in state prisons and county jails.
In a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Perry reiterated a claim he's often leveled against the federal government: that it's not doing enough to secure the border with Mexico and as a result, has allowed illegal immigrants to enter the U.S. and use taxpayer-funded resources, including the prison system.
The letter was dated Aug. 10, three days before the Republican governor formally announced he is running for president.
Reached after-hours Friday by phone, DHS spokesman Matthew Chandler said he wasn't in position to comment and said he could not confirm that the DHS had even received the letter.
Perry has been criticized by some fellow conservatives as being too lenient on illegal immigration issues. Unlike fellow GOP presidential hopeful Rep. Michele Bachmann
In his two-page letter to Napolitano, Perry described the formula used to come up with his $349.2 million bill, including $94.4 million to cover costs incurred by county jails
In his two-page letter to Napolitano, Perry described the formula used to come up with his $349.2 million bill, including $94.4 million to cover costs incurred by county jails.
"During tough economic times, when communities are making difficult decisions about their own budgets, Texas counties are being asked to cover more than $94.4 million in direct costs related to housing illegal immigrants while the state has been left to cover more than $254.8 million in such costs."
He included a memo from Comptroller Susan Combs in which she supports his calculations but warns that the estimates are conservative.
"The longstanding failure of the federal government to secure our border with Mexico continues to burden local communities and resources in Texas," Perry wrote. "Because there are not enough troops on the ground, illegal immigrants are able to penetrate the Texas border every day and use taxpayer-funded resources."
Perry is not the first governor to try to bill the federal government for the costs of incarcerating illegal immigrants. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, a Republican, sued the DHS in February seeking compensation for incarceration costs, among other things. And Napolitano herself, who preceded Brewer as Arizona governor, regularly sent the Justice Department invoices seeking such reimbursement before she became Homeland Security secretary.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I smiled when I read this today. Good for Texas and Gov. Perry for doing this.
Regarding the fence along the border, many of those living near the border to not want the fence the farmers and rancher there need the Rio Grande for thei rfarms and ranches. That is why Perry wants it taken care of differently and has said so. That is also why he has been attacked with lies making it seem he does not want to do anything about the borders when he does.
One of the things Rick Perry after years battling the Texas legislature Perry finally won on photo id for voting.The purpose is to prevent illegals from voting.
Perry wants a federal government that will POLICE our border with proper manpower, as Perry requests at least annually, and a federal government that will DEPORT illegals, as Perry requests at least annually.
Perry on the Issues
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (6)
August 26, 2011
Obama Freaking Out In Fear Gov. Perry Will Win So He Starts Up Site Against Perry ~ More Of Obama Being a Thug
Obama must be worried about Gov. Perry. He has a special link on his website for Perry bashers to post to. Didn't see that about Romney or Bachman. ~ Wild Thing
LOL check it out......HERE IS THE LINK TO OBAMA's website for this at Barack Obama.com.
We Texans who have experienced Gov. Rick Perry's failed policies firsthand have an important story to tell the rest of the country..
Wild Thing's comment......
Obama sure is making history and all bad. He can't campaign without his vile hate squads. I wonder how much of OUR tax dollars are paying for his website.
Of course it will be lies and slander which Obama thrives on.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (2)
U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe Lays Long List of Nation’s Ills At Obama’s Feet ~ Good He Speaks The Truth
Inhofe lays long list of nation’s ills at Obama’s feet
President Barack Obama alone is to blame for the nation’s budget deficit – and just about everything else, U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe told the Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday.
“We now have a president, and I don’t mean this disrespectfully, who is destroying these very institutions that made America great,” Inhofe, R-Okla., said.
Inhofe went on to say the Obama administration has “disarmed America,” is solely responsible for the federal budget deficit, mostly responsible for the nation’s dependence on imported oil and suffocating business with regulations.
He also said Obama engineered the House Republicans’ ban on earmarks in order to give himself more control of the budget.
“When they came along with this moratorium, you have to let the president run everything,” Inhofe said. “They conceded that authority to the president of the United States, so that’s why the president was behind the whole earmark thing."
Inhofe said the earmark ban allowed the administration to block a new $10 million control tower scheduled for Tinker Air Force Base.
He said military spending, as a share of gross domestic product, has declined during the Obama administration and criticized unflattering descriptions of the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where terror suspects are held, saying, “You know the biggest problem for prisoners when they get to Gitmo? Obesity."
Inhofe said the idea that prisoners have been tortured there was invented by Obama and others “to make you think something bad is happening in America — the same thing he does and others do when they go around talking about how bad America is."
Inhofe said the deficit is Obama’s fault because “it’s the president’s budget. Period. That’s the end of it."
He said the recent debtlimit agreement is a sham that does little or nothing to reduce overall spending. One solution, he continued, would be to repeal the health-care reform law, which he said is an example of “social engineering” designed to make Americans more dependent on the federal government.
Inhofe also cited extended unemployment benefits, saying he saw no reason for them in Oklahoma because the state has “virtually full employment."
Inhofe laid out a long list of regulatory steps he said would cost taxpayers and employers billions of dollars in taxes and lost productivity, and said the country could be “totally independent from the Middle East in a matter of weeks, not years,” if the administration allowed unfettered oil and gas development on public lands.
Noting that he will not be up for re-election until 2014, Inhofe said, “Don’t misunderstand, (nothing) I’m saying now is for political purposes."
U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe To Endorse Gov. Perry on Monday
U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe said Wednesday that he plans to endorse Texas Gov. Rick Perry for president.
"I called Rick Perry a year ago and told him, 'If you're running for president, I'll be the first to endorse you,'" Inhofe said at a State Chamber of Commerce breakfast at the Tulsa Press Club.
"I'm going to be that person on Monday."
Wild Thing's comment.....
Good job and all true.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (2)
Gov. Rick Perry Signed Law Exempting Disabled Veterans From Property Taxes ~ FANTASTIC!
Governor Rick Perry with a group of Veterans from the Patriot Guard Riders
Rick Perry Signs Law Exempting Disabled Veterans from Property Taxes
I’ve met Governor Rick Perry on a number of occasions at various Patriot Guard Rider funeral missions. His respect for the fallen Soldier as well as the numerous Veterans who comprise the PGR is evident.
Even when I haven’t agreed with his politics, I’ve always held Rick Perry the man in very high regard — as do most Veterans that I know.
Which makes this latest legislation that he just signed into law just one more reason that I’ll support and vote for him in his re-election bid for Governor:
Under legislation signed by Gov. Rick Perry last month, Trejo and other severely injured veterans are about to get some major financial relief: They will no longer have to pay property taxes on their homes.
Disabled veterans in Texas will qualify for total homestead property tax exemptions if the Department of Veterans Affairs has determined they are unable to work or they are receiving 100 percent disability compensation for physical or psychological problems related to their military service.
Veterans with a 100% service-connected disability will not have to pay property tax. Which is the very least that we can do for those who have sacrificed so much for so many.
This legislation amounts to about an $11m tax break for Veterans. In a state budget of over $180 billion, it’s just a drop in the bucket.
This is a very popular new law.
Wild Thing's comment........
The article is from 2009, but I thought it was so important to know about it and what a truly wonderful thing he did. Fantastic. This should be done everywhere.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (5)
August 25, 2011
David Limbaugh Tweets Comparison Photo You Might Want To Check Out LOL
David Limbaugh, the conservative author and brother of Rush, tweets an image Rick Perry/Barack Obama comparison
David Limbaugh, the conservative author and brother of Rush, tweets an image you're likely to see again.
Perry spokesman Mark Miner emailed this response: "A picture is worth a thousand words."
As we reported recently, Perry himself also questioned on the stump the fact that Obama had never served in the military.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (4)
“Daily Caller” Survey Finds Gov. Rick Perry the “Top Choice” Among “Politically Active Conservatives”
Newly declared presidential candidate Rick Perry is now the undisputed GOP frontrunner, while Michele Bachmann’s star has started to fall, according to the latest Daily Caller/ConservativeHome national presidential primary tracking poll.
Perry now leads the field in all five categories polled this month: first choice, most electable, second choice, best at dealing with the economy, and best at keeping Washington spending under control — often by a large margin.
Perry is the top choice for 29.3 percent of Republicans, handily trouncing Michele Bachmann’s 17.0 percent and Mitt Romney’s 11.1 percent.
But Perry has not just captured the hearts of Republicans; he has also captured the minds of those who are pragmatically looking not just for a nominee they like, but for one who can beat President Barack Obama.
Asked who would do the best job with the economy, Perry is the leader with 27.1 percent of the vote, while Romney is a distant second with 14.5 percent.
The survey was e-mailed to 2,500 participants nationwide who identify as conservative Republicans and are considered likely primary voters. The majority of the panel is politically active, with 70 percent having contributed money to a campaign or worked on a campaign. Thirty-five percent of the members on the panel self-identify as part of the tea party, while 58 percent say they sympathize with the movement.
The results are based on a sample of 726 respondents surveyed from August 18 to August 21.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Interesting that they did this and also the response.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (4)
August 24, 2011
Great Iinterview With Michael Reagan About Rick Perry! A Must Watch!
Michael Reagan spent time with Gov. Perry in person and that adds to more of a first hand impression that he is able to have. I liked in the interview too how Michael responds to Meygn Kelly asking him about how he feels about Perry using the word treason etc. that has caused such a stir. Michael said a great reply..... I think most of America feels the same way. or something close to that was his response. That was so good and good for Megyn to hear too. Michael did not even pause before giving his response.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM
| Comments (3)
And this cannot be underestimated. Macho men have a long history of winning elections. George W. Bush played the macho guy well, always clearing brush on his Texas ranch and challenging terrorists with tough-guy statements ("Bring 'em on," "Smoke 'em out"). Vladimir Putin is so macho his vacations include tiger hunting, judo tournaments and riding horses. Shirtless. Teddy Roosevelt, one of America's great presidents, was a boxer, big game hunter and war hero. Remember, it doesn't really matter so much if Perry is actually a tough guy. It matters more if he's perceived as a tough guy. Evidence of Perry's machismo is surging on the internets. The Twitter feed @RickPerryFacts is a constant stream of Chuck Norris-esque statements about Perry. They're funny, but I also can't help but think they don't speak to a yearning of some part of the human psyche: A basic desire for a strong, tough-guy leader. Now, this Twitter feed has been active for quite some time, but with Perry's emergence as a top presidential contender, they've stepped it up a notch. Here are 10 recent tweets from @RickPerryFacts about govenor's machismo: • Each night before they go to sleep, Barack Obama makes Michelle check under the bed for Rick Perry. #RickPerryFacts
Perry launched his campaign just over a week ago in Charleston, electrifying South Carolina conservatives who have been hungering for a candidate with Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann’s fire who they also deem electable and experienced. And while Republicans in the Palmetto State caution that Perry has months of vetting ahead of him and that the contest is still up for grabs, there is a general consensus that the late-entering Texas governor has the inside track.
"Each night before they go to sleep, Barack Obama makes Michelle check under the bed for Rick Perry. " And regarding the second part of this post about the polls and the candidates. After a week and a half we have Perry leading in Iowa, NC, SC, and CO, and also leading by double digits in 2 national polls. We'll see if he can keep this up, but he's off to a great start! Even with the rash of MSM hit pieces on Perry in the last week. The left is afraid...they know Perry will mop the floor with Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM
| Comments (2)
Wiild Thing's comment......
Rick Perry: Macho, Macho Man.... Check Out These Chuck Norris-esque Statements About Perry ~ LOL Love it!
Yes, Rick Perry might seem a little, well, out there with some of his public statements. But the Texas governor has something that our current commanded-in-chief lacks: Overt machismo.
So, please ignore that stint Perry had in college when he was part of a club that was much too similar to being a male cheerleader. Instead, focus on his youth as an Eagle Scout, his service in the Air Force, his propensity for shooting guns and his A+ rating from the NRA. Focus on how he threatened to treat Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke "ugly" if he comes to Texas and how he's challenging Obama's patriotism for nerver serving in the military.
• Popeye opens a can of Rick Perry before a fight. #RickPerryFacts
• Atheists believe in rick perry #RickPerryFacts
• Obama lists him as his emergency contact. #RickPerryFacts
• Rick Perry once played in Texas without having a fiddle in his band. #RickPerryFacts
• Remember how bad Y2K was supposed to be? Remember how nothing bad happened at midnight? Yeah, thank Rick Perry for that one. #RickPerryFacts
• Rick Perry once won the Indianapolis 500 in a rickshaw pulled by a small gerbil. #rickperryfacts #rickperry
• If Rick Perry had starred in the movie "300", the film would have been called "1".
• As President, Rick Perry will protect the Secret Service.
Perry Vaults to Frontrunner Status in South Carolina
Texas Gov. Rick Perry has grabbed frontrunner status in South Carolina, ending several months of what had been a muddled race in this key Republican presidential primary state.“Perry has definitely been a game-changer,” said Barry Wynn, a Spartanburg businessman and former state GOP chairman who is aligned with Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.). “I think voters here had their heads telling them to be for [former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt] Romney but their hearts were somewhere else. Now they can get their head and heart at the same point, and that creates more passion and energy.”
Wild Thing's comment......
LOL I thought you all might get a kick out of the first part of this post. I remember all the Chuck Norris one liners that were being passed around a few years ago. hahaha And now to see this of Perry is so great.
LMAO this one really has me laughing.
Gov. Rick Perry For President And Why I Give Him My Support
Wild Thing's comment........
This election has to be about beating Obama and with God's help getting a person that is a conservative and has a buring desire in their heart to take America back.
I have stepped away and reassessed the political scene. I admire Sarah's spunk but now it's Reality Heights time -- sanity test time.
This isn't about her, this is about conservative ascendancy and getting that guy who is destroying our lives, the country and the world shown the exit. 4 more years of Obama is not an option for the Republic.
Rick Perry, will be doing that in 2012. It's great getting behind the person who is already taking it to Obama and driving the Left insane with his surging poll numbers andn speaking the truth.
We have some awesome candidates and yes my favorite of all of them is Gov. Rick Perry. That does not mean I am against Sarah, but I have to move on and forward and time in this election is a precious thing. Each day the enemy of the left will attack and lie and do what they can to mess with the election with their talking points on the political talk shows to bash Republicans.
I pray Sarah stays in the arena in some way she is young and for sure can run later or now too, whatever she wishes. Gosh we are so blessed as a country to have people like beautiful Sarah and Perry, and Bachmann and Cain, Marco Rubio, Allen West , DeMint, Paul Ryan and so many others too that have the true American spirit and love for our country.
So I guess consider this my out and out post for Gov. Perry. BUT also my out and out post that I will always think highly of Sarah and even keep praying she could be the VP on Perry's ticket......that would be awesome.
Gov. Rick Perry:
Pro-10th Amendment? Check
Pro-2nd Amendment? Check
Pro-Life? Check
Pro-business? Check
Pro-domestic drilling? Check
Pro-military? Check
Wants lower federal regulation? Check
Loves America? Check
Pro-death penalty? Check
Pro-cut/cap/balance? Check
Pro-tort reform? Check
Supports ID to vote? Check
Supports lower taxes? Check
Supports a balanced budget amendment? Check
Calls for Feds to uphold its responsibility to secure the border? Check
Wants a repeal of Obamacare? Check
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (4)
Getting To Know Beautiful Anita Perry The First Lady Of Texas
Anita Perry, a no-nonsense nurse, overcomes shyness in signing on to win votes for her husband
Their first date was awful, although Anita Perry didn't exactly use that word. But she certainly didn't use whirlwind or enchanted, either.
The facts of the event are what they are, and from that night in September, Rick Perry did have to invest 16 years to get to the day in November 1982 when Mary Anita Thigpen finally married him.
The first lady of Texas is not an embellisher or one to gild a memory. She is still, at her core, a small-town West Texas girl who sees her life with a pragmatic eye and a deadpan humor.
"It wasn't a good date," she said. "Memorable, yes."
Perry, 58, leaned forward over a round oak table in her Capitol office. Her hands occasionally drummed the table. She had just come from a workout and hadn't changed out of her black leotard sweats and sneakers.
Even seated, she is still on the run. Her weeks are a collection of calls, meetings, travel and speeches. Her agenda is preserving county courthouses, sponsoring the Texas Conference for Women, promoting tourism, pushing childhood immunizations and raising money to restore the Governor's Mansion, gutted by arson two years ago.
This is the Anita Perry described by her friends: unadorned, straightforward and as steady as her blue-eyed gaze.
And this is the first lady who has overcome shyness and learned to tell a story, engage her audience. She is gracious, but that didn't come from public duties. It was obvious from that first date.
Awkward first date
She was 14 and a freshman at Haskell High School. He was a junior on the Paint Creek six-man football squad. They'd been acquaintances from neighboring towns, occasionally running into each other, beginning with a piano recital in grade school.
And so he asked her out to the Paint Creek-Moran Saturday night matchup. He had hoped they'd spend some time together since his arm was broken and he knew he wouldn't be playing.
But the coach made Rick Perry ride on the team bus and work the sideline chain. His older sister, Milla, picked up Anita, and she rode with Milla and Rick's parents for the 65-mile trip.
She sat in the stands with Milla. "I think at halftime he came up to say hello," she recalled.
After the game, Anita climbed back into the car with the Perrys to follow the bus home. At some point, the bus stopped and Rick joined the car.
"We dropped them off in Paint Creek - and then he actually drove me home - home!" she said. That was it.
"He said the other day, 'Did I kiss you on that first date?' and I said, 'No,' " Perry recalled. The "no" is of the are-you-kidding variety.
Milla Perry Jones remembers a mature, quiet girl who was friendly and made the most of an awkward situation.
"I mean, who takes her brother's first date to the date?" Jones said with a laugh.
But she remembered something else, too. "When my brother got off of that bus and got into that car, his eyes sparkled. You have to know he was a West Texas boy - he rode horseback and picked cotton in the fields. There was nothing romantic about him. But it was magic with them that night."
Eventually, Rick Perry went off to Texas A&M University and then five years as an Air Force pilot. Anita Perry had her own sights set. She received a nursing degree from West Texas State University and then a master's of science in nursing from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio.
'Meant to be'
In San Antonio and then as she worked as instructor of nurses at WTSU in Amarillo, she and Rick Perry still saw each other. Through all the years, they stayed connected.
"For 16 years, off and on, she came in and out of our lives," Jones said. "But you knew it was meant to be."
For Anita Perry, it took some cajoling. She loved her job and her profession. But she relented. "His smile always captured me," she said.
To make a serious go of it, at age 28, she moved back home with her parents. "I lived in my bedroom, slept in my twin bed that I grew up in. He was living with his parents. It was a little odd," Perry said.
It took the planets aligning, according to the governor, before they married two years later. She gave birth to their son, Griffin, 42 weeks later.
The baby was 3 months old when her husband, with a new glint in his eye, came running in with the news that Haskell's longtime state representative was retiring. He wanted to try his hand at politics - and he won, running as a Democrat.
Anita Perry had seen herself as a nurse and a mother - roles she had sought. And she managed through the six years he traveled to Austin to serve in the House to play a small role in their community.
But the real jolt came when she left her career and home to help her husband pursue his ambitions. She moved the family, by then including 5-year-old daughter Sydney, to the capital when Rick Perry, who switched to the GOP, became agriculture commissioner in 1991.
"He had friends. He had a job to go to every day. He had receptions. He had events," Perry recalled. "I moved to a neighborhood where I didn't know anyone, coming from a place where I'd known everyone and going to a job I loved every day - nursing," she said.
They were difficult, unhappy days, she said. Gradually, through her children's classmates, she met other women in the neighborhood.
Dr. Melinda McMichaels, who lived down the block, described Perry as "a salt-of-the-earth kind of person" who was fun to be around.
As her world expanded with Rick Perry's leap to lieutenant governor and then governor, Anita Perry took on a new universe of people, but has stayed close with seven or eight friends from the old neighborhood, McMichaels said.
"She was a little reluctant to take on such a public role. To me, she's grown into it beautifully," she said.
Perry said she recognized she had to let go of her natural small-town reserve. "You're thrust into this. It's either you go or not," she said. "Actually, I've come to love it and enjoy it."
Staying centered
The toughest part of her first lady role is the politics. The criticisms, the lobs, the anger heaped on political leaders are hardest on their families, she said. Some critics who recognize her children will approach them and bad-mouth their father.
Part of the tension is the insulated feeling while living life in the public eye. It's hard to find the center, she said.
She tries to help the governor not get too carried away with his own role. "I try to keep him grounded. Sometimes I wonder," she said. When he gets a little too puffed up, "I'm always saying: 'Who told you that you were cute today?' "
Still, she intends to get out on the campaign trail and play a more visible part.
"Not that I'm a vote-changer or a vote-getter or anything like that," she said. "But I'll do whatever I need to do because I think it's important that he get re-elected."
You have to grow thick skin, enjoy people, tackle big projects and, in all of it, keep family as a priority, she said.
The governor has also set his priorities. The staff knows to keep his schedule clear every Sept. 9. That's not his wedding day or an important birthday.
It's the anniversary of their first date.
Age: 58
Hometown: Haskell, Texas
Education: Bachelor's degree in nursing, West Texas State University (now West Texas A&M University), and master's of science degree in nursing, University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio.
Career highlights: Nursing in areas of surgery, pediatrics, intensive care, consulting and administration; helped develop and host the Texas Conference for Women.
Family: Married 28 years next month; mother to Griffin, 27, and Sydney, 24
Amelia Perry(right), mother of Texas Gov. Rick Perry, shows her quilts at a meeting of the Buffalo Gap Republican Woman's Club at Perini Ranch Steakhouse Friday.
Perry called this quilt her "Scarlet O'Hara" quilt, because she made it out of a curtain during a time she was getting cancer treatments and spending most of her time at home.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Love the photo too of Rick Perry's Mom. And she and her husband still live in the little house her husband built near the cotton fields in Paint Creek, Texas.
Rick's wife Anita is grounded and one can tell by the article about her that she helps in keeping Rick that way too. It is cute what happened on their very first date. haha
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (4)
August 22, 2011
Team Obama Deals The Race Card Against Perry
Team Obama Deals The Race Card Against Perry
By: Timothy P. Carney
Any incumbent wants to define his opponent before the opponent defines himself. The Obama campaign seems intent on painting Rick Perry as a Southern white racist -- a tired line of attack that is angering conservatives and inspiring them to rally behind Perry.
Last week, liberal pundits charged Perry with racism, offering no evidence or falsified evidence. While the baseless racism charges surfaced on MSNBC, they might have originated in the Obama campaign.
The MSNBC attacks on Perry were egregious. First, on Monday night, liberal host Ed Schultz ran a clip of Perry in Iowa talking about the national debt. Perry spoke of "that big black cloud that hangs over America -- that debt, that is so monstrous," Perry said. But Schultz cut off the Perry clip before the words "that debt" and asserted flatly, "that black cloud that Perry is talking about is President Barack Obama."
Schultz apologized a day later for his deceptive editing, but he stood by the insinuation Perry is a race-baiter.
Chris Matthews played a similar game Tuesday. Responding to Perry's (occasional) defense of federalism and statement that the Voting Rights Act leads to gerrymandered congressional districts, Matthews said of Perry, "this is going to be Bull Connor with a smile."
In his own half-hearted apology, Matthews asserted that Perry - who appointed Texas's first black Supreme Court Chief justice -- supported school segregation.
This is familiar to the Republican base. Amid the fever swamps of Twitter and Internet message boards, getting called racist for critiquing Obama is the norm. But only after campaign season swung into full force did this tendency become mainstream on the Left.
And this theme of baseless insinuations of racism is emanating from Team Obama and the White House. Obama's press secretary Jay Carney referred to unnamed opponents "who wanted to secede from the union." The words "secede from the union" clearly invoke the Southern states' effort to preserve slavery in 1861.
Politifact has rated Carney's statement as "False," pointing out that Perry once jokingly referred to a supposed right of Texas to secede. He's repeatedly denied actually believing this. That didn't stop Carney. Facts rarely interfere with the Left's effort to tar conservatives as racist.
Robert Gibbs, Carney's predecessor and now an Obama campaign adviser, on TV last Tuesday joked that "Any day now, Rick Perry will ask to see the president's birth certificate."
I could find no record of Perry ever insinuating that Obama wasn't born in the United States. Gibbs was trying to lump Perry in with a racially tinged line of attack on Obama that suggested he was really born in Kenya. By calling Perry a borderline birther, Gibbs was essentially calling Perry a racist.
Rep. Charlie Rangel, a top House Democrat, is on message, too. "The guy from Texas, he's got the highest job accomplishments in the country, Governor Perry, but it's one stage away from slavery, from what I understand the salaries are."
Liberals commonly charge conservative politicians with employing racial "dog-whistle politics": speaking in code to excite white racism while maintaining plausible deniability.
Dog whistles are real -- and Republicans do employ them -- but Carney, Gibbs and Rangel sure look like they are blowing on a dog whistle of their own. Team Obama talks about Perry and birth certificates, secession, and slavery, setting the tone without having to actually charge racism -- they leave that up to the talking heads who hear the whistle.
Obama has not played the race card since 2008, when his stump speech included the assertion that Republican attacks on him would boil down to "and did I mention he's black." But Carney and Gibbs work for Obama, and they're introducing racial ugliness to this race.
Expect a different sort of ugliness if Romney is the nominee. Politico reported that a dozen different Obama officials used the word "weird" to describe the former Massachusetts governor -- it's not a stretch to see this as an anti-Mormon dig.
The irony is that Perry has benefited, in the short term, from this racial politics. Conservatives groan when they see media liberals falsely charging another white conservative with racism. Today, they're rallying behind the Texas governor -- much as Sarah Palin benefited from liberal apoplexy over her that got very personal and unhinged and seemed to focus on her having too many kids.
If we're lucky, Team Obama will decide soon that the race card and the Mormonism card do not make a winning hand.
Wild Thing's comment.....
To all of us this kind of thing we see right through it, just like we all did when they did attacks to Sarah in the last presidential campaign.
I guess we have to expect it to always be like this especially this election since obama is the one pushing it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (1)
Bozell Discusses Media Perry-Bashing on Hannity
Bozell Discusses Media Perry-Bashing on Hannity
MRC President Brent Bozell appeared on Sean Hannity to discuss the media treatment towards presidential hopeful Rick Perry. (8/18/11)
Wild Thing's comment........
There are so many lies out there it almost makes ones head spin. And as far as I know up to now each one of them has been proven to be a lie.
The left is totally afraid of Perry and little by little people are seeing this for what it is and who is pushing it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM
August 21, 2011
Gov. Perry Receives Defender of Jerusalem Award
Gov. Perry Receives Defender of Jerusalem Award
from August 13, 2009
JERUSALEM – Gov. Rick Perry has received the Defender of Jerusalem Award, which is given to public figures who have demonstrated support and commitment to the state of Israel and its capitol, Jerusalem. The governor accepted the award while on his trip to Israel, where he also met with Israeli President Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and business and academic leaders.
“I have long supported the right of a Jewish state to exist in the Middle East and firmly believe in the protection and preservation of democratic states in that part of the world,” Gov. Perry said. “After visiting several sacred and historic sites, meeting with business, civic and government leaders and seeing the day-to-day lives of the people on my trips to Israel, I am even more convinced that a safe, secure Israel is an essential part of stability in this part of the world.”
The Defender of Jerusalem Award was created in 2008 by Guma Aguiar, head of the Lillian Jean Kaplan Foundation, as a tribute to dignitaries within Israel and around the world who have demonstrated strong support for the people of Jerusalem and Israel. The first award was presented to Israeli President Shimon Peres.
Gov. Perry continues to be a staunch supporter of Israel.
After a trip to the area in 2007, the governor supported Texas’ divestment from companies that do business with Iran, a main opponent of Israeli freedom. Additionally, as a result of meetings with Israeli leadership during the governor and first lady’s visit to Israel in 2007, the Texas-Israel Chamber of Commerce was created to help launch future commercial interests and solidify the strong business and cultural connections between the two states.
Texas is Israel’s fourth largest American trading partner. Texas and Israel’s commercial relationship began with agriculture and natural resources, and has grown in recent years to include a variety of major business sectors, including information and communication technologies, aerospace and defense, medical technologies, homeland security initiatives and renewable energies.
Source for article below:
Besides the lone star that sits boldly on both of their flags, Texas and Israel have much in common, and a sturdy relationship that should continue to grow, according to Texas Governor Rick Perry, who is in the country on a visit aimed at strengthening economic ties between the Jewish State and his own.
“I come from a pro-business, pro-prosperity point of view,” Gov. Perry told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday, “And the first goal of this trip was to further some of the economic development that already exists between Texas and Israel, and to recruit some of the Israeli businesses we visited here to expand and come to Texas.”
Perry also recalled the Texas-Israel Exchange - a body that supports the trade of agricultural know-how between Texan and Israeli scientists - which he established in 1991, while serving as the Texas Agriculture Commissioner.
We have a connection that goes back many years,” he said. “And Israel has a lot that we can learn from, especially in the areas of water conservation and semi-arid land - Israeli technology has helped us a lot in dealing with drought.”
“But also,” the governor continued, “when I was here for the first time some 18 years ago and I was touring the country, the comparison between Masada and the Alamo was not lost on me. I mean, we’re talking about two groups of people who were willing to give up their lives for freedom and liberty.” Beyond the comparisons, Gov. Perry said another point of his trip here was to show other people “what was really going on”, with regards to the military threats facing the country, and in particular the IDF’s recent Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip.
“We went to the border with Gaza and received a briefing from the army there, and we went to Sderot and saw the police station with all the Kassam rockets piled up, we saw playgrounds that had to be covered from rocket fire. It’s a powerful place.” In that vein, the governor said he was also interested in learning more about security aspects while in the country, as Texas has a large, porous border with Mexico, and the recent violence in that country had unnerved many Texans.
“Israel is a leader in security technology, and another reason for our visit to the Gaza border was to see some of the security measures being used there,” said Perry.
“Kassam rockets have killed 28 Israelis over the last eight years. Well, 1,000 people have been killed in Juarez [Mexico, on the border with El Paso , Texas] since the beginning of the year [in drug-related violence]. So we’re trying to find ways to secure that border, because just like it’s important to Israelis to keep heavy security on their border with Gaza, it’s important to citizens of Texas to keep out the illegal activities that are going on with drugs [in Mexico].
Gov. Perry went on to describe his support for Israel from a religious point of view, saying, “I’m a big believer that this country was given to the people of Israel a long time ago, by God, and that’s ordained.”
The Obama administration’s pressure on the Israeli government unnerved the governor, saying he felt that, “Israel does all the giving and the other side does not reciprocate.”
“What I don’t understand, is this administration’s hesitancy to recognize the sovereignty of Israel,” he said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Fantastic, this award is huge and I love how he feels about Israel.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM | Comments (5)
On the Nature of the Perry Attacks
On the Nature of the Perry Attacks
by Erick Erickson
Rick Perry once tried to get out of a speeding ticket.
Rick Perry once owned stock in a chain of video stores competing against Blockbuster, some of which also rented adult movies.
Rick Perry once was a Democrat.
The attacks have come fast and furious against him. But most of the attacks take on a peculiar and very telling strain.
A reporter on television or in print will utter a sentence like this, “Privately many Republican consultants suggest Rick Perry may be too Texas or shoot from the hip too much and might turn off necessary independent voters and women.”
It sounds so serious. As Alex Castellanos said on CNN the other night on John King USA, some fear Rick Perry might have “Mad Cowboy Disease.”
Let me sum this all up for you into what Rick Perry’s biggest problem is.
Whether you are talking about Alex (Team Carole Strayhorn 2006) or Karl Rove (Team Kay Bailey Hutchison 2010) or a host of other national Republican consultants, Rick Perry and his Texas team have beaten a significant portion of them.
But they did not just beat them. In many cases, Team Perry then shut the consultants who opposed him out of future business with him.
So there are scores and scores of Republican consultants who have scores to settle with Rick Perry and his team. And for guys like Karl Rove, if Perry were to win the White House, Karl and a few others would see themselves shut out of White House business for at least four years.
Rick Perry may be the only guy in America to have beaten both Karl Rove and also Obama’s own consultant, David Axelrod.
So there’s a lot of score settling in a lot of the attacks. Next time you hear some Republican consultant say Rick Perry can’t win because he is too much of a cowboy, understand that it is probably a national Republican consultant fearful they will be shut out of work if Perry wins and, more importantly, understand that the same dynamics were in place in 1980 with Reagan’s “boys from California” team of consultants and the national consultants back them said the same about Reagan — he’s too much of a cowboy conservative who will alienate key voting blocks.
That’s not to say Perry is Reagan. It is to say the GOP national consultants have been pulling the same stuff since 1980
Wild Thing's comment........
I thought this was so well written and really states what has been happening.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:50 AM | Comments (6)
Gov. Rick Perry: Obama "Either Doesn't Care or is Highly Inept" on Border Security
"Either Doesn't Care or is Highly Inept" on Border Security
Texas Gov. Rick Perry talking with South Carolina voters yesterday where he said the Obama Administration “either doesn’t care or is highly inept – maybe both” when it comes to securing the U.S. Border with Mexico.
Perry said Texas has spent $400 million trying to put “boots on the ground” along the border, but said it is really a Federal responsibility to secure the border.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Perry on immigration
Perry adds immigration issues to lawmaker session
Perry wants passage of a measure requiring every person arrested to be run through the federal immigration databases as part of the Secure Communities program. He also wants to provide the state Department of Public Safety with the authority to make sure someone is in the U.S. legally before issuing a driver’s license.
These measures, along with a ban on sanctuary cities, would “provide a clear message that Texas will not turn a blind eye to those breaking our laws,” Perry said in a statement.
“Texas owes it to the brave law enforcement officials, who put their lives on the line every day to protect our families and communities, to give them the discretion they need to adequately do their jobs,” Perry said.
Gov. Perry has made numerous requests of the federal govt. to enforce the border in Texas including handing President Obama a letter in person when he landed in Dallas last year.(Obama insulted governor Perry when he turned away and Perry had to hand the letter on the illegals issue to presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett. Obama declined to personally accept it.)
Gov. Perry refuses to meet/greet Obama in May 2011 at El Paso during his Texas tour.
Perry later declared, “If he wanted to meet, I was in Austin.
Perry signed into law photo ID required before voting.
I had no idea what Sarah thinks about the illegal immiration so I used Google and found this. I hope it helps, we need to know how all the candidates think on this.
If you want to see what Sarah Palin has said about immigration Please click HERE.
Here is what she said:
Supports a path to citizenship, but no amnesty for illegals
Q: Should undocumented immigrants all should be deported?
A: There is no way that in the US we would roundup every illegal immigrant - there are about 12 million of the illegal immigrants - not only economically is that just an impossibility but that's not a humane way anyway to deal with the issue.
Q: Do you then favor an amnesty for the 12 million undocumented immigrants?
A: No, I do not. Not total amnesty. You know, people have got to follow the rules. We have got to make sure that there is equal opportunity and those who are here legally should be first in line for services being provided and those opportunities that this great country provides.
Q: So you support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants?
A: I do because I understand why people would want to be in America. To seek the safety and prosperity, the opportunities, the health that is here. It is so important that yes, people follow the rules so that people can be treated equally and fairly in this country.
Source: Univision Interview with Sarah Palin, by Jorge Ramos Oct 26, 2008
from Wild Thing....... I think we are going to find that most of our candidates are close or similar and some have done more to fight illegals then others. This is not meant to be against Sarah in any way, just a comparison and as it states at the link for her Alaska has different circumstances with Canada being their border State.
I just wanted to point all this out because some conservatives have been bashing Perry about the border and it is not right what they are doing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:47 AM | Comments (3)
August 20, 2011
Rick Perry: Time to Get America Working Again
Wild Thing's comment.........
Excellent ad for Perry! Love his ad.
What a difference our party is compared to the left. The left is always putting down America and a real negative feeling from them. Then our side ( not the nut cases like Ron Paul and Huntsman) but the rest all love America, one can tell and their messages are positive.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (2)
August 19, 2011
Rick Perry: “And if I hurt the president’s feelings, well, with all due respect, I love my country and I love future generations more than I care about his feelings"
“And if I hurt the president’s feelings, well, with all due respect, I love my country and I love future generations more than I care about his feelings,” the 61-year-old governor added.
The rhetoric will probably get heated. I’m going to be outspoken, I’m going to be passionate, I’m going to be calling it like I see it,” Perry told the Herald in a one-on-one interview, as he shrugged off Obama’s recent scolding that he should be “more careful” about what he says.
“And if I hurt the president’s feelings, well, with all due respect, I love my country and I love future generations more than I care about his feelings,” the 61-year-old governor added.
Perry, who embraced the Tea Party even before GOP presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann, also brushed off Democratic attempts to paint him as a marginal candidate.
“It’s the height of hypocrisy for this president to call anyone a marginal performer. If anyone is a marginal performer, it’s him. He has downgraded the good name and credit of this country,” Perry said. “Talk about someone who has marginalized America.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Great response, I really like what he said. Heh heh love the with all due respect haha then he slams him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (4)
" Come and Take It "
"Come and Take It" reads the white-on-black lettering across the top of Texas Gov. Rick Perry's boots, a slogan ostensibly about the 1835 Texas War of Independence but one that could easily apply to his 2010 Republican primary challenge from Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison.
More about 'Come and Take it':
“Come and take it” was a slogan used in the Texas Revolution in 1835. In March 1831, Lt. Juan Gomez of the Mexican army gave a small bronze cannon to the colony of San Antonio. It was later transported to Gonzales. There it was used during the minor skirmish known as the Battle of Gonzales, when a small group of Texans resisted Mexican forces who had orders to take back the cannon. As a symbol of defiance, the Texans hastily fashioned a flag with a black star and an image of the cannon along with the taunt “Come and take it!”
Wikipedia claims the slogan and symbol has also been adopted by modern day gun rights' advocates.
Wild Thing's comment......
LOL I love it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (2)
Gov. Rick Perry says Obama is hell bent on making America socialist ~ Perry Is Absolutely Correct!!!
This is from November of 2009
Texas GOP Gov. Rick Perry accused President Barack Obama on Wednesday of punishing Texas and being hell-bent on turning the United States into a socialist country.
Speaking at a luncheon for a Midland County Republican Womens group, Perry said that this is an administration hell-bent toward taking American towards a socialist country. And we all dont need to be afraid to say that because thats what it is.
Perry praised the tea party movement to the Republican activists in attendance, crediting the grassroots groups with discouraging some Democrats in Washington from pushing for a public option in the health care bill.
If you all think those tea parties didnt work, then let me tell you something, Perry said. When they all came home in August for those town hall meetings, they got an earful. Then they went back to Washington, D.C. and the Senate voted that public option down in committee with a majority of Democrats in the Senate.
Perry also accused the Obama administration of intentionally dumping illegal immigrants from other western states in Texas, recalling a conversation he had with local officials notifying him that illegal aliens that were caught in Nogales, Arizona were being dropped off by federal authorities in Presidio, Texas.
Friday a week ago, I got not a phone call from Washington, not a letter from Washington and as a matter of fact, I dont think any member of our congressional delegation was even notified. The first time we were contacted was by the superintendent of the school and the county judge of Presidio County, Perry said.
They said, do you all know whats fixin to happen? I said, well, no. Whats going on? They said the government has just called us and said for us to get ready for an influx of illegal aliens who were captured illegally crossing the border.
Its called the alien transfer-and-exit program, Perry told the crowd, trucking them from Nogales, past El Paso down to our western border in Presidio.
The Texas governor said he sees the action as punishing this state and urged the assembled Republicans to stand up to Washington.
I say its time to make tea parties twice as big as what they were, Perry declared. I think its time for us to stand up and say to Washington, D.C. that we are no longer going to accept that kind of stuff sitting down and being quiet.
Wild Thing's comment......
Fantastic speech !
I love it so much how Perry hits and hits hard and speaks the truth.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM
August 18, 2011
Perry Tells N.H. Audience He's a Global-Warming Skeptic ~ He Is Correct!!!
GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry told New Hampshire voters Wednesday that he does not believe in manmade global warming
Perry Tells N.H. Audience He's a Global-Warming Skeptic
Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Wednesday told a New Hampshire business crowd that he harbors major doubts about human contributions to global warming, questioning the motives of scientists who have warned about accelerating climate change and arguing against expensive “anti-carbon programs.”
Fielding audience questions after brief remarks that dwelled largely on fiscal and economic issues, Perry encountered one skeptic who said he was quoting from Perry’s 2010 book, Fed Up!: Our Fight to Save America From Washington, then asked whether misgivings about climate science fueled distrust of federal research in general.
“I do believe that the issue of global warming has been politicized,” Perry answered. “I think there are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data so that they will have dollars rolling into their projects. I think we’re seeing it almost weekly or even daily, scientists who are coming forward and questioning the original idea that man-made global warming is what is causing the climate to change. Yes, our climates change. They’ve been changing ever since the earth was formed.”
Pegging the global cost of implementing “anti-carbon programs” in the billions or trillions of dollars, Perry said, “I don’t think from my perspective that I want America to be engaged in spending that much money on [what is] still a scientific theory that has not been proven, and from my perspective, is more and more being put into question.”
Perry’s skepticism on modernity’s role in evolving weather patterns is of a piece with his strongly anti-regulation message, and fits with the tea party’s push for limited government. And he is not alone in the GOP field in doubting scientific assertions. But it puts him at odds with his top rival for the GOP nomination.
In June, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney told a New Hampshire audience that humans had played a part in global warming.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Some of those giving their opinions in the video are idiots. One man sais Perry sounds like Bush about global warming. But the thing is anyone that says it is man made will sound like anyone else that says it is man made it sure as heck does not mean we nor Perry are not thinking for ourselves. sheesh.
Perry did good and I am so glad he is not in agreement with Mitt Romney or anyone else that want to kiss up to the fake global warming baloney.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (4)
Rick Perry Admits Mistake on Gardasil-HPV Vaccine Decision ~ Name Even One Other Politician That Admits He was Wrong! God Bless Perry!
Rick Perry Admits Mistake on Gardasil-HPV Vaccine Decision
On his first day on the campaign trail, Texas Gov. Rick Perry admitted he made a mistake on the sole issue some pro-life advocates bring up as a concern despite his sterling pro-life record.
Perry, in a conversation with a New Hampshire voter, walked back his decision to mandate the vaccine Gardasil to 11-year old girls. According to a Politico report, a voter confronted him on the issue — explaining his remorse for the decision and indicating he put an opt-out provision in place allowing parents to decide not to have their young girls receive the vaccine.
Perry explained that, in his zeal to protect children, he went too far.
“I signed an executive order that allowed for an opt-out, but the fact of the matter is I didn’t do my research well enough to understand that we needed to have a substantial conversation with our citizenry,” he said. “I hate cancer. Let me tell you, as a son who has a mother and father who are both cancer survivors.”
“I hate cancer. And this HPV, we were seeing young ladies die at the early age. What we should have done was a program that frankly should have allowed them to opt in, or some type of program like that, but here’s what I learned — when you get too far out in front of the parade they will let you know. And that’s exactly what our legislature did.”
UPDATE: “I made a mistake on that,” Perry told Iowa Radio later in the day Monday, calling it “an error in not having a conversation with the people of the state of Texas.”
“I agreed with their decision. I don’t always get it right, but I darn sure listen,” he said of the legislature responding to his decision.
“One of the things I do pride myself on, I listen. When the electorate says, ‘Hey, that’s not what we want to do,’” Perry told Houston’s ABC affiliate on Monday. “We backed up, took a look at what we did. I understand I work for the people, not the other way around. There was a better way to do that, I realize that now.”
UNFORTUNATELY that is not enough for the likes of Michelle Malkin and her ilk. So Michelle wrote a hit piece, beyond over the top about Perry. I will only be posting the link of it as I do not want her trash writing at my blog. ~ Wild Thing
Rick Perry’s bad, Obama-style medicine by Michelle Malkin
Wild Thing's comment.........
Has Romney admitted he made a mistake with Romneycare. NO Have any other politicans admitted they made a mistake about anything? Not that I can remember. BUT Perry has admitted he made a mistake.
Let me point out one other thing about the individual that wrote the POISON Pen article. Malkin December 2008 wrote a scathing article called " Truthers to the left of me, truthers to the right". It was a hit piece attacking those of us that are called "birthers" and Malkin said we were the same as the Truthers.
But she was not done with her horrible rant and comparison, no, she had to bring it up again in April of this year with yet another article titled " The birth certificate circus". That was written because Obama showed his FAKE birth certificate and Malkin felt the fake was enough and should satisfy the 'Birthers". Now she writes a hit piece about Perry and knowing all along that he has said he made a mistake.
Very disappointing indeed to see this happening.
And they say Democrats eat their own! Eat your own much Michelle???
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (3)
Conservatives Need to Stop The Bilderberg Conspiracy Theory Nonsense
Conservatives Need to Stop The Bilderberg Conspiracy Theory Nonsense
By: Gregg Hilton
Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) spoke to the 2007 Bilderberg Conference about energy security and policies which resulted in his state being responsible for 37% of all private sector job growth in America. The Governor is not a traitor, he is not controlled by the Bilderbergers, and has done nothing to jeopardize America’s sovereignty.
The three day annual meeting of the Bilderberg Group is now being held in St. Moritz, Switzerland. Today’s Alex Jones radio program denounced the gathering for attempting to destroy America’s sovereignty and plotting to create a single global currency.
Similar to most accusations made by Jones, the claims have no merit and there is no evidence to support them. Since 1945 the world has had a single reserve currency, and it is the American dollar.
An article today on Infowars.com claims Bill Clinton “is a prime example of a candidate selected and run by Bilderberg. Bilderberg is also responsible for selecting British Prime Ministers Tony Blair and David Cameron.”
It goes on to say Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX):
"is another pawn. . . Veteran Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker wrote last week about Perry’s likely entry into the 2012 field, pointing out that he may be Bilderberg’s ‘Ace in the Hole’ . . . Perry keeps pushing himself as a Bilderberg wild card. . . Bilderberg, true to form, wants the U.S. recession to continue throughout 2012 and for oil prices to remain high and increase further.”
This is complete nonsense and it makes conservatives appear foolish. I sent four messages to Mary Borrego yesterday when she said “George Bush is a traitor!!!!!” and went on to praise Ron Paul who wants America to give up its veto power in the UN Security Council. As I told her, the Bilderberg Group is not an advocacy organization and does not take official positions on any issue. They have never reached a conclusion on any subject, nor have they attempted to do so.
In 57 years they have never issued a policy statement or resolution. They have never taken a vote on any issue. The guests are both liberals and conservatives, and every gathering features debates. In 2004, there was a debate between then Sen. John Edwards (D-NC) and Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition. No one accused them of working together.
Bilderberg primarily serves as a networking group for the well connected. The motivation in forming the organization in 1954 was to stop anti-American sentiments in Europe.
Most of the nonsense surrounding Bilderberg comes from the John Birch Society, Alex Jones, Infowars, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) and other radical libertarians. Cuban leader Fidel Castro agrees with their conspiracy claims. An episode of Jesse Ventura’s TV program “Conspiracy Theory” was devoted to the Bilderberg Group.
George W. Bush, UK Prime Minister David Cameron of the Conservative Party, former Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice and Richard Perle are not traitors. They did not participate in any plot to steal America’s sovereignty. Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) attended a 2007 Bilderberg Conference and Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) said he should be investigated for a criminal violation of the Logan Act which prevents our foreign policy from being undermined. Congressman Paul said Perry’s attendance was “A sign that he’s involved in the international conspiracy.” Other comments about the Bilderberg Conference include:
● Ann Liber of Prosper, Texas said Perry “Gets his marching orders from the Bilderbergers. He is a huge globalist and supports the North American Union (NAU).” Not only does the Governor disagree with her, but a NAU has never existed and no lawmaker has ever proposed it.
● Jeffrey Wimmer of Biloxi, Mississippi says “Gov. Perry has issues with conservatives like myself . .I’m very wary of guys the Bilderbergers pull into their New World Order circle.”
● Deb Stickley of Lexington, Kentucky: “They are developing a one world government. Don’t let anyone kid you on this one.”
● Ted Day of Tenino, Washington believes the Bilderbergers “are the true enemy, the rest are diversions.”
● Libertarian Mark Hamilton of Clifton, Virginia says “These meetings are where the billionaires purchase politicians.”
● Sally Linderman of Washington, D.C. says “They are meeting to totally collapse world economies and create a new currency under the New World Order.”
● Caroline Cowan Conger believes “They are about control, greed, power, and America’s breakdown as the country as we knew and loved.”
● Torey Dawn Hodges of Las Vegas is the only person I agreed with: “I think it’s another boondoggle conference that select people attend. Do I think it’s some nefarious conspiracy–heck no. I think the New World Order people have built this strange case around central bankers, Jews, the Council of Foreign Relations, Jews, Bilderberg, Jews, the Federal Reserve, Jews, etc. They don’t come out and say Jews, but start talking with them and Israel always emerges as a central planner of the New World Order. Seriously, I think Bilderberg is an event. It’s an intellectual exchange of ideas; likely a lot of stupid ideas. I don’t think the group has much influence.”
Congressman Paul is again seeking the GOP presidential nomination but continues to say there is little difference between Republicans and Democrats. In a 2009 interview the lawmaker said:
"The people who surround Obama or Bush generally come from the same philosophic viewpoint and they have their organizations – the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderbergers, and they’ve been around a long time. My biggest concern is what they preach: Keynesian economics and interventionism and world planning.”
These organizations do not pick presidents or other world leaders, they had nothing to with the creation of the European Union or any military action, and they have never called for a New World Order or a global currency.
They are similar to numerous think tanks, and the only difference is that the attendees are high profile. The Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission have both opened their proceedings to public scrutiny, maintain websites and have long listed their members.
If the Bilderberg Group is trying to establish a new currency or a one world government, then for 57 years they have been spectacular failures.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I thought this was an excellent write up and for those that might not have known a lot about the Bilderberg's and what it is and what they do. It is also a good article to forward to anyone that has questions about Perry regarding this.
So that should be it. The only complaints I have seen have been about this topic and the Gardasil injections. Both as you can see from the various posting on here pretty much debunk them.
No politican is going to be perfect, some are worse then others.But to accuse a person of something that has been answered or is not true then we are doing the work of the DNC and they do enough bashing and lies ias it is.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (3)
August 17, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry Refuses To Back Down On Bernanke Comment ~ Thank You Gov.!!!
Perry Refuses To Back Down On Bernanke Comment: “I’m Passionate About The Issue, I Stand By What I Said"
Twelve hours removed from a controversy about his suggestion that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke was engaging in “treasonous” behavior Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s presidential campaign didn’t try to walk back the remark. In fact, they doubled down on it.
“I am passionate about the issue but I stand by what I said,” Perry told reporters in Iowa today.
Although Perry’s campaign is only a few days old, the episode provides a telling insight into the Texas governor: he is brash, bold and unapologetic about being so.
And that just might make him a perfect fit for the current Republican primary electorate who is mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.
A look back across Perry’s rhetorical history suggests that this latest controversy is nothing new.
Perry famously floated the idea of Texas seceding from the United States if the federal government kept trampling on states’ rights in 2009
Obama: Perry “Needs To Be More Careful” What He Says
The White House denounced Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry on Tuesday for his threatening remarks toward the head of the U.S. Federal Reserve that represented some of the most inflammatory rhetoric of the 2012 election campaign.
At a campaign event on Monday, Perry was asked if Obama loved the country, and replied, “You need to ask him.”
Campaigning in Iowa on Monday, the Texas governor said he would consider it "treasonous" if Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke "prints more money between now and the election" in November 2012 -- a fresh sign of the political heat the central bank faces as it tries to right the stumbling U.S. economy.
"If this guy prints more money between now and the election, I don't know what y'all will do to him in Iowa, but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas," Perry said to laughter from supporters in Iowa.
"Printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history is almost treacherous, treasonous in my opinion," he said.
Asked whether Perry’s remarks were disrespectful, Obama said he would “cut him some slack” as a new candidate.
“Everybody who runs for president, it probably takes them a little bit of time before they start realizing that this isn’t like running for governor or running for senator or running for Congress, and you’ve got to be a little more careful about what you say,” Obama said on CNN’s “The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer.”
Wild Thing's comment......
This all reminds me soooo much of the last presidential campaign. When Sarah Palin was speaking the truth about Obama, things about William Ayers, about his other associations, so many things. And she was attacked for it, BUT not by any of us, we cheered her on as did all the other conservatives that wanted people to know the truth about Obama. She did not back down either. Only RINO MCCain was running around saying Obama was a man of honor....BARF!
Thank God that Perry stands his ground on what he said. IMO conservatives should all be very glad about this.
And what arrogance Obama has once again to even give a warning to Perry sheesh!
Read my lips Obama. Perry is right and I will add that YOU Obama are treasonous to our country. With your socialized medicine and the rest of your agenda.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (5)
Governor Rick Perry and Retired Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell
Governor Rick Perry and Marcus Luttrell
Texas Navy SEAL nabs 2 in dog killing
Governor Rick Perry and Marcus Luttrell are a couple of friends that frequent our shop and ride with us on a regular basis. If you are not familiar with Marcus Luttrell, please read on;
Petty Officer First Class Marcus Luttrell was born in Huntsville, Texas in 1975. A graduate of BUD/S Class 228, he was the only survivor of the fateful events of June 28, 2005 in Afghanistan. Luttrell and three teammates from SEAL Team TEN were assigned to a reconnaissance mission, operation RED WING, in the Hindu-Kush mountain region of Afghanistan. Their objective was to gather intelligence on Taliban movement in the area. Luttrell’s team was eventually discovered and outnumbered by over 200 Taliban fighters.
Petty Officer Luttrell was the only one to survive enemy contact. In the rescue mission that ensued, 16 Special Forces personnel, including 8 SEALs, died when their helicopter was shot down by Taliban fighters. It was the largest single-day loss of life in the SEALs’ history. In 2006, Petty Officer Luttrell was awarded the Navy Cross for combat heroism.
His full story is documented in his heroic account of the operation, entitled: Lone Survivor.
When Retired Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell's dog was taken and shot and Marcus tracked them down . The police arrested the punks and the next day Marcus Luttrell went to stay with Gov. Perry and Anita's home.
Perry said that Luttrell came to stay with him and his wife, Anita, the next day to decompress.
"He is doing fine, he has lost his best friend, but he processed that it was just some totally irresponsible punks that have no understanding of principles or values," Perry said.
Wild Thing's comment......
Special story and special friends, Veterans and both love our counrtry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (5)
MSNBC’s Ed Schultz Apologizes for Liberal Hit Job and Editing of Gov. Rick Perry’s “Black Cloud” Remarks As MSNBC Tried To Make Perry Look Racist
For the liberal media desperate to protect Barack Obama, it’s open season on Texas Gov. Rick Perry.
Here is Breitbart.tv video showing how MSNBC appears to have clipped remarks by Rick Perry to make it look like he was making a racist remark. Perry actually was saying the huge debt hanging over America is like a “big-black cloud” hanging over the economy. Actually, the term “big-black cloud” is often used for something bad or menacing. But Schultz explicitly said Rick Perry was referring to Barack Obama.
But Breitbart.tv found the more complete video of Perry’s remarks, which clearly show he identified the “big-black cloud” – both before and after his use of the phrase – as the nation’s debt, and NOT Barack Obama. MSNBC apparently forgot to include both of those mentions in their video clip.
MSNBC’s Ed Schultz apologizing for the editing they did to Rick Perry’s comments yesterday, where he said the nation’s debt was a “black cloud hanging over the country.” Tonight, Schultz did not mention that he had used the deceptive editing to accuse Perry of racism, saying directly that by “black cloud,” Perry was referring to Obama. He should have apologized for using the deceptive edit to call Perry a racist.
Wild Thing's comment........
Like I said....Don't Mess With Texas!
God bless Rick Perry.
Meanwhile here is the latest polling: Tah dah!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (6)
August 16, 2011
Excellent Interview Of Gov. Rick Perry ~ Video
This is an excellent interview and well worth watching..
Wild Thing's comment......
I liked this interview, it felt natural and easy.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (7)
August 15, 2011
Gov. Perry Speaks About Wanting To Restore Military Respect
by Ben Smith ( Ben is a LIBERAL ~ Wild Thing)
Rick Perry strayed from a tribute to military service to tell an audience in Waterloo, Iowa, that he’s running in part to restore the respect of the military to its civilian leaders.
“One of the reasons that I’m running for president is I want to make sure that every young man and woman who puts on the uniform of the United States respects highly the president of the United States,” he said.
The line is a reversal of the usual pledges of respect for the military from politicians, and Perry seemed to suggest that Obama lacks the qualities of a commander-in-chief in being able to command the troops.
The line could be taken either as a slur on the military — they’re pretty much obligated to respect the president, or at least the presidency; or as a sort of validation of military doubts about civilian leadership, which isn’t exactly standard issue politics in the developed world.
But if the line is close to the edge, it may also resonate, capturing discontent with Obama that’s common among soldiers, and serving as a reminder that Perry’s the only leading Republican to have served.
From DECEMBER 2008
President Elect Barack Obama gets no respect as the incoming Commander in Chief from a poll conducted by The Army Times. 6 out of 10 active-duty service members say they are uncertain or pessimistic, according to a Military Times survey.
A lance corporal who asked not to be identified said, “Being that the Marine Corps can be sent anywhere in the world with the snap of his fingers, nobody has confidence in this guy as commander in chief,”
During Christmas, Obama visited Marines in Pearl Harbor, while they were eating their Christmas dinner.
Anecdotal reports say Obama was not greeted with any enthusiastic applause in fact it was pretty silent.
Wild Thing's comment.....
Rick Perry is a veteran and his reference was with regards to the military personnel who are having to serve under a President they do not respect. Loose lips sink ships and if our current administration had not outed Seal Team 6 those brave young soldiers would still be alive today.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (7)
August 14, 2011
Perry Wins Straw Poll … In Alabama
Texas Gov. Rick Perry is the winner of today’s Alabama — that’s Alabama – straw poll, according to party officials there.
Perry, who announced his candidacy for president as a Republican on Saturday, won with 46 percent of the vote. He was the keynote speaker at state GOP party’s annual summer dinner this weekend.
Herman Cain placed second with 21 percent, followed by former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who attracted 16 percent of the vote, according to a release.
New GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry wins Alabama straw poll
Texas Governor Rick Perry, who announced Saturday his intention to run for the Republican nomination for President of the United States, was selected the winner of a presidential preference straw poll held Saturday by the Alabama Republican Party.
The party, in a statement Saturday to FOX6 News, said 46 percent of the state GOP executive committee picked Perry as a write-in candidate during their meeting at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex.
"Let me be clear that this is not an endorsement by the Alabama Republican Party," said Bill Armistead, Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party, in the statement. "We were interested to see how the current field stands with Republican voters in Alabama. We are thankful for all of the candidates who participated by submitting videos and campaign materials for us to review."
Businessman Herman Cain received 21% and former Governor Mitt Romney received 16% of the vote. All declared candidates who had received at least 2% in three national polls were included. Listed on the ballot were Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. The only names receiving write-in votes were Rick Perry and Sarah Palin.
Perry was in Birmingham Friday night and spoke to Republicans.
"The entire weekend was a rousing success. We had 1,500 activists at our Annual Summer Dinner on Friday night to hear Texas Governor Rick Perry," continued Armistead. "Governor Perry gave a stirring, conservative speech that obviously resonated very well with the attendees."
The vote comes on the same day as the far better-publicized Iowa Straw Poll in Ames, Iowa.
Perry: 101
Cain: 47
Romney: 36
Gingrich: 11
Bachmann, Paul, Pawlenty, Santorum, Johnson, Palin: All in single digits
Wild Thing's comment......
I never knew about this before.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 PM | Comments (7)
August 13, 2011
Texas Governor Rick Perry Announces 2012 Bid for President of United States ~ FULL SPEECH Videos
Rick Perry "I Declare My Candidacy For President Of The United States" PART 1
Texas Governor Rick Perry Announces 2012 Bid for President of United States
In a rousing speech in Charleston, South Carolina today, Texas Gov. Rick Perry declared his candidacy for President of the United States.
Governor Perry asks for a moment of silence to honor the members of our Armed Forces who bravely put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms.
"America is not broken, Washington is broken"
"The change we seek will never emanate out of Washington. It will come from the windswept prairies of middle America; the farms and factories across this great land; the hearts and minds of God-fearing Americans -- who will not accept a future that is less than our past, who will not be consigned a fate of LESS freedom in exchange for MORE government. We do not have to accept our current circumstances. We will change them. We're Americans. That's what we do. WE roll up our sleeves, WE get to work, WE make things better."
“I will work every day to make Washington, D.C. as inconsequential in your lives as I can.”
“Revitalizing the economy is our country’s most urgent need. Stopping the generational theft posed by record debt is our long-term mission.”
“It’s time to get America working again. It’s time to give a pink slip to the current residents of the White House.”
“We don’t need a President who apologizes for America.”
“Our President has insulted our friends.”....... yes like Israel, our greatest friend in the Middle East.~ Wild Thing
“At age 8, I was blessed to meet my future wife, Anita Thigpen, at a piano recital. We had our first date eight years later. And she finally agreed to marry me 16 years after that I'm persistent.”
“I am also the product of a place called Paint Creek, a community too small to be called a town along the rolling plains of West Texas.”
"It's time to get America working again," Perry said, arguing that "Recovery is a meaningless word if the bank has foreclosed on your home."
While Perry spent some of his speech discussing his own record, he spent most of his time attacking the current occupant of the White House. He criticized Mr. Obama's "unbridled fixation" on spending and suggested the president's economic policies have "prolonged our national misery, not alleviated it."
"You cannot win the future by selling America off to foreign creditors," he said. "We cannot afford four more years of this rudderless leadership." The time had come, he added, to "stop the generational theft."
Change in America, Perry said, begins not with Washington but with the American people, "patriots who will not be consigned to a fate of less freedom in exchange for more government."
He said people object to an administration “that sees its role as spending our children’s inheritance on failed economic theories that have given us record debt and left far too many unemployed, threatening not only our economy, but our security. Our reliance on foreign creditors and sources of energy not only compromises our national sovereignty, but jeopardizes our national future.”
"We are indignant about leaders that do not listen and spend money faster than they can print it," Perry said, complaining of "central planners" who "downgrade our future and micromanage our lives."
"I'll work every day to try to make Washington, D.C., as inconsequential in your life as I can," he added.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s Presidential Website has gone “Live” this morning, with a written message from Perry explaining why he is running for President of the United States. Perry will speak shortly in South Carolina and announce he’s in the race:
Wild Thing's comment......
I love it when Sarah does this and in Gov. Perry's speech he did it too. He really took Obama Obama to the woodshed. In fact he also took Obama's entire administration to task.
Perry like Sarah has charisma and that is also what Reagan had. IMO that is important during a campaign and as President. Obama never had that and never will, he had a media as his bride, the bride of frankenstein and they promoted himi as a Mesiah that was supposed to be a great speaker. WE ALL KNOW he was NOT and could not even rate being a good speaker, he only read his teleprompter that is not being a good speaker. He only had passion in his hate for our country and his hate for all things American.
One of Gov. Perry's biggest endorsement is from my Texas brother and his wife who are dyed in the wool Democrats. They are fed up with “No-bama” (their words) .
I love texas as you all know. One of the many things about Texas is Texans never get just pissed...they fight back.
Perry will give payback in spades. Remember G.W. Bush after 9-11 he went after the terrorists, unlike what Clinton did after the first attack on the Towers during his presidency.
We have a few awesome people running now. And I will only be counting those that have put their hat in the ring. That have stepped forward.
Here are my favorites;
Gov. Rick Perry gets a yes from me.
Herman Cain is nothing less then awesome. I LOVE to hear him speak. Reality says he cannot win, but gosh I would love for him to be in a Republican administration maybe something dealing with the Treasury or something. He should not be pushed aside when he has soooo much to offer. He too has has charisma and I love his personality, his smile lights up a room.
Michele Bachmann is good but too much of the time she misquotes information that can so easily be checked out. Not only facts but also about other candidates. I wish she would stop doing that, it makes it hard to trust a person that does this kind of thing. Argue with the other candidates is fine, but use actual facts about that person that are true not made up along the way. I am NO fan of Pawlenty at all not even a little and Michele said some things about his bills he passed or was for that were not true.
Romney no way, Romney care etc.
Pawlenty no thank you very much.
Santorum he won't win, a good man and a conservative to be sure but he would make an awesome Senator if he would only do that instead.
Ron Paul forgetabout it. ( said with best Mafia accent ) haha
Newt, no thanks.
Huntsman, nope for many reasons.
FULL Transcript of his speech.......... CONTINUE HERE
It’s sure good to be back in the Palmetto State, in South Carolina. I enjoy coming to places where people elect folks like Nikki Haley, true conservatives. And also where they love the greatest fighting force on the face of the earth…the United States Military.
And I want to take a moment and ask you to just take a silence, think about those young Navy SEALs and the other special operators who gave it all in the service of their country. Just take a moment to say Thank you, Lord, that we have those kind of selfless, sacrificial men and women. Their sacrifice was immeasurable, their dedication profound, and we will never, ever forget them.
I stand before you today as the governor of Texas. But I also stand before you the son of two tenant farmers, Ray Perry, who came home after 35 bombing missions over Europe to work his little corner of land out there, and Amelia who made sure my sister Milla and I had everything that we needed, including hand-sewing my clothes until I went off to college.
I am also the product of a place called Paint Creek. Doesn’t have a zip code. It’s too small to be called a town along the rolling plains of Texas. We grew dryland cotton and wheat, and when I wasn’t farming or attending Paint Creek Rural School, I was generally over at Troop 48 working on my Eagle Scout award.
Around the age of 8, I was blessed – didn’t realize it, but I was blessed to meet my future wife, Anita Thigpen, at a piano recital. We had our first date eight years later. And she finally agreed to marry me 16 years after that. Nobody says I am not persistent.
There is no greater way to live life than with someone you love, and my first love is with us today, my lovely wife Anita. We’re also blessed to have two incredible children, Griffin and Sydney, and they are also with us today, and our wonderful daughter-in-law Meredith. I’d just like to introduce those two. Thank you.
What I learned growing up on the farm was a way of life that was centered on hard work, and on faith and on thrift. Those values have stuck with me my whole life. But it wasn’t until I graduated from Texas A&M University and joined the United States Air Force, flying C-130’s all around the globe, that I truly appreciated the blessings of freedom.
To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, I realized that the United States of America really is the last great hope of mankind. What I saw was systems of government that elevated rulers at the expense of the people. Socialist systems cloaked maybe in good intentions but were delivering misery and stagnation. And I learned that not everyone values life like we do in America, or the rights that are endowed to every human being by a loving God.
You see, as Americans we’re not defined by class, and we will never be told our place. What makes our nation exceptional is that anyone, from any background, can climb the highest of heights. As Americans, we don’t see the role of government as guaranteeing outcomes, but allowing free men and women to flourish based on their own vision, their hard work and their personal responsibility. And as Americans, we realize there is no taxpayer money that wasn’t first earned by the sweat and toil of one of our citizens.
That’s why we reject this President’s unbridled fixation on taking more money out of the wallets and pocketbooks of American families and employers and giving it to a central government. “Spreading the wealth” punishes success while setting America on course to greater dependency on government. Washington’s insatiable desire to spend our children’s inheritance on failed “stimulus” plans and other misguided economic theories have given us record debt and left us with far too many unemployed.
But of course, now we’re told we are in recovery. Yeah.
But this sure doesn’t feel like a recovery to more than nine percent of Americans out there who are unemployed, or the sixteen percent of African Americans and 11 percent of Hispanics in the same position, or the millions more who can only find part-time work, or those who have stopped even looking for a job.
One in six work-eligible Americans cannot find a full-time job. That is not a recovery. That is an economic disaster.
If you think about it, for those Americans who do have full-time jobs, they aren’t experiencing economic recovery with the rising fuel costs and the food prices that are going up. Recovery is a meaningless word if the bank has foreclosed on your home, if you are under water on your mortgage, or if you are up to the max on your credit card debt. Those Americans know that this President and his big-spending, big-government policies have prolonged our national misery, not alleviated it.
And what do we say to our children? Y’all figure it out? Don’t worry, Washington’s created 17 debt and entitlement commissions in 30 years, but the fact of the matter is they just didn’t have the courage to make the decisions to allow you to have the future that you actually deserve? That Washington wouldn’t even make modest entitlement program reforms in this last debate? And the President even refused to lay out a plan, for fear of the next election? How can the wealthiest nation in the history of civilization fail so miserably to pay its bills? How does that happen?
Well, Mr. President, let us tell you something: you can’t win the future by selling America off to foreign creditors.
We cannot afford four more years of this rudderless leadership. Last week, that leadership failed, and the tax and spend and borrow agenda of this President led to the first ever downgrade of the credit rating of the United States of America.
In reality though, this is just the most recent downgrade. The fact is for nearly three years President Obama has been downgrading American jobs. He’s been downgrading our standing in the world. He’s been downgrading our financial stability. He’s been downgrading our confidence, and downgrading the hope for a better future for our children. That’s a fact.
His policies are not only a threat to this economy, so are his appointees – a threat. You see he stacked the National Labor Relations Board with anti-business cronies who want to dictate to a private company, Boeing, where they can build a plant. No president, no president should kill jobs in South Carolina, or any other state for that matter, simply because they choose to go to a right-to-work state.
You see, when the Obama Administration is not stifling economic growth with over-regulation, they are achieving the same through their reckless spending. Debt is not only a threat to our economy, but also to our security.
America’s standing in the world is in peril, not only because of disastrous economic policies, but from the incoherent muddle that they call foreign policy. Our president has insulted our friends and he’s encouraged our enemies, thumbing his nose at traditional allies like Israel. He seeks to dictate new borders for the Middle East and the oldest democracy there, Israel, while he is an abject failure in his constitutional duty to protect our borders in the United States.
His foreign policy seems to be based on alienating our traditional allies, while basing our domestic agenda on importing those failed Western European social values. We don’t need a president who apologizes for America. We need a president who protects and projects those values.
Look, it’s pretty simple: we’re going to stand with those who stand with us, and we will vigorously defend our interests. And those who threaten our interests, harm our citizens – we will simply not be scolding you, we will defeat you.
Our nation cannot and it must not endure four more years of aimless foreign policy. We cannot and must not endure four more years of rising unemployment, rising taxes, rising debt, rising energy dependence on nations that intend us harm.
It is time to get America working again. To get citizens – to get our citizens working in good jobs and getting the government to working for the people again.
Page one of any economic plan to get America working is to give a pink slip to the current resident in the White House.
Listen, we just got to get back to the basic truths of economic success. As Governor, I’ve had to deal with the consequences of this national recession. In 2003, and again this year, my state faced billions of dollars in budget shortfalls. But we worked hard, we made tough decisions, we balanced our budget. Not by raising taxes, but by setting priorities and cutting government spending. It can and it must be done in Washington, DC.
Dr. Schwertner (State Representative, R-Williamson County, TX), we have led Texas based on some just really pretty simple guiding principles. One is don’t spend all of the money. Two is keeping the taxes low and under control. Three is you have your regulatory climate fair and predictable. Four is reform the legal system so frivolous lawsuits don’t paralyze employers that are trying to create jobs.
Over the years, we have followed this recipe to produce the strongest economy in the nation. Since June of 2009, Texas is responsible for more than 40 percent of all of the new jobs created in America.
Now think about that. We’re home to less than 10 percent of the population in America, but forty percent of all the new jobs were created in that state.
I’ve cut taxes. I have delivered historic property tax reductions. I was the first governor since World War II to cut general revenue spending in our state budget. We passed lawsuit reform, including just this last session a “loser pays” law to stop the frivolous lawsuits that were happening.
And I know I’ve talked a lot about Texas here in the last little bit. I’m a Texan and proud of it. But first, and foremost, I’m an incredibly proud American.
And I know something: America is not broken. Washington, D.C., is broken!
We need balanced budgets. We need lower taxes. We need less regulation. And we need civil justice reform – those same four principles. Our country’s most urgent need is to revitalize our economy, stop the generational theft that is going on with this record debt.
I come to South Carolina because I will not sit back and accept the path that America is on. Because a great country requires a better direction. Because a renewed nation needs a new president.
It is time to get America working again. And that’s why, with the support of my family, and an unwavering belief in the goodness of America, I declare to you today as a candidate for President of the United States.
It’s time for America to believe again. It’s time to believe that the promise of our future is far greater than even our best days behind us. It’s time to believe again in the potential of private enterprise, set free from the shackles of overbearing federal government. And it’s time to truly restore our standing in the world, and renew our faith in freedom as the best hope for peace in this world that’s beset with strife.
The change we seek will never emanate out of Washington, D.C. It will come from the windswept prairies of Middle America, the farms and factories across this great land, from the hearts and minds of the goodhearted Americans who will accept not a future that is less than our past, patriots – patriots who will not be consigned to a fate of less freedom in exchange for more government.
We do not have to accept our current circumstances. We will change them. We are Americans. That’s what we do. We roll up our sleeves. We go to work. We fix things.
We stand up and proudly proclaim that Washington is not our caretaker and we reject the state that, in Margaret Thatcher’s words, she said a state that takes too much from us in order to do too much for us. We will not stand for that any longer.
We’re dismayed at the injustice that nearly half of all Americans don’t even pay any income tax. And you know the liberals out there are saying that we need to pay more. We are indignant about leaders who do not listen and spend money faster than they can print it.
In America, the people are not subjects of government. The government is subject to the people. And it is up to us, to this present generation of Americans, to take a stand for freedom, to send a message to Washington that we’re taking our future back from the grips of central planners who would control our healthcare, who would spend our treasure, who downgrade our future and micro-manage our lives.
It is time to limit and simplify the taxes in this country. We have to quit spending money we don’t have. We need to get our fiscal house in order and restore our good credit. And we will repeal this President’s misguided, one-size-fits-all government healthcare plan immediately.
We’ll create jobs. We’ll get America working again. We’ll create jobs and we’ll build wealth, we’ll truly educate and innovate in science, and in technology, engineering and math. We’ll create the jobs and the progress needed to get America working again.
And I’ll promise you this: I’ll work every day to make Washington, D.C. as inconsequential in your life as I can. And at the same time, we’ll be freeing our families and small businesses and states from the burdensome and costly federal government so those groups can create, innovate and succeed.
I believe in America. I believe in Her purpose and Her promise. I believe Her best days have not yet been lived. I believe Her greatest deeds are reserved for the generations to come. With the help and the courage of the American people, we will get our country working again. God bless you and God bless the United States of America.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 PM | Comments (5)
Chris Matthews Blast Entire State of Texas as Ignorant , Full Of BS, Calls Perry A Clown
Chris Matthews Blast Entire State of Texas as Ignorant , Full Of BS, Calls Perry A Clown
Wild Thing's comment.....
These lefties cannot speak in a complete sentence unless they LIE or slander or bash a person on the right. I really thing they have a mental disorder.
Hey Chris you need to learn NOT to mess with TEXAS!
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:48 AM | Comments (5)
August 10, 2011
Eight Things You Ought To Know Before You Start Writing Stories About Rick Perry
Eight things you ought to know before you start writing stories about Rick Perry.
Here we go again. As you know, Rick Perry, the governor of Texas, is contemplating a presidential run, which means that any day now, your boss will be sending you down here to take the measure of the man. Though he managed to avoid the 2012 spotlight longer than any other candidate, Perry, the nation’s longest-serving governor, has lately become, in the words of a recent NPR report, “the eight-hundred-pound gorilla on the sidelines of this race.” The trickle of stories about him has become a stream, and the minute Perry declares his candidacy, that stream will become a flood, a flood that will carry you straight to Austin. I am writing you this note in the hope that it will help you avoid the political and sociological clichés that Texas is subjected to every time one of our politicians seeks the national stage.
It’s an experience we’re all too familiar with. A Texan has occupied the White House in 17 of the past 48 years—just over a third of the time. Texas has become an incubator for presidents, as Virginia and Ohio were in America’s distant past. I’ll grant you that the presidents we have sent to Washington, from LBJ to
George W. Bush, have not always served as the best advertisements for Texas. Nevertheless, we have endured a disproportionate amount of bad writing about our state from journalists who don’t know very much about the place, and I for one can’t bear to suffer through another campaign of it.
So please, heed this advice. Rick Perry, as you have no doubt already discovered, is not the easiest man to write about. He is secretive and leery of the media (sometimes to the point of hostility), and he has a strategically valuable knack for being underestimated by his critics. I have been writing about him since the eighties, when he began his career in the Texas Legislature. Along the way I have learned a few things, which I have arranged in this handy list of Eight Points to Keep in Mind When Writing About Rick Perry.
1. Perry is not George Bush. Don’t assume that because Bush and Perry served together in the Capitol, or because they’re both Republican Texans who wear boots, the two men have a lot in common. They don’t. As governor, Bush positioned himself as “a uniter, not a divider,” championing education as one of his main priorities. Perry has been the opposite kind of chief executive: dismissive of Democrats and fond of political maneuvers that put the heat on moderates within his own party. And in the legislative session that just wrapped up, he presided over a budget that cut $4 billion from public schools. The cultural differences are striking too. Perry, the son of a Big Country cotton farmer, is at ease with a populist tea party message; W., the scion of a political dynasty, always seemed more comfortable with the country club set. They have followed starkly different paths. When W. began his political career, he had a famous name, access to his father’s huge national fund-raising base, and the backing of the establishment wing of the Republican party. As a late arrival in the Republican ranks, Perry had no fund-raising base and little name identification. He had no choice but to gravitate to the conservative wing of the GOP, where he could prove up his conservative bona fides. Nor is there any love lost between the two men. When Perry ran for lieutenant governor, in 1998, Bush’s camp wanted everyone on the ticket to run positive races; the Perry team defied the order, and ever since, relations have been frosty. There is one other critical difference. Bush lost his first race, for Congress. Perry has won every race he’s ever run.
2. It’s not a big deal that Perry was once a Democrat. To suggest otherwise will make you look foolish. When Perry was elected to the statehouse, in 1985, conservative Democrats ran the Legislature. In 1989, realizing that a conservative had little future in the party, Perry switched to the GOP. He has been a rock-solid Republican ever since and has driven the state party further to the right. Only twice has he made strategic errors that brought him into conflict with his hard-right base. One was an edict that twelve-year-old girls be inoculated against cervical cancer (it was quickly overturned); another was his promotion of a giant system of toll roads called the Trans-Texas Corridor, which stirred up significant opposition from landowners. These two bobbles aside, Perry has a genius for sensing where his base is on any given issue.
3. Perry is cannier than you think he is. Perry revels in political plays that are initially misunderstood by the press and his critics. Take his secession “gaffe” on tax day 2009, when he responded to a TV reporter’s question with an acknowledgment that if the federal government continued to interfere with Texas, the state might have to leave the union someday. His response may have repelled Democrats and independents, but it hit a nerve among conservatives and led to his shellacking of Kay Bailey Hutchison in the 2010 Republican primary for governor.
4. Texas is not a “weak governor” state. A common misconception. It used to be true, but during his historic governorship, Perry has reinvented the office as a power center. This may be his greatest accomplishment. Yes, our state constitution, written the year before Reconstruction ended, created a weak governor’s office (as did most constitutions of the states of the former Confederacy). We had two-year terms (the Legislature changed it to four-year terms beginning with the 1974 election) and a fragmented executive department with power divided among the governor, the lieutenant governor, the comptroller, the land and agriculture commissioners, the attorney general, and the railroad commission. But Perry has used his appointment power to install political allies in every state agency, effectively establishing a Cabinet form of government and making him vastly more powerful than any of his predecessors. In this regard, the Texas politician he most resembles is LBJ, who, Robert Caro reports, once told an assistant, “I do understand power, whatever else may be said about me. I know where to look for it and how to use it.” Rick Perry, to a tee.
5. Perry is not a male hair model. The late Molly Ivins coined the nickname Governor Goodhair, and it has stuck, especially with liberals and journalists from up north. It is true that Perry has a much-remarked-upon coif, but don’t let this lead you to assume that he’s soft, or feckless, like that other recent walking shampoo ad, John Edwards. Perry is a hard man. He is the kind of politician who would rather be feared than loved—or respected. And he has gotten his wish. Perry does not have many friends in the Legislature.
6. Perry is from the middle of nowhere. The first place you need to go to understand Perry is Paint Creek, where he grew up. Paint Creek is not a town. It’s a watercourse that runs through the cotton fields of southern Haskell County. Perry’s parents were tenant farmers, and not just tenant farmers but dryland farmers, which is as hard as farming gets. In a June 2010 interview with TEXAS MONTHLY editor Jake Silverstein, Perry described an incident involving a new couch that his parents, who “rarely ever bought anything,” had just purchased. “There were places in our house that you could see outside through the cracks by the windows,” the governor recalled, “and this dust storm came in and there was a layer of dust all over that new couch. And it just, you know, kind of—it was a hard life for them.” In the interview, Perry also described taking baths in the number two washtub and using an outhouse until his father built indoor plumbing in his early years. “We were rich,” Perry said, “but not in material things. I had miles and miles of pasture, a Shetland pony, and a dog. . . . I spent a lot of time just alone with my dog. A lot.”
7. Perry is an Aggie. Like many Texans with rural roots and sympathies, Perry attended Texas A&M University. This is the other place you need to go to understand him. Of course, it has changed dramatically, so you’ll have to envision it as it was when Perry was there, around 1970. A&M was uncompromising in those days. There was a saying, regarding the road to College Station, that was directed at students who resisted the A&M military culture: “Highway 6 runs both ways.” You either bought into the school’s traditions or you didn’t. Perry bought all the way in, becoming a yell leader. To this day, Perry’s style on the stump is that of the Aggie yell leader (“Are you fired up?”).
8. Don’t discount the luck factor. It is uncanny how often good fortune has been in Perry’s corner throughout his political career. His opponents self-destruct, as Jim Hightower did in 1990, when Perry, a big underdog, won his first statewide race, for agriculture commissioner, and as Kay Bailey Hutchison did in 2010. In 2006, when he was at his most vulnerable, Hutchison opted not to challenge him. Perry got only 39 percent of the vote, but because there were four major candidates in the race, he won with a plurality. This spring, he lost two top aides to the Gingrich-for-president campaign, only to see Gingrich self-destruct and the aides return with national campaign experience. The list goes on and on. If you look at Perry’s career, it seems that fate is always arranging the universe so that its favorite son will be in the right place at the right time.
So there you have it. In closing, I would like to request that you please do your best to avoid tin-ear clichés about barbecue, cattle, oil, football, and the Alamo. Remember, this is an urban state of 25 million people. We don’t go to sleep at night dreaming of William Barret Travis drawing a line in the sand. We do admire our rural history, as this month’s cover attests, but our vitality is in the cities. Enjoy your visit, best of luck, and please get it right this time.
Yours truly,
Paul Burka
Wild Thing's comment........
I thought this was a really good write up about Gov. Rick Perry and has a ton of information in it that I did not know before.
We know a lot about Sarah and I thought it would be good to learn more about Gov. Perry.
We will see if they both run for President or only one of them. As of today neither Sarah nor Rick Perry has entered.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (5)