November 26, 2008
Just Asking
Rathergate II: Certification of Live Birth a clear forgery
The media bought it. The voters bought it. And now some in Congress are resisting the idea of congressional hearings because they believe that Barack Obama's "birth certificate" has been posted online.
Not so.
What was posted was not a birth certificate, but something that resembles a "Certification of Live Birth" or COLB, which, even if authentic, does not prove "natural born" U.S. citizenship. You see, in Hawaii, a Certification of Live Birth is issued within a year of a child's birth to those who register a birth abroad or one that takes place outside a hospital.
It's Rathergate all over again with more amiss than a 1970s Selectric typewriter. But before I tell you what the experts found, let me ask you a few questions:
1. If you were a natural born American citizen and had it within your means to quiet all the lawsuits and questions with proof, would you do it?
2. If you were a natural born American citizen, would you spend thousands of dollars to fight the legal cases against you, or would you simply answer the legitimate question of whether you meet the constitutional requirements for office?
3. If you were a natural born American citizen, would you forge a document called a "Certification of Live Birth" and tell the public it was a real "birth certificate"?
If someone were to violate the law by manufacturing a forgery in order trick the public, would that be enough evidence for members of Congress to conduct hearings and for a court to issue an order for the critical records, including the original long-form birth certificate (signed by the doctor) to ensure that the U.S. constitutional requirements for office were not violated? After all, Congress is sworn to uphold and defend that Constitution, and the justices on the U.S. Supreme Court are "guardians" of the Constitution. That's their job, isn't it?
Ron Polarik, who holds a Ph.D. in Instructional Media and specializes in computer graphics with over 20 years experience with computers, printers and typewriters, has come forth with more definitive evidence than the word processor that tried to simulate a 1970s Selectric typewriter.
Polarik has submitted a signed affidavit and has now released his findings on video at with his identity masked and voice altered to guard against the carrying out of threats, which he has already received.
The Summary: The Certificate of Live Birth documents posted on Mr. Obama's website, Daily Kos (a pro-Obama blog) and, (a pro-Obama political research group), were found to be altered and forged.
* The problem of the pixels: When you have a green patterned document such as this, there should be a lot of green pixels from the background showing up between the letters that appear on the certification. But in this case, instead of green pixels, there are white and grey pixels between the letters, which result when you replace existing text with other text.
* There is no second fold line. The pictures show two folds – necessary to fit any COLB into an envelope for mailing, but the document itself shows only one fold. This is another indication of document alteration.
* There's a blurred border. The border has a lower resolution than the rest of the document, which is another indication that it has been altered.
* The border is one that is used in 2007 COLBs. As a security measure, Hawaii changes their borders every year. This is when the Obama campaign claims the certificate was obtained. That is fine except for the problem that …
* The seal and signature stamp are from a 2008 COLB. As revealed by a process called edging, the Hawaiian seal and signature stamp on the back of the document are revealed to be from the wrong year!
Like with Rathergate, when you're creating documents, make sure you use only a typewriter that was invented at the time you report the document was manufactured. When posting a "Certification of Live Birth," make sure you "borrow" only from documents used in the same year!
But beyond the birth certificate issue, there's the matter that Obama traveled to Indonesia, Pakistan, Southern India and Kenya in 1981.
He said he went to Indonesia to see his mother. This seemed plausible, except for the fact that his mother returned to Hawaii in August of 1980 to file for a divorce from her second husband, Lolo Soetoro. Unless she went back to pal around with the man she divorced, she wasn't there at the time of Obama's visit.
There's another problem.
No record of Obama holding an American passport prior to the one he received once becoming a U.S. senator has been found. If he traveled to Pakistan with an American passport, he wouldn't have been allowed in – since Pakistan was in turmoil in 1981 and under martial law. It was also on the State Department's travel ban list for U.S. citizens.
If he couldn't get into Pakistan with a U.S. passport, perhaps he went there with an Indonesian passport. But the only way you can get one of those is if you are an Indonesian citizen.
That's quite possible since under Indonesian law, when a male acknowledges a child as his son, it deems the son – in this case Obama – to be an Indonesian state citizen, which was also recorded by Obama's school record.
So, if he didn't go to Indonesia in 1981 to visit mom (who had returned to Hawaii by then), might it have something to do with the fact that Indonesian passports expire every five years and it was time for renewal?
Why does that matter?
To read the rest of the article ....PLEASE CLICK HERE.......
Wild Thing's comment......
In his book Obama said he had a copy of his birth certificate and he kept it in a box along with some other memories of his father so why doesn’t he just produce that one and laugh at those of us who are asking to see it?
This has to do with our Constitution so until it is answered and not with more lies from Obama. It really is as simple as that and only gets complicated with the lies from Barack Hussein O..
Watch how Obama inserts himself everyday since the popular vote.
He had a press conference yesterday and plans one today under the guise of his “economic plan.” This is all staging to him.
His continued “campaign promises” make the news everyday. There are at least 2-3 press releases per day. They say nothing but he is in our face.
My gut feeling is he is not eligible to become President under the constitution but he is trying to distract the media and the public into already accepting him as President
.....Thank you Mark for the article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (6)
January 18, 2006
Sex In Bedroom Is OK But No TV

A-hem, now who only has sex in the bedroom?
Reuters- Quick! Move that TV into the den!
ROME (Reuters) - Thinking of buying a TV for the bedroom? Think again -- it could ruin your sex life. A study by an Italian sexologist has found that couples who have a TV set in their bedroom have sex half as often as those who don't."If there's no television in the bedroom, the frequency (of sexual intercourse) doubles," said Serenella Salomoni whose team of psychologists questioned 523 Italian couples to see what effect television had on their sex lives.
On average, Italians who live without TV in the bedroom have sex twice a week, or eight times a month. This drops to an average of four times a month for those with a TV, the study found.
For the over-50s the effect is even more marked, with the average of seven couplings a month falling to just 1.5 times.
The study found certain programs are far more likely to impede passion than others. Violent films will put a stop to sexual relations for half of all couples, while reality shows stem passion for a third of couples.
Wild Thing's comment...........
There probably is a even a newer study that says sex in the bedroom cuts TV watching in half. Hmmmm I wonder which came first.............. the lack of sex, or the TV? heh - heh
What the heck is wrong with those taking the survey anyway. Who in their right mind would choose TV over sex. Well wait a minute there are some shows I love but hey that is what the tape machine is for isn't it? Sports is the only thing I can think of that would need to be seen as it happens. And why is the bedroom to that survey the all and be all. They obviously have no imagination or spontaneity.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:41 AM | Comments (4)
October 09, 2005
National Porn Sunday October 9
LOS ANGELES, October 7, 2005 ( – Hundreds of churches across the US plan to participate in National Porn Sunday, a one-day event designed to start the conversation about the issues surrounding pornography, “America’s ‘dirty little secret,’” according to Porn Sunday creators.
The focus of Porn Sunday is to get churches and pastors talking about the issue of pornography and sexual addictions....More HERE
So let me get this right.......THIS is America's "dirty little secret"???? And I slept in this morning and did not go to church.....see what a person misses.I was doing the 7th Day of Rest thing instead I could have done the 7th Day of Sex....thang' .....heh heh

Posted by Wild Thing at 02:56 PM