June 27, 2016
Muslim Woman At LAX: “Fuck America, I Will Make Sure We Bomb America”
Muslim Woman At LAX: “Fuck America, I Will Make Sure We Bomb America”
In a remarkable video which happened on June 14, but didn’t get picked up by media, you see a woman stopped by police, let go, make threats, then be arrested again. It was shot by Tony Vera, a freelance journalist who covers breaking news out of the LA area and happened to be there at the airport.
The woman apparently was stopped initially by the police, handcuffed and searched. Why is unclear. You see the police on the phone, then she is let go, while they smile and wave goodbye to her.
She then walks by and talks to Vera, who asks her what happened. In a multi-minute rant to Vera, with the threat starting ~6:38, she says, “None of you is going to have a safe sleep. I will make sure we bomb”. She repeats again, “Fuck America, I will make sure we bomb America”.
After that, Vera reported her comments to the authorities, and this time she is arrested for real at the check-in counter.
However, no MSM or even local media appear to have the picked up the story, apart from Vera.
Wild Thing's comment..................
Thank you, Tony Vera, for recording this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 PM
June 25, 2016
CAIR Publishes Enemies List Their Huge GIFT to Muslim Terrorists
CAIR Publishes Enemies List Their Huge GIFT to Muslim Terrorists
and never forget that numerous members of CAIR have been charged with terror-related crimes in the past.
Americans are being marked for murder whenever their names appear on the annual list of so-called “Islamophobes” posted by the jihad-linked Council on American Islamic Relations, say two Americans on CAIR’s 2016 enemies list.
“This is a hit list,” said Nonie Darwish, a former Egyptian Muslim, now living in America. CAIR “should be held legally responsible for inciting violence against us,” she said, after citing several Muslims and non-Muslims who have been personally targeted by Muslims sharing CAIR’s Islamic ideology.
“They want to shut us up by putting us in a position of fear,” said Zuhdi Jasser, founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, which is pushing for modernization of Islam in the United States. “Not only does their list put our lives at risk, but it is full of false information [and] they’ve never called us.”
At least two of the people cited in the report have been targeted for murder by jihadis. Pam Geller, who is described by the new report as “Islamophobe Pamela Geller,” has survived two plots attempts because the Muslim attackers were successfully killed by police. Similarly, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an ex-Muslim and a former legislator in Holland, has a security detail to protect her from attacks.
CAIR’s report “is certainly intended to be [incitement],” said David Yerushalmi, a lawyer at the American Freedom Law Center. “But it is not [punishable] incitement under First Amendment principles,” partly because judges requires an “imminent” threat to justify a charge of incitement, he said.
CAIR’s new report is titled “Confronting Fear“, and it was slated for publication June 14. But on June 12, the release was delayed six days because a Muslim murdered 49 Americans in a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.
The report lists a series of domestic enemies of Islam, its portrays them as mentally ill phobics, and also conflates occasional attacks and vandalism against Muslim people and buildings with various forms of democratic criticism of Islam. For example, comedian Bill Maher is on the list.
The problem, say Jasser and Darwish, is that CAIR’s message will reach people who believe that opponents of Islam deserve death. In fact, Pam Geller, a favorite hate-figure at the CAIR, has been the subject of at least two jihad plots. Two gunmen were killed by the first attack in May 2015. A second man, who carrying a knife, was killed by FBI officers in Boston in June 2015.
Other critics, such as Robert Spencer, who runs JihadWatch.com, has received myriad death threats from believers in Islam.
Wild Thing's comment................
CAIR is the enemy of freedom.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (2)
June 16, 2016
Imam On Fox: “I Believe Some Journalists Need to Be Beheaded”
Imam On Fox: “I Believe Some Journalists Need to Be Beheaded”
VIDEO at LINK......
A controversial imam who said he’s been subjected to false rumors amid the Orlando fallout spoke out to Greta Van Susteren tonight and made a pretty bold statement that he quickly insisted was “facetious.”
In the first segment, Imam Abu Taubah (a.k.a. Marcus Robertson) insisted that the Orlando terrorist was not part of his online school and he said that he doesn’t believe it’s proper for any Muslim to take Islamic law into their own hands.
But in the second segment, when Van Susteren brought up ISIS beheading James Foley, he said, “I believe some journalists need to be beheaded, but I wouldn’t have done that.”
Wild Thing's comment.............
Now here is the thing, IMO this man should be watched. He made a threat kidding or not it is a threat and since he is a Muslim it should be taken seriously.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
June 14, 2016
Homeland Security Told Not To Say ‘Jihad’ Or ‘Sharia’ Or Any Words ‘Disrespectful To Muslims’ ~ This is Beyond STUPID!
Homeland Security Told Not To Say ‘Jihad’ Or ‘Sharia’ Or Any Words ‘Disrespectful To Muslims’
Less than a week before Omar Mateen walked into an Orlando gay club and killed or wounded more than 100 people, the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) submitted its Countering Violent Extremism report to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson. The report instructs the DHS not to use any language that might be “disrespectful” to Muslims, including (but not limited to) the words “jihad,” “sharia” and “takfir.”
The report was crafted by an HSAC subcommittee that Secretary Johnson created in November 2015. The head of that subcommittee, Farah Pandith, was appointed by Johnson in May 2015. The subcommittee published the report on June 9.
The report urges DHS officials to “Reject religiously-charged terminology and problematic positioning by using plain meaning American English.”
For example, the report says the DHS should be “using American English instead of religious, legal and cultural terms like ‘jihad,’ ‘sharia,’ ‘takfir’ or ‘umma.'”
The report acknowledges that, “There is a disagreement among scholars, government officials, and activists about the right lexicon to use around the issues of violent extremism.”
Wild Thing's comment...........
Kissing the Muslim ass isn't working for Obama but he will keep trying until one of them sets off a bomb in a crowed theme or ball park.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:14 AM
May 26, 2016
Florida Atlantic University Prof Praises Cutting Off Hands As Part Of Sharia Law
Florida Atlantic University Prof Praises Cutting Off Hands As Part Of Sharia Law
On Tuesday on the campus of Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL, the university’s Muslim Student Association’s hosted a so-called Islamophobia panel discussion, which was attended by the United West.
FAU Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Associate Professor Bassem Al Halabi was included on the panel of these distinguished experts and he made the incredible statement about the case to be made for Sharia Law and it’s provisions of capital punishment, including the cutting off of hands.
‘“Where there is no Sharia, Islamic Sharia, they die in dozens and hundreds every day because of organized crime. People kill people, other people or steal pizza for $10 and so – so when Islamic Shariah is saying about capital punishment – so even though it sounds like it is severe but if that is the solution to prevent any crimes, then it still has a lot of rules and regulations. I will just mention one and stop here, which is let’s say cutting off the hands of a person if they steal. It sounds very severe. It sounds very barbaric, I know. But if takes one or two people to have their hands cut off, and then there’s no more stealing and there’s no more stealing in the whole nation – that’s a much better resolution than having hundreds of people die every day.”
Wild Thing's comment...........
They should arrest this horrible man. These people feel that raping little boys and girls is OK.
I miss the America of my youth.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM
May 20, 2016
Developer Finds ‘Sharia Compliant’ Financing To Build Condos, Islamic Museum At Site Of Failed ‘Ground Zero Mosque’
The developer of the failed Ground Zero Mosque has nailed down “Sharia-compliant financing” for a new, luxury condominium tower and Islamic cultural museum on the same site, he and his banking partners said Wednesday.
The $174 million dollar project features a three-story Islamic cultural museum at 51 Park Place and 48 high-end residential condos in a 43-story tower at 45 Park Place in the Financial District.
The “Sharia-compliant” financing means the deal complies with complex Islamic laws that govern lending and borrowing, including a prohibition against accepting interest or fees for loans.
Manhattan developer Sharif El-Gamal’s 2010 plan for a 15-story Islamic cultural center sparked protests from opponents who dubbed it the “Ground Zero Mosque,” although it was four blocks away.
He abandoned that plan in 2011 and there has been little apparent opposition to the smaller museum or the development itself.
The project now includes two multi-story penthouses on the top four floors along with a pool, gym and kids’ playroom.
The deal, finalized Tuesday, was funded by the London branch of Malayan Banking Berhad.
The project was designed by Michel Abboud of SOMA Architects, along with Ismael Leyva Architects, and will include a 2,821 square-foot public plaza, green space and a retail shop.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Islamic museum?
That cult has never created anything other than death and destruction.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM
May 09, 2016
Swedish Mother Invites Refugee Into Her Home Who Promptly Rapes Her 10 Year-Old Daughter
Swedish Mother Invites Refugee Into Her Home Who Promptly Rapes Her 10 Year-Old Daughter
A Swedish mother decided it would be a good idea to open up her home to a male refugee from Eritrea, and so she kicked her daughter out of her room to make space. That refugee then decided to sexually assault her 10-year-old daughter.
In the summer of 2015, a mother of three children in Sweden brought two third world asylum seekers into her home. To make space, she decided to move her daughter Emma into her own room.
On the eve of Aug. 18, 2015, Emma awoke to find Isaac squeezing her chest. She suffered breast pain after the incident and didn’t want to tell anyone, as she was afraid her mother would get in trouble. Emma couldn’t even look at Isaac because “he looked scary to her.”
The story came out after Emma finally told a friend of hers, and eventually after several people became aware of the situation, Isaac was confronted.
Emma’s brother says he’s never seen his sister so distraught. She cries often, even though according to her brother, she’s very strong.
Yet, despite what Isaac did, he’ll be able to stay in Sweden.
Cases like these have prompted a fall in support for taking in refugees in Sweden.
Wild Thing's comment.............
They could have prevented this, but they don't care to.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
April 27, 2016
STUPID Denver Christian School Drops Crusaders Mascot Because It May Be Offensive To Muslims
Denver Christian School Drops Crusaders Mascot Because It May Be Offensive To Muslims
DENVER – A Denver Christian school is changing its Crusaders mascot because some people think it’s offensive to Muslims.
“In our mission, in light of the command to love our neighbors as ourselves, the crusader was an inconsistent, inappropriate symbol for that mission,” Denver Christian Schools CEO Todd Lanting told KUSA.
After using the Crusaders mascot for 65 of the school’s 100 year history, officials in November began to solicit ideas for a new symbol, and have since narrowed it down to two possibilities: Thunder and Trailblazers.
The problem with the old name is that “a lot of people were concerned about the association with the crusades, a series of wars between Christians and Muslims,” according to the news site.
Lanting insists the change is not an effort to align with political correctness.
“It has nothing to do with political correctness,” he said. “It’s got everything to do with love and empathy for our neighbors.”
Wild Thing's comment.................
Well OK so when a Muslim wants to cut your head of or one of your loved ones I guess that will be OK too. We wouldn't want to bawl out the Muslim for being violent or killing a person, that just would not be polite.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
April 06, 2016
Experts: ISIS Building “Kill Lists’ of Americans Overseas
Experts: ISIS Building “Kill Lists’ of Americans Overseas
The Islamic State is using social media to identify Americans overseas who can be targeted outside of a secure location, experts warned a Senate panel Tuesday.
“One of the emerging tactics that ISIS in particular is trying to use is stalking and killing its foes, especially those who are affiliated with governments,” Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, during a Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee hearing. “Basically, taking them out of the government sphere, making them individuals who can be tracked.”
Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis., convened the hearing to discuss the threat of terrorism following the Brussels bombings last month. The panelists agreed that government personnel in Brussels and at various NATO facilities in Europe are at risk, but also noted the difficulty of providing adequate protection outside of government facilities.
“What some of the followers and adherents of ISIS have tried to do is expose military personnel and their family members with personal data, addresses, etc.,” said Juan Zarate, a former deputy national security adviser under President George W. Bush. “So there is a very real effort underway to at least threaten, if not put at risk, family members and personnel outside the bounds of classic security."
Wild Thing's comment............
I wonder if Obama is giving ISIS the names for their list.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
January 09, 2016
Obama Silent After Muslim Terrorist Attacks Police Officer In The Name Of Islam
Obama Silent After Muslim Terrorist Attacks Police Officer In The Name Of Islam
Wild Thing's comment...........
This is beyond horrible, the vile Muslim even said he was doing this for Islam so to deny it to ignore it is an outright LIE to not admit that is what the cause is.
Obama does not want to say anything because he is a Muslim. POS Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
January 08, 2016
Iraqi Refugee Arrested In Houston For Connections To ISIS
Iraqi Refugee Arrested In Houston For Connections To ISIS
Alleged terror threat busted in Houston
A man identified as an Iraqi refugee has been arrested in Houston as part of a federal investigation into connections with the Islamic State terrorist organization, officials confirmed Thursday.
In a statement late Thursday, the U.S. Department of Justice said Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan, 24, a Palestinian born in Iraq, has been charged with attempting to “provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), a designated foreign terrorist organization.”
The indictment, unsealed Thursday, also alleges that Al Hardan, an Iraqi refugee who lives in Houston and was granted permanent resident status in 2011, unlawfully attempted to become a U.S. citizen and lied to authorities about his connections to a “terrorist organization.”
Wild Thing's comment............
lied to authorities about his connections to a “terrorist organization.” so much fore vetting working.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM | Comments (1)
January 06, 2016
1000 Men Arab or North African appearance In Gangs Sexually Assaulted Women In Cologne, Germany On New Year’s Eve
The mayor of Cologne has summoned police for crisis talks after about 80 women reported sexual assaults and muggings by men on New Year’s Eve.
The scale of the attacks on women at the city’s central railway station has shocked Germany. About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved.
City police chief Wolfgang Albers called it “a completely new dimension of crime”. The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said.
Women were also targeted in Hamburg.
But the Cologne assaults – near the city’s iconic cathedral – were the most serious, German media report. At least one woman was raped, and many were groped.
Most of the crimes reported to police were robberies. A volunteer policewoman was among those sexually molested.
Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker said the attacks were "monstrous". "We cannot allow this to become a lawless area," she said, insisting that visitors could not come to the city fearing attack.
German Justice Minister Heiko Maas tweeted that "we won't tolerate these abhorrent assaults on women - all those responsible must be brought to justice".
One man described how his partner and 15-year-old daughter were surrounded by an enormous crowd outside the station and he was unable to help. "The attackers grabbed her and my partner's breasts and groped them between their legs."
A British woman visiting Cologne said fireworks had been thrown at her group by men who spoke neither German nor English. "They were trying to hug us, kiss us. One man stole my friend's bag," she told the BBC. "Another tried to get us into his 'private taxi'. I've been in scary and even life-threatening situations and I've never experienced anything like that."
Wild Thing's comment................
There are now more than one million combat aged "Refugees" through out Europe. I have been to these German cities and they were beautiful, this is so sad and never had to happen I wish they had said no to the refugees and I wish our country did too.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
January 05, 2016
Sweden Building A Wall, Copenhagen Closing Borders with Germany To Keep Migrants Out
Sweden Building A Wall, Copenhagen Closing Borders with Germany To Keep Migrants Out
Sweden launches its own 'Berlin Wall' with Denmark as it orders travellers to show ID for the first time in 50 years… while Copenhagen closes borders with Germany
The Swedish government has re-introduced identity checks and erected its own ‘Berlin Wall’ with Denmark in a desperate bid to ease refugee influx.
The checks, which will go into effect from midnight (2300GMT) on the Danish side of the Oresund bridge-and-tunnel link, will cause several delays and long queues for all people travelling via train, bus and ferry.
A temporary fence has already been erected at Copenhagen airport’s Kastrup station, where trains will be stopped for the mandatory controls, to prevent people from trying to slip across the tracks.
Another fence has been built between domestic and international train tracks at Hyllie train station in southern Malmo, Sweden. The station is the first stop after crossing the Oresund bridge.
Wild Thing's comment...............
It is very concerning when they start pouring in to our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
December 29, 2015
Muslim ACLU Official: “I Emphatically Refuse To Condemn Islamic Terrorism”
Muslim ACLU Official: “I Emphatically Refuse To Condemn Islamic Terrorism”
Rana Elmir, an American Muslim and deputy director of the ACLU of Michigan, says that she “emphatically” refuses to condemn jihadist terrorists “just because I’m Muslim.”
In her provocative article in Monday’s Washington Post, Elmir claims that she is often asked to condemn Islamic terrorism, to which she replies: “I emphatically refuse.”
She then goes on to compare the systematic slaughters wrought under the name of Islamic terrorism with “the terror advanced by mostly white men at the alarming rate of one mass killing every two weeks in this country.”
Elmir draws a parallel between the Islamic State and “Dylann Storm Roof’s attack on parishioners of a historic black church in South Carolina, Robert Dear’s attack on a Planned Parenthood facility, the murder of 20 children at Sandy Hook Elementary School,” and “the slaughter of moviegoers in Colorado or Louisiana.”
“I will not be bullied into condemning terror perpetrated by psychopaths who misrepresent and distort Islam for their deranged purposes,” she wrote.
Wild Thing's comment...........
A Muslim is a Muslim.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (2)
December 24, 2015
Germans Arming Themselves After Terrorist Attacks And Migrant Spike
Germans Arming Themselves After Terrorist Attacks And Migrant Spike
Germans are arming themselves with self defense weapons in the aftermath of recent terror attacks around the world and the influx of new migrants from the Middle East.
In reaction to increasing crime and an ever-present terror threat many German citizens have turned to weapons such as pepper spray, a report from the Gatestone Institute found.
“Germans, facing an influx of more than one million asylum seekers from Africa, Asia and the Middle East, are rushing to arm themselves,” the report said. “All across Germany, a country with some of the most stringent gun-control laws in Europe, demand is skyrocketing for non-lethal self-defense weapons, including pepper sprays, gas pistols, flare guns, electroshock weapons and animal repellents. Germans are also applying for weapons permits in record numbers.”
Wild Thing's comment................
Things to come in our own country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
December 18, 2015
New York pizza parlor owner admits to recruiting for ISIS
New York pizza parlor owner admits to recruiting for ISIS
The owner of a Rochester, N.Y., pizza parlor pleaded guilty on Thursday to trying to recruit people to join Islamic extremists in the Middle East.
The man, 31-year-old Mufid Elfgeeh, used the Internet to find potential supporters of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), send them propaganda and support their efforts to join the extremist group in Syria, officials alleged.
To spread his message, Elfgeeh used a combination of three Twitter accounts, 23 Facebook accounts and one WhatsApp account, which he used to seek out funding and support radical fighters, according to details in his plea agreement.
From late 2013 to early 2014, Elfgeeh. a naturalized U.S. citizen from Yemen, began communicating with two people who appeared willing to travel to Syria and join the jihadist fight.
Among other steps, Elfgeeh connected the two people with overseas contacts and bought them a laptop computer and a high-definition camera to use on their journey. He also gave one of the travelers $1,000 in cash to buy two handguns, and paid money so that one of the two people could obtain a copy of his birth certificate.
Unbeknownst to Elfgeeh, both people were cooperating with the FBI.
In other cases, Elfgeeh sent $600 to someone in Yemen to help them get into Syria, and communicated with different groups of fighters in Syria to get them to join ISIS.
“Thanks to today’s convictions, one of the first ISIL recruiters ever captured in this country stands convicted of terrorism related charges,” U.S. attorney William Hochul said in a statement, using an alternate acronym for ISIS. “While our case against this defendant will conclude with a very long jail sentence, our ongoing efforts to defeat ISIL and other terrorist groups will continue until all are brought to justice.”
He was arrested in May of 2014, after retrieving the two handguns purchased with his $1,000.
Under the terms of Elfgeeh’s plea agreement, prosecutors recommended that he be sentenced to more than 22 years in prison.
Wild Thing's comment..............
One of Obama's friends?? Might as well be for as much as the Muslim Obama does to fight terrorists,
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM
December 17, 2015
Two ISIS Fighters Captured in Austria Posing as ‘REFUGEES’
Two ISIS Fighters Captured in Austria Posing as ‘REFUGEES’
Two suspected Isis militants believed to have links to the Paris attacks have been found posing as refugees in Austria.
The two men were found in a transit camp for asylum seekers in Salzburg at the weekend, reportedly carrying fake Syrian passports after traveling from territory held by the so-called Islamic State.
Austria’s Kronen Zeitung reported that the suspects are French, with Algerian or Pakistani heritage, and were awaiting orders for further terror attacks.
They are believed to have entered Europe via Greece and traveled along the Western Balkan route used by hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing conflict in the Middle East and Africa.
Wild Thing's comment.............
The refugee thing is a nightmare in every country they go to .
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
December 09, 2015
Norway Offers Refugees Free Flights, Thousands Of Dollars To LEAVE The Country
Norway Offers Refugees Free Flights, Thousands Of Dollars To LEAVE The Country
Norway is offering asylum seekers thousands of dollars to leave the country as the global refugee crisis intensifies, and hundreds of people have taken the government up on its offer, The Local reports.
A family with two children is eligible for up to $9,300 dollars – and free flights home, the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration told the media outlet. More than 900 people reportedly have accepted.
“[Refugees] thought that when they came to Norway they would get protection rather quickly,” the head of The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration’s return unit told local broadcaster NRK, The Local adds.
Instead, applications for family reunification can often take years, and an increasing number of refugees fleeing conflict in the Middle East and Africa don’t want to wait.
“Earlier this year, the number [of applications] was an average of 100 per month. In October, there were 150 and in November there were 230 applications,” the International Organization for Migration spokesman Joost van der Aalst told NRK, The Local reports.
Wild Thing's comment............
Do. Not. Come. To. America.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
December 07, 2015
Marco Rubio Responds To Obama's Address
Marco Rubio Responds To Obama's Address
Wild Thing's comment.................
I really liked what Marco said.
Krauthammer: "Rubio gave the presidential speech."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 06, 2015
Marco Rubio Discusses Terrorism With Jeanine Pirro
Marco Rubio Discusses Terrorism With Jeanine Pirro
Wild Thing's comment...............
I agree there is no way to tell which one of the refugees are possible terrorists.
We need people in leadership that want to keep us safe and not attacking gun owners like Obama constantly does.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
December 05, 2015
Awesome Former Congressman DARES Loretta Lynch to Prosecute Him in Scathing Rant
Former Congressman DARES Loretta Lynch to Prosecute Him in Scathing Rant
VIDEO AT LINK..... Former Congressman DARES Loretta Lynch to Prosecute Him in Scathing Rant
The day after the horrific terrorist San Bernardino shooting spree, Attorney General Loretta Lynch pledged to a group of Muslim activists that she would take aggressive action against anyone who used “anti-Muslim rhetoric” that “edges toward violence.”
Joe Walsh, former Congressman from Illinois, didn’t back down from the Attorney General’s threat. In fact, Walsh has released a statement to Hypeline News directly challenging Lynch:
What the hell does that mean? I have a 1st Amendment right, Ms Lynch, to say whatever I want about Muslims.
You want to try and prosecute me for what I say? I dare you. Here goes:
Most Muslims around the world are terrorists, support terrorism, and/or support Sharia Law. They are our enemy. I don’t want them in America. Any Muslim that won’t assimilate should get the hell out of America. Any Muslim that is a terrorist or supports terrorism should be killed. If “Moderate” Muslims don’t speak out against terrorism, they are our enemy and we should call them out and kick them out of this country. I hope there is a backlash against Muslims because Islam, as practiced by most Muslims, is not a religion of peace, and all of us who do live in peace should do whatever we can to defeat Islam.
There Ms Lynch. As an American, I have a right to say everything I just did. And I will continue to speak the truth about Islam in the hopes that others will wake up to this truth and do what we can to defeat this evil in our midst.
Is that “anti-Muslim rhetoric” that “edges toward violence.” Go ahead and prosecute me. I dare you.
Joe Walsh was elected to the United States Congress in 2010 where he openly refused his Congressional health benefits and pensions, slept in his office, limited himself to no more than three terms in office, and held more town hall meetings than any member of Congress.
Wild Thing's comment..................
God bless Joe Walsh.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:26 PM | Comments (3)
December 03, 2015
Police: Suspects identified in San Bernardino shooting - MUSLIM terrorists
Police: Suspects identified in San Bernardino shooting
Wild Thing's comment.............
Muslims contribution to America. Death!
Praying for the loved ones of the victims, this is very sad.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM
December 02, 2015
Paris Police Order Jews Not To Do Public Hanukah Lighting Because Fear Of Terrorism
Paris Police Order Jews Not To Do Public Hanukah Lighting Because Fear Of Terrorism
Miri Michaeli, Europe correspondent for Israel’s Channel 10 news, tweets a troubling report from Paris.
The tweet reads, in Hebrew: “Chabad: Paris police order [us] to cancel most of our public [Hanukkah] candlelighting in the city, in light of the terror attack and the fear of additional attacks. Efforts [are underway] to approve a candlelighting at the foot of the Eiffel [Tower].”
Wild Thing's comment......................
Absolutely shameful. After hundreds die in a terrorist attack by these animals, the French want to bow to them? Shameful. Cowardly. Absolutely unreal.
Beef up security and give a warning to display at their own risk but I would not tell them not to . The terrorists will take this as a huge win.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
November 22, 2015
Scottish journalist Andrew Neil ‘Islamist SCUMBAGS, you will be as DUST in a thousand years!’
Scottish journalist Andrew Neil ‘Islamist SCUMBAGS, you will be as DUST in a thousand years!’
Scottish journalist Andrew Neil gave a pretty sweet denunciation of ISIS after the terrible attack on Paris that took 130 lives.
Neil compares the two cultures to show that terrorist can kill Parisians, but their culture will remain long after ISIS is crushed.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I like the way he did this take down.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
November 20, 2015
Pew Poll: 63 Million Muslims Support ISIS in Eleven Countries
Pew Poll: 63 Million Muslims Support ISIS in Eleven Countries
A new Pew Poll released this week found that 63 million Muslims support the Islamic State in the eleven Muslim countries polled.
The American Thinker Diagram at this link.
A new poll by the Pew Research Center reveals significant levels of support for ISIS within the Muslim world. In 11 representative nation-states, up to 14 percent of the population has a favorable opinion of ISIS, and upwards of 62 percent “don’t know” whether or not they have a favorable opinion of the Islamist group.
In Pakistan, a nuclear weapons state, only 28 percent of the public view ISIS unfavorably. By this overwhelming degree of either tacit support or tolerance for ISIS in the country, ISIS should be considered as a potential proxy nuclear weapons power via its linkages and support within Pakistan.
When broken down by ethnicity and religion, the results are equally troubling. In Israel, 4 percent of its Arab population – which equates to more than 66,000 individuals – have a favorable view of ISIS…
… For these 11 nation-states alone, the favorability ratings for ISIS reported by the Pew poll are indicative of at least 63 million ISIS supporters – and potentially upwards of 287 million if the undecided are included in the calculation.
Wild Thing's comment................
hey dance in the streets every time they manage to slaughter us, whether in world trade towers attacks or gunning diners down while eating a Friday evening meal.
They hate us, and there are no ways to change them from their barbaric Stone Age ways.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
ISIS Working To Produce Chemical Weapons
ISIS Working To Produce Chemical Weapons
BAGHDAD (AP) — The Islamic State group is aggressively pursuing development of chemical weapons, setting up a branch dedicated to research and experiments with the help of scientists from Iraq, Syria and elsewhere in the region, according to Iraqi and U.S. intelligence officials.
Their quest raises an alarming scenario for the West, given the determination to strike major cities that the group showed with its bloody attack last week in Paris. U.S. intelligence officials don’t believe IS has the capability to develop sophisticated weapons like nerve gas that are most suited for a terrorist attack on a civilian target. So far the group has used mustard gas on the battlefield in Iraq and Syria.
Still, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Thursday warned that Islamic extremists might at some point use chemical or biological weapons.
“Terrorism hit France not because of what it is doing in Iraq and Syria … but for what it is,” Valls told the lower house of Parliament. “We know that there could also be a risk of chemical or biological weapons,” he added, though he did not talk of a specific threat.
Wild Thing's comment.............
This kind of thing scares me more then their guns, because it could be in the air we breath.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
November 14, 2015
Ohio Man Arrested On Terrorism Charges, Accused Of Soliciting Killing Of U.S. Military For ISIS
Ohio Man Arrested On Terrorism Charges, Accused Of Soliciting Killing Of U.S. Military For ISIS
AKRON, Ohio — The FBI arrested an Akron man on a terrorism-related charge Thursday, accusing him of soliciting the killing of members of the military in the name of an Islamic extremist group.
Terrence McNeil, 25, is charged with one count of solicitation of a crime of violence. He appeared Thursday in federal court, shackled and dressed in a white T-shirt and blue gym shorts.
Magistrate Judge Kathleen Burke signed the warrant for McNeil’s arrest on Wednesday. The FBI arrested McNeil the following morning at his apartment on Eastgay Drive.
In a criminal complaint, agents say McNeil has expressed his support for the Islamic State, a terrorist group also known as ISIS or ISIL. In supporting ISIS, McNeil posted a file online that contained the names and addresses of people believed to be the members of the military, the complaint states. Included in the file is a message encouraging people to kill those people.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Good work FBI.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
November 09, 2015
Patriotic Germans in the Hundreds Joined by Several Czech activists Form Human Chain to Protect Border From Migrant Invasion
Germans in the Hundreds Joined by Several Czech activists Form Human Chain to Protect Border From Migrant Invasion
Hundreds of Germans formed a human chain at the Czech border on Sunday.
Several Czech activists joined the Germans at the border.
The protest was organized by the anti-Islami PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West) activists.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Good for those people protesting and trying to do something against the refugees.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
November 04, 2015
Congress Moving To Name The Muslim Brotherhood A Terrorist Group
Congress Moving To Name The Muslim Brotherhood A Terrorist Group
Lawmakers in both houses of Congress filed legislation on Tuesday that would formally designate the Muslim Brotherhood a sanctioned terrorist organization, according to an advance copy of the legislation obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
The legislation outlines the Brotherhood’s long history of sponsoring terrorism and outlines congressional support for it to be designated a global terrorist outfit. The bill also would force Secretary of State John Kerry to explain why the Obama administration has been hesitant to label the Brotherhood a terrorist group.
This time around, Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) is heading the legislation in the Senate, while Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R., Fla.) is handling the House version of the bill, sources said.
“We have to stop pretending that the Brotherhood are not responsible for the terrorism they advocate and finance,” Cruz told the Free Beacon. “We have to see it for what it is: a key international organization dedicated to waging violent jihad. Since the Obama administration refuses to utter the words'”radical Islamic terrorism,’ and Congress owes it to the American people to tell them the truth about this threat.”
The bill also helps combat the notion that Brotherhood is a peaceful political group, Cruz said.
“This bill puts the lie to the notion that the Muslim Brotherhood is a peaceful political organization that can be a legitimate partner for America,” the lawmaker said. “In 2008 the Justice Department successfully prosecuted the largest terrorism-financing trial in American history arguing that the Muslim Brotherhood directed U.S. affiliates such as the Holy Land Foundation to provide ‘media, money and men’ to Hamas. That support was used for terrorist attacks against Americans and our allies in the Middle East. When they are capable they will try to do the same thing here.”
The bill, which includes a lengthy history of the Brotherhood’s links to radical terrorist leaders and violent incidents, concludes that “the Muslim Brotherhood meets the criteria for designation as a foreign terrorist organization.”
It would require the State Department and other agencies to determine whether the Brotherhood officially meets the requirements to be designated under U.S. law as a terrorist organization.
However, “if the Secretary of State determines that the Muslim Brotherhood does not meet the criteria,” it must submit to Congress “a detailed justification as to which criteria have not been met,” according to the bill.
Wild Thing's comment...................
I doubt Obama will allow this, they are Obama's friends, they will feel uncomfortable on their many visits to the White House.
BUT if they do pull this off it would be the way it should be , it IS a head of the terrorists groups and I say Bravo, and get all those bastards out of the US, Including the government (WH)
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
October 27, 2015
Migrants In Germany Pushing Hospitals To Breaking Point, Exotic Diseases Once Wiped Out Returning
Migrants In Germany Pushing Hospitals To Breaking Point, Exotic Diseases Once Wiped Out Returning
Britain next? Doctor's outrage at 'refugees pushing German hospitals to breaking point'
A DOCTOR working in German hospitals has revealed the horrifying chaos which could face the NHS if thousands of migrants from the Middle East manage to reach Britain.
The female anaesthetist said the German health service has been completely overwhelmed by the influx of Muslim asylum-seekers who are REFUSING to be treated by female medics.
In a furious outburst the experienced doctor said hospitals simply cannot cope because so many of the migrants require treatments for diseases long since eradicated in Europe.
She also shockingly claimed migrant parents are abandoning their children at pharmacies across the country after being told that they have to pay a prescription charge for lifesaving drugs.
She also claimed huge numbers of the asylum-seekers have Victorian diseases including TB, which they risk passing on to locals.
Many Muslims are refusing treatment by female staff. Relations between the staff and migrants are going from bad to worse.
"Since last weekend, migrants going to the hospitals must be accompanied by police with K-9 units.
"Many migrants have AIDS, syphilis, open TB and many exotic diseases that we, in Europe, do not know how to treat them.
"If they receive a prescription in the pharmacy, they learn they have to pay cash.
"This leads to unbelievable outbursts, especially when it is about drugs for the children.
"They abandon the children with pharmacy staff with the words: 'So, cure them here yourselves!' So the police are not just guarding the clinics and hospitals, but also large pharmacies."
Wild Thing's comment..............
Scary, this will all be coming to our country as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
October 21, 2015
WATCH An ARMY Of Young Muslim Males MARCH Through Tiny Slovenia On Their Way To Germany!
WATCH An ARMY Of Young Muslim Males MARCH Through Tiny Slovenia On Their Way To Germany!
The Muslim invasion of Europe continues after Germany threw open its arms and welcomed in whatever “Syrian refugees” could illegally make their way up there.
Here’s a video from the tiny country of Slovenia, where the migrants are being pushed through after Hungary closed its borders.
The United Nations has already confirmed – they’re mostly male with very few women and very few children:
Between 1,500 and 2,500 migrants will spend Tuesday night at the Berkasovo-Bapska border crossing between Serbia and Croatia, some of them sleeping on the ground covered with blankets, the U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) said.
Slovenia meanwhile is to ask the European Union to send additional police forces to its border with Croatia to help it deal with thousands of migrants streaming into the tiny country on their way to Austria and beyond.
Attempts by Slovenia to stem the flow of migrants since Hungary sealed its border with Croatia on Friday have triggered a knock-on effect through the Balkans, with thousands held up at border crossings.
About 19,500 migrants have entered Slovenia since Friday, the Interior Ministry said, creating bottlenecks as migrants attempted to find new routes through the region.
Slovenian authorities said some 6,000 migrants will stay in Slovenia but all of them will be sheltered in refugee camps.
At least 12,100 migrants were currently in Serbia, the prime minister said on Tuesday.
About 6,000 migrants had entered Austria from Slovenia on Tuesday, a police spokesman in Styria province said. About 3,000 had arrived on Monday.
“We need fast assistance of the European Union,” Slovenian President Borut Pahor told a news conference in Brussels after meeting European Council President Donald Tusk and EU chief executive Jean-Claude Juncker.
“Slovenia will formally ask for additional police forces to guard the border between Slovenia and Croatia and for financial help,” he said.
In the last two days, the former Yugoslav republic has deployed 140 soldiers to the border to assist the police, Interior Secretary of State Bostjan Sefic told reporters.
And Canada voted for some pot-smoking liberal to be their Prime Minister, we’re gonna have 25,000 Syrian refugees literally airlifted to our northern border within the next two months!!
Wild Thing's comment........
This should outrage every American.
Prayers for our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
October 16, 2015
‘Refugees’ sue Germany for not paying welfare fast enough
‘Refugees’ sue Germany for not paying welfare fast enough
Merkel blasted for promise to grant automatic citizenship
A GROUP of asylum seekers are SUING Germany for not allowing them to register asylum quick enough so they can access benefits, throwing the Government’s goodwill back in their faces.
Around 20 Syrian migrants have filed a case against the Berlin state government demanding immediate access to shelter and benefits after waiting for more than a week to be registered by the authorities.
It comes as serious splits emerged in Angela Merkel’s government over how to divide economic migrants from genuine refugees fleeing war-torn countries.
Hundreds of asylum seekers are still waiting to be registered due to huge backlogs at the city’s main refugee center.
Huge crowds gather outside every day and many claim they have been waiting for weeks.
Until their papers are processed by the State Office for Health and Social Affairs, the refugees have no access to Government refugee shelters or benefits.
Wild Thing's comment.............
This will probably happen here as well next year when they start arriving. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
October 12, 2015
Muslim Migrants Increase Crime in Germany by 65%
Muslim Migrants Increase Crime in Germany by 65%
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the huge number of Muslim migrants flooding Europe and Germany represent an "opportunity". Here's what that opportunity looks like now. It's an opportunity for No Go Zones. For suicide bombings. For organized crime, constant riots and entire neighborhoods and then cities ruled by Muslim gangs that swiftly evolve into militias just like they do in the Middle East.
A mass brawl occurred between refugees from Afghanistan and Albania. Some 60 refugees went after one another in the camp in the Wilhelmsburg district on Tuesday evening. Some were armed with iron bars, also witnesses had testified that a refugee had a firearm, a police spokesman said.
In Lower Saxony in Braunschweig there was also an altercation between 300 to 400 refugees between Algerians and Syrians from a dispute over stolen goods.
In the brawl in Hamburg five refugees were injured, one got a wound in his arm and had to be hospitalized. Whether they were stabbed, was initially unclear. The police had deployed a large contingent on site to separate the warring Afghans and Albanians, said the spokesman. 30 police cars were in use.
After police managed to stop the fight, a tent was set on fire. Two people were poisoned by smoke. It was unclear whether there was a link between the arson and the fight. According to the police spokesman, the odor of drugs was detected.
According to statistics from the Federal Criminal Police vedomstva Germany the number of offenses committed by asylum seekers has increased dramatically. Given the large number of immigrants, it is not surprising. In 2013 it was registered 32 495 crimes, and in 2014 - already 53 890. A particularly sharp increase in thefts (from 9421 to 16066) attacks with bodily injury (from 5172 to 8994)
Wild Thing's comment...........
And there's MORE COMING ! And they are coming here as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
October 10, 2015
Hungarian Prime Minister says Syrian migrants look MORE LIKE AN ARMY than refugees!
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban says Syrian migrants look MORE LIKE AN ARMY than refugees!
Hungary is being overrun by Syrian refugees rushing into Europe from the Middle East, and their Prime Minister is one of the few European politicians who is honest enough to say what we’re all noticing – they look more like an army than refugees.
Hungary’s prime minister says the refugees and migrants arriving in Europe are mostly young men who “look more like an army than asylum seekers.”
Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Friday on state radio that while he did not reject the right of any country to try to solve its demographic problems “with young men from the Arab world who look like warriors,” it was unacceptable “to have this forced upon Hungary.”
Orban, who is advocating for global quotas for receiving migrants, says it is unfair for countries like the United States, the rich Arab states, Israel and Australia to expect Europe to take in the migrants while accepting few or none themselves.
He said that if Europe tried to solve the migration crisis and other global problems on its own, “we will crush the lifestyle … values and strengths we have developed in the past several hundreds of years.”
Wild Thing's comment...........
They look like an army because they are an army.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
September 28, 2015
Germany in state of SIEGE with floodgates open to refugees
Germany in state of SIEGE with floodgates open to refugees
Now, with gangs of men roaming the streets and young German women being told to cover up, the mood's changing
Thousands of economic migrants are posing as refugees to reach Europe
David Cameron said this week that Europe must send failed asylum claimants back to their countries
Demands for Germany's 'open doors and windows' policy to be scrapped
Women said rape and child abuse were rife in Giessen's refugee camp
This week, David Cameron said Europe must send failed asylum claimants back to their own countries, while European Council president Donald Tusk has warned that millions more migrants are on their way and ‘the policy of open doors and windows’ must be scrapped.
They are tough words, but it’s action that is needed. As Jens Spahn, a deputy finance minister in Chancellor Merkel’s government, said this week: ‘Not everyone can stay in Germany, or in Europe. If people are coming for poverty reasons... we have to send them back.’
Mrs Merkel’s offer last month to accept all refugees from war-ravaged Syria opened the floodgates. More than a million migrants are expected this year alone, the bulk of them far from genuine asylum seekers. There is now deepening disquiet in this Christian country, dotted with churches, that it is being overwhelmed by people of a different religion and culture.
Yesterday, the Mail reported how social workers and women’s groups in Giessen wrote a letter to the local state parliament claiming that rape and child abuse were rife in the refugee camp. The allegations were corroborated by Atif over his curry. ‘The camp is dangerous,’ he agreed. ‘Men of different nationalities fight and women are attacked.’
The letter says the camp, far from being a peaceful haven for those fleeing war, is a dangerous melting-pot, where there have been ‘numerous rapes and sexual assaults, and forced prostitution’.
There are even reports of children being raped and subjected to sexual assault, it adds.
‘Many women have felt the need to sleep in their clothes... they won’t go to the toilet at night because rapes and assaults have taken place on their way to, or from, there. Even in daylight, a walk through the camp is fraught with fear.’
Wild Thing's comment.............
We should all be very concerned about this since Obama and Kerry are determined to flood our country with refugees as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
September 27, 2015
German Nurse Forced Out Of Her Apartment Building After Government Takes It To House Refugees
German Nurse Forced Out Of Her Apartment Building After Government Takes It To House Refugees
Having lived in the same flat for 16 years, a German woman is being forced to move out to make way for refugees, because building a new shelter is too expensive. The 51 year-old nurse, who has helped asylum seekers in the past, was shocked by the news.
Bettina Halbey, who lives alone in the small town of Nieheim, received a letter from her landlord and the local municipality at the start of September, Die Welt newspaper reported on Thursday.
“I was completely shocked and I can’t even begin to find the words to describe how the city has treated me,” Halbey told the German publication. “I have had to go through a lot of difficulties recently, and then I get this notice. It was like a kick in the teeth.”
Wild Thing's comment..............
Why do these countries, including ours, treat these interlopers better than their own citizens?
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:30 PM
September 25, 2015
Muslims Warn NJ School Board: 'We're Going to Be the Majority Soon'
Muslims Warn NJ School Board: 'We're Going to Be the Majority Soon'
Things got heated at a Board of Education meeting last week in Jersey City after officials decided not to close schools for the Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha.
Despite a number of Muslims showing up to the meeting to advocate that the school changes its schedule, officials denied their pleas, arguing that doing so on such short notice would cause “undue hardship” for the upwards of 10,000 parents who may not have a place to put their children for the day.
Some Muslims were so angry over the decision that one official called on security to “take charge” of the situation. According to video footage, at least one person was seen being escorted from the meeting.
“We feel alienated from the Board of Education, we feel alienated from this system,” Omar Abouelkhair told WNBC-TV.
“We’re going to be the majority soon,” warned another.
But it's not as though the school board was totally unaccommodating--Muslim students would still be allowed to take the day off as an excused religious absence. It's seems that wasn't enough for these students and parents, however.
The uproar that took place at the local Board of Education meeting comes as a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies shows that based on census data, Muslims are the fastest growing bloc of immigrants in America.
Wild Thing's comment..............
This is concerning, especially since Obama and Kerry are saying OK to thousands of the refugees.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (1)
September 23, 2015
A top Iman has told Muslims to use the migrant crisis to breed with citizens and ‘conquer their countries’
Sheikh Muhammad Ayed gave the speech at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem claiming Europe was only welcoming refugees as a new source of labour.
He said Europe was facing a demographic disaster and urged Muslims to have children with westerners so they could ‘trample them underfoot, Allah willing.’
Imam tells Muslim migrants to 'breed children' with Europeans to 'conquer their countries' and vows: 'We will trample them underfoot, Allah willing'
- Sheikh Muhammad Ayed gave the speech at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem
- He said Americans, Italians, Germans and French forced to take refugees
Wild Thing's comment..............
This is what the mass influx of muzzies has been about. They aren't even hiding it a this point.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
September 22, 2015
Ben Carson: Candidate Should Be Sworn In On Stack Of Bibles, Not A Koran
Ben Carson: Candidate Should Be Sworn In On Stack Of Bibles, Not A Koran
Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson is standing by his view that a Muslim should not be president of the United States, telling The Hill in an interview on Sunday that whoever takes the White House should be “sworn in on a stack of Bibles, not a Koran.”
Carson ignited a media firestorm in a Sunday morning interview with Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press,” in which he said he “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation.”
“I absolutely would not agree with that,” Carson said.
In an interview with The Hill, Carson opened up about why he believes a Muslim would be unfit to serve as commander in chief.
“I do not believe Sharia is consistent with the Constitution of this country,” Carson said, referencing the Islamic law derived from the Koran and traditions of Islam. “Muslims feel that their religion is very much a part of your public life and what you do as a public official, and that’s inconsistent with our principles and our Constitution.”
Carson said that the only exception he’d make would be if the Muslim running for office “publicly rejected all the tenets of Sharia and lived a life consistent with that.”
“Then I wouldn’t have any problem,” he said.
However, on several occasions Carson mentioned “Taqiyya,” a practice in the Shia Islam denomination in which a Muslim can mislead nonbelievers about the nature of their faith to avoid religious persecution.
Wild Thing's comment............
Good for Ben I am glad someone had the guts to say what needed to be said. We already have a Muslim in the WH and sure as heck do not want another one especially one that is full blown out of the closet Muslim. Prayer rug in the oval office??????? I think not! Islam, their sharia laws are not in agreement with our Constitution, not even a little.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
September 20, 2015
Muslims in Germany Demand End to “Un-Islamic” Oktoberfest
Muslims in Germany Demand End to “Un-Islamic” Oktoberfest
Munich began holding Oktoberfest in 1810.
Dear City council of Munich,
I am writing this letter to bring to your attention something that I
and many Muslims believe is unfair and requires attention. I would like to inform you that the Oktoberfest is an Intolerant and Anti-Islamic event. We tried to ignore the event, but there too many Un-Islamic acts done at the Oktoberfest. Such as alcohol consumption, public nudity etc.
We understand that the Oktoberfest is a yearly German tradition, but we, Muslims, can not tolerate this Un-Islamic event, because it offends us and all Muslims on the earth. We are requesting the immediate cancellation of the upcoming Oktoberfest event.
We also believe that the Oktoberfest might also offend all the Muslim refugees coming from Syria, Iraq,
Afghanistan. The cancellation of the Oktoberfest event will help refugees not to forget their Islamic history. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Morad Almuradi
Wild Thing's comment.........
Tell the Muslims to go jump in a lake.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:25 AM | Comments (1)
September 14, 2015
Michigan Crowd Cheers When City Council Denies Muslims A Building Permit For A Third Mosque
Michigan Crowd Cheers When City Council Denies Muslims A Building Permit For A Third Mosque
A crowd of people cheered tonight when the Sterling Heights, Michigan, planning commission voted 9-0 not to allow the building of a proposed mosque (videos below).
People outside the Sterling Heights City Hall yelled, “No more mosque!” and “God bless America!”
The 20,500 square-foot Islamic house of worship would have been in a residential area, which opponents claimed would cause too much traffic and could be linked to Islamic extremism, notes WXYZ.
Mosque leaders reportedly offered to downsize the building, but to no avail.
“I think it is more about ignorance,” Imam Mohammad Ali Elah, of the Islamic House of Wisdom, told FOX 2. “To be honest with you.”[…]
Sterling Heights Mayor Michael C. Taylor said in a statement:
Sterling Heights has a solid reputation for inclusiveness and tolerance reflected in a wide variety of places of worship across the City, including a Sikh Temple, a Buddhist Temple and two existing Mosques.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I would like to see all the mosques gone.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
September 12, 2015
Muslim Man In U.K Goes Berserk After Woman Puts Her Feet Up On Seat Across From Her
Muslim Man In U.K Goes Berserk After Woman Puts Her Feet Up On Seat Across From Her
Wild Thing's comment...........
Coming to America thanks to Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:20 AM | Comments (2)
August 26, 2015
At Least 800 Islamic Extremists Ready To Launch Attacks In Europe
- Jihadis poised for order from ISIS and Al Qaeda to strike on the Continent
- Source: 'They are not well trained, but they are prepared to do anything'
-Around 350 Britons have also returned, with some planning attacks in UK
- High-speed train terrorist is believed to be an 'Islamist returner' from Syria
Around 800 jihadists have returned to Europe to launch attacks after being trained by extremists in Iraq and Syria, intelligence services have warned.
Counter-terrorism officers said the fanatics had been recruited by the Islamic State or Al Qaeda-linked groups and were waiting for the order to strike on the Continent.
Around half of the 700 Britons who have traveled to fight in the Middle East have also returned, with some believed to be planning attacks in the UK.
Wild Thing's comment...........
The way Obama has been bringing Muslims to our country it might even be the same here in America.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
May 04, 2015
Muslim Imam in Tennessee Preaches “Jews & Christians are Filthy, Their Lives & Property can be Taken in Jihad by Muslims” in America
Muslim Imam in Tennessee PREACHES “Jews & Christians are Filthy, Their Lives & Property can be Taken in Jihad by Muslims” in America
Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi, a Memphis Imam based in Tennessee, preaches openly about what Islam truly is. He makes no bones about thinking that anyone other than a Muslim doesn’t deserve anything and are less than Muslims. In fact, part of Yasir Qadhi’s preaching includes rhetoric that says non-Muslims lives are forfeit and their property is legal for Muslims to take in jihad, (and this would include women as sex slaves) Recently Yasir Qadhi said that “Jews and Christians filthy, their lives and property can be taken in jihad by the Muslims.”
Yasir Qadhi is not only a Memphil Imam, but is is also the Dean of Academic Affairs at the Al-Maghrib Institute. He is a hafiz (has memorized the Qur’an) and he has an M.A. in the Islamic Creed and a B.A. in Islamic Sciences from Islamic University of Medina, as well as a master’s and a doctorate in Islamic Studies from Yale. During a lecture on Shirk, or polytheism, Yasir Qadhi said that Jews and Christians are mushrikoon, or polytheists, because they have made partners with Allah. From Yasir Qadhi’s perspective, only Muslims are monotheists.
He also claims that it is the responsibility of every single human being to bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and him alone. Now pay attention here. Yasir Qadhi now will tell you what the result and command that stems from this twisted principle.
“And it is because of this same principle of monotheism that the prophet has been commanded to do jihad.”
OK, now we’re getting somewhere. Did all of you alleged “moderate” Muslims out there get that? Of course, you did. You know this. You know jihad is not just some internal struggle. It isn’t about losing weight or getting in shape or some personal goal to be obtained. It is a holy war to advance the caliphate, the Islamic State. While “jihad is not the goal”, Qadhi says, “it is the means. It is a means to establish monotheism on the land,”. Let me translate that for any who are still skeptical and buying into the lie that Islam is peaceful. Jihad is a means, a violent means, to an end, or goal, where Islam dominates the United States.
Wild Thing's comment............
I hope he is on a list to be watched, this man is dangerous. Obama probably likes this jerk.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
April 27, 2015
In Miami a Muslim Assistant Chief of Police Refuses To Salute U.S. Flag
Muslim Assistant Chief of Police Refuses To Salute U.S. Flag
Fraternal Order of Police President Javier Ortiz was in the front row at a promotional event last week at Miami Police College to film Najiy, a 32-year-veteran of the agency, during the pledge. As other members placed their hands over their hearts, Najiy kept her arms by her sides.
In doing so, Ortiz says, she failed to exhibit courtesy and etiquette that “must be exercised when wearing a law enforcement uniform.”
“If you’re not pledging allegiance to the United States, my question is what country are you pledging allegiance to?” Ortiz says. “Anyone who isn’t offended by that is not American, because when you become a U.S. citizen, you pledge allegiance to the .US.”
Yesterday evening, Ortiz sent a letter to Chief Rodolfo Llanes outlining the event. He also suggested appropriate discipline, including Najiy’s removal from a commander position.
Wild Thing's comment.........
If this person cannot salute our Flag then how can she be trusted to obey and have others follower our laws of our land.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
March 07, 2015
Islamic Tribunal In Irving,Texas Follows Sharia Law
Islamic Tribunal In Texas Follows Sharia Law
Wild Thing's comment.............
Very concerning to see any part of Sharia Law in our country. I would guess this might be happening in other States as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
February 19, 2015
ISIS shows off its power and parades its stolen American-made vehicles through Benghazi in Libya
ISIS shows off its power and parades its stolen American-made vehicles through Benghazi in Libya
The images are striking. As happens in Iraqi or Syrian territories in which the Islamic State (ISIS) has imposed its law to force beheadings in Benghazi and Sirte, two of the most important towns Libya, its local subsidiary has achieved the same.
Ansar al Sharia (soldier Sharia) produced this propaganda video with a parade of early February 2015, boasting of its luxury equipment-not known whether purchased or stolen from other forces against men, women and children greet their path as if they were heroes.
Images taken with drones, late model SUVs, regular police lights and classic black flags that identify the adherents to the caliphate complete some shots where the domain is established jihadists in this region.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Their propaganda machine is growing right along with the numbers joining their terrorism. And what does America have??? We have Barack Hussein Obama a Muslim and pro terrorist as CIC and keeping our troops with so many insane R.O.E. that they are being killed with IMO Obama wants to happen.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
February 17, 2015
Egypt Calls For International Intervention In Libya Against ISIS, Italy Says It Is Prepared To Lead
Egypt Calls For International Intervention In Libya Against ISIS, Italy Says It Is Prepared To Lead
CAIRO (AP) — Egyptian warplanes struck Islamic State targets in Libya on Monday in swift retribution for the extremists’ beheading of a group of Egyptian Christian hostages on a beach, shown in a grisly online video released hours earlier.
At the same time, Egypt called for international intervention in Libya against the Islamic State group. Loyalists of the Syria and Iraq-based group have risen to dominate several cities in the chaos-riven North African nation.
Italy, just across the Mediterranean Sea, says it is prepared to lead international action in Libya.
After the release of the beheading video Sunday night, the tiny Christian-majority home village of more than half of the 21 Egyptians believed killed by the extremists was gutted by grief. Inside the village church, relatives wept and shouted the names of the dead in shock.
“What will be a relief to me is to take a hold of his murderer, tear him apart, eat up his flesh and liver,” said Bushra Fawzi in el-Aour village, as he wept over the loss of his 22-year-old son Shenouda. “I want his body back. If they dumped it in the sea, I want it back. If they set fire to it, I want its dust.”
The 21 — mainly young men from impoverished families — had travelled to Libya for work and were kidnapped in two groups in December and January from the coastal city of Sirte. In the video, the group is marched onto what is purported to be a Libyan beach before masked militants with knives carve off the head of each. The killing of at least a dozen of them is clearly visible, though it was not clear from the video whether all 21 hostages were killed.
Wild Thing's comment.......
And Obama will be sending in the singer James Taylor.. to entertain ISIS.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
February 16, 2015
Egypt says it bombed ISIS targets in Libya after killings of Christians
Egypt says it bombed ISIS targets in Libya after killings of Christians
(CNN)The Egyptian military said Monday it has bombed ISIS targets in Libya after the militant group released a video that appeared to show the mass beheadings of Coptic Christians.
"The airstrikes hit their targets accurately and our eagles returned to their bases safely," a statement reported on Egyptian state television said.
The footage of the beheadings of at least a dozen men on a beach, which carries many of the hallmarks of previous ISIS hostage execution videos, has deepened international concerns about ISIS' growing reach into countries beyond its strongholds in Syria and Iraq.
The killings of the Egyptian Christians are believed to have been carried out by a Libyan affiliate of ISIS.
Egypt's President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi on Sunday confirmed in a statement that Egyptian "martyrs" had fallen victim to terrorism and expressed his condolences to the Egyptian people.
State TV said the dawn strikes had targeted camps, training sites and weapons storage areas.
Earlier, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said Egypt had the "right to respond" against IS.
A video emerged on Sunday showing a group wearing orange overalls being forced to the ground and decapitated.
IS militants claim to have carried out several attacks in Libya, which is in effect without a government.
"Egypt reserves the right to respond at the proper time and in the appropriate style in retaliation against those inhuman criminal killers," President Sisi said.
"Egypt and the whole world are in a fierce battle with extremist groups carrying extremist ideology and sharing the same goals."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Good for Egypt, unlike Obama who would be on a golf course if our country was attacked. And lecturing us not to blame his terrorists.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi said Egypt reserves its right to retaliate against the killing of 21 Egyptian Copts by ISIS
ISIS Beheads 21 Christian Copts in Latest Video… Obama Goes Golfing
ISIS released a new video Sunday–
They teased the release Sunday morning.
“Message Signed in Blood to the Nation of the Cross” is from the Islamic State’s Al Hayat
The terrorists had the 21 Coptic Christian men kneel down in a line and then they behead them.
President El-Sisi was the first Egyptian President in history to visit a Coptic Church on Christmas Day.
The president added that the National Defense Council is in session to decide the course of action to be taken in response.
IS published an extremely graphic video on the internet on Sunday purportedly showing the beheading of Coptic Christians it said it had kidnapped recently, and vowing to fight “crusaders.”
El-Sisi said he ordered the Egyptian government to give full support to the families of the victims and tighten a ban on travel to its western neighbor.
He also said directives were given to the state to take the necessary steps in order to secure and ease the return of Egyptians trying to leave Libya.
El-Sisi added he commissioned Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri to travel to New York and engage in necessary talks with senior United Nations officials and members of the Security Council to "place the international community before its responsibility and to take necessary procedures in line with the UN convention and to declare that what is happening in Libya threatens international peace and security."
And this from FOX News
A WHITE HOUSE statement reacting to a video purporting to show the beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians by ISIS-linked militants in Libya refers to the victims as 'Egyptian citizens' and 'innocents', but not as Christians.
Wild Thing's comment.......
ISIS is killing so many so fast. The calmness in those that kneel down before they are beheaded I wonder if they are drugged first. Very scary.
It is so disgusting how Obama and his WH will not say Christians. sheesh
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
February 10, 2015
Connecticut school district to honor Muslim holidays
Connecticut school district to honor Muslim holidays
WATERBURY, Conn. (WTNH) — Starting next fall, all schools in the Waterbury School District will be honoring two of the Muslim religion’s most holy days by not scheduling tests, field trips or major school events on those days.
It started with more than 300 signatures on a petition and has come full circle. Thursday night, the Waterbury Board of Education voted to honor two Muslim holy days. Fahd Syed says he is happy because his children won’t have to choose between education and religion.
“Growing up in Waterbury myself and going to school here, I missed a trip because of the holiday,” said Syed. “I had to choose my faith and I didn’t go to the trip. That was in the third grade at Washington Elementary.”
Syed has four children and he is happy that the new generation of Muslims coming up through the Waterbury School District won’t have to choose between exams and religious beliefs, which is the point of Thursday’s vote, says Board of Education President Charles Stango.
“We were approached about this, and we thought about it, and honored it,” said Stango.
It is not about a day off. They are not going to shut the schools down for two Muslim holidays. A memo is going to go out at the beginning of the year. Superintendent Dr. Cathleen Ouellette says the idea is to show respect for the Muslim culture.
“A sensitivity memo will go out to the district to teachers and staff, asking them to be sensitive to the Muslim holidays in regards to scheduling assessments and major events that happen through the district,” said Dr. Ouellette.
This is the first decision of its kind in the state of Connecticut.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Notice how the Muslims and liberals all get their agenda shoved at the world. They now to ask for too much at one time it would not get accomplished, so they go step by step one citry one law at a time then what might seem to many they scratch their heads and wonder how did this happen to our country. THIS is how they do it, one hill at a time and then in the end they win the war.
Pray for our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
February 05, 2015
Jordan’s King Abdullah ibn al-Hussein, who has trained as a pilot May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids
Jordan’s King Abdullah ibn al-Hussein, who has trained as a pilot, may fly a bomber himself on Thursday in the country’s retaliation against the ISIS.
Several Arabic-language newspapers reported late Wednesday that the monarch would personally participate in bombing raids on the terrorist group, citing his vow Tuesday to “strike them in their strongholds.”
The king was in Washington when news broke Tuesday of pilot Muadh al-Kasasbeh’s demise at the hands of ISIS extremists. Meeting with the House Armed Services Committee shortly before leaving for Amman, he reportedly quoted the Clint Eastwood’s film “Unforgiven” and said that Jordan would pursue the jihadis until it ran “out of fuel and bullets.”
Rep. Duncan Hunter, who was in the meeting, told Fox News that given the ruler’s immediate and vehement reaction, “King Abdullah is not President Obama.”
Jordan, which has been a key American ally in the air war against ISIS/
Meanwhile, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Tuesday that “nothing’s going to change” in U.S. policy toward ISIS as a result of Kasasbeh’s murder.
Wild Thing's comment........
Unlike Obama who is pro terrorist and kisses up to them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:27 AM
February 04, 2015
Col Ralph Peters Said the Murder of Pilot Is 'Better than the Best Sex' Jihadists Have Had & Its Easier on the Goats'
Interviewed on Hannity tonight, Col Ralph Peters in talking about the ISIS killing of the Jordanian pilot gave the best analogy. His comment..."This is better than sex for ISIS and it's easier on the goats..."
Ralph Peters was on Hannity tonight and he was countering nonsense that he heard from our Defense Department spokesman today that this immolation video proves that ISIS is desperate. He said that’s not true at all.
Wild Thing's comment.......
ROTFLMAO, gotta love Col. Peters, he tells it like it is, he would make a great Defense Secretary because he wouldn't put up with any of our enemies crap!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
After ISIS execution, angry King Abdullah quotes Clint Eastwood to U.S. lawmakers
After ISIS execution, angry King Abdullah quotes Clint Eastwood to U.S. lawmakers
Members of the House Armed Services Committee met with Jordan’s King Abdullah Tuesday not long after news broke that ISIS had burned to death a Jordanian pilot captured in the fight against the terrorist group. In a private session with lawmakers, the king showed an extraordinary measure of anger — anger which he expressed by citing American movie icon Clint Eastwood.
“He said there is going to be retribution like ISIS hasn’t seen,” said Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter Jr., a Marine Corps veteran of two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan, who was in the meeting with the king. “He mentioned ‘Unforgiven’ and he mentioned Clint Eastwood, and he actually quoted a part of the movie.”
Hunter would not say which part of “Unforgiven” the king quoted, but noted it was where Eastwood’s character describes how he is going to deliver his retribution.
“He’s angry,” Hunter said of the king. “They’re starting more sorties tomorrow than they’ve ever had. They’re starting tomorrow. And he said, ‘The only problem we’re going to have is running out of fuel and bullets.'”
"He's ready to get it on," Hunter added. "He really is. It reminded me of how we were after 9/11. We were ready to give it to them."
Hunter said there was no mention of President Obama during the bipartisan meeting, either by King Abdullah or by any of the lawmakers in the room.
Wild Thing's comment.......
King Abdullah loves his country unlike Obama, King Abdullah is showing he cares about his people unlike Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
ISIS murdered Jordanian pilot - Jordan announced Tuesday it will execute all their prisoners associated with ISIS
The release of the video has prompted Jordan to announce it will execute all prisoners convicted of association with ISIS ‘within hours’. This includes Sajida al-Rishawi – the female failed suicide bomber whom ISIS had originally demanded Jordan release in exchange for Kasasbeh.
Within an hour of the video’s publication, Jordan reportedly moved five ISIS-linked prisoners to a jail in the south of the country which is usually used for state executions.
Kasasbeh was captured by ISIS after his F-16 fighter jet crashed in territory controlled by the militants in northern Syria in December.
Jordan executes ISIS jihadists: Female suicide bomber among two put to death in dawn hangings in retaliation for terrorists releasing video of pilot being torched to death in cage
- Jordan had vowed to execute six of its ISIS-linked prisoners at dawn today
- Government officials reveal that two of them have now been hanged
- Sajida al-Rishawi and Ziad al-Karbouli were both executed this morning
Jordan executes 2 Iraqi prisoners in response to ISIS killing of pilot
AMMAN - Jordan has executed by hanging a jailed Iraqi woman militant whose release had been demanded by the Islamic State group that burnt a captured Jordanian pilot to death, a security source said on Wednesday.
Responding to the killing of the pilot, whose death was announced on Tuesday, the Jordanian authorities also executed another senior al-Qaida prisoner sentenced to death for plots to wage attacks against the pro-Western kingdom in the last decade.
Sajida al-Rishawi, the Iraqi woman militant, was sentenced to death for her role in a 2005 suicide bomb attack that killed 60 people. Ziyad Karboli, an Iraqi al-Qaida operative, who was convicted in 2008 for killing a Jordanian, was also executed at dawn, the source said.
Jordan, which has been mounting air raids in Syria as part of the US-led alliance against Islamic State insurgents, said it would deliver a "strong, earth-shaking and decisive" response to the killing of pilot Mouath al-Kasaesbeh.
Wild Thing's comment....... Good for Jordan, they could teach Muslim POS Obama a lesson.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM
When members of the Muslim community showed up to the Capitol for the annual meeting with state lawmakers, they were greeted by roughly 25 protesters who showed up to give the Muslim community a piece of their mind. According to the Texas Tribune, one demonstrator’s sign read “Radical Islam is the New Nazi,” and another’s: “Go Home & Take Obama With You.” Later in the day, during the Texas chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ (CAIR) press conference at the Capitol, an unidentified woman grabbed the microphone from an organizer and began shouting: “False prophet Muhammed! Islam will never dominate the United States and, by the grace of God, it will not dominate Texas.”
Wild Thing's comment....... Amen!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
| Comments (1)
"Death To America" A Frequent Chant Among Rebels Now In Control Of Yemen Wild Thing's comment........ I am no expert on any of this, but imo I think because of Obama and his weakness he has let the terrorists get the upper hand big time.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
The Council on American Islamic Relations attacked former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, the subject of the record-breaking film American Sniper, as a “hate-filled killer” in a post to the group’s account on Twitter. #AmericanSniper – The real American Sniper was a hate-filled killer. Why are simplistic patriots treating him as… http://t.co/uIkf5PkZcx “#AmericanSniper – The real American Sniper was a hate-filled killer. Why are simplistic patriots treating him as… http://fb.me/6ZQNC8G6y” CAIR was listed by the Justice Department as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation terrorism funding case. Last year CAIR was designated a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates. CAIR says they will appeal to be taken off UAE’s terrorist list. The tweet by CAIR is based on the headline for an article published by the Guardian on January 6th that attacked Kyle and his supporters. Wild Thing's comment....... From FOX NewsJanuary 30, 2015
Woman Hijacks Podium at Muslim Event: ‘False Prophet’ Muhammed ‘Will Never Dominate Texas!’
Woman Hijacks Podium at Muslim Event: ‘False Prophet’ Muhammed ‘Will Never Dominate Texas!’
Earlier Thursday we brought you the story of State Rep. Molly White (R-Belton) requesting her staff greet any visitors from the Muslim community with the Israeli flag pin, a request for denunciation of terrorist groups, and a verbal pledge of allegiance to the United States.
January 24, 2015
Krauthammer: "Death To America" A Frequent Chant Among Rebels Now In Control Of Yemen
January 20, 2015
CAIR Designated as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates says "American Sniper", Chris Kyle ‘Hate-Filled Killer’
CAIR Designated as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates says "American Sniper", Chris Kyle ‘Hate-Filled Killer’
— CAIR National (@CAIRNational) January 19, 2015
All the people that criticize this movie have one thing in common. they want the Muslim terrorists to win the war.US group CAIR named terrorist organization by United Arab Emirates
A U.S.-based pro-Muslim group that enjoys close ties with the Obama administration has landed on one Arab nation's list of terrorist organizations.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was one of 82 groups around the world designated terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates, placing it in the company of Al Qaeda, Islamic State and others.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
January 18, 2015
Muslims Angry Over Charlie Hebdo Cartoon Attack Police Station, Loot Christian Homes and Set Fire To Christian Churches in Niger
Muslims Angry Over Charlie Hebdo Cartoon Attack Police Station, Loot Christian Homes and Set Fire To Christian Churches in Niger
All while screaming Allahu Akbar!
According to Reuters:
At least eight people were killed, five on Friday and three on Saturday, during Charlie Hebdo protests in Niger. Six Christian churches were torched in the Muslim rioting.
Police fired teargas at hundreds of rock-throwing demonstrators in Niger's capital Niamey on Saturday in the latest of several protests in France's former African colonies against French newspaper Charlie Hebdo's cartoons.
In the second day of protests in Niger, at least two police cars were burned by demonstrators outside the main mosque in Niamey after authorities banned a march organized by local Muslim leaders. No casualties were reported. Police cordoned off the area early in the morning on Saturday but rock-throwing protesters still gathered in front of the mosque.
At least one police officer and three civilians were killed in demonstrations against the Charlie Hebdo cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in Niger's second city of Zinder on Friday, police sources said. Churches in the city were burned, Christian homes were looted and the French cultural center was attacked, resident said
Wild Thing's comment.......
slam bringing death and destruction.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
January 17, 2015
Brigitte Gabriel on Islam in American Schools
Brigitte Gabriel on Islam in American Schools
Wild Thing's comment.......
Brigette Gabriel is awesome and speaks the truth.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
Former CIA Operative: There Are 19 Paramilitary Muslim Training Facilities in the US
Former CIA Operative: There Are 19 Paramilitary Muslim Training Facilities in the US
After weighing on the deployment of 400 troops to Syria to train “moderate” rebels Fmr CIA Operative Wayne Simmons expressed his concern with these No-Go Zones.
Plans To Use Police Uniforms In Terror Plot Sparks Concerns For Law Enforcement - Cavuto
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama should go and join his fellow Muslims when he finally gets out of office. ( in another country) and never come back.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
January 15, 2015
Duke University To Broadcast Islamic Call To Prayer On Fridays
Duke University To Broadcast Islamic Call To Prayer On Fridays
DURHAM, N.C. — A weekly call to prayer for Muslims will be heard at Duke University starting Friday, school officials said.
Members of the Duke Muslim Students Association will chant the call, known as adhan or azan, from the Duke Chapel bell tower each Friday at 1 p.m. The call to prayer will last about three minutes and be “moderately amplified,” officials said in a statement Tuesday.
“The adhan is the call to prayer that brings Muslims back to their purpose in life, which is to worship God, and serves as a reminder to serve our brothers and sisters in humanity,” said Imam Adeel Zeb, Muslim chaplain at Duke. “The collective Muslim community is truly grateful and excited about Duke’s intentionality toward religious and cultural diversity.”
In majority Muslim countries across the globe, the adhan is broadcast from mosques and on television and radio stations five times a day to correspond with prayer times. On Fridays, the day of worship in Islam, sermons are also broadcast.
The announcement by Duke drew criticism from Franklin Graham, president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse. He took to social media on Wednesday to express his views and urge Duke donors to suspend support.
"Duke is promoting this in the name of religious pluralism. I call on the donors and alumni to withhold their support from Duke until this policy is reversed," he said on his Facebook page.
Wild Thing's comment.......
God bless Franklin Graham for speaking up about this and trying to do something about it.
We are seeing America disappear right before our eyes and hearts.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
January 13, 2015
Say What? Top Saudi Arabian Cleric Issues Fatwa Banning Snowmen For Being “Anti-Islamic”
Top Saudi Cleric Issues Fatwa Banning Snowmen For Being “Anti-Islamic”
(Reuters) – A prominent Saudi Arabian cleric has whipped up controversy by issuing a religious ruling forbidding the building of snowmen, described them as anti-Islamic.
Asked on a religious website if it was permissible for fathers to build snowmen for their children after a snowstorm in the country’s north, Sheikh Mohammed Saleh al-Munajjid replied: “It is not permitted to make a statue out of snow, even by way of play and fun.”
Quoting from Muslim scholars, Sheikh Munajjid argued that to build a snowman was to create an image of a human being, an action considered sinful under the kingdom’s strict interpretation of Sunni Islam.
“God has given people space to make whatever they want which does not have a soul, including trees, ships, fruits, buildings and so on,” he wrote in his ruling.
Wild Thing's comment......
Frosty?? Good grief! Remember when they had it out for Winnie the Pooh and Piglet.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
January 12, 2015
Obama Too Busy Letting Terrorist Go frojm GITMO, So Here is List of leaders who attended Paris rally
List of leaders who attended Paris rally
PARIS: Sunday's historic mass rally in Paris saw more than a million people and a long list of world leaders in tribute to 17 people killed in three days of Islamist attacks.
It included dozens of heads of state and government, along with French political leaders from both the left and right.
Here is a list of world political figures who have confirmed their attendance:
French President Francois Hollande
German Chancellor Angela Merkel
British Prime Minister David Cameron
Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy
Romanian President Klaus Iohannis
European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker
European Parliament president Martin Schulz
European Union president Donald Tusk
Nato secretary general Jens Stoltenberg
Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz
Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt
Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras
Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny
Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho
Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka
Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico
Latvian Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma
Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borissov
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban
Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic
Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel
Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat
Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven
Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko
Swiss President Simonetta Sommaruga
Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu
Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg
Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibachvili
Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov
Austrian foreign minister Sebastian Kurz
Canadian public safety minister Steven Blaney
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman
Jordanian King Abdullah II and Queen Rania
Palestinian Authority President Mahmud Abbas
United Arab Emirates foreign minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahayan
Qatari Sheikh Mohamed Ben Hamad Ben Khalifa Al Thani
Bahrain foreign minister Sheikh Khaled ben Ahmed Al Khalifa and Prince Abdullah Ben Hamad al-Khalifa
Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita
Gabonese President Ali Bongo
Niger President Mahamadou Issoufou
Benin President Thomas Boni Yayi
Tunisian Prime Minister Mehdi Jomaa
Algerian foreign minister Ramtane Lamamra
Wild Thing's comment.......
Regarding if even Eric Holder was there there is this.............
According to the White House, Holder was in high-level meetings, but the funny thing was that there was no one left to meet with; they were all at the march.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM
Many Muslim Students In France Refused To Recognize ‘Moment Of Silence’ For Charlie Hebdo and the other Victims
French Muslim children refuse to participate in schools’ moment of silence for victims of jihad
Many Muslim Students In France Refused To Recognize ‘Moment Of Silence’
For Charlie Hebdo and the other Victims
France declared a moment of silence for all students on Thursday. Yet as Christiane Amanpour notes in the video above, there was a significant problem with this amongst the Muslim students.
Le Figaro notes problems with students,from the 6th grade student who told his teacher, “But you do not understand the Prophet, they should not have to draw it (…). It is above men ” to the college student who said, “Me I’m for those who killed [the victims]…”
One teacher called into a radio show and described how refusal to recgonize the moment of silence was not with the minority of his Muslim students but the majority..
Wild Thing's comment.......
People need to wake up and stop using political correctness with the worst enemy the world has ever known.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
January 11, 2015
PM Netanyahu's Remarks upon his Departure for Paris
PM Netanyahu's Remarks upon his Departure for Paris
Wild Thing's comment.......
God bless Bibi. He is a true leader.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:51 AM
Up to a Million Join Paris Unity Rally
Up to a Million Join Paris Unity Rally
Wild Thing's comment.......
I keep remember how the USA had support after 9-11, at least for awhile and it was wonderful. Of course now with Obama the times have changed and our country THE LEFT part of our nation is more worried about being nice to Islam and not calling them out.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:46 AM
Paris Anti-terror Rally: World Leaders Upfront
Paris Anti-terror Rally: World Leaders Upfront
Wild Thing's comment.......
Of course all this marching is not actual fighting Islam but it does show a certain amount of unity to France and the concern about terrorists .
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:35 AM
Disgusting and Pro Terrorists Holder Refuses To Say America is at War with Radical Islam
Holder Refuses To Say America is at War with Radical Islam
Wild Thing's comment.....
These people, Holde4r n Obama etc. make my blood boil the way they expect us to agree with them to think they are correct in their pushing Islam on the world. Islam is a death cult.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:23 AM
Many World Leaders to Take Part in Paris March on Sunday
Many world leaders to Take Part in Paris March on Sunday
France’s President Francois Hollande will be accompanied by an important number of leaders, including Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, UK David Cameron and Italy’s Matteo Renzi, Turkish PM Davutoglu, among others.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will fly to Paris to join world leaders at the Paris Freedom March.
" I've decided to fly to France tomorrow to express solidarity with the Jewish community, the French people and the free world countries."
Several leaders of Western Europe confirmed they will participate in the march on Sunday. One million people are expected to attend the rally on Sunday.
A number of leaders across Europe and the United Kingdom will attend a mass rally in Paris on Sunday in the wake of the massacre at Charlie Hebdo and the attack at the Jewish supermarket.
British Prime Minister David Cameron said Friday he would join in the mass rally, tweeting “I’ve accepted President Hollande’s invitation to join the Unity Rally in Paris this Sunday — celebrating the values behind Charlie Hebdo.”
Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi wrote on his personal Twitter account in French and Italian, “I will be with @FHollande in Paris on Sunday. #JeSuisCharlie. We will not allow fear to change us #Europe.”
European Union President Donald Tusk said he will join the rally in Paris to show solidarity after the terror attacks.
“President Tusk received a call from President Hollande and he will go to Paris to take part in the march,” spokesman Preben Aamann said.
Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said “I will be in Paris on Sunday to lend support to the French people. Spain together with France against terrorism and for freedom.” His spokesman said he had been invited by the French government.
The Swiss leader will also participate in the march.
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is a security nightmare waiting to happen.
I guess the Muslim Obama sends his regrets that he can't go. He's probably going golfing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
January 10, 2015
Krauthammer: Paris Attack May Be Start of 'Third Stage of Jihadist War' on West
Krauthammer: Paris Attack May Be Start of 'Third Stage of Jihadist War' on West
Wild Thing's comment.......
Charles has a good point, the terrorists are doing more of these kind of attacks then the ones on 9-11 .
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM | Comments (1)
Muslim Terrorist Cherif Kouachi calls French TV station, claiming he was financed by American-born Anwar Al-Awlaki
Cherif Kouachi calls French TV station, claiming he was financed by American-born Anwar Al-Awlaki
Cherif Kouachi spoke by phone to a French television network during a seven-hour standoff on Friday with French security forces. Kouachi and his brother, Said, were later killed in a raid. One hostage inside the plant was freed
Kouachi: We're telling you that we are the prophet's defenders peace and blessings be upon him, and that I, Cherif Kouachi, was sent by Yemen's Al-Qaeda. OK?
Interviewer: OK, OK.
Kouachi: I went there and it was Anwar Al-Awlaki who financed me.
Interviewer: And how long ago was this?
Kouachi: It was before he was killed.
Interviewer: ok, so you came back to France not long ago ?
Kouachi: No, a long time ago...I know the secret service, don't worry about it. I know very well how I was able to do things well.
Wild Thing's comment...........
After 9-11 G.W. Bush had the money connections for bin Laden blocked. I remember posting about it. But now we have Muslim Obama and he would never realy go after any terrorists like Bush did.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
January 09, 2015
Lt.Col. Ralph Peters slams Obama for being "strategically decadent" when it comes to fighting radical Islam
Ralph Peters slams Obama for being "strategically decadent" when it comes to fighting radical Islam
Wild Thing's comment.......
It will always amaze me how so many mostly on the left but some on the right too, wil just not step up to the plate and say it is Islam. If they wanted to know more other then the horrible attacks, they could easily look up the Qur'an verses and read the hate and how to kill people in many of them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Terror Analsyst Erick Stakelbeck: Radical Islamists Are ‘Advising’ the Obama Administration
Terror Analsyst Erick Stakelbeck: Radical Islamists Are ‘Advising’ the Obama Administration
STAKELBECK: “Massive, massive problem, Pat. At the end of the day, the Obama administration does not mention the word ‘Islam’ in relation to terrorism. Yesterday was clearly an act of Islamic terrorism. They won’t say that, the Obama administration will call it ‘violent extremism’ or generically just ‘terrorism.’ President Obama himself for instance says that ISIS, the Islamic State, is not Islamic?! So we have western leaders burying their heads in the sand —number one. Number two, reaching out to Islamist, the people who advise the Obama administration, Pat — you and I’ve discussed this many times — are foot soldiers of the Muslim Brotherhood. These are radical Islamist who are advising this White House. So yeah, the big problem here when you can’t acknowledge the enemy because the enemy is actually advising you.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
I agree with this, we already know the many people Obama has in his administration that are Muslims and their connections to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
January 08, 2015
Rudy Giuliani Combating Islamic Terror
Rudy Giuliani Combating Islamic Terror
Wild Thing's comment.......
I agree, people need to call it what it is.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:20 AM | Comments (2)
Brigitte Gabriel on Rise of Radical Islam in France
Brigitte Gabriel on Rise of Radical Islam in France
Wild Thing's comment.......
Brigitte Gabriel is always good and she knows what she is talking about.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:12 AM | Comments (1)
Col. Ralph Peters: The Terrorists Who Attacked Newspaper Today Are The Ones Who Sen. Feinstein Doesn't Even Want To Waterboard
Col. Ralph Peters: The Terrorists Who Attacked Newspaper Today Are The Ones Who Sen. Feinstein Doesn't Even Want To Waterboard
Col. Peters:
'We're worried about hurting our enemy's feelings and they are slaughtering people'
Fox News strategic analyst Col. Ralph Peters reacted to Wednesday's Paris terror attack by calling it an attack on freedom of the press.
Peters also criticized Senator Dianne Feinstein by saying that the terrorists that committed the attacks are the ones that the Senator is not willing to waterboard.
Wild Thing's comment......
Yes! Good one Col. Peters.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Speakers At Texas Event Have Advocated For Sharia Law
Speakers At Texas Event Have Advocated For Sharia Law....One Implicated In 1993 WTC Bombing
An Islamic conference scheduled for next Saturday in Texas features two speakers who have advocated for Sharia law, and one of them was an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center (WTC) bombing.
The group Sound Vision is hosting a conference on January 17 called “Stand with the Prophet in Honor and Respect” in Garland, Texas, about a half hour from downtown Dallas. This event is designed to combat “Islamophobia” and “Stand with the Prophet,” according to a promotion on Sound Vision’s website:
“Sound Vision is focused on building the Strategic Communication Center that will Inshallah lead the effort against Islamophobia by keeping our neighbors as friends and young Muslims as strong Muslims as healthy citizens.”
But at least two of the presenters scheduled to speak at the event in suburban Dallas next weekend have a checkered past. It has been documented that Brooklyn-based Imam Siraj Wahhaj, who was an unindicted co-conspirator of the 1993 WTC bombing, has preached in favor of Sharia, documented as recently as 2007:
“Islam is better than democracy. Allah will cause his deen [Islam as a complete way of life], Islam to prevail over every kind of system, and you know what? It will happen.”
According to The Clarion Project, he has also preached the following:
“If Allah says 100 strikes, 100 strikes it is. If Allah says cut off their hand, you cut off their hand. If Allah says stone them to death, through the prophet Muhammad, then you stone them to death, because it’s the obedience of Allah and his messenger – nothing personal.”
Sound Vision’s founding chairman, Abdul Malik Mujahid (pictured above), made similar comments in 1995, when he said: “Qital [killing] is an essential element of Islam. And sometimes you don’t like it.” Mujahid continued:
“Qital is ordained upon you, though it is hateful to you, but it may happen that you hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that you love a thing which is bad for you.
“And one example is, now we have 60 or so Muslim countries, and not a single one of them wants to go for Qital and Jihad for Bosnia. Qital is ordained upon you though it is hateful to you.”
The event in the Dallas metroplex next weekend is not the first of its kind. Sound Vision has hosted others this year, including on Long Island, New York, and in Chicago, where 1,600 people were in attendance, they said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Every time they do something like this it is very concerning. England caved to allowing Sharia law in their courts several years ago, I pray that never happens here.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
December 28, 2014
Muslim Group Sues US Navy Over Right to Wear Beards
Muslim Group Sues US Navy Over Right to Wear Beards
A Muslim civil rights group is suing the US Navy on behalf of a former enlisted man who says he was discriminated against because he had a beard.
A Muslim civil rights group has sued the government on behalf of a former Navy enlisted man from Northern California who says he was the target of ethnic slurs, was reassigned to a menial job, and was later denied re-enlistment after seeking permission to wear a beard for religious reasons.
Jonathan Berts of Fairfield applied to wear a beard in January 2011, but Defense Department policy did not allow religious exemptions from grooming requirements. The Pentagon relaxed its policy in January, allowing accommodations for an individual’s religious beliefs, but it came too late to help Berts, said his lawyers at the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
After his request for a religious accommodation was turned down, Berts, an African American Muslim who had enlisted in 2002, was denied a previously recommended promotion and was subjected to “a barrage of derogatory terms, anti-Islamic slurs, and inappropriate lines of questions about his religious beliefs and loyalty to the United States,” said the lawsuit, filed this week in U.S. District Court in Sacramento.
Wild Thing's comment.......
IMO it is not a good idea to relax or let go of rules or standards.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
December 25, 2014
Western Journalist Finds Jihadist From New Jersey Along With A Dozen More Americans Fighting For The Islamic State
Western Journalist Finds Jihadist From New Jersey Along With A Dozen More Americans Fighting For The Islamic State
A German journalist who was embedded with ISIS fighters in Iraq and Syria for 10 days said he met more than a dozen Americans among the terrorists’ ranks — but was most surprised to meet a jihadist from New Jersey.
Jürgen Todenhöfer, 74, the first Western journalist to be granted access to the fanatical group after the US launched airstrikes in August, told ABC News that the American extremists were US-born, including whites, and Arab-American.
“The guy from New Jersey. This surprised me,” he said. “You don’t expect someone from New Jersey going to join the Islamic State … They were very tough, well-informed. Some of them very successful in their own countries.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I bet they were Obama voters.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
December 17, 2014
Obama's DOJ Lawsuit Against Minn. Town Will Force Them To Allow Construction of New Mosque, CAIR Filed Initial Request
Obama's DOJ Lawsuit Against Minn. Town Will Force Them To Allow Construction of New Mosque, CAIR Filed Initial Request
(KMSP) – A settlement between the Department of Justice and the city of St. Anthony Village, Minn. will finally allow the Abu-Huraira group to use the former Medtronic headquarters as a place of worship.
In June 2012, the city’s planning commission approved plans for the Abu-Huraira Islamic Center, but the city council later rejected the proposal by a vote of 4-1. Some in the Muslim community claimed the proposal was voted down due to religious discrimination, but St. Anthony Village maintained the issue was one of land use and zoning — not of religious intolerance.
At the request of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Department of Justice launched an investigation into the matter in October 2012. A federal lawsuit was filed in August, accusing the city of violating the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 (RLUIPA).
“Four months ago, my office filed a civil rights lawsuit to protect the religious freedoms of the congregants of the Abu-Huraira Islamic Center,” said U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger. “We made it clear then that an injustice had been done to these Somali Minnesotans. After lengthy negotiations involving attorneys from my office and the Department of Justice, St. Anthony Village, and Abu-Huraira, we have reached a resolution that respects the Constitution and provides the worship space that Abu-Huraira sought.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Muslim Obama pushing in any way he can for his death cult.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
December 15, 2014
KFC Muslim Employee Screams Insults At Customer Asking For Bacon
KFC Muslim Employee Screams Insults At Customer Asking For Bacon
Wild Thing's comment......
Potential; suicide bomber.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
December 04, 2014
Dem Congressman: State Department Should Hire Islamic Clerics To Teach Everyone How Peaceful Islam Is
Congressman Brad Sherman (D., Calif.) stressed the need to find Islamic–rather than secular or humanitarian–justifications against the brutality of the Islamic State to appeal to Muslims worldwide, particularly in the West, who are susceptible to recruitment via social media.
Sherman said this would involve employing established Muslim scholars who can justify opposition to IS with passages from the Quran and the Hadith–the collections of teachings, sayings, and actions of the Prophet Muhammad.
“One must be able to turn to the Quran, to turn to the Hadith and show how ISIS is making a mockery of a great world religion,” Sherman said. “You cannot appeal to Islamic jurists unless you can cite Hadith, unless you can cite Quran, unless you can do all the things you would do in working before any other jurists anywhere in the world.
Wild Thing's comment.......
He is nuts and if he really did learn about Islam he would read the verses that instruct it's followers to kill, behead etc. those that are not followers.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (3)
December 01, 2014
Claims that ISIS Being Pushed Back 'Simply Not True'
Claims that ISIS Being Pushed Back 'Simply Not True'
Wild Thing's comment........
It reminds me of how Obama kept saying the AL-quadea was almost gone and no longer a threat..
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:20 PM
November 30, 2014
Disgustng Muslim Farrakhan Goes On Tirade Over Ferguson: “We’ll Tear This G–damn Country Up! A Salaam Aleikum!”
Farrakhan Goes On Tirade Over Ferguson: “We’ll Tear This G–damn Country Up! A Salaam Aleikum!”
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan went on a fiery tirade about Ferguson on Saturday — threatening that if the demands of protesters aren’t met, “we’ll tear this goddamn country up!”
Farrakhan stated in his speech — given at Morgan State University, a black college located in Baltimore, Md. — that violence was justified in response to the decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson and peaceful protests are only in the interest of “white folks.”
“We going to die anyway. Let’s die for something,” the radical figure told the crowd to roaring applause.
He even said the parents of teenagers should teach their kids how to throw Molotov cocktails. “Teach your baby how to throw the bottle if they can. Fight,” the minister advised, and then imitated throwing the explosive device.
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL he can't even pronounce the name of the town correctly ...he calls it Jefferson instead of Ferguson.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (1)
November 27, 2014
Islamic Jihadists Are Using Twitter In Attempt To Recruit Angry Ferguson Protesters To Their Cause
Islamic Jihadists Are Using Twitter In Attempt To Recruit Angry Ferguson Protesters To Their Cause
Islamic jihadists worldwide have launched a barrage of recruitment messages amid the latest unrest in Ferguson, Mo., using Twitter accounts to call on African-Americans and others in the United States to join their cause.
Some messages urge direct revolt against the U.S. government, while others evoke the names of former black leaders – among them Malcolm X – in a bid to convince people of color that living under an Islamic caliphate is in their best interests.
“March against tyranny and arm yourselves against the true terrorists of our time: the US government,” says a tweet from a prominent Dutch jihadist in Syria going by the name of Israfil Yilmaz, and carrying “Ferguson Rising” and “Ferguson Decision” hashtags.
Another tweet from a user going by the name of Abu Hamza As Somaal says: “My fellow black community know that #Jihad is the only thing that will bring justice, respect and honor in (the) Ferguson decision.” This message is followed by the hashtag “Islamic State.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Will the ISIS provide them with all the handouts they now get from our government and from their Obama............
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
November 16, 2014
Erdogan, the president of Turkey Says Muslims Discovered America, not Christopher Columbus
Erdogan, the president of Turkey Says Muslims Discovered America, not Christopher Columbus
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told a group of Muslim leaders from Latin America that Muslims discovered America hundreds of years before Christopher Columbus.
And they built a mosque in Cuba.
Muslims discovered the Americas in the 12 century, nearly 300 years before Christopher Columbus made his famous voyage there, according to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey.
His words, delivered in a televised speech, will lend support to a controversial theory that has been debunked repeatedly by historians.
That did not seem to bother the Turkish president during a summit in Istanbul of Muslim leaders from Latin America.
“Contacts between Latin America and Islam date back to the 12th century. Muslims discovered America in 1178, not Christopher Columbus,” he said.
Mr Erdogan went on to say that Columbus descibed the existence of a mosque on a hill by the Cuban site and that Ankara was prepared to fund a new place of worship for Muslims there.
Wild Thing's comment.......
LOL Excuse me , but the Vikings dispute that claim. Muslims haven’t even discovered basic civility yet, and it’s looking them in the face all the time.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
November 15, 2014
Yesterday U.S. Islamist Groups To Turned National Cathedral Into Mosque For Friday Prayers
U.S. Islamist Groups To Turn National Cathedral Into Mosque For Friday Prayers
What: Muslim Friday Prayers at Washington National Cathedral
When: Friday, November 14, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
The Rev. Canon Gina Campbell, director of liturgy for Washington National Cathedral
South African Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool
All Dulles Area Muslim Society
Council on American-Islamic Relations
Islamic Society of North America
Muslim Public Affairs Council
Masjid Muhammad, The Nation’s Mosque
Organized by South African Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool, the All Dulles Area Muslim Society, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Society of North America, Muslim Public Affairs Council and The Nation’s Mosque, certain people are pretty worked up about the service, with the Reverend Franklin Graham calling it “sad to see.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
My only comment is WTF!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
November 12, 2014
U.S. May Evacuate Embassy In Yemen Amid Rising Unrest Including Al Qaeda Threat
U.S. May Evacuate Embassy In Yemen Amid Rising Unrest Including Al Qaeda Threat
The State Department is updating its plans to evacuate the U.S. embassy in Yemen’s capital city of Sana’a amid growing violence in the country between military and rebel forces, CNN reported.
Although U.S. Defense Department officials had been watching the situation for several weeks, the violence has “grown more serious” over the past several days, according to CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr, and now included fighting “around the airport in the capital.”
“When you can’t rely on commercial air traffic to get diplomats out, that’s when the military begins to watch very carefully,” Starr said Tuesday on CNN’s “Legal View with Ashleigh Banfield.”
Any request to evacuate would have to come from the U.S. ambassador to Yemen, Starr said, but added “that has not yet happened.” She said after the 2012 bombing of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, American officials don’t “wait around” for violence to escalate.
However, Starr said if the U.S. did close the embassy, diplomats would “lose their window into understanding what al-Qaida is up to in that country (and) any plots against the U.S.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
We will see if they really do this or not, since Obama loves his Muslim terrorists.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 08, 2014
Police Foil Islamic Terrorist Plot To Kill The Queen Of England
Police Foil Islamic Terrorist Plot To Kill The Queen Of England
Four men arrested for allegedly plotting a terror attack to kill Queen Elizabeth
A suspected plot to kill the Queen at a Royal British Legion event ahead of Remembrance Day at the Royal Albert Hall has been foiled by police.
British tabloid The Sun reports four Islamic terror suspects are thought to have been planning a knife attack on Her Majesty, 88.
It is thought the alleged assassination plot on the Queen emerged during routine surveillance.
The Queen and British Prime Minister David Cameron were both informed of the police operation and potential threat, the Sun reports.
Heavily-armed counter terrorist police swooped on four addresses across west London and High Wycombe in the Thames Valley overnight and arrested the four men aged 19 to 27 years.
Wild Thing's comment........
England has gone so soft on Muslims and our country is following in the3 same path.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
November 04, 2014
A Muslim University Of Arizona Instructor: American Troops Worse Than Islamic State Jihadists
A Muslim University Of Arizona Instructor: American Troops Worse Than Islamic State Jihadists
A University of Arizona instructor is facing criticism for claiming that the U.S. military is “a greater threat” than the Islamic State (IS) and for portraying American soldiers as anti-Muslim rapists who commit crimes on par with—or even worse than—IS itself.
University of Arizona instructor Musa al-Gharbi—who also serves as an academic affiliate at the university’s Southwest Initiative for the Study of Middle East Conflicts (SISMEC)—drew the controversial comparison between IS (also known as ISIL or ISIS) and U.S. soldiers in a recent column arguing that America’s moral outrage at IS’s crimes is hypocritical.
Al-Gharbi’s comments, published in the online publication TruthOut and several other places, attracted outrage from experts who said that taxpayer funds should not be supplementing a university that encourages such dialogue about current events.
“It would not be a stretch to say that the United States is actually a greater threat to peace and stability in the region than ISIS—not least because U.S. policies in Iraq, Libya, and Syria have largely paved the way for ISIS’s emergence as a major regional actor,” al-Gharbi wrote in an October column entitled, “How Much Moral High Ground Does the U.S. Have Over ISIS?”
Wild Thing's comment.............
Hey you Muslim freak, go back to your terrorist loving country you came from. I hate that our awesome troops fight and serve to protect a vile person like this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
November 02, 2014
As Many As 30 Men Released From Gitmo Now Fighting With ISIS And Other Terrorist Groups
As Many As 30 Men Released From Gitmo Now Fighting With ISIS And Other Terrorist Groups
Remember how we were told about all those innocent goat-herders Uncle Sam was unfairly keeping locked up at Gitmo?
Well, now comes news that as many as 30 former Guantanamo detainees — some released within the past three years — are believed by US officials to be fighting in Syria with ISIS and other terrorist groups.
Others, reports Fox News, are aiding these terror groups in areas such as financing and propaganda from other countries. The president’s own former ambassador to Iraq, James Jeffrey, put it this way to Fox:
“These people are ideologically and essentially religiously committed to their evil cause, and it’s very hard to sort out who are going to stay at home and who are going to return to the battlefield.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama giving aid and comfort to your enemies.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
October 23, 2014
Canadian Gunman Was Convert to Islam
Canadian Gunman Was Convert to Islam
It should be no surprise that this lone-wolf attack was carried out by an islamic convert. The killer had a criminal history in drug trafficking was ID’d as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, who was designated a high risk and passport seized. Zehaf-Bibeau was most likely answering ISIS’ call to attack on the homeland.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Islam is just so wonderful.....NOT.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (3)
September 30, 2014
British KFC Refuses To Give Customer Hand-Wipes Because Alcohol In Them Violates Sharia Law
British KFC Refuses To Give Customer Hand-Wipes Because Alcohol In Them Violates Sharia Law
A customer at a Leicester branch of KFC has said he was “shocked” when he was refused a hand-wipe as it might offend other restaurant-goers.
Graham Noakes, 41, said he was astonished when staff at the fast food chain’s outlet in St George’s retail park refused to give him a hand-wipe because it was against its Halal policy.
Staff said this was because the wipes are soaked in an alcohol-infused liquid. Alcohol is forbidden in the Muslim Holy book, the Quran.
The Leicester-based Federation of Muslim Organisations has called the decision “bizarre”.
Graham said: “They told me it might offend other customers.
“I explained that it wouldn’t affect me. In fact – I told them I like alcohol, so it wouldn’t bother me in the slightest.
“When they wouldn’t give me one, I was disgusted.
“I will never be going to KFC again.”
The father-of-two added: “I’ve never experienced anything like this before, I couldn’t believe it.
Wild Thing's comment.......
People need to stand up to Islam and Muslims complaints or imagined complaints that might happen. The more they see the fear they cause in people the more dangerous our world becomes.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
September 28, 2014
Muslim leaders play victim in Oklahoma beheading
Muslim leaders play victim in Oklahoma beheading
Colleen Hufford of Moore Oklahoma may be missing her head, but the real victims are Muslims, or so we are being asked to believe. In fact, according to the Imam of the Islamic Institute of Boston, Islam suffers a “double hurt.” And here I thought Ms. Hufford had it bad.
The imam should know, after all, it was his Institute’s “resident scholar” who was reportedly the former imam of the Oklahoma mosque attended by Alton Alexander Nolen, aka Jah’Keem Yisrael, who wielded the knife separating Ms. H’s head from her body. And the leadership of that Oklahoma mosque agree that they are the ones facing difficulty now that Ms. Hufford is consigned to the fate an infidel suffers after death. The Oklahoman reports:
Saad Mohammad, the Islamic society’s director of news and information, said law enforcement representatives contacted his mosque during their investigation Friday. (snip)
Mohammad told The Oklahoman that leaders of the society’s mosque decided to take extra security precautions to protect Muslims who gather there from any potential retaliatory violence.
Mohammad said anti-Muslim sentiments could be heightened because of the beheadings and violence overseas by ISIS.
We’re once again hearing the narrative that came of age in September 2001, as the American people were cautioned that we are such primitives that we are likely to seek revenge against innocent adherents of the purported Religion of Peace. And that religion has absolutely nothing to do with the violence committed in its name, and in accordance with its most holy scripture, the Koran. As Andrew McCarty points out, beheading is not only called for in the Koran, it is widely practiced today in Sharia-compliant Saudi Arabia, and throughout the history of Islamic conquest:
Continue reading CLICK HERE........... thank you.
Wild Thing's comment........
Cry me a river Muslim leaders.Where are the protests/rallies, in Moore OK, against this beheading? Just curious.
Sheesh! Their fellow Mohammedans are the ones going around cutting off people’s heads, blowing up people, etc, but they are the ones who require protection.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:31 PM | Comments (1)
Judge Jeanine Opening Statement: 'It's Time For Americans To Realize, It's US Against THEM'...'Our Worst Fears May Very Well Be Here'
Judge Jeanine Opening Statement: 'It's Time For Americans To Realize, It's US Against THEM'...'Our Worst Fears May Very Well Be Here'
"We're seeing the dawn of a new era, where the torture is medieval, the enemy barbaric and the consequence to your freedom -enormous!"
"What this country faces is no longer a threat, it is a reality"
"Until we put the fear of God in them, they're going to keep coming"
Wild Thing's comment..........
And to be stuck with someone like Obama and anyone else that cannot speak the truth about Islam ,it is extremely concerning.
This should male every citizen alarmed.........Homeland Security official says they’re going to focus more on Global Warming ‘resiliency’ than security
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
September 27, 2014
More Information on Oklahoma Muslim Alton Alexander Nolen calls himself “Jah’Keem Yisrael” Who Beheaded co-worker
Video is from Megyn Kelly's show on FOX.
Alton Alexander Nolen calls himself “Jah’Keem Yisrael”
Oklahoma Muslim Convert Who Beheaded Coworker Was Fired After Saying Women Should Be Stoned To Death Per Sharia Law.
On Friday morning, police in Moore, Oklahoma released the identity of the suspect in the brutal beheading of a woman at her workplace: Alton Nolen, who now goes by Jah’Keem Yisrael. Nolen is a convert to Islam, and local press reports that he had attempted to convert other employees at Vaughan Foods, where the murder took place. [...]
Local newspaper McCurtain Gazette reports (no online edition is available):
A classmate of Nolen’s, who didn’t wish to be identified, told this newspaper that he spoke to a close family member of Nolen’s today.
He told this newspaper that according to the family member, Nolen was telling coworkers Thursday of an Islamic teaching that said women should be stoned for an offense, and that an argument followed the mark, Nolen was later fired and returned later Thursday, when he beheaded Colleen Hufford, the family member said.
Wild Thing's comment............
“Religion of Peace” is what we keep being told by Obama and his ilk.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
Yale To Host Radical Islamic Cleric Who Advocated Killing of U.S. Soldiers
Yale To Host Radical Islamic Cleric Who Advocated Killing of U.S. Soldiers
The radical Tunisian sheik who has called for the murder of U.S. troops abroad and was banned from the United States for supporting the terror group Hamas is scheduled to headline an event on Tuesday at Yale University focusing on Islamic law and civilization, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.
Sheikh Rachid al-Ghannouchi, the head of Tunisia’s controversial Islamist Ennahda Movement, is scheduled to head a lecture Tuesday afternoon Yale’s Law School, according to the school’s website.
Al-Ghannouchi’s upcoming appearance at the Ivy League school could become controversial given the sheik’s longtime support for radical terror groups and his past calls for Muslims to wage “unceasing war against the Americans.”
Al-Ghannouchi is the leading figure in Tunisia’s previously banned but hugely popular Islamist Ennahda (“Resistance”) political party, which despite being billed as “moderate” by many, has a history of violence inside and outside of Tunisia.
Al-Ghannouchi was a founding trustee and board member of a group that signed onto a notorious2004 fatwa endorsing the murder of U.S. troops in Iraq and has personally urged the Muslim world to “burn and destroy” U.S. interests across the globe.
Wild Thing's comment...........
We have been seeing destructin9o of our country on a massive scale and from within. This invitation would never have happened when I was growing up
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (3)
September 26, 2014
Muslims with The Islamic State Releases Audio Broadcast Calling on All Muslims Around the World to Begin Murdering Non-Muslims
The reason the Islamic State is so free to call Muslims to kill is because they have the book, the theological and religious imperative to do so.
And their contempt for our weakness is blatant, they call John Kerry “the old uncircumcised geezer” and Obama “the mule of the Jews” while ridiculing him for his ridiculous platitudes about Islam.
In an audio recording distributed widely on social media Sunday, Islamic extremist group ISIS urged attacks on civilians in member countries of the U.S.-led coalition opposed to their violent spread through areas of Syria and Iraq.
In the nearly 42-minute long meandering propaganda speech uploaded to Twitter, ISIS spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani encourages Muslims to kill “disbelievers” in countries, including Canada, currently supporting American and French-backed military action against the group in Iraq “in any manner.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Such a nice religion a real religion of peace.....NOT.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
Anti-Islam ads hit New York streets
Anti-Islam ads hit New York streets ....The American Freedom Defense Initiative's ads
From Pamela Geller
While jihadists vow to attack this city again, city officials kowtow to Islamic supremacists to suppress the truth. The clueless New York City Comptroller and a New York Democratic politician whine about racism — but Islam is not a race. It gets worse from there.
But, that said, all of these media reports are showing the ads again and again and again. And the emails of support are overwhelming.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Pamela is telling the truth about Islam.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
September 22, 2014
Muslim Group ISIS Cleric Says Jihadists Who Are Killed By America Will Receive 144 Virgins
ISIS Cleric Says Jihadists Who Are Killed By America Will Receive 144 Virgins
(ABNA) – Recently, one of the ISIL muftis in Sudan, with distorting the narrations of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), has tried to induce young Sudanese to join terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria.
To encourage his audience he distributed Hoor Al-ayn (heavenly women) among them and said: “Whoever to be killed at the hands of the heretics will receive 72 virgin Hoor Al-ayn in janat (heaven) and they can intercede for 70 members of their families on the Day of Judgment.
He continued: “But, whoever to be killed at the hands of Americans will receive 144 virgin Hoor Al-ayn in janat and they are able to intercede for 140 members of their families.
It was not enough for him, so he falsely added another narrative and said: “Our prophet allowed us to kill children and women of infidels”!
Wild Thing's comment.............
From 72 to 144 so this is one of their specials get them while they last .... what a bunch of lies they want to believe.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
September 20, 2014
Rep. Steve Chabot : It's the 'Islamic' State, Not 'Methodist State or the Episcopalian State or the Baptist State'
It's the 'Islamic' State, Not 'Methodist State or the Episcopalian State or the Baptist State'
"When Christians are told to convert to Islam or die, that would seem to fly in the face of the president's insistence that the Islamic State is not the Islamic"
Rep. Steve Chabot said he's among the Americans who were "shocked" to hear President Barack Obama tell the nation that the Islamic State is not Islamic.
"You know, they don't call themselves the Methodist State or the Episcopalian State or the Baptist State. They're the Islamic State, and I think for good reason," Chabot told Secretary of State John Kerry at a hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
Wild Thing's comment...............
You are absolutely right Rep. Steve Chabot.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
September 19, 2014
Muslim Group ISIS Calls On Muslims In America To Go To Homes Of U.S. Soldiers And “Slaughter Them”
ISIS Calls On Muslims In America To Go To Homes Of U.S. Soldiers And “Slaughter Them”
A law enforcement bulletin obtained by Fox News.com warned that Islamic State fighters have increased calls for “lone wolves” to attack U.S. soldiers in America in recent months, citing one tweet that called for jihadists to find service members’ addresses online and then “show up and slaughter them.”
There will be “a continued call – by Western fighters in Syria and terrorist organizations – for lone offender attacks against U.S. military facilities and personnel,” warned a July law enforcement intelligence bulletin from the Central Florida Intelligence Exchange, a state-run agency that gathers, assesses and shares threat information and works with the Department of Homeland Security. “These threats will most likely increase should the U.S. or its allies attack the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) in Syria or Iraq.”
In one example cited in the bulletin, a British jihadist encouraged radicals still living in the West to use Facebook and LinkedIn to find and target soldiers.
“You could literally search for soldiers, find their town, photos of them, look for address in Yellowbook or something,” the tweet read. “Then show up and slaughter them.” [...]
Killing U.S. troops on American soil is is an increasing focus of jihadists, according to the bulletin, titled “Continued Threat to Military Personnel from Al-Qaida Inspired Homegrown Violent Extremists.” It was sent out on July 8, 2014 “in response to recent social media messaging from Western fighters in Syria calling for attacks against “soldiers in the West.” Instead of luring radicalized Americans to the Middle East, Islamic State will likely encourage them to stay home and kill U.S. soldiers here, the bulletin warned.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Prayers for the safety of our veterans and their families and then for our country.
I have never been afraid of being attacked by terrorists before even after 9-11. Not until now and it is not because of these terrorists groups, it is all because of the weak leadership and Obama that we are stuck with. I honesty believe if an American was attacked on our soil again, Obama still would not care, He didn't care when 9-11 happened in NY. He said we were attacked because they had come from poor families.
This ISIS thing is all because of Obama pulling the troops out of Iraq and again back then not listening to our military's advice to him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
September 17, 2014
Lock her up and throw away the key! Maxine Waters Says Shariah Law Is Compatible With US Constitution (Video)
Maxine Waters Says Shariah Law Is Compatible With US Constitution
On February 19, 2012 a public town hall meeting took place at the Islamic Society of Orange County, California.
Democrat Maxine Waters told the audience Shariah Law was compatible with the US Constitution.
Wild Thing's comment.............
I wish one day something drastic would happen to all these lefties that think it is OK to say things that are truly against our country and our Constitution. I always thought it was some kind of treason to do such a thing. Something completely different then free speech,it is speech aga9nst our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
September 14, 2014
Muslim Group Breaking: ISIS Beheads British Hostage David Haynes- Next Victim Announced – Brit Alan Henning
Breaking: ISIS Beheads British Hostage David Haynes- Next Victim Announced – Brit Alan Henning
ISIS militants released video claiming to be the beheading of British hostage David Cawthorne Haynes on Saturday.
Islamic State militants have released footage claiming to show the beheading of British hostage David Haines.
The aid worker, 44, was captured by ISIS in Syria in March 2013.
The plight of the dad-of-two was revealed when he appeared at the end of a video showing the beheading of US journalist Steven Sotloff earlier this month.
ISIS had threatened to kill Mr Haines if world leaders do not bow to their demands.
Tonight, the extremists posted a new video lasting 2minutes and 30 seconds which appears to show the beheading of David Haines.
Wild Thing's comment................
These cowards continue to murder, Obama can’t even make up his mind if it’s a war or not.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
September 12, 2014
CIA: Muslim Group ISIS RANKS SWELL TO 31,500
A CIA assessment puts the number of ISIS fighters at possibly more than three times the previous estimates.
The terror group that calls itself the Islamic State "can muster between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters across Iraq and Syria," a CIA spokesman told CNN on Thursday.
"This new total reflects an increase in members because of stronger recruitment since June following battlefield successes and the declaration of a caliphate, greater battlefield activity and additional intelligence," the spokesman said.
It's unclear how the ISIS ranks swelled, and whether the increased numbers include recruits from within Iraq.
More than 15,000 foreign fighters, including 2,000 Westerners, have gone to Syria, a CIA source told CNN on Thursday. The fighters come from more than 80 countries, the source said.
It's not immediately clear whether these were primarily ISIS fighters or were dispersed among a number of groups fighting the Syrian government.
Wild Thing's comment...............
We have a Muslim sympathizer as president who will not even correctly identify who our enemy is, much less come up with a strategy to defeat them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
September 02, 2014
Islamists Machine Gun Fail
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL love to see this happen to them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
September 01, 2014
Australia To Fly Guns And Ammunition Into Iraq
Australia To Fly Guns And Ammunition Into Iraq
An Australian military aircraft will soon fly guns and ammunition to the northern Iraqi city of Irbil to help Kurds fight Islamic State militants as part of a U.S.-led multination mission, Australia’s prime minister said on Sunday.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott said his government would join the United States, Britain, Canada, France and Italy in delivering rocket-propelled grenades, mortars and assault rifle ammunition at the request of the U.S. and Iraqi governments.
“While we understandably shrink from reaching out to these conflicts, the truth is that these conflicts reach out to us,” Abbott told reporters.
“None of us want to get involved in another Middle Eastern war, but it is important to do what reasonably can be done to avert potential genocide,” he added.
Australia will use air force C-130 Hercules and C-17 Globemaster planes based at al-Minhad Air Base outside Dubai to deliver weapons and ammunition provided by East European countries.
Australia has said it has F/A-18 Hornets standing ready to join U.S. airstrikes in Iraq if requested by the U.S. and Iraqi governments.
Abbott said Sunday the United States had not requested that Australia play a combat role. If such a request were made, Abbott said it would be considered if it fits the criteria of an achievable overall objective with a clear role for Australian forces. Safety risks must be considered and an overall humanitarian purpose must be in accordance with Australia’s national interest, he said.
Australian C-130s had previously made humanitarian airdrops including food and water to thousands of people stranded by fighting on Mount Sinjar in northern Iraq.
Wild Thing's comment.............
It's so weird to see other countries doing this stuff w/out America leading the way.
Wishing you all a Happy Labor today.
I am sorry there are not more posts,but am needing to get some extra rest to help heal my injury. Love you all! .
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (5)
August 31, 2014
U.S. Officials Say Almost A Dozen Men From Minnesota Are Fighting With ISIS In Syria
U.S. Officials Say Almost A Dozen Men From Minnesota Are Fighting With ISIS In Syria
It has emerged that almost a dozen Minnesotans have left the Midwestern state to take up arms for Islamic extremist groups in the country.
The revelation follows the news that two Minnesota men were killed fighting for ISIS in Syria this past weekend. The White House confirmed that Douglas McArthur McCain, 33, who went to high school in Minneapolis, died while fighting Free Syrian Army rebels in Syria with the Islamic State.
A Minneapolis father-of-nine, Abdirahmaan Muhumed, 29, has been confirmed as the second American jihadi to die fighting for ISIS in Syria.
They are among almost a dozen Minnesotans out of the estimated 100 Americans who have joined the fighting in Syria.
The FBI’s Chief Division Counsel in Minneapolis, Kyle Loven, told ABC News that the phenomenon began in 2007, with Somali-Americans from the state traveling to Somalia.
‘In Somalia, it started as a nationalistic call… [but] we’ve now seen where some individuals perhaps are not interested or not inclined to travel to Somalia, [they] start to branch out to other hot spots around the globe, obviously Syria being among them,’ Loven told ABC.
Wild Thing's comment................
Such wonderful America loving people..........NOT.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (4)
August 28, 2014
‘Are You That Dumb and Ignorant?!’ Hannity Gets in Epic Shouting Match with Imam
‘Are You That Dumb and Ignorant?!’ Hannity Gets in Epic Shouting Match with Imam
Hannity vs Anjem Choudary
Wild Thing's comment............
The Imam should go crawl back in his cave.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (3)
August 25, 2014
Brigitte Gabrielle: ISIS Already in US, Homeland Security Monitoring Members of ISIS
Brigitte Gabrielle: ISIS Already in US, Homeland Security Monitoring Members of ISIS
And how did the ISIS members being monitored by DHS get into the US? They came in through obama’s open US-Mexican border. The obama regime knows terrorists are crossing into the US through our open border yet chooses to do nothing about it.
Wild Thing's comment..............
They're like roaches , if you see one then you know that there are thousands more hiding in the woodwork
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
August 24, 2014
Judge Jeanine ....Are We Facing Another 9/11?
Judge Jeanine..... Are We Facing Another 9/11?
Wild Thing's comment.............
In another time our country and it's leaders put our safety and our Nation being strong first and foremost. But that was before the era of Obama and before the era when the hippies aged and became politicians. Now we are surrp9unded by the likes of Obama, Harry Reid, Pelosi etc..and others wanting open borders for illegals and a weaker military and not speaking up about Islam.
A president that will never honor his oath and never intended to. Yes we told many this would happen but not enough people listened.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
August 21, 2014
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters: To Deal with ISIS, “Kill Them, Keep on Killing Them, Until You Kill the Last One
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters: To Deal with ISIS, “Kill Them, Keep on Killing Them, Until You Kill the Last One
Wild Thing's comment...........
Can you imagine if Obama would speak strongly like this about the terrorists. I can't either, Obama and his limp wrist and his love for Islam override all else.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
July 26, 2014
In Boston at Protest Islamists ; "The Jews Better Learn How to Swim, Moses Ain't Coming ...Allah Akbar"
In footage obtained by TruthRevolt, an Islamist at a Boston rally made deeply disturbing remarks about Israel and Jews.
The man, wearing a kaffiya and a "Palestine" shirt, begins by referring to pro-Israel individuals and says, "They are not here and they will not be here, Inshallah (God willing)."
"They'll be back to the sea and this time Moses is not going to be here to open the sea," he declared. "They better learn how to swim."
The crowd around the Islamist man then began to chant "Allahu Akbar."
Anti-Israel protests have turned violent across the globe, with protestors attacking individuals or Jewish buildings.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Muslims are filthy people and they can take their Islam and put it where the sun does not shine.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
July 23, 2014
ISIS Forces Iraq Shopkeepers to Put Veils on Mannequins Faces
ISIS Forces Iraq Shopkeepers to Put Veils on Mannequins Faces
ISIS has ordered shopkeepers in the Iraqi city of Mosul to cover the faces of mannequins, The Associated Press reported Tuesday.
The Sunni extremist group recently declared a caliphate – or Islamic State - covering parts of Syria and Iraq. Shop owners in Mosul said they had been told to cover the faces of male and female mannequins, apparently in line with strict interpretations of Shariah law that forbid statues or artwork depicting the human form.
Wild Thing's comment.......
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Seriously??? Those poor mannequins. Is there nothing safe from these sickos????
Evil naughty mannequins according to Allah.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
June 25, 2014
Malaysia’s Muslim PM Urges Followers To Be “Brave” Like ISIS Jihadists
Malaysia’s Muslim PM Urges Followers To Be “Brave” Like ISIS Jihadists
MALAYSIA: Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has stirred controversy with his comment on ISIS militants.
In his speech to his ruling party the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) on Monday night, he said that if UMNO members were as brave as ISIS militants, the party would be strong.
It was meant as a pep talk of sorts when PM Najib spoke to his fellow party members.
He said UMNO members need to have six traits in order for the party to survive and flourish — bravery, obedience, loyalty, unity, excellence and sincerity. But it was his example of bravery that caused concern.
PM Najib said that UMNO members should emulate militants in the Middle East, whom he described as fearless in fighting for their cause.
Keith Leong, a research analyst with the KRA Group, said: “I think he was simply saying that he expects UMNO members to be brave and selfless. Of course, it’s a rather awkward and clumsy example to use given what’s happening in Iraq now.”
Already, some militants from Malaysia were reported to have received physical and weapons training by ISIS militants in order to join the insurgencies in Syria and Iraq.
Malaysian police believe more than 20 Malaysians are now in the Middle East fighting alongside ISIS militants.
Sixteen people have been arrested in the past few weeks for suspected links to militant groups. Four have been charged, while another four are still under investigation. The rest were released due to insufficient evidence.
The police now fear that these militants may pose a threat to Malaysia's national security as the militants believe the UMNO-led government is a secular one and needs to be ousted through violent means.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Typical muslim, this jerk is all pro terrorists all the way.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
June 16, 2014
US Embassy in Baghdad Starts Evacuation – Internet Service Shut Down – Green Zone Evacuating
US Embassy in Baghdad Starts Evacuation – Internet Service Shut Down – Green Zone Evacuating
The United States said Sunday it was evacuating some staff from its embassy and beefing up security as deadly explosions rocked the Iraqi capital and advancing militant Islamic insurgents released graphic images appearing to show its fighters massacring captured Iraqi soldiers.
The U.S. State Department said in a statement that an undisclosed number of staffers will be moved to Amman, Jordan or U.S. consulates elsewhere in Iraq not immediately threatened by the insurgent group, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL.
UPDATE: The US Embassy in Baghdad has reportedly lost its internet service.
A three word text was released from inside the Embassy about six hours ago: “Too late Alamo.” That message is open to interpretation.
Just minutes ago news came from within the United States Embassy in Baghdad that the Iraqis have shut down internet service for those barricaded inside. Limited text messages via private cell phones are still coming through.
It is unknown how many of the more than 5,000 U.S. civilians in Baghdad are actually taking refuge inside the embassy compound. NBC war correspondent, Richard Engel reported last night that civilians in and around Baghdad have boarded up residences and businesses.
The embassy lockup is a reminder of when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in August of 1990 and U.S. civilians were held hostage for months, including those from the State Department and Department of Transportation.
UPDATE: Green Zone embassies evacuating…
BREAKING several embassies in the Green Zone evacuating tonight as ISIS advances
Wild Thing's comment............
What a mess!
I saw this in an article from CNN, ,it toward the bottom of the write up.
Partial staff relocation at U.S. Embassy
Between 50 and 100 U.S. Marines and U.S. Army personnel have arrived at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, a U.S. official told CNN on Sunday.
A U.S official acknowledged to CNN that the additional embassy security personnel being added include U.S. Marines who specialize in embassy protection during high-threat conditions.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
May 25, 2014
Federal Court in Denver Rules Christian Cop Must Attend Mosque To Learn About Islamic Beliefs
Federal Court Rules Christian Cop Must Attend Mosque To Learn About Islamic Beliefs
A panel of federal judges in Denver, in an opinion written by Judge Harris Hartz, found that it is perfectly appropriate for a police chief to order subordinates to attend an Islamic mosque where Muslims “discussed Islamic beliefs, Muhammad, Mecca, and why and how Muslims pray” in addition to encouraging officers “to buy” Islamic books and pamphlets that were for sale.
The ruling came on Thursday from the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in a case brought by Capt. Paul Fields, who had been ordered by Tulsa police officials to either go to a special event at the local mosque himself, or order others to do that.
Fields refused based on religious freedom objections and was punished for that.
The judges on the 10th Circuit panel said that was perfectly appropriate.
“This ruling is troubling on so many levels,” said Robert Muise, of the American Freedom Law Center, which has pursued the case since it developed several years ago.
“We have argued throughout this case that Capt. Fields was summarily punished for simply raising and asserting a religious objection to the order mandating attendance at the Islamic event, and that such discriminatory treatment violates the First and 14th Amendments,” he said. “Yet, inexplicably, the 10th Circuit refused to address this main issue on appeal, claiming that it was not raised below.
“The court is wrong, and we intend to seek full court review of this patently erroneous decision,” he said.
“The evidence is overwhelming that the city and its senior police officials wanted to make an example of Capt. Fields by harshly punishing him, a Christian, for objecting on religious grounds to an order compelling attendance at an Islamic event,” said David Yerushalmi, co-founder for the AFLC.
“Consequently, when judges can rewrite the case and the case history to fit the conclusion they seek, as the 10th Circuit has done here, due process is robbed of any meaning,” he said.
“Had a Muslim officer objected to attending a Jewish event to be held at a synagogue on a Saturday and the officer was treated like Capt. Fields, there is little doubt that the entire Tulsa Police Department chain of command would have been fired,” Yerushalmi said.
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is so wrong what the Federal Court is doing to this policeman.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
May 01, 2014
Museum Devoted To Islam Planned Near 9/11 Ground Zero _ Disgusting!!!
Museum Devoted To Islam Planned Near 9/11 Ground Zero
The developer whose proposal to build a Muslim community center and mosque near the World Trade Center failed amid a national controversy three years ago said Tuesday that he now plans to construct a museum devoted to Islam in the same location.
Sharif El-Gamal, the developer, said through a spokesman that instead of a $100 million, 15-story community center and prayer space, he now planned a smaller, three-story museum “dedicated to exploring the faith of Islam and its arts and culture.” The building would also include a sanctuary for prayer services and community programs.
To make the plan more attractive to neighbors, he said in a statement, he had commissioned a French architect, Jean Nouvel, winner of the 2008 Pritzker Prize, to design the building at 45-51 Park Place, about two blocks from the former World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan, and had included plans for a public green space.
“This is a more tailored approach, both physically and programmatically,” said Hank Sheinkopf, a spokesman for Mr. El-Gamal. “It will prove to be an important addition to the neighborhood and to New York City’s arts and cultural community.”
The museum will be a 5,000-square-foot, three-story structure, Mr. Sheinkopf said, adding that the dimensions and design are still in development. He said Mr. El-Gamal’s signing of Mr. Nouvel “shows his serious commitment to realizing this project.”
Wild Thing's comment............
New Yorkers should be outraged about this.. And the entire country should be as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM | Comments (2)
April 20, 2014
Rev. Franklin Graham: If You Want to Practice Sharia Law, Go Back to Where You Came From (Video)
Rev. Franklin Graham: If You Want to Practice Sharia Law, Go Back to Where You Came From
“We should be afraid of sharia law” in America, and Muslims here who want to practice sharia should go back to where they came from, “to those nations that recognize sharia law,” said Rev. Franklin Graham, head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
In a recent interview with the Charlotte Observer, Graham was asked, “Some say you demonize Islam, and Christians in this country have opposed building a mosque or are worried about Sharia law. Isn’t it –”
Graham, who oversees the international Christian aid group Samaritan’s Purse, said, “We should be afraid of Sharia law. We should be absolutely afraid of it. No question about it, because there’s no tolerance in Sharia law. It persecutes those that do not believe in Islam.”
Wild Thing's comment............
He is right, it does not belong in our country. This is NOT a Muslim country and Islam's laws never should be a part of our laws in any way.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
April 07, 2014
Muslim Brotherhood Launches US Political Network to Promote Sharia Law
Muslim Brotherhood Launches US Political Network to Promote Sharia Law
The radical Muslim Brotherhood has built up a political network that seeks to turn Muslims into a voting bloc. The group is hoping to institutionalize favorable policies like Shariah law in the US.
With an eye toward the 2016 election, the radical Muslim Brotherhood has built the framework for a political party in America that seeks to turn Muslims into an Islamist voting bloc.
‘Muslim voters have the potential to be swing voters in 2016,” said Nihad Awad in launching the benign-sounding U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations, whose membership reads like a Who’s Who of Brotherhood front groups.
“We are aiming to bring more participation from the Muslim community.”
USCMO also aims to elect Islamists in Washington, with the ultimate objective of “institutionalizing policies” favorable to Islamists — that is, Shariah law.
This development bears careful monitoring in light of the U.S. Brotherhood’s recently exposed goal to wage a “civilization jihad” against America that explicitly calls for infiltrating the U.S. political system and “destroying (it) from within.”
The subversive plan was spelled out in hundreds of pages of founding archives that the FBI confiscated from a Brotherhood leader’s home in the Washington suburbs after 9/11.
Translated from Arabic, the secret documents listed a number of Brotherhood front organizations — some of which just happen to make up the newly formed USCMO.
Front and center is the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, the catalyst behind this Trojan horse jihadist political party.
CAIR is linked in federal criminal court documents to the terrorist group Hamas, the Brotherhood's Palestinian branch. CAIR's chief Awad, who announced the USCMO at the National Press Club, is so radioactive, the FBI refuses to do outreach with him and his so-called Muslim-rights group until it can "resolve whether there continues to be a connection between its executives and Hamas."
Equally troubling is the Muslim American Society, another founding member of the USCMO. MAS was formed as "the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States," a 2007 Justice Department court filing states. A 2011 MAS press release praised Osama bin Laden as "a visionary who believed in an Islamic state in Afghanistan."
The list of bad actors doesn't end there. The chairman of America's new Islamist party is none other than Oussama Jammal, who once headed the notorious Bridgeview Mosque in Chicago.
One of that mosque's leaders was arrested and jailed for funneling millions to Hamas. And one of its most honored guests was bin Laden's spiritual mentor, the late Palestinian cleric Abdullah Azzam. Some of Azzam's relatives are Bridgeview members.
"The walls were covered with Hamas posters and recruiting literature showing masked gunmen brandishing automatic weapons. . . . You could see daggers plunged into Jewish hearts wrapped up in American flags," said Steve Emerson, describing the mosque in his book "American Jihad." "They even had a library filled with terrorist videos."
Wild Thing's comment...........
God help us and our country. This is all because of Obama and his catering to his Muslim brotherhood pals.
Don't forget Valerie Jarret. She IS an Iranian...and is the Rasputin to Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
April 06, 2014
Muslims Object to Easter Egg Hunt
Muslims Object to Easter Egg Hunt
Muslim moms and dads in Dearborn, Mich. are upset after students received flyers promoting an Easter Egg hunt at a local Presbyterian church. The parents say the egg hunt violates the U.S. Constitution.
The Muslims told the Detroit Free-Press that they were concerned about the religious implications of Cherry Hill Presbyterian Church’s “Eggstravaganza!” They were also troubled by images of a bunny rabbit.
“It really bothered my two kids,” parent Majed Moughni, told the newspaper. “My son was like, ‘Dad, I really don’t feel comfortable getting these flyers, telling me to go to church. I thought churches are not supposed to mix with schools.’ ”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Too bad the Muslims are not upset about their cruelty to women and the death and destruction they do around the world.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
April 02, 2014
Good for Megyn Kelly!! Megyn Kelly: CAIR Demanded We Retract Our Report – “Guess What? You’re Not Getting It!”
Megyn Kelly: CAIR Demanded We Retract Our Report – “Guess What? You’re Not Getting It!”
Megyn Kelly told her audience on Tuesday that CAIR wrote the show and demanded a retraction to their coverage of “Honor Diaries”. Megyn Kelly said,
“We discussed this movie last night. And you won’t be surprised to hear, Brooke, that they wrote us an email demanding a retraction. Well, guess what? You’re not getting it!”
Wild Thing's comment...........
I am so proud of her, this is not an easy thing to do. A lot of other media people would have caved.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (2)
March 16, 2014
Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai says "We Don’t Need American Troops"
Karzai says We Don’t Need American Troops…
In his final address to Afghanistan’s parliament Saturday, President Hamid Karzai told the United States its soldiers can leave at the end of the year because his military, which already protects 93 percent of the country, was ready to take over entirely.
He reiterated his stance that he would not sign a pact with the United States that would provide for a residual force of U.S. troops to remain behind after the final withdrawal, unless peace could first be established.
The Afghan president has come under heavy pressure to sign the Bilateral Security Agreement, with a council of notables that he himself convened recommend that he sign the pact. The force would train and mentor Afghan troops, and some U.S. Special Forces would also be left behind to hunt down Al Qaeda.
All 10 candidates seeking the presidency in April 5 elections have said they would sign the security agreement. But Karzai himself does not appear to want his legacy to include a commitment to a longer foreign troop presence in his country.
Karzai was brought to power in the wake of the 2001 U.S.-led invasion and subsequently won two presidential elections —- in 2004 and again in 2009. But he has in recent years espoused a combatative nationalism, with his hour-long speech Saturday no exception.
Wild Thing's comment..............
He has always been a fan of the Taliban.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
March 09, 2014
General: Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated Pentagon In 'High Security Clearance' Positions
General: Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated Pentagon In 'High Security Clearance' Positions
Feb 27, 2014
ANN ARBOR, MI -- U.S. Army Lieutenant General (Ret.) William "Jerry" Boykin, in a World Net Daily radio interview, confirmed that people with high security clearances connected to the Muslim Brotherhood hold important positions in every major federal agency including the Pentagon and the Department of Defense.
The Muslim Brotherhood is a radical Islamist organization that has vowed the destruction of America from within.
General Boykin has the credentials to back up his conclusions. He was one of the original members of the U.S. Army's Delta Force which he ultimately led in combat operations. He also served a tour in the CIA during which time he participated in clandestine operations throughout the world. He served his last four years in the Army as Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.
Wild Thing's comment............
Some how some way we have got to clean out our government on all levels of these Muslim brotherhood people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
January 19, 2014
Saudi Cleric: OK To Kill Women And Children If You Are Aiming At Infidels
Saudi Cleric: OK To Kill Women And Children If You Are Aiming At Infidels…
Wild Thing's comment............
How special is this........not.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
December 23, 2013
HOMELAND THREAT: U.S. imam: Muslims Can Take The Property of Christians and Jews
Tennessee Imam Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi: “Jews and Christians are Filthy, Their Lives and Property can be Taken in Jihad by the Muslims”
HOMELAND THREAT: U.S. imam: Muslims Can Take The Property of Christians and Jews
Yasir Qadhi (aka Abu Ammaar Yasir Kazi) is an American imam and college professor who is described by a 2011 New York Times Magazine essay as “one of the most influential conservative clerics in American Islam.”
Born in Houston, Texas, to Pakistani parents, Qadhi spent his formative years in Saudi Arabia, having graduated from high school in Jeddah, after which he returned to the United States to pursue a B. Sc. in chemical engineering from the University of Houston, followed by a doctoral degree in theology at Yale University. Qadhi is presently a faculty member in the Religious Studies Department of Rhodes College, in Memphis, Tennessee.
Qadhi gives regular sermons and lectures, and also appears on a number of Islamic satellite channels in the U.S., U.K., Egypt, and India.
In his sermon/lecture in the YouTube audio below, Qadhi begins by calling Christians “shirk” for being “polythesists” who believe in the Triune God (three persons in one God), instead of Islam’s “monotheist” god Allah.
Then Qadhi really steps up his verbal abuse. He says, since “there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah wuzza wuzza,” Christians are “by necessity and by definition … the most evil of all evils.” Like all “unbelievers” and “polytheists,” Christians are “filthy.” They are ”najusa” (feces, urine) — “a filthy impure dirty substance.”
Qadhi declares that the prophet Mohammad — and by extension all Muslims — “has been commanded to do jihad.”
What is jihad?
Jihad “is a means to establish monotheism on the land.” The prophet had said, “I have been commanded to fight the people until they” convert to Islam. But “if they don’t [convert to Islam,] their life and property are halal [free for the taking] for the Muslims.”This hate-spewing man is not only an imam (the word means a teacher of Islam) but a college professor in Tennessee! If a Christian preacher or college professor had said this about another religious group — Jews, or Buddhists, or Muslims — it would be the leading news on all the mainstream media.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Just try it jerk, we have guns and will protect ourselves and our property.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
September 24, 2013
Hero of the mall massacre: Off duty soldier with a handgun saved 100 lives as terrorists ran amok
An off-duty member of the SAS emerged as a hero of the Nairobi siege yesterday, after he was credited with saving up to 100 lives.
The soldier was having coffee at the Westgate mall when it was attacked by Islamists on Saturday.
With a gun tucked into his waistband, he was pictured helping two women from the complex.
He is said to have returned to the building on a dozen occasions, despite intense gunfire.
A friend in Nairobi said: ‘What he did was so heroic. He was having coffee with friends when it happened.
‘He went back in 12 times and saved 100 people. Imagine going back in when you knew what was going on inside.’
Sources said the soldier was with the Special Air Service, or SAS. He cannot be named for security reasons.
The British Special Forces regularly train and operate out of Kenya, and have been involved in tracking UK citizens involved with hardline Islamists in Somalia and Yemen.
Wild Thing's comment.............
A good guy with a gun is far better than a good guy without a gun. In this case, 100 people are alive because this sheepdog had his fangs at the ready and the know how to use them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
September 19, 2013
Krauthammer Reacts to Assad Fox News Interview: “One of the Great Liars of All-Time”
Krauthammer Reacts to Assad Fox News Interview: “One of the Great Liars of All-Time”
Charles comments after the interview on FOX of Assad that aired yesterday.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Thank you Charles. I would never believe a Muslim about anything.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
September 12, 2013
Jihadis gain ground in Syrian 'rebel' movement
Jihadis gain ground in Syrian 'rebel' movement
By Richard Engel, Chief Foreign Correspondent, NBC News
ANTAKYA, Turkey — Syrian opposition activists tell NBC News that Bashar Assad is getting away with having used chemical weapons to massacre hundreds of civilians, and that giving the regime a pass will only benefit al-Qaeda extremists.
“If there is no action, everyone will be desperate. We are already desperate. We are dying. Many will join al-Qaeda. Even the educated will join them, because no one else is helping,” a Syrian rebel said.
There is a battle underway within the Syrian revolt -- a war within the war -- between the generally moderate, US-backed Free Syrian Army and Islamic extremist groups.
The Free Syrian Army put its faith in Washington, which promised action, but so far hasn’t delivered. The moderates say they have lost hope and face. Islamists, on the other hand, always doubted Washington would act, and instead of attending meetings, they are putting bullets in their guns; and they are sending men.
Both want to topple Assad, but the end goals are very different: democracy on one side, and an Islamic state on the other.
The mind of the jihadi
Abu Abdul Rahman, a 22-year-old from Tunisia, sat in a safe house earlier this week in Antakya -- a southern Turkey town that’s fast becoming a smugglers transit route. He was waiting for a smuggler to take him across the border to fight in Syria.
“Almighty Allah has made Jihad a duty on us. When our Muslim brethren are oppressed, it is a duty to support them wherever they are, because Muslims are not separated by countries,” he said.
Abdul Rahman is one of thousands of al-Qaeda volunteers who are flocking to Syria to join what they see as a battle to defend Muslims no one is bothering to help.
“This was a dream for me, to wage jihad for Allah’s sake, because this is one of the greatest deeds in Islam, to lift aggression off my brothers, to bleed for Allah and no other,” he said.
At the safe house, Abdul Rahman checked his gear in the final hours before the smuggler arrived to collect him. He wasn’t sure what he’d need for the jihad. A college student until dropping out to join the fight, he'd never fought in a war before, never used a gun in anger. He looked somewhat confused as he dug through a plastic bag, going through the camouflage uniform, gloves and thick jacket he bought at an army surplus store. He might be in Syria for months, perhaps years, he said. He’d spent his entire young life in North Africa, and wasn’t sure how cold it gets in the winter.
“As long as there is aggression and until there is an Islamic state, I will stay,” he said.
Not like the movies
Abdul Rahman didn’t look like the cliché image of Islamic militants portrayed in the movies. He was clean shaven, polite and wore the kind of oversized sunglasses you usually see on women. He agreed to let us interview him because he believes he is doing nothing wrong.
After waiting through the afternoon at the safe house, the smuggler finally arrived.
The man helping Abdul Rahman cross the border said he has moved 300 foreign fighters to Syria in the last four months. And he has competition from other smugglers doing the same thing.
Abdul Rahman picked up his plastic bag of war clothing and got into a car. On the way to the Syrian border, he telephoned his mother in Tunisia. She didn’t want him to go and asked him to wait in Turkey, so she could come and say goodbye in person. He lied to her, saying he was already in Syria and it was too late. He hung up the phone and told us if he’d been truthful, his mother would have tried to force him to go home.
“I am happy. People say that by coming here I might die, there is shelling and so forth, but I thank Allah I am happy because I am satisfying my Allah almighty. I did not come for a worldly purpose. I did not come for money. I only came for Allah’s sake and to support my Muslim brothers,” he said.
Abdul Rahman made a few more calls before getting out of the car. He wanted to ensure his contacts from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, a radical group aligned with al-Qaeda, would be waiting for him when he crossed the grassy hill separating Turkey from Syria.
He got out of the car and disappeared over a rise, joining a revolution for purposes far beyond toppling Bashar Assad.
Wild Thing's comment.............
I wonder what would happen if we left all these Muslims alone to kill each other. And put our loyalty with Israel to help them defend their country on what they ask us for. Just feeling that when it comes to Islam countries I would want to know Israels opinion on it big time.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (2)
August 24, 2013
Terrorist Nidal Hasan Found Guilty of Murder For Fort Hood Shootings
Nidal Hasan Found Guilty of Murder For Fort Hood Shootings
Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hassan was found guilty on all counts of premeditated murder and attempted murder Friday, making him eligible for the death penalty.
Sentencing was set for Monday.
A military jury deliberated for roughly one day before announcing the verdict.
Hasan sat emotionless, stroking his beard as the verdict was delivered.
He was charged with 13 counts of pre-meditated murder and 32 counts of attempted pre-meditated murder in the Nov. 2009 shooting attack at the sprawling Texas military base.
Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, had acted as his own attorney at the 13-day trial, but questioned only three of nearly 90 witnesses and presented only a single piece of evidence in his defense: an evaluation from his boss that called him a good soldier. He also chose not to make a closing statement.
The American-born Muslim told jurors during a brief opening statement that evidence would "clearly show" he was the shooter, and he described himself as a soldier who had "switched sides."
Wild Thing's comment..............
I guess Obama is disappointed since he said it was just work place violence.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
August 20, 2013
Good Grief!! CAIR Forces Chicago Police To Scrap Counter-Terror Training
CAIR Forces Chicago Police To Scrap Counter-Terror Training
Amid protests from a Muslim civil liberties group, local police training officials have called off an anti-terrorism course for officers scheduled for Monday in Lombard that was to have been taught by an instructor the group regards as anti-Muslim.
The class was canceled this morning after the head of the agency in charge of police training statewide asked the local training agency, North East Multi-Regional Training, not to use the instructor until the state agency investigates his curriculum, said Phil Brankin, director of the local organization. Brankin said Kevin McClain, executive director of the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board, said the trainer and course would not be used statewide until the investigation concludes.
The Chicago chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations had called for the cancellation of the class, “Islamic Awareness as a Counter-Terrorist Strategy,” arguing instructor Sam Kharoba is unqualified to teach about Islam and has depicted the religion as inherently violent.
“Counter-terrorism training is too important to be left to those who promote a bigoted political or religious agenda,” CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab said in a news release. “Our state’s law enforcement agencies should work with credible leaders of the Muslim community to address any issues related to Islam.”
Wild Thing's comment............
Obama must be thrilled. This is his America and it sure feels like we are just here to pay for his agenda and for him to have someone to attack and threaten. POS Obama!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
August 11, 2013
Sacramento MUSLIM Man on “Mission from Allah” Stabs Hardware Store Employee 17 Times
Man who killed Ace hardware employee was on "mission from Allah," deputy DA says
Daymond Agnew was following Allah’s direction when he ended up at an Ace hardware store.
The killer had spray-painted his face silver and black because he believed Allah favored the Raiders.
A 34 year-old Sacramento man who said he was “on a mission from Allah” went to an Ace Hardware store and stabbed an employee 17 times.
A 34-year-old Sacramento man who went to an El Sobrante hardware store on a “mission from Allah to help people” before fatally stabbing an employee 17 times was arraigned on murder charges Tuesday, prosecutors say.
Daymond Agnew, charged with murder with use of a knife in Sunday’s slaying of 49-year-old Daniel Joseph Stone, of Pinole, at Oliver’s Ace Hardware, did not enter a plea and was ordered to return to the Richmond courthouse on Aug. 13 with a public defender.
Agnew has been held in County Jail on $1.3 million bail since prosecutors say that — by sheer coincidence — he was captured in the store owner’s family home, located not far from the store at 4071 San Pablo Dam Road.
According to witnesses, surveillance video and the defendant’s own account, Agnew went to the store and walked up to Stone and a customer as they were discussing a paint purchase, deputy district attorney Mary Knox said. After Stone told Agnew that he would help the customer on his own, Agnew used the store’s spray paint to paint his face in Oakland Raiders’ silver and black because the football team is “in favor with Allah,” Knox said.
Agnew stabbed Stone at least once in the store after Stone told colleagues to call 911, Knox said. Agnew allegedly stabbed Stone many more times outside the store before running to a nearby creek.
By way of the creek, Agnew ended up in the backyard of the home of the store owner, Richard Oliver, who had just received the call about the attack on his employee, Knox said. Oliver, who was with his wife and son, fled the residence and called police to their home.
Wild Thing's comment....................
A Muslim, so shall we wait to hear from the so called non violent Muslims to see what they have to say.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
July 08, 2013
Dem Sen. Bob Menendez Says Muslim Brotherhood Must Be Part Of New Egyptian Government - No He Is Wrong!
Dem Sen. Bob Menendez Says Muslim Brotherhood Must Be Part Of New Egyptian Government
Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., believes the Muslim Brotherhood regime that was just deposed in Egypt due to dictatorial actions by the president needs to be part of the country’s political future.
“[A]n Egypt for all includes in my mind, participation from the Muslim Brotherhood,” Menendez said on “Meet the Press” earlier today. “But, you know, President Morsi himself acted rather dictatorially back in November when he said that his decrees were not subject to judicial review, when he said the constitutional assembly was not subject to — to judicial review. So at the end of the day, while I would have liked to have seen early elections and then see him test his support among the people and the people would have had a choice and, therefore, less likely to have them be further … radicalized, at the end of the day, that’s not what happened. So now the question is can we bring everybody together to create a more inclusive society in terms of the representation that it has in government? If we can do that, then Egypt has a possibility.”
Wild Thing's comment..............
I wish we could send Obama and his democrats that think this way to live in the countries that have Muslim brotherhood rule.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
June 21, 2013
Sen. Ted Cruz: "Don't give weapons to people who want to kill us"
Ted Cruz Against Arming Syrian Rebels: 'Don't Give Weapons to People Who Want to Kill Us'
'As many as 7 of the 9 rebel groups may have ties to Al-Qaeda'
CRUZ on the senate floor with great speech on the situation in Syria
Wild Thing's comment...............
Excellent speech by Cruz.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Poll: Only 17% Agree With Obama That The War On Terror Is Over, 77% Say We Are Still At War With Radical Islam
Only 17% Agree With Obama That The War On Terror Is Over,
77% Say We Are Still At War With Radical Islam
In a major national security address in May, President Obama said it was time to take the United States off the war footing it has been on since the September 11 terrorist attacks — and at one point stated, “This war, like all wars, must end.”
The speech was widely seen as a signal Obama views the war on terrorism as winding down.
A Fox News national poll released Wednesday finds American voters disagree.
The poll was conducted in the wake of revelations that the government’s National Security Agency has been secretly collecting telephone and internet records of millions of Americans as part of a program to prevent future terrorist attacks.
Asked how they see the war on terrorism, 77 percent of voters say the war is ongoing and “should continue to be a top priority to the government.” Far fewer — 17 percent — feel the war is over and should be a lower priority. The majority opinion overwhelms partisan differences. Ninety percent of those who identify with the Tea Party movement and 87 percent of military veterans believe the fight against terrorism should continue to be a top priority, as do most Republicans (86 percent)
Wild Thing's comment..................
Obama counts on peop0le being dumb....he had proof of how dumb they were when so many voted for him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
June 11, 2013
University Of Chicago Removes Pews From 88-Year Old Chapel To Accommodate Islamic Prayers ~ Sickening!
University Of Chicago Removes Pews From 88-Year Old Chapel To Accommodate Islamic Prayers…
University of Chicago (UC) administrators permanently removed pews from an 88-year old chapel on campus in order to accommodate Islamic prayers, according to a local news report.
Chicago NPR affiliate, WBEZ news, reported on May 23, the pews, which are now part of display at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) Chicago, were “removed in order to provide Muslim students a place to pray.”
Literature describing the artwork that was created by UC Director of Arts and Public Life Theaster Gates, also describes the removal of the pews as symbol of religious tolerance.
“The pews were recently removed from the chapel in order to offer Muslim students a place to pray, a symbolic gesture of religious tolerance,” according to an official description of the exhibit which includes a “set of repurposed pews from the University of Chicago’s campus church.”
Wild Thing's comment................
But of course, let's do all we can to favor the freaking followers of Islam....... this is so sick and horrible to do this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (2)
June 06, 2013
Obama's FBI is rewriting history in order to help al-Qaida,”...FBI Says The Koran Is The “Revealed Word Of God”
FBI: Quran is 'revealed word of God'
The FBI has censored and modified hundreds of pages of materials to satisfy Muslim critics, including a change that was made because an agency “expert” insisted the Quran “is the revealed word of God.”
The details come from Judicial Watch, which obtained documentation of the hundreds of pages of FBI memos, training documents and other paperwork that the agency purged on the demands of Muslims.
“The FBI is rewriting history in order to help al-Qaida,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton. “This shows that the law enforcement agency is in need of serious top-to-bottom reform.”
Fitton said a lesson learned from the Boston Marathon terrorist attack is that the country is less safe when it allows radical Muslim organizations to tell the FBI how to train its agents and do its job.
“The FBI’s purge of so-called ‘offensive’ material is political correctness run amok, and it puts the nation at risk,” he said. “The Obama administration needs to stop putting the tender sensibilities of radical Islamists above the safety of the American people.”
The organization recently released hundreds of pages of documents from the FBI that demonstrate the effort to purge from anti-terrorism training materials and curriculum anything that a number of unidentified “subject matter experts” deemed “offensive” to Muslims.
For example, according to Judicial Watch, one expert insisted that a particular slide in a training program describing the Quran as the teachings of Muhammad be removed or changed.
The reason?
“The Quran is not the teachings of the prophet,” wrote the expert, “but the revealed word of God.”
According to Judicial Watch, another criticism was leveled against a particular article because it “inaccurately argues the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization.”
Wild Thing's comment..............
So pathetic to see the FBI go so weak and something one cannot respect like we used to in the past. What is next Allah Akbar chants on their answering machines?????
Anti American and the dumbing down of Americans from the top down.
The prophet pedophile is not a representative of God. Moses told us that we can verify prophets. Any prophet who utters anything in contradiction to established Scripture is no prophet, we need not fear mohammad because he contradicted the Scriptures.
Obama lives to destroy and it's clearly seen in his appointments, his ideas and his policies. He had put in place at all of the federal agencies his useful idiots that will bow down and help him destroy our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (1)
May 23, 2013
Awesome Michelle Malkin Slams “Political Correctness” as the “Handmaiden of Islamic Terrorism” in Wake of British Soldier’s Killing by Jihadists in London
Michelle Malkin on Hannity last night where she took on liberal Leslie Marshall on why it is vital to identify the threat we face from Islamic Jihadist Terrorism. They were discussing the Islamic Jihadist attack in London today by two men against a British soldier, hacking him to death in broad daylight. Marshall agreed it sounds like a terror attack, but said a full investigation is needed – even though the two men were shouting “Allahu Akbar” all through the attack. Malkin pointed out that this is the very kind of PC, “Progressive” attitude that has put Britain in a very dangerous position, and makes it very hard for obvious Jihadist attacks in the U.S. to be labeled what it is – such as the Fort Hood attack.
By the way – they also pointed out that it took police with firearms 20 minutes to arrive in London and no armed citizens were available with their strict gun laws. Michelle Malkin pointed out the only person there with a gun was one of the Jihadists – which was against the law. So much for the wisdom of Great Britain’s vaunted Gun Control laws.
Wild Thing's comment..................
Good for Michelle she did a great job. I agree with her enough of the PC bs about these terrorists.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
April 28, 2013
CAIR Sues State Of Michigan For Not Providing Muslim Prisoners Proper Halal Meals - Bread and water there settled
CAIR Sues State Of Michigan For Not Providing Muslim Prisoners Proper Halal meals
A federal lawsuit was filed today against the Michigan Department of Corrections, alleging several Muslim inmates aren’t getting enough “nutritional” food during the month-long fast of Ramadan and are being forced to eat foods that violate their religious beliefs.
According to the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Detroit, the state’s “Ramadan Bagged Meal” contains about 1,100-1,400 calories, which is roughly less than half the amount of calories that the other inmates get on any given day. Under state prison policy, all inmate meals total 2,600 to 2,900 calories a day.
The lawsuit, filed by the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MI), is challenging a policy that it claims requires Muslim inmates to sacrifice an adequate diet when they participate in the Ramadan fast. The suit also challenges a policy that prevents Muslims from maintaining a religiously-mandated —or halal — diet. Halal is a term used to designate food seen as permissible according to Islamic teachings. Under the halal food diet, pork and pork-based food products are forbidden, an addition to all meat that is not slaughtered and prepared in accordance with Islamic law.
The lawsuit claims that the MDOC has refused to provide Muslim inmates with a halal diet, “despite repeated requests.” As a result, Muslim inmates have been forced to “violate their sincerely-held religious beliefs by eating foods that violate the restrictions of the halal food diet,” according to the lawsuit.
CAIR-MI is seeking a court order enjoining the department from denying Muslim inmates an adequate diet during the upcoming month of Ramadan, which is scheduled to start July 9.
Wild Thing's comment..................
CAIR is what is the problem, they have yet to show they are against terrorists.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (2)
April 23, 2013
Terrorist Fan MSNBC Martin Bashir: Boston Bombers Hurt “Peace-Loving Religion” Of Islam
Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
MSNBC’s Martin Bashir explains how suspected Boston Marathon bombers, the Tsarnaev brothers, are the just the latest to use terror in the name of Islam – burying the “peace, compassion and kindness of the Koran.”
Wild Thing's comment..............
He didn't mention the damage done by the Al Qaeda plotters intending to derail a passenger train and kill even more innocents in Canada.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
April 18, 2013
Benghazi Whistleblowers Set to Talk
Benghazi Whistleblowers Set to Talk
According to CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson, who has covered the Benghazi terror attack resulting in the death of four Americans including our Ambassador to Libya, new whistleblowers are speaking to Congressional investigators.
For months, Republican members of Congress have complained about lack of access to the survivors of the Benghazi attacks, and the Obama administration has been anything but forthcoming on their location and when Republicans will have the opportunity to question those witnesses.
Wild Thing's comment...............
Finally, since day one they have not been allowed to speak which is absolutely horrible.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM
April 15, 2013
Good Grief! Mohammed Now One Of The Most Popular Baby Names In Minnesota
Mohammed Now One Of The Most Popular Baby Names In Minnesota, Cracks Top 100 For First Time
Mohamed has made the list of most popular baby boy names in Minnesota, according to the Social Security Administration (SSA).
Mohamed was the 98th most popular boy’s name in 2011 in the state. The SSA says Minnesota parents named 73 boys after the founder of Islam in that year.
This is the first time the name has appeared on the list the SSA releases each year.
Mohamed’s place on the list is not surprising considering some recent statistics.
“The name, in its several variations, is one of the most popular worldwide for Muslim parents,” according to the Star Tribune. “It has risen on Minnesota’s list as the state’s population has rapidly changed. From 2000 to 2010, the number of residents of color grew 55 percent, and Minnesota’s fast-growing Somali population is the largest in the United States.”
Wild Thing's comment........................
It is so sickening how our country carters to the religion of the terrorists that want us all dead.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (3)
April 09, 2013
Bunch of BS! Trial Of Osama Bin Laden’s Son-In-Law Delayed Due To Sequester Cuts
Trial Of Osama Bin Laden’s Son-In-Law Delayed Due To Sequester Cuts
The highly anticipated New York trial of Osama bin Laden’s son-in-law could be delayed because his court-appointed lawyers have been hit by US budget cuts, they said Monday.
Federal Judge Lewis Kaplan called the revelation that a package of US federal government cuts known as the sequester could imperil a start to the trial this year “stunning.”
Martin Cohen, an attorney for Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, allegedly a senior propagandist in the Al-Qaeda network, said he doubted he could be ready by Kaplan’s suggested trial date in September.
“The lawyers for the federal defenders are to be furloughed for five-and-a-half weeks,” he told a hearing, saying it would be “very difficult to be ready for September.”
Cohen suggested a January date for the trial as an alternative.
Kaplan said it was “extremely troublesome to contemplate the possibility of a case of this nature being delayed because of sequestration.”
Abu Ghaith has pleaded not guilty to conspiring to kill US nationals.
He was brought in and out of the Manhattan court with his hands cuffed behind his back and wearing a blue prison smock. He did not speak during the hearing, but listened to proceedings through an English-to-Arabic interpreter.
Defense lawyers also queried whether the bearded former comrade of the late Bin Laden could get a fair jury trial in a courthouse just a few blocks from the site of the World Trade Center, where nearly 3,000 people died in the September 11, 2001 Al-Qaeda attacks.
Cohen said his team was considering asking Kaplan to move the trial elsewhere because of “the prejudicial nature of the trial in New York.”
Asked later by journalists if a fair trial was possible, Cohen said: “These are questions that we’re mulling over.”
Once a trial does get underway, it could take as much as five weeks, with up to four weeks spent on the prosecution case, lawyers for both sides told the court.
Wild Thing's comment.................
What a bunch of baloney this is. They insist on having the trial here in our country instead of at GITMO then they try pulling this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
February 27, 2013
Hezbollah Leader Hasan Nasrallah Has Cancer, Flown To Iran For Treatment After His Condition Deteriorates - Get Lost Terrorist!
Hezbollah Leader Hasan Nasrallah Has Cancer, Flown To Iran For Treatment After His Condition Deteriorates
The Turkish Anatolia News Agency reported Tuesday that Hezbollah Secretary-General Hasan Nasrallah became ill a few days ago, was admitted to a private hospital in Beirut and later flown to Tehran, this after a number of Lebanese news outlets reported over the past 24 hours that Nasrallah was diagnosed with cancer and is being treated in Iran. The reports have not been confirmed.
The Turkish news agency quoted “knowledgeable sources affiliated with Hezbollah” as saying that Nasrallah was flown to Iran after being released from a hospital in south Beirut. His flight left from the Rafik Hariri International Airport in Beirut, they said.
The sources said the leader of the Lebanese terror group was in stable condition and that he remains hospitalized in Iran.
A Hezbollah source denied the reports in an interview with the Al Mayadeen satellite network on Tuesday. .
Lebanon’s Sawt Beirut International radio station, which is affiliated with political groups opposed to Hezbollah, quoted sources who are “close” to Hezbollah as saying Monday that Nasrallah was recently diagnosed with cancer and that his condition was deteriorating. According to the report, Nasrallah, 52, traveled to Tehran on a private plane sent by the Iranian presidency.
Wild Thing's comment...............
No sympathy for terrorists from me, no way. It will be a good day when this terrorist can be crossed off the list.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM
December 12, 2012
New Army Manual Orders Soldiers Not To Criticize Taliban ~ INSANE
New Army Manual Orders Soldiers Not To Criticize Taliban
Here is a strong indicator that the Obama Administration’s crusade to appease Islam has gone too far; a new U.S. military handbook for troops deployed to the Middle East orders soldiers not to make derogatory comments about the Taliban or criticize pedophilia, among other outrageous things.
It gets better; the new manual, which is around 75 pages, suggests that Western ignorance of Afghan culture— not Taliban infiltration—is responsible for the increase in deadly attacks by Afghan soldiers against the coalition forces.
The soon-to-be-released Army handbook is still being drafted, but a mainstream newspaper got a sneak preview and published an article that should infuriate the American taxpayers funding the never-ending war on terror. The manual is being created because someone with authority bought the theory that cultural insensitivity is driving insider attacks on U.S. troops in Afghanistan.
More than three dozen insider attacks have killed 63 members of the U.S.-led coalition this year, according to the article, and some blame “American cultural ignorance.” The bottom line is that troops may experience social-cultural shock and/or discomfort when interacting with Afghan security forces, the new military handbook says. “Better situational awareness/understanding of Afghan culture will help better prepare [troops] to more effectively partner and to avoid cultural conflict that can lead toward green-on-blue violence.”
The draft leaked to the newspaper offers a list of “taboo conversation topics” that soldiers should avoid, including “making derogatory comments about the Taliban,” “advocating women’s rights,” “any criticism of pedophilia,” “directing any criticism towards Afghans,” “mentioning homosexuality and homosexual conduct” or “anything related to Islam.”
At least one high-ranking military official had the backbone to publicly criticize the new manual, albeit through a spokesperson. U.S. Marine General John Allen, the top commander in Afghanistan, doesn’t endorse it and rejected a proposed forward drafted by Army officials in his name. “He does not approve of its contents,” according to a military spokesman quoted in the story.
Earlier this year the Obama Administration changed the way federal agents are trained to combat terrorism and violent extremism by eliminating all materials that shed a negative light on Muslims. Under White House orders, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) destroyed instructional material that characterizes Muslims as prone to violence or terrorism in a government-wide call to end Islamophobia.
Under Obama practically every major federal agency has been ordered to participate in Muslim outreach initiatives, including the Justice Department with a special program to protect Islamic civil rights, Homeland Security meetings with extremist Muslim organizations and the nation’s space agency (NASA) with an unprecedented mission to focus on Muslim diplomacy.
Additionally, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed a special order to allow the reentry of two radical Islamic academics whose terrorist ties long banned them from the U.S. and the administration sent an America-bashing mosque leader (Feisal Abdul Rauf) who blames U.S. foreign policy for the 9/11 attacks on a Middle Eastern outreach mission. The Obama Administration even ordered a government-funded meal program for home-bound seniors to offer halal cuisine prepared according to Islamic law.
Wild Thing's comment..................
Obama's Muslim friends are insulted so he orders more Political Correctness in the war.
At least U.S. Marine General John Allen realizes when at war we kill the enemy with weapons and not kindness.
You coddle the enemy, you lose.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (5)
September 13, 2012
Michelle Malkin On The US Embassy Attacks, Islam and Weakness of Obama as Leader
These optics suck White House! I mean we have 4 Americans who are dead who were butchered and slaughtered because this administration did not have the foresight to fortify these embassies on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11. And there he is with all of his fanbois and fangirls in Vegas raising money while they scream ‘I love you!’ in the middle of an international crisis.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Any American that loves our country and understands what is going on must be angry
over Obama's cowardly and disdainful, actions. I am livid.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (4)
September 12, 2012
Krauthammer: Tell Egyptian mob "go to hell"
Krauthammer: Tell Egyptian mob "go to hell"
Wild Thing's comment............
God bless Charles Krauthammer!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (1)
July 06, 2012
Muslim Congressman: American Schools Should Be Modeled After Madrassas, ‘Where The Foundation Is The Koran’ - NO WAY!!!
"America will never tap into educational innovation and ingenuity without looking at the model that we have in our Madrassas, in our schools where innovation is encouraged. Where the foundation is the Koran," Rep. Andre Carson (D-Indiana) said at the ICNA-MAS convention at the end of May.
Wild Thing's comment..............
There are several Muslims in our Congress, not sure how many. No way can we let this Koran idea happen to the schools. It is bad enough there are Saudi schools here on our soil brainwashing children.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (3)
July 02, 2012
Egypt’s New Leader Vows To Free Terrorists In U.S.
Egypt’s New Leader Vows To Free Terrorists In U.S.
Rep. Peter King reacts to new President Mohammed Morsi's agenda
Wild Thing's comment..........
Obama likes this guy, he called him as soon as he had won the election.
Thank God for Rep. King.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (2)
June 24, 2012
Obama Invites Member of Muslim Terror Group To Visit Washington
The Daily Beast said that Eldin held meetings at both the White House and the State Department as part of a delegation of Egyptian lawmakers, and confirmed in an interview that he was a member of Gama’a – which the United States blacklisted as a terror organization in 1997.
Members of designated terror groups are not eligible for admission to the United States.
Wild Thing's comment...........
This would not have happened if we did not have a Muslim pro Muslim brotherhood in the WH.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM
April 09, 2012
Jihad - FAIL ( video) LOL
Wild Thing's comment......
LOL love it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (3)
April 06, 2012
Krauthammer On Obama Has Muslim Brotherhood Meeting in OUR White House
Krauthammer: Muslim Brotherhood Meeting Inside WH 'Gives Them A Level of Prestige and Approval From the United States That is Completely Gratuitous'
"It is a continuation of Obama's idea of -as long as you engage, you're gonna soften the other side, it's naive, it doesn't work" Krauthammer says. He lays into the Obama Adm. for allowing the Muslim Brotherhood inside the White House to meet with officials concerning Egypt's way forward. Charles says it will be used by the Brotherhood to show the people of Egypt that they are acceptable. He begins at the 3:10 mark
Obama Regime Release $1.5 Billion In Aid To Egypt After Meeting With Muslim Brotherhood…
The White House defended the decision to release USD 1.5 billion in foreign aid to Egypt, on Thursday, following meetings between U.S. officials and lawmakers and representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood in Washington.
“We believe it is in the interest of the United States to engage with all parties in Egypt and to continue to engage with Egypt, because Egypt has been an important ally of the United States and has played a significant role in the region, “White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters.
Carney did not answer why the foreign aid was released all at once, rather than in tranches as some lawmakers had strongly lobbied for after the Egyptian government prosecuted American and international pro-democracy workers.
However, he said the Obama administration is engaging with Egypt’s new actors “to try to work with them during this historic transformation in the post-revolution era and to try to encourage them both to pursue democracy in its fullest sense as well as pursue the kind of international obligations that they’ve maintained in the past.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obana should be arrested and tried for treason. I am sick of his kissing up to the enemy, and on our soil and now in our WH!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (5)
April 02, 2012
FBI Kisses Up To CAIR By Removing 876 Pages of Counterterrorism Training Material
FBI Removes 876 Pages of Counterterrorism Training Material Deemed “Offensive” To Muslims
An FBI review of agent training material critical of Islam uncovered 876 offensive or inaccurate pages that had been used in 392 presentations, including a PowerPoint slide that said the bureau can sometimes bend or suspend the law.
The bureau has not released the material, but Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois described a few pages of it in a letter asking FBI Director Robert Mueller to institute five changes so that inappropriate FBI training on Islam doesn’t happen again. On Friday, the FBI confirmed the number of inaccurate or offensive pages and presentations.
The bureau also said the documents that are either offensive or inaccurate have been taken out of training presentations.
Every trainer was identified and interviewed by an FBI inspection team and the team determined that the problems were performance-related — poor judgment or inadequate training — rather than intentional misconduct, said FBI spokesman Michael Kortan.
As a result, instructors were counseled and in some cases removed from training positions.
Durbin said he’s disturbed that the FBI doesn’t plan to produce a written report on the six-month review. He said he wants the agents who received the bad training to be retained.
It began last September after the online publication Wired.com reported that the FBI had discontinued a lecture in which the instructor told agent trainees in Virginia that the more devout a Muslim is, the more likely he is to be violent. The analyst subsequently gave a similar lecture at an FBI-sponsored public-private partnership in New York City.
More click here
Wild Thing's comment.......
What is next, our country to apologize to the freaking terrorists for attacking us on 9-11?????
I wish the FBI would just tell them to go jump in a lake or something.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
March 22, 2012
GOP Rep. Peter King Holds Congressional Hearing On Iranian-Backed Terror Groups In America, “Hundreds – At a Minimum – of Hezbollah Operatives Here”
GOP Rep. Peter King Holds Congressional Hearing On Iranian-Backed Terror Groups In America, “Hundreds – At a Minimum – of Hezbollah Operatives Here”
Iranian-backed militant group Hezbollah may have hundreds of operatives based in the United States, and Hezbollah – not al-Qaida – poses the greatest terrorist threat to Americans, the Republican chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Peter King, said today.
Since September 11 2001, America’s counter-terror officials have focused on al-Qaida and home-grown radicalised American extremists, said the New York representative at a hearing of his committee. But, now, the terrorist threat to the United States is shifting.
‘As Iran moves closer to nuclear weapons and there is increasing concern over war between Iran and Israel, we must also focus on Iran’s secret operatives and their number one terrorist proxy force, Hezbollah, which we know is in America. That’s right, we know Hezbollah operatives are here.
‘The question is whether these Hezbollah operatives have the capacity to carry out attacks on the homeland and how quickly they can become fully operational,’ King said.
Opening the hearing, King said, ‘we have a duty to prepare for the worst’, and referred to the 20 Hezbollah-related prosecutions that have taken place in the United States since 9/11.
He also referred to a murder plot allegedly directed by the Iranian government to kill the Saudi ambassador to the U.S. last year as a further warning sign of the potential threat that the country poses to Americans.
King warned that there were hundreds – at a minimum – of Hezbollah operatives in the United States, including 84 Iranian diplomats at the United Nations and in Washington who, ‘it must be presumed, are intelligence officers.’
Wild Thing's comment.........
Thank goodness for Rep. Peter King and the work he is doing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (4)
March 08, 2012
As Gov. in 2006 Gov. Romney Denounced Khatami Visit To Harvard ~ Good For Romney!!!!
Romney came out strong against the upcoming visit of former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami’s visit to lecture at Harvard. He's took a strong stand on this one.
Declines to provide escort, or offer state support for trip
Governor Mitt Romney today ordered all Massachusetts state government agencies to decline support, if asked, for former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami’s September 10 visit to the Boston area, where he is scheduled to speak at Harvard University.
“State taxpayers should not be providing special treatment to an individual who supports violent jihad and the destruction of Israel,” said Romney.
Romney’s action means that Khatami will be denied an official police escort and other VIP treatment when he is in town. The federal government provides security through the U.S. State Department.
Romney criticized Harvard for honoring Khatami by inviting him to speak, calling it “a disgrace to the memory of all Americans who have lost their lives at the hands of extremists, especially on the eve of the five-year anniversary of 9/11.”
Said Romney: “The U.S. State Department listed Khatami’s Iran as the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Within his own country, Khatami oversaw the torture and murder of dissidents who spoke out for freedom and democracy. For him to lecture Americans about tolerance and violence is propaganda, pure and simple.”
Romney cited a litany of hateful actions by Khatami, including his support for violent jihadist activities:
During the period of time he was in office, from 1997 to 2005, Khatami presided over Iran’s secret nuclear program. Currently, the Iranian Government under President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is snubbing the international community’s request to cease nuclear weapons production.
In the recent conflict along the Israel-Lebanon border, Khatami described the terrorist group Hezbollah as a “shining sun that illuminates and warms the hearts of all Muslims and supporters of freedom in the world.”
Khatami has endorsed Ahmadinejad’s call for the annihilation of Israel.
During Khatami’s presidency, Iran refused to hand over the Iranian intelligence officials who were responsible for the attack on the Khobar Towers that killed 19 U.S. military personnel.
In his own country, Khatami oversaw the torture and murder of Iranian students, journalists, and others who spoke out for freedom and democracy. Khatami relaxed freedom of speech laws giving democracy reformers a false sense of security only to engage in one of the largest crackdowns in the country’s history.
In Khatami’s Iran, there was no religious tolerance. According to the U.S. Office of International Religious Freedom, Iran was one of the worst offenders of religious persecutions. Minorities, such as Evangelicals, Jews, Catholics and others, have suffered.
“Khatami pretends to be a moderate, but he is not. My hope is that the United States will find and work with real voices of moderation inside Iran. But we will never make progress in the region if we deal with wolves in sheep’s clothing,” said Romney.
The Bush administration this week asked Congress for $5 million to pay for visits by 200 Iranian professionals and foreign-language teachers to help open cultural exchange efforts.
Khatami's visit included participation in a United Nations conference earlier in the week, and stops in Illinois and Washington, D.C.'s National Cathedral.
Wild Thing's comment.........
It was a disgrace that Khatami was invited and let into the country in the first place.
From reading other articles about his online I saw where Condi Rice was appealed to not to invite or allow this terrorist to come to our country. But she did not stop it,.....it was her idea.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM
February 26, 2012
Top U.S. Commander Orders All NATO Personnel Withdrawn From Afghan Ministries
Reuters - Afghan protesters shout anti-U.S. slogans during a protest in Kunduz province. Four people were shot dead by Afghan security forces on Saturday as protests over the burnings of the Muslim holy book at a NATO base erupted for a fifth day, with an attempt by demonstrators to bombard a U.N. compound in the north.
Top U.S. Commander Orders All NATO Personnel Withdrawn From Afghan Ministries
The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan on Saturday recalled all NATO personnel working in Afghan ministries in the Kabul area — a bold and potentially divisive response to the killing of two American service members by an Afghan security official in the country’s fortified Interior Ministry earlier in the day.
Marine Gen. John R. Allen’s directive comes five days after U.S. military personnel burned a pile of Korans at the largest military base in Afghanistan in an apparently inadvertent act that set off violent protests across the country. More than 25 Afghans have died in those demonstrations, and four NATO soldiers have been killed by men wearing Afghan security uniforms since Thursday, when the Taliban urged Afghan soldiers and police to turn their weapons on their Western counterparts.
The week’s events have exposed a core vulnerability of the Obama administration’s strategy for winding down the decade-long Afghan war: a fraying trust between two presumed allies who must depend on each other to keep the insurgency at bay.
Wild Thing's comment......
And to make matters worse the CIC in chief Obama did his apology. HE is the one that should be punished!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (4)
February 17, 2012
OMG FBI Says It’s “Open To The Idea” of Establishing a Committee With Muslim Groups To Review Material Used In Anti-Terror Training ~ Totally Stupid!!
FBI Says It’s “Open To The Idea” of Establishing a Committee With Muslim Groups To Review Material Used In Anti-Terror Training
FBI officials say they are willing to consider a proposal from a coalition of Muslim and interfaith groups to establish a committee of experts to review materials used in FBI anti-terrorism training.
The coalition raised the idea during a Feb 8 meeting with FBI Director Robert Mueller, who met with the groups to discuss pamphlets, videos and other anti-terrorism training materials that critics say are either Islamophobic or factually incorrect.
“We’re open to the idea, but they need to submit a proposal first,” said Christopher Allen, an FBI spokesman who was in the meeting.
Groups at the meeting included the Islamic Society of North America, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the Interfaith Alliance, and the Shoulder-to-Shoulder campaign.
The FBI is satisfied with the job that its own experts had done in reviewing and purging “problematic” materials, Allen said, and the agency is also “developing guidelines so it won’t happen again in the future.”
Mueller told representatives of the groups that FBI experts had reviewed almost all of the agency’s training materials, including 160,000 pages of documents. More than 700 documents and 300 presentations were subsequently pulled from the agency’s training materials.
Materials that were pulled contained incorrect or imprecise information, were stereotypical, or “in poor taste,” the FBI said.
While the groups praised Mueller for the review and for listening to their concerns, they also say trust between Muslims, Sikhs and the FBI had been damaged by the episode.
“It is a travesty that the Muslim-American community has lost trust with an agency that is here to protect us,” said Salam Al-Marayati, director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, a Los Angeles-based advocacy group.
In a statement, the groups urged the FBI to acknowledge “the negative impact of these training materials on the Muslim-American community.”
Allen said he didn’t know whether such a statement would be forthcoming, but said Mueller had already spoken several times about his regret over the episode and his appreciation for the Muslim community’s cooperation with the FBI in thwarting terrorist attacks.
“The FBI views the Muslim community as a useful partner in stopping terrorism, and we appreciate the cooperation they’ve given us,” Allen said.
Wild Thing's comment........
OMG ( taking a deep breath) we are no longer at war with Islam. The USA is digging its own grave and Obama and his people are leading the way.
I do not trust or respect ANY muslims. None. Nada. Not even the non-violent ones because they have chosen to be a muslim, and to identify themselves with muhammad: one of the vilest criminals known to man. So anyone who thinks that this perverted, evil man was a prophet from God clearly believes a lie and they've conjoined themselves with this evil man. All Muslims are in Allah's Army.
An army in the battlefield falls into three functional categories: combat, combat support, and combat service support. That covers anyone in Allah's Army, regardless of function, who calls himself/herself a muslim.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (3)
December 21, 2011
Plans for Obama-Sanctioned Taliban ( terrorists) Embassy in Qatar Moves Ahead on Schedule
Full-Speed Ahead for Obama-Sanctioned ‘Taliban Embassy’ in Qatar
The Taliban must be part of any resolution to the Afghanistan conflict, Qatar’s premier said on Saturday after Kabul recalled its ambassador to the Gulf state in protest at being left out of talks over the opening of a Taliban office there. “A solution in Afghanistan requires the participation of the Taliban in a way that must be decided by the Afghans,” Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani said on the sidelines of an Arab League meeting on the Syria crisis. “That requires talking to them,” he added, without being drawn on precisely why Afghanistan recalled its ambassador on Wednesday. A high-ranking Afghan official has said that while Kabul approved of the move, it was withdrawing its envoy in protest at not being consulted.
Afghanistan “has had brotherly relations with the government of Qatar, which it thanks for its cooperation on the reconstruction of Afghanistan,” the foreign ministry said.
“But regarding recent developments in Afghanistan and in the region, including Afghanistan’s relations with Qatar, the Afghan government has decided to recall its ambassador Khaled Ahmad Zekerya from Doha for the purpose of some consultations.”
An office of the self-styled Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan would be the first internationally recognised representation for the Taliban since it was ousted from power by the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.
Washington ( Obama ) has endorsed plans for the Islamist network to open political headquarters in the gulf state of Qatar by the end of the year. The move has been devised so the West can begin formal peace talks with the Taliban.
Wild Thing's comment........
Think about this, earlier this year Obama said he believed that the Taliban was really a “political organization” rather than a terrorist group. He said we should be negotiating with them rather than trying to kill them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
October 23, 2011
Karzai: Afghans Will Stand With Pakistan in War With the US
Karzai: Afghans Will Stand With Pakistan in War With the US
Afghanistan would support Pakistan in case of military conflict between Pakistan and the United States, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said in an interview to a private Pakistani TV channel broadcast on Saturday.
The remarks were in sharp contrast to recent tension between the two neighbors over cross-border raids, and Afghan accusations that Pakistan was involved in killing the chief Afghan peace envoy, former Afghan president Burhanuddin Rabbani, by a suicide bomber on September 20.
“God forbid, If ever there is a war between Pakistan and America, Afghanistan will side with Pakistan,” he said in the interview to Geo television.
“If Pakistan is attacked and if the people of Pakistan needs Afghanistan’s help, Afghanistan will be there with you.”
Wild Thing's comment......
Never ever trust a Muslim period. This jerk has never been a good guy, he has lied to us, made it where our troops were even more in dangers, favored the Taliban and helped against our troops.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (7)
Egyptian Jailed For Insulting Islam On Facebook
Egyptian jailed for Facebook Islam insult
An Egyptian court sentenced a man to three years in jail with hard labour on Saturday for insulting Islam in postings on Facebook, the official MENA news agency reported.
The Cairo court found that Ayman Yusef Mansur “intentionally insulted the dignity of the Islamic religion and attacked it with insults and ridicule on Facebook,” the agency reported.
The court said his insults were “aimed at the Noble Koran, the true Islamic religion, the Prophet of Islam and his family and Muslims, in a scurrilous manner,” the agency reported.
It did not provide details on what he had written that was deemed to be offensive.
Mansur was arrested in August after police tracked him down through his internet address.
Egyptian law outlaws insults to religion. The law has been used in the past to try Shiite Muslims.
Wild Thing's comment.......
"intentionally insulted the dignity of the Islamic religion"
And once Islam gets the UN ruling banning “religious defamation, this will be coming here.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (1)
October 06, 2011
Muslim Lawsuit, Response Rile Ohio Pork Industry ~If you can’t do the Ham, Stay out of the Slam!
Muslim Lawsuit, Response Rile Ohio Pork Industry
Ohio's response to Muslim lawsuit over prison meal preparation riles state pork industry
A decision by Ohio officials to remove all pork products from prison menus in response to a lawsuit by Muslim inmates is not sitting well with the state’s pork producers and processors.
Both promise action of their own, including a possible counter lawsuit, to address what they consider an unfair and illogical decision.
“We really think it’s not in the best interest, frankly, of the whole prison system,” said Dick Isler, executive director of the Ohio Pork Producers Council. “It seems like we’re letting a small group make the rules when it really isn’t in the best interest of the rest of prisoners.”
Pork is inexpensive and nutritious and compares well to other lean meats, he said.
Ironically, the inmates’ lawsuit doesn’t involve pork at all; it demands that non-pork meats like beef come from animals slaughtered according to Islamic law. But the prisons system responded by simply removing pork as an option altogether.
If Ohio would provide Muslim inmates with pre-packaged meals similar to those given to Jewish inmates, as the lawsuit requests, it wouldn’t be necessary to remove pork from menus, said David Singleton, executive director of the Ohio Justice and Policy Center, which is suing on behalf of the two inmates.
In a federal lawsuit, death row inmate Abdul Awkal complains that the state is restraining his religious freedoms by not providing meals prepared according to Islamic law, known as halal, while at the same time supplying Jewish prisoners with kosher meals.
Awkal, joined by a second inmate not on death row, says the vegetarian and non-pork options aren’t good enough. The inmates say food must be prepared in specific fashion, such as ensuring that an animal is butchered by slitting its throat and draining its blood, to conform to Islamic beliefs.
Prison guidelines for Muslim inmates already provided that meals will be “free of all pork and products containing or derived from pork.”
A judge has given lawyers and inmates for the state until next month to finish filing documents bolstering their arguments, ahead of an expected January trial.
Ohio says requiring halal meals could mean new dietary plans for as many as 2,000 inmates, while Awkal’s lawyers believe the figure is lower because not all Muslims eat halal meals.
Awkal, 52, is scheduled to die in June for killing his estranged wife, Latife Awkal, and brother-in-law Mahmoud Abdul-Aziz in 1992, in a room in Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court. Joining Awkal in the lawsuit is Cornelius Causey, 35, serving 15 years to life for murder and aggravated robbery convictions out of Hamilton County.
In court documents, Ohio has argued that it provides both non-pork and vegetarian meals to Muslims and says the courts have sided with this practice. The state also says that providing halal meals could hurt Ohio financially, given the current budget situation.
California provides packaged kosher meals to Jewish inmates and halal meals prepared at prisons for Muslim prisoners.
Texas, which does serve pork to prisoners, offers Muslim inmates regular, meat-free or pork-free meals but not halal meals.
Wild Thing's comment.......
The only group that bugs me demanding certain foods are the Muslims. They are the ones wanting to kill everyone with their Islam beliefs. I do not mind if they have special meals for Jewish people. Jews are not the ones causing death around the world and demanding laws be changed like the Muslims are with their Islam.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:45 AM | Comments (7)
August 22, 2011
Rebels: Libya Now Under Our Control
Tripoli, Libya
Six months after a ragtag group of poorly trained rebels set out to topple the Libyan regime, the fighters appeared Monday to be on the brink of ending Moammar Gadhafi's 42-year rule.
The holdout now: A barrage of clashes with Gadhafi forces on his home turf, Tripoli.
"A great majority of the capital of Tripoli is under freedom fighters' control," said Guma El-Gamaty, the Britain-based coordinator for the rebels' Transitional National Council.
But Gadhafi's forces remained in control of at least three parts of the city -- a hospital, a military barracks and Rixos hotel where international journalists are staying.
A Libyan government official, who asked not to be named, conceded that the regime had lost control of some parts of the capital.
In Zawiya -- a key coastal city that appeared under rebel control -- residents celebrated by firing guns in the air, setting off fireworks and chanting, "Libya is free!" And in Benghazi, one resident called the rebel gains as joyous as "New Year's Day."
Confident that victory was close, the rebel government began making plans to govern.
Gamaty told CNN Monday that it will take 18 to 20 months to create a political framework for a new Libyan government.
Qaddafi and Two Sons Rumored To Have Fled Libya
Tripoli Post 20/08/2011 21:49:00
Reports from Tripoli say Muammar Gaddafi and two of his sons Hannibal and Mua’atsam have left Libya escaping the advance of the rebels on Tripoli tonight.
The rebels have moved in on Tripoli from the west coming from Zawiya 40 kilometers away
Libya Al Jazeera has learnt that Gaddafi's eldest son Mohammed has surrendered.
Wild Thing's comment......
So I guess they will replace the Gadaffi tyrant with another tyrant.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (6)
August 18, 2011
Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan Says Fort Hood Shooter Not a Terrorist; Calls U.S. Soldiers “Terrorists”
Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan Says Fort Hood Shooter Not a Terrorist; Calls U.S. Soldiers “Terrorists”
Louis Farrakhan speaking in Harlem recently where he said Fort Hood mass shooter Nidal Malik Hasan is “not a terrorist,” but instead accused U.S. Soldiers of being murderers, rapists and “terrorists.” Farrakhan actually said Hasan was just a good Muslim striking back at “terrorists” he debriefed – meaning the U.S. Military.
Wild Thing's comment.......
What a vile person!!!!
I know we have freedom of speech but some things cross the line and this freak sure has big time.
How do Americans reward those who refuse to pledge allegiance to this country and its flag? Up to and including making such a person president, it seems.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
August 10, 2011
20 Year-Old Noor Almaleki Was Run Over And Killed By Her Islamic Father iIn An Honor Killing ~ So Where Are The So Called "Moderate" Muslims Protesting This!
On October 20, 2009, 20 year-old Noor Almaleki was run over and killed by her Islamic father in an honor killing because she had become to westernized. Police have now released taped conversations with Noor’s mother who apparently agreed with her Husband that Noor needed to die:
Background from this last January
The honor killing trial begins in Phoenix today (Monday, Jan.24) of Faleh Hassan Almaleki, an Iraqi Muslim immigrant who killed his 20-year-old daughter, Noor Almaleki, on October 20, 2009, because she had become too Westernized.
Almaleki had crashed his jeep into Noor and her boyfriend’s mother in a parking lot of a state Department of Economic Security office in Peoria, a Phoenix suburb. The mother survived, but Noor went into a coma for two weeks and then died from her injuries.
After killing his daughter, Almaleki himself boasted that he had to take Noor’s life because she had dishonored his family by her “Western” behavior. Evidence reveals that Almaleki had tried to impose strict Islamic codes on Noor and that he had attempted to force her into an arranged marriage when she was 17.
These efforts at enslavement failed, as Noor fought to be a free human being and to establish her own personal sovereignty; she ended up moving into her own apartment, finding a boyfriend and working in a fast-food restaurant.
Almaleki was trained from birth to see the world through the lens of Islamic misogyny, where women are the property of men. Under the vicious and sadistic system of Islamic gender apartheid, women’s autonomy must be suffocated on all levels. With this pathological mindset, Almaleki became enraged seeing his daughter practice her own individual agency and he concluded that he must take her life. After Almaleki hit his daughter and her boyfriend’s mother with his jeep, he fled the country, but was caught in London and returned to Phoenix.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Where are the Muslims condemning this? This is what proves, in every act of violence and terrorism that these people (meaning those who are in the Islamic cult) condone this behavior and encourage it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (3)
July 29, 2011
U.S. Troops in Mideast Given Guidance on Ramadan
Troops in Mideast given guidance on Ramadan
As Muslims prepare to observe the holy month of Ramadan with fasting and prayer, U.S. troops across the Middle East are being reminded to respect the customs of the societies around them. Among the guidelines: Do not eat, drink, smoke or chew gum in public during the daily fast, and dress appropriately: no shorts or short skirts.
During Ramadan, which this year begins Aug. 1, Muslims refrain from eating or drinking between sunup and sundown.
Among guidance issued to U.S. military deployed in Muslim majority countries, the Bahrain-based command of U.S. Navy 5th Fleet posted guidance for sailors and their family members to heed during Ramadan when off base.
U.S. personnel are not expected to fast during Ramadan, but community members must refrain from eating, chewing gum, drinking water, smoking or chewing tobacco in public during daylight hours, according to 5th Fleet. “‘In public’ includes riding in a bus or car (even your own), walking or exercising,” according to the 5th Fleet’s Facebook page. “Eating, drinking or smoking by a non-Muslim in public during the day is considered a civil offence by many local laws, which may result in a fine or confinement.”
Alcohol consumption by U.S. military personnel in any off-base venue is prohibited during the holiday, with the exception of USO/MWR facilities, private off-base dwellings, or hotel rooms occupied by troops who are transferring or on a business trip.
Shorts are prohibited while off base during Ramadan as well, according to 5th Fleet, and women are required to wear pants or skirts long enough to cover their knees when seated.
Fifth Fleet spokesman Lt. Frederick Martin said this week that the command sends out Ramadan guidance annually.
“When in public, both in Bahrain and elsewhere in the 5th Fleet area of operations, Ramadan brings increased cultural and legal restrictions, which we, as guests in these countries, are expected to adhere to,” Martin said in an email.
In Kuwait and Qatar, U.S. 3rd Army provides training to troops, and also instructs them not to eat, drink, smoke or chew tobacco while off-base, spokesman Capt. James Sweeney said in an email.
“They are also warned that these actions are punishable under local law,” he said.
In Iraq, personnel are encouraged not to eat, drink or smoke in the presence of Muslims during the daytime hours, according to U.S. Forces-Iraq spokesman 1st Lt. Joseph Larrew.
“Also, any troops conducting meetings with Iraqis are encouraged to do so earlier in the day to be considerate to their needs,” he said in an email.
While NATO troops in the field across Afghanistan are not restricted from eating, drinking or smoking outside the wire, they are made aware of the holiday, according to Air Force Maj. Deb Balentine, a spokesman for the coalition’s International Security Assistance Force.
Troops are encouraged to be sensitive to the importance of fasting and not to eat or drink in front of Afghan citizens, she said.
They are also told to be aware of the limits fasting may put on Afghan police or soldiers’ abilities to conduct operations or train, she said.
A Defense Department press release Tuesday said Afghan soldiers and Marines from 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment in Helmand province were planning to distribute more than 1,200 bags of wheat grain to the local population.
“The Ramadan holiday is part of the daily life of every Afghan person,” 1st Lt. Paul Mooney, the assistant civil affairs team leader for 1/3, said in the release. “Showing we respect the holiday will help the perception of Marines to positively change.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
First I would like to correct the writter of this story right off the bat THERE IS NOTHING HOLY ABOUT ISLAM……it was concieved and written by none other the devil!
To fail to put the same sort of demands on muslim countries as they try to put on us, and think that this “oh, if we just show them more respect they will do the same” bullshit is going to work, is naive and outright stupid!
“Eating, drinking or smoking by a non-Muslim in public during the day is considered a civil offence by many local laws, which may result in a fine or confinement.”
Cautioning them about abiding by local laws. I reallize it is very important for our troops to know the enemy and how they think and how they do things. Iti would be stupid not to. But there is something wrong I think when it comes to stopping our troops from drinking much needed water when they need it or being punished for it.
Then this really ticks me off too, when these people come to live in our country they want to be made an exception of in their head wear like that woman that would not take a photo without her stupid habib ( spelling ) on and it went to court to force her to obey our laws for a drivers license. They run off to CAIR at the drop of a hat to sue companies that won't give in to THEIR ways, THEIR demands and do not conform to the country they live in. THAT is a big difference then our troops serving our country in the mideast trying to stay alive, they are not their because they moved their to live for pete's sake. sheesh
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (3)
July 28, 2011
AWOL Muslim Soldier Planned Attack On Fort Hood Personnel ~ Another One Allowed Into Our Military!
July 28, 2011
A tip from a Killeen gun dealer led to the arrest of an AWOL Muslim soldier who had firearms and bomb-making components in his hotel room and planned an attack on Fort Hood personnel, Rep. John Carter, R-Round Rock, said Thursday.
Army Pvt. Naser Jason Abdo, 21, who was AWOL from Fort Campbell, Ky., was arrested Wednesday in Killeen on an outstanding child pornography warrant.
Abdo was assigned to the 101st Airborne Division’s Company E, 1st Brigade Combat Team (Rear Provisional) at the time of his arrest.
Carter told News 10 Thursday afternoon that the soldier planned to detonate two bombs at an unnamed restaurant near the post that Fort Hood personnel frequent and then planned to open fire on the diners.
“He was planning on going into a restaurant someplace that was heavily traveled by soldiers, set off the two bombs then come back in and finish everybody off with his gun,” Carter said.
Carter said Abdo had broken into an adjoining hotel room and was in the process of "cooking" the bombs at the time of his arrest.
During a news conference Thursday afternoon, Killeen Police Chief Dennis Baldwin confirmed that “military personnel were the target of this suspect,” but declined to provide further details.
Killeen police arrested Abdo Wednesday afternoon at America's Best Value Inn on South Fort Hood Street after an investigation that started with a tip from a local gun shop on Tuesday.
Abdo remained in the Killeen City Jail Thursday afternoon.
FBI spokesman Erik Vasys said Thursday that firearms and "items that could be identified as bomb-making components, including gunpowder" were removed from his hotel room.
CNN reported that authorities also recovered pressure cookers, 18 pounds of sugar that could have been used to enhance an explosive, Christmas lights that could have been used as a timer for a bomb, and Jihadist literature.
Sources told CNN enough material was recovered to have made two bombs.
An alert issued by the Army said Abdo admitted he planned an attack on Fort Hood.
The Associated Press obtained the e-mail alert that was sent to all Army units Thursday.
It said Abdo had a large quantity of ammunition, weapons and a bomb inside a backpack.
It said he admitted under questioning that he planned an attack on Fort Hood.
Unconfirmed reports suggested that two other soldiers have also been arrested, but Baldwin said Thursday, "As far as we know, he did act alone."
Authorities at Fort Campbell interrogated two of Abdo’s friends, Carter said, but there was no evidence either was involved.
Abdo, who’s from Garland, joined the Army in March 2009.
He went AWOL on July 4, on the eve of his first deployment to Afghanistan.
“Thanks to quick action by a Texas gun dealer in alerting local police to a suspicious character and vigorous response by the Killeen Police Department, we may well have averted a repeat of the tragic 2009 radical Islamic attack on our nation’s largest military installation,” Carter said.
Carter’s office said it received information that Guns Galore in Killeen, which is the same store at which accused Fort Hood gunman Maj. Nidal Hasan purchased weapons used in the November 2009 attack at the post’s Soldier Readiness Center, called Killeen police to report that a man had purchased gunpowder, shotgun ammunition and a magazine for a semi-automatic handgun.
Carter’s office said the man also purchased uniforms with Fort Hood unit patches from a local surplus store.
“On questioning, the suspect reportedly admitted planning an attack on Fort Hood,” Carter said.
Greg Ebert of the gun shop, Guns Galore, said the man authorities identified as Abdo asked about smokeless gunpowder, what it could be used for and how it worked Tuesday.
Ebert said the man purchased six 1-pound canisters of the smokeless powder, three boxes of .12 gauge shotgun shells and a handgun magazine.
He paid in cash and left in a hurry, leaving his change behind.
Ebert, who retired from the Killeen Police Department last year after 17 years on the force, said the purchase came to about $250.
Police reviewed surveillance video from the store, which showed the man arrived and departed in a cab.
Fort Hood Thursday acknowledged the arrest, but referred questions to the Killeen Police Department.
“At this time, there has been no incident at Fort Hood,” the statement said.
“We continue our diligence in keeping our force protection at appropriate levels,” the post said.
U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, praised authorities for their handling of the situation.
“Yesterday’s incident is yet another reminder that we must stay vigilant against those who wish to attack innocent Americans,” he said.
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, praised residents and police for their vigilance.
“His arrest is a perfect example of how alert citizens and dedicated law enforcement personnel can work together to prevent a potential terrorist attack in our own backyard,” she said.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry called the arrest “a sobering reminder of the importance of remaining vigilant in the ongoing efforts to protect our communities from those that would do us harm.”
“Quick and diligent efforts like these save lives, and we are reminded to be thankful for our peace officers, and their continued dedication to keeping our communities and families safe,” Perry said.
“This incident also underscores the importance of citizens reporting something that doesn’t seem quite right immediately to law enforcement,” he said.
Abdo was the subject of an Al-Jazeera report in August 2010 in which he told an interviewer he didn’t think he could “take part in any way in the killing of a Muslim.
According to the website CouragetoResist.com, Abdo sought conscientious objector status in June 2010.
An article on the website says Abdo “experienced a great deal of harassment and discrimination” because of his beliefs.
"Early in basic training… one soldier repeatedly insulted me and Islam saying, 'Go pray to your god that doesn't exist or your pedophile prophet,'” the article quoted Abdo as saying.
“The climax of this harassment occurred when my comrades all made a concerted effort to get me an unwanted discharge because I was not welcome in their ranks,” Abdo said.
Army spokesman Troy Roland said Thursday the application for conscientious objector status was approved and that Abdo was about to be discharged when the child pornography allegations surfaced.
After a hearing on June 15, Roland said, an investigating officer recommended that Abdo be referred for court-martial.
Abdo has said he thought he was charged with a crime because he sought to leave the Army as a conscientious objector.
A website was created to raise funds for his defense, but it appeared to be down Thursday morning.
James Branum, the lawyer who represents Abdo in both his conscientious objector application and the child pornography case, posted a statement on his Facebook page Thursday.
“I represented him on two prior cases (his C.O. claim and the charges against him for possession of child pornography, but I am not representing him on the new charges that are being reported in the press and have no comments to make to the press about these new charges,” he said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I don’t know why we are even allowing muslims into our military. I know some convert after they join, but that seems like it should be a red flag if there ever was one.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:22 PM | Comments (3)
July 19, 2011
Ground Zero Mosque Given Green Light By NY Judge
'Ground Zero Mosque' Clears Legal Hurdle to Build
The backers of the controversial "Ground Zero Mosque" have won a court fight clearing the way for them to build the mosque and community center complex two blocks from the site of the 9/11 terror attack.
In a decision on Friday that was made public today, New York State Supreme Justice Paul Feinman dismissed a lawsuit by former firefighter Timothy Brown who argued that New York City was wrong to allow the destruction of a 150-year-old building to make way for the Islamic center.
The ex-firefighter who was among those who responded to the terror attack on the World Trade Center said the old building had been struck by debris during the collapse of the twin towers and was a "living representative of the heroic structures that commemorate the events of that day."
In a 15-page decision Feinman wrote, "Mr. Brown's claim that his ability to commemorate will be injured, is not yet recognized under the law as a concrete injury that can establish standing. Such an injury, although palpable to Brown, is immeasurable by a court."
The American Center for Law and Justice, a conservative legal group which filed the lawsuit on Brown's behalf, said they plan to appeal the ruling.
Ground Zero Mosque Clears Legal Hurdle to Build
"This decision fails to give appropriate consideration to first responders and others who risked their lives and lost loved ones on Sept. 11," ACLJ attorney Brett Joshpe said in a statement.
The ACLJ "remain confident that this mosque will never rise above Ground Zero."
Organizers of the project, officially called Park 51, declined to comment.
Brown and the ACLJ were appealing a ruling last summer by the city's Landmarks Preservation Commission which decided to allow a 150-year-old Park Place building to be razed to make way for the center.
Park 51 has been a source of national controversy since its unveiling last May. Opponents as well as supporters demonstrated at Ground Zero in reaction to the commission's decision to allow the mosque last August. President Obama was drawn into the controversy when he initially endorsed the mosque.
"As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country," Obama said at a White House ceremony last summer that marked the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. "That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan in accordance with local laws and ordinances."
But in a visit to the Gulf Coast, Obama later dialed back saying that he supported the Muslims community's right to build the mosque, but was not sure it was a good idea to build so close to Ground Zero.
Wild Thing's comment........
How about a fire engine blockade of the site? Of course this is after the area is saturated with bacon grease!
America's suicide by judicial review...............this country is going to hell in a hand cart.
Information on the Judge:
Judge Paul G. Feinman
Supreme Court, Civil Branch, New York County
60 Centre Street
New York, NY 10013
(646) 386-3273
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (7)
Muslims Hold Protest Against Security Screenings at US Border: "We're asking for equal treatment"
Muslim border protest: 'We're asking for equal treatment'
Recalling the civil rights movement, one man says he's asking for equality - and is tired of being profiled because of his Muslim beliefs.
Jeff Siddiqui of Lynnwood took his message Sunday to the U.S.-Canadian border, where he and a handful of protesters delivered their message, yards away from the Peace Arch.
Siddiqui, who is with the group American Muslims of Puget Sound, organized what he calls a peaceful demonstration to send a message to passers-by.
"We don't want a country where - to use Martin Luther King's words - where we are judged by the color of our skin or our faith," Siddiqui says.
He tells KOMO News he felt like he was targeted by a border official about a year ago when he tried to leave Canada and go through the checkpoint. Siddiqui describes what happened:
"After haranguing me for a while, and I told him to mind his manners, he said, 'Well, do you have anything in your van you don't want us to find?' And I said, 'What do mean?' He said 'Oh, like terrorists, guns, grenades under the seat.'"
Somewhere between 25 and 80 demonstrators were supposed to show up for Sunday's border protest - including some fellow Muslims. But only about six actually showed up.
Siddiqui says he knows why they didn't come.
"Muslims are terrified," he says. "They don't want to be targeted. They don't want to be identified, they don't want to be listed as trouble makers for future treatment, and they're just terrified even though they're citizens."
Hundreds of people saw the signs posted by Siddiqui and the others, which proclaimed such slogans as "Muslims Are Americans" and "U.S. Muslims: Doctors, Lawyers, Soldiers, Cabbies, Scientists, Politicians."
"I am Muslim myself, and we are not scary people," says a woman, Shamim, who was driving through the border and saw the demonstration. "We are just human beings like others."
Another motorist at the crossing, Masoud Amin, said: "If their right has been violated, let them have their rights. But I think there are Muslim groups that have to be stopped."
Siddiqui says Sunday's action is aimed at bringing awareness - whether it's criticism or compliments, he says it doesn't matter.
"We're asking to be treated on an equal footing, as the rest of America," he says. "I don't think that's too much."
Wild Thing's comment......
Siddiqui, instead of whining like a victim, understand the reason behind it.
Deadly Muslim terror attacks are a daily occurrence throughout the world, including some high-profile, high casualty Muslim terror attacks right here in the States.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
July 13, 2011
Obama Went Around Congress To Get Muslim Who Opened Fire At Army Recruiting Station In Little Rock, Ark.Tried For Murder Not Terrorism.
TERRORIST - Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, 23, is escorted from the Little Rock police headquarters Monday, June 1, 2009 in Little Rock, Ark.
EDITORIAL: Arkansas jihad--Obama ignores the homegrown terror threat
Obama ignores the homegrown terror threat
An admitted jihadist who killed an American soldier on U.S. soil will be tried next week in Arkansas on a state charge of capital murder - not terrorism. This is odd, considering that the Obama administration recently went out of its way to bring a Somali-born jihadist into U.S. federal court to face terrorism charges for what he may have done overseas. Perhaps the White House thinks that if it turns a blind eye toward domestic Islamic terrorism, it won’t really exist.
Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad is a textbook case of homegrown terrorism. He was born Carlos Bledsoe in Memphis, Tenn., and converted to Islam at age 20. He was active in radical circles, traveled to the Middle East and married a Yemeni woman. In 2008, he was arrested in Yemen for a visa violation and was found to have counterfeit Somali identification documents. He was held in jail and interviewed by FBI agents but was allowed to return to the United States in 2009. He was interviewed once by the bureau upon his return but reportedly was not placed under surveillance.
On June 1, 2009, Mr. Muhammad allegedly opened fire on an Army recruiting station in Little Rock, Ark., killing Pvt. William Long and wounding Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula, who were outside taking a break. Mr. Muhammad was picked up by police later that day; in his vehicle they found an SKS assault rifle, a scope, a laser sight, a silencer, two pistols and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. He said he was angry at the U.S. treatment of Muslims and involvement in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He wanted to kill as many service members as he could.
The Little Rock shooting did not get the attention given to higher-profile jihadist incidents such as the Fort Hood massacre in November 2009 or the botched Christmas Day 2009 underwear bombing attempt. In all three cases, the bureaucracy ignored clear warning signs of potential terrorist activity. In all three cases, there was a known link to Yemen and American-born al Qaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki. Like Fort Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, Mr. Muhammad is a homegrown jihadist.
The Justice Department’s lack of interest in the Arkansas shooting case is consistent with the administration’s attempts to delink radical Islam from terrorism. This also was the case with the Fort Hood shooting, where the administration doggedly ignored all aspects of Maj. Hasan’s jihadist motives for the attack and initially refused to classify it as terrorism. This was a neat trick considering Maj. Hasan yelled the jihadist war cry “Allahu akbar!” before opening fire.
It’s not as though the administration is afraid of bringing terrorists to federal courts. Mr.Obama ordered the Justice Department to do an end run around Congress to charge accused Somali terrorist Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame with federal crimes and grant him full due-process rights even though he is not an American citizen and had not conducted an attack inside the United States.
Mr. Obama seems desperate to have foreign jihadists face federal judges and equally driven to deny that jihadism has sprouted on American soil. Perhaps Mr. Obama believes that the president on whose watch Osama bin Laden was killed cannot be called soft on terrorism, but the case of Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad may prove otherwise.
Wild Thing's comment........
“Obama ignores the homegrown terror threat.”
0bama IS the homegrown terror threat.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (4)
July 08, 2011
Iran Threatens 'serious action' Over BBC Plans To Screen Documentary Series On Muslim Prophet Muhammad
Iran threatens 'serious action' over BBC plans to screen documentary series on Muslim prophet Muhammad
The BBC is courting controversy with its plans to broadcast a documentary series about Muslim prophet Muhammad.
Three-part series The Life of Muhammad has already been blasted by officials in Iran, who claim the country will take ‘serious action’ if it is screened.
The Iranian minister of cultural and Islamic guidance, Mohammad Hosseini, who has yet to watch any of the series, has branded the film an attempt by the ‘enemy’ to ‘ruin Muslims’ sanctity’.
‘The BBC’s decision to make a documentary on the life of [the] prophet Muhammad seems dubious and if our suspicions are proved to be correct, we will certainly take serious action,’ he told Iran’s Fars news agency.
The documentary, to be broadcast in mid-July, just ahead of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in August, will see journalist and TV presenter Rageh Omaar travel to the place of Muhammad’s birth, Mecca, to re-trace the footsteps of the prophet.
However, the series will feature no visual images of Muhammad in a bid not to offend Muslims, whose religion forbids depiction of the prophet.
Instead, a spoken description of Muhammad will be given, making this the first biographical documentary not to feature visual images of the subject.
The documentary will include three episodes, an hour each, on BBC 2.
The film tells the 'extraordinary story of a man who, in little more than 20 years, changed the world forever', according to the blurb.
Part of the filming takes place in holy cities Mecca and Medina where non-Muslims are banned from entering.
The first episode looks at the circumstances and society that Muhammad was born into, according to Riazat Butt from the Guardian.
She said that the film follows Muhammad's childhood and early years when he is orphaned and looked after by his uncle.
'The documentary does not shy away from contention but doesn't immerse itself in the details either,' said Ms Butt, who saw a screening attended by Muslim Mr Omaar in London today.
'The programme also addresses the issue of the satanic verses, not just the apocalyptic fall-out from the Rushdie book but the incident where a supposedly divine revelation - acknowledging pagan gods - was later withdrawn because it was designed as a test.'
She said that as an opening episode it's fairly heavy going if you're new to the finer points of Islamic theology or Islam.
'But it's well filmed, has plenty of access to the relevant sites and has a diverse line-up of talking heads - [authors] Karen Armstrong, Tariq Ramadan, Robert Spencer, Michael Nazir-Ali and Tom Holland,' she added.
The documentary-makers claims the film will raise questions about Islam's role in the world today and explore 'where Islam's attitudes towards money, charity, women, social equality, religious tolerance, war and conflict originate'.
Mr Omaar, the Middle Eastern correspondent for Al Jazeera English, said: 'I am extremely pleased to be presenting this exciting and groundbreaking series.
'The details of Muhammad's life really are little known, and I hope that my series will – for many – shine a light on the very beginning of Islam, taking viewers to the heart of this faith, illustrating just how Muhammad's life and legacy is as important today as it was a over a thousand years ago.'
The show was commissioned by the BBC's first Muslim head of Religion & Ethics, Aaqil Ahmed.
The BBC said: 'In line with Islamic tradition, it does not depict any images of the face of Muhammad, or feature any dramatic reconstructions of Muhammad's life.'
Wild Thing's comment........
The film tells the 'extraordinary story of a man who, in little more than 20 years, changed the world forever', according to the blurb.
Needs rewriting: The film tells the 'extraordinary story of a psychotic paedophile who, in little more than 20 years, ruined the lives of billions forever.'
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (7)
July 02, 2011
“No God But Allah” Appearing on U.S. Dollar Bills
“No God But Allah” Appearing on U.S. Dollar Bills
A lady in Monte Vista, CO had this dollar bill. This is her story. You don't think we're in a war. What thoughts come to mind! These are starting to show up around our country!
After dinner she took a $1 dollar bill out of her purse and displayed it on the table. Underneath the words "In God We Trust" someone had stamped the dollar bill in red ink---NO GOD BUT ALLAH. We asked her where she had gotten this dollar bill. She said it was part of her change in Alamosa, CO. We took a picture of her dollar bill. If anyone tries to give you one of these dollar bills as change...please refuse it and ask them to give you a dollar bill that has not been defaced.
Wild Thing's comment........
Disgusting! Hello CAIR what do you think about this? Just curioius! CAIR probably would be unavailable for comment.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (4)
June 27, 2011
CAIR Whines And Says There Is Rise of Islamophobia In The United States
Wild Thing's comment.......
Americans for a Muslim Free America We learned all we need to know about Islam on 9/11.
"’Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, and seize them, beleaguer them and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war...” (Quran 9:5)
“O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; for they are friends but of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.” (Quran 5:51)
Being suspicious of Muslims is not a phobia.A phobia is an irrational fear. I do not fear islam, I despise it. I despise all that it stands for. I despise it’s practitioners and its goals. I despise its false prophet, and the culture of death that he and his followers have spawned. If you were to see a poisonous snake in your home, you would destroy it, and take measures to keep other snakes out.
Also interesting to note, that IF their numbers are correct, then people not thrilled with freaking Islam has grown since Soros's boy obama took office.
CAIR is just upset they lost there Fed tax-exempt status, which was their own fault anyway for not following IRS rules. Sore losers. LOL
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (13)
June 24, 2011
CAIR Appealing to IRS After Tax-Exempt Status Revoked ~CAIR Never Should Have Been Tax-Exempt !!
CAIR Appealing to IRS After Tax-Exempt Status Revoked
The largest Muslim advocacy group in the country plans to appeal to the IRS to regain its tax-exempt status after that status was revoked over an apparent problem with its paperwork.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations, as well as the offshoot CAIR Foundation, was included earlier this month on a massive list of 275,000 organizations that the IRS said were losing their tax-exempt status because they did not file required annual reports.
Most of the groups on that list are presumed to be defunct, but CAIR is not -- its website continues to solicit "tax-deductible" donations.
CAIR and the thousands of other groups were cited after the IRS claimed they failed to file annual reports for three consecutive years as required by law. All those on the list can petition the IRS to have their status reinstated by filing an application for exemption and paying a fee.
CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper told FoxNews.com that the organization's accountant says CAIR "filed promptly in the last several years." But he said the status problem stems from "questions" over filings dating back to 2006 or 2007.
"We'll be doing whatever's necessary ... to rectify the situation," Hooper said.
Hooper downplayed CAIR's inclusion in the IRS chart.
"This is a technical paperwork issue that we're dealing with with the IRS -- as 275,000 other groups, including the AARP and major universities," Hooper said, before suggesting that reporting on its lost status was part of an effort to spread anti-Muslim "hate."
Losing tax-exempt status would be a major blow for any of the groups on the list still in business. Losing the exemption means organizations would have to pay income tax and their donors would not be able to deduct their contributions.
The required annual reports typically include information about a group's donations and other sources of revenue, as well as expenses, activities, investments and compensation of employees. Revenue information would include a breakdown of how much money is coming from various sources like membership dues and fundraising events, but not necessarily information on specific donors.
The IRS did not comment on why CAIR was included on the list.
Earlier this month, the IRS said in a statement that the agency tried for several years to inform organizations about the requirement to file this annual information.
"During the past several years, the IRS has gone the extra mile to help make tax-exempt groups aware of their legal filing requirement and allow them additional time to file," Commissioner Doug Shulman said.
CAIR is arguably the most vocal Muslim advocacy organization in the country, regularly condemning instances of bias, harassment and "hate crimes" against Muslims in the U.S.
But the group has also come under criticism for, among other reasons, being named by the Justice Department as an unindicted co-conspirator in a major terror financing case involving the Holy Land Foundation.
According to the Investigative Project on Terrorism, which first reported the IRS designation change, CAIR's state chapters still have active non-profit designations.
The IRS said in its statement that prior donations to any of the groups on the list remain tax-deductible.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Screw CAIR! They want taxpayer assisted terrorism!
That they were ever tax exempt is totally insane!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (6)
CAIR Appealing to IRS After Tax-Exempt Status Revoked ~CAIR Never Should Have Been Tax-Exempt !!
CAIR Appealing to IRS After Tax-Exempt Status Revoked
The largest Muslim advocacy group in the country plans to appeal to the IRS to regain its tax-exempt status after that status was revoked over an apparent problem with its paperwork.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations, as well as the offshoot CAIR Foundation, was included earlier this month on a massive list of 275,000 organizations that the IRS said were losing their tax-exempt status because they did not file required annual reports.
Most of the groups on that list are presumed to be defunct, but CAIR is not -- its website continues to solicit "tax-deductible" donations.
CAIR and the thousands of other groups were cited after the IRS claimed they failed to file annual reports for three consecutive years as required by law. All those on the list can petition the IRS to have their status reinstated by filing an application for exemption and paying a fee.
CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper told FoxNews.com that the organization's accountant says CAIR "filed promptly in the last several years." But he said the status problem stems from "questions" over filings dating back to 2006 or 2007.
"We'll be doing whatever's necessary ... to rectify the situation," Hooper said.
Hooper downplayed CAIR's inclusion in the IRS chart.
"This is a technical paperwork issue that we're dealing with with the IRS -- as 275,000 other groups, including the AARP and major universities," Hooper said, before suggesting that reporting on its lost status was part of an effort to spread anti-Muslim "hate."
Losing tax-exempt status would be a major blow for any of the groups on the list still in business. Losing the exemption means organizations would have to pay income tax and their donors would not be able to deduct their contributions.
The required annual reports typically include information about a group's donations and other sources of revenue, as well as expenses, activities, investments and compensation of employees. Revenue information would include a breakdown of how much money is coming from various sources like membership dues and fundraising events, but not necessarily information on specific donors.
The IRS did not comment on why CAIR was included on the list.
Earlier this month, the IRS said in a statement that the agency tried for several years to inform organizations about the requirement to file this annual information.
"During the past several years, the IRS has gone the extra mile to help make tax-exempt groups aware of their legal filing requirement and allow them additional time to file," Commissioner Doug Shulman said.
CAIR is arguably the most vocal Muslim advocacy organization in the country, regularly condemning instances of bias, harassment and "hate crimes" against Muslims in the U.S.
But the group has also come under criticism for, among other reasons, being named by the Justice Department as an unindicted co-conspirator in a major terror financing case involving the Holy Land Foundation.
According to the Investigative Project on Terrorism, which first reported the IRS designation change, CAIR's state chapters still have active non-profit designations.
The IRS said in its statement that prior donations to any of the groups on the list remain tax-deductible.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Screw CAIR! They want taxpayer assisted terrorism!
That they were ever tax exempt is totally insane!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (6)
June 16, 2011
Rep. Peter King Answers Back Democrat’s ‘Racism’ Charge On Muslim Radicalization in Prisons ~ Good For King!
Chairman Peter King addresses "racist" charge at hearing on prison radicalization
Rep. Laura Richardson (D-CA) says the Committee hearing on Muslim radicalization in U.S. prisons “can be deemed as racist and is discriminatory.” Richardson complained that the hearings were focusing specifically on Muslim radicalization and not others like the Aryan Nation.
Rep. Peter King pointed out that the Democrats had control for four years and never once had a hearing on anything involving skinheads, Nazis, or the Aryan Nation. King said, “Suddenly this issue emerges when we start talking about Muslim radicalization…we have a judiciary committee to deal with other issues in the prison…If we find out that neo-Nazis are allied with a foreign power and are coming to this country we will investigate it.”
Also Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.), the committee chairman, quickly shot back that he disagreed "100 percent" with Richardson.
"The purpose of this committee is to combat Islamic terrorism because that is the terrorist threat to this country. If we find out that neo-Nazis are allied with a foreign power and they come into this country, we will investigate it," King said.
About the person saying it is racist....~ Wild Thing
California Democrat, Rep. Laura Richardson, has been under the House Ethics microscope since the fall of 2009. She defaulted six times on home loans, left a trail of unpaid bills in her wake and allegedly failed to report required information on her financial disclosure forms while receiving special treatment from a lender. While the panel cleared her of "knowingly" accepting favors, she is reportedly the subject of a second probe into using employees on government time to work on her political campaign."
Wild Thing's comment........
The Democrats need to get in touch with reality. Plus it is getting beyond old when everytime a Democrat does not like what is being done or said they pull the race card.
Good for Peter King!! Stay strong!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (3)
May 30, 2011
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Tried Hard To Kiss Up To Muslims: " 1001 Muslim Inventions” ~ 1001??? LOL
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
May 25, 2011
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton bent over backwards to appease Muslims in her video remarks for the “1001 Muslim Inventions” program. The State Department program is dedicated to the inventions by Muslims that make .
I am delighted to send greetings to each of you at this year’s “1001Inventions,” celebrating a millennium of science and innovation in the Muslim world.
This exhibition honors the remarkable accomplishments of Muslims throughout history: from a woman who founded a university in the 9th century – to a 13th century inventor and mechanical engineer – to a surgeon whose writings influenced European medicine for hundreds of years.
And, of course, we’re seeing the impact of technology in the Muslim world right now – as young people throughout the Middle East and North Africa find new ways to use social networking to get organized and express their aspirations.
Connection technologies offer an unprecedented opportunity – a platform through which everyone from farmers to students to entrepreneurs can exchange ideas and hatch plans for the world’s next great invention.
But technology does not decide the future – people do. As this exhibition shows, the Muslim world has a proud history of innovators. Now is the time to tap into that legacy, to harness the power of science and technology, and to create new pathways to prosperity.
This is an exciting day. Thank you for letting me share it with you.
Wild Thing's comment.......
So will this take care of it then? Now we will never be attacked again, and CAIR will be happy, and all those death cult Muslims will be ever so happy too.
Don't you just love that 1001 number too, kind of like 1001 Arabian Nights. heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (11)
May 26, 2011
US State Department Advisory: Get the Hell Out of Yemen, Now!
Anti-government protestors, shout slogans during a demonstration demanding the resignation of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, in Sanaa, Yemen, Wednesday, May 25, 2011. Yemen's embattled President Ali Abdullah Saleh issued messages of hard-line defiance Wednesday even as intense battles raged in the heart of the capital for a third day, saying he will not step down or allow the country to become a "failed state." (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)
US State Department Advisory: Get the Hell Out of Yemen, Now!
The State Department has just put this advisory out on twitter:
We urge U.S. citizens not to travel to Yemen & U.S. citizens currently in Yemen depart while commercial transport is available.
Yemen is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the north, the Red Sea to the west, and Oman to the east.
Yemen is an economic mess. It is the poorest country in the Arab world and has an official unemployment rate of 65%. The government survives off of oil reserves that are expected to be depleted by 2017.
Who is behind the current unrest? It is not completely clear, although it should be noted that control over Yemen's Aden port - the "gate to Asia" - brings huge benefits. Currently those benefits go to the US. And it is interesting that Yemen is next door to Saudi Arabia. The Saudi monarchy certainly doesn't want any changes in the Yemen regime. Saudi Arabia has been supplying troops to help quell the Yemen uprising.
If President Ali Abdullah Saleh resigns and a favorite of the US fills the power vacuum, then if I am Saudi Arabia, I get a bit nervous. Saleh has always played a cagey game and was a close ally of Saddam Hussein. A total US puppet on the border of Saudi Arabia or an anti-US regime on the border is not a positive for the Saudis. Both cause problems for Saudi Arabia, differing problems, but problems for sure.
US orders nonessential diplomats to leave Yemen
The State Department on Wednesday ordered nonessential U.S. diplomats to depart Yemen and urged all Americans there to leave as security conditions deteriorated with the country's embattled leader refusing to step down.
The decision to tell most nonessential personnel and the families of all American staff at the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa to leave was a sign of Washington's increasing concern about the situation in Yemen, where street battles between supporters and opponents of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh raged for a third day. The clashes have left at least 41 dead and dozens badly injured.
"The security threat level in Yemen is extremely high due to terrorist activities and civil unrest," the State Department said in its advisory. "There is ongoing civil unrest throughout the country and large-scale protests in major cities."
Wild Thing's comment........
Peacefull Muslims??? Nah no such thing!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (1)
May 25, 2011
The Bin Laden Backlash:Angry Muslims Demonstrate Outside Downing Street as Obama Visits Britain
Angry Muslims demonstrate outside Downing Street as Obama visits Britain
Muslim activists descended on Downing Street today in protest at Barack Obama's state visit to London.
As the president met David Cameron in Whitehall, an angry crowd of burka clad women as well as protesters from Muslims Against Crusades gathered on the streets outside.
They were joined by a number of prominent campaigners, including Anjem Choudary.The radical cleric said that President Obama has made himself a 'legitimate target' for Muslim extremists after the killing of Osama bin Laden.
He called for Mr Obama to be dragged before a sharia court over his role in the war in Afghanistan.
Speaking before the march on Downing Street Choudary said Mr Obama was enemy number one for Muslims.
Choudary said Obama was an 'even greater killer of Muslims' than his predecessor George Bush.
He said: 'Just like Osama Bin Laden is the number one enemy for the west, Obama is for Muslims.
'He is a war criminal, it goes without saying. He has slain more Muslims than even his predecessor George Bush and has overseen the escalation of the war on Islam.
'He must be arrested and face a sharia court for his crimes.'
He added: 'The only security risk in today's march will be because some may see him as a legitimate target for what he has done.
'The anti-Obama camp is far bigger than the pro-Obama.
Choudary said he was also holding the demonstration to voice his disapproval with the way the U.S. administration killed terrorist chief Osama bin Laden.
He said: 'They say they believe in justice and yet they act like common criminals breaking in and killing a man.
'If they wanted justice they should have captured Osama and taking him to a Sharia Court to face charges instead they act like common criminals and murders.'
Choudary was eventually dragged away by police, prompting scuffles to break out with his supporters.
Wild Thing's comment........
The people in these photos aren’t radicals. This is the goal if Islam.
obama's muslim outreach is paying off......NOT! haha
"Muslims Will Conquer the White House"....excuse me but they already have.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (5)
May 16, 2011
Freedom Or Islam~ Obama Panders To Muslims Instead Of Pushing American Values
Obama: Freedom or Islam?
White House panders to Muslims instead of pushing American values
President Obama is trying to hit the reset button on his outreach efforts to the world’s Muslims. He would do better to focus on aggressively promoting freedom rather than pandering to Islam.
The first round of outreach - kicked off by Mr. Obama’s June 2009 speech in Cairo - was a spectacular failure. Opinion polling on sentiment towards the United States in countries with Muslim majorities showed an initial burst of enthusiasm, followed in 2010 by a collapse. In some cases, Muslim approval of America fell to levels lower than during the waning days of the George W. Bush administration.
Now the White House is using the timing of Osama bin Laden’s death to argue that al Qaeda’s violent approach to political change is passe, and that the popular uprisings sweeping the Middle East represent the wave of the future. However, al Qaeda already has answered this argument. In the Spring 2011 edition of the terror group’s English-language magazine Inspire, the lead editorial by Yahya Ibrahim notes that a “line that is being pushed by Western leaders is that because the protests in Egypt and Tunisia were peaceful, they proved al Qaeda - which calls for armed struggle - to be wrong. That is another fallacy. Al Qaeda is not against regime changes through protests but it is against the idea that the change should be only through peaceful means to the exclusion of the use of force.”
Of course, not all change occurring in the Middle East is peaceful. U.S. and NATO warplanes support armed rebels in Libya, and al Qaeda notes that this vindicates their views on violence. “If the protesters in Libya did not have the flexibility to use force when needed,” Mr. Ibrahim says, “the uprising would have been crushed.” This point is also being proved in Syria, where the United States has been deaf to desperate pleas from dissidents being mowed down by regime troops with the assistance of Iran. No mere speech by Mr. Obama will bring a springtime of freedom to Damascus.
Mr. Obama’s fixation on the means by which change is coming also overlooks that the substance of the change may be precisely what al Qaeda has always advocated. The White House has pushed for the participation of religiously-based parties in Egypt’s new government, but if the Muslim Brotherhood comes to power in Cairo, it will pursue domestic and foreign policies indistinguishable from those bin Laden deputy Ayman al-Zawahri would implement if he were in charge. Islamism is the objective, whether achieved by bombs or ballots.
Mr. Ibrahim says that in al Qaeda’s opinion, “the revolutions that are shaking the thrones of dictators are good for the Muslims, good for the mujahidin and bad for the imperialists of the West and their henchmen in the Muslim world.” He says the terrorists, “are very optimistic and have great expectations of what is to come.” This optimism is not unfounded. Mr. Obama should shift his focus from pandering to Muslim sensibilities to helping shape the outcome of the changes sweeping the Middle East in a way that reflects American values.
The United States is not at war with Islam, but neither should our nation be promoting it. America has traditionally advocated the principles of freedom of conscience and individual liberty, concepts that are in dire need of support in most Muslim states. Taking an unadulterated stand for freedom in the Middle East would be the most gutsy move Mr. Obama could make.
Wild Thing's comment........
Nothing could be more hostile to our Constitution then Islam , and freedom everywhere. And submission to islam is this administrations main objective.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (4)
May 07, 2011
Muslims in U.K.(London-istan) Stage Mock Funeral For Bin Laden
Muslim protesters clash with police outside the American Embassy in London
Muslim argues with one police officer as other officers attempt to control the protests
Violence: Pakistani protesters burn U.S. flag in protest against the killing of Osama bin Laden in Multan today as hundreds of Pakistanis took to the streets cheering for the leader and shouting 'death to America'
This just in from London-istan: Violent clashes outside U.S. Embassy after hundreds of UK Muslims stage mock funeral for 'murdered' Bin Laden
Violent clashes broke out around the world today as thousands of supporters of Osama bin Laden took to the streets to protest at the Al-Qaeda leader's death.
While many protests took place across the Muslim world, the most extraordinary took place in London, where hundreds of supporters gathered at the U.S. embassy to stage a mock 'funeral service' for the slain terror leader.
The violence erupted just days after the city - often dubbed London-istan because of its reputation for Islamic extremism - was branded a major recruiting ground for Al Qaeda.
Dozens of police officers struggled with protesters who tried to storm the embassy with radicals carrying placards proclaiming that 'Islam will dominate the world' and branding U.S. leaders 'murderers'.
'It is only a matter of time before another atrocity - the West is the enemy,' Abu Muaz, 28, from east London, said.
The protest comes amid heightened security in London fearing revenge attacks by Al-Qaeda.
Over the past decade, the meida reported that London had become a 'feeding ground for hate' and a 'magnet for terrorism'.
The large Muslim community who live there are said to exploit civil liberties and openly preach jihad.
In fact, recent leaked documents showed that Britain's mosques became an international haven for extremists who enjoyed state benefits while being trained for terrorism.
The WikiLeaks files, written by U.S. military chiefs, revealed that at least 35 Guantanamo terrorists were radicalised in London mosques before being sent to fight against the West.
This is believed to be more than any other Western country.
Of these, just 17 were British nationals or had been granted asylum, while 18 had travelled from abroad – cementing Britain’s reputation as a global training camp for terrorists.
In other parts of the world, American flags were burned and thousands of Islamists held demonstrations vowing that more figures like Bin Laden would arise to wage holy war against the United States.
About 1,500 Islamists demonstrated near the city of Quetta, capital of Baluchistan province in the southwest.
Cleric Fazal Mohammad Baraich said amid shouts of 'Down with America' that: 'Jihad (holy war) against America will not stop with the death of Osama.
'Osama Bin Laden is a shaheed (martyr). The blood of Osama will give birth to thousands of other Osamas.'
In London, a member of the English Defence League - a far right group which opposes the spread of Islamic extremism - managed to slip through police lines to unveil an effigy of bin Laden in the middle of the 300-strong group of extremist Muslims.
It prompted screams of 'USA, burn in hell' and 'Obama, burn in hell' from angry protesters.
Wild Thing's comment..........
So much for NOT showing the photos and the funeral OBL had.....into the sea.
I'm expecting the real Muslims/moderates to come out and condemn this anytime now.
Waiting...... tap tap tap
I won't hold my breath.
So burning the flag is ok. Then burning the koran should be ok too. No?
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (7)
Man Rolls a Severed Pig's Head into a Mosque
Man Rolls a Severed Pig's Head into a Mosque
Wild Thing's comment........
They go bananas over a severed pig's head an yet many of them won't have any problem chopping off and exhibiting a human one.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM | Comments (4)
Muslim Leaders Say U.S. Pilot Refused to Fly With Them Onboard ~ Kudos to this pilot!
Muslim Leaders Say U.S. Pilot Refused to Fly With Them Onboard
NASHVILLE, Tennessee
Two Muslim religious leaders say they were asked to leave a commercial airliner in Memphis on Friday and were told it was because the pilot refused to fly with them aboard.
Masudur Rahman, who is also an adjunct instructor of Arabic at the University of Memphis, said by phone from the terminal at Memphis International Airport that he and another imam had already been allowed to board their Delta Connection flight to Charlotte, North Carolina before they were asked to get off the plane.
Transportation Security Administration spokesman Jon Allen in Atlanta confirmed the incident and said it was not initiated by that agency.
A Delta Air Lines spokeswoman said the flight was operated by Atlantic Southeast Airlines, which is also based in Atlanta.
"We take security and safety very seriously and the event is currently under investigation," Atlantic Southeast spokesman Jarek Beem said Friday evening.
Both passengers are Memphis-area residents. Rahman said he was dressed in traditional Indian clothing and his traveling companion was dressed in Arab garb, including traditional headgear.
Rahman said he and Mohamed Zaghloul, of the Islamic Association of Greater Memphis, were cleared by security agents and boarded the plane for an 8:40 a.m. departure.
The aircraft pulled away from the gate, but the pilot then announced the plane must return, Rahman said. When it did, the imams were asked to go back to the boarding gate where Rahman said they were told the pilot was refusing to accept them because some other passengers could be uncomfortable.
Rahman said Delta officials talked with the pilot for more than a half-hour, but he still refused.
The men were taken to a lounge and booked on a later flight. Beem said they flew on to Charlotte later Friday.
"We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused," Beem said.
The men contacted the Council on American-Islamic Relations ( CAIR), a Muslim civil rights and advocacy group in Washington, D.C.
"It's racism and bias because of our religion and appearance and because of misinformation about our religion." Rahman said. "If they understood Islam, they wouldn't do this."
He said a Delta manager apologized for the pilot's actions, but that he and Zaghloul never spoke directly with the pilot.
Ibrahim Hooper, of the American-Islamic organization, said the group will follow up with the airline and with the TSA to help ensure such incidents do not continue to occur.
Hooper said airline officials at Memphis tried to resolve the situation, but the pilot refused.
Wild Thing's comment........
One brave pilot, refusing to risk his passengers. I’m glad they got kicked off the plane!!! Thank you captain for booting them off!!
The aircraft pulled away from the gate, but the pilot then announced the plane must return, Rahman said. When it did, the imams were asked to go back to the boarding gate where Rahman said they were told the pilot was refusing to accept them because some other passengers could be uncomfortable.
Darn right! I am uncomfortable anytime I see someone in a moslem garb! You never know if and when they are going to explode. I do not trust them, especially the ones inside my country, period!
It's racism and bias because of our religion and appearance and because of misinformation about our religion." Rahman said. "If they understood Islam, they wouldn't do this."
BS,First of all, Islam isn't a race. Islam is a death cult and more biased then anything else! Kill Jews, Kill Christians and kill any muslim that does not follow their cult's rules.
And secondly, the pilot DOES understand Islam. That's why he removed these cult leaders.
I would fly on a plane with THIS pilot then a plane with a pilot that is NOT taking all his passengers safety seriously and is too worried about being PC to a death cult.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:48 AM | Comments (7)
April 30, 2011
Three Convicted in Terror-Related Cases Later Granted U.S. Citizenship by Obama Administration
Three people convicted of crimes as a result of a terrorism-related investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) were later naturalized as U.S. citizens by the Obama administration, according to federal auditors.
The March 2011 audit (released on April 21, 2011) by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), entitled Criminal Alien Statistics:
Information on Incarcerations, Arrests and Costs, shows that three individuals were among “defendants where the investigation involved an identified link to international terrorism but they were charged with violating other statutes [not directly related to terrorism], including fraud, immigration, drugs, false statements, and general conspiracy charges,” referred by DOJ as Category II terrorism-related cases.
The three individuals in question can be found in a DOJ list of unsealed terrorism-related investigations conducted from Sept. 11, 2001 through Mar. 18, 2010. There are 403 defendants on that list of which, according to the GAO, at least 43 percent were aliens — both legal (26 percent) and illegal (17 percent) — at the time they were charged with crimes
“Prosecuting terror-related targets using Category II offenses and others is often an effective method--and sometimes the only available method--of deterring and disrupting potential terrorist planning and support activities,” explained the DOJ in the document that listed the defendants.
Staff members of GAO's Homeland Security and Justice team who worked on the audit told CNSNews.com in an e-mail that the three individuals were naturalized as U.S. citizens under President Barack Obama.
Wild Thing's comment........
It's 3 am and nobody's there!
It is treason and aiding and abetting terrorists yet again for Obama and his administration .
If a republican can’t beat Obama in 2012 with all this ammo, then there really is no hope for America!
We need someone that speaks out for us and for our country, someone that loves America. Someone like Sarah Palin or Allen West would be awesome.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (6)
U.S. Attorney: Feds Could Challenge Missouri Anti-Sharia Legislation
U.S. Attorney: Feds Could Challenge Missouri Anti-Sharia Legislation
U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri Richard Callahan visited the Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis last night to address the fears and frustrations of Muslim Americans who worry they are being racially profiled and wiretapped — and to assure them that the Missouri Legislature’s attempts to ban Sharia law from being considered in state courts here could face Constitutional challenges.
Seated in front of a large Muslim audience during a town hall-style meeting at the Ballwin mosque, Callahan anchored a panel that included fellow federal attorneys (one of whom was Muslim American), as well as three members of the FBI.
“There is a worse kind of Muslim hatred recently,” said Adil Imdad, one of the event’s organizers. “Especially in the last two years, Islamophobia and fear-mongering have been spreading like wildfire, and it’s causing a lot of stress for our youth.”
The problem is now hitting a little closer to home, said Imdad, pointing to three bills currently circulating through the state legislature that seek to limit Sharia law (Islamic law) in Missouri courts. Sharia law could come into play in rulings considering child custody or prisoner rights for Muslims. As we’ve reported, the bills have become a source of controversy.
Callahan responded by hinting that, should anti-Sharia legislation get passed by the Missouri Legislature, it could be overturned by the federal courts. “The Department of Justice has a good history of challenging laws passed by state legislatures,” he said. “If some laws are passed, I think you will see challenges by the federal government on the constitutionality of them.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Every State has got to say NO to Shaira law. Once a State let's sharia law in it will be the end of every.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (5)
April 29, 2011
US Patriot Don't Take No Shit off Muslims - Telling it it like is!
Wild Thing's comment........
One can't say he doesn't have passion. hahaha
Seriously though I wish our elected in D.C. would get this attitude toward CAIR.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (4)
April 25, 2011
Female Protester Disrupts Muslim Radicals Rallying in Frankfurt, Germany
H/T Bare Naked Islam
“I am ashamed that he (Muslim thug) can stand here and speak like Hitler. Do you want Germany to be like all those countries from which they came? Germany, you have to rise, RISE UP GERMANY!”
Wild Thing's comment........
We need another hundred million like her. God bless her! This lady in Germany has righteous anger, I love it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (6)
April 21, 2011
Iran To Ban Pet Dogs, Un-Islamic Under Sharia ~ Man’s best friend, mortal enemy to Muslims
An Iranian woman holding a dog stands in front of a bank in Tehran Morteza Nikoubazl / Reuters / Corbis
Iran to ban pet dogs, un-Islamic under sharia
The Latest Enemies of Iran: Dogs and Their Owners
For much of the past decade, the Iranian government has tolerated what it considers a particularly depraved and un-Islamic vice: the keeping of pet dogs.
During periodic crackdowns, police have confiscated dogs from their owners right off the street; and state media has lectured Iranians on the diseases spread by canines. The cleric Gholamreza Hassani, from the city of Urmia, has been satirized for his sermons railing against “short-legged” and “holdable” dogs. But as with the policing of many other practices (like imbibing alcoholic drinks) that are deemed impure by the mullahs but perfectly fine to many Iranians, the state has eventually relaxed and let dog lovers be.
Those days of tacit acceptance may soon be over, however. Lawmakers in Tehran have recently proposed a bill in parliament that would criminalize dog ownership, formally enshrining its punishment within the country’s Islamic penal code. The bill warns that that in addition to posing public health hazards, the popularity of dog ownership “also poses a cultural problem, a blind imitation of the vulgar culture of the West.” The proposed legislation for the first time outlines specific punishments for “the walking and keeping” of “impure and dangerous animals,” a definition that could feasibly include cats but for the time being seems targeted at dogs.
The law would see the offending animal confiscated, the leveling of a $100-to-$500 fine on the owner, but leaves the fate of confiscated dogs uncertain. “Considering the several thousand dogs [that are kept] in Tehran alone, the problem arises as to what is going to happen to these animals,” Hooman Malekpour, a veterinarian in Tehran, said to the BBC’s Persian service. If passed, the law would ultimately energize police and volunteer militias to enforce the ban systematically.
Islam, by custom, considers dogs najes, or unclean, and for the past century cultural mores kept dog ownership down to minuscule numbers. In rural areas, dogs have traditionally aided shepherds and farmers, but as Iranians got urbanized in the past century, their dogs did not come along. In cities, aristocrats kept dogs for hunting and French-speaking dowagers kept lap dogs for company, but the vast majority of traditional Iranians, following the advice of the clergy, were leery of dogs and considered them best avoided.
That has changed in the past 15 years with the rise of an urban middle class plugged into and eager to mimic Western culture. Satellite television and Western movies opened up a world where happy children frolicked with dogs in parks and affluent families treated them like adorable children. These days, lap dogs rival designer sunglasses as the upper-middle-class Iranian's accessory of choice.
"Global norms and values capture the heart of people all around the world, and Iran is no exception," says Omid Memarian, a prominent Iranian journalist specializing in human rights. "This is very frightening for Iranian officials, who find themselves in a cultural war with the West and see what they're offering as an 'Islamic lifestyle' failing measurably."
In 2007, two years into the tenure of hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, security forces targeted dog owners alongside a crackdown on women's attire and men's "Westernized" hairstyles. In the regime's eyes, owning a dog had become on par with wearing capri pants or sporting a mullet — a rebellious act.
The criminalizing of dogs, in this context, helps the government address the legal gray areas concerning lifestyle behavior. When authorities found it difficult to police what it termed Westernized hairstyles worn by young men, it solved the problem last year by releasing a poster of specifically banned styles.
For many young people, these measures are a firm reminder that the government will brook no disobedience, whether it be chanting antigovernment slogans in the streets or sporting excessively long sideburns. Dog owners in Iran, like much of the population, are mostly preoccupied these days with inflation, joblessness and the parlous state of the country's economy. But they will soon need to consider whether keeping their shih tzu or poodle is worth the added worry. Their dogs may face the same fate as the hundreds of street dogs that the government regularly sweeps from the streets of Tehran.
"Many in Tehran and other big cities find the killing of street dogs offensive and cruel," says Memarian. "It's like the Iranian people and officials live in two different worlds."
Wild Thing's comment........
The real reason they do not like dogs is because a dog is a higher, superior life than muhammad is.
So this is why IslamObama flies his daughters dog BO, the White House PROP of a dog that no one ever sees, on his own SEPARATE AIRPLANE. Bo gets to ride with IslamObama's boyfriend and constant companion Reggie Love.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:44 AM | Comments (4)
April 20, 2011
Outrage After Muslim Model Sila Sahin Poses Nude For Playboy Cover
Outrage After Muslim Model Sila Sahin Poses Nude For Playboy Cover
'I wanted to be free': Muslim model upsets family by posing nude for Playboy cover
h/t Weasel Zippers
Sila Sahin, a 25-year-old Turkish German living in Berlin, had until now been regarded as a glowing example of how a modern Muslim girl should behave in a multicultural society.
A successful actress starring in German television soap opera Good Times, Bad Times, she pleased her many fans and made her Turkish family proud.
But her latest move has shocked some of those fans, and enraged those closest to her.
Posing provocatively on the cover of German Playboy magazine with one breast exposed, Sila Sahin seems to be sending a clear and deliberate message to her conservative Turkish family.
‘I did it because I wanted to be free at last,’ she said. ‘These photographs are a liberation from the restrictions of my childhood.’
Her family have, unsurprisingly, reacted with horror, and her mother has cut off all contact with the actress.
‘My mother is still angry. It will be even more difficult with my grandparents, my aunts and my uncles,’ she said on the website devoted to her television soap.
She has, however, managed to talk to her actor father, who expressed concern over the pressure she will inevitably face from those not only within the Turkish community in Germany, but from the wider Muslim community as a whole.
Ms Sahin’s declared intention was to used the controversial Playboy photoshoot as a call to action for other Turkish girls who suffer the effects of their strict backgrounds, where women’s choices are often limited, husbands are chosen for the girls and chastity closely controlled.
Her message to these girls? 'For too long I tried to do everything right,' she says. 'I want these photos to show young Turkish women it's okay for you to live however you choose.'
'Many of my countrymen think it's great that I can be so free. With the shoot I hoped to say to them that we do not necessarily have to live under these rules given to us.
In an impassioned interview, as she displayed the revealing photographs, she pleaded with her mother and father to understand the reasons behind her decision to pose naked.
The emotional actress begged for clemency from her family. 'I hope you can forgive me, she said. 'Please let me come home.'
Wild Thing's comment........
I woud be concerned to see her go home unless she knows for sure her Father would not harm her.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (4)
April 19, 2011
Rep. Peter T. King,Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security Demands Answers from Holder on Decision Not to Prosecute CAIR, its Co-Founder, and other Unindicted Co-Conspirators in Holy Land Foundation Case
Eric Holder ( DOJ ) had decided, apparently for political reasons, not to prosecute Omar Ahmad, cofounder and longtime Board Chairman of Hamas-linked CAIR. Now Peter King is demanding answers. I hope he gets them, or failing that, opens an investigation of his own.
King Demands Answers from Holder on Decision Not to Prosecute CAIR, its Co-Founder, and other Unindicted Co-Conspirators in Holy Land Foundation Case
Committee on Homeland Security
H/T : Weasel Zippers
U.S. Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, has demanded an explanation from Attorney General Eric Holder as to why he decided not to prosecute the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), its co-founder Omar Ahmad, and other named unindicted co-conspirators in the Hamas terror finance case, United States v. Holy Land Foundation. The other unindicted co-conspirators include the Islamic Society of North America and the North American Islamic Trust.
In a letter to Holder, King wrote:
“I have been reliably informed that the decision not to seek indictments of the Council on American Islamic Relations (“CAIR”) and its co-founder Omar Ahmad, the Islamic Society of North America (“ISNA”), and the North American Islamic Trust (“NAIT”), was usurped by high-ranking officials at Department of Justice headquarters over the vehement and stated objections of special agents and supervisors of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as the prosecutors at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Dallas, who had investigated and successfully prosecuted the Holy Land Foundation case. Their opposition to this decision raises serious doubt that the decision not to prosecute was a valid exercise of prosecutorial discretion.”
The signed letter is available at the Committee on Homeland Security website.
The text of the letter sent to Attorney General Holder follows:
April 15, 2011
The Honorable Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington D.C. 20530-0001
Re: United States v. Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, et al., 3:04-CR-0240-G.
Dear Attorney General Holder:
I write to inquire about your decision not to prosecute the 246 individuals and organizations, named as unindicted co-conspirators in a Hamas terror finance case, United States v. Holy Land Foundation.
I have been reliably informed that the decision not to seek indictments of the Council on American Islamic Relations (“CAIR”) and its co-founder Omar Ahmad, the Islamic Society of North America (“ISNA”), and the North American Islamic Trust (“NAIT”), was usurped by high-ranking officials at Department of Justice headquarters over the vehement and stated objections of special agents and supervisors of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as the prosecutors at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Dallas, who had investigated and successfully prosecuted the Holy Land Foundation case. Their opposition to this decision raises serious doubt that the decision not to prosecute was a valid exercise of prosecutorial discretion.
I request that you provide answers to the following questions:
•What are the reasons for the Department’s decisions not to prosecute CAIR, ISNA, NAIT and Mr. Ahmad, who is a CAIR co-founder and former head of the Palestine Committee of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States?
•Who made the final decision not to prosecute? Who, if anyone, from the Executive Office of the President, consulted with, advised, or otherwise communicated with the Department of Justice, in electronic, oral or written form, regarding the Department’s decision to not seek indictments of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT and Mr. Ahmad?
•How does and will the Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation address the potential for CAIR, ISNA, or NAIT to engage in terrorism financing? What policies with regard to those organizations have you implemented to address that threat?
The answers to these questions should provide some explanation for declining a prosecution that is strongly supported by the record from the Holy Land Foundation trial.
As you are aware, in a previously sealed Memorandum Opinion Order of July 1, 2009, United States District Judge Jorge A. Solis declined CAIR, ISNA and NAIT’s August 14, 2007 and June 18, 2008 requests to strike their names from the United States Attorney’s list of unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation case. Judge Solis found that the “Government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA and NAIT with [the Holy Land Foundation, “HLF”], the Islamic Association for Palestine (“IAP”), and with Hamas.”
The Court found that the evidence was “sufficient to show the association of these entities with HLF, IAP, and Hamas. Thus, maintaining the names of the entities on the List is appropriate in light of the evidence proffered by the Government” (citation omitted). At minimum, FBI testimony established that Mr. Ahmad attended a meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in which participants discussed how they could support Hamas, including by raising funds for this terrorist group. NAIT was similarly unsuccessful in its subsequent request to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit to have its name removed from the list of co-conspirators.
Hamas has been designated as a terrorist organization by the Department of State since October 9, 1997, and its status was reconfirmed by the most recent annual report of the National Counterterrorism Center, issued April 30, 2010 Hamas shamefully conducts cowardly suicide bombings against civilian targets inside Israel. Hamas also, between 2008 and 2009, conducted 2,614 indiscriminate rocket and mortar attacks upon residential areas in that country, an ally of the United States.
According to the State Department, Hamas finances its terrorist activities “through state sponsors of terrorism Iran and Syria, and fundraising networks in the Arabian Peninsula, Europe, the Middle East, [and] the United States” (emphasis added).
It raises the most serious question for the Justice Department to decline to even attempt to prosecute individuals and organizations, accused by a US Attorney and found by a federal judge, to have a nexus with fundraising for an organization which conducts terror attacks upon civilians.
I believe that in order to maintain the credibility of the Department, there should be full transparency into the Department’s decision. Please respond to this letter by April 25, 2011. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Kevin Carroll at (202)226-8417.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Good for Rep. Peter King for demanding answers from Eric Holder. I hope he keeps the heat on, and others in Congress also join him in pressing for answers.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (3)
April 06, 2011
Obama and His Administration Doing Their Best to Ensure Al-Qaeda’s Success To Be In Power In Yemen
As Yemeni President and American ally Ali Abdullah Saleh fights for his political life, Al Qaeda operatives are taking advantage of the void and have already stepped in to fill the power vacuum.
Al Qaeda leaders like top propagandist and spiritual leader Anwar Al-Awlaki are ecstatic about the recent developments in Yemen and across the Middle East.
Unrest in Yemen Seen as Opening to Qaeda Branch
Counterterrorism operations in Yemen have ground to a halt, allowing Al Qaeda’s deadliest branch outside of Pakistan to operate more freely inside the country and to increase plotting for possible attacks against Europe and the United States, American diplomats, intelligence analysts and counterterrorism officials say.
In the political tumult surrounding Yemen’s embattled president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, many Yemeni troops have abandoned their posts or have been summoned to the capital, Sana, to help support the tottering government, the officials said. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the group’s affiliate, has stepped in to fill this power vacuum, and Yemeni security forces have come under increased attacks in recent weeks.
A small but steadily growing stream of al Qaeda fighters and lower-level commanders from other parts of the world, including Pakistan, are making their way to Yemen to join the fight there, although American intelligence officials are divided on whether the political crisis in Yemen is drawing more insurgents than would be traveling there under normal conditions.
Obama Administration officials are doing their best to ensure Al-Qaeda’s success.
The Obama administration is helping to grease the skids for the impending departure of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh.
While he remains a strong U.S. ally in the war against al Qaeda and other Islamic extremists, Saleh has worn out his welcome with his own people and the State Department can’t afford to prop up a leader opposed to democratic reform.
Yemeni officials say the U.S. is attempting to mediate a smooth exit for Saleh so as not to further destabilize the country, which is in danger of falling into the hands of those supporting al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the anti-American organization that’s headquartered in Yemen.
Al Qaeda already declared South Yemen as an Islamic emirate last week.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is the worst and most America hating president and administration in US history. Obama is diabolical.
Nobody would miss Yemen if it disappeared entirely. But while it exists on this planet, it is in a very strategic spot. Al Queda in charge now of the southern end of the Suez Canal. Great!...NOT! And now it will become a haven and homebase for muslim terrorists intent on ending lives of non-muslims around the world.
What is happening in Yemen should be all over the news, people need to know and the help that obama is giving to the terrorists there. It will effect our troops, our country and the rest of the world.
So now, when an extremist in yemen mails a package to a synagog in Chicago, it’ll actually get there and explode.
It is another success for obama. He’s acheiving one goal after another is his effort to take down America.
Impending dollar/economic collapse, check.
Impending energy shortages, check.
Impending loss of superpower status, in progress.
Things are going swimmingly for obama and the worldwide communist movement.
Obama hates Free America, hates Americans, hates the Constitution and hates the Bill of Rights. bama is a hate crime foisted upon the USA. obama is the Destroyer.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (6)
April 05, 2011
Package Containing Severed Pig's Foot And An Anti-Semitic Note Intercepted on Way to ( R- N.Y.) Rep. Pete King's Office
A frozen pig's foot and a note laced with anti-Semitic rants were sent to Rep. Peter King's Capitol Hill office, a congressional source familiar with the situation confirmed to CNN Monday.
The source said the note included statements such as "evil Jews will return this hoof to Palestine." Neither King nor his aides have seen the package, the source said, because all mail sent to the U.S. Capitol is now screened and the package was intercepted before it went to his office. King's office was notified Monday afternoon.
There was no direct threat to the congressman and law enforcement officials know who sent the package, the source said.
King - a New York Republican - is chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and had already had stepped up security around controversial hearings last month on Muslim radicalization in America. King has had increased security for months while home in his district. Last month King told CNN it was because of "threat assessments" done by law enforcement.
A spokeswoman for the U.S. Capitol Police told CNN: "We have an active open investigation regarding this incident and are working with postal inspectors. I can't confirm the contents of the package"
Who and why the letter was sent can only be speculated. However, with the evidence, it appears that a Muslim person upset with the hearings most likely sent the letter and pig's foot, as pork is forbidden in Islam and is thus considered insulting.
Ibrahim Hooper, National Communications Director for the CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), however, sees it differently. "My guess is it was an anti-Muslim bigot, and bigots not being brain surgeons they probably got their signals crossed," he said.
The package, addressed to King, was intercepted before it reached the Representative. The Capital Hill police have promised an "open investigation."
Wild Thing's comment........
“”My guess is it was an anti-Muslim bigot, and bigots not being brain surgeons they probably got their signals crossed,” he said.” He being Ibrahim Hooper, National Communications Director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, (who) sees it differently.
OH OK, I guess it is solved then since CAIR tells us all about it.
I would love to see CAIR as well as the UN removed from our country. It would be a dream come true.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (4)
France Burka Ban Starts Next Week, Police Told To Start With Tact And Diplomacy
Under the new law, women who wear face-covering Muslim veils in 'public places' in France face being fined £125 or ordered to follow citizenship classes, or both Photo: REUTERS
Police told not to make public unveilings when French burka ban enforced next week
By Henry Samuel
Police in France have been instructed to refrain from burka "hunts" or "public unveilings" of women wearing the full Islamic veil when a ban on the garment comes into force next week.
France will become the second country in Europe, after Belgium, to apply the ban, starting April 11.
But officers have been ordered to apply the legislation with tact and diplomacy so as not inflame tensions, interior ministry guidelines leaked to the French press yesterday reveal.
Under the new law, women who wear face-covering Muslim veils, including the niqab and burka, in "public places" in France face being fined £125 or ordered to follow citizenship classes, or both.
The ban encompasses "the street and areas open to the public, as well as cinemas, restaurants, stations, public transport or schools". Veils must also be removed while driving, while crossing borders or taking part in official ceremonies to acquire French nationality.
Husbands and fathers who force such veils on women and girls risk a year of prison and a £25,000 fine, with both penalties doubled if the victim is a minor.
But a nine-page document signed by Claude Guéant, the interior minister, stipulates that women wearing the full veil cannot be forcibly obliged to remove them in public.
Officers who stop a woman wearing the garment must instead "invite the person to show their face in order to check their identity and establish a fine."
If the woman persists, officers are instructed to take her to the nearest police station "as a last resort," but not to either place her in custody or keep her waiting for more than four hours.
If she still refuses to comply, the rules state that police should contact the public prosecutor.
Rather than force, police are invited to employ "persuasion" and, where possible, involve a female officer.
The guidelines emphasise that the full veil ban does not apply in the home or to car passengers. Nor is the ban to be enforced in or around mosques, so as not to be "interpreted as an indirect restriction of religious freedom."
The law to "forbid concealing one's face in public" was voted through last October after a year of heated national debate over the issue. Nine out of ten French people back it, a recent poll suggested.
President Nicolas Sarkozy has already described the burka as a "sign of debasement", and women's rights campaigners denounced it as "a walking coffin".
Michele Alliot-Marie, the former interior minister, said it "cuts [women] off from society and rejects the very spirit of the French republic, founded on a desire to live together."
Around 2,000 women, out of France's 5 million Muslims, are estimated to wear the face-covering garments, according to interior ministry figures.
France had already banned wearing conspicuous religious symbols such as veils, Jewish skullcaps and crucifixes in schools in 2004.
The guidelines came as France's right-wing UMP party is to hold a highly controversial debate today on Islam and secularism.
Organisers say it will address changes in French society such as a growing demand for building mosques in a country where a 1905 law formally separates the Church and state.
Halal food in school cafeterias or demands for women's hours at public swimming pools are also up for discussion.
Critics have denounced the debate as a divisive ploy to lure voters away from the far-Right National Front, which made significant gains in local elections last month and whose new leader, Marine Le Pen is gaining in popularity. It has split the Right, with François Fillon, the prime minister already declaring he will not take part.
France's top religious leaders issued a joint statement last week saying the debate could add "to the confusion in the troubled period we are traversing."
Wild Thing's comment........
I had only heard that France had passed this new law, I didn't know that Belgium had done it first.
It says that 9 out of 10 of the population voted for this, so I also think it is good to start like it says with tact and take it a little slow to begin with. I remember when the seat belt law went into effect when we lived in Calif. most of the time for several months the police only gave warnings to people instead of fines. It was kind of left up to the police man and the person not following the law. Changes take time and these women imo might even be beat by their husbands along with everything else. BUT I am glad they passed this law, and it might go further and maybe they will crack down on the mosgues being built as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (4)
April 01, 2011
Al Qaeda Declares Southern Yemeni Province An "Islamic Emirate"
Yemeni anti-government protesters demonstrate in Sanaa. US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s eventual fall or his replacement by a weaker leader would pose “a real problem” for US counter-terrorism work. (AFP/Ahmad Gharabli)
Yemeni President Faces Demands He Step Down
SANAA, Yemen – The Yemeni president's own tribe has called on him to step down after a deadly crackdown on protesters, robbing the embattled U.S.-backed leader of vital support in a society dominated by blood ties.
President Ali Abdullah Saleh appeared to be trying to hold on, firing his entire Cabinet ahead of what one government official said was a planned mass resignation, but making no mention of stepping down himself. Yemen's ambassador to the United Nations and its human rights minister had announced their resignations earlier in the day.
Experts said that Saleh, who has cooperated closely with U.S. military operations against his country's branch of al-Qaida, had lost the support of every major power base in Yemen except the military.
Al Qaeda Declares Southern Yemeni Province An "Islamic Emirate"
Women were told not to go outside except under necessary circumstances
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has declared Yemen’s Abyan province an “Islamic Emirate” and banned women from going outside, according to Eurasia Review and accounts from Yemeni journalists.
AQAP, which has established full control over the southern province, made an online statement Wednesday declaring Abyan an Islamic Emirate governed by Shariah.
The statement said women in the province should not go out except under necessary circumstances, “and she who urgently needs to go out, should be with one of her male relatives, and should have ID with her.”
AQAP's announcement comes just a few days after jihadists looted an ammunition factory in Ja'ar, a city in Abyan province, killing 150 people in an apparently accidental explosion. Al Qaeda militants have also taken control of local communications facilities in the province.
Wild Thing's comment........
All part of obama's GRAND plan. Jiimmy Carter handed over Iran to terrorists . Obama is working on the rest.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (8)
March 30, 2011
Past Ties Between Gadhafi, Farrakhan, Obama, U.S. Muslim Groups Raising Questions
Past ties between Gadhafi, Farrakhan, Obama, U.S. Muslim groups raising questions
As Barack Obama sought Monday to explain to the nation the U.S. military action in Libya which he authorized, past associations between Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi and U.S. Muslim organizations, some of which have been linked to Obama, are attracting attention.
Thus far mainstream political and media figures are not making an issue of those associations, but longtime observers of the Washington political scene are taking note.
In 2009, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) asked the Libyan ruler for what was estimated to be tens of millions of dollars to distribute one million copies of the Koran to Americans, particularly government officials.
"We hope for your noble generosity in taking this project under your wing, so you will be in the vanguard, as we have come to expect of you," CAIR executive director Nihad Awad told Gadhafi in a meeting in New York. "God willing, you will as you have promised us, be the first to take the lead in this project."
The meeting was said to have been one of several between leading American Muslims and Gadhafi. They included leaders of the Nation of Islam, with which Barack Obama was associated in the 1990s, specifically in assisting with the organization of the 1995 Million Man March.
The head of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, has attacked Obama for U.S. participation in the NATO assault on Libya.
On March 21, Awad acknowledged that CAIR solicited Gadhafi. But the American Muslim director said the Libyan ruler did not respond.
"We never received a penny from his group, from his government," Awad said.
Awad as well as two colleagues, CAIR chairman Larry Shaw and spokesman Ibrahim Hooper, met Gadhafi during his visit to the United Nations in September 2009. The three Americans called Gadhafi "the world Islamic popular leader" and then asked for Libyan funds to launch the Muslim Peace Foundation. One goal of the foundation was to distribute one million Korans throughout the United States in an effort to bolster the image of Islam.
Until 2007, Americans were prohibited from receiving money from Libya, which was on the State Department's list of terrorist sponsors. CAIR also sent a delegation to Saudi Arabia to solicit $50 million for the group.
"We want to assure you that Muslims in America are your brothers and supporters," Shaw, a southern state representative, was quoted as telling Gadhafi. "They share with you your interests and aspirations."
A minister and attorney has asserted that Farrakhan was a major influence on both Obama and the black community. E. W. Jackson, bishop of the Exodus Faith Ministries, cited Obama's role as organizer and "enthusiastic supporter" of the Nation of Islam leader during the so-called "Million Man March" in Washington in 1995.
"Obama clearly has Muslim sensibilities," Jackson, who does not claim a personal friendship with Obama, said. "He sees the world and Israel from a Muslim perspective. His construct of 'The Muslim World' is unique in modern diplomacy. It is said that only The Muslim Brotherhood and other radical elements of the religion use that concept. It is a call to unify Muslims around the world."
In 2004, Abdul Rahman Al Amoudi, founder of several American Muslim groups, was sentenced to 23 years for receiving money from Gadhafi as part of a plot to kill Saudi King Abdullah. During the 1990s, Al Amoudi served as an Islamic adviser to then-President Bill Clinton.
Malik Zulu Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party upset with ObamaThe other day I posted a video of Farakhan blasting Obama.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Thus far mainstream political and media figures are not making an issue of those associations
Nor are they likely to. Obama has more ties to terrorists than almost anyone in the US, yet the Media and Democrats ignore them.
Obama is supporting Libyan Rebels who have ties to Iran and Al Qaeda. Where is the outrage in our Congress? Where is the outrage from the American people. IMO, our military families and the families of those who sacrificed in Iraq and Afganistan better get an answer ASAP!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (2)
Besides The Enemies Of America In Our White House ~ DHS and FBI Say There Might Be Terrorists Among Us
Terrorists might be among us
They could be the people on the bus seat across the aisle, or the neighbors: members of East African groups that a recently released government memorandum says are “ready to die for the cause.”
The FBI and Homeland Security Department don’t know where they all are. And it’s unclear if they know how many arrived.
But in a rare admission, a Justice Department memo and other documents obtained by the San Antonio Express-News say federal authorities know terror suspects are in this country and know who allegedly helped bring them here through Mexico and Texas: a Somali man in custody near San Antonio.
According to the news report, the FBI has been trying to untangle a web of contacts surrounding a man named Ahmed Muhammed Dhakane, 24, who has been in custody since 2008, and is considered a “national security threat.”
New documents “paint him as a facilitator of groups accused of funding terrorism. They also allege he smuggled potential terrorists here.” Some of the people he smuggled into the U.S. may still be roaming American streets.
Five of Dhakane’s clients are listed in the memo — Mohamded Ma’alin, Mohammed Ereg, aka “Idris,” Hassan Yare and two whose last names authorities didn’t know: Adani and Abirizak, aka “Al Qaeda.”
Three of them are known to have entered the U.S., according to the memo.
Full story CLICK HERE
Wild Thing's comment........
But, but, Obama and Janet told us....The Mexican border is more secure than it has ever been.” If or when there is another attack the blood will be on Obama and Nappy and the rest of the DEMOCRATS that kept that border porous.
The FBI and Homeland Security Department don’t know where they all are. And it’s unclear if they know how many arrived.
How about checking the mosques, the training camps, and CAIR.
Don't you just love how they have this news and then no photo from DHS and the FBI what the terrorists look like.
With all the Muslim training camps we have found out about and all the Muslims that obama has brought in, I would think there are a lot more terrorists in our country then this article talks about.
Besides the fact that Obama wants to destroy America,Obama and his administration is the most incompetent administration that has ever been.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (3)
March 28, 2011
US Officials: Libyan Operation Could Last Months
US officials: Libyan operation could last months
WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S.-led military action in Libya has bolstered rebels fighting Moammar Gadhafi's forces, but the international operation could continue for months, the Obama administration says.
NATO's top decision-making body was to meet Sunday to expand its enforcement of the no-fly zone to include air strikes against Libyan ground targets.
The military progress follows deep criticism against Obama from lawmakers upset that the administration hadn't sought greater congressional input on Libya.
~ snipet ~
But asked on ABC's "This Week" if that would mean a U.S. military commitment until year's end, Gates said, "I don't think anybody knows the answer to that."
~ snipet ~
The lack of clarity on that question reflects a worry for lawmakers clamoring to hear fuller explanations from the administration on why the U.S. was embroiling itself in another Muslim conflict and what the ultimate goals of the intervention are.
~ snipet ~
Asked if the Libyan conflict posed a threat to the United States, Gates said it was "not a vital national interest" but he insisted that the situation nevertheless demanded U.S. involvement..
Clinton noted how the strife affects Europe's key interests, from oil to immigration, and that their concerns were important...
"When it comes to Libya, we started hearing from the U.K., France, Italy, other of our NATO allies," she added. "This was in their vital national interest."
Those themes will likely be taken up by Obama, who cited "significant success" in the war and defended the U.S. intervention as lawful and critical to save thousands of lives. In his weekend radio and Internet address, he noted that the U.S. cannot get involved in every world crisis, but said if Gadhafi was threatening a "bloodbath that could destabilize an entire region ... it's in our national interest to act. And it's our responsibility."
Wild Thing's comment........
First it was: “Days, not weeks”, now it’s: “Months, not years”.......we all know what comes next....indefinitely??
But asked on ABC’s “This Week” if that would mean a U.S. military commitment until year’s end, Gates said, “I don’t think anybody knows the answer to that.”
Pity the American soldier and pray for him/her. Gates doesn’t know; Obummer doesn’t know. Meanwhile our troops are putting their lives on the line.
We have fallen to the point where we have the enemy in the White House. There is no confusion on that. His efforts are giving AlQaeda significant advantage in their objectives at America’s expense.
Here in America we need a regime change of our own.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (2)
March 27, 2011
Obama May Supply Gaddafi Rebels With Weapons
US May Supply Gaddafi Rebels With Weapons
Western diplomatic sources have confirmed to Sky News that the US is considering the legality of arming the Libyan rebels. One of the unintended consequences of United Nations' Resolution 1970 was to starve the rebels of the weapons they would need to take on Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.
It requires all UN members to "immediately take the necessary measures" to prevent the supply or sale of weapons to the Libyan government - with no exemption for anti-Gaddafi forces.
But Sky News now understands the US is looking at a legal framework to allow limited supplies of arms to the rebels, if they can prove they need them to defend themselves from attack.
Mark Kornblau, spokesman for US Ambassador Dr Susan Rice, confirmed it was a possibility "Resolutions 1970 and 1973, read together, neither specify nor preclude such an action," he said.
Britain and France are also reported to be considering the legal options. A diplomat from a member state participating in the coalition told Sky News the purpose of the resolution was clear. He said: "It authorises all necessary measures to protect civilians under threat of attack.
Wild Thing's comment........
obama must think these rebels will be able to vote for him in the next election.
NO fly zone tuned into ground troops, turns into let's supply them with weapons.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:50 AM | Comments (6)
'Al-Qaeda snatched missiles' in Libya
'Al-Qaeda snatched missiles' in Libya
AFP from correspondents in Paris
AL-QAEDA'S offshoot in North Africa has snatched surface-to-air missiles from an arsenal in Libya during the civil strife there, Chad's President says.
Idriss Deby Itno did not say how many surface-to-air missiles were stolen, but told the African weekly Jeune Afrique that he was "100 per cent sure" of his assertion.
"The Islamists of al-Qaeda took advantage of the pillaging of arsenals in the rebel zone to acquire arms, including surface-to-air missiles, which were then smuggled into their sanctuaries in Tenere," a desert region of the Sahara that stretches from northeast Niger to western Chad, Deby said in the interview.
"This is very serious. AQIM ( al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb ) is becoming a genuine army, the best equipped in the region," he said.
His claim was echoed by officials in other countries in the region who said that they were worried that al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) might have acquired "heavy weapons", thanks to the insurrection.
"We have sure information. We are very worried for the sub-region," a Malian security source who did not want to be named said.
AQIM originated as an armed Islamist resistance movement to the secular Algerian government.
It now operates mainly in Algeria, Mauritania, Mali and Niger, where it has attacked military targets and taken civilian hostages, particularly Europeans, some of whom it has killed.
"We have the same information," about heavy weapons, including SAM 7 missiles, a military source from Niger said.
"It is very worrying. This overarming is a real danger for the whole zone," he added
"AQIM gets the weapons in two ways; people go and look for the arms in Libya to deliver them to AQIM in the Sahel, or AQIM elements go there themselves."
Elsewhere in the interview, Chad's president backed the assertion by his neighbour and erstwhile enemy Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi that the protests in Libya have been driven in part by al-Qaeda.
"There is a partial truth in what he says," Deby said.
"Up to what point? I don't know. But I am certain that AQIM took an active part in the uprising."
After years of tension between the two nations, which were at war during part of the 1980s, Deby has more recently maintained good relations with Gaddafi.
The Chadian leader described the international military intervention in Libya, launched a week ago by the United States, France and Britain, as a "hasty decision".
"It could have heavy consequences for the stability of the region and the spread of terrorism in Europe, the Mediterranean and the rest of Africa," he cautioned.
Deby denied assertions that mercenaries had been recruited in Chad to fight for Gaddafi, though some of the several thousand Chad nationals in Libya may have joined the fight "on their own".
Wild Thing's comment........
So could the plane we lost have been shot down?
And check out this video, very important!! Here is another shining example of our so-called CIC ( obama) handing OUR weapons - ammo, missiles, rockets, thousand of gallons of gas - to the Taliban...by obama who is has been protecting since almost day one - with his new ROE which have resulted in DOUBLE the number of our troop KIA from the first month of taking office.
From April of 2010.....Taliban Take Over Former U.S. Base in Korengal Valley
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:48 AM | Comments (2)
Libyan Rebel Commander Admits His Fighters Have al-Qaeda Links
Why is Obama helping Al-Qaeda in Libya?
Why is America helping terrorists who fought against the US in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Did Obama ask any of these questions before he rushed into war?
Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links
Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime.
In an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, Mr al-Hasidi admitted that he had recruited "around 25" men from the Derna area in eastern Libya to fight against coalition troops in Iraq. Some of them, he said, are "today are on the front lines in Adjabiya".
Mr al-Hasidi insisted his fighters "are patriots and good Muslims, not terrorists," but added that the "members of al-Qaeda are also good Muslims and are fighting against the invader".
His revelations came even as Idriss Deby Itno, Chad's president, said al-Qaeda had managed to pillage military arsenals in the Libyan rebel zone and acquired arms, "including surface-to-air missiles, which were then smuggled into their sanctuaries".
Mr al-Hasidi admitted he had earlier fought against "the foreign invasion" in Afghanistan, before being "captured in 2002 in Peshwar, in Pakistan". He was later handed over to the US, and then held in Libya before being released in 2008.
Earlier this month, al-Qaeda issued a call for supporters to back the Libyan rebellion, which it said would lead to the imposition of "the stage of Islam" in the country.
British Islamists have also backed the rebellion, with the former head of the banned al-Muhajiroun proclaiming that the call for "Islam, the Shariah and jihad from Libya" had "shaken the enemies of Islam and the Muslims more than the tsunami that Allah sent against their friends, the Japanese".
Wild Thing's comment........
Mr al-Hasidi admitted he had earlier fought against "the foreign invasion" in Afghanistan, before being "captured in 2002 in Peshwar, in Pakistan". He was later handed over to the US, and then held in Libya before being released in 2008.
Gaddafi knowlingly released an Al Qaeda, al-Hasidi. Gaddafi’s son pushed release this Al Qaeda terrorist on the basis that they renounced terrorism
So Obama has committed our troops to fight for Al-Quieda .OMG This is one reason to confer with Congress, they have this information.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:47 AM | Comments (2)
March 21, 2011
Missile Strike Hits Personal Compound Of Moammar Gaddafi
The reports saying that an airstrike has hit the personal compound of Libyan Dictator Moammar Gadhafi in Tripoli. The U.S. says it was not struck by one of our weapons, but that it could have been hit by the British or French.
An air strike has destroyed an administrative building at Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's residential compound, according to reports.
In an attack that carried as much symbolism as military effect, a cruise missile blasted a building near Gadhafi's iconic tent.
It was not known where Gadhafi was at the time, but it seemed to show that while the allies trade nuances over whether his fall is a goal of their campaign - he is not safe.
An Associated Press photographer escorted to the scene by the Libyan government said half of the round, three-story administration building was knocked down.
Smoke rose from the building and pieces of the missile were scattered around the scene.
About 300 Gadhafi supporters were in the compound at the time. It was not known if any were hurt.
News of the strike came as the White House said it did not recognise a ceasefire called by Colonel Gaddafi, and anti-aircraft fire continued in the skies above Tripoli.
The Libyan leader ordered armed forces to down weapons from 7.00pm, via a government spokesman at a press conference, but witnesses reported strong blasts and gunfire in Tripoli throughout the evening.
A 10 Downing Street spokesman responded to the Libyan announcement, following a meeting of the National Security Council, saying: "Everyone will recall that in recent days Colonel Gaddafi declared a ceasefire which was promptly violated.
"We said then we would judge him on his actions not his words - and we will do so again."
Nato has also failed to agree a plan on enforcing the no-fly zone over Libya due to objections on Turkey, while US Defence Secretary Robert Gates confirmed they expected to hand over control of the Libya mission in a "matter of days."
Wild Thing's comment........
This has been some weird last few days, heck it has been weird ever since obama got in the WH.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
Obama's No-Fly Zone Over Lybia
LTC Congressman Allen West on FOX and Freinds answers questions about the no-fly zone in Lybia and Harry Reid's remarks about the TEA Party
WEST: "Well first of all I can’t tell you what the mission is, I don’t think anyone knows what the mission is. When we say were going to go in and protect civilians, that’s going to be very hard to do from thirty thousand feet. We should have done this from the onset if you're gonna make any kind of impact on Muammar Qaddafi"
Marines part of Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn
U.S. Stealth Bombers Hit Gadhafi Airfield with 40 Bombs; Bodies Possibly Taken Out of Morgues to Look Like Collateral Damage
Three U.S. Stealth Bombers have reportedly dropped 40 bombs on a “major Libyan airfield” as the air campaign against Libyan Dictator Moammar Gadhafi moves forward. The mood in Libya’s Capital of Tripoli is reportedly “incredibly tense” and “incredibly angry.” The U.S. is reportedly saying that Gadhafi’s “surface-to-air missile” defense systems have been “completely destroyed” as a result of tomahawk missile strikes launched yesterday.
Gadhafi is already claiming civilian deaths, but the report says they have some information to suggest that bodies being presented as victims of the airstrikes may have been taken out of morgues in an attempt to make it look like collateral damage.
House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement on the situation in Libya:
“The United States has a moral obligation to stand with those who seek freedom from oppression and self-government for their people. It’s unacceptable and outrageous for Qadhafi to attack his own people, and the violence must stop.
“The President is the commander-in-chief, but the Administration has a responsibility to define for the American people, the Congress, and our troops what the mission in Libya is, better explain what America’s role is in achieving that mission, and make clear how it will be accomplished. Before any further military commitments are made, the Administration must do a better job of communicating to the American people and to Congress about our mission in Libya and how it will be achieved."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Gadhafi is already claiming civilian deaths, but the report says they have some information to suggest that bodies being presented as victims of the airstrikes may have been taken out of morgues in an attempt to make it look like collateral damage.
Using dead bodies like it states above sure has been used a lot by Muslims. They did it in Iraq against our troops and they do the same thing in Israel against the IDF.
...."any further military commitments are made, the Administration must do a better job of communicating to the American people and to Congress about our mission in Libya and how it will be achieved"..... Speaker John Boehner about Obama
“The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”— Senator Barack Hussein Obama, December 20, 2007
Obama lies, flip flps ala John Kerry and makes his statements toward others but does not think anything applies to him or his administration.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
March 11, 2011
Army to Punish Nine Officers in Connection With Fort Hood Shootings ~ Start With CIC Obama
Army to Punish Nine Officers in Connection With Fort Hood Shootings
The Army announced Thursday it will punish nine officers in connection with the Fort Hood shootings for "leadership failures relating to the career of Maj. Hasan."
Army doctor Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is accused of killing 13 people and wounding 29 others on November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood in Texas.
The Army does not identify the officers who will be punished nor does it reveal their specific punishments. A press release from the Army reads:
"The severity of each action varies depending on case-specific facts and circumstances. In certain cases, it may take several weeks to ensure that each officer is accorded appropriate due process and to take final action. In order to protect the due process rights of the officers involved, the Army will not identify them or provide details of the administrative actions at this time. Upon the completion of all cases, the Army will review whether the release of additional information would be appropriate."
Army Secretary John McHugh has sent a comprehensive review of the incident to Secretary Gates.
Wild Thing's comment........
No one spoke up because they would have been accused of bias against a muslim. Political correctness is a cancer in our country.
The leadership failure began and continues at the White House. Any punishment for this needs to start at the White House . It looks as though the are wanting scapegoats, unless they really name names like OBAMA and Janet DHS Queen.
Hasan worked in the White House at one time and was known to Obama. He was part of a transitions team assigned to the White House. That is how Obama met fellow Muslim Hasan. Hasan’s evaluation at Reed was so poor he wasn’t recommended for promotion but that was overridden. Who ordered Hasan promoted to Major. My guess it was the White House.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano stated “we object to—and do not believe—that anti-Muslim sentiment should emanate from this ... This was an individual who does not, obviously, represent the Muslim faith.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (6)
Rep. Pete King Defends Muslim 'radicalization' Hearing, Says Critics Are 'in denial'
Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee Goes Off The Rails!
LOL at the end where she finally stops talking because she would not shut up even when King tried to get her to the next speaker said..... " That is quit an act to follow! " hahahha She brings up the KKK as well as she rambles on and on.
King defends Muslim 'radicalization' hearing, saying critics are 'in denial'
Republicans pushed back on Democratic objections Thursday at a controversial hearing on whether American Muslims should be investigated for radicalized tendencies.
Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee defended his decision to hold the hearing, saying his panel “could not live in denial.”
“I am well-aware that the announcement of these hearings has generated considerable controversy and opposition,” King said at the hearing.
“The committee cannot live in denial, which is what some would have us do when they suggest that this hearing dilute its focus by investigating threats unrelated to al Qaeda.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
The hearing was on C-Span so I got to see most of it.
A training outfit, the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, based in Alexandria, Virginia, uses experienced FBI, CIA and other former federal agents to conduct its training of about 8,000 national security employees a year.
Walid Phares, who trains on behalf of the center, argues in his writings that jihadists are infiltrating western organisations posing as civil rights advocates: “The most important mission is to further recruit and grow their numbers until the ‘holy moment’ comes.”
Security Studies president, Henry Morgenstern, defended his company’s track record. “We have a very good reputation training law enforcers. We are not a kooky organization.” He said of the report’s authors: “These people (leftie America-haters) are out to weaken the anti-terrorism effort and it’s clearly politically motivated.”
He added: “You cannot whitewash radical Islam – they really do cut people’s heads off, they do carry out honour killings, so we are trying to show law enforcers that this is what they are up against. We are not saying that all Muslims chop people’s heads off.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (5)
March 10, 2011
Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder Warns Against Alienating Muslims ~ LOL Oh Really??
Attorney General warns against alienating Muslims
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday warned against alienating the U.S. Muslim community, in a veiled criticism of a congressional probe into the radicalization of Muslims at home.
The House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee will open a series of hearings on Thursday about the increasing terrorism threat against the United States, with the first hearing drawing criticism because of its sole focus on Muslim Americans.
The panel chairman, New York Republican Representative Peter King, has repeatedly criticized, saying the Muslim American community has not cooperated with law enforcement agencies and that some mosques encourage radicalization.
But Holder said that leaders and members of the Muslim community in the United States "have contributed significantly" to resolving cases and also said focusing on a single constituency was risky.
"Tips that we have received, information that has been shared has been critical to our efforts to disrupting plots that otherwise might have occurred," Holder told reporters during a news conference on another issue.
"My focus is on individuals as opposed to communities and I think that is what we need to be focused on, what is it that drives individuals to do certain things," he said. "We don't want to stigmatize, we don't want to alienate entire communities."
King has repeatedly defended the need for the hearings and the focus on Muslims, citing attempts by the militant group al Qaeda and its affiliates to openly recruit Muslims in the United States to launch attacks.
Wild Thing's comment......
Muslilms should worry about alienating us. If there are moderate muslims then they should be all for this hearing and speak out about how they want it done.
There is no threat to America from radical islam. The threat is from islam -PERIOD. islam is evil, its oppressive, its about torture and murder. islam can not coexist with freedom and liberty and that is why it has declared war on America. Islam and the US Constitution are incompatible.
Several years ago Steven Emerson produced for PBS an excellent video titled Jihad In America. Its cameras went directly inside cell groups associated with mosques here in America where eager young Muslims were being recruited for jihad against the United States. Muslim leaders are shown giving speeches about bringing America to its knees through terrorism.... terrorists act in direct obedience to Muhammad, the Qur'an, Allah and Islam.
Know we are with in spirit and prayer Rep. King. Don't give in and don't give up.
From The Audacity of Hope by Barack Hussein Obama: "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
EXCUSE me, but Muslims are the ones that:
Below is information my a page at my website......the page titled......Terroriosts
“Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn’t look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn’t care about the land or who own the land.The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy.” -Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi, founder of Pakistan’s fundamentalist movement
If you go to my page scroll down and check out the partial list of Muslim terrorist attacks .
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (7)
Texas Pig Farmer Has Pig Races After His New ( Muslim) Neighbor Tells Himi To Move
Texas Man Stages Pig Races to Protest Islamic Neighbor's Plans to Build Mosque
FOX News
KATY, Texas — When an Islamic group moved in next door and told Craig Baker the pigs on his family's 200-year-old Texas farm had to go, he and his swine decided to fight back.
In protest of being asked to move, Davis began staging elaborate pig races on Friday afternoons — one of the Islamic world's most holy days.
Craig's neighbors, the Katy Islamic Association, have plans to build a mosque and community compound on the 11 acres they purchased alongside his farm.
Baker, 46, a stone-shop owner whose family has owned the farm for two centuries, says the association knew about the pigs when they bought the property, and it's not fair for them to ask him to get rid of the animals.
"I am just defending my rights and my property," Baker said. "They totally disrespected me and my family."
Initially Baker and Kamel Fotouh, the president of the 500-member Islamic Association, were on good terms. But things turned sour at a town meeting, where Baker says Fotouh insulted him by asking him to move.
"That was the last straw for me ... calling me a liar, especially in front of three or four hundred people at that meeting," Baker said. "Mr. Fotouh said it would be a good idea if I considered packing up my stuff and moving out further to the country."
Wild Thing's comment.......
LOL good for this pig farmer!
The Texan was there first and he has the right to do whatever he wishes.
Pig races on Friday afternoons, this guy cracks me up! Bwahahahahahahahahaaaaa!
Don't Mess With Texas!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (7)
March 09, 2011
Rep. Pete King Receives Barrage Of Threats ~ These Threats Prove Why Hearing Should Be Done
Congressman receives threats on eve of hearings on Muslims in America
Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.) is receiving a barrage of threatening phone calls, some from overseas, which has led to increased police protection ahead of Thursday’s hearing on the possible radicalization of American Muslims.
King told The Hill that he’s not concerned about his safety and that the hearing, which will examine whether the Muslim community in the U.S. is being targeted by terrorist groups to carry out attacks, will proceed as scheduled
There were some threats from overseas and a number of other remarks,” said King, the chairman of House Homeland Security Committee.
“Whatever threat analysis police have done, they believe I warrant security. I don’t ask for it and I certainly don’t turn away any security that police think I should have. I leave it up to them.”
Added security is coming from the Nassau County Police Department and the New York City department for the hearing, King said.
The hearing is expecting a bevy of protesters and is taking RSVPs from the press because it expects such high attendance.
The White House, as if anticipating the potential for damage control on relations with the Muslim American community, sent President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, Denis McDonough, to address the All Dulles Area Muslim Society on Sunday in Northern Virginia.
“Our challenge, and the goal that President Obama has insisted that we also focus on, is on the front end [of] preventing al Qaeda from recruiting and radicalizing people in America in the first place,” McDonough said. “And we know this isn’t the job of government alone. It has to be a partnership with you.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
The nerve of Obama, he is more worried about offending HIS muslims then he is the safety of Peter King. OH wait.........that's right, Obama could care less about NON Muslim's .....so typical of this POS Obama.
So Muslims is there one of you out there in obamaland that will come forward and say you agree with King and want this hearing to be done. That you do not want to hinder it in anyway. That you love America and are against the muslim terrorists???????????? tap tap tap...waiting....waiting......tap tap tap...................
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (3)
March 08, 2011
The Islamic Demolition of the Statue of Liberty
The Islamic Demolition of the Statue of Liberty
One of the founding principles of the Islamic constitution is to ensure that all sovereignty and supremacy belongs solely to God; the Shari’ah is a practical manifestation of this sovereignty and supremacy because it seeks to establish His command in society.
The status of a nation subsequently does not depend on its number, strength or technological advancement, but rather how much it submits to the commands of God. When a nation seeks to be free from such commands, then ultimately it will meet its destruction.
The Statue of Liberty, designed by Frederic Bartholdi, stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor; representing Libertas, the Roman (false) goddess of Freedom, it is symbolic of the rebellious nature of the US constitution that elevates the command of man over the command of God.
In Islam, the public veneration of idols and statues is strictly prohibited. This has forced sincere Muslims to develop realistic plans that will aid in the removal of the Statue of Liberty.
Due to the scale of the task at hand, it is highly likely that rigorous safety checks will need to be employed before the demolition of the Statue of Liberty can commence; thus as a temporary measure, it is proposed that a large burkha is used to cover the statue, thereby shielding this horrendous eye sore from public view as well as sending a strong message to its French creators.
Post demolition, it is recommended that a minaret be built as a fitting replacement, allowing the glorification of God to be proclaimed daily as well as act as a powerful reminder of the superiority of Islam over all other ways of life.
Wild Thing's comment........
Take a look at their Home page where they have other articles and videos.
This is also from their website:
"Sharia4America -One of the primary targets for immediate reconstruction in the US is the White House; originally designed by Irish architect James Hoban, this building holds significant symbolic value in representing centuries of repression under man-made law. Unlike the British burning of Washington, one of the practical proposals for the redevelopment of the White House under Islam will be to see it converted into a flourishing mosque."
First of all they LIE about God and Islam. Then they LIE when they say they have permission to demolish the Statue of Liberty. If it is true they have permission then why wouldn't they post the permit proudly at their site. Not sure if this is a hoax or not. But either way it should be looked into by our FBI .
I took it seriously at first, which is why I did more research, and frankly they lost me with the whole burkha on the statue thingy, and taking “rigorous safety measures” before demolition. Who knows — it may be serious, and we’ll just have to keep an eye on it. I believe there’s a serious movement to implement Islamic law worldwide.
If it IS a fake site meaning just set up as a spoof type of thing , ask yourself this - who or what kind of person sets this kind of site up as “satire”, and why? I mean, where are they coming from in terms of their feelings about this country, to find such a thing humorous.
I think it is important to know about things like this. IMO when dealing with Islam how can we ever know how much is a test to see if it goes noticed or not . How much we will let them get away with type of thing.
If it is for real, then talk about poking a finger in the eye of the sleeping giant! If they were to destroy the Statue of Liberty the can of whoop ass they would open would boggle their minds. Listen up you freaking Muslims and know we can take out YOUR big black cube in Mecca .....ZAP without missing a beat or a blink of ones eyes. BOOB K-POW! Gone !
That would be the correct response to such a heinous act, but 9-11 was only taken seriously by half our country and that half has already moved on. Where are all of the destroyed mosques? Why isn't Dearborn, MI a ghost town.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (5)
Rep. Peter King : I Won't Be Stopped By Political Correctness
Rep. Peter King says he’s going to have the hearings on the radicalization of Muslims in America and he won’t be stopped by those speaking out against it
PETE KING: "All the attacks against me, from Russell Simmons, Kim Kardashian, Puff Daddy Combs, is not going to slow me down at all. This is to me absolutely essential that I go ahead with this hearing. I’m not going to give in to political correctness, I’m gonna do it...
Sharpton Outraged Over Muslim Extremist Hearings
Martha speaks with Al Sharpton on Fox News responds to the hearings.
Wiild Thing's comment........
When they keep harping about freedom of religion. How about asking them to swear to the oath of allegience for our Constitution and openly denounce the political laws of Sharia.
Political correctness has sure been a weapon of the left to weaken our country in so many areas.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
March 07, 2011
Another Obama Submission to Islam ~ White House Praises Muslims Ahead of House Hearing
Religious leaders, community members and activists took to the streets Sunday in New York to protest upcoming congressional hearings, convened by House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Peter King, on "the radicalization of American Muslims."
Congress is scheduled to begin the hearings this week under the direction of King, R-New York.
White House praises Muslims ahead of House hearing
STERLING, Va. Muslim Americans are not part of the terrorism problem facing the U.S. - they are part of the solution, a top White House official said Sunday at a Washington-area mosque.
Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough set the Obama administration's tone for discussions as tensions escalate before the first in a series of congressional hearings on Islamic radicalization. The hearings, chaired by New York Republican Peter King, will focus on the level of cooperation from the Muslim community to help law enforcement combat radicalization.
The majority of the recent terror plots and attempts against the U.S. have involved people espousing a radical and violent view of Islam. Just a few weeks ago a college student from Saudi Arabia who studied chemical engineering in Texas was arrested after he bought explosive chemicals online. It was part of a plan to hide bomb materials inside dolls and baby carriages and blow up dams, nuclear plants or the Dallas home of former President George W. Bush.
King said the Muslim community could and should do more to work with law enforcement to stop its members from radicalizing and recruiting others to commit violence.
"I don't believe there is sufficient cooperation" by American Muslims with law enforcement, King said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union." "Certainly my dealings with the police in New York and FBI and others say they do not believe they get the same - they do not give the level of cooperation that they need."
The White House is close to finalizing a strategy for countering violent extremism McDonough leads a working group of 13 federal agencies and offices - including the National Counterterrorism Center and the departments of Defense, Education, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Justice and State - focused on finding ways to confront the problem.
On Sunday, McDonough said the strategy would involve continuing efforts to understand the process of radicalization, as well as further outreach to Islamic communities in the United States. He also promised further efforts to dispel "misperceptions about our fellow Americans who are Muslim."
Wild Thing's comment.........
The White House on Sunday praised American Muslims for helping fight violent extremism
Yeah? When? Where? How? What a bunch of total BS!
Thank God this anti-American, anti-America, anti-Freedom, anti-Constitution, anti-Free Market president will (hopefully) be out of office in less than two years.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (5)
February 23, 2011
Somali Pirates Kill 4 American Hostages Off Somalia
Owners Jean and Scott Adam and two other people on board, Phyllis Macay and Bob Riggle, had been traveling with yachts participating in the Blue Water Rally since their departure from Phuket, Thailand.
The four Americans aboard a yacht hijacked by pirates off the coast of Somalia are dead.
Hijacked last Friday off Oman, the Quest was being piloted toward the Somali coast – and was being shadowed by a U.S. Navy warship.
CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reports that gunshots aboard the yacht were heard, and the warship took action.
All 4 Americans were dead, killed by their captors.
The bodies of the four Americans are on board the carrier Enterprise off the Horn of Africa, according to Central Command. The names of the Southern California couple are Scott and Jean Adam, boaters who were based out of Orange County.
Four U.S. Navy ships had been shadowing the Quest after it was taken over by the pirates, Mattis said. While negotiations were underway to gain the release of the Americans, U.S. forces responded to gunfire aboard the Quest. The four Americans had been shot, Mattis said.
Two of the pirates were killed by U.S. forces and 13 captured, Mattis said. After boarding the Quest, military personnel found the bodies of two other pirates. The incident occurred about 1 a.m. EST.
Four Americans Killed on Yacht Hijacked by Somali Pirates
Four Americans aboard a yacht hijacked by Somali pirates have been killed, Fox News has confirmed. U.S. forces responded to gunfire aboard the yacht Quest at approximately 1 a.m. Tuesday, but discovered all four hostages had been shot by their captors. Despite attempts to save their lives, all four hostages died of their wounds. “We express our deepest condolences for the innocent lives callously lost aboard the Quest,” said Gen. James N. Mattis, U.S. Central Command Commander in a news release. Two pirates died during the confrontation and 13 were captured and detained, along with two pirates already in custody. U.S. forces also found the remains of two other pirates already dead aboard the vessel and believe a total of 19 pirates were involved in the hijacking. The yacht Quest was hijacked on Friday off the coast of Oman and U.S. forces had been closely monitoring the vessel.
They were part of a sailing race and had decided to make a side trip through the Indian Ocean. They sailed a lot and had sailed round the world a couple of times before that.
The couple always brought Bibles with them, not for distribution to the Islamic world, but to give to poor churches that they encountered when they stopped at port. They had been doing this for several years; it was a sailboat, so they probably didn’t have thousands of Bibles with them, but just a small number to distribute to these churches which are often too poor to buy their own for their congregations.
The Adams have been sailing the world with a yacht full of Bibles since 2004.
The Adams -- who are members of the Marina del Rey Yacht Club in Marina del Rey, Calif. -- run a Bible ministry, according to their website, and have been distributing Bibles to schools and churches in remote villages in areas including the Fiji Islands, Alaska, New Zealand, Central America and French Polynesia.
Wild Thing's comment........
They were actually out in the Indian Ocean - these pirates range as far as 600 miles away from their nests.
But it doesn’t matter why the sailors were there. We cannot simply declare a part of the sea to be off-limits to all except Muslim pirates. IMO we cannot start treating the open sea like some pirate’s personal fiefdom.
Also, the message must go out: mess with US citizens, get dead. But that’s not going to happen with obama in office. We would have have to wait for the Islamist terrorist lover is out of OUR White House for that to happen.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (6)
Hardline Muslim Cleric Anjem Choudary Wants Sharia Law in USA and He Plans Protest At WH
Muslim Cleric Plans Protest at the White House; Invites Americans to Embrace Islam as “Alternative to Freedom”
Fox News’ Gretchen Carlson interviewing radical Muslim Cleric Anjem Choudary yesterday about his plan to come to the United States and hold a protest in front of the White House on March 3.
Choudary said he hopes to invite “the Muslims and non-Muslims in America to talk about Islam as an alternative to the freedom, democracy, and man-made law that you have at the current time in America.” Choudary said that the problems in America and around the world today are because “we don’t have the Sharia implemented on state level.”
Choudary does not try in the slightest to hide the fact that he wants Sharia Law to rule over the entire world.Those who want Sharia Law do not see Islam as compatible with “Freedom” and “Democracy.” As Choudary said, they want to present Islam “as an alternative to freedom and democracy.”
Muslim Cleric Plans White House Protest in Attempt to Spread Sharia Law in America
A hardline Muslim cleric who sparked anger across the U.S. with his anti-American comments in a television interview this month is to hold a protest outside the White House.
British extremist Anjem Choudary - who once said 'the flag of Islam will fly over the White House' - has announced he will lead a demonstration calling on Muslims to establish the Sharia law across America.
The rally, planned for March 3, is to take place just weeks after his on-screen row with Fox News presenter Sean Hannity.
The event is a rally, a call for the Sharia, a call for the Muslims to rise up and establish the Islamic state in America,” Choudary told London’s Daily Mail in an interview.
more about Anjem Choudary’s rally plans from the Daily Mail
Mr Choudary, 43, called Americans 'the biggest criminals in the world today.'
The former leader of outlawed group Islam4UK told the Daily Star 'we expect thousands to come out and support us.'
Mr Choudary said the March rally was organised by the Islamic Thinkers society, an extremist group based in New York.
Two other British extremists, Abu Izzadeen and Sayful Islam, have also been asked to speak at the demonstration.
Izzadeen is the hate preacher who caused fury last year when he called British soldiers 'murderers' the day he was released from jail after a three-and-a-half year sentence for inciting terrorism.
Mr Choudary told the newspaper: 'The event is a rally, a call for the Sharia, a call for the Muslims to rise up and establish the Islamic state in America.'
However, whether the three will be able to enter the U.S., especially Izzadeen, remains to be seen. Even a tourist visa requires applicants to answer questions on whether they have been involved in acts of terrorism or plan to commit crimes in the U.S.
Last October, he told an ABC chat show that 'one day the flag of Islam will fly over the White House.'
'We are going to address corruption in the Senate, corrupt foreign policy, the mayhem around the Muslim world, the drug and alcohol culture, promiscuity and the pandemic of crime in America.
'It is only right the call is made in the heart of Western civilisation in front of the biggest pharaoh that exists today, which is Barack Obama.'
He added: 'I think the American people’s hearts and minds are open to receive Islam as an alternative way of life. We expect thousands to come out and support us.'
Wild Thing's comment.......
I refuse to submit to sharia law ifi obama ever does make it happen. I would fight back.
"However, whether the three will be able to enter the U.S., especially Izzadeen, remains to be seen."
I sure hope this can be stopped and not allow any of them in .
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:44 AM | Comments (3)
February 15, 2011
Obama and Obama's Administration Official Urges Cable Companies to Carry Al-Jazeera
Obama administration official urges cable companies to carry Al-Jazeera
AL Jazeera is filled with anti-American propaganda. It is also awash in anti-Semitism. The material broadcast stokes terror and violence.
Why would the person who Barack Obama appointed to be the Assistant Secretary at the Department of Homeland Security, Juliette Kayyem, advocate American cable companies carry the channel-a channel that cannot help but inflame tensions and anger and one that is not known for unbiased accuracy.
From an op-ed by Kayyem in the Boston Globe:
FOR THE past few weeks, a parallel plot line to the revolutions in the Arab world has been playing out in the media. With rare exceptions, the largest American cable and satellite providers simply do not provide viewers access to Al Jazeera English, the cousin to the powerful Qatar-based world news network. AJE has launched a full-fledged campaign - including advertisements quoting, of all people, major US news figures - to convince cable carriers to open their programming. But most have declined: Burlington, Vt., is the closest city to Boston where viewers can see the network on television.
AJE's battle with the cable carriers is major news in the Middle East. Not carrying the network sends a message to the Arab world about America's willingness to accept information, unfiltered, from the very region we spend so much time talking about. These television wars began not in Tunisia or Egypt, but in Iraq.
We have enough terror apologists in the media already without an entire station devoted to obscuring the truth being beamed into America's homes.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Let me understand this, he wants cable to carry al jazera but just a couple months ago was trying to bully fox off the air! Obama your MUSLIM self is showing AGAIN! His promotion of all things Islam shows who he is.
Since when is it the Government or Presidents business to urge any cable company to carry any thing?
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (5)
February 13, 2011
Nicolas Sarkozy Joins England's Cameron and Germany's Merkel In Condemning " multiculturalism has failed it fosters extremism" ~ Are you listening America?
Secretly filmed footage from the Markazi Jamia mosque shows a teacher pulling a pupil towards him and striking him on the back
Secret filming at Muslim schools in Birmingham and Yorkshire shows pupils being beaten and 'taught Hindus drink cow p***'
It is an assembly hall of the sort found in any ordinary school. Boys aged 11 and upwards sit cross-legged on the floor in straight rows.
They face the front of the room and listen carefully. But this is no ordinary assembly. Holding the children’s attention is a man in Islamic dress wearing a skullcap and stroking his long dark beard as he talks.
‘You’re not like the non-Muslims out there,’ the teacher says, gesturing towards the window. ‘All that evil you see in the streets, people not wearing the hijab properly, people smoking . . . you should hate it, you should hate walking down that street.’
He refers to the ‘non-Muslims’ as the ‘Kuffar’, an often derogatory term that means disbeliever or infidel.
Welcome to one of Britain’s most influential Islamic faith schools, one of at least 2,000 such schools in Britain, some full-time, others part-time.
They represent a growing, parallel education system.
The school is the Darul Uloom Islamic High School in Birmingham, an oversubscribed independent secondary school.
Darul Ulooms are world-renowned Islamic institutions and their aim is to produce the next generation of Muslim leaders.
In fact, these schools have been described as the ‘Etons of Islam’.
This school is required by its inspectors to teach tolerance and respect for other faiths. But the Channel 4 current affairs programme Dispatches filmed secretly inside it – and instead discovered that Muslim children are being taught religious apartheid and social segregation.
We recorded a number of speakers giving deeply disturbing talks about Jews, Christians and atheists.
We found children as young as 11 learning that Hindus have ‘no intellect’ and that they ‘drink cow p***’.
And we came across pupils being told that the ‘disbelievers’ are ‘the worst creatures’ and that Muslims who adopt supposedly non-Muslim ways, such as shaving, dancing, listening to music and – in the case of women – removing their headscarves, would be tortured with a forked iron rod in the afterlife.
In 2009 this school was praised by Government-approved inspection teams for its interfaith teachings. The report said that ‘pupils learn about the beliefs and practices of other faiths and are taught to show respect to other world religions’.
You can continue reading this article HERE.
Nicolas Sarkozy joins the David Cameron and Angela Merkel view that multiculturalism has failed
French president Nicolas Sarkozy has joined David Cameron in condemning multiculturalism as a failure.
Cameron launched a scathing attack earlier this months on 30 years of multiculturalism in Britain warning that it fostered extremism.
His damning verdict came just months after German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that multiculturalism in Germany had failed.
Now Sarkozy has joined the growing number of European leaders who have adopted identical views on multiculturalism.
He told the French people: 'We have been too concerned about the identity of the person who was arriving and not enough about the identity of the country that was receiving him.'
The president made the declaration in a TV debate last night after being asked if the policy of encouraging the religious and cultural differences of immigrants was not working.
He told viewers: 'My answer is clearly yes, it is a failure.
'Of course we must all respect differences, but we do not want a society where communities coexist side by side.
Wild Thing's comment........
Multicultural is, by it’s very nature, equating all cultures as equal. “tolerant” Left thinks that’s okay in the interest of not offending anyone. And they’ve so dominated our academia with this idea that they’ve abandoned the moral authority to condemn atrocities because when you embrace all morality - even what seems immoral - you have no foundation left to stand on.
There must be assimilation to their host country.
All of this makes it even more obvious how bad obama and his administration are for America. Here we now have
Cameron , German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy saying it does not work loud and clear.
At present, our government allows the Muslim Brotherhood to establish cells in just about every state in the country. And at the same time we have the DHS putting Veterans and Patriots on their possible terrorist list.
God help us!
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (4)
February 12, 2011
Hosni Mubarak Resigns as President of Egypt
Hosni Mubarak Resigns as President of Egypt
Egyptian Vice-President Omar Suleiman reading a brief statement announcing that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is stepping down after more than 30 years as ruler of Egypt. Mubarak has surrendered governing of the nation to Egypt’s military leadership.
This is a video of the celebration underway in Egypt at the news of Mubarak’s resignation.
Wild Thing's comment......
Can we get rid of Obama in the same way?
Have you noticed this, the date from yesterday when he resigned? ........02-11-2011 .......Interesting date, it does not mean anything, I just thought it was interesting. .
Now we will see what happens with the military and the Muslim Brotherhood. One has to wonder if the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the Egyptian Military. I would not automatically think that way except even our own military has muslims in it and there have been enough things happen that show us it is not a good thing. Anyway, I would think the chance of the MB controlling both the government and the military is extremely high.
Prayers for Israel. It’s going to get REALLY ugly. One thing for sure, I would not want to be an enemy of Israel. They are awesome!!!! Israel will beat them on any given day. And an Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood in control is not good for the USA either. John Bolton said yesterday that we are right to be very, very concerned with the unfolding events in Egypt as it they could very well prove to be a highly destabilizing force in to our regional interests and to Israel in particular.
Obama is like Global Warming, which became Climate Change, which became Whatever Happens We Were Right.
This is the Muslim Brotherhood's official English webstie.
And this map below is from this website: The Investigative Project on Terrorism
There is a map......I tried to break it up so you could see it better. It is kind of hard to read the print on the original version. .........................The terrorist network in america 1991- 2007
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
February 11, 2011
Not Stepping Down .....Mubarak: I Am an Arab Warrior, Not a Community Organizer
Mubarak: I Am an Arab Warrior, Not a Community Organizer
This is a huge lesson in political culture. It also shows just how bad the media coverage has been. Mubarak is not resigning. He’s managing the “reform” process. He is appointing a committee to study constitutional changes. He will decide when there are elections. He is going to “consider” changing the emergency law. He basically said: I am an Arab warrior, not a community organizer. That speech should be required reading for anyone who wants to understand the Middle East.
This is not over yet. There has been no revolution so far, but the protesters are going to freak out. If Obama has been interpreted as applauding real and major change, either he didn’t know what Mubarak was going to say or he is going to look like a total fool.
When Mubarak said he won’t accept outside advice, that was a direct slap at Obama. Can you imagine the expression on Obama’s face as he watched the speech after being told by his intelligence that Mubarak resigned? After he made a speech about how the youth had forced change? If I had to summarize it, tabloid-style, I’d say: “Mubarak to Obama: Drop Dead!“
The regime is not giving in — Mubarak will leave office, perhaps in September, but the regime will fight on. The speech was the equivalent of Charles Bronson or Clint Eastwood saying: Come and get me!
Of course, we should not forget that this is a dictator refusing to step down. Mubarak and the army knew that this would inflame the crowd. The army would not have agreed to this unless it was willing to deal with the consequences.
Wild Thing's comment.......
GREAT writei up from the ever-insightful Barry Rubin at The Corner.
I heard from a man on Fox saying the speech was more of an act of war speech. Mubarak definitely told Obama what he thinks of him and I can’t say I blame him. Obama is constantly getting his skinny ass handed over to him on a platter by other countries.
I am not a fan of Mubarak and I sure as heck am not a fan of dictator obama. But it sure feels good to have someone telling obama to shove it. I think most people including myself are not sure what the heck is going on with Mubarak and Egypt and the protestors. It is very confusing. All the more reason for obama to stop favoring his Muslim Brotherhood to take over.
All I do know 100% is the effect of what they do in Egypt will have on Israel and the rest of the world and THAT is what concerns me more then anything.
How many countries are there now in which has Obama strained our relations? Let's see: England, France, Spain, Israel, I think Germany,(except for some German people, but I think the powers in office have had their fill of Obama), Russia is not enamored, nor frightened, of him, nor is China. And now Egypt has told Obama to drop dead and basically told him to go away and play back on the school playground while the grownups of the world make their own decisions.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:50 AM | Comments (3)
Egyptian Journalist: "The U.S. Will Be Transformed into an Islamic Republic"
Egyptian Journalist: "The U.S. Will Be Transformed into an Islamic Republic"
It says at YouTube this video is from December of 2010.
Wild Thing's comment......
We have seen so many countries go from Christian nations to Islam infested. We tried so hard to get the word out about obama and his associations and agenda and it made a difference I am sure of it. And it continues to as we see more and more people waking up.
I believe we have to keep at our politicans to speak out and take a stand and stop being PC about Islam and the terrorists.
Another reason we need to vote out of this Obama and all of the liberals and apologists who support him in Congress, and in positions of power across America.
I do NOT want to be England or France or any of the other countries that today are regretting giving in inch by inch to Islam and are FINALLY waking up to what they allowed.
Our troops fight terrorists in other lands and here at home to just hand it to the enemy is beyond the pale in total insanity.
The terrorist at Fort Hood might never have been able to do his killings if PC had not been ruling over the complaints that were brought up long before about that terrorist.
This Islamic movement in our country is very real and more entrenched in our society than most people know, to make things worse we have a muslim for a president. There was a reason he bowed to muslim leaders and that was his first overseas trip. An excellent read on this is a book called Stealth Jihad by Robert Spencer. Islamic doctrine teaches a world controlled by “sharia law” and that is their goal.
The Muslim Brotherhood have used the Democrats “multicultural” platform to invade us from within and are gaining to large a foothold in our country. Islam is the real threat to our way of life!
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:47 AM | Comments (2)
February 10, 2011
Obama's State Dept Now Tweeting in Arabic
From the U.S. Department of State‘s Arabic Media Hub comes news that America’s top diplomatic agency will be sharing America’s foreign policy goals with the Arab world in their native language. The move comes as DOS hopes to widen its audience amid growing unrest in the Middle East and growing favor for social media outlets such as Twitter.
Tweeting under the account “USAbilAraby,“ which means ”USA in Arabic,” the State Department’s first entry announced that Washington recognizes the “historic role” of social media in the Arab world. “We want to be in your conversation,” it said.
Subsequent posts have reiterated the Obama administration’s stance that only Egyptians can decide their future and announced a phone conversation between Vice President Joe Biden and his Egyptian counterpart, Omar Suleiman.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Obama's administrations way to communicate with the Arab world while simultaenously alienating your own citizens.
Hello obama, Islam wants to see all Infidels wiped off the face of the earth, Tweeting them happy little slogans and propaganda isn’t going to change thier minds.
Lt. Colonel Allen West would not have this happen on his watch.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM
February 09, 2011
Mandatory Arabic Classes Coming To Mansfield Dallas / Fort Worth
Some school children in Texas' Mansfield Independent School District will soon be required to learn Arabic, thanks to a federal government grant.
According to a Dallas CBS News affiliate, Mansfield ISD received the Foreign Language Assistance Program (FLAP) grant last summer. It is one of only five districts in the country to be awarded the grant.
Parents were caught by surprise and learned of the grant Monday night in a meeting with district Superintendent Bob Morrison.
CBS News reported:
"As part of the five-year $1.3 million grant, Arabic classes would be mandatory at Cross Timbers Intermediate School and Kenneth Davis Elementary School. The program would also be optional for students at T. A. Howard Middle School and Summit High School."
According to a PDF file provided by the school district, Cross Timbers was selected because it has "the highest percentage of native Arabic speakers in the district." The district sees these students as a resource to help develop the program.
Students will not only learn the language - the curriculum will include Arabic culture, government, art, traditions and history.
Some parents were concerned their children would be taught Islam as part of the program.
Although Superintendent Morrison reassured parents their children would not be taught Islam, the concern is valid since many Arabic nations - like Saudi Arabia - are governed by Sharia law, which is based on Islam and teachings from the Koran.
Arabic has been identified by the federal Department of Education as a "language of the future", and the district believes the grant provides an excellent opportunity to prepare students for the economy of the future.
According to the district, the program provides several benefits:
• This project is federally funded for $ 1.3 million dollars over a 5 year period.
• This project adds a critical foreign language option for students in MISD.
• Successful Arabic foreign language studies (Arabic I, II, III) increases college and scholarship opportunities.
• This allows students to be prepared to compete globally for jobs that are not in existence yet.
• This project supports the diversity within MISD.
• This project allows students and teachers to learn about the Arab impact on our country.
• This grant allows for us to develop a partnership with the University of Texas at Austin.
Some, like Kheirieh Hannun, believes the program will help tear down some of the stereotypes people have of the Arabic culture, but the move may cause concern for those who see a creeping Islamization of America.
Mansfield Arabic Program On Hold
A Mansfield ISD program to teach Arabic language and culture in schools is on hold for now, and may not happen at all.
The school district wanted students at selected schools to take Arabic language and culture classes as part of a federally funded grant.
The Foreign Language Assistance Program (FLAP) grant was awarded to Mansfield ISD last summer by the U.S. Department of Education.
As part of the five-year $1.3 million grant, Arabic classes would have been taught at Cross Timbers Intermediate School and other schools feeding into Summit High School.
Parents at Cross Timbers say they were caught off-guard by the program, and were surprised the district only told them about it in a meeting Monday night between parents and Mansfield ISD Superintendent Bob Morrison.
The Department of Education has identified Arabic as a ‘language of the future.’ But parent Joseph Balson was frustrated by the past.
“Why are we just now finding out about it?” asked Balson. “It’s them (Mansfield ISD) applying for the grant, getting it approved and them now saying they’ll go back and change it only when they were caught trying to implement this plan without parents knowing about it.”
Trisha Savage thinks it will offer a well-rounded education. “I think its a great opportunity that will open doors. We need to think globally and act locally.”
Kheirieh Hannun was born in the Middle East but raised in the U.S. She believes giving students the option to learn Arabic will give her son and others like him the option to learn more about their culture. “It was surprising, but I think it’s okay, and it will help come down on the stereotype.” Hannun says she is hopeful the class could broaden the minds of not only students, but also parents.
The FLAP grant was awarded to only five school districts across the country, including Mansfield. The district says the plan is on hold so it can hear from more parents. After that evaluation is over, the district says it is possible they might return the grant.
Wild Thing's comment.........
"Parents were caught by surprise and learned of the grant Monday night in a meeting with district Superintendent "
The parents were not told about it until the school board decided to do it. They knew the parents wouldn't have allow them to do it, so they jumped first so that they couldn't be stopped. Pathetic.
Any school board that does this should be dropped from a plane where the caves are for the Taliban and left there for good.
I realize there is a real need for Arabic translators in the State Department, Military, Intelligence agencies BUT to force it on children......CHILDREN.......that is a whole different story. This is not about the language. This is indoctrination. Just like it said............ Mansfield ISD says in addition to language, the grant provides culture, government, art, traditions and history as part of the curriculum. "
Just show othe video of Nick Berg’s beheading.....or 9-11. That’s ALL they need to know.
"Arabic has been identified by the federal Department of Education as a "language of the future"
“Language of the future”? According to whom, the Muslim Brotherhood?
Remember when CAIR developed a curriculum for CA schools and parents from one school district complained, took it to court, and lost? The CA court found it was perfectly Constitutional to have kids read the Koran, dress like arabs, adopt Muslims names and recite Muslim prayers in school.
Then I think the school district decided to drop it anyway because of the problems it was causing.
Parents should tell the board they will pull their kids out.
BUT, they get expelled if they happen to say "Merry Christmas, or wear a shirt with the American Flag on it, or ride a bike to school with the American Flag attached to it. SHEESH this shit makes me furious!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (6)
February 08, 2011
Buffalo, New York " Moderate" Muslim Who Beheaded His Wife Guilty of 2nd Degree Murder
Hassan Trial: Hassan Guilty of 2nd Degree Murder
The jury in the Muzzammil Hassan trial has reached a verdict.
Muzzammil Hassan is guilty of 2nd degree murder in the death of his wife, Aasiya Hassan.
The jury deliberated for a little over an hour before reaching their verdict.
The judge has scheduled Hassan’s sentencing for March 9, 2011, where he faces a sentence of up to 25-years-to life behind bars.
Hassan was led away in handcuffs.
Erie County District Attorney Frank Sedita, Jr. called Hassan a “vicious murderer” during a press conference after the verdict.
The jury declined to speak to the media about the trial or their decision.
Earlier, Hassan delivered his closing arguments, followed by the prosecution.
“Ladies and gentlemen this is not a divorce case, this is a murder case,” said Colleen Curtin Gable, prosecutor.
Jurors were told that Aasiya Hassan may have been conscious when the defendant started to behead her on February 12, 2009.
Curtin Gable started off strong telling the jury that Hassan wants them to believe that what he did was in self defense, "not a chance, not even close."
"There is absolutely no doubt that the defendant killed his wife intentionally," said the prosecutor. "He was carefully and deliberately planning to kill her."
The prosecutor told jurors Hassan was efficient and deliberate in killing his wife in just "thirty-seven seconds." While describing the murder, Curtin Gable described how Aasiya was stabbed in the head and from the mouth to her ear. "How is that self defense, stabbing an unarmed woman from behind," she asked jurors.
"He was in control," she told jurors. "Cool, calm, collected and calculating every step of the way."
Wild Thing's comment.......
His life work: He “who ran a cable studio designed to promote understanding of Muslim culture..”
He lived his work; the way he killed his wife has furthered our understanding.
I posted about this guy before how he was a TV executive and his goal was to show how moderate muslims are and then he beheaded his wife because she wanted a divorce. It took almost two years for a guilty verdict to be delivered. What I do't get is why is the 2nd degree charge, he planned the whole thing and he knew what he was going to do. He should have been charged with first degree murder!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (8)
February 07, 2011
Fox News Reporter Greg Palkot and His Cameraman Olaf Wiig Discuss The Beating They Received in Egypt
Fox News Reporter Greg Palkot and his cameraman Olaf Wiig talking on camera for the first time about the beating they took at the hands of thugs in Cairo, Egypt earlier this week.
They talked to Fox News Correspondent John Roberts about how they were repeatedly hit in the head and all over their bodies with fists, open hands, sticks, rocks. Their injuries are still very visible and graphic. They are fortunate to still be alive.
Fox News correspondent Greg Palkot and cameraman Olaf Wiig were in Tahrir Square during the worst of the violence last week. When the building from which they were reporting came under siege, they were forced to flee into the streets and right into the middle of pro-government supporters.
The two were both severely beaten -- to the point they had to be hospitalized. The two have now returned to London, and in their first interview since the incident, recounted the danger they experienced.
"The main street was a total war zone, it was smoke, it was rocks being thrown, it was Molotov cocktails, it was flames, it was live fire," said Palkot, who with Wiig is a veteran reporter who's been to war zones throughout the world.
"I got grabbed and I thought at that moment, I thought, 'Ok, I'm really now in trouble,'" and it was immediately four or five people grabbing hold of you," said Wiig.
"People are all over him," Palkot said of his colleague. "Within about 30 seconds, people are all over us -- and that's where our life or death struggle began."
Palkot said he was pummeled with open hands, fists, sticks and rocks. Attackers were "principally going for the head again and again and again. The head was the target but the rest of the body is fair game too."
Wiig said he thought to himself that surely he could "talk some reason into somebody, surely this isn't, they're not going to kill us right here.' And the more they hit you, the more you realized, actually, they probably could right now."
Wiig is now sporting a bald patch at the back of his head where he was shaved so doctors could stitch up two large gashes. With a right eye that is purple and yellow, he described other injuries, including a smaller gash on his forehead.
"I've got two really good-sized lacerations on the back of my head," Wiig said, "and a stab wound in the back of my leg. My back just looks like a piece of modern art, just completely black and blue."
Pointing to a big bruise on his left temple, Palkot said he remembers a hit to the left side of his head that "blanked my vision out to some degree, blanked my hearing from my left ear to some degree, and that's when I thought I was going to go down."
The two agreed that at the start of the attack adrenaline kept them going. But knowing they had a lot to live for pushed them to try to remain conscious.
"I was absolutely not ready to die that day, you know. I've got a beautiful wife and loving family, and I just want to get back," Wiig said.
Palkot and Wiig eventually found their way to an Egyptian armored personnel carrier and were taken to the hospital. But their ordeal didn't end there. They were taken to the headquarters of the secret police, photographed and questioned before finally being released.
Wild Thing's comment........
Glad they are gonig to be ok, they were almost killed.
These two take and get a lot of dangerous assignments...I hope they both recover quickly.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (5)
February 04, 2011
'Systematic Targeting' of Journalists in Egypt
Fox News John Roberts reports on Greg Palkot And Crew Severely Beaten, Hospitalized In Cairo
"They were forced to leave their position when a Molotov cocktail was thrown at it, a large fire erupted, they were forced to flee. They ran out and ran right into the pro Mubarak crowd and were severely beaten and had to be taken to the hospital, spent the night in the hospital. The extent of their injuries was fairly grave, however, they have been released from the hospital. Palkot was beaten badly and Wiig may have a broken jaw.
Violence between pro- and anti-government factions in Egypt has spilled over to Western journalists covering the unrest.
Several journalists have been attacked or threatened, including Fox Business Network’s Ashley Webster and Fox News’ Greg Palkot.
Webster tells Fox News that security burst into his hotel room and forced the cameraman off the balcony, shouting that they will kill them.
“This crowd has been very angry toward journalists,” he told Fox News.
Greg Palkot was hospitalized after being severely beaten by Egyptian protesters.
Greg Palkot, covering the growing violence at Tahrir Square, was also confronted by several pro- and anti-government protesters. In the middle of the chaos, Palkot said that 30 rioters, with the help of an Egyptian military officer, fended off a large crowd of people and allowed Palkot and his cameraman to slip down a back alley and into a small hotel.
The White House is calling on the Egyptian government to immediately release any journalists who have been detained in the course of covering the country's political unrest, saying the "systematic targeting" of reporters is "totally unacceptable."
The Obama administration strongly condemned the behavior of pro-government supporters, after a number of international journalists -- including Fox Business Network's Ashley Webster, and Fox News' Greg Palkot and Olaf Wiig -- were attacked, intimidated and in some cases jailed in Cairo. As pro- and anti-government demonstrators continue to clash, those covering the historic events have apparently become a target as well. The Obama administration claimed the acts were part of a concerted campaign.
"This also is completely and totally unacceptable," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said aboard Air Force One Thursday. "Any journalist that has been detained should be released immediately. We need to be clear that the world is watching the actions that are being taken right now in Egypt."
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also called on the country's government and army to provide protection. "Freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and freedom of the press are pillars of an open and inclusive society. It is especially in times of crisis that governments must demonstrate their adherence to these universal values," she said.
Earlier, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley condemned the intimidation.
"There is a concerted campaign to intimidate international journalists in Cairo and interfere with their reporting," Crowley tweeted.
Webster told Fox News that security burst into his hotel room and forced the cameraman off the balcony, shouting that they will kill them.
"This crowd has been very angry toward journalists," he told Fox News.
The Egyptian government has accused media outlets of being sympathetic to protesters who want Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to quit now rather than complete his term as he has pledged.
The Greek daily newspaper Kathimerini said its correspondent in Cairo was hospitalized with a stab wound to the leg after being attacked by pro-Mubarak demonstrators in central Tahrir Square. He has been released. A Greek newspaper photographer was also beaten.
The injured Greek journalist, Petros Papaconstantinou, said on Kathimerini's website that: "I was spotted by Mubarak supporters. They ... beat me with batons on the head and stabbed me lightly in the leg. Some soldiers intervened, but Mubarak's supporters took everything I had on me in front of the soldiers."
The Qatar-based pan-Arab broadcaster Al-Jazeera said in an e-mail that three of its journalists were detained by security forces and another was reported missing. Egyptian authorities have complained the network's round-the-clock coverage was slanted toward protesters and could encourage more unrest.
Reporters Without Borders issued a statement Thursday condemning the actions of pro-Mubarak supporters.
"This has gone beyond censorship. This is now about ridding Cairo of all journalists working for foreign news media," the group said.
The leaders of France, Germany, Britain, Italy and Spain said in a joint statement that the "attacks against journalists are completely unacceptable."
Turkey's state broadcaster TRT, said its Egypt correspondent, Metin Turan, was beaten by a group of around 15 pro-Mubarak demonstrators with batons and lost a tooth in the attack. His camera, money and cell phone were stolen.
Three other Turkish journalists were also stopped and roughed up near Tahrir square, TRT said.
Polish state television TVP said that two of its crews were detained in Cairo. One was released after one of its camera's was smashed, it said.
CNN's Anderson Cooper and two Associated Press correspondents were also roughed up in the crowd.
Reporter Jean-Francois Lepine of Canada's CBC all-French RDI network said that he and a cameraman were surrounded by a mob that began hitting them, until they were rescued by the Egyptian army.
"Without them, we probably would have been beaten to death," he said.
Egypt: ABC News Reporter Brian Hartman Threatened With Beheading
A group of angry Egyptian men carjacked an ABC News crew and threatened to behead them today in the latest and most menacing attack on foreign reporters trying to cover the anti-government uprising.
Producer Brian Hartman, cameraman Akram Abi-hanna and two other ABC News employees were surrounded on a crowded road that leads from Cairo’s airport to the city’s downtown area.
While ABC News and other press agencies had been taking precautions to avoid volatile situations, the road to the airport had been a secure route until today. One of their two vehicles was carrying cameras and transmission equipment strapped to the roof, indicating they were foreign journalists.
Hartman says it was only through the appeal of Abi-hanna, who is Lebanese and a veteran ABC cameraman, that they were saved from being killed or severely beaten.
“We thought we were goners,” Hartman said later. “We absolutely thought we were doomed.”
Word of their harrowing ordeal came in a Twitter message from Hartman that stated, “Just escaped after being carjacked at a checkpoint and driven to a compound where men surrounded the car and threatened to behead us.”
“The men released us only after our camera man appealed to the generous spirit of the Egyptian people, hugging and kissing an elder,” he added in a subsequent tweet.
David MUIR: "In the last 24 hours at least 100 journalists and reporters have been attacked"
Wild Thing's comment........
I do hope that Greg Palkot and Wiig weren’t injured as badly as it sounds. I really respected Greg Palkot for speaking up about our troops during the Abu Ghraib aftermath.
Here is FOX New Greg Palkot blog
And Fox News Channel journalist Olaf Wiig is the same man who was kidnapped and held hostage in Gaza with Steve Centanni. They were both released after a forced on-camera conversion to Islam, along with the rumored $2 Million in ransom paid by Fox News. And now this, how horrible and they go back into the den with evil again.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (4)
February 03, 2011
Obama Gives Thumps UP To Muslim Brotherhood
White House Gives Thumps Up To Muslim Brotherhood
The Obama administration said for the first time that it supports a role for groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, a banned Islamist organization, in a reformed Egyptian government.
The organization must reject violence and recognize democratic goals if the U.S. is to be comfortable with it taking part in the government, the White House said. But by even setting conditions for the involvement of such nonsecular groups, the administration took a surprise step in the midst of the crisis that has enveloped Egypt for the last week.
The statement was an acknowledgment that any popularly accepted new government will probably include groups that are not considered friendly to U.S. interests, and was a signal that the White House is prepared for that probability after 30 years of reliable relations with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.
Obama’s Brotherhood Moment
by Robert Spencer
Game over: Barack Obama has endorsed a role for the Muslim Brotherhood in a new, post-Mubarak government for Egypt.
This should come as no surprise. Obama has behaved consistently all along, from his refusal to back the protesters in Iran, who were demonstrating against an Islamic Republic, to his backing of these protesters in Egypt, to whom he has just given a green light to establish a government that, given numerous historical precedents, will likely be the precursor to an Islamic Republic.
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Monday that a post-Mubarak Egyptian ruling group “has to include a whole host of important nonsecular actors that give Egypt a strong chance to continue to be [a] stable and reliable partner.”
Robert Malley, an Obama adviser and Mideast negotiator for Bill Clinton, explained that Obama’s expression of willingness to see the Brotherhood as part of a ruling coalition in Egypt was a “pretty clear sign that the U.S. isn’t going to advocate a narrow form of pluralism, but a broad one.”
~ snipet ~
Contrary to claims that it is a moderate organization, the Muslim Brotherhood is actually the prototypical Islamic supremacist, pro-Sharia group of the modern age.
The Brotherhood was no gathering of marginalized kooks. It grew in Egypt from 150 branches in 1936 to as many as 1,500 by 1944. In 1939 al-Banna referred to “100,000 pious youths from the Muslim Brothers from all parts of Egypt,” and although Lia believes he was exaggerating at that point, by 1944 membership was estimated as between 100,000 and 500,000.[7] By 1937 it had expanded beyond Egypt, setting up “several branches in Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, and Morocco, and one in each of Bahrain, Hadramawt, Hyderabad, Djibouti and,” Lia adds matter-of-factly, “Paris.”[8] These many thousands, dispersed around the world, heard al-Banna’s call to “prepare for jihad and be lovers of death.”
The Brotherhood has never rejected or renounced al-Banna’s vision or program. And now it is closer to implementing it in its homeland than it ever has been before – no little thanks to Barack Obama.
Wild Thing's comment........
Very ominous. Not too long ago our policy was not to negotiate with terrorists. Now we support them. Obama said long ago that he would stand with the muslims. And he as done that consistently.
They know they can do whatever they want in the middle east and Obama will be no problem. And I’d say they’ve sized it up pretty accurately.
This video is so good it is Lt. Col. Oliver North he discusses Obama and the turmoil in Egypt, Mubarak's future. It is embedded and does not have a code to put here so I can only put the link. Good one to watch.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (4)
Obama Has Made It Possible For "Islamist-supporters Infiltrate Obama Admin to Subvert US Security," Reveals ex-CIA'er, Clare Lopez
" Islamist-supporters infiltrate Obama Admin to subvert US security," reveals ex-CIA'er, Clare Lopez
Islamist-allied operatives appointed by Obama are undermining U.S. security policy - explains counter-Intelligence expert, Prof. Clare Lopez. Aimed at co-opting Americas foreign policy in the Middle East, a network including well-known American diplomats, congressional representatives, figures from academia and the think tank world - with ties to the clerical regime in Tehran - is directing the Obama Administration's policy towards the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Middle East.
Clare M. Lopez is a strategic policy and intelligence expert with a focus on Middle East, homeland security, national defense, and counterterrorism issues.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I will never get over that someone like obama could become president of our country. IMO there is some kind of evil sickness to cause people to vote for this person, to even want the agenda he pushes, the whole thing is living a nightmare.
Just a few to remember that obama has put in place:
Dalia Mogahed, a hijab-clad American Muslim, has made history being the first Muslim woman appointed to a position in President Barack Obama's administration.
Arif Alikhan as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development. Holding Israel entirely responsible for the "pattern of violence" in the Middle East, MPAC asserts that Hezbollah "could be called a liberation movement."
Kareem Shora Appointed by DHS Secretary Napolitano on Homeland Security Advisory Council . Janet Napolitano swore in to her official advisory council the head of an Arab American organization whose officials have labeled deadly anti-U.S. jihadists as "heroes" and opposed referring to Hamas as a terrorist organization.
Obama appointed Rachad Hussain as America’s envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference, but Hussain publicly defended Sami al-Arian, a Florida professor who headed U.S. operations for the terrorist
group Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
There are others, these are just a few.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (4)
Sean Hannity to Anjem Choudary: "You're One Sick Miserable Evil SOB"
Sean Hannity debated radical anti-American Islamist Anjem Choudary on his show last night.
" Now here’s the point I’m trying to make to you and I will finish my thought. You believe every woman should wear a burqa. You’re a fascist. You want to ram that down people’s thoats. You want to cut off people’s hands that steal. You want to stone people that commit adultery. You want to rob Israel’s land. And, I believe, but you don’t have the courage to admit it because you are a coward, that you believe that people who killed 3,000 Americans are going to heaven and are going to get 72 virgins. So can you not step back from your sick twisted bizarre ideology here to see that those 3,000 people were innocent victims, sir… You’re one sick miserable evil S.O.B but thank you for coming on anyway.“
During the full length interview, the cleric would continually answer Hannity's question with a question back to Hannity.
Wild Thing's comment........
Good for Hannity. If I had a talk show I would have this guy on my show just so I could say the same thing to his face. That would feel so good.
Back in October 2010 he made an alarming statement on Christiane Amanpour’s program on ABC, Anjem Choudary, a former British solicitors and Muslim cleric that spokesman for the group Islam4UK. Choudary contends eventually you'll see global Islamic rule, including here in the United States.
“We do believe as Muslims the East and the West will be governed by the Sharia,” Choudray. “Indeed we believe that one day the flag of Islam will fly over the White House. "
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (5)
February 02, 2011
Glenn Beck On The Coming Islamic Caliphate
GREAT JOB by Glenn Beck exposing the connection between the Muslim Brotherhood, American Left-Wing groups, Social Justice and an Islamic Caliphate that will swallow the Middle East and South Asia before it moves onto Europe and North America.
H/T Bare Naked Islam
Wild Thing's comment.......
I recommend sending this video to anyone that doubts what Islam is about and what their agenda and goal is for the entire world.
Prayers for Glenn Beck to stay safe. Glenn Beck is doing very dangerous work. Darkness doesn’t like sunlight.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s creed:
“Allah is our objective; the Koran is our law; the Prophet is our leader; jihad is our way; and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (6)
February 01, 2011
Obama Open To A Role For Islamists (Muslim Brotherhood) In New Egypt Government
U.S. open to a role for Islamists in new Egypt government
The Obama administration said for the first time that it supports a role for groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, a banned Islamist organization, in a reformed Egyptian government.
The organization must reject violence and recognize democratic goals if the U.S. is to be comfortable with it taking part in the government, the White House said. But by even setting conditions for the involvement of such nonsecular groups, the administration took a surprise step in the midst of the crisis that has enveloped Egypt for the last week.
The statement was an acknowledgment that any popularly accepted new government will probably include groups that are not considered friendly to U.S. interests, and was a signal that the White House is prepared for that probability after 30 years of reliable relations with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.
Monday’s statement was a “pretty clear sign that the U.S. isn’t going to advocate a narrow form of pluralism, but a broad one,” said Robert Malley, a Mideast peace negotiator in the Clinton administration.
This below is From June of 2009.......................
Muslim Brotherhood PM invited by Obama to attend speech in Cairo
The International Middle East Media Center was the only one to report on the invitation, but it was more of an aside to the main thrust of its article, which dealt with al-Qaeda leader Al-Zawahiri. However, this is an instance when the ‘by the way’ part of a report is more important than the lead story.
The Muslim Brotherhood has been a thorn in President Mubarak's side for many decades. Many of its members, at one time or another have been jailed.
This is an audacious move on the part of Obama, which managed to irritate the Egyptian leadership who say that the Brotherhood is 'illegal'. Obama is not concerned about ruffling Mubarak's feathers.
Wild Thing's comment........
Here we go... the real Obama. Obama working for Islam and against the U.S. and our allies.
If this happens, it will make it so that obama can then funnel American tax payer money directly to his homies. I hate obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (4)
January 31, 2011
Totally Sick! CNN Praises Member of Muslim Brotherhood
Remember as you watch the clip that the CNN anchor is interviewing a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. So it’s not as though the anchor is trying to give some “fair and balanced” counterargument in some adversarial interview. Not that that would excuse this even then:
“I’m asking about the Muslim Brotherhood, the organization that has tirelessly, and in many cases quite courageously, campaigned in elections, it has campaigned against the government, it has campaigned on behalf of the poor in Egypt. It has a long, long history in that country. What role should it have now?”
Wild Thing's comment......
We are surrounded by enimies and traitors. This reporter better realize that his head can be cut off just as much as anyone else. Thanks to the Muslims he is singing their praises about.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (4)
Mohamed ElBaradei (Muslim Brotherhood) Says Mubarak Needs To Go ~ Obama Likes Him
(Reuters) - Egyptian opposition forces have agreed to support opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei to negotiate with the government, a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood said Sunday.
Elbaradei Says Egyptian People have Revolted; Mubarak Needs to Go
Egyptian opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei saying that the “Egyptian people have revolted” against Hosni Mubarak, and that he does not believe the protests will subside. ElBaradei said that in his view, “Mubarak needs to go.”
Mohamed ElBaradei, who has emerged as one of the leading opponents of the regime of President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, said Sunday that President Obama needed to press Mubarak to give up power and that failing to take more forceful action to make that happen will cost the United States "whatever is left" of its credibility.
"People expected the U.S. to be on the side of the people ... and to let go of a dictator, " ElBaradei said on ABC's "This Week."
ElBaradei said the response of Mubarak so far to the protests and calls for reform by the United States "doesn't even begin to address people's concerns. Peoples' concerns right now is Mubarak has to go, immediately. The first step, if we need to get out of this mess -- and it's total mess, security is not there, it's a total chaos situation right now -- first step, he has to go."
Mohammed El Baradei — self-annointed “leader of the Egyptian opposition” — has more in common with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad than anything remotely resembling democracy. El Baradei is financially backed by Iran.
Soros's Internationial Crisis Group's Board of Trustees shows ElBaradei's name on the list as one of their group.
An article at The Corner by By Andrew C. McCarthy has something to say about this jerk too;
According to ElBaradei, the Brothers “have not committed any acts of violence in five decades.” [ACM note: the Brotherhood killed Sadat in 1981; Hamas kills people everyday.] ElBaradei, who also admires President Obama ardently, said that the Brothers just “want change.” Thus, he concludes, “If we want democracy and freedom, we have to include them instead of marginalizing them.” [ACM: Yeah, just like we did with Hamas — and how’s that workin’ out?]
For its part, the Obama administration — which has made outreach to the Muslim Brotherhood and its American affiliates a policy priority — reciprocates ElBaradei’s admiration.
Robert Gibbs said Friday that the president knows ElBaradei well and has worked closely with him.
By the way, ElBaradei also says “Israel is the number one threat to the Middle East,” and has expressed strong support for the Palestinian “resistance,” particularly in Hamas-controlled Gaza (which he calls “the world’s largest prison”), because, in his opinion, “the Israeli occupation only understands the language of violence.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
El Baradei is fully supported by Iran.....He is worse than scum...he IS bad news. He is tied so tightly with Muslem Brotherhood and he is also backed by the Muslim Brotherhood.
He spent the last 12 years helping Iran stall as they developed nuclear weapons.
Egypt has best be very careful what it wishes for. And Israel had better be sleeping with both eyes wide open.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (4)
January 30, 2011
Muslim Brotherhood In Jordan Declares That All U.S. Allied Leaders In Middle East Will Soon Be Toppled
Jordan's opposition: Arabs will topple tyrants
The leader of Jordan’s powerful Muslim Brotherhood warned Saturday that unrest in Egypt will spread across the Mideast and Arabs will topple leaders allied with the United States.
Hammam Saeed’s comments were made at a protest outside the Egyptian Embassy in Amman, inspired by massive rallies in neighboring Egypt demanding the downfall of the country’s longtime president, Hosni Mubarak.
About 100 members of the fundamentalist group and activists from other leftist organizations and trade unions chanted “Mubarak, step down” and “the decision is made, the people’s revolt will remain.”
Elsewhere, a separate group of 300 protesters gathered in front of the office of Jordanian Prime Minister Samir Rifai, demanding his ouster. “Rifai, it’s time for you to go,” chanted the group.
Jordan's protests have been relatively small in size, but they underline a rising tension with Jordan's King Abdullah II, a key U.S. ally who has been making promises of reform in recent days in an apparent attempt to quell domestic discontent over economic degradation and lack of political freedoms.
Saeed said Arabs have grown disgruntled with U.S. domination of their oil wealth, military occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and its support for "totalitarian" leaders in the region.
"The Americans and (President Barack) Obama must be losing sleep over the popular revolt in Egypt," he said. "Now, Obama must understand that the people have woken up and are ready to unseat the tyrant leaders who remained in power because of U.S. backing."
Saeed did not specifically name King Abdullah. But he said Jordan's prime minister "must draw lessons from Tunisia and Egypt and must swiftly implement political reforms."
"We tell the Americans 'enough is enough'," he said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
And look what we have in power, a muslim that has already stated who he has loyalty to.
The actual quote from Obama's book is from page 261 and is as follows: "Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (4)
January 29, 2011
Obama (favoring Muslim with terrorists ties) Lifts US Ban on Muslim Brotherhood Leader
Obama Administration Lifts US Ban on Muslim Brotherhood Leader
The Barack Obama administration has decided to lift a ban preventing Muslim Scholar Professor Tariq Ramadan from entering the United States. Ramadan, an Egyptian currently living in Switzerland, is a leading member of Europe’s Muslim Brotherhood branch and the grandson of the movement’s founder Hassan al-Banna.
The Muslim Brotherhood is the parent organization for Hamas and some of the groups that recently merged into al-Qaeda, including Ayman al Zawahiri’s Egyptian Islamic Jihad.
Ramadan was invited to teach at the University of Notre Dame in 2004 but the George W. Bush administration revoked his visa, citing a statute that applies to those who have “endorsed or espoused” terrorism. The administration later dropped the terror endorsement claim and linked the ban to $1,336 in donations Ramadan made between 1998 and 2002 to a Swiss charity that was later blacklisted by the US.
Although the White House asked the court last March to uphold the Bush-era entry ban on Ramadan, the administration has now decided to lift the ban and possibly allow both Ramadan and South African Muslim activist Professor Adam Habib onto American soil. State Department spokesman Philip Crowley told reporters that the government no longer views Ramadan or Habib as representing threats to the United States. “The next time Professor Ramadan or Professor Habib apply for a visa, they will not be found inadmissible on the basis of the facts that led to denial when they last applied.”
Wild Thing's comment........
What do you expect from a muslim president? Obama is truly an evil curse on our country.
A big gift to our enemies. If the bastard keeps this up, we’re going to have our very own revolution here.
And that Notre Dame would invite such a threat to everything American and Christian to teach there is disgusting.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (3)
January 21, 2011
Sharia Law Gains Foothold in US—Federal Judge Upholds Government Funding of Islam
Attorneys for a Marine Corps veteran of the Iraq War say they have filed a petition to the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals after a federal district judge ruled it is OK for the U.S. government to fund commercial enterprises that promote the indoctrination of Islamic law, or Shariah, in the United States.
Sharia Law Gains Foothold in US—Federal Judge Upholds Government Funding of Islam
Last week, Judge Lawrence P. Zatkoff, a federal district court judge in Michigan, dismissed a constitutional challenge to the U.S. Government’s bailout of AIG, which used over a hundred million dollars in federal tax money to support Islamic religious indoctrination through the funding and promotion of Sharia-compliant financing (SCF). SCF is financing that follows the dictates of Islamic law.
The challenge was brought by the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and co-counsel David Yerushalmi, on behalf of Kevin Murray, a Marine Corps veteran of the Iraqi War.
TMLC filed a notice of appeal immediately after the ruling and will be seeking review of the decision in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.
Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of TMLC, commented: “Judge Zatkoff’s ruling allows for oil–rich Muslim countries to plant the flag of Islam on American soil. His ruling ignored the uncontested opinions of several Sharia experts and AIG’s own website, which trumpeted Sharia-compliant financing as promoting the law of the Prophet Mohammed and as an ‘ethical product,’ and a ‘new way of life.’ His ruling ignored AIG’s use of a foreign Islamic advisory board to control investing in accordance with Islamic law.”
Continued Thompson: “This astonishing decision allows the federal government as well as AIG and other Wall Street bankers to explicitly promote Sharia law ─ the 1200 year old body of Islamic canon law based on the Koran, which demands the destruction of Western Civilization and the United States. This is the same law championed by Osama bin Laden and the Taliban; it is the same law that prompted the 9/11 Islamic terrorist attacks; and it is the same law that is responsible for the murder of thousands of Christians throughout the world. The Law Center will do everything it can to stop Sharia law from rearing its ugly head in America.”
The federal lawsuit was filed in 2008 against Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
It challenges that portion of the “Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008” (EESA) that appropriated $70 billion in taxpayer money to fund and financially support the federal government’s majority ownership interest in AIG, which is considered the market leader in SCF. According to the lawsuit,.....
“The use of these taxpayer funds to approve, promote, endorse, support, and fund these Sharia-based Islamic religious activities violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.”
Robert Muise, Senior Trial Counsel for TMLC, commented: “Based on the incredible amount of evidence presented, much of which DOJ could not refute , and in light of the strength of the court’s prior ruling, we expected the court to ultimately rule in our favor and hold that the federal government violated the U.S. Constitution by using federal tax money to fund Islamic religious activities. As soon as we read the court’s adverse opinion, we filed an immediate appeal.”
Muise concluded, “Apparently, the court does not believe that the federal government violates the U.S. Constitution when it provides $153 million in taxpayer money to support Islamic religious activities. This is certainly more than the ‘one pence’ James Madison warned about when he helped craft the First Amendment, and I am sure this decision is news for all of the Christian and Jewish organizations and businesses that are prevented from receiving a dime of federal tax money to support their religious activities.”
The appeal is expected to take at least a year to complete.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is a threat to our sovereignty, to our country in every way.
These people think that they are above the law and as such think that they can do anything they want and that no one will stop them.
The wars our Heroes have served and fought in, and where many gave their lives, was to fight this kind of thing from happening.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (9)
January 17, 2011
New Ground Zero Imam Possible Terror Ties
The organization planning to build an Islamic community center near the World Trade Center said the imam who has been the public face of the project, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, will be playing a reduced role in the facility.
The nonprofit group Park51 announced Friday that it had named a new imam to help lead religious programing so that Rauf could focus on other initiatives.
The group named another New York City imam, Abdullah Adhami.
Wild Thing's comment........
NO MORE mosques !!!…. I have had it with these people and their Islam.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (3)
January 04, 2011
Allen West: We Cannot Have a National Security Strategy Unless We Recognize Sharia As A Threat
ALLEN WEST: So there are many different ways we need to understand this 21st century battlefield, how we can leverage all elements of our nation’s power against — and like I said we need to get away from this nation building focus. I think that is economically hurting us.
GAFFNEY: In terms of understanding our enemy, and I think you’ve done as much as any congressional candidate to help expand the awareness for not only your constituents but others. I count on you to be carrying that on in your new capacity. What is your sense of the willingness of this new Congress to take on Sharia as the enemy threat doctrine?
WEST: Well, I haven’t had the opportunity to sit down with all of the new members, giving all the new members of the freshmen class a phone call to talk to them. I think one of the critical things that we must come together is that there is an infiltration of the Sharia practice into all of our operating systems in our country as well as across Western civilization. So we must be willing to recognize that enemy. We cannot have a national security strategy that does not recognize it in specific and understand its goals and objectives.
So once again, we can tailor you know our internal goals and objectives as far as our security systems, our political systems, economic systems, our cultural and educational systems, so that we can thwart this. And it comes back to one of those strategic goals that you mentioned, reducing the sphere of influence of this Sharia you know ideology that is tied into Islam. But I think that is our most threatening part, is the Sharia philosophy.
Wild Thing's comment........
Our country is blessed to have this man, this warrior in our government........finally. I have waited a long time for an elected official to make a stand on this subject of Sharia.
God bless and protect this fine man.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (2)
In Canada A Muslim Group Requests Permission To Distribute Qur’an In Public Schools
Group requests permission to distribute Qur’an in public schools
A Muslim organization has applied to the Waterloo Region District School Board to send a copy of the Qur’an home with any Grade 5 student whose parents indicate they would like one.
A representative of the Islamic Information Center at the University of Waterloo approached the former chair of the board, Kitchener trustee Mike Ramsay, with the request about a month ago.
Ramsay said he made sure that the group got all the information it required to make the written application.
“That particular request will come before the Board in the fall of 2011 for approval of distribution of the Qur’an in the 2011-12 school year,” said the board’s education director, Linda Fabi, in an email.
Fabi couldn’t be reached for comment Friday, and neither could the Muslim representative who spoke to Ramsay.
Wild Thing's comment........
Do NOT do this and God help us if they suggest it in our country. With obama at the helm and so many wanting to make nice with Islam it could happen here.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (5)
January 02, 2011
Airhead Katie Couric: ‘Maybe We Need a Muslim Version of “The Cosby Show”‘
Katie Couric: Maybe We Need A Muslim Version Of The Cosby Show
Katie Couric, in her CBSNews.com review of 2010, highlighted the controversy surrounding the Park51 project. “The bigotry expressed against Muslims in this country has been one of the most disturbing stories to surface,” she told her panel. In that media narrative, she saw “a seething hatred many people feel for all Muslims,” which she theorized could be remedied by another, more lighthearted narrative:
“Maybe we need a Muslim version of The Cosby Show.”
She came to the situationally comedic solution after offering this take on American Islamophobia:
"I also think sort of the chasm between, or, the bigotry expressed against Muslims in this country has been one of the most disturbing stories to surface this year. Of course, a lot of noise was made about the Islamic Center, mosque, down near the World Trade Center, but I think there wasn’t enough sort of careful analysis and evaluation of where this bigotry toward 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide, and how this seething hatred many people feel for all Muslims, which I think is so misdirected, and so wrong—and so disappointing. "
So could funny Muslims in even funnier sweaters be the answer? “I know that sounds crazy,” she said, “But The Cosby Show did so much to change attitudes about African-Americans in this country, and I think sometimes people are afraid of what they don’t understand—like you, Mo.” She was referring to Daily Show veteran and NPR regular Mo Rocca, who was present for the discussion. A Harvard alumnus, Rocca shamefully confessed that despite having attended “really fancy schools,” he knows basically “nothing about Islam.”
The two then “totally agree[d]” that “religion should be taught as an academic subject in public schools.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
So apparently to Katie there are unlimited comedy situations with Sharia Law. Stonings, beheadings and female genital removals in the first episodes should build up big ratings.
Anyone have even one example of Muslims being able to take a joke? Nope I didn't think so. They have gone after Winnie the Pooh's Piglet, and countless other things that have NO harm to them at all. Not only do they get mad but they bring out their we will behead you signs. sheesh
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM | Comments (4)
Bomb Hits Coptic Church In Alexandria, Egypt Killing 21 Christians
FOX News
ALEXANDRIA, Egypt – A powerful bomb, possibly from a homicide attacker, exploded in front of a Coptic Christian church as a crowd of worshippers emerged from a New Years Mass early Saturday, killing at least 21 people and wounding nearly 80 in an attack that raised suspicions of an Al Qaeda role.
The attack came in the wake of repeated threats by Al Qaeda militants in Iraq to attack Egypt's Christians. A direct Al Qaeda hand in the bombing would be a dramatic development, as Egypt's government has long denied that the terror network has a significant presence in the country. Al Qaeda in Iraq has already been waging a campaign of violence against Christians in that country.
Police initially said the blast came from an explosives-packed car parked outside the Saints Church in the Mediterranean port city. But the Interior Ministry later said it was more likely from a bomber who blew himself up among the crowd.
Both tactics are hallmarks of Al Qaeda and have been rarely used in Egypt, where the government crushed an insurgency by Islamic militants in the 1990s. Though the government of President Hosni Mubarak denies an Al Qaeda presence, Egypt does have a rising movement of Islamic hard-liners who, while they do not advocate violence, adhere to an ideology similar in other ways to Al Qaeda. There have been fears they could be further radicalized amid growing sectarian tensions between Egypt's Muslim majority and Christian minority.
Nearly 1,000 Christians were attending the New Year's Mass at the Saints Church, said Father Mena Adel, a priest at the church. The service had just ended, and some worshippers were leaving the building when the bomb went off about a half hour after midnight, he said.
Barack Obama released a statement today claimed the victims were both Christian and Muslim.
From the White House :
"The attack on a church in Alexandria, Egypt caused 21 reported deaths and dozens of injured from both the Christian and Muslim communities."
All 21 of the victims in the attack were Christian. No Muslims died in the attack.
The explosion, during the first hour of the New Year, left 21 dead, 79 injured and questions about possible involvement of al-Qaida. All but eight of the injured and all the fatalities were Christians from Saints Church, located on the eastern side of the coastal city.
And this next thing which is just soooo typical of Muslims and their DNA hate for Jews and Christians ~ Wild Thing
The Islamist Palestinian movement Hamas also condemned the attack, saying it was “certain it was the work of elements acting against the interests of Egypt and looking to promote confrontation between Muslims and Christians”
A top Shiite Muslim leader in Lebanon, Sheikh Abdel Amir Kabalan, denounced the attack as a “terrorist act aimed at sowing chaos and fear in Egypt”.
“This terrorist act bears the fingerprints of Zionists who keep on targeting religious sights and are working to … sow discord between Muslims and Christians,” Kabalan said in a statement.
Wild Thing's comment........
God bless the Coptic Christians. They have suffered enormously because of their beliefs. Rest the souls of those killed, and comfort the survivors and families.
I’ll be waiting for Muslims around the world condemn this violence and to defend Christians.
And to top it off Obama has to bring his muslims into being victims when they were NOT. He truly hits raw nerves with me.
There was also this on Christmas Eve.
Islamic sect claims Nigeria attacks, toll at 86 BAUCHI, Nigeria, Dec 28 (Reuters) - A radical Islamist sect said on Tuesday it was behind bombings in central Nigeria and attacks on churches in the northeast of the country that led to the deaths of at least 86 people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:47 AM | Comments (2)
December 24, 2010
General Says Muslim 'moderates' Plot Undoing of America
General:Muslim 'moderates' plot undoing of America
Praises daring investigation exposing 'terrorists with neckties' in D.C.
It's one of the most controversial and electrifying books of our time – recently praised publicly by a top U.S. general as the book to read on the radical Islamic threat within America – and today only, WND readers can get "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America" for only $4.95 – a $21 discount off the regular price!
Based on an audacious six-month undercover operation in which three young investigators pretended to convert to Islam and became interns at the notorious Council on American-Islamic Relations, "Muslim Mafia" exposes the vast but little-reported subversion of America by the dangerous Muslim Brotherhood – parent organization of al-Qaida, Hamas and other front-line terror groups.
The book’s frightening allegations are well supported by more than 12,000 pages of confidential, internal CAIR documents secretly extracted during the unprecedented undercover investigation.
Recently, retired Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, former U.S. deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence, made an impassioned plea for Americans to learn about the inner workings of stealth jihadists by reading "Muslim Mafia."
"There's a recent book that came out called 'Muslim Mafia,'" said Boykin at a major Christian conference. "Have any of you read this? Have any of you ever seen it? I encourage you to get this book – 'Muslim Mafia.' … This book will scare you. This book will open your eyes. This book will shake you. What this book says is frightening."
VIDEO......Watch Gen. Boykin describe "Muslim Mafia"
In "Muslim Mafia," follow co-author Dave Gaubatz’s son Chris as he courageously gains the trust of CAIR’s inner sanctum, working undercover as a converted and devoted follower of the Muslim religion.
The trail of information reveals the insidious and well-funded efforts of the seditious Muslim Brotherhood under the nonprofit guise of CAIR to fully support the international jihad against the United States, with the goal of transforming American society from within. They hope to accomplish this through terrorist activities, fraud, and infiltration of our political and intelligence systems, which these documents clearly reveal.
Wild Thing's comment........
It shocks me how many people want to ignore what followers of Islam are donig in our country. One day they will be saying, when did this all happen, and we will tell them we tried to wake you up but you wanted to be PC.
"In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." ~ Barack Hussein Obama
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (3)
December 23, 2010
Muslim Boy in Spain Says He Is Traumatized By Hearing His Teacher Say "ham"
Spain: Muslim family denounces teacher for talking about ham in class
A teacher at Menéndez Tolosa institute has been denounced by a Muslim family from La Línea because their son, a student in the first year of high school, felt offended during the course of a geography lesson, institute sources informed this newspaper.
This paper has learned that the teacher was lecturing normally on the different climates of the planet and used the Granada town of Trevélez as an example of a cold, dry climate. As an anecdote, the teacher recounted that just such a climate was conducive to the curing of hams. Then the student asked the teacher not to speak of hams since the subject offended him as a Muslim.
According to what this daily learned from sources at the school, the teacher responded that he was simply giving an example and that he did not in his classes take into account the religion that his students practiced.
This could have been simply an exchange of views, but the child's family, which never came to talk to the teacher about this incident in class, did not hesitate to lodge a complaint against the teacher at the National Police station.
Although no one contacted him, apparently a relative of the child did go to the school to talk to the Head of Studies and protest the example that the teacher had given in geography class.
Agents of the Judicial Police went to Menéndez Tolosa yesterday so that the teacher could provide a statement about what happened during the class. In addition, officials have requested disciplinary and academic documentation of the child in this school and the previous center in which he was enrolled.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Ham Ham Ham!!! Bacon! Bacon! Bacon!
But, but, but........ is no mohammed without ham. Say what? heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (6)
December 20, 2010
Rep. Peter King: We'll Investigate Muslim Radicalization
Rep. Peter King (R-NY) says he will hold hearings in Congress next year on the “radicalization” of Muslim communities.
Republican Rep. Peter King of New York plans to hold hearings in Congress next year on the “radicalization” of Muslim communities, his office confirmed to the Hotsheet.
As first reported by the New York Times, King is planning to hold the hearings once he takes up the chairmanship of the House Homeland Security Committee. He says the hearings are planned in response to complaints from law enforcement officials that Muslim leaders have been uncooperative in terror investigations.
“When I meet with law enforcement, they are constantly telling me how little cooperation they get from Muslim leaders,” King told the Times. “It is controversial. But to me, it is something that has to be discussed.”
The hearings come at a time of increased concerns about “homegrown” Muslim terrorists – along with persistent fears that innocent Muslims have been unfairly targeted since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
Muslim leaders told the Times they have strong concerns about King’s proposed hearings.
Wild Thing's comment......
I sure hope they do this one right. They need to explain to us why Obama and his Pentagon protect the terrorists from the FT. Hood attack and many other things where Obama has sided with terrorists against our country. Why obama does not want the word Islam to be used when discussing Muslim terrorists, or heck even the word Muslim. WE know why but someone needs to make this a point in their findings so at least it will be more well known to the apathy ridden citizen on his couch nodding agreement to Chris Matthews and his ilk.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (5)
December 08, 2010
Muslim Brotherhood Front Group Trains Airport Screeners
Muslim Brotherhood Front Group Trains Airport Screeners
The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) has completed training for 2,200 Transportation Safety Officers (TSOs) at the Los Angeles International Airport according to a press release found on the MPAC website.
The MPAC release notes that the two-month training course informed officers of “the diversity of Muslims around the world from cultural dress to language to tenets. The four trainers taught the TSOs how to properly handle a Quran and discussed the different ways Muslim women and men choose to cover or dress. For example, the TSOs learned if a woman wears hijab and needs a secondary screening she should be screened in a private area by a female TSO officer.”
In 1986, MPAC was formed as a political action arm of one of the largest Wahhabi mosques in America, the Islamic Center for Southern California.
As the Center for Security Policy’s Team B II report entitled “Sharia: The Threat to America” notes, “The founders of the Islamic Center for Southern California are Hassan Hathout and his brother Maher Hathout. The late Hassan Hathout was a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement. The two brothers Maher spent time in an Egyptian prison during the early days of the Muslim Brotherhood’s activities there, led by the Brotherhood’s founder Hassan Al Banna. MPAC’s own publication, The Minaret, has proudly called Hassan a ‘companion of’ and Maher ‘a close disciple of’ Brotherhood founder Hassan al Banna.”
Maher Hathout also founded and is currently a senior advisor for MPAC. He and others at MPAC also currently work for and maintain a close relationship with the Islamic Center of Southern California.
MPAC volunteer & TSO trainer, Nisreen Malhis
Last week, MPAC completed a quarterly training for Transportation Security Officers (TSO) with about 2,200 officers receiving training on cultural awareness about Islam and Muslims. This was an important achievement for MPAC and the Muslim American community in light of the recent airport security changes and because TSOs are responsible for screening passengers
MPAC Trains 2,200 Transportation Security Officers
Muslim Public Affairs Council ( MPAC )
November 24, 2010
Last week, MPAC completed a quarterly training for Transportation Security Officers (TSO) with about 2,200 officers receiving training on cultural awareness about Islam and Muslims. This was an important achievement for MPAC and the Muslim American community in light of the recent airport security changes and because TSOs are responsible for screening passengers and luggage.
MPAC President Salam Al-Marayati, MPAC Civic Outreach Coordinator, Saadia Khan and MPAC volunteers, Nisreen Malhis and Sireen Sawaf, conducted the trainings at Los Angeles International Airport for the past two months. They discussed the diversity of Muslims around the world from cultural dress to language to tenets. The four trainers taught the TSOs how to properly handle a Quran and discussed the different ways Muslim women and men choose to cover or dress. For example, the TSOs learned if a woman wears hijab and needs a secondary screening she should be screened in a private area by a female TSO officer.
The training sessions allowed trainers to discuss the common practice of Muslims praying in various areas of the airport, adding that they do this because LAX does not have a designated prayer area as other airports do.
The officers were extremely receptive and interested in the information presented. They had many questions regarding the meaning of jihad, sharia, and the rights of women in Muslim countries.
LAX is the third largest airport in the world, making it important for Transportation Security Administration to conduct cultural awareness trainings in order for officers to effectively and efficiently keep the airports secure rather than deciphering cultural tenets. MPAC commends LAX for taking the initiative to implement these trainings.
Earlier this year at the last quarterly training, the TSA invited asked Nirinjan Khalsa of the Human Relations Commission to highlight the Sikh religion.
-- Marium F. Mohiuddin (marium@mpac.org)
Communications Coordinator
Wild Thing's comment.........
Beyond horrible!
First of all, no Muslim should be permitted to have American citizenship on the basis of being a member of a totalitarian organization engaged in world domination.
I wonder how much the our tax dollars PAY for this extended training??
Islamist group, MPAC, attended White House meeting to announce SCOTUS nominee
The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) has announced that is participated in a White House meeting with President Obama and cabinet officials to announce the President’s nomination to the Supreme Court. According to the MPAC announcement: This morning, the Director of the Washington, DC office of the Muslim Public Affairs Council Haris Tarin joined the President Obama and cabinet officials at the White House as he announced his latest nomination to the Supreme Court, Inspector General Elana Kagan.
~ snipet~
MPAC has opposed virtually every count-terror initiative undertaken or proposed by the U.S. government. At times this opposition was said to be on civil-rights grounds but, just as often, MPAC claimed that U.S. counter-terror efforts were aimed at the U.S. Muslim community itself. MPAC has consistently supported and facilitated terrorism by supporting terrorist organizations and, more broadly, constructing an elaborate ideology defending the use of violence by Islamists and Islamist organizations.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM
November 28, 2010
Somali-American Mohamed Osman Mohamud Accused Of Plotting To Bomb Oregon Tree-lighting Event
FBI has thwarted an attempted car-bombing in Portland’s “Pioneer Courthouse Square.” The attempted terrorist attack occurred last night, where a large crowd had gathered for a Christmas-tree lighting ceremony.
Reports say that a naturalized U.S. citizen from Somalia – Mohamed Osman Mohamud – actually went so far as to attach a blasting cap to what he believed to be an explosive device and then tried to detonate it from another location. He was then arrested by the FBI.
A 19-year-old has been arrested in connection with a plot to detonate a vehicle bomb at an annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, Oregon, on Friday evening, the Justice Department announced.
Mohamed Osman Mohamud, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Somalia, was arrested on suspicion of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction. He is a resident of Corvallis, Oregon, and a student at Oregon State University, according to the FBI. Mohamud was arrested by the FBI and Portland Police Bureau after he attempted to detonate what he believed to be an explosives-laden van that was parked near the tree-lighting ceremony in Portland’s Pioneer Courthouse Square, the Justice Department said in a written statement, but the device was actually inert.
“The threat was very real. Our investigation shows that Mohamud was absolutely committed to carrying out an attack on a very grand scale,” said Arthur Balizan, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI in Oregon. “At the same time, I want to reassure the people of this community that, at every turn, we denied him the ability to actually carry out the attack.”
The arrest was the culmination of a long-term undercover operation during which Mohamud had been monitored closely as his alleged bomb plot developed, the Justice Department said. Officials said the public was never in danger from the device.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Islam the death cult again. Can we please start to Profile!!!???
Actually, if you read the story closely in full, this guy had reached out to terrorist types. I think that is what drew him to the attention of the FBI, not profiling. It would be nice indeed if the FBI was profiling Somali immigrants, but I wouldn't cite this story as evidence that they are.
Usama Bin Laden
Ayman Al-Zawahiri
Fahd Mohammed Ahmed Al Quso
Husayn Muhammad Al-Umari
Ahmed Mohammed Hamed Ali
Anas Al-Liby
Wadoud Muhammad Hafiz Al-Turki
Ahmad Ibrahim Al-Mughass
Abdul Rahman Yasin
Jamal Saeed Abdul Rahim
Muhammad Abdullah Khalil Hussain
Saif Al-Adel
Muhammad Ahmed Al-Munawar
Adam Yahiye Gadahn
Ibrahim Salih Mohammed Al-Yacoub
Jamel Ahmed Mohammed Ali Al-Badawi
Mohammed Ali Hamadei
Ali Atwa
Hasan Izz-Al-Din
Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah
Daniel Andreas (San Diego eco-terrorist)
Fazul Abdullah Mohammed
Jaber A. Elbaneh
Ali Saed Bin Ali El-Hoorie
Abd Al Aziz Awda
Isnilon Totoni Hapilon (Phillipino, member of Abu Sayyaf group)
Ramadan Abdullah Mohammad Shallah
Abdelkarim Hussein Mohamed Al-Nasser
Adnan G. El Shukrijumai
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (6)
November 23, 2010
Ground Zero Mosque Developers Apply For $5 Million Federal Grant
An artist rendering shows an exterior view of the proposed Park51 community center and mosque.
Looming over the remains of the WTC, this mosque will certainly "enhance" the victory of the world-wide Muslim culture.
The many-storied structure will be sure to attract millions of Allah's international community to make an annual haj-like visit to the mammoth observation windows that peer haughtily down onto the battleground of the defeated: Ground Zero.
Ground Zero mosque developers apply for federal grant
Developers of the controversial Park51 Islamic community center and mosque located two blocks from Ground Zero earlier this month applied for roughly $5 million in federal grant money set aside for the redevelopment of lower Manhattan after the attacks of September 11th, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the matter. The audacious move stands to reignite the embers of a divisive debate that dominated headlines surrounding the ninth anniversary of the attacks this fall, say people vested in the issue.
The application was submitted under a “community and cultural enhancement” grant program administered by the Lower Manhattan Redevelopment Corporation (LMDC), which oversaw the $20 billion in federal aid allocated in the wake of 9/11 and is currently doling out millions in remaining taxpayer funds for community development. The redevelopment board declined to comment on the application (as did officials from Park51), citing the still ongoing and confidential process of determining the grant winners.
While news of the application has not previously been made public, developer Sharif El-Gamal outlined it in closed-door meetings, according to two individuals he spoke with directly.
Developer Sharif El-Gamal discussed the grant proposal in recent closed-door meetings, according to The Daily Beast.
The revelation that the developers have asked for this grant could reignite outrage about the mosque's proposed location.
"If Imam Feisal and his retinue want know why they're not trusted, here's yet another reason,” Irshad Manji, author of "The Trouble with Islam" and director of the Moral Courage Project at NYU, told The Daily Beast. “The New Yorkers I speak with have questions about Park51. Requesting money from public coffers without engaging the public shows a staggering lack of empathy—especially from a man who says he's all about dialogue."
Wild Thing's comment........
OMG Great! So we get to pay for their VICTORY mosque! Sheesh! Wow, Muslims destroy the World Trade Center and then use our own money to build a Mosque in honor of the destruction. Unbelievable!!!!
Of course if the Greek church St. Nicholas applied for the same money it would be rejected on “church-state-separation” grounds. Apparently it is OK to combine mosque and state.
Talk about adding salt to the wound. Holy cow!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (5)
EDITORIAL: TSA Is A Joke To al Qaeda, Too
EDITORIAL: TSA is a joke to al Qaeda, too
While the Transportation Security Administration is groping for an answer to air safety, al Qaeda is laughing. This week, the terror group publicly detailed its plans to circumvent the latest government security measures and bleed America to death.
The new edition of al Qaeda's glossy magazine, Inspire, discusses last month's plot to down cargo planes with bombs hidden in printer ink cartridges, and a successful Sept. 3 UPS aircraft bombing in Dubai. These new techniques were born after underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab failed to detonate his explosive on Northwest flight 253 last Christmas. Since then, the terrorists say they "have been experimenting with ways to bring down airplanes. ... We looked into X-ray scanners, full-body scanners, sniffing dogs and other aspects of security."
The magazine includes technical details of how to construct weapons that will avoid X-ray and chemical sniffer detection, enabling other jihadist groups to try them out. An al Qaeda press release stated, "It is our plan to disseminate the idea to the mujahidin worldwide and to expand its deployment onto both civilian aircraft in the West as well as cargo aircraft."
"Operation Hemorrhage" - al Qaeda's name for the ink-cartridge attacks - cost only $4,200, which they claim "will without a doubt cost America and other Western countries billions of dollars in new security measures. That is what we call leverage." The fact that the attacks failed is irrelevant; the underwear bomber didn't detonate his bomb but the Obama administration went off the deep end in response. It is "such a good bargain," al Qaeda explains, "for us to spread fear amongst the enemy and keep him on his toes in exchange of a few months of work and a few thousand bucks."
Al Qaeda has correctly diagnosed that the most effective terror attacks are not "spectaculars" like Sept. 11, 2001, but numerous small-scale strikes that prompt the government to overreact.
"To bring down America we do not need to strike big," they reason. "In such an environment of security phobia that is sweeping America, it is more feasible to stage smaller attacks that involve less players and less time to launch and thus we may circumvent the security barriers America worked so hard to erect." They call this "the strategy of a thousand cuts. The aim is to bleed the enemy to death." The new strategy may show the influence of al Qaeda operations commander Saif al Adel, who until recently had safe haven in Iran, and who has long challenged al Qaeda's orthodoxy favoring "big bang" attacks.
The terrorists feel confident enough in their position to taunt the United States. The ink-cartridge bombs were mailed to synagogues in Chicago, which they call "Obama's city." The names on the packages were based on famous historical enemies of Islam, and one of them contained a copy of the novel "Great Expectations" because they were "very optimistic about the outcome of this operation." Responding to a British government restriction on toner cartridges weighing over 500 grams (only 17.6 ounces), the jihadists asked "Who is the genius who came up with this suggestion? Do you think that we have nothing to send but printers?"
So while the government is overreacting by instituting costly and humiliating full body-checks at airports, al Qaeda chalks up a victory and moves on to other forms of attack. The terrorists say the Western world has two choices: "You either spend billions of dollars to inspect each and every package in the world or you do nothing and we keep trying again." Something to think about the next time a TSA employee is inspecting your package.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Yep, al Qaeda has our government jumping through hoops. This administration's responses are ludicrous at best, and much like something out of Monty Python.
There are any number of things and they can’t all be checked. The Israeli’s know it and that’s why they profile people. We have to start training people to profile like the Israeli’s.
"Operation Hemorrhage" - al Qaeda's name for the ink-cartridge attacks - cost only $4,200, which they claim "will without a doubt cost America and other Western countries billions of dollars in new security measures. That is what we call leverage."
We can't play defense against Muslim terrorists. We have to go to their homes and take them out where they live. There will be no peace in this world until that is done.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (3)
November 17, 2010
Gitmo Detainees Paid Off
Former Guantánamo Bay detainees, from left, Omar Deghayes, Binyam Mohamed and Martin Mubanga. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images/Reuters/PA
Guantanamo seven 'paid off' to halt legal action against Government
A group of former Guantanamo Bay detainees who claim they were tortured with the complicity of the British security services have been paid millions of pounds to drop legal action against the Government.
Ministers will announce on Tuesday that a deal has been reached with the men, at least one of whom is expected to receive more than £1 million of taxpayers’ money.
The former terrorism suspects, some of whom were foreign residents claiming asylum in Britain, were suing the Government for damages over their treatment while in custody. The security services are thought to have pushed for the settlement in order to avoid details of their secret activities being disclosed in court.
Both MI5 and MI6 could have been forced to disclose information that could have threatened national security. Already some information from the defence was starting to slip out, causing anxiety among some senior officials.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Al Qaeda directs its terrorists to make claims of "torture" whenever they are caught. Such claims are nearly always false. The fact that most are false, this is even a worse idea to do something like paying the terrorist off. sheesh
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (3)
November 16, 2010
Obama Gives a Pass: TSA Won’t Touch Muslims’ Junk
Obama Gives a Pass: TSA Won’t Touch Muslims’ Junk
CNSNews.com has reported that Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) — which is frequently tied to domestic terror plots — has been guaranteed that TSA officials will only pat down Muslim women in the head and neck area.
CAIR said Muslims who object to full-body scans for religious reasons should know their rights if they are required to undergo a pat-down, including asking for the procedure to be done in a private place. In addition, CAIR offered a “special recommendation” for Muslim women who wear a hijab, telling them they should tell the TSA officer that they may be searched only around the head and neck.
“Before you are patted down, you should remind the TSA officer that they are only supposed to pat down the area in question, in this scenario, your head and neck. They SHOULD NOT subject you to a full-body or partial-body pat-down.”
Muslim women will likely opt for the not-very-invasive security pat-down, because most consider airports’ high-image body scans a violation of Islamic Shari’a law. CNS News adds, “In February, the Figh Council of North America, a group of Islamic scholars, issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, that full-body scanners violate Islamic law.”
So, Muslim women will not be subject to a full body scan or a pat-down on much of their elaborately concealed bodies. Feeling secure yet?
Add this to the growing proof that political correctness is not merely totalitarian but suicidal. The president made an exception to airline security protocol big enough to drive a jihad through — and applied it only to the adherents of Islam. Roman Catholic nuns can be groped en masse, but Obama rushed to defend the dignity of Muslim women.
Wild Thing's comment........
A man could dress in a burkha and do the same thing. This is ridiculous.
What is it going to take for our country to cure itself of this PC bull that is allowing Muslims to rule our security. The media, most politicians and private citizens not wanting to say the truth about the death cult of Islam for starters. That has got to change. Israel knows the enemy and takes it seriously, as so should our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (11)
Obama Sends Warm Wishes As Muslims Hold Death to America, Down with Israel Rally At Their Hajj
Their signs read: Death to America, Down with Israel.
‘Death to America and Israel’ Slogans at Muslim Hajj Pilgrimage
Tens of thousands of Muslims chanted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” at the annual Hajj pilgrimage, which the Ayatollah of Iran called “a symbol of spirituality.”
The Arab Ahlul Bayt News Agency reported, “The pilgrims chanted anti-US and anti-Zionist slogans during the ceremony, also attended by the Supreme Leader’s representative for Hajj affairs, Hojatoleslam Ali Qazi-Asgar.
“God is the Greatest”, “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” were among slogans chanted by the masses in unison as they gathered in the Desert of Arafat near Mecca, where more than 2 million Muslims have gathered.
Qazi-Asgar read a message from the Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, who told Muslims to engage in "struggle and resistance against the aggressions of the United States and the Zionist regime."
"Today the Zionist regime is no more the undefeatable monster of 30 years ago," he said. "The United States and the West are also no more the unquestionable decision-makers of the Middle East that they were two decades ago. Today the arrogant United States, the self-styled commandant of the Islamic region and the real sponsor of the Zionist regime, is bogged down in the quagmire of its own making in Afghanistan."
He began his speech by saying that "the growing wave of Islamic awakening heralds a glorious future for the Muslim community…The enemy's extensive propaganda campaigns to promote Islamophobia are hasty attempts at sowing discord among Islamic faiths and fueling factional prejudices."
Khamenei continued, "No virtue is better than rescuing nations from the demonic clutches of hegemonic powers, and no vice is worse than depending on and serving hegemonic powers," referring to the United States.
In case you can't read what Obama is saying to them:
Michelle and I extend our greetings for a happy Eid-ul-Adha to Muslims worldwide and wish safe travels to those performing Hajj. This year, nearly three million pilgrims from more than 160 countries - including the United States - have gathered in Mecca and neighboring sites to perform the Hajj rituals and stand together in prayer.
On Eid, Muslims around the world will commemorate Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son, and distribute food to those less fortunate - a reminder of the shared values and the common roots of three of the world's major religions.
On behalf of the American people, we extend our best wishes during this Hajj season – Eid Mubarak and Hajj Mabrour.
Wild Thing's comment........
Isn't it just wonderful to have a president support these sickos and their death cult......NOT!
I guess Obama Obama is wishing he could be with his brothers celebrating Hajj.
Jihadis in the open, FIRE FOR EFFECT!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (4)
November 02, 2010
As She Smiled and Offered a Hand In Friendship a Muslim Woman Stabbed MP Twice in the Stomach Over Iraq War
Victim: Mr Timms was stabbed after warmly greeting his attacked with the words “Hello, I’m sorry for the wait.”
'Smiling' woman 'stabbed MP twice in stomach after confronting him about Iraq war'
A Muslim woman tried to kill a Labour MP by stabbing him in the stomach ‘in revenge’ for him voting for the Iraq War, a court heard today.
Roshonara Choudhry, 21, is accused of knifing Stephen Timms twice in a shock attack during a constituency surgery meeting after she greeted the MP with a smile and offered him the hand of friendship.
Roshonara Choudhary is accused of stabbing MP Stephen Timms
A second later the fanatic allegedly lunged forward, repeatedly plunging a three inch kitchen knife into his stomach, sending the MP ‘reeling and staggering’ backwards, before staff jumped in to wrestle the blade from her grasp.
The Old Bailey heard how the young Muslim woman had plotted for weeks to kill her local MP, buying two knives in case one ‘broke’ when she enacted her ‘punishment’ for him voting in Parliament to invade Iraq in March 2003.
After the attack, she coolly told police: ”I just pushed it (the knife) in like how it is if you punch someone.
‘I was trying to kill him because he wanted to invade Iraq.
‘I was not going to stop (stabbing him) until someone made me.
‘I wanted to kill him. I was hoping to get revenge for the people in Iraq.’
Wild Thing's comment.......
Islam is an extremist religion and “moderate Islam” is its Trojan Horse.
I would never trust a muslim.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (4)
October 30, 2010
Muslim Cleric Answers Questions About Islam
Wild Thing's comment........
He is asked if he is helping fellow Muslims that want to do acts of terror on the United States and he says yes he is. Now why isn't this terrorist arrested?????
He also talks about how he wants Islam to rule in the USA.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (2)
October 29, 2010
Terror Alert: Suspicious Devices 'dry run' by Muslims Target Is America
NBC's Tom Costello reports that out of "an abundance of caution" over a suspicious package found at a British airport, incoming cargo flights from Yemen were given heightened inspection, resulting in additional suspicious, non-threatening packages being found inside the U.S.
Terrorism expert Peter Neumann on discovery of suspicious packages
Terror alert: suspicious devices 'dry run' for terror campaign against US synagogues
A series of suspicious packages found in Britain and Dubai could have been part of a “dry run” by al-Qaeda for a mail bomb plot in the United States, authorities believe.
The packages were found on an American-registered cargo plane at East Midlands airport in England, en route from Yemen to Chicago, via Cologne in Germany, and on aircraft in Dubai which had also come from Yemen.
It was claimed the devices were destined for synagogues in Chicago.
Jewish organisations and synagogues in Britain said they were already on high alert.
Scotland Yard said the package found in Britain was removed for further testing. It was claimed it contained a toner cartridge for a printer, covered in white powder and with wires protruding from it.
It was found at East Midlands, one of Britain's biggest cargo hubs, during screening of cargo at the airport. It was claimed that security sources in the Middle East had tipped off the intelligence services about packages emanating from Yemen, now regarded as one of the hot-beds of al-Qaeda terrorist activities.
"We know that these packages originated in Yemen and we are looking into potential links to terrorism," said one U.S. official.
As a result of the terror alert, the US Department of Homeland Security increased aviation security measures.
Fedex, the world’s largest cargo airline, confirmed that the suspicious package seized at its Dubai facility originated in Yemen. It had stopped all shipments, originating from Yemen, a spokesman added.
Officials were also investigating reports of several packages on aircraft in the eastern United States cities of Philadelphia and Newark, New Jersey although nothing had yet been found. The FBI said it did not believe an attack was imminent, a spokesman said.
Barack Obama, the US President, was told late on Thursday night of a "potential terrorist threat" surrounding suspicious packages on the aircraft, the White House said.
"Intelligence and law enforcement agencies discovered potential suspicious packages on two planes in transit to the United States," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said.
"Authorities were able to identify and examine two suspicious packages, one in East Midlands and one in Dubai. Both of these packages originated from Yemen."
Mr Gibbs said that, as a precaution, extra security measures were taken regarding other cargo planes at Newark and Philadelphia international airports in the United States.
"The President was notified of a potential terrorist threat on Thursday night at 10:35, by John Brennan, assistant to the president for homeland security and counter-terrorism," he said.
Developing Story: Military Jets Escorting Passenger Jet From Dubai to JFK Airport
Military Jets escorting passenger jet to JFK airport. Hand off to CAP US F15s from VA from NATO CF-18s.
DEVELOPING: Military jets are escorting a commercial passenger jet to JFK airport in New York.
The flight, which contains a package from Yemen, was escorted by Canadian F-18s to the the U.S. border and has since been picked up by two American F-15s.
An FBI official told Reuters there was no known threat associated with the flight.
Federal authorities were stepping up aviation security precautions after cargo planes were grounded at two U.S. airports in response to suspicious packages that may have been part of a "dry run" for a future Al Qaeda plot.
Wild Thing's comment........
There was a middle eastern flight that was due to land in New York about now. Fox is now saying that the flight being escorted by F-15’s originated in Yemen. Passenger jet.
THIS is what makes them incompetent. If Obama knew about these threats last night at 10:35 EST, why were these planes even allowed to enter our airspace today??
Statement of White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs
They said it orginated in Yemen and was being escorted by Canadian military until it got to our border. Then we took over.
I am assuming at this point they are just using an abundance of caution due to the point of origin.
I think that everything that has gone on today will remind voters why NOT to ever trust the Obama Administration..for God’s sake they wished Ahmadenejad a happy birthday today..this man wants to wipe Israel off the map and they wish him a happy birthday..I hope this resonates with voters on the 2nd
The idiot who happens to be the spokesman for the US State Dept has posted the above tweets a few hours ago congratulating Ahmadinejad on his birthday. What's this? A circus or the foreign policy establishment of a once noble superpower? Whose side are you on, Obama? What a spectacular failure Obama and his team have been in the past 2 years.quote and tweet information ( I do not tweet so got it from another place) from The Spirit of Man blog
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:05 PM | Comments (1)
October 23, 2010
Cafe Owner Ordered To Remove Extractor Fan...'smell of frying bacon offends Muslims'
Just for you freaking Muslims that read this blog. GEICO PIGGY Commercial ~ LOL I love this one it makes me laugh every time. Geico has such great commercials. ~ Wild Thing
Cafe owner ordered to remove extractor fan because neighbour claimed 'smell of frying bacon offends Muslims'
hard-working cafe owner has been ordered to tear down an extractor fan - because the smell of her frying bacon 'offends' Muslims.
Planning bosses acted against Beverley Akciecek, 49, after being told her next-door neighbour's Muslim friends had felt 'physically sick' due to the 'foul odour'.
Councillors at Stockport Council in Greater Manchester say the smell from the fan is 'unacceptable on the grounds of residential amenity'.
The fan has been in Beverley's Snack Shack takeaway in the Shaw Heath area of the town for the past three years.
Mrs Akciecek and her husband Cetin, 50, - himself a Turkish Muslim - work more than 50 hours a week buying, preparing and cooking hot and cold sandwiches and hot-pots for their customers.
Today mother-of-seven Mrs Akciecek said she plans to appeal against the decision.
She said: 'I just think it's crazy. Cetin's friends actually visit the shop, they're regular visitors, they're Muslim people, they come in a couple of times a week.
'I have Muslim people come in for cheese toasties. Cetin cooks the food himself, he cooks the bacon.
'When we go to a cafe my husband wouldn't be offended by the smell of bacon. His friends are not offended by it, we have three visitors who come here for a sandwich, friends of my husband, and the smell doesn't offend them at all.
'My brother-in-law doesn't flinch if he comes and we've just taken out three trays of bacon.
'I'm going to find a local councillor. I'm waiting for the letter so I can appeal.'
The couple took over the take-away in 2007 from the previous owner and replaced the existing extractor fan, which had been there for six years, with a new modern one.
They claim they received no complaints about the cafe which is open from 7.30am-2.30pm six days a week, until around 18 months ago when they received a letter from environmental services to say their neighbour Graham Webb-Lee had complained about the smell.
Mrs Akciecek said: 'We've never had a problem about the smell because everything is pre-cooked. We cook it in the oven so there's no foul smell.
'It's pre-cooked so the smell isn't as strong when we're frying it off. It's like living next to someone who's cooking a Sunday breakfast but it's not constant it's just in the morning.
'It's been a sandwich shop for about eight years, cooking exactly the same stuff. The lady before me did double because they were actually building new houses across the road so she was really busy. She was here from 6am-4pm because they were so busy.
'They were there before me but they were also there when the lady who owns the business was here and she was doing double what we are. She had five staff, you can imagine how bust that shop was and they never complained at all.'
They say that the council's environmental services had been out to inspect their property after their neighbour complained about a foul odour last year, but they ruled that the smell was not causing a problem.
Mrs Akciecek said: 'Environmental services said everything is ok. They kept coming back and guaging it and said there was no problem and because they didn't take any action (the neighbours) complained again.'
The couple had never applied for planning permission as they had simply replaced an existing extractor fan with one of the same size and in the same position, but, following further complaints from their neighbour, they were informed by the council they would have to apply retrospectively as an objection had been raised.
They applied for planning permission in May this year, but the application was refused at a meeting of Stockport Area Committee on October 14.
Mr Webb-Lee objected to the aplication - complaining that his Muslim friends refused to visit him becase they 'can't stand the smell of bacon'.
Mrs Akciecek, who also attended the meeting, said: 'He said he had a daughter with an eating disorder, the Muslim friends, and the bad smell all the time is making his clothes smell.
'The councillors agreed with him without even asking me what I thought. It was as if they didn't even realise I was there.
'This cafe is our only source of income. There are only two of us working, we haven't got any staff anymore. We work seven hours in the shop and my husband goes to the cash and carry and has all the prep work to do. We're working long hours. He does about 50 hours a week easy and I'm working about the same and we work Saturdays.
'The shop will be a lot harder work. It will be a good hour a day washing the walls down, I will not work anywhere with the grease falling down the walls. We can't move it anywhere.
'I'm not going to accept it and we're going to fight it.'
Mr Webb-Lee said: 'The vent is 12 inches from my front door. Every morning the smell of bacon comes through and makes me physically sick.
'I have a lot of Muslim friends. They refuse to visit me anymore because they can't stand the smell of bacon.'
A spokesman for Stockport Council said: 'The retrospective application was rejected on the grounds of residential amenity, as the committee felt the odours given off from the vent were unacceptable for neighbouring residents.
'We will ensure that the cafe complies with this decision and removes the extractor fan.'
Wild Thing's comment...........
Bacon cooking smells good. It will probably have to be replaced with Teargas and later Napalm.
Having a Muslim living next door to me would offend me.
The religion of peace?, dismantling world sanity, one piece at a time.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:44 AM | Comments (5)
October 22, 2010
Megyn Kelly Interviews Horrible CAIR's Ibrahim Hooper
Megyn Kelly to CAIR Exec: 'Happy Now?'
Fox News’ Megyn Kelly in an interview with the National Communications Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). They went back and forth over the firing of liberal commentator Juan Williams by National Public Radio (NPR) simply because he honestly stated on The O’Reilly Factor that he gets nervous on airplanes when he sees people dressed in full Muslim garb. For that, the far-Left NPR – which worships at the altar of political correctness – fired Williams.
Kelly pressed CAIR Director – Ibrahim Hooper – on whether or not he’s “happy now” with the firing. Hooper would never admit they wanted Williams fired, but Kelly was having none of that. She eventually moved on to asking Hooper if he really believes this kind of travesty actually helps his organization in the minds of the American public. It was clear he could not care less about what the public thinks.
Wild Thing's comment.........
CAIR is one of the enemies in our country. During the Bush administration, CAIR was on the FBI terrorist list.
Megyn Kelly rocks!
I’m freaking sick of Muslims telling us what we can/cannot say!
From Jihad Watch ....
Hooper joined roughly a dozen leaders of various Muslim groups in staging a "sit in" in front of the State Department in June 2001. During the event, American Muslim Council Director Ali Ramadan Abu Zakouk "preached violence" by labeling the mass murder of innocent civilians in suicide bombing attacks as a "God-given right."
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (5)
Republican Senator Jim DeMint Introduce Legislation To Cut Federal Funding To NPR
NPR CEO: Williams' Views Should Stay Between Himself And "His Psychiatrist"
Juan Williams should have kept his feelings about Muslims between himself and his psychiatrist or his publicist.”
Republican Senator Jim DeMint has confirmed that he will introduce legislation to cut federal funding from NPR
Republican Senator Jim DeMint has confirmed that he will introduce legislation to cut federal funding from NPR after they fired analyst Juan Williams for makinginsensitive comments about Muslims on Fox. The Right’s war on NPR has begun in earnest!
Last night The O’Reilly Factor, Bill O’Reilly followed his Fox colleague Mike Huckabee in calling for “an immediate suspension of all public money going to NPR” because of Williams’ firing. He also added, “We understand [South Carolina] Senator Jim Demint will legislation to defund that enterprise. No taxpayer money should be going to an outfit that abuses free speech.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
That NPR CEO Vivian Schiller is really horrible.
The thing about this whole thing is that it is happening to many people. PC has destroyed so much of our freedom of speech and that is what this is about. Juan simply stated how he felt and he got fired. We have heard about this kind of thing happening with others, and schools doing this to students as well. It has to be stopped.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (6)
October 15, 2010
Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg Storm Off 'The View' During Argument With Bill O'Reilly About 'Ground Zero Mosque'
Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg flipping out and walking off the set of “The View” because Bill O’Reilly dared to speak the unspeakable – that Muslims orchestrated the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans on September 11.
O’Reilly had been explaining that President Obama’s support of the Ground Zero Mosque is an example of where he is disconnected from the will of the American People.
Of course, what Bill said is absolutely true.
Laura Ingraham Responds To 'The View': "We're at a Point In Our Country Where You Can't Say Something True Without Getting Jumped
Laura Ingraham pointed out Behar’s blatant hypocrisy
Wild Thing's comment.........
He was doing good for the first time in eons and then he backed down. He also didn’t bother to explain that the Mosque builder is an extremist. And that the majority of Muslims worldwide think the Mosque placement was provocative.
When he had Laura on his show later in the day yesterday there is something else to note about O'reilly. It shows he should have been much more up on what Joy Behar and the things she has said in the past and her hate mongering toward Christians etc. Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin and many others would have been loaded with information that O'reilly has been ignoring too much. Wake up BILL and realize you cannot win by kissing up to the enemy.
I don't watch The View, but I saw this video at YouTube and wanted to show it to you. I have exactly zero respect for any of these people, Bill O'reilly included.
The incident is interesting however, in that it underscores the sham of any leftist ‘dialogue’. It is always their way or the highway.
I really like Neil Cavuto and I like Cavuto’s remark. . .”The program is called the VIEW, not VIEWS”. . .Obviously, no one is allowed to give a different view from these left wing nut jobs. Just think, they get paid to sit around and show how ignorant they are!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (8)
October 06, 2010
Muslim Terrorist Meets German Engineering
German Engineering vs. Muslim Terrorist Technology
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL soooo good!!!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (4)
October 04, 2010
Muslim Cleric: "The Flag of Islam will one day fly over the White House"
“CHOUDARY: we do believe, as Muslims, the East and the West will one day be governed by the Sharia. Indeed, we believe that one day, the flag of Islam will fly over the White House.”
British Islamic Leader Anjem Choudary destroying a well-crafted attempt by a panel discussion led by Christianne Amanpour to portray Islam as actually a peaceful, moderate religion that no one needs to fear. Franklin Graham had attempted to tell the truth about Islam, but many on the panel had worked hard to try and dispel what he had said.
Amanpour then turned to Anjem Choudary from London, who made it clear that any practicing Muslim wants Sharia Law to hold sway all over the world – including in America.
He crowned his statement by answering Amanpour’s question if Americans should fear Islam this way:
“Indeed we believe that one day the flag of Islam will fly over the White House.”
Since Amanpour has taken helm of “This Week” from Jake Tapper, the program has suffered its lowest ratings since 2003. Perhaps the recent direction of the program is an indicator.
Rev. Franklin Graham told an audience today that Islam is wicked and evil and wants to build as many mosques as possible.
Rev. Franklin Graham, the son of Rev. Billy Graham, called Islam “wicked” and “evil” on Sunday during a televised town hall-style discussion about American’s feelings about the religion.
“They want to build as many mosques and cultural centers as they possibly can so they can convert as many Americans as they can to Islam,” Graham said on ABC’s “This Week.”
Graham went on to profess his love for “the Muslim people,” but said he has “great difficulty with the religion.”
“Especially with Sharia law and what it does for women – toward women, toward non-believers, the violence that is given in – under Sharia law,” Graham said.
Graham made his remarks as part of a discussion led by Christine Amanpour that included Islamic activist Daisy Khan, former GOP presidential candidate Gary Bauer, two 9/11 families, and various figures with a range of views on Islam and its role in the United States.
Another one on the show was Daisy Khan the wife of the Imam Rauf that are bound and determined to build the NY Mosque at Ground Zero area.
Daisy Khan and her husband Imam Rauf have been ripping off the taxpayers for decades. They are being sued by Union City. Daisy and Rauf took millions of taxpayer monies -- they snagged more than $2 million in public financing to renovate low-income apartments. Rauf kept the money and never made the repairs. He took the money and forced good people to live with vermin and dilapidation.
Rauf and his wife, Daisy the Con, listed their one-bedroom apartment as a mosque in order to conduct what amounts to tax fraud. Rauf got the wildly valuable tax-exempt status for his Muslim organization after deceiving the IRS. He claimed as many as 500 of its members prayed in that tiny one bedroom apartment (also listed as Daisy's residence). Rauf sought "church status" -- to avoid paying taxes.
This Daisy Khan then claimed she has received threats, but she wouldn't have guards because "this was America," and she didn't want to cost the taxpayer money.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali was forced to leave the Netherlands because of the threats on her head. She was raised a Muslim in Somalia but fled her country and renounced Islam -- she has since received death threats for condemning Islamic jihad.
KHAN: First of all, I think that if we have to create a counter against extremism, it's Muslims who have to lead that. And it has to be Muslims like myself and people in the audience and around the country. But with the assistance of people of other faiths and other persuasions. And we have to -- we have to run an interference. I'll give an example of this. Terry Jones was about to burn the Koran. And who ran the interference? It was the evangelical community against their own, because they said, "You do not represent Christianity. And you are not going to sit and go this place and tell them they can't establish a mosque. And you're not going to sit and talk to this imam because we said so." This is what we Muslims want to do, but you have tied our hands. You don't allow us to do this because you brand somebody like me as an extremist, and throw me into the arms of al-Qaeda.
HIRSI: You are sitting here at ABC TV, you've got a great job --
HIRSI: You have freedom to move anywhere, no one is throwing you anywhere. your rights are protected. I think that it's your perception of being a victim, and I think that's --
KHAN: I am not a victim, Ayaan. Stop calling me that. You're the one running with all the bodyguards.
ALI: no you are
GADIEL: she needs it
KHAN: Let me answer. For the record. My life is under threat.
Gary BAUER: Yes, we all are, anybody in --
KHAN: No, hold on one second.
Gary BAUER: Anybody in public life, in a free society has nuts that threaten their lives. everyone.
KHAN: Check with the police department. My husband's life is under threat. We do not walk around with bodyguards, because we love this country.
Gary BAUER: Oh, come on.
KHAN: We don't walk around with big bodyguards.
Gary BAUER: You don't have to, and you don't have to --
KHAN: Because we don't want use taxpayer's money.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Christianne Amanpour is pushing Islam and has been for a long time. This whole show on Sunday that she did was sickening and she pushed hard for the pro Islamics take over the debate.
Don't you just love how there is a concentrated effort from the left to push Islam on us.
Also I have my doubts about anything that Daisy Khan said. The thing is Muslims lie and we can never believe them.
British Islamic Leader Anjem Choudary comments and the one about the flag of islam flying over the WH one day.
Just the fact that Hussein Obama got elected after 9/11, and with obscured resume, tells us how easy a task this is for them if this does happen with the islam flag. I pray with all my heart it never happens but with Obama in office I honestly am very concerned. One thing the muslims are forgetting, there is a spirit that prevails in well over half of America of a love for our country that the left does not have. And when it comes to fighting back all hell will break out if it does come to flying the islam flag like he said or shaira law happening.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (14)
September 30, 2010
After Pressure From CAIR, Disneyland Allows MUSLIM Park Worker To Wear Hijab
Disneyland allows park worker to wear religious scarf at work
Disneyland has agreed to allow a company intern to wear her religious headscarf at work, according to a Muslim rights group that intervened after the woman was told she would have to work in the stockroom.
The Chicago woman was hired as a vacation planner after a phone interview. When she arrived in California for her internship orientation, she was asked by Disney representatives why she had not mentioned her hijab, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
The woman was told she would have to take a position with less guest interaction, working in the stockroom until a “customized uniform” could be made, according to the group.
She was told that making the customized uniform would take about five months, approximately the length of her entire internship, according to CAIR.
The group intervened, and after a week Disney agreed to accommodate the woman in her original position as a vacation planner, it said.
Vacation planners are costumed employees, whose outfits include an optional baseball-style cap. Unlike other employees, the worker in question will not have the option to take off her hat while wearing her head scarf, Brown said. Vacation planners sell tickets in a box office.
Suzi Brown, a spokeswoman for Disneyland Resort, said the employee would be allowed to wear a fitted blue head scarf with a beret-style hat worn over it.
Vacation planners are costumed employees, whose outfits include an optional baseball-style cap. Unlike other employees, the worker in question will not have the option to take off her hat while wearing her head scarf, Brown said. Vacation planners sell tickets in a box office.
"Walt Disney Parks and Resorts has a long history of accommodating a variety of religious requests from cast members of all faiths with more than 200 accommodations made over the last three years," Brown said. “And this instance was no different."]
The organization has received other complaints over the years from Muslim women who said they have been denied "front-stage jobs" with Disney because of their hijabs.
A Muslim woman who works as a hostess at a Disney-owned restaurant filed a discrimination complaint earlier this year, saying she has repeatedly been sent home without pay for refusing to remove her headscarf at work.
Imane Boudlal, a hostess at Storyteller's Cafe in Disney's Grand Californian Hotel and Spa, said she was told she would have to remove her hijab or take a job working out of public view.
That case is ongoing, according to CAIR.
UPDATE: Disney officials said they in the process of accomodating the intern's religious requirement and had already come up with a design when CAIR became involved in the case.]
Wild Thing's comment.......
How disappointing! We don't go to Disneyland to be forced to look at someone's religious attire, we go to escape reality!
Will a burqua be next?
CAIR is a terrorist supporting organization that is stepping beyond its borders.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (10)
September 28, 2010
Brigitte Gabriel Speaking at at Duke University
Some history of Brigitte Gabriel:
Brigitte Gabriel was born in 1965 in Lebanon to a Christian family.
According to Gabriel, during the Lebanese Civil War, militants launched an assault on a Lebanese military base near her family's house and bombed her home during a national attempt to overrun the Lebanese government. In April 1975 and following the collapse of the Lebanese Army, many Lebanese Christian militiamen found themselves defending their own homes and were heavily engaged in street fights against the Palestinian militias and the Lebanese National Movement(Leftist). Just ten years old at the time, Brigitte was severely injured and spent 2 1/2 months in a hospital recovering. Gabriel was the only child of elderly parents. Their life savings were destroyed in the bombings, as well as their money, their restaurant and their rental rooms.
Gabriel reports that she and her parents were forced to live in an 8'x10' bomb shelter underground for seven years with only a small kerosene heater, no sanitary systems, no electricity or running water and little food. To get water she states that she had to crawl in a ditch alongside a road to a spring in order to evade Muslim snipers.
Later, in 1978, Gabriel's says a man warned her family of an impending attack on Christians by militias. She says that her life was saved that night when Israelis invaded Lebanon in Operation Litani. Later, her mother was seriously injured and was taken to an Israeli hospital where Gabriel noted the humanity of the Israelis in contrast to the propaganda against the Jews she says she saw as a child.
Gabriel is a former news anchor for World News, the Arabic evening news broadcast for Middle East Television a Christian television station seen throughout Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. She covered the Israeli withdrawal from central Lebanon, the Israeli Security Zone and the Palestinian uprising in the West Bank and Gaza.
Gabriel emigrated to the United States in 1989 and founded a television production, marketing and advertising agency.
Gabriel is the founder of the conservative ACT! (American Congress for Truth) for America, a non-profit issues advocacy organization. ACT! for America has hundreds of chapters across America and members in 20 countries outside of America.
She is the author of the New York Times Bestseller BECAUSE THEY HATE: A Survivor of Terror Warns America, and THEY MUST BE STOPPED: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It.
"Radical Islamists are telling us exactly where they stand and what are their intentions. We are refusing to understand their simple words and how serious they are in their faith and its commandments.""
She gave this at Duke University also In today's world, this has to be considered .
Editor's Note: Below are selected excerpts from Brigitte Gabriel's speech delivered at the Intelligence Summit in Washington DC
We gather here today to share information and knowledge. Intelligence is not merely cold hard data about numerical strength or armament or disposition of military forces. The most important element of intelligence has to be understanding the mindset and intention of the enemy. The West has been wallowing in a state of ignorance and denial for thirty years as Muslim extremist perpetrated evil against innocent victims in the name of Allah.
I was ten years old when my home exploded around me, burying me under the rubble and leaving me to drink my blood to survive, as the perpetrators shouted, 'Allah Akbar!' My only crime was that I was a Christian living in a Christian town. At 10 years old, I learned the meaning of the word 'infidel.'
I had a crash course in survival. Not in the Girl Scouts, but in a bomb shelter where I lived for seven years in pitch darkness, freezing cold, drinking stale water and eating grass to live. At the age of 13, dressed in my burial clothes going to bed at night, waiting to be slaughtered. By the age of 20, I had buried most of my friends--killed by Muslims. We were not Americans living in New York , or Britons in London . We were Arab Christians living in Lebanon .
As a victim of Islamic terror, I was amazed when I saw Americans waking up on September 12, 2001, and asking themselves 'Why do they hate us?' The psychoanalyst experts were coming up with all sort of excuses as to what did we do to offend the Muslim World. But if America and the West were paying attention to the Middle East they would not have had to ask the question. Simply put, they hate us because we are defined in their eyes by one simple word: 'infidels.'
Under the banner of Islam 'la, ilaha illa Allah, muhammad
rasoulu Allah,' (None is god except Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) they murdered Jewish children in Israel, massacred Christians in Lebanon, killed Copts in Egypt, Assyrians in Syria, Hindus in India, and expelled almost 900,000 Jews from Muslim lands. We Middle Eastern infidels paid the price then. Now infidels worldwide are paying the price for indifference and shortsightedness.
Tolerating evil is a crime. Appeasing murderers doesn't buy protection. It earns one disrespect and loathing in the enemy's eyes. Yet apathy is the weapon by which the West is committing suicide. Political correctness forms the shackles around our ankles, by which Islamist's are leading us to our demise.
America and the West are doomed to failure in this war unless they stand up and identify the real enemy: Islam. You hear about Cahaba and Salafi Islam as the only extreme form of Islam. All the other Muslims, supposedly, are wonderful moderates. Closer to the truth are the pictures of the irrational eruption of violence in reaction to the cartoons of Mohammed printed by a Danish newspaper. From burning embassies, to calls to butcher those who mock Islam, to warnings that the West be prepared for another holocaust, those pictures have given us a glimpse into the real face of the enemy. News pictures and video of these events represent a canvas of hate decorated by different nationalities who share one common ideology of hate, bigotry and intolerance derived from one source: authentic Islam. An Islam that is awakening fr om centuries of slumber to re-ignite its wrath against the infidel and dominate the world. An Islam which has declared 'Intifada' on the West.
America and the West can no longer afford to lay in their lazy state of overweight ignorance. The consequences of this mental disease are starting to attack the body, and if they don't take the necessary steps now to control it, death will be knocking soon. If you want to understand the nature of the enemy we face, visualize a tapestry of snakes. They slither and they hiss, and they would eat each other alive, but they will unite in a hideous mass to achieve their common goal of imposing Islam on the world.
This is the ugly face of the enemy we are fighting. We are fighting a powerful ideology that is capable of altering basic human instincts. An ideology that can turn a mother into a launching pad of death. A perfect example is a recently elected Hamas official in the Palestinian Territories who raves in heavenly joy about sending her three sons to death and offering the ones who are still alive for the cause. It is an ideology that is capable of offering highly educated individuals such as doctors and lawyers far more joy in attaining death than any respect and stature life in society is ever capable of giving them.
The United States has been a prime target for radical Islamic hatred and terror. Every Friday, mosques in the Middle East ring with shrill prayers and monotonous chants calling death, destruction and damnation down on America and its people. The radical Islamist deeds have been as vile as their words. Since the Iran hostage crisis, more than three thousand Americans have died in a terror campaign almost unprecedented in its calculated cruelty along with thousands of other citizens worldwide. Even the Nazis did not turn their own children into human bombs, and then rejoice at their deaths as well the deaths of their victims. This intentional, indiscriminate and wholesale murder of innocent American citizens is justified and glorified in the name of Islam.
America cannot effectively defend itself in this war unl ess and until the American people understand the nature of the enemy that we face. Even after 9/11 there are those who say that we must engage our terrorist enemies, that we must address their grievances. Their grievance is our freedom of religion. Their grievance is our freedom of speech. Their grievance is our democratic process where the rule of law comes from the voices of many not that of just one prophet. It is the respect we instill in our children towards all religions. It is the equality we grant each other as human beings sharing a planet and striving to make the world a better place for all humanity. Their grievance is the kindness and respect a man shows a woman, the justice we practice as equals under the law, and the mercy we grant our enemy. Their grievance cannot be answered by an apology for who or what we are.
Our mediocre attitude of not confronting Islamic forces of bigotry and hatred wherever they raised their ugly head in the last 30 years, has empowered and strengthened our enemy to launch a full scale attack on the very freedoms we cherish in their effort to impose their values and way of life on our civilization.
If we don't wake up and challenge our Muslim community to take action against the terrorists within it, if we don't believe in ourselves as Americans and in the standards we should hold every patriotic American to, we are going to pay a price for our delusion. For the sake of our children and our country, we must wake up and take action. In the face of a torrent of hateful invective and terrorist murder, America 's learning curve since the Iran hostage crisis is so shallow that it is almost flat. The longer we lay supine, the more difficult it will be to stand erect.
This is all coming true. A non-patriot is President of this great country. He has openly admitted his Muslim roots and his sympathy for all Muslims. How can this happen?? APATHY, that's how!!! Send this around.
Brigitte Gabriel is an expert on the Middle East conflict and lectures nationally and internationally on the subject. She's the former news anchor of World News for Middle East television and the founder of AmericanCongressforTruthcom
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She gave this at Duke University also In today's world, this has to be considered .
Editor's Note: Below are selected excerpts from Brigitte Gabriel's speech delivered at the Intelligence Summit in Washington DC
We gather here today to share information and knowledge. Intelligence is not merely cold hard data about numerical strength or armament or disposition of military forces. The most important element of intelligence has to be understanding the mindset and intention of the enemy. The West has been wallowing in a state of ignorance and denial for thirty years as Muslim extremist perpetrated evil against innocent victims in the name of Allah.
I was ten years old when my home exploded around me, burying me under the rubble and leaving me to drink my blood to survive, as the perpetrators shouted, 'Allah Akbar!' My only crime was that I was a Christian living in a Christian town. At 10 years old, I learned the meaning of the word 'infidel.'
I had a crash course in survival. Not in the Girl Scouts, but in a bomb shelter where I lived for seven years in pitch darkness, freezing cold, drinking stale water and eating grass to live. At the age of 13, dressed in my burial clothes going to bed at night, waiting to be slaughtered. By the age of 20, I had buried most of my friends--killed by Muslims. We were not Americans living in New York , or Britons in London . We were Arab Christians living in Lebanon .
As a victim of Islamic terror, I was amazed when I saw Americans waking up on September 12, 2001, and asking themselves 'Why do they hate us?' The psychoanalyst experts were coming up with all sort of excuses as to what did we do to offend the Muslim World. But if America and the West were paying attention to the Middle East they would not have had to ask the question. Simply put, they hate us because we are defined in their eyes by one simple word: 'infidels.'
Under the banner of Islam 'la, ilaha illa Allah, muhammad
rasoulu Allah,' (None is god except Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) they murdered Jewish children in Israel, massacred Christians in Lebanon, killed Copts in Egypt, Assyrians in Syria, Hindus in India, and expelled almost 900,000 Jews from Muslim lands. We Middle Eastern infidels paid the price then. Now infidels worldwide are paying the price for indifference and shortsightedness.
Tolerating evil is a crime. Appeasing murderers doesn't buy protection. It earns one disrespect and loathing in the enemy's eyes. Yet apathy is the weapon by which the West is committing suicide. Political correctness forms the shackles around our ankles, by which Islamist's are leading us to our demise.
America and the West are doomed to failure in this war unless they stand up and identify the real enemy: Islam. You hear about Cahaba and Salafi Islam as the only extreme form of Islam. All the other Muslims, supposedly, are wonderful moderates. Closer to the truth are the pictures of the irrational eruption of violence in reaction to the cartoons of Mohammed printed by a Danish newspaper. From burning embassies, to calls to butcher those who mock Islam, to warnings that the West be prepared for another holocaust, those pictures have given us a glimpse into the real face of the enemy. News pictures and video of these events represent a canvas of hate decorated by different nationalities who share one common ideology of hate, bigotry and intolerance derived from one source: authentic Islam. An Islam that is awakening fr om centuries of slumber to re-ignite its wrath against the infidel and dominate the world. An Islam which has declared 'Intifada' on the West.
America and the West can no longer afford to lay in their lazy state of overweight ignorance. The consequences of this mental disease are starting to attack the body, and if they don't take the necessary steps now to control it, death will be knocking soon. If you want to understand the nature of the enemy we face, visualize a tapestry of snakes. They slither and they hiss, and they would eat each other alive, but they will unite in a hideous mass to achieve their common goal of imposing Islam on the world.
This is the ugly face of the enemy we are fighting. We are fighting a powerful ideology that is capable of altering basic human instincts. An ideology that can turn a mother into a launching pad of death. A perfect example is a recently elected Hamas official in the Palestinian Territories who raves in heavenly joy about sending her three sons to death and offering the ones who are still alive for the cause. It is an ideology that is capable of offering highly educated individuals such as doctors and lawyers far more joy in attaining death than any respect and stature life in society is ever capable of giving them.
The United States has been a prime target for radical Islamic hatred and terror. Every Friday, mosques in the Middle East ring with shrill prayers and monotonous chants calling death, destruction and damnation down on America and its people. The radical Islamist deeds have been as vile as their words. Since the Iran hostage crisis, more than three thousand Americans have died in a terror campaign almost unprecedented in its calculated cruelty along with thousands of other citizens worldwide. Even the Nazis did not turn their own children into human bombs, and then rejoice at their deaths as well the deaths of their victims. This intentional, indiscriminate and wholesale murder of innocent American citizens is justified and glorified in the name of Islam.
America cannot effectively defend itself in this war unl ess and until the American people understand the nature of the enemy that we face. Even after 9/11 there are those who say that we must engage our terrorist enemies, that we must address their grievances. Their grievance is our freedom of religion. Their grievance is our freedom of speech. Their grievance is our democratic process where the rule of law comes from the voices of many not that of just one prophet. It is the respect we instill in our children towards all religions. It is the equality we grant each other as human beings sharing a planet and striving to make the world a better place for all humanity. Their grievance is the kindness and respect a man shows a woman, the justice we practice as equals under the law, and the mercy we grant our enemy. Their grievance cannot be answered by an apology for who or what we are.
Our mediocre attitude of not confronting Islamic forces of bigotry and hatred wherever they raised their ugly head in the last 30 years, has empowered and strengthened our enemy to launch a full scale attack on the very freedoms we cherish in their effort to impose their values and way of life on our civilization.
If we don't wake up and challenge our Muslim community to take action against the terrorists within it, if we don't believe in ourselves as Americans and in the standards we should hold every patriotic American to, we are going to pay a price for our delusion. For the sake of our children and our country, we must wake up and take action. In the face of a torrent of hateful invective and terrorist murder, America 's learning curve since the Iran hostage crisis is so shallow that it is almost flat. The longer we lay supine, the more difficult it will be to stand erect.
This is all coming true. A non-patriot is President of this great country. He has openly admitted his Muslim roots and his sympathy for all Muslims. How can this happen?? APATHY, that's how!!! Send this around.
Brigitte Gabriel is an expert on the Middle East conflict and lectures nationally and internationally on the subject. She's the former news anchor of World News for Middle East television and the founder of AmericanCongressforTruthcom..
Wild Thing's comment.........
Brigitte Gabriel is an awesome person.
Brigitte Gabriel’s book is unforgettable and a real page-turner — I couldn’t put it down. People have to understand the threat. Her life story is astonishing. Thank God she has come through it all; her parents and her country weren’t so lucky.
She is passionate about stopping ‘Sharia law’ and other intrusions in to our way of life.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (5)
September 23, 2010
Ground Zero Imam Exposed Off-Mic
Check out Rauf “off-mic”
Ground Zero Imam Exposed Off-Mic
“Bridge builder” Imam Feisal Abdel Rauf, the Muslim cleric behind plans for the Ground Zero mosque, has now been exposed as a man of shrewd cunning and as a calculating stealth jihadist who supports the creation of an Islamic State, “The Ummah,” right here in America.
An interview has surfaced in which, after being assured that it has ended, Imam Rauf speaks “off-the-record” and reveals some intriguing plans and views that he has regarding America and the world. The interview, given on June 20th, 2006, sees Rauf speaking about his “game plan” for achieving an Islamic State without borders, which — in his mind — has previously existed and should have continued to exist, if not for Western interference in the last century.
The Ground Zero mosque imam also discusses some of his other objectives which include: (1) manipulating U.S. foreign policy, (2) advocating for Hamas and (3) getting “power” on his side to push back the opposing “interests.” In one part of the “post-interview,” he also boasts that he advised and influenced former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and that he has a blurb on the back of one of her books.
To get a closer look at the psychology and true “game plan” of Imam Rauf, let’s take a closer look at some of the more intriguing quotes from him in this interview:
“9/11 was a watershed, was a major catalytic force in, in catalyzing the attention towards the issue of Islam, it’s presence in the West.”
This quote clearly reveals that the Imam sees 9/11 mainly as a major opportunity, a milestone in advancing Islam. In other words, he holds that the murder of 3,000 Americans is now facilitating the work of nice “moderate’ Imams like himself in America.
“How America should really engage with them [Hamas]…Helping her [Madeline Albright] understand the role of religion. She supported a Jewish State in the Middle East; why not support an Islamic State?”
When Rauf learned that the interview was over, he opens up regarding his advocacy for Hamas and how he advised and influenced former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright — with whom he claimed to have had constant contact. Rauf warns of the need to deal with Hamas lest we lose this organization to bad guys, like Syria or Iran, as if Hamas is not bad enough on its own. This is the same threat this ‘man of peace’ is warning America with — to never upset the Islamic street “or else.”
“We have designed our Cordoba Initiative to be designed, in other words, we have 5 major areas of our program. So we have foreign policy, is one area, you have communications is another area, you have education as the third area, for example, you have intra-Islamic issues is the fourth area, arts and culture is the fifth area.”
Why would Cordoba, which he claims to be a “cultural center,” have a “foreign policy” section that would develop “strategy action play”? What is it exactly he going to educate Americans about? Will he send Muslim coaches to American schools to teach sensitivity training to watch out for the feelings of Muslims? Or might he demand to educate American kids about how to pray to Allah?
“If the entertainment media, the news media, was broadcasted in print, describe and speak about the issues in a different way it can help change perceptions profoundly, because it’s the media, which helps shape perceptions to a great degree. So if we have strategic action plays, designed plays, in the area of foreign policy, in the area of healing the divide, and then you unpack and give up Israel. You then have to have your offensive coaching stuff, your offensive coach and defensive coach and your head coach, we have to have our Palestinian coach, etc.”
Rauf speaks here like a war strategist who wants to use the media to shape perceptions to promote his strategic action plays in the area of foreign policy. Rauf and I are both of Egyptian origin and I think he is still dreaming of the good old days when the Egyptian media propaganda machine I lived under and participated in was at its strongest. Before moving to America, I was a journalist and media censor in the Middle East News Agency. There is no other way to interpret what Rauf wants: to use the media the way the tyrants and dictators of the Middle East do: as a traditional Islamic tool of indoctrination, misinformation and propaganda.
Watch how clever Rauf inserts words like “healing the divide” right before hitting us with “you unpack and give up Israel.”
“I am the head coach of this strategic initiative and the President of the United States, or the President of Malaysia, or the President of England, is like a player you want to bring in for particular plays. We look at it as American football, you want to gain yardage.”
Are we supposed to believe that these are normal words of a peaceful Sufi cleric? What is it that he wants to win in yardage, one yard at a time? These are clearly grandiose plans of what appears to be a borderline delusional narcissist who admits he plans to manipulate U.S. foreign policy, the U.S. president, the “president” of England (someone please inform the Queen on that one!) whom he considers as just “players” in his grand scheme.
When he is asked who he considers to be “the enemy,” he answers:
“You have to make sure you are not pushed back, you have to make sure you have power on your side to be able to push the ball forward.” Is this ‘community building’ or a war strategy?
Mr. Rauf goes on to speak of his vision of the Islamic State:
“I don’t want a demographic Islamic State, it is not a part of our tradition and never was until recently.” He added “Egypt, Alexandria, had 400,000 Greeks” “We created the notion of demographic Nation State whereas before that they were all living together.”
Rauf has an illusion of an Islamic State that never was and never will be. For some reason, I’m hearing John Lennon’s song “Imagine” (there’s no countries… no borders etc).
Rauf’s true self, motives and objectives have been exposed in this interview. To him, the hard Jihad of 9/11 was just a catalytic beginning that facilitated his form of stealth Jihad. Soften the American public with a huge explosive terror act that divides Americans and sends their heads spinning, then comes Rauf to save the day with his community “bridge-building” at Ground Zero. To him, 9/11 was just a strategic move in an Islamic/Western chess game. With both violent and stealth jihad coordinating their efforts and by playing the old “good cop-bad cop” routine on the American psyche, Rauf aims at becoming the Muslim hero in America who will join those who want to break down America’s borders brick by brick until finally one day America is transformed into a Sharia-compliant Islamic state.
Faisal Rauf is the typical double-faced Islamist who speaks from both sides of his mouth. Even his book has one “nice” title in English to fool the West, while in Arabic it advocates Sharia from Ground Zero. While claiming that his mission is non-political, just community building, his interview not only exposes him but more importantly exposes Islam’s goals and the fact that “moderate” Islam can work in perfect harmony and in conjunction with radical Islam.
Imam Rauf is dangerous, but what is more dangerous is our State Department which has has been facilitating the agenda of a clearly megalomaniacal stealth jihadist.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Shouldn’t a drone be moving in on this guy by now? Obama actually has known terrorists representing this country! Uggghhh !
This scum is a jihadii and a big wig in the Sharia law movement.
We are all a witness to taqiyya in operation. More proof that there is no such thing as a moderate muslim- and they use taqqiyah to lie their way to their goals. Interesting word he uses “objectives”. It can be demonstrated that those “objectives” have to do with eventually bringing Sharia to all of America. Obama is obviously aiding the Imam to meet his objectives. Then there's the media.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (1)
September 21, 2010
Yes Obama Went To Church Last Sunday BUT To Hear A MUSLM Speaker!
Obama goes to church to hear a Muslim speaker!
Yesterday, on Sunday, September 19, 2010, the Obama family attended church for only the third time in a year. They went on foot to the St. John’s Episcopal Church situated across the Lafayette Park.
But what is widely not reported by the White House and the MSM is that on that particular Sunday in that particular church, Dr. Ziad Asali, M.D., a Muslim, founder and president of the American Task Force on Palestine, was the guest speaker. He was there to speak on the subject of “Prospects of the two-state solution in the Middle-East.”
According to the website of the American Task Force on Palestine, it is a “non-profit, non-partisan organization based in Washington, DC.
” The organization describes itself as “dedicated to advocating that it is in the American national interest to promote an end to the conflict in the Middle East through a negotiated agreement that provides for two states – Israel and Palestine – living side by side in peace and security.”
Dr. Ziad J. Asali is described as “a long-time activist on Middle East issues” who has testified to both chambers of Congress about Palestinian interests, increased U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority, and “Israel’s disproportionate use of force” in Gaza. A retired physician, Asali received his early medical training at the American University of Beirut. He previously served as President of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and Chairman of the American Committee on Jerusalem (ACJ), which he also co-founded He also served as the President of the Arab-American University Graduates (AAUG).
Next Sunday, September 26, 2010, another guest speaker, Dr. Aaron David Miller, a Public Policy Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, is scheduled to speak on the same subject. Dr. Miller was a State Department Analyst and Negotiator from 1978 to 2003. According to the Wilson Center, his expertise lies in US-Middle East relations, Arab-Israeli negotiations, Arab world and Palestinian politics and Israeli politics. He has appeared on major network television as a guest, and his writing has been internationally published. His latest published book is titled The Much Too Promised Land; America’s Elusive Search For Arab-Israeli Peace and was published in 2008.
Wild Thing's comment........
IMO, ANY “church” that invites such a speaker is no longer a Christian church. What kind of “Christian” church would invite a speaker from a heathen religion to spread their propaganda and false religion to their flock?
I also googled Miller and the church too, and Miller is a Progressive. And we all see that Muslims and Progressives are tight nowadays.
Speaking of Progressives, I did some online research on St John’s Church Lafayette Square and discovered their Progressive ties. Because the commenting software here rejects comments with more than one or two links, I can’t share all that I discovered. But here’s a bit of it.
From St John’s Church Lafayette Square web site:
St. John’s is a member of WIN, a faith-based grassroots political organization dedicated to improving the life of all residents of the District of Columbia. Founded in 1996, WIN is multi-faith, multi-racial and non-partisan. It has nearly fifty church, synagogue, union, and public school members, representing 25,000 families in every section of the city.
WIN is affiliated with the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), the oldest and largest community organizing network in the United States. with more than 60 faith-based community organizations across the nation, including BUILD in Baltimore, MD and AIM in Montgomery County, MD.
From the WIN web site:
Washington Interfaith Network
an affiliate of the Industrial Areas Foundation
From WIN’s FAQ page:
What is the IAF?
The IAF is the Industrial Areas Foundation, the country’s oldest and largest community organizing network. The IAF was founded in the 1940s by Saul Alinsky, who organized the country’s first neighborhood association, “The Back of the Yards Council,” in Chicago’s South side. Today, the IAF has affiliates in more than sixty cities. Each affiliates has its own name, sets its own agenda and hires its own lead organizer. The various affiliates come together for training and for regional leadership development. For more information on the IAF, visit
The entire WIN/IAF FAQ page – the entire WIN site, actually – is just as sickening as the paragraph copied, above.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (3)
September 17, 2010
Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Taken To Mosque on Field Trip and Pray To Allah
In late May of 2010, 6th graders from Wellesley, Massachusetts public middle school took a field trip to the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center - a controversial Saudi-funded mega-mosque run by the Muslim American Society of Bostn. This is also the largest mosque in the Northeast. There, the students were separated by gender and the boys were asked to join the Muslim adults in their prayer. Several of the public school boys took part.
Teachers did not intervene.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is really unbelieveable! A middle school takes a class trip to a local mosque, the kids get lectured on islam, and some of the male students actually join the members as they pray to allah.
THIS is insane, no Christmas songs in school programs, no decorations, no Christmas vacation, but pray to allah!
Nine years after 9-11 and who’s winning?
And, why would any AMERICAN ALLOW their child to attend. Unbelievable. Parents WAKE UP!
Similar things have also happened in affluent Amherst, NH:
Teacher puts head scarf on middle school student:
Saudi Night at the middle school:
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM
| Comments (4)
September 16, 2010
Ground Zero Mosque Imam Feisal Rauf the Slumlord is a No-show in New Jersey Court
Ground Zero mosque imam Feisal Rauf is a no-show in New Jersey court
While the Imam behind plans for a mosque near Ground Zero was jetting around the globe and advocating for his Downtown project, a pair of dilapidated apartment buildings he owns in New Jersey fell into such disrepair that cops have to stand watch in the event of a fire.
The fire watch, at taxpayer expense, was revealed during a court hearing today when Union City lawyers asked to have two buildings owned by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf placed into receivership so that rent s could be used to fix dozens of violations, including inoperable alarms and sprinklers.
Rauf skipped today’s hearing as did his wife Daisy Khan. Their lawyer, Tomas Espinosa, said he didn’t know why the Imam didn’t come to court.
“There have been a lot of stress on these people,” Espinosa said when asked after the hearing to explain why Rauf was a no-show “The legal process will show that my client is an honorable man that has taken care of his property.”
Asked why he was confident that Rauf would prevail, Espinosa said of the Imam, “There is integrity and character,” adding, “He is a man of peace.”
But Union City officials insist Rauf is a slumlord.
Christine Vanek, a lawyer for Union City, said cops were put on fire watch rather than evict tenants from 16 apartments in one of the buildings after a Sept. 7 inspection determined there was an imminent hazard. Rauf, she said, did not respond to an order to hire a private fire patrol.
“The city immediately put a police officer there and sent a detail officer, which means we have to pay over-time,” Vanek said of putting an extra cop on duty just to watch Rauf’s building. She did not say how much it is costing Union City, and other officials did not return calls for that information.
Espinosa, however, said he was told a fire alarm contractor has been working at the building and is putting together a plan to fix the alarms and sprinklers.
But Judge Thomas Olivieri bristled when Espinosa said he had no documents to show what work was done or what might be planned and then asked the judge for more time “to come here with a total picture of what has been done.”
“The allegation here is that nothing has been done,” Olivieri said. “The city is spending taxpayer money to put a fire person, man or woman, at the building that is occupied to monitor it so that there’s not a fire that occurs.”
Olivieri then blasted Espinosa for coming to court empty-handed.
"There is no reason whatsoever, none, in the last 48 hours why your client could not have submitted something to you that hyou could have submitted to the court. this is serious. I am somewhat suprrised that I have nothing from the defense -- nothing
"And I reject that you were busy and they were busy," the judge said.
But Olivieri didn’t immediately appoint a receiver to run the building, as the city requested. Instead, he gave Espinosa a Sept. 23 court date to produce plans and evidence of Rauf’s efforts to address all the building violations, or then face loss of control over the apartment buildings.
Union City filed its lawsuit against Rauf on Monday, charging that he has refused to comply with dozens of building violations, some dating back to 1996 for two properties he owns at 2206 Central Ave.
One of the buildings has been vacant since a 2008 fire that erupted a year after fire inspectors slapped a dozen safety violations against the property. The second building as 16 families living there.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I wish he and his loudmouth spouse would go back to their caves in some far off land.
Rauf's wife is the niece of Dr. Farooq Khan, formerly a leader of the Westbury Mosque on Long Island, which is a center for Islamic radicals and links on its website to the paramilitary Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the front on American soil for the Pakistani jihadist Jamaat e-Islami.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (4)
September 15, 2010
Insane!!! Justice Breyer Says Save the Koran, and Burn Constitution
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer writes for the court in a ruling released yesterday that previous Supreme Court decisions uphold worker retaliation protection.
EDITORIAL: Save the Koran, burn the Constitution
Justice Breyer sacrifices the First Amendment to placate Islam
You can't burn a Koran in a crowded theater, and Supreme CourtJustice Stephen Breyer suggests that to placate foreign extremists, Koran burning might be banned everywhere else in America too.
In an interview aired Tuesday on ABC's "Good Morning America,"Justice Breyer, who is on tour promoting his new book, averred that in the Internet age, speech traditionally protected by the First Amendment may have to be weighed against its global impact. George Stephanopoulos asked the justice about the canceled Sept. 11 Koran burning proposed by Pastor Terry Jones, and whether the fact that people riot in Afghanistan over what happens in the United States poses a challenge to the First Amendment or could "change the nature of what we can allow and protect."
Justice Breyer's largely rhetorical answer invoked the late Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. "Holmes said [free speech] doesn't mean you can shout 'fire' in a crowded theater," Justice Breyer said. "Well, what is it? Why? Because people will be trampled to death. And what is the crowded theater today? What is the being trampled to death?" The implication, which Mr. Stephanopoulos reinforced, was that today the crowded theater is the entire world, and any speech that foments violence by anyone for any reason could fall outside First Amendment protections.
The analogy is extremely poor. Shouting fire in a crowded theater doesn't incite an angry riot but a chaotic every-person-for-themselves scramble for safety. The potential danger is understood by everyone present, all of whom are threatened. The darkness of the theater, the confined and ungainly space and the likelihood of the quick spread of fire make quick action imperative. In only one context does shouting fire in a crowded theater make sense: when there actually is a fire.
Holmes' "clear and present danger" test doesn't apply to Koran burning because there is no imminent danger. The world is not a small, dark, crowded room with few exits. Safely burning a Koran does not physically threaten anyone, not even those who think the book reflects the word of God. There is no need for immediate action. There is no potential for the same type of close-quarters chaos. The violence that may arise in response to it is calculated and directed, and such a riot is as much political theater as the Koran burning itself.
It's troubling that a member of the Supreme Court would imply that anything that happens abroad in response to the exercise of free speech in this country should somehow inform the high court in assessing the boundaries of the First Amendment. This is symptomatic of creeping internationalism in the thinking of some justices. In this case, though, the suggestion is not simply to follow the lead of foreign courts, but to take into consideration the violent actions of foreign radicals when weighing American freedoms. Justice Breyer seems open to such a balancing test, in which acts should be banned if they offend a small minority of anti-American extremists who respond with irrational violence.
By this thinking, the best opposition response to any provocative speech is to protest violently. If a rent-a-mob riot in Afghanistan can cause a member of the Supreme Court to begin to question the value of First Amendment protections, the message to opponents of free speech is to ramp up the fighting. Make danger both clear and present.
Justice Breyer hedged that constitutional protection for Muslim books to pander to the sensitivities of radical Islamists abroad is not a foregone conclusion. "It will be answered over time in a series of cases which force people to think carefully," he said. "The judges sit back and think." Clearly on this question, Justice Breyer needs to follow his own counsel.
FOX News Megyn Kelly does a docu.on Honor Killing in America (Part 1)
Wild Thing's comment.........
Liberalism truly is a mental disorder. He clearly isn’t fit to be a supreme court justice. Thank goodness this was just an interview with George Stepinallofit and not a ruling...yet. But it's unconscionable a SC Justice would even think this, let alone say it.
All these years, every aberrant speech was allowed in the name of the first amendment. Suddenly they’ve found something they won’t allow? Criticism of a murderous cult?
Incredible. Soon we’re not going to be able to do, say or even think anything in opposition to Islam. And it will be our own government that is enforcing this.
I’m just really stunned that the government (at every level) is turning out in full force to privilege Islam and put it above our laws and customs. I knew it was going to happen, but I just didn’t think it was going to happen this fast.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
September 14, 2010
Imam says NYC mosque site is not 'hallowed ground'
"I don't think you can overstate the importance that the rise of Islamic fundamentalism will have to the rest of the world in the century ahead-especially if, as seems possible, its most fanatical elements get their hands on nuclear and chemical weapons and the means to deliver them against their enemies." --Ronald Reagan
Imam says NYC mosque site is not 'hallowed ground'
It is two blocks from ground zero, but the site of a proposed mosque and Islamic center shouldn't be seen as "hallowed ground" in a neighborhood that also contains a strip club and a betting parlor, the cleric leading the effort said Monday.
Making an ardent case for the compatibility of Islam and American values, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf reiterated that he is searching for a solution to the furor the project has created. But he left unanswered exactly what he had in mind.
If anything, Rauf only deepened the questions around the project's future, telling an audience at the Council on Foreign Relations think tank that he was "exploring all options" — but declining to specify them — while also arguing that a high-profile site is necessary to get across his message of moderate Islam.
While opponents of the project see it as insulting the memories of the thousands killed by Muslim extremists in the 2001 terrorist attacks, Rauf said he doesn't see the spot as sacred memorial space.
"It's absolutely disingenuous, as many have said, that that block is hallowed ground," Rauf said, noting the nearby exotic dance and betting businesses. "So let's clarify that misperception."
Some Sept. 11 victims' families and others view the proposed mosque site — in a building damaged by debris from the attacks — as very much part of the terrain of death and sorrow surrounding the trade center.
"I just think he's being very insensitive to say it's not hallowed ground because of who's occupying the buildings," said Jim Riches, a former New York City deputy fire chief whose son, Jimmy, was killed at the trade center. "The strip club didn't murder my son."
Rauf said a project meant to foster understanding has become unduly mired in conflict and what he described as misconceptions of a fundamental clash between Islamic and American values.
The Kuwait-born Rauf said his own faith had been shaped by the sense of choosing one's identity that American society provided, compared with the Muslim milieu from which he emigrated in 1965.
"I'm a devout Muslim ... and I'm also a proud American citizen," said Rauf, noting that he was naturalized in 1979 and has a niece serving in the U.S. Army. "I vote in elections. I pay taxes. I pledge allegiance to the flag. And I'm a Giants fan."
While not answering that, Rauf suggested the locale's high profile served an important purpose for the proposed $100 million Islamic center, which will feature prayer space as well as a swimming pool, culinary school, art studios and other features.
"We need to create a platform where the voice of moderate Muslims would be amplified," Rauf said.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Hallowed Ground = Entire United States of America!
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf knows better ~ this site is PART of GZ. An airplane undercarriage as well as an engine that'd just then been scooping up human beings, crashed into the roof of this building and fell in. The ashes of those cremated in the flames on the upper floors spread in the dust cloud that filled in all the surrounding blocks — including the one 500 feet away, where you could buy a store cheap because it had been damaged by falling debris.
"I just think he's being very insensitive to say it's not hallowed ground because of who's occupying the buildings," said Jim Riches, a former New York City deputy fire chief whose son, Jimmy, was killed at the trade center. "The strip club didn't murder my son."
Neither strippers nor bookies brought down the WTC towers. Also the Pussycat lounge is where firefighters, engineers and rescue workers got free food and a few minutes of R&R between digging through rubble and body parts caused by savages inspired by your religion you FREAK! The atmosphere there in the few weeks after 9/11 was indescribable. I'd say that “strip” joint is far more hallowed than this mosquestocity will every be.
How dare this MUSLIM tell US what is or isn’t hallowed ground here in America.
This guy is trying to milk this situation for as much jihad as he can getout of it - and he seriously creeps me out. He needs to be defeated and crawl back into his own personal hellhole.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (6)
Meet Imam Rauf’s Partner, Faiz Khan, 9/11 Truther
Faiz Khan, a physician who claims to have been a first responder after the September 11 attacks, is a founding member of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth and is on the advisory board of the Muslims for 9/11 Truth. In an essay on the Alliance’s website, he argued that “the prime factor for the success of the criminal mission known as 9/11 did not come from the quarter known as ‘militant Islam’ although the phenomenon known as ‘militant Islamic networks’ may have played a partial role, or even a less than partial role – perhaps the role of patsy and scapegoat.”
Meet Imam Rauf’s Partner, Faiz Khan, 9/11 Truther
By Andy McCarthy
Steve Emerson’s Investigative Project on Terrorism reports that “a trove of videos and writings available on the Internet shows that a longtime partner of [Ground Zero Mosque Imam Feisal] Rauf believes the 9/11 terror attacks were ‘an inside job’ by U.S. government and corporate interests.
The report elaborates:
Faiz Khan, a physician who claims to have been a first responder after the September 11 attacks, is a founding member of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth and is on the advisory board of the Muslims for 9/11 Truth. In an essay on the Alliance’s website, he argued that “the prime factor for the success of the criminal mission known as 9/11 did not come from the quarter known as ‘militant Islam’ although the phenomenon known as ‘militant Islamic networks’ may have played a partial role, or even a less than partial role – perhaps the role of patsy and scapegoat.”…
Khan also helped form the American Sufi Muslim Association in 1997 with Rauf, a group now known as the American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA). ASMA and Rauf’s Cordoba Initiative are leading the mosque effort in lower Manhattan. Khan has led Friday prayers at the Al Farah Mosque, where Rauf is the imam, for years. That practice continued at least through December – after the mosque proposal was unveiled — when Khan was cited and photographed in an article in the German magazine Der Spiegel on the project.
Khan and Rauf also are members of the Sufi Circle, created in 2004 to promote “a Divine Love, unity and tolerance for a happy and meaningful life.” In an announcement for a pending appearance, Khan’s photograph on the Sufi site comes from this 2005 speech he gave explaining his beliefs about the 9/11 attacks. Cropped out is a sign behind Khan that reads “Expose the 9/11 Cover-Up.” In that speech, Khan claimed people he meets in the Middle East and North Africa take government responsibility for 9/11 as a given and ask what Americans don’t understand. In the Third World, he explained “the sleaze of governance is a lot more transparent” and accepted by the public. He also urged people not to get hung up on the concept of nation states:
“There’s no such thing as a Saudi nation, there is a royal sleazy family there. And there is no such thing as the American nation when it comes to 9/11 because there’s a sleazy mob, if you will, in the White House that co-opts Washington, D.C. and actualizes the agendas of Wall Street. That is the way things have worked all throughout history.”
… On June 3, 2006, Khan spoke at a 9/11 truth summit called “Revealing the Truth/Reclaiming our Future” in Chicago. In his remarks, he acknowledged that there is a militant Islamist movement, but “the most logical explanation” for 9/11 is that the hijackers were “working for working for us” in furtherance of a corporate-controlled schemes involving gigantic stock trades, billions of dollars in heroin sales and interest in Caspian Sea resources.
The speech was videotaped and remains available on the Internet. In it, he traced his doubts about the attack to the days and weeks immediately afterward, explaining how he stopped serving as a clergyman at memorial services for 9/11 victims because “I would ruffle a lot of feathers at a memorial service if he got up there and said it wasn’t just angry Muslims gone bad. There’s a lot more to this.” He provided a similar account at another meeting captured on video.
Wild Thing's comment.......
This just keeps getting better and better. Sheesh!
Thanks to Steve Emerson’s Investigative Project or we would not know about this. We sure would not have heard about it from the regular media.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (6)
September 13, 2010
This Is What 19 MUSLIM Terrorists Did and Obama Wants Us To Have Tolerance!!!!
This is the horrifick audio by a man who called 911 from the world trade center on Sept. 11, 2001. It's a frightening tape, especially the last 3 seconds.
Listen to the last 4 minutes of Kevin Cosgrove's life. He was trapped in the 105th floor in the North Tower. At the end of the video, the tower begins to fall and he screams "OH GOD!!! Oooohhhh!!!" This is what 19 MUSLIM hijackers put our people through. and OBAMA and the left wants tolerance???
This is Kevin Cosgrove. He was the Vice President of Aon Corporation and was 46 years old. He was on the 105th floor of the South Tower, when he saw the attacks of the North Tower. He made a phone call to his wife, telling her that he was okay and that he was on his way down. Right after he got off the phone, the South Tower was attacked. This tape goes from when the 911 phone call was first made to the collapse of the South Tower. Kevin Cosgrove's body was found a week after the attacks, and was buried in St. Patrick's Cemetery in Huntington, NY.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I wanted to share this to all of you. And if you know of anyone that says Obama is right and agrees with the BS of being tolerant toward Islam, Muslims etc. Show them this video maybe it will break through their heart of ice for the deaths caused by the followers of Islam.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (6)
Iran Demands Obama “Show Reaction” to Protesters Desecrating the Koran
Iranian FM Warns Washington to Show Reaction to Insults to Holy Quran
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki on Sunday lambasted Washington's inaction in the face of the burning and tearing of the holy Quran on the 9/11 anniversary in the US, and asked the US statesmen to take a clear stance on the insult to the Muslims' divine book.
"American statesmen and authorities should give a clear answer to the Muslim nations over this bold and insulting act," Mottaki told reporters in a joint press conference with his Malawian counterpart here in Tehran today.
The minster blamed Zionists for such provocative moves, which he said are aimed at sowing discord among believers of different faiths and religions.
He further warned about the negative consequences of insult to the values of 1.5 billion Muslims, and said, "This seed of hatred sown by the West and its resulting fire will cause trouble for them themselves."
The remark by the Iranian foreign minister came after a group of conservative Christians have sent shock waves across the world after they tore the pages of Quran outside the White House. They tore the pages from an English paperback edition of the Holy Book.
Also some blasphemers in the US on Saturday took the satanic step of burning some copies of God's final and most comprehensive revelation to mankind, the Qur'an, and posted video clips of their devilish deed on the net.
The blasphemer appeared near the location of the twin-tower centre in New York and set ablaze a copy of Quran in front of the camera.
Several photographers, cameramen and others took pictures and clips of the blasphemous act carried out under the protection of FBI on the pretext of freedom of action.
The move has shocked the civilized world and hurt the sentiments of over 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide and billions of other believers.
Wild Thing's comment.........
LOL, let's see, Obama demands, and has threatened we the people in his speeches. And now Iran demands and warns Obama. Maybe the two of them can have a demand and threaten face off or something. Two muslims going at it. Will Obama stand up for Americans, heck no. He already stood up for Islam sheesh and he has done it over and over again and the worst of all he just did it on 9-11.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (7)
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf Losing It Now Blames Sarah Palin for 'growing Islamophobia' ~ LMAO
Ground Zero mosque Imam blames Sarah Palin for 'growing Islamophobia'
The Muslim cleric behind plans to build a mosque close to the Ground Zero site has blamed politicians such as Sarah Palin for fuelling a "growing Islamophobia" that led to the burning of Korans on the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
The Reverend Terry Jones abandoned his "international burn a Koran day" in Gainesville, Florida on Saturday but there were isolated instances in Tennessee and New York of the Muslim holy book being set alight.
"What has happened is that..certain politicians decided that this project would be very useful for their political ambitions," Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf said, adding that this had prompted a "growing Islamophobia" in the US.
The Muslim cleric behind plans to build a mosque close to the Ground Zero site has blamed politicians such as Sarah Palin for fuelling a "growing Islamophobia" that led to the burning of Korans on the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
Imam Rauf's proposal for an Islamic Centre, containing a mosque, two blocks from the site of the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centre, has become embroiled in controversy.
Mrs Palin was the first major national figure to get involved in what had been a localised dispute when she sent a Twitter message in July stating: "Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand, Ground Zero mosque is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts. Pls reject it in interest of healing."
Imam Rauf said Mrs Palin's intervention had been "disingenuous" and played a part of the issue being "hijacked by the radicals" over the summer.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Oh GOOD! GW Bush gets a break. He should send Sarah a thank you card. ( giggle )
Rauf has long been exposed.....the idiot is running out of lies and deceitful lies to spew. He has threatened as well, so he is not having a good day. LOL good!
Attacking Sarah Palin and thinking that will score him points!!? Ha ha Ho Ho heh heh.......Only with his fellow democrats. Bet he is a registered democrat!
There are plenty of people saying a lot worse things about islam than Sarah, but this sultan of succotash has singled her out, thereby putting himself in the "attack Palin" gang.
I’d take the Imams comments as a badge of honor.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (9)
Muslims Doing Their Thing Burning US Flag and Constitution ~ Religion Of Peace....NOT!
Anjem Choudary and his followers burn the US and British flags outside the US embassy in London on September 11.
Notice, the kind Islamic leader said they were burning more than the U.S. Flag:
“We burn this constitution which represents the non-Islamic law…..”
They want Sharia Law imposed wherever they live. They will use freedom given to them by the Constitution to try and destroy the Constitution.
Michael Scheuer talks about the rise of homegrown terror in America and whether or not we are safer than we were before the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Wild Thing's comment.......
They will war even if all of Christendom rolls over on its back and surrenders to the moon religion.
Even Bush soon enough stopped, totally, referring to it as the "religion of peace."
We have seen this from Muslims happen in New York city as well. Burning our Flag and holding up the Constitutiono and bragging how they will dominate America with Sharia law and Islam. And it will continue and be more frequent especially since there is an enemy of our country in the White House that has stated strongly he will side with Muslims if and when it comes to that.
Islam is a death cult and people need to wake up and see that. This walking on egg shells not wanting to offend Muslims is BS and will only show weakens to them and make their agenda happen faster in our country. How sad it is that even after 9-11 people began to forget, and make excuses for the death cult of Islam.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (5)
September 11, 2010
Get This ....The New Black Panthers That Have Said "to “kill cracker babies” Now Say Burning Koran Is Human Rights Issue
Gainesville Church Sparks Global Outrage (Black Panthers Threaten Pastor Over Koran Burning)
Members of the New Black Panther Party showed up in Gainesville Monday to let The Dove World Outreach Center know it is outraged by its plan to burn the Koran.
"I believe in peace but if you aggress me, I am going to fight back," said State Chairman of the New Black Panther Party Mikhail Muhammad.
"We basically want to warn Pastor Terry Jones that if he burns this Koran, he's going to insight a wrath and chastisement on himself that he will not be able to bare and all he's going to do is add more division between Muslims and Christians when we should be sitting down at the table to resolve our differences," said Muhammad.
The New Black Panther Party say it will be back in Gainesville Saturday to show the church and the world they won't stand for religious hatred.
Wild Thing's comment.......
"We basically want to warn Pastor Terry Jones that if he burns this Koran, he's going to insight a wrath and chastisement on himself that he will not be able to bare (sic) and all he's going to do is add more division between Muslims and Christians when we should be sitting down at the table to resolve our differences," said Muhammad.
"I believe in peace but if you aggress me, I am going to fight back," said State Chairman of the New Black Panther Party Mikhail Muhammad.
Please note I did not correct the spelling in the report. I left it as the reporter had written it.
Too funny, they contradict themselves on all levels.
I’m glad to see them making their statements... because the Black panthers are thugs..... black liberation thugs... just like the obamanation... best to see the enemy than to have the enemy hiding in some hole.
My only questioin is when and how long will it take, how many more attacks from Islamies before people that are bothered by this pastor’s activities get at least equally upset by beheadings and honor killings from Muslims.
But it is OK to threaten to kill white cracker babies....right?
And ram jets into the twin towers.....right?
And it is ok to stone women half buried in the sand....right?
And it is ok to cut little boys arms off.....right?
And it is ok to behead someone that ticks you off.....right?
Lock and load. FL is a right to carry state. I don’t think the panthers will be any problem.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (5)
September 10, 2010
NY Mosque Investor Declines Trump's Buyout Offer
Donald Trump offered Thursday to buy out a major investor in the real estate partnership that controls the site near ground zero where a Muslim group wants to build a 13-story Islamic center and mosque.
The offer, though, fell flat nearly instantly.
"This is just a cheap attempt to get publicity and get in the limelight," said Wolodymyr Starosolsky, a lawyer for the investor, Hisham Elzanaty.
In a letter released Thursday by Trump's publicist, the real estate investor told Elzanaty that he would buy his stake in the lower Manhattan building for 25 percent more than whatever he paid.
"I am making this offer as a resident of New York and citizen of the United States, not because I think the location is a spectacular one (because it is not), but because it will end a very serious, inflammatory, and highly divisive situation that is destined, in my opinion, to only get worse," the letter said.
Trump also attached a condition to his offer: He said that as part of the deal, the backers of the project would need to promise that any new mosque they constructed would be at least five blocks farther away from the World Trade Center site.
Elzanaty said he remains committed to the idea of having a mosque built on at least part of the property.
A spokesman for Soho Properties general manager Sharif El-Gamal and his nonprofit group, Park51, did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday. Earlier in the day, the organization sent a statement to The Associated Press affirming that Soho Properties controlled the real estate and that Elzanaty was one of several investors.
El-Gamal and other people associated with the Islamic center have refused to detail the ownership structure of the real estate partnership that holds the site.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Thanks for trying Mr Trump. Trump had to deal with these Muslim LIARS. The owners of the building turned down a $10 million offer to sell it for $4 million to the Imam. Its not about the money. They want to build a build a victory monument to their terrorists.
To all the NYC vendors. Bring you carts filled with pork products to the next demonstration against the mosque. Ribs would be good as the disposing of the bones could line the side walks/doors, window sills etc.
Supposedly this was said... BEFORE the Trump offer...
Developer would sell 9/11 mosque site for right price; imam says switching sites now would be unwise..NY Daily News article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (8)
Military Burns Bibles Sent to Afghanistan ~ MORE PC Out of Control To Appease Muslims!
Military personnel threw away, and ultimately burned, confiscated Bibles that were printed in the two most common Afghan languages amid concern they would be used to try to convert Afghans, a Defense Department spokesman said Tuesday. The unsolicited Bibles sent by a church in the United States were confiscated about a year ago at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan because military rules forbid troops of any religion from proselytizing while deployed there, Lt. Col. Mark Wright said.
The Bibles had been printed in the local Pashto and Dari languages. A Pentagon spokesman under the Obama Administration recently acknowledged and defended seizing and burning the privately owned Bibles of American soldiers serving in Afghanistan. The Bibles had been printed in the local Pashto and Dari languages, and sent by private donors last year (under the Bush Administration) to American Christian soldiers and chaplains, for distribution to American troops on overseas military bases during optionally-attended Christian worship services.
“The decision was made that it was a ‘force protection’ measure to throw them away, because, if they did get out, it could be perceived by Afghans that the U.S. government or the U.S. military was trying to convert Muslims. Troops at posts in war zones are required to burn their trash, Wright said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I'm getting really tired of one-way "tolerance". This was from a little while back but some have not seen this, and I have not posted about it before. Since there has been so much about the Koran it is on topic as to how much we keep catering to Islam.
Under the Afgan Constitution that we, the U.S. under Bush helped them carve out, this is all LEGAL.. Under the Afghan Constitution, the Afgan people have Freedom of Religion. The Afgan people are allowed to accept GIFTS. The Bible in their language qualifies as a “gift”. A gift can be accepted or rejected as easily as a soccer ball or a chocolate bar. Giving out a chocolate bar or a soccer ball isn't forcing anyone to eat chocolate, or play soccer. Nor is allowing people to choose if they want a Bible - “proselytizing”. It's just another choice and no one is forcing anyone to be a Christian - and under Afgan laws - they too have the right to Freedom of Religion and worship.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (1)
September 09, 2010
Ground Zero Mosque – Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf:"Moving Mosque Would Endanger Americans"
Ground Zero Mosque – Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf – being interviewed by CNN’s Soledad O’Brien.
Two things really stood out in the interview. The first was the irony of Imam Rauf at one point lecturing on the importance of the “Separation of Church and State.” Are you kidding? Islam is all about complete control of both church and state! In fact, Islam – wherever it is the dominant religion – seeks to impose Sharia Law on the public.
“If we move from that location, the story will be that the radicals have taken over the discourse.”
Moving the project to another location would strengthen Islamist radicals’ ability to recruit followers and will likely increase violence against Americans, the imam said.
The second thing that stood out was Imam Rauf’s justification now for not moving the mosque to another site. He said if they do, Americans will come under attack overseas because of the anger in the Muslim world. In other words, now he is contending they must build the mosque in order to keep Americans safe!
The man who continues to talk about healing and building bridges has thrown down the gauntlet. He created this entire situation by demanding that his mega-mosque be built in this exact location, despite the legitimate concerns of families of lost heroes whom he claims to care about. And now that the opposition of this mosque has fully engaged and has successfully swayed a vast majority of Americans to their side, he tells an international audience that if his plans don’t go forward, America’s national security will be at risk.
It could be that the Imam’s threats, delivered in calm even tones, might end up doing more for the case against his mosque than any rally in the streets could ever do. And given Mr. Rauf’s knowledge of the irrational and violent nature of the most radical practitioners of his faith, one has to challenge his judgement in even proposing this project in the first place.
Wild Thing's comment........
The Imam was THREATENING us on CNN. He says he cannot move his mosque because it is a “national security” issue...that if “he changes his mind now, the Muslim WORLD will explode...it will be worse than the cartoon issue”.
It’s his way or ...death to America. That’s what he is telling us!
They see weakness in America.
They see everyone from the AG, Petraeus, Hillary, and many many celebrities all trying to get Americans diverted away from the International Koran burn-off come 9/11.
Islam can not be bargained with, it won’t tire, it will never stop coming at us.
As Ann Coulter stated: the only thing that wouldn’t embolden the enemy is a complete surrender to Shariah law.
We are seeing conservatives, are fighting to protect their koran and religion - not the Bible or the US flag..no no...the koran and islam... These people are very bright and they are playing us so well. We are definitely loosing the argument.
Please notice too that this Imam is using the words General Petraeus used.
He says he cannot move his mosque because it is a “national security” issue...that if “he changes his mind now, the Muslim WORLD will explode...it will be worse than the cartoon issue”.
The Mosque does not even exist right now. So he himself is causing the National Security issue.
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:55 AM | Comments (6)
Bonfire of the Insanities by Ann Coulter ( Regarding Gen David Petraeus' and Koran Burning)
Bonfire of the Insanities (In response to Gen David Petraeus' denunciation of Florida pastor)
by Ann Coulter
In response to Gen David Petraeus' denunciation of Florida pastor Terry Jones' right to engage in a symbolic protest of the 9/11 attacks by burning copies of the Quran this Sept. 11, President Obama said: "Let me be clear: As a citizen, and as president, I believe that members of the Dove World Outreach Center have the same right to freedom of speech and religion as anyone else in this country."
Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida lauded Obama's remarks, saying America is "a place where you're supposed to be able to practice your religion without the government telling you you can't."
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg called Obama's words a "clarion defense of the freedom of religion" -- and also claimed that he had recently run into a filthy jihadist who actually supported the Quran-burning!
Keith Olbermann read the poem "First they came ..." on air in defense of the Quran-burners, nearly bringing himself to tears at his own profundity.
No wait, my mistake. This is what liberals said about the ground zero mosque only five minutes ago when they were posing as First Amendment absolutists. Suddenly, they've developed amnesia when it comes to the free-speech right to burn a Quran.
Weirdly, conservatives who opposed building the mosque at ground zero are also against the Quran burning. (Except in my case. It turns out I'm for it, but mostly because burning Qurans will contribute to global warming.)
Liberals couldn't care less about the First Amendment. To the contrary, censoring speech and religion is the left's specialty! (Any religion other than Islam.)
They promote speech codes, hate crimes, free speech zones (known as "America" off college campuses), and go around the country yanking every reference to God from the public square via endless lawsuits by the ACLU.
Whenever you see a liberal choking up over our precious constitutional rights, you can be sure we're talking about the rights of Muslims at ground zero, "God Hates Fags" funeral protesters, strippers, The New York Times publishing classified documents, pornographers, child molesters, murderers, traitors, saboteurs, terrorists, flag-burners (but not Quran-burners!) or women living on National Endowment of the Arts grants by stuffing yams into their orifices on stage.
Speaking of lying dwarfs, last week on "The Daily Show" Bloomberg claimed he was having a hamburger with his "girlfriend" when a man came up to him and said of the ground zero mosque: "I just got back from two tours fighting overseas for America. This is what we were all fighting for. You go and keep at it."
We're fighting for the right of Muslims to build mosques at ground zero? I thought we were trying to keep Muslims AWAY from our skyscrapers. (What an embarrassing misunderstanding.) PLEASE PULL THE TROOPS OUT IMMEDIATELY.
But back to the main issue: Was Bloomberg having a $150 Burger Double Truffle at DB Bistro Moderne or a more sensible $30 burger at the 21 Club when he bumped into his imaginary veteran? With the pint-sized mayor shrieking at the sight of a saltshaker, I assume he wasn't having a Hardee's No. 4 Combo Meal.
Adding an element of realism to his little vignette, Bloomberg said: "I got a hamburger and a pickle and a potato chip or something."
A potato chip? Translation: "I don't know what I was eating, because I'm making this whole story up -- I wouldn't be caught dead eating 'a potato chip' or any other picaresque garnish favored by the peasants." At least Bloomberg didn't claim the man who walked up to him took credit for setting the Times Square bomb because he was a tea partier upset about ObamaCare -- as Sherlock Bloomberg had so presciently speculated at the time.
Gen. Petraeus objected to the Quran-burning protest on the grounds that it could be used by radical jihadists to recruit Muslims to attack Americans.
This is what liberals say whenever we do anything displeasing to the enemy -- invade Iraq, hold captured terrorists in Guantanamo, interrogate captured jihadists or publish Muhammad cartoons. Is there a website somewhere listing everything that encourages terrorist recruiting?
If the general's main objective is to hamper jihadist recruiting, may I respectfully suggest unconditional surrender? Because on his theory, you know what would really kill the terrorists' recruiting ability? If we adopted Sharia law!
But wait -- weren't we assured by Fire Island's head of national security, Andrew Sullivan, that if America elected a "brown-skinned man whose father was an African, who grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii, who attended a majority-Muslim school as a boy," the terrorists would look like a bunch of lunkheads and be unable to recruit?
It didn't work out that way. There have been more terrorist attacks on U.S. soil by these allegedly calmed Muslims in Obama's first 18 months in office than in the six years under Bush after he invaded Iraq.
Also, as I recall, there was no Guantanamo, no Afghanistan war and no Iraq war on Sept. 10, 2001. And yet, somehow, Osama bin Ladin had no trouble recruiting back then. Can we retire the "it will help them recruit" argument yet?
The reason not to burn Qurans is that it's unkind -- not to jihadists, but to Muslims who mean us no harm. The same goes for building a mosque at ground zero -- in both cases, it's not a question of anyone's "rights," it's just a nasty thing to do.
Wild Thing's comment.........
There have been more terrorist attacks ON U.S.SOIL by these allegedly calmed Muslims in Obama's first 18 months in office than in the six years under Bush AFTER he invaded Iraq.
Needs to be stated again...and again...and again. FT.Hood, the Little Rock Recruiting office, etc.
First I need to say something, most of you know I am a huge supporter of our troops as well as our Veterans. Even before I went with Bob Hope to Vietnam our military was the number one love of my life in gratitude and appreciation for what they did to keep this the land of the free. I have a feeling of awe when it comes to our service members at the sacrifices they make and how so many even after they receive horrible injuries want to go back and be with their men and keep fighting. To me those that have served in the past and those serving now are our countries true elite, the best of what our country represents. The debt we all owe them can never be repaid. NEVER. My hundreds of visits to wards where those suffering from PTSD leave me each time like I have visited with the angels and glimpsed into their hearts they only allow so few to enter. Those times are precious to me and I remain silent to the deep things they shared with me like one soul talking to another.
So when I wrote this below I wish for each of you to remember it was written by me,. no one special , but one that loves our troops, and our Veterans with a fierce loyalty to both. And with a constant concern for their safety and would never do anything to put them at risk.
The Saudi government destroys bibles on a daily basis and the world is . . . . silent.
When the founding fathers thought of America, their little baby, the last thing they wanted was an invasive force to stifle, smother it, and then overwhelm it and kill it.
Most people do not recognize that what happens in a mosque is sedition. Pure and simple. Islam is not just a “religion”, it is a cult. Larger than that though, it is a political system, it is it’s own government, a economic system (which includes funding new mosque construction), its judicial...all wrapped up in the word sharia. This is inclusive of its military (jihadis) all rolled into one with one intent ...and that is to rule wherever they take root. It is a invasive, systemic infection looking to take over the host once it has quantum.
This is not just a “religion”, but something that cloaks itself in those terms so it should not be given the same treatment contemplated under the first amendment. The Korans Sharia rules are to consume whatever government there is wherever it goes.
Islam is political, and it’s goal is to supplant and replace. Globally.
The sooner America learns this , the better. Some know and many do not, but it is a threat to everything America knows.
Obama? Obama and Company? Should be tried for treason in this issue for promoting the establishment of a foreign government on our soils. He is doing nothing to protect America as per his oath. Also, as a Muslim, he knows this, he know far better, he knows sharia, but is looking to deceive America.
My question under this senerio is why is Gen. David Petraeus, or any other General or Pentagon bringing up this will kill more of our troops when their very own Commander in Chief Obama is doing just that with his R.O.E.'s. Where is the outrage there???!!!
And why is our mission “protecting Afghan civilians” instead of killing the bad guys.
General, you worry about wiping out the Taliban over there (that IS your job isn’t it?) and let Americans worry about how they want to enjoy their Constitutional guarantees regarding freedom of expression, ok?
Look at it this way General, the more of those scumbags you kill over there, the less there will be to threaten the lives of our troops.
General Petraeus, you’re a good and decent American and a HERO. You ought to know more than anyone else that Islam is nothing but a death cult. I think he’s misguided.
We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war. - Ann Coulter
If we are NOT at war and are only offering protection, let's send in the cops to protect and serve and get the Military out of there. The military is supposed to fight wars, not police the population. There has been no war waged there yet, just asinine ROE and phony PR missions.
Were the lives of American troops put in more danger during WW2 when Americans burned Swastikas and Japanese flags? Did it make it more difficult for the allies to carry out the mission?
“”It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort,””
Change your rules of engagement to kill anything that moves!!! I wish they would focus on killing the enemy - the fact that the General is constrained in ways that he can kill the enemy is something he needs to discuss with the Commander-in-Chief
Play like it’s a war zone!
I would not want to do anything that put our troops in harms way. But that church I have never heard of wants to hurn the Koran and call Islam what it is then if I was there I would ask what the heck is this with the rules for our troops, sending them off in war with the touchie feelie bs from Obama. Its the weakness we can exploit, and we should regardless of the fears of others. Its a bold and daring move that will show the hand and faces of our enemy as they lose control with their emotional anger.
Look at the death threats that some bloggers have gotten just from posting things about Islam, things that are the truth, including myself. Emails of threats from Muslims that I sent on to the FBI so they can find the person's location and at least know where the ' radicals' are around the world. Many of these emails came from Australia.
Or we could use this to make a deal......No Koran burning if the terrorist supporters won’t build the mosque near Ground Zero.
As for me I will not cower and be cowed by Muslims’ demands.
Remember Tripoli !
What Church, in the late 1800/early 1900s, burned the Qur'an in order to start this "Muslim rage"? Quit being a slave to Political Correctness. Christendom is a perpetual target by Islamics. Muslims only fear intimidation and brute force which you should be applying. Instead, we try to reason and coddled Islamics only to be STABBED in the back. History is being totally ignored which will be are doom unless we act appropriately.
Dear General Petraeus: How many Afghans have TVs, radios, and newspapers? So the news reports of the Koran burnings gets to what, 5% of the population? Out of the 5%, how many are Taliban? Out of those Taliban, how many have TVs, radios, and newspapers? The Taliban want to kill our troops regardless of whether anyone burns a Koran.
The terms like “FUBAR” and “BOHICA” didn’t come to being because Generals have the safety and well-being of the troops always at the forefront.
There will be no surrender ceremony of the Taliban, Hamas, al quada etc.
If burning the Koran in Florida pisses them off and makes them irrational, perhaps that will make killing their asses even easier.
There ya go Petraeus.
The only good Islamist is a dead one. And remember, they will kill us all in a heartbeat given the chance. It is the ultimate prize for them. I have met and known hundreds of Marines and Army soldiers and their first concern is accomplishing the mission. Yes, safety matters, but not at the expense of finishing the job.
I am NOT questioning Petraeus past no way. I am thrilled he is in charge, and I am totally impressed with him as a person and a warrior. He has lead and done things that have really impressed me a lot. But his new turn of events of trying to please his new PC bosses? hmmmmmm
If winning is not the first concern of a general, then that general needs to be replaced pronto. Otherwise, that general is endangering his troops by not giving orders to kill the enemy.
Can’t you just see Gen Patton excoriating his tank commanders for anti-Nazi rhetoric written on shells and tanks? Or Eisenhower telling a church in Florida that burning Mein Kampf would infuriate Germans, and not to do it?”
Heh heh heh .... trying to picture it ... nope ... can’t.
Not at all. We are not at war and we are not doing what we did in Iraq. We are in limbo. We are not clearing, holding, building forces or handing authority over to the government that doesn’t exist there. Nobody wants it. We are policing. Policing should be done by cops. If we win a war there, we can rebuild the country from scratch. We can not nation build with the existing structure and we all know it. What we are doing is insanity.
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:50 AM | Comments (15)
September 08, 2010
City Council Meetings to Begin with Muslim Prayers
In the wake of the battle over a mosque at Ground Zero, a move by the Hartford City Councilis sure to have its critics.
City Council Meetings to Begin with Muslim Prayers
The Council announced Tuesday that it has invited local imams to perform Islamic invocations at the beginning of the Council meetings in September.
Though meetings don't regularly begin with any form of prayer, an email from the Common Council called it "an act of solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters."
The email even referenced the ongoing issue in New York. "One of the goals of the Council is to give a voice to the many diverse peoples of the City, which is especially important given the recent anti-Islam events throughout the country."
Council President rJo Winch called it an important move for the Council. "I feel it is very important that, as a Council, we project a culture of inclusiveness in the City of Hartford. Too often it is our differences that divide us. In my opinion, it is our combination of differences that makes us strong," Winch said.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Insane. Opening a meeting by praying to Satan,
Though meetings don't regularly begin with any form of prayer, an email from the Common Council called it "an act of solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters."
It's an act of voluntary himmitude and nitwit political correctness.
Can't put the 10 Commandments on the building, can't have a “Christmas” tree it's gotta be a “holiday tree”, can't even say “Merry Christmas” at work any more has to be “happy holidays”, can't have a nativity scene seen anywhere on public property, secularism and atheism are given preferential treatment over Christianity or Judea-ism every single day of the week... but now they want to start an official meeting with a Muslim prayer? Throw every last one of the hypocritical bums out!
Terrorism wins big. I cannot understand our cowardise at all. And the hatred of Christians and Jews which is spreading in our country and this insane respect for our worst enemy who killed so many innocent Americans. I don't understand.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (5)
September 07, 2010
Petraeus Condemns U.S. Church's Plan to Burn Qurans
Pastor Terry Jones, of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla., says he will burn copies of the Quran
Afghans burn an effigy of Mr. Jones during an anti-U.S. demonstration in Kabul on Monday.
Gen. David Petraeus Warns Plans by Church to Burn the Koran on Sept. 11 Could Endanger U.S. Troops
The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said the planned burning of Qurans on Sept. 11 by a small Florida church could put the lives of American troops in danger and damage the war effort.
Gen. David Petraeus said the Taliban would exploit the demonstration for propaganda purposes, drumming up anger toward the U.S. and making it harder for allied troops to carry out their mission of protecting Afghan civilians.
"It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort," Gen. Petraeus said in an interview. "It is precisely the kind of action the Taliban uses and could cause significant problems. Not just here, but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the Islamic community."
Hundreds of Afghans attended a demonstration in Kabul on Monday to protest the plans of Florida pastor Terry Jones, who has said he will burn copies of Islam's holy book to mark the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Afghan protesters chanted "death to America," and speakers called on the U.S. to withdraw its troops. Some protesters threw rocks at a passing military convoy.
Military officials fear the protests will likely spread to other Afghan cities, especially if the event is broadcast or ends up on Internet video.
Mr. Jones, head of the 50-member Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla., said in a statement that :
"We understand the General's concerns. We are sure that his concerns are legitimate." Nonetheless, he added, "We must send a clear message to the radical element of Islam. We will no longer be controlled and dominated by their fears and threats."
Mr. Jones has been denied a permit for the demonstration, but has said he plans to go forward with the protest.
Rev. Stephanie Sapp, spokeswoman for the center, said no one from the Pentagon or other federal agencies had expressed concern or asked that the event be canceled. She did say that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had discussed security measures.
Pentagon officials said they were not aware that any Defense officials have reached out directly to Mr. Jones. But military officers said they hoped that Gen. Petraeus's statement—an unusual move since military commanders rarely get involved in politics—would convince Mr. Jones to change his plans.
Gen. Petraeus declined to elaborate on the nature of the threats or violence that could occur, but westerners in Afghanistan have been warned away from restaurants and other public places amid the rising tensions.
Other senior military leaders echoed Gen. Petraeus comments Monday. Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, who oversees the effort to train Afghan security forces said he was informed of the planned Florida protests several days ago by a senior minister in the Afghan government.
Gen. Caldwell said many Afghans do not understand either the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment or the fact that President Barack Obama can't simply issue a decree to stop Mr. Jones from his demonstration. Military officials said they were not trying to deny Mr. Jones his right to free speech, but feared he was not thinking about the consequences of his actions.
"There is no question about First Amendment rights; that is not the issue," Gen. Caldwell said. "The question is: What is the implication over here? It is going to jeopardize the men and women serving in Afghanistan."
Military officials also fear that if video of the Quran burning is broadcast in Afghanistan, tensions could rise between NATO forces and the Afghan military and police. Allegations of mishandling the Quran have interrupted Afghan security training at least twice this year, Gen. Caldwell said.
In one instance, a Quran fell to the ground when an American officer opened a locker during an inspection of Afghan trainees' barracks. The rumor quickly spread that the officer had thrown it to the ground, angering the trainees at the camp. "He quickly apologized, but rumors took off like wildfire," Gen. Caldwell said. "It was so hard to get the misperception turned around we stopped all training for the rest of the day."
Reports about the Quran have set off violent protests before. A report in Newsweek, later retracted, that a U.S. interrogator at the Guantanamo Bay prison had flushed a Quran down a toilet set off riots in Afghanistan and elsewhere.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I wonder if obama instructed Petraeus to come out with this statement.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (7)
September 04, 2010
Coming to a Mosque Near You: “Pimping for Terrorists” ~ Orlando Mosque Finances Hamas Fundraiser
Orlando Mosque Finances Hamas Fundraiser
Coming to a Mosque Near You: “Pimping for Terrorists”
by Jerry Gordon (September 2010)
The eruption of mega-mosque conflicts across America has raised numerous questions, in more than a dozen cases, about who is funding these multi-million dollar projects. And, in addition, whether there could be any Muslim Brotherhood connections and any possibility of their raising funds for foreign terrorist groups like Hamas.
"Money continues to flow in the other direction, as well," said Mosab Hassan Yousef "Son of Hamas."
He noted the FBI documented that the Holy Land Foundation sent $12.4 million from the U.S. to Hamas committees. But based on his 10 years of experience as a spy for the Israeli internal security service Shin Bet, he believes many times that amount has been smuggled to Hamas in cash.
As an example, Yousef cited the case of a Palestinian terror operative he met in prison who was arrested transporting $100,000 after Shin Bet provided information to law enforcement authorities.
"I guarantee you that there still people who collect money in mosques that go directly to Hamas in cash," Yousef said. "And this is a problem that the government doesn't have control over. Obama doesn't have control over this money."
The flashpoints of these conflicts stretch across the US from the Ground Zero mosque in lower Manhattan to the expanded Islamic Center of Murfreesboro in Tennessee and the Temecula, California mosque. Private investigative teams have become engaged in tracking down answers to these questions. My colleague at the New English Review, publisher Rebecca Bynum, noted these concerns in a recent Erick Stakelbeck CBN report “Mega Mosques target America’s Heartland”:
Locals also have other concerns--like where the millions of dollars are coming from to pay for the proposed complex.
Mosque officials say the money was raised in the community. But local journalist Rebecca Bynum said she isn't convinced.
"In other mosques, like in Boston and other areas where there have been huge mosques built, the funding did come from overseas, principally from Saudi Arabia, rich individuals from countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE," she said.
Murfreesboro is not alone. two more mega-mosques are now being planned for Tennessee--one in Memphis and another the town of Antioch, near Nashville.
"It does seem to be part of a larger strategy to build mosques in rural areas and create Islamic communities--large Islamic communities--in rural areas for some larger purpose," said Bynum.Local public authorities have avoided raising these questions at public hearings, while pointing out the inalienable right under Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of our Constitution giving freedom to establish churches and places of worship without government interference. These mega-mosques push the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood in America by making use of Constitutional guarantees of religious freedom and exemptions from local land zoning processes under the Religious Land Use and Incarcerated Persons Act of 2000. That agenda, according to Frank Gaffney, Jr., President of the Center for Security Policy, is to carry out via stealth a "grand jihad" with the ultimate goal of supplanting our Constitution with strict Islamic Sharia law. In 1993, according to the Chicago Tribune, the US Muslim Brotherhood changed its name to the Muslim American Society and Brotherhood members agreed to refer to themselves as members of MAS rather than the Brotherhood.
Zakat and Hamas
One of the five pillars of Islam is zakat, the Muslim charitable obligation. Cited in the record of the Holy Land Foundation trial, prominent American Muslim Brotherhood fronts, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), North America Islamic Trust (NAIT), and the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR), among others, have of funneled more than $12 million to Hamas, the military wing of the Muslim Brotherhood that controls Gaza.
Note what we said about the connections between “Zakat and Terrorism” in a July 2009, New English Review article:
Zakat recipients would include [ . . ]those fulfilling the “way of Allah”, Jihad. [. . .] Zakat money should be used provided the effort is to raise the banner of Islam.
It is the application of Zakat proceeds to Jihad, especially in the US, that is most problematic and made application of counter-terrorism laws troublesome in the eyes of critics like the ACLU.
Jonathan Schanzer, former Treasury counter terrorism expert [now Vice President for Research at the Washington-based, Foundation for the Defense of Democracy] commented to the author that “US government seizures of the assets of Muslim charities were based on intelligence and investigations.”Private investigators, such as David Gaubatz, co-author with Paul Sperry of Muslim Mafia, have gone undercover and compiled a record of abuses of zakat. These include Muslim Brotherhood fronts’ terrorist connections and allied mosque leaders violating federal laws giving material support to designated foreign terrorist groups under the provisions of the Patriot Act.
The Central Role of George Galloway of Viva Palestina in Raising Zakat for Hamas
George Galloway, whose Respect Party was defeated in the recent British general elections, lost his parliamentary immunity. In April of 2009, Canadian authorities barred his entry on behalf of Viva Palestina, a registered British charity he co-founded to raise funds for Gaza "humanitarian" convoys in direct support of Hamas. The US State Department did not declare him persona non grata and permitted his entry here in May and June of 2009. Galloway used that cover to considerable advantage. Over a period of a year, he was in the US virtually every weekend making appearances at universities such as Ohio State and the University of California at Irvine raising millions for humanitarian aid to be conveyed to the Hamas government via the Viva Palestina convoys. According to the IFCO website, Galloway is poised to conduct a fifth convoy to Gaza in aid of Hamas on September 18, 2010. The website notes:
Viva Palestina is launching "Viva Palestina 5 - a global lifeline to Gaza", a gigantic land convoy leaving London on Saturday, 18th September in conjunction with convoys leaving from Casablanca and Doha and timed to coordinate with a larger and even more international flotilla aiming to reach Gaza by sea at the same time as the land convoys reach by land.
Note the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) complaint and request for investigation about Galloway’s appearance and fund raising at UC Irvine in this New University report:
In May 2009, the Muslim Student Union (MSU) at UC Irvine, hosted the school-sponsored event, “Israel: The Politics of Genocide” on campus, where over 850 people attended.
Tom Trento, Director of the Florida Security Council, was at the UC Irvine event and said, “I could not believe that Galloway was overtly raising money for a US designated terrorist organization and he wasn’t hauled away in leg irons!”
The Islamic Society of Central Florida Investigative Film and Its Impact
On June 14, 2009, George Galloway appeared at an event sponsored by the Islamic Society of Central Florida (ISCF). Also in attendance was Mahdi Bray executive director of the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation (MASFF) at Imam Muhammad Musri's Al Rahman mosque in Orlando, Florida. The mosque is owned by the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT). They raised over $55,000 in support of Galloway’s Viva Palestina, a Hamas terror finance conduit. An undercover team of investigators from ACT! For America Jacksonville and Orlando chapters attended the Viva Palestina event. They videoed Galloway and Bray raising funds for Viva Palestina using the cover of the 501(c)(3) tax exempt status of the MASFF.
Galloway and Bray were caught on video misleading the audience telling them their contributions were tax deductible as the MASFF is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) non profit institution.
NAIT have been identified as Muslim Brotherhood fronts in the prosecutor’s exhibits of the Federal Holy Land Foundation trial. Evidence produced in the HLF trial record and cited in the You Tube video included a plan of the Muslim Brotherhood to engage in a "grand jihad" aimed at overthrowing our Constitution and replacing it with a Sharia Islamic State.
At the behest of Republican Congresswoman Sue Myrick’s office, the independent video evidence presented here was sent to Steve Emerson of the investigative project on Terrorism (www.investigativeproject.org). The video has since been released to the FBI, Treasury Department, and IRS for fraud, violations of the FARA Act and possible violations of providing material support for terrorism.
This documentary – in reality a film dossier – exposes Galloway, in the words of a Canadian government official, “pimping for terrorists.”
The world has woken up. George Galloway speaking at the Anti-Israeli protest outside the Israeli Embassy in London 5th June 2010
Wild Thing's comment........
In the world I was born in, men like this one, Cynthia McKinney, Nancy Pelosi, Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink/Int’l ANSWER types would do hard time or be headed to the gallows. What happened?
Galloway is insane and evil and so are those that agree with him. Islam is a death cult.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (4)
September 02, 2010
Ground Zero Mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf a Taxpayer Subsidized Slumlord !!
FOX Business Network Eric Bolling breaks down his tour of Ground Zero Mosque imam's building in Union City, New Jersey.
He's the religious leader of the planned, controversial Ground Zero mosque -- but across the Hudson, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is known as an alleged slumlord.
At buildings in Union City and Palisades Park, where Rauf reportedly got tax dollars to renovate low-income apartments, tenants yesterday said their gripes about their lousy housing conditions have been ignored.
"Why doesn't he help the tenants he has before he builds a new place, claiming he wants to help people?" said a disgusted Jamie Barillas, who lives in a Rauf-owned apartment at 2206 Central Ave. in Union City...
Tenant Vilma Then chided Rauf as greedy.
"All he likes is money," she said. "Nothing ever gets fixed. I complain to the super, and all he says is that he has the same problem."
Vilma Then said she lived at Rauf's building around the corner until a fire forced her to move to 2206 Central Ave. She said her current situation is similar to her old digs, where she had a stove that was more like "a roach den."
She also complained that Rauf's wife, Daisy Khan -- who has been the imam's spokesperson while he is touring overseas -- "listens to what you have to say and writes things down and leaves -- and nothing gets done."
"She gives nothing but false promises," the resident said.
Wild Thing's comment........
I suspect that the Imam is going to find the oncoming wave of public attention to be most unwelcome....stick a fork in Cordoba House. I sure hope this sandmaggot is toast along with the mosque they want to build.
This is Obama’s kind of guy!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM
August 30, 2010
English Speaking Muslims Living in America Protesting Against USA
Wild Thing's comment........
Below is MY response to these Muslims!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (8)
August 29, 2010
Ground Zero Muslim Center May Get Public Financing
Ground Zero Muslim center may get public financing
The Muslim center planned near the site of the World Trade Center attack could qualify for tax-free financing, a spokesman for City Comptroller John Liu said on Friday, and Liu is willing to consider approving the public subsidy.
The Democratic comptroller's spokesman, Scott Sieber, said Liu supported the project. The center has sparked an intense debate over U.S. religious freedoms and the sanctity of the Trade Center site, where nearly 3,000 perished in the September 11, 2001 attack.
"If it turns out to be financially feasible and if they can demonstrate an ability to pay off the bonds and comply with the laws concerning tax-exempt financing, we'd certainly consider it," Sieber told Reuters.
Spokesmen for Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Governor David Paterson and the Islamic center and were not immediately available.
The proposed center, two blocks from the Trade Center site in lower Manhattan, has caused a split between people who lost relatives and friends in the attack, as well as conservative politicians, and those who support the project. Among those who support it are the mayor, civic and religious groups, and some families of victims.
The mosque's backers hope to raise a total of $70 million in tax-exempt debt to build the center, according to the New York Times. Tax laws allow such funding for religiously affiliated non-profits if they can prove the facility will benefit the general public and their religious activities are funded separately.
The bonds could be issued through a local development corporation created for this purpose, experts said.
The Islamic center would have to repay the bonds, which likely would be less expensive than taxable debt.
New York City's Industrial Development Authority could not issue debt for the center because the state civic facilities law, which governed this type of financing for non-profits, was allowed to expire about two years ago.
Wild Thing's comment........
So now, we not only have to allow this sewer of hate to be built in OUR country, AMERICANS ARE GOING TO HAVE TO PAY FOR IT?
I sure hope they do not do any of this.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (5)
August 27, 2010
'Son of Hamas' Warns U.S. Fatally Falling For Lies ~ WAKE UP and Stand Against Islam!
Interfaith leaders speak in support of cultural center near Ground Zero at Washington news conference
Imam Mahdi Bray, Executive Director of the Muslim American Society's Freedom Foundation (MAS Freedom), speaks about the proposed cultural center and mosque to be built near Ground Zero in New York during an inter-faith news conference at the National Press Club in Washington on August 17, 2010. At right is Corey Saylor, director of Government Affairs at the Council of American-Islamic Relations. UPI/Roger L. Wollenberg Photo via Newscom
Mosab Hassan Yousef
'Son of Hamas' warns U.S. fatally falling for lies
'Peaceful' Muslims following Quran's dictate to establish 'global Islamic state'
As the son of a Hamas co-founder who became a Christian, a spy for Israel and a consultant to the Holy Land Foundation terror-finance trial, Mosab Hassan Yousef offers a rare perspective on the Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood – at once the spawn of nearly every major Islamic terrorist group and of "mainstream" operatives in the U.S. such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Yousef, who recently was granted asylum in the U.S. after the Department of Homeland Security tried to deport him, told WND in a telephone interview Americans must understand that the ultimate goal of the highly influential Brotherhood is not terrorism but to establish a global Islamic state over the entire world.
"If they can establish this in a peaceful manner, that's fine," he said. "But they are required by the Quran to establish this global Islamic state on the rubble of every civilization, every constitution, every government."
The Holy Land Foundation trial in Dallas in 2008 – the largest terror-finance case in U.S. history – presented evidence of the Muslim Brotherhood's "100-year plan" to gradually destroy the U.S. and Western civilization from within "so that it is eliminated and Allah's religion is made victorious over all other religions."
"This is not a doctrine of some freak Muslim," Yousef observed. "It's the doctrine, the requirement, of the god of Islam himself and his prophet, whom they praise every day."
One of the Brotherhood's prime strategies to help achieve its ultimate aim is to spin off groups such as the Washington, D.C.-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, that attempt to give Islam a positive face, he pointed out.
CAIR, casting itself as a human rights organization, has often been called on by government and media to represent Muslims in the U.S. But it's origin as a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas is now widely documented, including in the WND Books best-selling expose "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America"
CAIR and some of its leaders were confirmed by the Justice Department as unindicted co-conspirators in the trial of the Texas-based Holy Land Foundation, which was convicted of helping fund Hamas. An FBI letter to lawmakers in April 2009 explained the bureau suspended all formal contacts with CAIR because of evidence the group was founded as a front in the U.S. for Hamas. Among numerous government relationships, CAIR leaders had regular meetings with top FBI brass on security issues and helped lead FBI Muslim "sensitivity training" sessions.
At the Holy Land Foundation trial, the FBI presented a transcript from a wiretap of a 1993 meeting in Philadelphia in which Hamas supporters sought to establish Muslim organizations in the U.S. "whose Islamic hue is not very conspicuous." CAIR was soon founded by two Palestinian participants in the Philadelphia meeting, Omar Ahmad and Nihad Awad.
Wiretaps revealed Ahmad argued for using Muslims as an "entry point" to "pressure Congress and the decision makers in America" to change U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. One FBI official quoted in "Muslim Mafia" says CAIR and the other Muslim Brotherhood front groups differ from al-Qaida only in their methods.
"The only difference between the guys in the suits and the guys with the AK-47s is timing and tactics," the official explained.
CAIR, meanwhile – which has more than a dozen former and current leaders with known associations with violent jihad – is trying to keep alive a lawsuit against WND and two investigators behind "Muslim Mafia."
While CAIR repeatedly has denied it receives foreign support, the covert operation that produced "Muslim Mafia" obtained video footage that captured CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper boasting of his ability to bring in a half million dollars of "overseas money," including from Saudi Arabia.
Money continues to flow in the other direction, as well, Yousef said.
He noted the FBI documented that the Holy Land Foundation sent $12.4 million from the U.S. to Hamas committees. But based on his 10 years of experience as a spy for the Israeli internal security service Shin Bet, he believes many times that amount has been smuggled to Hamas in cash.
As an example, Yousef cited the case of a Palestinian terror operative he met in prison who was arrested transporting $100,000 after Shin Bet provided information to law enforcement authorities.
"I guarantee you that there still people who collect money in mosques that go directly to Hamas in cash," Yousef said. "And this is a problem that the government doesn't have control over. Obama doesn't have control over this money."
'Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood'
Hamas itself was formed in 1987 as part of the Muslim Brotherhood's strategy to advance the movement by spinning off new organizations, Yousef said.
"If they have a confrontation with Israel as the Muslim Brotherhood, they are going to pay a very high price," he explained. "So they choose people like my father, from the Muslim Brotherhood originally, and they ask them to establish an independent movement that shares the same exact doctrine."
As WND reported, Yousef worked alongside his father, Sheik Hassan Yousef, in the West Bank city of al-Ghaniya near Ramallah while secretly embracing Christian faith and serving as a Shin Bet spy. Since publicly declaring his faith in August 2008, he has been condemned by an al-Qaida-affiliated group and disowned by his family.
"Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood," Yousef said. "It's the same organization."
The Muslim Brotherhood, founded in the 1920s in the wake of the collapse of the Ottoman Turkish empire, considers itself an instrument of the charge Muslims have been given since Islam's founding 1,400 years ago – to make the Quran and Allah's authority supreme over the entire world.
Along with CAIR, prominent U.S. organizations launched by Muslim Brotherhood leaders include the Muslim Students Association, North American Islamic Trust, the Islamic Society of North America, the American Muslim Council, the Muslim American Society and the International Institute of Islamic Thought.
"Before we start to listen to their lies," Yousef said, "we have to ask ourselves all the time, what is the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood? Ask them, 'What do you want?'"
He said the Muslim Brotherhood "will keep the hope and the ultimate goal very clear in the eyes of every Muslim who belongs to the organization that one day [we will] establish an Islamic state and establish Shariah law."
In unusually candid moments, CAIR leaders have expressed that aim.
CAIR founder Ahmad was reported telling a Muslim group in the San Francisco Bay area that Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant and that the Quran should become the highest authority in America and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth. CAIR spokesman Hooper indicated in a 1993 interview with the Minneapolis Star Tribune he wants to see the U.S. become a Muslim country "through education."
The West, Yousef said, has fallen for the "lie" that there are two types of Islam, radical and moderate. While there may be individual Muslims who are radical or moderate, Islam itself is not moderate, he contends.
"Let's learn what Islam says about itself," Yousef said. "Forget about what the Muslim Brotherhood, what al-Qaida, what Hezbollah – what even Americans or Westerners say about Islam. Let's study and see what Islam says about itself, then we will understand why we have this problem."
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf
'Buying the lie'
American foreign policy, especially under President Obama, he said, has "bought the lie of Muslim groups who are trying to make Islam look good in the eyes of Westerners."
Because of that approach, he said, Muslim leaders such as Feisal Abdul Rauf have developed "the courage to come forward with a very aggressive symbol" of Islamic authority, the proposed Islamic center and mosque near the site of the 2001 World Trade Center attacks.
"If it was any other American president, we wouldn't have this aggressive step," Yousef contended.
He noted the State Department has designated Rauf an ambassador to the Muslim world despite the imam's unwillingness to condemn Hamas as a terrorist group.
"Of course, he cannot condemn Hamas, because he knows that Hamas is an organization that is doing the will of Allah," Yousef said. "How can he condemn an organization that serves the same god that he worships every day five times?"
Yousef pointed out Rauf has claimed Obama based his highly publicized Cairo speech to the Muslim world last year on a chapter from the Arabic version of Rauf's book, "A Call to Prayer From the World Trade Center: Islamic Dawah in the Heart of America Post-9/11."
Obama asserted in the speech that violent extremists have exploited tensions between Muslims and the West, insisting Islam was not part of the problem but part of promoting peace.
'This is the red line'
Defenders of the proposed Ground Zero mosque cite American Muslims' First Amendment freedoms to practice their religion.
But Yousef makes a distinction between Islam and other religions, arguing Islam is a subversive system that threatens America's very existence.
"Even if it's a religion, and 1.5 billion people around the world believe in it, this doesn't mean that they are right; and this doesn't mean that we compromise with them," he said. "We tell them, 'You're accepted, but guess what? This is the red line: We don't compromise with your god. We don't compromise with your belief system.'"
Yousef reasoned that he certainly would not be allowed to create a religion in which he demanded that his followers kill everyone who doesn't embrace his beliefs.
"Will I be able to register this religion here and build my symbols for this religion in this country?" he asked. "I will go to jail for that – and all my followers as well."
'A matter of life and death'
No one in the Middle East has the courage or the power to confront Islam, he said, but transformation can start in the most powerful country in the world.
"Instead of giving Islam credit, this is the country where we can start to fight – not against Muslims, against the bad teachings of Islam."
Americans can begin, he said, by "understanding the real nature of Islam."
"I am telling you, this is not a matter of politics," he said. "It's a matter of life and death. It's a matter of hundreds of millions who have been killed because of this deadly ideology of Islam that has been here 1,400 years."
"This is the time" to speak out, he said, "especially here in America. This is the time to stand firm and strong against this crazy, big system."
Yousef said that while some may want to "scare people about Islam" for some kind of financial or personal profit, he is speaking out because of his concern for America and as "a person who loves my people."
"I cannot wait for them to be liberated," he said of his fellow Palestinians and Muslims worldwide. "And when I see the example of liberty and freedom in this country, I want this to go to my people."
If America leads the way in confronting Islam, change can come, he said.
"But if the country of liberty and freedom welcomes a radical and violent belief that wants to destroy everything, we won't be able to defeat them," he said.
"This is why we need to work all together. This is not for America only. This is for the world. This is for the future of humanity."
Wild Thing's comment......
To those of you that read this blog each day that lurk and still are not awake as to what is happening. READ THIS! ESPECIALLY those who don't believe they are a REAL & PRESENT Intentional THREAT to us! WHAT IS IT GONNA TAKE FOLKS, ANOTHER 9/11?
Those of you that are part of Theodore's World blog, you are AWESOME, you know what we are up against. You share with others what you know, like we did when Obama was running for president. Let's hope articles like this will sink in to those not waking up and not paying attention to the truth about what is happening.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:50 AM | Comments (4)
NYC Ground Zero Mosque Founder Exposed
Fifteen minutes that are mandatory for understanding the Ground Zero Mosque, Taqiyya and Islam
Watch this PJTV Interview by Roger Simon with Walid Shoebat on “NYC Ground Zero Mosque Founder Exposed
PJTV.com exclusive interview with Walid Shoebat about the Mega Mosque in NYC Ground Zero. Walid reveals disturbing contradictions between Ground Zero mosque founder Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf's Daily News article and comments in Arabic.
Walid will do his first interview with Laura Ingraham on her nationally syndicated radio show concerning the 911 Mosque at 10.15 am Eastern Time TODAY....Aug 27.
by Walid Shoebat
Fort Cordoba, ground zero NYC Mosque, will be the main Taqiyya Center and outpost in the USA and along with the new London England mega Mosque, at the Olympic site, will be the guiding lights for Dah’wa and “Aslim Tuslam”…..
Little is known regarding the founder of the Ground Zero Mosque Faisal Abdul Rauf or his views on Islam. Many view him moderate and others connect him to his father’s affiliation to the Muslim Brotherhood. While others object that this would be guilt by association.
For that we searched Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf’s own words – in the Arabic and not what he says in English to the western media. It should shock every American to find out that Faisal Abdul Rauf stated to the popular Islamic media Hadiyul-Islam (www.hadielislam.com) on May 26th, 2010 in an article by Sa’da Abdul Maksoud. In it he states that an Islamic state can be established regardless of the government being a kingdom or democracy. In another article titled “I do not believe in religious dialogue” should alarm the ardent skeptic on the mindset of the Islamic visionary who advocates establishing Islamic lobbies throughout the West.
He also admitted that “[In the West] they have separation of church and state, this of course does not exist in any Muslim country. About 99% refuse to separate religion from state and many call for establishing an Islamic Caliphate.”
And regarding religious dialogue Abdul-Rauf stated “this phrase is inaccurate. Religious dialogue as customary understood is a set of events with discussions in large hotels that result in nothing. Religions do not dialogue and dialogue is not present in the attitudes of the followers regardless of being Muslim or Christian.
The image of Muslims in the West is complex which needs to be remedied.” And when his view regarding an Islamic state he responded that “throughout my discussions with contemporary Muslim theologians that an Islamic state can be established in more then just in a single form or mold. It can be established through a kingdom or a democracy. The important issue is to establish the general fundamentals of Shariah that are required to govern.
It is known that there are sets of standards that are accepted by [Muslim] scholars to organize the relationships between government and the governed.” When questioned on this, that “the current governments are unjust and do not follow Islamic laws” Abdul Rauf commented “new laws were permitted after the death of Muhammad, so long of course that these laws do not contradict the Quran or the Deeds of Muhammad…so they create institutions that assure no conflicts with Shariah.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Walid's Facebook page....he is a friend on Facebook and I recommend friending him too if you also use Facebook.
Walid Shoebat Foundation at Facebook
America, like Europe, will lose its Christian and Constitutional heritage once the Muslims take over. It's only a matter of time.
That they insist on building this mosque on the site of the destroyed World Trade Center towers, even though there are already over a dozen mosques in NYC, is purely for recruitment of more radicals to the cause. It is a slap in the face of all Americans and, if allowed to continue, will only bring down more terrorism efforts to our nation’s shores.
These Muslims are playing chess and we are playing checkers.America needs to wake up!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:49 AM
Feisal Abdul Rauf in 2006: U.S. Terrorism Fostered Islamic Terrorism
Imam Behind Ground Zero Mosque: Islamic Terrorism Is a Response to U.S. Terrorism
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the man behind the Ground Zero Mosque, accuses the United States of terrorism and says that Islamic terrorism is simply a response to the terror committed by the US.
The very idea that Radical Rauf never speaks to the 270 million slaughtered, in over a millennium of Jihadi Wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilation, and enslavement...to this very day, and yet speaks this way about America, is mind-boggling. Indonesia, Thailand, Somalia, Ethiopia, Chechnya, Lebanon, Gaza, Iran, Philippines, Kenya, et al. The Global Jihad wages on.
Further, to cite the fallacious Islamic narrative of millions of Iraqi dead is Jihad propaganda. The sanctions were imposed by the U.N., not the U.S.. The sanctions were observed by Muslim countries, because Saddam Hussein flouted his violation of the ceasefire, and up until BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome), the left-wing media, political elites, and international press always blamed Saddam for those deaths. He, along with his U.N cronies, looted the Oil for Food program that starved the Iraqi people. America saved the world in World War II, and only a lowlife, bereft of a human soul, would paint it as evil. The U.S. and Israel never target civilians, the Jihad always targets civilians.
Wild Thing's comment........
I am so sick of this religious hustler and his despicable wife. To hell with them both.
Islam is a death cult and he can BS his way around the world but it will never change what Islam is.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:48 AM | Comments (2)
August 26, 2010
EVIL Leftist Cusses Out Holocaust Survivor at Rally- Says “He Didn’t Learn His Lesson”
A radical leftist cusses out an 82 year-old man at the Ground Zero Rally this past week in New York City. The “progressive” said the Holocaust survivor “obviously didn’t learn his lesson.”
Question: How does it feel to curse out an old man who is a Holocaust survivor? How does that feel?
Unhinged Progressive: “I have no problem cursing out an unpatriotic, treasonous piece of garbage that wouldn’t know the (sacrilegious expletive) Constitution if it hit him in the (expletive) face, OK?”
Wild Thing's comment.......
This made me cry. How can people be so evil!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (8)
Obama Administration Stands By Ground Zero Imam's Attacks On America
The Obama State Department today announced that they stand by the radical Ground Zero Imam despite the fact that he believes that America is worse than Al-Qaeda. The radical imam is currently on a taxpayer funded Mideast trip. The Obama Administration also said they knew about the imam’s radical speeches before they paid for his trip.
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is unreal that this would happen in our country. How many times do we have to have attacks on our soil, before the left decide they care about America. The WTC was attacked TWO different times over the years, then also the Pentagon and the other flight.
It’s worse. “Cordoba House,” aka the 9/11 Victory Mosque, is going to be the headquarters of something called the “Sharia Index Project,” which is an index of how closely a country or countries adhere to sharia. So they’re essentially seeing this mosque as their main administrative headquarters, from which they will monitor and enforce our compliance.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (5)
Media Forgetting 9-11 Decide to Attack Those of Us That Do Remember What Islam Is About
MSNBC Host Ed Shultz: Ground Zero Mosque Opponents a “Bunch of Frustrated Whiteys, it’s an Aryan Crowd”…and Then Confuses Osama With Obama
You have a diverse crowd over here and you have a bunch of frustrated whiteys over here and that’s what they are! It is an Aryan crowd, is it not? I mean, it’s a Caucasian crowd over there so concerned about the mosque!
Now we’ve got a bunch of folks out there scared that the Islamic Islam [yes, the 'Islamic Islam'] is taking over America and we all have to worry about it.
Katie Couric Accuses Mosque Opponents of “Tearing Down the Towers” of American Values.. Update: CBS Evening News Ties All-Time Ratings Low
Here is the LINK to see the video of Katie Couric. The CBS video code messes with my site, so I am posting i just the link for you.
"It might be Islamophobia, Obamaphobia, or both -- but when loud speakers are blaring "Born in the USA" and signs say "No Clubhouse for Terrorists" it's clear we aren't just talking about a mosque anymore," CBS' Katie Couric said. "We can not let fear and rage tear down the towers of our core American values," Couric added.
(TVNewser)- The network newscast ratings for last week are in and “CBS Evening News with Katie Couric” tied its all-time low in total viewers with an average of 4.89 million tuning in during the five days.
Wild Thing's comment.........
When will these anti Americans go to some other place. These people are beyond disgusting imo.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (3)
August 25, 2010
Muslim Soldier With 101st Airborne Says He Won't Go If Deployed ~ Then Get out FREAK!
Muslim soldier with 101st Airborne says he won't go if deployed
by Kristin M. Hall
August 24
A U.S. Army soldier wants to leave the military service as a conscientious objector based on his beliefs as a Muslim, but he says he's concerned he may be deployed to Afghanistan anyway.
Pfc. Naser Abdo, a 20-year-old infantryman assigned to the 101st Airborne Division, said Monday that if the military orders him to deploy, he will refuse to go despite the fact that it may result in a military charge against him.
Rick Rzepka, a Fort Campbell spokesman, said Abdo's deployment has been deferred, but the military could deploy him while a decision was being made on his request. According to Army regulations, a soldier's submission of a conscientious objector application will not preclude the soldier from deploying. His unit, the division's 1st Brigade Combat Team, has already deployed to Afghanistan. He was assigned to the brigade's rear detachment, which remains at the installation during deployments.
"Obviously the unit is taking it very seriously," Rzepka said. "They have decided to go ahead and let the process play out, and if he warrants status as conscientious objector, he will be treated as such. But for right now, his deployment has been deferred."
Abdo said when he joined the Army more than a year ago, he initially felt he could be a soldier and a Muslim at the same time. But he said he now believes Islamic standards would prohibit his service in the U.S. Army in any war.
According to documents provided to The Associated Press, Abdo cited Islamic scholars and verses from the Quran as reasons for his decision to ask for separation from the Army.
"I realized through further reflection that God did not give legitimacy to the war in Afghanistan, Iraq or any war the U.S. Army would conceivably participate in," he wrote.
He also said he was harassed during basic training because of his religion, including hearing insulting comments about Islam and Muslims. He said that at times, he hasn't been able to make his daily prayers because of his military service.
A recommendation from the commander of his battalion's rear detachment based at Fort Campbell said if Abdo deployed to a combat zone, he could jeopardize the lives of fellow soldiers as well as his own because of his convictions as a conscientious objector.
Abdo said he filed his request in June but was still sent through the soldier readiness program for deploying soldiers. According to Army regulations, after submitting his request he should be interviewed by a chaplain and a psychologist and should have a hearing by an investigating officer. But he said none of this has happened yet, and he is concerned that his leadership will deploy him before a decision is made on his status as a conscientious objector.
"I believe that they wanted to deploy me all along," he said. "They've prepared me for deployment, and I've been getting conflicting information on deployment dates."
But he said he is prepared to refuse deployment orders and face any charges that may be filed as a result
Wild Thing's comment...........
I have soooo had it with these people....these Muslims.
His reason for refusing to deploy? U.S. Army Pfc. Naser Abdo, a 20-year-old infantryman assigned to the 101st Airborne Division, refusal to fight against other Muslims and bases his decision on the Qur'an and Islamic law - clearly putting Islam before his country.
This is intentional on his part, he had to know he might be deployed. He joined the Military, knowing FULL WELL that he might be deployed to an Islamic nation, and now decides that he should not go because he is Muslim? Strap him up with a suicide vest, drop him from a plane and detonate via remote. Don’t deploy him, or he might roll a grenade in his buddies’ tent. Don’t leave him here, or he might go on a shooting spree.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM | Comments (8)
The Document That Should Stop The Islamic “Victory Mosque”
The document that should stop the Islamic “Victory Mosque”
Racists, Xenophobes and bigots. Those are just a few terms used to describe the opponents of the Islamic center planned near Ground Zero. These characterizations could possibly be avoided, however, by more fact-based protest.
To date, defenders of the center seemed undeterred, despite all that is know about the project front man. Look just a bit deeper.
Among the golden nuggets of evidence produced during the trial of the United States vs. The Holy Land Foundation et al is a document that should end any ambiguity concerning the true intent of Feisal ABDUL-RAUF in his quest to construct an Islamic center at Park Place. In fact, it should be cause to reexamine all Islamic centers and mosques that fall within a certain criteria. Cataloged as “Exhibit 003-0085” by the U.S. federal government, a document translated from Arabic to English titled An Explanatory Memorandum, On the General Strategic Goal for the Group In North America details the objectives of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.
Feisal ABDUL RAUF is indeed an adherent and promoter of the Muslim Brotherhood’s goals and objectives. Any doubt to his Muslim Brotherhood connections are addressed by the excellent and timely report by Alyssa A. Lappen, which is required reading for factual insight into ABDUL RAUF’s link to the Muslim brotherhood.
Clearly, according to this document, the objective of the Muslim Brotherhood is to convert the U.S. into an Islamic nation through sabotage and subterfuge. It is a handbook to achieve that end. The author painstakingly describes the process of “settlement,” among others, and further described its meaning and the methods to be employed:
The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the word means. The Ikhwan* must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. [Emphasis added].
The succinct analysis by Ms. Lappen of point 17 of the document clearly illustrates that “building Islamic centers equals building military “battalions,” points from which to later stage the planned destruction of the West.”
And what better place inside our front lines is there but within the perimeter of destruction at Ground Zero?
* Ikhwan (Arabic for brothers) was the Islamic religious militia which formed the main military force of the Arabian ruler Ibn Saud.
Bloomberg On Ground Zero Mosque During Ramadan Dinner : Opponents are “un-American”
In a rousing address before a predominantly Muslim audience Tuesday night, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg reaffirmed his commitment to the controversial Islamic cultural center near the former site of the World Trade Center.
Bloomberg, who hosted the annual Ramadan Iftar dinner at his official Gracie Mansion residence, did not back away from his position as the most vocal and public defender of the so-called “Ground Zero mosque.” If anything, he couched his defense of the project in even deeper moral and political terms, calling the Cordoba House a telling illustration of intrinsic American principles and a valuable tool in the war on terror.
From Bloomberg’s prepared remarks:
But if we say that a mosque and community center should not be built near the perimeter of the World Trade Center site, we would compromise our commitment to fighting terror with freedom.
We would undercut the values and principles that so many heroes died protecting. We would feed the false impressions that some Americans have about Muslims. We would send a signal around the world that Muslim Americans may be equal in the eyes of the law, but separate in the eyes of their countrymen. And we would hand a valuable propaganda tool to terrorist recruiters, who spread the fallacy that America is at war with Islam.
Islam did not attack the World Trade Center — Al-Qaeda did. To implicate all of Islam for the actions of a few who twisted a great religion is unfair and un-American. Today we are not at war with Islam — we are at war with Al-Qaeda and other extremists who hate freedom.[snip]
The members of our military are men and women at arms — battling for hearts and minds. And their greatest weapon in that fight is the strength of our American values, which have always inspired people around the world. But if we do not practice here at home what we preach abroad — if we do not lead by example – we undermine our soldiers. We undermine our foreign policy objectives. And we undermine our national security.
Wild Thing's comment........
Canadian Free Press Rocks! Great job.
People should note that the Congressional Record from 1960(?) holds a long list of Communist goals. At the time, people shrugged and said "it will never happen". But now, most of those communist goals have been achieved.
And here we have a different document, with different goals. And some people may shrug and say "Muslim takeover of the US? It'll never happen!"
But it is happening. Right before our eyes. But there are none so blind as those who will not see.
The constitution is not a suicide pact. There is something fundamentally wrong with a defending an enemy's right to strip you of your rights.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:48 AM | Comments (4)
August 24, 2010
Islam On The Streets and Sidewalks of New York
NYC where this is done daily!!!!
We cannot say prayers in schools, or at football games, etc. and yet we allow the Muslims to drop their prayer rugs in the middle of NYC streets and pray to Allah for hours!!!! This has gone way too far for me. They stop traffic to do this.
This is an accurate picture of every Friday afternoon in several locations throughout NYC where there are mosques with a large number of Muslims that cannot fit into the mosque - They fill the surrounding streets, facing east for a couple of hours between about 2 & 4 p.m. - Besides this one at 42nd St & Madison Ave, there is another, even larger group, at 94th St & 3rd Ave, etc., etc. - Also, I presume, you are aware of the dispute over building another "high rise" Mosque a few blocks from "ground zero" - With regard to that one, the "Imam" refuses to disclose where the $110 million dollars to build it is coming from and there is a lawsuit filed to force disclosure of that information - November can't come soon enough!
This is in New York City on Madison Avenue, not in France or the Middle East or Yemen or Kenya.
Wild Thing's comment........
Is there a message here???? Yes, there is, and they are claiming America for Allah. If we don't wake up soon, we are going to "politically correct" ourselves right out of our own country!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (6)
Islamic Trojan Horse at Ground Zero
Islamic Trojan Horse at Ground Zero
by Sam Blumenfeld
Islamic Global Jihad declared war against America on September 11, 2001, in an attack that killed nearly 3000 Americans in the Twin Towers in Manhattan, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and in four hijacked airliners. Had the fourth airliner succeeded in reaching Washington, it might have crashed into the White House or the Capitol with even more loss of life. But, thanks to the brave passengers on the plane, the attack was thwarted and the plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.
Anyone who has watched videos of ordinary men and women jumping out of the Twin Towers to their deaths will never forget the horror perpetrated by Islamic jihadists on that day. The attack took months of intricate, detailed planning by the terrorists, but our government was simply too inept to prevent it from happening.
Meanwhile, Muslims around the world danced in the streets at their great victory over America and their spectacular advance in the war against the West. The goal of the Jihad is to impose the Islamic religion and Sharia law over the entire world, and the attack on 9/11 was just the visible tip of the iceberg in what has been and will be a very long war.
For example, there is an Islamic missionary organization active throughout the world in recruiting converts to Islam. It is called Tablighi Jamaat, and according to reliable sources, it is estimated that about 15,000 of its missionaries are active in the United States. It is particularly active among Black Muslims and criminals in our prisons.
And so, while American soldiers are fighting and dying in Afghanistan against the jihadist enemy, the enemy is quietly subverting the American homeland with virtually no resistance from the American people.
It should be reminded that Islam is a totalitarian, genocidal political movement operating under the guise of a peace-loving religion. It is intolerant of other religions and despises the governing principles of the United States. Islam does not believe in the separation of church and state, as clearly demonstrated by the regime in Iran. Yet President Obama refuses to acknowledge that we are at war against Global Jihad or even radical Islamic terrorism. Terrorism, by the way, is just one of the means the war is being fought against the West.
And this Global Jihad is being fought by bombing trains in Madrid, bombing subways and buses in London, bombing a night club in Bali, attempted airplane bombings by the shoe bomber and the Christmas underwear bomber, an attempted bombing in Times Square, the murder of 13 soldiers at Fort Hood by a jihadist in uniform, suicide bombings in Israel, the murder of a cinematographer in Holland, the beheading of an American journalist kidnapped in Pakistan, bombings and massacres in India, Indonesia and Uganda, the killing of Christians and burning of churches in Pakistan, Kenya, and elsewhere. There is no end to the atrocities being committed by jihadists. In the U.S. a Muslim father killed his daughter because she was becoming too Americanized.
So it should not take a political genius to figure out why the Muslims want to build a mosque at Ground Zero. They want to commemorate and honor those jihadists who died crashing those planes into the Twin Towers. Where better to honor them than at Ground Zero? And not just an ordinary mosque, but a 13-story, $100-million mosque. The developer of the project is Feisal Abdul Rauf, born in Kuwait of Egyptian parents with a known adherence to Islamic radicalism.
Rauf was brought to America at the age of 17 by his parents when his father moved from Malaysia to the U.S. to set up the Islamic Cultural Center in Washington, D.C. Rauf then got a BS in physics at Columbia University. In 1997, Rauf established the American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA) with funding from Gloria Steinem’s Ms. Foundation, New York Carnegie Corporation, U.N. Population Fund, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and Hunt Alternatives Fund.
The project is significantly called the Cordoba Initiative, to commemorate the return of Islam to Spain where it was expelled in 1492. According to Raymond Ibrahim, the Christian city of Cordoba “was conquered by Muslims around 711, its inhabitants slaughtered or enslaved. The original mosque of Cordoba — the namesake of the Ground Zero mosque — was built atop, and partly from the materials of, a Christian church. Modern day Muslims are well aware of all this. Such is the true — and ominous — legacy of Cordoba. More pointedly, throughout Islam's history, whenever a region was conquered, one of the first signs of consolidation was/is the erection of a mosque atop the sacred sites of the vanquished.”
The Ground Zero mosque plan is akin to a project initiated by Rauf's late father in 1965. That year, Muhammad R. Abdul Rauf came to New York to plan the construction of an Islamic Cultural Center that took many years to complete.. He bought prime Manhattan real estate at 96th Street and 3rd Avenue, where a huge mosque was built, with funding from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Libya.
The mosque at Ground Zero will contain a community center and will draw thousands of Muslims to worship at the very site where 3,000 innocent men and women were murdered by their brave, dedicated jihadist martyrs. It will have a swimming pool and a basketball court to attract the young, an auditorium and culinary school, a library, art studios, and meditation rooms. But it will still symbolize not only a glorious Islamic victory, but also the impending surrender of America to Islam. It will also have a “memorial” dedicated to the victims of the 9/11 attacks, which makes the project even more odious, hypocritical, and dangerous. After all, it will be easy enough to claim the perpetrators of the crime as “victims” of an unjust West.
That Americans are willing to permit this Trojan Horse to be built in what is now considered hallowed ground, where so many men and women lost their lives in the worst terrorist attack visited on America, should make us realize how weakened America has become in this life and death struggle under the Obama regime in Washington.
According to Salah Choudhury, a journalist and author, who has exposed the work and motives of Feisel Abdul Rauf: “Rauf's early UK education and familiarization with American popular culture and values made him an acutely adept practitioner of Islamic taqiyya — deceptive speech and action to advance the interests and supremacy of Islam…. Now, Imam Rauf is set to construct his dream project, wherefrom possibly the radical Islamists will start Islamization of America. This will not be a mere mosque, but a tower of terrorism to further flex the muscle of militant Islam right inside the heart of United States.”
Liberals like Mayor Bloomberg of New York, who seems to live in a fantasy world, use the argument of freedom of religion to approve the construction of the mosque at Ground Zero. They do not accept that we are at war with Global Jihad which is determined to destroy us. Somehow, they are not aware that the U.S. Constitution is not a suicide pact. But maybe Bloomberg believes that that Muslims have a Constitutional right to Islamicize America and destroy our Judeo-Christian heritage in the name of religious freedom. I wonder what he would say if Christians decided to erect a giant cross at Ground Zero or if Jews wanted to erect a giant Star of David or a replica of the Ten Commandments at Ground Zero.
There is no doubt that if the mosque is built, Ground Zero will become the center of daily religious and political conflict with competing demonstrations, speakers, pamphlet distributions, and even violence. The resentment against the mosque is so great among ordinary Americans that it may well inspire greater resistance to this blatant Islamic plan to conquer America.
Meanwhile, it is hoped that enough New Yorkers rise up against this evil project and kill it before it becomes the focus of hatred and dread, an arrogant, brutal affront to the men and women who died at Ground Zero.
Look at the back of this truck................
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama always sides always sides with America’s enemies. Our founding fathers would be salting the ground with pork to keep the Islam victory monument from being built.
Obama has drawn the line in the sand. He’s on one side and the majority of Americans are on the other. He can’t move away from this now... he owns it.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (4)
August 23, 2010
Protest and Counter-protest Mosque at Ground Zero
Rallies over mosque near ground zero get heated
Hundreds of opponents of the victory mosque on Sunday chanted, sang patriotic songs and waved photographs of violent attacks by Islamic extremists.
Hundreds of impassioned demonstrators - all waving American flags, but separated into two groups by police - descended on the site of the proposed mosque near ground zero, with opponents chanting, "No mosque, no way!" and supporters shouting, "We say no to racist fear!"
The two leaders of the construction project, meanwhile, defended their plans on Sunday, though one suggested that organizers might eventually be willing to discuss an alternative site. The other, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, said during a Middle East trip that the attention generated by the project is actually positive and that he hopes it will bring greater understanding.
The rallies took place around the corner from the cordoned-off old building that is to become a 13-story Islamic community center and mosque. There were no reports of physical clashes but there were some nose-to-nose confrontations, including a man and a woman screaming at each other across a barricade under a steady rain.
Opponents of the $100 million project two blocks from the World Trade Center site appeared to outnumber supporters. Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA" blared over loudspeakers as mosque opponents chanted, "No mosque, no way!"
Signs hoisted by dozens of protesters standing behind police barricades read "SHARIA" - using dripping, blood-red letters to describe Islam's Shariah law, which governs Muslims' behavior.
Steve Ayling, a 40-year-old Brooklyn plumber, said the people behind the mosque project are "the same people who took down the twin towers."
Opponents demand that the mosque be moved farther from the site where more than 2,700 people were killed on Sept. 11, 2001. "They should put it in the Middle East," Ayling said.
On a nearby sidewalk, police chased away a group that unfurled a banner with images of beating, stoning and other torture they said was committed by those who followed Islamic law.
A mannequin wearing a keffiyeh, a traditional Arab headdress, was mounted on one of two mock missiles that were part of an anti-mosque installation. One missile was inscribed with the words: "Again? Freedom Targeted by Religion"; the other with "Obama: With a middle name Hussein. We understand. Bloomberg: What is your excuse?"
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has fiercely defended plans for the proposed mosque, saying that the right "to practice your religion was one of the real reasons America was founded."
The mosque project is being led by Rauf and his wife, Daisy Khan, who insist the center will promote moderate Islam. The dispute has sparked a national debate on religious freedom and American values and is becoming an issue on the campaign trail ahead of the midterm elections. Republicans have been critical of President Barack Obama's stance: He has said the Muslims have the right to build the center at the site but has not commented on whether he thinks they should.
Rauf is in the middle of a Mideast trip funded by the U.S. State Department that is intended to promote religious tolerance. He told a gathering Sunday at the U.S. ambassador's residence in the Persian Gulf state of Bahrain that he took heart from the dispute over the mosque, saying "the fact we are getting this kind of attention is a sign of success."
"It is my hope that people will understand more," Rauf said without elaborating.
Democratic New York Gov. David Paterson has suggested that state land farther from ground zero be used for the center. Khan, executive director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement, expressed some openness to that idea on ABC's "This Week with Christiane Amanpour," but said she would have to meet with the center's other "stakeholders" first.
"We want to build bridges," Khan said. "We don't want to create conflict, this is not where we were coming from."
But Khan also said the angry reaction to the project "is like a metastasized anti-Semitism."
At the pro-mosque rally, staged a block away from opponents' demonstration, several hundred people chanted, "Muslims are welcome here! We say no to racist fear!"
Dr. Ali Akram, a 39-year-old Brooklyn physician, came with his three sons and an 11-year-old nephew waving an American flag. He noted that scores of Muslims were among those who died in the towers, and he called those who oppose the mosque "un-American."
"They teach their children about the freedom of religion in America - but they don't practice what they preach," Akram said.
Rauf, in an interview with Bahrain's Al Wasat newspaper, said America's sweeping constitutional rights are more in line with Islamic principles than the limits imposed by some Muslim nations.
"American Muslims have the right to practice their religion in accordance with the Constitution of the United States," Rauf said. "I see the article of independence as more compliant with the principles of Islam than what is available in many of the current Muslim countries."
Andy Sullivan: Building Islamic Center is the "Second Wave" of 9/11 Attacks
“It’s the soldiers that are dying right now – those are the heros; those are the patriots. I’m just some kid from Brooklyn who got fed up.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
“supporters shouting, “Say no to racist fear!”
Is this a joke??? Muslims are a race now? FEAR ??? that is a laugh!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (7)
August 21, 2010
Steve Emerson – head of the “Investigative Project on Terrorism” Has More Information On Imam Rauf
PLEASE Click HERE to lisrten to Steve Emerson here on Bill Bennett radio show
Taken from Bill Bennett radio show website.
Steve Emerson has unearthed 13 hours of audio tape of Imam Rauf. Emerson and his team of investigators has spent the past four weeks going through the newly found material. Rauf is a "radical extremist cleric who cloaks himself in sheep's clothing."
Among the shocking revelations Emerson's team will reveal next week -- they found Rauf:
Defending wahhabism - a puritanical version of Islam that governs Saudi Arabia
Calling for the elimination of Israel by claiming a one-nation state, meaning no more Jewish State.
Defending Bin Laden's violence
Demonstrating that there is a lot more to this man than merely a cleric.
The American public now sees the "deception perpetrated by all these Islamic groups that claim they are against violence and terrorism and insist that their rights be respected but in reality are fronts for the Muslim Brotherhood."
Emerson states there is "definitely fraud involved in the entities that Rauf created in the last decade that are co-mingled." Emerson took it to the IRS, who said, "you have a case."
There is intel that the shady developers, the Gamal brothers, will be going to radical Islamic organizations to serve as connectors -- CAIR, MPAC -- so that they do their bidding for the money.
The mosque "is going to be a magnet for radicals." Emerson is not opposed to the building of mosques. He is "opposed to the building of radical mosques." ......"Unfortunately 80% of the mosques in the United States are controlled by the Wahhabists. That's the reality. No one wants to admit it. They're the ones that attract terrorists."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Only Obama, Pelosi and 20% of American voters support the Ground Zero mosque.
Steve Emerson, head of the Investigative Project, has created a much-needed resource on Islamic terrorism in the USA here.
CLICK on the link and the page is right there with the map ( a larger version). it has it where you can run your mouse over various cities and States to read where they are located and the terrorist connection to each one. VERY interesting!!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:52 AM | Comments (2)
They won't build it! Hardhats Vow Not To Work On Controversial Mosque Near Ground Zero
Blaster David Kaiser's hardhat says what he thinks of the mosque planned for Park Place, near Ground Zero.
A growing number of New York construction workers are vowing not to work on the mosque planned near Ground Zero.
"It's a very touchy thing because they want to do this on sacred ground," said Dave Kaiser, 38, a blaster who is working to rebuild the World Trade Center site.
"I wouldn't work there, especially after I found out about what the imam said about U.S. policy being responsible for 9/11," Kaiser said.
The grass-roots movement is gaining momentum on the Internet. One construction worker created the "Hard Hat Pledge" on his blog and asked others to vow not to work on the project if it stays on Park Place.
"Thousands of people are signing up from all over the country," said creator Andy Sullivan, a construction worker from Brooklyn. "People who sell glass, steel, lumber, insurance. They are all refusing to do work if they build there."
"Hopefully, this will be a tool to get them to move it," he said. "I got a problem with this ostentatious building looming over Ground Zero."
A planned 13-story community center and mosque two blocks from Ground Zero, Park51 has exploded into a national debate.
Louis Coletti, president of the Building Trades Employers' Association, said unions have not yet taken a "formal position" on Park51, but he understands why members would be hesitant to work there.
"It's a very difficult dilemma for the contractors and the organized labor force because we are experiencing such high levels of unemployment," he said. "Yet at the same time, this is a very sacred sight to the union guys."
"There were construction workers killed on 9/11 and many more who got horribly sick cleaning up Ground Zero," Coletti said. "It's very emotional."
L.V. Spina, a Manhattan construction worker who created anti-mosque stickers that some workers are slapping on their hardhats, said he would "rather pick cans and bottles out of trash cans" than build the Islamic center near Ground Zero.
"But if they moved it somewhere else, we would put up a prime building for these people," he said. "Hell, you could do it next to my house in Rockaway Beach, I would be fine with it. But I'm not fine with it where blood has been spilled."
Spina, who sells 9/11 apparel on his website, said he's printed thousands of stickers and plans to produce thousands more.
"They're going all over the country," he said. "They got pretty popular fast."
Popularity aside, there are some construction workers choosing not to set themselves against the project.
"Hundreds of guys here are wearing stickers as a sign of protest, but I'm on the fence about it," said Frank Langan, 50, a site superintendent from Queens working at Ground Zero.
"It's a tough debate," he said. "I sympathize with workers' position, but at the same time, you can't single out all Muslims because of a small number of terrorists."
Interview Sam Nunberg from the ACLJ after the Landmark Vote on Ground Zero Mosque ...excellent interview, they also mention how Rush has been discussing this as well.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Here is their page at Facebook.......The 9/11 Hard Hat Pledge.
And here is Andy Sullivan's Blue Collar website where the peition is located.
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:50 AM | Comments (3)
Hanoi John Kerry introduces law to bring Muslim workers to U.S.
On the verge of a double-dip recession, unemployment at rarely seen levels, Islamic terrorism at record high levels, and Democrats want to bring workers from Muslim countries to the U.S.? Moreover, they want to send Americans into countries likely hostile to Americans and ruled by sharia law. Taxation for Islamization.
WASHINGTON: US Senator and chairman of Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, John Kerry, appealed on Tuesday for cementing US ties with the Muslim world with a two-way exchange of professionals like teachers, city planners, and public health workers.
Public health workers? Does Obamacare require importing Muslim health workers? As was heard in this post.
Kerry introduced a bill calling for a three-year pilot programme to draw such workers from Muslim-majority countries to be picked by the US State Department. “This legislation is designed to help build professional capacity, strengthen civil society, and improve ties between the United States and Muslim-majority countries,” he said in a statement. These citizens picked would be 21-40 years old and could also come from civil society, including journalists, leaders of religious-based organisations, or employees of nonprofit organisations, Kerry’s office said in a statement.
More: Kerry to create new professional exchange program with Muslim world
This pilot program would allow young American professionals to spend six months overseas experiencing a new culture in Muslim countries while gaining new work experiences. And it would allow citizens of those countries to spend six months in the United States, where they will gain valuable work skills and see what life in America is all about. In a small but significant way, both journeys will help to lay the groundwork for improved relations going forward.
The International Professional Exchange Act of 2010…
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Contact: SFRC Communications, (202) 224-4651
Under the proposed legislation, the US Secretary of State is authorised to establish a three year pilot program to help build professional capacity and contribute professional skills to local communities through a two-way exchange of fellows between the United States and select Muslim-majority countries.
The program does not exclude non-Muslims from participating in the exchange.
How considerate. Dhimmis. The only thing Muslim countries do for America is build mosques to spread sharia law.
(2) FELLOW- The term ‘fellow’ means a college-educated professional who–
(A) is between 21 and 40 years of age; and
(B) has been selected to participate in the Program.
(3) FELLOWSHIP- The term ‘fellowship’ means the vehicle through which inbound and outbound fellows participate in the Program.
(4) INBOUND FELLOW- The term ‘inbound fellow’ means a fellow who is coming to the United States from a Muslim-majority country.
(5) MUSLIM-MAJORITY COUNTRY- The term ‘Muslim-majority country’ means–
(A) a country that is a Member State of the Organization of the Islamic Conference; and
(B) the Republic of Kosovo.
(6) OUTBOUND FELLOW- The term ‘outbound fellow’ means a fellow who is going to a Muslim-majority country from the United States.
(7) PROGRAM- The term ‘Program’ means the 3-year International Professional Exchange Pilot Program established under this Act.
(a) Authorization- The Secretary of State is authorized to establish a 3-year international professional exchange pilot program for–
(1) young professionals in the United States to live and work in a Muslim-majority country; and
(2) young professionals in Muslim-majority countries to live and work in the United States.
Wild Thing's comment........
Islamization. College educated Muslims between 21-40, that’s the profile of most Islamic terrorists .
I wish this was a satire, but is for real. Look at all the prominent Muzzie terrorists, including the new head of operations for Al’Qeada, who have spent significant time in the West.
It is not only John Kerry. Obama during his speech in Cairo last year, President Obama called for a new beginning between the United States and the world’s Muslims and committed to creating “a new corps of business volunteers to partner with counterparts in Muslim-majority countries.
When will this lunacy end? My gosh! These libbies not only need to be defeated politically, but also run out the country. I wish we could even have someone like Joe McCarthy when he went after the communists.
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:49 AM | Comments (5)
" SALT IN THE WOUND" ...Video Opposing the Obama Mosque
This is a music video opposing the Ground Zero Mosque with scenes from September 11 that undoubtedly expresses the feelings of the vast majority of Americans.
“Salt in the Wound,” written by Rita W. Jones.
Wild Thing's comment..........
This mosque is something that obama cannot blame on GW Bush. The expression of "owns it" applies here and Obama owns it, it is happening under the obama regime and he could put a stop to it if he wanted to. He takes on AZ and their illegal immigration bill, he goes after Sheriff Joe as well for wanting to follow the laws of our land. But when it comes to a mosque that will be a tribute to 9-11 by Muslims and their Imam has already stated his goal is Shira law in our country................Obama is all for it.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:48 AM | Comments (2)
August 20, 2010
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf says America is "a Sharia Compliant State" and Sharia Law A Lot Like the Constitution ~ WTH?
Feisal Abdul Rauf says America is "a Sharia Compliant State"
Imam Rauf: Sharia Law pretty much just like the Constitution
This is nothing more than a slow calculated assault on our constitution and it must be stopped.
Wild Thing's comment........
Islam is a political system who's published goal is to destroy all other political systems and take over the world. It as at war with us and that war is to the death.
American’s, well, most of us anyway, don’t like being pushed around. And this is just one more thing being shoved down our throats since Obama has been president, and to tell you the truth, a lot of us are sick and tired of it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:55 PM | Comments (8)
AP Orders Staff: ‘Stop Using the Phrase “Ground Zero Mosque”’ ~ OK I Call It Obama-Mosque!
AP Orders Staff: ‘Stop Using the Phrase “Ground Zero Mosque”’
In an unusual move, the Associated Press has publicly released an advisory memo [1] to its reporters on how to cover of the Ground Zero mosque story - and the first rule is that journalists must immediately stop calling it the "Ground Zero mosque" story.
"We should continue to avoid the phrase ‘Ground zero mosque' or ‘mosque at ground zero' on all platforms," reads the advisory, which was issued by the AP's Standards Center.
Instead of the "Ground Zero mosque," AP recommends that reporters use the terms "mosque 2 blocks from WTC site," "Muslim (or Islamic) center near WTC site," "mosque near ground zero," or "mosque near WTC site."
The AP suggests that it might "useful in some stories to note that Muslim prayer services have been held since 2009 in the building that the new project will replace." In addition, the news service offers a "succinct summary of President Obama's position" on the mosque, but doesn't include the positions of any other politicians.
Also included in the advisory is a "Fact Check" to provide "additional background" for reporters.
"A New York imam and his proposed mosque near ground zero are being demonized by political candidates - mostly Republicans - despite the fact that Islam is already very much a part of the World Trade Center neighborhood," reads the first paragraph of the Fact Check. "And that Muslims pray inside the Pentagon, too, less than 80 feet from where terrorists attacked. And that the imam who's being branded an extremist has been valued by both Republican and Democratic administrations as a moderate face of the faith."
One of the "facts" that the AP feels the need to "clarify" is that Ground Zero mosque organizer Feisal Abdul Rauf is a moderate Muslim.
"Rauf counts former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright from the Clinton administration as a friend and appeared at events overseas or meetings in Washington with former President George W. Bush's secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, and Bush adviser Karen Hughes," says the article, though it does also mention briefly Rauf's comments about America being an "accessory" to the Sept. 11 attacks.
The advisory also "fact checks" pure opinion statements made by conservatives, like former House Speaker Newt Gringrich's assertion that "America is experiencing an Islamist cultural-political offensive designed to undermine and destroy our civilization."
"Such opinions are shared by some Americans, while others are more reluctant to paint the religion with a broad brush and more welcoming of the faith in this country," reads the Fact Check. "Bush, himself, while criticized at the time for stirring suspicions about American Muslims, traveled to a Washington mosque less than a week after the attacks to declare that terrorism is ‘not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace.'"
Wild Thing's comment.......
Heard in the hallways......"Calling it the Ground Zero Mosque is hurting democrats! Quick, quick, find something else to call it"......just guessing.
Repackage and resell, it’s the progressive way!
These jerks don’t even make any pretense about story manipulation and outright lying regarding stories they cover.
"mosque 2 blocks from WTC site," "Muslim (or Islamic) center near WTC site,"
This seems to imply that the WTC still exists... They were destroyed ..HELLO !!!!!!
Okay, lets help out:
Roach Motel?
Cultural Propaganda and Outreach Center?
Babylon West?
In a Pig’s Eye, Quisinesta Complex?
09/11 Celebration Hall?
Center For: Here’s a Thumb in Your Eye, Infidels?
Center For: Screw You Americans, and Your Dead Relatives Too?
Center For: Sharia Implementation?
Burlington Coat Factory Jihadist Gathering Place
I’m sure there are literally thousands of more accurate names to be used.
I am so glad I can see November from the woods at our home.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:49 AM | Comments (7)
Ground Zero Mosque Developers Refuse to Rule Out Using Funds From Iran and Ahmadinejad
Ground Zero Mosque Developers Refuse to Rule Out Using Funds From Iran and Ahmadinejad
The developers of the planned mosque near New York’s ground zero on Wednesday refused to rule out using funds from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Iran to build the $100 million project.
Mosque spokesman Oz Sultan was asked specifically whether the project’s fundraising would include Iran and Saudi Arabia.
“I can’t comment on that,” was Sultan’s “not-ruling-it-out” reply, the New York Post reported. “We’ll look at all available options within the United States to start.”
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the leader of the Park51 mosque project planned for a site two blocks from ground zero, has told officials he would raise money for the mosque and community center from local Muslims, foundations and the sale of bonds.
But earlier this year he admitted to a London-based Arab newspaper that his fundraising would also extend to Muslim nations around the world. Rauf is now touring the Middle East on behalf of the State Department.
The Post observed: “The possibility of tapping the radical rogue Islamic state of Iran for funds comes as the United States just last month stepped up sanctions on the regime in retaliation for its support of terrorism and what is feared to be an illegal nuclear weapons development program.”
Meanwhile a Siena Research Institute poll released on Wednesday showed that 63 percent of New York State voters now oppose construction of the mosque near ground zero, up from 61 percent two weeks ago.
And a Time magazine survey found that 61 percent of Americans oppose the mosque, with 44 percent agreeing that the project would “be an insult to those who died” in the 9/11 attacks.
Wild Thing's comment.......
If iran is behind this... can we hire the Mossad to see to it that this evil temple to satan is never built?
If its backed by Iran I would say the building will be nothing but a disguised weapon of mass destruction.
They will over time and covertly manage to build within the walls some form of weapon from either biological or inert two part binary explosives that cannot be detected or heavily shielded nuclear material in either a primitive dirty bomb or a devastating fission device.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:48 AM | Comments (1)
August 19, 2010
WE REMEMBER!!!....Powerful Video Response To the Obama-Mosque
The board members of Keep America Safe, Liz Cheney, Bill Kristol and Debra Burlingame announce the release of "We Remember," an ad featuring first responders and family members of the victims of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 who are speaking out in opposition to the proposed Ground Zero Mosque. We believe their voices should be heard throughout our country and we encourage you to pass their message along.
For more, visit www.KeepAmericaSafe.com
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is a very powerful ad video although I disagree with what one person in it said, that they “have the right to build where they want”.
No they don’t.
No they don’t.
No they don’t.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (4)
Ground Zero Mosque’s Hidden Websites: Follow the Shariah
Ground Zero Mosque’s Hidden Websites: Follow the Shariah
Do the math. The 15 floors planned for the Ground Zero Mosque just don’t add up.
What’s the goal? Maybe the Imam’s goal is not simply to force a provocative “insensitivity” about 9-11 on the American public, with the help of America’s elites. Maybe the Imam’s long-term goal is to force Shariah law on the American public – of course, again, with the help of America’s elites.
Why don’t the 15 floors add up? How many floors does Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf need for the mosque portion of this triumphal Islamic command center planned for the two building sites at 45-47 Park Place in New York City? Think about it: maybe 2 floors for the mosque itself and related offices. A 3rd floor for the swimming pool, a 4th for the 500 seat auditorium, a 5th for the halal restaurant and halal culinary school, a 6th for the art studios, the childcare center and library, a 7th for the gym and basketball court. Add an 8th floor for miscellaneous storage and offices. And then add a 9th floor for the September 11 memorial, an after-thought that was recently added to the Imam’s plan, although that may in fact be more of a room off to one side than a whole floor.
That leaves six mystery floors empty – or dedicated to other activities. Six floors – that’s a lot of offices, a lot of employees, maybe more than half of the 150 full-time and 500 part-time jobs the Imam says he’ll bring to Lower Manhattan. What are Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s plans for those six mystery floors?
Follow the Shariah Index Project to solve the puzzle of the 6 mystery floors: We found two hidden websites with copiously deleted information, all about the Imam’s Cordoba Institute Shariah Index Project. For reference, here’s the Imam’s most recent hidden website (also available here as a pdf). And here’s the Imam’s earlier hidden website (also available here as a pdf). The information on those websites – information that the Imam tried to hide with a new whitewashed version – suggests that the six mystery floors of the Ground Zero Mosque will be dedicated to the Imam’s long-term goal: the Shariah Index Project, designed to benchmark Shariah compliance, to distribute Shariah propaganda, and to enforce Shariah law in America and worldwide.
Drawing from those hidden webpages and other sites, we’ve constructed a timeline for the Shariah Index Project and a partial list of Rauf’s partners in the Project. In Part 2, we’ll reveal the disturbing background and views of those partners. And in Part 3, we’ll present the bottom line – how this all ties together as a historic Islamist effort to market and to enforce Shariah in America, starting from Ground Zero.
Numbered Documents, for everyone’s convenience! Below, from the hidden websites, is the evidence Rauf tried to cover-up. We’ve even numbered the Shariah Index Project documents he mentioned, to make it easy for the Imam and his staff – for example, Courtney Erwin, attorney and director of the Shariah Index Project and corporate contact for the Cordoba Institute - to provide copies to the American public.
Courtney Erwin could end the cover-up of these documents today, given her leading role in the Shariah Index Project since its inception. Erwin, by the way, has been working in Doha (Qatar, home of jihad-supporter Sheik Qaradawi, so admired by Imam Rauf) for the past three months. She states that her team includes a “Qatari legal researcher,” presumably for ongoing work on the Shariah Index Project. She may also be working with one of the core Shariah experts partnering in the Shariah Index Project, Dr. Jasser Auda, since January 2010 an Associate Professor in the Public Policy Program, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Qatar Foundation in Qatar. (Qatar is also one of the countries Imam Rauf is scheduled to visit on his State Department-funded trip this summer.) Look for much more on Erwin and Auda in Part 2.
American citizens and their elected officials should ask Rauf, Erwin and their associates to end the Shariah Index Project cover-up, and to disclose all documents, meeting notes, emails and attendee lists from 2006 to the present day. You don’t ask, you don’t get.
August 2006 – The Planning Meeting – Meeting #1
We know from the first hidden website that the Shariah Index Project (SIP) had its initial meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in August 2006. Attendees explored the idea of creating an “index” to measure the degree of Shariah governance for ALL nations, and deliverables from the meeting were (1) a “vision” statement and (2) a roadmap for the project. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf convened and chaired this meeting, which included “four scholars from India, Malaysia, and Pakistan.” From the second hidden website, we know that these first four participants Rauf recruited were international leaders affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood - and on key advisory boards in Shariah Compliant Finance:
Professor Dr. Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi, Pakistan, (Chairman of the Shariah Board for the State Bank of Pakistan and former president of International Islamic University);
Professor Dr. Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Malaysia (Dean of the International Institute of Islamic Thought & Civilization and Former Interim Chairman, Constitutional Review Committee, Afghanistan);
Professor Dr. Tahir Mahmood, India (Founder/Chairman, Amity University Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, New Delhi, and former Dean of the Faculty of Law, Delhi University);
Dato’ Abdul Hamid Mohamad, Malaysia (Judge, Federal Court of Malaysia … Malaysian Supreme Court). [Such a small world here at Big Peace - this is the same judge honored by Elena Kagan in the Al-Sanhuri lecture series at Harvard on November 11, 2008, as we reported here a couple weeks ago.]
February, 2007 - Expanding the Core Group – Meeting #2
The original five Shariah authorities (1 from Pakistan, 3 including Rauf from Malaysia, 1 from India) met again, adding five more members from Indonesia, Iran (to “represent the Shi’a perspective,” possibly Mohammad Javad Larijani – see Bayefsky’s research below for August 2008), Turkey, Pakistan and Malaysia. This new Group of Ten Shariah Index Authorities created a new (3) Roadmap (2.0), and a new (4) Basis for Evaluation Document,which sets out an initial list of Islamic legal principles relating to governance. The group also distributed (5) Research Assignments, which would support the project and which they would present at the next meeting.
May 2007 – The First Draft of the Shariah Index – Meeting #3
This was a very productive session, involving the same ten Shariah experts. They refined the Basis for Evaluation document, resulting in the “creation of two new documents: (6) Essential Features of Shariah-Compliant Governance and the first iteration of the (7) Shariah Index (1.0), inclusive of seventy-four principles of Islamic governance derived from Islamic law.”
“Additionally, the group developed a (8) Strategic Plan for the project, which highlighted key dates and tasks. They also identified a (9) short and long-list of scholars to approach for support.”
October 2007 - Expansion and Operations Plans – Meeting #4
The Core Group of Ten grew to at least 14 members, with new Shariah authorities from Bahrain, England (possibly Dr. Jasser Auda who may have been in the UK at the time?), Morocco, and Lebanon (to “include the Arab Shi’a perspective”). Interestingly, it also included three ratings experts – identified later as unnamed representatives from Gallup Organization, Pew Research Center, and Dr. Robert Rotberg of Harvard University. The meeting’s deliverables were closing in on the final product:
“the group further refined the (10) Index [ie, Shariah Index 2.0], which they organized into four major sections—1)Normative Declarations, 2) Qualifications ofLeaders, 3) Governance, and 4) Maqasid al Shariah—with each of these sections broken down into a number of measurable principles derived from Shariah. “
The group also revisited and refined their (11) strategic plan [2.0] and committed to (12) three detailed research and writing tasks: 1) long articles, 2) sourcing and citing principles, 3) proxy questions for each principle.
November 2007 – July 2008 – Building the Shariah Index Apparatus – Individual Meetings #5
Over the next eight months, the Cordoba Initiative staff worked with the 14 Shariah experts – and the 3 “ratings experts” from Gallup, Pew and Harvard – to write the (13) Preamble to the Project and “further refine the philosophy, overall structure, and organization of the (14) Index [ie, Shariah Index 3.0] as well as each of the principles.”
August 2008 - Final Publication Plans – Meeting #6
Anne Bayefsky identified the Iranian participant in Shariah Index Project from this photo from the August 2008 meeting: Iranian Mohammad Javad Larijani, who has justified torture of Iranian dissidents as legal punishments under Shariah law. This August 2008 meeting planned the publication of the Shariah Index Project book – and associated polls done by Gallup and Pew – for March 2009:
At the most recent meeting in August 2008, the scholars agreed that the index would be a Maqasid al Shariah Index [the influence of Jasser Auda who had possibly joined in October 2007], measuring a state’s Islamicity through both its governance and society. Representatives from the Gallup Organization governance index pioneer, Dr. Robert Rotberg, joined the discussion by phone on the second day. Following these conversations with rating and indexing specialists, the scholars worked to (15) finalize the index, including its methodology and measurable indicators [ie, Shariah Index 4.0]. The scholars also finalized preparations for the book to be published concurrently with the Index and findings. After the formal meetings concluded, Cordoba staff worked one-on-one with a number of the scholars, soliciting additional information requested by the ratings experts prior to their formal work on the Index as well about the Indexing methodology and the book, with significant work with Gallup and Dr. Rotberg as well as production of the book scheduled for the upcoming 6 months. The target date for the (16) Index results and book is March 2009, with the public launch to follow.
November 21, 2008 – The Book Launch Celebration with the Muslim Brotherhood’s IIIT- Meeting #7
The International Institute of Islamist Thought (IIIT), a Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated organization in Northern Virginia, met to launch the publication (pdf here) of an abridged edition of Rauf’s “What is Right with Islam is what is Right for America.” The meeting was chaired by IIIT Vice President Jamal Barzinji, and the publisher of the abridged edition is a group called American Muslims for Constructive Engagement (AMCE). Also promoted in that series of “Reader’s Digest Condensed Islamism”: Harvard’s Noah Feldman’s “Fall and Rise of the Islamic State,” “1) Who Speaks for Islam: By John Esposito and Dalia Mogahed. Dalia Mogahed is head of the Gallup project on Muslim public opinion, the most likely contact at Gallup for the earlier meetings on the Shariah Index Project (more on that relationship, and on the AMCE and their U.S. government backers in Part 2).
The book series, by the way, was funded by the Kingdom Foundation – as in the Alwaleed Bin Talal Kingdom Foundation of Saudi Arabia.
December 19, 2008 – Final Coordination with the Muslim Brotherhood’s IIIT – Meeting #8
Rauf met with Muslim Brotherhood’s IIIT leadership to discuss the Shariah Index Project (here as pdf). A key figure, Dr. Jasser Auda, met with Rauf at IIIT Headquarters in Northern Virginia. Auda has the background and the brains to be coordinating the Shariah Index Project behind the scenes from Qatar, making Rauf simply a U.S. salesman for an effort that may actually be directed by others. More on Auda in Part 2.
Let’s Review. All those numbers begin to add up:
The Ground Zero Mosque has at least 6 mystery floors. We suggest that they’ll be used by the Shariah Index Project.
The Shariah Index Project was built by at least 14 Shariah experts. We have the identities probably of 7 of them, and Rauf should reveal the other 7 right away.
The Shariah Index Project generated at least 16 documents and maybe a final book, and Rauf should release all of these – right away.
The issues at stake in the Ground Zero Mosque and the Shariah Index Project are not about Americans supporting the Constitution’s protection of religious freedom. Americans support that protection.
The issues at stake here are about Americans protecting the Constitution from Shariah-adherent groups using the protective guise of religious freedom to attack the Constitution itself – using a triumphal Ground Zero mosque as “the base” for a project to institutionalize Shariah in America.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is an amazing article, and it clearly shows how this is a Memorial to the Terrorist at 9/11. One floor for each hijacker on the planes that successfully hit their targets. What a touching tribute. That is EXACTLY what it is: a monument to the terrorists.
A truly amazing investigative work going on for this article. There are a lot of links as well with the original artice. To go to them please click HERE at the title of the write up.......... Ground Zero Mosque’s Hidden Websites: Follow the Shariah
When the Muslims took over Palestine they built a mosque on the very site where the Jewish temple had been torn down. Building a mosque on Ground Zero is like a dog marking his territory.
During the Muslim conquest of medieval Spain, the Christian church in Cordoba was captured and converted into the central mosque of the Umayyad Caliphate. Muslims have engaged in this practice for centuries, symbolizing their victories over the infidels
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (2)
Krauthammer Says Pelosi's Mosque Comments Are Pure Lunacy
Charles Krauthammer on Speaker Pelosi:
“Well, I spent the afternoon wrapping my mind around Pelosi’s remark about looking into the finances of those who oppose the mosque saying “I want to join with others.” I’d like to know who the others are? Are any of them not institutionalized? And, then I’m trying to decide if her statement was out of malice or pure lunacy. Being the generous spirit that I am, I am going with lunacy… But the idea that those who (oppose) the mosque are some kind of conspiracy or the funding ought to be looked at is absurd. Look, I oppose the mosque and nobody’s offered me a penny. What am I chopped liver?“
Wild Thing's comment.......
Not only have they suffered the loss of loved ones, not only have they endured provocation from offensive muslims wanting to kneel down and thank Allah over the graves of people they butchered, but now these innocent americans must fear their own government “investigating” involvement in their effort to stop this cruel abuse.
Every time Dr. Krauthammer speaks I’m reminded of my pride for America, without fanfare he addresses the subject at hand, directly. Sir thank you again.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (4)
Mosque Developer Rejects Moving to New Location
Mosque Developer Rejects Moving to New Location
The developer of an Islamic cultural center that would include a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero appear to have rejected Gov. David Paterson's offer to help them find a different site but a meeting may still be in the works.
On Tuesday, Rep. Peter King said he learned the governor planned to speak with the imam and developers of the mosque and cultural center later this week. Both King and Paterson are scheduled to discuss the issue on Larry King Live tonight.
Lead developer Sharif El-Gamal told NY1 yesterday no meeting had been scheduled yet. Since Paterson first offered to help broker a new location for the mosque last week, however, El-Gamal has insisted the subject was not up for debate, stressing the proximity of the planned center to Ground Zero was not an issue.
"Park51 is a community center. It is two blocks north of the World Trade Center site,” El-Gamal told NY1. “In New York City, two blocks is a great distance. There are some buildings in New York that have their own zip codes. There is such a scarcity of space in New York, especially in Lower Manhattan. Keep in mind this is a small island, so we are nowhere near the World Trade Center site."
Paterson said last week the group is apparently committed to building in the proposed site. "I think they would like to stay where they are, and I certainly respect that and I certainly respect them," Paterson said after the group spoke with one of his staff members at the time. The governor did express consternation that he wasn't able to at least have a conversation with the developers, regardless of the outcome.
"Having said that, how much more foresighted would it have been if the Imam who is the developer of the project had been willing to hear what we are actually talking about?" Paterson said.
Sources tell CBS 2’s Kramer that Gov. Paterson is concerned that Mayor Mike Bloomberg, a staunch supporter of putting the mosque at ground zero, and President Barack Obama, might be advising mosque leaders to dig in their heels and insist on the present location.
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is all about bragging rights for Islamists and a victory symbol for those who are conquering America bit by bit, with help from the inside!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (2)
Obama ( Hates America) He Says He Has ‘No Regrets’ for His Comments Supporting Ground Zero Mosque
Obama is asked if he regrets his comments supporting the Ground Zero Mosque. Obama paused as if he was not going to answer the question before turning around with an annoyed look and saying, “The answer is — no regrets.”
The commander in chief doubled-down on his support of the controversial prayer and community center two blocks from Ground Zero while stumping Wednesday at a townhall-style meeting on the in economy in Ohio.
"The answer is - no regrets," he responded to an inquisitive reporter.
Wild Thing's comment..........
With Pelosi weighing in calling for people to be placed under investigation, they just keep fanning the flames - themselves!
Imam Barack Hussein Obama!
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:44 AM | Comments (1)
August 18, 2010
Nancy Pelosi Calls For An Investigation of Those Who Are Protesting Ground Zero Mosque
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, called for an investigation of those who are protesting building the Ground Zero Mosque on Tuesday
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, called for an investigation of those who are protesting the building of the Ground Zero Mosque on Tuesday. She told San Francisco's KCBS radio:
"There is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. And I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded," she said. "How is this being ginned up that here we are talking about Treasure Island, something we've been working on for decades, something of great interest to our community as we go forward to an election about the future of our country and two of the first three questions are about a zoning issue in New York City."
Calls to investigate the funding for those proposing the $100 million "Cordoba House" have fallen on deaf ears, though, as New York's Mayor Mike Bloomberg has described such an investigation as "un-American."
Ms. Pelosi called the Ground Zero mosque an "urban development decision" for New Yorkers to work through. Her remarks happened on the heels of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, parting ways with President Barack Obama on the issue. Mr. Reid suggested the mosque should be built somewhere else.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Hello Nancy, while you are investigating, maybe you can also investigate why the Greek Orthodox Chuch St Nicholas was REFUSED permission to rebuild at the WTC site while at the say time the Islam community center/mosque was given preferential treatment.
She is really nuts!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (13)
Democrats and Ground Zero Mosque
On the Sean Hannity, Sean states Rahm Emanuel is calling and begging democrats not to go out publicly against the president following his disastrous comments on Friday night supporting the Ground Zero Victory Mosque.
Former Obama White House Communications Director and Maoist, Anita Dunn, appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe to discuss the Ground Zero Victory Mosque and bash the GOP.
Wild Thing's comment......
Amazing how they don't even have shame to push like they are to have the mosque at GZ location. And because they are so wrong, way into the category of traitor to America, what do the democarts do????
They pull out the hmmmm let's see which card willl they use for this one......
1. Race card
2. Political card
3. Bush's fault
So far I have heard various democrats us #1 and #2.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
August 17, 2010
High School Football Team in Dearborn, Mich. Practicing 11:00a.m.- 4:00 a.m. to Help Ramadan
It was nearly 1 a.m. when Kamel Farajthrows of the Fordson High School junior varsity team delivered a pass during practice last week.
Mich. school practices 11 p.m. to 4 a.m.
A Michigan high school football team is holding preseason practices in the middle of the night to help its Muslim players practice both faith and football.
The predominantly Muslim squad from Dearborn says the nocturnal regimen is a way for players to eat and drink while observing the holy month of daytime fasting known as Ramadan that started last week.
The August heat also played a factor in Fordson High coach Fouad Zaban's proposal to reverse the clock for a week of two-a-day practices.
Cutting practice wasn't an option at football-crazy Fordson, which is coming off a one-loss season and has won four state titles and three runner-up seasons since it was established in 1928.
But nobody wanted to lessen the significance of Ramadan in the Detroit suburb widely known as the capital of Arab-America.
The moonlight practice is tailored for Adnan Restum and fellow Muslim teammates.
Illuminated by the night lights on the football field, Restum recently joined a scrum of teammates at the end-zone water fountain, taking a break from a grueling preseason football workout to guzzle a drink.
In just a few hours, he wouldn't be able to take a sip. But the 17-year-old defensive tackle could rehydrate guilt-free during the 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. practice, and succumb to tempting boxes full of granola bars and chocolate milk, too.
"It feels really great," said Restum, who has been fasting since he was about 10. "If we're doing it during the day, we wouldn't have water and it would be really hot and everything."
Zaban proposed the late practices after realizing the rotating Ramadan would fall squarely during the start of a two-a-day practice schedule that launches football season.
Zaban, 40, a Muslim and former Fordson player, knows the high stakes. When Ramadan falls during football season, the players practice during daylight hours. But with August's heat and doubled practice schedule, concerns grew about players' health, particularly the high risk of heat stroke.
"We know how hot it's been this summer -- it's not safe," Zaban said.
Working it out meant getting the approval of school and district administrators and the blessings of players, parents and police. Then, there were the residents in the surrounding neighborhood, who would hear more noise and see the illuminated field. So he sent letters explaining the decision.
Zaban is unaware of such schedule switches elsewhere, though other teams at the school and in the district have moved practices earlier or later in the day. It's been more than three decades since Ramadan last fell during football preseason and Fordson's Muslim population was far smaller then -- and, he notes, there were no field lights.
Zaban said the goal has been to let players break the fast at sundown and go to the mosque, and get players out in time for a meal and morning prayer before sunrise. The field is near bustling bakeries, cafes and restaurants catering to late-night customers.
But first, there are drills.
"Keep running! Heads up!" Zaban yelled while leading a passing drill. And, when a receiver flubbed a one-handed catch, the coach barked, "Hey, two hands!" The result was 20 push-ups.
Zaban said whether players fast is a personal choice and never an issue raised by him or his staff. Still, he says, it shouldn't be an excuse for poor performance for the roughly 95 percent who do.
He ended the session before 4 a.m. with a message to the huddled, padded masses to "drink lots of water," "get a good meal in," and "man up."
Defensive tackle William Powell, one of the team's few non-Muslims, initially thought the coach was "out of his mind," but he's come around. In fact, he's even fasted.
"I'm around 'em, so I've tried a couple times but it's hard," the 17-year-old said.
For Rami Fakih, a wide receiver and defensive back, the nocturnal regimen has taken some adjustment but for different reasons. The brother of recently crowned Miss USA Rima Fakih said he had to think twice before hitting the fountain.
"Oh yeah," he said. "Then I remembered, you know. I looked up. There's no sun. I can drink. I can eat."
With that, he walked off the field and into the darkness with plans to grab a quick bite with friends at a local bakery.
Wild Thing's comment........
America is so screwed!
I wonder what would happen if Orthodox Jews asked to be done with practice before sundown on Fridays??!!
What the hell, the ragheads are taking over everything , including the White House. First, we lose the southern border to the drug cartels in Mexico, now we lose the northern border to camel jockeys.
Are we still in America?
Muslims and “pigskin”....oh the irony!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:50 AM | Comments (8)
Hamas Backs Obama and Rauf On Mosque NY Congressional Candidate Michael Grimm Asks Where Is Ground Zero Mosque Getting its Money?
Hamas Backs Obama and Rauf on Ground Zero Mosque
Hamas Backs Obama and Rauf on Ground Zero Mosque: 'Muslims Have to build it' "We Have to Build Everywhere"
Once again Obama is aligned with the genocidal, the jihadist .... our enemy. Fresh off the heels of the Obama Ground Zero endorsement, genocidal jihadist group Hamas, had his back.
Bear in mind Imam Feisal, the man behind the mosque, refuses to denounce the brutal annihilationist Hamas, whose stated goal, in the first paragraph of their charter is the destruction of the Jews. Islamic supremacists know what the Cordoba mosque at Ground Zero means .....Mecca on the Hudson, the reconquest of the West.
Hamas nod for Ground Zero mosque Terror group's leader: 'Have to build it'
A leader of the Hamas terror group yesterday jumped into the emotional debate on the plan to construct a mosque near Ground Zero -- insisting Muslims "have to build" it there.
"We have to build everywhere," said Mahmoud al-Zahar, a co-founder of Hamas and the organization's chief on the Gaza Strip.
"In every area we have, [as] Muslim[s], we have to pray, and this mosque is the only site of prayer," he said on "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio" on WABC.
"We have to build the mosque, as you are allowed to build the church and Israelis are building their holy places."
Hamas, he added, "is representing the vast majority of the Arabic and Islamic world -- especially the Islamic side."
Abdul Rauf raised eyebrows last week when he departed on a State Department-sponsored goodwill mission to the Middle East, despite concerns that the trip may be helping him with the mosque's $100 million fund-raising goal.
The Obama administration insisted the trip, reportedly with stops in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Qatar, was strictly to improve understanding about Muslim communities in the United States.
But a London-based Arabic-language newspaper that interviewed Abdul Rauf reported that he said he would also collect money from Muslim and Arab nations around the world -- raising the possibility that the American government is helping him build contacts in oil-rich states.
New York Congressional Candidate Michael Grimm , Republican, discusses why the government must investigate where the proposed mosque is getting its funding.
Michael Grimm left college after his freshman year and enlisted in the United States Marine Corps.
He was awarded a Combat Meritorious Promotion to NCO as a result of his service in the Persian Gulf War.
Michael went to work for the FBI and was chosen to attend the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center where he completed the Federal Police Officer Training Program, graduating with Academic and Physical Fitness awards.
He was deputized as a U. S. Marshall and entrusted with full arrest authority as a Uniformed Police Officer for the FBI.
Michael left the FBI for a Research Analyst position on Wall Street working for Harmonic Research and, later, the firm of Robb, Peck, McCooey.
He attained several securities industry licenses and traded small cap stocks.
Michael attended Bernard M. Baruch College and graduated with a BBA in Accountancy with a concentration in Finance.
Michael returned to the FBI where he was appointed a Special Agent and assigned to the New York Office.
He was assigned to investigate the Gambino crime family and eventually joined the Financial Fraud Squad charged with investigating Wall Street activities.
During his tenure with the fraud squad, Michael successfully infiltrated Wall Street an undercover operative.
He maintained a deep cover role as a hedge fund manager for almost 2 years, while obtaining evidence against more than 50 individuals committing fraud, stock manipulation, currency scams, and money laundering.
He has gone undercover as a member of La Costra Nostra, a land developer, a struggling actor, a corrupt Wall Street financier, and an international money launderer.
Michael continued his education by attending New York Law School, eventually graduating Magna Cum Laude;he was admitted to practice law in New York and Connecticut.
After leaving the FBI to become an entrepreneur, he founded a small restaurant in Manhattan and is a principal in a biofuel company located in Austin, Texas.
Sarah Palin lauded Grimm's military and law enforcement background, saying he'd fought in the Gulf War and had taken on "organized crime and Wall Street corruption."
"He'll represent New Yorkers with just as much integrity and courage as he defended them in the FBI and the Marine Corps," Ms. Palin said in a statement released by the Grimm campaign.
Wild Thing's comment......
I added the information about Michael Grimm because I thought it was ineresting with his background that it will have more pull when someone that investigated as much as he has wants answers. I hope he keeps asking and getting coverage in the media about it. I want all the rest of the Republicans to be asking the same question. Silence right now is not what is needed, they need to make it clear this is a democrat desire to have this mosque at Ground Zero.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:47 AM
People Speaking Out On Obama Mosque ~ True Americans Against It and Pro Terrorists For It
GOP Minority Whip Eric Cantor sounds off against the building of the Ground Zero Mosque. He said it defies “common sense,” and is the “height of insensitivity and unreasonableness” to build it near the site where 3,000 Americans were killed by “Islamic Radicals.”
Muslim Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison Says Obama Mosque Endorsement No Problem for Dems
Muslim Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison saying President Obama’s endorsement of the Ground Zero Mosque will not be a problem at all for Democrats in the Midterm Elections.
Ellison argued that Democrats are a “party of principle,” and that they stand for “religious freedom.” He also said that stopping the building of the mosque would give the impression that Islam had something to do with September 11 as opposed to Al-Qaeda.
Wow! Ellison is spinning like a top here! This is not a religious freedom issue. Communities make decisions all the time about what they allow to be built in certain zones or areas. Muslims have mosques all over New York. But a victory mosque towering over the Ground Zero site when the driving ideology that fueled the attacks came from Islam is so wrong in every way.
Ellison is wrong that this won’t hurt Democrats. It already has, because they are now associated as the party defending the radical plan to build the Ground Zero Mosque. Republicans need to make sure that association sticks not only from now to November 2, but from now to election day in 2012.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Thanks to Eric Cantor! And to Muslim Keith Ellison go jump in a lake!
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:45 AM
August 16, 2010
Geert Wilders Warning to America ~ LISTEN UP Obama and Democrats!
Geert Wilders Warning to America Part 1 of 2
Geert Wilders, Controversial MP The Netherlands (a country with extremely liberal policies towards Muslims) warns Americans of the draconian consequences of attempting to pacify Islamists.
Geert Wilders Warning to America Part 2 of 2
Geert Wilders reveals 10 step plan of eliminating Islamic extremism from western culture.
Wild Thing's comment............
If there is another attack on our soil, IMO we should hold Obama, Bloomberg and all the others that say we should kiss up to Islam.
He is soooo good, like he says too, Mosques shooting up lilke mushrooms. They are too, we have mosques all across our land and many cities have a large number of them.
I really like his 10 step plan, I wish so much we would do this. BOTH videos are excellent. Please share these with others.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (4)
August 15, 2010
Mosque Controversy Swirls Around Obama
The above image and the wording was taken from Drudge. website. The link behind it takes a person to Politico. ~ Wild Thing
The White House on Saturday struggled to tamp down the controversy over President Barack Obama’s statements about a mosque near Ground Zero — insisting Obama wasn’t backing off remarks Friday night where he offered support for a project that has infuriated some families whose loved ones died in the Sept. 11 attacks.
Obama’s comments placed him in the middle of the controversy over a Muslim group’s plans for a mosque near the site of the 2001 attack — and in turn, transformed an emotion-laden local dispute in New York into a nationwide debate overnight.
Republicans pounced, amid early signs that the issue would seep into some state and congressional contests. “It is divisive and disrespectful to build a mosque next to the site where 3,000 innocent people were murdered at the hands of Islamic extremism,” said Florida GOP Senate candidate Marco Rubio. His opponent, Charlie Crist, a Republican turned independent, came out in support of Obama’s comments.
And Democrats — at least some who were willing to comment — could barely contain their frustration over Obama’s remarks, saying he had potentially placed every one of their candidates into the middle of the debate by giving GOP candidates a chance to ask them point-blank: Do you agree with Obama on the mosque, or not?
~ continue 4 page article here ~
Palin to Obama on Ground Zero Mosque: "This Is Not Above Your Pay Grade"
Sarah Palin responds to the president's comments on the Ground Zero mosque:
Mr. President, should they or should they not build a mosque steps away from where radical Islamists killed 3000 people? Please tell us your position. We all know that they have the right to do it, but should they? And, no, this is not above your pay grade. If those who wish to build this Ground Zero mosque are sincerely interested in encouraging positive "cross-cultural engagement" and dialogue to show a moderate and tolerant face of Islam, then why haven't they recognized that the decision to build a mosque at this particular location is doing just the opposite? Mr. President, why aren't you encouraging the mosque developers to accept Governor Paterson's generous offer of assistance in finding a new location for the mosque on state land if they move it away from Ground Zero? Why haven't they jumped at this offer? Why are they apparently so set on building a mosque steps from what you have described, in agreement with me, as "hallowed ground"? I believe these are legitimate questions to ask.
Wild Thing's comment.......
To what Drudge wrote under Obama's photo, I say......Klaatu barada nikto!
Obama is Satan's servant = totally anti-American, anti-Semitic and filled with the spirit of antichrist.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM | Comments (9)
9/11 Families Stunned by Obama's Support of Mosque at Ground Zero
Message from Frank Gaffney: The Center for Security Policy today unveiled a powerful 1-minute video opposing the construction of a 13-story, $100 million mega-mosque near the hallowed ground of the World Trade Center. The Twin Towers were destroyed on 9/11 by adherents to the barbaric, supremacist and totalitarian program authoritative Islam calls "Shariah." And the imam who is promoting this mosque has publicly declared that he seeks to "bring Shariah to America."
As the ad makes clear, Shariah's followers have long built mosques on the most sacred sites of those they have conquered -- for example, on Jerusalem's Temple Mount, at Constantinople/Istanbul's St. Sophia Basilica and in Cordoba, Spain, the capital of the occupying Moors' Muslim kingdom.
A growing chorus of New Yorkers and other Americans -- including, notably, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin -- have expressed outrage at the prospect of a similar, permanent beachhead for Shariah being use to defile Ground Zero, and symbolize America's defeat at the hands of her enemies. We say, "No Mosque at Ground Zero."
Debra Burlingame: 9/11 Families Stunned by President’s Support of Mosque at Ground Zero
Statement of Debra Burlingame, Co-founder of 9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America, in Response to President Obama’s Remarks about the Ground Zero Mosque
9/11 Families Stunned by Presidents Support of Mosque at Ground Zero
New York, NY, Aug. 14
Barack Obama has abandoned America at the place where America’s heart was broken nine years ago, and where her true values were on display for all to see. Since that dark day, Americans have been asked to bear the burden of defending those values, again and again and again. Now this president declares that the victims of 9/11 and their families must bear another burden. We must stand silent at the last place in America where 9/11 is still remembered with reverence or risk being called religious bigots.
Muslims have worshipped in New York without incident both before and after the attacks of 9/11. This controversy is not about religious freedom. 9/11 was more than a “deeply traumatic event,” it was an act of war. Building a 15-story mosque at Ground Zero is a deliberately provocative act that will precipitate more bloodshed in the name of Allah. Those who continue to target and kill American civilians and U.S. troops will see it as a symbol of their historic progress at the site of their most bloody victory. Demolishing a building that was damaged by wreckage from one of the hijacked planes in order to build a mosque and Islamic Center will further energize those who regard it as a ratification of their violent and divinely ordered mission: the spread of shariah law and its subjugation of all free people, including secular Muslims who come to this country fleeing that medieval ideology, which destroys lives and crushes the human spirit.
We are stunned by the president’s willingness to disregard what Americans should be proud of: our enduring generosity to others on 9/11–a day when human decency triumphed over human depravity. On that day, when 3,000 of our fellow human beings were killed in barbaric act of raw religious intolerance unlike this country had ever seen, Americans did not turn outward with hatred or violence, we turned to each other, armed with nothing more than American flags and countless acts of kindness. In a breathtakingly inappropriate setting, the president has chosen to declare our memories of 9/11 obsolete and the sanctity of Ground Zero finished. No one who has lived this history and felt the sting of our country’s loss that day can truly believe that putting our families through more wrenching heartache can be an act of peace.
We will honor the memory of our loved ones. We will protect our children, whose lives will never be the same. We will not stand silent.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama is evil. And his support of the mosque proves it.
Remember November and vote to destroy the entire traitor Democrat Party and “Hate America” Potus Barack Hussein (Muslim) Obama!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:47 AM | Comments (4)
August 14, 2010
Obama Forcefully Endorsed Allowing a Mosque Near Ground Zero
Obama Says He Supports Ground Zero Mosque While Celebrating Islamic Holy Month Of Ramadan!
Obama backs mosque near ground zero
Barack Obama on Friday forcefully endorsed allowing a mosque near ground zero, saying the country's founding principles demanded no less.
"As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country," Obama said, weighing in for the first time on a controversy that has riven New York City and the nation.
"That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances," he said. "This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable."
Obama made the comments at an annual dinner in the White House State Dining Room celebrating the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
The White House had not previously taken a stand on the mosque, which would be part of a $100 million Islamic center two blocks from where nearly 3,000 people perished when hijacked jetliners slammed into the World Trade Center towers on Sept. 11, 2001. Press secretary Robert Gibbs had insisted it was a local matter.
It was already much more than that, sparking debate around the country as top Republicans including Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich announced their opposition. So did the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish civil rights group.
Obama elevated it to a presidential issue Friday without equivocation.
Ground Zero Imam Faces More Controversy
Wild Thing's comment..........
Go BACK to Hell where you belong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He does all he can to distance himself and the country from Christianity and does all he can to promote Islam.
As Rush pointed out, this isn’t a First Amendment issue.
The Constitution only grants the ability to practice religion—not the right to build a church or a mosque wherever you want. There are a lot of mosques already in NYC for the jihadists to worship in.
In other words Obama wants a victory monument erected praising the death of over Americans.
And I suppose he will be a frequent visitor there later on with intention of performing an Islamic prayer.
Also were his very words saying the call to prayer is “the most beautiful sound on earth”, and I presume there may be some loudspeakers with a daily Manhattan “Call to Islamic prayer”.
If not according to the laws of treason its at the very least totally wrong for a President to condone a foreign nations victory upon US soil.
Obama hates America and his doing his utmost along with the Democrat Party to destroy America. He cares not one bit about all those innocents that died on 9/11/2001, He cares not one iota for the innocents, for the police, for the firemen, for the first responders, for the Whites, the Blacks, the Hispanics, the Asians, scores of foreign people, for the poor souls onboard the doomed aircraft. He cares only for the Muslim suicide pilots that violated and destroyed so many American and Foreign innocent lives.
George W. Bush - 9/11 Bullhorn Speech ....NOTE to Obama and his America hating voters ....NO teleprompter you freakazoid Muslim POS Obama!
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:50 AM | Comments (3)
August 13, 2010
Air Canada Risks Your Safety, Pandering to Muslims
From the person that posted the video at YouTube:
"Each passenger has to submit their own passport and boarding pass so they can be identified at the last check in point before boarding the aircraft. EXCEPT for muslims!
The first face covered woman walks straight past security as the daddy gives in ALL the passports, then the rest of them, including another face covered woman also walk past without being even looked at by the staff. Yes I did complain, both at the check in desk and also when I was boarding the plane. The security companies and air carriers are scared of being called 'racist' ( yes, I know Islam is not a race) I suppose, so instead they compromise YOUR safety! "
And there is also this story below..........................
I Could Have Been Anyone
I BREEZED through airport security in a veil that left just my eyes on view.
It beggars belief no one checked my face.
No one tried to properly identify me at Leeds-Bradford airport.
It was only in France that I was asked to lift the veil and have my face checked against my passport photo.
What if I wasn’t who I said I was?
Home Office rules say the eyes, nose and mouth must be clearly visible in passports and that ALL travellers will be asked to lift their veils ? if they wish in a private room in front of a female official.
But that wasn’t the case on my trip.
I wore a niqab ? with just a slit for my eyes ? to test security when I flew from Britain to Paris.
I used to wear a scarf covering my hair but I’d never worn the niqab.
I trooped to the local Islamic shop and bought one.
They are meant to be a symbol of modesty but the only one I could find bore a designer logo ? oh well!
At the airport I held open my passport and the man looked at the picture (no veil in sight and I was lipsticked with hair tied back) and handed it back to me smiling.
I joined the line dreading my turn at the security check. My ten-year-old son went first and I followed.
A female security official patted me. I asked her if I needed to take my veil off but she said it was fine.
I was free to board a plane to Paris.
The final hurdle was the gate before boarding the BMI flight to Charles de Gaulle airport. I was still not asked to lift the veil.
At first I felt pleased airport officials had been so considerate. They’d obviously had their diversity training. But then I thought: “What if someone had stolen my passport?”
Paris was a different story. After a night in the romantic capital, I returned to the airport. I approached the BMI desk and a very courteous woman told me she would have to check my face against my passport.
She asked if I minded going to a more private place with her, the toilets ? and I agreed.
At the next set of security checks another policewoman asked me to again quickly lift my veil. I did not feel threatened ? only vastly reassured.
I had no objections to being checked in Paris and I would feel much happier if Bradford did the same.
Last night aviation expert David Learmount said: “This is an area that can be exploited and has been in the past. In 1994 two Chechen women wearing full Muslim dress were able to board planes out of Moscow with bombs strapped under their clothing. I am sure airport staff in the UK don’t want to wait until two planes are blown out of the sky to get over their embarrassment.”
Tory MP Mike Penning said: “I hope this is an oversight rather than political correctness.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is amazing to me. There is human error of course, someone not doing their job. But these two things, one recent and one from a year ago, seem to say it is very lax when it comes to dealing with Muslims. All due to wanting to be PC and that is going to get people killed.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (1)
August 12, 2010
At Ramadan, Obama Hails Islam As 'Part Of America'
Barack Obama congratulates Muslims on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan ...
At Ramadan, Obama Hails Islam As 'Part Of America'
As opinion polls registered strong opposition to plans for an Islamic center near Ground Zero, President Obama on Wednesday issued a statement marking the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, calling the holiday
"a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country."
Obama said Ramadan is a time "when Muslims around the world reflect upon the wisdom and guidance that comes with faith, and the responsibility that human beings have to one another, and to God."
He noted Ramadan's call for prayer and sacrifice and almsgiving, and said that along with the gatherings of family and friends at sundown for iftar dinners to break the daily fast, they are reminders "that the world we want to build – and the changes that we want to make – must begin in our own hearts, and our own communities."
Source the White House
For Immediate Release August 11, 2010
Statement by the President on the Occasion of Ramadan....
On behalf of the American people, Michelle and I want to extend our best wishes to Muslims in America and around the world. Ramadan Kareem.
Ramadan is a time when Muslims around the world reflect upon the wisdom and guidance that comes with faith, and the responsibility that human beings have to one another, and to God. This is a time when families gather, friends host iftars, and meals are shared. But Ramadan is also a time of intense devotion and reflection – a time when Muslims fast during the day and pray during the night; when Muslims provide support to others to advance opportunity and prosperity for people everywhere. For all of us must remember that the world we want to build – and the changes that we want to make – must begin in our own hearts, and our own communities.
These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings. Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality. And here in the United States, Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country. And today, I want to extend my best wishes to the 1.5 billion Muslims around the world – and your families and friends – as you welcome the beginning of Ramadan.
I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.
May God’s peace be upon you.
Wild Thing's comment.......
What contribution is obama talking about? The two airliners flown into the WTC?
He is beyond discription anymore. He is just pure EVIL. Islam isn’t part of America, and neither are you, you festering mongrel.
“a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country.”
OK, what was the name of the Muslim that came over on the Mayflower? Who was the Muslim that signed the Declaration of Independence?
Barfus Maximus! The ONLY part of America Obama should be mentioning is this. The Barbary Pirates. The Marine Corps hymn is a reminder.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (8)
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf ~ The Man Behind the Mosque
Sean Hannity looks at Feisal Abdul Rauf, the Imam behind the plans for a Mosque near Ground Zero. Rauf has refused to acknowledge Hamas as a terrorist organization. He also called the United States “an accessory to the crime” of the September 11 attacks and said that Osama Bin Laden was “made in the USA.”
Hannity reveals at the end that they have been investigating the Imam and will have a “special report” on it tonight.
I found this at Yahoo News so I am putting it with this video above from Hannity's show. ~ Wild Thing
From Yahoo News
Islam's roots in New York City are in the area around the site of the World Trade Center, and they predate the Twin Towers: in the late 19th century, a portion of lower Manhattan was known as Little Syria and was inhabited by Arab immigrants - Muslims and Christians - from the Ottoman Empire
The Kuwaiti-born Rauf, 52, is the imam of a mosque in New York City's Tribeca district.
And this is from Europe News online
Cordoba House Backer Feisal Abdul Rauf Loves Shari'a
Feisal Abdul Rauf, the imam behind Cordoba House, the giant mosque and Islamic cultural center planned just two blocks from Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan, speaks of tolerance. Yet he promotes one of the most intolerant sociopolitical systems on the planet: Shari'a law.
In 2009, Rauf's organization, the Cordoba Initiative, launched a program to measure how closely various nations conform to Shari'a.
Rauf also has spoken of his desire to see Shari'a incorporated more explicitly into Western law. Because British Muslims apparently do not find their "beliefs in individual liberty and the dignity of the individual" sufficiently codified in that benighted country, he supported Archbishop Rowan Williams' 2008 call for adopting aspects of Shari'a. Rauf contends that this is needed to "guarantee more, not fewer, adherents to [the UK's] legal system":
The addition of Shari'a law to "the law of the land," in this case British law, complements, rather than undermines, existing legal frameworks. The archbishop was right. It is time for Britain to integrate aspects of Islamic law.
Whether taqiyya or self-delusion, the bottom line is identical: Rauf loves Shari'a. Added to his claims that U.S. policy provoked 9/11 and Christians invented attacks on civilians, his dubious funding sources, his doubletalk, and so forth, there is reason enough to doubt that Cordoba House will facilitate post-9/11 healing, as he insists — rather than just adding insult to injury.
Yes, the project has momentum. But it is not too late for the mayor and others to hear your voice.
Wild Thing's comment........
I sure hope like it has been said, that construction workers will not work on this and it will be fought each step of the way.
CNN Poll: 68% of American Voters Oppose Ground Zero Mosque Weekly Standard hat tip Dan F
CNN polls registered voters on the Ground Zero mosque:
Poll Question : As you may know, a group of Muslims in the U.S. plan to build a mosque two blocks from the site in New York City where the World Trade Center used to stand. Do you favor or oppose this plan?
The response:
Favor 29%
Oppose 68%
No opinion 3%
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:40 AM | Comments (6)
August 11, 2010
Glenn Beck and Greg Gutfeld Discussing a Possible Gay Bar Next to the Ground Zero Mosque
Red Eye’s Greg Gutfeld vowed this week to build a gay Muslim bar next to the Cordoba mosque near Ground Zero.
You can let Greg know what you think if you like, here is his email address.
Here’s the Beck segment. It’s disappointing insofar as it devotes more time to funny names for the bar —
“Suspicious Packages” is especially good — than to the point Gutfeld’s trying to make about double standards vis-a-vis cultural sensitivity. But it’s three minutes of airtime with a big audience he wouldn’t otherwise have had, and he did get to read the insanely hypocritical tweet from the Park51 spokesman, so hey.
The Ground Zero mosque spokesman’s response:
“You’re free to open whatever you like. If you won’t consider the sensibilities of Muslims, you’re not going to build dialog.”
Gutfeld did say he will offer 72 Virgin cocktails.
Wild Thing's comment........
As the saying goes.......“If you build it, they will come.”
This is brilliant, use the PC weapons against the leftists. I don’t think Gutfield will succeed, but this will end up showing the hypocrisy of the left.
A name for an Islamic Gay bar...."The Crescent Moon"
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
Newsweek Columnist Says US Funding Mosque Construction ??
Newsweek columnist says US funding mosque construction
by Lee DeCovnick
Truth, even in the tightly controlled prison of the Obama media complex, occasionally bursts forth like a swordfish cavorting on the waves of a golden August afternoon.
Newsweek, the Washington Post's former progressive stepchild, published an op-ed by Fareed Zakaria, the in-house lapdog for the Administration, extolling the virtues of building the Ground Zero Mosque. A couple of sentences demand a great deal more explanation.
To that end, early in its tenure the Bush administration began a serious effort to seek out and support moderate Islam. Since then, Washington has funded mosques, schools, institutes, and community centers that are trying to modernize Islam around the world.
We should be encouraging groups like the one behind this project, not demonizing them. Were this mosque being built in a foreign city, chances are that the U.S. government would be funding it.
Perhaps we all missed the memo where US taxpayers are gleefully funding Islamic "mosques, schools, institutes, and community centers" around the globe. Of course, US troops have restored hundreds of schools and community centers in Iraq and Afghanistan, but mosques and Islamic institutes? This seems very difficult to believe.
So, as an enraged and curious taxpaying citizen, I have a few questions for Mr. Zakaria, our Congress and this Administration. What are the locations, costs, and dates of construction of these US taxpayer-funded mosques and Islamic institutes? If some of these mosques were built in the America, didn't anyone contact the ACLU? (I would pay real money to be in "the room" during that discussion.) What particular piece of Congressional legislation authorized US taxpayer dollars to be spent on these mosques and Islamic institutes? Did our government apportion these funds fairly and equally between the Shi'a, Sunni, and Sufi sects of Islam?
The Constitution states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" I'm damn sure spending US taxpayer dollars on constructing mosques was not envisioned by the Founding Fathers nor by the overwhelming majority of American citizens.
US State Dept Sends Mosque Imam to Mideast
State Department officials on Monday confirmed Feisal Abdul Rauf, the Imam of the so-called Ground Zero Mosque, will soon be going on a trip of the Middle East and the U.S. government will be picking up the tab.
The planned construction of a mosque near Ground Zero in New York City has set off a contentious national debate over religious freedom in the U.S., drawing impassioned opposition from some families of 9/11 victims.
Rauf has emerged as a controversial figure because of his refusal to acknowledge Hamas as a terrorist organization, which is how the U.S. government classifies the group. The imam also has been quoted as saying U.S. foreign policy was in part responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
“He is a distinguished Muslim cleric,” said State Department Spokesman P.J. Crowley. “We do have a program whereby, through our Educational and Cultural Affairs Bureau here at the State Department, we send people from Muslim communities here in this country around the world to help people overseas understand our society and the role of religion within our society.”
Rauf and his partners are preparing to build a $100 million Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero, where on September 11, 2001 two airliners hijacked by al-Qaeda terrorists, slammed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center, killing nearly 3,000 innocents.
The project, known as Park 51, cleared a final hurdle on August 3rd, when decision by New York City’s Landmarks Preservation Commission cleared the way for construction. The tower could span up to 15 stories and will house a mosque, a 500-seat auditorium and a pool.
Wild Thing's comment.......
As I read it, the article said the US was funding mosques in other countries not in the US. Thus, it was not funding the NYC mosque.
Fareed Zakaria is a total jerk, I truly can't stand him. Fareed Zakaria, well known tool of Islamisists.
From what I can tell there is NO proof our tax dollars are paying for this mosque at Ground Zero. But this Fareed creep wants us to. If he knows something we don't and he makes statements he cannot back up he better have proof! If true, this is a serious violation of the Constitution.
Regarding our TAX DOLLARS sending this terrorist Imam to the Mideast.
“It is to foster greater understanding and outreach around the world, among… Muslim- majority communities,” said Crowley.
“He is a distinguished Muslim cleric,” said State Department Spokesman P.J. Crowley.
Oh, I feel much safer now that his credentials have passed muster with the State Dept. and they consider him distinguished. "The better to destroy you". His itinerary has been set and as soon the Air Force One back-up returns with Michelle Obama, he'll be on his way courtesy of the US taxpayer.
We finance our own doom.
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (3)
Dr. Robert Jeffress Of First Baptist Church in Dallas on Islam and the Ground Zero Mosque
Here is video of MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer being schooled by the Pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas – Dr. Robert Jeffress – on the issue of whether a Mosque should be allowed to be built near Ground Zero. Jeffress compared it to allowing a Shinto Shrine in honor of Emperor Hirohito to be built at Pearl Harbor!
This got Contessa Brewer all worked up and indignant, and she pulled out the Leftist meme that what happened on 9/11 had nothing to do with the religion of Islam – it was about radicals. Jeffress then used her own broadcast against her, pointing out that she had just reported on three stories of violence and death fueled by the religion of Islam. He told her:
Well, Contessa, I’ve just been listening to your broadcast for the last few minutes. You talked about ten Christian relief workers gunned down by Muslim gunmen. You talked about this woman who was beaten to death because she broke Islamic law. You talked about attacks being launched in a German Mosque. I think Americans are beginning to realize these are not in opposition to Islamic teaching. But these followers of Islam are obeying the 35 verses in the Koran that call for radical violence against the infidels.
Brewer spent the rest of broadcast – along with a liberal rabbi – trying to refute what Dr. Jeffress said. He later closed by telling her that this is “not about prejudice. It’s about self-preservation as a country.”
Wild Thing's comment......
These people need to be put in their place! Do these MSM talking heads stop to think what it would be like if Islam ruled here? Crazy people. Brewer is such a moronic tool.
As distasteful as we conservatives find it we’re going to have to be confrontational and very combative when it comes to taking back Congress and the White House, not to mention handling the very real threat that Islam represent to our nation. No more Mr. Nice Guy. Tell it like it is. Don’t people forget the rage they felt on 9/12/01!
It’s time to forget about the possibility as coming off as hateful or biased or whatever. It’s the very life of America as we know it and love it that’s at stake. We’ve tried it the other way and it plain to see where it’s gotten us.
The call needs to be loud and clear to Muslims everywhere, if you don’t stand up and condemn the radical wing of your religion then we have no choice but to assume you agree with them and back their carnage.
......Thank you so much Dap22 for sending this to me.
Major ( RET) Dustoff 22 (Dave)
Dustoff 22
45th Medical Company Fort Bragg to Long Binh
VN (67-68)
Flight Instructor
USArmy Helicopter Training Center
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (5)
August 09, 2010
Pat Condell Speaks About Mosque Being Built At Ground Zero
Wild Thing's comment.......
The great Pat nails it once again.
It will be Islam's memorial for the 19 jihadists that died that day.
Never in all my life did I ever once think that what’s going on now would ever happen. Nationalized Healthcare? In your face Mosques?
And no one stopping it. No one cares,, honestly if more people, if the numbers of people against this was bigger, even lowlifes like Bloomberg would be terrified to go against the masses. We just don't have the masses making waves about this mosque, they are either too polite, silenced by their own apathy, not wanting to make waves perhaps, who knows. But if our population is some 308 million then imo there should be 200 million sounding off across our land. Can you imagine 200,000,000 people outraged at the exact same thing, it would have these Islam kiss ass people in government shaking in the power of OUR voice.
Sept. 11th Attacks ....Never Forget
"*This video was created by Adam Smith*. Warning this video contains people falling or jumping from the world trade center. Alot of questions been coming in about the man on the phone. Yes he was in tower 2 on the 105 floor top right corner of the video when it falls. Also the Music in this video is Requiem For A Dream by Lux Aterna"
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (5)
July 27, 2010
Lockerbie Probe and Connection To Obama
Lockerbie Probe May Prove Uncomfortable for Obama Administration
CNS News reported today that the Obama Administration preferred the release of Meghahi on compassionate grounds.
The Obama administration on Monday released the text of the LeBaron letter. It says Megrahi’s release on compassionate grounds would be “far preferable” than his return to Libya under a prisoner transfer agreement, but also sets two important conditions to this – he would have to remain in Scotland under supervision, and Scotland would have to release “the results of independent and comprehensive medical exams clearly establishing that Megrahi’s life expectancy is less than three months.”
The full text of the letter is here.
White House backed release of Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi
Correspondence obtained by The Sunday Times reveals the Obama administration considered compassionate release more palatable than locking up Abdel Baset al-Megrahi in a Libyan prison.
The intervention, which has angered US relatives of those who died in the attack, was made by Richard LeBaron, deputy head of the US embassy in London, a week before Megrahi was freed in August last year on grounds that he had terminal cancer.
The document, acquired by a well-placed US source, threatens to undermine US President Barack Obama's claim last week that all Americans were "surprised, disappointed and angry" to learn of Megrahi's release.
Scottish ministers viewed the level of US resistance to compassionate release as "half-hearted" and a sign it would be accepted.
The US has tried to keep the letter secret, refusing to give permission to the Scottish authorities to publish it on the grounds it would prevent future "frank and open communications" with other governments.
In the letter, sent on August 12 last year to Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond and justice officials, Mr LeBaron wrote that the US wanted Megrahi to remain imprisoned in view of the nature of the crime.
The note added: "Nevertheless, if Scottish authorities come to the conclusion that Megrahi must be released from Scottish custody, the US position is that conditional release on compassionate grounds would be a far preferable alternative to prisoner transfer, which we strongly oppose."
Mr LeBaron added that freeing the bomber and making him live in Scotland "would mitigate a number of the strong concerns we have expressed with regard to Megrahi's release".
Wild Thing's comment......
It's despicable that this terrorist is still breathing. This entire debacle is criminal on all parts.
More taqiyya from the Kenyan Kommunist Kaliph.
We are being ruled by a lying, lunatic moslem who was born a British subject, as was his father, not an American.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:49 AM | Comments (3)
American-Bred Terrorists Causing Alarm For Law Enforcement
Zachary Chesser, shown in this file image, accused of attempting to travel to Somalia to join the Islamist militant group Al-Shabaab appeared in federal court requesting that an attorney be appointed for him.
American-Bred Terrorists Causing Alarm For Law Enforcement
A Virginia man charged with providing material support to terrorists abroad appeared in court today requesting an attorney be appointed to him.
Zachary Chesser, 20, is accused of trying to join Al-Shabaab, a Somali-based Islamist militant group suspected in the recent bombing attacks in Uganda that left 73 dead and dozens more injured as they watched the World Cup final.
"I'm shocked—I'm just surprised," said Yvette Deale, Chesser's former neighbor. "It's not the kind of thing I would have expected in this neighborhood."
Chesser, who just two years ago was a high school football player and crew member in Fairfax, VA, is now one of 34 Americans accused of and charged with having ties to international terrorists in the past 18
Sources say this trend represents an unprecedented spike in homegrown terror and is an emerging threat that has them deeply concerned. What they consider to be most alarming is the fact that many of those charged were radicalized on the Internet, with thousands of Americans reportedly frequenting terror websites that espouse mass murder.
"This Is What We Have Feared"
A recently disclosed FBI Directorate of Intelligence document from July 2009 estimated that there were as many as 15,000 websites and web forums that were supportive of terrorist activities. Yet, officials say the number of websites is constantly changing since many of the sites and forums are not maintained, with current estimates indicating as many as 10,000 active sites.
The FBI analysis noted that about 80 percent of those sites existed on U.S.-based computer servers. U.S. officials say these type of sites rapidly gained popularity when Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, began to post beheading videos on the
"This is what we have feared for a very long time—that finally the ideology of radical Islam is effectively reaching into the United States to disaffected people here over the Internet," said Richard Clarke, a former White House counterterrorism adviser.
Some suspects allegedly used the Internet to also contact radicals like cleric Anwar al-Awlaki. In 2009, Chesser reportedly told the FBI that he sent several e-mails to the New Mexico native, who in turn replied to a couple of them. Al-Awlaki, 39, has most recently been tied to Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the prime suspect in the Fort Hood massacre, as well as the failed Christmas Day bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.
Americans Suspected of Terror
Some of those charged with terror are now well-known in this country, like Faisal Shahzad, the convicted would-be Time Square bomber. Just last week, a supposed martyrdom video surfaced in which an English-speaking Shahzad vocalized his appreciation for jihad, or holy war.
Also, David Headley from Chicago was convicted of helping to plan the November 2008 Mumbai attacks that killed more than 170 people. Then, associates of Najibullah Zazi, who is a permanent resident, were convicted of plotting to detonate bombs in New York City subways. And Michigan's own Colleen LaRose, more commonly known as Jihad Jane, was implicated in a plot to kill a Swedish cartoonist for drawing the head of the Prophet Muhammad on the body of a dog in 2007.
Interestingly enough, Zachary Chesser has his own connection to animators. In April, Chesser, using the identity of Abu Talhah Al-Amerikee, threatened the creators of Comedy Central's hit show "South Park," after they depicted the Prophet Mohammed in a bear suit.
Posting on the website Revolutionmuslim.com, he wrote, "what they are doing is stupid, and they will probably wind up like Theo van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of reality of what will likely happen to them." Van Gogh was a Dutch filmmaker who was killed in 2004 after making a film about women living in Islamic countries.
But there have been some suspected terrorists that have flown under the radar, like Bryant Vinas, who was accused of attacking a U.S. military base in Afghanistan and providing al-Qaeda with details about New York's railway system. Also, Michael Finton was arrested in a sting where he was attempting to detonate a truck bomb at a federal courthouse in Springfield, Illinois.
With so many potential threats, authorities say they are in a race against time to find these radicals before they launch a successful attack on the land they grew up on.
"In the last six to nine months," Clark said, "the FBI has seen more domestic Islamist extremist activity than at any time since immediately right after 9/11."
Wild Thing's comment.......
No. Islamic terrorists committing mass murder? No.
No it is white male “crackers” who are the terrorists for this regime.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (4)
How Islam is Taking Over The World: Islamization Explained
Wild Thing's comment......
This is the best video I have seen on this and gives a lot of information. IMO this is a must see video and one to share with others.
We need to teach them the true meaning jihad. No more R.O.E.'s. Death to Islam for Islam is death.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (2)
July 26, 2010
Pakistan Bans Bollywood Comedy About Osama bin Laden
Pakistan Bans Bollywood Comedy About Osama bin Laden
Pakistani news site Dawn.com reports that the government there has banned the Indian comedy film Tere Bin Laden for fear that it could inspire terrorist attacks. It looks like India might have made a modern version of Charlie Chaplin’s The Great Dictator.
Wild Thing's comment.......
We know how the Danish cartoons ticked off the Muslims, I guess this movie will as well.
Love seeing Osama bin Laden blow up.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:44 AM | Comments (2)
July 23, 2010
ANTI ISRAEL Obama Makes It Possible For PLO Flag to Fly in Washington D.C.
Palestinian terrorists burn Israeli and American flags during a demonstration outside the Palestinian parliament in Gaza City July 17, 2007.
PLO Flag to Fly in Washington D.C.
The United States State Department has announced to the Palestinian Authority/Palestinian Liberation Organization Mission representative in the United States that its status will be upgraded from a 'bureau' to that of a "general delegation' and that this change will allow the office in which the representation is situated to fly the PLO, now also the Palestine Authority, flag at its entrance.
The upgrading, besides allowing the flag to be flown, also grants certan privileges to the delegation staff, such as diplomatic immunity, although it is not equal to embassy status.
The PLO's chief representative in the United States, Maen Areikat, said that this step makes the PLO's status in the United States equivalent to its status in Canada and many western European countries.
Israeli Radio reported that sources in Prime Minister Netanyahu's office said that the Prime Minister knew of the planned step and did not object to it. . Diplomatic sources in Jerusalem claimed that the step was taken to strengthen Abu Maazen and try to get him to agree to direct talks with Israel. However, they expressed dissapointment that the White House did not make ceasing the PA's anti Israel incitement a condition for the status upgrade.
Wild Thing's comment........
"also grants certan privileges to the delegation staff, such as diplomatic immunity"
Imagine the possibilities of a terrorist organization that enjoys diplomatic immunity, e.g. the PLO. Imagine what you could smuggle into this country in diplomatic bags, which means stuff that could blow up, or stuff that could make you sick. So when car bombs start going off in American cities we'll have no one to arrest and prosecute.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:30 PM | Comments (4)
Barack Hussein Obama Upgrades Status of Palestinian Mission in Washington
A sign of America's determination to play an active role in bringing about an end to Israel's 43-year-old military occupation of Palestinian lands and the creation of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.
Obama grants 'Delegation Status' to terrorst group Palestinian Liberation Organization...PLO flag may fly over embassy in Washington.
U..S. Upgrades Status of Palestinian Mission in Washington
In a stunning move, the Obama administration has upgraded the status of the terrorist organization the PLO, the Palestinian Liberation Organization, to that of 'Delegation General' which became effective on July 20, 2010. To anyone watching and wondering just whose side that Obama is really on, there can from this point on be no longer any doubt of that. Obama intends to carve up Israel like a Thanksgiving day pie, and liberally award the pieces to the Arabs.
"The United States State Department has upgraded the Palestinian Liberation Organization's mission in Washington, the PLO's U.S. representative said on Thursday. The upgrade, which will give the PLO Mission to the U.S. the status of 'Delegation General', became effective beginning July 20, 2010.
Ambassador Maen Rashid Areikat, the PLO's representative to the United States, said that the decision was preceded by several consultations made over the past year between the PLO Mission and the Obama administration. In addition to the name change, the PLO office will now be able to fly the Palestinian flag - although there was some doubt that the organization would gain permission to hoist the Palestinian colors from its headquarters, which it shares with other tenants.
Areikat said he hoped the upgrade was "a sign of America's determination to play an active role in bringing about an end to Israel's 43-year-old military occupation of Palestinian lands and the creation of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital". Haaretz
Wild Thing's comment.........
We have a terrorist in power in our White House. He is doing everything he can and VERY fast too, to make our country no longer the America we have loved so much. And his hate for Jews and Israel is a driving force.
Obama is so wicked !
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:50 AM | Comments (4)
July 22, 2010
Obama Adviser: U.S. 'ideal place for renewal of Islam'
Obama adviser: U.S. 'ideal place for renewal of Islam'
Religion aide closely linked to imam seeking to build Ground Zero mosque
A religion adviser to President Obama has close ties to the imam who wants to build a 13-story Islamic cultural center near Ground Zero. The two have been documented together discussing America as "the ideal place for a renewal of Islam," WND has learned.
In February, Obama named a Chicago Muslim, Eboo Patel, to his Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Patel is the founder and executive director of Chicago-based Interfaith Youth Core, which says it promotes pluralism by teaming people of different faiths on service projects.
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the controversial Muslim leader behind the plan to build the Islamic center and mosque two blocks from Ground Zero, wrote the afterword to Patel's 2006 book, "Building the Interfaith Youth Movement: Beyond Dialogue to Action."
Patel is listed as one of 15 "Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow" on the website for the American Society for the Advancement of Muslims, or ASAM, which is led by Rauf.
In Patel's 2007 book, "Saving Each Other, Saving Ourselves," he recounts discussing with Rauf the future of Islam in the U.S.
Rauf "understood the vision immediately and suggested that I visit him and his wife, Daisy Khan, at their home the following evening," Patel recalled.
Khan founded the ASAM with her husband and has aided him in his plans for the mosque near Ground Zero.
"The living room of their apartment on the Upper West Side was set up like a mosque, with prayer rugs stretched from wall to wall," wrote Patel in his book.
Continued Patel: "I arrived at dusk, prayed the maghrib prayer with Daisy and Imam Feisal and then talked with them about how America, with its unique combination of religious devotion and religious diversity, was the ideal place for a renewal of Islam."
"In the twentieth century, Catholicism and Judaism underwent profound transformations in America," Rauf observed. "I think, this century, in America, Islam will do the same."
Patel boasts of a "critical mass" of Muslims in the U.S.
"Islam is a religion that has always been revitalized by its migration," he wrote. "America is a nation that has been constantly rejuvenated by immigrants. There is now a critical mass of Muslims in America."
Patel last March wrote a Huffington Post piece referring to Obama's former "green jobs" czar Van Jones as a "faith hero."
"In my last post on Van, I called him an American patriot," wrote Patel. "That is high praise in my book. But watching Van's speech at the NAACP, I have another title for him, one that I reserve for the true giants of history. Van Jones is a faith hero."
Jones resigned in September after it was exposed he founded a communist revolutionary organization and signed a statement that accused the Bush administration of possible involvement in the 9/11 attacks. Jones also called for "resistance" against the U.S.
Jones previously stated his advocacy for green jobs was part of a broader movement to destroy the U.S. capitalist system.
WND reported that one day after the 9/11 attacks, Jones led a vigil that expressed solidarity with Arab and Muslim Americans as well as what he called the victims of "U.S. imperialism" around the world.
Rauf, meanwhile, has caused a stir with his proposed $100 million, 13-story Islamic cultural center and mosque near the corner of Park Place and West Broadway.
Rauf sparked controversy earlier this month when he refused during a live radio interview to condemn violent jihad groups as terrorists. Rauf repeatedly refused on the air to affirm the U.S. designation of Hamas as a terrorist organization or call the Muslim Brotherhood extremists.
The Brotherhood openly seeks to spread Islam around the world, while Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction and is responsible for scores of suicide bombings, shootings and rocket attacks aimed at Jewish civilian population centers.
During the interview, Rauf was also asked who he believes was responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks.
"There's no doubt," stated Rauf. "The general perception all over the world was it was created by people who were sympathetic to Osama bin Laden. Whether they were part of the killer group or not, these are details that need to be left to the law-enforcement experts."
Rauf has been on record several times blaming U.S. policies for the Sept. 11 attacks. He has been quoted refusing to admit Muslims carried out the attacks.
Referring to the Sept. 11 attacks, Rauf told CNN, "U.S. policies were an accessory to the crime that happened. We (the U.S.) have been an accessory to a lot of innocent lives dying in the world. Osama bin Laden was made in the USA."
Madeline Brooks, a reporter who attended a sermon this year by Rauf, quoted the Islamic leader as stating "some people say it was Muslims who attacked on 9/11."
Rauf's 2004 book had two different titles, one in English and the second in Arabic. In the U.S., his book was called "What's right with America is what's right with Islam."
The same book, published in Arabic, bore the name "The Call From the WTC Rubble: Islamic Da'wah From the Heart of America Post-9/11."
Wild Thing's comment......
This makes me sooooo angry, this is getting harder and harder to deal with.
How DARE he say that about 9-11. I swear how much are we supposed to sit back and allow these worthless POS to say and do to our country!!!!!
Damn you to hell anyone that voted for Obama and brought his destruction to the best country in the world.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (7)
July 21, 2010
Here's what 'Obama money' is doing for you – in Kenya!
Here's what 'Obama money' is doing for you – in Kenya!
3 Republican congressmen reveal Barack secretly spent $23 million
An investigation by three Republican congressmen has revealed the Obama administration has secretly spent $23 million of U.S. taxpayer dollars in Kenya to fund a "Yes" vote on a constitutional referendum scheduled for Aug. 4 that would increase access to abortions in Kenya and establish legal status for Islamic law tribunals.
Meanwhile, trusted sources in Kenya tell WND that the White House has used Vice President Joseph Biden's trip to Kenya in June and the office of U.S. Ambassador to Kenya Michael E. Ranneberger to put out the message that passage of the referendum would enable the White House to open the floodgates to allow millions of dollars of additional U.S. government aid and private investment capital to flow into Kenya.
Last week, in response to inquiries from Reps. Chris Smith, R-N.J., Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., and Darrell Issa, R-Calif., the U.S. Agency for International Development admitted to spending more than $23 million of U.S. taxpayer money to influence voters in Kenya to pass the highly contentious constitution.
Despite denials, the Obama administration's funding to support passage of the controversial Kenyan proposed constitution is clear," Jeff Sagnip, spokesman for Rep. Smith, told WND in an e-mail over the weekend. "It constitutes U.S. monetary interference in a sovereign nation's voting process. If passed the constitution would dramatically alter existing pro-life laws."
Sagnip pointed out that the proposed constitution would water down the existing abortion law. It would permit abortion when "in the opinion of a trained health professional, there is need for emergency treatment or the life or health of the mother is in danger, or if permitted by any other written law." That language, Sagnip said, is "obviously vague" and riddled with "blatant loopholes."
Islamic courts
The proposed constitution would also give legal status to what are known as "Kadhi Courts," constituting an Islamic judicial structure within the overall structure of the Kenyan legal structure, to resolve disputes between Muslims under Shariah, or Islamic law.
Critics have charged that the constitutional provision to codify Kadhi Courts would violate the separation of state and religion by allowing Islamic law to have official legal status.
WND previously reported that in the 2007 presidential campaign in Kenya, Raila Odinga – the presidential candidate of the Orange Democratic Party and a Luo tribesman like Obama's father – signed an undisclosed memorandum of understanding with radical Muslims in Kenya to expand Islamic law within the country in exchange for Muslim support of his candidacy.
As reported by Ecumenical News International in the U.K., many Kenyans believe the provision in the proposed referendum that would establish Kadhi Courts is a fulfillment of the agreement Odinga made with Sheik Abdullah Abdi, the chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum.
~ snipet ~
"By funding (nongovernmental organizations) with obtaining 'yes' votes, the administration has crossed the line," Smith said last week in a statement. "Directly supporting efforts to register 'yes' voters and 'get out the yes vote' means the U.S. government is running a political campaign in Kenya. U.S. taxpayer funds should not be used to support one side or the other."
The Standard in Kenya reported Kenyan Higher Education Minister William Ruto, who is leading the "Red" team opposing the Kenyan constitutional referendum, has accused Ambassador Ranneberger of crossing the "no-go-zone for foreign diplomats."
In defending his actions, Ranneberger argued he was operating within his diplomatic orbit, but "more so because the U.S. is a friend of Kenya and is pro-reform," according to the report published by the Standard.
"Ranneberger maintained he was a friend of Kenya and would therefore not shy away from pointing out the lies being propagated by the 'No' team," the Standard wrote.
"Separated by a few kilometers from another meeting, where Ruto was selling his views against the draft, the envoy promised to continue helping the push for reforms," the paper said. "The American ambassador again pointed out Obama was interested in ensuring the country embraces reforms to pave way for better governance, improved livelihood for citizens."
Obama's links to Odinga
The Obama administration's funding of Kenyan internal politics appears to follow a pattern then-Sen. Obama first set on his 2006 Senate-funded visit to Kenya.
During that trip in 2006, Obama campaigned so openly for Odinga that Kenyan government spokesman Alfred Mutua went on Kenyan television on behalf of Kenyan President Kibaki to object that Obama was meddling inappropriately in Kenyan politics, as WND reported.
WND reported in 2008 that Obama raised almost $1 million for Odinga during the run-up to Kenya's 2007 presidential election.
Also as WND previously reported, Odinga called for protests over alleged voter fraud during the December 2007 Kenyan presidential election, with the resulting protest violence leaving an estimated 1,000 members of the dominant Kikuyu tribe in Kenya dead and an estimated 500,000 displaced from their homes.
In a horrifying incident following the election, at least 50 people, including women and children, were killed when an angry mob forced Kikuyu Christians into an Assembly of God church in the village of Eldoret, about 185 miles northwest of Nairobi. The mob set fire to the church, hacking with machetes any of the Christians who attempted to escape the flames.
In the final days of the New Hampshire Democratic primary, after the postelection violence in Kenya, Obama told reporters he continued to remain in contact with Odinga by telephone.
Obama did not object to Odinga's continued push to share the head of state with President Mwai Kibaki despite Odinga's electoral defeat.
Instead, Obama worked with former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan to end the violence by creating for Odinga the position of prime minister – a position not defined in the Kenyan constitution – so Odinga could become co–head of state with Kibaki.
As recently as May, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the top prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, was in Kenya to investigate the possibility of bringing criminal charges against both Kibaki and Odinga for their roles in the postelection violence.
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is all part of Obama's plan and his plan for America IMO as well.
That Obama even campaigned for a fellow degenerate there. THAT is against our laws.
Here are some past thngs that have been posted here related to Obama and his Muslim agenda.
Obama gets list of top Muslim Americans
Denver Post Wire Report
Obama seeks Muslims for White House posts
Shariah-Compliant Finance Advisor Picked by Obama as White House Fellow
June 25, 2010
On Tuesday, President Obama announced the appointment of this year’s “White House Fellows,” a prestigious program in which outstanding Americans are chosen to work in the White House and receive “first hand, high-level experience with the workings of the Federal government.” According to a White House Press release, one of this year’s Fellows is a young lawyer named Samar Ali:
Samar Ali is an Associate with the firm Hogan Lovells US LLP. She is responsible for counseling clients on mergers & acquisitions, cross-border transactions, Shari’a compliant transactions, project finance, and international business matters.
One state is preparing itself against Shariah Law
09 June 2010
Oklahoma lawmakers are supporting an amendment to the Oklahoma Constitution that would prohibit state courts from relying upon Sharia (Islamic law) or international law in deciding cases.
House Joint Resolution 1056 would place the issue before Oklahoma voters in November. This resolution, nicknamed “Save Our State,” has been proposed because of a rising concern with courts citing non-American sources as legal authority. Sharia, in particular, poses a threat to traditional American values. Honor killings and similar crimes are seeping into our nation, with justification under traditional Islamic law an increasingly common concern..
5 Signs Sharia Law Is Coming to a Town Near You
2010 July 14, 2010
Judicial: Sharia courts are already operating in Britain, but it’s started across the pond too, most recently in Texas, Minnesota, and New Jersey to name a few. This is especially troubling if your president appoints a man sympathetic to Sharia. Harold Koh sees no reason why Sharia law would not be applied to govern a case in the United States.
Legislative: When I vote, I just care that the person running is committed to upholding the U.S. Constitution. I don’t care about gender, race or religion, but these guys give me pause: the North Carolina congressman who refuses to denounce Sharia in the U.S. courts and the Minnesota congressman who swore his oath of office on the Koran. I’m pretty sure the Koran and Sharia have more than a few points in conflict with the Constitution, specifically the first, eighth and thirteenth amendments.
Executive: Before Obama was elected, he went to Kenya to support Raila Odinga, who ran on the platform of imposing Sharia in that country if elected. Um, why? And since then Obama has given a culturally loaded speech to the Muslim world (why not to Mormons? Hari Krishnas?), and has been not just sympathetic, but aggressive in appointing Muslims to key positions–when he’s not literally bowing down to them.
Sharia Courts in...Texas Yes, Texas.T
The parties will ask the courts to refer the cases for arbitration to Texas Islamic court within “Seven Days” from the establishment of the Texas Islamic Court panel of Arbitrators. The assignment must include ALL cases, including those filed against or on behalf of other family members related to the parties. Each party will notify the other party, Texas Islamic Court, and their respective attorneys, in writing of the assignment of all the above Cause Numbers from the above appropriate District Court to Texas Islamic Court.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM
July 10, 2010
New Black Panther Party Leader Malik Shabazz Heaping Praise on Osama Bin Laden
This is the New Black Panther Party Leader praising Osama Bin Laden just 6 months after the September 11th terrorist attack. Shabazz called Osama “a brother” and “a bold man” before praising him for “standing up” and getting Bush “shook up.”
These are the kind of people Barack Obama and Eric Holder are protecting.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama draws no line with evil. He seeks it out, to defend or protect these people in any way is to agree with them and what they say and stand for.
When that demonic mosque opens by “ground zero”, that will empower people like this.
Not only have I not heard one muslin say they object, I have never heard one muslim object to terrorism, including 9/11.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (3)
July 09, 2010
CBS Bans Ad Opposing Ground Zero Mosque
“CBS Standards & Practices has determined the Ad you submitted is not within CBS Broadcast Standards.” Or so the the Republican Trust was told by media honchos. Reports are that other media outlets are dragging their feet.
Wild Thing's comment......
I don't get it on this. If I lived in NY and was right there I would do all I could to stop this thing from happening. I realize many in NY are fighting back but my question is why not ALL New Yorkers. How can even one person living there think this is OK. How sad that even people on the left cannot love America enough to say no to the enemy building their mosque. God bless those in NY that are at least trying to fight this monster from happening.
And then there is the POS Mayor Blumberg's support of this project....why? What is in it for him? You would think he would be fighting against the mosque instead of supporting it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 PM | Comments (6)
July 06, 2010
Muslims in Europe Feeling the Heat
"Finally Europe is starting to wake up to the threat of Islam, and Muslims are starting to feel the heat. Hopefully this is just the beginning, and the end to Muslim immigration is on the horizon. But once again, we see Muslims uniting to fight our movement. This is a video update to the, “UK: Demonstration to Defend the Symbols of Islam” story. "
Wild Thing's comment......
It’s about frigging time the Euros started to wake up about the threat that extremist and radical Muslims pose.
BUT please do not come here to our country. And dang you just know Obama will invite these freaks.
It may be worse here. At least the euros do not elect Muslims to RULE them.
Islam is Not For Me - Theme Song
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM
July 02, 2010
Islamic Leader Anjem Choudary Says Point Blank That ISLAM is “not a religion of peace.”
Islamic Leader Anjem Choudary, who says Islamic teachings are what shaped his pro-jihad message. Choudary is an Islamic leader in Great Britain, and he says point blank that Islam is “not a religion of peace.” He teaches that Jihad and the killing of Christians and Jews is authorized by the Koran.
Choudary refuses to condemn the September 11 attacks, referring to the 9/11 attackers as “The Magnificent 19.” He calls for the overthrow of the British system, and wants to impose Islamic Sharia Law on the country.
Wild Thing's comment........
The Muslim Obama and his administration has released a review of its strategy in the war on terrorism. The report failed to even mention the word "Islam."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (3)
June 20, 2010
Britain Today......Is America Next?
Title of video : BRITAIN TODAY
Date of video : April 07, 2010
The whole of Britain is affected by Islam now. Very Sad. Its like having a nightmare.
Wild Thing's comment........
The installation of Sharia within our societies is part of the overall Jihad movement. The duty and object of Jihadists is to overtake western institutions by any means possible - not only through terror - to ultimately establish Islam as the dominant government in all countries in the world. It's the final decree of the Prophet, Muhammed. It's the calling that has been loyally followed by Muslims in the world since 632 A.D. It's not going away. Any forms of capitulation by western governments is seen not just as weakness, but one more step toward victory as Sharia creeps inside the free world.
They are looking for political candidates that show signs of weakness and compromise. As we have seen John Brennan's Obama's man kissing up to Islam and others dems doing the same thing, and some of the rino's as well. Not wanting to say it like it is, that the enemy is Islam and the wording moderate muslims etc.
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
US Army Aviation
Vietnam 1966-68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:48 AM | Comments (5)
June 18, 2010
Alert Issued for 17 Afghan Military Members AWOL From U.S. Air Force Base
Alert Issued for 17 Afghan Military Members AWOL From U.S. Air Force Base
A nationwide alert has been issued for 17 members of the Afghan military who have gone AWOL from a Texas Air Force base where foreign military officers who are training to become pilots are taught English, FoxNews.com has learned.
The Afghan officers and enlisted men have security badges that give them access to secure U.S. defense installations, according to the lookout bulletin, "Afghan Military Deserters in CONUS [Continental U.S.]," issued by Naval Criminal Investigative Service in Dallas, and obtained by FoxNews.com.
The Afghans were attending the Defense Language Institute at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. The DLI program teaches English to military pilot candidates and other air force prospects from foreign countries allied with the U.S.
"I can confirm that 17 have gone missing from the Defense Language Institute," said Gary Emery, Chief of Public Affairs, 37th Training Wing, at Lackland AFB. "They disappeared over the course of the last two years, and none in the last three months."
Each Afghan was issued a Department of Defense Common Access Card, an identification card used to gain access to secure military installations, with which they "could attempt to enter DOD installations," according to the bulletin. Base security officers were encouraged to disseminate the bulletin to their personnel.
"The visas issued to these personnel have been revoked, or are in the process of being revoked. Lookouts have been placed in TECS," it reads.
Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS), which is shared by federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, is a computer-based database used to identify people suspected of violating federal law.
Included in the bulletin are photos of the 17 men, accompanied by their dates of birth and their TECS Lookout numbers.
The bulletin requests, "If any Afghan pictured herein is encountered, detain the subject and contact your local Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office, the FBI or NCIS."
A senior Defense Department official in Washington told Fox News he had no direct knowledge of the 17 men being AWOL. The official added that this is not the first time foreign trainees have gone missing, and said some cases in the past have turned out to be more of an immigration concern than a national security threat.
The FBI and NCIS did not respond to requests for comment. A Department of Homeland Security spokesman referred FoxNews.com to the FBI.
The following 17 Afghan military members have gone AWOL from an Air Force base in Texas and are being sought in a nationwide alert in the U.S.
They only give their names and once again NO photo of the person. What is it with this no photo, is that because Obama would say it is profiling????
I added a photo ~ Wild Thing
Abdul Ghani Barakzai, born 8/8/1977
Mohd Ali Karimi, born 9/3/1982
Mohammad Nasim Fateh Zada, born 12/4/1966
Aminullah Sangarwal, born 8/27/1982
Mohd Ahmadi, born 5/5/1978
Ahad Abdulahad, born 5/5/1984
Sayed Qadir Shah Habiby, born 5/7/1985
Javed Aryan a.k.a. Aryan Javed, born 1/1/1987
Mirwais Qassmi, born 4/24/1974
Barsat Noorani, born 6/3/1981
Atiqullah Habibi, two dates of birth are listed on the alert: 6/2/1982 and 7/2/1982
Ahmad Sameer Samar, born 5/2/1983
Mohamed Fahim Faqier, born 6/1/1987
Obaiddullah Abrahimy, born 8/1/1979
Sayed Nasir Hashimi, born 4/5/1972
Shawali Kakar, born 12/31/1979
Khan Padshah Amiri, born 4/1/1978
Wild Thing"s comment.......,.
I have got to ask this. Why didn't they train these men have been trained just as well in, oh, I don’t know, Afghanistan or something?
This entire story is insane. I don't know where to begin.
Didn't it occur to ANYBODY that AWOL foreign nationals with CAC cards are a risk, BEFORE 17 went missing?
Anyway, it should also be a concern when someone has two birthdays:
Atiqullah Habibi, two dates of birth are listed on the alert: 6/2/1982 and 7/2/1982
Maybe one day is on his Hawaii certificate and the other is on his Kenyan BC.
And WTH is this??!!
"They disappeared over the course of the last two years"
It has taken the authorities THIS long to alert us to the fact that possible terrorists are on the loose?? God help us!
Since Obama was sworn in and then this............
" The visas issued to these personnel have been revoked, or are in the process of being revoked"
I mean God help us all. SOME of the visas issued are STILL in the process of being revoked?????????????
Sheesh They’ve been running off over the last two years and they are just now revoking the visas for some of them? Incredibly stupid.
DNI & CIA Chief Predict Terrorist Attack In Next 6 Months ( date on the video is Feb. 2010)
A video documenting the sighting of a mysterious periscope off the coast of Florida. This may or may not tie into the four unmanned subs that went missing a few weeks back.Navy loses four underwater unmanned vehicles off Norfolk ...from June 8,2010
Hampton RoadsFour underwater unmanned vehicles went missing Sunday during training to conduct search, classify and map missions.The Navy, Coast Guard and local authorities were searching for the missing vehicles in the Thimble Shoals Channel between the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel and the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, a Navy news release said.Communication was lost with four of the 13 unmanned vehicles Sunday about 1 p.m. while the vehicles were using bottom-mapping sonar to look for mine-like contacts in the water as part of the training. Search and recovery operations began immediately.Efforts continued Monday using small-craft, shore-based teams, air assets and marine mammal systems, which could include sea lions and dolphins trained to hunt mines.The cause of the vehicles’ disappearance is under investigation. The missing vehicles do not pose a danger to civilians or the environment, the Navy release said, but if an unmanned vehicle is discovered floating in the water, boaters should avoid it as they would any other navigation hazard.If one of the missing vehicles is found, please call the U.S. Second Fleet commander at (757) 443-9821. The unmanned vehicles were being used as part of a larger training exercise with about 2,500 personnel from Canadian and U.S. military forces and government civilian agencies. The annual training exercise will continue through Friday.
These unmanned underwater vehicles were equipped to handle explosives. At the very least, this deserves a second thought.
Sub Spotted on the Coast of Florida - Navy Missing Mini Subs ( this one is just YESTERDAY June 17, 2010 — We have had numerous reports of missing subs throughout the United States.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (2)
Radical Islamist Group Is Returning to Chicago for Major Recruitment Drive
EMERGING WORLD ORDER: How the Khilafah will shape the world
Khilafah Conference 2010
Date: Sunday, July 11th 2010
Time: 1:00PM - 6:00PM
Venue: Chicago Marriott Oak Brook
1401 W. 22nd St.
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Radical Islamist Group Is Returning to Chicago for Major Recruitment Drive
By Diane Macedo
The radical Islamist group that kicked up controversy for its “Fall of Capitalism & Rise of Islam” conference last year is slated to return to Chicago next month to hold its second Khilafah Conference, “Emerging World Order: How the Khilafah Will Shape the World."
They're back. A radical Islamist group critics say has links to Al Qaeda is gearing up to host its second annual U.S. recruiting event.
The group, Hizb ut-Tahrir America, which is committed to establishing a caliphate, or international Islamic empire, kicked up controversy in Chicago last year with its first U.S. conference, “Fall of Capitalism & Rise of Islam.”
Speakers at the conference blamed capitalism for everything from two World Wars to Michael Jackson's decision "to shed his black skin." It drew more than 500 attendees, dozens of protesters and a heavy police presence.
Now the group is coming back to the Windy City with its second conference, “Emerging World Order: How the Khilafah Will Shape the World," scheduled to begin July 11 at the Chicago Marriott Oak Brook. According to a video promoting the event, the goal is to persuade attendees to “answer the call” to "join the campaign" for a Khilafah, or global Islamic empire.
Despite the charged message, the group insists that it advocates change only through nonviolent means.
Terrorism "is not in our dictionary," spokesman Mohammad Malkawi told reporters last year. "We condemn it by all means … From our perspective, our records are clean on this issue."
But some experts say the group's rhetoric masks its true role: preparing the infantry for groups like Al Qaeda by indoctrinating young jihadists.
“Hizb ut-Tahrir realized that U.S. laws, in this stage, allow them to work undetected as long as they use a narrative that fools the public and law enforcement,” Walid Phares, director of the Future of Terrorism Project at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told FoxNews.com.
He said the group’s vision of a worldwide caliphate is "is identical to the Taliban regime but spanning on three continents, as a first stage."
Former Hizb ut-Tahrir member Ishtiaq Hussain agreed.
"They don’t believe Israel should exist, some of their leaders have denied the Holocaust, and they believe homosexuals should be thrown off the highest building," Hussain, now a trainer for the Quilliam Foundation, told FoxNews.com. "... It's actually a very dangerous group."
Phares said Hizb ut-Tahrir's list of alumni -- including confessed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Al Qaeda in Iraq's onetime leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi -- speaks for itself.
“The bottom line here," he said, "is that we are witnessing the emergence and the expansion of a jihadist recruitment factory in our midst, openly calling for jihad and for the establishment of a caliphate instead of many governments... and in its last stage to what they call jihadism against America and its allies, that is, technically speaking, terrorism and massacre."
Hizb ut-Tahrir America did not respond to requests for comment sent by e-mail. The group's website lists neither a phone number nor a mailing address.
At a recent conference in the United Kingdom, Hizb ut-Tahrir spoke directly against the U.S., mocking Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's warning of severe consequences if a Pakistani connection to the Times Square bomber was discovered, and contending that the U.S. was behind terror attacks in Pakistan.
Whether there will be similar rhetoric at next month's conference in Chicago is unclear. Unlike last year, the group has no itinerary laid out on its website for this year's conference.
The Chicago Marriott Oak Brook confirmed that it would be hosting the conference, but it would not comment on whether it had reviewed the group or was aware of its specific plans for the conference.
But news of the hotel chain's hospitality came as a surprise to the Florida Security Council, which said the Marriott of Delray Beach, Fla., backed out of hosting one of its events last year when it planned to honor an anti-jihadism advocate.
The group, which aims to raise awareness of security threats facing Florida and the U.S. by "radical, supremist, Muslims," and "Latin American totalitarianism," is now suing the Marriott for breach of contract.
“You let lunatics come into your hotel, and then you have people trying to defend the United States of America and you throw them out … the double standard is glaring and obvious and absurd,” Florida Security Council Director Tom Trento told FoxNews.com.
Marriott's Corporate Office did not respond to requests for comment on the Hizb ut-Tahrir conference or the Florida case.
But Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, President of American Islamic Forum for Democracy, said he thinks the hotel should go ahead with its plan to host the conference.
"It [Hizb ut-Tahrir] is a conveyor belt to terror, there’s no doubt about it, but the issue is if we’re going to change these hearts and minds and we’re going to prevent the future Nidal Hassans of the world, we’re not going to do it by making these types of things illegal,” Jasser told FoxNews.com.
Instead, Jasser said, the U.S. needs to “start to provide Muslim youth an alternative to where America is not demonized but where we change the narrative and start to promote groups that are reformist.”
“I’d like us to debate them publicly in order to prove how invalid their ideas are rather than shut them down and make them into victims,” he said. “…I think it’s the type of thing we need to expose.”
Hizb ut-Tahrir America, meanwhile, is seeking some exposure of its own.
A YouTube video advertising the conference has more 13,000 views, a Facebook page promoting the event has more than 2,400 fans, and countless supporters in the U.S. and abroad have "Tweeted" and "ReTweeted," news of the upcoming conference, extending Hizb ut-Tahrir America's reach far beyond its known followers.
With an 11,000-square-foot ballroom reserved at the Marriott, it apparently expects to acquire many more in Chicago next month.
Wild Thing's comment.........
K-BOOM! Just thinking here................
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (3)
June 17, 2010
Look Out Miami Here They Come! Muslim Congress Conference 4Th of July Weekend Miami FL.
From their website:
Muslim Congress strongly condemn the brutal aggression of Zionist forces
We strongly condemn and denounce the illegal, immoral and brutal aggression of Zionist forces in the international waters killing nearly 19 innocent civilians and leaving many more injured
Reviving the Islamic Spirit (RIS) US 2010 trailer featuring audio or video messages of Ustad Amr Khaled, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Ambassador Shabazz, Imam Zaid Shakir, Dr. Jamal Badawi, Dr. Abdal Hakim Jackson and Dr. Yasir Qadhi
I have noticed that the more Islam advances in America, the nastier many leftists are in defense of it. So while many of us are arguing with leftists about Islam, what are Muslims doing? They are uniting in conferences across America. This one takes place at the Hyatt Regency, in Miami Florida. Here is some back ground information on the “Muslim Congress”.
“MUSLIM CONGRESS is an organization based in and caters to Muslims of North America. Our goal is to establish a Muslim Community founded on strong Islamic beliefs where individuals can develop and succeed without compromising their Islamic identity. In keeping with this objective, MUSLIM CONGRESS invites you to its 6th annual conference in Miami, FL titled “Qur’an and Ahlul-Bayt” on July 3 – 4, 2010 (Independence Day Weekend). We look forward to your participation
There are two things going on here. The first is that they are not going to go against Islam, and at the sametime they want to make as much money as possible. Of course part of the money will be used to advance Islam.
Some of the workshops that will take place are.
* Civil Rights and Advocacy:
Which means that they will be taught how to use our freedoms, against us to advance Islam. If businesses or schools etc do not comply, they will file lawsuits against them.
* How to run Islamic Organizations:
This is all about creating more organizations, in the name of making Islam more powerful in America.
The primary goal of Muslim Congress is to provide educational services that will directly benefit our communities. Some of these services are already underway and available while others will be made available in the near future. Muslim Congress has set up a state-of-the-art website which serves as a focal point for all its activities.
Prayer Timings, Moon-sighting information, Jurisprudence Q & A, Islamic Center/Mosque locator, News and Articles, Online Audio and Lecture Archives are some examples of the information that will be made available in this phase.
Services offered by Muslim Congress will be designed while keeping in mind the needs of the youngsters as well as women of the community. Some examples of such services include: Family Counseling, Matrimonial Services, Career/Business Guidance, Family Magazine, Online Discussion Forums etc.
Other significant goals of Muslim Congress include: Organizing Hajj/Pilgrimage groups, Establishment of Islamic Schools, Helping Communities in providing Ulama for their Islamic Centers, development of a unified Sunday school curriculum, and establishment of an Islamic media network.
In other words they are teaching Sharia Law, and want to create a media network, in which they will try and con non-Muslims with. This organization is no friend of America as we know it.
Here is how they survive.
Our Annual Income Statement
Income and expense Summary Federal Tax ID# 74-3138572
We are an independant charitable non-profit organization in accordance with section 501 (c)(3) of the IRS tax code.
- Musllim Congress is funded solely by the donations of individual Muslims in America.
- Muslim Congress has no ties or links whatsoever to any domestic or foreign entity or organization.
- All funding we recieve is used within the United States to forward the Muslim Cause.
If you have any questions, contact us at info@muslimcongress.org
Tax Year 2007
Tax Year 2008
Total Contribution/Donations/Pledges $ 129,113.00 $ 143,801.00
Carry Over $ 0.0 $ 23,609.00 from 2007
Total Contribution/Donations $ 129,113.00 $ 167,410.00
Expenses (detailed expense report below) $ -105,504.00 $ -157,976.00
Remaining Balance Carry Over $ 23,609.00 $ 9,434.00 to 2009
Detailed Expense Report
Expense Detail/Category
Tax Year 2007 Tax Year 2008
Office Expense including printing $ 7,670.00 $ 3,467.00
Information Technology/Development $ 4,278.00 $ 1,118.00
Travel (Airfair of Speakers and Guests) $ 9,440.00 $ 21,712.00
Lodging (Speakers Stay) $ 12,151.00 $ 27,040.00
Conference/Seminars (Including DayCare, Insurance) $ 50,900.00 $ 79,971.00
Catering $ 15,657.00 $ 13,410.00
Youth Camps $ – $ 3,000.00
Scholarship / Awards $ 5,020.00 $ 6,838.00
Professional Fee $ 320.00 $ -
Postage $ 68.00 $ 608.00
Bank Fee/Credit Card Charges $ – $ 167.00
Total Expense $ 105,504.00 $ 157,976.00
Wild Thing's comment.......
They are not here to be our equals, they are here to dominate the country.
There are plenty of Islamic countries worldwide. There is only one America, founded upon Judeo-Christian beliefs. Muslims need to look elsewhere.
This is so insane that this is happening and it is not the first time. They have been doing this I think since 9-11. Maybe before but I am not sure.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (6)
June 16, 2010
Obama Nominee for Deputy Attorney General, James Cole, Says 9/11 Attacks Not Acts of War
Obama Nominee for Deputy Attorney General Says 9/11 Attacks Not Acts of War, Likens Them to Domestic Crimes of Murder, Rape
Obama has nominated a man to be the number two person in the Department of Justice who does NOT believe the September 11 attacks were acts of war. Instead, nominee James Cole made it clear in an op-ed back in 2002 that he sees the attacks as domestic “criminal acts”:
Despite a resolution by Congress authorizing war against those responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks, President Obama’s nominee to be the number two official at the Justice Department, James Cole, wrote an op-ed in 2002 likening the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon to the domestic crimes of murder, rape and child abuse, while arguing that the attackers ought to be treated like domestic criminals.
“But the attorney general is not a member of the military fighting a war–he is a prosecutor fighting crime,” Cole wrote in a Sept. 9, 2002 article in Legal Times that critiqued the way then-Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft was handling the 9/11 case.
“For all the rhetoric about war, the Sept. 11 attacks were criminal acts of terrorism against a civilian population, much like the terrorist acts of Timothy McVeigh in blowing up the federal building in Oklahoma City, or of Omar Abdel-Rahman in the first effort to blow up the World Trade Center,” said Cole. “The criminals responsible for these horrible acts were successfully tried and convicted under our criminal justice system, without the need for special procedures that altered traditional due process rights
“Our country has faced many forms of devastating crime, including the scourge of the drug trade, the reign of organized crime, and countless acts of rape, child abuse, and murder. The acts of Sept. 11 were horrible, but so are these other things,” Cole wrote in his op-ed.
Cole did concede in his Legal Times piece that an “arguable difference” between domestic rape, child abuse and murder and the 9/11 attacks was that foreign organizations and perhaps even countries were involved in the latter. “But we have never treated such influences as a basis for ignoring the core constitutional protections ingrained in our criminal justice system.”
The group 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America opposes Cole’s confirmation.
“Mr. Cole has gone on record opposing military commissions for any detainees, stating that military commissions are an inferior form of justice which do not provide defendants with adequate due process protections,” said Debra Burlingame, co-founder of the group, in a statement. “In light of the fact that the Obama administration continues to drag its feet on an announcement regarding the forum and venue for the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the other admitted 9/11 conspirators, Mr. Cole's nomination is an alarming signal. The public is overwhelmingly opposed to holding these trials in New York federal court. Clearly, the administration needs to hear from us again."
Wild Thing's comment........
May God DAMN these people to eternal hell.
Obama is catering to the Muslims in full public view.He is blatant in doing so.
“The Confession of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed” CLICK to see VIDEO
SNIPPET: “CAUTION: This video contains an extremely grisly sequence.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (2)
Muslim Protesters Disrupt UK Soldiers’ Homecoming
Fox News showing Muslim protesters disrupting the homecoming of British Troops from Afghanistan. The protesters showed up with posters and shouted at the soldiers, which did not go over well with the locals. Local citizens went after the protesters, outraged at the “disgraceful” behavior of the Muslims toward the British Troops.
One woman put it well when she said: “This is our English country. If they don’t like it, they should go home!”
Wild Thing's comment........
Muslims want to take over the world…and they are doing it! America and the remaining FREE WORLD need to unite against these BARBARIC INHUMANE ANIMALS!
This is coming to America…and with Obama's blessing.
"I don't think you can overstate the importance that the rise of Islamic fundamentalism will have to the rest of the world in the century ahead-especially if, as seems possible, its most fanatical elements get their hands on nuclear and chemical weapons and the means to deliver them against their enemies." --Ronald Reagan
They mention one happened last March a year ago. The one below is the one from last March 2009.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (4)
June 10, 2010
Thousands Rally Against Ground Zero Grand Mosque
Video is taken near Ground Zero in New York where thousands of people turned out this past Sunday, June 6, to rally against the proposed 13-story Grand Mosque to be build across from Ground Zero. The video is a powerful sampling of the sights and sounds from that day, including comments and speeches from some who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001.
Wild Thing's comment........
In another time, in another America, the one you and I grew up in, THIS kind of thing would never have been allowed to happen. It never would have made it past the one person that even brought it up in the first place.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (4)
June 01, 2010
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick Embraces Hate Preaching Imam
This is a very powerful video that shows whose side Governor Patrick is on. Imam Abdullah Faarooq preaches for violence, and has even bought off the the Attorney General’s office for the training of law enforcement agencies, on “cultural sensitivity” when dealing with Muslims.
Also the entire list of demands that Patrick agreed to last week, can be seen in this video. I rarely say this, but this is a must see.
This happened on May 22nd.
This video shows Governor Patrick embracing the radical leadership of the Muslim American Society (MAS), including an Imam who who told followers they must “pick up the gun and the sword” in the context of the arrests of local Islamic extremist Aafia Siddiqui and terror suspect Tarek Mehanna.
Governor Deval Patrick embraces Radical Islam via Islamic Center in Massachusetts
This is political correctness run amuck that allows our enemies to build fortresses right here in our neighborhoods, and our officials are just giving in to their demands. When will America wake up to the noxious odors of radical Islam steeping in our own backyard?
What this video portrays is exactly what will happen in New York when they build the Islamic center (Mosque) 600 feet from the graves of those who were killed by Islam.
Who is the Governor of Massachusetts embracing and why?
"Grab onto the shove, grab onto the gun, and the sword, don't be afraid to step out into this world and do your job."
This is Imam Abdullah Faarooq in his sermon urging congregants to "grab onto the gun and the sword".
he is a senior leader in the Boston Muslim Community and represents the Muslim Americans society's Islamic Cultural Center in the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston. September 2004
It is called the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center and when it is complete, it will be the largest mosque in the northeast.
Fox undercover investigation has documented that several of it's leaders, past and present, do have ties to Islamic terrorism.
The Center's founder, Abdul Alamudhi is serving a 23 year term for Al Qaeda terror plot.
One of its' former trustees, Yusuf Al Qaradawi urges his followers to exterminate Jews and kill homosexuals.
One of its current trustees, Walid Fitaih, wrote in Arabic newspapers that Jews are the "rapists of worshippers of Allah" and should be scouraged.
The most recently added trustee, Jamal Badawi, promotes wife beating and demands that Muslims establish Sharia Islamic Law wherever they live.
The organization that runs the Islamic Center, The Muslim American Society. has been labeled by federal prosecuters as the over arm of the Muslim Brotherhood a global radial Islamic group that gave birth to Hamas and Al Qaeda.
Most of the money used to finance the center came from Saudi Arabia and some had terrorist connections.
A significant amount was contributed by the city of Boston when Mayor agreed to donate the land of Roxbury valued at over $2 Million for a fraction of its worth.
Critics of the center warned that its leaders would use it to radicalize Boston's historically moderate Muslim community.
Oct. 2004 Professor Dennis Hale, Islamic Center Opponent: "If this Islamic Center is finished under it's current leadership and current ideology will it become as so many mosques with similar associations have become elsewhere in the United States a center for Islamic extremism in our own backyard? Will it become in fact a Jihadist camp?"
Sheikh Ahmed Mansour, Islamic Center Opponent: "They please the non-Muslims by saying all Islam is religion of peace, and they quote the verses, but they don't mention what in their sacred, secret culture. They in their own communities, their own mosques teach the hadiths of "I am commanded to fight all the people."
Snip The Islamic Center was opened in 2009 and since then several high level terrorism plots have been linked to it's members and leaders.
“And it is especially troubling that the office of the MA Attorney General Martha Coakley,” Dr. Jacobs continued, “accepted a $50K grant from Imam Faarooq and the MAS to fund the training of Massachusetts law enforcement agencies, training which will likely be conceived and conducted by radicals.” The Governor also agreed to comply with a list of “commitments” that MAS leaders requested of him. “These requests,” said Jacobs, “which seek to privilege the Muslim community, may open the way for Sharia finance in Massachusetts, and may also encourage the dissemination of radical Islamic propaganda in state agencies and the public schools.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Deval Patrick just like his buddy Barack Obama.
Democrats and terrorists.......not much difference.
The Governer’s office contact information CLILCK HERE.
If you scroll down the page there is a place to send an email, a smalll box to write in etc.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (2)
May 28, 2010
Counterterror Adviser John Brennan Defends Jihad as 'Legitimate Tenet of Islam' ~ Whiskey Tango Foxtrot??
Obama’s top adviser on counter-terrorism – John Brennan – is in the news today for his description of how the Obama Administration is approaching the Islamic Jihadist enemy America faces today. Basically, they are pretending the real enemy does not exist. Here is what Brennan said:
“Our enemy is not terrorism, because terrorism is but a tactic. Our enemy is not terror, because terror is a state of mind – and as Americans we refuse to live in fear. Nor do we describe our enemy as ‘Islamists’ or ‘Jihadists,’ because ‘Jihad’ is a ‘Holy Struggle,’ a legitimate tenet of Islam.”
This is not the first time Brennan has made this argument. Back in August of last year, Brennan made an extensive speech laying out the radical worldview of President Obama and his administration. It was this speech in which they essentially declared that the “War on Terror” does not exist.
Counterterror Adviser Defends Jihad as 'Legitimate Tenet of Islam'
The president's top counterterrorism adviser on Wednesday called jihad a "legitimate tenet of Islam," arguing that the term "jihadists" should not be used to describe America's enemies.
During a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, John Brennan described violent extremists as victims of "political, economic and social forces," but said that those plotting attacks on the United States should not be described in "religious terms."
He repeated the administration argument that the enemy is not "terrorism," because terrorism is a "tactic," and not terror, because terror is a "state of mind" -- though Brennan's title, deputy national security adviser for counterterrorism and homeland security, includes the word "terrorism" in it. But then Brennan said that the word "jihad" should not be applied either.
"Nor do we describe our enemy as 'jihadists' or 'Islamists' because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one's community, and there is nothing holy or legitimate or Islamic about murdering innocent men, women and children," Brennan said.
The technical, broadest definition of jihad is a "struggle" in the name of Islam and the term does not connote "holy war" for all Muslims. However, jihad frequently connotes images of military combat or warfare, and some of the world's most wanted terrorists including Usama bin Laden commonly use the word to call for war against the West.
Wild Thing's comment.......
This idiot needs to spend some time on the Koran.
Newspeak at it’s most dangerous. We have officially been taken over by the enemy.
It will be a cold day in Hell before the Obamunists do anything at all to protect the interests of the United States. In point of fact, everything the Obamunists do is deliberately designed to destroy the U.S. as a world power in the name of making all nations “equal”.
“Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.” Barack Hussein Obama
“it is important for Western countries to avoid impeding Muslim citizens from practicing religion as they see fit” Barack Hussein Obama
“We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better, including my own country.” Barack Hussein Obama
“The contribution of Muslims to the United States are too long to catalog because Muslims are so interwoven into the fabric of our communities and our country” Barack Hussein Obama
“I have lived in a Muslim-majority country... I know, because I am one of them.” Barack Hussein Obama
“As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.” Barack Hussein Obama
“Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.” Barack Hussein Obama
“And since our founding, American Muslims have enriched the United States.” Barack Hussein Obama
“And I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.” Barack Hussein Obama
“Moreover, freedom in America is indivisible from the freedom to practice one’s religion. That is why there is a mosque in every state of our union, and over 1,200 mosques within our borders. That is why the U.S. government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab, and to punish those who would deny it.” Barack Hussein Obama
“We are not nor have we even been at war with Islam” Barack Hussein Obama
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:49 AM | Comments (7)
May 23, 2010
Obama.....Joins Anti-Israel Group the Pro-Muslim 'Alliance of Civilizations'
US Joins Pro-Muslim 'Alliance of Civilizations'
The Obama administration has announced the United States will join the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, another openly anti-Israel organization.
The group was created in 2006 to find ways to bridge the growing divide between Muslim and Western societies – a goal wholeheartedly embraced by President Barack Obama, who has redirected American foreign policy in pursuit of the same goal.
The White House announcement stated that the move is intended to realize Obama's “vision of active U.S. engagement with other nations and international organizations,” a goal sometimes pursued, noted National Review Online columnist Brett D. Schaefer last Thursday, “even when there is little or no chance that doing so will advance U.S. interests.”
The U.S. decision is also meant to support the Alliance goal of “improved understanding and cooperative relations among nations and peoples,” the statement said.
However, the Alliance has been anything but cooperative when it comes to improving understanding of issues relating to the security of Israel's and United States' civilians.
The group claimed in its first report in 2006 that global tensions were driven primarily by the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The same report referred to “a perception among Muslim societies of unjust aggression stemming from the West” in a discussion relating to the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States by the international Al Qaeda terrorist group.
US Feared it Would be Anti-Israel - in 2006
At the time, the U.S. boycotted the group, expressing concerns that it would become a forum for bashing both Israel and the United States, in a manner similar to that of the U.N. Human Rights Council.
However, Obama administration officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said those concerns have since been addressed.
Since Obama took office a year ago, he has worked hard to reach out to the Islamic community of nations in a series of gestures that make it clear he is bending over backwards to strengthen ties with the Muslim world.
Since his speech from Cairo last June, Obama has reached out to Iran and Syria, restoring full diplomatic relations with Damascus and returning an ambassador to the Syrian capital.
The U.S. has also joined the anti-Israel U.N. Human Rights Commission. Both these moves are reversals of prior Bush administration decisions.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obamugabe is abandoning Israel, to please his fellow Muslims. Bush admin boycotted them, the Obama administration embraces them .
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:45 AM | Comments (4)
May 17, 2010
Arab Media Cheer Obama for De-Linking Muslims from Terror
Arab Media Cheer Obama for De-Linking Muslims from Terror
A leading international Arab newspaper has hailed U.S. President Barack Obama for officially removing the description “Muslim terrorist” as part of his campaign “to reach out to the Muslim world.” The op-ed did not note the radical Muslim bacgkround of the terrorists and reasoned they are equal to other terrorists whose religion is not connected with their acts.
Osman Mirghani, the deputy editor-in-chief of 'Al-Sharq Al-Awsat,' which is owned by a Saudi Arabian company and published in London, wrote an op-ed last week under the headline "Why Didn't Obama Mention Islam?." The Obama administration has broken from the Bush government’s policy of using the term “Islamic terrorism” in official documents and "no longer [is] responding to extremist voices" that call for targeting home countries of terrorists, he explained.
He said the president is carrying out his pledge in his “reaching out to Muslims speech” at Cairo University in June 2008. Regarding Obama's statements on the botched Times Square bombing, the editor praised President Obama for not once referring to prime suspect Faisal Shahzad’s being Muslim and for not “mentioning Islam in discussing the terrorist operation."
The same approach was taken after the failed Christmas Day bombing by Nigerian Muslim Umar Farouk Abdulmuttalib. “Obama spoke about the detained terrorist as a member of the Al-Qaeda organization but he did not speak about him being a Muslim,’ Mirghani wrote. “Even when he spoke about Al-Qaeda, Obama noted that it was not the first time that the network had targeted America, ignoring the links that were made in the past between the organization and Islam or when it was put in the context of 'Islamic extremism.'"
Similarly, after the Fort Hood, Texas attack by a Muslim terrorist who murdered 13 people last November, “President Obama 'cautioned against jumping to conclusions’” and did not refer to the terrorist's Arab origin or religion.
The article did not mention that most, if not all, Arab terrorists are indoctrinated by Muslim extremism. Instead, the editor argued that describing terrorists as Muslims actually provokes more terror.
“There is recognition today of the fact that terrorists are benefiting from the creation of an anti-Islamic and anti-Muslim atmosphere after any terrorist operation, and that issuing statements or taking steps that target Muslims employed by extremist groups further spreads hostility against the U.S., the West, and even moderate Islamic states,” he reasoned.
The writer argued that “the identity of the terrorist does not necessarily implicate the country he belongs to, in the same way that other adherents of the religion the terrorist follows should not be condemned."
He accused former President George W. Bush of being “captive to the Big Stick policy and slogans of 'you're either with us or against us,' which caused the popularity of the U.S. to wane, not only in the Islamic world but in numerous countries around the world." In contrast, he continued, “The new president has extended his hand to the Islamic world,… and the tendency to link every terrorist operation to the religion of the perpetrator has disappeared.”
“Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”
Barack Hussein Obama
“it is important for Western countries to avoid impeding Muslim citizens from practicing religion as they see fit”
Barack Hussein Obama
“We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better, including my own country.”
Barack Hussein Obama
“The contribution of Muslims to the United States are too long to catalog because Muslims are so interwoven into the fabric of our communities and our country”
Barack Hussein Obama
“I have lived in a Muslim-majority country... I know, because I am one of them.”
Barack Hussein Obama
“As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”
Barack Hussein Obama
“Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”
Barack Hussein Obama
“And since our founding, American Muslims have enriched the United States.”
Barack Hussein Obama
“And I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”
Barack Hussein Obama
“Moreover, freedom in America is indivisible from the freedom to practice one’s religion. That is why there is a mosque in every state of our union, and over 1,200 mosques within our borders. That is why the U.S. government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab, and to punish those who would deny it.”
Barack Hussein Obama
“We are not nor have we even been at war with Islam”
Barack Hussein Obama
From ‘Dreams of my Father’, “IN INDONESIA, I SPEND TWO YEARS AT A MUSLIM SCHOOL” I will stand by
From ‘Audacity of Hope: “LOLO (Obama’s step father) FOLLOWED ISLAM....”I LOOKED TO LOLO FOR GUIDANCE”.
From ‘The Audacity Of Hope, “I WILL STAND WITH
From The Audacity Of Hope, “WE ARE NO LONGER JUST A CHRISTIAN NATION, we are also a Jewish nation, a MUSLIM NATION, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Muslims know they want to destroy infidels.
We know Muslims want to destroy infidels.
Muslims call us infidels.
We know Muslims call us infidels.
We should know Muslims want to destroy those of us who are not Muslims.
Hands up all Muslims!!!!!
Oh, look Barack Obama has his hand up;)
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (4)
May 16, 2010
Krauthammer Says Not Using Term "Radical Islam" Like Not Using "Nazism" in WWII or "Communism" in Cold War
Charles Krauthammer reacting to Attorney General Eric Holder's unwillingness to use the term "Radical Islam" to describe what incites terrorists to attack the United States.
Krauthammer said it is absurd to not call the ideology behind the enemy what it is - "Radical Islam." In fact, he likened this politically-correct attitude displayed by Holder in a recent hearing to how absurd it would have been to never speak of "Communism" during the Cold War, or "Nazism" during World War II as the ideologies behind the enemy.
Wild Thing's comment........
Charlies is always good. I look forward to hearing what he has to say.
We are at War with Radical Islam! What's not to get about that? Hello Holder and Muslim Obama. grrrr
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (1)
"Islam Rising" Trailer

Billboard says it all – “Islam Rising” coming soon.
The Christian Action Network is taking the fight against radical Islam to a new level by launching a massive campaign to put billboards up in South Carolina promoting its latest documentary. Each billboard simply states, “Islam Rising—Be Warned,” in reference to the title of the film, “Islam Rising: Geert Wilders’ Warning to the West.”
“Islam Rising” shows how radical Islam has made tremendous progress in conquering Europe, gaining footholds in communities and governments. To show how dangerous the situation has become, the film tells the story of Geert Wilders, a highly controversial member of the Netherlands’ parliament currently on trial for alleged hate speech for criticizing Islam.
Wilders lives in constant fear of his life for making a film titled “Fitna” showing how verses in the Koran, Islam’s holy book, are motivating the extremists to act with violence. For the first time in the United States, “Fitna” will be distributed as part of the “Islam Rising” documentary.
“We chose to put the first billboards up in South Carolina because of the terrorist training camp that currently exists in York,” Martin Mawyer, the President of the Christian Action Network said.
Mawyer was referring to a topic covered in his organization’s previous film, “Homegrown Jihad,” about how a group called the Muslims of the Americas has set up compounds throughout the country that are used to recruit and sometimes train followers.
Already, two billboards have been put on busy South Carolina interstates. The 14×46 displays are located on I-26 at mile-marker 125 and US 301N in Orangeburg.
CAN (Christian Action Network ) is currently negotiating for four more billboards to be put up in the state and billboards are set to go up in Tennessee within weeks.
For more information please go to the home page.
The premiere screening of ISLAM RISING will took place on May 1st, 2010 in the Rayburn House Office Building located at 50 Independence Avenue Southwest, Washington, DC 20515.
The Christian Action Network held it's much anticipated launch of 'ISLAM RISING: Geert Wilders' Warning to the West' in the prestigious Congressional Cannon Caucus Room on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. on Saturday, May 1, 2010.
The premier screening followed a national prayer rally called 'May Day 2010: A Cry to God for a Nation in Distress' held in front of the Lincoln Memorial earlier in the day. Christian Action Network took part in the prayer rally along with many other Christian and Jewish organizations.
Christian Action Network would like to thank Congressman Ted Poe from Texas for sponsoring the Congressional room and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi for approving the room for CAN to premiere its film 'ISLAM RISING.'
The remainder of the ISLAM RISING Screening Tour will be kicking off shortly.
The trailer to the new documentary from PRB Films.
Geert Wilders lives with a constant death threat over his head. Al-Qaeda has vowed to kill him. As a Dutch parliamentarian and outspoken critic of radical Islam, Mr. Wilders must travel with four bodyguards and sleep in a safe house, each and every night.
His short documentary film, Fitna set off a firestorm in the Middle East and Western Europe immediately upon its release. The controversial film showed how Islamic terrorists are following the literal dictations of the Quran.
That message can be seen here in this DVD, with striking clarity in film, photographs and a special message from Geert Wilders himself, who came to America with an urgent and terrifying warning: "Islam is on the verge of conquering the West."
Video at: www.IslamRising.com
Wild Thing's comment........
I hope this movie will be played everywhere. Every politician in office and those running for office should be required to see this film. And take it to the campuses; and all trails across America, Canada et al.
I am sure the Muslim Obama doesn't like it at all.. I am surprised they are allowed to show this at the Rayburn House Office Building..I would think Obama and his goons would put a stop to it..everyone that does go please be very careful,these are animals we are dealing with..
Islam is genocide. It should be prosecuted everywhere as a crime against humanity.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (2)
May 11, 2010
Imposing Islam in Your Public School in Six Easy Steps
Imposing Islam in Your Public School in Six Easy Steps
Check out this "instruction sheet" to Muslims on how to islamicize their public schools. There is no separation of mosque and state -- mosque is state in Islam.
If this guide shows us anything, it's what idiots they take us for. This is, of course, an outrage. None of this should be introduced into the public school. If this is what Muslim parents want, they should send their children to madrassah.
This is an Islamic site -- Sound Vision Islamic Products and Information http://www.soundvision.com/Info/education/pubschool/pub.guide.asp
By Sound Vision Staff writer
Does your child need a prayer room to perform Zuhr in during lunchtime? Does he need time off for Juma? Or do you want to convince a teacher or principal to give your daughter the day off for Eid-ul-Fitr?
Whatever Islamic obligation you want accommodated at your child's school, it must be done in a methodical, clear and proper manner.
Shabbir Mansuri is founding director of the Council on Islamic Education in Fountain Valley, California.
He provides tips and advice on how to get religious accommodation for your child.
Step #1: know the laws about religious freedom
Knowing what laws and regulations govern the issue of religious accommodation is crucial before attempting to reach the right authorities. It is also important to understand what is defined as a "reasonable limit" on religious freedom.
See Laws You Need To Know About for the specifics.
In the United States, one of the strongest arguments in favor of seeking religious accommodation for your child is former President Bill Clinton's 1995 statement of principles addressing the extent to which religious expression and activity are permitted in public school. This was given to every school district in the US.
Get the help of other officials if necessary to properly understand these laws. A good place to check with is The Freedom Forum First Amendment Center. They have produced a booklet entitled A Parent's Guide to Religion in the Public Schools. You can call them at .
Step #2: get the support of a teacher
"[The first thing I would do is] arm myself with that piece of information and then set up a meeting with the principal of the school along with one of my favorite teachers at the school who will be very supportive, requesting that my son or daughter should be either permitted to [for example] go out to perform Juma prayer at a local Masjid and/or be allowed to perform Juma prayer along with other Muslim students on the school campus," says Mansuri.
Getting the support of a teacher is crucial. It indicates to the principal that the religious accommodation you are seeking will not interfere with your child's performance as a student.
Mansuri says that in most cases, these two steps are all that are needed to get religious accommodation from your child's school.
However, if the principal refuses to grant the accommodation, step three will be necessary.
Step #3: leave a paper trail, but first, be really nice
"If you find the meeting is not going anywhere then leave a paper trail, meaning, write letters. But before I do that, I would try to do it in a very non-confrontational way by simply sitting down with the principal and a teacher," says Mansuri.
"Try to understand this process where I want to make sure this is not us versus them, but simply the notion of my exercising my constitutional rights in the most respected [way] with compassionate manners, leaving my ‘baseball bat'," he explains, referring to an approach that is harsh and confrontational.
Mansuri even suggests inviting the teacher and principal over for dinner as a gesture of goodwill.
Step #4: writing to the supportive teacher
"My first letter would be to my kid's favorite teacher to ask the person's advice," advises Mansuri. "The letter will be to request to meet with teacher, and it will indicate I want to discuss with you my child's religious needs and I would like to share with you what our president has instructed the teachers and schools to accommodate them." (See a sample letter to the teacher)
Following the meeting, a thank you letter to the teacher should be sent. It will also indicate you would like to set up second meeting with the school's principal, and ask the teacher if s/he would be kind enough to go with you to discuss the topics the two of you talked about in your first meeting (see a sample thank you letter to the teacher).
"This will leave two or three letters," notes Mansuri, but in each letter "the tone of my letter should be my bringing the information as politely as I can. (I am trying to) maintain my rights for the schools to accommodate my child's religious needs. So it's a non-threatening letter."
Step #5: meeting a second time with the principal
Before attending this second meeting with the principal and teacher, "I would also arm myself with the district's education code along with the state educational code as it relates to the topics that I'm going to discuss," says Mansuri.
This can be done by simply calling your district and the state office and asking them to give you the specific educational code that relates to the religious obligation you are seeking accommodation for. That office would fax you the information the same or next day.
Once again, Mansuri stresses that the approach in discussing the matter a second time with the principal should not be confrontational.
"While meeting with the teacher and/or principal, I'm not trying to win an argument by telling them how much I know but rather giving them a very clear understanding that while I understand my rights as a parent, I'm simply there to help them accommodate my child's needs that they are supposed to do anyway," explains Mansuri.
"Make it a win-win situation, not an us versus them situation, and that in itself is the message of Islam."
By this step, Mansuri says your child should have his/her need(s) accommodated.
Step #6: if necessary, repeat these steps with the school district’s superintendent
You can repeat the letters and meet with the school district superintendent if the principal still does not accommodate. The superintendent is responsible for all schools in a particular district. Once again, the approach must remain polite and non-confrontational.
Since the president's instructions were issued to districts, it is possible superintendents may be more familiar with them. This should mean your son or daughter will get religious accommodation with no further problems.
Wild Thing's comment........
Look at every other country/culture in history where Islam has taken over. Freedom and self-determination are lost forever. It should not be tolerated anywhere in the US. It is a plague that will be released like a destroying cancer as soon as it’s tenacles spread to every populated area of America.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (2)
May 09, 2010
Islam Becomes Taboo Topic on TV in Wake of 'South Park' Threats and Times Square Scare
Islam Becomes Taboo Topic on TV in Wake of 'South Park' Threats and Times Square Scare
By Jo Piazza
It isn’t worth endangering the safety of an entire staff or network by pursuing a storyline that Muslim extremists might find offensive, media executives and writers tell Fox411.com.
Don't mess with Allah. That's the new, unwritten code in Hollywood following the one-two punch of Islamic extremists' threats against the creators of "South Park" and the failed bombing attempt outside the cartoon’s parent company, Viacom, in New York's Times Square.
In the current, supercharged climate, it just isn’t worth endangering the safety of an entire production staff or network by pursuing a storyline that Muslim extremists might find offensive, media executives and writers tell Fox411.com.
Aasif Mandvi, a self-described “liberal Muslim” and the “senior Islamic correspondent” for Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, said on air after the “South Park” threats that it would upset him to see the Prophet Muhammad depicted in a cartoon. But, he added: “Here’s what’s more upsetting. Someone, in the name of a faith that I believe in, threatening another person for doing it.”
But after the failed Times Square terror attack, "The Daily Show" asked Mandvi not to comment further on the matter, according to his spokesman. In fact, reps for the networks and television shows reached for comment on this article, including Comedy Central, Cartoon Network, FOX, NBC, and CBS, either failed to respond or asked to speak on background for fear of retribution.
And it isn’t just comedians on fake newscasts who are being muzzled. One writer for a scripted drama fold Fox411.com that in one of his show's final episodes, there had been a minor plot point involving a Muslim extremist. Last week it was removed and the script was rewritten, he said.
Hussein Rashid, religion professor and religion dispatches associate editor at Hofstra University, said he is concerned that self-censorship will lead to a shutdown of the dialogue that must continue if people can be brought to understand the true meaning of Islam.
“I don’t think it is ever smart to self-censor,” Rashid told Fox411.com. “I am a big believer that the response to speech should always be more speech. I think this ‘South Park’ episode has been good for that conversation.”
But when it comes to Islam, the conversation seems only to be getting quieter.
Random House canceled the 2008 publication of Sherry Jones’ “The Jewel of Medina” out of fear it would incite acts of violence, and last year Yale University decided remove all images of Muhammad from Jytte Klausen's book, “The Cartoons that Shook the World,” a book commenting on the Danish cartoon controversy that sparked violence in the Muslim world.
The subject has gotten so sensitive, media pros are even chilling the conversation in forums where no one is watching.
“The writer’s room has always been a safe place for jokes of any sort, the dirtiest jokes you can think of that you could never tell in public because your own mother would hate you,” a network comedy writer told Fox411.com. “But for the first time we feel like there is a taboo.”
But religion in general hasn’t become taboo -- just Islam. The Cartoon Network squeaked under the radar in March when it showed a racy depiction of Jesus voiced by jailed rapper Lil' Wayne. And Comedy Central is developing "JC," a half-hour cartoon about Christ wanting to escape the shadow of his "powerful but apathetic father" and live a regular life in New York City.
One show recently appeared willing to go out on a limb. The April 27 episode of the CBS series “The Good Wife” featured a storyline in which a newspaper editor was killed for publishing an editorial cartoon showing the Prophet Muhammad being searched by airport security officers.
But that episode was written and filmed before the "South Park" threats, and it aired before the Times Square terror scare. Whether the same script would be written today is an open question.
"A liberal democracy depends on the principle that each person is entitled to hold and express his or her own beliefs," said Svetlana Mintcheva, director of the Arts Program for the National Coalition Against Censorship. "The failure to stand up for free expression emboldens those who would attack and undermine it.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Good grief, sure let's all just cave in to Islam and let them rule and have their way all they want.
This is exactly what the Islam agenda is hoping for.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM | Comments (6)
April 28, 2010
Islam: Don't Tread on Me
Islam: Don't Tread on Me
The U.S. Army and the Comedy Channel – which broadcasts the cartoon “South Park” -- share a common fear: alienating Muslims. And, giving in to that fear, last week both exorcised views that threatened to alienate Muslims. Those actions empowered Islamic radicals, trampled freedom of speech and ignored legitimate criticism of Islam that endangers American security.
The Army rescinded an invitation for Christian evangelist Franklin Graham to speak at a Pentagon National Day of Prayer event. That decision was a reaction to criticism from groups like the Council of American-Islamic Relations that complained Graham “calls Islam evil and claims Muslims are enslaved by their faith.”
On the same day the creators of the television cartoon “South Park” received threats for airing a program depicting the Muslim prophet Muhammad in a bear costume. But the follow-on cartoon in the series bleeped out the name “Muhammad” for the bear because of an Islamic threat. The cartoonists said the Comedy Channel – not they – had decided to bleep out the name.
The “South Park” threat was posted on an Islamic website, which included an audio from a sermon in which the speaker says assassination is justifiable punishment for those who defame Muhammad. The man delivering the sermon is U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, an al-Qaeda leader and spiritual guide to U.S. Army Major Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood jihadist murderer.
The Comedy Channel’s reaction is cowardly because it caved to intimidation. The website post said the cartoonists “will probably wind up like [the murdered] Theo van Gogh,” who made a movie that featured a beaten, naked Muslim woman covered in writings from the Koran. The post included a picture of the Dutch filmmaker with a knife protruding from his chest.
And the U.S. Army’s decision is equally cowardly – or worse -- for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the actions of a government agency – one whose principal duty is to defend the nation – are much more significant to us and our enemies than those of comedy television. The Army’s action is a surrender on the ideological battlefield, one which we cannot afford.
The Army’s rescission is also cowardly because the Pentagon in general and the Obama Administration in particular, are desperately trying to cover-up Islam’s radicalizing threat.
First, the Army should have given Graham’s views about Islam a fair hearing. Graham said Islam “is a very evil and wicked religion” after the 2001 terrorist attacks on America. Later he wrote in The Wall Street Journal he does not believe Muslims are evil but “as a minister … I believe it is my responsibility to speak out against the terrible deeds that are committed as a result of Islamic teaching.”
Graham said what Islam does to women is “horrid.” “The brutal, dehumanizing treatment of women by the Taliban has been well-documented and internationally condemned,” he wrote for The Covenant News. He points out that “abusive treatment of women in most Islamic countries is nearly as draconian.”
Islam is intolerant of other faiths, Graham said. “The persecution or elimination of non-Muslims has been a cornerstone of Islamic conquests and rule for centuries,” said Graham. “The Koran provides ample evidence that Islam encourages violence in order to win converts and to reach the ultimate goal of an Islamic world. Conversions from Islam to any other faith are often punishable by death.”
He noted the abusive treatment of non-Muslims by the Islamic government in Sudan. Graham said Samaritan’s Purse has a “hospital in Southern Sudan [that] was bombed seven times by the Islamic regime in Khartoum.” The Khartoum government killed two million innocent Christians and animists in recent years, he said.
There is no freedom of religion in Islamic countries, including so-called moderate Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia. “It is a crime to build a Christian church, Jewish synagogue, Hindu temple or any other non-Muslim house of worship,” said Graham. In contrast, he said, “There are about 3,000 mosques in the U.S.” While Muslims are free to worship Allah in the U.S., Christians are not free to worship Jesus in most Muslim countries and soldiers in those lands must hide their crosses and Bibles.
Second, the military and the Obama Administration can keep truth speakers like Graham out of the Pentagon, but ignoring the facts about the radicalizing influence of Islam is dangerous for our security.
It was painful to watch the Fort Hood massacre and it hurt more because the killer was a soldier. But the Pentagon added insult to injury when it posted the 86-page review of the massacre without a single mention of the words “Muslim,” “Islam,” “Sharia” (Islamic law) or “Koran” despite the fact that Major Hasan maintained undisputed contacts with a known Islamist terrorist, compiled a history of making hateful, anti-American statements and reportedly yelled “Allahu Akbar” [Allah is great] as he shot 43 fellow soldiers.
Former Army Secretary Togo West, who co-led the Fort Hood review for the Obama Administration, dismissed concerns about Hasan’s religion. “Our concern is not with the religion,” West told Pentagon reporters.
Obama’s comments following the massacre dodged the Islam issue as well. The President said, “We have seen, in the past, rampages of this sort. And in a country of 300 million people, there are going to be acts of violence that are inexplicable.” This non-statement avoids Islam’s culpability and reflects Obama’s ongoing campaign of seeking a “new beginning” in the relationship between the U.S. and the Muslim world.
Last summer Obama went to Cairo, Egypt, to launch his “new beginning” campaign with the Muslim world. He told that audience “Islam has demonstrated … religious tolerance” and he promised “to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam.” He said “America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam” and “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.” These comments set the tone for exorcising any negative references to Islam’s association with terrorists from government communications.
That hands-off-Islam campaign is reflected in Obama’s important national security documents. The 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review, a 128-page report that sets out the military’s future strategy and force structure describes the country’s terrorist threat without using the words “Islam,” “Islamic” or Islamist” a single time.
Very soon Obama will publish his first national security strategy. The Washington Times reports that document removes religious terms such as “Islamic extremism” and is rewritten to emphasize the U.S. does not view Muslim nations through the lens of terror.
While the Obama Administration tries to implement government control as in Orwell’s famous 1984 by banning Islamic references and putting them down the memory hole, our soldiers know better. The ground truth about Islam is that it is undeniably linked to radicalism which endangers America and our military should not pretend otherwise.
Wild Thing's comment......
It is not only the Army this is happening in all the branches of services. And the worst, the very worst thing of all about this PC in our military and from Obama the CIC is that it is getting more and more of our troops killed. And it will progress to getting citizens of our country killed as well.
You and I call it what it is Islam, and all the other terms Obama is set against using. Because we know to lie about the enemy only gives them more power.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (5)
April 27, 2010
Obama Hosts Muslim Entrepreneurs Summit
Obama is hosting a two day summit aimed at improving business relations between the US and Muslim countries.
Obama announced new exchange programmes allowing entrepreneurs to share their expertise.But some have criticised the meeting as nothing more than a public relations stunt, Al Jazeera's Patty Culhane reports.
Obama offers multi-million-dollar technology fund for Muslim nations
Barack Obama laid a key plank of his strategy to mend ties with the Islamic world on Monday hosting a summit to boost economic development in Muslim nations.
In a step the White House hopes will help shift relations beyond decades of talk about terrorism and conflict, Obama brought entrepreneurs from 50 countries to Washington for two days to spur economic ties.
The president pledged to host the meeting in a landmark speech in Cairo last June, when he also called for a "new beginning" to relations between the United States and the Muslim world.
Opening the meeting, Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said boosting Muslim business would not only help the Islamic world, but would also help US security and trade.
"There are over a billion people living in Muslim-majority countries today, and they represent a vast reserve of under-utilized potential in the global economy," Locke told delegates.
"It is very much in America's -- and indeed, the entire world's -- interest that you succeed."
"Strong and balanced international trade only works if countries have growing economies and a growing middle class that are fully engaged in the international marketplace."
Speaking ahead of the meeting, a senior administration official said there were also hard-headed political goals to the summit.
"One of the principal goals of that vision was to broaden our relationship, which has been dominated by a few different issues, a small set of issues, for at least the last decade, and going back further than that."
"We don't see this as a replacement for our work on things like Middle East peace or work on counter-terrorism, our work on Iran. We see this as part of establishing a more multifaceted set of relationships. It is yet another pillar."
Obama is expected to discuss ways of improving access to capital, funding for technology innovation and exchange programs, as the United States tries to better its image in the eyes of the world's 1.5 billion Muslims.
As part of Obama's plan, the United States is poised to award contracts through its multi-million-dollar Global Technology and Innovation Fund, designed to spur investments in the Muslim world.
Obama Talks to Muslim Entrepreneurs
President Obama vowed to continue to press for a comprehensive peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians, exhorting young entrepreneurs from Muslim majority countries to look for ways to work with their American counterparts on a wide range of issues.
“So long as I am President, the United States will never waver in pursuit of a two-state solution that ensures the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians,” Mr. Obama said.
Mr. Obama was speaking to businesspeople and intellectuals from Muslim countries who were attending his first summit on entrepreneurship, an offshoot of his speech to the Muslim world last year from Cairo.
The president called for more exchanges between Americans and Muslims, vowing to engage in a “sustained effort” to reach out and listen to opinions that come from particularly young people in Muslim countries.
Wild Thing's comment........
Has he hosted Christian entrepreneurs? Catholic entrepreneurs? Jewish entrepreneurs?....NOPE!
“US President Barack Obama laid a key plank of his strategy to mend ties with the Islamic world on Monday hosting a summit to boost economic development in Muslim nations. “
Perhaps providing them with automatic stoning and decapitation machines or environmentally friendly Burquas to imprison their women in.
Obama is so insuffferable. He hates America, hates the American dream, he could care less about economic development in America. ONLY his Islam freaks. Obama cares about making this country non white and non christian plus making us weaker to the world, it's frigging obvious that he cares more about muslims than Aamericans.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (12)
Creators of 'Everybody Draw Muhammad Day' Drop Gag After Everybody Gets Angry
Creators of 'Everybody Draw Muhammad Day' drop gag after everybody gets angry
"Everybody Draw Muhammad Day?"
As South Park's Sheila Broflovski would say: "What, What, WHAT?"
The outcry from Comedy Central's decision to censor an episode of South Park with depictions of Muhammad last week led a cartoonist and a Facebook user to fight back. That is until they realized it might be controversial, apparently.
In declaring May 20th to be "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day," Seattle artist Molly Norris created a poster-like cartoon showing many objects -- from a cup of coffee to a box of pasta to a tomato -- all claiming to be the likeness of Muhammad.
Such depictions are radioactive as many Muslims believe that Islamic teachings forbid showing images of Muhammad.
"I am Mohammed and I taste good," says the pasta box in the cartoon. On top of the cartoon images (but no longer on her website) was an announcement explaining the rationale behind the event.
"In light of the recent veiled (ha!) threats aimed at the creators of the....
...television show South Park (for depicting Mohammed in a bear suit) by bloggers on Revolution Muslim's website, we hereby deemed May 20, 2010 as the first annual "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day," the original artwork reads.
On Friday, Norris told a radio talk show host in Seattle that she came up with the idea because "as a cartoonist, I just felt so much passion about what had happened..." noting that "it's a cartoonist's job to be non-PC."
That passion, it appears, has lessened. And fast.
Her stark website today reads: ""I am NOT involved in "Everybody Draw Mohammd [sic] Day!"
"I made a cartoon that went viral and I am not going with it. Many other folks have used my cartoon to start sites, etc. Please go to them as I am a private person who draws stuff," she writes.
It went viral, however, because she was the one who passed it around. Sending it to people like Dan Savage, a popular Seattle-based blogger and nationally syndicated sex advice columnist.
Once it became a national story she reeled back, asking Savage -- in an email he provided to The Ticket -- if he would "be kind enough to switch out my poster" with another one -- a much tamer version which has no images attributed to Muhammad.
"I am sort of freaked out about my name/image being all over the place," her e-mail reads.
He didn't change it, nor did he post the tamer version. Besides, after Savage posted it, many other sites picked it up including The Atlantic and Reason.
When asked about her change of heart, Norris told The Ticket that she didn't intend for the cartoon "to go viral."
Then why did she send the cartoon to the media in the first place? "Because I'm an idiot," Norris replied.
"This particular cartoon of a 'poster' seems to have struck a gigantic nerve, something I was totally unprepared for," she said.
She doesn't appear to be alone. The creator of a Facebook page dedicated to the day has bowed out as well. Jon Wellington told the Washington Post (before abandoning ship) that he created the page because he "loved [Norris's] creative approach to the whole thing -- whimsical and nonjudgmental."
While he was still associated with his own event he said: "To me, this is all about freedom of expression and tolerance of other viewpoints, so I hope you'll help make this a sandbox that anyone can play in, if they want. I don't think it'd be right under the circumstances for me (or anyone) to censor inflammatory posts *ahem*, but let's be welcoming and inclusive, mmkay?"
Apparently the posts weren't "welcoming" enough, as on Sunday morning he announced his departure from the cause. "I am aghast that so many people are posting deeply offensive pictures of the Prophet," he writes. "Y'all go ahead if that's your bag, but count me out."
Did he think people were going to post flattering images?
That's what Facebook user Douglas Armstrong wondered too. "You created an event inviting people to submit pictures of Mohammed," Armstrong wrote. "And apparently you're so new to the Internet that you didn't foresee what would happen?"
Although Wellington had abandoned his cause, he apparently was sticking around to answer questions. To Armstrong's question, Wellington responded: "I guess I had more faith in human nature than was warranted."
Another user, Paul St. George, had little patience for Wellington. "If you're not going to attend your own event then take it down dumbass and quit boring us."
from Jihad Watch
Now Norris has backed off from that position. She no longer has the illustration on her website and she claims responses to the idea were overwhelming. Instead she has a drawing of herself, with various word balloons containing her feelings about the incident, including "I said that I wanted to counter fear and then I got afraid."
Wild Thing's comment.........
In Norris' case, what she's done is admit that she's pulled the plug out of fear. It also says what we already know about Muslims. They don't just disagree, they make physicla threats. Norris in her own way was brave to even come up with the idea and to send it out like she did in the beginning.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (6)
Islamic Infiltration Within Our Own Government By Bill Whittle
In these two interviews by Bill Whittle of PJTV, conducted in January of this year, you will hear some things that you won’t believe, things that you never thought would happen within our government. He interviews two whistle blowers, both who remain anonymous and have intimate knowledge of the the inner workings of our national security. One is a former analyst in the Department of Defense and the other is a former special agent with the FBI.
You will hear things like the fact that the Muslim brotherhood has been here since the 60’s and have been preparing for Jihad in America by placing groups on every college campus. You will hear that the FBI consults with groups like CAIR, an extremist front group for Hamas, to train their FBI agents on how to deal with the threat of radical Islam. And there’s so much more. Again, I know this sounds absolutely absurd, but just give it a listen. These are credentialed people giving this information to us because they want us to know the truth.
The Islamic Infiltration, Part 1: From Influence to Insurrection
The Islamic Infiltration, Part 2: From Influence to Insurrection
Wild Thing's comment.......
Muslims will never stop untill either they are all dead or we are. And with obama in power we need to know as much as we can as to what is going on. He has stated he will stand with his muslims if it comes down to it, not ever has he said he would stand with America or Americans.......never.
Note too how Obama and his administration are not turning over information asked for about the Fort Hood terroriost. Obama could care less what happened at Fort Hood.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (2)
April 25, 2010
First Annual Everybody Draw Mohammad Day May 20th"
Everybody Draw Mohammad Day
After Comedy Central cut a portion of a South Park episode following a death threat from a radical Muslim group, Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris wanted to counter the fear. She has declared May 20th "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day."
Norris told KIRO Radio's Dave Ross that cartoonists are meant to challenge the lines of political correctness. "That's a cartoonist's job, to be non-PC."
Producers of South Park said Thursday that Comedy Central removed a speech about intimidation and fear from their show after a radical Muslim group warned that they could be killed for insulting the Prophet Muhammad.
The group said it wasn't threatening South Park producers Trey Parker and Matt Stone, but it included a gruesome picture of Theo Van Gogh, a Dutch filmmaker killed by a Muslim extremist in 2004, and said the producers could meet the same fate. The website posted the addresses of Comedy Central's New York office and the California production studio where South Park is made.
"As a cartoonist I just felt so much passion about what had happened I wanted to kind of counter Comedy Central's message they sent about feeling afraid," Norris said.
Norris has asked other artists to submit drawings of any religious figure to be posted as part of Citizens Against Citizens Against Humor (CACAH) on May 20th.
On her website Norris explains this is not meant to disrespect any religion, but rather meant to protect people's right to express themselves.
In a statement from the creators. They intended to censor Mohammed's depiction, what CC did was censor the word Mohammed as well as the speeches at the end, which actually contained no references to him specifically, and were about free speech and not being intimidated.
A Statement from Matt and Trey the creators:
In the 14 years we've been doing South Park we have never done a show that we couldn't stand behind. We delivered our version of the show to Comedy Central and they made a determination to alter the episode. It wasn't some meta-joke on our part. Comedy Central added the bleeps. In fact, Kyle's customary final speech was about intimidation and fear. It didn't mention Muhammad at all but it got bleeped too. We'll be back next week with a whole new show about something completely different and we'll see what happens to it.
Wild Thing's comment......
Great idea to show support. This reminds me of those Danish cartoon drawings that were protested big time by Muslims all over the world.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:49 AM | Comments (6)
April 23, 2010
Obama's Army Makes WRONG Decision And Disinvites Franklin Graham
U.S. Army has disinvited Franklin Graham to speak at the Pentagon on National Prayer Day
WASHINGTON, DC (ANS)- The Stars and Stripes is reporting that the U.S. Army has disinvited Franklin Graham to speak at the Pentagon on National Prayer Day after a military advocacy group objected because Graham has reportedly described Islam as "evil" and "wicked."
"I regret that the Army felt it was necessary to rescind their invitation to the National Day of Prayer Task Force to participate in the Pentagon's special prayer service," Graham said in a statement on Thursday.
"I want to express my strong support for the United States military and all our troops. I will continue to pray that God will give them guidance, wisdom and protection as they serve this great country."
Graham was expected to speak at the Pentagon on May 6, 2010, drawing the ire of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a watchdog group focused on religious favoritism in the military.
In a story written by reporter Jeff Schogol for the Stars and Stripes, which describes itself as "The Independent News Source for the U.S. Military Community," said that the Military Religious Freedom Foundation had been prepared to seek a temporary restraining order against National Prayer Day if it were "polluted by someone as hideously Islamophobic as Franklin Graham," said Mikey Weinstein, head of the group.
Schogol said that in a 2001 op-ed piece, Graham wrote that he does not believe Muslims are evil, but he objects to the treatment of women in Muslim countries and Islam's historic "persecution or elimination" of other religions.
Today (Thursday, April 22, 2010), Graham, the son of evangelist Billy Graham, told Fox News that while he loves Muslims, "I speak out for people that live under Islam, that are enslaved by Islam and I want them to know they can be free through faith in Jesus Christ and Christ alone."
The story said that Council on American Islamic Relations spokesman Ibrahim Hooper said it is "completely inappropriate" for Graham to speak in front of a military audience.
An Army spokesman told the Associated Press the Pentagon's relationship with the Christian group does not violate Defense Department rules.
"We are an all-inclusive military," said Col. Tim Collins. "We hold observances throughout the year. This one happens to be a Christian-themed event."
But, said the reporter, his comments were criticized by the Secular Coalition for America, an advocacy for non-religious Americans.
"For the Pentagon to hold an explicitly 'Christian-themed event' around the day of prayer is brazenly out of all reasonable bounds, and explicitly exclusionary to U.S. service members of all non-Christian faiths and of no faith," group Executive Director Sean Faircloth said in a release.
Franklin Graham Regrets Army's Decision to Rescind Invite to Pentagon Prayer Service
Evangelist Franklin Graham said Thursday that he regrets the Army's decision to rescind its invitation to him for the Pentagon's National Day of Prayer service on May 6, but expressed "strong support" for the U.S. military.
The Army spokesman said the event will go forward but without the National Day of Prayer Task Force participating.
"I regret that the Army felt it was necessary to rescind their invitation to the National Day of Prayer Task Force to participate in the Pentagon's special prayer service," Graham said in a written statement.
"I want to expresses my strong support for the United States military and all our troops," he added. "I will continue to pray that God will give them guidance, wisdom and protection as they serve this great country."
Franklin, the son of famed evangelist Billy Graham, told Fox News that he loves Muslim people and wants them to know that God loves them, even if they can be saved only through Jesus Christ.
"I want them to know that they don't have to die in a car bomb, don't have to die in some kind of holy war to be accepted by God. But it's through faith in Jesus Christ and Christ alone," Graham said.
Graham said said he loves the Muslim people, just not their religion -- which he called "horrid" for its restrictions on women.
"I love the people of Islam but their religion, I do not agree with their religion at all. And if you look at what the religion does just to women, women alone, it is just horrid. And so yes, I speak out for women. I speak out for people that live under Islam, that are enslaved by Islam and I want them to know that they can be free," he said.
Wild Thing's comment........
I really wonder how long God is going to continue to Bless America??
Of course Muslim’s will be represented they’re not mean like or evil like us Christians. This just in Franklin Graham also calls sky blue and grass green...the horror.
“”The story said that Council on American Islamic Relations spokesman Ibrahim Hooper said it is “completely inappropriate” for Graham to speak in front of a military audience. These are individuals who are potentially going to be stationed in Muslim majority nations, and they don’t need to hear from someone spreading hatred of Islam and Muslims,” Hooper said.
Hooper better brush up on current events - CURRENT for us and our military was on September 11, 2001!!!!
Damn I hate this PC crap!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (9)
Obama Appeases U.S. Muslims
Obama Appeases U.S. Muslims
by Robert Spencer
The New York Times reported Monday, with no hint that it understood the implications of what it was reporting, that Barack Obama is reaching out to Hamas-linked groups in the United States, while hamstringing our response to the terror threat by making obfuscation of the ideology of jihad terrorists official U.S. policy.
Times reporter Andrea Elliott says that “Muslim and Arab-American advocates” have met with top White House officials, including Obama Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Atty. Gen. Eric Holder. They’ve discussed, among other things, “counterterrorism strategy.”
Their influence has been felt. White Houses sources say they had a hand in Obama’s scrapping a policy that subjected airline passengers from 13 Muslim countries to greater security scrutiny. According to Elliott, “That emergency directive, enacted after a failed December 25 bombing plot, has been replaced with a new set of intelligence-based protocols that law enforcement officials consider more effective.”
Which ones? On what grounds? More effective for what? How can it be ineffective to subject people who come from areas where there actually are terrorists to greater scrutiny?
The Times also mentions that Hillary Clinton this month allowed controversial Muslim spokesman Tariq Ramadan, who had been barred from the U.S. by the Bush Administration, to enter the country. It did not deem fit to print, however, Ramadan’s contribution to a charity that was funneling money to Hamas—which was one of the reasons he was barred in the first place.
In any case, despite all Obama’s efforts, the objects of his affections are not yet satisfied with his performance. “Arab-American and Muslim leaders,” Elliott reports, “said they had yet to see substantive changes on a variety of issues, including what they describe as excessive airport screening, policies that have chilled Muslim charitable giving and invasive FBI surveillance guidelines.”
Yes, airport screening is excessive. So let's relax it, at least for Muslims. What could go wrong?
And as for Muslim charitable giving, the Times quotes John Brennan, Obama’s chief counterterrorism adviser, telling a Muslim audience that there has been “an unhelpful atmosphere around many Muslim charities.” He didn’t mean that the fact that Islamic charities such as the Holy Land Foundation (once the largest Islamic charity in the U.S.) were passing charitable contributions on to jihad terrorist groups had created an “unhelpful” atmosphere of legitimate suspicion of the charities’ intentions. He meant that it was “unhelpful” of the U.S. government to want to stop that money flow. And so it will, presumably, soon flow again.
Elliott also noted that Brennan “and other officials have made a point of disassociating Islam from terrorism in public comments, using the phrase ‘violent extremism’ in place of words like ‘jihad’ and ‘Islamic terrorism.’” This is an initiative that began with Bush, and now Obama is taking credit for it, when actually it shames them both. The Islamic jihadists refer to Islamic texts and teachings to justify violence and supremacism, and make recruits among peaceful Muslims. Whom does it benefit when government and law enforcement officials ignore that? Only the jihadists, whose motives and goals remain unknown, unexplored, and unchallenged.
Meanwhile, Obama has been reaching out to unsavory Islamic groups with ties to jihad terrorism. He sent Jarrett to give the keynote address at the Islamic Society of North America’s convention, ignorant of or indifferent to the fact that this group was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation’s Hamas-funding case.
No Anti-Jihad Teaching
Islamic groups in America are doing exactly nothing to teach their people against the jihad doctrine of warfare against unbelievers and their subjugation under the rule of Islamic law. Surveys have shown that such material is taught in a large majority of mosques in America. Yet instead of calling Islamic groups in America to account, Obama is relaxing airport security and busying himself finding new ways to placate Muslims in the U.S., who are so skilled at playing the aggrieved victim card.
How long will it be before Barack Obama’s appeasement policies come back to bite him, and us?
Wild Thing's comment.......
obamaislam is enabling our enemies to hit us hard sometime down the road, much more so than 9-11.
I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds change in an ugly direction”. BARACK OBAMA from The Audacity Of Hope which is titled in Indonesia “Assualt Hope: From Jakarta To The Whitehouse”?. It is arguable that “Assault Hope” means “Jihad”.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (2)
April 19, 2010
Barack Obama Reaching Out Quietly to Muslims in America
Reaching Out Quietly to Muslims in America
Published: April 18, 2010
When Barack Obama took the stage in Cairo last June, promising a new relationship with the Islamic world, Muslims in America wondered only half-jokingly whether the overture included them. After all, Mr. Obama had kept his distance during the campaign, never visiting an American mosque and describing the false claim that he was Muslim as a “smear” on his Web site.
Nearly a year later, Mr. Obama has yet to set foot in an American mosque. And he still has not met with Muslim and Arab-American leaders. But less publicly, his administration has reached out to this politically isolated constituency in a sustained and widening effort that has left even skeptics surprised.
Muslim and Arab-American advocates have participated in policy discussions and received briefings from top White House aides and other officials on health care legislation, foreign policy, the economy, immigration and national security. They have met privately with a senior White House adviser, Valerie Jarrett, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to discuss civil liberties concerns and counterterrorism strategy.
The impact of this continuing dialogue is difficult to measure, but White House officials cited several recent government actions that were influenced, in part, by the discussions. The meeting with Ms. Napolitano was among many factors that contributed to the government’s decision this month to end a policy subjecting passengers from 14 countries, most of them Muslim, to additional scrutiny at airports, the officials said.
That emergency directive, enacted after a failed Dec. 25 bombing plot, has been replaced with a new set of intelligence-based protocols that law enforcement officials consider more effective.
Also this month, Tariq Ramadan, a prominent Muslim academic, visited the United States for the first time in six years after Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton reversed a decision by the Bush administration, which had barred Mr. Ramadan from entering the country, initially citing the U.S.A. Patriot Act. Mrs. Clinton also cleared the way for another well-known Muslim professor, Adam Habib, who had been denied entry under similar circumstances.
The administration’s approach has been understated. Many meetings have been private; others were publicized only after the fact. A visit to New York University in February by John O. Brennan, Mr. Obama’s chief counterterrorism adviser, drew little news coverage, but caused a stir among Muslims around the country. Speaking to Muslim students, activists and others, Mr. Brennan acknowledged many of their grievances, including “surveillance that has been excessive,” “overinclusive no-fly lists” and “an unhelpful atmosphere around many Muslim charities.”
While the administration’s solicitation of Muslims and Arab-Americans has drawn little fanfare, it has not escaped criticism. A small but vocal group of research analysts, bloggers and others complain that the government is reaching out to Muslim leaders and organizations with an Islamist agenda or ties to extremist groups abroad.
They point out that Ms. Jarrett gave the keynote address at the annual convention for the Islamic Society of North America. The group was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal case against the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, a Texas-based charity whose leaders were convicted in 2008 of funneling money to Hamas. The society denies any links to terrorism.
In February, the president chose Mr. Hussain, a 31-year-old White House lawyer, to become the United States’ special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
Within days of the announcement, news reports surfaced about comments Mr. Hussain had made on a panel in 2004, while he was a student at Yale Law School, in which he referred to several domestic terrorism prosecutions as “politically motivated.” Among the cases he criticized was that of Sami Al-Arian, a former computer-science professor in Florida who pleaded guilty to aiding members of a Palestinian terrorist group.
At first, the White House said Mr. Hussain did not recall making the comments, which had been removed from the Web version of a 2004 article published by a small Washington magazine. When Politico obtained a recording of the panel, Mr. Hussain acknowledged criticizing the prosecutions but said he believed the magazine quoted him inaccurately, prompting him to ask its editor to remove the comments. On Feb. 22, The Washington Examiner ran an editorial with the headline “Obama Selects a Voice of Radical Islam.”
“Rashad Hussain is about as squeaky clean as you get,” said Representative Keith Ellison, a Minnesota Democrat who is Muslim. Mr. Ellison and others wondered whether the administration would buckle under the pressure and were relieved when the White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, defended Mr. Hussain.
“The fact that the president and the administration have appointed Muslims to positions and have stood by them when they’ve been attacked is the best we can hope for,” said Ingrid Mattson, president of the Islamic Society of North America.
From the moment Mr. Obama took office, he seemed eager to change the tenor of America’s relationship with Muslims worldwide. He gave his first interview to Al Arabiya, the Arabic-language television station based in Dubai. Muslims cautiously welcomed his ban on torture and his pledge to close Guantánamo within a year.
In his Cairo address, he laid out his vision for “a new beginning” with Muslims: while America would continue to fight terrorism, he said, terrorism would no longer define America’s approach to Muslims.
Back at home, Muslim and Arab-American leaders remained skeptical. But they took note when, a few weeks later, Mohamed Magid, a prominent imam from Sterling, Va., and Rami Nashashibi, a Muslim activist from Chicago, joined the president at a White-House meeting about fatherhood. Also that month, Dr. Faisal Qazi, a board member of American Muslim Health Professionals, began meeting with administration officials to discuss health care reform.
The invitations were aimed at expanding the government’s relationship with Muslims and Arab-Americans to areas beyond security, said Mr. Hussain, the White House’s special envoy. Mr. Hussain began advising the president on issues related to Islam after joining the White House counsel’s office in January 2009. He helped draft Mr. Obama’s Cairo speech and accompanied him on the trip.
“The president realizes that you cannot engage one-fourth of the world’s population based on the erroneous beliefs of a fringe few,” Mr. Hussain said.
Other government offices followed the lead of the White House. In October, Commerce Secretary Gary Locke met with Arab-Americans and Muslims in Dearborn, Mich., to discuss challenges facing small-business owners. Also last fall, Farah Pandith was sworn in as the State Department’s first special representative to Muslim communities. While Ms. Pandith works mostly with Muslims abroad, she said she had also consulted with American Muslims because Mrs. Clinton believes “they can add value overseas.”
In January, when the Department of Homeland Security hosted a two-day meeting with Muslim, Arab-American, South Asian and Sikh leaders, the group expressed concern about the emergency directive subjecting passengers from a group of Muslim countries to additional screening.
Farhana Khera, executive director of Muslim Advocates, pointed out that the policy would never have caught the attempted shoe bomber Richard Reid, who is British. “It almost sends the signal that the government is going to treat nationals of powerless countries differently from countries that are powerful,” Ms. Khera recalled saying as community leaders around the table nodded their heads.
Ms. Napolitano, who sat with the group for more than an hour, committed to meeting with them more frequently.
Wild Thing's comment.........
It probably will be called the “Give Them Anything They Want” program.
Also, when he told NASA he was cutting them off at the knees, he also told the head of NASA to funnel money to “predominantly Muslim coutries” to teach Muslim youth the science of space - yep, teach ‘em how to make rockets and rocket fuel.
The more we expose, the more blatant it becomes. As if the earth is going backwards.
Ronald Reagan and Winston Churchill knew the truth. and so does this man.....Colonel Allen West Answers a Marine's Question
And from Ronald Reagan:
"I don't think you can overstate the importance that the rise of Islamic fundamentalism will have to the rest of the world in the century ahead-especially if, as seems possible, its most fanatical elements get their hands on nuclear and chemical weapons and the means to deliver them against their enemies." --Ronald Reagan
And Winston Churchill was 24 years old when he wrote this: ( Churchill had combat experience fighting the muslim terrorists of his day.)
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.
The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.
A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.
No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.
-- Sir Winston Churchill (The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages 248-50 [London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899]).
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:40 AM | Comments (6)
April 09, 2010
Obama Directs NASA To Focus On Muslim Outreach
Obama Directs NASA To Focus On Muslim Outreach
A few weeks after killing the U.S.A.'s world-famous moon-mission program, Barack Obama has ordered the space agency that operates it to focus on reaching out to Muslim countries.
Indeed the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) mission will shift from space exploration to Muslim diplomacy, as per the commander-in-chief’s orders. When Obama announced earlier this month that he would slash NASA’s $100 billion plan to return astronauts to the moon, he didn’t mention where some of the resources would be directed.
Obama only said the moon program (Constellation) is behind schedule, over budget and overall less important than other space investments. NASA’s attempts to pursue its moon goals were inadequate and took funding away from other important programs, including robotic space exploration, science and earth observations, Obama claimed.
NASA’s new secret Muslim outreach mission was conveniently omitted though the head of the agency finally revealed it this week. NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden disclosed that Obama wants him to "find ways to reach out to dominantly Muslim countries" as part of the administration’s efforts to make the space agency a tool of international diplomacy.
Bolden referred to the new mission as an effort to reach out to "non-traditional partners," especially countries that don’t have an established space program. Of special focus is Indonesia because it’s the world’s largest Muslim nation, Bolden explained. No word yet on how much money the U.S. government will invest in the Muslim outreach.
In the meantime, a congressional firestorm has brewed over Obama’s plans to nix the moon-mission program, according to news reports. Dozens of federal lawmakers have sent letters to NASA’s chief insisting that the Constellation moon program remain intact. Senator Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, blasted Obama for cutting the moon program since it will likely cause
Obama Asks NASA Chief to Reach Out to Muslim Countries
NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden said Tuesday that President Barack Obama has asked him to “find ways to reach out to dominantly Muslim countries” as the White House pushes the space agency to become a tool of international diplomacy.
“In addition to the nations that most of you usually hear about when you think about the International Space Station, we now have expanded our efforts to reach out to non-traditional partners,” said Bolden, speaking to a lecture hall of young engineering students.
Specifically, he talked about connecting with countries that do not have an established space program and helping them conduct science missions. He mentioned new opportunities with Indonesia, including an educational program that examines global climate change.
Wild Thing's comment........
I HATE that he screwed with NASA in the first place and now this crap. sheesh
So Obama to reach out with the funds he cut from NASAand instead to push his Muslims.
Obama is using the United States of America and all of it’s resources to further the Islamic agenda.
RUSH LIMBAUGH: ""Isn't it interesting the Obama regime can call me any name in the book -- troublesome, filled with vitriol -- and yet you can't call Muslim extremists 'Islamic radicals'?" "
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (13)
March 28, 2010
NCIS Underfire: Muslim Group Slams Counterterrorism Training
NCIS underfire: Muslim group slams counterterrorism training
by Jim Kouri
One of the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization on Tuesday announced that it complained to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) about alleged anti-Islam bias in the training offered to security personnel by that military law enforcement agency.
The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) received a report that a three-day NCIS surveillance detection course at the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., included the viewing of a film that features terror experts such as Daniel Pipes, Nonie Darwish and Walid Shoebat, whom CAIR characterized as Islamophobic.
CAIR quoted Nonie Darwish as saying, "Islam is cruel, anti-women, anti-religious freedom and anti-personal freedom in general."
Meanwhile, Dr. Daniel Pipes once warned a Jewish convention of the "true dangers" posed by "the presence, and increased stature, and affluence, and enfranchisement of American Muslims." (American Jewish Congress, 10/21/2001).
According to CAIR, the film and the course promoted the theme that "Islam is synonymous with Nazism." The briefing presenter also allegedly used the term "Hajji" as a pejorative in reference to Muslims and stated repeatedly that "Islam is not a religion of peace."
In his letter to NCIS Director Mark D. Clookie, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad wrote in part:
"NCIS has an important role to play in securing our nation and can best carry out that role when its actions are based on accurate and balanced information, not on religious or ethnic stereotyping."
Awad requested an investigation "to ensure that our nation's security personnel are receiving training that is free of political or religious agendas."
Daniel Pipes, the Harvard Professor, publisher and head of the Middle East Forum, has consistently pointed out that CAIR is riddled with extremists and has been closely linked to organizations that have been convicted or individuals convicted of terrorism.
The group, that claims to represent US Muslims but is cited by many US Muslims as being a thinly veiled cover group for extremists, is losing membership. Nonetheless, they mount campaigns to get training and other valuable help to US First Responders stopped, canceled, delegitimized and several jurisdictions have folded attempts to hold counter terror training.
Wild Thing's comment........
OH OK so let's just never have anymore Counterterrorism done on Muslims, Muslim groups or suspicious activity by Muslims. There that settles that problem. Yes right! sheesh
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM | Comments (6)
March 10, 2010
British Islamist Anjem Choudary: They Give US Money, But We Attack Their System
British Islamist Anjem Choudary: Freedom and Democracy Are Idols That Must Be Destroyed and Replaced with Obedience to Allah.
Wild Thing's comment........
This guy besides being scary in all his replies also makes excuses for living off a system he claims to despise.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:44 AM | Comments (3)
March 09, 2010
Custodian of U.S. Mosques Promotes Slaying Americans
This map can be found in the February 2005 issue of the National Geographic.
The yellow dots = 1 mosque.
The orange dots = 2 - 10 mosques.
The brown dots = 10+ mosques.
Custodian of U.S. mosques promotes slaying Americans
NAIT: 'It is the duty of Islam to fight him until he is killed'
The custodian of most of the major mosques in America acts as a front for the radical Muslim Brotherhood in America, and publishes and distributes Islamic literature that exhorts Muslims to "kill" any Westerners who get in the way of spreading Islam.
"No political system or material power should put hindrances in the way of preaching Islam. If someone does this, then it is the duty of Islam to fight him until either he is killed or until he declares his submission," asserts an Islamic publication distributed by the North American Islamic Trust.
NAIT holds title to more than 300 mosques in America – including the large Islamic center outside Washington where the Fort Hood terrorist and some of the 9/11 hijackers worshipped.
NAIT also owns and controls the mosque in Orange County, Calif., that converted al-Qaida spokesman Adam Gadahn to Islam.
Gadahn in a video released Sunday exhorted Muslims serving in the U.S. military to follow in the footsteps of accused Fort Hood terrorist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. He also called for attacks on mass transportation, along with assassinations or kidnappings of key figures in the government, industry and media.
The Justice Department recently blacklisted NAIT as an unindicted co-conspirator in a scheme to funnel millions of dollars to Palestinian terrorists.
NAIT Trustee Gaddoor Saidi was individually listed as an unindicted co-conspirator, as well, in the Holy Land Foundation case -- the largest terror finance trial in U.S. history, which ended in guilty verdicts on all 108 counts.
In addition, the government identified NAIT as a front for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in America. Hamas, which was designated a terrorist organization in 1995, has murdered 17 Americans and injured hundreds of other U.S. citizens.
Chicago-based NAIT also handles the finances for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America, the Muslim Students Association, and other Muslim Brotherhood front groups, which, shockingly, make up the Muslim establishment in America, according to the new book, "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America."
The Muslim groups have been vehemently protesting the FBI's use of undercover informants in mosques and its recent seizure of several mosques in America. Last year, a mosque leader in Detroit was fatally wounded in a shootout with FBI agents who sought his arrest on felony charges.
Through its subsidiary American Trust Publications, also headquartered in Chicago, NAIT publishes and distributes the pro-offensive-jihad book "Milestones," by the late Muslim Brotherhood leader Sayyid Qutb of Egypt, Osama bin Laden's spiritual father.
"Jihad in Islam is simply a name for striving to make this system of life dominant in the world," the NAIT tome asserts. "Wherever an Islamic community exists which is a concrete example of the Divinely ordained system of life, it has a God-given right to step forward and take control of the political authority so that it may establish the Divine system on earth."
"Milestones" preaches that Shariah law should be implemented "by force" if Western societies resist the barbaric Islamic code.
"Bringing about the enforcement of the Divine Law and the abolition of man-made laws cannot be achieved only through preaching," it says. "When obstacles and practical difficulties are put in its way, it has no recourse but to remove them by force."
"Islam has the right to take the initiative," the book claims. "It has the right to destroy all obstacles in the form of institutions and traditions. It is the duty of Islam to annihilate all such systems."
Chillingly, Qutb's strategy dovetails with one outlined in a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood manifesto recently declassified by the Justice Department.
It lists NAIT among Brotherhood, or "Ikhwan," front groups participating in a seditious conspiracy of "eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within" through a "grand jihad," with the ultimate goal of making Islam "victorious over all religions."
The secret manifesto was found in a terrorist suspect's home in Northern Virginia and entered as evidence in the Holy Land Foundation trial.
According to "Muslim Mafia," NAIT was founded in 1973 with massive funding from the Saudis. It was formed as an investment bank for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America, acquiring title to more than 300 mosques and Islamic schools in the U.S.
Current NAIT Chairman Muzammil Siddiqi appears in secret Brotherhood documents as a high-ranking member of its shura council in America, according to documents cited in "Muslim Mafia."
NAIT did not return phone calls seeking comment.
Wild Thing's comment........
Islam is the enemy of freedom and certainly of America and Americans.
Freedom House’s Center for Religious Freedom released a new report exposing the dissemination of hate propaganda in America by the government of Saudi Arabia.
The 89-page report, “Saudi Publications on Hate Ideology Fill American Mosques,” is based on a year-long study of over two hundred original documents, all disseminated, published or otherwise generated by the government of Saudi Arabia and collected from more than a dozen mosques in the United States...’
You can their shocking report HERE.
Saudi Publications on Hate Ideology Invade American Mosques
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (3)
February 25, 2010
America's First Muslim College Set To Open in Berkeley, California
Islam continues to advance in America. In this latest stage of Islam on the move, this school is offering only two majors. Arabic language and Islamic law and theology. The last thing that this country needs are more pro-Sharia Muslims. Sharia needs to be officially banned, and then any Muslim that calls for it afterwards shall be arrested or deported if possible. Those that want Sharia do not belong here, and are to be looked upon as enemies of the state.
Muslims are turning their sights to the Zaytuna College in California
As interested students race to beat the fast approaching enrolment deadline, Muslims are turning their sights to the Zaytuna College in California to see if America’s first ever Muslim college will live up to the high expectations.
“We’ve been waiting for this time,” Imam Zaid Shakir, a scholar-in-residence and lecturer at Zaytuna Institute and a co-founded of the college, told IslamOnline.net in an exclusive interview.
“It’s been a long road to get here, Alhamdulillah, and to know that we’re in this final part to getting freshman class set is very exciting.”
Zaytuna College, a brainchild of Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, Imam Shakir and Professor Hatem Bazian, will stop accepting applications for its first freshman class of 2010 on March 1.”
With the application process coming to a close, a committee is readying to study the applications and admit between 20-25 students as incoming freshmen.
And although the college is seeking Muslim students, it is not exclusive to Muslims.
There will be no gender separation at the college and academic pursuits and freedom will be paramount.
Course subjects have been decided on, but educators are now writing syllabi and mapping out teaching methodology for the subjects.
Currently only two majors are being offered: Arabic language and Islamic law and theology.
As the class size increases and more educators are hired, other majors will be offered, Imam Shakir said.
Zaytuna College is in the rigorous process of seeking accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, a process that will take a number of years and one that Imam Shakir hopes will be completed by the time the freshman class graduates.
He noted that they have been able to achieve the goal of raising nearly $4 million needed for its temporary location at Berkeley.
Now they face the challenge of raising upwards of $65 million for an endowment fund that will ensure a consistent monetary support and alleviate the need for constant fundraising.
Along with that comes a move in the near future to a permanent location in Northern California.
Where America meets Islam
Imam Shakir, along with other Zaytuna College advisors, criss-crossed the country to drum up support, raise funds and answer questions from perspective students and their parents.
He also held a series of weekly informational online seminars explaining the unique nature of the college, which aims to meld two types of learning institution: a college focusing on religious study and one where such study will be explored in the context of a liberal arts education.
"It’s the first time something like this is being attempted in this country," said Bazian, a professor at the University of California-Berkeley and at St. Mary’s College of California.
"Years ago when we discussed the need for an accredited Muslim college in the US, we knew that we needed one where students learn about the Islamic faith but also how Islam works into the American fabric and into various liberal arts subjects—sociology, anthropology, history, philosophy."
For example, says Imam Shakir, in a philosophy class students will study Descartes but also spend a lot of time on Al-Ghazali.
"We want to teach the fundamentals of Islam—Shariah, history, Arabic, Qur’an—but we want to bring it into the context of an American education, how these branches of Islam work in the context of other educational subjects."
One of the goals of the college is to produce scholars of Islam who are a product of an American education system.
One of the main obstacles to the rise of Islam in the US has been that the majority of educators and mosque leaders are educated overseas.
"The wonderful scholars we have in the US get their Islamic foundation from universities in Egypt, Turkey, and other countries," notes Bazian.
"But we have not been able to produce scholars who received their education here in the US and who can truly understand and address the questions and concerns of the Muslim-American population."
Bazian asserts that Zaytuna College graduate could become imams at mosques and directors of Islamic community centers.
Imam Shakir explains that another important goal of the college is to provide a sound liberal arts education grounded by Islamic studies that can then be a jumping-off point to any advanced degrees in law, business, medicine and other subjects.
Omar A. Ansari says if he were 18 again, he would apply to Zaytuna College.
"I think a B.A. from Zaytuna would be a great foundation upon which to build further, even if one intends to do law, medicine, etc," he told IOL.
"I am looking forward to the day when the college allows its classes to be audited, inshallah."
Mona El-Bashir, a high school student in Virginia, she has been following the development of the Zaytuna College and is excited to see it opening in 2010.
"I am thinking about applying for 2011," she told IOL.
"I will have to convince my parents that it is a worthy enough education for me to travel all the way to the West Coast."
Wild Thing's comment........
This means they'll get the ability to issue student visas. Look for them to choose a highly prepared of hardcore Islamic proselytizers. This is scary.
I wonder if our taxpayers be funding this?
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (8)
February 23, 2010
Obama's Muslim Envoy Radical ~ Lied About Supporting Terror Suspect
Obama’s envoy to the Islamic bloc, Rashad Hussain, acknowledged Friday that he was accurately quoted in 2004 as calling the treatment of activist Sami al-Arian, then facing trial for supporting a Palestinian terrorist group. He had lied about the comment earlier in the week. The White House announced after the fact that they continue to have confidence in the Muslim radical.
U.S. Atty Gen. Holder admits 9 Obama Dept. of Justice appointees worked for terrorist detainees
Washington Examiner
Attorney General Eric Holder says nine Obama appointees in the Justice Department have represented or advocated for terrorist detainees before joining the Justice Department. But he does not reveal any names beyond the two officials whose work has already been publicly reported. And all the lawyers, according to Holder, are eligible to work on general detainee matters, even if there are specific parts of some cases they cannot be involved in.
Holder's admission comes in the form of an answer to a question posed last November by Republican Sen. Charles Grassley. Noting that one Obama appointee, Principal Deputy Solicitor General Neal Katyal, formerly represented Osama bin Laden's driver, and another appointee, Jennifer Daskal, previously advocated for detainees at Human Rights Watch, Grassley asked Holder to give the Senate Judiciary Committee "the names of political appointees in your department who represent detainees or who work for organizations advocating on their behalf…the cases or projects that these appointees work with respect to detainee prior to joining the Justice Department…and the cases or projects relating to detainees that have worked on since joining the Justice Department."
In his response, Holder has given Grassley almost nothing. He says nine Obama political appointees at the Justice Department have advocated on behalf of detainees, but did not identify any of the nine other than the two, Katyal and Daskal, whose names Grassley already knew. "To the best of our knowledge," Holder writes, during their employment prior to joining the government, only five of the lawyers who serve as political appointees in those components represented detainees, and four others either contributed to amicus briefs in detainee-related cases or were otherwise involved in advocacy on behalf of detainees.
Holder says other Obama appointees, like Holder himself, came from law firms which represented detainees but did no work on behalf of the terrorist prisoners. But other than Katyal and Daskal, Holder does not reveal any names of any Obama appointees, nor does he mention the cases they worked on.
And what are they recused from, anyway? Very little. Holder writes that Katyal has not worked on any Guantanamo detainee matters but has participated in litigation involving detainees who continue to be detained at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan and in litigation involving [Ali Saleh Kahlah] al-Marri, who was detained on U.S. soil." As for Daskal, "she has generally worked on policy issues related to detainees," Holder writes. "Her detainee-related work has been fully consistent with advice she received from career department officials regarding her obligations."
As for everyone else, Holder lists no names and no cases, but in a paragraph filled with modifiers, he makes it clear that all the lawyers who had advocated for detainees are free to work on general detainee matters.
The senior Department officials referenced above, like other political appointees who are similarly situated, have recused from particular matters regarding specific detainees in which their former firms represent the detainee or another party and from decisions relating specifically to the dispositions of particular detainees represented by their former firms.
These recusals pertain to decisions relating to particular matters involving specific parties who are or have been represented by their former law firms within the relevant time period. However, as noted above, these senior officials have been authorized to participate in policy and legal decisions regarding detainee matters, in particular matters regarding specific detainees whom their prior employer did not represent, and in decisions relating to the disposition of such detainees.
Finally, it is possible that there are more than nine political appointees who worked for detainees. Holder tells Grassley that he did not survey the Justice Department as a whole but instead canvassed several large offices within the organization.
Bottom line: Holder revealed no names beyond the two already publicly known. He revealed no cases from which Justice political appointees recused themselves. The letter, which will likely be interpreted on Capitol Hill as a thumb-your-nose statement, is sure to anger Republican senators more than satisfy them.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) is warring with Attorney General Eric Holder over potential conflicts of interest in the Department of Justice over the handling of terrorist detainees. In a recent letter to Grassley, Holder admitted that nine Obama Justice Department appointees represented or advocated for terrorist detainees before joining the department. Holder acknowledged only two by name — principal deputy solicitor general Neal Katyal, a former attorney for Osama bin Laden’s driver, and Jennifer Daskal, a former detainee advocate at Human Rights Watch.
In an interview with National Review Online, Grassley fumed. Holder’s letter, he said, which was sent in response to a request Grassley made last November, leaves much unanswered. “The country has the right to know what the predilections of people in the Justice Department are toward terrorism, especially if they’re giving constitutional rights to terrorists,” he says. “They’re going to regret hiding names. I don’t know why they’re hiding, unless they have something to hide.”
“To me, this is a case of our own public servants or political appointees having an agenda of their own instead of being concerned with the national security of the United States,” Grassley says. “This letter creates a lot of suspicion about conflicts of interest, and it’s out of character for an administration that promised transparency. If I was in the majority, this would demand a hearing or an investigation.” He adds that all attorneys who have been involved with terrorist detainee cases before joining the department should reveal themselves, or be revealed by Holder, and recuse themselves from any case involving terrorists and national security.
Wild Thing's comment........
“Attorney General Eric Holder says nine Obama appointees in the Justice Department have represented or advocated for terrorist detainees before joining the Justice Department.”
Just a coincidence I’m sure. It couldn’t possibly be brothers-in-alluh helping one another or anything like that. NAH!
And I remember how Eric Holder successfully argued for the pardoning of the FLAN terrorists for Clinton.
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:40 AM | Comments (4)
February 16, 2010
Obama's Envoy to Muslim World Has History Of Engagement With U.S. Muslim Brotherhood
Bill Whittle goes to Washington, DC to investigate radical Islam's influence over our government and access to our national security secrets.
Special FBI agent CIA tells how the Muslim Bro. not only has infilitrated our Gov. but is delegating to our gov. CIA how we interegate and what we do with the Islamic/Muslim threats.
These two videos are VERY much worth watching. ~ Wild Thing
New Obama Envoy to Muslim World...... Has History Of Engagement With U.S. Muslim Brotherhood
Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report
Rashad Hussein, White House official and President Obama’s newly appointed Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference, has a history of participation in events connected with the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood as well as support for Brotherhood causes, once having called prosecution of the U.S. leader of a Palestinian terrorist organization one of many “politically motivated persecutions.” Mr. Hussain’s official biography states:
Rashad Hussain is presently Deputy Associate Counsel to President Obama.
His work at the White House focuses on national security, new media, and science and technology issues.
Mr. Hussain has also worked with the National Security Staff in pursuing the New Beginning that President Obama outlined in his June 2009 address in Cairo, Egypt. Mr. Hussain previously served as a Trial Attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice.
Earlier in his career, Mr. Hussain was a legislative assistant on the House Judiciary Committee, where he focused on national security-related issues. Mr. Hussain received his J.D. from Yale Law School, where he served as an editor of the Yale Law Journal. Upon graduation, he served as a Law Clerk to Damon J. Keith on the U.S. Court of Appeals. Mr. Hussain also earned his Master’s degrees in Public Administration (Kennedy School of Government) and Arabic and Islamic Studies from Harvard University. He attended college at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
However, in October 2000 Mr. Hussain spoke at a conference sponsored by the Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS) and the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University (CMCU).
The conference was titled “Islam, Pluralism, and Demoracy and featured many leaders of the global Muslim Brotherhood including former German diplomat Murad Hoffman, and International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) leaders Louay Safi, Jamal Barzinji, Hisham Al-Talib, and AbdulHamid Abusylayman. The AMSS was founded in 1972 as an outgrowth of the Muslim Student Association and has long been associated with the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.
In June 2002, Mr. Hussain was listed as part of a Congressional Staffers panel at the American Muslim Council’s (AMC) 11th annual convention. The AMC was headed at that time headed by Abdurahman Alamoudi, a leader in the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and currently imprisoned as part of a plot to assassinate the Saudi head of state, Crown Prince Abdullah. Other important leaders of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood such as Jamal Barzinji were also part of the AMC.
While at Yale Law School, Mr. Hussain was listed as part of the organizing committee for an April 2004 conference organized by a student organization known as the Critical Islamic Reflections (CIR) group.
Among the CIR sponsors listed on the their web site was IIIT and the Fairfax Institute, the IIIT educational arm. IIIT is an important component of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and three of the key IIIT/Fairfax leaders Jamal Barzinji, Hisham Al-Talib, and Yaqub Mirza; were also associated with what has been called the SAAR network (Safa Group), a network of Islamic organizations located in Northern Virginia that was raided by the Federal government in March 2002 and which, until at least mid 2007, had been the subject of an ongoing investigation. Also listed as a CIR sponsor was ALIM, most likely referring to the American Learning Institute for Muslims and whose list of instructors includes some of the most important leaders of the U.S./global Muslim Brotherhood including Tariq Ramadan, Jamal Badawi, and Taha Al-Alwani.
It should also be noted that in August 2008, Mr. Hussein published a paper titled “Reformulating the Battle of ideas:
Understanding the Role of Islam in Counterterrorism Policy.” Although a full analysis of this paper is beyond the scope of this post, it should be noted that many of the recommendations match the agenda also being pushed by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood including:
■“Policymakers should reject the use of language that provides a religious legitimization of terrorism such as ‘Islamic terrorism’ and ‘Islamic extremist.’ They should replace such terminology with more specific and descriptive terms such as “Al-Qaeda terrorism.” Controlling counter-terrorism language has been a long-standing effort of the U.S. Brotherhood.
■“The United States should welcome and encourage the further development of mainstream Muslim organizations and moderate institutions.” As an example, the paper references the work of the Fiqh Council of North America, a part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.
■“The primary cause of broad-based anger and anti-Americanism is not a clash of civilizations but the perceived effect of U.S. foreign policy in the Muslim world.” Linking terrorism to U.S. foreign policy and “legitimate grievances” has been another longtime goal of the U.S. Brotherhood.
In August 2008, the Obama campaign Muslim outreach adviser Mazen Asbahi resigned after the Wall Street Journal disclosed his U.S. Muslim Brotherhood ties based on information developed by the GMDR. Another post has discussed the background of Dahlia Mogahed, one of two U.S. Muslims appointed to the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Ms. Mogahed’s background also suggests ties to the global Muslim Brotherhood.
Wild Thing's comment........
It’s just stunning how dangerous Obama is to the United States. His across-the-board appointments to sensitive positions of some of the most radical extremists in the country should be more than just a cause for alarm. Obama is dangerous.
They want to extend the boundaries of the Islamic Empire to extend around the Globe until there is no such thing as the “West” anymore.
“Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”—Muslim Brotherhood”
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (3)
February 12, 2010
Obama Heads For Qatar To Boost Ties With Muslims
Obama heads for Qatar to boost ties with Muslims
US President Barack Obama’s charm offensive on Muslim states comes to a weekend forum in Qatar, where he will send a video message and his chief diplomat will give a speech, organizers said Thursday.
Obama will deliver his message to the seventh annual US-Islamic World Forum in the Qatari capital, which Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will attend Sunday with other senior US officials, The Brookings Institution said.
The gathering organized by the think-tank’s Saban Center for Middle East Policy and Qatar’s foreign affairs ministry brings “leaders from across the Muslim world for an intensive three-day dialogue with key US officials, societal leaders and policy experts,” Brookings said.
“With President Obama determined to turn the page in America’s relations with Muslim communities around the globe, this year’s Forum will examine how to craft more robust partnerships that can help repair the deep divisions our societies,” Brookings President Strobe Talbott said in a statement.
Talbott, who was a key diplomat in president Bill Clinton’s administration, is also due at the forum, along with Richard Holbrooke, the US envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan and Senate Foreign Relations Committee John Kerry.
Brookings said Clinton will join Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani, the prime minister of Qatar who doubles as foreign minister, in delivering a speech, but no further details were immediately available.
The chief US diplomat is due to arrive in the tiny Gulf state of Qatar on Saturday, where she will also hold talks with the emir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, and leave for Saudi Arabia on Monday, the State Department said.
At the 2008 US-Islamic forum, delegates voiced support for then-presidential candidate Barack Obama, although some warned against expecting any radical policy change should he win the White House.
A year into his administration, Obama has yet to achieve any significant momentum on stalled peace talks between the Palestinians and the Israelis, and Muslim audiences are now less receptive to his promise of a “new beginning” with the Muslim world.
The visit to Qatar would complement the Obama administration’s efforts to improve ties with the Muslim world.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I guess he is running home to get more cash…telling them he needs more money to secure their investment in stopping the Great Satan.
He will, no doubt, begin his remarks with a deep bow.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (3)
December 28, 2009
PRO Terrorist CAIR: "Don't racial profile after airline incidents"
CAIR: Don't racial profile after airline incidents
A Muslim advocacy group is urging passengers, crews and security personnel to avoid ethnic and religious "profiling" in the wake of the attempted bombing of a Northwest Airlines flight in Detroit on Christmas Day.
In a statement, Ibrahim Hooper of the Washington, D.C.-based Council on American-Islamic Relations says,
"While everyone supports robust airline security measures, racial and religious profiling are in fact counterproductive and can lead to a climate of insecurity and fear."
CAIR issued the statement following two false alarms aboard U.S. airliners this weekend.
In one of them, the FBI says passengers on a U.S. Airways flight from Orlando to Phoenix last night reported that two men, described as Middle Eastern, had been acting in a suspicious manner. The men have been released, after being questioned by federal anti-terrorism authorities
Following Path of Least Resistance, Terrorists Turn Yemen Into Poor Man's Afghanistan
With a stepped up presence of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, intelligence and security officials are now looking at other would-be hosts to Al Qaeda and its offshoot terrorist elements. Near the top of that list is Yemen.
If terrorism follows the path of least resistance, then Yemen may be the poor man's Afghanistan.
COPS fear that 25 British-born Muslims are plotting to bomb Western airliners.
The fanatics, in five groups, are now training at secret terror camps in Yemen.
It was there London-educated Umar Abdulmutallab, 23, prepared for his Christmas Day bid to blow up a US jet.
A Scotland Yard source said: "The great fear is Abdulmutallab is the first of many ready to attack planes and kill tens of thousands.
"We know there are four or five radicalised British Muslim cells in the Yemen.
"They are due back within months when they will be under constant surveillance."
The 25 suspects, of Pakistani and Somali descent, were radicalised in UK mosques.
Some had been to university and studied engineering or computer sciences.
Others were former street gang members.
Special Branch monitored them as they flew to Yemen, in the Middle East, from British airports in the spring and summer.
In almost every case, their tickets were paid for in cash and bought less than a week before travel.
The source added: "Imams would have promised them rewards in heaven for becoming suicide bombers prepared to kill Westerners."
Wild Thing's comment..........
A CAIR statement to that effect, in the wake of Friday’s airline incident at Detroit Metro, is as predictable as night following day!
CAIR takes after their screwball prophet of Islam .
As soon as the Muslims stand up and eradicate the scumbag innocent killing Muslims we won’t profile them in the mean-time let’s start raiding ALL of the mosques in this country and find out who the radicals are sent them packing!
Has the world ever seen a bigger whining, insufferable group of people than the Muslims? And if anybody complains about profiling... they can blame the Muslim Terrorists, not us.Are you listening CAIR?
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (22)
December 09, 2009
MUSLIM With Terrorist Connections Dr. Louay Safi Lectured At Fort Hood Last Week ~ This is INSANE To Have Allowed This!
CBN News Terrorism Analyst Erick Stakelbeck appeared on Tuesday's "The 700 Club" to explain why people are upset about the Islamic speaker's lecture at Fort Hood. Click above to watch the interview.
Controversial Islamic Speaker Welcomed at Ft. Hood
The U.S. military is facing criticism for bringing a controversial Islamic speaker to Fort Hood.
The criticism comes just one month after a radical Muslim's shooting spree at the fort that killed 13 soldiers.
Dr. Louay Safi lectured on Islam last week to U.S. troops about to deploy to Afghanistan. He is a top official for the Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA.
In 2007, the group was named as an un-indicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in U.S. history. Evidence introduced at that trial showed that ISNA is closely tied to the Muslim Brotherhood. The brotherhood is a global Islamic jihadist movement that laid the foundation for groups like al Qaeda and Hamas.
Dr. Safi has also worked for a Saudi-funded organization called the International Institute of Islamic Thought. The group has been on the radar screen of federal investigators for years. But Safi's radical ties don't end there.
In 1995, he was recorded on an FBI wiretap talking to convicted Palestinian terrorist Sami al-Arian.
So how was Safi chosen to lecture at Fort Hood? A spokesman for the Army base told CBN News that "Safi was one of the faculty members during a seminar about Islam for the Army's 135th expeditionary unit. He said speakers are invited based on learning objectives, audience experience, and availability. The spokesman added that "organizers of the seminar were not aware of Safi's alleged association, but have had no issues or concerns over his presentations nor has any unit raised any."
However, those associations are not just alleged. They are concrete and all of them are readily available to the public just by doing a simple Google search on the Internet.
Safi's extremist ideology was recently mentioned in a report by Rowan Scarborough, "FBI Partners with Jihad Groups":
Safi is a Syrian-born author who advocates Muslim American rights through his directorship of ISNA's Leadership Development Center. He advocates direct talks between Washington and Iran's leaders. He has spoken out against various law enforcement raids on Islamic centers.
In a 2003 publication, "Peace and the Limits of War," Safi wrote, "The war against the apostates [non-believers of Islam] is carried out not to force them to accept Islam, but to enforce the Islamic law and maintain order."
He also wrote, "It is up to the Muslim leadership to assess the situation and weigh the circumstances as well as the capacity of the Muslim community before deciding the appropriate type of jihad. At one stage, Muslims may find that jihad, through persuasion or peaceful resistance, is the best and most effective method to achieve just peace."
Again, this guy is teaching our soldiers on Islam at Ft. Hood as they are set to deploy to Afghanistan. Maj. Hasan was merely following Safi's dictates in consulting with his former imam Anwar al-Aulaqi in assessing the situation and deciding on the appropriate type of jihad. And Hasan very well may have relied on Safi's rulings on Islamic warfare in preparing for his attack. On page 29 of his "Peace and the Limits of War", Safi outlines the Islamic doctrine of a preemptive strike:
The clear-cut case of foreign aggression is a military attack on the Islamic state or its allies. The Muslims, however, are not obliged to wait until the enemies launch their attack, before responding. Rather, the Islamic state can initiate war and carry out a preemptive strike if the Muslim authorities become convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that the enemy is mobilizing its forces and is about to carry out an offensive, or if a state of war already exists between the Islamic state and its adversaries."
Wild Thing's comment..............
This has got to be the stupidest, most insane thing I have ever heard in my entire life. That is completely vile. I feel for our troops that keep getting this forced on them by their higher ups.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (10)
December 06, 2009
Female Jihadis Training On U.S. Soil
Female jihadis training on U.S. soil
Watch this brief video. It is clear that this is not play-acting, not comic opera soldiery, but very real training -- and for what? What do authorities think these women are doing this for? To stay in shape?
They're training for battle. For combat.
The Christian Action Network sent me the full video of which this is a part. It shows veiled women marching and engaging in hand-to-hand combat training, firearms training, and more -- in a Muslim compound in the U.S. The implications are clear. Americans, for the most part, have no clue that this sort of this is going on in the United States. They need to see this video. Watch for it to break in the mainstream media on Monday.
Here is the Christian Action Network press release:
TERRORISTS TRAINING ON U.S. SOIL NEVER-BEFORE-RELEASED FOOTAGE OF WOMEN IN NEW YORK TERRORIST TRAINING COMPOUND WIELDING AK-47s AND LEARNING HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT What we are witnessing here is kind of a brand-new form of terrorism. These home-grown terrorists can prove to be as dangerous as any known group, if not more so. --Special Agent Jody Weis, FBI
Lynchburg, VA--Terrorist training camps are located thousands of miles from American soil and instruct men on how to kill American Infidels...right? The answer is terrifyingly wrong according to the never-before-seen video of Muslims of America (the Jamaat ul-Fuqra front in the U.S.) women armed with AK-47s training at the Muslims of America headquarters in Hancock, NY. This just-released video shows women on the compound engaging in paramilitary training.
Christian Action Network (CAN) received this video, along with recordings of gunfire coming from a Muslims of America compound in York, South Carolina. This shocking 20-minute video reveals female members marching in military cadence, scaling fabricated walls, engaging in hand-to-hand combat, firing upon mock enemy locations, and other forms of training involving firearms and swords. The video was given to Christian Action Network by a confidential source.
Martin Mawyer's Christian Action Network (CAN) is credited with exposing 35 terrorist training compounds located in America earlier this year. CAN meticulously researched Muslims of America for over two years and met with key government officials to show their exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of terrorist camps operating within the U.S. They hoped to have Muslims of America put on the State Department's Terrorist Watch List. The government's response was to do nothing.
The first video created by CAN, Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S., reveals terrorist training camps located throughout the U.S. that were preparing Soldiers of Allah to kill Americans. The documentary reveals that camps are fully operational and their behavior reinforces an utter disregard for American lives. The video has a chilling scene of Sheik Mubarak Guilani (the head of Muslims of America) telling his followers to "Act like you're his friend. Then kill him."
The number of homegrown jihad plots has actually grown, which was proven by the increasing number of terrorist plots foiled within the past year in cities such as New York and Chicago. The terrorists are not going away-- they are training men and women in backyards across America.
The footage from Soldiers of Allah was confiscated by the FBI and locked away. The public would never have become aware of the tape. Even a 2006 Justice Department document exposing 35 terrorist compounds in the U.S. was marked "Dissemination Restricted to Law Enforcement." One copy was hidden by a government official and given to CAN so they could warn the public. CAN released the footage in a DVD entitled Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S.
CAN' mission in exposing the terrorist training camps was two-fold. The first was to make Americans aware of the threat posed by Jamaat ul-Fuqra, and the second was to have Jamaat ul-Fuqra's training camps in the U.S. shut down by ensuring that they were placed on the State Department's Foreign Terrorist Organization Watch List. Although CAN met with the State Dept, FBI and Homeland Security, no action was taken.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I guess Obama's government wants to wait until they kill a few hundred people and then watch the government finger-pointing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (3)
AirTran Flight Dry Run? Passenger Email Speaks Out But Airline Response Leaves Questions
From KHOU Houston
AirTran Airways says a flight from Atlanta to Houston with more than 70 passengers on board was delayed when a passenger refused to end a cell phone call. AirTran spokesman Christopher White told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that Flight 297, a Boeing 717, was taxiing on the runway in Atlanta Tuesday afternoon when a crew member asked a passenger to turn off his phone. White says that after several failed attempts by the crew member to end the conversation, the captain returned the plane to the gate. White says the passenger complied when he was asked to get off the plane. He says no charges were filed, and that the plane departed for Houston 2 ½ hours later.
And this is what one of the passengers had to say:
To: undisclosed-recipients
Sent: Friday, November 27, 2009 11:32 AM
One week ago, I went to Ohio on business and to see my father. On Tuesday, November 17, I returned home. If you read the papers, you may have seen a blurb where an AirTran flight was cancelled from Atlanta to Houston due to a man who refused to get off of his cell phone before takeoff. It was on Fox. That was NOT what happened!
I was in first class coming home. Eleven muslim men got on the plane in full attire. Two sat in first class and the rest peppered themselves throughout the plane all the way to the back. As the plane taxied to the runway, the stewardesses gave the safety spiel we are all so familiar with. At that time, one of the men got on his cell and called one of his companions in the back and proceeded to talk on the phone in Arabic very loudly and very aggressively. This took the first stewardess out of the picture for she repeatedly told the man that cell phones were not permitted at the time. He ignored her as if she wasn’t there.
The second man who answered the phone did the same and this took out the second stewardess. In the back of the plane at this time, 2 younger muslims, one in the back aisle, and one in front of him, window, began to show footage of a porno they had taped the night before, and were very loud about it. Now, they are only permitted to do this prior to Jihad. If a Muslim man goes into a strip club, he has to view the woman via mirror with his back to her (don’t ask me, I don’t make the rules, but I’ve studied). The third stewardess informed them that they were not to have electronic devices on at this time. To which one of the men said, “Shut up, infidel dog!” She went to take the camcorder and he began to scream in her face in Arabic.
At that exact moment, all 11 of them got up and started to walk to the cabin. This is where I had had enough! I got up and started to the back where I heard a voice behind me from another Texan twice my size say, “I got your back.” I grabbed the man who had been on the phone by the arm and said, “you WILL go sit down or you Will be thrown from this plane!” As I led him around me to take his seat, the fellow Texan grabbed him by the back of his neck and his waist and headed out with him. I then grabbed the second man and said, “You WILL do the same!” He protested but adrenaline was flowing now and he was going to go. As I escorted him forward, the plane doors open and 3 TSA agents and 4 police officers entered. Me and my new Texan friend were told to cease and desist for they had this under control. I was happy to oblige actually. There was some commotion in the back, but within moments, all 11 were escorted off the plane. They then unloaded their luggage.
We talked about the occurrence and were in disbelief that it had happened, when suddenly, the door opened again and on walked all eleven!! Stone faced, eyes front and robotic (the only way I can describe it). The stewardess from the back had been in tears and when she saw this, she was having NONE of it! Being that I was up front, I heard and saw the whole ordeal. She told the TSA agent there was NO WAY she was staying on the plane with these men. The agent told her they had searched them and were going to go through their luggage with a fine tooth comb and that they were allowed to proceed to Houston. The captain and co-captain came out and told the agent, “we and our crew will not fly this plane!” After a word or two, the entire crew, luggage in tow, left the plane. Five minutes later, the cabin door opened again and a whole new crew walked on.
Again, this is where I had had enough!! I got up and asked, “What the hell is going on?” I was told to take my seat. They were sorry for the delay and I would be home shortly. I said, “I’m getting off this plane.” The stewardess sternly told me that she could not allow me to get off.
Now I’m mad! I said, “I am a grown man who bought this ticket, who’s time is mine with a family at home and I am going through that door, or I’m going through that door with you under my arm!! But I am going through that door!!” And I heard a voice behind me say, “So am I.” Then everyone behind us started to get up and say the same. Within 2 minutes, I was walking off that plane where I was met with more agents who asked me to write a statement. I had 5 hours to kill at this point so why the hell not. Due to the amount of people who got off that flight, it was cancelled. I was supposed to be in Houston at 6pm. I got here at 12:30am.
Look up the date. Flight 297, Atlanta to Houston.
If this wasn’t a dry run, I don’t know what one is. They wanted to see how TSA would handle it, how the crew would handle it, and how the passengers would handle it. I’m telling this to you because I want you to know. The threat is real. I saw it with my own eyes. NOIRI
Tedd Petruna
A. Gene Hackemack
979-251-2310 cell & home
8725 Hwy 290 W
Brenham TX 77833
UPDATE: For those of you have questioned the veracity of this, I checked it out on Snopes and it is inconclusive, with some accounts of the incident backing up what the email said and others with slightly different observations. I say where there’s smoke there’s fire, especially when Muslims have been known to pull this crap before. SNOPES
H/T from my friend that has Bare Naked Islam blog
E-mail stirs fears of hijacking 'dry run'
Airline response leaves questions unanswered
An airline is fending off charges fueled by a widely circulated e-mail that an incident on a flight from Atlanta to Houston, reported by news media as minor, actually bore the marks of a "dry run" by Muslim terrorists.
The e-mail account of a purported passenger on AirTran Flight 297 on Nov. 17, bolstered by a separate investigation by Northeast Intelligence Network, contends that about a dozen Muslim men in "full attire" who were spread throughout the jet as it taxied to the runway caused a disturbance prompting pilots to return to the gate and bring law enforcement officers onboard.
The airline, at its InsideAirTran website, denied many of the claims made in the e-mail, which purportedly was written by a passenger, Tedd Petruna of Houston, and circulated by a friend, A. Gene Hackemack. Neither Petruna nor Hackemack responded immediately to WND requests for comment.
After first rebutting Petruna's written account point by point, AirTran later posted on its site a denial that the e-mailer was even on the flight, writing: "After conducting additional research into this situation, we have verified, according to flight manifests (legally binding documents) that the individual that allegedly created a first-hand account of events on-board AirTran Airways flight 297, a Theodore Petruna, was never actually on-board the flight."
Yet questions remain, such as why was the flight crew was changed after a supposedly minor disturbance and why several passengers were so distraught that they refused to continue on to their destination after the men involved were allowed to reboard the airplane.
Now, KHOU in Houston reports the Federal Aviation Administration has begun investigating.
Douglas J. Hagmann, director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, said a passenger on the flight contacted him two days after the incident. Hagmann published a report of his group's investigation, which concluded that the media, the airline and government agencies have not reported the truth.
"The reasons, I have been told, is fear of predatory lawsuits, negative publicity from accusations of religious profiling, and the obligatory subjugation to mindless mandatory Muslim sensitivity training that make a mockery of our American system of values," Hagmann writes.
He said an airline official told him "we don't want to become another flight 300," referring to a similar scenario on a US Airways flight three years ago.
"Be prepared to be shocked, angered, and perhaps saddened by our national and corporate acquiescence to mafia-type tactics by Islamists who are engaged in a full frontal assault, and laughing about it," he writes in the opening lines of his report.
WND attempted to contact Petruna via e-mail but received an automated response explaining he "almost got fired from his job" over his report of the incident and has received thousands of e-mails.
According to the circulated e-mail, Petruna was aboard the flight in first class seating when the Muslims boarded, two of whom remained in first class while others moved throughout the plane.
"As the plane taxied to the runway the stewardesses gave the safety spiel we are all so familiar with," he wrote. "At that time, one of the men got on his cell and called one of his companions in the back and proceeded to talk on the phone in Arabic very loudly and very aggressively. This took the first stewardess out of the picture for she repeatedly told the man that cell phones were not permitted at the time. He ignored her as if she was not there.
"The second man who answered the phone did the same and this took out the second stewardess," he continued.
AirTran insisted there were no reports of passengers making telephone calls at that point.
The e-mail report stated two Muslims then started watching a video, an incident confirmed by the airline.
"The third stewardess informed them that they were not to have electronic devices on at this time," Petruna wrote. "To which one of the men said 'shut up infidel dog!' She went to take the camcorder and he began to scream in her face in Arabic. At that exact moment, all 11 of them got up and started to walk the cabin."
AirTran denied there was any shouting.
Petruna reported he went to the back of the plane and told the man who had been on the phone and was walking around, "You WILL go sit down."
At that point, the e-mail explains the jet returned to the gate and law enforcement officers came onboard. AirTran said officers only arrived at the gate and did not board the craft.
The party was escorted off the airplane and their luggage unloaded, the e-mail reported.
"We talked about the occurrence and were in disbelief that it had happen[ed], when suddenly, the door open[ed] again and on walked all 11!! Stone faced, eyes front and robotic (the only way I can describe it). The stewardess from the back had been in tears and when she saw this, she was having NONE of it! Being that I was up front, I heard and saw the whole ordeal. She told the TSA agent there was NO WAY she was staying on the plane with these men. The agent told her they had searched them and were going to go through their luggage with a fine tooth comb and that they were allowed to proceed to Houston. The captain and co-captain came out and told the agent 'we and our crew will not fly this plane!' After a word or two, the entire crew, luggage in tow, left the plane. Five minutes later, the cabin door opened again and a whole new crew walked on," the report said.
AirTran's report confirmed, "The entire party complied fully with crew members' instructions to exit the aircraft in order to ascertain the situation. Their bags were not removed at any time."
Petruna said he then had had enough, insisting on leaving the plane.
"If this wasn't a dry run, I don't know what one is. The terrorists wanted to see how TSA would handle it, how the crew would handle it, and how the passengers would handle it," he wrote. "I’m telling this to you because I want you to know… The threat is real. I saw it with my own eyes."
The airline's explanation said it was no more than a minor disturbance.
"During taxi a passenger was non-compliant with crew members, using a cell phone and taking pictures. The flight taxied back to the gate and the passenger, who did not speak English, and his companion acting as his interpreter were asked to de-plane. They were met by customer service personnel and TSA," the airline said.
"We bring this to your attention in order to dispel myths that are beginning to make the rounds in chat rooms, blogs and conspiracy theorists' Web sites," AirTran said.
But there was no explanation for why the original crew refused, after a passenger was noncompliant regarding the use of a cell phone, to continue the flight. Nor why a dozen other passengers were so distraught they left the airplane and were rebooked on later flights.
AirTran officials also did not respond to WND calls requesting additional explanation.
'Flight attendants were sobbing'
KHOU reported that another passenger, Chaplain Keith Robinson, actually missed the original departure but got on after the airplane returned to the gate.
"Flight attendants were sobbing openly," Robinson told the station.
He had been warned by a passenger getting off not to board.
"He said, 'I just saw them, there were these Middle Eastern men. They were taking pictures. They wouldn't sit down,'" Robinson said. "Besides that, he said a couple of them were making gestures with their hand as if they were shooting people."
The disputed accounts of the incident are similar to the case of the "flying imams" in 2006.
The six Muslim clerics were booted from a US Airways Minneapolis-to-Phoenix flight after alarming both passengers and crew with their behavior. Many on board feared the imams – who prayed loudly in Arabic, refused to sit in their assigned seats, fanned out in the cabin in pairs to occupy the front, middle and rear exit rows, ordered seat-belt extenders they didn't need, criticized the Iraq war and President Bush, talked about al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden and other disconcerting behaviors – were testing security procedures in a dry run for a future hijacking.
The imams, who insisted they were acting innocently, were detained for several hours and questioned by airport police, the FBI and Secret Service, and prevented from booking a later flight on US Airways.
They sued the airline, and the case was settled.
Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, called the settlement "a clear victory for justice and civil rights over fear and the phenomenon of 'flying while Muslim' in the post-9/11 era."
A prominent Tennessee-based radio talk show host, Steve Gill, conducted a lengthy, in-depth interview with Dr. Robinson, who confirmed everything Mr. Petruna wrote in his e-mail about what happened on that flight.
Steve Gill - December 3, 2009 Hr 3
LIVE from the Opryland Hotel and Convention Center; D
Steve Gill spoke to Tedd Petruno and this interview above is 45 mins with Dr. Keith Robinson.
Radio Talk Show Host Steve Gill Interviews AirTran Flight 297 Passenger Chaplain Dr. Keith A. Robinson:
Steve Gill . . .Middle Eastern men that were on the plane and that, as they had pulled back from the jetway to taxi to the airport or to the runway. . .that uh, he said two had gotten up and were taking pictures with their cell phones of the other passengers on-in that area. This is while the plane is taxi-ing on the runway. That’s what he said, yes.
Ok, hang on. We are going to talk more. Keith Robinson was there. He’s relating more of what happened on Flight 297. Air Tran says oh, no. Nothing happened. It was just a misunderstanding. One guy just didn’t shut off his cell phone. Keith Robinson was there, he’s going to give us more of the scoop that the main stream media seems to be ignoring. Well, maybe some of them are starting to catch on. We’ll follow up with Keith Robinson with more on the Steve Gill Show in just a moment.
Steve Gill: Hey, welcome back again, this is the Steve Gill Show. An incident occured on Air Tran Flight 297 on November 17th on a flight from Atlanta to Houston TX. A Tedd Petruna who works for the National bouancy lab in Houston Tx for NASA accounted for what happened and what he saw on that flight. It has now gone viral all over the internet and despite the fact that AirTran and others that are trying to cleanse the story including the msm are saying that an anonymous e-mail has spread a false rumor. Well, it’s anonymous.
Tedd Petruna is a real guy. I talked to him myself yesterday for quite some time. He has confirmed that everything that he wrote in his e-mail is what he saw. Other passengers are starting to confirm what they saw and experienced It will be interesting to see whether the flight crew will step forward or whether they are being threatened by Air Tran Airlines with their jobs to keep them silent. Another guy who was there, who saw what happened as it happened is Dr. Keith Robinson, a health media consultant and communications specialist, critical incidents response chaplain and he’s relating the story to us here on the Steve Gill show.
Now, Keith, you are telling us that basically as these men were acting up on this, in this group of eleven or twelve people, did anybody tell you who they were, where they were going, what, where they were from? Any of that information come to light, by the way?
Robinson: No, no. There was only, they only spoke Arabic. And uh, so I didn’t understand what they were saying once I came on board, but the people. . .
Steve Gill: they were continuing to talk. One of the things I wanted to get to is that basically the passengers were telling you they were doing gestures like they were going to shoot people, they were refusing to sit down as the plane was taxi-ing to the runway. You don’t do that on any plane anywhere! This business that ‘I didn’t understand ‘ is a bunch of crock!
Robinson: Well, it’s true that the uh, these are abnormal actions that anybody should be making. I mean, we’ve had ministers wives thrown off planes for less than that. Um, so
Steve Gill: Exactly. Christian minister’s wives.
Robinson: Yes, yes.
Steve Gill: So the folks at AirTran are saying that Homeland Security was never involved and that you talked to a man who was supposedly there claiming to be from Homeland Security flashing a badge, claiming that he was there to assess the situation.
Robinson: That’s correct. As I went down the jetway, I met him and relayed to him what the gentlemen had just told me. And he said, well, I’m Homeland Security, that’s my job here. So, I said, well, I’m a chaplain with the international fellowship of chaplains and this is what we do. So, if I need to help you, let me know. I went ahead and boarded the plane and the new flight crew was on the plane. I’m not sure they were fully briefed as to what they were walking into.
Steve Gill: Now it’s not just that one stewardess left the plane, the entire flight crew that experienced these eleven to twelve muslim men, the entire flight crew said we’re outta here. We’re not flying. And about twelve passengers including Tedd Petruna also got off the plane.
Robinson: That’s correct. That’s correct.
Steve Gill: The people that stayed on and there were what, about sixty folks or so?
Robinson: It looked like there may have been that many. There was only one person that, other than some pilots that were going to make connections probably in other, in Houston, um, had boarded and they sat up towards the front. The only other person that boarded that I saw, was me. And uh, the fella warned me, that I had spoken to, he said, ‘you’re not getting on that plane, are you?’ And I said, well, yes. He said, ‘how come? These guys are doing this stuff?’ And I said, well that’s where chaplains are supposed to be. You know, if they’re upset then, that upset about it, the folks left on that plane are pretty upset too.
Steve Gill: Do you know if that guy you were talking to was Tedd Petruna or another passenger?
Robinson: No. This was another gentleman. This was the first guy that tried to get off the plane and uh, so I continued down. I told the flight attendants I’ll be in the middle of the plane if you need me. If there’s anybody that’s getting close to breaking or something, bring them to me and we’ll go sit and talk and we’ll work through this. And they were pretty concerned already. The flight attendants that got off were sobbing, their faces were red, they were obviously stressed. They could not have flown. They could not have served us. They couldn’t take care of themselves at that point in time. They were so stressed.
Steve Gill: At this point the men were continuing to laugh and behave in kind of a strange way as this continued. Keith, I want you to hang on a second as we take a quick break. There’s more to this story and folks – it gets worse! We’re back in a moment with Keith Robinson who was on flight 297.
Steve Gill: Welcome back, this is the Steve Gill Show live at the Opryland Gaylord Resort Convention Center in Nashville. I’ll talk a lot about Christmas today, but I’ll also talk about a disturbing incident aboard an AirTran flight, flight 297 Atlanta to Houston on the afternoon of November 17th. Tedd Petruna, a passenger on that flight has shared what happend in an e-mail that has gone viral. I’ve got that e-mail linked up on our website. We talked with Tedd Petruna personally, myself last night for about 45 minutes and he verifies that everything he had written in his account is exactly accurate and true.
Another passenger who got on that flight after eleven muslim men were brought off and then put back on, twelve passengers including the flight crew, or not including the flight crew decided to get off that flight because of the bizzare behavior of a group of muslim men claiming that they didn’t speak any english and therefore didn’t understand you and couldn’t just walk around the plane while it’s taxi-ing. . . couldn’t continue to use their cell phones and other electronic devices while the plane was taxi-ing while they were being told to put them away by flight attendants. . .that dancing, taking pictures of their fellow passengers and uh, acting, according to some accounts, like they were shooting some of the passengers with guns. Basically doing everything they could to attack and traumatise and terrorize those on the plane.
AirTran has cleansed the account of the story as has the main stream media, but the truth is starting to come out. And one of those telling us the truth is Dr. Keith Robinson, a health media consultant, communications specialist, a critical incident response chaplain who was aboard the flight as it made it’s way from Atlanta to Houston after a two and a half hour delay because of the guys supposedly not turning off his cell phone.
I would point out, my understanding, Keith, is that AirTran is kind of like Southwest Airlines, you get (??) seating, you sit wherever you want. And when this group of eleven men got on the plane initially, they put themselves throughout the plane and according to Tedd Petruna’s account, at one point, one of the guys in the very front of the plane called one of the guys in the middle of the plane on his cell phone and they were having conversations. Again, they didn’t sit as a group, they spread out through the plane, just like the 9/11 hi-jackers had done.
Robinson: Yeah, there was a group that was in the front of the airplane and then another group that was towards the back of the airplane and I tried to, as soon as I saw this starting, I took out my laptop and began to write what you have seen.
Steve Gill: Yeah, I’ve got that linked up on our website by the way. Keith Robinson’s account at GillReport.com click on the Daily Notes button. It’s there along with Tedd Petruna’s e-mail account. You can read all the details there and you were literally writing this as it happend, right Keith?
Robinson: That’s correct. That’s uh, years ago, I had my own nationally syndicated radio talk show and so I knew that I could forget things very quickly if I didn’t start writing it down and perceiving what was going on . And most of the people, when most of these men had gone into a stoic kind of um, appearance. They had already been taken off. Somebody had talked to them. Their luggage had been gone through and put them back on. And, but as I entered the plane, it was, you could feel the tension that everyone in the plane. You could, nobody would make eye contact. Eyes were down, The biggest active part of this, went on before I got on.
Steve Gill: And yet, even as the flight continued with you, you report that they would suddenly start speaking loudly in Arabic and then a burst of laughter would erupt and they would still, you thought be toying with the emotions of the people aboard the flight.
Robinson: Well, yeah, they would get up in the overhead compartments and pull down backpacks and pull out, you know, things that may have been recorders or something like that. It looked like an electronic device, You see . . .
Steve Gill: And moving things around. Moving things from one part of the plane, moving it up to the luggage compartment in the front of the plane inexplicably – for no good reason.
Robinson: Well, and that’s true. You see, one of the things that just happened beforehand was Fort Hood. So, a lot of Americans, most of America, probably are still on edge about the fact that the shooting went on there. So many people were already on edge. Now, whenever, when I got on I tried to assess, as I was walking down the aisle, how people were doing. And there was one or two people who started showing, you know, a little agitation, getting up walking back and forth during the flight. But they eventually settled down, sat down and I um, went to the back of the plane so that I could watch what was going on in front of us in case we needed to do something. There was a lot of prayer going on in the back of that plane. Let me let you know that . . .
Steve Gill: Yes, you pointed that out in your piece, it was radiating inside and outside of the plane. Has anybody from AirTran or Homeland Security, did they conduct an investigation. You guys got to Houston, everybody apparently went their own way. Any follow up investigation? Did you talk to anybody? Did anybody ask you any questions about this?
Robinson: No. Not a bit. Not a bit.
Steve Gill: So this claim that AirTran did an investigation is first of all an outright lie if they don’t talk to the passengers that were on that plane.
Robinson: Well, it certainly raises questions as to how that investigation was done. I’m concerned though, that the people that went through this event, see if they go through a perceived life threatening event, may develop post traumatic stress, that could be a post traumatic stress disorder after a certain time and I would think that the airline would want to follow these people. Because if they develop this, then, you know, it points back to the event itself.
Steve Gill: Now, so far, Petruna’s e-mail got this ball rolling. Your piece is now getting some attention. I know there has been intense media attention, I mean, Tedd’s getting e-mails and phone calls like no-body’s business because his actual work information has put him at risk of losing his job at NASA. They’ve pretty much told him to shut up or he’s going to get fired because of telling the truth about this incident. I mean, obviously you’re getting contacted by other media outlets likeme and others. Have you heard from any other passengers? Arer other passengers going to speak up? Do we know anything about the flight crew?
Robinson: I have not heard a thing from anyone else. I have received e-mails and spoken to other pilots that, asking if this was true, trying to check the credibility of the people writing this and in relating some of their own concerns that they’ve seen also. This appears to be
Steve Gill: The problem is this looks like one of those e-mails that gets distributed, you know, anonymously, and don’t know whether it’s true and that’s how AirTran is trying to say ‘an anonymous e-mail account’. No, Tedd Petruna’s a real guy. His name is on it. Your name is on it. You are willing to talk about it. The media is just no focusing on getting the truth about it.
Robinson: Well, I believe that may be changing and we may be able to thank your organization for opening up and getting it out there because they have got to do something with it. America has got to figure out how they are going to deal with this type of what I’m calling “ethnic bullying’. It’s uh, we are we are still in a 9-12 mentality and we should be. We should be at a condition yellow so that we are aware of what is going on around us. But the question is how do we as Americans stand together to not let people think that we’re scared – first – because I think that if we let them know that we are scared we invite this stuff.
Steve Gill: That’s part of what’s happening. AirTran had an incident where they took nine muslims off a plane January 1st. they got castigated by the Council on American Islamic Relations, they got attacked, they were threatened with law suits. The same thing with the six muslim imams who were behaving strangely in Minnesota. They ended up suing their fellow passengers, suing the airport authority, suing the airline. They’ve been cowed into silence in the same way that Major Hasan was able to proceed with nobody able to do anything despite all the red flags – because they didn’t want to look like a bigot. And that’s what we have playing out here as well.
Robinson: Well, and it’s important that we focus our attention on the people that are doing this and not – because I’ve seen many wonderful muslim people and middle easterners. There are many very good ones. And a few that are radicalized are really giving a lot of problems to everybody else. But I think even they are scared to bring this up because you’d think they’d say, ‘hey, stop doing that! You’re giving our whole religion a bad name!’
Steve Gill: Yeah, ignoring the risks, doesn’t make us any safer. You know, obviously, you’re willing to speak out. Are you going to be doing more appearances? I mean Fox News, those kinds of guys? Have you talked to them yet?
Robinson: I have spoken to them. I just got off . . the initial story was done by KHOUTV channel 2I here in Houston. They spoke to me just before I went on the air with you and want to do an interview to kind of get the rest of the story. And so, they are going to revisit this as well. And I think that’s good journalism. I think that’s good journalism to go back into it and say gosh, maybe we didn’t get everything we needed to.
Steve Gill: Especially because the initial story was based on what the AirTran spokesman said and that’s basically that they, you know, they had a guy that didn’t shut off his cell phone and it caused a two and a half hour delay. I mean, that’s pretty much the sanitised version and that is far from what actually happened on this flight. And they also don’t identify the group, they mention that there was a group of men, you know, everybody kind of, in the media goes ‘I wonder if they were Arab men?” ‘I wonder if they were muslim men?’ Well, the answer is YES, they were.
Robinson: THere’s one difference that I observed and that is in Tedd’s, what he wrote, he eluded to the fact that they were in traditional garb. I didn’t see that. I saw, you know, the guys were wearing slacks and shirt like we would wear. And um, so you know, I did not see them overtly dressed so thtat you could tell. Their skin color, the way that they talked is the way they gave away where they were from. But uh, everything else that Tedd said rings, rings very true.
Steve Gill: I know that yesterday, after we detailed this story, we got several calls from airline commercial pilots saying they are not seeing the size of this group but they see similar instances where, you know, two or three muslim men, Arab men doing what appear to be a test probe or a test run. They’re being told by the airlines, we’re being told by the authorities, don’t talk about it, you know, shut up about it. That’s what you’re hearing. I understand that’s what Tedd has heard about it from other pilots as well. That this is not an isolated incident.
Robinson: Well, it doesn’t seem to be. I guess the thing, that as a chaplain, the thing that it tells me to do is that we need to first – we don’t want to live in fear. We are, our forefathers fought and bled in order for us to have the freedoms that we’ve got. What I see is that the people feel like we are tearing chunks of America away and we’re giving it away. That it’s not the same America. And that it can be the same America if we, as the citizens of this America start saying, look, this is our place. These are the things that we do and we are going to stand together.
So I think we’ve still got great strength if we go inside and we remember where we came from. We remember we’ve still got God working with us. You know, a lot of us pushed him out of the schools, pushed him out of our lives. He’s still back there, still working. I see miracles all the time in my work as a chaplain. We still got much to draw upon for our strength. We just cannot live in fear. You know, bullying, whether it happens on a playground or whether it happens in the home of a domestic violence case, living under a repression is worse than death. It’s worse than death. This is not the worst thing that can happen to you. But it’s time that we remember our heritage. Remember . . .
Steve Gill: Remember and stand up and speak out. Dr. Keith Robison, a media health consultant, communications specialist, critical incidents response chaplain – his account of what happened on AirTran Flight 297 is at Gill Report dot com. Click on the daily notes button and scroll right down and read his account. Tedd Petruna, another of the passengers on that flight. If you’ve gotten the e-mail, if you’ve seen it and wondered if this is true.
Uh, YEAH, yeah, it is true. We’ve dug into this story. I’ve talked to Tedd Petruna, you’ve heard it from Keith Robinson, others will maybe come forth. Maybe the pilot, maybe the crew, maybe some of the other passengers will finally come forth and share their stories as well. Thanks for being with us and keep spreading the word. Keep spreading the Gospel, my friends. You betcha. God bless you. 800-688-9522.
You can also send your comments via e-mail Steve@gillreport.com Why is the mainstream media sanitizing this story. Why is TSA, AirTran, why are they covering up the truth if nothing really happend on flight 297?
We’re back in a moment. I’m Steve Gill. News Radio 1510 WLAC
Wild Thing's comment.........
They'll deny Islam is the enemy. I wouldn't expect the government and the airlines to level with us. It happened before and it can happen again.
This could have been several things, a the “cry wolf” effect, when they decide to do a real terrorist attack, the people will have been softened, embarrassed, intimidated and they will be reluctant to do anything and go down in flames or , a dry run, or an attempt to create grounds for a lawsuit.
Muslims have done this several times and I think their strategy is create a PC environment where flight crews and passengers are afraid to challenge them. In such and environment they would be able to take over the aircraft.
Maurice Clemmons gets his sentenced commuted by Gov. Huckabee, depending on who you believe, he never received all the information about Clemmons. Government failed in Arkansas, then in Washington State, this guy gets bail bonded out with 7 felonies on a current child rape beef. Huh? This is the proximate cause of the Lakewood Police massacre. No focus on this government failure to protect Americans with the focus on Huckabee.
Now, lets look at national security. Obama is dropping the ball on Iran's nuclear plans. Current theory is that Iran is preparing to launch EMP attacks on Europe and the US and wipe out the electric and electronic infrastructure of the West. Obama stabbed the Poles and Czechs in the back by dropping the anti-missile shield. Obama ended production of the F-22. Obama's 'designed-to-fail' surge in Afghanistan has one thing going for it. Obama lies. He says he'll start the pull out 6 months before the 2012 elections. So, this can become a campaign issue on victory.
When the government fails to protect the people, the people will increasingly see to their own protection. Government fail.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (3)
December 02, 2009
Ft. Hood attacker; 'He's a Terrorist' says LTG. Jerry Boykin, USA, Ret
Retired Army Lieutenant Gen. Jerry Boykin discusses the Ft. Hood attack on CBN News.
PLEASE CLICK HERE to see the video.
Background on Lt. Gen. Boykin
The retired military man has participated in almost all of the United States' special operations since 1979, including Desert One, the failed 1979 mission to rescue American hostages held in Iran after the Islamic revolution that toppled the shah.
He led the invasions of Grenada and Panama in 1983 and 1989 respectively, accepted the surrender of Manuel Noriega and headed the chase to capture Colombian drug czar Pablo Escobar in 1992. In 1993, he clashed with Muslim warlord Osman Atto in Somalia, chronicled in the film Black Hawk Down.
He was the United States Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence.
Wild Thing's comment........
Excelent and thank you to Lt. Gen. Boykin! I wish more people would hear what this man has to say about Islam and the war.
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
US Army Aviation
Vietnam 1966-68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (4)
November 29, 2009
Entrepreneurs from Muslim World Sought for Washington Summit By Obama
In his June "A New Beginning" speech in Cairo, President Obama announced that the U.S. will host a Summit on Entrepreneurship to identify how we can deepen ties between business leaders, foundations, and social entrepreneurs in the United States and Muslim-majority countries (MMC), including their minority populations, and Muslim communities around the world.
Entrepreneurs from Muslim World Sought for Washington Summit
The 2010 summit follows up on President Obama’s pledge in Cairo to find ways to deepen ties between the U.S. and the Muslim world.
By Stephen Kaufman Staff Writer
Approximately 150 entrepreneurs from Muslim-majority countries and Muslim communities around the world will be invited to a two-day summit in Washington in spring 2010 to meet with their peers and U.S. officials to explore areas of partnership and ways to drive economic and social innovation.
Deputy Secretary of Commerce Dennis Hightower told reporters at Washington’s Foreign Press Center November 23 that the Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship is a “direct follow-up” from President Obama's June 4 commitment in Cairo to “identify how we can deepen ties between the business leaders, foundations and social entrepreneurs in the U.S. and Muslim communities around the world.”
The 150 delegates can be nominated “by businesses, governments, academic institutions, [and] social entrepreneurship institutions” throughout the world’s Muslim communities and Muslim-majority countries. “Or you can self-nominate,” Hightower said. Non-Muslims in Muslim-majority countries are also encouraged to apply.
The Obama administration views the summit as “an unprecedented historical opportunity both to support and highlight the leaders and drivers of economic and social innovation” and to “really craft a new model for a new basis for relationships based on mutual respect and partnership around common challenges,” Hightower said.
The goal is to enhance partnerships that would “link capital, business development, [and] market access,” enabling entrepreneurs to build “high-growth and high-impact ventures,” as well as continue to look at ways to sustain the existing U.S. focus on other types of partnership programs.
Hightower reflected on his career in which he opened businesses in Kuwait, Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru, Istanbul, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, and elsewhere in the Middle East region.
The underlying rationale driving his ventures was determined by “what is going to be mutually beneficial” in terms of job creation in those countries along with what would be good for a U.S. company. Both benefits, he said are “equally compelling.”
“The unifying theme of how we are more alike is certainly at the core of why this makes sense now,” Hightower said. At the end of the day, “good business is good business.”
U.S. embassies and consulates in the countries where the delegates will likely be coming from have been told about the summit and will be processing the visas and other paperwork necessary for the 150 participants to come to Washington.
Along with the Department of Commerce and its Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development will be playing key roles in implementing the summit.
There is a broad and diverse platform from which to get “the best possible range of participation,” Hightower said. “You just never know where the next best or good idea is going to come from.”
More information, including a link to a nomination form that can be submitted online, can be found at the summit’s Web site. The deadline for nominations is November 30.
White House Announces Global Technology and Innovation Fund
During his speech in Cairo on June 4, the President announced that the United States would "launch a new fund to support technological development in Muslim-majority countries." As the latest step in delivering on this commitment, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation announced this week a call for proposals for a Global Technology and Innovation Fund. This fund will help catalyze and facilitate private sector investments that promote access to and growth of technology in OPIC-eligible countries throughout Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. OPIC will provide financing ranging between $25 million and $150 million in total capital for each selected fund.
The Global Technology and Innovation Fund is part of an on-going U.S. government effort to expand partnerships that advance economic opportunity and job creation - including in Muslim-majority countries. Specifically, the sectors of interest for prospective funds may address issues that can have a transformational impact in these regions such as technology, education, telecom, media, business services and financial technology and clean-tech.
More information is available at: http://www.opic.gov/investment-funds/calls-for-proposals/global-technology-innovation-fund/.
Wild Thing's comment..........
We don’t want deeper ties! MULLAH OBAMA!
I wonder if OBama is praying 5 times a day in the Rose Garden.
sheesh! And what are these people entrepreneurs with? Business? No! Inventions ? No!
Bombing and IED's and beheadings yes.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (5)
November 28, 2009
Australia Home Grown Terror
Wild Thing's comment...........
This sure could happen here in America if it isn't already.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (4)
November 26, 2009
Obama Greets MUSLIM Pilgrims
Obama greets muslim pilgrims
Obama continued his outreach to the world's Muslims today, sending greetings to pilgrims to Mecca.
He also noted that his administration is assisting Saudi authorities in preventing the spread of swine flu.
"Michelle and I would like to send our best wishes to all those performing Hajj this year, and to Muslims in America and around the world who are celebrating Eid-ul-Adha. The rituals of Hajj and Eid-ul-Adha both serve as reminders of the shared Abrahamic roots of three of the world’s major religions," Obama said in a statement.
"During Hajj, the world’s largest and most diverse gathering, three million Muslims from all walks of life – including thousands of American Muslims – will stand in prayer on Mount Arafat. The following day, Muslims around the world will celebrate Eid-ul-Adha and distribute food to the less fortunate to commemorate Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son out of obedience to God," the president added in the statement, translated on the White House website into Arabic, Persian, Dari, Urdu, Pashto, Russian, and French.
"This year, I am pleased that the Department of Health and Human Services has partnered with the Saudi Health Ministry to prevent and limit the spread of H1N1 during Hajj. Cooperating on combating H1N1 is one of the ways we are implementing my administration's commitment to partnership in areas of mutual interest.
"On behalf of the American people, we would like to extend our greetings during this Hajj season.."
President Bush when he was President and his surprise visit to see the troops in Baghdad.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Okay everyone, guy has got to go.
How about the Thanksgiving pilgrims, and their giving thanks to God for His blessings?
Obama ignores most things Christian, but doesn’t miss a Muslim “shout out”. He was too busy for the National Prayer Breakfast with Christian leaders, but made time for a Rammadan prayer with Muslims.
Did he include a shout out to his grandma-ma? Saudi Arabia: Obama's Grandmother in Mecca for Hajj Ceremony
Mecca, 25 Nov. (AKI) - The grandmother of US president Barack Obama has arrived in Saudi Arabia for the 'Hajj' or Islamic pilgrimage to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, a Saudi daily said on Wednesday. Sarah Obama, 87, is being accompanied by a nephew and Obama's cousin, Omran.
On Wednesday Sarah Obama was in the valley of Mina with an African delegation, according to the Saudi daily Okaz.
Obama, the mother of the American president's father, lives in a village in Kenya and is one of the many guests of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud.
About two million Muslims converge on Mecca each year for the Hajj pilgrimage but Saudi officials were expecting fewer pilgrims this year due to the threat of the H1N1 virus known as swine flu.
Crowds of pilgrims have been converging on the holy city of Mecca in recent days, and started the Hajj rites on Wednesday.
At the weekend, Saudi health authorities said that four people attending the Hajj had died from the H1N1 virus but sought to play down the risk.
The Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is an obligation for all able-bodied Muslims to attend at least once during their lives, provided they can afford it.
BUT..........oh wait this gets even better!!!! sheesh!
Last year ......
AP, March 5, 2008:
"In the world of today, children have different religions from their parents," she said. She, too, is a Christian.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (6)
November 22, 2009
Burkha Barbie: The iconic doll wearing traditional Islamic dress!
Burkha Barbie: The iconic doll wearing traditional Islamic dress
It's Barbie in a burkha: World-famous doll gets a makeover to go under the hammer for 50th anniversary
Associated Newspapers Ltd Daily Mail
One of the world's most famous children's toys, Barbie, has been given a makeover - wearing a burkha.
Wearing the traditional Islamic dress, the iconic doll is going undercover for a charity auction in connection with Sotheby's for Save The Children. (Ed. Note: You have got to be kidding me. The way the Muslims treat their kids? Don't even get me started." More than 500 Barbies went on show yesterday at the Salone dei Cinquecento, in Florence, Italy.
Rosie Shannon, from Save the Children, said all the proceeds from the auction will go to the charity. She said: 'We are delighted Sotheby's and the designer chose to auction the burka Barbie dolls for our charity.'
The money will go towards the Rewrite the Future campaign which helps millions of children around the world effected by conflict. The company director of Laird Assessors from The Wirral, Cheshire, said: 'Bring it on Burkha Barbie, I think this is a great idea. I think this is really important for girls, wherever they are from they should have the opportunity to play with a Barbie that they feel represents them."
Wild Thing's comment.........
Wearing the traditional Islamic dress, the iconic doll is going undercover for a charity auction in connection with Sotheby's for Save The Children.
Yeah, that make sense (not). The way to save the children is to rid the world of Islam.
Does the Ken doll come bearded, with a crazed look in his eyes, equipped with a koran, AK-47 and decapitating knife kit? Just wondering.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (9)
November 15, 2009
Muslims Take Over Paris Street
Muslims takeover a city street, while dropping to pray in front of dozens of storefronts. Even directing traffic with their own self appointed policeman. The Muslims do not have legal authorization to take over the streets for prayer, or to act as police and direct traffic.
Wild Thing's comment.......
With Obama this kind of thing could one day be happening here in our country. And in some cities like Dearborne it is not that far off that it could happen.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (3)
November 13, 2009
CAIR Speaker to Muslims: OK to Attack Fort Bragg
CAIR speaker to Muslims: OK to attack Fort Bragg
Exhorts Islamic faithful to target planes carrying '82nd Airborne'
A Council on American-Islamic Relations adviser and regular speaker at its events has suggested Islamic law permits Muslims to attack C-130 military transport planes carrying the 82nd Airborne out of Fort Bragg, N.C., according to a stunning new book exposing Washington-based CAIR's inner workings.
Radical Islamic cleric Zaid Shakir, a frequent guest speaker at CAIR events, tells his Muslim audiences: "Jihad is physically fighting the enemies of Islam to protect and advance the religion of Islam. This is jihad."
Acceptable targets of jihad, he says, include U.S. military aircraft.
"Islam doesn't permit us to hijack airplanes filled with civilian people," Shakir once told a Muslim audience. However, "If you hijack an airplane filled with the 82nd Airborne, that's something else."
The 82nd Airborne Division's elite paratroopers fly out of Fort Bragg, N.C., which is part of North Carolina state Sen. Larry Shaw's district. Shaw is CAIR's new chairman.
The recording of the lecture, which Shakir gave earlier this decade to a Muslim audience in the San Francisco Bay area, was obtained by the authors of the bestselling "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America."
The bombshell revelation comes in the wake of the worst military massacre at a domestic U.S. military base in American history, and the worst Islamic terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11.
Last week, Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan allegedly gunned down in cold blood more than 50 of his fellow soldiers preparing to deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan from Fort Hood, Texas. Eyewitnesses say before opening fire, Hasan jumped up on a desk and screamed, "Allahu akbar!" like the 9/11 hijackers. The suspect fatally shot 13, including a security guard. The death toll is actually 14 when a slain unborn child is counted.
Imam Shakir also gives his blessing to the use of bombs as a weapon of jihad, as long as the explosives hit "select" targets and are not indiscriminate in their destruction. Civilians can be a legitimate target, he says, if "there's a benefit in that," according to "Muslim Mafia," co-authored by former federal agent P. David Gaubatz and investigative journalist Paul Sperry, author of "Infiltration."
Even "old elderly men" and "women who are conscripted" – including Israeli and American women in uniform – are eligible enemy combatants in jihad. "This is Shariah," Shakir asserts in a CD recording of one of his lectures in 2001, which the authors obtained from a radical mosque bookstore in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Shakir, a black convert, has been portrayed as a moderate in the mainstream media, including the New York Times, which recently ran a positive profile of him. His pro-jihad statements revealed in "Muslim Mafia" have not been previously reported. CAIR has sued and obtained a temporary restraining order to censor the book's documentary evidence detailing CAIR's support of terrorism and obstruction of FBI investigations.
Longtime CAIR advisory board member and chief fundraiser Siraj Wahhaj echoes his friend Shakir's interpretation of jihad.
"If we go to war, brothers and sisters – and one day we will, believe me – that's why you're commanded [to fight in] jihad," the imam has told his flock in Brooklyn. "When Allah demands us to fight, we're not stopping and nobody's stopping us."
World Trade Center bombing
CAIR has invited Shakir back to speak at its events even after the FBI questioned him about a copy of one of his incendiary pamphlets found in the apartment of a suspect in the first World Trade Center bombing. The pro-jihad pamphlet lauded the "armed struggle" that brought about the rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan, where U.S. troops are dying in record numbers from Taliban and al-Qaida ambushes.
Shakir, who recently confided to the New York Times that he'd like to see the U.S. "become a Muslim country" ruled by Islamic law, is a regular speaker at CAIR as well as Islamic Society of North America events. (Federal prosecutors say CAIR and ISNA are fronts for the terrorist group Hamas and its parent the radical Muslim Brotherhood, and the sister organizations were recently listed as unindicted terrorist co-conspirators in the largest terror finance case in U.S. history.) Recently, Shakir helped host workshops and delivered keynote speeches at banquets held at CAIR chapters in Chicago, Orlando and San Diego, among others.
Shakir holds little, if any, respect for law enforcement, particularly the FBI, according to "Muslim Mafia." He constantly belittles the bureau in speeches to Muslims, even warning them that the FBI frames Muslims for terrorism – terrorist acts that he contends the FBI secretly commits.
"The World Trade Center bombing of course was aided and abetted by our good friends at the FBI," the imam has claimed, in just one of the many wild-eyed conspiracy theories he peddles.
The American Muslim cleric also preaches treason against the United States, according to the book, which hit No. 5 on Amazon.com's non-fiction best-seller list the day after it was released last month. It currently ranks No. 1 in books on terrorism and Islam.
Shakir advises the Muslim community in America to wage a cultural jihad now, and a violent jihad later – once the proper "infrastructure" is in place.
He says Muslims should respect American democracy insofar as it can be exploited to help the Brotherhood one day assume power here.
And the only thing that could stop the Islamization of America, he notes, is if its people rose up and denied the subversive movement the unbridled freedom it's heretofore enjoyed.
However, if Americans were to do that, Muslims would then be obligated, he says, to exercise their supposedly "divine legal right" to rise up and wage violent jihad, reveals the book "Muslim Mafia."
"What a great victory it will be for Islam to have this country in the fold and ranks of the Muslims," sermonized Shakir, who continues to be a marquee speaker at CAIR functions.
For now, he said, following the radical Muslim Brotherhood playbook, Muslims must continue to "create a state within a state."
From the article above.......Note the name Siraj Wahhaj
Longtime CAIR advisory board member and chief fundraiser Siraj Wahhaj echoes his friend Shakir's interpretation of jihad.
Look at this........................
Mayor Bloomberg invites an Imam who was an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 WTC bombing.
There's uproar across the area Thursday over Mayor Michael Bloomberg's decision to invite a controversial Brooklyn imam – who as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing – to City Hall for a Muslim community meeting. Siraj Wahhaj was a character witness for the blind sheik convicted of trying to blow up city landmarks. He was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 WTC bombing, and has called the FBI and the CIA the "real terrorists." "
"They're trying to be politically correct, but these people are terrorists. They support and finance terrorism, and there's no reason for him to be in on any meeting." On Thursday, there was plenty of damage control from the Bloomberg camp. "In the case of this particular imam, I think if I had recognized the background I wouldn't have invited him," Bloomberg said.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Arrest him.
Right now.
Cripes, if I was to say “Hey, let’s go down to US bank tomorrow and get a couple grand”, and if anyone was to take me seriously, which they obviously shouldn’t because I’m trying to make a point, but if anyone did, then there is no reason I should not expect to get tear gassed soon.
Looky here...
CAIR Elects N.C. State Senator Larry Shaw as Board Chair
CAIR Chairman Sen. Shaw’s statement: “We look forward to partnering with the Obama administration to help defend civil liberties and to project to the world the best of our nation’s universal, constitutional and pluralistic values of freedom and justice.”
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (7)
November 12, 2009
MUSLIM Nidal Hasan Charged With 13 Counts of Premeditated Murder in Fort Hood Massacre
Fort Hood Terrorist Charged With Premeditated Murder
Hasan Charged With 13 Counts of Premeditated Murder in Fort Hood Massacre
Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan was charged Thursday with 13 counts of premeditated murder in last week's Fort Hood mass shootings.
The Army Criminal Investigation Command formally announced the charges against Hasan at Fort Hood Wednesday afternoon.
"We are aggressively following every possible lead," said Chris Grey with the Army's Criminal Investigation Command, adding that additional charges are possible.
Hasan will be tried in the military's court-martial system. Prosecutors will likely seek the death penalty, the maximum sentence he faces. The minimum is life in prison.
Executions of military defendants are very rare.
Officials told The Associated Press before the news conference that it had not been decided whether to charge Hasan with a 14th count of murder related to the death of the unborn child of a pregnant shooting victim. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak about the case publicly.
John Galligan, Hasan's civilian attorney, said his military co-counsel told him that charges were being read to Hasan in the hospital without his lawyers present.
"I don't like it. I feel like I'm being left out of the loop," Galligan said. "I guess it's 13 charges, but I don't like to have to guess in this situation."
The American-born military psychiatrist survived the rampage and is being guarded at a hospital in San Antonio. He has been talking to investigators.
Hasan is accused of firing about 100 rounds at unsuspecting fellow soldiers filling out deployment paperwork before civilian police officers shot him and stopped the attack.
The massacre killed 13 people and left about 30 others wounded. It has been classified as the worst mass shooting on an American military base.
Hasan Charged With 13 Counts of Murder in Ft. Hood Attack
Military prosecutors have charged Maj. Nadil Malik Hasan with 13 counts of premeditated murder in last week’s shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Tex., a spokesman for the Army criminal investigation division said Thursday.
Major Hasan, 39, an Army psychiatrist, is accused of opening fire with two handguns in a Soldier Medical Readiness Center, where troops receive medical attention before being deployed or after returning from overseas.
Of the 13 people who were killed, , four were officers, 8 were enlisted soldiers and one was a civilian. Major Hasan was eventually subdued by civilian police.
The 13 charges against Major Hasan are “initial charges,” said the Army spokesman, Chris Grey, “and additional charges may be preferred in the future, subject to the ongoing criminal investigation.”
“It is important to remember that the preferral of charges is the first step in the court-martial process,” Mr. Grey said, “and that a charge is merely an accusation. The accused is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.”
Col. John P. Galligan, a retired Army officer, who is representing Major Hasan, has questioned whether the suspect will be able to get a fair trial at Fort Hood. ~ ~~~ what the heck??? this General must be a PC freak or something??? ~ Wild Thing
For now, Mr. Grey added, “Major Hasan is currently under pretrial restriction while receiving medical care.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Army Press Conference: Nidal Malik Hasan Charged With 13 Counts Of Murder
But not an act of terror and war???? Murder is a civil crime...War and Terror of the 9/11 type.
An enemy combatant in a US military uniform....just shoot him and be done with it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:20 PM | Comments (7)
November 11, 2009
What's behind America's politically correct 'love' of Islam?
What's behind America's politically correct 'love' of Islam?
The second they heard about the Fort Hood massacre, millions of thinking Americans wondered in their gut: "Oh God, is this another crazy Muslim terrorist carrying out a one-man jihad, as has happened so many times before?"
Then, when the alleged perpetrator's name and religion were made public (Nidal Malik Hasan, a lifelong Muslim) along with eyewitness reports he had shouted the obligatory pre-terror-attack proclamation, "Allahu akbar" ("Allah is greatest") before commencing his orgy of slaughter, their suspicions were confirmed: This was surely a major attack on the American homeland by a Muslim terrorist.
Further evidence quickly rolled in: Hasan had reportedly refused to fight fellow Muslims, called the war on terror a "war on Islam," told a co-worker Muslims had a right to rise up and attack Americans, and reportedly had posted online his astoundingly twisted belief that an Islamic suicide bomber was morally equivalent to a soldier throwing himself on a grenade to save the lives of his comrades.
In other words, although the Army had many warnings Hasan was a certifiable, America-hating, jihadist "ticking time bomb" waiting to go off, it did nothing to avert last week's terror attack. Why?
And why, after the truth about Hasan became undeniable following his mass slaughter, does the government, as well as its mouthpiece the establishment press, agonize in their usual pathetic manner over what could possibly have motivated the Army psychiatrist to coldly, methodically murder 13 and wound 38 others?
* Shortly after the attack, right on schedule, the FBI announced it wasn't terror-related.
* Time magazine moronically blamed posttraumatic stress disorder – even though Hasan has never been deployed in a war zone.
* The shooter's relatives insisted he had been the victim of religious harassment because of his faith, which must have made him snap.
* According to the Washington Post, the problem was that Hasan was lonely. That's right, the newspaper's report, titled "The lonely life of alleged Fort Hood shooter," was subtitled: "'He was mistreated. He didn't have nobody. He was all alone,' says neighbor."
* Meanwhile, President Obama warned Americans against "jumping to conclusions" about what might have motivated the shooter.
Why, after a Muslim commits a terrorist act, do authorities always announce almost instantaneously – before they could possibly know – that the attack was not terror-related?
Why do the news media always torture themselves and their readers with the most wildly improbable explanations in their attempts to avoid the obvious truth?
Before we answer these questions, lest you think I overstate the case, take a quick trip with me down jihad memory lane.
* Remember the beltway snipers? In October 2002, Muslim convert John Muhammad along with 17-year-old Lee Boyd "John" Malvo paralyzed the Washington metropolitan area for three bloody weeks, killing 10 and critically injuring three others. But after their capture, most in the media were loath to focus seriously on Islamic jihad as a motive, despite the fact that Muhammad had praised the Sept. 11 hijackers and had threatened to commit major terrorist acts within the U.S.
Like alcoholics uncomfortable with facing the painful truth, the media retreated into comfortable denial. Their standard analysis of what made Muhammad tick included anything and everything except jihad. Thus, the Los Angeles Times offered up no less than six possible motives for Muhammad's killing spree, according to Daniel Pipes, an expert on militant Islam. They included "his 'stormy relationship' with his family, his 'stark realization' of loss and regret, his perceived sense of abuse as an American Muslim post-9/11, his desire to 'exert control' over others, his relationship with Malvo, and his trying to make a quick buck," said Pipes – "but did not mention jihad."
"Likewise," he adds, "a Boston Globe article found 'there must have been something in his social interaction – in his marriage or his military career – that pulled the trigger.'"
This see-no-jihad, hear-no-jihad, speak-no-jihad mindset has become standard operating procedure for the establishment press.
* On July 4, 2002, a cab driver named Hesham Hadayet walked into the Los Angeles International Airport and shot two people to death before being shot and killed by a security guard. Despite the fact that Hadayet was Egyptian and that he had chosen the Israeli El Al ticket counter as the site for venting his rage, any suggestion that Hadayet was carrying out his own personal jihad was immediately dismissed.
"Investigators … believe that Hadayet was simply an overstressed man who snapped," reported the Los Angeles Times. "He was known as a quiet, observant Muslim," added the Times, which explained away the killer's virulent anti-Semitism by saying, "While Hadayet occasionally mentioned a hatred for Israel, [one former employee] saw it more as a cultural perspective on Mideast politics than an emotion that would fuel violence."
* One of the worst air disasters in modern history, Egypt Air Flight 990 crashed into the Atlantic shortly after takeoff from New York in October 1999, killing 217.
Two and a half years later, the National Transportation Safety Board finally reached the same conclusion that virtually everyone else had immediately after the crash – that the plane's Egyptian copilot, Gameel El-Batouty, had cut power to the engines and intentionally sent the plane plummeting into the ocean, killing all aboard.
But the government panel declined to suggest a motive, except to speculate that El-Batouty might have "committed suicide."
Suicide? Pardon my French, but I think "mass murder" or "terrorism" would much better describe the wanton annihilation of hundreds of innocent people. Yet, despite the fact the copilot had calmly repeated over and over the Arabic phrase "Tawkalt" ("I rely on Allah") for almost a minute and a half during his deed – and that such behavior, according to the report, "is not consistent with the reaction that would be expected from a pilot who is encountering an unexpected or uncommanded flight condition" – federal investigators steered clear of suggesting jihad as a motive.
* The U.S. government, not wanting to offend Muslim sensitivities, rarely mentions "Muslim" or "Islamic" when describing Islamic terrorism. For example, when a massive jihad plot to blow up 10 airliners over the Atlantic and kill thousands was foiled in 2006, then–Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff briefed his agency using only the word "extremists" to describe the plotters – no mention of Islam. All of the two dozen would-be terrorists were Muslims.
* This syndrome has just gotten worse since the ascension to the presidency of Barack Obama, who takes every opportunity to criticize America and fawn over Islam – even calling America "one of the largest Muslim countries in the world" and bowing obsequiously before the Muslim king of Saudi Arabia.
So, why do we have this stubborn inability to come to grips with Islam?
First, as is appallingly obvious, we're afraid to criticize Islam openly, for fear of having our head cut off or having a fatwa put out on us like the director of the new "2012" film, or we're afraid of being sued by some of the very litigious Islamic organizations like CAIR, or we're afraid of being called a racist, extremist, hater or "Islamophobe" thanks to the tyranny of political correctness, or we're afraid of offending those in power and thereby risking our position, stature or other advantage. This reaction, while perhaps selfish and cowardly, is more-or-less conscious and strategic.
However, for some it goes much deeper: Being intimidated by Islam (or by anything, for that matter) actually causes some of us to mysteriously grow sympathetic toward it, to defend it, to side with it, even to convert to it. This unconscious shift in attitude, in response to fear of being hurt, is called the Stockholm syndrome, named after the 1973 Swedish bank robbery during which the four terrorized hostages sided with their criminal captors while disparaging the police risking their lives trying to save them.
"Political correctness" – which is basically a low-grade Stockholm syndrome playing out on a broad societal stage – is actually a subtle form of brainwashing. Even establishment mouthpiece Newsweek, in its famous Dec. 24, 1990, cover story on the then-new phenomenon of political correctness on college campuses (titled "Thought Police") conceded this truth when it reported: "PC is, strictly speaking, a totalitarian philosophy."
Bottom line: We're intimidated, bullied, threatened, terrorized – and so we capitulate, not just in word and deed, but in thought.
Here is video of Ann Coulter on with Bill O'Reilly tonight where she discussed the reaction to the murder of abortion-doctor George Tiller as compared to the reaction to the terror attack against American soldiers at Fort Hood by Nidal Malik Hasan.
Coulter pointed out that the media reaction to Tiller's killing was immediate and labeled the killer a religious fanatic. But when all evidence points to Hasan's Islamic Jihadist beliefs as the source of his action, President Obama and others are doing everything they can to simply make this a "crime" rather than a terrorist act based on his Islamic religious beliefs.
Ann Coulter said the Mainstream Media has embarrassed itself with their coverage of the Fort Hood story. She said their coverage has been "stunning," with most of the relevant facts coming out via the British press rather than from U.S. sources
Wild Thing's comment........
Also Democrats will be on their side simply because America is the enemy in the eyes of the Democrats. Look how many on the left LOVE Mao and other people like that. People that you and I would never say we respect.
The FBI is trying to cover their tails!
Same with liberalism vs. Conservatism. Too many Conservatives fear getting into a knock-down drag-out with liberals over ideology, yet that's just how liberals like to operate. They know that by being forceful and unafraid of ridicule they can get their point across better than their meek counterparts do.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (6)
November 10, 2009
It is the Proud, Pro-Military, Pro-Freedom American that is Hated and Discriminated NOT the Muslims
It is not Muslims, but the proud, pro-military, pro-freedom American that is hated and discriminated against....
In article after article the 'Muslims are hated and discriminated against' theme is repeated. What I have yet to read is the idea that it is the proud, pro-military, pro-freedom American that is hated and discriminated against. Every single member of this 'group' is hated by millions. This doesn't hold true for any other 'group' of people. I'm not saying other groups aren't being discriminated against, just that not everyone hates all Italians, blacks, whites, gays, women, Catholics, Jews. But this pro-freedom group is hated by entire governments, peoples, activists, faiths, etc.
Code Pink isn't spitting on Muslims, they're spitting on our soldiers and anyone that dares to defend them. The ObamaMedia isn't going on long tirades about the disgust they feel towards Muslims, no their tirades are directed towrd the TEA partiers. Our own Government isn't singaling out Muslims or Mosques, they are calling out FOX News, RUSH, Palin, Tea Partiers, and anyone who dares state a loyalty to freedom.
I believe that the only group of people really being discriminated against (en masse) is the proud, pro-military, pro-freedom American. Hell, every radicalized Muslim in the world hates every single one of them.
I for one am very proud to be a part of this group, and I will not apologize for it. No amount of hatred that is spewed towards me, and others like me, will stop us from defending the thing we love - America.
Weasel Zippers Blog
Wild Thing's comment........
I stand with Momma in what she said. Thank you so much.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (5)
Fort Hood Shooter Tied to Mosque of 9/11 Hijackers
Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Tied to Mosque of 9/11 Hijackers
The family of the alleged Fort Hood shooter held his mother's funeral at the same Virginia mosque that two Sept. 11 hijackers attended in 2001, at a time when a radical imam preached there.
The family of Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the Army psychiatrist who killed 13 and wounded 29 at the Texas military base, held his mother's funeral at the Dar al Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Va., on May 31, 2001, according to her obituary in the Roanoke Times newspaper.
In 2001, Anwar Aulaqi was an imam, or spiritual leader, at the Washington-area mosque. Aulaqi told the FBI in 2001 that, before he moved to Virginia in early 2001, he met with 9/11 hijacker Nawaf al-Hazmi several times in San Diego. Al-Hazmi was at the time living with Khalid al-Mihdhar, another hijacker. Al-Hazmi and another hijacker, Hani Hanjour, attended the Dar al Hijrah mosque in Virginia in early April 2001.
In his FBI interview, Aulaqi denied ever meeting with al-Hazmi and Hanjour while in Virginia.
Aulaqi, a native-born U.S. citizen, left the United States in 2002, eventually traveling to Yemen. He was investigated by the FBI in 1999 and 2000 after it was learned that he may have been contacted by a possible procurement agent for Osama bin Laden. During this investigation, the FBI learned that Aulaqi knew people involved in raising money for Hamas, a Palestinian group on the U.S. State Department's terrorist list.
Warning Signs From Fort Hood Shooter, Former Classmate Says
The warning signs were all there: the justification of homicide bombings; the spewing of anti-American hatred; the efforts to reach Al Qaeda .
"There were definitely clear indications that Hasan's loyalties were not with America," Lt. Col. Val Finnell, Hasan's classmate at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md., told FoxNews.com in an exclusive interview. He and Hasan were students in the school's public health master's degree program from 2007-2008.
"There were all sorts of ... comments made throughout the year that made me question his loyalty to the United States, but nothing was done," said Finnell, who recalled one class during which Hasan gave a presentation justifying homicide bombings.
"The issue here is that there's a political correctness climate in the military. They don't want to say anything because it would be considered questioning somebody's religious belief, or they're afraid of an equal opportunity lawsuit.
"I want to be clear that this wasn't about anyone questioning his religious views. It is different when you are a civilian than when you are a military officer," said Finnell, who is a physician at the Los Angeles Air Force Base.
"When you are in the military and you start making comments that are seditious, when you say you believe something other than your oath of office — someone needed to say why is this guy saying this stuff.
"He was a lightning rod. He made his views known and he was very vocal, he had extremely radical jihadist views," Finnell said. "When you're a military officer you take an oath to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.
"They should've confronted him — our professors, officers — but they were too concerned about being politically correct."
Finnell said the warning signs were clear to many, not just classmates. Faculty members, including many high-ranking military officers, witnessed firsthand his anti-Americanism, he said.
Finnell recalled Hasan telling his classmates and professors, "I'm a Muslim first and I hold the Shariah, the Islamic Law, before the United States Constitution."
He recalled one time when his classmates were giving presentations in an environmental health class on topics like soil and water contamination and the effects of mold. When it was Hasan's turn, he said, he got up in front of the class and began to speak about his chosen topic, "Is the War on Terror a war on Islam?"
Finnell says he raised his hand. "I asked the professor, "What does this topic have to do with environmental health?"
"When he was challenged on his views, Hasan became visibly upset. He became sweaty, he was emotional."
But despite questioning from the other students, Finnell said, the professor allowed Hasan to continue. He said Hasan's anti-American vitriol continued for two years as he worked toward his degree in public health.
There were even more warning signs that might have alerted the Army in recent months:
— In the days and weeks before the shooting, Hasan voiced his objections to Muslims fighting the war on terror to members of his mosque, the Islamic Community of Greater Killeen. Congregants at the mosque said he voiced his objections to Muslims serving in the U.S. military and to his impending deployment to Afghanistan.
— Over the summer, Hasan's comments led Osman Danquah, co-founder of the mosque, to recommend that it deny Hasan's request to become a lay Muslim leader at Fort Hood, the Associated Press reported.
— In the months before Thursday's shooting Hasan tried reaching out to people associated with Al Qaeda — and did so under the watchful eye of at least one U.S. intelligence agency. An intelligence official told FOXNews.com that "Hasan was on our radar for months."
On Sunday Sen. Joe Lieberman announced his intention to lead a congressional investigation into the Fort Hood murders, saying there were "strong warning signs" that Hasan was an "Islamic extremist."
"The U.S. Army has to have zero tolerance. He should have been gone," said Lieberman, who is chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
In interviews Sunday, Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey stressed that it was too early in the investigation to know whether these warnings signs could have spared the lives of the 13 killed, dismissing earlier reports about such signs as "speculation" based on anecdotes. "I don't want to say that we missed it," he said.
Finnell said that once Hasan was identified as the suspect in Thursday's massacre, he reached out to the Army to tell them about his experiences with Hasan.
This time, he said, "They listened."
Wild Thing's comment.........
WTH are the using the word " Alleged " for!!??????
This incident will create more unrest in the military if they continue to whitewash it. And what the hell must this man have been saying to the combat veteran soldiers he was supposed to be “counseling”?
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (5)
Supreme Court Refuses to Block DC Sniper's Tuesday Execution ~ GOOD!
The U.S. Supreme Court refused to block Tuesday's scheduled execution of sniper John Allen Muhammad. Muhammad is scheduled to die by injection at a Virginia prison for the slaying of Dean Harold Meyers during a three-week massacre in 2002.
Supreme Court refuses to block DC sniper's Tuesday execution
The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to block Tuesday’s scheduled execution of sniper mastermind John Allen Muhammad.
The Court did not comment Monday on why it refused to consider his appeal.
Muhammad is scheduled to die by injection at a Virginia prison for the slaying of Dean Harold Meyers at a gas station during a three-week spree in October 2002 across Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C.
Muhammad and his teenage accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, were also suspected of fatal shootings in other states, including Louisiana, Alabama and Arizona. Malvo is serving a life sentence in prison.
Muhammad still has a clemency petition before Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine.
Muhammad's attorney, Jonathan Sheldon, says "Virginia will execute a severely mentally ill man who also suffered from Gulf War Syndrome the day before Veterans Day."
Wild Thing's comment........
I love good news!! I wish they would hang him or something more painful then just being put to sleep.
....Thank you Darth for sending this to me.
U.S. Airforce
C-5 loadmaster
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
November 09, 2009
Napolitano Warns Against Anti-Muslim Backlash ~ Total BS From Janet Napolitano
Napolitano Warns Against Anti-Muslim Backlash
Homeland Security secretary reassures Arab world that U.S. authorities were taking measures to quell anti-Islam sentiments after Fort Hood rampage.
ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates
U.S. Homeland Security officials are working with groups around United States to head off any possible anti-Muslim backlash following the shootings at Fort Hood in Texas, the agency's chief said Sunday.
The comments by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano also appeared part of efforts to reassure the Arab world that U.S. authorities were taking measures to quell anti-Islam sentiments after last week's rampage by an American-born Muslim serving as U.S. Army psychiatrist.
"This was a terrible tragedy for all involved," Napolitano told reporters in the United Arab Emirates' capital Abu Dhabi. "Obviously, we object to -- and do not believe -- that anti-Muslim sentiment should emanate from this."
Napolitano said her agency is working with state and local groups to try to deflect any anti-Muslim anger after the Thursday attacks by Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim who reportedly expressed growing dismay over the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The shootings left 13 people dead and 29 wounded.
"This was an individual who does not, obviously, represent the Muslim faith," she said after meeting with a group of women university students.
Napolitano also planned talks with Emirates security officials, but gave no further details. Cooperation on security issues have been stepped up in recent years after airlines began direct flights between the UAE and the United States.
Last week, Napolitano was in Europe for meetings with political leaders and security officials.
Senator Joe Lieberman [I-CT] tells Chris Wallace of FOX News Sunday that he is going to begin a congressional investigation into what happened at Fort Hood.
Lieberman says that there are concerns that the shooting rampage suspect Major Nidal Malik Hasan had become an Islamist extremist, and that Hasan's actions may be properly classified as the worst terrorist attack on American soil since September 11, 2001.
Wild Thing's comment.........
So a terrorist kills unarmed men and women on US soil, and as a result HS says they are working to protect Muslims?
Well, Barack Hussein Obama did vow to protect them at all costs.
Being as the terrorist sat on one of her own freaking panels with Homeland Security ...words fail to express my disgust with her. This official Jihad Denial is getting downright kooky. This government is like a Fellini Circus.
They are more concerned about anti-Muslim backlash than what happened and information that is TRUE about the man that did this yessss TERRORIST ATTACK Janet!
“Janet Napolitano says her agency is working with groups across the United States to try to deflect any backlash against American Muslims”
Can there be any doubt that Obama and the Democrats are working to sabotage our country? Jihadists have infiltrated our military and are involved in a program of murdering Americans every chance they get. Our tax dollars are being used to protect these Jihadists and make sure no one interferes with their mission.
Islam has declared WAR on the West, you shiite-for-brains idiot.
Attempting to mitigate our people's RIGHT to defend themselves, or to fight back in every way against this aggressor, is TREASON.
Of course, there will be a backlash, you dolt. And what NERVE she has to "Warn" us! ???? Sheesh! Is that a threat Janet? A threat we are not to say it was a terrorist act? TUFF! This was an attack on a military instalation with civilian colateral damage. Islam is a repellent totalitarian system (not a religion) with the stated goal of using violence to subjugate and forcibly convert non-adherents. Resistance to this anti-Western system must be commensurate with the threat, which is total.
Arif Alikhan (muslim) Asst. Secretary of Dept. of Homeland Security for the Office of Policy Development.
Kareem Shora (muslim) Dept. of Homeland Security, Advisory Council. Is also the National Executive Director of the American Arab Anti-discrimination Committee.
Dalia Mogahed (muslim) on the Advisory Council on Faithbased and Neighborhood Partnerships. Is also the Executive Director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies. She has said it is her job to convey to Obama (pees be upon him) what it is that muslims want.
Nidal Hasan (muslim) was on the Homeland Security Policy Institute Presidential Transition Task Force.
This does not make my homeland feel more secure. There is more concern about protecting the muslims against Americans than there is about protecting Americans against the muslims. Something is very wrong with that.
Just one more thing! Notice the difference in the freaking PC America with the left ruling over us, yes ruling, and how if this attack had happened in Israel there would be NONE of this BS about was it a terrorist attack or not.
We need to have that same mentality here. Call it what it is and fight back!
Remember Obama said this -- "In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (21)
Fort Hood shootings: FBI Given Gunman's Name Six Months Ago
Fort Hood shootings: FBI given gunman's name six months ago
The US Army major who killed 13 people in a shooting spree at America's biggest military base had come to the attention of the FBI six months earlier over possible links to extremist comments posted on the internet.
Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a devout Muslim who was trying to buy his way out of the Army, was suspected of being the author of postings which compared suicide bombers to heroic soldiers who throw themselves onto grenades to save others.
It also emerged that Hasan, 39, had described the US Army as "the aggressor" in Iraq and Afghanistan and was resisting a planned deployment to Afghanistan, raising questions over whether the military missed warning signs which might have prevented the massacre.
Six months ago the FBI was alerted to postings by a blogger called Nidal Hasan on the Scribd website. The author wrote about a US soldier who had died smothering a grenade blast, saying: "Scholars have paralled (sic) this to suicide bombers whose intention, by sacrificing their lives, is to help save Muslims by killing enemy soldiers.
"If one suicide bomber can kill 100 enemy soldiers because they were caught off guard that would be considered a strategic victory."
Law enforcement sources said that before the shooting no formal investigation had been launched into the internet postings and Hasan had not been confirmed as the author, but his apartment in Killeen, Texas, has now been searched and his computer seized.
"This is going to be a long and convoluted and messy investigation," the source said.
The gunman, a psychiatrist at the Darnall Army Medical Center on the base, whose job is to help soldiers deal with combat stress, was said by his family to be "mortified" at the prospect of being sent to Afghanistan, which they said would have been his "worst nightmare".
A neighbour who lived in the same apartment block as Hasan said he had told her he was due to leave for Afghanistan yesterday, just 24 hours after the shooting.
Patricia Villa said Hasan had given her frozen food, T-shirts, shelves, an air mattress, briefcases and a new copy of the Koran, and offered her $60 to clean his flat after he left. Investigators have not given details of whether Hasan had been due to leave so soon, or whether he was putting his affairs in order knowing he was about to go on the rampage.
Hasan, who prayed every day at his local mosque, had begun Thursday, as he did every day, by visiting a 7-eleven convenience store on the base to buy groceries. A CCTV image from the store showed him at 6.20am local time wearing a long white dishdasha and skull cap, the traditional Arab dress he often wore when off-duty.
"He looked normal," said the owner of the store. "He came in and bought coffee and hash browns."
Around 300 soldiers had assembled at the Soldier Readiness Center on the base, where they were to have inoculations before being sent to Afghanistan, when Hasan, dressed in his military uniform, entered at 1.30pm and opened fire at close range with two privately-owned handguns.
None of the soldiers were armed and some barricaded themselves into rooms off the main hall of the building while Hasan repeatedly reloaded his weapons and fired indiscriminately for 10 minutes, killing 12 soldiers and a civilian.
Survivors described how Hasan had "a very calm and measured approach" as he fired scores of rounds. Lt Gen Bob Cone, the base commander, said one soldier had told him "I made the mistake of moving and I was shot again". Others "would scramble to the ground and help each other out", he added.
Officer Munley and a colleague were on the scene three minutes after the first shots were fired, but it took several more minutes before they could stop Hasan as he carried on firing.
Once the gunman had been brought down, soldiers rushed to treat their comrades by ripping up their uniforms into makeshift bandages.
The dead included Private Michael Pearson, 21, from Chicago. His mother Sheryll said: "His father is still in shock and very angry. We're all very angry."
Captain Reis Ritz, 30, a physician working in the emergency room at Fort Hood when the dead and dying came in, said: "It was just unreal. When I heard there was a shooting I thought initially it might be a drill. But when I saw the wounds and the number coming in I realised what was happening.
"There were gunshot wounds to the chest and abdomens. They seemed like random shots all over the place. Some of the guys were unconscious, others were talking when they came in but we had to put them under," he told the Daily Telegraph.
"I was trying to resuscitate people, clearing airways, replacing blood, inserting chest tubes. It was frantic, chaotic but controlled. We are a close community and we wanted to do our best for these guys."
Wild Thing's comment......
The buck stops at Obama's desk! But oh that's right, how could I forget. Obama's homeland security document said right wingers and those who’d ALREADY BEEN DEPLOYED were the threats to national security.
This POS should have received military courts-martial, dishonorable discharge and put on a terror watch list.
The message to the entire jihad world is this:
You can be an active-duty member of the US military and publicly post anti-American Muslim jihad rhetoric and...attend enemy insurgent training bases in your 7th century uniform and...even be reported as a threat and the “authorities,” civilian and military, WON’T DARE TOUCH YOU.
Barack HUSSEIN Obama!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM | Comments (12)
November 08, 2009
Muslim "Radicals" Call Hasan 'Officer and a Gentleman'
New York (CNN) -- Outside a Manhattan mosque where the imam preaches against terrorism, the brothers of the "Revolution Muslim" are spreading a different message.
Protected by the Constitution of the country they detest, radical Muslim converts like Yousef al-Khattab and Younes Abdullah Mohammed preach that the killing of U.S. troops overseas is justified. In their thinking, so were the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States -- and so are attacks on almost any American.
"Americans will always be a target -- and a legitimate target -- until America changes its nature in the international arena," Mohammed said in an interview to air on tonight's "AC 360."
Al-Khattab and Mohammed consider al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden their model.
"I love him like I can't begin to tell you, because he doesn't seem to have done anything wrong from the sharia," al-Khattab said, referring to Islamic law. "If you're asking me if I love him as a Muslim, I love him more than I love myself."
They hand out fliers outside the gleaming 96th Street mosque, where up to 4,000 people visit every day.
Muslim radicals call Hasan 'Officer and a Gentleman'
By Bob Unruh
A website run by radical Muslims today honored Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the man accused of killing 13 people at Fort Hood in Texas, as an "Officer and a Gentleman," saying his actions should not be denounced.
The massacre yesterday, which also left more than two dozen injured, was called a "pre-emptive attack" by supporters of the Revolution Muslim website.
Hasan, a Muslim psychiatrist who reportedly had been disciplined for pushing Islam on his patients at one point in his career, had given away his furniture and handed out Qurans before going to the military base and firing on soldiers at a processing center where soldiers prepared to deploy.
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There were multiple reports he had objected to being placed in the position of possibly having to fight fellow Muslims by his scheduled deployment to the Middle East.
"Get Well Soon Major Nidal We Love You," said the website run by radicals who follow an imam once jailed in Britain. "Major Nidal Hasan M.D. An officer and a gentleman was injured while partaking in a pre-emptive attack."
The website lists as its imam Sheik Abdullah el-Faisal, who in February 2003 was sentenced to nine years in jail, reduced to seven on appeal, after being convicted of soliciting murder and inciting racial hatred in England.
According to reports in the London Guardian at the time, hundreds attended his lectures, possibly including James Ujaama, a U.S. citizen accused of trying to help the Taliban in Afghanistan; Richard Reid, who attempted to detonate a bomb in his shoe while crossing the Atlantic in a jetliner; and Zacharias Moussaoui, jailed for the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks on the U.S.
The reports said el-Faisal, who later was released and returned to his home in Jamaica, suggested Muslims attend training camps to gain the skills to wage jihad on the West.
He was recorded praising Osama bin Laden and saying, "You have to learn how to shoot and fly planes and drive tanks."
El-Faisal also said chemical weapons should be utilized to "exterminate non-believers" and said Muslim mothers should buy toy guns for their children to providing training opportunities.
"We do NOT denounce this officer's actions, we do however apologize for the following acts committed by our country," the U.S.-based website's supporters said. They listed: "Bay of Tonkin, The East Timor Massacre by USA Supported Suharto, 1902 Samar Massacre in the Philippines by the USMC, 1,000,000 Dead Iraqis, Afghani & Pakistanis Killed by the USA, Starvation of Africa & Rape of it's (sic) Resources by the USA, Support of the Brutal 'Israeli' Occupation Entity, Etc. Etc."
"Every day is Fort Hood for the world community due to USA policies and their tyrant totalitarian puppet regimes," the activists proclaimed. "Rest assure (sic) the slain terrorists at Fort Hood are in the eternal hellfire and it is not to (sic) late for YOU to change your policies," they said.
The website's mission statement states, "Revolution Muslim is a message and movement grounded in the sayings, deeds, actions and understanding of Ahlus Sunnah wal jama'ah (The collective body of those Muslims that adhere to the ways of the Prophet (SAWS) and the first four generations of Muslims)."
It continues, "We pray that we may witness the dismantlement of western, secular dominance across the world as we hold it to be pagan and idolatrous in the majority of its presumptions. We seek a resurrection of the just example set forth by centuries of Islamic rule throughout the ages and we hold it to be self evident for the objective soul and mind that Allah is One and that Muhammad ibn Abdullah is His Prophet and that the religion offers the solution to all of the world’s ills and afflictions."
The base commander said soldiers reported they heard Hasan shout "Allahu Akbar," or "Allah is the greatest," while he was shooting.
The site is disdainful of other Islamic organizations, citing a condemnation from the Islamic Society of North America regarding the shootings.
"ISNA - The house dog, barks once more to please its kafir Masters," Revolution Muslim wrote.
Hasan was born and raised in Virginia, but has family outside of Jerusalem. He enlisted and obtained his education from the military. He spent most of his career at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington until he was sent to Fort Hood this year, from where he apparently was to be deployed.
Wild Thing's comment........
Hasan was a part of Obama’s Muslim Outreach Program. He even advised Obama on Homeland Security.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (5)
November 07, 2009
Jihad at Fort Hood – by Robert Spencer
Jihad at Fort Hood
by Robert Spencer
Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army psychiatrist, murdered twelve people and wounded twenty-one inside Fort Hood in Texas yesterday, while, according to eyewitnesses, “shouting something in Arabic while he was shooting.” Investigators are scratching their heads and expressing puzzlement about why he did it. According to NPR, “the motive behind the shootings was not immediately clear, officials said.” The Washington Post agreed: “The motive remains unclear, although some sources reported the suspect is opposed to U.S. involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq and upset about an imminent deployment.” The Huffington Post spun faster, asserting that “there is no concrete reporting as to whether Nidal Malik Hasan was in fact a Muslim or an Arab.”
Yet there was, and what’s more, Major Hasan’s motive was perfectly clear — but it was one that the forces of political correctness and the Islamic advocacy groups in the United States have been working for years to obscure. So it is that now that another major jihad terror attack has taken place on American soil, authorities and the mainstream media are at a loss to explain why it happened – and the abundant evidence that it was a jihad attack is ignored.
*** Nidal Malik Hasan was born in Virginia but didn’t think of himself as an American: on a form he filled out at the Muslim Community Center in Silver Spring, Maryland, he gave his nationality not as “American” but as “Palestinian.” A mosque official found that curious, saying: “I don’t know why he listed Palestinian. He was not born in Palestine.”
*** He is a graduate of Virginia Tech and has a doctorate in psychiatry from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. While there, NPR reports, Hasan was “put on probation early in his postgraduate work” and was “disciplined for proselytizing about his Muslim faith with patients and colleagues.”
*** While at Walter Reed, he was a “very devout” member of and daily visitor to the Muslim Community Center in Silver Spring. Faizul Khan, a former imam at the Center, expressed puzzlement over Hasan’s murders: “To know something like this happened, I don’t know what got into his mind. There was nothing extremist in his questions. He never showed any frustration….He never showed any remorse or wish for vengeance on anybody.”
So he identified himself as Palestinian and was a devout Muslim – so what? These things, of course, have no significance if one assumes that Islam is a Religion of Peace and that when a devout Muslim reads the Koran’s many injunctions to wage war against unbelievers, he knows that they have no force or applicability for today’s world. Unfortunately, all too many Muslims around the world demonstrate in both their words and their deeds that they take such injunctions quite seriously. And Nidal Hasan gave some indications that he may have been among them.
*** On May 20, 2009, a man giving his name as “NidalHasan” posted this defense of suicide bombing (all spelling and grammar as it is in the original):
"There was a grenade thrown amongs a group of American soldiers. One of the soldiers, feeling that it was to late for everyone to flee jumped on the grave with the intention of saving his comrades. Indeed he saved them. He inentionally took his life (suicide) for a noble cause i.e. saving the lives of his soldier. To say that this soldier committed suicide is inappropriate. Its more appropriate to say he is a brave hero that sacrificed his life for a more noble cause. Scholars have paralled this to suicide bombers whose intention, by sacrificing their lives, is to help save Muslims by killing enemy soldiers. If one suicide bomber can kill 100 enemy soldiers because they were caught off guard that would be considered a strategic victory. Their intention is not to die because of some despair. The same can be said for the Kamikazees in Japan. They died (via crashing their planes into ships) to kill the enemies for the homeland. You can call them crazy i you want but their act was not one of suicide that is despised by Islam. So the scholars main point is that “IT SEEMS AS THOUGH YOUR INTENTION IS THE MAIN ISSUE” and Allah (SWT) knows best."
*** Of course, it may not be the same Nidal Hasan. But there is more. One of his former colleagues, Col. Terry Lee, recalled Hasan saying statements to the effect of “Muslims have the right to rise up against the U.S. military”; “Muslims have a right to stand up against the aggressors”; and even speaking favorably about people who “strap bombs on themselves and go into Times Square.”
Maybe he just snapped, perhaps under the pressure of his imminent deployment to Iraq. But it’s noteworthy that if he did, he snapped in exactly the same way that several other Muslims in the U.S. military have snapped in the past. In April 2005, a Muslim serving in the U.S. Army, Hasan Akbar, was convicted of murder for killing two American soldiers and wounding fourteen in a grenade attack in Kuwait. AP reported: “Prosecutors say Akbar told investigators he launched the attack because he was concerned U.S. troops would kill fellow Muslims in Iraq. They said he coolly carried out the attack to achieve ‘maximum carnage’ on his comrades in the 101st Airborne Division.”
And Hasan’s murderous rampage resembles one that five Muslim men in New Jersey tried to carry out at Fort Dix in New Jersey in 2007, when they plotted to enter the U.S. Army base and murder as many soldiers as they could.
That was a jihad plot. One of the plotters, Serdar Tatar, told an FBI informant late in 2006: “I’m gonna do it….It doesn’t matter to me, whether I get locked up, arrested, or get taken away, it doesn’t matter. Or I die, doesn’t matter, I’m doing it in the name of Allah.” Another plotter, Mohamad Shnewer, was caught on tape saying, “They are the ones, we are going to put bullets in their heads, Allah willing.”
Nidal Hasan’s statements about Muslims rising up against the U.S. military aren’t too far from that, albeit less graphic. The effect of ignoring or downplaying the role that Islamic beliefs and assumptions may have played in his murders only ensures that – once again – nothing will be done to prevent the eventual advent of the next Nidal Hasan.
Wild Thing's comment.........
When other people snap on the eve of deployment, they go to Canada. Normal people who disagree with a deployment resign and accept prosecution. Or get a lawyer and try to find some loophole.
They don’t slaughter their countrymen.
The shocking thing about this case is that he made his beliefs known on several occasions and no one did anything about it. It didn’t occur to anyone that a major who sided with the enemy ought to be booted out of the Army altogether.
Like the video says with Fred Thompson. PC is destroying everything and has no place in our military.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (2)
October 31, 2009
CAIR Donates Thousands To Islamist Group "Muslim Mafia" Ruled by Inmate in "Supermax" Jail
In the PAST.........Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin (جميل عبد الله الامين) (Born October 4, 1943, as Hubert Gerold Brown), also known as H. Rap Brown, came to prominence in the 1960s as chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and later the Justice Minister of the Black Panther Party. He is perhaps most famous for his proclamation during that period that "violence is as American as cherry pie", as well as once stating that "If America don't come around, we're gonna burn it down".
And a more recent photo.........Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin is serving a life sentence for the murder of a police officer
FBI: Radical Islamist Group Ruled by Inmate in "Supermax" Jail
From the FBI press release on last night’s Dearborn, MI raid-turned-shootout that left radical Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah, aka Christopher Thomas dead:
Abdullah was the leader of part of a group that calls themselves Ummah (“the brotherhood”), a group of mostly African-American converts to Islam, which seeks to establish a separate Sharia-law governed state within the United States. The Ummah is ruled by Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rapp Brown, who is serving a state sentence in USP Florence, CO, ADMAX, for the murder of two police officers in Georgia.
Interesting to note the active tense used in the release. The use of the phrase “is ruled” should raise an eyebrow or two for those following the debate over where to relocate the terrorists currently housed at Gitmo. Two of the most mentioned locations being considered by the Obama administration are the federal prison in Standish, Michigan and the federal Administrative Maximum (aka “Supermax”) prison in Florence, Colorado. One of the left’s core arguments in the debate rests on the belief that the security provided by such a facility would render Gitmo’s terrorists totally unable to organize and convert fellow prisoners eager to learn from the jihad-masters.
In this case, not only did a domestic Islamic terrorist organization arise from within the walls of our prison system, but the “Supermax” facility currently serves as the headquarters for this radical group.
It appears FBI Director Robert Mueller’s “relevant concerns” about bringing Gitmo’s terrorists to the United States are not so far-fetched after all.
So far as we know, no terror cells are currently being run from inside Guantanamo.
CAIR linked to FBI shootout
Gave thousands to cop-killing leader of violent sect intent on Islamizing U.S.
wnd ...for complete article
Already under increased scrutiny after revelations in a new book, the Council on American-Islamic Relations now is defending itself against documented links to a federal case that drew national attention this week when an indicted Detroit imam was killed in an FBI raid.
Internal documents from an undercover investigation by the authors of "Muslim Mafia" show CAIR helped finance the legal appeal of Muslim cop-killer Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, who is named in the Detroit criminal complaint as the spiritual leader of a radical group that calls for violent action to establish a sovereign Islamic state within the U.S.
The federal complaint also states one of the 11 indicted followers of the imam who was killed in an exchange of gunfire with the FBI Wednesday, Luqman Ameen Abdullah, attended a mosque "affiliated with CAIR" in Windsor, Ontario, just across the Canadian border from Detroit.
The criminal complaint suggests CAIR literature supporting Al-Amin incited Abdullah to violence.
"CAIR and everybody send me all of this stuff. I get sick," he was recorded as saying. "I got some soldiers with me. ... Brothers that I know would, you know, if I say 'Let's go, we going to go and do something.'"
Abdullah and his "soldiers" trained with weapons and explosives to carry out a plot to "take down" the U.S. government in violent jihad, according to the complaint. Al-Amin, the complaint adds, has been designated by the "nationwide radical fundamentalist Sunni group" led by Abdullah to be the ruler of the future Islamic state.
Formerly a leader of the Black Panther Party known as H. Rap Brown, Al-Amin is serving a life sentence at the Florence, Colo., supermax prison for shooting two police officers in Georgia and murdering one of them.
As revealed in a confidential letter obtained by the authors of "Muslim Mafia," P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry, CAIR made an "additional contribution" of $9,000 in April 2007 to Al-Amin's legal appeal.
The letter of thanks addressed by the cop-killer's lawyer-wife to CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad, which indicated CAIR had made previous contributions, passed on "greetings" from the imprisoned imam.
Attorney Karima Al-Amin wrote:
As-salaamu alaikum:
On behalf of the Justice Fund, we extend appreciation to you and CAIR for the additional contribution of $9,000.00 to be used for legal expenses relative to Imam Jamil Al-Amin's case. The contribution particularly was needed to defray the cost of the recent habeas hearing held in Reidsville, Georgia. We certainly were delighted that you responded to our request in a timely manner.
As always, Imam Jamil sends his greetings and appreciation for the assistance.
Karima Al-Amin
Attorney at Law
Al-Amin, a black convert to Islam, shot two Atlanta deputies in 2000 who were trying to arrest him for failing to appear before a judge on auto theft charges. One deputy was shot in both legs, the left arm and the chest. The other, Fulton County Deputy Ricky Kinchen, died after Al-Amin pumped him with six bullets. A jury convicted Al-Amin in 2002 and sentenced him to life in prison, but CAIR jumped to his defense, celebrating him as a martyr.
CAIR is listed as a member of the National Support Committee for Imam Jamil, which has a stated goal of raising $1.3 million to pay for a team of lawyers to free Al-Amin.
"Whoever shields a Muslim, Allah will shield him in this world and the next," the committee says in a fundraising letter. "Allah will aid a servant so long as the servant aids his brother."
Wild Thing's comment........
More reasons not to close Gitmo, Keep jihad terrorists off US soil.
“The Ummah is ruled by Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rapp Brown, who is serving a state sentence in USP Florence, CO, ADMAX, for the murder of two police officers in Georgia.”
Why have jails/prisons if these inmates can “rule” an uprising or radical group from inside??
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (4)
October 30, 2009
Muslims Threaten Bar Owner

Muslims Threaten Breslin Owner After He Laughs Off Bar Demand
The bar owner's response: "This is the United States of America and we’ll do whatever the fuck we want."
The lovely-looking restaurant and bar The Breslin begins lunch service tomorrow, and co-owner Ken Friedman (The Spotted Pig) is planning on serving alcohol despite objections from the Masjid Ar-Rahman mosque across the street. Earlier this month the mosque’s leaders called a meeting with Friedman at The Ace Hotel, where The Breslin is located, and asked, "Can you move the bar?" Friedman's response makes us want to hurry over to The Breslin right now for a dram of Laphroaig to show our support (and drown out the voices):
I laughed. And the guy said, "Oh, you think that’s funny?" And I said, "Yeah, that is funny, that is really funny, because we’re not going to move the bar just because you discovered we’re serving booze." Can you name one restaurant in New York that doesn’t serve booze? I said, "This is the United States of America and we’ll do whatever the fuck we want." He said the mosque had suggested it couldn’t control the behavior of "a few bad eggs"; i.e., we could get a brick through our window.
Friedman notified police of the threat, but just to show he's not a hard-hearted man, that it's not all dollars and cents, he agreed to put a curtain over the windows so devout Muslims wouldn't be corrupted by the sight of infidel inebriation. But the curtain hasn't arrived yet, so over the weekend he actually taped paper over the windows to hide a gay wedding. A volunteer at the mosque says city law forbids serving liquor within 200 feet of a place of worship and that "not more than 200 feet is between the mosque and the bar."
But Ace Hotel developer Andrew Zobler tells The Observer, "The law is clear that in order for that to apply it has to be an exclusively dedicated house of worship, and at their space they have both residences and a restaurant, so basically, because of those uses the law allowed there to be a bar within 200 feet. Everyone was aware of that when the liquor license was granted." And Friedman adds, "They can threaten, but they can’t really stop us." Yeah, heh, what are these devout, pissed-off Muslims gonna do?
A volunteer at the mosque returning a call from the Transom said that a law forbids serving liquor within 200 feet of a place of worship and that “not more than 200 feet is between the mosque and the bar.” To which Andrew Zobler, the hotel’s developer, responded:
“The law is clear that in order for that to apply it has to be an exclusively dedicated house of worship, and at their space they have both residences and a restaurant, so basically, because of those uses the law allowed there to be a bar within 200 feet. Everyone was aware of that when the liquor license was granted.” He added: “Out of neighborliness and respect we’ve voluntarily acquiesced to covering the window with a curtain.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Good for the Breslin. I’m continually amazed at the people who flock to this nation because of the opportunities here, that immediately try to change it to be just like the hell hole they just slithered in from.
I would appreciate it if these idiots would go back to the hell they escaped from if they must continually whine here.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (6)
Detroit FBI Kills Luqman Ameen Abdullah Leader of Radical Muslims;12 Charged
Luqman Ameen Abdullah is Christopher Thomas: Ummah Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah Killed in FBI Shootout
FBI Kills Leader of Radical Muslims; 12 Charged
The leader of a local mosque who authorities also are calling the head of an Islamic fundamentalist group was killed in a shootout with federal agents this afternoon during a series of raids that resulted in charges against a dozen men.
Luqman Ameen Abdullah, 53, leader of the Masjid Al-Haqq mosque in Detroit, is accused in a federal complaint of heading a Sunni Muslim group with a mission of establishing a separate Islamic nation within the United States.
Abdullah, also known as Christopher Thomas, was gunned down after firing on officers as the FBI raided a Dearborn warehouse, the U.S. Attorney's Office said. An FBI canine also was fatally shot. Raids also were conducted in Detroit.
"The eleven defendants are members of a group that is alleged to have engaged in violent activity over a period of many years and known to be armed," a joint statement from the FBI and U.S. Attorney's Office said.
A 12th man was arrested late Wednesday in connection with the investigation. Three of the men charged were at large Wednesday night.
Abdullah and the others were charged with conspiracy to commit several federal felony crimes, including illegal possession and sale of firearms and theft from interstate shipments.
Abdullah spoke of attacking Super Bowl XL
Abdullah believed he and his followers were soldiers at war against the government and non-Muslims.
"Abdullah told his followers it is their duty to oppose the FBI and the government and it does not matter if they die," FBI agent Gary Leone said in an affidavit unsealed today. "He also told the group that they need to plan to do something."
Abdullah, 53, of Detroit stayed true to his word as armed FBI agents raided a Dearborn warehouse at Michigan Avenue and Miller. Authorities said he refused to surrender, opened fire and then died in a shootout in which an FBI dog also was killed.
Agents also raided two Detroit homes in the 4400 block of Tireman and the 9200 block of Genessee. The affidavits and returns for those warrants were sealed today.
The U.S. Attorney's Office and the FBI in Detroit unsealed a 43-page document describing a sinister, radical fundamentalist group headed by Abdullah. The document notes conversations he had with undercover agents and federal informants that ranged from talking about attacking Super Bowl XL in Detroit to blowing himself up as a final act of courage.
Federal officials said Abdullah was the leader of a group that calls itself "Ummah, a group of mostly African-American converts to Islam, which seeks to establish a separate Sharia-law governed state within the United States."
"The Ummah is ruled by Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rap Brown, who is serving a state sentence ... for the murder of two police officers in Georgia." Brown came to prominence in the 1960s as a leader of the Black Panther Party.
"He regularly preaches antigovernment and antilaw enforcement rhetoric," Leone said of Abdullah in the affidavit. "Abdullah and his followers have trained regularly in the use of firearms and continue to train in martial arts and sword fighting."
Why Abdullah and his followers chose Detroit as their haven remains unknown, Detroit FBI spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold said today.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am not surprised, Dearborn which is a Sub next to Detroit has the largest concentration of Muslims in the US.
And here's the spin from the other side, from al Jazeera:
Dawud Walid, the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Affairs ( CAIR), said that members of the Muslim community were "shocked" at Abdullah's death.
"He was well-known and respected. No-one that I have talked has said that he was linked to any sort of extremist groups, overseas or here at home," he told Al Jazeera.
"I do not have any knowledge as to the veracity of the allegations [against Abduallah and his 10 followers] but if the allegations are true, what does that have to do with Islam or Muslims?
"The charges that have been filed against the 11 suspects have no relation or linkage to their religion - they are gun charges. We resent the fact that the FBI has linked religion to these gun charges."
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:44 AM | Comments (7)
October 24, 2009
Obama Gives MILLIONS in Muslim Technology Fund
Obama offers millions in Muslim technology fund
The White House Friday highlighted a new multi-million-dollar technology fund for Muslim nations, following a pledge made by President Barack Obama in his landmark speech to the Islamic world.
The White House Friday highlighted a new multi-million-dollar technology fund for Muslim nations, following a pledge made by President Barack Obama in his landmark speech to the Islamic world.
The White House said the US Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) had issued a call for proposals for the fund, which will provide financing of between 25 and 150 million dollars for selected projects and funds.
The Global Technology and Innovation Fund will "catalyze and facilitate private sector investments" throughout Asia, the Middle East and Africa, the White House said in a statement.
Eligible projects would advance economic opportunity and create jobs in areas like technology, education, telecoms, media, business services and clean technology, the White House said.
OPIC said sample projects could help foster the development of new computer technology or telecommunications businesses, or widen access to broadband Internet services.
In his speech to the Muslim world in Cairo last June, Obama argued that "education and innovation will be the currency of the 21st century" and that under-investment was rife in many Muslim nations.
As well as the fund, Obama also said he will host a summit on entrepreneurship this year to deepen ties between business leaders in the United States and Muslim communities around the world.
In his speech on June 4, Obama vowed to forge a "new beginning" for Islam and America, promising to purge years of "suspicion and discord."
In what may be one of the defining moments of his presidency, Obama laid out a new blueprint for US Middle East policy, pledged to end mistrust, forge a state for Palestinians and defuse a nuclear showdown with Iran.
Wild Thing's comment......
Obama helping the Muslims make better bombs. And here I was soooooo worried that the Muslims would not have the technology to, you know, form networks and cells.
This is our money and I don’t want to offer millions ... just where does he get off doing this! Obama just keeps piling on with his TREASON. He cuts back on our military and their equipment and I sure hope the Army brass is taking notes. They take orders from a man who has no respect for them or their country. Obama is going to shovel American tax dollars to the third world Muslim countries as fast as he can. He plans to break this country financially and militarily.
Obama’s 2009 Supplemental Appropriations for Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Pandemic Flu was revised and “passed by the full committee.” Not sure what the next step is, but based on the summary, it gives billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to countries and entities that support Sharia law and/or harbor, hide and support those who want to destroy the U.S. and our allies.
Read the summary from David Obey’s office that was quietly released last week with nary a word from any media.
• $3.6 billion, matching the request, to expand and improve capabilities of the Afghan security forces
• $400 million, as requested, to build the counterinsurgency capabilities of the Pakistani security forces
• Afghanistan: $1.52 billion, $86 million above the request
• West Bank and Gaza: $665 million in bilateral economic, humanitarian, and security assistance for the West Bank and Gaza
• Jordan: $250 million, $250 million above the request, including $100 million for economic and $150 million for security assistance
• Egypt: $360 million, $310 million above the request, including $50 million for economic assistance, $50 million for border security, and $260 million for security assistance
• Pakistan: $1.9 billion, $591 million above the request
• Iraq: $968 million, $336 million above the request
• Oversight: $20 million, $13 million above the request, to expand oversight capacity of the State Department, USAID, and the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan to review programs in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq
• Lebanon: $74 million
• International Food Assistance: $500 million, $200 million above the request, for PL 480 international food assistance to alleviate suffering during the global economic crisis
• Refugee Assistance: $343 million, $50 million above the request, …including humanitarian assistance for Gaza. Funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency programs in the West Bank and Gaza is limited to $119 million (Note: Gaza = Hamas)
• Disaster Assistance: $200 million to avert famines and provide life-saving assistance during natural disasters and for internally displaced people around the world, including Somalia, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, the Middle East and South Asia
• Peacekeeping: $837 million for United Nations peacekeeping operations, including an expanded mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and a new mission in Chad and the Central African Republic
• Department of Justice: $17 million, matching the request, for counter-terrorism activities and to provide training and assistance for the Iraqi criminal justice system
73 million to Zimbabwe
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:30 PM | Comments (3)
October 23, 2009
Obama's Adviser Who Supports Islamic Law
Meet White House adviser who supports Islamic law
She describes her role in the Obama administration as a communicator to the president and other public officials of "what it is Muslims want."
But Muslims such as Steven Schwartz, a prominent American convert to Islam and ardent critic of Muslim fundamentalism, contend Dalia Mogahed, a scheduled speaker at the annual fundraiser Saturday in Washington for the controversial Council on American-Islamic Relations, certainly doesn't speak for them.
A senior analyst and executive director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies, Mogahed was appointed to President Obama's Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
The Egyptian-born, hijab-clad adviser drew attention earlier this month when she defended Shariah, or Islamic law, on a British television show hosted by a member of an extremist Muslim group, insisting the majority of women around the world associate Shariah with "gender justice."
Schwartz, executive director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism, states in a column for the Weekly Standard that according to Mogahed's view, Muslims are "either fundamentalist or confused."
"Their attitudes toward Islamic law are divided, in her terms, only between supposedly wanting Shariah to be the sole source of governance and seeing it as one source of legislation among various canons," he writes. "But for her, even this distinction is less important than proclaiming the satisfaction of Muslim women with Shariah."
As late as Oct. 15, CAIR's promotion of its 15th annual banquet listed Mogahed as a keynote speaker along with a controversial imam, Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing investigation who has been recorded calling for the violent replacement of the U.S. government with a Saudi-style Islamic system.
But by Friday, days after the release of "Muslim Mafia" – a book citing internal documents obtained in an undercover operation that establish CAIR functions as a political front group for the Egyptian-based Muslim Brotherhood – Mogahed's name was replaced with civil rights activist Jesse Jackson's. Mogahed's assistant says, however, he hasn't been informed of any changes.
Schwartz says Mogahed shares the "outlook of Islamists in Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan and other countries threatened by fundamentalist tyranny, in which religious governance is posed as the sole alternative to secular dictatorship."
Pointing to her views expressed to a church leader writing in Christian Century magazine, Schwartz says that "while Muslims around the world are increasingly turning toward civil society, Dalia Mogahed offers the retrograde fantasy of Shariah as liberating, even as comparable with the principles of the Declaration of Independence."
In an interview with Islam Online in April, Mogahed said she didn't consider herself an adviser on Islam. Her role in the Obama administration, she explained, is "to convey the facts about what Muslims think and feel."
"I see my role as offering the voices of the silenced majority of Muslims in America and around the world to the council so that our deliberations are informed by their ideas and wisdom," she said. "I believe that I was chosen because the administration cares about what Muslims think and wants to listen."
Wild Thing's comment.........
Islam is the true law of oppression and destruction (the destroyer and deceiver). A description of how Satan moves about the earth today. We are the last nation that hasn’t cast GOD away, even though as a nation under the current Facist administration is trying hard to break down our Christian roots, value and moral foundation and move us closer to muslim acceptance which I won’t accept.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (7)
October 22, 2009
Ban in England On Geert Wilders Overturned and Wilders Speaks In America Temple University
Protesters rallied as anti-Islamic Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders held a news conference in London Friday. Mr. Wilders, who made a controversial film about Islam, arrived in London after a ban against him entering Britain was overturned.
David Horowitz Freedom Center sponsored an event tonight at Temple University.
Dutch parliamentarian and Islam critic Geert Wilders was addressing a college audience in the United States for the first time.
Protesters, but no incidents, greet anti-Islamist at Temple
Amid a firestorm of contention, several hundred people heard Geert Wilders, a controversial Dutch parliamentarian, speak last night at Temple University.
During his approximately 30-minute speech, Wilders called the Quran “an evil book” and said that the United States was facing Islamization.
A question-and-answer session was cut short, and Wilders was escorted out of the lecture hall after some students began shouting insults at him.
Before the speech, held in Anderson Hall, more than 50 protesters had denounced the appearance of Wilders at the school.
Members of All Sides, an organization that seeks to promote peace between Israel and Palestinians, held pink pom-poms and shouted, “Hey Hey, HO, HO, this racist bull—-’s got to go.”
Standing next to them with signs decrying Wilders’ views were members of the Student Senate, Democratic Socialists and the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I applaud Mr. Wilders, and Mr. Horowitz for their attempts to enlighten the students of this country to one of the enemy we face.
Geert Wilders is a brave soul, saying what needs to be said. But few are willing to say it. If we all said it, it would be a different world.
May God continue to bless him because he is certainly blessed to be alive still.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (7)
October 15, 2009
Muslim's CAIR - Terrorism Infiltrating Congress
The CAIR memo says, in part:
“We will focus on influencing congressmen responsible for policy that directly impacts the American Muslim community. (For example, the judiciary, intelligence, and homeland security committees.) We will develop national initiatives such as a lobby day and placing Muslim interns in Congressional offices.”
The memo, revealed this morning in a press conference held by Reps. Sue Myrick (R-N.C.), John Shadegg, Paul Broun (R-Ga.) and Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) can be read in full here (pdf).
The members joined in demanding that the Justice Department and the IRS investigate CAIR (the IRS because CAIR is a Section 501 (c ) (3) tax-exempt organization which is prohibited from lobbying.) They also asked the Congressional Sergeant of Arms to investigate and report whether any of the CAIR interns were actually planted in the House.
CAIR’s activist agenda -- known for years -- has been extensively reported by HUMAN EVENTS and our columnist Robert Spencer. The organization’s claim that it is a “civil rights organization” has been disproven so many times as to make it risible.
As Spencer reported in August 2007, “Several CAIR officials, including its Community Affairs Director, Bassem Khafagi; a Board member of CAIR’s Texas chapter, Ghassan Elashi; CAIR’s communications specialist and civil rights coordinator, Randall Todd Ismail Royer; and fundraiser Rabih Haddad have been convicted of various terrorism-related offenses.”
The Justice Department labeled CAIR an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation case. In November 2008, HLF and five of its leaders were convicted by a Dallas federal jury on charges of providing material support (more than $12 million) to Hamas.
'Now we have proof' jihadis infiltrating D.C.
Congress seizes on explosive new book based on daring undercover CAIR probe
In the wake of the sensational ACORN video sting operation by two young investigators, an even more daring, dangerous and devastating undercover investigation – this one infiltrating the nation's most aggressive Muslim "civil rights" organization for six months – has resulted in stunning revelations about the supposedly "moderate" group, backed up by 12,000 pages of documents and 300 hours of covert video obtained during the secret op.
As revealed in a new book detailing the operation and its findings, the Washington, D.C.-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, is not the beneficent Muslim civil-rights group it claims to be. Rather, as indisputable evidence now shows, CAIR and other "mainstream" Islamic groups are acting as fronts for a well-funded conspiracy of the Muslim Brotherhood – the parent of al-Qaida and Hamas – to infiltrate and destroy the American system.
Until now, CAIR has remained a powerful force in the nation's capital and across the country, from demanding the Obama administration stop FBI counter-terrorism tactics to compelling a school district to apologize to Muslims.
That influence, many believe, may be coming to an end, as a result of the undercover investigation – which included the son of a veteran counter-terrorism investigator, who grew a beard and converted to Islam, as well as two veiled female interns.
"Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America," a WND Books publication by counter-terrorism investigator P. David Gaubatz and "Infiltration" author Paul Sperry, documents CAIR's ultimate purpose to transform the United States into an Islamic nation under the authority of the Quran.
With evidence from "Muslim Mafia" in hand, U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick, R-N.C., co-founder of the Congressional Anti-Terror Caucus, and other members of Congress – including Reps. John Shadegg, R-Ariz., and Paul Broun, R-Ga. – plan to hold a press conference today in Washington calling for an investigation and an end to political lobbying by front groups such as CAIR.
"Now we have proof – from the secret documents that this investigative team has uncovered, coupled with the ones recently declassified by the FBI – that [radical Islamists] agents living among us have a plan in place, and they are successfully carrying out that subversive plan," Myrick writes in the foreword to "Muslim Mafia."
Please CLICK HERE to read the rest of the actile. It is excellent and has many images as well.
Lawmakers to 'make public a national security threat on Capitol Hill'
Three House Republicans are scheduled to hold a press conference on Wednesday morning to "make public a national security threat on Capitol Hill."
Reps. Sue Myrick (R-N.C.), John Shadegg (R-Ariz.) and Paul Broun (R-Ga.) will hold a 10 a.m. press conference in the Capitol on the homeland security issue.
The congressional daybook schedule does not provide further details.
According to a source familiar with the issue, the press conference will focus on a non-profit group that has "known terrorist ties."
Myrick sits on the Intelligence Committee and is founder of the Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus. Broun is a member of the Homeland Security Committee. It is unclear what they will discuss and why there are no Democrats planning to attend the press briefing.
Myrick last week launched a national security and counter-terrorism agenda titled "Wake Up America." This white paper, which is available on her congressional website, is a revised version of a similar effort that was released in 2008.
Wild Thing's comment.......
The tenets and principles of Islam are unconstitutional. It is not a religion it is a death cult. Islamic terrorists believe that it's allah's call to subjugate the world under Islam. They can't do that if they leave the US alone.
The koran commands them to take possession of other countries for Allah:
Sura 33 “And he bequeathed to you their lands, their homes and their possessions, together with land you have never trodden” (33.27) .
Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith but to become dominant, he said. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth -Omar M. Ahmad, founder of CAIR
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (2)
September 25, 2009
Today....Sept. 25th Islam Gathering of Muslims on Capitol Hill
Washington, D.C. - On September 25th there will be a national prayer gathering of Muslims on the west front of the U.S. Capitol Building. They are expecting at least 50,000 to attend from mosques all across America. They will gather to pray from 4:00 AM until 7:00 PM. The gathering will take place by the site where U.S. Presidents have been inaugurated since 1981. The organizers say that it was Obama's inauguration speech in January and his speech broadcast from Egypt in June that gave them the idea for this prayer gathering on Capitol Hill.
They have a website set up for this event. If you never look at another website look at this one, especially the final words: "OUR TIME HAS COME" Just scroll down it is at the very bottom of their opening page.
• The Athan will be chanted on Capitol Hill, echoing off of the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument and other great edifices that surround Capitol Hill
• Thousands of Muslims from all races, creeds, colors and ethnicities will gather for the sole purpose of prayer
• Bonds of friendship will be formed between those in attendance, both Muslims and Non-Muslims
• Muslim youth will experience tours of the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court.
• The peace, beauty and solidarity of Islam will shine through America's capitol.
The gathering will occur by the site where presidents have been inaugurated since 1981. In fact, it was President Obama's words at his inauguration in January, and then his speech in Egypt in June, that led Abdellah and an area imam, Abdul Malik, to begin discussing the idea, Abdellah said.
"For the first time in my lifetime," Abdellah said, "I heard someone of his stature speaking about Islam and Muslims not in an adversarial sense, but in the sense of being welcome and acknowledging we are integral citizens in the society -- that we're gainfully employed, we're educated."
"He said he had his hand open to the Islamic world," he said. "The Islamic world wants to open their hand and shake it."
The website set up for the event, islamoncapitolhill.com, features a logo with a red, white and blue hand shaking a light brown hand, with the words to the preamble of the Constitution and a page of Arabic text in the background.
Mosque members have been working since July to organize the event, through e-mails, phone calls and visits to mosques and Muslim Students Associations in different states.
Wild Thing's comment........
I can't believe we have come to this, especially after all the attacks by Muslims on Americans ( military and civilian) for so many years and also our Embassy's as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (6)
September 21, 2009
6 Flags Muslim Family Day To Spread Across America!
Shortly after the massive 50,000 Muslim gathering on Capital Hill, an expected 54,000 Muslims will be gathering at 6 Flags Parks across America for Muslim Family Day. The event first started in September 2000 at the NJ 6 Flags in which approximately 2000 Muslims attended.
This year it will take place in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Louisville, New Jersey, San Antonio, San Francisco, and Washington DC. Last year at the LA park, Muslims requested that 6 Flag employees do not wear shorts. This way they will not "offend" Muslims. What will they request this year?
These events are sponsored by the Islamic Circle of North America. They are openly anti-Israel and are all for Islam dominating America.
Wild Thing's comment......
Islam is advancing across the world and Israel is under Muslim nuclear threat. Islam is advancing across the world and Israel is under Muslim nuclear threat.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:40 AM | Comments (7)
September 07, 2009
Washington, D.C Sept. 25th Islam Gathering of Muslims on Capitol Hill
Washington, D.C. - On September 25th there will be a national prayer gathering of Muslims on the west front of the U.S. Capitol Building. They are expecting at least 50,000 to attend from mosques all across America. They will gather to pray from 4:00 AM until 7:00 PM. The gathering will take place by the site where U.S. Presidents have been inaugurated since 1981. The organizers say that it was Obama's inauguration speech in January and his speech broadcast from Egypt in June that gave them the idea for this prayer gathering on Capitol Hill.
They have a website set up for this event. If you never look at another website look at this one, especially the final words: "OUR TIME HAS COME" Just scroll down it is at the very bottom of their opening page.
I clicked on each page it is bad all the way through.
•The Athan will be chanted on Capitol Hill, echoing off of the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument and other great edifices that surround Capitol Hill
•Thousands of Muslims from all races, creeds, colors and ethnicities will gather for the sole purpose of prayer
•Bonds of friendship will be formed between those in attendance, both Muslims and Non-Muslims
•Muslim youth will experience tours of the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court.
•The peace, beauty and solidarity of Islam will shine through America's capitol.
Elizabeth mosque organizes national prayer event in D.C.
A mosque in Elizabeth, Dar-ul-Islam, is spearheading a national prayer gathering next month in Washington, D.C., that organizers are billing as the first event of its kind -- organized prayer for tens of thousands of Muslims outside the U.S. Capitol building.
The event will not include political speeches or placards, just prayer, said Hassen Abdellah, president of Dar-ul-Islam and a main organizer of the event, which is scheduled for Sept. 25
"Most of the time, when Muslims go to Washington, D.C., they go there to protest some type of event," Abdellah said. "This is not a protest. Never has the Islamic community prayed on Capitol Hill for the soul of America. We're Americans. We need to change the face of Islam so people don't feel every Muslim believes America is "the great Satan,' because we love America."
A permit from the Capitol Hill police, granted July 28, allows access to the area by the West Front of the Capitol building from 4 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sept. 25, but the main gathering will occur at 1 p.m., for the Friday prayer service.
Abdellah said he expects 50,000 people to attend, from mosques around the country, though non-Muslims are welcome, too. About 400 people are expected from his own mosque, which is raising money from donors to help pay the cost of the event, expected to surpass $200,000.
The gathering will occur by the site where presidents have been inaugurated since 1981. In fact, it was President Obama's words at his inauguration in January, and then his speech in Egypt in June, that led Abdellah and an area imam, Abdul Malik, to begin discussing the idea, Abdellah said.
"For the first time in my lifetime," Abdellah said, "I heard someone of his stature speaking about Islam and Muslims not in an adversarial sense, but in the sense of being welcome and acknowledging we are integral citizens in the society -- that we're gainfully employed, we're educated."
"He said he had his hand open to the Islamic world," he said. "The Islamic world wants to open their hand and shake it."
The website set up for the event, islamoncapitolhill.com, features a logo with a red, white and blue hand shaking a light brown hand, with the words to the preamble of the Constitution and a page of Arabic text in the background.
Mosque members have been working since July to organize the event, through e-mails, phone calls and visits to mosques and Muslim Students Associations in different states.
Wild Thing's comment......
WTH is going on our country!!!!!!!!
"peace, beauty and solidarity of Islam will shine through America's capitol."
Islam will shine through America's capitol?????? What about AMERICA shining through our countries capitol!!!!!!
They have done NOTHING in 8 years to combat the terrorists in their ranks or to protest religious oppression in Saudi Arabia.
How long are we supposed to give them to decide which side they are on, terrorism or liberty?
I assume the Muslim in the White House will be joining them. As he rejoices and says Allah Akbar.
I do NOT recognize as my president. I will obey the law, but there is no law that says I have to recognize him as my president.
This makes me so ill and so afraid for our country!!!!!! And freakin angry like I cannot even say.
Think of all the various religions in our country. NOT one other then this POS Islam has been caved into, given special exceptions, and been catered to by our government..
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (11)
September 02, 2009
Obama Holds Ramadan Dinner and Praises Islam as 'Great Religion'
Obama Praises Islam as 'Great Religion'
Barack Obama on Tuesday praised American Muslims for enriching the nation's culture at a dinner to celebrate the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
"The contribution of Muslims to the United States are too long to catalog because Muslims are so interwoven into the fabric of our communities and our country," Obama said at the iftar, the dinner that breaks the holiday's daily fast.
The president joined Cabinet secretaries, members of the diplomatic corps and lawmakers to pay tribute to what he called "a great religion and its commitment to justice and progress."
Attendees included Congress' two Muslim members -- Reps. Keith Ellison and Andre Carson as well as ambassadors from Islamic nations and Israel's ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren.
Obama shared the story of Bilqis Abdul-Qaadir, another invited guest, who broke a state record for most career points as a Massachusetts high school student.
"As an honor student, as an athlete on her way to Memphis, Bilqis is an inspiration not simply to Muslim girls -- she's an inspiration to all of us," he said.
Obama also noted the contributions of Muhammad Ali, who was not in attendance, though the president borrowed a quote from famous boxer, explaining religion.
"A few years ago," Obama said, "he explained this view -- and this is part of why he's The Greatest -- saying, 'Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams -- they all have different names, but they all contain water. Just as religions do -- they all contain truths."'
Ramadan, a monthlong period of prayer, reflection and sunrise-to-sunset fasts, began Aug. 22 in most of the Islamic world. It is believed that God began revealing the Quran to Muhammad during Ramadan, and the faithful are supposed to spend the month in religious reflection, prayer and remembrance of the poor.
White House dinners marking the holy month are nothing new. Former President George W. Bush held iftars during his eight years in office.
Obama has made a special effort since taking office to repair U.S. relations with the world's Muslims, including visits to Turkey and Cairo. In a June speech at the Egyptian capital, as well as in one to another important Muslim audience, in Turkey, Obama said: "America is not -- and never will be -- at war with Islam."
Obama also released a video message to Muslims before the start to Ramadan. In the video, he said Ramadan's rituals are a reminder of the principles Muslims and Christians have in common,including advancing justice, progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.
Guest list for Obama's White House Ramadan dinner
LINKS of information from White House:
Obama's White House Muslim List
Here is the list of invited guests, as provided by the White House:
Cabinet: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr., and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
Deputy Cabinet secretaries: Commerce Deputy Secretary Dennis Hightower and Education Deputy Secretary Adam Miller.
Congress: Reps. Andre Carson (D-Ind.), John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.), Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), Rush D. Holt (D-N.J.) and Sen. Richard G. Lugar (R-Ind.).
Diplomats: Ambassador Prince Zeid Ra'ad Zeid Al Hussein of Jordan; Ambassador Adel A.M. Al Jubeir of Saudi Arabia; Ambassador Husain Haqqani of Pakistan; Ambassador Erlan A. Idrissov of Kazakhstan; Ambassador His Excellency Said ...
... Tayeb Jawad of Afghanistan; Ambassador Aziz Mekouar of Morocco; Ambassador Peter N.R.O. Ogego of Kenya.
Also, Ambassador Roble Olhaye of D’jibouti; Ambassador Michael Oren of Israel; Ambassador Sudjadnan Parnohadiningrat of Indonesia; Ambassador Klaus Scharioth of Germany; Ambassador Meera Shankar of India; Ambassador Nabi Sensoy of Turkey; Ambassador Sir Nigel Elton Sheinwald of Britain; Ambassador Sameh Hassan Shoukry of Egypt; Ambassador Samir Shakir Mahmood Sumaida’ie of Iraq; and Ambassador Pierre Nicolas Vimont of France.
Also the following Chargé d'Affaires: Sheikh Mohammed Belal of Bangladesh; Ilango Karuppanan of Malaysia; Mohamed O Maiga; Angela Oi Foong Shim of Brunei; Baba Gana Wakil of Nigeria; and Maen Areikat, chief of mission, Palestine Liberation Organization.
Members of the public: Bilquis Abdul-Qaadir, University of Memphis; Professor Azizah Al-Hibri, University of Richmond School of Law; Reema Ali, Karamah, Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights; Hasan Chandoo, Oppenheimer & Co.; Rabbi Nathan Diament, director, Institute for Public Affairs, Orthodox Union; Imam Plemon El-Amin, Atlanta Masjid al-Islam.
Also, Wahid Hamid, PepsiCo; Dina Hammad; Lutfi Hassan; Nashala Hearn; Rosalind Hearn; Imam Yahya Hendi, chaplain, Georgetown University; pastor Joel Hunter, Northland Church; Nooman Husain; and Imad Hussain.
Additionally, Sanford Ibrahim, CEO, Radian Group; Jameel Jaffer, staff attorney, ACLU; Mrs. Elsheba Khan; Dr. Mansur Khan, UMMA Community Clinic; Farhana Khera, Muslim Advocates; Lt. Commander Abuhena Saifulislam, U.S. Marine Corps; and Kareem Salama.
Also, Imam Yusuf Saleem; Masjid Muhammad; Dr. Ingrid Mattson, president, Islamic Society of North America; Farooq Mitha; Dalia Mogahed, director, Gallup Center for Muslim Studies; Hutham Olayan, Olayan America Corp.; Eboo Patel, Interfaith Youth Corps; and Rabbi David Saperstein, Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism.
Additionally, Mina Trudeau, executive director, El Fatiha Foundation; J. Saleh Williams, Congressional Muslim Staffers Assn.; and Mohamed Zakariya, Zakariya Calligraphy.
Wild Thing's comment.......
The President of the United States is bringing a gas can to a forest fire. Keep it up A-hole! Meanwhile....Obama says we “are not a Christian nation”......and doesn’t participate in the National Day of Prayer.
"a great religion and its commitment to justice and progress."
BULL! Obama's idea of justice and progress isn't ours.
"The contribution of Muslims to the United States are too long to catalog"
obama couldn’t specify any specific contribution to American society because there are none.
If Jesus came back today he would be recognized as Jesus.
If Mohammed came back, he would be in Federal prison for murder, terrorism, rape, pedophile and numerous other crimes, recognized as a cult leader like Charles Manson!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:50 AM | Comments (7)
August 30, 2009
Florida Student Suspended for Telling Muslim Student To Stand For The Pledge of Allegiance
Heather Lawrence, 16, was suspended from Springstead High School after telling a Muslim student to stand up during the Pledge of Allegiance.
Flap over flag, hijab leads to suspension of Hernando student
By Tony Marrero,
St. Petersburg Times Staff Writer
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Spring Hill
Heather Lawrence didn't know the name of the girl with the Muslim head covering, or where she was from.
But as Lawrence walked by a classroom at Springstead High School on Wednesday, the 16-year-old junior did know one thing: The girl wasn't standing for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Lawrence, an JROTC member who plans to enlist in the Army next summer, says she was aghast.
"That's one of the most disrespectful things you can do," Lawrence recalled Friday. "Even the kids who are anarchists, who hate our government, still have respect to stand."
A few bells later, Lawrence was on her way to English class when she saw the girl wearing a hijab in the hallway. Lawrence confronted her.
She told her she should stand for the pledge. And, according to Lawrence's own account and a school referral on the incident, said, "Take that thing off your head and act like you're proud to be an American."
A teacher overheard the encounter. Now Lawrence is serving a five-day, out-of-school suspension, and her parents are considering legal action.
"You have someone in the States who is able to enjoy our educational and health care systems, yet it's okay for them to be disrespectful, and it's not okay for my daughter to speak her mind," said Mark Lawrence, Heather's father. "That's her First Amendment right. That's her freedom of speech."
Springstead principal Susan Duval said school officials stand behind the punishment. Heather Lawrence violated the district's policy against bullying and harassment, Duval said. She was disciplined not for telling the girl to stand, but for her other comments — comments that Duval called atrocious.
"It makes me ill," she said. "That is not what this school is about. These students should feel safe and secure here. We may have differences of opinion, but no student should have to tolerate harassment."
After the incident, Lawrence was asked by a school staffer why she confronted the girl. "She began to rant that she was enlisting and was going to Iraq and that basically because the girl looks Middle Eastern, that makes her an enemy because all Iraqis are Middle Eastern," according to the referral signed by assistant principal Stephen Crognale.
Lawrence denies she said that or feels that way.
"Terrorists, regardless of who they are, what color they are, are the enemy," she said.
School officials would not disclose the identity of the girl. Duval said she wasn't sure if the girl is new to Springstead or why she didn't stand for the pledge.
Lawrence said the girl did not respond to her and simply walked away. Duval said the girl did not complain to school officials. Efforts by the St. Petersburg Times to find and reach her were unsuccessful Friday.
As she served her first day of suspension, Lawrence admitted Friday that telling the girl to take off her hijab was "a little over the edge." Her father agreed she shouldn't have said it.
"It wasn't meant to be a racial comment, and I wasn't trying to bash her religion," she said. "I didn't expect her to say (the pledge). I just expect her to stand up for it. If she had a problem with what I said, I'd be happy to apologize to her."
Mark Lawrence says the district needs to be taken to task for putting words into his daughter's mouth. He hopes to reverse the suspension and says he's talked to a lawyer friend of the family.
"I didn't raise my daughters to be prejudiced," he said, adding that the family dines often with friends of Iranian descent.
Heather Lawrence has her own unpleasant pledge memory.
She spent six months in Mexico while her father worked a contracting job and was booted out of a private school for not saying the pledge to the Mexican flag. But that was in Spanish — a language she doesn't know — and so she stopped trying to fake it. And, she says, she still stood up.
Flaps over flag pledging have set legal precedent. A 17-year-old junior at Boynton Beach High School refused to stand for the pledge and was removed from class, prompting a lawsuit and a ruling last year by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The court struck down a provision of Florida law requiring civilians to stand for the pledge.
Ramzy Kiliç, executive director of the Tampa chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said he was concerned by Heather Lawrence's apparent cultural insensitivity.
But he also said he was surprised to hear that a Muslim would not stand for the pledge. There is no tenet in the religion that encourages Muslims not to do so. "That's her right," Kiliç said. "I myself believe she should have stood."
The hijab clearly made the girl a target, said Dr. Adel Eldin, a Brooksville cardiologist who practices in Spring Hill.
Eldin, who has been busy in August celebrating the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, said he hopes school officials will seize the incident as a teachable moment about his faith.
Mark Lawrence thinks it's "absolutely ridiculous" that his daughter Heather has been suspended after telling another student wearing a Muslim head covering to "Take that thing off your head and act like you're proud to be an American" for refusing to stand or recite the Pledge of Allegiance in class.
Suspended ROTC student feels wronged
written by TONY HOLT
Springstead junior thinks five-day suspension wasn’t warranted for telling Muslim student to ‘take that thing off your head.’
Heather Lawrence loves being in JROTC, loves her Marine Corps dad and loves her country.
On Wednesday, anger was the prevailing feeling in her heart when she noticed a student in another classroom had refused to stand during the Pledge of Allegiance. She also refused to recite it.
Heather, a junior at Springstead High School, glanced at the other students in the room, all of whom appeared uncomfortable, she said.
She saw her later in the day between class periods and told her, “Take that thing off your head and act like you’re proud to be an American.”
The student, whom Lawrence could not identify, was wearing a hijab, a head scarf or garment traditionally worn by Muslim women.
A teacher overheard Heather’s statement and told two other teachers. The incident made its way to Assistant Principal Steve Crognale, who called the 16-year-old into his office Friday morning, she said.
He made her wait outside while he called her father, Mark Lawrence.
Crognale told him the school was going to suspend his daughter for five days.
“I said, ‘That is absolutely ridiculous,’” recalled Lawrence, who would not repeat the expletives used during the phone conversation. “I thought it was very unfair.”
He asked Crognale to explain his justification for suspending his daughter.
“He said it was based on the grounds that she made a threat,” said Lawrence, who threw up his arms and shook his head.
He sat in his living room across from his daughter, who was dressed in her U.S. Army-issued uniform. She plans to attend basic training in the summer, return to Springstead for her senior year and pursue a career in the military.
Crognale, who did not return a message seeking comment, claimed the school’s written policy allowed him to suspend her for up to 10 days if he so chose, Lawrence said.
When Heather’s irate father pressed on and asked him to explain how her statement could be interpreted as a threat, Crognale “backed off” and said his daughter’s statement “caused mental duress” for the student, he said.
He conceded his daughter should have refrained from telling her to remove her hijab. Heather was less emphatic.
“I wish I didn’t say, ‘Take that thing off your head,’” she said. “Or maybe I shouldn’t have said it loud enough for the teacher to hear it.”
Her father, a former U.S. Marine, said he and his family have friends who are Iranian and African-American. It is a household that has sworn off racism of any kind, he said.
The original punishment issued by Crognale was five days. Mark Lawrence was under the impression Friday morning he had talked him down to three days. He returned to the school at 12:30 p.m. to pick up the paperwork and was told the original punishment still stood.
Heather Lawrence would have to remain at home for five school days because neither she nor her father would sign the agreement form. They refused to do so out of protest, they said. No threat was made. They insisted the school violated her First Amendment rights.
Lawrence has been suspended at least twice prior to Friday.
She was in the bathroom while another student smoked a cigarette a few feet away. A teacher searched her, found no contraband, but the school still suspended her, she said.
The second time occurred last year, when she missed some classes because of her JROTC commitments. She said she got permission from all of her teachers to miss class that day.
One of her teachers asked a student to go look for her. When she was not found, she reported her as an unexcused absence. She was suspended again.
"At Springstead, the answer to everything is to kick you out of school," Heather said
A call to Principal Susan Duvall was not returned Friday.
It is the second time in less than three months that Springstead has been involved in a First Amendment controversy. School administrators made last year's valedictorian rewrite her graduation speech because they felt it painted the school in a negative light.
The student agreed to rewrite it, but argued the school was being unreasonable and claimed at least one administrator threatened her. The story received national attention.
Heather's suspension means she might miss up to 18 weeks of JROTC activities, including a military ball and some program-sponsored community service.
"That really stinks because it is the only thing I do in school," she said.
She said her friends, relatives, fellow JROTC students and even a few school staffers were "absolutely livid" she was suspended over her comments.
"I'm not one to be a racist," Heather said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
My gut screams that this school does NOT like the ROTC, our military or our troops. Just what I think since they keep going after this student for such flimsy things and she stands out with her Dad being a Marine and her being in JROTC.
The school officials are the ones who should be bounced along with the smug muslim girl who won't even stand up for the Pledge Of Allegiance.
Oh effing carp...’teachable moment”....here we go again...this PC stuff is going to get us killed!.
‘teachable moment’ = re-education
9/11 was a teachable moment about his faith, so was the USS Cole and the Iranian hostage crisis. Those were enough for me.
Muslims are forcing us to play Cowboys & Muslims.
THERE IS A VIDEO OF THIS at the local ABC news website
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (22)
August 01, 2009
Hamas Terrorists Sponsored Mega Pedophile Wedding
Hamas sponsored a mass wedding on Wednesday night for '450 couples.' Hamas dignitaries including Mahmud Zahar, one of the militant group's top leaders, were on hand to congratulate 450 grooms who took part in the carefully stage-managed event.
"We are saying to the world and to America that you cannot deny us joy and happiness," Zahar told the men, all of whom were dressed in identical black suits and hailed from the nearby Jabalia refugee camp.
Each groom received a present of 500 dollars from Hamas, which said its workers had also contributed five percent of their monthly salaries to add to the wedding gift. The 450 brides shared none of the glamour, taking seats among the audience of around 1,000 party guests: most couples had already taken part in religious ceremonies elsewhere, with more marriages planned for the next few days.
"We are presenting this wedding as a gift to our people who stood firm in the face of the siege and the war," local Hamas strongman Ibrahim Salaf said in a speech.
Now I have raw video of the event, and I want you to pay close attention to the 'brides' - especially as they walk in with the 'grooms' around the 4:00 mark. There is no way that any of these little girls - half the heights of their husbands - is more than 10 years old.
Wild Thing's comment........
Crying for these little girls, this is sooo horrible. Islam is something straight from the pit of hell.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:48 AM | Comments (6)
July 22, 2009
Minneapolis Struggles With Rise Of Somali Terrorists
Minneapolis struggles with rise of Somali gangs
Ahmednur Ali's family fled the chaos and violence of their East African homeland Somalia in the 1990s, eventually making their way to Minnesota like thousands of their compatriots.
While many of the estimated 32,000 Somalis who settled in the state have struggled to adapt, Ali flourished. By age 20, he had blazed a path to Minneapolis' Augsburg College, where he played soccer, studied political science and aspired to a political career modeled on President Barack Obama's.
He was shot and killed last September outside a busy community center where he worked part-time as a youth counselor, and prosecutors said the 16-year-old accused of killing him was part of a gang.
Ali was one of seven Minneapolis-area Somali men killed over a 10-month period, and authorities believe all were killed by fellow Somalis. Police say it's too simple to tie all the killings to Somali gangs, which have lured hundreds of young community members to their ranks in recent years.
Those in the insular community willing to speak out, however, disagree.
"It was all gang activity, totally, 100 percent," said Shukri Adan, a former Somali community organizer who estimated in a 2007 report for the city that between 400 and 500 young Somalis were active in gangs. "The police don't want to say that but everybody else knows that."
Despite anger and despair over the killings in Minnesota's Somali community — the nation's largest — police and prosecutors have struggled to catch and try the killers. Few witnesses have stepped forward because of a fear of reprisal and deep-rooted distrust of authority. More than half of Minnesota's Somalis are living in poverty, according to state statistics, and many complain that authorities are biased against Somalis because of their Islamic faith.
The Muslims are more afraid of Islamic retribution than the limpwristed US law enforcement authorities.
Gangs like the Somali Hot Boyz, the Somali Mafia and Madhibaan with Attitude have grown more active in recent years, said Jeanine Brudenell, the Minneapolis Police Department's Somali liaison officer.
The recent spate of killings started in December 2007, when two Somali men, ages 27 and 25, were found shot to death at a south Minneapolis home. No arrests have been made in that case.
They culminated last September, when a man was fatally shot outside of the Village Market Mall, a cluster of Somali-owned businesses and a popular destination for local Somalis. Investigators believe the shooter was retaliating for the death of his cousin, one of the other slain Somalis. The mall shooting was the only of the seven slayings for which anyone was convicted — 23-year-old Hassan Mohamed Abdillahi.
Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman said he hoped the conviction would show local Somalis that the law is on their side, and spark new progress in closing the other cases. "We have a job to do to convince people they can trust us," he said.
Wild Thing's comment............
They have brought what makes Somalia a hell hole to Minneapolis and are turning it into a backward, Islamic hell hole, too, only with taxpayer-funded community centers instead of mud huts. And if the original inhabitants of Minneapolis object, they are racists. If you want to live in Islamic culture, return to the hell hole of your birth and take your offspring with you, and leave us alone.
Please note the title of the article says....."gangs" is what the article labeled them. Gangs? Not Terrorists? They are Muslims, their beliefs are what Islam is about. Wow, encourage thousands of third world savages to emigrate to your state and violence erupts? How did they not see that coming?
1. stop labeling anything other then what they are.....TERRORISTS, Islamic terrorists.
2. How much longer and how many more violent things have to happen for the citizens of Minn. to wake up and see that voting for a Muslim like Keith Ellison and Obama only mean destruction for our country.
Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907"
'In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.'
Theodore Roosevelt 1907.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:49 AM | Comments (3)
Iranian Militias Marry, Rape Virgin Prisoners Before Executions
Members of Iran's Basij paramilitary force on parade in Tehran. A reputed militia member said prison guards in Iran marry and rape female virgins the night before their executions.
Iranian Militias Marry, Rape Virgin Prisoners Before Executions
Members of Iran's feared Basij militia forcibly marry female virgin prisoners the night before scheduled executions, raping their new "wives" and making it religiously acceptable to execute them, a self-professed member of the paramilitary group said.
The anonymous militiaman told the Jerusalem Post that at age 18 he was "given the 'honor' to temporarily marry young girls before they were sentenced to death."
In the Islamic Republic of Iran it is illegal to execute a woman if she is a virgin, the former guard told the newspaper. So the government arranges "wedding" ceremonies to be conducted the night before executions, and prisoners are forced to have sexual intercourse with a guard.
Raped by her new "husband," a female prisoner is now fit to be put to death.
"I regret that, even though the marriages were legal," said the militiaman, who told the Jerusalem Post he had just been released from prison himself after freeing two teenagers rounded up during post-election protests.
Some of the prisoners in his care were drugged with sleeping pills to make them docile, as the girls in their custody always fought back, he said, fearing the night of the rape more deeply than their executions the following day.
"I remember hearing them cry and scream after the rape was over," he told the paper. "I will never forget how this one girl clawed at her own face and neck with her finger nails afterwards. She had deep scratches all over her."
" I wed Iranian girls before execution"
In a shocking and unprecedented interview, directly exposing the inhumanity of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's religious regime in Iran, a serving member of the paramilitary Basiji militia has told this reporter of his role in suppressing opposition street protests in recent weeks.
He has also detailed aspects of his earlier service in the force, including his enforced participation in the rape of young Iranian girls prior to their execution.
The interview took place by telephone, and on condition of anonymity. It was arranged by a reliable source whose identity can also not be revealed.
Founded by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1979 as a "people's militia," the volunteer Basiji force is subordinate to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and intensely loyal to Khomeini's successor, Khamenei.
The Basiji member, who is married with children, spoke soon after his release by the Iranian authorities from detention. He had been held for the "crime" of having set free two Iranian teenagers - a 13-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl - who had been arrested during the disturbances that have followed the disputed June presidential elections.
"There have been many other police and members of the security forces arrested because they have shown leniency toward the protesters out on the streets, or released them from custody without consulting our superiors," he said.
When he was 16, "my mother took me to a Basiji station and begged them to take me under their wing because I had no one and nothing foreseeable in my future. My father was martyred during the war in Iraq and she did not want me to get hooked on drugs and become a street thug. I had no choice," he said.
He said he had been a highly regarded member of the force, and had so "impressed my superiors" that, at 18, "I was given the 'honor' to temporarily marry young girls before they were sentenced to death."
In the Islamic Republic it is illegal to execute a young woman, regardless of her crime, if she is a virgin, he explained. Therefore a "wedding" ceremony is conducted the night before the execution: The young girl is forced to have sexual intercourse with a prison guard - essentially raped by her "husband."
"I regret that, even though the marriages were legal," he said.
Why the regret, if the marriages were "legal?"
"Because," he went on, "I could tell that the girls were more afraid of their 'wedding' night than of the execution that awaited them in the morning. And they would always fight back, so we would have to put sleeping pills in their food. By morning the girls would have an empty expression; it seemed like they were ready or wanted to die.
"I remember hearing them cry and scream after [the rape] was over," he said. "I will never forget how this one girl clawed at her own face and neck with her finger nails afterwards. She had deep scratches all over her."
Returning to the events of the last few weeks, and his decision to set free the two teenage detainees, he said he "honestly" did not know why he had released them, a decision that led to his own arrest, "but I think it was because they were so young. They looked like children and I knew what would happen to them if they weren't released."
He said that while a man is deemed "responsible for his own actions at 13, for a woman it is 9," and that it was freeing the 15-year-old girl that "really got me in trouble.
"I was not mistreated or really interrogated while being detained," he said. "I was put in a tiny room and left alone. It was hard being isolated, so I spent most of my time praying and thinking about my wife and kids."
Wild Thing's comment........
And we can’t despise and oppose this evil religion why?
14th century barbarians with nukes. Just what the world needs more of.
....Thank you Richard for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:48 AM | Comments (4)
July 19, 2009
Islamic Group Hizb ut-Tahrir Holds First U.S. Conference TODAY In Obama's Chicago
From their website...Khilafah Conference 2009
"He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam), that He may make it (Islam) superior over all religions. And All-Sufficient is Allah as a Witness." (TMQ 48:28)
Khilafah Conference 2009: Hizb ut Tahrir America: This group plans world domination
***Session 1: Failure of Capitalism***
Lecture 1: Capitalism is Doomed to Fail
Lecture 2: The Suffering Under Capitalism
***Session 2 : Islamic Perspective on Economy***
Lecture 1: How Wealth is Distributed Justly
Lecture 2: Life Under the Islamic Economic System
***Session 3 : Rise of Islam***
Lecture 1: Global Activism for Islamic Revival
Lecture 2: Role of Muslims in America
Islamic Supremacist Group Holds First U.S. Conference
A group committed to establishing an international Islamic empire and reportedly linked to Al Qaeda is stepping up its Western recruitment efforts by holding its first official conference in the U.S.
Hizb ut-Tahrir is a global Sunni network with reported ties to confessed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Al Qaeda in Iraq's onetime leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. It has operated discreetly in the U.S. for decades.
Now, it is coming out of the shadows and openly hosting a July 19 conference entitled, "The Fall of Capitalism and the Rise of Islam," at a posh Hilton hotel in a suburb of Chicago.
Hizb ut-Tahrir insists that it does not engage in terrorism, and it is not recognized by the State Department as a known terror group.
But some terrorism experts say it may be even more dangerous than many groups that are on the terror list.
"Hizb ut-Tahrir is one of the oldest, largest indoctrinating organizations for the ideology known as jihadism," Walid Phares, director of the Future of Terrorism Project at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told FOXNews.com.
Phares said that Hizb ut-Tahrir, rather than training members to carry out terrorist acts like Al Qaeda, focuses instead on indoctrinating youths between ages of 9 and 18 to absorb the ideology that calls for the formation of an empire — or "khilafah" — that will rule according to Islamic law and condones any means to achieve it, including militant jihad.
Hizb ut-Tahrir often says that its indoctrination "prepares the infantry" that groups like Al Qaeda take into battle, Phares said.
"It's like a middle school that prepares them to be recruited by the high school, which is Al Qaeda," he said. "One would compare them to Hitler youth. ... It's an extremely dangerous organization."
Phares said Hizb ut-Tahrir has strongholds in Western countries, including Britain, France and Spain, and clearly is looking to strengthen its base in the U.S.
"The aim of this conference is to recruit within the Muslim community in America," he said. "The Middle East governments go after them, but in the U.S. they are protected, so having a base here is going to help their cells around the world."
Representatives of Hizb ut-Tahrir declined to comment when contacted by FOXNews.com.
Oren Segal, director of Islamic Affairs for the Anti-Defamation League, said the conference is cause for concern.
"While they're not, for the most part, engaging in violent activities, and they publicly say that they're against violence, there have been examples around the world where people who have spun off of this group have engaged in violent activity," Segal told FOXNews.com. "That's why they're banned in several Arab and Central Asian countries, as well as Germany and Russia."
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is one of the group's most famous alumni, New Statesman journalist Shiv Malik reported, citing intelligence sources. In addition to plotting the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, he also is implicated in the World Trade Center bombing of 1993, the Bali nightclub bombings and the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.
Malik's report, the public policy institute the Nixon Center and the counter-extremism think tank the Quilliam Foundation agree that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who was the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq until he was killed in June 2006, also was once a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir.
They say other former members include Asif Muhammad Hanif, a British man who blew himself up outside a bar in Tel Aviv, killing four people (including himself) and wounding more than 50; and Omar Bakri Mohammed, a radical cleric currently banned from Britain who praised the 9/11 attacks, raised funds for Hezbollah and Hamas and called for attacks on the Dublin airport because U.S. troops transfered there on their way to Iraq.
Segal said Hizb ut-Tahrir is becoming more active online in the U.S. — particularly on social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace — and now it may be able to add a significant number of Americans to its ranks.
But one place the group will likely not be recruiting is a local Islamic school that backed out of hosting the conference.
The non-profit Aqsa school in Bridgeview said Hizb ut-Tahrir had deceptively portrayed the conference as a bazaar-type event where traditional food and clothing would be sold.
"They misrepresented themselves and the event. We don't want to be in the middle of something like that," the school's business manager Rana Jaber, told CBS News.
The conference's new venue doesn't seem to mind.
Hilton Oak Lawn General Manager Rick Harmon said Hizb ut-Tahrir used its own name when it reserved the room for the conference, but the hotel was not aware of the content of the event, which includes lectures entitled "Capitalism is Doomed to Fail," "The Global Rise of Islam," and the "Role of Muslims in America," until after the contract was signed.
Still, Harmon said the hotel is open to all kinds of meetings, that don't necessarily reflect its position or beliefs.
"We're United States citizens and an American business — if it's legal, we're able to host it, as long as it's nothing that disrupts our other guests' privacy and security," Harmon told FOXNews.com.
"Hizb-ut-Tahrir is convinced that change must start in the minds of people, and therefore does not accept for people, or societies, to be forced to change by means of violence and terror," it reads.
The site, which includes a promotional YouTube video, says the group "does not work in the West to change the system of government, but works to project a positive image of Islam to Western society."
But former member Ishtiaq Hussain said Hizb ut-Tahrir is repackaging itself as a moderate organization as a tactic, while in reality it is "extremist."
"They don't recognize countries like Israel, for example; they don’t believe Israel should exist," Hussain, now a trainer for the Quilliam Foundation, told FOXNews.com. "Some of their leaders have denied the Holocaust, and they believe homosexuals should be thrown off the highest building. ... It's actually a very dangerous group."
Hizb ut-Tahrir itself has also published writings that seem to contradict its tenet of non-violence.
In his book, "How the Khilafah Was Destroyed," Sheikh Abdul Qadeem Zalloom, the former global leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir, says anyone who rules by a non-Islamic system should "either retract or be killed ... even if this led to several years of fighting and even if it led to the killing of millions of Muslims and to the martyrdom of millions of believers."
Hizb ut-Tahrir's official ruling on the permissibility of hijacking planes says, "If the plane belongs to a country at war with Muslims, like Israel, it is allowed to hijack it, for there is no sanctity for Israel nor for the Jews in it.
And one of the organization's more recent leaflets, published in March, calls for the declaration of "a state of war against America."
But, despite these threats and calls to action, Hizb ut-Tahrir remains off the State Department's terror watch list, and it is free to host the Khilafah Conference and any other event like it.
"In other parts of the world where they're really very active, they've drawn tens of thousands of people to some of their events," Segal said.
Hizb ut Tahrir is one of the most radical groups operating in the world today and is an offshoot of Al Muhajiroun, whose leader Omar Bakri Mohammed broke away from HT to form what became AM. To permit Hizb ut Tahrir to hold a conference openly calling for the implementation of the Khalifate in the world is a travesty on the war on terror and will only attract those who will follow in the footsteps of the London bombers.( from a UK site when they had their conference in August of 2005)
Palestinian Authority prevents HT's Conference & arrests 100s in servitude to Islam's enemies
From Hizb ut-Tahrir Palestine's Media Office:
The Palestinian Authority (PA) prevented the Khilafah conference organised by Hizb-ut-Tahrir Palestine on the 04/07/2009 in Ramallah and arrests hundreds of activists of the hizb in servitude to the enemies of Islam.
From dawn, the security services started to set up check points around the city and occupied the school where the conference was due to take place. Hundreds of people were arrested, and some beaten up randomly and the city was effectively turned into a military base.
Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain 2009 Conference Trailer ( the one in Britain is right after the one in the USA...the comments at YouTube are all from Muslims)
Dates & Location:
Sunday 26th July 2009 London
Sunday 2nd August 2009 Birmingham
Wild Thing's comment.........
Of course I have not seen this story on ABC, CBS, NBC or CNN .
"despite these threats and calls to action, Hizb ut-Tahrir remains off the State Department's terror watch list"
And with Obama as president they probably never will be on the terror watch list.
“Hizb ut-Tahrir is one of the oldest, largest indoctrinating organizations for the ideology known as jihadism,” Walid Phares, director of the Future of Terrorism Project at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told FOXNews.com.
“It’s like a middle school that prepares them to be recruited by the high school, which is Al Qaeda,” he said. “One would compare them to Hitler youth. ... It’s an extremely dangerous organization.”
I am so glad Walid Phares is speaking out about this group, he is excellent.
This Islamist organization which has emerged fully in the United States since the election of Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (9)
Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison (Dem.Minn.) Seeks To Ensure The Safe Return Of Somali
Rep. Ellison says U.S. trying to ensure safe return of missing Somalis
by Laura Yuen
St. Paul, Minn.
Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison said the U.S. government is trying to ensure the safe return of some of the young Somali-American men believed to be fighting with a terrorist group in their homeland.
Ellison said he has been included in classified briefings about efforts to bring the missing men back to the Twin Cities.
At least four Somali-American men from Minnesota who left to fight in the Horn of Africa have died there in recent months.
One of youngest, a skinny teenager from Minneapolis named Burhan Hassan, was trying to leave the fighting and make his way to the U.S. embassy in neighboring Kenya, according to family members. They believe a fellow member of the extremist group Al-Shabaab shot Hassan to death when the group learned of his plans to escape.
Congressman Keith Ellison thinks the U.S. should try to retrieve the Minnesotan men who may have been misled into joining Al-Shabaab and want out.
"We can't have a knee-jerk emotional reaction," Ellison said. "We've got to have an intelligent reaction. If a young person says, 'I have been lied to. I don't like these people. I want to get away from them,' we should help them do that, as long as we know that does not create a public safety issue for Minnesotans and Americans."
Wild Thing's comment......
I guess to Muslim Keith Ellison we need more terrorists on our soil.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (8)
July 06, 2009
Islam and America
Below is a mixture of my writing and also notes and articles about Islam and America.
There is an article at FrontPage Magaznie titled .........Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Dhimmitude.
Here are some snipets from the artilce:
This weekend, as America celebrates its 233rd birthday, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), an unindicted co-conspirator in the U.S. vs. Holy Land Foundation prosecution, is celebrating “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Yes, the inalienable rights our Declaration of Independence calls “self-evident” are the theme of the Muslim Brotherhood-associated organization’s 46th annual convention, in Washington, DC, July 3-6, 2009.
Certainly, understanding life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as Islamic values requires creativity. No problem there. Most non-Muslims, including influential and well-respected church leaders, seem to be in an ongoing state of suspension of disbelief, as well as suspension of belief, concerning Islam. This weekend ISNA’s convention will give some Christian leaders the opportunity to display the same sort of appeasement and dhimmitude that frequently accompanies Christian-Muslim dialogue.
.... guest of the convention is Senegal’s President, Abdoulaye Wade. Wade is the chairman of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), that great bastion of human rights. The OIC is most recently known for promoting the “Defamation of Religions” resolution in the UN Commission on Human Rights. The resolution’s goal is to outlaw all criticism of Islam. Wade recently condemned the indictment of Sudan President Omar el Bashir for crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court. Wade, ever concerned about the life, liberty, and happiness of the Darfurians, assures the ICC that there is no genocide in Sudan.
A speaker in the convention’s main session is American Muslim scholar Sheikh Hamza Yusuf. Yusuf has not exactly been known for wishing America life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Among his anti-American and anti-Semitic statements, in an April 2003 FrontPage Magazine article, anonymous UCLA students reported Yusuf’s remarks at a September 9, 2001 benefit dinner for convicted cop-killer Imam Jamil Al-Amin (H. Rap Brown). Because America had been “ungrateful for the bounties of Allah” it was “facing a very terrible fate,” said Yusuf. He warned that America had “a great tribulation coming to it,” and scoffed that people were “too illiterate to read the writing on the wall.” After September 11, Yusuf himself just may have proved the U.S. government’s inability to read the writing on the wall. After moderating his own inflammatory rhetoric, he met with and became an “advisor” on Islam to President George W. Bush.
Several mainline church leaders such as Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Mark Hanson, and former member of Congress and general secretary of the National Council of Churches, Bob Edgar, will also speak at the convention.
But by far the biggest gaggle of Christian dhimmis will be at the convention’s “Interfaith Unity Reception.” The gathering’s theme, A Common Word Between Us and You, refers to the warm and fuzzy letter sent by 138 Muslim clerics and scholars from around the world to Pope Benedict XVI and other Christian leaders in October 2007 inviting Christians to peace with Islam. Hundreds of Christian leaders (not including Benedict XVI) rushed to prostrate themselves before their Muslim pen pals with an obsequious reply. Their reply, Loving God and Neighbor Together: A Christian Response to A Common Word Between Us and You sets the standard, the double standard, that will most probably be adhered to by Christians at ISNA’s interfaith unity reception.
In their eagerness to find common ground with the Muslims the Christians marginalize themselves. Sookhdeo (Rev. Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo of the Barnabas Fund) says that “the tone of the Muslim letter is condescending, given from a position of superiority and strength,” while the Yale response is “one of abject humility, guilt, and subjugation.” He says that this “self-humbling, grateful tone” fits the “classical Islamic understanding of the role of Christians as dhimmis in the Islamic state.”
One of the most appalling aspects of Loving God and Neighbor Together is its failure to be a voice on behalf of Christians, Jews, and others .
OK ENOUGH of that before I really get sick! I wanted you to see that and see how Christians, Non Christians, Jews etc. are catering to the Muslims and their Islam. If this was a drawing or a graphic since I am very visual I tend to think in those terms, imagine every religious group on one side, and on the other side ISLAM. Now one would think that Islam would be reaching out to the others if they want to be understood. Listening to the others and showing AN OUTRAGE at what ISLAM has wrought on the entire world!!!!! DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!
But that is not the case. And it never will be. That is not a part of the agenda of Islam for not only America but the entire world. It is to be the one and only, to rule, Shira Law in every city,town and country. They count on the weakness of people in groups like the article is about to let them in, open the door and cater to their every whim of Islam.
Look at what has been happening in Michigan,with a heavy Muslim populaton. Two cities there with the call to prayer blasted out into the city for all to hear. How would you like to hear that every day? But it is happening right here in America. Shouldn't that be against the law or something, in invading ones air space of sound? If it was RAP being blasted every day from speakers I bet if people complained it would be stopped. And how much more offensie Islam is and what it stands for, yet it is allowed!!!!
A couple of days ago I posted about the Arab Festival 2009: Sharia in the USA. And showed the video of a NON Muslim going to it and just wanting to ask questions at a booth that said it was for specifically for answering questions people have about Islam. Yet another lie, it had no intention of wanting to be asked tuff questions about Islam they only wanted to use that booth to convert and when asked normal questions the Muslim security guards way over reacted. One would have thought this Arab Festival was in a Muslim land and not in the USA.
Now let's look at this, it is an article at WND titled...."Will 'legal jihad' silence online critics of Islam?". . This article is about a man named, Joe Kaufman.
Snipets from the article:
When Internet journalist Joe Kaufman wrote an article exposing terrorist connections in two American Muslim groups, he was sued by a swarm of Islamic organizations, none of which he had mentioned in his online article.
The technique is called by some "legal jihad" or "Islamist lawfare," and the Thomas More Law Center, which is representing Kaufman in the lawsuit, claims Muslim advocates are using the strategy to bully online journalists into silence.
"The lawsuit against Kaufman was funded by the Muslim Legal Fund for America. The head of that organization, Khalil Meek, admitted on a Muslim radio show that lawsuits were being filed against Kaufman and others to set an example," claims a Thomas More statement on the case. "Indeed, for the last several years, Muslim groups in the U.S. have engaged in the tactic of filing meritless lawsuits to silence any public discussion of Islamic terrorist threats."
The organizations suing Kaufman also sought to legally deny him certain legal protections granted to traditional journalists, claiming that as an Internet writer, his right to seek a quick and inexpensive dismissal of the case didn't apply.
In an unanimous decision from a three-judge panel of the Texas Second Court of Appeals, however, not only did the court rule that the Muslim organizations had no basis for claiming defamation – since Kaufman didn't name or point to them in his article – but the judges also declared that online journalists do merit the same status and legal protections that their more traditional media peers enjoy.
Though the case against Kaufman is therefore dismissed for now, the Law Center reports the seven Muslim organizations have filed an appeal, continuing their quest for, according to court documents, "injunctive relief related to Kaufman's existing and future Internet publications."
Kaufman's troubles began when he wrote an article for the online FrontPage Magazine in 2007, criticizing two Islamic groups for hosting a "Muslim Family Day" at Six Flags over Texas, a Dallas-area amusement park. The Islamic Circle of North America and the Islamic Association of North Texas, Kaufman revealed, had funneled money to the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and al-Qaida.
"While using images of cartoon characters and sponsoring events at amusement parks may seem innocuous, the danger that the Islamic Circle of North America poses to the United States, Canada and others is clear," Kaufman wrote. "As a faction of the Muslim Brotherhood, the organization looks to impose Islam on Western society, and as a donor to a terrorist organization, the group is a willing participant in the act of violence."
This going after anyone that states facts, whether it be a journalist or a blogger or a talk show host is something that should alarm everyone that loves our country. When Mark sent me the video you see at the top of this post, I was thinking about that Arab Festival. Sometimes things just stick in ones mind and as Islam is expanding across our country I am very afraid it will take over and with a whimper from the American people. No one wants to be harassed, or sued, threatened, and that kind of thing could be in our future more and more for taking a stand against Islam and FOR our country.
Yet another threat to point out regarding Islam and their tactics.
This is from FrontPage Magazine, it is titled "A Day In Court With CAIR". Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Dave Gaubatz, the first U.S. civilian (1811) Federal Agent deployed to Iraq in 2003. He is the owner of DG Counter-terrorism Publishing. He is currently conducting a 50 State Counter-terrorism Research Tour (CTRT).
His BIO:
Retired USAF in 1999. Twelve years as a Special Agent with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI). Prior to 11 Sept. 2001, I returned to federal service as an 1811 Federal Agent, OSI. Attended one year of Arabic language at the Foreign Service Institute (U.S. State Department, Arlington, VA). Then requested by U.S. Government to deploy to Saudi Arabia (ArAr Air Base) in Jan 2003. Subsequently deployed to Nasiriyah, Iraq upon the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Upon returning from Iraq and leaving federal service, I dedicated my life to conducting first-hand CT research to educate the public and law enforcement to the realities of Islamic Jihadists who have dedicated their lives to destroying America.
FP: Dave Gaubatz, welcome back to Frontpage Interview. You have researched issues on the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) for several years. What are your updates for us on this “civil rights” organization?
Gaubatz: Thanks Jamie. CAIR has actually just sent me a letter from the law firm of Martin F. McMahon & Associates pertaining to my upcoming attendance at the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) conference to be held in Washington, DC, during the 4th of July holiday.
FP: What did the letter say?
Gaubatz: First let me emphasize what I have said for several years:
[1] It is my professional opinion that CAIR and its executives are terrorist supporters and their ‘non profit’ and IRS endorsed organization should have never been allowed to open almost 15 years ago.
[2] It is also my professional opinion that anyone or organization supporting CAIR or its ideology supports terrorism and are a national security threat to our country.
[3] A different acronym used does not change the ideology. CAIR is ISNA, ISNA is MSA, and MSA is MANA (Imam Siraj Wahhaj). These are different people representing the same ideology of an Islamic Ummah (Nation) under Sharia law.
[4] Many of our law enforcement executives of various agencies have lost sight of who they work for. They do not work for Saudi financed CAIR or ISNA, they work for America and its citizens.
FP: So the letter?
Gaubatz: The letter is a notice for me to cease and desist from contacting CAIR and its reps both at the ISNA convention and anytime afterwards.
FP: And your reaction?
Gaubatz: Amused would be the best description. While reading the letter it took everything I had not to laugh. Here I am reading a letter from an organization that advocates murder against innocent Israeli people and their actions put the lives of our troops in jeopardy each day, and they are calling me a ‘threat’. CAIR executives are rather amusing and ignorant. The U.S. government has officially advised this organization is an unindicted co-conspirator of the Holy Land Foundation case and the FBI admits they have discontinued meetings with them.
I am more concerned about our troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan than I am from any ‘bogus’ allegations from a terrorist supporting organization. I will pass on an attorney to represent me. I believe I have the skills to defeat any attorney who has been ‘brainwashed’ by CAIR. When you have the truth it takes very little else to scare these clowns away. I look forward to a day in court with them.
FP: Has CAIR ever threatened others you are aware of?
Gaubatz: Yes. CAIR uses this tactic often. They intimidate small companies into complying with Sharia law aspects of Islam. There are too many to mention, but a quote the attorneys of CAIR frequently use to intimidate their targets is:
“The First Amendment protects the rights of all U.S. citizens to practice religion. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof….”
“CAIR has resolved a number of similar acts of discrimination and defamation involving some of America’s top corporations such as Nike, Solectron, The Los Angeles Times, JC Penny, Sears, Burger King, Office Max, Office Depot, Delta Airlines, and many others
FP: What mistakes has CAIR made?
Gaubatz: I’ll tell you its biggest mistake: it believes the First Amendment is only applicable to itself in regards to religious issues. Again this is the mentality of former CAIR executives such as Khalid Ighbal. Is Ighbal a U.S. citizen? He was involved in thousands of dollars of fraud against his own members and Muslims. Possibly an energetic agent or journalist should check this out. It is one thing to be intimidated by Americans working for CAIR, but by employees who are not U.S. citizens is another thing. And now they are trying to intimidate me, a 20 year U.S. military veteran and a man who went to war for his country in 2003, and who is willing to give his life for all regardless of race or religion. I and many veterans find this situation extremely offensive.
I find it so offensive I am asking Immigration authorities to review the workers of CAIR to determine how many are actually U.S. citizens. For a fact we know CAIR’s former Attorney Morris Days was not actually an attorney yet he tried intimidating and harassing American citizens on a daily basis in his CAIR appointed Attorney position for CAIR/VA
CAIR is doing with me what they do with anyone who begins to get too close to the truth of their relationship with Islamic terrorist organizations. They use the same tactics as Hamas or Al Qaeda. They attempt to terrorize the person, company or government into ‘backing off’ if they opine they or Islam is being ‘oppressed’. Americans must at some point come to the understanding CAIR and their supporters do represent the same ideology of Hamas and are conducting their own form of ‘Jihad’. The Jihad of CAIR is by use of the ‘pen and tongue’, which means to terrorize their target with lawsuits, threats, and through their words. The physical part (fighting) is an essential aspect of Jihad which the CAIR executives also endorse, but they leave this (currently) to others.
FP: So will you be attending the ISNA conference in DC this upcoming weekend?
Gaubatz: I will be attending the event as a professional journalist who desires to learn more about the Islamic ideology. In 2008, I was able to learn ISNA has vendors who distribute pro Hamas material advising Muslims to destroy Israel, material was distributed calling for Israel and America to be destroyed, child marriages were being advocated in the materials, and much more, yet again DHS officials will have a table next to people calling for our destruction. DHS will be attempting to recruit many of them to be U.S. federal agents. Now is there any reason Americans should not feel distressed and threatened by knowing this?
Americans have to stand up for our Constitutional Rights today. We cannot wait until tomorrow. These rights may not be there for our children if we wait.
And this H/T Atlas Shrugs for this section of information:
Dave Gaubatz attended the ISNA conference (or at least attempted to); what follows is his experience. Dave Gaubatz was the first U.S. civilian (1811) Federal Agent deployed to Iraq in 2003. He is the owner of DG Counter-terrorism Publishing. He is currently conducting a 50 State Counter-terrorism Research Tour (CTRT). He can be contacted at davegaubatz@gmail.com.
Here is what Dave wrote:
Quick synopsis, of course more coming out later tonight/tomorrow:
1. Went to ISNA/DC to check in. I had prepaid $100.00 fee and had my registration.
2. It was apparent I was 'flagged'.
3. 8 or 9 ISNA and other men surround me.
4. They refused to tell me who they are or why they want me to leave.
5. One then said, "CAIR wants you out."
6. They began crowding me. I was professional and told them to step away from me, tell me who they are, and why was I being illegally detained.
7. I told them this could have been avoided if ISNA would have emailed me a cancellation. I told them I want my $100.00 back. Meanwhile I was asking them some tough questions they could not answer.
8. Then the group led me out of the convention; still no names of who they were.
9. I was on the street and noticed at least 3 DC patrol cars. I took pictures. Then I started walking toward my parked car. One patrol car was following me slowly. I stopped took a few pictures of him. Then walked to my car.
10. I got in my car. Three Patrol cars surrounded me and surrounded my vehicle. I was told to get out.
11. I asked what was the problem. Finally one officer showed me a picture CAIR had given them and told them I was a threat. It had four pictures. 3 were with me in Iraq with my M-16 and 9mm, and two I was holding AK-47s in Iraq. CAIR had photocopied the picture of me helping a sick iraqi child from the picture. Then CAIR had cropped my head shot onto a Nazi uniform (which was obvious).
12. The lead cop said this is all CAIR had given them. I told them about the pictures, my background in Iraq, and who I was. They knew nothing of this.
13. CAIR and ISNA had essentially tried to get me killed. The officer said they just had the holocaust shooting. CAIR intentionally misled the officers to make them believe I was just someone who carries guns. CAIR failed to tell them these were pictures from Iraq when I was serving my country.
Yes that is happening in America!!!!!!!
This with Dave shows how far we have come down the path of caving in. These people have done these kinds of things in other countries and now look at those countries. Wonderful places that now are much different then they used to be and imo will never be able to go back to what they were. I loved my trips to England, there are places there, enchanting places, thatched roof homes and beautiful whimisy gardens, Pubs to chat, laugh and converse in on a rainy night. The land of Shedrlock Holmes and Dr. Watson and Winston Churchill, so many things. But now Muslims everywhere and Shira law enforced as well for Muslims in their courts.
On July 1st 2009 , Daniel Pipes wrote about this.........CAIR Distributes 100,000 Korans; Overtly Proselytizes
The Hamas-founded Council on American-Islamic Relations has long pretended to be a civil rights organization, comparing itself at times to the NAACP, but a close look at its record reveals the real CAIR agenda to be – in common with all Islamists – promoting the Shari'a. This can be achieved two ways. The more circuitous method influences American public opinion through the educational system, the media, the arts, the courts, and the political process. The more direct method converts Americans to Islam.
Today, CAIR took what is probably the most major step ever in the direction of da'wa (call to Islam) with the announcement of a "Share the Quran" campaign. It involves sending free copies of the Koran over the next six months to 100,000 leaders: "governors, state attorney generals, educators, law enforcement officials, state and national legislators, local elected and public officials, media professionals, and other local or national leaders who shape public opinion or determine policy."
Nor is that all: CAIR's national executive director Nihad Awad added that "The long-term goal of the campaign is to put one million Qurans in the hands of ordinary Americans of all faiths over the next ten years."
We have the most dangerous man in our country sitting in our Oval Office, catering to Muslims and add to that looking for and reaching out to them, putting them in his administration. making his speech in Cairo to beg and plead with them to love him and trust him and put their hope in him as a leader of their freaking Muslim WORLD.
Thank you , I realize this is long but once I started to gather the information pertaining to all of this the post it kept growing.
~ Wild Thing
....Thank you Mark for sending this video me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:45 AM | Comments (8)
July 03, 2009
Arab Festival 2009: Sharia in the USA
Sharia Comes to Dearborn, Michigan
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
A Detailed Explanation of the Video
On June 21st, I moderated a peaceful public debate between Mary Jo Sharp and Ehteshaam Gulam. After the debate, Nabeel, Mary Jo, and I went to the Dearborn Arab Festival, which had already become an open celebration of persecution against Christians.
The festival organizers had declared that Christians could not distribute materials on the public sidewalks or street, and, when the matter was brought before the courts, the judge agreed that Christians could not freely distribute information during the festival. (Note: This decision has been defended in the media by claiming that the “no-distributing-materials” rule applied to everyone, and therefore wasn’t unfair to Christians. However, anyone who was at the festival knows that this is not true. People were walking up and down the sidewalks distributing pamphlets and brochures, right in front of security. The rule was only enforced against Christians, and therefore only the rights of Christians were violated.)
Muslim security guards (one of whom had “Hezbollah” tattooed down his forearm) took things a step further and wouldn’t even allow Christians to talk about their beliefs openly. Security guards also repeatedly entrapped Christians in an attempt to get us to violate the court order.
This even happened to me, despite the fact that I wasn’t talking to anyone about Christianity or Islam.
I had a pamphlet in my front pocket, and one of the Muslim security guards walked up to me and said, “That looks like a really interesting pamphlet. Could I have it?” She even had her walkie-talkie in hand!
Fortunately, I had already heard about this woman and other Muslim security guards doing this repeatedly at the festival, so I didn’t fall for it. That’s when Nabeel and Mary Jo entered the tent in an attempt to question a group of Muslims about a horribly inaccurate pamphlet they were distributing. What happened next may be outlined as follows:
We see a booth that is specifically for answering questions people have about Islam.
Nabeel walks up to the booth and attempts to ask a question.
When the Muslims don’t want to talk on camera, Nabeel begins walking away.
One of the Muslims (a former member of Tupac’s crew!) then invites Nabeel back for a dialogue.
Security grabs our camera and forces MJ to turn it off. Security then breaks up the discussion, despite the fact that the Muslims at the booth agreed that we could record the conversation.
We leave the tent and ask a police officer if we are free to record; he responds that we are in a public area and can record all we want. He also says that it is illegal for anyone to touch our cameras or force us to turn them off.
We walk up to some non-Muslim security guards and ask if we can record a dialogue; they reply in the affirmative.
Nabeel attempts to reestablish the discussion, but this time the Muslims at the booth don’t want to talk on camera.
We leave the booth, and I see the woman who had grabbed the camera and forced MJ to turn it off. I begin recording the woman (in case we need to identify her later), at which point she gets on her walkie-talkie and informs her fellow Muslim security guards that we are harassing her.
Following their pattern of entrapping Christians at the festival, the Muslim security guards convince two teenagers to strike up a conversation with Nabeel and snatch a pamphlet from his hand.
While one of the teens distracts Nabeel with a conversation, the other snatches the pamphlet from Nabeel's hands.
Within seconds we’re surrounded by a mob of Muslim security guards.
The Muslim security force slaps our cameras, threatens us, shouts profanity at us, openly proclaims that our rights as Americans are meaningless, pushes us, kicks and tries to trip Nabeel, and lies to the police.
The head of security then informs the police that we must be removed from the festival.
Fortunately, we got most of this on tape! See the video at the top.
Now think about this. We insisted on our Constitutional rights to (i) ask a question at a booth, and (ii) record in a public place. This was enough to get us banned from a public sidewalk in Dearborn, Michigan (the city with the highest percentage of Muslims in the U.S.). By comparison, the Muslim security guards openly harassed, intimidated, bullied, threatened, entrapped, and assaulted Christians; they openly proclaimed that they don’t care about our rights as American citizens; they used profanity as they insulted us; they lied to police. This behavior was perfectly welcome in Dearborn, even at a family festival!
I have contacted the Arab Chamber of Commerce (the organization responsible for planning the festival, selecting the security team, and deciding that Christians are no longer free to distribute information in public places). I have asked for an apology and for their thoughts on how such horrendous treatment of Christians will be avoided in the future. They have not responded.
Going back to the time of Muhammad, whenever the population of Muslims becomes significant, followers of other religions are suppressed, and the proclamation of non-Muslim beliefs is forbidden. This second-class status for non-Muslims is prescribed by Sharia, and the victims are called "dhimmis." Welcome to Sharia in the United States, my friends.
We ask you, is it a coincidence that the city with the highest percentage of Muslims in the United States is the city where Christianity is not allowed to be represented (let alone preached) on a public sidewalk? Is it coincidence that in this city, people will say "No way!" when we say "This is the United States of America"?
Is this what will happen when Islam takes over the United States?
Wild Thing's comment......
Chills, I sure am glad I don't live in that City, very scary. This kind of thing could be happening all over in the future of our country.
To see Security too acting like that when they are supposed to be the ones to calm things down. In this case above they were a huge part of the problem.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (7)
June 13, 2009
The Murder of Ilan Halimi by Islam Followers and The Cover Up
Ilan Halimi thought he was going out on a date.
Ilan was lured to his death by a woman he had met in his telephone store. They met up late on the night of January 20, 2006, in one of Paris's southern suburbs, Bagneux. She was what is called a "honey pot." She lured Ilan from his home and into the hands of a group of local radical Islamists called the Barbarians. They targeted him because he was a Jew. The Barbarians had connections with Hamas.
The Barbarians, in order to convince Halimi's parents their son had been kidnapped, borrowed a trick from Islamist kidnappers who abduct Westerners in the Middle East: They sent a picture of the young man being threatened by a gun and holding a newspaper to prove the date and time.
The abduction and murder in Paris of a young Jewish man by a gang of Muslim immigrants calling themselves the Barbarians shocked the whole of France in 2006. But now that the accused are on trial - silence.
A French judge has ordered the latest issue of the magazine Choc ("shock") removed from the shelves. The cover showed a man with duct tape completely covering his head, except for a small opening around his nostrils. His Recitation of verses from the Koran, while Ilan's tortured screams could be heard in the background.
nose is bloody. His hands are also bound with duct tape
It was a photo of Ilan Halimi, the 23-year-old Parisian Jew who was kidnapped and tortured for 24 days by the Barbarians.
His captors took the picture and sent it to his family. A lawyer for Halimi's family had complained about the magazine, but Choc's editor-in-chief Paul Payan responded: "Of course, we understand the anguish of the parents and, of course, we share their anguish.... But what's so harrowing is not the publication of this photo. What's harrowing is what it represents, what happened, the reality behind it."
And it gets worse. The New York Times reported last week that "in the two and a half weeks since 27 people went on trial [in Paris] for the brutal 2006 kidnapping, torture and killing of a young Jewish man, little has filtered out about the proceedings." Worse still, the little that has emerged indicates that French government and law enforcement have done everything in their power to obscure the Islamic Jew-hatred that led these Muslims to commit this crime.
The corrupt media, aligned with the jihad forces, has long blacked out the truth about Halimi's homemade concentration camp and the inconceivable horrors that were suffered by this French Jew, chosen by Islam's soldiers for unimaginable torture. They covered up the religious aspects of this depraved barbarity. Law enforcement did as well.
No one said anything about the Koran's statement that the Jews are the Muslims' worst enemies. No one referenced Muhammad's words: "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say, 'O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.'" Never was there heard anything about the Islamic tradition that says: "When judgment day arrives, Allah will give every Muslim a Jew or Christian to kill, so that the Muslim will not enter into hell fire."
Ilan's uncle, Rafi Halimi, reported that "the gang phoned the family on several occasions and made them listen to the recitation of verses from the Koran, while Ilan's tortured screams could be heard in the background."
Three weeks of unimaginable torture. Three weeks. So many clues. So many guilty animals partaking in the continuing torture in their "homemade concentration camp."
Twenty-three people participated in torturing Ilan. Another twenty were involved indirectly. The custodian of the building gave them the key to an apartment where they said they wanted to "keep someone." French journalist Guy Millière reported that "the screams must have been loud because the torture was especially atrocious: the thugs cut bits off the flesh of the young man, they cut his fingers and ears, they burned him with acid, and in the end poured flammable liquid on him and set him on fire."
Horrible tortures. Horrible torturers. One of the torturers would go to work at a TV station every day and come back to partake in the torture. The girls who lured Halimi into the trap knew he had been kidnapped. They knew Youssef Fofana, the leader of the Barbarians, was extremely violent. They knew Ilan was still in his hands three weeks later. All they had to do was make an anonymous phone call to the police. No one would have known. They did not do it. No neighbor thought to say to the police that something strange was going on in their building
The police told the family not to say a word. The Jewish community was not warned when prior attempts to kidnap Jewish men had failed. The Jewish community was not warned before the successful attempt.
Even the one member of the gang who dropped out because he was shocked by their violence did not call the police.
When Ilan was found, the head of the fire department who was called to the scene, a man with decades of experience, almost fainted when he saw the victim. The last thing Youssef Fofana did was slit Ilan's throat, twice, and pour a flammable liquid on him to try to set him on fire. But this did not burn him to death, because Ilan walked for perhaps one hour, trying still to find a way to live.
It was another brutal Islamic slaughter of a defenseless Jew. To cover it up now is only to help ensure that it happens again.
Wild Thing's comment.........
The IDF, and our t troops are fighting demons in human form. Islam is at war with civilization and not to acknowledge this, to try and say like the left wants us to believe and Obama especially, to say it is even close to being a " religion" of peace is aiding the enemy imo.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:47 AM | Comments (2)
June 12, 2009
Red Cross Goes Bonkers PC and Kisses Up To Muslims with Symbol
Calls for Red Cross symbol to be axed over links to the Crusades
A Labour minister has sparked controversy by claiming that an alternative symbol is needed for the Red Cross because of the logo's supposed links to the Crusades.
Foreign Office minister Chris Bryant said that the historic emblem risked undermining the work of the humanitarian organisation.
His intervention came as MPs debated the adoption of the 'red crystal' - a diamond-shaped badge - to avoid the religious connotations of the cross and crescent symbols currently used by the international body.
But critics said the new insignia was a sop to political correctness and warned that it may be the first step towards it replacing cross and crescent. Others fear that it may not be as widely recognised on the battlefield.
'It is, in an effort not to be contentious, possibly too anodyne to serve its purpose,' Tory MP John Hayes said. Philip Davies, a Tory backbencher, said: 'At face value to the layman it seems at best a solution looking for a problem and at worst another example of extreme political correctness.
'No one has ever suggested to me that the Red Cross refers to the Crusades.'
Shadow Foreign Office minister David Lidington said that use of the crystal over the cross by the British military should 'be the exception rather than be allowed to become the norm'.
Tory Oliver Heald said the Red Cross symbol was widely recognised and counselled caution that 'we are careful not to undermine that'.
'There is also a risk of confusion with many different symbols, and that terrorists may exploit that to mask themselves when carrying out attacks,' he added.
However, the symbol unintentionally raised suggestions that it was somehow linked to the Hospitallers, a military order which took part in the Crusades, the centuries long series of military campaigns waged by Christians from Europe.
Subsequently, a red crescent emblem was adopted in tandem.
Mr Bryant told the Commons: 'The reference to the Crusades is... not lost to some people which, of course, anybody involved in the Red Cross would wholly deprecate.
'The truth of the matter is that it has been difficult in some places for us to ensure that these connotations of a religious war or a religious crusade don't undermine the work that the Red Cross or Red Crescent is able to do.'
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement hope that the neutrality of the red crystal will help improve protection for casualties, military medical services and humanitarian workers.
It was chosen because it is devoid of religious and other partisan connotations.
A treaty which established the red crystal as an additional protective symbol became part of international law in 2006.
It will now receive the same status in UK law as the red cross and red crescent under the Geneva Conventions and United Nations Personnel (Protocols) Bill passed today.
The impartial movement is the world's largest humanitarian network made up of almost 97million volunteers, supporters, and staff in 186 countries.
Leigh Daynes, spokesman for the British Red Cross, said: 'The British Red Cross strongly supports acceptance of the Red Crystal emblem.
It would give another option for the protection of humanitarian workers, as well as for the medical services of the armed forces, in situations where use of the Red Cross or Red Crescent emblems might be misunderstood.
'In these circumstances, the Red Crystal would make our workers and the medical services of the armed forces safer. The British Red Cross will continue to use the Red Cross emblem, which, after more than a century, has served us well.'
Wild Thing's comment..........
You know what, screw you Red Cross. You are NOT the first one on the scene in America, it has always been the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army was the FIRST one on the scene on 9-11 NOT the freaking Red Cross.
Remember how the Red Corss has these big fund raisers with the stupid liberal Hollywood bunch and then what does the Red Cross do???? They are loaded with corruption and they rip off the funds boom bah! Twice that I can remember this has happened.
Now they want to kiss up to the Muslims, oh God forbid a Muslim that is causing the destruction and killing in the world is offended.
If they aren't kissing up to the Muslims then I double dare them to use this as one of their symbols! They won't and we can count on that.
Each time anyone, or any company or organization gives in to complaints from the Islamo's it gives their agenda more credibility to THEM. Let's see all we have to do is bomb, murder, behead, etc., then whine about being picked on for doing such things and viola we get our way. Sorry not interested! I'll leave that for Obama's friends, Bill Ayers, theh PLO, the Hamas etc.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:44 AM | Comments (5)
June 11, 2009
No Outrage From "peace-loving" American Muslims Re: Recruitment Shooting Terrorist
Recruitment Shooting Suspect Doesn't Think Killing Was Murder
A Muslim convert charged with fatally shooting an American soldier at a military recruiting center said Tuesday that he doesn't consider the killing a murder because U.S. military action in the Middle East made the killing justified.
"I do feel I'm not guilty," Abdulhakim Muhammad told The Associated Press in a collect call from the Pulaski County jail. "I don't think it was murder, because murder is when a person kills another person without justified reason."
Pvt. William Andrew Long, 23, of Conway had just completed basic training and was volunteering at the west Little Rock recruiting office before starting an assignment in South Korea. He was shot dead June 1 while smoking a cigarette outside the building, and a fellow soldier, Pvt. Quinton I. Ezeagwula, 18, of Jacksonville was wounded.
The private, who also had just completed basic training, said he hopes to become a heavy equipment operator in the Army and later serve as a drill instructor. An Army captain repeatedly stopped Ezeagwula from answering questions about what happened during the shooting or his thoughts about the suspect.
Muhammad told the AP he admitted to his actions to police and said he was retaliating against the U.S. military.
"Yes, I did tell the police upon my arrest that this was an act of retaliation, and not a reaction on the soldiers personally," Muhammad said. He called it "a act, for the sake of God, for the sake of Allah, the Lord of all the world, and also a retaliation on U.S. military."
In the interview, Muhammad also disputed his lawyer's claim that he had been "radicalized" in a Yemeni prison and said fellow prisoners that some call terrorists were actually "very good Muslim brothers."
He also said he didn't specifically plan the shootings that morning.
"It's been on my mind for awhile. It wasn't nothing planned really. It was just the heat of the moment, you know," said Muhammad, who was arrested on a highway shortly after the attack.
Prosecutor Larry Jegley, who on Monday won a gag order in the case, declined to comment specifically on Muhammad's remarks.
"I asked for the gag order to protect Mr. Muhammad's right for a fair trial," Jegley said. "I've never had a situation like this with a gag order and I'm sure Mr. Muhammad's attorney will take care of it."
Muhammad, 23, said he wanted revenge for claims that American military personnel had desecrated copies of the Quran and killed or raped Muslims. "For this reason, no Muslim, male or female, sane or insane, little, big, small, old can accept or tolerate," he said.
He said the U.S. military would never treat Christians and their Scriptures in the same manner.
"U.S. soldiers are killing innocent Muslim men and women. We believe that we have to strike back. We believe in eye for an eye. We don't believe in turning the other cheek," he said.
Asked whether he considered the shootings at the recruiting center an act of war, Muhammad said "I didn't know the soldiers personally, but yes, it was an attack of retaliation. And I feel that other attacks, not by me or people I know, but definitely Muslims in this country and others elsewhere, are going to attack for doing those things they did," especially desecrating the Quran.
Wild Thing's comment............
Where is the outrage from the peace-loving American Muslims? Of course they are silent and once again they argument to being Moderate and playing nice means absolutely nothing.
I hope they feed him pork every day during the trial and then put him to death. CAIR and the ACLU hands off this one, he killed one of our own!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (4)
June 10, 2009
America's First Dhimmi President
Obama’s Christian-Muslim Double Standard: Our First Dhimmi President
With every speech he gives, President Obama goes further and further in diminishing Christianity in America while inflating Muslims here and around the world.
For Americans this appears to be at best an incredibly bad choice of rhetoric or at worst the manifestation of a prejudice hidden in Obama, finally making its way out.
To Muslims though, it has a much deeper meaning tied to the concept of “Dhimmi,” the subjugation of other religions to Islam. I’ll define that in more detail at the end of this column, but first let’s examine the proof that Obama is diminishing Christians while inflating Muslims.
It started in a speech he gave in 2007 when he stated, “Whatever we once were, we’re no longer a Christian nation.” At that same speech he criticized Christian leaders, claiming they have used their religion for political purposes.
I guess he thinks “Jihad” is a Christian word.
He repeated again that “America is not a Christian nation” a few weeks later. Little was made of it during the Presidential campaign because the media protected Obama from controversy at all costs. Either that or they just didn’t grasp for themselves the “Dhimmi” implications Obama’s words had for Muslims around the world.
One of his campaign promises was to give a speech “in a major Muslim capital” in his first 100 days in office.
The only such speech he made was in Turkey. At a press conference before his speech, Obama said, “[O]ne of the great strengths of the United States is — although as I mentioned, we have a very large Christian population, we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation…”
He went on to say that America is also not a Muslim or Jewish nation, but no one has ever assumed that. His point therefore was to once again make sure the world knew he doesn’t consider America, comprised of 78.5% Christians, a “Christian nation.”
Three times in two years is enough, Mr. President. I fully understand you don’t consider America a “Christian nation.”
Perhaps what the President is referring to is that America has a secular government. We do, after all, have a secular Constitutional Republic that explicitly allows no state religion while allowing the practice of any religion.
The question then becomes does he see nations that are majority Muslim the same way? Has he made it a point to tell them three times they are not “Muslim nations?” In hypocritical fashion, no he hasn’t.
If Turkey was his first speech in a “Muslim capital,” why does he call it that? Like America, Turkey is a secular Constitutional Republic that explicitly allows no state religion while allowing the practice of any religion. See the double standard? According to Obama, Turkey is Muslim but America is not Christian.
In his speech in Turkey, as with his speech today in Egypt, President Obama told of his being from a “Majority-Muslim” nation – Indonesia. “Majority-Muslim” is Obama double speak that allows him to point out the Muslim aesthetic of a country without saying “Muslim Nation.” Again, note the double standard. Like America and Turkey, Indonesia is a secular Constitutional Republic with no state religion while allowing religious freedom.
To further diminish American Christianity and inflate Muslim presence here, on June 1st President Obama told French television, “If you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.” In his speech in Cairo today, he put the number of Muslims in America at 7 million.
According to the CIA World Factbook, there are only 1.8 million Muslims here. President Einstein miscalculated by almost 400%.
He isn’t even right about the USA Muslim population being “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.”
Assuming his overinflated number, there are between 30 and 35 countries with more Muslims than we have, and if we stop him from lying and use the real number, the American Muslim community ranks about 50th in size. Certainly not one of the largest.
Once again we see an attempt by Obama to inflate Muslims by overstating their size and saying America would be “one of the largest Muslim countries,” but three times he has insisted America is “not a Christian country,” despite that we are ranked #1 in the world in Christian population and the birthday of Christ is an American national holiday.
The significance of Obama’s attempts to raise the Muslim status into something bigger than it is, while diminishing Christianity, is tied to the concept of what in the Muslim world is termed “Dhimmi.”
“Dhimmi” is a status historically given to Christians and Jews in Muslim countries. It is a lesser legal status with lesser rights. Political rights are curtailed. The practice of Christianity and Judaism is allowed only by accepting the subjugation of those religions to Islam, and Christians and Jews pay a tax to the Muslims. The entire concept revolves around the idea of accepting that Christians and Jews are lesser people, while Muslims are greater people.
Obama has made no bones about his wanting to get on the good side of Muslim nations. He clearly has no reservations about diminishing Christians, consistent with Muslim “Dhimmi” tradition, to do so. Sadly, it’s a racist gesture.
Wild Thing's comment......
Good article, I have no doubt at all what Obama is and am only wondering how long or how soon it will be when he announces there will be shira law. It could happen llike it did in the UK or be full blown shira law for our country.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (13)
June 09, 2009
Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula Army Recruiting Center Shooting Victim Speaks
Pvt. Quinton I. Ezeagwula talks about being shot while working at a military recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas last week. Pvt. William Andrew Long was killed in the shooting. A 23-year-old Muslim convert is charged in the shooting. (June 9)
Wild Thing's comment......
Thank you God he is going to be ok. His mom says she is proud of him and proud that he will be staying in the military and serving his country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:24 PM | Comments (7)
FBI Defends Use Of Informants In U.S. Mosques ~ Thank You FBI!
FBI Director Defends Use of Informants in Mosques
FBI Director Robert Mueller on Monday defended the agency's use of informants within U.S. mosques, despite complaints from Muslim organizations that worshippers and clerics are being targeted instead of possible terrorists.
Mueller's comments came just days after a Michigan Muslim organization asked the Justice Department to investigate complaints that the FBI is asking the faithful to spy on Islamic leaders and worshippers. Similar alarm followed the disclosure earlier this year that the FBI planted a spy in Southern California mosques.
"We don't investigate places, we investigate individuals," Mueller said during a brief meeting with reporters in Los Angeles.
"To the extent that there may be evidence or other information of criminal wrongdoings, then we will ... undertake those investigations," Mueller added. "We will continue to do it."
He called relations with U.S. Muslims "very good," but acknowledged disagreements without providing specifics.
The Council of Islamic Organizations of Michigan sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder after mosques and other groups reported members of the community have been asked to monitor people coming to mosques and donations they make. The FBI's Detroit office has denied the allegations.
In the California case, information about the informant who spied on the Islamic Center of Irvine came out at a February detention hearing for a brother-in-law of Osama bin Laden's bodyguard, an Afghan native and naturalized U.S. citizen named Ahmadullah Niazi who is accused of lying on his citizenship and passport applications about terrorism ties.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I think the information that the FBI is penetrating mosques is the best news I’ve heard today. Worshipers in Mosques are possible terrorists.
Eric Holder, a coward and a white hating racist, should have stopped this dead in it’s tracks at HIS desk.
The FBI should not have had to say a damn thing to confirm or deny the enemy’s allegations/complaints or concerns.
Mapping Sharia in America Project, sponsored by the Washington-based Center for Security Policy, has trained former counterintelligence and counterterrorism agents from the FBI, CIA and U.S. military, who are skilled in Arabic and Urdu, to conduct undercover reconnaissance at some 2,300 mosques and Islamic centers and schools across the country. So far of the over 100 mosques mapped, 75 should be on a watchlist, according to staff experts. Many of the mosques are operating under Saudi financed influence and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Well...there you have it! “Our friends, the saudis” and the muzzie brotherhood in league with each other doing their best to attack the US by proxy & doing a damn fine job at it while the freakazoid Muslim Obama and Eric Holder make that stupid pledge they made last week to protect American Muslims.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:15 PM | Comments (8)
Muslim Demographics
This video shows us the endless numbers of Muslims coming into the West via birthrate and immigration. If something drastic does not happen, like putting an end to Muslim immigration it is just a matter of time until the West falls to Islam. Watch for the staggering statics.
Wild Thing's comment........
And to think that Muslims in America are any different from Muslims anywhere else is nothing more than wishful thinking. They want their own Law, their own agenda to be realized and with Obama it gets a lot closer to this happening. Very scary!
These are past articles that have been posted here at Theodore's World.
NY Congressman Peter King:Muslims do not Cooperate
American Muslims:Our Mosques and Koran are off Limits!
NY Based Islamic Hate Group Exposed!!~Videos
Child Marriage and More Child Abuse in the American Muslim Community~Audio!
Muslim Only Communities Forming Across America
FBI Watching Somalian Muslims In Minneapolis
Christian Action Network:35 Islamic Terror Camps in the USA!!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (7)
June 08, 2009
Obama Appoints 2 Devout Muslims to Homeland Security Posts
Obama and Janet Nappy Appoint Devout Muslim to Homeland Security Post
Arif Alikhan as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development
Source for announcement:
"Today, I am proud to make two key personnel announcements for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)—President Obama’s intent to nominate David Heyman as Assistant Secretary for Policy and my appointment of Arif Alikhan as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development. Arif comes from Los Angeles Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa’s office, where he served as Deputy Mayor for Homeland Security and Public Safety. As a key adviser to the Mayor, he has led the City’s efforts to develop homeland security, emergency management and law enforcement initiatives, including operational oversight of Los Angeles Police, Fire and Emergency Management departments." said Secretary Janet Napolitano
The Islamic loving Obama has appointed Arif Alikhan a devout Sunni Muslim to assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Department of Homeland Security. Mr. Alikhan was instrumental in taking down the LA Police Department's plan to monitor it's Muslim community.
Alikhan is affiliated with MPAC, the "Muslim Public Affairs Council".
"Founded in 1988, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) describes itself as "a public service agency working for the civil rights of American Muslims, for the integration of Islam into American pluralism, and for a positive, constructive relationship between American Muslims and their representatives." The organization consists of eight chapters in California, and one each in Texas, Kansas, Nevada, and Iowa."
From its inception, MPAC presented itself as more inclusive, and more open to peaceful coexistence with Jews and Christians, than other Arab and Muslim groups, and sought to make Americans comfortable with Islam by showing how much the religion embraced core American values.
However, looking deeper into this group:
MPAC's Senior Advisor, Maher Hathout, who has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and espouses the radical brand of Islam known as Wahhabism, was invited to address the Democratic Convention in Los Angeles in 2000.
MPAC's centrist public image unraveled after the September 2000 launching of the Second Palestinian Intifada, when the Council severed its ties to the Jewish community and issued one-sided condemnations of Israel's response to the Arab violence.
This group actively opposed Bush's military incursions into Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as his "excesses" in the war on terror. In February 2003, MPAC joined the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the American Muslim Council, and the American Muslim Alliance in forming a coalition to repeal and amend the Patriot Act, which these organizations depicted as an assault on the civil liberties of Americans, particularly Muslims.
MPAC claims that Islam is a religion of peace and moderation, and contends that Muslim extremists are no more numerous or dangerous than fundamentalists in any other faith.
Holding Israel entirely responsible for the "pattern of violence" in the Middle East, MPAC asserts that Hezbollah "could be called a liberation movement." The Council likens Hezbollah members to American "freedom fighters hundreds of years ago whom the British regarded as terrorists."
In a 1999 position paper, MPAC justified Hezbollah's deadly 1983 bombing of the American Marine barracks in Lebanon as a "military operation" rather than a terrorist attack. 1983 Beirut barracks bombing, which killed 299 servicemen, including 220 U.S. Marines. As Maher Hathout puts it: "Hezbollah is fighting for freedom, an organized army, limiting its operations against military people, this is a legitimate target against occupation. … this is legitimate, this is an American value -- freedom and liberty."
Kareem Shora Appointed by DHS Secretary Napolitano on Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC)
Washington, DC
June 5, 2009
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is proud to announce that earlier today at a ceremony held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano swore-in ADC National Executive Director Kareem Shora as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC).
Aaron Klein, wrote about this at wnd
Napolitano adds adviser with ties to terror backers
Swears in leader of Arab group that hailed jihadists as 'heroes'
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano swore in to her official advisory council the head of an Arab American organization whose officials have labeled deadly anti-U.S. jihadists as "heroes" and opposed referring to Hamas as a terrorist organization.
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, or ADC, also has close ties to anti-Israel professor Rashid Khalidi, whose association with President Obama – first exposed by WND – stirred controversy during last year's presidential campaign.
The ADC takes an openly anti-Israel line.
The ADC also leads the opposition to domestic anti-terrorism measures taken after the 9-11 attacks, such as watch lists, background check delays for visas and an initiative meant to more comprehensively screen visitors from select Mideast countries or specific individuals labeled as possible national security threats.
In 1994, during one of the main peaks of Hamas suicide bombings against Israeli civilians, then-ADC President Hamzi Moghrabi said, "I will not call [Hamas] a terrorist organization. I mean, I know many people in Hamas. They are very respectable. … I don't believe Hamas, as an organization, is a violent organization."
Discover the Networks notes that two years later, Moghrabi's successor, Hala Maksoud, defended the Hezbollah terrorist group.
"I find it shocking," Maksoud said, "that [one] would include Hezbollah in … [an] inventory of Middle East 'terrorist' groups."
In 2000, new ADC President Hussein Ibish characterized Hezbollah as "a disciplined and responsible liberation force."
When Israel released Hezbollah prisoners in early 2004, Imad Hamad, ADC's Midwest Regional Director, openly celebrated the freedom of "the heroes."
Besides its deadly terrorism against Israel, Hezbollah distinguishes itself as second only to al-Qaida among terror groups responsible for killing the most Americans. It's responsible for such deadly attacks as the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing, which killed 299 servicemen, including 220 U.S. Marines.
ADC linked to Khalidi
The ADC is linked to Columbia University's Khalidi, who spoke at several of the organization's events. At one speech, in June 2002, the New York Sun documented how Khalidi appeared to condone the killing of armed Israelis.
"Killing civilians is a war crime. It's a violation of international law. They are not soldiers. They're civilians, they're unarmed," Khalidi said in a recorded address. "The ones who are armed, the ones who are soldiers, the ones who are in occupation, that's different. That's resistance."
The ADC also has collaborated on numerous projects with the Arab American Action Network, or AAAN, an organization founded by Khalidi's wife Mona, and which WND first reported received start-up funds from a nonprofit, the Woods Fund, on which Obama served as a paid director.
The AAAN, headquartered in the heart of Chicago's Palestinian immigrant community, worked on projects supporting open boarders and education for illegal aliens. Speakers at AAAN dinners and events routinely have taken an anti-Israel line. The organization co-sponsored anti-Israel projects and exhibits.
Khalidi, an apologist for PLO terrorism, holds the position of Columbia's Edward Said professorship of Arab Studies. Said, a well-known far-leftist intellectual and apologist for Palestinian terrorism, served on an advisory counsel to the ADC.
ADC opposes anti-terrorism screening
According to the ADC charter, the organization seeks to "empower Arab Americans; defend the civil rights of all people of Arab heritage in the U.S.; promote civic participation; and encourage a balanced U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East."
The organization has actively lobbied against the Patriot Act and was reportedly instrumental in scaling back some of the restrictions of the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System program, or NSEERS. Shora was personally involved in those efforts.
The NSEERS required persons whose nationality identifies them as a possible security risk to submit to control processes governed by the Department of Justice. NSEERS also targeted specific individuals labeled as possible national security threats, at times making them undergo fingerprinting, photographing and registration.
Last week, Napolitano swore in Damascus-born Kareem Shora, the ADC's national executive director, to a position on the Homeland Security Advisory Council, an outside-the-department group of national security experts that advises the secretary. Shora is the first Arab rights advocate on the panel.
At the ceremony in Albequrque, Shora reportedly recounted how he watched with his immigrant father Obama's address last week to the Muslim world. Shora said his father cried when he heard Obama's message of reconciliation.
Wild Thing's comment........
We will have enemies protecting our gates.
Meanwhile, in other news...Farmer Appoints Fox to Guard Chicken Coop.
Let me get this straight.....these two are ok but we right wingers are extremists and Veterans are on the DHS list.
Is this appointment to protect America, or to protect Muslims? Yes I know we already know the answer don't we. So, now the terrorists have a direct source to National Security Information. What a brilliant concept.
And of course CAIR is thrilled with these appontments. When CAIR is happy about the appointment, then we're in serious trouble. They are a part of the stealth jihad to take over America. It wasn't that long ago that the FBI removed CAIR from the list of groups they would work with because of suspicions of ties to extremism. No matter what attrocity happens, CAIR is always right out in front demanding that Muslims not be persecuted.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 PM | Comments (16)
June 07, 2009
Obama To Ease the Impact of Post-9/11 Srutiny of Charities
President Obama to American Muslims: I will ease the impact of post-9/11 scrutiny of charities
Tucked away in President Obama's historic speech in Cairo Thursday was a promise to American Muslims to ease the impact of post-9/11 scrutiny of their charities.
"Rules on charitable giving have made it harder for Muslims to fulfill their religious obligation. That's why I'm committed to working with American Muslims to ensure that they can fulfill zakat," said Obama, referring to the Muslim obligation to be charitable.
A Treasury Department spokeswoman, Natalie Wyeth, described an increased effort to talk with the groups, to "help them protect against terrorist abuse of charity and to refine the guidance surrounding charitable giving."
Ever since the World Trade Center attacks, fund-raising by American Muslims has come under repeated federal investigations for possible support of terrorism.
Just last week, a federal judge in Dallas sentenced five leaders of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development to between 15 and 65 years in prison after they were convicted of providing material support to Hamas.
American Muslims complain legitimate philanthropy has been hampered because the rules are ill-defined.
"The perception that giving to charities is financing terrorism has to be debunked," said Salam Al-Marayati, executive director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council. "It hurts America."
"There's no public notice of who you can and can't do business with," said Kay Guinane, who is leading an effort on the issue for OMB Watch, a good-government group.
"It's created a tremendous climate of fear," she said. "Donors are afraid they may be prosecuted for giving to an organization now that may be declared a supporter of terrorism two years from now."
"We need long-term sensible laws in this area," she concluded, "and that's why I was so happy to hear that that the President recognizes that there is a problem and is committed to doing something about it."
Wild Thing's comment...........
"The perception that giving to charities is financing terrorism has to be debunked," said Salam Al-Marayati, executive director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council. "It hurts America"
Pardon me, but WTF? One of the ways President Bush and our Homeland Security during the Bush administraion was able to go after terrorists, STOP possible attacks from happening was that veery thing. The Banks and donations and who the Muslim groups were donating to.
"Just last week, a federal judge in Dallas sentenced five leaders of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development to between 15 and 65 years in prison after they were convicted of providing material support to Hamas"
EXACTLY! This should be taken as an act of aiding the enemy during war. Heck even if we were not at war. He is a TRAITOR to our country, and has not kept his oath of office.
Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development ( HLF )
U.S-based Islamic charity shut down by authorities in 2001 for funding the terrorist group Hamas
A non-profit, tax-exempt, charitable trust headquartered in Richardson, Texas. It also maintained branch offices in New Jersey, California, and Illinois.
Suspicious of its terrorist ties, U.S. federal authorities began monitoring the Holy Land Foundation in 1996. On September 5, 2001, federal anti-terrorism agents raided InfoCom Corporation, the company that ran the HLF website.
On December 4, 2001, the Bush administration seized all HLF assets and records because of its Hamas connections. Said President Bush at the time: "Hamas has obtained much of the money that it pays for murder abroad right here in the United States, money originally raised by the Holy Land Foundation. The Holy Land Foundation ... raised $13 million from people in America last year. … Money raised by the Holy Land Foundation is used by Hamas to support schools and indoctrinate children to grow up into suicide bombers. [It] is also used by Hamas to recruit suicide bombers and to support their families."
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (4)
June 06, 2009
AG Eric Holder and Obama Pledge To Protect American Muslims
DOJ issues statement “to protect American Muslims;” silent on protecting Americans from jihadists
It’s a statement “to protect American Muslims.”
"Statement of Attorney General Eric Holder on Department of Justice’s Outreach and Enforcement Efforts to Protect American Muslims
Thursday, June 4, 2009
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder released the following statement relating to President Obama’s historic speech today in Cairo, Egypt:
“The President’s pledge for a new beginning between the United States and the Muslim community takes root here in the Justice Department where we are committed to using criminal and civil rights laws to protect Muslim Americans. A top priority of this Justice Department is a return to robust civil rights enforcement and outreach in defending religious freedoms and other fundamental rights of all of our fellow citizens in the workplace, in the housing market, in our schools and in the voting booth.
“There are those who will continue to want to divide by fear - to pit our national security against our civil liberties - but that is a false choice. We have a solemn responsibility to protect our people while we also protect our principles.”
Meanwhile, this:
The FBI confirmed Wednesday it was investigating the possibility an Atlanta Jewish site was among other planned targets of a Muslim convert accused of killing a soldier outside a Conway, Ark., recruiting center this week.
Stephen Emmett, spokesman for the Atlanta FBI office, said the investigation into the shooting turned up evidence to suggest Abdulhakim Muhammad, 23, of Little Rock, had plans for a “Jewish entity” in Atlanta. The Associated Press reported memos from the investigation showed Little Rock, as well as New York, Philadelphia, Louisville, Ky., and Memphis, were also on his list.
Emmett declined to say what specific site in Atlanta might have been in Muhammad’s plans, but “precautions were taken [in Atlanta] because of the serious nature of the Little Rock” shooting.
And this:
“The man accused of fatally shooting a soldier outside a recruiting center begged for FBI agents to free him from a Yemeni jail where he was ‘radicalized’ by Islamic terrorists, his lawyer told The Associated Press on Thursday. Lawyer Jim Hensley described Abdulhakim Muhammad as an impressionable youth driven to public service in an impoverished Middle Eastern country. But teachings by ‘hardened’ terrorists in Yemen and experiences with Afghan child refugees who were missing limbs drove him to become someone his parents didn’t recognize, Hensley said.”
And one more very interesting post you should read: An investigation by Blue Collar Republican into the Mephis mosque and imam under which the Arkansas jihadi shooter Abdulhakim Muhammad studied/worshiped.
And this one very important: Blue Collar Republican blog
An investigation by Blue Collar Republican into the Mephis mosque and imam under which the Arkansas jihadi shooter Abdulhakim Muhammad studied/worshiped.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Amazing. The racist/marxist/islamists are in control. It is more important to them to protect the American Muslims then making a grand sweep of protecting ALL Americans first of all and forget about Holder and Obama wanting to protect the NON Muslim Americans from terrorist attacks. How much more obvious do they have to be.
"...the Justice Department where we are committed to using criminal and civil rights laws to protect Muslim Americans"
... just damn ...
It's so nice to hear how the Obama Administration has its priorities in the right place.....NOT!
It took 3 days before Obama could even make a statement about the terrorist attack in Little Rock, the murder of a military recruiter by a jihadist on US soil at the recruiting center. And not only that but as of this morning I still do not see the statement listed at the White House website. So it was just a throw away statement and instead there are many statements about the late term abortion jerk being killed.
I hate being negative but when it comes to Obama and his people it is negative, negative against our country. I will never forgive those who voted for Obama and who put this blight upon our country.
The war this administration is trying to start will be everything except civil.
1. Family background: muslim
2. The “oopsie” with Stephanopolous (”my muslim faith”)
3. The “gaffe” of “57 states”
4. First post-inaugural media interview: Al-Arabiya.
5. First foreign leader contact: Mohammed Abbas, PA
6. Commits USA to $900 million to “rebuild Gaza” (AKA aid to HAMAS)
7. Closing GITMO
8. Says we are “not winning” (read: LOSING) in Afghanistan
9. Says we should talk without preconditions to Iran
10. Sends essentially surrender-themed video to Iran
11. Plans within months to give a speech in a muslim capital.
12. Plans to free GITMO detainees on our streets WITH WELFARE ASSISTANCE!!!
13. Seeks to add a significant number of muslims to high-level governmental positions.
14. Plans to hire Harold Koh, who believes sharia law should apply to disputes in U.S. courts.
15. Bows instinctively like a “good muslim” to Saudi King Abdullah.
16. Says the U.S. is not, “nor will ever be” at war with islam.
17. Sells out the USA as arrogant toward muslims during the (formerly named) War on Terror.
18. Visited a mosque in Turkey, but refused to visit the U.S. military cemetery in Normandy
19. He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and the “terror attack” on 9/11.
20. Directs that all civil charges against Iran filed by former U.S. Embassy hostages halted.
21. Demands covering of the IHS symbol at the church at Georgetown University, while in his presence
22. Authorizes $20m to resettle HAMAS supporters in America.
23. Refuses to host a National Prayer Day event in the White House.
24. In an interview with Laura Haim on Canal Plus, a French television station, Mr. Obama noted that the United States also could be considered as “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.”
25. Crows to the world about his special ties to islam... a subject considered verboten during the 2008 campaign.
26. Special rights of protection to “American muslims” as promulgated by the Attorney General.
27. Acquiesces to the Iranians, stating they have a “right to have nuclear power.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:48 AM | Comments (7)