June 10, 2020
Doug Collins at Judiciary Hearing on Policing Practices and Law Enforcement Accountability
Doug Collins at Judiciary Hearing on Policing Practices and Law Enforcement Accountability
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:15 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 09, 2020
New York Police Benevolent Association (PBA) President Mike O'Meara....said at a press conference that officers have 375 million interactions with individuals each year and that most of them are “overwhelmingly positive.”
New York Police Benevolent Association (PBA) President Mike O'Meara....
New York Police Benevolent Association (PBA) President Mike O'Meara railed Tuesday against state legislators and the press for “vilifying” law enforcement officers amid the nationwide demonstrations over the death of George Floyd, a black man who died in Minneapolis police custody on May 25.
The New York PBA's president, Mike O’Meara, said at a press conference that officers have 375 million interactions with individuals each year and that most of them are “overwhelmingly positive.”
"But what we read in the papers all week is that in the black community, mothers are worried about their children getting home from school without being killed by a cop. What world are we living in? That doesn’t happen," O'Meara said.
“Our legislators are failing us. Our press is vilifying us,” he added. “Stop treating us like animals and thugs and start treating us with some respect. That’s what we’re here today to say. We’ve been vilified. It’s disgusting.”
Video from June 9, 2020 via News 12
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 14, 2019
Actor Richard Dreyfuss talks sanctuary cities ruling, importance of civics
Actor Richard Dreyfuss takes on Tucker over the 9th Circuit court that blocked the Trump administration's attempts to withhold funds from sanctuary cities, explains why teaching civics in schools is vital and his Dreyfuss Civics Initiative is about
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:41 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 28, 2017
The story of why the Resolute Desk was given by Queen Victoria to the President of the United States
The story of why the Resolute Desk was given by Queen Victoria to the President of the United States
This double pedestal partners' desk, usually called the "Resolute desk", was made from the oak timbers of the British ship H.M.S. Resolute as a gift to President Rutherford B. Hayes from Queen Victoria in 1880.
A brass plaque affixed to the desk records the history of its creation:
"H.M.S. 'Resolute', forming part of the expedition sent in search of Sir John Franklin in 1852, was abandoned in Latitude 74º 41' N. Longitude 101º 22' W. on 15th May 1854. She was discovered and extricated in September 1855, in Latitude 67º N. by Captain Buddington of the United States Whaler 'George Henry'. The ship was purchased, fitted out and sent to England, as a gift to Her Majesty Queen Victoria by the President and People of the United States, as a token of goodwill & friendship. This table was made from her timbers when she was broken up, and is presented by the Queen of Great Britain & Ireland, to the President of the United States, as a memorial of the courtesy and loving kindness which dictated the offer of the gift of the "Resolute'."
The President's Desk
Many presidents have used the Resolute desk in the Oval Office or the their study in the Residence. It was made from the timbers of HMS Resolute, an abandoned British ship discovered by an American vessel and returned to the Queen of England as a token of friendship and goodwill. When the ship was retired, Queen Victoria commissioned the desk from William Evenden, Royal Naval Dockyard at Chatham, England, and presented to President Rutherford Hayes in 1880.
The desk has twice been modified. Franklin Roosevelt requested that the kneehole be fitted with a modesty panel carved with the presidential seal (he preferred people not see his leg braces and often placed a waste basket in front of his desks), but he did not live to see it installed. However, President Truman liked the eagle motif and had it installed when he came into office in 1945. Since this was prior to Truman's decision to turn the head of the eagle in the presidential seal to face the olive branch of peace, the eagle in the Resolute's modesty panel faces the arrows of war.
Every president since Hayes—except Presidents Johnson, Nixon, and Ford—has used the Resolute desk, although some chose to use it in their private study in the Residence. The desk was made famous in part by a photograph of John Kennedy at work while his son, John Jr., peeked out the front through the kneehole panel.
On the President's Desk
What the president has on his desk is often symbolic of his style and experience.
Although he did not use the Resolute in the Oval Office, Harry Truman's desk was famous—he was well-known for having a plaque with a motto that read: "The buck stops here." On more than one occasion, President Truman referred to the desk sign in public statements. In his farewell address to the American people given in January 1953, President Truman referred to this concept in asserting that, "The President—whoever he is—has to decide. He can't pass the buck to anybody. No one else can do the deciding for him. That's his job." The other side of the sign read "I'm From Missouri," a reference to the skeptical nature of people from Truman's home state, often expressed as "I'm from Missouri—show me." (Missouri's nickname is "The Show-Me State").
John Kennedy did use the Resolute, and his desk included a very special coconut paperweight. While he was serving in WW2 as commander of the PT109, his boat was hit by a Japanese destroyer and his crew was stranded in the Solomon Islands. Lieutenant John F. Kennedy carved this Coconut shell with a message and gave it to two natives to deliver to the PT base at Rendova so he and his crew would be rescued. He later had the coconut shell encased in wood and plastic and used it as a paperweight on his desk in the Oval Office. The message carved on coconut shell reads "NAURO ISL…COMMANDER…NATIVE KNOWS POS'IT…HE CAN PILOT…11 ALIVE…NEED SMALL BOAT…KENNEDY".
President Reagan and President Clinton both displayed the motto "It can be done" on their Oval Office desks.
President Jimmy Carter brought the desk back to the Oval Office, where Presidents Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump have used it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:30 PM
October 02, 2016
Ivanka Trump Stars in New Campaign Ad Aimed at Women
Ivanka Trump Stars in New Campaign Ad Aimed at Women
Donald’s popular and elegant daughter Ivanak Trump starred in the latest Trump campaign ad aimed at women.
TIME reported:
A new ad for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stars his daughter Ivanka Trump, part of an effort to appeal to more women voters, who still favor Hillary Clinton.
“The most important job any woman can have is being a mother, and it shouldn’t mean taking a pay cut,” Ivanka Trump says in the 30-second ad released Friday.
Ivanka Trump, a business executive and mother to three young children, has become the face of much of Donald Trump’s outreach to women voters. She has been actively involved in the recent rollout of her father’s policies on childcare in the workforce. The presidential candidate has said he supports child-care tax credits, paid maternity leave and subsidies for stay-at-home parents, which his daughter addresses in the new ad.
Wild Thing's comment................
I am very impressed with Ivanka Trump. I think she has a lot of class and some very good ideas.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:59 AM | Comments (1)
Egyptian Leaders Praise Donald Trump, Blast Hillary Clinton After President El-Sisi Meets with Both Candidates
NEW YORK CITY, New York — Members of the Egyptian delegation to the United Nations blasted Hillary Clinton just a day after Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi met with both Clinton and Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump. They also had high praise for Trump—and while not an official endorsement, it is a positive outcome for Trump’s first and only meeting with Muslim world leaders thus far.
Egyptian officials expressed frustration and outrage over the Obama administration’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood and expressed concern that a Clinton administration would continue to undermine Egyptian efforts to dismantle Brotherhood terrorists attempting to destabilize the democratically elected Egyptian government.
Ahmed Gad, a member of the Egyptian Parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee, told Breitbart News Tuesday night:
I think 90 percent of Egyptians would prefer Trump because he will not cooperate with terrorists. He [Trump] will not cooperate with Muslim Brothers and our main concern in Egypt now is terrorist attacks as you saw two days ago in the United States. We saw it daily in Egypt on the hands of Muslim Brothers so we know very well that Muslim Brothers are a terrorist group and we want to build up our democratic regime.
Many members of the Egyptian delegation spoke on the record exclusively with Breitbart News at an event to promote communication and unity between the United States and Egypt on Tuesday night. The event was organized by popular Egyptian media personality and host of American Pulse Dr. Michael Morgan, and featured several American foreign policy experts including representatives from the London Center for Policy Research and more than a hundred prominent Egyptians including members of parliament, leading media figures, government officials, and businessmen.
The Egyptian delegation interviews came as El-Sisi, in an interview with CNN, said that he has “no doubt” that Donald Trump would make a strong leader. El-Sisi also responded to a clip of Hillary Clinton accusing the Egyptian government of being “basically an army dictatorship,” during a debate with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. He said, in part, that “in Egypt there will not be a chance for any dictatorship because in Egypt there is a constitution, there is law, and there is the will of the people which will refuse to allow any leader to stay in his position for any period longer than his term which is four years.”
The fact that El-Sisi and those from the Egyptian delegation to the United Nations General Assembly here in New York City this week would speak so openly and positively about Trump—and so openly and negatively about Clinton—may surprise some. They are Muslim leaders and Egypt is perhaps one of the biggest and longest-standing Muslim nations in world history. Many establishment media outlets have painted Trump’s relationship with all Muslims as toxic, since he has expressed plans to temporarily ban Islamic migration into the United States. But El-Sisi, when asked about Trump’s proposed Muslim ban during his CNN interview, defended Trump.
“The United States in general conducts very strict security measures for everyone who wishes to visit it, which has been in place for quite a few years,” El-Sisi, the first Muslim world leader to meet with Trump, told CNN. “It’s also important to know that during election campaigns many statements are made and many things are said, however afterwards governing the country would be something different. And will be subject to many factors.”
El-Sisi expressed these same sentiments in other interviews with the Egyptian delegation to the U.N.G.A. this week. At Trump’s meeting with El-Sisi, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn—the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for two years during the Obama administration—and U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) were also present.
The Trump campaign said in a readout of the meeting sent to press:
Mr. Trump thanked President el-Sisi and the Egyptian people for what they have done in defense of their country and for the betterment of the world over the last few years. He expressed great respect for Egypt’s history and the important leadership role it has played in the Middle East. Mr. Trump expressed to President el-Sisi his strong support for Egypt’s war on terrorism, and how under a Trump Administration, the United States of America will be a loyal friend, not simply an ally, that Egypt can count on in the days and years ahead. Mr. Trump emphasized the strong partnership that the United States and Egypt have shared for so many years and how this relationship is vital to help promote peace and stability in the Middle East, broader region and the world. Mr. Trump also expressed his recognition of Egypt’s close relationship with Israel on countering terrorism.Mr. Trump highlighted how Egypt and the U.S. share a common enemy and the importance of working together in defeating radical Islamic terrorism, not only politically and militarily, but also addressing the ideology. Mr. Trump emphasized to President el-Sisi his high regard for peace-loving Muslims and understands that every day there are people of goodwill that sacrifice their lives and fortunes to combat the growing threat of radical Islamic terrorism. Mr. Trump said that if he were fortunate enough to win the election in November, he would invite President el-Sisi on an official visit to the United States and would be honored to visit Egypt and the Egyptian people who he has a great fondness for.
Clinton’s campaign described her meeting with El-Sisi as being successful as well. According to a Clinton aide:
Secretary Clinton and President Sisi had a constructive discussion about bilateral ties and cooperation on a wide range of issues, including counterterrorism. They also discussed the importance of economic development and investment in Egypt. Secretary Clinton emphasized the importance of respect for rule of law and human rights to Egypt’s future progress. Secretary Clinton called for the release of U.S. citizen Aya Hijazi and raised concerns about prosecution of Egyptian human rights organizations and activists. Secretary Clinton discussed ways to deepen counterterrorism cooperation, particularly in the fight against ISIS. She and President Sisi exchanged views about the Middle East, and Secretary Clinton underscored the importance of the Egyptian cooperation with Israel on counterterrorism, and her commitment to defeating ISIS, to addressing foreign fighters, and to countering radicalization.
However, the Egyptian delegations’ respective statements to Breitbart News do not reveal a positive aftermath for Clinton’s meeting.
But clearly, based upon El-Sisi’s interview with CNN and comments that the various members of the Egyptian delegation here made to Breitbart News, it is Trump not Clinton whom the Egyptian leadership wants to win the election.
The Chief Executive Officer of the Egyptian Chamber of Media Industry, Amr Fathy, took issue with Hillary Clinton’s claims that President El-Sisi is a dictator. “The signs you take as dictatorship is not dictatorship,” Fathy told Breitbart News. Of El-Sisi, Fathy added: “This is our president and we are behind him.”
“The Egyptian authorities they have already dealt with Hillary before; we did not deal with Trump,” Fathy explained about the meetings between El-Sisi and the American presidential candidates. “So, maybe we know now much more and better idea about Mr. Trump in specific.”
When asked about the coziness between Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood, Fathy showed just how damaging the Obama foreign policy directed by Hillary Clinton and her successor at the State Department, John Kerry, has been to America’s standing in the eye’s of the Egyptians. He said:
They [Muslim Brotherhood] were supported by the Americans and the Western world. Why? I don’t know. They did not come by democracy, they were not the people who came out on the 25th of January. They were not, the youth were the people who came out. We have our own identity, we are not a theocratic nation we have never been a theocratic nation. The American policy is always pushing for theocratic regimes and then when you have a theocratic regime you start crying.
One consistent theme among the Egyptians who spoke with Breitbart News was the deep distrust of Hillary Clinton. Dr. Morgan said of Egyptian President El-Sisi’s meetings with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on Monday:
President El-Sisi wanted to meet up with both candidates because he did not want to give Hillary a chance to use and abuse an indirect endorsement from a meeting with a President like El-Sisi. As evil as she is, she was going to go out into the media and say, ‘oh I have a good relationship with this man, I know foreign policy’ so he made sure that he would meet Trump as well to make sure the America public doesn’t think he supports Hillary. We know he would never support Hillary because Hillary is another eight years of Obama and Obama has been really bad for Egypt.
The members of the Egyptian Parliament that Breitbart News spoke with Tuesday night showcased the inclusive nature of the new Egyptian government under President El-Sisi. Among the representatives were two women, a Coptic Christian, and a 31-year-old man. One of the female Parliament members pointed out that a third of the Egyptian parliament members are under the age of 35.
One of those women, Sahar Talaat Moustafa, is the head of the Tourism and Civil Aviation Committee. When asked by Breitbart News how the Egyptian people see Hillary Clinton, she responded: “A lot of people in Egypt feel she is in support of the Brotherhood. Actually, a majority of people think so.”
Moustafa invited Americans to come visit Egypt and see for themselves.
“I invite you to come and see how things are going on in Egypt,” she said. “Everything is so smooth we are walking normally in the streets and there is no terrorism. Egypt’s is one of the safest countries to go.”
Ahmed Gad is a member of the Egyptian Parliament’s Foreign Policy Committee and he echoed the desire of the Egyptian dignitaries who spoke with Breitbart News for a better relationship with the United States, but also concern that under the Obama administration the United States sided with the wrong side in the Muslim Brotherhood. Gad said:
For us, it’s a very important signal that we want to resume our good relations but in the same time, I am speaking as a political researcher, frankly speaking, we are very disappointed from Obama’s policy towards our country. Because, by the way, I am a Coptic in Egypt so we suffered a lot under the Muslim Brotherhood regime. Some sort of cooperation between the American administration, Obama Administration, and the Muslim Brothers. We know very well that they are terrorists, they burned and destroyed over 100 churches in Egypt, and they killed a lot of Christians. They killed and are still killing a lot of Egyptians priests men and soldiers. At the same time the Obama administration is refusing to deal with the Muslim Brothers as a terrorist group.
Gad said that El-Sisi’s background as a general should not be taken to mean he is somehow running a “military dictatorship” as Hillary Clinton claimed.
“Yes, El-Sisi has a military background but he saved Egypt,” Gad said. “He restored the Egyptian identity.”
That’s why they seem to really want Trump elected in the United States.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Sad to see they are smarter then half of America. People that would vote for Hillary or NOT vote against her with someone that could win show they do not love America.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:50 AM | Comments (1)
September 30, 2016
Senator Tim Scott: A Day in the Life
Senator Tim Scott: A Day in the Life
Wild Thing's comment.............
One of America's finest. I love that he and Trey Gowdy and Marco are all friends.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM
September 19, 2016
Pot Head Gary Johnson: “Thankful No One Got Hurt” In NYC, NJ Bombings, MN Mass Stabbing ~HE IS WRONG THEY DID GET INJURED!
Wake up Gary Johnson and put down the weed. While no one got hurt in N.J., 29 people were injured in New York City and 9 people were injured in Minnesota.
Wild Thing/'s comment.................
I would never vote for a pot head or a libertarian. nope no way.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:01 AM | Comments (1)
September 18, 2016
Former Cruz Texas Chairman Switches to Trump – Tells Stragglers to Get on Board
Former Cruz Texas Chairman Switches to Trump – Tells Stragglers to Get on Board
Former Cruz Texas Chairman Switches to Trump – Tells Stragglers to Get on Board
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is taking an official role with the campaign of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, serving as his Texas state chairman.
During the primaries, Patrick had chaired U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s efforts in Texas.
Patrick has a message for any hardcore Cruz backers who may still be on the fence about Trump.
“To all the Ted Cruz supporters out there, I’m a longtime friend of Ted, I was his campaign chair in Texas. It’s time to come on board. It’s time to come on board. We have to defeat her. You have to put everything aside and focus on that Supreme Court.”
Wild Thing's comment.............
The focus has to be on the supreme court no matter what your feelings of Trump might be.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Michigan High School Football Conference Bans ‘USA’ Chant
Michigan High School Football Conference Bans ‘USA’ Chant
Patriotism is under fire in Western Michigan.
The OK Conference, representing 50 schools, has announced a crackdown on fans chanting, “USA” at football games. They are also implementing strict rules on flags and political banners.
“Coaches and fans are irate,” said Bill Simonson, the host of a statewide sports radio show. “People are tired of being told what flag to fly or what political side to lean towards.”
Mr. Simonson, who hosts “The Huge Show”, was the first to break this insane story.
The athletic conference’s crackdown comes after fans from a predominantly black school took offense after fans from a predominantly white school displayed a Betsy Ross flag and a “Make America Great Again” banner.
Critics called the flag racist and a local superintendent said it symbolized hate.
“To wave a historical version of our flag, that to some symbolizes exclusion and hate, injects hostility and confusion to an event where no one intended to do so,” wrote Forest Hills Public Schools Superintendent Daniel Behm in a letter to parents.
Simonson, host of “The Huge Show,” told me local residents are furious.
“He painted a picture that the school is filled with insensitive people,” he said. ‘If Colin Kaepernick can have his freedom of speech and freedom of expression – guess what – it’s a two-way street.”
OK Commissioner Jim Haskins said their executive board decided that moving forward fans will only be allowed to chant “USA, USA” after the National Anthem.
He told Mlive.com that it has nothing to do with banning patriotism. He said students are using the chant in a derogatory manner – such as “U Suck (bleep) and those type of things.”
“That’s what we have the problems with,” he told the newspaper.
But television station WOOD reports the Michigan High School Athletics Association has not received any official complaints about fans “repurposing ‘USA’ to mean anything derogatory.”
The athletic conference is also cracking down on signs and banners and flags.
“Any signs, flags, banners, cheers, or promotional material that carry questionable implications or are degrading are prohibited at any OK Conference venue,” he told WOOD.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Is this the part of Michigan where all the Muslims are moving in and taking over?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (1)
October 31, 2015
Scalia: Supreme Court Is ‘Liberal,’ Destroying ‘Our Democratic System’
Scalia: Supreme Court Is ‘Liberal,’ Destroying ‘Our Democratic System’
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia came out swinging at his own institution Wednesday and declared during a speech at Santa Clara University that the “liberal” court is undermining American democracy.
“It’s the destruction of our democratic system,” Scalia told students at the California college when speaking about how the court reaches its decisions. “I cannot imagine the system can continue with more and more of the basic rules made by the Supreme Court.”
According to SFGate.com, the conservative judge took particular issue with how some of his fellow justices imagine the country is guided by a “living Constitution.” In Scalia’s opinion, this translates to: “the meaning of this document shall be whatever a majority of the Supreme Court says it is.”
Scalia said that the court has been on a “slippery slope” in disregarding the text of the Constitution for nearly a hundred years and “at the bottom of that slope, I can’t imagine how you can go any further, is the right to same-sex marriage.”
He also claimed that, “The whole time I have been on my court, it has been a liberal court.”
Over the last year, Scalia has been outspoken in his opposition to the high-profile majority rulings of the highest court. When the court made gay marriage legal in all 50 states in late June, the 79-year-old justice wrote a scathing dissent.
“The Supreme Court of the United States has descended from the disciplined legal reasoning of John Marshall and Joseph Story to the mystical aphorisms of the fortune cookie,” he said of the decision reached in Obergefell v. Hodges.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Antonin Scalia is a favorite of mine. I also agree with his comments about what has been happening with the Court.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (1)
August 22, 2015
Gov't worker paid for 91 days' worth of nothing
Gov't worker paid for 91 days' worth of nothing
Wild Thing's comment............
More corruption. It sure seems to just get worse and worse.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
July 10, 2015
An Arrogant Jeb Bush Claims " I'll drive turnout particularly among people who are Conservatives, they just don't know it yet"
This is a snippet released by Bret Baier tonight on Special Report.
Jeb: I'll drive turnout particularly among people who are Conservatives, they just don't know it yet
Wild Thing's comment................
Wow IMO that is VERY arrogant to say something like that. That kind of thing really turns me off. There is a fine line between being arrogant and someone that feels positive or believes in themselves. This part of what Jeb said, screams arrogance............."they just don't know it yet".
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
GOP Candidates Must Turn In Financial Disclosure On Time In Order To Be In First Debate
GOP Candidates Must Turn In Financial Disclosure On Time In Order To Be In First Debate
The large field of Republican presidential hopefuls jockeying to make the cut for the first 2016 debate will have to file a public disclosure of their personal finances on time to participate.
That means every candidate who declared before July 6 — a group of 14 contenders including former Florida governor Jeb Bush and real estate magnate Donald Trump — will have to reveal information about their assets and debts to get into the Aug. 6 event in Cleveland.
Fox News, which is hosting the debate with Facebook and the Ohio Republican Party, clarified Thursday that the criteria for candidates to participate include filing the required personal financial disclosure within 30 days of declaring their bids.
"FOX News has never wavered from the initial debate criteria we set forth," Michael Clemente, the network's executive vice president of news, said in a statement, which was first reported by the New York Times.
"As we have said from the beginning, part of that criteria involves filing 'all necessary paperwork with the FEC,' " Clemente said. "The FEC, as is well known, requires that presidential candidates file a financial disclosure statement as part of that paperwork. During routine pre-debate discussions with all of the campaigns, we have reiterated all components of the criteria, from poll standing to filing the proper paperwork, to ensure that all candidates fully understood the entry criteria. We have no intention of changing any aspect of the criteria nor have we deliberated doing so."
Under a 1978 federal ethics law, all presidential candidates have to file details about their financial interests with the FEC within 30 days of declaring. The agency allows two 45-day extensions.
But requests for extensions will not be considered sufficient to participate in the debate, according to a person familiar with the details of the FEC paperwork required under the criteria, who requested anonymity to describe the process.
"They must fill out the form, putting the dollars and cents on the table, before they step on the debate stage," the person said.
So far, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson have filed their personal financial disclosures.
Aides to Trump — who claims to be worth $8.7 billion — have maintained that he will file his disclosure within the 30 days allotted, giving him until July 22.
Jeb Bush has until July 15 to meet the deadline for his paperwork, but his campaign has asked for a 45-day extension. A spokeswoman did not immediately respond to a question about when he plans to file.
Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas had requested an extension of the filing deadline through mid-August. However, his spokesman, Rick Tyler, said Thursday that Cruz would file before then.
"We will file on time in order to participate," Tyler said.
Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, who had also requested an extension, will file before the debate, spokesman Sergio Gor said.
Wild Thing's comment..........
They did not mention all the names in this article. I am trying to just take one day at a time with this election. Perry is the person I want to win. Steady and true is how I feel about him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
July 04, 2015
The Declaration of Independence ! Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor !
The Declaration of Independence! Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor !
Wild Thing's comment..........
Love this video it is so well done. I miss Paul Harvey he was always so good.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
June 27, 2015
Krauthammer: SCOTUS Gay Marriage Decision 'Is a Huge Loss for Democracy'
Krauthammer: SCOTUS Gay Marriage Decision 'Is a Huge Loss for Democracy'
Wild Thing's comment............
Obama had the White House lit up with rainbow colors in celebration of Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage. It made my stomach feel sick.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
Newspaper editorial page bans op-eds opposing gay marriage
Newspaper editorial page bans op-eds opposing gay marriage
The editorial board of PennLive/The Patriot-News in Harrisburg, Pa. is taking a hardcore stance against those who disagree with the Supreme Court ruling to legalize gay marriage.
“As a result of Friday’s ruling, PennLive/The Patriot-News will no longer accept, nor will it print, op-Eds and letters to the editor in opposition to same-sex marriage,” they declared.
After receiving strong pushback, the newspaper’s editorial board, which is overseen by Editorial Page Editor John Micek, quickly revised its policy. Freedom of speech will be allowed — but only for a “limited” period of time.
Micek explained on Twitter: “Clarification: We will not foreclose discussion of the high court’s decision, but arguments that gay marriage is wrong/unnatural are out.”
Before that, there was this: “From the edit: ‘PL/PN will no longer accept, nor will it print, op-Eds and letters to the editor in opposition to same-sex marriage.’ …This is not hard: We would not print racist, sexist or anti-Semitc letters. To that, we add homophobic ones. Pretty simple.”
The notice at the top of the editorial page of the website now reads: “12:58 p.m. This post has been updated to further elaborate PennLive’s policy for accepting letters and op-Eds on same-sex marriage.”
The editorial heavily praised the Supreme Court ruling, saying, “[Justice Anthony] Kennedy nailed it: There are no rights more fundamental than due process and equal treatment under the law.”
Wild Thing's comment..................
Notice. our side never people to be silenced. That is something the left does like Obama too.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
June 23, 2015
RINO Mitch McConnell Aims To Ram Obamatrade Through Senate With No Amendments, Closed Debate
Mitch McConnell Aims To Ram Obamatrade Through Senate With No Amendments, Closed Debate
The U.S. Senate—often called the world’s most deliberative legislative body—will operate in a closed debate process with no amendments whatsoever allowed to the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) part of Obamatrade this week, as Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) engages in the exact same tactics he attacked his predecessor Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) for engaging.
On Tuesday, any Republican senators who vote with McConnell in favor of cloture on TPA—which would provide the president fast-track authority to speed through Congress with little to no oversight at least three highly secretive trade deals—will be surrendering their right to criticize Reid’s handling of the Senate last Congress. That’s because McConnell literally will use Reid’s choice of tactics to block any amendments to the version of TPA that passed the House: the Senate leader will fill the amendment tree so as to keep any other U.S. senators from offering any amendments.
“Senator McConnell’s willingness to employ the same tactics he and other Republicans decried as amounting to a ‘dictatorship’ reveals the emptiness of his rhetoric and vision for the Senate,” Reid spokesman Adam Jentleson told Breitbart News when McConnell filled the amendment tree.
Continue reading CLICK HERE, thank you.
Wild Thing's comment............
I am so tired of Republicans pretending and promising to listen to we the people and then when they get elected or reelected they go and do whatever the F they want to do.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Senator Jeff Sessions: Fast-Tracking The Loss Of U.S. Sovereignty
Sessions: Fast-Tracking The Loss Of U.S. Sovereignty
Wild Thing's comment............
God bless this awesome man. He has worked so hard to fight back. He is so good and I love the way he walks us through what it is and how bad it is.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
May 11, 2015
Ted Cruz at the South Carolina Freedom Summit 5-9-15
Ted Cruz at the South Carolina Freedom Summit
Wild Thing's comment..........
Great speech by Cruz.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
May 09, 2015
Ben Carson backs raising minimum wage
Ben Carson backs raising minimum wage
Ben Carson says the $7.25 federal minimum wage should be raised.
“I think, probably, it should be higher than now,” Carson told CNBC’s John Harwood in an interview Friday.
Carson added that government assistance often provides more than the minimum wage in several states, allowing people to ignore the long-term benefits of a job.
"I don't necessarily blame people for saying, 'Look, I can stay home and make this money, or I can go and work this little chicken job that doesn't have many benefits,’ ” he said.
"However, recognize that if you go and take that chicken job, you gain skills, relationships, the possibility of moving up the ladder. So a year or two or five down the road, you're no longer in that position. This is what people have forgotten."
His stance on the minimum wage makes Carson an outlier among the likely field of GOP opponents and comes with Democrats looking to make it a key issue in the 2016 election.
Wild Thing's comment......
Before Mr. Carson proposes to increase the “Federal Minimum Wage”, he should enlighten We the People as to where he finds the authority to establish a minimum wage at all.
Too often he uses “safe” words....like maybe, and perhaps etc. he doesn’t come down solid. Nice guy with his heart in the right place but no idea about how to help America economically or in foreign policy matters.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
April 26, 2015
Ted Cruz • 2015 Iowa Faith & Freedom Summit 4/25/15
Ted Cruz • 2015 Iowa Faith & Freedom Summit • 4/25/15
Wild Thing's comment..........
Good speech. Many of them gave speeches. Santorum, Rubio etc. but I am only posting Perry and Cruz. I am looking forward to when Perry announces. But I also wanted you to hear what Cruz had to say.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
April 19, 2015
Sen. Ted Cruz New Hampshire Republican Leadership Summit (full speech)
Sen. Ted Cruz’s speech yesterday closing out the Republican Leadership Summit in New Hampshire. He spoke for 30 minutes without a single note or teleprompter.
He offered a strong, hopeful vision for turning America around. He launched one withering attack on Barack Obama after another.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Excellent speech, and what I liked was at the end he was given enough time to take a couple o f questions and his answers were good ones. He was the last speaker at the Summit to speak.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
April 15, 2015
Ted Cruz Interview On 2nd Amendment: “Doesn’t Matter What Public Opinion Polls Say, Matters What Bill Of Rights Says”
Ted Cruz Interview On 2d Amendment: “Doesn’t Matter What Public Opinion Polls Say, Matters What Bill Of Rights Says”
Cruz explains why he voted against Manchin-Toomey and how the Constitution trumps public opinion. Interviewed at the NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits in Nashville, Tennessee on April 10, 2015.
Wild Thing's comment............
I like his answer.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM | Comments (1)
April 14, 2015
Sen. Marco Rubio Announces for President: “Time for a New Generation of Leadership”; Slams Hillary as “Yesterday”
Sen. Marco Rubio Announces for President: “Time for a New Generation of Leadership”; Slams Hillary as “Yesterday”
Wild Thing's comment..........
Rubio made a great speech, he has always been good at this.
Still waiting for Rick Perry to make his entrance into the campaign.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
April 09, 2015
Rafael Cruz: (Ted Cruz's Father) Talks About His Son
When he was eight years old I was very active in an organization called the Religious Roundtable. This was a coalition of Christians and Jews who was very instrumental in helping Reagan get elected. I was on the state board of the Religious Roundtable, so when my son Ted was eight years old, all we talked about around the dinner table was politics because I was so involved with the Reagan campaign.
So during that time is when I asked him so many times, ‘You know Ted, when I lost my freedom in Cuba I had no place to come to. If we lose our freedoms here where are we going to go? There is no place to go.’ As Ted enters high school the Free Enterprise Institute organizes a group of five kids, called them the Constitutional Corroborators, now Ted is reading the The Federalist Papers, The Anti-Federalist Papers, and each of the five kids memorized the entire U.S. Constitution.
So before my son left high school he was passionate about the Constitution. He was passionate about freedom and free markets and limited governments. And before he left high school he knew without a shadow of a doubt what his purpose was. And it was to defend and protect freedom and the Constitution, to fight for free markets and limited government.
And it became a passion in his life. So this is not a trajectory of three years, this is a trajectory of 30 years.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I like Ted's father and I think America is blessed to have a man like Ted Cruz in office and he would make a great president.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (2)
April 07, 2015
Ted Cruz Laughs After Blasting Away With A M249 Machine Gun
Ted Cruz Laughs After Blasting Away With A M249 Machine Gun
Bearing Arms Guns and Patriots
A new-to-us video from last summer shows Texas Senator and Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz smiling after firing a long burst from a M249 machine gun.
As Cruz laughs in obvious enjoyment—you have to be dead inside not to enjoy shooting a belt-fed weapon—an off camera bystander quips, “Let’s see (retiring Senate Minority leader) Harry Reid do that.”
Wild Thing's comment...........
LOL love what the person said about Harry Reid.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
April 04, 2015
Sen. Ted Cruz and His Solution To Stop Illegal Immigration - heh heh don't miss this one!
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, campaigns in Rock Hill, S.C......Listen To Ted Cruz’s Solution To Stop Illegal Immigration
Wild Thing's comment..........
Hahaha love how he made his point about the IRS and the border at the same time.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Sen. Mike Lee rips Supreme Court justices, Congress for 'subversion' of Constitution
Sen. Mike Lee rips Supreme Court justices, Congress for 'subversion' of Constitution
Conservative constitutional expert Sen. Mike Lee blasts Congress, Supreme Court justices and the White House for treating the nation's founding document as a "nuisance" and subverting the document to create essentially illegal programs including Obamacare.
In his new book, "Our Lost Constitution," Lee details many cases where all three branches have undermined the Constitution, sometimes on purpose and many times out of sheer laziness and stupidity.
"Many Americans probably assume that our lawmakers understand our founding document and are devoted to defending it," Lee writes. "Unfortunately, that assumption is in many ways incorrect."
In the book out Tuesday and obtained by Secrets, the Utah senator adds, "The truth is that our Constitution is being subverted by many of the very people who have solemnly sworn to protect it." Overall, he said Washington treats the document as "a nuisance."
Lee has been a strong defender of the Constitution in Congress. Lee is a former Utah federal prosecutor who clerked for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito before he joined the high court. He is a Tea Party favorite and the first of several GOP upstarts who shocked the establishment by knocking off three-term Republican Sen. Bob Bennett in 2010.
continue reading...........just CLICK HERE.
Wild Thing's comment........
Mike Lee is so impressive. I love the things he speaks about. He is so great on the Constitution.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
March 31, 2015
TED CRUZ: I’m PROUD to stand with Gov. Mike Pence!
TED CRUZ: I’m PROUD to stand with Gov. Mike Pence!
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following statement today in support of Governor Mike Pence’s effort to defend religious liberty and protect against the government forcing individuals to violate their deeply held beliefs:
“I want to commend Governor Mike Pence for his support of religious freedom, especially in the face of fierce opposition. There was a time, not too long ago, when defending religious liberty enjoyed strong bipartisan support. Alas, today we are facing a concerted assault on the First Amendment, on the right of every American to seek out and worship God according to the dictates of his or her conscience. Governor Pence is holding the line to protect religious liberty in the Hoosier State. Indiana is giving voice to millions of courageous conservatives across this country who are deeply concerned about the ongoing attacks upon our personal liberties. I’m proud to stand with Mike, and I urge Americans to do the same.”
On the flip side, Scott Walker took the more ‘it’s not my issue’ approach:
Wild Thing's comment.........
Good for Tex Cruz and Mike Pence. BOOM! No compromise. No fear. That’s the way you do it! Proud, Loud, and no Egos!' Cruz is not wishy washy and you know where he stands on major issues.
Walker disappointing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
March 29, 2015
Ted Cruz, the first and so far only major candidate for president, swept into New Hampshire on Friday
Ted Cruz, the first and so far only major candidate for president, swept into New Hampshire on Friday
Upbeat Ted Cruz embraces outsider label in New Hampshire visit
Ted Cruz, the first and so far only major candidate for president, swept into New Hampshire on Friday, upbeat and eager to embrace the outsider label he’s cultivated since erupting on the national scene three years ago.
“I am amazingly, powerfully, profoundly optimistic,” said the Texas senator, boasting to a cheering crowd at a VFW post that he had raked in $2 million within three days of launching his campaign Monday.
“The New York Times said Cruz cannot win because he is hated by the Washington elites,” Cruz said, and the 150 or more activists erupted. “I gotta admit, I wanted to Xerox that and mail it to all 300 million people.”
Cruz invoked the new rhetoric he unveiled with the launch of his campaign at Liberty University, the world’s largest Christian college. He said he’ll rely on an “army of courageous conservatives” to propel his bid for the GOP nomination.[…]
As usual, Cruz spoke without notes, entering the room with a wireless, flesh-color microphone already strapped to his face as he shook hands and posed for photos for 10 minutes on his way to the stage.
He also wore his reputation as an irritant in Washington as a badge of honor.
“You may have heard I’m not exactly the most popular person with congressional leadership,” Cruz said.
He asserted that leaders punished him for his role in the Obamacare budget showdown, which led to a 16-day government shutdown in October 2013, by cutting off campaign donations.
“Checks from Washington, D.C., went to zero, because that’s the way they impose discipline,” he said. “I have been there. It is broken.”
He looked relatively fresh for someone who’d taken part in the Senate’s 16-hour budget marathon, with the last votes cast at nearly 4 am. One of the dozens of votes was on a proposal from Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a 2016 rival, that would have required deep domestic spending cuts to offset a boost on the defense side.
Cruz voted no, citing concerns that the provision would reduce aid to Israel and hurt scientific research and NASA, though he called it a “good-faith effort to solve the problem.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
I look forward to Perry entering as well. I will post on both of them (Rick Perry and Ted Cruz ) as time goes by.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
March 25, 2015
Federal workers owe more than $3.5 billion in unpaid taxes
Federal workers owe more than $3.5 billion in unpaid taxes
Federal workers and retirees owed more than $3.5 billion in unpaid taxes last year, a $200 million increase over the previous year, the IRS said Tuesday.
Almost 305,000 federal workers and retirees owed back taxes as of Sept. 30. That’s down from 318,000 the year before.
The delinquency rate was 3.1 percent for the 9.8 million workers and retirees included in the data. That’s down from 3.3 percent the previous year.
The IRS compiles data each year on unpaid taxes by federal workers. The data does not include workers who have enrolled in installment agreements to pay their back taxes.
Among executive departments, workers at the Department of Housing and Urban Development had the highest delinquency rate, at 4.7 percent. Workers at the Treasury Department, which includes the IRS, had the lowest delinquency rate, at 1.2 percent.
Tax compliance at the IRS is generally better than at other federal agencies in part because the IRS cannot share information about tax delinquents with other departments. A 1998 law calls for removing IRS employees who are found to have intentionally committed certain acts of misconduct, including willful failure to pay federal taxes.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Following the lead of Al Sharpton apparently.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
March 23, 2015
Senator Ted Cruz Speech at Liberty University Presidential Announcement: Full Speech
Ted Cruz Speech at Liberty University Presidential Announcement: Full Speech
Wild Thing's comment..........
Great speech!!! He spoke for about 34 minutes and it is a wonderful speech. ed Cruz pictures an America on the path to restoration. He doesn't want to transform it. He wants to restore it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:14 PM | Comments (1)
March 15, 2015
Sen. Ted Cruz: 'A Time For Truth'
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz released a video highlighting the importance of standing for principle, whether that is decreasing the debt, repealing Obamacare, stopping President Obama's illegal amnesty, protecting the Bill of Rights, defending marriage, or standing with Israel.
Wild Thing's comment.............
This is an excellent video.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
January 25, 2015
Ted Cruz will File Bill To Ban American Islamic State Fighters From Returning To U.S
Ted Cruz will File Bill To Ban American Islamic State Fighters From Returning To U.S
Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) will file legislation on Friday to ban American citizens who fight alongside the Islamic State (IS) and other terror groups from returning to the United States, where they pose a significant terror threat, according to sources in the senator’s office.
Cruz, who first proposed the legislation last year, seeks to strip those Americans who travel abroad to fight with IS (also known as ISIL or ISIS) of their U.S. citizenship rights and stop them from coming back stateside.
The bill, known as the Expatriate Terrorist Act (E.T.A.), tightens and updates existing regulations by which a U.S. citizen effectively renounces his or her citizenship.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Good! I hope this goes through.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
January 23, 2015
Good!!!! US HOUSE Votes to Ban Taxpayer Funding of Abortions
US HOUSE Votes to Ban Taxpayer Funding of Abortions
Remember when Barack Obama repeatedly promised that abortion funding would not be included in Obamacare?
Insurance companies included secret fees to cover the costs of abortions in their Obamacare premiums.
On Thursday, the Republican House passed legislation to completely ban taxpayer funding of abortion.
Life News reported:
The House today approved legislation that will put in place a complete ban on taxpayer funding of abortions that ensures abortions are not directly funded in any federal governmental program or department.
The legislation combines several policies that must be enacted every year in Congressional battles and puts them into law where they will not be in jeopardy of being overturned every time Congress changes hands from pro-life lawmakers to those who support abortions.
The House voted 242-179 for the bill with 239 Republicans and three Democrats voting to ban taxpayer funding of abortions under HR7 while 178 Democrats and one Republican voted against it.
Congressman Tom price said during the debate: “This legislation prohibits taxpayer funding of elective abortions, no matter where in the federal system that might occur. This is a position supported by the majority of Americans in a bipartisan manner. We have a responsibility, through our government, to protect the most vulnerable among us, not the least of whom are the unborn. This bill is an important step in the right direction.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Good move in the House however the senate will stand in the way. I wish we had the majority there too.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
August 01, 2014
AWESOME Trey Gowdy Shreds Law Professor on Need for A Special Counsel in IRS Investigation (Video)
Trey Gowdy Shreds Law Professor on Need for A Special Counsel in IRS Investigation (Video)
Future Attorney General Trey Gowdy questions University of Baltimore School of Law professor Charles Tiefer on need for AG Eric Holder to appoint a special counsel for the IRS investigation
Add this to the greatest hits of Trey Gowdy smackdowns. The law professor gets absolutely pummeled here. He is no match for congressman Gowdy.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Love Trey Gowdy! He is fantastic. We really do have several that speak up for us and I am thrilled for those we have like this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
May 07, 2014
Dan Bongino Video "Why We Fight" - Dan is running for Congress
"As a former Secret Service agent, tasked with protecting the President, I know firsthand that the needs of average working-class Americans are being ignored in Washington. I wanted my first ad to be a salute to working-class Americans just like me - the farmers, the small business owners, the manufacturers - who have been forgotten by this administration. They are now, and have always been, my inspiration and are the reason I'm running for Congress." - Dan Bongino
Dan’s campaign at www.Bongino.com
Wild Thing's comment............
Dan is a good guy, I hope he wins.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
May 05, 2014
Senator Ted Cruz: “The people will prevail”
Ted Cruz released a fantastic video snippet today from his famous filibuster, one the he aptly named “May the Fourth be with you“. In it he compares the people to the Rebel Alliance and Washington DC to the Empire. He even does a short impression of Darth Vader.
This is a fantastic clip and a great reminder that in the end the people will prevail in this war with the empire.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Ted Cruz is so good,glad he is on our side and the side for those that love America.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
April 26, 2014
Black Bundy Bodyguard: “He’s Not a Racist… I Would Take a Bullet For That Man” (Video)
Black Bundy Bodyguard: “He’s Not a Racist… I Would Take a Bullet For That Man”
Cliven Bundy bodyguard Jason Bullock told CNN yesterday,
“Mr. Bundy is not a racist… I’d take a bullet for the man.”
One of the supporters serving as a bodyguard for Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy during his standoff with federal authorities — and who also happens to be black — said he would still “take a bullet for” Bundy after the rancher made racially inflammatory comments.
CNN’s Dan Simon noticed Jason Bullock, a six-year Army veteran who serves as one of Bundy’s bodyguards, hanging around the at the Nevada ranch. Simon asked Bullock whether he found Bundy’s remarks about blacks and slavery offensive.
“Mr. Bundy is not a racist,” he told CNN. “Ever since I’ve been here, he’s treated me with nothing but hospitality. He’s pretty much treating me just like his own family.”
“I would take a bullet for that man if need be. I look up to him just like I do my own grandfather,” he added. “I believe in his cause and after having met Mr. Bundy a few times, I have a really good feel about him and I’m a pretty good judge of character.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
I am not going to post a lot of posts on this, people saying Bundy is a racist has already been blown way out of proportion and sadly by too many Republicans jumping on the band wagon. I just wanted to share what this man said since he works with and knows Bundy personally. That to me carries more weight then what others say.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
April 23, 2014
BLM Seizes Texas Rancher’s Land – Without Any Compensation (Video)
BLM Seizes Texas Rancher’s Land – Without Any Compensation
The Bureau of Land Management seized 140 acres from Texas Rancher Teddy Henderson. Henderson says the government did not pay him a dime for it. Henderson told Greta Van Susteren he was ordered to continue to make monthly payments on the land, even though he no longer owned it.
Texas AG Greg Abbott addressed BLM’s intent of confiscating another 90,000 acres telling them, “Come and Take It!”
BLM Eyes 90,000 Acres of Texas Land
After the recent Bundy Ranch episode by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Texans are becoming more concerned about the BLM’s focus on 90,000 acres along a 116 mile stretch of the Texas/Oklahoma boundary. The BLM is reviewing the possible federal takeover and ownership of privately-held lands which have been deeded property for generations of Texas landowners.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Our country is going insane.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
IRS Agents Who Didn't Pay Their Taxes Receive Big Bonuses (Video)
IRS Agents Who Didn't Pay Their Taxes Receive Big Bonuses
A new watchdog report finds more than 1,000 IRS workers (who didn't pay their taxes) received not only cash bonuses but extra time off to the tune of 10,582 hours valued at $250,000. 69 employees got raises. If you're outraged, you're not alone.
The IRS was in damage control mode Tuesday after an audit revealed that it paid bonuses to employees who were in trouble over tax issues themselves.
More than $2.8 million, plus thousands of hours of paid time-off, were doled out over two years to employees who had recently been disciplined for various types of misconduct, according to an audit report. About $1 million of that money was given as bonuses to 1,100 employees who were in trouble over tax related issues.
The tax problems include willful understatement of tax liabilities, late payments and under-reporting of income, according to the report issued by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.
The report says that providing awards to employees who fail to pay taxes "appears to create a conflict with the IRS's charge of ensuring the integrity of the system of tax administration."
Wild Thing's comment............
Disgusting and more of the corruption that is happening.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
April 19, 2014
Dinesh D'Souza: Bundy Ranchers Are Facing Real Domestic Terrorism From Their Government
Dinesh D'Souza: Bundy Ranchers Are Facing Real Domestic Terrorism From Their Government
Dinesh D'Souza was out in Nevada on Good Friday with hundreds of other patriots at a rally in support of Cliven Bundy. Dinesh told Megyn Kelly the ranchers are facing real domestic terrorism from their own goverment.
Wild Thing's comment............
This is very concerning, how Reid even thinks he can say the things he is saying and not be told off about it.He is so into himself and power just like Obama they both have lost any reality and they don't care since they get away with all they do and say.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
April 18, 2014
WOW! Harry Reid: Cliven Bundy Supporters Are “Domestic Terrorists” (Video)
Harry Reid: Cliven Bundy Supporters Are “Domestic Terrorists”
U.S. Sen. Harry Reid on Thursday called supporters of Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy “domestic terrorists” because they defended him against a Bureau of Land Management cattle roundup with guns and put their children in harm’s way.
“They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists,” Reid said during an appearance at a Las Vegas Review-Journal “Hashtags & Headlines” event at the Paris. “I repeat: what happened there was domestic terrorism.”
The BLM shut down its weeklong roundup of Bundy’s cattle Saturday after an armed confrontation with dozens of militia members who had traveled to Southern Nevada from across the country and from neighboring states.
Wild Thing's comment............
Harry Reid is so over the top and out of line and should be ashamed of himself but he won't be ever, he has no soul.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
April 17, 2014
Shocking New Video Of Destruction After Standoff At Bundy Ranch
Shocking New Video Of Destruction After Standoff At Bundy Ranch
Wild Thing's comment............
Disgusting how they did this and then our government turns around and kisses up to the illegals.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
Feds Leave Trail of Wreckage Destroyed Water Tanks, Shot Bulls, Ran Over Tortoise Dens
Feds accused of leaving trail of wreckage after Nevada ranch standoff
The federal agency that backed down over the weekend in a tense standoff with a Nevada rancher is being accused of leaving a trail of wreckage behind.
Fox News toured the damage — allegedly caused by the Bureau of Land Management — which included holes in water tanks and destroyed water lines and fences. According to family friends, the bureau’s hired “cowboys” also killed two prize bulls.
“They had total control of this land for one week, and look at the destruction they did in one week,” said Corey Houston, friend of rancher Cliven Bundy and his family. “So why would you trust somebody like that? And how does that show that they’re a better steward?”
The BLM and other law enforcement officials backed down on Saturday in their effort to seize Bundy’s cattle, after hundreds of protesters, some armed, arrived to show support for the Bundy family. In the end, BLM officials left the scene amid concerns about safety, and no shots were fired.
The dispute between the feds and the Bundy family has been going on for years; they say he owes more than $1.1 million in unpaid grazing fees — and long ago revoked his grazing rights over concern for a federally protected tortoise. They sent officials to round up his livestock following a pair of federal court orders last year giving the U.S. government the authority to impound the cattle.
The feds, though, are being accused of taking the court orders way too far.
On a Friday night conference call, BLM officials told reporters that "illegal structures" on Bundy's ranch -- water tanks, water lines and corrals -- had to be removed to "restore" the land to its natural state and prevent the rancher from restarting his illegal cattle operation.
However, the court order used to justify the operation appears only to give the agency the authority to "seize and impound" Bundy's cattle.
"Nowhere in the court order that I saw does it say that they can destroy infrastructure, destroy corrals, tanks ... desert environment, shoot cattle," Houston said.
Bundy's friends say the BLM wranglers told them the bulls were shot because they were dangerous and could gore their horses. One bull was shot five times.
But Houston said the pen holding the bull wasn't even bent. "It's not like the bull was smashing this pen and trying tackle people or anything," he said. "The pen is sitting here. It hasn't moved. No damage whatsoever. Where was the danger with that bull?"
Plus he said BLM vehicles appear to have crushed a tortoise burrow near the damaged water tank. "How's that conservation?" he asked.
The BLM has not yet responded to a request for comment on these allegations.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Totally unnecessary destruction, this is horrible and pathetic.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
April 13, 2014
IRS Seizing Tax Refunds Of Children, Grandchildren Of Debtors, Decades After Debt
IRS Seizing Tax Refunds Of Children, Grandchildren Of Debtors, Decades After Debt
They’re paying out billions in fraudulent claims and then going after people who they have no business chasing
The old maxim that you can’t hold children responsible for the sins of their parents no longer applies — at least as far as Washington is concerned.
Congress quietly passed legislation in 2011 lifting the former 10-year statute of limitations on money owed to the government, allowing Uncle Sam to collect debts going back decades. The measure also allows the government to collect from debtors’ children and grandchildren, according to Fox News.
Now, “some 400,000 Americans may see their tax refund checks grabbed by the government,” Fox reported.
Former Justice Department attorney J. Christian Adams called it “classic abuse” during his Friday appearance on “The Kelly File.”
“Imagine it,” he told Fox News Host Megyn Kelly. Instead of a refund check, “you get a letter from the IRS. And it says, ’40 years ago, your parents got a disability payment that we happened to overpay. … So now we’re taking it out of your tax refund.’”
Think it can’t happen in America? Think again. Fox also reported:
" Awoman named Mary Grice, whose father died when she was 4 years old in 1977, leaving her mother with five children. Thirty-seven years later, the Social Security administration is claiming that it overpaid someone in her family, but it isn’t sure whom, and is going after Ms. Grice for the alleged debt.
When Megyn Kelly asked Adams what the chances are of the government dropping the debt against Grice, Adams answered, “Zero.”
“This is an administration that loves to suspend laws when they’re inconvenient and not enforce certain laws,” Adams said. “Let’s see if they do it here.”
Fox News host Greta Van Susteren took up the Grace case in her “Off the Record” comment Friday.
In no uncertain terms, she said, the government “stole” $2,996 from Grice’s tax refund for the alleged Social Security overpayment 37 years ago. But it gets even better.
“Social Security told her [Grice], they had no records explaining the debt,” Van Susteren said, comparing the matter to the State Department’s “ho-hum” response to the discovery that it had lost $8 billion in funds while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state.
Wild Thing's comment..........
What the hell is happening to our country.!!!
Can we have ONE WEEK where this rogue regime DOESN'T break the law and violate the rights of US citizens? Just one week?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Another Government Grab Battle Waged Against Property Owners In Colorado
Another Government Grab Battle Waged Against Property Owners In Colorado
Andy and Ceil Barrie have been battling the Summit County commissioners who decided to seize the Barrie’s property. Similar to the Bundy Ranch battle in recent news, these government officials give lame excuses to justify their unconstitutional property grabs. This constant overreach at the hands of bureaucracies are an assault against American taxpayers, along with an assault against our constitutional rights in the pursuit of happiness (granted to us by our Creator).
BRECKENRIDGE, Colo. – ”They’re spending us to death,” said landowner Andy Barrie.
He is not talking about property taxes, inflation or even the cost of skiing in glitzy ski country. Rather, he’s talking about the legal fight he and his wife have been waging to save their pristine piece of mountain property — with breathtaking views of Colorado’s high country — from being taken over by the county through eminent domain.
Their battle is a unique test of private property rights. [...]
The isolated parcel is surrounded by 2.2 million acres of White River National Forest, and is essentially an island of private property. It includes an old mining cabin, an outhouse and a shuttered gold mine. The area is popular with hikers.
The couple’s trouble started when the U.S. Forest Service took them to task for using a utility vehicle to drive from their main residence to their cabin. They say they never went off-road, and petitioned for the path to be declared a county road.
The county, though, responded by trying to buy the Barries’ higher-elevation property in order to protect and preserve it as open space. The Barries, who never had any plans to develop it, did not want to sell.
That’s when the county pulled their trump card.
Unbeknownst to the Barries, the previous owner had remodeled the cabin without permits. So Summit County commissioners voted to condemn the property for wiring and plumbing (even though the cabin has none) and filed for eminent domain.
“I understand that we are all trying to save these beautiful mountains and make them accessible to everyone, but you know that property has been sitting there since President Garfield signed our land patent, and we’re not doing anything bad there,” Ceil Barrie said.
Last week, the two sides participated in required, formal mediation with a judge. Summit County, which refused interview requests, released a statement saying: “Both parties engaged in productive negotiations in pursuit of a voluntary settlement regarding the purchase. … We are optimistic that a resolution will be reached within a matter of weeks, if not days.”
The Barries’ hopes are dimming. Asked if recent mediation pointed to a way for the Barries to keep the land in the family name and avoid eminent domain, Andy Barrie responded flatly, “No, they’re taking it.” [...]
Further, they're concerned that should Summit County seize control of their 10-acre tract, the county will simply trade the property with the U.S. Forest Service for valuable land closer to town.
"They collude together to basically screw up their citizens. ... Sooner or later, we're going to run out of money, but we wanted to fight the good fight and let people know our story and what their government is up to," Andy Barrie said.
Fox News checked with the White River National Forest division of the U.S. Forest Service about the Barries' case. Spokesman Bill Kight said via email: "In the case of this or any on-going legal matter (including eminent domain petitions) with any federal, state, county or local government the Forest Service will not be issuing any statement during such legal proceedings."
The Barries have spent more than $75,000 to date. The mediation judge recently advised them the financial figure could double in the coming months.
"I even promised my daughter she could get married up here, and now all that's gone," Andy Barrie said.
Wild Thing's comment..........
This additional LINK is also about this family and it has a lot of photos you can see as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
BLM Will Release Confiscated Cattle To Rancher
A deal has been reached between Bundy family leaders and the BLM, but not without some very tense moments.
Armed Bundy family leaders met with BLM officers Saturday afternoon in Mesquite to discuss the fate of the Bundy’s cattle that the feds removed from BLM land, over the past week. The cattle are being held at a holding area in Mesquite.
Prior to the meeting, hundreds of protesters, some armed, tried storming the BLM’s cattle gate, but weren’t successful. The crowd was urged to wait 30 minutes and give both sides a chance to talk. An agreement was reached that the cattle will be released to the Bundy family later Saturday.
At one point, I-15 was closed in both directions, about seven miles south of Mesquite, because protesters had blocked the freeway. Nearly two dozen police officers and a SWAT unit were at the scene to keep the peace and assist the BLM enforcement officers to safely leave the area.
Protesters have been gathering all week in support of Bundy, who has been locked in a legal battle for the past 20 years over grazing rights with the federal government
It was announced Saturday morning that Sheriff Douglas Gillespie, Bundy and the BLM were able to reach an agreement over the cattle the BLM has already removed from the federal property.
The agency said it is concerned about the safety of its employees and the public. Earlier this week, BLM officers and supporters of the Bundy family were involved in a scuffle. Cliven Bundy’s son, Ammon Bundy, was tased twice by federal agents. Another woman said she was thrown to the ground by an officer.
With more Bundy supporters pouring in from around the country, safety concerns began to grow.
Sheriff Gillespie has been negotiating with Bundy behind the scenes for months and reached a tentative agreement Friday night, though Bundy insisted the sheriff come to his ranch to finalize the arrangement face-to-face.
In its statement, the BLM said its actions this past week were progress in enforcing two court orders to remove the trespassing cattle from public land.
The agency director also asked that everyone involved in the dispute remain peaceful and law-abiding.
The BLM had offered to pay Bundy for the cattle already confiscated, sources said, but the protesters wanted the cattle returned to Bundy.
Wild Thing's comment...........
The people have spoken. I hate so much that this ever had to happen. The support was huge for the family and I am sooooo glad.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
April 12, 2014
The Real Story Behind The Bundy Ranch Harassment
The Real Story Behind The Bundy Ranch Harassment
by Dana Loesch
By now you’re familiar with the standoff between the federal government, i.e. the Bureau of Land Management, and 67 year-old rancher Cliven Bundy. (If not, check the backstory and my radio interview with him here.) The BLM asserts their power through the expressed desire to protect the endangered desert tortoise, a tortoise so “endangered” that their population can no longer be contained by the refuge constructed for them so the government is closing it and euthanizing over a thousand tortoises. The tortoises, the excuse that BLM has given for violating claims to easements and running all but one lone rancher out of southern Nevada, is doing fine. In fact, the tortoise has lived in harmony with cattle in the Gold Butte, Clark County Nevada for over a hundred years, or as long as Cliven Bundy’s family has lived on the land as ranchers. In fact, the real threat to it is urbanization, not cattle.
A tortoise isn’t the reason why BLM is harassing a 67 year-old rancher. They want his land. The tortoise wasn’t of concern when Harry Reid worked BLM to literally change the boundaries of the tortoise’s habitat to accommodate the development of his top donor, Harvey Whittemore. Whittemore was convicted of illegal campaign contributions to Senator Reid. Reid’s former senior adviser is now the head of BLM. Reid is accused of using the new BLM chief as a puppet to control Nevada land (already over 84% of which is owned by the federal government) and pay back special interests. BLM has proven that they’ve a situational concern for the desert tortoise as they’ve had no problem waiving their rules concerning wind or solar power development. Clearly these developments have vastly affected a tortoise habitat more than a century-old, quasi-homesteading grazing area. If only Clive Bundy were a big Reid donor.
BLM has also tried to argue that the rules have changed, long after Bundy claims he secured rights and paid his dues to Clark County, Nevada. BLM says they supersede whatever agreement Bundy had prior; they demanded that he reduce his living, his thousand-some-odd head of cattle down to a tiny herd of 150. It’s easy for the government to grant itself powers of overreach, but it doesn’t make it right. Many bad things are done in the name of unjust laws. Just look at Obamacare. This heavy-handed tactic has run the other ranchers from the area and now Bundy is the last one. He’s the last one because he stood up to the federal government.
So why does BLM want to run Bundy off this land and is Reid connected?
I discussed this on “Kelly File” ................
*UPDATE: Those who say Bundy is a “deadbeat” are making inaccurate claims. Bundy has in fact paid fees to Clark County, Nevada in an arrangement pre-dating the BLM. The BLM arrived much later, changed the details of the setup without consulting with Bundy — or any other rancher — and then began systematically driving out cattle and ranchers. Bundy refused to pay BLM, especially after they demanded he reduce his heard’s head count down to a level that would not sustain his ranch. Bundy OWNS the water and forage rights to this land. He paid for these rights. He built fences, established water ways, and constructed roads with his own money, with the approval of Nevada and BLM. When BLM started using his fees to run him off the land and harassing him, he ceased paying. So should BLM reimburse him for managing the land and for the confiscation of his water and forage rights?
Cliven Bundy’s problem isn’t that he didn’t pay — he did — or that his cattle bother tortoises — they don’t — it’s that he’s not a Reid donor.
**One last thought: For those conservatives saying that since BLM arrived in the late 90s, it’s the law now, well, so is Obamacare.
Wild Thing's comment........
Excellent write up by Dana.
This is from Charlie Daniels ( singer/actor)
Turtles and snail darters get preferential treatment and ranchers and unborn babies are treated like so much garbage—Charlie Daniels (@CharlieDaniels) April 12, 2014
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
March 14, 2014
Awesome Ted Cruz hits back at Harry Reid for attacks on Koch brothers
Ted Cruz hits back at Harry Reid for attacks on Koch brothers
Harry Reid constantly feels the need to demonize two private citizens the Koch brothers on the floor of the Senate, and Ted Cruz is not impressed
Wild Thing's comment..........
Cruz is so good so natural. I love hearing him speak.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
February 28, 2014
Krauthammer: Tea Party Movement Has Been a Very positive influence and powerful and successful and in the Reagan Tradition
Tea Party Patriots Anniversary & Tea Party Movement Influence - Special Report All Star Panel
Wild Thing's comment...........
I especially love what Charles has to say.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Ted Cruz at Tea Party Patriots 5th Year Anniversary (Video)
Ted Cruz Tea Party Patriots 5th Year Anniversary
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) got the rock star treatment today at the Tea Party Patriots 5th Year Anniversary Conference in Washington DC.
Cruz told the gathering, “We’ll turn this country around.”
Senators Mike Lee Rand Paul and Representatives Louie Gohmert and Jim Jordan also spoke at the event.
The Politico reported:
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz told tea party activists on Thursday that he is “filled with the promise that we’re going to turn this country around” after legislative fights over drones, guns and Obamacare last year.
The freshman Republican received a hero’s welcome at a Tea Party Patriots-hosted fifth anniversary event for the movement in Washington, where he discussed the three issues.
“If you listen to the media, if you listen to Democrats — although I repeat myself — they will say the fight to stop Obamacare did not succeed,” said Cruz, who pushed to defund the president’s signature health care law in a fight that led to a government shutdown last fall.
“Really?” Cruz said. “Well, I’m a big believer the proof is in the pudding. Last fall, millions of Americans rose up and said, ‘Stop the disaster that is Obamacare.’ … We elevated the national debate of the incredible harms Obamacare is visiting on millions of Americans.”
Republicans’ poll numbers suffered after the shutdown, but the health care law is still poised to be one of the central issues in this year’s midterm elections. Republicans must net six seats to take back control of the Senate.
Wild Thing's comment............
Love this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Tea Party In Focus 5 Years After Movement Began - Mark Levin on Neil Cavuto show
Tea Party In Focus 5 Years After Movement Began - Mark Levin on Neil Cavuto show
Wild Thing's comment............
We need the tea party movement to continue to stay strong.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
February 23, 2014
Ted Cruz woos Florida Republicans during Palm Beach event
Ted Cruz woos Florida Republicans during Palm Beach event
He amped up the criticism of President Barack Obama. He dialed down the my-way-or-the-highway zeal that often infuriates his fellow Republicans. And he left Florida political activists pumped up and buzzing over whether he'll run for president.
"Ted Cruz is a wonderful political figure. Smart guy. Knows his stuff," said Margi Helschien, who lives west of Boca Raton and is president of the Independent Conservative Action Network. "He is exciting."
Tom and Vicky Thayer, of Boca Raton, are ready to consider him as a serious presidential possibility after listening to a 34-minute, late evening speech Friday from the Texas senator, who quickly rose to prominence following his 2012 election by becoming a thorn in the side of Democrats — and Republican leaders.
"I loved him. I thought he was terrific. Everything he said I agreed with," she said. Her husband termed Cruz "fantastic."
For his part, the senator avoided discussion of what's widely seen as his presidential ambitions — fueled by travel to states that are critical to winning the Republican presidential nomination. Last week's Florida trip served as a de facto audition for the big political donors who can help finance a campaign and the grass roots activists who are critical to winning the state's 29 electoral votes.
He gave Republicans plenty to savor at the Palm Beach County Lincoln Day dinner, declaring that "these are not ordinary times in politics" and criticizing what he said was an "abuse of power" by the Obama administration and a "pattern of lawlessness" by the president.
"Liberty has never been more under assault than it is today," he said. "It seems like President Obama is trying to go down the Bill of Rights and violate each one of them one at a time."
His special target was the president's signature initiative, the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Last year, in what Cruz called "the battle to stop the train wreck, the disaster that is Obamacare," Cruz was a prime architect of the strategy that resulted in a partial shutdown of the federal government.
The shutdown damaged the party's political standing and angered many establishment, mainstream Republicans. Cruz said it was successful because it alerted the public to shortcomings of the law that they wouldn't otherwise have learned about.
Cruz said the failure of Congress to pass gun restrictions in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., school massacre — something polling showed was favored by the public — was a victory that stopped Obama's attempt to "go after the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens."
Florida Democrats were happy that the state's Republicans showcased Cruz over two days. U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Weston, chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, said her party would benefit when Republicans "continue to make extreme choices, particularly in who they highlight as leaders of their party."
Anita Mitchell, chairwoman of the Palm Beach County Republican Party, dismissed the criticism. "She's a great one to talk about extremism, by the way. So I have one thing to say to her: Game on, lady."
Lynn University political scientist Robert Watson said Florida Republicans showcasing Cruz could play into the Democrats' hands by "paint[ing] the party as more conservative than they would want to be painted."
Public opinion polling shows Florida voters have mixed views of Cruz.
A Quinnipiac University Poll released Jan. 31 found just 9 percent of Florida Republicans would vote for him in a presidential primary. Cruz did best with conservative, born again Evangelicals, and tea party members. He did poorly with moderates, people who aren't born again, and non-tea partiers.
Asked if he'd make a good president, 23 percent of voters said yes and 44 percent said no. Notably, 19 percent of Republicans and 21 percent of conservatives and 56 percent of moderates — a pivotal group needed to win a general election and the state's 29 electoral votes — said he wouldn't make a good president.
Cruz didn't get on stage until after 10 p.m. for his Palm Beach speech, which he delivered without notes as he crisscrossed the stage, eschewing the lectern. He kept the sellout crowd of more than 600 engaged, not just with his policy prescriptions, but a constant stream of one-liners, most of which had a political point.
For example, he took a jab at National Security Agency phone call monitoring with this line: "Please leave your cellphones on. I want to make sure President Obama hears every word I have to say tonight."
Referring to his 21-hour talk-a-thon on the Senate floor last year, he said it was "almost as long as it takes to sign up on the Obamacare website."
And, he noted the ornate ballroom at the Donald Trump-owned Mar-a-Lago Club, site of the event, quipping that "it is so great to be welcomed into Donald's modest living room."
Wild Thing's comment.........
He also spoke the other day here in Sarasota and was fantastic.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
February 17, 2014
"Ted Cruz is one of the few who is actually doing his job" by Star Parker
Ted Cruz is one of the few who is actually doing his job
by Star Parker
Once again, bitter feelings are being cast in the direction of Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz.
With the House passing the “clean” debt ceiling bill and sending it to the Democrat controlled Senate, it was clear that this was the bill that was going to get passed and sent to the president.
But Cruz didn’t want to let Senate Republicans, including Minority leader Mitch McConnell, off the hook and give President Obama a blank check to once again increase the debt ceiling as we are drowning in red ink. He didn’t want Republicans to simply vote against the bill, hiding behind the Democrat majority who were sure to pass it.
Cruz filibustered and forced some of his Republican colleagues – including Minority Leader McConnell - to vote to break the filibuster so the bill could be taken to the floor for a vote.
Headline in The Atlantic read: Ted Cruz Just Made Life Miserable for Republican Leaders Once Again.
The Wall Street Journal called him “The Minority Maker,” claiming that Cruz’s intemperate behavior dooms the Republican Party to disfavor in the eyes of the public.
I disagree.
What, really, is the whole point of the debt ceiling if it is meaningless as a tool to restrain government spending and debt. If the debt ceiling can be routinely raised simply by the president asking that it be done, why have it at all?
The existence of a debt ceiling has meant nothing as President Obama has added over $6 trillion in national debt since he took office. National debt is now 74 percent of GDP, double what it was when Obama took office.
President George W. Bush added about $6 trillion to the national debt during his eight years in office.
This is all like promising yourself that you’re going to stop smoking until you light up the next time.
The debt ceiling, as a tool for fiscal and debt restraint, is clearly pointless.
So the only reason for it, as far as I can see, is to provide an opportunity to bring public attention to our dismal state of fiscal affairs every time the debt ceiling is up for another increase.
In this sense, Ted Cruz is one of the few who is actually doing his job.
Every time the debt ceiling comes up, Cruz forces the nation to pay attention. This stuff matters, and we should be grateful to him for refusing to quietly roll over as the nation sinks.
Throwing a brick through the window to wake up the nation to the mess that has been created is an act of patriotism.
I am mystified by those who think it’s all a game of psychology.
Cruz’s antics make Republicans look bad, they say.
Meanwhile, President Obama and his party are having a field day with the Republican easy cave-in, passing a condition-free debt ceiling increase.
President Obama said the passage of this condition-free, “clean,” debt ceiling increase takes the “politics of brinksmanship…” off the national debt. New York Senator Chuck Schumer said it meant that Republicans were putting “Tea Party politics in the rear view mirror.”
So while many in his own party are calling Cruz a spoiler, giving his party a bad name, Democrats are advertising what Republicans have done as surrender and a Democratic victory.
This is about arithmetic, not psychology. The Democrats are the party that wants to pretend that it doesn’t matter if the numbers don’t add up. Republicans, the supposed opposition party, aren’t doing their job if they don’t refuse to accept this.
We need elected officials today who care about nothing but telling the truth and leading. Ted Cruz is clearly one of these leaders.
Wild Thing's comment.............
I am proud of Ted Cruz and the stand he has taken to speak for us, to follow in his passion of love for our country and want only the best for it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (1)
February 14, 2014
Ted Cruz: 'Hell Will Freeze Over' Before Establishment GOP Listens To American people
Ted Cruz: 'Hell Will Freeze Over' Before Establishment GOP Listens To American people
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) told conservative radio host Mark Levin on Thursday evening that establishment GOP politicians will “never” listen to the American people.
“If we wait on the entrenched politicians in Washington, hell will freeze over before that happens,” Cruz answered when Levin asked whether Republicans will ever listen. “This is nothing new. The answers come from America, from millions of people standing up and holding elected officials accountable.”
Cruz, who coined the Twitter hashtag #MakeDCListen during the government shutdown episode, has often returned to a theme of forcing Washington D.C. insiders to listen to the public.
He noted that in the prelude to the shutdown, many Republicans preferred to push for spending cuts with the debt ceiling as leverage.
“A few months ago, when we were fighting trying to stop the disaster that is Obamacare, where a lot of Washington gray beards said, ‘we are going to fight on the debt ceiling. That’s where the fight will be,’” Cruz said. “It’s like they think the American people are a bunch of rubes, we don’t remember what they say.”
Wednesday, Cruz forced a procedural roll call requiring a 60-vote majority on the "clean" debt ceiling bill, despite Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's forceful urging he allow the legislation to go through with only a bare-majority vote. Cruz said Republicans should have united against the cloture motion, preventing the debt ceiling from being raised.
“If 41 Republicans had stood together and just voted no, the clean debt ceiling, the blank check for President Obama and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi want would have been denied,” Cruz said. “And for all of them who say I am just a crazy rebel, the last 55 times the debt ceiling has been increased, Congress has attached meaningful conditions to it 28 of those times. It's the only leverage point that has ever been effective.”
Cruz said earlier in the interview that many Republicans in the U.S. Congress wanted to increase the debt ceiling. “Make no mistake about it,” Cruz said. “This was their desired outcome. An awful lot of Republicans wanted exactly what Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid wanted, which is to raise the debt ceiling. But, they wanted to be able to tell what they view as their foolish gullible constituents that they didn’t do it, and they’re mad because by my refusing to consent to [a bare-majority vote] they had to come out in the open and admit to that.”
Cruz's move to force the 60-vote procedural tally forced a dramatic, hour-long vote in which McConnell and GOP Whip John Cornyn scrambled to find enough Republicans to join Democrats and invoke cloture. During the vote, the clerk abstained from a decades-long practice of announcing each vote into a microphone as it was cast, preventing the public from knowing who had already voted and thus, who was switching their votes. McConnell and Cornyn ultimately joined in voting for cloture, after which six of their GOP colleagues switched to join them, providing additional political cover.
Wild Thing's comment........
Cruz is right and the proof in how true this is can be seen in the years we have experienced on supporting a candidate and then they get to Washington and it is as though they only want to hear from us is for donations.
Seldom they do not respond to emails and how often when we call their offices are we treated like second rate citizens.
If the Republican Party, had stayed true to its conservative roots, its conservative platform and remained the "party of Reagan" we would not be in our current difficulties
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee Introduce State Marriage Defense Act
Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee Introduce State Marriage Defense Act
On Thursday, U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced S. 2024, the State Marriage Defense Act, which allows states to set their own standards as to what defines marriage and protects the states from having the federal government encroach on that territory.
Thirty-three states define marriage as the union between one man and one woman.
Sens. Ted Cruz stated:
I support traditional marriage. Under President Obama, the federal government has tried to re-define marriage and to undermine the constitutional authority of each state to define marriage consistent with the values of its citizens. The Obama Administration should not be trying to force gay marriage on all 50 states. We should respect the states, and the definition of marriage should be left to democratically elected legislatures, not dictated from Washington. This bill will safeguard the ability of states to preserve traditional marriage for [their] residents.
Sen. Mike Lee echoed:
How a state should define marriage should be left up to the citizens of each state. It is clear the Obama administration finds the principles of federalism inconvenient in its effort to force states to redefine the institution of marriage. The State Marriage Defense Act provides an important protection for states, respecting the right to choose for themselves how each will treat the institution of marriage under the law.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Thank you, I wish more politicians would take a stand on this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
February 12, 2014
List of 28 Republicans who voted for the debt ceiling increase
The following Republicans voted Tuesday to raise the government's borrowing limit:
John Boehner, R-Ohio.
Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va.
Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy,R-Calif.
Chief Deputy Whip Pete Roskam, R-Ill.
Ken Calvert, R-Calif.
Dave Camp, R-Mich.
Michael Grimm, R-N.Y.
Richard Hanna, R-N.Y.
Doc Hastings, R-Wash.
Darrell Issa, R-Calif.
Devin Nunes, R-Calif.
Hal Rogers, R-Ky.
Dave Reichert, R-Wash.
Chris Collins, R-N.Y.
Howard Coble, R-N.C.
Charlie Dent, R-Pa.
Mike Fitzpatrick, R-Pa.
Pete King, R-N.Y.
Frank LoBiondo, R-N.J.
Buck McKeon, R-Calif.
Patrick Meehan, R-Pa.
Gary Miller, R-Calif.
Ed Royce, R-Calif.
John Runyan, R-N.J.
John Shimkus, R-Ill.
Chris Smith, R-N.J.
David Valadao, R-Calif.
Frank Wolf, R-Va.
The House of Representatives passed a one-year extension of federal borrowing without any conditions today.
Only 28 Republicans, including GOP leadership, voted for the extension. 193 Democrats voted for the bill.
Reuters reported:
The House of Representatives narrowly approved a one-year extension of federal borrowing authority on Tuesday after Republicans caved into President Barack Obama’s demands to allow a debt limit increase without any conditions.
The 221-201 vote, carried mainly by Democrats, marked a dramatic shift from the confrontational fiscal tactics House Republicans have used over the past three years, culminating in last October’s 16-day government shutdown.
It came after House Republicans repudiated House Speaker John Boehner’s latest plan to link an increase in the $17.2 trillion borrowing cap to a repeal of planned cuts to military pensions.
Although Boehner called his decision to advance a “clean” debt limit a “disappointing moment,” it sets aside a difficult and divisive issue until after the 2014 congressional elections in November, allowing Republicans to focus their campaign efforts on the rocky launch of Obama’s health care reform law.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Shame on them. And thank you for those that voted No.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
January 04, 2014
Dr. Benjamin Carson on Marijuana Legalization in CO: Another Example of Growing “Hedonism” in our Society
Dr. Benjamin Carson on Marijuana Legalization in CO: Another Example of Growing “Hedonism” in our Society
Here is Dr. Benjamin Carson commenting on Colorado’s legalization of marijuana. While Carson said there is medicinal usage for the drug, he said widespread legalization of it is just more evidence of the growing “Hedonism” of our society. His primary concern is that it is a “gateway drug” that can lead to serious addiction problems
Wild Thing's comment..........
I agree, it will become a huge mistake soon if not in the near future.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
January 01, 2014
Utah Asks Supreme Court to Block Gay Marriage
Utah Asks Supreme Court to Block Gay Marriage
Utah took its fight against gay marriage to the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday, asking the high court to suspend same-sex unions that became legal when a judge struck down the state’s voter-approved ban.
The heavily Mormon state wants the marriages to stop while it appeals a judge’s decision, which said banning gay couples from marrying violates their right to equal treatment under the law.
In papers filed Tuesday with Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the state asked her to overturn court decisions to let the marriages go forward. Sotomayor handles emergency requests from Utah and other Rocky Mountain states. She can act by herself or get the rest of the court involved.
Nearly two-thirds of Utah's 2.8 million residents are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the official name of the Mormon church, and Mormons dominate the state's legal and political circles.
U.S. District Judge Robert Shelby's decision on Dec. 20 came as a shock to many in the state, which approved the ban on same-sex marriage in 2004.
Since the judge's decision, more than 900 gay couples in Utah have obtained marriage licenses. Shelby and the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals have already refused to halt weddings while the state appeals.
"Until the final word has been spoken by this Court or the Supreme Court on the constitutionality of Utah's marriage laws, Utah should not be required to enforce Judge Shelby's view of a new and fundamentally different definition of marriage," the state said in motion papers already filed at the appellate court.
The Mormon church was one of the leading forces behind California's short-lived ban on same-sex marriage, Proposition 8.
The church says it stands by its support for "traditional marriage" and hopes a higher court validates its belief that marriage is only between a man and woman.
Wild Thing's comment............
I am praying the Supreme Court will stop what the Utah Judge has done.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (1)
December 28, 2013
Vet Slams Rep Paul Ryan In Open Letter Over Military Budget Cut - Good!
Vet Slams Rep Paul Ryan In Open Letter Over Military Budget Cut
Wild Thing's comment............
This is the best way of all, when a Veteran speaks out. The Veterans and troops are the most qualified on this, because what they say IMO means more then some unknown and civilian like myself. God bless this Veteran.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
December 23, 2013
Paul Ryan Doubles Down on Cutting Veteran Pensions - Gone is the America-loving, enthusiastic VP nominee!
Paul Ryan Doubles Down on Cutting Veteran Pensions
House Budget Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has doubled down on his move to cut pensions for military veterans in a USA Today op-ed published Sunday.
In the op-ed, Ryan opens up by highlighting the CBO estimate that the deal he cut with Senate Budget Committee chairwoman Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) would result in at least $20 billion in deficit reduction. “The Bipartisan Budget Act that Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., and I drafted will soon become law,” Ryan wrote. “We think it's a small step toward fiscal discipline in Washington. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates the bill will reduce the deficit over the next ten years by over $20 billion. And unlike current law, it will provide much-needed relief to our already strained defense budget.”
As Breitbart News has reported, Ryan’s and Murray’s budget deal does not reduce the deficit. In fact, the deal raises the deficit by at least $15.5 billion because of a series of gimmicks that Ryan and Murray employed in the accounting of the deal -- namely, double counting of savings like the tactic which was employed in Obamacare, and the failure to include an estimate of the interest on the borrowed money for the first couple of years of increased spending. These are only a few among a series of other misleading statements Ryan has made about the deal.
The rest of Ryan’s op-ed is devoted to defending his decision to cut $6 billion worth of military pensions. "One part of the bill has become particularly controversial: the reduction in cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) for working-age military retirees,” Ryan wrote. “The federal government has no greater obligation than to keep the American people safe and we must take care of the men and women in uniform who put their lives on the line. For that reason, Congress is understandably hesitant to make changes to military compensation. But even hesitance has a cost." Citing the rising cost per service member since 2001, he then claimed that the need for reform is "undeniable."
Ryan cited and praised President Barack Obama’s Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel for his stance on the issue as well. Ryan wrote, “Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, a combat vet himself, has said ‘that we can no longer put off military compensation reform. DOD's leadership, Chairman Dempsey, the service chiefs, the service secretaries, and myself, we all know that we need to slow cost growth in military compensation. Otherwise, we'll have to make disproportionate cuts to military readiness and modernization.’”
Ryan then detailed what he says the changes to military veterans’ pensions would specifically do to veterans:
Here's what the new law will do. We make no changes for those currently at or above age 62. This reform affects only younger military retirees. Right now, any person who has served 20 years can retire—regardless of age. That means a serviceman who enlists at 18 becomes eligible for retirement at 38. The late 30s and early 40s are prime working years, and most of these younger retirees go on to second careers.
Ryan characterized the change as a “small adjustment” in the next paragraph, even though he admitted it could affect veterans by as much as $100,000 or more over their lifetimes, depending on when they retire.
“All this reform does is make a small adjustment for those younger retirees,” Ryan wrote. “If they retire before age 62, the annual increase in their retired pay will be 1% less than the inflation rate. In other words, their benefits will grow every year—just at a slower rate. And when the retiree hits 62, DOD will recalculate the retired pay so that it will be where it would have been if he or she had received the full inflation adjustment every year since he or she retired." Ryan then calculated that, for a hypothetical serviceman who enlisted at 18 and retired at 38, his benefits would change under the deal from about $1.8 million to $1.7 million.
"This is a far more modest reform than other bipartisan proposals, some of which would have fully eliminated the adjustments for inflation for working-age retirees,” Ryan wrote.
Despite Ryan’s claims these cuts are a “small adjustment” for veterans, that approximately $100,000, in some parts of the country, could be a significant percentage of the entire size of a mortgage for a house. According to the Mortgage Bankers Association, in October the average size of a home loan in America was $289,650. Ryan’s “small adjustment” cuts to veterans would be more than a third, then, of the average mortgage -- and in many cases, more than half of these veterans’ lifetime expenses for homeownership.
The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) estimates that the cuts could mean as much as $124,000 in lost retirement income for veterans, which would be even more significant losses of opportunity in the future for veterans.
Wild Thing's comment.............
There is no possible way he can justify cutting veteran's benefits. None.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (2)
December 19, 2013
Sen. Ted Cruz: Discusses Budget Deal
Ted Cruz: Democrats are Like Lemmings; Following Harry Reid Off the Cliff
Wild Thing's comment..........
Thank you Sen. Cruz.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Senate Approves Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., and Rep. Paul Ryan Budget Bill 64-36 - Here Is LIST on Votes
Senate Approves Budget Bill 64-36
CLICK HERE TO SEE who voted yes or no.
Wild Thing's comment............
Note that disabled and wounded Veteran's pensions will be slashed under this budget deal. Those voting for this budget deal have no respect and appreciation for our Veterans and troops that have sacrificed and lost their lives.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
December 18, 2013
God bless Sen. Jeff Sessions, as he fights to save veterans benefits ahead of budget vote
Sessions fights to save veterans benefits ahead of budget vote
Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Mobile, has spent the last several days fighting to undo cuts to veterans benefits that are included in the Ryan-Murray budget deal, which was passed by the House last week.
The current legislation cuts veterans benefits by $6 billion over the next decade.
The Senate is set to vote on the bill Tuesday morning. Both Sen. Sessions and fellow Alabamian Sen. Richard Shelby have said they are opposed to the current bill.
Although it sailed through the House on a bipartisan vote of 332-94, Senate Democratic leaders indicated over the weekend that the bill’s passage is far from secured in the upper chamber.
“The struggle is still on in the United States Senate,” Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, told Fox News on Sunday.
But progress was made on Monday, leading aides on both sides of the aisle to predict that they will have the 60 votes needed to pass a procedural motion on Tuesday. They will then move move for final passage later in the week, which requires only a simple majority.
Many Senate Republicans have cited the fact that the budget deal exceeds the Budget Control Act of 2011 as grounds for opposing it. The Budget Control Act capped 2014 discretionary spending at $967 billion. The Ryan-Murray budget smashes through that cap.
“I’d really like to stay within the (spending) caps,” complained Sen. John Boozman, R-Arkansas. “This busts the caps and as a result I’ll vote against it.”
But Sessions and several of his Republican colleagues have chosen to focus their attention on the cuts to military retirees and vets.
“We need to find a better way to save $6 billion than take it out of the hides of our retired veterans,” said Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Mississippi.
Sessions’ plan to rescue veterans benefits involves saving money by closing a tax credit loophole that watchdog groups say has been frequently exploited by illegal immigrants.
The fix is simple. Applicants seeking to receive the child tax credit would have to submit their Social Security numbers. That way the IRS could easily weed out the illegal aliens taking advantage of the system. Sessions’ amendment would save the federal government roughly $4.2 billion, freeing up room for veterans benefits to remain at higher levels.
The handwringing in D.C. has already commenced with a budget deadline looming on Jan. 15. If a deal is not reached by then, another partial government shutdown will ensue.
Wild Thing's comment............
I applaud Sen Sessions' attempt to stop this egregious assault on our retired veterans and currently serving men and women in uniform.
Over $4 Billion per year is stolen from the US by illegal aliens who use this loophole.IRS Refunds $4 Billion Child Tax Credits Per Year to Illegal Immigrants Whose Kids Do Not Live in US
Shame on Paul Ryan for engineering this injustice. Shame on Boehner for even allowing the House to vote on it.
Our Government is determined to give free money to those who have never earned and don’t deserve it it as opposed to following through commitments on taking care of those who have earned the right through their sacrifice to our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
Typical of Name Calling from McCain Types: McCain said Republicans who voted against the proposed budget deal lack “intellectual integrity.”
John McCain attacked fellow Republicans again today.
McCain said Republicans who voted against the proposed budget deal lack “intellectual integrity.”
“I think to somehow to vote against it without an alternative to keep the budget, to keep the government from shutting down, I think lacks some intellectual integrity.”
33 Republicans voted against the bill including GOP Leader McConnell.
Wild Thing's comment.............
John McCain you need to retire. Most of us do not agree with you and don't like being called unintelligent.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
(video) Military Spouse Babette Maxwell on Megyn Kelly's show....makes the point that the cuts in the pensions will not cover even the interest of the amount of spending increases
Wild Thing's comment............
I agree, our Veterans have given their pound of flesh, that is a good way to put it.
Notice all the groups trying to raise money to take care of our wounded Veterans, Wounded Warrior etc. this is beyond unforgivable that our country has this happening. Our Veterans should all be given all they need and yes with our tax dollars instead of using our tax dollars given to illegals and to kill innocent babies like Planned Parenthood etc.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM
Patty Murray and Paul Ryan with their military pension cuts to budget bill
Patty Murray and Paul Ryan with their military pension cuts to budget bill
Failure in in final bid to restore military pension cuts to budget bill
A final effort by Senate Republicans to halt cuts to pensions of military retirees failed late Tuesday, after Democrats blocked an amendment to the controversial budget bill.
The two-year budget agreement, which cleared a key test vote earlier in the day, was expected to get a final vote no later than Wednesday.
Ahead of the final vote, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., tried unsuccessfully to use a parliamentary tactic to force a vote on the amendment, which he wrote to undo the cuts for military retirees.
A provision in the already House-passed bill would cut retirement benefits for military retirees by $6 billion over 10 years.
Sessions wanted to instead eliminate an estimated $4.2 billion in annual spending by reining in an IRS credit that illegal immigrants have claimed.
He and fellow senators argued the bill unfairly sticks veterans and other military retirees with the cost of new spending.
“It’s not correct, and it should not happen,” Sessions said on the floor.
"By blocking my amendment, they voted to cut pensions for wounded warriors," he said afterwards. "Senators in this chamber have many valid ideas for replacing these pension cuts, including my proposal to close the tax welfare loophole for illegal filers, and all deserved a fair and open hearing. But they were denied.”
Sessions’ office claimed the vote Tuesday to block the amendment was a vote to "cut military pensions instead of cutting welfare for illegal immigrants."
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray, D-Wash.,who brokered the budget deal with House counterpart Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., argued the GOP effort was really an attempt to kill the entire bill.
The Republican-led House passed the bill last week in an effort to avoid another stalemate leading to a potential government shutdown, like the one in October that polls showed was largely unpopular with voters.
The two-year budget deal would ease for two years some of the harshest cuts to agency budgets required under automatic spending curbs commonly known as sequestration. It would replace $45 billion in scheduled cuts for the 2014 budget year already underway, easing about half of the scheduled cuts.
Wild Thing's comment............
Heartbreaking how our government USES our troops and Veterans and throws them away. I am so sick of it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
Disabled Military Retirees Not Exempt from Pension Cuts in Budget Deal
Disabled Military Retirees Not Exempt from Pension Cuts in Budget Deal
A provision cutting the pensions of military retirees in the bipartisan budget deal that the Senate will vote on this week does not exempt disabled veterans, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.
Disabled retirees were previously thought to be exempt from the changes to military retiree pay, which could cost servicemembers up to $124,000 over a 20-year period.
The Free Beacon previously reported that military retirees under the age of 62 would receive 1 percentage point less in their annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) in the plan crafted by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D., Wash.).
The section of the U.S. code that has been altered also applies to disabled servicemembers, many of whom have been wounded in combat.
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.), ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, called the change “unthinkable.”
“It has been asserted that the controversial change to military retirees’ pensions affects those who are ‘working-age’ and ‘still in their working years,’ with the clear suggestion being that these individuals are able to work,” Sessions said in a statement. “That’s why I was deeply troubled when my staff and I discovered that even individuals who have been wounded and suffered a service-related disability could see their pensions reduced under this plan.”
“It is unthinkable that this provision would be included in a deal that spares current civilian workers from the same treatment,” he said. “An equivalent amount of savings and more can be easily found, and I hope the Senate will move to address the unbalanced treatment of our servicemembers before considering the legislation any further.”
An original copy of a summary of the budget agreement, obtained by the Free Beacon, explicitly stated that disabled veterans would be exempt.
“This provision modifies the annual cost-of-living adjustment for working-age military retirees by making the adjustments equal to inflation minus 1 percent,” reads the summary, which was sent on Dec. 10. “This change would be gradually phased in, with no change for the current year, a 0.25 percent decrease in December 2014, and a 0.5 percent decrease in December 2015.
“This would not affect servicemembers who retired because of disability or injury.”
The summary now posted on the House Budget Committee website removed the sentence relating to disabled retirees.
The Ryan-Murray deal affects Chapter 71, Section 1401 of the United States Code, which deals with the pay of military retirees.
As the code is currently written, servicemembers can be eligible for early Chapter 61 retirement if it is determined that, due to a physical disability, that individual is no longer able to perform the duties of their office, grade, or rank. The individual must hold a disability rating of 30 percent or more according to Department of Defense standards, and the disability must be the proximate result of performing their duties during a time of war or national emergency.
Section 403 of the budget agreement amends section 1401a(b) of Title 10, U.S. Code, adding the “CPI minus one” percent provision, lowering the COLAs of disabled retirees.
Wounded servicemembers are entitled to Veterans Administration Disability Benefits, which remain unchanged by the budget deal. However, the change to Chapter 61 retirement could account for about 55 percent of a wounded service member’s disability pay, according to a Senate aide.
For example, a 28-year-old staff sergeant (an E-5 rank) who is forced to retire after 10 years would see approximately $50,000 in lost compensation over the next 40 years.
Rep. Ryan told the Weekly Standard that the changes are appropriate because servicemen and women who retire in their 40s after serving for two decades are still young enough to maintain a job.
Wild Thing's comment......
Paul Ryan is full of it and wrong.
I know this budget deal pos thing will probably pass but I am against how it does anything against our veterans in any way. Thank God for Sen. Jeff Sessions for speaking up.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
December 15, 2013
Sen. Jeff Sessions: House GOP Didn't Understand Budget Deal Makes It Easier to Spend, Tax
Jeff Sessions: House GOP Didn't Understand Budget Deal Makes It Easier to Spend, Tax
On Friday, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) said House Republicans voted for a budget bill that made it easier for Senate Democrats to increase spending because they did not know the significance of a rule change, inserted into the bill, that allowed it.
Appearing on Mark Levin's radio show, Sessions, the ranking member on the Budget Committee, said he was "disappointed" that Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) did not inform him or his staff of the rule change while they were brokering the deal. Sessions said that if they had known about the change, they could have informed the House GOP and helped them push back against it.
"I don't think Republicans in the House understood the significance of it," Sessions said. "It's a rule that would only impact the Senate."
Sessions was referring to a "point of order" rule that requires 60 votes when a bill proposes spending beyond what is allowed by the Budget Control Act -- even when it is offset by taxes or fees. Sessions said he has used that point of order three times already to block Democrats "from spending more and taxing more." Under the deal brokered by Ryan and Murray, only a simple majority would be needed.
And Sessions said this loophole may, in the future, allow for spending increases larger than the ones he has already blocked.
Sessions, who plans to vote against the budget deal, said there is "no question about" the fact that the ability to reduce spending has been "eroded in this legislation."
"I wish this hadn't happened," Sessions said. "It's a pretty significant deal."
The House passed the deal, criticized by conservatives for increasing taxes, on Thursday, and the Senate will take up the measure next week.
Wild Thing's comment............
Sessions is being polite, he says they did not understand the bill....I ask how many actually read it. deep sigh
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
December 13, 2013
House approves two-year budget plan-169 Republicans and 163 Dems voting yes and 62 Republicans and 32 Democrats voting no
House approves two-year budget plan-169 Republicans and 163 Dems voting yes and 62 Republicans and 32 Democrats voting no
The House approved a two-year spending plan on Thursday evening, in a strong bipartisan vote that underscored the desire by many lawmakers to avoid a repeat of the October budget showdown.
The bill was approved 332-94.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Interesting to see who voted yes and no on this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
November 06, 2013
New York City Elects Socialist Bill De Blasio for Mayor - big Apple More Rotten then ever!
New York City Elects Socialist Mayor
Democrat Bill De Blasio has defeated Republican Joe Lhota tonight in the race to be the next mayor of New York City. Despite being a liberal city, New York has not had a Democratic mayor since 1993, following eight years of Rudy Giuliani and twelve of Michael Bloomberg.
Wild Thing's comment............
I guess the majority of New Yorkers want to finish off their State. Too bad too for the good people in NY that did not want this jerk to be Mayor.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
September 09, 2013
I LOVE what this man did! Man Pays Property Taxes, $7143, In $1 Bills
Man Pays Property Taxes, $7143, In $1 Bills
An Easton, Pa. man, frustrated over property taxes, visited the local tax office and paid in dollar bills – all $7,143 of it.
One bill at a time.
Local news reports identify the man as Robert Fernandes of Forks Township.
The scene, posted on YouTube, has generated more than 15,600 views — in less than a week.
In the video, Fernandes carries a duffel bag filled with bundled bills, which he proceeds to stack on a counter. He brings doughnuts, offered to “anyone who is inconvenienced here today.”
The tax collector tells Fernandes his protest should probably be directed elsewhere, toward the school board, maybe, which is in charge of setting property tax rates.
“I’m not doing this to make anybody’s life more difficult,” Fernandes tells the collector. “Unfortunately, I wish the same could be said, you know, for me and many others whose lives are more difficult for having to pay property taxes.”
Wild Thing's comment...............
LOL good for this man. Make the jerks count it one dollar at a time. hahahaa
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (3)
August 18, 2013
Mark Levin with Live Audience on “Hannity” Discusses “The Liberty Amendments” – Complete Video
Mark Levin with Live Audience on “Hannity” Discusses “The Liberty Amendments” – Complete Video
Mark Levin on “Hannity” Friday night for the complete program to talk about his new book “The Liberty Amendments.” Hannity had a live audience to discuss Levin’s proposal of what is needed to “restore the American Republic.”
Wild Thing's comment............
I would love for this to happen.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
July 21, 2013
Oversight Committee Investigates Scope Of IRS Scandal - Rep Trey Gowdy (R-SC) Weighs In!
Oversight Committee Investigates Scope Of IRS Scandal - Rep Trey Gowdy (R-SC) Weighs In!
Wild Thing's comment....................
Gowdy sure is a good man.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM | Comments (1)
April 03, 2013
Total Jerk Bill O’Reilly Blows Up at Laura Ingraham in “Thump the Bible” Gay Marriage Segment (Video)
Bill O’Reilly Blows Up at Laura Ingraham in “Thump the Bible” Gay Marriage Segment
Bill O’Reilly tonight responded to criticisms from the right over his commentary last week that gay marriage opponents need to do more than just “thump the Bible” if they want to win the argument. After a Talking Points Memo largely focused on mocking liberal media attempts to gin up a feud between himself and Rush Limbaugh, O’Reilly brought on Laura Ingraham, who actually told O’Reilly he was wrong in saying what he said. O’Reilly was stunned with Ingraham, shouting over her and telling her “I’m disappointed in you.”
Ingraham first surprised O’Reilly by agreeing that there actually is a feud of sorts going on between him and people like Limbaugh, given Limbaugh’s harsh condemnation of O’Reilly’s commentary. O’Reilly dismissed the idea he and Limbaugh are enemies, saying “I don’t care what he says, he can say whatever he wants.”
Ingraham agreed with O’Reilly that gay marriage opponents are not always good at making their case, but said O’Reilly unnecessarily insulted them. O’Reilly insisted he made an “honest point” about gay marriage, and shocked Ingraham by saying that opponents cannot cite the Bible in a policy argument. Ingraham told O’Reilly he was being disrespectful, which led O’Reilly to tell Ingraham he’s “disappointed” in her.
Wild Thing's comment.............
O'Reilly is such an asshole. He was out of line the other day in what he said and he will not allow anyone to tell him how wrong he was.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (3)
January 25, 2013
Medicare Paid Out $91.6 Million To Claims Made By Illegal Immigrants
Illegal immigrants and prison inmates received more than $120 million in Medicare services from 2009-2011 despite federal law that makes them ineligible for the program, according to two new reports from the HHS inspector general.
The issue, according to the reports, is timing. When Medicare is alerted that someone is incarcerated or undocumented, its contractors help prevent payments from going out the door. But often, Medicare’s databases aren’t up to date, and improper payments go out.
And Medicare lacks the tools to get the money back.
Nearly 3,000 illegal immigrants made thousands of claims resulting in $91.6 million in services improperly covered by Medicare during the three-year period studied in the report.
Wild Thing's comment.................
This is so sickening, our tax dollars paying for this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (1)
April 20, 2012
Senator Jeff Sessions to US Senate: “Americans Shouldn’t Send Another Dime to This Place” (Video) ~ Good one!!!
Jeff Sessions to US Senate: “Americans Shouldn’t Send Another Dime to This Place”
Senator Jeff Sessions told the US Senate that until they pass a budget the American public “shouldn’t send another dime to this place.
“I can’t imagine that they would want to go to the American people and ask for higher taxes when they refuse to comply with the plain statutory law that says they should have a budget to tell where that money is going to be spent. If you won’t tell the American people where you’re going to spend the money, how much debt you’re going to run up, how much spending you’re going to cut or not cut, then I don’t think the American people ought to send another dime to this place. Not another dime!”
Wild Thing's comment.........
Thank you Senator Jeff Sessions!! In watching how many of the Republican politicans have been speaking up this last month especially, I think they are really gathering strength in slamming Obama. It took too long but I won't dwell on that, especially since they finally are speaking out like this. At least they know half of America has had enough of the destruction from Obama and his agenda.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
November 17, 2011
House Approves Concealed Firearm Permit Bill; Would Allow People to Carry Concealed Weapon Between States
Rep. Cliff Stearns presides over a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington. Stearns is chief co-sponsor of the concealed carry bill.
House Approves Concealed Firearm Permit Bill; Would Allow People to Carry Concealed Weapon Between States
A state permit to carry a concealed firearm would be valid in almost every other state in the country under legislation the House passed Wednesday.
The first pro-gun bill the House has taken up this year and the first since Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., was severely injured in a gun attack in January, it had the National Rifle Association’s backing and passed by a comfortable margin. The vote was 272-154, with only seven Republicans voting against it and 43 Democrats supporting it.
The Democratic-controlled Senate has no parallel bill. But two years ago, GOP Sens. John Thune of South Dakota and David Vitter of Louisiana nearly succeeded in attaching a similar measure to a larger bill.
Under the House legislation, people with a concealed carry permit in one state could carry a concealed weapon in every other state that gives people the right to carry concealed weapons.
While states have various standards for issuing such permits, currently only Illinois and the District of Columbia prohibit the concealed carrying of weapons.
"The Second Amendment is a fundamental right to bear arms that should not be constrained by state boundary lines," said GOP Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.
The bill's chief co-sponsor, Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., said states should consider concealed carry permits no differently from driver's licenses recognized by all states. He noted that many states already have reciprocity agreements with other states.
The legislation would "make it easier for law-abiding permit holders to know that they are simply in compliance with the law when they carry a firearm as they travel," he said.
Democratic opponents said the bill would constitute a "race to the bottom," with states that have strict requirements for issuing permits having to accept permits from states with far more lax standards.
"It's a situation where weaker state laws become the national law," said Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va. He noted that some states require training for permit holders, or deny permits to those under 21 or who sell drugs to minors, commit sex offenses or are involved in domestic violence.
According to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the measure would allow states with tough requirements, such as New York and California, "to allow in concealed carry gun-toting people from states, such as Florida, which repeatedly have given dangerous people licenses to carry."
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., and Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., wrote President Barack Obama last week urging him to issue a veto threat against the bill. Passing the bill "would jeopardize public safety and would be an insult to states like New Jersey and New York that purposefully have strong gun ownership laws," they wrote.
The administration has not yet taken an official position on the bill.
Democrats also chided Republicans for ignoring their dedication to states' rights. "For the Republican House majority that supposedly believes in states' rights, this bill is shocking," said Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y.
There hasn't been much legislative action on firearms issues this year. A spending bill that the House is expected to vote on this week would bar the Justice Department from consolidating firearms sales records or maintaining information on people who have passed firearms background checks.
The chief sponsors of the concealed weapon measure, Stearns and Rep. Heath Shuler, D-N.C., said their proposal would not create a federal licensing system but merely require states to honor one another's carry permits.
People who are unable to get a permit in their home state would not be able to carry a concealed weapon in their home state by getting a permit in another state. A state's ban on carrying concealed weapons in places such as bars, sporting events or state parks would apply to nonresidents as well as residents.
Thirty-five states have "shall issue" permit laws that usually require states to issue permits to those who meet legal requirements. Ten others have "may issue" or discretionary permit laws. Vermont, Arizona, Alaska and Wyoming do not require a permit to carry a concealed weapon.
Wild Thing's comment......
WHOO-HOO! Might not pass the Senate but it is a great indicator!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (2)
August 11, 2011
Republican Picks For The Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (Super Committee)
Speaker Boehner Announces Appointments to Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction
The Speaker's Official Website
House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) today announced his intent to appoint the following three lawmakers to represent House Republicans on the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction:
House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX)
House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI)
House Energy & Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI)
Speaker Boehner has tapped Chairman Hensarling to serve as a co-chair of the joint select committee. Boehner issued the following statement regarding the appointments of Chairmen Hensarling, Camp, and Upton:
“Our debt and deficits are a threat to our economy, and America cannot achieve long-term job growth until we take action to address this crisis. In the weeks ahead, a serious, bipartisan committee of lawmakers will begin the hard but necessary work of making the tough choices needed to rein in mandatory and entitlement spending, which are the drivers of our debt. The lawmakers I have appointed to serve on this joint committee are proven leaders who have earned the trust and confidence of their colleagues and constituents. They understand the gravity of our debt crisis and I appreciate their willingness to serve on this panel.
“The two parties have fundamental differences about government and its proper role in our society. Where we've been able to agree, we have acted, and in a way consistent with the American people’s desire for a smaller, less costly, and more accountable government. Still, the differences remain, and so does the urgent work of returning our economy to creating jobs and lifting the crushing burden of debt that threatens our children’s future. This joint committee presents an opportunity for both parties to bring to the table their best ideas, debate them on the merits, and ultimately come together to do what’s best for our country. With all that’s at stake, I expect that the joint select committee will conduct its work in the open and transparent manner the American people deserve.”
McConnell Appoints Kyl, Toomey, Portman, to Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction
Mitch McConnel's Official Website
U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell Wednesday announced his appointments to the 12-member Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction tasked with reducing the deficit by $1.5 trillion more than the cuts already identified in the Budget Control Act. McConnell appointed Sens. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), and Rob Portman (R-Ohio).
Sen. Jon Kyl was elected unanimously by his colleagues in 2008 to serve as Republican Whip, the second highest position in Senate Republican leadership. He is a senior member of the Finance Committee and a leading advocate of pro-growth tax policies. Kyl is in his third term in the Senate after serving four terms in the House of Representatives. He was the Senate Republicans’ lead negotiator in the deficit reduction talks led by the Vice President over the summer.
Sen. Pat Toomey is a member of the Budget, Banking, Commerce and Joint Economic Committees and has been a leader on economic, financial services, and budgetary issues. Toomey is in his first term in the Senate after serving three terms in the House of Representatives. Sen. Toomey has run a small business and served as the president of The Club for Growth.
Sen. Rob Portman will be the only former Director of the Office of Management and Budget on the Joint Committee. He is a member of the Budget Committee and serves on the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management (Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee). Sen. Portman is in his first term in the Senate. He served in the House of Representatives from 1993 to 2005 when he became the U.S. Trade Representative. While serving in the House of Representatives, he served as Vice Chair of the House Budget Committee and as a member of the House Ways & Means Committee. In 1997, Portman co-chaired the National Commission on Restructuring the Internal Revenue Service with Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska.
Wild Thing's comment....
I wish I could be excited about othis committee, but it just makes the pit of my tummy feel sick and very concerned. I just hope and pray the Republicans that will be on it will not cave to the dems.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (4)
August 07, 2011
S&P Warns Of A Second Downgrade For USA
Michele Bachmann on Fox News on FOX with Neil Cavuto. Both Neil and Bachmann point out that Obama hasn't said a word about the S&P downgrade. Bachmann says he needs to come back from Camp David.
As Neil points out at the beginning of the video.....Obama did not even mention the downgrad by S&P in his Sat. address on TV. ~ Wild Thing
S&P warns of a second downgrade
Standard & Poor’s warned Saturday that the US government could face a second downgrade if government fails to make real cuts to the debt.
One day after lowering the nation’s platinum triple-A credit rating, Standard & Poor’s analysts warned Saturday that the U.S. government could face a second downgrade if the economy continues to struggle and the government fails to make the cuts outlined in the debt ceiling agreement.
The ratings agency on Friday downgraded the nation to AA+ for the first time in history, saying partisanship in Washington is preventing dramatic deficit reduction.
S&P managing director John Chambers told reporters on a Saturday conference call that the toxic mix of a listless economy and political infighting will cause government debt to grow.
“Compared to some other highly rated governments, the U.S. government does not have the proactive ability to put public finances on a firm footing,” Chambers said.
His colleague David Beers said the partisan discord increases the risk that Washington will not achieve effective policy remedies.
“For that reason, there’s a lot of uncertainty about the future debt burden,” Beers said.
S&P: U.S. Faces Further Downgrade Beyond AA+
The U.S.’s new double A+ rating “could go down more in a time frame of six months to 24 months,” to double-A, depending on government action to cut the deficit, John Chambers, managing director and chairman of Standard & Poor’s sovereign ratings committee tells FOX Business senior vice president and anchor Neil Cavuto in an interview on FOX News Saturday.
That means the U.S. government effectively has until at least February to find additional cuts to meet S&P's demand for at least $4 trillion in total deficit reductions over the next decade.
Wild Thing's comment........
If they would get rid of ObamaDEATHcare that would save millions!.....Start There! And get rid of Obama - that will save trillions !!
The S&P guy responsible for the ruling was interviewed yesterday by Niel Cavuto. He was not apologetic and stood up strong for the down grade.
Niel asked if other nations had been down graded before. He answered yes.
Neil asked how long it generally took to have the rating reverted to AAA.
He answered..... well, about 9 to 18 years!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (4)
S&P Says It Favors Spending Cuts Over Tax Hikes To Fix Credit Rating ~ Are You Listening Obama????
S&P Says It Favors Spending Cuts Over Tax Hikes To Fix Credit Rating
Standard & Poor’s laments the possibility cuts to entitlement programs won’t materialize and the decreasing likelihood of new tax revenues.
The decision by Standard & Poor’s to downgrade the U.S. credit rating to “AA+” at once laments the possibility that cuts to entitlement programs will not materialize and the decreasing likelihood of new tax revenues. But it appears to give more weight to the need for more spending cuts, as it warns that a further credit rating downgrade is in the cards if the U.S. does not trim spending.
In contrast, while the report indicates that new tax revenues would help mitigate the debt crisis, failing to find these revenues does not immediately put the U.S. at risk of another downgrade.
Specifically, the report warns directly that a further downgrade to “AA” status could occur within the next two years if there is “less reduction in spending” than what was agreed in the debt ceiling agreement. S&P said one factor that could lead to this second downgrade is if the minimum $1.2 trillion in spending cuts under the debt ceiling agreement does not occur.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Obama owns this, after they passed the first bill .."Cut,Cap, Balance" .....and then IF the Senate and Obama would have signed that one this would not be happening.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (1)
August 04, 2011
Congressman McClintock on Fox Business Freedom Watch Speaks About The Budget Control Act of 2011
Congressman McClintock speaks about the Budget Control Act of 2011 and how the bill "opens up a $2.5 trillion line of credit for the most spendthrift administration in the history of the country to continue to spend at unsustainable rates."
Wild Thing's comment......
This is all sickening what is happening to our great country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (3)
August 03, 2011
Debt Deal Could Cut Defense $900B Over Next Decade ~ Hater Of Our Military Obama Must Be Thrilled!
Spc. John “Rocky” Montoya, squad automatic weapon gunner attached to Laghman Provincial Reconstruction Team, talks to the convoy commander about the security situation in the area during a quality assurance and inspection mission Aug. 1, 2011 in the Qharghyee District.
Debt deal could cut defense $900B over next decade
Cuts to defense spending in the debt reduction bill could total nearly $1 trillion over 10 years — more than double what President Obama had proposed earlier this year — and sap American military might worldwide, say analysts and members of Congress.
Budget cutters may have to consider slashing costly defense systems like the U.S. military’s replacement fighter jet or increase health-care premiums for working-age military retirees to comply with a debt reduction deal that may cut as much as $900 billion from the U.S. military over 10 years.
“They could do this responsibly,” said Todd Harrison, a budget expert at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. “The reality is that it will be very difficult.”
Thomas Donnelly, a military analyst at the American Enterprise Institute, said the Pentagon cuts won’t require “long knives so much as chain saws.”
Harrison estimates the reductions in defense spending could rise to $900 billion over 10 years.
The proposed cuts would force critical weapons systems to be trimmed or eliminated along with reductions in military personnel and training while at war, Donnelly said.
Wild Thing's comment......
Satan in Chief must be so excited about this, he must be dancing in the hallway of the WH.
How about laying off ALL his Secret Service people to cut back on expense then for starters. Just a thought.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (11)
August 02, 2011
U.S. House Passes Debt Limit Agreement as Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Enters Chamber
U.S. House of Representatives passing the Debt Limit Agreement today by a 269-161 margin.
As the final votes were being cast, spontaneous applause began to echo through the House Chamber as members realized Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords had entered to cast her vote. Giffords was casting her first vote on the floor since being shot by an assailant in January. The Debt Limit Agreement now moves to the U.S. Senate for a vote tomorrow, August 2, 2011, at 12 Noon ET.
Joe Biden told reporters he joked with shooting victim about “cracked heads.” Vice President Joe Biden, with a big smile on his face, walked to the House floor and said, “I came to see Gabby, that’s why I’m here.” …When Biden was asked about what he spoke with Giffords about, he joked, “She’s now a member of the cracked head club like me.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is remarkable, how she has been on the road to recovery.
It is amazing how Biden just had to say the wrong thing. He was NOT shot in the head. To compare what he had to what happened to this woman, the two are apples and oranges.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM
August 01, 2011
Another Day At The Debt Ceiling Drama
Obama announced on Sunday that Democrats and Republicans leaders have reached an agreement to reduce the U.S. deficit and avoid default.
Obama said the agreement will cut about $1 trillion over 10 years.
The bipartisan plan will be presented to Congress on Monday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said.
"Leaders from both parties and in both chambers will present this agreement to our caucuses tomorrow," Reid said on the Senate floor.
House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) appears to be balking at the debt ceiling deal that Senate Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada has signed. Mr. Boehner is concerned about provisions in the deal that could lead to sharp cuts in military spending, say people familiar with the situation. House aides have warned that just because Mr. Reid has signed off on the deal doesn’t mean the deal is done.
House Dems 'May Not Be Able to Support' Deal : Pelosi
A deal to raise the federal debt ceiling and avoid the first ever U.S. default is "very close," but House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said Sunday there is a chance they may not pass it.
"We all may not be able to support it, or none us may be able to support it," Pelosi told reporters late Sunday night.
Pelosi has scheduled a Democratic caucus meeting for Monday. Both that meeting and the GOP’s noon confab will be crucial for both parties to gauge the support of their members.
“I look forward to reviewing the legislation with my caucus to see what level of support we can provide,” Pelosi said in a Sunday night statement.
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver , current leader of the Black Caucus, says the debt deal is a “sugar-coated Satan sandwich.”
Barack Obama’s rightward lurch to reach a $3 trillion deficit reduction deal with no guarantee of additional revenues had liberals fuming and Republicans all but declaring victory Sunday afternoon.
With time running out to reach an agreement to raise the debt ceiling before Tuesday’s default deadline, Obama moved dramatically in the direction of the GOP, according to Senators and aides in both parties…
…Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, said early reports of the new deal appeared to be “a sugar-coated Satan sandwich.” The Missouri Democrat said the CBC hadn’t yet made a formal declaration that the group would oppose it, “but this is a shady bill.”
Wild Thing's comment........
What a soap opera this all has been and continues to be.
Can you imagine if everyone of the elected politican in both parties, everyone of them loved our country, was NOT a socialist, communist, Marxist, racist you name it like so many we know are to the core....it would be a breeze to get this all done. It would not have happened in the first place.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (6)
July 20, 2011
House Approves 'Cut, Cap and Balance' Plan 234-190
Paul Ryan twas excellent as he discussed the “Cut, Cap & Balance the Budget” plan.
House Approves 'Cut, Cap and Balance' Plan
The U.S. House of Representatives approved an bill that would increase the U.S. Debt Limit by $2.4 Trillion, accompanied by spending cuts, a cap on future expenditures and a Balanced Budget Amendment requirement. The bill passed the Republican-controlled House 234-190:
The House of Representatives has approved the GOP’s ‘Cut, Cap and Balance’ plan with a vote of 234 to 190.
The bill imposes caps on federal spending as a percentage of GDP. It also allows for an increase in the debt ceiling by $2.4 trillion in exchange for both the Senate and House approving a balanced budget amendment.
House Speaker John Boehner played a muted role in public during the day, but later applauded the passage of the plan.
“House Republicans are the only ones to put forward and pass a real plan that will create a better environment for private-sector job growth by stopping Washington from spending money it doesn’t have and preventing tax hikes on families and small businesses," he said in a statement. "The White House hasn’t said what it will cut."
But nine Republicans voted no on the plan, including Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. and Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas. Five Democrats sided with Republicans.
The plan is under a veto threat by Obama amid predictions that it won't make it through the Senate.
Republicans fiercely defend the cut, cap and balance proposal, noting that they've done more than Obama in putting a plan on the table.
Wild Thing's comment.........
GOP voting NO: Bachmann, Broun (GA), Canseco, DesJarlais, Griffith (VA), Jones, Mack, (Ron) Paul, Rohrabacher.
DEM voting YES: Boren, Cooper, Matheson, McIntyre, Shuler.
Here is the complete list of votes
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (4)
June 01, 2011
House Sends Obama Message, Rejects His Debt Increase
House Republicans dealt defeat to their own proposal for a $2.4 trillion increase in the nation's debt limit Tuesday, a political gambit designed to reinforce a demand for spending cuts to accompany any increase in government borrowing.
House overwhelmingly rejects debt limit increase, 82 Dems vote "no"
Eighty-two House Democrats joined every Republican in rejecting a bill to raise the federal debt ceiling to $16.7 trillion, and the measure failed by a vote of 97 to 318, with seven members (all Democrats) voting “present.”
The Obama administration has argued for such a “clean” vote on the debt ceiling without strings attached (such as additional legislation to reduce the debt).
Just last month, 114 Democrats signed a letter calling for a “clean” vote and Democratic Minority Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., also advocated one. But today, Hoyer announced he was advising his caucus to vote against the measure. Ultimately, just 97 Democrats voted for it, with 82 explicitly voting against it (on top of the seven “present” votes). A total of 10 members (six Democrats, four Republicans) did not vote.
No doubt, this is political gamesmanship by the GOP meant to call the Democrats bluff and show that a stand-alone vote on the debt limit has no chance of passage. But it still is another demonstration that Democrats are reluctant to vote for anything that could open them up to criticism, even when it means voting for policies for which they had previously expressed support.
Last week, zero Senate Democrats voted for President Obama’s budget, which went down 0 to 97. And Democrats in the Senate still haven’t proposed their own alternative.
Wild Thing's comment........
I love it when the dems go against obama it makes it a double slap in his face when that happens.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (4)
May 09, 2011
Obama and Senate Seeks to Create Caesar There Must Be A NO Vote On S. 679
Obama and Senate Seeks to Create Caesar
By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
While all of America is distracted and focused on the death of Osama bin Laden, our President and his minions have been fast at work laying the groundwork for S. 679: Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011 to speed through the Senate and then make its way into the House and then to the President to sign. Yes, the other hand is quickly forming into a dictatorial fist that is about to smash our Constitution.
America is poised with this proposed bill, to morph immediately from a Republic into an empire with the privileged eunuchs of the Senate as window dressing and a dictator – the first American Caesar – at the country’s helm.
And leading the progressive charge is Chuck Schumer (D-NY). No big surprise there. Schumer is an elitist Marxist and a first class progressive who hates America almost as much as he loves power. He introduced S. 679 on March 30th, 2011. He was joined by a gaggle of progressives from the left and the right. This is something I have been warning Americans about for a long time. If we are to survive as a nation, we must rid ourselves of ALL progressives or our nation is doomed and freedom will be swept into the dustbin of history.
Schumer’s esteemed list of constitutional traitors is as follows:
■Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
■Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM)
■Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
■Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA)
■Sen. Thomas Carper (D-DE)
■Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
■Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL)
■Sen. Mike Johanns (R-NE)
■Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ)
■Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT)
■Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN)
■Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
■Sen. John Reed (D-RI)
■Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
■Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
From The Heritage Foundation, here is a succinct explanation of the bill:
The bill reduces the number of presidential appointments that require the consent of the Senate and establishes within the executive branch a Working Group on Streamlining Paperwork for Executive Nominations. Individuals nominated to senior executive offices suffer slow and detailed background investigations and mounds of duplicative paperwork before a President sends their nominations to the Senate. After nomination, many nominees suffer time-consuming inaction or time-consuming and excruciating action as the Senate proceeds (or does not) with consideration of the nomination. The sponsors of S. 679 have identified a valid problem, but proposed the wrong solution. Congress should not enact S. 679.
In essence they want to give the President the sole power to appoint people to positions of his choosing within our government. Obama would be free to do this without the approval of the Senate. Senate approval of such positions is mandated by the U.S. Constitution in Article II, Section 2 under the “Appointments Clause”:
… shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.
This bill will do away with the checks and balances that separate an American form of government from those such as Venezuela and Brazil. Already we have power mongers such as Cass Sunstein our Regulatory Czar (more commonly known as the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs and more aptly titled the Office of Government Propaganda) running amok across the US using agencies such as the EPA as a weapon of regulation and control. There is not a single area in our country that Sunstein does not have his claws sunk deep into. It should scare the crap out of Americans, but all I hear are crickets. The silence of capitulation seals our fate as surely as the thunderous applause of approval – so ends the Republic.
More from The Heritage Foundation:
When the delegates of the states gathered in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787 and wrote the Constitution, they distributed the powers of the federal government among two Houses of Congress, a President, and a judiciary, and required in many cases that two of them work together to exercise a particular constitutional power. That separation of powers protects the liberties of the American people by preventing any one officer of the government from aggregating too much power.
The Framers of the Constitution did not give the President the kingly power to appoint the senior officers of the government by himself. Instead, they allowed the President to name an individual for a senior office, but then required the President to obtain the Senate’s consent before appointing the individual to office. Thus, they required the cooperation of the President and the Senate to put someone in high office.
I know Americans have not forgotten about Obama’s string of Czars. Czars that he was supposed to downsize or get rid of. Czars, which in my personal viewpoint, were and still are illegal under the Constitution. But progressives never go away, they just shift… As has done so many of Obama’s Czars. With this sweeping bill, over 200 positions will no longer require Senate approval. Obama will dictate who are his powerful lieutenants and who will control America. The Senate will merely be a sham to parrot Obama’s dictates. With this bill, checks and balances will be effectively nullified.
What does that portend you say? One day, your right to own a gun will be gone, just regulated away. Businesses will be nationalized even more than they are now. Heavy regulation will ensue concerning communications and the Internet. Many, many private businesses will whither and die. You will be told what and how much to eat – food and gas rationing will become the norm. Poverty and squalor will become equal for all as wealth is redistributed to other nations. If there are elections, they will be a joke and pointless. There will be a few powerful elites and then the masses. Guess which camp you and I will be in?
Our best hope at this juncture is that this abomination will be stopped in the House. We must weed out the progressives and we must win in 2012. This country will not survive another four years of progressive policies. Not as a Republic and not as a free entity anyway.
The bitter irony on display here, is that the same jackals that have barked and snarled and feigned horror at “American Imperialism,” are the very ones who now howl their support for a true American empire. All hail Caesar!
Wild Thing's comment........
Republic to Dictatorship!
Obama and Schumer want to do away powers enumerated in the Constitution.
I believe the US Constitution is inspired. I can just imagine God might say something like, "I gave you the Constitution to protect your rights and to be a light of freedom to the world. What did you do to protect the Constitution?"
So who is the ultimate protector of the Constitution? The people. It is "we the people" who created the Constitution. It is "we the people" who must defend it! Nobody else will!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (5)
April 17, 2011
Senator Charles Grassley Has ‘damning’ Gunrunner Documents From His Investigation Into ATF's "Fast and Furious" Operation
Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) has damning evidence that US ATF officials sanctioned or allowed the sale of assault weapons to straw purchasers. The agency was doing this on purpose. The government encouraged this. Two of the weapons ended up at the murder scene of a US border patrol agent in Arizona, Brian Terry. Obama says he and Holder knew nothing about Operation Gunrunner.
Senator Grassley spoke out on his investigation yesterday on the floor of the senate.
This is an amazing video.
Between 13 and 1,700 guns got away and that’s just what has turned up so far. Several of the guns have been connected to criminal acts. Obama’s failed stimulus plan helped fund the program.
BREAKING: Grassley has ‘damning’ Gunrunner documents – CBS News
Devastating e-mail exchanges between a senior official with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Phoenix, AZ and a cooperating gun shop operator have been revealed by Senator Charles Grassley in a letter sent late yesterday to Attorney General Eric Holder.
“In light of this new evidence,” Grassley tells Holder, “the Justice Department’s claim that the ATF never knowingly sanctioned or allowed the sale of assault weapons to straw purchasers is simply not credible.”
Grassley’s press release can be viewed here.
CBS News’ Sharyl Attkisson is reporting that the information contained in the e-mails is “damning.”
The e-mail exchange is with David Voth, group supervisor for ATF’s Phoenix Group VII. Voth is the agent who infamously sent an e-mail to other ATF agents, goading them into participating in the Gunrunner project without question, or to find a different job.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is outright treason against the United States; attempting to undermine the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
Holder and Obama should be kicked out big time but sadly they won't. I hate how they keep getting away with everything they do!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (4)
April 16, 2011
16 Tons of American Debt As Obama Keeps Increasing Federal Debt
Just how big is our National Debt? $14,300,000,000,000. IowaHawk explains that is equal to 16 million tons of $1 Bills. He has set his explanation to the wonderful song, “16 Tons,” by Tennessee Ernie Ford.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Really well done video of this.
And the scary thing too is that from the time the video started until it was finished the debt amount has grown.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
April 09, 2011
al-Qaeda's Man in the White House Dictator Obama ~ EPA Was Rebuffed and Obama's Baby Killing Machine Planned Parenthood was Sidetracked!
A temporary deal has been reached to avoid a Government Shutdown by passing a continuing resolution until a final agreement can be passed for the 2011 Budget next week:
Obama took credit for the talks tonight that averted a government shutdown.
He also lectured America on “living within our means.”
“Like any worthwhile compromise, both sides had to make tough decisions and give ground on issues that were important to them,” Obama said before cameras in the White House Blue Room as he acknowledged some of the cuts agreed to would be painful, with certain programs cut back and other projects encountering delays. “But beginning to live within our means is the only way to protect those investments that will help America compete for new jobs,”
Obama didn’t want to cut a dime from the budget that he increased by a trillion dollars in the last three years.
Congress Strikes a Budget Deal to Avert Shutdown, Cutting $38.5B
Senate Passes Short-Term Funding Deal to Avert Shutdown.
House members were called into session tonight to vote on the Short Term Funding bill to keep the federal machinery running for the next several days.
They reportedly agreed to cut about $38 billion in federal spending.
Republican attempts to curtail the reach of the Environmental Protection Agency were rebuffed.
Attempts to deny federal funds to Planned Parenthood were sidetracked.
However, anti-abortion lawmakers did succeed in winning a provision to ban the use of federal or local government funds to pay for abortions in the District of Columbia.
The House passed the short term funding bill 347-70.
Some facts are being revealed slowly – more victories:
“The House got an agreement out of Harry Reid and the White House to prohibit taxpayer funding for abortions in the District of Columbia, and to allow a vote in the Senate over Planned Parenthood funding (and Obamacare).”
Fox just reported, one of the things agreed to, a stand alone vote on ObamaCare in the Senate. Boehner got the dems to agree to this with 23 senate dems up for reelection next year?
Wiild Thing's comment........
BIG disappointment and that is mild as to how I feel about this. Boehner was sent up against obama, Reid and the rest of the dems and the rinos. He was not the man for the job that needed a warrior, he needed to be a man with a take no prisoner at heart attitude. Boehner is not a warrior. We are 1/3 of 1/3 of the elected in Washington. Those odds call for someone that can take on a platoon of the enemy and wipe them out , not one measily moving target.
And because of obama, America has abandoned Israel, abandoned the Constitution, and dems keep having bigger wins then Republicans and it is the Republicans whose win would be best for America.
The Democratic Party has spent years, and millions of dollars indoctrinating and aligning people in support of their “progressive” agenda. This did not happen over night so I am trying as best I can at being realistic about all of this. BUT I am nontheless disappointed.
I did peek over at KOS and they are totally upset at the vote and what was done by the democrats. So there is a small victory in that I suppose.
This was a battle with people who will literally do anything to destroy this country, its constitution and its moral principles based on the Natural Law, God. Obama can’t even use the word “God” when quoting the pledge or the constitution.
Boehner, Ryan and Cantor started at $61 Bil in cuts.
Reid and the Dem’s started at $0 cuts, then $30 Bil and them finally ended up at $39.5 in cuts.
Did the Republicans have and then relinquish the power to stop this in its tracks? – YES
Was Obamacare repealed or defunded? – NO (Major Dem talking point)
Was Planned Parenthood defunded? – NO (Major Dem talking point)
Was NPR defunded? – NO (Minor Dem talking point)
What, if any, cuts were made to programs run by ACORN or its recently formed spin-offs? – TBD, but I’m guessing “NO”.
So how do we consider $38B in cuts to a 2011 budget that was inflated by almost $1T in 2010 an “win”?
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM | Comments (4)
OBAMA's America! What America has Become Folks! Can't Even stand on your Property or keep a basketball hoop!
What America has Become Folks! Can't Even stand on your Property or keep a basketball hoop
Wild Thing's comment.......
The man said he followed all the process, wrote a letter made his phone calls. The woman(?) police officer flat out lies to the man when she told him he could keep it but it had to lay down in the driveway. Then she takes it. Sheesh I hate liars.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:47 AM | Comments (3)
March 16, 2011
House of Representatives Passes 3 Week Spending Bill As 54 Conservative Republicans Vote No
This is Lou Dobbs new show and it is on Fox Business. Congratulations Lou!!!
The interview he did with Mike Pence was done the day before the vote yesterday. Unfortunately not enough Republicans voted with the ones voting NO so instead of what Pence, West and others wanted by their NO vote, the House passed the three-week spending bill .
The House of Representatives Tuesday afternoon passed the three-week spending bill to keep the government open through April 8 by a count of 271-158, but with dozens of Republicans rejecting the latest stop-gap measure, the pressure is rising on Congressional leaders to reach a compromise to fund the government through the end of the fiscal year.
While the last short-term spending bill received nearly unanimous support from the Republican Conference on March 1 (only six opposed), 54 House Republicans, including 22 GOP freshmen, peeled off in opposition to the latest short-term bill, with many conservatives taking a stand against funding the government on an incremental basis. Without support from 85 House Democrats, the bill could have failed.
“My ‘No’ vote should not be construed as my willingness for a ‘government shutdown.’ My vote is based on a simple principle that we need to complete the federal budget for 2011,” Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., said in a statement explaining his opposition to the bill. “We cannot wait any longer. The time has come to have this debate on federal spending and get our nation back on track by cutting spending for the long term economic restoration of our Republic.”
Statement for the Congressional Record on the Continuing Resolution
.by Congressman Allen West on Tuesday, March 15
Mr. Speaker: I rise today to take a stand, a stand that may not be popular with the Leadership of the House of Representatives, but a stand I must take because I believe we cannot kick the can down the road for even another three weeks. The American people recognize that we must no longer take these small calculated measures. Today I will vote against another short term Continuing Resolution.
In the shortest month of the year, February, the federal government had the largest deficit of $223 billion in our nation’s entire history. The American People know that we are in a fiscal crisis and have sent me to address out-of-control spending.
The Majority in the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1 which reduced spending by $61 billion for the remainder of this Fiscal Year. Even though H.R 1 only cut spending by approximately 1.5 percent of the entire requested budget for Fiscal Year 2011, H.R. 1 reversed the trend of the Democrat Majority which increased overall discretionary funding by 24% over the last two years. The United States Senate rejected this amount as too much. They believe that, after President Barack Obama and the Democrat Congress presented trillion dollar deficit budgets, a freeze is the only viable approach.
I am not a supporter of big government. However, the federal government does perform certain important functions. Many essential federal agencies cannot move forward with planning and using resources if every several weeks they are faced with the threat that they will need to close their doors until we resolve this impasse. Could any business in America function this way? Can a family household function this way?
Mr. Speaker, President Obama and the United States Congresses of the past have created the Nanny States of America. Vast segments of the American people are now dependent on our federal government and not dependent on their own ability, skills and entrepreneurial spirit to succeed in this nation.
We are in this position today because the Democrats in the last Congress failed to pass a budget. Further, the President appoints Vice President Biden as the Administration point person on the negotiations while he flies off to Europe. The Democrats failed to show leadership last year and the President is showing a lack of leadership today. I will show what I consider appropriate leadership now and vote against this Continuing Resolution.
Mr. Speaker, the American people are watching us closely. Today, with information so readily available on the internet they know the truth of our desperate economic situation. The days of Washington, D.C. double-talk no longer works.
The American people know that the federal government is collecting $2.2 trillion and spending $3.7 trillion this year. The American people know forty cents of every dollar the federal government spends is borrowed, much of it from China. The American people also know our nation is piling up new debt at the rate of $4 billion a day. So, what does $6 billion of spending cuts really buy the American people?
Further, the General Accountability Office released a 345-page report detailing the redundancies of federal programs and the $100 to $200 billion of savings that could be achieved if these programs were consolidated or eliminated.
My colleagues on the other side of the aisle want to argue that these cuts in spending will weaken an already slow economy and contribute to an increase in the loss of jobs. I believe this is a disingenuous argument. The truth is, the spending over the last two years has not reduced the loss of jobs, but instead has contributed to the largest debt in American history which will be passed on to my children and my grandchildren.
In Wisconsin, we have seen what the unionized entitlement class can do and the pressure they can place on their elected officials. Wisconsin State Legislators running to a neighboring state to hide from making a hard vote and protestors storming the Wisconsin State Capitol are not in concert with the principles of a representative democracy.
Mr. Speaker, Madison, Wisconsin is only 700 miles from the United States Capitol.
The Founders of our nation wrote in the Declaration of Independence “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The “Pursuit” of Happiness, not the federal government’s “Guarantee” of Happiness!
Finally, Mr. Speaker, we can continue to rehash the past of how we have gotten into this situation, but I would rather focus on the future. The future is now and the place is here for us to get our nation back on track. I support the cuts in the Continuing Resolution. I support the elimination of these projects.
However, my “No” vote should not be construed as my willingness for a “government shutdown.” My “No” vote is based on a simple principle that we need to complete the federal budget for 2011. It is time to have this debate on federal spending and get our nation back on track by cutting spending for the long term economic restoration of our Republic.
Alexander the Great once stated, "Fortune favors the bold." The American people are looking for principled and bold leadership. I understand "political maneuvering" but the time has come to engage in the battle for the fiscal responsible future of America. I take my position on the frontlines.
Wild Thing's comment........
Here is the list from Roll Call.
54 Republicans who voted “nay” to the continuing resolution:
AZ-2 Franks, Trent [R]
AZ-6 Flake, Jeff [R]
CA-48 Campbell, John [R]
CO-3 Tipton, Scott [R]
CO-5 Lamborn, Doug [R]
FL-12 Ross, Dennis [R]
FL-14 Mack, Connie [R]
FL-2 Southerland, Steve [R]
FL-22 West, Allen [R]
FL-6 Stearns, Clifford [R]
GA-11 Gingrey, John [R]
GA-9 Graves, Tom [R]
IA-5 King, Steve [R]
ID-1 Labrador, Raúl [R]
IL-15 Johnson, Timothy [R]
IL-8 Walsh, Joe [R]
IN-3 Stutzman, Marlin [R]
IN-5 Burton, Dan [R]
IN-6 Pence, Mike [R]
KS-1 Huelskamp, Tim [R]
LA-3 Landry, Jeff [R]
LA-4 Fleming, John [R]
MD-1 Harris, Andy [R]
MD-6 Bartlett, Roscoe [R]
MI-1 Benishek, Dan [R]
MI-11 McCotter, Thaddeus [R]
MI-2 Huizenga, Bill [R]
MI-3 Amash, Justin [R]
MI-7 Walberg, Timothy [R]
MN-6 Bachmann, Michele [R]
MO-2 Akin, W. [R]
MO-7 Long, Billy [R]
MT-0 Rehberg, Dennis [R]
NC-3 Jones, Walter [R]
NJ-4 Smith, Christopher [R]
NJ-5 Garrett, Scott [R]
NM-2 Pearce, Steven [R]
NV-2 Heller, Dean [R]
OH-1 Chabot, Steven [R]
OH-2 Schmidt, Jean [R]
OH-4 Jordan, Jim [R]
OK-1 Sullivan, John [R]
PA-16 Pitts, Joseph [R]
SC-2 Wilson, Addison [R]
SC-3 Duncan, Jeff [R]
SC-4 Gowdy, Trey [R]
SC-5 Mulvaney, Mick [R]
TX-1 Gohmert, Louis [R]
TX-14 Paul, Ronald [R]
TX-2 Poe, Ted [R]
TX-4 Hall, Ralph [R]
TX-6 Barton, Joe [R]
UT-3 Chaffetz, Jason [R]
VA-2 Rigell, E. [R]
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
America to have the highest corporate tax rate in April
America to have the highest corporate tax rate in April
The world’s superpower is about to lead the way in yet another realm. Next month, America is set to bear the distinction of having the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world.
According to a study by the Tax Foundation, America’s combined federal and state rate of 39.2 percent is only out paced by Japan’s rate of 39.5 percent – which Japan plans to lower next month. Without Japan in the lead, America’s 39.2 percent will render it the corporate tax rate leader in the developed world, aka the countries comprising the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
In recent years, many OECD nations have been lowering their corporate income tax to create more favorable environments for business. The Tax Foundation notes that since 2000 Germany, Canada, Greece, Turkey, Poland, the Slovak Republic, Iceland, and Ireland have all lowered their corporate tax rates by double-digits.
The study’s author and Tax Foundation president Scott A. Hodge said that one of America’s economic pitfalls will be the high corporate income tax.
“United States companies are now in the position of trying to compete in the 21st century world economy with a 20th century tax system,” said Ho. “Dozens of countries around the world—including many of the United States’ closest trading partners—have realized that sky-high corporate tax rates are an economic dead end. Now more than ever, Americans want to see policies that will help create increased growth, more jobs, and higher standards of living – exactly the things that a lower and more streamlined corporate tax system can help achieve.”
The Tax Foundation’s study adds fodder to a similar warning that came from the Cato Institute in February. Cato advised that the U.S. reduce its corporate tax burden by 10 percent or more.
“A growing number of policymakers are recognizing that the U.S. corporate tax system is a major barrier to economic growth,” Duanjie Chen and Jack Mintz wrote in a Cato bulletin. “The aim of corporate tax reforms should be to create a system that has a competitive rate and is neutral between different business activities.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Notice how all the bad things our country is getting to be number one with and all the good things America meant to the world and especially we the people ( since obama got his brubby hands on our country) have turned upside down and backward. sheesh
The more this destruction keeps up there will be a day when another devastation like the one in Japan happens and we will not be able to help at all. The shining light on the hill Reagan spoke of will exist in our hearts but not as a country to the world. We have GOT to take our country back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Corp Taxes benefit no one but the Government. It destroys our nations ability to compete in the World Market.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (4)
January 09, 2011
U.S. House of Representatives Postpones All Legislative Business Next Week
U.S. House of Representatives Postpones All Legislative Business Next Week
Healthcare vote postponed due to shooting - Cantor
The House of Representatives will postpone next week's vote to repeal President Barack Obama's healthcare reform legislation due to the shooting of Democratic Representative Gabrielle Giffords, House Republican Leader Eric Cantor said on Saturday.
"All legislation currently scheduled to be considered by the House of Representatives next week is being postponed so that we can take whatever actions may be necessary in light of today's tragedy," Cantor said in a prepared statement.
Wild Thing's comment.........
So that means no vote on January 12th, I wanted to let you all know about this.
Also I forgot to share this the other day so I will just put it here.
"Reading the Constitution, out loud, on the floor? The Democrats must feel like they are being waterboarded" - Rush
I laughed so hard when he said this. LOL hahhaaha
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (3)
January 07, 2011
Republicans Introduce Bill To Eliminate Presidential 'czars'
Republicans introduce bill to eliminate presidential 'czars'
A group of House Republicans introduced a bill on Wednesday to rein in the various "czars" in the Obama administration.
Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) and 28 other House Republicans introduced legislation to do away with the informal, paid advisers President Obama has employed over the past two years.
The legislation, which was introduced in the last Congress but was not allowed to advance under Democratic control, would do away with the 39 czars Obama has employed during his administration.
The bill defines a czar as "a head of any task force, council, policy office within the Executive Office of the President, or similar office established by or at the direction of the President" who is appointed to a position that would otherwise require Senate confirmation.
Republicans had complained about the president's use of czars to help advance his agenda in Congress. In particular, the GOP had harped about the personal history of Van Jones, the president's czar for "green jobs," over past comments Jones had made about Fox News came to light. Jones eventually resigned.
Another prominent czar over the past year was Carol Browner, the president's energy and environmental adviser. She helped head up efforts in response to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and the ultimately unsuccessful effort for an energy and climate bill from Congress.
Republicans introduced several bills to eliminate czars in the last Congress, but similar legislation could conceivably advance in the House now that the GOP controls the chamber.
"We haven’t gotten an indication of an exact timeline for committee action, considering that the bill was just filed yesterday," said Scalise spokesman Stephen Bell. "We hope to have this discussion in the near future as the congressman works to pursue all the bills he has introduced in the 112th Congress."
Wild Thing's comment........
GOOD, GREAT! Beautiful. And the Republicans can claim this as a cost cutting measure. I’d like the see the RATS try and defend these Czars. That will be interesting.
Keep it up, 112th! Even if it gets nowhere, you can at least help us have something to smile about once in awhile for the next 2 years. This is a great one! And, as Rush has suggested, introduce a new bill to repeal Obamacare every week. Keep the ‘Rats so busy playing defense that they can’t inflict as much harm during this session.
We must all remember too, to give them the kudos and continued encouragement. It is up to us to cheer them on and let them know that we appreciate everything they’re doing. We need to write, call, e-mail our kudos and agreement every time they do us proud. That will go a long way to build up their resolve and keep them on the right track. It’s going to be mind-boggling what the MSM and the Democrats are going to throw at these people. They need encouragement daily!!!!
Say goodbye...........
Source of information below.......
Obama has moved swiftly to concentrate power in the White House, bypassing the review of our elected representatives in Congress in most of the posts listed above. Even though cabinet positions are part of the executive branch, the cabinet secretaries must be approved by Congress, they are funded by Congress, and they can be called before Congress to testify. Most of these czars, on the other hand, are appointed by Obama at his sole discretion, and are answerable only to him. If subpoenaed by Congress, they can claim executive privilege.
1. Herbert Allison Jr., bailout czar, [replaced Bush bailout czar Neel Kashkari, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability confirmed by Senate]
2. Alan Bersin, border czar
3. Dennis Blair, intelligence czar [Director of National Intelligence, a Senate confirmed position]
4. John Brennan, counterterrorism czar
5. Carol Browner, energy czar
6. Adolfo Carrion, urban affairs czar
7. Ashton Carter, weapons czar [actually Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics and so subject to Senate confirmation]
8. Aneesh Chopra, technology czar
9. Jeffrey Crowley, [openly gay white man] AIDS czar
10. Cameron Davis, Great Lakes czar
11. Nancy-Ann DeParle, health czar
12. Earl Devaney, stimulus oversight czar
13. Joshua DuBois, religion czar, aka God czar
14. Arne Duncan, education czar
15. Kenneth Feinberg, pay czar
16. Daniel Fried, Guantanamo closure czar
17. J. Scott Gration, Sudan czar
18. Melissa Hathaway, [soon to be] cybersecurity czar
19. David J. Hayes, water czar [a Deputy Interior Secretary and therefore subject to Senate oversight]
20. Richard Holbrooke, Afghanistan-Pakistan (Af-Pak) czar...Died last month)
21. John Holdren, science czar
22. Kevin Jennings, safe schools czar [nominated to be Assistant Deputy Secretary of Education, Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, a newly created post; openly gay founder of an organization dedicated to promoting pro-homosexual clubs and curricula in public schools]
23. Van Jones, green jobs czar
24. Gil Kerlikowske, drug czar
25. Ron Kirk, trade czar
26. Vivek Kundra, infotech czar [Shoplifted four shirts, worth $33.50 each, from J.C. Penney in 1996 (source)]
27. Douglas Lute, war czar [retained from Bush administration, married to Jane Holl Lute, currently a Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security]
28. George Mitchell, Mideast peace czar
29. Ed Montgomery, car czar [replacing Steve Rattner, who stepped down amid controversy over his former firm’s role in a possible kickback scandal]
30. Lynn Rosenthal, domestic violence czar
31. Dennis Ross, Mideast policy czar
32. Gary Samore, weapons of mass destruction czar
33. Todd Stern, climate change czar
34. Cass Sunstein, regulatory czar
35. Larry Summers, economic czar
36. Michael Taylor, food czar
37. Arturo Valenzuela, Latin-American czar (nominee) [although this post is referred to as a czar, he is nominated to be Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs and so is subject to Senate confirmation]
38. Paul Volcker, economic czar number two
39. Elizabeth Warren, TARP czar [chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Trouble Assets Relief Program; note that Herb Allison is more frequently called the TARP czar]
40. Jeffrey Zients, government performance czar [replaced original nominee Nancy Killefer who withdrew her name after issues with her personal income tax filings surfaced]
Positions established but not yet filled:
41. behavioral science czar
42. copyright czar
Positions being planned:
1. income redistribution czar
2. land-use czar
3. consumer financial protection czar, aka mortgage czar (source)
4. radio-internet fairness czar
5. student loan czar, to oversee a program of mandatory service in return for college money (source)
6. voter list czar
7. zoning czar
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (7)
EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Lamar Smith Issues First DOJ Oversight Letter
EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Lamar Smith issues first DOJ oversight letter
Right Turn sectrioin
By Jennifer Rubin
Right Turn has obtained the first oversight letter from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) issued to the Justice Department. While he was in the minority, Smith labored, largely unsuccessfully, on the committee to convince the Democratic chairman to investigate a range of issues, including detainee policy and New Black Panther Party case. He now has the authority to schedule hearings, call witnesses and subpoena documents.
In a five-page letter, Smith notes that there has been "little oversight" as to how the civil rights division has used its budget increases ($22 million in FYI 2010 and $17 million requested in FYI 2011) and why the need for some 164 new positions.
He then gets to the heart of the matter. As I and other outlets have reported, he notes that in the New Black Panther Party case investigation, it came to light that a political appointee, Julie Fernandes, directed Justice Department attorneys "not to bring cases against black defendants for the benefit of white victims."
Smith then details allegations by former Justice Department attorney J. Christian Adams that the department declined to enforce the National Voter Registration Act and its provisions relating to "voter integrity."
After reciting the evidence concerning Fernandes's statements and her expressed hostility toward enforcing the NVRA, Smith concludes:
"Allegations that the Civil Rights Division has engaged in a practice of race-biased enforcement of voting rights law must be investigated by the Committee." He then gives Holder until January 21 to respond to a list of questions, including whether Fernandes did, in fact, "explicitly or implicitly direct Voting Section staff not to enforce any section of any federal rights statute" or "not to enforce Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act." He demands all documents that relate to the department's enforcement practices under the Voting Rights Act.
The letter is noteworthy on a number of levels.
First, administration flacks and liberal bloggers have insisted that the New Black Panther Party case is much to do about nothing. But as Smith has correctly discerned, the issue of enforcement or non-enforcement of civil rights laws based on a non-colorblind view of those laws is serious and a potentially explosive issue for this administration.
Second, Holder's strategy of stonewalling during the first two years of Obama's term may have backfired. Had he been forthcoming while Democrats were in the majority, he might have been able to soften the blows; Smith is not about to pull his punches.
And finally, Smith is demonstrating the sort of restraint and big-picture focus that is essential for the Republicans if they are to remain credible and demonstrate their capacity for governance.
That took less than 24 hours. Jennifer Rubin has the exclusive news at the Washington Post. Lamar Smith is demanding answers. The speed in which this demand came out of the New Congress sends a message.
UPDATE TWO: A further review of Chairman Smith's letter reveals that Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes is also on Smith's radar. It is clear that she is now in the cross-hairs of the House Judiciary Committee, and that is a very unwelcome place to be in Washington D.C. One saw how Democrats running the House and Senate Judiciary Committee handled the DOJ in 2006-2008. Fernandes is the one who refuses to enforce Section 8 of Motor Voter to remove ineligible voters from the rolls.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Heck Yesssssss ! Yahoooooooo!
It's good to read the news today.
Can't wait to see DOJ officials in front of committee under oath. This should be interesting. The issue of whether the Black Panther case should have been prosecuted is obvious to the seeing person.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (3)
House Republican Introduces Bill to Block FCC’s ‘Internet Grab’
House Republican Introduces Bill to Block FCC’s ‘Internet Grab’
Rep. Marsha Blackburn introduced legislation Wednesday to deny the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulatory oversight over the Internet, which the Tennessee Republican insisted was the “sole prerogative of Congress” to administer.
“I agree that the Internet faces a number of challenge, ” Blackburn said in a release. “Only Congress can address those challenges without compounding them. Until we do, the FCC and other federal bureaucracies should keep their hands off the ‘net.”
According to Rep. Blackburn’s office, the “Internet Freedom Act” has the support of more than 60 House members, including a majority of GOP’ers on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
The legislation already has bipartisan support, counting among its endorsers Blue Dog Democrat Dan Boren of Oklahoma.
“The only sector of our economy showing growth is online,” Blackburn said. “In these times, for an unelected bureaucracy with dubious jurisdiction and misplaced motives to unilaterally regulate that growth is intolerable.”
But Blackburn, who filed similar legislation in 2009, said:
"the measure is an “intermediate step” to counter the FCC’s recent adoption of Net neutrality rules. By way of a more immediate enforcement countermeasure, her office says she supports invoking the Congressional Review Act, which empowers legislators to invalidate noxious regulatory frameworks developed by federal agencies.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is great! Each step they take some small some will be huge will have an effect. Keep up the momentum and we will keep supporting you.
The left took 60 years to make it possible to seat a Usurping Marxist as president. The damage will not be corrected over night. Therefore every opportunity must be taken to provoke public discussion and debate.
Our crusade is eminently doable because conservatives can say unabashedly what we believe in and why. The left on the other hand must lie, cheat, steal and trick or murder its way into power.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (3)
January 06, 2011
God Bless You Speaker Boehner
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi delivering her seemingly never-ending exit speech as she prepared to hand the gavel over to new House Speaker John Boehner. Pelosi seemed to use her remarks to boast about what she considered her accomplishments, sounding much more like a campaign speech than a graceful stepping aside. Eventually, she got around to John Boehner, praising him as a “skilled legislator” and a servant of the people, and then handed him the gavel as Speaker of the House.
There was visible tension in the GOP section of the floor when Pelosi read out a litany of the bills passed by the 111th Congress...even a few soft goans.
Almost no Republicans applauded when Pelosi mentioned the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. There was a lot of smiling-through-annoyance, and a slightly smaller level of document-checking and cell phone-checking.
House Speaker John Boehner receiving the gavel from Nancy Pelosi, and then delivering his remarks on assuming leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Boehner promised more openness, saying all bills will be posted online for three days for Americans will have a chance to read them before they are voted on, and he said there will be renewed focus on doing the “People’s business.” “It’s not about us,” Boehner said.
Wild Thing's comment........
I thought she would never shut up AUGH! She will be known in history as the worst Speaker of the House our country has ever had. No one ever did what she has done with turning the lights off on everyone, locking the door and not allowing the Republicans in and putting security guards at that door to make sure they did not get in. I will never forget that video Eric Cantor made that day that I posted here. He did it to show proof of how they were locked out.
The 112th was sent to save our Republic, they will need our prayers as they will be attacked big time by the media and the democrats. 2010 was only the beginning. 20 years of “Patriot focused” elections will get the train back on track.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (7)
Harry Reid Says: The American People LOVE BIG Government ~ What A LIAR He Is!
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL oh sure, that is why even the polls taken show this democrat run government is the least trusted, the least liked ever.
Trust me Harry, size DOES matter when it comes to our government and bigger is NOT better. No go sit down Harry and keep looking like you have not gone to the bathroom for 50 yesrs.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (4)
December 22, 2010
START Treaty Clears Last Senate Hurdle Before Ratification
START Treaty Clears Last Senate Hurdle Before Ratification
The Senate on Tuesday voted to limit debate on ratification of a major arms control accord with Russia, setting the stage for a final vote on the so-called START treaty.
The Senate voted 67-28 to advance the legislation, easily exceeding the 60 votes required.
The Senate is expected to ratify the treaty some time on Wednesday in what would be the latest in a string of legislative victories for President Obama after his party was soundly beaten in the midterm elections last month.
Earlier, Republicans senators expressed outrage as Obama secured enough votes for ratification.
At least 10 Republicans publicly announced their support for the accord, including Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander, the No. 3 Republican in the Senate, putting it on a virtual glidepath to ratification by Wednesday night.
Republicans Isakson, Corker, Bennet, Brown and Lamar Alexander will support the nuclear treaty with Russia.
At a GOP news conference, Republicans who oppose the treaty warned of the consequences.
"Well this is a joke," said Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., adding that he believes the administration gave up too much to the Russians to negotiate the treaty.
"When you want zero nukes in the world, you're not an effective negotiator," he said.
Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., said it's clear the administration is checking the box on many issues without any substance behind the box.
"We join millions of Americans who are outraged," he said, adding that it is being crammed under the cover of Christmas.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., the No. 2 Republican in the Senate, also oppose the START agreement.
Treaty backers were heartened as several Republicans broke ranks, voting against three Republican amendments that would have effectively killed the treaty.
Alexander said he is "convinced that the plan's implementation will make giant steps toward modernization of those facilities so that we -- and our allies and adversaries -- can be assured that the weapons will work if needed."
"The president's statement that he will ask for these funds and the support of senior members of the Senate Appropriations Committee means that the plan is more likely to become a reality," he said on the Senate floor. "This will make sure the United States is not left with a collection of wet matches."
Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., said: "Only through setting the example, without giving in or capitulating a thing, do we give hope to the future that my grandchildren and yours can live in a world that will not be free of nukes but will be secure; that loose nukes are not in the hands of bad people; and we have transparency and accountability while still having the capability to secure ourselves both offensively and defensively to ensure the security of the people of the United States of America."
The treaty specifically would limit each country's strategic nuclear warheads to 1,550, down from the current ceiling of 2,200.
It also would establish a system for monitoring and verification. U.S. weapons inspections ended a year ago with the expiration of a 1991 treaty.
AP: Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona says the Obama administration has not negotiated the START arms reduction treaty in good faith. He and other colleagues want to slow the effort down to study issues with the US-Russia arms pact. (Dec. 21)
Republican Jon Kyl Blasts START Treaty Negotiations: "Lets Hurry Up and Get This Over With -Is the Attitude"
Wild Thing's comment........
Here is the Roll Call of Votes.
Whatever makes us weaker is what these people want.
Message to RINO-Republicans Isakson, Corker, Bennet, Brown and Lamar Alexander, it’s going to cost you BIG TIME. The Republican Rinos are doing Obama a favor. These Rinos Republican deserve to lose the election when their term is up. They are just like the liberal Democrats and have already broken promise to the American people. They don’t listen to the American people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (5)
Look What Needs To Be Done Before Changes Take Effect Repealing DADT
Hold your homosexuals! Military ban not over yet .......Look what needs to be done before changes take effect ...
By Brian Fitzpatrick
America's military isn't going 'gay' quite yet.
While President Obama plans this week to sign the repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy banning open homosexuality in the military, the policy must remain in force until the president, the secretary of defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff can certify that the change will not impair combat readiness.
Before that happens the military must rewrite laws and regulations that could affect same-sex relationships, such as the Uniform Code of Military Justice ban on sodomy, and also indoctrinate soldiers, sailors and airmen to tolerate open homosexuality. The transition period is expected to take a year.
"It's important for people to know that this is not over," said Robert Knight, a leading opponent of the homosexual political agenda. "There are no permanent victories or defeats in politics. And this can be reversed at some point, in a more conservative Congress."
"Congress will have to legalize consensual sodomy, which is currently illegal under the UCMJ," said retired Army Col. Dick Black, former chief of the Army's Criminal Law Division and a Virginia state legislator. "There's a backlash brewing. This is a very serious issue for a lot of people. We're entering the presidential season, and if there's a candidate who says he will issue an executive order to ban homosexuality in the military, a lot of people would be very fired up about that."
Demonstrating that the repeal will not adversely affect the military could prove a great challenge for the president.
"We think it's going to be very damaging to readiness and recruiting," said Tommy Sears, executive director of the Center for Military Readiness. "You're going to have people currently serving, valuable, experienced individuals, refusing to continue. On the flip side, people who would have considered serving will not because this policy is going to say you must accept this open homosexuality policy. The military will not do things halfway. They will impose a zero tolerance policy for the full range of preferences and rights for homosexuals."
As Obama prepares to sign the repeal of DADT, opponents are preparing on several fronts to block implementation of the repeal.
On the legislative front, congressional Republicans, who will take control the House Armed Services Committee in January, will be pressured to block the policy change by defunding it.
"It's up to the new Congress to decide whether this is in the best interest of the country. They can make major obstacles in the implementation of this new policy if they choose to," said retired Army Lt. Col. Bob Maginnis, now a national security expert at the Family Research Council. "There's no obligation for Congress to fund any of this."
"Congress has a voice here. They are the ones who set the rules and regulations for the military. This will depend on how much they follow the text of the Constitution," Maginnis added. "Their primary obligation is to protect the armed forces … If they fail to, the consequences in terms of retention and recruiting could be devastating to the country."
"We believe they've slapped the military in the face and have betrayed the men and women in the service by using the military to push the homosexual agenda," said Mat Staver, spokesman for the Freedom Federation, a coalition of more than 100 political organizations. "We will ask the House to refuse to fund the repeal, which will take millions of dollars to fund."
On the state level, a prominent Virginia state legislator, Delegate Bob Marshall, announced on Saturday he is writing a bill that would ban homosexuals in the Virginia National Guard.
"According to Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, the state has power over recruitment in the Virginia National Guard," Marshall told WND. "Even when they are called up, the state still has authority over the selection and training of officers."
Marshall was the author of a Virginia bill challenging the constitutionality of Obama's national health care legislation, which led the way to a series of challenges by other states.
On the legal front, the Alliance Defense Fund is preparing to defend the religious liberty of chaplains and service members.
"Our concern is that chaplains and others will find their ability to work in the military will depend on their ability to censor themselves," said ADF Litigation Staff Counsel Daniel Blomberg.
"We're concerned whether chaplains can express their religious beliefs and sexual ethics without being punished or having reports written up against them," Blomberg added, pointing out that chaplains in foreign militaries have been "ostracized and marginalized" and threatened with discrimination complaints for raising Christian values in private counseling sessions.
On the political front, politicians who supported the DADT repeal can expect zealous opposition in the next election.
"We will mobilize our constituents to make those who betrayed our military and the national interest pay for what they've done on the eve of Christmas," said Staver.
"The findings of the Pentagon report were not scrutinized the way they should have been," said Elaine Donnelly, founder of the Center for Military Readiness, who alleged that several senators who voted for the bill "went back on their word" to vet the repeal thoroughly and may pay the price at the ballot box.
"Sen. [James] Webb (D-Va.), a Marine, said there needed to be time to consider the ramifications of this vote. Thirty percent of active Marines said they would leave, and 16 percent said they might leave. Sen. Webb is up for reelection next time, and the voters will have to evaluate that," said Donnelly.
Wild Thing's comment........
I’m so tired of the military being used as a social engineering lab. And I’m tired of the rest of us being used as a social engineering lab as well!
Soldiers and Marines on the battlefield have already had to become more afraid the Monday morning quarterbacking of the court system than they are of the enemy.
I wonder if there’s any possibility of reversing this before it goes into effect.
Ever read any of Sen. James Webb (D-Va.), stuff? His supporters have been denying all along that he's rather over the line ~ but I don't think they can do this anymore since he voted for cloture on the DADT legislation.He's simply heavily closeted.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (5)
Political Impact of New Census Numbers
Republican-leaning states all across the South and West will gain congressional seats based on the results of the 2010 Census, according to population counts released Tuesday.
The Census Bureau announced that eight states will gain a total of 12 seats, while 10 states — mostly in the Northeast and Midwest — will lose seats.
The population shift sets the stage for potential GOP gains in Congress in 2012, while changing the political landscape ahead of a presidential race which in some respects is already starting.
Revealing initial results from the Census, Director Robert Groves also announced that the official U.S. population as of April 2010 is 308,745,538. The number represents a 9.7 percent increase from a decade earlier.
But the regional population shifts are what matter to lawmakers looking to boost their party's numbers in Washington. The Census is used to shape state legislative seats and allocate the 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. With growth in the South and West averaging about 14 percent, states in those regions are set to gain the most additional representation in Congress.
Texas, continuing seven consecutive decades of growth, will gain the most seats with four more House members in 2012. Florida gains two, while Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, South Carolina, Utah and Washington each gain one.
States losing seats include Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania. All those states lost one seat apiece, save for New York and Ohio, which lost two each.
Wild Thing's comment........
Liberal policies can eventually ruin even the state with the most and best of just about everything; from ports, to agriculture, to tourism, to computer industry, to entertainment industry, to the weather – you name it – Calilfornia has it.
It has every advantage, and liberalism is bringing California down.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
December 21, 2010
Democratic FCC Regulators Throw Support Behind Net Neutrality Rules
Democratic FCC Regulators Throw Support Behind Net Neutrality Rules
The Democrats moved one step closer today in their push to control the internet.
Liberal FCC officials are supposed to vote today on sweeping new internet regulations.
It’s official: the path has been cleared for Tuesday’s historic vote at the Federal Communications Commission approving sweeping new “network neutrality” rules designed to ensure that the Internet remains an open platform that doesn’t favor dominant telecommunications and cable companies.
Democratic FCC regulator Michael Copps just issued a statement in which he explains that he will “concur” on the proposed rules, meaning he supports their adoption but doesn’t agree with everything in them.
Senior officials have also confirmed that all three Democrats on the five-member commission will support the rules, providing FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski with the support he needed for the plan. Copps and fellow Democratic regulator Mignon Clyburn have been fighting for stronger provisions to better protect consumers and smaller competitors.
Wireless carriers have also endorsed (albeit grudgingly) the net neutrality plan, offering Genachowski critical industry support that can help dampen congressional criticism. They insist they need maximum flexibility in operating their networks due to capacity constraints, and won’t block competitors.
From The Blaze
Critics of the proposal dismiss it as unnecessary government intervention that seeks to correct marketplace problems that do not exist.
Republicans are working to block the Democrats’ proposal, re-introducing an amendment that would ban the FCC from using government funding to adopt or implement any net neutrality regulations. In addition, the two sitting Republican FCC members have questioned whether new neutrality regulations are even necessary.
“We are concerned that both factual and legal conclusions may have been drawn before the process has begun,” they said, adding that the Commission should not adopt rules “in an effort to alleviate the political pressures of the day, if the facts do not clearly demonstrate that a problem needs to be remedied.”
Wild Thing's comment........
So-called “net neutrality” has been a controversial campaign pledge the Obama administration has worked to implement.
Less government means more freedom, whether it’s freedom for companies to compete for customers or freedom for websites to contain the content they choose. Anything else is the government seeking more control of our lives.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (2)
December 20, 2010
In Sunday-evening Surprise, Senate Unanimously Passes Food Safety Bill
In Sunday-evening surprise, Senate unanimously passes food safety bill
The Senate unexpectedly approved food safety legislation by unanimous consent Sunday evening, rescuing a bill that floated in limbo for weeks because of a clerical error.
The Senate passed the Food Safety and Modernization Act on Nov. 30 by a vote of 73-25. But the bill was later invalidated by a technical objection because it was a revenue-raising measure that did not originate in the House — Senate staff had failed to substitute the food safety language into a House-originated bill.
A coalition of groups supporting the bill sent a letter Sunday to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) calling for action on food safety.
“Our organizations are writing to support attaching S. 510, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, to the Senate's proposed short-term continuing resolution,” the groups wrote. “Strong food-safety legislation will reduce the risk of contamination and provide FDA with the resources and authorities the agency needs to help make prevention the focus of our food safety strategies.”
The American Public Health Association, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, Consumer Federation of America, Consumers Union and other groups signed the letter.
Democrats first attempted to attach the food safety bill to the two-and-a-half-month spending measure but Republicans balked because they wanted to keep that measure clean, according to Senate aides.
Republicans, however, later agreed to pass it by unanimous consent.
Reid announced he would send the legislation — this time properly attached to a House-originated measure — back to the lower chamber for final approval.
“Our food safety system has not been updated in almost a century. Families in Nevada and across America should never have to worry about whether the food they put on their table is safe," Reid said in a statement. "This is a common-sense issue with broad bipartisan support.
"Tonight we unanimously passed a measure to improve on our current food safety system by giving the FDA the resources it needs to keep up with advances in food production and marketing, without unduly burdening farmers and food producers,” he said.
The legislation is a high priority for Reid and Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Chairman Tom Harkin (D-Iowa).
Reid’s staff earlier in the day had told a coalition of groups supporting the legislation that it had a chance of passing but the prospects appeared to dim as Sunday wore on. The swift approval by unanimous consent caught some aides and lobbyists working on it by surprise.
Sen. Tom Coburn, the outspoken conservative Republican from Oklahoma, had been blocking the legislation. He lifted his objection at the final moment.
Top ten lies about Senate Bill 510
Wild Thing's comment.........
What happened, this is horrible!!!! Are we citizens or subjects??!!
This is going to be horrible for small farmers too.
But negotiations went on through the weekend and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., worked out a deal to let the bill move forward.
Once the House approves it, President Barack Obama is expected to sign it.
The legislation would give the federal government much wider authority to set and enforce safety standards for farmers and food processors, affecting all whole and processed foods except meat, poultry and some egg products already regulated by the Agriculture Department.
Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, proclaimed it a “critical victory” that would “give Americans one of the best holiday gifts they can receive this year — the assurance the foods they are eating are safer
Oh thank God, there won’t be any more thousands and thousands of people dying every week,
killed by their food!!!!!
This session of congresscreeps will have cost us more freedoms and money than probably any other congressional session in all recorded government history. Lord, save us.
But negotiations went on through the weekend and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., worked out a deal to let the bill move forward.
Reid: Mitch here's what I'm going to do.
McConnell: Okey-dokey.
End of negotiations.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (7)
December 14, 2010
Obama's $858 Billion Pork Filled Tax Package
In a 83-15 vote.....A vote on final passage could happen as soon as Tuesday if opponents agree to waive the 30 hours that must elapse after a vote to end a filibuster.
Given Monday’s lopsided vote, the package is expected to win final passage easily, which one Democratic leadership aide predicted would “likely” happen on Wednesday.
Obama said he understands members of both parties are "unhappy" with the compromise, but he said the package is "first and foremost" a "substantial victory" for middle-class families.
5 Republicans voted NO
Sens. Tom Coburn (Okla.)
Jim DeMint (S.C.)
Jeff Sessions (Ala.)
John Ensign (Nev.)
George Voinovich (Ohio) (voted against the bill because he thinks everybody's taxes should go up)
US Debt Clock
In a nutshell Republicans who vote for this are voting for two years of temporary release from a tax increase in exchange for massively increasing the Federal debt even though Republicans will have the numbers after the lame duck session to pass a much more favorable tax bill that Obama probably won’t have the balls to veto and if he does will damage himself and the Democrats politically whether the economy goes further south or not.
From Rush Limbaugh:
If you don't know anything else about the tax deal, just listen to this. "Senators on opposite sides of the battle over ethanol subsidies said Thursday an extension of key ethanol tax credits appears to be a part of the emerging Capitol Hill deal on the Bush-era tax cuts. Senator Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), who supports the corn-based fuel, told reporters that an extension of the credit for blending ethanol into gasoline is included. 'I believe it will be in there...based on some discussions.'" Chuck Grassley says, yep, it's gonna be in there. Tom Harkin says, yep, it's gonna be in there. This is Washington as we've always known it. This is nothing more than pork. Both senators, both sides of the aisle throwing in a subsidy here, this is more pork spending. This is not representative of anybody having heard the results of the election or not getting the point of the election, and what's being lost in all this, this word "stimulus."
As we've pointed out all week, there's nothing stimulative about tax rates staying the same. That stimulus has already occurred within the immediate years after taxes were cut back in 2001 and 2003. There's no new stimulus that's gonna come from extending. There's no stimulus associated with a one-year, 2% tax rate cut in the payroll tax. There's no stimulus in the estate tax being raised from zero to 35%. So where is the stimulus? Why does Obama keep talking about stimulus? Well, take a look at all the spending in this bill. This ethanol is just the tip of the iceberg. They're loading all kinds of spending into this bill, and that's why Obama's calling it stimulus. Effectively what he's getting here is a second stimulus bill. The Republicans are going along with this notion of keeping tax rates the same. Taxes ought to be cut. As such, they are going up. At the end of the day, if you take everything into account here, taxes are going up. What with the tax credit continuing for people that don't even pay taxes, the death tax going from zero to 35%, this tax deal is becoming a Christmas tree and they're putting all these pork deals on as ornaments and presents underneath it.
~snipet ~
That's not what the election was about. They could go a long way helping themselves making it clear they're not gonna buy a two-year deal with a certain tax increase in 2013 for hundreds of billions of dollars including new ethanol subsidies. What kind of deal is this? "Okay, yeah, we'll take it," say the Republicans, "We'll take two years of the same tax rates and then we'll take increasing tax rates in 2013 and the ethanol subsidies, yeah, what else do you want?" It's hard to break old habits, folks, especially in Washington. Even the Republican leaders have been part of this system for decades. False deadlines, foolish deals, they become the rule. And it need not be. I now hope this deal fails. I say it directly and officially. If the deal fails, the Democrats are in control, so it is they who will be raising taxes. Let the tax rates go up on January 1st. Let 'em go up. Wait for our cavalry to show up and deal with this the right way. They had two years to deal with this. They've had the two years of Obama's presidency to deal with this and they haven't, on purpose. They want the tax rates to go up. We're selling for nothing. Really, it isn't any great shakes that we agreed to two years of the tax rates not changing.
Any piece of legislation must be both constitutional and improve the condition of the American people. When President Obama and Congressional Republicans first announced their tax deal early last week, our reaction was to hold our noses against its bad elements; on balance, we thought the extension of the current tax rates was laudable. Now, however, the full text of the bill has been released and we see all the bad things that were in the original deal. Meanwhile, liberals in Congress are walking away even from that deal, and are holding the country hostage to their hatred of those they call “the rich.” The tax cut deal, we now know, has been so freighted with liberal special interest tax giveaways that true conservatives cannot support it in good faith.
Wild Thing's comment......
Deepest of sighs! The freaking democrats have to add their trash to everything they touch!!!!!!
"Losers compromise. We don't. That's what this election in November was all about." ~ Rush Limbaugh
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (5)
December 11, 2010
Wild Thing's comment........
This is good, excellent.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (4)
December 01, 2010
Fantastic Rep. Steve King (R-IA) Speaks Out About The Pigford II Settlement
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) will have the leftists howling racism with this speech on the House floor. But, it’s absolutely true. The Pigford II Settlement is pure and complete fraud on the American public.
“We’re not going to pay slavery reparations.”
.."We are not going to pay slavery reparations in the United States Congress. That war’s been fought… There are no reparations for the blood that paid for the sin of slavery, no one’s filing that claim.”
Even after all was said.............
The Pelosi democrats passed Pigford II today. More than 92,000 “black farmers” have signed up for reparations from the Obama USDA after the Pigford case was extended this past year. That’s five times the number of blacks who were actually farming during the time period in question.
And, democrats just approved the legislation.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Refreshing to hear a representative of the people actually tell the truth! Bravo and keep up the good work, Mr. King!
Rep. King is absolutely correct; reparations-in-kind to people with a “grievance”, some of whom are not even farmers. This really is an example of the entitlement minded, “look at poor me-me”, “you owe me-me” segment of society taking advantage of the politically correct, out of control federal govt.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:49 AM | Comments (4)
September 28, 2010
Obama Signs $30B small business Lending Bill BUT Small Business Says Tax Cuts Needed to Support Small Business
Obama signs $30B small business lending bill
BUT let's look at the truth if the banks want this and what small business thinks about Obama's agenda! ~ Wild Thing
Small biz, banks may spurn Obama's $30B program
Barack Obama's $30 billion small community business lending program faces one big challenge: many of the community banks and businesses it's supposed to help don't want it.
The lending program is part of a bill that passed the House of Representatives on Thursday and now awaits the president's signature. The legislation contains a mix of tax cuts and credits aimed at helping small businesses. The centerpiece of the bill is an effort to make billions of dollars available to community banks for loans to small businesses.
It seems like a simple effort to unclog a credit pipeline that has been blocked since the financial meltdown two years ago. But interviews with seven community bankers, as well as small business owners, show a reluctance to participate.
"People in my constituency can't get credit, and this will get money out to small businesses, who are the engine of job creation for this country," said Republican Sen. George LeMieux of Florida, who co-authored the amendment that created the lending program.
Bank executives say their customers don't want loans, even at low interest rates, because the sluggish economy has chilled expansion plans. Some say the federal money isn't worth it because they fear it will come with too much regulatory oversight.
"We have taken a strategic decision not to have our primary regulator, the government, also be a partner in our bank," said William Chase Jr., CEO of Triumph Bank in Memphis.
Chase said the bank already has enough capital to meet the paltry demand for loans. "Our business customers are mired in uncertainty and are reluctant to invest in their businesses," Chase said.
Ninety-one percent of small business owners surveyed in August by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) said all their credit needs were met. Only 4 percent cited a lack of financing as their top business problem. Plans for capital spending were at a 35-year low.
Jack Rajala just laughs when asked if he wants to take out a loan today. He's in a fight to save his family's lumber business that has been buffeted by the recession and housing meltdown.
"I've seen many ups and downs; this is unquestionably the toughest," said the 71-year-old Rajala, the third-generation owner of Rajala Companies of Deer River, Minn. Since 2008, his company closed two factories and halved the number of employees to less than 100 as orders plummeted for windows, floors and door frames. Annual revenue is down 50 percent since 2008 to $5 million, and the company is losing money.
Rajala is symbolic of the challenges faced by Obama's small business lending initiative. The $30 billion fund will be run by the Treasury Department, and money will be awarded to banks deemed strong by regulators. Banks that have less than $10 billion in assets are eligible.
"It will provide incentives to invest and create jobs for 4 million small businesses," Obama said at a news conference Sept. 10. "It will more than double the amount some small business owners can borrow to grow their companies."
Obama has to bridge the gulf between money that's available and the needs of businesses. The NFIB survey found businesses don't intend to borrow until they have more customers.
Community banks will have to pay an annual dividend of 5 percent to the U.S. Treasury. However, when banks increase their lending to small businesses, their dividend rate declines on a sliding scale. So, if a bank increases its small-business lending portfolio by 2.5 percent, the dividend payment goes down to 4 percent and so on, said Paul Merski, chief economist at the Independent Community Bankers of America, the lobbying group for small banks.
The dividend payment increases to 7 percent if banks don't lend to small businesses.
"The crucial questions facing business owners are does it make sense to make an investment right now, and will it generate positive returns?" Josh Lerner, professor of finance and entrepreneurial management at Harvard Business School.
Noah Wilcox, CEO of Grand Rapids State Bank, with two branches in Minnesota, said he already has more capital at his $250 million bank than he can lend out.
"Many of our clients, business owners, put their projects on ice in 2008 because their job number one is to see their company through to the other side of this economic crisis," said Wilcox.
And then there's concerns that the government money will have strings attached.
The fears stem from what happened under TARP, the Troubled Asset Relief Fund, formed at the height of the financial meltdown to pump money into banks. Banks that accepted TARP money had to later cut dividends to shareholders and limit compensation to top executives. They were also penalized for early repayment.
In this new legislation, the government is taking steps to avoid the tarnish that accompanied TARP. The key part of this effort: Banks can return the money without penalty if rules governing the small business loans change.
But Chase, the bank CEO in Memphis, isn't convinced.
"The rules can be changed any time," said Chase.
Wild Thing's comment.......
What a moron. So now banks have the cash, but still businesses aren't going to take out loans. They'd be crazy too not knowing what the future holds in taxes and medical insuance.
And small banks are already saying they are going to refuse to take the money. They see the strings attached to the TARP (and banks being told they can’t repay the money, even if they want to).
One banker’s quote summed it up: “We don’t want to be business partners with the government, which is also our primary regulator.” (paraphrase)
The one thing that small businesses need more than anything else is some certainty. This Administration has removed every bit of certainty over the last 20 months. And this bill does absolutely nothing to restore that.
Today's businesses have no clue as to where tax rates will be in the coming year. They have no idea how much the addition of government mandates regarding health care will increase their labor costs. And they are helpless to make any predictions on the cost of money in the near future in light of runaway deficits and the hefty expansion in the money supply that began last year.
Our worst enemy couldn't have come up with anything nearly this effective in destroying the American economy. And here we are only a few week away from an election, and small business owners still don't know what their tax rates will be on Jan 1, 2011.
And let's guess where the $30 billion dollars came from: No new military aircraft until at least 2016? Cut off foreign aid to Israel? Shut down half the Veterans Affairs hospitals? Am I warm?
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (4)
September 23, 2010
Diclose Act VOTE Is Today! Pro-Union bill, Card Check and Other Obama Destruction
Union-label Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has hatched a plan to ram the speech-killing "Disclose Act" through the Senate IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS. This is an emergency, so if iyou can please call and/or email your U.S. Senators IMMEDIATELY and insist they vote for free speech and against the "Disclose Act" (S. 3628).
The fact is, Big Labor's cronies on Capitol Hill are just days away from ramming the "Disclose Act" down the throats of the American people. In fact, this dangerous bill has already passed the House.
Though the so-called "Disclose Act" is being sold by Big Labor as a bill to provide greater transparency, its real intent is to harass and intimidate those who might criticize members of Congress into silence during the midterm elections and beyond.
Big Labor doesn't want us, or anyone for that matter, to be able to inform the American people which candidates stand with them -- and which ones stand with the union elite.
But, of course, like all the other insider games here in Washington, there is a big loophole.
You see, Big Labor is exempted.
They'll still be free to spend their BILLION dollar forced-dues war chest in virtually any way they see fit in complete secrecy.
If passed, the so-called "Disclose Act" -- more properly referred to as the "Incumbent Protection Act" -- would:
* Impose sweeping new regulations on organizations like the National Right to Work Committee, to keep them quiet and cripple their effectiveness during election years;
* Force grassroots organizations to publicize and release the names of their top five contributors making them vulnerable to threats, intimidation or worse from political dissidents;
* Require organizations to expose the location of their top donor's home and workplace in the disclaimer at the end of every television ad.
The union bosses know they are running out of options to save their handpicked politicians before the November Elections. That's why they are going all out to silence you and me.
The fact is opposition from freedom-oriented groups like your National Right to Work Committee had the "Disclose Act" bottled up in the House of Representatives until the National Rifle Association cut a deal with Nancy Pelosi to exempt itself and a few large liberal groups. This is all the more reason you must stand up and make your voice heard in the Senate right away.
You can Call the SENATE SWITCHBOARD -- 202-224-3121
Wild Thing's comment.......
I know we are all getting really tired of having to fight tooth and nail for our basic freedoms. sheesh. Holding the elected officials to the fire each and every time.
We have been fussing and fretting and writing and praying and campaigning and blogging and...................I could go on and on. This Administration is constantly busy trying to change America (and, certainly not for the better).. We're constantly pushing back and trying very hard to show them how we feel.
This administration is doing everything possible to wear us down. They are wrong! WE ARE AMERICANS AND WE DON'T QUIT. LIVE FREE OR DIE!
God keep all of us safe and give us the strength and courage to defend our freedoms and our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (3)
September 22, 2010
Sen. Dick Durbin Vows to Keep Fighting for Passage of "The Dream Act"
Sen. Dick Durbin spoke on the Senate Floor today after a cloture vote failed 56-43 that would have brought up the Defense Authorization Bill with the “Dream Act” amendment attached to it.
Durbin vowed to continue fighting for the “Dream Act,” and challenged the “11 Republicans” who have supported it in the past to stop “cowering in the shadows” and vote for it when it is brought up again in the future.
Durbin called passage of the “Dream Act” his “highest priority.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Well I say thank you God that it did not pass.
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:47 AM | Comments (4)
Harry Reid and Blanche Lincoln Vote "NO" on Cloture for Defense Bill
This is a video of Democrat Sens. Blanche Lincoln and Harry Reid voting “no” on the cloture vote to bring up the Defense Authorization Bill, which included amendments on getting rid of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and proposing passage of the “Dream Act.”
Reid was pushing for adoption of the bill and the amendments, but if you watch the video, you will see Blanche Lincoln enter the screen at the top right. She indicates her vote “no” on bringing up the bill. She then walks around to Harry Reid and pats him on the back while saying something to him. Then, notice that Reid walks back to his desk, faces the clerk and votes “no” on the bill.
From a friend that has been keeping up with this particular bill.
"Sen. Reid had to vote “No” if he wants to move to reconsider the bill at some point in the future. Thus, his “no” vote was a parliamentary decision.."
Wild Thing's comment........
I checked around and my friend is correct. The Senate rules are that by voting no Reid retains the right to re-introduce the bill. Otherwise it would be dead.
All R’s were no votes, except Murkowski who did not vote.
Here are all the votes:
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:45 AM | Comments (3)
September 19, 2010
Documentary Film ....OVERDOSE: The Next Financial Crisis
This movie on the causes of the financial crisis was produced in Sweden by Henrik Devell, directed by Martin Borgs, and narrated by Johan Norberg, a Senior Fellow at Cato Institute.
Here is a description of from their web site:
In times of crisis people seek strong leaders and simple solutions. But what if their solutions are identical to the mistakes that caused the very crisis? This is the story of the greatest economic crisis of our age, the one that awaits us.
When the world’s financial bubble blew, the solution was to lower interest rates and pump trillions of dollars into the sick banking system. “The solution is the problem, that’s why we had a problem in the first place”. For Economics Nobel laureate Vernon Smith, the Catch 22 is self-evident. But interest rates have been at rock bottom for years, and governments are running out of fuel to feed the economy. “The governments can save the banks, but who can save the governments?” Forecasts predict all countries’ debt will reach 100% of GDP by next year. Greece and Iceland have already crumbled, who will be next?
The storm that would rock the world, began brewing in the US when congress pushed the idea of home ownership for all, propping up those who couldn’t make the down payments. The Market even coined a term, NINA loans: “No Income, No Assets, No Problem!” Enter FannieMae and FreddieMac, privately owned, government sponsored. “Want that vacation? Wanna buy some new clothes? Use your house as a piggie bank!” Why earn money to pay for your home when you can make money just living in it? With the government covering all losses, you’d have been a fool not to borrow.
The years of growth had been a continuous party. But when the punchbowl ran dry, instead of letting investors go home to nurse their hangovers as usual, the Federal Reserve just filled it up again with phoney money. For analyst Peter Schiff, the consequence of the spending binge was crystal clear: “we’re in so much trouble now because we got drunk on all that Fed alcohol”. Yet along with other worried experts, he was mocked and derided during the boom.
Have you taken out a mortgage, invested capital or bought shares? If you have, likelihood is you lost out in the latest bust. Governments promised decisive action, the biggest financial stimulus packages in history, gargantuan bailouts: but what crazed logic is this, propping up debt with…more debt? This documentary brings an entirely fresh voice to the hottest topic of today.
Wild Thing's comment........
Of all the presidents our country has had NO one has done more damage then Obama and NO party has done more damage then the democrats. And sadly and with extreme outrage this has all mostly been done since the Dems gained the majority in both houses and then when Obama got in our White House.
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (2)
September 18, 2010
Los Angeles Has Used $111 Million in Stimulus Cash to Create a Mere 55 Jobs
City Controller Releases Audits of how Los Angeles has used Federal Stimulus Money
$111 Million in ARRA Funds Has Only Created 55 Jobs So Far
by Wendy Greuel ........LA City Controller's Office
September 16th, 2010
Continuing her efforts to ensure that taxpayer money is spent efficiently and effectively, City Controller Wendy Greuel released two audits today of how the City of Los Angeles has used American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds. The audits looked at the how the two departments that have received the largest amount of ARRA funding so far – the Department of Transportation (LADOT) and the Department of Public Works (DPW) – have used those funds and how many jobs were created. Los Angeles becomes the largest City in America to conduct an audit of how ARRA funds have been expended.
DPW has received $70.65 million and created or retained 45.46 jobs, though they are expected to create 238 jobs overall (the fraction of a job created or retained correlates to the number of actual hours works). LADOT has been awarded $40.8 million and created or retained 9 jobs, though they are expected to create 26 jobs overall. Overall, the Departments have received $111 million in federal stimulus funds out of the $594 million the City has been awarded so far and created or retained 54.46 jobs.
“I’m disappointed that we’ve only created or retained 55 jobs after receiving $111 million in ARRA funds. With our local unemployment rate over 12% we need to do a better job cutting the red tape and putting Angelenos back to work,” said City Controller Greuel. “While it doesn’t appear that any of the ARRA funds were misspent, the City needs to do a better job expediting the process and creating jobs.We’re going to continue to audit how these funds are spent, to ensure that they are expended quickly and correctly. I’m pleased that since our auditors completed their field work, the Departments have begun to implement the changes we identified to help get this money out the door faster.”
Some of the findings of the audits included:
** DPW's policies need to be strengthened in order to ensure transparent and accurate tracking of ARRA funds and related expenditures.
The Department's process for using work orders for ARRA projects makes it difficult to distinguish between ARRA-related expenditures and expenditures using City funds.
Billing costs for reimbursement are not always submitted in a timely manner and did not always include all costs. In addition, the Bureau of Sanitation's negotiated agreements for storm water projects stipulate quarterly— not monthly—billing.
** DPW's existing processes may not be sufficient to expend funds quickly and promote job creation and stimulate the economy.
Some of the Department's ARRA-funded projects have taken many months to award contracts and start construction, meaning the local economy is not impacted immediately, which was the initial goal of ARRA.
** LADOT's could improve their contracting processes to expedite ARRA funds being spent to create and retain jobs.
Some of the LADOT's ARRA-funded projects have taken many months to award contracts and start construction.For example, four of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) projects were not sent out to bid until at least seven months after they were authorized by the State/FHWA.
The Department's typical contracting processes, which follow a standard framework to comply with established Federal, State and City policies, may not be the best approach to ensure that ARRA projects have an immediate impact on local economy.
Wild Thing's comment........
OMG....LOL I am so sorry but this is soooo stupid, beyond stupid. And this is how the left thinks, that it is OK to do something like this.
Every time we may think we’ve plumbed the depths of ‘Rat incompetence, corruption, mendacity, and malfeasance they hit us with more.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:47 AM | Comments (4)
September 06, 2010
South Carolina GOP Has FINALLY Had Enough and Censures Linidsey Graham
Aiken GOP censures Graham
South Carolina Republican Party members have had enough from progressive Senator Lindsey Graham. The Aiken County Republican Party recently approved a formal censure of the controversial senator.
The Aiken County Republican Party has approved a formal censure of U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.
The party’s executive committee took the action Thursday, joining a handful of other county parties, including Greenville’s GOP.
Committee member Pete Seaha, who also is the Aiken County Tea Party chairman, wrote the resolution and introduced it at the meeting. The resolution states in part that Graham won’t be invited to any party meetings or events.
“I don’t believe the senator is sticking to conservative Republican principles,” said Seaha. “In my mind, the senator has disrespected his constituents. He has said publicly on a talk show that he didn’t care what they thought.”
Seaha said it was his understanding that 18 people on the executive committee supported the resolution, while two opposed it and two abstained.
Kevin Bishop, a Graham spokesman, said via e-mail that while some of the senator’s friends may not want to meet with him, “his door will always be open. Sen. Graham respects those who disagree with him, but he strongly believes we need to keep an open dialogue.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
I bet his vote for Kagan sealed the deal about their decision. And there was also his relentless push for amnesty, heck there is a whole list one could mention. In the past Lindsey has publicly stated he pays little attention to the desires of his constituents.
Remember when he said this just a little while back........
“Everything I’m doing now in terms of talking about climate, talking about immigration, talking about Gitmo is completely opposite of where the tea party movement’s at,” Graham says. “The problem with the tea party, I think, is it’s just unsustainable because they can never come up with a coherent vision for governing the country. It will die out.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (7)
August 14, 2010
REAL or FAKE: Can you tell which of these government spending projects are real or fake?
This video is about the government’s wasteful spending. You may be surprised to hear what some of your tax dollars are helping to fund.
Joke-telling robots, expensive walking tunnels, Blackberries for smokers, and training American prostitutes to drink responsibly. What do these things have in common? They're all questionable government spending projects in a time when our economy is struggling and people can't get jobs....or, maybe we just made them up.
Put yourself to the test. See if you can outwit the Rebel Economist before she stumps you. So what is it: REAL or FAKE?
Wild Thing's comment.......
The government is out of control.
What did Dirksen say? A million here, a million there and pretty soon you are talking about real money.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:49 AM | Comments (2)
Government Considers US Constitution "Terrorist Literature"
Government Considers US Constitution "Terrorist Literature"
U.S. Government Considers US Constitution "Terrorist Literature"
The U.S. Government now officially considers people who "make numerous references to the Constitution" to be "potential terrorists"
Source for what is posted below:
Just a little context drawn from the Homeland Security intelligence briefing of April 7, 2009 (The abbreviation U/FOUO means unclassified/for official use only.):
(U//FOUO) Rightwing Extremism: Current
Economic and Political Climate Fueling
Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment
7 April 2009
(U) Prepared by the Extremism and Radicalization Branch, Homeland Environment Threat Analysis
Division. Coordinated with the FBI.
* (U) Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or
rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.
— (U//LES) Rightwing extremists have capitalized on the election of the first
African American president, and are focusing their efforts to recruit new
members, mobilize existing supporters, and broaden their scope and appeal
through propaganda, but they have not yet turned to attack planning.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I wonder what America's founders would think now their beautiful Constitution they left for us to protect citizens from their government has been spit on, raped, dismantled and branded "terrorist literature" .
Communist goals #'s
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture."
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:48 AM
August 06, 2010
Portland Lemonade Stand Runs Into Health Inspectors, Needs $120 License to Operate
Seven-year-old Julie Murphy of Oregon City still smiles about her enterprise despite running afoul of county inspectors for an unlicensed lemonade stand at Last Thursday.
Portland lemonade stand runs into health inspectors, needs $120 license to operate
It's hardly unusual to hear small-business owners gripe about licensing requirements or complain that heavy-handed regulations are driving them into the red.
So when Multnomah County shut down an enterprise last week for operating without a license, you might just sigh and say, there they go again.
Except this entrepreneur was a 7-year-old named Julie Murphy. Her business was a lemonade stand at the Last Thursday monthly art fair in Northeast Portland. The government regulation she violated? Failing to get a $120 temporary restaurant license.
Turns out that kids' lemonade stands -- those constants of summertime -- are supposed to get a permit in Oregon, particularly at big events that happen to be patrolled regularly by county health inspectors.
"I understand the reason behind what they're doing and it's a neighborhood event, and they're trying to generate revenue," said Jon Kawaguchi, environmental health supervisor for the Multnomah County Health Department. "But we still need to put the public's health first."
Julie had become enamored of the idea of having a stand after watching an episode of cartoon pig Olivia running one, said her mother, Maria Fife. The two live in Oregon City, but Fife knew her daughter would get few customers if she set up her stand at home.
Plus, Fife had just attended Last Thursday along Portland's Northeast Alberta Street for the first time and loved the friendly feel and the diversity of the grass-roots event. She put the two things together and promised to take her daughter in July.
The girl worked on a sign, coloring in the letters and decorating it with a drawing of a person saying "Yummy." She made a list of supplies.
Then, with gallons of bottled water and packets of Kool-Aid, they drove up last Thursday with a friend and her daughter. They loaded a wheelbarrow that Julie steered to the corner of Northeast 26th and Alberta and settled into a space between a painter and a couple who sold handmade bags and kids' clothing.
Even before her daughter had finished making the first batch of lemonade, a man walked up to buy a 50-cent cup.
"They wanted to support a little 7-year-old to earn a little extra summer loot," she said. "People know what's going on."
Even so, Julie was careful about making the lemonade, cleaning her hands with hand sanitizer, using a scoop for the bagged ice and keeping everything covered when it wasn't in use, Fife said.
After 20 minutes, a "lady with a clipboard" came over and asked for their license. When Fife explained they didn't have one, the woman told them they would need to leave or possibly face a $500 fine.
Surprised, Fife started to pack up. The people staffing the booths next to them encouraged the two to stay, telling them the inspectors had no right to kick them out of the neighborhood gathering. They also suggested that they give away the lemonade and accept donations instead and one of them made an announcement to the crowd to support the lemonade stand.
That's when business really picked up -- and two inspectors came back, Fife said. Julie started crying, while her mother packed up and others confronted the inspectors. "It was a very big scene," Fife said.
Technically, any lemonade stand -- even one on your front lawn -- must be licensed under state law, said Eric Pippert, the food-borne illness prevention program manager for the state's public health division. But county inspectors are unlikely to go after kids selling lemonade on their front lawn unless, he conceded, their front lawn happens to be on Alberta Street during Last Thursday.
"When you go to a public event and set up shop, you're suddenly engaging in commerce," he said. "The fact that you're small-scale I don't think is relevant."
Kawaguchi, who oversees the two county inspectors involved, said they must be fair and consistent in their monitoring, no matter the age of the person. "Our role is to protect the public," he said.
The county's shutdown of the lemonade stand was publicized by Michael Franklin, the man at the booth next to Fife and her daughter. Franklin contributes to the Bottom Up Radio Network, an online anarchist site, and interviewed Fife for his show.
Franklin is also organizing a "Lemonade Revolt" for Last Thursday in August. He's calling on anarchists, neighbors and others to come early for the event and grab space for lemonade stands on Alberta between Northeast 25th and Northeast 26th.
As for Julie, the 7-year-old still tells her mother "it was a bad day." When she complains about the health inspector, Fife reminds her that the woman was just doing her job. She also promised to help her try again -- at an upcoming neighborhood garage sale.
While Fife said she does see the need for some food safety regulation, she thinks the county went too far in trying to control events as unstructured as Last Thursday.
"As far as Last Thursday is concerned, people know when they are coming there that it's more or less a free-for-all," she said. "It's gotten to the point where they need to be in all of our decisions. They don't trust us to make good choices on our own."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Welcome... to Obamaville. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of any major health concerns stemming from a kid with a lemonade stand. Idiot(money hungry), bureaucrats.
So othey come down hard on an adorable liittle girl about a permit and they can't or won't do anything about ILLEAGALS that is OK so they can go and rape and kill and do what they want in our country. Amazing!!!
Too bad she is not an illegal, then she not only would not need a permit, but heck our government would give her free stuff.
I remember when lots of kids had lemonade stands with no problems, but that was in the early 50s, when America was the USA, not the new USSA.
As I am posting this, they just announced on FOX News on the Fox and friends show that little seven-year-old Julie Murphy will be on their show this morning. If you read this before she comes on you might want to turn it on and see what she has to say.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:49 AM | Comments (7)
August 05, 2010
New Cigarette Law Snags Cartons For Troops Too
Due to the PACT act (Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking), grandfather and retired military man Jack Gray can't send his grandson's -- Lance Cpl. Thomas Gray -- favorite type of cigarettes through the U.S. Postal service to where the 19-year-old is stationed in Afghanistan. (By Matt Stone, The Courier-Journal) Aug. 3, 2010 (CJ)
New cigarette law snags cartons for troops too
A new federal law intended to make sure mail-order cigarette sellers don’t avoid taxes is frustrating well-meaning people who want to mail smokes, including a Louisville man who can no longer send Marlboro Menthols to his grandson, a Marine serving in Afghanistan.
“Why punish a serviceman with this act when he can’t even have a cigarette over there,” Jack Gray said. “That’s not believable.”
It’s an unintended consequence of the Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking Act, or PACT Act as it’s known for short, said a spokeswoman for the bill’s sponsor, Sen. Herbert Kohl, D-Wisc.
Besides foiling mail-order sellers that avoid taxes, the law also seeks to prevent minors from circumventing age limits by buying cigarettes through the mail.
In response to the law, which was passed and signed by President Obama in March, the U.S. Postal Service adopted a new policy at the end of June that nearly bans mailing cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. Most exceptions require they be sent via Express Mail, which allows the post office to confirm the package is delivered to an adult.
But Express Mail isn’t available in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Gray found out about the new law recently when he went to mail a package to his grandson, which he does occasionally.
“It was a bolt out of the blue,” Gray said.
“We are working to fix it as soon as possible,” Kohl spokeswoman Dawn Schueller said Tuesday. Rep. Duncan Hunter, a California Republican, filed a bill July 30 to create an exemption for mailing tobacco to members of the Armed Forces in combat zones. The bill has been referred to a committee.
UPS hasn’t delivered cigarettes to consumers since 2005, spokeswoman Susan Rosenberg said, adding that the decision came as various states passed restrictions. She said the postal service was the last major commercial carrier delivering cigarettes to consumers.
A FedEx spokeswoman said the company only ships tobacco products between licensed distributors.
Several national groups such as the American heart and lung associations supported the PACT Act for its restrictions on minors buying cigarettes over the Internet and the crack down on sales that avoid taxes.
But the new law has prompted frustrated discussion on a Website for parents of Marines and led to the creation of a Facebook page calling for the law to be changed.
Gray said his grandson, Lance Cpl. Thomas H. Gray, 20, a 2008 Valley High graduate, has been in Afghanistan since April. Gray said he mailed him cigarettes at least four times before the new policy.
“He can’t get the kind of cigarettes he likes over there,” Gray said, adding that he hasn’t talked to his grandson in a couple weeks, so they haven’t discussed the policy change.
Native Americans in New York, who sell cigarettes by mail-order and otherwise didn’t have to enforce state taxes, are challenging it in federal court.
“But this is not a case of trying to sell cigarettes,” Gray said of his situation. “This is a case of trying to get a cigarette to a guy that’s over there in a combat zone. He’s gonna smoke ‘em. He ain’t gonna sell ‘em.”
The bill included a provision that allows cigarettes to be mailed to individuals “who are not minors for noncommercial purposes.”
“We included that provision specifically to allow care packages to service members,” Kohl spokeswoman Schueller said, acknowledging that the Postal Service used Express Mail to verify the age of the recipient.
“We’re just following the law, said David Walton, a USPS spokesman in Louisville. “The ban is not something that we initiated. It’s a law that’s very exacting.”
As for sending the package without declaring what’s inside, Walton said packages being mailed overseas require a customs form and anyone caught lying about the contents could be prosecuted.
Denra Riley, president of the Fort Campbell Enlisted Spouses’ Club, said she’s aware of complaints about the new law, including from her husband, Sgt. First Class Christopher Riley of the 184th EOD Battalion out of Fort Campbell.
“I can’t help him out any more and it kind of does stink to be a spouse and not be able to send your husband things he” wants, she said.
“We do have a lot of soldiers complaining about it and I have heard a few spouses, myself included, that kind of don’t agree with it,” she said.
Riley said she thinks it would be a bigger issue, but “people are still going to do it. They’re just not going to put it on the forms any longer.”
But Gray said he doesn’t want to do that.
“I don’t advocate breaking the law,” he said. “But it’s just wrong, plain flat out wrong, to punish a Marine over there because of a tax law over here.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
I really don't like it when someone pushes their own agenda on others. When it comes to our troops IMO they should be able to get things they need and or want. Obama and his ilk don't get that being in the military is NOT the same as being a civilian and he keeps wanting to treat the mililtary like some kind of baby sitter in war time instead of warriors highly trained for what they do.
I will also add that I know this will never happen, but I would like to see that those serving would not have to pay for anything. Let them get pay and keep it, do whatever they want with it or blow it on something fun whatever. But they should not have to pay for anything not even toothpaste. I would rather see my tax dollars paying for things our troops need then, taking all that crap Pelosi etc. stuck in the various stimulus packages.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:48 AM | Comments (3)
July 26, 2010
Guess what part of the Constitution goes next!??!!
Guess what part of the Constitution goes next!
Drastic change in works to revamp whole Electoral College
Democrats have found yet another way to circumvent the U.S. Constitution: Bypass the Electoral College and elect a president by popular vote without first passing an amendment to the founding document, Jerome Corsi's Red Alert reports.
The Massachusetts Senate has joined five other states in passing a National Popular Vote bill to do just that. It approved the legislation July 15 by a margin of 28-10.
The National Popular Vote, which already passed the Massachusetts House, is within one final "enactment vote" in the Massachusetts Senate before the measure can be ready for the governor's signature, the Boston Globe reported.
"Under the proposed law, all 12 of the state's electoral votes would be awarded to the candidate who receives the most votes nationally," according to the report.
"The idea is that Massachusetts will instruct its electors in the Electoral College to vote for the candidate receiving the majority of presidential election votes nationally, regardless of how the state's own voters cast their ballots," Corsi explained.
The Massachusetts National Popular Vote bill, if signed into law by Gov. Deval Patrick, will not go into effect until states possessing a majority of Electoral College votes pass similar legislation.
The movement is popularly characterized as "One Person, One Vote for President," a slogan designed to suggest the Electoral College method of counting presidential votes is "unfair" under a 14th Amendment "One Vote, One Person" definition of voter rights.
Critics fear the movement, if successful, could turn the entire nation into a potential "Florida 2000" battleground in close elections.
"Even in states where a candidate lost by a huge margin, every vote would need to be examined, a catastrophic, costly scenario," John Cork wrote in The New York Times.
"It would become possible, in a three-party race, for a candidate to fail to win even a single state but take the popular vote," he continued. "Do we really want to create a system where New York electoral votes could be determined by voters in Utah or Alaska?"
Corsi argues that a national movement to pass National Popular Vote legislation in the state legislatures has been motivated by Democrats who remain fixated on the idea that George W. Bush "stole" the 2000 presidential election, supposedly by relying on a Supreme Court decision to get Florida's electoral votes. They say the decision denied Al Gore the presidency, even though Gore got the majority of popular votes cast throughout the United States.
Once enough states possessing a majority of the electoral votes (270 of the 538 electors nationally) have enacted similar laws, the presidential candidate winning the most votes nationally would be assured a majority of the Electoral College votes, regardless of how other states vote or how their electors are distributed.
Illinois, New Jersey, Hawaii, Maryland and Washington have already adopted national-popular-vote bills.
These states add up to 61 electoral votes, 23 percent of the 270 electoral votes needed to activate the legislation: Illinois, 20 electoral votes; New Jersey, 15 votes; Hawaii, 4 votes; Maryland, 10 votes; and Washington state, 11 votes.
The bill has passed 30 legislative chambers in 20 states, Corsi wrote. The National Popular Vote movement is already one-fourth of the way to accomplishing its goal.
"If the National Public Vote movement succeeds," he added, "the president might be chosen by the popular-vote winner in 10 or 11 of the most populous states."
Wild Thing's comment.......
The bill approved by the Senate 28-10 last week is part of a nationwide effort to secure the agreement of enough states so the winner of the national popular vote would be guaranteed to win the presidency.
The bill will not go into effect until states possessing a majority of Electoral College votes pass similar legislation. Maryland, Illinois, New Jersey, Hawaii and Washington state have approved the measure.
HORRIBLE! This maneuver will give the voting power to the socialist laden urban areas at the expense of the Conservative rural areas.
I bet this is all part of the mass amnesty plan. Once that happens, they’ll always win popular vote. And the republic is cooked.
This is unconstitutional!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:48 AM | Comments (7)
July 23, 2010
Obama to Allow Tax Cuts for Wealthy to Expire
Mark Levin excoriates Geithner
White House to Allow Tax Cuts for Wealthy to Expire
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said the Obama administration will allow tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans to expire on schedule despite calls from a small but increasingly vocal group of Democrats to delay any tax increases.
Geithner said the White House will allow taxes on top earners to increase on Jan. 1, 2011, as part of an effort to help bring down the mounting budget deficit. He said the White House still plans to extend tax cuts for middle- and lower-income Americans and expects to undertake a broader tax overhaul next year.
"We believe it is appropriate to let those tax cuts that go to the most fortunate expire," Mr. Geithner said at a breakfast with reporters, hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.
He also rejected concerns voiced by business groups and many Republicans that the administration's economic policies are creating uncertainty and holding back private investment. "Business always wants their taxes lower and always wants to live with less regulation," he said, adding that U.S. firms are "doing very well…competing around the world."
Pelosi rejects extending Bush tax cuts for wealthy
Wall Street Journal
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday rejected extending tax cuts for the wealthiest tax bracket that are set to expire at the end of the year.
Pelosi took off the table a short-term extension of those cuts floated by some lawmakers in her own party.
"No," the speaker said at her weekly press conference when asked if the cuts for the highest bracket should be extended. "Our position has been that we support middle-class tax cuts."
The cuts implemented by President George W. Bush and Republicans in Congress are set to expire at the end of the year, allowing income tax rates to spring upward. Democrats have begun exploring a potential extension of the cuts, but only for households earning less than $250,000 per year.
"I believe the high-end tax cuts did not create any jobs, increased the deficit and should be repealed," she said.
A number of Democrats in the House and Senate in recent days have said they'd favor extending all of the tax cuts, partly because of the economy and partly because they fear any tax increases would be used against them in this fall's elections.
GOP lawmakers have hammered away at Democrats over the expiring cuts, incorporating them into their election year argument that Democrats would seek to raise taxes.
One option discussed by members of the House Ways and Means Committee would be to raise tax rates on families making more than $250,000, but delaying the rate increase until 2012.
FOX News contributor Andrea Tantaros on the future of the Bush tax cuts as some Democrats begin to support an extension of those cuts.
Bush Tax Cuts Roil Democrats
Wall Street Journal
Two more Senate Democrats called for extending tax cuts for all earners—including those with the highest incomes—in what appears to be a breakdown of the party's consensus on the how to handle the expiration of Bush-era tax cuts.
Sen. Kent Conrad (D., N.D.) said in an interview Wednesday that Congress shouldn't allow taxes on the wealthy to rise until the economy is on a sounder footing.
Sen. Ben Nelson (D., Neb.) said through a spokesman that he also supported extending all the expiring tax cuts for now, adding that he wanted to offset the impact on federal deficits as much as possible.
They are the second and third Senate Democrats to come out publicly in recent days in favor of extending all the tax breaks for the time being. Sen. Evan Bayh (D., Ind.) made similar comments last week.
"As a general rule, you don't want to be cutting spending or raising taxes in the midst of a downturn," Mr. Conrad said. "We know that very soon we've got to pivot and focus on the deficit. But it probably is too soon to cut spending or raise taxes."
The comments from the senators represent a departure from what appeared to be an emerging unified Democratic stance on the Bush tax cuts, which held that those for the wealthiest Americans should be allowed to expire.
President Barack Obama and most Democrats want to extend only the breaks benefiting taxpayers who make $250,000 or less.
Allowing breaks for higher earners to expire would push the top individual tax rate to 39.6% from 35%, and would raise rates on capital gains and dividends, too.
The breaks enacted in 2001 and 2003, which affect taxpayers of all income levels, expire at the end of this year.
Wild Thing's comment.......
The Bush tax cuts have been so demonized by the left .
The bulk of Democrats want to kick the people while they are down and then they want to keep them down. They do this in the hopes that people will believe that they can’t survive without them. That’s the problem with professional politicians........they never had a job in their life and couldn’t survive without Washington.
Now is the time for Republicans to come forward with a lot more tax cuts for the middle class - beyond just extending the Bush tax cuts. Let the Democrats go on record as opposing more tax cuts for the little people they claim to care so much about.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:48 AM | Comments (2)
July 07, 2010
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to Block "Controversial Opinion" on the Web
TSA to Block "Controversial Opinion" on the Web
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is blocking certain websites from the federal agency's computers, including halting access by staffers to any Internet pages that contain a "controversial opinion," according to an internal email obtained by CBS News.
The email was sent to all TSA employees from the Office of Information Technology on Friday afternoon.
It states that as of July 1, TSA employees will no longer be allowed to access five categories of websites that have been deemed "inappropriate for government access."
The categories include:
* Chat/Messaging
* Controversial opinion
* Criminal activity
* Extreme violence (including cartoon violence) and gruesome content
* Gaming
The email does not specify how the TSA will determine if a website expresses a "controversial opinion."
There is also no explanation as to why controversial opinions are being blocked, although the email stated that some of the restricted websites violate the Employee Responsibilities and Conduct policy.
The TSA did not return calls seeking comment by publication time.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Good grief. The USA is becoming a Maoist gulag is or on it's way there anyway.
This is about access from the office government computers. But private computers could be next I guess. Well then the Whitehouse.gov will be blocked. Very controversial! that one is for sure, with Obama at the helm.
I guess “Controversial” is defined as anything that does not fully embrace the propaganda of the Obamaviks.
Americans are beginning to learn what tyranny is all about. And forget Constitutional rights!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (2)
Texas Principals Lose in Religious Freedom Case Involving Confiscated Candy Canes
Texas principals lose in religious freedom case involving confiscated candy canes
By Anna M. Tinsley
This week, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans ruled that the principals can be liable for not letting students in 2001 and 2003 hand out their candy canes pens with descriptions as well as pencils that read, "Jesus is the reason for the season.''
"This is a big win for the First Amendment and for millions of students nationwide,'' said Kelly Shackelford, president of the Plano-based conservative Liberty Institute, which represents the families in the lawsuit.
Josh Skinner of Dallas, attorney for principals Lynn Swanson of Thomas Elementary School and Jackie Bomchill of Rasor Elementary, said he and his clients will now decide whether to appeal to the full appeals court, the U.S. Supreme Court or both.
"We think the court is wrong,'' he said, adding that keeping the principals involved in the lawsuit personally opens them up to punitive damages of tens of thousands of dollars that someday might be awarded. "The court fails to recognize the confusion that exists in the law.''
One case involved pencils that a girl tried to distribute in 2001. Another involved a third-grade boy who tried to pass out candy canes and attached cards in 2003. The lawsuit also cited other cases of students not being allowed to hand out items with religious themes.
In 2005, the Plano school district updated rules about when students can hand out religious-themed items — before and after school, at recess, at designated tables during school hours and at three annual parties.
Those rules were upheld as constitutional last year by the appeals court, but parents in the case filed an appeal. Earlier this week, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal from the Plano parents who disagree with those rules.
In this case, though, the principals unsuccessfully sought to be pulled out of the lawsuit.
But Skinner said an appeal gives him "a good chance of explaining … how this part of the law is very confusing ... and how our clients shouldn't be held personally liable.''
Another issue in the ruling was whether elementary school students "have a First Amendment right to be free from religious-viewpoint discrimination while at school,'' according to the court document.
The judges ruled that "it has been clear for over half a century that the First Amendment protects elementary school students from religious-viewpoint discrimination.''
"This is a pretty strong ruling,'' Shackelford said. "It not only firmly establishes the First Amendment rights of students … but it says these violations are so extreme (that the judges) will hold school administrators personally liable.''
Wild Thing's comment.......
I had not heard about this case. Why can't they Christmas alone, it is Jesus birthday and they sure do hate it and Him.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (4)
June 29, 2010
Government Must “Stop Spending, Stop Spending, Stop Spending!”
Rick Santelli on fire, speaking for the American People and shouting to the Obama Administration that they must “Stop Spending, Stop Spending, Stop Spending.”
That's what we want! Stop spending," Rick Santelli yelled from the floor of the Chicago Board of Traders.
"Go back to Russia where you understand the state and the citizen," Santelli told CNBC analyst Steve Liesman after he argued against the benefits of tax cuts.
Rick Santelli hammering his colleague, and liberal economist Steve Liesman for advocating high government spending as opposed cutting taxes to help the economy. Santelli said it’s time for government to be more prudent, and Liesman challenged him by asking, “When are we going to do that?” Santelli responded with “November 2. November 2 is the day.” He was referring to Election Day, November 2, as the moment when America can turn back from the radical course of the Obama Administration.
Hotel owner Steve Wynn describes this administration and Congress's policies. As he says repeatedly, it is a combination of the insane spending and regulatory policies of the Democrats and the complete uncertainty this creates for business.
And also this from American Thinker:
by James Simpson
Nothing discourages business more than uncertainty, and the Obama administration has introduced a climate of uncertainty in this country that is unprecedented in our history. Even during war, no American ever seriously believed anyone would come along and attempt to change the fundamental structure of our society. But it is happening now before our eyes!
The corruption of this administration, the fraud occupying the White House and the revolting, despicable scumbags running Congress, defy description. They are corrupt, subhuman slugs.
Wild Thing's comment........
God bless Rick Santelli and Steve Wynn.
How long before biden calls Santelli and Steve Wynn a “smartass”?
After what Obama did to Las Vegas, it is unforgivable how he destroyed it's economy with his comments and threats.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (2)
June 28, 2010
Financial De-form
Financial Deform
Regulation: The financial reform bill that's about to be passed is reform in name only. It does little to correct the problems that led to our meltdown, and may do more harm by giving people a false sense of security.
The media have called this "compromise" legislation the most sweeping change in U.S. financial regulation since the 1930s. Which is saying a lot.
The two sponsors, Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd, are as much responsible for the financial crisis as any two people in America. Yet, we're now supposed to believe that they, and their flailing party, which can't even meet its legal obligation to produce a budget, have now fixed our financial system.
President Obama crowed about it in the press, and planned to use the bill as leverage in negotiations with his European counterparts at the G-20 meeting. Obama hopes to sign the bill by July 4.
Before you get too excited, you should know the "compromise" in Dodd-Frank isn't between Republicans and Democrats, but between Democrats and Democrats. In short, it's the left's idea of how to regulate Wall Street. And while some things in the bill aren't bad, most of it is.
We won't go into everything the bill would do, since the 2,000-page tome can't be distilled into a few easy-to-digest bullet points. But what we can tell you is what it doesn't do, which is plenty. In fact, the bill fails to address any of the key issues raised by the 2007-08 market meltdown, while imposing onerous new restrictions on both banks and consumers.
For instance: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which were inarguably at the heart of the financial crisis, and which have already cost U.S. taxpayers $146 billion (with hundreds of billions more on the way), aren't addressed in this bill at all.
This is insane, given the role these two government-sponsored enterprises played both in encouraging lending to poor, unqualified homebuyers and repackaging those securitized loans for resale to banks and investors around the world.
Worse, the bill does nothing to amend the "too-big-to-fail" doctrine that has guided U.S. banking policy for decades. Any bank that runs into trouble can still walk up to Uncle Sam's borrowing window and, hand outstretched, ask for money. And if the bank is politically connected or very large, it will get it.
This puts every small bank, investor or lender at a huge disadvantage, since they're most certainly not "too big to fail." This is a big reason why the biggest U.S. banks didn't squawk too much about the legislation. As bad as it is, it gives them a competitive edge.
The bill also gives federal regulators sweeping new powers to seize and break up financial firms. Good idea, you say? Remember: The government also gets to decide what is a "financial" firm. Does GM, which makes loans, fall into that category? How about Wal-Mart, which issues its own credit cards?
In effect, this lets the government seize and dismantle the assets of almost any company — and then force others to pay for it.
The bill also creates a new agency inside the Federal Reserve that will have extensive power over consumer lenders. Hold the applause, because likely new limits on checking account fees and interest on credit cards will mean less access to credit, not more.
Another part of the bill, and one that's gotten little attention, makes changes to the amount of capital banks must keep to back up their loans. Banks eventually will be forced to raise more capital, or to reduce their lending. It also gives the government oversight over the $600 trillion derivatives market, without telling us what the rules will be. That, no doubt, will be left to bureaucrats.
We've just scratched the surface here. We'll have more to say in coming weeks as we plow through this monster of a bill that appears to reform little but harm a lot.
Lawmakers guide Dodd-Frank bill for Wall Street reform into homestretch
Nearly two years after tremors on Wall Street set off a historic economic downturn, congressional leaders greenlighted a bill early Friday that would leave the financial industry largely intact but facing a more powerful network of regulators who could impose limits on risky activities.
The final bill took shape after a 20-hour marathon negotiation between House and Senate leaders seeking to reconcile their separate versions. The legislation puts a lot of faith in the watchful eye of regulators to prevent another financial crisis. New agencies would police consumer lending, the invention of financial products and the trading of exotic securities known as derivatives. Bank supervisors would have the power to seize large, troubled financial firms whose collapse could threaten the entire system. The bill calls for banks to hold more money in reserve to weather economic storms but leaves the details to regulators.
The House and Senate are set to vote on the legislation next week, and administration officials said President Obama could sign it into law before July 4.
The bill's final passage would set off a rush of activity. Two long-standing bank regulators would be combined, and regulators would have to launch more than 20 studies on controversial topics such as limiting the risky activities of big financial firms and setting precise capital reserve standards for banks.
Some administration officials acknowledged that leaving so much decision-making in the hands of regulators could open the process to lobbying by the financial industry. Many bank supervisors, in fact, work inside the headquarters of the biggest financial firms and have close relationships with the executives of the companies they regulate.
Among the first tasks for the administration would be to set up a new consumer protection bureau that would monitor credit card companies, mortgage brokers and banks to make sure consumers have clear information about financial products.
The new agency, while housed in the Federal Reserve, would have its own budget and director appointed by the president and would have wide authority to write consumer protection rules and enforce them with civil penalties. It could, for instance, force mortgage lenders to be more upfront about possible interest increases in adjustable-rate loans. During the crisis, many borrowers were caught off guard by the rise in rates on such loans.
"It's a great moment. I'm proud to have been here," said a teary-eyed Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.), who as chairman of the Senate Banking Committee led the effort in the Senate. "No one will know until this is actually in place how it works. But we believe we've done something that has been needed for a long time. It took a crisis to bring us to the point where we could actually get this job done."
Wild Thing's comment........
Kiss individual freedom good-bye and kiss capitalism good-bye.
Soros has been pushing this, wants more global controls on US and our economy.
Look at this that Chris Dodd said sheesh! ......"“It’s a great moment. I’m proud to have been here,” said a teary-eyed Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.), who as chairman of the Senate Banking Committee led the effort in the Senate. “No one will know until this is actually in place how it works. But we believe we’ve done something that has been needed for a long time. It took a crisis to bring us to the point where we could actually get this job done.”
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (4)
June 14, 2010
Obama Pushes New $80 Billion Stimulus Adding to $1.6 Trillion Deficit
"This appears to be the first time, in the modern era, that the House is not even going to consider a budget. ... Every family knows that in a tough time, it's more important to have a budget, not less. If you think that they're going to move a budget on Capitol Hill, you must obviously believe that Elvis is still alive. ... That's why I gave the President a letter this week with 100 economists saying that cutting spending now will, in fact, help get the economy moving again and get jobs back to the country."
"Listen, I'm concerned about the plight of teachers, firemen, policemen who face the real possibility that they may be laid off. But to send this letter up here on a Saturday night with no opportunity to cut spending elsewhere in a budget strikes me as a little different. ... The fact is the spending spree in Washington is continuing to run unabated. The American people are screaming at the top of their lungs, 'stop!' And to move this, without finding other offsets in spending, I think is irresponsible. It's just putting more debt on the backs of our kids and grandkids. And it really begs the question, why don't we have a budget this year?"
"The American people want this oil leak stopped now. They want to know what happened. They want the Gulf cleaned up, and they want it all done now. And I just think that BP ought to be held responsible for all of the costs that are involved in this. I said that right from the beginning, and I continue to believe that. I'm not sure that the federal government, though, was -- isn't also responsible. The laws that were in place, the materials that should have been in place for a spill this size, were not. And the reaction, I think, on the part of the Administration has been slow. But having said that, it's time to get this thing stopped now."
"I said from the beginning, BP needs to pay for the entire cost of this. But ... this is a failure of government. Government is there to protect our shores, to protect our environment. And there's been a real failure here. We've been asking for 55 days, where are the inspection reports from this rig? The Administration won't give them to us."
"I think the Israelis have a clear right to defend themselves. When you look at this Flotilla that came over, the first five ships that were inspected, there was no problem at all. It's pretty clear to many of us who looked into this, that this last ship was intended to be a problem, intended to cause a conflict. And this is part of a much bigger problem that we see with the Administration, where we've coddled our enemies, and pushed our friends aside in the process, raising a lot of doubts around the world, including the people of Israel, who are having serious doubts about our commitment to them, our closest ally in the Middle East."
"Our goal is to take the majority in the House. We've got 100 seats in play, we have a real shot at winning the Majority, so that we can put a check on this Administration and all of the spending that's out of control here in Washington, D.C."
Obama Pushes New $80 Billion Stimulus Adding to $1.6 Trillion Deficit
Obama Pushes New $80 Billion Stimulus Adding to $1.6 Trillion Deficit– President Barack Obama and his aides are stepping up a push for further government spending to boost the economy as signs grow of the recovery's fragility.
The White House is calling for Congress to urgently pass measures to extend jobless benefits, aid cash-strapped states and provide targeted tax breaks to encourage research and development by businesses.
Obama's Democratic allies, facing congressional elections in November, have grown cautious about additional spending. Seizing on voter anxiety about deficits, Republicans have cast the administration's policies as fiscally reckless as they seek to challenge Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress.
"People are suffering out there. We want to keep this economy growing faster. We want to see an acceleration of job creation. And we have to take some steps to continue in that direction," top White House adviser David Axelrod told NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday.
His comments came a day after Obama wrote to congressional leaders, urging them to move swiftly to approve new measures to "spur job creation and build momentum toward recovery."
Senate Democrats have introduced legislation that would renew expiring unemployment benefits, and extend business and individual tax breaks. They would offset some of the bill's costs by raising taxes on hedge fund managers and other steps.
The bill complements one passed in the House of Representatives last month, which would authorize about $80 billion in new spending and add $31 billion to the deficit. The cost of the Senate version has not been estimated yet.
Obama also backs a separate measure that would provide cash to states to prevent teacher layoffs but a $23 billion version of that legislation recently failed in the Senate.
"What the president is saying is, we need to expend additional dollars to make sure that we don't have significant layoffs," House of Representatives Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a Democrat, told ABC's "This Week."
But Hoyer acknowledged growing concern about the U.S. deficit, which reached $1.4 trillion in 2009 and which the White House projects will hit $1.6 trillion in 2010.
"I think it's accurate that there's spending fatigue, not only on Capitol Hill, but around the country. People are concerned about the debt level, and we are, as well," Hoyer said. "But clearly, you cannot not continue to stimulate an economy that is still struggling to get out of the deep ditch that we found it in about 18 months ago."
In his letter to lawmakers, Obama said last year's $863 billion stimulus halted a freefall in the U.S. economy after the worst financial crisis since the 1930s Great Depression.
The jobless aid and many of the other steps under consideration would extend provisions in last year's stimulus package, which Republicans have derided as a wasteful, big-government approach to economic policymaking.
The letter went to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, both Democrats, along with House Republican leader John Boehner and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell.
Obama warned that without additional aid, states could be forced to enact "massive layoffs" of teachers, firefighters and other employees.
Last week, state governors pressed Congress to extend a measure that temporarily increased the funds the federal government sends them for Medicaid, the healthcare program for the poor that eats up 20 percent of state budgets on average.
Without the six-month extension, estimated to cost $24 billion, states would be forced to lay off thousands of workers, the governors said. The extension was stripped from the jobs bill passed in the House but is included in the Senate bill.
"I'm concerned about the plight of teachers, firemen, policemen who face the real possibility that they may be laid off," Boehner said on "This Week" but he added such spending needed to be offset.
Boehner criticized what he said was a "spending spree in Washington" that has "run unabated."
Adding to concerns about the tepid recovery, the government reported on Friday that retail sales unexpectedly fell in May for the first time in eight months.
A week earlier, the May employment report showed businesses scaling back on hiring after a spurt in the prior two months. Private-sector payrolls grew only by 41,000 after expanding by 218,000 in April. Unemployment fell to 9.7 percent from 9.9 percent in April.
Economists fear the U.S. recovery could be further dampened by fallout from the European crisis that began in Greece.
"We don't take anything for granted. We have to keep pushing forward and we should not be careless about pulling out of our stimulative efforts too quickly," Axelrod said.
He raised the example of Japan's economic stagnation and deflation in the 1990s to warn of the dangers the United States could face if it allows the stimulus to lapse too quickly.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama NO! NO!....HELL NO!
STOP the spending!!!
If the teachers didn’t pay so much to the unions, they wouldn’t need as much. This is nothing but another special interest bailout.
Can you believe these idiots are still wanting to spend MORE to solve the mess the democRATS created?
It is insanity. Obama is hell bent on destroying the economy.
This is a clear bailout for SEIU and other government workers unions. Amd the SEIU spends this money on donating to campaigns of democrats........ such as the November election coming up. We have topay for THIER side to freaking win?????? DAMN these people and DAMN obama!
He is working on all fronts to destroy us and it is obvious that he takes pleasure in each situation that he causes in which sane people say “What the F are you doing???!!”
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (2)
June 11, 2010
Obama's Goal Is Economic Collapse.....Tax Hikes and the 2011 Economic Collapse
Tax Hikes and the 2011 Economic Collapse
Today's corporate profits reflect an income shift into 2010. These profits will tumble next year, preceded most likely by the stock market.
People can change the volume, the location and the composition of their income, and they can do so in response to changes in government policies.
It shouldn't surprise anyone that the nine states without an income tax are growing far faster and attracting more people than are the nine states with the highest income tax rates. People and businesses change the location of income based on incentives.
Likewise, who is gobsmacked when they are told that the two wealthiest Americans—Bill Gates and Warren Buffett—hold the bulk of their wealth in the nontaxed form of unrealized capital gains? The composition of wealth also responds to incentives. And it's also simple enough for most people to understand that if the government taxes people who work and pays people not to work, fewer people will work. Incentives matter.
People can also change the timing of when they earn and receive their income in response to government policies.
According to a 2004 U.S. Treasury report, "high income taxpayers accelerated the receipt of wages and year-end bonuses from 1993 to 1992—over $15 billion—in order to avoid the effects of the anticipated increase in the top rate from 31% to 39.6%. At the end of 1993, taxpayers shifted wages and bonuses yet again to avoid the increase in Medicare taxes that went into effect beginning 1994."
Just remember what happened to auto sales when the cash for clunkers program ended. Or how about new housing sales when the $8,000 tax credit ended? It isn't rocket surgery, as the Ivy League professor said.
On or about Jan. 1, 2011, federal, state and local tax rates are scheduled to rise quite sharply. President George W. Bush's tax cuts expire on that date, meaning that the highest federal personal income tax rate will go 39.6% from 35%, the highest federal dividend tax rate pops up to 39.6% from 15%, the capital gains tax rate to 20% from 15%, and the estate tax rate to 55% from zero. Lots and lots of other changes will also occur as a result of the sunset provision in the Bush tax cuts.
Tax rates have been and will be raised on income earned from off-shore investments. Payroll taxes are already scheduled to rise in 2013 and the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) will be digging deeper and deeper into middle-income taxpayers. And there's always the celebrated tax increase on Cadillac health care plans. State and local tax rates are also going up in 2011 as they did in 2010. Tax rate increases next year are everywhere.
Now, if people know tax rates will be higher next year than they are this year, what will those people do this year? They will shift production and income out of next year into this year to the extent possible. As a result, income this year has already been inflated above where it otherwise should be and next year, 2011, income will be lower than it otherwise should be.
Also, the prospect of rising prices, higher interest rates and more regulations next year will further entice demand and supply to be shifted from 2011 into 2010. In my view, this shift of income and demand is a major reason that the economy in 2010 has appeared as strong as it has. When we pass the tax boundary of Jan. 1, 2011, my best guess is that the train goes off the tracks and we get our worst nightmare of a severe "double dip" recession.
In 1981, Ronald Reagan—with bipartisan support—began the first phase in a series of tax cuts passed under the Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA), whereby the bulk of the tax cuts didn't take effect until Jan. 1, 1983. Reagan's delayed tax cuts were the mirror image of President Barack Obama's delayed tax rate increases. For 1981 and 1982 people deferred so much economic activity that real GDP was basically flat (i.e., no growth), and the unemployment rate rose to well over 10%.
But at the tax boundary of Jan. 1, 1983 the economy took off like a rocket, with average real growth reaching 7.5% in 1983 and 5.5% in 1984. It has always amazed me how tax cuts don't work until they take effect. Mr. Obama's experience with deferred tax rate increases will be the reverse. The economy will collapse in 2011.
Consider corporate profits as a share of GDP. Today, corporate profits as a share of GDP are way too high given the state of the U.S. economy. These high profits reflect the shift in income into 2010 from 2011. These profits will tumble in 2011, preceded most likely by the stock market.
In 2010, without any prepayment penalties, people can cash in their Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), Keough deferred income accounts and 401(k) deferred income accounts. After paying their taxes, these deferred income accounts can be rolled into Roth IRAs that provide after-tax income to their owners into the future. Given what's going to happen to tax rates, this conversion seems like a no-brainer.
The result will be a crash in tax receipts once the surge is past. If you thought deficits and unemployment have been bad lately, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Wild Thing's comment........
THEY ARE PUSHING US OVER THE CLIFF!!! An economic collapse is exactly what Obama wants to have happen.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:50 AM | Comments (2)
June 10, 2010
America Hating Wilder Publications Under Fire for Putting Warning Label on Constitution
Publishing Company Under Fire for Putting Warning Label on Constitution
A small publishing company is under fire after putting warning labels on copies of the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence and other historical documents.
Wilder Publications warns readers of its reprints of the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, Common Sense, the Articles of Confederation, and the Federalist Papers, among others, that....
“This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today.”
The disclaimer goes on to tell parents that they "might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work."
Walter Olson, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, says the company may be trying to ensure that oversensitive people don't pull its works off bookstore or library shelves.
"Any idea that’s 100 years old will probably offend someone or other," Olson told FoxNews.com. "…But if there’s anything that you ought to be able to take at a first gulp for yourself and then ask your parents if you're wondering about this or that strange thing, it should be the founding documents of American history."
The warning seems to be offending more people than the documents themselves.
Amazon.com’s customer reviews of Wilder’s copy of the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Articles of Confederation show an overwhelming number of people speaking out against the disclaimer, describing it as “insulting,” “sickening” and “frankly, horrifying.”
Another review for Wilder’s edition of the Federalist Papers calls for an all-out boycott of the publisher, sarcastically pointing out the "dangerous ideas" it’s trying to protect children from: "limited government, checks and balances, constrained judicial review, dual sovereignty of states and federal government, and deliberative democracy."
And though warning labels are usually posted to protect a company from potential lawsuits, constitutional attorney Noel Francisco says this disclaimer has no legal benefits.
"Would it ever be a legal concern that selling the Constitution would expose you to some kind of liability? No. Never,” Francisco told FoxNews.com. "The Constitution is the founding document of the country, an operative legal document."
As for the idea that this warning label might help keep these works from being yanked off bookshelves, Francisco says it is more likely to have the opposite effect: people not carrying the book because it has the disclaimer.
"By putting on the warning, you’re making controversial something that’s not controversial: our Constitution, our Declaration of Independence," he said.
Amazon customers appear to agree. Almost all of the reviews discussing the disclaimer end with the same thought: don't buy from this publisher.
Efforts to reach the publisher were unsuccessful.
Wild Thing's comment.........
If our founding fathers were alive, they would be preparing a new revolution.
“This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today.”
BULL SH*T! These values ARE the same values needed (and believed on today); these publishers are out of step of reality*!
This is their address:
A & D Publishing
PO Box 3005
Radford,Va 24143-3005
or contact: Wilder Publications
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:49 AM | Comments (4)
June 09, 2010
Super Tuesday Primaries Some Good, Some BAD and Some....God Help Us!
Voters Angry Over Government Spending
Pro-Obamacare Senator Blanche Lincoln (Democrat ) wins a close primary race in Arkansas. Blanche Lincoln's victory in Arkansas shows signs of weakness in her State for the SEIU and the far-left MoveOn.org crowd who sunk a lot of money trying to beat her.
American hero Joe “You Lie!” Wilson won his primary in South Carolina.
The tea-party pick Sharron Angle defeated more established rivals and appeared on track to win the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Nevada—which would give incumbent Democratic Sen. Harry Reid the opponent he had hoped to face. She has received endorsements from the Tea Party Express, Gun Owners of America and Mark Levin. She favors drastically reduced government. She’d like to do away with the IRS and the Department of Education.
State Attorney General Jerry Brown won the Democratic nomination for governor and Meg Whitman (the former eBay chief executive) won the Republican nomination .
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina has won California's GOP primary for U.S. Senate, setting up a general election battle this fall with three-term Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer. Fiorina was the top vote-getter in Tuesday's primary election in a Republican field that included former Rep. Tom Campbell and conservative Assemblyman Chuck DeVore (R-Irvine). Sarah Palin endorsed Carly Fiorina.
So it will be Meg Whitman vs. Jerry Brown, Carly Fiorina vs. Barbara Boxer In November in California.
State Rep. Nikki Haley pushed ahead of three rivals in the Republican gubernatorial race in South Carolina. She will face Rep. Gresham Barrett in a June 22 runoff.
This is VERY bad.....especialy in States like Ca. where the majority is democrat. This could spread to other States as well ~ Wild Thing
From Breitbart
California voters approve open primaries measure
California Proposition 14, Top Two Primaries Act (June 2010)
A California Top Two Primaries Act ballot proposition is on the June 8, 2010 ballot in California as a legislatively-referred constitutional amendment.
If approved by voters, the proposal will require that candidates run in a single primary open to all registered voters, with the top two vote-getters meeting in a runoff. The new system would take effect in the 2012 elections.
Specifically, it would provide for a "voter-nominated primary election" for each state elective office and congressional office in California. Voters could vote in the primary election for any candidate for a congressional or state elective office without regard to the political party affiliations of either the candidate or the voter. Candidates could choose whether or not to have their political party affiliation displayed on the ballot.
The proposition also prohibits political parties from nominating candidates in a primary, although political parties would be allowed to endorse, support or oppose candidates. Elections for presidential candidates, and for members of political party committees and party central steering committees would not fall under the "top two" system.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (3)
June 08, 2010
Super Tuesday Primary Election-11 States Today
Harry Reid and Michelle Obama exercising????
Twelve states are holding primary contests Tuesday
Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln faces off against Lt. Gov. Bill Halter in a Democratic primary runoff, while in Nevada Harry Reid will finally get an opponent in the Republican race to challenge the Senate majority leader.
California Sen. Barbara Boxer, who is potentially endangered, will learn her challenger as voters in the state also decide who will win the Democratic and Republican nominations for the seat being vacated by term-limited two-term Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Democrat state Attorney General Jerry Brown, the former governor, wants his old job back. He will face either former eBay CEO Meg Whitman or state Assemblyman Steve Poizner.
In Nevada, three viable Republican candidates are hoping to take on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle has surged of late against businessman Danny Tarkanian and former state lawmaker Sue Lowden.
In the race for South Carolina governor, nothing is out of bounds, as months of attacks in the Republican primary have led up to a last-minute scandal throwing the race into chaos.
Establishment favorites also are challenged in primaries for House seats in Montana, New Jersey and Virginia. Also holding contests are Iowa, Maine, North Dakota and South Dakota.
A special election runoff is also being held in Georgia to fill the seat of Rep. Nathan Deal, who quit to focus on his Republican primary for governor, being held July 20.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Prayers for our cuontry. I pray Conservatives get out and vote more then ever before, and Conservatives win.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (2)
June 07, 2010
U.S.'s $13 Trillion Debt Poised to Overtake GDP
Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) explaining how over 90% of all bills passed by the senate are passed without being read, without being scored by the CBO, without being voted on, and totally in secret
“You don’t get thirteen trillion dollars into debt by doing things right,” he says.
Barack Obama is poised to increase the U.S. debt to a level that exceeds the value of the nation’s annual economic output, a step toward what Bill Gross called a “debt super cycle.”
The CHART OF THE DAY tracks U.S. gross domestic product and the government’s total debt, which rose past $13 trillion for the first time this month. The amount owed will surpass GDP in 2012, based on forecasts by the International Monetary Fund. The lower panel shows U.S. annual GDP growth as tracked by the IMF, which projects the world’s largest economy to expand at a slower pace than the 3.2 percent average during the past five decades.
“Over the long term, interest rates on government debt will likely have to rise to attract investors,” said Hiroki Shimazu, a market economist in Tokyo at Nikko Cordial Securities Inc., a unit of Japan’s third-largest publicly traded bank. “That will be a big burden on the government and the people.”
Gross, who runs the world’s largest mutual fund at Pacific Investment Management Co. in Newport Beach, California, said in his June outlook report that “the debt super cycle trend” suggests U.S. economic growth won’t be enough to support the borrowings “if real interest rates were ever to go up instead of down.”
Dan Fuss, who manages the Loomis Sayles Bond Fund, which beat 94 percent of competitors the past year, said last week that he sold all of his Treasury bonds because of prospects interest rates will rise as the U.S. borrows unprecedented amounts. Obama is borrowing record amounts to fund spending programs to help the economy recover from its longest recession since the 1930s.
“The incremental borrower of funds in the U.S. capital markets is rapidly becoming the U.S. Treasury,” Boston-based Fuss said. “Do you really want to buy the debt of the biggest issuer?”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Just a passing thought but can you imagine a DeMint/Christie or Christie/DeMint ticket and Bachmann land Speaker of the House. heh heh
Jim DeMint is one of a handful that I think would do a great job in leading us to the restoration of our country.
Senator DeMint on the Bailout
We have seen this Government socialize our education system and make our schools among the worst in the world. We have seen this Government take over most of our health care system, making private insurance less and less affordable. We have seen this Government socialize our energy resources and bring our Nation to its knees by cutting the development of our own oil and natural gas supplies. And now we see this Congress yielding its constitutional obligations to a Federal bureaucracy, giving it the power to control virtually our entire financial system. Americans understand this and they are angry. They are our judge and our jury. They are watching what we are doing, and they will render their verdict based on our actions.
If we were honest with the American people and explained the failures that have led to this financial crisis, we might have the credibility to ask our citizens to allow us to borrow another $700 billion in their name to try to fix this problem. But we are not being honest. This problem was not created by our free enterprise system. It was created by us, the Congress and the Federal Government
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (2)
June 03, 2010
Congressional Candidate Marine Corp Veteran, Rick Barber Forces a Run Off!
His opponent is a RINO!
On June 1st, after being outspent 7 to 1, Marine Corp Veteran Rick barber forces a Run off! 1 by the establishment-GOP’s chosen candidate .....Marine Corps veteran and tea party candidate Rick Barber forced a runoff election for the 2nd District’s Republican nomination.
“This experience has been thrilling, overwhelming, exhilarating, but, most of all, humbling,” said Rick Barber after learning that his campaign was going to be extended until July 13th.
“When I entered this race, nearly all of the pundits were saying that I had no chance. To force a runoff with an opponent who had national endorsements behind her is just amazing.”
Rick Barber has never run for elected office before. In 2009, he became a prominent tea party leader in Montgomery and the surrounding areas. He held tea party events at his place of business, spoke at several rallies, marched on Washington on 9/12, and even campaigned for Scott Brown in January to help the Massachusetts Senator win the 41st filibuster vote for the GOP.
“Throughout the campaign, we’ve been broke,” added Barber. “There were moments when we thought we couldn’t continue for another week, but around every corner there’s been a miracle. Tonight was just the latest and greatest miracle.”
The Rick Barber for Congress campaign now has six weeks to turn the tide in district 2 away from the handpicked GOP favorite Martha Roby who has spent more than $500,000 thus far in her bid to take the nomination.
“We’re not intimidated by Martha’s money,” said Barber.
“Our message has been the strength of our campaign from the start. We believe in limited government, lower taxes, the right to life and the US Constitution.”
“We’re not planning on deviating from a winning message.”The runoff election will be held on July 13th, but, for the moment, the Barber campaign is enjoying its accomplishment. Being outspent 7 – 1, Rick Barber managed to force a runoff.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I LOVE his hard hitting ad!!!
Rick Barber is a Republican candidate for Alabama's Second Congressional District (southeast corner of the state).
Rick Barber at Facebook
This November, We The People must take America back!!!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:45 AM | Comments (4)
May 29, 2010
Obama to Snatch Up to 75% of Your Income
Obama to snatch up to 75% of your income
If President Obama repeals the Bush tax cuts and imposes a 20 percent value added tax, or VAT, on the U.S., Americans may be facing tax rates where more than half of everything earned is confiscated by the federal government in the form of income taxes, Jerome Corsi's Red Alert reports.
Add Social Security taxes and the tax burden quickly advances to more than 60 percent.
"Adding state property and income taxes to the burden, the amount government confiscates could be in the 75 percent range before Americans have a chance to vote Obama out of office in 2012," Corsi wrote. "Are Americans willing to be taxed 75 percent of every dollar earned?"
In a five-day work week, will Americans be willing to work four days for the government?" Corsi asked.
He said as Obama moves the U.S. in the direction of becoming a European-style social welfare state, it is important to consider taxation levels typical in Europe.
Corsi noted that even high levels of taxation are not sufficient in Europe to prevent debt levels from rising to crisis proportions, as has been seen in Greece and is looming on the horizon in Portugal, Spain and Italy.
"These are the real costs of income redistribution, as taxpayers are made to bear the taxation costs of generous pension plans for government employees at all levels of government – federal, state and local – as well as funding Social Security, paying for Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare and funding welfare, including educating the children of illegal immigrants in Spanish in public schools," he wrote. "There is no limit to generosity when it comes to socialist states providing social welfare benefits to increasingly government dependent populations."
Wild Thing's comment.......
A simple and easy to follow guide of our current circumstances:
The Road to Serfdom in Cartoons...
These peple are nuts. If they keep taking more from us, well I guess what they want is for everyone to be broke and then put us all on government help which is a way to rule our lives once more..... obama agenda 101.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (6)
Good For Rep. Michele Bachmann As She Blasts Democrats for Voting to Allow Another Federal Pay Raise!
Rep. Michele Bachmann blasts Democrats for voting to allow another federal pay raise!
From the floor of the U.S. House: Ms. Bachmann explains how both sides of the aisle are responsible for Government's out of control spending! Now Democrats are voting to allow themselves yet another federal pay raise!
Dems again brush off cuts sought by GOP's online initiative
By Michael O'Brien
The House dismissed on Friday a Republican-led effort to freeze wages for non-military federal employees.
The House voted 227-183 to table a motion to recommit a defense authorization bill to kill a 1.4 percent pay raise for civilian federal employees proposed by the Obama administration.
The cuts were picked under the GOP's "YouCut" initiative, and was offered by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). Republicans said the cuts would have saved $30 billion over 10 years.
Three Republicans voted to keep the pay raises in place, while 18 Democrats joined the GOP in calling for the cut.
This vote was the second time Democrats brushed aside a GOP vote forced under the "YouCut" program, where online visitors and other supporters can vote on proposed spending cuts.
Democrats needled the GOP on Friday by submitting an item for next week's vote that would cut the funding for House Republicans' "America Speaking Out" initiative.
Wild Thing's comment........
A democrat steals from the productive and provides free services to the non-productive.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (2)
May 25, 2010
The Next Bailout: $165B for Unions
The Next Bailout: $165B for Unions
Taxpayers could be on the hook for another $165 billion if a bill to bail out private union pension funds makes it through Congress.
Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) wants taxpayers to fork over $165 billion to bailout the troubled union pension funds.
A Democratic senator is introducing legislation for a bailout of troubled union pension funds. If passed, the bill could put another $165 billion in liabilities on the shoulders of American taxpayers.
The bill, which would put the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation behind struggling pensions for union workers, is being introduced by Senator Bob Casey, (D-Pa.), who says it will save jobs and help people.
As FOX Business Network’s Gerri Willis reported Monday, these pensions are in bad shape; as of 2006, well before the market dropped and recession began, only 6% of these funds were doing well.
Although right now taxpayers could possibly be on the hook for $165 billion, the liability could essentially be unlimited because these pensions have to be paid out until the workers die.
Wild Thing's comment.......
For God's sake where does it stop. God save America from these communists.
So the unions raid the pensions and use the money to get politicians elected , then the politicians raid the treasury to bail out the unions, affectively stealing from the taxpayers. Some scam that is sheesh!
Look at this:
Unions to spend $100M in 2010 campaign to save Dem majorities
At least two influential unions will spend close to $100 million on the 2010 election, with most of those funds going to protect incumbents.
Union officials told The Hill they plan to help endangered members — particularly freshmen — who made politically difficult votes in a year during which an anti-incumbent mood has filled the country.
And the number will be even higher since the AFL-CIO declined to give its figures.
While the labor movement has displayed an aggressive tack in Democratic primaries, including supporting some challengers over incumbents, it remains concerned about the party retaining its congressional majorities.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
May 21, 2010
Obama Continues His Destruction Of America As Sweeping Wall Street Reform Bill Advances
Dr. Coburn on Fox with Neil Cavuto Discussing the Financial Reform Bill
Scott Brown Key to Wall St. Bill Passage
The Senate voted 60-40 to end debate on the bill as U.S. stocks fell sharply. Barney Frank, the Democratic head of a key House committee, told CNBC television news it is important to get financial reform approved quickly to ease market uncertainty. He said he expected Obama could sign a bill into law well before July 4.
In January, he broke the Democrats’ lock on the Senate.
On Thursday, he gave it back.
Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) effectively became the 60th vote to cut off debate on Wall Street reform Thursday – a far cry from when Republicans were hailing him as the 41st GOPer who was going to stand up to the Democrats’ agenda. Brown also voted "yes" on final passage.
Brown’s vote allowed Democrats to move swiftly toward final passage of one of President Barack Obama’s top legislative priorities, a day after he was accused of breaking his word by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who said Brown had promised to vote yes Wednesday.
By Thursday, though, Brown switched from no to yes, after a talk with Reid and a full-on sales-pitch from Democrats in the Massachusetts delegation, including Sen. John Kerry, who made the pitch that the bill is good for the state. Brown met Kerry at the Democrat's Georgetown home at 6 a.m. Thursday for a bike ride where they discussed the pending bill extensively, Brown said.
“I spoke at length over a 40 mile bike-ride with Senator Kerry about it,” Brown said exiting the floor after casting his vote Thursday. “It was this morning, and he’s a very good athlete.”
Kerry, who had hip replacement surgery in January, rode with Brown all the way to Great Falls, Md., an aide to the Democrat confirmed to POLITICO.
House Financial Service Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) also talked to Brown – telling him that his concerns about the impact on home-state financial firms such as Fidelity and State Street would be addressed.
It wasn’t simply home-state pride. Democrats needed Brown when it became clear that the ‘no’ votes of Democratic senators Maria Cantwell of Washington and Russ Feingold of Wisconsin couldn’t be flipped.
The vote – and perhaps even his long conversation with Kerry – seem sure to give Brown trouble with the government-wary Tea Party movement that backed his candidacy to take Sen. Ted Kennedy’s seat. Grassroots supporters who once heralded Brown responded to the senator's vote immediately on social media such as Facebook and Twitter, accusing him of being a "liar" and "Republican in name only."
In some ways, Brown was only facing the challenge many predicted he might:
Would he be the champion of the conservative causes that swept him into the national spotlight? Or would he find himself ideologically aligned with the traditionally Democratic state of Massachusetts?
By breaking with his party, Brown joined fellow New England Republicans Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine as the vote that pushed Democrats over the top and continued to cement himself as a key player for Democrats who lost their filibuster-proof 60-vote majority with his election.
When Brown arrived to Washington in January, he received a hero's welcome from a Republican party still reeling from huge defeats in 2008. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) even went so far as to dub Brown "41."
But as Thursday's vote demonstrated, perhaps the filibuster-boosting moniker was a bit premature. In statements made throughout the voting process on Wall Street reform, Brown has chosen to emphasize Massachusetts first.
“I supported moving the financial bill forward today because I received assurances from Senator Reid and his leadership team that the issues related to Massachusetts in the financial reform bill will be fixed before it is signed into law," Brown said in a statement.
“I will continue working with Senator Kerry and the rest of the Massachusetts delegation to ensure that businesses in our state can continue to operate as they have been doing for decades — creating jobs and helping grow the economy.”
Brown was already in the spotlight this week, viewed a likely Republican “yes” vote all along. On Wednesday night, Reid took a shot at Brown, saying "a senator broke his word with me" just minutes after the Massachusetts Republican told reporters he initially said to Reid he would be a "yes" on cloture.
Brown insisted that he had not broken his promise — that his vote was contingent on the resolution of issues he saw with Volcker Rule language in the bill — but Reid's focus on the Republican, both in front of reporters and on the Senate floor, were indicative of Brown's relative importance to the majority leader.
“When he told me that I let him down, I told him straight-up that I certainly felt badly about it but the bottom line is that representations were made, these issues were not resolved, and here we are," Brown said Wednesday. "Him saying what he said — I never take any of this personally. I know he's under a lot of pressure."
Wild Thing's comment........
This is the WORST bill, it literally will destroy the entire concept of "America" as we know it. The Finance Reform Bill attacking Wall Street and much much more of course.
Jim Demint called this the "worst bill that's ever been in the Senate."
It's the financial regulations bill that basically turns control of every single little aspect of the private sector over to Obama. He now has more power than Castro.
I just can't believe the vacant souls on the Hill. What are they thinking? One man speaking for 300 million people and not with the voice of the majority. What are they thinking?
THREE Republicans: Brown, Snowe, and Collins vote for Cloture.
It will be hard for any law to exceed the damage that will eventually be done by ObamaCare, but this ill-conceived monstrosity, aka the Financial Reform Bill, will ultimately be right up there with socialized healthcare when it comes to contributing to the destruction of America as we have known it.
It will be known as the Mother-of-All-Unintended-Consequences Bill. This is the one that allows them to track each and every financial transaction. every credit card, debit card, check, deposit and withdrawal.
And the consequences will not be good.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM | Comments (6)
May 19, 2010
Primaries Yesterday Rand Paul Takes Kentucky – Sestak Beats Specter – Burns Concedes
Rand Paul: We Have Come To Take Our Government Back
Political novice Rand Paul rode support from tea party activists to a rout in Kentucky’s Republican Senate primary Tuesday night, jolting the GOP establishment. Democratic Sen. Arlen Specter lost his struggle for political survival in Pennsylvania, a five-term incumbent offering experience to voters clamoring for change.
Another Democratic incumbent, Sen. Blanche Lincoln, led narrowly in early returns in her race for nomination to a third term in Arkansas, but she risked being thrown into a costly run-off.
Sestak will face former GOP Rep. Pat Toomey in the fall in what expected to be a hotly contested race.
Elsewhere, Kentucky Republicans chose Paul — the son of Texas Rep. Ron Paul, whose 2008 presidential candidacy sparked legions of followers — as their nominee for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Republican Sen. Jim Bunning. Tea party activists lifted Paul to victory over Secretary of State Trey Grayson, who was the favored candidate of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
Celebrating his triumph, Paul — a 47-year-old eye surgeon making his first run for office — said, "I have a message, a message from the tea party, a message that is loud and clear and does not mince words: We have come to take our government back."
Tim Burns concedes in Pennsylvania 12 Special Election (Murtha's District)
Tim's race was difficult to win. The Dems outnumber the GOP in this district that belonged to vile Murtha.
Murtha died 2-8-10 and had been in office since 1974. There wasn’t a lot of time to build a good GOP political machine .
It had to be hard to overcome the Democrat machine, especially on relatively short notice. Let us hope they do better by November.
David Madeira run for Congress did not win. He is such a good man, I feel really badly about this one.
Democrat Christopher Carney in PA’s 10th Congressional Race
In unofficial results, with complete reports not in from five counties, Marino secured 22,848 votes, Madeira tallied 16,989 and Derk had 15,908.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (6)
May 18, 2010
Tim Burns is Running for Congress in Pennsylvania ~ Go get them PA-12!
The special election to replace John Murtha . William Russell polled very close to Murtha right up until Election Day; Murtha won with 58% of the vote.. So pray and keep your fingers crossed on this one today. ~ Wild Thing
From the person that made this video:
"Tim Burns is running for congress in Pennsylvania. He's campaigning to take back the people's seat formerly held by Murtha.
Tim is NOT a politician. He's been a businessman and created hundreds of jobs in Pennsylvania. He has never secured pork-barrel money. He planst to work to reduce government spending, balance the budget, end government corruption, and grow the economy.
I created this video as part of my own personal tea party. I'm doing what I can to help out those who are making moves to reinstitute the constitutional debate back into government.
This video is an expression of my personal opinion and not paid for or endorsed by the Tim Burns campaign.
Obama's 'Bitter Clinger' Comments Haunt PA-12 Race
“President Obama’s deep disdain for Pennsylvania has been a matter of record for some time. In fact, at a wine and cheese party among Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco neighbors during the last election, Obama revealed exactly what he thinks of small town Pennsylvanians when he labeled them, ‘bitter,’ and asserted that they needed to ‘cling to their guns and religion,’” said Scott Wheeler, Executive Director of the National Republican Trust PAC. “It was a shocking display of elitist arrogance, but it seems consistent with Obama’s world view.”
“During this special election to fill Jack Murtha’s seat, it’s been less than surprising to see the mainstream media failing to remind Pennsylvanians just how disdainful is their President towards them, even as he has avoided traveling to the region, lest he sink Mark Critz’s campaign ship with his own ballast-filled approval rating. So, as a service to Western Pennsylvanians – and to encourage the excellent candidacy of Tim Burns – we thought we’d educate the voters about the real issues in this campaign, hence our radio spots about Obama’s ‘bitter clinger’ comments,” continued Wheeler.
“It comes down to this: Mark Critz is a hand-picked, Washington insider, a pawn of Obama and Pelosi. Tim Burns is NOT a career politician, but instead, a smart and articulate fiscal conservative, a champion of efficient, limited government, and a pro free market business veteran that has spent his life running a company and creating jobs in Pennsylvania. It’s a pretty compelling choice. We have faith that on Tuesday, Western Pennsylvanians will be voting for Tim Burns…and the ONLY THING they’ll be clinging to is our country!”
Also a new radio ad in support of Republican Tim Burns points to Barack Obama’s disdain for Pennsylvania gun-toting, Bible-thumping bitter clingers.
The 60-second Radio ad, entitled, "Bitter Clinger," can be listened to here:
Obama has ridiculed voters in rural districts like this Western Pennsylvania Dstrict calling them “bitter” and stating they “cling to their guns and religion.” He has even labeled these hardworking taxpayers as racist. Now he has the audacity to ask these proud Americans to vote for one of his , Washington insider, career politician cronies.
Wild Thing's comment........
EVERY win for us is a HUGE loss for them. We need to do all in our power to make it so.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (3)
May 12, 2010
Outrage: Obama Administration Targets Military for Pay Reductions
Outrage: Obama Administration Targets Military for Pay Reductions
Barack Obama — who came to power with the help of government employee unions across the nation and has lavished on them hundreds of billions in stimulus funds to keep them on federal, state and local payrolls with no strings attached — is moving to cut spending on salaries for military personnel.
This weekend The Washington Post headlined story, "Pentagon Asking Congress to Hold Back on Generous Increases in Troop Pay,” disclosed that the Obama administration is “pleading” with Congress to give military personnel a much smaller increase in pay than lawmakers have proposed.
The Pentagon contends that Congress simply has been too generous with troops during the past decade.
In fact, lawmakers have lavished so much money on troops, according to the Post, that service members are now better compensated than workers in the private sector with similar experience and education levels.
For example, the military brass claims that an average sergeant in the Army with four years of service and one dependent would receive $52,589 in annual compensation, according to the paper. This figure includes basic pay, housing, and subsistence allowances, as well as tax benefits.
Meanwhile, a U.S. postal letter carrier, with no supervisory or hazardous duty, makes approximately $80,000 a year when all benefits are factored in.
Critics of the Obama administration’s efforts to cut soldier’s pay say America’s security has been strengthened by higher pay rates, as qualified veterans are re-enlisting at record rates, reversing the problem the military witnessed just a few years ago.
"Any attempt to link rising military personnel costs with shrinking military readiness is total nonsense," said Thomas J. Tradewell Sr., who leads the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the largest and oldest major combat veterans organization.
"If the Defense Department needs a larger budget for personnel programs, then let the VFW carry that message to Congress. Just don't pin the budget blame on service members and military retirees."
Tradewell's ire was targeted this past week at Clifford L. Stanley, the Defense undersecretary of personnel and readiness, who said during recent testimony before the personnel subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee: "Rising personnel costs could dramatically affect the readiness of the department."
"What's hurtful," said Tradewell, a combat-wounded Vietnam veteran from Sussex, Wis., "is a continuing perception that DoD is more concerned about the budget than they are about recruiting and retaining a professional volunteer force that's been at war now for more than eight years."
According to Stanley, last year was the military's most successful recruiting year since the establishment of the all-volunteer force in 1973.
Although advocates for military families argue that the decade-long spending spree reverses severe cuts that the military suffered in the 1990s, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and other military brass fear that the spending will threaten security in the years to come. That will mean less money to buy weapons and maintain aging equipment.
On Saturday, Gates told reporters that massive deficits can impact how the president and policy makers confront emerging threats like Iran.
Lawmakers consistently have overruled the Pentagon and mandated more-generous pay raises than requested by both the Bush and Obama administrations. Congress has also rejected attempts by the Pentagon to slow soaring healthcare costs, which Gates told reporters are "eating us alive," by raising co-pays or premiums.
The military admits the improving compensation for troops is helping retention.
For example, improvements in pay and benefits have made it more likely that sailors will stick around longer, Vice Adm. Mark E. Ferguson III, the chief of naval personnel, told the Post.
A Navy survey last year found that about 60 percent of spouses wanted their sailors to make a career of Navy life, meaning a stint of at least 20 years. In 2005, only about 20 percent of spouses felt the same way.
"I think pay was previously a concern, but it's started to change," Ferguson said. Congress had been "extremely generous" but rising personnel costs were already influencing what the Navy spends to operate, maintain and modernize its fleet, he added.
The Pentagon wants a pay raise of 1.4 percent for service members next year, an increase based on the Employment Cost Index, which the Labor Department uses to measure private-sector salary increases.
Congress, as it has for the past several years, has indicated it favors a slightly bigger bump, of 1.9 percent.
Although that extra half of a percent may not seem like much, one expert told the Post that it would accrue annually and cost about $3.5 billion over the next decade.
But congressional supporters of the men and women in the Armed Services are questioning why they are being singled out for future pay cutbacks when other government agencies and unions are not.
The U.S. Postal Service, for example, is slated to give letter carriers an increase of 1.9 percent this coming year.
And postal employees are considered to be grossly overpaid compared with their private counterparts. A postal supervisor, for example, can make $70,000 or year or more, plus significant benefits.
Last year, Congress had to help fill a $3.8 billion deficit at the federally backed agency, but there has been no discussion of salary cuts for postal employees. Instead, postal officials have focused on reducing service, including Saturday delivery.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Just when I think there is no way I can despise the SOB-in-chief any more than I already do, I find out that I really can. What a worthless glob of flesh!!!!!!
When Clinton was inaugurated, two of his first initiatives where allowing gays in the military (the backlash caused him to fall back to “don’t ask, don’t tell) and and order for no pay raise for the military. The armed forces were already angry about his draft dodging and “loathe the military letter”, but the rest of his actions made them despise him.
Obama has been way outdoing Clinton.
Obama knows the military hate him, and rightly so, the alien moron.
This is terrible.
If they do it to the military how about cutting all of Congress’ wages too?
And Obama’s?
And the cabinet members?
And the White House staff’s?
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (5)
May 08, 2010
OMG Look At This ...."Should the American Flag Be Banned -- in America?"
Should the American Flag Be Banned -- in America?
Should the display of an American flag be banned, even if a school administrator feels that display could lead to fights?
It is a freaking survey at THIS LINK at FOX.
My head is going to explode I swear. To even ask this question OMG!
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM | Comments (8)
May 06, 2010
U.S. Marines Boot Recruits with Confederate Tattoos
U.S.Marines hoists Confederate flag during WW11
U.S. Marines boot recruits with Confederate tattoos
You won't believe what military thinks of historic Southern symbol
A widely regarded Southern symbol of pride and states' rights is standing in the way of would-be Marines in their quest to serve their country – a Confederate battle flag.
Straight out of high school, one 18-year-old Tennessee man was determined to serve his country as a Marine. His friend said he passed the pre-enlistment tests and physical exams and looked forward with excitement to the day he would ship out to boot camp.
But there would be no shouting drill instructors, no rigorous physical training and no action-packed stories for the aspiring Marine to share with his family.
Shortly before he was scheduled to leave Nashville for boot camp, the Marine Corps rejected him.
Now, the young man, who wishes to remain unnamed and declined to be interviewed, has chosen to return to school and is no longer an aspiring Marine.
"I think he just wants to let it go," said former Marine 1st Lt. Gene Andrews, a friend of the man and patriotic Southerner who served in Vietnam from 1968 through 1971. Andrews is a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, a group of male descendents of Confederate soldiers. He counseled the young man when he decided to become a Marine.
"He had been talking to me, and he was all fired up about joining," he told WND. "He asked my opinion of it, and I just tried to tell him the truth, good points and bad points."
When the young recruit didn't go to boot camp, Andrews learned of his rejection based on his tattoo of the Confederate battle flag on his shoulder.
'Right now, it's a flat-out denial'
Current Marine Corps tattoo policy states, "Tattoos/brands that are sexist (express nudity), racist, eccentric or offensive in nature, express an association with conduct or substances prohibited by the Marine Corps drug policy and the Uniform Code of Military Justice, to include tattoos associated with illegal drugs, drug usage or paraphernalia, are prohibited. Tattoos/brands that depict vulgar or anti-American content, bring possible discredit to the Marine Corps, or associate the applicant/Marine with any extremist group or organization are prohibited."
WND contacted the Tennessee recruiting station, and a Marine sergeant explained, "The policy is if a tattoo can be construed by anyone as being gang-related or racially biased, then we can't accept them."
While some extremist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and Aryan Nations have reportedly embraced the Confederate flag in the past, the KKK has also adopted the U.S. flag and Christian crosses as symbols. However, many Southerners do not consider the flag an expression of racism or indicator of membership in extremist groups. They regard the Confederate flag as a symbol of state sovereignty and an honorable tribute to the men who fought and died to protect their homeland from invasion by the federalist North.
Asked whether an exception might be made for a Marine recruit who could provide a full explanation on the meaning of his tattoo as an expression of Southern pride, the recruiter explained, "At this point in time, no. If it can be construed by anyone as being racially biased, then right now it's a flat-out denial."
He acknowledged that the tattoo is quite popular in the South and that recruitment has been impacted by the ban on Confederate-flag tattoos, but he explained that the policy has been set by Headquarters Marine Corps.
Headquarters Marine Corps has not responded to WND's requests for clarification of the policy.
However, the U.S. Marine Corps "Guidebook for Tattoo Screening, Volume VII," a manual that outlines procedures for enlisted recruiting and officer procurement operations, explains, "Users of this guidebook should keep in mind, however, that few symbols ever just represent one idea or are used exclusively by one group. For example, the confederate flag is a symbol that is frequently used by white supremacists but which also has been used by people and groups that are not racist. To some it may signify pride in one's heritage, but to others it suggests slavery or white supremacy."
'We've seen this before'
Other service members and recruits have dealt with similar issues concerning Confederate flag tattoos and military policy.
The Southern Legal Resource Center, or SLRC, is a nonprofit legal foundation that has handled a number of legal cases involving the Confederate battle flag.
"We've seen this before," SLRC Chief Trial Counsel Kirk Lyons told WND. "This is not a unique situation. We have had instances where people have called who were hassled by Marine military police for having a small Confederate battle flag sticker on their vehicle. We had a Navy recruit who was turned away for having a Confederate battle flag tattoo on his forearm. There was one more incident a couple of years ago where another Marine recruit was refused enlistment because of a battle flag tattoo."
Lyons said the case of the Marine with a Confederate flag bumper sticker was resolved without legal action because the base commander decided to leave it alone. However, he said most enlistees and recruits don't pursue legal action or complaints, so the policy is never challenged.
"If a family is not willing to make an issue of it and push it, there's really nothing we can do because we have to have standing," he explained.
On the other hand, enlistees often cooperate so their careers don't suffer, Lyons said.
"They've got to keep their mouths shut because they're very career-oriented," he said. "You either get with the program, or you're going to destroy your career. The military is going to fight it tooth and nail. In a lot of cases like this, there's nobody to support these guys. They're on their own."
He added, "Somebody's got to stand up and say, 'I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore.' If people surrender their rights and just go on, there's not much we can do."
'This is an insult to us'
As for Andrews, he walked into the local Marine recruiting station in Madison, Tenn., that had turned the recruit away. He met a staff sergeant and informed him of his family's defense of Tennessee during the Civil War and his own service in Vietnam.
"I had thought about it, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt like this is just not right," he said. "I thought, if we just sit here, we're going to be slapped around and stepped on forever."
In a recent commentary posted on numerous blogs, Andrews recounted his experience:
"I informed the young sergeant that my family had defended the state of Tennessee (also his home state) against a sadistic invasion under that flag and to call our sacred flag of honor a 'hate symbol' was an insult to all southerners, but especially to those southerners who had risked or even given their lives in service to the Marine Corps. Southerners had served at Belleau Woods, at Tarawa and Iwo Jima, at Inchon and the Chosin Reservoir, and at Khe Sanh and Hue City, but now we are no longer wanted in the politically correct, don't-offend-any-minorities military?"
The sergeant politely explained that the policy was handed down by headquarters.
Andrews continued, "I asked the sergeant if he had taken out the trash yet. He replied that he hadn't.
"I then said, 'Please add these to the day's garbage,' and returned my lieutenant's bars, my gold and silver Marine Corps emblem from my dress blues, my shooting badges and my Vietnam ribbons.
"I, like many of you, have always been told, 'Once a Marine, always a Marine,' and 'There are no ex-Marines, only former Marines,' but for me that is no longer true."
Andrews told WND he was born in the South, raised in the South and will always be a Southerner.
"This is an insult to us," he said. "We've laid our lives on the line in the Marine Corps since there was a Marine Corps. We fought in every campaign that the Marine Corps has been involved in. When I was in Vietnam, there were Confederate flags at every base, every fire-support base over there. Nobody said anything about it. There were state flags, Confederate flags, and it was no big deal."
Andrews said he is not angry. Rather, he is disappointed in the Marine Corps.
"I thought if it had been a bunch of political hacks or a school board or a local government or some municipality that was pretty spineless anyway, I really wouldn't have been surprised," he said. "That happens all the time. But I felt that the Marine Corps had a little more backbone and a little more character than that."
Asked what he would say to people who believe the Confederate flag represents racism and slavery, he responded, "I'd say they don't know much about history. Slavery existed under the United States flag much longer than it ever did under the Confederate flag."
He added, "It's pitiful to bring up historical topics to some of our young people today. They just stare at you like you're from outer space. If you're going to be led around by the nose in this country by the government, if you can't figure out what's true and what's not and what kind of propaganda they're giving you, that's a sad situation."
Confederate flag: Symbol of 'terrorism' or independence?
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or NAACP, recently fought to ban the Confederate flag from the South Carolina Statehouse. NAACP leaders have said the Confederate flag "supports the evils of slavery" and "represents terrorism."
However, in his 1999 commentary, columnist Walter Williams argued, "It must be ignorance, an ignorance I once shared. The NAACP crowd sees the Confederate battle flag as a flag of slavery. If that's so, the United States flag is even more so. Slavery thrived under the United States flag from 1776 to 1865, while under the Confederate flag a mere four years."
He explained, "The birth of both flags had little or nothing to do with slavery. Both flags saw their birth in a violent and proud struggle for independence and self-governance."
Williams noted that the flag naturally symbolizes resentment for those individuals who see the War for Southern Independence solely or chiefly as a struggle for slavery.
"The idea that President Abraham Lincoln waged war against the South to abolish slavery is fiction created by the victors," he explained. "Here's an oft-repeated sentiment by President Lincoln: 'I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.' Slavery simply emerged as a moral front for northern aggression."
Williams explained that significant factors that led to the war included states' rights and tariffs Congress enacted to protect Northern manufacturing interests. He also cited professor Edward Smith, director of American studies at American University, who has calculated that between 60,000 and 93,000 blacks served the Confederacy.
"These black Confederate soldiers no more fought to preserve slavery than their successors fought in WWI and WWII to preserve Jim Crow and segregation," Williams wrote. "They fought because their homeland was attacked and fought in the hope that the future would be better and they'd be rewarded for their patriotism."
Williams then suggested the NAACP make an effort to memorialize and honor black Confederate soldiers.
Meanwhile, a May 9, 2000, survey by Gallup Poll News Service posed this question to Americans, "Do you, yourself, see the Confederate flag more as a symbol of Southern pride, or more as a symbol of racism?"
A full 59 percent of all respondents said they believe it is a symbol of Southern pride, while only 28 percent saw it as a symbol of racism.
"It's kind of a hot topic for us right now," the Tennessee Marine recruiter said of the Marine Corps policy on Confederate flag tattoos. "Personally, I don't have any problems with it. I have friends, both white and black, who don't have any problems with it. But there are also those out there who do see it as being racially biased."
Wild Thing's comment........
I am seeing this "if anyone can be offended" or "if someone says he or she might be un-comfortable" crap more and more. It takes away a persons right to explain him or herself and lets others ruin him or her. All because someone else can , at a whim, say "oh... i am offended or frightened" instead of having a dialogue between responsible individuals. These policies are all anti-individual.
This is a historic Flag and is a part of the history of our country.
A little history for an example:
The USS Columbia (CL-56) flew a Confederate Navy Ensign as a battle flag throughout combat in the South Pacific in World War II. This was done in honor of Columbia, the ship's namesake and the capital city of South Carolina, the first state to secede from the Union. Some soldiers carried Confederate flags into battle. After the Battle of Okinawa a Confederate flag was raised over Shuri Castle by a Marine from the self-styled "Rebel Company" (Company A of the 1st Battalion, 5th Marines).
....Thank you JohnE U.S. Army for sending this to me.
Soldier/Generator Mechanic
Companies: 288TH Q.M. Co
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (3)
May 04, 2010
America’s Bloodless Coup d’etat!
America’s Bloodless Coup d’etat!
By Ron Ewart
“The essence of Government is power, and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse.” James Madison
And it came to pass, on the 4th day of November, in the year of Our Lord 2008, a cabal of devious con men were elevated to power over all the people. Behind closed doors, under the cover of night and the veil of deceit, aided and abetted by a willing majority in a spineless Congress, most of academia and the lion’s share of the news media, they plotted the overthrow of a once-free America, from within.
Using the crises of a faltering economy, rising health care costs and the myth that is man-caused global warming, they put the wheels of their scheme into motion.
First, they nationalized the banks and the car companies.
Second, they nationalized the entire health care industry.
Third, they had already taken control of all American land, public and private, through the implementation of the United Nations’ Agenda 21 policy of social justice and radical environmental protection. Constitutionally protected property rights are now meaningless.
Fourth, they plan to put a stranglehold on industry and nationalize the means of energy exploration and production through the scam of buying and selling puffs of air containing carbon dioxide (CO2), using the so-called Cap and Trade legislation. The vehicle for this massive theft of our energy and our wealth, will be by criminal racketeering under the dubious name of the Chicago Climate Exchange. Costs of just about everything will skyrocket.
Fifth, in their quest for absolute power, they mean to grant amnesty to illegal aliens, thereby creating a block of socialist votes that will keep them in perpetual control of America, blocking any hopes of a conservative resurgence.
Finally, to complete their plan, they will be putting in place draconian regulations to bring Wall Street to its knees.
Their plan is almost complete.
The essence of their diabolical plan is the utter destruction of American freedom and the final subjugation of the American people under Marxist rule and the transfer of their wealth to pay for massive entitlement programs, “..... from those with the greatest capability, to those with the greatest need.” Karl Marx
There are two ways to conquer a nation. The first way is by the force of arms ..... war. The second way is much less bloody, simply buy off the people with money or favors and then wrap the recipients of the money and favors in chains, through the force of law. The former is open and notorious, with no doubt of the aggressor’s objectives. The latter is much more devious and easy to camouflage with propaganda, hype, distortion and lies. Either way, the end result is the same.
If a Hitler or the current Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, wanted to conquer America, either one could not have come up with a more complete scheme to render the U. S. Constitution impotent, institute a police state, destroy our means of production, bankrupt our economy, take control of all land, food, water, energy and health care, replace freedom and liberty with the iron grip of a totalitarian state and turn the American people into nothing more than cattle with RFID chips in their ears, with their every move being monitored by an ever-watchful, intrusive government. That is of course, unless millions of Americans become wise to their plan before it is too late and rise up in defiant opposition to that scheme.
America is neck deep in a bloodless coup d’etat and the perpetrators of this coup hold three of the four aces in the deck. Millions of free Americans had better come up with four-of-a-kind pretty damn quick, or the perpetrators’ three aces are going to win the pot, as well as the game. After the game is lost, there will only be one more alternative to secure America’s freedom and that alternative is the least attractive of all other alternatives, with no guarantee of a positive outcome.
So don’t just sit there in a cesspool of anger and frustration. Get off the damn couch! Join a freedom group! Join a tea party! Get involved in local politics! Help a conservative politician get elected and hold that politician’s feet to the fire of conservative principles. Join with millions of Americans in the 9-12 March on Washington on the 9th through the 12th of September, 2010. Log onto their website at marchondc.org. For God’s sake, don’t let the perpetrators of this diabolical bloodless coup d’etat win, or it’s going to be your hands and feet and your children’s hands and feet that will be in chains.
Ask yourself one question. How far is it from Marxism, to fascism, to a dictatorship? The answer is plain for everyone to see. It is burned into the pages of 20th Century history, painted in deep red crimson. If we let it, history is about to repeat itself.
Wild Thing's comment.......
It’s Obama’s “two-year coup plan.”........How to Hugo Chavez-ize America.
The more court appointments he gets through the more permanent his agenda becomes.
There are bold truths in the article, peowe also need to recognize the efforts of Ron Ewart, the author, and heed his message.
We can make a difference - WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE.The Tea Parties, Townhalls, phone calls, emails etc. all added up have been happening more and more. But, we must keep it up!.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (5)
April 15, 2010
More Threats From Obama ~ Obama Dares GOP to Fight Wall St. Bill
From USA Today
Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd, chairman of the Senate banking committee, slammed Republicans today for characterizing Democrats' attempts to regulate Wall Street as a bank bailout.
He also threatened to break off talks with the GOP on the bill if they continue what he described as a campaign to spread "falsehoods" that come "straight from the Wall Street special interest playbook."
Sen. Chris Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking panel, today criticized Republicans for calling his financial legislation a bank bailout. He talks about the bill in this March file photo.
Dodd's angry speech on the Senate floor came a day after Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Senate's top Republican, described the bill as allowing "endless taxpayer-funded bailouts."
It's also an argument that House Republican leaders made in talking points they distributed today in advance of a White House meeting on the legislation with President Obama.
Obama dares GOP to fight Wall St. bill
For weeks, the White House strategy on financial regulatory reform remained an open question: Would President Barack Obama water down his bill just to get something passed — the way he did on health care?
A Palinesque “Hell no!” was the answer coming from the White House on Wednesday as the president, his senior aides and his allies on Capitol Hill issued an ultimatum to Republicans fighting Democrats’ plans to overhaul financial oversight.
“For the president, you have to be willing to accept a strong bill,” said White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, after Obama emerged from a contentious meeting with GOP congressional leaders.
“If the effort to get this close is simply to take steps to weaken that legislation, that’s not what the president is interested in.”
Democrats are so emboldened that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is prepared to bring the Banking Committee bill to the floor with no major concessions to Republicans and essentially dare them to vote against the measure, senior leadership aides said.
At a time when Wall Street is as reviled as government, Democrats are willing to gamble that at least one Republican — and maybe as many as a half-dozen — will break ranks. At the same time, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell is betting he can hold his caucus together to deny Democrats even a single vote.
“It’s been two and a half years since this crisis started, more than a year since we first laid out a comprehensive set of reforms,” Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said during a rare appearance at the White House daily briefing alongside Gibbs.
“I think we know what we need to know. ... It’s just time to decide and time to move,” he added.
Regime Runs Against Free Market, Seeks Horrific Regulatory Powers
Obama and his regime were soon to revive blaming Wall Street for all of our economic ills as a means of advancing support for a financial regulatory reform bill that would give him unilateral power to shut down or fire any of the board of directors or executive officers of any financial institution he wanted, based on any arbitrary feeling he had that they posed a threat.
They're going to ramp up and they're going to start running against Wall Street, as they push for this legislation. We mentioned last week that Chris Van Hollen, running the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee, said (paraphrased), "Yeah, we're going to run against Reagan. We're going to run, we're going to say we run for seats in November. We're going to say, 'We cannot continue these policies of the past.'"
If the financial regulation bill that passed the House last year becomes law, President Obama and his Treasury Secretary will acquire the right to take over any financial institution they wish to, provided that, in their sole opinion, it is both “too big to fail” and on the brink of insolvency. The House bill provides for no judicial review and does not require any objective evidence of imminent failure to trigger the takeover provisions." It just allows the president and Geithner to take over any financial institution they want even if they have to make up some threat that it's about to become insolvent. They can fire the board of directors, they can fire management (snapping fingers) Like that, folks! Just like that.
If they get all this stuff done, one of these days a Republican is going to be elected president and is going to have all these powers at his disposal and that's what the Drive-Bys will call him a dictator. That's when the Drive-Bys will say that we have a dictatorship. "Once the government takes over such a company, it will acquire the right to replace the entire board of directors, fire the management of the company, wipe out stockholder equity and even sell off divisions of the company. Essentially, this bill permits the government to launch an unfriendly takeover of any financial institution it wishes without risk and with no poison pill or other counter-measures possible. This legislation, essentially, confers on the federal government police powers that, under our system, are the exclusive preserve of state and local government.
"The blank check the bill gives the Feds to take over any financial institution is really more of an exercise of eminent domain than it is an extension of traditional federal regulatory power." There's no other way to describe this. This is fascism. This is the government taking over companies. The companies will continue to be run like GM and Chrysler are by so-called private citizens, but they're owned by the government. That's not fascism. Command-and-control is what it is. Fascism was privately-owned, government-run. This is government's going to own it all! Any financial institution it wants it can just take over
Already, there is considerable evidence ... that Goldman profited handsomely from the decision of its former CEO -- Bush's Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson -- to allow Lehman Brothers to fail. Now that the Treasury secretary will have the takeover power, might it not be used as irresponsibly and with as many bad consequences as Paulson used his power in the Lehman crisis? While the focus on the regulatory bill has been on the consumer protection provisions, which I tend to support, there has been far less scrutiny on these horrific expansions of federal power," and they are horrific. Dick Morris concludes: "Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez could only dream of this power." We are a nation hanging by a thread here, folks -- and this has passed the House. Financial regulatory reform has passed Pelosi's House.
None of this that Dick Morris says is untrue. Obama and Geithner can take over any company they want for any reason under the guise that they are protecting it from going belly up or because its board of directors is corrupt or because the management's making mistakes or simply because they don't like them. They'll never say that's the reason. There is not a process to appeal if your company is targeted. There is no judicial review, Mr. Snerdley. There is zero judicial review of anything in this regulatory bill. This is essentially a death penalty for companies if they don't behave as Obama wants them to in every way, shape, manner, or form: From their political donations to the work they do for Obama's friends versus enemies. Dick Morris did not lightly use the word "totalitarian" when describing the financial regulatory reform bill.
See, this is also how Obama will blunt a recent Supreme Court ruling which allows corporations to donate directly to political campaigns.
They want this done now to blunt the Supreme Court ruling. They know how hated and despised they are right now. They know. They can read their own polling data. They know it's bad. They know it's a bloodbath happening in November. They want to get as much of this stuff done before November as they can.
HORRIFIC. IT WILL KILL AMERICAN SPIRIT in the BUSINESS WORLD. sorry about all the caps , but Obama's hate for the American dream, for all things about America is beyond limits..... it is stunning.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM
| Comments (5)
Wild Thing's comment..........
April 14, 2010
RINO Charlie Crist Travels With A Fan ~ LOL
West Palm Beach CBS revealed Tuesday (4-13-10) that Gov. Charlie Crist travels everywhere with a fan to keep him cool during interviews.LMAO Say what??? At first I thought they were talking about the guy standing near Crist, but they are talking about the fan the black bxo looking thing on the floor near Charlies chair. hahahahha ~ Wild Thing
Charlie Crist on the Stimulus
A compilation of Charlie Crist's public remarks in support of President Obama's $787 billion stimulus.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM
April 11, 2010
Rino Charlie Crist's Shows Up Un-Announced At Rubio Campaign
Here is some of the news footage of Charlie's unannounced visit to the "The Villages" of Florida.
Then Charlie "tweets" today" "Had a great day at The Villages & Seaplane/BBQ Fest in Tavares, FL - thanks for the great turnout!"
LOL what a LIAR he is!
Charlie Crist's Pathetic Campaign Stunt Backfires
In an obvious attempt to circumvent the "announced" and scheduled arrival of Marco Rubio at an event at "The Villages, Gov Charlie Crist shows up unexpectedly with reporters in tow.
For Charlie, his visit was not well received. Most of the Villagers interviewed supported Marco Rubio. Rubio's appearance has been scheduled for weeks and will coincide with his four day bus tour throughout the state. Rubio will be joining talk show radio host and FOX news celebrity Sean Hannity for the event on April 13th.
This is such a desperate and pathetic move by Crist that one wonders what his campaign advisors hoped to achieve. It is pointed out several times by the Villagers that they had no idea Crist was going to be there. Charlie tried to hijack an existing crowd in a popular Square at the Villages and started handing out stickers. One resident voiced his opinion of Crist:
But not everyone at The Villages was convinced that Crist was the stronger Republican candidate. Villages resident Jo Tripaldi, 63, an independent, said she believed Rubio was more of a conservative candidate fit for the Republican Party.
"I believe he's not as conservative. I think what Charlie is doing is he is flip-flopping," Tripaldi said about Crist after she met him and placed a Crist sticker on her shirt. "He was very friendly. I had no idea he was going to be here. He's going to have such a terrific crowd and it had nothing to do with him."
Charlie Cridt has no message and cant decide where he stands on any issue except that he is glad he endorsed Obama's stimulus bill.
Kisses of death. ROFL
Wild Thing's comment.......
What an incredible bum! This is a Hussein type tactic..utterly shameless and disgraceful.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (4)
April 05, 2010
Survery: Four in 10 Tea Party Members are Either Democrats or Independents
Survey: Four in 10 Tea Party members are Dems or independents
The findings provide one of the most detailed portraits to date of the grassroots movement that started last year.
Four in 10 Tea Party members are either Democrats or Independents, according to a new national survey.
The findings provide one of the most detailed portraits to date of the grassroots movement that started last year.
The national breakdown of the Tea Party composition is 57 percent Republican, 28 percent Independent and 13 percent Democratic, according to three national polls by the Winston Group, a Republican-leaning firm that conducted the surveys on behalf of an education advocacy group. Two-thirds of the group call themselves conservative, 26 are moderate and 8 percent say they are liberal.
The Winston Group conducted three national telephone surveys of 1,000 registered voters between December and February. Of those polled, 17 percent – more than 500 people — said they were “part of the Tea Party movement.”
“It’s a good sample size,” said David Winston, the polling firm’s director. “It will certainly give us an initial base to follow where these folks are.”
The group is united around two issues – the economy/jobs and reducing the deficit. They believe that cutting spending is the key to job creation and favor tax cuts as the best way to stimulate the economy. That said 61 percent of Tea Party members believe infrastructure spending creates jobs. Moreover, given the choice Tea Party members favor 63-32 reducing unemployment to 5 percent over balancing the budget.
The group has a favorable view of Republicans generally but that drops from 71 to 57 percent if they’re asked about Congressional Republicans. Congressional Democrats are viewed very unfavorably by 75 percent of Tea Party members – a uniquely strong antipathy. An overwhelming 95 percent said “Democrats are taxing, spending, and borrowing too much.”
The group also vehemently dislikes President Barack Obama – even more so than those who called themselves Republicans in the survey. Over 80 percent of Tea Party members disapprove of the job he’s doing as president, whereas 77 percent of Republican respondents said they disapprove of Obama. The Tea Party members are also strongly opposed to the Democrats’ healthcare plan, with 82 percent saying they oppose it -- only 48 percent of respondents overall were opposed.
Wild Thing's comment........
When Americans are angry we come from all political arenas. Don’t mess with the Constitution!!!
Now everyone knows why the commie media is going after the TEA party movement. It's huge, it's diverse and growing stronger everyday.
This is just more proof how wrong the liberals/progressives really are.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (4)
March 18, 2010
Biden Mistakenly Blesses Irish Leader's Mother ~ Biden Gaffeaholic
Biden Mistakenly Blesses Irish Leader's Mother
Joe Biden asked for God's blessing for the late mother of Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen during a White House celebration of St. Patrick's Day — except the elderly lady is very much alive.
"God rest her soul," Biden said Wednesday night as he introduced Cowen and President Barack Obama. He quickly caught himself and noted that it's Cowen's father who is no longer living. Of the prime minister's mother, Biden said, "God bless her soul."
Biden then cited the Irish proverb that "a silent mouth is sweet to hear" and yielded the podium to the president.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Another “Stand Up Chuck!” moment from Rimshot Joe.
LOL Biden couldn’t organize a 2 car funeral..
Our entire country should be embarassed to have Biden and Obama in power.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:42 AM | Comments (1)
March 17, 2010
IRS Visits Sacramento Carwash In Pursuit Of 4 Cents
A midtown fixture for years, Harv's Car Wash was a target for the Internal Revenue service for a delinquent tax bill of 4 cents
IRS visits Sacramento carwash in pursuit of 4 cents
It was every businessperson's nightmare.
Arriving at Harv's Metro Car Wash in midtown Wednesday afternoon were two dark-suited IRS agents demanding payment of delinquent taxes. "They were deadly serious, very aggressive, very condescending," says Harv's owner, Aaron Zeff.
The really odd part of this: The letter that was hand-delivered to Zeff's on-site manager showed the amount of money owed to the feds was ... 4 cents.
Inexplicably, penalties and taxes accruing on the debt – stemming from the 2006 tax year – were listed as $202.31, leaving Harv's with an obligation of $202.35.
Zeff, who also owns local parking lots and is the president of the Midtown Business Association, finds the situation a bit comical.
"It's hilarious," he says, "that two people hopped in a car and came down here for just 4 cents. I think (the IRS) may have a problem with priorities."
Now he's trying to figure out how penalties and interest could climb so high on such a small debt. He says he's never been told he owes any taxes or that he's ever incurred any late-payment penalties in the four years he's owned Harv's.
In fact, he provided us with an Oct. 22, 2009, letter from the IRS that states Harv's "has filed all required returns and addressed any balances due."
IRS spokesman Jesse Weller isn't commenting "due to privacy and disclosure laws."
Zeff says he's as offended as much as anything else by what he considers rude behavior by the IRS guys. While at Harv's, he sniffs, "they didn't even get a car wash."
One of a Kind Government Employees ( RAC also sent me this along with the link and story above. It goes so perfectly with the article you just read. )
A father walks into a restaurant with his young son..
He gives the young boy 3 nickels to play with to keep him occupied.
Suddenly, the boy starts choking, going blue in the face..
The father realizes the boy has swallowed the nickels and starts slapping him on the back..
The boy coughs up 2 of the nickels, but keeps choking. Looking at his son, the father is panicking, shouting for help.
A well dressed, attractive, and serious looking woman, in a blue business suit is sitting at a coffee bar reading a newspaper and sipping a cup of coffee. At the sound of the commotion, she looks up, puts her coffee cup down, neatly folds the newspaper and places it on the counter, gets up from her seat and makes her way, unhurried, across the restaurant.
Reaching the boy, the woman carefully drops his pants; takes hold of the boy's' testicles and starts to squeeze and twist, gently at first and then ever so firmly.. After a few seconds the boy convulses violently and coughs up the last nickel, which the woman deftly catches in her free hand.
Releasing the boy's testicles, the woman hands the nickel to the father and walks back to her seat at the coffee bar without saying a word.
As soon as he is sure that his son has suffered no ill effects, the father rushes over to the woman and starts thanking her saying,"I've never seen anybody do anything like that before, it was fantastic. Are you a doctor? "
'No,' the woman replied. I'm with The IRS
Wiild Thing's comment........
And then they didn't bother any of those people in Obama's administration that did NOT pay their taxes. GRRRRRRR
This would be comical if it wasn't so damn frightening.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (4)
March 14, 2010
Banished! City Forbids Bible Studies In Homes
Banished! City forbids Bible studies in homes
The city of Gilbert, Ariz., has ordered a group of seven adults to stop gathering for Bible studies in a private home because such meetings are forbidden by the city's zoning codes.
The issue was brought to a head when city officials wrote a letter to a pastor and his wife informing them they had 10 days to quit having the meetings in their private home.
The ban, however, prompted a response from the Alliance Defense Fund, which filed an appeal with the city as the first step in its campaign to overturn a provision it describes as illegal.
"The interpretation and enforcement of the town's code is clearly unconstitutional, " said Daniel Blomberg, a member of the litigation team for ADF. "It bans 200,000 Gilbert residents from meeting in their private homes for organized religious purposes – an activity encouraged in the Bible, practiced for thousands of years, and protected by the First Amendment."
The appeal was filed on behalf of the members, all seven, of the Oasis of Truth Church.
Pastor Joe Sutherland had been told in a letter from code compliance officer Steve Wallace that the people were not allowed to meet in a home for church activities under the city's Land Development Code.
There had been no complaints about the meetings, which had been rotating among members' homes before the officer wrote the letter and ordered the group to "terminate all religious meetings … regardless of their size, nature or frequency," because he noticed signs about the meetings.
The town interprets its law so that "churches within its borders cannot have any home meetings of any size, including Bible studies, three-person church leadership meetings and potluck dinners," ADF said.
A city letter confirmed, "Given that the church is considered to be religious assembly, and given the LDC provisions prohibiting that use on Local streets without Use Permits and prohibiting it in single family residential structures, it follows that the church meetings cannot be held in the home."
"The assembly activities associated with the church, including Bible studies, church leadership meetings and church fellowship activities are not permitted," wrote Mike Milillo, the city's senior planner.
"This ban is defended based upon traffic, parking, and building safety concerns. However, nothing in its zoning code prevents weekly Cub Scouts meetings, Monday Night Football parties with numerous attendees or large business parties from being held on a regular basis in private homes," the ADF said.
The few adults in the church had met for a few hours weekly in members' homes.
The ADF argues such bans violate the Constitution's free-exercise clause, and even the state's Free Exercise of Religion Act protects such meetings.
Further, the restrictions imposed by the city violate the federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, which grants significant authority for churches to pursue their ministry goals.
Finally, Blomberg said, "the First Amendment's free-speech clause prevents the town from stopping the church from holding its meetings on the public sidewalk outside the pastor's home, yet the town won't allow him to hold the same meetings just a few feet away in the privacy of his own living room."
The small church has been forced to halt its regular meetings. It meets now in a local school but only can afford the rental once a week.
A spokeswoman for the city of Gilbert told WND city officials were aware of the concern and planned to address it.
Vice Mayor Linda Abbott told WND the code apparently was adopted years earlier, and there was considerable concern on the city council because of the current issues.
"I'm not in favor of that code. That is something we would want revisited," she said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Sorry, this “law” is a direct violation of the 1st amendment, which is man’s law that coincides with God’s. This one should be tossed in a heartbeat.
It seems these stories pop up every day, with greater and greater frequency... how much longer is it going to take for people to finally say “enough”?
The town interprets its law so that "churches within its borders cannot have any home meetings of any size, including Bible studies, three-person church leadership meetings and potluck dinners," ADF said.
So let me get this straight if a group of people are gathering to share a dinner and it is for a religious reason, it is illegal.
Wonder if they ever heard of Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.
Is the government aware that the same was true in Soviet Russia, Communist China, the old East Germany, Cuba and some other dictatorial countries??
When we lived in Calif. there was a Bible study that we went to in a home. It was mostly all actors/actresses, stuntmen and women and entertainers. These Bible studies are all over our country. I went one when I lived in Dallas too years ago. But never have I seen this happening to these Bible studies until the last few years. Kind of in the same time frame as the ACLU and other groups against Christmas and taking God out of things.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (13)
March 10, 2010
Chief Justice Roberts on Obama's court criticism to joint session of Congress ~ " Very Troubling"
Some firm and unequivocal pushback today by Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. to President Obama's court criticism in January.
It is not at all unusual in American history for the executive branch of the federal government (the White House, under the control of either party) to disagree with the judicial branch (Supreme Court).
What is considerably more unusual is for the chief executive of the executive branch (Barack Obama) to look down on the members of said Supreme Court in public at a joint session of Congress and to their faces denounce their independent actions.
And then to receive a resounding ovation from fellow Democrats standing to applaud and cheer Obama as the surrounded justices sat mute, motionless and unable to respond.
That, of course, is what Obama did in his first State of the Union address Jan. 27, objecting to a court decision allowing corporations to donate political funds like individuals as a matter of free speech.
Speaking today at the University of Alabama law school in Tuscaloosa, Chief Justice Roberts called the president's actions "very troubling."
Speaking in response to a law student's question, Roberts said anyone could criticize the court and, indeed, our governmental system of separation of powers encourages such opinionated diversity. Then, the chief justice added:
I have no problems with that. On the other hand, there is the issue of the setting, the circumstances and the decorum.
The image of having the members of one branch of government standing up, literally surrounding the Supreme Court, cheering and hollering while the court — according to the requirements of protocol — has to sit there expressionless, I think is very troubling.
Justices are not required to attend the annual joint sessions but have traditionally done so as a sign of mutual respect for the president and legislative branch. In January, six justices attended, including Roberts. But it sounds now like that judicial thinking might be changing.
Roberts added: "I'm not sure why we're there."
Wild Thing's comment........
Well said by Chief Justice Roberts.
Obama has absolutely NO class at all. Past Presidents showed respect even if they disagreed with the Judges.
Obama delights in baiting anyone who he disagrees with and indirectly gives the green light for his team of hacks to do their dirty work. The White House has become an International embarrasment.
I am THRILLED that the Chief Justice and Alioto actually expressed displeasure with this despot.
It is so shocking and strange that a man who couldn’t pass the background check to be a janitor in the Supreme Court building is now POTUS.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (8)
February 27, 2010
Obama vs. Our Constitution
Battle of the 'booklets': Obama-made-easy vs. Constitution
Dramatic response to White House adviser's attempt to 'educate' tea partiers
First, top Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett suggested last week that if the White House would produce a little booklet explaining the president's health care and economic policies in "very simple," easy-to-follow language, it might help tea party members better understand White House initiatives – and perhaps stop being what she called so "extreme" and "anti-government."
In response, Joseph Farah, founder of online news giant WorldNetDaily, says, "I have an even better idea. You see, we already have a simple little booklet that explains in easy-to-follow language how the U.S. government works: It's called the Constitution of the United States. I propose that thousands of Americans send this document – which is so scandalously ignored in Washington – to Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Just maybe, it will help them understand how American government is really supposed to work."
Jarrett, who blasted the tea party movement as extremist and thriving on scare tactics, made the comments at a John F. Kennedy School of Government forum.
A video of Jarrett's comments has been posted at Breitbart.com.
"Even if they are in favor of, let's say, a different form of health care insurance reform, fine; but what's happening is it's an anti-government – I mean, that's the tea party. They really are, um, are, uh, trying to rebel against government at all. And I think that that's ... again, it's an extreme. … And it's always a lot easier, again, to scare people and to get them angry when they're already scared, and they're already uncertain. And I think that's what the tea party is trying to capture."
Meanwhile, WND, after heading up the massive "pink-slips campaign" – which famously drowned Washington in 9 million pink slips, putting every member of Congress on notice that voting against liberty and responsibility would result in their expulsion from office this November – is now leading the charge on an even more direct and "easy-to-understand" message to America's current crop of leaders.
"Apparently that action was too subtle," said Farah. "Congress didn't get the message – and continued on with its profligate spending and attacks on freedom."
"Even if they are in favor of, let's say, a different form of health care insurance reform, fine; but what's happening is it's an anti-government – I mean, that's the tea party. They really are, um, are, uh, trying to rebel against government at all. And I think that that's ... again, it's an extreme. … And it's always a lot easier, again, to scare people and to get them angry when they're already scared, and they're already uncertain. And I think that's what the tea party is trying to capture."
Meanwhile, WND, after heading up the massive "pink-slips campaign" – which famously drowned Washington in 9 million pink slips, putting every member of Congress on notice that voting against liberty and responsibility would result in their expulsion from office this November – is now leading the charge on an even more direct and "easy-to-understand" message to America's current crop of leaders.
"Apparently that action was too subtle," said Farah. "Congress didn't get the message – and continued on with its profligate spending and attacks on freedom."
WND is offering readers the opportunity to send exquisitely designed and bound copies of the Constitution to Barack Obama and the leaders of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
For only $9.99, including FedEx shipping, you can deliver to Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid copies of the nation's founding document so they will have no excuses as to the legal limitations on their power. Already, they've been bombarded with Constitutions over 2,000 times in the short time of this campaign.
An accompanying note will also explain how they have already exceeded their constitutional authority and ask them to distribute the extra copies to their colleagues and staffs.
"This is a clear way of stating why you object to their official actions over the last year," said Farah. "It's because they are illegitimate. They are rogue actions. They are not just unpopular, they are unauthorized and illegal."
Farah said it can never hurt to have tens of thousands of extra copies of the Constitution circulating in Washington.
"Apparently, it's been a long time since most of our elected officials have bothered to open this little book," he said. "Maybe this will give them something to think about."
Farah says the campaign represents more than a way for citizens to vent their frustrations over skyrocketing deficits, bailouts of banks and multinational corporations, taxpayer rip-offs, pork-laden budgets and attacks on individual liberty.
"This is a way to focus the public's attention on the real issue – the strict limits on federal power prescribed in our Constitution," said Farah. "There's a fundamental disconnect in Washington and even around the country when it comes to the proper and legitimate role of the federal government in American life. That's the point. It's not just a matter of Americans objecting to this piece of legislation or that executive order. It's time we insist that Washington limit its activities to the enumerated powers of the Constitution and leave the rest to the state and individuals."
"He may feel insulated from the accountability of this year's midterm congressional elections," Farah said. "But he is not insulated from the accountability of the rule of law. He claims to be a constitutional scholar. But a simple layman's reading of the Constitution illustrates he is either ignorant of its straightforward limits on power or, worse, blindly contemptuous of them."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Thank God our forefathers understood how government would demand more and more powers, give them an inch, they will take a mile!
The Constitution indeed limits the power of government. But our problem today is that the sitting government in Washington is bypassing some of those limits.
And we must keep ever-vigilant to be sure our representatives don’t forget who they work for.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (3)
February 25, 2010
Half Of America Blames Obama For Loss Of Rights
Half of America blames Obama for loss of rights
'That's after a month where almost nothing happened in Washington'
A new poll reveals Americans believe their freedoms are continuing to slip away under President Obama, with more than 49 percent reporting decreases in their personal freedoms under his leadership this month.
The WND Freedom Index poll from Wenzel Strategies shows even one in 10 Democrats believes there's been a big decrease in freedoms.
"One month into his second year as president, Barack Obama finds himself saddled with some heavy political baggage," said Fritz Wenzel, president of the polling company. "Two out of three likely voting respondents to the latest WorldNetDaily/Wenzel Strategies poll think the country is headed in the wrong direction, less than half give him positive job approval ratings, and half think that he is responsible for a reduction in freedom in America.
"And that's after a month where almost nothing happened in Washington," he said.
The WND/Wenzel telephone survey was conducted Feb. 18–20 using an automated telephone technology calling a random sampling of listed telephone numbers nationwide. The survey included 30 questions and carries a 95 percent confidence interval. It included 747 likely voters. It carries a margin of error of plus or minus 3.56 percentage points.
The Freedom Index, an assessment on Americans' perspectives on a basketful of liberties, tipped downward for February, coming in at 47.2. It had been 46.3 in December, its lowest point ever, and it moved up only slightly, to 47.5, for January.
Wenzel said as things begin moving in Washington again, especially with this week's renewed push for Obama's plans for nationalized health care, "those numbers may well get even worse."
It was during the heavy political battling over health care legislation in November that Obama took big hits to his approval numbers, and he has spent most of the political capital in his war chest," Wenzel said.
"Given that his efforts to help Democratic candidates in tough races in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts had all failed, some on his side of the political aisle may be wondering if his political capital is overvalued."
"The WorldNetDaily.com Freedom Index continues to show that more likely voting Americans nationwide than not believe that, under the Obama administration, they are seeing a reduction in their constitutional freedoms. About half – 49 percent – said so in our February polling, compared to 32 percent who said they thought Obama was causing freedoms to increase," Wenzel said.
The poll showed that 36 percent of respondents, including nearly 60 percent of the GOP, 40 percent of independents and even 10 percent of Democrats, said there has been a big decrease in personal freedoms. Another 13.1 percent said there had been some decrease.
On other individual freedom issues, the poll revealed 32 percent of Americans believe they are not very free or not free at all to speak their minds without fear of punishment, penalty or retribution.
A smaller number, 18 percent, feel there could be punishment or at least investigations based on the manner they choose to worship. But the numbers rocketed to nearly 45 percent when people were asked if there was some or great intrusion because of the government's use of cameras, scanners and other electronic monitors.
Nearly one person in five had concerns over the ramifications from placing a bumper sticker on their vehicle, and about the same number said they find themselves self-censoring thoughts because "of fear of harm, punishment, social rejection, or some other penalty."
"It appears as if the nation, much of which felt a real threat to their freedoms by the health care reform proposal and other Democratic initiatives, may have taken a collective sigh of relief [during January] with the election of Republican Scott Brown as senator from Massachusetts," Wenzel said. "Brown's presence in the U.S. Senate means Democrats no longer have unchecked power to make sweeping changes to federal law and society, and voters appear to have taken notice.
Wild Thing's comment.......
"Freedom Index poll from Wenzel Strategies shows even one in 10 Democrats believes there's been a big decrease in freedoms. "
Even the Democrats polled can tell what is happening. Welll not all but it is a start anyway.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (5)
Pelosi Renews Dispute With CIA Over Interrogation Techniques

Pelosi Renews Dispute With CIA Over Interrogation Techniques
FOX News
Prodded by the release of dozens of declassified CIA documents, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi renewed her long-running dispute with the Central Intelligence Agency about the use of harsh interrogation practices.
"I have never been briefed by the CIA or anyone else on the subject of those interrogations, to the extent that they were being used," the California Democrat told reporters Tuesday. "We were only briefed that there were lawyers in the Justice Department that thought they were legal, period."
The comments marked Pelosi's first foray into the controversy in nine months that pitted the top House Democrat against the nation's premier spy agency. Responding to a lawsuit filed by Amnesty International and two other human rights watchdog groups, the CIA released several dozen documents detailing how the CIA handled suspected terrorism suspects and briefed lawmakers about it.
The documents show Pelosi was briefed about "ongoing interrogations of Abu Zubaydah" on April 24, 2002, just weeks after the top Al Qaeda suspect was captured in Pakistan.
Only 10% Say Pelosi's Heavy Democrat Congress Doing A Good Job
The Pelosi-Reid Swamp reached a grim milestone today with the lowest approval rating ever recorded for a Congress in Rasmussen history.
Voter unhappiness with Congress has reached the highest level ever recorded by Rasmussen Reports as 71% now say the legislature is doing a poor job.
That’s up ten points from the previous high of 61% reached a month ago.
Only 10% of voters say Congress is doing a good or excellent job.
Nearly half of Democratic voters (48%) now give Congress a poor rating, up 17 points since January. The vast majority of Republicans and voters not affiliated with either party also give Congress poor ratings.
Seventy percent (70%) of voters say Congress has not passed any legislation that would significantly improve life for Americans, up 10 points over the past month and the highest level of dissatisfaction measured in regular tracking in over three years. Only 15% say Congress has passed such legislation.
Forty percent (40%) of voters nationwide now say it is at least somewhat likely Congress will seriously address the most important issues facing the nation. That’s down from 59% last March. Only 9% say it is Very Likely Congress will address these issues.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Nancy just can't stop messing with the truth. She is a total liar! Facts prove she lies and yet she won't stop.
Cruel interrogation would mean sending Nancy Pelosi to do the waterboarding. heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (2)
February 21, 2010
Shocker! Ron Paul Wins CPAC10 Straw Poll
Paul, a Republican congressman from Texas known for his libertarian views, ran for president in 2008 but was never a serious contender for the GOP nomination.
Romney, former Massachusetts governor and also a 2008 GOP candidate, has won the last three presidential straw polls at the annual conference. This year, he came in second, with 22 percent.
Sarah Palin, who didn't attend the conference, was a distant third in the straw poll, with 7 percent, followed by Tim Pawlenty, the Minnesota governor, and Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana.
The straw poll is not binding -- and not necessarily a good forecaster, given that in 2008, John McCain went on to take the party's nomination over Romney.
Boos as Ron Paul wins CPAC straw poll
Paul's victory renders a straw poll that was already lightly contested among the likely 2012 GOP hopefuls all but irrelevant as the 74-year-old Texan is unlikely to be a serious contender for his party's nomination.
CPAC organizers were plainly embarrassed by the results, which could reduce the perceived impact of a contest that was once thought to offer a window into which White House hopefuls were favored by movement conservatives.
A spokesman for the conference rushed over to reporters following the announcement to make sure they had heard the unmistakable boos when the screen first showed Paul had won the straw poll.
2,935 votes were cast in the straw poll, the most in the history of the 37-year conference, but a fraction of the approximately 10,000 people who attended CPAC
Forty-eight percent of those who participated in the contest indicated that they were students and the divergent reaction to the results reflected the outcome.
Wild Thing's comment..........
According to Fox, about 10,000 present, but just 2400 voted.
Ron Paul is an isolationist, antisemitic, racist peacecreep. Ron Paul was booed when it was announced he won.
One good thing is this vote of theirs does not count in the real election, thank GOD!
Ann Coulter mentioned the place was full of college students, and now we know why.
Vote breakdown:
31% Ron Paul
22% Mitt Romney
7% Sarah Palin
6% Tim Pawlenty
5% Mike Pence
4% Newt Gingrich
4% Mike Huckabee
2% Mitch Daniels
2% Rick Santorum
2% John Thune
1% Haley Barbour
5% Other
6% Undecided
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (11)
February 15, 2010
Dictator Obama Making Plans to Use More Executive Power
Obama Making Plans to Use Executive Power
With much of his legislative agenda stalled in Congress, President Obama and his team are preparing an array of actions using his executive power to advance energy, environmental, fiscal and other domestic policy priorities.
Obama has not given up hope of progress on Capitol Hill, aides said, and has scheduled a session with Republican leaders on health care later this month. But in the aftermath of a special election in Massachusetts that cost Democrats unilateral control of the Senate, the White House is getting ready to act on its own in the face of partisan gridlock heading into the midterm campaign.
“We are reviewing a list of presidential executive orders and directives to get the job done across a front of issues,” said Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff.
Any president has vast authority to influence policy even without legislation, through executive orders, agency rule-making and administrative fiat. And Mr. Obama’s success this week in pressuring the Senate to confirm 27 nominations by threatening to use his recess appointment power demonstrated that executive authority can also be leveraged to force action by Congress.
Mr. Obama has already decided to create a bipartisan budget commission under his own authority after Congress refused to do so. His administration has signaled that it plans to use its discretion to soften enforcement of the ban on openly gay men and lesbians serving in the military, even as Congress considers repealing the law. And the Environmental Protection Agency is moving forward with possible regulations on heat-trapping gases blamed for climate change, while a bill to cap such emissions languishes in the Senate.
In an effort to demonstrate forward momentum, the White House is also drawing more attention to the sorts of actions taken regularly by cabinet departments without much fanfare. The White House heavily promoted an export initiative announced by Commerce Secretary Gary Locke last week and nearly $1 billion in health care technology grants announced on Friday by Kathleen Sebelius, the health and human services secretary, and Hilda L. Solis, the labor secretary.
White House officials said the increased focus on executive authority reflected a natural evolution from the first year to the second year of any presidency.
“The challenges we had to address in 2009 ensured that the center of action would be in Congress,” said Dan Pfeiffer, the White House communications director. “In 2010, executive actions will also play a key role in advancing the agenda.”
The use of executive authority during times of legislative inertia is hardly new; former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush turned to such powers at various moments in their presidencies, and Mr. Emanuel was in the thick of carrying out the strategy during his days as a top official in the Clinton White House.
But Mr. Obama has to be careful how he proceeds because he has been critical of both Mr. Clinton’s penchant for expending presidential capital on small-bore initiatives, like school uniforms, and Mr. Bush’s expansive assertions of executive authority, like the secret program of wiretapping without warrants.
Already, Mr. Obama has had to reconcile his campaign-trail criticism of Mr. Bush for excessive use of so-called signing statements to bypass parts of legislation with his own use of such tactics. After a bipartisan furor in Congress last year, Mr. Obama stopped issuing such signing statements, but aides said last month that he still reserves the right to ignore sections of bills he considers unconstitutional if objections have been lodged previously by the executive branch.
Another drawback of the executive power strategy is that actions taken unilaterally by the executive branch may not be as enduring as decisions made through acts of Congress signed into law by a president. For instance, while the E.P.A. has been determined to have the authority to regulate carbon emissions, the administration would rather have a market-based system of pollution permits, called cap and trade, that requires legislation.
Still, presidents have logged significant accomplishments through the stroke of a pen. In 1996, on his own authority, Mr. Clinton turned a 2,600-square-mile section of southern Utah into the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, in what was called at the time his boldest environmental move. Mr. Bush followed suit in 2006 by designating a 140,000-square-mile stretch of islands and ocean near Hawaii as the largest protected marine reserve in the world, in what some see as his most lasting environmental achievement.
The use of executive power came to a head this week when Mr. Obama confronted Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, about nominations held up in the Senate. In a meeting with Congressional leaders at the White House on Tuesday, Mr. Obama turned to Mr. McConnell and vowed to use his power to appoint officials during Senate recesses if his nominations were not cleared.
By Thursday, the Senate had voted to confirm 27 of 63 nominations that had been held up, and the White House declared victory. Two administration officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said Friday that the White House had drafted a list of about a dozen nominees for the president to appoint during the recess that just began, but most were among those cleared.
Mr. McConnell’s office denied that the president’s threat had anything to do with the confirmations, pointing out that the Senate regularly passes a batch of nominees before going on recess.
“All presidents get frustrated with the pace of nominations, and all Congresses say they’re doing their best, so it’s not a surprise,” said Don Stewart, a spokesman for Mr. McConnell. “But the fact is nominees are being confirmed, particularly those nominated since December.”
The recess appointment power stems from the days when lawmakers were in session only part of the year, but in modern times presidents have used it to circumvent opposition in the Senate. Mr. Clinton made 139 recess appointments, 95 of them to full-time positions, while Mr. Bush made 171, with 99 to full-time jobs. Mr. Obama has yet to make any.
Those given such appointments can serve until the end of the next Congressional session. As a senator, Mr. Obama was less enamored with recess appointments. When Mr. Bush used the power to install John R. Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations, Mr. Obama called Mr. Bolton “damaged goods.”
But the White House argued that Mr. Obama’s choices have been held up more than Mr. Bush’s and left open the prospect of giving recess appointments to some of those still held up, including Craig Becker, a labor lawyer whose nomination for a seat on the National Labor Relations Board has been blocked.
“If the stalling tactics continue,” said Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, “he’s not ruling out using recess appointments for anybody that he’s nominated.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Liberty is at stake and the clock is ticking.
Basically declaring that he needs not Congress nor Senate nor even countrymen to run his country. Even screwball Dems in Congress don’t take kindly to having their authority usurped by...the usurper-in-chief.
Obama knows that he loses and his Marxist dreams will end in the 2010 elections! He will bare his fangs and he will go nuclear on this country. It has begun!!
The White House is unraveling exponentially. The events of the last year, especially the last month, are wearing on Obama. . You can see it in his face, hear it in his voice. . The Narcissistic Rage is fomenting and imho our country is in danger from within. Who is Obama and What is he going to do as things spiral out of control? Daily more and more people understand his background, his history, his Marxist mentors, his communist mole background.
Obama has the psychological capacity to go insane fighting the interests aligned against him. He believed the messiah bullsh*t but he lacks the political and executive skills necessary to change course and save "his" presidency. This Marxist Obama is going to hit the wall and millions of American lives are at serious risk.
Obama signed 38 Executive Order's in 2009.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (4)
Judge Finds Grounds to Sanction Arizona Sheriff's Office
Judge Finds Grounds to Sanction Arizona Sheriff's Office
A federal judge has found grounds for sanctioning an Arizona sheriff's office for its acknowledged destruction of records in a lawsuit that accuses deputies of racially profiling countless Hispanics in immigration patrols.
U.S. District Judge Murray Snow held off on imposing the sanctions against the office of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in the Friday ruling, but indicted he would do so at a later date once related issues were ironed out.
Since early 2008, Arpaio has run 13 immigration and crimes sweeps consisting of deputies and posse volunteers who flood an area of a city — in some cases heavily Latino areas — to seek out traffic violators and arrest other offenders.
The handful of Latinos who filed the lawsuit against Arpaio's office alleged that officers based some traffic stops on the race of Hispanics who were in vehicles, had no probable cause to pull them over and made the stops so they could inquire about their immigration status.
Arpaio is known for tough jail policies, including housing inmates in canvas tents, and pushing the bounds for how local law enforcement agencies can confront illegal immigration.
The U.S. Justice Department said it's investigating his office for alleged discrimination and for unconstitutional searches and seizures, but won't provide any details of its examination. The sheriff believes the inquiry is focused on his immigration efforts.
Arpaio has repeatedly denied the racial profiling allegations, saying people pulled over in the sweeps were approached because deputies had probable cause to believe they had committed crimes. It was only afterward that deputies found many of them were illegal immigrants, he has said.
Some sheriff's officials have acknowledged deleting their e-mails about the patrols and throwing away and shredding officers' records of traffic stops made during the sweeps.
Snow said the sheriff's office was negligent for not holding onto the documents and that the failure to preserve them is enough to justify sanctions. The judge asked plaintiff's attorneys to suggest unspecified "adverse inferences" that could be drawn from the destruction of officers' records of traffic stops made during the sweeps.
Peter Kozinets, one of those attorneys, said Saturday that the document destruction deprived his clients of records that would have shown deputies were selective in whom they approached during the sweeps.
The sheriff's office said the destruction was an honest error that sprung from a top official not telling others in his office to preserve the documents.
The office also said the traffic-stop records were thrown away after supervisors tabulated statistics from them and that thousands of other documents have been handed over.
"We thought the ruling was extremely fair and we are pleased to cooperate," said Dave Hendershott, chief deputy of the sheriff's office. "It clearly shows that the judge understood that it was an unintentional oversight. We are very pleased with the ruling."
Snow also said that plaintiff's attorneys can again depose Arpaio to question him about his own 800-page immigration file, which was covered by a documents request but wasn't handed over before his first deposition in mid-December.
Blogs 4 Borders interviewed Sheriff Joe awhile back.
Wild Thing's comment.........
The U.S. Justice Department said it's investigating his office for alleged discrimination and for unconstitutional searches and seizures, but won't provide any details of its examination.
Holder's office
Any Police organization that tries to uphold this Republic's laws against illegal immigration seems to find itself on the wrong side of the Obama administration.
Sheriff Joe is a great person and a great Patriot! If anyone can do it Sheriff Joe can. He is the type of man we need in every city state an county to turn this country around.
We have a lot to thank Sheriff Joe for.
He is leading the way back to SANITY.
God Bless Sheriff Joe!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (6)
February 12, 2010
Cue Twilight Zone Music: Texas Candidate Debra Medina is a 9/11 Truther
Debra Medina imploded today on the Glenn Beck radio show. The Republcian candidate for governor is a 9-11 Truther.
She said questions still remain.
Trail Blazers
TV and radio commentator Glenn Beck dismissed the candidacy of Debra Medina when she left open the door to a conspiracy fringe group that believe the U.S. government might have been behind the 9-11 destruction of the World Trade Center.
Beck, a leading personality for conservatives, asked her point blank if she believed such a theory.
“I don’t have all the evidence there, Glenn,” Medina replied. “So I’m not in a place – I have not been out publicly questioning that. I think some very good questions have been raised in that regard. There’s some very good arguments and I think the American people have not seen all the evidence there so I’ve not taken a position there.”
He then asked if she would disavow people on her campaign team that held such a theory.
“I’m certainly not into mind control or thought policing people,” Medina said. “I don’t see us having a team of radical individuals, if you will.”
When she signed off the program, Beck let out a long Oooh.
Statement from Gov. Rick Perry:
"Today's comments were an insult to the thousands of Americans who lost loved ones on 9/11 and the military men and women who are overseas protecting our country. President Bush worked tirelessly to protect our nation from additional terrorist attacks and anyone who would suggest 9/11 is a conspiracy involving the Bush administration should be ashamed."
Statement From Kay Bailey Hutchison Regarding Medina 9/11 Comments
"I know exactly who was responsible for the horrific attacks on September 11th - Al Qaeda terrorists who declared war on America. To suggest otherwise is an affront to the men and women who are sacrificing their lives to root out the terrorists in Afghanistan and around globe. Ever since that tragic day, I have fought tirelessly to ensure that we hunted down the Islamic extremists who target our nation. No one stood closer to President Bush and Vice President Cheney in their efforts to defeat the terrorist threat to our freedom."
Wild Thing's comment.........
She was always a nutjob ... Beck just exposed her. She is incompetent, and unqualified.
She's a Ron Paul acolyte. She couldn't answer Glenn's question because she was worried about offending the large contingent of "Troofers" in her support base.
Then when it hits the fan, she backpedaled.
I wasn't buying her garbage before and I'm certainly not buying it now.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (3)
Feds Push for Tracking Cell Phones
Feds Push for Tracking Cell Phones
Two years ago, when the FBI was stymied by a band of armed robbers known as the "Scarecrow Bandits" that had robbed more than 20 Texas banks, it came up with a novel method of locating the thieves.
FBI agents obtained logs from mobile phone companies corresponding to what their cellular towers had recorded at the time of a dozen different bank robberies in the Dallas area. The voluminous records showed that two phones had made calls around the time of all 12 heists, and that those phones belonged to men named Tony Hewitt and Corey Duffey. A jury eventually convicted the duo of multiple bank robbery and weapons charges.
Even though police are tapping into the locations of mobile phones thousands of times a year, the legal ground rules remain unclear, and federal privacy laws written a generation ago are ambiguous at best. On Friday, the first federal appeals court to consider the topic will hear oral arguments (PDF) in a case that could establish new standards for locating wireless devices.
In that case, the Obama administration has argued that warrantless tracking is permitted because Americans enjoy no "reasonable expectation of privacy" in their--or at least their cell phones'--whereabouts. U.S. Department of Justice lawyers say that "a customer's Fourth Amendment rights are not violated when the phone company reveals to the government its own records" that show where a mobile device placed and received calls.
Those claims have alarmed the ACLU and other civil liberties groups, which have opposed the Justice Department's request and plan to tell the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia that Americans' privacy deserves more protection and judicial oversight than what the administration has proposed.
"This is a critical question for privacy in the 21st century," says Kevin Bankston, an attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation who will be arguing on Friday. "If the courts do side with the government, that means that everywhere we go, in the real world and online, will be an open book to the government unprotected by the Fourth Amendment."
Not long ago, the concept of tracking cell phones would have been the stuff of spy movies. In 1998's "Enemy of the State," Gene Hackman warned that the National Security Agency has "been in bed with the entire telecommunications industry since the '40s--they've infected everything."
"The biggest issue at stake is whether or not courts are going to accept the government's minimal view of what is protected by the Fourth Amendment," says EFF's Bankston. "The government is arguing that based on precedents from the 1970s, any record held by a third party about us, no matter how invasively collected, is not protected by the Fourth Amendment."
Wild Thing's comment.......
This from the bunch that wants our medical records on a national database.
Track ordinary Americans, but not terrorist cells is more like it from this administration we have now. Remember last year Obama was talking about bringing up charges against Bush for tapping TERRORIST phones...now he wants to do it to Americans.
I am not a big cell phone user. Nick wants to me have one when I drive so I have it for emergencies, just in case. It does make me feel safer when I leave the house. But I use it so like LOL the cell phone account I have has me on as little as 100 minutes or something like that for the whole month. The lady I talked to about setting it up said I was her first to have such low usage on a cell phone. hahaha That is just me, I am just not big on being on the phone much at all. I asked the lady how many minutes I had for the month and she said..... heh heh..... a total of 27. Then we both laughed.
The biggest way I use it is for my clients at the gym, so they can reach me if they need to cancel or move their appointment.
It is funny though how Obama was soooo against this and now is in favor of it.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:44 AM | Comments (1)
February 09, 2010
Obama's Budget Eliminates Boeing C-17 Program
Obama's Budget Eliminates Boeing C-17 Program
There's concern about Boeing's C-17 aircraft. President Obama's budget proposal calls for cutting several weapons programs, including the C-17. Eliminating the C-17 program could mean eliminating jobs in the Gateway City.
When unveiling his budget, President Obama said, "We save money by eliminating unnecessary defense programs that do nothing to keep us safe. One example is the 2.5 billion dollars that were spending to build C-17 transport aircraft."
C-17s have been used extensively in flying supplies and troops to earthquake ravaged Haiti. Senator Kit Bond says they're desperately needed.
Four years ago, the Defense Department decided to stop production of the C-17 because it had acquired the 180 it requested.
"Yet every year since, congress has provided unrequested money for more C-17s the Pentagon doesn't want or need. It's waste pure and simple," says the President.
The C-17 is one of Boeing's premiere aircraft. It supports a thousand jobs in St. Louis, jobs that could be cut, if the program is cancelled.
Senator Kit Bond said," The president's mixed up spending priorities also threatens workers right here in St. Louis and our nation's air lift capacity."
You may recall, the government tried to eliminate the C-17 program in 2009, but lawmakers saved it. Bond says he'll fight for it again this year especially since the Pentagon now has the ability to retire C-5As.
Sen. Bond says," They need the C-17s to replace those aircraft. I'm going to make that point very loudly in the appropriations process. We'll see whether we're successful."
U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill says she will also fight to save the C-17 program. She released the following statement:
We have known for years now that the c-17 has been flying into a strong headwind. Over the last three years, secretaries of defense and presidents from both political parties have uniformly sought to end its production. Since coming to the senate, i have fought side by side with my colleagues against these recommendations and we have successfully prevented an end of production. At a time when the c-17s first-rate capabilities are in increasing demand around the world, i will once again fight for this plane. I will be looking particularly closely at the substantial readiness problems with the c-5, the only other strategic airlifter. It seems long overdue that we should retire the oldest c-5 planes that arent working and replace them with the c-17, a plane that we know works and is produced at a fair cost.
Boeing released the following statement reacting to the proposed defense budget cuts:
"What we have been able to see so far of the proposed DOD budget and the QDR raise key public policy issues that will be discussed in the days, weeks, and months ahead.Critically important among these issues are the future of America's defense industrial base and maintaining healthy competition in the defense industry. As a matter of public policy and defense doctrine, America has invested in developing and maintaining a national defense industrial base that meets the evolving needs of the military while providing the best value for the taxpayer. It is a true national asset - built over many years by investing in highly-skilled engineering and a high-tech manufacturing workforce and by developing best-of-industry practices. The Congress now begins its work towards passing the overall budget and the DOD segment. We will continue to study the budget proposals being made for potential impact to Boeing, the industry, its industrial base, and to its workers, as well as important policy debates in other critical areas such as healthcare, energy, the environment and education. Meanwhile, the men and women of The Boeing Company will continue to perform at the highest possible level to deliver the best value to our customers and to the taxpayer."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama is sooooo stupid and his hate for our military shows in alll of his decisions like this one. Everything he does fails, everything he messes with in our country gets ruined. He is so vile, so horrible!!!!
....Thank you Darth for sending this to me.
U.S. Airforce
C-5 loadmaster
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (8)
Obamanomics = Dow Jones Industrial Average Closed Below 10,000 For The First Time In Three Months
The Dow Jones industrial average closed below 10,000 for the first time in three months Monday on nagging concerns about debt loads in Europe.
Shares of big banks pulled the market lower, extending a slump that has led to four straight weekly losses.
Rising deficits in weaker European economies including Greece, Portugal and Spain have raised questions about the health of the global financial system.
Wild Thing's comment.......
A down market is a bad grade that the Obama administration has earned. The market bounced, and then dropped, the blame Bush thing won’t work well here.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (5)
February 05, 2010
House Votes For OBAMA's $1.9 TRILLION More Debt To Our Country
Sens. Jim DeMint, Lindsay Graham, John McCain hold a press conference to announce support for a one-year earmark moratorium and a Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment. The senators believe this is the best way for Congress to prove it is serious about cracking down on wasteful spending.
Demint: "We have a situation now that's just too serious to continue to handle that way, it's not an exaggeration to say that our country is on the edge of a financial cliff, with the level of debt we have at $12 trillion dollars now, the President's budget projects another $1.6 trillion this year and with the entitlements coming due, we're looking at $100 trillion in unfunded liability...One is a small step, it's a moratoruim on earmarks...If we have a balance budget requirement, then everything we propose that increases spending will have to be matched by a proposal to cut it"
House agrees to $1.9 trillion more debt (up to 14.3 Trillion ceiling)
The House on Thursday voted to allow the government to go $1.9 trillion deeper in debt — an increase of about $6,000 more for every U.S. resident that provided a vivid election-year reminder of the nation's perilous financial condition.
The huge debt increase, approved 217-212, is only enough to keep the government afloat for about another year as it borrows more than 40 cents of every dollar it spends on programs like defense, health care, feeding the poor and protecting the environment. The budget tops $3.7 trillion this year and the deficit's approaching $1.6 trillion under the budget submitted by President Barack Obama this week.
The huge increase — to $14.3 trillion — in the cap on federal borrowing was designed by Democratic leaders to ensure that the rank and file won't have to vote again to run up another increase before facing voters increasingly angry over government spending and debt in the November midterm elections.
Already, the accumulated debt amounts to roughly $40,000 per person.
"This debt is being piled on the backs of our kids and grandkids with no relief in sight," House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said.
Economists warn that the rapidly-rising debt could force interest rates higher and, if left unchecked, could have even worse consequences for the economy.
Thirty-seven Democrats, mostly from GOP-leaning districts, voted against the measure. So did every Republican.
Obama issued a statement praising passage of the statutory pay-as-you-go rules, but skipped any mention of the debt limit increase.
"It is no coincidence that when we last had statutory paygo, during the 1990s, we turned deficits into surpluses," Obama said. "The passage of statutory paygo today will help usher out an era of irresponsibility and begin putting the country back on a fiscally sustainable path."
But Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, said: "In place of real fiscal discipline, it offers a phony pay-as-you-go rule that is more loopholes and exceptions and does nothing to tackle our government's long-term structural deficit." Skeptics say lawmakers also will find ways around the new rules fairly easily. For example, Congress can declare some spending an "emergency" — a likely scenario for votes later this month to extend jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed.
And MORE Spending by Obama the FREAK!
Obama's $2.5 Million Tax Payer Funded Super Bowl Commercial
Hold on to your wallets tight, The Government will be dipping into them again very soon. This Sunday the government will shell out 2.5 million taxpayer dollars to fund a 30 second Super Bowl Commercial to inform Americans about the 2010 census.
The 30 ad will feature actor and environmental activist Ed Begley, Jr. urging Americans to “stand up and be counted” for the 2010 US census. Rest assured, this money that is being stolen from you will be put to good use by informing football fans all across the nation that they need to fill out a 10 question survey. This unnecessary expenditure predictable, coming from an administration that spends money like its going out of style; yet it is somehow ironic given that it comes on the heals of Obama’s speech where he lectured American’s about wasting money, saying:
When times are tough, you — you tighten your belts. You don’t go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage. You don’t blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save for college.
Wild Thing's comment........
Unfunded ‘mandates’ total out at near 100 trillion dollars. And a commerical???? OMG!
We have amad man in the White House.
When they showed the vote on TV......Did you see the democrats actually cheering when the final vote total was announced to increase the debt?
Cheering to put us more in debt?
Unbelievable !
And yesterday the stock market just barely avoided closing under 10,000 .
And get this, GRRRRR, ABC will be having Katie Couric interview Obama live during Sunday's Super Bowl pre-game show, according to the network.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (4)
February 04, 2010
Behind Obama's Phony Deficit Numbers
This goes along with the article below so well so I am putting it here. ~ Wild Thing
Sen. Judd Gregg (R-NH) Read the Riot Act to Obama Budget Director!
Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.) responds to White House budget director Peter Orszag in a Hill hearing this morning over what to do with the remainder of the original bailout, or the $700 billion TARP.
A fiery Judd Gregg, the senior Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, blasted the White House budget director today over his boss' plan to use bailout funds for a new business credit.
While President Obama was visiting Nashua, Gregg's birthplace, the three-term senator was on Capitol Hill skewering Peter Orszag over their plan to tap $30 billion from the Troubled Asset Relief Program.
Gregg exploded as Orszag spoke of lingering problems in financial markets due to access to credit for small businesses.
"No! No! No!" he yelled out. "You can't make that type of statement with any legitimacy. You cannot make that statement." Gregg then held up a guideline for the TARP, which he helped write last year to keep the country from further economic collapse.
"This is the law," he said. "Let me tell you what the law says. Let me read to you again because you don't appear to understand the law. The law is very clear. The monies recouped from the TARP shall be paid into the general fund of the Treasury for the reduction of the public debt. It's not for a piggy bank because you're concerned about lending to small businesses and you want to get a political event, when you go out and make a speech in Nashua, N.H."
Behind Obama's Phony Deficit Numbers
by Dick Morris
President Obama is being disingenuous when he says that the budget deficit he faced "when I walked in the door" of the White House was $1.3 trillion. He went on to say that he only increased it to $1.4 trillion in 2009 and was raising it to $1.6 trillion in 2010.
Congressman Joe Wilson might have said "you lie," but we'll settle for "you distort."
(As Mark Twain once said, there are three kinds of lies: "lies, damn lies, and statistics.")
Here are the facts:
In 2008, Bush ran a deficit of $485 billion. By the time the fiscal year started on October 1, 2008, it had gone up by another $100 billion due to increased recession-related spending and depressed revenues. So it was about $600 billion at the start of the fiscal crisis. That was the real Bush deficit.
But when the fiscal crisis hit, Bush had to pass TARP in the final months of his presidency which cost $700 billion. Under the federal budget rules, a loan and a grant are treated the same. So the $700 billion pushed the deficit -- officially -- up to $1.3 trillion. But not really. The $700 billion was a short term loan. $500 billion of it has already been repaid.
So what was the real deficit Obama inherited? The $600 billion deficit Bush was running plus the $200 billion of TARP money that probably won't be repaid (mainly AIG and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac). That totals $800 billion. That was the real deficit Obama inherited.
Then...he added $300 billion in his stimulus package, bringing the deficit to $1.1 trillion. This $300 billion was, of course, totally qualitatively different from the TARP money in that it was spending not lending. It would never be paid back. Once it was out the door, it was gone. Other spending and falling revenues due to the recession pushed the final numbers for Obama's 2009 deficit up to $1.4 trillion.
So, effectively, Obama came close to doubling the deficit.
Obama seems not to understand that the deficit is the jobs problem. To add to the deficit in the hope of creating more jobs is an oxymoron. Additional deficit spending just crowds out small businesses trying to borrow money to create jobs and consumers seeking credit to buy cars and homes.
Soon, when the Fed stops printing money and we have to borrow real funds from real lenders, the high deficit will send interest rates soaring, further retarding growth and creating a cost-push inflation.
The interest rate we are now paying for the debt -- about 3.5% -- is totally artificial and based on the massive injection of money supply created by the purchase of mortgage backed securities by an obliging Federal Reserve. Once these injections of currency/heroin stop, the rate will more than double, sending our debt service spending into the stratosphere. Once we had to choose between guns and butter. Now we will have to choose between guns and butter on the one hand and paying our debt service on the other.
Obama's program of fiscal austerity in this new budget is a joke. He freezes very selected budget items while he shovels out new spending in his stimulus packages. If he wanted to lower the deficit, here's what he could do:
1. Cancel the remaining $500 billion of stimulus spending and
2. Cancel the $300 billion of spending in stimulus II.
Those are the real numbers. Or, as Al Gore would have it, "the inconvenient truth."
Wild Thing's comment........
Dick Morris nailed it. Dick Morris takes the lie apart piece by piece!!! Obam inherited a Bush recession deficit of 600-700 Billion (bad enough) with TARP added on in the last quarter.
A TARP fully supported by Obama. And furthermore the Pelosi-democrats INSISTED in Dec 2008 that Bush request the entire $700 Billion TARP on his watch and use $350 Billion of it to bail out the auto unions, which was never part of the original TARP bill. And Bush caved to Pelosi.
So Obama stepped into office on Jan 20th with a huge slush fund for his union buddies.
The lie about Obama inheriting a Bush “$1.3 trillion deficit” needs to be confronted right at the moment it is uttered, not in next day's editorial.
Obama signed the most massive spending bills EVER shortly after becoming President in 2009, yet he tries to blame the deficit on President Bush.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (4)
January 30, 2010
Liar Obama Meets With House Republicans And Goes On Attack
Barack Obama is accusing Republicans of portraying health care overhaul legislation as a "Bolshevik plot."
VERY angry Barack Obama met with House Republicans today at their retreat in Baltimore and attacked them for voting against his very radical and failed plans for restructuring America. To their credit not one single House Republican voted for the gigantic Stimulus Bill, the record Omnibus Bill, and the Son of Stimulus Bill. And, only 5 voted for the democrat’s business-busting cap-and-tax bill and only one voted for Obamacare. Today Obama let them know what he thought about their lack of support for his radical agenda.
Look at how ANGRY he is while speaking to the House Republicans.
He called his health care bill “centrist.” …They got a kick out of that.
In a face-to-face encounter, President Barack Obama chastised Republican lawmakers Friday for opposing him on health care, economic stimulus and other major issues.
Republicans pushed back on taxes and spending, and accused Obama of not taking their ideas seriously.
Obama, attending the House Republicans’ retreat in Baltimore, began with conciliatory remarks but soon became more pointed. He said a GOP-driven “politics of no” was blocking action on bills that could help Americans obtain jobs and health care.
In a sometimes-barbed exchange, he said some in the audience have attended ribbon-cutting ceremonies for projects funded by the stimulus package they voted against. Obama also questioned why Republicans have overwhelmingly opposed his tax-cut policies, which he said have benefited 95 percent of American families.
“The notion that this was a radical package is just not true,” Obama said. “I am not an ideologue.”
GOP lawmakers pressed the president to pledge to support a line-item veto for spending bills and across-the-board tax cuts. Obama demurred, saying billionaires don’t need new tax cuts.
Obama defended his failed Stimulus plan.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I saw this whilei it was going on and it was disgusting. He said again if they don’t go along HE will do what he wants ANYWAY. He was very angry and the GOP did good with it and they did speak up to him. That part was GREAT to see.
He also said there were NO EARMARKS in the Recovery Act,, OMG, the WHOLE thing was an earmark.
Classic Democrat strategy; accuse your enemies of the very things you are doing.
I look at it as a Republican fight against a “Bolshevik plot.” Didn’t the Bolsheviks take over the whole country? Isn’t Obama trying to take over as much of the country as he can? Sounds Bolshevik to me. I hope his Bolshevik comment will come back to haunt him.
Obama is SO EVIL!
Our Founding Fathers ache in their graves over this idiot.
And what the heck?! “I AM NOT A IDEOLOGUE.” ...Obama said. He is an insane, America hating Ideologue.
This idiot lies to the People and the Court to their face. His “community organizing” background does not work when diversity is in the equation. He will fail on all cylinders because his octane is gone.
“IF you look at this bill you’ll find it’s pretty CENTRIST”...
Then DOCTOR Tom Price nailed Obama and then Obama tried to to correct him. But Price came back and corrected Obama again.
The Obama could not or would not answer Price's question! What do we tell our people who know we have proposed legislation but you Admin. constintantly says we have not!Price has asked him twice and he still will not answer!!!!!!
Oh and one last thing, did Obama give them the finger????
Everytime Obama does this, it's always when he's talking about political opponents..
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (9)
January 28, 2010
Executive Order By Obama For States To Adopt Laws Limiting Use Of National Guard Units...
States' rights rebellion over National Guard
Lawmakers fight to keep governors, not president, in control of troops
Responding to an executive order by President Obama, a new push is under way for states to adopt laws limiting the use of their National Guard units unless there is an invasion, insurrection or other limited circumstance.
As WND reported, Obama's order establishes a new "Council of Governors" designated to advise on the "synchronization and integration of state and federal military activities in the United States."
The recent order, posted on the White House website, was accompanied by the explanation that the group is to work "to protect our nation against all types of hazards." It comes just weeks after the president issued a similarly obscure order vastly expanding INTERPOL's privileges in the U.S.
The White House said the new council is to include governors and administration officials to review "such matters as involving the National Guard of the various states; homeland defense, civil support; synchronization and integration of state and federal military activities in the United States; and other matters of mutual interest pertaining to National Guard, homeland defense, and civil support activities."
However, there was no definition of the group's authority. Can the council recommend "military activities" and can the governors, who already are in command of their own state guard units, mandate activities outside of their areas of jurisdiction? The White House did not respond to WND questions on the issue.
Now the Tenth Amendment Center is recommending a model legislation that states can use to limit the activities of their own National Guard members.
The model legislation states: "The governor shall withhold or withdraw approval of the transfer of the National Guard to federal control in the absence of: a) A military invasion of the United States, or b) An insurrection, or c) A calling forth of the guard by the federal government in a manner provided for by Congress to execute the laws of the union, provided that said laws were made in pursuance of the delegated powers in the Constitution of the United States, or d) A formal declaration of war from Congress."
The organization said the requests to state legislatures already have begun with a letter on the issue dispatched by Walt Garlington, founder of the Louisiana State Sovereignty Committee, to state Rep. Brett F. Geymann.
"I ask you to once again take up the cause of states' rights and protect Louisiana from this latest unconstitutional action coming from Washington, D.C.," the letter said. "Please introduce a bill reasserting the governor's power over Louisiana's National Guard to counteract the EO issued by Pres. Obama."
The model legislation proposed by the Tenth Amendment Center says the law is, "For the purpose of requiring the governor to withhold or withdraw approval of the transfer of this state's National Guard to federal control in the absence of an explicit authorization adopted by the federal government in pursuance of the powers delegated to the federal government in Article I, Section 8, Clause 15 of the U.S. Constitution."
It cites U.S. Constitution provisions that Congress has the power to provide for "calling forth the militia" to "execute the laws of the union," or to suppress insurrections or repel invasions.
The proposal cites Daniel Webster's statement in 1814 to Congress, "It will be the solemn duty of the state governments to protect their own authority over their own militia, and to interpose between their citizens and arbitrary power. These are among the objects for which the state governments exist."
The White House said the new panel was called for in the Fiscal Year 2008 National Defense Authorization Act and will include 10 governors picked by the president as well as the Coast Guard commandant and other officials from the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies.
The White House announcement said the council "will provide an invaluable senior administration forum for exchanging views with state and local officials on strengthening our national resilience and the homeland defense and civil support challenges facing our nation today and in the future."
Wild Thing's comment.......
There sure is a lot going on behind the scenes. Federal government telling the States what to do. I don't think this will stand up to any level of judicial scrutiny. It is unConstitutional and a perversion of what States Rights are. Tyranny is on the table.
I might be wrong ,but I thought the National Guard has not been under the States control since at least WWII.
I hope some conservatives are keeping track of all of the directives that will need to be reversed when this guy gets thrown out.
Our National Guard is made up of some of the finest patriots in the country. If these idiots on the Left think that these brave men and women would do their nefarious bidding, they have another think coming.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (10)
Rep. Stephen Lynch ( Democrat - Mass.) Blasts Tim Geithner
Rep. Stephen Lynch ( Democrat - Mass.) blasts Tim Geithner during a session of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
A little history about this:
Geithner had AIG hide details about payments to banks
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, then led by Timothy Geithner, told American International Group Inc. to withhold details from the public about the bailed-out insurer's payments to banks during the depths of the financial crisis, e-mails between the company and its regulator show.
AIG said in a draft of a regulatory filing that the insurer paid banks, which included Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Societe Generale SA, 100 cents on the dollar for credit-default swaps they bought from the firm. The New York Fed crossed out the reference, according to the e-mails, and AIG excluded the language when the filing was made public on Dec. 24, 2008. The e-mails were obtained by Representative Darrell Issa, ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
The New York Fed took over negotiations between AIG and the banks in November 2008 as losses on the swaps, which were contracts tied to subprime home loans, threatened to swamp the insurer weeks after its taxpayer-funded rescue. The regulator decided that Goldman Sachs and more than a dozen banks would be fully repaid for $62.1 billion of the swaps, prompting lawmakers to call the AIG rescue a “backdoor bailout” of financial firms.
“It appears that the New York Fed deliberately pressured AIG to restrict and delay the disclosure of important information,” said Issa, a California Republican. Taxpayers “deserve full and complete disclosure under our nation's securities laws, not the withholding of politically inconvenient information.” President Barack Obama selected Geithner as Treasury secretary, a post he took last year.
Wild Thing's comment.......
The most corrupt administration we have ever seen. This administration is criminal. This conduct makes Enron look like child’s play.
The way I understand it, AIG was the designated patsy. They were demonized. Their bonuses were cursed. They had ACORN sent after their executives to mount protests.
Meantime, all they were really doing was to pass the money THROUGH AIG to Goldman Sachs, J. P. Morgan, and a couple of other banks who were their political donors. Goldman Sachs made huge profits, not only on all the money passed through, but also on shorting AIG.
What they presumably told AIG was, “You play the patsy, or you’re going bankrupt and will spend the rest of your lives in jail.” So AIG rolled over and agreed to be demonized.
This wasn’t just Geithner. Obama was in it well before he became President. He was the second biggest recipient of donations from Goldman Sachs, after Chris Dodd.
All of this reminds me of a movie called , "The International".
Just one more thing of interest, Timmy Geithner’s dad, Peter, was Stanley Ann Dunham's boss. Stanley Ann Dunham is Barack Hussein 0bama's mother.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:40 AM | Comments (4)
January 27, 2010
Charles Krauthammer on President Obama’s Proposed Budget Cuts
Obama to seek freeze on part of budget
Facing voter anger over mounting budget deficits, President Barack Obama will ask Congress to freeze spending for some domestic programs for three years beginning in 2011, administration officials said Monday. Separately, Obama unveiled plans to help a middle class "under assault" pay its bills, save for retirement and care for kids and aging parents.
The spending freeze would apply to a relatively small portion of the federal budget, affecting a $477 billion pot of money available for domestic agencies whose budgets are approved by Congress each year. Some of those agencies could get increases, others would have to face cuts; such programs got an almost 10 percent increase this year. The federal budget total was $3.5 trillion.
Charles Krauthammer on President Obama’s proposed budget cuts:
“It’s not a hatchet. It’s not a scalpel. It’s a Q-tip. It’s a fraud. This is a minuscule amount. Remember it excludes defense, homeland security, veteran’s affairs. It excludes all of the entitlements which are 60% of the budget. And, it excludes stimuli past and future, the nearly two-thirds of the trillion dollar stimulus that has not been spent. All of that is excluded. It excludes the trillion that would have been spent on health care if it would have been passed. What it is is a $15 billion reduction in a year 2011 in which the CBO has just announced we’re going to have a deficit of $1.35 trillion. It’s a rounding error. It’s lunch money.”
"What he doesn't tell you is that last year, their first year in office when they had a free ride in spending, they ratcheted up the spending for all of these departments astronomically an average of the last half of fiscal '09 and all of fiscal '10 an average about 20%, now that's huge 'cause normally year over year you increase a department's spending 3% or 4% especially with low inflation.
So for example, last year alone, they increased the EPA budget by 35%, so if you're instituting a freeze, what you're doing, you're ratcheting in, you're locking in the higher spending that Obama slid in last year...So what the freeze is doing essentially is the opposite of what it looks like, instead of reducing the spending, it's locking in these huge increases that were instituted last year"
Wild Thing's comment........
This is a joke. They guy really thinks people are THAT stupid. He will save a few billion while working to borrow and spending another trillion....hello????
Is the whole DemoRAT party going to walk off the cliff with this “Carter-FDR hybrid on steroids”?
More lies, prevarication, and sleight of hand. The Hope N Change express keeps on rolling. More like the Hypocrisy Express!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (5)
January 25, 2010
Robert Gibbs Joins Obama - Says Massachusetts' Vote Was Not Against Obama's Radical Agenda
Chris Wallace: It wasn’t the same thing that swept Barack Obama into office. Scott Brown explicitly campaigned against the Obama agenda. His approval rating among that electorate was 61%. Their enthusiasm for Republican policies among that electorate was 40%.
Chris Wallace: But your not suggesting that this was a mandate for Barack Obama?
Robert Gibbs: No. Of course not. But I’m also not suggesting that what you said a minute ago meets the truth test either.
Chris Wallace: You don’t think that when they voted for Scott Brown they were voting against Obama’s policies?
Robert Gibbs: That’s not what they told pollsters. No.
Robert Gibbs on Scott Brown’s win: That may be what he campaigned on but that’s not what the voters in Massachusetts said in the Washington Post poll… They did a poll of voters who participated in why they voted. Right. More people voted express their support for Barack Obama than to oppose him.
Now over at CBS this is what they were discussing.
The loss of a Democratic Senate seat in Massachusetts has made the White House worry about lack of support. As Bill Plante reports, advisors deny rumors of a White House staff shakeup.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Oh my gosh, all Sunday morning on TV it was one democrat after the other LYING about what happened in Mass. and why. It was almost shocking to see. Dems can lie right to our face. If it was pouring rain and a person was standing in the rain with one of these people, they would say NO it is a sunny day and they actually think the rest of the people would believe them. LOL amazing.....the sad thing is there are still people in our country that sit there and nod yessss when they hear all the lies from the left. Now that is scary.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (8)
January 23, 2010
Obama Seen as Anti-Business By 77% of Investors ~ So True!
Obama Seen as Anti-Business By 77% of Investors
U.S. investors overwhelmingly see President Barack Obama as anti-business and question his ability to manage a financial crisis, according to a Bloomberg survey.
The global quarterly poll of investors and analysts who are Bloomberg subscribers finds that 77 percent of U.S. respondents believe Obama is too anti-business and four-out-of-five are only somewhat confident or not confident of his ability to handle a financial emergency.
The poll also finds a decline in Obama’s overall favorability rating one year after taking office. He is viewed favorably by 27 percent of U.S. investors. In an October poll, 32 percent in the U.S. held a positive impression.
“Investors no longer feel they can trust their instincts to take risks,” said poll respondent David Young, a managing director for a broker dealer in New York. Young cited Obama’s efforts to trim bonuses and earnings, make health care his top priority over jobs and plans to tax “the rich or advantaged.”
Obama spooked the market on Thursday with talk of new government regulations on financial companies.
Stock futures falling; market set to resume slide
January 22,2010
President Barack Obama spooked the market Thursday, after asking Congress for limits on how large big banks can be and to end some of the risky trading large financial companies have used in recent quarters to boost profits.
The market could be re-entering a period of uncertainty that defined the financial crisis and sent it cratering nearly a year ago before its 10-month rally.
Large financial firms, including JPMorgan Chase & Co., Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America Corp. all plummeted Thursday. The three big banks, which have prominent consumer and investment banking operations, would likely be the hardest hit by Obama's new regulations. Shares of each all declined more than 5 percent.
Meanwhile, bond prices dipped Friday morning. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note, which moves opposite its price, rose to 3.61 percent from 3.59 percent late Thursday.
The dollar fell against other major currencies, while gold prices also declined.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama is trying to destroy american exceptionalism and is succeeding.
The remaining 23% must have photos of Kim Jong Il in their offices. Fools!
Obama has held our country back for a year. Somehow he has got to be kicked out of office, oh how I wish that was possible.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (5)
White House, Democratic Lawmakers Cut Deal on Deficit Commission
White House, Democratic lawmakers cut deal on deficit commission
Faced with growing alarm over the nation's soaring debt, the White House and congressional Democrats tentatively agreed Tuesday to create an independent budget commission and to put its recommendations for fiscal solvency to a vote in Congress by the end of this year.
Under the agreement, President Obama would issue an executive order to create an 18-member panel that would be granted broad authority to propose changes in the tax code and in the massive federal entitlement programs -- including Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security -- that threaten to drive the nation's debt to levels not seen since World War II.
The accord comes a week before Obama is scheduled to deliver his first State of the Union address to a nation increasingly concerned about his stewardship of the economy and the federal budget. After a year in which he advocated spending hundreds of billions of dollars on a huge economic stimulus package and a far-reaching overhaul of the health-care system, Obama has pledged to redouble his effort to rein in record budget deficits even as he has come under withering Republican attack.
The commission would deliver its recommendations after this fall's congressional elections, postponing potentially painful decisions about the nation's fiscal future until after Democrats face the voters. But if the commission approves a deficit-reduction plan, Congress would have to act on it quickly under the agreement, forged late Tuesday in a meeting with Vice President Biden, White House budget director Peter R. Orszag, and Democratic lawmakers led by Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (Md.).
Government spending to bail out the troubled financial sector and to stimulate economic activity have combined with sagging tax collections to push last year's budget deficit to a record $1.4 trillion. The budget gap is projected to be just as large this year and to hover close to $1 trillion a year for much of the next decade.
Deficit spending, in turn, has caused the nation's accumulated debt to swell to dangerous levels. Last month, Congress voted to increase the legal debt limit to $12.4 trillion, a record figure that the Treasury expects to exceed early this year. The deal on the budget commission clears the way for Congress to approve an even larger increase in the legal limit on borrowing, to well over $13 trillion, a figure that Democrats hope will see the Treasury through the rest of 2010.
The Senate is expected to open debate Wednesday on the debt limit.
Republican commission advocates remain skeptical that a presidentially appointed panel would have the clout to tackle the nation's toughest fiscal problems. Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.), a sponsor with Conrad of legislation to create a budget commission by law, called a presidentially appointed panel "a fraud" designed to do little more than give Democrats political cover.
"It's a fraud among anyone interested in fiscal responsibility to claim an executive order could structure something that would actually lead to action," Gregg said.
Some Democrats, particularly in the House, where leaders have long resisted relinquishing their authority over taxes and spending, are also less than optimistic. Under the agreement, the commission would have 18 members, including six lawmakers appointed by congressional Democrats and six lawmakers appointed by congressional Republicans. Obama would appoint six others, only four of whom could be Democrats.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Place locks on the front doors of Congress. Problem solved!
Panel this Obama! You pompous twit. Can one get any dumber than this guy? He knows why because he helped accelerate and create it.
So typical of Hussein Obama...so far this is his governing style, create panels, hold summits, talk, talk, talk...and then do nothing. No tangible results. Try and convince the people you are doing something when really, you are doing nothing but playing golf.
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (4)
January 16, 2010
Democrats 'plan to steal the vote' In Future Elections
Democrats 'plan to steal the vote'
If you thought health-care bill was scary, check out universal-registration scheme
A political correspondent is making waves with his stern warning that Democrats are scheming to manipulate the electoral process this election year by implementing a federal mandate to involuntarily register millions of people to vote – making the system ripe for unprecedented fraud and abuse.
"Democrats were very rattled by the Nov. 3 election results," Wall Street Journal reporter and political commentator John Fund told a crowd in November 2009, at a David Horowitz Freedom Center forum. "What do liberals do when they lose elections? They change the rules."
'Definitely introducing a bill'
Fund is warning that Sen. Charles Schumer, D.-N.Y., and Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., plan to propose universal voter-registration legislation – possibly within weeks.
"Schumer is definitely introducing a bill," Fund told WND. "It's not public yet, but he's definitely going to do so."
A congressional staffer confirmed Schumer's involvement.
"What we know from statements from advocacy groups that support universal voter registration is that they have been working with Sen. Schumer's office since approximately last spring to create a bill," the staffer told WND. "We don't know exactly when he will introduce it, but it has been predicted to be introduced in the near future for several months now. Schumer definitely has been, and seems to be, the point person on this."
While Schumer has yet to publicly share the plans, the staffer said advocacy groups have published materials calling for the use of a wide range of government lists and databases to add people to voter registration rolls.
Fund said the health-care reform negotiations are lasting longer than expected, so he anticipates the universal voter registration legislation may be introduced in February or later. The congressional staffer said he believes a bill passed this year would probably take effect in time for the 2012 election.
Fund discusses the topic in his November 2009 book, "How the Obama Administration Threatens to Undermine Our Elections."
"The idea, embraced by Barack Obama when he was a presidential candidate, is to shift responsibility for registering to vote from the individual to the federal government," Fund writes in his book. "All eligible citizens would automatically be registered to vote, which existing lists such as DMV records, income-tax returns, welfare rolls and unemployment lists being used to enroll everyone. Once registered, individuals would stay on the federal rolls, even if they move to another state or district."
Illegal immigrant registration
Fund warns that the government databases contain names of non-citizens, mentally incompetent individuals and felons – factors that would usually disqualify a person from voting in most states.
"One main concern that has been raised is that most of these databases don't indicate citizenship status," the staffer said. "It's not clear that there is any available way to determine whether the people being added to the rolls are or are not citizens."
Fund notes that many people own property in more than one location and pay taxes to numerous government entities.
"[U]niversal voter registration would automatically register them in more than one location, allowing them to vote more than once – either in person or by mail," Fund explains.
He said the plan would destroy the integrity of the registration process, much as widespread registration drives by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, were reportedly rife with criminal actions, including people registered multiple times under fraudulent names and addresses. The "community organizing" group deployed thousands of get-out-the-vote workers in 2008 and purportedly provided them with registration quotas. Larry Lomax, registrar of voters in Las Vegas, Nev., told the Wall Street Journal he believed 48 percent of ACORN's forms had been "clearly fraudulent." In the 2008 election, ACORN's practices led to investigation in more than a dozen states.
"Now they will sell this very cleverly," Fund explained at the forum. "They will say, well, OK, ACORN did have some problems with voter registration. We shouldn't have these third-party rogue groups out there. So, let's put ACORN out of business, and let's register everybody."
Please continue the rest of the article HERE, thank you so much.
Wild Thing's comment........
Normally I would say, this WILL NEVER pass constitutional muster - based on the 9th and 10th Amendments .
BUT things have changed since Obama became Dictator and his band of ugly corrupt Democrats, Pelosi, Reid, Shummer, etc.
It's not enough that Unions don't have to pay some taxes now this group of crooks are trying to make more unconstitutional law for voting. ENOUGH!!!!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (5)
January 15, 2010
Obama To Meddle With Your Retirement Accounts?
Obama to meddle with your retirement account?
Administration considers forcing investors into Treasury debt
The Obama administration appears to have come up with a novel way of financing trillion-dollar budget deficits – demanding IRA and 401(k) holders buy trillions of dollars in Treasury bonds.
With the Treasury needing this year to see another $1 trillion in debt to finance the anticipated federal budget deficit, and the Federal Reserve about to discontinue its 2009 program of buying Treasury bonds for the Fed’s asset portfolio, the Obama administration is scrambling to find ways to sell government debt without having to raise interest rates.
Bloomberg reported Friday that Assistant Labor Secretary Phyllis C. Borzi and Deputy Assistant Treasury Mark Iwry are planning to stage a public comment period before implementing regulations that would require private investors to structure IRA and 401(k) accounts into what could amount to a U.S. Treasury debt-backed government annuity.
CNBC’s Rick Santelli broadcast the rumor the same day from the trading floor during CNBC’s "Power Lunch" show.
Spokesmen from both the U.S. Treasury and Department of Labor confirmed to WND that the federal agencies about to enter a pre-regulation public comment phase on the proposed rule change.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Seniors, baby boomers and post boomers are going to get mega screwed but many voted for this.
Americans are being held up at gunpoint, and there's not a sheriff in sight.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:49 AM | Comments (7)
January 07, 2010
Thought Control on the American Campus~ Sheesh!
Texas teachers warned against being 'heterosexist'
'We must help people to become committed to social change'
Candidates for certification to teach in public schools in Texas are being told that they will be held accountable for any "heterosexist" leanings and must become agents working to change society, according to one candidate who was alarmed by the demands.
The applicant, who requested anonymity for fear of repercussions, told WND part of the teachings on multiculturalism required him to read several online postings about the issue inside the education industry.
One warns that "teachers and administrators must be held accountable for practices deemed to be racist, sexist, heterosexist, classist, or in any other way discriminatory." And a second warned that educators must not define education as the basic skills.
"How do we create a better world? How do we do more than simply survive? As educators, we must help people to become committed to social change," the article demanded.
The teacher candidate told WND the studies were mandated by the Region 10 service center for the public school educators' program.
The center had a recording that it was closed throughout the holidays and officials could not be reached by WND.
But spokeswoman Debbie Ratcliffe at the Texas Education Agency said the state rules require teacher preparation programs to cover 17 curriculum topics, but not multiculturalism.
Although the training should address educating special populations such as English language learners and children with disabilities," she added.
"While we establish the broad rules that are to be followed, we do not write or approve a training program's curriculum," she said.
She said the articles, if part of the program, were chosen at the region level.
One of the articles was on the EdChange Multicultural Pavilion and discussed defining "multicultural education."
There it states that there are several focuses for such programs, including those that insist "on education change as part of a larger societal transformation in which we more closely explore and criticize the oppressive foundations of society and how education serves to maintain the status quo – foundations such as white supremacy, capitalism, global socioeconomic situations, and exploitation."
The article demands, "Schools must be active participants in ending oppression of all types, first by ending oppression within their own walls, then by producing socially and critically active and aware students."
"The underlying goal of multicultural education is to affect social change. The pathway toward this goal incorporates three strands of transformation: 1. The transformation of self; 2. The transformation of schools and schooling; and 3. The transformation of society," the teaching material said.
The traditional teaching approaches, it continued, "must be deconstructed to examine how they are contributing to and supporting institutional systems of oppression."
It demands that the "transformation of society" be part of a school's goals.
"It is not enough to continue working within an ailing, oppressive, and outdated system to make changes, when the problems in education are themselves symptoms of a system that continues to be controlled by the economic elite."
In Minnesota, among the issues discussed in the plans, are requirements that teachers would be able to instruct students on the "myth of meritocracy" in the United States, "the history of demands for assimilation to white, middle-class, Christian meanings and values," and the "history of white racism."
Those demands appeared to be similar to those promoted earlier at the University of Delaware.
As WND reported, the Delaware university's office of residential life was caught requiring students to participate in a program that taught "all whites are racist."
School officials immediately defended the teaching, but in the face of a backlash from alumni and publicity about its work, the school decided to drop the curriculum, although some factions later suggested its revival.
FIRE, which challenged the Delaware plan, later produced a video explaining how the institution of the university pushed for the teachings, was caught and later backed off:
Minneapolis Star-Tribune columnist Katherine Kersten said the Minnesota plan would have required teachers to "embrace – and be prepared to teach our state's kids – the task force's own vision of America as an oppressive hellhole: racist, sexist and homophobic."
She wrote, "The first step toward 'cultural competence,' says the task group, is for future teachers to recognize – and confess – their own bigotry. Anyone familiar with the re-education camps of China's Cultural Revolution will recognize the modus operandi.
"What if some aspiring teachers resist this effort at thought control and object to parroting back an ideological line as a condition of future employment?" she posed. "The task group has Orwellian plans for such rebels: The U, it says, must 'develop clear steps and procedures for working with nonperforming students, including a remediation plan.'"
Wild Thing's comment.......
Even if we could stop this , right now, it will still take 10-20 years to undo the crap they have already instilled in our society.
Let's file one complaint after another alleging discrimination against conservatives, Christians, etc.
The Demonrats keep adding to the list of non-problems.
AGW, racism, now it’s “heterosexist”, an entirely new creation from the laboratries of Hell. The Liberal cancer continues to consume our Republic.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (4)
January 05, 2010
Republican Scott Brown from MA Will Fight The Fight the SEIU & Demcare Corruption
Currently, Scott Brown represents the Norfolk, Bristol, and Middlesex District, in the Massachusetts Senate, where he is his third term.
Previously, Senator Brown served three terms in the Massachusetts House of Representatives from the 9th Norfolk District. Prior to his election to the House in 1998, Brown had served as a Wrentham Selectman and town Assessor.
Senator Brown is a graduate of Wakefield High School, Tufts University, and Boston College Law School. He is a practicing attorney, and a 30 -year member of the Massachusetts National Guard, where he currently holds the rank of Lt. Colonel in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps. Brown was awarded the Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service in homeland security after the attacks of September 11, 2001.
From Scott Brown’s campaign office:
"Scott is a conservative. In fact, he will be the most conservative Senator elected from MA since . . . Senator John F. Kennedy, who nowadays would be denounced by liberals as "a dangerous right-winger." JFK loved our country, and he knew that in a recession you don't raise taxes -- instead, you cut them. And as a man with chronic ailments, JFK had no desire to our health system into one resembling Bulgaria's.
"Scott Brown is committed to voting to repeal the health care monstrosity Reid and Pelosi are busy hatching. He's against the Cap-and-Tax legislation. He's in favor of reducing our taxes. And, unlike Obama, he's not afraid to use the phrase "war on terror."
There is a special election in Massachusetts on January 19th to fill the late Ted Kennedy’s seat.
If you live in Massachusetts, remember to vote on January 19, 2010 – rain, sleet or snow! This is already an historic race as Coakley could be the first woman from Mass. in the Senate and Brown is a Republican vying for Kennedy’s seat that was Democratic for decades.
Republican Scott Brown is a regular guy who drives a truck with nearly 200,000 miles on it. He says the truck has brought him closer to the people as he's traveled around Massachusetts during the special election to replace the late Ted Kennedy in the U.S. Senate. He says people tell him that spending is out of control in Washington and they are concerned about the path our country is on. He says he wants to be a voice for the people and end business as usual in Washington. The ad ends with his daughter, Arianna, greeting him with a "Hey, Dad" as he returns home from another long day of campaigning.
Last month, I noted how Massachusetts Senate GOP candidate Scott Brown called out rival Democrat candidate Martha Coakley’s SEIU thug pals.
The Purple Shirts continue to “pull out all the stops” to install Coakley in Teddy Kennedy’s seat. The special election will be held January 19.
SEIU endorsed her in October, poured $214,000 into a radio ad buy for her in December, and are pouring all available “resources and clout” into her bid. As she prattles on about “economic justice,” Coakley now boasts a total campaign treasury of more than $5 million:
Attorney General Martha Coakley raised more than $1 million over the past six weeks for her US Senate campaign, bringing her total haul for the race to $5.2 million, her campaign reported yesterday. The campaign of her rival, state Senator Scott Brown, said it raised $700,000 during the same period, much of it on the Internet, for a total of $1.2 million.
Coakley, who faced three opponents in the Democratic primary, started the special election campaign with less than $500,000 in her campaign account, compared with about $300,000 for Brown, a Republican of Wrentham.
Coakley raised the $1 million between Nov. 20 and Dec. 31. The campaign did not release donor lists, say how much money the campaign spent over that period, or reveal how much it has in the bank to begin the new year. Those details must be included in information that has to be submitted next week to the Federal Election Commission.
Where’s the GOP establishment?
Yes, once again, it’s up to grass-roots conservatives and independents to help a GOP candidate fight the Big Labor-backed corruptocrat. Demcare hangs in the balance. Yet, Brown received a measly $50,000 from the national GOP and NRSC compared to the nearly $1 million that radical leftist Dede Scozzafava raked in.
Sean Trende crunches the numbers and will be “stunned if Brown wins.” But Patrick Ruffini sees “evidence Scott Brown is within single digits.” And William Jacobson reports on the grass-roots conservative groundswell for underdog Brown:
Three things have happened in the last three weeks to make this election competitive:
1. Coakley’s “read my lips” moment: During the campaign, Coakley promised as a matter of “principle” not to support the Senate health bill if it contained restrictions on abortion. This promise was a prime fundraising tool. Just days after the primary, Coakley went back on this promise, and now is in the Harry Reid/Ben Nelson camp, to the anger of the left-wing base.
2. Obamacare is sinking in popularity: Harry Reid and the Democrats in the Senate demonstrated, in the weeks leading up to Christmas eve, the absolute moral corruption in Washington, D.C., by legally bribing Senators to vote for the health care bill. By supporting these efforts, Coakley has shown herself to be just more of the same (and her own maneuvers around the campaign finance laws drive that point home). At a time when the country is facing monumental deficits and national debt, Coakley handed Brown the central issue in the campaign – Democratic efforts to force through a health care bill which is unpopular and economically ruinous. Had Coakley stood by her “principles” she would not be in this position.
3. Brown has gone viral: Largely shunned by the Republican establishment, Brown has utilized an online strategy which has ignited a grassroots campaign to get Brown elected. Do a Google search of blogs, and you will see that Brown is the talk of the internet, and most posts about Coakley are negative. While the mainstream media still holds great sway, Brown is seen as rising and Coakley as more of the same. Brown is winning the online battle.
Moe Lane at RedState underscores that most of Coakley’s cash was spent securing the Dem nomination:
You see, most of that money Coakley raised got spent fighting for the nomination. William Jacobson’s all over this topic: while he and I both think that she’s got more money in the bank right now than Brown, it’s not the 5-to-1 advantage she’s hyping. At best, it’s 3-to-2. She’s also facing the problem that her public retreat on abortion language in the bill is going to depress enthusiasm in the progressive netroots; and that Republican activists at least have noted that flipping Massachusetts could – could! – possibly derail the health care rationing bill, and are contributing accordingly…
Pro-lifers in Massachusetts are also rallying around Brown. LifeNews reports:
In a state known for its left-leaning and pro-abortion politics, Brown has an uphill battle but he enjoys the support of Massachusetts Citizens for Life. Jack Rowe, chairman of the MCFL PAC, emailed LifeNews.com today to say that he is seeing movement in Brown’s direction. “People are terribly upset about health care and asking what to do. Here is the very exciting part. We in Massachusetts can actually save the whole country from this awful health care. Our PAC has been supporting Scott Brown because he will be a pro-life vote in the Senate. Scott Brown will also vote against the health care bill. After the compromise bill comes out of conference, it must be approved again by each house. Brown will vote against the bill. That means there will not be 60 votes in the Senate. That means the bill will be defeated.” That’s a lofty goal but Rowe is encouraging pro-life advocates in Massachusetts to get involved in the special election. “Can we do it? We certainly can! Turn-out will be very small,” he said — adding that the pr-life movement could change the dynamics of the race of it gets mobilized.
This is . Brown’s campaign site is here.
You can learn more about Scott Brown by visiting his website: www.brownforussenate.com
Wild Thing's comment.........
Can we imagine 41 votes on the Republican side, which means filibuster, which means No cloture, which means No ObamaCare, ObamaDontCare, ReidPelosiCare, or WhatevertheHellCare they call it?
This is Scott Brown's page at FACEBOOK
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (6)
January 04, 2010
DeMint:TSA Nominee Erroll Southers Isn't Qualified, And Shouldn't Be Confirmed"
DeMint: TSA nominee isn't qualified, shouldn't be confirmed
Republican Sen. Jim DeMint, who has been the target of much Democratic criticism for his efforts to slow down Senate confirmation of Erroll Southers, the Obama White House's nominee to head the Transportation Security Administration, now says Southers should not be confirmed.
DeMint has been critical of Southers for refusing to answer questions about whether Southers would work toward unionizing the TSA. But in demanding that there be a Senate debate and roll-call vote on Southers--Majority Leader Harry Reid had wanted to confirm Southers by unanimous consent--DeMint has stopped short of calling Southers unqualified. Now, however, referring to a news report that Southers misled the Senate about an incident 20 years ago in which Southers improperly accessed a government criminal database, DeMint says flatly that Southers is not qualified and does not deserve confirmation. This is a new statement from the senator:
Erroll Southers has not been forthcoming about whether he'll give union bosses control of our airport security, which is one of the most important decisions he'll make as head of the TSA. Mr. Southers' unwillingness to form a position on collective bargaining seriously calls into question his judgment, because it weakens security and has already been rejected by the CIA, FBI, Secret Service, Coast Guard, and by every previous TSA administrator.
And now we learn that he misled Congress in sworn testimony about accessing confidential records. The TSA is one of the most critical security agencies in the War on Terror, and the Senate must carefully vet this nominee. If Mr. Southers is unwilling to put security ahead of politics and if he can't tell the truth, then he's not qualified and should not be confirmed.
Although Democrats are now complaining about Republican "obstruction" of the Southers nomination, nearly all of the delay in the process has been the work of Democrats
The White House did not send Southers' nomination to the Senate until September 10, 2009 -- 243 days into the Obama administration. The nomination was then in committee -- controlled entirely by Democrats -- for more than two months, finally coming to the Senate floor on November 20, when Reid proposed that Southers be confirmed by unanimous consent. That way, no senator would have to cast a specific vote in favor or against Southers; in addition, a unanimous consent vote would be quicker than a debate and roll-call tally for a Democratic leadership racing to pass a national health care bill. That's when DeMint stepped in, demanding a debate, even if it were just a few hours, and a vote.
At the time, the dispute was about unionization of the TSA, and whether Southers was sufficiently forthcoming about his intentions in that regard. Then, after the Christmas Day terrorist incident in Detroit, it became about alleged Republican "obstruction" of the Southers nomination. Now, with word that Southers misled the Senate, the focus has turned back to the nominee. Democrats have the majority needed to confirm Southers, but DeMint is going to force them to do it on the record, with a roll call vote.
Wild Thing's comment......
God Bless DeMint, he’s absolutely right.
He was an FBI agent who served with no distinction except he broke the law himself. That kind of fits-in with many of Obama's nominations; breaking the law seems to be the distinguishing qualification to be nominated for critical positions with Obama. And lest we forget: Southers breaking the law as he has admitted would keep him from being accepted with the FBI in 2010, but it's OK for him to head the TSA? Go figure America.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (4)
January 03, 2010
Obama's TSA Nominee Southers LIED To Congress About Accessing Confidential Records
TSA nominee misled Congress about accessing confidential records
Southers’s admission that he was involved in a questionable use of law enforcement background data has been a source of concern among civil libertarians, who believe the TSA performs a delicate balancing act in tapping into passenger information to find terrorists while also protecting citizens’ privacy.
Southers first described the episode in his October affidavit, telling the Senate panel that two decades ago he asked a San Diego Police Department employee to access confidential criminal records about the boyfriend. Southers said he had been censured by superiors at the FBI. He described the incident as isolated and expressed regrets about it.
The committee approved his nomination Nov. 19. One day later, Southers wrote to Lieberman and Collins saying his first account was incorrect. After reviewing documents, he wrote, he recalled that he had twice conducted the database searches himself, downloaded confidential law enforcement records about his wife’s boyfriend and passed information on to the police department employee, the letter said.
It is a violation of the federal Privacy Act to access such information without proper cause. The law says that "any person who knowingly and willfully requests or obtains any record concerning an individual from an agency under false pretenses shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not more than $5,000."
Though two Senate committees have endorsed him, and he received recommendations from other law enforcement officials, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) recently held up his approval because of concerns that Southers would support the unionization of TSA workers.
A spokesman said Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) will work quickly to overcome DeMint's procedural block and force a vote when the Senate reconvenes this month.
In questioning before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Southers has said he understands the need to balance security and privacy.
Said Collins: "You have taken responsibility for your actions. You've acknowledged your mistake in the personal conversation that we had in my office. It is important that the public have confidence that government officials will not misuse the authority that they have."
She added: "If you're confirmed, you're going to have the access to databases that have personal information on many, many individuals, such as through the secure flight program, and it's going to be important for the public to have confidence that you would not, in any way, misuse your access to the personal information in those databases. So, let me first ask you: Have you ever in the past misused your access to databases that the government maintains, other than this one incident that led to this censure?"
"No, Senator, I have not," Southers replied.
Wild Thing's comment........
Amazing, this offense would automatically and permanently disqualify him for a regular GS type job, but he is able to be considered for a Cabinet position. IN fact of all the people in Obama's cabinet, administration and his freaking CZAR's. not a single nominee for any position, has been a person of integrity, intelligence, or courage to do the right thing. They are all corrupt individuals with nefarious goals.
Even more amazing, someone with absolutely no leadership experience and a background that is the antithesis of everything America supposedly stands for can be elected president! It STILL boggles my mind.
On the VERY POSITIVE side, every crisis, Obama creeps ever more closely to a nervous breakdown. I don't think he ever was really connected to reality in the first place. The world simply doesn’t work like he thinks. Sitting in an ivory tower, it’s easy to imagine a bold new world. But national abasement and negotiation does not bring world peace, and producers won’t long support “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need.”
It’s a great tribute to this country that we have survived such reckless leadership for as long as we have. How long before an American city is reduced to ashes or our economic system collapses outright
He is amazingly disconnected from reality at this point and apparently fearful of returning to Washington to face questions much less criticism.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (6)
December 31, 2009
Top 10 Ridiculous Stimulus Programs
10. $427,824 Research Grant for Seniors citizens video games
9. Funding of a Dartmouth College study involving “sexual arousal in anesthetized female rats” ($9,870).
8. Funding of a $168,300 SBA loan to the Escape Massage parlor in Midlothian, VA.
7. Funding a $447,492 Univ. of North Carolina study on the development and use of “African American English” amongst 70 adolescents.
6. $10,346 for a heating and cooling company to provide “escort services” for other companies performing a laser scanning survey at a courthouse in Honolulu, Hawaii.
5. An academic study comparing outcomes of the concurrent and separate use of malt liquor and marijuana ($389,357).
4. A $225,000 study at Ohio State University on the relative and combined impacts of air pollution and a high fat diet on obesity development.
3. A $712,883 research grant to develop “machine-generated humor“. Project will design artificially intelligent “comedic performance agents”, and will “deploy them both on and off-line for the enjoyment and illumination of everyday citizens”.
2. A $54 million project to relocate one bridge for the Napa Valley Wine Train (!) in order to mitigate the possible impact of a “100 year storm event”.
1. $9.3 million to fund the design and development of a “coordinated colony of robotic bees“!
H/T Verum Serum
On the basis that they have created jobs, let me add that a grand total of 19.79 jobs were reported to have been created as a result of this spending. That’s 19.79 jobs for $65.7 million in federal spending, or roughly $3.3 million per job. This calculation comes from the job totals reported to Recovery.gov by the recipients, although it does not include any possible jobs created from the SBA loan to the massage parlor (apparently SBA loan recipients aren’t required to report this). It also includes 2 jobs which were reported as having been created for the “escort” boondoggle to Hawaii, which were apparently generated by a grant of only $10K.
Wild Thing's comment.........
White House projections in February claimed the $789 billion in spending would "create or save 3.5 million jobs over the next two years" and that over 90 percent of those jobs would be in the private sector. We knew that was BS back then and it still is.
Obama is just buying votes.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (4)
December 30, 2009
"Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2009
Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2009
1. Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT): This marks two years in a row for Senator Dodd, who made the 2008 "Ten Most Corrupt" list for his corrupt relationship with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and for accepting preferential treatment and loan terms from Countrywide Financial, a scandal which still dogs him. In 2009, the scandals kept coming for the Connecticut Democrat. In 2009, Judicial Watch filed a Senate ethics complaint against Dodd for undervaluing a property he owns in Ireland on his Senate Financial Disclosure forms. Judicial Watch's complaint forced Dodd to amend the forms. However, press reports suggest the property to this day remains undervalued. Judicial Watch also alleges in the complaint that Dodd obtained a sweetheart deal for the property in exchange for his assistance in obtaining a presidential pardon (during the Clinton administration) and other favors for a long-time friend and business associate. The false financial disclosure forms were part of the cover-up. Dodd remains the head the Senate Banking Committee.
2. Senator John Ensign (R-NV): A number of scandals popped up in 2009 involving public officials who conducted illicit affairs, and then attempted to cover them up with hush payments and favors, an obvious abuse of power. The year's worst offender might just be Nevada Republican Senator John Ensign. Ensign admitted in June to an extramarital affair with the wife of one of his staff members, who then allegedly obtained special favors from the Nevada Republican in exchange for his silence. According to The New York Times: "The Justice Department and the Senate Ethics Committee are expected to conduct preliminary inquiries into whether Senator John Ensign violated federal law or ethics rules as part of an effort to conceal an affair with the wife of an aide..." The former staffer, Douglas Hampton, began to lobby Mr. Ensign's office immediately upon leaving his congressional job, despite the fact that he was subject to a one-year lobbying ban. Ensign seems to have ignored the law and allowed Hampton lobbying access to his office as a payment for his silence about the affair. (These are potentially criminal offenses.) It looks as if Ensign misused his public office (and taxpayer resources) to cover up his sexual shenanigans.
3. Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA): Judicial Watch is investigating a $12 million TARP cash injection provided to the Boston-based OneUnited Bank at the urging of Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank. As reported in the January 22, 2009, edition of the Wall Street Journal, the Treasury Department indicated it would only provide funds to healthy banks to jump-start lending. Not only was OneUnited Bank in massive financial turmoil, but it was also "under attack from its regulators for allegations of poor lending practices and executive-pay abuses, including owning a Porsche for its executives' use." Rep. Frank admitted he spoke to a "federal regulator," and Treasury granted the funds. (The bank continues to flounder despite Frank's intervention for federal dollars.) Moreover, Judicial Watch uncovered documents in 2009 that showed that members of Congress for years were aware that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were playing fast and loose with accounting issues, risk assessment issues and executive compensation issues, even as liberals led by Rep. Frank continued to block attempts to rein in the two Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs). For example, during a hearing on September 10, 2003, before the House Committee on Financial Services considering a Bush administration proposal to further regulate Fannie and Freddie, Rep. Frank stated: "I want to begin by saying that I am glad to consider the legislation, but I do not think we are facing any kind of a crisis. That is, in my view, the two Government Sponsored Enterprises we are talking about here, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are not in a crisis. We have recently had an accounting problem with Freddie Mac that has led to people being dismissed, as appears to be appropriate. I do not think at this point there is a problem with a threat to the Treasury." Frank received $42,350 in campaign contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac between 1989 and 2008. Frank also engaged in a relationship with a Fannie Mae Executive while serving on the House Banking Committee, which has jurisdiction over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
4. Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner: In 2009, Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner admitted that he failed to pay $34,000 in Social Security and Medicare taxes from 2001-2004 on his lucrative salary at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), an organization with 185 member countries that oversees the global financial system. (Did we mention Geithner now runs the IRS?) It wasn't until President Obama tapped Geithner to head the Treasury Department that he paid back most of the money, although the IRS kindly waived the hefty penalties. In March 2009, Geithner also came under fire for his handling of the AIG bonus scandal, where the company used $165 million of its bailout funds to pay out executive bonuses, resulting in a massive public backlash. Of course as head of the New York Federal Reserve, Geithner helped craft the AIG deal in September 2008. However, when the AIG scandal broke, Geithner claimed he knew nothing of the bonuses until March 10, 2009. The timing is important. According to CNN: "Although Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told congressional leaders on Tuesday that he learned of AIG's impending $160 million bonus payments to members of its troubled financial-products unit on March 10, sources tell TIME that the New York Federal Reserve informed Treasury staff that the payments were imminent on Feb. 28. That is ten days before Treasury staffers say they first learned 'full details' of the bonus plan, and three days before the [Obama] Administration launched a new $30 billion infusion of cash for AIG." Throw in another embarrassing disclosure in 2009 that Geithner employed "household help" ineligible to work in the United States, and it becomes clear why the Treasury Secretary has earned a spot on the "Ten Most Corrupt Politicians in Washington" list.
5. Attorney General Eric Holder: Tim Geithner can be sure he won't be hounded about his tax-dodging by his colleague Eric Holder, US Attorney General. Judicial Watch strongly opposed Holder because of his terrible ethics record, which includes: obstructing an FBI investigation of the theft of nuclear secrets from Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory; rejecting multiple requests for an independent counsel to investigate alleged fundraising abuses by then-Vice President Al Gore in the Clinton White House; undermining the criminal investigation of President Clinton by Kenneth Starr in the midst of the Lewinsky investigation; and planning the violent raid to seize then-six-year-old Elian Gonzalez at gunpoint in order to return him to Castro's Cuba. Moreover, there is his soft record on terrorism. Holder bypassed Justice Department procedures to push through Bill Clinton's scandalous presidential pardons and commutations, including for 16 members of FALN, a violent Puerto Rican terrorist group that orchestrated approximately 120 bombings in the United States, killing at least six people and permanently maiming dozens of others, including law enforcement officers. His record in the current administration is no better. As he did during the Clinton administration, Holder continues to ignore serious incidents of corruption that could impact his political bosses at the White House. For example, Holder has refused to investigate charges that the Obama political machine traded VIP access to the White House in exchange for campaign contributions -- a scheme eerily similar to one hatched by Holder's former boss, Bill Clinton in the 1990s. The Holder Justice Department also came under fire for dropping a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party. On Election Day 2008, Black Panthers dressed in paramilitary garb threatened voters as they approached polling stations. Holder has also failed to initiate a comprehensive Justice investigation of the notorious organization ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), which is closely tied to President Obama. There were allegedly more than 400,000 fraudulent ACORN voter registrations in the 2008 campaign. And then there were the journalist videos catching ACORN Housing workers advising undercover reporters on how to evade tax, immigration, and child prostitution laws. Holder's controversial decisions on new rights for terrorists and his attacks on previous efforts to combat terrorism remind many of the fact that his former law firm has provided and continues to provide pro bono representation to terrorists at Guantanamo Bay. Holder's politicization of the Justice Department makes one long for the days of Alberto Gonzales.
6. Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL)/ Senator Roland Burris (D-IL): One of the most serious scandals of 2009 involved a scheme by former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich to sell President Obama's then-vacant Senate seat to the highest bidder. Two men caught smack dab in the middle of the scandal: Senator Roland Burris, who ultimately got the job, and Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, emissaries for Jesse Jackson Jr., named "Senate Candidate A" in the Blagojevich indictment, reportedly offered $1.5 million to Blagojevich during a fundraiser if he named Jackson Jr. to Obama's seat. Three days later federal authorities arrested Blagojevich. Burris, for his part, apparently lied about his contacts with Blagojevich, who was arrested in December 2008 for trying to sell Obama's Senate seat. According to Reuters: "Roland Burris came under fresh scrutiny... after disclosing he tried to raise money for the disgraced former Illinois governor who named him to the U.S. Senate seat once held by President Barack Obama... In the latest of those admissions, Burris said he looked into mounting a fundraiser for Rod Blagojevich -- later charged with trying to sell Obama's Senate seat -- at the same time he was expressing interest to the then-governor's aides about his desire to be appointed." Burris changed his story five times regarding his contacts with Blagojevich prior to the Illinois governor appointing him to the U.S. Senate. Three of those changing explanations came under oath.
7. President Barack Obama: During his presidential campaign, President Obama promised to run an ethical and transparent administration. However, in his first year in office, the President has delivered corruption and secrecy, bringing Chicago-style political corruption to the White House. Consider just a few Obama administration "lowlights" from year one: Even before President Obama was sworn into office, he was interviewed by the FBI for a criminal investigation of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's scheme to sell the President's former Senate seat to the highest bidder. (Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and slumlord Valerie Jarrett, both from Chicago, are also tangled up in the Blagojevich scandal.) Moreover, the Obama administration made the startling claim that the Privacy Act does not apply to the White House. The Obama White House believes it can violate the privacy rights of American citizens without any legal consequences or accountability. President Obama boldly proclaimed that "transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency," but his administration is addicted to secrecy, stonewalling far too many of Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act requests and is refusing to make public White House visitor logs as federal law requires. The Obama administration turned the National Endowment of the Arts (as well as the agency that runs the AmeriCorps program) into propaganda machines, using tax dollars to persuade "artists" to promote the Obama agenda. According to documents uncovered by Judicial Watch, the idea emerged as a direct result of the Obama campaign and enjoyed White House approval and participation. President Obama has installed a record number of "czars" in positions of power. Too many of these individuals are leftist radicals who answer to no one but the president. And too many of the czars are not subject to Senate confirmation (which raises serious constitutional questions). Under the President's bailout schemes, the federal government continues to appropriate or control -- through fiat and threats -- large sectors of the private economy, prompting conservative columnist George Will to write: "The administration's central activity -- the political allocation of wealth and opportunity -- is not merely susceptible to corruption, it is corruption." Government-run healthcare and car companies, White House coercion, uninvestigated ACORN corruption, debasing his office to help Chicago cronies, attacks on conservative media and the private sector, unprecedented and dangerous new rights for terrorists, perks for campaign donors -- this is Obama's "ethics" record -- and we haven't even gotten through the first year of his presidency.
8. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA): At the heart of the corruption problem in Washington is a sense of entitlement. Politicians believe laws and rules (even the U.S. Constitution) apply to the rest of us but not to them. Case in point: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her excessive and boorish demands for military travel. Judicial Watch obtained documents from the Pentagon in 2008 that suggest Pelosi has been treating the Air Force like her own personal airline. These documents, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, include internal Pentagon email correspondence detailing attempts by Pentagon staff to accommodate Pelosi's numerous requests for military escorts and military aircraft as well as the speaker's 11th hour cancellations and changes. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also came under fire in April 2009, when she claimed she was never briefed about the CIA's use of the waterboarding technique during terrorism investigations. The CIA produced a report documenting a briefing with Pelosi on September 4, 2002, that suggests otherwise. Judicial Watch also obtained documents, including a CIA Inspector General report, which further confirmed that Congress was fully briefed on the enhanced interrogation techniques. Aside from her own personal transgressions, Nancy Pelosi has ignored serious incidents of corruption within her own party, including many of the individuals on this list. (See Rangel, Murtha, Jesse Jackson, Jr., etc.)
9. Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) and the rest of the PMA Seven: Rep. John Murtha made headlines in 2009 for all the wrong reasons. The Pennsylvania congressman is under federal investigation for his corrupt relationship with the now-defunct defense lobbyist PMA Group. PMA, founded by a former Murtha associate, has been the congressman's largest campaign contributor. Since 2002, Murtha has raised $1.7 million from PMA and its clients. And what did PMA and its clients receive from Murtha in return for their generosity? Earmarks -- tens of millions of dollars in earmarks. In fact, even with all of the attention surrounding his alleged influence peddling, Murtha kept at it. Following an FBI raid of PMA's offices earlier in 2009, Murtha continued to seek congressional earmarks for PMA clients, while also hitting them up for campaign contributions. According to The Hill, in April, "Murtha reported receiving contributions from three former PMA clients for whom he requested earmarks in the pending appropriations bills." When it comes to the PMA scandal, Murtha is not alone. As many as six other Members of Congress are currently under scrutiny according to The Washington Post. They include: Peter J. Visclosky (D-IN.), James P. Moran Jr. (D-VA), Norm Dicks (D-WA.), Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), C.W. Bill Young (R-FL.) and Todd Tiahrt (R-KS.). Of course rather than investigate this serious scandal, according to Roll Call House Democrats circled the wagons, "cobbling together a defense to offer political cover to their rank and file." The Washington Post also reported in 2009 that Murtha's nephew received $4 million in Defense Department no-bid contracts: "Newly obtained documents...show Robert Murtha mentioning his influential family connection as leverage in his business dealings and holding unusual power with the military."
10. Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY): Rangel, the man in charge of writing tax policy for the entire country, has yet to adequately explain how he could possibly "forget" to pay taxes on $75,000 in rental income he earned from his off-shore rental property. He also faces allegations that he improperly used his influence to maintain ownership of highly coveted rent-controlled apartments in Harlem, and misused his congressional office to fundraise for his private Rangel Center by preserving a tax loophole for an oil drilling company in exchange for funding. On top of all that, Rangel recently amended his financial disclosure reports, which doubled his reported wealth. (He somehow "forgot" about $1 million in assets.) And what did he do when the House Ethics Committee started looking into all of this? He apparently resorted to making "campaign contributions" to dig his way out of trouble. According to WCBS TV, a New York CBS affiliate: "The reigning member of Congress' top tax committee is apparently 'wrangling' other politicos to get him out of his own financial and tax troubles... Since ethics probes began last year the 79-year-old congressman has given campaign donations to 119 members of Congress, including three of the five Democrats on the House Ethics Committee who are charged with investigating him." Charlie Rangel should not be allowed to remain in Congress, let alone serve as Chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, and he knows it. That's why he felt the need to disburse campaign contributions to Ethics Committee members and other congressional colleagues.
Wild Thing's comment..........
This is a short list. There are 535 in congress, 45 Czars and hundreds in the Obama/Chicago gang.
1 Republican, 9 Rats. And frankly, it was stretching it to put Ensign on the list. I can easily think of another 10 Dems who are more corrupt than he is. But they wanted to make an effort to be fair and balanced, no doubt. Ensign is a mere pissant of corruption compared to his Nevada Senate colleague Harry Reid, or another one Chuck Schumer.
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (4)
December 18, 2009
Boehner Releases List of 222 Economists That Say Obama's Federal Spending Has Got To STOP!
Check out the latest web video from the Republican Study Committee and its Chairman Tom Price (R-GA) on President Obama’s job killing agenda. It asks a question Republicans have been asking all year long amidst the Democrats’ massive spending binge: Where are the jobs?
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) released a list of 222 economists who believe that getting federal spending under control is the only way to create jobs and return America to economic prosperity. Contrary to President Obama and his supporters, these economists believe that additional stimulus spending can only further America's economic woes.
The statement supported by 222 economists from across the country reads:
list of 222 here at gopleader.gov
The country’s economic future depends on Congress’ ability to rein in the growth of federal spending. Failing to restrict spending growth will further balloon the national debt, impede economic growth, and threaten the long-term economic health of our Nation. Controlling spending growth to reverse our dangerous debt accumulation can be done without endangering the near-term economic recovery, and will prove beneficial over the longer horizon.
The 2009 near-term “stimulus” has proven to be an inefficient spur to job creation and does not merit repeating. Any further policy efforts should be focused on opening borders to free trade, cutting burdensome regulations, and providing necessary tax relief to employers and employees.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Good for Boehner.
They need to keep hitting Obama as hard as possible. The more people that see how wrong Obama is and how he is doing all this destruction on purpose them maybe more of them will wake up. I sure hope so.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:40 AM | Comments (2)
December 17, 2009
House Votes 218-214 For Short-term Debt Ceiling Increase
House votes 218-214 for short-term debt ceiling increase
In an end-of-session nail-biter vote, the House passed a short-term increase of the debt limit Wednesday, setting the stage for a February showdown on deficit spending.
It was not a popular measure with centrist and vulnerable lawmakers, who don’t want to be portrayed as allowing the nation to go deeper into debt. The $290 billion increase would set the debt ceiling at $12.394 trillion.
The vote was 218-214, but Democratic leaders had to sweat it out. As the voting clock ticked down to zero, the bill was losing, 203-208.
Thirty-nine Democrats rejected the measure and not one Republican voted for it. Three members, Reps. George Radanovich (R-Calif.), Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) and Bill Young (R-Fla.), did not vote.
Most of the Democrats who voted against the debt increase are expected to face challenging reelection races.
Three of the four Democrats running for the Senate, Reps. Paul Hodes (N.H.), Kendrick Meek (Fla.) and Charlie Melancon (La.), voted no. Rep. Joe Sestak (Pa.), who is running against Sen. Arlen Specter (Pa.) in the Democratic primary, voted yes.
In the lead-up to the vote, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) acknowledged that he had voted against lifting the debt limit when Republicans controlled Congress. He admitted fault, labeling those votes as “votes of demagoguery,” imploring his colleagues to back the measure.
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said extending the borrowing authority simply allows the federal government to “pile even more irresponsible debt onto future generations.”
Democratic leaders said the limit needed to be raised to prevent the nation from defaulting on its debts. They have justified the spending as necessary to pull the nation out of recession. But Democrats facing tough reelections are growing increasingly concerned that deficit spending could be used against them in the 2010 election.
Democratic leaders said the limit needed to be raised to prevent the nation from defaulting on its debts. They have justified the spending as necessary to pull the nation out of recession. But Democrats facing tough reelections are growing increasingly concerned that deficit spending could be used against them in the 2010 election.
As evidence of the toxicity of the issue, the National Republican Congressional Committee sent out news releases within minutes of the vote, attacking nearly 50 Democrats in conservative districts for giving “party leaders a $300 billion blank check.”
Wild Thing's comment...........
The $290 billion increase would set the debt ceiling at $12.394 trillion. OMG
Obama and his ilk will never stop!
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (4)
December 16, 2009
Obama Pressures Bankers To Lend More; Back Reform Bill
Obama pressures bankers to lend more; back reform bill
Barack Obama on Monday pressed the chief executives of the nation's largest banks to lend more to small businesses, increase their assistance to troubled homeowners and end their opposition to bank regulatory reform legislation moving on Capitol Hill.
"I urged these institutions here today to go back and take a third and fourth look about how they are operating when it comes to small business and medium-sized business lending," Obama said after meeting at the White House with the bankers. "Banks could be doing more to lend to small businesses." See full text of Obama's remarks.
The president met with the executives after calling them "fat cat bankers" on network television Sunday night and attacking their multi-million-dollar bonuses on CBS's "60 Minutes" program.
But despite the president's fighting words, executives described the meeting as "very productive" and said the White House and the major banks are generally aligned on executive compensation, bank reform, and the need to help the economic recovery continue.
U.S. Bancorp Chairman Richard Davis told reporters that the meeting set the stage to "move forward to the next level of cooperation" with the administration, and that the banks want to make more loans.
"Lending is what we do ... we want to make more loans," said Davis.
‘Crack-up boom’ would be the worst of all possible outcomes
Bank reserves held at the Fed have increased 100-fold over the past 14 months -- from around $10B in August of 2008 to around $1000B ($1T) today. It is important to understand that while this explosion in the reserves of U.S. depository institutions has rightfully prompted much discussion and consternation, it hasn't directly added to the total supply of U.S. dollars (bank reserves are not counted in monetary aggregates such as M1, M2, M3, MZM and TMS).
The reason that bank reserves aren't added to the money supply is that they do not constitute money available to be spent within the economy; rather, they constitute money that could be loaned into the economy or used to support additional bank lending in the future.
Bank lending in the U.S. has declined on a year-over-year basis, so we know that the spectacular increase in reserves has not YET contributed to monetary inflation. Many analysts and economists view this as a problem, their belief being that the banking industry should support the economy by putting its excess reserves to work. To be more specific, they want the banks to lend more new money into existence on the basis that more debt is 'just what the doctor ordered' for an economy weighed down by the highest debt levels in history.
Not surprisingly, we see things differently. We think it is fortunate that banks have, to date, chosen to 'sit' on their reserves, because if they decided to use the reserves to support trillions of dollars of additional lending then the inevitable result would not only be an even more troublesome debt burden; it would also be an inflation problem of immensely destructive proportions.
If the private banks were to join the inflation party then the risk of hyperinflation would greatly increase, and hyperinflation -- leading to what Mises called a "crack-up boom" -- would be the worst of all possible outcomes. In particular, it would be an order of magnitude worse than the deflation that many people still seem to be worried about.
So, let's hope that the banks don't start lending out their excess reserves. The situation is bad enough already.
And this regarding the job market from Rush Limbaugh:
Wild Thing's comment..........
was loose lending practices that got the banks in trouble in the first place. Now that they have been tightened up Obama wants the financial institutions to get lax again. If they do they will probably create the same problem all over again. Unbelievable. And three more years of this guy!
This is Obama's pick another demon, just like when Po Pot executed innocent scapegoats because his communists couldn't manage a few rice patties.
So we don't care if we are out of a job, as long as we have someone to blame, let's see:
GWB, Rush, FNC, the banks, Wall Street, Chamber of Commerce, Health Insurance companies, Wow, the list of evil-doers screwing us for profit is growing. Good thing we have Obama! NOT!
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (3)
December 12, 2009
Obama and Barney Frank Financial Regulation Plan~ Hurts Small Businesses
This is how Obama-Barney Frank Financial Regulation plan will hurt the small businesses on Main Street and help the big businesses on Wall Street. ( video from the HeritageFoundation )
Barney Frank’s financial-reform legislation, which dropped on the House last week. It’s 1300 pages long, and the vote will be taken — today. It reorders the entire financial-services industry and vastly increases government control over it. And ACORN, too.
VERY IMPORTANT this the second video to be sure to watch and listen to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO OF Michele Backhamm She is really good and explains the bill as well ~ Thank you
"We're the beacons. We're it. If the US goes down, where do we go? What other nation do we go to? This is it." ~ Michele Bachmann
Frank bypassed the committee process, according to Michele Bachmann, and she doesn’t see much hope for stopping it in the House. She wants to encourage people to put pressure on the Senate, where she thinks the bill can be stopped
Wild Thing's comment..........
Obama and Bwany Fwank has done enough to ruin the economy of this country...it’s time for BOTH of them to go away.
Every day one of these bozos fires another shot meant to incrementally destroy what has made us great.
Members of Congress got this bill on Tuesday of this week and it is being rushed to a vote yesterday!
This bill passed on Friday, HR 4173 passed 240-182 with minimal debate. sheesh!
Michele Bachmann knew there was not enough time to stop it in Congress - BUT THERE IS TIME TO STOP IT IN THE SENATE! Thank you to Michele for the heads up about this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (7)
December 11, 2009
Obama and Dems To Lift Debt Ceiling By $1.8 TRILLION, They Fear 2010 Backlash
Dems to lift debt ceiling by $1.8 trillion, fear 2010 backlash
In a bold but risky year-end strategy, Democrats are preparing to raise the federal debt ceiling by as much as $1.8 trillion before New Year’s rather than have to face the issue again prior to the 2010 elections.
“We’ve incurred this debt. We have to pay our bills,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told POLITICO Wednesday. And the Maryland Democrat confirmed that the anticipated increase could be as high as $1.8 trillion — nearly twice what had been assumed in last spring’s budget resolution for the 2010 fiscal year.
The leadership is betting that it’s better for the party to take its lumps now rather than risk further votes over the coming year. But the enormity of the number could create its own dynamic, much as another debt ceiling fight in 1985 gave rise to the Gramm-Rudman deficit reduction act mandating across-the-board spending cuts nearly 25 years ago.
Already in the Senate, there is growing pressure in both parties for the creation of a novel bipartisan task force empowered to force expedited votes in the next Congress on deficit reduction steps now shunned by lawmakers.
As introduced Wednesday, the legislation sets no specific targets for deficit reduction, but its 18-member task force — 16 of whom would come from Congress — is promised immense leverage to force change if they can first come together behind a plan.
“This is a defining moment,” said Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), one of the lead sponsors, and New Hampshire Sen. Judd Gregg, the panel’s ranking Republican, is already maneuvering to try to add the legislation as an amendment to any bill tapped to carry the debt increase.
As explained by Hoyer and other Democrats, that will almost certainly be a pending $636.4 billion Pentagon appropriations bill that includes $128.3 in contingency funds for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The House leadership has held back the bill for weeks, saving it for this moment, but now appropriations clerks have been instructed to have a final package ready to go by Monday.
Leadership staff stressed that nothing was yet final in what has become a year-end negotiation between top Democrats in the House and Senate. But the Senate appears to have been the first to put the $1.8 trillion number on the table. And Hoyer’s comments are the clearest yet on the scale of the increase and the expectation that it will be part of a larger year-end legislative train pulled along by the must-pass military bill.
Were broke. Americas broke. All year long, our friends on the other side of the aisle have been on a massive spending spree that our nation cant afford.
We had a trillion-dollar stimulus bill that was supposed to created jobs immediately, and yet unemployment is now at ten percent in America and three million people have lost their jobs since it was signed into law.
Weve got a budget thats going to double the national debt in five years, triple it in ten years. Weve got a $12 trillion national debt.
We brought a national energy tax bill to the floor thats going to cost a trillion dollars passed it.
We had a health care bill here several weeks ago another trillion dollars passed it.
When are we going to say, enough is enough?
Here we are today wrapping six appropriations bills together. Were going to spend half atrillion dollars. And its got over 5,000 earmarks in it. Things like: $292,200 for the elimination of slum and blight in Scranton, Pennsylvania; $300,000 for music and education programs at New York Citys Carnegie Hall, where they pay the employee who oversees the props more than $530,000 in salary and benefits; and theres plenty in here for Washington as well: $150,000 for the National Building Museum and $250,000 for the Wolf Trap Center for the Performing Arts, a concert venue.
Listen, I dont know how worthy any of these projects are, but I do have to ask a question: are they more important than our kids and grandkids, who are going to have the pay the debt because we dont have the money to spend on this? Its our kids and grandkids who are going to pay for it, and yet we cant find ways to cut spending.
Before taking office, the President said he would go through the budget and these bills line-by-line, page-by-page. After Congress passed the $410 billion omnibus spending bill with more than 9,000 earmarks, the President signed it, and said, well that was last years business. Now the President says reducing the deficit is next years business that we need to spend our way out of this economic recession were in.
Well I think the President ought to go through this bill line-by-line and page-by-page, all 2,500 pages of it. And then maybe hell figure out, we dont need to be spending this money that we dont have and piling more and more debt on the backs of our kids and grandkids. Instead, our bond rating, our AAA bond rating is in jeopardy and our Democrat friends want to raise the debt limit next week by $1.8 trillion. Instead, lets stop the madness and vote no.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Robbing Peter to pay Paul, guess what Peter is getting pissed off!
This is the largest ever increase ever.. Wow. When Dems drink from the well , they drink from it deeply. Too bad we couldn’t just boot ‘em in the butt into the well and cap it.
Steny say’s we have to pay our debts. LOL As if borrowing more will pay them.
"The leadership is betting that it’s better for the party to take its lumps now rather than risk further votes over the coming year."
So...they think we’ll forget about it? What nimrods!
AND they are tacking this onto a military spending bill as an amendment. That’s exactly how they got the hate crimes “bill” through. Sneaky slimy insufferable weasels.
Thank you John Boehner for saying this. I just wish the lefties would listen to what he had to say.
Obama is running our country into the ground and he has only himself and his left run Congress to blame.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (5)
December 09, 2009
Anti-Gun Bill White Announces Bid for Governor of Texas
Houston, TX - Houston Mayor Bill White abandoned his campaign for U.S. Senate on Friday in favor of a run for Texas governor.
The Democrat immediately becomes his party's strongest candidate with $4 million in his Senate campaign fund that he can transfer to a governor's race fund. White, a wealthy attorney, chipped in more than $1 million himself.
"I'll be a Governor who challenges Texans to lead, not leave, the United States," White said in a statement, wasting no time in swiping at Gov. Rick Perry's comments earlier this year that Texas could secede from the Union.
He had hinted at the switch two weeks ago when said he would consider a gubernatorial run after Tom Schieffer, the leading Democratic contender, pulled out. White said then that he wanted time to hear from Texas voters. Friday, he said his campaign has received thousands of e-mails urging him to run.
White's Senate plans were scrambled after Republican incumbent Kay Bailey Hutchison last month backed off from resigning this year to run against Perry, a fellow Republican. Perry's 10 years on the job make him Texas' longest-serving governor.
Hutchison is still hoping to win the GOP gubernatorial nomination in March but has refused to quit her Senate job before then, insisting she's needed in Washington to oppose President Barack Obama's health care legislation and other Democratic initiatives.
"Kay Bailey Hutchison is the only candidate well positioned to defeat the Democrat nominee in November regardless of who that person is," Hutchison spokeswoman Jennifer Baker said. "She looks forward to debating the Democrat on important issues that matter to Texans like immigration, taxes, transportation and education."
White told the AP he anticipates a race against Perry if he wins the Democratic primary.
"When Sen. Hutchison said that she wouldn't resign to campaign full time, it looks as though Gov. Rick Perry will be their nominee," White said. "Texans deserve an alternative."
White served as a deputy secretary of energy under former President Bill Clinton.
Bill White (D) former mayor of Houston and conveniently "former" member of the anti-gun "mayors against illegal guns" started by Michael Bloomberg.
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL anti Gun? There is NO way this jerk will win. Perry is wonderful and I can't see anyone beating him especially some democrat that is anti-gun.
And regarding Hutchison , why she insists on dividing the Republican party in Texas with a nasty primary race is beyond me. And she is a rino. She’s just being ambitious as the cost of her own party. And she voted for the bailouts.
Feds Have Built Only 32 Miles of 700 Mile Double-Border Fence Originally Mandated by Congress
“One reason DHS has been able to do this is an amendment that Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R.-Texas) slipped into an omnibus appropriations bill that Congress passed on December 18, 2007. Hutchison’s amendment put a loophole in the fence law that allowed the secretary of Homeland Security not to build the fence Congress had mandated the year before.”
....Thank you JohnE PFC U.S. Army for sending this to me.
Soldier/Generator Mechanic
Companies: 288TH Q.M. Co
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (5)
November 28, 2009
TARP, recovery and now … this!
TARP, recovery and now … this!
Congress scrambles to write economic 'jobs stimulus' 3.0
Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama signed a combined nearly $1.5 trillion in federal spending in the attempt to correct the nation's economic tailspin, but with unemployment soaring over 10 percent, Congress is gearing up to pass yet another economic "stimulus" package, perhaps as soon as January.
The Los Angeles Times reports that President Obama and fellow Democrats in particular are in process of assembling a new jobs package that would devote unspecified billions of dollars to projects meant to put people back on payrolls in 2010. The House version of "stimulus 3.0" may even be pushed through as quickly as next month.
The Times cites Democratic House members disappointed that Obama's $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act wasn't larger and pledging to press for a new, substantial spending plan to address unemployment.
"I hope we don't play around the edges with this and we do what will work. Invest the money now," said Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif. "We have to create jobs, and we have to create them right away."
Rep. John Carter, R-Texas, however, believes that more government spending will do nothing to solve unemployment.
"There is no doubt that the original stimulus failed to create jobs, and has in fact probably cost additional jobs and prolonged the recession," he said. "To create jobs we need to lower the tax burden to stimulate investment, which is the exact opposite of what the Democrats did earlier this year and now contemplate again."
Reports over the success of the last stimulus package are widely mixed, with the White House claiming the spending has created or saved over 640,000 jobs. At the same time, the Government Accountability Office has already discounted tens of thousands of those jobs and found "a range of significant reporting and processing problems that need to be addressed."
Regardless of how miscalculated the 640,000 number may be, the Bureau of Labor Statistics counts 16 million people, or 10.2 percent of the workforce, unemployed in October, a rise of 3.49 million jobs lost since Obama took office in January.
Political columnist and former presidential appointee Armstrong Williams, however, disagrees:
"A second stimulus package … sorry … 'jobs initiative' … is the Democrats' attempt to give the appearance that their plan is working," Williams writes. "They know that if the levee cracks before the 2010 midterms, they will be swept out of office, just like the 1994 U.S. midterm elections. Calling a second stimulus package a 'jobs initiative' doesn't change the fact that the administration's response to the unemployment crisis has been an economic bust. It's hard to see how more of the same will change that."
Nancy Pelosi told leftist supporters today that the the reason Americans are mad about their record spending is that “they’re not getting anything for it.” And, that’s why she wants a new Stimulus Bill!!!!
Building the case for a brand new jobs-creation bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says most Americans would not mind inflating the already-gaping deficit in exchange for more jobs.
The California Democrat said on a conference call Tuesday that Americans could “absorb” the hit to the federal budget, and she argued that their biggest complaint is not that the deficit is big — it’s that they’re not seeing any benefit in return for increasing the U.S. debt load.
Despite the $787 billion stimulus package passed in February, unemployment climbed to 10.2 percent in October. While critics cite the jobless rate as a sign that the stimulus has failed, Pelosi argues that the federal government is just not trying hard enough.
“We have to shed any weakness that anybody may have about not wanting to be confrontational on this subject for fear that we’d be labeled not sensitive to the deficit,” Pelosi said, in a recording posted by Think Progress.
"The American people have an anger about the growth of the deficit because they're not getting anything for it. ... If somebody has the idea that the percentage of GDP of what our national debt is will go up a bit, but they will now -- and their neighbors and their children -- will have jobs, I think they could absorb that, and then we ride it out and bring money in," she said.
"But I think if anybody is asking the public, 'Would you rather have a job or the percentage of GDP of our national debt would go up a little bit?' I think that everybody wants a job."
House Democrats are not calling the expected jobs proposal a "stimulus," though it would probably include similar measures like infrastructure spending.
Wild Thing's comment........
STOP!!!! What’s the definition of insanity?
The democrat’s view of how to run an economy is diametrically opposed to reality. They are destined for failure because they are self deluded and ignore how things really work.
We The People must clean this sewer that is the US Congress out in 2010 and 2012. Send them home in disgrace and end their political careers forever. Never elect any of them to any office not even dog catcher.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:49 AM | Comments (8)
November 06, 2009
Make Mine Freedom
This 1948 Cold War-era cartoon uses humor to tout the dangers of Communism and the benefits of capitalism.
Wild Thing's comment........
Cartoonists wouldn't be allowed to make a cartoon lilke this today. That is so sad too. America has changed so much. I wonder if somehow we can one day go back to the NON PC world we all grew up in.
Great cartoon ! I agree, make mine FREEDOM too.
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (2)
November 05, 2009
Newt Gingrich on Hoffman, Scozzafava, and NY-23
Newt Gingrich on Sean Hannity's show "explaining" why he endorsed Scozzafava and saying that he "deeply regrets" she was chosen by the 11 local county chairs.
When asked what he would say to Conservatives that are angry at him Newt answered "they have every right to be angry, I don't blame them," he went on to say "I think she was the wrong nominee and I think it was a terrible position."
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL Newt won't say HE himself was wrong. He didn't actually admit to a mistake of himself. I heard him say that the Liberal woman was picked by a panel of 11 Republicans on the local level and he, being an outsider, felt that he should not go against their wishes. In other words, he would not stand on the right thing to do but stand on party lines. Big mistake Newt.
He is going to learn another lesson too. We remember all the things he has done to hurt Conservatives.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (10)
November 04, 2009
Election Results
Republican Chris Christie took an early lead in a tight New Jersey governor's race against Democratic incumbent Jon Corzine, with an Associated Press exit poll showing independent voters strongly favoring the GOP candidate.
With 44 percent of precincts reporting Tuesday night, Christie had 49 percent of the vote and Corzine about 44. Independent candidate Chris Daggett, originally feared as a potential spoiler, had about 5 percent.
Republicans surged to victory in governor’s races in Virginia and New Jersey on Tuesday, wresting control from Democrats in both states as independents who swept Barack Obama to a historic 2008 victory broke big for the GOP. It was a troubling sign for the president and his party heading into an important midterm election year.
Conservative Republican Bob McDonnell’s victory in the Virginia governor’s race over Democrat R. Creigh Deeds and moderate Republican Chris Christie’s ouster of unpopular New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine was a double-barreled triumph for a party looking to rebuild after being booted from power in national elections in 2006 and 2008.
The outcomes were sure to feed discussion about the state of the electorate, the status of the diverse coalition that sent Obama to the White House and the limits of the president’s influence—on the party’s base of support and on moderate current lawmakers he needs to advance his legislative priorities.
His signature issue of health care reform was dealt a blow hours before polls closed when Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid signaled that Congress may not complete health care legislation this year, missing Obama’s deadline and pushing debate into a congressional election year.
Republican Gov.-elect Bob McDonnell’s victory in Virginia over Democrat R. Creigh Deeds was a triumph for a GOP looking to rebuild after being booted from power in national elections in 2006 and 2008. It also was a setback for the White House in a swing state that was a crucial part of Obama’s electoral landslide just a year ago. The president had personally campaigned for Deeds.
Bob McDonnell Virginia Governor's Race Victory Speech
Republican Bob McDonnell easily won the Virginia governor's race Tuesday as independent voters who helped deliver the state to President Barack Obama handed the party a victory. McDonnell will be the state's first GOP governor in eight years.
Foxnews Projects Democrat Bill Owens Wins NY 23
Wild Thing's comment.......
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (8)
List of Where SOME of the Money Went In Obama's February Stimulus Bill ~ Good Grief!
After a flurry of stimulus spending, questionable projects pile up
Sources: Office of the Senate Minority Leader, Office of Sen. Tom Coburn
By: Susan Ferrechio
The $787 billion stimulus bill was passed in February and was promised as a job saver and economy booster. Here is where some of the money went:
- $300,000 for a GPS-equipped helicopter to hunt for radioactive rabbit droppings at the Hanford nuclear reservation in Washington state.
- $30 million for a spring training baseball complex for the Arizona Diamondbacks and Colorado Rockies.
- $11 million for Microsoft to build a bridge connecting its two headquarter campuses in Redmond, Wash., which are separated by a highway.
- $430,000 to repair a bridge in Iowa County, Wis., that carries 10 or fewer cars per day.
- $800,000 for the John Murtha Airport in Johnstown, Pa., serving about 20 passengers per day, to build a backup runway.
- $219,000 for Syracuse University to study the sex lives of freshmen women.
- $2.3 million for the U.S. Forest Service to rear large numbers of arthropods, including the Asian longhorned beetle, the nun moth and the woolly adelgid.
- $3.4 million for a 13-foot tunnel for turtles and other wildlife attempting to cross U.S. 27 in Lake Jackson, Fla.
- $1.15 million to install a guardrail for a persistently dry lake bed in Guymon, Okla.
- $9.38 million to renovate a century-old train depot in Lancaster County, Pa., that has not been used for three decades.
- $2.5 million in stimulus checks sent to the deceased.
- $6 million for a snow-making facility in Duluth, Minn.
- $173,834 to weatherize eight pickup trucks in Madison County, Ill.
- $20,000 for a fish sperm freezer at the Gavins Point National Fish Hatchery in South Dakota.
- $380,000 to spay and neuter pets in Wichita, Kan.
- $300 apiece for thousands of signs at road construction sites across the country announcing that the projects are funded by stimulus money.
- $1.5 million for a fence to block would-be jumpers from leaping off the All-American Bridge in Akron, Ohio.
- $1 million to study the health effects of environmentally friendly public housing on 300 people in Chicago.
- $356,000 for Indiana University to study childhood comprehension of foreign accents compared with native speech.
- $983,952 for street beautification in Ann Arbor, Mich., including decorative lighting, trees, benches and bike paths.
- $148,438 for Washington State University to analyze the use of marijuana in conjunction with medications like morphine.
- $462,000 to purchase 22 concrete toilets for use in the Mark Twain National Forest in Missouri
- $3.1 million to transform a canal barge into a floating museum that will travel the Erie Canal in New York state.
- $1.3 million on government arts jobs in Maine, including $30,000 for basket makers, $20,000 for storytelling and $12,500 for a music festival.
- $71,000 for a hybrid car to be used by student drivers in Colchester, Vt., as well as a plug-in hybrid for town workers decked out with a sign touting the vehicle's energy efficiency.
- $1 million for Portland, Ore., to replace 100 aging bike lockers and build a garage that would house 250 bicycles
Wild Thing's comment......
ALL of them are insane, I only highlighted a few of them. LOL
There is only one item on that list worth funding. The US Forest Service Asian Longhorn Beetle study.
That beetle has the potential to devastate US forests, which would have a major impact on the US economy. There is no effective way to kill the beetle.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (8)
November 03, 2009
Hoffman and Christie and Others Election Day
Robert Gibbs Downplays Tuesday's Election Results
Sean Hannity interviewing NY Congressional Candidate Doug Hoffman along with Fred and Jeri Thompson.
ACORN Aims to Tip New Jersey Election in Corzine's Favor
Fearing a potentially devastating Democratic loss, the highly controversial Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) group and its affiliated organizations are gearing up to tip the scales and re-elect embattled incumbent in the hard-fought New Jersey gubernatorial race, sources tell Newsmax.
"Acorn is heavily involved in Gov. Jon Corzine's get-out-the-vote operation, but is maintaining a low profile at the insistence of the Corzine campaign," Matthew Vadum, senior editor of the conservative Capitol Research Center think tank, tells Newsmax. "If Corzine manages to win reelection, he doesn't want the victory tainted by his close association with Acorn."
Wall Street Journal columnist and author John Fund wrote Tuesday that "Plenty of reasons exist for suspecting absentee fraud may play a significant role in tomorrow's Garden State contests."
According to Fund, Acorn-linked groups from neighboring Pennsylvania and New York "appear to have moved into the state."
Fund also reports that the state's Democratic Party is pressuring county clerks around the Garden State to downplay signature checks on absentee ballots. Without such checking, it is very difficult to detect absentee vote fraud.
A search of the Acorn.org Web site shows that the organization has a heavy presence in New Jersey. It maintains offices in Jersey City, Trenton, Paterson, and Newark.
The group could play an important role in voter turnout, which many pundits predict will determine whether Corzine or his Republican challenger, Chris Christie, emerges victorious.
The latest Quinnipiac poll shows Christie clinging to a narrow 42 percent to 40 percent lead over Corzine, with independent Christopher Daggett garnering 12 percent. Among those Daggett voters who say they may change their minds, Christie is preferred 39 percent to 29 percent.
While those trends would appear to favor Christie, Republicans haven't forgotten the prolonged Minnesota recount battle that ended with Democrat Al Franken being awarded the victory over GOP incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman. The bitter lesson drawn by many Republicans: Once officials in a heavily Democratic state declare a race close enough for a recount, all bets are off.
"If there is a recount," Fund writes, "you can bet disputes about absentee ballots will loom large. Moreover, if serious allegations of fraud emerge, you can also expect less-than-vigorous investigation by the Obama Justice Department -- which showed just how seriously it takes such allegations when it walked away from an open-and-shut voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia earlier this year."
Absentee ballots become critical in every recount, and New Jersey officials are reporting an marked increase in requests for absentee ballots.
"There has been a reported surge in absentee balloting, which might be suspicious but isn't necessarily proof of anything," Vadum tells Newsmax.
Fund reports that state officials received "a flood" of over 180,000 requests for absentee ballots.
"On some 3,000 forms the signature doesn't match the one on file with county clerks," Fund adds. "Yet citing concerns that voters would be disenfranchised, Democratic Party lawyer Paul Josephson wrote New Jersey's secretary of state asking her 'to instruct County Clerks not to deny applications on the basis of signature comparison alone.'"
Fund reports voter-fraud allegations have marred several New Jersey elections in recent years.
N.J. Democrats Paying for Daggett Robocalls
Sources tell Save Jersey that Democrat State Chairman Joe Cryan is refusing to deny NJSDC involvement in a Pro-Daggett, Anti-Christie robocall.
The first clue was that the number used to make the robocalls had also been used for robocalls for Maryland Democrat Governor candidate Martin O’Malley in 2006. Of course, the Daggett campaign could have just hired a Democrat firm to make the calls, Today, however, we have definitive proof that the New Jersey Democratic State Committee is paying for ads attacking GOP candidate Chris Christie and promoting Independent candidate Chris Daggett.
Wild Thing's comment.........
ACORN is just begging for it.....They will rue the day.
You just have to laugh. Corzine is afraid ACORN will “taint” his victory. Corzine is as toxic as a cesspool himself with regards to all sorts of public, political and private corruption, and he is worried about ACORN’s newly won bad rep as vote fraudsters. Unbelievable!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (5)
November 02, 2009
Halloween at the White House
President Obama Comes as Himself to White House Halloween Party

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs suited up as Darth Vader from the movie "Star Wars."
Wild Thing's comment......
And to think we have 3 more Halloween’s to go...now that’s a scary thought..
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (14)
November 01, 2009
Scozzafava Halts Camapign ~ GOOD Let real Conservatives rebuild the GOP!!
Scozzafava suspends NY 23 campaign
Republican Dede Scozzafava has suspended her bid in next Tuesday’s NY 23 special election, a huge development that dramatically shakes up the race. She did not endorse either of her two opponents -- Conservative party candidate Doug Hoffman or Democrat Bill Owens.
The decision to suspend her campaign is a boost for Hoffman, who already had the support of 50 percent of GOP voters, according to a newly-released Siena poll, and is now well-positioned to win over the 25 percent of Republicans who had been sticking with Scozzafava.
Scozzafava has “probably made her last campaign appearance between now and Election Day,” spokesman Matt Burns told POLITICO. “She’s releasing her support to the two other candidates."
"I had a discussion with her last night, and we made the decision after I spoke with her. We talked about it, what this came down to was spending. It came down to the ability to defend herself from the get-go. And that’s the reality. She was unable to define herself where the people didn’t know her."
Scozzafava's statement:
Dear Friends and Supporters:
Throughout the course of my campaign for Congress, I have made the people of the 23rd District and the issues that affect them the focal point of my campaign. As a life long resident of this District, I care deeply and passionately about its people and our way of life. Whether as a candidate for Congress, a State Assemblywoman or a small town Mayor, I have always sought to act with the best interest of our District and its residents in mind—and today I again seek to act for the good of our community.
The opportunity to run as the Republican and Independence Party candidate to represent the 23rd District has been and remains one of the greatest honors of my life. During the past several months, as I’ve traveled the district, meeting and talking with voters about the issues that matter most to them, I’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of support I’ve received as I sought to serve as their voice in Washington. However, as Winston Churchill once said, Democracy can be a fickle employer, and the road to public office is not always a smooth one.
In recent days, polls have indicated that my chances of winning this election are not as strong as we would like them to be. The reality that I’ve come to accept is that in today’s political arena, you must be able to back up your message with money—and as I’ve been outspent on both sides, I’ve been unable to effectively address many of the charges that have been made about my record. But as I’ve said from the start of this campaign, this election is not about me, it’s about the people of this District. And, as always, today I will do what I believe serves their interests best.
It is increasingly clear that pressure is mounting on many of my supporters to shift their support. Consequently, I hereby release those individuals who have endorsed and supported my campaign to transfer their support as they see fit to do so. I am and have always been a proud Republican. It is my hope that with my actions today, my Party will emerge stronger and our District and our nation can take an important step towards restoring the enduring strength and economic prosperity that has defined us for generations.
On Election Day my name will appear on the ballot, but victory is unlikely. To those who support me – and to those who choose not to – I offer my sincerest thanks.
Gingrich endorses Hoffman
October 31st, 2009 01:04 PM ET
From CNN Political Editor Mark Preston
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who came under fire from some conservatives for endorsing Dede Scozzafava in next week's special Congressional election in New York, is now backing Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman.
Gingrich made the announcement via Twitter shortly after the Republican Party nominee Scozzafava announced she was releasing supporters from their commitment to back her.
"Scozzafava dropping out leaves hoffman as only anti-tax anti-pelosi vote in ny 23 Every voter opposed to tax increases support doug hoffman," Gingrich wrote on Twitter. (Tweet shown as it appeared)
Palin Backs 3rd-Party Candidate in N.Y. House Race
Sarah Palin has endorsed a third-party candidate over the GOP-backed contender in New York's congressional special election, saying her own party has abandoned its core values.
The former Alaska governor, who was Arizona Sen. John McCain's running-mate last year, said Thursday she was backing Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman over Republican Assemblywoman Dierdre Scozzafava in the 23rd Congressional District race.
Palin said Hoffman, a businessman, stands for Republican principles – smaller government, lower taxes and a commitment to individual liberty – and that Scozzafava is more aligned with Democrats.
The offseason race to replace former Rep. John McHugh, whom President Barack Obama named as his Army secretary, has drawn national attention to a growing splinter between Republican moderates and conservatives who say they want the party to return its core values.
"The Republican Party today has decided to choose a candidate who more than blurs the lines, and there is no real difference between the Democrat and the Republican in this race," Palin said in a post on her Facebook page Thursday night.
Hoffman has been labeled a spoiler by some, but he's looking more like a contender lately, with support from prominent Republicans, including former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson, former House Majority Leader Dick Armey and former presidential candidate Steve Forbes, who endorsed Hoffman on Friday.
"The other candidates in this race are far too similar in their records and stated support for much of the Democrats' agenda in Washington," Forbes said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am soooo glad the RINO stopped her campaign.
Scozzafava OUT! Grassroots conservatives - 1; Beltway Republicans - 0
She still didn’t endorse Hoffman. But that just shows everyone how truly wrong she was and how much a RINO she is to the core.
Regarding Newt....Too late Newt. You had a clear choice, and you made the wrong one. Hey Newt, you bashed Sarah and others who backed Hoffman, now you turn around and support Hoffman..you sir are a sleaze bag.
Jim DeMint is also supporting Hoffman.
Here is what Palin said on FaceBook:
I want to personally thank Republican Dede Scozzafava for acting so selflessly today in the NY District 23 race. Now it's time to cross the finish line with Doug Hoffman so that he can get to work for District 23 and the rest of America.
With Congress poised to overhaul one-sixth of our economy with so-called health care “reform” (which is really a government takeover of health care) and with plans to enact a cap-and-tax bill just as our economy struggles to recover, Doug Hoffman will be a voice for fiscal responsibility and common sense in Washington.
We need candidates like Doug now more than ever. In these final days of the campaign, it's vital that Doug continue to receive the enthusiastic support of those who want to bring common sense to Washington. Let’s help make it happen! You can help Doug by visiting his official website today and offering your support: https://www.doughoffmanforcongress.com/donate3.html
- Sarah Palin
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (4)
October 30, 2009
No Time To Read Bills They Vote On But.........
House Minority Leader Lawrence F. Cafero Jr., R-Norwalk, pictured standing, far right, speaks while colleagues Rep. Barbara Lambert, D-Milford and Rep. Jack F. Hennessy, D-Bridgeport, play solitaire Monday night as the House convened to vote on a new budget. (AP)
The guy sitting in the row in front of these two... he's on Facebook, and the guy behind Hennessy is checking out the baseball scores.
These are the folks that can't get the budget out by Oct. 1, Seriously!!!
So, we've got a 30 day budget extension. Well, guess what, 30 days from now we will be in the same boat. I guess this makes it easy for the news reporters as all they have to do is recycle the same headlines from this week and from 2 years ago. And these yo-yo's will still be playing SOLITAIRE!!!
Wild Thing's comment........
This is really something. I know they don't always show up at meetings. How many times have we seen one of the politicians giving a speech to an almost empty room. But I never would have guessed they would be doing this other stuff.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:40 AM | Comments (4)
October 29, 2009
FREE Government Cell Phone.... SafeLink
SafeLink Wireless is a government supported program that provides a free cell phone and airtime eachmonth for income-eligible customers.
Lifeline Assistance is part of a program that was created by the government to provide discounted or free telephone service to income-eligible consumers. To help bring you this important benefit, SafeLink Wireless is proud to offer Lifeline Service. Through our Lifeline Service you will receive FREE cellular service, a FREE cell phone, and FREE Minutes every month! SafeLink Wireless Service does not cost anything – there are no contracts, no recurring fees and no monthly charges.
Any Minutes you do not use will roll-over. Features such as caller ID, call waiting and voicemail are all also included with your service. If you need additional Minutes, you can buy TracFone Airtime Cards at any TracFone retailer Walmart, Walgreens, Family Dollar, etc). SafeLink Airtime Cards will be available soon.
Your exact benefits, including the number of free Minutes you will receive, depend on the state you live in.
How to Qualify
The process to qualify for Lifeline Service depends on the State you live in. In general, you may qualify if...
1.You already participate in other State or Federal assistance program such as Federal Public Housing Assistance, Food Stamps and Medicaid.
2.Your total household income is at or below 135% of the poverty guidelines set by your State and/or the Federal Government.
3.No one in your household currently receives Lifeline Service through another phone carrier.
4.You have a valid United States Postal Address. In order for us to ship you your free phone you must live at a residence that can receive mail from the US Post Office. Sorry, but P.O. Boxes cannot be accepted.
In addition to meeting the guidelines above you will also be required to provide proof of your participation in an assistance program, or proof of your income level.
Beneficios de Lifeline
El programa Lifeline es un programa de asistencia creado por el gobierno para ofrecer a clientes elegibles por sus ingresos, servicio celular gratis o con descuentos. ¡A través de nuestro Servicio Lifeline usted recibiráservicio celular GRATIS, un teléfono GRATIS y minutos cada mes GRATIS! El Servicio Lifeline no cuesta absolutamente nada, usted no firma contratos, no paga cargos ni facturas mensuales.
Todos los minutos que no use le quedarán disponibles. Las funciones como Identificador de Llamada, Llamada en Espera y Correo de Voz están incluidas en su servicio. Si necesita tiempo celular adicional usted puede comprar tarjetas de Tiempo Celular TracFone en tiendas como Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Family Dollar, entre otras.
La cantidad de minutos específica que usted recibirá dependerá del estado donde resida.
General Questions - Service Specific
Will I be able to use text messaging (SMS)? What is the price for that?
Yes, SafeLink Wireless service supports SMS. Each SMS will cost .3 Minutes. (I.E. an SMS message sent or received will consume one third of a minute).
Will I be able to roam?
Yes, your SafeLink Wireless phone will clearly display on your screen when you are located in a roaming area and since SafeLink Wireless’s rates are the same for all calls, you never have to worry about roaming charges!
Will I be able to make long distance calls?
Yes. The Minutes you have with SafeLink Wireless are nationwide Minutes. You can call anywhere in the US for one low rate and make international long distance calls to select locations for the same rate.
Does being a SafeLink Wireless customer protect me from being disconnected if I don’t pay my telephone bill?
With SafeLink Wireless Service you do not have to worry about paying a bill or recurring fees. You will never receive a bill from SafeLink Wireless!
When do I get my monthly Minutes?
Upon receipt of your SafeLink Wireless handset, your handset will have one year of service, and your Minutes for the first month will have already been included. Each month you will receive your free Minutes on the first three days of the month as long as you have your phone powered on.
Who is paying for it?
The government.
TracFone Wireless believes that cell phone ownership is a right and an important tool for individual success in today's world. Everyone should have a cell phone without the need for a contract or a high credit rating.
..."I had a former employee call me earlier today inquiring about a job, and at the end of the conversation he gave me his phone number. I asked the former employee if this was a new cell phone number and he told me yes this was his “Obama phone.” I asked him what an “Obama phone” was and he went on to say that welfare recipients are now eligible to receive (1) a FREE new phone and (2) approx 70 minutes of FREE minutes every month. I was a little skeptical so I Googled it and low and behold he was telling the truth. TAX PAYER MONEY IS BEING REDISTRIBUTED TO WELFARE RECIPIENTS FOR FREE CELL PHONES. This program was started earlier this year. Enough is enough. The very foundations that this country was built on are being shaken. The age old concepts of God, family, and hard work have flown out the window. You can click on the link below to read more about the “Obama phone" ~ Concerned and Patriotic American
Wild Thing's comment.......
It's now your right to own a cell phone?
Obama now able to send Campaign TEXT MESSAGES to his voters.
Trac phone= Carlos Slim, Mexico based telecommunications. Trac phone has contracts to use every one else's cell towers. They own very little of their own infrastructure, at least in the U.S.
Not run by by Acorn, but it's a safe bet that Acorn is cheering them on.
I am so sick of this government hand out crap and the people that want it!
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
US Army Aviation
Vietnam 1966-68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (9)
October 25, 2009
Democrats Vote To Give ACORN Regulatory Authority Over Financial Institutions
Democrats Vote To Give ACORN Regulatory Authority Over Financial Institutions
October 22, 2009
During consideration of H.R. 3126, legislation to establish a Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA), Democrats on the House Financial Services Committee voted to pass an amendment offered by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) that will make ACORN eligible to play a role in setting regulations for financial institutions.
The Waters amendment adds to the CFPA Oversight Board 5 representatives from the fields of "consumer protection, fair lending and civil rights, representatives of depository institutions that primarily serve underserved communities, or representatives of communities that have been significantly impacted by higher-priced mortgages" to join Federal banking regulators in advising the Director on the consistency of proposed regulations, and strategies and policies that the Director should undertake to enforce its rules.
By making representatives of ACORN and other consumer activist organizations eligible to serve on the Oversight Board, the amendment creates a potentially enormous government sanctioned conflict of interest.
ACORN-type organizations will have an advisory role on regulating the very financial institutions from which they receive millions of dollars annually in direct corporate contributions and benefit from other financial partnerships and arrangements.
These are the same organizations that pressured banks to make subprime mortgage loans and thus bear a major responsibility for the collapse of the housing market.
In light of recent evidence linking ACORN to possible criminal activity, Democrats took an unprecedented step today to give ACORN a potential role alongside bank regulators in overseeing financial institutions. This is contrary to recent actions taken by the Senate and House to block federal funds to ACORN.
A recent inquiry into bank funding of ACORN activities by three House Committees found that institutions that would be regulated by the CFPA have provided millions of dollars to the organization in the form of direct donations, lines of credit, cash, and other assets over the last 15 years.
The Waters amendment passed on a vote of 35-33. HERE is how othey voted.
Wild Thing's comment..........
This was an in-committee vote. It seems unlikely that this will ever become part of any law, but it isn’t impossible - not these days, anyway.
Every day I think the news couldn’t get any worse, but it does. This IMO makes the Democrats an actual criminal organization thinly veiled as a political party.
I can't believe this. If there was ever a reason for even Democrats to not vote Democrat for 40 years, this should be one among many recent reasons the Democrat political machine has given for people to abandon them.
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (9)
October 24, 2009
CZAR Sunstein urges: Abolish marriage
Sunstein urges: Abolish marriage
Adviser compares institution to country club membership
The U.S. government should abolish its sanctioning of marriage, argued Cass Sunstein, President Obama's regulatory czar.
Sunstein proposed that the concept of marriage should become privatized, with the state only granting civil union contracts to couples wishing to enter into an agreement.
Sunstein explained marriage licensing is unnecessary, pointing out people stay committed to organizations like country clubs and homeowner associations without any government interference.
"Under our proposal, the word marriage would no longer appear in any laws, and marriage licenses would no longer be offered or recognized by any level of government," wrote Sunstein and co-author Richard Thaler in their 2008 book, "Nudge: Improving decisions about health, wealth and happiness."
In the book – obtained and reviewed by WND – Sunstein explains his approach would ensure that "the only legal status states would confer on couples would be a civil union, which would be a domestic partnership agreement between any two people."
He proposed marriage not be recognized by the government. Marriages would instead be "strictly private matters, performed by religious and other private organizations," he wrote.
"Governments would not be asked to endorse any particular relationships by conferring on them the term marriage," added Sunstein.
Sunstein slammed current government recognition of marriage as "an official license scheme."
"When the state grants marriage it gives both maternal and symbolic benefits to the couples it recognizes. But why combine the two functions? And what is added by the term marriage?" he asked.
Sunstein explained terminating the issuance of state marriage contracts would not affect the commitments of those in the "partnership."
"People take their private commitments serious," Sunstein wrote. "Members of religious organizations, homeowners' associations, and country clubs all feel bound, sometimes quite strongly, by the structures and rules of such organizations."
Wild Thing's comment........
Perhaps we should all live in hippy communes, gather around the campfire and sing kumbaya and hymms of praises to the Dear Leader like they already do in public school.
If you do away with that tradition and there is no marriage, then there are no parental rights left. The state will make new laws regarding children and they won’t be parent friendly.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (6)
October 20, 2009
Obama To Issue New Medical Marijuana Policy
Feds to issue new medical marijuana policy
Federal drug agents won’t pursue pot-smoking patients or their sanctioned suppliers in states that allow medical marijuana, under new legal guidelines to be issued Monday by the Obama administration.
Two Justice Department officials described the new policy to The Associated Press, saying prosecutors will be told it is not a good use of their time to arrest people who use or provide medical marijuana in strict compliance with state law.
The guidelines to be issued by the department do, however, make it clear that agents will go after people whose marijuana distribution goes beyond what is permitted under state law or use medical marijuana as a cover for other crimes, the officials said.
The new policy is a significant departure from the Bush administration, which insisted it would continue to enforce federal anti-pot laws regardless of state codes.
Wild Thing's comment.......
From what we have been told it is something that many patients use that are cancer victims, from my understanding of this.
There are also a lot of people that want drugs to be legal across the board, much like they lifted the ban on drinking years ago.
My feeling is I am OK if it is for patience.
But the other stuff I have never been a drug user, and never even tried any, so I am kind of tuff on not wanting drugs to be used. It is a world I am not into. My concern is this, if drugs are easier to get won't there be people that lie and try to get them and then get in their cars and cause accidents? I worry about the children too.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (4)
October 19, 2009
DOW 10,000!!!! Oh Wait, Make That 7,537
Another great representation of the amazing loss of purchasing power by the US public are today's oblivious statements about the Dow at 10,000. While in absolute terms the Dow may cross whatever the Fed thinks is a necessary and sufficient mark before QE begins to taper off (Dow crosses 10k just as Treasury purchases expire), the truth is that over the past 10 years (the first time the DJIA was at 10,000) the dollar has lost 25% of its value. Therefore, we present the Dow over the last decade indexed for the DXY, which has dropped from 100 to about 75.
On a real basis (not nominal) the Dow at 10,000 ten years ago is equivalent to 7,537 today! In other words, not only have we had a lost decade for all those who focus on the absolute flatness of the DJIA, but it is also a decade where the US Consumer has lost 25% of purchasing power from the perspective of stocks! You won't hear this fact on the MSM.
Money: A Semi Pictorial Fable
By Jeff Harding
We have forgotten what money is.
Money is really easy to understand, but most people have no idea what it is. We all understand that barter is an inefficient way to foster economic growth and money is a good thing for the economy. But money isn't a piece of paper.
Let me create a kind of fable to illustrate this. Please bear with me here. Think of this as an amusing weekend read.
Imagine an big isolated valley in a simple rural, pre-technology society, centuries past. People get up in the morning, farm, hunt, build homes, makes clothes, babies, cook meals, think of ways to defend the perfect valley, party, the usual stuff. Human nature being what it is, some people are better at some things than others.
Enter George. George hates farming and isn't very good at it. But he loves to tinker and invents the plow which makes him much better at farming even though everyone knows he stinks at it. His neighbor John notices George's sudden farming success and asks George to make him a plow. George says he doesn't have time, he needs to farm, save grain for the winter, yadda yadda yadda. John says "I'll give you some grain if you make me a plow." It didn't take George long to see the opportunity and now he just makes and sells plows, eats well, brings his kids into the family business, forgets farming, and life is good. Barter and specialization of labor is invented.
What has happened here economically? Well, John had to save up some grain and not eat it to get the plow. This is called capital or real savings. Remember this; it's key.
Everyone hears about plows and George expands his business. He now has grain bursting from his barn. He notices that farmers have a lot of grain that year. He has so much grain that he can't trade the grain fast enough for stuff he wants, and it spoils. Not good for George.
George thinks about his problem and notices that everyone likes gold jewelry: it doesn't spoil, tarnish, rust, it's pretty, scarce, and easily workable. People seem to covet the stuff. He has an idea. He sends George Jr. out to trade as much of the excess grain as he can for gold. George then purifies it and makes round disks of uniform weight and size. Yes, coins. Be patient, I have a point.
You know what happens. He starts using coins to buy things he needs for his business, and because everyone trusts George, they recognize that gold is valued and they accept them in exchange for goods. Pretty soon the coins are spreading through the community and the economy grows. It's so easy to trade for other things by using the coins. George also makes a little bit on each coin he mints.
Remember that people had to save something from what they produced to acquire other goods. This real savings/capital is what makes the economy run. The gold is just a medium to trade real savings for goods.
Everything is great. Trade grows with other valleys, coinage expands at a rate equal to production of goods. Peace breaks out with old enemies because trade grows makes everyone's life better, and George prospers.
George has branched out into other businesses and sends out his many kids to buy raw materials needed to make his products: plows with metal tips, carts, leather shoes, jewelry, and the like. He sends his kids far and wide but it was risky carrying around a lot of gold in far places. So, knowing that everyone knows him and trusts him, he issues documents, certificates that say the bearer of the certificate is entitled to redeem a certain amount of gold coins. George stores the gold in a cave heavily guarded by his sons-in-law. George signs and seals each document and calls them "gold deposit receipts." People know that if George says he's got the gold, he does, and they accept them.
George's kids spread the receipts around, sellers accept them, and he prospers even more. Pretty soon others see the advantage of gold deposit receipts, and they deposit their gold in George's cave and accept gold receipts. It worked out great and George realized he just created banking. The neat thing is that because the supply of gold was rather limited it was hard for George to flood the market with his paper receipts even if he wanted to. Other than supply and demand issues with goods, prices were stable.
George died and left his successful businesses to his kids; George Jr. gets the cave-bank.
Junior is smart too, but rather greedy. He is known to have a summer home in the mountains by the lake, and has lots of fine horses and carriages. Women find him attractive and he parties a lot. Junior thinks that the business isn't meeting his cash needs but he has a problem: gold can't be mined and minted any faster.
Junior has a great idea. He notices that people rarely cash in the gold receipts to take possession of their gold on deposit in the bank. What if, he thought, I start lending out the gold that’s just sitting there? He knew that people only demanded about 10% of the physical gold held at any one time. He realized he could lend more money than he actually had. “Eureka! I’ve figured out a new paradigm in banking. I’m going to call it ‘fractional reserve banking.’ This can’t fail!"
Junior began lending new “certificates” that said the Bank of George would pay the bearer in gold in the named denomination. He wasn’t saying it was a deposit receipt for a specific sack of gold coins, but that he would pay in gold when asked. He had one ton of gold deposited in the cave. He drew up certificates equal to five tons of gold—four more than he had—and proceeded to lend this new money to his customers. He increased the supply of money by 400%. There was no actual real savings or capital created by Junior. No one saved their production, created wealth, and deposited the gold equivalent in the bank; Junior just issued more pieces of paper.
People were pretty happy at first. The tanners, miners, builders, and quarry owners who first borrowed most of the money bid up the price of wages and resources like hides, lumber, stone, iron, copper, and wheat. Trade expanded rapidly with the new certificates floating around. Then people started to notice that prices were going up rather dramatically. By the time the new money worked its way through the valley, the farmers, cobblers, and workers, who were last in the money chain had to pay more for things like bread, housing, cloth, and shoes. Much more.
But ... some people noticed that gold coins would buy more than would the certificates. John's son Johnson brought his certificates into the bank and asked Junior to give him the gold coins. Junior tried to talk him out of it but Johnson was stubborn and got the coins. Other people noticed the same thing and ran to the cave to exchange certificates for gold. In fact, everyone ran to the bank to exchange the certificates for gold. Junior and the bank went bust because he issued certificates for 5 tons of gold but only had one ton. Had just invented inflation. From then on many people kept all of their money in gold. Johnson's family motto became, “In Gold We Trust.”
You might notice that more pieces of paper didn't create any wealth. Real savings, you recall, was some consumer good produced that someone didn't consume. They traded it for gold, a monetary commodity which retained its value. I mean, why would anyone trade their hard earned products for a worthless piece of paper? Just issuing more pieces of paper didn't do anything except raise prices. It certainly didn't create "wealth."
Now leap forward in time. The village has become a big city in a large country. Johnson is old money rich because his family kept gold and invested wisely over the years. George's family went into banking and over the centuries blew up many times. George went into academia and studied a new kind of economics that said money was whatever the government said it was.
George eventually became the head of the government’s central bank. He once told his mentor, Friedman, that “we’ll never have an economic collapse again because I control money!” The first thing George did was to ban all forms of money as legal tender except the one that the central bank issued—”notes” called the dollar. The dollar was a piece of paper with numbers on it. The second thing he did was to sever the relationship of the dollar with gold or any other commodity. The government had a big army to back up the edicts of Geor
People everywhere in the country loved the dollar but had no clue what it represented. People seemed to want these pieces of paper a lot. They were pretty, green things, well made, and looked very official. People just stopped thinking about what money was.
George kept printing dollars whenever he thought the economy needed a boost. Things were great for a while, and then, as prices inflated he stopped printing and the economy crashed. The government decided to stimulate the economy and embarked on great new projects like dams, bridges, roads, stadiums, government buildings, and other things the leaders wanted. These projects cost billions and billions. The leaders said that the people were complaining and they couldn't keep raising taxes. "What do we do?" George said, “Leaders, you issue debt, I’ll buy it, and print dollars to pay you. Take the dollars and spend! The economy will recover and everything will be fine.” Which the government did. Pretty soon prices started going up and up and up and the central bank had to print more dollars to keep up with the demand.
Meanwhile, Johnson had a very nice business making gardening and farming tools. But his workers were getting poorer because inflation caused prices to go up and up. He couldn’t raise his prices fast enough to keep up with wage demands. He said to his workers, "Look, I can pay you in dollars, but wouldn’t you like gold instead?" He explained that the dollar was going down in value relative to gold, and gold would buy more. It didn’t matter what the government did to the money as long as they held gold. The workers liked that so he issued gold deposit receipts on the gold he held in a vault deep under his estate. Holders could come in and demand and receive gold in the amount of the receipts. The workers really liked this because the gold held its value and inflation didn’t bother them at all and they all prospered. People started using these receipts all around town.
George heard about this and had Johnson arrested because he violated legal tender laws. Johnson was convicted and thrown in jail and his gold was confiscated. Before he was hanged he gave a speech on the gallows:
"Fellow citizens, you work every day for what? A piece of paper? That piece of paper isn’t wealth or capital. Like our ancestors ten generations back, real wealth was the wheat they produced and saved. They exchanged it for something of value: gold. Gold is money because people value it as a medium of exchange. You’ve forgotten what money really is and now you trade your labor and goods for pieces of paper worth nothing! Now George and his cronies print paper at will to pay for what the government wants. They use it to bail their friends out when they go bust. Their legacy is inflation, just another tax on your labor. Gold, my friends, is the only thing that can prevent the government from inflating the money supply and stealing your wealth. They are destroying our economy. Rebel and demand we go back on a gold standard and have real money. Don’t let …..."
P.P.S. I thought I would throw this in: the largest notes ever printed with the numbers written out. From the private collection of Econophile. Bought on e-Bay for $7.50.
Wild Thing's comment........
Great article about this.
The market is up because everything else is going up. Groceries cost more and the stocks cost more because the dollar is in the tank.
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (7)
October 17, 2009
Obama's Budget Deficit Hits Record More Than Triple from Last Year
Obama team makes it official: Budget deficit hits record. By a lot.
The Obama administration has released new deficit numbers, and they are not pretty.
The deficit for Fiscal Year 2009, which ended Sept. 30, came in at a record $1.42 trillion, more than triple the record set just last year.
In addition, future deficits are currently projected to total $9.1 trillion in the coming decade.
The political lines are being drawn.
Republicans cited record deficits as another reason to oppose Obama's health care plan and other big projects. "No more spending money we don't have," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
Rep. John Spratt, D-S.C., countered that, "today's figures are a result of the policies of the Bush Administration, along with the cost of actions needed to address the recession and prevent even deeper economic problems."
A year ago, as the financial crisis hit and the Bush administration prepared massive bailout plans, the deficit was $455 billion.
The Obama administration's stimulus also contributed to the near $1 trillion higher deficit, as did lower government revenues in the wake of the recession.
"This year's deficit is lower than we had projected earlier this year, in part because we are managing to repair the financial system at a lower cost to taxpayers," said a statement from Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. "But future deficits are too high, and the President is committed to working with Congress to bring them down to a sustainable level as the economy recovers."
Budget Director Peter Orszag said: "It was critical that we acted to bring the economy back from the brink earlier this year. As we move from rescue to recovery, the President recognizes that we need to put the nation back on a fiscally sustainable path."
An analysis from the Office of Management of Budget pointed out that the deficit is "roughly 24 percent lower for the year than when the budget first set the forecast for 2009, a fact due largely to the economic stabilization and recovery."
Wild Thing's comment...........
Right out of the communist playbook. Destroy the economy as fast as you can. . . take over private sector business, institute socialized medicine, then amnesty, then gun control, reparations. . right on schedule.
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (4)
October 16, 2009
U.S. Troop Funds Diverted to Pet Projects
U.S. troop funds diverted to pet projects
Study finds $2.6 billion taken from guns and ammunition
Senators diverted $2.6 billion in funds in a defense spending bill to pet projects largely at the expense of accounts that pay for fuel, ammunition and training for U.S. troops, including those fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to an analysis.
Among the 778 such projects, known as earmarks, packed into the bill: $25 million for a new World War II museum at the University of New Orleans and $20 million to launch an educational institute named after the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat.
While earmarks are hardly new in Washington, "in 30 years on Capitol Hill, I never saw Congress mangle the defense budget as badly as this year," said Winslow Wheeler, a former Senate staffer who worked on defense funding and oversight for both Republicans and Democrats. He is now a senior fellow at the Center for Defense Information, an independent research organization.
Sen. Tom Coburn, Oklahoma Republican, called the transfer of funds from Pentagon operations and maintenance "a disgrace."
"The Senate is putting favorable headlines back home above our men and women fighting on the front lines," he said in a statement.
Mr. Wheeler, who conducted the study, compared the Obama administration's requests for funds with the $636 billion spending bill that the Senate passed. He discovered that senators added $2.6 billion in pet projects while spending $4 billion less than the administration requested for fiscal 2010, which began Oct. 1.
Mr. Wheeler said that senators took most of the cash for the projects from the "operations and maintenance" or O&M accounts.
"These are the accounts that pay for troop training, repairs, spares and supplies for vehicles, weapons, ships and planes, food and fuel," Mr. Wheeler said.
"Air Force and Navy combat pilots training to deploy are getting about half of the flying hours they got at the end of the Vietnam War," he wrote in his analysis. "Army tank crews get less in tank training today than they did during the low-readiness Clinton years."
Wild Thing's comment.........
The sociopaths in Congress just sink lower and lower everyday and it does not seem possible but they still manage to do it.
This lack of training ammo was a hallmark of the Clinton regime, too, the cuts in the defense budget that produced Clinton’s vaunted budget surplus, meant that Army tank gunners fired maybe one live round a year and equipment was literally failing for lack of spare parts.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (14)
October 12, 2009
An Insult to Our Democracy
Wild Thing's comment.......
John Murtha obtains millions in earmarks for companies that in turn give him tens of thousands in campaign donations and he thumbs his nose at anyone questioning a quid pro quo and tells them to prove it.
....Thank you Horace for sending this to me.
Horace Smith, Pvt. E-1, USAR
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
September 26, 2009
G-20 Opponents, Police Clash on Pittsburgh Streets
Police fired canisters of pepper spray and smoke at marchers protesting the Group of 20 summit Thursday after anarchists responded to calls to disperse by rolling trash bins and throwing rocks.
The afternoon march turned chaotic at just about the time that President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama arrived for a meeting with leaders of the world's major economies.
The clashes began after hundreds of protesters, many advocating against capitalism, tried to march from an outlying neighborhood toward the convention center where the summit is being held.
The protesters banged on drums and chanted "Ain't no power like the power of the people, 'cause the power of the people don't stop."
One banner read, "No borders, no banks," another, "No hope in capitalism." A few minutes into the march, protesters unfurled a large banner reading "NO BAILOUT NO CAPITALISM" with an encircled "A," a recognized sign of anarchists.
Wild Thing's comment........
Now I know the way civil “opponents” behave, not like us rude, un-american, mobs.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:49 AM | Comments (5)
September 22, 2009
Duck.... and Cover....Obama Ready to Slash US Nuclear Arsenal
Barack Obama ready to slash US nuclear arsenal .....for complete article
Pentagon told to map out radical cuts as president prepares to chair UN talks
Barack Obama has demanded the Pentagon conduct a radical review of US nuclear weapons doctrine to prepare the way for deep cuts in the country's arsenal, the Guardian can reveal.
Obama has rejected the Pentagon's first draft of the "nuclear posture review" as being too timid, and has called for a range of more far-reaching options consistent with his goal of eventually abolishing nuclear weapons altogether, according to European officials.
Those options include:
• Reconfiguring the US nuclear force to allow for an arsenal measured in hundreds rather than thousands of deployed strategic warheads.
• Redrafting nuclear doctrine to narrow the range of conditions under which the US would use nuclear weapons.
• Exploring ways of guaranteeing the future reliability of nuclear weapons without testing or producing a new generation of warheads.
The review is due to be completed by the end of this year, and European officials say the outcome is not yet clear. But one official said: "Obama is now driving this process. He is saying these are the president's weapons, and he wants to look again at the doctrine and their role."
The move comes as Obama prepares to take the rare step of chairing a watershed session of the UN security council on Thursday. It is aimed at winning consensus on a new grand bargain: exchanging more radical disarmament by nuclear powers in return for wider global efforts to prevent further proliferation.
That bargain is at the heart of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, which is up for review next year amid signs it is unravelling in the face of Iranian and North Korean nuclear ambitions.
Our military know the threat Obama is imposing upon our country!!!
Wild Thing's comment.........
He sure is trying to get us killed. Obama is the enemy within. I wonder at what point will it be considered treason?
He wants us to defend Iran with our weaponry and wants us NOT to be able to defend ourselves or our real allies.
He bows and kow tows to the Communistic/fascistic totalitarians to beg them to let him into their club. He is such a useful idiot that he doesn’t realize that his “heroes” will in the end eat him. The one world powers will squash him when they are through with him. Being bought and paid for by them, they owe him nothing. He owes them his soul.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (9)
September 20, 2009
The Satellite Link That Keeps Watch on Your Children
The num8 watch costs £149.99 and can be securely fastened to a child's wrist, triggering an alert if forcibly removed
The satellite link that keeps watch on your children
Its vivid colour is clearly designed to appeal to youngsters. But this watch is really aimed at their parents.
For its key selling point is a satellite positioning system that locates the wearer to within ten feet.
The makers claim the GPS tracking device will offer anxious parents peace of mind and allow children the independence to go out to play on their own.
But critics have said the 'tagging' is a step too far in the climate of paranoia over child safety.
The num8 watch, pictured above, costs £149.99 and can be securely fastened to a child's wrist, triggering an alert if forcibly removed.
Parents will be able to see their child's location on Google maps by texting 'wru' to a special number, or clicking 'where r you' on the secure website linked to the device. The street address and postcode will be displayed.
Safe zones can also be set up in which children can play. An alert will be sent to the parents if the child strays out of that area.
Steve Salmon, of makers Lok8u, said: 'Losing your child, if only for a brief moment, leads to a state of panic and makes parents feel powerless. The overriding aim of num8 is to give children their freedom and parents peace of mind.'
But Dr Michele Elliott, director of children's charity Kidscape, said: 'Is the world really that unsafe that parents need to track their children electronically? I don't think so.'
Wild Thing's comment......
If I had a child I would not trust this. I would worry it could easily be taken off by a bad guy that would take my child.
Also this is kind of creepy because what is the next thing....a chip put under the skin or something?
One other thing, my parents were strict and knew where I was, and I made sure they knew if I took my bicycle out over to a friends house to play even later on as a teenager. I saw how a couple of my friends parents were and they were not strict, it was almost as though they did not care where their young daughter was, sometimes they would call and ask is so and so at your house. Just that difference alone I felt showed I was loved because of having strict parents.
.......Thank you Richard for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:47 AM | Comments (7)
August 27, 2009
U.S. National Debt Clock
PLEASE CLICK THE LINK BELOW.....TO SEE THE CLOCK ~ Thank you, it is an amazing thing to see. YIKES!
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is incredibly scary stuff. The timing for everything with obama getting elected is the worst timing in the world for our country. If there was a conservative in office I really believe we would be on the road to recovery and we certainly would not be adding more debts like obama has been doing.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:49 AM | Comments (4)
August 22, 2009
Constitution Under Attack: Senate Panel OK’s Stripping States Of Constitutional Power
Constitution Under Attack: Senate Panel OK’s Stripping States Of Constitutional Power
Friday, August 21, 2009
An amendment to remove the constitutional right of governors to appoint individuals to U.S. Senate seats that become vacant in between elections was recently approved by a 5-to-3 vote in the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution.
The resolution, which favors direct elections rather than gubernatorial appointments to unoccupied Senate seats as the Constitution requires, was introduced Jan. 29, following news of a pay-to-play scheme involving then-Illinois Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who is accused of scheming to sell President Barack Obama's former U.S. Senate seat.
Before introducing the amendment, Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.), a member of the Judiciary Committee, released a statement advocating an end to the constitutional right of Blagojevich-type appointments to Senate seats.
“The controversies surrounding some of the recent gubernatorial appointments to vacant Senate seats make it painfully clear that such appointments are an anachronism that must end,” said Feingold.
“In 1913, the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution gave the citizens of this country the power to finally elect their senators,” he said. “They should have the same power in the case of unexpected mid-term vacancies, so that the Senate is as responsive as possible to the will of the people.”In Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution, dealing with members of the Senate, it states:
“[I]f Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof [governor] may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies.”The 17th Amendment to the Constitution reads:
“When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, That the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.”
To be approved, the potential 28th constitutional amendment has to be supported by an overall congressional majority of two-thirds and also by three-quarters of the states. The 27th Amendment made it through in 1992, more than two centuries after it was submitted in 1789.
Feingold’s resolution to change the way open Senate seats can be filled garnered somewhat bi-partisan support, with backing from Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), as well as Mark Begich (D-Alaska).
By September, the Feingold proposal is supposed to reach full-committee consideration where it is expected to face opposition.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) recently told reporters that he is against the subcommittee’s proposition.
"I'm not in favor of our dictating to a state what it should do," said Reid. "We have a system now where some states have special elections and some have governors appoint.”
The Senate leader added: "In the state of Nevada the governor appoints. Even though we have a Republican governor now, I think that's the way it should be – so I don't support this legislation.”Both Reid and Durbin attempted to deny Burris his Senate seat. To be approved, the potential 28th constitutional amendment has to be supported by an overall congressional majority of two-thirds and also by three-quarters of the states. The 27th Amendment made it through in 1992, more than two centuries after it was submitted in 1789. Republicans on the Senate Constitution subcommittee who voted against the measure include John Kyl (R-Ariz.) and John Cornyn (R-Texas), who was appointed by Texas Gov. Rick Perry in November 2002.
The Senate’s Web site reveals that 184 senators have been elected through gubernatorial appointments since 1913.
The Feingold amendment, formally known as S.J.Res.7, states:
“Section 1. No person shall be a Senator from a State unless such person has been elected by the people thereof. When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies.
“Section 2. This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the election or term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as a part of the Constitution.”
Wild Thing's comment....
I think this has a lot to do with Ted Kennedy too.
This is what we have in power, people that have no respect at all for our Constitution. Only a few, only a handful and thank God for the few we do have.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (9)
August 21, 2009
Obama and Gov. Failed with Clunkers and They Want Gov. Health Care? Hell No!

Obama admin. to end cash for clunkers on Monday
The Obama administration plans to end the popular $3 billion Cash for Clunkers program on Monday, giving car shoppers a few more days to take advantage of big government incentives.
The Transportation Department said Thursday the government will wind down the program on Monday at 8 p.m. EDT. Car buyers can receive rebates of $3,500 or $4,500 for trading in older vehicles for new, more fuel-efficient models.
Through Thursday, auto dealers have made deals worth $1.9 billion and are on pace to exhaust the program's $3 billion in early September. The incentives have generated more than 457,000 vehicle sales. Administration officials said they have reviewed nearly 40 percent of the transactions and have already paid out $145 million to dealers.
President Barack Obama said in an interview Thursday that the program has been "successful beyond anybody's imagination" but dealers were overwhelmed by the response of consumers. He pledged that dealers "will get their money."
Dealers have complained of delays in getting reimbursed and backlogs of vehicle paperwork getting processed in the program. Dealers have said they face a risk of not being reimbursed but LaHood has pledged that dealers will get paid for the incentives.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Another Obama program crashes and burns-—and they want to manage your health care. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!
They have already gone over the top of Congress’ second allocation for this. LOL “The Popular” program the doesn’t work! Dealers are pulling out of it fast and furious for non payment by the Gov’t.
In our paper and on the news here we arfe told several times a day that dealers are not being reimbursed for the $3500 and $4500 and many stopped offering it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (6)
August 05, 2009
King (?? LOL) Obama Withholds Data On "cash-for-clunkers" Rebate Program
Obama administration withholds data on program
The Obama administration is refusing to release government records on its "cash-for-clunkers" rebate program that would substantiate—or undercut—White House claims of the program's success, even as the president presses the Senate for a quick vote for $2 billion to boost car sales.
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said Sunday the government would release electronic records about the program, and President Barack Obama has pledged greater transparency for his administration. But the Transportation Department, which has collected details about 157,000 rebate requests, won't release sales data that dealers provided showing how much U.S. car manufacturers are benefiting from the $1 billion initially pumped into the program.
The Associated Press has sought release of the data since last week. But the public and Senate Republicans demanding more information will have to wait for details because federal officials running the program don't have time to turn over data delivered by car dealers, said Rae Tyson, spokesman for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
LaHood said in an interview Sunday he would make the electronic records available. "I can't think of any reason why we wouldn't do it," he said.
DOT officials already have received electronic details from car dealers of each trade-in transaction. The agency regularly analyzes the data internally, producing helpful talking points for LaHood, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs and other officials to use when urging more funding.
LaHood, the program's chief salesman, has pitched the rebates as good for America, good for car buyers, good for the environment, good for the economy. But it's difficult to determine whether the administration is overselling the claim without seeing what's being sold, what's being traded in and where the cars are being sold.
But there's no way to verify his claims without access to DOT's data.
Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has argued against quick approval of $2 billion for the program because little is known about the first round of $3,500 and $4,500 rebates.
"We don't have the results of the first $1 billion," McConnell spokesman Don Stewart said. "You don't have them. We don't have them. DOT doesn't have all of it. We'd hate to make a mistake on something like that."
Wild Thing's comment.......
AP turns on BO administration for the second day in a row. Hmmmm Looks like somebody at the AP wants to get kicked out of the White House press corps. Obama won't be putting up with this.
Transparency! The only transparency with Obama and his administration are their lies. More secret Obama information. Apparently, our entire government is now the Secret Service.
Hey Comrade Obama, as proof of my loyalty to the party and to you "Dear Leader" I will turn in your Kenya grandmother to Cash for Codgers. She isn’t contributing enough to The Community. Now can I keep on posting about you lard ass!
Obama witholds entire life......details at 11............
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:04 PM | Comments (7)
August 03, 2009
"No guarantee taxes won't go up" says Geithner and Greenspan
2 Obama administration officials can't guarantee middle-class Americans won't see tax hike
Barack Obama's treasury secretary said Sunday he cannot rule out higher taxes to help tame an exploding budget deficit, and his chief economic adviser would not dismiss raising them on middle-class Americans as part of a health care overhaul.
As the White House sought to balance campaign rhetoric with governing, officials appeared willing to extend unemployment benefits. With former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan saying he is "pretty sure we've already seen the bottom" of the recession, Obama aides sought to defend the economic stimulus and calm a jittery public.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and National Economic Council Director Larry Summers both sidestepped questions on Obama's intentions about taxes. Geithner said the White House was not ready to rule out a tax hike to lower the federal deficit; Summers said Obama's proposed health care overhaul needs funding from somewhere.
"There is a lot that can happen over time," Summers said, adding that the administration believes "it is never a good idea to absolutely rule things out, no matter what."
During his presidential campaign, Obama repeatedly vowed "you will not see any of your taxes increase one single dime." But the simple reality remains that his ambitious overhaul of how Americans receive health care -- promised without increasing the federal deficit -- must be paid for.
"If we want an economy that's going to grow in the future, people have to understand we have to bring those deficits down. And it's going to be difficult, hard for us to do. And the path to that is through health care reform," Geithner said. "We're not at the point yet where we're going to make a judgment about what it's going to take."
Selling that proposal, however, has proved tricky.
On Friday, the government released a report that suggested the worst recession in the United States since World War II appears on the verge of ending. The economy dipped only slightly in the second quarter of this year -- falling at a 1 percent annual pace, better than expected.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Well, this is a a guarantee that taxes will be going up.
Now we will see the MSM attempting to justify his going back on a campaign promise. And they will most certainly try. They already have.
There is no limit to the incompetence of "The Divine One," his Apostles and Disciples.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (4)
July 29, 2009
Obama's Capitol Hill Card: Who is in Your Wallet?
Wild Thing's comment..........
LOL this is excellent. Funny but also makes me angry.
......Thank you SSGT Steve
SSgt Steve
1st MarDiv, H Co., 2nd Bn, 5th Marine Regiment
2/5 Marines, Motto: "Retreat, Hell"
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:45 AM | Comments (5)
July 21, 2009
Obama Could Spend $23.7 Trillion to Fix Financial System?
$23.7 Trillion to Fix Financial System?
July 20, 2009
"The total potential federal government support could reach up to $23.7 trillion," says Neil Barofsky, the special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, in a new report obtained Monday by ABC News on the government's efforts to fix the financial system.
Yes, $23.7 trillion.
"The potential financial commitment the American taxpayers could be responsible for is of a size and scope that isn't even imaginable," said Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., ranking member on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. "If you spent a million dollars a day going back to the birth of Christ, that wouldn't even come close to just $1 trillion -- $23.7 trillion is a staggering figure."
Granted, Barofsky is not saying that the government will definitely spend that much money. He is saying that potentially, it could.
At present, the government has about 50 different programs to fight the current recession, including programs to bail out ailing banks and automakers, boost lending and beat back the housing crisis. Barofsky’s estimate means that if each federal agency spends the maximum potential amount involved in these 50 different initiatives — if the Federal Reserve ends up spending $6.8 trillion on its programs. If the Treasury Department spends $4.4 trillion, if the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation spends $2.3 trillion, and so on — then the numbers add up to a total of $23.7 trillion.
But in his new quarterly report to Congress that will be released Tuesday, the watchdog warns that hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars could be lost if the government does not make certain changes to these programs. The Treasury Department, he cautions, needs to increase the transparency of the $700 billion TARP program, which he says has grown to an unprecedented scope and scale.
"Although Treasury has taken some steps toward improving transparency in TARP programs, it has repeatedly failed to adopt recommendations that SIGTARP believes are essential to providing basic transparency and fulfill Treasury's stated commitment to implement TARP with the highest degree of accountability and transparency possible," Barofsky says in the report.
Barofsky said his office currently has 35 ongoing civil or criminal investigations.
Barofsky notes that there are currently four specific recommendations that the Treasury Department has not adopted. The department, he believes, should require all TARP recipients to report on their use of funds. The department should also report on the values of its TARP portfolio so taxpayers know about the value of their investments; disclose the identity of any TALF borrowers; and disclose tradings, holdings and valuations of assets of the public-private investment funds that will be buying toxic assets from banks.
It is a 3 page article you can continue HERE....thank you.
Wild Thing's comment........
There is no price tag for Obama on what he is willing to spend to destroy the United States of America. He wants to hold the rope while America swings. $24 trillion to create 1,000 “green” jobs.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (6)
July 19, 2009
Obama Official's Book About Curbing Free Speech On The Internet
An Obama Official's Frightening Book About Curbing Free Speech Online
When it comes to the First Amendment, Team Obama believes in Global Chilling.
Cass Sunstein, a Harvard Law professor who has been appointed to a shadowy post that will grant him powers that are merely mind-boggling, explicitly supports using the courts to impose a "chilling effect" on speech that might hurt someone's feelings. He thinks that the bloggers have been rampaging out of control and that new laws need to be written to corral them.
Advance copies of Sunstein's new book, "On Rumors: How Falsehoods Spread, Why We Believe Them, What Can Be Done," have gone out to reviewers ahead of its September publication date, but considering the prominence with which Sunstein is about to be endowed, his worrying views are fair game now.
Sunstein is President Obama's choice to head the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. It's the bland titles that should scare you the most.
"Although obscure," reported the Wall Street Journal, "the post wields outsize power. It oversees regulations throughout the government, from the Environmental Protection Agency to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Obama aides have said the job will be crucial as the new administration overhauls financial-services regulations, attempts to pass universal health care and tries to forge a new approach to controlling emissions of greenhouse gases."
Sunstein was appointed, no doubt, off the success of "Nudge," his previous book, which suggests that government ought to gently force people to be better human beings.
Czar is too mild a world for what Sunstein is about to become. How about "regulator in chief"? How about "lawgiver"? He is Obama's Obama.
Sunstein also believes that - whether you're a blogger, The New York Times or a Web hosting service - you should be held responsible even for what your commenters say. Currently you're immune under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. "Reasonable people," he says, "might object that this is not the right rule," though he admits that imposing liability for commenters on service providers would be "a considerable burden."
"As we have seen," Sunstein writes, having shown us no such thing, "falsehoods can undermine democracy itself." What Sunstein means by that sentence is pretty clear: He doesn't like so-called false rumors about his longtime University of Chicago friend and colleague Barack Obama.
Sunstein calls for a "notice and take down" law that would require bloggers and service providers to "take down falsehoods upon notice," even those made by commenters - but without apparent penalty.
Consider how well this nudge would work. You blog about Obama-Ayers. You get a letter claiming that your facts are wrong so you should remove your post. You refuse. If, after a court proceeding proves simply that you are wrong (but not that you committed libel, which when a public figure is the target is almost impossible), you lose, the penalty is . . . you must take down your post.
How long would it take for a court to sort out the truth? Sasha and Malia will be running for president by then. Nobody will care anymore. But it will give politicians the ability to tie up their online critics in court.
Sunstein, trying to fair, argues that libel awards should be capped at $15,000, or at least limited for anyone demonstrating financial hardship. But $15K is the limit you'd pay to your opponent. The legal bill is the scary part, and the reason bloggers already have plenty of reason to be careful about what they say, even if they don't much fear a libel conviction.
Sunstein dreams of an impossibly virtuous America: "We could also imagine a future in which those who spread false rumors are categorized as such, discounted and marginalized . . . people would approach rumors skeptically even they provide comfort and fit their own biases." But if his chilling wind doesn't work, Sunstein may try to make good on the implicit threat that runs through his book: that he would redefine libel as the spread of false information and hold everyone up the ladder responsible.
If this happened, the blogosphere would turn into Pluto overnight. Comments sections would slam shut. Every writer would work on a leash shorter than a shoelace.
Sunstein is an enemy to every news organization and blogger. We should return the favor and declare war on him.
Government of Canada moves to monitor Internet users
In the spring, the Government of Canada introduced two pieces of legislation that would greatly expand the power of the state to monitor its citizens online activity. The legislation, known as the Investigative Powers for the 21st Century (IP21C) Act, would force Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to install costly surveillance systems on their networks and give police wide ranging new powers that do away with judicial oversight.
According to University of Ottawa law professor Michael Geist, the legislation would create additional requirements for ISPs and expand police powers. These ISP requirements can be broken down into two components. First, ISPs will be required to install costly surveillance equipment on their networks. Part of the cost will fall to taxpayers while the remainder will be carried by the companies themselves.
Some smaller ISPs will be exempt from this requirement for a period of three years, creating an unfair burden on the larger, more successful companies. Second, the legislation would require that all ISPs give personal information to the government, including the names of their customers, as well as their IP, e-mail, and mailing addresses—on demand and without any judicial oversight.
Police will also gain expanded powers under this legislation. First, they will be able to obtain information about Internet-based messaging, including tracking what sites people are visiting and who they are communicating with. This information will be subject to a judicial order. Second, police will be able to order ISPs to preserve data on their customers. Third, police will be able to obtain a warrant to remotely activate tracking devices in technologies such as cellular telephones. Fourth, the legislation also deals with computer viruses and makes it easier for the government to coordinate its efforts with international governments.
There are numerous problems with the proposed legislation that should be alarming to freedom loving Canadians. It forces private business to not only be complicit in the government's attempt to spy on its citizens, it also forces them to shoulder much of the financial responsibility for the new policy.
Wild Thing's comment........
We already have laws in place to prohibit both libel and slander. This guy wants to regulate opinion.
Gagging/policing the web would be a challenge for our inept government - thank GOD.
“We hardly need to imagine a world, however, in which people and institutions are being harmed by the rapid spread of damaging falsehoods via the Internet,” he writes. “We live in that world. What might be done to reduce the harm?”
Does that mean Sarah won’t be ridiculed and attacked in the media?
Blogs are good for venting. Normal people need to vent. After they vent, that’s the end of it. It feels good to vent. Libs are deathly afraid of the ideas that we express.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (9)
July 18, 2009
Joe Biden: ‘We Have to Go Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt’
Joe Biden: ‘We Have to Go Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt’
Joe Biden told people attending an AARP town hall meeting that unless the Democrat-supported health care plan becomes law the nation will go bankrupt and that the only way to avoid that fate is for the government to spend more money.
“And folks look, AARP knows and the people with me here today know, the president knows, and I know, that the status quo is simply not acceptable,” Biden said at the event on Thursday in Alexandria, Va. “It’s totally unacceptable. And it’s completely unsustainable. Even if we wanted to keep it the way we have it now. It can’t do it financially.”
“We’re going to go bankrupt as a nation,” Biden said.
“Now, people when I say that look at me and say, ‘What are you talking about, Joe? You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’” Biden said. “The answer is yes, that's what I’m telling you.”
The event, sponsored by the AARP – which supports the Obama administration’s plan – was attended by mostly AARP members who were bussed in for the meeting.
Biden told the group that the Obama health plan will not eliminate people’s ability to choose their health care insurance and that people who cannot afford insurance will be covered by the plan.
“They’ll be a deal in there so there’s competition, so what you’ll have in there is you’ll have the ability to go in there and say, ‘Now look, this is the policy I want. This is the one,” Biden said.
“And those people who can’t afford to get in there, up to a certain income, we’re going to subsidize them, you get in there and we’ll help you pay for it,” Biden said.
Wild Thing's comment......
Joe needs to know our country is already bankrupt.
Jokin’ Joe forgot to provide this Disclaimer:
Warning:Do Not Attempt This At Home
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:49 AM | Comments (9)
July 16, 2009
Al Franken, Minnesota's Idea of a Statesman Asks Sotomayor About Perry Mason
Senate Judiciary Committee's confirmation hearing for Sonia Sotomayor, where new Minnesota Sen. Al Franken used his precious time and opportunity to talk with her about -- Perry Mason episodes!
Franken & Sotomayor Discuss 'Perry Mason' Episodes During Hearing
Perry Mason was a fictitious defense lawyer, whom Franken noted won all his cases except one. He asked Sotomayor to name it, and she said she couldn't.
"Didn't the White House prepare you for that," the comedian-turned-politician asked, laughter filling the hearing room.
Wild Thing's comment.......
The entire hearing, everyone in that room should be embarrassed at this kind of thing.
It reminds me of years ago, I don't remember who it was but someone in power in merry ole England. He was found to be some kind of weirdo, and the English people were divided as to what to do with him. Some were embarrassed but they were out numbered by those that did not care. Seeing Al Franken treating this hearing with so little regard to how important it is, a lifetime position and all, brought that whole mess in England to mind.
Franken is going to bring all he is connected with down to his level. All low class just like Michelle and Barack Obama.
I loved watching Perry Mason but to refer to it during this hearing......hello!!!
Shame on Minnesota!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (10)
Firefighters Appear at Sotomayor Hearings
Firefighters to testify about Sotomayor
Republicans will call two New Haven firefighters to testify in the confirmation hearings of Sonia Sotomayor next week, making clear the GOP's intent to place affirmative action at the center of Senate battle over Sotomayor's nomination.
A Judiciary Committee press release lists Frank Ricci and Ben Vargas as expected Republican witnesses. Ricci was the lead plaintiff in Ricci v. New Haven, the controversial case in which Sotomayor ruled the New Haven fire department acted constitutionally when it promoted black firefighters who scored lower than their white counterparts on a qualifying test. Vargas was the only non-white co-plaintiff in that case.
The Supreme Court later overturned that decision.
Wild Thing's comment......
The left has been going after the firefighter Ricci. To Democrats the end justifies the means, don't you know. Why let the truth interfere with a good character assasination.
She does not belong on the highest court of the land.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (2)
July 14, 2009
La Raza Sotomayor Vows Impartiality If Confirmed to Court ~
Sotomayor vows impartiality if confirmed to court
Sonia Sotomayor, the first Hispanic Supreme Court nominee in history, vowed loyalty to "the impartiality of our justice system" Monday, confronting Republican skeptics at Senate hearings suffused with racial politics but all but certain to lead to her confirmation.
"My personal and professional experiences help me to listen and understand, with the law always commanding the result in every case," the 55-year old Sotomayor said in her first substantive remarks in public since President Barack Obama nominated her seven weeks ago.
Her comments amounted to a polite but firm rebuttal to Republicans who have criticized her 2001 comment that a "wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences" might make better rulings than a white male.
Despite GOP misgivings, Democrats command a large majority in the committee and the Senate as a whole, and there seemed virtually no doubt about the ultimate outcome.
"Unless you have a complete meltdown, you're going to get confirmed," Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told her.
"And I don't think you will" have a meltdown, he added quickly as Sotomayor sat listening, her face in a half-smile.
She'll answer questions Tuesday following Monday's day of speechmaking by committee members and her own five-minute statement.
Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, the senior Republican, promised a "respectful tone" and "maybe some disagreements" when lawmakers begin questioning Sotomayor on Tuesday.
"I will not vote for, and no senator should vote for an individual nominated by any president who believes it is acceptable for a judge to allow their own personal background, gender, prejudices or sympathies to sway their decision," he said.
"Call it empathy, call it prejudice or call it sympathy, but whatever it is, it's not law," Sessions said. "In truth, it's more akin to politics, and politics has no place in the courtroom."
Wild Thing's comment............
“Sotomayor pledges impartial justice if confirmed”
Anyone want to buy a bridge? She would not recognise “impatrial justice” if she poured it on her cereal every morning.
We saw her impartiality in the Ricci case. Soto-dodo is an outright liar. Everything she has written, ruled on, given speeches on, the groups she belongs to, etc. prove the absolute opposite of this baloney that came out of her mouth yesterday.
Also it is beyond surreal and sickening to also think that one of the Senators asking questions is Al Franken.
America where did you go?
....Thank you Jack for sending this to me.
United States Army
Army Combat Engineers
Quang Tri & Chu Lai '68 -'69
Jack's blog is Conservative Insurgent
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (10)
Obama's Federal Budget Deficit Tops $1 Trillion for the First Time
Federal Budget Deficit Tops $1 Trillion for the First Time
The Treasury Department says the deficit in June totaled $94.3 billion, pushing the total since the budget year started in October to nearly $1.1 trillion.
Nine months into the fiscal year, the federal deficit has topped $1 trillion for the first time.
The imbalance is intensifying fears about higher interest rates and inflation, and already pressuring the value of the dollar. There's also concern about trying to reverse the deficit -- by reducing government spending or raising taxes -- in the midst of a harsh recession.
The Treasury Department said Monday that the deficit in June totaled $94.3 billion, pushing the total since the budget year started in October to nearly $1.1 trillion.
The deficit has been propelled by the huge sum the government has spent to combat the recession and financial crisis, combined with a sharp decline in tax revenues. Paying for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan also is a major factor.
The country's soaring deficits are making Chinese and other foreign buyers of U.S. debt nervous, which could make them reluctant lenders down the road. It could force the Treasury Department to pay higher interest rates to make U.S. debt attractive longer-term.
"These are mind boggling numbers," said Sung Won Sohn, an economist at the Smith School of Business at California State University. "Our foreign investors from China and elsewhere are starting to have concerns about not only the value of the dollar but how safe their investments will be in the long run."
Government spending is on the rise to address the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression and an unemployment rate that has climbed to 9.5 percent.
Congress already approved a $700 billion financial bailout and a $787 billion economic stimulus package to try and jump-start a recovery, and there is growing talk among some Obama administration officials that a second round of stimulus may be necessary.
This has many Republicans and deficit hawks worried that the U.S. could be setting itself up for more financial pain down the road if interest rates and inflation surge. They also are raising alarms about additional spending the administration is proposing, including its plan to reform health care.
President Barack Obama and other administration officials, including Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, have said the U.S. is committed to bringing down the deficits once the country has emerged from the current recession and financial crisis.
Wild Thing's comment.........
And the socialist/communist Obama wants to keep borrowing and printing money to make the debt worse — all to kill the private sector and get hold of as much taxpayer wealth he can to BUY POWER AND CONTROL.
Obama’s goal is to destroy the economy and he is doing just that.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
July 12, 2009
Obama Says Economic Stimulus Plan Worked as Intended
Obama Says Economic Stimulus Plan Worked as Intended
Barack Obama said his $787 billion stimulus bill “has worked as intended” as he pushed back against Republican criticism that his recovery program has failed to rescue the economy.
“It has already extended unemployment insurance and health insurance to those who have lost their jobs in this recession,” Obama, who is traveling today in Ghana, said in his weekly Saturday radio and Web address. “It has delivered $43 billion in tax relief to American working families and business.”
Obama spoke after stocks fell for a fourth week on concern that an economic recovery will be delayed. A government report last week showed that employers cut 467,000 jobs in June and the unemployment rate rose to 9.5 percent, the highest since 1983.
Obama, in his speech, said the stimulus program is helping state governments save jobs. Were it not for the program, the president said, “state deficits would be nearly twice as large as they are now, resulting in tens of thousands of additional layoffs -- layoffs that would affect police officers, teachers, and firefighters.”
Republican Response
In the weekly Republican response, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor of Virginia said the stimulus bill was “full of pork- barrel spending, government waste and massive borrowing cleverly called ‘stimulus.’”
“The plain truth is that President Obama’s economic decisions have not produced jobs, have not produced prosperity, and have not worked,” Cantor said.
He said the Republicans want reductions in tax rates that he said would help middle-class families.
Obama said the measure “was not designed to work in four months -- it was designed to work over two years.”
The spending plan will “accelerate greatly” through the summer and autumn, creating “thousands more infrastructure projects” that will lead to additional jobs, he said.
“We’re moving in the right direction,” Obama said. “We must let it work the way it’s supposed to, with the understanding that in any recession, unemployment tends to recover more slowly than other measures of economic activity.”
Earlier this week, Vice President Joe Biden also defended the Obama administration’s efforts to rebuild America’s economy, while expressing frustration with those who say progress is too slow.
“Remember, we’re only 140 days into this deal,” Biden said in a speech in Cincinnati. “It’s supposed to take 18 months.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama's mission is to destroy this country and so sure his stimulus is working.
1. It got lots of money to Obama’s Brown Shirts.
2. It has seized control of significant industry.
3. It has made people more dependent on the government.
Somewhere, amidst the fires of hell, Saul Alinsky is smiling.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (13)
July 10, 2009
Ginsburg: I thought Roe was to rid undesirables
Ginsburg: I thought Roe was to rid undesirables
Justice discusses 'growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of'
In an astonishing admission, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she was under the impression that legalizing abortion with the 1973 Roe. v. Wade case would eliminate undesirable members of the populace, or as she put it "populations that we don't want to have too many of."
Her remarks, set to be published in the New York Times Magazine this Sunday but viewable online now, came in an in-depth interview with Emily Bazelon titled, "The Place of Women on the Court."
The 16-year veteran of the high court was asked if she were a lawyer again, what would she "want to accomplish as a future feminist legal agenda."
Ginsburg responded: Reproductive choice has to be straightened out. There will never be a woman of means without choice anymore. That just seems to me so obvious. The states that had changed their abortion laws before Roe [to make abortion legal] are not going to change back. So we have a policy that affects only poor women, and it can never be otherwise, and I don't know why this hasn't been said more often.
Question: Are you talking about the distances women have to travel because in parts of the country, abortion is essentially unavailable, because there are so few doctors and clinics that do the procedure? And also, the lack of Medicaid for abortions for poor women?
Ginsburg: Yes, the ruling about that surprised me. [Harris v. McRae – in 1980 the court upheld the Hyde Amendment, which forbids the use of Medicaid for abortions.] Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion. Which some people felt would risk coercing women into having abortions when they didn't really want them. But when the court decided McRae, the case came out the other way. And then I realized that my perception of it had been altogether wrong.
When pressed to explain what she meant by reproductive rights needing to be straightened out, Ginsburg said, "The basic thing is that the government has no business making that choice for a woman."
Asked if that meant getting rid of the test the court imposed, in which it allows states to impose restrictions on abortion such as a waiting period, the justice said she was "not a big fan of these tests."
I think the court uses them as a label that accommodates the result it wants to reach. It will be, it should be, that this is a woman's decision. It's entirely appropriate to say it has to be an informed decision, but that doesn't mean you can keep a woman overnight who has traveled a great distance to get to the clinic, so that she has to go to some motel and think it over for 24 hours or 48 hours.
I still think, although I was much too optimistic in the early days, that the possibility of stopping a pregnancy very early is significant. The morning-after pill will become more accessible and easier to take. So I think the side that wants to take the choice away from women and give it to the state, they're fighting a losing battle. Time is on the side of change.
Wild Thing's comment........
Wow, nothing different than Hitler and Mengele. Only this time abortion will create the master race, instead of gas chambers. Chilling and creepy to the max! Good grief, she have a copy of Mein Kempf on the nightstand next to her bed??
I wonder who exactly those “undesirables” are? Unbelievable that she was on the highest court in the land.
Planned parenthood’s founder, Margret Sanger, was a huge proponent of eugenics. And sole purpose of purpose behind Planned Parenthood is to cut down the black population by pushing abortion to the blacks. It has been working for them because more blacks then whites get abortions.
This is the creepiest thing I have read in a long time.
Here is more about Planned Parenthood and Sanger.
How Planned Parenthood Duped America
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (16)
July 09, 2009
NEA leader: "Conservative b@$+@%&s picking on us"
NEA leader: Conservative b@$+@%&s picking on us'
Editor's Note: Some of the language in the following story may be offensive.
The retiring general counsel for the National Education Association has complained that conservative "ba----ds" are picking on his powerful union, which boasts more than 3 million members who contributed "hundreds of millions" of dollars annually to its causes.
The comments came from Bob Chanin, who gave a speech at last week's convention on the occasion of his retirement.
The comments have been posted on YouTube: (Some of the language in the video will be objectionable)
According to Linda Harvey of Mission America, "His prepared remarks were peppered with profanity and reflected an arrogant, in-your-face attitude about NEA's well-known political involvement. Just listen to the You Tube. Advance to 16:00 and begin listening there."
Among Chanin's observations: "Why are these conservative and right-wing ba----ds picking on NEA and its affiliates?"
He explains it is because NEA is "the most effective union in the United States" and boasts of its "power."
Chanin said the organization was attacked under the Bush administration by the IRS and others. That will stop now under President Obama's tenure, he noted.
But, he said, "attacks by conservatives and right-wing troops will continue."
That's because the NEA has fashioned itself into "the nation's leading advocates for public education and the type of liberal social and economic agenda that these groups find unacceptable."
The speech was made at the same event at which the NEA decided to go on the record in support of laws legalizing civil unions and homosexual marriage.
According to a Baptist Press report, the union also seeks to repeal legislation that "discriminates" against same-sex couples, which presumably could target the Defense or Marriage Amendment.
The proposal states: "NEA will support its affiliates seeking to enact state legislation that guarantees to same-sex couples the right to enter into a legally recognized relationship pursuant to which they have the same rights and benefits as similarly-situated heterosexual couples, including, without limitation, rights and benefits with regard to medical decisions, taxes, inheritance, adoption and immigration."
Wild Thing's comment.........
No, it’s because you folks are undermining the education of students with do-nothing classes about global warming, self-esteem, empathy classes, the joys of LGBT instead of arithmetic, science, and actual history. That the NEA is also in the back pocket of the DNC.
From Wikipedia
LGBT = is an initialism referring collectively to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.
How dare the public demand that teachers teach. It is our tax dollars that pay their wages... When 2+2 = 5 someone needs to be fired.
What a sickening piece of filth. The ideas and the attitude displayed by this elitist jerk are precisely why we’re losing so many of our future generations minds to socialism, sheepery, victim-hood and phony self esteem.
Obama and LGBT:
"Obama woos LGBT leaders
The president welcomes 300 prominent gays to the White House."
June 30,2009
Obama struck a sympathetic tone, frequently comparing the struggle for gay rights to the 1960s civil rights era."I know that many in this room don't believe that progress has come fast enough, and I understand that," he said. "It's not for me to tell you to be patient, any more than it was for others to counsel patience to African-Americans who were petitioning for equal rights a half century ago."
Obama said he'd asked Pentagon officials to begin planning for how to end "don't ask, don't tell," but 77 House members have already asked him to eliminate the policy faster.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:46 AM | Comments (4)
July 08, 2009
Democrat Steny Hoyer:"U.S. must be open to second economic stimulus"
U.S. must be open to second economic stimulus: Hoyer
U.S. leaders should be open to the possibility of a second stimulus package to jolt the economy out of a recession still causing job losses, House of Representatives Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said on Tuesday.
But in the Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid was more skeptical of the need for more stimulus spending -- an idea that rattled markets fearful that the economy is far from well and corporate earnings could suffer.
Reid said he saw no evidence another stimulus was needed, saying the "shoots" of economic recovery "are now appearing above the ground."
President Barack Obama led the charge for a two-year $787 billion stimulus package that his fellow Democrats who control Congress pushed through the House and Senate in February and he has argued it would help create or save up to 4 million jobs.
Despite continued large job losses, both Reid and Hoyer -- who spoke at separate news conferences -- said not enough time had passed since first package was approved for it to have the full impact on the U.S. economy, which has been in a recession since December 2007.
"It's certainly too early right now ... to say it's not working," Hoyer said of the initial stimulus package. "In fact we believe it is working. We believe there are a lot of people who otherwise would have been laid off, lost their jobs, who haven't done that."
Obama Adviser Says U.S. Should Mull Second Stimulus
The U.S. should consider drafting a second stimulus package focusing on infrastructure projects because the $787 billion approved in February was “a bit too small,” said Laura Tyson, an outside adviser to President Barack Obama.
The current plan “will have a positive effect, but the real economy is a sicker patient,” Tyson said in a speech in Singapore today. The package will have a more pronounced impact in the third and fourth quarters, she added, stressing that she was speaking for herself and not the administration.
Obama said last month that a second package isn’t needed yet, though he expects the jobless rate will exceed 10 percent this year. When Obama signed the first stimulus bill in February, his chief economic advisers forecast it would help hold the rate below 8 percent.
Worse Than Forecast
“The economy is worse than we forecast on which the stimulus program was based,” Tyson, who is a member of Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory board, told the Nomura Equity Forum. “We probably have already 2.5 million more job losses than anticipated.”
Republicans, including House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio, seized on the latest labor numbers to attack the Obama administration’s handling of the economy.
Even Democrats have bemoaned the pace of the package’s implementation. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a Maryland Democrat, said on “Fox News Sunday” June 5 that congressional Democrats are “disappointed” stimulus funds weren’t distributed faster.
Wild Thing's comment.......
and a third...and a fourth...and a fifth...and WHEN will this madness stop???
They’re going to destroy the dollar, and then the country.
This Congress, without a doubt the worst in history, has already spent us into bankruptcy and this idiot wants to spend more!!
....Thank you Richard for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (9)
July 04, 2009
The Left's Assault on the Declaration of Independence
Quote of the Day: "No country can be called free which is governed by an absolute power; and it matters not whether it be an absolute royal power or an absolute legislative power, as the consequences will be the same to the people." ~ Thomas Paine
Morning Bell: The Left's Assault on the Declaration of Independence
There has been a lot of change in recent months – a $787 billion spending bill, a budget exceeding $3 trillion, government ownership of auto manufacturers, government-imposed caps on earnings, legislation imposing limits on economic activity in America under the name of environmental justice. It is increasingly difficult for conservatives to sustain any audacity of hope for moderate policies coming from the current administration.
What unites these policies and their sweeping designs is the progressive aim of “remaking America”—as President Obama said in his Inaugural Address—into a country much more like the highly regulated, secular, and pacifist nations of Europe.
The view of America that dominates the academy, journalism, major foundations, and most segments of the American intellectual community was marked out at the start of the last century by progressive thinkers when they launched their grand project for America.
They repudiated the Founders’ principles, holding that there are no self-evident truths—in the Declaration of Independence or elsewhere—only change in the constant search for progress without final goals.
There are no permanent rights with which man is endowed, but endlessly evolving rights that develop and grow based on new demands. Our fidelity must be to a “living” Constitution that adapts to fit the demands of the times. The way forward is to control social conditions and engineer a better society, redistributing wealth through a distant and patronizing welfare state that regulates more and more of the American economy, politics and society.
Over the course of the twentieth century—as America’s principles were assaulted, undermined, and redefined in our culture, in our universities, and in our politics—we have taken significant steps down this path. The Progressive Movement laid the intellectual groundwork, but the basic infrastructure of the modern welfare state established under the New Deal has expanded in regulatory scope and social purpose under the Great Society and its progeny in both political parties. We are in the beginning of a new and perhaps decisive move in this direction.
Now, more than ever, is the time to relearn the meaning and contemporary significance of the Declaration of Independence and recognize that modern liberalism has explicitly rejected the truths it proclaims.
Woodrow Wilson, one of the most famous early progressives, argued during the 1912 presidential campaign that “all that Progressives ask or desire is permission…to interpret the Constitution according to the Darwinian principle,” meaning that it should promote an ever-expanding set of powers for an ever-expanding government.
The problem, he declared, was that pesky Declaration of Independence: “some citizens of this country have never got beyond the Declaration of Independence,” he remarked with astonishment; “The Declaration of Independence did not mention the questions of our day.”
The progressive view rejects outright the very idea, at the heart of the Founders’ way of thinking, of being guided by permanent or fixed principles. As the prominent progressive historian Carl Becker put it in 1922, “to ask whether the natural rights philosophy of the Declaration of Independence is true or false, is essentially a meaningless question.” Such relativism renders meaningless the whole American experiment in self-government.
But denying the truth of America’s principles for the sake of “change” can make no claim to progress at all—a point made with unsurpassed clarity by Calvin Coolidge on the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in 1926:
“If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions.”
We don’t need to remake America, or discover new and untested principles. The change we need is not the rejection of America’s principles but a great renewal of these permanent truths about man, politics, and liberty—the foundational principles and constitutional wisdom that are the true roots of our country’s greatness.
As we celebrate the blessings of liberty that America’s Founders made possible and the sacrifices of succeeding generations have enabled us to enjoy, let us also rededicate ourselves, and strive to rededicate our nation, to the Declaration of Independence.
Wild Thing's comment........
Great article!
So many countries wish they had the freedom we have as Americans.
Heritage is giving away free copies of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. You can order one online at AskHeritage.org. Ask for it and they'll send you freebies of the Declaration and the Constitution.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:48 AM | Comments (8)
July 02, 2009
Prisoner Wrongly Imprisoned by Sotomayor Converts To Islam While In Prison
Sotomayor Achilles' heel? Wrongly imprisoned man
The nomination by President Obama of 2nd Circuit Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court is more than alarming to an innocent man who was convicted of murder and spent 16 years in prison before being cleared and released.
Jeff Deskovic, whose pursuit of freedom has been chronicled by the New York Times and others, told WND that the last six of those years are directly attributable to decisions endorsed by Sotomayor.
"I'm very alarmed," he said. "The rest of my life, as a result of my ordeal, is dedicated to preventing this from happening to other people."
Sotomayor in her 2nd Circuit position repeatedly put "procedure over innocence" and rejected appeals that could have provided Deskovic with his freedom much earlier than it actually happened, he told WND.
He blames the prosecutors and others in his original case for getting his conviction and sentence, but he blames Sotomayor – and the other judge on the 2nd Circuit panel – for the last six years he remained in prison.
The other judge, he told WND, is equally culpable, but is not now being nominated for the highest court in the land.
The background of the case is all over the public record. He was arrested and accused of assaulting and killing 15-year-old Angela Correa in 1989 and went on trial in 1990 when he was 17.
A year to make up for 16 lost ones: Jeffrey Deskovic reflects on freedom, fears
September 2007
DOBBS FERRY - When Jeffrey Deskovic was exonerated a year ago today, after spending half his life in prison for a brutal crime he didn't commit, he vowed to make up for lost time.
Upon his release, Deskovic had to support himself with welfare checks, donations and help from the Hudson Valley Islamic Community Center in Mohegan Lake, which provided the Muslim convert with a communal apartment until Mercy College found him a dorm room.
Continuing his quest for independence and justice, Deskovic filed a lawsuit Tuesday in U.S. District Court against police and prosecutors who contributed to his conviction; a separate lawsuit is planned in the state Court of Claims seeking compensation for his wrongful incarceration.
Though still struggling financially, he has started earning small stipends from his speaking engagements and writing assignments, listed on his website.
The publicity also propels his 10-year life plan, he said, beginning with law school - preferably Pace - and culminating with a run for public office.
He wants to stay in Westchester County, even though his family now lives upstate.
Wild Thing's comment.......
First of all, I am sorry this man was wrongly put in jail I really am, no one should have that happen to them.
But here is my problem with this guy. While in prison he converted to Islam and right now he is being supported partl;y by the Hudson Valley Islamic Community Center.
I do agree that this conviction goes against Sotomayor big time! I just wish he had not become a Muslim.
"Upon his release, Deskovic had to support himself with welfare checks, donations and help from the Hudson Valley Islamic Community Center in Mohegan Lake, which provided the Muslim convert with a communal apartment until Mercy College found him a dorm room."
There is no such thing as a "moderate Muslim".....imo.
As a country we are headed for major problems with followers of Islam. We already see what has happened to other countries around the world and that was before we had Obama in power. Now it is an open door and Obama and Eric Holder have already made it where Muslims will get special protection.
my post on June 6th
AG Eric Holder and Obama Pledge To Protect American Muslims
"DOJ issues statement “to protect American Muslims;” silent on protecting Americans from jihadists It’s a statement “to protect American Muslims.”
And a Moderate Muslim??????
Here is another post I did on February 14th of this year
A N.Y. So Called "Moderate" Muslim Leader Beheads Wife
Founded TV network to combat negative perceptions of Muslims Hassan was a community leader and a so called "moderate" Muslim. He was the founder of Bridges TV. A show started to help combat the negative perceptions of Islam"
We have read story after story about " moderate Muslims" killing family members or non family members. A daughter puts lipstick on and is murdered, a wife wants a divorce and is beheaded and on and on.
Yes he was in prison and yes he was innocent according to the above article. But how many of us would turn to Islam if that happened to us, or how many of us would turn to God, the one true God and not want anything to do with Islam.
It says he wants to be a lawyer and that he is also against the death penalty. That makes me soooo happy....NOT. I am for the death penalty.
Muslims don't need a death penalty they have their own and they carry it our around the world in the devastation and destruction they bring to the world. Islam worships death. Non Muslims celebrate life.
Prisons are infested with people converting prisoners to Islam.
IMO we have got to take Islam seriously, it is breathing down our necks as a nation and it comes straight from the Oval Office now. I don't want our awesome country to become like England, Sweden, Germany, and France etc.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (6)
June 30, 2009
Obama’s Census to Castrate American Caucasians

Obama’s Census to castrate American Caucasians
It’s invasive.
It’s corrupt.
It’s rigged.
It’s unconstitutional.
Its purpose is the legislative transformation of the United States of America into a land where conservatives, Christians, and Caucasians will become political castrados.
It is biased and prejudicial.
It serves to channel billions of dollars into bogus political action groups, such as Acorn.
It promotes gay rights and same-sex marriages.
It is a document that was not something drafted by the Berkley chapter of the Barbra Streisand Fan Club or the Alec Baldwin wing of the American Civil Liberties Union.
It is President Barack Obama’s 2010 Census Form.
The form asks if you have a house with running water, if you have a flush toilet, if you go to work by ferryboat or trolleycar, if you are mentally challenged, if you are of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin, and if you are a white, black, negro, African American, American Indian, Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Native Hawaiian, Guamanian or Chamorro, Samoan, Fijian, or Tongan
It asks if you have hot and cold running water, a sink with a faucet, a frigerator, a bathtub or shower, a stove or range, and a flush toilet.
It asks if you use coal, gas, oil, electricity, or solar energy to heat your home or apartment, if you are deaf or blind, if you are mentally challenged, if you have a physical disability, if you are employed, self-employed, or retired, if you have troubled dressing or bathing, if you have difficulty walking or climbing the stairs, and if you speak a language other than English at home.
It asks your income, your educational level, and the time you leave your home in the morning.
But infinitely more telling is what the new census form doesn’t ask.
It doesn’t ask if you are a citizen of the U.S.A., if you are an immigrant, or if you are a Muslim.
Naturally, the questions are in English and Spanish, lest anyone think that America is an Anglo nation. Many stand in violation of the Constitution which states that a national census should concern itself solely the number of individuals in a household.
For this reason, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann is refusing to answer the “very intricate” and “very personal” questions.
But there are problems with the Obama census beyond the intrusive nature of the comprehensive survey.
To assist in the hiring of census takers, the Obama Administration has opted to partner with the following special interest groups (not one of which represents the despised race of whites who settled this country):
100 Black Men of America
African American Women’s House of Imagene (sic) Shelter
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Arab American Institute
Asian American Federation
Asian American Justice Center
Asian and Pacific Islander Coalition on HIV/AIDS
Association of Professors and Scholars of Iranian Heritage
Boat People SOS
Hispanic Alliance for Prosperity Institute
Hispanic Federation
Fundacion Azteca
Latino Justice PDLDEF
Mas New Mexico
Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund
Minority Access
National Alliance for Hispanic Health
National Alliance of Black School Educators
National American Indian Housing Council
NAACP National Voter Fund
NAACP (National Association of Colored People)
National Association for Black Social Workers
National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs
National association of Hispanic Federal Executives
National Association of Hispanic Publications
National Association of Latino Elected Officials
National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs
National Black Chamber of Commerce
National Black Child Development Institute
National Black Justice Coalition
National Black Leadership Forum
National Coalition on Black Civic Participation
National Congress of Black Women
National Federation of Filipino American Associations
National Hispanic Leadership Institute
National Hispanic Business Information Clearinghouse
National Latino Research Center
National Minority AIDS Council
National Puerto Rican Coalition
National Puerto Rican Day Parade
Rainbow Push Coalition
U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Voto Latino
Get the picture? Notice a racial bias?
These agencies will be paid millions in taxpayers’ dollars to assist the President in conducting the census and to make sure that all minorities are included in the official count.
Not one of the groups represents the despised race of white Europeans who settled this country and gave their sweat and blood to make it the most prosperous nation on earth.
Excluded from the list of census partners are such groups, as the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Elks Clubs, the Rotary Clubs, the Moose Lodge, and, of course, the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick.
This racial bias inherent in the census has raised the concern that the results will be rigged - - a concern that has been intensified by Mr. Obama’s selection of Robert M. Groves, a sociology professor at the University of Michigan,
Republican legislators have expressed alarm because Mr. Groves’s specialty is statistical sampling — roughly speaking, the process of extrapolating from the numbers of people actually counted to arrive at estimates of those uncounted and, presumably, arriving at a realistic total.
If minorities, immigrants, the poor and the homeless are those most likely to be missed in an actual head count, as Mr. Grove presumably believes, and if political stereotypes hold true, then the statistical sampling of the 2010 census will produce a windfall for the Democrat Party.
This result is certain since the census results as gathered by the above groups coupled with Mr. Grove’s calculation of the missed head count will determine which states gains seats in Congress and which ones lose them, as well as the allocation of federal dollars to states and cities based on population.
The Obama budget serves to ensure that the United States will be broke.
His foreign policies will serve the cause of the Muslim world to the detriment of Israel.
And his census will make sure that the time of the Judeo-Christian standards and culture in the land of the free and the home of the brave will come to an end.
The chickens have come home to roost.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I think this is all about getting the illegals vote.
How about if I put an Ebola virus sign on the front door. “QUARANTINE”
Or how about this, which is true.
I was born in the USA, and my parents were born in the USA. I'm a native American by birth. The results will completely skew the census results, rendering the attempt to racially divide the nation that much harder.
I wonder if they start at one side of our country and work across or do all the Sates the same week or month.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (13)
June 28, 2009
Obama Names US Special Representative to Muslim Communities
Obama names envoy to Muslim communities
The Obama administration on Friday named America's first ever special representative to Muslim communities.
President Obama has made reaching out to the Muslim world a key part of his foreign policy and he traveled to Cairo earlier in June year to give a major speech in which he cited the Koran and emphasized commonalities between America and Islam.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday named Farah Pandith as the United States Special Representative to Muslim Communiites. Pandit is expected to engage with Muslims around the world on a grassroots and organizational level.
“I am pleased to announce the appointment of Farah Pandith to serve as Special Representative to Muslim Communities," Clinton said. "Farah brings years of experience to the job, and she will play a leading role in our efforts to engage Muslims around the world."
Pandith, a State Department veteran and former official at the U.S. Agency for International Development, was an immigrant to the United States from India.
"She has said that she sees her personal experience as an illustration of how Muslim immigrants to the US can successfully integrate themselves into American society," the State Department said of her Islamic faith. "She grew up in Massachusetts with a diversity of faiths, ethnicities and perspectives."
Wild Thing's comment.......
How odd a female to deal with muslims? Muslims have no respect for women.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (7)
June 27, 2009
Obama's Pro-Sharia Legal Advisor Harold Koh Confirmed
Obama's pro-sharia Legal Advisor Confirmed
Harold Koh Confirmed After Long GOP Delay
Yale Law School Dean Harold Koh was confirmed as the State Department Legal Advisor in a roll call vote, 62-35.
Koh was tapped for the job nearly four months ago, but has faced criticism from some conservatives for an alleged "transnational" approach to the law. But ranking Senate Foreign Relations Committee Republican Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN) threw his support to Koh, in a statement Thursday:
"After reading his answers to dozens of questions, attending his hearing in its entirety, meeting with him privately, and reviewing his writings, I believe that Dean Koh is unquestionably qualified to assume the post for which he is nominated."
"Dean Koh is one of the foremost legal scholars in the country and a man of the highest intellect, integrity, and character," SFRC chairman John Kerry (D-MA) said in a statement. "He is exactly the type of Legal Adviser we need at the State Department, and I thank my colleagues for supporting his nomination."
Wild Thing's comment....................
Koh is also a big Gun grabber. This guy is real bad news. But he fits Obama’s agenda perfectly.
Obama’s pro Islamist, anti American, anti Christian and black racist goals couldn’t be more clear.
My other posts about KOH.......
Obama nominee sees no "reason why sharia law would not be applied to govern a case in the United States"
Critics Decry Obama Nominee for State Dept. Legal Adviser Harold Koh
"This is international imperialism. Under Koh's plan, the Constitution would become secondary and international law would take precedence regardless of what Americans said about the matter."
B.Hussein Obama's Most Perilous Legal Pick Harold Koh
On top of that, this Obama pick believes that "America's focus on the War on Terror [is] 'obsessive.'" And his list of countries that flagrantly disregard international law highlights North Korea, Iraq, and the U.S.A. -- which he collectively calls "the axis of disobedience."
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (9)
June 25, 2009
Warren Buffett Obama Supporter Says" “the nation should concentrate on creating jobs.”
Obama supporter and economic advisor Warren Buffett blasted Speaker Pelosi’s national energy tax, calling it a “huge tax” and “fairly regressive” that will harm “an awful lot of people.”
Instead, as noted by CNBC, Buffett said that “the nation should concentrate on creating jobs.”
Rush take:
"Buffett a big Obama supporter says there's been little progress over the past few months in the economic war being fought by the country. "We haven't got the economy moving yet," Buffett said. And of course he's right, except Goldman Sachs is out there saying they had a record first half of 2009, or they're going to pay record bonuses or some such thing and Citibank's giving people raises of 50% while the unemployment rate skyrockets at 10%. "While the economy is a shambles and likely to stay that way for some time, Buffett remains optimistic, there will eventually be a recovery over a period of years but --" of course there will be. It's just cyclical. But what kind of recovery is it going to be? Buffett says the nation should concentrate on creating jobs. "
"The nation should concentrate on creating jobs. That's what the private sector always does. But when you deplete the private sector of operating capital, be it with this monstrosity of health care reform, or cap and trade, or any of the other Obama initiatives, running the automobile companies -- what the hell, where is the money to hire people? The government's got it all. And then the government's dictating how it's going to be used, the government's dictating which automobile dealerships going to be shut down. The focus ought to be creating jobs? If you want to create jobs get Obama out of the private sector. It's just that simple. Get him the hell out of the private sector. Get President Obama out of it, scrub this health care business, it's a debacle, it is unnecessary, it's unneeded. Eighty some odd percent of the American people are satisfied with theirs. This whole thing is a ruse. There's no need for it. Every claim that's being made about how it's not going to cost any money is absurd."
I think that Obama looks at profits as evil. He obviously doesn't understand that business cannot function without profits. You know, he's like a lot of other dictators. He's got the private sector, and he thinks it's always going to be there to be raped. It's always going to be there to be pillaged and plundered.
The private sector is always going to be something he can go grab and control and tax and take money out of and grow the government. He doesn't have any concept (or maybe he does) that he's going to kill it all by doing all this. So he can sit there and say, "We're not going to get rid of the private sector," but the public sector, the government will not have to make a profit to stay in business, and the other guys will. Now, if you have to compete with somebody who doesn't have to make a profit, guess where you're going to end up? You're going to lose!
So Obama looks at the private sector as just a never-ending windfall. He looks at profits like surplus value, the same way Marx did. A profit is almost a crime.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am so glad Rush said that. The fact is jobs are created from we the people with the American dream. And like Rush said, Obama needs to get out of the private sector.
Buffett can go jump off a cliff for all I care. He supported this dangerous evil person Obama. He is also a member of Obama's economic advisory group.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (4)
June 21, 2009
Dearborn Christians Held To Different Rights eh ah NON Rights
City corrals Christians at weekend Arab fest
Judge won't let ministry deliver tracts on public sidewalks
A federal judge has upheld a decision by festival organizers in Dearborn, Mich., which is about 30 percent Muslim, to ban a Christian ministry from handing out religious information on public sidewalks.
The ruling came from U.S. District Judge Nancy Edmonds and affects this weekend's celebration but will not affect the free speech lawsuit over the event, filed by the Thomas More Law Center and the Becker Law Firm.
The case is being brought on behalf of the Arabic Christian Perspective, a Christian group that ministers to Muslims. According to the Thomas More Law Center, Pastor George Saieg and scores of his volunteers have visited Dearborn for the city's Arab International Festival to hand out religious information several times.
At estimated 30,000 of Dearborn's nearly 100,000 residents are Muslim.
While there never has been a disruption of the public peace during the five years the ministry has been attending, this year Dearborn police warned Saieg he and his group would not be allowed to walk the public sidewalks to hand out information and instead would be confined to a specific spot, the lawsuit said.
After negotiations in Dearborn failed to restore the Christians' rights, the lawsuit was filed.
"It's ironic that while Americans are applauding the free speech exercised by hundreds of thousands of Muslims on the streets of Iran, the city of Dearborn is restricting free speech rights Christians are attempting to exercise on the city's public sidewalks," said Richard Thompson, president of the Thomas More Law Center.
"This case involves an important constitutional question regarding the government's ability to prohibit peaceful speech activities," said Law Center attorney Robert Muise, who argued for the Christians' rights before Edmonds.
"This preliminary ruling, while disappointing, will not affect the remainder of the case. We intend to pursue this as far as necessary," he said.
Mary Landroche, director of the city's department of public information, said the judge's ruling agreed the city had the right to establish rules for maintaining order.
"[She] did agree with the city we have an interest in controlling the crowds," Landroche told WND. She said the city's rules are "content-neutral," but she could not provide information about any other group impacted by the change.
But she said the city decided the public sidewalks are "part of the festival grounds."
Fay Beydoun of the American Arab Chamber of Commerce in Dearborn told the Detroit News there was "no problem" with the Christians being at the event, "but we do have to think about the safety of everyone."
The complaint said public streets are properly considered a traditional public forum.
"The Supreme Court has emphasized that the streets are natural and proper places for the dissemination of information and opinion; and one is not to have the exercise of his liberty of expression inappropriately abridged on the plea that it may be exercised in some other place," the complaint said.
The complaints cited a police statement that the Christians would be classified among "political parties and protesters," and would be limited to a single location.
Wild Thing's comment......
"political parties and protesters"
The sad thing is that this judge probably doesn't even realize the damage that she has done to one of our fundamental freedoms - that of freedom of speech.
Mark Stein was right. When the Islamic population of a populace / country reaches above a certain percentage the effects of Shariah proponents start to take effect....and all non-Muslims experience a rollback of their religious and social liberties - this is a first tiny step in that direction.
Not even the United States is immune from the tyranny of Islamic law, if cultural relativism is allowed into our courtroom. One law should apply to everyone.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:48 AM | Comments (6)
Uh-oh, Cheerios FDA Says the Cereal IS a Drug ~ from my cold, dead hands !
Uh-oh, Cheerios The FDA says the cereal is a drug
The latest verdict from the Food and Drug Administration is that Cheerios is a drug. Parents, then, must be drug pushers.
The FDA sent a warning to Cheerios maker General Mills Inc. that it is in serious violation of federal rules.
"Based on claims made on your product's label, we have determined that your Cheerios Toasted Whole Grain Oat Cereal is promoted for conditions that cause it to be a drug because the product is intended for use in the prevention, mitigation, and treatment of disease" the FDA letter said. "[Cheerios] may not be legally marketed with the above claims in the United States without an approved new drug application."
If the FDA were to win its enforcement action against Cheerios, all the boxes would have to be pulled from grocery-store shelves, and children could only get their morning "fixes" with a prescription from their doctors.
Two claims on the Cheerios cereal box upset the FDA: "Cheerios is clinically proven to reduce cholesterol 4 percent in 6 weeks" and, "Cheerios can help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, by lowering the 'bad' cholesterol."
Susan Cruzan of the FDA's press office told The Washington Times the FDA is not objecting to the fact that clinical studies do, in fact, find that Cheerios do what General Mills claims. What concerns the FDA, according to Ms. Cruzan, is, "This is a food product, and they do have a health claim."
~ snipet~
This is a prime example of the nanny state running amok. Only the government would work to classify a breakfast cereal as a drug for the offense of having correct information on its label.
My Past post about this...May 13, 2009:
Che-Guevarrios Obama's FDA Battles CHEERIOS
Wild Thing's comment..........
I LOVE Cheerios and no way will they stop me from having them. This is soooo beyond stupid. You know, you start of with Cheerios thinking it is harmless, but then you progress to much more dangerous drugs like Fruit Loops.
Fruit Loops! Give me the d*mn Fruit Loops now! LOL
First they came for your bullets, now they are coming for your Cheereos.
So the only health care information you are permitted to have is what the future government run medical systems will allow you. A prescription will be needed for Cheerios! This administration shows how insane and out of hand they are at wanting to control everything.
What is next is the FDA is going to tell people the Lucky Charms aren’t really magically delicious.
We need a new government, a new everything.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:46 AM | Comments (6)
June 19, 2009
Removal of 2 Inspectors General Prompts Many Questions
Senator asks about firings of watchdogs
Removal of 2 inspectors general prompts questions
He was appointed with fanfare as the public watchdog over the government's multi-billion dollar bailout of the nation's financial system. But now Neil Barofsky is embroiled in a dispute with the Obama administration that delayed one recent inquiry and sparked questions about his ability to freely investigate.
The disagreement stems from a claim by the Treasury Department that Barofsky is not entirely independent of the agency he is assigned to examine a claim that has prompted a stern letter from a Republican senator warning that agency officials are encroaching on the integrity of an office created to protect taxpayers.
Sen. Charles Grassley, R- Iowa, sent the letter Wednesday to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner demanding information about a "dispute over certain Treasury documents" that he said were being "withheld" from Barofsky's office on a "specious claim of attorney-client privilege."
A White House spokesman declined to comment, referring questions to the Treasury Department. Treasury spokesman Andrew Williams said late Wednesday that the agency would read Grassley's letter and respond to the senator before any public comment.
The dispute comes as Grassley, ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, is looking into the abrupt firings within the last week of two other inspectors general one of whom was fired by the White House and the other by the chair of the International Trade Commission.
Both inspectors general had investigated sensitive subjects at the time of their firings.
Grassley is now concerned about whether a pattern is emerging in which the independence of the government's top watchdogs -- whose jobs were authorized by Congress to look out for waste, fraud and abuse -- is being put at risk.
The first dismissal occurred last week, when the White House terminated Gerald Walpin, inspector general of the service agency AmeriCorps. Walpin claims his dismissal was unjust, the result of political interference.
That controversy deepened with Grassley's complaint Wednesday that the White House wasn't answering questions posed by his staff.
Walpin had led an investigation of Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson of Sacramento, Calif., a former NBA player and Obama supporter. Johnson started a nonprofit education program that Walpin's office alleged had misused federal funds.
In a letter sent late Wednesday to the White House, Grassley charged that a White House lawyer who delivered the news to Walpin and who was summoned to the senator's office, "refused to answer several direct questions" about the dismissal.
The firing drew criticism from Republicans and Democrats, who charged that it violated a new law passed last year to protect the independence of inspectors general by requiring 30 days notice and a full explanation to Congress of the dismissal of any IG.
Separately this week, the International Trade Commission told its acting inspector general, who is not subject to White House authority, that her contract would not be renewed.
Grassley had become concerned about her independence because of a report earlier in the year that an agency employee forcibly took documents from the acting inspector general.
"It is difficult to understand why the ITC would not have taken action to ensure that the ITC inspector general had the information necessary to do the job," Grassley wrote on Tuesday.
Less than three hours after the letter was e-mailed to the agency, the acting IG, Judith Gwynne, was told that her contract, which expires in early July, would not be renewed.
Laura Ingraham Compares Obama Firing to Mafia Hit
Wild Thing's comment.......
Hmmmm so the purge has begun. We will see how many will be in this thing.
Sen. Charles Grassley, R- Iowa, is turning out to be the administration’s worst nightmare.
Obama may have violated federal law. Tile 18 of the U.S. Code Section 1510 just for starters. Three different actions violate the same section the times. Three unique counts. Thus showing a pattern of illegal activity. Raising possible RICO violations. Yada, Yada, Yada.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (5)
June 10, 2009
U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Creditors’ Objections ~ Fiat To Buy Chrysler Assets Today
High court won't block Chrysler sale
The Supreme Court has cleared the way for Chrysler's sale to Fiat, turning down a last-ditch bid by opponents of the deal.
The court said late Tuesday it had rejected a plea to block the sale of most of Chrysler's assets to the Italian automaker. Chrysler, Fiat and the Obama administration had warned that the high court's intervention could have scuttled the sale.
A federal appeals court in New York had earlier approved the sale, but gave opponents until Monday afternoon to try to get the Supreme Court to intervene.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ordered a temporary delay just before a 4 p.m. deadline on Monday.
Now the court has freed the automakers to complete their deal.
NEW YORK (AP)—Chrysler returned to bankruptcy court Tuesday to get a judge to approve the termination of 789 dealer franchises, while its plan to partner with Italy's Fiat hung in limbo as the automaker awaited action by the nation's highest court.
The sale of Chrysler's assets to Fiat Group SpA had been expected to close more than a week ago, but Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's decision to delay the sale now threatens to derail Chrysler's restructuring plans.
In a brief filed with the Supreme Court Tuesday afternoon, Chrysler and Fiat warned that the deal will terminate if it does not close by June 15. While a new agreement could be negotiated, there's no guarantee that one will be reached or that Chrysler will be able to be jump start its operations after the deadline, they said.
In bankruptcy court, more than 25 attorneys representing hundreds of dealers from across the country argued that little would be gained by terminating their franchises, while Chrysler maintained that the move is a necessary part of its plan to cut costs and quickly emerge from Chapter 11.
Arguments ended early Tuesday afternoon and U.S. Judge Arthur Gonzalez said he would issue his ruling later in the day.
Many of the dealers were selling the last cars on their lots and preparing to shut their doors for good at the end of the day, while others planned to sell used cars or other brands after severing ties with Chrysler.
The Auburn Hills, Mich., automaker has been flying through five weeks of bankruptcy proceedings and appeared all but certain to complete the sale of its assets to Fiat before the June 15 deadline. But Ginsburg issued a stay Monday to review an appeal by a trio of Indiana pension and construction funds which own a small part of Chrysler's secured debt.
The delay may be only temporary. Ginsburg could decide on her own whether to end the stay, or she could ask the full court to decide.
Fiat has the right to walk away from Chrysler after June 15 and leave the struggling U.S. automaker with little option but to liquidate. But a Fiat spokesman said Tuesday that the Italian automaker will not turn its back on a deal despite the Supreme Court stay.
Indiana officials, representing the state funds challenging the Chrysler sale, submitted a short statement to the Supreme Court Tuesday that calls attention to Fiat's statement.
"The Indiana Pensioners respectfully submit that the risk of termination by Fiat if the transaction does not close by June 15 no longer provides a basis for driving the timing of these proceedings," the officials said.
Responding to the Indiana funds later Tuesday, Chrysler and Fiat said that the sale agreement will terminate automatically if the sale doesn't close by the deadline, and there's no guarantee that they could negotiate a new deal.
"Given Chrysler's precipitous state, every day past June 15 increases the risk that Chrysler's business will not be able to restart successfully," the company said.
Meanwhile, the Obama administration said in a separate filing that each day of delay consumes more of the financing provided by the government.
"If the closing is delayed by more than approximately 10 days, a sufficient amount of the current commitment of debtor-in-possession financing from the United States will have been consumed as to require the government either to increase its overall funding to the detriment of taxpayers, or abandon its role in the transaction," the administration said.
Production at Chrysler's manufacturing plants remains halted pending the closing of the sale. Chrysler, which says it is losing $100 million every day its plants are closed, said it had no comment until it receives further information from the court.
Chrysler's ability to speed through the bankruptcy process has partially been a result of the involvement of the Obama administration's auto task force, which provided $4.5 billion in financing and helped negotiate a deal between the company's stakeholders.
Under a deal brokered in the days leading up to Chrysler's April 30 Chapter 11 filing, Fiat will receive up to a 35 percent stake in the new company created by the sale, in exchange for sharing the technology Chrysler needs to create smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles.
The United Auto Workers will get a 55 percent stake that will be used to fund its retiree health care obligations, while the U.S. and Canadian governments will receive a combined 10 percent stake.
Meanwhile, the automaker's secured debtholders would get $2 billion in cash, or about 29 cents on the dollar, for their combined $6.9 billion in debt. Some of the debtholders balked at the deal, saying as secured lenders they deserved more.
The Indiana funds filed an objection to the sale and later appealed to the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court. They claim the sale unfairly favors Chrysler's unsecured stakeholders such as the union ahead of secured debtholders like themselves.
The funds also are challenging the constitutionality of the Treasury Department's use of money from the Troubled Asset Relief Program to supply Chrysler's bankruptcy protection financing. They say the government did so without congressional authority.
The funds hold about $42.5 million, or less than 1 percent, of Chrysler's $6.9 billion in secured debt. They bought it in July 2008 for 43 cents on the dollar.
The appeals come as Congress scrutinizes the Obama administration's restructuring of Chrysler and GM. The Senate Banking Committee said it planned to call Ron Bloom, a senior adviser to the auto task force, and Edward Montgomery, who serves as the Obama administration's director of recovery for auto communities and workers, to a hearing Wednesday.
Fiat Said to Buy Chrysler Assets Today to Form New Automaker
A group led by Fiat SpA will complete its purchase of most Chrysler LLC assets this morning New York time, after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected creditors’ objections and cleared the way for a new U.S. automaker, said two people familiar with the matter.
The new company, Chrysler Group LLC, will be owned 20 percent by Turin, Italy-based Fiat, 9.85 percent by the U.S., 2.46 percent by Canada and 67.69 percent by a United Auto Workers union retiree health care trust fund. The U.S. and Canadian governments financed the sale with $2 billion.
Obama back in March laughing at the troubles the auto industry was having. A man whose claim to fame was that of a community organizer laughing at people that work darn hard for a living and hold very responsible jobs. Obama has ice in his veins. ~ Wild Thing
Wild Thing's comment.......
"Many of the dealers were selling the last cars on their lots and preparing to shut their doors for good at the end of the day, while others planned to sell used cars or other brands after severing ties with Chrysler."
On my way home yesterday, I heard on the news that the dealers trying to sell of their cars said that the only cars most of them had left were the stupid enviro cars, the ones that were supposed to have better gas mileage. People did not want them. Hello Obama you might want to listen for a change to what the people want, they DON'T want the tiny little toy cars or any of the Al Gore BS hype cars.
This whole mess will have an incredibly negative impact on business in America and it is ALL on Obama! There is no law but the Law of Obama, you will bow down before him and obey. He will rule by decree and will be righteous unto those who have paid tribute unto him. All hail OBAMA.
Well, there goes the republic. Done. Finis. Stick a fork in it. We now live in a fascist dictatorship. If I am wrong I as always I am open for learning more. But as of this writing for this post this is how it feels, this is how I see it.
This is truly a bad day for us. Unbelievable that these people are so willing to toss aside our great Constitution.
FDR’s Fascism took years to shut down. Finally the Democrats in Congress walked away.
The secured bonds are longer secured at least not when Obama can put unsecured creditors ahead of them.
This sends a bad message to foreign holders of bonds as well..
Way to go you muslim piece of filth.
We have 2010 and our fight back better be a good one. God help us and our country.
Rant over....haha sorry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (21)
June 09, 2009
Santelli: Geithner Is "Lying To The American Public"
CNBC's Rick Santelli says Tim "Tax Cheat" Geithner was lying when he told the Chinese there is no risk of monetizing debt in the United States.
"We lost an additional 345,000 jobs in the month of May. That was far less than expected."
Republicans Blast Obama Administration as Jobless Rate Hits 9.4 Percent
Republicans cite the latest unemployment figures as evidence that President Obama's $787 stimulus package isn't working.
Less than four months after the Obama administration argued that unemployment would top 9 percent only if Congress failed to pass a massive trillion-dollar "stimulus" spending bill, the Labor Department reported Friday that the jobless rate had soared to 9.4 percent, the highest in 25 years.
In pushing to get his $787 billion stimulus package passed in Congress, President Obama's economic team said that without the federal spending jolt, the unemployment rate would hit 8.8 percent by the last fiscal quarter of 2010. With the package, his advisers argued, the unemployment rate would reach only 7 percent.
US Unemployment Rate Gallops Ahead of Expectations
The White House says America's employment picture is worse than the Obama administration had anticipated just a few months ago. The somber admission follows the latest jobless report showing the highest unemployment rate the United States has seen in more than 25 years.
Wild Thing's comment...........
There is no question that they are Arrogant.
There is no question that they Hate America.
Barack Hussein Obama is intentionally sinking the U.S. economy. INTENTIONALLY destroying us. Those accusations are of Treason.
I sure hope Obama fails, if he does then we will see America survive and be able to recover from this Muslim Monster.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (5)
Supreme Court Stalls Chrysler-Fiat Deal ~ Black Eye To Obama and His People
Supreme Court Stalls Chrysler-Fiat Deal
The Supreme Court ruled moments ago that Chrysler cannot yet sell most of its assets to Fiat, a move that has been opposed by three Indiana state pension and construction funds.
The ruling grants a stay in the sale as the court gathers more data. The court has not decided whether to schedule a hearing on the matter.
It temporarily blocks the way for Chrysler to complete its merger with the Italian automaker and begin its new, post-bankruptcy life.
The U.S. favors the Chrysler-Fiat merger and wants to remove the Indiana road block.
"I'm delighted it appears we will be getting our day in court," Indiana state treasurer Richard Mourdock said in an interview on CNBC.
Here's the text of the statement from Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg:
"UPON CONSIDERATION of the application of counsel for the applicants, and the responses filed thereto, IT IS ORDERED that the orders of the Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York, case No. 09-50002, dated May 31 and June 1, 2009, are stayed pending further order of the undersigned or of the Court."
Bankruptcy Attorney Thomas Lauria Reviews The Chrysler/Fiat Case
From the lawyer, Thomas Lauria, who is challenging the Chrysler deal. From an interview with Susie Gharib, Bankruptcy Attorney Thomas Lauria Reviews The Chrysler/Fiat Case
.................."GHARIB: I'm fine, thank you. Let me begin by asking you that if you do make an argument before the Supreme Court, what's the case that you're going to make on behalf of your Indiana investors?
LAURIA: Well, there are really two issues. The first one is that the executive branch of the government has no statutory or constitutional authority to take over and run a car company as it's done with Chrysler. The second argument is that the scheme that the government put together with the company and some of the other stakeholders is really a sham transaction that was designed to upend the priority scheme under the bankruptcy code and to deprive my clients of their contractual rights.
GHARIB: So you're saying on the first point, you're saying that the government didn't even have a right to give those bailout funds to Chrysler. That's number one. Number two is, what's the take away money or restructuring part of the deal, right?
LAURIA: Correct.
GHARIB: All right. So then what's the end game here? What do you want to happen?
LAURIA: Well, we want to see Chrysler be reorganized in a way that complies with the law. I think it's actually pretty easy to do. Rather than try to characterize this as a liquidation of Chrysler for $2 billion which gets paid to the secured lenders and then giving the $20 billion going concern value of the company to junior creditors, what you should do is sell the assets for the full price, $22 billion and then let the creditors share that $22 billion which is cash, debt and equity according to their contractual rights and the priority under the bankruptcy code.
GHARIB: But time is running out here and if the deal between Chrysler and Fiat doesn't go through and Chrysler is forced to just liquidate, my understanding is that the value of the company, the break up value of Chrysler is under a billion dollars.
LAURIA: Well in fact there's no competent evidence in the record what the liquidation value of Chrysler is. The expert who testified in front of the bankruptcy court below left out critical assets from his valuation analysis. He used multiples that were well under market and most interesting to me, he was going to get a $10 million success fee if the deal went through which really raises a question as to whether or not his testimony was biased.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama and his Administration work for the people -- not the other way around. I hope OBama feels a punch from this, even a liittle punch would be better then the constant caving in to his demands like we have seen too much of.
Solicitor General Kagan argued that the Supreme Court didn't have authority to rule on this case. I wouldn't be surprised that the USSC took the case just to rule that they do have authority over it no matter which way they rule.
Dear God, preserve our Republic.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:42 AM | Comments (8)
June 08, 2009
Ginsburg Blocks Obama's Chrysler Sale - for now
Ginsburg temporarily blocks Chrysler deal
FTA: Ginsburg’s brief, unexplained order said only that the bankruptcy court’s decisions approving the sale were “stayed pending further order” by her or the Court.
A small group of objectors to the heavy-handed Obama tactics in the Chrysler sale won a huge victory in SCOTUS today. It is a direct rebuke of Obama. The next deadline is June 15 - that's when Fiat, as a private entity, has said the deal must be finished or they walk. SCOTUS will need to hear the full case by then if they choose to honor that declared deadline. A briefing schedule has not yet come out.
The case is Indiana State Police Pension Trust, et al., v. Chrysler LLC (application 08A1096) case. The importance of the Order will be to delay the Chrysler sale pending a review by the Court.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg put a temporary hold Monday on the deal to sell Chrysler to save it from collapse. Her order, however, simply gives her or the full Court more time to ponder whether to postpone the sale further, or allow it to go forward. The order can be found here.
It would have taken the votes of five members of the Court to grant a full postponement. Ginsburg’s brief, unexplained order said only that the bankruptcy court’s decisions approving the sale were “stayed pending further order” by her or the Court.
The Justice acted just minutes before a 4 p.m. deadline that the Second Circuit Court had set last Friday. At that hour, a delay ordered by the Circuit Court expired. If Ginsburg had not acted, the sale would have been cleared under the terms of the lower court’s order. Her order stayed the orders of the bankruptcy court approving the sale, since those orders would have gone into effect when the Circuit Court delay ran out.
The wording of Ginsburg’s order — “stayed pending further order” — is the conventional way by which a Justice or the Court carries out an action that is expected to be short in duration, and not controlling — or even hinting at — the ultimate outcome. Any speculation that her order meant the Court was leaning toward a further postponement would be unfounded.
Wild Thing's comment.......
OUCH! LOL good for her, kind of shocking she is the one to do this though. hahaha I guess the never say never comes in to play a little on this one.
I never ever thought I would thank Ginsburg for anything.
Thank you Justice Ginsburg.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:30 PM | Comments (4)
June 05, 2009
White House Set to Appoint a Pay Czar
White House Set to Appoint a Pay Czar
The Obama administration plans to appoint a "Special Master for Compensation" to ensure that companies receiving federal bailout funds are abiding by executive-pay guidelines, according to people familiar with the matter.
The administration is expected to name Kenneth Feinberg, who oversaw the federal government's compensation fund for victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, to act as a pay czar for the Treasury Department, these people said.
Mr. Feinberg's appointment could be announced as early as next week, when the administration is expected to release executive-compensation guidelines for firms receiving aid from the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program. Those companies, which include banks, insurers and auto makers, are subject to a host of compensation restrictions imposed by the Bush and Obama administrations and by Congress.
Wall Street has been anxiously awaiting more details on how the rules will be applied. "The law is confusing and a bit ambiguous, and so we're looking for certainty as to how to structure pay incentives," said Scott Talbott, senior vice president of government affairs for the Financial Services Roundtable, a trade association.
The move comes amid a series of sometimes-overlapping efforts to curb pay at financial firms following perceived industry excesses that led to the lending boom and bust.
The Obama administration earlier this year issued guidelines that include limiting salary for top executives at some firms receiving TARP funds and requiring that additional pay be in the form of restricted stock, vesting only after the company repays its debt, with interest, to the government. Congress then chimed in with even tougher rules curbing bonuses for top earners at firms receiving TARP money. As part of that effort, lawmakers barred those firms from paying top earners bonuses that equal more than a third of their total compensation.
The White House has been wrestling with how to marry those two efforts, which in combination are more punitive than administration officials had intended.
The government is also pursuing a separate revamping of financial-sector rules that could change industry compensation practices more broadly. For instance, the Federal Reserve is considering rules that would curb banks' ability to pay employees in a way that would threaten the "safety and soundness" of the bank.
Mr. Feinberg is expected to focus on pay restrictions related to firms receiving TARP bailout funds, helping companies to interpret the rules and ensure that they are being followed.
For instance, companies have been confused about whether to pay 2008 bonuses, since restrictions on incentive pay didn't go into effect until early 2009. Some firms have made the payments while others have held off. Many firms are also unsure whether the "top earners" targeted by Congress include rank-and-file employees or just executives.
Mr. Feinberg will report to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, but he is expected to have wide discretion on how the rules should be interpreted. Firms likely won't be able to appeal decisions that Mr. Feinberg makes to Mr. Geithner, according to people familiar with the matter.
Mr. Feinberg, founder and managing partner of the law firm Feinberg Rozen LLP, spent several years overseeing payouts totaling more than $7 billion to victims of the 9/11 attacks. He personally reviewed every claim, approving or denying awards and allocating sums to be paid out of the Treasury.
Wild Thing's comment......
Unbelievable. Another day...another Czar! God save the Republic!
Why do we have a congress? Soon all the cabinet positions will have a czar, if they dont already.. non of them vetted, or approved by cogress, this is really getting scary......BIG Borther stuff.
"The Obama administration plans to appoint a "Special Master for Compensation" to ensure that companies "
“Master?” They even have to use the word “master???”
czar /zɑr, tsɑr/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [zahr, tsahr]
1. an emperor or king.
2. (often initial capital letter) the former emperor of Russia.
3. an autocratic ruler or leader.
4. any person exercising great authority or power in a particular field: a czar of industry.
"The law is confusing and a bit ambiguous, and so we’re looking for certainty as to how to structure pay incentives,” said Scott Talbott, senior vice president of government affairs for the Financial Services Roundtable, a trade association.
What law...these commies are making it up as they go.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:49 AM | Comments (8)
June 04, 2009
Democrats' National Energy Tax Will Devastate Rurial American and Farmers
Democrats' National Energy Tax ( Cap & Trade) Will Devastate Rurial American, Family Farmers
Washington, Jun 3
The Democrats’ national energy tax – to be paid by anyone who drives a car, buys an American-made product, or has the audacity to flip on a light switch – would disproportionately target rural America by increasing the energy bills for every American family, hurting family farmers, and threatening small businesses.
The legislation recently passed by the Energy & Commerce Committee and making its way to the House floor – often called “cap-and-trade” by its supporters – purports to combat global warming by setting strict limits on carbon emissions. To do so, it would impose enormous taxes and restrictions on energy use, which would place an especially heavy burden on rural America and family farmers. And that isn’t sitting well with Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN), the Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee:
- “Peterson also has been an outspoken critic of the entire measure; he and other farm-state lawmakers say it tilts too heavily in favor of urban interests instead of rural ones.” (“For climate change bill, hard part starts now,” San Francisco Chronicle, May 31, 2009)
- “If they don’t want to change it, then they’ll have to find the votes some other place,” Peterson said. “In my district, a ‘no’ vote would be a good vote.” (“Energy and Commerce ‘emissaries’ a key to House floor success for climate plan,” The New York Times, May 22, 2009)
- “Peterson earlier this week met with the 26 Democrats on his panel and emerged with a ‘virtually unanimous’ agreement that his committee members would stand with him in opposition to a climate change bill that didn’t adequately address the concerns of the agriculture industry, according to one of those Democrats. ‘We’ve thrown a pitchfork in the sand,’ the Democrat said.” (“Cap-and-trade showdown,” The Hill, May 20, 2009)
Indeed, rural Americans will be hit the hardest by a national energy tax because agriculture is so energy-intensive.
On average, 65 percent of farmers’ costs are dedicated to fuel, electricity, fertilizer, and chemicals – meaning even a small increase in operating costs could devastate countless family farmers. Moreover, Americans in rural areas travel farther for routine errands – 25 percent more miles than urban households according to the most recent federal highway data – and rural households spend 58 percent more on fuel as a percentage of their income than urban residents.
As a result, higher gasoline prices and other rising energy costs will force agricultural producers to pay more for seed, equipment, machinery, steel, and other supplies needed to operate their farms.
The “cap and trade” proposal would cost families about $3,100 per year, making it clear why rural America – and all of America – has so much at stake as Democrats attempt to force this national energy tax through Congress. Led by Reps. Frank Lucas (R-OK), Sam Graves (R-MO), and Doc Hastings (R-WA), the House GOP’s Rural America Solutions Group is working with Rep. Pence’s (R-IN) American Energy Solutions Group to highlight the consequences on the Democrats’ plan and an “all of the above” strategy to clean up the environment, create jobs in rural America and across the country, and lower energy prices.
Cornerstones of the strategy include:
- Increasing environmentally-safe energy production on remote lands and far off our shores;
- Promoting the use of alternative fuels that will reduce carbon emissions, such as nuclear, clean-coal, and renewable energy technologies; and
- Encouraging increased efficiencies and cutting edge technologies to maximize America’s energy potential.
As the national energy tax makes its way to the House floor, the questions facing Democrats who represent rural districts are straightforward. Do they stand with their Party leaders who want to saddle Americans with a new tax that will devastate family farms and small businesses? Or do they stand with Chairman Peterson and House Republicans who want to protect rural Americans – and all Americans – from this harmful national energy tax?
Wild Thing's comment..........
How does a person live with themselves when they know what they are doing will destroy so many lives and livelhood of so many families. I know, they just don't care. Obama could care less.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:46 AM | Comments (4)
June 01, 2009
GM Bankruptcy Looming ~ What New GM Will Emerge
With bankruptcy looming, a new GM begins to emerge
With an almost certain bankruptcy filing days away, General Motors is beginning its reinvention, planning to retool one factory to make its smallest vehicles ever in the U.S. and rid itself of the biggest.
As GM's board began two days of meetings Friday to make a final decision on the company's fate, GM was also closing in on a sale of its European Opel unit, and its main union overwhelmingly approved dramatic labor cost cuts. A deal to sell its rugged but inefficient Hummer brand also appeared on the horizon.
The moves provided more clues about what a restructured GM might look like ahead of the expected Chapter 11 filing Monday. Taxpayers will eventually own nearly three-quarters of a leaner GM, with a total government commitment of nearly $50 billion.
GM has yet to confirm it will seek bankruptcy protection but scheduled a news conference for Monday in New York.
With the government's backing and nearly $20 billion in U.S. loans so far, the company has made more dramatic changes in just a few days than it has in decades.
"It's been coming to a head for a very long time," said Aaron Bragman, an analyst for the consulting firm IHS Global Insight. "But in just the past few months we've really seen steps being taken to completely and dramatically change the face of American auto manufacturing."
GM said it plans to reopen a shuttered U.S. factory to build subcompact cars. The retooled factory would be able to build 160,000 cars a year and create 1,200 jobs, offsetting some of the 21,000 that will be lost when GM closes 14 factories by the end of next year.
GM's stock tumbled to the lowest price in the company's 100-year history, closing at just 75 cents after trading as low as 74 cents. The government plan for GM revealed Thursday would make the shares virtually worthless.
The United Auto Workers' reluctant but overwhelming ratification of concessions will save GM $1.3 billion per year and bring its labor costs down to those of its Japanese competitors. The new UAW deal freezes wages, ends bonuses and eliminates some noncompetitive work rules.
The changes, plus others that will be worked out in court, will shrink GM and position it to be among the world's most competitive automakers if it can emerge from bankruptcy protection and survive the global auto sales slump, Bragman said.
"They've eliminated their legacy costs. They've already invested in new product that's coming. They have the ear of the government unlike any time in their history, and the government has said basically 'we are going to help you survive and thrive,'" Bragman said.
GM is banking on more demand for smaller cars previously shunned by Americans. The government decided earlier this month to raise fuel economy standards for the entire U.S. fleet by 2016.
The new standards were one of the biggest factors in GM's announcement to build subcompacts in the U.S. rather than in China, said a person familiar with GM's plans who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the plans.
Chrysler LLC, already in bankruptcy protection, is banking on the same thing. It wants to sell all its assets to Fiat Group SpA so the Italian automaker can start building its sophisticated small cars on this side of the ocean.
The strategy is still a big gamble. Americans have opted for bigger cars and trucks, with the exception of last summer, when gas topped $4 per gallon. GM and Chrysler hope people will spend more for better-equipped subcompacts with more luxurious interiors and performance that rivals the best luxury sedans.
Smaller costs after bankruptcy should help the companies make money even though compact cars carry far smaller profit margins than pricey SUVs. But there remains a risk that gas prices will remain low and the cars won't sell, blowing up the automakers' new business models.
The UAW deal moves billions in retiree health care costs off GM's books, giving a union-run retiree health care trust 17.5 percent ownership of a post-bankruptcy GM. The trust will take on health care costs for retirees next year. Higher health care costs alone account for a $1,500-per-car cost gap between GM and Japanese vehicles.
But just cutting labor costs won't be enough to save the company. It also has been working to streamline its engineering and design, as well as standardize many parts so they can go into multiple models.
"They've already made huge progress," said Laurie Harbour-Felax, president of a consulting company that studies competitive cost differences between automakers. "The problem is you can't see that because revenue died, because nobody's buying cars."
Wild Thing's comment........
Rush will be getting a lot of play from his parody "In a Yugo"
He can do daily updates on SUV's squashing these things...The SUV did it!!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:44 AM
Comments from Coulter and Krauthammer Re: Rascist Sotomayor
Coulter To Latino Panel: My Sotomayor Answer Will Be Best Because I'm White
Coulter was on Geraldo's FOX show today discussing the Sotomayor hub-bub with Los Angeles mayor and former leader of MEChA; an organization -- like La Raza -- that believes most of the Southwest United States needs to be returned to Mexico. Moreover, joining the Latino panel was Hollywood celebrity-activist, Rosie Perez (she starred in White Men Can't Jump, 1992), and the Bush-appointed, first Latino to serve as United States Attorney General.
I pulled the two best parts of the segment: the first one is in the title; the second one Coulter mocks the incessant mention of Sotomayor's Latin heritage. Unfortunately, for Rosie Perez, her reaction was caught on the split screen.
Krauthammer: Sotomayor is a leftist militant third-world race supremacist, not an impartial judge
La Raza infiltrates the Supreme Court... a neo-Marxist radical militant anti-American third world race supremacist... just like Obama!
Wild Thing's comment........
I am glad we have these people on our side and speaking out. At least if this Judge makes it, it won't be because no one let people know what she was like. They can't say later they did not know.
Ann is always good and I love her humor she throws in to make her point.
Krauthammer he is awesome.People that attack him would be amazed at how hard it is for him to get out of bed in the morning. He is paralyzed from the chest down and has to work at breathing. I have been a fan ( I guess it would be called ) of his for a long time.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (2)
May 30, 2009
Judge Napolitano: Repeal the 17th Amendment For Better Local Representation
Judge Napolitano: Repeal the 17th Amendment For Better Local Representation
Judge Napolitano explains why repealing the 17th Amendment (Direct Election of Senators), which wasn't part of the original Constitution (added by Woodrow Wilson "progressives") will enhance local representation.
Wild Thing's comment........
The direct election of Senators removes completely the State's representation in the federal government and has undermined this nation is so many ways its unfathomable.
The House represents the people, the Senate was meant to represent the states, and the Executive branch represented the federal government, and the Supreme Court played referee... now since this ammenment there is no state representation in the federal government!! It is tragic.
The 17th (and 16th) must go if we are ever to restore our constitutional republic. Yes I would be all for this to happen.
Also here is the 16th:
Article I, Section 9: "...No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken..."
Amendment XVI: "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:46 AM | Comments (8)
May 29, 2009
Strong Evidence Chrysler Dealer Closings Politically Motivated by Obama
Furor grows over partisan car dealer closings
By: Mark Tapscott
Evidence appears to be mounting that the Obama administration has systematically targeted for closing Chrysler dealers who contributed to Repubicans.
What started earlier this week as mainly a rumbling on the Right side of the Blogosphere has gathered some steam today with revelations that among the dealers being shut down are a GOP congressman and closing of competitors to a dealership chain partly owned by former Clinton White House chief of staff Mack McLarty.
The basic issue raised here is this: How do we account for the fact millions of dollars were contributed to GOP candidates by Chrysler who are being closed by the government, but only one has been found so far that is being closed that contributed to the Obama campaign in 2008?
Florida Rep. Vern Buchanan learned from a House colleague that his Venice, Florida, dealership is on the hit list. Buchanan also has a Nissan franchise paired with the Chrysler facility in Venice.
"It's an outrage. It's not about me. I'm going to be fine," said Buchanan, the dealership's majority owner. "You're talking over 100,000 jobs. We're supposed to be in the business of creating jobs, not killing jobs," Buchanan told News 10, a local Florida television station.
Buchanan, who succeeded former Rep. Katharine Harris in 2006, reportedly learned of his dealership's termination from Rep.Candace Miller, R-MI. Buchanan owns a total of 23 dealerships in Florida and North Carolina.
Also fueling the controversy is the fact the RLJ-McCarty-Landers chain of Arkansas and Missouri dealerships aren't being closed, but many of their local competitors are being eliminated. Go here for a detailed look at this situation. McClarty is the former Clinton senior aide. The "J" is Robert Johnson, founder of the Black Entertainment Television, a heavy Democratic contributor.
A lawyer representing a group of Chrysler dealers who are on the hit list deposed senior Chrysler executives and later told Reuters that he believes the closings have been forced on the company by the White House.
"It became clear to us that Chrysler does not see the wisdom of terminating 25 percent of its dealers. It really wasn't Chrysler's decision. They are under enormous pressure from the President's automotive task force," said attorney Leonard Bellavia.
Also, see my column on this issue and how it fits into the larger context dubbed by the Examiner's Michael Barone as "gangster government."
As part of Chrysler's bankruptcy agreement with the White House, the company plans to close roughly a quarter of its 3,200 dealerships. Lists of the dealerships being cut and those retaining their Chrysler franchises can be found here in pdf format. Many dealers contend the criteria being used to determine which dealerships survive is not clear and that many of those that are being closed in fact are profitable businesses, despite the current recession.
* Gateway Pundit , Thank you for the tremendous work you have done on this ~ Wild Thing
Chrysler Dealership owner Jim Anderer was on with Neil Cavuto.
Jim's dealership is being shut down.
Anderer noted that the closings didn't make any sense and that many of them were profitable. Anderer says the country was shutting down his business. He couldn't understand how they were making their decision on which dealerships they were closing:
Find out which GOP donors getting Chrysler's ax
Obama receives only $450 in entire inventory of political contributions
The list of Chrysler's 789 closing franchises and databases of political donors and found that of dealership owners making contributions in the recent election, less than 10 percent gifted to Democrats while 90 percent gave substantial sums to Republican candidates.
The following dealers are scheduled to lose their Chrysler franchise designation. Based on available records and databases, each of them contributed to political campaigns during the 2008 election.
Many of the dealers who donated to Republican campaigns last year also contributed additional thousands to George W. Bush's presidential 2004 campaign and to campaigns to elect GOP representatives. Those donations are not included in this list.
The listed franchise owners contributed at least $450,000 to Republican presidential candidates and the GOP in the recent election while only $7,970 was donated to Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign and $2,200 was given to Sen. John Edwards' campaign.
Of all political contributions from dealers on the list of closing facilities, President Obama received a combined total of only $450 toward his election.
Dealers who contributed to GOP and candidates in recent election:
Source for the list of all 789 dealerships to be closed
• Vernon G. Buchanan: $147,450 to GOP candidates and organizations
• Wallace D. Alley and Family: $4,500 to GOP.
• Robert Archer: $4,600 to GOP and conservative causes.
• Homer S. Higginbotham and Family: $2950 to GOP.
• James Auffenberg and Family: $28,000 to GOP; $6,000 to one Democrat candidate.
• Michael Maroone and Family: $60,000 to GOP; $8,500 to two Democrat candidates.
• Jerome Fader: $6,500 to Democrats; $2,500 to Independent Joe Lieberman.
• Stephen Fay and Family: $13,500 to GOP.
• William Numrich: $20,000 to GOP.
• Robert Carver: $10,000 to Democrats including $1,950 to Hillary Clinton, nothing to Barack Obama.
• Robert and Linda Rohrman: $24,000 to GOP.
• Frank Boucher, Jr. and Family: $18,000 to GOP, $1,000 to one Democrat candidate.
• Scott Bossier: $4,300 to GOP.
• Todd Reardon: $17,000 to GOP; $2,000 to one Democrat candidate.
• Russ Darrow and Family: $78,000 to GOP.
• Bradford Deery and Family: $24,700 to GOP.
• Charles Gabus and Family: $30,000 to GOP.
• Brian Smith: $15,500 to GOP.
• Michael Schlossman: $14,000 to GOP; $14,000 to three Democrats ($12,500 to Sen. Russ Feingold).
• Don Hill: $11,000 to GOP; $12,800 to conservative incumbent Rep. Heath Shuler.
• Don Miller: $2,000 to GOP; $1,000 to Feingold.
• Eddie Cordes: $2,150 to GOP.
• Robert Edwards: $1,100 to GOP.
• James Crowley: $19,100 to GOP.
• Stanley Graff: $2,200 to John Edwards (2008 Presidential Run); $500 to GOP.
• John Stewart: $10,500 to GOP.
• John Fitzgerald and Family: $4,600 to John McCain (2008); $2,000 to Hillary Clinton (2008); nothing to Barack Obama.
• William Churchill and Family: $3,500 to GOP.
• Thomas Ganley: $9.450 to GOP.
• Gary Miller: $20,000 to GOP.
• Kevin and Gene Beltz: $18,500 to GOP.
• Arthur Grayson: $14,000 to GOP.
• Eric Grubbs and Family: $26,000 to GOP.
• Michael Leep and Family: $19,500 to GOP; $4,800 to three Democrats including Sen. Evan Bayh.
• Harry Green, Jr.: $10,000 to GOP.
• Ronald Hoover: $5,250 to GOP.
• Ray Huffines and Family: $18,500 to GOP.
• John O. Stevenson: $1,500 to GOP.• James Marsh: $8,200 to GOP.
• Max Pearson and Family: $112,000 to GOP.
GOP Chrysler Dealers Terminated: Rush Limbaugh Show...Rush reads a letter from a successful dealer being FORCED to close!!! Excellent video.
Rep. Aaron Schock's supporter Gary Uftring from Peoria, Illinois is losing two of his franchises even though they are "5 Star Dealerships" that make money.
U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock blasted Chrysler's decision to shutter nearly 800 dealerships across the country, including two here that he and others say are making money and not costing the automaker a dime.
Joined by Gary Uftring, owner of Uftring Auto Mall, Schock stressed that there should be greater accountability of the governmental task force tapped by the Obama administration to review the overhaul of the domestic auto industry.
"This happened not because they failed, not because of market pressure, but because of a third party, the government, which intervened," the congressman said, saying the government shouldn't be in the business of dictating business decisions to an entire industry.
To him, the decision to close shop makes no sense. He claims he met all sales expectations and never cost Chrysler money. Rather, he said, he was a "Five Star" dealership, the highest rating Chrysler gives, and one of the better-selling dealerships.
Terry Allen, whose Chrysler dealership in Mason City will be eliminated, said his business was the top sales tax generator in the area. He, like Uftring, said he met or exceeded all expectations from the car maker but in the end, has about three weeks left as a dealer.
Wild Thing's comment............
Everthing Obama does is ANTI-AMERICAN ! This is total criminal activity by Obama and the democrat party.
The way Obama’s election campaign & lap-dog press went after his rivals during the campaign was unprecedented.
Think about this, Obama was NOT an almighty, long term, powerful politician when he was running, he was only a US Sen for 4 yrs. Going from a Constitutional Republic to a Fascist Tyranny is “change”
But he wielded power like he was as powerful as Stalin in USSR.
Now that he's in control of the Exec Branch of the US, just think how much power he has now!
The entirei thing is Obama's fault, his fingerrpints are all over it. He is in charge, he is the one that controlled what happened with what he did with Chrysler soooo how does it feel Obama. YOU can't blame President Bush on this one you jerk Communist Marxist!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:50 AM | Comments (9)
May 27, 2009
Sotomayor Ruled Against Gun Rights!
Sotomayor believes 2nd Amendment not for Individuals
By Mathew D. Staver
Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court to fill the seat of retiring Justice David Souter. If confirmed, Sotomayor would become the first Hispanic and third woman to serve on the High Court.
Sotomayor is a graduate of Princeton and obtained her law degree from Yale. She served in private practice and as Assistant District Attorney in New York County and was nominated to the Second Circuit federal Court of Appeals by President George H. W. Bush in 1991.
Despite 17 years on the bench, Sotomayor has never directly decided whether a law regulating abortion is constitutional. In Center for Reproductive Law & Policy v. Bush, she wrote an opinion that upheld the Mexico City Policy prohibiting federal funding of overseas abortions.
Sotomayor does not believe that the Second Amendment right to bear arms applies to individuals. While on a panel discussion at Duke Law School, she argued that the “Court of Appeals is where policy is made.” Judge Sotomayor has had 5 decisions reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court, 3 of which have been reversed. She has carried 11 of 44 possible votes during those cases. In Knight v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Chief Justice Roberts stated that her method of reading the statute in question “flies in the face of the statutory language.”
She has written in support of Affirmative Action, upheld the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and in Amandola v. Town of Babylon, she wrote that denying use of a town hall annex for their worship services violated the First Amendment. She has written a book called “The International Judge,” which suggests that international law and policy should be considered in some court decisions.
Some have described her temperament on the bench as a “bully” and “abusive” to lawyers.
Sotomayor Nomination an Obama Slap at Second Amendment
and The Liberty Sphere via Atlas Shrugs
The nomination of Second Circuit Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor to replace retiring Justice David Souter on the U.S. Supreme Court is a slap at gun rights and the Second Amendment, the Second Amendment Foundation said today.
Judge Sotomayor, a New York native, ruled on a Second Circuit Appeals Court panel that the Second Amendment is not a fundamental right and does not apply to the states in the case of Maloney v. Cuomo. This ruling is in direct conflict with a Ninth Circuit Court ruling in the Nordyke v. King case in California that the Second Amendment is incorporated through the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
“While Democrats in Congress have been making great strides in the gun rights arena, refusing to consider a renewal of the Clinton gun ban, and offering overwhelming bipartisan support for legislation allowing citizens to carry firearms in national parks, President Obama just demonstrated that he prefers judges who oppose Second Amendment rights,” said SAF founder Alan M. Gottlieb.
Incorporation may be taken up by the high court during its next session beginning in October, because attorneys in the Maloney case plan to appeal in late June.
“If the Maloney appeal is accepted by the Supreme Court,” Gottlieb wondered, “would Justice Sotomayor – provided she is confirmed – recuse herself from deliberations?”
Judge Sotomayor has written an opinion that declined to order the release of certain information under the Freedom of Information Act. In one case, according to SCOTUSblog, she wrote that the “unwarranted invasion of privacy” for individuals whose names would be release under an FOIA request outweighed the public interest.
“Would a Justice Sotomayor be just as protective of the privacy rights of concealed carry permit holders if a newspaper wanted to publish that information,” Gottlieb asked. “We hope that during Senate confirmation hearings, someone asks about her positions on incorporation and the privacy rights of gun owners. The Second Amendment needs to be expanded, not eviscerated.”
The Second Amendment Foundation (www.saf.org) is the nations oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 600,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control. SAF has previously funded successful firearms-related suits against the cities of Los Angeles; New Haven, CT; and San Francisco on behalf of American gun owners, a lawsuit against the cities suing gun makers and an amicus brief and fund for the Emerson case holding the Second Amendment as an individual right.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama and Sotomayer can 'rule' that the second doesn't apply all day long.,but it doesn't mean many of us would not fight back.
Here are some words from the past.........
“Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightening. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its waters.
“This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did, and it never will. Find out just what a people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” ~~Frederick Douglass August 4, 1857
Douglass was, of course, speaking of the slavery then extant here.
So, too, are we.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (8)
Judge Sotomayor and Five Million Criminal Votes for Obama
Judge Sotomayor and Five Million Criminal Votes for Obama
There are 5.3 million votes for Obama out there, the only problem is that they happen to belong to murderers, rapists, armed robbers and other convicts and ex-convicts.
That golden box of 5+ million votes is being unlocked by Democrats in one of two ways. The first relies on changing state laws that prevent felon voting at the state level. Their greatest success has arguably been Florida, a crucial swing state with over a million ex-felons. When Governor Charlie Crist promised to let criminals vote during the election and then implemented it once in office, the impact on the 2008 Presidential election was quite sizable.
With anywhere from 250,000 to 500,000 new votes available, the Obama campaign ran a "You can Vote Too!" registration drive for ex-felons. And since Obama won Florida by barely 200,000 votes, the newly enfranchised murderers, rapists and pedophiles no doubt did their share to help put him in the White House.
Iowa restored felon voting in 2005, and between 2004 to 2008, swung from Republican to Democratic.
In 2007 Colorado struck down the requirement that ex-felons have to at least complete their parole before becoming eligible to vote, overriding a Colorado Supreme Court ruling. In 2008 Colorado voted for a Democratic Presidential candidate for the first time in 26 years.
Virginia, which also began legalizing felon voters, became another swing state that swung unexpectedly to Obama.
While legalizing felons alone did not swing any of these states, they were part of a larger program to liberalize the voting base, which is why such laws were invariably championed by Democrats and Liberal Republicans. Bringing in millions of new votes changes the game. And that was what happened in 2008.
However giving criminals voting rights on a state by state level has been a long slow process, and that is where the second method comes in, to strike down any bans on felon voting at the Federal level.
The key argument used by felon voting advocates is that barring criminals from voting is a form of racial discrimination, since a disproportionate number of convicted felons are black or members of other minority groups. This brings in the Voting Rights Act of 1965 into the picture. Using the VRA, the Supreme Court could potentially strike down any state laws banning criminals from voting. Even convicts still in jail.
This would immediately unlock that golden box of 5 million votes for Obama, even more than local state measures of ACORN's voting fraud, which relied heavily on ex-cons, did.
And the Voting Rights Act is where Judge Sotomayor comes into the picture. While the Supreme Court currently has not chosen to hear any cases involving felon voting, allowing state circuit courts to maintain the ban, Judge Sotomayor is an enthusiastic judicial advocate of applying the VRA to felon voting, treating criminals as a discriminated against group being denied their civic rights.
In Hayden vs Pataki, a case brought by Joseph "Jazz" Hayden, who stabbed a sanitation worker to death, and has since become a campaigner for letting felons vote, Judge Sotomayor dissented from the majority by arguing that the VRA in no way excludes or was meant to exclude felons.
SOTOMAYOR, Circuit Judge, dissenting:
"It is plain to anyone reading the Voting Rights Act that it applies to all “voting qualification[s].” And it is equally plain that § 5-106 disqualifies a group of people from voting. These two propositions should constitute the entirety of our analysis. Section 2 of the Act by its unambiguous terms subjects felony disenfranchisement and all other voting qualifications to its coverage.
What that means is that Sotomayor believes that any voting qualification, including bans on having convicted murderers and rapists vote, is a violation of the Voting Rights Acts. Felons can be treated as a "group" that has been discriminated against by being banned from the right to vote.
This would allow Obama to "crack" more conservative states where felon voting enfranchisement has not made any headway, by treating felon disenfranchisement as a violation of the Voting Rights Act.
By nominating Sotomayor, Obama is very clearly looking ahead to 2012, by first nominating an Hispanic Woman, secondly a left wing judicial advocate, more specifically one whose views on ballot access will help open up that golden box of millions of votes, and in the case of a Bush vs Gore type Supreme Court case, will always argue on the side of inadequate access.
And of course Sotomayor's ruling in Ford vs McGinnis that Islamic rights for prisoners can be entirely at the whim of the prisoner, can't hurt. Nor her open position that her job is to make policy, rather than rule on the constitutionality of the laws.
Like Obama her nomination is being treated as a "historical nomination", though Justice Benjamin Cardozo was arguably the first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice (who naturally doesn't count because he's Jewish), and her judicial advocacy views, her identity politics, will be treated as assets, in the same way that they were for Obama.
But the bigger picture is that Sotomayor is meant to be Obama's ace in the hole for the 2012 election.
Wild Thing's comment........
GREAT article and information. I remember when Charlie Crist did this I was so angry!!
I was so ticked off this morning when she was announced and then immediately the bush bashing, the racists speak. The party of no is going to say no. They had a whole script prepared because they knew she was a racist and has made racist comments. As always they are making this about race.
Her saying that her court made policy and then she caught herself because she was being taped. Then someone came ot make light of that and said some stupiud thing like that was a discussion among students. So that made it okay? Obama likes the radical who will go against their given rights within their position.
And to those on TV saying she is a moderate. If Sotomayor is moderate than so were Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin.
There is a dark side to this lady. Very dark.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (4)
DeMint Takes Lead in Criticizing High Court Pick
DeMint takes lead in criticizing high court pick
Sen. Jim DeMint, was more critical than his Republican colleagues Tuesday about President Barack Obama's nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.
While most Republicans took a cautious approach, DeMint, of South Carolina, sounded warnings about Sotomayor's record and philosophy as a federal district and appellate judge from New York.
"Some of her writings seem to raise serious questions about her approach to the Constitution and the role of the federal judiciary, but I will withhold judgment about her nomination until she has the opportunity to fully present her views before the Senate," DeMint said.
DeMint's aides pointed to a case last year in which Sotomayor ruled that the city of New Haven, Conn., had acted properly in rejecting discrimination claims by white firefighters. The case, Ricci v. DeStefano, is now before the Supreme Court.
"Few things are more central to our duty than confirming Supreme Court justices who will uphold the law and apply it equally for all Americans, not rewrite it from the bench based on personal opinion," DeMint said.
DeMint is not on the Senate Judiciary Committee, which will hold confirmation hearings for Sotomayor.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who does sit on the judiciary panel, was more guarded in his response to Obama's choice of Sotomayor as the first Hispanic nominated for the high court.
"I do not know Judge Sotomayor," Graham said. "I look forward to meeting with her and discussing the important issues confronting the court."
Graham was among the Senate Judiciary Committee members Obama called last week to discuss his pending high court nomination. Graham was out of the country Tuesday, but his aides said they didn't believe Obama had named Sotomayor during their phone talk.
Graham said he intends "to be fair and firm in (his) questioning of the nominee" during the committee confirmation sessions.
"The hearings can be a valuable public service, as they give us a window into the nominee's philosophy and disposition," Graham said. "I hope we will have a meaningful opportunity to explore the qualifications, judicial temperament and judicial philosophy of Judge Sotomayor."
Republican President H.W. Bush appointed Sotomayor to the federal district bench in 1992. Democrat Bill Clinton elevated her to the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
After an extensive delay over political disputes, the Republican-controlled Senate voted 67-29 in October 1998 to confirm Sotomayor's promotion to the appellate court.
The late Republican Sen. Strom Thurmond voted against Sotomayor. Sen. Fritz Hollings, a Charleston Democrat, was one of four senators who chose not to vote.
House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., called Sotomayor "a superb pick" by Obama to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice David Souter.
"The president has demonstrated that he is dedicated to nominating justices who have life experiences that will enable them to both sympathize and empathize with all Americans," Clyburn said.
Sotomayor, 54, grew up in a Bronx housing project with a single mom after her father died when she was 9.
Only the Senate will vote on Sotomayor's confirmation.
Oran Smith, head of the Palmetto Family Council, criticized Sotomayor as an activist judge.
"Judge Sotomayor's judicial record and writing clearly show she believes a court is not an applier of law written by elected representatives, but just another political advocate for social change," Smith said
From Rush Limbaugh........
"So, here you have a racist. You might want to soften that and you might wanna say a reverse racist. And the libs, of course, say that minorities cannot be racists because they don't have the power to implement their racism. Well, those days are gone because reverse racists certainly do have the power to implement their power. Obama is the greatest living example of a reverse racist and now he's appointed one -- getting this, AP? -- Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court ...
So she's not the brain that they're portraying her to be, she's not a constitutional jurist. She is an affirmative action case extraordinaire and she has put down white men in favor of Latina women. She has claimed that the court is all about making policy. So yes, there's a golden opportunity. Take this to the mat. Take it to the wall. The people need to know what Obama really believes in and this is how it could happen. Now will the Republicans do it? That's another question."
Wild Thing's comment...........
DeMint, one of the few with a spine!!!
For the time being our days as a Constitutional Republic are almost over. I know that sounds down and depressing but that is what is showing up.
Founding Documents provide that, if any branch of our government ever exceeds its Constitutionally limited authority and ceases to be lawfully of, for and by the people, we the people have both the duty and the unwavering obligation to remove it and restore a Constitutional one again.
This in-over-his-head rent-a-meat-puppet in the White House swore an oath to uphold and defend our Constitution even as he paid a team of lawyers to prevent him having to abide by it.
The Constitution does not grant to the president the authority to fire CEO's of corporations, take over huge companies, dictate what cars can be built, take over the country's health-care or own and run the banks.
Unless and until we remove this larcenous, traitorous, pathalogically-deceitful usurper from the White House, we are no longer a Constitutional Republic for right now.
This will be a good test to see who is trustable and who is not. There should be no mistaking RINOs for republicans anymore.
The thing our side I wish would learn, I mean the politicans that say they are Republicans. We are aware we are outnumbered in both houses. But if they can show US, we the people that they at least speak out and make it known they do not go along with this kind of thing each time they need to, we WILL remember later when it comes time to vote. Just as we WILL remember those that turned to mush and stayed silent.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (5)
May 26, 2009
Communist Party Official Shares Obama's Ambitious Agenda
Top Red's dream come true
With Obama as president, health care and the economy can be "reformed," U.S. troops can be evacuated from the Middle East, a second stimulus bill can be passed, the criminal justice system can be overhauled and union rights can be expanded – in other words, it's a Christmas list come true – declared the leader of the Communist Party USA.
"All these – and many other things – are within our reach now!" exclaimed Sam Webb in a New York banquet speech for the People's Weekly World, the official newspaper of the Communist Party USA.
Webb's speech was entitled, "The impossible becomes possible."
Webb declared that under Obama, "We can dream again, knowing that the gap between our dreams and reality is bridgeable."
"I am confident the American people in their millions – reeling under the weight of this terrible economic crisis and yearning for a more decent, equal, peaceful and just world – will follow their example and turn this country into a more perfect union," stated Webb.
Webb continued:
* In this new political climate, we can foresee winning a public option, like Medicare, in the current legislative fight over health care reform.
* We can visualize enacting tough regulatory reforms on the financial industry that brought the economy to ruin.
* We can imagine bringing the troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan, while being part of a regional process that brings peace and stability to the entire region.
* In this new political climate, the expansion of union rights in this legislative session is not only sensible, it's doable.
* Much the same can be said about winning a second stimulus bill, and we sure need one, given the still rising and likely long term persistence of unemployment with the heaviest burden, as usual, falling on communities of color.
* Isn't it possible in the post-Bush era to launch a vigorous attack on global warming and create millions of green jobs in manufacturing and elsewhere?
* Can't we envision taking new strides in the long journey for racial and gender equality in this new era, marked at its beginning by the election of the first African American to the presidency?
* And isn't the overhaul of the criminal justice and prison system – a system steeped in racism and employing punitive treatment as it organizing principle – no longer pie in the sky, but something that can be done in the foreseeable future?
Webb explained how unions and grassroots organizations can help bring about important changes.
Indeed, labor unions were instrumental in electing Obama. A Political Affairs article just after last November's election titled "Special Interest or Class Consciousness? How Labor Put Obama in the White House" reported on polling data released that revealed the extent of union support for Obama.
The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, or AFL-CIO, sponsored a poll showing union members supported Obama by a 68-30 margin and strongly influenced their family members.
Reacting to Webb's speech, Communist researcher Trevour London of the New Zeal blog stated:
"Now we know every major item on the Communist Party's agenda. Socialized healthcare, increased union power, massive controls on the finance sector, ending the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, a heavily regulated 'green economy', a second 'stimulus' bill, weakening of the 'racist' prison system. ... Tick the items off as the Obama administration acts on each and every one of them."
Wild Thing's comment........
Evidently, no one on Planet Earth learned anything at all from the catastrophic failure of the Soviet experiment except the Soviets themselves.
The UNIONS are always there when it comes to this communist, socialist stuff. I wish when we talk to people about this they would listen. It sure is hard to get through to UNION members if there is one in the family.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:40 AM | Comments (4)
May 25, 2009
Obama's Fault Dollar Hits New Multimonth Low
Dollar hits new multimonth low vs euro, pound, yen
The dollar kept falling Friday, notching fresh multimonth lows against the euro, pound and yen as a warning that Britain's debt level may result in its credit rating being cut ricocheted into worries about the massive U.S. deficit.
The 16-nation euro rose to $1.4015 in morning trading from $1.3889 in New York late Thursday—its first time above $1.40 since Jan. 2.
The British pound rose to $1.5916 from $1.5890, peaking at $1.5945 earlier in the session, its highest point since Nov. 6.
Meanwhile, the dollar edged up to 94.51 Japanese yen from 94.23 yen—after earlier falling to 93.82, its lowest point since Feb. 23.
On Thursday, Standard & Poor's said Britain may have its rating cut because of rising debt levels. Though the ratings agency reaffirmed the country's actual long-term credit rating at "AAA," it said the outlook had deteriorated because of massive borrowing to deal with the recession and the banking crisis.
Because Britain is pursuing similar policies to the U.S.—with both the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve injecting billions of dollars in their economies by buying assets from banks—the move also weighed on U.S. assets and the dollar. Treasurys sold off Thursday, and continued to do so Friday.
S&P's announcement "wound up creating more problems for the U.S. dollar than for the British pound," HSBC analysts said in a research note.
"The problem for the U.S. is particularly acute because of its reserve status," said UBS analyst Brian Kim in an e-mail to investors Friday. Major holders of U.S. debt, such as Middle Eastern sovereign funds and the Chinese government, have not been shy about calling the U.S. out for what it sees as policies that will trigger inflation, shrinking the value of their Treasury holdings.
"The dollar has weakened as dollar bears have now added concerns on U.S. credit ratings to their arsenal," Kim said.
Earlier this month, the Obama administration hiked its forecast for this year's federal deficit to $1.84 trillion. The deficit is approaching $1 trillion for the budget year that began Oct. 1.
Big deficits mean the government has to borrow more, which could put its credit rating at risk. They can also put upwards pressure on inflation, thus cutting the purchasing power of the dollar.
In other trading, the dollar fell to 1.1235 Canadian dollars from $1.1404 and slid to 1.0833 Swiss francs from 1.0936 francs late Thursday.
Wild Thing's comment..........
They’re plan to destroy the US dollar and force Americans into a global currency controlled by a world bank is working perfectly for them on their agenda. I guess Soros is bursting at the seams with joy.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (2)
May 22, 2009
Obama Wants U.S. to Loan $100 BILLION to Global Bailout
Obama Wants U.S. to Loan $100 Billion to Global Bailout Fund
Obama has asked Congress to authorize $100 billion in loans to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to help create a $500 billion global bailout fund.
If passed by both the Senate and the House, the bill would allow the IMF to borrow up to $100 billion from the U.S. and increase the U.S. fiscal contribution to the IMF by $8 billion.
The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the loans would not cost the U.S. more than $5 billion.
“It’s a new appropriation,” Rob Blumenthal of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the committee that drafted the bill, told CNSNews.com.
“No money is required upfront. We’re not writing a check for 108 billion. So in the long term, if loans go into default, then what the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) is saying is that it might cost us up to $5 billion, but there’s no immediate outplay of funds.”
But the move is questioned by some lawmakers who are skeptical about lending money when the nation’s debt continues to climb – and who are concerned about the fact that the U.S. will have to borrow the money at some point to pay the $100 billion.
“Forcing taxpayers to borrow another $100 billion from China to bailout foreign countries makes no sense when we’re already facing record debt,” Wesley Denton, spokesman for Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), said.
Contributions from the U.S. and other countries would triple the IMF’s lending power and double its lending resources for low-income countries.
World leaders began on the global bailout initiative, called the New Arrangement for Borrowing (NAB), at the G-20 summit in early April. The president agreed at that time to make the additional funds available.
Last week, he sent letters to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader John Boehner to seek their support.
“The NAB is a mechanism through which the IMF can obtain supplemental financial resources for use in its lending operations when the IMF’s existing resources are substantially drawn down in the face of circumstances that threaten the stability of the international monetary system,” Obama wrote.
“Treasury Secretary Geithner concluded that the size of the NAB is woefully inadequate to deal with the type of severe economic and financial crisis we are experiencing, and I agree with him,” the letter said.The Treasury Department released another letter to Pelosi and Reid Monday to express support for the plan. Japan has already signed a $100 billion pledge and the European Union, Norway, Canada, Switzerland, South Korea and Australia have also pledged billions of dollars for the global bailout. The IMF is a coalition of 185 countries that assesses the global financial situation and fosters stability and trade. Although its programs have been criticized in recent years, managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said he is optimistic about the member-states’ cooperation in this new borrowing arrangement.
“This is the most coordinated stimulus ever,” Strauss-Kahn said at the G-20 summit in April.
“We have already finalized with the Japanese a $100 billion loan. The Europeans have committed another $100 billion. And we have other partners to complete the first rung of $250 billion, and then will come the second rung to create this NAB proposed by (U.S. Treasury Secretary) Tim Geithner, which altogether will increase the resources by $500 billion.
“$500 billion plus the $250 billion we already have makes – how do you say that? – a fire,” Strauss-Kahn, former French finance minister, said.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Obama is a TAX WHORE!
Hell will freeze over before Obama does anything that is NOT against our country. Barack Obama pledged $100 billion in foreign aid to help bail out the ailing International Monetary Fund in April. Only after he announced it did he go to Congress and make his case for the money.
Obama wants....Obama needs...Obama wants...Obama needs....narcissistic Kenyan bastard. RAPING every current and future citizen of this country. Why not just shoot ‘em in the head once you have FINISHED, Marxist!
It is for the good of the neighborhood.....Que Mr. Rogers!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (10)
"Me Love you long time"
U.S. Will Pay $2.6 Million to Train Chinese Prostitutes to Drink Responsibly on the Job
The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA), a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), will pay $2.6 million in U.S. tax dollars to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly on the job.
Dr. Xiaoming Li, the researcher conducting the program, is director of the Prevention Research Center at Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit.
Previous studies in Asia and Africa and our own data from FSWs [female sex workers] in China suggest that the social norms and institutional policy within commercial sex venues as well as agents overseeing the FSWs (i.e., the 'gatekeepers', defined as persons who manage the establishments and/or sex workers) are potentially of great importance in influencing alcohol use and sexual behavior among establishment-based FSWs," says the NIH grant abstract submitted by Dr. Li.
"Therefore, in this application, we propose to develop, implement, and evaluate a venue-based alcohol use and HIV risk reduction intervention focusing on both environmental and individual factors among venue-based FSWs in China," says the abstract.
The research will take place in the southern Chinese province of Guangxi.
Guangxi is ranked third in HIV rate among Chna's provinces--and is a place where the sex business is pervasive, Li said.
“The purpose of the project is to try and develop an intervention program targeting HIV risk and alcohol use,” Li told CNSNews.com. “So basically, it’s an alcohol and HIV risk reduction intervention project."
The doctor said the heart of the study involves “a community-based cluster randomized controlled trial among 100 commercial sex venues in Beihai, a costal tourist city in Guangxi.”
“We want to get some understanding of the fundamental role of alcohol use and HIV risk,” he said. “We use the population in China as our targeted population to look at the basic issues. I think the findings will benefit the American people, too.”
Li said minimal research has been conducted on the link between alcohol use and prostitution as it relates to HIV.
“Alcohol has been a part of the commerce of sex for many, many years. Unfortunately, both global-wise (and) in the United States, very few researchers are looking at the complex issue of the inter play between alcohol and the commerce of sex,” he told CNSNews.com.
The grant is one of several “international initiatives” sponsored by the National Institutes of Health.
Wild Thing's comment........
So I guess they could call this the ChiHo project.
What a scam artist this guy is, so he has all this money, our tax dollars for his grant. More wasted tax dollars.
2.6 million so the “researcher” can go out drinking with prostitues and not even American. Can't they at least make grants only for Americans???
This is so stupid it goes beyond stupid.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (2)
May 21, 2009
The Sad CAFE
The Obama administration’s proposed mileage standards that will be announced today may kill more Americans at a faster rate than the Iraq War, his signature issue in the 2008 presidential campaign.
Obama’s standards will require automakers to meet a 35 miles-per-gallon standard by 2016, four years earlier than the same standard imposed by the Energy Security and Independence Act of 2007.
The only way for carmakers to meet these standard is to make smaller, lighter -- and deadlier cars.
The National Academy of Sciences has linked mileage standards with about 2,000 deaths per year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that every 100-pound reduction in the weight of small cars increases annual traffic fatalities by as much as 715.
In contrast in the more than six years since the Iraq war began, there have been 4,296 deaths among American military personnel.
And what will be gained by the new mileage standards?
The Natural Resources Defense Council said that the 35 MPG standard would save about one million gallons of gas per day. So how does that savings balance against the 2,000 fatalities per year that the National Academy of Sciences says are caused by those same lighter cars?
For the sake of being utilitarian, let’s generously assume that the mileage standards reduced the price of gasoline by $1. That would translate to a daily savings of $1 million. Is that savings worth killing more than five people per day, plus other non-fatal injuries and property damage?
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency -- for the purposes of risk assessment -- values a single human life at $6.9 million dollars. So the new mileage standards would cost about $35 million per day in human lives (not including non-fatal injuries) to save $1 million in gas.
There’s also another lesson hidden in the proposed standards, one that applies to businesses trying to game global warming legislation.
Carmakers lobbied hard against overly stringent mileage standards in the 2007 energy bill, finally negotiating with Congress a compromise standard they thought they at least had a chance to meet. President Obama has now pulled the rug out from under the carmakers and their 2007 deal with Congress.
This ought to serve as a lesson for businesses that are trying to negotiate a climate deal they think they can survive. Rest assured that as soon as business groups agree to a climate deal, the Greens and the Obama administration will go to work the next day figuring out ways to bulldoze the deal in order to make greenhouse gas limitations more stringent and more expensive.
Businesses often operate under the misimpression that they can cut lasting, win-win compromise deals with environmental groups. But such dealing is an impossibility since the Green Left is ideologically driven and will not be happy until capitalism is stamped out. The Greens are not interested in compromise. Like blood in the water to sharks, compromise by businesses signals weakness and vulnerability, and, therefore, opportunity for the Green movement to impose an agenda that is costly in treasure, and costlier in human lives and suffering.
Worse or Worser: Automakers consider new mpg standard to prevent Senate bill
In the Wild West, the order would have been "Cut them off at the pass!" For carmakers today battling with wildly fluctuating forecasts for mpg, CO2, and CAFE standards, the mission is to cut them off at the Capital. Taking matters upon themselves, some manufacturers are considering a proposal that would require 36 mpg for cars and 30 mpg for light trucks.
That proposal is being offered in an attempt to derail the fuel economy measure being taken up by the Senate in a couple of weeks. That's the one that calls for a CAFE standard of 35 mpg fleetwide by 2020 and a 4% increase every year for ten years, to which the automakers have unanimously replied, 'never gonna happen.'
Environmentalists are trying to make that bill even stronger, seeing that is has a provision allowing the government to reduce the standard if it is found to be too technologically or financially difficult for automakers to achieve.
Senator Carl Levin, the Michigan Democrat who's a friend of the industry, is proposing an alternative that mandates 36 mpg for cars by 2022, and a 30 mpg for trucks by 2025.
Let's see -- that would give a 33 mpg average for cars and trucks in a maker's fleet by 2025, which is 2 mpg and 5 years shy of the CAFE standard requested in the bill the carmakers don't like. Is it us, or is this really just about timing?
Wild Thing's comment..........
Obama just took over the job of Congress by passing his own laws, what are we paying those clowns on the Hill for.
The Obama & Congress have nationalized the Auto Industry and is forcing it to build 'Mickey Mouse Cars' that no one wants to buy.
The Obama & Congress have refused to lets us drill for oil, natural gas, use of coal that would free us from foreign imports.
The Obama & Congress are willing to Sacrafice/Kill 2,000 people a day in "MIckey Mouse Cars" at a cost of 35 million dollars to save 1 million dollars worth of gas made from foreign oil.
All of this regardless of the fact that we could produce cheaper gas from our own oil and save 2,000 lives a year or more with cars people want.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (6)
May 19, 2009
GM Bankruptcy Plan Calls For QUICK Sale To GOVERNMENT
General Motors Corp's (GM.N) plan for a bankruptcy filing involves a quick sale of the company's healthy assets to a new company initially owned by the U.S. government, a source familiar with the situation said on Tuesday.
The source, who would not be named because he was not cleared to speak with the media, did not specify a purchase price. The new company is expected to honor the claims of secured lenders, possibly in full, according to the source.
The remaining assets of GM would stay in bankruptcy protection to satisfy other outstanding claims.
GM has about $6 billion in secured debt, including a secured revolving credit and bank debt.
The government's plans include giving stakes in the new company to GM's union and bondholders, although the ownership structure of the company is still being negotiated, said the source who is familiar with the company's plans.
In addition, the government would extend a credit line to the new company and forgive the bulk of the $15.4 billion in emergency loans that the U.S. has already provided to GM, the source said.
The government has given GM until June 1 to restructure its operations to lower its debt burden and employee costs.
If those talks failed, the company has said it would follow rival Chrysler LLC into bankruptcy.
Setting up a new company to buy the healthy assets is aimed at reassuring consumers who might not be willing to make a major purchase from a bankrupt company, fearing it would not honor warranties or provide service.
The board of the new company would be established with the tacit approval of the government. Fritz Henderson, who took the helm of GM earlier this year after the government pushed out Rick Wagoner, would likely head the new company, the source said.
GM could not be immediately reached for comment.
Wild Thing's comment.......
First paragraph: NEW YORK (Reuters) - If General Motors Corp files for bankruptcy, as widely expected, plans include a quick sale of the automaker's healthy assets to a new company owned by the U.S. government, a source familiar with the situation said on Tuesday.
If someone told me that Obama would nationalize the banks and the auto industry in his first 150 days, I would have thought them crazy. This is truly astonishing.
The article talks about creating a new company, and the gov taking over GM then selling to this “new” company any “healthy” assets. Guess this means the “unhealthy” assets would twist in the wind or be transferred to the same imaginary hole where the gov is storing the “toxic” assets it bought. Healthy assets will be handed off to the UNION!!! The plan is not to save GM but the labor unions.
Just like in Britain after WW-II, major industries were forced to sell themselves to the government. These government run British industries, like coal mining, were run with enormous deficits solely to benefit the unions and crippled the British economy for decades. It took Margaret Thatcher to undo this mess and restore at least some sanity to the British economy. Let us hope we can have another Thatcher or Reagan to quickly lead us out of this mess.
I really believe these people have been planning this stuff for a long time. The reason Obama is not getting the
day to day stuff of filling cabinet positions done is he has a huge agenda that he needs to shove through, not just govern as he is supposed to.
Obama is the most dangerous THING our country has ever had. Even the terrorists do not make me afriad like Obama does.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 PM | Comments (13)
May 18, 2009
Hot In Recession: Cheaper Wine, Chocolate, Spam
Hot in recession: Cheaper wine, chocolate, Spam
It's not all doom and gloom in the U.S. economy. Some products are bucking the recession and flying off store shelves.
Sales of chocolate and running shoes are up. Wine drinkers haven't stopped sipping; they just seem to be choosing cheaper vintages.
Gold coins are selling like hot cakes. So are gardening seeds. Tanning products are piling up in shopping carts; maybe more people are finding color in a bottle than from sun-worshipping on a faraway beach.
Strong sales of Spam, Dinty Moore stew and chili helped Hormel Foods Corp. post a 6 percent increase in first quarter sales in its grocery products unit.
Consumers have trimmed household budgets and postponed buying cars, major appliances and other big-ticket items. Yet they still are willing to shell out for small indulgences and goods that make life more comfortable at home, where they are spending more time.
Recession shoppers also are drawn to items that make them feel safe, both personally and financially.
"The focus on the family hearth is something that has happened in nearly every recession. It's, `How can I have more fun at home?'" said Paco Underhill, whose company, Envirosell, monitors the behavior of shoppers and sellers across the U.S. and in other countries.
"People are much more focused on their homes and their immediate happiness and they're buying things that they can use themselves — seeds, fishing equipment. Lipstick and chocolate are small rewards that make you feel better."
Profits in the first three months of 2009 at Hershey Co., the nation's second-largest candy maker, surged 20 percent and beat Wall Street's expectations. Kraft Foods Inc. reported double-digit growth in macaroni and cheese dinners — the consummate comfort food.
Recessions, it seems, are good for love, too. Over the final three months of 2008, condom sales rose 5 percent and Match.com reported its strongest performance in seven years.
But economic woes are as rough on the tummy as they are on the wallet. Chicago-based market researcher Information Resources Inc. reports that sales of laxative liquids and powders rose 11.5 percent for the 52 weeks ending April 19. Sales of stomach remedy tablets, including Pepto-Bismol and Phillips brands, climbed 8 percent.
As expected during any economic slump, recession shoppers looking for deals have boosted sales at discount chains such as Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Dollar Tree Inc. sneaked into this year's Fortune 500 for the first time, at No. 499.
There's a general tendency to trade down, according to Leo J. Shapiro & Associates, a consulting firm in Chicago. That means eating dinner at the kitchen table instead of restaurants, buying used cars and shopping at do-it-yourself auto parts stores. It means spending less on clothes. Sales at luxury retailer Saks Inc. fell 32 percent last month. Sales at Goodwill Industries International stores in the U.S. and Canada jumped by 7 percent in March.
"If you're used to eating out, maybe you're now buying a high-end steak at the supermarket," said Bill Patterson, a senior analyst in Chicago with Mintel International, which supplies consumer, product and media intelligence. "If you eat at home mostly, maybe you are going down from the branded product to a private label."
People are not drinking as much beer or wine at bars and restaurants, but they haven't stopped drinking. The Wine Institute says that despite the recession, U.S. sales of California wines totaled about 467 million gallons last year — 2 percent more than the year before. But people are looking more closely at cheaper selections: The overall retail value of California wine sales fell slightly from 2007, the institute said.
Those on the go are not shying away from footing the bill for sturdy running shoes. Sales increased 2 percent in 2008, said Tom Doyle at the National Sporting Goods Association in Mount Prospect, Ill.
"Runners aren't going to hurt themselves to save a few bucks," he said. Likewise, sales of bicycle helmets are up as parents continue to spend money to protect youngsters, he said.
The financial meltdown produced more interest in home safes. Coin dealers are awash in customers as investors big and small see the safety of gold.
Sunshine Minting Inc. in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, which supplies gold blanks to the U.S. Mint, doubled its work force in 2008.
"It just came on like gangbusters," said president Tom Power, who struggled to hire, train and get new equipment to handle demand that doubled, then tripled. "You can't just flip a switch and jump up production overnight."
Guns are selling well, too. Total firearms sales rose 27.5 percent at Smith & Wesson for the three months ending Jan. 31. It's not a sudden interest in hunting behind the increase; hunting firearm sales at the company declined during the quarter by 46 percent.
Gun sales are being driven by concern that the Obama administration will tighten gun laws. But people also are feeling a level of fear and heightened interest in self-reliance as they weather the recession.
"They are looking down the road going `What could happen here?'" Underhill said. "I think a lot of Americans are truly scared. One of the things that tickles is our pioneer ethos, which is, `I feel better with a year's supply of toilet paper' and `Maybe I should start canning and pickling.'"
Many people already are.
The number of home vegetable gardens is predicted to jump more than 40 percent this year, compared with two years ago, according to the National Gardening Association. Sales of vegetable seeds such as green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash and lettuce climbed 30 percent as of March at W. Atlee Burpee, a large seed company in Warminster, Pa. It organized a basic training course called "root camp" for hundreds of would-be gardeners this month outside Philadelphia.
Still, when the economy grinds to a halt, people clench their teeth. That could mean spending money at the dentist.
There's no statistical evidence, but dentists such as Dr. Matthew Messina in Cleveland, Ohio., are seeing more people with tooth-grinding injuries.
"The body responds the same way to a real threat, `There's a burglar in the house,' as it does to a perceived stress like `I'm worried I'm going to lose the house,'" Messina said.
As they say, there are lies, damn lies, and statistics.
And the class-warfare Democrats are really good at those lies. If they weren't, there wouldn't be one in the White House right now, nor would there be a Democrat-majority House and Senate.
When Democrats tell you that "the rich" aren't paying their fair share, they are lying to you.
When Democrats tell you that our society is one dominated by "selfishness" and "greed," they are lying to you.
When Democrats tell you that the tax policies of George W. Bush's unfairly favored "the rich" and penalized the poor, they are lying to you. (It was quite the opposite.)
The Marxist-socialist who currently occupies the White House, thanks in part to a liberal media who supported him, rode a wave of economic lies that all Americans will wind up paying for in the end.
Let's look at a real-life example of the liberal/Democrat lie.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Well at least there’s no shortage of chocolate. Ammo, that’s another story. I’d say guns and ammo are the hottest items. It has little to to with recession, and most to do with the dem controlled gov’t. and OBama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (14)
May 16, 2009
Democrat 'Zombie" Voters (Dead People) Get Stimulus Checks
Dead People Get Stimulus Checks
This week, thousands of people are getting stimulus checks in the mail. The problem is that a lot of them are dead. A Long Island woman was shocked when she checked the mail and received a letter from the U.S. Treasury -- but it wasn't for her.
Antoniette Santopadre of Valley Stream was expecting a $250 stimulus check. But when her son finally opened it, they saw that the check was made out to her father, Romolo Romonini, who died in Italy 34 years ago. He'd been a U.S. citizen when he left for Italy in 1933, but only returned to the United States for a seven-month visit in 1969.
The Santopadres are not alone. The Social Security Administration, which sent out 52 million checks, says that some of those checks mistakenly went to dead people because the agency had no record of their death. That amounts to between 8,000 and 10,000 checks for millions of dollars.
The feds blame a rushed schedule, because all the checks have to be cut by June. The strange thing is, some of the checks were made out to people -- like Romonini -- who were never even part of the Social Security system.
Wild Thing's comment........
What the heck are they using anyway, ACORN files? hahaha sheesh! This is such a typical way that Democrats run things. It should just say.....Stimulus checks for ACORN registered 'zombie' democrat voters.
No one could be more deserving. No one in our society is more disadvantaged. The dead suffer, by far, the worst wage and housing discrimination, and have the least access to medical care and education. And not one state permits the dead to marry. Heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM | Comments (19)
May 14, 2009
The Washington Examiner via The Patriot Post
"Give President Obama credit -- he at least made the proverbial offer Chrysler's secured creditors couldn't refuse. The way Obama strong-armed creditors who rightfully expected to be treated justly under the law was right out of Juan Peron's playbook.
Like the Argentinian strong man, Obama muscled the owners and creditors out of a productive private company and gave it to union leaders, who will then fill his campaign coffers in gratitude for his generosity. The Examiner's Michael Barone -- who has forgotten more about American government and politics than most Washington political experts know -- was correct to dub Obama's Chrysler heist 'an episode of Gangster Government.'
Forget what anybody in the White House or what is left of the Chrysler executive corps claims to the contrary because the UAW effectively owns the company now, holding 55 percent of its stock.
True, the union doesn't get an explicit controlling majority of the board of directors, but who needs that when you've got the White House guaranteeing your work and the U.S. Treasury Department making sure you never have to worry about the bottom line. ... Contrasting mightily with the Pennsylvania Avenue Gang's thuggery is the quiet confidence of Ford Motor Company's president and CEO, Allan Mullaly. He had the foresight three years ago to strengthen his firm's cash and credit reserves in anticipation of the inevitable decline of auto sales.
When GM and Chrysler headed hats-in-hand to Washington last fall, Mullaly said Ford didn't want a bailout and then watched quietly as his two cross-town rivals committed corporate suicide. Now Ford is positioned strongly to be the last great American car company. With a guy like that at the helm, it's enough to make people who love American free enterprise go out and buy a new Ford."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama is on the side of the Unions, he probably celebrated his vicotry with all of this with the Unions getting more power then even before.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (6)
May 12, 2009
Soda Tax Being Considered By Obama the Taxing Addict!

Senate leaders are considering new federal taxes on soda and other sugary drinks to help pay for an overhaul of the nation's health-care system.
The taxes would pay for only a fraction of the cost to expand health-insurance coverage to all Americans and would face strong opposition from the beverage industry. They also could spark a backlash from consumers who would have to pay several cents more for a soft drink.
On Tuesday, the Senate Finance Committee is set to hear proposals from about a dozen experts about how to pay for the comprehensive health-care overhaul that President Barack Obama wants to enact this year. Early estimates put the cost of the plan at around $1.2 trillion. The administration has so far only earmarked funds for about half of that amount.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a Washington-based watchdog group that pressures food companies to make healthier products, plans to propose a federal excise tax on soda, certain fruit drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks and ready-to-drink teas. It would not include most diet beverages. Excise taxes are levied on goods and manufacturers typically pass them on to consumers.
Senior staff members for some Democratic senators at the center of the effort to craft health-care legislation are weighing the idea behind closed doors, Senate aides said.
The Congressional Budget Office, which is providing lawmakers with cost estimates for each potential change in the health overhaul, included the option in a broad report on health-system financing in December. The office estimated that adding a tax of three cents per 12-ounce serving to these types of sweetened drinks would generate $24 billion over the next four years. So far, lawmakers have not indicated how big a tax they are considering.
"Soda is clearly one of the most harmful products in the food supply, and it's something government should discourage the consumption of," Mr. Jacobson said.
The main beverage lobby that represents Coca-Cola Co., PepsiCo Inc., Kraft Foods Inc. and other companies said such a tax would unfairly hit lower-income Americans and wouldn't deter consumption.
"Taxes are not going to teach our children how to have a healthy lifestyle," said Susan Neely, president of the American Beverage Association. Instead, the association says it's backing programs that limit sugary beverage consumption in schools.
The beverage-tax proposal would apply to drinks that many Americans don't consider unhealthy -- such as PepsiCo's Gatorade and Kraft's Capri Sun -- based on their calorie content.
Health advocates are floating other so-called sin tax proposals and food regulations as part of the government's health-care overhaul. Mr. Jacobson also plans to propose Tuesday that the government sharply raise taxes on alcohol, move to largely eliminate artificial trans fat from food and move to reduce the sodium content in packaged and restaurant food.
The beverage tax is just one of hundreds of ideas that lawmakers are weighing to finance the health-care plans. They're expected to narrow the list in coming weeks.
The White House, meanwhile, is pulling together private health groups to identify cost savings that will help fund the health overhaul. Mr. Obama on Monday held a White House meeting with groups that represent doctors, hospitals, insurers, pharmaceutical companies and medical-device makers. They pledged to help restrain cost increases in the health-care system in an effort to save $2 trillion over the next decade.
"When it comes to health-care spending, we are on an unsustainable course that threatens the financial stability of families, businesses and government itself," Mr. Obama told reporters.
Wild Thing's comment......
Can we tax democrats for being democrats or something?? History proves over and over that the Democrats are the party of taxing people to death. Heck even after death.
If they tax soda, Nicholas is going to have a fit. He drinks a lot of diet Coke.
How much more does Obama think half of this country will stand for his being the worst president our country has ever had!!!!! No one comes close to how bad he is, imo. Carter runner up followed by Bill Clinton.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (10)
May 11, 2009
Attention Hungry Obama To Hold Yet Another Town Hall Meeting
Obama to hold town hall meeting on credit cards
Barack Obama will hold a town hall meeting next week in New Mexico to promote congressional efforts to reform credit card practices, the White House said on Friday.
Banks such as Bank of America Corp (BAC.N)>, JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N), Citigroup Inc (C.N) and Capital One Financial Corp (COF.N) face a new set of rules issued by the Federal Reserve last year aimed at reining in abusive credit card practices.
The rules are to be implemented by July 2010, a date some lawmakers and consumer groups complain is too far away to help struggling consumers.
U.S. lawmakers are trying to codify those rules in legislation and send it to Obama this month to sign into law. Legislative efforts are aimed at stopping credit card companies from imposing certain late fees, restricting retroactive rate increases, as well as other questionable billing practices and marketing to minors.
The Senate is expected to begin debating on Monday on legislation. The House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved its own legislation last month.
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters on Friday that Obama will focus on legislation and urge lawmakers to "get something done on an issue of tremendous importance to middle class families.
"For many people credit cards provide an opportunity to finance purchases," Gibbs said. "But we think there's a more equitable way to do that and I think that those reforms are on their way through Congress."
Wild Thing's comment........
Geez every freakin week he holds a town hall meeting..He is still in campaign mode!
Demonrats believe that our the Constitution is a living document but your credit card contract should be fixed.
Something tells me Obama will use this town hall meeting to once again attack on capitalism.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (9)
May 10, 2009
DHS Deputy Secretary to Keynote Civil Rights Awards Lunch at ADC
DHS Deputy Secretary to Keynote Civil Rights Awards Lunch at ADC (The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee ) Annual National Convention
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is proud to announce that Deputy Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Jane Holl Lute will deliver the keynote remarks during this year’s Civil Rights Awards Lunch headlining an outstanding program of awards and speakers at one of the anchor events during the ADC Annual National Convention.
The Deputy Secretary, the second-ranking official at DHS after Secretary Napolitano, has over 30 years of dedicated military and executive experience and has served as Assistant Secretary General to the United Nations responsible for the support of international peacekeeping operations. ADC is pleased to welcome Deputy Secretary Lute to discuss the ongoing challenges facing law enforcement and the post-9/11 communities and the struggle to maintain and promote civil rights and security simultaneously.
Also confirmed to deliver special remarks at the Saturday June 13 lunch is Chair of the House Judiciary Committee Congressman John Conyers (D-MI). Congressman Conyers has been a tireless advocate for civil rights and most recently championed legislation to provide resources to law enforcement to combat hate crimes. Since the days when he marched with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Congressman Conyers has been working to protect the rights of all Americans and the integrity of our Constitutional values.
Also, ADC is proud to present this year’s Excellence in Advocacy Award to the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) for their outstanding work toward substantively and constructively addressing challenges facing the Arab and Muslim community post-9/11. The Award will be accepted by MPAC Executive Director Salam Al-Marayati who has successfully spearheaded MPAC’s excellent advocacy efforts on multiple levels.
Other confirmed speakers during this year’s ADC Annual National Convention include Surprise Special Guest ***, Congressman Keith Ellison, Congressman John Dingle, Congressman Brian Baird, Congresswoman Donna Edwards, Archbishop Cappucci of Jerusalem, Dean of the White House Press Corps Helen Thomas, Professor John Mearsheimer, J Street Executive Director Jeremy Ben-Ami, Palestinian Member of the Kenesset Said Naffaa, Professor Saad Eddine Ibrahim, ACLU National Board Member Preetmohan Singh, FBI Assistant Director John Miller, and AFL-CIO Middle East and North Africa Director Heba El-Shazli.
Wild Thing's comment........
This administration and Obama are reaching out to every connection to the enemy of our country there is. And this is another example of how they do not care at all about our security, protecting the citizerns of our country and instead think it is acceptable to associate with the enemy and friends of the enemy.
And check out the list of the other confirmed speakers, in the last paragraph.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:46 AM | Comments (4)
May 08, 2009
Obama’s $100 Million Budget Cuts, Visualized
A great, short video showing what $100 million means in the context of a $3.5 trillion budget.
How much is the $100 million dollars in budget cuts compared to the federal budget as a whole? This video imagines the budget at $100 in pennies to provide the answer.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Clever idea how to explain this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (5)
May 07, 2009
Obama's ACORN and Census GPS-tagging Your Home's Front Door
Census GPS-tagging your home's front door
Coordinates being taken for every residence in nation
According to an online Yahoo program, the Global Position System coordinates for the White House, probably one of the best-known publicly owned buildings in the world, are 38.898590 Latitude and -77.035971 Longitude. And since you know that, it's no big deal for the White House to know the coordinates for your front door, is it?
Some people think it is, and are upset over an army of some 140,000 workers hired in part with a $700 million taxpayer-funded contract to collect GPS readings for every front door in the nation.
The data collection, presented as preparation for the 2010 Census, is pinpointing with computer accuracy the locations and has raised considerable concern from privacy advocates who have questioned why the information is needed. The privacy advocates also are more than a little worried over what could be done with that information.
Enhancing the concerns is the Obama administration's recent decision to put White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel in an oversight role over the census, which will be used to determine a reapportionment of congressional seats and could be used to solidify a single political party's control over the nation, its budget, military and future.
Commerce Secretary Gary Locke recently told the Washington Post: "The census director reports to me, and, of course, I serve at the pleasure of the president." He added the White House told him "it has no interest in politicizing the census."
But at American Daily Review, blogger Douglas Gibbs had more than a few doubts.
"GPS coordinates of your front door will make it easier for the government to monitor you," he said. "The U.S. Census Bureau is simply an excuse – a harmless looking means of obtaining the front door coordinates. The creation of GPS coordinates for front doors has nothing to do with the census, in all honesty, no matter how much the United States government tries to convince you that it does."
He recalled wondering why, just weeks ago, the Obama administration announced its oversight of the census, "literally taking control of the census away from the Commerce Department."
He put that together with Obama's longtime push for national service.
"The Obamites, thirsty to serve their new messianic figure, have lost enough of their objectivity to be willingly recruited into such an insidious program like gaining these coordinates for the U.S. government. … I ask again, what would be the purpose of shooting the GPS coordinates of American doorways?" he wrote.
Please continue HERE for the rest of the article
Census Bureau Adopts GPS to Find American Homes
by Dan Charles
July 31, 2006
Two-and-a-half years from now, in early 2009, the Census Bureau plans to send an army of 100,000 temporary workers down every street and dusty, dirt road in America. They will be armed with handheld GPS devices.
Robert LaMacchia, head of the Census Bureau's geography division, says they'll capture the latitude and longitude of the front door of every house, apartment and improvised shelter they find.
"We will actually knock on doors and look for hidden housing units," he says. "We will find converted garages; from the outside, it may not look like anybody lives there."
But census workers will add each dwelling, legal or not, to the Census Bureau's Master Address File.
Recent proposed budget cuts have put part of this plan in jeopardy. But if Congress restores the money, the census will end up with the geographic coordinates — accurate to within 10 feet — for about 110 million residences.
But the Census Bureau can't, by law, share that list with anyone, even local governments. LaMacchia says the information has to be treated as confidential. Otherwise, people might lie, and the census wouldn't be accurate.
"People would not tell us about hidden housing units," LaMacchia says. "People would not respond to the questionnaire if they believed that that information would be turned over to law enforcement or code enforcement and become public information."
ACORN to count heads for Census
First it was President Obama trying to break all precedent and run the 2010 census from within the White House. While the administration finally backed down from that politicization of the census, it clearly hasn't learned its lesson. Now it is having ACORN officially "partner" with the Census to help count the number of Americans in the country. It's like Santa trusting a child to tell him how many times he or she has been good in the past year.
We could write a book on the false voter registrations submitted by ACORN. There are bizarre stories, such as one from Cleveland, where ACORN employees reregistered the same individual 77 times, even though the individual kept on telling the ACORN workers that he was already registered. But ACORN's people kept offering to bribe him with cigarettes or money to get him to fill out another form. Similar examples from across the United States are too numerous to count.
Last year alone, voter fraud investigations took place in 12 states: Connecticut, Florida, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin.
Giving it any type of official role in the process, including making it a so-called "Census Bureau partner," is disturbing. We worry about how ACORN may misuse this affiliation in representing itself to others.
What is at stake from an accurate census is huge. The allocation of seats in Congress, and ultimately questions of who controls it, depend on an accurate count. Much of the money Congress spends is allocated based on the census. Requiring that the census be non-partisan is the first requirement that must be met.
Wild Thing's comment.......
The fact that this was on the planning board since 2006 and now they are doing it but with Obama at the helm. Now that is concerning.
"But the Census Bureau can't, by law, share that list with anyone, even local governments."
This 'can't by law" stuff means nothing when we have thugs like Obama, Rahm and Holder etc. in charge. They have no honor, no integrity and laws mean nothing to these jerks. And being that Obama is ACORN, he insists on their being the ones to do this. now that is concerning.
I realize they are supposed to get an accurate count of the population. Good grief, hahahah BUT ACORN?
What are they going to do about the addresses of the corpses voting for Democrats LMAO, group them all together in one massive cemetary I suppose.
Google earth has coordinates of whatever you want on the planet. There’s no point in getting GPS coordinates for each house manually.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (4)
House Bypasses Governor’s Veto to Claim Oklahoma’s Sovereignty
House bypasses governor’s veto to claim Oklahoma’s sovereignty
Although Gov. Brad Henry vetoed similar legislation 10 days earlier, House members Monday again approved a resolution claiming Oklahoma’s sovereignty.
Unlike House Joint Resolution 1003, House Concurrent Resolution 1028 does not need the governor’s approval.
The House passed the measure 73-22. It now goes to the Senate.
"We’re going to get it done one way or the other,” said the resolutions’ author, Rep. Charles Key, R-Oklahoma City.
"I think our governor is out of step.”
House Democrats objected, saying the issue already had been taken up and had been vetoed, but House Speaker Pro Tempore Kris Steele, R-Shawnee, ruled the veto is not final action.
Key said he expects HCR 1028 will pass in the Senate. HJR 1003 earlier passed the House 83-18 and won approval in the Senate 29-18.
Henry vetoed HJR 1003 because he said it suggested, among other things, that Oklahoma should return federal tax dollars.
Key said HCR 1028, which, if passed, would be sent to Democratic President Barack Obama and the Democratic-controlled Congress, would not jeopardize federal funds but would tell Congress to "get back into their proper constitutional role.” The resolution states the federal government should "cease and desist” mandates that are beyond the scope of its powers.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Great news! Bless those Okies!
I hope this state sovereignty thing is a growing trend. States rights have been stripped away from us for years.
The American people are no longer being represented, and they know it! The tea parties are going to get bigger and bigger. Thank God, people are finally speaking up.
"House Democrats objected, saying the issue already had been taken up and had been vetoed”
Dem’s just hate it when they have to follow the ‘rule of law’ and the Constitution (State or U.S.).
Unless, of course, it’s in their favor.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:44 AM | Comments (3)
May 06, 2009
Scholarship Students Slam Obama
The recipients of the DC Opportunity Scholarships — Obama supporters, mind you — directly ask the president why he is allowing their scholarships to be taken away.
Obama voters slam Obama for destroying a very successful school choice program in the name of politics. The parents are furious and plan to ask Obama he is doing this when they marched for him... can he take this wonderful program away.
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is something the Republicans could be doing right now. Speak out about this, pay for billboards along roads about this. Push the fact that these people have been LIED to by their Messiah of thugville.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (6)
Obama and White House Threats Over Chrysler
Megyn Kelly and Neil Cavuto Interview Tom Lauria Over Fascist White House Threats To Chrysler Creditors
Laurie has said :
"One of my clients was directly threatened by the White House and, in essence, compelled to withdraw its opposition to the deal under the threat that the full force of the White House press corps would destroy its reputation if it continued to fight." --Attorney Tom LauriaAs I posted about in this post, an interview that Mark Levin had done.
Chrysler Lender Attorney "White House Directly Threatened My Client"
From the May 4 broadcast of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:
LIMBAUGH: Now we know, ladies and gentlemen, I was right. Now we know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I was right; option number three: They are scared to death. My buddy Frank Beckmann at WJR in Detroit interviewed one of the bankruptcy lawyers for one of the bondholders at Chrysler, one of the clients. His name is Tom Lauria.
Tom Lauria said, "Let me tell you, it's no fun standing on this side of the fence opposing the president of the United States. In fact, let me just say people have asked me who I represent. That's a moving target. I can tell you for sure that I represent one less investor today than I represented yesterday. One of my clients was directly threatened by the White House and, in essence, compelled to withdraw its opposition to the Chrysler deal under the threat that the full force of the White House press corps would destroy its reputation if it continued to fight. That's how hard it is to stand on this side of the fence."
And Frank Beckmann said, "Was it Perella Weinberg?" Lauria says, "It was Perella Weinberg."
Now, this happened in Friday -- on Friday in Detroit. It's made the news throughout the weekend. I -- so here's -- now the White House, by the way, is denying all of this, but there's a pattern here, ladies and gentlemen, that sort of gives the lie to the denial. I mean, this is -- we've referred to the situation that's going on in Washington as loan-sharking, Obama loan-sharking people.
Basically what happened was, as we mentioned last week, the bondholders, the investors at Chrysler, were leaned on by Obama and called out personally by the name of hedge funds and they were selfish and they were holding out for a better deal. These people were forced to settle for 20 to 30 cents on the dollar, while the UAW was made whole in the whole thing. And the lawyer, Thomas Lauria, now says that his client was threatened with reputation ruination from the White House press corps.
Wild Thing's comment...........
This guy is scared one can feel coming from him. and so are the clients he is representing on this.
And lastly look at this:
New Allegations Of White House Threats Over Chrysler
"The sources, who represent creditors to Chrysler, say they were taken aback by the hardball tactics that the Obama administration employed to cajole them into acquiescing to plans to restructure Chrysler. One person described the administration as the most shocking “end justifies the means” group they have ever encountered. Another characterized Obama was “the most dangerous smooth talker on the planet- and I knew Kissinger.” Both were voters for Obama in the last election."
"One participant in negotiations said that the administration's tactic was to present what one described as a "madman theory of the presidency" in which the President is someone to be feared because he was willing to do anything to get his way. The person said this threat was taken very seriously by his firm."
The White House has denied the allegation that it threatened Perella Weinberg.
Last week Obama singled out the firms that continue to oppose his plan for Chrysler, saying he would not stand with them. Perella Weinberg says it was convinced to support the plan by this stark drawing of a line between firms that have the president's backing and those that did not. They didn't want to be on the wrong side of Obama. Privately, administration officials have expressed confidence that other firms will switch sides for this reason.
These allegations add to the picture of an administration willing to use intimidation to win over support for its Chrysler plans--and then categorically deny it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (4)
May 05, 2009
Obama Wants $190 Billion Tax Increase on Companies
Obama proposed to raise about $190 billion over the next decade by outlawing three offshore tax-avoidance techniques used by U.S. companies such as Caterpillar Inc. and Procter & Gamble Co. He also would make it riskier for Americans to stash money in tax-haven banks.
The tax system is “full of corporate loopholes,” Obama said at the White House today, as he outlined the plan along with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. The tax proposals, which will be part of a detailed budget the administration releases later this week, would raise a total of about $210 billion over the next decade.
Geithner said that in addition to the tax changes, the Internal Revenue Service is making an unprecedented effort to strengthen.
The administration is going after a strategy that allows U.S.-based multinational companies to effectively hide from the Internal Revenue Service the role their foreign subsidiaries play in shifting profits into low-tax jurisdictions such as the Cayman Islands, according to the administration.
The proposal, affecting tax rules known as “check the box,” would net $86.5 billion in revenue between 2011-2019 by overhauling regulations created in Democrat Bill Clinton’s administration and later written into law by a Republican- controlled Congress after Clinton tried to withdraw the rules.
Tax Changes
The proposal, combined with a $60.1 billion plan to limit many expense deductions for American companies that take advantage of laws allowing them to defer tax on foreign profits and a $43 billion crackdown on abusive foreign tax credits, would be the biggest tax increase on U.S. corporations since 1986. Obama also would shift the burden of proof to individuals when the IRS alleges assets are being hidden in certain offshore bank accounts, the White House said in a statement.
“This is bad stuff,” Kenneth Kies, a tax lobbyist at the Washington firm Federal Policy Group, said of Obama’s plans. “This is going to be the biggest fight for the corporate community in the next two years.” Kies represents General Electric Co., Anheuser-Busch Cos. and Microsoft Corp., among others.
While the administration expects companies to lobby against the proposals, the president said his plan strikes loopholes that give multinational companies an unfair advantage over companies that operate only within the U.S.
In 2004, U.S.-based multinational corporations paid about $16 billion in U.S. taxes while earning about $700 billion offshore, or an effective tax rate of about 2.3 percent, according to the administration statement. The top marginal tax rate for U.S. companies is 35 percent; drug companies such as Amgen Inc. and technology companies such as Microsoft are among companies that make the biggest use of tax-deferral benefits.
Four Proposals
Obama and Geithner outlined the tax proposals before the White House releases a more detailed budget later this week.
The biggest of the requests is the repeal of the check-the- box rules, which took effect in 1997. The rules were designed to reduce paperwork for companies and the IRS by allowing companies to classify entities within their corporate structure in the most tax-efficient manner without inviting a tax challenge.
The Clinton administration realized that the rules made it easy for multinationals to create entities whose only purpose was to shift profits into low-tax countries and out of reach of the tax authorities, according to a January Government Accountability Office report that found 83 of the 100 biggest companies had subsidiaries in tax havens.
Repeal Recommendation
Once the assets were in the haven, the U.S. parent company borrowed from the subsidiary. The interest payments were deductible in the U.S. and tax-free in the haven, the GAO said. The nonpartisan congressional Joint Committee on Taxation recommended in 2005 that the rules be repealed.
The Clinton administration intended the rules to help U.S. companies minimize their foreign tax liability, not to avoid the IRS, said Andrew Lyon, a former Treasury Department tax official who is now a principal at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP’s Washington office.
As a package, Obama’s proposal “is just a massive change and targeting what really has been a growth area for the U.S. economy: the overseas activities of U.S. firms,” Lyon said.
Stephen Shipman, a portfolio manager at Century Management, an Austin, Texas, hedge fund, said the result would be double- taxation for many companies that operate overseas.
“The simple thinkers in the White House will learn that such policies will result in less economic exchange, both overseas and here in the United States,” Shipman said.
When the Clinton administration tried to rescind the benefits of the tax rules in such cases, companies mounted a lobbying effort and got Congress to back the rule, a White House official said. Obama believes the rules have no economic substance other than avoiding U.S. tax, the official said.
Passive Income
“Check-the-box was responsible for a lot of currently taxable passive income disappearing from the system,” said Lee Sheppard, a tax lawyer and contributing editor at Tax Notes, a weekly industry journal.
Obama’s plan will be “surprising and cause a lot of pain” to U.S. companies, said Pamela Olson, a former top tax policy official in President George W. Bush’s Treasury Department. Many companies structured their international operations over the last decade based on rules such as check-the-box.
“Everything they’ve done is going to get wiped out,” Olson said. The Obama Treasury Department could have made most of the changes administratively, she said. By making it a legislative proposal, the new administration can count any revenue that results from the policy change in its budget.
Obama’s other corporate tax plans are patterned on those made in 2007 by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel, a New York Democrat, an administration official said.
Expense Deductions
The first would defer most expense deductions, including those for interest paid, for U.S.-based multinationals, until U.S. tax is paid on the foreign income.
That would end a practice where companies deduct 35 cents of a dollar of interest paid to a foreign subsidiary that owes little or no tax in the country where it is located, the Obama administration official said. Such tax arbitrage, while now legal, reduces companies’ overall tax burdens often at the expense of the U.S. Treasury.
The proposal stopped short of an outright repeal of U.S. tax-deferral rules, as feared by a coalition of 200 companies and trade groups ranging from Alcoa Inc. to Yum! Brands, Inc. that was spearheaded by the Business Roundtable, U.S. Chamber of Commerce and National Foreign Trade Council, all Washington- based trade associations.
Letters to Leaders
In letters to congressional officials including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the trade groups warned such a repeal would hurt U.S. companies’ competition with their foreign rivals by increasing operating costs. That would make U.S. companies vulnerable to takeover and cost American jobs, they said.
Obama’s proposal would divert the revenue it collects to making permanent a research and experimentation tax credit that is popular with many of the same businesses protesting the end of the tax-deferral rules, the administration official said. That credit, which has expired 13 times, is due to expire again Dec. 31; while the research credit is renewed only temporarily, there has been only one year since 1986 when it and the tax deferral rules haven’t been on the books at the same time.
Another Obama proposal would end abuses of foreign tax- credit rules. U.S. tax law gives companies a dollar-for-dollar credit for taxes paid for foreign governments, but companies are projected to use techniques over the next decade to artificially inflate or accelerate those credits by $43 billion, the administration official said. The Obama budget would recoup that revenue, the official said.
Offshore Money
For individuals, Obama will propose shifting the burden of proof when the IRS believes money is being hidden offshore. In cases where individuals bank with financial institutions that haven’t agreed to report certain account information to the IRS, the individual will have to prove he or she doesn’t own the account, rather than requiring the IRS to prove ownership.
The change is projected to generate about $9 billion in new revenue between 2011 and 2019, and Obama believes it will yield substantially more, the administration official said.
Obama’s proposals could be superseded by recommendations by a panel led by Paul Volcker, whom the president named to make recommendations on tax overhaul by December, the administration official said. The panel won’t be constrained by the budget’s proposals, the official said.
Wild Thing's comment......
OH sure Hussein, that will sure pump some life into the economy.
Tax increases on companies are NOT paid by those companies. They pass along increased taxes, just like other increased costs, to their customers, and ultimately to the final consumers. So, when Obama tells us that he’s not raising taxes on individuals... he’s full of it.
I guess because he spent so much time in foreign countries growing up he never heard the old but true saying, “You can’t get blood out of a turnip”. Or “nothing from nothing leaves nothing.”
Obama is coming for the turnip. U.S. based multi-nationals will close the U.S. part of the business and operate as foreign companies. That breaks the access for the IRS to try to tax the profits made in a foreign country. It also kills revenue to the IRS from the part of the company that ceases to exist on U.S. soil.
More corporations will reincorporate off-shore and then import their goods into the USA. The big breweries are foreign owned. Most “big Pharma” is foreign owned, Fiat will soon own Chrysler operating assets. the list goes on and on. Why be an American corporation and put up with this crap? There are more stable countries with less political risk in the world.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (8)
May 04, 2009
Obama to Roll Out International Tax Proposals
Obama to roll out international tax proposals
Barack Obama plans to roll out a set of proposals on international tax policies on Monday, in an announcement with potential implications for U.S. multinational firms.
The White House said Obama will be joined by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner for the event.
Obama's budget outline released in February made reference to proposals to change the tax treatment of U.S. firms with overseas operations and measures to crack down on international tax evasion.
The White House said at the time the measures would bring in $210 billion in additional revenue over the next decade.
During his campaign last year, Obama spoke out against provisions in the tax code that allow U.S. firms with overseas operations to defer payment of taxes on corporate profits if they plowed the money back into their foreign subsidiaries.
Obama said this gave companies incentives to ship jobs overseas.
Wild Thing's comment......
This idiot is charging head long into the abyss and dragging the country with him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (10)
Obama: Wall Street Will Play Less Dominant Role
Wall Street is not going to play as dominant a role in the economy, president says.
Wall Street is not going to play as dominant a role in the economy as regulations reduce "some of the massive leveraging and the massive risk-taking that had become so common," President Barack Obama says.
The changes in the role of Wall Street and the huge profits that came from that risk-taking could mean other adjustments as well, Obama said in an interview in this week's New York Times Magazine.
"That means that more talent, more resources will be going to other sectors of the economy," he said. "I actually think that's healthy. We don't want every single college grad with mathematical aptitude to become a derivatives trader. We want some of them to go into engineering, and we want some of them to be going into computer design."
The Obama administration is trying to restore more regulations on the financial sector to avoid some of the risk-taking that helped cause the current economic problems.
"Wall Street will remain a big, important part of our economy, just as it was in the '70s and the '80s," he said. "It just won't be half of our economy."
Obama said he expects that government efforts to fix the economy will cause long-term changes.
"What I think will change, what I think was an aberration, was a situation where corporate profits in the financial sector were such a heavy part of our overall profitability over the last decade," he said.
Obama said he's confident that people will regain trust and confidence in the financial system, but he believes it will take time.
"I think it's important to understand that some of that wealth was illusory in the first place," he said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Forget socialism. This guy is going straight for communisim. This Soutpiel puppet has perpetrated one of the biggest cons the world has ever seen.
Translation: “Wall Street, you better cough up big for Democrats in 2010 and for me in 2012 if you want us to stay off your back.”
Wall Street IS the free economy. If Wall Street declines it can mean only one thing. Government grows = communisim.
What a flaming hypocrite. If you look closely, HALF of his administration or more has worked on Wall Street at some point. I just read yesterday that Rahm Emanuel had a brief career as an investment banker. What the heck does Rahm Emanuel know about banking?
Rahm Emanuel’s profitable stint at mortgage giant [Freddie Mac]
Chicago Tribune
"Before its portfolio of bad loans helped trigger the current housing crisis, mortgage giant Freddie Mac was the focus of a major accounting scandal that led to a management shake-up, huge fines and scalding condemnation of passive directors by a top federal regulator.
One of those allegedly asleep-at-the-switch board members was Chicago's Rahm Emanuel—now chief of staff to President Barack Obama—who made at least $320,000 for a 14-month stint at Freddie Mac that required little effort."
Rahm made $19 MILLION during his short time on Wall Street. He wired the state bond deals and reaped the harvest.
Obama and his soros communism will 'crowd out' capitalism. (which all here see as plain as the noses on our tea party faces). What he left out is...as goes Wall St, so goes Main St. (at least while he's president, or until we can elect a Congress WITH a brain to replace this cursed Congress WITHOUT a brain, whichever comes first).
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (10)
May 01, 2009
Supreme Court Justice David Souter to Retire
Souter to Retire From Supreme Court
Supreme Court Justice David Souter has reportedly decided to retire from the Supreme Court, a move that will provide President Barack Obama his first opportunity to nominate someone to the nation's highest court.
The White House has been told that Souter will retire in June, when the court finishes its work for the summer, a source familiar with his plans said Thursday night. He almost certainly would remain on the bench until a successor is confirmed.
Souter, 69, is widely regarded as one of the most liberal members of the bench. As such, his departure would not likely lead to a significant change in the close idealogical split that currently defines the Court.
A number of Souter's former law clerks reached late Thursday night were unaware of the news and said they had no advance knowledge of Souter's departure. "A tremendous loss," says Georgetown University law professor Rebecca Tushnet who clerked for Souter a decade ago.
Just a few weeks ago at a speech in Washington, Souter described his annual ritual of preparing for the upcoming Supreme Court term as "a lobotomy of the mind." That comment suggesting the Court's business was intellectually listless combined with the fact that he had yet to hire clerks for the upcoming fall term prompted much speculation that he would step down.
Souter's presence in the current liberal block of the Court is a long-standing matter of frustration for conservatives who feel his appointment in 1990 by President George H.W. Bush — a Republican — was a missed opportunity.
Wild Thing's comment.......
And so it begins.... with the Judges.
Can we hope the replacement can be delayed for 3 1/2 years until Obama is voted out of office ???
Just a thought..... yes I know, that won't happen.
I could say it will be a very liberal Judge replaced by another very liberal Judge. Except for one thing, if we
use the ruler on what Obama would do, the Judge Obama will pick will be off the charts a very liberal Judge.
He has not picked one person yet for anything that is not a communist, nut case that wants to destroy our country.
Soros will let him know who to pick probably.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (4)
April 29, 2009
Update: McCain and Senate Select Committee on POW and MIA
******* Just moving this up to a more recent posting.Because of what John Kerry is doing this month . Will reference later.~ Thank you , Wild Thing ********
The documentary "Missing, Presumed Dead the Search for America's POWs" however focuses more on Senator John McCain successfully blocking the release of classified POW/MIA documents. Here is a DVD extra from that documentary.This video was done by The group Vietnam Veterans Against McCain.
Memorandum for: Vice Chairman, Senate Select Committee on Prisoners of War and Missing in Action
Subject: Possible Violations of Title 18, U.S.C., Section 2071, by the Select Committee and Possible Ethical Misconduct by Staff Attorneys.
From: John F. McCreary
Continuing analysis of relevant laws and further review of the events between 8 April and 16 April 1992 connected with the destruction of the Investigators' Intelligence Briefing Text strongly indicate that the order to destroy all copies of that briefing text on 9 April and the actual destruction of copies of the briefing texts plus the purging of computer files might constitute violations of Title 18, U.S.C., Section 2071, which imposes criminal penalties for unlawful document destruction. Even absent a finding of criminal misconduct, statements, actions, and failures to act by the senior Staff attorneys following the 9 April briefing might constitute serious breaches of ethical standards of conduct for attorneys, in addition to violations of Senate and Select Committee rules. The potential consequences of these possible misdeeds are such that they should be brought to the attention of all members of the Select Committee, plus all Designees and Staff members who were present at the 9 April briefing.
The relevant section of Title 18, U.S.C., states in pertinent part: Section 2071. Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally (a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined not more than $2,000 or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 795)
a. On 8 April 1992, the Investigators' Intelligence Briefing Text was presented to Senior Staff members and Designees for whom copies were available prior to beginning the briefing. Objections to the text by the Designees prompted the Staff Director to order all persons present to leave their copies of the briefing text in Room SRB078. Subsequent events indicated that two copies had been removed without authorization.
b. On 9 April 1992, at the beginning of the meeting of the Select Committee and prior to the scheduled investigators' briefing, Senator McCain produced a copy of the intelligence briefing text, with whose contents he strongly disagreed. He charged that the briefing text had already been leaked to a POW/MIA activist, but was reassured by the Chairman that such was not the case. He replied that he was certain it would be leaked. Whereupon, the Chairman assured Senator McCain that there would be no leaks because all copies would be gathered and destroyed, and he gave orders to that effect. No senior staff member or attorney present cautioned against a possible violation of Title 18, U.S.C., Section 2071, or of Senate or Select Committee Rules.
c. Following the briefing on 9 April, the Staff Director, Ms. Frances Zwenig, restated to the intelligence investigators the order to destroy the intelligence briefing text and took measures to ensure execution of the destruction order. (See paragraph 3 of the attachment.) During one telephone conversation with the undersigned, she stated that she was "acting under orders."
d. The undersigned also was instructed to delete all computer files, which Mr. Barry Valentine witnessed on 9 April.
e. In a meeting on 15 April 1992, the Staff's Chief Counsel, J. William Codinha, was advised by intelligence investigators of their concerns about the possibility that they had committed a crime by participating in the destruction of the briefing text. Mr. Codinha minimized the significance of the documents and of their destruction. He admonished the investigators for "making a mountain out of a molehill."
f. When investigators repeated their concern that the order to destroy the documents might lead to criminal charges, Mr. Codinha replied "Who's the injured party." He was told, "The 2,494 families of the unaccounted for US Servicemen, among others." Mr. Codinha then said, "Who's gonna tell them. It's classified." At that point the meeting erupted. The undersigned stated that the measure of merit was the law and what's right, not avoidance of getting caught. To which Mr. Codinha made no reply. At no time during the meeting did Mr. Codinha give any indication that any copies of the intelligence briefing text existed.
g. Investigators, thereupon, repeatedly requested actions by the Committee to clear them of any wrongdoing, such as provision of legal counsel. Mr. Codinha admitted that he was not familiar with the law and promised to look into it. He invited a memorandum from the investigators stating what they wanted. Given Mr. Codinha's statements and reactions to the possibility of criminal liability, the investigators concluded they must request appointment of an independent counsel. A memorandum making such a request and signed by all six intelligence investigators was delivered to Mr. Codinha on 16 April.
h. At 2130 on 16 April, the Chairman of the Senate Select Committee, convened a meeting with the intelligence investigators, who told him personally of their concern that they might have committed a crime by participating in the destruction of the briefing texts at the order of the Staff Director. Senator Kerry stated that he gave the order to destroy the documents, not the Staff Director, and that none of the Senators present at the meeting had objected. He also stated that the issue of document destruction was "moot" because the original briefing text had been deposited with the Office of Senate Security "all along." Both the Staff Director and the Chief Counsel supported this assertion by the Chairman.
i. Senator Kerry's remarks prompted follow-up investigations (See paragraphs 4 through 9 of the attachment) and inquiries that established that a copy of the text was not deposited in the Office of Senate Security until the afternoon of 16 April. The Staff Director has admitted that on the afternoon of 16 April, after receiving a copy of a memorandum from Senator Bob Smith to Senator Kerry in which Senator Smith outlined his concerns about the destruction of documents, she obtained a copy of the intelligence briefing text from the office of Senator McCain and took it to the Office of Senate Security. Office of Senate Security personnel confirmed that the Staff Director gave them an envelope, marked "Eyes Only," to be placed in her personal file. The Staff Director has admitted that the envelope contained the copy of the intelligence briefing text that she obtained from the office of Senator McCain.
The facts of the destruction of the intelligence briefing text would seem to fall inside the prescriptions of the Statute, Title 18, U.S.C., Section 2071, so as to justify their referral for investigation to a competent law enforcement authority. The applicability of that Statute was debated in United States v. Poindexter, D.D.C. 1989, 725 F. Supp. 13, in connection with the Iran Contra investigation. The District Court ruled, inter alia, that the National Security Council is a public office within the meaning of the Statute and, thus, that its records and documents fell within the protection of the Statute. In light of that ruling, the Statute would seem to apply to this Senate Select Committee and its Staff. The continued existence of a "bootleg" copy of the intelligence briefing text - i.e., a copy that is not one of those made by the investigators for the purpose of briefing the Select Committee - would seem to be irrelevant to the issues of intent to destroy and willfulness; as well as to the issue of responsibility for the order to destroy all copies of the briefing text, for the attempt to carry out that order, and for the destruction that actually was accomplished in execution of that order.
As for the issue of misconduct by Staff attorneys, all member of the Bar swear to uphold the law. That oath may be violated by acts of omission and commission. Even without a violation of the Federal criminal statute, the actions and failures to act by senior Staff attorneys in the sequence of events connected with the destruction of the briefing text might constitute violations of ethical standards for members of the Bar and of both Senate and Select Committee rules. The statements, actions and failures to act during and after the meeting on 15 April, when the investigators gave notice of their concern about possible criminal liability for document destruction, would seem to reflect disregard for the law and for the rules of the United States Senate.
John F. McCreary
May 3, 1992
Dolores Apodaca Alfond
chairwoman of the National Alliance of Families
an all-volunteer MIA organization
One such witness was Dolores Apodaca Alfond, chairwoman of the National Alliance of Families, an all-volunteer MIA organization. Her pilot brother, Capt. Victor J. Apodaca, out of the Air Force Academy, was shot down over Dong Hoi, North Vietnam, in the early evening of June 8, 1967. At least one person in the two-man plane survived. Beeper signals from a pilot's distress radio were picked up by overhead helicopters, but the cloud cover was too heavy to go in. Hanoi has recently turned over some bone fragments that are supposed to be Apodaca's. The Pentagon first declared the fragments to be animal bones. But now it is telling the family -- verbally -- that they came from the pilot. But the Pentagon, for unexplained reasons, will not put this in writing, which means Apodaca is still unaccounted for. Also the Pentagon refuses to give Alfond a sample of the fragments so she can have testing done by an independent laboratory.
Alfond's testimony, at a hearing of the POW/MIA committee Nov. 11, 1992, was revealing. She pleaded with the committee not to shut down in two months, as scheduled, because so much of its work was unfinished. Also, she was critical of the committee, and in particular Kerry and McCain, for having "discredited the overhead satellite symbol pictures, arguing there is no way to be sure that the [distress] symbols were made by U.S. POWs." She also criticized them for similarly discounting data from special sensors, shaped like a large spike with an electronic pod and an antenna, that were airdropped to stick in the ground along the Ho Chi Minh trail.
These devices served as motion detectors, picking up passing convoys and other military movements, but they also had rescue capabilities. Specifically, someone on the ground -- a downed airman or a prisoner on a labor detail -- could manually enter data into the sensor pods. Alfond said the data from the sensor spikes, which was regularly gathered by Air Force jets flying overhead, had showed that a person or persons on the ground had manually entered into the sensors -- as U.S. pilots had been trained to do -- "no less than 20 authenticator numbers that corresponded exactly to the classified authenticator numbers of 20 U.S. POWs who were lost in Laos."
Other than the panel's second co-chairman, Sen. Bob Smith, R-N.H., not a single committee member attended this public hearing. But McCain, having been advised of Alfond's testimony, suddenly rushed into the room to confront her. His face angry and his voice very loud, he accused her of making "allegations ... that are patently and totally false and deceptive." Making a fist, he shook his index finger at her and said she had insulted an emissary to Vietnam sent by President Bush. He said she had insulted other MIA families with her remarks. And then he said, through clenched teeth: "And I am sick and tired of you insulting mine and other people's [patriotism] who happen to have different views than yours."
Brought to tears
By this time, tears were running down Alfond's cheeks. She reached into her handbag for a handkerchief. She tried to speak: "The family members have been waiting for years -- years! And now you're shutting down." He kept interrupting her. She tried to say, through tears, that she had issued no insults. He kept talking over her words. He said she was accusing him and others of "some conspiracy without proof, and some cover-up." She said she was merely seeking "some answers. That is what I am asking." He ripped into her for using the word "fiasco." She replied: "The fiasco was the people that stepped out and said we have written the end, the final chapter to Vietnam." "No one said that," he shouted. "No one said what you are saying they said, Ms. Alfond." And then, his face flaming pink, he stalked out of the room, to shouts of disfavor from members of the audience.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is such a huge issue for me and why I have such tremendous animosity towards McCain and always will.
John Kerry and Senator John McCain chaired the country's most thorough investigation into the fate of POW/MIAs in Southeast Asia. Unfortunately they did more to obstruct that investigation than to pursue evidence indicating that Vietnam deliberately withheld captured American servicemen.
This is a long post and I apologize for that.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (14)
April 28, 2009
Pontiac: R.I.P.
Pontiac -- in business since 1926 -- became a symbol of American muscle cars with Hollywood's glorification of it in the movie "Smokey and the Bandit" and the television show "Night Rider."
Pontiac is a brand of automobiles produced from 1926 till current, and sold in the United States, Canada and Mexico by General Motors (GM), marketed as an "athletic" brand specializing in mainstream performance vehicles.
The Pontiac name was first used in 1906 by the Pontiac Spring & Wagon Works. The name was taken from Chief Pontiac, an American Indian chief who led an unsuccessful uprising against the British shortly after the French and Indian War.
The Oakland Motor Company and Pontiac Spring & Wagon Works Company merged in November 1908 under the name of the Oakland Motor Car Company.
The operations of both companies were joined together in Pontiac, Michigan (of Oakland County) to build the Cartercar. General Motors in 1909 purchased Oakland. General Motors' first Pontiac was conceived of as an affordable six cylinder intending to compete in the more inexpensive four cylinder model range. Within months of its introduction, Pontiac was outselling Oakland.
As a result of Pontiac's sales rising while Oakland's sales were declining, Pontiac became the only companion marque to survive its parent, with Oakland ceasing production in 1932.
GM pulls the plug on a brand credited with originating the muscle car.
CNN ....for entire article
GM CEO Fritz Henderson announced that Pontiac will be shut down indefinitely.
Pontiac is scheduled to be shut down next year after inventories are eventually cleared. This news comes as a surprise to many analysts who know that Pontiac was GM’s third best selling make. Other GM subsidiaries like Saturn, Saab, and Hummer are also on the razors edge as they too may be downsized or closed completely. The reason why Pontiac was chosen for the axe was due to profitability concerns. Pontiac was not making GM a substantial enough profit.
21,000 jobs are expected to be cut in the coming months when the company closes its doors. Pontiac was introduced by GM in 1927 with the Pontiac Chief and has been a symbol of power ever since.


Wild Thing's comment......
This is just sad! Killed by the UAW and liberalism especially Obama and Pelosi/Reid’s NO Energy Policy. No drilling, no shale oil, no coal diesel, no nothing.
Didn’t HO-bama call the shots here, making him the first US president in history to kill an American car brand?
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (12)
April 12, 2009
Steele: Obama Using ACORN For Census
Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele says the Obama administration is partnering with the liberal activist organization ACORN to rig the upcoming census.
The census determines how Congressional district lines are drawn and how many House seats each state has. So the results will affect the makeup of Congress and how many electoral votes each state receives in the next presidential election.
The amount of federal funds allocated to each state also is set according to the census, which is taken every 10 years.
“It has become plain that when candidate Obama talked about change, he was talking about using the system to create permanent liberal control of the federal government,” Steele writes in a fundraising letter.
“President Obama's old friends from ACORN, the leftist, urban ‘community’ organization with a long history of promoting vote fraud, has been chosen by the Administration as a ‘partner’ with the Census Bureau to determine population counts in cities around the country.”
In an ACORN voter registration drive during the 2008 election, 400,000, or about 30 percent, of the registrations proved to be faulty, and some were fraudulent. The activity triggered investigations in 13 states.
The Obama campaign denied that ACRON was involved with its own voter registration drives.
But Steele says: “With this group's track record of coming up with countless fraudulent voter registrations in heavily Democrat areas to sway elections to ultra-liberals, you can be sure they'll be manipulating population numbers as well.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
Chicago dirty thug politics takes root in Washington DC.
Will Michael Steele and the Republicans actually attempt to fight this? I hope so, that is why these people have been elected. And the RNC politicans and Steele can't say they don't know what we want.
America currently has no Executive branch. It has a Democrat coup. That coup has declared war on the legitimate US government, the people of the United States, and the Constitution.
Here is one of my concerns about Michael Steele, Friday morning on the radio while subbing for Bill Bennett Stelle said..... “I like the President... I think he is a good leader for who he is leading... I think he is an honorable man”.
Michael Steele does not know which end his refuse is supposed to be ejected from.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (5)
April 11, 2009
Act Forces Congress' Return to Limited Government
Legislator to colleagues: 'Your laws not authorized by Constitution'
As a reminder of the federal government's limited powers, 20 representatives want to ensure that every single piece of legislation passing through Congress includes a statement citing specific constitutional authority for enacting it.
Sponsored by Rep. John Shadegg, R-Ariz., H.R. 450, or the Enumerated Powers Act, states,
"Each Act of Congress shall contain a concise and definite statement of the constitutional authority relied upon for the enactment of each portion of that Act. The failure to comply with this section shall give rise to a point of order in either House of Congress. …"
When he introduced the proposal Jan. 9, Shadegg gave a House floor speech reminding his colleagues of limited authority granted in the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution.
It states, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
"What that means is that the Founding Fathers intended our national government to be a limited government, a government of limited powers that cannot expand its legislative authority into areas reserved to the states or to the people," Shadegg said. "As the final amendment in the 10 Bill of Rights, it is clear that the Constitution establishes a Federal Government of specifically enumerated and limited powers."
For that reason, Shadegg said he has introduced the Enumerated Powers Act each year that he's been in Congress.
"This measure would enforce a constant and ongoing re-examination of the role of our national government," he said. "… It is simply intended to require a scrutiny that we should look at what we enact and that, by doing so, we can slow the growth and reach of the Federal Government, and leave to the states or the people, those functions that were reserved to them by the Constitution."
Shadegg said the act would perform three important functions:
1. It would encourage members of Congress to consider whether their proposed legislation belongs in the federal level in the allocation of powers or whether it belongs with the states or the people.
2. It would force lawmakers to include statements explaining by what authority they are acting.
3. It would give the U.S. Supreme Court the ability to scrutinize constitutional justification for every piece of legislation. If the justification does not hold up, the courts and the people could hold Congress accountable and eliminate acts that reach beyond the scope of the Constitution.
He said the Founding Fathers granted specific, limited powers to the national government to protect the people's freedom.
"As a result, the Constitution gives the Federal Government only 18 specific enumerated powers, just 18 powers," Shadegg noted.
Beginning with President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal, he said, Congress has ignored the 10th Amendment and greatly expanded federal government.
"Let me be clear," he said. "Virtually all the measures which go beyond the scope of the powers granted to the Federal Government by the 10th amendment are well-intentioned. But unfortunately, many of them are not authorized by the Constitution. The Federal Government has ignored the Constitution and expanded its authority into every aspect of human conduct, and quite sadly, it is not doing many of those things very well."
While many believe government "can do anything," that is not what the Founding Fathers intended for the nation, Shadegg contends.
Wild Thing's comment........
It’s a wonderful idea! President Reagon required this of his staff for any new regulation. It cut down on a lot of BS.
I sure hope it will pass, but reality says it won't. BUT the thing is as things keep getting worse and worse because of B.Hussein maybe some demcorats will see that this bill is very much needed.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (8)
April 10, 2009
Catholics Take Offense To Obama Naming Critic of Pope Benedict to Faith-Based Panel
Catholics Take Offense to Obama Naming Critic of Pope Benedict to Faith-Based Panel
Harry Knox, appointed by President Obama to a White House advisory council, lambasted the pope and Catholic bishops in a gay newspaper last month for their opposition to same-sex marriage.
A representative of a national gay rights group who was appointed by President Obama to a White House advisory council this week once described Pope Benedict XVI and some Catholic bishops as "discredited leaders" because of their opposition to same-sex marriage.
Harry Knox, director of the religion and faith program at Human Rights Campaign, a Washington-based gay rights group, lambasted the prelates in a gay newspaper last month for their support of Proposition 8, the successful November ballot measure that made same-sex marriage unconstitutional in California.
Knox told the Bay Area Reporter that the Knights of Columbus, the Catholic fraternal service organization, were "foot soldiers of a discredited army of oppression" for their role in the campaign, saying the group "followed discredited leaders," including bishops and Pope Benedict.
"People are right to criticize the Catholic Church for anything," Donahue told FOXNews.com. "But Harry Knox is not just a critic. He's insulting. He used disdainful, disparaging terms to talk about the pope and the Catholic hierarchy. If someone were appointed using that language about homosexuals, he would be thrown out."
Donahue said he would prefer to see Obama end the faith-based initiative.
Knox did not return messages seeking comment.
Wild Thing's comment..........
How do you like your buddy Obama now Notre Dame??
I think the Catholic Church priests etc. will not be on Obama's A list of invitations to the White House. He sure tries to do all he can to do things like this, just like Pelosi too and Kerry are not fans of what the Catholic church stands for.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:44 AM | Comments (2)
April 08, 2009
US Recovery Is Far Off, Banks Are 'Basically Insolvent': Soros
US Recovery Is Far Off, Banks Are 'Basically Insolvent': Soros
The U.S. economy is in for a "lasting slowdown" and could face a Japan-style period of relatively low growth coupled with high inflation, billionaire investor George Soros said on Monday.
Soros, speaking to Reuters Financial Television, also warned that rescuing U.S. banks could turn them into "zombies" that draw the lifeblood of the economy, prolonging the economic slowdown.
"I don't expect the U.S. economy to recover in the third or fourth quarter so I think we are in for a pretty lasting slowdown," Soros said, adding that in 2010 there might be "something" in terms of U.S. growth.
Soros' view contrasts with the majority of economists, who expect the U.S. economy to stop contracting in the third quarter and resume growing in the fourth quarter, according to the latest monthly poll of forecasts conducted by Reuters.
The recovery will look like "an inverted square root sign," Soros said. "You hit bottom and you automatically rebound some, but then you don't come out of it in a V-shape recovery or anything like that. You settle down—step down."
The healing of the banking system and housing markets is crucial to recovery. "The banking system, as a whole, is basically insolvent," Soros said.
What's more, the Treasury's Public-Private Investment Fund is going to work but it won't be enough to recapitalize the banks in a way that they are able to or willing to provide credit.
"What we have created now is a situation where the banks who will be able to earn their way out of a hole, but by doing that, they are going to weigh on the economy," he said. "Instead of stimulating the economy, they will draw the lifeblood, so to speak, of profits away from the real economy in order to keep themselves alive. This is the zombie bank situation."
Exactly one year ago, he told Reuters that global losses are likely to top $1 trillion from the credit crisis. To date, U.S. and European banks have recorded more than $700 billion in losses and write-downs, as of Feb. 5. 2009, according to Reuters data.
Soros also said the U.S. dollar is under selling pressure and may eventually be replaced as a world reserve currency, possibly by the IMF's Special Drawing Rights, a synthetic currency basket comprised of dollars, euros, yen and sterling.
"I think the dollar is now under question and I think the system will need to be reformed, so that the United States will be subject to the same discipline as is imposed on other countries," said Soros, whose famous bet against the British pound earned his Quantum Fund $1 billion in 1992.
Wild Thing's ciomment.......
This jerk Soros is loving every second of this and what is being done to our country by Obama. Soros and his crowd of commies are responsible for the financial and economic mess of the world!
The other day on Fox Business Network, and I am so sorry I did not get the name of the man that was speaking. He said that IF Obama would leave the economy alnoe, stop spending right now, that America would survivie and get back on her feet. BUT if he keeps doing things the way things he has been doing, in 8 to 10 years we will have a 23 Trillion debt and there willl be no way to ever recover.
I wish there was some way to convince Obama, the media and their kool -aid people that this has got to STOP NOW!
If I can find the video or transcript I will add it to this.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (8)
April 07, 2009
Low Class Obama gives 50,000 for Earthquake-Hit Italy
US gives 50,000 dlrs for quake-hit Italy
The United States said Monday it would donate 50,000 dollars in emergency aid to Italy after a powerful earthquake killed at least 100 people.
"We send our heartfelt condolences to the families of those killed in the earthquake. Our embassy in Rome will provide 50,000 (dollars) in emergency relief funding," State Department spokesman Robert Wood told reporters.
Italian authorities told the United States they did not need rescue teams, Wood said.
Obama earlier offered his condolences on a visit to Turkey and voiced hope that the United States could send rescuers.
The earthquake killed at least 100 people and injured 1,500 more as it reduced medieval buildings to rubble in the central town of L'Aquila.
Wood said there were no reports of US citizens among the dead or injured but that the US embassy in Rome was reaching out to Americans living in the region.
Wild Thing's comment........
$50,000 is an insult, the Obama administration continues to be an embarrassment to America.
Obama gave $900 Million to the Hamas.
"The United States plans to offer more than $900 million to help rebuild Gaza after Israel's invasion and to strengthen the Western-backed Palestinian Authority, U.S. officials said on Monday. The money, which needs U.S. congressional approval, will be distributed through U.N. and other bodies and not via the militant group Hamas, which rules Gaza, said one official."
The Palestinian Authority does not rule Gaza. Any rebuilding of Gaza will only strengthen Hamas. Secondly, any foreign organizations operating in Gaza either answer to Hamas or are Hamas run outright.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (28)
Obama’s G-20 Giveaway ‘Effectively Repealed’ Declaration of Independence
Obama’s G-20 Giveaways ‘Effectively Repealed’ Declaration of Independence....Internationalizing (Not Nationalizing) Companies Essential to the System
On April 2, 2009, the work of July 4, 1776 was nullified at the meeting of the G-20 in London.
The joint communiqué essentially announces a global economic union with uniform regulations and bylaws for all nations, including the United States. Henceforth, our SEC, Commodities Trading Commission, Federal Reserve Board and other regulators will have to march to the beat of drums pounded by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), a body of central bankers from each of the G-20 states and the European Union.The mandate conferred on the FSB is remarkable for its scope and open-endedness. It is to set a "framework of internationally agreed high standards that a global financial system requires." These standards are to include the extension of "regulation and oversight to all systemically important financial institutions, instruments, and markets...[including] systemically important hedge funds." Note the key word: "all." If the FSB, in its international wisdom, considers an institution or company "systemically important", it may regulate and over see it. This provision extends and internationalizes the proposals of the Obama Administration to regulate all firms, in whatever sector of the economy that it deems to be "too big to fail."
The FSB is also charged with "implementing...tough new principles on pay and compensation and to support sustainable compensation schemes and the corporate social responsibility of all firms."That means that the FSB will regulate how much executives are to be paid and will enforce its idea of corporate social responsibility at "all firms."
The head of the Financial Stability Forum, the precursor to the new FSB, is Mario Draghi, Italy's central bank president. In a speech on February 21, 2009, he gave us clues to his thinking. He noted that "the progress we have made in revising the global regulatory framework...would have been unthinkable just months ago."
He said that "every financial institution capable of creating systemic risk will be subject to supervision." He adds that "it is envisaged that, at international level, the governance of financial institutions, executive compensation, and the special duties of intermediaries to protect retail investors will be subject to explicit supervision."In remarks right before the London conference, Draghi said that while "I don't see the FSF [now the FSB] as a global regulator at the present time...it should be a standard setter that coordinates national agencies." This "coordination of national agencies" and the "setting" of "standards" is an explicit statement of the mandate the FSB will have over our national regulatory agencies. Obama, perhaps feeling guilty for the US role in triggering the international crisis, has, indeed, given away the store. Now we may no longer look to presidential appointees, confirmed by the Senate, to make policy for our economy. These decisions will be made internationally. And Europe will dominate them. The FSF and, presumably, the FSB, is now composed of the central bankers of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Singapore, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States plus representatives of the World Bank, the European Union, the IMF, and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Europe, in other words, has six of the twelve national members. The G-20 will enlarge the FSB to include all its member nations, but the pro-European bias will be clear. The United States, with a GDP three times that of the next largest G-20 member (Japan), will have one vote. So will Italy. The Europeans have been trying to get their hands on our financial system for decades. It is essential to them that they rein in American free enterprise so that their socialist heaven will not be polluted by vices such as the profit motive. Now, with President Obama's approval, they have done it.
Wild Thing's comment........
What Obama got for us in return for the abject apologies for our “arrogance” (wonder what the guys in the Normandy cemeteries have to say about that) and all the giveaways of our sovereignty and money. Let's see Spain is sending a 12 man training team to Afghanistan and 25 Belgian pastry chefs will be following them; the rest are even bold enough to throw a few euros into the Afghan election system. Oh and OUR country is sending a mere 70,000 of its best young men and women, an effort that must sound “meager” by comparison. Yep Obama is a sharp negotiator!!?? NOT!
There is no daylight between Marxism and Obama's policies.
When people see how this will effect them and their freedoms they have taken for granted, more people will be screaming for action.
Tea parties are increasing, too. If Congress doesn't have the fortitude to do what is best for the country, things are going to come to a crescendo and the people will DEMAND it. This HAS GOT to happen.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” ~~Marcus Tullius Cicero
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (6)
April 06, 2009
Will bill give Obama control of Internet?
Will bill give Obama control of Internet?
Proposed new powers called 'drastic federal intervention'
By Drew Zahn
A pair of bills introduced in the U.S. Senate would grant the White House sweeping new powers to access private online data, regulate the cybersecurity industry and even shut down Internet traffic during a declared "cyber emergency."
Senate bills No. 773 and 778, introduced by Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.V., are both part of what's being called the Cybersecurity Act of 2009, which would create a new Office of the National Cybersecurity Advisor, reportable directly to the president and charged with defending the country from cyber attack.
A working draft of the legislation obtained by an Internet privacy group also spells out plans to grant the Secretary of Commerce access to all privately owned information networks deemed to be critical to the nation's infrastructure "without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule or policy restricting such access."
Privacy advocates and Internet experts have been quick to sound the alarm over the act's broadly drawn government powers.
"The cybersecurity threat is real," says Leslie Harris, president of the Center for Democracy and Technology, which obtained the draft of S.773, "but such a drastic federal intervention in private communications technology and networks could harm both security and privacy."
"The whole thing smells bad to me," writes Larry Seltzer in eWeek, an Internet and print news source on technology issues. "I don't like the chances of the government improving this situation by taking it over generally, and I definitely don't like the idea of politicizing this authority by putting it in the direct control of the president."
According to a Senate document explaining the bill, the legislation "addresses our country's unacceptable vulnerability to massive cyber crime, global cyber espionage and cyber attacks that could cripple our critical infrastructure."
In a statement explaining the bill's introduction, Sen. Rockefeller said, "We must protect our critical infrastructure at all costs – from our water to our electricity, to banking, traffic lights and electronic health records – the list goes on."
Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, who is co-sponsoring the bill, added, "If we fail to take swift action, we, regrettably, risk a cyber-Katrina."
Critics, however, have pointed to three actions Rockefeller and Snowe propose that may violate both privacy concerns and even constitutional bounds:
First, the White House, through the national cybersecurity advisor, shall have the authority to disconnect "critical infrastructure" networks from the Internet – including private citizens' banks and health records, if Rockefeller's examples are accurate – if they are found to be at risk of cyber attack. The working copy of the bill, however, does not define what constitutes a cybersecurity emergency, and apparently leaves the question to the discretion of the president.
Second, the bill establishes the Department of Commerce as "the clearinghouse of cybersecurity threat and vulnerability information," including the monitoring of private information networks deemed a part of the "critical infrastructure."
Third, the legislation proposes implementation of a professional licensing program for certifying who can serve as a cybersecurity professional.
And while the critics concede the need for increased security, they object to what is perceived as a dangerous and intrusive expansion of government power.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Al Gore invented Obama oh wait that was supposed to be Al Gore invented the internet.
I thought the dems hated the wire taps and now they want this? I guess it is ok with the dems as long as it is one of theirs suggesting it.
To any liberals lurking here that may think this is a good idea... Be careful what powers you give the government.
If they get away with this, it would probably effect all the conservative blogs and places like Townhall, WND, and all the other places we read.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:45 AM | Comments (10)
Geithner to Banks:Government Decides Your Executive Line-Up
Geithner to Banks: Get Federal Help, Government Decides Your Executive Line-Up
The government may require new faces in executive suites at banks requiring "exceptional assistance" in the future, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Sunday.
Critics of the Obama administration's move last weekend to force out the chairman of General Motors Corp., Rick Wagoner, as a condition for possible additional federal loans say that strong government intervention contrasts with measures placed on the financial industry in return for billions in infusions.
Geithner denied there was a double standard and put banks on notice that they may need to change leadership teams in exchange for accepting more money in the future.
"If, in the future, banks need exceptional assistance in order to get through this, then we'll make sure that assistance comes with conditions, not just to protect the taxpayer but to make sure this is the kind of restructuring necessary for them to emerge stronger," he told "Face the Nation" on CBS. "And where that requires a change of management of the board, we'll do that."
The treasury chief said that is what has happened at some big institutions that are getting large amounts of government aid. They include the mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which were placed into conservatorship by the government last September, and insurer American International Group Inc., the recipient of more than $170 billion in help since last fall.
"We've already seen a substantial number of the largest banks in our country fail or be absorbed by other institutions, no longer existing at independent institutions. And where the government has acted, like in Fannie and Freddie or like in AIG, where we've had to do exceptional things to stabilize them, we have replaced the management and the board," Geithner said.
"And we've done that because we want to make sure that taxpayers' assistance is going to make these companies stronger, make sure there's accountability, make sure it comes with strong conditions. And we'll do that in the future if that is necessary," he added.
"It's a single standard, a single principle. And our obligation to the American people is to do what's necessary to try to bring recovery back on track as quickly as possible."
Asked if chief executives of big banks such as Citibank and Bank of America should worry about their jobs if their companies don't improve their performance, Geithner said the government would not shy from such a restructuring.
"Where that's necessary, where it meets the test, where it's necessary to do what we ... exist to do, which is to make sure that this financial system supports recovery and the banks emerge stronger," Geithner said.
As part of the new administration's overhaul of the $700 billion bailout effort, banking regulators are requiring stress tests for the 19 largest banks to see whether they will need additional support to withstand a more severe downturn than the country is experiencing now.
Wild Thing's comment........
The most ridiculous part of this mafia scheme is that these banks literally want to GIVE the money back, but Comrade Geithner won’t take it back. He’d rather have the power.
These people are so brazen, and there’s simply nobody to hold them to account. There is NO Constitutional authority for bailouts and corporate handouts, and certainly none for the Fed to take control of any enterprise.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:44 AM | Comments (4)
April 05, 2009
Obama Wants to Control the Banks
1. a socialist governmental system led by a dictatorial party which seeks to control industry and commerce, and uses laws and governmental force to institute Utopian programs.
Obama Wants to Control the Banks
By STUART VARNEY (Mr. Varney is a host on the Fox Business Channel)
I must be naive. I really thought the administration would welcome the return of bank bailout money. Some $340 million in TARP cash flowed back this week from four small banks in Louisiana, New York, Indiana and California. This isn't much when we routinely talk in trillions, but clearly that money has not been wasted or otherwise sunk down Wall Street's black hole. So why no cheering as the cash comes back?
My answer: The government wants to control the banks, just as it now controls GM and Chrysler, and will surely control the health industry in the not-too-distant future. Keeping them TARP-stuffed is the key to control. And for this intensely political president, mere influence is not enough. The White House wants to tell 'em what to do. Control. Direct. Command.
It is not for nothing that rage has been turned on those wicked financiers. The banks are at the core of the administration's thrust: By managing the money, government can steer the whole economy even more firmly down the left fork in the road.
If the banks are forced to keep TARP cash -- which was often forced on them in the first place -- the Obama team can work its will on the financial system to unprecedented degree. That's what's happening right now.
Here's a true story first reported by my Fox News colleague Andrew Napolitano (with the names and some details obscured to prevent retaliation). Under the Bush team a prominent and profitable bank, under threat of a damaging public audit, was forced to accept less than $1 billion of TARP money. The government insisted on buying a new class of preferred stock which gave it a tiny, minority position. The money flowed to the bank. Arguably, back then, the Bush administration was acting for purely economic reasons. It wanted to recapitalize the banks to halt a financial panic.
Fast forward to today, and that same bank is begging to give the money back. The chairman offers to write a check, now, with interest. He's been sitting on the cash for months and has felt the dead hand of government threatening to run his business and dictate pay scales. He sees the writing on the wall and he wants out. But the Obama team says no, since unlike the smaller banks that gave their TARP money back, this bank is far more prominent. The bank has also been threatened with "adverse" consequences if its chairman persists. That's politics talking, not economics.
Think about it: If Rick Wagoner can be fired and compact cars can be mandated, why can't a bank with a vault full of TARP money be told where to lend? And since politics drives this administration, why can't special loans and terms be offered to favored constituents, favored industries, or even favored regions? Our prosperity has never been based on the political allocation of credit -- until now.
Which brings me to the Pay for Performance Act, just passed by the House. This is an outstanding example of class warfare. I'm an Englishman. We invented class warfare, and I know it when I see it. This legislation allows the administration to dictate pay for anyone working in any company that takes a dime of TARP money. This is a whip with which to thrash the unpopular bankers, a tool to advance the Obama administration's goal of controlling the financial system.
After 35 years in America, I never thought I would see this. I still can't quite believe we will sit by as this crisis is used to hand control of our economy over to government. But here we are, on the brink. Clearly, I have been naive.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Rush has also been pointing this out on his show. And as Mr. Varney points out, the far left is in change, and the pinko Congress lead by Obama and Pelosi is going wild introducing the most outrageous legislation. The opportunities for corruption are breathtaking. Our government is so corrupt and to think they will have their evil hands on anything in the private sector at all makes me sick and angry.
"Fast forward to today, and that same bank is begging to give the money back. The chairman offers to write a check, now, with interest. He's been sitting on the cash for months and has felt the dead hand of government threatening to run his business and dictate pay scales. He sees the writing on the wall and he wants out. But the Obama team says no,..."
What would be great to see would be if the banker call a news conference, invite the treasury secutary, tell the press how well the bailout worked and present Geithner with the check. The look on Geithner face would be priceless!!!!
In the article yesterday that BobA., posted a link for it said Judge Andrew Napolitan said in his article :
"There is simply no authority in the U.S. Constitution for Congress to exercise the level of control it now seeks over private industry." There is simply no authority in the U.S. Constitution for Congress to exercise the level of control it now seeks over private industry. In fact, this level of control will wind up costing the businesses that took TARP (voluntarily or involuntarily) money since they will lose key employees who will go to work elsewhere and because the reporting requirements will take time and time is money. The Constitution basically says that if the government wants to take time or freedom or money from someone or something, it must sue for it. It cannot just give itself the authority to do so via legislation. Our liberties are slipping away right before our eyes."
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (6)
April 03, 2009
House Approves Democrats (Obama's) $3.45 Trillion Budget Plan
House Approves Democratic Budget Plan
The House today approved the $3.45 trillion budget outline that will serve as the blueprint for Congress to determine spending priorities for the coming year.
The bill passed mostly along party lines with a 233 to 196 vote. House Republicans voted unanimously against the plan but were joined by 20 moderate democrats.
The House proposal calls for about $100 billion less in spending than the initial White House proposal but includes all of President Obama's major budget initiatives on energy, education and healthcare.
"This is sort of an emancipation day, this is a special day for us. It is a day that we waited for, worked for, hope for and now we will be able to pass a budget that is truly a statement of national values," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
Republicans argued that the budget "spends too much, taxes too much and borrows too much," to pay for unecessary domestic programs and called for increased tax cuts to help Americans deal with the bad economy.
"The budget before the House makes the economy worse and will destroy more American jobs," said House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio. "If you just look at the spending in this budget, it's staggering. American families are making sacrifices. They're tightening their belt. But Washington clearly is not."
House Republican Conference Chairman Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., called the bill "the most fiscally irresponsible budget in American history."
The budget resolution does not have the force of law and will not be signed by the President. But once the Senate and House reconcile their two proposals, which they are expected to do later this month, the plan will serve as an overall guideline as Congressional committees write appropriations bills for next year's spending priorities.
The House plan also contains "reconciliation" language which will enable Democrats to fast-track health care and education plans without one Republican vote.
Democrats argue that it will set the government on a path to more than halve the current projected $1.7 trillion deficit down to $586 billion by 2013.
BILL TITLE: Congressional Budget for Fiscal Year 2010
All Republicans, plus twenty Democrats, voted against. Final vote was 233-196, approving the budget, with three not voting.
Wild Thing's comment.......
They have lost their Marxist minds. This is the most out of whack, upside down, spend crazy president and Congress EVER. Anyone that supports this monstrosity isn’t worthy of US citizenship.
I wonder if there will be any credible resistance in the Senate. I've heard it may have a tough time there, but given their track record, this doesn't look good.
Well at least the House Republicans voted unanimously against this monster. I wish it could have stopped this thing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (5)
It's Official, Dem Budget To 'redistribute income'
It's official, Dem budget to 'redistribute income'
Tax hikes to hit $250,000 earners, 'maybe even going further down'
The nation needs to face the fact that income will be redistributed and health care rationed under a federal budget plan moving through Congress at the behest of President Obama, according to an official who served under President Clinton.
The plan, according to Lawrence J. Haas, former communications director for Vice President Al Gore, said Obama "wants to make permanent all the tax cuts from those years [2001 and 2003] for people making up to $250,000 a year and frankly to redistribute income a bit in a fair way so he would raise taxes on those above $250,000."
Haas said in recent budgets, the income "has been redistributed … in exactly the other direction," condemning tax cuts for anyone in an upper income bracket, a category that includes many business owners.
Haas said GOP plans for restraint are "radical."
"They would impose … they propose to severely limit spending across the board other than for defense and veterans programs," he said.
He explained the income redistribution plan:
"The tax cuts from 2001 and 2003 provided a disproportionate amount of the benefits for those in the top one, two percent of earners, so in essence what the president is attempting to do is make things a little bit fairer by way of asking those who have done so well in recent years to pay a little bit more … [while continuing] tax relief for people at the bottom, in the middle, in all candor who have struggled in recent years."
He said while the president "has proposed" protecting from tax increases those who make less than $250,000, even that's not assured.
To the extent we need to raise taxes down the road we're going to have to sort of work our way down that income level starting with people making over $250,000," he said, "and maybe even going further down. I hope we don't have to do too much of that."
He said health care costs will play a major role in coming budgets.
"That's going to cause us to make some real decisions as to who gets how much health care and when they get it," he warned.
President Obama famously created an issue during the 2008 campaign by telling a plumber his goal was to spread the wealth.
Obama believes the Constitution is flawed, because it fails to address wealth redistribution, and he says the Supreme Court should have intervened years ago to accomplish that.
Obama told Chicago's public station WBEZ-FM that "redistributive change" is needed, pointing to what he regarded as a failure of the U.S. Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren in its rulings on civil rights issues in the 1960s.
The Warren court, he said, failed to "break free from the essential constraints" in the U.S. Constitution and launch a major redistribution of wealth. But Obama, then an Illinois state lawmaker, said the legislative branch of government, rather than the courts, probably was the ideal avenue for accomplishing that goal.
In the 2001 interview, Obama said:
If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court, I think where it succeeded was to invest formal rights in previously dispossessed people, so that now I would have the right to vote. I would now be able to sit at the lunch counter and order and as long as I could pay for it I’d be OK.
But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn't that radical. It didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, at least as it's been interpreted, and the Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can't do to you. Says what the federal government can't do to you, but doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf.
And that hasn't shifted and one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court-focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that.
Wild Thing's comment........
This whole thing is sickening, especially all the things Obama says. Someone that speaks as Obama does about our Constitution should never be allowed to hold a government office.
This was all reported BEFORE the election and we saw how half of America did not care about any of this and went ahead and voted for him. I hope now that it is being discussed again maybe those idiots will WAKE UP!!
“With our financial house on fire, Obama makes clear both in his speech and his budget that the essence of his presidency will be the transformation of health care, education and energy. Clever politics, but intellectually dishonest to the core. Health, education and energy — worthy and weighty as they may be — are not the cause of our financial collapse. And they are not the cure. The fraudulent claim that they are both cause and cure is the rhetorical device by which an ambitious president intends to enact THE MOST RADICAL AGENDA OF SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION seen in our lifetime.” - Charles Krauthammer
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (3)
April 02, 2009
Bank CEO's Might Get Pink Slip from Terrible Tim Geithner
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner tells Katie Couric he is open to more unconstitutional terminations of CEOs, continuing Team "Obama"s assault on the markets, investors and capitalism.
Obama, in a blatant abuse on his constitutional Executive power, felt it necessary to fire GM CEO Rick Wagoner this week.
Tim Geithner unveiled a plan last week, designed to give Treasury Department the ability to take over financial institutions at the Secretary's choosing.
Recently, a bill has been introduced in Congress, HR 1664 Grayson-Himes Pay For Performance Act of 2009, which aims to cap pay which is not performance based and any and all employees who work for companies receiving bailout dollars.
It's a power grab to redistribute wealth, penalize the successful and establish a communistic "equality" among Americans. Regulation = control and power.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:55 AM | Comments (8)
April 01, 2009
Neil Cavuto Is Awesome as He Slams Democrat Alan Grayson
Pay for Performance
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla) on the bill before Congress that would cap excessive pay..... putting salary and bonus control of *all* employees receiving *any* federal assistance in the hands of the Treasury Secretary, is in the nation’s best interest.
Wild Thing's comment......
Neil Cavuto slammed Far Left liberal Alan Grayson for proposing a bill that gives Congress the power to decide what it excessive pay for American jobs.
This was beautiful. Cavuto slams Grayson for not answering his questions.
"The Constitution never gave you the damn authority of telling anyone what they should make... The Constitution never gave you the authority to blithely come in here and arrogantly set pay for people you don't even know. And, you don't have the guts to come back at me and tell me what you think adequate pay range is."
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 PM | Comments (6)
Beyond AIG: A Bill to Let BIG Government Set Your Salary
House Financial Services Committee Chairman Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., left, talks with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, right, and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, on Capitol Hill Tuesday, March 24,2009. Frank's committee has passed a bill giving Geithner extensive control over salaries of employees working at companies receiving government bailout funds. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
Beyond AIG: A bill to let Big Government set your salary
By Byron York
It was nearly two weeks ago that the House of Representatives, acting in a near-frenzy after the disclosure of bonuses paid to executives of AIG, passed a bill that would impose a 90 percent retroactive tax on those bonuses. Despite the overwhelming 328-93 vote, support for the measure began to collapse almost immediately.
Within days, the Obama White House backed away from it, as did the Senate Democratic leadership. The bill stalled, and the populist storm that spawned it seemed to pass.
But now, in a little-noticed move, the House Financial Services Committee, led by chairman Barney Frank, has approved a measure that would, in some key ways, go beyond the most draconian features of the original AIG bill.
The new legislation, the "Pay for Performance Act of 2009," would impose government controls on the pay of all employees -- not just top executives -- of companies that have received a capital investment from the U.S. government.
It would, like the tax measure, be retroactive, changing the terms of compensation agreements already in place. And it would give Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner extraordinary power to determine the pay of thousands of employees of American companies.
The purpose of the legislation is to "prohibit unreasonable and excessive compensation and compensation not based on performance standards," according to the bill's language. That includes regular pay, bonuses -- everything -- paid to employees of companies in whom the government has a capital stake, including those that have received funds through the Troubled Assets Relief Program, or TARP, as well as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The measure is not limited just to those firms that received the largest sums of money, or just to the top 25 or 50 executives of those companies. It applies to all employees of all companies involved, for as long as the government is invested. And it would not only apply going forward, but also retroactively to existing contracts and pay arrangements of institutions that have already received funds.
In addition, the bill gives Geithner the authority to decide what pay is "unreasonable" or "excessive." And it directs the Treasury Department to come up with a method to evaluate "the performance of the individual executive or employee to whom the payment relates."
The bill passed the Financial Services Committee last week, 38 to 22, on a nearly party-line vote. (All Democrats voted for it, and all Republicans, with the exception of Reps. Ed Royce of California and Walter Jones of North Carolina, voted against it.)
The legislation is expected to come before the full House for a vote this week, and, just like the AIG bill, its scope and retroactivity trouble a number of Republicans.
"It's just a bad reaction to what has been going on with AIG," Rep. Scott Garrett of New Jersey, a committee member, told me. Garrett is particularly concerned with the new powers that would be given to the Treasury Secretary, who just last week proposed giving the government extensive new regulatory authority. "This is a growing concern, that the powers of the Treasury in this area, along with what Geithner was looking for last week, are mind boggling," Garrett said.
Rep. Alan Grayson, the Florida Democrat who wrote the bill, told me its basic message is "you should not get rich off public money, and you should not get rich off of abject failure." Grayson expects the bill to pass the House, and as we talked, he framed the issue in a way to suggest that virtuous lawmakers will vote for it, while corrupt lawmakers will vote against it.
"This bill will show which Republicans are so much on the take from the financial services industry that they're willing to actually bless compensation that has no bearing on performance and is excessive and unreasonable," Grayson said. "We'll find out who are the people who understand that the public's money needs to be protected, and who are the people who simply want to suck up to their patrons on Wall Street."
Wild Thing's comment.........
It means the end of capitalism, and the end of the free market system the end of freedom and liberty and the beginning of communism control of our country.
Lockheed Martin, Boeing, you name the contract, there ya go. Anyone who does business with the Fed will eventually fall under this as they stretch it to fit.
Gee, shouldn’t we also be setting salaries for Washington? Not to mention term limits and pension qualification service.
These clowns go to Washington, make millions and retire on our nickel. Barney is a dangerous and stupid man.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (8)
March 31, 2009
B.Hussein Obama's Most Perilous Legal Pick Harold Koh
Obama nominee sees no "reason why sharia law would not be applied to govern a case in the United States"
On top of that, this Obama pick believes that "America's focus on the War on Terror [is] 'obsessive.'" And his list of countries that flagrantly disregard international law highlights North Korea, Iraq, and the U.S.A. -- which he collectively calls "the axis of disobedience."
JUDGES should interpret the Constitution according to other nations' legal "norms." Sharia law could apply to disputes in US courts. The United States constitutes an "axis of disobedience" along with North Korea and Saddam-era Iraq.
Those are the views of the man on track to become one of the US government's top lawyers: Harold Koh.
President Obama has nominated Koh -- until last week the dean of Yale Law School -- to be the State Department's legal adviser. In that job, Koh would forge a wide range of international agreements on issues from trade to arms control, and help represent our country in such places as the United Nations and the International Court of Justice.
It's a job where you want a strong defender of America's sovereignty. But that's not Koh. He's a fan of "transnational legal process," arguing that the distinctions between US and international law should vanish.
What would this look like in a practical sense? Well, California voters have overruled their courts, which had imposed same-sex marriage on the state. Koh would like to see such matters go up the chain through federal courts -- which, in turn, should look to the rest of the world. If Canada, the European Human Rights Commission and the United Nations all say gay marriage should be legal -- well, then, it should be legal in California too, regardless of what the state's voters and elected representatives might say.
He even believes judges should use this "logic" to strike down the death penalty, which is clearly permitted in the US Constitution.
The primacy of international legal "norms" applies even to treaties we reject. For example, Koh believes that the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child -- a problematic document that we haven't ratified -- should dictate the age at which individual US states can execute criminals. Got that? On issues ranging from affirmative action to the interrogation of terrorists, what the rest of the world says, goes.
Including, apparently, the world of radical imams. A New York lawyer, Steven Stein, says that, in addressing the Yale Club of Greenwich in 2007, Koh claimed that "in an appropriate case, he didn't see any reason why sharia law would not be applied to govern a case in the United States."
A spokeswoman for Koh said she couldn't confirm the incident, responding: "I had heard that some guy . . . had asked a question about sharia law, and that Dean Koh had said something about that while there are obvious differences among the many different legal systems, they also share some common legal concepts."
Score one for America's enemies and hostile international bureaucrats, zero for American democracy.
Koh has called America's focus on the War on Terror "obsessive." In 2004, he listed countries that flagrantly disregard international law -- "most prominently, North Korea, Iraq, and our own country, the United States of America," which he branded "the axis of disobedience.[...]
Even though he's up for a State Department job, Koh is a key test case in the "judicial wars." If he makes it through (which he will if he gets even a single GOP vote) the message to the Obama team will be: You can pick 'em as radical as you like.
Another Day, Another Scary Nomination
by David Limbaugh ( Rush's brother)
So while you should be mortified by his dictatorial power grab with General Motors, please don't miss his recent nomination of former Yale Law School Dean Harold Koh as legal adviser for the State Department.
In his new position, Koh not only would represent the United States before international bodies, such as the U.N. and the International Court of Justice, but also would influence the degree to which laws of other countries should influence American jurisprudence.
After reading an alarming piece by Meghan Clyne in the New York Post concerning the Koh nomination and the degree to which Koh believes it's appropriate for courts to consider other nations' laws in interpreting our Constitution, I read a number of Koh's legal writings and speeches.
Clyne reported that New York lawyer Steven Stein said that Koh, in addressing the Yale Club of Greenwich in 2007, claimed that "in an appropriate case, he didn't see any reason why sharia law would not be applied to govern a case in the United States."
It turns out that on March 21, 2007, Carol Iannone, on Phi Beta Cons blog, published a letter from Stein to Dean Koh about his Yale Club remarks. Stein wrote, in part, "In your discussion of 'global law' I recall at least one favorable reference to 'Sharia', among other foreign laws that could, in an appropriate instance (according to you) govern a controversy in a federal or state court in the US."
In Fordham Law Review, Koh asserted that the U.S. "Supreme Court is divided between two judicial camps: the transnationalists and the nationalists." Koh considers himself a transnationalist and justices Roberts, Scalia and Alito nationalists.
Koh explained the differences between these two judicial philosophies. According to Koh, transnationalist judges look to U.S. interdependence, whereas nationalists tend to look to U.S. autonomy. Transnationalists think about how U.S. law fits into a framework of transnational law, while nationalists see a rigid foreign and domestic divide. Transnationalists think that courts can "domesticate" international law (make it part of our law), whereas nationalists think that only the political branches can. Transnationalists favor the development of a global legal system, while nationalists prefer a national legal system.
Koh's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sept. 16, 2008, in which he lamented that the Bush administration forfeited the "universal sympathy" America enjoyed as a victim of the 9/11 attacks with a "series of unnecessary, self-inflicted wounds, which have gravely diminished our global standing and damaged our reputation for respecting the rule of law," including Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, torture, indefinite detention of enemy combatants, military commissions, warrantless wiretaps, evasion of the Geneva Conventions and international human rights treaties, excessive government secrecy, attacks on the United Nations, and others.
It's no surprise to me that Obama seeks to install as assistant State Department legal counsel a man who, like George Soros and a host of ultra-left-wing bloggers, believes America is always the bad guy and that we should rehabilitate ourselves through following the wisdom of foreign nations and international bodies.
Wild Thing's comment........
US laws and the Constitution have no meaning, no standing, and no relevance to this guy. This is terrifying! And what makes this a double whammy is that Obama feels the exact same way about our Constitution as he has made it very clear that he loathes it.
from New York Times
"“I was a little Jakarta street kid,” he said in a wide-ranging interview in his office (excerpts are on my blog, www.nytimes.com/ontheground). He once got in trouble for making faces during Koran study classes in his elementary school, but a president is less likely to stereotype Muslims as fanatics — and more likely to be aware of their nationalism — if he once studied the Koran with them.
Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated (it’ll give Alabama voters heart attacks), Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (5)
Rush Limbaugh On Obama's Constant Assault on America's Producers.
Here's Barack Obama. I talked about how the left thinks that we just have to sacrifice, we all must sacrifice. We have to suffer. The only way this country will be just and fair is if everybody is equally miserable in their suffering and sacrifice -- and he said it, essentially, on Face the Nation yesterday. Bob Schieffer talked about announcing his plans today on the takeover of General Motors and canning the CEO. "What are these companies going to have to do, President Obama, in order to get additional bailout money?"
Sacrifice? Sacrifice doesn't build things. Not the way he's talking about it. He doesn't mean the virtue of sacrifice. That's going to make America what America should be. It's just scary, because he's going to ensure it! He's going to make sure that there's sacrifice, and that's what his administration's all about.
Based on what we've seen with General Motors and the banks, if he fails, America is saved. Barack Obama's policies and their failure is the only hope we've got to maintain the America of our founding. We can sit here all the all day as we have. We can rail against General Motors. There is nothing going to stop any of this. Nothing is stopping it. I can say all day long, "Gosh, I hope this fails isn't going to stop anything." Has anybody heard the Republicans say anything today about the firing of Rick Wagoner? If they have, it hasn't been reported. Republicans, as usual, are a week behind the times. They're out there rapping about the budget, which is okay, the budget needs to be rapped about, "We'll rap about it further," but the big news of the today is GM. I haven't heard a Republican, have you? I haven't seen any media who find anything the slightest bit squishy about this.
When the history of this is written, people are going to say, "Where was the media? Where were the Republicans?" Where were all of the "moderate" Republicans who told us that this guy's temperament and his steadiness, and his intellect, that's why we should support him? Well, remember, it's not what Obama knows; it's what you think he knows. It's what he makes you think he knows. He doesn't know anything about the automobile business. He doesn't know how to change a tire. The automobile business needs car guys, people that love grease, get in there, manufacture these engines and cars, great designs, lines, and make people want to go out and buy these cars. Car companies have to be run by financial people today 'cause they're basically health care and retirement funds. The side business is making cars, hoping that they pay for some of it...
When you talk about his character, you're talking about who he is, who reared him, who raised him, who mentored him, who his associations were. I agree, they're all important, they were covered up. This is a radical guy. This is a very arrogant, radical guy who is angry. Nobody will convince me otherwise. Yeah, I mean he doesn't show it. Sometimes I think I notice it. I think it flares at times. Not the anger, but he reveals that he has a bunch of chips on his shoulder, and we know his wife does, and we know Reverend Wright does. We're getting a lot of this stuff that's happening right out of Reverend Wright's sermons. There really is. And a lot of what's going to happen in education, right out of Bill Ayers' curriculum, his extremist, terrorist buddy.
The best way to understand Obama, and I can't say this enough, he really believes that it's his job to return the nation's wealth to its rightful, quote, unquote, rightful owners. And that means that he believes the people who have wealth have stolen it from those who have no wealth. It's been unfairly achieved and accrued, and it's his job to take it and redistribute it. And that's what he means by sacrifice. When he talks about sacrifice, he's talking about raising your taxes, taking away your assets, and giving them to other people he thinks you stole them from who are thus more deserving. If you'll just be open to admit it, you can see it practically every day in his policy pronouncements.
Wild Thing's comment........
The obsession Obama has for everyone to sacrifice and the way he means it taies away all the American dream. If Obama loved America whcih he does not, he would know what that dream has meant to the citizens of our country. NOT his country but our country, the United States of America.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (4)
Who Will Raise Kids: Mom, Dad or State?
Who will raise kids: Mom, Dad or state?
wnd ....for complete article
By Drew Zahn
Though efforts to pass a constitutional amendment protecting parental rights have failed in the past, two U.S. legislators are preparing to reintroduce the idea this week; and this time, they say, the effort is backed by more than 60 congressional members.
Rep. Peter Hoekstra, R-Mich., who introduced a parental rights amendment by himself last year, told the Agence France-Presse that he will be joined by Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., on Tuesday as they renew the fight.
According to a statement released to AFP by Hoekstra's office, the amendment "would clearly outline in the U.S. Constitution that parents, not government or any other organization, have a fundamental right to raise their children as they see fit."
"At a time when government at every level seems to encroach upon the ability of parents to choose the best for their children," Hoekstra writes on his website, "it is important to preserve parental rights into the Constitution."
Last summer Hoekstra introduced H.J.R. 97, proposing a constitutional amendment stating that the liberty of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children is a fundamental right that cannot be infringed upon by federal, state, or international treaty law without demonstrating government interest "of the highest order." Hoekstra asserts that legitimate cases of abuse and neglect fall under the "demonstrated government interest" clause.
Without any co-sponsors, however, H.J.R 97 died in committee.
According to ParentalRights.org, an organization dedicated to seeing the amendment passed, this year's effort, in addition to senatorial support from DeMint, has recruited 65 U.S. representatives who have committed to joining Hoekstra in co-sponsoring a parental rights amendment.
"Few dispute the vital role of parents in raising the next generation, but, regrettably, few recognize that the fundamental role of parents is under direct attack," wrote J. Michael Smith, president of the Homeschool Legal Defense Association.
Smith pointed to the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, an internation treaty approved by the Clinton administration but stalled by opposition in the Senate, as one example of governmental attempts to infringe on parental rights.
"It's possible that in the near future, the United States may significantly weaken the rights of parents to raise their children," Smith wrote. "Crucial decisions that parents are accustomed to making, such as what our children read, who they associate with, what kind of discipline is used, whether we take them to church, or whether we homeschool, all become decisions for the state if the United States ratifies the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child."
He continued, "By allowing the government to define and determine what is in the 'best interests of the child,' outside the context of abuse and neglect cases, the UNCRC in effect diminishes the parental role, replacing it with government supervision."
As WND reported, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., last month urged a hurry-up timetable for adoption of the UNCRC.
"Children deserve basic human rights ... and the convention protects children's rights by setting some standards here so that the most vulnerable people of society will be protected," Boxer said, according to Fox News.
Critics like Smith, however, argue the document, which creates "the right of the child to freedom of thought, conscience and religion" usurps the role of parents in directing their children's upbringing.
Hoekstra used a 3-minute video clip, viewable above, to explain how, he believes, parental rights are being overlooked in the nation's capitol and why a parental rights amendment is needed:
To succeed, the amendment Hoekstra and DeMint plan to introduce Tuesday( TODAY) will need to pass in both the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate by two-thirds majorities each, then win ratification by three-fourths of the states.
Wild Thing's comment.......
God bless Hoekstra and DeMint ! I sure hope this time the amendment will get enough votes and
pass in both the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (3)
10 Facts About American Health Care
10 Surprising Facts about American Health Care
Via the National Center for Policy Analysis, Hoover Institution senior fellow Scott Atlas identifies 10 things you probably did not know about health care:
Fact No. 1: Americans have better survival rates than Europeans for common cancers. Breast cancer mortality is 52 percent higher in Germany than in the United States, and 88 percent higher in the United Kingdom. Prostate cancer mortality is 604 percent higher in the U.K. and 457 percent higher in Norway. The mortality rate for colorectal cancer among British men and women is about 40 percent higher.
Fact No. 2: Americans have lower cancer mortality rates than Canadians. Breast cancer mortality is 9 percent higher, prostate cancer is 184 percent higher and colon cancer mortality among men is about 10 percent higher than in the United States.
Fact No. 3: Americans have better access to treatment for chronic diseases than patients in other developed countries. Some 56 percent of Americans who could benefit are taking statins, which reduce cholesterol and protect against heart disease. By comparison, of those patients who could benefit from these drugs, only 36 percent of the Dutch, 29 percent of the Swiss, 26 percent of Germans, 23 percent of Britons and 17 percent of Italians receive them.
Fact No. 4: Americans have better access to preventive cancer screening than Canadians. Take the proportion of the appropriate-age population groups who have received recommended tests for breast, cervical, prostate and colon cancer:
* Nine of 10 middle-aged American women (89 percent) have had a mammogram, compared to less than three-fourths of Canadians (72 percent).
* Nearly all American women (96 percent) have had a pap smear, compared to less than 90 percent of Canadians.
* More than half of American men (54 percent) have had a PSA test, compared to less than 1 in 6 Canadians (16 percent).
* Nearly one-third of Americans (30 percent) have had a colonoscopy, compared with less than 1 in 20 Canadians (5 percent).
Fact No. 5: Lower income Americans are in better health than comparable Canadians. Twice as many American seniors with below-median incomes self-report “excellent” health compared to Canadian seniors (11.7 percent versus 5.8 percent). Conversely, white Canadian young adults with below-median incomes are 20 percent more likely than lower income Americans to describe their health as “fair or poor.”
Fact No. 6: Americans spend less time waiting for care than patients in Canada and the U.K. Canadian and British patients wait about twice as long - sometimes more than a year - to see a specialist, to have elective surgery like hip replacements or to get radiation treatment for cancer. All told, 827,429 people are waiting for some type of procedure in Canada. In England, nearly 1.8 million people are waiting for a hospital admission or outpatient treatment.
Fact No. 7: People in countries with more government control of health care are highly dissatisfied and believe reform is needed. More than 70 percent of German, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and British adults say their health system needs either “fundamental change” or “complete rebuilding.”
Fact No. 8: Americans are more satisfied with the care they receive than Canadians. When asked about their own health care instead of the “health care system,” more than half of Americans (51.3 percent) are very satisfied with their health care services, compared to only 41.5 percent of Canadians; a lower proportion of Americans are dissatisfied (6.8 percent) than Canadians (8.5 percent).
Fact No. 9: Americans have much better access to important new technologies like medical imaging than patients in Canada or the U.K. Maligned as a waste by economists and policymakers naïve to actual medical practice, an overwhelming majority of leading American physicians identified computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as the most important medical innovations for improving patient care during the previous decade. The United States has 34 CT scanners per million Americans, compared to 12 in Canada and eight in Britain. The United States has nearly 27 MRI machines per million compared to about 6 per million in Canada and Britain.
Fact No. 10: Americans are responsible for the vast majority of all health care innovations. The top five U.S. hospitals conduct more clinical trials than all the hospitals in any other single developed country. Since the mid-1970s, the Nobel Prize in medicine or physiology has gone to American residents more often than recipients from all other countries combined. In only five of the past 34 years did a scientist living in America not win or share in the prize. Most important recent medical innovations were developed in the United States.
Wild Thing's comment........
I wish the left and Obama would leave health care alone. I really fear Obama’s socialists ideas.
Check this out, I think it was made in England. LOL surprise ending
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (6)
March 30, 2009
Obama Tells CEO of General Motors To STEP DOWN!
GM CEO resigns at Obama's behest
Politico....for complete article
The Obama administration asked Rick Wagoner, the chairman and CEO of General Motors, to step down and he agreed, a White House official said.
On Monday, President Obama is to unveil his plans for the auto industry, including a response to a request for additional funds by GM and Chrysler.
Wagoner’s resignation was one of the remarkable strings attached to the new aid package the administration is offering GM, based on recommendations from the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry, headed by the Treasury Department.
The White House confirmed Wagoner was leaving at the government's behest after The Associated Press reported his immediate departure, without giving a reason.
The surprise announcement about the classically iconic American corporation is perhaps the most vivid sign yet of the tectonic change in the relationship between business and government in this era of subsidies and bailouts.
Wagoner has been CEO for 8 years and at GM for more than 30. The company has not said who will replace him. GM has received $13.4 billion in government aid, and has been seeking $16.6 billion more.
Industry sources had said the White House planned very tough medicine in Monday's announcement, which turned out to be an understatement. And it went to the very top. The measures to be imposed by the government will have a dramatic effect on workers, unions, suppliers, bondholders, shareholders, retirees and the communities where plants are located, the sources said.
GM and Chrysler have to prove their viability as a condition of a federal bailout released under former President George W. Bush, and both have asked the current administration for more money. Ford has not sought federal funds because it had secured a line of credit just before money dried up.
Obama said Friday in an interview with CBS’s “Face the Nation,” broadcast Sunday, that the carmakers were going to have to do more.
“There's been some serious efforts to deal with a combination of long-standing problems in the auto industry,” the president told host Bob Schieffer. “What we're trying to let them know is that we want to have a successful auto industry, U.S. auto industry. We think we can have a successful U.S. auto industry. But it's got to be one that's realistically designed to weather this storm and to emerge at the other end much more lean, mean and competitive than it currently is.
“And that's gonna mean a set of sacrifices from all parties involved — management, labor, shareholders, creditors, suppliers, dealers. Everybody's gonna have to come to the table and say it's important for us to take serious restructuring steps now in order to preserve a brighter future down the road."
Schieffer followed up: “But they're not there yet.”
Obama added: “They're not there yet.”
The administration calls the task force “a cabinet-level group that includes the secretaries of Transportation, Commerce, Labor and Energy. It will also include the chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers, the director of the Office of Management and Budget, the EPA administrator, and the director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change. The Task Force will be led by Treasury Secretary [Tim] Geithner and [National Economic Council] Director Larry Summers.”
Wild Thing's comment................
I read the item several times, but I didn’t see any United Auto Workers officials being asked to quit. Probably just an oversight.....hmmmmmmmm.
One of the conditions of the GM bailout (done by Bush, not Obama) was that the company would work to get more cooperation from the UAW on the pay scale and benefits, as well as work practices. So you can bet the UAW is out there dancing in joy right now.GestapObama has clearly dumped that part of the deal, and substituted something that was not in the deal at all.
IMO, Government shouldn’t be dictating the firing of executives of private companies. This is communism! And I will add that government has no business being in the car business. This will end badly no matter what else happens.
How about telling UAW to go!
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM | Comments (17)
Card Check - United Auto Workers Try to Unionize Indiana Plant
Card Check - United Auto Workers Try to Unionize Indiana Plant
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama supports the bill. An original co-sponsor of the Employee Free Choice Act, Obama urged his Senate colleagues to pass the bill during a 2007 motion to proceed:
"I support this bill because in order to restore a sense of shared prosperity and security, we need to help working Americans exercise their right to organize under a fair and free process and bargain for their fair share of the wealth our country creates."
"I will make it the law of the land when I'm President of the United States", he told a labor federation meeting in April, 2008. While Obama didn't talk about this issue much before general audiences, it was his main promise when he spoke to unions
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:50 AM | Comments (9)
Obama's Deck Stacked in Billed 'open' Forum
Obama's deck stacked in billed 'open' forum
Obama's deck stacked in billed 'open' forum President picks campaign supporters to ask questions at 'online' town hall Barack Obama speaking at Open for Questions In an event billed as an opportunity for the American people to ask questions of an "open" and "transparent"
administration, the only fully identified inquirers plucked from the audience, it turns out, were Obama campaign supporters.
At last week's "Open for Questions" forum, the full transcript and video of which is posted on the White House website, Obama answered several questions selected from a reported 100,000 queries posted online.
He also took a handful of questions, in town hall fashion, from those in attendance at the event.
But according to a Washington Post report, those audience members the president chose included "a member of the pro-Obama Service Employees International Union, a member of the Democratic National Committee who campaigned for Obama among Hispanics during the primary;
Obama invited six audience members to pose questions.
The first questioner, named Ellie, wasn't fully identified on the White House transcript of the event. The other five, however, were people later pegged as Obama campaign backers.
In the week leading up to the Open for Questions forum, Obama released a promotional video on YouTube in which he said, "One of my priorities as president is opening the White House to the American people, so that folks can understand what we're up to."
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told the Post that Obama has said, "I think it's important to engage your critics ... because not only will you occasionally change their mind but, more importantly, sometimes they will change your mind."
Those the president engaged, however, included Sergio Salmeron, who told the Post he had worked as a canvasser for the campaign, as well as working with voter registration and translation of campaign materials.
Salmeron told the Post he was invited to Open for Questions by a fellow worker at Organizing for America, the volunteer coordination effort with the homepage www.barackobama.com.
Questioner Carlos Del Toro thanked the president "for all the efforts that you and your administration [have] done on behalf of veterans and also on behalf of small businesses."
Del Toro also ran as a Democratic candidate for the Virginia Legislature, donated over $2,700 to Democrat candidates in 2008, and endorsed Obama for election in the Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Obama is such a LIAR! He can't even be honest when it comes to those asking questions.
I heard on Sunday morning a women in the press and I wish I could get her quote she was so awesome, she said a lot of the press is getting fed up with how Obama is treating them. She went on to say that the press is supposed to ask questions ( LOL they didn't want to when he ran for president but now they say they do want to) and they Obama won't let them. That no other president in history has controlled the press like Obama has been doing. Those are some of the things she said and she was not a happy camper.
Well they wanted him, they knew he could only speak with a teleprompter and yet they kept going on and on into insanity what a great speaker he was.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:45 AM | Comments (4)
March 29, 2009
Angela Merkel,the German chancellor Says NO to UK Brown and B.Hussein Obama
Brown snubbed over tax
GORDON BROWN’S carefully laid plans for a G20 deal on worldwide tax cuts have been scuppered by an eve-of-summit ambush by European leaders.
Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, last night led the assault on the prime minister’s “global new deal” for a $2 trillion-plus fiscal stimulus to end the recession.
“I will not let anyone tell me that we must spend more money,” she said...
The attacks on Brown’s ambitions for the G20 to inject more money into the world economy come at the end of a week where the prime minister has travelled to three continents to build support for his proposals.
The likely deadlock at this week’s meeting will kill any remaining hope that Alistair Darling’s April 22 budget will offer significant tax cuts.
The assault by European Union leaders also represents a defeat for President Barack Obama, who is desperate for other big economies to copy his $800 billion stimulus plan.
“There will be a very long communiqué, but there won’t be much in it,” said a Washington economist.
Obama Faces Cold Reception in Europe. Support Has Turned to Opposition Over Stimulus Plan
The last time President Obama went to Europe, he was greeted with raucous applause and 200,000 Europeans choking a Berlin square, chanting "Obama" and "Yes We Can."
This time, as the president heads to London this week to press the Group of 20 nations for a global economic stimulus plan, he's likely to get a warm reception but cold comfort from many European leaders.
European Union chief Mirek Topolanek, the recently ousted leader of the Czech Republic, calls the plan the Obama administration has been pushing "a way to hell."
Wild Thing's comment..........
God bless her! I love it when someone says no to the communist Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (5)
March 28, 2009
Ray Mabus, Obama's Pick For Secretary Of The Navy
Ray Mabus, Obama's Pick For Secretary Of The Navy
President Barack Obama on Friday nominated former Mississippi Gov. Ray Mabus to be secretary of the Navy, choosing a political supporter with a two-year career in the service.
Mabus, 60, is a Democrat and campaigned extensively for Obama last year. He had been previously talked about as a candidate for a place in Obama's cabinet as secretary of education.
If confirmed, Mabus would succeed Navy Secretary Donald C. Winter. The secretary is the civilian leader of the service and is responsible for a wide range of duties, from recruiting and mobilizing to overseeing the construction and repair of ships, equipment and facilities.
"At this critical moment in our nation's history, I am grateful that these exceptional public servants have chosen to help my administration bring the change our country needs today," Obama said in a statement announcing Mabus' selection and other administration posts.
Mabus served in the Navy from 1970-72 as a surface warfare officer on the Newport, R.I.-based USS Little Rock. Before then, he was in the Naval ROTC while he was an undergraduate student at the University of Mississippi.
He was governor of Mississippi from January 1988 to January 1992. He also served as U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia from 1994-96 under President Bill Clinton. Mabus' name surfaced as a possible Navy secretary soon after Clinton was elected president, but he was not nominated for the post. Mabus' term as governor overlapped part of Clinton's tenure as governor of neighboring Arkansas.
Mabus would not discuss the nomination, saying he was told to refer all calls to the White House. His nomination still must be confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
Mabus was an early supporter of Obama's presidential campaign, endorsing the Illinois senator in 2007 and surprising some political observers who had expected Mabus to support Hillary Clinton because of Mabus' past political ties to Bill Clinton.
Democrats for Despotism Party figures had a profitable relationship with Haiti's dictator.
October 27, 2008
It took eight years, but on Oct. 8 I finally secured a copy of Fusion Telecommunications' 1999 contract with the Haitian telephone monopoly Teleco. By law the agreement is a public document but Fusion wouldn't give it to me until the FCC required them to do so. Now I think I know why.
Fusion is run by former Democratic Party Finance Chairman Marvin Rosen. It no longer does business in Haiti. But when it did, former congressman Joseph P. Kennedy II, a staunch supporter of former Haitian strongman Jean Bertrand Aristide, was on the board. So too was President Bill Clinton's former aide, Thomas "Mack" McLarty, and former Mississippi Democratic Gov. Ray Mabus. In other words, the Fusion name was synonymous with the Who's Who of the Democratic Party.
Democrats were important to Aristide. President Clinton used the U.S. military to restore him to power in 1994 after he had been deposed in a coup, in part because he was fond of inciting violence against his political opponents. Upon his return in 1994, Aristide resumed his despotic ways. Haitians begged for U.S. help but their pleas fell on deaf ears. In February 2004, Aristide was finally run out of the country.
Wild Thing's comment........
Mabus is a Koolaid drinking Obama hack. Also he was Mississippi’s version of Bill Clinton.
And two years in the Navy, that usually goes to someone that has been in longer doesn't it???
The alleged administration continues to run aground.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (12)
March 27, 2009
'Mandatory Service' Bill Advances As It Passes In Senate
'Mandatory youth service' bill advances
House version commissions panel to consider 'volunteer' requirement
Congress appears ready to pass an Obama administration plan that could create mandatory public service requirements for all American youth, fulfilling a campaign promise.
The bill, HR 1388: The Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act, otherwise known as the "GIVE Act," has already passed the House by a vote of 321-105.
On Tuesday, the Senate voted closure on the motion to proceed by a margin of 74-14 in a move that makes its ultimate passage likely.
The bill, promoted by the Obama administration as a means of encouraging America's youth to participate in voluntary community service, has received little scrutiny from Congress or the public.
Yet, a version of the bill in the House proposes to establish a Congressional Commission on Civil Service tasked with determining whether a mandatory service requirement for all young people in America could be developed and implemented, though it is not clear that provision will survive a conference committee.
Moreover, an amendment to the bill introduced by Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., one of the bill's 37 co-sponsors in the House, appears to severely restrict the First Amendment by prohibiting the youth participating in the program from attempting to influence legislation, organize or engage in protests, petitions, boycotts or strikes.
Funds under the bill are designated to be distributed through AmeriCorps, even though AmeriCorps volunteers have a history of being recruited and employed by community programs with an ideological purpose supported by Democratic Party politicians, including Planned Parenthood.
Under terms of the legislation, volunteers recruited into AmeriCorps through the GIVE Act could end up counseling Planned Parenthood clients to recommend and arrange abortions.
It is uncertain whether restrictions will survive into the final legislation that would prohibit GIVE Act participants from being recruited under the program to work in ACORN, a radical community organizing group facing criminal charges in several states for voter fraud.
"The purpose of the bill is to require mandatory community service for all young people in the United States," Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, told WND in a telephone interview.
"The mobilization of the youth to put them into community work environments that are specified in the bill raises questions about who will be teaching the youth and what is deemed appropriate community service," he said.
"It's great young people should do community service, but to have mandatory government-run community service projects may be a different thing," Poe stressed, explaining why he voted against the bill. "It's better if we can encourage young people to volunteer, and when you require something of them you are certainly not volunteering, and to place them only in government-controlled programs concerns me."
Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, who also voted against the GIVE Act, expressed to WND his reservations.
"I opposed the bill because it would expand and authorize programs that have been audited and considered ineffective by the Office of Management and Budget, which does not align with the administration's stated plans of encouraging transparency and accountability in all federal programs."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Where are the watchdogs of freedom now that this kind of fascist legislation is about to be passed?
Ironic that America’s first black President reinstates slavery.
The GIVE/SERVE Act Senate version passes, 79-19
"I begin with the young. We older ones are used up. We are rotten to the marrow. We are cowardly and sentimental. We are bearing the burden of a humiliating past, and have in our blood the dull recollection of serfdom and servility. But my magnificent youngsters! Are there any finer ones in the world? Look at these young men and boys! What material! With them, I can make a new world. This is the heroic stage of youth. Out of it will come the creative man, the man-god.
“When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side,’ I say calmly, ‘Your child belongs to us already…What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing but this new community’.” - Adolf Hitler
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (17)
Obama's "‘Banana Republic" Budget
Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) appearing on Lou Dobbs show. Discussing how Obama's budget increases taxes in order to grow the size of the government.. ....March 25th.
Senator Judd Gregg on Sean Hannity from Feb. 26th
Senator Gregg: This budget does nothing to get under control what I call the fiscal tsunami which is this huge cost that is coming at our country and specifically at the next generation to support my generation as we retire. And it will basically overwhelm our children and our grand children... Basically, it will bankrupt our country... The spending in this budget expands. In my opinion there is excessive spending on the entitlement side which is where we should have savings rather than new spending. And, of course, there is a lot of new taxes here about 1.4 trillion dollars.
Sean Hannity: Senator, you say it is going to bankrupt the country...
Senator Gregg: It is going to bankrupt the country.
Obama budget makes US worse than Cuba
President Barack Obama's 3.55-trillion-dollar budget plan will leave the United States with a worse budget deficit than Cuba, a leading Republican critic warned Tuesday. "This creates for us a higher deficit than Cuba's. This is not the kind of position we want to put the United States in," Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters.
Other Republican critics of Obama's spending policies, including his nearly 800-billion-dollar economic stimulus package, have variously warned that he risks turning the country into Argentina, France, Germany, or Zimbabwe.
Asked for the figures underpinning the charge, a McConnell aide pointed to a report from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office that warned the US budget deficit for fiscal year 2009, ending September 30, would swell to 13.1 percent of Gross Domestic Product.
According to official Cuban government figures, Cuba's projected deficit in 2009 will run to 5.6 percent of GDP, less than the 6.7 percent it reached in 2008.
Wild Thing's comment..........
What is equally disturbing about this report is who is buying the debt. We are selling ourselves down the river to the Chinese and the Arabs. In a few months we are our the way to becoming a Third World country. And all this to satisfy the vain ambition of a inexperienced marxist confidence man, and the self-serving crooks and megalomaniacs in Congress.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
March 26, 2009
Geithner 'open' to China proposal and Obama Pushes to Give Treasury More Power
The dollar fell yesterday after Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said the U.S. was "open" for a new global currency to replace the dollar.
The dollar fell briefly on Wednesday after US Treasury secretary Tim Geithner said he was open to exploring a Chinese proposal to reduce reliance on the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
Geithner 'open' to China proposal
Geithner, at the Council on Foreign Relations, said the U.S. is "open" to a headline-grabbing proposal by the governor of the China's central bank, which was widely reported as being a call for a new global currency to replace the dollar, but which Geithner described as more modest and "evolutionary."
"I haven’t read the governor’s proposal. He’s a very thoughtful, very careful distinguished central banker. I generally find him sensible on every issue," Geithner said, saying that however his interpretation of the proposal was to increase the use of International Monetary Fund's special drawing rights -- shares in the body held by its members -- not creating a new currency in the literal sense.
"We’re actually quite open to that suggestion – you should see it as rather evolutionary rather building on the current architecture rather than moving us to global monetary union," he said.
"The only thing concrete I saw was expanding the use of the [special drawing rights]," Geithner said. "Anything he’s thinking about deserves some consideration."
The continued use of the dollar as a reserve currency, he added, "depends..on how effective we are in the United States...at getting our fiscal system back to the point where people judge it as sustainable over time."
President Obama flatly rejected the notion of a new global currency at last night's press conference.
UPDATE: Evidently sensing a gaffe, moderator Roger Altman told Geithner that it would be "useful" to return to the question, and asked if he foresaw a change in the dollar's centrality.
"I do not," Geithner said, adding several forceful promises, including, "We will do what's necessary to say we're sustaining confidence in our financial markets."
After stating, to a courageous Congresswoman, yesterday, that he would NOT support such a plan!
Wild Thing's comment on this part.......
Congresswoman Michelle Bachman was told by Geithner on Tuesday, that he “categorically” rejected the Chinese call for a global currency! So he lied or changed his mind.
At Tuesday's House Financial Services Committee meeting (chaired by bawney frwank), Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) twice asked little TurboTax Timmy Geithner where in The Constitution it gave him this power he and the Kenyan are seeking.
And twice TurboTax Timmy had no answer. He kept dancing around the questions saying 'Congress did this, blah, blah, Congress did that, blah, blah'. But Rep Bachmann was relentless on the issue of 'THE CONSTITUTION'.
Little Timmy looked like a deer in the headlights. It was like the word 'Constitution' was some obscure word used in ancient Sumeria. It was also clear TurboTax Timmy has no idea of what's IN the Constitution.
Notice how Geithner doesn't have a clue when she asks him about the Constitution!
I went to her US House page.
There's video links on her questioning in the AIG hearings of yesterday. Plus there's a video from a FoxNews interview with her after the hearing.
She is a very smart lady, I have always loved the way she stands up to these people wanting to destroy our country. We need more like her.
There is also this:
Obama Administration Sending Draft Legislation to Hill to Give Treasury More Power
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner hopes to today send draft legislation of a bill to Capitol Hill that will give him more power to take over large financial institutions in serious trouble. The government currently has this authority with banks, but not with other financial institutions such as bank and thrift holding companies, or with holding companies that control insurance companies, futures commission merchants, and broker-dealers.
The draft legislation will -- likely later today -- be sent to Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., chair of the Senate Banking Committee and Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., chair of the House Financial Services Committee.
As written, the bill would give the Treasury Department what's called "resolution authority," granting the U.S. government the authority to put a big financial company into receivership or conservatorship. With that authority, the government can either reorganize or shut down the company -- renegotiating or reneging on contracts (such as retention bonuses for AIG executives), transferring the company's assets and liabilities, and dealing with any derivatives portfolio.
One possible sticking point: President Obama and Secretary Geithner are seeking sole authority be given to the executive branch to put these companies into conservatorship or receivership. The legislation as written would give the decision making power to the Treasury Secretary and the chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), though the decision would be "informed" by the advice of the chair of the Federal Reserve Board and any other relevant regulatory agency.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Lord, please help us.
Another BAD idea! Reasonably smart people, with reasonably smart advisers would come to the right conclusion at least some of the time. The fact that Obama and his team are soooooo wrong about everything makes me believe that it has to be on purpose. He's getting the results he wants. He's not "wrong" -- he's evil.
This is all being done on purpose. Bring down the dollar, bring down America. It’s the only logical conclusion we can draw, it’s purposeful. Nothing else works. They are not all stupid people. I also think this is why there are so many treasury job turn downs. The candidates see what’s going on and want to have nothing to do with it.
We have to figure out a way to fight back, and turn despair into Action it’s not over yet. I keep writing to the politicans that have been taking somewhat of a stand to encourage them and be supportive of them. They need to know we see what is happening and don't like what is happening, and fear for our country.
And regarding the last article in this post, where they want the Treasury to have more pwoer, for those of us in America that have read the Constitution noting all legislation must originate in the congress.
Judge Napolitano said on Fox yesterday that this is not Constitutional and that Congress does not have the power to legislate this.
....Thank you Richard for sending this article to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (8)
Jake DeSantis Letter: "Dear A.I.G., I Quit! "
Dear A.I.G., I Quit!
The following is a letter sent on Tuesday by Jake DeSantis, an executive vice president of the American International Group’s financial products unit, to Edward M. Liddy, the chief executive of A.I.G.
DEAR Mr. Liddy,
It is with deep regret that I submit my notice of resignation from A.I.G. Financial Products. I hope you take the time to read this entire letter. Before describing the details of my decision, I want to offer some context:
I am proud of everything I have done for the commodity and equity divisions of A.I.G.-F.P. I was in no way involved in — or responsible for — the credit default swap transactions that have hamstrung A.I.G. Nor were more than a handful of the 400 current employees of A.I.G.-F.P. Most of those responsible have left the company and have conspicuously escaped the public outrage.
After 12 months of hard work dismantling the company — during which A.I.G. reassured us many times we would be rewarded in March 2009 — we in the financial products unit have been betrayed by A.I.G. and are being unfairly persecuted by elected officials. In response to this, I will now leave the company and donate my entire post-tax retention payment to those suffering from the global economic downturn. My intent is to keep none of the money myself.
I take this action after 11 years of dedicated, honorable service to A.I.G. I can no longer effectively perform my duties in this dysfunctional environment, nor am I being paid to do so. Like you, I was asked to work for an annual salary of $1, and I agreed out of a sense of duty to the company and to the public officials who have come to its aid. Having now been let down by both, I can no longer justify spending 10, 12, 14 hours a day away from my family for the benefit of those who have let me down.
You and I have never met or spoken to each other, so I’d like to tell you about myself. I was raised by schoolteachers working multiple jobs in a world of closing steel mills. My hard work earned me acceptance to M.I.T., and the institute’s generous financial aid enabled me to attend. I had fulfilled my American dream.
I started at this company in 1998 as an equity trader, became the head of equity and commodity trading and, a couple of years before A.I.G.’s meltdown last September, was named the head of business development for commodities. Over this period the equity and commodity units were consistently profitable — in most years generating net profits of well over $100 million. Most recently, during the dismantling of A.I.G.-F.P., I was an integral player in the pending sale of its well-regarded commodity index business to UBS. As you know, business unit sales like this are crucial to A.I.G.’s effort to repay the American taxpayer.
The profitability of the businesses with which I was associated clearly supported my compensation. I never received any pay resulting from the credit default swaps that are now losing so much money. I did, however, like many others here, lose a significant portion of my life savings in the form of deferred compensation invested in the capital of A.I.G.-F.P. because of those losses. In this way I have personally suffered from this controversial activity — directly as well as indirectly with the rest of the taxpayers.
I have the utmost respect for the civic duty that you are now performing at A.I.G. You are as blameless for these credit default swap losses as I am. You answered your country’s call and you are taking a tremendous beating for it.
But you also are aware that most of the employees of your financial products unit had nothing to do with the large losses. And I am disappointed and frustrated over your lack of support for us. I and many others in the unit feel betrayed that you failed to stand up for us in the face of untrue and unfair accusations from certain members of Congress last Wednesday and from the press over our retention payments, and that you didn’t defend us against the baseless and reckless comments made by the attorneys general of New York and Connecticut.
My guess is that in October, when you learned of these retention contracts, you realized that the employees of the financial products unit needed some incentive to stay and that the contracts, being both ethical and useful, should be left to stand. That’s probably why A.I.G. management assured us on three occasions during that month that the company would “live up to its commitment” to honor the contract guarantees.
That may be why you decided to accelerate by three months more than a quarter of the amounts due under the contracts. That action signified to us your support, and was hardly something that one would do if he truly found the contracts “distasteful.”
That may also be why you authorized the balance of the payments on March 13.
At no time during the past six months that you have been leading A.I.G. did you ask us to revise, renegotiate or break these contracts — until several hours before your appearance last week before Congress.
I think your initial decision to honor the contracts was both ethical and financially astute, but it seems to have been politically unwise. It’s now apparent that you either misunderstood the agreements that you had made — tacit or otherwise — with the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, various members of Congress and Attorney General Andrew Cuomo of New York, or were not strong enough to withstand the shifting political winds.
You’ve now asked the current employees of A.I.G.-F.P. to repay these earnings. As you can imagine, there has been a tremendous amount of serious thought and heated discussion about how we should respond to this breach of trust.
As most of us have done nothing wrong, guilt is not a motivation to surrender our earnings. We have worked 12 long months under these contracts and now deserve to be paid as promised. None of us should be cheated of our payments any more than a plumber should be cheated after he has fixed the pipes but a careless electrician causes a fire that burns down the house.
Many of the employees have, in the past six months, turned down job offers from more stable employers, based on A.I.G.’s assurances that the contracts would be honored. They are now angry about having been misled by A.I.G.’s promises and are not inclined to return the money as a favor to you.
The only real motivation that anyone at A.I.G.-F.P. now has is fear. Mr. Cuomo has threatened to “name and shame,” and his counterpart in Connecticut, Richard Blumenthal, has made similar threats — even though attorneys general are supposed to stand for due process, to conduct trials in courts and not the press.
So what am I to do? There’s no easy answer. I know that because of hard work I have benefited more than most during the economic boom and have saved enough that my family is unlikely to suffer devastating losses during the current bust. Some might argue that members of my profession have been overpaid, and I wouldn’t disagree.
That is why I have decided to donate 100 percent of the effective after-tax proceeds of my retention payment directly to organizations that are helping people who are suffering from the global downturn. This is not a tax-deduction gimmick; I simply believe that I at least deserve to dictate how my earnings are spent, and do not want to see them disappear back into the obscurity of A.I.G.’s or the federal government’s budget. Our earnings have caused such a distraction for so many from the more pressing issues our country faces, and I would like to see my share of it benefit those truly in need.
On March 16 I received a payment from A.I.G. amounting to $742,006.40, after taxes. In light of the uncertainty over the ultimate taxation and legal status of this payment, the actual amount I donate may be less — in fact, it may end up being far less if the recent House bill raising the tax on the retention payments to 90 percent stands. Once all the money is donated, you will immediately receive a list of all recipients.
This choice is right for me. I wish others at A.I.G.-F.P. luck finding peace with their difficult decision, and only hope their judgment is not clouded by fear.
Mr. Liddy, I wish you success in your commitment to return the money extended by the American government, and luck with the continued unwinding of the company’s diverse businesses — especially those remaining credit default swaps. I’ll continue over the short term to help make sure no balls are dropped, but after what’s happened this past week I can’t remain much longer — there is too much bad blood. I’m not sure how you will greet my resignation, but at least Attorney General Blumenthal should be relieved that I’ll leave under my own power and will not need to be “shoved out the door.”
Jake DeSantis
Wild Thing's comment.......
This letter tells a lot.This letter needs to be read far and wide. Maybe the hordes should have informed themslves of the facts before they loaded up their pitchforks and lit the torches.
DiSantis is a brave man to have done this. What the left did to Joe Plumber will or probably be done to this man as well, maybe worse.
In the hearing, Barney Frank asked for the names and addresses of the AIG employees who received bonuses. Liddy responded, saying he wanted assurance that they would be kept private because of death threats. Frank said they could subpeona them, etc. Then this weekend, tour buses show up at some of the homes. How did they get the addresses, and was it through Barney Frank?
Glenn Beck said ACORN was paying for the buses but Rush Limbaugh speculated that it was the unions who unleashed the tour buses.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
NRA:The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina
NRA: The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, Police Superintendent P. Eddie Compass unleashed a wave of confiscations with these chilling words:
"No one will be able to be armed. We will take all weapons. Only law enforcement will be allowed to have guns."
Thousands of firearms were then confiscated from law-abiding gun owners. The police gave no paperwork or receipts for those guns. They just stormed in and seized them.
New Orleans gun owners are showing up at these trailers, with serial numbers of their firearms, expecting Mayor Nagin and his band of anti-gunners to respect the Federal courts.
They are met by stony-eyed bureaucrats who say serial numbers aren't enough—and that gun owners now need PROOF OF PURCHASE of these firearms.
How many of those gun owners do you think had original receipts for those firearms? And even if they did, how many do you think could find those receipts in the wreckage of a hurricane?
Many of these firearms were passed down from father to son, generation to generation. Some are precious heirlooms. Some are collector's pieces won in our wars. And they were all lawfully owned and they must be returned to their owners.
How to Carry a Concealed weapon
Wild Thing's comment.........
Oh my God this is scary. I hope and pray this never happens again anywhere in our country.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (8)
Card Check Means Union Slavery
Watch this chilling video and hear how the union thugs gain access to the home addresses and phone numbers of employees. The company, in this case the Chrysler Corp., buckled to the union and gave out the private info.
Card Check Means Union Slavery
Suppose to vote in state and national elections you weren't allowed a secret ballot behind a curtain. Suppose to vote you had to go downtown and vote in the baseball stadium, where your choices would be flashed on the scoreboard, before a howling mob. Your boss, and your co-workers, and your neighbors would all know who you voted for.
That is how the unions and liberal Democrats want to change the law in regard to employees choosing whether they want a union.
For decades now, employees have been able to vote in secret ballot certification elections to determine whether they really wanted a union in their work place. In about half of these elections, for many years now, the workers have said no to the union.
Workers v. Unions
Why would workers not want a union? First, unions are expensive. Union dues for major, national unions now often run $500 to $600 a year. Once you get a union in your workplace, if you don't pay the dues, in most states you are automatically fired. Unless your state has a right-to-work law, once your employer signs a contract with a union, you must join it and pay its dues whether you want to or not.
Moreover, your union may call a strike when you can't afford not to work and miss your paycheck. Under current law, you can still cross the picket line and continue working. But you are then subject to union harassment and even violence, even after the strike ends. And check it out for yourself: there is a long history of union violence.
In addition, if you work hard and try to get ahead, the union often works against you. Union work rules routinely require advancement based on seniority in the union, not hard work, skill, and productivity.
Unions also have a bad history of driving the employer into the ground over the years, with unnecessary costs and excessive demands, resulting in fewer and fewer jobs, until the employer is finally gone.
Unions vs. Free Choice
The controversy over card check legislation shows how concerned union bureaucracies are regarding the wishes of the workers. This legislation bears the Orwellian name "The Employee Free Choice Act." It would end secret ballot elections for deciding whether the workers want a union -- elections, remember, where the workers have rejected the union half the time.
Instead union organizers would take a card endorsing union representation to individual workers to sign. These union organizers know where you work, where you live, where your car is parked in the parking lot. They probably know where your kids go to school. They may have kids at that school as well. A group of them can come to your house after work and ask you to sign the card. Are you going to tell them no to their face? Is this really a free choice? Are many going to tell them no after one incident of slashed tires or a broken windshield, at home or at work, or a kid harassed at school? Again, there is a long history of union violence. Intimidation and harassment are routine union practices.
Wild Thing's comment..........
The goal is to generate more money and goons to elect liberals. This whole thing is wrong in every way.
"These union organizers know where you work, where you live, where your car is parked in the parking lot. They probably know where your kids go to school. They may have kids at that school as well. A group of them can come to your house after work and ask you to sign the card."
Might mean some union thugs get shot out of retaliation.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (4)
March 24, 2009
Obama Volunteers:"We're not looking for a fight.That will come later,when we have an army"
Obama volunteers hunt budget support in Birmingham, Alabama grassroots campaign
Volunteers fanned out across the Birmingham area and Alabama Saturday to pump up enthusiasm for President Barack Obama's budget proposal in much the same way they did to win over voters during the presidential campaign.
About 30 volunteers in Birmingham canvassed shopping areas and other high-traffic locations to talk about the need for health care reform, an education overhaul and environmentally friendly energy development.
"If we don't change these three things in the next 10 to 15 years, America is over as we know it," Chris DeHaven, told the group of volunteers before they went their separate ways.
Obama's plan faces criticism from Republicans and others who say it's too expensive. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released a report Friday saying Obama's agenda would cause huge budget deficits, forcing the country to borrow $9.3 trillion in the next decade.
Those who gathered at Kelly Ingram Park in downtown Birmingham were urged to enlist others who share Obama's vision and to stay away from trying to convert naysayers.
"We're looking for supporters," said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event's organizers. "We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army."
The volunteers are part of Organizing for America, the same grassroots, national network credited in large part with Obama's quick rise from obscurity to president. Birmingham and 11 other sites statewide were part of a national push this weekend by Organizing for America to trumpet Obama's spending proposal.
Across the metro area, volunteers gave their opinions about why Obama's plan is good for the country's future. Then they asked those willing to sign a pledge of support for the budget. Supporters' e-mail addresses and other contact information were collected, to keep people engaged and to recruit more volunteers.
Leanne Townsend of Hoover also helped organize Saturday's event. She has been a member of the Obama grassroots network since March 2007.
"Our group in Birmingham has been very involved," Townsend said. "We're still very energetic. We all worked so hard during the campaign. We can't just stop."
Wild Thing's comment.........
"We're looking for supporters," said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event's organizers. "We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army."
What?! This Chris DeHaven is a lunatic. The country has survived for over two hundred years without Obama. These people are fanatics. Wrong, Chris! America is over if we do not stop you. These people are sick and some maybe even dangerous. Willfully ignorant, begulied cult followers are usually dangerous people.
I have to wonder which this is more about, gathering support or gathering a list of dissenters.
I think the Army this he is referring to is the Army this jerk is referring to: The “National Civilian Community Corps” (NCCC). It becomes a reality via the “National GIVE Act” or the “Serve America Act”(As it’s called in the Senate”.
The House version passed last week includes money for a committee to study the “Feasibility” of making the NCCC a MANDATORY service for all young people... The purpose of this “permanent cadre” is to be at the beck and call of the Federal Government to respond to Natural and “OTHER” emergencies (riots or to enforce Martial Law, or just harass the AIG execs, etc... etc...).
These people will also be USED to supply the labor to build infrastructure projects for the Government. They will live in CAMPS, and will have UNIFORMS.
A spending cap on this project is non-existant (in the House version - not sure on the Senate version), which goes along with what Obama spoke of during the election — that his National Civilian Security Force.
directive from the DoD should just about seal their intentions.
DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce
PDF file dates 23 January 2009
Everyone should read this PDF file above if you can. . It sounds like the plan of a totalitarian government.
"Expeditionary Forces" will be deployed amongst us. To what nefarious purposes?
(1) To support workforce stability and deployment predictability, the timeframes during which the DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce is susceptible to expeditionary assignments will be designated in 6-month rotational periods. Tours will be determined through collaboration of the combatant commanders, career field managers, functional community managers, and civilian employees, as applicable. The portion of the DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce that is within the 6-month window of deployment susceptibility shall maintain full preparedness as trained, cleared, and ready.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:50 AM | Comments (14)
Cap-and-trade Promises Disaster
Cap-and-trade promises disaster
by R. Emmett Tyrrell
Thank God winter is almost over. It has been another cold one. I hope Al Gore wore his hat and brought along his galoshes whenever he made an appearance against global warming. Better yet, I hope he scheduled his jeremiads in warmer climes, say, Miami Beach or Antigua.
As I reported a while back, scientists have not been able to measure any increase in global warming since the end of 1998. That, despite their lunkheaded computers forecasting the opposite. Over the last two years temperatures have actually dropped by more than 0.5 degrees Celsius. Button up!
I mention all this because (1) it is always amusing to kid Mr. Gore and (2) the price tag for Prophet Obama's climate plan has just jumped to $2 trillion. That is 3 times the White House's initial estimate for its cap-and-trade monstrosity. It is also a huge tax on corporations and consumers at a time when both are in recession.
Only government thrives. Given the fact it is increasingly unclear there is such a thing as global warming and the fact that cap-and-trade is an expensive and dubious remedy for it might not the Prophet Obama hold back. He has plenty else to do.
Cap-and-trade has been tried in Europe by the signers of the Kyoto Protocol and according to the Heritage Foundation's Ben Lieberman, "Nearly every European country participating has higher emissions today than when the treaty was first signed in 1992. ... emissions in many of these nations are actually rising faster than in the United States." Yet perhaps the Obama administration has its eye on something other than limiting emissions. Possibly it sees cap-and-trade as a great way to gain control of still more of the private sector.
As mentioned above, the huge amount of money mulcted from the private sector and handed over to the public sector has got to please every collectivist in the White House. Moreover there is the huge bureaucracy that will have to be set up to oversee cap-and-trade.
Those of us who have followed the economic crisis and the Ponzi schemes of Bernard Madoff are familiar with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). If the administration's climate legislation is passed, we shall have the Cap and Trade Commission (CAP). It will be vast.
To begin with, CAP's agents will have to go to every factory and office building and presumably even public buildings and decide their allowable amount of emissions. That is to say, their cap.
Next the agency will auction off and oversee the sale of the documents that certify emissions allowances. Call them coupons. Then the agency will have to monitor the exchange of these allowances and the ownership. Finally the agency will have to monitor compliance and presumably punish those who fail to comply.
In this setup there will be countless opportunities for corruption as polluters try to bribe CAP's agents, or the agents try to elicit bribes. As with the SEC, there will be incompetence and lax enforcement. Finally, there will be senators and members of the House of Representatives making special pleadings for corporations in their regions, labor unions, special pleaders of all sorts.
Finally, there is the economics of the legislation. It will take $2 trillion from the private sector and dump it into the public sector. That is to say, a large tax on the private sector will transfer money to the public sector. So how is the private sector to grow itself out of this recession? The administration's answer is that the government will return the money to worthy endeavors, health care, green technology - again still more opportunities for corruption and for special favors to pleading solons and numas on Capitol Hill.
The Prophet Obama was very disturbed recently when asked if he was a socialist. Socialism is government control of the means of producing and distributing goods and services. What I have just described is a powerful instrumentality toward socialism. Along with Cap-and-Trade, the Obama administration is calling for a sufficient number of these instrumentalities to socialism that by the next election the United States will be very close to being a socialist state.
There is no point in Mr. Obama arguing against that observation. He ought simply to come out and say it. He is for socialism. What could possibly be wrong with that?
Wild Thing's comment........
Excellent article, this cap and trade thing is all part of a larger plan to take over the U.S. economy, a plan that BO and those to whom he answers have been working on for decades. This is all totally insane! The fact that the government “profits” from cap and trade makes it a tax pure and simple. Look at the revenue Obama is expecting from his cap and trade scam.
As Thomas Sowell said this week:
"The one person toward whom there is no compassion is the taxpayer.”
...... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:40 AM | Comments (6)
March 23, 2009
Great Song for The Tea Parties,"It Ain't Your Money to Spend"
Jazz singer, Kathleen Stewart, has recorded a little ditty that should become the theme song for the Tea Parties.
This is the New York City Tea Party Protest and the singer is Kathleen Stewart.
"It Ain't Your Money to Spend" ©2009 Words by Steve Jones, Music by Kathleen Stewart
Kathleen Stewart
Kathleen also has a website.
Wild Thing's comment........
I had never heard of her before, but she is good and I love this song.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (4)
March 21, 2009
AWESOME Speech by Republican Rep. Steve LaTourette Re: AIG
Rep. Steve LaTourette Speaks on the House Floor about AIG
Is this sick or what! ,...........
AIG is like a suicide bomber
Obama: It’s Like AIG Has a Bomb Strapped to Them
But today, President Obama took that rhetoric in a different direction. He actually upped the ante explaining that AIG is like a suicide bomber.
“We had to step in, it was the right thing to do, even though it is infuriating,” Obama said, explaining why the government needed to bail out the troubled banks.
“The same is true with AIG,” he said. “It was the right thing to do to step in. Here’s the problem. It’s almost like they’ve got — they’ve got a bomb strapped to them and they’ve got their hand on the trigger. You don’t want them to blow up. But you’ve got to kind of talk them, ease that finger off the trigger.”
Wild Thing's comment........
There is no accountability in this Administration. There need to be mass resignations - starting with Obama. This is embarrassing. Its not like everyone doesn’t know by now that his people authorized the bonuses.
"AIG is like a suicide bomber"
Obviously he was speaking without his teleprompter or he would not have said such a thing.
I have not posted about all the uproar about the people that got a bonus because there has been so many other things that have been happening.
You know I mentioned before that I think Obama does a slight of hand thing with our country. He used this bonus thing and what happened.....we had news of HR1388 and the DOD and guns ammo, and our wonderful health care and treatment for our Veternas being taken away. HUGE things happening that needed to be addressed and letters written and phone calls made. So I keep seeing how Obama does one thing over here and at the same time is doing something else over there, slight of hand really comes to mind.
So now when I saw this video I just had to share it with you because it is one of the better speeches made about the BS that has gone on with the bonus thing and I wanted you all to see it.
If Congress can pick out an individual or a group of citizens then what is to stop them from writing Bill of Attainder on any or all of us for what ever reason?
What Congress did yesterday is a specific dis-incentive to the very professionals who have been charged with pulling AIG up from its bootstraps and making it solvent again.
The Dims have no intention of allowing any corporation the free market tools to heal their companies to a point where they can re-pay the government for their bailouts.
Democrats were the ones who put a choke hold on their better practices to put them in a position to fail in the first place—now they won’t let them fix their own problems.
Their agenda is the total destruction of corporate America, and thereby our Capitalist system.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (2)
B.Hussein Obama Needs To Learn Some Lessons From Milton Friedman
Milton Friedman - (CLASSIC! why socialism fails/ Obama is the Problem / Donahue smackdown)
An excerpt from an interview with Phil Donahue in 1979.
1. Excellent smackdown of Donahue (not that hard with an intelectually unarmed liberal)
2. BINGO! on political appointees towards the second half. He just nails why Obama appointed Hillary, and the rest of the beltway insiders.
3. DOUBLE BINGO! on capitalism creates prosperity and why Obama's plans are 100% guaranteed to fail. Obama is 100% clueless and history is going to spank him.
4. Notes it is the INDIVIDUAL who makes prosperity the government does nothing to create prosperity.
Milton Friedman is rolling, rolling, in his grave...
For more of his FANTASTIC interviews- go here:
My favorite quote from Friedman.
“If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (2)
March 20, 2009
House Passes Mandatory National Service Bill aka The HR 1388 Bill, “Give” Act
As HR 1388/S 277 , the "GIVE Act " is on its way to the Senate, OBAMA says "It is time to STEP UP and SERVE" in a TV commerical announcing NEW Website.
So here he is with a NEW website before the Bill called S.277 (formerly HR1388) hits the Senate Floor. He is very eager.
House adopts plan for 'volunteer' corps
By Bob Unruh
The U.S. House of Representatives has approved a plan to set up a new "volunteer corps" and consider whether "a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people" should be developed.
The legislation also refers to "uniforms" that would be worn by the "volunteers" and the "need" for a "public service academy, a 4-year institution" to "focus on training" future "public sector leaders." The training, apparently, would occur at "campuses."
The vote yesterday came on H.R. 1388, which reauthorizes through 2014 the National and Community Service Act of 1990 and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973, acts that originally, among other programs, funded the AmeriCorps and the National Senior Service Corps.
It not only reauthorizes the programs, but also includes "new programs and studies" and is expected to be funded with an allocation of $6 billion over the next five years, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Many, however, are raising concerns that the program, which is intended to include 250,000 "volunteers," is the beginning of what President Obama called his "National Civilian Security Force" in a a speech last year in which he urged creating an organization as big and well-funded as the U.S. military. He has declined since then to elaborate.
The new bill specifically references the possibilities "if all individuals in the United States were expected to perform national service or were required to perform a certain amount of national service."
Such new requirements perhaps, the legislation notes, "would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds."
No one, apparently with the exception of infants, would be excluded:
"The means to develop awareness of national service and volunteer opportunities at a young age by creating, expanding, and promoting service options for elementary and secondary school students, through service learning or other means, and by raising awareness of existing incentives."
According to a report by Canada Free Press, "'volunteerism' that kept America running since the days of its founding" would be "wiped out with the stroke of a pen."
"It becomes forced labor and like the practice of another era, presses American citizens of all ages and creeds, unknowingly into military service," the commentary said.
"On paper, H.R. 1388 is the 'Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act'; the more innocuous sounding 'The Give Act,' for short.
"The Give Act puts the finishing touches to Public Allies New Leadership for New Times, modeled after Saul Alinsky's 'Peoples Organizations' and operating under Michelle Obama," the commentary said.
"Michelle was also a pioneer in the social entrepreneur movement – leaders who create new approaches and organize to provide new solutions to social problems. Like most things Saul Alinsky, H.R. 1388 sounds noble in stating why wide-sweeping change is necessary," the commentary said.
"H.R. 1388 goes straight to the heart of volunteerism in America, impacting everything from the lemonade stands of neighborhood children, to the residents of senior citizens homes. … The Give Act puts tow-headed school children and silver-haired seniors in the official uniform of the new State, and encompasses every walk of life in main-street America," the commentary said. "Whether you are young or old, or firmly believe that volunteering means you are offering your time to the good of community work, you will be pressed into Obama's National Civilian Community Corps."
Groups of such "volunteers," would, under the legislation, be "grouped together as appropriate in campuses for operational, support, and boarding purposes. The Corps campus for a unit shall be in a facility or central location established as the operational headquarters and boarding place for the unit. … There shall be a superintendent for each camp."
The plan generated this concern from Resistnet.com: "This is the equivalent of brown shirts."
Another portion of the bill talks about a "service learning" plan that will be "a mandatory part of the curriculum in all of the secondary schools served by the local educational agency."
A forum participant noted, "I wonder what's going to happen to those who refused to 'volunteer.' Maybe they will be put into a different 'campus.' I guess we will soon find out."
Formal announcements about the plan suggested something far different, picking a provision far down in the 200 pages of legislation to highlight.
According to a Business Wire statement released by Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., the bill "would formally authorize federal support for establishing the anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks on America as a National Day of Service and Remembrance."
That provision is tucked into the far reaches of the legislation, but Schumer discussed it as if it were the primary point.
"I could not be more proud to work to pass this important provision," said Schumer. "September 11 should not only be a day for mourning – it should be a day to think about our neighbors, our community, and our country. We can take a tragic day in our nation's history and turn it into a force for good."
On the Albany Insanity blog, this concern was raised: "What gives the government the right to require individuals to give three years service under the guise of 'volunteer' service? It is not explicit exactly who is required but I think they get the bill passed and then iron out the details. It talks about uniforms and 'camps.' They revise the word 'camps' and call it 'campus.' There is language about Seniors and Community organizations."
This Bill is very long and very detailed.
HERE is another link to the Text of H.R. 1388 bill , this one might be easier to read, just give it a little time to load it is long, but this one has highlighted sections.
GovTrack website
NATIONAL GIVE ACT H R 1388 Passed House 321-105
H R 1388 YEA-AND-NAY 18-Mar-2009 4:39 PM
BILL TITLE: Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (GIVE) Act
FINAL VOTE RESULTS Roll Call You can see who voted for this communist bill
Now it iGoes to Senate
In case anyone was wondering it is in THIS bill that Obama has created his “National Civilian Community Corps”. Or “Obama’s SS” because that is EXACTLY what it will end up being. This is the corps that he no doubt wants to make mandatory... And regardless this is the corps he wants to be fully funded and AS STRONG as our military.
It is in this sectoin of the bill.
This is Subsection E as it appears and was passed by the House of Representatives:
[Subsection E]
And for we baby boomers and those that are older the Senior citizens:
12) Whether current Federal volunteer programs are suited to address the special skills and needs of senior volunteers, and if not, how these programs can be improved such that the Federal Government can effectively promote service among the ‘baby boomer’ generation.
First Amendment down the toilet it goes????
H.Amdt. 49: Amendment to prohibit organizations from attempting to influence... Amendment to prohibit organizations from attempting to influence legislation; organize or engage in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes; and assist, promote, or deter union organizing. An amendment to H.R. 1388: Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act. Offered: Mar 18, 2009 Sponsor: Rep. George Miller [D-CA] Actions: Mar 18, 2009: Amendment (A012) offered by Mr. Miller, George. Mar 18, 2009: On agreeing to the Miller, George amendment (A012) Agreed to by voice vote. For more information, see the the official record on THOMAS for H.Amdt. 49. See Text of amendment
Wild Thing's comment........
This is moving way too fast to keep up. I have never, in my life, seen anything like this.
“mandatory” “volunteer” corps....uuuuuuuuuugh
This is unConstitutional. I know, they don’t give a spit about the Constitution. I am just stunned at the number of (R)s that voted for it. 70 House Republicans voted for it. We need to clean house in 2010. I’m guessing not one of them read the d*mn thing. The way the dims have been shoving all these bills through so fast. If I was a congressman, I wouldn’t vote for anything that I did not understand or have not read.
And here is another thing about this in the bill.
Section6104 (b) 5-7, (5) The effect on the Nation, on those who serve, and on the families of those who serve, if all individuals in the United States were expected to perform national service or were required to perform a certain amount of national service. (6) Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.
Let's say you have a daughter and she has to do this. She will not be going to some fun camp you have chosen, let's say one from your church or something. These camps "campuses" that Obama has in mind will be a mixed group I would suppose from all areas. Gang bangers, thugs, put in the same groups with innocent kids. This is a total nightmare it will be inflicting suffering and danger to the good people by the minority thugs and thugettes.
Also this and I truly do not see how this 3 or 4 year thing is possible even if a person was brain numb and wanted to do it. sheesh How is a person supposed to work and feed their families, and all the other things people do on their own, activities that have become apart of American life !
Plus the fact that Michelle Obama is involved in this makes me VERY nervous.
Obama and his ilk think of the citizens of our country as two legged live stock.
They assume that a Civilian Security Force will be the antidote for their fear of us.
“When governments fear the people there is liberty. When people fear the government, there is tyranny.” --Thomas Jefferson
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (15)
March 19, 2009
Good News ....DOD Brass Ban LIfted
Feds undercut ammo supply
But Defense policy reversed after intervention by 2 Montana senators
Responding to two Democratic senators representing outraged private gun owners, the Department of Defense announced last night it has scrapped a new policy that would deplete the supply of ammunition by requiring destruction of fired military cartridge brass.
The policy already had taken a bite out of the nation's stressed ammunition supply, leaving arms dealers scrambling to find ammo for private gun owners.
Mark Cunningham, a legislative affairs representative with the Defense Logistics Agency, explained in an e-mail last night to the office of Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., that the Department of Defense had placed small arms cartridge cases on its list of sensitive munitions items as part of an overall effort to ensure national security is not jeopardized in the sale of any Defense property.
The small arms cases were identified as a senstive item and were held pending review of policy, he said.
"Upon review, the Defense Logistics Agency has determined the cartridge cases could be appropriately placed in a category of government property allowing for their release for sale," Cunningham wrote.
The Defense Department liaison was responding to a letter yesterday to the Defense Logistic Agency's Vice Admiral Alan S. Thompson from Tester and fellow Montana Democrat Sen. Max Baucus. The senators argued "prohibiting the sale of fired military brass would reduce the supply of ammunition – preventing individual gun owners from fully exercising their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. We urge you to address this situation promptly."
One of the companies that brought attention to the issue is Georgia Arms, which for the last 15 years has been purchasing fired brass casings from the Department of Defense and private government surplus liquidators.
The military collects the discarded casings from fired rounds, then sells them through liquidators to companies like Georgia Arms that remanufacture the casings into ammunition for the law enforcement and civilian gun owner communities.
But earlier this month, Georgia Arms received a canceled order, informed by its supplier that the government now requires fired brass casings be mutilated, in other words, destroyed to a scrap metal state.
The policy change, handed down from the Department of Defense through the Defense Logistics Agency, cut a supply leg out from underneath ammunition manufacturers.
The policy compelled Georgia Arms to cancel all sales of .223 and .308 ammunition, rounds used, respectively, in semi-automatic and deer hunting rifles, until further notice. Sharch Manufacturing, Inc. had announced the same cancellation of its .223 and .308 brass reloading components.
"They just reclassified brass to allow destruction of it, based on what?" Georgia Arms owner Larry Haynie asked WND. "We've been 'going green' for the last dozen years, and brass is one of the most recyclable materials out there. A cartridge case can be used over and over again. And now we're going to destroy it based on what? We don't want the civilian public to have it? It's a government injustice."
It looks like the ban has been lifted. Brass casing sold for domestic use will not require mutilation.
from Georgia Arms
" A hardy congratulation is due to our loyal customers, our good friends, and our fellow shooting enthusiasts through out this great nation! Due to the diligent and overwhelming effort of many thousands of you, calling, writing, and emailing our elected officials, DOD Surplus, LLC, has rescinded its prior directive that ALL small arms spent casings be mutilated rather than recycled. This was a huge victory for common sense and we would like to thank each and every person who made an effort and played a role in correcting this mistake. We at Georgia Arms are proud of everyone who took the time and had the courage to stand up for our rights. We believe, that by your outpouring of anger and dismay, you not only extended our liberty and freedoms but also took a stand for economic common sense in a time when we know our government should be trying to reduce costs at all levels rather than throwing money away for some politically correct reason or the other. Again, our hat is off to everyone who helped and thanks to God as well. We will roll up our sleeves and go back to work; we have 223’s and 308’s to build! We will start shipping backorders today. "
(This was pertaining to an outstanding bid on a lot of brass that we won prior to the mutilation order. DOD sent us a bill for the brass after we had refused it due to the mutilation requirements. DOD on Monday sent us a bill for the brass and when we responded that we had already refused it due to the mutilation clause, we received this reply via email.)
Word came down that all shells 50 caliber or smaller CAN still be purchased without the mutilation requirement as long as kept in the US."
More from The Firearm Blog.....
- Prior to 11/2008, Demil B items required no mutilation for sale to the public. That policy changed in November, but several exceptions were granted. Expended munitions brass was one of those given a waiver.
- Enter the new administration. Since Demil B category items had been given a broad, general label as “national security sensitive” someone above the DRMS (likely in the DLA) reviewed the policy and immediately went with a CYA policy and yanked all exemptions. No thoughts or considerations were given to the implications of this policy change, but this directive was issued to DOD Surplus effective immediately last week.
- Shit storm blows up as a result. In particular, the letters, phone calls, and emails to our legislators, the media, and anyone else who would listen caused this policy to be review post haste.
- As of this morning our company was informed that expended munitions brass will now be reclassified as Demil Q –– which requires no mutilation unless sold to a foreign country.
Wild Thing's comment.........
All little things and large, that are the basic strengths of this Republic are now under sage.
Nicholas reminded me about something. The comedian Pat Paulsen, a regular on the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, first announced he was running for President in 1968 as the candidate for the Straight Talking American Government (STAG) Party. Throughout the campaign he repeatedly described himself as the "common ordinary simple savior of America's destiny." Other campaign slogans he used included "We cannot stand pat," "We can be decisive, probably," "United we sit," and "If elected, I will win." He responded to all criticism with the phrase "Picky, picky, picky."
Paulsen declared that "issues have no place in a presidential campaign." However, he did announce a position on a few issues. For instance, on the issue of gun control he favored letting everyone have guns but locking up the bullets.
Is that weird he would say that or what!
........Thank you Mark and Tom for sending this information to me. They both go together so well and make a good post on this. I am learning so much!!! I never knew about all of this before.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
US Army Aviation
Vietnam 1966-68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:50 AM | Comments (9)
Gun Advocates Ready for Battle on Federal Assault Weapons Ban
Gun Advocates Ready for Battle on Federal Assault Weapons Ban
Get ready for a gunfight.
Attorney General Eric Holder is using the drug violence in Mexico to "confuse and mislead" Americans in an attempt to reinstate the expired Federal Assault Weapons Ban, gun advocates claim.
Holder revealed his intention to reinstate the ban last month while announcing more than 700 arrests in connection with a crackdown on Mexican drug cartels operating in the United States.
"As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to re-institute the ban on the sale of assault weapons," Holder said. "I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico, at a minimum."
Holder said reinstating the ban would decrease the flow of guns from the U.S. into Mexico. He declined to offer a timeframe for any re-implementation; Justice Department spokesman Matt Miller also declined comment on Tuesday.
But Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the National Rifle Association, told FOXNews.com that Holder's "argument in general is bizarre."
"It's a delusion to say that diminishing the Second Amendment in America is somehow going to stop these ruthless drug cartels in Mexico."
LaPierre called on Holder and Justice Department officials to uphold existing laws and focus on increasing enforcement along the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border, rather than consider additional legislation.
"The answer is to enforce the law on both sides of the border," LaPierre said. "I reject the notion that the reenactment of that ban would have any impact on the Mexican drug cartels."
LaPierre, referring to the drug-related violence that killed more than 6,200 people in Mexico last year, accused Holder of trying to "put a failed political agenda on the back of a national tragedy."
Signed into law by President Clinton in 1994, the Federal Assault Weapons Ban prohibited the sale of ammunition clips with more than 10 rounds and 19 types of semi-automatic military-style guns, including AK-47s and AR-15s. The ban expired in 2004, and a 10-year extension proposed by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., was voted down.
Michael Hammond, spokesman for the Gun Owners of America, said he was not surprised by Holder's comments.
"We expected the Obama administration, contrary to promises made during the campaign, to do everything it can to go after us," Hammond said. "It's no surprise to us that [Holder] is using a crisis as an argument to achieving his policy goals."
During a House subcommittee hearing last week, Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action, warned against making U.S. gun owners "scapegoats" for the Mexican crisis.
"The message here is clear: According to some, the violence in Mexico is not the fault of the drug cartels or their American customers, nor is it the fault of decades of Mexican government corruption," Cox said in prepared remarks.
"In their view, the fault lies with American gun owners. This is an outrageous assertion."
Authorities should ramp up border security and continue targeting so-called straw buyers who do the cartels' "dirty work," Cox said.
But Tom Diaz, senior policy analyst at the Violence Policy Center, testified at the subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs on Thursday that the U.S. civilian gun market is fueling violence in Mexico and on both sides of its border.
"If one set out to design a 'legal' market conducive to the business of funneling guns to criminals, one would be hard-pressed to come up with a 'better' system that the U.S. civilian gun market -- short of simply selling guns directly to criminals from manufacturer and importer inventories," Diaz said in prepared remarks.
"The U.S. gun market not only makes gun trafficking in military-style weapons easy, it practically compels that traffic because of the gun market's loose regulations and the gun industry's ruthless design choices over the last several decades."
Citing February 2008 congressional testimony of William Hoover, assistant director of field operations at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)...
Diaz said military-style weapons like the Barrett .50-caliber rifle, the Colt AR-15 .223-caliber assault rifle and the AK-47 are "precisely the makes and models of firearms that have been carefully designed, manufactured or imported and heavily marketed over the last 20 years by the U.S. civilian gun industry."
More than 7,770 guns sold in the U.S. were traced to Mexico last year, up from 3,300 in 2007 and roughly 2,100 in 2006, according to ATF statistics. It was not immediately clear what percentage of those guns fell under the United States' federal assault weapons ban.
Diaz also cited ATF tracing data that shows Mexican drug cartels receive between 90 and 95 percent of their firearms from the United States.
Along with measures such as targeting Texas, Arizona and California -- the three primary states where firearms are illegally smuggled into Mexico -- Diaz called for the implementation of an "effective" federal assault weapons ban modeled on a bill introduced in 2007 by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y.
Diaz said manufacturers continued to sell assault weapons throughout the ban by making minor design changes. He also called for the passage of a bill introduced by Feinstein during the last session of Congress that would regulate .50-caliber sniper rifles under the National Firearms Act.
Meanwhile, Democratic lawmakers like Alaska Sen. Mark Begich and Montana Sens. Max Baucus and Jon Tester have already informed Holder that they'll vigorously oppose any new gun restrictions the Obama administration may be considering.
In a letter to Holder shortly after his comments, all three senators urged the Justice Department to focus on enforcing existing laws.
And Arizona state Sen. Jonathan Paton, who testified at last week's hearing, said additional gun laws are just not the answer.
"It would actually hurt the problem rather than help it," Paton, a Republican, said of re-instituting the federal assault weapons ban. "They're not giving us the resources on the laws that we already have on the books. What makes me think they're going to give us the resources for new laws?"
Paton cited Mexico's far stricter gun laws as proof that new domestic laws in the United States won't deter criminals intent on trafficking arms.
"It's not going to solve the problem you have with M-16s and AK-47s; they're already banned and they're already going into Mexico at a feverish pace," Paton told FOXNews.com. "The day they start taking their border security as serious as we do, Mexico will cut down tremendously on its amount of guns."
Important Message From NRA Chief Lobbyist Chris W. Cox on Attorney General Holder's Recent Remarks Supporting Reinstatement of the Failed 1994 Gun and Magazine Ban
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Today in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, 65 Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives, led by Congressman Mike Ross (D-AR), expressed their opposition to the reinstatement of the failed 1994 ban on semi-automatic firearms and ammunition magazines. These congressmen cited numerous studies that proved the 1994 ban was ineffective, and they strongly urged Attorney General Holder to stop his effort and instead focus on the enforcement of existing gun laws.
NRA would like to thank Congressman Ross for his leadership on this effort. We will continue to work with Members of Congress from both parties on this important issue.
This is a 6 page pdf mostly with signatures and names.
Beck & Wayne LaPierre ( NRA ) discuss gun control and the 2nd Amendment on March 18, 2009
Wild Thing's comment........
“there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make...”
What a load of baloney.
They want to infringe on the rights of Americans to lower crime in Mexico???? Good grief! I think its another created crisis to use as an excuse to institute their commie plans. But then an oath and the Constitution mean nothing to these people.
Eric Holder wants to take away the very weapons that we need to defend ourselves from the murderous criminals who are invading our nation. The feds refuse to deploy forces to the border to control it, they refuse to build the fence to keep bad people out, and they want us to give up our ability to defend ourselves from said invaders. I guess this is “change we can believe in”. Eric Holder can go suck a lemon.
How is disarming Texans going to protect them agains Mexican armed to the teeth coming across our undefended border!
......Thank you Lynn for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:47 AM | Comments (12)
Republicans Consider Legal Action To Overturn Obama's ACORN 2010 Census
Census is supposed to be free of politics, but ACORN is now participating in 2010 Census
Power Grab: Republicans Consider Legal Action To Overturn Pres. Obama's 2010 Census / Part 2 of 4
Here are the other videos about this: These are ALL sooooo oGOOD to watch and listen to what they have to say.:
Power Grab: Republicans Consider Legal Action To Overturn Pres. Obama's 2010 Census / Part 1 of 4
Power Grab: Republicans Consider Legal Action To Overturn Pres. Obama's 2010 Census / Part 3 of 4
Power Grab: Republicans Consider Legal Action To Overturn Pres. Obama's 2010 Census / Part 4 of 4
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is illegal and it has to be highly unconstitutional.
What a disaster Obama has brought. Acorn is a domestic terrorist agency supported by obamanation!
An organization charged with election fraud should not be handling elections.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:44 AM | Comments (4)
March 17, 2009
DOD Issues Directive About Sale of Military Brass To Ammunition Remanufactures
No Longer Just Paranoia
For months, anyone who's proffered the position that the Obama Administration was anti-gun has been dismissed as being a variety of things, from sore loser to rampant paranoid. Nonetheless, since assuming office, members of the Obama administration have steadily- and stealthily- moved against firearms and ammunition.
Their only public blunder was Attorney General Holder's saying the "assault weapons ban" needed to be reinstated. Quickly, House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi - no friend of gun owners - went on record as opposing Holder's suggestion. She went as far as to parrot the words of pro-gun groups, saying the government should enforce the laws on the books today, rather than introducing new laws.
At the same time, the State Department notified Canadian authorities of plans to issue an export ban on "military caliber ammunition" to Canada. That proposed action would prevent the sales of .223, .308 and other military calibers.
When Canadian authorities protested - and notified several members of the American media, the U.S. State Department suddenly went silent. But they quietly reinstated other rules and charges firearms exports-retroactively.
While it seemed they had been headed off on one proposal, they had actually drawn attention away from other actions. If you're into incrementalism, that translates as a win.
Anything passed brings the ultimate goal that much closer.
Last Friday, the anglers and hunters were notified that the National Park Service planned to make all lands under their control totally lead-free by 2010. No lead in ammo or fishing tackle.
As we report in today's Outdoor Wire, that decision has kicked off howls of protests - and questions about the NPS trying to usurp states' rights by issuing their unilateral decision with no prior notification. It's definitely not going to be a decision without some serious discussions. That still doesn't mean the NPS will back off on their decision.
All these things are racing along on parallel tracks. Now, many observers - and not just those on the pro-gun side of the discussion - believe the country is hurtling toward a confrontation.
The catalyst might be any one of several flashpoint issues, but both groups seem to believe a reckoning is unavoidable.
For months, I've gotten reports of everything from re-tasking of military heavy assault units for domestic violence scenarios to calls for "committees of correspondence" designed to spread news the way word was spread by citizens of the then-British colonies.
In each instance, I've discounted the reports as internet hysteria that has produced breathless notices of "the real-deal on the new assault weapon ban"- or references to HR45 - a gun registration bill that is a prime example of "eyewash legislation". It's purpose has already been achieved.
Part of that discounting has been due to the fact that hot-blooded rhetoric seems to run along with firearms ownership.
To the chagrin of industry officials, there's never a shortage of people willing to go on camera, get red-faced and spout "from my cold dead hands" phrases.
Admittedly, those people concern me, but more for their reinforcement of a negative stereotype to people who have no opinion one way or the other on firearms.
Today, however, a report that has nothing to do with rhetoric, hyperbole or rumor.
A very disturbing report that points to a very real assault on ammunition supplies.
The Department of Defense has issued a directive that bans the sale of military brass to ammunition remanufacturers.
Without that brass, a very large dent is put into civilian ammunition supplies.
New Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service (DRMS) requirements call for the "mutilation of shell casings". Mutilation, incidentally, is the destruction of the property "to the extent that prevents its reuse or reconstruction".
Government officials will determine what constitutes "sufficient mutilation" but it's safe to say that it will no longer be suitable for remanufacturing.
The first word of this latest decision came over the weekend when Georgia Arms' Larry Haynie released a letter notifying him of the new requirement.
For a company with an order in for 30,000 pounds of expended military brass in .223, .308 and .50 BMG, that was not a pleasant notification.
Georgia Arms was remanufacturing more than one million rounds of .223 ammunition monthly; selling that ammo on the civilian market to resellers and to government agencies all over the country.
Tomorrow, Georgia Arms will start sending cancellation notices for .223 ammunition to law enforcement agencies across the United States. Haynie says he may have to layoff half of his sixty-person workforce.
A new welcome page posted on Georgia Arms' website (www.georgia-arms.com) says simply "Due to new government regulations concerning the purchase of surplus brass, we are removing sales of all 223 and all 308 until further notice."
From there, it directs visitors to the government website for contacting elected representatives.
All of us need to start contacting our elected representatives -and telling them, quite directly, that we're not going to put up with a move that not only curtails access to ammunition (nearly all .223 and .308 manufacturing capacity is tied up to satisfy the needs of the military) for civilians - but wastes taxpayers' money turning usable surplus into scrap metal.
Reducing the ammo brass to scrap reduces the value of the metal/surplus by nearly eighty percent. It also means that recast brass - in shippable form - may be shipped to China, one of the largest markets for U.S. metals on the world market.
If this is allowed to go unchallenged, anyone who owns a modern or traditional rifle in .223 or .308 calibers will see the impact- probably sooner than later.
"Anyone" in this context means everyone from recreational shooters to law enforcement trainers.
Pulling military brass out of the consumer supply chain means that all the manufacturing capacity being dedicated to meeting the military need will effectively become unavailable to civilians - forever.
Export rulings, lead bans, and brass mutilation orders from separate areas of the federal government look coincidental - on the surface. I'm not big on conspiracy theories - partially because I doubted the new administration would have gotten its collective act together so rapidly.
Seems I've been wrong on that one - and mistakenly using the word "hoard" when talking about the nearly-insatiable demand for ammunition that continues across the country. Today, laying up of ammunition might be better described as prudent preparation for possible problems.
States are beginning to serve notice to the federal government they will not enforce laws that violate individual rights. The federal government seems intent on creating a society with increasingly higher numbers of people dependent on the government for either sustenance or employment. Average citizens are beginning to grow tired of being asked to "tote the note" for others' irresponsibility.
These are, indeed, uncertain times.
Today, it's important that every reader take time to notify Congress that we - taxpayers - oppose this latest DOD move- and all the other not-so-subtle moves against gun owners.
You can contact your elected officials in Washington by going to this webpage http://www.usa.gov/Contact/Elected.shtml and following the links to your respective Senator or Congressman.
One key member of the United States Senate is Montana's Senator Max Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. Baucus could make a call to the Pentagon and let them know their budgets might be reexamined if they don't reconsider this latest directive. At that point, the directive might labeled a "misunderstanding" and rescinded.
But it is important that we keep pressure on Congress.
If that means phone calls, e-mails, and letters, let's get that done. If that doesn't produce results, we need to look beyond symbolic gestures like sending tea bags or bringing hundreds of thousands of gun owners to Washington and state capitols to protest.
These are, indeed, uncertain times. But the time for uncertain actions may be passing.
We'll keep you posted. In the meantime, maintain situational awareness.
--Jim Shepherd
I got this from one of our nephews in my email:
An Important Message From Gun Owners Of America
Land grab bill coming back, again
Monday, March 16, 2009
Do you agree with people like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, who treat the Second Amendment as if it were written only to protect your ability to go hunting and target shooting?
Or do you agree with Gun Owners of America, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who believe that the Second Amendment protects a pre-existing fundamental right that is essential to the preservation of liberty?
Well, a whole lot of people in Congress are claiming to protect your Second Amendment rights, but all they’re really doing is protecting your hunting season.
We’re talking about the Omnibus Public Lands Act. You helped to defeat this bill last week in the House, but Congressional leaders have vowed to bring it up again soon.
S. 22 is an enormous package of over 190 bills lumped together with a price tag of $10 billion. The bill will greatly expand the amount of land controlled by the National Park Service, thus spreading the agency’s unconstitutional gun regulations to more areas.
Fear of upsetting gun owners — who helped elect many members of Congress from both parties — kept this bill off the floor for several weeks.
Then, in a meeting last Tuesday, not held in an open committee hearing but behind closed doors, House leaders brokered a deal with some supposedly pro-gun Democrats.
They said they were concerned about your gun rights. They said they were going to “fix” the bill.
But they did not address the NPS anti-gun regulations that prohibit carrying a firearm for self defense without a government issued concealed carry permit.
What did they do? They added language to the bill to say you can still go hunting.
That’s right. Many Congressmen claimed to be protecting the Second Amendment, when all they were really doing was thumbing their noses at self defense.
Here is the entire “pro-gun” amendment that was considered in the House. Judge for yourself if this really protects your Second Amendment rights:
“Nothing in this Title shall be construed as affecting the authority, jurisdiction, or responsibility of the several States to manage, control, or regulate fish and resident wildlife under State law or regulations, including the regulation of hunting, fishing, trapping, and recreational shooting. Nothing in this Title shall be construed as limiting access for hunting, fishing, trapping, or recreational shooting.”
They may as well have called it the “Elmer Fudd Protection Act.”
A lot of people who voted for this bill campaigned for office as champions of gun rights. They said “Send me to Washington; I’ll fight for the Second Amendment.” And this is what we get? Pathetic.
But let’s be clear. The issue is not just about the NPS gun restrictions, as bad as they are. And whether or not you personally use federal land is not the point.
What is important is the disdain with which legislators hold your Second Amendment rights.
It is imperative that you speak up on this issue. The outcome of this battle will be a preview of what we can expect for the next two years.
Will your gun rights be comprised away little by little? Or will we stand together and hold legislators accountable to their campaign promises to uphold the Second Amendment?
This week there may be several votes in both the Senate and House on the Omnibus Land bill.
Congressional leaders plan to act quickly in an attempt to ram this down the throat of the American people without a fair and open process. They desperately want to avoid any amendment that would truly protect your gun rights.
Congress hopes to leave the gun ban in place, and enlarge the areas affected by it. For example, the bill expands existing park land, creates new national trails that will fall under the gun restrictions, and authorizes the federal government to buy more land adjacent to national parks and trails.
House and Senate leaders plan to move on this bill rapidly, although they are ambiguous about the process.
But our message to Congress is simple: Stop playing around with our Second Amendment rights!
We don’t care about the process. We care about the Second Amendment. And we mean ALL of the Second Amendment, not just hunting.
Tell Congress you expect them to protect your right to keep and bear arms without compromising. Please take a few seconds and send the pre-written message below.
When you’re done, become a force multiplier. Send this alert to a few friends.
It is important that you take this action because right now GOA is the only gun rights organization speaking out for ALL of your Second Amendment rights.
We’ve all forwarded jokes or funny pictures to our friends. How about forwarding a message to help protect our God-ordained constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms?
And please do not think your voice won’t be heard. Remember, this bill failed to pass the House by just two votes last week because people like you took action.
Congressmen need to know that their votes in the coming days will impact YOUR vote next year. But if they don’t hear from you and they think you’re not looking, many will treat your rights with contempt.
We’re not alone in this battle. In the Senate, pro-gun champions such as Sens. Tom Coburn and Jim DeMint are prepared to lead the fight against this bill.
In the House, Reps. Paul Broun, Rob Bishop and Doc Hastings are among those fighting hard for your gun rights.
In fact, there are many in Congress willing to stand up for the Second Amendment, but they are repeatedly squashed by the anti-gun leadership or undermined by pro-gun compromisers. Pro-gun Congressmen who want to
repeal the gun ban are being told, in effect, to “Shut up and vote!”
Friends, we know we’ve asked for a lot of action from you already this year.
Unfortunately, that is not going to stop. But we will all draw the line at some point. Let’s work together and do it now.
Thank you for working with Gun Owners of America. Our effectiveness in Washington depends on your activism. PLEASE try to get your pro-gun friends and family involved. Now more than ever, every voice is critical.
ACTION: Please use the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at
http://gunowners.org/activism.htm to tell your Representative and Senators to reject the lands bill (S. 22) unless your Second Amendment rights are protected. Per usual, a
pre-written letter is provided for your convenience.
Pre-written message
The Omnibus Public Land Act of 2009 is expected to come to the floor soon.
I urge you to oppose this bill if, as expected, the leadership does not allow an amendment to repeal the anti-gun regulations of the National Park Service.
Recent changes made by the Interior Department only allow persons with a concealed carry permit to possess a self-defense firearm on NPS land. Non-permit holders are still prohibited from carrying a firearm for their protection.
And please don’t be fooled by a supposedly pro-gun amendment to “fix” the bill that was brought up last week during the House debate on S. 22. That language only modestly protects hunting and recreational shooting.
While protecting the rights of sportsmen is important, the Second Amendment is NOT about hunting rights. I am more concerned about my ability to defend my life, and the lives of my loved ones, than I am about plinking cans.
Congressional leaders have been ambiguous about how this legislation will come to the floor, but my message to you is clear: protect ALL of my Second Amendment rights.
Please OPPOSE final passage on any land bill that does not repeal the NPS gun ban.
Once you have contacted your legislators, please consider checking out GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt’s recent appearance (along with noted author Dr. John Lott) on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s show “Freedom Watch.”
Fox has posted the video on YouTube .
Judge Andrew Napolitano's show called Freedom Watch airing every Wednesday from 2pm - 3pm. Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America and John Lott, Author of "More Guns, Less Crime" discuss the Second Amendment.
Wild Thing's comment.........aka "The cold dead handers"........
Whew they sure are are drunk with power, I hope they back away and don't do this, but the one element that can restrain them is the media and they are too busy have fantasies about their Obama, although that is wanning a tad lately, thank goodness. .
Only the King’s men shall have weapons. Only the King’s men shall be able to use the King’s lands. No game shall be taken from the King’s lands. This takes me back the better part of a millenium to Merrie Olde England.
I think these people doing this are forgetting about the millions of us across this awesome land that are imo the kind of citizens that obey the laws, are not causing trouble, know what our Constitution says and live the kind of lives that prefer not to have big government. Like it has been said law abiding citizens. I would not want to mess with that kind of person and I am one of them. And um well , how shall I put this, we know how to use a weapon, we want to be able to protect our loved ones, our property and that is something maybe one needs to be a-hem reminded of especially now. I sure can hardly wait for 2010 to get here!!!! OH and we also believe in honest elections not the kind that Obama's ACORN runs.
They will try to make the use of arms prohibitively expensive, or useless in some other way through a war of taxation and attrition, and the hyper regulation of munition factories (laws regardining workers around lead).
There are approx 60 million gun owners in this country. There are 1 million active military at best...who is going to do the eliminating?
"The tree of Liberty needs to be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (10)
Rham and Obama and Guns
"Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed
when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed."-Sarah Brady
Rahm Emanuel Speaks at the Brady Center's Stand Up For a Safe America (DC)
Video Script:
The right to bear arms is one of the fundamental ideals on which our nation was founded.
Hardworking, law-abiding Americans have for generations enjoyed this freedom in their communities and with their families.
But Barack Obama believes that many Americans simply 'cling' to guns in times of economic distress. Speaking behind closed doors to an audience of San Francisco donors Barack Obama said "they cling to guns or religion .... as a way to explain their frustrations"
Obama's anti-gun record is long.
In 2004, he voted against legislation drafted to protect homeowners from prosecution in cases where they used a firearm to halt a home invasion.
In 2003, he voted in support of legislation that would have effectively banned most of the privately held hunting shotguns, target rifles, and black powder rifles in Illinois.
And in 1996, Obama supported a ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama and Rahm are total idiots. I wish it were that simple, but I fear the correct description is they are a bunch of Communists.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (11)
March 15, 2009
Obama's H.R.1388, "The Give Act" to Reform the National Service Laws
Obama Requires American's to SERVE, H.R.1388, "The Give Act" to reform the National Service Laws
HR 1388, will hit the House floor on Tuesday.It is called the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act (The Give Act.) The House is scheduled to Rule this week. Sponsored by Democrat Representative Carolyn McCarthy (NY), Education and Labor Committee. The objective is to reauthorize and reform the national service laws.
Democrat Rep. McCarthy is sponsoring the bill with 25 co-sponsors, ALL Democrats, including Charlie Rangel.
You can CLICK HERE......The Library of Congress Thomas
From clicking on the link above: ( these are just a few of the things)
* Government the right to require individuals to give 3 years service under the guise of “volunteer” service
* It talks about uniforms and “camps.” They revise the word “camps” and call it “campus.” There is language about Seniors and Community organizations.
* “leverage Federal investments to increase State, local, business, and philanthropic resources to address national and local challenges
* encourage national service efforts to address pressing national challenges, such as improving education for low-income students, increasing energy conservation, and improving the health, well-being, and economic opportunities of the neediest individuals in the Nation;
* expand and strengthen service-learning programs through year-round opportunities, including during the summer months, to improve the education of children and youth and to maximize the benefits of national and community service, in order to renew the ethic of civic responsibility and the spirit of community to children and youth throughout the United States;
* increase service opportunities for our Nation's retiring professionals
* encourage members of the Baby Boom generation to partake in service opportunities
* Civilian Community Corps shall be called the "National Civilian Community Corps"
* the Director determines appropriate "Uniforms"
**** Take note of the Miscellaneous Section (Title VI) of the Bill. Very Strange!!!
From the Misc. section, #6104: (6) Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.
Rep Altmire, Jason [PA-4] - 3/12/2009
Rep Andrews, Robert E. [NJ-1] - 3/9/2009
Rep Clarke, Yvette D. [NY-11] - 3/12/2009
Rep Courtney, Joe [CT-2] - 3/9/2009
Rep Fattah, Chaka [PA-2] - 3/12/2009
Rep Grijalva, Raul M. [AZ-7] - 3/9/2009
Rep Hare, Phil [IL-17] - 3/9/2009
Rep Hinojosa, Ruben [TX-15] - 3/9/2009
Rep Hirono, Mazie K. [HI-2] - 3/9/2009
Rep Holt, Rush D. [NJ-12] - 3/12/2009
Rep Kildee, Dale E. [MI-5] - 3/9/2009
Rep Klein, Ron [FL-22] - 3/12/2009
Rep Kucinich, Dennis J. [OH-10] - 3/12/2009
Rep Maloney, Carolyn B. [NY-14] - 3/12/2009
Rep Miller, George [CA-7] - 3/9/2009
Rep Payne, Donald M. [NJ-10] - 3/12/2009
Rep Polis, Jared [CO-2] - 3/9/2009
Rep Rangel, Charles B. [NY-15] - 3/12/2009
Rep Sablan, Gregorio [MP] - 3/9/2009
Rep Sestak, Joe [PA-7] - 3/9/2009
Rep Shea-Porter, Carol [NH-1] - 3/12/2009
Rep Tonko, Paul D. [NY-21] - 3/9/2009
Rep Van Hollen, Chris [MD-8] - 3/12/2009
Rep Welch, Peter [VT] - 3/12/2009
Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] - 3/12/2009
Part of Title VI says:
(a) Hearings and Sessions- The Commission may, for the purpose of carrying out this title, hold public hearings, sit and act at times and places, take testimony, and receive evidence as the Commission considers appropriate.
b) Powers of Members and Agents- Any member or agent of the Commission may, if authorized by the Commission, take any action which the Commission is authorized to take by this section.
(c) Obtaining Official Data- Upon request of the Chairperson, the head of any department or agency shall furnish information to the Commission that the Commission deems necessary to enable it to carry out this title.
(d) Physical Facilities and Equipment- The Architect of the Capitol, in consultation with the appropriate entities in the legislative branch, shall locate and provide suitable facilities and equipment for the operation of the Commission on a nonreimbursable basis.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Mandatory military service is practiced in Israel and Switzerland and maybe some other countries I am not aware of. But that is military and different then what Obama has planned.
If I get this right he wants the regular military as we know it but to pump up a civilian one and make them as he said as powerful or MORE powerful then our military. THAT is alarming to me. And their desire to change the words of Camp to Campus is a clear indication that they are trying to camoflauge their intentions.
"The first step in community organization is community disorganization. The disruption of the present organization is the first step toward community organization. Present arrangements must be disorganized if they are to be displace by new patterns.... All change means disorganization of the old and organization of the new." -Saul Alinsky,p.116, Rules for Radicals
From Obama's campaign speech's.
‘My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you’ll join with me as we try to change it."- Barrack Obama
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." -Obama
"People of all ages, stations, and skills will be asked to serve."- Obama
Michelle Obama said:
"Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed."
The Second American Revolution, by Thomas Paine, author of "Common Sense"
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (40)
Chief Justice Roberts in Idaho
Chief justice publicly accepts WND's eligibility petition
Attorney Orly Taitz talks to Roberts, who agrees to read Obama-birth docs
Orly Taitz confronted the chief justice yesterday with legal briefs and a WND petition bearing names of over 325,000 people asking the court to rule on whether or not the sitting president fulfills the Constitution's "natural-born citizen" clause.
According to Orly Taitz, the attorney who confronted Chief Justice John Roberts at a lecture at the University of Idaho, the judge promised before the gathered crowd that he would, indeed, read and review the briefs and petition.
"I addressed him in front of 800 people in the audience," Taitz told WND, "including university officials, the president of the Idaho State Bar and the chief justice of the Supreme Court of Idaho, and in front of all them, [Roberts] promised to read my papers."
Roberts was lecturing on Abraham Lincoln to approximately 1,200 attendees of the annual Bellwood Memorial Lecture Series at the Moscow, Idaho, university. Roberts has been chief justice of the Supreme Court since his nomination by President George W. Bush and subsequent confirmation in 2005.
Earlier in the week, Taitz confronted Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who told her the issue of Obama's eligibility, which has been raised before the Supreme Court at least four times but has yet to be given a single hearing, still lacked the votes of the required four justices in conference before it would be officially heard.
Taitz said, "I told Scalia that I was an attorney that filed Lightfoot v. Bowen that Chief Justice Roberts distributed for conference on Jan. 23 and now I represent nine state reps and 120 military officers, many of them high ranked, and I want to know if they will hear Quo Warranto and if they would hear it on original jurisdiction, if I bring Hawaii as an additional defendant to unseal the records and ascertain Obama's legitimacy for presidency."
The legal phrase Quo Warranto essentially means an explanation is being demanded for what authority Obama is using to act as president. An online constitutional resource says Quo Warranto "affords the only judicial remedy for violations of the Constitution by public officials and agents."
At the lecture in Idaho, Taitz grabbed the attention of Justice Roberts by boldly addressing her allegation that a clerk had buried the case.
"I said, 'Justice Roberts, my name is Orly Taitz. I'm an attorney from California, and I got up at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night, flew and drove thousands of miles just to ask you a question. So please give me some leeway,'" Taitz told WND. "My question is, do you know there is illegal activity going on in the Supreme Court of the United States?"
According to Taitz, the room was stunned silent as she continued, "I have presented my case to you, and you personally agreed to hear this case in conference. But your clerk refused to forward a supplemental brief to you. He has hidden this brief from you. He refused to put it on the docket. Additionally, my case was erased from the docket one day after the Inauguration, two days before my case was to be heard.
"Outraged citizens and members of the media and state representatives are calling the Supreme Court, demanding to have the case reentered on the docket," Taitz told Roberts.
Then she held up the WND petition and continued, "Moreover, here are the names of U.S. citizens who signed this petition and who sent individual letters to individual justices, including you, Justice Roberts, all of them demanding the same thing – that you hear my case in regards to Barack Hussein Obama's eligibility for presidency."
According to Taitz, Roberts approached the microphone and said, "I see you have papers. I promise you I will read all your papers, I will review them. Please give them to my Secret Service and I will review all of them."
Shortly thereafter, Taitz told WND, a Secret Service agent identified by his badge as Gilbert Shaw accepted two suitcases of documents and pledged to deliver them to Roberts.
I just saw this today, I didn't know that Michael Reagan has also been keeping updates about this.
Wild Thing's comment........
Outstanding!!! Now we wait and see if anything comes of this.
I think Dr. Orly Taitz may be the next Erin Brockovich. admire Dr. Taitz’s perseverance
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (5)
March 14, 2009
EFCA Authorizes Government Control of 4 Million Small Businesses
EFCA Authorizes Government Control of 4 Million Small Businesses
The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA, H.R. 1409, S. 560) does more than take away secret ballot elections: It empowers the federal government to impose contracts on newly organized companies.
The government would set wages, benefits, work assignments, promotion procedures, and any major changes to business operations. Because EFCA has no meaningful small businesses exemption, it would authorize federal control of up to 4 million small businesses employing 39 million Americans. Consequently, bureaucrats with no management experience would effectively control these small businesses.
Four Million Small Businesses Affected
The misnamed Employee Free Choice Act affects both large and small businesses. The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) has a small business exception. However, this exemption has not been updated for inflation since 1959.[1] It covers all non-retail businesses with gross revenues of $50,000 a year and retail businesses with gross revenues over $500,000 a year
To put those figures into perspective, the average private-sector worker costs his or her employer $56,000 a year in wages and benefits--before the cost of any capital needed to do the job. A business with one worker earning average pay would not qualify. Consequently, the law has no meaningful small businesses exemption.
The Heritage Foundation used Census Bureau data to calculate how many small businesses EFCA would affect: The act covers 4,180,000 businesses employing 38,934,000 workers.
Consequently, bureaucrats with no management experience would effectively control these small businesses, says James Sherk, the Bradley Fellow in Labor Policy at the Heritage Foundation.
The misnamed Employee Free Choice Act affects both large and small businesses, says Sherk:
* The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) has a small business exception, however, this exemption has not been updated for inflation since 1959.
* It covers all non-retail businesses with gross revenues of $50,000 a year and retail businesses with gross revenues over $500,000 a year.
* To put those figures into perspective, the average private-sector worker costs his or her employer $56,000 a year in wages and benefits--before the cost of any capital needed to do the job.
* A business with one worker earning average pay would not qualify, consequently, the law has no meaningful small businesses exemption.
The Heritage Foundation used Census Bureau data to calculate how many small businesses EFCA would affect: The act covers 4,180,000 businesses employing 38,934,000 workers.
EFCA takes away these workers' right to a secret ballot vote on joining a union -- a consequence that has attracted considerable controversy, says Sherk. However, the bill has a second provision of equal if not greater significance to small businesses that has attracted much less attention: EFCA replaces collective bargaining with government-imposed contracts for newly organized companies. In practice:
* EFCA will effectively eliminate collective bargaining for initial contracts because the system provides no reason for unions not to hold out for a government contract.
* Unions would have strong incentives to make extreme demands and hope the FMCS appointed arbitrator splits the difference between these demands and management's position.
Granting such a radical amount of power to the FMCS puts control of workplaces in the hands of unaccountable government bureaucrats, says Sherk.
Wild Thing's comment........
The inmates are running the asylum.
What the heck is happening to our country?
Everyone of these dangerous beltway initiatives makes me grieve even more for the poor souls that fell on Normandy and everywhere else.
They gave all to fight back evil and preserve our freedom. And those fools in Washington are just throwing it all away.
summary of this BS: aka Communism! or is State control of private business is called FACISM.
You have 2 candidates, the UNIONS and the EMPLOYERS. They both are campaigning for the workers vote. The UNIONS want them to vote YES to unionize and EMPLOYERS wants them to vote NO against unionization. After campaigning for their vote, both go back to their respective corners while the EMPLOYEE decides which candidate they will side with, the UNIONS or the EMPLOYERS. Come “election day,” the EMPLOYEE goes to the “polls” to cast their vote. They enter a PRIVATE BOOTH and pull the lever of their choice, either for or against unionization. What the EFCA will eliminate is the PRIVATE BOOTH in which the EMPLOYEE votes. No longer will the UNIONS have to campaign up until “election day.” All they will have to do is walk up to every EMPLOYEE, where ever they may be, and get them to vote YES or NO. IT would be like Barack Obama going around to every person in America and handing them a ballot and telling them to vote for them right there on the spot while they watch.
The end goal of communism is to have all the means of production in the hands of government. Obama is trying to move the country to that situation as soon as possible.
If these last two months haven't been reason enough for a revolution, what will it take? I suppose we shall find out as we still have many years left on our sentence.
This is insane. The unions get to tell the employees anything they want; promise things they cannot deliver. The employer does not even get the right to have a say.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (10)
Barack Obama and The Ecomony
More from.........
Obama’s Interview Aboard Air Force One
The website link has the entire interview, I already posted a partial of this in a video.
New York Times reporter Peter Baker
OBAMA: By the time we got here, there already had been an enormous infusion of taxpayer money into the financial system, and the thing I constantly try to emphasize to people is that if coming in the market was doing fine, nobody would be happier than me to stay out of it.
OBAMA: You know, I have more than enough to do without having to worry about the financial system
Wild Thing's comment......
What an inspiring thing to say. I have more than enough to do without having to worry about the financial system. This does not inspire confidence among people.
Maybe Hussein should look for some other job he's actually qualified for. From what he’s done so far, he doesn’t appear to be qualified to do anything except teach a course in teleprompter reading.
He not only has no executive or managerial experience...he has no comprehension of what is required in such a job. Rather than providing leadership in dealing with the challenges at hand, his motto is "can't I just eat my waffle?"
Can you imagine iif President Bush had said this or President Reagan. They wouldn't have but if they did, all heck would break loose on all the TV news networks.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (8)
March 13, 2009
Obama, Geithner Get Low Grades From Economists
Obama, Geithner Get Low Grades From Economists
Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner received failing grades for their efforts to revive the economy from participants in the latest Wall Street Journal forecasting survey.
A majority of the 49 economists polled said they were dissatisfied with the administration's economic policies.
On average, they gave the president a grade of 59 out of 100, and although there was a broad range of marks, 42% of respondents rated Mr. Obama below 60. Mr. Geithner received an average grade of 51. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke scored better, with an average 71.
However, economists' main criticism of the Obama team centered on delays in enacting key parts of plans to rescue banks. "They overpromised and underdelivered," said Stephen Stanley of RBS Greenwich Capital. "Secretary Geithner scheduled a big speech and came out with just a vague blueprint. The uncertainty is hanging over everyone's head."
Mr. Geithner unveiled the Obama administration's plans Feb. 10, but he offered few details, and stocks sank on the news.
Mr. Geithner's latest marks are lower than the average grade of 57 that former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson received in January.
"The Obama team has blown it," said David Resler of Nomura Securities.
Robert Samuelson labeling the President "the great pretender" in part because his budget does not do what he says it intends. That was on top of an earlier column where Samuelson said the President’s stimulus bill was "deeply disappointing."
Then, Stuart Taylor of the National Journal wrote that President Obama’s plans are "grandiose and unaffordable," that he is "watering the lawn" while "the house is burning."
Now comes Obama advisor and the billionaire Democrats love to quote, Warren Buffett, who said President Obama’s "economic message is muddled and undermining public confidence." He went on: "If you’re in a war, and we really are on an economic war, there’s a obligation to the majority to behave in ways that don’t go around inflaming the minority. [On] December 7th, when Roosevelt convened Congress to have a vote on the war, he didn’t say, `I’m throwing in about 10 of my pet projects.’"
Andrew Grove, the genius and technological innovator from Intel, puts it this way this morning: "In less than two months, the hopeful enthusiasm that welcomed the Obama administration has given way to growing worry and frustration. I find myself wringing my hands, not over the goals President Obama has set but over the ineffectual ways the administration has pursued them."
He continues: "Our health-care system may well be ripe for a major overhaul, as are our energy and environmental policies….But if the chaos that resulted from initiating such an overhaul were piled on top of the unresolved status of the financial system, society and government would become exhausted. Instead, the administration must adopt a discipline; not initiating a second wave of chaos before we have a chance to rein in the first."
And now, too, comes Newsweek’s Howard Fineman.
"In ways both large and small, what’s left of the American establishment is taking his measure and, with surprising swiftness, they are finding him lacking.
Obama may be mistaking motion for progress, calling signals for a game plan. A busy, industrious overachiever, he likes to check off boxes on a long to-do list. A genial, amenable guy, he likes to appeal to every constituency, or at least not write off any. A beau ideal of Harvard Law, he can’t wait to tackle extra-credit answers on the exam.
But there is only one question on this great test of American fate: can he lead us away from plunging into another Depression?
If the establishment still has power, it is a three-sided force, churning from inside the Beltway, from Manhattan-based media and from what remains of corporate America. Much of what they are saying is contradictory, but all of it is focused on the president:
* The $787 billion stimulus, gargantuan as it was, was in fact too small and not aimed clearly enough at only immediate job-creation.
* The $275 billion home-mortgage-refinancing plan, assembled by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, is too complex and indirect.
* The president gave up the moral high ground on spending not so much with the "stim" but with the $400 billion supplemental spending bill, larded as it was with 9,000 earmarks.
* The administration is throwing good money after bad in at least two cases—the sinkhole that is Citigroup (there are many healthy banks) and General Motors (they deserve what they get).
* The failure to call for genuine sacrifice on the part of all Americans, despite the rhetorical claim that everyone would have to "give up" something.
* A willingness to give too much leeway to Congress to handle crucial details, from the stim to the vague promise to "reform" medical care without stating what costs could be cut.
* A 2010 budget that tries to do far too much, with way too rosy predictions on future revenues and growth of the economy. This led those who fear we are about to go over Niagara Falls to deride Obama as a paddler who’d rather redesign the canoe.
* A treasury secretary who has been ridiculed on "Saturday Night Live" and compared to Doogie Howser, Barney Fife and Macaulay Culkin in "Home Alone"—and those are the nice ones.
* A seeming paralysis in the face of the banking crisis: unwilling to nationalize banks, yet unable to figure out how to handle toxic assets in another way—by, say, setting up a "bad bank" catch basin.
* The president, known for his eloquence and attention to detail, seemingly unwilling or unable to patiently, carefully explain how the world works—or more important, how it failed. Using FDR’s fireside chats as a model, Obama needs to explain the banking system in laymen’s terms. An ongoing seminar would be great.
* Obama is no socialist, but critics argue that now is not the time for costly, upfront spending on social engineering in health care, energy or education.
* Other than all that, in the eyes of the big shots, he is doing fine."
Notice how most of the vector for all these problems, aside from resting with President Obama, himself, comes from Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner—their indispensable man, the man they twisted themselves into a pretzel over to get nominated even as most of the country could not understand how a man who did not pay his taxes could oversee the very department responsible for collecting taxes and enforcing the tax code.
Wild Thing's comment...........
"U.S. President Barack Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner received failing grades for their efforts to revive the economy from participants in the latest Wall Street Journal forecasting survey."
Can you "FEEL" it?
Search the entire world, and point out a single clan, tribe, company, village, city, state or nation who improved their lot over time by means of socialism or Communist control .
Add to that scenario, the handicap of a Nation surviving the leadership of an inexperienced, ineligible poseur, inept pretender, pathological liar, sock puppet, closet Muslim, admitted Cocaine snorting black racist moron all rolled into one clown—— and then calculate the odds of success.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
South Carolina's Sanford First Governor to Reject Funds Others Do The Same
South Carolina's Sanford to become first governor to reject funds
South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford is expected Wednesday to become the first governor to formally reject some of the federal stimulus money earmarked by Congress for his state.
The move will cement Sanford's growing reputation as a political powerhouse among Republican party stalwarts nationwide — though how much of the estimated $8 billion in stimulus funds destined for South Carolina will be affected is unclear. The law allows state legislative leaders to accept funds the governor rejects.
"Our objections to the so-called stimulus bill have been well-chronicled for the way it spends money that we don't have and for the way this printing of money could ultimately devalue the American dollar," Sanford said on Tuesday, even as he acknowledged that he'll accept some.
"Those of us opposed to this package lost the debate on these merits, and I now think it is important we look for creative ways to apply and use these monies in accordance with the long-term interests of our state," he said.
Still, Sanford's formal rejection will enhance his standing as a Republican willing to challenge President Barack Obama, a position Sanford first took Dec. 1, when he traveled to Philadelphia to challenge the then president-elect directly at a meeting with the nation's governors.
Since then, a handful of other governors — all Republicans, all talked about as possible 2012 presidential candidates — have joined Sanford in saying they'd reject at least some of their states' stimulus shares.
Sanford's outspoken aversion to using deficit spending to spark
Sanford urged 1,000 activists, gathered in late February at the Ronald Reagan Banquet in a Washington hotel, to be prepared to lose, and to feel happy about it.
"Would you be willing to support a cause or a candidate that is likely to lose?" Sanford asked conventioneers at the Conservative Political Action Committee's annual gathering.
As the diners leapt to their feet and applauded, Sanford declared:
"The name of the game is staying true to the principles that got you into politics in the first place _ and letting the chips fall where they may."
PA Gov. Rendell Criticizes GOP Governors for Refusing Stimulus Funds
Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell had some choice words for Republican governors who have refused, or threatened to refuse, portions of the $787 economic stimulus bill directed to their states.
Republican Govs. Mark Sanford of South Carolina, Haley Barbour of Mississippi, Bob Riley of Alabama, and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana have all made moves in that direction.
They are “not turning away a lot of the stimulus money. Don’t give them credit for being that courageous,” Rendell told reporters at a lunch Thursday hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. “They turned a way a little bit of the stimulus money. There is nobody who has said ‘no’ and by the way the law was written there is no legislature–including Republican legislators–who would let a governor turn away the money. They are turning away a tad of the money.”
To governors who seek to refuse portions of the funding, Rendell said, “What does that make you? Does that make you a good Christian? Does that make you somebody who follows the Judeo-Christian tradition? I mean, there comes a time that the hurt that individuals are facing becomes paramount over whether I’m going to have a budget problem three years down the road.”
He continued: “If government means anything at all, if it has any raison d’être at all, it ought to be able to take care of that person who’s worked, who’s done everything right, who’s done everything we told him to do and who lost his job—not because of his fault—but because some greedy S.O.B’s who are richer than Croesus wanted to be—ten times richer than Croesus—and you tell him ‘no’ because you’re worried about you maybe having a little budget problem down the road? Not me, maybe somebody else, but not me.”
Rendell accused Republicans of playing politics with funding that would directly benefit their constituents. “It’s stunning to me. It’s a terrible call and it is based on politics, and you can say that you disagree with it but you ought to have your peoples’ welfare first,” he said, crediting Republican Govs. Charlie Crist of Florida and Jim Douglas of Vermont for supporting President Barack Obama’s stimulus.
Wild Thing's comment........
Awesome! Some of them are taking partial on this and others the whole thing and a few don't want it at all and have given Obama their terms on the only way they would do this. I am so glad to see some of these Gov. speaking up and not just giving and across the board OK to all Obama wants to do.
LMAO wow, Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell is really losing it! hahaha
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (11)
Michael Steele Interview With GQ
Steele: Abortion an 'individual choice''
In an interview with GQ, Michael Steele called abortion an "individual choice" and said the question should be left to the states.
Steele describes himself as pro-life and has in the past backed both state bans and a constitutional amendment against abortion. Under fire during his campaign on the question, he sat for an interview with the Washington Times, and said he "favors state regulation on abortion, and supports the Republican party's platform that calls for a constitutional ban on abortion," though he called himself "skeptical" on the question of amending the Constitution.
It's unclear if Steele's new remarks, in which he also later suggested that the choice he referred to was a state-level choice, not actually an "individual choice," as he said in the interview, were intended to represent a change in his position.
Steele's aides have complained in the past that his words have been misinterpreted or taken out of context, so here's the full context for the abortion remarks:
How much of your pro-life stance, for you, is informed not just by your Catholic faith but by the fact that you were adopted?
Oh, a lot. Absolutely. I see the power of life in that—I mean, and the power of choice! The thing to keep in mind about it… Uh, you know, I think as a country we get off on these misguided conversations that throw around terms that really misrepresent truth.
Explain that.
The choice issue cuts two ways. You can choose life, or you can choose abortion. You know, my mother chose life. So, you know, I think the power of the argument of choice boils down to stating a case for one or the other.
Are you saying you think women have the right to choose abortion?
Yeah. I mean, again, I think that’s an individual choice.
You do?
Yeah. Absolutely.
Are you saying you don’t want to overturn Roe v. Wade?
I think Roe v. Wade—as a legal matter, Roe v. Wade was a wrongly decided matter.
Okay, but if you overturn Roe v. Wade, how do women have the choice you just said they should have?
The states should make that choice. That’s what the choice is. The individual choice rests in the states.Let them decide.
Wild Thing's comment........
???? HUH? He sounds confused to say the least. From this I have no idea what Steele believes in. But here is what I believe ....I don't believe in: a party leader who is an incoherent mushbabbler. I didn't support Steele for VP and I didn't support him for party chair. You know why? I didn't think he has the intellectual horsepower for the job, and I didn't trust his commitment to conservatism. He's demonstrating both of those reasons.
The rest of the interview is even worse! I read the entire interview and here is my take on it.
First he curses up a storm opening up the interview by saying Aw, s***. Then he says he liked Dean Martin because he just didn’t give a f***.(True, I have worked with Dean Martin and he had a very relaxed persona, so true what Michael says, but is that the kind of thing the National chairman should be saying, that kind of language) I am not bothered by the F word and it adds impact when necessary, but to use it like Michael has and in an interview with the position he has been elected too, well it is not right.
Then he says he liked Sinatra and Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr and the Pack Rats, at which point the writer corrects him and says “you mean the Rat Pack?”
Also he pretty much says that he voted for Carter before seemingly realizing what he was saying midway through and with the help of the writer he backtracked and said he thought about voting for Carter but in the end “probably” voted for Ford. He also says it was his first vote for President.
He is full of it. No one forgets who their first vote for President was for, or any vote for that matter, but especially their first. Just make up your mind Michael and stick to it, stop trying to be a people pleaser.
On the plus side, he does defend Gov Palin and Rush Limbaugh, although he then demeans Rush by basically equating him with Al Franken. A huge insult.
In the interview he calls Rush and Ann Coulter “bomb-throwers”. Again, in a post 9/11 world, not exactly the best word choice.
He does make some good points about Obama stiffing him when he was first elected to the Senate and being the only black guy to campaign against him in 2006.
I don't think any of us expect perfection in anyone, I know I don't, I am far from perfect. I don't expect our leaders or those that represent us to say everything perfectly without any mistakes. But this really is not even about perfection. This is about a man that so far cannot have one good interview, one good day of doing or saying the right thing for our party. Very concerning to say the least. The saying is, a broken clock is right twice a day, so far Michael needs to step up to even be that broken clock.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (12)
An Obama Official on Leave After FBI Raids
Obama official on leave after FBI raids
An aide to President Barack Obama is on leave from his White House job after the FBI raided his old District of Columbia government office Thursday, arresting a city employee and a technology consultant on corruption charges, a White House official said.
The charges were lodged against the two men at a federal court hearing as the FBI finished searching the city's technology office, which was led until recently by Obama's new computer chief, Vivek Kundra.
Kundra is on leave from his White House job until further details of the case become known, according to a White House official speaking on condition of anonymity because the official did not want to publicly discuss personnel matters.
At the court hearing, Yusuf Acar, the acting chief security officer in the city's technology office, was ordered held without bond pending a hearing Tuesday. Prosecutors said $70,000 in cash was found during a search of Acar's Washington home and that he posed a serious flight risk.
Technology consultant Sushil Bansal of Dunn Loring, Va., was released but was ordered not to conduct overseas financial transactions or leave the Washington metropolitan area. Bansal is due back in court on April 21, and prosecutors said they were hopeful that a plea agreement could be reached in his case.
Acar worked under Kundra, Obama's pick to coordinate federal computer systems. Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs would not say whether the White House knew the investigation was under way when it named Kundra last week, but called the case "a serious matter."
Mafara Hobson, a spokeswoman for Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty, said she was "very confident" Kundra is not a target of the investigation.
Men and women dressed in suits and wearing latex gloves could be seen entering and leaving the glass-enclosed lobby of the Office of the Chief Technology Officer on Thursday afternoon.
Even as the raid was taking place, Kundra was giving a speech at FOSE, an annual government technology expo. Kundra said part of his focus is to change the way the government buys technologies from vendors.
from The Washington Post
In court documents released yesterday, FBI agent Andrew Sekela laid out the complicated and audacious schemes allegedly orchestrated by a mid-level manager who approved many contracts involving the city government's technology needs.
Authorities said the conspiracy was uncovered with the help of a D.C. government employee who recorded conversations with the executive and the city official.
The technology office was headed by Vivek Kundra, who has taken a job as President Obama's chief information officer. A White House official confirmed last night that Kundra has taken a leave of absence.
“Yusuf Acar, 40, who has worked in the technology office since 2004, was charged with bribery, conspiracy, money laundering and conflict of interest. Assistant U.S. Attorney Thomas Hibarger told a federal judge that Acar is a flight risk because agents seized $70,000 in cash in his house and because in recorded conversations, he boasted that he could easily flee to his native Turkey. Acar also told the informant that he could use computers to create fake D.C. birth certificates, Hibarger said.”
Wild Thing's comment......
Obama has not yet thrown him under the bus, but its warming up in the parking garage
This is weird, they said he wasn’t a target, so why not go to work??....hmmmmmmm.
So our White House/Executive Branch guy did NOT know that fraud was going on, right under his nose, in his DC job? And we are going to put THAT guy in charge of firewalls and Internet security for the entire White House??
He is either a crook, or an idiot, or both, don't you think?
This administration is sounding more and more like an episode of ‘24’!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (4)
Feds Spending Millions on Kennedy Legacy in Mass.
Feds spending millions on Kennedy legacy in Mass.
More than one out of every five dollars of the $126 million Massachusetts is receiving in earmarks from a $410 billion federal spending package is going to help preserve the legacy of the Kennedys.
The bill includes $5.8 million for the planning and design of a building to house a new Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the Senate. The funding may also help support an endowment for the institute.
The bill also includes $22 million to expand facilities at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum and $5 million more for a new gateway to the Boston Harbor Islands on the Rose Kennedy Greenway, a park system in downtown Boston named after Kennedy's mother and built on land opened up by the Big Dig highway project.
The $22 million JFK library earmark was sponsored by fellow Massachusetts Democrat Sen. John Kerry, who is also a top sponsor for the money for the Kennedy Senate Institute. Kerry defended the library project, which he said is needed to upgrade the facility.
Wild Thing's comment........
Kennedy is despicable!
I really dislike how they build these build monuments to each other with our tax dollars. imo it should all be done by donations, just see how many people really want to pay for something like this with thier money.
Will there be an Edward M. Kennedy Memorial Bar?
How about if we rename all the new Kennedy stuff for Rush, Beck, and Sarah Palin etc.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:42 AM | Comments (10)
March 12, 2009
Obama Faction Moves to Make Medical Workers “Slaves in Conscience”
Obama Faction Moves to Make Medical Workers “Slaves in Conscience”
Starting today, and for the next thirty days, the Department of Health and Human Services will be "accepting comments from the public on a proposal by the Obama administration to completely rescind federal regulations placed into effect by former President Bush that protect the right to conscience for healthcare workers….The regulation mandated federally funded health institutions to certify their compliance with existing federal laws that uphold the rights of doctors and nurses to refuse a medical service on religious or moral grounds."
."(Obama Publishes Proposal to Rescind 'Conscience' Rule) With this and several other decisions (repeal of the so-called Mexico City Policy; an executive order allowing Federal funds to be used to support research involving the destruction of the embryonic form of human life; the nomination of a rabid pro-abortion extremist as Secretary of HHS) Obama implicates the whole people of the United States in his own pitiless promotion of abortion at any cost. The only thing so far lacking is an effort to repeal or supercede the law that prevents implementation in Federal Hospitals of his depraved support for infanticide in cases where a baby is born alive in consequence of a failed abortion. Catholics and other professing Christians should take note. Except they repent of it, those who voted for Barrack Obama surely face grim judgment from the Supreme judge of the World for their enlistment in the electoral army of this paragon of evil. But even before such judgment in the next life, in this life we will all have to suffer the grim consequences of his abandonment of respect for the unalienable rights to life and liberty.
The reaction to Obama's policies has rightly focused on the relentless implementation of his morbidly pro-abortion views. Though morally repugnant, his consistent support for these views throughout his relatively brief political career prevents sincere surprise from anyone even superficially acquainted with it (unless they are Republicans who expected Obama to imitate the deceitful practices of all too many Republican politicos who are pro-life on the stump and AWOL in the clinches.) Given the hoopla surrounding the false claim that his election represents a breakthrough for black Americans, however, what should be profoundly shocking is his willingness to be the focus and tool of an historic effort to reintroduce the worst aspects of human slavery into the United States, this time extended beyond an oppressed portion of the population to encompass people regardless of race or pigmentation.
~ snipet ~
Slavery to my mind has never meant only the spectacle of bodies bent to hard labor in the fields, for free men and women also must toil. That is the lot of all humanity. Rather it means the searing contemplation of souls tortured by burning anger and indignation against injustice, which they are helpless to act upon; of consciences racked by the defiling knowledge of their complicity with the very evil that abuses them, and shamed by the fear that deters them from rejecting it, until in all too many ways the habit of submission finally stupefies and deadens the pangs.
This is the essence of that slavery, which the Obama faction now means to impose upon all our health care workers. Because some people wish to do and benefit from evil, others must become its tools and instruments, against their will.
At the very least the people who embrace this foul cult of human child sacrifice should have to do the dirty work themselves. But when has evil been content to wallow in its own excrement? The very pride that impels it to defy the boundaries of decent conscience rouses its resentment against those who, by standing apart from its rituals announce their condemnation of its crimes. As it was with slavery, so it is now. Evil does not accept a house divided, but will "press forward" until "It will become all one thing, or all the other."
What the Obama faction proposes to do now, without warrant in law, implements what by law it wishes, but does not yet have the legislative strength to do: secure passage of the deceitfully misnamed Freedom of Choice Act. Because both the proposed regulatory action and the FOCA deal mainly with abortion, people mistakenly think that what is at stake is just the controversy over abortion.
Today they move to make all health care workers slaves in conscience to the state. Soon and very soon, this shall be the fate of us all. Our soldiers and police are being trained and will be required to move against the right to keep and bear arms, born of our unalienable right to preserve and defend the innocent lives of others. Our pastors, rabbis and other religious leaders will be required to surrender the right to live according to their beliefs whenever their free exercise of religion runs counter to the demands of "gay pride", the selfish-esteem of homosexuals; or the anti-religious bigotry of atheists who cannot bear to hear the prayers of others. Parents will be required, without exception to surrender their children for indoctrination by the state. Scientists and technical people will be required to lend their knowledge and expertise to refine and operate the instruments of surveillance that utterly destroy all privacy, and the instruments of mollification (chemical and otherwise) that utterly subvert the will. And so on.
With every extension of state control will come a new sacrifice of conscience, of decency and goodwill. And like my enslaved ancestors, many of us will raise up anguished prayers to almighty God, to deliver us from our humiliating servitude to evil, until perhaps the strength of faith gives out and we are tempted into cynicism and despair. Was it for this so many fought and died?
Was it for this, they were planted as seeds of freedom? So that we could harvest the gut wrenching bile of moral subjection, and face the galling prospect that our children or our children's children will not remember enough of freedom to be dissatisfied? Too bad we have so little patience for the best flowers of our thought and language or it might occur to us, at least in spirit and will, to "take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing, end them."
But we seem now to lack more than words. We lack spirit, and will and courage. Else in the next thirty days not just pro-lifers, but everyone who cares a whit for conscience and true liberty would direct a tidal wave of comments toward the bureaucrats at HHS, defending the health care workers' rights of conscience in the hope that we will thus safeguard our own.
Wild Thing's comment...........
B.Hussein Obama gets more and more destructive to our country each day that goes by. I feel sorry for the wonderful R.N.'s that have to be put under this kind of dictator and his demands and the doctors that are good ones that really want to help people and not be killing babies.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (10)
Scalia: You need 4 votes for Case
Scalia: You need 4 votes for Obama eligibility case
A lawyer lobbying the U.S. Justice Department and the U.S. Supreme Court for a review of Barack Obama's qualifications to be president says a key conservative justice has hinted that another conservative justice has been voting against hearing the dispute.
According to Orly Taitz, a California attorney working through her Defend Our Freedoms Foundation on several cases challenging Obama, said she was presented with an opportunity to ask a question of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia yesterday.
While the requests have been heard "in conference" by the justices, no hearings have resulted on the evidence. WND previously has reported that cases brought to individual justices on an emergency basis can be discussed in such conferences, but they need the affirmative vote from four justices before a hearing on the merits can be scheduled.
The Supreme Court today is considered to have mainly a 4-4 conservative-liberal split, with one swing vote on most issues. On the conservative side generally are Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Samuel Alito, Scalia and Justice Clarence Thomas. Justice Anthony Kennedy often is the swing vote. The liberal side frequently includes Justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, David Souter and John Paul Stevens.
No explanations on the court's response to the Obama citizenship issue have been offered until now.
Taitz reported she attended a reception for Scalia and stood "right by the mic, just to make sure I have an opportunity to ask a question. Only four lawyers out of about 300 in the audience got to ask their questions and I was lucky to be one of them."
She said, "I told Scalia that I was an attorney that filed Lightfoot v. Bowen that Chief Justice Roberts distributed for conference on Jan. 23 and now I represent nine state reps and 120 military officers, many of them high ranked, and I want to know if they will hear Quo Warranto and if they would hear it on original jurisdiction, if I bring Hawaii as an additional defendant to unseal the records and ascertain Obama's legitimacy for presidency."
Taitz said she had some worries asking the question.
"I have to say that I prepared myself to a lot of boo-ing, knowing that Los Angeles trial lawyers and entertainment elite are Obama's stronghold, however there was no boo-ing, no negative remarks," she said. "I actually could see a lot of approving nods, smiles, many gasped and listened intensely. I could tell, that even Obama's strongest supporters wanted to know the answer.
"Scalia stated that it would be heard if I can get four people to hear it. He repeated, you need four for the argument. I got a feeling that he was saying that one of these four that call themselves constitutionalists went to the other side," Taitz said.
"He did not say that it is a political question, he did not say that it is for the legislature to decide. For example, right after me another attorney has asked him about his case of taxing some Internet commerce and right away Scalia told him that he should address it with the legislature. He did not say it to me. He did not say that Quo Warranto is antiquated or not appropriate. No, just get four," she said.
She then bought Scalia's book and waited in line to get it autographed.
"I gave him the books to sign and asked, 'Tell me what to do, what can I do, those soldiers [her plaintiffs] can be court-martialed for asking a legitimate question, who is the president, is he legitimate.' He said, 'Bring the case, I'll hear it, I don't know about others.'"
Wild Thing's comment.........
I like the way this lawyer keeps at it. I sure hope this will be another step to seeing something come of this.
If Obama is legit then why was a gag order placed on his Kenyan family members and police were dispatched to their residence to enforce the order, because they were revealing the true place of Obama’s birth?
This isn’t about party lines or racism. The main concerns and priority is the preservation of our Constitution and ensuring that we do not have an imposter occupying the White House.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (10)
March 11, 2009
Congress Approves Massive Spending Bill
Congress approves massive spending bill
Congress is sending President Barack Obama a massive bill funding domestic programs and awarding lawmakers their cherished pet projects after more than a week of partisan debate.
Senators passed the measure by voice vote after voting 62-35 to shut down debate. The White House says Obama will sign the bill.
Described by lawmakers as a $410 billion measure — but officially set by the Congressional Budget Office at $408 billion because of technicalities involving heating.
Congress also awarded itself a 10 percent increase in its own budget, bringing it to $4.4 billion. But the House inserted a provision denying lawmakers the automatic cost-of-living pay increase they are due next Jan. 1.
Wild Thing's comment.........
To recap the RINO’s that voted Yea:
Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Bond (R-MO), Cochran (R-MS), Murkowski (R-AK), Shelby (R-AL), Snowe (R-ME), Specter (R-PA), Wicker (R-MS)
Shameful. Washington is spending like $100 billion a week.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (8)
Letter from Ed Barnett to the IRS
"Dear IRS,
I'm sorry to inform you that I'm not going to be able to pay the taxes owed on April 15th, but all is not lost.
I paid these taxes, accounts receivable tax, building permit tax, CDL tax, corporate income tax, dog license tax, federal income tax, unemployment tax, gas tax, hunting license tax, fishing license tax, waterfowl stamp tax, inheritance tax, inventory tax, liquor tax, luxury tax, Medicare tax, city tax, school and county property tax up to 33% the last four years. Real estate tax, Social Security tax, road use tax, toll road tax, state and city sales tax, recreational vehicle tax, sales franchise tax, state unemployment tax, federal excise tax, telephone tax, telephone federal state and local surcharge tax, telephone minimum usage surcharge tax, telephone state and local tax, utility tax, vehicle tax, registration tax, capital gains tax, lease severance tax, oil and gas assessment tax, Colorado property tax, Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Mexico sales tax and many more I can't recall and I've run out of space and money.
When you do not receive my check April 15th, just know that it was an honest mistake. Please treat me the same as the way you've treated Congressman Charlie Rangel, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, ex-congressman Tom Daschle and, of course, your boss, Timothy Geithner. No penalties, no interest.
PS, I'll make at least a partial payment as soon as I get my stimulus check.
Ed Barnett, Wichita Falls.
God bless you, Ed.
Wild Thing's comment.........
LOL this is great and it sure feels like this. I love how it is stated, and I am going to show this to the women that does our taxes, she is not only a Republican but also a Conservative which makes it really neat when we go see her once a year, we always talk politics. She told me she loves reading all of your comments here.
More scary news is Obama is not done yet, there will be another stimulus package coming up, son of Stinulus.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (8)
Who Pays for Obama's Cap and Trade?
Who Pays for Cap and Trade?
Cap and trade is the tax that dare not speak its name, and Democrats are hoping in particular that no one notices who would pay for their climate ambitions. With President Obama depending on vast new carbon revenues in his budget and Congress promising a bill by May, perhaps Americans would like to know the deeply unequal ways that climate costs would be distributed across regions and income groups.
Politicians love cap and trade because they can claim to be taxing "polluters," not workers. Hardly. Once the government creates a scarce new commodity -- in this case the right to emit carbon -- and then mandates that businesses buy it, the costs would inevitably be passed on to all consumers in the form of higher prices. Stating the obvious, Peter Orszag -- now Mr. Obama's budget director -- told Congress last year that "Those price increases are essential to the success of a cap-and-trade program."
Hit hardest would be the "95% of working families" Mr. Obama keeps mentioning, usually omitting that his no-new-taxes pledge comes with the caveat "unless you use energy." Putting a price on carbon is regressive by definition because poor and middle-income households spend more of their paychecks on things like gas to drive to work, groceries or home heating.
The Congressional Budget Office -- Mr. Orszag's former roost -- estimates that the price hikes from a 15% cut in emissions would cost the average household in the bottom-income quintile about 3.3% of its after-tax income every year. That's about $680, not including the costs of reduced employment and output. The three middle quintiles would see their paychecks cut between $880 and $1,500, or 2.9% to 2.7% of income. The rich would pay 1.7%.
But the greatest inequities are geographic and would be imposed on the parts of the U.S. that rely most on manufacturing or fossil fuels -- particularly coal, which generates most power in the Midwest, Southern and Plains states. It's no coincidence that the liberals most invested in cap and trade -- Barbara Boxer, Henry Waxman, Ed Markey -- come from California or the Northeast.
Democrats say they'll allow some of this ocean of new cap-and-trade revenue to trickle back down to the public. In his budget, Mr. Obama wants to recycle $525 billion through the "making work pay" tax credit that goes to many people who don't pay income taxes. But $400 for individuals and $800 for families still doesn't offset carbon's income raid, especially in states with higher carbon use.
All the more so because the Administration is lowballing its cap-and-trade tax estimates. Its stated goal is to reduce emissions 14% below 2005 levels by 2020.
We asked the White House budget office for the assumptions behind its revenue estimates, but a spokesman said the Administration doesn't have a formal proposal and will work with Congress and "stakeholders" to shape one. We were also pointed to recent comments by Mr. Orszag that he was "sure there will be enough there to finance the things that we have identified" and maybe "additional money" too. In other words, Mr. Obama expects a much larger tax increase than even he is willing to admit.
Cap and trade, in other words, is a scheme to redistribute income and wealth -- but in a very curious way. It takes from the working class and gives to the affluent; takes from Miami, Ohio, and gives to Miami, Florida; and takes from an industrial America that is already struggling and gives to rich Silicon Valley and Wall Street "green tech" investors who know how to leverage the political class.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Per the article I noticed “Red State’s” are the most impacted from this new tax scheme.
The Cap & Trade tax is going to be paid by everyone because it will increase costs for energy and every product anyone buys. Goods and services will reflect the increased costs. So much for the "If you make less than $250K you won't pay one dime more taxes" with the Obama tax plan.
To call this anything other than a tax increase is not being honest.
Obama lied....( again! )
Economy died.
....Thank you Lynn for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (6)
Pelosi: "'Keep the Door Open' to Another Stimulus Package"
Pelosi: Congress Needs to 'Keep the Door Open' to Another Stimulus Package
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday that Congress needs to "keep the door open" to a another stimulus package -- raising the question of how much the government could eventually spend on top of the $787 billion already allocated to rescue the country from dire economic straits.
"The word of the day is confidence. Confidence in our markets, confidence in lending, confidence in our financial institutions," Pelosi said before suggesting the need for another rescue package during a press conference Tuesday following a meeting with top economists.
Mark Zandi, chief economist and founder of Moody's Economy, took a more definitive stance than Pelosi, telling reporters a second stimulus bill is necessary.
"We are going to need more taxpayer money ... I think another stimulus package is a reasonable assumption because of the way things are going," Zandi said.
The Obama administration has not ruled out supporting a second stimulus package -- should the current bill prove insufficient -- but it has not indicated a second bill is currently in the making either.
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters on Feb. 17 that Obama "is going to do what's necessary to grow this economy." While "there are no particular plans at this point for a second stimulus package," he added, "I wouldn't foreclose it."
Wild Thing's comment.........
How about a Just Say No to Nancy” campaign Or a Just Say No to Obama” campaign.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (5)
"Chas" Freeman Intelligence Pick Wants National ID
Intelligence pick wants national ID
By Aaron Klein
Urges creation of federal system 'so we can better know who is who'
Following the 9/11 attacks, President Obama's nominee for a top intelligence post advocated that to effectively combat terrorism, the U.S. government should implement a national identity system, "so we better know who is who."
In testimony before the 9/11 commission, Charles "Chas" Freeman, the U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War, also recommended conducting the war on terrorism primary as a law enforcement effort.
Freeman is slated to head the U.S. National Intelligence Council, or NIC, a crucial component of the U.S. intelligence apparatus. The NIC serves as the center for midterm and long-term strategic thinking within the American intelligence community. It provides intelligence briefs for Obama and key U.S. agencies and produces reports that help determine American policy on crucial issues, such as Iran's nuclear program.
Freeman gave the commission three recommendations for better fighting Islamic terrorism:
"First, the U.S. government should improve the visa system. More names to the forms should be added in order to distinguish among the many 'Abdullah bin Mohammads.' Technical means should also be used to cut the wait."
"Second, the United States should implement a national identity system, so we better know who is who."
Third, the war on terrorism should be seen primarily as a law enforcement and intelligence war, not as a military one."
Freeman has recently come under fire for his documented ties to foreign governments, including receiving funds from the Saudi government and his service on the advisory board of a Chinese-government-owned oil company widely seen as conducting business deals meant to expand the communist nation's influence worldwide. One of the Chinese company's recent attempts to purchase a large U.S. oil firm drew bipartisan congressional opposition amid fears the deal would harm American national security interests. Violating U.S. sanctions?
Wild Thing's comment........
Dems want national ID cards, "So we know who is who". Will we also have to wear a distinctive patch above our left breast pocket (an elephant, a cross, Casper the Ghost, a gun...)???!
When hell freezes over! I have had about enough of these Hitler like tactics. This guy is BAD NEWS. We don't need big government!
Besides don't we already have two "national IDs":.... our Social Security card and our US passport??
Hussein might have a problem since he would FINALLY have to come up with a Birth Certificate to apply.
UPDATE about Freeman
Freeman hits 'Israel lobby' on way out......he WITHDREW ...YIPPEE!!
President Barack Obama's controversial pick for a top intelligence post blasted the "Israel lobby" on his way out the door Tuesday, intensifying a debate on the role Israel's allies played in the latest failed Obama appointment.
Charles W. Freeman Jr.'s abrupt withdrawal from his appointment as chairman of the National Intelligence Council came after he drew fire on a number of fronts - including questions about his financial ties to China and Saudi Arabia.
Freeman left no doubt about where he places blame in a written statement after his withdrawal.
"The libels on me and their easily traceable email trails show conclusively that there is a powerful lobby determined to prevent any view other than its own from being aired, still less to factor in American understanding of trends and events in the Middle East," he wrote.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:44 AM | Comments (10)
March 10, 2009
Obama Musters Campaign Army for Economic Fight
Obama musters campaign army for economic fight
Obama mustered his powerful campaign army on Monday, calling on his millions of supporters to lobby on behalf of his budget and economic plan.
The appeal to back the president was made in an email and video sent out by "Organizing for America," the organization which morphed out of Obama's campaign machinery to push his agenda when he entered the White House.
In the video, Mitch Stewart, the director of Organizing for America, urged the president's supporters to take part in the "Organizing for America Pledge Project."
The pledge project is an ambitious effort to map out and identify support for President Obama's economic blueprint across towns and communities in America," Stewart said.
"We're doing that by asking people to pledge your support for the broad initiatives outlined in President Obama's economic plan.
"Once you do, we will ask you to build support in your own communities by forwarding this pledge by email, by knocking on doors and by making phone call," he said.
"We will show in every state, in every congressional district the hunger, for leadership and long range thinking that's in too short supply here in Washington."
Stewart said Obama's budget provides a "bold blueprint for our country's future.
"It addresses three of the most pressing challenges facing our nation: health care, energy and education," he said.
"That's the good news. The bad news is that as a result the special interests and the old habits in Washington will dig in even more.
"It's up to you to make sure that they don't stand in our way.
"By pledging and building support you will be taking the first steps towards establishing a nationwide grassroots network, neighborhood by neighborhood, standing side by side with President Obama as we bring about our agenda for change."
The appeal to grass roots supporters closely follows the tactics used by Obama during his triumphant election campaign and is another sign that the president plans to use the organization to help pass difficult legislation.
Obama's campaign manager, David Plouffe, has stressed that Organizing for America is not aimed at twisting the arms of members of Congress but meant to keep activists engaged on issues such as health care, energy and the economy.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Mob rule from Obama.....AGAIN!
Sounds like lemmings marching off a cliff. These programs are flattening the economy and guess who suffers most? Blacks, the poor, the young (no jobs), the unemployed, the elderly... all those who support Obama. This is his army!!!
Never that I know of has a President done this kind of thing. It reeks of someone being a dictator.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (8)
March 09, 2009
Hussein Mortgage Bailouts
Obama Bails Out Rich, Irresponsible People With LOW Mortgage Payments
by Hans Bader
Yesterday, I wrote about how high-income people with $700,000 homes, who are in no danger of becoming homeless, would benefit from the Obama Administration’s massive taxpayer-financed mortgage-bailout plan, and how it would harm the economy in the long-run.
But now, it has become clear that I massively understated the case. The bailout would reduce borrowers’ payments to far below what many borrowers have long paid, with no difficulty whatsoever — reducing the payments of some to 15 or 20 percent of their income! In some regions of the country, much of the population will be eligible for a bailout.
As the New York Times explains, “To qualify, your monthly housing payment needs to exceed more than 31 percent of your gross monthly income (that means before any payroll deductions are made). Keep in mind that your “payment” includes more than just your mortgage’s principal and interest. It also includes real estate taxes” and other charges.
So if you pay 16 percent of your income in mortgage payments, and another 16 percent in real estate taxes, and the total adds up to just over 31 percent, you can have your mortgage payments cut under the bailout!
At the time I took out my mortgage in 2004, my combined mortgage and real estate tax payments were over 40 percent of my income (32 percent mortgage, 8 percent property tax). I had no difficulty paying that, since I was thrifty. But people who pay far less of their income than I did will receive a bailout, provided they didn’t save any money (other than in their retirement plan). Why? Because if they have no non-retirement savings, they can claim (as is sufficient to qualify for the bailout) that they “do not have enough liquid assets to pay [their] mortgage at its existing level. [Their] retirement assets are not included in that equation.”
All of this unfairness might be tolerable if the plan had any hope of spurring an economic recovery. But it doesn’t. The stock markets have fallen like a stone since the Obama Administration pushed through its bailout and stimulus packages. And investors are spooked, as Stanford University economist Michael Boskin notes in his Wall Street Journal column, “Obama’s Radicalism Is Killing the Dow.”
Undeserving high-income households will benefit.
“Homeowners with loans as large as $729,750 could see their interest rates temporarily cut to as low as 2 percent under the program,” and in some cases, have their mortgage balances reduced, according to yesterday’s Washington Post.
Thus, American taxpayers — including low-income renters — will subsidize the affluent. The American public opposes mortgage bailouts, which are likely to impede economic recovery.
Bailouts and stimulus plans actually shrink the economy in the long run, while exploding government debt, as happened in Japan in the 1990s. Even the Congressional Budget Office admits that the $800 billion stimulus package signed by President Obama will slightly reduce the economy’s size in the long-run, although it claims it will increase the economy modestly in the short run (i.e., by the next election).
As one commentator notes, “In less than 50 days, Obama has spent more than three times the cost of the entire Iraq War so far. This year, he will more than triple the largest deficit of the Bush era.” His policies have not reassured international investors, either. Obama’s fiscal policies have been described as a “$4 Trillion Poker Game” in the London Times.
Wild Thing's comment......
Lefties are in control and the Lefties want to turn America into a socialist country.
The article points out that helping all these people is not going to stimulate the economy and I agree. I remember seeing on TV tons of ads telling people how they could make tons of money by buying houses with no money down or something and then they had these people giving their testimonials about it. How wonderful it is and how they did not work anymore just did what some video tapes or books showed them how to do. These were those stupid info. commercials that I can't stand and never listen to all the way.
I have been thinking that maybe a lot of these people that are in trouble are a lot of those that did this I mentioned and now can't sell their properties they are stuck with. Just an idea, but my gosh, if that is the case this is even worse then we knew before because this was something that no one should help them out with. It was a bad investment on their part and why should we that work hard have to pay off their debts.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:42 AM | Comments (4)
March 08, 2009
All This Government 'help' Destroy's The Future Of America!
'A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.-Thomas Jefferson.
There was a Chemistry professor at a large college. One day while the class was in the lab the Professor noticed one young man (an exchange student) who kept rubbing his back and stretching as if his back hurt.
The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a new communist government.
In the midst of his story he looked at the professor and asked a strange question. He asked, ' Do you know how to catch wild pigs?'
The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The young man said this was no joke.
'You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come everyday to eat the free corn. When they a re used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence. They get used to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in The last side. The pigs, who are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat, you slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd.
Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how To forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity.
The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening to America. The government keeps pushing us toward Communism/Socialism and keeps spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops CRP), welfare, medicine, drugs, free medical, etc. while we continually lose our freedoms - just a little at a time.
One should always remember 'There is no such thing as a free Lunch! Also, a politician will never provide a service for you cheaper than you can do it yourself.
Also, if you see that all of this wonderful government 'help' is a problem confronting the future of democracy in America, you might want to send this on to your friends.
Wild Thing's comment........
The assumption is that the followers of Alinski believe that those of us who know better will not fight back.
We just do not have the people we elect that are in place now that have the guts to do it.
We probably have one more chance to fix this...After November 2010, when we can regain some seats, if we do not make a big enough statement, 2012 will come back and bite us...2012 regardless of that outcome, will be a mandate for a change we cannot survive.
Saul Alinsky on "Change"...
From Rules for Radicals, Alinsky outlines his strategy in organizing, writing:
"There's another reason for working inside the system. Dostoevsky said that taking a new step is what people fear most. Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future. This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution."
Another quote this one by Jefferson:
"When government ... shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another, and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated." -Thomas Jefferson
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:44 AM | Comments (4)
March 07, 2009
Obama's Pick for Top Intel. Post Charles Freeman Violating Iran Sanctions
The nomination of Charles “Chas” Freeman to serve as the next chairman of the National Intelligence Council has created a new bout of controversy for the Obama administration regarding its personnel choices to serve in key positions.
"Charles Freeman peddled Saudi funded book to U.S. public schools that falsely claims Muslims inhabited North America long before Europeans
Obama intel chief violating Iran sanctions?
Board member of Chinese government-owned company in deal with Tehran
By Aaron Klein
President Obama's nominee for a top intelligence post sits on the board of a major oil company owned by the Chinese government that is in the midst of a multibillion dollar deal with Iran which may violate U.S. sanctions, WND has learned.
The oil company is widely seen as conducting business deals meant to expand China's influence worldwide. One of its recent attempts to purchase a large U.S. oil firm drew bipartisan congressional opposition amid fears the deal would harm American national security interests.
Charles "Chas" Freeman, the U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War, is slated to head the U.S. National Intelligence Council. The NIC is a crucial component of the U.S. intelligence apparatus, serving as the center for midterm and long-term strategic thinking within the American intelligence community. It provides intelligence briefs for Obama and key U.S. agencies and produces reports that help determine American policy on crucial issues, such as Iran's nuclear program.
Since 2004, Freeman has been on the international advisory board of the China National Offshore Oil Corporation, or CNOOC.
Ma Bing, an analyst for CNOOC's investor relations department today confirmed to WND that Freeman is still on the board. He said Freeman's role is to "provide the (company) management with strategic advice on world events and macro issues that may impact our development."
In 2006, CNOOC, with Freeman on its advisory board, signed a memorandum of understanding with the state-owned National Iranian Oil Company to develop Iran's North Pars gas field in a contract with Tehran reportedly worth $16 billion. The deal was stalled for two years after the U.S. State and Treasury Departments vowed to scrutinize the transaction to see if it violates either international or U.S. sanctions against Iran.
In December, the Iranian oil company announced it finalized the development plan with CNOOC. The two companies are currently negotiating the price of the contract.
A group of 87 Chinese dissidents sent a letter to President Obama asking him to reconsider the appointment of Chas Freeman as head of the National Intelligence Council. Freeman's financial ties to the People's Republic of China
It was sent to :
" President Obama, Speaker of the House Hon. Nancy Pelosi House Minority Leader Hon. John Boehner Senate Majority Leader Hon. Harry Reid Senate Minority Leader Hon. Mitch McConnell "
Dear President Obama: We are writing to convey our intense dismay at your selection of Charles W. Freeman to be chair of the National Intelligence Council. No American in public life has been more hostile than Mr. Freeman toward the ideals of human rights and democracy in China.
Mr. Freeman has a longstanding record of defending China’s authoritarian regime. In his view, for example, China’s nationwide democracy movement in spring of 1989, which protested government corruption and embraced international norms of human rights, was only the “propaganda” of “dissidents.” That movement ended in the use of tanks and machine guns to massacre hundreds unarmed protesters in Beijing on June 4, 1989,” but Mr. Freeman wrote, as recently as three years ago, that “the Politburo's response to the mob scene at 'Tiananmen' stands as a monument to overly cautious behavior on the part of the leadership” and that “the truly unforgivable mistake of the Chinese authorities was the failure to intervene on a timely basis to nip the demonstrations in the bud.”
The prospect of a person with values such as these guiding our nation’s intelligence activity is truly frightening. It is difficult to see how a person with such a strong ideological tilt toward the Chinese Communist Party will be able to provide you with unbiased assessments of the very dynamic interactions among various aggrieved segments of Chinese society and their authoritarian government. But following these trends will be one of the most important tasks of the intelligence community in the coming years.
The June Fourth massacre, which Mr. Freeman so badly misreads, is not just something that happened twenty years ago. It remains a powerful symbol for the ideals of human rights and democracy among large parts of the Chinese populace. It also, quite plainly, has remained powerful in the minds of the Chinese leaders, who for twenty years have banned any mention of the massacre from textbooks and the media in China, and who take great care to detain and “control” any citizen who might want to observe the June 4 anniversary or make “sensitive” statements. “Dissidents” were pre-emptively confined to their homes during the recent visit to Beijing of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
We share your hope, Mr. President, that the United States might regain its moral standing in the world and once again be viewed as a universal beacon for fairness and justice. Your appointment of Charles Freeman could not be more damaging to this hope. Please reconsider.
Intel. pick: Muslims were here first
Pushed Saudi-funded textbook that wildly fabricates history
Freeman served as president of the Middle East Policy Council, a Washington-based Saudi backed nonprofit that received tens of thousands of dollars per year from the bin Laden family and other Saudi donors.
In 2003, Freeman's council joined with California-based Arab World and Islamic Resources in selling to U.S. schools the "Arab World Studies Notebook," set to be a textbook on Arab issues and history.
A report from that year by the Text Book League, an online resource on some 200 educational items for middle-school and high-school educators, highlighted major historical fabrications found in Freeman's schoolbook including the claim Muslims inhabited the New World in pre-Columbian times and also spread throughout the Caribbean, Central America, South America and even Canada.
English explorers met "Iroquois and Algonquin (Native American) chiefs with names like Abdul-Rahim and Abdallah Ibn Malik," the schoolbook claimed, without providing any evidence.
In actuality, the first Muslim to enter the historical record in North America was Estevánico of Azamor, who came with the Spanish in 1539. Islam is not believed to have taken root in Canada until the mid-19th century.
The book goes on to present Jesus as an "important figure" in Islam and states as fact it is "well known, the Quran was revealed through the Prophet Muhammad."
The schoolbook "present(s) Muslim myths as 'history,' endorse(s) Muslim religious claims, and propagat(es) Islamic fundamentalism," stated the Text Book League report.
An investigative article by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in 2005 further exposed some of the anti-Israel claims in the book Freeman was peddling.
Wild Thing's comment........
This bozo has more than a financial conflict of interest. When he sits on the board of a foreign owned company, especially when it is a company owned by the Chinese government, he has a national loyalty conflict of interest.
I do not want this puke anywhere near national security information. Also Freeman is not just Anti-Israel, his views go way beyond the range of normal.
Nine members of the House of Representatives, including Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio), are asking for an investigation into the financial ties of Barack Obama's National Intelligence Council chairman Chas Freeman.
Idiots elected Obama, a Marxist ideologue with narcissistic personality disorder and he is destroying our country.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:44 AM | Comments (8)
Two RINO Senator's Kyl and Martinez, Have No Clue About Constitution
Republican Senator says Snopes settled 'eligibility'
Arizona's Kyl cites website that assumes Hawaiian birth
Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., has referred constituents raising concerns over President Obama's eligibility to occupy the Oval Office to an online "fact" organization that relies for its answer partly on information from the Obama campaign.
The response from Kyl to an Arizona constituent was revealed just one day after a Florida WND reader alerted WND to the fact Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., had told him that Obama's eligibility was affirmed by voters who supported him in the Democratic primary and general elections in 2008.
The response from Kyl to a voter who asked about Obama's ability to meet the constitutional requirements for president said:
Thank you for your recent e-mail. Senator Obama meets the constitutional requirements for presidential office. Rumors pertaining to his citizenship status have been circulating on the Internet, and this information has been debunked by Snopes.com, which investigates the truth behind Internet rumors.
The Snopes explanation to which Kyl directed constituents refers back to another website, FactCheck, which in turn cites as documentation of Obama's Hawaiian birth a "Certification of Live Birth" that the Obama campaign posted online during 2008.
Senator: Eligibility is up to the voters
Republican Martinez implies constitutional requirement for presidency can be bypassed
A U.S. senator has suggested that voters have made Barack Obama eligible to occupy the Oval Office, whether or not he meets the constitutional mandate of being a "natural born" citizen.
The comments from Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., came in an e-mail sent to a constituent shortly after the election, which just now was forwarded to WND.
The constituent had asked about Martinez's perspective on the issue on which WND and others have reported: claims made by dozens of lawsuits around the country that Obama might not meet the constitutional qualification for various reasons.
"Presidential candidates are vetted by voters at least twice – first in the primary elections and again in the general election. President-Elect Obama won the Democratic Party's nomination after one of the most fiercely contested presidential primaries in American history," Martinez responded.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Thiose not caring about our Constitution sure come up with some odd excuses.
Senators use Snopes to settle constitutional questions now? Good Lord!!! As the ObamaNation we now settle Constitutional issues using snopes.
I wonder if Snopes could fix the economy too. I might send them an email. Can’t hurt to ask. LOL
I have used snopes it is a liberal run site, but sometimes it is very accurate so that is the good part.
LOL ....The bad part is that Snopes held out hope until LONG after the Clintons left the White House that Hillary didn’t LIE when she said she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. Things like that so what they say about the Birth Certificate I would not take too seriously.
Regarding the other one, Mel Martinez he is here in Florida and he is a total rino. He is totally into Obama and his Healthcare agenda and many other things Obama does. He ONLY voted NO on the stimulus bill because I am sure the conservative Republicans worked very hard to convince the rinos' like Martinez they had better be a united group or else! But ole Mel is no conservative, he has rino blood in his veins.
Strange irony in the letters from Kyl and Martinez....hahahaha sorry this is just too weird.
Almost every birth certificate lawsuit has been dismissed for the same reason:
According to the judges, only Congress can decide if Obama is eligible.
According to the judges, individuals and organizations lack “standing” to sue.
Yet, Senator Martinez states that voters have “validated” Obama’s eligibility, not Congress.
Senator Kyl states that questions about Obama’s eligibility are just right wing “Internet rumors,” yet, Kyl admits he made his Congressional decision based only on information from one left wing website.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (14)
March 06, 2009
Geithner Can't Keep It Up
Understaffed Geithner Can't Keep Up, Critics Say
For five weeks, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has battled the worst economic crisis in generations with no key deputies in place. That's made for a rocky debut for the man President Barack Obama put in charge of addressing the financial crisis.
With an awkward first television appearance, a bank rescue plan that lacked promised specifics and two restructured bailouts that raised taxpayer risk, Geithner has failed to calm financial markets desperate for answers.
Critics say part of the problem is that Geithner is flying solo: Not one of his top 17 deputies has been named, let alone confirmed. And without senior leadership, lower-level Treasury employees can't make decisions or represent the government in crucial conversations with banks and others.
As Geithner strives to address the financial crisis, advance Obama's agenda and work with foreign leaders to stave off economic disaster, he's assembled a 50-person "shadow cabinet" of would-be appointees. Those people have received hall passes and can advise Geithner, but they lack any authority.
"Everyone would think it's a travesty if the Defense Department didn't have a lot of their people in place, because you're in a crisis fighting a couple of wars," said Tony Fratto, who was a Treasury spokesman under President George W. Bush. "But Tim Geithner is fighting wars on a few fronts himself, and he doesn't have the generals there to help him."
Treasury's staff problems apparently have affected its ability to report to Congress on the massive bailouts it has been doling out.
At a Senate hearing Thursday about failed insurance giant American International Group Inc. — which has received four separate bailouts totaling more than $170 billion — Sen. Chris Dodd said he had asked Treasury for someone to appear, but that no one was available.
Wild Thing's comment.....
"Geithner has battled the worst economic crisis in generations "
Battled it, hell. He has enabled and advanced it.
This isn’t the first time Geithner’s had time management problems. That’s why his taxes were incomplete.
Being short a few people is not he problem. He is the problem.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (4)
FDIC's Bair Says Insurance Fund Could Be Insolvent This Year
Bair Says Insurance Fund Could Be Insolvent This Year
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairman Sheila Bair said the fund it uses to protect customer deposits at U.S. banks could dry up amid a surge in bank failures, as she responded to an industry outcry against new fees approved by the agency.
“Without these assessments, the deposit insurance fund could become insolvent this year,” Bair wrote in a March 2 letter to the industry. U.S. community banks plan to flood the FDIC with about 5,000 letters in protest of the fees, according to a trade group.
“A large number” of bank failures may occur through 2010 because of “rapidly deteriorating economic conditions,” Bair said in the letter. “Without substantial amounts of additional assessment revenue in the near future, current projections indicate that the fund balance will approach zero or even become negative.”
The FDIC last week approved a one-time “emergency” fee and other assessment increases on the industry to rebuild a fund to repay customers for deposits of as much as $250,000 when a bank fails. The fees, opposed by the industry, may generate $27 billion this year after the fund fell to $18.9 billion in the fourth quarter from $34.6 billion in the previous period, the FDIC said.
The fund, which lost $33.5 billion in 2008, was drained by 25 bank failures last year. Sixteen banks have failed so far this year, further straining the fund.
Angry Bankers
Smaller banks are outraged over the one-time fee, which could wipe out 50 percent to 100 percent of a bank’s 2009 earnings, Camden Fine, president of the Independent Community Bankers of America, said yesterday in a telephone interview.
“I’ve never seen emotions like this,” said Fine, adding that he’s received more than 1,000 e-mails and telephone messages from angry bankers.
“The FDIC realizes that these assessments are a significant expense, particularly during a financial crisis and recession when bank earnings are under pressure,” Bair wrote. “We did not want to impose large assessments when the industry and economy are struggling. We searched for alternatives but found none better.”
The agency, which has released the change for 30 days of public comment, could modify the assessment to shift the burden to the large banks “that caused this train wreck,” Fine said. “Community bankers are feeling like they are paying for the incompetence and greed of Wall Street,” he said.
Legal Constraints
Bair dismissed that suggestion.
“For risk-based assessments, our statute restricts us from discriminating against an institution because of size,” Bair wrote.
The deposit insurance fund won’t dry up because the government can get funds from the industry and congressional appropriations, and borrow from the Treasury, Chip MacDonald, a partner specializing in financial services at law firm Jones Day, said today in a telephone interview.
“As a depositor, I am not worried in the least,” MacDonald said. “No one is going to let the FDIC go without any money.”
Consumers should watch this issue closely, said Edmund Mierzwinski, consumer program director at U.S. PIRG, a Boston- based consumer-watchdog group.
“I wouldn’t take their money out of the bank yet,” Mierzwinski said. “If the FDIC is saying that there is this serious problem, then we should all be concerned. I think there is a chance the FDIC is going to have to ask taxpayers for money in the future.”
No Taxpayer Funds
Bair rejected arguments that the agency should use government aid to rebuild the fund. The FDIC has authority to tap a $30 billion line of credit at the Treasury Department and legislation pending in Congress would boost the amount to $100 billion.
“Banks, not taxpayers, are expected to fund the system,” Bair said. Asking for taxpayer support “could paint all banks with the ‘bailout’ brush.”
Bill Seeks $500 Billion for FDIC Fund
Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd is moving to allow the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to temporarily borrow as much as $500 billion from the Treasury Department.
The FDIC would be able to borrow as much as $500 billion until the end of 2010 if the FDIC, Fed, Treasury secretary and White House agree such money is warranted.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama is implementing a radical socialist agenda in the middle of a financial crisis to bust the USA down from super power status.
The bigger the crisis these National Socialists can create, the more power over the lives of Americans they can take. Right Rahm?
White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel Wish List
Obama, "“Just a gyration. Pay No attention.” We have an imbecile for President.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (6)
Obama Spent Over $1.3 Trillion the First Month Now Jokes About Economy
Obama Jokes About Driving Us Off a Cliff; Legislators Giggle
Was it some kind of a Freudian slip or just an incredible malapropism on behalf of the supposedly silver-tongued Obama? Today in the his healthcare teach-in with lawmakers, he made reference to the movie Thelma and Louise. "This is a Thelma and Louise moment." We all know how that movie ends... they drive the car off the cliff.
The implication is, of course, that he will use healthcare to drive us off a cliff. I think this man knows exactly what he's doing. He's wrecking our economy and he seems determined to destroy our capitalist system.
Frankly it's kind of chilling to watch our legislative branch just laugh and laugh at this weird and scary statement.
Play the VIDEO to hear what he said and then laughed.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Obama thinks our country has money to burn.
Yes, the car is headed over the cliff. And Obama is in the driver’s seat, his foot solidly on the floor. And he’s wishing the car had a turbocharger. Obama is deranged.
Anyone else notice his coldness, how he really feels nothing. People are worried about their funds, they future, their children's future. their jobs, their financial security and Obama jokes.
The graphic above is soooooo perfect for this because that is just how Obama treats our hard earned money, it means nothing to him. It is just fuel for his fire at the White House.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:42 AM | Comments (1)
March 05, 2009
Missouri Bill to Require Birth Certificates for Presidential Candidates
Missouri Bill to Require Birth Certificates for Presidential Candidates
"Missouri Representative Wayne Cooper (R-Camdenton) has introduced HJR 34. It has 15 Republican co-sponsors. It requires presidential candidates to submit a Birth Certificate to the Secretary of State, and says a certificate of live birth is not an adequate substitute. It also requires voters to show goverment Photo-ID at the polls, bans same-day registration, says the deadline for registering to vote will always be 4 weeks before an election, abolishes absentee voting unless the voter will be absent from the county or can establish illness, and says no one may be paid to register voters. This would all be one very large amendment to the Missouri State Constitution. The sponsor titles it “The Voter’s Bill of Rights”. Thanks to Brandon Henderson for this news."
Fired Up Missouri !
Rep. Robert Cooper's Voter ID proposal includes language that would require the Missouri Secretary of State to request the official birth certificate of presidential candidates to independently verify their authenticity. And not just future candidates -- Cooper wants the Secretary of State to independently verify the citizenship status of every previous presidential candidate.
Here are the key parts of Cooper's proposed bill:
** The secretary of state shall determine that each person is qualified for the office he or she seeks, according to the law, before placing his or her name on the ballot.
** For candidates who are required by the Constitution of the United States to be natural born citizens, the secretary of state shall request an official copy of the candidate’s birth certificate.
** Other certifications, such as a certificate of live birth, shall not be accepted.
** Should any candidate fail to provide an official birth certificate within thirty days of the request by the secretary of state, his or her name shall not be placed on the ballot.
** The secretary of state shall verify the qualifications of any elected officeholder who was previously placed on a Missouri ballot. Should any elected officeholder fail to provide the required documentation or birth certificate within thirty days of the request by the secretary of state, the secretary of state shall turn the matter over to the attorney general who shall within twenty days file suit to obtain the required documentation.
This is obviously targeted at the Presidency -- it's the only office to require natural born citizenship. And while Barack Obama has provided an official, certified copy of his birth certificate, it's been tough to satisfy these fringe groups with the facts.
Out of the gaze of the mainstream and even the conservative media is a flourishing culture of advocates, theorists and lawyers, all devoted to proving that Barack Obama isn't eligible to be president of the United States.
Wild Thing's comment.........
This could givei B. Hussein Obama big trouble in November 2012. Even if only one state has this requirement, it will raise the issue to the front page. God bless the “show me” state.
It hasn’t passed yet. The bill has just been introduced.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:40 PM | Comments (4)
White House Reacts To Citizen Jim Cramer of CNBC "Mad Money"
Jim Cramer: No Lincoln, No Kennedy. Obama Is Russia's Vladimir Lenin
White House Knocks Jim Cramer For Calling Obama Budget "Greatest Wealth Destruction By a President"
NBC's Tom Costello, on duty at the White House today, asked press secretary Robert Gibbs about some comments made by his CNBC colleague Jim Cramer.
On the Today show this morning, Cramer called Pres. Obama's budget a "radical agenda," adding, "This is the greatest wealth destruction I've seen by a President."
"I'm not entirely sure what he's pointing to to make some of the statements," said Gibbs. "And you can go back and look at any number of statements he's made in the past about the economy and wonder where some of the back-up for those are too."
When pressed further by Costello, Gibbs said, "If you turn on a certain program it's geared to a very small audience. No offense to my good friends, or friend at CNBC. But the President has to look out for the broader economy and the broader population."
Last month Gibbs had some choice words for Cramer's colleague, Rick Santelli and his criticism of the Obama mortgage plan.
Cramer on Obama's Anti-Wall Street Comments: 'We Heard Lenin'
With all the populist sentiment generated from the economic slowdown by politicians, CNBC "Mad Money" host Jim Cramer is seeing eerie similarities with the comments of President Barack Obama and the words of a communist revolutionary.
Cramer, appearing on MSNBC's Feb. 2 "Morning Joe," drew comparisons between remarks between the first head of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lenin, and Obama. Obama criticized Wall Street's moneymaking on Jan. 30, when he said there would be a time "for them to make profits, and there will be time for them to get bonuses. Now's not that time. And that's a message that I intend to send directly to them."
Cramer said that was similar to Lenin's writings. "Let me tell you something, we heard Lenin," Cramer said. "There was a little snippet last week that was, ‘Now is not the time for profits.' Look - in Lenin's book, ‘What Is to Be Done?' is simple text of what I always though was for the communists, it was remarkable to hear very similar language from ‘What Is to Be Done?' which is we have no place for profits."
According to Cramer, China, which is the United States' largest debt holder - about $682 billion - is currently faring better with capitalism, even though that government has operated communism for the last half century.
"Thank heavens for the Chinese communists, deeply rooted in a profit government," Cramer said. "Because we have decided that profits have no place in the system."
Cramer wasn't sure what phase of the teaching of Lenin the United States was heading, but he narrowed it down to two.
"It's the time for nationalization, and I'll say this," Cramer said. "Either the new economic policy Lenin, or it's the initial storm-the-winter palace Lenin. I'm not quite sure yet. It's a mid-'20s situation. It could go either way."
"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough asked Cramer about the $100 billion in tax cuts given to people who don't pay taxes and how close that was to socialism. "This is as close to unprecedented of a total all-out socialist bill as I've ever seen in my life," Scarborough said.
"They pretend to work, we pretend to pay," Cramer replied. "I think that the real issue here is that socialism was always pretty good for creating jobs. I felt there were other forms of economy that actually confiscated jobs and socialism would be a real step-up from what we're at here."
Wild Thing's comment.........
This White House has no qualms about singling out citizens for criticism. Only Idi Amin, Chavez, Papa Doc Duvallier or other third-world dictators would stoop to criticize entertainers and celebrities, or just plain citizens. The President of the United States should be above all of that. Not Barack Hussein Obama. But then he did this same kind of attack on people during his campaign.
Jim Cramer is NOT a Conservative, he is a jerk actually, he is a democrat but he is not blind to what has been happening. Jim Cramer is telling the truth. Obama has used what was a mild downturn to put in place a radical socialist agenda. He talked down the economy with gloom and doom speeches in order to pass the “stimulus” that had bank and health care nationalization in it and he has the “budget” now that expands socialism, plus has enough pork to the Democrat interest groups to insure rotten elections in 2010 & 2012 to keep socialists in power.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
Nationwide Tea Parties A Few of The Videos
Recognizing the Bill has little-to-no "Stimulus," the people stood together in the sun, wind, rain, and snow to send a simple message to Congress and the President, "Repeal it or retire."
Over 30,000 people made it to these events across our awesome country.
Online HQ for the April 15th Nationwide Tax Day Tea Party Rallies...
I am a member of Smart Girl Politics and they did a lot to get people together too to do the Tea Parties.
Smart Girl Politics also put together a great video of the Nationwide Feb. 27 Tea Party protests:
Chicago Tea Party 2-27-2009
The Dallas Tea Party - February 27th, 2009 Victory Plaza - American Alirlines Center Americans against the Porkulus & Democrat irresponsible spending
Houston Tea Party, Stimulus Package Protest - The People Speak
New York Tea Party Rally at City Hall
Greenville Tea Party (Greenville, SC) 02/27/09
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (6)
March 04, 2009
Obama Says Not Concerned With The 'day-to-day gyrations' of Stock Market
Obama not concerned with the 'day-to-day gyrations' of the stock market
CLICK HERE to see the VIDEO that ths article is about. * Video: Cavuto On Obama's "Day To Day Gyrations Of Stock Market" Comment)
Obama is comparing the stock market to the daily tracking polls used during campaigns, saying that paying too close attention to Wall Street's "fits and starts" could lead to bad long-term policy.
Obama spoke to reporters Tuesday after meeting in the Oval Office with visiting British Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Obama said he is not measuring policies against "the day-to-day gyrations of the stock market," but by whether lending is flowing more freely, businesses are investing and the unemployed are going back to work.
He said he is "absolutely confident" that those things will happen.
And this video from LAST YEAR....................
Wild Thing's comment............
I wonder if he even knows what a Bull and Bear market are . OH but he can recite the Islamic prayer for us if we asked I bercha'.
This unConstitutional President is destroying the retirement of millions of people, investments of hard working people, companies, small and big business, and he says he is not concerned about "gyrations".
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (10)
Send a Thief to Catch a Thief ~ Geithner To Go After Tax Cheats
Geithner Touts Tackling Tax Evaders After Failing to Pay Own Taxes
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told the House Ways and Means Committee Tuesday that the Obama administration, which has been riddled with tax problems, is mounting plans to go after tax evaders.
The pot has issued the kettle an ultimatum: tax dodgers beware.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who was forced to fork up $34,000 in unpaid back taxes, told the House Ways and Means Committee Tuesday that the Obama administration will be going after people who avoid and evade taxes.
In prepared remarks before Congress, he said the president is intent on "tackling tax shelters and other efforts to abuse our tax laws, including international tax evasion efforts."
Geithner himself never used a tax haven to avoid payment, but did neglect to pay Medicare and Social Security taxes while he was a self-employed staffer for the International Monetary Fund. He even hired an accountant for two of the years he forgot to file.
"Over the next several months," he said Tuesday, "the President will propose a series of legislative and enforcement measures to reduce such U.S. tax evasion and avoidance."
But the Treasury secretary might want to heed something of a caveat legislator: such a dragnet could quickly catch a handful of Obama's top appointees.
Tom Daschle, Obama's pick to be Secretary of Health and Human Services, had to bow out when it was disclosed that he had failed to pay $128,000 in back taxes. Nancy Killefer, who was appointed by Obama to scrutinize government spending for the OMB, also had to withdraw her nomination because of tax issues.
And just a day before Geithner's appearance in the House, Obama's designated Trade Representative, Ron Kirk, told the Senate Finance Committee that he owed some $10,000 in back taxes that he had agreed to pay.
Wild Thing's comment.........
LOL This Geithner is going to be really busy fighting off the sopenas that he testify at the trials of prosecuted tax evaders.
"Geithner Touts Tackling Tax Evaders"
I suggest he start with the Cabinet. Hopefully that will take the rest of Obama's term.
"...the Obama administration will be going after people who avoid and evade taxes.."
I guess they've run out of candidates for administration appointees... so they're on the search for more with those valued qualifications.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:43 AM | Comments (4)
March 03, 2009
Obama's Fault! Dow drops below 7,000 (6,800) for first time since 1997
Dow finishes below 7,000 for first time since '97
More unstoppable selling on Wall Street takes Dow to lowest point since 1997
NEW YORK (AP) -- A relentless sell-off in the stock market Monday blew through barriers that would have been unthinkable just weeks ago, and investors warned there was no reason to believe buyers will return anytime soon.
The Dow Jones industrial average plummeted below 7,000 at the opening bell and kept driving lower all day, finishing at 6,763 -- a loss of nearly 300 points. Each of the 30 stocks in the index lost value for the day.
And the Standard & Poor's 500 stock index, a much broader measure of the market's health, dipped below the psychologically important 700 level before closing just above it. It hadn't traded below 700 since October 1996.
Investors were worried anew about the stability of the financial system after insurer American International Group posted a staggering $62 billion loss for the fourth quarter, the biggest in U.S. corporate history -- and accepted an expanded bailout from the government.
As bad as things are, they can still get worse, and get a lot worse," said Bill Strazzullo, chief market strategist for Bell Curve Trading, who said he believes the Dow might fall to 5,000 and the S&P to 500.
The Dow's descent has been breathtaking. It took only 14 trading sessions for the average to fall from above 8,000 to below 7,000. For the year, the Dow has lost 23 percent of its value.
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."
This should be listed in the things not to say before trying to spend a 3 trillion dollars.
Wild Thing's comment........
WOW 20 years of economic growth destroyed in a month of having Hussein and Timothy Geitner and their Obamanomics.
This is all because of the Marxist Obama's attack on our country imo. to destroy us.
Every day Obama trash talks America, our economy and our capitalistic system. Then he talks about/submits the mothers of all deficit budgets and bailouts.
Obama is a one man wrecking ball for our country, our economy and our way of life, and he hasn’t been El Presidente for even two months.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (17)
Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban
Eric Holder (Obama's Attorney General): Make Assault Weapons Ban Permanent
Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban
The Obama administration will seek to reinstate the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 during the Bush administration, Attorney General Eric Holder said today.
As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons," Holder told reporters.
Holder said that putting the ban back in place would not only be a positive move by the United States, it would help cut down on the flow of guns going across the border into Mexico, which is struggling with heavy violence among drug cartels along the border.
"I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico, at a minimum." Holder said at a news conference on the arrest of more than 700 people in a drug enforcement crackdown on Mexican drug cartels operating in the U.S.
Wild Thing's comment........
Hussein is placing the United States on greased skids to oblivion. Obama and the left are killing everything our Founding Fathers stood for. In a sane world, they all would have been jailed for treason.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (14)
March 02, 2009
Obama Ready To Talk ' Global New deal' with UK PM Brown
Brown woos Obama on global deal
Godron Brown hopes to forge a partnership with President Barack Obama in Washington this week, to call for a “global new deal” to lift the world out of recession.
As he prepares for his first White House visit since the president’s inauguration, the prime minister has hinted that he is ready to make further tax cuts to boost the UK economy.
Brown will meet Obama on Tuesday and address a joint session of Congress on Wednesday.
Aides say he has both to demonstrate to a sceptical British public that he commands the respect of the president, and to persuade the American political establishment that global action is needed to rescue the US economy.
Brown is under pressure to persuade American political leaders to sign up to bold aims for the G20 summit of industrial and leading developing nations, which is to be held in London next month.
Many US politicians believe economic policy should put America first, and have shown little interest in concerted global action.
Brown will argue for a renewal of the transatlantic relationship, with the two powers working together to solve global economic problems.
The prime minister will borrow from the rhetoric of Franklin Roosevelt, who introduced the government-financed New Deal to tackle the US Depression of the 1930s. He will argue that his 21st century “global new deal” will also require public spending on a huge world-wide scale.
Writing in The Sunday Times today, Brown calls for “universal action to prevent the crisis spreading, to stimulate the global economy and to help reduce the severity and length of the global recession”.
His stress on continued economic “stimulation” will increase speculation about next month’s budget. No 10 sources said that, while no final decision had been taken about further tax cuts, the prime minister would do “whatever it took” to pull the UK out of recession.
Wild Thing's comment.........
New World Order Obama style! Only Obama could return our hard fought Sovereignty to Europe.
Is this going to be the precursor to bailout for Africa? Just wondering. Our Founding Fathers are turning over in their graves at these entangling alliances!
With the Dow already fallen from 14,000 to 7,000 and still dropping, the markets will respond to this today is my guess.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (4)
Obama Sees 'tougher times' For African-Americans
Obama sees 'tougher times' for African-Americans
Acknowledging that "tough times for America often mean tougher times for African-Americans," US President Barack Obama on Saturday called for more local and national engagement by fellow blacks.
"You know that tough times for America often mean tougher times for African Americans. This recession has been no exception," Obama told the 10th annual "State of the Black Union" gathering, noting that the unemployment rate among African-Americans is five points higher than the national average.
"At the same time, we know that government cannot and will not succeed alone. It will take all of us stepping up and doing our part. It will take the commitment of parents and teachers and community leaders. It will take a renewed faith in our common purpose and common values."
In a video message, the first black US president told African-American politicians, thinkers and entertainers gathered in Los Angeles that his policies were "closing the gap between the nation we are and the nation we can be."
The new administration had done "more in these past 30 days to bring about progressive change than we have in the past many years," the president said in prepared remarks, pointing to his 787-billion-dollar economic stimulus plan to revive the battered US economy.
Obama also highlighted his audacious 3.55-trillion-dollar budget plan for 2010, which bristles with economic reforms and spending on healthcare, climate change and education in a bid to end America's worst economic crisis since the 1930s.
"You have tapped into a yearning in the community to address our toughest problems instead of leaving them for another day, or year, or generation," Obama told the gathering.
"I have seen that same hunger as I've traveled across our country among Americans united not by the color of their skin but by a shared determination to build a more perfect union; to not only revive this economy but to transform our country.... And that is the work my administration has already begun."
Obama took heat for not attending the gathering last year. His former Democratic rival and now Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was the only presidential candidate to accept an invitation.
Michael Steele, the first African-American chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), was also the first RNC leader to attend the forum.
Wild Thing's comment........
If I were black, I'd be miffed at his patronizing attitude.
Maybe when they quit thinking of themselves as victims and hyphenated Americans, they'll make a bit of progress.
Obama is a racist. He raises the issue every chance he gets. He is patronizing and demeaning and if harder times come it will be principally because he has telegraphed it and brought it about himself.
I believe the entire world is going to suffer because of B. Hussein Obama. His name will be despised for generations.
What a bunch of spoiled coddled brats!!!! There are a lot of blacks that have done very well.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (3)
Madman John P. Holdren as Obama's Science Adviser
Obama's Biggest Radical
FrontPageMagazine.com ....for complete article
By Ben Johnson
When Barack Obama nominated John P. Holdren as his Science Adviser last December 20, the president-elect stated "promoting science isn’t just about providing resources" but "ensuring that facts and evidence are never twisted or obscured by politics or ideology." In nominating John Holdren, his words could scarcely have taken a more Orwellian ring.
Some critics have noted Holdren's penchant for making apocalyptic predictions that never come to pass, and categorizing all criticism of his alarmist views as not only wrong but dangerous.
What none has yet noted is that Holdren is a globalist who has endorsed "surrender of sovereignty" to "a comprehensive Planetary Regime" that would control all the world's resources, direct global redistribution of wealth, oversee the "de-development" of the West, control a World Army and taxation regime, and enforce world population limits.
He has castigated the United States as "the meanest of wealthy countries," written a justification of compulsory abortion for American women, advocated drastically lowering the U.S. standard of living, and left the door open to trying global warming "deniers" for crimes against humanity. Such is Barack Obama's idea of a clear-headed adviser on matters of scientific policy.
First Lab on the Left
All of these positions are consistent with a man who began his career as a "dissident scientist." Peter Collier remembers Holdren working by day at a national laboratory and by night writing for Ramparts, the intellectual journal of the New Left. Holdren has authored numerous books and journal articles with his mentors Paul and Anne Ehrlich, the infamous doomsayers who predicted overpopulation would force most of the world's population to perish during the 1980s "great die-off." Holdren has gone on to a distinguished academic career in his own right. A longtime professor at the University of California at Berkeley, Teresa Heinz Kerry used her late husband's tax-exempt billions to endow a chair at Harvard for Ehrlich's disciple; Holdren is now the Teresa and John Heinz Professor of Environmental Policy at the Kennedy School of Government, where his (and her) ideas influence the next generation of policymakers. Holdren himself has a background in political "philanthropy," serving for 14 years on John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation's Board of Trustees, steering its grants to far-Left organizations. He also pursued the intersection of science and diplomacy by joining the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, an organization founded during the Cold War by former nuclear scientist and fellow traveler Joseph Rotblat. Pugwash hewed to the Communist Party line and was subsequently feted by Czechslovakian and Polish Communist leaders.
The Neo-Malthusians
Holdren gave a clear indication of his philosophical views in the 1977 book Ecoscience, which he co-authored with Paul and Anne Ehrlich. [1] In its pages, the authors noted, "The neo-Malthusiasn view proposes...population limitation and redistribution of wealth." They concluded, "On these points, we find ourselves firmly in the neo-Malthusian camp" (p. 954).
Economist Thomas Malthus is one of the most literally anti-human theorists in human history. He viewed overpopulation as the fount of all woe, but one which could be staunched with enough blood. In "An Essay on the Principle of Population" Malthus wrote,
"All the children who are born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room be made for them by the death of grown persons...if we dread the too frequent visitation of the horrid form of famine, we should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction, which we compel nature to use...and court the return of the plague."
Like their intellectual forebear, Holdren and the Ehrlichs proposed their own acceptable sacrifice to the environment.
Compulsory Abortion for American Women
The trio prescribed a rigidly enforced, government-imposed limit of two children per family. Holdren and the Ehrlichs maintained "there exists ample authority under which population growth could be regulated." Hiding behind the passive voice, they note, "it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society." (Emphasis added.) To underscore they mean business, they conclude,
"If some individuals contribute to general social deterioration by overproducing children, and if the need is compelling, they can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility" (pp. 837-838).
Moreover, if the United States government refuses to take proper measures, they authorize the United Nations to take compelling force.
"A Comprehensive Planetary Regime"
Holdren believed a world government might play a moderate role in the future: setting and enforcing appopriate population levels, taxing and redistributing the world's wealth, controlling the world's resources, and operating a standing World Army.
Such a comprehensive Plenetary Regime could control the development, administration, conservation, and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or nonrenewable...not only in the atmosphere and oceans, but in such freshwater bodies as rivers and lakes...The Regime might also be a logical central agency for regulating all international trade...The Planetary Regime might be given responsibility for determining the optimum population for the world and for each region and for arbitrating various countries' shares within their regional limits...the Regime would have some power to enforce the agreed limits. (p. 943.)
Part of the power wielded by this "Regime" would be in the form of a World Army. The trio wrote that the United States must destroy all its nuclear arsenal. But this would not render us defenseless against Communist aggression.
"Security might be provided by an armed international organization, a global analogue of a police force...The first step necessarily involves partial surrender of sovereignty to an international organization" (p. 917
Far from distancing himself from this wooly-headed notion as he matured, Holdren explicitly reaffirmed it in his 1995 Nobel Prize acceptance speech on behalf of Pugwash, declaiming,
"The post-Cold-War world needs a more powerful United Nations, probably with a standing volunteer force -- owing loyalty directly to the UN rather than to contingents from individual nations." As recently as last January, he told the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) the world needs "a universal prohibition on nuclear weapons, coupled with means to ensure confidence in compliance."
U.S. Blood and Treasure for the UN
The redistribution of blood and treasure were high priorities for Holdren, et. al. They advised the "de-development of overdeveloped countries...should be given top priority" (p. 926), and such nations -- e.g., the United States and the developed West -- should "divert their excess productivity into helping the poorer people of the world rather than exploiting them" (p. 931).
How much wealth redistribution would be sufficient? The authors favorably cited a proposal that "the rich nations devote 20 percent of their GNPs for ten or fifteen years to the task of population control and development of the poor countries." They comment, "We believe an effort of this magnitude is not only justified but essential." (p. 925). Reaffirming the goal in his 1995 Nobel speech, he stretched this to a program "sustained over several decades." (Emphasis added.)
He detailed the mechanism for global socialism just two years ago. In a February 2007 report of which he was a coordinating lead author, urges the United Nations to undertake "a global framework" that is "more comprehensive and ambitious" than the Kyoto Protocol. Holdren states the UN must mandate
"A requirement for the early establishment of a substantial price on carbon emissions in all countries, whether by a carbon tax or a tradable permit approach."
Although he prefers a global carbon tax presided over by a United Nations-strength IRS, he is open to a stringent global cap-and-trade program. However, that program must contain:
"A means for transferring some of the revenue produced by carbon taxes upon, or permits purchased by, countries and consumers with high incomes and high per capita emissions to countries and consumers with low incomes and low per capita emissions" (pp. 70-72).
Every Man a Duke
His thirst for economic redistribution (read: socialism) is not limited to foreign affairs. In a chapter of Ecoscience entitled "Changing American Institutions," Holdren and the Ehrlichs call for a "considerably more equitable distribution of wealth and income" in the United States, offering in passing,
"Possibly this would be achieved by some formal mechanism" (p. 875). Might that mechanism perchance be government force?
The text praises an economist's plan to limit American achievement at a $100,000 maximum annual salary, or just under $350,000 in 2009 dollars, adjusted for inflation (p. 850). Such would be the most socialistic proposal made in modern times. Even Huey Long allowed men a million dollars a year, in 1934.
"The Meanest of Wealthy Countries"
But the intervening years have not been pleasant ones for such as Holdren. In a 1995 article co-written with Paul Ehrlich, he lists among the factors preventing a "sustainable" world such "Underlying human frailties" as "Greed, selfishness, intolerance, and shortsightedness." These, he expounds, "collectively have been elevated by conservative political doctrine and practice (above all in the United States in 1980 92) to the status of a credo."
Making You Poorer For Your Own Good
The function of such welfare is twofold: to enrich citizens of the Global South and to impoverish Americans for their own good. In a 2006 paper, Holdren noted that reducing "GDP per person" -- that is, cutting your personal wealth -- also reduces Greenhouse Gas emissions. True, it is "not a lever that most people would want to use to reduce emissions"; "People are not getting rich as fast as they think, however, if GDP growth is being achieved at the expense of the environmental underpinnings of well-being"
P.S.: He's Frequently Wrong
To understand the impact of those words, one must consider the source. In addition to his extremist, globalist views, Holdren is frequently mistaken in his pronouncements in his alleged field of specialization, environmental science -- often tremendously so. As with Ehrlich, he has been predicting global catastrophes since the 1970s, beginning with the global cooling scare. Modern critics have noted his role in Paul Ehrlich's famous wager with Julian Simon: Holdren chose five metals that he believed would be more expensive in ten years' time due to scarcity, while Simon predicted each would be less expensive. A decade hence, Ehrlich's group was $1,000 poorer (a chance to reduce their carbon footprint, perhaps). Holdren advised Al Gore on An Inconvenient Truth, a film that by one scholar's count contained 10 pages of falsehoods, exaggerations, distortions, and ignored evidence.
And there is the little matter of his prediction a billion people will die within the next 11 years.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Does being spectacularly wrong about a major issue in your field of expertise hurt your chances of becoming the presidential science advisor? Apparently not, Obama has his own Mad Scientist on board. The thing is even if this man is nuts he is dangerous now since he is in our government thank s to the Muslilm in the Oval Office. What the heck! Did this picking this man come from Soros or what! ?!
Science magazine reported that John Holdren, is a professional environmental judgment day doomsayer. John Holdren is the ultimate example of the impurities that have recently flooded universities and academies throughout the Western world.
Obama himself is supportive of witholding life saving medical aid from an unwanted living baby, so it goes right along with that for Obama to appoint someone who would advocate mandatory abortion.
I really resent the waste of our money that will ensue with these cranks in government positions of influence.
It is a good thinig we can learn about our enemy within. I want to know our enemy better then they know themselves.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:40 AM | Comments (4)
March 01, 2009
Obama Declares War on Investors, Entrepreneurs, Businesses, And More
Obama Declares War on Investors, Entrepreneurs, Businesses, And More
Posted By: Larry Kudlow
Let me be very clear on the economics of President Obama’s State of the Union speech and his budget.
He is declaring war on investors, entrepreneurs, small businesses, large corporations, and private-equity and venture-capital funds.
That is the meaning of his anti-growth tax-hike proposals, which make absolutely no sense at all — either for this recession or from the standpoint of expanding our economy’s long-run potential to grow.
Raising the marginal tax rate on successful earners, capital, dividends, and all the private funds is a function of Obama’s left-wing social vision, and a repudiation of his economic-recovery statements. Ditto for his sweeping government-planning-and-spending program, which will wind up raising federal outlays as a share of GDP to at least 30 percent, if not more, over the next 10 years.
This is nearly double the government-spending low-point reached during the late 1990s by the Gingrich Congress and the Clinton administration. While not quite as high as spending levels in Western Europe, we regrettably will be gaining on this statist-planning approach.
Study after study over the past several decades has shown how countries that spend more produce less, while nations that tax less produce more. Obama is doing it wrong on both counts.
And as far as middle-class tax cuts are concerned, Obama’s cap-and-trade program will be a huge across-the-board tax increase on blue-collar workers, including unionized workers. Industrial production is plunging, but new carbon taxes will prevent production from ever recovering. While the country wants more fuel and power, cap-and-trade will deliver less.
The tax hikes will generate lower growth and fewer revenues. Yes, the economy will recover. But Obama’s rosy scenario of 4 percent recovery growth in the out years of his budget is not likely to occur. The combination of easy money from the Fed and below-potential economic growth is a prescription for stagflation. That’s one of the messages of the falling stock market.
Essentially, the Obama economic policies represent a major Democratic party relapse into Great Society social spending and taxing. It is a return to the LBJ/Nixon era, and a move away from the Reagan/Clinton period. House Republicans, fortunately, are 90 days sober, as they are putting up a valiant fight to stop the big-government onslaught and move the GOP back to first principles.
Noteworthy up here on Wall Street, a great many Obama supporters — especially hedge-fund types who voted for “change” — are becoming disillusioned with the performances of Obama and Treasury man Geithner.
There is a growing sense of buyer’s remorse.
Well then, do conservatives dare say: We told you so?
Wild Thing's comment.......
Excellent artikcle.
Obama's war on capitalism is really a war against all Americans everywhere. The sad and scary part are that he is not dumb and neither are the people around him, this is intentional and designed and we shouldn't ignore it. Very scary stuff.
Hmmmm interesting, good article, I wonder if this means something too.....CNBC doesn’t like it, maybe something’s up. ( or wishful thinking for an Obama revolt)
Obama has 90 to 120 days to start to show some results on the economy....after that dissatisfaction with his Presidency will grow exponentially. I could be wrong but I think it will build faster than a tsunami.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (14)
Radio Chip Coming Soon to Your Driver's License?
Katherine Albrecht
Radio chip coming soon to your driver's license?
Homeland Security seeks next-generation REAL ID
Privacy advocates are issuing warnings about a new radio chip plan that ultimately could provide electronic identification for every adult in the U.S. and allow agents to compile attendance lists at anti-government rallies simply by walking through the assembly.
The proposal, which has earned the support of Janet Napolitano, the newly chosen chief of the Department of Homeland Security, would embed radio chips in driver's licenses, or "enhanced driver's licenses."
"Enhanced driver's licenses give confidence that the person holding the card is the person who is supposed to be holding the card, and it's less elaborate than REAL ID," Napolitano said in a Washington Times report.
REAL ID is a plan for a federal identification system standardized across the nation that so alarmed governors many states have adopted formal plans to oppose it. However, a privacy advocate today told WND that the EDLs are many times worse.
Radio talk show host and identity chip expert Katherine Albrecht said REAL ID earned the opposition of Christians because of its resemblance to the biblical "mark of the beast," civil libertarians opposed it for its "big brother" connotations and others worried about identity theft issues with the proposed databases.
"We got rid of the REAL ID program, but [this one] is way more insidious," she said.
Enhanced driver's licenses have built-in radio chips providing an identifying number or information that can be accessed by a remote reading unit while the license is inside a wallet or purse.
The technology already had been implemented in Washington state, where it is promoted as an alternative to a passport for traveling to Canada. So far, the program is optional.
But there are other agreements already approved with Michigan, Vermont, New York and Arizona, and plans are under way in other states, including Texas, she said.
Napolitano, as Arizona's governor, was against the REAL ID, Albrecht said. Now, as chief of Homeland Security, she is suggesting the more aggressive electronic ID of Americans.
"She's coming out and saying, 'OK, OK, OK, you win. We won't do REAL ID. But what we probably ought to do is nationwide enhanced driver's licenses,'" Albrecht told WND.
"They're actually talking about issuing every person a spychip driver's license," she said. "That is the potential problem."
Imagine, she said, going to a First Amendment-protected event, a church or a mosque, or even a gun show or a peace rally.
"What happens to all those people when a government operator carrying a reading device makes a circuit of the event?" she asked. "They could download all those unique ID numbers and link them."
Participants could find themselves on "watch" lists or their attendance at protests or rallies added to their government "dossier."
She said even if such license programs are run by states, there's virtually no way that the databases would not be linked and accessible to the federal government.
Albrecht said a hint of what is on the agenda was provided recently by California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. The state's legislature approved a plan banning the government from using any radio chips in any ID documentation.
Schwarzenegger's veto noted he did not want to interfere with any coming or future federal programs for identifying people.
Albrecht's recent guest on her radio program was Michigan State Rep. Paul Opsommer, who said the government appears to be using a national anti-terrorism plan requiring people to document their identities as they enter the United States to promote the technology.
"The Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative was … just about proving you were a citizen, not that you had to do it by any specific kind of technology," Opsommer said.
But he said, "We are close to the point now that if you don't want RFID in any of your documents that you can't leave the country or get back into it."
Opsommer said his own state sought an exception to the growing federal move toward driver's licenses with an electronic ID chip, and he was told that was "unlikely."
He was told, "They were trying to harmonize these standards with Canada and Mexico [so] it had to apply to everybody. I was absolutely dumbfounded."
"This must be nipped in the bud. Enhanced DL's make REAL ID look like a walk in the park," Albrecht said.
"Look, I am all in favor of only giving drivers licenses to U.S. citizens or people that are otherwise here in this country legally," Opsommer said, "But we are already doing that in Michigan. We accomplished that without an EDL, as has virtually every other state via their own state laws.
"But just because we choose to only issue our license to U.S. citizens does not mean that our licenses should somehow then fall under federal control. It's still a state document, we are just controlling who we issue them to. But under the EDL program, the Department of Homeland Security is saying that making sure illegals don't get these is not enough. Now you need the chip to prove your citizenship," he continued.
Opsommer further warned the electronic chips embedded in licenses to confirm identity are just the first step.
"Canadians are also more connected to what is going on in Britain with the expansion of the national ID program there, and have seen the mission creep that occurs with things like gun control first hand … Whatever the reason, as an example, just last week the Canadian government repatriated a database from the U.S. that contained the driver's license data of their citizens," he said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Note from the article that even CA legislature banned this chip and Arnold vetoed the ban. What a total moran he is.
Chipped License and ID cards? Uh...NO! Not just “NO”, but “Hell, NO!”
These jackbooted thugs need to be made to stop these illegal, immoral assaults on the freedoms guaranteed to us by the Constitution.
I fear for the future of this grand experiment.
It’s time to take back the country.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:44 AM | Comments (10)
The Tax Poem
The Tax Poem
At first I thought this was funny...then I realized the awful truth of it. Be sure to read all the way to the end!
Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax the table
At which he's fed.
Tax his tractor,
Tax his mule,
Teach him taxes
Are the rule.
Tax his work,
Tax his pay,
He works for peanuts
Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat..
Tax his ties,
Tax his shirt,
Tax his work,
Tax his dirt.
Tax his tobacco,
Tax his drink,
Tax him if he
Tries to think.
Tax his cigars,
Tax his beers,
If he cries
Tax his tears..
Tax his car,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways
To tax his ass-ets.
Tax all he has
Then let him know
That you won't be done
Till he has no dough.
When he screams and hollers,
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till
He's good and sore.
Then tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in
Which he's laid.
Put these words
Upon his tomb,
"Taxes drove me to my doom..."
When he's gone,
Do not relax,
Its time to apply
The inheritance tax.
Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax (44.75 cents per gallon)
Gross Receipts Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Personal Property Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service Charge Tax
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax
Sales Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA) Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring & Non-recurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.
We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middleclass in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
What in the hell happened? Can you spell "politicians?"
And I still have to "press 1" for English!?
"One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce, and canonized those who complain." Thomas Sowell
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is well done and I never knew that none of these existed until the last 100 years. Really interesting.
......Thank you James M. for sending this to me.
James R. McKenna
Troop I 3/3 ACR
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:42 AM | Comments (10)
February 28, 2009
Obama to Rescind Bush Abortion Rule
Obama to rescind Bush abortion rule
by Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar
President Barack Obama wants to rescind a Bush administration rule that strengthened job protections for doctors and nurses who refuse for moral reasons to perform abortions.
A U.S. Health and Human Services official said Friday the administration will publish notice of its intentions early next week, opening a 30-day comment period for medical groups and the public. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the notice has not been completed.
The Bush administration instituted the rule in its last days, and it was quickly challenged in federal court by several states and medical organizations. As a candidate, President Barack Obama criticized the regulation and campaign aides promised that if elected, he would review it.
Abortion is one of the most divisive issues in American public life. Democrats tend to favor abortion rights while Republicans tend to oppose abortion.
The news that Obama was reviewing the rule drew praise from abortion-rights supporters and condemnation from groups opposed to abortion.
"It would be a horrible move. These regulations were a long time coming," said Tom McClusky, a vice president at Family Research Council. "What they seek to do is protect patients, nurses, doctors and other health care professionals from being forced to violate their consciences."
McClusky and other abortion opponents said the Bush regulation clarified federal policies and raised awareness about the rights of medical providers to follow their consciences. But abortion rights advocates said it was vague and overly broad, and could reduce access to other services -- allowing a drug store clerk to refuse to sell birth control pills, for example.
"I think it's a wonderful step," Rep. Diana DeGette, a Democrat who co-chairs the Congressional Pro-choice Caucus and has introduced legislation to overturn the regulation, said of Obama's move.
"That rule was actually a poorly drafted last-minute attempt to, I think, restrict health care access and I think it would have had far-reaching and unintended consequences."
Federal law has long forbidden discrimination against health care professionals who refuse to perform abortions or provide referrals for them on religious or moral grounds. The Obama administration supports those laws, said the HHS official.
The Bush administration's rule adds a requirement that institutions that get federal money certify their compliance with laws protecting the rights of moral objectors. It was intended to block the flow of federal funds to hospitals and other institutions that ignore those rights.
But the Obama administration was concerned that the Bush regulation could also be used to refuse birth control, family planning services and counseling for vaccines and transfusions.
"The administration supports a tightly written conscience clause," said the HHS official. "While we are concerned about the Bush rule, we also understand there might be a need to clarify existing laws."
The administration will review comments from the public before making a final decision. Options range from repealing the regulation to writing a new one with a narrower scope.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Under “OBAMACARE” will doctors who refuse to perform abortions be blacklisted and possibly forced out on threats of no pay? One has to wonder. Obamanazis will shut down all dissent.
God weeps for His defenseless little ones.
.....Thank you Lynn for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (10)
February 27, 2009
Sen. Boxer Tries to Hurry Children's 'rights' Treaty
Sen. Boxer tries to hurry children's 'rights' treaty
Opponents warn U.N. measure would put government in place of parents
Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., is urging a hurry-up timetable for adoption of a United Nations treaty she says provides for "basic human rights" for children but opponents argue would destroy parental rights to raise their children as they choose.
"Children deserve basic human rights ... and the convention protects children's rights by setting some standards here so that the most vulnerable people of society will be protected," Boxer said, according to Fox News.
Boxer wants quick action on the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, a proposal on which for 20 years Congress has refused to act because of concerns and questions.
The instrument was signed by President Clinton in 1995, but opposition and critics' concerns that it would override centuries of practice, policy and law regarding children have left it unadopted.
The document would create "the right of the child to freedom of thought, conscience and religion," which critics say would usurp the role of parents in directing their children's religious training.
But Boxer said during a hearing in the Senate recently she feels a "humiliation" that the U.S. has not adopted the plan.
WND reported just a week ago one of the nation's top experts on children's rights, Michael Farris, president of ParentalRights.org and chancellor of Patrick Henry College, said the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child would mean every decision a parent makes can be reviewed by the government to determine whether it is in the child's best interest.
"The left wants to make the Obama-Clinton era permanent. Treaties are a way to make it as permanent as stuff gets. It is very difficult to extract yourself from a treaty once you begin it. If they can put all of their left-wing socialist policies into treaty form, we're stuck with it even if they lose the next election," he warned.
According to the Parental Rights website, the CRC dictates the following:
Parents would no longer be able to administer reasonable spankings to their children.
A murderer aged 17 years, 11 months and 29 days at the time of his crime could no longer be sentenced to life in prison.
Children would have the ability to choose their own religion while parents would only have the authority to give their children advice about religion.
The best interest of the child principle would give the government the ability to override every decision made by every parent if a government worker disagreed with the parent's decision.
A child's "right to be heard" would allow him (or her) to seek governmental review of every parental decision with which the child disagreed.
According to existing interpretation, it would be illegal for a nation to spend more on national defense than it does on children's welfare.
Children would acquire a legally enforceable right to leisure.
Teaching children about Christianity in schools has been held to be out of compliance with the CRC.
Allowing parents to opt their children out of sex education has been held to be out of compliance with the CRC.
Children would have the right to reproductive health information and services, including abortions, without parental knowledge or consent.
The government would decide what is in the best interest of a children in every case, and the CRC would be considered superior to state laws, Farris said. Parents could be treated like criminals for making every-day decisions about their children's lives.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is one of the WORST things that this administration and congress could do.This is manipulation & control enacted “in the name of the children”. Boxer should be kicked out of office for violating her oath to uphold and protect the constitution and the sovereignty of the nation
It has been one thing after another with this corrupt administration. We are losing our freedoms, our country.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (8)
Americans Throw More Then 40 Nationwide Tea Parties Across U.S.
Americans throw more than 40 tea parties
Americans are saying enough is enough to extravagant government spending and throwing more than 40 tea parties across the nation in protest of the recent bailouts and "stimulus" package.
Kellen Giuda, an architect who was recently laid-off, is organizing his own New York City tea party. He has invited several prominent guest speakers, including politicians, elected officials, an author, blogger, a bond trader and a former contestant on "America's Next Top Model" to speak out against excessive government spending.
"I saw Rick Santelli's rant, live, and thought it was awesome," he told WND. "All of this fiscal irresponsibility is absurd."
He continued, "Then I started hearing about tea parties, and I decided to do it. It's really exciting. There are a lot of people getting involved now."
As WND reported, CNBC analyst Rick Santelli became a YouTube sensation after he spoke out against President Obama's proposed $275 billion deficit-financed homeowner bailout plan and other massive spending measures with a call for a new "tea party" from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
Giuda is working with Alex Zablocki, top staffer for New York State Sen. Andrew Lanza, to coordinate the New York event. Possible speakers include Kathleen Troia McFarland, deputy assistant secretary of defense for public affairs at the Pentagon from 1982 to 1985 under President Ronald Reagan; Brett Joshpe, conservative author and graduate of Harvard Law School; Sara-Racey Tabrizi, "America's Next Top Model" contestant and professional model and various elected officials.
The tea party will take place Feb. 28, at 2 p.m. in City Hall Park in Manhattan.
Giuda said similar nationwide events are becoming very popular as a growing number of Americans prepare to take to the streets.
"It's time we start fighting back with our own voice," he said. "America has a history of revolting and standing up to unfair taxation. "
Meanwhile, outraged citizens are organizing more than 40 tea party events across the nation. Official sponsors of the events include Top Conservatives on Twitter, Smart Girl Politics, Don'tGo Movement, FreedomWorks and Americans for Prosperity. Most of the tea parties will take place Feb. 27.
The following are a few scheduled tea parties:
Fayetteville, N.C. – Feb. 27 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at the corner of Bow Street and Hay Street where the Liberty Point Resolves were signed
Washington, D.C. – Feb. 27 from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. at the White House on the Lafayette Square Park side
Boston, Mass. – Feb. 27 from 11:50 p.m. to Feb. 28 at 1:50 p.m., location to be determined
Chicago, Ill. – Feb. 27 from 11 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. at Daley Plaza Civic Center
Atlanta, Ga. – Feb. 27 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at Georgia's capitol building in Atlanta
Orlando, Fla. – Feb. 27 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at Lake Eola on East Robinson and North Rosalind Ave
Dallas, Texas – Feb. 27 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Victory Plaza located at 3090 Olive St.
Fort Worth, Texas – Feb. 27 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Cowtown Bar & Grill located at 7108 Camp Bowie Blvd.
Houston, Texas – Feb. 27 at 12 p.m. at Fondren Lawn at Discovery Green
San Antonio, Texas – Feb. 27 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Alamo
Austin, Texas – Feb. 27 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Texas capitol building
Pittsburgh, Pa. – April 11 at Market Square on Forbes Avenue and Market Street
San Diego, Calif. – Feb. 27 from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. north of the Star of India on San Diego Bay
Tulsa, Okla. – Feb. 27 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Veteran's Park located at 2st Street and Boulder Avenue
Nashville, Tenn. – Feb. 27 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at Legislative Plaza located at 6th Avenue and Union Street
St. Louis, Mo. – Feb. 27 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Steps of Gateway Arch located on Wharf Street
Portland, Ore. – Feb. 27 from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. at Pioneer Courthouse Square at the corner of Broadway and Morrison
Kansas City, Mo. – Feb. 28 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the J.C. Nichols Foundation located at 47th and J.C. Nichols Parkway
Cleveland, Ohio – Feb. 27 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at 1 Public Square
Denver, Colo. – Feb. 27 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the east capitol steps
Fort Myers Beach, Fla. – Feb. 27 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Bowditch Park located at 50 Estero Blvd.
Lansing, Mich. – Feb. 27 from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the state capitol building at 100 N. Capitol Ave.
Omaha, Neb. – Feb. 27 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Douglas County Courthouse located at 16th Street and Farnam Street
Asheville, N.C. – Feb. 27 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Pritchard Park in downtown Asheville
Greenville, S.C. – Feb. 27 at 6 p.m. on the Reedy River & Walking Bridge
Nashville, Tenn. – Feb. 27 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.at Legislative Plaza on 6th and Union
Shelby County, Ala. – Feb. 27 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at the entrance to Eagle Point Neighborhood
Seattle, Wash. – Feb. 27 from 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. at Westlake Park at 410 Pine St.
Philadelphia, Penn. – Feb. 27 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at Independence Hall
Los Angeles, Calif. – Feb. 27 from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. at Santa Monica Pier
Sacramento, Calif. – Feb. 27 at 12 p.m. on north steps of state capitol on L Street
Springfield, Mo. – Feb. 27 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at Lake Springfield Park
Sarasota, Fla. – Feb. 27 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at Island Park and Marina Jacks at 41 Bayfront Drive and Ringling Boulevard
Phoenix, Ariz. – Feb. 27 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the state capitol building at 1700 Washington St.
Tampa, Fla. – Feb 27 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at the federal courthouse on 801. N. Florida Ave.
Oklahoma City, Okla. – Feb. 27 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the state capitol steps
New York City, N.Y. – Feb. 28 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. at City Hall Park
Wichita, Kan. – Feb. 27 at 11:30 a.m. outisde Sen. Sam Brownback's office at 245 N. Waco
Davenport, Iowa – Feb. 28 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at Main and Locust Street
Hartford, Conn. – Feb. 27 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at the state capitol
** Floridians Unite is looking down the road and planning an Orlando Tea Party for March 21.
"This will be a peaceful rally to unite our voices and express the love that we have for our great nation and the principles it was founded on," states the Floridians Unite website. "We want to make our politicians hear loud and clear that we are tired of the bailouts, the wasteful Washington spending and the push towards the socialization of this country! We want less government! We want to decide where our hard-earned money goes instead of the elitist politicians in Washington taking it and using it to buy votes, doling it out to special interest groups and pork barrel projects! We want our constitutional rights preserved and protected, not trampled on!"
At the Pittsburgh, Pa., Tea Party on April 11, organizers are inviting people to help them reenact the Boston Tea Party of Dec. 16, 1773, by bringing one tea bag each to Point State Park with plans of actually tossing the tea into the Alleghany, Monongahela and Ohio rivers.
"Somebody in our government needs to finally pay attention," said Fox News Channel host Glenn Beck on his radio program last week. "It is what I've been talking about that was coming for a very long time, and that is disenfranchisement, which will turn into anger and then turn into God knows what."
CNBC analyst Rick Santelli is hoping those demonstrations will result in real change.
During the televised segment where Santelli revived the term "tea party," CNBC panelist Wilbur Ross, chairman and CEO of WL Ross & Co., interjected, "Rick, I congratulate you on your new incarnation as a revolutionary leader."
"Somebody needs one," Santelli responded. "I'll tell you what, if you read our Founding Fathers, people like Benjamin Franklin and Jefferson, what we're doing in this country now is making them roll over in their graves."
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is a GREAT start! The socialists didn’t take over this country in a day. They did it incrementally over decades.
Our socialist govt has built a well guarded wall between we the people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (8)
February 26, 2009
The Son of Porkulus $410 Billion and 9000 Earmarks
BILL TITLE: Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009
H R 1105
Roll Call .....CLICK HERE to see the AYES and NAYS
Republicans assailed the measure as too costly — particularly on the heels of a $787 billion stimulus bill that Obama signed last week. But Democrats jabbed back.
From the GOP side, Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas said the legislation was "going to grow the government 8.3 percent ... but the family budget which has to pay for the federal budget only grew at 1.3 percent last year."
The debate occurred one day after Obama told Congress in a prime time television address that he intends to cut deficits in half over the next four years, and one day before he was submitting tax and spending plans for the coming year.
Obama also will seek $634 billion over 10 years as a down payment on health care reform, the start of an effort aimed at providing coverage for an estimated 48 million uninsured people. Achieving that goal could cost much more.
source for this part ....click to read full article about the health care
....."President Barack Obama wants a significant "down payment" for overhauling the health care system: $634 billion over 10 years. A senior administration official says Obama's budget calls for financing the overhaul by trimming Medicare spending and limiting tax deductions for upper-income earners. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the budget won't be released until Thursday. ."......
Obama also intends to ask lawmakers to approve a new cap-and-trade system of limits and pollution allowances, especially for industries such as utilities with coal burning power plants. The program would help reduce greenhouse gas emissions while generating revenue that could help finance other elements of an ambitious agenda that includes health care and education reform.
Rep. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., said the bill included at least a dozen earmarks for clients of PMA Group, a lobbying company now at the center of a federal corruption investigation.
"It's simply not responsible to allow a soon-to-be-criminally indicted lobbying firm to win funding, all borrowed, in this bill," he said. No charges have been filed against the firm or its principals, although the company's offices were raided earlier this month, and it has announced plans to disband by the end of the month.
Federal prosecutors are investigating PMA Group's founder and president, Paul Magliochetti, who is a former top aide to Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee that funds defense programs.
In remarks on the House floor, Republican leader John Boehner urged Obama to veto the legislation, citing earmarks.
At the White House, press secretary Robert Gibbs responded only in general terms whether that was possible.
"There is great concern in this building and by the president about earmarks," Gibbs said. "Without having looked specifically at a piece of legislation, I'm hesitant to throw out that four-letter word, `Veto.'"
Wild Thing's comment........
This was H.R. 1105, the earmark laden "Omnibust Appropriations Act, 2009
Spending ourselves out of a country.
The Congress pigs wanted to keep these bills under a trillion $$s as to not alarm the public so they give it to you what they think are in bite sizes.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (6)
Oklahoma House Passes Sovereignty Bill
Oklahoma's House of Representatives is the first legislative body to pass a state sovereignty resolution this year under the terms of the Tenth Amendment.
The Oklahoma House of Representatives passed House Joint Resolution 1003 Feb. 18 by a wide margin, 83 to 13, resolving,
"That the State of Oklahoma hereby claims sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution of the United States."
The language of HJR 1003 further serves notice to the federal government "to cease and desist, effectively immediately, mandates that are beyond the scope of these constitutionally delegated powers."
The sponsor of the resolution, state Rep. Charles Key, told WND the measure was a 'big step toward addressing the biggest problem we have in this country – the federal government violating the supreme law of the land."
"The Constitution either means what it says, or it doesn't mean anything at all," Key said. "The federal government must honor and obey the Constitution, just like the states and this citizens of this country are obligated to do, or our system of government begins to fall apart."
The Ninth Amendment reads,
"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
The Tenth Amendment specifically provides,
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Key argued that whenever "we allow the federal government, or any other government entity, to violate the Constitution, we destroy the Constitution one piece at a time."
"We have gone so far down that path that the Constitution is hanging by a thread right now," he said.
Last year, the same resolution introduced by Key passed the Oklahoma House, but the floor leader in the Senate, Democrat Sen. Charles Lassiter, used his authority to block consideration of the measure on the Senate floor.
But state Sen. Randy Brogdon has sponsored comparable legislation, and he told WND the "chances are excellent" it "will be passed in the Senate this session."
Brogdon said his bill, SJR 10, has made it out of committee and will be heard on the Senate floor in the next couple of weeks. The lawmaker said he will double-track HJR 1003 to increase the chances one of the sovereignty resolutions gets to the Senate floor.
"We going to work Rep. Charles Key's bill through the committee," Brogdon said, "and our goal in the Senate is to use HCR 1003 as the final bill."
Wild Thing's comment.........
I am thrilled another State has been added to the list. Good for you, Oklahoma
I wish so much Florida would do this. I have been emailing about this ever since we all found out about it.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (11)
February 25, 2009
Tax Revolt Meeting Draws Up to 1,400 People
Calling it a revolution and vowing that the anti-tax movement exploding across the county has yet to reach its critical mass, organizers and members of the fledgling group say profligate spending, oppressively high tax rates and a political class that has lost touch with its constituents are in the crosshairs of change.
In an astonishing show of strength and depth, as many as 1,400 people went to Hillsborough on Monday night to protest the county's large hikes in property revaluations and to learn how to combat what many see as abuse of power. The crowd grew so large so fast that the fire marshal began turning back the crush of people trying to enter the Big Barn in the Daniel Boone Village, whose parking lot was jammed tightly with cars and lines of people stretching all the way to Churton Street hundreds of feet away.
"We went up there because I'd been outraged at how high our valuation is on our house," said Nancy Oates of Chapel Hill. "We were absolutely stunned that there were so many people there."
That wasn't the only surprise.
"We kind of thought it would be all people from northern Orange County, that there would be a lot of pickup trucks and ball hats. But there were a lot of people of all ages, all races . . . in business suits and professional dress," Oates said. "There were some from Chapel Hill and Carrboro, and that kind of surprised me, the diversity of the crowd."
Oates believes property values in her Mendel Drive neighborhood in Chapel Hill's Old Forest Creek neighborhood is "being revalued based on Carolina North being built, but that's all on hold. . . we're a long way from that."
She said she has appealed her revaluation, and after attending Monday's meeting, "I was very heartened to see that so many people evidently felt like I did."
Nobody is more shocked than the founder of the movement, Bryan Berger of Carrboro, who called Monday's meeting "a spectacle. I mean it was an event."
"I started this in my house three Wednesdays ago with 26 people," and 10 others unable to attend, Berger said. "This truly is exploding."
"We thought, 'Well, gosh, if 300 people show up we'll feel good," Berger said. "The whole place was full by 7. People were sitting on floors, people were sitting on tables, it was standing room only."
When he walked outside to see how many people the fire marshal was denying admission to, Berger said he "looked at these people and it brought chills to me" realizing the line went all the way to the street.
"People are absolutely sick of the way these governments -- Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Orange County -- are spending money," Berger said. "People love living in these communities. . . but these political fools are destroying it.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is great news and since all of this has just started it should grow to even more in the coming months.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (4)
February 24, 2009
HUSSEIN Obama Drives His Crisis Causing Stock Market to Fall to 1997 Levels
I fell in to a burning ring of fire
It went down, down, down
And the flames went higher
And it burns, burns, burns
Major stock market indexes fall to 1997 levels
Monday February 23, 10:52 pm ET
Dow, S&P 500 fall to 1997 levels as sagging confidence pulls stocks lower; Dow falls 251
"People left and right are throwing in the towel," said Keith Springer, president of Capital Financial Advisory Services.
"The biggest thing I see here is the incredible pessimism," Springer said. "The government is doing a lousy job of alleviating fears."( the government = OBAMA...yep mr. crisis maker!!!! - wild thing)
Is It Any Wonder The Market Continues To Sink?
Wild Thing's comment.........
The market is voting NO CONFIDENCE in Obama.
Market to Obama: “Did you think making announcements on the weekend about your plans to further destroy capitalism would avoid the death spiral you’ve sent us into? Wrong, yet again...”
Just my opinion and not an expert at this, but I honestly think Wall Street does NOT want to trust B. HUSEIN Obama and his band of tax cheats with the nationalizing of the banks, especially when you consider Wall Street KNOWS where the real problems lay and that DC isn’t doing squat to fix them.
How far does it have to drop, and for how long does it have to be there, before the Koolaid drinking Obama voters come to the realization that this is now the Obama economy not the Bush economy? It is sad to see, the ship of state is sinking, and they've thrown all the treasure chests overboard.
Wave after wave of crushing debt can only have one effect, and we are seeing it in spades.
Actually, communists ( the Progressives in our government and that would include Obama and too many others ) must be having a wonderful time watching the market collapse. Karl Marx or was it Lenin, predicted capitalism would collapse and they believe this is it. Just a thought. It more then likely is that Obama's goal is the destruction of the economy and the move toward pure dependent communism. Obama is systematically destroying all the wealth the middle class has managed to accumulate. It is part of the plan to destroy the middle class and make them part of the working poor.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (16)
Obama's Stimulus Bill ~ Our Nightmare
Video of Republican Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal today after meeting with the President, along with other Governors, at the White House. Jindal lays out strongly what the Stimulus Bill should have been like, even giving specifics on some of the pork in the bill that was signed into law by Obama.
$200,000 for “Tattoo Removal Violence Prevention Outreach Program,” pg. 283
National Council of La Raza, $473,000 earmark from Sens. Bingaman and Menendez, pg. 212.
RNC Chairman Michael Steele told Neil Cavuto that he is open to cutting GOP funding for the 3 Senate traitors who voted for the largest spending bill in US history. Steele says he will wait and see what the state GOP parties decide about the traitors. Senators Specter, Snowe and Collins voted in favor of the trillion dollar pork-bloated bill.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Not everyone is as stupid as Obama and Pelosi thought. The Stimulus bill will get the States that accept the money tied to the FederalGovernment more then they are. Standard Socialist Government Policy.
......Thank you SSgT Steve for the cartoon for this.
SSgt Steve
1st MarDiv, H Co., 2nd Bn, 5th Marine Regiment
2/5 Marines, Motto: "Retreat, Hell"
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (10)
Obama Porkenstein and Pelosi Bride of Porkenstein Porkulus PART TWO
Another Huge Spending Bill Planned For
Here we go again! House Republicans are bracing for another onslaught of out-of-control Democrat-authored spending as the omnibus bill is expected to hit the floor of the House this week.
And it’ll be yet another spending bill House Republicans and the American people have not yet been allowed to see and the Democrats haven’t even bothered to read.
As if the $1.2 trillion Democrats spent on “stimulus” last week wasn’t enough of a disaster, this colossal bill encompasses the remaining nine appropriations bills for fiscal year 2009 sloughed off by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).
House minority leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) called upon the Speaker Thursday to release the voluminous spending bill online without delay.
“If Democratic leaders plan to schedule a vote on the half-trillion dollar omnibus spending bill next week, they should post the legislation online immediately so the American people have adequate time to read the measure and understand what is in it,” Boehner said. “My colleagues in the Republican leadership and I made this request two weeks ago, and to date, our request has gone unanswered. Time is running short, and American taxpayers deserve to know how their hard-earned tax dollars will be used under this legislation.”
Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.), the House Republican Conference chairman, joined Boehner in asking again - apparently in vain -- for an open process from the secretive Democrat leadership this time around.
“More than two weeks ago, House Republicans called on Speaker Pelosi to post online the text of the upcoming half-trillion dollar ‘omnibus’ spending bill, bringing it out of the shadows and before the American people,” Pence said. “So far, that call has gone unanswered. Democrats continue to spend the people’s money in secret. I renew my call for Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Obey to immediately post the text of this bill online, and allow the American people an opportunity to see how their tax dollars are being spent. As we recently learned, legislation negotiated in secret produces bad public policy. This can be avoided. We need to reopen the appropriations process to the American public.”
The omnibus spending bill was originally placed on the legislative calendar over two weeks ago, yet that proved inconvenient to ramming through the obscene “stimulus” bill. Shaky Blue Dog Democrats -- in what passes for their idea of fiscal responsibility this Congressional session -- were not comfortable with trying to pass the bloated trillion dollar “stimulus” spending bill while porking up another half-trillion in omnibus spending.
As was the case with the Obama-Pelosi “stimulus” bill, Democrats appear determined to keep this massive spending bill under wraps, too, so the American people won’t know what’s in it, and Republicans will not have time to read what has historically been a bill literally thousands of pages in length.
House and Senate Democrat apparatchiki appear unconcerned with voting on bills that their Dear Leaders have not allowed them time to read. Republicans are, however, troubled by this tyrannical behavior, as they have not even been consulted, much less informed, of the floor schedule for the omnibus bill, nor have they been told when they may be allowed to see the thousands of pages contained in these nine remaining spending bills.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Democrats spending we the people's money in secret once again. They are so control driven so control obsessed.
The US Government has become like an old abandoned colonial mansion, reclaimed by the jungle and overrun by a band of monkeys.
None of the Republicans should vote on this, they should walk out!
The Democrats are hell-bent to bankrupt the nation, as many individuals as possible, and force us into economic slavery
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (4)
Some Rep. Gov.'s Speak Against Obama's Economic Policies
Republican Governors Step Up Attacks on Obama Economic Policies
Republican governors attacked President Barack Obama’s economic policies, warning that the $787 billion stimulus package will saddle states with obligations they can’t afford.
Obama’s “short-term” thinking and deficit spending are “digging yet another hole for ourselves,” said South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, a Republican, on “Fox News Sunday.” He said he may not accept all of the $8 billion in stimulus money designated for his state. Democrats criticized that approach as insensitive.
“This is about real people who, through no fault of their own, are laid off because of a recession, and they need to be able to put food on the table,” said Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm of Michigan, which has a 10.6 percent unemployment rate, the nation’s highest. Granholm said she would accept all the stimulus money and be “first in line” to “take their dollars too” if South Carolina leaves funds unspent.
The Republican criticism may be a preview of partisan battles later this week when Obama is scheduled to release an outline of his 2010 spending plan. The president plans to cut the federal deficit to $533 billion by 2013 with higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans and an end to the war in Iraq, according to an administration official.
Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, a Republican, said investors won’t take kindly to Obama’s tax policies.
Market Reaction
“Wait ‘til you see the markets’ reaction to what he unveils later this week, which is increasing taxes in the middle of a deep, deep recession,” Pawlenty said on “Fox News Sunday.”
“If you believe they’re going to take seriously the idea of cutting down the deficit when they are exploding spending at a historic pace, I’ve got some hunting land for you in northern Minnesota.”
Pennsylvania’s Democratic Governor Edward Rendell said a tax increase won’t hurt.
“We heard these same arguments when Bill Clinton raised taxes on the top 2 percent of the richest people in America to get rid of the deficit,” he said. “And guess what happened? We produced 24 million new jobs. We had the eight years that were the most successful in the second half economically of the 20th century.”
Republican Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” said he is rejecting $100 million in unemployment assistance in the stimulus plan because it would force the state to raise business taxes to pay for the extra aid once the federal dollars run out.
“It requires us to make a permanent change in our law,” he said. “It’s like spending a dollar to get a dime.”
Falling Tax Revenue
Obama’s economic stimulus plan won’t offset falling tax revenue that has forced states to cut spending and raise taxes to balance their budgets, governors meeting in Washington said, including Democrats.
“States have a cumulative deficit that is more than double the money we get,” Rendell said. “There’s not a state in this union that’s going to be able to wipe away all its problems.”
The economic crisis dominated talk at the National Governors Association’s annual winter meeting in Washington this weekend. The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit its lowest level since 1997 last week. Government reports showed industrial output sank in January for a sixth time in seven months and housing starts plunged 17 percent.
Companies from General Motors Corp. to Alcoa Inc. are slashing jobs and cutting production as the recession threatens to become the worst slump in the postwar era.
Pennsylvania’s Woes
Pennsylvania cut $1 billion from its budget and raised $218 million in additional revenue with taxes on tobacco and other products, said Rendell, chairman of the governor’s group. The stimulus, even with about $100 billion in infrastructure spending for states, is no cure-all, he said.
The economic meltdown continues to take its toll: 43 U.S. states report the need for additional spending cuts or tax increases before their current budget years end, the Denver-based National Conference of State Legislatures reports. Thirty-four states face widening budget gaps as they prepare spending plans for the 2009-10 fiscal years.
The request of U.S. carmakers for as much as $21.6 billion in new loans on top of $17.4 billion in aid already provided by President George W. Bush sparked renewed debate today. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, said the reorganization proposals from GM and Chrysler LLC are inadequate.
“The companies are not doing what needs to be done to save the companies,” McConnell said on CNN’s “State of the Union” Program. “That puts us on a long-term policy of the government simply propping up this industry endlessly.”
A Wider Meltdown
Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, a Democrat, said the auto industry bailout can prevent a wider meltdown in U.S. manufacturing across a “very fragile” network of parts makers that supply all foreign and domestic carmakers.
“I’ve had officials from the Honda Motor Co. come to me and say to me, ‘Governor, we’re not usually in the business of advocating for our competitors, but it is so important that the auto industry and the Big 3 be preserved,’” Strickland said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”
The Big 3 are Ford Motor Co., GM and Chrysler.
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a moderate Republican, issued a plea for cooperation between his party and Democrats.
“They should make an effort to work together and to find what is best for the people, because by derailing everything, it’s not going to help anybody, and it creates instability and insecurity,” he told ABC’s “This Week.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
The title of the actual article is not accurate, because it quotes Arnold a rino that is looking forward to the money.
Ole Arnie keeps wanting to give handouts and special programs for the illegals and then begs for money from this stimulus bill. sheesh.
Sadly the Gov. here in Florida is NOT one of them. grrrrrrr He is such a rino it is sickening! These two Arnold and Gov. Charlie Crist both of them could compete for rino Gov of the day and there would be a tie.
Gov. Jindal on " Meet The Press" on Sunday said this as well. I loved it because we keep hearing from the rino's in our party how we have to not listen to the conservative base and be more open to things like abortion etc. to reach out to a broader base.
“I don’t think we expand by becoming an imitation of the other party,” Jindal said.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:44 AM | Comments (4)
B.Hussein O. Announces Biden to Oversee Stimulus Implementation
Barack Obama announced yesterday that Vice-President Joe Biden will oversee his administration's implementation of the $787 Billion Stimulus Plan recently passed by Congress and signed into law.
Wild Thing's comment..........
LOL.....You’ve got to be kidding. Biden? Might as well be Barney Frank, Chris Dodd or Maxine Waters. This new administration is a joke. A really bad, destructive joke.
Obama just had to pick the second dumbest person in the country to oversee the stimulus implementation. God help us!
I feel so much better now....NOT. I don't know about you, but I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Might as well laugh, nothing we can do about this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (5)
February 23, 2009
The RAT Hiding Deep Inside The Stimulus Bill
The RAT hiding deep inside the stimulus bill
By Byron York
Chief political correspondent
The far-reaching — and potentially dangerous — provision that no one knows about.
You’ve heard a lot about the astonishing spending in the $787 billion economic stimulus bill, signed into law this week by President Barack Obama.
But you probably haven’t heard about a provision in the bill that threatens to politicize the way allegations of fraud and corruption are investigated — or not investigated — throughout the federal government.
The provision, which attracted virtually no attention in the debate over the 1,073-page stimulus bill, creates something called the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board — the RAT Board, as it’s known by the few insiders who are aware of it.
The board would oversee the in-house watchdogs, known as inspectors general, whose job is to independently investigate allegations of wrongdoing at various federal agencies, without fear of interference by political appointees or the White House.
In the name of accountability and transparency, Congress has given the RAT Board the authority to ask “that an inspector general conduct or refrain from conducting an audit or investigation.” If the inspector general doesn’t want to follow the wishes of the RAT Board, he’ll have to write a report explaining his decision to the board, as well as to the head of his agency (from whom he is supposedly independent) and to Congress. In the end, a determined inspector general can probably get his way, but only after jumping through bureaucratic hoops that will inevitably make him hesitate to go forward.
When Iowa Republican Sen. Charles Grassley, a longtime champion of inspectors general, read the words “conduct or refrain from conducting,” alarm bells went off. The language means that the board — whose chairman will be appointed by the president — can reach deep inside a federal agency and tell an inspector general to lay off some particularly sensitive subject. Or, conversely, it can tell the inspector general to go after a tempting political target.
“This strikes at the heart of the independence of inspectors general,” Grassley told me this week, in a phone conversation between visits to town meetings in rural Iowa. “Anytime an inspector general has somebody questioning his authority, it tends to dampen the aggressiveness with which they pursue something, particularly if it’s going to make the incumbent administration look bad.”
I asked Grassley how he learned that the RAT Board was part of the stimulus bill. You’d think that as a member of the House-Senate conference committee, he would have known all about it. But it turns out Grassley’s office first heard about the provision creating the RAT Board last Wednesday, in a tip from a worried inspector general. It wasn’t until Friday morning — after the bill was finished and just hours before the Senate was to begin voting — that Grassley discovered the board was in the final text. “This was snuck in,” Grassley told me. “It wasn’t something that was debated.”
Snuck in by whom? It’s not entirely clear. “I intend to get down to the bottom of where this comes from,” Grassley vowed. “And quite frankly, it better not come from this administration, because this administration has reminded us that it is not about business as usual, that it is for total transparency.”
Maybe not this time. When I inquired with the office of a Democratic senator, one who is a big fan of inspectors general, I was told the RAT Board was “something the Obama administration wanted included in this bill.” When I asked the White House, staffers told me they’d look into it. So for now, at least, there’s been no claim of paternity.
The RAT Board has all sorts of other things wrong with it. For one thing, it’s redundant; there is already a board through which inspectors general police themselves, created last year in the Inspectors General Reform Act. For another thing, it could complicate criminal investigations stemming from inspector general probes. And then there’s the question of what it has to do with stimulating the economy.
But none of that matters now. It’s the law.
Last Friday, when he learned the RAT Board was in the final bill, Grassley wanted to voice his objections on the Senate floor. But there was no time in the rush to a vote, so Grassley’s statement went unread. “It’s fitting that the acronym for this board is RAT,” he was prepared to tell the Senate, “because that’s what I smell here.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
Wow. I wonder what other "jewels" have been snuck into this "stimulus" package.
Thank you Sen. Charles Grassley, keep up the good work.
It is becoming more obvious day after day that this package is simply designed to entrench the Democrat Party with power for decades. Reward the irresponsible, expand the welfare state, spread the wealth, and oh, allow us to get away with murder if we so choose.
I am glad Sen. Charles Grassley is pointing this new law that was snuck into the bill. I hope more of them do this as they find out things.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM | Comments (16)
Tea Parties For Our Beloved America
Time and PlaceDate: Friday, February 27, 2009
Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Daley Plaza Civic Center
Street: 50 W Washington St.
There are over 1,000 people planning to attend.
We now have confirmed that there will be Nationwide Chicago Tea Party events at 25 cities around the country at noon EST on Friday February 27.
Please plan to participate in this exciting event to protest the Obama Administration’s and our the US Congresses’ economic policies and massive spending bills! Many of our politicians and elected officials have become so removed from reality, they do not even listen to us anymore! It is time we stand up as citizens of this great land and let our voices be heard! This is our country too!
Please plan to attend this event on Friday, February 27th at Daley Plaza Civic Center. Please bring yourself, family members and friends! The more people we have in attendance, the more attention we will get and our voices will be heard all the way in Washington DC and around the nation!
Please bring signs, camera, and camcorders with you! Also, please don’t forget your tea bags and/or tea leaves!
Dallas/ Fort Worth area
The protest will be held on the outside stage at The Cowtown Bar & Grill on Friday, Feb. 27, from 3pm to 7pm, located at 7108 Camp Bowie Blvd Fort Worth, TX. Music, food, and great fiscal conservative company guaranteed.
The " Desert Son" band will be performing at the Dallas/Fort Worth protest.
And in St. Louis
St. Louis Tea Party At the Arch -- St. Louis area conservatives will host a protest against the Obama Generational Theft Act this Friday at 11 AM at the steps of the St. Louis Gateway Arch.
Also....... How to plan one of the Tea Parties also more information about what is going on with the Tea Parties.
The nationwide series of Tea Parties that are being held through the country on Friday, Feb. 27 at noon East Coast Time and 9 am Pacific Time.
Site locations with links you can CLICK HERE
San Diego, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Orange County, CA
Hartford, CT
Atlanta, GA
Chicago, Illinois
Boston, MA
Omaha, Nebraska
New Hampshire
New Mexico
New York, New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Nashville, Tennessee
Washington, D.C
Washington State
West Virginia
And this .........................
Shortly after class, an economics student approaches his economics professor and says, "I don't understand this stimulus bill. Can you explain it to me?"
The professor replied, "I don't have any time to explain it at my office, but if you come over to my house on Saturday and help me with my weekend project, I'll be glad to explain it to you." The student agreed.
At the agreed-upon time, the student showed up at the professor's house. The professor stated that the weekend project involved his backyard pool.
They both went out back to the pool, and the professor handed the student a bucket. Demonstrating with his own bucket, the professor said, "First, go over to the deep end, and fill your bucket with as much water as you can." The student did as he was instructed.
The professor then continued, "Follow me over to the shallow end, and then dump all the water from your bucket into it." The student was naturally confused, but did as he was told.
The professor then explained they were going to do this many more times, and began walking back to the deep end of the pool. The confused student asked, "Excuse me, but why are we doing this?"
The professor matter-of-factly stated that he was trying to make the shallow end much deeper.
The student didn't think the economics professor was serious, but figured that he would find out the real story soon enough. However, after the 6th trip between the shallow end and the deep end, the student began to become worried that his economics professor had gone mad.
The student finally replied, "All we're doing is wasting valuable time and effort on unproductive pursuits. Even worse, when this process is all over, everything will be at the same level it was before, so all you'll really have accomplished is the destruction of what could have been truly productive action!"
The professor put down his bucket and replied with a smile, "Congratulations. You now understand the stimulus bill."
Wild Thing's comment..........
This is wonderful, and it really is growing. I saw at one of the other blogs they are also going to continue this during the summer as well.
H/T Michelle Malkin blog
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (10)
Tick Tock U.S. National Debt Clock Since Obama
The Porkulus bill is off budget, i.e., it is not part of the regular budget. However, it will be included in the annual budget deficit and in the cummulative national debt. The national debt has grown by about $150 billion since Obama took office 30 days ago.
The Outstanding Public Debt as of 23 Feb 2009 at 07:07:08 AM GMT is:

The estimated population of the United States is 305,697,683
so each citizen's share of this debt is $35,374.54.
Wild Thing's comment......
Why double the debt in eight years when you can quadruple it in four. sheesh
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:44 AM | Comments (4)
February 22, 2009
Anti-Stimulus Protests Sprout Up Across America
Right Wing Anti-Stimulus Rally in Colorado
The right-wingers came out in full force today to protest President Obama's signing of the economic stimulus package. The whole gang was there, with pigs--Michelle Malkin, State Senator Josh Penry, Congressman Mike Coffman, Colorado GOP Chairman Dick Wadhams, State Senator Dave Schultheis, former Congressman Tom Tancredo, and Independence Institute president Jon Caldara.
More than 465,685 Americans who have already signed the petition!
No Stimulus.com...website
Anti-Stimulus Protests Sprout Up
Seattle on Monday. Denver on Tuesday. Mesa AZ on Wednesday. Overland Park, Kansas yesterday (Saturday)
Chicago, and including Washington DC, Fayetteville NC, San Diego CA, Omaha Nebraska, and dozens of other locations” for next Friday.
by David Hogberg
Holding signs reading "Stimulate Business, Not Government," "Families Against Porkulus" and "Say No To Generational Theft," protesters opposed to the $787 billion stimulus package have been mobilizing across the country.
It started last Monday in Seattle, then moved Tuesday to Denver, where President Obama signed the stimulus bill into law. That was followed by another one in Mesa, Ariz., where Obama unveiled a mortgage rescue plan.
Another protest was planned for Saturday outside the office of Rep. Dennis Moore in Overland Park, Kan. The Democrat voted for the stimulus. His office didn't return calls seeking comment.
A New Populism?
As unemployment soars and anger over Wall Street bailouts mounts, public outrage will seek an outlet. Populism could go in many directions — and could easily ebb when the economy revives.
But if it takes shape as an anti-spending movement, it could revive conservatives much as the 1970s tax protests did.
To be sure, the protest sizes so far are a far cry from the left's anti-globalization and anti-war demonstrations of the past decade. But they appear to have grass-roots origins.
Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., is already taking heat for providing one of the three critical GOP votes for the stimulus. Some voters interrupted his press conference in Cranberry, Pa., on Thursday.
by Tony Katz
In the midst of all that surrounds us - stimulus packages, bailouts, auto bailouts, mortgage bailouts, a strong and palpable Socialist ideal, holier than thou Senators, (like Schumer D-NY) and a MSM that refuses to speak the truth at anytime - we do not stand alone.
Even before Rick Santelli made his voice heard on CNBC, the voices of reason, of true compassion, of America were making themselves heard. Instead of being despondent after the elections of Nov. 4th, groups of people began saying “Ok, how do we make this better?”
From housewives and entrepreneurs to college students and scholars and millions upon millions from all walks of life, a loud battle cry was sounded - a Clarion call if you will - that we are not just going to sit and accept our lot. That we are right. That personal responsibility, free market capitalism and upholding the Constitution are not just words but a gateway to a better life. Not only for those who believe in them, but even for those who want to destroy them.
In 4 months time, the movement is on. It is loud, dynamic, respectful, successful and joyful. And it is all of these things in the midst of all that surrounds us. The power of our words, the strength of our convictions, the belief in ourselves has those who oppose us baffled, befuddled and quite simply amazed. So much done in such little time. Just imagine what it all looks like tomorrow? Imagine what it looks like in 2010?
In the midst of all that surrounds us let us never forget how great this feels. That we took our voices, banded together and decided that this is our time. We did not despair, we did not hide. We stood up, and joined with each other arm in arm. And we said, This is our country. We want it back, and we are taking it.
I’m not sure if this is how they felt in 1776, but I can only imagine they did. Because this feels great. Now, let’s get our country back.
WE Surround Them
Do you watch the direction that America is being taken in and feel powerless to stop it?
Do you believe that your voice isn’t loud enough to be heard above the noise anymore?
Do you read the headlines everyday and feel an empty pit in your stomach…as if you’re completely alone?
If so, then you’ve fallen for the Wizard of Oz lie. While the voices you hear in the distance may sound intimidating, as if they surround us from all sides—the reality is very different. Once you pull the curtain away you realize that there are only a few people pressing the buttons, and their voices are weak. The truth is that they don’t surround us at all.
We surround them.
So, how do we show America what’s really behind the curtain? Below are nine simple principles. If you believe in at least seven of them, then we have something in common. I urge you to read the instructions at the end for how to help make your voice heard.
The Nine Principles
1. America is good.
2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.
3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.
You Are Not Alone
If you agree with at least seven of those principles, then you are not alone.
Please send a digital version of your picture to: wesurroundthem@foxnews.com and then stay tuned to the radio and television shows over the coming weeks to see how we intend to pull back the curtain.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama's stimulus package is socialism. It will never work and those of us, you and me we know it. He won't listen to othe Republican leadership that tried to get through to him. We saw how Pelosi pulled a fast one turning in the bill late at night, the very night before the big vote.
The market votes every single day—and they don’t like it either.
America is the greatest country in the world and these protests across America warm my heart .
Obama and the Democratic Party are intentionally trying to scare people instead of doing something that would improve the economic situation.
Obama and his people and the rinos like some of the Gov.'s begging for the stimulus money are economically going to destroying jobs and wealth for the next two years. For that they justily deserve to pay a very high price; they should be voted out of office.
And worse yet, if it could be worse, Obama is out and out lying about the economic situation and the so-called stimulus package and he knows it. It is a socialist bill and the beginning for something our Founding Fathers did all they could to keep it from happening.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (8)
National Guard Scraps Plans to Invade Rural Town
National Guard scraps plans to invade rural town
Following publicized reports that the Army National Guard was planning a military training exercise on the streets of a rural Iowa town, the commanding officers have called off the mock "invasion."
The Guard had planned a four-day urban military operation in tiny Arcadia, Iowa, population 443, sending troops to take over the town and search door-to-door for a suspected weapons dealer.
The exercise was designed as a mock scenario to give soldiers the skills needed for deployment in an urban environment, and military officials stressed that only households that consented to be part of the drill would be searched.
"It will be important for us to gain the trust and confidence of the residents of Arcadia," Sgt. Mike Kots, readiness NCO for Alpha Company, told Carroll's Daily Times Herald. "We will need to identify individuals that are willing to assist us in training by allowing us to search their homes and vehicles and to participate in role-playing.
"We really want to get as much information out there as possible," Kots continued, "because this operation could be pretty intrusive to the people of Arcadia."
Military spokesman Lt. Col. Greg Hapgood, however, told WND that the operation has now been "scaled back" and no longer involves an "invasion" of Arcadia.
And while Hapgood confirmed the Guard had been inundated with objections from citizens concerned about soldiers patrolling the streets of an American town, he said most came from people out of state and unfamiliar with the operation. Iowans, he explained, typically cooperate with the Guard. The change in plans was based on troop evaluation, he said, not public outcry.
"Higher headquarters leadership," Hapgood told WND, "given the unit's status of training proficiency, made a decision to scale back the exercise."
Kots described the original operation to the Herald as set to begin on Thursday, April 2, with reconnaissance and exploratory patrols. On April 4 convoys were to be deployed from the armory in Carroll to nearby Arcadia, where soldiers would knock on doors, showing a picture of the invented "arms dealer."
"Once credible intelligence has been gathered," said Kots, "portions of the town will be road-blocked and more in-depth searches of homes and vehicles will be conducted in accordance with the residents' wishes.
"One of the techniques we use in today's political environment is cordon and knock," Kots explained. "We ask for the head of the household, get permission to search, then have them open doors and cupboards. The homeowner maintains control. We peer over their shoulder, and the soldier uses the homeowner's body language and position to protect him."
The planned drill had also included overhead supervision from a Blackhawk helicopter, crowd-control measures and simulated extraction of "injured" people, culminating in capture of the "arms dealer."
"This exercise will improve the real-life operational skills of the unit," said Kots. "And it will hopefully improve the public's understanding of military operations."
"There are no active duty bases in Iowa, so there are no urban warfare training areas of any size," Hopgood said. "In order to get that larger neighborhood feel or city feel, we have to be creative and partner with our communities."
Hopgood further told WND that in past cooperative exercises with the community, the people of Iowa have welcomed learning how their sons and daughters operate in action.
Plans for the urban operation training, Hopgood explained, are still set to continue, but will be conducted in a smaller, platoon-by-platoon basis in the near vicinity of the Carroll armory.
Here is a story from a few months ago regarding an exercise of the same kind in Indianapolis:
Indianapolis To Become "Mock Battlefield"
Circle City to be site of three week long urban warfare training
Indianapolis will become a "mock battlefield" for the next three weeks according to local press, as over two thousand marines will stage a huge urban warfare training exercise in and around the city.
About 2,300 Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, based at Camp Lejeune, N.C., will conduct urban warfare training from Wednesday through June 19 in and around Indianapolis, reports the Indy Star.
The Marines have been granted permission by state, federal and local authorities to fire weapons, conduct patrols, run vehicle checkpoints, react to ambushes and employ nonlethal weapons after landing helicopters and deploying throughout various parks, stadiums and fairgrounds.
“We don’t want anyone thinking that there’s an invasion happening or that we declared martial law or something like that,” Debbi Fletcher of the Indianapolis/Marion County Emergency Management Agency commented.
“Our aim in Indianapolis is to expose our Marines to realistic scenarios and stresses posed by operating in an actual urban community, thereby increasing their proficiency in built-up areas,” Col. Mark J. Desens, commander of the 26th MEU, said in a statement. “While some of the activity will take place around Camp Atterbury, residents in many areas can expect to see helicopters flying overhead, military vehicles on the roads and Marines patrolling on foot,” Desens said.
~ snipet ~
There have been literally thousands of these kind of operations in the planning and going on for years now. Many designed to use the military on the streets of American cities in direct violation of Posse Comitatus. The Pentagon has a full Command in operation working on these activities, the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).
We have seen how new provisions will effectively nullify the U.S. constitution, and a recent spate of executive orders, in particular PDD 51, outline preparations for the implementation of open martial law in the event of a declared national emergency.
The Pentagon has "War Plans" drafted in the event of any type of terror attack, which would be coordinated by Northcom in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security and would involve martial law and thousands of troops on the streets.
Wild Thing's comment.........
"Hopgood further told WND that in past cooperative exercises with the community, the people of Iowa have welcomed learning how their sons and daughters operate in action."
Well except for one thing, one huge thing. In the past we did not have a man named Barack Hussein Obama in the White House and his fellow travelers communists and thugs in his administration. It is very different today than four years ago. Today, the stimulus bill has opened up Pandora’s box. Four years ago, we had a moral President, now we how a Nietzsche specialist in the WH.
Whoever commissioned this can develop some baselines for his study, which is the genuine point of this drill.
Let's say forinstance the questions as, "The percentage of homeowners who will comply with a voluntary search of their home for firearms."
This is a crucial bit of information, for those who would disarm us. IMO
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (12)
Rick Santelli on The Kudlow Report
Rick Santelli Rips up Mortgage Bill
On The Kudlow Report , Larry Kudlow and Rick Santelli discuss Obama's stimulus bailout handout bill.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I love how he rips it up. haha Good one Rick!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (2)
February 21, 2009
Executive Office of the Pres. the White House Office of Urban Affairs
Obama's CRIB ( formerly known as our White House - Wild Thing)
Thursday, February 19th, 2009 at 6:55 pm
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to take a coordinated and comprehensive approach to developing and implementing an effective strategy concerning urban America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy. About 80 percent of Americans live in urban areas, and the economic health and social vitality of our urban communities are critically important to the prosperity and quality of life for Americans. Vibrant cities spawn innovation, economic growth, and cultural enrichment through the businesses, universities, and civic, cultural, religious, and nonprofit institutions they attract. Forward-looking policies that encourage wise investment and development in our urban areas will create employment and housing opportunities and make our country more competitive, prosperous, and strong. In the past, insufficient attention has been paid to the problems faced by urban areas and to coordinating the many Federal programs that affect our cities. A more comprehensive approach is needed, both to develop an effective strategy for urban America and to coordinate the actions of the many executive departments and agencies whose actions impact urban life.
Sec. 2. Establishment. There is established within the Executive Office of the President the White House Office of Urban Affairs (the "Office").
Sec. 3. Functions. The principal functions of the Office are, to the extent permitted by law:
(a) to provide leadership for and coordinate the development of the policy agenda for urban America across executive departments and agencies;
(b) to coordinate all aspects of urban policy;
(c) to work with executive departments and agencies to ensure that appropriate consideration is given by such departments and agencies to the potential impact of their actions on urban areas;
(d) to work with executive departments and agencies, including the Office of Management and Budget, to ensure that Federal Government dollars targeted to urban areas are effectively spent on the highest-impact programs; and
(e) to engage in outreach and work closely with State and local officials, with nonprofit organizations, and with the private sector, both in seeking input regarding the development of a comprehensive urban policy and in ensuring that the implementation of Federal programs advances the objectives of that policy.
Sec. 4. Coordination. In performing its functions, the Office shall work closely with all relevant executive departments and agencies, and offices and councils within the Executive Office of the President, including but not limited to:
(a) the Department of the Treasury;
(b) the Department of Justice;
(c) the Department of Commerce;
(d) the Department of Labor;
(e) the Department of Health and Human Services;
(f) the Department of Housing and Urban Development;
(g) the Department of Transportation;
(h) the Department of Energy;
(i) the Department of Education; and
(j) the Environmental Protection Agency.
Sec. 5. Administration. (a) The Office may work with established or ad hoc committees, task forces, and interagency groups.
(b) The Office shall have a staff headed by the Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Urban Affairs (Director). The Director shall report jointly to the Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Liaison and to the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy. The Office shall have such staff and other assistance as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this order.
(c) All executive departments and agencies shall cooperate with the Office and provide such information, support, and assistance to the Office as the Director may request, to the extent permitted by law.
Sec. 6. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) authority granted by law to a department, agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Wild Thing's comment..........
ACORN taking up permanent residence with the Chicago thug in Chief.
“By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, “
1 Have you ever read the Constitution?
2 What “authority”, grants you the power to do this?
3 Cities are for states to deal with. The only “federal city” is DC, and as we’ve seen the Feds have done a bang-up job on that place.
What the heck does the White House have to say about urban affairs anyway? Has the Constitutional Law Professor forgotten about these little enclaves we call States and that irritating thing known To OBAMA anyway known as the 10th Amendment?
It's blatantly obvious that he is still a scum bag community organizer and that's all he and his wife have ever cared about.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (16)
UnProfessional Obama Hits Back At Rick Santelli's 'tea party' Rant
Obama hits back at 'tea party' rant
Spokesman says CNBC analyst should switch to drinking decaf
The White House apparently noticed yesterday when a CNBC analyst's impassioned critique of President Obama's mortgage-rescue plan became an Internet phenomenon.
At the presidential press briefing today, press secretary Robert Gibbs eagerly responded to a reporter's question about Rick Santelli's rant amid sympathetic, angry traders at the CME Group in Chicago.
"I've watched Mr. Santelli on cable the past 24 hours or so," Gibbs said, according to an account by the newssite Politico. "I'm not entirely sure where Mr. Santelli lives or in what house he lives, but the American people are struggling every day to meet their mortgages, stay in their jobs, pay their bills, send their kids to school.
"I think we left a few months ago the adage that if it was good for a derivatives trader that it was good for Main Street," the White House spokesman continued. "I think the verdict is in on that."
Santelli later responded to Gibbs in an MSNBC interview, pointing out his complaint was based more on philosophical differences than on details of the plan.
Gibbs contended Santelli "has argued, I think quite wrongly, that this plan won't help everyone."
"This plan helps people who have been playing by the rules. ... I would encourage him to read the president's plan. ... I'd be more than happy to have him come here to read it. I'd be happy to buy him a cup of coffee – decaf," Gibbs said with a smile in an obvious reference to Santelli's passion.
The spokesman showed reporters a copy of Obama's plan.
"Download it, hit print, and begin to read it," he said.
But Santelli wasn't the only one giving an emphatic thumbs down to Obama's economic policies yesterday. His nearly three-minute rant drew approving hoots and comments from nearby traders who apparently backed his contention that the Obama administration is promoting bad behavior that must be causing the founding fathers to roll over in their graves.
"We're thinking of having a Chicago Tea Party in July," Santelli told CNBC "Squawk Box" co-anchor Joe Kernan. "All you capitalists who want to show up at Lake Michigan, I'm going to start organizing."
Some viewers already are comparing Santelli's rant to the well-known scene from the movie "Network" in which character Howard Beale stands up in the middle of his newscast and declares, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"
Santelli responds to Gibbs
Later today, MSNBC host Chris Matthews, on his "Hardball" program, invited Santelli to respond to Gibbs' comments.
Asked if he was offended, Santelli said he was a "little disappointed" but understood the presidential spokesman's stance.
"I guess I would say it this way," Santelli said, "When there are actually some details in the plan, I will pay more even attention to it. But my rant wasn't about the plan specifically, it was about a philosophical issue, Chris."
Referring to the government's intervention in household mortgage contracts, the CNBC analyst said, "The philosophical issue is this: In America, a card laid is a card played. OK. Contract law should be sacred. I don't know that any form of government should be able to come between a person who contracted with an institution and a person that signed on the dotted line."
Matthews later accused Santelli of "coming down hard on Barack."
"No, I'm not, I'm not coming down hard on Barack," Santelli replied. "I'm coming down hard on the notion that I don't see anywhere in the Constitution where if you work hard, you're looked at as being dispassionate, inhumane, because you won't let your government redistribute what you've worked hard for."
Santelli said he wants to leave his children "a legacy, not trillion-dollar deficits."
His offspring, he said should have "the ability to wake up every morning and try to be the best that they can be, and if they work hard and want to do things with the money they make, it should be there's, and it should be their decision."
"I don't understand why our leaders need to be in between that dynamic," he said.
'This is America'
Yesterday, Santelli said the administration should find out if the American people really want to "subsidize the losers' mortgages."
"Or would we like to at least buy cars and buy houses in foreclosure and give them to people that might have a chance to actually prosper down the road and reward people that could carry the water instead of drink the water?" he asked.
CNBC's Rick Santelli yesterday at the CME Group in Chicago
An unidentified trader on the floor near Santelli shouted out, "Hey Rick, that's a novel idea."
Co-anchor Kernan tried to humor Santelli, responding to the support from the traders by interjecting, "They're like putty in your hands."
"No they're not, Joe, they're not like putty in our hands. This is America."
Santelli then turned his back to the camera and dramatically asked the traders, "How many of you people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can't pay their bills? Raise (your) hand."
Boos went up from the floor as none of the traders appeared to raise their hands.
"President Obama, are you listening?" Santelli asked to the camera.
The unidentified trader to Santelli's right then leaned into the analyst and said loud enough to be picked up on microphone, "How 'bout we all stop paying our mortgages. It's a moral hazard."
Don't get scared, Joe," Santelli responded. "Cuba used to have mansions and a relatively decent economy. They moved from the individual to the collective, now they're driving '54 Chevys, maybe the last great car to come out of Detroit."
After an exchange with another guest, Santelli returned at the end of the segment, referring to the traders as a "pretty good statistical cross-section of America, the silent majority."
"Not-so-silent majority," said co-anchor Becky Quick.
Quick asked Santelli if the traders were opposed to other economic measures from the Obama administration, including the newly approved $787 billion stimulus plan.
"They're pretty much of the notion that you can't buy your way into prosperity," he replied. "And if the multiplier that all of these Washington economists are selling us is … that we never have to worry about the economy again, the government should spend a trillion dollars an hour, because we'll get 1.5 trillion back.
CNBC panelist Wilbur Ross, chairman and CEO of WL Ross & Co., interjected, "Rick, I congratulate you on your new incarnation as a revolutionary leader."
"Somebody needs one," Santelli responded. "I'll tell you what, if you read our founding fathers, people like Benjamin Franklin and Jefferson, what we're doing in this country now is making them roll over in their graves."
Wild Thing's comment.........
Welcome to Capitalism Under Siege. God bless Rick Santelli!
You know this is so horrible, so unprofessional, the office of the President responding like this. Bush was attacked for 8 years and never did anything like this, neither did Reagan. I have never before heard an administration attack private citizens by name, whine endlessly about everything under the sun. and generally behave like a group of spoiled children who blame all their problems on everyone else.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (18)
Lou Dobbs on the Second Amendment Under Fire
Concern mounts that the second amendment right to bear arms will soon be restricted.
Obama supports a punitive high excise tax on ammunition, making gun manufacturers liable for firearm abuse, and even a ban on the manufacture of hand guns. Eric Holder, Attorney General, is just as adamantly determined to restrict the freedoms guaranteed to citizens by the Second Amendment of the Constitution.
Wild Thing's comment.........
When Erick Holder makes the first gun grab, it will be the 2nd Shot Heard Around the World
How about if Erici Hholder himself has to go tell Ted Nuggent he must surrender his guns. I do not want him to send the BATF, an officer of the law or the FBI. I want to see that chicken shit go himself and do it. LOL
These power-mad Marxists are afraid of the Second Amendment for the exact reason the founders insisted on it being included in the Bill of Rights.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (6)
February 20, 2009
Illinois Bill Would Require Gun Owners to Buy $1M in Liability Insurance
Illinois Bill Would Require Gun Owners to Buy $1M in Liability Insurance
An Illinois state lawmaker is proposing that gun owners be required to carry personal liability insurance of at least $1 million.
Rep. Kenneth Dunkin's bill seeks to amend the state's Firearm Owners Identification Card Act to provides that any person who owns a firearm in the state maintain a $1 million or higher policy of liability insurance "specifically covering any damages resulting from negligent or willful acts involving the use of such firearm while it is owned by such person."
A gun owner would be responsible after a firearm is lost or stolen until the loss or theft is reported to the police department or sheriff of the jurisdiction in which the owner resides.
Police would be empowered to pull the gun license of anyone who does not submit evidence of having the required insurance.
The measure is now in the House Rules Committee.
Illinois Gov/legislation
House Sponsors
Rep. Kenneth Dunkin
Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
430 ILCS 65/4.5 new
430 ILCS 65/8 from Ch. 38, par. 83-8
Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act. Provides that any person who owns a firearm in this State shall maintain a policy of liability insurance in the amount of at least $1,000,000 specifically covering any damages resulting from negligent or willful acts involving the use of such firearm while it is owned by such person.
Provides that a person shall be deemed the owner of a firearm after the firearm is lost or stolen until such loss or theft is reported to the police department or sheriff of the jurisdiction in which the owner resides. Provides that the Department of State Police shall revoke and seize a Firearm Owner's Identification Card previously issued under this Act if the Department finds that the person to whom such card was issued possesses or acquires a firearm and does not submit evidence to the Department of State Police that he or she has been issued in his or her name a liability insurance policy in the amount of at least $1,000,000 specifically covering any damages resulting from negligent or willful acts involving the use of such firearm while it is owned by such person. Effective January 1, 2010.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Wow..... "Under siege" doesn't even begin to cover it.
..."SHALL not be infringed."...
An insurance requirement represents an infringement.
Do criminals have to purchase this insurance too?
This is obviously a way to ban guns from the hands of honest, law-abiding responsible people
Criminals are not going to buy insurance!
Can you see the insurance application?
Employment _________________criminal
Last residence _____________federal prison
But then that’s the intention of all these gun laws anyway! Take guns from honest people and deliberately leave them in the hands of criminals.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (11)
February 19, 2009
Traders REVOLT CNBC Host Calls for New "Tea Party"
Trader Buzz on the Government's Plan
The trading floor buzz on whether the government's plan to save the economy will actually help the markets, with Jason Roney, Sharmac Capital; Wilbur Ross Jr., WL Ross & Co. and CNBC's Rick Santelli
In case the other lilnk does not work....... you can also CLICK HERE.
VIDEO: 'The government is promoting bad behavior... do we really want to subsidize the losers' mortgages... This is America! How many of you people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage? President Obama are you listening? How about we all stop paying our mortgage! It's a moral hazard'... SEE VIDEO
Awesome video. Rick Santelli has for months been forcefully advocating for allowing the market to correct its own excesses.
This morning on Rush Limbaugh show:It was his opening story today.
Rush: "This is talking truth to immorality. ... This is the pulse of revolution."
Wild Thing's comment........
Liberty rings the bell again!!!
Capitalists understand the issues completely.
Viva la Revolution!!!!!
Rick Santelli echos Paul Revere. The silent majority is getting fed up with Obama and the Dem socialists.
Obama is incompetent, a demagogue, an ideologue, a Marxist...whatever description you want to give, Americans are rejecting it because it is anti-American values for the past 250+ years. He makes the classic mistake of changing too much too fast, and most people don't want that kind of change anyway. We fought for Independence against these very policies. The French Revolution was started over behavior like this from the aristocracy. At some point, the people revolt.
This issue is easy for Americans to understand (like the House Banking scandal, for example): Responsible people DO NOT want to pay for the irresponsible.
I just checked and it looks like they have changed the video at the link. DANG! What the heck do we live in China with controlled media or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Check it too and see if it works for you. I will try to see if I can find it at YouTube. This is horrible if they took the video away and switched it.
This one still works......
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:20 PM | Comments (11)
February 18, 2009
Obama Signs Stimulus Bill Into Law and Putin Warns Against Socialism!
Obama Signs $787 Billion Stimulus Bill Into Law
Wild Thing's comment......
" The beginning of the end...." this and the time he admitted he was a Muslim will be so far the two times Obama actually spoke the truth in his life. This was no slip. He means that this day “marks the beginning of the end.” It’s his purpose in life to end America as we know it. There’s no other explanation for his making such obviously stupid moves, unless they’re doing it on purpose.
Well I've heard it all now. A KGB thug lecturing us on capitalism! The world is truly upside down.
What a sad day for the US when even an ex-KGB boss has to warn the US against socialism. The only thing is, good grief, Putin should not speak so soon. Putin has brought a level of state ownership in Russia not seen since Soviet times, and much more than Western European countries.
Look at this............
Putin Warns The US Against Socialism
Russian Prime Minister Vladamir Putin has said the US should take a lesson from the pages of Russian history and not exercise “excessive intervention in economic activity and blind faith in the state’s omnipotence”.
“In the 20th century, the Soviet Union made the state’s role absolute,” Putin said during a speech at the opening ceremony of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. “In the long run, this made the Soviet economy totally uncompetitive. This lesson cost us dearly. I am sure nobody wants to see it repeated.”
Sounding more like Barry Goldwater than the former head of the KGB, Putin said, “Nor should we turn a blind eye to the fact that the spirit of free enterprise, including the principle of personal responsibility of businesspeople, investors, and shareholders for their decisions, is being eroded in the last few months. There is no reason to believe that we can achieve better results by shifting responsibility onto the state.”
Putin also cautioned the US against using military Keynesianism to lift its economy out of recession, saying, “in the longer run, militarization won’t solve the problem but will rather quell it temporarily. What it will do is squeeze huge financial and other resources from the economy instead of finding better and wiser uses for them.” Putin’s comments come in sharp contrast to Russia’s own military buildup and expansion.
Putin also echoed the words of conservative maverick Ron Paul when he said, “we must assess the real situation and write off all hopeless debts and ‘bad’ assets. True, this will be an extremely painful and unpleasant process. Far from everyone can accept such measures, fearing for their capitalization, bonuses, or reputation. However, we would ‘conserve’ and prolong the crisis, unless we clean up our balance sheets.”
“The time for enlightenment has come. We must calmly, and without gloating, assess the root causes of this situation and try to peek into the future.”
......Thank you RAC for sending this graphic to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (18)
Pastor Manning: " The 787 Billion Dollar Voodoo Bill"
787 Billion Dollar Voodoo Bill
James David Manning speaks about how soothsaying and voodoo working affects our government
Wild Thing's comment.......
I have posted other videos by Pastor Manning and they all have been good. He does not mess around. Too bad Obama is not listening.
.....Thank you BobF, for sending this to me.
1973 - 1999
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (2)
February 17, 2009
Obama's Rhetoric Is the Real 'Catastrophe'
Obama's Rhetoric Is the Real 'Catastrophe'
President Barack Obama has turned fearmongering into an art form. He has repeatedly raised the specter of another Great Depression. First, he did so to win votes in the November election. He has done so again recently to sway congressional votes for his stimulus package.
In his remarks, every gloomy statistic on the economy becomes a harbinger of doom. As he tells it, today's economy is the worst since the Great Depression. Without his Recovery and Reinvestment Act, he says, the economy will fall back into that abyss and may never recover.
This fearmongering may be good politics, but it is bad history and bad economics. It is bad history because our current economic woes don't come close to those of the 1930s. At worst, a comparison to the 1981-82 recession might be appropriate. Consider the job losses that Mr. Obama always cites. In the last year, the U.S. economy shed 3.4 million jobs. That's a grim statistic for sure, but represents just 2.2% of the labor force. From November 1981 to October 1982, 2.4 million jobs were lost -- fewer in number than today, but the labor force was smaller. So 1981-82 job losses totaled 2.2% of the labor force, the same as now.
Job losses in the Great Depression were of an entirely different magnitude. In 1930, the economy shed 4.8% of the labor force. In 1931, 6.5%. And then in 1932, another 7.1%. Jobs were being lost at double or triple the rate of 2008-09 or 1981-82.
~ snipet ~
Mr. Obama's analogies to the Great Depression are not only historically inaccurate, they're also dangerous. Repeated warnings from the White House about a coming economic apocalypse aren't likely to raise consumer and investor expectations for the future. In fact, they have contributed to the continuing decline in consumer confidence that is restraining a spending pickup. Beyond that, fearmongering can trigger a political stampede to embrace a "recovery" package that delivers a lot less than it promises. A more cool-headed assessment of the economy's woes might produce better policies.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Better policies are not his goal. He's collapsing our system -- and doing it better than anyone could have imagined!
Saul Alinsky on "Change"...
From Rules for Radicals, Alinsky outlines his strategy in organizing, writing:
"There's another reason for working inside the system. Dostoevsky said that taking a new step is what people fear most. Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future. This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution."
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (4)
Adios! Personal banker quits over Mexican IDs
Adios! Personal banker quits over Mexican IDs
Employee acts to take America back, refuses to help illegals
A personal banker in Arlington, Va., is quitting his job after Chevy Chase Bank, one of the largest and best-known banks in the Washington, D.C., region, announced it will begin accepting consular cards from customers who many suspect are illegal aliens.
The bank announced its "Hispanic Banking Initiative" during a pilot program and is now accepting Matricula Consular de Alta Seguridads, or MCAS, at all of its branches so customers without U.S. government IDs may open accounts.
The MCAS is an identification card issued to foreign nationals living in the U.S. by the Mexican government via their 47 consulates. The National Council of La Raza estimates that more than 350 financial institutions currently accept them. Customers with the IDs – including illegal aliens – are able to open checking and savings accounts, order check cards, safe deposit boxes, cashier's checks and wire billions of dollars to Mexico.
"I was becoming stressed out at work because I just knew in my heart that if someone came to me with this card I couldn't just compromise my principles and open an account for them," Chevy Chase personal banker Albert Thompson told WND.
The U.S. banking system relies on Social Security numbers to track accounts, verify identity and report taxable earnings to the government.
"Accepting the Matricula skirts that issue," Bankers Online reports. "Many Mexicans who work in the United States do so in order to send money back to their homes in Mexico. FDIC says about $18 billion is wired annually from the U.S. to Mexico. Many U.S. banks have welcomed the IDs as a way to get a cut of this activity by profiting from the handling charges on the wires and increased deposits."
After praying about his circumstances, Thompson said he is taking a stand – even if it means facing unemployment during a recession.
"I came to understand that sacrificing my principles is more expensive to the soul than unemployment is for my wallet," he said.
Now he is refusing to compromise his values by catering to customers who have violated U.S. immigration law.
"I always knew that the bank was doing this," he said. "I just didn't want to be a part of it. So, I deliberately did everything I could every time I worked for the bank to avoid being placed at a branch that was part of this initiative."
Thompson said Chevy Chase Bank recognized that there is a growing Hispanic population in the Washington, D.C., area, so it decided to capitalize on that part of the market. But he believes problematic ID cards issued by foreign governments compromise the nation because many people who use them are in the United States illegally.
"What effort the consulates actually go through to verify that person's identity and location is questionable, which is why the bank requires an additional proof of residency – like a U.S. cell phone bill," he said. "It's as simple as that – a cell phone bill with an address in the U.S. and that card. Then we just take their word for it."
continue article HERE
Wild Thing's comment........
They feds know exactly who forced these bad loans. They don't care if the person was legal or an illegal. I remember Bank of America giving loans to illegals. Not only from Mexico but from other countries as well. The bailouts are not going to be limited to citizens IMO.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (6)
February 16, 2009
Obama Creating Auto Industry Panel
Obama Creating Auto Industry Panel
President Barack Obama plans to appoint senior administration officials — rather than a single "car czar," as had been discussed — to oversee a restructuring of the auto industry.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and National Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers will oversee the across-the-government panel, a senior administration official said Sunday on the condition of anonymity because no announcement had been made.
"The president understands the importance of this issue and also understands that the auto industry affects and is affected by a broad range of economic policies," the official said.
As the teams move forward, Obama "wants to make sure that we're getting the expertise and input of agencies across the government," the official said.
Obama and his aides face difficult choices on the fate of the U.S. auto industry, weighing the cost of pouring billions more into struggling companies against possible bankruptcies that could undermine plans to jump-start the economy.
General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC are racing against a Tuesday deadline to submit plans to the government. The plans are to be followed by weeks of intense negotiations ahead of a March 31 deadline for the final versions of the reports.
GM and Chrysler are living off a combined $13.4 billion in government loans. If they don't receive concessions by March 31, they face the prospect of having the loans pulled, followed by bankruptcy proceedings.
Enter the President's Task Force on Autos. That group will use officials from the departments of Treasury, Labor, Transportation, Commerce and Energy. Members of the National Economic Council, the White House Office of Energy and Environment, the Council of Economic Advisers and the Environmental Protection Agency will also be involved, according to the administration official.
Obama also plans to name restructuring expert Ron Bloom a senior adviser to Geithner. He will not be the "car czar" pointman many labor and business leaders expected. Bloom, a former consultant to the United Steelworkers of America, will be doing much of the financial analysis for the administration.
Geithner is expected to be the only Cabinet secretary to be part of the panel, the senior administration official said. Deputy secretaries, however, would be involved.
Obama "felt it was important to have the treasury secretary as his official designee to oversee these loans," the senior administration official said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I feel really bad about all of this. GM is an American created industry.. I have always been proud of our industries and have begun in our country, the American dream at work. To see so many things changing and Obama wanting his socialism in every corner of our country angers and saddens me . I truly hate seeing the Federal government in business/ schools and any part of what has made this country great.
GM should have NEVER taken the bait. The ones at Ford were the smart ones — they turned the “apple” down.
The government and the unions have crippled and finally killed the auto industry and now they just want to use the shell to amuse themselves.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (8)
February 15, 2009
Congress Approves Protectionist Measure That Could Spark Trade War
Congress Approves Protectionist Measure That Could Spark Trade War
Major partners, including the European Union and Canada, say the legislation favoring U.S. steel, iron and manufactured goods for government projects could undermine pledges by the leaders of major economies not to resort to protectionism during the world economic downturn.
WASHINGTON - Congress approved protectionist measures in a $787 billion stimulus bill Friday that U.S. trading partners have warned could spark a trade war.
The bill, however, left the Obama administration some room to maneuver to appease other countries who say it will benefit U.S. companies unfairly.
The stimulus bill was approved by the House Friday afternoon and by the Senate later in the evening. It now goes to President Barack Obama who is expected to sign into law quickly.
Major partners, including the European Union and Canada, say the legislation favoring U.S. steel, iron and manufactured goods for government projects could undermine pledges by the leaders of major economies not to resort to perfectionism during the world economic downturn.
Requirements known as "Buy American" were softened as the bill progressed through Congress and after strong criticism from abroad. Senate and House negotiators agreed to a version that would require the government not to violate trade agreements when implementing the law.
The bill also allows the Obama administration and state governments to waive requirements to favor U.S. companies if they deem it in the U.S. public interest and if they publish a justification.
The dispute has put Obama in a difficult position. While campaigning last year, he raised questions whether U.S. trade agreements contained sufficient protection for labor and environmental standards. He has warned recently, however, about antagonizing trading partners and has made clear that passage of the overall stimulus bill is needed urgently to mend the U.S. economy.
In several television interviews last week, he said the stimulus package should not include protectionist language that could trigger a trade war. But now that it does, he is likely to sign it anyway. The measures appear, however, to give the administration discretion about how to implement spending decisions, given the requirement of meeting trade obligations.
U.S. labor groups that pushed hard for inclusion of the measure have argued that its main purpose is to ensure that U.S. Treasury dollars are used to the fullest extent to support domestic job creation.
But industry groups see the provision in a different light. One hundred business groups and companies, including major construction, defense and high-tech companies, wrote Senate leaders last week with the dire warning that the provision "will harm American workers and companies across the entire U.S. economy, undermine U.S. global engagement and result in mirror-image trade restrictions abroad that would put at risk huge amounts of American exports."
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL I love how it says this......
"he said the stimulus package should not include protectionist language"
And then either he lied...haha but of course, or Pelosi or someone added it back in the stimulus bill.
So who is the liar in the bunch....I vote on all on the left for starters.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:44 AM | Comments (6)
February 14, 2009
"They're Just People" ~ Said by Democrat Staffer
Congressional staffers have been inundated with calls, emails, and faxes by Americans responding to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, otherwise known as the Stimulus Bill. The voters contacting Washington, DC have voiced clearly that they are against this bill for the past two weeks.
Rep. Paul Collins Broun shared a conversation he had with a lobbyist in his office earlier that day.
The Lobbyist had just left the office of a fellow Democrat Congressman. During his visit in that office the staffers had admitted that they had received a high volume of calls, and they were overwhelmingly against the Stimulus Bill.
The Democrat Congressman staffer’s response was, “oh, they are just people.”
“Can you imagine that?” Broun asked, “How arrogant is that? How elitist is that? Their just people. In other words, that’s the philosophy that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in Congress have today, is that we’re just people. They know better what we need than we do. It’s an outrage, it’s absolutely an outrage.”
Wild Thing's comment........
They are deluded...and that delusion is of biblical proportion....literally.
Keep pushing and they’re going to find out that these “people” are heavily armed. LOL
These destructive democrat socialists think they are on top of the world, but disaster is right around the corner. They have done too much too soon. They used to do things incrementally, so as to not make it so obvious what their socialist goals are.
Now, Fuhrer Obama and his minions are going for it all as fast as possible. I think they will cause such obvious great harm that even a lot of their former ardent supporters will turn against them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:44 AM | Comments (15)
February 13, 2009
Dems Muscle Stimulus Through House; Senate Votes Next
Thank you God for showing the Republicans to stick together for America.
Dems muscle stimulus through House; Senate next
Democrats pushed a huge, $787 billion stimulus bill through the House and toward final approval on Friday, launching a costly attack on the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and handing President Barack Obama a major victory early in his term.
The House vote was 246-183, with Republicans unanimous in opposition to the bill, which includes tax cuts and an estimated $500 billion in federal spending. Senate leaders set a confirming vote for several hours later, and in a show of urgency, the White House dispatched a government plane to Ohio to fly back a senator who was home for his mother's Saturday morning funeral.
Vigorously disagreeing, House Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio dumped a copy of the 1,071-page bill to the floor in a gesture of contempt. "The bill that was about jobs, jobs, jobs has turned into a bill that's about spending, spending, spending," he said.
In the House, all 246 votes in favor were cast by Democrats. Seven Democrats joined 176 Republicans in opposition.
ROLL Call vote
7 Dems that Voted No:
Bright, Griffith, Peterson, Defazio, Minnick, Shuler, And Taylor
Wild Thing's comment.....
Thank God House Republicans held the line.
" the White House dispatched a government plane to Ohio to fly back a senator who was home for his mother's Saturday morning funeral.""
Get this we tax payers are paying for the plane to bring this guy back to vote. sheesh! I think his name is Brown and his mother died and so they will fly him back after her funeral today so he can vote.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 PM | Comments (7)
True Cost of Stimulus: $3.27 Trillion
$3.27 Trillion
True Cost of Stimulus: $3.27 Trillion
All of the major news outlets are reporting that the stimulus bill voted out of conference committee last night has a meager $789 billion price tag. This number is pure fantasy. No one believes that the increased funding for programs the left loves like Head Start, Medicaid, COBRA, and the Earned Income Tax Credit is in anyway temporary. No Congress under control of the left will ever cut funding for these programs. So what is the true cost of the stimulus if these spending increases are made permanent?
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) asked the Congressional Budget Office to estimate the impact of permanently extending the 20 most popular provisions of the stimulus bill. What did the CBO find? The true 10 year cost of the stimulus bill $2.527 trillion in in spending with another $744 billion cost in debt servicing. Total bill for the Generational Theft Act: $3.27 trillion.
Wild Thing's comment...........
And where the hell are we getting this money from?!
Our currency will be about as useful as monopoly money.
God help us! I love America with all my heart and it has me crying to see this happening to our country.
I love you all , thank you Team Theodore, you are all such awesome people. America is worth fighting for and I will not give up, this crying is just a momentary weak moment. But I am still locked and loaded...you bethcha'
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:01 PM | Comments (13)
Final Version of The Bill Even Has Hand Written Notes of MORE Spending
Republican Study Committee Chairman Tom Price discusses the big-government handout that Democrats are going to push through Congress. The final version of the bill even has hand written notes that allow for more irresponsible spending.
Democrats made the bill available at 11 p.m. on Thursday night. At 9 a.m. Friday morning, the House begins debate on the bill. If members of Congress actually took the time to read the bill, they would have to read through the night at a rate of 626 words per minute before heading to the House floor. What are the odds of that happening?
Wild Thing's comment.........
Obama and his snakes that is what I think of these sleazy forms of human flesh the democrats.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 PM | Comments (2)
Stimulus Bill Tells The World Democrats Want a United Socialist States of Amerika
SURPRISE! Dems Break Promise: Stimulus Bill to Floor Friday
In a press conference Thursday, the House Republican leadership spoke candidly about being kept out of the House-Senate conference on the Obama-Pelosi-Reid so-called “economic stimulus” bill. They confirmed they had not yet seen the text of the bill as of 4 p.m.
Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said he was unsure how many Democrats would vote with Republicans again on this bill but that he thought Republicans “may get a few” Democrats to side with them.
The fact that the Demos have now broken their promise to have the public able to see the bill for 48 hours may drive more Dems into the Republican camp.
"I don’t know, ‘cause they haven’t seen the bill either,” Boehner said.
"The American people have a right to know what’s in this bill,” Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind) told HUMAN EVENTS after the press conference. “Every member of Congress -- Republicans and Democrats -- voted to post this bill on the internet for 48 hours, 48 hours ago. We’ll see if the Democrats keep their word.”
Actually -- as of 5:15 pm, the Democrats had broken their word. The stimulus bill -- which we still haven’t seen -- will be released late tonight and will be brought up on the House floor at 9 am tomorrow.
The following statement was released by Majority Leader Steny Hoyer at 4:57 p.m.:
"The House is scheduled to meet at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow and is expected to proceed directly to consideration of the American Recovery and Reinvestment conference report. The conference report text will be filed this evening, giving members enough time to review the conference report before voting on it tomorrow afternoon."
Meanwhile, at an earlier presser Thursday, Pelosi -- while talking about legislation regarding school construction funds -- said it was vital to see the language of a bill before making decisions.
House Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) twittered back, “Those in favor of speed over commonsense may just be afraid of letting the People know what they are ramming through.”
“The American people have a right to know what’s in this bill,” Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind) told HUMAN EVENTS after the press conference. “Every member of Congress -- Republicans and Democrats -- voted to post this bill on the internet for 48 hours, 48 hours ago. We’ll see if the Democrats keep their word.”
The Democrats finally made the bill's language available around 11 p.m. Thursday, approximately 10 hours before members meet Friday to consider the bill and 38 hours short of the time promised Americans to review the bill..
Cao may be one of few to break Republican ranks on stimulus
U.S. Rep. Anh “Joseph” Cao, R-New Orleans, said Wednesday he is likely to vote for the economic stimulus bill when it comes to a vote, probably today or Friday, even if he is the only Republican member of the House to do so.
“I’m voting along what my conscience dictates and the needs of the 2nd Congressional District dictate, even if I were to be the only member of the GOP to vote for the stimulus package, “ he said.
“Even though it is going to be a humongous bill, even though we will be in debt for years, I believe that more likely than not, I will vote for it because the 2nd Congressional District needs a stimulus package.”
“”The GOP leadership, they fully understand my situation and the needs of my district, “ he said.
Scalise, the assistant Republican whip, laughed when asked whether it was his responsibility to keep Cao in line, adding that a few Republican defections are to be expected.
Joked Cao, “Steve Scalise doesn’t know kung fu. I know kung fu. He can’t whip me.”
U. S. House of Representatives
Toll free capital switchboard numbers are:
Wild Thing's comment........
I realize it has been done where they do not read the bill before they vote on it. I don't like that or agree with doing such a thing but it has happened often. BUT not to read this drastic bill is this is particularly egregious, this thing is a disaster.
Liars, cheats, socialists and just plain evil people. They will pay a heavy price for their traitorous actions.
The only thing Transparent about this administration is that we can all see the lying crooks in action and no one seems to be able to stop them. They don’t care about the country or the people anymore, if they ever did. They hold all the cards now and half of America put them in that place. This country is run by thieves and their gang name is “Democrat Politicians.”
Republicans should just walk out and leave them with no Quorum!!!!
And that U.S. Rep. Anh “Joseph” Cao, R-New Orleans jerk!
He was a refugee from Vietnam. His father spent 7 years in a reeducation camp after the fall of South Vietnam. He knows what a gift he's been given becoming an American citizen. He's missing the part about standing up for America on this bill. He will not truly help his constituents, he will make them more dependent. He's voting against what has made America Dream the true hope of so many. he should be ashamed of himself. Like I have said before I have had it with these rino's. If we keep making excuses for any of them we will never win America back. We need to be taking names and never forget the traitors to our beloved country that are out there.
So my message to Cao is this...........
Go back to Vietnam asshole!
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (15)
February 11, 2009
Traitor To Troops in Vietnam Kerry Says "You Can't Be Trusted to Invest Your Own Money"
Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) explains who he trusts to spend American's hard-earned dollars.
You Can't Be Trusted to Invest Your Own Money..ONLY the government knows how to do this.
Wild Thing's comment.......
This video is from Senator Jim DeMint's YouTube site.
What an insult to the American people!
Kerry should have been sent to jail or worse I prefer WORSE as in execution for treason for what he did when he came back from Vietnam. He committed treason, but instead he walks around as a Senator for however many years and spews this kind of crap!
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (20)
Democrat Rep. Kanjorski: $550 Billion Disappeared in "Electronic Run On the Banks"
At 2 minutes, 20 seconds into this C-Span video clip, Rep. Paul Kanjorski of Pennsylvania explains how the Federal Reserve told Congress members about a "tremendous draw-down of money market accounts in the United States, to the tune of $550 billion dollars." According to Kanjorski, this electronic transfer occured over the period of an hour or two.
Democrat Rep. Paul Kanjorski of Pennsylvania explains what former Treasury Secretary Paulson and Fed Chairman Bernanke told congress during the September 2008 closed door session. During the first third of the video an enraged caller is ranting to Rep. Kanjorski about how wasteful the first $700 billion bailout was. The best part is 2 minutes and 15 seconds into the tape where Rep. Kanjorski reveals what Paulson and Bernanke told congress that shocked them into supporting the first $700 billion bailout.
Rep. Kanjorski: $550 Billion Disappeared in "Electronic Run On the Banks"
"On Thursday Sept 15, 2008 at roughly 11 AM The Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous draw down of money market accounts in the USA to the tune of $550 Billion dollars in a matter of an hour or two.
Money was being removed electronically.
The treasury tried to help with $150 Billion.But could not stem the tide. It was an electronic run on the banks The treasury intervened but had they not closed down the accounts they estimated that by 2 PM that afternoon.
Within 3 hours. $5.5 Trillion would have been withdrawled and collapsed and within 24 hours the world economy."
Wild Thing's comment............
The Dem's will never demand a Congressional investigation.
That the Dem's will never launch an investigation should tell everyone all they need to know about this crisis.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (12)
Ammunition Online Links
The other day I mentioned I had an email from Trevor a Vietnam Vet and he had given me a link to being able to buy ammo online. Tom also sent me several links and they are excellent. Thank you Trevor and Tom.
I have put the various Ammunition links in the sidebar on the left.
Just scroll down till you see this image .........
........and they are all listed there in case anyone would like to go to them.
....Thank you Tom for sending the ammo links to me.
US Army Aviation
Vietnam 1966-68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (4)
Guns ~ B.Hussein Obama ~ and His X-Black Panther Friend Rep.Bobby Rush
House Bill titled 'HR 45, Blair Holt Licensing and Record Act of 2009
Title: To provide for the implementation of a system of licensing for purchasers of certain firearms and for a record of sale system for those firearms, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: ( X-Black Panther party member) Rep Bobby RushL. [IL-1] (introduced 1/6/2009)
Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/9/2009 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.
The last part of the Bill:
This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall not apply to any department or agency of the United States, of a State, or of a political subdivision of a State, or to any official conduct of any officer or employee of such a department or agency.
Here they come, ready or not. Feel the water getting warmer?
It will make it illegal to own a firearm unless it is registered with the database in Washington D.C. As a gun owner you will have to be finger printed, you will be required to provide your DL#, SS#, you must maintain a valid address at all times, submit to mental and physical health records being put on file, you will also be required to file any address changes and any ownership changes even if a private sale. Each update will cost $25 and if you fail to comply you will lose your right to own firearms. This bill and its language mirror almost completely one defeated last year in the House of Representatives by soon to be Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Will we the citizenry be as lucky this time?
Pass this on to everyone who believes in strict Constitutionalism and remember that laws only apply to those who obey them. Criminals by definition and nature do not abide by laws. New laws and restrictions only apply to the law abiding citizen and are not written with the criminal in mind. With guns, it is not about having laws on the books to prosecute individuals, it is about taking guns away from the people so that no one has them in the first place.
One last item to note, when assuming power and creating a fascist state, Hitler was a proponent of strong gun laws because a disarmed populace was much easier to control than an armed one. The kings of old also outlawed weapons of any kind in any region that they conquered to quell the ability of the citizens to up rise against them.
The Founding Fathers of this nation understood all of the above and because of this they included the second amendment in the constitution. In fact, they knew that at some point in every society’s life span that the need for the population to arise came about. To this end they made the right to keep and bear arms against a tyrannical state an absolute right that could not be revoked. They did this because the first thing tyrants and despots do is to remove a population’s right to defend themselves When this is done, the tyrants have no problem with the destruction of society as we know it.
Spread this news to all true patriots! Protect your Second Amendment!
The following is a summary of the bill as provided by the Congressional Research Service. If you read the whole bill, you’ll find it will effectively preclude the ownership of ANY firearms by law-abiding people unless licensed by the Attorney General. How long do you think THAT would take??
Congressional Research Service Summary
The following summary was written by the Congressional Research Service, a well-respected nonpartisan arm of the Library of Congress. GovTrack did not write and has no control over these summaries.
1/6/2009–Introduced. Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 - Amends the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act to prohibit a person from possessing a firearm unless that person has been issued a firearm license under this Act or a state system certified under this Act and such license has not been invalidated or revoked.
Prescribes license application, issuance, and renewal requirements.
Prohibits transferring or receiving a qualifying firearm unless the recipient presents a valid firearms license, the license is verified, and the dealer records a tracking authorization number.
Prescribes firearms transfer reporting and record keeping requirements.
Directs the Attorney General to establish and maintain a federal record of sale system.
(1) transferring a firearm to any person other than a licensee, unless the transfer is processed through a licensed dealer in accordance with national instant criminal background check system requirements, with exceptions;
(2) a licensed manufacturer or dealer from failing to comply with reporting and record keeping requirements of this Act;
(3) failing to report the loss or theft of the firearm to the Attorney General within 72 hours;
(4) failing to report to the Attor ney General an address change within 60 days; or
(5) keeping a loaded firearm, or an unloaded firearm and ammunition for the firearm, knowingly or recklessly disregarding the risk that a child is capable of gaining access, if a child uses the firearm and causes death or serious bodily injury.
Prescribes criminal penalties for violations of firearms provisions covered by this Act.
Directs the Attorney General to:
(1) establish and maintain a firearm injury information clearinghouse;
(2) conduct continuing studies and investigations of firearm-related deaths and injuries; and
(3) collect and maintain current production and sales figures of each licensed manufacturer.
Authorizes the Attorney General to certify state firearm licensing or record of sale systems.
Wild Thing's comment..........
"Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security."
Mr. Black Panther didn’t get any movement in the Judiciary Committee. Now it got kicked down to a Homeland Security SUBcommitee.
Also there are no CoSponsors for the Bill.
Two good things so far but still this Bill is VERY concerning to say the least.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (11)
February 10, 2009
Another 1.5 Trillion Update says 2 Trillion ..Bailout Coming On the Heels of Porkulus!
Stocks Fall As Government Unveils Financial Plan
US unveils new $1.5 trillion plan
US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has unveiled a comprehensive $1.5 trillion (£1.02 trillion) bank bail-out plan to beat the financial crisis.
Under the plan, the size of a key Federal Reserve lending program will be expanded to $1 trillion from $200bn.
In addition, a public-private investment fund of $500bn will be created to absorb banks' toxic assets and could be expanded to $1 trillion.
"Critical parts of our financial system are damaged," Mr Geithner said.
"Instead of catalyzing recovery, the financial system is working against recovery, and that's the dangerous dynamic we need to change," he added.
The new plan is aimed at restoring confidence in the damaged financial system and restarting bank lending.
The key question now is how eager the private sector will be to participate both in the new investment fund and the new Federal Reserve lending programme.
Meanwhile, the US Senate has backed an $838bn economic stimulus package which will now have to be reconciled with the House of Representatives version.
Transparency and accountability
Mr Geithner said the new plan should unfreeze the credit market, strengthen banks and "provide critical aid for homeowners and for small businesses".
"And as we do each of these things, we will impose new higher standards for transparency and accountability," he added.
He said that the public-private investment fund to buy up risky assets will be seeded with government money.
The expanded Federal Reserve lending program will support lending to small businesses and consumers, including credit card lending and student loans, and also cover the troubled commercial real estate market.
The government also will give banks access to additional capital from the Treasury's original $700bn bail-out fund "as a bridge to private capital".
But that will come with strict terms, including full disclosure and limits on executive pay.
"This assistance will come with terms that should encourage the institutions to replace public assistance with private capital as soon as that is possible," said Mr Geithner.
The government will also provide $50bn to try to soften the deep housing crisis, which has been having a negative impact on the economy.
And this................
Stocks tumble after gov't unveils financial plan
NEW YORK – Investors are frustrated with the government's latest bank bailout plan — and showing it by unloading stocks.
The major stock indexes fell more than 4 percent Tuesday, including the Dow Jones industrial average, which tumbled 382 points. Financial stocks led the market lower, a sign of how concerned Wall Street is about the government's ability to restore the health of the banking industry.
Traders and investors said the lack of specifics from Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on how the government will direct more than $1 trillion in public and private support was troubling.
The plan is aimed at restoring proper functioning to credit markets, which seized up over worries about bad debt after the September bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. The latest plan calls for a government-private sector partnership to help remove banks' soured assets from their books. It would also boost an effort to unclog the credit markets that govern loans to consumers and businesses.
"The good news is they are going to spend a trillion dollars, the bad news is they don't know how," said James Cox, managing partner at Harris Financial Group.
Geithner's speech "basically puts a spotlight on the fact that the government has no idea how to fix the problem," said Jeff Buetow, senior portfolio manager at Portfolio Management Consultants. "People bought on rumor and hope, and now they're selling on reality."
Wild Thing's comment..........
A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon you’re talking REAL money.
Let’s see:
* almost 1 trillion first time TARP
* 1 trillion stimulus - Senate voted on today
* 1.5 trillion second bailout
3.5 trillion spent and they haven’t even dealt with the budget yet.
BUT wait ia minute this is growing like Jack and the Beanstalk ...look at this : ( this is making me dizzy) And, if it can’t get worse, there is talk about a Porkulus part two, which should hit the House in the Summer. This second Porkulus could be anywhere between 500 billion and 1 trillion dollars.
Geithner Says Bank-Rescue Plans May Reach $2 Trillion (Update3)
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner pledged government financing for as much as $2 trillion of efforts to spur new lending and address banks’ toxic assets, seeking to end the credit crunch hobbling the economy.
“Instead of catalyzing recovery, the financial system is working against recovery,” Geithner said in unveiling the Obama administration’s financial-bailout overhaul in Washington today. “At the same time, the recession is putting greater pressure on banks. This is a dangerous dynamic, and we need to arrest it.”
Stocks slumped, led by financial shares, as investors expressed concern about a lack of specifics on plans for addressing the distressed assets choking banks’ balance sheets. Geithner warned today that it will “take time” for the administration’s strategy to bear fruit.
The main components of the Treasury’s package today are a joint public- and private-sector fund to buy as much as $1 trillion of illiquid assets and a $1 trillion program to supply new credit to consumers and businesses. The administration also will inject additional taxpayer funds into banks, imposing tighter restrictions that will include limits on dividend payments, acquisitions and executive pay.
“I want to be candid: this strategy will cost money, involve risk, and take time,” Geithner said today.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:27 PM | Comments (17)
Schumer: "The American People Don't Care ...."
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) declares during debate on the economic stimulus bill that "the American people really don't care" about pork spending Democrats laced throughout the bill.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Oh ok, well I guess that settles that then. We will just go sit in our respective corners. Maybe the voters in N.Y. who vote this jerk in over and over don't care but REAL American loving people sure do.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 PM | Comments (14)
Socialized Medicine Burried in Obama’s Trillion Dollar Debt Plan
Tragically, no one from either party is objecting to the health provisions slipped in without discussion.
These provisions reflect the handiwork of Tom Daschle, until recently the nominee to head the Health and Human Services Department.
Senators should read these provisions and vote against them because they are dangerous to your health. (Page numbers refer to H.R. 1 EH, pdf version).
The bill’s health rules will affect “every individual in the United States” (445, 454, 479). Your medical treatments will be tracked electronically by a federal system. Having electronic medical records at your fingertips, easily transferred to a hospital, is beneficial. It will help avoid duplicate tests and errors.
But the bill goes further. One new bureaucracy, the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology, will monitor treatments to make sure your doctor is doing what the federal government deems appropriate and cost effective. The goal is to reduce costs and “guide” your doctor’s decisions (442, 446). These provisions in the stimulus bill are virtually identical to what Daschle prescribed in his 2008 book, “Critical: What We Can Do About the Health-Care Crisis.” According to Daschle, doctors have to give up autonomy and “learn to operate less like solo practitioners.”
Keeping doctors informed of the newest medical findings is important, but enforcing uniformity goes too far.
New Penalties
Hospitals and doctors that are not “meaningful users” of the new system will face penalties. “Meaningful user” isn’t defined in the bill. That will be left to the HHS secretary, who will be empowered to impose “more stringent measures of meaningful use over time” (511, 518, 540-541)
What penalties will deter your doctor from going beyond the electronically delivered protocols when your condition is atypical or you need an experimental treatment? The vagueness is intentional. In his book, Daschle proposed an appointed body with vast powers to make the “tough” decisions elected politicians won’t make.
The stimulus bill does that, and calls it the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research (190-192). The goal, Daschle’s book explained, is to slow the development and use of new medications and technologies because they are driving up costs. He praises Europeans for being more willing to accept “hopeless diagnoses” and “forgo experimental treatments,” and he chastises Americans for expecting too much from the health-care system.
Elderly Hardest Hit
Daschle says health-care reform “will not be pain free.” Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them. That means the elderly will bear the brunt.
Medicare now pays for treatments deemed safe and effective. The stimulus bill would change that and apply a cost- effectiveness standard set by the Federal Council (464).
The Federal Council is modeled after a U.K. board discussed in Daschle’s book. This board approves or rejects treatments using a formula that divides the cost of the treatment by the number of years the patient is likely to benefit. Treatments for younger patients are more often approved than treatments for diseases that affect the elderly, such as osteoporosis.
In 2006, a U.K. health board decreed that elderly patients with macular degeneration had to wait until they went blind in one eye before they could get a costly new drug to save the other eye. It took almost three years of public protests before the board reversed its decision.
Hidden Provisions
If the Obama administration’s economic stimulus bill passes the Senate in its current form, seniors in the U.S. will face similar rationing. Defenders of the system say that individuals benefit in younger years and sacrifice later.
The stimulus bill will affect every part of health care, from medical and nursing education, to how patients are treated and how much hospitals get paid. The bill allocates more funding for this bureaucracy than for the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force combined (90-92, 174-177, 181).
Hiding health legislation in a stimulus bill is intentional. Daschle supported the Clinton administration’s health-care overhaul in 1994, and attributed its failure to debate and delay. A year ago, Daschle wrote that the next president should act quickly before critics mount an opposition. “If that means attaching a health-care plan to the federal budget, so be it,” he said. “The issue is too important to be stalled by Senate protocol.”
More Scrutiny Needed
On Friday, President Obama called it “inexcusable and irresponsible” for senators to delay passing the stimulus bill. In truth, this bill needs more scrutiny.
The health-care industry is the largest employer in the U.S. It produces almost 17 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product. Yet the bill treats health care the way European governments do: as a cost problem instead of a growth industry. Imagine limiting growth and innovation in the electronics or auto industry during this downturn. This stimulus is dangerous to your health and the economy.
Also here.................
There’s Socialized Medicine Burried in Obama’s Trillion Dollar Debt Plan
Dr. Steven West, president of the Florida Medical Association, notes that the economic stimulus bill contains a down payment on President Barack Obama’s plans for socialized medicine:
As Congress rushes its economic stimulus plan to the desk of President Obama, its grand vision of health reform has been secretly buried inside: rationing patient care and dispensing cookbook medicine.
That vision involves using large government bureaucracy and computer technology to tell patients what kind of care they can receive from their doctors. The congressional rationing plan will make doctors supplicants to big government and big insurance, rather than independent advocates for their patients. In the system that Congress envisions, the doctor serves the payer and not the patient.
Congress seeks $20 billion of spending on Health Information Technology (HIT) and more than $1.1 billion for Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER).
Scientific studies have shown that strict adherence to these best practices does not prolong patients’ lives or cure their illnesses. Worse, this committee medicine has had harmful side effects for patients. In this system, the report-card score is the most important, while patient outcomes, patient satisfaction with care and the value of medical care take a back seat.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama is killing on both ends of the scale. First it was unlimited abortion, even killing the few babies that survive a botched abortion and now he is going after the elderly. Nazi Germany here we come.
As Mark said yesterday in one of the posts....."those of us over 60 are going to get the royal shaft. If for example you come down with some disease, the health bureaucrat will review your case and if the expected amount to fix your problem is too large or exceed the number of years you are expected to live. Then you don't get any care. As Mark Steyn says, 'then they ship you off to some place to expire.' Damn great system these communist have."
Remember the 1973 movie, “Soylent Green”? They had special places where elderly people were taken to commit suicide. I’m surprised the bill doesn’t have funds for that too.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (18)
February 09, 2009
Republican Defectors Facing Backlash For Stimulus Support
Republican Defectors Facing Backlash For Stimulus Support
By: Tim Collie
Three liberal Republican senators — Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine, and Pennsylvania's Sen. Arlen Specter — who pledged their support this weekend to President Barack Obama’s massive stimulus bill — are drawing the wrath of many conservatives.
As news filtered through the media that a "deal" had been cut with the defecting GOP Senators — giving Democrats the 60 plus votes they need to overcome a Republican filibuster — Republican officials and pundits expressed outrage.
The bolting Senators cited that soaring unemployment numbers, the country's worsening recession and the fact they cut some $100 billion off of the Senate Democrats proposed plan — as key factors for their decision to betray the GOP Senate caucus to joing with the Democrats.
Though weekends are noted for slow news cycles, Collins, Snowe and Specter are already finding they are under hostile fire, lambasted on conservative Web sites throughout the weekend and the subjects of angry calls by many of their constituents, according to reports.
“Arlen Specter is DONE,” wrote a blogger ..... “He won his last primary by less than 1 percent against a real conservative of Pat Toomey. And only because the President Bush came to PA and campaigned for him. He is DONE.”
Specter is up for relection in 2010. Washington Republican strategists tell Newsmax this weekend that Specter's defection has sealed the deal: he will face a primary for the GOP nomination.
"We don't care if we lose the Pennsylvania Senate seat to the Democrats," one Washington strategist told Newsmax. "Better to remove Fifth columnists from the party."
The sentiment was echoed in chat rooms and blogs across the web.
“They are frauds. RINOS (Republicans in Name Only),’’ wrote a blogger named Croupier101 on the Fox News blog site.
On TV news shows Sunday, their Republican colleagues distanced themselves from the defecting troika -- arguing that the small GOP support for the plan did not suggest Congressional Democrats or the White House sought a bipartisan stimulus.
This agreement is not bipartisan," Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., told CBS' "Face the Nation."
"I've been in bipartisan agreements, many. This is three Republican senators. Every Republican congressman voted against it in the House, plus Democrats. And all but three Republicans stayed together on this. That's not bipartisanship. That's just picking off a couple of senators," McCain said.
Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, who as head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said the trio’s support must have been disappointing to Obama, who has staked much on his ostensible ability to transcend the partisan divide.
"Having three Republicans, potentially, support it in the Senate out of 535 members of Congress is hardly a bipartisan effort. I think it's a disappointment — surely must be for President Obama," Cornyn told "FOX News Sunday." He added he fully expects the bill to pass "with almost exclusively Democratic support."
The three were the target of a furious national campaign by liberal groups, who besieged their offices with phone calls and emails urging them to support the stimulus plan. Without Democrats controlling a supermajority of 60 votes in the Senate, the trio's support was essential in advancing the contentious plan to a final vote next week.
Their help more than likely will result in pushing the stimulus over the finish line.
The critics contend the stimulus is nothing more than a laundy list of political payback to groups that supported the Democrats in the last election.
Wiild Thing's comment............
Specter has always been a snake! All three of these people should be kicked out of the Republican party!!!!
What is at stake is vastly more important than just the debt. The stolen money will be used to secure political control of the United States into the future. How many elections can $827,000,000,000 - plus PLUS billion buy? How many more government employed or funded parasites will it fund?
OK everyone and anyone that is interested. Please click below and find in the list your Senator, send that person a note telling them to please do not vote for this. And how you feel about it.
Senators of the 111th Congress
While watching in horror, the largest spending bill in history being forced upon a populace by a small band of theives in Washington, not representing their constituents views, and rewarding various groups for their loyalty during elections, it is obvious to all but the most blind that we cannot borrow our way out of debt.
The bill is a spending bill spending with absolutely no mention of spending cuts for the government except to cut our military budget by 10% at a time when we are fighting a war on 2 fronts! and America's finest in harms way.
As Senator Corker put it, the biggest generational theft bill of all time. Think about that, generational theft. Oh my gosh! Our Founding fathers have said many things about passing debt on to future generations, about entitlement spending, taxing the people, and big government. These people in our government should read or re-read Jefferson, Davey Crockett, Franklin, Washington and the Federalist papers, the Declaration of Independence, and , the Constitution of the United States. What is happening now is exactly what they warmed about.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (36)
B.Hussein Obama and His "Pinstripe Patronage" System Connection With The Stimulus Bill
Democrat Insider Says "Obama Has Secret Plan to Fund a Patronage System"
**** If it says the video is unavailable, please come back again to see if it is running. Sometimes when it is getting a lot of hits the video will have the problem of being seen. And right now this video is being put all over the internet. ~ Thank you so much Wild Thing
Detail of video:
2/6/09 - This was a live caller to the Savage Nation - Michael Savage, Host
“”I was told by democratic officials in that meeting, that we were going to get billions of dollars that was gonna come down the pike our way, and we’re gonna build an army (bigger than the US army) of democratic patronage jobs, that is going to completely freeze off the republicans for ever and ever”
BHO acknowledged it years ago.............
Obama and the "Pinstripe Patronage" System
In Chicago politics, pinstripe patronage refers to a political payback system where instead of rewarding voter loyalty with city jobs, significant campaign contributors receive government contracts.
It's a by-product of the age of big media. Obama learned about pinstripe patronage as an attorney at Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland, as a July 21, 2008 article by Ryan Lizza in The New Yorker, entitled "Making It: How Chicago shaped Obama," documents.
E. J. Dionne, Jr., of the Washington Post, wrote about this transition in a 1999 column after Daley was reëlected. Dionne wrote about a young Barack Obama, who artfully explained how the new pinstripe patronage worked:
A politician rewards the law firms, developers, and brokerage houses with contracts, and in return they pay for the new ad campaigns necessary for reëlection. "They do well, and you get a $5 million to $10 million war chest," Obama told Dionne.
It was a classic Obamaism: superficially critical of some unseemly aspect of the political process without necessarily forswearing the practice itself.
Obama was learning that one of the greatest skills a politician can possess is candor about the dirty work it takes to get and stay elected.
At the time, Obama was growing closer to Tony Rezko, who eventually turned pinstripe patronage into an extremely lucrative way of life.
Despite the element of corruption indigenous to the pinstripe patronage that became part of executing Daley's Plan for Transformation, back in 1999 Obama glossed over the approach, seemingly endorsing it.
Shortly after becoming a state senator in 1997, Obama told the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin that his experience working with the development industry had reinforced his belief in subsidizing private developers of affordable housing.
"That's an example of a smart policy," the paper quoted Obama as saying. "The developers were thinking in market terms and operating under the rules of the marketplace; but at the same time, we had government supporting and subsidizing those efforts."
Stimulus Watch
CLICK on LINK below, to find your State, then click on it and you can see all that is coming from the Stimulus Bill. Or click on it further to look up the City where you live.
Here is one of the most bizarre.
Projects in Puerto Rico
Below are the “shovel-ready” projects for which the mayors of this state have requested federal stimulus funding.
The total of cost of all the projects submitted by Puerto Rico is $22,093,054,016
Main home page for Stimulus Watch
Daley refuses to release stimulus project list
Mayor Richard Daley said today Chicago has compiled a wish list of “shovel-ready projects” to spend federal economic stimulus funds on should Congress approve a plan.
Unlike hundreds of other cities, however, Daley said Chicago won’t make its list public.
“Yes, we do, we have our list, we’ve been talking to people. We did not put that out publicly because once you start putting it out publicly, you know, the newspapers, the media is going to be ripping it apart,” Daley said.
“It’s very controversial. Yes, we have ready projects from the Board of Education to the City Colleges to the Park District to the CTA and the city of Chicago. Oh yes. Us and New York decided not to do that. We thought we could go directly into the federal bureaucracies and the different departments,” the mayor added.
Later, Daley was asked why he wasn’t being more transparent.
“Read some of your newspapers. Heh heh,” he replied.
Remember Obama’s favorite community activist group ACORN? They are the ones who helped the future president “get out the votes” registering Obama voters in two or three counties, or registering fictional and/or dead people. ACORN is under indictment in 12 states.
This spending bill provides them with up to $5.2 billion dollars for their housing oriented activities, at the same time, it empowers the organization to act as President Obama’s grass roots precinct captains.
Those that follow ACORN closely know that the organization is skilled in the fine art of Saul Alinsky and his strategies for organizing.
Alinsky put his rules together in order provide a textbook for this without money or natural power to organize and to affect change without the sort of power and connections that those with power would have.
ACORN uses these fundamentals in order to harrass, manipulate and ultimately extort money from powerful people and organizations.
Their tactics come from Alinsky rule #13: identify, isolate, freeze and escalate.
The blue print works like this. ACORN will identify an individual, usually a powerful head of a powerful organization. They will show up in front of that person’s home with several hundred protestors.
Since these powerful folks normally live in quiet and wealthy suburbs, such a commotion will soon be the talk of the neighborhood. The message for this person’s friends and neighbors will be clear “they are a bad person”.
By doing so, they will have isolated this person from their friends and neighbors. Soon, not only will the target themself be a pariah but so will their children. That is the process of isolation.
At this point, the target thinks that things can’t get worse, and it is then that ACORN only raises the stakes.
Not only will ACORN, and their protestors, show up everywhere the target frequents: the mall, the movie theater, the library, etc, but they will be there before the target even shows up.
As such, before the target even arrives to their shopping, ACORN will show up with a crew of several hundred to protest them.
Reid blocks bipartisan amendment requiring citizenship verification for stimulus recipients
“While it is difficult to believe that Senate leaders might insist that illegal aliens have the same chance at new stimulus jobs as unemployed Americans, this scenario may now be at hand,” says Roy Beck of Numbers USA. “SA 239 is now unlikely to receive a floor vote.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
The pieces are falling into place. I have been taking notes the last few days and gathering some links and information up so we can all know exactly what is going on that maybe we did not know before. I know I sure had no idea about some of this, until I started doing some research.
Here is the thing everything will be timed for the 2012 election. That campaign has commenced. It is like in Mugabe’s Zimbawe, if you do not support him, you do not eat or Buying loyalty, the Chicago way.
Porkulus is nothing much more than a patronage bill. One of it’s tenets provides more billions to ACORN. What do people think that’s for? He’s lining all his favorite organization’s pockets.
FDR used gov’t contracts to reward friends and punish congressional districts and mayors who opposed him. It was blatant vote buying, some of the newly hired for Federal gov’t jobs were required to contribute a portion of their wages to FDR’s campaign funds. Totally corrupt, and totally ignored by MSM and liberal historians.
One of the first things that leaped out at me when the stimulus was first brought up was the 600,000 federal employees. That is outrageous. That’s way out of line, and you probably don’t even need a thousand to administer a stimulus.
From every corner, on every issue, the libs will quash dissension and assert control.
This is exactly what Rush Limbaugh said would happen. That is what made me curious to start looking things up. The bill gets passed and the Democrats will own people. They will have control for a very long time because people will have government jobs, and welfare, and free food and free gas and why would someone vote for a candidate who believes in fiscal responsibility when you have a party that believes in giving you free stuff. The Fiscal Responsible candidate will never have any shot of winning. This is the ultimate screw job but we all knew it was coming
Obama is a dangerous man. His being a Muslim also factors in imo and that concerns me more then words can say about our military. The cuts backs he will make in the things they need among many other things. Prayers for each one serving now, deployed and here at home. God bless them and keep them safe.
In case anyone is having trouble getting ammo etc. One of the Vets that reads Theodore's World blog daily sent me this in an email. Thank you Trevor.
"This site has been pretty consistent. If they show it, they send it. A couple of people said they got shorted maybe one item out of a huge order. They are low on 223/556 right now but if you check it daily they will get huge shipments in and then they will be low again like they are now. They have lots of 9mm in right now. A little advice, when they get it in, put it in your shopping cart fast because if you don't it may be gone and they do dump your cart after about 20 minutes of no activity. I learned that the hard way. Had a full cart, came back 30 minutes or so later and cart dumped and some of the items I wanted gone from the site."
The link he sent me that he was talking about.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (15)
February 08, 2009
Lawmakers In 20 States Move To Reclaim Sovereignty
Lawmakers in 20 states move to reclaim sovereignty
Obama's $1 trillion deficit-spending 'stimulus plan' seen as last straw
As the Obama administration attempts to push through Congress a nearly $1 trillion deficit spending plan that is weighted heavily toward advancing typically Democratic-supported social welfare programs, a rebellion against the growing dominance of federal control is beginning to spread at the state level.
So far, eight states have introduced resolutions declaring state sovereignty under the Ninth and Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, including Arizona, Hawaii, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, Oklahoma and Washington.
Analysts expect that in addition, another 20 states may see similar measures introduced this year, including Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Nevada, Maine and Pennsylvania.
"What we are trying to do is to get the U.S. Congress out of the state's business," Oklahoma Republican state Sen. Randy Brogdon told WND.
"Congress is completely out of line spending trillions of dollars over the last 10 years putting the nation into a debt crisis like we've never seen before," Brogdon said, arguing that the Obama stimulus plan is the last straw taxing state patience in the brewing sovereignty dispute.
"This particular 111th Congress is the biggest bunch of over-reachers and underachievers we've ever had in Congress," he said.
"A sixth-grader should realize you can't borrow money to pay off your debt, and that is the Obama administration's answer for a stimulus package," he added.
The Ninth Amendment reads, "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
The Tenth Amendment specifically provides, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Brogdon, the lead sponsor of the Oklahoma state senate version of the sovereignty bill, has been a strong opponent of extending the plan to build a four-football-fields-wide Trans-Texas Corridor parallel to Interstate-35 to Oklahoma.
Rollback federal authority
The various sovereignty measures moving through state legislatures are designed to reassert state authority through a rollback of federal authority under the powers enumerated in the Constitution, with the states assuming the governance of the non-enumerated powers, as required by the Tenth Amendment.
The state sovereignty measures, aimed largely at the perceived fiscal irresponsibility of Congress in the administrations of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, have gained momentum with the $1 trillion deficit-spending economic stimulus package the Obama administration is currently pushing through Congress.
Particularly disturbing to many state legislators are the increasing number of "unfunded mandates" that have proliferated in social welfare programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, in which bills passed by Congress dictate policy to the states without providing funding.
In addition, the various state resolutions include discussion of a wide range of policy areas, including the regulation of firearms sales (Montana) and the demand to issue drivers licenses with technology to embed personal information under the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative and the Real ID Act (Michigan).
Hawaii's measure calls for a new state constitutional convention to return self-governance, a complaint that traces back to the days it was a U.S. territory, prior to achieving statehood in 1959.
"We are trying to send a message to the federal government that the states are trying to reclaim their sovereignty," Republican Rep. Matt Shea, the lead sponsor of Washington's sovereignty resolution told WND.
"State sovereignty has been eroded in so many areas, it's hard to know where to start," he said. "There are a ton of federal mandates imposed on states, for instance, on education spending and welfare spending."
Shea said the Obama administration's economic stimulus package moving through Congress is a "perfect example."
"In the state of Washington, we have increased state spending 33 percent in the last three years and hired 6,000 new state employees, often using federal mandates as an excuse to grow state government," he said. "We need to return government back down to the people, to keep government as close to the local people as possible."
Shea is a private attorney who serves with the Alliance Defense Fund, a nationwide network of about 1,000 attorneys who work pro-bono. As a counter to the ACLU, the alliance seeks to protect and defend religious liberty, the sanctity of life and traditional family values.
Republican state Rep. Judy Burges, the primary sponsor of the sovereignty resolution in the Arizona House, told WND the federal government "has been trouncing on our constitutional rights."
"The real turning point for me was the Real ID act, which involved both a violation of the Fourth Amendments rights against the illegal searches and seizures and the Tenth Amendment," she said.
Burges told WND she is concerned that the overreaching of federal powers could lead to new legislation aimed at confiscating weapons from citizens or encoding ammunition.
"The Real ID Act was so broadly written that we are afraid that it involves the potential for "mission-creep," that could easily involve confiscation of firearms and violations of the Second Amendment," she said.
Burges said she has been surprised at the number of e-mails she has received in support of the sovereignty measure.
"We are a sovereign state in Arizona, not a branch of the federal government, and we need to be treated as such, she insisted.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I wish Florida was on the list. I plan on writing our rino Gov about this. Woo Hoo!!
We can't be blamed for wondering if there is any sanity left among elected officials anywhere in the United States. This is a welcome article.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (26)
Biden Urges Passage of Stimulus Despite Voter Backlash
Biden Urges Passage of Stimulus Despite Voter Backlash
Vice President Joe Biden acknowledged Friday that Democrats could face political repercussions in 2010 for their support of the economic stimulus package, the Wall Street Journal reported.
"But when we do approve it, I'm sure you're going to be nailed in ads, 'Well they voted on that' 30 second ads," Biden told roughly 200 members of the House Democratic Caucus gathered for their three day annual retreat.
"I promise you as a colleague once said to me, 'I'll come campaign for you or against you, whichever will help you the most in your district.' And so will the president because, again, we're all in this together."
The vice president also offered some trademark candor about the prospects of success.
He recalled a recent White House meeting with the president and senior aides in which they were discussing the many challenges the country faces.
"If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there's still a 30 percent chance we're going to get it wrong," was his message at the meeting.
Biden warned that the consequences were too great for the country to allow politics to prevent action.
"The only thing we can get wrong is not reaching a consensus among ourselves ... and demonstrating to the American people that we're thinking small and politically -you [House Democrats] have not, you've thought big," he said. All but 10 House Democrats voted for the bill.
Echoing President Obama's remarks Thursday, Biden aligned this moment with other great challenges the country has faced.
"Not since World War II has a caucus gathered with so many challenges facing our country and the stakes so high," he said. "The slope is pretty steep. The opportunities are great."
Wild Thing's comment.........
"I’ll come campaign for you or against you, whichever will help you the most in your district.’ And so will the president because, again, we’re all in this together.”
Leave it to the twisted, disingenuous minds of socialists that you support someone by pretending to oppose them. A very revealing statement how much of their past campaigns have been based on lies.
....Thank you Lynn for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (8)
Obama's Labor Nominee Hilda Solis, Faces Tax Questions
Solis, a Democrat from El Monte, is at least the fourth Obama nominee whose confirmation has been complicated by tax troubles.
Obama Labor Nominee's Family Business is a Tax-Evader and Blew Off Requirements Under Health and Safety Regs
Here at National Right to Work, we've kept a close watch on Hilda Solis, the union-activist California Congresswoman nominated by President Obama to serve as Secretary of Labor.
We've told you about Solis' hypocrisy on the secret ballot issue, her admission that she is not "qualified" to discuss Right to Work, her refusal to answer basic questions on key labor issues, and her position as treasurer (which she failed to disclose to Congress) with a Big Labor lobbying group.
Now USA Today reports that Hilda Solis is the fourth major Obama nominee to be faced with a tax scandal:
"The husband of President Obama's Labor secretary nominee paid about $6,400 Wednesday to settle tax liens that had been outstanding for as long as 16 years against his business, the Obama administration told USA TODAY this afternoon...
Personal tax problems have tripped up three of President Obama's nominees for top administration jobs. Two nominees withdrew on Tuesday over tax issues, including Tom Daschle, Obama's choice head the Health and Human Services Department. The other withdrawal was chief performance officer nominee Nancy Killefer, who had a $947 tax lien filed against her in Washington four years ago for not paying unemployment compensation taxes for a household employee. She paid the debt less than six months later, District of Columbia records show."
But there's more. According to the report, some of the tax liens resulted from "unpaid county health and safety permit fees." And Solis has the gall to seek a position that enforces health and safety laws against workplaces across America?
Maybe Solis' cozy relationship with Big Labor's high command over the years has given her the false impression shared by so many union bosses that they are above the law. With all those special privileges such as immunity from federal prosecution for union violence and exemption from anti-monopoly laws, union bosses actually are above the law in many respects. And with Solis running the Department of Labor, union chiefs would expect Solis -- who voted with the AFL-CIO 100% of the time -- to cut funding to the agency which investigates union boss corruption.
Solis' indiscretions are even more disturbing in light of President Obama's recent executive orders which would give the Secretary of Labor unprecedented authority to fire federal contractors who don't grease the rails for coervice card check organizing.
This hypocrite aspiring to be Labor Secretary is poised to receive virtually unchecked power
over which contractors get to do work funded by the nearly trillion dollar "stimulus" plan. Perhaps Hilda Solis should withdraw herself from consideration and get her own house in order.
Wild Thing's comment.........
There seems to be a pattern of Democratic tax cheats! Well I get it now, Democrats like high taxes, because they don’t pay them.
Craig Ferguson of CBS’s Late Late Show was discussing Obama coming down on Corporate executives.
“Finally some accountability in Washington.....But I’m thinkin’ if they’re going to introduce accountability, shouldn’t Obama start with making his own people pay their taxes?"
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (8)
February 07, 2009
B.Hussein Obama's Stimulus Bill The Welfare Spendathon!
Welfare Spendathon: House Stimulus Bill Will Cost Taxpayers $787 Billion in New Welfare Spending
The recently passed U.S. House of Representatives stimulus bill contains $816 billion in new spending and tax cuts. Of this sum, $264 billion (32 percent) is new means-tested welfare spending. This represents about $6,700 in new welfare spending for every poor person in the U.S.
But this welfare spending is only the tip of the iceberg. The bill sets in motion another $523 billion in new welfare spending that is hidden by budgetary gimmicks. If the bill is enacted, the total 10-year extra welfare cost is likely to be $787 billion.
The claim that Congress is temporarily increasing welfare spending for Keynesian purposes (to spark the economy by boosting consumer spending) is a red herring. The real goal is to get "the camel's nose under the tent" for a massive permanent expansion of the welfare state.
In the first year after enactment of the stimulus bill, federal welfare spending will explode upward by more than 20 percent, rising from $491 billion in FY 2008 to $601 billion in FY 2009. This one-year explosion in welfare spending is, by far, the largest in U.S. history. But spending will continue to rise even further in future years. The stimulus bill is a welfare spendathon, a massive down payment on Obama's promise to "spread the wealth."
Once the hidden welfare spending in the bill is counted, the total 10-year fiscal burden (added to the national debt) will not be $816 billion, as claimed, but $1.34 trillion. This amounts to $17,400 for each household paying income tax in the U.S.
New Welfare in the Stimulus Bill
The House stimulus bill overtly increases federal welfare spending by $264 billion. Most of this spending will occur in the first two years after passage. For example, if enacted, the House stimulus bill will spend an additional $88 billion in means-tested welfare aid in FY 2009, an increase of more than 20 percent above prior spending levels. Federal welfare spending (including small increases built into existing law) will rise from $491 billion in FY 2008 to $601 billion in FY 2009. This one-year spending explosion (by far the largest in U.S. history) will not be a byproduct of unemployment generated by the recession but the result of a deliberate expansion of welfare eligibility and benefits by President Obama and Congress.
Camel's Nose in the Tent
While $264 billion in new welfare spending may seem like a lot, it is only the tip of the iceberg. If the stimulus bill is enacted, the real long-term increase will be far higher. This is because the stimulus bill pretends that most of its welfare benefit increases will lapse after two years. In fact, both Congress and President Obama intend for most of these increases to become permanent
"Spread the Wealth" Tax Credit
A major new welfare program in the stimulus bill is Obama's "Make Work Pay" refundable tax credit. This credit represents a fundamental shift in welfare policy. At a cost of around $23 billion per year, this credit will provide up to $500 in cash to low income adults who pay no income taxes. For the first time, the government will give significant cash to able-bodied adults without dependent children. Since most of these individuals have little apparent need for assistance, the new credit represents "spreading the wealth" for its own sake.
Hidden Welfare Spending
There are another six welfare expansions in the stimulus bill that will almost certainly become permanent if the bill is enacted.
A Trojan Horse
The welfare provisions in the Senate stimulus bill are very similar to those in the House bill. Both bills use the idea of economic stimulus as a Trojan horse to conceal massive, permanent increases in the U.S. welfare system. The goal of the bills is "spreading the wealth," not reviving the economy.
Wild Thing's comment.......
One huge difference in the liberals and conservatives is we love the American dream, the way our country has given us all a chance to be the best we can be, do accomplish things and if we fail to be able to try again. The liberals don't even want a citizen to even make one attempt at taking care of themselves, at accomplishing anything in their lives.
Liberalism is the quashing of the entrepreneur, the risk taker or the saver. It rewards deviant, irresponsible and lazy behavior that erodes the profit motive.
Obama and the rest of the left want us to become like become France, Sweden, etc, all the Socialist/Communist countries. The Democrats give a damn about the economy, they only care about one thing and that is POWER, and once this is done they will have unbelievable power, unfortunately the stupid RINOS who are agreeing to this crap are bending over and taking it
The hypocritical part of Dems is that many of them are rich from inheiritance or marriage, the same class warfare “hate the rich” policies they scream against, yet live. Power, yes, insulated power is what they seek.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (17)
Pelosi Wants A Quickie "Pass the Stimulus Bill"~ and Not Happy With Tax Cuts
Pelosi dismisses bipartisanship calls
In a statement sure to rile Republicans, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Friday dismissed calls for bipartisanship as “process” arguments extraneous to passing a stimulus bill — and warned Senate Democrats against slashing proposed increases to education spending.
Pelosi — speaking to reporters on the second day of her retreat with House Democrats at a swank Williamsburg, Va., golf resort — was clearly annoyed with Senate attempts to slash up to $100 billion in spending from the $819 billion package the House passed last week.
At the same time, she urged the need for speed in passing the package — and stopped short of saying that she’d insist on her demands during upcoming conference negotiations with the Senate.
“Washington seems consumed in the process argument of bipartisanship, when the rest of the country says they need this bill,” the California Democrat said, seeming to sweep aside the Obama administration initial desire to have broad GOP support for the plan.
“We must have a bill [quickly],” she said, in a clear message to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who has spent the past two days wrangling with moderates who want to cut proposed education funding for the states by as much as $50 billion.
“These cuts are very damaging — [the House bill] was put together very carefully. ... The funding goes directly to school districts, they are stimulative because they maintain jobs instead of cutting jobs.”
Brad Dayspring, a spokesman for House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.), said: “Her comment really makes one wonder whether she understands the concerns of not only the majority of struggling Americans seeking tax relief and job creation, but many members from her own party.”
Pelosi’s increasingly partisan tone comes a day after Obama stepped up his pressure on Republicans, who have sought to downsize spending and increase tax cuts. They have been joined in their efforts by a coalition of centrist Democrats in the upper chamber, led by Nebraska Democrat Ben Nelson, who has criticized the House stimulus as wasteful and ill-targeted.
The speaker, who spent early Friday huddled with Democratic governors, reiterated her strong opposition to increasing tax cuts. In January, she convinced Obama to decrease the tax cuts in the package from about $300 billion to about $250 billion.
The new Senate cuts, if passed, “will do violence to the future,” said Pelosi, who is also pressing a reluctant Obama to repeal Bush administration tax cuts for the wealthy before they expire at the end of 2010.
Earlier, speaking behind closed doors, Pelosi exhorted her House colleagues to "sell, sell, sell" the stimulus package in their districts — cautioning that the next 72 hours will be critical to turn the tide of public opinion for or against the package.
She called Obama's counterattack on GOP stimulus foes last night a "fresh approach."
Education groups are flooding Capitol Hill with calls and e-mails to fight the push by Nelson and Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins to slash about $50 billion from proposed new federal grants for state education aid.
The 3.2-million-member National Education Association, one of the biggest union backers of Democrats, has sent a letter to Senate Democrats threatening to lower their rating with the group if they vote against the original level of school aid funding.
"We strongly urge your opposition to the Nelson-Collins amendment to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that would cut funding allocated for education. Votes associated with this issue will be included in the NEA Legislative Report Card for the 111th Congress," wrote NEA execs Diane Shust and Randall Moody.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Mad with power, motivated by hatred of America and Republicans and all she does shows how she really does relish in the destruction of our country.
Her Jet had to be bigger then anyone else so she could haul her idiot family to and from D.C. or where else they wanrted to zip off to.
Her trip to Syria she just had to make out of her hate for Bush and our troops. Trying to mess with what was going on during....DURING a war going on. TREASON!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (16)
United Nations' threat: No more parental rights
United Nations' threat: No more parental rights
Expert: Pact would ban spankings, homeschooling if children object
A United Nations human rights treaty that could prohibit children from being spanked or homeschooled, ban youngsters from facing the death penalty and forbid parents from deciding their families' religion is on America's doorstep, a legal expert warns.
Michael Farris of Purcellville, Va., is president of ParentalRights.org, chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association and chancellor of Patrick Henry College. He told WND that under the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, or CRC, every decision a parent makes can be reviewed by the government to determine whether it is in the child's best interest.
"It's definitely on our doorstep," he said. "The left wants to make the Obama-Clinton era permanent. Treaties are a way to make it as permanent as stuff gets. It is very difficult to extract yourself from a treaty once you begin it. If they can put all of their left-wing socialist policies into treaty form, we're stuck with it even if they lose the next election."
The 1990s-era document was ratified quickly by 193 nations worldwide, but not the United States or Somalia. In Somalia, there was then no recognized government to do the formal recognition, and in the United States there's been opposition to its power. Countries that ratify the treaty are bound to it by international law.
Although signed by Madeleine Albright, U.S. ambassador to the U.N., on Feb. 16, 1995, the U.S. Senate never ratified the treaty, largely because of conservatives' efforts to point out it would create that list of rights which primarily would be enforced against parents.
The international treaty creates specific civil, economic, social, cultural and even economic rights for every child and states that "the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration." While the treaty states that parents or legal guardians "have primary responsibility for the upbringing and development of the child," Farris said government will ultimately determine whether parents' decisions are in their children's best interest. The treaty is monitored by the CRC, which conceivably has enforcement powers.
According to the Parental Rights website, the substance of the CRC dictates the following:
* Parents would no longer be able to administer reasonable spankings to their children.
* A murderer aged 17 years, 11 months and 29 days at the time of his crime could no longer be sentenced to life in prison.
* Children would have the ability to choose their own religion while parents would only have the authority to give their children advice about religion.
* The best interest of the child principle would give the government the ability to override every decision made by every parent if a government worker disagreed with the parent's decision.
* A child's "right to be heard" would allow him (or her) to seek governmental review of every parental decision with which the child disagreed.
* According to existing interpretation, it would be illegal for a nation to spend more on national defense than it does on children's welfare.
* Children would acquire a legally enforceable right to leisure.
* Teaching children about Christianity in schools has been held to be out of compliance with the CRC.
* Allowing parents to opt their children out of sex education has been held to be out of compliance with the CRC.
* Children would have the right to reproductive health information and services, including abortions, without parental knowledge or consent.
"Where the child has a right fulfilled by the government, the responsibilities shift from parents to the government," Farris said. "The implications of all this shifting of responsibilities is that parents no longer have the traditional roles of either being responsible for their children or having the right to direct their children."
The government would decide what is in the best interest of a children in every case, and the CRC would be considered superior to state laws, Farris said. Parents could be treated like criminals for making every-day decisions about their children's lives.
"If you think your child shouldn't go to the prom because their grades were low, the U.N. Convention gives that power to the government to review your decision and decide if it thinks that's what's best for your child," he said. "If you think that your children are too young to have a Facebook account, which interferes with the right of communication, the U.N. gets to determine whether or not your decision is in the best interest of the child."
He continued, "If you think your child should go to church three times a week, but the child wants to go to church once a week, the government gets to decide what it thinks is in the best interest of the children on the frequency of church attendance."
He said American social workers would be the ones responsible for implementation of the policies.
Farris said it could be easier for President Obama to push for ratification of the treaty than it was for the Clinton administration because "the political world has changed."
Wild Thing's comment...........
I long for the day when we have a man in the White House who sees the U.N. for what it is. To allow the UN to raise the children of a country, any country, especially our own beloved America makes me sick and angry. This cannot happen!!!!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (9)
February 06, 2009
Newt Speaks Out About Big Government Stimulus Bill
The Stimiulus bill is a big government, pork-laden spending bill filled with wasteful projects.
In this new video, Newt outlines in stark terms exactly why this bill, as currently written.
Among many other wasteful, non-stimulative projects, it includes $650 million for digital TV coupons, $1 billion for climate satellite and habitat restoration programs, and $600 million to replace a portion of the federal government vehicle fleet.
Source :
American Solutions
Wild Thing's comment........
The purpose is to advance socialism mainly among other things. Scrap the bill and don't replace it with more legislation. Let the free market system work itself out.
.... Thank you John for sending this to me.
US Navy
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (12)
DeMint's Amendment to Ban Obama/Dem Bill of Religious Discrimination Fails
U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) made the following statement after Democrats voted 43-54 against his amendment to strike language from the economic stimulus bill that discriminates against students of faith. Senator DeMint’s amendment would have eliminated a provision that bans any university or college receiving funds to renovate buildings, from allowing “sectarian instruction” or “religious worship” within the facility. This would in effect bar use of campus buildings for groups like the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Campus Crusade for Christ, Catholic Student Ministries, Hillel, and other religious organizations.
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) speaks on the floor about his amendment that would strike language permitting religious discrimination contained in the Democrat stimulus bill (Feb. 5, 2009).
This is a direct attack on students of faith, and I’m outraged Democrats are using an economic stimulus bill to promote discrimination,” said Senator DeMint. “Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for siding with the ACLU over millions of students of faith. These students simply want equal access to public facilities, which is their constitutional right. This hostility toward religion must end. Those who voted to for this discrimination are standing in the schoolhouse door to deny people of faith from entering any campus building renovated by this bill.
“This is now an ACLU stimulus designed to trigger lawsuits designed to intimidate religious organizations across the nation. This language is so vague, it’s not clear if students can even pray in a dorm room renovated with this funding since that is a form of ‘religious worship.’ If this provision remains in the bill, it will have a chilling effect on students of faith in America.
“It is in hard times that our society most needs faith. It provides the light that no darkness can overcome. This provision is an attempt to extinguish that light from college campuses, from the lives of our youth.
DeMint amendment to ban religious discrimination in stimulus funding fails, 43-54
Grouped by Home State Alabama: Sessions (R-AL), Yea Shelby (R-AL), Yea
Alaska: Begich (D-AK), Nay Murkowski (R-AK), Yea
Arizona: Kyl (R-AZ), Yea McCain (R-AZ), Yea
Arkansas: Lincoln (D-AR), Nay Pryor (D-AR), Nay
California: Boxer (D-CA), Nay Feinstein (D-CA), Nay
Colorado: Bennet (D-CO), Nay Udall (D-CO), Nay
Connecticut: Dodd (D-CT), Nay Lieberman (ID-CT), Yea
Delaware: Carper (D-DE), Nay Kaufman (D-DE), Nay
Florida: Martinez (R-FL), Yea Nelson (D-FL), Nay
Georgia: Chambliss (R-GA), Yea Isakson (R-GA), Yea
Hawaii: Akaka (D-HI), Nay Inouye (D-HI), Nay
Idaho: Crapo (R-ID), Yea Risch (R-ID), Yea
Illinois: Burris (D-IL), Nay Durbin (D-IL), Nay
Indiana: Bayh (D-IN), Yea Lugar (R-IN), Yea
Iowa: Grassley (R-IA), Yea Harkin (D-IA), Nay
Kansas: Brownback (R-KS), Yea Roberts (R-KS), Yea
Kentucky: Bunning (R-KY), Yea McConnell (R-KY), Yea
Louisiana: Landrieu (D-LA), Nay Vitter (R-LA), Yea
Maine: Collins (R-ME), Nay Snowe (R-ME), Nay
Maryland: Cardin (D-MD), Nay Mikulski (D-MD), Nay
Massachusetts: Kennedy (D-MA), Not Voting Kerry (D-MA), Nay
Michigan: Levin (D-MI), Nay Stabenow (D-MI), Nay
Minnesota: Klobuchar (D-MN), Nay
Mississippi: Cochran (R-MS), Yea Wicker (R-MS), Yea
Missouri: Bond (R-MO), Yea McCaskill (D-MO), Nay
Montana: Baucus (D-MT), Nay Tester (D-MT), Nay
Nebraska: Johanns (R-NE), Yea Nelson (D-NE), Yea
Nevada: Ensign (R-NV), Yea Reid (D-NV), Nay
New Hampshire: Gregg (R-NH), Not Voting Shaheen (D-NH), Nay
New Jersey: Lautenberg (D-NJ), Nay Menendez (D-NJ), Nay
New Mexico: Bingaman (D-NM), Nay Udall (D-NM), Nay
New York: Gillibrand (D-NY), Nay Schumer (D-NY), Nay
North Carolina: Burr (R-NC), Yea Hagan (D-NC), Nay
North Dakota: Conrad (D-ND), Yea Dorgan (D-ND), Yea
Ohio: Brown (D-OH), Nay Voinovich (R-OH), Yea
Oklahoma: Coburn (R-OK), Yea Inhofe (R-OK), Yea
Oregon: Merkley (D-OR), Nay Wyden (D-OR), Nay
Pennsylvania: Casey (D-PA), Nay Specter (R-PA), Yea
Rhode Island: Reed (D-RI), Nay Whitehouse (D-RI), Nay
South Carolina: DeMint (R-SC), Yea Graham (R-SC), Yea
South Dakota: Johnson (D-SD), Nay Thune (R-SD), Yea
Tennessee: Alexander (R-TN), Yea Corker (R-TN), Yea
Texas: Cornyn (R-TX), Yea Hutchison (R-TX), Yea
Utah: Bennett (R-UT), Yea Hatch (R-UT), Yea
Vermont: Leahy (D-VT), Nay Sanders (I-VT), Nay
Virginia: Warner (D-VA), Nay Webb (D-VA), Nay
Washington: Cantwell (D-WA), Nay Murray (D-WA), Nay
West Virginia: Byrd (D-WV), Nay Rockefeller (D-WV), Nay
Wisconsin: Feingold (D-WI), Nay Kohl (D-WI), Nay
Wyoming: Barrasso (R-WY), Yea Enzi (R-WY), Yea
And on the same day yesterday Obama was doing this....but he must not have talked to the democrats and what they had put in the stimulus bill.
Obama to create faith-based office
President Barack Obama said Thursday he will establish a White House office of faith-based initiatives that will show no favoritism to any religious group and adhere to the strict separation of church and state.
Addressing the National Prayer Breakfast, Obama spoke of how faith has often been a divisive tool, responsible for war and prejudice. But, he said, "there is no religion whose central tenet is hate. There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being," and all religions teach people to love and care for one another. That is the common ground underlying his faith-based office, he said.
In personal terms, he talked about the role of faith in his life, from his Muslim-born father and a mother skeptical of organized religion to his own embrace of Christianity as a young man.
"In a world that grows smaller by the day, perhaps we can begin to crowd out the destructive forces of zealotry and make room for the healing power of understanding," Obama told the gathering of lawmakers, dignitaries and world leaders. "This is my hope. This is my prayer."
Wild Thing's comment..........
"There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being".....Obama said.
This man is KING of wanting abortions at any stage and also death to a baby that just might survive the abortion and he has the nerve to say such a statement.
DeMint sure is a good man, I wish he was in Florida.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:44 AM | Comments (5)
February 05, 2009
How Much Is $1 Trillion?
CNN asks a Temple University mathematics professor how much $1 trillion actually is. The story notes Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell is correct when he says that if you spent $1 million per day starting in the year 0, you still would not have spent $1 trillion by 2009.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Most democrats can not understand what is happening. We are being robbed. This is not a stimulus bill, it is a payoff of Obama's buddies that helped him get elected. If he can get this bill passed he will be the greatest thief in the history of mankind.
And there is this........
DeMint, Sanford leading opposition to Obama stimulus plan
Sen. Jim DeMint and Gov. Mark Sanford urged members of the Senate on Wednesday to reject President Barack Obama's economic-stimulus bill, as DeMint introduced a rival measure he said required only tax cuts.
Sanford, in Washington for a Republican Governors Association meeting, asked Republican senators at a Capitol Hill lunch convened by DeMint to follow the lead of House Republicans who voted against the $819 billion stimulus measure last week.
Sanford and DeMint said they are joining forces in a bid to try to spark the kind of national outcry among conservatives that led to the defeat of a major Senate immigration-reform bill in 2007.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (9)
Blue Dog Says Pelosi Treats Members Like 'Mushrooms'
He's one of the leaders of a gang of moderate Democrats called the Blue Dogs.
Blue Dog Says Pelosi Treats Members Like 'Mushrooms'
Democratic Rep. Jim Cooper (Tenn.) vented to Air America about the way Speaker Nancy Pelosi was treating members who wanted to do things like read the bills being voted on.
It wasn't pretty.
Cooper, one of the 11 Democrats to vote against the House version of the stimulus bill, said he landed in hot water with Pelosi because he cared what was in the bill.
"I got in terrible trouble with our leadership because they don’t care what’s in the bill, they just want it pass and they want it to be unanimous," he said. "They don’t mind the partisan fighting cause that’s what they are used to. In fact, they’re really good at it. And they’re a little bit worried about what a post-partisan future might look like. If members actually had to read the bills and figure out whether they are any good or not. We’re just told how to vote. We’re treated like mushrooms most of the time."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Good for him to speak out. Pelosi treats her Democrats “like mushrooms most of the time.” We can only imagine how the House Republicans get treated.
Neil Cavuto also played this on his show last night.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (4)
February 03, 2009
WH Spokesman Robert Gibbs on Tax Cheat Daschle: "Nobodys Perfect"
WH Spokesman Robert Gibbs on Tax Cheat Daschle: "Nobodys Perfect"
Sen. Jim DeMint (S.C.), one of two Republicans who opposed the confirmation of Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, was the only lawmaker to suggest publicly yesterday that Daschle's nomination may be in jeopardy.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) said on CBS's "Face the Nation": "I think I'm going to just wait until [committee members] give me their opinion. But it was a surprise. . . . It is quite a surprise."
"We'll have to question former senator Daschle and understand his explanation, and then have a conversation about it and see where it goes," Sen Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) said on "Fox News Sunday." Kyl, who was Geithner's strongest critic on the committee, said it appears "too early to tell" whether Daschle's difficulties will disqualify him for the post. Kyl suggested that Obama is benefiting from his popularity and a double standard, and that President George W. Bush's nominees might not have survived similar mistakes.
"President Obama wanted to have a very ethical administration starting out and so on, but I think he's seeing how hard it is to avoid these kind of problems," Kyl said. "And I just wonder if President Bush had nominated these people, what folks would be saying about that."
Wild Thing's comment.........
First I have to say this....I do NOT like Gibbs!! He is a shoddy excuse for a human being. Right alongside his boss.
The Washington Post is calling it a " GLITCH "?? LOL well now there we have it. It is either that we have issues with this...yes issues they like to call it too. And now we can call it a glitch. The glitch is a $140,000 in back taxes and penalties. But who is counting certainly not if a person is a democrat politician.
But get this.... Daschle's says " I have no excuses"
And Obama said....." I stand behind him. "
LOL I am so sorry but this is so out there, that it would be hard to believe if we were not living it.
BUT look at this.....
"Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter.” —Sen. Tom Daschle, Congressional Record, May 7, 1998, p. S4507.
Well I guess we should all cut him some slack; we've all made our share of little mistakes. Who hasn't committed $120,000 dollars worth of tax fraud?
Democrats love raising taxes. It’s no wonder, they never pay them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (9)
February 02, 2009
Bill Creates Detention Camps in U.S. For 'emergencies'
Bill creates detention camps in U.S. for 'emergencies'
Sweeping, undefined purpose raises worries about military police state
By Jerome R. Corsi
Rep. Alcee L. Hastings, D-Fla., has introduced to the House of Representatives a new bill, H.R. 645, calling for the secretary of homeland security to establish no fewer than six national emergency centers for corralling civilians on military installations.
The proposed bill, which has received little mainstream media attention, appears designed to create the type of detention center that those concerned about use of the military in domestic affairs fear could be used as concentration camps for political dissidents, such as occurred in Nazi Germany.
The bill also appears to expand the president's emergency power, much as the executive order signed by President Bush on May 9, 2007, that – as WND reported – gave the president the authority to declare an emergency and take over the direction of all federal, state, local, territorial and tribal governments without even consulting Congress.
DHS ( Dept. Homeland Security) has awarded a $385 million contract to Houston-based KBR, Halliburton's former engineering and construction subsidiary, to build temporary detention centers on an "as-needed" basis in national emergency situations.
According to the text of the proposed bill, the purpose of the National Emergency Centers is "to provide temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster."
Three additional purposes are specified in the text of the proposed legislation:
SEC. 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY CENTERS. (a) In General- In accordance with the requirements of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish not fewer than 6 national emergency centers on military installations. (b) Purpose of National Emergency Centers- The purpose of a national emergency center shall be to use existing infrastructure-- (1) to provide temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster; (2) to provide centralized locations for the purposes of training and ensuring the coordination of Federal, State, and local first responders; (3) to provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations; and (4) to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.
* To provide centralized locations for the purposes of training and ensuring the coordination of federal, state and local first responders;
* To provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response and recovery efforts of government, private, not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations;
* To meet other appropriate needs, as defined by the secretary of homeland security.
The broad specifications of the bill's language, however, contribute to concern that the "national emergency" purpose could be utilized by the secretary of homeland security to include any kind of situation the government wants to contain or otherwise control.
Rep. Hastings created controversy during the 2008 presidential campaign with his provocative comments concerning Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
"If Sarah Palin isn't enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention," Hastings said, as reported by ABC News. "Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don't care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through."
H.R. 645, which seeks to allocate $360 million for developing the emergency centers, has been referred to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and to the Committee on Armed Services.
Here is a LINK for the bill:
Wild Thing's comment.......
Alcee L. Hastings, D-Fla. is the disgraced former Federal Judge, removed for bribery, and elected in one of those fake Gerrymandered districts. He is also a typical socialist and totalitarian.Someone that would fit right in with Obama and his ilk.
One of the problems with this Bill is that it depends on who is in power. Someone like Ronald Reagan I would have no worries about it. I would know without a doubt that it would be used for true emergencies like Katrina etc. But with B. Hussein Obama in power and being in the minority now that causes me concern.
Like this part of the Bill:
(f) Cooperative Agreement for Joint Use of Existing Military Installations- If an existing military installation other than a closed military installation is designated as a national emergency center, not later than 180 days after the date of designation, the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of Defense shall enter into a cooperative agreement to provide for the establishment of the national emergency center.
OK now the way I read this please tell me if I am wrong or right about it. This provision will allow BO and the socialists in Congress to close military bases consequently removing them from the military authority and thereby weakening the military,ending free speech and creating a stronger centralized form of government.
Remember when Biden came out of a briefing and said Obama would have to make “unpopular” decisions, and Obama starts targeting Rush. They know where the opposition is. It’s not in Washington- it’s in the Bible Belt. We are their nightmare.
“Mexico is within inches of a total collapse. If this happens, as Michelle Malkin said today, Venezuela and other Communist countries may take control of our next door neighbor."
Think about what is happening to Israel with its enemies across its border. They can try, but they would be making a big mistake. We’re not disarmed Russians.
Remember this..................Obama Civilian Security........
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (21)
January 30, 2009
Stimulus Aids Illegal Immigrants
Stimulus aids illegal immigrants
The $800 billion-plus economic stimulus measure making its way through Congress could steer government checks to illegal immigrants, a top Republican congressional official asserted Thursday.
The legislation, which would send tax credits of $500 per worker and $1,000 per couple, expressly disqualifies nonresident aliens, but it would allow people who don't have Social Security numbers to be eligible for the checks.
Undocumented immigrants who are not eligible for a Social Security number can file tax returns with an alternative number. A House-passed version of the economic recovery bill and one making its way through the Senate would allow anyone with such a number, called an individual taxpayer identification number, to qualify for the tax credits.
A revolt among GOP conservatives to similar provisions of a 2008 economic stimulus bill, which sent rebate checks to most wage earners, forced Democratic congressional leaders to add stricter eligibility requirements. That legislation, enacted in February 2008, required that people have valid Social Security numbers in order to get checks.
Wild Thing's comment.......
As usual, the Dems are trying to buy future votes and enslave people by getting them dependent on government. If Republicans can stick together in opposition, people may see the damage that Democrats in control cause.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (20)
January 29, 2009
Republicans Defiant, But House Passes Massive Stimulus Bill
Behind the Scenes: Republicans Stand Up for Taxpayers
Republicans Defiant, But House Passes Massive Stimulus Bill
(Snipets from the article)
The vote was 244-188.
"We don't have a moment to spare," Obama declared at the White House as congressional allies hastened to do his bidding in the face of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
The vote sent the bill to the Senate, where debate is expected to begin as early as this week on a companion measure already taking shape. Democratic leaders have pledged to have legislation ready for Obama's signature by mid-February.
A mere eight days after Inauguration Day, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday's events heralded a new era. "The ship of state is difficult to turn," said the California Democrat. "But that is what we must do. That is what President Obama called us to do in his inaugural address."
"Another week that we delay is another 100,000 or more people unemployed. I don't think we want that on our consciences," said Rep. David Obey, D-Wis., chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and one of the leading architects of the legislation.
Republicans said the bill was short on tax cuts and contained too much spending, much of it wasteful and unlikely to help laid-off Americans.
The party's leader, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, said the measure "won't create many jobs, but it will create plenty of programs and projects through slow-moving government spending." A GOP alternative, comprised almost entirely of tax cuts, was defeated, 266-170, moments before the final vote.
On the final vote, the legislation drew overwhelming support among Democrats while all but a few Republicans opposed it. ........This is NOT TRUE! ` Wild Thing
Rep. Randy Neugebauer, R-Texas, sought to strip out all the spending from the legislation before final passage, arguing that the entire cost of the bill would merely add to soaring federal deficits. "Where are we going to get the money," he asked, but his attempt failed overwhelmingly, 302-134.
Obey had a ready retort. "They don't look like Herbert Hoover, I guess, but there are an awful lot of people in this chamber who think like Herbert Hoover," he said, referring to the president whose term is forever linked in history with the Great Depression.
House passes stimulus plan, but with no Republican votes
To their credit, not a single Republican supported the Obama bailout and social spending package. All 178 Republicans in the House of Representatives turned it down
The vote was 244 to 188. None of the House's 178 Republican members voted yes.
Despite a fresh plea for cooperation from President Barack Obama, who insisted that "we don't have a moment to spare," Republicans spurned the Democratic bill.
Most Republicans will oppose this bill for one reason: It won't work," said Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., the chairman of the House Republican Conference, which helps promote party policies.
"We're using our economic woes to grow government spending to epic and historic proportions," charged Rep. Ken Calvert, R-Calif.
Some of the spending will be "wasteful," said House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio. A plan to provide funds to help consumers convert to digital television "looks like a slush fund to me," he said.
Wild Thing's comment........
And 11 Dems voted against it, I bet Obama will be taking names. And I I want to thank the House Republicans for standing strong!! Boehner and Cantor should get a lot of credit. Unanimous opposition is outstanding.
The job of our conservative representatives now is to minimize the impact of the Obama Administration on our institutions and our individual liberties. The Democrats will try to strip them away, one by one. The fight for our nation has just begun.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (21)
Economic stimulus? Feds Want Your Medical Records
Economic stimulus? Feds want your medical records
A little-discussed provision in President Obama's economic stimulus plan would demand that every American submit to a government program for electronic medical records without a choice to opt out, and it has privacy advocates more than a little alarmed.
Patients might be alarmed, too, privacy advocates said, if they realized information such as documentation on abortions, mental health problems, impotence, being labeled as a non-compliant patient, lawsuits against doctors and sexual problems could be shared electronically with, perhaps, millions of people.
Sue A. Blevins, president of the Institute for Health Freedom, said unless people have the right to decide "if and when" their health information is shared, there is no real privacy.
"President Obama has pledged to advance freedom," she said. "Therefore the freedom to choose not to participate in a national electronic health-records system must be upheld."
Blevins' organization, one of the few raising the alarm at this point, said the stimulus plan would impose an electronic health records system on every person in the U.S. without any provision for seeking patient consent or allowing them not to participate.
"Without those protections, Americans' electronic health records could be shared – without their consent – with over 600,000 covered entities through the forthcoming nationally linked electronic health-records network," Blevins said.
The organization said Americans who care about health privacy should contact members of Congress and the president to let them know about the need for opt-out and consent provisions.
According to the institute, the measure currently includes plans for:
* An electronic health record "for each person in the United States by 2014."
* A national coordinator to develop a "nationwide health information technology infrastructure that allows for the electronic use and exchange of information."
The institute said the medical privacy rule established under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 already allows personal health information to be passed along without patient consent for treatment, payment and "oversight." The recipients of such information could be any of the people in the 600,000 organizations in the industry.
"Nobody wants to stop the proper use of good technology," Blevins said, "and for some people privacy is not an issue."
But she said the bottom line is that patients "would end up losing control of his or her personal health information."
"There's a lot at stake with electronically transferring health data and paying claims within the $2.2 trillion healthcare industry," warned the organization, which works on issues of health freedom in the U.S.
Another group, Consumer Watchdog, even suggested today Google is trying to lobby for the "sale of electronic medical records."
The group said, "Reportedly Google is pushing for the provisions so it may sell patient medical information to its advertising clients on the new 'Google Health' database."
Consumer Watchdog said, "Americans will benefit from an integrated system capable of making our medical records available wherever we may need them, but only if the system is properly used.
"The medical technology portion of the economic stimulus bill does not sufficiently protect patient privacy, and recent amendments have made this situation worse. Medical privacy must be strengthened before the measure's final passage," the group said.
Classifying of people could lead to "discrimination and prejudice. … People can look at data about you and make assessments ultimately of who you are."
The Heartland Regional Genetics and Newborn Screening is one of the organizations that advocates more screening and research.
The group proclaims in its vision statement a desire to see newborns screened for 200 conditions. It also forecasts "every student … with an individual program for education based on confidential interpretation of their family medical history, their brain imaging, their genetic predictors of best learning methods. …"
Further, every individual should share information about "personal and family health histories" as well as "gene tests for recessive conditions and drug metabolism" with the "other parent of their future children."
Still further, it seeks "ecogenetic research that could improve health, lessen disability, and lower costs for sickness."
"They want to test every child for 200 conditions, take the child's history and a brain image, and genetics, and come up with a plan for that child," Brase said at the time. "They want to learn their weaknesses and defects.
"Nobody including and especially the government should be allowed to create such extensive profiles," she said.
The next step, said Brase, is obvious: The government, with information about potential health weaknesses, could say to couples, "We don't want your expensive children."
"I think people have forgotten about eugenics. The fact of the matter is that the eugenicists have not gone away. Newborn genetic testing is the entry into the 21st Century version of eugenics," she said.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Wow, what a difference a week makes!!!!
What a sick miserable world these jerks are trying to create. And the things they said about children is dangerous and VERY scary.
If this one aspect of the plan was broadcast on every news channel, the uproar would be tremendous.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (15)
January 28, 2009
Ted Nugent Discusses the 2nd Amendment
Ted Nugent discusses the 2nd Amendment with Evan Smith, host of the KLRU program TEXAS MONTHLY TALKS and editor of TEXAS MONTHLY magazine.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Ted is so good and I am so glad he is a voice and consistenly speaks out about the 2nd Amendment. We need more like him out there speaking up.
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
US Army Aviation
Vietnam 1966-68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (8)
January 27, 2009
Democrats Want More Time For Unqualified Obama To Fix Things and More Money!
Democrats now in control, say economy to get worse
"There's been no good news," said Vice President Joe Biden on CBS' "Face the Nation," "and there's no good news on the immediate horizon."
Lawrence Summers, head of the president's National Economic Council, told NBC's "Meet the Press" that Americans will need to be patient.
"These problems weren't made in a day or a week or a month or even a year, and they're not going to get solved that fast," Summers said. "The next few months are, no question, going to be very, very difficult and it may be longer than that."
Instead, the newly empowered party is asking for more time, money and power to attempt its fix on the nation's economic woes.
Congress has already given Obama permission to spend the second $350 billion of a bailout package approved last fall, and the president is pushing Congress to pass an additional $825 billion economic recovery package.
House Speaker Nanci Pelosi further told George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "This Week" that "some increased investment" may be necessary and that spending the money would likely be tied to more government involvement in the banking sector.
"Whatever you want to call it, if we are going to put money into the banks, we certainly want equity for the American people," Pelosi told Stephanopoulos when the host asked if more government involvement meant nationalization of the country's banks. "In other words, if we are strengthening them, then the American people should get some of the upside of that strengthening."
"Some people call that nationalization," Pelosi admitted, but then qualified, "I'm not talking about total ownership."
"I think a lot of Republicans will vote no," Boehner said on NBC, "because they see this as a lot of wasteful Washington spending, padding the bureaucracy and doing nothing to help create jobs and preserve jobs."
Rep. Mice Pence, R-Ind., said, "The American people know we cannot borrow and spend and bail our way back to a growing economy."
Wild Thing's comment.........
People are not spending any money because anyone with money has zero confidence in this Kenyan-born marxist usurper and illegal alien, THTAT is the part of the story that the media is not covering.
BUT.....BUT..... he was going to do all these things.............."This is the moment when the rise of the ocean began to slow and our planet began to heal" .........and oh wait will he part the Red Sea too?
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (18)
No Ethics, Low Character Timothy Geithner Approved 60 - 34
Timothy Geithner won confirmation as U.S. Treasury secretary on Monday and vowed to act quickly to protect the U.S. economy from the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
"We are at a moment of maximum challenge for our economy and our country," Geithner said as he was sworn into office shortly after the Senate approved him on a 60-34 vote.
Some lawmakers were disturbed enough by Geithner's late payment of $34,000 in self-employment taxes to vote against the nominee even though they felt he was well suited for the job otherwise. Only 10 Republicans voted in support, while three Democrats opposed him.
"I would rather have a battle hardened veteran at the helm who knows the shoals and whirlpools than a neophyte who has to wade into these churning waters for the first time," Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah said in explaining his support.
Ten Republicans overlooked that matter and voted for confirmation. One Republican, Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, told reporters earlier in the day that he would vote yes, only to change his mind and vote no.
Three Democrats and one independent voted against Geithner's confirmation, including Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va., the longest-serving senator in history.
"Had he not been nominated for treasury secretary, it's doubtful that he would have ever paid these taxes," Byrd said in a statement.
Even so, not everyone was convinced that the need for a speedy confirmation should trump concerns about the candidate. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, didn't buy Geithner's contention that he skipped paying some taxes because he was confused by the complexities of the tax code.
"They were described by the nominee himself as 'careless mistakes,'" Collins said in prepared remarks. "It has become clear to me that this is not merely a matter of complexity leading to mistakes, but of inexcusable negligence."
Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., agreed and noted that his is one of the few voices of dissent.
"Nominees for positions that do not oversee tax reporting and collection have been forced to withdraw their nomination for more minor offenses. They have been ridden out of town on a verbal rail," Enzi told the Senate. "The fact that we're in a global economic crisis is not a reason to overlook these errors."
"The Senate," he scolded, "is not supposed to be a group of 'yes' men."
Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa lined up against the nominee, asking how someone of Geithner's "financial sophistication" could innocently not pay the taxes and then head up the agency that oversees the IRS.
"How can Mr. Geithner speak with any credibility or authority?" Harkin said.
Grouped By Vote Position YEAs -—60
Akaka (D-HI)
Baucus (D-MT)
Bayh (D-IN)
Begich (D-AK)
Bennet (D-CO)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Burris (D-IL)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Cardin (D-MD)
Carper (D-DE)
Casey (D-PA)
Conrad (D-ND)
Corker (R-TN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Crapo (R-ID)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Durbin (D-IL)
Ensign (R-NV)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Graham (R-SC)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hagan (D-NC)
Hatch (R-UT)
Inouye (D-HI)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kaufman (D-DE)
Kerry (D-MA)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (ID-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
McCaskill (D-MO)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Merkley (D-OR)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murray (D-WA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Pryor (D-AR)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Schumer (D-NY)
Shaheen (D-NH)
Shelby (R-AL)
Snowe (R-ME)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Tester (D-MT)
Udall (D-CO)
Udall (D-NM)
Voinovich (R-OH)
Warner (D-VA)
Webb (D-VA)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
NAYs -—34
Alexander (R-TN)
Barrasso (R-WY)
Bennett (R-UT)
Brownback (R-KS)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burr (R-NC)
Byrd (D-WV)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Collins (R-ME)
DeMint (R-SC)
Enzi (R-WY)
Feingold (D-WI)
Grassley (R-IA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johanns (R-NE)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Lugar (R-IN)
Martinez (R-FL)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Risch (R-ID)
Roberts (R-KS)
Sanders (I-VT)
Sessions (R-AL)
Specter (R-PA)
Thune (R-SD)
Vitter (R-LA)
Wicker (R-MS)
Not Voting - 4
Bond (R-MO)
Brown (D-OH)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Wyden (D-OR)
Wild Thing's comment.......
This guy, is unfit to hold this office. Our system is completely broken. A guy who wouldn't pay his taxes is sworn in as secretary of the treasury. Like there isn't anybody else in our country who could do that job AND has been paying their taxes??
I’m truly shocked that Cornyn voted ‘yes.’ He’s always been a reliable conservative. And I am just as shocked that Rino McCain voted no.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:44 AM | Comments (8)
January 16, 2009
Calif. Tax Refunds To Be Delayed: Out Of Cash
Calif. tax refunds to be delayed starting Feb. 1
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - California's controller says he will begin a 30-day delay on tax refunds and other payments starting Feb. 1 because the state is running out of money.
Controller John Chiang said Friday he must delay $3.7 billion in payments next month because lawmakers have failed to address California's growing deficit.
With a $41.6 billion shortfall over the next year-and-a-half, the state is on the brink of issuing IOUs.
Chiang says his office must continue education and debt payments but will defer money for tax refunds, student aid, social services and mental health programs.
A severe drop in revenue has left the state's main bank account depleted. The state had been relying on borrowing from special funds and Wall Street investors; those options are no longer available.
Additional write up............
California could run out of cash by Feb. 1, analysts say
The state's nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office confirmed Wednesday that California could run short of cash as soon as Feb. 1 unless lawmakers and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger immediately cut spending and raise revenues.
The LAO's Michael Cohen and Jason Dickerson said the following:
• California faces the "double whammy" of a severe drop in revenues coupled with an inability to borrow because credit markets are frozen.
• The longer lawmakers and Schwarzenegger go without adjusting the budget, the more difficult it becomes to determine whom to pay.
Schools and creditors have first claim on the state's revenues, while state worker salaries and benefits, Medi-Cal claims and court-ordered payments are among those with secondary priority. State Controller John Chiang has said the first groups to receive IOUs or delayed payments will include Californians awaiting state income tax refunds and companies that do business with the state.
• A prolonged budget dispute could force parties to file legal challenges to claim their share of state money.
• The LAO recommended that lawmakers allow internal borrowing from several state funds to add $2 billion to the state's cash cushion. It also recommended that lawmakers defer some payments to local governments and schools to preserve cash.
• A delayed budget agreement would mean the state would have to pay interest on IOUs or other borrowing. Such costs add to the deficit and have not been factored into the governor's budget.
Meanwhile, the California Transportation Commision delayed allocation of $293.5 million in funding for transportation projects because of cash problems.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Ole Arnie better stop thinking like the Kennedy's and start thinking like a fiscial conservative.
Given the choice between cutting pork and ripping off taxpayers due refunds, there’s little doubt which course Arnold will take.
When I livied in Calif. and I will always love the place for it's beauty especially. But In 1994 the voters of California voted by a 59 to 41 percent margin for prop 187 which would have stopped government services and handouts to illegal aliens. One liberal judge blocked 187 from being implemented and the Governor, Gray Davis, would not pursue the case to the Supreme Court. The liberal courts make it impossible to implement any kind of change.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:17 PM | Comments (10)
January 15, 2009
Republicans Find Voice in Opposing Stimulus: 'Oh, My God'
House Minority Leader John Boehner needed only three words to serve notice that President-elect Barack Obama is nowhere close to achieving the big bipartisan vote on the stimulus package he wants so badly.
"There was no Republican input at all involved in what House Democrats outlined today," Boehner, R-Ohio, said at a news conference at the Capitol. "I just took a moment to look over the draft from Chairman [David] Obey and the draft or outline from Chairman [Charlie] Rangel. Oh, my God.
"I just can't tell you how shocked I am at what we're seeing. You know it's clear that they're moving on this path along the flawed notion that we can borrow and spend our way back to prosperity."
As we discussed earlier, Republicans heard the Obama team's discussion of $300 billion in tax cuts and thought (or hoped to think) that was a floor. Many Democrats, meanwhile, thought it was an unacceptably high ceiling, and pressed that number down to the $275 billion in the package produced by House leaders, in consultation with Obama aides.
$1 billion for community development block grants. $650 million for digital TV coupons. Billions for universities.
Boehner says that much of it isn't going to do anything to help the economy in the short term. He says the approach by Democrats is to "clean out every dime from the taxpayer," and that the nation can't "borrow and spend it's way to prosperity."
House Republicans held their own forum today in an effort to talk about their ideas for an alternative, which are largely centered around tax cuts and credits.
The Democratic bill will see committee action on Wednesday, or, as Appropriations chairman Dave Obey put it today, "The day after the crown prince is sworn in."
Wild Thing's comment.......
"Oh my God" is right. The Dems never have wanted to reach across the isle and they will be even more like that now. And now there is the Obozo-THUG Marxist Machine in power.
"There was no Republican input at all involved in what House Democrats outlined today,” Boehner, R-Ohio, said at a news conference at the Capitol. “I just took a moment to look over the draft from Chairman [David] Obey and the draft or outline from Chairman [Charlie] Rangel. Oh, my God.”
It is never a good idea to expect those pulling the cart and paying the bills to just sit back and do it without at least throwing them a bone. It is never a good idea for a parasite to kill his host. Why can't Rangel, Pelosi, et al figure that out?
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:30 PM | Comments (2)
January 12, 2009
Democrats Use The Word Democracy But They Are Wrong
The American Form of Government
An explanation of the various forms of government and political systems, and why America is not a democracy, but a republic.
Wild Thing's comment.........
The difference between a Democracy and a Republic something so many seem to have forgotten. And the lefties LOVE to use the word, acting like they don't know the difference. I honeslty think they are doing it on purpopse because they want it to be a democracy and NOT a Repuiblic. Never trust a democrat!
Watch this video and then get the word out to as many people as necessary. This is something all school age children should see. I've watched it half a dozen times already trying to memorize some of it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:40 AM | Comments (8)
January 06, 2009
Police Look to Hack Citizens' Home PCs
Police look to hack citizens' home PCs
'Very intrusive powers – as intrusive as someone busting down your door'
Police and state intelligence agencies from several countries may soon be working together to secretly hack into private citizens' personal computers without their knowledge and without a warrant.
According to a London Times report, the police hacking process, called "remote searching," enables law enforcement to gather information from e-mails, instant messages and Web browsers, even while hundreds of miles away.
Furthermore, the Times reports, a new edict by the European Union's council of ministers in Brussels has paved the way for international law enforcement agencies to begin remote searching and sharing the information with each other. According to the Times, the United Kingdom's Home Office, the nation's lead government department for immigration, drugs and counter-terrorism enforcement, has already quietly adopted a plan that would enable French, German and other European Union police forces to request remote searching be done on UK citizens' computers.
The Home Office's plan has drawn immediate protest.
"These are very intrusive powers – as intrusive as someone busting down your door and coming into your home," said Shami Chakrabarti, director of Liberty, a British civil liberties and human rights group.
"The public will want this to be controlled by new legislation and judicial authorization," Chakrabarti told the Times. "Without those safeguards it's a devastating blow to any notion of personal privacy."
According to the report, a remote search can be granted if a senior police officer believes it is necessary to detect a serious crime, and unlike searching a suspect's home, a remote search does not require a warrant under Home Office policy.
Richard Clayton, a researcher at the University of Cambridge's Computer Laboratory, told the Times that remote searches had been possible since 1994, but usually involved covertly breaking into a suspect's home to access the computer. By installing a key-logging device on the computer, police could track the suspect's every keystroke.
"It's just like putting a secret camera in someone's living room," Clayton said.
A spokesperson for the UK's Association of Chief Police Officers told the Times that hacking into private citizens' computers is sometimes necessary in investigating cybercrimes such as child pornography, identity theft and terrorism.
Further, the ACPO spokesperson said, the surveillance is directed under the UK's Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, a law passed in 2000 governing the interception and disclosure of communications.
To authorize remote searching, the ACPO spokesperson said, "The officer giving it must believe that when it is given it is necessary to prevent or detect serious crime and [the] action is proportionate to what it seeks to achieve."
Wild Thing's comment........
With Hussein and his fellow democrats in charge, this type of thing is concerning.
Obama is not going to like some of the names I have titled images of him. But gosh with all the graphics I use I ran out of ideas, one can't label every photo with his name. So there are some that titled jerk Obama etc. An yes some with no so nice titles. heh heh
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (13)
January 04, 2009
Sponsor an Executive ~ LOL
Wild Thing's comment.......
Great satire! LOL
Wait for Obama, he will fix everything. haha He made more promises then any politician I can remember.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (9)
January 03, 2009
Traditional Family Defenders Now in 'gay' Agenda Bull's-eye
Traditional family defenders now in 'gay' agenda bull's-eye
Licensing proposal could require lawyers to endorse homosexuality
One of the top lawyers in the nation in the battle to protect traditional marriage, historically Christian lifestyle choices, parental rights and the key freedoms provided by the U.S. Constitution is warning that there eventually could be no lawyers left to take up those disputes.
That's because of a recommendation before the State Bar of Arizona – the organization that licenses attorneys – to require all new lawyers to swear they won't let their personal religious perspective on homosexuality affect their representation of any client. Mathew Staver, chief of Liberty Counsel, warns that the proposal is just the "tip of the iceberg."
According to reports in Arizona, the state bar is considering a major change to its existing oath that requires lawyers to affirm they won't "permit considerations of gender, race, age, nationality, disability or social standing to influence my duty of care" to clients.
The proposal in Arizona is to add "sexual orientation" to that list.
The concept would demand that Christian lawyers affirm they would pursue child custody cases for lesbians and "marriage" rights for homosexuals just as they would pursue any other issue for clients, regardless of their religious perspective.
Not agreeing to the demand would end a Christian lawyer's career before it even starts, since attorneys cannot practice law without bar association permission.
Already, several dozen attorneys have sent a letter objecting to the plan, and concern has been raised by the online Catholic.org report.
"Are these lawyers going to be excluded from their profession because of their religious beliefs? Or will they have to give up their beliefs in order to continue practicing?" the report asked.
"The Catholic Church teaches that: 'homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.' They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.," Catholic Online continued. "Does this mean that all Catholic lawyers in the state of Arizona will now either have to apostatize from the faith or lose their jobs?"
Staver has argued in courts across the nation, including the U.S. Supreme Court, on a wide range of fundamental constitutional questions. He's appeared to discuss constitutional issues on "The O'Reilly Factor," "Hannity and Colmes," "Good Morning America," the "Today" show and others. He said Arizona's plan isn't unique, citing controversial provisions already in force in Minnesota and the District of Columbia.
But he said Arizona's proposal is broader, and therein could lie considerable discrimination against Christians.
"It is a disturbing trend," he said.
"It opens a wide door (against) people like us who defend traditional marriage," he said. "We're not going to represent someone who's engaged in the homosexual lifestyle and the issue deals with that matter.
"Obviously from our perspective, we would take that into consideration," he said.
Staver said the change actually would require Christian lawyers to endorse and support the homosexual lifestyle choice that their deeply held religious beliefs may not allow.
"What if you represent someone in a divorce and you're the attorney of record. Afterwards this person enters into a lesbian lifestyle and wants a change of custody. They want the child. That presents Christian attorneys with a conflict with their religious beliefs. Would (that Christian lawyer) want to continue to represent that person?" he asked. "It would be pushing that child into a homosexual lifestyle."
Staver said he's seen the threat to lawyers coming for some time already.
"We've talked about the fact one of the major threats coming down the road as Christian attorneys is bar regulations with regard to homosexuality," he said. "What we're seeing in Arizona is the tip of the iceberg.
"If they can license you out of defending traditional morality, they can eventually capture the whole court system. There would be nobody left to defend traditional marriage," he said.
The rest of the article HERE
Wild Thing's comment......
It says "Licensing proposal ", so maybe they will not put this through. Why oh why can't people leave things alone. The left is just not happy until they finish off every area that might have something to do with traditional values.
..... Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (6)
January 02, 2009
The 2nd Amendment
The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. (waiting for attack)
The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either... The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental.
1. Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.
2. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.
3. I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy.
4. When seconds count, the cops are just minutes away.
5. A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him 'Why do you carry a 45?' The Ranger responded, 'Because they don't make a 46.'
6. The old sheriff was attending an awards dinner when a lady commented on his wearing his sidearm. 'Sheriff, I see you have your pistol. Are you expecting trouble?' 'No Ma'am. If I were expecting trouble, I would have brought my shotgun.'
7. Beware the man who only has one gun. HE PROBABLY KNOWS HOW TO USE IT!!!
But wait, there's more!
" I was once asked by a lady visiting if I had a gun in the house. I said I did. She said 'Well I certainly hope it isn't loaded!' To which I said, of course it is loaded, can't work without bullets!' She then asked, 'Are you that afraid of someone evil coming into your house?' My reply was, 'No not at all. I am not afraid of the house catching fire either, but I have fire extinguishers around, and they are all loaded too.' To which I'll add, having a gun in the house that isn't loaded is like having a car in the garage without gas in the tank. "...
....Thank you Mark. I got this awhile back and the elction posts were in abundance, and I didn't post it earlier so I saved it for today.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (11)
January 01, 2009
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence Sues the Bush Administration
The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence sued the Bush administration yesterday in hopes of stopping a new policy that would allow people to carry concealed, loaded guns in most national parks and wildlife refuges.
"The Bush administration's last-minute gift to the gun lobby, allowing concealed semiautomatic weapons in national parks, jeopardizes the safety of park visitors in violation of federal law," said Paul Helmke, the group's president. "We should not be making it easier for dangerous people to carry concealed firearms in our parks."
An Interior Department spokeswoman refused to comment on the lawsuit, saying the department does not discuss pending litigation.
It's not the only lawsuit over last-minute regulatory changes that the Bush administration wants to achieve.
Yesterday, California Attorney General Jerry Brown announced that his state is suing the Bush administration to block changes in regulations that are intended to reduce input from federal scientists.
"Unfortunately, the Bush administration has had an antipathy to using sound science," Brown said. "This is the latest assault as Bush goes out the door. It's intolerable."
The lawsuit was filed late Monday in U.S. District Court in San Francisco.
The Interior Department issued the revised rules this month. They allow federal agencies to issue permits for mining, logging and similar activities without a review from federal biologists if the agencies' research shows that the project will not affect plants and animals.
The changes also block agencies from using the Endangered Species Act to consider the effects of greenhouse-gas emissions on ecosystems when reviewing projects such as new roads or coal plants on federal land.
Brown is asking the court to block the new rules, which could give the incoming administration of President-elect Barack Obama time to review them.
Wild Thing's comment........
I can't stand liberals. They want to control us, from the cradle to the grave. Now that Obama is taking over they smell victory. They are totally worthless!
What the heck is wrong with people about guns. I just don't get it. Do these people not have a brain? Good grief! These Brady people sure hate the 2nd Amendmment.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:46 AM | Comments (11)
December 30, 2008
What Happened To Voting?
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL This is so perfect for what has been going on in Chicago and also with but I am a Kennedy..Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (8)
December 29, 2008
The Freedom Principles
Wild Thing's comment...........
I thought this video was excellent and wanted to show it to you.
Prayers for our country, we face trying times ahead.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:45 AM | Comments (10)
December 21, 2008
Bored Caroline Kennedy (Schlossberg) Wants a Senate Seat To Play With
Bored Caroline Kennedy wants a Senate seat to play with
By Howie Carr
If her name were Caroline Schlossberg, her candidacy would be a joke.
History is repeating itself - and this time it’s even more farcical than in 1962, when Eddie McCormack, the state attorney general, uttered his famous put-down of then-29-year-old playboy Ted Kennedy:
“If your name were Edward Moore, your candidacy would be a joke.”
The difference between Massachusetts 1962 and New York 2008 is that Teddy had to run for the office. Forty-six years later, his niece Caroline expects - no, demands - to have a Senate seat handed to her, on a silver platter.
Elections? Kennedys don’t need no stinkin’ elections.
Apparently the U.S. doesn’t have a Senate anymore. We have a House of Lords. Instead of seats, we have peerages.
By now everyone has noticed that all the media hags who were so bent out of shape about Sarah Palin’s alleged lack of experience are touting Caroline’s deep hands-on credentials as . . . honorary chairman of the American Ballet Theater.
Not chairman, mind you. Honorary chairman.
Imagine a petulant, spoiled, rich 8-year-old dropped off with her dissipated relatives for the weekend. Imagine her plaintive cry:
“Uncle Teddy! I’m bored!”
At least out in Illinois, Jesse Jackson Jr. was pressured to pony up $1.5 million for his appointment to a Senate seat. Caroline wanted it the way her family always gets things: on the arm. If this is how they run things in Albany now, give me the Chicago way any day.
I’m sure she’ll be a reliable vote for higher taxes. Kennedys always are, except for when it comes to paying their own, especially estate taxes. Do as they say, not as they do. As Leona Helmsley used to say: Taxes are for little people.
Apparently, so is voting. Caroline’s got better things to do than stand in line at some sweaty precinct with the hoi polloi, enduring the foul breath of the plebeians.
She gets the seat, of course. Her main opponent is the state attorney general, scion of a lesser political dynasty. Andrew Cuomo happens to be the ex-husband of Caroline’s cousin, Kerry Kennedy. In a nice twist, Kerry has been making the case for her cousin on TV: “She’s a mother and a woman!” And you thought Caroline had no qualifications.
“We live in a country where one out of every five girls is sexually assaulted by the time she’s 21.”
Is this a good talking point for any Kennedy, male or female?
Here’s a bit more from Kerry:
“She hasn’t sought money . . . she hasn’t sought fame.” No, all she wants is a crummy Senate seat. The chumps in Congress say it shouldn’t be handed to her? Don’t they know who Caroline is?
Uncle Teddy! She’s bored!
Wild Thing's comment........
LMAO this article is so funny and the fast that it is in the Boston Herald is even funnier. The article nails it!!!
Boston the land of Kennedy's. hahahahahahahahaha
I love Boston, it is just the Kennedy's stink. YUK!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:40 AM | Comments (19)
December 20, 2008
Los Angeles City Council Passes Host of New Gun and Ammunition Laws
The Los Angeles City Council passes a host of new gun and ammunition laws.
VIDEO HERE form the Los Angeles News
The move is intended to help reduce the city's gun and gang violence, but an NRA lawyer says a lawsuit is likely.
By Maeve Reston
December 18, 2008
The Los Angeles City Council approved a package of gun control laws Wednesday, placing new requirements on ammunition sellers and banning the sale of military-style ammunition in the hopes of further reducing the city's gun and gang violence.
The measures ban the sale of .50-caliber ammunition, capable of penetrating a car's engine, and would require the city's ammunition vendors to be licensed, to sell ammunition face-to-face instead of over the Internet and require gun dealers to report a full accounting of their inventory twice a year to the Police Department.
The council passed laws prohibiting the installation of secret compartments for guns in cars and allowing the city to permanently seize vehicles used by certain gang members during a crime, which was proposed by City Atty. Rocky Delgadillo.
The council also approved an ordinance that would allow landlords to evict tenants who are convicted of illegally possessing weapons or ammunition within 1,000 feet of the rental property.
A lawyer for the National Rifle Assn. said his client probably would file suit to block some of the measures.
Los Angeles Police Chief William J. Bratton and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who helped develop the ordinances with Councilman Jack Weiss and other members, praised the package at a news conference before the vote.
"We use this to stop a vehicle," Bratton said, holding up a .50-caliber bullet longer and thicker than a finger. "Unless you are out trying to kill Godzilla, and I think the last time we saw Godzilla was in the 1950s, there is no need for this type of weapon" unless it is in the hands of the military or law enforcement, he said.
Villaraigosa dismissed questions about whether the ammunition restrictions would have a practical effect since buyers could simply purchase the bullets over the Internet or in cities where the laws do not apply.
"Part of what we're doing here is leading the way," Villaraigosa said, stating that the measures are another tool to fight gun violence and that he hoped other cities and President-elect Barack Obama's administration would follow suit. "This is the most far-reaching effort of any big city in the country. . . . This isn't about symbolism; it's about results."
The council approved the measures unanimously.
But C.D. Michel, a Long Beach attorney who represents the National Rifle Assn. and the California Rifle & Pistol Assn., said his clients were likely to sue over the new laws governing ammunition sales and vendors because they either conflict with or are duplicated by state law.
Michel, the law partner of city attorney candidate Carmen A. Trutanich, also questioned the effectiveness of the ammunition measures, noting that there are only a handful of gun vendors left in the city and buyers could go elsewhere.
"A lot of these don't really do what the sound bite would portray them as doing," said Michel, who accused Weiss of pushing the measures to get publicity for his own campaign for city attorney. "It's about trying to look like you're doing something when you're not really doing anything. . . . My clients will just just challenge the ones that are illegal in court."
Weiss, who introduced four of the ordinances and is chairman of the city's public safety committee, addressed the possibility of legal challenges by the NRA at the news conference.
"I think the message from everyone up here to the NRA is pretty simple: Make our day. We will fight you in court. We will win," Weiss said.
Wild Thing's comment......
NO. The new law IS intended to make it harder for law abiding citizens to defend themselves from the criminal element, and thus to become more dependent on the State and the police. There IS no other explanation. The lawmakers HAVE the data, they HAVE the statistics, and they STILL keep "tightening" gun laws. Their disingenuousness becomes more obvious to everyone with every new statute.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (18)
Federal Government to Loan Automakers $17.4B
Federal Government to Loan Automakers $17.4B
The $17.4 billion in low-interest loans will be drawn from the $700 billion Wall Street rescue fund but it will be called back if the companies are not viable by March 31.
The federal government will help Detroit's ailing automakers survive at least another few months by offering $17.4 billion in rescue loans in exchange for concessions from carmakers and their workers.
The government will have the option of becoming a stockholder in the companies, much as it has with major banks, in effect partially nationalizing the industry.
At the same time, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said Congress should release the last half of the $700 billion from the Wall Street rescue fund that it approved in October to bail out huge financial institutions.
Tapping the fund for the auto industry essentially exhausts the first $350 billion of the fund, he said.
President Bush said Friday that a bankruptcy was unlikely to work for the auto industry at this time because it would deal "an unacceptably painful blow to hardworking Americans" across the economy.
Automakers will get $13.4 billion of the money this month and the next, $9.4 billion for General Motors Corp. and $4 billion for Chrysler LLC. An additional $4 billion will be made available to the companies later. Ford Motor Co. has said it does not need immediate help.
Bush said the loans will be called back if the companies are not viable by March 31.
"The time to make hard decisions to become viable is now, or the only option will be bankruptcy," Bush said. "The automakers and unions must understand what is at stake and make hard decisions necessary to reform."
, “I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system.” said Bush.
Bush's plan is designed to keep the auto industry running in the short term, passing the longer-range problem on to the incoming administration of President-elect Barack Obama.
Wild Thing's comment.......
The saying goes........"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. "
I think we have arrived at the gate and the gates are open wide.
“I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system.”
The government cannot save the economy. The government doesn’t know how. Taking over industries, or guiding the business community according to an overall “recovery” plan is nothing but socialism and socialism doesn’t work.
President Bush excuses himself by saying, “I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system.” Oh ye of little faith! The free market doesn’t need you to save it! Even if it happens to collapse, it will recover if you leave it alone. The habit of government expansion and intervention has now reached this final absurdity – that of being “saved” by those who are choking the life out of it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:40 AM | Comments (5)
December 17, 2008
Caroline Kennedy Wants Hillary Clinton's U.S. Senate Seat
Caroline Kennedy has decided to pursue Hillary Clinton’s U.S. Senate seat
New York Times
The decision follows weeks of speculation that the early supporter of Barack Obama would trade in her otherwise private life in order to seek an appointment by New York Gov. David Paterson to the seat once held by her uncle, Robert F. Kennedy.
The Times reported that Kennedy will ask Paterson to consider her for the job. The daughter of former President John F. Kennedy is known as an education advocate, and would face likely competition for the post from other more familiar faces in New York politics.
Among the pool of potential candidates is state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, son of former Gov. Mario Cuomo. Some Democrats have questioned whether Kennedy would bring more than name recognition to the job.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Hmmmmmm well here we have a great example once again of the double standard. The Democrats and some rino's persecuted, bashed, slandered Gov, yes that is GOV. Sarah Palin for not having any experience to be VP on the ticket.
And now we see that Caroline Kenney is just fine and dandy with the Democrats and there is no problem with her NON experience. ION fact I heard a few Democrats today on TV say Caroline Kennedy had experience and would be perfect for the job of US. Senate seat from N.Y.
Bottom line is.......She is a democrat. She does not need any experience and also the double standard rule that Democrats cling to.
To compare the experience Sarah Palin has had and this Kennedy is so vast it would be hard to know where to begin.
Now if we were to compare her to Hillary when Hillary ran for the Senate.......Hillary, she is related to someone who was once president, and she has previously lived in the White House. What more experience could you ever need?
Now there is a match up. hahha
I say, NO more Kennedy’s ever anywhere near any government!!!!!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (10)
December 15, 2008
"It's Time to Junk the Electoral College" ~ So Says Communist Soros Son
It's Time to Junk the Electoral College
We don't need an amendment to do it.
by Jonathan Soros
Jonathan Soros is the deputy chairman of Soros Fund Management and a supporter of the National Popular Vote.
Jonathan Tivadar Soros is the son of Annaliese Soros and billionaire financier George Soros
In his election-night victory speech, Barack Obama said he would be a president for all Americans, not just those who voted for him. But as a candidate he didn't campaign with equal vigor for every vote. Instead, he and John McCain devoted more than 98% of their television ad spending and campaign events to just 15 states which together make up about a third of the U.S. population. Today, as the Electoral College votes are cast and counted state-by-state, we will be reminded why. It is the peculiar mechanics of that institution, designed for a different age, that leave us divided into red states, blue states and swing states. That needs to change.
The Electoral College was created in 1787 by a constitutional convention whose delegates were unconvinced that the election of the president could be entrusted to an unfiltered vote of the people, and were concerned about the division of power among the 13 states. It was antidemocratic by design.
Under the system, each state receives votes equal to the number of representatives it has in the House plus one for each of its senators. Less populated states are thus overrepresented. While this formula hasn't changed, it no longer makes a difference for the majority of states. Wyoming, with its three electoral votes, has no more influence over the selection of the president or on the positions taken by candidates than it would with one vote.
We often forget that the power to appoint electors is given to state legislatures, and it is only because they choose to hold a vote that Election Day is at all relevant for us. Nowhere is a popular election constitutionally required. And, as the 2000 election reminded us, the winner of the popular vote is not guaranteed to become president.
The Constitution is no longer in line with our expectations regarding the role of the people in selecting the president.
Yet several previous attempts to eliminate the Electoral College through a constitutional amendment have failed, scuttled by the difficulty of the process itself and the tyranny of small-state logic.
Fortunately, a constitutional amendment is not necessary. Rather than dismantling the Electoral College with an amendment, we can use the mechanisms of the Electoral College itself to guarantee popular election of the president.
To understand how the proposal works, one needs to understand two basic principles. First, that state legislatures are basically unfettered in how they choose to appoint electors. And second, that groups of states can enter into binding agreements with one another in the form of so-called interstate compacts. There are many examples of such compacts, including the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the interstate agreement that guarantees a driver points on a Virginia driver license when he or she speeds in Maryland.
Under the proposed National Popular Vote compact, state legislatures would agree to choose electors who promise to support the winner of the nationwide popular vote. For example, if a Republican were to win the overall national popular vote, even if New Yorkers favored the Democrat, New York's Electoral College votes would go to the Republican. The compact will go into force when states representing 271 Electoral College votes have entered into it to guarantee that the winner of the popular vote will become president.
It is ironic that the most common objection to the National Popular Vote compact is the suggestion that it is antifederalist. In fact, interstate compacts lie at the very core of federalism: individual states combining their powers to solve a problem. In this case, they would be joining forces to allow their citizens to act as one nation in the selection of their president.
The National Popular Vote compact has already been enacted by four trailblazing states -- Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois and Hawaii -- and has been introduced in 41 others. It's time that the rest of them got on board.
Wild Thing's comment........
The Constitution is no longer in line with our expectations regarding the role of the people in selecting the president.
Yet several previous attempts to eliminate the Electoral College through a constitutional amendment have failed, scuttled by the difficulty of the process itself and the tyranny of small-state logic.
The libs hate it because they haven’t figured how to steal electoral votes yet.
If the Electoral College was abolished, the small States would become irrelevant in Presidential elections. Each ticket would solely focus on the States which it is sure to win. That would likely lead to secession movements in most, if not all, of those States. To abolish the Electoral College is to destroy the States' role in all future Presidential elections.
I think ole commie Jonathan Soros son of communist George Soroso is a bit worried about all of these citizenship lawsuits.
The Electoral College is one of many, many safeguards against tyranny contained in the Constitution. Therefore, it is a target of the left.
Soros nice try. Our forefounders put that in place to keep the likes of you out of our government.
If you have time check this out about othe Democrats strong desire to get rid of the Electorial College ( article dated 2000)
Hillary Clinton vs. James Madison
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (24)
December 14, 2008
More Information On U.S. Troops New Mission: America's 'special events'
U.S. troops' new mission: America's 'special events'
Proposal would allow civilians to activate Army to prevent 'environmental damage'
By Bob Unruh
New rules published in the Federal Register would allow certain civilians to call American soldiers into action inside the U.S. to prevent environmental damage or respond to "special events" and "other domestic activities."
The alarming warning is contained in proposed rules published last week for the Department of Defense's "Defense Support of Civil Authorities" plan.
Under the U.S. Constitution, soldiers inside the country essentially are tasked with the responsibility of quelling "insurrections" and repelling invasions as well as making sure each state has access to the republican form of government.
But the new rules go far beyond that, essentially establishing a plan to activate the U.S. military inside the country to deal with social issues under provisions that appear to be devoid of any connection to the Constitution, according to an expert.
"I think the thing that's of concern with respect to this set of rules is it appears to have no constitutional foundation, no reference whatsoever of any constitutional structure. It's totally missing," said Herb Titus, a onetime candidate for vice president for the Constitution Party and a longtime constitutional professor.
"I think the thing that's of concern with respect to this set of rules is it appears to have no constitutional foundation, no reference whatsoever of any constitutional structure. It's totally missing," said Herb Titus, a onetime candidate for vice president for the Constitution Party and a longtime constitutional professor.
Titus, whose biography includes teaching at five different American Bar Association-approved law schools and service as founding dean of the College of Law and Government at Regent University, reviewed the federal proposal at WND's request.
The multi-page plan is to establish policies and assign responsibilities "regarding military support for civilian law enforcement."
"Who Killed the Constitution?" Here's a dirty little secret: The bedrock of our country is ... dead.
The plan states, "This proposed rule will allow civil authorities access to the correct procedures when they are seeking assistance from the Department by establishing updated policy guidance and assigning the correct responsibilities within the Department for the Defense for support of civil authorities in response to requests for assistance for domestic emergencies, designated law enforcement support, special events, and other domestic activities.
Titus, who has testified before Congress on constitutional issues and is authorized to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court and a long list of federal court districts, said, "All of this is based on the assumption that government was created for the purpose of preventing things from happening in our lives."
A plain reading of the law, he said, would allow drastically different actions than what Americans probably expect.
"Instead of prosecuting somebody charged with murder, we should profile people who are likely to commit murder, round them up and prevent them from endangering lives," he said, citing the plan's apparent permission for the government to restrain liberties when there is concern about potential damages or injury.
A contact at the Department of Defense did not return a WND call requesting comment on the proposal.
But the plan itself says the person calling for soldiers' actions could be either a military official or civilian leader. And it renews questions about Barack Obama's stated plans for a National Civilian Security Force that is at least as powerful and well-funded as the U.S. military.
Even Obama's new chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, says there will be a mandatory "force" for Americans.
"If you're worried about, are you going to have to do 50 jumping jacks, the answer is yes," Emanuel told a reporter who was podcasting for the New York Daily News.
WND also reported when the official website for Obama, Change.gov, announced he would "require" all middle school through college students to participate in community service programs.
That proposal, however, was changed suddenly after a flurry of blogs protested children being drafted into Obama's proposal. The new wording reads, "President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in under served schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps.
Video of a marching squad of Obama youth.
Obama, meanwhile, also has yet to clarify what he meant during his July "Call to Service" speech in Colorado Springs in which he insisted the U.S. "cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set" and needs a "civilian national security force."
A video of his comments is here:
"If we're going to create some kind of national police force as big, powerful and well-funded as our combined U.S. military forces, isn't this rather a big deal?" Farah wrote. "I thought Democrats generally believed the U.S. spent too much on the military. How is it possible their candidate is seeking to create some kind of massive but secret national police force that will be even bigger than the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force put together?
"Is Obama serious about creating some kind of domestic security force bigger and more expensive than that? If not, why did he say it? What did he mean?" Farah wrote.
The Obama campaign has declined to respond to WND questions on the issue.
The newly proposed Department of Defense rules leave a virtually wide open door for what could be cited as a reason for military intervention.
It defines "Imminently Serious Conditions" as "Emergency conditions in which, in the judgment of a military commander or responsible DoD civilian official, immediate and possibly serious danger threatens the public and prompt action is needed to save lives, to safeguard public health or safety, or to prevent or mitigate great property or environmental damage."
Repeatedly the rules cite "special events."
The plan has been lauded by some in the Bush administration and Congress as a reasonable response to the threat of terrorism, despite concerns over how it would undermine the Posse Comitatus Act, a federal law that restricts the military's role in domestic law enforcement.
At word of the plan, the ACLU warned of expansions in "presidential and military authority," while the Cato Institute called it a case of "creeping militarization," according to the Post.
Gene Healy, Cato vice president, told the newspaper, "There's a notion that whenever there's an important problem, that the thing to do is to call in the boys in green … and that's at odds with our long-standing tradition of being wary of the use of standing armies to keep the peace."
Wild Thing's comment.........
I am really glad to have this added information. I think we need to keep up on this to see what else they will add to it. Especially with the illegal President that will be sworn in next year.
“the U.S. military inside the country to deal with social issues “
Tied in with 20,000 troops being deployed in the U.S., this is scary.
See it here in a post I did on December 2, 2008
Pentagon to Detail Troops to Bolster Domestic Security
"The U.S. military expects to have 20,000 uniformed troops inside the United States by 2011 trained to help state and local officials respond to a nuclear terrorist attack or other domestic catastrophe, according to Pentagon officials."
And this was in the ARMY Times last September ...for complete article
3rd Infantry’s 1st BCT trains for a new dwell-time mission. Helping ‘people at home’ may become a permanent part of the active Army
The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team has spent 35 of the last 60 months in Iraq patrolling in full battle rattle, helping restore essential services and escorting supply convoys.
Now they’re training for the same mission — with a twist — at home.
Beginning Oct. 1 for 12 months, the 1st BCT will be under the day-to-day control of U.S. Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command, as an on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks.
Other branches included
The active Army’s new dwell-time mission is part of a NorthCom and DOD response package.
Active-duty soldiers will be part of a force that includes elements from other military branches and dedicated National Guard Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Teams.
A final mission rehearsal exercise is scheduled for mid-September at Fort Stewart and will be run by Joint Task Force Civil Support, a unit based out of Fort Monroe, Va., that will coordinate and evaluate the interservice event.
In addition to 1st BCT, other Army units will take part in the two-week training exercise, including elements of the 1st Medical Brigade out of Fort Hood, Texas, and the 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade from Fort Bragg, N.C.
There also will be Air Force engineer and medical units, the Marine Corps Chemical, Biological Initial Reaction Force, a Navy weather team and members of the Defense Logistics Agency and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.
The post referenced article states: Under the U.S. Constitution, soldiers inside the country essentially are tasked with the responsibility of quelling "insurrections" and repelling invasions as well as making sure each state has access to the republican form of government.
But the new rules go far beyond that, essentially establishing a plan to activate the U.S. military inside the country to deal with social issues under provisions that appear to be devoid of any connection to the Constitution.
Obama although he claims to be a “Constitutional Lawyer” who taught Constitutional law, is attempting to undermine and destroy the basic freedoms our forefathers fought so hard to insure to their progeny, and those who would later adopt the USA as their homeland (legal immigrants). We have the Bill of Rights because the founding fathers knew that those rights would guarantee that USA would be and remain a free country where the Rule of Law would prevail over any form of force. It appears that Mr. Obama plans to use force to destroy our freedoms and our rights assigned to the States and citizens under the Constitution.
....Thank you so much Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (7)
Videos From Ohio State House To Save The Constitution
Change Ohio and various patriot groups confront the Ohio State House to save the Constitution
On Wednesday December 10th, the Ohio House Judiciary Committee were confronted by members from Campaign for Liberty, Ohio Freedom Alliance, We Are Change Ohio, John Birch Society, Institute for Principled Policy, Constitution Party of Ohio, and the Libertarian Party of Ohio whom testified against HJR, an Ohio call for an Article V Constitutional Convention.
This is one of only two legal methods for amending the Supreme Law of the Land. This nation is only a few states away from having application of the requisite 34 states needed to convene a Constitutional Convention. It is worth noting that many states which have called for a Constitutional Convention in the past have since withdrawn their requests (Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, New Hampshire, and others) after realizing the danger of such an event.
The list of reasons why this is a terrible idea is very long but boils down to We the People don't want a Constitution-Amending free-for-all, nor do we want to risk losing our Constitution altogether. Many states have called for a Con-Con but have since realized the risk of doing so and have rescinded their calls. Ohio Patriots are trying to tell the Ohio legislature to LEARN FROM HISTORY and don't repeat their mistakes. If a Constitution Convention is called, our Constitution and Bill of Rights would be up for grabs and open to any and all changes.
The committee had some questions and a couple repeatedly voiced concerns, enough so that I definitely think we have a good shot at getting this defeated. The House committee's next move will likely be a vote to send the resolution to the full House.
Speak out AGAINST this resolution! NO TO HJR 8 and SJR 9!
There are a total of 7 videos on this from their meeting.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I found this video while I was looking for something else. Thank goodness people spoke up in Ohio and any of the other States that have caused them to change their minds on this about the Constitution Convention.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:40 AM | Comments (4)
December 13, 2008
Don't Mess With Our Constitution
U.S. now only 2 states away from rewriting Constitution
American Policy Center...this site has the updates
A public policy organization has issued an urgent alert stating affirmative votes are needed from only two more states before a Constitutional Convention could be assembled in which "today's corrupt politicians and judges" could formally change the U.S. Constitution's "'problematic' provisions to reflect the philosophical and social mores of our contemporary society."
"Don't for one second doubt that delegates to a Con Con wouldn't revise the First Amendment into a government-controlled privilege, replace the 2nd Amendment with a 'collective' right to self-defense, and abolish the 4th, 5th, and 10th Amendments, and the rest of the Bill of Rights," said the warning from the American Policy Institute.
"Additions could include the non-existent separation of church and state, the 'right' to abortion and euthanasia, and much, much more," the group said.
The warning comes at a time when Barack Obama, who is to be voted the next president by the Electoral College Monday, has expressed his belief the U.S. Constitution needs to be interpreted through the lens of current events.
Tom DeWeese, who runs the center and its education and grassroots work, told WND the possibilities stunned him when he discovered lawmakers in Ohio are considering a call for a Constitutional Convention. He explained that 32 other states already have taken that vote, and only one more would be needed to require Congress to name convention delegates who then would have more power than Congress itself.
"The U.S. Constitution places no restriction on the purposes for which the states can call for a convention," the alert said. "If Ohio votes to call a Con Con, for whatever purpose, the United States will be only one state away from total destruction. And it's a safe bet that those who hate this nation, and all She stands for, are waiting to pounce upon this opportunity to re-write our Constitution."
As former Chief Justice Warren Burger said in a letter written to Phyllis Schlafly, President of Eagle Forum:
"...there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention. The convention could make its own rules and set its own agenda. Congress might try to limit the convention to one amendment or to one issue, but there is no way to assure that the convention would obey. After a convention is convened, it will be too late to stop the convention if we don't like its agenda. The meeting in 1787 ignored the limit placed by the confederation Congress..."
We were blessed in 1787; the Con Con delegates were the leaders of a freedom movement that had just cleansed this land of tyranny.
Today's corrupt politicians and judges would like nothing better than the ability to legally ignore the Constitution - to modify its "problematic" provisions to reflect the philosophical and socials mores of our contemporary society.
Our uniquely and purely American concept of individual rights, endowed by our Creator, would be quickly set aside as an anachronistic relic of a bygone era; replaced by new "collective" rights, awarded and enforced by government for the "common good".
The problems our nation faces are not a result of deficiencies in our Constitution; rather, they are the direct result of our disregard for that divinely-inspired document of liberty.
Thank you God,.......HERE IS THE UPDATE
American Policy Center webiste
UPDATE: on the Ohio Legislature's activities since our Wednesday Sledgehammer Alert. Thankfully, that Sledgehammer alerted and activated people across the country to the very real and imminent threat that a Constitutional Convention might soon be called by Congress. You had a definite impact on the Ohio House, and gave us at least a temporary victory. But we're not finished, as you will see.
First and foremost: Thank you for a job well done!
Your efforts delivered a resounding shot across the bow of the Ohio House. According to our legislative contact, some Representatives received more hundreds of calls and emails on this subject. Good work! The House Judiciary Committee definitely felt the heat; the vote scheduled for Wednesday afternoon was cancelled! And there was no vote Thursday. Chairman Blessing said the vote listing was just a terrible mistake (and if you believe that...). Truth be told, your attention stopped them in their tracks!
About a dozen people gave testimony opposing HJR 8. With just 18 hours advance notice, we offer a loud "Bravo"! to those who stepped up to the task. Only Chairman Blessing spoke in favor of the bill, and his arguments were shattered by the other testimony.
Wild Thing's comment........
Isn't it something how no matter how many battles have been fought and won, we still have to keep at it. There truly is no peace without war is what this all has been teaching me. I heard that before as I was growing up, but these last years since Reagan left office I see how true it is.
We really can't ever give up fighting for our country. The left, the rino's, communists you name it are working 24/7 to change it.
Here is some excellent information I got from the two sources below.
American Civil Rights Union...NOT the ACLU this is a different name and a different thing entirely. haha
To start over with a new constitution, they would first have to amend Article V to allow it.
“The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two-thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three-fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the First Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.” – Article V of the Constitution of the United States
The Founding Fathers provided two methods to propose amendments to the Constitution.
* The Congressional Method requires both Houses of Congress to approve a proposed amendment by a two-thirds vote. For over two hundred years, Americans have chosen to use this particular method to amend the Constitution, but it is not the only method established in Article V.
* The Convention Method requires that the legislatures of two-thirds of the states apply for an Article V Convention. According to Hamilton, Madison and other Founders, along with several US Supreme Court decisions, Congress is then obliged to call a Convention for Proposing Amendments. The states would send delegates to the Convention who would in turn propose amendments directly, bypassing Congress.
The Framers also provided two options for ratifying amendments, and they authorized Congress to decide which option was appropriate. The Supreme Court has ruled that Congress is limited to choosing one of the two options.
* The Legislative Option requires the legislatures of three-fourths of the states to ratify a proposed amendment.
* The Ratifying Convention Option requires the ratifying conventions of three-fourths of the states to ratify a proposed amendment. This option has been used only twice in our history: once to ratify the Constitution itself, and once to ratify the 21st Amendment repealing Prohibition.
One thing is perfectly clear: Article V gives the states assembled in convention the same proposal rights as Congress – no more, no less. And no matter whether an amendment originates with Congress or a Convention for Proposing Amendments, it must be ratified by three-fourths of the states before it can become part of the Constitution
The Framers’ Safety Valve
Fearing a tyrannical Congress would block the amendatory process, the Framers formulated Article V, wording it so as to fence off the Constitution from hostile or careless hands. They were careful to enumerate Three Forbidden Subjects:
1. Altering the arrangement known as slavery until 1808, a ban that has been lifted both by time and war.
2. Altering the arrangement of equal representation of the states in the Senate.
3. Writing a new constitution.
The last Forbidden Subject is implied, rather than explicit, like the first two. The Framers took great pains to avoid using the term “constitutional convention”. Instead, the Founding Document refers to a “Convention for proposing Amendments...as Part of this Constitution”. An Article V Convention is strictly limited to proposing amendments to the Constitution of 1787, and it is forbidden to compose a new constitution. No matter what amendments may be proposed, the Constitution must remain intact, else the actions of the Convention become unconstitutional.
Unless Article V is amended first to allow it, a Convention for Proposing Amendments can never become a true constitutional convention, i.e. it can never write a new constitution. And neither can Congress.
How It Would Work
The Founding Document is silent about a Convention for Proposing Amendments, except for establishing its existence and the criterion of its call by Congress. In 1965, a commission of the American Bar Association laid out what could be divined about the Framers’ intent. Then in 1992, after the commotion over the unexpected ratification of the 27th Amendment, originally proposed in 1789, Congress passed a bill reforming its involvement in the amendatory process, to include regulating the petitions for a Convention for Proposing Amendments and regulating the Convention itself.
* Petitions from state legislatures asking Congress to call a Convention for Proposing Amendments would have a shelf life of 7 years before expiring. The petition would have to request a subject or subjects for the Convention to consider, or it could request a general revision of the Constitution of 1787 – but not a new constitution!
* If the legislatures of two-thirds of the states petition Congress for a convention, and if the petitions are “fresh” because they are all less than 7 years old, and if the wording of those petitions is in agreement as to the subject(s) the Convention is asked to consider, then Congress would call the Convention, i.e. set the time and place.
* Baker v. Carr (“One Man/One Vote”) would apply. Delegates would be elected by the people, not appointed by a governor or state legislature. The model for the Convention would be similar to the Electoral College, where each congressional district would elect one delegate, and two delegates would be elected at large by each state.
* The petitioning language used by the states to request a Convention for Proposing Amendments would define the purview of the Convention. The Convention would not be allowed to address any subject outside that language.
* Upon convening, the Vice President would preside until the Convention could elect its own officers and establish its own rules of order.
* During the Convention, the Supreme Court would be available to hear cases generated by the Convention without going through the usual appellate process.
* Amendment proposals would go through deliberation and vigorous debate as would any amendment proposed in Congress. The Convention would set the bar for approving an amendment proposal to pass it on to the states for ratification. This could be a simple majority, a two-thirds majority, or anything that the Convention chose.
* Once the Convention exhausts the language of its purview and passes one, more than one, or no amendment proposals to the states for ratification, the Convention would adjourn permanently, and the delegates would become ordinary citizens again.
* Congress would then submit the proposed amendments to the states for ratification by deciding whether they should use the Legislative Option or the Ratifying Convention Option.
* If Congress chooses the Ratifying Convention Option, each state would hold an election for delegates to its state ratifying convention, which would be apportioned according to population.
* Each state legislature (or state ratifying convention, if Congress so chose) would vote up or down on each proposed amendment. If three-fourths of the states ratified an amendment proposal, it would become part of the Constitution.
Who Represents America?
Article I, Section 6 of the Constitution prevents a sitting congressman or senator from taking a seat as a delegate at a Convention for Proposing Amendments unless he first resigns his seat in Congress. It is safe to say that few would be willing to give up the permanent power of Congress for the transitory power of an Article V Convention.
So who would be elected by the states? Yourself, your friends, and your neighbors. All you have to do is run for Convention Delegate. There would be no need for a party endorsement or a campaign war chest. Anyone who raised a vast sum of money or took campaign contributions from vested interests would immediately fall under suspicion. After all, an Article V Convention is about the Constitution, not pork, perks and personal power.
Anyone who wishes to run for Convention Delegate will have to know his Constitution. He will have to take a stand on the subject(s) the Convention is to consider, and he will have to be able to defend that position in public. He won’t be able to hedge, waffle or use weasel words. Most importantly, the candidate for Convention Delegate will have to be a person of integrity, respected in his community.
The conservative caricature of an Article V Convention is a disorderly mob of statists from Massachusetts, welfare recipients from New York, and New Agers and illegal aliens from California. The liberal caricature of a convention is a gaggle of sexually maladjusted theocrats from Mississippi, American Gothics from Indiana, Johnny Rebs from South Carolina and bearskin-clad mountain men from Alaska.
Of course, the Convention will be representative of America at that time and place. All facets of America will be there, and that is as it should be. At an Article V Convention, everyone will have an opportunity to make his case, and everyone will have to lay his cards on the table. It's even possible that the Convention will send no amendment proposals to the states or that the states themselves will choose not to ratify.
So why go through all this?
There has long been fear of a Convention for Proposing Amendments because Americans have never used that tool. To most people, this is uncharted territory. But the Framers and Congress have provided a roadmap. Once the Convention meets, does its business and adjourns, Americans will understand that the Convention is just another tool provided by the Framers. Congress and the political parties will be on notice that the People have found another way.
For that is the beauty of the Constitution of the United States. It is designed to be changed by the People, either through their national government or – should that government fail to satisfy their mandate – through a second system of amendment. The Framers bequeathed the People two methods of amendment so that the government would always be under the People’s control.
....Thank you so much Mark for sending this article to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (12)
December 12, 2008
GOOD! Republicans Grow Spine ~ $14B "UNION" Auto Bailout Dies In Senate
The collapse came after bipartisan talks on the auto rescue broke down over GOP demands that the United Auto Workers union agree to steep wage cuts by 2009 to bring their pay into line with Japanese carmakers.
A $14 billion emergency bailout for U.S. automakers collapsed in the Senate Thursday night after the United Auto Workers refused to accede to Republican demands for swift wage cuts.
The collapse came after bipartisan talks on the auto rescue broke down over GOP demands that the United Auto Workers union agree to steep wage cuts by 2009 to bring their pay into line with Japanese carmakers.
"We were about three words away from a deal," said Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, the GOP's point man in the negotiations, referring to any date in 2009 on which the UAW would accept wage cuts.
Majority Leader Harry Reid said he hoped President George W. Bush would tap the $700 billion Wall Street bailout fund for emergency aid to the automakers. General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC have said they could be weeks from collapse. Ford Motor Co. says it does not need federal help now, but its survival is far from certain.
Reid called the bill's collapse "a loss for the country," adding: "I dread looking at Wall Street tomorrow. It's not going to be a pleasant sight."
Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Senate Republicans' refusal to support the White House-negotiated bill irresponsible and also urged the Bush administration and the Federal Reserve to provide short-term relief for the automakers. "That is the only viable option available at this time," she said.
Congressional Republicans were already in open revolt against Bush over an auto bailout deal the White House negotiated with congressional Democrats, passed by the House passed on Wednesday.
The developments unfolded after Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky joined other GOP lawmakers in announcing his opposition to the White House-backed rescue bill passed by the House on Wednesday.
Republicans also bitterly opposed tougher environmental rules carmakers would have to meet as part of the House-passed version of the rescue package and the Senate dropped them from its package.
Some Senate Democrats joined Republicans in turning against the House-passed bill — despite increasingly urgent expressions of support from the White House and President-elect Barack Obama for quick action to spare the economy the added pain of a potential automaker collapse.
FROM: Senate Auto Bailout Fails- CSPAN 2 Live ( with my notes)
Dodd explaining that this is a complex issue. Dodd is going nuts! He is ranting! Saying he feels bad for the people that won’t have jobs, and won’t be able to provide for their families over the holiday season yada yada, this guy is the PROBLEM!
Hey DODD! I am not praying for the demise of the livelihoods of fellow Americans, we keep bailing out banks and companies we will all lose our livelihoods.
Harry Reid speaking now, says he is so sorry they could not reach a conclusion, crying about how hard everyone worked. LOL Harry never worked!
When all of this started..didn’t the UAW thugs say they weren’t willing to make any concessions...
Chris Dodd and Barney Frank and Chick Schumer, they are the reason the Grinch stole Detroit’s Christmas.
Senator Jim DeMint on the Auto Bailout
Thank God for Sen. DeMint of South Carolina. He is probably the most consistent and outspoken of the opponents of this looting on the hill now. I loved his remark earlier about how people will be rioting in the streets if they DO approve this bailout. About time the Rs learned how the propaganda game is played.
The bailout bill is now dead in the Senate. Thank you respined GOP!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (14)
December 11, 2008
U.S. House Passes Rescue Plan For Auto Industry
U.S. House passes rescue plan for auto industry
WASHINGTON: The House voted 237 to 170 Wednesday night in favor of a $15 billion rescue for the automobile industry, but the fate of the measure was uncertain because of shaky support among Republicans in the Senate.
The House approval of the Democratic-backed program was not a surprise, given the Democrats' 236-to-198 advantage in the chamber. The bigger test will come in the Senate, where the Democrats' edge is only 50 to 49 and where 60 votes are needed to advance the legislation because of procedural rules.
Debate in the House focused on the whether the bailout was good for the country or simply a waste of money. While supporters of the bill emphasized the economic fallout if the carmakers failed, critics said there were no guarantees that the companies could restructure without bankruptcy.
Senate Republicans that are fiercely opposed to the auto bailout
Wild Thing's comment.........
They need to claim or go bankrupt and start over. Keep the Government out of it if at all possible. I am totally against this bailout! Wouldn't that be better and that way the government is not their boss as to what they make and all sorts of nightmares that could happen???
GRrrr, I am so sick of rino's. I really want the few House and Senate Republicans to start acting like Conservatives now more than ever and stop this massive push toward socialism.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (19)
December 09, 2008
Saudis Seek ‘Sharia bail out’ To Financial Crisis
Saudis seek ‘Sharia bail out’ to financial crisis
Saudi clerics promote Islamic finance as healthy alternative to current troubled market economy.
By Habib Trabelsi
While ministers and major financiers of major rich countries try to stem the panic of the global financial turmoil, imams of mosques, economists and writers stress that, from Saudi Arabia, Islamic finance is the only remedy against the successive black days.
Imams-preachers: Islamic finance is the solution
The shock wave from the financial catastrophe has not spared the imams of most mosques in Saudi Arabia. They used the crisis to spread in endless praise Islamic finance which is based on the ban of interest (riba), speculation, and sharing the risk and profit between contractors.
These features of Islamic finance, highly reviewed in the wake of the financial tsunami, have been at the center of Friday’s prayer sermons (October 10), whose extracts were reproduced Saturday by local newspapers.
Several imams and khatibs (preachers) have shown, more or less skillfully, the benefits of applying the principles of Islamic finance, which according to them, could provide a healthy alternative to the current market economy.
Islamic finance will triumph ... "delight" set aside
"Communism will be eradicated in fifty years. Capitalism, too. Only Islamic finance will continue," said Dr. Said Al-Awiss, Imam and preacher of the Iskan mosque, in Dammam (east) in the daily Al-Watan.
He pointed out at having developed this idea in his sermon, which was devoted almost exclusively to the crisis, particularly the "riba".
Sheikh Abderrahman Al-Raqib, president of the courts in the southern province, told the newspaper that he had urged imams and Muslims "not to revel on the economic situation of Westerners caused by recent collapses (...) and to focus on praying that Muslims will not bear the outcomes."
Islamic finance is emulated in the West
The Saudi press has largely given way to economy writers and columnists and economists.
The General Manager and board member of Arab Finance House (Beit al-Tamwil al-Arabi), Nadim Fuad Matragi is eager that the crisis has spared Islamic banks, calling them "safe shelters for cash" because "they are inherently immune against such crises."
The Islamic economic analyst, Dr Ahmed Al-Islambouli, focuses on the root causes of the “failure of the capitalist financial system (...) which sins dude to its selfish vision that privileges interests of a particular category (of society), while Islamic finance is based on fairness."
Writer-journalist-economist Dr. Abdel Hafidh Mahboub, cites examples that "Islamic finance is the appropriate solution to the global economic crisis."
Mahboub gives as "evidence (...) the direction of Great Britain to become a hub for Islamic finance (...) and the recent trend of several Western countries to incorporate some principles of Islamic finance" in the current economy market.
Vincent Beaufils to the rescue
Shortly after the outbreak of the financial disaster on the Black Monday September 15 at Wall Street, which never ceases to spread, several newspapers - not only in Saudi Arabia - as well as Internet forums, have given themselves a perverse pleasure to lavish praise of Islamic finance.... wrote the French editorialist Vincent Beaufils.
He wrote an article published in the business magazine "Challenges" where he said that "if our bankers, avid of return on equity, had respected a little of Sharia, we would not be here."
The article, in which the editorialist called for the use of Islamic finance, translated in Arabic, has spread around the Arab world and sparked an avalanche of lauding comments on forums and other Arab blogs.
Al-Azhar University does not remain on the sidelines
The Saudi daily Al-Madina also announced that the prestigious Al-Azhar University in Cairo was preparing to organize a symposium on the global financial turmoil “from the Islamic point of view" to which "a great number of economic experts, academics and clerics” were invited.
Citing Dr. Abdelhalim Mohamed Omar, director of the organizing center, the newspaper said that "the conference aims to work towards the implementation of Islamic Shariah as the solution to break the international financial crisis."
Wild Thing's comment.......
The Saudis can take their money, their thinking and their cult of Islam and put it where the sun does not shine. They are the last thing our country needs.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (6)
December 04, 2008
The Life-and-Death Cost of Gun Control
The Life-and-Death Cost of Gun Control
By John R. Lott, Jr.
Banning guns is in the news. India practically bans guns, but that didn’t stop the horrific Muslim terrorist attacks this last week.
A football player concerned for his safety violates New York City’s tough gun control regulations by carrying a concealed handgun, and people call for everything from banning NFL players from carrying guns to demanding that the athlete serve many years in jail.
When police can’t promise to protect law-abiding citizens such Plaxico Burress or the victims in India, why don’t we allow people the right to protect themselves?
Where is the sympathy or debate in either case over letting people defend themselves? Given that the terrorists smuggled their machine guns in with them, would anyone argue that India’s extremely strict gun licensing and artificially high prices for guns helped prevent the terrorist attacks? In fact, the reverse is more likely the case.
Would Plaxico Burress, the New York Giant’s receiver who was arrested yesterday, really have been safer just trusting the police to protect him?
In India, victims watched as armed police cowered and didn’t fire back at the terrorists. A photographer at the scene described his frustration: “There were armed policemen hiding all around the station but none of them did anything. At one point, I ran up to them and told them to use their weapons. I said, ‘Shoot them, they’re sitting ducks!’ but they just didn’t shoot back.”
Meanwhile, according to the hotel company’s chairman, P.R.S. Oberoi, security at “the hotel had metal detectors, but none of its security personnel carried weapons because of the difficulties in obtaining gun permits from the Indian government.”
India has extremely strict gun control laws, but who did it succeed in disarming?
The terrorist attack showed how difficult it is to disarm serious terrorists. Strict licensing rules meant that it was the victims who obeyed the regulations, not the terrorists.
Academic research has continually found that police are the single most important factor in reducing crime, but police can’t always be depended on to be quick enough.
The attack also illustrates what Israelis learned decades ago. — Putting more soldiers or police on the street didn’t stop terrorist’s machine gun attacks. Terrorists would either wait for the armed soldiers or police to leave the area or kill them first. Likewise, in India, the Muslim terrorists’ first targets were those in uniform (whether police or security guards).
Terrorists only stopped using machine guns to attack Israelis once citizens were allowed to carry concealed handguns. In large public gatherings, a significant number of citizens will be able to shoot at terrorists during an attack — and the terrorists don’t know who has them.
With mass shootings becoming more difficult, terrorists were forced to switch to a less effective strategy: bombs. Bombings are more difficult for armed citizens to stop because they can’t respond after the bomb blows up.
Still, even though handguns can only kill would-be bombers before they set off their bombs, during waves of terror attacks, Israel’s national police chief will call on all citizens who are allowed to carry guns to make sure they carry their firearms at all times, and Israelis have many examples where citizens with concealed handguns have saved lives.
In their warped minds, both terrorists and the murderers are kamikaze-like killers, who value maximizing the carnage. Even if the killers expect to die anyway, letting victims have guns at the scene can help deter these crimes in the first place by reducing their expected return.
Do Football Players Need Self-Defense?
Physically huge NFL players admitting they feel threatened by crime? This hardly fits their tough, macho image. Our concern is supposed to be for women walking alone at night. Who can have sympathy for a professional football player such as Plaxico Burress who is 6 feet 5 inches and weighs 232 lbs.?
Burress, who has no previous criminal record, now faces between three and a half to 15 years for illegally carrying a concealed handgun with him in Manhattan, if convicted. He was arrested Monday and was released on $100,000 bail. — Burress had had a concealed handgun permit in the state of Florida for the last five years, but he forgot to renew it in May this year.
While the massive size and strength of NFL players might make them seem like unlikely potential crime victims, their wealth and high public profile nonetheless make them particularly attractive targets for violent criminals.
Last year, the Washington Redskins’ Sean Taylor was killed during a robbery at his house. The Denver Broncos’ defensive back Darrent Williams was killed outside a nightclub.
As Tampa Bay Buccaneers cornerback Ronde Barber noted, “We are targets, we need to be aware of that everywhere we go.” Yet, the news coverage doesn’t engender much sympathy for Plaxico Burress.
So, what do many NFL players do when they realize that their physical strength does not give them enough protection from violent crime? The same thing that many other would-be victims do — they get guns. Well over 50 percent of NFL players are estimated to own guns, somewhat higher than the 45 percent of American adults who own guns.
Not everyone approves. Mike Ditka, the Hall of Fame tight end and former Chicago Bears football coach, advocates banning NFL players from owning guns. Ditka said, “I don’t understand the league, why can anybody have a gun? I will have a policy, no guns, any NFL players we find out, period, you’re suspended.” AOL Sports writer Michael Smith also supports the ban and says, “If you carry a gun around, you’re more likely to hurt yourself than protect yourself.”
It would be great if the police were always there to rescue would-be victims, but as the police themselves understand, they virtually always arrive on the scene after the crime has already occurred. Fortunately, just as criminals are deterred by higher arrest rates or longer prison sentences, the fact that potential victims own guns deters some attackers. The Department of Justice’s National Crime Victimization Survey, which covers almost 30 years, also shows that having a gun is consistently by far the safest course of action for victims.
Over the last three or four years, numerous professional players can attest to the benefits of owning guns. For example, Corey Fuller, the 5-foot, 10-inch, 210-pound defensive back for the Baltimore Ravens, was confronted by two armed robbers outside his Tallahassee house. One robber chased Fuller into his house where his wife and children were sleeping, but Fuller was able to grab a gun and fire at the attackers, who then ran away.
* T.J. Slaughter, a 6-foot, 233-pound linebacker, was arrested for allegedly pointing a gun at motorists who pulled up next to him on the highway. Slaughter denied that he had pointed the gun at the motorists and claimed that they had threatened him. No charges were filed, though, possibly following Dikta’s rule, the Jacksonville Jaguars still cut Slaughter the next day. Jacksonville claimed Slaughter was performing poorly.
Professional athletes’ physical strength hardly makes them immune to crime. Take a couple additional examples.
* The Oakland Raiders’ Javon Walker (height: 6-3, weight: 215 lbs.) was robbed and beaten this past June while visiting Las Vegas. He was hospitalized with a concussion and facial injuries.
* The Houston Texans’ Dunta Robinson (height: 5-10, weight: 184 lbs.) was robbed by two men in his home a year ago. The robbers bound him with duct tape and stole jewelry.
Unfortunately all of the nation’s four leading pro-sports leagues — the National Football League, the National Basketball Association, the National Hockey League and Major League Baseball — trivialize the athletes’ concerns over safety. The NFL’s official advice: “In some circumstances, such as for sport or protection, you may legally possess a firearm or other weapon. However, we strongly recommend that you not do so.” The league advocates passive behavior when confronted by a criminal.
* Fred Taylor (height: 6-1, weight: 228) a running back with the Jacksonville Jaguars made the point clear: “League officials tell us we need to take measures to protect ourselves. But the NFL says we can’t have guns in the facility –even in the parking lot. Crooks know this. They can just sit back and wait for us to drive off, knowing we won’t have anything in our vehicle from point A to point B.”
Even professional athletes are not supermen. T.J. Slaughter expresses no regrets for having a gun despite running afoul of political correctness and being cut by the Jaguars. He says, “I believe legally owning a gun is the right thing to do. It offers me protection. I think one day it could save my life.” It seems a lesson that many who are not quite as strong can also learn from.
Toys R Us
The media can’t be blamed for some of the left out information and misimpressions about guns. For example, the news coverage over the weekend about a shooting at a Toys R Us in Palm Desert, California gave the wrong impression about guns. It seemed the perfect fit –- two couples squabbling over who would get a toy resulting in a deadly shoot out. Surely this demonstrated the dangers of letting people have guns for self defense.
But political correctness made it difficult for local authorities to even admit a simple and important fact — the two couples were members of rival gangs. As Palm Desert city councilman Bob Spiegel told The L.A. Times, there were apparently “two rival groups shopping at the store.” Even stories that mentioned the gangs often left the mention until the end.
Unfortunately, commentators at places such as the Huffington Post confuse letting gang members and law-abiding citizens carry guns. As one remarked: “does anybody still think concealed weapons laws are a good idea?” But in contrast to gang members, data for states like Florida or Texas indicate that concealed handgun permit holders lose their permits for any gun-related violation at hundredths or thousandths of one percent and even then usually for very trivial, non-threatening violations.
When police can’t promise to protect law-abiding citizens such Plaxico Burress or the victims in India, why don’t we allow people the right to protect themselves? Unfortunately, bans do more to encourage crime than prevent it.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is an excellent by article by John Lott. Here is John Lott Jr.'s website.
....Thank you Mark for this article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (22)
Electoral College Scam: Where dead people vote! HUH?
Electoral College scam: Where dead people vote
Lawyer challenging eligibility seeks investigation of process
A lawyer playing a major part in a California lawsuit urging officials to prevent the state's 55 Electoral College votes from being recorded for Barack Obama until questions about his citizenship are resolved has written to county clerks around the state, seeking an investigation into a process that has allowed a dead woman to be listed as an official elector.
According to Gary Kreep, executive director of the United States Justice Foundation, the clerks have been advised about the "irregularity" in the list of electors provided by the Democratic Party in California.
"In the 28th Congressional District (Congressman Howard Berman), situated in Los Angeles County, Ilene Huber is listed as the presidential elector designated in that district. However, as shown in the attached certified statement of Dean C. Logan, registrar-recorder/county clerk of the county of Los Angeles, state of California, there is no Ilene Huber listed as a registered voter in the County of Los Angeles. A statewide search of public records has revealed only one Ilene Huber in the state of California, and she is deceased-a copy of her certificate of death is attached hereto as well," the advisory said.
"Further, according to Chris Myers, director of research for the California Democratic Party, who submitted the list of presidential electors for the Democratic Party to the office of the California secretary of state, there are additional, undisclosed, 'errors' in the list of electors. This admission was made in a telephone conversation with a representative of the American Independent Party on or about November 20, 2008," the letter continued.
"It is therefore respectfully suggested to you that an investigation be made by each of your respective offices into the accuracy and validity of the list of presidential electors submitted for the ballot in your respective counties. It is believed that an attempt will be made to 'revise' the list of such electors so that those named individuals that were selected by the voters will be replaced by other names. Such 'revisions' will, in all likelihood, result in litigation being filed to challenge such attempts to alter the ballot post election, and may result in your county being included as a defendant therein," it said.
Kreep said the integrity of elections in the U.S. needs to be maintained, or "the vote of the people becomes merely something that can be ignored by those who hold the reins of political power at the moment."
Kreep previously told WND that because of the lack of proof of Obama's U.S. citizenship and the consequent questions over his ability to meet the Constitution's requirement that only a "natural born citizen" can be president, the Obama administration will be considered by some to be fraudulent.
"We will file lawsuits on his actions, every time. As long as we have money , we will keep filing lawsuits until we get a decision as to his citizenship status," he previously told WND. "We're already talking to groups who are willing to be plaintiffs."
The rest of the article is HERE
Wild Thing's comment..........
Oh great - The dumbocrats are so stupid that they even elect dead people to elect illegal people to get money for more illegal people to vote.
So this is the "Chicago Way". Or is it better known as the Democrat way.
The idea of the Electoral College was formed during the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The delegates to the convention worried how to balance the power between the smaller states and larger states and between the state governments and the federal government. (Although we often forget it, the United States is still a union of states who all want to be adequately represented.)
Early on, each member of the Electoral College would cast two votes for president. The runner-up would win the vice presidency. In the case of a tie, the vote was sent to the Congress.
Things quickly got complicated in the election of 1796 when the president and vice president came from separate parties and platforms, and in 1800 when it was tie but both candidates were hated by their parties.
The 12th Amendment -- passed in 1804 -- added that the Electoral College must vote for one president and one vice president.
Created in 1787 to balance power between small and large states, the Electoral College has had a profound effect on presidential elections, leading candidates to focus on so-called battleground states instead of winning over the most total voters.
When voters cast their ballots, they're actually selecting electors set up by each state who are pledged to one of the candidates selected in primaries or other contests.
In total, there are 538 Electoral College members: states are allotted a vote for each of their two senators, each House representative (depends on population), plus three votes for the District of Columbia. The electors never gather together – instead meeting in their respective state capitals on the "first Monday after the second Wednesday in December" to symbolically carry out the vote.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
A Little Gun History Lesson
A Little Gun History Lesson
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million 'educated' people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.
It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. The first year results are now in: Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)!
In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent. Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals still possess their guns! It will never happen here? I bet the Aussies said that too! While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.
There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the ELDERLY. Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in successfully ridding Australia n society of guns. The Australian experience and the other historical facts above prove it. You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information.
Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens.
The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind him of this history lesson.
With Guns....... .. ....We Are 'Citizens'.
Without Them........ We Are 'Subjects'.
During WWII the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!
Note: Admiral Yamamoto who crafted the attack on Pearl Harbor had attended Harvard U 1919-1921 & was Naval Attaché to the U. S. 1925-28. Most of our Navy was destroyed at Pearl Harbor & our Army had been deprived of funding & was ill prepared to defend the country.
It was reported that when asked why Japan did not follow up the Pearl Harbor attack with an invasion of the U. S. Mainland, his reply was that he had lived in the U. S. & knew that almost all households had guns.
....Thank you Chief for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (2)
November 26, 2008
Pittsburgh City Councilwoman Tonya Payne Against The Constitution
Council passes controversial bill on stolen guns
Pittsburgh City Council gave its first approval today to legislation requiring that anyone report a lost or stolen firearm report that within 24 hours or potentially face a $500 fine.
The 6-1 vote, with two abstentions, sets up a final vote likely next week, which would send the legislation to Mayor Luke Ravenstahl for his signature or veto, and then potentially to the courts, where similar measures have been challenged.
"Who really cares about it being unconstitutional?" said Councilwoman Tonya Payne, a supporter. "This is what's right to do, and if this means that we have to go out and have a court battle, then that's fine ... We have plenty of dead bodies coming up in our streets every single day, and that is unacceptable."
The lone no vote was by Councilman Ricky Burgess, who argued that it would be a "false cure" that would be "particularly cruel" to his violence-plagued northeastern Pittsburgh district.
"This legislation will not strike a blow to straw purchasers," he said. "This ordinance will not be enforced, no loopholes will be closed and no lives will be saved, because no municipality can legally regulate firearms of any kind, at any time, for any reason."
Advocates appearing before council today argued that people called straw purchasers frequently buy guns, then sell them to criminals who could not pass the required background checks. When the guns are used in crimes and traced back to the straw purchaser, he or she just claims the weapon was lost or stolen. Unless that can be disproved, the straw purchaser is off the hook.
"It's a loophole that allows illegal gun traffickers to simply state that a weapon was stolen," said Councilman William Peduto, one of three authors of the bill along with Council President Doug Shields and Councilman Bruce Kraus.
Councilmen Dan Deasy and Patrick Dowd abstained.
Mr. Dowd said that in passing the measure council is "not really effectively changing the situation on the ground," and is inviting a lawsuit.
Philadelphia has sought to enforce similar legislation, but the effort has been tied up in litigation. Legally, the question is whether the state ban on local laws on "the transfer, ownership, transportation or possession" of guns extends to the reporting of lost or stolen firearms.
The Commonwealth Court threw out Philadelphia's measure, and other gun control rules there. The matter is heading for the state Supreme Court.
Wild Thing's comment.......
So to this woman Tonya Payne says the Constitution doesn’t matter, if it stands in the way of the socialist agenda. Here is a title for this idiot, domestic enemy of the state Tonya Payne. And she IS a domestic enemy and should be treated as such.
Wear it, own it and never forget it Payne the pian!! Liberals sure are tryants!!
She sure looks a lot like Cynthia McKinney, another Obama brain nut case.
What is truly amazing about 'ends justifies the means' liberals is that IT NEVER DOES! She's willing to ignore the constitution for something that isn't even going to do what she hopes it will! She really believes that this is going to somehow end: "plenty of dead bodies coming up in our streets every single day, and that is unacceptable." The two things have nothing to do with each other; this legislation is not going to stop dead bodies coming up in our streets! The Loon's premise is flawed. She's willing to throw the constitution out for some pie in the sky wishing game. Every last liberal is an idiot.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (13)
November 25, 2008
Government to Unveil Consumer Credit Facility,This Is Insane!
Government to Unveil Consumer Credit Facility
Washington--The government is working on a new loan facility to help companies that issue credit cards, make student loans and finance car purchases.
The Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve will unveil the program Tuesday, according to people familar with the plan. They spoke on condition of anonymity because a formal announcement has yet to be made.
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has said he plans to use a "relatively modest share" of the $700 billion financial bailout money to pay for the new program.
It's the latest effort by the government to break through a dangerous credit clog that has badly hurt the economy.
And there is also this............
Fed throws fresh lifeline to U.S. financial system (800 Bln)
The Federal Reserve threw a massive life-line to consumers on Tuesday with two new programs aimed at making it easier for them to obtain loans for homes, cars and on credit cards.
Under the new mortgage program, the Fed will buy up to $100 billion of debt issued by government-sponsored mortgage enterprises Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Banks. It will also buy up to $500 billion of mortgage securities backed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae.
The central bank also launched a $200 billion facility to support consumer finance, including student, auto, and credit card loans and loans backed by the federal Small Business Administration. This will lend to investors who hold securities backed by this debt.
The launch of the two programs lifted investor spirits and drove up the blue chip Dow Jones industrial average more than 100 points, or about 1.3 percent, within minutes of its open.
"One of the big problems we have is that there has been a lack of demand for debt. You have seen the market for securitized debt such as credit cards or student loans dry up completely," said Scott Brown, chief economist at Raymond James & Associates in St. Petersburg, Florida.
"Here is the Fed taking a bunch of debt out of the market," he said. "It should help unblock the credit markets."
The new mortgage-support facility was intended to strike at the collapsed housing market, the core of the United States' economic woes.
"This action is being taken to reduce the cost and increase the availability of credit for the purchase of houses, which in turn should support housing markets and foster improved financial conditions more generally," the Fed said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
More control of private sector at our fingertips.
The government causes the problem, and then more government is proposed to “fix” it.
Wow. How much more money is going to be thrown at all these problems? You can’t stop a train wreck by throwing money at the tracks. Steps such as these will only slow down and lengthen the inevitable crunch.
Great, now instead of just issuing mortgages to people who can’t afford it and backed by the taxpayers they want to issue credit cards to the same people.
Barney Franks is probably drooling over the idea of taxpayer backed credit cards for losers.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 PM | Comments (7)
November 21, 2008
RINO Rep. Joe Knollenberg R-Mich 'It is not your money'
Rep. Joe Knollenberg, R-Mich
A Republican congressman seeking a $25 billion bailout of the troubled U.S. auto industry made a stunning statement about taxpayer funds to benefit Detroit, claiming, "It is not your money."
Rep. Joe Knollenberg, R-Mich., made the remark during a discussion with Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto yesterday as the pair debated sending billions of federal dollars to prop up the Big Three carmakers.
Cavuto asked Knollenberg: "When the housing industry CEOs come to you and say, 'You know, if we go under and all the ancillary businesses – the dishwasher manufacturers, the washer-and-dryer manufacturers, the Lowe's and the Home Depots that vastly depend on our being alive and vibrant – if we go under, there's hell to pay. And then the textile manufacturer comes to you and says, 'If we go down, there's hell to pay.' And on and on and on we go. Where do you draw the line with our money?"
"It is not your money," said Knollenberg.
Cavuto screamed back, "It is! It is taxpayers money!"
Knollenberg claimed dealers are not selling cars right now because "there's no credit to get."
He explained, "If we could just remove that problem, and this is what we're trying to do, then we'd be in the position to sell cars."
Cavuto fired back: "There's nothing in the $25 billion or $50 billion that will open up credit for folks to buy cars that in good times and bad, they had not wanted to get from these guys."
Knollenberg explained, "The purpose of the $25 billion is to give them some money for the time being to make sure they stay alive, that they stay in place."
He claimed there would be a massive negative ripple effect through the economy if even one of the major automakers is allowed to fail.
Cavuto closed the discussion by saying, "Congressman, there's a line of people behind them who are going to make a similar argument. I hope you're ready for it."
Knollenberg held his seat for 16 years in the House of Representatives, but was just defeated this month by Democrat Gary Peters, who will be the first Democrat to hold that district since 1893.
Today on the CBS "Early Show," Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala. said automakers should file for bankruptcy and fire their management.
"I don't believe that they have immediate plans to change their model, which is a model of failure," Shelby said.
He argued against any bailout, saying, "It will just prolong the agony. These companies are failures now, unless we get rid of the management."
The full extent of Knollenberg's appearance can be seen here.
Wild Thing's comment.........
He was just replaced by a Democrat from a district the Republicans had held since forever. He has probably been a RHINO for years.
Since 2005, I have felt more and more like I was living in the twilight zone. The country at this stage bears little resemblence to the one I grew up in.
Good for Cavuto is not one to back down!! I like him and he has a good show.
This is why the Republicans took a whoopin on election day. Big buisness, globalist, elites just dripping with arrogance.
Not that the Democrats are any better, they are the TRUE enemy within, and keep touting mantras that appeal to the gimmiewannagottahave crowd.
....Thank you Mark for sending me this article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (10)
November 18, 2008
Zell Miller Backs Chambliss in Ga.
Sen. Saxby Chambliss, who faces a runoff election against Democrat Jim Martin in Georgia, warns that Senate Democrats will promote an “out-of-control left-wing agenda” if they gain a 60-vote, filibuster-proof majority.
Zell Miller Backs Chambliss in Ga.
Former Democratic Senator and Georgia Governor Zell Miller has endorsed Republican incumbent Sen. Saxby Chambliss in the upcoming runoff election in Georgia against Democratic challenger Jim Martin.
Mindful that Democrats could have 59 Senate seats by that time, one short of a filibuster-proof majority, Miller told the gathering that Saxby “could well be the last man standing [against] a far-left liberal agenda sailing through the U.S. Senate, an agenda that Jim Martin just can’t wait to help move on.”
Miller said when he was governor, “I proposed a $100 million tax cut for Georgia. Guess who [was] the very first state legislator [who] popped up and said, this is wrong, we’ve got too many unmet needs to do it? You guessed it. His name was Jim Martin.
“Unmet needs. I think the greatest unmet need is getting that money back to the taxpayers.
“I have served with both these men in this race. And there is no question in my mind or in my heart which one is the best prepared to serve our country and serve our state. And that is our senior Senator, Saxby Chambliss.”
In 2004, Miller delivered the keynote speech at the GOP convention, and he backed President George W. Bush over John Kerry in the general election.
Miller did not run for re-election and left the Senate in 2005.
In the RNSC ad, he alludes to President-elect Barack Obama’s likely economic policies and declares: “I don’t like this spread the wealth. To steal from Peter to pay Paul even if it gets Paul to vote for you, is wrong, wrong, wrong.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Zell Miller is so good, I never will forget his speech at the GOP convention.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (9)
November 14, 2008
Democrats Can't Do An Honest Election If Their Life Depended On It!
Minnesota Ripe for Election Fraud
Minnesota is becoming to 2008 politics what Florida was in 2000 or Washington State in 2004 -- a real mess. The outcome will determine whether Democrats get 58 members of the U.S. Senate, giving them an effective filibuster-proof vote on many issues.
When voters woke up on Wednesday morning after the election, Senator Norm Coleman led Al Franken by what seemed like a relatively comfortable 725 votes. By Wednesday night, that lead had shrunk to 477. By Thursday night, it was down to 336. By Friday, it was 239. Late Sunday night, the difference had gone down to just 221 -- a total change over 4 days of 504 votes.
Amazingly, this all has occurred even though there hasn’t even yet been a recount. Just local election officials correcting claimed typos in how the numbers were reported. Counties will certify their results today, and their final results will be sent to the secretary of state by Friday. The actual recount won’t even start until November 19.
Correcting these typos was claimed to add 435 votes to Franken and take 69 votes from Coleman.Corrections were posted in other races, but they were only a fraction of those for the Senate. The Senate gains for Franken were 2.5 times the gain for Obama in the presidential race count, 2.9 times the total gain that Democrats got across all Minnesota congressional races, and 5 times the net loss that Democrats suffered for all state House races.
Virtually all of Franken’s new votes came from just three out of 4130 precincts, and almost half the gain (246 votes) occurred in one precinct -- Two Harbors, a small town north of Duluth along Lake Superior -- aheavily Democratic precinct where Obama received 64 percent of the vote. None of the other races had any changes in their vote totals in that precinct.
To put this change in perspective, that single precinct’s corrections accounted for a significantly larger net swing in votes between the parties than occurred for all the precincts in the entire state for the presidential, congressional, or state house races.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Label this one magical votes, 35 of the votes appeared from a trunk of a car belonging to one of the officials. sheesh. The woman that put them there said she forgot about them. Sure I really want to believe that. LOL Good grief!!
They will recount and recount until Franken gets ahead, then stop.
Then a liberal judge will approve it.
Coleman, the winner, will end up being history.
They are stealing this election in broad daylight before our very eyes and we are supposed to sit on our hands and do nothing? Where is Pawlenty? Where is the RNC? Where is the Republican Senate Campaign Committee?
Somebody on the GOP side needs to stand up and fight this larceny.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (28)
November 13, 2008
Yuri Bezmenov Tried To Warn The U. S.
Over twenty years ago Yuri Bezmenov gave this interview to C. Edward Griffin regarding the dangers of communism as it related to America's vulnerability. He was a journalist in Soviet Russia and his father was in the military. He idenitifies for us the four stages that are taken to move a country and it's citizens into death throws of a communist state.
1. Demoralization (the breakup of a moral society)
2. Destabilization
3. Crisis ....economic would be one
4. Nationalization
This video is well worth the time spent to view it. Let's hope we have some leaders left in our country who will put a stop to this.
The last four minutes plus, beginning at the twelve minute mark, sounds as if he could be reading from the headlines of today.
The closet communists are making big moves and their leader hasn’t even taken office yet.
I think Reagan did a great deal to slow this down.
There are 9 parts to this video and it is a must watch:
Part 5, Yuri Bezmenov talks about some of the useful idiots, American reporters, who bought into the Soviet myth and claimed to be sovietologists.
It’s great to see that Kennedy was included in this group. He characetrizes him as, “He was narrow minded egocentral idiot.”
Wild Thing's comment...........
These video's are informative and I learned a lot watching them. I recommend them highly. It takes some time, but I would not ask that time back that I spent learning from them.
Many would say we are doomed, but I also know the human spirit and as Americans we have something no other country in my opinion has ever had........ being AMERICAN.
We are not European, not Canadian, and it does make a difference. For such a young country we have been the leader in the world, the one that has given the most, fought for others the most and been counted on more then any other Nation. THAT counts for a lot in my book and the reason for all of that is because we are Americans. Because of the kind of people that have served our country, and being American had something to do with that. The pride in the red, white and blue it is there in our hearts.
The foreign and defense policies of Ronald Reagan resulted in the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the freeing of approximately 122 million people in Eastern Europe.
Nearly 23 million Taiwanese would be denied freedom if not for American protection. More than 48 million South Koreans would be living under a dictatorship if not for American protection.
With the USA leading the way and our allies joining us we removed the Iraqi dictator Hussein, who was responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of people in the Middle East. And we have also removed the terrorist Taliban government in Afghanistan.
American action in Central America, Grenada,and Haiti has kept millions of people out of totalitarian regimes. Of course, all of this has cost every American taxpayer big. And thousands of American military have lost their lives protecting people overseas.
The truth is that the USA has freed more human beings in 230 years than the rest of the world combined. France has freed almost no one. Ditto Canada.
America has a provable history of freeing oppressed people all over the world in fighting evil dictators.
Now for the first time we very well might have an evil dictator of our own in Barack Hussein Obama. Time will tell how much of his agenda he will accomplish. Time will also tell how far into socialism and communism we will sink.
But let's not forget we are AMERICANS and we fight back, we know what Freedom is more then any other country in the world. Hell we invented our kind of freedom, our kind of country, capitalism and the American Dream. There is no European dream, no French dream or Canadian dream, NO it is the American dream. And right now we are entering a nightmare but if we hammer away at people that lean left, talk to them, teach them, and also fight back in the ways we are so good at, we can save our country.
I still believe America is greater than anything this pretender can unleash in the four year’s he’s got. If nothing else, his doddering will reignite a fighting spirit of conservatism and basic values that this nation attained greatness with.
We have a pedigree born of blood and guts.
I firmly believe ‘the one’ will ultimately be his own worst enemy and his arrogance will undo him.
You can compare our current situation to that of other nations when they fell to dictators, but they weren't America. There has never been a country such as ours, nor was there ever a people like ours, so we simply can't be compared to other nations.
Freedom can never be complacent
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (4)
October 29, 2008
Traitor To America and Our Troops Murtha Vs. Lt. Colonel Bill Russell (USAR ret.) HERO!
Murtha continues his tirade in the 12th Congressional District. In this FOX NEWS report he says NO God damn way.
Taking Murtha Down?
Voters are beginning to realize that the longtime congressman does not share their values, says Russell.
“What Mr. Murtha did was attribute the lowest possible motivations to our voters,” he says. “The people in this area tend to vote their values. To say that they are simply racist because they won’t vote for Obama overlooks the fact that Senator Obama has an almost radical pro-abortion platform, as well as a very anti-gun platform. This shows that Murtha has clearly lost touch with the voters.”
Russell, a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel, says this isn’t the first time Murtha has outraged his constituents. In 2005, Murtha, a former Marine, called for an immediate and complete troop withdrawal from Iraq. Two years ago, he called U.S. Marines accused of killing civilians in the Iraqi city of Haditha “cold-blooded murderers.”
“The most vehemently anti-Murtha people I meet are Marines,” Russell says. “They believe he threw them under the bus with his Haditha comments. Overall, veterans have been very, very positive toward me.” He estimates that 90 percent of veterans in the district will choose him over Murtha.
Russell’s campaign has also questioned what Murtha has done to help the economically depressed area, despite securing hundreds of millions of dollars in earmarks.
“After 35 years of earmarks -- earmarks that have hurt business development here -- our biggest export is our adult children,” Russell says, adding that Murtha has voted against coal development in the region.
Russell also says the Murtha campaign has engaged in voter intimidation.
“Back in the early part of my campaign, when I was doing ballot petitions, I had about 15 people tell me ‘Look, I can vote for you, but I can’t sign your petition or donate to your campaign because I or my wife will get fired,’” Russell says. “People were afraid to sign public documents for fear of retribution.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
If Murtha gets elected AGAIN after what he has said about our troops, our Marines, then I think those that voted for this POS Murtha, this scum, low life not worth the air he breaths Murtha, deserve the worst kind of karma possible. They do NOT love Amercia, they do NOT respect our military PERIOD! They will be my enemy and I hope those living in Murhta and Russell's area will realize how the rest of Anmerica feels about their vote, that it effects all of America, all of our military not just their world where they live.
The RNC has provided $84,000 to the Russell campaign to put up a TV ad on local stations this week ( source HERE )
The National Republican Congressional Committee will spend $84,000 on an ad that quotes Murtha's recent remarks calling his district racist - as well as past statements about U.S. military personnel killing innocent civilians in Iraq - and ends with the word, "Enough."
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:44 PM | Comments (9)
October 24, 2008
Retired Army Lt. Col. William Russell LEADS Murtha the Traitor in the Polls
New poll shows Russell over Murtha, 48-35
Thank you Michelle Malkin for the poll information.
“The most important variable here is that a decisive majority say it’s time for a new person,” said Jim Lee, president of Susquehanna Polling and Research. He attributed some of the unhappiness with Murtha to the congressman’s recent comments.
As a 9-11 Pentagon survivor and Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran, Bill understands the sacred obligation civilian leaders owe to military personnel and their families. He’ll always honor their service and sacrifice.
Beyond a strong defense, Bill believes our national security policies must include an aggressive plan for energy independence, and the confrontation of radical, violent jihad.
Here’s where Bill stands on key national security issues:
Supports the ongoing winning of the War on Terror and radical jihad.
Supports tough border enforcement measures, and the prosecution of employers who hire illegal immigrants.
Supports energy independence through expanded domestic oil exploration and production, and the development of alternative energy sources.
Supports continued research, development and deployment of effective military technology to keep America safe.
Supports ensuring that our troops have the equipment and support they need to do the job they are ordered to do.
Supports full funding for veteran’s benefits and continued reform and improvement of military hospitals.
Supports making English the official language of the United States.
Supports American sovereignty. He opposes weakening America’s ability to protect her interests in either domestic or foreign policy.
Bill Russell believes that it’s time for America’s elected leaders to truly honor the service and sacrifice of America’s fighting men and women.
Wild Thing's comment........
I am so excited about this. Keeping my fingers crossed and praying this lead continues for Russell!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (6)
October 21, 2008
Dr. Marion D. Thorpe, Jr for Congress,District 23 - Florida
Marion D. Thorpe Jr., MD MPH
U.S. Congressional Candidate
District 23 - Florida
Thorpe has gained the Republican nomination to challenge Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.) in the 2008 congressional elections. And I have posted about the horrible, vile Alcee Hastings before. -- Wild Thing
Dr. Thorpe regarding the BAILOUT:
"We must ask ourselves what this action will teach our children. The answer is easy to deduce, as follows: The message that this bailout sends to our youth indicates that personal responsibility no longer matters.
" I am profoundly disappointed that my opponent, the Honorable Alcee Hastings, who has claimed to represent the interests of his constituents since first being elected in 1992, is a strong proponent of the bailout, including the original Democratic bill which was full of insidious measures that helped large corporations but did nothing for the middle class.
The people of US Congressional District 23 need a clear signal that our government will heretofore facilitate conditions that promote the success and independence of hard working families, not bail out large banks that make bad decisions. While the Democratic proposal was shocking, and Republican support for it constitutes an unfortunate act of folly, Mr. Hastings’ support of both bills is unfathomable.
Having immersed myself in District 23 for the last 5 years, I know the real struggles facing our community. For this reason, I highly support and promote personal responsibility as the soundest method of correcting the multiple deficits of our community. You have my word that my Congressional vote will be cast in a manner that helps small family businesses in the district survive during tough times while simultaneously ensuring that my people thrive in all parts of US Congressional District 23."
Political Experience
Delegate (Alternate) Republican National Convention New York, New York
Member National Black Republican Association Washington, D.C.
Member Black Republican Caucus Palm Beach County
Member Jerome Gray Republican Club Broward County
More from his bio:
Speaks Against $700 Billion Bailout
Gains National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors Endorsement
U.S. Congressional Candidate for District 23 (FL), Gains LetsGetThisRight.com Endorsement
One Unique Republican Doctor's Mission to Heal America is Also Just What's Needed to Heal the GOP
Selected as Best Candidate For the Concerns of the Business Community
Candidate for U.S. Congress in FL-23, Makes Pledge to Hire Wounded Veterans
Wild Thing's comment...........
I am not in his District, but I know there are people that read this blog that live on the other side of Florida where Dr. Marion D. Thorpe, Jr is located.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (6)
October 17, 2008
South Dakota's Joel Dykstra For The U.S. Senate
BS Business Management
Oral Roberts University
Tulsa, OK
Work Experience
International oil and gas exploration and production
Economic and new business development
Manufacturing/international supply chain development
Government Experience
School Board
South Dakota House of Representatives
Economic Development Organizations
Governor's Task Force
- Energy
- Health Care Reform
There are more Republican seats (23) in the U.S. Senate up for election than Democratic seats (12). Of the 12 Democratic seats only 3 are not considered very safe for the Democrats. Of the 3 safe seats only one, South Dakota has a strong conservative running in opposition. He is Joel Dykstra.
Running for Senate in 2008, Canton native Joel Dykstra is a proven leader in South Dakota. He has served South Dakotans in the State Legislature since 2002. In 2004, Joel was elected Assistant House Majority Leader, a position he still holds today. He also chairs the House Taxation Committee and serves as Vice Chair of the House State Affairs Committee.
State Rep. Dykstra is rated as a hard-core conservative and his opponent, Sen. Johnson is rated as a Moderate Liberal Populist on the OnTheIssues.com website. Dykstra is pro-life and against same-sex unions, while his opponent is primarily pro-abortion and supports the homosexual agenda (hate crimes and against keeping marriage the exclusive domain of one man and one woman.)
Senator Johnson received national attention in late 2006, when he began suffering from severe health problems. The possibility arose that he might step down. That would have led to a Republican filling his Senate Seat and returned control of the Senate to the GOP. However, Johnson’s health has improved and he is currently serving his duties as Senator.
State Representative Joel Dykstra website
Joel's opponent, Tim Johnson has voted repeatedly against domestic drilling and effectively increased our dependence on foreign oil. Now he’s flip-flopped on the issue - not completely - but just enough to make it a talking point for their media blitz. Another example of too little, too late is the current crisis in the financial sector. Senator Johnson’s much highlighted senior role on the Senate Banking committee does not seem to have translated into his sponsoring any meaningful reform efforts. It seems to have been business as usual in Washington these past years with incumbents taking large PAC checks for their reelection campaigns while looking the other way when it came time to provide leadership and oversight. So, like it or not, American tax payers are now in the mortgage and insurance business.
Sort of makes you want new representation in Washington.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I am posting this for those that are able to support Joel Dykstra in their area and if you know anyone that lives in his area as well you can send them this post.
This Presidential election will take our country forward and keeping America the best it has always been or down a road of total socialism and worse.
All the races in this election are important and we need to try to get as many Republicans as we can elected to get back the majority in the Houses. Joel is a conservative and that makes him in my opinion the Grade A Republican we need. I have posted about others running in other States that we need to keep an eye on as well and pray they win for their State and for America.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:44 AM | Comments (4)
October 15, 2008
Traitor To America John Kerry Vs. Hero and Great American Jeff Beatty
The Good
Jeff is a former Army Delta Force Officer (wounded in the first Blackhawk shot down) who earned a Purple Heart and a Combat Infantry Badge helping to rescue hundreds of Americans. He is a former FBI Agent advising the National Hostage Rescue Team and a former CIA Counter-terrorism Officer with service in Europe and the Middle East. Jeff Beatty's government service is second to none.
After leaving government, Jeff founded TotalSecurity.US an anti-terrorism consulting firm that has helped protect U.S. citizens here in Massachusetts and across our country.
Jeff lives in Harwich, MA with his dog Buddy. Jeff loves dogs and in addition to Jack Russell Buddy, has rescued several dogs - most recently a Belgian Malinois named Major BO. Major BO had been abandoned and was going to receive lethal injection in 72 hours. This situation came to Jeff’s attention and he immediately made the commitment, spent the funds out of pocket, flew to Florida and saved Major BO who is now placed with a great family on Cape Cod..
For relaxation Jeff enjoys motorcycling, fishing from Red River Beach in Harwich, a good Red Sox, Celtics or Patriots game and golf.
Jeff’s Military Honors include:
Meritorious Service Medal (as Delta Force Assault Troop Commander)
Purple Heart (Grenada Rescue)
Combat Infantry Badge (Grenada Rescue)
Army Commendation Medal with "V" (Valor) (Grenada Rescue)
Ranger Tab (Company Commander of Ranger Class)
Parachutist Badge
Army Aviator (Distinguished Honor Graduate - #1 in Flight School)
Army ROTC Rutgers College - Distinguished Military Graduate (top 5% in the country)
October 7, 2008
Jeff Beatty Says John Kerry Should Have Voted "No" on Bailout Bill
Republican U.S. Senate candidate Jeff Beatty said the bailout bill provides cover for politicians instead of recovery for Main Street and that John Kerry should have voted against it. Beatty vows to change this bad bill when he's elected into the Senate.
The Bad ( Traitor Kerry) & Ugly
John Kerry has expressed anti-American sentiment throughout his public life -- beginning with his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971.
Early last year in Davos, Switzerland, Kerry ingratiated himself with Europeans by again making public comments that revealed his true nature and shocked many people here at home.
Speaking at the World Economic Forum, he openly ridiculed the United States to the delight of many in the audience. "The problem with Americans is they have an unfortunate habit of seeing the world through an American lens," Kerry said. He also referred to the United States as an "international pariah."
Traitor John Kerry Today......................
John Kerry and Gwen Moore Rally For Obama-Biden (October 14th, 2008)
Gotta love the Kerry-Edwards signs filling out the scene. LMAO Yes, this is October 2008.
Looks to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-150 in attendance. Many press and even more AFSCME (Unionized city workers) waving signs or staring off away from the stage. Tax dollars at work.
Latest News on Jeff Betty vs. John Kerry
Beatty camp reacts to Yankees charge, accuses Kerry of ‘smears’
Republican Jeff Beatty's campaign responded Friday to the Kerry campaign's earlier charge that he roots for the New York Yankees, accusing the Kerry campaign of dodging questions and engaging in smear tactics.
In response to Beatty's call for an examination of Kerry's ties to bailout insurance company AIG, Brigid O'Rourke, a spokeswoman for the Boston Democrat, told the Boston Globe: "In case Jeff Beatty hasn't noticed, that AIG stock he's talking about isn't looking so hot these days - sort of like his favorite baseball team, the New York Yankees."
The Beatty camp said the Harwich Republican is not a Yankees fan and said that O'Rourke made the remark because a Yankees hat was put on Beatty to keep bandages on his head when he was injured rescuing U.S. hostages in Grenada (photo above).
Instead of engaging on the issue, Beatty spokeswoman Christine Hunsinger said, the Kerry camp chose political smears.
"When asked serious questions, John Kerry sidesteps, smears, and then goes on the attack," Hunsinger said. "Add to the long list of people Kerry has insulted those military doctors and medical students, some Yankees fans or Red Sox fans like Jeff, who risked their lives to tend to soldiers while under fire in Grenada. If these weren't such serious times, we would ask for an apology. Instead we say it's time to fire John Kerry."
Traitor John Kerry's quotes about Grenada from the past:
Kerry was scornful, for instance, of the Grenada invasion, launched by Reagan the previous October to evacuate US medical students after a Marxist-backed military coup on the Caribbean island. At one point he likened it to "Boston College playing football against the Sisters of Mercy."
Kerry told The Cape Codder newspaper: "The invasion of Grenada represents the Reagan policy of substituting public relations for diplomatic relations . . . no substantial threat to US interests existed and American lives were not endangered . . .The invasion represented a bully's show of force against a weak Third World nation. The invasion only served to heighten world tensions and further strain brittle US/Soviet and North/South relations."
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (8)
October 11, 2008
Rep.in California Tom McClintock Congressional Campaign Has One Very Nasty Opponent Known As Charlie Brown
Tom McClintock was born July 10, 1956, in White Plains, New York, is a California State Senator, representing the 19th district. On March 4, 2008, McClintock announced his candidacy as the Republican nominee for U.S. House of Representatives , California's 4th congressional district.
Tom McClintock’s Democrat opponent Charlie Brown has been running one of the most vile, hate filled campaign filled with lies and attacks of more lies about Tom McClintock.
Here is a sample of the kind of low life this Charlie Brown is and how he was involved with this and supported it.
Here is a TV ad highlighting Charlie Brown's participation at a anti-war rally, where he wore his uniform, in support of a homeowner who hung a soldier in effigy.
Sacramento Bee,
David Whitney,
Bee Washington Bureau
October 31, 2006
Anti-war activist Stephen Pearcy, who gained attention from his Sacramento home in February when he hung a human-shaped form dressed in a military uniform and adorned it with anti-war messages, charged that the retired Air Force officer is distancing himself from the protesters who had come to regard Brown as one of them.
“He’s back-pedaling,” said Pearcy in an interview. “He was initially holding himself out as an anti-war candidate, someone who vehemently opposed the war and supported immediate withdrawal. Now I am not so sure he supports that … This is an example of the kind of Democrats we’ve had who have acted basically in a spineless manner.”
Pearcy said the Roseville Democrat had appeared at his house in February when his dangling protest symbol was generating crowds of pro-war activists. Pearcy said Brown was dressed in his Air Force uniform to show his solidarity with him and his wife.”
He is a conservative Republican, strong on defense, strong stance against amnesty for illegal aliens, has worked hard for our Veterans, supported the Surge and supports our military big time.
State Sen. Tom McClintock's congressional campaign has criticized opponent Charlie Brown over his campaign contributions from embattled U.S. Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-New York) and noted that U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco), who has also contributed to Brown's campaign, is facing questions about her own campaign fundraising.
This is one of the hearted battles in our country. The Dems never can run an honest campaign and so it is important to show support as much as possible for Republicans especially men like Tom McClintock that is well deserved.
Some quotes from those who have served our country about Tom McClintonck.
“Every dollar that the government wastes is a dollar less we can spend to help the families of the men and women overseas, and those wounded in combat. As a Marine who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, we need Tom McClintock in Congress to fight the Democrats’ message of ‘cut and run.’”--Duncan D. Hunter, Captain United States Marine Corps (R)
“Tom McClintock has supported hundreds of bills over the years that support our military, our veterans and their families. Tom McClintock supported the surge and reinforcements for our troops. I proudly support McClintock for Congress.”--Rod Allen, reserve officer in the United States Marine Corp.
“Tom McClintock is a true patriot; he supported reinforcing our troops in when others, including his opponent, wanted to cut and run. He has a stellar record on veterans affair and is a co-author of Proposition 12 which will provide home loans to veterans.”--Tom Dwelle, retired Air Force Lt. Colonel
Yes on Proposition 8's campaign director Karen England issued the following statement regarding 4th congressional candidate Charlie Brown's opposition to Proposition 8:
"For California families, there is no other political issue this election as important as saving marriage. That's why it is imperative that voters support only candidates who respect traditional marriage. Charlie Brown's astonishing opposition to Proposition 8 reveals just how out of touch he is with citizens in the 4th congressional district-and the overwhelming majority of Californians and Americans.
After evading the issue for months, Mr. Brown finally declared that he does not support Proposition 8. This means that Mr. Brown supports four activist judges overturning Proposition 22, and imposing their social agenda on Californians.
"Not only am I working to pass Proposition 8, I'm a resident of the 4th congressional district. I know my fellow voters in this district-they're my neighbors and friends. In his opposition to Proposition 8, Mr. Brown sides with radical liberals who certainly don't represent the values of our community.
"Given his outright opposition to the most essential issue to families-the definition of marriage-Mr. Brown is not the candidate voters in support of marriage will ever support."
A 4th congressional district resident from Roseville, Karen England is the campaign director for Yes on Proposition 8. This voter-supported campaign committee is dedicated to educating voters about the issue of marriage. To learn more, visit www.YesonProposition8.com
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (1)
Ohio State Sen.Steve Stivers Running For Congress
Spc. Robbie McBride (fourth from left), a member of the 237th Personnel Services Battalion, receives a ceremonial check for $6,000 for six successful enlistment referrals into the Ohio Army National Guard from Command Sgt. Maj. Bill Gilliam (far left), Ohio command sergeant major; Brig. Gen. Matthew L. Kambic (center), Ohio assistant adjutant general for Army; and Lt. Col. Steve Stivers (right), 237th PSB commander. Also pictured is McBride's wife, Carissa (second from left). (Photo by Spc. Diego James Robles)
State Senator Steve Stivers announced in Nov. of 2007 his candidacy for Ohio's 15th Congressional District. In the Senate, Stivers has been an advocate for programs and initiatives that promote economic development and encourage job creation.
He was awarded a Bronze Star for his accomplishments as a battalion commander during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Senator Stivers returned to the Senate in December 2005. He has served in the military since 1985. He has held positions as Radio-Teletype Operator, Chemical Officer, Company Commander, Logistics Officer, Battalion Executive Officer and Battalion Commander.
He is currently a Lieutenant Colonel in the Ohio Army National Guard. He has more than 22 years of service and served the nation oversees for nearly a year in Operation Iraqi Freedom in Kuwait, Iraq, Qatar and Djibouti.
Steve Stivers opponent is Mary Jo Kilroy , she is a staunch Democratic Socialist communist somone and of course a big supporter as well of Barack Hussein Obama.
Mary Jo Kilroy stars in a socialist French documentary by Noel Burch, on his journey back to America to visit his militant, far left friends, of which Kilroy is one.
From The Hill
Kilroy has appeared in a documentary about radical socialism and led a discussion at a 1997 conference of the Center for Democratic Values, a think tank associated with the Democratic Socialists of America, about arguing for public schools.
Kilroy has been locked in a tense race with Republican Steve Stivers in Ohio's 15th Congressional District, where Republican incumbent Rep. Deborah Pryce is retiring.
I pray Steve Stivers wins by a landslide wouldn't that be awesome and kick this Kilroy back to kingdom come.
Wild Thing's comment.........
With only 29 days left until the election, every day is an important one not only for the Presidential campaign but also for all the other ones going on across our country. As you know I have posted various campaigns happening. William Russell vs. John Murtha and othes and this is another one I would like to tell you about.
What is shocking in the various campaigns is how similar they ALL are, because all the Democrats running against the Republicans are socialists, communists,anti-American, have your pick from all or any of those things. But they all are against what America has stood for and they all want to change it to a socialist, communist country.
The Democrats have NO shame and are backed by a media that has no shame as well as they have all become blantant in their push for our country to dive into the pits of socialism/communism.
We have got to fight back!! That is why when we saw the video the other day I posted of Americans yelling out how fed up they were at several of the McCain/Palin rallies it is huge. It was wonderful and it is a step in the right direction.
Men like Steve Stivers are our chance to fight back and keep America from being run over by the likes of this socialists Obama brained commie like Kilory.
God bless Steve Stivers in his run for Congress.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (3)
October 10, 2008
US Debt Clock Runs Out Of Digits
Until last month, the clock had enough digits to measure US debt levels
US debt clock runs out of digits
The US government's debts have ballooned so badly the National Debt Clock in New York has run out of digits to record the spiralling figure.
The digital counter marks the national debt level, but when that passed the $10 trillion point last month, the sign could not display the full amount.
The board was erected to highlight the $2.7 trillion level of debt in 1989.
The clock's owners say two more zeros will be added, allowing the clock to record a quadrillion dollars of debt.
Douglas Durst, son of the late Seymour Durst - the clock's inventor - hopes to replace the Manhattan clock with its lengthier replacement early next year.
For the time being, the Times Square counter's electronic dollar sign has been replaced with the extra digit required.
For its part, the digital dollar symbol has been supplanted by a cheaper version - perhaps a sign of the times for the American economy.
Some economists believe the $700bn bail-out plan for ailing US financial institutions could send the national debt level to $11 trillion.
Wild Thing's comment...........
"Somebody ride back into town and get a $#!tload of dimes!" - Slim Pickins, Blazing Saddles
No worries; the Obama "Messiah" will soon come to our rescue and all will be well!
Looks like I better get used to the next term "Quadrillion" if B. Hussein Obama wins this election.
Drop $1 per second into a hole -- it will take you
Eleven and a half Days to drop $1 Million.
Thirty One and A Half Years to drop $1 Billion.
Three Thousand, Two Hundred and Fifty plus Years to drop $1 Trillion.
....Thank you Tom for sending me this article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (6)
Let's Be Personal (circa 1973) by Gordon Sinclair
Canadian journalist Gordon Sinclair and his view on Americans. This speech was published on June 5, 1973.
"LET'S BE PERSONAL" Broadcast June 5, 1973 CFRB, Toronto, Ontario
Topic: "The Americans"
The United States dollar took another pounding on German, French and British exchanges this morning, hitting the lowest point ever known in West Germany. It has declined there by 41% since 1971 and this Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as the most generous and possibly the least-appreciated people in all the world.
As long as sixty years ago, when I first started to read newspapers, I read of floods on the Yellow River and the Yangtse. Well, Who rushed in with men and money to help? The Americans did, that's who.
They have helped control floods on the Nile, the Amazon, the Ganges and the Niger. Today, the rich bottom land of the Mississippi is under water and no foreign land has sent a dollar to help. Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy, were lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts. None of those countries is today paying even the interest on its remaining debts to the United States.
When the franc was in danger of collapsing in 1956, it was the Americans who propped it up and their reward was to be insulted and swindled on the streets of Paris. And I was there. I saw that.
When distant cities are hit by earthquakes, it is the United States that hurries into help... Managua Nicaragua is one of the most recent examples. So far this spring, 59 American communities have been flattened by tornadoes. Nobody has helped.
The Marshall Plan... the Truman Policy... all pumped billions upon billions of dollars into discouraged countries. And now, newspapers in those countries are writing about the decadent war-mongering Americans.
I'd like to see one of those countries that is gloating over the erosion of the United States dollar build its own airplanes.
Come on... let's hear it! Does any other country in the world have a plane to equal the Boeing Jumbo Jet, the Lockheed Tristar or the Douglas 10? If so, why don't they fly them? Why do all international lines except Russia fly American planes? Why does no other land on earth even consider putting a man or a woman on the moon?
You talk about Japanese technocracy and you get radios. You talk about German technocracy and you get automobiles. You talk about American technocracy and you find men on the moon, not once, but several times ... and safely home again. You talk about scandals and the Americans put theirs right in the store window for everybody to look at. Even the draft dodgers are not pursued and hounded. They are right here on our streets in Toronto, most of them... unless they are breaking Canadian laws... are getting American dollars from Ma and Pa at home to spend here.
When the Americans get out of this bind... as they will... who could blame them if they said 'the hell with the rest of the world'. Let someone else buy the bonds, let someone else build or repair foreign dams or design foreign buildings that won't shake apart in earthquakes.
When the railways of France, Germany and India were breaking down through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an old caboose. Both of them are still broke. I can name to you 5,000 times when the Americans raced to the help of other people in trouble.
Can you name to me even one time when someone else raced to the Americans in trouble? I don't think there was outside help even during the San Francisco earthquake.
Our neighbours have faced it alone and I am one Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them kicked around. They will come out of this thing with their flag high. And when they do, they are entitled to thumb their noses at the lands that are gloating over their present troubles.
I hope Canada is not one of these. But there are many smug, self-righteous Canadians. And finally, the American Red Cross was told at its 48th Annual meeting in New Orleans this morning that it was broke.
This year's disasters... with the year less than half-over... has taken it all and nobody... but nobody... has helped.
Wild Thing's comment...............
What's really amazing is how similar everything is today (in Canada, the U.S. and the rest of the World) as it relates to where the U.S. is and how it is viewed both inside and outside the U.S.
Deja vu all over again..
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (7)
October 04, 2008
O'Reilly Blasts Barney Frank On Fannie Mae Mess!!
O'Reilly Blasts Barney Frank On Fannie Mae Mess!!
Wild Thing's comment.........
I am no fan of O'Reilly, but every so often he does something that I can laugh at. He is furious, I think he must have lost some money in the stock market, just going by some of the things he has hinted at.
Nick and I saw this when it happened and we were laughing at how Barney was trying to say how innocent he is. Frank is soooo pathetic.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (13)
October 03, 2008
U.S. House As Bailout Bill Passes ~ Barney Frank Can Redecorate His Basement
Listening to the House speeches, trying to convince us this is for our own good, reminds me of this:
Joe Barton (R-TX) rises in opposition to rule and bill.
Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) rises in opposition.
Mike Pence (R-IN) rises in opposition.
Mike Pence: LOVE HIM! He's the true maverick in the GOP! Pence arguing in favor of the free market. Quoting Reagan heavily. Pence has gotten it from the beginning. Pence is the future of the Republican Party. He’s a superstar.
How nice......NOT! The children’s wooden arrow makers, rum manufacturers in VI and Puerto Rico and Hollywood moguls (who stand to gain $47 million A YEAR for the next 10 years from the porked up Senate “emergency rescue” bill. -- Wild Thing
Fear Mongering exposed by Mr. Sherman on CSPAN
Peter DeFazio (D-OR) rises in opposition.
DeMint said, they are under a lot of pressure I just saw Sherm (D) CA on Fox. He calls this “lipstick and pork on a pig!” He is not voting for it. He said Paulson made it look like the end of the world is here if this does not pass.
Get your plate and silverware out and get ready to eat your crap sandwich. And keep your plate and silverware out, because this isn't the first one we are going to be required to eat. -- Wild Thing
This is 451 pages of socialism wrapped in pork.
176 Republicans voted AGAINST the rule. Not sure what’s going on.
Barney Frank won
172Y 157N
So they voted to vote...now we’ll have about 90 minutes of debate
Calling the house to order. Rangle is up.
Speaker calling the house to order....protesters removed from the House
Rangel ripping the Bush administration.
Rangel: “We have a political gun at our heads.”
House still not in order. Speaker getting irate.
Rangel’s speech was totally boring.
Jim McCrery (R-LA) rises. Says it might be his last speech.
Rangel wants to say goodbye to Jim McCrery. Ugh.
Blunt’s up. We all know where he stands.
The notion of taxing the middle class to bail out the middle class is a nonsequitur. We are bailing out Wall Street let there be no question about it. They are doing this to us not because they need it, but because as they just proved, they can.
It's just another profitable trade. Down you lose, up we win. And all these folks are too dumb to see it happening. --Wild Thing
Pete Stark (D-CA) rises in opposition.
Howard Coble (R-NC) rises in SUPPORT. This is a change. He voted no on Monday. He said the phone calls made the difference....pressure was on
Sounds like the lobbyists were organized with the phone calls.
Devin Nunes (R-CA) rises in opposition. Nunes: “If the secretary wants to run a hedge fund, he should go back to Wall Street.”
Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) rises in opposition.
Zach Wamp (R-TN) is another switching to AYE. Zach Wamp says that nobody in East Tennessee hates the fact that he is voting for this more than he does.
Barrett (R-SC) switchover
Honestly, it is a strange feeling, listening to Republicans give the, “I know how awful this is, but...” speeches. It allows me to realize that the ones making those speeches, have been making them all along - I just did not hear them. That was MY mistake, and it was one that allowed them to remain.
It also reveals the TRUE conservatives, who I am SO thankful for, and will give my full support no matter which state they reside in. No doubt, we have a VERY tough job ahead of us, but conservatives are up for it . Barney Frank’s ass has never been kissed so many time in one morning. -- Wild Thing
Second vote so once again Pence speaking now. Still opposed! Good for him!
Barbara Lee - “I will continue to fight for a direct economic stimulus package that was not included in this bill.”
What the hell do you call this?
Debate time is wrapping up. Hoyer doing a hard sell.
Unfortunately Bush put conservatives in a terrible position, which he has done on economic issues a lot in his Presidency. They are between a rock and a hard place. If we had a real conservative like Ronaldus Magnus at the helm, they wouldn’t be put in the position of having to stand up to a liberal Democrat Treasury Secretary who is unquestioningly supported by a Republican President. -- Wild Thing
Well, it must be over....Pelosi's up
Most conservatives will hold the line. But since the Dems and the RINOs want it, to that's the way it will be. We didn't cave, despite the entreaties of Bush, McConnell, Boehner and Blunt. I think 135 Republicans will still still say NO to this monstrosity. God bless our brave conservative House Republicans who continue to exhibit integrity of the highest order and will not fold like a cheap suit.-- Wild Thing
Pelosi speaking...much more low-key and conciliatory than on Monday ---- augh!
Pelosi says “this is ONLY THE BEGINNING”
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. ---Alexis de Tocqueville
Dems overwhelmingly in favor so far...GOP slight majority for
IT’S TIME TO THROW THE TEA IN THE HARBOR. The vast majority (77%?) of the American population is opposed this. These people in Congress are *supposed* to be voting representative to our wishes. Clearly THEY ARE NOT doing that. Our founding fathers had a phrase for this. They called it “TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION”! I fear, *fear*, that we are fast approaching a time of national revolution. I’m holding my breath hoping that a majority in Congress understand the ramifications and yet kill this beast.--- Wild Thing
Bailout passed.....round of applause heard on the floor......Off to President Bush for his signature.
Dem 172 Y 63 N
GOP 91 Y 108 N
Total vote 263 Y 171 N
Roll Call Vote No. 681 on voting passage of the Bill.
I’m stunned- really I am. not that it passed- but by the margins of the GOP who caved. The politicians no longer represent the American people. -- Wild Thing
God help our nation, May God have mercy. This is a day we’ll never forget. The last stronghold of capitalism is now that much closer to socialism....hell this IS socialism! -- Wild Thing
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 PM | Comments (24)
October 02, 2008
Bailout ~ So It Looks Like The Cure Is Worse Then The Disease
US Senate resoundingly passed Wall Street bailout Wednesday and now they hope the House of Representatives will follow suit.
Sen. Jim DeMint (Part 1)
Sen. Jim DeMint (Part 2)
Some of what he said transcribed but please if you can watch both videos they are not long. Thank you -- Wild Thing
“This is why people are so upset. It’s because Congress is being dishonest and arrogant. We’re not being honest with them about how we got into this mess and we’re not being honest with them about what we need to get out of it. Mr. President, I strongly oppose this legislation. It takes our country in the wrong direction. It forces innocent taxpayers to bail out government policies and Wall Street mistakes. It asks the American people to take a leap of faith and trust people who have consistently misled them. Mr. President, I am deeply saddened by the tone of this debate. I’m afraid that many of the supporters of this bill have bullied people into supporting it and using fear. There may be good reason for fear. But I think that most people will agree that some of the statements have been reckless an irresponsible. Mr. President, I hope I’m wrong. And this bill will truly solve the problem. Let me say again i know every one of my colleagues are doing what they believe is right for America. But based on what I know I cannot in good conscience support it.”
Here are some of the special-interest provisions that are now part of the Wall Street bailout legislation. The bill started at 3 pages, grew to 106 pages, and is now 451 pages.
HERE is the PDF file of the bill.
New Tax Breaks ( So these are tax breaks, not earmarked spending. These things get tax breaks under this bill)
* Wooden Arrows designed for use by children (Sec. 503)
* 6 page package of earmarks for litigants in the 1989 Exxon Valdez incident, Alaska (Sec. 504)
Tax Breaks
* Virgin Island and Puerto Rican Rum (Section 308)
* American Samoa (Sec. 309)
* Mine Rescue Teams (Sec. 310)
* Mine Safety Equipment (Sec. 311)
* Domestic Production Activities in Puerto Rico (Sec. 312)
* Indian Tribes (Sec. 314, 315)
* Railroads (Sec. 316)
* Auto Racing Tracks (317)
* District of Columbia (Sec. 322)
* Wool Research (Sec. 325)
The Yeas are 74 and Nays are 25.
Roll Call VOTE names and States
Here’s a rundown of the recent government actions to help the economy, which have not worked and are driving our nation deeper and deeper into debt.
source: Senate Conservatives
Even a conservative estimate of these actions shows that at least $1.4 trillion in new debt has been imposed on American taxpayers.
And some quotes from Treasury Secretary Paulson where he predicts these actions will help the economy and protect taxpayers. His predictions have been wildly off the mark and have rightly destroyed his credibility.
The Stimulus Plan
Cost: $152 billion in direct spending
“I talked with knowledgeable people in all parts of the economy and reviewed the data with our economic team…. the potential cost of not acting has become too high. We must act now to support our economy this year. The president laid out today clear principles that should guide the creation of an effective growth package. We are focused on working with Congress to quickly reach consensus on a plan that gets cash to consumers and gives businesses incentives to invest, to grow and to hire. We know from experience that these policies work to stimulate growth in the short term. The package should be robust enough to make an impact this year and should be temporary, so that it doesn’t significantly impact our long-term fiscal position.” – Secretary Paulson, January 18, 2008
Bear Stearns
Cost: $29 billion in Federal Reserve non-recourse loans
“For some months now, reduced access to short term funding and liquidity issues have created turmoil in our capital markets. In the midst of these conditions, Bear Stearns found itself facing bankruptcy. The Federal Reserve acted promptly to resolve the Bear Stearns situation and avoid a disorderly wind-down. It is the job of regulators to come together to address times such as this; and we did so. Our focus was the stability and orderliness of our financial markets.” – Secretary Paulson, March 26, 2008
Housing Bill (H.R. 3221)
Cost: $42.5 billion in direct spending
“I commend the Senate for moving swiftly to pass important GSE legislation that will provide temporary authorities to give confidence to markets and will create a strong, independent regulator better able to address the risks these enterprises pose. [I]t is of the utmost importance to our market and economic stability that the GSE portions of this bill become law. These components are orders of magnitude more important to turning the corner on the housing correction.” – Secretary Hank Paulson, July 26, 2008
Fannie and Freddie Takeover
Cost: $200 billion in stock warrants
“I strongly endorse both the decision by FHFA Director Lockhart to place Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into conservatorship and the actions taken by Treasury Secretary Paulson to ensure the financial soundness of those two companies. These necessary steps will help to strengthen the U.S. housing market and promote stability in our financial markets. I also welcome the introduction of the Treasury’s new purchase facility for mortgage-backed securities, which will provide critical support for mortgage markets in this period of unusual credit-market uncertainty.” – Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, September 7, 2008
“Based on what we have learned about these institutions… I concluded that it would not have been in the best interest of the taxpayers for Treasury to simply make an equity investment in these enterprises…. And let me make clear what today’s actions mean for Americans and their families. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are so large and so interwoven in our financial system that a failure of either of them would cause great turmoil in our financial markets…. This turmoil would directly and negatively impact household wealth: from family budgets, to home values, to savings for college and retirement. A failure would affect the ability of Americans to get home loans, auto loans and other consumer credit and business finance. And a failure would be harmful to economic growth and job creation.” — Secretary Hank Paulson, September 7, 2008
Lehman Brothers
Cost: $87 billion in advances backed by the Federal Reserve
Other Costs: $70 billion (from Federal Reserve & FRBNY)
“I strongly support the actions announced tonight by SEC Chairman Chris Cox, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and market participants. These changes will strengthen and enhance our financial markets. These initiatives will be critical to facilitating liquid, smooth functioning markets, and addressing potential concerns in the credit markets.” The SEC action included requiring segregation of customer securities and case from those of Lehman. – Secretary Hank Paulson, September 14, 2008
AIG Bailout
Cost: $85 billion in loans
“We are working closely with the Federal Reserve, the SEC and other regulators to enhance the stability and orderliness of our financial markets and minimize the disruption to our economy. I support the steps taken by the Federal Reserve tonight to assist AIG in continuing to meet its obligations, mitigate broader disruptions and at the same time protect the taxpayers.” – Secretary Hank Paulson, September 16, 2008
Money Market Mutual Fund Backings
Cost: $50 billion in pledged assets
“The U.S. Treasury Department today announced the establishment of a temporary guaranty program for the U.S. money market mutual fund industry. For the next year, the U.S. Treasury will insure the holdings of any publicly offered eligible money market mutual fund - both retail and institutional - that pays a fee to participate in the program. President George W. Bush approved the use of existing authorities by Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. to make available as necessary the assets of the Exchange Stabilization Fund for up to $50 billion to guarantee the payment in the circumstances described below.” – Treasury Department Press Release, September 19, 2008
Latest Plan: Socializing Bad Loans
Cost: $700 billion for the latest proposal
“The federal government must implement a program to remove these illiquid assets that are weighing down our financial institutions and threatening our economy. This troubled asset relief program must be properly designed and sufficiently large to have maximum impact…. I am convinced that this bold approach will cost American families far less than the alternative - a continuing series of financial institution failures and frozen credit markets unable to fund economic expansion. I believe many Members of Congress share my conviction. I will spend the weekend working with members of Congress of both parties to examine approaches to alleviate the pressure of these bad loans on our system, so credit can flow once again to American consumers and companies. Our economic health requires that we work together for prompt, bipartisan action.” – Secretary Hank Paulson, September 19, 2008
Total Paulson Bill to Date: $715.5 billion
New Requested Authority: $700 billion
Total Since January 2008: $1.416 TRILLION
Wild Thing's comment...........
"Wooden Arrows designed for use by children"
How does an emergency bill in order to avert an overnight collapse of the American way of life and of mom & apple pie get wool research, car racing and wooden arrows for children?
Are you kidding me!!?!
Get this Feinstein said out of the 95,000 calls to her office, 85,000 have said NAY. But she voted for it anyway. I guess forget what the people want and the people that voted for her.
I sent McCain a message. Not that it makes any difference, but I just wanted to tell him how disappointed I am in his voting for this. Especially when he says he is against pork.
Various contact information in case anyone wants it.
Here’s a link to the contact page on McCain’s campaign website:
Ho-bama voted for this as well, so both our Presidential candidates agreed.
Capital switchboard toll free numbers:
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (14)
October 01, 2008
Senate To Vote On Bailout Wednesday Night (additions made by Senate)
The U.S. Senate will vote on the $700 billion financial rescue bill on Wednesday, just two days after the House of Representatives rejected it. The vote will take place around 9PM ET tonight..
The package before the Senate will be similar to the House version, with these additions, the New York Times reported in its online edition:
* The higher limit for insured bank deposits sought by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which asked to raise the cap to $250,000 from $100,000, to quell opposition by individual and small-business depositors.
* Tax breaks for businesses and alternative energy, part of a package that has been caught in a stalemate in the House of Representatives. The Senate version of the gridlocked tax legislation would cost more than $100 billion and extend and expand many individual and business tax breaks, including tax credits for the production and use of renewable energy sources, like solar energy and wind power, the Times said. It would also extend the business tax credit for research and development, expand the child tax credit, protect millions of families from the alternative minimum tax and provide tax relief to victims of recent floods, tornadoes and severe storms, according to the Times..
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said details of the proposal wouldn't be available until Wednesday, the Times reported.
If the Senate approves the package, it would go to the House, which doesn't reconvene until noon Eastern on Thursday.
(1)Motion to concur on the House message, H.R. 2095, Rail Safety;
(2)a Dorgan amendment relating to H.R. 7081, the U.S. - India Nuclear agreement;
(3)a Bingaman amendment relating to H.R. 7081, the U.S. - India Nuclear agreement;
(4)passage of H.R. 7081, the U.S. - India Nuclear agreement;
(5)a Dodd amendment to H.R. 1424, relating to the bailout package;
(6)passage of H.R. 1424, the bailout.
from Quin Hillyer at The American Spectator
"The Senate tomorrow will attach the Wall Street bailout to a “must pass” tax extender bill. This is dirty pool. When you are talking about the single most significant growth of government power EVER, you should let it sink or swim on its own. You don’t attach it to a goodie basket and dare the other chamber to vote against it. To do so is a cheap, despicable tactic. It is the tactic of people without the courage of their convictions — the tactic of cowards. Yes, cowards. I am utterly disgusted with McConnell and the entire Senate leadership. This is not the way to handle legislations as serious as this is. If the House GOP had any guts, then if the Senate sends the House the bill in this form — thus also making a mockery, via legerdemain, of the requirement that such financial bills should start in the House — MORE of the House GOP than before should vote against it, in protest against this sort of hardball pressure.
I think every conservative in the country should raise holy hell about this. AGAINST this tactic. WHATEVER you think about the underlying bailout, this BS is utterly insulting."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Attaching this to another piece of legislation is just wrong.
Check out this section of the bill;
The Secretary shall coordinate, as appropriate, with foreign financial authorities and central banks to work toward the establishment of similar programs by such authorities and central banks. To the extent that such foreign financial authorities or banks hold troubled assets as a result of extending financing to financial institutions that have failed or defaulted on such financing, such troubled assets qualify for purchase under section 101.
This means we’ll be buying the bad loans of FOREIGNERS, not just us.
On Kudlow he said it was revealed Paulson would not support it and Bush would veto it if it had in it a provision to stop the above from happening!
Who do they represent, us Americans or some set of globalist masters?
I always thought that the rumors of globalism was tinfoil-hat material but what was tinfoil yesterday seems to be breaking news today!
They don’t deserve $700 billion, they deserve jail if anything.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (8)
September 30, 2008
ACORN, Obama, and the Mortgage Mess
ACORN, Obama, and the Mortgage Mess
Townhall.....for complete article
by Mona Charen
ACORN attracted Barack Obama in his youthful community organizing days. Madeline Talbott hired him to train her staff — the very people who would later descend on Chicago’s banks as CRA shakedown artists. The Democratic nominee later funneled money to the group through the Woods Fund, on whose board he sat, and through the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, ditto. Obama was not just sympathetic — he was an ACORN fellow traveler.
Now you could make the case that before 2008, well-intentioned people were simply unaware of what their agitation on behalf of non-credit-worthy borrowers could lead to. But now? With the whole financial world and possibly the world economy trembling and cracking like a cement building in an earthquake, Democrats continue to try to fund their friends at ACORN? And, unashamed, they then trot out to the TV cameras to declare “the party is over” for Wall Street (Nancy Pelosi)? The party should be over for the Democrats who brought us to this pass. If Obama wins, it means hiring an arsonist to fight a fire.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Obama.... dirty, dirty, dirty politics-as-usual.
Rofl! Today Rush called Obama a little squirrel!
Squirrels love ACORNs, don't they?? heh heh Good one for ElRushbo.
A past quote from 2007 buy Obama:
"I’ve been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work." — Barack Obama, Speech to ACORN, November 2007
Obama, during his four-year tenure in Chicago as a community organizer, worked as a trainer for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now — the infamous ACORN, whose affiliate, Project Vote, is known for voter fraud — the same ACORN from which a mighty mortgage mess has grown.
Upon his return to Chicago after Harvard Law School, Obama provided legal representation for ACORN and for Tony Rezko (recently convicted of bribery and money laundering), who was Obama’s main money man during his years in the Illinois State Senate. Rezko had helped the Obamas purchase a home in Chicago’s politically correct Hyde Park. Obama sat on the boards of the philanthropic Woods Foundation and the Joyce Foundation, both of whom funneled millions of dollars to ACORN.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:07 PM | Comments (5)
Karl Rove Blasts Pelosi as Most Vicious Speech
Karl Rove said Democrats were already talking about how they were going to use the vote to attack Republicans before the votes were even counted. He blasts Speaker Pelosi for one of the most vicious speeches in US House history.
Congress Floor Monday - 9/29/08 Nancy Pelosi
The videos have a fuzzy thing to them but it does not last, it is not from this blog or YouTube, it is from the original filming of them. I jsut wanted to let you know what to expcet. LOL Maybe it is the Pelosi the witch that zapped them. hahaaha -- Wild Thing
$700 billion a staggering number but only a part of the cost of the failed Bush economic policies to our country."
Pelosi #2 "anything goes mentality"
Wild Thing's comment...........
Poor Nancy due to her NON leadership in Congress it has the lowest rating of any Congress as far as I know. And she did soooo promise it would not be corrupt too. We keep hearing about Bush's failed Presidency and yet Nancy has failed much more, turning off the lights and locking the door when her own voters back home were paying high gas prices along with the rest of us. Did she care? Heck no!
She had to have her own plane so she could haul herself and her family and friends back and forth and around our country as OUR expense.
What would be reallly great is if this next election she would lose her leadership bipity bop and the Democrats would lose being in the majority.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (12)
'Cow patty,' Booze the Metaphors and Analogies on House Floor
'Cow patty,' booze denote mess on House floor
Here's a sampling of some metaphors and analogies that made their way into the rhetoric on the House floor, both in support and against the $700 billion bailout package. The measure, and the market, ultimately took a nose dive:
• "This is a huge cow patty with a piece of marshmallow stuck in the middle," Rep. Paul Broun, R-Ga., said of the package. "I'm not going to eat that cow patty."
• "We don't have a perfect bill," said Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa. "We do have a perfect storm."
• "We have individuals who are drunks and regulators who are pouring the drinks," said Rep. Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y., as he attempted to compare the faltering economy to drunken drivers. "We have to clear the highway."
• "Like an explorer in uncharted territory, none of us in this body have any good judgment or insight into what happens if we don't pass this bill," said Rep. Spencer Bachus, of Alabama, the top Republican on the House Financial Services Committee.
• "The golden parachutes have been exchanged for camouflage parachutes," said Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., of the proposal's goal of limiting executive compensation.
• "We are watching one domino after another fall, that are the pillars of our financial system in the United States," said Rep. Adam Putnam, R-Fla., a member of the House GOP leadership team.
Wild Thing's comment..........
LOL some of these are so funny. Ah-h-h politics and the crazy people in it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (6)
September 29, 2008
C-Span NOW Has Debate!! Call Your Rep.'s Tell Them To Stop This Socialism from The Left
Conservatives Come Out Strong against Bailout Bill
As the House kicked off three hours of debate on the $700 billion bailout package Monday morning, conservative Republicans wasted no time expressing their opposition to the massive government support of the financial sector.
Before the debate began, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) requested that the House adjourn without taking up the bailout package "so we don’t do this terrible thing to America."
Gohmert temporarily delayed debate by seeking a 15-minute vote to establish a quorum on the floor.
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (Texas), chairman of the conservative Republican Study Committee, said he "cannot in good conscience" vote for the package because it "socializes losses," and he called for spending more time reviewing other proposals.
"I believe that this plan is fraught with unintended consequences, would force generations of taxpayers to pick up the tab for Wall Street losses, and could permanently and fundamentally change the role of government in the American free enterprise system," Hensarling said.
The RSC chairman said Congress rushed through the issue and "did not adequately discuss or investigate potential alternatives that would have constituted a work out and not a bail out."
On the other end of the spectrum, some progressive Democrats are opposed to the bill over its lack of foreclosure provisions and for handing over so much money to the Bush administration.
"Why are we willing to even make available $700 billion to this administration?" asked Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.)
President Bush and Secretary Paulson have been wrong from the start on just about everything,” said Woolsey. "If you think they'll be responsible with this money, think again. I, for one, will be in eminent opposition of this bailout."
Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) warned members that not passing the bill could have dire consequences.
"If we defeat this bill today, it will be a very bad for the financial sector in the American economy and the people who will feel the pain are not the top bankers and the top corporate executives, but average Americans," Frank said. "Pain averted is not a basis on which you get a lot of gratitude, but that is what is coming if we do not do something today."
Wild Thing's comment........
"and could permanently and fundamentally change the role of government in the American free enterprise system," Hensarling said."
Please if you can call your Rep. and tell them NO and to stop this insanity. This Bill will keep us permanently enslaved to the government. It is socialism.
I have both C-Span on and Rush and Rush said it was designed to fail and Dems are demanding that the GOPers go along. So far most speaking are saying NO to this ( on C-Span) the ones saying yes are kissing up to Barney Frank this makes me physically ill watching anyone kiss up to Frank. But I want to see what and if there are any good guys saying NO way.
Oh my God, what happened to John Boehner, he is giving a speech on why they have to vote YES, has he lost his mind. Has he been threatened with something. I don't get this at all.
Well he just got kicked out of MY FOXHOLE that's for damn sure.
Pelosi needs a certain amount of GOP votes for this to pass. She needs 100 votes.
195 FOR - 220 AGAINST!
TIMES UP, why is it still tallying?!?!
206Yea...........227 Nay.........To Non votes 2
If I understand this right, It's over, it is defeated. It looks like the Bailout bill has FAILED!
Now the dems are as Rush just said " brow beating 11 of them to change their vote."
FOX Business said they will hold the vote open a few hours to twist arms and change votes.
Wall St is having a hissy fit.
We struck back at Socialism and live for another week or so until the “refined” bill comes back to the House.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 PM | Comments (12)
Bailout from The Good (House Republicans) and The Bad and The Ugly Democrats
Nancy Pelosi and Bailout Plan
Republicans React to Bailout Plan
Elmer Fudd Barney Frank Reacts to Proposed Bail Out Bill
Statement by the President on Bipartisan Agreement on Economic Rescue Legislation
"Today, a bipartisan group of Members of Congress, working with my Administration, reached agreement on economic rescue legislation that is urgently needed to address a crisis in our financial system that threatens the entire U.S. economy.
I appreciate the leadership shown by Members on both sides of the aisle, who came together to write a very good bill. This bill provides the necessary tools and funding to help protect our economy against a system-wide breakdown. The bill will help allow access to credit so American families can meet their daily needs and American businesses can make purchases, ship goods, and meet their payrolls. And this plan sends a strong signal to markets around the world that the United States is serious about restoring confidence and stability to our financial system. Without this rescue plan, the costs to the American economy could be disastrous.
Many Members of Congress contributed important ideas to improve the legislation my Administration proposed. I appreciate the negotiators considering those ideas and incorporating them in this agreement.
Members of Congress will vote on this legislation soon. This is a difficult vote, but with the improvements made to the bill, I am confident Congress will do what is best for our economy by approving this legislation promptly."
Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) referred to the bill as a “crap sandwich” according to two sources in the room.
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) outlined the troubling unconstitutional aspects of the financial rescue plan.
"‘There seems to be no real appreciation of the Constitutional Boundaries’
Wild Thing's comment............
Well this is horrible!!!!!!!! Not a happy camper here at all.
In my title I said, Good House Republicans because I am grateful to those I saw trying to fight back and keep this from being as bad as it was at the beginning. I am big on giving kudos, and yes it is not all I wished for in anyway. But still I am glad we had some that did speak up, how sad is that there were so few though.
This whole mess is because of Democrats, it started with Carter then Clinton and well you all know the rest. I truly believe if Republicans were in the majority this bill would not be what it is, no way. I truly can't stand being at the mercy in numbers of Reid and Pelosi when it comes to voting in our government on things.
This is why it is so important to vote and keep Republicans in the majority even if all they resemble are warm bodies imo. haha Not sure how else to put that.
The guilty, the criminals being put in charge of this bill and then bragging about it and acting like they are saving our country makes me sick.
During an interview on Fox News Channel, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) outlined the troubling unconstitutional aspects of the financial rescue plan. Heritage’s legal scholars yesterday outlined the constitutional infirmities that remain.
Video at website
Anyway about the Bailout, well first I thought ACORN is out as it was listed before.......BUT if you look at section 106, in the pdf file below, ACORN got through but in a sly way, and now the Treasury can give that 65% of the 20% of the money from the sales of the troubled assets to ACORN as loans to people who can't make their payments.
Source for information below:
The QandO Blog Free Markets, Free People
. DEPOSITS.Not less than 20 percent of any profit realized on the sale of each troubled asset purchased under this Act shall be deposited as provided in paragraph (2).
2. USE OF DEPOSITS.Of the amount referred to in paragraph (1)
1. 65 percent shall be deposited into the Housing Trust Fund established under section 1338 of the Federal Housing Enterprises Regulatory Reform Act of 1992 (12 U.S.C. 4568); and
2. 35 percent shall be deposited into the Capital Magnet Fund established under section 1339 of that Act (12 U.S.C. 4569).
REMAINDER DEPOSITED IN THE TREASURY.All amounts remaining after payments under paragraph (1) shall be paid into the General Fund of the Treasury for reduction of the public debt.
20% right off the top is siphoned off and 65% of that goes to the Housing Trust Fund. Where does ACORN come in?
The Heritage Foundation picks it up from there:
"Just like any organized crime group, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has a long and established history of using fraud, deceit and intimidation to achieve its goals. ACORN uses intimidation to shake down corporations for operating funds, deceives its own employees into supporting causes they don’t believe in, and cheats the entire country by submitting fraudulent voter registrations.
ACORN is also adept at co-opting government power to fund and legitimize a criminal enterprise. It has been winning federal money since the Carter administration and routinely receives millions of dollars in federal grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. In the 1990s, it began shaking down local business communities and has established local “Housing Trust Funds” in more than 300 states, counties, cities and towns. The funds funnel money through groups like ACORN to produce new homes and refurbish existing ones. The key to these trust funds is securing a dedicated source of public funds.
The Holy Grail for ACORN has been the establishment of a National Housing Trust Fund. During the brief economic downturn in 2001, ACORN pushed the fund as an economic stimulus. From 2003 through 2006 it pushed the fund as a solution to housing prices that were too high. Now liberals in Congress have included the National Housing Trust Fund in the latest housing bailout bill, arguing it’s needed because housing prices are too low."
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (12)
September 28, 2008
This Morning Re: Bailout....McCotter Rejects "700-pound Billion Dollar Bag of Dung"..
McCotter Rejects 700-pound Billion Dollar Bag of Dung
Let me put this in the simplistic terms for people like me to understand. Now the Wall-Street crony capitalist have put a 700-pound billion dollar bag of dung on taxpayers doorsteps, rung the bell, and expect you to thank them when you answer it. I think the American people will think otherwise.
Wild Thing's comment..........
That’s an incredible delivery. I expect most R’s in Congress will vote against this bailout bill, but since the Dems are in the majority control - we’re gonna have to eat it.
Just saw a Ohio Dem Rep on cspan - Mary Something. She was pissed. Said negotiations were going on behind locked doors and the very people negotiating the bailout are the ones responsible for the mess. She says no deal. It appears dems are not unanimous on this one.
I couldnt believe these words came out of a dem mouth.
So typical of DC to say “it’s over we win” when they know it isn’t. They only do this crap in hopes that people will stop calling and writing their congressmen.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:40 PM | Comments (16)
Details Have To Be Worked Out But Deal Reached On Financial Markets Bailout Minus ACORN
WASHINGTON (AP) - Congressional leaders and the Bush administration reached a tentative deal early Sunday on a landmark bailout of imperiled financial markets whose collapse could plunge the nation into a deep recession.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the $700 billion accord just after midnight but said it still has to be put on paper.
"We've still got more to do to finalize it, but I think we're there," said Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, who also participated in the negotiations in the Capitol.
"We worked out everything," said Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., the chief Senate Republican in the talks.
Congressional leaders hope to have the House vote on the measure Monday. A Senate vote would come later.
The plan calls for the Treasury Department to buy deeply distressed mortgage-backed securities and other bad debts held by banks and other investors. The money should help troubled lenders make new loans and keep credit lines open. The government would later try to sell the discounted loan packages at the best possible price.
At the insistence of House Republicans, some of the program's $700 billion would be devoted to a program that would encourage holders of distressed mortgage-backed securities to keep them and buy government insurance to cover defaults.
The legislation would place "reasonable" limits on severance packages for executives of companies that benefit from the rescue plan, said a senior administration official who was authorized to speak only on background. It would affect fired executives of financial firms, and executives of firms that go bankrupt. Some of the provisions would be retroactive and some prospective, the official said.
The proposed legislation also calls for the financial sector to help make up the difference if the government does not recoup its investment in five years, the official said, but details were unclear.
Also, the government would receive stock warrants in return for the bailout relief, giving taxpayers a chance to share in financial companies' future profits.
To help struggling homeowners, the plan would require the government to try renegotiating the bad mortgages it acquires with the aim of lowering borrowers' monthly payments so they can keep their homes.
The measure's main elements were proposed a week ago by the Bush administration, with Paulson heading efforts to push it through the Democratic-controlled Congress. Democrats insisted on greater congressional oversight, more taxpayer protections, help for homeowners facing possible foreclosure, and restrictions on executives' compensation.
To some degree, all those items were added.
At the insistence of House Republicans, who threatened to sidetrack negotiations at midweek, the insurance provision was added as an alternative to having the government buy distressed securities. House Republicans say it will require less taxpayer spending for the bailout.
But the Treasury Department has said the insurance provision would not pump enough money into the financial sector to make credit sufficiently available. The department would decide how to structure the insurance provisions, said Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., one of the negotiators.
Money for the rescue plan would be phased in, he said. The first $350 billion would be available as soon as the president requested it. Congress could try to block later amounts if it believed the program was not working. The president could veto such a move, however, requiring extra large margins in the House and Senate to override.
Despite the changes made during an intense week of negotiations, the heart of the program remains Bush's original idea: To have the government spend billions of dollars to buy mortgage-backed securities whose value has plummeted as hundreds of thousands of Americans have defaulted on their home loans.
Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Saturday that the goal was to come up with a final agreement before the Asian markets open Sunday night. "Everybody is waiting for this thing to tip a little bit too far," he said, so "we may not have another day."
Hours later, when he and others told reporters of the plan in a post-midnight news conference, Reid referred to the sometimes testy nature of the negotiations.
"We've had a lot of pleasant words," he said, "and some that haven't always been pleasant."
"We're very pleased with the progress made tonight," said White House spokesman Tony Fratto. "We appreciate the bipartisan effort to deal with this urgent issue."
It was not immediately clear how many House Republicans might vote for the measure. With the election five weeks away, Democrats have said they would not push a plan that appeared sharply partisan in nature.
The Bush adminstration in 4/2001 raised red flags, the 2002 budget requests decalres Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac "Potential problem.. and can cause strong repercussions in the financial markets"
In 2003 the White House upgraded the warning to a systemic risk that could spread beyond the housing sector.
John Snow Treasury Secretary called for Regulations & Supervision of GSE's.
Barney Frank (D-MA) denied there was any problem " Fannie Mac & Freddie Mare are not in Crisis"
Encouraging the government to do more to get low income families into homes, Ultimately blocking the regulation.
Allan Greenspan , 2/17/2005 spoke about the dangers of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac "enabling these institutions to
increase in size -and they will once the crisis in their judgement passes-we are placing the total financial system of
the future at a substantial risk
Charles Schumer (D-NY) 4/6/2005 ..."I think Fannie & Freddie have done an incredibly good job, and are an intristic part of making america the best housed people in the world....if you look over the last 20 or whatever yrs. Theyve done a very, very good job.
McCain (R-AZ) 5/25/2006 For years I have been concerned about the regulatory structure that governs Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac... and there sheer magnitude of these companies and the role they play in the housing market...the GSE's need to be reformed without delay."
That bill ( FEDERAL HOUSING ENTERPRISE REGULATORY REFORM ACT) made it out of the senate banking committee with a party line vote all the democrats voted against it.
Senator Obama did not weigh in on the bill !!!! The Muslim communist, marxist, creep!
Frank's fingerprints are all over the financial fiasco
Boston Globe ..for complete article
'THE PRIVATE SECTOR got us into this mess. The government has to get us out of it."
That's Barney Frank's story, and he's sticking to it. As the Massachusetts Democrat has explained it in recent days, the current financial crisis is the spawn of the free market run amok, with the political class guilty only of failing to rein the capitalists in. The Wall Street meltdown was caused by "bad decisions that were made by people in the private sector," Frank said; the country is in dire straits today "thanks to a conservative philosophy that says the market knows best." And that philosophy goes "back to Ronald Reagan, when at his inauguration he said, 'Government is not the answer to our problems; government is the problem.' "
In fact, that isn't what Reagan said. His actual words were: "In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." Were he president today, he would be saying much the same thing.
Because while the mortgage crisis convulsing Wall Street has its share of private-sector culprits they weren't the ones who "got us into this mess." Barney Frank's talking points notwithstanding, mortgage lenders didn't wake up one fine day deciding to junk long-held standards of creditworthiness in order to make ill-advised loans to unqualified borrowers. It would be closer to the truth to say they woke up to find the government twisting their arms and demanding that they do so - or else.
The roots of this crisis go back to the Carter administration. That was when government officials, egged on by left-wing activists, began accusing mortgage lenders of racism and "redlining" because urban blacks were being denied mortgages at a higher rate than suburban whites.
But his fingerprints are all over this fiasco. Time and time again, Frank insisted that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in good shape. Five years ago, for example, when the Bush administration proposed much tighter regulation of the two companies, Frank was adamant that "these two entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are not facing any kind of financial crisis." When the White House warned of "systemic risk for our financial system" unless the mortgage giants were curbed, Frank complained that the administration was more concerned about financial safety than about housing.
Now that the bubble has burst and the "systemic risk" is apparent to all, Frank blithely declares: "The private sector got us into this mess." Well, give the congressman points for gall. Wall Street and private lenders have plenty to answer for, but it was Washington and the political class that derailed this train. If Frank is looking for a culprit to blame, he'll find one suspect in the nearest mirror.
Wild Thing's comment.............
I put a few buzzards flying over the democrats heads in the photo at the top of this post.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM | Comments (19)
September 27, 2008
Amazing 2004 Video of Hearing With Dems Attacking Regulations for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis.
At a 2004 hearing see Democrat after Democrat covering up and attacking the regulations to protect Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (their Cash Cows) that are now destroying our economy because the Democrats let them cheat.
Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis
Wild Thing's comment............
Wouldn't it be great if they showed this on ALL the networks. In another world another time, it might make a difference but I think most of the people that vote for these democrats don't love America or care about what happens to our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
Republican Leadership Stakeout ON Economic Rescue Package
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (4)
September 26, 2008
What Happened in the Cabinet Room.....
( This was reported last night very late so wording of this below is in relation to that as well ) -- Wild Thing
What Went Down in the Cabinet Room ( Obama started screaming)
email from McCain camp
To address our current financial crisis, John McCain suspended his campaign and returned to Washington, D.C., today to help build a bipartisan consensus for a proposal that would protect the American taxpayer.
Despite today's news reports, there never existed a "deal," but merely a proposal offered by a small, select group of Members of Congress. As of right now, there exists only a series of principles, including greater oversight and measures to address CEO pay. However, these principles do not enjoy a consensus in Congress.
At today's cabinet meeting, John McCain did not attack any proposal or endorse any plan. John McCain simply urged that for any proposal to enjoy the confidence of the American people, stressing that all sides would have to cooperate and build a bipartisan consensus for a solution that protects taxpayers.
However, the Democrats allowed Senator Obama to run their side of the meeting. That did not work as the meeting quickly devolved into a contentious shouting match that did not seek to craft a bipartisan solution.
At this moment, the plan that has been put forth by the Administration does not enjoy the confidence of the American people as it will not protect that taxpayers and will sacrifice Main Street in favor of Wall Street.
The bottom line is that as of tonight, there are not enough Republican or Democrat votes for the current plan. However, we are still optimistic that a bipartisan solution will be found. Republicans and Democrats want a deal that will protect the taxpayers.
Tomorrow, John McCain will return to Capitol Hill where he will work with all sides to build a bipartisan solution that protects taxpayers and keeps Americans in their homes.
Wild Thing's comment........
I sure can believe Obama yelled he did to that old woman at his Townhall meeting for her just asking a question about terrorists. I posted that a few days ago.
Pelosi and Reid threw it to Obama since he wants to be President and he could not handle it. He got frustrated LOL probably and that is why he started screaming. Obama must be completely frustrated because it’s clear to him he has to actually perform. Until now, every so-called “achievement” has been the result of affirmative action. Now, when he doesn’t get his own way he doesn’t know how to handle the situation.
From what I have read all over the net in articles, McCain found out about the ACORN bs. McCain spent hours on the phone with Republicans and they agreed this is a no go at this time.
I would have loved to hear McCain yelled back at Obama but we don't know if he did or not.
I coudl care less who yelled but in Obama's yelling imo is not from anger but from fear. Fear of not knowing what to do, what to say, and his not being able to handle the responsibility and leadership. THAT is what makes a difference.
McCain has also managed to unite his party behind him, in a way that Obama never could have dreamed. The Republicans and McCain are working hand in hand right now. Thanks to his pick of Gov. Sarah Palin!!!!
The Obama camp is still trying to decide what to wear to a debate that might happen if McCain says it can go forward.
Barney Frank, Reid, Pelosi and Dodd are insane, but they know they have the power of the media on their side.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 PM | Comments (6)
Rep. McCotter's Forceful Rebuke of Bailout and More Notes!
Rep. McCotter's (R-Mich) Forceful Rebuke of Bailout Plan on House Floor
Before I was elected to Congress we used to hear that when faced with a crisis, members of Congress would invariably soil themselves, throw money at the problem and hope that it went away.
Unfortunately, in these dysfunctional economic times, we find that this process has continued.
As Americans face a potential meltdown of the financial sector, we have seen what I believe to be an inappropriate response starting with this Administration.
From the time we were informed that a potential financial meltdown was going to occur, this separate equal branch of government which is the U.S. Congress was told that we had but one alternative and that if we did not pass it quickly — in the time specified *by* the executive branch — that our economy would be severely damaged.
It has been my opinion that we were elected, by the sovereign people of the United States, to make important decisions on their behalf, to do it with the due diligence and devotion that is due and to come up with a positive solution to their situation.
Last night, I was struck by the fact that again we were told [by the President] that again if we did not give unlimited amounts of money and unlimited powers to the Executive Branch that *we* were failing in our due diligence and responsibilities to the American people.
I heard the President of the United States say that we do not understand the need to act.
That statement is false. We understand the need to act.
We heard from the President of the United States that we did not care about American families.
That statement is false. We care very much about American families.
What we did not hear was a recognition that a three-page document that gives to the Treasury Secretary and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve powers — the likes of which Stalin and Mao killed people for — was not an acceptable response to give to this separate, equal branch of government.
Today, we are told that House Republicans are standing in the way of a $700 billion use of your tax dollars to bail out the very people who caused this problem!
Guilty as charged!
House Republicans believe there is an alternative.
The Administration tells us that their first, last, only resort is to go to the taxpayers and bail out Wall Street. We fundamentally disagree with this!
Wall Street should bail out Wall Street.
House Republicans believe that the toxic assets clogging up our economy should first attempt to be recapitalized by the very people sitting on the sidelines with their money waiting for you the taxpayer to be fleeced and put it in so they are “confident that the market will work”.
We can not re-inflate the bubble.
The people who on Main Street invested and saved and had good credit their entire lives should not be asked to go back in to help cowboy capitalists who shot themselves in the foot.
I have supported the President when he has been correct.
But he is in err now.
House Republicans stood and supported the Patreus surge.
Today House Republicans oppose the Paulson splurge so we can have prosperity in America in the long run.
We will not engage in a rush to judgment that destroys the possibility of the free market and prosperity for decades to come.
We will not walk out of this room after a forced vote waving a piece of paper in our hands claiming “fleeced in our time.”
We will the job we were entrusted with.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I have posted about Rep. McCotter before, he is another one of the awesome conservatives on OUR side, yep a Republican but a conservative and that is what seperates the males from the MEN! saw Thaddeous McCotter several weeks ago on C-SPAN, he was speaking about the Republicans on the floor after Nancy Pelosi shut the lights out. He was awesome then too.
“What we did not hear was a recognition that a three-page document — that gives to the Treasury Secretary and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve powers the likes of which Stalin and Mao killed people for — was not an acceptable response to give to this separate, equal branch of government.”
Rush said that they let Obama take command at the meeting and he was a complete disaster! The Dems deferred to Obama, who ripped the Republican proposal. It disintegrated into a partisan shouting match. That's why he ran out the back door and then appeared on Fox News to act like he was in control of the situation. Talk about “take your kid to work day!” The Dems wanted to brag that Barry was the savior of the meeting. Good luck with that.
They asked Shelby if it was true 20% was going to ACORN.Shelby said it is absolutely true.
THANK GOD McCain came to town and had this ACORN funding derailed!
ACORN written in this deal.
They want more of the same, while socializing.
$140 Billion of this bailout to benefit voter fraud
According to several news and political sources, ACORN is set to make off with $140 Billion (with a B) from this bailout deal, more specifically according to Senator Graham, Section 5 of the Dodd counter-proposal to the Paulson Plan would set aside 20% of the profits from the Treasury’s sale of assets to The Housing Trust Fund and would benefit ACORN.
ACORN is a corrupt organization that has been accused and convicted of voter fraud in 13+ states. Some of their tactics have ranged from registering dead people to disrupting the testimony of General David Petraeus and Federal Reserve hearings, to trading cocaine for illegal ballots in Ohio back in 2004.
Lindsey Graham on Greta: Fox News
“And this deal that's on the table now is not a very good deal. Twenty percent of the money that should go to retire debt that will be created to solve this problem winds up in a housing organization called ACORN that is an absolute ill-run enterprise, and I can't believe we would take money away from debt retirement to put it in a housing program that doesn't work.”
Republican ....... John Boehner on Fox News:
“We will not agree to a Bill at taxpayer’s expense just to bail out Wall Street.” Congressman Roy Blunt spoke as well. Boehner took some questions and told the press that he’d been in conversations with the administration and the Speaker of the House all week. There was nothing that was put on the table yesterday that the Speaker, the Secretary of the Treasury or the President didn’t already know about. Conversations have been going on at that level, and I don’t know what games were being played at the White House yesterday...a gang-up on Boehner, but if they thought they were rolling me, they were kidding themselves.”
“Paulson and his team have not acted in good faith for this President or the administration for which they serve,” says a House Republican leader who was not present at the White House meeting, but who instead is part of the team hammering out the House GOP alternative. “We keep hearing about how Secretary Paulson is working with Democrats on this or that, yet he never seems to consider working with the party that essentially hired him. Perhaps he’s auditioning for a Democratic administration job. Our proposal didn’t just spring forth fully formed; we’ve been working on this for several days, and Treasury staff has known about it.”
Run down:
1. Paulson is a Dem and a buddy of Schumer.
2. Paulson is undermining Bush and helping the Dems...Paulson and other dems incl Quisling want McCain in Washington.
3. As Rush said, the reluctant astronaut, Barack goes to Washington.
4. In reality this was supposed to show off the "leadership skills" of Obama.
5. Obama tries to chair the meeting with PREZ there...Obama blew up the White House meeting
6. Dems now lie about the proceedings, saying McCain messed it up.
7. The concerns of the HR GOP are raised, and McCain backs up their concerns
8. Seeing what is going on, McCain goes to the debate. People are puzzled.
These Dems are NOT FOR THE SUCCESS of citizens of this country. They are for the success of SOCIALISM!!!!
Neither McCain nor Obama have approved of this plan. I guess Obama was upset too about his preciouis ACORN being exposed that it was part of the bill.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:22 PM | Comments (2)
Senator Quisling Harry Reid: No votes Friday night to avoid ‘excuses’
Reid: No votes Friday night to avoid ‘excuses’
Las Vegas Sun
It won’t be votes in the Senate that keep Republican presidential candidate John McCain away from Friday night’s debate.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said today :
he would not be scheduling any votes to “make sure there’s no excuses to not go forward with the debate.”
“If ever there was a time in the history of our country … American people need to hear this.”
Republican National Committee spokesman Bill Riggs said:
“It’s clear that Harry Reid and Barack Obama would rather score cheap political points with Washington parlor games than do the business of the American people and find bipartisan solutions.”
Wild Thing's comment..............
Mccain and the Republicans care about the Country...the Dems and Obama care about is winning the election.
Harry Reid and his ilk would burn the country to the ground for a chance to score a political point.
After this poor excuse for humanity said that we have lost in Iraq, with our soldiers in harms way, he might as well have a stamp on his forehead makring him as a TRAITOR !
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (11)
Some Notes On Yesterday's $700 Billion Bailout Meeting
White House meeting ends on sour note
A high-profile White House meeting on Treasury’s $700 billion Wall Street rescue plan ended Thursday on a sour, contentious note, with no joint endorsement by the two presidential candidates, Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama.
Democrats complained of being “blindsided” by a new conservative alternative to the plan first put forward by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. And the outcome casts doubt on the ability of Congress to move quickly on the matter, even after leaders of House and Senate banking committees reached a bipartisan agreement Thursday on the framework for legislation authorizing the massive government intervention.
It was McCain who urged President Bush to call the White House meeting attended by House and Senate leaders as well as Obama, his Democratic rival.
But the candidates left without commenting to reporters outside, and the whole sequence of events confirmed Treasury’s fears about inserting presidential politics into what were already difficult negotiations.
Frank, a strong Paulson ally, feels the secretary is being undercut in front of the president.“McCain and the House Republicans are undercutting the Paulson plan, talking about a wholly different approach,” Frank said prior to the meeting. And this was very much the line of attack at the White House: “This is the presidential campaign of John McCain undermining what Hank Paulson tells us is essential for the country.”
Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee and one of the authors of the conservative alternative, said that McCain had yet to sign onto the proposal. But Ryan confirmed that he and other House Republicans had met with the Arizona senator on the issue prior to the White House meeting in the offices of House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio).
“Our goal is not to derail. Our goal is to break the logjam. It’s a Plan B if Paulson can’t pass,” Ryan said. “This is such a crisis I’m not going to draw some line in the sand. We can’t leave without doing something, but we don’t think the votes are here for Paulson.”
Prior to the White House meeting, Sen. Bob Bennett (R-Utah) predicted legislation could be finalized in time for Congress to act this weekend. Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.), who continued to represent Senate Republicans Thursday night and has close ties to the White House, conceded that portions of the package won’t be to Treasury’s liking, but the agreement was a step forward.
Senator Richard Shelby told reporters outside the White House that he did not believe there was an agreement and that the proposals by US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson constituted a "bad plan".
"It will not solve problems, it will create more problems, we're rushing to judgment, that we do have stress in our market, but this is not the best way, we ought to look at alternatives," Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Alabama, said after emerging from a meeting at the White House with President Bush, congressional leaders and the presidential candidates.
from Dodd, Dow Jones Newswire:
“Meeting was contentious”
“Nothing more than a rescue plan for John McCain”
“Paulson needs to choose who’s side he’s on”
“I won’t be going back to the White House”
Chris Dodd being interviewed by Wolfie Blitzed. Dodd was NOT HAPPY. Said the Pubs had some different "principles" than what "we"--the Dims--had agreed upon.
Sen. Dodd throws gasoline on fire
As a member and later chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Sen. Christopher J. Dodd shoulders a good deal of the blame for the collapse of the national housing market, the subprime-mortgage-market meltdown and the latest convulsions on Wall Street.
Reams of legislation he has written or advocated affecting the housing, lending, insurance and securities industries have drained hundreds of billions out of the economy, ballooned the federal debt, cost tens of thousands of people their jobs and driven hundreds of thousands of homeowners into foreclosure, bankruptcy or both. For his efforts, Sen. Dodd has been rewarded in the 2008 election cycle with $7.65 million in campaign contributions — he took in $11.7 million in all — from the securities, insurance, real-estate and commercial-banking industries, according to his latest Federal Election Commission filing posted at opensecrets.org.
Sen. Dodd's list of donors reads like a who's who of who's in the stew: Citigroup, $310,294; SAC Capital Partners, $282,000; United Technologies, $263,400; AIG, $224,678; Bear Stearns, $205,600; St. Paul Travelers, $205,400; Royal Bank of Scotland, $203,750; Goldman Sachs, $175,600; Morgan Stanley, $155,000; Credit Suisse, $154,550; Merrill Lynch, $134,950; JPMorgan Chase, $129,150; Lehman Brothers, $128,400; KPMG, $113,100; General Electric, $108,250; Deloitte Touche, $108,000; USB, $101,900; Hartford Finance Services, $101,500; The Hartford, $94,350; Bank of America, $91,300.
With $165,400, Sen. Dodd also tops the list of members of Congress who took campaign cash from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac since 1989. Sen. Barack Obama, the self-styled agent of change, is a distant second at $126,000 and Sen. John Kerry is third at $111,000. In the top 20 are Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Long after the horses had left the barn, Sen. Dodd now pledges to "continue to work on solutions to help Americans weather this storm, including strengthening the housing sector, developing a second stimulus package and restructuring the regulation of the financial sector."
To which we say: Haven't you done enough damage?
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (4)
Barney Frank As Chair of Financial Services Committee
The New Chair of the Financial Services Committee, Barney Frank, talked about his agenda with Politics TV
Barney Frank, the first day of the 110th Congress, first day, January 4th, 2007.
Barney Frank:
We can't continue to have economic growth that is concentrated in the hands of a few. In America we are becoming more and more unequal. Some inequality is necessary for a capitalist system but we've gone way beyond that, and the average working person, we're talking 80% of the population has seen an erosion in his or her economic position rather than advance. Specifically, I hope to deal in part with the housing crisis, by the way. The committee that I'll be chairing that has jurisdiction over housing and we hope very much to do an increase in the housing stock, so housing becomes affordable both for low-income people but also for people in the moderate income range.
I do believe that it's time for us to rein in these outrageous corporate CEO settlements in the hundreds of millions of dollars. It's reached a point where it's not simply envy that makes us upset about them. When Lee Raymond retires from ExxonMobil and gets $400 million and then that company stiffs its pension fund, we're talking about a real economic consequence. You cannot pay a handful of people so many billions of dollars and not have it impinge on what's available for other people. We'll be addressing that.
Wild Thing's comment...........
He wants to increase housing stocks, is that what I heard him say? Cookie had a rush job on this audio. We didn't have time to transcribe it all. But here you go. "I hope to deal with the housing crisis so that housing becomes affordable for low-income people." This was his goal. What has happened was his goal, meaning getting a bunch of people into houses who couldn't afford the mortgages.
Barney Frank on the first day of this Congress laid out the agenda, and he's got it! He's got his collapse.
Victor Davis Hanson is right. You keep sending these same people back there, you deserve 'em.
Just like in New Orleans what did they do? They re=elected NAGIN. Helloooo!!!!!!
"This was all caused by Democrats in government! If there were a Republican to blame, he would have been found and he would be in jail, or his life would be ruined as the result of never-ending congressional hearings. We have to continue to identify, to expose and punish the politicians who are responsible for undermining the market with political demands for risky loans to risky borrowers -- and they used the power of their positions to force this. "
"In the first place they were created and they were hailed as a way of helping people buy homes who didn't have the income to buy homes. Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton took credit for this when they did it but they are evading responsibility for it now, and the house of cards has collapsed and Clinton's even out there on Good Morning America (while dropping neutron bombs on Obama, by the way) suggesting that he did everything he could to get this whole thing fixed. He's the architect of this! And it must be said over and over."--- Rush Limbaugh quote
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
August 23, 2008
The Future???? What Will They Tax Next?
Wild Thing's comment.........
LOL Even though this is in another languge it still gets the point across. It is in French and is asking what will they tax next?
It is very funny but also close to being true. If Obama wins we all know how he wants to tax everyone.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (10)
August 21, 2008
Vote Democrat and Stay Poor
Tampa Taxi Driver explaining why he will be voting Republican! This was in Creative Loafing's "Political Whore" blog page.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM
August 15, 2008
Jeff Beatty a REAL Hero vs. Hanoi John Kerry a Traitor!
Who is Jeff Beatty?
Jeff is a former Army Delta Force Officer (wounded in the first Blackhawk shot down) who earned a Purple Heart and a Combat Infantry Badge helping to rescue hundreds of Americans. He is a former FBI Agent advising the National Hostage Rescue Team and a former CIA Counter-terrorism Officer with service in Europe and the Middle East. Jeff Beatty's government service is second to none.
After leaving government, Jeff founded TotalSecurity.US an anti-terrorism consulting firm that has helped protect U.S. citizens here in Massachusetts and across our country.
Jeff lives in Harwich, MA with his dog Buddy. Jeff loves dogs and in addition to Jack Russell Buddy, has rescued several dogs - most recently a Belgian Malinois named Major BO. Major BO had been abandoned and was going to receive lethal injection in 72 hours. This situation came to Jeff’s attention and he immediately made the commitment, spent the funds out of pocket, flew to Florida and saved Major BO who is now placed with a great family on Cape Cod..
For relaxation Jeff enjoys motorcycling, fishing from Red River Beach in Harwich, a good Red Sox, Celtics or Patriots game and golf.
Jeff’s Military Honors include the
Meritorious Service Medal (as Delta Force Assault Troop Commander)
Purple Heart (Grenada Rescue)
Combat Infantry Badge (Grenada Rescue)
Army Commendation Medal with "V" (Valor) (Grenada Rescue)
Ranger Tab (Company Commander of Ranger Class)
Parachutist Badge
Army Aviator (Distinguished Honor Graduate - #1 in Flight School)
Army ROTC Rutgers College - Distinguished Military Graduate (top 5% in the country)
Page with some photos from his military service
He has a wonderful website with links to a lot of articles he has written as well as information about his campaign.
Here is one of the articles he has written:
Now Playing in Massachusetts
The thought of Sen. John Kerry and a president named Barack Obama loose on the streets of Washington, D.C. sounds like an idea for a horror movie. But it would just be a sequel to a disaster movie that the people in Massachusetts have already seen -- one which stars Kerry and Gov. Deval Patrick.Here in the Commonwealth, where I am the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, we are fighting to keep this “remake movie” from reaching national screens by prevailing in my election to the U.S. Senate over John Kerry and by giving the Bay State’s 12 electoral votes to John McCain. We have paid the price to see this disaster film once in Massachusetts and will not pay to see it spread across America.
From our view, the only thing sadder than a Barack Obama imperial presidency is the vision of John Kerry bopping from country to country as Obama’s “special envoy." Recently, their big budget screen test went international -- Barack with his long apology about American power before 200,000 at Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate, and Kerry simultaneously chatting away on cable here at home. Kerry’s shilling for Barack cannot mask what we here already know: The combination of Gov. Deval Patrick and Sen. John Kerry has been devastating for the citizens of Massachusetts. Under Kerry and Patrick, Massachusetts now has one of the nation’s highest property tax burdens, is among the highest in per capita debt, and is one of the few states in the country to be losing population. Now, Governor Patrick is flirting with raising income taxes to wipe away the sins of his Democratic buddies. In short, the Patrick/Kerry movie boils down to a series of broken promises and failed leadership.
and some more from the article................
To make matters worse, in word and deed, John Kerry has expressed anti-American sentiment throughout his public life -- beginning with his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971. Early last year in Davos, Switzerland, Kerry ingratiated himself with Europeans by again making public comments that revealed his true nature and shocked many people here at home.Speaking at the World Economic Forum, he openly ridiculed the United States to the delight of many in the audience. "The problem with Americans is they have an unfortunate habit of seeing the world through an American lens," Kerry said. He also referred to the United States as an "international pariah." This is the John Kerry who could have written Barack Obama’s America-bashing speech in Berlin.
And here is the ad that Hanoi John Kerry has been running
Here is Kerry USING our soldiers and I don't care what he pushes that he has done for them it is all an act. He is a liar, a phony and anti-American. The damage he has done to our troops in the Vietnam War and the horrible things he said about our troops serving today, MY GOSH this man is so vile he makes me sick to my stomach! --- Wild Thing
Wild Thing's comment.............
Jeff is also on Facebook if any of you have it let me know and you can get on his friends list there as well. Facebook is awesome because there are updates and tons of political information directly from the person running for office.
Jeff is a REAL hero not a bandaid wanna be hero and traitor to America like John Kerry.
I wish I lived in Mass. so I could vote for him. But at least I can get the word out about a good man , Jeff Beatty unning opposite John Kerry.
God Bless Jeff Beatty and I pray he wins!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (14)
August 01, 2008
House Apologizes For Slavery and Jim Crow
One hundred and forty years after any slave was legally held anywhere in the United States, the House of Representatives voted on a resolution apologizing to African-Americans for slavery and Jim Crow laws that discriminated against blacks mostly in the South.
House apologizes for slavery and Jim Crow
Resolution does not mention reparations; commits to rectifying 'misdeeds'
WASHINGTON - The House on Tuesday issued an unprecedented apology to black Americans for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow segregation laws.
"Today represents a milestone in our nation's efforts to remedy the ills of our past," said Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, D-Mich., chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus.
The resolution, passed by voice vote, was the work of Tennessee Democrat Steve Cohen, the only white lawmaker to represent a majority black district. Cohen faces a formidable black challenger in a primary face-off next week.
Congress has issued apologies before — to Japanese-Americans for their internment during World War II and to native Hawaiians for the overthrow of the Hawaiian kingdom in 1893. In 2005, the Senate apologized for failing to pass anti-lynching laws.
Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) said that he would consider introducing a similar resolution in the Senate. Passage of the bill marks the second time this year that Congress has issued an apology for past injustices. The Senate earlier apologized to Native Americans for mistreatment during the settling of the American West.
Obama comment about this
Obama notes ‘tragic’ US past (title from article)
"I personally would want to see our tragic history, or the tragic elements of our history, acknowledged," the Democratic presidential hopeful said."I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it's Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds."
The US House of Representatives late Tuesday approved by voice vote a resolution [HR 194 materials] apologizing to African Americans for slavery and Jim Crow laws [backgrounder].
The resolution declares:That the House of Representatives--
(1) acknowledges that slavery is incompatible with the basic founding principles recognized in the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal;
(2) acknowledges the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow;
(3) apologizes to African Americans on behalf of the people of the United States, for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow; and
(4) expresses its commitment to rectify the lingering consequences of the misdeeds committed against African Americans under slavery and Jim Crow and to stop the occurrence of human rights violations in the future.
Wild Thing's comment........
When can the Irish, Jews, Poles, etc. expect their apologies for discrimination and quotas?
The Democrat members of the House are the ones who should sign the apology, since it was their party that advocated and fought for both slavery and Jim Crow laws.
Is this apologizing for American white people only....or also the Africans involved in the slave trade????
Is this part of a campaign to pave the way for an Obama presidency (i.e., a black president would help to “make up” for slavery)?
....Thank you Mark for sending the article to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (10)
July 05, 2008
Pres.Bush Independence Day Speech and Code Pink Communists
President Bush gives a Fourth of July speech at Thomas Jefferson's home, Monticello, to honor, in part, new citizens -- and a protester interrupts, yelling, "F#%@ you, George Bush, F&$@ you!"
A lady in the audience to one of the screaming Pinkos: SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!
Code Pink interrupted the President just as he began to speak today at Monticello. This disturbance was well-rehearsed: three pinkos jumped to their feet and held up large pink banners, screaming "impeach Bush" as a fourth pinko tried to record as much of the chaos as she could with a camera.
President Bush never loses his cool. He says calmly over the screams: "To my fellow citizens to be, we believe in free speech in the United States of America."
The pinkos are completely alone in this audience. There are no cheers for them, only boos and looks of annoyance.
The "Shut up and sit down!" comment by an audience member is priceless and ends the clip perfectly.
President Bush:
"And this is a fitting place to celebrate our nation's independence. Thomas Jefferson once said he'd rather celebrate the Fourth of July than his own birthday.
Today we know history had other plans. After many years of war, the United States won its independence. The principles that Thomas Jefferson enshrined in the Declaration became the guiding principles of the new nation. And at every generation, Americans have rededicated themselves to the belief that all men are created equal, with the God-given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Thomas Jefferson understood that these rights do not belong to Americans alone. They belong to all mankind. And he looked to the day when all people could secure them. On the 50th anniversary of America's independence, Thomas Jefferson passed away. But before leaving this world, he explained that the principles of the Declaration of Independence were universal. In one of the final letters of his life, he wrote, "May it be to the world, what I believe it will be -- to some parts sooner, to others later, but finally to all -- the Signal of arousing men to burst the chains, and to assume the blessings and security of self-government."
We honor Jefferson's legacy by aiding the rise of liberty in lands that do not know the blessings of freedom. And on this Fourth of July, we pay tribute to the brave men and women who wear the uniform of the United States of America."
Wild Thing's comment.........
I am so sick of these Code Pink people. They ARE traitors, they HAVE sided with the enemy of our country, the terrorists. I pray one day we bring back the death penalty for traitors like these Code Pink people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (14)
U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms ~ Rest In Peace
Jesse Helms, U.S. Senator and Conservative Champion, Dies
Conservative Sen. Jesse Helms, 86, a truly great American and champion of freedom, died at 1:15 a.m. today. Helms, who gave our country three decades of service as a U.S. senator from North Carolina, was ill in recent years.
How fitting that he passed on the Fourth of July, one of the great patriots of the 20th century!
He was an enemy of Communism when other Senators embraced their leaders. He was a friend of Tibet when Richard Gere and other lefties were still in diapers. He fought the Panama Canal give away and now we see the Chinese controlling the ports.
During World War II, Helms served stateside as a recruiter in the United States Navy.
Address by Jesse Helms Chairman, U.S. Senate Committe on Foreign Relations before the United Nations Security Council January 20, 2000
Jesse was originally scheduled to fly on the South Korean flight that the Russians shot down (because the atheists’ motherland was “sacred”). If he had we’d have lost him much sooner and while he was still serving in the Senate.
Here’s a few of those firebrand comments from Senator Helms:
“The destruction of this country can be pinpointed in terms of its beginnings to the time that our political leadership turned to socialism. They didn’t call it socialism, of course. It was given deceptive names and adorned with fancy slogans. We heard about New Deals, and Fair Deals and New Frontiers and the Great Society.”
“Compromise, hell! That’s what has happened to us all down the line — and that’s the very cause of our woes. If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?”
”Conservatism is a hard choice for a society that has become accustomed to big government and big entitlements promoted by liberals….I became a Republican when a very wise young lady asked me how I could remain a Democrat when I didn’t agree with what they stood for and did agree with what the Republicans supported.”
On a personal note, back when Bill Clinton was president I wrote a letter to Jesse Helms. Not an email but a hand written letter. It was about our country and when did it stop being important for character to matter.
Jesse Helms wrote me back, the most wonderful note. It was not a form letter, it was written by him with many little stories in it of his experiences and how I should hang in there and keep strong for America.
What a special man he was to take the time to answer me like that, after all I am only one of the " we the people" and I will cherish what he did always.
God bless you, Jesse. You touched my heart and I’ll never forget you.
Rest in peace Senator Helms. Say hello to the Gipper for all of us. We are eternally grateful to both of you.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (8)
June 26, 2008
Dem Pledges:" I'll 'rip apart' child-rape victims on stand"
Dem pledges: I'll 'rip apart' child-rape victims on stand
'I'm going to make sure rest of their life is ruined'
wnd ...for complete article
Massachusetts politician and defense attorney Rep. James Fagan is under intense public scrutiny after he promised to "rip apart" child victims of rape who testify if the state imposes strict sentences for sex offenders.
Fagan, a Democrat, made his controversial remarks on the state House floor, Fox News reported.
"I'm gonna rip them apart," Fagan said of child victims. "I'm going to make sure that the rest of their life is ruined, that when they're 8 years old, they throw up; when they're 12 years old, they won't sleep; when they're 19 years old, they'll have nightmares and they'll never have a relationship with anybody."
As a defense attorney, Fagan said he would prevent accused child sex offenders from experiencing a "mandatory sentence of those draconian proportions."
According to the report, his statements angered both colleagues and activists.
"I thought his comments were over the top and unnecessary," said Bradley Jones, Massachusetts House minority leader. "I appreciate that he's a defense attorney, and felt he had a point to make, but I think it was unnecessary. It was excessive."
Mark Lunsford, a Florida father who lost his 9-year-old daughter after she was kidnapped, wrapped in a trash bag and buried alive by a sex offender in 2005, said he was shocked by Fagan's remarks. He told the Boston Herald that Fagan should have more respect for the rights of sexually abused children.
"Why doesn't he figure out a way to defend that child and put these kind of people away instead of trying to figure ways for defense attorneys to get around Jessica's Law?" Lunsford asked. "These are very serious crimes that nobody wants to take serious. What about the rights of these children?"
The bill Fagan was so strongly opposed to designates mandatory minimum sentences of 10 to 15 years for crimes against children. It has passed in the House and made its way to the Senate.
According to Fox News, law professor Phyllis Goldfarb said Fagan comments were somewhat truthful in that they describe a defense attorney's obligation to find holes in the prosecutor's case when a person accused of sexually abusing a child faces mandatory sentencing.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Some people in our society practice evil simply for its own sake. Such is the case with this miserable attorney. Sounds to me like he enjoys his work. This a**hole thinks 20 years for the rape of a child is "draconian". This bastard is as sick as the rapists he defends.
Just where the hell are we going in this country, that an elected official could even say such a thing an it not be an outrage? Or that anyone would say such things.
....Thank you Mark for the link to this article. And Sierrahome thank you for the link to the video.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 PM | Comments (19)
Individual Right To Bear Arms AFFIRMED!!!
Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm
Our Founding Fathers Intent!
Affirmed 5-4.
The decision goes further than the Bush administration was asking for!! WOO HOO!!!
Thank you God.
And thank you President Bush for allowing the American people to protect themselves from criminals, stalkers and other lunatics and tyrannical governments.
Praise and Blessings to the Almighty and all SCOTUS Justices who voted to protect those rights.
I think all of us would buy Heller a steak right now, along with 5 of the Justices. A steak, a cigar and a whiskey.
The court’s 5-4 ruling strikes down the District of Columbia’s 32-year-old ban on handguns as incompatible with gun rights under the Second Amendment. The decision goes further than even the Bush administration wanted, but probably leaves most firearms laws intact.
The court had not conclusively interpreted the Second Amendment since its ratification in 1791. The amendment reads: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
Source:SCOTUS blog
Court: A constitutional right to a gun
Answering a 127-year old constitutional question, the Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to have a gun, at least in one’s home. The Court, splitting 5-4, struck down a District of Columbia ban on handgun possession. Although times have changed since 1791, Justice Antonin Scalia said for the majority, “it is not the role of this Court to pronounce the Second Amendment extinct.”
Justice Scalia’s opinion stressed that the Court was not casting doubt on long-standing bans on carrying a concealed gun or on gun possession by felons or the mentally retarded, on laws barring guns from schools or government buildings, and laws putting conditions on gun sales.
In District of Columbia v. Heller (07-290), the Court nullified two provisions of the city of Washington’s strict 1976 gun control law: a flat ban on possessing a gun in one’s home, and a requirement that any gun — except one kept at a business — must be unloaded and disassembled or have a trigger lock in place. The Court said it was not passing on a part of the law requiring that guns be licensed. It said that issuing a license to a handgun owner, so the weapon can be used at home, would be a sufficient remedy for the Second Amendment violation of denying any access to a handgun.
Justice Scalia’s recitation from the bench of the majority’s reasoning continued for 16 minutes. Justice John Paul Stevens followed, for seven minutes, summarizing the reasons for two dissenting opinions — his and one written by Justice Stephen G. Breyer.
The decision was the final one of the Term and, after issuing it, the Court recessed for the summer, to return on Monday, Oct. 6. Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., said that concluding orders on pending cases will be released by the Court Clerk at 10 a.m. Friday.
The opinion can be downloaded here. This is a pdf file.
1. The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a
firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for
traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
Pp. 2–53.
(a) The Amendment’s prefatory clause announces a purpose, but
does not limit or expand the scope of the second part, the operative
clause. The operative clause’s text and history demonstrate that it
connotes an individual right to keep and bear arms. Pp. 2–22.
(b) The prefatory clause comports with the Court’s interpretation
of the operative clause. The “militia” comprised all males physically
capable of acting in concert for the common defense. The Antifederalists
feared that the Federal Government would disarm the people in
order to disable this citizens’ militia, enabling a politicized standing
army or a select militia to rule. The response was to deny Congress
power to abridge the ancient right of individuals to keep and bear
arms, so that the ideal of a citizens’ militia would be preserved.
Pp. 22–28.
(c) The Court’s interpretation is confirmed by analogous armsbearing
rights in state constitutions that preceded and immediately
followed the Second Amendment. Pp. 28–30.
(d) The Second Amendment’s drafting history, while of dubious
interpretive worth, reveals three state Second Amendment proposals
that unequivocally referred to an individual right to bear arms.
Pp. 30–32.
(e) Interpretation of the Second Amendment by scholars, courts
and legislators, from immediately after its ratification through the
late 19th century also supports the Court’s conclusion. Pp. 32–47.
(f) None of the Court’s precedents forecloses the Court’s interpretation.
Neither United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U. S. 542, 553, nor
Presser v. Illinois, 116 U. S. 252, 264–265, refutes the individualrights
interpretation. United States v. Miller, 307 U. S. 174, does not
limit the right to keep and bear arms to militia purposes, but rather
limits the type of weapon to which the right applies to those used by
the militia, i.e., those in common use for lawful purposes. Pp. 47–54.
2. Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited.
It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any
manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed
weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment
or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast
doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by
felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms
in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or
laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of
arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those
“in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition
of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.
Pp. 54–56.
3. The handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement (as applied to
self-defense) violate the Second Amendment. The District’s total ban
on handgun possession in the home amounts to a prohibition on an
entire class of “arms” that Americans overwhelmingly choose for the
lawful purpose of self-defense. Under any of the standards of scrutiny
the Court has applied to enumerated constitutional rights, this
prohibition—in the place where the importance of the lawful defense
of self, family, and property is most acute—would fail constitutional
muster. Similarly, the requirement that any lawful firearm in the
home be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock makes it impossible
for citizens to use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense and
is hence unconstitutional. Because Heller conceded at oral argument
that the D. C. licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily
and capriciously, the Court assumes that a license will satisfy
his prayer for relief and does not address the licensing requirement.
Assuming he is not disqualified from exercising Second Amendment
rights, the District must permit Heller to register his handgun and
must issue him a license to carry it in the home. Pp. 56–64.
478 F. 3d 370, affirmed.
SCALIA, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which ROBERTS,
C. J., and KENNEDY, THOMAS, and ALITO, JJ., joined. STEVENS, J., filed a
dissenting opinion, in which SOUTER, GINSBURG, and BREYER, JJ.,
joined. BREYER, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which STEVENS,
SOUTER, and GINSBURG, JJ., joined.
Quotes from the opinion:
“Logic demands that there be a link between the stated purpose and the command.”
“We start therefore with a strong presumption that the Second Amendment right is exercised individually and belongs to all Americans.”
“the most natural reading of ‘keep Arms’ in the Second Amendment is to “have weapons.”
“The term was applied, then as now, to weapons that were not specifically designed for military use and were not employed in a military capacity.”
“Putting all of these textual elements together, we find that they guarantee the individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation.”
“Thus, we do not read the Second Amendment to protect the right of citizens to carry arms for any sort of confrontation, just as we do not read the First Amendment to protect the right of citizens to speak for any purpose.”
“The prefatory clause does not suggest that preserving the militia was the only reason Americans valued the ancient right; most undoubtedly thought it even more important for self-defense and hunting.”
“It was plainly the understanding in the post-Civil War Congress that the Second Amendment protected an individual right to use arms for self-defense.”
“Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited.”
“Although we do not undertake an exhaustive historical analysis today of the full scope of the Second Amendment, nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.”
“We also recognize another important limitation on the right to keep and carry arms. Miller said, as we have explained, that the sorts of weapons protected were those ‘in common use at the time.’ 307 U. S., at 179.”
“Whatever the reason, handguns are the most popular weapon chosen by Americans for self-defense in the home, and a complete prohibition of their use is invalid.”
“In sum, we hold that the District’s ban on handgun possession in the home violates the Second Amendment, as does its prohibition against rendering any lawful firearm in the home operable for the purpose of immediate self-defense. Assuming that Heller is not disqualified from the exercise of Second Amendment rights, the District must permit him to register his handgun and must issue him a license to carry it in the home.”
On the question of the Second Amendment’s application to the States: “23 With respect to Cruikshank’s continuing validity on incorporation, a question not presented by this case, we note that Cruikshank also said that the First Amendment did not apply against the States and did not engage in the sort of Fourteenth Amendment inquiry required by our later cases. Our later decisions in Presser v. Illinois, 116 U. S. 252, 265 (1886) and Miller v. Texas, 153 U. S. 535, 538 (1894), reaffirmed that the Second Amendment applies only to the Federal Government.”
Justice Stephen Breyer wrote a separate dissent in which he said, “In my view, there simply is no untouchable constitutional right guaranteed by the Second Amendment to keep loaded handguns in the house in crime-ridden urban areas.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:55 AM | Comments (25)
Supreme Court Gun Ban Ruling Expected Today
Supreme Court Gun Ban Ruling Expected
The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday, did not release its long-awaited ruling on whether the District's handgun ban violates the Second Amendment. That means the potentially landmark decision will almost certainly come today when the court is planning to issue the last of its rulings for the term.
The case, District of Columbia v. Heller, which was argued nearly four months ago, could settle the decades-old debate over whether the Second Amendment grants individuals the right to own firearms.
Mayor Adrain M. Fenty is planning to hold a news conference at the John A. Wilson Building after the decision is announced.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Citizens are armed; subjects are not. We shall remain armed.
The founding fathers based the bill of rights on thier beleif that we have a right to "...life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness..."
Liberty and the pursuit of happiness are all great, but pretty meaningless if one cannot defend his life. This is what we have come to today.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (10)
Supreme Court Rules: Child Rapists Can't Be Executed
Child rapists can't be executed, Supreme Court rules
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 Wednesday that child rapists cannot be executed, concluding that capital punishment for crimes against individuals can be applied only to murderers.
The ruling stemmed from the case of Patrick Kennedy, who appealed the 2003 death sentence he received in Louisiana after being convicted of raping his 8-year-old stepdaughter.
Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the majority opinion that execution in this case would violate the Eighth Amendment's prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, citing "evolving standards of decency" in the United States.
Such standards, the justice wrote, forbid capital punishment for any crime against an individual other than murder.
"We conclude that, in determining whether the death penalty is excessive, there is a distinction between intentional first-degree murder on the one hand and nonhomicide crimes against individual persons, even including child rape, on the other," wrote Kennedy, who is not related to the convicted rapist.
Patrick Kennedy, 43, would have been the first convicted rapist in the United States since 1964 to be executed in a case in which the victim was not killed.
Kennedy was convicted of sexually assaulting his stepdaughter in her bed. The attack caused severe emotional trauma, internal injuries and bleeding to the child, requiring extensive surgery, Louisiana prosecutors said.
In the majority opinion, Anthony Kennedy acknowledged "the victim's fright, the sense of betrayal, and the nature of her injuries caused more prolonged physical and mental suffering than, say, a sudden killing by an unseen assassin."
But the justice -- supported by Justices John Paul Stevens, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer -- wrote that when determining what punishment the Eighth Amendment prohibits, "evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturing society" must be taken into account.
Wild Thing's comment........
These justices who think raping a child should not be a capital offense are so horrible I cannot even fathom how their mind works. This is truly an abomination!
“The ruling stemmed from the case of Patrick Kennedy, who was sentenced to death in 2003 for raping his 8-year-old stepdaughter.”
He WAS sentenced to death and now they protect the rapist. Disgusting!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (16)
June 21, 2008
Rep.McCotter On House Floor ~ "Speaking Democrat"
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter ( Republican ) - Michigan, took to the House floor to try to translate for the American public in a speech entitled -- "Speaking Democrat:"
Rep. McCotter is a guest on Just In with Laura Ingraham on FOX. He discussed his call for a congressional oversight on the administration's transfer of sensitive technology to communist China.
More things here:
His Government website
Congressman McCotter has focused his efforts on preserving and promoting manufacturing and small businesses, because he knows they form the back bone of our community's economy. He has steadfastly supported winning the War for Freedom and increasing our homeland security; tirelessly fought to reduce taxes and the size and scope of government.
Thaddeus and Rita McCotter, a registered nurse, have three young children.
Wild Thing's comment........
I never heard of this man till I saw him on Laura Ingraham's new show on Fox, he has many videos of speechs he has made that are excellent. He is Pro the Surge in Iraq, he supports the troops, he is upset about the changes in the Republican party and so many things.........and the best part he is speaking out about them.
The only bad thing is the media ignores this since he speaks the truth. I wish some of the talk shows would bring him on and give him more coverage.
All in all it felt good to hear someone in our party that seems to know how we feel and speaks the truth.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (5)
May 29, 2008
Scott McClellan Kisses Up To Left In Book Trashing Bush and Others
McClellan whacks Bush, White House
Politico for complete article
Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan writes in a surprisingly scathing memoir to be published next week that President Bush “veered terribly off course,” was not “open and forthright on Iraq,” and took a “permanent campaign approach” to governing at the expense of candor and competence.
Among the most explosive revelations in the 341-page book, titled “What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception” (Public Affairs, $27.95):
• McClellan charges that Bush relied on “propaganda” to sell the war.
• He says the White House press corps was too easy on the administration during the run-up to the war.
• He admits that some of his own assertions from the briefing room podium turned out to be “badly misguided.”
• The longtime Bush loyalist also suggests that two top aides held a secret West Wing meeting to get their story straight about the CIA leak case at a time when federal prosecutors were after them — and McClellan was continuing to defend them despite mounting evidence they had not given him all the facts.
• McClellan asserts that the aides — Karl Rove, the president’s senior adviser, and I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the vice president’s chief of staff — “had at best misled” him about their role in the disclosure of former CIA operative Valerie Plame’s identity.
Before he wrote his own memoir, White House press secretary Scott McClellan was rather critical of those who did the same.
And this.............
from Marxist socialist Wexler
and member of the Democratic Socialists of America
Wexler: : McClellan Must Testify Under Oath Before House Judiciary
Washington, DC) Today Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) called for former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan to appear before the House Judiciary Committee to testify under oath regarding the devastating revelations made in his new book on the Bush Administration’s deliberate efforts to mislead the American people into the Iraq War.
“The admissions made by Scott McClellan in his new book are earth-shattering and allege facts to establish that Karl Rove and Scooter Libby – and possibly Vice President Cheney - conspired to obstruct justice by lying about their role in the Plame Wilson matter and that the Bush Administration deliberately lied to the American people in order to take us to war in Iraq. Scott McClellan must now appear before the House Judiciary Committee under oath to tell Congress and the American people how President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, and White House officials deliberately orchestrated a massive propaganda campaign to sell the war in Iraq to the American people.”
“The allegations by this former top White House aide – that Rove and Libby deliberately coordinated their stories in order to obstruct justice in the Plame case, that the President deliberately disregarded contradictory evidence related to Iraq, should outrage every American and Congress must respond by initiating immediate aggressive oversight starting with an appearance by McClellan before the House Judiciary Committee. Any continued obstruction by this Administration to prevent White House officials from appearing before Congress cannot be tolerated by this Congress in the face of these shocking revelations.”
Congressman Wexler has led a nationwide campaign in favor of holding impeachment hearings for Vice-President Dick Cheney. Congressman Wexler is Chairman of the Europe Subcommittee and a senior member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the House Judiciary Committee.
Wild Thing's comment........
McClellan is going to spend all his book profits on lawyers. LOL Scottie lies for money and walks into a minefield!
These people will never learn what a big mistake it is to side in any way with the left and the rino's and the enemy within.
Rove has already debunked this little bit of paranoia. He met with Libby routinely as part of his job, it was not a secret .
Scott is a PUTZ! He always has been and always will be. McClellan will find out you can't buy, beg or steal friendship and loyalty from Demorats, Socialists, radicals and Bush/America-haters.
McClellan was hired by rino Karen Hughes.
This is also good that Rush said yesterday about all of this:
Folks, if I may be candid, this is what so frustrated me about McCain for all these last six years. McCain was trying to do the same thing. He was trying to be treated as an elite by the liberals, and how did he do it? By trashing his own party; by trashing his own president; by being more critical of his own party than he ever was our enemies; by making deals with them. He almost quit the Republican Party in 2004, whatever it was. It was he who approached John Kerry. People ask me, "Why do you have problems with McCain?" Why do I have problems with Scott McClellan? It's not quite the same thing, but the liberals seek these people out. Now, if McCain had decided not to run for president, he would be most-favored person status, he would be one of the wisest wise men on all these cable network shows but now they gotta take him out 'cause he's jumped back. He hasn't jumped back, they just think he has. This is a clear illustration here of how this all works. McClellan can sit there, "Okay, fine, the left's going to take care of me fine now. George Bush fired me and left me out to dry, replaced me with Tony Snow, but the left is going to take care of me. For the rest of my life I am a credible expert on the Republican Party and the Bush administration. The left will never criticize me anymore." Some people will trade their souls for that.
And this from Glenn Beck: As Glenn Beck said today, WHY didn’t he just quit when he “found out that Bush was misleading us into the war?” Heck, IF you found out that your boss was sending people to fight and die for a lie, would YOU stay with him for 2 years?? Wouldn’t that make YOU as bad as your boss???! So, what does that make McClellan? McClellan is as bad as Bush if that’s what was happening, and I know it wasn’t. This guy (McClellan) is a REAL PUKE!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:45 AM | Comments (14)
May 23, 2008
Ladies and Gentlemen Please Meet Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the GOP's Newest Star
JUNEAU, Alaska
The wipeout in the 2006 election left Republicans in such a state of dejection that they've overlooked the one shining victory in which a Republican star was born.
The triumph came in Alaska where Sarah Palin, a politician of eye-popping integrity, was elected governor. She is now the most popular governor in America, with an approval rating in the 90s, and probably the most popular public official in any state.
Her rise is a great (and rare) story of how adherence to principle--especially to transparency and accountability in government--can produce political success. And by the way, Palin is a conservative who only last month vetoed 13 percent of the state's proposed budget for capital projects. The cuts, the Anchorage Daily News said, "may be the biggest single-year line-item veto total in state history."
As recently as last year, Palin (pronounced pale-in) was a political outcast. She resigned in January 2004 as head of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission after complaining to the office of Governor Frank Murkowski and to state Attorney General Gregg Renkes about ethical violations by another commissioner, Randy Ruedrich, who was also Republican state chairman.
State law barred Palin from speaking out publicly about ethical violations and corruption. But she was vindicated later in 2004 when Ruedrich, who'd been reconfirmed as state chairman, agreed to pay a $12,000 fine for breaking state ethics laws. She became a hero in the eyes of the public and the press, and the bane of Republican leaders.
In 2005, she continued to take on the Republican establishment by joining Eric Croft, a Democrat, in lodging an ethics complaint against Renkes, who was not only attorney general but also a long-time adviser and campaign manager for Murkowski. The governor reprimanded Renkes and said the case was closed. It wasn't. Renkes resigned a few weeks later, and Palin was again hailed as a hero.
Palin, 43, the mother of four, passed up a chance to challenge Republican senator Lisa Murkowski, the then-governor's daughter, in 2004. She endorsed another candidate in the primary, but Murkowski won and was reelected. Palin said then that her 14-year-old son talked her out of running, though it's doubtful that was the sole reason.
In 2006, she didn't hesitate.
She ran against Gov. Murkowski, who was seeking a second term despite sagging poll ratings, in the Republican primary. In a three-way race, Palin captured 51 percent and won in a landslide. She defeated former Democratic governor Tony Knowles in the general election, 49 percent to 41 percent. She was one of the few Republicans anywhere in the country to perform above expectations in 2006, an overwhelmingly Democratic year. Palin is unabashedly pro life.
With her emphasis on ethics and openness in government, "it turned out Palin caught the temper of the times perfectly," wrote Tom Kizzia of the Anchorage Daily News. She was also lucky. News broke of an FBI investigation of corruption by legislators between the primary and general elections. So far, three legislators have been indicted.
In the roughly three years since she quit as the state's chief regulator of the oil industry, Palin has crushed the Republican hierarchy (virtually all male) and nearly every other foe or critic. Political analysts in Alaska refer to the "body count" of Palin's rivals.
"The landscape is littered with the bodies of those who crossed Sarah," says pollster Dave Dittman, who worked for her gubernatorial campaign. It includes Ruedrich, Renkes, Murkowski, gubernatorial contenders John Binkley and Andrew Halcro, the three big oil companies in Alaska, and a section of the Daily News called "Voice of the Times," which was highly critical of Palin and is now defunct.
One of her first acts as governor was to fire the Alaska Board of Agriculture. Her ultimate target was the state Creamery Board, which has been marketing the products of Alaska dairy farmers for 71 years and wanted to close down after receiving $600,000 from the state. "You don't just close your doors and walk away," Palin told me. She discovered she lacked the power to fire the Creamery Board. Only the board of agriculture had that authority. So Palin replaced the agriculture board, which appointed a new creamery board, which has rescinded the plan to shut down.
In preserving support for dairy farmers, Palin exhibited a kind of Alaskan chauvinism. She came to the state as an infant, making her practically a native. And she is eager to keep Alaska free from domination by oil companies or from reliance on cruise lines whose ships bring thousands of tourists to the state.
"She's as Alaskan as you can get," says Dan Fagan, an Anchorage radio talk show host. "She's a hockey mom, she lives on a lake, she ice fishes, she snowmobiles, she hunts, she's an NRA member, she has a float plane, and her husband works for BP on the North Slope," Fagan says. Todd Palin, her high school sweetheart, is a three-time winner of the 2,000-mile Iron Dog snowmobile race from Wasilla to Nome to Fairbanks. It's the world's longest snowmobile race.
Gov. Palin grew up in Wasilla, where as star of her high school basketball team she got the nickname "Sarah Barracuda"
Some more about Sarah Palin:
She beats awful Condi Rice out of the ballpark too.
Check this poll out:Who would be a better VP runningmate for John McCain?
Palin says Alaska will sue over polar bear listing
The State of Alaska will sue to challenge the recent listing of polar bears as a threatened species, Gov. Sarah Palin said Wednesday.She and other Alaska elected officials fear a listing will cripple oil and gas development in prime polar bear habitat off the state's northern and northwestern coasts.
Sarah and her husband and their precious baby.
Alaska governor sees 'perfection' in son with Down syndrome
The results of Gov. Sarah Palin's prenatal testing were in, and the doctor's tone was ominous: "You need to come to the office so we can talk about it."
Palin, known for a resolve that quickly launched her from suburban hockey mom to a player on the national political stage, said, "No, go ahead and tell me over the phone."
The physician replied, "Down syndrome," stunning the Republican governor, who had just completed what many political analysts called a startling first year in office.
The doctor's announcement in December, when Palin was four months pregnant, presented her with a possible life- and career-changing development.
"I've never had problems with my other pregnancies, so I was shocked," said Palin, a mother of four other children.
Once her husband got the news, he told her: "We shouldn't be asking, 'Why us?' We should be saying, 'Well, why not us?'"There was never any doubt the Palins would have the child, and on April 18 she gave birth to Trig Paxon Van Palin.
"We've both been very vocal about being pro-life," Palin said. "We understand that every innocent life has wonderful potential."
Wild Thing's comment.........
Just looking to see what conservatives are out there if McCain would even pick one.
I got this in an email from a Nam Vet Max, a few months ago that lives in Alaska, it is intersting:
"Speaking as an Alaskan - and someone who actually knows Sarah through my job - don’t take her away! lol Yes, she is a conservative, but an Alaskan conservative, which means that she has her own mind about some things. Up here, conservative leans toward libertarian... and even the Democrats run for office on a pro-gun, pro-hunting platform. I’d like to see her stay a term or two and continue to do what she’s doing. Then she can run for president."
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (19)
May 13, 2008
Republican Energy Plan Gets Shot Down by Dems and Rino's ~ McCain WIMPS Out On Vote!
The Senate has rejected a Republican energy plan that calls for opening an Alaska wildlife refuge and some offshore waters to oil development. Supporters of the measure couldn’t get the needed 60 votes to overcome a Democratic-led filibuster threat.
Senate votes to halt oil reserve shipments
The Senate, in a direct challenge to President Bush, voted Tuesday to temporarily halt the shipment of thousands of barrels of oil a day into the government's emergency reserve. Both Democrats and Republicans said such shipments make no sense when oil is costing more than $120 a barrel and could better be used to add supplies to a tight market and possibly lower prices.
We are buying the most expensive crude oil in the history of the world and storing it," said Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D. "When American consumers are burning at the stake by high energy prices, the government ought not be carrying the wood."
Until both chambers of Congress pass the emergency reserve directive and Bush signs it — or Congress enacts it over a presidential veto — the legislation has no force of law. But the Senate's message to the president Tuesday was a strong one.
With Republicans joining Democrats, senators voted 97-1 to suspend the shipments — averaging about 70,000 barrels a day — until the end of the year. Only Sen. Wayne Allard, R-Colo., voted against the measure.
The House was scheduled to vote on a similar directive later in the day. The Senate measure was added to legislation on flood insurance that passed shortly after the oil reserve vote.
Bush has been steadfast in continuing shipments of oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, a system of underground salt domes on the Gulf Coast, arguing that the stockpile should be filled to its maximum capacity of 727 million barrels. It currently is 97 percent full at 701 million barrels, equal to two months of oil imports.
The reserve was created in the 1970s as a precaution against major interruptions of oil supplies.
Senators said the stockpile is big enough to meet any emergency.
Dorgan acknowledged that Tuesday's vote was "a small step forward" as Congress grapples with ways to respond to soaring fuel prices that have pushed gasoline prices to nearly $4 a gallon after a winter of record heating bills.
It's uncertain how much effect — if any — putting 70,000 barrels a day of crude onto the U.S. market that uses more than 21 million barrels a day would have. Dorgan said it could send a signal and curb market speculation.
"It could have a chance of reducing the price a small amount," said Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., who joined the chorus against continuing the shipments. "But make no bones about it, this is no big energy policy. This is one little thing we can do."
Earlier, the Senate rejected a broader Republican energy plan that called for opening an Alaska wildlife refuge and some offshore waters to oil development. Supporters of the measure couldn't get the needed 60 votes to overcome a Democratic-led filibuster threat.
Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said more domestic oil production is needed to keep prices in check and to reduce U.S. dependence on oil imports. "We cannot repeal the law of supply and demand....We need to increase supply in order to lower gas prices," said McConnell.
But opponents said areas such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and coastal waters that have been off limits to drilling for 25 years ought to remain that out of bounds to oil companies. The GOP measure, defeated Tuesday by a vote of 56-42, would have allowed coastal states to get a waiver to the offshore drilling ban.
"We can't drill our way to lower prices," said Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill.
The president has given no indication that he will move to halt shipments to the oil reserve, short of a congressional directive.
"Our position hasn't changed," said White House press secretary Dana Perino earlier this week. She said the president believes the emergency reserve needs to be increased "in order to protect ourselves against oil shocks" and that the oil being put in — a tenth of one percent of global production — "would have a negligible impact on gas prices" if put into the market.
Democratic Sens. Barack Obama of Illinois and Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, interrupting their presidential campaigns, voted to halt the oil reserve deliveries. Sen. John McCain, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, was not present for the vote.
The VOTE and who voted and how they voted.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Where the HELL has common sense gone??!!
McCain 'sat this one out' (didn't vote). McCain has no excuse for not being there, as Obama and Clinton cast their votes.
OK so I have to say this about McCain and his wimping out on the vote. If he can screw the conservatives and our country..... well he has and will and he just proved it once again. Sorry but if he wants my vote he has to take my condemnation with it and there will be plenty of it, bet on it McCainiac! My vote is dead on serious and I take it personally when you mess with my country. You already messed with our POW's!!!!!
Good grief, Elizabeth Dole? How disappointing. sheesh! Sorry Liz, hate to see you turned into a rino.
Bush should go on TV weekly and read the list of congressmen who voted against new drilling.
We have the Chinese drilling off our borders....we have billions of gallons of oil in the ground waiting to be tapped....but, NOOOOO....we can’t do that...we must buy our oil from across the oceans from people who hate us, and build gold plated toilets with our money.
This ends the hope of drilling in Alaska for a decade or more. Whomever wins in November they’ve all gone on record as being against drilling.
McCain is part of the problem. He's one of the Gang of 14. Too bad we don't have a conservative candidate running for the GOP. All the candidates are leftists. All global warming Kool-Aid drinkers. All open borders enthusiasts. All Senators with no experience in governing. All three are ignorant of how to run a business and make a payroll.
Bin Laden set out to bring the us economy to its knees. While hiding out, OPEC is doing it for him, with the help of the dems and the rino's.
The McCain platform: High energy costs and lots and lots of illegal immigrants. He says he’s tough on security but he condones a slow-motion invasion across our borders.
With the 3 horrible people we have running for President, God have mercy on America!
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 PM | Comments (11)
May 01, 2008
Zo Talks About The War
Zo talks about the War
Zo as he states it is a " Patriotic, conservative Republican".
Zo talks about Rev. Wright
Wild Thing's comment.......
This young man is AWESOME! He also has one on race and immigration and several other topics. . I know they are long but so far the ones I have watched have been worth it.
....Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (12)
April 27, 2008
President Bush At White House Correspondents' Association Annual Dinner
Bush tweaks candidates at correspondents' dinner
President Bush poked fun at his potential successors Saturday night, expressing surprise that none of them were in the audience at the White House Correspondents' Association annual dinner.
"Senator McCain's not here," Bush said of GOP nominee-in-waiting John McCain. "He probably wanted to distance himself from me a little bit. You know, he's not alone. Jenna's moving out too."
Bush then referred to scandals that have dogged the campaigns of the two remaining Democratic candidates, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama, in explaining their absence: "Hillary Clinton couldn't get in because of sniper fire and Senator Obama's at church."
The president admitted to being "a little wistful" in his final appearance at the dinner, showing video clips of his routines from previous years. He finished by conducting the U.S. Marine Band in a medley of patriotic marches.
Bush was followed by Craig Ferguson, the host of CBS' "Late Late Show." He's from Scotland, but now an American and during his routine, he mentioned why he came to America. Well, he mentioned also why he didn't go to Canada after his relatives suggested he go there...
"Canada, It's not the party, it's the apartment above the party..."
"We're [America] down here all dancing, and they're up there saying 'can't you keep the noise down.' We're like, come to the party Canada. We're like, 'Mexico wasn't invited but they're coming anyways.'"
There are three parts to Craig's speech as the host:
Wild Thing's comment........
Wow it took me forever to find video's of this. haha It was on C-Span but they stopped the link for the live video after they showed it twice on TV. So I had to search for it and here I thought it would be an easy find. hahahaaha
Never give up. LOL It was worth the hunt.
Anyway, I loved how Bush did his jokes about McCain, Hillary and Obama. heh heh He did good and I am glad he said what he did, little jabs of truth.
Craig did a good job as host too. I am glad he has become an American, he is a pretty funny comedian/host. I doubt he leans toward being a Republican but even so he did a good job for the dinner as host. He was funny too.
This is the last White House Correspondents' Association Annual Dinner for Bush. The way the election this time, with such horrible people running for President, it felt good tonight to be able to see this one and laugh and smile too.
The next President we have will not be one we had wanted, that I can be sure of. So I thought you all might enjoy seeing this as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:24 AM | Comments (10)
April 19, 2008
VP Cheney and Mitt Romney At Annual Radio & TV Correspondents Dinner
Dick Cheney stole the show at the Radio-TV Correspondents Dinner this past Wednesday night.
Cheney even critics himself and the jokes as he tells them. LMAO hahahahahahaa
LMAO they are very funny. These video's is worth watching.
Here are two of them:
"You in the press need to go easy on Senator Clinton on the whole business about running and ducking from gunfire in Bosnia. She made an honest mistake. She confused the Bosnia trip with the time I took her hunting."
"Speaking of Vice President Gore, I'm sorry to relate that he's a little bit sore at me. He's convinced that on global warming, I just don't get it. But lately with every passing day the evidence has been catching my attention. I have no doubt, none at all, that we are in the midst of a global warming, or, as I prefer to call it, spring. And I don't want to sound like an alarmist, but it's going to get a lot warmer before it gets cooler."
Top 10 Reason's Mitt Romney got out of the race
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (6)
April 16, 2008
Lt. Col. Wm Russell for Congress
From Fox News
Army Vet to Challenge House Defense Appropriations Chairman John Murtha
Pennsylvania’s 22nd District
I have posted this before but I want to put this part of it here again.
This is from his website:
This is his statement:
"I am a Conservative. I believe in the sovereignty and security of this one nation, under God. I believe the primary role of government is to provide for the common defense and a legal framework to protect families and individual liberty. I believe in rugged individualism because individuals can make far better choices than any government entity in providing for families, protecting households, choosing doctors and health care plans, and deciding which teachers and schools are best for children. I believe prosperity is best ensured by what Adam Smith called the “invisible hand” of a natural, price driven economy.I believe that we have the responsibility and obligation to control our borders and determine who is allowed to live and work in our country.
I believe that families are the foundation stone upon which all truly great societies are built. I believe that imposed systems of wealth redistribution destroy families, produce a culture of dependence, and hurt everyone. I believe in the sanctity of life and that life begins at conception. I believe in marriage between one man and one woman and that children should always be loved and sometimes spanked. I believe that all children in our school systems should be educated in English and taught the civic duties and responsibilities of citizenship and patriotism.
I believe in private property rights and that the death tax should be killed. I believe the Consumption or Fair Tax is the best and most equitable means to ensure all persons who participate in our economy, legally or illegally, pay their fair share and to reward those who build businesses or save and invest their money.
I believe in the right to bear arms and the right of self defense. Gun control and gun free zones only ensure that victims are unarmed.
I believe that no one owes me anything just because I live and breathe. I believe we should all practice charity in some form or fashion, especially to those who are suffering and least fortunate, but it must be voluntary and spring from a spirit of altruism and love for our neighbors.
Finally, I believe there is room to acknowledge the role of our Creator in public life as stated in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. The mention of God in the Pledge, and asking his blessings for our nation and our safety before ball games, classes, and public meetings does not constitute the establishment of a state religion and does not discriminate against anyone."
Lt. Col. Wm Russell ( BIO)
Wild Thing's comment........
This is an important update as well .....
Russell, the GOP candidate attempting to unseat Democratic U.S. Rep. John Murtha of Johnstown, participated Monday in a Washington, D.C., press conference with other Iraq War veterans who are running for Congress.
They gathered to show their support for U.S. troops and for Gen. David Petraeus, the nation’s top commander in Iraq.
Russell, who is trying to gain 1,000 write-in votes in the primary to become his party’s nominee, said the veterans’ message stands in contrast to Democratic congressional leaders’ calls for a troop withdrawal.
“We’re all about supporting the troops,” Russell said. “It’s a chance for us to get together, because we feel we have a story to tell.”
Murtha has argued that the war has been mismanaged and cannot be won militarily.
Russell, an Army veteran of both wars in Iraq, was joined Monday by five other Republican candidates who issued a statement saying they are “willing to stake our lives on General Petraeus’ integrity.”
Russell said conditions in Iraq are improving, adding that calls for withdrawal send the wrong message.
“As long as we don’t encourage the enemy and allow them to think they can achieve a political victory with terror, things will get better,” he said.
Russell must vie for write-in votes because a judge ruled that he did not have enough valid petition signatures to appear on the ballot.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (12)
April 15, 2008
Tax Day With Kennedy
YAF/HotAir correspondent Jason Mattera asks Senator Ted Kennedy why he gets away with defending estate taxes even though his family avoids paying them.
Wild Thing's comment.........
So much for how to be rude LOL. I love how YAF’s Jason Mattera is so great at catching these twits off guard like this. He did great when he caught Kerry too. hahaha
* HOT Air
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:20 PM | Comments (6)
April 06, 2008
Charlton Heston - 1989 NRA Annual Meeting
Charlton Heston - 1989 NRA Annual Meeting
He speaks of the Bill of Rights, our Founding Fathers as well, this is a great speech.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (5)
March 23, 2008
Mukasey 'surprised' by scope of terrorist threats
Mukasey 'surprised' by scope of terrorist threats
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Attorney General Michael Mukasey has been taken aback by the scope and variety of potential terrorism threats facing the United States, he told reporters Friday at an informal meeting in his office.
"I'm surprised by how surprised I am," said Mukasey, who as a federal judge presided over terrorism-related trials in New York.
"It's surprising how varied [the threat] is, how many directions it comes from, how geographically spread out it is," he said.
Mukasey issued no warnings, made no pronouncements and offered no suggestion of increased danger or newly detected plots.
He would not discuss specifics of potential threats, which remain secret.
The attorney general said that after meeting with his European law enforcement counterparts last week in Slovenia, he understands their degree of anxiety as well.
"They're all concerned, and they're all looking for ways to cooperate with the United States and with one another," he said.
The attorney general used the occasion to once again urge congressional passage of a measure to update the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. An initial update, termed the Protect America Act, expired last month.
"I never thought I'd see that [expiration] happen," Mukasey said. "The danger doesn't fade."
He also referred to the terrorism updates he receives in early morning national security briefings.
The people I hear about every morning, their fatwas do not have an expiration date," Mukasey said.
The House has refused to bow to administration pressure to pass a version of the law that exempts telecommunications giants from legal action for taking part in the government's program to eavesdrop without a warrant when one of the parties is inside the United States.
Critics said the program violated the law, and phone and Internet companies face as many as 40 lawsuits related to their participation.
The Senate has passed a version that includes retroactive immunity for the telecom companies.
Mukasey said Friday that he is open to "a creative compromise" but that he has no "particular basis for hope."
"I'm hopeful, but if someone asked me for a reason, I'd be stuck for an answer," he said.
When the law first lapsed several weeks ago, some intelligence may have been lost, but that the problem has been rectified, Mukasey said.
"There were a couple of days where we weren't working as smoothly [with the telecom firms]. That has since been put back together," he said.
"I don't know what intelligence we missed," he added.
Asked about the latest taped comments from al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, Mukasey shook his head. "Am I alarmed? I'm alarmed, I guess. I wish he weren't in a position to issue them.
Wild Thing's comment............
Uh..this is our AG?? He sounds like Gomer Pyle.....”Surprise, Surprise”
So why doesn’t he “URGE” them to seal the darn border?
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:46 AM | Comments (6)
March 14, 2008
House To Close Its Doors For Spying Bill
The US Capitol dome is seen in the early morning in Washington, DC. The US House of Representatives on Thursday agreed to hold a rare secret session, the first for a quarter century, on a wiretapping anti-terror bill, as a standoff with the White House deepened
House Democratic leaders agreed Thursday to a rare closed-door session — the first in 25 years — to debate surveillance legislation.
Republicans requested privacy for what they termed "an honest debate" on the new Democratic eavesdropping bill that is opposed by the White House and most Republicans in Congress.
The closed-door debate was scheduled for late Thursday night, after the House chamber could be cleared and swept by security personnel to make sure there are no listening devices.
The last private session in the House was in 1983 on U.S. support for paramilitary operations in Nicaragua. Only five closed sessions have taken place in the House since 1825.
President Bush vowed to veto the House Democrats' version of the terrorist surveillance bill, saying it would undermine the nation's security.
House leaders said they would vote on the bill Friday, just before taking a two-week recess. The bill would then have to be approved by the Senate.
Bush opposes it in part because it doesn't provide full, retroactive legal protection to telecommunications companies that helped the government eavesdrop on their customers without court permission after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
About 40 lawsuits have been filed against telecommunications companies by people and organizations alleging they violated wiretapping and privacy laws. The lawsuits have been combined and are pending before a single federal judge in California.
The Democrats' measure would encourage the judge to review in private the secret government documents underpinning the program in order to decide whether the companies acted lawfully. If they did, the lawsuits would be dismissed.
The administration has prevented those documents from being revealed, even to a judge, by invoking the state secrets privilege. That puts the companies in a bind because it puts off limits evidence they might use to defend themselves.
It wasn't clear what information would be presented in the closed session. Just a fraction of Congress has been allowed to read secret documents underpinning the surveillance program, and those who have arrived at varying conclusions.
The Senate Intelligence Committee, after seeing classified material, said the companies acted on the good-faith belief that the wiretaps they allowed were lawful. Democrats on the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees were unconvinced after being presented with the same material.
Rhode Island Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse sits on both the Senate Intelligence and Judiciary committees. He said the documents lay out the Bush administration's rationale for why it was legal to sidestep a special secret court that normally authorizes wiretaps. Congress created the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in 1978 to prevent government abuse of wiretapping.
Whitehouse said the documents assert that the president has the power to determine what his constitutional powers are, particularly in a time of war.
The surveillance law is intended to help in the pursuit of suspected terrorists by making it easier to eavesdrop on foreign phone calls and e-mails that pass through the United States. A temporary law expired Feb. 16 before Congress was able to produce a replacement bill. Bush opposed an extension of the temporary law as a tactic to pressure Congress into accepting the Senate version of the surveillance legislation. The Senate's bill provides retroactive legal immunity for the telecommunications companies.
Bush said lawsuits against telecom companies would lead to the disclosure of state secrets. Further, he said lawsuits would undermine the willingness of the private sector to cooperate with the government in trying to track down terrorists.
Michigan Rep. Peter Hoekstra, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said intelligence is already being lost.
"Each and every day our capabilities are eroding," he said.
Directing his message at the House, Bush said, "They should not leave for their Easter recess without getting the Senate bill to my desk."
Bush predicted the Senate would not pass the House version of the bill, and said even if it did, he would veto it.
At least one Senate Republican said the lawsuits should go forward to determine whether the wiretapping program was illegal. But Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter wants to substitute the government for the phone companies as the defendant in the court cases.
"The president can't have a blank check," Specter said in an interview. "If you close down the courts, there's no check and balance."
He added: "Wiretaps are important for national security. There's no doubt about that. Al-Qaida and terrorism continue to be a major threat to this country. It is my hope that the president will not find it necessary to veto the bill, that we'll be able to work it out."
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said Bush is misrepresenting the House bill, and suggested the fight is less about surveillance powers than it is that House Democrats are refusing to bend to Bush's wishes.
"Congress owes the American people more than blind obeisance to the executive branch," said Hoyer, D-Md.
Wild Thing's comment........
It's a secret so I will whisper.....shhhhhh
LOL Wait a second. They had the place swept so no one could eavesdrop on their discussion of eavesdropping? Too funny. The word ironic comes to mind.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (6)
Court Challenged To Allow Christians Right To Pray
Rev. Hashmel Turner
Appeal seeks to overturn decision eliminating 'Jesus'
A court hearing is coming in which the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will be asked to restore to Christians the rights that political correctness in the United States today grants other religions, including the right to pray to their God.
The case involves Rev. Hashmel Turner and the city of Fredericksburg, Va., and is being handled by the constitutional experts at The Rutherford Institute.
Turner, a member of the city council in Fredericksburg, was part of a rotation of council members who would take turns bringing a prayer at the council meetings, and he ended his prayers "in Jesus name."
That offended a listener, who promptly brought several heavyweight activist groups into the picture with their threat of a lawsuit if the elected Christian council member wasn't censored, so the city adopted a policy requiring "nondenominational" prayers, effectively eliminating any reference to "Jesus."
John Whitehead, the founder and chief of The Rutherford Institute, told WND it's an issue of freedom of speech and freedom of religion, burdened with the politically correct atmosphere in the United States that appears to endorse or at least allow any sort of religious acknowledgement, such as the University of Michigan building footbaths for Muslims, but allows no similar acknowledgement of Christianity.
He said the Fredericksburg case is one of the first to be battled through the courts, and is being watched closely by city councils and state legislatures across the country.
WND has reported several times on various religious leaders, including one high-profile Hindu from Arizona, who have been asked to say prayers at various state legislatures and in the U.S. Senate. Meanwhile, leaders in the Senate specifically rejected permission for a Christian leader, former Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, permission to do the same.
The arguments in the Turner case will be March 19, and will focus on the circumstances that led the city to tell Turner, "You can't refer to your God," said Whitehead.
"The city passed this regulation telling people how to pray!" he said. The penalty for violating would be a citation for "disorderly conduct."
A lower court dismissed the First Amendment complaint, despite arguments that the restriction "violates Turner's constitutional rights to free speech, to freely exercise his religious beliefs and to equal protection of the law."
"The essential question in this case is whether the government can provide an opportunity to pray to a select group of individuals, all the while dictating the content of the prayers and excluding anyone who refuses to go along with their dictates," Whitehead said.
"The answer, as the Supreme Court has ruled in the past, is in the negative – the government simply cannot prescribe or proscribe the content of any 'official' prayer without violating the Establishment Clause, and it cannot discriminate against any person based on his or her religious viewpoint without violating that person's rights to free speech and free religious expression," he said.
Turner joined the council in 2002, but since the 1950s the council called on members on a rotating basis to open in prayer. He prayed both for himself individually that he might have wisdom and guidance in carrying out his duties and likewise for the council, officials said, ending "in Jesus name."
The result was a threat of a lawsuit from the ACLU, which later was joined by other similarly situated advocacy organizations.
The council buckled, adopting a policy of "nondenominational" prayers only. The district court opined that the councilman's prayers were "government speech," an argument Whitehead challenged.
"Government cannot itself pray, thus prayer cannot be government speech," the appeal noted. Moreover, the standing definition of "government speech" generally has applied when the government controls the content, not during an individual council member's prayer.
Whitehead, in an opinion column on the case, which already has been in the courts for two years, said the people of Fredericksburg "should be grateful for a representative who knows how to stand his ground and fight for the things that matter."
"There are some things in life that cannot be compromised," he continued. "For Hashmel Turner, his faith, his integrity and his civil liberties are three things worth fighting for."
He noted Turner was the oldest of 10 children and served in the Army in Southeast Asia from 1969-1972, then returned to help each of his nine younger siblings get a start in life.
He and his wife Alice have been married more than three decades. He's served as an interim pastor and works as a motor vehicle operator and safety training instructor.
"In the state where Thomas Jefferson penned the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom to protect the likes of three Baptist preachers jailed for uttering unlicensed prayers, it may seem strange that ending a prayer with three small words could ignite a legal brushfire," Whitehead said. "Yet it has.
"Other members of the city council are able to pray in the manner they choose and describe God in their own words. Apart from three small words, the other council members' prayers are not much different from Turner's," he said.
Whitehead told WND the case is just a symptom of the total secularization of America intended by groups like the ACLU and one of the newer organizations to join in trying to censor Turner, People for the American Way.
He cited another case his firm has handled: A student in Las Vegas who wanted to "mention" Jesus during her valedictory speech at graduation. School officials told her no, and when she did, turned off her microphone during her speech.
"There's a political correctness," he said. "Here's what I'm seeing nationwide. People don't want to offend anybody, so if one person is disturbed by the name 'Jesus" they want to eliminate it."
Yet at the same time the public is making accommodation for Muslim prayer rooms, footbaths and other special provisions for members of that faith.
"There seems to be very much of a tolerance for other religions, but not for Christianity," he said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Our country has been making exceptions for the Muslim needs, their prayer rooms and foot baths etc. When we give in to Muslims and say NO to Christianity and the Jewish faith it must be causing our Founding fathers to spin in their graves.
If a person is offended by the name Jesus they ban it? And yet if a person is offended by caving in to Islam it is OK? Something is terribly wrong and God help us all. Islam the so called religion that teaches hate for the people of the book which are the Christians and Jews. That alone if we knew nothing else about this cult of Islam should be enough for us to have sirens going off of danger to our country.
....Thank you Mark for this article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (16)
March 13, 2008
Second Muslim Elected to Congress
Andre Carson Becomes Second Muslim in Congress
Andre Carson was elected in Indiana in a special election on Wednesday, becoming the second Muslim in Congress.
Carson was elected to fill the seat left vacant after his grandmother, Democratic Congresswoman Julia Carson, died last December.
Andre Carson, 33, is a member of the Indianapolis City Council who converted to Islam about a decade ago. The first and only other Muslim member of the US Congress is Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, also a Democrat, who is in his first term.
Unlike Ellison who sparked controversy for swearing his oath on a Koran instead of a Bible, Carson's faith was not mentioned much during his campaign.
Wild Thing's comment........
If someone had told me in October of 2001 that there would be any muslims elected to federal office, and that the democrat front-runner would be named Barack Hussein Obama, I’d have fallen off my chair in laughter.
I can’t believe that people are that willing to turn their government over to people whose religion is the most intolerant on the face of the planet.
This was a post I made on Feb. 17, 2008 about this man Andre Carson running for office:
Islam Convert Seeks A Seat In Congress
And this one is a post I made on Feb 21st 2008
CAIR’s Guide to Muslims Running For Office
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (8)
March 12, 2008
Rice Says Human Rights, Liberty Are Values Practiced by Most Muslims
Human Rights, Liberty Are Values Practiced by Most Muslims, Says Rice
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says the appointment of Washington's first-ever special envoy to the 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference will help to promote principles that Muslims and non-Muslims alike "hold dear," such as human rights, liberty and the rule of law.
"These are not American values or Western values," she told OIC ambassadors in Washington on Monday. "They are universal values, values that are lived and practiced by the majority of Muslims in the world, many of whom are citizens of democracies."
Fourteen of the OIC's 57 members qualify as "electoral democracies," according to criteria applied by Freedom House in its latest report on freedom in the world. None are Arab states.
And only six of the 57 -- Benin, Guyana, Indonesia, Mali, Senegal and Suriname -- are deemed "free" according to a Freedom House evaluation that scores nations for both political rights and civil liberties, and classifies them as "free," "partly free" or "not free."
Sada Cumber, the man appointed by President Bush to serve as the first U.S. envoy to the OIC, acknowledged that he will have his work cut out for him.
"I will be advocating American interest on a range of hard issues from Iraq to Palestinian issue to nuclear issues," he told the OIC ambassadors and others gathered at the State Department ceremony.
"While I do not expect to always reach consensus on ever issue, but I do hope and pray and desire that we can foster a climate of mutual respect and trust," the Pakistani-born Texas businessman added.
Rice told the ceremony that the envoy's appointment was part of a broader administration effort to increase its engagement with Muslims worldwide.
He would combat misperceptions about the U.S. that are spread by America's enemies, she said.
"The notion that the United States is at war with Islam ... is simply propagated by violent extremists who seek to divide Muslim communities against themselves, to judge who is and who is not a pious Muslim and to commit any atrocity, even against their fellow Muslims, to impose an intolerant ideology on their societies," Rice said.
"The OIC plays a vital role in promoting moderation, dialogue and understanding and we welcome the statements that this organization has made in support of those values."
Established in 1969, and with its secretariat based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the OIC groups 56 independent countries plus "Palestine."
The Arab-Israeli conflict has been a top priority, and enhancing Islamic solidarity its stated goal, although over the decades it has also faced frequent crises within its ranks, such as during the Iran-Iraq War, a 10-year conflict between Libya and Chad, and the Persian Gulf War.
In the years since 9/11, the OIC's focus has increasingly turned to relations between the West and Islam, the campaign against Islamist terrorism, and episodes of what it calls "Islamophobia," such as the publication by Danish newspapers in 2005 of 12 cartoons satirizing Mohammed.
Wild Thing's comment........
Her appeasing words that spit on the graves of all the victims of the death cult of Islam.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says the appointment of Washington's first-ever special envoy to the 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference will help to promote principles that Muslims and non-Muslims alike "hold dear," such as human rights, liberty and the rule of law.
Hey Condi, yeah, right. Show me one nation under Islamic Sharia Law that "holds dear" anything remotely resembling liberty, human rights and rule of law.
They “hold dear” the right to murder a daughters that won’t practice the Muslim religion. I am SO tired of the political two step that our State Department dances to. A skilled diplomat can speak tactfully and effectively without lowering themselves to the point of uttering blithering, false, stupidity. She is not up to the job. She seems unable to speak without pandering. But I cannot blame her entirely, President Bush has said more then once, that Islam is the religion of Peace.
An old quote by Condi that she should not have made as well:
Secretary Condoleezza Rice
Remarks before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State,
Foreign Operations and Related Programs
May 12, 2005
"Mr. Chairman, before I begin my actual testimony, I want to speak directly to Muslims in America and throughout the world. Disrespect for the Holy Koran is not now, nor has it ever been, nor will it ever be, tolerated by the United States. We honor the sacred books of all the world's great religions. Disrespect for the Holy Koran is abhorrent to us all.
There have been recent allegations about disrespect for the Holy Koran by interrogators at Guantanamo Bay and that has deeply offended many people. Our military authorities are investigating these allegations fully. If they are proven true, we will take appropriate action. Respect for the religious freedom of all individuals is one of the founding principles of the United States. The protection of a person's right to worship freely and without harassment is a principle that the government and the people of the United States take very seriously. Guaranteeing religious rights is of great personal importance to the President and to me.
During the past few days, we have heard from our Muslim friends around the world about their concerns on this matter. We understand and we share their concerns. Sadly, some people have lost their lives in violent demonstrations. I am asking that all our friends around the world reject incitement to violence by those who would mischaracterize our intentions."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:46 AM | Comments (12)
March 02, 2008
Congress Considering Slavery Apology
Congress considering slavery apology
The U.S. Congress is considering an apology for slavery, something five states have done in the past year.
While it has apologized before, Congress never apologized for slavery, USA Today reported Thursday.
"We've seen states step forward on this," said Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, noting resolutions in Alabama, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina and Virginia. "I'm really shocked, just shocked" that the federal government hasn't apologized. "It's time to do so."
Harkin said he and Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., will propose an apology for slavery and subsequent "Jim Crow" laws that furthered racial segregation. Among the bill's backers are Democratic Sens, Hillary Clinton of New York, the party's first female presidential candidate, and Barack Obama of Illinois, the party's first African-American candidate.
A similar House measure introduced in 2007 has 120 co-sponsors.
Congress apologized to Japanese-Americans in 1988 for imprisoning them in camps during World War II, giving each survivor $20,000. In 1993, Congress apologized to native Hawaiians for the overthrow of their kingdom a century earlier. In 2005, the Senate apologized for failing to enact anti-lynching laws.
Wild Thing's comment.......
It is the democrats who enslaved the black man all those years who fought a costly war to keep that right and it was the democrats who did all they could to keep the black man down. Hence the 13th 14th and 15th amendments were enacted It is the Democrat party party that held on to slavery. It was their party that passed Jim Crow laws. It was their party that fought integration. It was their party that fought equal rights.
The 15th Amendment
Amendment XV (the Fifteenth Amendment) of the United States Constitution provides that governments in the United States may not prevent a citizen from voting based on that citizen's race[1], color, or previous condition of servitude (i.e. slavery). It was ratified on February 3, 1870.
That was enacted because the democrats tried to keep the black man from voting and when they did vote and voted republican, they would beat if not kill the black man for doing so.
Has that changed? I don't think much pi$$es off a democrat more than a black republican. Just look at the smears they have for Clarence Thomas, J.C. Watts, and Condi Rice and many others for escaping from the plantation the democrats built for them.
I REALLY hate this stuff. The Democrats work so hard to keep rascism alive and they were the ones to blame more then anyone else for slavery of the blacks.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (21)
Why Are Most Blacks in America Democrats?
Why are most blacks in America Democrats?
Perryman outlines in his book, “Unfounded Loyalty: An In-depth Look Into the Love Affair Between Blacks and the Democrats.” In it, and in his lawsuit, the Seattle minister details events which occurred from 1792 through 2002 which he claims show the pattern of bias and racism from that political party.
* for over 150 years, blacks were victims of terrorist attacks by the Democrats and their Klan supporters, including lynching, beating, rapes and mutilations
* On the issue of slavery, the Democrats literally gave their lives to expand it; the Republicans gave their lives to ban it.
* Many believed the Democrats had a change of heart and fell in love with blacks. To the contrary, history reveals the democrats didn't fall in love with black folks, they fell in love with the black vote knowing this would be their ticket into the white house
"In our brief, we have included Congressional Records of the Democrat’s opposition to Civil Rights laws, the Democrat’s [Racist] Political Platform from 1835 to 1954, Senate Investigative Reports highlighting Democrat’s racist practices and their connection with the Ku Klux Klan, and the works from our nation’s top historians including those from Princeton University and Harvard.
We have included landmark Civil Cases, a multitude of case law, historical letters from African Americans in the 1800’s citing the atrocities committed by the Democrats. We included in detail - documented lynchings that were attended by Democratic officials and the works from our nation’s top psychologist indicating how all of this have affected the African American community.
Win, lose or draw, this is still a historical landmark case."
Black Minister Seeks Racism Apology from Democratic Party
June 14th, 2006
By Christopher Tidmore, Political Columnist
Despite massive outreach by the Bush Administration and senior Republicans, African-Americans continue to maintain a perception that the GOP is at best less sympathetic to the needs of the black community than the Democrats’ and at worst hostile.
However, an influential member of the African-American clergy, who was one of President Clinton’s highest profile supporters and worked in Democratic politics for years, has now launched a legal campaign to convince black voters that Democrats have been even more hostile to the black community and have never taken responsibility for those historic views.
Rev. Wayne Perryman, associate pastor of Mt. Calvary Christian COGIC in Seattle, Washington, first filed a significant reparations lawsuit against the Democratic Party in 2004. The suit was dismissed two times before Perryman refiled in 2005 and now the case is pending further action in the U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, Docket #0535890.
Perryman’s lawsuit does not seek millions of dollars. It asks that the Democratic Party issue a national apology for what he termed its past racist policies and practices toward blacks-and that they fund production of a series of documentaries which would record and preserve the tainted legacy of the party with free distribution to all public and private schools in the country.
These reported Democratic transgressions, Perryman outlined in his book, “Unfounded Loyalty: An In-depth Look Into the Love Affair Between Blacks and the Democrats.” In it, and in his lawsuit, the Seattle minister details events which occurred from 1792 through 2002 which he claims show the pattern of bias and racism from that political party.
Perryman explained his motivation in an open letter given to The Louisiana Weekl:
“I am a community activist and an inner-city minister located in the Seattle Washington. In addition to working with gang members and professional athletes, I spend my leisure time doing research. In 1993, based on personal research, I challenged major Christian Publishers and scholars that continued to produce publications promoting the Curse of Ham theory (a theory that justified slavery from a Christian perspective). My efforts resulted in a public apology and the removal of the 400 year old curse theory from all of their publications including removing it from the Encyclopedia Britannica. My book: The 1993 Trial on the Curse of Ham was based on that research.”
“Most of my adult life I have voted for, and worked with a number of Democratic candidates at the local level. In 1996, I served as a member of the Washington State Black Clergy to Re-elect President Bill Clinton and worked closely with the co-chair. After President Clinton was re-elected, I was challenged by a group of young people from our church regarding the history of the Democratic Party and their relationship with blacks. Their challenge prompted me to devote a considerable amount of time researching the subject.”
“My research included reviewing Congressional Records from 1860 to present, reading the works of several renowned history professors (both black and white) and looking at the Democratic Platform from the early 1800’s to 1954. In addition to these documents I reviewed the research of those who produced the books: Without Sanctuary, 100 Years of Lynchings and added to my library the History Channel’s series on The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow and Reconstruction: The Second Civil War. Excerpts from those books and film documentaries were included as exhibits in my Reparations lawsuit against the Democratic Party.”
“The graphic depictions of whites fighting over the private parts of black men (penises, fingers, ears) after hanging them and igniting them with kerosene, is forever embedded in my mind. I can still hear the cries of the victims’ wives and children pleading and begging for the lives of their loved ones while Democratic national and local elected officials joined the crowd and cheered. The lynching of Mary Turner, the nine-month pregnant mother was even more horrific and graphic. All of these events took place under the banner of “States Rights” in regions controlled by Democratic governors, mayors, judges, sheriffs, Congressmen and U.S. Senators. Like Dr King, my parents lived through those times in Atlanta and I never fully appreciated what they and other blacks went through until I had completed my research.”
“In addition to lynchings and terrorist attacks by the Democrat’s terrorist organizations (as revealed in the 1871 Senate hearings), Democrats legislated Black Codes, Jim Crow laws and a multitude of other repressive legislation at the federal and state levels (and repealed other key pieces of Civil Rights legislation) all in an effort to deny blacks their rights as citizens. The entire system of racism in America was meticulously thought-out and carried-out by a powerful political machine. And that political machine according to Historians, was the Democratic Party - the party of “White Supremacy.”
“Based on these findings, I sent the April 5, 2004 letter to the D[emocratic] N[ational] C[ommittee] requesting that they issue an apology to African Americans. In 2005, I sent a second letter to the DNC, again requesting an apology. When the DNC ignored these requests, I filed my first lawsuit on December 10, 2005.”
Perryman maintained that his demand for an apology mirrors a demand made by the members of the Congressional Black Caucus in a letter to former African-American Republican Congressman JC Watts on January 28, 1999. In that letter the Caucus told Mr. Watts and his GOP counterparts that they must “clearly and publicly distance themselves from the CCC and any other white supremacist, anti-Semitic or hate groups’.”
The Seattle minister continued, “In my letter to the DNC, I expressed similar sentiments. I told the DNC ‘An apology is one of the only ways modern-day Democrats can distance themselves from the party’s racist past while bringing some closure to the African American Community.” Instead of apologizing, Howard Dean hired one of the most powerful law-firms in the country, to defend the party’s racist past.”
“Without an apology and repentance there is no way the Democratic Party can ever sincerely honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Ms Rosa Parks; two individuals who literally gave their lives to destroy the racist programs, policies and practices that were established by the Democratic Party. And without an apology and repentance there is no way the Democratic Party can ever respect African Americans. Their past programs and practices from slavery through Jim Crow which literally destroyed the lives of millions of blacks, was an act of mass murder. And to hire an attorney to defend that racist past is not only an official endorsement of murder - it is an insult to the entire black race and to those whites who gave their lives to eliminate racial injustice.”
National Democratic officials have called the lawsuit ridiculous, citing the Democratic Party’s defense of African-American issues. Eager Republicans have begun to circulate Perryman’s charges against their opposition, emphasizing GOP relationships with the black community.
Until 1939, Republicans won the majority of enfranchised black votes. Starting with Franklin Roosevelt and ending with Richard Nixon’s Southern Strategy as former Dixiecrats joined the GOP, African-Americans turned overwhelmingly into the Democratic camp.
Perryman, who has switched his party affiliation to Independent, contended in his recent book, “Unfounded Loyalty: An In-depth Look Into the Love Affair Between Blacks and the Democrats:
” that Republicans have less to apologize for than Democrats, outlining events which occurred from 1792 through 2002 which he contends show patterns of bias and racism from the Democrats. One interesting point, the clergyman makes deals with the currently controversial discussion of reparations for slavery.
One of the proofs he cites in his case is that Republicans, in 1866, introduced a Senate bill for reparations but Democratic President Andrew Johnson vetoed it.
“We would have had reparations if it weren’t for the Democrats,” Perryman told journalist Adeeba Folami. He also asserts that it was in Democratic controlled states where blacks were doused in kerosene, set on fire and lynched, many times while their homes were simultaneously being burned to the ground. All the while, Democratic mayors, judges and other elected officials joined in and cheered the activities along or looked the other way.
“You never found anywhere or [in] any public record where the Democratic Party ever apologized,” the former Democrat said, adding that he believes last year’s Resolution 39, the government’s official apology for lynching, was inspired by his lawsuit as it was introduced by a Democratic, southern senator on the same day the DNP was to have responded to his lawsuit in federal court.
The author views that effort as one aimed at circumventing his case, however, the irony, he said, was in the fact that it was Republicans who congressional records show were introducing anti-lynching laws in the 1870s, laws that were never passed or supported by Democrats.
Perryman asserted that his major motivation is for the true history of the Democratic Party with African-Americans to become widely known - whether he wins or loses his legal case. Yet, he has a distinct political motive as well, a desire to see blacks become more knowledgeable of the political process and that they need representation in both parties along with bipartisan coalitions to affect real change on their issues of concern.
He stated that the DNP has hired a large, corporate law firm for their defense while he represents himself, pro se, and he also lamented that the National Bar Association, even though aware of the case, has refused to offer assistance through their network of thousands of black judges and attorneys.
“I’m out here fighting by myself but David fought Goliath and the Lord helped him,” he said optimistically. “I’m just praying God will help me prevail.”
Perryman’s lawsuit presents a short term political challenge for Howard Dean. The DNC Chairman has banked his tenure on the so-called “fifty state strategy.” Under the plan, Democrats would spend money in key districts across the nation, even in Republican strongholds to attempt to swing GOP seats to the Democrats. An essential part of the plan involves motivating unregistered or inactive black voters to participate, thus changing some previously uncompetitive seats into the competitive column.
Other Democrats such as Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi have called the plan unworkable, advising that the DNC should spend its money in existing Democratic majority districts that have Republican Congressman representing these marginal seats.
Should Perryman’s case come to hearings prior to the 2006 elections, with Dean and his DNC as its major target, the negative publicity could depress black turnout, thus defeating the Chairman’s strategy.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (12)
February 24, 2008
Cheney Gets Tough On Gun-grabbing Case
Vice President Dick Cheney took the unusual step Friday of joining with lawmakers in signing a Supreme Court brief that goes further in support of gun rights than the one submitted by the Bush administration.
Cheney Joins Supreme Court brief in challenge to D.C. handgun ban
WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney took the unusual step Friday of joining with lawmakers in signing a Supreme Court brief that goes further in support of gun rights than the one submitted by the Bush administration.
The filings were made in a case that challenges the District of Columbia's ban on handguns. It was scheduled to be argued on March 18.
Both briefs argue that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to own guns. However, the administration contends that too categorical a ruling could threaten other federal gun restrictions and wants the justices to send the case back to lower courts without deciding whether the handgun ban should fall.
Cheney joined more than 300 senators and representatives, led by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, who want the court to rule that Washington's ban is unconstitutional.
"The vice president believes strongly in Second Amendment rights," Cheney spokeswoman Megan Mitchell said.
Seventeen Democratic lawmakers and District of Columbia Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton urged the court to uphold the ban.
Lawyers with long experience at the court could not recall another case in which a vice president took a position different from that of his own administration.
Wild Thing's comment........
Cheney has the conservative's back on this one. Bravo!
We have been waiting a lifetime to have the Surpreme Court affirm our Second Amendment rights. Now Bush's Solicitor General has argued against that affirmation.
Make no mistake about it, if even one gun is deemed to be able to be banned by municipalities across this nation, then those municipalities will be able to set their own scales as to what is deemed worthy of banning or not. It will be open season on weapons of all types, because of 'their inherent danger'.
I can't believe Bush sold us out on this one, but the man has.
This could be a very very damaging ruling by the Supreme Court, if it allows carve outs. It could essentially be the end of the right to own guns in our nation, all but a select few that will be essentially worthless to defend ourselves against what the criminals will have. And criminals will always have access to any gun they want.
RINOs will be the death of our rights and our nation. We must demand better, or we will wind up with much worse.
Cheney is 100 times the man that GWB could ever hope to be. And on waterboarding and Cneney.... Cheney:”Waterboarding? We use it. It works. Next”
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (12)
Marine Sgt Daniel Gilyeat Get's Renovated Home
Daniel Gilyeat and his family are getting a renovated home from ABC's popular show, "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition."
Gilyeat is a father and Marine who served two tours in Iraq. On his second tour, which he volunteered for, he was injured on a mission when a bomb struck his vehicle.
Gilyeat suffered serious injuries and lost his left leg above the knee. In addition, his marriage ended and he suddenly became a single father. But 25 days after losing his leg, Gilyeat was up and walking with a prosthetic leg and inspiring other wounded soldiers by visiting them in hospitals and speaking with their families.
Household chores were difficult for Gilyeat because the home was not handicap-accessible. The floors were uneven and the doors were too small to get through.
The work on the home was done in 7 days.
Some behind-the-scenes looks at the upcoming episode that will aired Sunday, February 10, 2008.
"I have always been amazed by the spirit and motivation of Sgt Gilyeat. He is always a very firm and strong leader, but keeps himself approachable. This makes Daniel easy to like and easy follow, but you always know that you don't want to cross his path. Even when I was still a junior Marine finding my place in the unit, Sgt Gilyeat would find the time to talk with me and other new Marines and make up feel welcome, like we were part of the brotherhood. You can always see the gentleness in his eyes, but it's also easy to see that this is one guy who you want working with you, and not against you. I admire his rugged appreciation for all things Marine."
Sgt Daniel Gilyeat, Extreme Makeover Home Edition
'Makeover' Crews Add Flag Pole For Iraq Veteran
Veterans Help Build 'Makeover' House
Gilyeat Family Sees 'Extreme Makeover' House
Surprises Continue For Gilyeat Family
Wild Thing's comment.......
I have never seen this show but I am impressed how they support our troops like this. I tried to put the videos in some kind of order so you could get the feel of how this all came about.
If only our politicans could all be as supportive of our troops like we are learning how business's are, it would be so awesome.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (10)
February 21, 2008
CAIR’s Guide to Muslims Running For Office
CAIR 2008 election site
Each name has tjheir own website, the link it as the CAIR link. I didn't want to link each one and give them any credit. hahaha
AL - Yusuf Salaam - State Rep (Incumbent)
CA - Bill Dalati - Anaheim City Council (Challenger)
CA - Ferial Masry - State Rep (Incumbent)
IL - Rifat ‘James’ Sivisoglu- DuPage County Board, District 1 (Challenger)
IN - Andre Carson - US Representative (Challenger)
IA - Ako Abdul-Samad - State Rep (Incumbent)
MD - Saqib Ali - House of Delegates (Incumbent)
MN - Keith Ellison - US Representative (Incumbent)
MO - Talibdin El-Amin - State Rep (Incumbent)
MO - Rodney Hubbard - State Rep (Incumbent)
MO - Jamilah Nasheed - State Rep (Incumbent)
NH - Saghir “Saggy” Tahir - State Rep (Incumbent)
VA - Sam Rasoul - US Representative (Challenger)
WI - Farheen Khan - State Rep (Challenger)
And on another topic but still the same subject as Muslims.
Organization on Senate list of Muslim groups which "finance terrorism and perpetuate violence" invited to White House Leadership Conference.
Found at Militant Islam Monitor
Wild Thing's comment........
Good grief, they are like rabbits and are multiplying. whew wow!
OK so here is what I am going to do. Anyone that is running in the Congressional races where I live, I am calling their office and one of the questions I am going to ask is ............. Is this person a Muslim? If they won't tell me then I will tell them that I cannot vote for them if they don't let me know, because we are at war with Islam and the last thing we need is a memebr of the "religion" of the terrorists to be put into a government office in our country.
We will see what happens. LOL But I am sick of this happening and if nothing else they need to know even one lone voice is saying no.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:48 AM | Comments (8)
February 17, 2008
Islam Convert Seeks A Seat In Congress
A convert to Islam stands an election victory away from becoming the second Muslim elected to Congress and a role model for a faith community seeking to make its mark in national politics.
Political newcomer Andre Carson is the Democratic nominee in a March 11 special election to succeed his late grandmother, Julia Carson, representing Indiana's 7th District.
She died in December of lung cancer, and her grandson is seeking to fill out the rest of her sixth term, which expires at year's end.
If Andre Carson wins the Democratic-leaning Indianapolis district over a freshman Republican lawmaker and a longshot Libertarian candidate, he would join Rep. Keith Ellison, Minnesota Democrat, as the only Muslims elected to Congress.
Mr. Carson, 33, said he doesn't believe his religious identity hurts him politically even while American Muslims struggle to gain acceptance. Polling last summer by the Pew Research Center and Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found 29 percent of Americans held unfavorable views of Muslim Americans, a higher percentage than shortly after September 11, 2001.
"I think it's more of an advantage," Mr. Carson said. "It's a platform to address ignorance. It's a platform to really show that this campaign is about inclusion of all races and religions."
However, Mr. Carson said his faith doesn't drive his stands on issues, other than instilling the values that have shaped his life and led him to public service. He said his decision-making is based on his constituents' needs.
"For me, the religion piece, it informs me. You need to respect people" regardless of their race, religion or gender, said Mr. Carson, who is black. "That is the foundation I go by."
Mr. Carson's grandmother raised him in a Baptist church and enrolled him at an inner-city Catholic school, where he entertained the idea of becoming a priest. As he grew older, he became interested in Islam, reading the poetry of the Sufi mystic Rumi and "The Autobiography of Malcolm X."
He converted to Islam more than a decade ago and began attending prayers at Nur-Allah Islamic Center, a predominantly African-American Sunni mosque.
"For me, what appealed to me about Islam was the universal aspect of Islam," he said. "All faiths teach universality. But with Islam, I saw it regularly in the [mosques], the praying, the different races."
After Julia Carson died Dec. 15, Louis Farrakhan delivered a eulogy at her funeral, leading some local political bloggers to question Andre Carson's ties to the controversial Nation of Islam leader.
He said the ties barely exist: His mosque is not affiliated with the Nation of Islam. He said he approves of some of the group's work, including fighting drug use in Indianapolis.
Unlike many U.S. Muslims, Mr. Carson said his faith rarely has become an issue for others in his civic life or law enforcement career that included a stint with an anti-terrorism unit of the Indiana Department of Homeland Security.
Mr. Carson and Mr. Ellison spoke by telephone recently, and the Minnesota congressman who took office 13 months ago said he advised Mr. Carson to emphasize broad concerns such as the economy, the war in Iraq and global warming.
"These things don't have any particular religion or color or race," Mr. Ellison said.
Salam Al-Marayati, executive director of the Los Angeles-based Muslim Public Affairs Council, said both men built their political base by gaining the confidence of Democratic leaders, not by running on their religion.
However, he said they need to demonstrate their faith to Muslim youth and show that civic engagement among Muslims is healthy.
"It counters any sense of isolation or alienation," Mr. Al-Marayati said.
Corey Saylor, legislative director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said Mr. Ellison's 2006 election marked a breakthrough for U.S. Muslims seeking national office.
"Post-9/11, there was a sense in the community that it would be hard for a Muslim to get elected," Mr. Saylor said.
He predicted immigrant Muslims will join black Americans like Mr. Ellison and Mr. Carson on the national political scene. Sons and daughters of Muslims who arrived in the United States from Asia and Africa are energized politically and working on campaigns, he said.
"We see people starting to build up the civic resume that will get them elected to public office," Mr. Saylor said. "Give them five or 10 years."
Even if Mr. Carson wins the special election next month and serves the remainder of his grandmother's term, he almost immediately will face a challenge to hold the seat. The May 6 Democratic primary for the seat's next full term has attracted several candidates.
Wild Thing's comment........
Please God help us and don't let Islam take over our country.
I have noticed with most things that are bad like the things the left does, they do it inch by inch. They worm their way into things, vote on things that change our country drastically little by little.
One Muslim, Keith Ellison ( just one of his many names) get's elected and now here is a second one wanrting to get elected as well. One at a time then one day those with their head in the sand will say when did all this happen. How did we get so many Muslim's in political offices of power over 'we the people' .
If I remember right Political Correctness began back in the 60's. I have spoken before how I heard my Dad talking about it at home one evening and I asked him what does it mean. He explained it to me and said it will be something that in the future will be destroying American. It will take away much of our freedom of speech.
This is the same thing, getting Muslims in power........one at a time, easing them in on Capitol Hill.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (10)
February 14, 2008
Republicans Walk Out On Contempt Vote
Republicans walk out on contempt vote
House Republicans Thursday left the chamber ahead of a vote seeking to hold White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten and former White House counsel Harriet Miers in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify before a panel investigating the firing of several United States attorneys.
The move was intended to show that Republicans want to work on a permanent update to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act rather than be part of a “partisan fishing expedition,” as House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) put it.
At a press conference following the walkout, Boehner said “Before Congress leaves town, we must give our intelligence officials the tools they need to keep America safe.
“The president will delay his trip to Africa to deal with this critical issue. And Republicans are prepared to stay here as long as it takes to complete our work,” Boehner added. “The terrorist threat to our country is not going away. We must do everything we can to protect the American people, and we should start by passing the bipartisan Senate bill.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Bush was on TV today to talk about this and how important it is and he did some shame on you to the lefties not getting this done. They have had TWO different dates to get this voted on. Cheney said the other day on Rush Limbaugh that they did not meet the first due date and were given another 15 days to get it done. He said he felt they would for sure get it done in the additional 15 days.
BUT they haven't and the 15 days are up.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 PM | Comments (8)
February 05, 2008
Politically Incorrect LED Sign - Nashville
Politically Incorrect LED Sign - Nashville
"This is a huge LED sign belonging to Interstate AC Service in Nashville, TN.
This sign overlooks I-40 westbound as it approaches downtown Nashville."
I don't think I ever saw a sign like this before. heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (15)
January 27, 2008
Sheriff Arpaio To Campaign In Tucson For Romney Not McCain
Sheriff Arpaio to campaign in Tucson for Romney
Political action is heating up as Arizona's Feb. 5 primaries near - from both ends of the spectrum.From the right, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio will headline a rally Friday for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
Romney is one of Sen. John McCain's chief competitors for the Republican presidential nomination.
Arpaio is the honorary chairman of Romney's Arizona campaign and will be in Tucson on Friday for a series of pro-Romney events.
He'll begin at 11:30 a.m. at the Sheraton Tucson Hotel and Suites, 5151 E. Grant Road, then at 3:30 he'll be at Broadway Proper Retirement Community, 400 S. Broadway Place. He'll finish up at a 6:30 p.m. rally at the Medicine Man Art Gallery, 7000 E. Tanque Verde Road.
Who is Sheriff Joe Arpaio?
Many Republicans, maybe even a few Democrats, believe there is a real problem. One of them is Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona. He’s nationally known for tough measures like taking away prisoners’ movies, their girlie magazines, and their hot meals. The philosophy he espouses is jails should be places people want to avoid.
When motorists are stopped in his jurisdiction, their immigration status is checked. They’re arrested if they’re here illegally. He’s also instituted a hot line for citizens to report employers suspected of hiring illegals. The New York Times offered its own imprimatur of the sheriff’s actions Sunday, editorializing that he “hounds immigrant day laborers as aggressively as he chases headlines.”
Sheriff Joe journeyed to Iowa last week to campaign for the person he’s supporting for president. He didn’t endorse fellow Arizonan John McCain. He didn’t express approval for Mike Huckabee.
Inside America's toughest jail (Brit paper says Sheriff Joe Arpaio's ideas would be great for U.K.)
The Sun
HIGH above the Arizona desert, a pink neon sign flashes the word “vacancy” from a watch tower manned by armed guards.Surrounded by 25ft barbed wire fences, this is the welcome offered by America’s toughest jail ? Tent City in Phoenix.
Inside, nearly 1,000 prisoners live in army surplus tents, baking in temperatures of 122°F (50°C) in summer and freezing during winter.
No matter how many criminals are locked up here, the vacancy sign is never turned off.
Instead, if prisoner numbers increase, jail supremo Sheriff Joe Arpaio simply orders extra tents. He says: “I will build tents to house 100,000 people before I ever let anybody out of jail early. If I have to, I will put up tents from here to Mexico.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Sheriff Joe is known nationally as one of the toughest law-and-order guys around, and someone of impeccable conservative credentials. I wonder if this shows the lack of McCain's non appeal to his fellow Arizonans. Like we heard New York is no fan of Rudy. That would be so embarassing when your own State does not want you to be President. I think Gore's as well did not vote for him when he ran for President.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (13)
Congressman Asks Prez To Support 2nd Amendment
Congressman asks prez to support 2nd Amendment (Rep. Virgil Goode)
'Administration should reflect right to keep and bear arms'
A Republican congressman from Virginia is asking President Bush to order the Justice Department to submit a brief in a U.S. Supreme Court case that supports the rights afforded U.S. citizens under the Second Amendment.
The request from Rep. Virgil Goode concerns a filing submitted by the Justice Department in a Supreme Court case over the legality of a handgun ban imposed by the District of Columbia.
A similar request already has been submitted by officials for the Gun Owners of America, whose executive director, Larry Pratt, warned:
"If the Supreme Court were to accept the Solicitor General's line of argument, D.C.'s categorical gun ban of virtually all self-defense firearms could well be found to be constitutional. ..."
But worse than that, he said, the new precedent to affirm any and all gun restrictions would be "reasonable," constitutionally the lowest rung of the qualifications ladder.
"In contrast to other provisions in the Bill of Rights, which can only be trumped by 'compelling state interests,' the Second Amendment would be relegated to an inferior position at the lowest rung of the constitutional ladder, should the Justice Department prevail," said Pratt.
Goode now has weighed in on the issue, sending Bush a letter this week about the arguments submitted in the case.
"If this view prevails, a national ban on all firearms – including hunting rifles – could be constitutional, even if the court decides – on ample historical evidence – that the Founders intended the Second Amendment as an individual right," his letter said.
"I would ask that you direct the Justice Department to withdraw this unfortunate brief and to replace it with an opinion which reflects the right of law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms," Goode wrote.
Wild Thing's comment........
First of all can you imagine that ANY President would have to be asked to support our 2nd Amendment. God hlep us!!
... rights afforded U.S. citizens under the Second Amendment.
God given rights guarenteed by the Second Ammendment. I wish they would get that right.
Our Founders clearly recognized the 'right' of self-defense in forging the 2nd Amendment. They recognized that the 2nd Amendment protects all the other Amendments from governmental tyranny, particularly the 1st, 4th, and 5th. If the 2nd Amendment falls, then so will all the others in rapid succession.
Is there any constituency left in the party that Bush hasn't stabbed in the back yet?
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (8)
January 23, 2008
Fred Thompson Withdraws and Other Political Thoughts
McLean, VA - Senator Fred Thompson today issued the following statement about his campaign for President:
"Today I have withdrawn my candidacy for President of the United States. I hope that my country and my party have benefited from our having made this effort. Jeri and I will always be grateful for the encouragement and friendship of so many wonderful people."
Wild Thing's comment........
During the Clinton administration I sent a snail mail to Fred Thompson. It was the year I got my first computer 1997, and during the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee investigation led by then-chairman Fred Thompson (R-TN). I also wrote to Jesse Helms, both letters hand written were about Americia, integrity and honor and my disgust with the Clinton's.
I never thought I would hear from either one of them. My letter was just to be supportive and let them know there were citizens out here in we the people land that were extremely concerned with what was happening to our counrtry due to the Clinton's.
Within less then two weeks I received letters from both of them. They were not form letters but well thought out personal letters. They discussed what I had written about as well as their concerns as well. Their love for America and added personal touches in their letters.
I mention this now because to do this was very special. To take the time to write me back and in such a personal way said something about each of them.
We have had two men now, Duncan Hunter and Fred Thompson pull out. Both men, especially Duncan Hunter good conservatives.
Unfortunately, the values of the Republican Party as witnessed in the last decade plus, are more populist in nature and geared around the acquisition and maintenance of political power, at any cost.
I believe we are approaching some more cataclysmic changes in the journey of our Republic. Many of us knew that the world as we have known it changed, with many, many unknown consequences to follow on September 11, 2001. The consequences of that change are still effecting us and the world and no one but God Almighty, knows where we are headed.
I believe, most emphatically that we are approaching the time our forefathers had in mind when they penned the Declaration of Independence and put the following philosophy into it very early on:
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
George Washington warned in his farewell address about political parties. The following is a quote from that speech.
"All obstructions to the execution of the Laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this fundamental principle, and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels, and modified by mutual interests.However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government; destroying afterwards the very engines, which have lifted them to unjust dominion."
The two parties keep offering us populists that barter for our votes with benefits from them that stifle individual responsibility and achievement.
Always remember this is "our" Republic - Not Theirs!!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (20)
January 21, 2008
Fred Thompson
Jeri Thompson, Fred's wife, holds her daughter Hayden, 4, as they join Republican presidential hopeful former Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn. during a campaign stop at Tommy's Country Ham House to visit the supporters and eat breakfast Saturday, Jan. 19, 2008, in Greenville, S.C.(AP Photo/Mary Ann Chastain)
Fred Thompson Speaks to Supporters SC Primary Day 01-19-08 The audio for some reason goes soft but I think you will be able to hear it. I had to put my speakers up pretty high in the middle of his speech.
Wild Thing's comment........
This was a great speech, I am praying so hard he stays in and does not stop.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (10)
McCain to Close Club Gitmo:"The first day I am President"
John McCain said in Iowa,
"One of the things I would do, the first day I am President of the United States, is close Guantanamo Bay. I would close it and I would move those prisoners to Fort Leavenworth. It's become a symbol, which is very bad for America."
Wild Thing's comment........
Our troops busted their butts to track these terrorists down, risked their lives doing it, and McCain and anyone else that want to just close Gitmo and then bring the terrorists to our country so liberal anti-war lawyers can get them off is so outragous. And the arrogance in the way McCain even says it, bragging about it while at the same time he wants to play nice with the terrorists and not waterboard them, ONLY talk to them like he said he preferred to do is oh my gawd help us all!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (19)
January 20, 2008
God Bless You Duncan Hunter
This is the email I got from Duncan Hunter as I am sure many others did as well.
“It’s time for me to gear up for 2008’s defense bill that will be put together over the coming weeks. There is work to be done in the areas of troop protection and new capabilities to be deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. And over the horizon, the emergence of Communist China as a military super power will require a new emphasis on U.S. capabilities in undersea warfare, space, and long range air-power.The best way to maintain a new era of peace is for the U.S. to remain strong. Over the coming year I will endeavor to help craft a defense bill that meets the new security challenges.
Since our campaign began over 200,000 additional manufacturing jobs have been lost. 1.8 million jobs have left the U.S. for China. This fracturing of the U.S. industrial base is a long term threat to America. I hope that the remaining candidates will recognize it and address it. As the senior Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, I will seek to address it.
Only hours ago a border patrolman was killed in the California Desert. This tragedy emphasizes more than ever the compelling case for the completion of the border fence. Since I wrote the bill that mandates 854 miles of double border fence only a few miles have been constructed. Over the next year in Congress I will do everything in my power to get that fence built.
Finally, for Lynn and me, the campaign over the last year has shown us this: America is a wonderful country. Our people have great character and goodness, and the meeting of new friends has enriched our lives.
The failure of our campaign to gain traction is mine and mine alone. But we have driven the issues of national security, the border fence, the emergence of China and the need to reverse bad trade policy. Because of that, this campaign has been very worthwhile, and for the Hunter family, a lot of fun.
To our friends and supporters and volunteers: many thanks. And now it’s time for me to focus on developing a 2008 defense bill that serves our troops and our nation.
Thanks, and God Bless America.Duncan Hunter"
Wild Thing's comment........
I cried tonight when Duncan said he had to end his run for President. I know we all saw it coming, but I kept hoping, even that he would be as VP for Thompson. That would have made it a possible 16 years of two good men in our White House. From day one I have been for Duncan Hunter, as time progressed I kept pulling for him but there have been so few video's to post from him, and it has made it difficult to promote him on this blog.
It is just so very sad to see this happening. Heartbreaking. The country has lost tonight a great patriot for President.
May God bless Duncan Hunter and his family.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:45 AM | Comments (16)
January 19, 2008
Thompson in S.Carolina
Fred Thompson on The Bill Bennett Show, 01.17.08
CLICK image and then CLICK to play
Thompson defends Guantanamo Bay as he continues stands in SC
“The last thing in the world we need is a bunch of enemy combatants over here in our court system,” the former Tennessee senator and actor said during a radio interview at a restaurant attended by a couple of hundred people. He said closing the facility would allow prisoners to demand rights given to U.S. citizens and would not help “buy off world opinion.”“It’s just one of those symbolic things where the United States is going to take the hit,” he said
Fred Thompson Political Endorsements
U.S. Congress and South Carolina Legislature (All Republicans)
U.S. Congress Members
Sen. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.)
Sen. Thad Cochran (Miss.)
Sen. Bob Corker (Tenn.)
Sen. James Inhofe (Okla.)
Sen. Roger Wicker (Miss.)
Rep. Gresham Barrett (S.C.)
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.)
Rep. Dan Burton (Ind.)
Rep. Steve Buyer (Ind.)
Rep. David Davis (Tenn.)
Rep. John Duncan (Tenn.)
Rep. Louie Gohmert (Texas)
Rep. Steve King (Iowa)
Rep. Don Manzullo (Ill.)
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (Mich.)
Rep. Jeff Miller (Fla.)
Rep. Sue Myrick (N.C.)
Rep. Adam Putnam (Fla.)
Rep. John Sullivan (Okla.)
Rep. Lee Terry (Neb.)
Rep. Zach Wamp (Tenn.)
Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (Ga.)
Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (Tenn)
Former Sen. George Allen (Virg)
Former Sen. Al D’Amato (NY)
Former Rep. J.C. Watts (Okla)
South Carolina Legislature Members
State Representative David R. Hiott
State Representative Dwight A. Loftis
State Senator James H. “Jim” Ritchie
State Representative Michael D. Thompson
State Representative Eric M. Bedingfield
State Senator George E. “Chip” Campsen
State Representative Harry F. Cato
State Senator Ray Cleary
State Representative Jeffrey D. “Jeff” Duncan
State Senator Lawrence K. “Larry” Grooms
State Senator John D. Hawkins
State Representative W. Brian White
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (8)
January 18, 2008
Political Promises
This is isuch a perfect statement and a perfect place to have it placed.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (8)
Iraq Veterans for Congress
Their Mission:
"Whether Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine, we all shared a common goal in Iraq: victory. As Republican candidates for Congress we share a vision for America’s future, her security, and that of future generations. We are unified in our commitment to relieve the Democrats of their command of Congress.Voters want to restore leadership and honor back to Washington. Who better to accomplish that mission than our generation of warriors?
All veterans whose service to the United States brought them first to Iraq and now to a run for the House as pro-victory Republicans are welcome to become part of Iraq Veterans For Congress.
United we are capable of sending to Congress a squad-size element of Iraq vets to keep us on offense in the War on Terror and counter calls for defeat.
In short, unification of all Republican Iraq Veterans will be a powerful force multiplier. By joining forces we will generate crucial nationwide grassroots support while sharing ideas and strategies. "
Their letter:
"Dear Friends and Supporters,I am pleased to announce the launch of Iraq Veterans for Congress. We are twelve pro-victory Republican Iraq War veterans running for Congress in districts across the country.
Since the beginning of the war in Iraq, Democrats have cast veterans and active-duty military men and women as victims or villains. For John Kerry, veterans are the hapless pawns of the Bush administration, taken advantage of by the government. John Murtha haphazardly accuses Marines of being cold-blooded killers. Sunday, the front page of the New York Times featured a story that deceitfully suggests returning Iraq veterans are more likely than the general public to commit murder.
I am here to say that our veterans are heroes; that their sacrifices in Iraq and Afghanistan have made America a safer place; that America is proudly behind them. Standing with me are my eleven fellow Iraq veteran candidates. I hope you will join us.
Bringing this group together sends a powerful message to voters across America that as veterans, we are united in our effort to win back Congress, and we will not stand by as Democrats subvert America's security and the mission in Iraq. We owe it to ourselves and to those who have served in Iraq to pursue victory in Congress, just as we did in uniform.
I want to establish our group of Iraq veterans as leading the way for Republicans in 2008. We are running as a unified group,with a unified commitment to our country and to the voters.
Our goal is to raise 4,000 contributions of $25 for each Iraq Vet for Congress by the end of March. These contributions can have a powerful impact on who controls the House. You can visit www.IraqVetsForConress.com for more details.
"Uniting all pro-victory Republicans to share ideas and strategies was a great initiative of Kieran Lalor and I am confident that it will have a very positive impact on the dialogue of this year's Congressional races," says U.S. Army veteran Lee Zeldin, who is running in New York's 1st Congressional District on Long Island.
"Military members know well that there is strength in numbers. Unifying all of the Republican Iraq veterans makes each candidate significantly stronger," says Ruth Summers, who is managing her husband Charlie's campaign in Maine while he is deployed to Iraq.
Paul Phillips, an Air Force B-1 bomber pilot running in Ohio, adds: "Who better to relieve the Democrats of their command than a group of Iraq vets?" We need your support. Please consider contributing to our efforts.
Best Regards,
Kieran Michael Lalor"
On the Web: Iraq Veterans For Congress: www.IraqVetsForCongress.com
The Republican Iraq veterans running for Congress include:
Kieran Michael Lalor (NY-19), Lee Zeldin (NY-1), Wayne E. Harmon (IN-7), Allen West (FL-22), William Breazeale (NC-7), Chris Edenfield (GA-12), Eric Egland (CA-4), Duncan D. Hunter (CA-52), Paul Phillips (OH-18), Charlie Summers (ME-1), and William Russell (PA-22)
Wild Thing's comment.........
Good luck to Iraq Veterans for Congress! Great to hear the vets next war is with the enemy within. The name Duncan Hunter on the list is the son of Duncan Hunter that is running for President. He is United States Marine Corps Veteran.
I posted about this man, William T Russell, United States Army Veteran, I am honored to mention him again as well. He is the man running against John Murtha.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (4)
January 16, 2008
Michigan Crowd Boos McCain On Illegal Immigration
Labor leaders boo McCain on immigration, Iraq
Sen. John McCain threatened Tuesday to cut short a speech to union leaders who booed his immigration views and later challenged his statements on organized labor and the Iraq war.
“If you like, I will leave,” McCain told the AFL-CIO’s Building and Construction Trades Department, pivoting briefly from the lectern. He returned to the microphone after the crowd quieted.
“OK, then please give me the courtesy I would give you.”
It was a contentious session that tested McCain’s commitment to the straight-talking image he honed during his failed 2000 presidential bid. An underdog six years ago, the Arizona Republican is expected to seek the 2008 GOP nomination as a front-runner.
“I loved it. I love mixing it up like that,” McCain said after the speech to a Democratic-leaning crowd of several hundred.
He did seem to enjoy the back and forth that began minutes into his address, when he mentioned campaigning on behalf of California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a fellow Republican. The crowd booed the reference to Schwarzenegger but laughed at McCain’s self-effacing joke that followed.
He said somebody came up to him at the Schwarzenegger event and said, “Do people tell you look like John McCain?"
“Yes, they do.”
“Doesn’t that make you madder than hell?”
Guest worker talk stirs crowd
Later, the senator outlined his position on the Senate immigration debate, saying tougher border enforcement must be accompanied by guest-worker provisions that give illegal immigrants a legal path toward citizenship.
Murmurs from the crowd turned to booing. “Pay a decent wage!” one audience member shouted.
“I’ve heard that statement before,” McCain said before threatening to leave.
Afterward, the senator said he offered to cut his speech short “because I wanted to be heard.”
In the speech, McCain also argued that withdrawing U.S. troops prematurely from Iraq would turn terrorists loose on the United States.
This time, there was no booing — though one audience member cursed from the back of the crowd.
McCain got another laugh when he finished the speech and asked whether anybody had “questions, comments or insults.”
The first questioner seemed to challenge his commitment to organized labor. When McCain started to praise a particular labor group in Arizona, the crowd booed again.
“Stop!” he said with a smile, drawing laughter from the crowd. “I surrender.”
But he took more questions, including a pointed one on his immigration plan.
McCain responded by saying immigrants were taking jobs nobody else wanted. He offered anybody in the crowd $50 an hour to pick lettuce in Arizona.
Shouts of protest rose from the crowd, with some accepting McCain’s job offer.
“I’ll take it!” one man shouted.
McCain insisted none of them would do such menial labor for a complete season. “You can’t do it, my friends.”
Some in the crowd said they didn’t appreciate McCain questioning their work ethic.
Impressed by McCain’s moxie
“I was impressed with his comedy routine and ability to tap dance without music. But I was impressed with nothing else about him,” said John Wasniewski of Milwaukee. “He’s supposed to be Mr. Straight Talk?”
Others said McCain showed some moxie, if not the best political judgment.
“Most of us don’t agree with him on immigration, but I give him credit for trying,” said Chris D. Schoenbeck of Milwaukee.
With his profile rising, a growing number of Democrats are accusing McCain of flip-flopping on issues to court conservative GOP primary voters.
McCain denied that charge later Tuesday — after addressing the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a GOP-leaning group that backs his immigration views. There were no boos. Just laughter, and at the end of his remarks, a standing ovation from the Hispanic leaders.
Yet McCain’s mind was still on the labor activists and their prickly reception.
“I can’t tell you how much fun that was,” he said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Good, McCain is hearing back from America on illegal immigration. I think McCain's famous temper will have him explode in a fit of fury at some point. It is inevitable.
LOL well it’s about time the unions realize that illegals are taking their jobs, as well.
IF McCain cared about the security of this nation he would just say he learned his lesson from the overwhelming public reaction, and will truly clamp down on illegal immigration. But nope!
McCain needs to be made to understand that he can’t stab the GOP base in the back over and over again and still have them trust him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (16)
Two Video's Of Fred Thompson
Fred Thompson on Hannity and Colmes 01-15-08
Wild Thing's comment........
The show was on late, after the vote count was in and after the Democrats debated on CNN.
Fred Thompson visits Aiken
This is also an excellent video. Sorry you have to go to the location of the video on this next one, but it is worth it.
AIKEN - Undecided voters stood on chairs and bumped elbows just to hear Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson on Monday.
Although his visit to Aiken was delayed by a couple of hours, the 200 to 250 residents who came to Papa Russ's Barbecue for his campaign stop wanted to see for themselves if he would get past his television persona and hit on real issues.
"I think we may have decided on a candidate, but we wanted to experience him personally," Mark Thompson, of Aiken, said of his family's wait for the visit.
Mr. Thompson acknowledged that he needs a South Carolina win in the state's Republican presidential primary Saturday but was unapologetic about his campaign, telling voters that if he's too laid back for their tastes there are plenty of other candidates to choose from.
While some voters were looking for the right answers from Mr. Thompson, diehard supporters drove to Aiken in an effort to sway the undecided.
"I'm not from South Carolina, but I'll be contacting people in South Carolina because the alternative is unacceptable and I'll have to pay for it," said Dianne Thomas, of Charlotte, N.C. "He has more depth that's not always shown in a sound bite."
The former U.S. senator from Tennessee is on a tour bus campaign in South Carolina this week.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (4)
Rush:"If McCain or Huckabee Gets the Nomination, It Will Destroy GOP"
If McCain or Huckabee Gets the Nomination, It Will Destroy GOP
RUSH: Mark in Standish, Michigan, I really appreciate your holding on. Welcome to the program.
CALLER: Hello, Rush.
CALLER: Sorry to deviate from your monologue for just a minute, but you had a woman call yesterday that just frosted me to no end that if either Huckabee or McCain won the nomination she was going to sit the election out.
RUSH: Yeah.
CALLER: People like her, I coined a term, a call them TV Republicans, and it doesn't stand for television, it stands for tunnel vision, because they need to take the blinders off and see the bigger picture. If they sit out the general election, the Democrat wins it by default, whichever one of the Three Stooges wins it. Guess what? In the next four years, there's going to be probably one, maybe two Supreme Court vacancies come up. Do they really want one of the three bozos over there appointing the next two Supreme Court justices? Is Clinton gonna appoint another Ginsburg, or is she going to do another Scalia? Is Obama going to appoint another Justice Thomas or is he going to do somebody like Breyer or Stevens? Do they really want a liberal appointing the next two Supreme Court justices? They need to take the blinders off, Rush. They need to look at the bigger vision and quit being tunnel vision Republicans.
RUSH: I understand what you're saying. I hate to tell you this, but she's not alone. I'm here to tell you, if either of these two guys get the nomination, it's going to destroy the Republican Party, it's going to change it forever, be the end of it. A lot of people aren't going to vote. You watch.
Wild Thing's comment........
The GOP is walking away from their conservative base and ticked because we won’t follow em down the path of destruction. So we will see what happens.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:40 AM | Comments (10)
January 15, 2008
Fred Thompson's Newest Ad "Always"
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (5)
January 14, 2008
Gun- Control Advocates Get Boost From Bush Administration
Bush administration backs gun regulation
A D.C. ban on home handguns may not be constitutional, the solicitor general tells the Supreme Court, but rights are limited and federal firearm restrictions should be upheld.
January 13, 2008
In their legal battle over gun ownership and the 2nd Amendment, gun- control advocates never expected to get a boost from the Bush administration.
But that's just what happened when U.S. Solicitor General Paul D. Clement urged the Supreme Court in a brief Friday to say that gun rights are limited and subject to "reasonable regulation" by the government and that all federal restrictions on firearms should be upheld.
Reasonable regulations include the federal ban on machine guns and other "particularly dangerous types of firearms," he said in the brief. Moreover, the government forbids gun possession by felons, drug users, "mental defectives" and people subject to restraining orders, he said.
"Given the unquestionable threat to public safety that unrestricted private firearm possession would entail, various categories of firearm-related regulation are permitted by the 2nd Amendment," Clement said. He filed the brief in a closely watched case involving Washington, D.C.'s ban on keeping handguns at home for self-defense.
The head of a gun-control group said he was pleasantly surprised by the solicitor general's stand.
Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Handgun Violence, said he saluted the administration for recognizing a need for limits on gun rights.
Alan Gura, a key gun-rights advocate who is leading the challenge to the District of Columbia's gun law, expressed disappointment at the administration's position. He said he was troubled that Clement advised the justices to send the case back for further hearings in a lower court.
"We are not happy. We are very disappointed the administration is hostile to individual rights. This is definitely hostile to our position," Gura said.
This year, for the first time, the court is expected to rule squarely on whether the 2nd Amendment gives individuals a right to have a gun despite laws or ordinances restricting firearms.
In the past, this amendment has sometimes been read as protecting only state militias. It says: "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
The case before the court tests the constitutionality of the District of Columbia's unusually restrictive ordinance. Clement, the Bush administration's chief lawyer before the court, agreed that the 2nd Amendment "protects an individual right to possess firearms, including for private purposes unrelated to militia operations." D.C.'s ban on handguns goes too far and is probably unconstitutional, he added.
A ruling along these lines would be a major victory for advocates of gun owners' rights.
But the solicitor general devoted most of his brief, filed late Friday, to urging the court to move cautiously and to make clear that the 2nd Amendment does not threaten most current restrictions on guns and gun owners.
Clement also said the court should stop short of striking down the D.C. ordinance on its own. Instead, he said, the case should be sent back to a trial judge.
"The D.C. ban may well fail constitutional scrutiny" he said, because it totally forbids private citizens from having a handgun at home.
But such a ruling should not threaten other laws, he said. "Nothing in the 2nd Amendment properly understood . . . calls for invalidation of the numerous federal laws regulating firearms."
Under Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft, the Bush administration in 2001 switched the Justice Department's long-standing support for gun control and adopted the view that the 2nd Amendment protects individuals' gun rights.
The solicitor general holds an unusual position in the government.
He is an appointee of the president in the Justice Department, representing the administration's view in court. At the same time, he has a duty to defend the laws passed by Congress, including in this instance the restrictions on machine guns and who can own a firearm.
The solicitor general is also an advisor to the Supreme Court. And usually, the briefs filed by his office carry more weight with the justices than any others.
The court will hear arguments in the D.C. case in late March.
Wild Thing's comment........
Well, this administration stuck the knife in conservatives’ backs a long time ago. May as well continue twisting it.
Our forefathers intended that right to be an absolute right, thus the very carefully chosen wording of the 2nd Amendment..."SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED..."
The NRA has released this press release expressing its disagreement with the DOJ brief: found at THIS website
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (16)
January 12, 2008
Rush: Huck "Absurd," Thompson "Stellar"
Rush: Huck "Absurd," Thompson "Stellar"
Rush begins by calling Huck's assertion that the Reagan coalition is dead and Republicans don't care about little people "absurd," then plays clips of Thompson's debate performance. Rush called Fred Thompson's performance "stellar."
Here’s some of the transcript:
THOMPSON: Governor Huckabee’s campaign manager said it accurately in terms of what they believe. They believe that it is over. This is a battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party and its future. On the one hand, you have a Reagan revolution; you have the Reagan coalition of limited government, and strong national security. On the other hand, you have the direction that Governor Huckabee would take us in. He would be a Christian leader, but he would also bring about liberal economic policies, liberal foreign policies.
RUSH: And, you know, now, this was unique. This has not happened to date in Republican debates with a Republican calling another Republican a liberal. And this is why Fred was considered to be on fire. He continued.
THOMPSON: He believes we have an arrogant foreign policy in the tradition of blame-America first. He believes that Guantanamo should be closed down and those enemy combatants brought here to the United States to find their way into the court system eventually. He believes in taxpayer funded programs for illegals, as he did in Arkansas. He has the endorsement of the National Education Association, and the NEA said it was because of his opposition to vouchers. He said he would sign a bill that banned smoking nationwide. So much for federalism, so much for state’s rights, so much for individual rights. That’s not the model of the Reagan coalition. That’s the model of the Democratic Party.
RUSH: Where has this been? Everybody is asking, “Where has this been,” besides on this program? Where has this been in the context of the Republican debates? When I got home from dinner last night and started checking e-mail both from friends and just others, it was just shy of orgasmic — there was so much excitement and happiness, and people were also frustrated, where’s this been? Fred’s finally come alive. This is an annunciation of the conservative agenda that has not been present in their debates before, and everybody has known, a lot of people have known it’s there. It just hasn’t surfaced. So now, because of Fred’s stellar performance last night — I should say Senator Thompson’s stellar performance, guess what’s happening? It’s predictable. The Drive-Bys, media commentators, the pundits who ought to be so ashamed of blowing New Hampshire as badly as they did, they shouldn’t be able to show their face, they suffer no embarrassment whatsoever, they are saying it’s too little, too late. We had two states. We had the Hawkeye Cauci; we’ve had New Hampshire. We had two states. It’s too late? Fred doesn’t have a chance? Just wait ’til we get to these states where there are full-fledged conservative Republicans, not like New Hampshire, where McCain won the election with Democrats and independents. Mitt Romney got a majority of the Republican vote in New Hampshire. But the Republicans, in a Republican primary, were outnumbered by Democrats and independents.
Wild Thing's comment........
We have no doubt now who Rush wants to win. I understand why he won’t endorse anyone. I was listening to Sean today and he appears to be waking up also. I hate to use an old cliche but the perfect storm is forming. History is happening and we are a part of something great.
The smallness of the times begs for greatness. The founders understood this. We are fortunate to follow their stride!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (12)
January 11, 2008
Fred Body Slams Huckster! Bada BOOM bada bing!
Fred on Huckabee and the Reagan Coalition
Fred Thompson quote:
"This is a battle over the heart and soul of the Republican party, and its future. One one hand, you have the Reagan Revolution and Coalition of limited government and strong national security. On the other hand, you have the direction that Governor Huckabee would take us in. He would be a Christian leader, but would also bring about liberal economic policies; liberal foreign policies. He believes we have an arrogant foreign policing, in the tradition of "blame America first". He believes Guantanamo should be closed down, and those enemy combatants brought here to the United States, to find their way into the court system, eventually. He believes in tax-payer funded programs for illegals, as he did in Arkansas. He has the endorsement of the National Education Association, and the NEA said it was because of his opposition to vouchers. He said he would sign a bill to ban smoking nationwide. So much for Federalism. So much for states rights. That's not a model of the Reagan Coalition. That's a model of the democratic party."
Other notes on the debate:
Asked about the United States response in a confrontation with Iranian speedboats, Fred Thompson said:
Fred on immigration and border security
Wild Thing's comment........
Holy Gorgonzola! That’s gonna leave a big, fat huckleberry mark. hahaha I love it!
God bless you Fred Thompson!
Fred Thompson owned the debate last night. He owned it. He dominated.
And Brit Hume won. He beat down Ron Paul beater than anyone else.
McCain, “Yes I do believe in Climate Change!” (note the new formulation “climate change” rather than “global warming”.
Ron Paul in a complete idiot and Mike Huckabee is his slightly smarter cousin!
If Fred makes it all the way, and please pray he does. I love thinking how he would slam dunk the opposing party candidate. OOHRAH!
This is from Jim Geraghty, NRO “The Campaign Spot”:
“Winner: Thompson. This performance was so commanding, I wanted his last answer to echo back to the lights in the back of the auditorium, blow out all the lamps and spotlights, for the theme to “the Natural” to play, and for him to trot around the stage in slow motion while sparks showered down in the background.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (14)
Rush Tells Evangelicals Look To Thompson For A REAL Conservative
Rush says Evangelicals should look at Fred Thompson if they're looking for a real conservative
Video ONE
Video TWO
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (6)
January 10, 2008
Wild Thing's comment........
Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter are the only real conservatives. Depending what happens with Hunter between now and then, I will vote for Fred Thompson. Please God bless our Nation with a conservative for President.
The Republican Party is fractured. It’s falling apart at the seams. When the party no longer respects its own vaunted principles and or no longer represents the views of the majority of its base, then it’s all over but the crying. Either the members select a conservative nominee or forget about claiming to be a conservative party supporting life and liberty. Also forget about ever winning another election.
On a lighter note:
Hillary was on a flight to Texas. There was a Cowboy sitting next to her on the flight. She told the Cowboy that the flights go faster if you strike up a conversation with the person next to you and asked if it was ok if she did with him. He said, 'I s'pose'. She asked if it was ok to talk about Iraq. He said, 'sure, but do you mind if I ask you a question?'. She said sure. He said, 'OK, deer, cows, and horses eat the same thing. But deer leave pellets behind, cows leave patties behind, and horses leave muffins behind. Why is that?' Hillary looked at him dumbfounded (you know, that normal look she has on her face) and said she did not know why that is. The Cowboy then says, 'how are you going to tell me something about Iraq, if you don't know $h!t?'
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (10)
January 09, 2008
NH Primary Notes
Wild Thing's comment........
Our troops deserve more than all of this. I just keep thinking how we are not only voting on a President, but also the next Commander In Chief. I can't not vote when the time comes, when I know how our troops are putting their lives on the line for our country and for all of us every day. But I sure hope and pray as the time passes in these next weeks and months we will have a conservative winning.
Kind of interesting thing Nick and I noticed. All of them thanked their spouces except for Barack Hussein Obama. Not that it has as much to do with love as it does with power hungry ego I think.
On Edwards and this is something I would love a reporter to ask him or a voter to ask him. Since you keep bringing up the Veterans that sleep under bridges what have YOU done John Edwards to help Veterans? Did you start any bills in our government to keep promises to Vets? Did you head up any programs or bills to look into the VA hospitals and the care or lack of care they offer? Have you done anything for Veterans at all? POW's ? You spend $400 on a hair cut, and I could care less if you can afford it, but if you have such burning concern for our Veterans you could have paid for hair cuts, for a whole floor at a VA Hospital, or you and your wife could have sent awesome care packages to our troops. So you John Edwards are full of crap.
Another thing about last night, I wonder why McCain needed to have a written speech. Weird I think. He is the only one that had a speech he read. If I had to make a speech about something I was passionate about let's say our troops or Veterans, good lord I could do it in a split second with no notes. And if I was running for President ( yuk no way) but if I was, I sure as heck would not need a written speech just to say thank you for voting for me and thank you to those that worked their glutes off in that primary.
Just some of my thoughts about this latest primary.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (15)
January 08, 2008
Duncan Hunter Not Quiting
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (4)
January 07, 2008
Retired Brig.Gen.Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager Re:Duncan Hunter
Yeager, in backing Hunter, cites candidate's experience
Chuck Yeager says Duncan Hunter has "The Right Stuff."
So when the Republican's supporters felt wronged that their candidate was excluded from recent debates, the aviation legend took action. He teamed up with former U.S. Sen. Bob Smith, R-N.H., on Saturday to host a radio talk show for Hunter in an effort to reach thousands of likely voters.
"Duncan is the only one I know who is running for President who is not trying to buy his way into the White House," Yeager said in a telephone interview last night from his home in California.
Hunter, a congressman from California, is soldiering on in the grassroots spirit of the New Hampshire presidential primary.
"Mike Huckabee has his Chuck, I've got mine," Hunter said in Manchester. "He's got Chuck Norris on the ground. I've got my Chuck at 30,000 feet."
Hunter is a long-time member of the House Armed Services Committee, and past chairman. Despite being kept off stage in the ABC and Fox News debates this weekend, he placed third in the Wyoming GOP caucus Saturday.
Yeager has known Hunter for decades. His son served with Hunter in the Vietnam war. Despite his candidate barely registering in polls, he is not considering others at this point. Not even Sen. John McCain, another veteran with foreign policy experience.
"John McCain cries and whimpers too much," Yeager said. "No one has half the experience as Duncan Hunter."
Wild Thing's comment........
We all know the left truly are the enemies of our country and it's future. There are only two conservatives left running against the dems, Thompson and Hunter. It isn't over yet for any of them, I just keep hoping things turn around and one of these leads the way. Hunter would be awesome as my first choice. Thompson would be ok too.
This election will effect so many things, our country, our military, our strength in the world, small business, big business, our borders, our security the list goes on and on. There are moments of throwing in the towell, with the media doing there best to mess with this election, keeping people out of debates etc. But until we know who we end up with there is still that ray of hope.
Hunter took 3rd in the recent Wyoming Republican caucus which vaulted him from obscurity to the top tier of candidates with whom he expects to appear at the next debates following being excluded from the past two.
There is also an excellent letter here......Why Chuck Yeager supports Duncan Hunter.........
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (13)
Fred Thompson Interview with Bill Hemmer on Fox
Presidential candidate Thompson talks about last night's debate and his propects in New Hampshire and South Carolina.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:44 AM | Comments (4)
January 06, 2008
Glenn Beck's Iowa/Huckabee/Romney Take
Wild Thing's comment.........
Glenn Beck had surgery and that is why he is in bed doing this video above. My understanding is that it was some sort of back surgery, and it didn't go well. The pain and associated medication for it was what nearly drove him to suicide.
Back pain is bad pain.
The spinal column is an incredible creation. "Fearfully and wonderfully made." When it's not working right it can be incredibly painful.
From his website.........
“Glenn Beck has filmed a monologue on the apparently botched surgery he had and posted it on YouTube. He talks about contemplating suicide because of pain. He calls his care at a yet-to-be-named hospital “phenomenal, phenomenally bad.”He went on, “I have stories that will melt your brain.” The hospital in question also apparently takes care of, says Beck, “the President of GE”.
He’s off the air this week and back on Monday. The YouTube ramble is a tease for his return. He also posted a note on his website that ends, “Join me [Monday] for my NEW PERSPECTIVE ON LIFE, OUR HEALTH CARE SYSTEM AND BLOOD SHOOTING FROM PLACES BLOOD SHOULD NOT SHOOT OUT OF.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (6)
January 05, 2008
New Hampshire GOP Pulls Support For FOX Debate
New Hampshire GOP Pulls Support For FOX Debate
The New Hampshire Republican Party announced Saturday that it will no longer support a Republican candidate’s forum scheduled for Sunday on FOX.
Party officials decided to withdraw as co-sponsers after candidates California Rep. Duncan Hunter and Texas Rep. Ron Paulwere left uninvited.
Hunter posted only tiny percentage in Iowa disqualifying him under the criteria set by FOX, but remains in the race.
Having never received an initial invitation, Paul’s capture of 10% in Iowa Thursday, still did not convince organizers to allow his participation.
New Hampshire Republican Party Chairman Fergus Cullen released a statement Saturday making the separation official.
“The first-in-the-nation New Hampshire primary serves a national purpose by giving all candidates an equal opportunity on a level playing field. Only in New Hampshire do lesser known, lesser funded underdogs have a fighting chance to establish themselves as national figures. Consistent with that tradition, we believe all recognized major candidates should have an equal opportunity to participate in pre-primary debates and forums,” wrote Cullen.
“This principle applies to tonight’s debates on ABC as well as Sunday’s planned forum on FOX. The New Hampshire Republican Party believes Congressmen Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter should be included in the FOX forum on Sunday evening. Our mutual efforts to resolve this difference have failed,” he continued.
“While we understand that FOX News continues to move forward it is with regret, the New Hampshire Republican Party hereby withdraws as a partner in this forum.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
I am ticked off, two debates doing this and in AMERICA!!!! Maybe this will force them to work it out and have the debate with Hunter and Paul.
Or not enough time to work it out not sure. But this is wrong in every way there is!
Cutting off candidates who are still in the race is not part of what a real Republic does.
If the others had any balls, they would all say “We support the NH Republican Party stance and will not debate unless all candidates are allowed in”
Hunter has the most experience and background to be president and is marginalized
I realize there is football, Yipeee!!! Maybe the ratings will be low for the debtes nd show them how we can watch one of America's sports instead of being told we are only allowed their pick of debators.
....Thank you Les for the heads up about this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:14 PM | Comments (5)
Coughlin Pentagon Islamist Analyst Sacked! ~ WTF
Coughlin sacked
By Bill Gertz
January 4, 2008
Stephen Coughlin, the Pentagon specialist on Islamic law and Islamist extremism, has been fired from his position on the military's Joint Staff. The action followed a report in this space last week revealing opposition to his work for the military by pro-Muslim officials within the office of Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England.
Mr. Coughlin was notified this week that his contract with the Joint Staff will end in March, effectively halting the career of one of the U.S. government's most important figures in analyzing the nature of extremism and ultimately preparing to wage ideological war against it.
He had run afoul of a key aide to Mr. England, Hasham Islam, who confronted Mr. Coughlin during a meeting several weeks ago when Mr. Islam sought to have Mr. Coughlin soften his views on Islamist extremism.
Mr. Coughlin was accused directly by Mr. Islam of being a Christian zealot or extremist "with a pen," according to defense officials. Mr. Coughlin appears to have become one of the first casualties in the war of ideas with Islamism.
The officials said Mr. Coughlin was let go because he had become "too hot" or controversial within the Pentagon.
Misguided Pentagon officials, including Mr. Islam and Mr. England, have initiated an aggressive "outreach" program to U.S. Muslim groups that critics say is lending credibility to what has been identified as a budding support network for Islamist extremists, including front groups for the radical Muslim Brotherhood.
Mr. Coughlin wrote a memorandum several months ago based on documents made public in a federal trial in Dallas that revealed a covert plan by the Muslim Brotherhood, an Egyptian-origin Islamist extremist group, to subvert the United States using front groups. Members of one of the identified front groups, the Islamic Society of North America, has been hosted by Mr. England at the Pentagon.
After word of the confrontation between Mr. Coughlin and Mr. Islam was made public, support for Mr. Coughlin skyrocketed among those in and out of government who feared the worst, namely that pro-Muslim officials in the Pentagon were after Mr. Coughlin's scalp, and that his departure would be a major setback for the Pentagon's struggling efforts to develop a war of ideas against extremism.
This is from December 28th
"Pro-Muslim officials at the Pentagon are putting political pressure on one of the U.S. military's most important specialists on Islamist extremism, according to defense officials...." "There is also evidence that a whispering campaign is under way to try and discredit Mr. (Steve) Coughlin..." ...from Washington Times
Wild Thing's comment........
Mr. Coughlin wrote a memorandum several months ago based on documents made public in a federal trial in Dallas that revealed a covert plan by the Muslim Brotherhood, an Egyptian-origin Islamist extremist group, to subvert the United States using front groups. Members of one of the identified front groups, the Islamic Society of North America, has been hosted by Mr. England at the Pentagon.
Well, now, we can't have anyone revealing the truth, can we? Islam is not going to have to attack us with force again - they will literally have infiltrated and taken over all of our institutions within about 10 years.
This is not a small matter. We are never going to win this war if we refuse to look at the truth and correctly identify the enemy. Not only that, but we are allowing that very enemy to dictate the parameters of discussion deep within the bowels of our own military establishment!
This bodes ill for America. This is very, very bad!!
NOTE this as well:
American Congress for Truth
comment by Jerry Gordon
Stephen Coughlin is the Islam Law ‘go to guy’ on the Pentagon Joint Staff. Coughlin is the author of a brief on Islamic law and Jihadist doctrine that has recently been cleared by both the Joint Staff and DIA for publication. I have copies of Coughlin’s documents and they are both informative and clearly delineate the canon of Poltical Islam that drives and compels Jihad among Muslim adherents.
In today’s Washington Times “Inside the Ring” column of Bill Gertz, there is disclosure of an alleged effort by an aide to Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon R. England, Hasham Islam, to have Coughlin ‘ease up’ on his criticism of Islam. Why? Because Hasham Islam, is endeavoring to protect an effort by his boss, Deputy Secretary England, to reach out to the American Muslim community.
This includes a meeting in Apri, 2007 with an unindicted co-conspirator cited in the recent Federal Dallas Holy Land Foundation trial, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). Coughlin’s brief and paper are based on public citations, including the Koran, Hadiths, and legal rulings and are cast in a presentation on Political Islam and what drives the Jihadis. Some senior Joint staff officers privately agree that Coughlin’s briefings make sense. Unit commanders from the battalion through brigade levels with experience in both Iraq and Afghanistan who have read or heard Coughlin’s presentations agree with his conclusions.
Apparently, Deputy Defense Secretary England hasn’t had the opportunity to review Coughlin’s brief. But then he has Hasham Islam running interference- a bit of irony, that. Because Coughlin has gone out of his way to raise concerns about England’s meeting earlier this year with officials of the ISNA, a Muslim Brotherhood front group in the US, Hasham Islam is out to some how get Coughlin by fair means or foul.
That means that the Islamists are inside the Pentagon. But then Hasham Islam has a privileged perch in the executive or E-ring inside England’s office.
In January, 2007, Deputy Secretary England was at the Herzliya Conference in Israel, where he received the Henry M. “Scoop” Jackson Distinguished Service Award from the The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). In his acceptance speech entitled, ‘Freedom is Never More Than One Generation Away From Extinction’, England drew attention at one point to his outreach to the American Muslim community. He noted:
It’s also not a question of religion or nationality. I’ve spent some time reaching out to Muslim-American communities, who are woven in an absolutely integral way into the diverse fabric of American life. It turns out that Muslim-Americans - who come from many different national backgrounds and sects - are, on the whole, more successful economically than the average U.S. population.
This matter of possible infiltration of Islamists inside the No. 2 Defense position raises some concern about the obsessive politically correct DoD. Let us ask ourselves a question. Does the Deputy Secretary have outreach officers on his staff to Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Confucians, Hindus, B’Hai, Zoroastrians, Wiccans and garden variety atheists? Assuming the answer is no, then clearly he is bending over backwards to address complaints from Muslim Brotherhood front groups. Pity. He just might have to give back that Henry M. “Scoop” Jackson award that JINSA gave him in Israel.
Bill Gertz, Inside the Ring, The Washington Times, December 28, 2007
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (15)
ABC Cuts 3 From Today's Presidential Debate
Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich filed a complaint with the FCC on Friday after ABC News excluded him, fellow Democrat Mike Gravel and Republican Duncan Hunter from its prime-time debates on Saturday. Kucinich argued that ABC is violating equal-time provisions by keeping him out of the debate and noted that ABC's parent Walt Disney Co. had contributed to campaigns involving the four Democrats who were invited.
"ABC should not be the first primary," the Ohio congressman said in papers filed at the Federal Communications Commission.
ABC said the candidates left out of the debates failed to meet benchmarks for their support that were outlined to each campaign prior to the Iowa caucus. Kucinich did not complain about these rules ahead of time, said spokeswoman Cathie Levine, who had no further comment since she hasn't seen the FCC filing.
ABC said it hoped to encourage more conversation and interaction among the candidates during the debates, which will both be moderated by Charles Gibson. The stakes are high as candidates take the stage three days before the New Hampshire primary.
The Republican debate will include Mike Huckabee, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul.
It starts Saturday, January 5th, today, at 7 p.m. EST.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Republican starts at 7 pm followed by the Democratic at 9 pm..... Both sessions are to be 90 minutes each.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (14)
January 04, 2008
Fred Thompson To Supporters After Iowa Caucuses
There are two different video's to see in this post.
Fred spoke to supporters after his third-place finish in the Iowa Caucuses.This is from last night.
"It's not about me! "It's not about you!
"It's not even about Iowa!
"It's about our country - America!!!
"On to the next dance!"
~~ Fred Thompson
I thought this one was also good.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:44 AM | Comments (8)
January 03, 2008
With Love from Iowa, Liberal's and Rino's Welcome
LAST UPDATE Jan-03-200809:26 PM Central Standard Time
Precincts Reporting: 1393 Of 1784 78%
Republican Caucus
Mike Huckabee 31508 33%
Mitt Romney 23682 25%
John McCain 12520 13%
Fred Thompson 12484 13%.Third place is not bad. Keep praying!!!
Ron Paul 9132 10%
Rudy Giuliani 3321 4%
Duncan Hunter 395 1%
Tom Tancredo 3 1%
Or from Fox News
Source: Fox News on Television.....22:29 EST
Republicans % Precincts Reporting 78 %
Huckabee 34
Romney 25
Thompson 13
McCain 13
Democrats: Precincts Reporting 96 %
Obama 38
Edwards 30
Clinton 29
Richardson 2
Latest update at 12:49 a.m. 1-4-08
1546 of 1781 Precincts Reporting - 87%
Name Party Votes Vote %
Huckabee, Mike GOP 35,621 34%
Romney, Mitt GOP 26,524 25%
Thompson, Fred GOP 13,932 13%
McCain, John GOP 13,693 13%
Paul, Ron GOP 10,184 10%
Giuliani, Rudy GOP 3,613 3%
Hunter, Duncan GOP 458 0%
Tancredo, Tom GOP 3 0%
Bill Clinton's wife
The Queen is not amused.
Bill will try to calm her down by reminding her that he only got 3% of the vote in Iowa in '92 and still ended up being a two term President. She'll probably throw an iron from the hotel closet at him.
PS: No ashtrays, the Clinton camp is a strictly non smoking environment as per the fuhrer. No cigars for Bill.
What the heck is it with the idiots in Iowa anyway voting for Huckabee like they did. .
Did Huckabee tell Iowa's televangalist zombies to touch their TV screens????
Ron Paul
Will Ron Paul finally shut up? I doubt it with all that money.
President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama...IF that happens I will throw up!!
Not a good day of Iowans showing themselves as Conservatives.
Fox News
Hey Fox do you think you could stop pushing rino's at us and just go back to reporting the news? Fox WAS fair—I always thought so—but NOW they are clearly slanting campaign coverage in a biased way when it comes to Thompson.
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:47 PM | Comments (6)
Why Conservatism Matters Most ~ Rush Limbugh
Taken from a transcript at Rush Limbugh's website
Here is the complete audio..............
Audio of transcript
Below is just small part of all that was said, so I am putting the highlights here...............
Let me ask the question again I just asked about Senator McCain. If somebody told you that a conservative was someone who supported amnesty for illegal aliens, who supported limiting free political speech (McCain-Feingold) who embraced the ACLU's brief for terrorist detainees getting US constitutional rights. If someone told you that a conservative is someone who opposed tax cuts during the Bush administration, and has recently confirmed he would do it again, what would you say? Most likely you would say, "Hell no! That's not a conservative." Yet I just described to you several of Senator McCain's positions over the years. Now, the idea that he's a great conservative in this race is an affront to conservatives.
So it doesn't matter to the Drive-Bys, anyway. It would mean that in November, there is no conservative -- quote, "real thoroughbred conservative" -- running, and if we don't have anybody on the ballot on the Republican side who is a conservative and who is willing to say he's a conservative and espouse those principles, we are going to lose.
The Northeast liberal Republican elites are going to be loving the whole campaign because they think that their ideas have regained prominence and power in the Republican Party all before it goes down to defeat in a massive landslide. So the question that you ask is: "What do we want?" Now, this notion -- getting back to the question asked by the guy from Grand Rapids, Michigan -- who else has conservative bona fides? Ladies and gentlemen (sigh), Governor Huckabee -- who might be a fine man, and is a great Christian -- is not a conservative. He's just not. If you look at his record, as governor, he's got some conservative tendencies on things, but he's certainly not the most conservative of the candidates running on the Republican side. There are other aspects, too, which, if I wanted to, I could spend time getting into. But I didn't start this program today on Huckabee because I didn't want people to think that the whole point here was to focus on Huckabee, and I'm going to keep some of the powder dry here because I don't want to be accused of piling on. But if people are going to ask me questions, I'm not going to shirk from them and try to hem-haw around. So there you have it.
Now, my friends, I'm sorry here. I haven't spent a lifetime, and particularly the last 23 years on radio, advocating conservative principles only to throw them away to embrace some candidate. I don't support open borders and amnesty, as does Governor Huckabee. I don't support the release of hundreds of criminals. I don't support repeated increases in taxes. I don't support national health care. I don't care what you call it, whether it's in the name of the children or not. I don't support anti-war rhetoric that sounds as if it was written by Nancy Pelosi. And yet I'm being asked to put all that aside in the midst of a Republican primary. As I've tried to point out countless times, a primary is a time to sort these things out. Now, I, speaking for myself, am not going to put aside my principles to accommodate a single politician or campaign operative, period. Too much is at stake here. And being asked to do this, to put all this aside for any single issue is not the point.
Now, I don't want somebody in the White House who has no problem with abortion. I don't want anybody in the White House who thinks that it's okay and that we ought not do anything about it. Don't misunderstand. But I also don't want anybody to misunderstand what a president can actually do about it and how far a president can actually take the issue. It's about judges, if your concern is overturning Roe vs. Wade. If it's not, if you realize that's going to be a ways down the line and yet we want to do something about abortion prior to that then it's about changing minds and hearts. There are several ways of going about doing that, and one of the ways is not wagging your finger in people's faces and telling them they're sinning or telling them they're wrong, you're just going to seal their resolve against you. I think we're in the process of changing minds and hearts. I think abortion figures are falling. I think as generations grow and change, there's a greater repugnance attached to the whole practice. It is not an 80% majority issue, pro-choice isn't. It's not even 50% now. Progress is being made on this. But I'm not going to sit here and put aside all of these things that I believe in and have worked for and that I know work.
One of the most frustrating things to me about this entire Republican primary is sitting out there right in front of us for all of us to see. I don't care how far you want to go back, if you want to go back to Buckley and Russell Kirk, if you want to go back to Edmund Burke, if you want to go back to Goldwater, you can do that and you can find how conservatism has positively influenced change in this country. But all you have to do, if you don't want to go that far back, all you gotta do is go back to 1980. Now, I realize a lot of people get sick and tired of hearing about Ronald Reagan because there isn't another Reagan out there, Reagan was a unique individual and so forth. I'm not pining away for somebody to be Ronald Reagan. What I am asking some Republican to see is that Ronald Reagan won two landslides coming off of a Jimmy Carter four years of malaise. Following Ronald Reagan, in 1994 we took back the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years, and we did this with conservative principles. What frustrates me is why the latest current crop of Republicans wants to ignore that and think that there's a better way, when the evidence that shows progress, both economic, social, you name it, national security, defeating the Soviets in the Cold War, it's all there. And why it is eschewed, why it is ignored, is something I've long told you this, in different ways, starting in the early days of this primary campaign. I've warned you that one of the things that concerns me most about all this is how conservatism is going to be redefined so as to fit whatever the current crop of candidates said it is. There's a bunch of these guys running around saying they're Reagan. None of them are. There's not one Reagan conservative -- well, I can't say there's not one, there may be one.
But the bottom line, the point is that the lessons are clear on whatever issue you want to raise: national security, taxes, economics, individual prosperity, domestic security. It's all there: How to beat liberals; how to beat Democrats; how to take power from them. It's all there. The frustrating thing to me is it's being ignored. Or, some people are trying to redefine it. And I think I understand why, given some of the candidates here, based on the geography of their lives and where they live, it's embarrassing to admit they're a conservative because it causes them to be identified with a bunch of people they don't want to be identified with when they go to parties or engage in their social life or what have you, all of which is profoundly frustrating to me, which is when I'm called an elite, I have to just chuckle. So that's what's frustrating to me. But I'll tell you something else that's frustrating to me. I've been behind this microphone 19-and-a-half years, behind a microphone during this type of show for 23 years, going back to 1984. And yet, identity politics, which is that politics practiced by the left, still is not seen through. Single-issue can cause people to end up choosing or supporting somebody, something, some candidate that is truly anathema to the rest of the lives that they lead. But we keep plugging away. But just don't ask me to compromise my principles. You want to compromise yours, fine, but don't ask me to make you feel better by joining you.
Wild Thing's comment........
Sorry it is so long, but I wanted you all to see this. Rush is right on with what he has said. We have all said similar things on here as well. I am so fed up with selling out to rino's.
Add to all of this the lies that have been made by so called conservatives like Huckabee and what he said about John Bolton. This totally has me outraged!!!!!!!!!
Look at this........
"Huckabee told reporters in Iowa recently that he was being advised by John Bolton, the former US ambassador to the United Nations. But Bolton has said he never talked with Huckabee. Huckabee then said he had sent an e-mail to Bolton."
John Bolton IS a conservtive and I trust HIM NOT Huckabee. John Bolton has consistently shown to be a man of honor!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (13)
December 31, 2007
Fred’s Message to Iowa Voters
Fred’s Message to Iowa Voters
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is excellent well worth watching and listening to.
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:33 AM | Comments (9)
Take on Fred Thompson's Video To Iowa
Fred Thompson’s closing argument to the people of Iowa.
By Peter Robinson
Whereas Romney is saturating the airwaves with attack ads, Thompson pays the voters the courtesy of speaking calmly, and in detail—the video runs to just over 15 minutes. Why should the good Republicans of Iowa support Thompson? Because, the candidate argues, he can win.
" I believe I am the only candidate in this race who can bring our party to victory in the fall. First, because of the firmness of my principles and the trust that that engenders. Secondly, because of the detailed program I’ve put before the people. Third, because I've been tried and tested — and I’m a known quantity in public life.But, most of all, I think I know how to talk to the American people about the opposition and the danger their victory would pose to the principles we hold dear."
In the passage I found the most striking, Thompson does something no other Republican contender has attempted: appeal to Democrats.
" You know, when I'm asked which of the current group of Democratic candidates I prefer to run against, I always say it really doesn't matter…These days all those candidates, all the Democratic leaders, are one and the same. They’re all NEA-MoveOn.org-ACLU-Michael Moore Democrats. They’ve allowed these radicals to take control of their party and dictate their course.So this election is important not just to enact our conservative principles. This election is important to salvage a once-great political party from the grip of extremism and shake it back to its senses. It's time to give not just Republicans but independents, and, yes, good Democrats a chance to call a halt to the leftward lurch of the once-proud party of working people.
So in seeking the nomination of my own party, I want to say something a little unusual. I am asking my fellow Republicans to vote for me not only for what I have to say to them, but for what I have to say to the members of the other party—the millions of Democrats who haven't left the Democratic party so much as their party's national leadership has left them."
This is reminiscent of Reagan’s talk to the people of North Carolina in 1976. Simple, straightforward, modest production values—just the candidate in front of an American flag and an Iowa flag—but (to use the word again) compelling. Reagan’s 1976 talk enabled him to recover after a string of primary defeats, winning in North Carolina, then going on to come within a handful of delegates of wresting the nomination from Ford. Will Thompson’s talk move voters in Iowa? Does his campaign have the money to get it on the air? Throughout the state? Or even in a few of the most important markets? Beats me. But we have here a serious man, making a serious case—and doing so in the context of a campaign that has otherwise descended into mere caterwauling.
Even at this late hour, I wouldn’t count Fred out.
Wild Thing's comment........
Maybe the tortoise is going to beat the hares. Slow and steady just might win the race.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (10)
December 30, 2007
Thompson A Contrast to Manic Mitt and Apology Huckster
Thompson: Too Much Belly Fire Not Good
Fred Thompson said Saturday he's not consumed with winning the White House and that a president with too much fire in the belly is not necessarily a good thing in a dangerous world.
"I like to say that I'm only consumed by very, very few things and politics is not one of them," Thompson said at a town hall meeting in nearby Burlington. "The welfare of my country and my kids and grandkids are one of them. But if people really want in their president a super type-A personality, someone who has gotten up every morning and gone to bed every night thinking about for years how they could achieve the presidency of the United States, someone who could look you straight in the eye and say they enjoy every minute of campaigning — I ain't that guy."
Thompson said some candidates have become too absorbed by the process and have lost sight of the ultimate need to serve the country.
"Nowadays, it's all about fire in the belly," he said. "I'm not sure in the world we live in today it's a terribly good thing that a president has too much fire in his belly."
Burlington attorney Todd Chelf, whose question elicited Thompson's response, said he appreciated the reply.
"It's almost refreshing to see that kind of response as opposed to what we get normally," he said. "I think there's a passion there. I think that it's an old-fashioned passion."
"I am not consumed by personal ambition," Thompson said. "I will not be devastated if I don't do it. I'm not particularly interested in running for president." He said others encouraged him to run and he decided it was the right thing to do.
"I approached it from a standpoint ... of kind of a marriage," he said. "You know if one side of the marriage has to be really talked into the marriage, you know it probably ain't going to be a good deal for either one of them. But if you mutually think that this is a good thing — in this case you think it's a good thing for the country — then you have an opportunity to do some wonderful things together. I'm offering myself up. I'm saying that I have the background and capability and the concern to do this."
However, he said people who question his commitment should realize that he dropped lucrative television and radio contracts to run and no longer accepts paid speaking tours to make the run.
"I and my family have made sacrifices for me to be sitting here today," he said. "I haven't had any income for a long time because I'm doing this. I guess a man would have to be a total fool to do all those things and to be leaving his family, which is not a joyful thing at all, if he didn't want to do it."
Thompson said he just wants voters to know what to expect from him.
"I go out of my way to be myself cause I don't want anybody to think they're getting something they're not getting," he said. "I'm not consumed by this process. I'm not consumed with the notion of being president. I'm simply saying I'm willing to do what's necessary to achieve it if I'm in synch with the people and if the people want me or somebody like me."
At his stop in the community of Washington, Thompson joked about Democrat John Edwards, who had an event at the same time just a few blocks away.
"I understand my friend John Edwards is in town. He's over at the library. I hope he learns something while he's over there," Thompson said. "I like our bus better. Go out and check them out."
Wild Thing's comment........
"I understand my friend John Edwards is in town. He's over at the library. I hope he learns something while he's over there," Thompson said. LOL!!
"Thompson said some candidates have become too absorbed by the process and have lost sight of the ultimate need to serve the country."
Absolutely spot on!
I have mentioned on here how I wish Fred Thompson had fire in his belly, I know others on here have said the same thing. This is a two fold feeling I have from this.
One, is how nice it is to have someone running that is not the typical politician, such as a person like Obama that has wanted this since he was a kid ( the power and position), and someone like Hillary that has directed her life and marriage to get herself in a place of power OVER the people and take things away from them for their own good as she has said. Or so many others on both sides of the fence that are obviously eating and sleeping their goal of obtaining the power of being the President of the most powerful country in the world. Willing to sell their soul to the devil to get there, and take us along with them and our country into some nightmare of socialism and or global new world order as BOTH the Bush's have directed their terms.
It is refreshing like the man with the question said in the article. It feels clean and good and strong and not someone more concerned with the power as much as wanting to do something for his country. That can never be a bad thing.
The other side of the coin is the passion., that fire in the belly that was mentioned. I know about passion I live my life from it and with it 24/7. It uses a lot of energy to have it believe me and I am a B personality not a Type A, but it does keep a person from brining out. It drives ones soul even when exhausted, it stirs the deepest part of ones being to keep on and never give up.
When faced with foe on any topic it sends alarms off inside ones gut, and the backbone to not weaken and stay strong even if it is not popular with those demanding you to go along with the crowd and take the low road on something.
Passion not obsession and there is a difference. Mitt, Huck, Obama, Rudy, Hillary, McCain, and the others have obsession and there is a huge difference. Obsession causes a person to make mistakes, to lower their standards, to lie to try and reach their goals, to deceive at any cost to get the power they crave.
All of this of course is my opinion, but because of having passion I have thought a lot about it, the why, and how it works.
Even this blog is a form of my passion. Passion for our military, for our Veterans wanting to make sure they know how much they mean to me, and to my living in the land of the free.
My passion for politics knowing to stick ones head in the sand IMO is not being a good American, I prefer to be a citizen living on the field when others live in apathy and sit comfortably in the stands of life. They never have the feeling the extreme pride in our Nation, tears in their eyes and their heart swelling with tremendous pride in those that made all this possible, this country America, compared to those not caring as long as it does not effect their drive to work or their getting the morning paper.
Fred mentioned he has not been paid since he started his campaign. OK let me just say this, as an actress( retired) and Nick as a Stuntman and actor ( retired) we receive residuals. Checks that come in the mail from Screen Actors Guild, on a monthly basis. These are paid out to us from former movies, and TV shows we were on. The more they run these things the less the check becomes, but it is still income. And we pay taxes on it which also proves it is income. Fred Thompson, I think he is a good man and I would for him to win. But I just want to clear up his statement as to no income. He has worked a lot in showbiz and therefore when they air let's say " Law and Order" for instance he will receive residuals for every show he has done. And that is for life and on as the checks will also be sent to the person that is his beneficiary. I am not saying he lied, I know what he means, he means recent newly made income and yes he is right, he has stopped all his work to run for President.
If I could speak with Fred Thompson I would say everything I have written in this post and only add this.
Mr. Thompson, fire in the belly is not a bad thing, obsession is and totally sick. But fire in ones gut, passion for wanting to give back, passion for loving this country so much, and being concerned and outraged at how it has made a LEFT turn headed for socialism, PC ruling even our military causing more accidents, more injuries that never had to happen. THAT is fire in the belly and THAT is a passion I pray you obtain. Till then you and Duncan Hunter will be my choice for President. If one of these do not make it, America will be in serious trouble I think.
And I would ask he read this.......................
" It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
Shame on the man of cultivated taste who permits refinement to develop into fastidiousness that unfits him for doing the rough work of a workaday world.
Among the free peoples who govern themselves there is but a small field of usefulness open for the men of cloistered life who shrink from contact with their fellows. Still less room is there for those who deride of slight what is done by those who actually bear the brunt of the day; nor yet for those others who always profess that they would like to take action, if only the conditions of life were not exactly what they actually are.
The man who does nothing cuts the same sordid figure in the pages of history, whether he be a cynic, or fop, or voluptuary.
There is little use for the being whose tepid soul knows nothing of great and generous emotion, of the high pride, the stern belief, the lofty enthusiasm, of the men who quell the storm and ride the thunder. Well for these men if they succeed; well also, though not so well, if they fail, given only that they have nobly ventured, and have put forth all their heart and strength.
It is war-worn Hotspur, spent with hard fighting, he of the many errors and valiant end, over whose memory we love to linger, not over the memory of the young lord who "but for the vile guns would have been a valiant soldier."
Pres. Theodore Roosevelt
"The Man In The Arena"
Speech at the Sorbonne
Paris, France ~ April 23, 1910
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (9)
December 29, 2007
Fred Thompson on Federalism
Fred Thompson on Federalism
Before anything else, folks in Washington ought to be asking first and foremost, "Should government be doing this? And if so, then at what level of government?" But they don't.
- Fred Thompson
There is a video at his site and also a lengthy article he wrote on the subject of Federalism. Both are very good.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (9)
December 28, 2007
Bush Plans Trip To Israel ~ But Look At Who Will Protect Him
Terrorists' new mission: Protect President Bush
Most active West Bank militant group in security team for Middle East visit
JERUSALEM – Members of the most active West Bank terror organization are set to participate in security forces being deployed to protect President Bush during his visit to the Palestinian territories next month.
Bush is due in the region Jan. 9 as part of a follow-up to last month's U.S.-led Israeli-Palestinian Annapolis summit.
During his trip, the American president is scheduled to hold talks with Israeli leaders in Jerusalem, and meet quickly with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank city of Ramallah.
According to Israeli security officials coordinating deployments of forces with the PA for Bush's Ramallah visit, members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Fatah's declared military wing, have been called upon by the PA to participate in the protection of Bush's convoy and in securing the perimeter during the meeting with Abbas.
The Brigades is listed as a terror organization by the U.S. State Department. The group took credit along with the Islamic Jihad terror organization for every suicide bombing in Israel between 2005 and 2006, and is responsible for thousands of shootings and rocket firings. Statistically, the Al Aqsa Brigades perpetuated more terrorism from the West Bank than Hamas, according to the Israeli Defense Forces.
Many Brigades members, including the group's chiefs, serve openly in Fatah's Force 17 presidential guard units and the Palestinian Preventative Security Services; thousands of Force 17 and Preventative officers are slated to secure Ramallah during Bush's visit there.
The Israeli Defense Forces will protect the main West Bank highway Bush's convoy will use to approach Ramallah. Security for Bush will be largely turned over to the Palestinians once he enters Ramallah, although security plans are being heavily coordinated with the U.S.
According to Israeli security officials, over 6,000 Fatah forces will be deployed in three rings in central Ramallah to secure the area during Bush's brief stay, including Palestinian security officers who also serve in the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.
Wild Thing's comment........
I hope this pans out to be one of the NOT true articles from WND, but many of theirs have been true. Either way this is horrendous that the President would be protected at all by terrorists. Why can't they have Blackwater if it is too much to get ONLY the IDF to guard Bush. sheesh I would never want to be guarded by terrorists no matter what.
....Thank you Les for the link and information.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (12)
December 26, 2007
'Twas the week before Caucus
'Twas the week before Caucus
from The Federalists
'Twas the week before Caucus, and all through the state,
Not a creature was stirring, the blizzard won't wait.
But conservatives were troubled by scary dreams,
That some of the players weren't who they seemed.The candidate's finish seemed to be set,
But the events of '03 some seemed to forget.
With Kerry in the polls at just four percent,
But out of Iowa with a victory he went."Fred's not got a chance," the pundits did chatter,
"If you think that he does, you're mad as a hatter."
These are the "experts" who got it all wrong,
When four years ago they sang their proud song.They were so sure it would be Howard Dean,
Who'd take Iowa by storm,'cause he led by thirteen.
But Iowa voters made 'em eat their words,
When poor Mr. Dean finished no better than third.This time it's the Huckster who's up in the lead,
And would have you think that it's all a done deed.
But each time that the governor opens his mouth,
He says things that make his voters go south.Mitt Romney is struck with a similar affliction,
He's told tall tales that have proved to be fiction.
Poor Rudy has fallen almost out of sight,
For his political postions are not on the right.On LA Times! On Politico's Roger Simon!
On with the hit pieces! On with the lyin'!
It'll do you no good! It won't stop big Fred!
His '94 victory turned their faces all red!With many undecided and even more who might switch,
Predicting Iowa is really a b*tch.
Fred Thompson knows as he heads down the stretch,
There's plenty of votes that he can still fetch.So he's off on a bus tour of the good Haweye State,
After winning hands down the most recent debate.
Mitt got Tancredo, but Fred got Tanc's top guy,
Who was immediately campaigning for Fred on the fly.And I heard Fred exclaim, as he stumped with Steve King,
"This thing ain't over 'til the fat lady sings."
Wild Thing's comment........
I thought this was clever in how it is written.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (12)
December 20, 2007
Senate Passes Gun Bill ~ Response To Virginia Tech University Killings
Senate passes gun bill in response to rampage
Congress, prodded by the deadliest shooting rampage in modern American history, passed legislation on Wednesday designed to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill.
Without objection, the Senate and House of Representatives approved the measure, which would bolster background checks for gun buyers, and sent it to President George W. Bush to sign.
The measure would be the first major new gun-control law in more than a decade. It was drafted after a deranged gunman killed himself and 32 others in April at Virginia Tech university.
Wild Thing's comment........
And what is the criterion of “mental illness” required to deprive a citizen of his right to keep and bear arms? There are certainly enough people who think anyone who actually believes they need a gun is mentally unstable. There are already laws that prevent people who have been diagnosed with Mental illness from buying guns.
Political Correctness prevented his case from being reported and political correctness disarmed the victims.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (8)
Bolton Interview: Speaks About Bush, Rice and Hillary
'Bush's Foreign Policy Is in Free Fall'
Spiegel International online
Former US Diplomat John Bolton is no longer in office, but he still has a lot to say about American foreign policy. SPIEGEL spoke to him about Bush's softness abroad, Rice having been taken hostage by the liberal State Department, and why it doesn't matter that the world hates the US.
SPIEGEL: Mr. Ambassador, you worked closely with the president and you shared his hawkish views on Iraq. But your new book is fiercely critical of George W. Bush. Why?
Bolton: His foreign policy is in free fall. The president is turning against his own best judgment and instincts under the influence of Secretary (of State Condoleeza) Rice. She is the dominant voice, indeed, almost the only voice on foreign policy in this administration.
SPIEGEL: The popular reading of her looks a bit different. She is presumed to be weak and not particularly efficient.
Bolton: No. Rice is channeling the views of the liberal career bureaucrats in the State Department. The president is focusing all his attention on Iraq and, by doing so, has allowed the secretary to become captured by the State Department. He is not adequately supervising her. It is a mistake.
SPIEGEL: Could it be that your pique really comes from the fact that the president doesn't seem to be listening to neoconservatives like you anymore?
Bolton: The vice president (Vice President Dick Cheney) is still there. But the idea that somehow the neocons were so powerful is a myth -- I mean, it was five or six people, for God sakes. I am not a neoconservative. I am pro-American.
SPIEGEL: You have said that the new moderate foreign policy currently being followed by Bush compromises the security of the United States.
Bolton: Well, I think so. North Korea is going to get away with keeping its nuclear weapons. I think the (National Intelligence Estimate) sends Iran a signal they can do whatever they want...
SPIEGEL: ...You are talking about the recent report by US intelligence services that Iran stopped its nuclear weapons program in 2003 ...
Bolton: Yes. For 12 hours after the NIE announcement, there was not a word from Iran. They were sitting there in Teheran saying: "What devious trick are the Americans playing on us now?" They couldn't believe it and finally declared victory.
SPIEGEL: In the past, you argued for a military intervention in Iran. Do you still consider that an option?
Bolton: I don't have the same high confidence these intelligence analysts do that, in fact, there was a full suspension of the military program in Iran. This is not like those claims about Cheney pressuring the poor intelligence community to spin intelligence on Iraq. This is politicization from the other side -- people in the intelligence community allowing policy preferences to affect their analysis and judgments about the intelligence.
SPIEGEL: And where is the president? Is he merely a puppet?
Bolton: Look at the North Korean policy. The North Koreans certainly were involved in that facility in Syria that was raided by the Israelis. The North Koreans renege on their commitments and we still negotiate.
SPIEGEL: What do you see as the alternative -- bombing Pyongyang?
Bolton: I'm not running around the world looking for ways to create hostilities. The solution to North Korea is the reunification of the Korean Peninsula. China could influence the North; it supplies 80 to 90 percent of North Korea's energy. The United States have to put pressure on China in order for China to pressure North Korea.
SPIEGEL: Do you have any second thoughts about the American engagement in Iraq?
Bolton: It was right to overthrow Saddam Hussein. It was the regime itself that was a threat. I think in hindsight, what I would have done is turn authority back over to Iraqis much more quickly and say: "Your country, you figure out how to run it."
SPIEGEL: Would you say the world is now a safer place than before the Iraq war?
Bolton: Yes. There is now no possibility that Iraq is going to have weapons of mass destruction. We had the ancillary strategic victory when (Libyan leader) Moammar Gadhafi gave up his nuclear weapons program as well. When he looked at Saddam, he concluded -- incorrectly -- that he might be next.
SPIEGEL: You don't seem to doubt the go-it-alone approach of the United States although anti-Americanism is rising across the world. Doesn't such a negative view of America weaken US power?
Bolton: I don't think so. I have looked at public opinion polls in France in the late 1940s and early 1950s during the height of Marshall Plan aid. They had a very negative attitude towards the United States then. There were negative attitudes towards the United States because of Vietnam. There were negative attitudes about the United States when Reagan wanted to deploy intermediate range ballistic missiles. I don't think the president should base his foreign policy on American public opinion polls, let alone foreign public opinion polls.
SPIEGEL: What kind of foreign policy will the next president pursue?
Bolton: If you get a President (Hillary) Clinton, you might well find, just as after Vietnam, that there is a retraction from Iraq and of American influence in the world. And in a couple of years the Europeans will be complaining about that too. See how long American troops last in Europe under an administration that thinks it is time for America to come home.
SPIEGEL: Is that a threat?
Bolton: No. The European Union can now act like a major power, at least that is what the European Union tells us. So they should do so -- they can experiment with Russia.
SPIEGEL: Mr. Ambassador, thank very much for taking the time to speak with us.
Wild Thing's comment........
John Bolton ROCKS, he gets it! John Bolton loves his country and wants it to be strong and sovereign. He is remarkably consistent: he speaks exactly the same truth to the Germans, the UN, the Islamonazis, the President... anyone who will listen (and to some who, unfortunately won’t listen).
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (10)
December 18, 2007
This Is A What If Video A Must See
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL can you imagine if we had a President that came off as this strong. I would love it. heh heh
..... Thank you Vilmar for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:28 PM | Comments (10)
Fred Thompson To Be On Laura Ingraham Talk Show This morning
Fred Thompson is supposed to be on The Laura Ingraham Show during the second hour today. Check local listings for when you can hear Fred.
And also here is a video of an ad for Thompson with also comments made by Rush Limbaugh.
Wild Thing's comments........
I will keep trying to post things when I find them on Thompson and Hunter, the others are already being covered to the max by the liberal media that seems to favor the rino's more then the conservatives.
Some other quotes by Thompson:
"I've been a strong supporter of the Second Amendment," Thompson said. "That's where I've been yesterday, that's where I am today and where I'll be tomorrow."
Thompson made his comments after a tour of Thompson Arms Center, where he watched how hunting rifles and handguns are made. He then spoke to workers, telling them that what they see in his campaign is what they'll get if he's elected.
"There comes a time when you've got to ask yourself if you're at your highest and best use, if you're doing what you should be doing," Thompson said.
Thompson has been campaigning for the presidency since September. He didn't comment Monday on how his relatively late start is affecting his campaign. And although the campaign calendar has been shortened this year, he said that New Hampshire needs to remain first in the presidential primary process.
"It institutionalizes, in some respects, the people who are supposed to take a look at things early, in detail and more depth, and I think the system is just fine," he said. "I think New Hampshire is first, will remain first and, after all this hoopla is over, will still be first."
Thompson also spoke about securing the country's borders. Although he didn't mention specifics about a plan, he said the country needs to better protect itself.
"I don't know why a terrorist would bother coming through an airport or port when they can walk across our borders," Thompson said.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (8)
December 16, 2007
McCain Urges New Interrogation Specialty
McCain urges new interrogation specialty
Republican White House hopeful John McCain said he wants "a crash program" in civilian and military schools that emphasizes language and creates a "new specialty in strategic interrogation" so the nation never feels the need for torture.
McCain, a former Vietnam prisoner of war who suffered mistreatment, talked about the new proposal at a Columbia campaign stop Saturday.
McCain said he wanted to create an Army Advisory Corps of 20,000 soldiers to act as military advisers and a new Office of Strategic Services to fight terrorists. He said he wanted them to pursue "a crash program in civilian and military schools" to prepare more experienced speakers in strategically important languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Farsi and others, and to "create a new specialty in strategic interrogation — a new, a new group of strategic interrogators so that we never have to feel motivated to torture anyone ever again."
When asked if he knew whether U.S. forces had engaged in torture in the past, the Arizona senator said he didn't.
"I do not know whether they've been involved in torture because I don't have that kind of information," McCain said. "I do know that when tapes are destroyed of interrogations, it contributes enormously to the cynicism, the skepticism, and also is further damaging to the image of the United States of America in the world."
The CIA recently acknowledged that in 2005 it destroyed videotapes made three years earlier of the CIA's interrogations of two terror suspects. The tapes were made to document how CIA officers used new, harsh questioning techniques approved by the White House to force recalcitrant prisoners to talk.
Intelligence officials have said the methods that were shown on the videotapes included waterboarding, an interrogation tactic that causes the sensation of drowning and is banned by the Pentagon.
McCain also said he met with a "high ranking member of al-Qaida in Iraq" who told him that post-invasion lawlessness and images of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib helped recruit insurgents. The latter was "a great recruitment tool," McCain said. "He said it and I believe it."
He also said he'd go after terrorists with a new military force. "I'll set up a new agency patterned after the old Office of Strategic Services that will be a small, nimble, can-do organization that will fight" terrorist anywhere in the world and on the Internet, McCain said.
Wild Thing's comment........
So, is this supposed to be a cadre of psychologists who will befriend the terrorists for 6 months to find out that a nuclear bomb went off 5 months and 28 days ago?
Their propaganda has convinced millions via the Net and disinformation meeted out to the MSM that has fed the 9/11 conspiracy theorists and recruited thousands to their cause by just outright lying.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (18)
December 15, 2007
Bill of Rights Day Today
Today it's more important than ever to remember that the Bill of Rights is in constant danger.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (9)
December 14, 2007
Thompson Supports Florida Marriage Amendment
Fred Thompson supports Florida Marriage Amendment
GOP presidential hopeful Fred Thompson courted Social Conservatives in Florida by supporting the Florida Marriage amendment. Thompson issues the following statement:
"I applaud the work of Florida Coalition to Protect Marriage. Their efforts will give the people of Florida a voice on this very important subject. I strongly believe in the time honored principle of marriage being a union between one man and one woman, the foundation of any civilized society. Florida's Marriage Amendment will have my support in 2008. As President, I will appoint judges who apply the law, not make it up from the bench. We should not be held subject to judicially created social policy, and I will use the bully pulpit of the Presidency to defend the institution of marriage."
TALLAHASSEE, Florida – Supporters of a Florida petition drive to ban same-sex marriage announced this morning that they have enough signatures to make the November ballot.
Supporters for the amendment who seek to protect the institution of marriage as a relationship between one man and one woman have gathered over 600,000 signatures to place the issue on the ballot on November 4, 2008.
The Florida amendment would protect the natural definition of marriage, thus preventing state judges from legalizing "gay marriage."
In the past three years, five states without marriage amendments -- Massachusetts, New York, California, Washington state and Maryland -- have watched judges strike down those states' respective marriage laws. Although Massachusetts is still the only state to recognize "gay marriage," that could change by the end of the year.
Wild Thing's comment........
How sad to think in the world today there has to be an Amendment to say Marriage can only be between a man and a woman. IT SHOULD NOT BE NECESSARY ............BUT it is, because the world is upside down and PC runs crazy with an agenda to destory marriage and what it means.
You bet if it is on the ballot I will vote for marriage to be only between a man and a woman.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (14)
December 13, 2007
Dems: Amen to Ramadan But Forget About Christmas
9 House members praise Islamic faith, won't recognize Christian observance
Only weeks after voting for a resolution that "recognizes the Islamic faith as one of the great religions of the world," nine Democrats in the U.S. House refused to vote for a Christmas resolution that condemns the worldwide persecution of Christians.
Congressman Steve King on Fox News Channel’s Fox and Friends, said,
“The [nine] naysayers didn’t make it to the floor to debate. I would like to know how they could vote Yes on Islam, Yes on the Indian Religions and No on Christianity when the foundation of this nation and our American culture is Christianity…I think there’s an assault on Christianity in America.”
Nine Democrats voted No – Ackerman, Clarke, DeGette, Hastings (FL), Lee, McDermott, Scott (VA), Stark and Woolsey.
Nine Democrats voted Present – Conyers, Frank (MA), Holt, Payne, Schakowsky, Schwartz, Wasserman Schultz, Welch (VT) and Yarmuth
H. Res. 847: recognizing the importance of Christmas and the Christian faith
The nine Members voting NO were:
Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-NY), Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY), Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO), Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) (FL), Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA), Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA), Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA), and Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA). None of the nine voted against resolutions honoring the Islamic holiday of Ramadan and the Hindu holiday of Diwali.
The Ramadan resolution began:
Whereas Ramadan is the holy month of fasting and spiritual renewal for Muslims worldwide, and is the 9th month of the Muslim calendar year; and Whereas the observance of the Islamic holy month of Ramandan commenced at dusk on September 13, 2007, and continues for one lunar month: …"
The Christmas resolution started:
Whereas Christmas, a holiday of great significance to Americans and many other cultures and nationalities, is celebrated annually by Christians throughout the United States and the world... Whereas on December 25 of each calendar year, American Christians observe Christmas, the holiday celebrating the birth of their savior, Jesus Christ...Whereas many Christians and non-Christians throughout the United States and the rest of the world, celebrate Christmas as a time to serve others:"
The Ramadan resolution then acknowledged "the Islamic faith as one of the great religions of the world," expressed "friendship and support for Muslims," noted "the onset of Ramadan," and rejected "hatred, bigotry, and violence directed against Muslims." It also "commends Muslims … who have privately and publicly rejected interpretations and movements of Islam that justify and encourage hatred."
Wild Thing's comment........
The worst part is that they don’t care about offending millions of Christians, but God forbid someone offend a Muslim!
America was founded by Judeo-Christian principles. We are not islamic. mohmed is not our prophet. Any SOB politician that votes to recognise child molesting, women oppressing, slave trading, suicidal satanic ritual holidays ought to be drug out of Congress
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (16)
December 05, 2007
Don't Let The Government Tell You What To Eat
Republican Presidential hopeful, former Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., talks to supporters at Wade's Southern Cooking Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2007. in Spartanburg, S.C. (AP Photo/Mary Ann Chastain)
Thompson: Don't let the government tell you what to eat
SPARTANBURG, South Carolina
Fred Thompson wants the government to keep its hands off your dinner plate.
That's what he told a questioner Tuesday in South Carolina, anyway.
Standing about 15 feet away from a mouth-watering steam tray buffet loaded with fried chicken, creamed corn and macaroni and cheese at Wade's Southern Cooking in Spartanburg, Thompson dismissed the idea that preventative care and wellness education should be central features of a government's health care system.
"I'm telling you, I don’t think that it’s the primary responsibility of the federal government to tell you what to eat," Thompson said to applause when asked if his health care plan included any details on preventative care, a priority for Democratic candidates.
"The fact of the matter is we got an awful lot of knowledge,” said the former Tennesse senator. “Sometimes we don’t have a whole lot of will power, and I don’t know of any government program that's going to instill that."
Thompson, ever a fan of small government, said healthy living should be the responsibilities of families first.
"We shouldn’t be looking at the federal government in Washington first and working our way down, it ought to be just the other way around. With that, or whether you're talking about education, there's some things the federal government can't do," said Thompson.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I will alwys like to hear don't let the government be a nanny in my life. oh yessss
I love the idea of the govt staying out of my tummy. I am sick of them telling me what is healthy & what is not. Unless its to warn us of a bad product I wish they would stay out of my diet.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (8)
December 04, 2007
Dana Perino 1, Helen Thomas 0
Dana Perino, Helen Thomas Spar Over Troops, Iraqis ‘Killed’
HELEN THOMAS: Does the President want no troops out from Iraq on his watch? I’m talking about all the troops.
MS. PERINO: Well, 5,700 troops will be home by the end of the year, so that is some troops coming home. The President said that troop levels are going to be made by commanders on the ground, and that we’re going to have to talk about –
THOMAS: Why should it be? Why can’t the American people have a say?
MS. PERINO: — return on success. The American people have had a say. They elected a President who is their Commander-in-Chief and is making decisions based on what his commanders on the ground are telling him.
THOMAS: And you think that was the vote of the American people?
MS. PERINO: They elected a Commander-in-Chief, and the President is bringing home 5,700 troops, based on the recommendations of his commanders on the ground and based on return on success. Hopefully in the future we can bring home more, but it’s going to depend on what General Petraeus reports and remember he will come back in March.
THOMAS: Why should we depend on him?
MS. PERINO: Because he is the commander on the ground, Helen. He’s the one who is making sure that the situation is moving –
THOMAS: You mean how many more people we kill?
MS. PERINO: Helen, I find it really unfortunate that you use your front row position, bestowed upon you by your colleagues, to make such statements. This is a — it is an honor and a privilege to be in the briefing room, and to suggest that we, at the United States, are killing innocent people is just absurd and very offensive.
THOMAS: Do you know how many we have since the start of this war?
MS. PERINO: How many — we are going after the enemy, Helen. To the extent that any innocent Iraqis have been killed, we have expressed regret for it.
Q Oh, regret. It doesn’t bring back a life.
MS. PERINO: Helen, we are in a war zone, and our military works extremely hard to make sure that everyone has the opportunity for liberty and freedom and democracy, and that is exactly what they are doing.
I’m going to move on.
There is a video of it HERE. thnk you to Ian Schwartz
Wild Thing's comment........
Helen might as well march into the room with a Hamas flag. Being in that room is not a Constitutional right - it’s a Presidentially-granted privilege. Helen's privileges should be revoked! She should have been banned years ago. For the life of me, I don't understand why the Administration tolerates these hateful bastards in the briefing room. Might as well bring in "reporters" from al Jazeera, Pravda and the Daily Worker. It's absurd. They should be forcefully thrown out of the room.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (12)
November 29, 2007
God Bless You Henry Hyde ~ Rest In Peace
Henry Hyde - great man. He was one of the good guys.
Congressman Hyde spent more than three decades as a towering figure on Capitol Hill. But he first made his name in Washington more than 60 years ago.
He was on the Georgetown basketball team, and played in the NCAA Eastern championship game in 1943. After college and Navy service in World War II, he returned home to Illinois, and earned a law degree, and made his way into politics. This erudite, scholarly man has walked with kings and kept the common touch.
He won 20 elections, and gave steady service to the people of Illinois for 40 years.
In the House, Congressman Hyde rose to the chairmanship of two committees, Judiciary and International Relations. And from the first day, he was a commanding presence, and he was a man of consequence.
Colleagues were struck by his extraordinary intellect, his deep convictions, and eloquent voice. In committee and in the House chamber, the background noise would stop when Henry Hyde had the floor.
He used his persuasive powers for noble causes. He stood for a strong and purposeful America -- confident in freedom's advance, and firm in freedom's defense. He stood for limited, accountable government, and the equality of every person before the law.
Hyde was President of the Clinton impeachment trial, a high-level participant in the response to the 9-11 attacks.
However, more than anything else Henry Hyde is known for his stalwart defense of the right to life of unborn children.
He stood up against the Clinton slime machine and paid dearly. But, nonetheless, he stood. May God rest his soul.
Some office holders of long tenure become pliable and more compliant to their fellow office holders as they age. Others develop character and confidence in their principles and become, Statesmen. Hyde was a shining example of the later course in how to serve.
He was a good man.
God rest his soul.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 PM | Comments (12)
Plants From The LEFT Run Rampant At GOP Debate
Debate? Well I can't stand these You Tube Debates, it shows disrespect for the office of the President. But since it is the idea of the left to do this, that is all we need to know in how little they respect the Presidency.
Some stupid Muslim broad had a question, naturally about the war, ( Iraq) and might as well have had a sign on her saying she could care less about 9-11 or the sacrifices our troops are making for her fellow Muslim jerks. Moderate??? No SUCH animal!!!!!
Then another lowlight was a gay soldier, a sent there just ever so obviously by who pray tell?? Hillary per chance? Word has it the answer is yes, so I guess this is yet another Gate, might as well call it the Gay Gate via Hillary. The retired brigadier general Keith Kerr, who is gay, asked candidates if they thought U.S. military personnel were professional enough to work with gay and lesbian troops. CNN later learned that Kerr served on Clinton's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender steering committee. OH sure LATER learned?? With a-hem limp wrist Anderson Cooper running the debate, give me a break.
Duncan Hunter did great!!
Fred was especially strong on immigration tonight and did well overall.
RuPaul - This guy is nuts! 'nuff said
Rudy must have said the "I" word a gazillion times. I was going to count how many times, but it started to make me dizzy trying to keep up. LOL
McCain IMO messed up big time, letting the entire world know he does not own a gun. Even if he doesn't he should have omited saying he didn't have one. Also McCain's comments on waterboarding were absurd.
Hunters statement "I will never apologize for America" grew a big applause. The answer was to the question of a Muslim woman who asked how America can restore our image in the Muslim world. The so called moderate Muslim I mentioned earlier in this post. He gave a great answer to the gun question and even gave the young man a fatherly lesson on gun safety as well. He didn't bite on the Norquist pledge like the other stooges. And he smacked the Hildabeast planted gay general back in place pretty good. And did it quite respectfully, too.
Duncan Hunter at YouTube CNN Debate...these are some of his answers
Hunter covers illegal immigration, China cheating on trade, 2nd Amendment, never apologizing for America and homosexuals in the military.
I couldn't find a You Tube of all the answers Fred Thompson made but he did good as well.
Michelle Malkin has a lot of information on all the democrats that had their YouTube questions used last night. One of them a John Edwards supporter including a website she has with her wearing a John Edwards t-shirt. hahahahahha I mean this is just soooooo obvious what a bunch of BS this is doing it with CNN, the liars of the universe and Anderson Cooper who is a total joke as a human being.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (20)
November 23, 2007
Detroit Lions Vow To Fight Global Warming
Lions vow to fight global warming with `carbon neutral' game
The Detroit Lions say they'll take on the Green Bay Packers without warming the globe, buying a stake in a replanted rain forest in Ecuador to offset the up to 933 tons of carbon dioxide the Thanksgiving Day game is expected to generate.
The Lions will follow the standards for greenhouse gas offsets laid down by the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, according to the environmental engineering company handling Thursday's "green game" at Ford Field.
It may seem odd to plant trees in South America because of U.S. football fans' tailpipe emissions, but there is strong logic to it, said Mike Dolkowski, a partner in Carbon Credit Environmental Services Inc.
"CO2 and greenhouse gases are a global issue," he said.
U.S. businesses and private citizens can and should do much to reduce their own "carbon footprints" by switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs and switching to renewable energy sources, he said.
But some costs — like flying a football team and entourage from Wisconsin to Michigan — can't be helped, Dolkowski said.
"There are emissions that are inevitable," he said.
That's where carbon offsets come in.
A company or family can take steps that buy a share in a greenhouse gas reduction project anywhere in the world to neutralize the net effect of their own carbon dioxide output.
Carbon Credit Environmental Services is a Detroit-based for-profit business engaged in a range of programs related to energy conservation and greenhouse gas reduction.
Wild Thing's comment........
There seems to be no escape from this crap anymore.
"Carbon Credit Environmental Services is a Detroit-based for-profit business"
Wonder who's making money off this scam. No names on their Web site.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (18)
November 21, 2007
High Court to Weigh Ban on Gun Ownership
High Court to Weigh Ban on Gun Ownership
(AP) ...for complete article
The Supreme Court said Tuesday it will decide whether the District of Columbia can ban handguns, a case that could produce the most in-depth examination of the constitutional right to "keep and bear arms" in nearly 70 years.
The justices' decision to hear the case could make the divisive debate over guns an issue in the 2008 presidential and congressional elections.
City officials said the law is designed to reduce gun violence, noting that four out of every five homicides this year was committed with a gun. Opponents of the ban pointed to the level of violence to make their case that Washington residents should be allowed to have guns to protect themselves in their homes.
"This is clearly going to be one of the biggest ... cases decided this year," said Georgetown University law professor Randy Barnett. "It is one of the very few times when the Supreme Court has the opportunity to interpret a provision of the Constitution ... unencumbered by previous Supreme Court rulings."
The government of Washington, D.C., is asking the court to uphold its 31-year ban on handgun ownership in the face of a federal appeals court ruling that struck down the ban as incompatible with the Second Amendment. Tuesday's announcement was widely expected, especially after both the District and the man who challenged the handgun ban asked for the high court review.
The main issue before the justices is whether the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to own guns or instead merely sets forth the collective right of states to maintain militias. The former interpretation would permit fewer restrictions on gun ownership.
Gun-control advocates say the Second Amendment was intended to ensure that states could maintain militias, a response to 18th-century fears of an all-powerful national government. Gun rights proponents contend the amendment gives individuals the right to keep guns for private uses, including self-defense.
Wild Thing's comment........
It is abhorrent that the Supreme Court should be permitted to consider the question.
“Whether the following provisions — D.C. Code secs. 7-2502.02(a)(4), 22-4504(a), and 7-2507.02 — violate the Second Amendment rights of individuals who are not affiliated with any state-regulated militia, but who wish to keep handguns and other firearms for private use in their homes?”
If you ask me, the Court has already tipped thier hands by substituting "state-regulated" for "well regulated".
There is a difference.
“State-regulated” = doing the state’s bidding.
“Well-regulated” = equipped, competent, functional, coordinated - but not necessarily under gov’t control.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (20)
November 10, 2007
High Court To Look At Ban On Handguns
Justices to decide whether to take up case on strict limits approved in D.C. McClatchy-Tribune
The Supreme Court will discuss gun control today in a private conference that soon could explode publicly.
Behind closed doors, the nine justices will consider taking a case that challenges the District of Columbia's stringent handgun ban. Their ultimate decision will shape how far other cities and states can go with their own gun restrictions.
"If the court decides to take this up, it's very likely it will end up being the most important Second Amendment case in history," said Dennis Henigan, the legal director for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
Henigan predicted "it's more likely than not" that the necessary four justices will vote to consider the case. The court will announce its decision Tuesday, and oral arguments could be heard next year.
Lawyers are swarming.
Texas, Florida and 11 other states weighed in on behalf of gun owners who are challenging D.C.'s strict gun laws. New York and three other states want the gun restrictions upheld. Pediatricians filed a brief supporting the ban. A Northern California gun dealer, Russell Nordyke, filed a brief opposing it.
From a victim's view:
Tom Palmer considers the case a matter of life and death.
Palmer turns 51 this month. He's an openly gay scholar in international relations at the Cato Institute, a libertarian research center, and holds a Ph.D. from Oxford University. He thinks that a handgun saved him years ago in San Jose, Calif., when a gang threatened him.
"A group of young men started yelling at us, 'we're going to kill you' (and) 'they'll never find your bodies,' " Palmer said in a March 2003 declaration. "Fortunately, I was able to pull my handgun out of my backpack, and our assailants backed off."
He and five other plaintiffs named in the original lawsuit challenged Washington's ban on possessing handguns. The District of Columbia permits possession of other firearms, if they're disassembled or stored with trigger locks.
Their broader challenge is to the fundamental meaning of the Second Amendment. Here, commas, clauses and history all matter.
The Second Amendment says, "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Gun-control advocates say this means that the government can limit firearms ownership as part of its power to regulate the militia. Gun ownership is cast as a collective right, with the government organizing armed citizens to protect homeland security.
"The Second Amendment permits reasonable regulation of firearms to protect public safety and does not guarantee individuals the absolute right to own the weapons of their choice," New York and the three other states declared in an amicus brief.
Gun-control critics contend that the well-regulated militia is beside the point, and say the Constitution protects an individual's right to possess guns.
Clashing decisions
Last March, a divided appellate court panel sided with the individual-rights interpretation and threw out the D.C. ban.
The ruling clashed with other appellate courts, creating the kind of appellate-circuit split that the Supreme Court likes to resolve. The ruling obviously stung D.C. officials, but it perplexed gun-control advocates.
If D.C. officials tried to salvage their gun-control law by appealing to the Supreme Court — as they then did — they could give the court's conservative majority a chance to undermine gun-control laws nationwide.
Wild Thing's comment........
Another example of liberals not being able to see the consequences of their actions. Suppose guns or even just handguns are outlawed. What happens next? Look at DC where handguns are already outlawed.
When you see the arrogance and treason in DC today, it's becoming apparent that we may need them to control our runaway government. When they are this treasonous knowing we still have guns, can you imagine how bad it would be if we were not armed and able to protect ourselves?
"No free man shall ever be de-barred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain their right to keep and bear arms is as a last resort to protect themselves against tyranny in government." --Thomas Jefferson
"Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. To secure peace, securely and happiness, the rifle and the pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that is good." --George Washington
"And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress ... to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms.... "--Samuel Adams
"No government power can be abused long. Mankind will not bear it. There is a remedy in human nature against tyranny, that will keep us safe under every form of government."---Samuel Johnson
"The tree of liberty needs to be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."---Thomas Jefferson "If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin" ~ Samuel Adams
"I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."--Thomas Jefferson
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship." --Patrick Henry
"A government that does not trust it's law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms is itself unworthy of trust." -James Madison
" Freedom was never lost through a brutal assault; it was lost due to sloth, lack of vigilance, and apathy. Gradually more restrictions were imposed to make life seem safer, orderly and more fair. Freedom has been ravaged, now we must suffer the consequences!" author unknown
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (15)
November 09, 2007
Duncan Hunter On Glenn Beck TV Show Full Hour
Glenn Beck radio show last week talked of having Duncan on the television show sometime for the full hour. Glenn has announced that it will be today, Friday, November 9 on Headline News. Glenn's show airs at 7 PM, 9 PM and midnight (ET). It should be great!
I have never seen Glenn Beck's TV show so this will be my first time to watch it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (11)
Active Duty Troops Speaking out for Fred Thompson
Many active duty military are praising Fred Thompson, as the conservative leader they want as the next Commander in Chief.
Vets 4 Fred website
Typical of these comments is this one from a soldier in Ohio:
"As a soldier, I know there is some pressure to not get involved in anything political, but as a current member of the finest Army to have ever existed, and a Combat Veteran of the crucial Iraq campaign, I feel it is my duty as a patriotic American to see a good conservative succeed our current commander and chief. Every Soldier wants a leader that they can proudly stand at attention and snap a salute to their President and with pride pay respects to a man of honor. This has become a very wishful desire given the current candidates that have chosen to run for president. I know with Fred that we will have that man of honor to look to for direction and leadership, and he has my 100% support. I don't want a president that I can "tolerate"... and I surely don't want a president that makes me nauseous to salute. Fred Thompson is the right man for the job... and I already get plenty of questions from curious people who respect my opinion when they see my FRED08 bumper sticker! I am excited to have a candidate that I believe in so much. In 2008, Fred will have my vote in the Primary... and in November of 2008, Fred will have my vote for President. Go Get'em Sir!" A soldier from Columbus, OH "
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (8)
November 08, 2007
Lieutenant Colonel Russell Takes On Murtha
Hi name is William T Russell. He is running for Congress against John Murtha as a Republican in the 12th Congressional District of Pennsylvania in the November 2008 election.
Until August 31st of this year, he was a fulltime Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army Reserve, stationed at the Pentagon and a little over 2 years short of full, active duty retirement. He also is a small business owner and entrepreneur, as well as a husband and father.
During his military carrer he served six tours in hostile fire zones including Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and the Balkans. These tours include almost three years in the Middle East (Iraq and Saudi Arabia) and a year and a half in the Balkans (Hungary, Bosnia, Kosovo, Croatia). He and his wife, Kasia, who was pregnant with their son at the time, were also in the Pentagon on 9/11.
His message:
"The United States is now engaged in a great political battle to determine whether this nation, founded in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, can maintain the political resolve in its fight against a totalitarian political system, cloaked in religion, which is dedicated to the destruction of our liberty.Pennsylvania has been the turning point in many of the great events that have determined our nation’s future as well as its character. These turning points include the founding of our nation with the signing of the Declaration of Independence to establish the political entity of our nation, followed by the Continental Army’s long winter at Valley Forge and its crossing of the Delaware to capture Trenton on the long road to military victory. The Constitutional Convention defined the structure of this nation, the Battle of Gettysburg determined that such a nation could long endure, and Lincoln’s address there clearly defined the purpose of that most difficult of this nation’s struggles. The passengers of Flight 93 turned the tide of battle on September 11 over the skies of this great state and diverted what would have been the most devastating of the blows to this nation. In this war against Islamic Radicalism, the political battle of the 2008 election in the Pennsylvania 12th Congressional District is a critical turning point of this war.
The people of the 12th District have a choice between continuing on a path of economic stagnation and undermining our Soldiers in the fight with an enemy that seeks to destroy us or of growing the next generation of entrepreneurs and supporting our most precious national resources as they engage an enemy we cannot afford to lose to. It is a choice between a corrupted, long time Washington insider who is playing into the hands of the enemy and a new comer with 28 years of honorable Active and Reserve military service to this nation in war and peace. It is a choice between an incumbent who encourages the enemy to kill more of our troops with his calls for withdrawal and a new candidate who has served with our troops in the streets of Ad Daluhya and Kirkuk, and understands this enemy is seeking to weaken our political resolve. It is a choice between a politician who has accused a Marine from this District of the cold blooded murder of innocent civilians for his own political ends (when in fact that Marine was facing four armed enemy combatants at extreme close range), and a professional Soldier who understands this enemy was looking to create a My Lai type incident for propaganda purposes and knows our brave Service Members need our faith and support. It is a choice between an extreme practitioner of cronyism who brings in earmarks that benefit a few close supporters while providing few long term jobs and a practicing small businessman who knows that real jobs and economic growth are produced by men and women who respond to the demands of the free market. It is a choice between a political player who continually creates dependence on pork barrel projects that dry up every two years and a practicing entrepreneur who wants our children to start and own their own companies rather than work for them.
In this election, surrender on the political, military, and economic fronts is not an option. We must turn the tide toward victory.
Throughout this campaign, I will be visiting with people of every county and township in this district to listen, learn, and assist in developing free market and small business based solutions to meet the economic challenges of this part of South Western Pennsylvania. I believe I have a unique background as a soldier, small businessman, and student of international relations to help turn the tide economically for the 12th district and for our nation’s security.
I deeply appreciate those supporters who have already welcomed this career Army transplant, who grew up as an Air Force brat and has lived in 11 different states and seven foreign countries. I invite all voters to follow suit.
I thank you for your time, interest, and support.
Very Respectfully,
William T Russell"Johnstown, Pennsylvania 15907
http://www.williamrussellforcongress.com/ ......his website ........ he has a lot of things there you can read as well.
william.russell@williamrussellforcongress.com ......his email
(814) 248-3435
Wild Thing's comment........
Hooray William T. Russell, for taking on that bloated, elitist, earmark-plundering POS Murtha. Murtha is a curse!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (10)
November 07, 2007
Sarkozy Throws Open His Arms to Bush and the U.S.
France’s president, Nicolas Sarkozy, burst onto the Washington scene on Tuesday, clearly reveling in his first official visit to the White House and asking the United States to embrace him as a friend.
Mr. Sarkozy has met President Bush several times, so the brief visit was a vehicle for Mr. Bush to reward him for his friendship and for the French leader to introduce himself and his team to official Washington.
Setting aside the recent anger he has shown because of his divorce, Mr. Sarkozy backslapped and hugged his way through the day. He also proclaimed his determination to be a reliable partner of the United States.
“I come to Washington to bear a very simple message, a message that I bear on behalf of all Frenchmen,” he said in a toast at a formal White House dinner in his honor. “I want to reconquer the heart of America.”
In his toast, Mr. Bush welcomed his guest with the words “Bienvenue à la Maison-Blanche.”
Earlier in the day Mr. Sarkozy, calling France’s opposition to the American-led war in Iraq “a disagreement,” told the French American Business Council: “I never quite understood why we had to fight with the United States. I never quite got it.”
Here’s some Sarkozy quotes from tonight at the Bush’s BLack Tie Event
“I come to Washington with a very simple message. I want to reconquer the heart of America, and to reconquer the heart of America in a lasting way. I have come to tell you one thing, it is that France and the United States, we are friends, we are allies, always and forever (that is mangled from “depuis toujours et pour toujours,” sorry). I have come to tell you that we can be the friend of America and win elections in France, it is not a miracle, it is a reality. (laughter) ...”
Sarkozy also assured the audience that he had no electoral ambitions in the US:
“So here I am in Washington on a first Tuesday in November. (Laughter.) Now, I have no electoral ambitions when it comes to the U.S.even though I know it’s a very special day because it’s the day on which Americans elect their President.”
Finally, despite language that was at time painful in its diplomatic and historical niceties, Sarkozy did briefly touch on common foreign policy challenges:
“We need to take up a challenge of nuclear proliferation, of religious extremism and of fanaticism. And we need to respond to the demands and challenges of peoples who wish to claim their rightful place in a new world, the world of the 21st century — and a new order, that of the 21st century, which is no longer the order of the 20th century. And we need also, together, to find a new balance between man and nature, in order that we may save this planet of ours — and not only save it, but leave it as a legacy to our children in a better state than that in which we found it. Together we must vanquish abject poverty, because it is on abject poverty that terrorism worldwide feeds.”
“A great economy needs a great currency...You have quality labor, some extraordinary companies, you don’t need a dollar that is too weak.”
“We love America, but we love America that is true to its values...We love an America which supports creators but not speculators, we love an America that believes in free trade but also in honest competition.”
“I will say to our Chinese friends, ‘you have been spectacularly successful...you don’t need an undervalued currency to win...It is not even useful. It creates imbalances and, at the end of the day, these imbalances impact you too.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
What a difference Sarkozy is then America hating Chirac. We will see how Sarkozy does, but so far it appears he wants to be friends with America and that has hope in it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (12)
Dems Are NOT Ready For Prime Time!
Debate on Cheney Impeachment Narrowly Averted
House Democrats on Tuesday narrowly managed to avert a bruising debate on a proposal to impeach Dick Cheney after Republicans, in a surprise maneuver, voted in favor of taking up the measure.
House Republicans, changing course midway through a vote, tried to force Democrats into a debate on a resolution to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney on the grounds he purposely led the country into war against Iraq.
The GOP tactics reversed what had been expected to an overwhelming vote to table, or kill, the resolution by longshot Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich.
Midway through the vote, with instructions from the GOP leadership, Republicans one by one changed their votes from yes — to kill the resolution — to no, trying to force the chamber into a debate and an up-or-down vote on the proposal.
At one point there were 290 votes to table. After the turnaround, the final vote was 251-162 against tabling, with 165 Republicans voting against it.
"We're going to help them out, to explain themselves," said Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas. "We're going to give them their day in court."
Kucinich, an anti-war Democrat from Ohio, has long pushed for a vote to impeach Cheney, but has failed to win the backing of the Democratic leadership. After Kucinich introduced the resolution, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., immediately moved to table it.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "has said that impeachment is off the table and that the new direction Congress is focused on responsibly and honorably redeploying our troops out of Iraq, covering 10 million uninsured children and meeting our national priorities long neglected by the Bush Administration,"
Wild Thing's comment........
All those dems thinking there is no way this will pass, then the GOP pulls a vote switch trapping the dems-BRILLIANT!
"We're going to help them out, to explain themselves," said Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas. "We're going to give them their day in court."
That's funny as heck! And what the heck is Cheney guilty of anyway! LOL Governing while Republican????
God bless VP Dick Cheney!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (11)
Fred Thompson Ad for TV
He speaks of his 100 percent pro-life voting record and reminding voters that "our rights come from God and not from government," Senator Fred Thompson launches a pair of television ads set to begin airing on Wednesday statewide in Iowa and nationally on Fox News. This is the 60 second version.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (20)
November 04, 2007
Campaign Flyer Offends Muslim Community ! Like I Care
Campaign flyer offends Muslim community
There is a new debate in Monroe County related to Governor Spitzer's plan to give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. The debate has worked its way into the county legislature races. It has to do with a campaign mailing sent out by the Republican Party.
It is not so much what it says but what it shows that has members of the Islamic community upset. The flyer suggests that county legislature democrats want to license potential terrorists and the literature contains images intended to depict terrorists.
"Seeing these things are very wrong for me to see it in that way it means someone is profiling me that I'm a terrorist," said Dr. Muhammad Shafiq.
Dr. Shafiq is the Imam at the Islamic Center on Westfall Road in Rochester. He says the images are offensive to Muslims and believes the Republican Party is using fear tactics to persuade voters.
"Especially as a Muslim, it looks very very wrong the way they portrayed the pictures as linking Arabs and terrorism, equalizing them to terrorism, is racial profiling," said Dr. Shafiq.County clerk Cheryl Dinolfo disagrees.
"I really do take issue with that way of thinking because, again, that piece is about not one particular nationality," said Dinolfo.
Dinolfo says licensing illegal immigrants could jeopardize the security of the entire nation. She uses 9/11 as an example.
"The fact remains that there were terrorists who came into this country and harmed our country using licenses to do so," said Dinolfo.
County Democrats say the Republicans are attacking them on the licensing issue that the county legislature has virtually no control over. Democrats accuse Republicans of using the topic to try and hold onto control of the county legislature.
"Frankly putting someone on the face of campaign literature with an Uzi in his hand and accusing Democrats of aiding and abetting terrorists is about the terrorists is the lowest form of discourse or communication I've ever seen in this community," said Monroe County Democratic Chair, Assemblyman Joe Morelle.
Dr. Shafiq is calling on County Republicans to denounce the mailing. But Thursday night, the county clerk offered no apologies.
Dinolfo is not up for reelection next Tuesday. Nine county legislature seats are being contested. Republicans currently control the Monroe County legislature 17-12.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Ah the Muslims are outraged again. What else is new? Ask me if I care? NOT! Muslims are always angry about something, so we can discount that. On the broader point, issuing licenses to illegals does indeed compromise our security. Drivers’ licenses are used as de facto ID cards in our country. Those—Hillary, Obama, Edwards—who would issue these cards to illegals put pandering to foreign lawbreakers before the security of our people. No doubt about it.
Most of the 9/11 terrorists had American drivers licenses. Some of them, sad to say, had licenses from my sorry, leaky DMV state, North Carolina. Also, eight of them were registered to vote. Last but not least, ALL of them were Muslims.
Any Muslims who object to "profiling" can stick it up their ... turbans.
I say ignore the complainers and continue to use the offensive images and you will win. Cower and remove them and you lose because you show that even if you are against the practice, you have no strength, will, or cojones to see it through and if you will cave to the enemy on a complaint how will you accomplish anything at all?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (12)
Thompson: "Wrong Answer"
Hillary is for giving driver’s licences to illegal aliens and this is Fred Thompson's response.
Click below to see video it is not a long one but I love the way Thompson does his video's. I do like the way he isn't a wind bag like Joe Biden and he just gets right to the point.
The media and the talking heads want to control the process by setting a frenetic and chaotic pace and make the candidates dance to the MSM’s tune. Fred seems to totally reject this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (8)
October 31, 2007
New Congress At War Over Everything
New Congress at war over everything
In a closed-door meeting before the last vote on the children’s health care bill, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer appealed for the support of about 30 wavering Republican lawmakers. What he got instead was a tongue-lashing, participants said.
The GOP lawmakers, all of whom had expressed interest in a bipartisan deal on the SCHIP legislation, were furious that the Democratic leader from Maryland had not reached out to them in a more serious way early on. They also criticized him and Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel of Illinois for failing to stop his allies outside Congress from running attack ads in their districts, while they were discussing a bipartisan deal.
The result was a predictable one for this bitterly divided Congress. The House vote for a second SCHIP bill was a healthy majority, but not the two-thirds needed to override another veto vowed by President Bush. Only one Republican switched his vote — to oppose the measure.
Democrats accused Republicans of hurting kids. Republicans howled about a heavy-handed, uncompromising Democratic majority. And another chance at bipartisan consensus slipped away.
“They spent $1.5 million through their various shill outreach groups attacking me and a handful of my colleagues,” Rep. Ric Keller (R-Fla.) said before the Hoyer meeting, “but they did not spend five minutes to approach me to ask for my vote.”
This us-against-them mentality has been an ongoing storyline of the new Democratic-controlled Congress. On the big items — Iraq, health care and spending — party leaders have shunned compromise.
Wild Thing's comment........
For the Demorats, bipartisan consensus means "My way or the highway." Even if you do it their way, you still get bashed. I doubt if the Republican leadership have learned their lesson yet, but it looks as if a few rank-and-file congressman have. Thanks heavens for small favors.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (14)
October 30, 2007
Harry Reid Pretending To Care About Veterans
Senate Democratic Leaders Call On President To End Delay, Nominate New Secretary Of Veterans Affairs
Washington, DC—As Veterans’ Day approaches, Senate Democratic leaders today issued the following letter to President Bush, urging him to quickly nominate a new Secretary of Veterans Affairs. With the military and VA stretched thin by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and in light of mismanagement of veterans’ health care at facilities like Walter Reed, our veterans deserve able, permanent leadership.
Below is the text of the letter:
The Honorable George W. Bush
President of the United States
The White House
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Mr. President:
We are writing to express our serious concerns about the extended delay in nominating a qualified individual to serve as Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Secretary Nicholson tendered his resignation in mid-July and left his post at the end of September. As a result, the federal agency to which millions of veterans look for medical care, benefits and other services is now without a leader confirmed by the Senate.
It is important to note that when Attorney General Alberto Gonzales announced his resignation on August 27, 2007, the White House named Judge Michael Mukasey as the nominee less than three weeks later. Our veterans, and the men and women who work at the Department of Veterans Affairs, are equally deserving of stable, permanent leadership and we are writing to urge you to immediately nominate a new Secretary of Veterans Affairs with a proven record of being an honest and independent advocate for veterans.
The absence of permanent, decisive leadership at the VA comes at a time when the agency needs strong, stable direction the most. From the enormous task of streamlining and improving the military and veterans disability systems, to implementing a joint electronic medical record, to caring for the large number of returning veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), the VA needs strong leadership to make the monumental changes to the VA system that our veterans deserve.
As you know, the VA system was stretched beyond capacity even before the current military action in Iraq and Afghanistan. Recently, serious questions have been raised about the manner in which the VA screens, hires and monitors physicians and other health care professionals who work at VA facilities. Long-term resolution of such issues cry out for strong leadership. It seems unconscionable that you would allow an agency that is so critical to the men and women who have put their lives on the line for this nation to go without a permanent leader.
While we feel you have an obligation to act quickly to name someone to this important post, you also have an opportunity to nominate someone with the judgment, experience and stature to move beyond the problems and scandals that have plagued the VA and restore confidence in this essential agency.
Much has been said over the last six years about honoring the service and the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. But what matters to those who are fighting these wars is not the talk, but the actions we take. The lack of a qualified VA nominee more than three months after the resignation of the previous Secretary signals to our troops fighting today, to the veterans of wars past, and to the entire nation, that the Department of Veterans Affairs is not a priority for your administration.
We implore you to quickly nominate a Secretary who is a strong and independent advocate for veterans, so that we are truly able “To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan.”
Senator Harry Reid
Majority Leader
Senator Richard Durbi
Assistant Majority Leader
Senator Charles Schumer
Vice Chairman
Democratic Conference
Senator Patty Murray
Democratic Conference
Wild Thing's comment........
TRANSLATION of Reids letter:
“Please, oh please, send us another nominee so that we can have hearings and sanctimoniously attack you through him!”
This is just another democrat ploy to to make us think they support our Troops and Veterans. How about drive them all NUTZ and name Gen Stormin Normin Schwartzkopf. LOL The RatZ would absolutely go insane.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (6)
October 27, 2007
Kill the Law of the Sea Treaty
Hunter Calls on Congress:
Kill the Law of the Sea Treaty
Amid debate on the decades-old Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) in the Senate, Republican presidential candidate Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) urged his colleagues to follow the lead set by President Reagan by defeating the treaty.
Explaining the dangers of the treaty, Hunter detailed:
"It is imperative that our nation does not surrender decision making power for military navigation or resource extraction, especially in this age of terrorism with technology and weapons proliferation. And adding a new set of UN bureaucrats with license to tax and adjudicate disputes is the last thing this country needs."
Hunter continued, "Rest assured no treaty that infringes on the sovereignty of the United States, or further empowers the United Nations, will get anything but a trip to the waste basket in a Hunter Administration."
Rep. Hunter has served on the House Armed Services Committee since his election to Congress in 1980 and has been that committee's chairman for four years. Serving a critical role during the Reagan Administration, he helped establish and maintain the U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative. Hunter led a delegation with Rep. Henry Hyde to the Eastern Block during the Cold War stand-off to press President Reagan's policy of solidarity. Hunter also led the Republican Congress in rebuilding the U.S. military after the Clinton Administration's devastating cuts and slashes to critical defense personnel and materiel.
And there is this the Heritage Foundation...about the Law of the Sea Treaty
Wild Thing's comment........
There are serious issues of sovereignty involved, I pray that don't let US sovereignty be eroded.
Bush administration is putting on a major effort for Senate ratification of the United Nations' Law of the Sea Treaty, a wide-ranging measure that will grant the U.N. control of 70 percent of the planet under its oceans.
Democrats are in almost unanimous agreement with the treaty and the Bush administration is behind it as well, it will be up to a handful of determined Republican senators to derail it from getting a two-thirds vote in the upper house.
This is not the first time LOST has come up, of course. International negotiators drafted it in 1982 in an attempt to establish a comprehensive legal regime for international management of the seas and their resources. President Ronald Reagan, however, refused to sign LOST because he realized that the treaty doesn't serve U.S. interests.
In 1994, however, President Clinton signed a revised version of the treaty and forwarded it to the Senate. The record shows the Senate was not convinced the 1994 changes corrected the problems, and it has deferred action on the treaty ever since.
The Heritage Foundation warns the treaty would have unintended consequences for U.S. interests – including a threat to sovereignty.
This thing is appalling. Its passage with Bush’s support would pretty much all by itself negate any good that Bush has done.
How in the world can any rational, thinking person in the U.S. ever support anything that the U.N. favors?? If the U.N. and it’s gaggle of petty tyrant members are positive about anything...anything at all...it’s got to be bad for America. The headlong rush to adopt this “Oh, I’m a Good Guy, Too” liberal twaddle is absolutely disgusting. “Oh, but everybody else is doing it...Oh, nobody will like us if we don’t do it” whine and snivel the bed-wetters and hand-wringers. “To Hell with them all”, I say. AMERICA FIRST.
Between the wide open borders and now this POS, the question must be asked; “Why is our government (both parties) in such a hurry to surrender our sovereignty?” The Law of the Sea Treaty will impede the U.S.'s ability to defend its interests in time of war.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (8)
Uncle Sam Drafts Diplomats For Embassy In Iraq
It occupies some 104 acres next to the Tigris
Uncle Sam drafts diplomats for embassy in Iraq
The State Department said Friday it will require some diplomats to serve in Iraq because of a lack of volunteers willing to work at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.
Beginning Monday, 200 to 300 diplomats will be notified they have been identified as prime candidates to fill 40 to 50 vacancies that will open next year at the embassy, said Harry Thomas, director general of the Foreign Service.
Those notified they have been selected for a one-year posting will have 10 days to respond. Only those with compelling reasons, such as a medical condition, will be excused from duty, Thomas said.
He said those being sent to Iraq will receive extra pay and vacation time. About 50 diplomats will be needed in Iraq by January, in addition to the current level of 200.
However, those refusing Iraq duty may face disciplinary action up to and including dismissal for failing to uphold their oath to serve the United States and the Constitution, Thomas said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Send Reid, Pelosi, Boxer, and Feinstein then Durbin, Schumer, Kerry, Murtha, Kerry, and Kennedy for starters. They can rotate every two months. Let’s see how brave and willing to defend the nation these Liberal/Marxists truly are.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (10)
October 21, 2007
Woodstock Museum Funding Nixed
Woodstock Museum Funding Nixed
$1 Million Earmark Removed From Health Bill
Plans for $1 million in federal funding for a museum to honor the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival struck a sour note with critics Thursday.
It ended badly, with critics successfully striking down the plan for federal tax money to be spent on the museum.
The plan began as an earmark in the federal health and education spending bill.
Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Chuck Schumer, both of New York, supported the earmark.
Critics, though, targeted the plan after it gained some national exposure.
“The Woodstock museum is a shining example of what’s wrong with Washington on pork-barrel, out-of-control spending,” said John McCain, Arizona senator and presidential hopeful.
“The earmark pork-barrel spending has made the American people disenchanted and angry,” McCain said.
Sens. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz, and Tom Coburn, R-Okla., moved Thursday to strip the Woodstock earmark from the health and education bill.
They won a key 52-42 vote and the earmark was dropped.
Ohio’s two senators were split on the issue, according to The Associated Press.
Sen. George Voinovich voted to kill the earmark. Sen. Sherrod Brown voted to keep it.
In a written statement, Coburn said the health and education bill should fund just that, health and education.
“I’m pleased my colleagues took a bold stand today in defense of common sense and rejected the self-interested parochial politics that have disillusioned millions of Americans. Maybe this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius for taxpayers,” Coburn said.
The Woodstock museum is due to open next year in the upstate New York town of Bethel.
Supporters of the earmark said the federal funding would spur economic development and tourism.
Critics called it a hippie museum and a taxpayer-funded LSD flashback.
Look at the rest of this information from.........
USA Today
WASHINGTON — The Senate voted Thursday to kill a $1 million grant for a museum on the site of the 1969 Woodstock concert, a rare rebuke of a legislative pet project and a blow to the presidential candidate who backed it, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Clinton and her New York colleague, Sen. Charles Schumer, had the funding inserted into the $604 billion education and health spending bill. The Woodstock project's main backer, Alan Gerry, is a registered Republican who recently became a major contributor to the Schumer-led Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
Nine days after the "earmark" was placed in the bill in June, Gerry and his wife contributed the maximum of $9,200 to Clinton's primary and general election campaign funds. The Gerry family contributed an additional $20,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, USA TODAY reported Wednesday.
Two Republican senators, Oklahoma's Tom Coburn and Arizona's Jon Kyl, offered an amendment Thursday seeking to redirect the money to a maternal health care program. In a time of mounting deficits, they argued, senators shouldn't be steering money to a museum that has wealthy private supporters.
"How can we, with a straight face, argue to (the public) that we're not wasting their hard-earned money," Kyl said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank God there were some politicans that have common sense to stop this freaking idiotic tribute to a low life hippies, acid freaks and haters of our fine military. I have zero tolerance for hippies and as far as I am concerned they are a total waste of good air.....then and now.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (9)
October 20, 2007
Fox Wants To Know What You'd Ask GOP Presidential Candidates.
What Would You Ask the GOP Presidential Candidates?
"FOX News wants to know what you would ask the Republican presidential candidates when they debate in Orlando, Fla., on Sunday, Oct. 21.Please e-mail your question to debate@foxnews.com
Include your name, town, state and contact number for verification.
Please keep your question sharp, brief and to the point. And let us know which candidate you'd like us to ask.
Watch the debate live on FOX News Channel at 8 p.m. ET on Oct. 21 to see if your question was selected."
Well here are some questions if the debate Sunday night was the Democrats debating:
Senator Clinton, have you ever spoken personally with Juanita Broderick?
Dennis Kucinich, how do you make those delicious Keebler fudge cookies?
Paper or plastic?
To Hillary . . . . boxers or briefs ? heh heh
Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the communist party?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (5)
Bye Bye RINO ~ Martinez Quits As RNC Chairman
Martinez Quits As RNC General Chairman
Mel Martinez, the public face of the Republican National Committee as its general chairman, announced Friday he was stepping down from his post after serving only 10 months.
"I believe that our future as a party and nation is bright and I have every intention of continuing to fight for our president, our party and our candidates," the Florida senator said in a statement.
His resignation came months earlier than anticipated. Martinez wasn't expected to step down until a Republican presidential nominee was selected, and the earliest that could occur is February.
The RNC said Martinez' job would not be filled.
Martinez, a prominent Cuban-American who is up for re-election in 2010, said he was relinquishing the job to spend more time focusing on his Florida constituents. He also said the RNC had achieved the objective he set when he assumed the job in January.
"I would love to tell you that it was all a perfect world, but you know in a practical matter that it's not, and sure, I think that the conflicting pressures and my always making the choice for the Senate, which is what I should and always did, at times caused frustration in not being able to get to an event or give a speech," Martinez said in a conference call with reporters.
The RNC, which raised $61 million by the end of September, has been the only national GOP party committee to outraise its Democratic counterpart this year.
Though the party committee has done better than the Democratic National Committee in fundraising this year, Republicans have privately expressed concern that the RNC's finances are not stronger. The RNC has not kept pace with the far more robust financial picture the party displayed in 2003, when it had raised more than $77 million by the end of September, and 2005 when it had raised about $78.5 million for the same period.
Several Republicans with close ties to the RNC said Martinez needed to focus on retaining his seat in Florida, where his job approval rating has fallen. A Quinnipiac University poll in September found that 38 percent of those surveyed said they approved of the job he was doing, down from 48 percent in February.
By tapping Martinez to be the party's public persona a year ago, the White House had turned to a lawmaker who has been a staunch supporter of the president, including on the issue of comprehensive immigration reform, including a guest-worker program.
Wild Thing's comment.........
GOOD and take your amnesty jerk buddies with you! This is great news.....he presided over the malaise and in his spare time........poked sharp sticks in conservatives eyes repeatedly.
"said he was relinquishing the job to spend more time focusing on his Florida constituents"
YOU, yes YOU Martinez, illegal hugger you are a LYING Piece of poop! He never replied even once to any of my emails like he give a hoot about his constituents.
Mel Martinez turned his back on the US after stabbing the country in the heart. The very country that gave him his freedom and a second chance at life! His open border/total amnesty advocacy and attacking legal immirgrants was the last straw.
Now we need to get his traitorous glutes out of the senate.
Take your commie buddies with ya and don’t let the door hit ya on the bottom on the way out.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (8)
October 19, 2007
Brownback To Drop White House Bid
Republican expected to withdraw from ’08 race on Friday
Republican Sam Brownback will drop out of the 2008 presidential campaign on Friday, people close to the Kansas senator told NBC News Thursday.
Trouble raising money was a main reason for his decision, said one person close to Brownback, who requested anonymity because the candidate had not yet announced his plans.
Brownback, a lesser-known conservative contender, is expected announce his withdrawal in Topeka, Kan.
The senator is widely expected to seek the Kansas governor’s office in 2010, when his term—his second—expires. He had promised in his first Senate campaign to serve no more than two terms.
Brownback had raised a little more than $800,000 from July through September and around $4 million overall. He is eligible for $2 million in federal matching funds.
Besides money, Brownback’s support for a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants hurt him in Iowa, an early-voting state that has struggled to provide education, medical care and other services as the number of immigrants has more than doubled since 1990.
Wild Thing's comment........
1. Immigration—he developed the “Switchback Brownback” moniker for a reason.
2. Iraq—Joining up with Joe Biden of all people for an Iraq plan isn’t going to endear him to conservatives.
Just my take. Not sure if he will turn his votes over to Fred Thompson, Duncan Hunter or who it will be if any of the others. We will have to wait and see I guess.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (7)
October 18, 2007
The Phone Call
Tonight the phone rang, we never answer it after 20:00. That is our time to be together in the evening, from 20:00 till 23:00 when I come back on the computer to do posts for the following day. Usually I am up doing this till 2, 3 or 5 in the morning. Our friends and family know this so there has never been a problem.
The phone rang at 19:55, so I answered it.
No Name: Hello may I speak with Christine
Chrissie: Yes this is she
No Name: I am calling from the Republican National Committee and would like to know how much you could .....
Chrissie: Wait, are you asking me to donate to the RNC? I notified them last year I will not be donating anymore, I will still vote Republican but no more donations.
No Name: Goodbye
Chrissie : Don't you want to know why? I mean it seems to me you should want to know the reason and make a note of it so we can take our party back from the rinos's in office and some of the rino's running for office. Am I not correct on this?
No Name: goodbye
dead phone line on other end.........sound of silence.............
hahahaha I am laughing because it is so obvious that all they want is money, money to keep making the same mistakes they have been making that has caused my party to become loaded with rino's.
Sitting here thinking about it I am also angry, but I know nothing I say or do is going to change it. After my sending and making hundreds of emails, faxes, and phone calls over the years, cheering on the good guys, and ranting at the bad ones, it comes down to a very scary 2008 coming up if we want America to survive as we know it.
I am a warrior, I can't help it, I will fight for my country as best I can with 100% effort till I take my last breath. I have traveled the world more then once and I know first hand we have the best country there is and I am still proud of her for so many reasons. But right now she is needing us, we the people, to keep her strong.
Pray for America and for our troops.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:44 AM | Comments (8)
October 11, 2007
To Appease The Enemy Empire State Building To Go Green For Muslim Holiday
Empire State Building to go green for Muslim holiday
New York's iconic Empire State Building is to be lit up green from Friday in honor of the Muslim holiday of Eid, the biggest festival in the Muslim calendar marking the end of Ramadan, officials said.
"This is the first time that the Empire State Building will be illuminated for Eid, and the lighting will become an annual event in the same tradition of the yearly lightings for Christmas and Hannukah," according to a statement.
Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the fasting month, is expected to be celebrated in New York from Friday, depending on when the new moon is sighted, and the city's tallest skyscraper will remain green until Sunday.
Built in the early 1930s, the 443-meter-tall (1,454-feet-tall) Empire State Building was first lit up with colored lighting in 1976, when red, white and blue lights were used to mark the American Bicentennial.
An estimated seven million Muslims live in the United States.
Special Lighting Requests:
The Empire State Building has developed an annual lighting schedule which honors National Holidays, seasons, the myriad ethnic groups living in the New York City area and many worthy causes
list of the upcoming Tower Light themes
Wild Thing's comment........
I think the Mussies have lit up enough US buildings thank you very much!
Appease the lunatics and they won’t make you a target, doncha know? It is the Muslimization of American that has grown since 9/11. Commit terrorist acts and we will love you kind of message. If they came out with a press release tomorrow stating that they are installing a crescent moon on top of the building, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit. The surrender monkeys will be putting a burka on the Statue of Liberty soon enough.
....Thank you Tom for the link to this information.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (21)
October 10, 2007
Have You Seen My America?
Political Correctness On Display In Washington As U.S. House Passes First-Ever Resolution Honoring Islam and Ramadan.
The resolution acknowledging the importance of Muslims in America, the first of its kind, was introduced by Texas Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson and co-sponsored by 30 legislators, including Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota. Ellison is the first Muslim to be elected to the U.S. Congress.
Congressman Tom Tancredo, one of 42 voting “present,” in a press release after the vote cited the resolution as "an example of the degree to which political correctness has captured the political and media elite" in America. He further stated: “I am not opposed to commending any religion for their faith. The problem is that any attempt to do so for Jews or Christians is immediately condemned as ’breaching’ the non-existent line between Church and State by the same elite.”
Congressman Scott Garrett commented that in his five years in Congress he could not remember a resolution honoring Christmas or Easter. As of this morning, a search by the ACT for America staff had not uncovered any resolution in the past 20 years honoring a Jewish holiday.
Other Members of Congress expressed being “troubled” by the resolution. Yet it passed without a single “no” vote. Why? And why the special treatment of an Islamic holiday?
Because politically correct treatment of Islam is growing, and the pressures in Washington to knuckle under to this political correctness have become extremely intense.
Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) said, “I voted ‘present’ because I read somewhere that Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion.”
Joining Tancredo in his “present” vote were:
Republican Reps. Robert Aderholt (Ala.), Todd Akin (Mo.), Gresham Barrett (S.C.), Jo Bonner (Ala.), Mary Bono (Calif.), Paul Broun (Ga.), Ginny Brown-Waite (Fla.), Michael Burgess (Texas), Steve Buyer (Ind.), John Carter (Texas), Mike Conaway (Texas), Nathan Deal (Ga.), Terry Everett (Ala.), Mary Fallin (Okla.), Randy Forbes (Va.), Trent Franks (Ariz.), Scott Garrett (N.J.), Louie Gohmert (Texas), Virgil Goode (Va.), Kay Granger (Texas), Robin Hayes (N.C.), Sam Johnson (Texas), Jim Jordan (Ohio), Steve King (Iowa), Doug Lamborn (Colo.), Kenny Marchant (Texas), Jeff Miller (Fla.), Randy Neugebauer (Texas), Tom Price (Ga.), Mike Rogers (Ala.), Mark Souder (Ind.), Mac Thornberry (Texas), Todd Tiahrt (Kan.), Tim Walberg (Mich.), Zach Wamp (Tenn.), Dave Weldon (Fla.), Lynn Westmoreland (Ga.), Don Young (Alaska) and Bill Young (Fla.), as well as Democrat Mike McIntyre (N.C.).
Recognizing the commencement of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting and spiritual renewal, and commending Muslims in the United States and throughout the world for their faith. (Introduced in House)
1st Session
H. RES. 635
Recognizing the commencement of Ramadan , the Islamic holy month of fasting and spiritual renewal, and commending Muslims in the United States and throughout the world for their faith.
September 5, 2007
Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas (for herself, Mr. MEEKS of New York, and Mr. ELLISON) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs
Recognizing the commencement of Ramadan , the Islamic holy month of fasting and spiritual renewal, and commending Muslims in the United States and throughout the world for their faith.
Whereas since the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, threats and incidents of violence have been directed at law-abiding, patriotic Americans of African, Arab, and South Asian descent, particularly members of the Islamic faith;
Whereas, on September 14, 2001, the House of Representatives passed a concurrent resolution condemning bigotry and violence against Arab-Americans, American Muslims, and Americans from South Asia in the wake of the terrorist attacks;
Whereas it is estimated that there are approximately 1,500,000,000 Muslims worldwide;
Whereas Ramadan is the holy month of fasting and spiritual renewal for Muslims worldwide, and is the 9th month of the Muslim calendar year; and
Whereas the observance of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan commences at dusk on September 13, 2007, and continues for one lunar month: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That—
(1) during this time of conflict, in order to demonstrate solidarity with and support for members of the community of Islam in the United States and throughout the world, the House of Representatives recognizes the Islamic faith as one of the great religions of the world; and
(2) in observance of and out of respect for the commencement of Ramadan , the Islamic holy month of fasting and spiritual renewal, the House of Representatives acknowledges the onset of Ramadan and expresses its deepest respect to Muslims in the United States and throughout the world on this significant occasion.
Wild Thing's comment........
Have you seen the America I knew and loved so dearly?
Yes, there are still children playing with glee, kites flying in the wind, picnic's in the park, friends and family get together's and parades in most cities celebrating our wonderful Veterans and our troops today for our Freedom.
But slowly right before our very eyes the America that we knew and loved is slipping through our fingers like water running through an open hand.
Open borders, pandering to illegal's from the very top positions of leadership down, abundant information available to one and all about the enemy we are fighting, Islam, and yet we have a President that says it is a religion of peace. Misguided I think not. Deliberate catering to the enemy is more like it.
Those of you here, Team Theodore, are very knowledgeable of what has been happening. Your love for America and your passion is seen and shared with the thousands of hits I get each day at this blog. We are not alone in our disappointment, sadness, frustration and anger.
I don't know what our future holds for our country, but it feels like our country is being put to a test of strength. Will we pass this test or fail? I know our Veterans sure as hell deserve better, you served and did your amazing part to keep us a land of the free, and I think that is where my heart hurts the most when I see what has been happening.
Our troops of today, deserve better too. They are fighting an enemy that want to rule the world.
I won't give up on America she is worth fighting for. This may be the most important election in my lifetime. I pray America gets another chance.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (15)
"God" Missing In Congressional Flag Certificates
Capitol flag policy assailed
washington times
A group of Republican lawmakers is demanding the architect of the U.S. Capitol reverse a policy that bans the use of the word "God" on flag certificates sent to constituents.
Rep. Michael R. Turner of Ohio said one of his constituents, Paul Larochelle, recently requested to receive a flag that had flown over the Capitol. Mr. Larochelle's son had hoped to present the flag and the accompanying certificate to his grandfather, an Army veteran.
The Larochelles wanted the certificate's inscription to read, in part: "In honor of my grandfather, Marcel Larochelle, and his dedication and love of God, country and family." However, when the flag and the certificate arrived at Mr. Turner's office from the architect of the U.S. Capitol's office, which handles the Capitol flag program, the word "God" had been eliminated.
Mr. Turner said he requested an explanation from the architect's office, which cited one of its 14 Flag Office Services rules. The rule states, "... religious expressions are not permitted on flag certificates."
The bureaucrats at the Architect of the Capitol's office, which is controlled by Speaker Pelosi, removed the word God from the certificate. They have apparently, without the proper legislative authority, created new rules to prevent the word God from appearing on their certificates.
Mr. Turner — along with fellow Republican Reps. Steve King of Iowa, Marilyn Musgrave of Colorado, Randy Neugebauer of Texas and Steve Pearce of New Mexico — complained in a letter this week to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that the architect's office had "informed several congressional offices that the use of the word 'God' violates the rule."
"This is an abuse of power, plain and simple," Mr. Neugebauer said. "Using the nonpartisan position of maintaining the Capitol to decide what citizens can have written on their flag certificates is unacceptable."
Stephen T. Ayers has been acting architect of the U.S. Capitol since February, when his predecessor, Alan M. Hantman, retired. Mr. Ayers' spokeswoman was unavailable for comment yesterday.
The lawmakers are asking Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, to review the authority under which the architect's office made the rules and that the policy "which censors our citizens' right to expressions of their faith" be reversed.
They also point out that as the custodian of the Capitol, the architect is responsible for a building inscribed with many religious references, including "In God We Trust" in the House and Senate chambers.
"The architect's policy is in direct conflict with his charge as well as the scope of his office and brings into question his ability to preserve a building containing many national religious symbols," the lawmakers stated.
A spokesman for Mrs. Pelosi said a Democratic proposal may help solve the problem.
The proposal would have the architect certify that the flag was flown, and then a member of Congress could add the constituent's message separately, Pelosi spokesman Brendan Daly said.
"It will be resolved in the near future," he said.
Lawmakers receive more than 100,000 requests from constituents each year for flags that have flown over the Capitol.
Wild Thing's comment........
Several years ago, BEFORE Pelosi was in charge, I got one of these Flags for Nick on the anniversary of his service in the Navy. It has meant a lot to him.
This Congress and those in charge are so horrible. Recognizing the muHAMadan time of Ramadamadingdong is a farce. Not including all of the text of the flag honor is sick. They have turned their back on God and this country.
They are all pandering to a bunch of deep rooted anti-Christian muggers. Look at the organizations that represent the Moslems in this country and you will see that they are nothing but terrorist front groups. Not saying that every member is a terrorist but that the groups themselves present a danger to this country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (14)
October 09, 2007
Republican Debate Tonight
CNBC/MSNBC/The Wall Street Journal are jointly sponsoring the first Republican Presidential debate of the 2008 campaign focusing on economic issues.
It will be held in Dearborn, Michigan at the University of Michigan-Dearborn at the Ford Community and Performing Arts Center. Broadcast is live on CNBC at 4 PM ET (1 PM PT) and re-broadcast on MSNBC at 9 PM ET (6 PM PT). CNBC's Maria Bartiromo and MSNBC's Chris Matthews will host the debate.
Candidates participating:
Sam Brownback
Rudy Giuliani
Mike Huckabee
Duncan Hunter
John McCain
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Tom Tancredo
Fred Thompson
I didn't know there was a debate today, I just found out.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 PM | Comments (4)
Sen. Byrd and Unruly Code Pink Protestors ~ LOL
Sen. Byrd and the unruly Code Pink protestors from a Senate hearing
Wild Thing's comment........
The other morning Laura Ingraham was playing this over and over. I was laughing so hard as I listened. I finally found the video so I could show it to you. Turn up the volume, this is so funny what Byrd says and how only he can say it. I am no fan of Sen. Byrd or gawd awful Code Pink, but nonetheless, funny is funny.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (6)
October 08, 2007
Bush: All religions pray to 'same God'
Bush: All religions pray to 'same God'
'That's what I believe. I believe Islam is a great religion that preaches peace'
President George Bush has repeated his belief all religions, "whether they be Muslim, Christian, or any other religion, prays to the same God" – an assertion that caused outrage among evangelical leaders when he said it in November 2003.
Bush made the statement Friday in an interview with Al Arabiya reporter Elie Nakouzi.
Al Arabiya is Al Jazeerah's top competitor in the Mideast.
As the president and Nakouzi walked from the Oval Office to the Map Room in the White House residence, Nazouki asked, "But I want to tell you – and I hope this doesn't bother you at all – that in the Islamic world they think that President Bush is an enemy of Islam – that he wants to destroy their religion, what they believe in. Is that in any way true, Mr. President?"
"No, it's not," said Bush. "I've heard that, and it just shows [sic] to show a couple of things: One, that the radicals have done a good job of propagandizing. In other words, they've spread the word that this really isn't peaceful people versus radical people or terrorists, this is really about the America not liking Islam.
"Well, first of all, I believe in an Almighty God, and I believe that all the world, whether they be Muslim, Christian, or any other religion, prays to the same God. That's what I believe. I believe that Islam is a great religion that preaches peace. And I believe people who murder the innocent to achieve political objectives aren't religious people, whether they be a Christian who does that – we had a person blow up our – blow up a federal building in Oklahoma City who professed to be a Christian, but that's not a Christian act to kill innocent people.
"And I just simply don't subscribe to the idea that murdering innocent men, women and children – particularly Muslim men, women and children in the Middle East – is an act of somebody who is a religious person.
Reaction from U.S. evangelical leaders was swift and strong.
Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation's largest Protestant denomination, was quoted in the Baptist Press as saying the president "is simply mistaken."
According to a Washington Post account, Land said in an interview: "We should always remember that he is commander in chief, not theologian in chief. The Bible is clear on this: The one and true god is Jehovah, and his only begotten son is Jesus Christ."
In Friday's interview with Al Arabiya, Bush emphasized his outreach to Muslims.
"We are having an Iftaar dinner tonight – I say, 'we' – it's my wife and I," Bush told Nakouzi. "This is the seventh one in the seven years I've been the president. It gives me a chance to say 'Ramadan Mubarak.' The reason I do this is I want people to understand about my country. In other words, I hope this message gets out of America. I want people to understand that one of the great freedoms in America is the right for people to worship any way they see fit. If you're a Muslim, an agnostic, a Christian, a Jew, a Hindu, you're equally American.
"And the value – the most valuable thing I think about America is that – particularly if you're a religious person – you can be free to worship, and it's your choice to make. It's not the state's choice, and you shouldn't be intimidated after you've made your choice. And that's a right that I jealously guard.
"Secondly, I want American citizens to see me hosting an Iftaar dinner."
"That's a strong message for the Americans," said Nakouzi.
Last year, criticism of Bush from Wafa Sultan, a native of Syria, who said the president was empowering terrorist leaders whose ultimate aim is for Islamic law to govern the world by proclaiming Islam a "religion of peace."
"I believe he undermines our credibility by saying that," said Sultan. "We came from Islam, and we know what kind of religion Islam is."
Wild Thing's comment........
You couldn't be more wrong Bush. It is not merely a minority of Muslims perpetrating the violence. Islam is built on the precept non Muslims are to be subjugated to Islam, convert to Islam or Destroyed. Allah commands his minions to kill and die, to enslave and plunder, and to wreak vengeance and havoc for him.
Bush is a secular globalist, like his dad. I don't believe we will ever again see anything but a secular globalist or worse in the White House. We couldn't get a strong pro-American elected. Reagan was the last. There will be no more.
The Koran demands perpetual war against all who deny Mahomet as the prophet of God - John Quincy Adams
John Quincy Adams was apparently a man who that understood Islam is the religion of Satan, aka Allah.
It's too bad that our current crop of political "leaders" don't have a clue about the monstrous spiritual entity who is worshiped by the deceived Islamics, because the fate of our nation may well depend on their understanding of him and his blasphemous "religion of peace".
God promised Abraham that he would make his illegitimate son Ishmael into a great tribe, and he did. But he did NOT say that Ishmael or his progeny would worship Jehovah (God) , and they don't.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (21)
September 26, 2007
Congress Debate Begins on North America Union
Congress debate begins on North America Union Resolution calls for end of NAFTA superhighway, abandonment of integration with Canada, Mexico
A House resolution urging President Bush "not to go forward with the North American Union or the NAFTA Superhighway system" is – according to its sponsor Rep. Virgil Goode, R-Va., "also a message to both the executive branch and the legislative branch."
Jan. 22 Goode introduced H.C.R. 40, titled "Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway System or enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada."
The bill has been referred to the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
Goode was asked if the president was risking electoral success for the Republican Party in 2008 with his insistence on pushing for North American integration via the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP.
"Yes," Goode answered. "You won't hear the leadership in the Republic Party admit it, but there are many in the House and Senate who know that illegal immigration has to be stopped and legal immigration has to be reduced. We are giving away the country so a few very rich people can get richer."
How did he react when President Bush referred to those who suggest the SPP could turn into the North American Union as "conspiracy theorists"?
"The president is really engaging in a play on words," Goode responded. "The secretary of transportation came before our subcommittee," he explained, "and I had the opportunity to ask her some questions about the NAFTA Superhighway.
Of course, she answered, 'There's no NAFTA Superhighway.' But then Mary Peters proceeded to discuss the road system that would come up from Mexico and go through the United States up into Canada."
"So, I think that saying we're 'conspiracy theorists' or something like that is really just a play on words with the intent to demonize the opposition," Goode concluded.
Goode stressed that the Bush administration supports both a NAU regional government and a NAFTA Superhighway system:
"The Bush administration as well as Mexico and Canada have persons in the government in all three countries who want to a see a North American Union as well as a highway system that would bring goods into the west coast of Mexico and transport them up through Mexico into the United States and then in onto Canada," Goode confirmed.
The Virginia congressman said he believes the motivation behind the movement toward North American integration is the anticipated profits the large multinational corporations in each of the three countries expect to make from global trade, especially moving production to China.
Some really large businesses that get a lot from China would like a NAFTA Superhighway system because it would reduce costs for them to transport containers from China and, as a result, increase their margins," he argued.
"I am vigorously opposed to the Mexican trucks coming into the country," Goode continued. "The way we have done it and, I think, the way we should do it in the future, is to have the goods come into the United States from Mexico within a 20-mile commercial space and unloaded from Mexican trucks into U.S. trucks. This procedure enhances the safety of the country, the security of the country, and provides much less chance for illegal immigration."
Why, WND asked, do so many congressmen and senators insist on writing and telling their constituents that they don't know anything about the Security and Prosperity Partnership, or that SPP working groups are really just to increase our competitiveness?
"In the House, a strong majority voted to provide no money in the transportation funding bill," Goode responded. "I commend Congressman Duncan Hunter for submitting an amendment to the Department of Transportation funding bill [which] got over 360 votes that said no funds in the transportation appropriation measure, prohibiting Department of Transportation funds from being used to participate on working groups that promote the Security and Prosperity Partnership."
Hunter's amendment to the FY 2008 Department of Transportation funding bill prohibiting DOT from using federal funds to participate in SPP working groups creating NAFTA Superhighways passed 362 to 63, with strong bipartisan support. The House approved H.R. 3074 by 268-153, with the Hunter amendment included.
"So, I think a majority the House, if you had an up or down vote on the SPP, would vote down on the SPP," Goode concluded.
"But some still say, and it's a play on words, that we don't have a Security and Prosperity Partnership that will lead to a North American Union. I don't think they can say anymore that we don't have a Security and Prosperity Partnership arrangement between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada, because that was done in Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005, and the recent meeting at Montebello was to talk about it further."
***** This is a very long article, if you would like to continue reading the article in full just go here:
Wild Thing's comment........
If Bush hadn't been pushing his anti-conservative and Globalist Agenda non-stop since '04...he would still have been over 50% approval. And he only has himself to blame. If of course he even cared that he has done this.
To anyone that says this is not for real or that it is ok with them. I pray they think harder about this and the effect it will have on our country, our security and American jobs among other things.
"Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives."
--Ronald Reagan
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (8)
September 21, 2007
Drunkard Murderer Kennedy Wants Socialized Medicine So Bad
Socialized Medical Care
Kennedy site press release
Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, released the following statement in response to President Bush’s threat to veto the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.
“This is a cruel threat to needy children and I urge the President to reconsider. It’s outrageous that there are nearly 9 million uninsured children in America and over 600,000 more since 2005. This Administration has failed on healthcare and our children are paying the price. Congress has been working in a bipartisan way to get a Children’s Health Insurance Program bill that will make quality health care available to children of working families. This bill will allow children to get the quality healthcare they deserve, and should be signed into law before the program expires next week. After watching hundreds of thousands of children lose their health coverage on his watch, it's incomprehensible that President Bush would veto the bill that fixes the problem. This is a cruel threat to needy children and I urge the President to reconsider."
Wild Thing's comment........
All these people live in states and cared for locally, there is no need for any federal health care program. The only constitutional legislation the feds could be involved in would be transportability across state lines. We need to tell our federal representative to limit all discussion to that. Their is no need for federal, Washington DC health care.
And one more thing, before our government takes one breath, one step toward socialized health care, how about soomething new and different like..........KEEPING YOUR PROMISES TO OUR VETERANS!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (10)
September 17, 2007
Alan Keyes Wants Another Try To Be President
Keyes looks to rescue GOP, announces run for president
After two previous runs for U.S. president, former Reagan diplomat Alan Keyes has announced he's again seeking the White House in the 2008 election, and he'll take part in Monday night's Republican presidential debate here.
Keyes told syndicated radio host Janet Parshall he's "unmoved" by the lack of moral courage shown by the other candidates, among whom he sees no standout who articulates the "key kernel of truth that must, with courage, be presented to our people."
He added, "The one thing I've always been called to do is to raise the standard ... of our allegiance to God and His authority that has been the foundation stone of our nation's life" – and he decried the lack of "forthright, clear, and clarion declaration" from the current crop of presidential contenders.
As a result, Keyes said, "We're putting together an effort that's not going to be like anything before, because it's going to be entirely based on citizen action. We're going to be challenging people to take a pledge for America's revival," and elevate them from spectators in the political arena to participants.
The Broward Center for the Performing Arts in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., is the scene of the Values Voter Presidential Debate Monday night.
Monday's night's Values Voter Debate in Florida wil be held at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
In addition to Keyes, Republicans participating include Sam Brownback, Mike Huckabee, Duncan Hunter, Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo and John Cox. Candidates who declined are Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson.
The three-hour event begins at 7:30 p.m. Eastern, and will be broadcast live on Sky Angel and Dish Network channel 262, and will also be streamed live on websites including ValuesVoterDebate.com and the American Family Association.
Wild Thing's comment.........
What I can I say LOL, I am sorry but really this is so silly. I am all for anyone running at least for a first time. But my gosh does it never end with Keyes?
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (18)
Bush Picks Mukasey As Attorney General
Bush picks Mukasey as attorney general
President Bush has settled on Michael B. Mukasey, a retired federal judge from New York, to replace Alberto Gonzales as attorney general and will announce his selection Monday, a person familiar with the president's decision said Sunday evening.
Mukasey, who has handled terrorist cases in the U.S. legal system for more than a decade, would become the nation's top law enforcement officer if confirmed by the Senate. Mukasey has the support of some key Democrats, and it appeared Bush was trying to avoid a bruising confirmation battle.
The 66-year-old New York native, who is a judicial adviser to GOP presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani, would take charge of a Justice Department where morale is low following months of investigations into the firings of nine U.S. attorneys and Gonzales' sworn testimony on the Bush administration's terrorist surveillance program.
Key lawmakers, Democrats and Republicans alike, had questioned Gonzales' credibility and competency after he repeatedly testified that he could not recall key events.
The White House refused to comment Sunday. The person familiar with Bush's decision refused to be identified by name because the nomination had not been officially announced.
Bush supporters say Mukasey, who was chief judge of the high-profile courthouse in Manhattan for six years, has impeccable credentials, is a strong, law-and-order jurist, especially on national security issues, and will restore confidence in the Justice Department.
Bush critics see the Mukasey nomination as evidence of Bush's weakened political clout as he heads into the final 15 months of his presidency. It's unclear how Senate Democrats will view Mukasey's credentials, but early indications are that he will face less opposition than a more hardline, partisan candidate like Ted Olson, who was believed to have been a finalist.
Mukasey has received past endorsements from Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, who is from Mukasey's home state. And in 2005, the liberal Alliance for Justice put Mukasey on a list of four judges who, if chosen for the Supreme Court, would show the president's commitment to nominating people who could be supported by both Democrats and Republicans.
"While he is certainly conservative, Judge Mukasey seems to be the kind of nominee who would put rule of law first and show independence from the White House, our most important criteria," Schumer said Sunday. "He's a lot better than some of the other names mentioned and he has the potential to become a consensus nominee."
Last week, some Senate Democrats threatened to block the confirmation of Olson, who represented Bush before the Supreme Court in the contested 2000 election. Democratic senators have theorized that Bush might nominate Mukasey, in part, because he wanted to avoid a bruising confirmation battle.
The possibility that Bush would pick Mukasey, however, angered some supporters on the GOP's right flank, who have given Mukasey less-than-enthusiastic reviews. Some legal conservatives and Republican activists have expressed reservations about Mukasey's legal record and past endorsements from liberals, and were drafting a strategy to oppose his confirmation even before it became known that Bush had chosen him.
Wild Thing's comment........
Why turn this into a rocket science project? I still think that John Bolton would do a good job in that position. Put in as AG on a recess appointment, the Donks would go ballistic.
Gonzales was a pro-illegal alien advocate. I wonder where this guy stands on the Illegal issue? Anybody know?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (14)
September 13, 2007
NAFTA Superhighway Plans Advance South
NAFTA Superhighway plans advance south
Texas governor, Mexico agree to extend Trans-Texas Corridor
September 10, 2007
wnd ....for complete article
Official Mexican government reports reveal Mexico has entered discussions with the state of Texas and top officials in the Bush administration to extend the Trans-Texas Corridor into Mexico, with a plan to connect through Monterrey to the deep-water Mexican ports on the Pacific, including Manzanillo and Lazaro Cardenas.
The official website of the Mexican northeastern state of Nuevo León contain multiple reports that José Natividad Gonzáles Parás, governor of the Mexican state of Nuevo León, has actively discussed with numerous U.S. government officials, including Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the extension of the Trans-Texas Corridor into Mexico to create what's called a "Trans North America Corridor."
In an August trip to Mexico, Perry made news in U.S. media by calling the idea of building a fence along the U.S.-Mexico border "idiocy."
Largely unreported in the American press were meetings Perry held in Mexico with Gonzáles Parás in which the two discussed extending the corridor into Mexico.
We have had interaction with the governor of Texas," Gonzáles Parás said. "We have had a very productive relationship with Rick Perry, who is also interested in what we can do to continue that which is known as the Trans-Texas Corridor, that in reality is the corridor of North America, the Trans North America Corridor, that includes railroads, bridges, passenger automobile highways, and truck highway lanes."
Gonzáles Parás further explained the extension of TTC-35 into Mexico would connect through Monterrey, a city which he suggested would function as a hub for truck-freight traffic. Monterrey is the capital of Nuevo León.
Gonzáles Parás is reportedly pursuing plans to establish Monterrey as an "inland port" where international container freight cargo, largely delivered into Mexico via the Mexican ports on the Pacific, could be transported via a Trans North America Corridor into the United States via Laredo, Texas.
Once on I-35, the Mexican trucks transporting the Chinese containers could travel north, heading toward U.S. inland ports.
At the recent Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) third summit held in Montebello, Quebec, President Bush and Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper ridiculed the idea that SPP might result in the creation of a North American Union or NAFTA Superhighways.
These reports in Spanish published on the Nuevo León government website suggest that discussions about extending TTC-35 into Mexico are much further advanced that have been admitted by the Bush administration or reported upon in the U.S. mainstream media.
North American Union by 2010...this video report is dated June 21, 2007
Wild Thing's comment........
Well, "super highway" or call it "super corridor" either way it spells a completely different America and not for the better.
Link to maps of The North Americain Trade corridors:
This has images of the various maps apparently being planned for the future of different super highways.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (10)
September 12, 2007
Senate Votes to Kill Mexican Truck Demo
Senate votes to kill Mexican truck demo
Bush 'Open Borders' agenda dealt serious bi-partisan blow
wnd ...for complete article
The U.S. Senate has dealt a likely death blow to the Bush administration plans to give Mexican long-haul trucking rigs free access to United States roads and highways.
A bi-partisan majority voted 74-24 tonight to pass an amendment offered by Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., to remove funding from the Fiscal Year 2008 Department of Transportation appropriations bill for the Department of Transportation Mexican trucking demonstration project.
Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Penn., joined Dorgan as a co-sponsor of his amendment.
"Tonight, commerce – for a change – did not trump safety," Dorgan said in a news release issued after the vote.
Tonight's vote is a vote for safety," Dorgan said. "It also represents a turning of the tide on the senseless, headlong rush this country has been engaged in for some time, to dismantle safety standards and a quality of life it took generations to achieve."
Teamster General President Jim Hoffa praised the Senate for "slamming the door on the Bush administration's illegal, reckless plan to open our borders to trucks from Mexico."
"The American people have spoken, and Congress has spoken," Hoffa said. "Now it's time for the Bush administration to listen. We don't want to share our highways with dangerous trucks from Mexico."
A counter amendment offered by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, was submitted in an effort to keep the Mexican truck demonstration project alive, even if on life support.
Cornyn had proposed to allow the demonstration project to go forward, while reserving the right of the Senate to pull the plug if safety problems developed in the initial phases of the program roll-out.
Cornyn's proposal was killed by a strong bi-partisan 80-18 vote to table his amendment.
Repeatedly, in arguing from the floor of the Senate for his amendment, Cornyn mischaracterized NAFTA as having created a "treaty obligation" requiring the United States to allow Mexican trucks free access to U.S. roads.
Dorgan objected, pointing out that NAFTA was passed in 1993 as a law, not a treaty.
The vote, taken on the evening of the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, represented a strong sentiment in the Senate that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the DOT inspector general had failed to make the case in their eleventh hour reports submitted to Congress late last Thursday that adequate inspection procedures were in place to insure that Mexican trucks would meet U.S. safety standards.
Speaking in favor of Dorgan's amendment, Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, said the issue really was "free trade" agreements advanced by the Bush administration that advantaged only the multi-national corporations.
Brown compared the safety concerns of allowing Mexican trucks to enter freely into the United States with the safety risks raised by lead paint use by the Chinese on imported toys and Chinese pet and human food that contained poisonous or otherwise toxic elements.
"We need to vote for our children, for our families, for our pets, and for ourselves," Brown charged, urging in an emotional plea that the Senate pass Dorgan's amendment.
In May, the House of Representatives passed the Safe American Roads Act of 2007 (H.R. 1773), by an overwhelming, bipartisan 411-3 margin.
The majority in the House opposing the DOT Mexican trucking demonstration project makes almost certain that the Dorgan amendment will survive when a conference committee reviews the DOT funding bill that will go to President Bush for his signature.
The trucking program allows up to 100 Mexican carriers to send their trucks on U.S. roadways for delivery and pickup of cargo. None can carry hazardous material or haul cargo between U.S. points.
So far, the Department of Transportation has granted a single Mexican carrier, Transportes Olympic, access to U.S. roads after a more than decade-long dispute over the NAFTA provision opening up the roadways.
One of the carrier's trucks crossed the border in Laredo, Texas last week and delivered its cargo in North Carolina on Monday and was expected to return to Mexico late this week after a stop in Decatur, Ala.
Wild Thing's comment........
It's a real shame that it took the Democrats to block what never should have been proposed. I’m amazed that Arlen magic bullet Specter cosponsored this bill. He was a big supporter of amnesty. Maybe he heard some angry words from his constituents!
I think the Senate fools know they are under the microscope with their ratings in the toilet. Half of them are traitors to America, no matter what, and the other half have one slippery foot on their proverbial political term-less careers. This is a big win FOR THE AMERICAN CITIZEN. I am not going to drop my guard. It is a very long way to a respectable Senate that can be trusted with the REAL America.
The two aggravating things about this amendment are:
* First, the list of co-sponors, and
* Second, the list of Senators voting NAY or not voting:
Amends: H.R.3074
Sponsor: Sen Dorgan, Byron L.
Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham [NY] - 9/10/2007
Sen Obama, Barack [IL] - 9/10/2007
Sen Brown, Sherrod [OH] - 9/10/2007
Sen Specter, Arlen [PA] - 9/10/2007
Sen Inouye, Daniel K. [HI] - 9/10/2007
Sen Landrieu, Mary L. [LA] - 9/10/2007
Senators voting NAY:
Allard (R-CO)
Bennett (R-UT)
Bond (R-MO)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burr (R-NC)
Cochran (R-MS)
Cornyn (R-TX)
DeMint (R-SC)
Dole (R-NC)
Domenici (R-NM)
Grassley (R-IA)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hagel (R-NE)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Lieberman (ID-CT)
Lott (R-MS)
Lugar (R-IN)
Martinez (R-FL)
McConnell (R-KY)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Stevens (R-AK)
Sununu (R-NH)
Vitter (R-LA)
Not Voting - 2
Craig (R-ID)
McCain (R-AZ)
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (9)
September 06, 2007
Fred Thompon's Announces his Candidacy for President
Fred Thompon's Announces his Candidacy for President
He appeared on Jay Leno last night, I am posting it here in case you missed it and wanted to see it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (9)
September 02, 2007
Compare and Contrast
All those considered "top tier" are pro-amnesty, pro-open border, pro-illegals and would put a price on US citizenship rather than enforcing current laws.
Wild Thing's comment........
First let me say this, this video I am showing you is not meant to strike out at our side, the Republican side. It is meant to show quotes of things that have been said by various people running for President in the Republican party for this next election.
I am NOT working for anyone running, this is just to give us a good comparison and contrast at the difference so we can all make the correct decision.
For too long now, we’ve kept electing RINOS because they would change their platform and say what we all wanted them to say. This is the reason the GOP is in the trouble it’s in today imo. We’ve got to elect people with a record that doesn’t need sanitizing.
All I can say at this time is that I never prayed like I am now, for our country and it's future. And also praying that the right person is elected in this next election that will be a strong leader.
So rather than jump on the bandwagon of someone who I think can win, I had much rather vote for the one I think is the best and one which it will actually mean something to conservatives when he does win. I suppose some of us are just tired of supporting the same old same and expecting them to be different, as if by magic, this time.
Prayers for our troops and for our country. We live in the best country in the entire world. She is worth fighting for, protecting and praying for too. She has been good to all of us and given us opportunities like no other country could have done.
I have no idea if Fred Thompson will enter or not. I know he has given a date to announce and we will see.
For right now and I have felt this all along I have confidence in Duncan Hunter, his voting record and the things he has said and never flip flopped.
There are many Veterans groups that are also for Hunter, also Rolling Thunder, Gen. Chuck Yeager, many others.
This whole post is meant as information. There is still a lot of time before we will be asked to vote. I just want to make sure I get information honestly stated on all those on our side running for President. Because this time might be one of the most important elections in my lifetime, and I am just so fed up with rino's.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (12)
August 28, 2007
Ron Paul Wants $8,000,000.00 To Market Wild American Shrimp
It's in a subscribers only link at the Wall Street Journal. The Congressman wants $8,000,000.00 to pay for marketing of wild American shrimp and $2.3 million to fund research into shrimp-fishing.
These are but two of the Congressman's 65 earmarks sought thus far this year to the tune of $400,000,000.00.
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank you Gunnery Sgt.Benton for sending this to me.
What the heck are wild American Shrimp? LOL Oh maybe it's Shrimp that practice an immoral lifestyle. Much tastier than decent American shrimp.
So Ron Paul supports taxpayer dollars for the shrimping business, but not for our troops in Iraq, heh?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (11)
August 22, 2007
2007 Version of The Three Amigos ~ Bush, Harper and Calderon
President George W. Bush (R) walks with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (C) and Mexican President Felipe Calderon at the North American leaders summit in Montebello, Quebec, August 20, 2007
Joint Statement by Prime Minister Harper, President Bush, and President Calderón
We, the leaders of Canada, Mexico and the United States, have met in Montebello to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing North America and to establish priorities for our further collaboration. As neighbours, we share a commitment to ensure North America remains a safe, secure and economically dynamic region, and a competitive player in global markets. We also discussed opportunities to cooperate globally and within our own hemisphere. The values and principles we share, in particular democracy, the rule of law and respect for individual rights and freedoms, underpin our efforts in building a more prosperous and secure region.
The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), launched in 2005, is aimed at jointly achieving tangible results across a spectrum of areas, while respecting each nation’s sovereignty. On February 23, 2007, our ministers responsible for the SPP met in Ottawa to review progress and discuss our further cooperation. Our ministers of industry and commerce, foreign affairs, security, environment, energy, health, transportation and trade have also met in recent months, reflecting our deepening dialogue within North America. They have made progress in advancing the priorities we identified at our 2006 meeting in Cancun. In particular, our three countries have completed:
You can read the entire text here
Today President Bush gave a joint statement with Prime Minister Harper, of Canada, and President Calderón of Mexico
PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, Prime Minister. Thanks for having us here. I, too, want to thank the good folks of Montebello for their wonderful hospitality. The food was good, the hospitality was warm. You picked a great place to come.
I expressed my country's concerns for the citizens whose lives will be affected by Hurricane Dean. I respect the fact that President Calderón has decided to get back to Mexico as quickly as possible in a safe way. I want you to know that U.S. agencies are in close touch with the proper Mexican authorities, and if you so desire help, we stand ready to help. The American people care a lot about the human condition in our neighborhood, and when we see human suffering, we want to do what we can to help alleviate that. So we wish you all the best.
These meetings are -- I'm not going to try to reiterate what Stephen said. He went through the list of the meetings. And he's a -- he's right, that we talked about a lot of issues. I just want to give you the spirit of the discussions and why I think they're important.
It's our people's interests that Canada and Mexico work closely together. In other words, there's a good reason why our leaders should come together on a regular basis. First reason why is to figure out ways to continue to enhance prosperity. It's in our interests that the Canadian lifestyle be as strong as it is, and it's in our interests that prosperity spread to Mexico. If you're a U.S. citizen, you want people that live close to you to be prosperous. The more prosperity there is in your neighborhood, the more hopeful your neighborhood is.
NAFTA, which has created a lot of political controversy in our respective countries, has yielded prosperity. Since NAFTA came to be, trade between our respective countries has grown from $293 billion a year to $883 billion a year. Now, for some, those are just numbers; for many, it's improved wages and a better lifestyle and more hope. And the question that we're faced with is how do we continue to enhance prosperity so the average citizen understands the benefits of three countries working together? And I think we made some good progress toward eliminating barriers and toward harmonizing regulations to a point where more prosperity will come to be.
And we discussed a lot of other issues. We discussed bilateral issues. Stephen and I talked about border issues. Of course, Felipe Calderón and I talked about border issues and migration. These are complicated issues, but they're issues that we can work out in good spirit as friends.
One reason one meets is to reconfirm friendships, is to make sure that not only at the leaders' level is there conversations taking place that are friendly, but that that spirit translates throughout our governments. And I think we've accomplished that objective today.
We also talked, as Stephen mentioned, about international issues, issues concerning South America, the Middle East. These are meaningful discussions. I'm glad I came and I'm looking forward to hosting them next year. Matter of fact, it's in the interests of our countries that we have these meetings on an annual basis and then have working groups follow through on the discussion items that -- during our meetings with the business leaders or our own Cabinet Secretaries.
And so thanks for having me. It's been worthwhile. I appreciate it.
After returning from Canada to the States President Bush stopped in Minneapolis where he participated in a briefing on the Interstate 35-W Bridge damage and Minnesota floods.
There is also an article about this meeting at Fox news.
Wild Thing's comment........
How can Bush do this without the approval of the American people? My personal feeling on this is a person can be a Globalist or an American. You can’t be both. President Bush - SELLING OUR NATION’S SOUL without so much as a whimper.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (22)
August 13, 2007
Democrats in jubilant mood ~ Karl Rove To Resign
Karl Rove to Resign At the End of August
wallstreet journal
Karl Rove, President Bush's longtime political adviser, is resigning as White House deputy chief of staff effective Aug. 31, and returning to Texas, he said in an interview with Paul Gigot, editor of The Wall Street Journal's editorial page.
Mr. Rove, who has held a senior post in the White House since President Bush took office in January 2001, told Mr. Gigot he first floated the idea of leaving a year ago. But he delayed his departure as, first, Democrats took Congress, and then as the White House tackled debates on immigration and Iraq, he said. He said he decided to leave after White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten told senior aides that if they stayed past Labor Day they would be obliged to remain through the end of the president's term in January 2009.
"I just think it's time," Mr. Rove said in the interview. "There's always something that can keep you here, and as much as I'd like to be here, I've got to do this for the sake of my family." Mr. Rove and his wife have a home in Ingram, Texas, and a son who attends college in nearby San Antonio.
In the interview, Mr. Rove said he expects Democrats to give the 2008 presidential nomination to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, whom he described as "a tough, tenacious, fatally flawed candidate." He also said Republicans have "a very good chance" to hold onto the White House in next year's elections.
Mr. Bush was expected to make a statement Monday with his aide at the White House, before they fly to Texas to Mr. Bush's Crawford ranch retreat.
"Obviously it's a big loss to us," White House deputy press secretary Dana Perino said. "He's a great colleague, a good friend, and a brilliant mind. He will be greatly missed, but we know he wouldn't be going if he wasn't sure this was the right time to be giving more to his family, his wife Darby and their son. He will continue to be one of the president's greatest friends."
Mr. Rove, 56 years old, has been embroiled in many White House controversies in Mr. Bush's second term, and faced investigation -- but wasn't indicted -- in the White House leak case that ensnared I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, a top aide to Vice President Dick Cheney.
Wild Thing's comment........
I wish him well, we were lucky to have him as long as we have. I guess all the Dem anger will be focused on our VP Cheney now that they won’t have Karl to pick on anymore.
On Hillary - “a tough, tenacious, fatally flawed candidate.” A wonderful parting shot. You’re tha man, Karl. Thank you!
Without Rove, Gore would have been President on 9/11.
For that alone we should be thankful.
Have a great life Karl.
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:47 AM | Comments (12)
August 12, 2007
Duncan Hunter Gave Fantastic Speech At Iowa Straw Poll
The speech is divided into two parts and neither one is that long. But the speech is excellent.
Duncan Hunter--Iowa Straw Poll Part 1
Part 2
A few quotes
Hunter: Not one Democrat said “way to go Marines!”
Duncan Hunter: “We will be successful in Iraq.”
Duncan Hunter: “It takes more than walking across a border to be an American.”
Duncan Hunter: " I will never apologize for the United States of America"
Duncan Hunter: " The Chinese taking hundreds of billions of dollars more than we're taking from them. I'll tell you what I'm worried about ladies and gentlemen, and one reason I'm running for the Presidency of the United States: I don't want to see a time when our trade deficit is so huge, and we've sent so much of our industrial base offshore, that we're worried about our men and women in uniform someday looking at those same weapons systems that we've financed coming back across the battlefield at our men and women in uniform. I'm going to stop that."
Wild Thing's comment........
I think Hunter he is a man of action from his heart. I have no idea what is ahead in this election. But if I go by how each person makes me feel, Duncan Hunter calms me, I feel a strength from him of leadership, I feel safe just hearing him speak. So far the rest of them in the campaign only make me feel like they are politicians more then anything else. .....Just my thoughts about it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (6)
August 08, 2007
OMG Look At This and Watch Murtha Lose It! LOL
From the desk of Congressman John Campbell ( Republican) of California
Early in the morning on Sunday, as we were finishing up amendments on the Defense Appropriations bill, I debated an earmark challenge with the Chairman of the Defense Subcommittee on Appropriations, Congressman John Murtha (D-PA). The earmark allocated $2 million to Sherwin-Williams Paint Company to develop what they described as a "paint shield to protect against microbial attacks." As the sponsor of the amendment, Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs-Jones (D-OH) did not come down to defend her earmark. The defense was left to Congressman Murtha.
keep in mind all I wanted to know was:
1) Is this project requested by the Department of Defense? The correct answer is NO.
2) Is this a project that was competitively bid among other potential suppliers? The correct answer again is NO.
3) Will the taxpayer own the rights to any successful product developed? Again, the correct answer, according to Sherwin-Williams’ own brochure for this project is NO.
For those of us in Congress fighting to reform our earmark process, this video is a good example of where we need to start.
HERE is the Video >>>> Just CLICK Here......
Wild Thing's comment........
Congressman John Campbell scrutinizes and ‘pushes’ Murtha for ‘appropriate’ answers. murtha answers to nobody. Just ask him. Watch the Video it is amazing. LOL
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (12)
August 05, 2007
House Approves Foreign Wiretap Bill
House approves foreign wiretap bill (227-183 vote)
August 4, 2007 - 11:27pm
Associated Press Writer
The House handed President Bush a victory Saturday, voting to expand the government's abilities to eavesdrop without warrants on foreign suspects whose communications pass through the United States.
The 227-183 vote, which followed the Senate's approval Friday, sends the bill to Bush for his signature. He had urged Congress to approve it, saying Saturday, "Protecting America is our most solemn obligation."
The administration said the measure is needed to speed the National Security Agency's ability to intercept phone calls, e-mails and other communications involving foreign nationals "reasonably believed to be outside the United States." Civil liberties groups and many Democrats said it goes too far, possibly enabling the government to wiretap U.S. residents communicating with overseas parties without adequate oversight from courts or Congress.
The bill updates the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, known as FISA. It gives the government leeway to intercept, without warrants, communications between foreigners that are routed through equipment in United States, provided that "foreign intelligence information" is at stake. Bush describes the effort as an anti-terrorist program, but the bill is not limited to terror suspects and could have wider applications, some lawmakers said.
The government long has had substantial powers to intercept purely foreign communications that don't touch U.S. soil.
If a U.S. resident becomes the chief target of surveillance, the government would have to obtain a warrant from the special FISA court.
Congressional Democrats won a few concessions in negotiations earlier in the week. New wiretaps must be approved by the director of national intelligence and the attorney general, not just the attorney general. Congress has battled with Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on several issues, and some Democrats have accused him of perjury.
The new law also will expire in six months unless Congress renews it. The administration wanted the changes to be permanent.
Many congressional Democrats wanted tighter restrictions on government surveillance, but yielded in the face of Bush's veto threats and the impending August recess.
"This bill would grant the attorney general the ability to wiretap anybody, any place, any time without court review, without any checks and balances," said Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., during the debate preceding the vote. "I think this unwarranted, unprecedented measure would simply eviscerate the 4th Amendment," which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures.
Republicans disputed her description. "It does nothing to tear up the Constitution," said Rep. Dan Lungren, R-Calif.
If an American's communications are swept up in surveillance of a foreigner, he said, "we go through a process called minimization" and get rid of the records unless there is reason to suspect the American is a threat.
The administration began pressing for changes to the law after a recent ruling by the FISA court. That decision barred the government from eavesdropping without warrants on foreign suspects whose messages were being routed through U.S. communications carriers, including Internet sites.
Key points in the surveillance bill passed by Congress this week:
Yahoo news
* Expands the administration’s powers to eavesdrop, without a court order, on foreign suspects’ communications passing through the United States.
* Requires new wiretaps to be approved by the director of national intelligence and the attorney general, not just the attorney Ggeneral.
* Requires a court-issued warrant when a U.S. resident is the main target of surveillance.
* Requires Congress to reconsider the law in six months.
Wild Thing's comment........
"This bill would grant the attorney general the ability to wiretap anybody, any place, any time without court review, without any checks and balances," said Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif.
All you have to do is read the bill, or easier yet this article, to see that this woman was standing there lying through her teeth.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (7)
August 04, 2007
An Outrage on the House Floor!!!!
An Outrage on the House Floor
An outrage was committed on the House floor tonight. I still can't quite believe what happened. While voting on a motion to recommit for the agricultural appropriations legislation, the presiding chair (who is a Democrat member) gaveled the vote closed. The tally was clear and the vote was over. The Republicans had won. Then, realizing what had happened - the Dems allowed just their people to keep voting to change the result. Let's be clear, this wasn't holding the vote open - they changed the results of a vote that was legally declared over.
Rep. Eric Cantor wrote a (his blog post) describing what happened.
"High drama on the house floor tonight. Dems brought an Agriculture appropriations bill to the floor greatly expanding government programs, yet again. Republicans moved to recommit the bill to committee, in order to add language prohibiting any taxpayer funds under the agriculture programs from going to illegal immigrants.The Democrat chair closed the roll call when Republicans had won – as the electronic voting tally indicated enough votes to return the bill to committee. Shouting erupted on the floor, as the Democrats attempted to change the outcome of the vote after the gavel had come down – the vote was closed.
Republicans attempted to adjourn, but we were ruled out of order. Confusion set in as members waited at least five minutes for the chair’s decision.
Republicans members then began to leave the floor in protest, after Democrats proved they would go to whatever lengths necessary to further their agenda. A bad call by the chair, the vote was closed. Then the Democrats allowed their members to continue voting to change the outcome. An outrage. Is this a democracy or a dictatorship?
All but a few Republicans refused to vote on final passage since it became obvious that a fair vote would not happen.
UPDATE:Republicans are conferencing this morning after the travesty that occurred last night on the floor of the house. The overwhelming sense of the members is, we have to stand up and reject the democrats manipulation of the rules of the house to further their attempts to thwart Republican efforts to stop government benefits from flowing to illegal immigrants. Republican house members are demanding that democrats right their wrongs."
House Democrats apologized today for wrestling what appeared to be a winning vote tally away from Republicans last night.Republicans continued to steam, however, over the episode, in which they appeared to be the winners by a 215-213 tally on a procedural motion designed to make sure illegal aliens would not get certain benefits from an agriculture spending bill.
Instead, with several lawmakers milling in the well of the House registering votes, Rep. Michael R. McNulty, New York Democrat, quickly gaveled the vote to a close, saying the Republican measure had failed on a 214-214 tie vote.
This is an insult to our democracy, something that Stalin would recognize. It is an unprecedented violation of our democracy that can not be allowed to stand. Do we live in a democracy or a dictatorship?
And, what was so important that the Dems went to all this trouble -- it was a vote to ensure that illegal immigrants couldn't get taxpayer funding in the agriculture bill. The Dems are so opposed to this, that they would violate our democracy.
We need to spread the word. The American People need to know what is happening in their government.
And here is another Response about what happened, Republican Whip Blunt Addresses the House Floor
Wild Thing's comment........
I happened to be flipping the channels and landed on C-SPAN and caught it live. WOW! I was amazed at the lying RATS! The administration & Democrats, & RINO's won't quit until they have PUSHED through their comprehensive illegal immigration....AMNESTY!
The Democrats have become dangerous and they made it abundantly clear they care much more about keeping their power than about ensuring the laws of our great country are adhered to. Then the Democrats wonder why people question their patriotism!
Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) eventually offered a motion to reconsider, according to floor staff on either side, ostensibly giving members a chance to recast their votes. But the maneuver sparked a chorus of angry protests from the Republicans, yelling “shame” on Democrats, while they returned fire with angry volleys of their own.
When Democrats finally moved to consider the spending bill as the last vote of the night, furious Republicans left the chamber en masse to protest the maneuver. The House eventually recessed at 11:18 p.m. But Republicans quickly discovered that there was no longer any record of the controversial vote and immediately charged Democrats with erasing the bad result.
“Obviously, the Democrats don’t want to stand up against illegal immigration — so much so that they’re willing to cheat in order to win a vote,” Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) said in an e-mail. “They’re desperate — and it shows.”
These people are Socialists first and American's second.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (20)
July 31, 2007
Our Prayers For Justice Roberts
Chief Justice John Roberts suffered a seizure at his summer home in Maine on Monday, causing a fall that resulted in minor scrapes, Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said.
He will remain in a hospital in Maine overnight.
"It's my understanding he's fully recovered, said Christopher Burke, a spokesman for Penobscot Bay Medical Center, where Roberts was taken.
Roberts, 52, was taken by ambulance to the medical center, where he underwent a "thorough neurological evaluation, which revealed no cause for concern," Arberg said in a statement.
Roberts had a similar episode in 1993, she said.
Doctors called Monday's incident "a benign idiopathic seizure," Arberg said. The White House described the January 1993 episode as an "isolated, idiosyncratic seizure."
A benign seizure means that doctors performed an MRI and other tests to conclude there was no tumor, stroke or other explanation.
In addition, doctors would have quickly ruled out simple explanations such as dehydration or low blood sugar.
By definition, someone who has had more than one seizure without any other cause is determined to have epilepsy, said Dr. Marc Schlosberg, a neurologist at Washington Hospital Center, who is not involved in the Roberts' case.
Whether Roberts will need anti-seizure medications to prevent another is something he and his doctor will have to decide.
Wild Thing's comment........
My prayers are with Justice Roberts. America needs him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:44 AM | Comments (11)
July 28, 2007
Schumer Has Gone Off The Deep End
New York Sen. Charles E. Schumer, a powerful member of the Democratic leadership, said Friday the Senate should not confirm another U.S. Supreme Court nominee under President Bush “except in extraordinary circumstances.”
“We should reverse the presumption of confirmation,” Schumer told the American Constitution Society convention in Washington. “The Supreme Court is dangerously out of balance. We cannot afford to see Justice Stevens replaced by another Roberts, or Justice Ginsburg by another Alito.”
Schumer said there were four lessons to be learned from Alito and Roberts: Confirmation hearings are meaningless, a nominee’s record should be weighed more heavily than rhetoric, “ideology matters” and “take the president at his word.”
Wild Thing's comment........
The GOP has never made ideology is an issue. The liberals did with Bork, Thomas, Alito, and Roberts. When will the GOP wake up? The Democrats want different rules when they are in power.
I have to wonder if it will come to the point where the citizens will have to demand a change....just like they did a 230 years ago.
Schumer is vicious, dishonest partisan scum. It was perfectly clear who Roberts and Alito are - the President nominates people he respects highly and the Senate confirms them.
The deliberate, cynical character assassination of Robert Bork was a threshhold moment, for me, when the Left began openely to wage unlimited warfare on conservatives and traditional America, using every low and dishonest technique to get their way, not just in politics but EVERYwhere.
Now they are dropping any pretense of following the constitution...if the presidents sends up a nomination, he gets an automatic rejection.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (15)
July 26, 2007
House Rejects Permanent U.S. Military Bases In Iraq
House rejects permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq
The House approved legislation Wednesday preventing the Pentagon from establishing any permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq.
The legislation would bar the federal government from controlling any of that country's oil resources.
Democratic leaders scheduled a vote on the measure, which was introduced by Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) , as part of a concession to some of their liberal members who have been clamoring to de-fund the war.
"It makes a clear statement of policy that the U.S. does not intend to maintain an open ended military presence in Iraq and that we won't exercise control over Iraqi oil," Lee said in a statement afterward. "The perception that the United States plans to maintain a permanent military presence in Iraq strengthens the insurgency, and it fuels the violence against our troops."
House members passed the measure, 399-24.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (10)
July 21, 2007
Democrats Wanting To Protect Terrorists Vote Against John Doe Bill
In response to the case of the "Flying Imams," a movement began to develop known as the John Doe movement. Because radical Islamofascists and groups that protect them are willing to target people who report suspicious activity when muslims are involved, a movement began to protect those that report that activity.
Democrats have killed an amendment designed to protect these citizen heroes. The John Doe amendment was defeated because of Democrats in both the House and the Senate. The vote was 57-39 in favor of the John Doe amendment in the Senate, and the party which screamed about "majority vote for majority rule" during the all-nighter has now used the 60 vote super-majority to kill the John Doe amendment.
"This is a slap in the face of good citizens who do their patriotic duty and come forward, and it caves in to radical Islamists," said Rep. Peter T. King, New York Republican and ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee.
You can go here to see the names Grouped By Vote Position
Wild Thing's comment........
I am John Doe, all of us that love America are John Doe!
This Amendement would protect American citizens who see something suspicious and report it to authorities (ie., the incident at the airport in Minneapolis where several Muslims were acting suspicously) from being sued. The Dems want anyone who sees anything suspicious to “just shut up and not report it” and feels that Muslims should be able to stifle people from reporting incidents by intimidating them with lawsuits.
They have voted to put at risk every citizen who would perform the civic duty of reporting a crime, or a suspected crime. They have sent a message to CAIR and those who engage in litigious intimidation that citizens can expect no consideration from their government when doing their duty as citizens.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (11)
July 05, 2007
Lets not and say we did! ~ US Senate to open with Hindu prayers!
US Senate to open with Hindu prayers
History will be created when a Hindu prayer will be recited at the opening of the US Senate in Washington DC on July 12.
Rajan Zed, a Hindu chaplain, said that he had been officially asked to say the prayer. He said he believes this may be the first time any Hindu prayer is delivered in the Senate since its formation in 1789.
Zed is likely to choose the prayer from the Rig Veda, the Upanishads and the Bhagavad-Gita. He said he plans to start and end the prayer with 'Om', the mystical Hindu syllable. The full text of the prayer will be included in the Congressional Record.
There are an estimated two million Indian Americans in the US.
Followers of Hindu groups like ISKCON may add up to another one million.
“July 12 will be an illustrious day for all Americans and a memorable day for Indian Americans when prayers from ancient Hindu scriptures will be read in the great hall of democracy,” Zed said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Seems as though every religion is welcome here in this country except for that of the founders. With some wanting to take IN God We Trust off our money, One Nation Under God off our Pledge........ etc. What a slap in the face to the one true God, the Judeo Christian God. I think it is to push actual American culture aside in favor of the 3rd world.
"He said he plans to start and end the prayer with 'Om', the mystical Hindu syllable."
Just using my imagination here for a bit thinking what it will sound like to hear the Senate all saying " OM" in a low monotone voice.................OMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (10)
July 03, 2007
Bush Trying To Woo Back His Base ~ Commutes Libby's Sentence
President Bush Commutes Libby's sentence
Fox News
"..My decision to commute his prison sentence leaves in place a harsh punishment for Mr. Libby. The reputation he gained through his years of public service and professional work in the legal community is forever damaged. His wife and young children have also suffered immensely. He will remain on probation. The significant fines imposed by the judge will remain in effect. The consequences of his felony conviction on his former life as a lawyer, public servant, and private citizen will be long-lasting...."
Wild Thing's comment............
I am very glad about this, I would have liked him to be completely pardoned but...........I would assume that this was discussed with Libby beforehand. Perhaps Libby wanted the opportunity to clear his name rather than accept a full pardon now.
The Dems are throwing a fit. hahaha
Meanwhile, those boarder patrol agents Compean and Ramos are still rotting in prison.
Want to see all of Clinton's pardons????
CLICK HERE to see the list and what their crimes were.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (12)
July 01, 2007
Caption It
Gallery of rogues
oh no...when am I up for re-election?
One day we will be FORMER Senators.
Hall of Shame inductees
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (16)
June 27, 2007
Bush to Speak at Islamic Center of Washington DC
On September 17, 2001, six days after the worst Islamic terror attacks ever on US soil, President Bush stood next to CAIR’s Nihad Awad at the Islamic Center of Washington DC, and pronounced ‘Islam is Peace’.
Today Bush is returning to the Saudi-funded Islamic Center, to address its rededication ceremony—and further legitimize radical Islamic groups masquerading as “moderates,” without once asking them to renounce their openly-expressed support for terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hizballah.
Wild Thing's comment........
I didn't like it back in 2001 and I like it even less today. This is just so WRONG! It is a slam in the face of every soldier and family member, and loved one of our troops today...... and to all of America's citizens that KNOW that this war is with Islam, and those that use it's teaching's to kill all non-moslems. And their hate for Jews and Christans not only here but around the world.
The "you are either for us or against us" from Bush has become no more then a campaign slogan instead of a charge into battle.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (12)
June 21, 2007
Congress Hits Record Low ~ 14% Rating
New Gallup data show confidence in Congress at all time low
Just 14% of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in Congress.
This 14% Congressional confidence rating is the all-time low for this measure, which Gallup initiated in 1973. The previous low point for Congress was 18% at several points in the period of time 1991 to 1994.
By way of contrast, 69% of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in the military, which tops the list.
The current 14% confidence rating for Congress is down from 19% last year and is the lowest in Gallup’s history, surpassing the 18% confidence in Congress measured in 1991, 1993 and 1994.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (10)
June 20, 2007
Bush Weighs Reaching Out To Moslem Brotherhood
The muslim brotherhood motto:
“Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.
Bush Weighs Reaching Out To ‘Brothers'
New York Sun
WASHINGTON — The Bush administration is quietly weighing the prospect of reaching out to the party that founded modern political Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood.
Still in its early stages and below the radar, the current American deliberations and diplomacy with the organization, known in Arabic as Ikhwan, take on new significance in light of Hamas's successful coup in Gaza last week. The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood is widely reported to have helped create Hamas in 1982.
Today the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research will host a meeting with other representatives of the intelligence community to discuss opening more formal channels to the brothers. Earlier this year, the National Intelligence Council received a paper it had commissioned on the history of the Muslim Brotherhood by a scholar at the Nixon Center, Robert Leiken, who is invited to the State Department meeting today to present the case for engagement.
On April 7, congressional leaders such as Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the Democratic whip, attended a reception where some representatives of the brothers were present. The reception was hosted at the residence in Cairo of the American ambassador to Egypt, Francis Ricciardone, a decision that indicates a change in policy.
Should Mr. Bush ask his diplomats to forge new channels to the Muslim Brotherhood it would also be a recognition of the gains their parties have made in elections in the last three years.
Nonetheless, administration officials this week also stressed that no decisions have been made as to a new initiative. One leading European Islamist, Tariq Ramadan, who is the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, is being denied a visa to assume a professorship he has been offered at Notre Dame University. The policy debate inside the administration is also contentious, with law enforcement agencies such as the FBI skeptical that the Muslim Brotherhood is not clandestinely more involved in supporting violent jihad than the organization's emissaries let on.
Arguing against a new policy on the brothers today will be a Hudson Institute expert on Islam, Hillel Fradkin. Mr. Fradkin declined to comment on his presentation ahead of the meeting. A colleague of his at the institute who has also taken a skeptical view of the brothers, Zeyno Baran, did say she was worried about a new direction by the Bush administration.
"The thinking is that to deal with terrorism, we need to deal with Muslims who will take care of their communities so there will not be people here and there doing terrorism," she said.
"So we treat the brotherhood like an umbrella organization, like the Council on American Islamic Relations or the Islamic Society of North America. You make them partners. They might Islamize the Muslims, but it's okay because they can think or do what they want as long as they are not violent. That is the misunderstanding and mistake."
Wild Thing's comment...........
So, he’s reaching out to Ted Kennedy, illegal aliens, and the Muslim Brotherhood. Wonder when he will “reach out” to his base?
The Al Qaeda is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. You cannot reach out to these people, for one thing if you do reach out to them you will only appear to be weak. That might be one true thing we can agree on with the Muslim Brotherhood, I can agree with that. Reaching out to them IS weak and simply aid's them in their agenda.
The Muslim Brotherhood has been active in the US since the 1960s. Its goals have included propagating Islam and creating havens for Muslims in the US, and integrating Muslims The Muslim Brotherhood is reportedly behind all the sharia nonsense in Minnesota lately with the cab drivers etc.
The architect of the Sept. 11 strikes, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, told U.S. interrogators that he was drawn to violent jihad after joining the Brotherhood in Kuwait at age 16 and attending its desert youth camps.
Muslim activists who know current and former Brotherhood sympathizers in this country say bitter opposition to Israel is a key part of Brotherhood beliefs. Law enforcement sources say hundreds of current and former members and supporters nationwide are under federal investigation for alleged financial support of Hamas and other Palestinian groups deemed terrorists by the U.S. government.
According to a transcript provided by the Investigative Project, a Washington terrorism research group. "Conquest through dawah, that is what we hope for," said Qaradawi, an influential Qatari imam who pens some of the religious edicts justifying Hamas suicide bombings against Israeli civilians. "We will conquer Europe, we will conquer America, not through the sword but through dawah," said the imam.
He named the Muslim Students Association (MSA) and has opened a headquarters complex built on former farmland in suburban Indianapolis. With 150 chapters, the MSA is one of the nation's largest college groups.
Of course this is just a tiny part of the information on the Muslim Brotherhood. But to reach out to them knowing what we all know about them, how they are already in our country, their ultimate agenda to take over this country and the world............. I just don't understand why we can't have a clean line drawn against our enemy and the enemy of the world.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:45 AM | Comments (14)
June 15, 2007
U.S. Capitol Full of Crap Washington
People around the country have long complained that politicians are full of it. Now their workplace is too. The story, apparently broken by Roll Call, is that on Wednesday, workers found at least three piles of poo (yes, actual poo) in the hall on the Senate side of the building, and possibly some more in a gallery overlooking the Senate chamber.
There have been piles of questions about this - some have speculated it was an accident by a kid (who must have really had to go), that it was some political statement by one or more adults judging by the sheer amount of doody, or maybe it was brought from elsewhere since nobody spotted the offender(s) in action. The Capitol Police (and unfortunate janitors) have no suspects yet.
Can anybody on the Hill give us some more info?
In any case, we really hope that someone gets to the bottom of this.
Wild Thing's comment......
How disgusting but hilarious at the same time. The 21st century version of the Boston Tea Party. Oh gosh think of all the one liners for this one. hahahahhaa I know I shouldn’t be laughing, but I am...loudly. Their ALL full of crap. I’ll bet if they look at it very closely, they will find their name tags are still attached.
Illegals, making the poo that Americans won't.
John Kerry reporting for doody.
Flush the Senate
Ted Kennedy and his Bean Burritos?
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:17 PM | Comments (5)
Dueling RINOs Alert
McCain Criticizes Romney's Abortion Record
Fox News
Republican John McCain's campaign criticized rival Mitt Romney's abortion record anew Wednesday, circulating a video showing the then-Massachusetts governor reiterating his vow to uphold the state's abortion-rights laws.
"I have indicated that as governor, I am absolutely committed to my promise to maintain the status quo with regards to laws relating to abortion and choice, and so far I've been able to successfully do that," Romney says, answering a question at a May 27, 2005, news conference the day he vetoed the state's stem cell legislation.
He adds: "My personal, philosophical views about this issue are not something that I think would do anything other than distract from what I think is a more critical agenda" that includes jobs, education and health care.
As a GOP governor of a liberal state, Romney repeatedly vowed not to change state abortion laws. He supported abortion rights as recently as two-and-a-half years ago, even though he insists he has always personally opposed the practice.
.........popcorn anyone? heh heh
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL I just thought this was funny. I don't care for these guys so this whole thing had me laughing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (7)
June 06, 2007
Republican Debate Moments
Rep. Duncan Hunter, the Alpine Republican who is pursuing his party's presidential nomination, did the ultimate Tuesday night in branding the three front-runners as unworthy.Shouldn’t the GOP nationally be following that Arnold Schwarzenegger example in California?
REP. HUNTER: No. (Laughter.) And let me just say, you know, I look at Governor Romney, Mayor Giuliani, my good friend John McCain. Governor Romney joined with Bill Clinton for the 1994 gun ban when I was fighting that. Mayor Giuliani stood with him at the White House on that. Governor Romney has passed what I consider to be a major step toward socialism with respect to his mandated health care bill. John McCain is standing strong with Ted Kennedy on this Kennedy- McCain-Bush border enforcement bill.I think the guy who’s got the most influence right here with these three gentlemen is Ted Kennedy. And I think we need to move away from the Kennedy Wing of the Republican Party.
Tancredo said top White House adviser Karl Rove once told him the same thing when he was at odds with Bush. Asked whether the current president would play a role in his own administration, Tancredo said, “I would have to tell George Bush exactly the same thing Karl Rove told me.”
The lawmaker noted that he disagreed with Bush on many things, not just his signature issue of immigration. Tancredo also mentioned the prescription drug bill and No Child Left Behind as other examples.
The lawmaker, who is running a long-shot bid for the White House, also held no punches when it came to immigration, reiterating that he would campaign against any Republican who is supporting the bipartisan legislation currently making its way through the Senate.
“I am willing to do whatever is necessary to try to stop this piece of legislation,” Tancredo said at the New Hampshire debate. “And that includes go after any Republican that votes for it, because the Republicans can stop this.”
And Fred Thompson was on Hannity and Colmes
Wild Thing's comment...........
One of the things that also stood out to me during the Debate, was when one of the people in the audience asked Mitt Romney why his website had English and Spanish if he was against Amnesty. If you click on the link and look at the top. Then click on the words Espanol and his page comes up with his son Craig Romney doing a whole speech in Spanish. Or just click HERE to see and hear it.
When they all were asked at the debate how they felt about making English the Language of the USA, Tom Tancredo spoke up immediately and said YES. He also said when asked about Romeny's website if he would do that kind of thing and he said NO. I applauded him when I heard that.
We REALLY need to stop this press #2 for Spanish BS and show people they need to truly be Americans. There are so many other languages of those that have come here legally, people from Germany, Italy, France, Greeece that all those people have made an effort to learn English, why make the exception all the time for those speaking Spanish. I am sick of it!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (8)
June 05, 2007
Maps Say A Lot ~Take a Look
And then in comparison look at this map.............
Secure borders?? How are the terrorist's getting in and how many of them are included in the illegals coming in to our country. I know this map is a few years old, I wish they would update it. But it gives us an idea anyway.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (6)
June 01, 2007
RNC fires phone solicitors ~ LMAO
RNC fires phone solicitors
May 31, 2007
Washington Times
There has been a sharp decline in contributions from RNC phone solicitations, another fired staffer said, reporting that many former donors flatly refuse to give more money to the national party if Mr. Bush and the Senate Republicans insist on supporting what these angry contributors call "amnesty" for illegal aliens.
"Everyone donor in 50 states we reached has been angry, especially in the last month and a half, and for 99 percent of them immigration is the No. 1 issue," said the former employee.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Damn I love this, we have spoken and the saying money talks comes to mind. I am one of those former donors, months ago I told them NO WAY and that I would not support a political party loaded with RHINO's, and a party that did nothing to secure our borders. Sorry to have to enjoy this but this is music to my ears - let the backstabbing sellout traitors go fish.
Republicans have always been the grown ups. The problem is that instead of being for border security first and forcing the Dems to either come to their side of fight against popular opinion, they sidle up to Kennedy and call the base bigots.
Bush and RINOs are ruining the party and the RNC responds not by fighting them but by firing the callers and adjusting to the lack of response.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (16)
May 26, 2007
Fred Thompson Goes Nutmeg
Fred Thompson Goes Nutmeg
by Ryan Sager
May 25, 2007
STAMFORD, Conn. — In his second major outing as a presidential candidate in waiting, Fred Thompson spoke last night to the Connecticut Republican Party for its annual Prescott Bush awards dinner. It was a somewhat unlikely venue for the conservative former Tennessee senator — speaking to the Nutmeggers who send moderate Rep. Christopher Shays to Washington, D.C., year after year ....
After eight years in Washington, I longed for the sincerity of Hollywood," Mr. Thompson said, referring to his departure from the Senate, in what's becoming a standard line. "That's no joke my friends."
And then, on the topic of the day, immigration, he let loose. "We are now living in a nation that is beset by people who are suicidal maniacs," Mr. Thompson said, laying into the recent proposed compromise, engineered by Senator McCain, that would provide legal status to millions of currently illegal immigrants while ostensibly strengthening border enforcement. "We're sitting here now with essentially open borders."
"They don't get it that putting it on a piece of paper anymore, even passing it into law, does not convince the American people that they will do what they say they're going to do," Mr. Thompson thundered.
And if Mr. Thompson had harsh words for his Republican friends on the immigration deal, he had much harsher words for the Democrats on the war in Iraq.
"We look at our friends on the Democratic side who have clearly decided not what is best for their country, but what is best for the Democratic Party, and how they might get additional votes in future elections," he said.
"Our choice is where we will fight," Mr. Thompson said, echoing President Bush's familiar line about fighting the terrorists there, so as not to have to fight them here. All the Democrats want to debate, he said, is "the date of our surrender."
Wild Thing's comment........
"We are now living in a nation that is beset by people who are suicidal maniacs," Mr. Thompson said, laying into the recent proposed compromise, engineered by Senator McCain, that would provide legal status to millions of currently illegal immigrants while ostensibly strengthening border enforcement. "We're sitting here now with essentially open borders."
Good. That ought to tick off those who would trash the Constitution and surrender to an illegal invasion.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (13)
May 20, 2007
Border Agents Recruited for Iraq Duty
Border Agents Recruited for Iraq Duty
Herald Tribune
A military contractor is recruiting current and former agents with the U.S. Border Patrol to teach Iraqis how to secure their national borders.
The U.S. State Department has asked Virginia-based DynCorp International to find 120 people with Customs and Border Enforcement experience to go to Iraq for the training.
The company already has 700 police trainers in Iraq. The department made the request for border security trainers in late March.
Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano said she was worried that DynCorp's effort is distracting from security along the U.S.-Mexico border. She and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson wrote President Bush this week to say the deal "makes no sense."
"We should be focused on supporting our nation's security efforts along the Mexican and Canadian border instead of hampering (the Customs and Border Patrol) by sending our best agents to a war zone in Iraq," the governors wrote.
Agent Shannon Stevens, a Border Patrol spokeswoman, said the number of personnel DynCorp is looking for is "a very small number compared to the agents we have."
DynCorp is offering recruits $134,100 for a one-year stay, plus a $25,000 signing bonus. The first $90,000 in income is tax free, and housing and food are free, company spokesman Gregory Lagana said.
Border Patrol agents with at least two years' experience make roughly $55,000.
Arizona's Tucson sector employs 2,600 agents, and there are more than 13,350 nationwide.
Wild Thing's comment........
Well, with Amnesty just around the corner, Bush/Rove no longer need the extra border agents I guess. (shaking my head)
It's a private military contractor. Not the state department. The agents would be employees of the contractor. Not the govt.
Besides, they may as well go to Iraq. They're sure not doing any bloody good here.
While they're at it, take the prez with them. He's not doing any good, either.
Carter gave away the Panama Canal. Jorge wants to give away the country. I wonder what the next President will want to give away?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (11)
May 18, 2007
Bush-Kennedy Immigration Bill or How To Kill America
You will NEVER have to Press #2 to read my blog. I will stop doing this before that would happen.
Deal struck on immigration bill (in the Senate, now over to the House for action)
WASHINGTON - In a striking reach across party lines, the White House and key lawmakers agreed Thursday on a sweeping immigration plan to grant legal status to millions of people in the country unlawfully.
Sealed after months of secretive bargaining, the deal mandates bolstered border security and a high-tech employment verification system to prevent illegal workers from getting jobs.
President Bush said the proposal would "help enforce our borders but equally importantly, it'll treat people with respect."
The compromise brought together an unlikely alliance of liberal Democrats such as Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts and conservative Republicans such as Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona on an issue that carries heavy potential risks and rewards for all involved.
The proposal constitutes a far-reaching change in the immigration system that would admit future arrivals seeking to put down roots in the U.S. based on their skills, education levels and job experience, limiting the importance of family ties. A new class of guest workers would be allowed in temporarily, but only after the new security measures were in place — expected to take 18 months.
"This is a bill where people who live here in our country will be treated without amnesty but without animosity," Bush said.
Kennedy hailed it as "the best possible chance we will have in years to secure our borders and bring millions of people out of the shadows and into the sunshine of America."
The Bush-Kennedy amnesty.........Report: Potential cost = $2.5 trillion
Wild Thing's comment........
Dear heaven!!! Goodbye sweet America. This is a travesty!
They spent over a TRILLION dollars to make ILLEGAL aliens legal and yet our soldiers do not have enough money to fight the war.
Bush... "it'll treat people with respect".....
OH I see Bush, you want to treat the ILLEGALS with respect but not those of us here legally, all of us the freaking tax payers!
“some extra enforcement to try to slow the flow of the next 12 million illegal aliens enticed by the amnesty”
Only two Republicans currently running for President, oppose this and any other “immigration bill,” i.e. Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo.
I just don’t understand how Bush and the Republicans in power can NOT see that this is DEATH to the Republican party. The illegals will NEVER NEVER NEVER support Republicans because the Dems will always promise them more.
As a child I was taught to respect authority....to play by the rules. To take the high road even when sometimes it might be difficult. I have done this my whole life, I listened to my Father and he was a man of honor and a Hero.
But those in our government would choke on the word honor, they would rather destroy the country that has let them be in power and kiss up to those that break our rules. Our laws mean nothing to these scrum that are doing this. Honor is foreign to them and Patriotism is a word they only think about at the beginning of a Ballgame when they are FORCED to hear our Anthem, if even then.
This is bigger than 2008. It is bigger than the Republican Party. This is about what kind of America we will have. The hell with the stupid politics. It’s about whether there will still be an America that we can recognize.
It is asinine to have Americans dying in Iraq when we have just given away America and all it stands for to an illegal alien horde and a profiteering political elite.
We might as well bring the troops home, and let them at least enjoy the last few days of a dying nation. Their final insult will be a few years down the road when an illegal alien culture schooled in the corruption and socialism of Latin America replaces Memorial and Veterans Days with hispanic festivals like Cinco de Mayo and Bolivar Day.
I will never vote for anyone who endoresed this. It is treason.
Others have said......
REP. DUNCAN HUNTER (R), CALIFORNIA: Listen, we passed my bill in October that calls for 854 miles of border fence across Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. The Senate bill cuts my fence in half, literally takes it down to 370 miles.
Rush Limbaugh: “This bill is worse than doing nothing it all. It’s already bad enough...”
He also said..."If the immigration bill goes through, we're doomed in '08. This will be the last straw for the GOP base as far as trusting the Republicans it elects."
And this as well.."Anybody that ends up supporting this will be very difficult for me to support."
U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo:"Senator McCain and his allies seem to think they can dupe the American public into accepting a blanket amnesty if they just call it 'comprehensive' or 'earned legalization' or 'regularization." "The President is so desperate for a legacy and a domestic policy win that he's willing to sell out the American people and our national security."
Fred Thompson: "With this bill, the American people are going to think they are being sold the same bill of goods as before on border security. We should scrap this bill and the whole debate until we can convince the American people that we have secured the borders or at least have made great headway.”
My husband Nick ( Angry Old Salt) : " Let history record this day as the day the Congress and President of the United States of America deserted and abandoned its citizens by choosing to support the desires of corrupt industry and a massive horde of illegal invaders over and above the safety and welfare of the citizenry. May history label each and everyone of them that supported this fiasco as the Benedict Arnold’s they have chosen to become to the American public."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (22)
May 12, 2007
Democrats Block Amendment For Missile Defense Budget
Republicans oppose BMD (Missile Defense) budget cuts plan (Duncan Hunter Vs. the libs)
May. 11 (UPI)
House Republicans are opposing proposed cuts in the U.S. ballistic missile defense budget. One of the most dangerous things about having the far left Democrats running congress is that they will try to gut our missile defense program which is doing brilliantly.
Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., the ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, has offered an amendment "stating that the sense of Congress is to develop and deploy a layered and robust missile defense capable of intercepting missiles in boost, midcourse and terminal phases of flight."
However, committee Democrats blocked the amendment on a procedural second-degree amendment, a Republican House spokesman said in a statement.
"I'm not sure we should be slowing down the development and fielding of certain elements of our missile defense system that could prove critical to our nation's defense -- especially in light of North Korea's test of several short-range missiles and a longer-range Taepo-Dong-2 missile and Iran's continued development and test of short- and medium-range ballistic missiles," said Hunter.
Rep. Terry Everett, R-Ala., the ranking Republican of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee, said he was "concerned about the $764 million top-line reduction levied on the Missile Defense Agency, especially when progress is being seen in so many of their programs."
Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., proposed an amendment to fully restore the $764 million to the MDA budget, but it failed by a vote of 34-24.
Franks said, "While some in Congress remain intent on cutting missile defense, our enemies also remain intent. North Korea and Iran, among others, are intent on building faster, longer, and more sophisticated ballistic missiles."
However, the Strategic Forces Subcommittee chaired by Rep. Ellen Tauscher, D-Calif., has already restored some key funding for the Airborne Laser project and for some other BMD activities.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Democrats oppose, loathe and despise anything that has to do with defense, whether it's private gun ownership or having a strong, capable military. And then they're shocked and outraged when their patriotism is called into question. If left up to the Democrats we would not allowed to protect ourselves.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (7)
May 06, 2007
" Sleeping With The Emeny"
New Immigration Rules Could Allow Foreign Terrorists to Live in U.S. as Refugees
Fox News....for complete article
WASHINGTON — Today's foreign terrorists could become tomorrow's U.S. refugees if the Bush administration gets its way.
The intent is to grant refugee status to rebels who have fought repressive governments or advanced U.S. foreign policy objectives, particularly in Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America.
But proposed changes to immigration rules also could cover U.S. enemies such as Al Qaeda members and fighters for Hamas and Hezbollah.
To some lawmakers, the revisions under consideration by the administration are too broad and potentially dangerous.
Officials say the changes are meant to reverse the unintended consequences of post-Sept. 11 restrictions that have kept thousands of otherwise eligible people from a haven in the United States.
The administration wants the authority to waive those restrictions so it has as much flexibility as possible in deciding who can and cannot enter the country.
Under current law, virtually all armed nongovernmental groups are classified as terrorist organizations and the U.S. is prohibited from accepting their members and combatants as refugees.
There is limited ability to grant waivers to supporters of those groups who can prove they were forced to provide assistance. But more than 10,000 people have been barred. That includes many from Burma, Laos and Vietnam, including some of whom fought alongside U.S. forces in Vietnam.
Last year, the government planned to accept 56,000 refugees; the actual number was 12,000 less, primarily due to the restrictions.
In addition, about 5,000 people already in the United States as refugees have been blocked from seeking U.S. citizenship because of the rules. Some 600 people asking for political asylum have had their cases put on hold.
"This has had a devastating impact on the admission of refugees and asylum seekers," said Jennifer Daskal, U.S. advocacy director for Human Rights Watch, which supports the proposed changes.
Amendments to the Immigration and Naturalization Act would permit the government to waive the rules for active members and fighters of terrorist groups on a case-by-case basis.
They would cover any foreigner who has engaged in terrorist activity, said Gonzalo Gallegos, a State Department spokesman.
"This amendment thus provides the executive branch with the authority to admit aliens who have engaged in armed action against oppressive regimes or in furtherance of U.S. foreign policy or both," he said.
Lawmakers, however, are skeptical of the need for such expansive changes.
"The provision in this bill would extend the waiver authority in current law to groups that are definitely not friends of the United States," said Republican Sen. John Kyl, who is leading an effort to revise the amendment.
"I do not think that there is a single member of this body who believes that any member of al-Qaida, Hamas or Hezbollah should ever be considered for admission to this country," he said.
Acting on behalf of a bipartisan group, Kyl in late March blocked the amendment from appearing in the Iraq war spending bill that President George W. Bush vetoed on Tuesday.
Kyl's office is working on wording that would cut out what he called the bill's "excesses."
A new version, giving the executive more limited waiver authority, could be ready as early as this week, according to aides.
The State Department and advocacy groups see no reason for concern, saying that members of Al Qaeda, Hamas or Hezbollah never would benefit.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Oh My God, ok I am not an alarmist but some things make sense and some things don't! And this has got to be one of the worst ideas to do something like this.
Sure let's let a few good ole boys come in as Refugees. They only want to be Americans and oh yes they also want to learn how to fly planes. But they are so sincere about being Refugees so they must be OK. Good giref!
"keeping one's enemies close," but this may be taking it a bit too far. ....to put it mildly. How far can the American public, THAT CARES ABOUT AMERICA, be pushed by a utopian administration and Congress? Where does the line get drawn in the sand ?
Some quotes from over the recent years:
“Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn’t look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn’t care about the land or who own the land.The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy.”
-Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi, founder of Pakistan’s fundamentalist movement
Do you remember this quote???? Osama bin Laden on one of his fatwas on al-Jazeera TV. On February 14, 2003 -- about six weeks before troops from the United States and Britain entered Iraq, bin Laden said: "The interests of Muslims and the interests of the socialists coincide in the war against the crusaders."
"We do not differentiate between those dressed in military uniforms and civilians; they are all targets in this fatwah."- Osama Bin Laden
" We are not fighting so that you will offer us something. We are fighting to eliminate you." - Hussein Massawi, former leader of Hezbollah
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (8)
May 03, 2007
Republican Debate Tonight
The first Republican presidential primary debate for this next Presidential election will air tonight. This first debate for Republicans will be on MSNBC, and the next one on May 15th will be on Fox News Channel.
NBC's Brian Williams and MSNBC's Chris Matthews will moderate the debate. Nancy Reagan is supposed to be there.
The Ronald Reagan Library announced that Sam Brownback, Jim Gilmore, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, Duncan Hunter, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo and Tommy Thompson are all confirmed to attend the Library’s debate on May 3rd.
The debate will take place at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, and will air live on MSNBC from 8:00 to 9:30 pm (ET)
Wild Thing's comment.........
I can't stand Chris Matthews so I will be busy yelling at him I can promise you that. He is absolutely horrible.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (10)
April 28, 2007
Obstructionist Democrats by Duncan Hunter
Obstructionist Democrats
Human Events
by Rep. Duncan Hunter
Posted: 04/24/2007
While they wrangle over the terms of their surrender legislation, the Democrat leadership has sent the worst of messages to the world. Speaker Pelosi struck the first wedge into what should be a united American foreign policy on Iraq by introducing a defense bill, which would effectively move the position of Commander in Chief to the U.S. Congress. Along with timetables for withdrawal from Iraq, the Pelosi bill, on page 72, mandates a 15 day waiting period before an American unit can be moved into the Iraq war theater. This incredibly obstructive provision would have profound negative effects on our forces’ abilities to fight. For example, should US hostages be taken and a Delta Force team moved from outside the theater to attempt a rescue, Pelosi’s provision would require a fifteen-day waiting period and a report to Congress before the rescue could be attempted. Should a Zarqawi level target be located and U.S. fighter aircraft be deployed from outside Iraq, the same fifteen days would elapse before a strike could be executed. The very nature of the “notice and wait” requirement illustrates how unfamiliar Democrats are with the war against terrorists. This is a new era involving rapid movement of specialized personnel and equipment across theater boundaries. “Notice and wait for two weeks” reflects an ultimate misunderstanding of U.S. military operations.
Democrats, in defending the Pelosi requirement, state that their concern is readiness of our military forces and that the President’s certification of ”full mission capability” and Congress’ fifteen day review of said certification is simply assertion of normal congressional oversight responsibilities. This position should be rejected for several reasons. First, such micro management can never work in a congress, which takes weeks to tee up a hearing. Second, readiness levels are a complicated thing, often unreflective of real military capability. For example, if an infantry company does not have its flu shots, it will be rated as “unready.” In the world of speaker Pelosi, this may justify non-deployment, but to a soldier engaged in combat and awaiting reinforcements, the message that the speaker is worried that the re-enforcements will catch the flu and will have to “stay home from school” until they get their shots is hardly inspiring. All this reflects the wisdom of the Constitution’s reserving Commander in Chief responsibilities for the single leader elected by the entire nation. Even the Washington Post noted the obvious intrusion of the Pelosi bill on the President’s powers.
Senate leader Reid quickly followed Speaker Pelosi with his own mis-guided “missile,” in announcing that the U.S. had “lost” the war in Iraq. Just as Speaker Pelosi had surprised the Israelis by becoming their ambassador to Syria without portfolio, Senator Reid’s comments must have been a surprise to some. Consider, for example what effect they might have on an Al-Qaeda leader in Anbar Province. As he sits in his safe house outside Fallujah, the bad news has been coming in. His assassinations of Sunni Tribal leaders have turned the region against him. Sunnis are joining the Iraqi Army in Anbar Province in unprecedented numbers. The Sunni led national police force is working with the Shiite led Army and the U.S. Marine Corps to push back against Al-Qaeda. The terrorist leader is interrupted from his “bad news” briefings by ecstatic aides. “Senator Reid has surrendered,” they shriek. “He says the U.S. has lost the war.” The Al-Qaeda leader asks the aides if they are joking, and, assured they are not, turns to the task of redoubling his efforts. This statement can only have the effect of encouraging the enemy in Iraq.
Beyond its damaging effect, Senator Reid’s statement also reflects total misunderstanding of the situation in Iraq. Occupations of foreign nations have always been difficult. They wear on two parties: the occupier and the occupied. The bunch of books that have been written on the U.S. operation in Iraq, all critical, have one thing in common: a long laundry lists of U.S. “mistakes”
Is the implication that a “smooth road” to occupation existed? In reality, such a smooth road is never attainable given circumstances like Iraq. For those who recommended that Saddam Hussein’s army be kept intact a brief chuckle should be reserved. This army contained 11,000 (yes, eleven thousand) Sunni generals. An Army thus comprised and charged with stabilizing and defending a predominately Shiite nation would only have created a mess. For those who recommended that the U.S. force be vastly increased early in the occupation, two points come to mind. First, where were you when Commander in Chief Bill Clinton reduced his Army to ten divisions (from fourteen divisions in 1992)? Second, how does an increased American force mesh with a goal of liberal senators to “put an Iraqi face” on the security apparatus?
Today we are in the second phase of the American blueprint for expanding freedom. A government, elected by its people, has been stood up. It is clumsy as most new governments are, but it is generally representative of the political will of the Iraqi people. The U.S. military is now in the process of standing up an Iraqi military capable of protecting the government. The Iraqi Army consists of 129 battalions. It is critical that the force be battle-hardened in an expeditious fashion. Military forces gain competence most rapidly through military operations. Each Iraqi battalion that has not undertaken extensive operations should be deployed for three to four months in a contentious zone of the Iraq battle space. They should be assigned a mission which will allow the command to exercise logistics and its chain of command and to demonstrate its combat effectiveness. These operations will impart to the Iraqi forces the quality most important to a successful turnover of security…military reliability. The Iraqi government and the U.S. military should ensure that trainers and support forces are available for the newly deployed battalions.
Once reliability is established in the Iraqi military, they will be capable of rotating into the battlefield throughout Iraq, displacing U.S. combat forces, which can be returned to the United States or further assigned to Central Command. U.S. success in Iraq will ultimately be measured like a cancer operation. If a dictator more lethal to U.S. interests than Saddam Hussein assumes power over the next decade, the mission will be considered a failure. If the new nation retains a modicum of freedom and a benign relationship with the U.S., the operation will amount to an unprecedented success in the most difficult region of the new era.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am sorry for the length of this and I seldom post an entire article but this is excellent. No missteps. No backtracking. No reversals. Great take-down of the vicious, shameless, irresponsible Defeatocrats and their MSM allies!
My respect for him increases everyday. Here are several of his Videos.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (12)
April 13, 2007
Mexican truck stampede to hit U.S.!
WND ....for complete article
Despite congressional opposition, the Bush administration is fully committed to beginning within weeks a pilot test that will allow Mexican trucks to operate freely across the U.S.
A spokesman for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Ian Grossman, told WND the agency plans to grant the first authority for a Mexican trucking company to operate its long-haul rigs throughout the U.S. as early as the end of this month.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Why don't they just use Grayhound Buses for all the illegals who no longer have to walk across the border?
On the news awhile back they showed showed Troopers that investigated American trucks and truck drivers and took them off the road for different violations, will they do the same with the mexican drivers and trucks or will they have aclu complain of violations against their civil rights as they go on our highways killing Americans?
Hunter is against this so he is sponsoring HR 1756 to include Mexican transport vehicles in the rules and regs domestic transport vehicles must abide by. Thus ensuring protection for American motorists and pedestrians, and less drug and illegal alien smuggling.
Contact your Congressmen and urge them to support HR 1756.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (8)
April 11, 2007
Dems Too Cowardly To Debate on Fox Channel ~ LOL
Clinton, Obama just say no to Fox
Presidential debate thrown into jeopardy
Both Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama said they would not participate in a presidential debate sponsored by Fox News Channel, throwing the event in jeopardy. The two senators joined former Sen. John Edwards, who announced on Friday he would not participate in the debate, one of four being held by the Congressional Black Caucus Institute.
The Congressional Black Caucus contracted with Fox to co-sponsor two of its debates -- one Democratic and one Republican -- and gave the two others to CNN.
But now the top three Democrats in the race have said they will not participate in the Democratic debate co-sponsored by Fox, which was scheduled for Sept. 23 at the Fox Theater in Detroit.
A spokesman for Obama, who is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, told ABC News he would decline, saying "CNN seems to be a more appropriate host."
Wild Thing's comment.........
How childish is this anyway. And what if the republican candidates refused to participate in debates hosted by the other networks. If Republicans did this... the screaming would never stop. I always thought someone running for President was running to be President of ALL the United States not just those that watch certain news channels.
Ayone who considers themselves worthy of public office, much less the high office of POTUS, should have no qualms about participating in a forum that might be less than sympathetic to their viewpoints.
The fact that all of these so-called dem hopefuls don't even have that much guts makes it crystal clear that absolutely none of them are suitable.
We don't need cowards in the White House.
Barak Obama the frightened. He, Hillary Clinton and Edwards are terrified their views (or lack of) will be exposed. They are like scared rabbits and their contrived excuses are transparent. Leaders they are not.
The Dems have complained about the "two America" comment made back when, I forget who made it first. But they have bitched about it and said it was the Republicans that have made it two America's. Oh really! Well there ARE two America's sweetheart and it is because of how YOU the Democrats want to drive this Nation into the land of socialism ASAP and we are fighting it every step of the way. Dems prove their double standard at every turn in the road and oh how I wish there would be things happening that would put it right in their face what phony's they are.
OK I feel better now, ranting sure does help. hahaha
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (4)
April 10, 2007
Military Experience Rare Among '08 Field
The 2008 presidential campaign is long on war rhetoric and short on warriors. Despite the high-profile roles of the battle against terrorism and conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan in the presidential campaign, few of the candidates can claim military experience on their resumes.
* Delaware Sen. Joe Biden - None. Rejected for medical reasons, but would have been eligible in a national emergency.
* New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton - None.
* Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd - Served in the Army Reserve (1969-75).
* Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards - None. Draft number was never called.
* Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich - None. Was rejected for military service because a heart murmur.
* Illinois Sen. Barack Obama - None. Too young to have been drafted for the Vietnam War.
* Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico - None. Received student and medical classifications. Draft number was never called.
* Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback - None. Came of age as draft was ending.
* Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani - None. Received student and occupational deferments. Draft number was never called.
* Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee - None. Came of age as draft was ending.
* California Rep. Duncan Hunter - Served as an Army paratrooper and Ranger in Vietnam (1969-71).
Also his son, a Marine, has completed two tours of duty in Iraq.
* Arizona Sen. John McCain - Served in the Navy (1958-81); prisoner of war in Vietnam (1967-73).
* Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney - None. Received a deferment as a Mormon missionary in France, was eligible for the draft upon his return to the states but was never selected.
* Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo - None. Received student deferments. Was available for military service in 1969. Reclassified in 1970 because of stress-related anxiety and could have been called up only during a pressing national emergency.
Congress has also seen a drain in the number of members with military experience.
Only 131 members have had some form of military service, according to a Congressional Research Service report. During the 93rd Congress from 1973 to 1975, 390 veterans served.
Even if a military background isn't essential to voters, a sense that a candidate can handle the role of commander in chief remains important to most Americans.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I am not saying that serving in the military is a qualification for President, John Kerry is a perfect example of why that’s not true. But personally I think it helps in the times we live in now to have someone that has served in the military and have that connection to be Commander in Chief.
At least that is what I would wish for, but he would have to be a Conservative and not a Rhino.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (14)
April 07, 2007
Swift Boat Vet supports Duncan Hunter
Swift Boat Vet supports Duncan Hunter
A Naval veteran who co-founded the group "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" says he will do whatever he can to help Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-California) become the next president of the United States.
John O'Neill, a co-founder and member of the group, says in 2008 he is campaigning for another Vietnam veteran who is running for the Oval Office -- Representative Duncan Hunter.
"He is a Vietnam veteran who I can really be proud of," says O'Neill. "I'm really happy to be able to be for someone instead of just being against someone. I'm going to do everything I can to try and help him out." And so are many of the people in the Swift Boat Veterans group, he adds, clarifying that they are doing so as individuals and not on behalf of the group.
O'Neill says he recognizes that the California lawmaker is a long shot, but so were the Swift Boat vets when they organized to stop Kerry in 2004. "The long-shot causes are always the causes most worth fighting for," he says. "That's what I believe in -- so I think he has a chance; and that's who I'm for."
Now this on Duncan Hunter............
Pro-National Defense........... check
Pro-Border Security............. check
Pro-Small government.......... check
Pro-Low Taxes.................... check
Pro-1st amendment.............. check
Pro-2nd amendment............. check
Staunchly Pro-life................. check
Opposes "gay marriage" ...... check
Is a patriot and veteran......... check
Conservative voting record... check
Wild Thing's comment.........
Awesome. A real hero supporting a real hero. This will make Duncan Hunter a target of the libs who see the SBVT as the spawn of the devil. But they hate anyone that is good anyway.
I would love to see him do well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (11)
April 02, 2007
Congress Will Fund Troops ~ War Must End By 2008
Senate takes strongest action yet against Pres. Bush, war
In an aggressive move to counter President Bush’s war plans, the U.S. Senate signed off on a bill Thursday that provides $123 billion to pay for war costs in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The bill, passed 51-47 in the newly Democrat-controlled Senate, orders Bush to begin withdrawing troops within 120 days of the bill being passed.
Most Republicans rejected the bill, refusing to support a bill that imposes a forced troop withdrawal. Bush held a pep rally with members of the Republican Party to help raise support for his plans to continue the war shortly before the bill was passed.
Bush has made it clear that any bill proposed with a timetable will not be passed.
“We stand united in saying loud and clear that when we’ve got a troop in harm’s way, we expect that troop to be fully funded and [when] we’ve got commanders on the ground making tough decisions on the ground, we expect there to be no strings on our commanders,” Bush told the Associated Press.
UW-Madison political science professor David Canon said, “This is the strongest statement made so far about ending the war sooner than later.”
In spite of Bush’s rejection of the bill, Canon said, “Congress has the support of the public and the public does not support the war. An unpopular war can only last so long before it has to end.”
There was a lack of enthusiasm for the bill from the Wisconsin Campus Anti-war Network.
“Proposing a timetable will not be effective because it allows the war to continue. This bill proves that Congress cannot be left to end the war; it’s up to the anti-war movement,” said UW-Madison senior and Wisconsin Anti-war Network member Chris Dols.
The proposed bill was delivered less than four months after Bush’s new plan for continuing the war in Iraq, regardless of the pressures to withdraw from a majority of Americans, according to Canon.
U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., has been open about his disagreement with the Bush administration’s plan since the beginning of the Iraq war four years ago.
With the signing of the bill, “today marks an important step toward ending the war in Iraq,” Feingold said in a statement.
“For the first time, the U.S. Senate will pass binding legislation requiring the President to begin withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq. While this is long overdue, it is a big step in the right direction and it brings us closer to ending our involvement in this disastrous war,” he said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Like a poker game only this one is with the lives of our troops. And the Dems can finish playing it in Hell if I had my wish.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:54 AM | Comments (10)
March 29, 2007
Dems Using Troops as 'Bargaining Chip' for Pork
Your Democratic Congress at Work
from Hugh Hewitt blog- at Townhall
You might think a supplemental funding bill whose express purpose is to support our troops in a war zone would be a serious matter. If you think that way, you’ve obviously mistaken our Democrat-run Senate as a serious institution. Below is a list of additional expenditures, or, you might say, winners of the pork lottery that the Democrats included in the supplemental funding bill:
1) $24 million for funding for sugar beets. Good thing - I love sugar beets!
2) $3 million for funding for sugar cane (goes to one Hawaiian co-op). But I love sugar even more. Especially sugar that comes from Hawaii!
3) $20 million for insect infestation damage reimbursements in Nevada, Idaho, and Utah. Damn insects. Kill them all.
4) $2.1 billion for crop production losses. Remember, this is a bill to support the troops.
5) $1.5 billion for livestock production losses. That’s a lot of livestock.
6) $100 million for Dairy Production Losses. Is there any industry in America that’s losing money that this bill doesn’t offer a handout to?
7) $13 million for Ewe Lamb Replacement and Retention Program. The problem with ewes is you feed them, you train them, you love them, and when they finally become useful they take a better paying job. Ewes are fickle beasts who show not an ounce of loyalty. Even $13 million to replace and retain them won’t do any good.
8) $32 million for Livestock Indemnity Program. Good to have in case your chicken pecks out the neighbor’s kid’s eye. Gotta have indemnity for your livestock. Much more important than funding the troops.
9) $40 million for the Tree Assistance Program. Aaah, trees – the cathedrals of nature. I bet this one was John Kerry’s idea.
10) Provision that extends the availability by a year $3.5 million in funding for guided tours of the Capitol. Also a provision allows transfer of funds from holiday ornament sales in the Senate gift shop. If I understand this one correctly, most of the $3.5 million actually goes to stocking Ted Kennedy’s Capitol mini-bar.
11) 165.9 million for fisheries disaster relief, funded through NOAA (including $60.4 million for salmon fisheries in the Klamath Basin region). Finally, the overlooked Klamath basin gets the attention it deserves.
12) $25 million for asbestos abatement at the Capitol Power Plant. On this one, we got off easy. The contemplated asbestos abatement on Ted Kennedy’s liver would have cost an additional $6 million.
13) $22.8 million for geothermal research and development. Someday, God willing, this research will pave the way for curing the earth’s fever.
Believe me, there are many, many others. This is only a partial list. And, I regret to say, not one of the items above is made-up or a joke.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is from Townhall and Posted by Dean Barnett, I think he did a good job with it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (6)
March 28, 2007
Bush It Is Time To Dust Off That Veto Pen
Never forget has become Never Remember
Senate backs troop withdrawal from Iraq
The U.S. Senate on Tuesday endorsed a March 31, 2008, target date for withdrawing American combat troops from Iraq, moving Congress a step closer to a showdown with President George W. Bush over the war.
By a vote of 50-48, the Senate defeated an amendment that would have stricken the withdrawal language from a $121.6 billion bill that mostly would fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. A final vote on the bill is expected later this week.
Bush has promised to veto any legislation with dates for withdrawing from Iraq, including a measure passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday.
HERE is the Roll Call so you can see who voted and how
- 46 of 48 professed Pubbies voted for the amendment. Cut-and-Hagel voted against, Enzi didn't vote.
- Lieberman also voted for the amendment.
- 48 of 50 professed RATs voted against the amendment.
Wild Thing's comment.......
We must never forget who our enemy is, not only Islam but also the Dems. The Dems want people to forget about not only 9-11 but all the other attacks that the followers of Islam have done. We must not let this happen.
There are 51 Dems and 49 Republicans in the Senate. The vote was 50-48. I guarantee every Dem except Lieberman voted to set the timetable...and Johnson is still out sick...so that means very few Republicans crossed the aisle.
There were two (2) RINOs involved: Hagel and Gordon Smith. Lieberman voted with the 'pubbies.
The reaction against Hagel and Smith should be swift and terrible.
What in God's name were they thinking, handing the reins of government over to the Socialists in a time of war? Sheer idiocy!
All the world terrorist organizations and regimes send their great thanks and congratulations for these 50 traitors!
When the President vetoes this treasonous and defeatist bill ( and he said several times he would) he should go on national TV and address the nation on why he is vetoing this bill. He should tell of how those that voted as they did are aiding the enemy and that what they did is an act of treason imo, it is stabbing our troops in the back.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (17)
March 23, 2007
Rats in Congress Use Troops as 'Bargaining Chip' for Pork
Dems Accused of Using Troops as 'Bargaining Chip' for Pork
As the House prepares to debate legislation Thursday that would authorize more funding for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan - and set a September 2008 end-date for funding - conservative analysts condemned what they said was excessive "pork spending" in the bill.
The U.S. Troop Readiness, Veteran's Health, and Iraq Accountability Act would allocate $103 billion in additional funding for military operations, and to care for wounded troops. But it also contains $21 billion in so-called "pork spending."
Several appropriations are under fire, including:
-- $50 million for "asbestos abatement and other improvements" in the U.S. Capitol.
-- $74 million for "storage, handling, and other associated costs for the 2007 crop of peanuts."
-- $120 million to fund the shrimp industry's recovery from Hurricane Katrina
-- $284 million for payments to dairy farmers
-- $4.3 billion in increased Federal Emergency Management Agency disaster relief for areas affected by hurricanes
The bill allocates smaller amounts, such as $5.27 million for bird flu research and $165,200 for the widow of a late congressman.
Rep. Joe Pitts (R-Pa.) said in a statement Wednesday that Democrats are "trying to pressure reluctant members into voting for this by taking on billions of dollars in pork barrel projects. The money they want to spend on spinach subsidies and peanut storage would be better spent on body armor and Humvees."
Congress is "effectively using the troops as a bargaining chip for their own pork" and called the domestic projects "extremely wasteful."
"Congress is telling the president, you cannot fund body armor for our troops until you agree to give us $16 million for extra office space in the House of Representatives," Riedl said. The $16 million allocation for "House office buildings" appeared in an earlier version of the bill but has since been removed.
Republicans on the committee believe the bill named for troops and the war on Iraq should stick to that focus and not deviate to domestic spending projects.
"This legislation ought to focus on our troops. It ought to focus on providing those in harm's way with the resources they need to complete their mission successfully," California Rep. Jerry Lewis, the ranking Republican on the Appropriations Committee, said in a statement.
For its part, the White House has said President Bush will veto the appropriations bill unless it is changed. "Because of the excessive and extraneous non-emergency spending it contains," the administration said in a statement, "if this legislation were presented to the President, he would veto the bill."
"Congress should reject this legislation," the White House statement continued, "and promptly send the President a responsible bill that provides the funding and flexibility our troops need, without holding funding for the troops hostage to unrelated spending."
Wild Thing's comment.......
There should be a name attached to every add on spending piece. Where's the congressman or senator responsible? The Democrats would like to cut national defense - not to reduce spending, but so they can weaken our military and also so they can piss it away on more of their domestic giveaway programs instead
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (21)
March 15, 2007
Why Do They Want Our Guns?
The All-American Gun
NY Post
John R. Lott Jr. is the author of this article about the book
Did you know that in New York City through 1969 virtually all the public high schools had riflery teams?
Thousands of students carried their rifles on subways, buses and streets on their way to school, when they went to practice in the afternoon and on their way home. And until 1963, all commercial pilots were required to carry guns and were allowed to carry guns until 1987.
Gun laws have certainly changed over time.
Today towns such as Kennesaw, Ga., Greenfeld, Idaho, and Geuda Springs, Kan., which all require residents to own guns, are considered odd. But Clayton Cramer's terrific new book, "Armed America," shows that, in fact, gun ownership has been deeply woven into this country's fabric since the colonial period.
Cramer proves that guns aren't inherently the problem. In our day, criminals may have replaced Indians as a danger facing most citizens, but it may also shock many readers to learn how comfortable Americans once were with their guns.
In colonial times, as Cramer argues, people didn't own guns just for hunting. Numerous laws mandated that people have guns for personal defense and defense of the community, at home, while traveling and even in church.
Heads of households, whether men or women, were required to have a gun at home and fines of up to a month's wages were imposed on those who failed to meet this requirement.
In some states such as Maryland, fines were paid directly to inspectors so that authorities had a strong incentive to check. The only people exempt from these rules were Quakers, some indentured servants or, in the South, blacks.
Fear of attack by Indians and England's European enemies meant that people were required to own and carry guns when traveling, though sometimes older people were exempted.
At least six colonies required people to have guns with them at church. Church officials were required to check parishioners when they arrived for services to ensure they had a gun. Clergymen were required to have guns, too. Contrast that with the political firestorms that erupt these days when states merely let churches decide whether concealed-handgun permit holders can carry guns on church property.
In our day, only about 45 percent of households own a gun, whereas gun ownership in Colonial America was much higher, as measured by probate records. Guns were bequeathed to the next generation in about 70 percent of cases.
The fascinating firsthand historical accounts that Cramer provides indicate that guns were cheap, readily available and essentially everywhere. Given America's historical amnesia, Cramer's book helps to remind us about that part of our history many now find improbable.
Wild Thing's comment......
Our guns are what let us know we can always protect ourselves if we had to. Sometimes just the knowledge that a person has a gun or guns is enough to stop a crime like the article says about this book. I agree 100% with that. I pray we never see the day that anyone will be coming to get our guns.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (12)
March 12, 2007
Zell Miller vs. Rudy on Abortion
Says Zell: Military shortages, Social Security crisis, and illegal immigration all linked to abortion
It hasn’t gotten widespread play yet, but former U.S. Sen. Zell Miller made a little news this week in Macon when he declared that abortion has contributed to the military’s manpower shortage, the Social Security crisis, and the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States.
“How could this great land of plenty produce too few people in the last 30 years? Here is the brutal truth that no one dares to mention: We’re too few because too many of our babies have been killed,” Miller said.
“Over 45 million since Roe v. Wade in 1973. If those 45 million children had lived, today they would be defending our country, they would be filling our jobs, they would be paying into Social Security,” the former Georgia governor said. “Still, we watch as 3,700 babies are killed every single day in America. It is unbelievable that a nation under God would allow this.”
Giuliani in 1989 on public funding of abortion
Wild Thing's comment.......
Amazing that we hear a Democrat saying this and a so called Republican taking the stand FOR abortion. The world is upside down and inside out I think.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (4)
February 17, 2007
TRAITORS!!! One and All! Hall of Shame!!
House Passes Iraq Resolution With 17 Votes From G.O.P.
LINK to the list of who voted
( Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)
The seventeen Republicans who decided today to end their political careers:
Representative James T. Walsh
Phone: 202-225-3701
Fax: 202-225-4042
Representative Walter Jones
Phone: 202-225-3415
Fax: 202-225-3286
Representative Wayne Gilchrest
Phone: 202-225-5311
Fax: 202-225-0254
Representative Michael Castle
Phone: 202-225-4165
Fax: 202-225-2291
Representative Richard (Ric) Keller
Phone: 202-225-2176
Fax: 202-225-0999
Representative Philip Sheridan English
Phone: 202-225-5406
Fax: 202-225-3103
Representative Ronald Ernest Paul
Phone: 202-225-2831
Representative Frederick Stephen Upton
Phone: 202-225-3761
Fax: 202-225-4986
Representative Thomas M. Davis
Phone: 202-225-1492
Fax: 202-225-3071
Representative Mark Kirk
Phone: 202-225-4835
Fax: 202-225-0837
Representative Howard Coble
Phone: 202-225-3065
Fax: 202-225-8611
Email: howard.coble AT mail.house.gov
Representative John J. Duncan Jr.
Phone: 202-225-5435
Fax: 202-225-6440
Representative James Ramstad
Phone: 202-225-2871
Fax: 202-225-6351
Email: mn03 AT mail.house.gov
Representative Steven C. LaTOURETTE
Phone: 202-225-5731
Fax: 202-225-3307
Representative Robert Inglis
Phone: 202-225-6030
Fax: 202-226-1177
Representative Timothy V. Johnson
Phone: 202-225-2371
Fax: 202-226-0791
Representative Thomas Petri
Phone: 202-225-2476
Fax: 202-225-2356
Wild Thing's comment......
Every single one of those that voted for this should be executed for treason. I am fed up with their loathing of our fight against Islam that wants us all dead. NO way are these people NOT informed. No way are they illiterate and don't know any better. This is an agenda of the worst order and it IS against America and our troops.
Today's action by the Democrats and a few Republicans will be interpreted by the mullas as weakness , thus ensuring another major attack in the U.S. These Democrats and the seventeen former Republicans have just voted in the most binding of all ways to cut the heart out of troop morale, to aid our sworn enemies abroad, and to give assistance and comfort to the leftists and Marxists in the Democratic Party, and their Old Media buddies.
As far as I am concerned there are TWO wars, one that our military is fighting against Islam, and the other back here at home....the war against the enemy within. God help us, God help America and God please protect our troops.
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murder is less to fear."- Marcus Tullius Cicero
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (21)
February 11, 2007
ALL 435 House Members To See Classified Iraq Intelligence Papers Tuesday
All 435 House Members Can See Iraq Intelligence -- and Talk on Iraq Next Week
To the surprise of the Bush administration, the House Intelligence Committee voted unanimously Wednesday night to allow all 435 House members to see the classified version of the National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq sent to the White House last week. The report is classified in part because it contains information about sources and methods used in intelligence-gathering.
The document will provide fuel for a House debate, scheduled to begin Tuesday, on a resolution of disapproval of President Bush’s plan to boost U.S. troop strength in Iraq. Remarkably, each House member will be given five minutes to speak. The decision to provide such broad access to the microphones is based on the fact that each member got the chance to speak before the Iraq war began, according to House leadership aides.
In announcing the vote to allow all members access to the classified portion of the NIE, the committee said those examining it “will be required to review the document in the Committee's secure offices in the Capitol and sign a secrecy oath.” The members will not be allowed to leave with notes, congressional sources said.
The White House was not informed or consulted about the decision. Such access for members is rare but not unprecedented. The document had been made available to members of several committees with jurisdiction over the intelligence community, but other lawmakers would have needed to request permission to read it. The committee had received written requests from one Republican and one Democrat, plus some other informal inquires, and decided it would be better to allow blanket access instead of voting on each request, congressional sources said.
The report, called “Prospects for Iraq’s Stability: A Challenging Road Ahead,” was approved Jan. 29 by the heads of the government’s 16 intelligence agencies. It paints a generally bleak picture of conditions in Iraq and warns that without successful efforts to rein in insurgent violence and political extremism, the overall security situation “will continue to deteriorate” at current rates for the next 12 to 18 months, the period covered by the report.
The decision raised fears among some Republicans that members not used to dealing with classified information might play fast and loose with what they saw. But Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-Texas, chairman of the Intelligence Committee, said in a statement: "It is critical that all Members of Congress understand the consensus view of the Intelligence Community on the gravity of the situation in Iraq and the consequences for U.S. troops and our long-term national security interests."
Republicans who voted for this:
Peter Hoekstra, Republican -- Michigan
Ray LaHood, Republican -- Illinois
Terry Everett, Republican -- Alabama
Elton Gallegly, Republican -- California
Heather Wilson, Republican -- New Mexico
Jo Ann Davis, Republican -- Virginia
Mac Thornberry, Republican -- Texas
John McHugh, Republican -- New York
Todd Tiahrt, Republican -- Kansas
Mike Rogers, Republican -- Michigan
Rick Renzi, Republican -- Arizona
Darrell Issa, Republican -- California
Wild Thing's comment.....
Dear God ... protect and save us! This is VERY dangerous and a totally insane move! When you think it can't get worse, well.. IT DOES! This is beyond a slippery slope.
For pete's sake.........LET THE MILITARY RUN THIS WAR!!!! I am so sick of these politicians! And to have it set up for this....."and sign a secrecy oath" ......Oh yeah an 'oath" that sure as heck will work.....NOT. Like that means anything to them. These people will be leaking information like crazy and we all know it. Get ready for lots of secrets about our covert activities to get leaked. OMG
God help our troops, God help us all, this will be in the New York Times. NYSlimes Headline, "Hey look what we are doing and who is doing it" And what about the Muslim sympathisers who will see it and pass the sources and methods to our enemies, we do have some in our government.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (35)
February 06, 2007
Thank You President Reagan ~ We Miss You!
"Terrorist attacks are not caused by the use of strength. They are invited by the perception of weakness."
-Ronald Reagan
Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they've ever made a difference in the world. Marines don't have that problem."- Reagan
"Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his."- Reagan
"Our enemies may be irrational, even outright insane, driven by nationalism, religion, ethnicity or ideology. They do not fear the United States for its diplomatic skills or the number of automobiles and software programs it produces. They respect only the firepower of our tanks, planes and helicopter gunships." -- Ronald Reagan
Wild Thing's comment.......
Today would have been President Reagan's birthday. He would be 96 years old today. Oh how I wish we had more leaders like Reagan, we need them now more then ever. President Reagan was and will be a legend in the hearts of we conservatives forever.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:55 AM | Comments (8)
February 03, 2007
Bush and Stretch Face Pelosi Plan Joint News Conference Saturday (today)
Bush, Pelosi plan joint news conference Saturday
Bush is scheduled to hold a news conference on Saturday with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi after he addresses a meeting of House Democrats, congressional aides said on Friday.
Bush will speak to House of Representatives Democrats holding an annual weekend retreat at about 10 a.m. (1500 GMT). Afterward, at about 11:40 a.m. (1640 GMT), Bush, along with Pelosi and other House Democratic leaders, will answer reporters' questions.
Bush, will be appearing at the Williamsburg retreat one month after Democrats took control of the House and Senate. With less than two years remaining in Bush's presidency, his policies, including his handling of the Iraq war, are being challenged by Democrats.
Wild Thing's comment......
Maybe they plan to announce they are giving the United States to Mexico. Why don't I have confidence in this! How telling is that fact that I don't. Who the heck is giving Bush advice anyway. Carville?? augh!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (13)
January 27, 2007
President Reagan's Speech A Rendezvous With Destiny
This speech by President Ronald Reagan is awesome!!
Thank you Billy of Billy O'Blog for the video.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (10)
January 26, 2007
Dems Responding To Kerry NOT Running For President ~ heh heh
Kerry decides against 2008 presidential run
"As someone who made the mistake of voting for the resolution that gave the president the authority to go to war, I feel the weight of personal responsibility to act to devote time and energy to the national dialogue and an effort to limit this war and bring our participation to a conclusion," he said in a speech on the Senate floor.
Kerry voted for the congressional resolution authorizing the 2003 invasion of Iraq, but later turned against the war and was mocked as a "flip-flopper" during his 2004 challenge to President Bush
"I intend to devote all my efforts and energies over the coming two years not to another race for the presidency for myself, but to doing whatever I can to ensure that the next president can take the oath with a reasonable prospect of success for him or her -- for the United States," he said
Wild Thing's comment......
Hillary has his "real" Navy discharge papers in her files.
I think traitor Hanoi Kerry knows that he has no chance to even win the nomination.
As a friend of mine wrote me in an email today:
"I guess the lying, traitorous POS realized those of us who REMEMBER Vietnam and the lies he told about us -- haven't all died yet.. Plus -- he realizes that souls whose names are on that black wall on the Mall he has accused of war crimes, haven't forgotten either.. Plus -- he STILL hasn't and won't sign his SF-180, releasing his military and medical records which would PROVE he's a phony lying sonuvabitch..Semper Fi"
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (8)
January 24, 2007
Delivering The Counterpoint To State of Union Speech
Bin Laden's No 2 mocks Iraq plan in latest video
Al-Qaeda’s second-in-command has poured scorn on President Bush’s plan to send thousands more troops to Iraq, boasting that even the whole US army would not be a match for insurgents in Iraq.
In an online video address, Ayman al-Zawahiri, who carries a $25m bounty on head, is shown mocking Mr Bush’s fresh strategy to send 21,000 extra troops to quell sectarian violence, challenging him to send "the entire army" into the conflict-torn nation so that they could be destroyed by his charges.
The video came as the US military said that it had detained more than 600 fighters from Moqtada al-Sadr’s Mehdi Army, the feared and powerful militia which a recent US report described as having replaced al-Qaeda as the largest threat to security in Iraq.
"In his latest speech, Bush said in his ramblings that he would send 20,000 of his soldiers to Iraq. I ask him: why send only 20,000 soldiers? Why don’t you send 50,000 or 100,000?" he said.
"Don’t you know that the dogs of Iraq are impatient to devour the carcasses of your soldiers? On the contrary, you must send your entire army to be annihilated at the hands of the mujahedeen so that the whole world will be rid of your wickedness."
In the tape, al-Zawahiri also mocks the US-led mission to rid Afghanistan of remnants of the extremist Taliban movement.
"Iraq, the country of the caliphate and of jihad, is capable of being a tomb for ten of your armies. It is al-Qaeda and the Taliban, led by the emir of the believers, Mullah Mohammed Omar…who have deprived the Americans of a safe haven in Afghanistan.
"Security must be shared: if we are safe, you will be too... If we are hit and killed, you will inescapably be hit and killed. Today, the duty of every Muslim is to bear arms or to support and serve those who bear the arms."
Zawahiri also refers to recent events in Somalia in his message, accusing the US of being behind the deployment of Ethiopian troops and vowing that Islamist forces would "break the back" of the Ethiopian forces.
Unlike his leader, Osama bin Laden, Zawahiri frequently speaks for Al-Qaeda in video or audiotapes although his whereabouts remain unknown. He is listed by the US government for being wanted in connections with the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and was sentenced to death in absentia by an Egyptian court a year later.
In a previous online message on January 5, Zawahiri called on the Somali Islamists to be use violence in Iraq and Afghanistan as inspiration to fight the Ethiopian forces in Somalia. The Pentagon said last week that US operations in Somalia would continue until key Al-Qaeda targets were eliminated.
The video came as the US forces said that some 600 fighters and 16 leaders of the Mehdi Army – the militia loyal to radical Shia cleric al-Sadr - had been taken into custody.
A military statement said that in the past 45 days, 52 raids had targeted al-Sadr’s militia, but did not reveal when the members who are awaiting prosecution were detained. It added that a further 42 raids had focused on Sunni insurgents.
The Mehdi Army, which is believed to have up to 60,000 members, forms one of Iraq’s most feared and powerful militias and is suspected of being heavily involved in the killing of Sunnis in Baghdad and other parts of the country. The latest quarterly Pentagon report released last month named it as the largest threat to security, saying it "has replaced al-Qaeda in Iraq as the most dangerous accelerant of potentially self-sustaining sectarian violence in Iraq."
Wild Thing's comment.......
I'm so gonna love it when this fleabag's skull gets renovated with a skylight. Courtesy of a US Army sniper.
The Democrats hate it when Ayman al-Zawahiri releases his stuff prior to President Bush's State of the Union speech tonight. It forces the Democrat speech writers to change all the portions about Iraq in the Dem response to avoid charges of plagiarism. heh heh
There are SO many "Number Twos" in the Islamofascist hierarchy, it is hard to tell how close to the top Joe Biden or Jack Murtha are.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (10)
January 23, 2007
McCain Says Yep He Will Run for President in 2008
Sen. McCain running for president in 2008
Pittsburgh Tribune
Sen. John McCain didn't mince words Monday when asked if there is any doubt that he is running for president in 2008.
"There is no doubt," McCain told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review in an exclusive interview.
While his presidential exploratory committee still must decide the right time for a formal announcement, the Arizona Republican made his firmest declaration to date that he's in the race.
"Right now, the Iraq issue ... is taking a lot of my attention and effort away, and I think that's appropriate. I'm still a United States senator. I've got to perform my duties," McCain said.
But his committee is "making all the preparations" for a run, he said.
During a 30-minute interview, McCain touched on a range of issues -- the situation in Iraq, the state of affairs in Latin America and Cuba, what he hopes to hear from President Bush in tonight's State of the Union address and what a McCain presidency would be like.
McCain made stops in Harrisburg and Pittsburgh yesterday to meet with prospective supporters for his presidential bid. Pennsylvania will be a key battleground state in the race for president, just as it was in 2000 and 2004, he said.
You can continue HERE for rest of article and interview.
Wild Thing's comment......
Just sitting here as they all turn in their names. All the wanna be's. I will NOT vote for McCain, nope, no way.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (8)
January 22, 2007
Good Grief! ~ Martinez Vows To Use GOP Post For Hispanic Outreach
Martinez Vows To Use GOP Post For Hispanic Outreach
WASHINGTON - Sen. Mel Martinez of Orlando became the new face of the Republican Party on Friday, pledging to attract more Hispanic voters and heal the party's rift over illegal immigration.
"The fact that a boy at age 15 can come here from another country, with nothing, not even speaking the language of this country, and stand before you today as a leader of our great party and a United States senator is a miracle that could only happen in America," said Martinez, who immigrated to Florida from Cuba.
He was overwhelmingly elected to a new position, general chairman, by members of the Republican National Committee. A handful of "no" votes came from representatives of border states who oppose his views on illegal immigration.
Martinez and President Bush are among Republicans who favor giving workers in the country illegally a path to citizenship. Opponents dismiss the plan as amnesty.
"I want to make sure we take [the] message to the broader Hispanic community, to the African-American community and to all communities that may never have believed that Republican ideals spoke to them," Martinez said.
Martinez offered a hint of how he intends to increase minority interest.
In a news conference, he answered a few questions from English-speaking reporters. Then he turned to a Spanish-speaking television reporter and said, "In the interest of diversity, let me take a pregunta en espanol."
Wild Thing's comment.....
I don't like Martinez! I had a gut feeling if he was in this position it would be just like this with this plan of his. No No No thank you.
OK this is a real life experience. A man that worked in the company I used to work for came here from Peru. He wanted to become a citizen and he did. His wife did not because she said, " I don't want to pay taxes and this way I can send more money to our families at home." Home? Yep, she meant Peru.
Both of them think Bill Clinton is a gift from God. They HATE Bush, and are complete Democrats.
Giving in to the illegal immigrants does NOT lock in a Republican vote. And from what I can tell from the news it only shows how they think the Democratic party is the one they will vote for. So all this kissing up that Bush does for them means nothing. And it shows them that the President of the most powerful country in the entire world does not respect the existing laws of this land so why should they.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (16)
January 14, 2007
Barney Frank Throws Hissy Fit On House Floor ~ Hilarious
The Republican arguing with power-hungry Barney Frank is Patrick McHenry. McHenry rose to offer an amendment that would exempt American Samoa from the stem-cell bill — a clear dig at the fact that Samoa, which is home to StarKist factories that employ nearly 75% of the island’s work force, was conspicuously exempt from the minimum-wage bill that had passed the day before. Why is that important? Because StarKist is a branch of Del Monte Foods Co., which has its headquarters in San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi’s district.
Wild Thing's comment......
One thing that stands out besides this being so funny, the left has a lot of freakin nerve to ridicule the way President Bush speaks! Barney Frank always sounds like Elmer Fudd. ( with apologizes to Elmer Fudd of course)
* Hot Air
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (18)
January 13, 2007
CNN (Clinton News Network) New Polling Partnership for 2008 Elections
CNN and Opinion Research Announce Formal Polling Partnership
Opinion Research Corporation, a leading provider of global market research and consulting services, today announced the establishment of a formal polling partnership with CNN, one of the world's most respected and trusted sources for news and information. The CNN Poll will become the CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll.
"Opinion Research Corporation's reputation for independent, objective analysis and its excellent reputation in the industry make the firm the ideal polling partner for CNN," said Sam Feist, CNN's Political Director. "As the network gears up to offer the most in-depth and expansive coverage of the 2008 election, Opinion Research Corporation will be a key part of giving viewers the accurate and relevant information they demand to help them make decisions."
InfoUSA purchases Opinion Research
Opinion Research was purchased last year by InfoUSA. InfoUSA is controlled by a dedicated and loyal Clinton friend Vinod Gupta.
New York Post
March 28, 2001
Gupta, donated $1 million to Clinton's presidential library fund, has stayed overnight in the Lincoln Bedroom. Clinton, who calls him "Vin," slept over at Gupta's house in the heartland after a fund-raiser. Days before he left office, Clinton appointed Gupta to the Board of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center of the Performing Arts.
Vin Gupta is also linked to "billionaire philanthropist" Warren Buffett as the two of them co-hosted a $1000 per-plate fundraiser dinner at Gupta's own estate in Nebraska for Hillary back in 2000, where she left with at least $100,000.
At a private $1,000-per-plate dinner at the estate of InfoUSA founder Vin Gupta, the First Enabler emerged with more than $100,000 in Nebraska cash. Billionaire investor Warren Buffett, who cohosted the event, also accompanied Mrs. Clinton on a shopping spree at his Borsheim's Fine Jewelry and Gifts store. She emerged from the store with three shopping bags, and, according to the World Herald, later told guests at the dinner that she "may have left as many dollars in Omaha as she would take back to New York"
New York Post
October 2, 2005
VINOD Gupta, a high-living CEO pal and fundraiser to the Clintons, is being accused of looting his company's coffers and using shareholder money to fund his lavish lifestyle.Gupta, the CEO of InfoUSA, an Omaha, Neb.-based database company, is coming under fire from investors, including Cardinal Capital, the Greenwich, Conn.-based hedge fund whose last target was newspaper baron Conrad Black, for a variety of alleged offenses, including funneling InfoUSA funds through private companies he controls to pay for things such as jet travel, a fancy yacht and a skybox at University of Nebraska football games.
Wild Thing's comment.......
The Clinton's are sharpening their daggers and mixing their poison and practicing their lies well in advance of the "opening day" of the campaign season.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (6)
December 28, 2006
Bush Signs Law to Bar Military Funeral Protests
Bush Signs Law to Bar Military Funeral ProtestsBy Nathan Burchfiel
CNSNews.com Staff Writer
December 27, 2006
(CNSNews.com) -
President Bush has signed into a law an amendment to U.S. law protecting military funerals from protests like those staged by a controversial Kansas church that characterizes soldiers' deaths as divine punishment for homosexuality.The new amendment prohibits protestors from demonstrating within 150 feet of a funeral and within an hour of the memorial service. It provides a year in jail and/or an undetermined fine for violators.
The rule applies to funerals at non-federal cemeteries, joining legislation passed in May 2006 that bans demonstrations at national cemeteries such as Arlington National Cemetery outside Washington, D.C.
Wild Thing's comment........
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (14)
December 27, 2006
President Gerald Ford - Rest In Peace
Navigation Officer Gerald R. Ford takes a sextant reading aboard the USS Monterey. 1944
Gerald R. Ford, has died, his wife, Betty, said Tuesday. He was 93.
A statement from Betty Ford said: "My family joins me in sharing the difficult news that Gerald Ford, our beloved husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, has passed away at 93 years of age."
Ford had battled pneumonia in January 2006 and underwent two heart treatments, including an angioplasty in August at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.
He was the longest living president, followed by Ronald Reagan, who also died at 93. Ford had been living at his desert home in Rancho Mirage, Calif.
President Ford was born in Omaha, Nebraska.
Gerald Ford quote:
"A government big enough to give you everything you want is also a government big enough to take from you everything you have."
A CNN commentator says President Ford will be buried at the Ford library and museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan after funeral/memorial services in California, D.C., and lying in state in the Capitol Rotunda.
Laura and I are greatly saddened by the passing of former President Gerald R. Ford.President Ford was a great American who gave many years of dedicated service to our country. On August 9, 1974, after a long career in the House of Representatives and service as Vice President, he assumed the Presidency in an hour of national turmoil and division. With his quiet integrity, common sense, and kind instincts, President Ford helped heal our land and restore public confidence in the Presidency.
The American people will always admire Gerald Ford’s devotion to duty, his personal character, and the honorable conduct of his administration. We mourn the loss of such a leader, and our 38th President will always have a special place in our Nation’s memory. On behalf of all Americans, Laura and I offer our deepest sympathies to Betty Ford and all of President Ford’s family. Our thoughts and prayers will be with them in the hours and days ahead.
More at these other Blogs:
* Not Exactly Rocket Science ( CalTechGirl) She has a video of a SNL skit on Mr. Ford.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (10)
December 22, 2006
Hillary's Drive For 55
Hill Drive For 55
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton called for "most of the country" to return to a speed limit of 55 mph in an effort to slash fuel consumption...
"The 55-mile speed limit really does lower gas usage.
"And wherever it can be required, and the people will accept it, we ought to do it," Clinton said at the National Press Club.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Liberals have been screaming about this ever since the 55 limit was lifted back in '92 (or '94 maybe? I don't remember). hmmmmmm.......not sure, but wasn't it during the Carter years? The 55 limit was a joke to begin with .. almost nobody ever payed attention to it, not even the cops. Will Illegal Aliens be required to obey the 55-mile per hour speed limit as well?
Every time she makes a pronouncement, it is as though we travel backwards in some sort of evil time warp.
Here is how I feel about Hillary's idea.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (17)
McCain-Feingold's Communication Prohibition Held Unconstitutional
McCain-Feingold's Electioneering Communication Prohibition Held Unconstitutional as Applied to Genuine Grassroots Lobbying
James Madison Center for Free Speech
Today the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia held that the ban on corporate electioneering communications is unconstitutional as applied to the three grassroots lobbying ads for which Wisconsin Right to Life ("WRTL") sought judicial relief in WRTL v. FEC. Judge Leon wrote the opinion and was joined by Judge Sentelle in the majority of the three-judge court. The ads were run in 2004 when WRTL did radio and television ads urging people in Wisconsin to contact Senator Kohl and Senator Feingold and ask them to oppose the ongoing filibusters of President Bush's judicial nominees. Because Senator Feingold was a candidate, WRTL had to stop running its ads when the electioneering communication prohibition period began. WRTL sought judicial relief to continue running its ads, which was denied at the time. Today the District Court first decided that the grassroots lobbying ads were not the functional equivalent of express advocacy, as the U.S. Supreme Court had required in its analysis in McConnell v. FEC (which upheld the electioneering communication only against a facial challenge). Second, the District Court held that the FEC had not met its burden of proving that the prohibition was narrowly tailored to a compelling state interest as applied to the ads. So the Court held that the prohibition was unconstitutional as applied to these ads. James Bopp, Jr., attorney for WRTL comments: "This is a victory for the right of the people to lobby their members of Congress on upcoming votes even if there is a pending election. This grassroots lobbying is simply self-government at work, which is protected by the First Amendment."
Wild Thing's comment......
I wish this whole idiotic law would be overturned. How can free speech be bound by so many rules and restrictions, and still be free? It cant!!! McCain teaming up with Fiengold tells you everything you need to know about McCain.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (6)
December 13, 2006
Dumb and Dumber Answers From Intelligence Chief
Dumb answers of intelligence chief
* Key Democrat's error over al-Qaeda
* Choice raises doubts over Pelosi
He is expected to have an acute understanding of terrorist groups and their threats to American interests. But the incoming chairman of a congressional intelligence committee was yesterday struggling to explain his ignorance of al-Qaeda and Hezbollah.
Silvestre Reyes, the Democrat chosen to head the House of Representatives committee, was asked whether members of al-Qaeda came from the Sunni or the Shia branch of Islam.
“Al-Qaeda, they have both,” he answered, adding: “Predominantly probably Shi’ite.”
In fact, al-Qaeda was founded by Osama bin Laden as a Sunni organisation and views Shia Muslims as heretics. The centuries-old now fuels the militias and death squads in Iraq.
Jeff Stein, a reporter for Congressional Quarterly, then put a similar question about Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shia group. “Hezbollah. Uh, Hezbollah . . .” replied Mr Reyes. “Why do you ask me these questions at five o’clock? Can I answer in Spanish? Do you speak Spanish?” Go ahead, said Stein. “Well, I, uh . . .” said the congressman.
His apparent ignorance of basic facts have raised fresh questions over his suitability for the key intelligence post — as well as the judgment of Nancy Pelosi, the new Speaker of the House, who picked him for the job. She has already been criticised for trying to oust her deputy Steny Hoyer, in a poll among Democrat congressmen after the mid-term elections.
There was further controversy over her choice of Mr Reyes over the head of Jane Harman, who had been the committee’s most senior Democrat but was said to have upset Ms Pelosi.
At the time Mr Reyes said he had “very strong credentials” for the job — “credentials which could stand up to anybody”.
Yesterday he said in a statement:
“The CQ interview covered a wide range of topics other than the selected points published in the story. As a member of the intelligence committee since before 9/11, I’m acutely aware of al-Qaeda’s desire to harm Americans. The committee will keep its eye on the ball, and focus on the pressing security and intelligence issues.”
Earlier this year Stein flummoxed two Republicans on the committee, Jo Ann Davis and Terry Everett, with similar questions about the differences between Sunni and Shia. “One’s in one location, another’s in another location. No, to be honest with you, I don’t know,” replied Mr Everett.
Stein has also caught out Willie Hulon, chief of the FBI’s new national security branch when he was asked to which branch of Islam were Iran and Hezbollah belonged. “Sunni” he replied. “Wrong,” said Stein.
Stein has defended his use of such questions:
“To me, its like asking about Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland — who’s on what side? Its been five years since these Muslim extremists flew hijacked airliners into the World Trade Centre. Is it too much to ask that our intelligence overseers know who they are?” Indeed, Trent Lott, No 2 in the Republican Senate leadership, said recently: “It’s hard for Americans, all of us, to understand what’s wrong with these people . . . They all look the same to me.”
The report from the Iraq Study Group expressed amazement that more was not being done to “understand the people who explode roadside bombs”. Only six people in the US Embassy in Baghdad are fluent in Arabic, about two dozen of its 1,000 employees having some familiarity with the language.
Wild Thing's comment......
OK so this shocks me. Not only that Silvestre Reyes knows so little about the enemy but also Republicans as well. When our leaders have put no effort into knowing our enemy it speaks volumes!! I think this is scary as heck.
We the people vote for these jerks, tell them now go to Washington D.C. and do us right. We gave them the power to speak for us, to vote for bills and legislation that we would approve of. We spoke out loud and clear how we felt about the terrorists, hell we had flags flying from cars, from business, even in Las Vegas the huge screens on the strip advertising their latest entertainers at each casino had " Support the Troops", "God Bless America" at every casino and in red, white and blue neon lights.
There were thousands of us showing support for the troops at rallies across our nation. Where many of us stood wearing special t-shirts showing support for our military, holding our flags high in our hands, and singing patriotic songs. Men and women that didn't know each other meeting for the first time as parents brought enlarged photos of their sons and daughters that had enlisted after 9-11. Giving us all a chance to say thank you and show our appreciation to the families as well. I know this is a fact, because I have participated in these rallies in Las Vegas, California, New York and Florida.
The USO also let us help at some of their locations to welcome troops home, to help with the families to get to the airport, or take care of their pets so they could get away for a week after a soldier came home. Or to make videos sent to the troops with messages from us at Christmas time.
And our leaders can’t take the time out of their lives to LEARN about the enemy, not only the enemy of America but of the entire world. GOD HELP US!
These people are the Keystone Cops! You know if you study hard you can one day be President, if you don't you'll end up getting stuck in Congress.
Silveste Reyes is the first Hispanic to be the chair of the House Intelligence Committee. I shall assume that is what he meant by saying this when he had no knowledge of anything else.
“Why do you ask me these questions at five o’clock? Can I answer in Spanish? Do you speak Spanish?”
As some of you have read on here already. I started to read and learn about Islam in 1972 when the attack was done at the Munich Olympics. I don’t expect others to have done the same thing, but I sure as hell expect and demand for our leaders to read up on Islam the death cult.
To say a statement like this………..
"It’s hard for Americans, all of us, to understand what’s wrong with these people . . . They all look the same to me.”
OMG Yikes! So I guess the only way a Congressman knows it is a terrorists’ is if they look like this walking down the street..........................
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (10)
December 08, 2006
Jeane Kirkpatrick Dies
WASHINGTON — Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, an unabashed apostle of Reagan era conservatism and the first woman U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, has died.
The death of the 80-year-old Kirkpatrick, who began her public life as a Hubert Humphrey Democrat, was announced Friday at the senior staff meeting of the U.S. mission to the United Nations.
Spokesman Richard Grenell said that Ambassador John Bolton asked for a moment of silence. An announcement of her death also was posted on the Web site of the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative-oriented think tank here where she was a senior fellow.
Kirkpatrick's assistant, Andrea Harrington, said that she died in her sleep at home in Bethesda, Md. late Thursday. The cause of death was not immediately known.
Kirkpatrick's health had been in decline recently, Harrington said, adding that she was "basically confined to her house," going to work about once a week "and then less and less."
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said that Kirkpatrick, who had a reputation as a blunt and acerbic advocate:
"stood up for the interests of America while at the U.N., lent a powerful moral voice to the Reagan foreign policy and has been a source of wise counsel to our nation since leaving the government two decades ago. She will be greatly missed."
Karlyn H. Bowman, a colleague of Kirkpatrick's at AEI, called her:
"always insightful. Always interesting. Very thoughtful about modern American politics and foreign policy. A wonderful colleague."
Jeane Kirkpatrick's greatest speech at the GOP Convention in 1984. Sad to say it is as relevant today as it was twenty-two years ago.
This is the first Republican Convention I have ever attended. I am grateful that you should invite me, a lifelong Democrat. On the other hand, I realize that you are inviting many lifelong Democrats to join this common cause ...When the San Francisco Democrats treat foreign affairs as an afterthought, as they did, they behaved less like a dove or a hawk than like an ostrich - convinced it would shut out the world by hiding its head in the sand.
Today, foreign policy is central to the security, to the freedom, to the prosperity, even to the survival of the United States. And our strength, for which we make many sacrifices, is essential to the independence and freedom of our allies and our friends ...
The United States cannot remain an open, democratic society if we are left alone -- a garrison state in a hostile world. We need independent nations with whom to trade, to consult and cooperate. We need friends and allies with whom to share the pleasures and the protection of our civilization.
We cannot, therefore, be indifferent to the subversion of others' independence or to the development of new weapons by our adversaries or of new vulnerabilities by our friends.
The last Democratic administration did not seem to notice much, or care much or do much about these matters ...
Jimmy Carter looked for an explanation for all these problems and thought he found it in the American people. But the people knew better. It wasn't malaise we suffered from; it was Jimmy Carter -- and Walter Mondale. And so, in 1980, the American people elected a very different president. The election of Ronald Reagan marked an end to the dismal period of retreat and decline ....
The Reagan administration has helped to sustain democracy and encourage its development elsewhere. And at each step of the way, the same people who were responsible for America's decline have insisted that the president's policies would fail.
They said we could never deploy missiles to protect Europe's cities. But today Europe's cities enjoy that protection.
They said it would never be possible to hold an election in El Salvador because the people were too frightened and the country too disorganized ...
They said that saving Grenada from terror and totalitarianism was the wrong thing to do - they didn't blame Cuba or the communists for threatening American students and murdering Grenadians - they blamed the United States instead.
But then, somehow, they always blame America first.
When our Marines, sent to Lebanon on a multinational peacekeeping mission with the consent of the United States Congress, were murdered in their sleep, the "blame America first crowd" didn't blame the terrorists who murdered the Marines, they blamed the United States.
But then, they always blame America first.
When the Soviet Union walked out of arms control negotiations, and refused even to discuss the issues, the San Francisco Democrats didn't blame Soviet intransigence. They blamed the United States.
But then, they always blame America first.
When Marxist dictators shoot their way to power in Central America, the San Francisco Democrats don't blame the guerrillas and their Soviet allies, they blame United States policies of 100 years ago.
But then, they always blame America first.
The American people know better.
Wild Thing's comment.....
We've lost another grown-up. Godspeed, Ambassador Kirkpatrick..
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 PM | Comments (11)
December 04, 2006
Bush Accepts Bolton's U.N. Resignation
WASHINGTON - Unable to win Senate confirmation, U.N. Ambassador John Bolton will step down when his temporary appointment expires within weeks, the White House said Monday.
Bolton's nomination has languished in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for more than a year, blocked by Democrats and several Republicans. Sen. Lincoln Chafee (news, bio, voting record), a moderate Republican who lost in the midterm elections Nov. 7 that swept Democrats to power in both houses of Congress, was adamantly opposed to Bolton.
Critics have questioned Bolton's brusque style and whether he could be an effective public servant who could help bring reform to the U.N.
President Bush, in a statement, said he was :
"deeply disappointed that a handful of United States senators prevented Ambassador Bolton from receiving the up or down vote he deserved in the Senate. They chose to obstruct his confirmation, even though he enjoys majority support in the Senate, and even though their tactics will disrupt our diplomatic work at a sensitive and important time," Bush said. "This stubborn obstructionism ill serves our country, and discourages men and women of talent from serving their nation."
Sen.John Kerry, D-Mass, said Bolton's departure could be a turning point for the administration.
"With the Middle East on the verge of chaos and the nuclear threats from Iran and North Korea increasing, we need a United Nations ambassador who has the full support of Congress and can help rally the international community to tackle the serious threats we face," Kerry said. He said it was an opportunity for Bush to nominate an ambassador "who enjoys the support necessary to unite our country and the world and who can put results ahead of ideology."
Bush gave Bolton the job temporarily in August 2005, while Congress was in recess. Under that process, the appointment expires when Congress formally adjourns, no later than early January.
The White House resubmitted Bolton's nomination last month. But with Democrats capturing control of the next Congress, his chances of winning confirmation appeared slight. The incoming chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Democratic Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, said he saw "no point in considering Mr. Bolton's nomination again."
While Bush could not give Bolton another recess appointment, the White House was believed to be exploring other ways of keeping him in the job, perhaps by giving him a title other than ambassador. But Bolton informed the White House he intended to leave when his current appointment expires, White House deputy press secretary Dana Perino said.
Bush planned to meet with Bolton and his wife later Monday in the Oval Office.
Bush said he accepted Bolton's decision with deep regret.
"He served his country with extraordinary dedication and skill, assembling coalitions that addressed some of the most consequential issues facing the international community," the president said. "During his tenure, he articulately advocated the positions and values of the United States and advanced the expansion of democracy and liberty.
"Ambassador Bolton led the successful negotiations that resulted in unanimous Security Council resolutions regarding North Korea's military and nuclear activities. He built consensus among our allies on the need for Iran to suspend the enrichment and reprocessing of uranium," Bush added. "His efforts to promote the cause of peace in Darfur resulted in a peacekeeping commitment by the United Nations. He made the case for United Nations reform because he cares about the institution, and wants it to become more credible and effective."
Bolton, who pushed strongly for U.N. reform, has had strained relations with many in the U.N. Secretariat, led by Secretary-General Kofi Annan, and has repeatedly called for all top U.N. officials to leave when Annan steps down as U.N. chief on Dec. 31 and is replaced by Ban Ki-moon.
"I think Ambassador Bolton did the job he was expected to do," Annan said Monday morning when asked about Bolton's resignation. "He came at a time when we had lots of tough issues from reform to issues on Iran and North Korea. I think as a representative of the U.S, government, he pressed ahead with the instructions he had been given and tried to work as effectively as he could."
As late as last month, Bush, through his top aides, said he would not relent in his defense of Bolton, despite unwavering opposition from Democrats who view Bolton as too combative for international diplomacy.
In a letter to Bush, dated last Friday, Bolton offered no reason for his decision.
"After careful consideration, I have concluded that my service in your administration should end when the current recess appoint expires," Bolton wrote.
Wild Thing's comment.....
I know we knew it was coming but nonetheless it is still sad and has me very angry.
That F'ing Chaffee and the Rats won this round! They were elected to do a job! Reublicans should have behaved like leaders, like the majority they are instead of behaving as visitors!!!
Bush might as well nominate Pee Wee Herman. That's what the Lib's want. Islamofascists are hugging themselves and squealing with delight.
Thank You for your service, Mr. Bolton. It was refreshing to have someone in that den of thieves who actually stood up proudly for America.
God bless you.I am so sorry Mr. Bolton, for non men like Chafee that exist and for the vile Rats that hate America so much.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:42 PM | Comments (14)
November 30, 2006
Something That Makes Me Say WTF?!
Bush Seeks to Ease Visa Requirement
TALLINN, Estonia -- President Bush said yesterday he will push Congress for a "loosening" of requirements for foreigners to visit the United States without a visa, pitting him against those who have called for the program instead to be tightened or even scrapped altogether after September 11.
The Visa Waiver Program allows visitors with valid passports from 27 approved countries to enter the United States for up to 90 days without a visa. That makes tourism and business travel easier by eliminating the need for a visa, though such travelers can avoid a security screening.
After meeting with Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves in Tallinn, Mr. Bush said he will press Congress to revamp the program to allow more countries to join.
"I'm going to work with our Congress and our international partners to modify our Visa Waiver Program," Mr. Bush said. "It's a way to make sure that nations like Estonia qualify more quickly for the program and, at the same time, strengthen the program's security components."
But the proposed expansion would run athwart concerns that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) cannot keep up with the 27 countries already approved, as the Government Accountability Office (GAO), Congress' investigative branch, found in a July report.
"DHS cannot effectively monitor the law enforcement and security risks posed by visa waiver countries on a consistent, ongoing basis because it has not provided [the Office of International Enforcement] with adequate staffing and resources," GAO investigators concluded, adding they also found "weaknesses" in how DHS talks with overseas posts working on visa issues.
European Union officials have complained that while U.S. nationals can visit any of the 25 EU member states without a visa, only 15 of these countries receive reciprocal privileges from the United States. Mr. Bush discussed the problem with EU officials at a July summit in Vienna, Austria.
Exclusion from the waiver program is a point of contention in former communist bloc countries such as Estonia, Poland and Hungary that have become staunch U.S. allies in the war on terrorism.
Mr. Bush said the economic and political progress those nations have made earns them the privilege of participating in the program.
"Both the [Estonian] president and the prime minister made this a important part of our discussions," he said. "They made it clear to me that if we're an ally in NATO, people ought to be able to come to our country in a much easier fashion."
Mr. Bush said he wanted to "assure members of Congress that in loosening the visa-waiver issue, or changing the visa-waiver issue, that we'll still be able to protect our country from people who would exploit the Visa Waiver Program to come to our country to do harm."
Wild Thing's comment......
This is very disturbing. Unless I'm missing something? I mean really am I missing something here???? I don't understand how anyone could go through 9-11 and not recognize the need for tighter borders...stricter control of those entering the country.
Whew wow.....well this is one of those things that make you sit back and say "WTF??"
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (7)
November 27, 2006
God Bless Bolton and Gillerman
Bolton in extraordinary outburst against United Nations
Calcutta News
The U.S. Ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, launched a scathing attack on the United Nations Friday.
Bolton was furious over the adoption by the General Assembly of a resolution which said the assembly regretted the deaths of 19 civilians in an attack by the Israeli military in the town of Beit Hanoun last week.
Despite the resolution being significantly watered down at the behest of the United States, and being passing by 156 votes to seven, Bolton launched a blistering attack on the UN, and many of its members.
"Many of the sponsors of that resolution are notorious abusers of human rights themselves, and were seeking to deflect criticism of their own policies," he said.
"This type of resolution serves only to exacerbate tensions by serving the interests of elements hostile to Israel's inalienable and recognized right to exist."
"This deepens suspicions about the United Nations that will lead many to conclude that the organization is incapable of playing a helpful role in the region," Bolton continued.
"In a larger sense, the United Nations must confront a more significant question, that of its relevance and utility in confronting the challenges of the 21st century. We believe that the United Nations is ill served when its members seek to transform the organization into a forum that is a little more than a self-serving and a polemical attack against Israel or the United States," he said.
"The Human Rights Council has quickly fallen into the same trap and de-legitimized itself by focusing attention exclusively on Israel. Meanwhile, it has failed to address real human rights abuses in Burma, Darfur, the DPRK, and other countries," Bolton charged.
"The problem of anti-Israel bias is not unique to the Human Rights Council. It is endemic to the culture of the United Nations. It is a decades-old, systematic problem that transcends the whole panoply of the UN organizations and agencies," he continued.
The United States, and Australia joined Israel in voting against the motion, together with four small Pacific island nations. All countries in Europe, including Britain, voted to support the resolution.
The original text condemned Israel over the Beit Hanoun attack and its operations in Gaza, however the adopted resolution had the General Assembly expressing, "regret."
Rather than an outright investigation of the incident the assembly resolved to form a committee, "to look into the facts." The resolution also carried a demand that the Palestinian Authority take action to stop rocket attacks on Israel.
Bolton launched his attack despite gaining these concessions.
Equally critical was Israeli Ambassador Dan Gillerman who stormed out of the session after telling members:
"I caution everyone who will support this resolution. By doing so, you will be an accomplice to terror. The blood of more innocents will be on your hands."
The resolution was taken to the General Assembly after the United States used its veto to squash a similar motion in the Security Council. It was the 31st time the U.S. had used its veto at the UN to stop resolutions concerning Israel and the Palestinians.
Wild Thing's comment......
I hope Congress gets Bolton confirmed before the Democrats take over next year. sigh Well I am hoping anyway. And I am so totally impressed with Dan Gillerman.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (10)
November 10, 2006
Mehlman To Step Down
Mehlman's Term Expires in January - Will Step Down When Term Ends
During his tenure, Mehlman, 40, traveled extensively to promote the Republican agenda. When he became chairman in January 2005, he said he hoped to tighten the GOP's grip on power in Washington.
"Nothing is permanent in politics," he said then. "The goal is how do you — both in the short term and the long term — do things to make it sustainable?"
Mehlman also said then that he hoped to expand the GOP base and help Bush enact his agenda.
Last year, Mehlman told NAACP members that the Republican Party was wrong for ignoring the black vote for decades and said he hoped the groups could restore their historic bond.
"Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization," Mehlman said at the NAACP convention. "I come here as Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."
RNC asks Steele to replace Mehlman
Washington Times
Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman, whose party just lost both chambers of Congress, will leave his position in January, and the post as party chief has been offered to Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele.
Republican officials told The Times that Mr. Steele, who lost his bid for the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, has been sought out to succeed Mr. Mehlman as national party chairman. Those Republican officials said Mr. Steele had not made a decision whether to take the post, as of last night.
Other Republican Party officials said some Republican National Committee (RNC) members, including state party chairmen, have mounted a move to have Mr. Steele succeed Mr. Mehlman.
But they said that President Bush's political adviser Karl Rove, who is Mr. Mehlman's mentor, would rather see Mr. Steele serve in the president's Cabinet, perhaps as secretary of Housing and Urban Development. These officials said no one has actually offered Mr. Steele either the RNC post or a Cabinet post.
Steele spokesman Doug Heye said last night that "I don't know of any conversations that Lt. Gov. Steele has had on this topic, but I can tell you that there are many people who have said he would be an ideal candidate, based on the race he ran this year."
"I talked to him very briefly about it today. He has not made any decisions yet about what he will do next. He is still focused on his role as lieutenant governor," Mr. Heye said.
Mr. Steele is one of the most successful and respected black Republicans in the country. He served as the elected Maryland Republican Party chairman before running for lieutenant governor.
Wild Thing's comment......
This for me is the ONE good thing that has happened out of this horrible election. Mehlman needs to go so I am VERY glad about this. He backed Rhino's and NOT conservatives for one thing. He is one of the main reasons we got stuck with sooooo many Rhino's. I may not know everything this man did, but seeing the candidates that have been pushed and funded for the last, say, 10 years with Mehlman around I say GOOD!
I sure hope the GOP stands back and realizes that if they put up a slate of Reagan Republicans--optimistic, but not "compassionate", people who have real Republican values about taxes, spending, the size of government, the war against Islam--then 2008 will be the real response to the swamp that is DC.
Clean house now that we aren't in the Majority, now is our chance.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (2)
November 09, 2006
It is America That Has Lost
Al-Qaida Wins
Posted 11/8/2006
War On Terror: Aside from the Democrats and their media allies, the only people happy about the election results are the terrorists who want to kill us. They got the Congress they were hoping for.
Before the election, which saw the party of John Murtha and Nancy Pelosi return to power, Jihad Jaara, a senior member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and the man who led the terrorist group's 2002 seizure of Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity, expressed this wish: "Americans should vote Democratic."
Jaara could have been channeling Murtha when he added:
"There is an atmosphere in America that encourages those who want to withdraw from Iraq. It is time the American people support those who want to take them out of the Iraqi mud." Apparently, "quagmire" doesn't translate well into Arabic.
Joining the Islamofascist chorus was Hamas' Abu Abdullah, who worried that Democrats might not keep their pre-election promises:
"I am afraid that even after the American people will elect those who promise to leave Iraq, the U.S. will not do so." Fear not, Abdullah. Pelosi is working on it as we speak.
Democratic talk about "redeployment" of American forces out of Iraq encouraged Islamic jihad's Muhammed Saadi. "As Arabs and Muslims, we feel proud of this talk," he said, because it meant the violence in Iraq had "brought the big superpower of the world to discuss a possible withdrawal."
Al-Qaida seems to have quite a working knowledge of our electoral system and the difference between a red state and blue state. In a videotape broadcast on al-Jazeera on Oct. 29, 2004, it said:
"Any U.S. state that does not toy with our security automatically guarantees its own security."
In case the message wasn't clear, the Muslim extremist Web site Al-Qala provided this interpretation:
"It means that any U.S. state that will choose to vote for the white thug Bush as president has chosen to fight us, and we will consider it our enemy. Any state that will vote against Bush has chosen to make peace with us, and we will not characterize it as an enemy." Presumably this applies to congressional as well as presidential elections.
So it may be wise to get thee to a blue state, as we turn over the reins of congressional power to a party that has opposed the Patriot Act, the NSA surveillance monitoring of terrorist communications, the tracking of terrorist finances and the war in Iraq.
And as we ensconce as speaker of the House one Nancy Pelosi, who said on the House floor Sept. 13: "The war in Iraq is the wrong war. No matter how many times the president wants to say it, the war in Iraq is not the war on terror. The war in Afghanistan was."
Not according to al-Qaida's No. 2, Ayman al-Zawahiri. In a letter to leaders of al-Qaida in Iraq, he said:
"Victory of Islam will never take place until a Muslim state is established in the manner of the Prophet in the heart of the Islamic world" — a description that Iraq fits nicely.
"The jihad movement is growing and rising," Zawahiri wrote in October 2005 to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who is now dead. "Now it is waging a great historic battle in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and even within the Crusader's own homes."
Zawahiri's plan:
"The first stage: Expel the Americans from Iraq. The second stage: Establish an Islamic authority . . . over as much territory as you can spread its power in Iraq . . . in order to fill the void stemming from the departure of the Americans." For Zawahiri, Iraq is indeed the central front.
As Georgia Rep. Jack Kingston recently wrote in the Washington Times:
"Zawahiri seems to have found his 'useful idiot' in Nancy Pelosi," adding: "Tourists in Indonesia, embassy workers in Africa, commuters in Spain and London, schoolchildren in Russia, office workers in New York and Washington, and 40 Americans on a plane over Pennsylvania could all tell Nancy Pelosi where the war on terror is, if their voices had not been silenced."
Under her al-Qaida-endorsed plan, not even the blue states will be safe.
Wild Thing's comment........
Here is my complaint and it directed at the enemy within and their party member.....the Media in all forms.
OK so both Houses now are theirs, the enemy within. There are many reasons why this has happened but there is one I will say something about.
Never in my life have I seen such a concentrated effort to attack, slander and control every conversation, news and the press against a political party and the Commander in Chief.
It began when Bush became President his first term with the chad BS and continued even up to today. It won’t stop either with their controlling the two Houses but now they will take on a different kind of attack.
CNN with their screen filled with slogans of “Broken Government” and showing the terrorist film of one of our soldiers being killed. MSNBC with their week long 24/7 attack on the Bush administration and the war in Iraq. A debate with Katherine Harris and Nelson that supposedly was to be led by Tim Russert as a moderator and yet Russert behaved more as one of the debaters then a moderator. He took complete control of the debate and Nelson was just a stupid bump on a log as he sat there. Harris, doing a brilliant job in the debate against TWO evil humans, from the enemy within party. But of course she would never win when the time came to vote, she is a conservative and even the RNC did not want her to run.
Newspapers doing their part in the slander and lies of our troops, of the war, and God forbid they say one thing good about all the many things our troops are doing. The wording for headlines on the front pages for months, weeks, years picked carefully to give their slant in favor of the left.
Repeating how many deaths of our service men and women over and over but if you were to ask them how many deaths of babies from abortions well over 40 million, their response is to scream of how women should be allowed to do what they want to with their freakin bodies. What a bunch of sick distortion is that! They already did what they wanted to with their bodies and that’s how they got pregnant. Give me a break! But they want to kill a baby and 40 Million dead babies speaks a hell of a lot more that it is used as a form of birth control then anything else.
So we lost, and we lost big time. And worse yet America lost, our troops lost and the future of the children of America have lost. But no they did not win these humans with their sick souls and leftist minds. They may think they won and in their minds they did. But winning means something about being better then the other person doesn’t it? In a sport it does, in a game it does, and in running a race. Yes the better athlete wins, the person with more stamina wins, the player with better skills in a chess game wins. The game or competition has rules of play but in the game of politics the rules are thrown to the wind, and when we have the media taking part as a large member of one political party with it’s never ending rhetoric day in and day out to the masses…………well it leaves little chance to allow the slandered side to stand up for itself.
I watch a ton of political talk shows and I have yet to see an even number from each party on any show. It is always 3 to 1, 4 to 1, 5 to 1….yep that is how it is done and the ONE is the Republican. And not a strong debater Republican either, but one that can only wish they do as good a job as Mrs. Cheney did with Wolf Blitzer last week.
OH we will survive I believe in us, I believe in America and our spirit of will and doing what has to be done. We are the country of pioneers and covered wagons and inventors, scientists and a powerful military. Our country has taken hard hits since it’s birth and we have always stood back up again ready to meet the next foe. The only difference is this enemy is a part of the DNA of this land and we need to realize that and call it what it is…..the enemy within.
When we put our hand on our heart and sing our Anthem, sing it louder then ever as our tears form in our eyes and gratitude fills our hearts for the cost of our freedom. When we see Parades on Veterans Day, July 4th and Memorial Day applaud those who served, thank them. If you see a soldier when you are out and about go up to him or her and thank them. Let them know that you know and appreciate their sacrifice. Remember they hear the filthy slanderous news too and they deserve to hear how the good guys feel about them.
And just one more thing, remember that it is America that has lost in this election. And if we love her, and we do, she is worth fighting for and we must never give up.
* Argghhh!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (7)
November 07, 2006
Amereica Needs Our Vote
Vote as though your country depended on it....because it does!
It's simple
Democrats = enemy within
favorite of Hamas, Hezbollah and PLO
constant crisis's
Republicans= party 9 out or 10 Terrorists hate
supporters of our Military
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (7)
November 06, 2006
Public Service Announcement
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (13)
October 31, 2006
Rep. Duncan Hunter Announces 2008 White House Bid
SAN DIEGO — Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, said Monday he will run for president in 2008.
"This is going to be a long road, it's a challenging road, there's going to be some rough and tumble, but I think it's the right thing to do for our country," Hunter, who has represented the 52nd Congressional District in San Diego County for 26 years, said at a waterfront press conference.
The declaration allows the California congressman to begin raising money and organize supporters in early Republican primary states such as Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.
Hunter's bid surprised some Republican leaders in Washington. He had not been discussed as one of the many candidates considering a presidential bid, including Sens. John McCain of Arizona, Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.
Solidly pro-life, A+ from the NRA, sponsored the border fence bill and some other pro-life bills. Vietnam vet, small business owner, chairman of the Armed Services Committee. He is 58 years old. Duncan Hunter's father was a WWII Marine, and his son a Marine who has served in Iraq
Hunter got an "A" rating from Gun Owners of America.
There is this.... which is also great about him.
COSCO Doesn't Deserve Long Beach Port
by Congressman Duncan Hunter
He also nailed CNN recently with a question asking "whether CNN wants US to win against terrorists when they aired the video of terrorists killing our soldiers. And he demanded the Pentagon do something about it.
Hunter says Dubai is unfit and cannot be trusted to manage ports in America.
He is a champion of border enforcement among other things.
Duncan Hunter's voting record....HERE.
Duncan Hunter was born in Riverside, California. He briefly attended the University of Montana and the University of California, Santa Barbara before enlisting in the United States Army. He served in the Vietnam War in the 173rd Airborne Brigade and the 75th Army Rangers. After returning, Hunter utilized the G.I. Bill to attend Western State University Law School in San Diego and, while completing his degree, he supplemented his income by working in farming and construction.
Hunter's son, Duncan Duane Hunter, a First Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps, was deployed to Iraq in 2003.
Congressman Duncan Hunter...his website
1870 Cordell Ct, Ste 206
El Cajon, CA 92020
PHONE: (619) 448-5201
FAX: (619) 449-2251
Duncan Hunter is a tough SOB - he is willing to call a spade a spade - and that has a way of forcing issues to the surface where other politicians have to address the same issues with equal or greater strength.
I think this is great news.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (2)
October 29, 2006
Words That Carry the Weight of the Cost of Freedom
I can never forget this speech by keynote speaker Sen. Zell Miller (dem. Georgia) at the 2004 Republican National Convention. It gave me goozebumps!
With all the hate and all the attacks on our troops, I just felt a need to play this right now. We have an election coming that if we don't win our country may very well see another destructive future like the one that Bill and Hillary gave us during their 8 yeras of treason and crimes.
Please Click HERE to hear Sen. Zell Miller's speech once again if you like.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
October 27, 2006
Another "How to" in Not Letting the Dems Win
From Beth at MVRWC, Right Wing News is doing a googlebomb.
"So, what’s to be done? Well, in my opinion, we should simply fight fire with fire. That’s why I put together a list of key races for Republican blogs to Googlebomb. How do you do that? Simply view source, grab the HTML below, and post it on your blog or in a forum that you frequent. Then, once Google picks it up, the links on these candidates should rocket up charts and help even the playing field for the GOP in the key races."
Connecticut: Ned Lamont
Maryland: Ben Cardin
Michigan: Debbie Stanbenow
Missouri: Claire McCaskill
Montana: Jon Tester
New Jersey: Bob Menendez
Tennessee: Harold Ford
Virginia: James Webb
Democrat Held Seats
(CO-03): John Salazar
(GA-03): Jim Marshall
(GA-12): John Barrow
(IA-03): Leonard Boswell
(IL-08): Melissa Bean
(IL-17): Phil Hare
(IN-07): Julia Carson
(NC-13): Brad Miller
(PA-12): John Murtha
(WV-01): Alan Mollohan
Republican Held Seats
(AZ-08): Gabrielle Giffords
(CT-04): Diane Farrell
(CT-05): Chris Murphy
(CO-07): Ed Perlmutter
(IA-01): Bruce Braley
(IL-06): Tammy Duckworth
(IN-02): Joe Donnelly
(IN-08): Brad Ellsworth
(IN-09): Baron Hill
(FL-13): Christine Jennings
(FL-16): Tim Mahoney
(FL-22): Ron Klein
(KY-03): John Yarmuth
(NC-01): Heath Shuler
(MN-06): Patty Wetterling
(NM-01): Patricia Madrid
(NY-20): Kirsten Gillibrand
(NY-24): Michael Arcuri
(NY-26): Jack Davis
(OH-15): Mary Jo Kilroy
(OH-18): Zack Space
(PA-06): Lois Murphy
(PA-08): Patrick Murphy
(PA-07): Joe Sestak
(PA-10): Chris Carney
(VA-02): Phil Kellam
(WI-08): Steve Kagen
* My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
October 20, 2006
House Intel Chair Suspends Staff Member
WASHINGTON -- House Intelligence Chairman Peter Hoekstra has suspended a Democratic staff member because of concerns he may have leaked a high-level intelligence assessment to The New York Times last month.
The Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has suspended a Democratic staff member pending an investigation into whether he leaked a high-level intelligence assessment to the news media.
The committee's top Democrat said the suspension was "without basis."
The staff member, who was not identified, was suspended this week by Chairman Peter Hoekstra, R-Mich., his spokesman said Thursday evening. The aide is being denied access to classified information pending the outcome of a review, said the spokesman, Jamal Ware.
The leak to The New York Times of a National Intelligence Estimate on global terror trends caused a political uproar last month. In the assessment, completed in April, analysts from the government's 16 spy agencies concluded that the Iraq war has become a "cause celebre" for Islamic extremists, breeding deep resentment of the U.S. that probably will get worse before it gets better.
President Bush suggested the document was leaked for "political purposes" weeks before the midterm elections. He later made public four pages of the estimate's key findings.
In a letter to Hoekstra dated Sept. 29, Rep. Ray LaHood, R-Ill., a committee member, said the Democratic staffer requested the document from National Intelligence Director John Negroponte three days before a Sept. 23 story by the Times on its conclusions.
"I have no credible information to say any classified information was leaked from the committee's minority staff, but the implications of such would be dramatic," LaHood said in the letter, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press. "This may, in fact, be only coincidence, and simply 'look bad.' But coincidence, in this town, is rare."
Ware, Hoekstra's spokesman, said: "Chairman Hoekstra considers security highly important, and the coincidence certainly merits a review."
The Intelligence Committee's top Democrat, Jane Harman of California, wrote to Hoekstra that she was "appalled" by his action, which was "without basis."
"I demand that you immediately reinstate the staffer's access to classified information," she said.
A conference call to the committee's nine Democrats on Wednesday to inform them of the aide's suspension prompted outrage, said two congressional officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about internal committee business.
The officials said that the National Intelligence Estimate was marked "secret," rather than "top secret" or another more restrictive classification. As a result, thousands of people would have had access to it, including the intelligence, armed services and international relations committees of the House.
The officials said the staff member acted appropriately in requesting the document on behalf of a committee member.
Relations between Democrats and Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee have soured in recent weeks.
On Tuesday, Harman unilaterally released the executive summary of an independent investigator's review into the actions of a jailed former congressman, Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif. The report found that he abused his position on the committee to help ensure lucrative contracts went to associates, in exchange for bribes.
Hoekstra called Harman's decision to release the document "disturbing and beyond the pale."
Bush allies have been on a campaign to stop leaks to the news media, particularly targeting the New York Times.
In June, the House approved a Republican-drafted resolution condemning news organizations for revealing a covert government program to track terrorist financing, saying the disclosure had "placed the lives of Americans in danger."
The resolution, which passed on a largely party-line vote, did not specifically name the news organizations, but it was aimed at the Times and other news media that reported earlier that month on a secret CIA-Treasury program to track millions of financial records in search of terrorists.
The New York Times did not respond to a telephone message seeking comment Thursday night.
Wild Thing's comment......
"Suspended"? How about arrested and cuffed??
Name ................ Party ......................State
Peter Hoekstra............ Republican............... Michigan
Ray LaHood ................Republican ...............Illinois
Terry Everett ...............Republican ..............Alabama
Elton Gallegly ................Republican ............California
Heather Wilson ............Republican .............New Mexico
Jo Ann Davis ................Republican .............Virginia
Mac Thornberry............ Republican............. Texas
John McHugh............... Republican............... New York
Todd Tiahrt ....................Republican................ Kansas
Mike Rogers................. Republican............... Michigan
Rick Renzi .....................Republican .............. Arizona
Darrell Issa ......................Republican ............. California
Jane Harman ......................Democrat ................California
Alcee L. Hastings.............. Democrat .................. Florida
Silvestre Reyes .................Democrat .................. Texas
Leonard L. Boswell ...........Democrat .................. Iowa
Robert E. (Bud) Cramer, Jr ..........Democrat ...........Alabama
Anna G. Eshoo..................... Democrat ................. California
Rush D. Holt .......................Democrat .................. New Jersey
C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger............ Democrat ..........Maryland
John Tierney........................... Democrat ....................Massachusetts
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (6)
October 19, 2006
Mc Cain Is Such A Drama Queen
McCain: "I'd just commit suicide" if Democrats take control of Senate
Radio Iowa
by O. Kay Henderson
Arizona Senator and probable 2008 Republican presidential candidate John McCain jokingly says he would "commit suicide" if Democrats take control of the U.S. Senate in this November's election.
McCain was in Iowa today (Wednesday), campaigning with GOP Congressmen Steve King and Tom Latham as well as Republican congressional candidate Jeff Lamberti. McCain spoke at a mid-day news conference in Des Moines, where McCain was asked what his reaction would be to a Democratic take-over of the Senate.
"I think I'd just commit suicide," McCain said, as the Republicans standing beside him burst into laughter. "I don't want to face that eventuality because I don't think it's going to happen...I think it's going to be tough, but I think we'll do o.k."
A few moments later McCain turned to Congressman Latham and joked that Latham would probably commit suicide first, as polls suggest control of the House is likely to swing to Democrats in this year's election.
According to McCain, the current "tenor" of campaigns is too negative and he hopes the courts can help stop new groups called "527s" which are able to skirt campaign contribution limits. "The 527s are pernicious evil that needs to be eliminated," McCain said.
"We have a Federal Elections Commission that will not enforce the law and they are an absolute national disgrace." McCain said.
McCain was also asked to address foreign policy issues. McCain said Democrats, like fellow Senator John Kerry, were wrong to criticize the Bush Administration in the hours following North Korea's test of a nuclear weapon.
"I think at the time of the crisis, we should probably support the president," McCain said. "I was disappointed that the Democrats almost immediately started criticizing President Bush's policies. I thought it was a time we should rally behind the president."
As for the world's other hot-spot -- Iraq, McCain backs Bush's recent promise to Iraq's prime minister that the U.S. will stay as long as it takes to win that war. McCain believes the U.S. should have more troops on the ground in Iraq -- and they should be full-time, not part-time, soldiers.
"We need a much larger Army and Marine Corps. When you look at the deployment of the Iowa National Guard and the magnificent service they have rendered, it's really incredible but it's too much of a strain on the Guard," McCain said. "You just can't keep asking our Guard people to go back and back and back."
McCain, an opponent of the federal tax break for corn-based ethanol, visited an ethanol plant in Nevada early this afternoon. McCain said with "technological improvements" in the production of ethanol, combined with ever-more expensive petroleum, he supports expanded federal spending on research that will benefit the industry, but he still opposes direct subsidies for the ethanol industry.
Wild Thing's comment.......
OK, here is the thing, if we don't win I will be angry, and also terrified at what the Dems will do to destroy this country even more then they already have.
But I am not going to commit suicide over it. I won’t have to, the Dems will have the entire country of the United States killed as we know it. And I need to stay alive to fight back in whatever way I can even if it is in emails, letters and phone calls telling them off. Plus this little ole Blog where we can rant and cheer and use to hang out with others of like mind.
McCain is known for having a temper, he has been rude to people that have actually come out to support him at some of his speech thingies. Unstable comes to mind, but to even kid about suicide, hey he is one of our leaders in government such as he is, and that kind of statement is right out of the Alec Baldwin mentality.
Good grief Charlie Brown!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (12)
October 03, 2006
It's Called Accountability ~ Something Foreign To Dems
Wild Thing's comment.........
Until this post I have not written about Congressman Mark Foley. Not because I do not care, but because my anger was so strong I wanted time to collect my thoughts about this.
So this Mark Foley has shown us many things.
He felt safe in his position of somewhat power to be able to think he could get away with his actions. The lives of the young people involved, the representation of our countries citizens and our country was a mere second and third to the duty of one of the leaders of this country.
Foley’s actions are beyond sick to say the least they are demented. But this is bigger then what he did. It should be of concern to every American how our leaders behave, what did they know, and what did they do with their knowledge to show us they are responsible people.
Clinton, yes I am going to go there. He was defended time, and time again by his political party, which can never put character and responsibility above the ticket. We Republican’s were attacked, verbally threatened and slandered for standing up for what was right when Clinton did his wrongs. Over and over we would point out it was more then politics, but Democrats could not handle the truth and kept their heads in the sand sucking up air from deep within our earth. And the same with Barney Franks.
It is not complicated actually. No it is not political nor should it be. But once again the Democrats make it so!!!
The silence of the Democrats during the Clinton regime protecting and defending his many crimes was deafening. Ted Kennedy causes the death of a woman and makes a small apology and continues to sit in leadership. As I mentioned early, Barney Frank's activities almost laughed off by the Democrats. Their screams now about Foley show us once again how hypocritical they are with every fiber of their being.
As a Republican I was upset, angry and offended by all the things these men have done. But I was also upset about Nixon and now Foley. But then I am not a Democrat and I hold my leaders to the same standard I hold myself, to be accountable for my actions.
It shouldn’t be political but there are two very obvious things that stand out in this vile thing that has happened. Foley is a low life pervert and Democrats show the world once again their hypocrisy. And that accountability ONLY matters to them when it is a Republican and not a Democrat.
Here is an article about Foley you might like to read. Thank you Jack Hamilton for sending it to me.
Who protected the pervert congressman?
By Cliff Kincaid
Just a snipet….
“Rep. Barney Frank had a homosexual lover, selected from a “hot bottom” ad that ran in the Washington (Gay) Blade newspaper, who operated a prostitution ring out of the congressman’s apartment. Though he was reprimanded by the House, Frank is still a prominent member of Congress and held in high regard by fellow Democrats.”
And this is another excellent article. Thank you Jack of Conservative Insurgent for sending this one to me.
Pardon me, but I smell something very peculiar in the way we have learned of the disgrace of Rep. Mark Foley.The email scandal which led to the resignation of the Republican Congressman is reverberating throughout the capital and the nation, as Democrats attempt to capitalize on bad news for Republicans.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:44 AM | Comments (16)
September 27, 2006
Wictory Wednesday-Max Burns Of Georgia
This week Wictory Wednesday presents Max Burns for the US Congress for the 12th District of Georgia. He is running a tight race against Democratic incumbent John Barrow.
The Israeli war in Lebanon has shown what will happen if we pull out of Iraq the terrorists will claim victory and emerge even stronger and more emboldened. Max Burns understands this and supports the troops to complete their mission. We should live in a society that respects and supports those who risk their lives for our benefit. Sadly, we don't live in that society.
Max Burns understands that immigration doesn't require reform; it requires actually enforcing the laws on the books. Not enforcing the law has led to lawlessness and before any question of guest workers can be introduced, law and order needs to return to that segment of society.
The infamous "Bridge to Nowhere" has shown us that even a GOP lead Congress can still waste money. That is why earmark reform and a line item veto is all the more necessary. When pork can be put into budgets without debate (earmarks), the line item veto allows voters to put the heat on the President to bring sense back to Congressional spending. The GOP has gotten half of the equation right in lowering taxes now they need to cut spending. Max Burns supports this in the form of a balanced budget.
Families waste days and weeks each year trying to figure out their "fair share" of taxes. Not even the IRS can figure out the tax code a book that is over 12 times larger than the Bible! Max Burns supports cleaning up the tax code so that families can clearly understand what the owe and the IRS can even figure it out too.
Please consider donating or volunteering to the Max Burns campaign. Help turn this blue seat red!
This has been a production of the Wictory Wednesday blogburst. If you would like to join Wictory Wednesday, please see this post or contact John Bambenek at jcb (dot) blog [at] gmail {dot} com. The following sites are members of the Wictory Wednesday team:
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:27 PM
September 24, 2006
NY Mayor in LOVE with the UN
September 23, 2006
NY Post
-- World leaders can rant all they want at the United Nations - as long as its diplomats continue to spend big bucks here, Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday.
"If the U.N. left, from an economic point of view, it would be a disaster," he said on his weekly WABC radio show.
"Tens of thousands of people would lose their jobs. The trickle-down effect - stores, restaurants, builders, real-estate prices - would be devastating for this city."
The mayor also refused to join the chorus of bipartisan critics of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
Wild Thing's comment......
So what, get rid of the UN, put other things there that are money makers for New York. The NY RHINO Mayor is short sited I think. Think of the extra crime they could get rid of too if they got rid of the UN on property in NY. OH well just a thought anyway.
I sure am getting really sick of the RHINO's.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (9)
September 21, 2006
Hugo Slapped with Bolton Comment ~ Love it!
US Bolton: Won't Respond To Chavez' 'Comic Strip' Approach
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton said Wednesday that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's speech at the U.N. calling President George W. Bush "the devil" doesn't deserve a response.
"We're not going to address that kind of comic strip approach to international affairs," Bolton said during a televised press conference.
Chavez, in a speech to the U.N. General Assembly, said, "The devil came here yesterday," referring to Bush's address Tuesday.
"He came here talking as if he were the owner of the world."
The leftist leader, who has joined Iran in opposing U.S. influence, accused Washington of "domination, exploitation and pillage of peoples of the world." Cable News Network reported a White House deputy spokesman saying the remarks by Chavez are "not worthy of comment."
Wild Thing's comment.....
Thank you John Bolton!! I really love how he doesn't bother with the BS from Hugo wanna be important idiot.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (4)
September 19, 2006
Giving Support To John Bolton
Nearly five years after 9/11, we are well into an epic, generational struggle. A struggle that pits freedom against tyranny ... hope against fear ... democracy against Islamic radicalism. The men and women of our Armed Forces are fighting with heroic resolve ... and they deserve to be supported in their mission by diplomats willing to call evil by its name, able to rally our friends and allies behind the global expansion of freedom and democracy, and unafraid to passionately pursue reform of our dysfunctional international institutions.
That's why we need John Bolton's leadership at the United Nations. Unfortunately, his recess appointment expires in January of 2007 ... so we must act now to confirm him permanently.
This month Senate Republicans will do everything they can to break Democrat obstruction and give John Bolton the fair up-or-down vote that he was denied last year. But we need your help to turn up the heat on the Democrats by flooding their offices with your calls in support of Ambassador Bolton and the President's agenda for reforming the waste and incompetence of the United Nations.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I support for John Bolton, he is the best man for the job and a man who isn't afraid to proudly defend America, our foreign policy and our allies in the War on Terror.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (5)
September 15, 2006
Coward's In Our Senate Favor Terrorists Over Doing What Has To Be Done
Senators Defy Bush On Terror Measure
Washington Post
A Senate committee rebuffed the personal entreaties of President Bush yesterday, rejecting his proposed strategies for interrogating and trying enemy combatants and approving alternative legislation that he has strenuously opposed.
The bipartisan vote sets up a legislative showdown on an issue that GOP strategists had hoped would unite their party and serve as a cudgel against Democrats in the Nov. 7 elections. Instead, Bush and congressional Republican leaders are at loggerheads with a dissident group led by Sen. John McCain (R), who says the president's approach would jeopardize the safety of U.S. troops and intelligence operatives.
Despite heavy lobbying by Bush, who visited the Capitol yesterday, and Vice President Cheney, who was there Tuesday, McCain and his allies held fast. Even former secretary of state Colin L. Powell weighed in on McCain's side.
Moments after the Armed Services Committee voted 15 to 9 to endorse McCain's alternative bill, the Arizona senator lashed out at CIA Director Michael V. Hayden, who had also lobbied lawmakers personally.
McCain told reporters that Hayden wants Congress to give the CIA a virtually free hand to treat detainees as it wishes so that he and his agents will be immunized against accusations of unlawful conduct. "He's trying to protect his reputation at the risk of America's reputation," McCain said. The senator noted that other nations would be more likely to abuse U.S. captives if Americans appeared to sanction such conduct.
Complete article HERE
Wild Thing's comment......
My blood is boiling about this! God help any RHINO or Dem. that comes within 500 feet of me right now. LOCK and LOAD!
This is totally MADDNESS!! If someone finds the America I know and love please let me know!! Do RHINO's multiply faster then true Conservatives? Do MRI's need to be done on every politician to see if they have a freakin brain????
Are people from the Democrat (socialist, communist, cowards, kiss ass to terrorists) party registering as Republican's..........then running for office as fakes as a plan to destroy America????
And check this out too at Hot Air
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:42 AM | Comments (14)
September 14, 2006
Hyde Tells The Dems Off and I love it!
Hyde Comments on Democratic Attack on the President’s Foreign Policy
U.S. Rep. Henry J. Hyde (R-IL), Chairman of the House Committee on International Relations, released the following statement after Democratic lawmakers and former Carter and Clinton administration officials criticized President Bush’s policies in the Middle East:It strains the limit of humor to hear the foreign policy elite of the Democratic Party attempt to blame George W. Bush for enabling Iran to become a global menace. For it was a Democratic President, Jimmy Carter, who presided over the seizure of power in Tehran by Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979, with a mixture of ineptitude and admiration. And it was Carter’s National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who oversaw this disastrous foreign policy.
Instead of the improved relations the Carter Administration predicted, the Iranians seized our diplomats, who were forced to endure 444 days of captivity. They were only released after the Carter Administration negotiated a considerable ransom, when Ronald Reagan was about to be inaugurated.
When the next Democratic Administration took office, the pattern continued. Secretary of State Albright appeared at a pro-Iranian banquet to apologize for past American behavior, proposing "better relations." But the Iranians, who declared us their mortal enemies upon seizing power, would have none of it. Indeed, as the world knows all too well, the secret Iranian nuclear program was in full force during the Clinton years, as was Iranian support for Hezbollah and al-Qaeda terrorists.
Under the Bush Administration, in contrast, the world community is now mobilized to put an end to the Iranian nuclear program, and this country is finally on record in support of the Iranian people's legitimate desire to be free. The Democrats sought an accommodation with the Iranian tyrants, while President Bush is moving to spread freedom. When it comes to foreign policy, at least the Democrats have the virtue of consistency. Unfortunately, they have been consistently wrong for as long as I can remember.
Wild Thing's comment.....
This is SO good! Really hitting back against the Dems and their weak policies. Good for Chairman Hyde for giving condemnation where condemnation is due!
The Democrats are the enemy within. A vote for any Democrat is a vote for the enemy.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (10)
September 06, 2006
Chief of Staff Josh Bolten to democrats: GO POUND SAND!
First there was this from Harry Reid............
REID: THE SENATE IS ALMOST OUT OF TIME TO HELP THE AMERICAN PEOPLEModern “Do Nothing Congress” has only eight weeks remaining
Washington, DC—Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid today delivered the following speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate, urging Bush Republicans to put aside their politically motivated agenda to address the real challenges the American people face every day. With the Senate rapidly running out of legislative days to tackle serious issues like gas prices, health care costs, and the minimum wage, there is no time left to spare.You can read the entire bunch of bull HERE
And now we have this....Three Cheers for Josh Bolten, Chief of Staff!
Response from the Chief of Staff Josh Bolten to a Democratic Letter
September 5, 2006
White House
Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid
528 Hart SOB
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator Reid:
Thank you for your September 4 letter to the President. I am responding on his behalf.
A useful discussion of what we need to do in Iraq requires an accurate and fair-minded description of our current policy: As the President has explained, our goal is an Iraq that can govern itself, defend itself, and sustain itself. In order to achieve this goal, we are pursuing a strategy along three main tracks -- political, economic, and security. Along each of these tracks, we are constantly adjusting our tactics to meet conditions on the ground. We have witnessed both successes and setbacks along the way, which is the story of every war that has been waged and won.
Your letter recites four elements of a proposed "new direction" in Iraq. Three of those elements reflect well-established Administration policy; the fourth is dangerously misguided.
First, you propose "transitioning the U.S. mission in Iraq to counter-terrorism, training, logistics and force protection." That is what we are now doing, and have been doing for several years. Our efforts to train the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) have evolved and accelerated over the past three years. Our military has had substantial success in building the Iraqi Army -- and increasingly we have seen the Iraqi Army take the lead in fighting the enemies of a free Iraq. The Iraqi Security Forces still must rely on U.S. support, both in direct combat and especially in key combat support functions. But any fair-minded reading of the current situation must recognize that the ISF are unquestionably more capable and shouldering a greater portion of the burden than a year ago -- and because of the extraordinary efforts of the United States military, we expect they will become increasingly capable with each passing month. Your recommendation that we focus on counter-terrorism training and operations -- which is the most demanding task facing our troops -- tracks not only with our policy but also our understanding, as well as the understanding of al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations, that Iraq is a central front in the war against terror.
Second, your letter proposes "working with Iraqi leaders to disarm the militias and to develop a broad-based and sustainable political settlement, including amending the Constitution to achieve a fair sharing of power and resources." You are once again urging that the Bush Administration adopt an approach that has not only been embraced, but is now being executed. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is pursuing a national reconciliation project. It is an undertaking that (a) was devised by the Iraqis; (b) has the support of the United States, our coalition partners and the United Nations; and (c) is now being implemented. Further, in Iraq's political evolution, the Sunnis, who boycotted the first Iraq election, are now much more involved in the political process. Prime Minister Maliki is head of a free government that represents all communities in Iraq for the first time in that nation's history. It is in the context of this broad-based, unity government, and the lasting national compact that government is pursuing, that the Iraqis will consider what amendments might be required to the constitution that the Iraqi people adopted last year. On the matter of disarming militias: that is precisely what Prime Minister al-Maliki is working to do. Indeed, Coalition leaders are working with him and his ministers to devise and implement a program to disarm, demobilize, and reintegrate members of militias and other illegal armed groups.
Third, your letter calls for "convening an international conference and contact group to support a political settlement in Iraq, to preserve Iraq's sovereignty, and to revitalize the stalled economic reconstruction and rebuilding effort." The International Compact for Iraq, launched recently by the sovereign Iraqi government and the United Nations, is the best way to work with regional and international partners to make substantial economic progress in Iraq, help revitalize the economic reconstruction and rebuilding of that nation, and support a fair and just political settlement in Iraq -- all while preserving Iraqi sovereignty. This effort is well under way, it has momentum, and I urge you to support it.
Three of the key proposals found in your letter, then, are already reflected in current U.S. and Iraqi policy in the region.
On the fourth element of your proposed "new direction," however, we do disagree strongly. Our strategy calls for redeploying troops from Iraq as conditions on the ground allow, when the Iraqi Security Forces are capable of defending their nation, and when our military commanders believe the time is right. Your proposal is driven by none of these factors; instead, it would have U.S. forces begin withdrawing from Iraq by the end of the year, without regard to the conditions on the ground. Because your letter lacks specifics, it is difficult to determine exactly what is contemplated by the "phased redeployment" you propose. (One such proposal, advanced by Representative Murtha, a signatory to your letter, suggested that U.S. forces should be redeployed as a "quick reaction force" to Okinawa, which is nearly 5,000 miles from Baghdad).
Regardless of the specifics you envision by "phased redeployment," any premature withdrawal of U.S forces would have disastrous consequences for America's security. Such a policy would embolden our terrorist enemies; betray the hopes of the Iraqi people; lead to a terrorist state in control of huge oil reserves; shatter the confidence our regional allies have in America; undermine the spread of democracy in the Middle East; and mean the sacrifices of American troops would have been in vain. This "new direction" would lead to a crippling defeat for America and a staggering victory for Islamic extremists. That is not a direction this President will follow. The President is being guided by a commitment to victory -- and that plan, in turn, is being driven by the counsel and recommendations of our military commanders in the region.
Finally, your letter calls for replacing Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld. We strongly disagree. Secretary Rumsfeld is an honorable and able public servant. Under his leadership, the United States Armed Forces and our allies have overthrown two brutal tyrannies and liberated more than 50 million people. Al Qaeda has suffered tremendous blows. Secretary Rumsfeld has pursued vigorously the President's vision for a transformed U.S. military. And he has played a lead role in forging and implementing many of the policies you now recommend in Iraq. Secretary Rumsfeld retains the full confidence of the President.
We appreciate your stated interest in working with the Administration on policies that honor the sacrifice of our troops and promote our national security, which we believe can be accomplished only through victory in this central front in the War on Terror.
Joshua B. Bolten
Chief of Staff
Identical Letters Sent To:
The Honorable Harry Reid, Senate Democratic Leader
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, House Democratic Leader
The Honorable Dick Durbin, Senate Assistant Democratic Leader
The Honorable Steny Hoyer, House Minority Whip
The Honorable Carl Levin, Ranking Member, Senate Armed Services Committee
The Honorable Ike Skelton, Ranking Member, House Armed Services Committee
The Honorable Joe Biden, Ranking Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
The Honorable Tom Lantos, Ranking Member, House International Relations Committee
The Honorable Jay Rockefeller, Vice Chairman, Senate Intelligence Committee
The Honorable Jane Harman, Ranking Member, House Intelligence Committee
The Honorable Daniel Inouye, Ranking Member, Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee
The Honorable John Murtha, Ranking Member, House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
August 30, 2006
Wictory Wednesday
This week Wictory Wednesday is highlighting the candidacy of Michael Steele for the Maryland Senate. It is a closely watched race that is in contention for a GOP and conservative pickup in the Senate. Currently there are two main contenders for the Democratic nomination, Kweisi Mfume and Ben Cardin.
Michael Steele is something of a mythical candidate to the left; he's a black conservative Republican and there has been a history from the left to use racial attacks against him. Two former staffers of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee were found guilty of stealing Steele's credit report -- a federal crime.
Lt. Gov. Steele supports strong programs to continue to grow the American economy and is particularly focused on expanding home ownership. It is crucial that as many citizens as possible own their own homes as home ownership is one of the major keys to economic independence and success. He understands that low taxes and reduced government grow the economy and increase jobs.
Steele is a supporter of transparency of lobbying expenses and fundraising and seeks to eliminate many of the "perks" of being a Senator, like gifts from lobbyists. He is solidly a supporter of earmark reform, a process that allows legislators to slip in pork barrel projects without executive or legislative review. Surprisingly there is no rule preventing a legislator for putting in an earmark where he stands to personally gain from that earmark. Steele is looking to end that.
Michael Steele understands that legal immigration is essential to a successful nation, however, a nation worthy of its name must enforce its laws. He supports sealing the border that allows such a flagrant area of lawlessness inside American soil. He also supports Social Security reform because he understands the nation's youth and young adults will have no retirement system if drastic reforms aren't made.
Please consider donating to or supporting the campaign of Michael Steele
This has been a production of the Wictory Wednesday blogburst. If you would like to join Wictory Wednesday, please see this post or contact John Bambenek at jcb (dot) blog [at] gmail {dot} com. The following sites are members of the Wictory Wednesday team:
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:47 PM | Comments (2)
August 22, 2006
Voted Early Yesterday
Nick wanted to vote early, so we voted yesterday. It was my first time to vote ahead of time and it wasn't that bad. Now we just have to wait till the real live voting day to get the results. That is the only hard thing about this early stuff. hahaha
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (8)
August 11, 2006
Say What? Someone on the Left Not A Hillary Fan heh heh
Over at Blogs Against Hillary there is a great find, telling about a web site created by a liberal to stop Hillary from running in 2008. It is called No Hillary No. How sweet is this, to have one of her own, a liberal doing this.
"If you think Hillary Clinton is going to win the 2008 election you are either seriously deluded or just plain stupid. I realize that the last few years have been difficult and that many of you have retreated into a fantasy land where a Hillary run makes sense, but here in reality, we know better. Hillary Clinton, regardless of her many qualifications, will never win the presidential election in '08. It simply will not happen and deep down--you know it. The Republicans could run a cross-dressing lipstick smeared Pat Robertson against her and probably win. Little Kenny Mehlman and the crooks who pay his salary and control the RNC are going to, once again, play on the mouth breathing majorities fears and ram another nitwit down our throats. He will appear to be a "moderate" but as soon as he is done taking his oath we will once again get screwed. Think McCain. He has been auditioning for over 6 years now.
I really do not care to repeat the last 6 years. Something has to change.I am asking Hillary Clinton to forget about Democratic nomination for President in '08 and to remove herself from consideration. She needs to put an end to the rumors now. She has a job to do as Senator and she needs to focus on doing that job. The Democrats need to field a candidate who can defeat whatever sock puppet the RNC picks. Hillary Clinton is not that candidate. I have nothing against her. She would be a major improvement over the clown currently occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue but facts are facts, she will not receive the votes to become our President. It really is that simple."
Please go there to read the rest of what is said at Blogs Against Hillary.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
August 10, 2006
Not For Me Nope
McCain-Feingold reminder:
For two months up until the ‘06 election, political ads and agitation will be off-limits.
Amendment I.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
That is why I don’t need any “interim final rule” to say what I want to say: I already have a permanent, non-negotiable rule—and that rule applies to Congress, not to me. Note that the First Amendment doesn’t have an asterisk which says *unless there’s an election looming.
So McCain/Feingold can shove it where the sun does not shine. We at Theodore's World aka PC Free Zone blog will not be falling for your BS. I have NO intention of NOT speaking out and they can kiss my ass! I stand on the First Amendment!
And a VERY special thank you to John 5 (VN69/70) for the heads up in my email about this.
HEY McCain and Feingold!
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:55 AM | Comments (6)
US raises security threat level to "severe"
US raises security threat level to "severe"
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is taking immediate steps to increase security measures in the aviation sector in coordination with heightened security precautions in the United Kingdom, the department said in a statement on Thursday.
"For that reason, the United States Government has raised the nation's threat level to Severe, or Red, for commercial flights originating in the United Kingdom bound for the United States," the statement said.
Statement from Department of Homeland Security The Department of Homeland Security is taking immediate steps to increase security measures in the aviation sector in coordination with heightened security precautions in the United Kingdom. Over the last few hours, British authorities have arrested a significant number of extremists engaged in a substantial plot to destroy multiple passenger aircraft flying from the United Kingdom to the United States. Currently, there is no indication, however, of plotting within the United States. We believe that these arrests have significantly disrupted the threat, but we cannot be sure that the threat has been entirely eliminated or the plot completely thwarted.
For that reason, the United States Government has raised the nation’s threat level to Severe, or Red, for commercial flights originating in the United Kingdom bound for the United States. This adjustment reflects the Critical, or highest, alert level that has been implemented in the United Kingdom. To defend further against any remaining threat from this plot, we will also raise the threat level to High, or Orange, for all commercial aviation operating in or destined for the United States. Consistent with these higher threat levels, the Transportation Security Administration is coordinating with federal partners, airport authorities and commercial airlines on expanding the intensity of existing security requirements. Due to the nature of the threat revealed by this investigation, we are prohibiting any liquids, including beverages, hair gels, and lotions from being carried on the airplane. This determination will be constantly evaluated and updated when circumstances warrant. These changes will take effect at 4:00 AM local time across the country. Travelers should also anticipate additional security measures within the airport and at screening checkpoints.
These measures will continue to assure that our aviation system remains safe and secure. Travelers should go about their plans confidently, while maintaining vigilance in their surroundings and exercising patience with screening and security officials.
The United States and the United Kingdom are fully united and resolute in this effort and in our ongoing efforts to secure our respective homelands.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:58 AM | Comments (2)
FATwah From The Mouthpiece Of Leftist Mullah Moore
Representing the far-left wing that is said to now be running the Democrat Party, Michael Moore is warning all Democrat candidates for office that they must tow the leftist line or face defeat as did Senator Joe Lieberman. Moore also warns these candidates that the left-wing of the Democrat Party will work actively to defeat all candidates that do not support an anti-war policy and an immediate withdrawal from Iraq.
It's All About Who You Sleep With ... a Cautionary Note from Michael Moore
Let the resounding defeat of Senator Joe Lieberman send a cold shiver down the spine of every Democrat who supported the invasion of Iraq and who continues to support, in any way, this senseless, immoral, unwinnable war. Make no mistake about it: We, the majority of Americans, want this war ended -- and we will actively work to defeat each and every one of you who does not support an immediate end to this war.
Nearly every Democrat set to run for president in 2008 is responsible for this war. They voted for it or they supported it. That single, stupid decision has cost us 2,592 American lives and tens of thousands of Iraqi lives. Lieberman and Company made a colossal mistake -- and we are going to make sure they pay for that mistake. Payback time started last night.
I realize that there are those like Kerry and Edwards who have now changed their position and are strongly anti-war. Perhaps that switch will be enough for some to support them. For others, like me -- while I'm glad they've seen the light -- their massive error in judgment is, sadly, proof that they are not fit for the job. They sided with Bush, and for that, they may never enter the promised land.
To Hillary, our first best hope for a woman to become president, I cannot for the life of me figure out why you continue to support Bush and his war. I'm sure someone has advised you that a woman can't be elected unless she proves she can kick ass just as crazy as any man. I'm here to tell you that you will never make it through the Democratic primaries unless you start now by strongly opposing the war. It is your only hope. You and Joe have been Bush's biggest Democratic supporters of the war. Last night's voter revolt took place just a few miles from your home in Chappaqua. Did you hear the noise? Can you read the writing on the wall?
To every Democratic Senator and Congressman who continues to back Bush's War, allow me to inform you that your days in elective office are now numbered. Myself and tens of millions of citizens are going to work hard to actively remove you from any position of power.
If you don't believe us, give Joe a call.
Michael Moore
P.S. Republicans -- sorry to leave you out of this letter. It's just that our side has a little housecleaning to do. We'll take care of you this November.
Wild Thing's comment......
The Party of Saddam and the supporters of Terrorists speaks again. What can we do to keep this guy talking! HAHAHA
* Blue Star Chronicles ....Beth has a wonderful post on this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (7)
August 09, 2006
August 8th Primary Election
Lieberman Concedes Defeat In Senate Race
11:22 PM EDT, August 8, 2006
By JON LENDER, ELIZABETH HAMILTON And DAVID OWENS, The Hartford Courant U.S. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman conceded defeat just after 11 p.m. in the bitter Connecticut primary.
But Lieberman pledged to continue his candidacy as an independent in the general election in November.
And this...........
Rep. Cynthia McKinney has lost a runoff election for her district's Democratic nomination to attorney Hank Johnson, a former county commissioner.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I always feel dirty when I watch Dems for an entire evening. ugh! Thank God for bubble baths.
Did you see the "Hannity Sucks Ass" sign at the Lamont headquarters inadvertently shown on Fox? I love Sean Hannity and he pretty much kept a straight face.
The Democrat Party is peeling back a few more of the layers of skin of their onion. And it once again isn't pretty. Lamont is the poster child for the Soros camp which speaks volumes as to where the Dem party is digging it's heals in with a vengence.
And as for slugger McKinney, it looks like the terrorists will have to find a new Congressional Representative. Oh wait there are a lot of others to pick from in the Democratic party.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM | Comments (6)
August 04, 2006
Rumsfeld Takes On Hillary
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Thursday called on Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld to resign, hours after excoriating him at a public hearing over what she called "failed policy" in Iraq.
CLICK HERE , for the C-Span coverage (in Real Player).
Scan to 1:45:40 for Hillary's remarks and to 1:50:45 for Rumsfeld's response. (If you make the window wider than the default, precise scrolling is easier.)
Wild Thing's comment......
Hillary is the one who ought to resign. She has a lot of nerve to question anyone about anything. She is disgusting beyond words. She belongs in a dungeon with no food or water for the rest of her sick commie life.
Rumsfeld was at the hearing at the specific insistence of Hillary and a few other Dems. It was not essential, the Generals could have handled it, but they insisted. Then they launch their attacks. Just a pathetic, planned media ploy that gave Rummy a chance to put all in their place.
Leadership is something the Democrats will never be accused of having. Everytime they have an occasion to tuck-tail and run, they do so. They can always be counted on to talk a lot but not do a damn thing. Democrats are such "pattern people"...no good for playing chess or poker, that's for sure.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:27 AM | Comments (4)
August 03, 2006
Rightroots ~ Great Things Are Possible With People Who Do Things
Rightroots is a broad coalition of conservatives joining together in support of a solid slate of Republican candidates for the US House and Senate. Properly funded, these candidates represent our best chance to retain control of Congress and to enact a conservative agenda.The bloggers and groups listed at the right have come together to support this slate, and together with ABCPAC.com and your generous support, will expand our conservative majority in November.
This is the plan................
In order to do that, we’re going to need a lot of help from the blogosphere and talk radio, which is why I’m contacting you.What would we like you to do?
#1) We’d like you endorse the list. (Endorsements will be listed on the Rightroots page)
#2) We’d love for you to link the list today. The bigger start we can get right off the bat and the more buzz we can generate, the better.
#3) If you’re part of any big Republican mailing lists, forums, or know any big name conservatives you could pass this onto, it would be great!
#4) It would be fantastic if you permanently link the Rightroots page, preferably in a prominent spot.
#5) Usually with a blogosphere story, you link it once and go on. In this case, we’re hoping that people will link this list once or twice a week from now until the election. That’s the key factor that will really keep the money rolling in.
Now, what if you don’t feel comfortable endorsing the list or promoting all the candidates?
No problem! If you just support a candidate or two on the list, feel free to send your readers over to the Rightroots list to donate to them. On the other hand, even if you don’t want to do that, there may still be some news value in comparing what this list raises to the liberal list.
The more people talk about us and link to us, the better for the slate of candidates — and for you. Keep in mind that this is a project that has the potential to benefit the whole right side of the blogosphere. You ever wondered why Democratic politicians pay so much attention to liberal bloggers? A big part of the reason is because they raise money for them. If we do a good job of fund raising, it will raise our prestige level and profile. Make no mistake about it, if we can raise more money than the left side of the blogosphere over the final three months of the campaign, it will get politicians and journalists talking about the influence of the right side of the blogosphere — and that’s good for all of us!
Read more about it at Right Wing News, and at Mary Katherine Ham’s Townhall article and at Lorie Byrd’s post at Wizbang, and PLEASE, y’all, go over to the Rightroots/ABCPAC site and give it your support.
And you can find graphcis for this to use at your blog HERE.
Wild Thing's comment......
We can complain till the cows come home and it won't make a difference. Action is what makes a difference and the left has always been better at this then we are on the right. We have watched PC take over step by step, inch by inch and then wonder how America has become soooo PC. Well PC began way back when I was in grade school and it has proven one thing.
The left is good at winning one battle at a time. They know they cannot win the war in one move so they choose to win one hill, one battle and then the next. We as Republicans like to win the whole shabang at once and that is one of the things that cause us not to win anything.
The left is paid to protest the right is NOT, we do it because we believe in our causes and do not expect to be paid for it. We have jobs and the left, well many do not and insted they get money from the vile leftie groups to do nothing more then protest and push their agenda of destruction to America.
I for one will not be one of the ones that is only a keyboard patriot, I want action and will do what I can to make a difference.
Please send this post out to all you know that love America. We CAN make a difference but it takes an effort. Let's not let the left win this next election on anything. They do NOT love America.
* My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 PM
Peanuts for Brains Carter
by John Gibson
Tuesday he ( Jimmy Carter) writes in The Washington Post that Israel has a right to defend itself, but it shouldn't make civilians in Lebanon suffer and expect them to blame Hezbollah for the devastation and death from Israeli return fire.
Thus, according to Carter logic, if Hezbollah fires rockets at Israelis from the middle of Lebanese civilians — as the U.N. says Hezbollah has in fact done — then Israel must not shoot back because civilians might be hurt or killed.
Carter says it is inhumane to make Lebanese civilians suffer. OK, agreed. But it is also wrong to exempt Hezbollah from blame for the suffering it has brought on its own people.
Under these peculiar Carter rules, Hezbollah can always shoot at Israel as long as they do it from areas with heavy civilian populations.
Hezbollah picks the places to fire rockets, and so it picks the places Israel will attack in response.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (6)
July 29, 2006
Kerry and Bolton In A "Who's on First" Routine
This is the entrie transcript of Kerry and Bolton....................
Senator Kerry?
KERRY: Thank you. I know all the comments have been made about the flood here, so I won't make any more.
I apologize for being delayed. We had a mark-up in the Small Business Committee, and as ranking member, I had to be there.
I heard a few of the questions from my office, and obviously I don't want to go over territory that's been well-covered, Mr. Ambassador, so I want to just have a chance to be able to pursue a few things with you.
I did hear in answer to one question from somebody, I think it was from the chair, that your views about the U.N. itself have not changed.
And so I'd just be curious to sort of -- what are those views at this point? I mean there was a lot of debate here, if you'll recall, about what those views were, and I'd just be curious to know what conclusions you've drawn about the U.N. at this point in time.
BOLTON: I think his question was what did I find at the U.N. that I had not expected. And I think my response was "very little," because I have studied and worked in U.N. matters for 25 years.
And I'm sure there are things I don't know, but I've worked in the area for a long time.
My views are, as I said in my opening statement in April of last year, that we are committed to a strong and effective United Nations. To do that, it requires substantial reform. That it can be an effective adjunct of American foreign policy; I think it's been demonstrated in a variety of areas that we've discussed here today in the context of Lebanon, North Korea and Iran. And that that's why we're exerting the efforts that we are within the Security Council on a variety of substantive policy matters and on the question of U.N. reform.
KERRY: You say that to be effective it requires reform. What is the principal reform that is required for the U.N. itself to be effective with respect to Iran or with respect to North Korea or Resolution 1559 in Lebanon? What reform would make a difference to that effectiveness?
BOLTON: I'm not sure that reform as such would have a difference there. That is more a question in the Security Council of reaching policy agreement among the 15 members of the council and particularly the PERM 5.
KERRY: And isn't it fair to say that we're sort of the odd person out on most of those policies?
BOLTON: I wouldn't say that, no.
KERRY: Well, with respect to North Korea, let's look at that for a minute. Russia and the South Koreans were unwilling to join us, isn't that correct, with respect to the sanction effort?
BOLTON: That's clearly not correct, because they did. And in fact, we worked very closely with the Russians in the negotiation, 11 days of very intense negotiation to get Resolution 1695, and worked very closely with the Republic of Korea's mission to the U.N. to get their agreement to the resolution, as well.
KERRY: I beg to differ with you, Mr. Ambassador.
They didn't get on board a tough Chapter 7 resolution, did they? That was our position.
BOLTON: They got on board a resolution which is binding, as our judgment is binding under Chapter 7, that's correct.
KERRY: They didn't get on a tough resolution 7, did they -- Chapter 7?
BOLTON: Yes, they did.
KERRY: They did?
BOLTON: We believe this resolution is binding under Chapter 7. It does not contain the words "Chapter 7," but our conclusion is based on the entire wording of the resolution that it imposes binding constraints on North Korea. Other member governments -- that's the interpretation of Britain, France and Japan and the other four cosponsors as well.
KERRY: Prior to the adoption, speaking to reporters on July 6th, you said, quote, "I think it's important that the Security Council speak under Chapter 7 to make a binding resolution." Is that correct?
BOLTON: That's correct.
KERRY: Then on July 14th, just a day before they acted, you said you continued to insist on a resolution under Chapter 7 which would make any sanctions mandatory.
KERRY: You stressed the importance of a, quote, "clear, binding Chapter 7 resolution. That remains our view and the view of Japan." You went so far as to warn that if there's to be a veto, there comes a time when countries have to go into that chamber and raise their hand.
That's not what happened, is it?
BOLTON: As I said before, it's our judgment this is a mandatory resolution.
KERRY: But the judgment -- but it's not the way it's viewed by the other parties.
BOLTON: It's viewed that way by Japan, England and France.
KERRY: Well, the Russians certainly aren't prepared to join in it, nor are the...
BOLTON: They voted for it.
KERRY: But not in its clarity.
I mean, Assistant Secretary Hill's testimony before this committee last week said that the administration's strategy on North Korea is shifting from failed negotiations to sanctions.
And since you don't have Russia, you don't have China and you don't have South Korea on the binding resolution, how are you going to do that?
BOLTON: I think we do.
You know, what the resolution says, Senator, is the Security Council demands -- that includes Russia and China -- the Security Council demands that the DPRK suspend all activity related to its ballistic missile programs -- demands.
And you know what North Korea did? You know what they thought of that resolution? They sat there in the council chamber and, after we voted to adopt it, they rejected it and got up and walked out of the council chamber.
I think that resolution had a clear effect on North Korea.
KERRY: What was the effect?
BOLTON: That they understand how isolated they are. And you'll note that, as reported in the papers the other day, the government of China has begun to take steps with respect to North Korean banking, which is consistent with operative paragraphs 3 and 4 of the resolution that require -- "require" is the word we use -- the Security Council requires that all U.N. member-governments cease their procurement from or supply to any of North Korea's programs relating to ballistic missiles or weapons of mass destruction.
KERRY: Well, let's come back to be precise, because this is a precise world we live in. It is accurate -- I have the resolution right in front of me. It says, "demands that the DPRK suspend all activities related to its ballistic missile program," but it doesn't impose Chapter 7 sanctions.
BOLTON: We didn't seek to impose Chapter 7 sanctions.
KERRY: Well, how are you going to achieve this if you're not going to have sanctions if you don't have the other countries prepared to have the sanctions? The reason you don't have sanctions...
BOLTON: Because the first...
KERRY: ... is they weren't prepared to do it; isn't that correct?
BOLTON: No, because that was not part of our original resolution. The first step here was to pass this resolution which says...
KERRY: You're telling me they would be prepared to impose sanctions?
BOLTON: You know, Senator, we had consultations with Japan and the United Kingdom and France about how to approach this resolution. And as I mentioned earlier today, there were a variety of different steps that we could have taken. It was our judgment that the best way to proceed was along the lines that are now embodied in Resolution 1695.
That is certainly not to say that the council might not take other steps in the future. But the steps we sought to take we have now taken, unanimously.
KERRY: Well, you're losing me a little bit because, I mean, North Korea defied the world's request not to test an intercontinental missile. If ever there was a moment -- you are the ones who said you wanted sanctions but were unable to get Russia and others to sign onto that concept.
BOLTON: Senator, we said we wanted what we got.
KERRY: Well, the most that you seem to want is to go back to a six-party talk that isn't in existence.
BOLTON: No, no, quite the contrary. We said expressly...
KERRY: Are you prepared to go to bilateral talks?
BOLTON: Quite the contrary. We said expressly that what we wanted from North Korea was not simply a return to the six-party talks, but an implementation of the September 2005 joint statement from the six-party talks which would mean their dismantlement of their nuclear weapons program.
KERRY: But this has been going on for five years, Mr. Ambassador.
BOLTON: It's the nature of multilateral negotiations, Senator.
KERRY: Why not engage in a bilateral one and get the job done? That's what the Clinton administration did.
BOLTON: Very poorly, since the North Koreans violated the agreed framework almost from the time it was signed. And I would also say, Senator, that we do have the opportunity for bilateral negotiations with North Korea in the context of the six-party talks, if North Korea would come back to them.
KERRY: Mr. Ambassador, at the time -- Secretary Perry has testified before this committee, as well as others -- they knew that there would be the probability they would try to do something outside of the specificity of the agreement.
But the specificity of the agreement was with respect to the rods and the inspections and the television cameras and the reactor itself.
BOLTON: Senator, the agreed framework requires North Korea and South Korea to comply with the joint North-South denuclearization agreement, which in turn provides no nuclear weapons programs on the Korean Peninsula.
So it was not limited only to the plutonium reprocessing program.
KERRY: Mr. Ambassador, the bottom line is that no plutonium was reprocessed under that agreement. No plutonium was reprocessed until the cameras were kicked out, the inspectors were kicked out, the rods were taken out, and now they have four times the nuclear weapons they had when you came on watch.
BOLTON: Because the North Koreans...
KERRY: The question here is -- I mean, a whole host of people have testified before this committee and others.
I mean, my objection is that if you look at the policies across the board, and we're not going to resolve it here now, obviously, I understand that.
KERRY: But here's another good reason to think about this.
It's hard to pick up the newspaper today, it's hard to talk to any leader anywhere in the world, it's hard to travel abroad as a senator and not run headlong into the isolation of the United States and the divisions that exist between us and our allies on any number of different issues.
Now, it is very hard to sit here and say that the six-party talks have been a success.
BOLTON: I don't believe I've said that.
KERRY: I know. I didn't suggest you have. But what I'm trying to get at is the policy foundation itself -- why insist on a six-party talk process which, it seems to me, never joins the fundamental issues between the United States and North Korea, which go back a long, long time, over Republican and Democratic administrations?
BOLTON: I think the reason for that is that the disagreement is not fundamentally a bilateral disagreement between North Korea and the United States. It's a disagreement between North Korea and everybody else about their pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability.
And the aspect of the six-party talks that we think was most important was not negotiating over the head of South Korea, which was the consequence of the agreed framework, but bringing in all of the regional partners, South Korea, Japan, Russia and China, to address this question collectively, since it was in all of our interests to do so.
KERRY: Most of the people that I've talked to spent a lot of time in various thoughtful institutions thinking about these issues -- a career -- believe that what North Korea wants more than anything is an assurance that the United States of America wasn't going to have a strategy similar to Iraq directed at them.
And I think the assurance most people have suggested that if there were to be some kind of bilateral discussion to get at the issues between the two of us, you'd have far more opportunity to get at the nuclear issue than you do through these stand-off, nonexistent six-party talks that have produced nothing over five and a half years.
KERRY: Why is the administration so unwilling to talk to Syria, talk to even pursue these issues? It doesn't seem as though this nontalk approach is getting you very far.
BOLTON: First, the six-party talks have not been going on for five and a half years.
Second, one of the principal...
KERRY: No, because no talks were going on for the first couple of years, and then the six-party talks were a cover for not dealing with bilateral talks. I understand.
BOLTON: The principal reason that we haven't had six-party talks in 10 months is because North Korea won't accept China's invitation to come to the talks. But we have made it clear to them repeatedly that they could have and they have had bilateral conversations with the United States in the context of the six-party talks.
BOLTON: So the question as to why the six-party talks have not proceeded here, I think lies squarely in Pyongyang.
KERRY: Well, the world and North Korea are getting more dangerous, as you resist the notion of engaging in any kind of bilateral effort as an administration -- not you, personally, I guess, but...
BOLTON: Senator, really, it's hard to understand how you can't look at the notion of conducting the bilateral conversations in the six-party talks and not say that North Korea has an opportunity to make its case to us.
KERRY: Sir, with all due respect, I mean, you know -- what I've seen work and not work over the course of the years I've been here depends on what kind of deal you're willing to make or not make and what your fundamental policies are.
If you're a leader in North Korea, looking at the United States, and you've seen the United States attack Iraq on presumptions of weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist, if you announce a preemptive strategy of regime change, if you are pursuing your own new nuclear weapons, bunker busting nuclear weapons, and you're sitting in another country, you would have a perception of threat that makes you make a certain set of decisions.
And historically throughout the Cold War, that drove the United States and the then-Soviet Union to escalate and escalate. And first one did and then the other.
In fact -- in fact -- in every single case, we were the first, with the exception of two particular weapons systems to develop a nuclear breakthrough first. They followed -- until ultimately, President Reagan, a conservative president, and President Gorbachev said we're going to come down in Reykjavik to no weapons.
So we reversed 50 years of spending money and chasing this thing.
I would respectfully suggest to you that North Korea is sitting there making a set of presumptions. And unless you begin to alter some of the underlying foundation of those presumptions, you're stuck.
The problem is, we're stuck too, as a consequence. And a lot of us feel very, very deeply that the six-party talks have never been real and never been a way of achieving this goal. And as long as we're on this course, we're stuck.
COLEMAN: The chair would note that it's been extremely generous.Senator...
KERRY: Maybe you can respond to that, Mr. Ambassador?
BOLTON: Well, I think that the effort that has been made is to give North Korea the opportunity to make the choice, to come out of its isolation, to give up its nuclear weapons programs and to enjoy the kind of life that the people in South Korea enjoy.
BOLTON: There's a great map, Senator -- I'm sure you've seen a copy of it -- of the Korean Peninsula at night. And South Korea is filled with light; North Korea is black. It looks like South Korea is an island. That's what that regime has done to its people.
We could...
KERRY: Sir, I know what a terrible regime it is. I understand that.
BOLTON: We have tried to give them the chance, through the six- party talks, to end that isolation. And as I say, for 10 months, they haven't even been willing to go back to Beijing.
KERRY: I have to tell you something. About three years ago or four years ago, I can't remember precisely when, the North Koreans were casting about here in Washington, asking people who do we talk to? They were looking for a deal. And the administration just blanked them. There was no willingness to do this.
This is pre going to the six-party talks. Then we get to the six-party talks, and we've gone through a series of evolutions since then.
So with all due respect, a lot of folks think there's a different course. You don't. The administration doesn't. But I think it's important to talk about it, and I think it's important to lay it out there.
And we have, similarly, on 1559, which called for the disarmament of Hezbollah. That was not a priority for the last year, and we are where we are.
BOLTON: I would disagree it was not a priority, but I'm not sure...
KERRY: Can you tell me what you did at the U.N. that has put it on the front-burner agenda?
BOLTON: I think really at this point I'd just refer you to my earlier testimony where I talked about a number of resolutions and presidential statements that we had adopted to put more pressure on Syria, both with respect to 1559 and 1595, which I think is another quite important resolution pursuing the Hariri assassination.
And I think that in fact, the issue of Lebanon generally is probably the best example of U.S. cooperation with France in a matter in the Security Council that we've had in recent years.
KERRY: Well, again, we can debate, and we're not going to here, so I'll let that go.
COLEMAN: Thank you, Senator Kerry. The Senate does have a tradition of unlimited debate. We will bring this hearing to a close.Ambassador, diplomats have to operate in all sorts of environments, all sorts of conditions. You've done that through your career and obviously demonstrated the capacity to do it today.
We will keep the record open until the close of business Friday the 28th.
With that, this hearing is now adjourned.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (5)
July 26, 2006
Thank You To Our Veterans and Troops
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
I just wanted to post this about Freedom. - Wild Thing
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (8)
July 25, 2006
Ungrateful Arabs Want to Sue U.S. Government
Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee attorney Nabih H. Ayad (L) and Executive Director Imad Hamad talk to the media outside the District Court after filing a lawsuit against U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld for failing to protect U.S. citizens in Lebanon in Detroit, Michigan July 24, 2006. REUTERS/Rebecca Cook (UNITED STATES)
Arab Group to Sue U.S. Government Over Lebanon Evacuation
DETROIT -- The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee says it will sue the U.S. Government, claiming that it failed to protect American citizens from the fighting in Lebanon.
The lawsuit, which was to be filed Monday on behalf of about 30 American citizens, alleges that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld did not take all possible steps to secure the safety and well being of U.S. citizens when fighting erupted between Israel and Hezbollah guerillas.
The committee is asking the U.S. District Court in Detroit to order the American government to request a cease fire and to stop shipments of weapons or any other military support to Israel during the evacuation of U.S. citizens from Lebanon.
"We just feel the U.S. government has put its citizens at risk by supplying missiles when many U.S. citizens are still there," said Nabih Ayad, lawyer for committee and the citizens who were all in Lebanon. Ayad said a few included in the lawsuit are still trying to leave the country.
"We’re not trying to interfere with the war, we just want to protect our U.S. citizens and try to bring them back," Ayad said.
U.S. Consul William Gill said most Americans who wanted to leave Lebanon had done so by Sunday and U.S. evacuation efforts were nearly complete. He also urged anyone considering leaving to make up their minds quickly as fighting between Israel and Lebanon-based Hezbollah guerrillas showed no sign of waning.
About 12,000 Americans have been evacuated from Lebanon, officials said. Some 25,000 U.S. citizens were believed to be in Lebanon at the start of hostilities.
Wild Thing's comment.......
As I understand it, the State Dept. has issued 4 warnings in the last two years to U.S. citizens living/working in Lebanon. At one point, American airlines would not even fly into Lebananon. This is just from memory I have no link on this, but I do seem to remember this happening.
How about an extensive backround checks on these thirty "American citizens" and see what we find.
What a pile of bunk! They make up some lame brain excuse to whine and sue our country, these so called Americans, so they can say they want a cease fire.
These a$$ clowns should be sent back to the Middle East where their petty blather is hailed as high discourse.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (8)
July 20, 2006
Newt Gingrich On Israel and The War
Now isn't the time for restraint
By Newt Gingrich
Imagine that this morning 50 missiles were launched from Cuba and exploded in Miami. In addition to buildings and homes being destroyed, scores of Americans were being killed. Now imagine our allies responded by saying publicly that we must not be too aggressive in protecting our citizens and that America must use the utmost restraint.
Our history shows us that we, as Americans, would reject such bad advice. After all, we have never reacted to a direct attack on our soil with any restraint. Every time America has been attacked by an enemy, we set about defeating it and ending the threat.
This was true of Pearl Harbor in World War II, after which we replaced the imperial Japanese government. The regimes of Nazi Germany and fascist Italy met the same demise. Without actually being attacked, President Kennedy risked nuclear war to eliminate the threat of Soviet missiles in Cuba. After the 9/11 attacks, we replaced the Taliban in Afghanistan once it became known that they were providing refuge for the al-Qaeda terrorists responsible for the attack. This is our history as Americans. We believe that our government has a duty to protect us.
When compared with U.S. history lessons, the advice of the Group of Eight industrial nations to Israel is wrong. The communiqué says the No. 1 priority is a cease-fire that would effectively leave Hezbollah in possession of all its rockets. We'd never accept such advice for ourselves. The Israelis should not accept it for the same reasons: It would not end the threat.
Israel, a fellow democracy, has the same duty and right to protect its citizens from enemy attack. It is doing so while making every effort to avoid civilian casualties. The Israeli response is wholly justified based on a history where Israeli concessions to the Iran-Syria-Hezbollah-Hamas terrorist alliance have consistently resulted in their enemies preparing for the next attack. The terrorists have been attacking with increased capability, brutality and violence aimed at civilians. This is only the latest cycle in an ongoing 58-year campaign to destroy Israel.
In 2000, the Israelis withdrew from southern Lebanon, creating an opportunity for peace. Instead of peace, for six years Iran, Syria and Hezbollah moved more than 10,000 missiles into the vacated area. More recently, the Israelis withdrew from Gaza to provide another circumstance for peace and an opportunity for a self-governing Palestinian people to work toward creating a place of prosperity, but instead Hamas created a place of terror. Now Israel is the target of more than 1,000 missiles from both Gaza and southern Lebanon in the past week alone.
Iranian involvement is not in question. There are at least 100 Iranian guards in southern Lebanon. Apparently, it was an Iranian missile fired with Iranian know-how that hit an Israeli warship. Because Hezbollah and Hamas are waging war against Israel as proxies for Syria and Iran, the United States should announce that we support Israel's effort to remove every one of the thousands of missiles in southern Lebanon, and that we will decisively stop any effort by Syria and Iran to intervene.
United Nations Resolution 1559, supported by the European Union, called for Hezbollah to be disarmed. If not now, when? If not by the Israelis, who? The G8 advice, if taken, would only guarantee the cycle of violence. The terrorist alliance must be destroyed or it will be rebuilt with more dangerous capabilities. The appeals for an Israeli cease-fire, if heeded, will enable Israel's enemies to re-lay the groundwork for yet another violent campaign for what has been a nearly six-decade episode with the sole objective of destroying Israel.
The key steps to ending the violence in Lebanon first requires recognizing that Hezbollah in its military form must be eliminated, that the 100-plus Iranian guard in southern Lebanon must be removed and that the allowing of the Syrian and Iranian dictatorships to supply, train and equip the terrorists must be stopped.
To do that, the United States should offer to help strengthen the Lebanese government so that it has the ability to re-establish itself in all of Lebanon and defeat the military wing of Hezbollah. We should encourage the Israelis to work with the Lebanese government to eliminate the thousands of missiles within its borders that threaten Israel. Finally, Iran and Syria must be forced to cease their support of Hezbollah and Hamas by the United States communicating to them such dire consequences that they could not sustain the relationships. And then we should be prepared, if necessary, to impose those consequences.
Former House speaker Newt Gingrich is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and author of Winning the Future: A 21st Century Contract with America.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (6)
July 17, 2006
A Mystery of Leaks, Lies, And The CIA
Wilson (CIA leaker and braggart):
I will sue anyone and everyone for not stopping ME from telling Novak, 'Who's who', the French Embassy, and anyone else who might have been remotely interested about my wife. They should have stopped me. And now I need the money for her Armani dresses.
Novak's original article and others mentioned that Joe Wilson's visit actually bolstered the Bush administration's claim that Iraq was trying to purchase uranium.
Privately, Wilson admitted that Iraq WAS trying to buy uranium. Publicly, he lied.
The Bipartisan Senate Report about this matter so discredited Wilson that Kerry dropped him from his presidential campaign staff.
That report stated that Wilson had to actually bolstered the Bush administration's case about Iraq trying to buy uranium. Privately, Wilson confirmed what Bush said.
But publicly, Wilson told another story altogether.
Clearly, Wilson is a liar and the entire reason for this made up outrage about Valerie was to take away attention to the fact that Wilson was caught lying about a very important reason why we went to war in Iraq.
Back up to links that Wilson lied about whether Iraq was trying to purchase uranium (they were).
This whole episode was cooked up as an attempt by an anti-Bush elements within the CIA to discredit Bush's case for war with Iraq. This anti-Bush cabal included Plame. She was the one that recommended her husband for the "mission" to Niger. The intent of the mission was for Wilson to come back and claim no evidence for the yellow cake story. He never had any intention of doing any real investigating at all.The whole trip was bogus from the beginning.
When Wilsons claims were quickly dismissed and the story failed to hold water the anti Bush cabal came up with a plan B as it were. They changed the focus from Wilson to his wife and went all out with the alleged "outing" of an undercover officer who we now know was never deep cover at all.
The lazy anti Bush Washington press corp ate it up with a spoon without ever doing any real digging. The enitre CIA needs to be cleaned out post haste.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
June 28, 2006
Wictory Wednesday Diana Irey
This week Wictory Wednesday presents Diana Irey for US Congress. Diana is running against ex-Marine Rep. John Murtha from Pennsylvania who needs no explanation as to why he should be replaced. This race began as what seemed to be an uneventful race against an incumbent who not only didn’t expect competition, but is planning on making a run to become House Minority Leader.
Diana Irey served for ten years as commissioner of Washington County and served on a number of boards and commissions bring jobs and fiscal discipline to the local government. She supports not only lower taxes but lower government spending. While Murtha’s campaign seems to revolve around nothing else but the Iraq War (albeit an important issue), Irey is approaching running for office with a variety of stances on issues including supporting victory in Iraq and treating soldiers with respect, not as criminals.
Most importantly Diana is not a beltway bureaucrat and has served only in local offices until now. She will not only bring a local perspective to a seat that is held by an individual more concerned with his own national profile, she will support balanced budgets and intelligent policy-making to a Congress that has shown itself to be free with the money entrusted to it.
This has been a production of the Wictory Wednesday blogburst. If you would like to join Wictory Wednesday, please see this post or contact John Bambenek at jcb (dot) blog [at] gmail {dot} com. The following sites are members of the Wictory Wednesday team:
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:05 PM | Comments (7)
June 26, 2006
Murtha and ABSCAM
ABSCAM was an early 1980s scandal in which phony Arab businessmen (actually FBI agents) offered cash bribes to several congressmen. Everything was videotaped.
"You know, we do business for a while, maybe I'll be interested, maybe I won't." -Jack Murtha to Undercover FBI Agent Offering him a $50,000 Cash Bribe
This runs 13 seconds -- audio of Jack Murtha being offered cash, bribes, during the Abscam sting. He turned this down at first but then says later, "I'm not interested -- at this point." He was an unindicted coconspirator!
My earlier post about Murtha and ABSCAM:
Murtha's War Hero Status Called Into Question
FBI:Pubic's Response to ABSCAM
CNS News: Murtha's Anti-War Stance Overshadows Abscam Past
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:17 AM
June 25, 2006
U.N. Conference on Small Arms
U.N. Conference on small arms will convene this week
As we recently reported, the "U.N. Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects," will begin Monday, June 26.
The conference's absurdly lengthy title tells you all you need to know--this meeting is about "action to prevent and eradicate" your rights. And make no mistake, the U.N., fueled and financed by the likes of Rebecca Peters and George Soros, is trying to do just that (if you have any doubt about where Rebecca Peters stands on the issue of a U.N. sanctioned ban on your firearms, please visit HERE to view video of her publicly stating her views). But they're in for a fight.
As CNN.com reported this week, conference chairman Prasad Kariyawasam has received more than 100,000 letters of complaint from Americans who want the U.N. to stay out of the business of regulating lawful gun ownership in the United States.
To learn how you can continue to fight the U.N.'s Global Gun Ban and save Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms, please visit www.stopUNgunban.org, or call (800) 672-0636. This site provides valuable information and an opportunity to order Wayne LaPierre's new book The Global War On Your Guns. The book spells out a chilling warning that gun owners in the United States and abroad must heed, and exposes a far-reaching scheme to pass a global ban on civilian ownership of arms--including yours.
Wild Thing's comment.......
The UN counters to our nation's interests at every turn. It's long past time we ended our membership and removed them from our country. We in many ways legitimize their existence by being a part of it.
* thank you Jack ( Conservative Insurgents)
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
June 22, 2006
Wictory Wednesday Diana Irey for US Congress
Every Wednesday I will participate in Wictory Wednesday. Each week we highlight a Republican candidate from around the country to give people the opportunity to see who is out there and to contribute to their efforts.
I missed the one for this week since I just sent off the email today. This week Wictory Wednesday presented . Diana is running against ex-Marine Rep. John Murtha from Pennsylvania who needs no explanation as to why he should be replaced.
If you would like to join Wictory Wednesday too, please contact John Bambenek at jcb (dot) blog [at] gmail {dot} com.
* Wictory Wednesday - Part Time Pundit
The following sites are members of the Wictory Wednesday team:
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:07 AM
June 18, 2006
Take Our Country Back ~ Insufferable Prick Party Leads The Way
Six Meat Buffet has the answer.
Join the Insufferable Prick Party as we offer Americans a true alternative to government that serves its own interest.You can read the Platform Positions at his blog.....Six Meat Buffet. This is a must read. hahaha I LOVE it!
Thank you!
* Six Meat Buffet
* Something....and Half of Something
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:55 AM | Comments (4)
June 05, 2006
The President of Greatness Ronald Reagan
Today June 5, 2006 is the anniversary of the death of President Ronald Reagan. He walked the high ground and stayed the course. This is to honor President Reagan and to show my gratitude for his strengths.
Below are some quotes by Ronald Reagan.
- Wild Thing
"I don't think you can overstate the importance that the rise of Islamic fundamentalism will have to the rest of the world in the century ahead-especially if, as seems possible, its most fanatical elements get their hands on nuclear and chemical weapons and the means to deliver them against their enemies." --Ronald Reagan
"So, let me today speak for a united people. Let me say simply: We're Americans. We love this country. We love what she stands for, and we will always defend her.... We live for freedom -- our own, our children's -- and we will always stand ready to sacrifice for that freedom." - President Ronald Reagan, Remarks at the Annual Convention of the American Bar Association, July 8, 1985.
" We dare not shirk our responsibility to keep America free, secure, and at peace."- Ronald Reagan, State of the Union Address, January 25, 1984.
"We must restore America's ability to defend itself and fulfill its responsibilities as a trustee of freedom and peace in the world..." - President Ronald Reagan, Radio Address to the Nation on Administration Policies, August 25, 1984.
"There must be no wavering by us, nor any doubts by others, that America will meet her responsibilities to remain free, secure, and at peace."- Ronald Reagan, Second Inaugural Address, January 21, 1985.
"In this storm-tossed world of terrorists and totalitarians, America must always champion freedom, for freedom is the one tide that will lead us to the safe and open harbor of peace. "- Ronald Reagan, State of the Union Address, January 25, 1986.
"We Americans make no secret of our belief in freedom. In fact, it’s something of a national pastime." - Ronald Reagan, speech at Moscow State University, May 31, 1988.
"Every lesson of history tells us that appeasement does not lead to peace. It invites an aggressor to test the will of a nation unprepared to meet that test. And tragically, those who seemingly want peace the most, our young people, pay the heaviest price for our failure to maintain our strength. "- Governor Ronald Reagan, Speech, Sept. 15, 1972.
"Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have." - President Ronald Reagan, First Inaugural Address, January 20, 1981.
"However, our task is far from over. Our friends in the other party will never forgive us for our success, and are doing everything in their power to rewrite history. Listening to the liberals, you'd think that the 1980's were the worst period since the Great Depression, filled with suffering and despair. I don't know about you, but I'm getting awfully tired of the whining voices from the White House these days. They're claiming there was a decade of greed and neglect, but you and I know better than that. We were there. "- President Ronald Reagan, RNC Annual Gala, Feb. 3, 1994
"There was a time when our national security was based on a standing army here within our borders and shore batteries of artillery along our coasts, and of course, a navy to keep the sea-lanes open for the shipping of things
necessary to our well-being. The world has changed. Today, our national security can be threatened in faraway places. It's up to all of us to be aware of the strategic importance of such places and to be able to identify them."
--Ronald Reagan
"We stand here on the only island of freedom that is left in the whole world. There is no place left to flee to ... no place to escape to. We defend freedom here or it is gone. There is no place for us to run, only to make a stand.
And if we fail, I think we face telling our children, and our children's children, what it was we found more precious than freedom. Because I am sure someday -- if we fail in this -- there will be a generation that will ask."
--Ronald Reagan
He had a great sense of humor:
"My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I just signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing begins in five minutes."- Ronald Reagan, Said during a radio microphone test, 1984"
He also loved his country:
"The house we hope to build is not for my generation but for yours. It is your future that matters. And I hope that when you are my age, you will be able to say as I have been able to say: We lived in freedom. We lived lives that were a statement, not an apology."
* Something.....and Half of Something
* Portia Rediscovered
* A Mom and Her Blog
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:27 AM | Comments (4)
Veterans who've had enough of Murtha!
A few veterans have started a new site, called Vets for Irey. It is just an upstart so is small right now, but I'm sure will catch a lot of steam as November approaches.
I recommend that if you're a vet (even if you're not), make a visit and support this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:04 AM | Comments (6)
May 28, 2006
A Land of Checks and Balances Thanks To Our Constitution
Please CLICK the image above to hear a message
from John Wayne about the Constitution.
House Speaker Denny Hastert, having presumably checked his In box and re-read the Constitution, now agrees that the FBI can conduct searches of Congressional offices when armed with a valid search warrant:
House leaders acknowledged Friday that FBI agents with a court-issued warrant can legally search a congressman's office, but they said they want procedures established after agents with a court warrant took over a lawmaker's office last week.
"I want to know exactly what would happen if there is a similar sort of thing" in the Senate, Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said Friday, shortly after summoning Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to his office.
House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., concurred: "I am confident that in the next 45 days, the lawyers will figure out how to do it right."
Gonzales was similarly optimistic. "We've been working hard already and we'll continue to do so pursuant to the president's order," he told The Associated Press.
That apparently comes as a change in tone for the Attorney General. According to the New York Times, Gonzalez, FBI director Robert Mueller, and some of their staffs threatened to walk off the job if the President ordered the return of the seized materials to Jefferson.
Wild Thing's comment......
So what happened here, instead of letting the attention be directed at the POS William Jefferson where it needed to be. Hastert in his overreacting and his letting the world know he felt he was above the law, above the Constitution. That he lived in some bubble of protection because he was a politician and a long term one at that.
This might be only my opinion but NO one is above the law. At least they shouldn't be and once our laws and our Constitution have no meaning then we might as well say good-bye to the land formerly known as the United States of America.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (3)
May 24, 2006
Condi Rice Wants Iran To Play Role in Iraq
Rice: Iran should play a role in Iraq
The US recognizes that Iran has a role to play in Iraq, but wants Teheran to help stabilize the country, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in an interview aired Tuesday on Arab television.
Rice's comments came ahead of planned talks between the United States and Iran over the situation in Iraq.
"Iran will clearly play a role," Rice told the Al-Arabiya satellite channel. "The question is: Will it be a positive role? Will it be a role that is befitting a good neighbor?"
"If Iran chooses to play a stabilizing role, chooses to play a transparent role, chooses to play a neighborly role, that would be a very good thing for Iraq," Rice said.
US ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad has been authorized to hold discussions with Iran - the most public bilateral exchanges by the countries since soon after the Iranian Revolution in 1979.
US and Iranian officials said the talks would focus on the situation in Iraq, not on broader subjects like Iran's controversial nuclear program or Iran's renewed verbal hostility to Israel since President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won power last summer.
No date for such talks has been set.
In an apparent shift from prior policy, Iran's conservative government this year announced it was willing to begin a wide dialogue with the United States.
Wild Thing's comment.......
So now we are encouraging an axis of evil superstate made up of Iraq and Iran? UGH!
Quran....Fight and slay the unbelievers wherever you find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war. (Surah IX:5)
Qur’an 9:3 “Allah is not bound by any contract or treaty with non-Muslims, nor is His Apostle.”
Qur’an 8:12 “I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:27 AM
Keith Ellison May Become Congress’s First Muslim
June 30 2005 - Keith Ellison at an anti-war Rally The Iraq Peace Action Coalition, an organization made up of Twin Cities area peace and justice groups initiated the event under the call of "End the war in Iraq - End the Occupation - Bring the Troops Home Now!" See complete PRESS RELEASE and PHOTS HERE.
With a fast-growing U.S. population estimated around 5 million, Muslims are increasing their voice in local and national politics every year. But thus far they haven’t had one of their own in a national position of power in Congress, the Cabinet or the Supreme Court.
He didn’t know it at the time, but Keith Ellison took a large step toward changing that earlier this month when he won the Democratic endorsement for the seat of retiring Rep. Martin Sabo (D-Minn.) in one of the safest Democratic districts in the country.
Ellison, a black Muslim, still faces a September primary challenge that could feature Sabo’s chief of staff, a former state Democratic party chairman. But he has already gotten closer than any other Muslim candidate in recent years and would be the first Muslim in Congress, according to several national Muslim groups.
He said that he’s not running on his religion and hasn’t thought much about what it would mean to be the first but that he sees the positives that could come from it. He would also be the first black congressman from Minnesota.
Ellison, who supports abortion rights, is calling for an immediate withdrawal of troops in Iraq because, he said, Iraqis and Americans both want them out and the war has cost too much. He disagrees with the route the House has taken on illegal immigration — turning “hardworking immigrants into felons” — and added that he supports a path to citizenship.
“I think it’s time for the United States to see a moderate Muslim voice, to see a face of Islam that is just like everybody else’s face,” Ellison said. “Perhaps it would be good for somebody who is Muslim to be in Congress, so that Muslims would feel like they are part of the body politic and that other Americans would know that we’re here to make a contribution to this country.”
Ellison is a 42-year-old two-term state representative who took the endorsement from a crowded field in surprisingly swift fashion at the 5th District’s Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party convention May 6. The district covers Minneapolis and some nearby suburbs.
Two other primary candidates skipped the convention, and Sabo Chief of Staff Mike Erlandson, whom the congressman endorsed, withdrew from the convention after being heckled and hasn’t yet said whether he’ll run in the primary. His campaign did not return phone calls.
David Schultz, a Minnesota politics expert at Hamline University in St. Paul, said Erlandson is Ellison’s top competition but will have a tough time making up lost ground.
“His strength has always been among the party leadership, if he had any strength whatsoever,” Schultz said. “And if you couldn’t get the endorsement with the party leadership, I don’t think he’s going to get it among the rank and file.”
According to the American Muslim Alliance, which supports Muslim candidates and educates Muslims about politics, four Muslims ran for Congress in 2004 — two for the Senate and two for the House. One was a Libertarian, and the other three lost in the primaries.
Overall, about 100 Muslims ran for public office in 2004, with close to half winning. One of them, a black Muslim Democratic state senator in North Carolina, is the highest-ranking Muslim elected official.
At least two others Muslims have run for the House this year, both in Texas. Republican Ahmad Hassan is a long shot running against Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) in her Houston district, and Republican Amir Omar lost a primary in the Dallas district.
Agha Saeed, chairman of the American Muslim Alliance, said getting a Muslim in Congress would be a step forward, but he emphasized that it must not be tokenism and should be part of a larger shift toward inclusion of Muslims in American politics and life.
“One person is not going to make any change, unless that victory for the individual marks the beginning of a new attitude and a new approach,” Saeed said.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is at the forefront of Muslim get-out-the-vote efforts nationwide. Spokesman Corey Saylor said CAIR put together substantial efforts in Ohio and Florida in 2004 and will broaden its scope in the upcoming midterms.
He said most of the progress in getting candidates elected has been on the local level but an Ellison victory would be a breakthrough.
“I think it would be huge, no questions asked — particularly for a community that feels very much like its presence in the United States is being questioned,” Saylor said. “This would be a tremendous assertion of the fact that we’re Americans and we’re just as interested in public service as anyone else, and here’s the proof — we have somebody in Congress.”
Saylor attributed the fact that there have been no Muslims in Congress to two things: The Muslim political movement in America is in its infancy, with the first groups having started less than two decades ago, and the lasting effects of Sept. 11 and the negative perceptions about Muslims that have resulted.
Ellison, who converted to Islam when he was 19 years old at Wayne State University in Detroit, said he doesn’t think district voters are afraid to vote for a Muslim, as long as they know he’s concerned about their welfare.
Wild Thing's comment.....
God help us!!! God Help America! How would this be different then electing a Nazi during WWII. Answer: its not.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is at the forefront of Muslim get-out-the-vote efforts nationwide.
Everything seems to be going according to plan.
"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran . . . should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth."-CAIR chairman, Omar M. Ahmad (as reported by the San Ramon Valley Herald in July 1998
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
May 16, 2006
US Sanctions Venezuela Over Terrorism
US sanctions Venezuela over terrorism: official
Mon May 15, 2006 - 1:20 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States imposed sanctions on Venezuela on Monday, banning all arms sales to a major oil supplier for what it believes is a lack of help in Washington's war on terrorism, a State Department official said.
The move plummets the two nations' ties to their worst level in decades and comes after years of antagonism between leftist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Washington on issues ranging from trade to oil prices.
The United States is concerned about Chavez's friendly relationship with Cuba and Iran, two countries it says sponsor terrorism, and his failure to stop Colombian leftist guerrillas using Venezuelan territory, the U.S. official said.
Venezuela has warned for months the United States would move against it over terrorism but says it cooperates with Colombia against guerrillas and denies its ties with countries that are U.S. foes mean that it helps militants.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:17 AM | Comments (4)
Dialing and the Democrats ~ Democrats Trying to Protect the Terrorists
No sooner had the man who ran the National Security Agency for years been nominated to head the CIA than USA Today rushed out details of our efforts to use technical means to find terrorists using the phones. And no sooner had USA Today disclosed details of an apparent attempt by the National Security Agency to defend Americans from terrorists than the Democratic Party and its leading politicians and interest groups went on the attack. Not against the terrorists but against President Bush.
"This is another example of the Bush Administration misleading the American people," said a spokeswoman for the Democratic National Committee, Stacie Paxton.
Senator Kennedy of Massachusetts called the program "abusive" and said :
"Today's shocking disclosures make it more important than ever for the Republican Congress to end its complicity in the White House cover up of its massive domestic surveillance program. When three major telephone companies are supplying the administration with records of all Americans regardless of any hint of wrongdoing, Congress can't look the other way."
Rep. Harold Ford Jr., a Democrat of Tennessee, went on Fox News Channel to call the news "disturbing." Senator Clinton pronounced herself "deeply disturbed."
Mrs. Clinton might want to have a talk with her husband. It was President Clinton who signed into law the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994, after it was passed in both the House and Senate by a voice vote.
That law is an act "to make clear a telecommunications carrier's duty to cooperate in the interception of communications for law enforcement purposes, and for other purposes.
" The act made clear that a court order isn't the only lawful way of obtaining call information, saying, "A telecommunications carrier shall ensure that any interception of communications or access to call-identifying information effected within its switching premises can be activated only in accordance with a court order or other lawful authorization."
The law that President Clinton signed into law and that was approved by voice votes in 1994 by a Democrat-majority House and a Democrat-majority Senate not only made clear the phone companies' "duty" to cooperate, it authorized $500 million in taxpayer funds to reimburse the phone companies for equipment "enabling the government, pursuant to a court order or other lawful authorization, to access call-identifying information that is reasonably available to the carrier."
Again, the law, by referring to "other lawful authorization," states clearly that a court order isn't the only form of lawful authorization possible.
President Bush struck exactly the right notes yesterday.
"So far we've been very successful in preventing another attack on our soil," Mr. Bush said. "As a general matter, every time sensitive intelligence is leaked, it hurts our ability to defeat this enemy. Our most important job is to protect the American people from another attack, and we will do so within the laws of our country."
If he seemed calm about the latest disclosures, we can't help wondering whether it's because he recognizes that when Americans go to sleep at night, they're less worried about the "danger" that the government is looking for terrorists than they are about the danger that terrorists are looking for them.
This is the issue that the Democrats of the Howard-Dean-John-Kerry era just don't seem to prepared to credit. The Democrats who controlled the White House and both houses of Congress in 1994 showed signs of understanding the national security issues at stake here when they passed the law. Their understanding seems to have eroded since then. It can't be that they feel America faces less of a threat - if anything, the attacks of September 11, 2001, make the case for such programs even stronger. What's changed isn't the enemy threat but the party that now controls the White House. Which explains why Mrs. Clinton is "deeply disturbed" about activities legal under a law her husband signed.
And then there is also this.....based on a Newsmax article the dimwittocRATS actually are going to try to stop the NSA terrorism surveillance programs. They're joining a lawsuit to do just that.
Dems Join Suit to Ban Terrorist Surveillance
71 House Democrats signed up to sponsor a move that would make it illegal for the NSA to continue to monitor terrorist phone calls. The liberal web site Raw Story reported Thursday:"The 71 Democrats and one independent filed an amicus brief in two federal courts reviewing challenges to the warrantless wiretapping program in Detroit and New York, joining the American Civil Liberties Union and the Center for Constitutional Rights."
"Both suits demand the program be stopped."
Michigan Democrat John Conyers led the charge:
"As our brief makes clear, this Congress dealt with this issue authoritatively almost 30 years ago - warrantless spying on American soil is flatly prohibited," he railed.
Wild Thing's comment.....
It seems if you can find a method to catch terrorists, the Democrats and their ACLU handmaidens can find a way to try to stop it. But then we already KNOW the Democrats are on the side of the terrorists!
During WW II, President Roosevelt ordered the Post Office to open and read all mail to and from American citizens where the mail came from or went to any jurisdiction currently controlled by the Axis powers. This was far more intrusive, and done without Congressional approval, compared to the present program of noting patterns of numbers called, without looking into the contents of the phone calls, and being done under a law duly passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton.
Both the Democrats and their supporters in the press are counting on the gross ignorance of the American public about American history, including what we did during and after WW II. So far, and sadly, the ignorance they are counting on seems to be endemic among the American people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
May 15, 2006
Iran Wanting to Call The Shots ~ White House Says No
White House dismisses calls for direct Iran talks
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Sunday dismissed calls for direct talks with Iran to resolve the stand-off over its nuclear program, saying the United Nations was the best forum for those discussions.
"We think the framework we have is even better, we have a number of countries that are engaged with Iran on this issue, we are supportive of those discussions," White House national security adviser Stephen Hadley told CNN.
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan urged the United States on Friday to enter into direct talks with Tehran, as have others.
But Hadley said the United Nations was the preferred forum for the talks.
"The forum has now shifted to a discussion in the U.N. Security Council where the international community as a whole, of which the United States is a part, can make clear to Iran what it needs to do," he told CNN's "Late Edition. "We think that's the right forum at this time for this issue."
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who sent an 18-page letter to President George W. Bush last week, said over the weekend that he was ready to talk with any country except Israel and not under threat of force.
Bush dismissed the letter, saying it did not addressing the issue of when Iran would abandon its nuclear program, which the West suspects is a cover for building weapons.
Iran says the program is merely for peaceful power generation.
Britain, France and Germany, backed by the United States, Russia and China, are to unveil a package of inducements and penalties for Iran depending on whether it cooperates or resists Western calls that it halt uranium enrichment.
"We are looking at the kinds of sanctions that might be applied if it does not make the right choice. We're also looking at the kinds of benefits that might be applied if Iran does make the right choice," Hadley said.
"There have been a lot of opportunities for Iran to make the right choice, which is respond to the will of the international community and give assurances, by getting out of the enrichment business, that it's not pursuing a nuclear bomb," he said..
Wild Thing's comment.......
I have had it with this freak Ahmadinejad. He sends a long letter, beyond long ....18 pagers, to Bush that basically amounted to a declaration of war.
So far we have had tons of threats made by various leaders in Iran. Besides their ego's needing to have a continuous 15 minutes of fame with their threat making, lies in speeches etc. Ahmadinejad thinks he can boss Bush and the USA around. I am thrilled Bush said NO to the talks right now. Iran should kiss our ass not the other way around.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (5)
May 11, 2006
Cuba, Saudis, China on Rights Council
Cuba, Saudis, China on Rights Council
AP) Cuba, Saudi Arabia, China and Russia won seats on the new U.N. Human Rights Council on Tuesday despite their poor human rights records, but two rights abusers _ Iran and Venezuela _ were defeated.
Human rights groups said they were generally pleased with the 47 members elected to the council, which will replace the highly politicized Human Rights Commission. It was discredited in recent years because some countries with terrible rights records used their membership to protect one another from condemnation.
"The spoiler governments, the governments that have a history of trying to undermine the protection of human rights through their membership on the old commission are now a significantly reduced minority when it comes to the council," said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. "That doesn't guarantee that the council will be a success, but it is a step in the right direction."
Yvonne Terlingen, U.N. representative for Amnesty International, said it was "fairly pleased" that the countries elected would provide a good basis for a new "strong and effective human rights body."
"Some countries have been elected with weak human rights records, but they also are now committed to uphold the highest human rights standards," she said.
The United States opposed the establishment of the council, saying it did not go far enough to prevent rights abusers from winning seats, and the U.S. decided against being a candidate.
But U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Kristen Silverberg said "on the whole, we think it is an improvement over the commission."
"We are committed to engaging actively in the coming weeks with all of the elected members ... to make sure that this body is effective," she said. "We think think that the real test of this council will be whether it can take effective action in serious cases of human rights abuse like Darfur, ... Burma, North Korea and other places."
U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., a critic of the U.N., said Cuba's election showed the new council suffers from the same weakness as the commission and "is the perfect example of the U.N.'s failure to reform."
Russia was a candidate in the most hotly contested regional group _ Eastern Europe _ which fielded 13 candidates for six seats. It was the only group where a second round of voting was needed. The other winners were Azerbaijan, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and Ukraine.
The 13 African winners were Algeria, Cameroon, Djibouti, Gabon, Ghana, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tunisia and Zambia.
The 13 Asians elected to the council were Bangladesh, Bahrain, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Saudi Arabia and Sri Lanka. The defeat of Iran in that category "just shows their lack of standing in the international community," said Richard Grenell, spokesman for the U.S. Mission to the United Nations.
In Latin American and the Caribbean, the eight seats went to Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay.
The seven countries elected from the Western bloc were Britain, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands and Switzerland.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Unbelievable. That's like having Charles Manson as a male nurse.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
May 08, 2006
Good For VP Cheney
Vice President Dick Cheney launched one of Washington's sharpest attacks on President Vladimir Putin on Thursday ( May 4th,2006) , accusing Russia of backsliding on democracy and using its energy supplies to blackmail neighbors.
"Russia has a choice to make," Cheney told Baltic and Black Sea leaders in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, calling on Moscow to return to democratic reforms at a time of increasingly chilly relations between the two former Cold War rivals.
“America and Europe want to see Russia in the category of healthy democracies, and yet opponents of democracy in Russia are seeking to reverse the progress of the past decade,” he said. “In many areas of civil society — from religion and the news media to advocacy groups and political parties — the Government has unfairly and improperly restricted the rights of the people.”
was addressing leaders of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Georgia — all former Warsaw Pact countries that are at varying stages of integration with the EU and Nato. He voiced particular support for Ukraine, criticising Russia for cutting off gas supplies to Kiev in January in what was widely seen in the West as punishment for the Orange Revolution of 2004.
Cheney criticized Moscow for playing power politics with its vast energy reserves at a time of record world prices and accused it of bullying neighboring countries, many of which were dominated by the Kremlin in the Soviet era.
“No legitimate interest is served when oil and gas become tools of intimidation or blackmail, either by supply manipulation or attempts to monopolise transportation,” he said. His comments reflect the growing tensions between the White House and the Kremlin. With his own ratings low, President Bush is under pressure to take a harder line with Mr Putin, who has reasserted central control over media, parliament, business and regional government since 2000. Some US politicians are even calling for Russia’s expulsion from the G8.
Russia drew international criticism earlier this year when it briefly turned off its gas taps to Ukraine in a pricing dispute that disrupted supplies to Europe.
Moscow has also warned Europe the Russian state gas monopoly Gazprom, the world's top producer, could divert supplies to Asia if it is barred from the European market.
The White House on Friday backed Vice President Dick Cheney's tough speech on Russia and said Russian President Vladimir Putin should move on democratic reforms before hosting a major international summit in July.
Bush and Putin had a strong relationship in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, but the ties have cooled in the last year or so and Washington has been disappointed at what it sees as backsliding on democracy in Russia.
"You have to be blind and obtuse not to understand that some of our hopes for the U.S.-Russian relationship in the beginning of the administration have not been realized," said a second senior administration official.
The official said no formal review of U.S.-Russia relationship was under way but that the Bush administration was troubled by Russia's "distrust of democracy and Russia's unconstructive relations with many of its neighbors."
Wild Thing's comment.....
Cheney nailed it and I am proud of him! Cheney is right and it's time we told the Russians that this is not going to be tolerated. Cheney is a favorite of mine.
Putin's a dyed-in-the-wool commie. Always has and always will. The Clinton/Albright/Berger crew helped destroy any chances of a Western-friendly Russia, and gave us the America-phobic monstrosity that is Russia today.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:07 AM
May 07, 2006
Caw! Caw! Culture of Corruption! Caw!
Confident Democrats Lay Out Agenda Party Plans Probes Of Administration If It Wins the House
By Jonathan Weisman Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, May 7, 2006; A01
Democratic leaders, increasingly confident they will seize control of the House in November, are laying plans for a legislative blitz during their first week in power that would raise the minimum wage, roll back parts of the Republican prescription drug law, implement homeland security measures and reinstate lapsed budget deficit controls.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) said in an interview last week that a Democratic House would launch a series of investigations of the Bush administration, beginning with the White House's first-term energy task force and probably including the use of intelligence in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq. Pelosi denied Republican allegations that a Democratic House would move quickly to impeach President Bush. But, she said of the planned investigations, "You never know where it leads to."
Wild Thing's comment........
A few days ago I received an email from Ken Mehlmen and I replied to him a scathing email back telling him strongly how I felt about being let down as a Republcian, about what the heck has happened to We The People. But at no time would I consider not voting and let the Dems gain a hold again in power.
I hope those who want to punish the Republicans by voting third party, or by staying home, read this carefully and decide, whether they really want to stay away and not vote, and check out all that the Dems are planning and WILL do, if they get back into power. We have to vote out the weak kneed Republicans. No longer can we compromise. And if the current Republican leadership can't get it done. We will find other Republicans and put them in leadership. At least this is what I wish for. We must never give up.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (17)
May 03, 2006
Bolton Kicks Ass
Please click HERE to see the Video.
US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton testified before the House subcommittee on international relations today and got in a little argument with Rep. Dennis Kucinich. Rep. Kucinich asked John Bolton about Sy Hersh’s “New Yorker” article on Iran, to which Bolton said he didn’t see it because he doesn’t have time to read “fiction”:
KUCINICH: Have you ever heard of that report?BOLTON: I’d never heard of the report, I never read the article, nor do I intend to.
KUCINICH: Do you have any interest as to whether or not—as the U.S. Ambassador, you don’t have any interest as to whether or not U.S. Marines are actually operating in Iran right now?
BOLTON: I said I had not heard of the report and I didn’t intend to read the article in “The New Yorker.”
KUCINICH: If I gave you this article right now, walked it over, would you look at it?
BOLTON: I don’t think so, honestly, Congressman, because I don’t have time to read much fiction.
KUCINICH: We know that U.S. Troops are in Iran. How does this affect U.N. Negotiations?
BOLTON: Congressman, you know more than I do, that’s all I can say.
Wild Thing's comment......
If Kucinich knows that U.S. Marines are in Iran and this is secret and he’s revealing it… then he’s a traitor.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:49 AM | Comments (8)
May 02, 2006
McCain and First Amendment Rights
McCain says he does not like corruption.....hmmmmm Hey McCain how soon you forget!
Senator John McCain (R-Az.) crossed a line in a recent response to Don Imus. Without Imus asking about it, McCain responded to a critics attack on his campaign finance reform stance, "I would rather have a clean government than one where quote First Amendment rights are being respected, that has become corrupt. If I had my choice, I'd rather have the clean government."
Stop the ACLU has the Video
Wild Thing's comment......
Hmmmm, clean government ( Kennedy, Clintons, Keating Five????) only started this list for you John McCain!
* Hot Air
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:30 AM | Comments (2)
May 01, 2006
Welcome To Aztlán ~ NOT! No Way! Never!
Watch this Video on plans for Aztlan........HERE.......thank you.
One of the organizations that is organizing the immigration protests in Detroit is ACCESS. Seems their President, Noel Saleh (name found on the "Staff" page) is an ACLU lawyer and supports terrorists:
Noel Saleh. The thrice-disciplined attorney (who was suspended from the practice of law) openly stated at a townhall meeting with federal officials that he has financially contributed to Hezbollah.
He heads an Arab welfare agency that gets millions in our tax dollars, yet was raided by the FBI for engaging in Medicaid fraud. The organization also spent thousands in our tax dollars on "job training" (commercial driving lessons and attempts at HazMat hauling certificates) for two men indicted as members of the Detroit al-Qaeda terror cell. He has represented a number of Islamic terrorists, including Ibrahim Parlak and "former" PFLP terrorist Imad Hamad.
La Voz de Aztlán (The Voice of Aztlán) is the Internet publication, or webzine, of the Nation of Aztlán, a secessionist organization based in Whittier, California. The organization's chief objective, as reflected in La Voz de Aztlán, is the formation of a country named Aztlán, which would be composed of present-day Mexico, parts of Oklahoma, and the entirety of Texas, New Mexico, California, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada. According to La Voz and the group that established it, "Aztlán" was the name of the Aztec homeland that supposedly existed in Mexico and the Southwestern United States prior to the Spanish conquest of 1519. The group now seeks to recapture this territory that it claims was "stolen" by white America.
La Voz sides decisively with Palestinian terrorists in their ongoing conflict with Israel. "There are great similarities between the political and economic condition of the Palestinians in occupied Palestine and that of La Raza in the southwest United States,” La Voz says. “… The primary one of course is the fact that both La Raza and the Palestinians have been displaced by invaders that have utilized military means to conquer and occupy our territories.The La Voz website also contains a lengthy tribute to eight female Palestinian suicide bombers who killed many innocent Jewish civilians, describing them as “freedom fighters” who “made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom and independence of the Palestinian people.” Moreover, La Voz has referred to the late Yasser Arafat as an "extraordinary courageous leader."
A.N.S.W.E.R. is an organizer of the illegal alien marches across the country. They are a front group for the Marxist-Leninist Workers World Party. They idolize Joseph Stalin but when organizing Latino’s they promote Communist leaders Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Che Gueverra as hero’s of the common man.
Socialist Party USA
“On May 1st walkouts at schools and workplaces across the US will take place in solidarity with immigrant com- munities under attack by Congressional legislation. These walkouts invoke the powerful tradition of May Day - the socialist celebration of international working class solidarity. ”
Wild Thing's comment.......
For me I am going to shop after work today. Instead of shopping over the weekend for groceries, Home Depot (for more plants for the patio) etc. today is the day. In my own way I can try to show they are NOT necessary to our economy.
The saying " You cannot deport 12 million people", is nothing more than a slogan for people who have stopped trying to address the problem. The U.S. government needs to begin deporting illegal aliens, and even if it only deports a fraction of them over the next few years that would be progress. If the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency deported only two million of the 12 million illegal aliens, 10 million illegals would be better than 12 million.
Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) notes that enforcing employer sanctions could lead many to go home on their own without deportation proceedings: "If you can't get a job in this country, and if you can't get social service benefits, you go home." Additionally, a lot of immigrants visit families on their own, and wouldn't be able to get back in if Congress decides to secure the border.
On the other hand, if the 12 million illegals are legalized, none would be deported. Moreover, this amnesty (whether called amnesty or not) would simply induce more illegals to cross the Rio Grande in the hopes of waiting until the next amnesty.
Please go HERE as well and read how many times amnesty has been done, let us never forget. It never changed anything and it only made matters worse. They give a candy (amnesty) and then they never say NO to the future illegals coming in. (such as close the borders.)
Thank you Jack for a great post at your blog " Reward The Illegals".
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (12)
April 30, 2006
Just The Facts Ma'am! Hey! Illegals GET OUT!
And this probably is NOT even a full list!
40 percent of all workers in L.A. County are working for cash and not paying taxes.
95 percent of all arrest warrants issued for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
75 percent of people on L.A.'s most-wanted list are illegal aliens.
Over two-thirds of all births are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by the taxpayers.
Nearly 25 percent of all inmates in California detention centers are here illegally.
Over 300,000 illegal’s are living in garages.
The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal’s from south of the border.
Nearly 60 percent of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
Of the 10 million people in Los Angeles County, 5.1 million speak English and 3.9 million speak Spanish.
21 radio stations in Los Angeles are Spanish speaking.
Less than 2 percent of illegals’ are picking crops but 29 percent are on welfare.
Over 70 percent of the U.S. annual population growth (over 90 percent of California, Florida and New York) are from immigration.
29 percent of inmates in the federal prisons are illegal aliens.
The lifetime fiscal impact (taxes minus services used) for the average adult Mexican immigrant is a negative.
They also send about $15 billion back to Mexico annually.
It cost Los Angeles $276 million in welfare costs for 100,000 children of illegal aliens.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:27 PM | Comments (2)
Take Your Dream and Shove It!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:17 PM
America Means NOTHING to DemocRATS & RHINO's

GOP News
The planned boycott of American businesses on Monday by groups who support “rights” for illegal aliens has gained a new ally: the California Senate. In a mind-boggling move, the legislative body passed a resolution which supports the “Great American Boycott 2006.” In other words, the California Senate is siding with illegal aliens and against the overwhelming will of the American people.
As noted by the Associated Press, “California’s state senators on Thursday endorsed Monday’s boycott of schools, jobs and stores by illegal immigrants and their allies…”
The California Senate vote was along party lines, 24-13, but it really makes you wonder what these people, even though they are Democrats, are thinking. This is America, right? The Monday boycott is by ILLEGAL aliens and their supporters, right? What’s going on here?
Wild Thing's comment......
NEVER did I think I would see anything like this in my life. God help us!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:04 PM
Thousands Of Illegal Alien Predators Target Children
Thousands of illegal alien predators target children
Federal agents and New York City probation officers arrested 47 criminal alien sex offenders in Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Manhattan as part of the Department of Homeland Security's "Operation Predator."
Thirty-six of those arrested were in the country illegally, according to court documents. The immigrants arrested are foreign born who've been convicted sex offenders guilty of rape, sodomy, assault with intent to cause physical injury, sexual abuse and sexual misconduct, endangering the welfare of a child, reckless endangerment, course sex conduct and possessing a sexual performance by a child.
The youngest of the victims was three-years old.
"Predators stalk and attack the most vulnerable segments of society, our children," said Marcy Forman, Investigations Director for US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Top officials at the Department of Homeland Security recently revealed that arrests for child sex crimes during the first two years of Operation Predator have exceeded 6,000 and 85 percent of them are criminal immigrants. And our political leaders appear to tell us, "We couldn't care less."
Operation Predator is Immigration and Customs Enforcement's comprehensive initiative to safeguard children from foreign national pedophiles, international sex tourists, Internet child pornographers and human traffickers.
Operation Predator evolved out of ICE's mission to find and deport illegal aliens, particularly those with criminal records. The majority of the arrests under Operation Predator — roughly 85% — have involved foreign nationals in this country whose child sex crimes make them removable from the United States. By matching immigration databases with state Megan's law directories, ICE agents have arrested more than 1,800 registered sex offenders.
Since Operation Predator began on July 9, 2003, the initiative has resulted in 6,085 child predator arrests throughout the country — an average of roughly 250 arrests per month and eight arrests per day. While arrests have been made in every state, the most have occurred in these states: Arizona (207), California (1,578), Florida (255), Illinois (282), Michigan (153), Minnesota (190), New Jersey (423), New York (367), Oregon (148) and Texas (545).
Operation Predator also has an important international component, as leads developed by domestic ICE offices are shared with ICE Attaché offices overseas and foreign law enforcement for action. To date, leads shared by ICE with foreign authorities have resulted in the arrest of roughly 1,000 individuals overseas.
With an average of nearly 250 child sex predator arrests per month, ICE's Operation Predator has emerged as one of most successful efforts ever launched to protect America's children. In enforcing the nation's immigration laws, ICE is systematically targeting those who pose the greatest threats, including criminal aliens who prey on our children. Those captured are believed to be a drop in the bucket when one realizes most sex crimes — especially those involving children go unreported.
Some recent ICE arrests involving criminal aliens who committed child sex crimes include Julio Cesar Rabago-Magana, a Mexican man who raped a four-year-old child in the basement of Mercado Central in Minneapolis, Minn. Rabago-Magana pleaded guilty Oct. 23, 2002 to first-degree criminal sexual conduct. After serving his criminal sentence, he was arrested by ICE agents at his St. Paul home on March 3, 2005, and deported six days later.
To date, more than 2,100 of these foreign-born predators have been removed from the United States to their home nations. As part of this process, ICE advises the host nation governments about the criminal histories of each sex predator it is deporting to their nations. ICE also issues Green Notices through Interpol in appropriate cases. The Green Notice provides information on career criminals who have committed, or are likely to commit, offenses in several countries.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:47 AM | Comments (2)
McCain Gives Speech to Brussels Forum
EU and US strike different tones on Iran
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The United States and the European Union struck different tones on Saturday on how to respond to Iran’s nuclear defiance while insisting they were in full agreement.Speaking at a transatlantic conference, EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said no one was considering military action over Tehran’s refusal to halt uranium enrichment and Europe did not want to join a “coalition of the willing” against Iran.
Influential U.S. Senator John McCain told the Brussels Forum in a speech on Friday night: “There is only one thing worse than military action, and that is a nuclear-armed Iran.”
He said the United States would not stand by and let Iran wipe out Israel, as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had called for.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Let's see, he is against military action and he is against bombing Iran. So if we do have a sit down with Iran.....well let's just say I would not believe anything Iran's President says or the promises he makes. So McCain how do you want to take care of Iran and the many threats their leadershihp makes to Israel and America?
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (6)
Charlie Daniels on the Mexican Standoff
Mexican Standoff
I don’t know how everybody else feels about it, but to me I think Hispanic people in this country, legally or illegally, made a huge public relations mistake with their recent demonstrations.
I don’t blame anybody in the world for wanting to come to the United States of America, as it is a truly wonderful place. But when the first thing you do when you set foot on American soil is illegal it is flat out wrong and I don’t care how many lala land left heads come out of the woodwork and start trying to give me sensitivity lessons.
I don’t need sensitivity lessons, in fact I don’t have anything against Mexicans, I just have something against criminals and anybody who comes into this country illegally is a criminal and if you don’t believe it try coming into America from a foreign country without a passport and see how far you get.
What disturbs me about the demonstrations is that it’s tantamount to saying, “I am going to come into your country even if it means breaking your laws and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
It’s an “in your face” action and speaking just for me I don’t like it one little bit and if there were a half dozen pairs of gonads in Washington bigger than English peas it wouldn’t be happening.
Where are you, you bunch of lilly livered, pantywaist, forked tongued, sorry excuses for defenders of The Constitution? Have you been drinking the water out of the Potomac again?
And even if you pass a bill on immigration it will probably be so pork laden and watered down that it won’t mean anything anyway. Besides, what good is another law going to do when you won’t enforce the ones on the books now?
And what ever happened to the polls guys? I thought you folks were the quintessential finger wetters. Well you sure ain’t paying any attention to the polls this time because somewhere around eighty percent of Americans want something done about this mess, and mess it is and getting bigger everyday.
This is no longer a problem, it is a dilemma and headed for being a tragedy. Do you honestly think that what happened in France with the Muslims can’t happen here when the businesses who hire these people finally run out of jobs and a few million disillusioned Hispanics take to the streets?
If you, Mr. President, Congressmen and Senators, knuckle under on this and refuse to do something meaningful it means that you care nothing for the kind of country your children and grandchildren will inherit.
But I guess that doesn’t matter as long as you get re-elected.
Shame on you.
Pray for our troops.
What do you think?
God Bless America
Charlie Daniels
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (10)
April 29, 2006
English~ English ~ English Get That Straight!
Spanish 'Star-Spangled Banner' Draws Ire
MIAMI (AP) - British music producer Adam Kidron says that when he came up with the idea of a Spanish-language version of the U.S. national anthem, he saw it as an ode to the millions of immigrants seeking a better life.
But in the week since Kidron announced the song - which features artists such as Wyclef Jean, hip-hop star Pitbull and Puerto Rican singers Carlos Ponce and Olga Tanon - it has been the target of a fierce backlash.
Some Internet bloggers and others are infuriated by the thought of "The Star-Spangled Banner" sung in a language other than English.
"Would the French accept people singing the La Marseillaise in English as a sign of French patriotism? Of course not," said Mark Krikorian, head of the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies, a think tank that supports tighter immigration controls.
The initial version of "Nuestro Himno," or "Our Anthem," comes out Friday and uses lyrics based closely on the English-language original, said Kidron, who heads the record label Urban Box Office.
Pro-immigration protests are planned around the country for Monday, and the record label is urging Hispanic radio stations nationwide to play the cut at 7 p.m. EDT Friday in a sign of solidarity.
A remix to be released in June will contain several lines in English that condemn U.S. immigration laws. Among them: "These kids have no parents, cause all of these mean laws ... let's not start a war with all these hard workers, they can't help where they were born."
Bush Says Anthem Should Be in English
The national anthem should be sung in English _ not Spanish _ President Bush declared Friday, amid growing restlessness over the millions of immigrants here illegally.
"One of the things that's very important is, when we debate this issue, that we not lose our national soul," the president exclaimed. "One of the great things about America is that we've been able to take people from all walks of life bound as one nation under God. And that's the challenge ahead of us."
When the president was asked at a Rose Garden question-and-answer session whether the anthem should be sung in Spanish, he replied: "I think the national anthem ought to be sung in English, and I think people who want to be a citizen of this country ought to learn English and they ought to learn to sing the national anthem in English."
He made his remarks on the matters during a wide-ranging briefing with reporters.
"I think people who want to be citizens of this country ought to learn English," Bush said
Wild Thing's comment.....
A-hem President Bush, I also think people coming to this country to live here should come here legally NOT illegally. Ok-key-doh-key?
And another thing that irritates me about this, is that the Spainish version cuts out all the parts that refer to the war that INSPIRED Key to write the song!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:27 AM | Comments (2)
Push 1 For English ~ Push 2 For Deported
Apathy Is Dangerous For Our Country and To Our Freedom
Thoughts to ponder
How Long Do We Have?
About the time our original 13 states adopted their new constitution, in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:
"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.
From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."
"The average age of the worlds greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
3. From courage to liberty;
4. From liberty to abundance;
5. From abundance to complacency;
6. From complacency to apathy;
7. From apathy to dependence;
8. From dependence back into bondage "
Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the 2000 Presidential election:
Population of counties won by: Gore: 127 million; Bush: 143 million;
Square miles of land won by: Gore: 580,000; Bush: 2,427,000 States won by: Gore: 19 Bush: 29
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by Gore: 13.2 Bush: 2.1
Professor Olson adds:
"In aggregate, the map of the territory Bush won was mostly the land owned by the tax-paying citizens. Gore's territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in government-owned tenements living off government welfare..."
Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency & apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some 40 percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.
Pass this along to help everyone realize that apathy is also one the greatest danger to our freedom.
Thank you Robert H. for the Video of this!
Rush Limbaugh VIDEO of transcript below....< ...here
Rush Limbaugh transcript quote:
“All right, immigration proposals under discussion. Let me add mine to the mix. I want to call this proposal the Limbaugh Laws. …First, if you immigrate to the United States of America, you must speak the native language. You have to be a professional or an investor. [America is] not going to take unskilled workers…There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no special ballots for elections, no government business will be conducted in your native language. Foreigners will not have the right to vote…nor will they ever be allowed to hold political office. According to the Limbaugh Laws, if you're in our country, you cannot be a burden to taxpayers. You are not entitled, ever, to welfare, to food stamps, or other government goodies. You can come if you invest here, but it must be an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage. If you don't know have that amount of money, you can't come and invest. You have to stay home. If you do come and you want to buy land, okay, but we're going to restrict your options. You will not be allowed to buy waterfront property in the United States. That will be reserved for citizens naturally born in this country.”“In fact, as a foreigner, you must relinquish individual rights to property… Another thing. You don't have the right to protest when you come here. You're allowed no demonstrations, you cannot wave a foreign flag, no political organizing, no bad-mouthing our president or his policies, or you get sent home. You're a foreigner. You shut your mouth or you get out, and if you come here illegally, you go straight to jail and we're going to hunt you down 'til we find you.” End of quote.
Now guess what those laws that Rush did a great job describing, are actual laws of Mexico, today. I just read you Mexican immigration law. That's how the Mexican government handles immigrants to their country!!!! And Rush did a great job putting it like that to show how different it is here.
1860: "But if we can't have our African slaves, who will pick the cotton?"
2006: "But if we can't have our illegal aliens, who will pick the lettuce?"
It was wrong then, and it's wrong now!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
April 27, 2006
Congratulations Tony Snow
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:57 AM | Comments (2)
April 26, 2006
Greenpeace Ads to Target Ted Kennedy ~ LOL
The infamous environmental group Greenpeace is targeting Sen. Ted Kennedy for opposing a wind farm in the Nantucket Sound because it would interfere with the view from his Hyannisport mansion.Greenpeace is launching a nationwide TV ad campaign against Kennedy, with spots that portray the Massachusetts Democrat as Godzilla.
The Cape Cod Times reports:
"In the 30-second spot, a cartoon Kennedy looms over the water like a Japanese movie monster, pounding wind turbines as they sprout from the water, and barks, 'I might see them from my mansion on the Cape.'"Kennedy's nephew, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is a leading environmentalist who urges Americans to cut back on energy consumption and who blamed Bush environmental policies for Hurricane Katrina. But he, too, opposes the wind farm in Nantucket Sound - going so far as to argue that it would cause pollution.
By running the ads, Greenpeace hopes to torpedo an amendment to a Coast Guard bill that would make a proposed Nantucket wind farm vulnerable to state veto.
"'We've targeted the Senate because we need leaders to stop this amendment before it can even be voted," Greenpeace spokesgal Kate Smolski told the Times.
Wild Thing's comment.....
There once was a Senator from Nantucket.
who drank gin by the bucket.............
Kennedy is a huge enviro jerk and he only cares about stopping this because it is to be in his own backyard. If it was in Joe Schmo's backyard Kennedy would be pushing hard for this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:07 AM | Comments (13)
April 25, 2006
Former CIA Officer Mary O. McCarthy Rescinding Her Confession
A former colleague says the fired Mary McCarthy ‘categorically denies’ being the source of the leak on agency renditions.
The fired official, Mary O. McCarthy, “categorically denies being the source of the leak,” one of McCarthy’s friends and former colleagues, Rand Beers, said Monday after speaking to McCarthy. Beers said he could not elaborate on this denial and McCarthy herself did not respond to a request for comment left by NEWSWEEK on her home answering machine.
A national security advisor to Democratic Party candidate John Kerry during the 2004 presidential campaign, Beers worked as the head of intelligence programs on President Bill Clinton’s National Security Council staff and later served as a top deputy on counter-terrorism for President Bush in 2002 and 2003. McCarthy, a career CIA analyst, initially worked as a deputy to Beers on the NSC and later took over Beer’s role as the Clinton NSC’s top intelligence expert.
Wild Thing's comment......
She confessed, now she denies? Hmmm... just another Democrat.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
April 22, 2006
Treason of The First Order
C.I.A. Fires Senior Officer Over Leaks
The Central Intelligence Agency has dismissed a senior career officer for disclosing classified information to reporters, including material for Pulitzer Prize-winning articles in The Washington Post about the agency's secret overseas prisons for terror suspects, intelligence officials said Friday.
The C.I.A. would not identify the officer, but several government officials said it was Mary O. McCarthy, a veteran intelligence analyst who until 2001 was senior director for intelligence programs at the National Security Council, where she served under President Bill Clinton and into the Bush administration.
At the time of her dismissal, Ms. McCarthy was working in the agency's inspector general's office, after a stint at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, an organization in Washington that examines global security issues.
The dismissal of Ms. McCarthy provided fresh evidence of the Bush administration's determined efforts to stanch leaks of classified information. The Justice Department has separately opened preliminary investigations into the disclosure of information to The Post, for its articles about secret prisons, as well as to The New York Times, for articles last fall that disclosed the existence of a program of domestic eavesdropping without warrants supervised by the National Security Agency. Those articles were also recognized this week with a Pulitzer Prize.
She was given a polygraph examination, confronted about answers given to the polygraph examiner and confessed, the government officials said. On Thursday, she was stripped of her security clearance and escorted out of C.I.A. headquarters. Ms. McCarthy did not reply Friday evening to messages left by e-mail and telephone.
"A C.I.A. officer has been fired for unauthorized contact with the media and for the unauthorized disclosure of classified information," said a C.I.A. spokesman, Paul Gimigliano. "This is a violation of the secrecy agreement that is the condition of employment with C.I.A. The officer has acknowledged the contact and the disclosures."
Public records show that Ms. McCarthy contributed $2,000 in 2004 to the presidential campaign of John Kerry, the Democratic nominee.
"National Security Advisor Samuel R. Berger announced June 16 the appointment of Mary O'Neil McCarthy as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Intelligence Programs. She succeeds Rand Beers in that post, an announcement by the office of the White House Press Secretary said."
It appears that she worked directly with Sandy Burglar, probably rather closely if she was the "Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Intelligence Programs.
MSNBC: CIA officer fired after admitting leak
Officer allegedly failed polygraph, admitted giving reporter information
The leak pertained to stories on the CIA’s rumored secret prisons in Eastern Europe, sources told NBC. The information was allegedly provided to Dana Priest of the Washington Post, who wrote reports about CIA prisons in November 2005 and was awarded a Pulitzer Prize on Monday for her reporting.
Priest said she could not comment on the firing, which she said she learned about from NBC News.
Sources said the CIA believes McCarthy had more than a dozen unauthorized contacts with Priest. Information about subjects other than the prisons may have been leaked as well.
Separately, the Justice Department is investigating a New York Times stories about the National Security Agency’s domestic warrantless eavesdropping. Times reporter James Risen won a Pulitzer on Monday for his reporting on the issue.
Mccarthy, Mary O
3/14/2004 $2,000.00
Bethesda, MD 20817
U.S. Government/Analyst [Contribution]
McCarthy, Mary O
10/5/2004 $5,000.00
Bethesda, MD 20817
Center for Strategic & Internationa [Contribution]
Wild Thing's comment..........
Mary McCarthy is a die-hard Clintonista operative.
And look at this:
"(3) The report of the 9/11 Commission notes that the National Security staff reviewed the intelligence in April 2000 and concluded that the CIA's assessment of its intelligence on bin Laden and al-Shifa had been valid; the memo to Clinton on this was cosigned by Richard Clarke and Mary McCarthy, the NSC senior director for intelligence programs, who opposed the bombing of al-Shifa in 1998. The report also notes that in their testimony before the commission, Al Gore, Sandy Berger, George Tenet, and Richard Clarke all stood by the decision to bomb al-Shifa."
Let's see if she's persuaded to cooperate with the names of the other worms in her nest. My guess is she will, anyone crooked and slimy enough to sell out her country won't think twice about selling out a few members of her cohort. I'm guessing there are some nervous individuals right about now. By the very nature of her crime and the situation they can't possibly believe she'll keep her mouth shut.
I'm more and more convinced every day that we will be paying with our lives and treasure for many more years to come due to the absolute treachery and irresponsibility of the Clinton administration.
What a cesspool of inbred political hacks and saboteurs.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (8)
April 21, 2006
Dean Plans Democrat Attack on House
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean hopes to mount a coordinated attack on Republicans this year that will enable his party to capture the 15 seats needed to control the House.
"We're going to position ourselves as the vehicle for change," Dean said Wednesday.
The Republicans can't do that because "they've been there for five years, and they can't get out of the responsibilities they have,” he maintained.
But some political experts have warned that the Democrats still must overcome obstacles, including redistricting that protects House incumbents, the Houston Chronicle reports.
"The Democrats need more than a strong breeze to pick up 15 seats,” said Amy Walter of the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. "They need gale-force winds."
Wild Thing's comment......
Howard Dean couldnt plan a trip to his mailbox. Dean is a nut case and is a great gift to the Republicans.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:07 AM | Comments (17)
April 14, 2006
God Bless and Long Live Rummy!
Please note....Everyone of of these complaints is coming from a Democrat!
Retired Generals Band Together in Criticizing Rumsfeld on Iraq War
WASHINGTON - The retired commander of key forces in Iraq called yesterday for Donald Rumsfeld to step down, joining several other former top military commanders who have criticized harshly the secretary of defense's authoritarian style for making the military's job more difficult."I think we need a fresh start" at the top of the Pentagon, retired Army Major General John Batiste, who commanded the 1st Infantry Division in Iraq in 2004-05, said in an interview. "We need leadership up there that respects the military as they expect the military to respect them. And that leadership needs to understand teamwork."
Here are some of Rummy's quotes. I love how he stands up to the press.
Tah dah!
I don't do quagmires."
"I don't do diplomacy."
"I don't do foreign policy."
"I don't do predictions."
"Now, settle down, settle down. Hell, I'm an old man, it's early in the morning and I'm gathering my thoughts here."
"If I know the answer I'll tell you the answer, and if I don't, I'll just respond, cleverly."
"Secretary Powell and I agree on every single issue that has ever been before this administration except for those instances where Colin's still learning (laughter)"
"Congress, the press, and the bureaucracy too often focus on how much money or effort is spent, rather than whether the money or effort actually achieves the announced goal."
"Cluster bombs are being used on frontline al Qaeda and Taliban troops to try to kill them is why we're using them, to be perfectly blunt."
"We aren't running out of targets; Afghanistan is."
"The only way to defend against terrorists is to go after the terrorists."
Q: "Sir, there's a widespread perception in this town that when it comes to the Iraqis and the Palestinians, you are a hard-liner. Are you comfortable with that? (Laughter.) And --"
A: "Look at me! I'm sweet and lovable."
Q: "Secretary Rumsfeld, do you want to catch (Bin Laden) dead or alive or either way?"
A: "Well, the president's policy is dead or alive. And, you know, I have my preference..."
Q: "Secretary Rumsfeld, can you give us -- or maybe even General Pace -- can you give us any idea of what's happening..."
A: "What do you mean 'even General Pace'? (Laughter.) (To the general) You don't have to take that from him!"
Q: Mr. Secretary, at the White House last night, a senior White House official after the president spoke said that the decision to make the strike was made some time between 6:30 and 7:00 Eastern time. It's apparent that that decision to strike was not in line with what we have been led to believe about the war plan. Was the intelligence you got fragile enough where you felt you had to go at that moment and not start with, say, shock and awe or some other phase of the war?
A: "Well, Dick, calibrate me, but the first thing I'd say is I don't believe you have the war plan -- (laughter) -- a fact which does not make me unhappy. (Laughter)"
Keep your sense of humor. As General Joe Stillwell said, "The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind."
Treat each federal dollar as if it was hard earned; it was - by a taxpayer.
With the press there is no "off the record."
Your performance depends on your people. Select the best, train them and back them. When errors occur, give sharper guidance. If errors persist or if the fit feels wrong, help them move on. The country cannot afford amateur hour in the White House.
"I can't think of anything funnier than a handful of congressmen walking around (Iraq). They'd have to be there for the next 50 years trying to find something. It's a joke."
Press Briefing by the Secretary of Defense March 30,2003
One day soon Americans will say, "We came, we saw, we kicked Iraq's least hungry non-civilian elite all over that dust-filled patchwork toilet of a European colonialist abortion!"
We have not been surprised by the simple psychological fact that ill-informed and abused people instinctively defend their homes from invading hordes. But once the mobile Taco Bell kiosks arrive, the Iraqi populace shall doubtless transform into a Western-style pasture of grazing, glassy-eyed moo-cows. Not the pretty polka-dot Holsteins of course – the other ones – the ugly brown ones.
Continue referring to "suicide bombers" as "homicide bombers." Remember that these acts of desperate war are war crimes. War itself, if we are waging it, is not a crime.
When reporting about anti-war protestors, refer to them as "the same old protestors" or "pro-terrorist GI Joe-haters" or "hippy asshole mobs."
Send a memo to all your affiliates to stay true to the five rules of journalism: Who, what, when, why, how. Who: America, the infallibly righteous. What: Saddam Hussein, who sprung fully-formed and evil, from the anus of Lucifer himself. When: We will finish punishing the Iraqasaurs when we're damn ready to finish and not a decade before. Why: Everyone but us is evil. How: With the might of the American military, and with the blood of common citizen soldiers whom I would normally avoid like the plague in public.
And that's a wrap. No questions. I'm late for brunch.
Wild Thing's comment......
Rumsfeld does not suffer fools gladly at DOD. Period - and why should he - peoples' lives are at stake, in the country and among the troops.
With so many complaints about Rumsfeld by ex-generals appointed by the Impeached Rapist! I actually find that quite refreshing. It tells me he's getting the job done!
These people are orchestrated. The Dem strategy this year is an unending drumbeat leading to November. They don't care about any of this.
These generals are all Clinton groomed people who were told when promoted that they would have a role post retirement. To their chagrin, Bush was elected twice and they are out in the cold -- and will stay there unless Dems return to power. that when one demands results and is hard charging in the process ...one is going to ruffle some feathers and hurt some feelings.
That is all that has happened here with some of these ex-Gen's....it speaks volumes about them. Not the SecDef.
The difference between the Dem Generals and GOP Generals is pretty simple. Numbers. There are a handful of them who the DNC has orchestrated and ensured would get press coverage. There are hundreds of conservative retired generals who actually have jobs and are busy in their lives and don't spend those lives in front of a camera.
The media wants Rummy to have:
S pecial
H igh
I ntensity
T raiing
Uh oh. They're saying the Secretary is - gasp! - arrogant! And that one must be prepared when meeting with im. For gosh sakes, he's the Secretary of Defense! Here's another report on Secretary Rumsfeld:
Source for letter posted belo.:
My brother, a captain in the National Guard, recently returned from Iraq. His unit, which provided security for convoys originating in Kuwait and traveling to any and all parts of Iraq, had one casualty — a soldier who lost an arm to an IED.
While at Walter Reed, the injured soldier was having a conversation with a general and mentioned — somewhat in jest — that he wanted Rumsfeld to deliver his Purple Heart.
Well, the next day, who shows up in his hospital room — without security or photogs — but Rumsfeld? Rummy sat and talked with the soldier and his mother, who happened to be there, for about 45 minutes.
My brother says that the vast majority of the soldiers would crawl through broken glass for either Bush or Rumsfeld. What Rumsfeld did for that soldier — that simple act of kindness — was heartfelt. It cannot make up for the loss of a limb, but it says something about the secretary of defense and how he thinks about the men who serve under him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:01 AM | Comments (8)
April 13, 2006
CAIR: Denied! ~ This is Good News!
On April 12, "The Hill" newspaper ran an article about a priority government telecommunications program called "Government Emergency Telecommunications Service" or "GETS". GETS is designed to allow key government personnel access to telecommunications services in times of heavy use, such as during a national emergency.
The article goes on to point out that several non-government groups have requested a GETS card to allow them the same access to priority communications as granted to government personnel.
One of the groups requesting the GETS card was the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR, which calls itself the largest American Muslim organization in the United States, said it was "a major point of contact with the American Muslim community after the 2001 terrorist attacks."
CAIR, which has proven ties to Islamic terrorism and has had Muslim terrorists as members, requested a priority "calling card" because they were a "major point of contact" following the 9-11 attacks?
This raises some questions:
1. Who would CAIR be calling?
2. Why would they be calling?
3. What would CAIR contribute to a post-attack scenario?
Why is CAIR requesting the card in the first place.has not CAIR claimed that every single Muslim terrorist attack world-wide (with few exceptions) is un-Islamic? So why would CAIR feel the need to get involved in something that, by their own words, does not involve Islam?
CAIR's request for the GETS card was denied in less than three hours by the government contractor overseeing the program.
The reason? According to the contractor:
".the group does not qualify for priority over lifesaving, law enforcement, the military, the National Guard, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other members of the national-security emergency-preparedness community."
Wild Thing's comment......
Thank you GETS for making a wise decision! CAIR is NOT America friendly at ALL! CAIR is an enemy of America.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:27 AM | Comments (2)
April 11, 2006
Kim Jong II Warns He Has Human Bombs
N Korea warns of 'human bombs'
NORTH Korea's defense chief has warned that Pyongyang could also launch a pre-emptive attack against the United States, with state media saying soldiers were ready to be "human bombs."
"A pre-emptive attack is not (the) monopoly of the US, and North Korea will never sit idle till it is exposed to a preemptive attack of the US," Defense Minister Kim Il-Chol said, according to the official Korean Central News Agency. "The US is now talking about the six-party talks but in fact, it is zealously inciting hostility toward North Korea while floating all sorts of sheer fictions, utterly indifferent to the talks," he said.
He issued the warning at a meeting yesterday to mark the 13th anniversary of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il's reign as chairman of the country's powerful National Defense Commission.
Rodong Sinmun, the ruling communist party's daily newspaper, said in an editorial Sunday that the North's military power "has been remarkably strengthened."
"The whole army is replete with the spirit of devotedly defending the leader and all the servicepersons are reliably defending the country and socialism in the spirit of readily becoming human bombs, the spirit of suicide bombing."
Six-party talks involving the two Koreas, China, Japan, Russia and the US are in limbo after Washington accused Pyongyang of counterfeiting US dollars and laundering money.
Experts say the country is also busily developing advanced missiles capable of serving as a delivery system.
Wild Thing's comment.....
President Bush Bush called it right when he referred to them a part of the Axis of Evil. North Korea today is a criminal state that engages in slavery, torture, drug running, counterfeiting, rape, and murder.
Every time you read another, maniacal threat from this wretched excuse of a nation... remember how Carter, Clinton & Albright prostrated themselves before it.
Great! We'll load North Korea's "human bombs" and drop 'em on Iran.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (8)
Recruiting For Democrat Votes At Immigration Rallies
Democrat recruitment flyer encouraging Mexican immigrants to vote for Democrats in 2006.
Power Line points out, one of the organizers of these rallies is A.N.S.W.E.R., a communist organization.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:24 AM | Comments (6)
April 10, 2006
Iranian Navy and Other Iranian Military Photos
Wild Thing's comment......
If and when we do attack Iran, can we send jimmah catah over there first for a pow-wow, and them attack them!
I have read that some have warned that bombing Iran could provoke "a chain reaction" of attacks on American facilities and citizens throughout the world and might also reignite Hezbollah.
Let's see..........
Door Number One: "A chain reaction of attacks on American facilities and citizens throughout the world"
Door Number Two: An Iran capable of killing millions with nuclear tipped missiles
I'll take my chances with Door Number One.
The wishy loser types ALWAYS, ALWAYS worry about the 'bad guys' getting mad and what they'll do to us. Winners make the bad guys WORRY about what's happening to them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:07 AM | Comments (4)
April 06, 2006
Harry Reid Wants Criminals To Become Citizens
Senate Democrats have successfully blocked an amendment to the immigration bill now under consideration that would have prevented aliens convicted of felonies from becoming citizens:
Democrats said the amendment would "gut" the immigration bill under consideration in the Senate and refused to allow a vote on it.
So now the Democrats are using the filibuster to protect the "right" of convicted felons who have emigrated to the U.S. illegally to become citizens.
"I do not have to explain in any more detail than what I have as why I don't want to move forward," Mr. Reid said. "I don't agree with the amendment. I don't think it's going to benefit this legislation that is pending before the Senate and I'm going to do what I can to prevent a vote on it."
Later, Mr. Reid added:
"We're not going to allow amendments like Kyl-Cornyn to take out what we believe is the goodness of this bill."
Wild Thing's comment......
Harry you HAVE lost your freaken mind! AGAIN! It is pathetic that our leaders have never had the cojones to enforce existing immigration laws. Politicians love to talk the talk, but our politicians do not know how to walk the walk. Damn the politicians, for giving this nation and this nations money to illegal invaders.
And once again where is even their conversation about securing our borders! Helloooo !
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 PM | Comments (13)
April 03, 2006
Bet We Can't Even Pay Them To Go Back Home
They have the same mental defect that is pravalent among the Democrats. They hate the US, but they want our money. The other day on the radio I heard I heard a teacher from Los Angeles Unified say, "We are teaching this to the children. We support these demonstrations." They provided buses to the students.
They're quite racist, while shouting racism. They possess a populist sense of "folk" that is almost Hitlerian in scope. They're being agitated and organized by the usual, collectivist suspects. In my opinion, these foreign invaders made a major Public Relations blunder with their arrogant waving of foreign flags in our country.
Maybe they don't care about Public Relations, maybe they are just stupid, or maybe they really want to take us on.
Wow! They are brazen, ignorant assholes.
Here is a question for those of you illegals trashing this country in your protests and vile use of putting our Flag upside down. If the U.S. is so inferior, then why are you here?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
April 02, 2006
Senator Flip Flop's Flap
Kerry urges immigration reform
Full text of Democratic radio address:
"Good morning. I am Senator John Kerry from Massachusetts."This week Senate Democrats won an important victory toward comprehensive immigration reform that honors the contributions of immigrants and provides real security for America.
"The Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bi-partisan immigration bill that: 1) provides a path toward citizenship for undocumented immigrants, 2) re-unites families, and 3) strengthens border security.
"Democrats made sure that the Dream Act was included, so that young people who have spent most of their lives in the United States, who believe in our country, who have stayed out of trouble, can have a chance at a higher education. We also recognize the hard work of those who labor in our fields and we insisted on an initiative that would allow more than a million agricultural workers to earn a path toward legalization.
"We stood up to the Republicans who saw immigration reform as a chance to punish immigrants. We eliminated provisions that would criminalize immigrants and anyone who would help them. This was an important step, given the fact that the House Republican approved bill passed in December would allow the prosecution of clergy, hospital workers, charities or anyone else who would help thy neighbor. Cardinal Mahoney from California was right to take a stand against this punitive measure, and we Democrats were able to defeat it.
"Democrats were able to achieve all of this, despite attempts by Senate Republican Majority Leader Frist to cater to the narrowest interests in his party and impose a wrongheaded enforcement only bill.
"We understand what this fight is all about. We are a nation of immigrants and we are a nation that is strengthened because of immigrant contributions to our economy and communities. As someone married to an immigrant, I am reminded every day by my wife of how you can love your roots and love your heritage even as you fulfill the full measure of your love of this country and your loyalty as a United States citizen.
"Today, everyone knows our immigration system is broken -- but Democrats recognize that we can't fix it unless we do this comprehensively and do it right.
"Although this week's victory is important, we must continue to fight so that comprehensive immigration reform finally becomes the law of the land. Democrats will continue to advocate for tough and smart policies that help secure all Latino families and all Americans. With your help, we can get the job done.
"I am Senator John Kerry from Massachusetts.Thanks for listening."
Wild Thing's comment......
Come on John tell us one more time....." I am Senator Kerry from Massachusetts." hahaha
As usual, you are obfuscating by leaving out one itsy-bitsy, teenie word: ILLEGAL!
hmmmmmm let's see here's what Kerry really means:
1. Guest workers - More immigrants
2. Path to Citizenship - Make sure those waving Mexican flags get registered to vote Democratic ASAP.
3. Re-unites families - Make sure that we bring the extended families of all illegals here to vote too. Especially if they can be persuaded to settle in Red states.
4. Border Security - Unionize the border patrol to make sure its as ineffective and corruption ridden as possible. Yeah, hire a few more guys to featherbed the operation.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
March 15, 2006
It’s Legal
Wild Thing's comment...........
This is excellent! Long article but well worth it.
National Review Online
Bryon York
EDITOR’S NOTE: On Monday, when Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold introduced a resolution to censure President Bush, he said, "When the President of the United States breaks the law, he must be held accountable." Bush, Feingold continued, "authorized an illegal program to spy on American citizens on American soil and then misled the Congress and the public about the existence and the legality of that program." Although few Democrats have joined Feingold's call for censure, nearly all of them agree with Feingold's contention that the surveillance program is illegal. But the president's adversaries overlook the solid legal basis for the administration's actions.
The solid legal basis for the administration’s surveillance program.
In early September 2002, just before the first anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, a group of lawyers gathered in a heavily protected, windowless room in the Department of Justice building in Washington. There were three federal appeals-court judges, Laurence Silberman, Edward Leavy, and Ralph Guy. There was Theodore Olson, the U.S. solicitor general. There was Larry Thompson, the deputy attorney general. And there was John Yoo, the Justice official who had closely studied questions of war powers and presidential authority. Rounding out the group were a few other department staffers, one official from the FBI, and David Addington, Vice President Cheney's top lawyer.
The purpose of the meeting was to argue a case whose details remain so classified that they are known by only a few people, but whose outcome, a decision known as In re: Sealed Case, has become one of the key documents in the hottest argument in Washington today: the fight over what President Bush calls the "terrorist surveillance" of persons with known al-Qaeda connections, and what the president's opponents call "domestic spying."
The three judges made up what is known as the FISA Court of Review. It was created in 1978 by the now-famous Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The act required that the president go to the so-called FISA Court to seek a warrant for surveillance in top-secret foreign-intelligence cases. For any disputed decisions that might arise, Congress also created the Court of Review, a sort of super-secret appeals court.
But in all the years between 1978 and 2002, there had never been occasion for the Court of Review to actually meet. Not until Sealed Case, and the three-way collision between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches that it involved. Today, a look at the circumstances of the case provides not only an insight into the administration's rationale for the secret, warrantless surveillance program but also important clues to the mystery of how the whole thing got started in the first place.
The conflict began with the passage of the Patriot Act in October 2001. The act tore down the "wall" that had arisen in the Justice Department that blocked intelligence officials and criminal investigators from working together and sharing information. That wall had been cemented by a set of internal department guidelines written in 1995, in which then–attorney general Janet Reno outlined the department's constricted surveillance procedures.
The Patriot Act was designed to fix that problem. But a month after the act was passed, when the Justice Department submitted surveillance requests to the FISA Court under the new, looser standards passed by Congress, the FISA Court in effect rejected the Patriot Act, and instead reaffirmed the old 1995 Clinton-era standard.
A standoff ensued. In early 2002, the Justice Department adopted new surveillance procedures based on the Patriot Act. In March 2002, the department informed the FISA Court that it would use those new standards in surveillance applications. In May, the FISA Court said, in effect, not so fast, and ordered modifications in the procedures. Among other things, the FISA Court ordered that "law enforcement officials shall not make recommendations to intelligence officials concerning the initiation, operation, continuation or expansion of FISA searches or surveillances" — a reasonable facsimile of the old wall. The FISA Court also ordered that the Justice Department include certain staffers in all surveillance debates, an order that quickly became known in the Justice Department as the "chaperone requirement."
The Justice Department resisted, and in July 2002 filed a surveillance application — the details are still a secret — using its new procedures, without the FISA Court's mandated changes. The Court approved the application but insisted that the modifications be made according to the court's dictates. And then, in August, the FISA Court took the extraordinary step of making its decision public, accusing the Justice Department of habitually misrepresenting evidence and misleading the court. That's when the department decided to take the matter to the Court of Review, leading to the September 2002 session in that secure room in department headquarters.
"We're here today," Theodore Olson said as the secret In re: Sealed Case court argument began, "because the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court's May 17th order . . . has perpetuated a serious and increasingly destructive barrier which has hamstrung the president and his subordinates" in their work to protect "the United States and its citizens from attack and from international terrorism." The FISA Court's ruling, Olson continued, was "inexplicable."
Olson and the judges went back and forth over the history of the wall. Nobody really knew how it first came into being; the judges later said its origin was "shrouded in historical mist." They went over what Congress intended when it passed the Patriot Act. And they went over the question of whether the FISA Court had the power to tell the president how to conduct investigations.
The answer was no, Olson said. "To the extent that the FISA Court is purporting to reorganize the executive branch, the so-called chaperone function, I don't think Congress could constitutionally tell the executive or the attorney general that he could not talk to this subordinate without involving that subordinate," Olson told the judges, "and I certainly don't think the court can do so."
The entire session lasted just a few hours, and the Justice Department waited for the Court of Review's ruling. When it came, in November 2002, it was a slam-dunk win for the government.
In its opinion, the Court of Review said the FISA Court had, in effect, attempted to unilaterally impose the old 1995 rules. "In doing so, the FISA Court erred," the ruling read. "It did not provide any constitutional basis for its action — we think there is none — and misconstrued the main statutory provision on which it relied." The FISA Court, according to the ruling, "refus[ed] to consider the legal significance of the Patriot Act's crucial amendments" and "may well have exceeded the constitutional bounds" governing the courts by asserting "authority to govern the internal organization and investigative procedures of the Department of Justice."
And then the Court of Review did one more thing, something that has repercussions in today's surveillance controversy. Not only could the FISA Court not tell the president how do to his work, the Court of Review said, but the president also had the "inherent authority" under the Constitution to conduct needed surveillance without obtaining any warrant — from the FISA Court or anyone else. Referring to an earlier case, known as Truong, which dealt with surveillance before FISA was passed, the Court of Review wrote: "The Truong court, as did all the other courts to have decided the issue, held that the President did have inherent authority to conduct warrantless searches to obtain foreign intelligence information. . . . We take for granted that the President does have that authority and, assuming that is so, FISA could not encroach on the President's constitutional power."
It was a clear and sweeping statement of executive authority. And what was most likely not known to the Court of Review at the time was that the administration had, in 2002, started a program in which it did exactly what the Court of Review said it had the power to do: order the surveillance of some international communications without a warrant.
Read today, In re: Sealed Case does more than simply outline the president's authority. It also puts the administration's warrantless-surveillance decision in some context. What was going on at the time the president made the decision to go ahead with the surveillance? Well, first Congress passed the Patriot Act, giving the administration new powers. Then the FISA Court refused to recognize those powers and attempted to impose outdated restrictions on the administration. Then the White House, faced with the FISA Court's opposition — and with what administration officials believed were some inherent weaknesses in the FISA law — began to bypass the FISA Court in some cases. And then, in In re: Sealed Case, the administration received irrefutable legal support for its actions.
After the decision was handed down, the American Civil Liberties Union, which had submitted a brief in support of the FISA Court's actions restricting the administration, asked the Supreme Court to review In re: Sealed Case. The justices declined to take any action. That is not the same as the Court's upholding the ruling, but it does mean that the justices looked at the decision and chose not to intervene.
Today, the opinion stands as a bedrock statement of presidential power. And ironically, it came from a case that was not about whether the president had overstepped his bounds, but about whether the courts had overstepped their bounds. The Court of Review ruled strongly in favor of the president, and the Supreme Court declined to reconsider that decision. Reading the opinion, it's no wonder that George W. Bush has so strongly defended the surveillance program. If the FISA Court of Review is right, he has the Constitution on his side.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:57 PM | Comments (2)
Condi Looses Mind In Brazil
The United States hopes to find a way to increase humanitarian donations to the Palestinians following Hamas’ election victory, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Sunday.Rice said she will ask Indonesia, a moderate Muslim nation, to help press the message that the Palestinians must remain committed to peace with Israel even though Hamas refuses to accept the Jewish state's right to exist.
"We are looking at ways to even increase our humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people during this period of time," Rice said.
Rice was not specific. But her comments suggested that the United States intends to replace money it once gave directly to the current moderate and secular Palestinian government with grants for charity work or other projects that are independent of the new government.
U.S. officials have nearly finished an extensive review of aid to the Palestinians that was intended to ensure that future aid does not flow to Hamas.
Hamas, which refuses to renounce violence and has claimed responsibility for dozens of suicide bombings against Israel, is listed as a terrorist organization by both the United States and the European Union.
Wild Thing's comment......
OK I know she gets her talking points from da' boss man. BUT, here is the thing, this is BS to even think about giving aid to the Hamas in any way, shape or form. We need to declare as a Nation that any group of Islamic terrorists, even if in power such as the Hamas, is our enemy if they do not recognize Israel, and if they refuse to renounce violence etc. I have a 12 year old nephew that understands this better then Condi Rice.
This half assed some are ok and some are not when it comes to terrorists is only making us weak and wimpy! Let's call it the bada bing mentality is what is needed. The take no prisoners frame of mind and stick to it.
I don't have balls and neither does Condi, but if we did, mine sure as hell would be bigger then hers! Screw this shit and stop making excuses for terrorists!
During the Vietnam War there was a saying, " kill them all and let God sort them out"! I say Exactly!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:34 PM | Comments (2)
March 14, 2006
Terrorists Lover Russ Feingold Is A Four Letter Word
Presidential wanna be..........."What the president did by consciously and intentionally violating the Constitution and laws of this country with this illegal wiretapping has to be answered," Mr. Feingold, Democrat of Wisconsin, said on the ABC News program "This Week." "Proper accountability is a censuring of the president, saying: 'Mr. President, acknowledge that you broke the law, return to the law, return to our system of government.' "
White House replys...............
The White House on Monday dismissed as politically motivated a Democratic senator's attempt to censure President George W. Bush for ordering domestic eavesdropping on U.S. citizens without a warrant. Sen. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin told ABC's "This Week" on Sunday that he intends to push for a resolution in the U.S. Congress that would censure the president for what he considers an unlawful wiretapping program authorized by the White House after the September 11 attacks.White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Feingold's move "has more to do with 2008 politics than anything else."
Bush has come under criticism from Democrats and many of his own Republicans for letting the National Security Agency eavesdrop, without court-ordered warrants, on telephone calls and e-mails to and from overseas contacts with suspected al Qaeda ties.
"I think it does raise the question, how do you fight and win the war on terrorism?" McClellan said. "And if Democrats want to argue that we shouldn't be listening to al Qaeda communications, it's their right and we welcome the debate. We are a nation at war."
Dems object to censure resolution vote: hold off for political purposes
...Democratic Senator Russ Feingold has introduced a resolution that would censor the President of the United States for "eavesdropping" in the wake of 9/11. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, moments ago, made a unanimous consent motion that the Senate vote on the resolution tonight. Maryland Democrat Paul Sarbanes rose to object to the motion. Frist then motioned to vote on the resolution again tomorrow. Sarbanes objected, saying no vote should take place on the resolution until Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid had cleared the timing.
In other words, Democrats know this is a political stunt, without a chance of passage, but want to time it politically for maximum impact.Later, Harry Reid took the floor to say he was offended that Frist would go to the floor and motion for unanimous consent on such an "important issue" without talking to him first.
Reid's two-facedness knows no bounds. Does he not remember last year taking the Senate floor and invoking Senate Rule XXI, thereby shutting down the Senate? When he made that parliamentary move to score political points over pre-war intelligence, he broke all Senate precedent by invoking the draconian measure without first seeking the compliance of the Senate Majority Leader as has always been done in the past.
Here is his "Censure Resolution
Wild Thing's comment...........
Traitor Feingold voted NO on the Patriot Act renewal. Send him to Gitmo.Frist tried to bring it up for a vote, and every time he did DemocRATS objected and wouldn't let there be a vote.
The Democrats think President Bush has done too much to protect us from additional terrorist attacks. The Democrats are both idiots and traitors.
Kiss My Ass Feingold!
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (12)
March 07, 2006
Cheney Has Harsh Words For Iran
"Iran won't be allowed a nuclear weapon"
In the strongest message to date addressed to the Iranian leadership, US Vice President Dick Cheney warned Teheran that the US is not ruling out any option in preventing Iran from gaining nuclear weapons. "The United States is keeping all options on the table in addressing the irresponsible conduct of the regime", Cheney said to 5,000 Aipac members gathered in Washington for the organization's annual policy conference.
Cheney, who received a standing ovation from the crowd after his harsh words towards Iran, added that "the United States joins other nations in sending that regime a clear message: we will not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon" and that the international community will impose actions that will have "meaningful consequences" if Iran continues to develop its nuclear program.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:07 PM | Comments (3)
February 26, 2006
UAE Test Run?
Wild Thing's comment.....
Maybe we could do a trial run, and see how UAE handles this first shipment.
UAE bad idea like I said before.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:07 AM | Comments (2)
February 21, 2006
Democrats Are At It Again ~ Yawn
Democrats may unite on plan to pull troops
WASHINGTON -- After months of trying unsuccessfully to develop a common message on the war in Iraq, Democratic Party leaders are beginning to coalesce around a broad plan to begin a quick withdrawal of US troops and install them elsewhere in the region, where they could respond to emergencies in Iraq and help fight terrorism in other countries.The concept, dubbed ''strategic redeployment," is outlined in a slim, nine-page report coauthored by a former Reagan administration assistant Defense secretary, Lawrence J. Korb, in the fall. It sets a goal of a phased troop withdrawal that would take nearly all US troops out of Iraq by the end of 2007, although many Democrats disagree on whether troop draw-downs should be tied to a timeline.
Howard Dean, Democratic National Committee chairman, has endorsed Korb's paper and begun mentioning it in meetings with local Democratic groups. In addition, the study's concepts have been touted by the senator assigned to bring Democrats together on Iraq -- Jack Reed of Rhode Island -- and the report has been circulated among all senators by Senator Dianne Feinstein, an influential moderate Democrat from California.
The party remains divided on some points, including how much detail to include in a party-produced document, fearful of giving too much fodder for attacks by Republicans.
Wild Thing's comment.....
Feinstein a moderate? HUH?
Korb is a Soros funded leftist. They use his Reagan era credentials to pretend he's a conservative.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (6)
Cheney's The Man
Wild Thing's comment......
Up till now I have not posted about Cheney. The main reason is because I am sooooo angry at how the media and the left are reacting to this. Traitor Al Gore goes and IMO commits treason by what he said in Saudi Arabia and there is no one in the media that is upset, no two weeks spent in print on his trip and what he said and how awful he is.
But let a Republican fire off a shot accidentally and WHAM POW ZAP it is all over the place. All the press, all the talk shows, all the comedians on TV. Goodbye America where are you! The world is upside down!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:24 AM | Comments (2)
February 20, 2006
I Think This Stinks
Arab-owned American ports?
Some of the country's busiest ports -- New York, New Jersey, Baltimore and three others -- are about to become the property of the United Arab Emirates. Do we really want our major ports in the hands of an Arab country where al Qaeda recruits, travels and wires money?The Bush administration calls the United Arab Emirates an ally in the war on terror. But the UAE plays the same game Saudi Arabia does of quelching terrorists at home and turning a blind eye everywhere else.
We should be improving port security in an age of terrorism, not outsourcing decisions to the highest bidder. The ports are thought to be the country's weakest homeland-security link, with good reason. Only a fraction of the nation's maritime cargoes are inspected.
The root question is this: Why should the United States have to gamble its port security on whether a subsidiary of the government of the United Arab Emirates happens to remain an antiterrorism ally?
The Committee on Foreign Investment is the wrong place for this decision to be made; it appears to be little more than a rubber stamp.Sen. Chuck Schumer, New York Democrat, among others, is asking tough questions about this deal. For once, we agree with him: President Bush should overrule the committee to reject this deal. If that doesn't happen, Congress should take action. The country's ports should not be owned by foreign governments; much less governments whose territories are favored by al Qaeda.
Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff on Sunday defended the government's security review of an Arab company given permission to take over operations at six major U.S. ports."We make sure there are assurances in place, in general, sufficient to satisfy us that the deal is appropriate from a national security standpoint," Chertoff said on ABC's "This Week."
London-based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., was bought last week by Dubai Ports World, a state-owned business from the United Arab Emirates. Peninsular and Oriental runs major commercial operations in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia.
U.S. lawmakers from both parties are questioning the sale, approved by the Bush administration, as a possible risk to national security.
"It's unbelievably tone deaf politically at this point in our history," Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C. said on "Fox News Sunday."
United Arab Emirates track record — it was the transfer point for nuclear components to Iran, North Korea and Libya, and the UAE's history as an operational and financial base for the hijackers who carried out the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
Take a look at this:
The Al Qaeda Training Manual discovered in the UK describes recruiting seaport workers as making good recruits:
And look at this, in the 9/11 Commission report: ( thank you to the Captain's Quarters for this)
Page 138: "Even after Bin Ladin’s departure from the area, CIA officers hoped he might return, seeing the camp as a magnet that could draw him for as long as it was still set up.The military maintained readiness for another strike opportunity.160 On March 7, 1999, [Richard] Clarke called a UAE official to express his concerns about possible associations between Emirati officials and Bin Ladin.Clarke later wrote in a memorandum of this conversation that the call had been approved at an interagency meeting and cleared with the CIA." [This involved Clarke blowing a cover on a covert operation.]Page 167: "In early 2000,Atta, Jarrah, and Binalshibh returned to Hamburg. Jarrah arrived first, on January 31, 2000.97 According to Binalshibh, he and Atta left Kandahar together and proceeded first to Karachi, where they met KSM and were instructed by him on security and on living in the United States. Shehhi apparently had already met with KSM before returning to the UAE.Atta returned to Hamburg in late February, and Binalshibh arrived shortly thereafter. Shehhi’s travels took him to the UAE (where he acquired a new passport and a U.S. visa), Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and one or more other destinations."
Page 171: "Bin Ladin relied on the established hawala networks operating in Pakistan, in Dubai, and throughout the Middle East to transfer funds efficiently."
Page 216: "On June 20, Hanjour returned home to Saudi Arabia. He obtained a U.S. student visa on September 25 and told his family he was returning to his job in the UAE. Hanjour did go to the UAE, but to meet facilitator Ali Abdul
Aziz Ali.62"Page 224: "The Hamburg operatives paid for their flight training primarily with funds wired from Dubai by KSM’s nephew,Ali Abdul Aziz Ali. Between June 29 and September 17, 2000,Ali sent Shehhi and Atta a total of $114,500 in five transfers ranging from $5,000 to $70,000."
Page 236: "After training in Afghanistan, the operatives went to a safehouse maintained by KSM in Karachi and stayed there temporarily before being deployed to the United States via the UAE. ... Ali apparently assisted nine
future hijackers between April and June 2001 as they came through Dubai. He helped them with plane tickets, traveler’s checks, and hotel reservations; he also taught them about everyday aspects of life in the West, such as purchasing clothes and ordering food. Dubai, a modern city with easy access to a major airport, travel agencies, hotels, and Western commercial establishments,was an ideal transit point."
Wild Thing's comment.....
This just does not make sense to me. It is a huge security risk. Remember when Clinton tried to sell the Communist Chinese a port in California? This should be stopped as well. This is not about owning a 7-11 and that is bad enough. This is about our security, our safety. I do not agree with this happening at all, not at all!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:05 AM | Comments (6)
February 07, 2006
Bush Calls Danish PM With Support Regarding Cartoons
Tuesday, February 7, 2006; 11:08 AM
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - U.S. President George W. Bush called Denmark's prime minister on Tuesday to voice support for the Nordic country, whose embassies are the target of violent protests over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad."I am happy to inform you that just a few minutes ago, President Bush called me to express support and solidarity with Denmark in the light of the violence against Danish and other diplomatic missions," said Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen.
"We agreed that the way ahead is through dialogue and tolerance, not violence," Rasmussen told a news conference.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:05 PM
February 02, 2006
Yep It Sucks To Be A Democrat

State of the Democratic Party: Meltdown
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) February 1, 2006 -- Despite President Bush's weak poll numbers heading into yesterday's State of the Union address and the recent indictment of a high-profile Republican lobbyist, new information suggests that it's the Democratic party and not the GOP that is in political disarray. This according to Katharine DeBrecht, the outspoken author of the 2005 hit children's book "Help! Mom! There Are Liberals Under My Bed" (Kids Ahead; hardcover: $15.95; ISBN 0976726904).Going into the mid-term elections with a two-term president of the opposite party should be a golden opportunity for Democrats, notes DeBrecht, but instead there are signs of strife as attempts by liberal senators to stop the Alito nomination fell flat while the party's congressional leadership seems destined to clash with its national chairman.
"To make matters even worse, the Democratic National Committee is nearly broke," says DeBrecht, "while the Republicans have millions in the bank. When Howard Dean won the chairmanship everyone thought he'd be able to raise truck loads of money from his online supporters and the MoveOn.org crowd, but instead he's facing a rebellion from Democrats in Congress who are worried about his mismanagement."
Dean seems unlikely to take the rebellion lying down, though. Reports have surfaced that the former Vermont governor has prepared a Nixonian response by digging up dirt on Harry Reid, the Democrat's leader in the Senate. One DNC source is quoted in media reports as ominously saying that Dean's secret evidence on dealings by the Senator from Nevada makes "Jack Abramoff's lobbying work look like that of a rank amateur."
Since lobbyist Abramoff recently pleaded guilty in a high profile influence-peddling case, says DeBrecht, this posturing from one of Dean's DNC staffers suggests that Dean thinks he is in possession of extremely damaging information on the Senate minority leader. Whether Dean will disclose that information to the press or hang onto it in order to avoid an attack by the party's Congressional leadership remains unclear.
Last fall liberals including Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Fox host Alan Colmes, and MSNBC pundit Ron Reagan all vocally criticized DeBrecht's book for teaching politics to children and portraying Clinton and Ted Kennedy as cartoon villains. Clinton's spokesman twice criticized the book in published reports, while liberal blogger Andrew Sullivan called it Maoist and the Democratic Underground named DeBrecht to their "Top 10 Conservative Idiots" list. Liberal condemnations notwithstanding, the book soared to #1 on Barnes & Noble's online bestseller list following praise from Rush Limbaugh.
DeBrecht chuckles over the lack of similar cohesion among Democrats today: "Fortunately for the liberals, I have a new book -- 'Help! Mom! Hollywood's in My Hamper' -- coming out this March. It depicts Hollywood stars telling children that liberals like Hillary need to run their lives for them. Maybe that will help the Democrats find a common issue they can finally rally around."
About Kids Ahead: Kids Ahead is an imprint of Los Angeles-based World Ahead Publishing, the West Coast's premier publisher of conservative and libertarian books. Visit http://www.worldahead.com to learn more.
And then there is this article.........
Howie and Harry
It appears that the Democrat Party is closer to imploding than the Republican. How else to explain the ongoing attempts by Democrat Party Chairman Howard Dean to destroy Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid?According to knowledgeable DNC sources, Dean about ten days ago was shown opposition research documents generated by the Republican National Committee more than three years ago, which laid out facts regarding Reid and his family's lobbying and ethical conflicts.
Dean, according to the sources, was fascinated by the details, and asked that his staff research and independently confirm everything on the documents. "Basically he oppo'd a member of his own party," says a DNC source loyal to Dean.
"Basically, we were looking at three- or four-page documents that made Jack Abramoff's lobbying work look like that of a rank amateur," says the DNC source. "Between the minority leader's past in Nevada and here in Washington, and the activities of his sons and son-in-law, there probably isn't anyone in this town with more conflicts. The Reid family is the symbol of what's wrong with Washington; it's their behavior that enabled the culture that spawned people like Abramoff."
Dean then went public over the weekend, saying that Democrats with an Abramoff problem would be in trouble, not only with voters, but with the Democrat Party. But why attack a senior member of his own party?
According to Democrat Party watchers and DNC staff, Dean has grown increasingly frustrated at how he is treated by the likes of Reid, Sen. Dick Durbin, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and Rep. Rahm Emanuel, who leads the House Democrat candidate recruitment effort. "They treat him like a lackey, not as an equal," says another DNC employee. "Just last week, they were all badmouthing his fundraising activities, when clearly he's done a good job. What this comes down to a fight for the soul of our party, and if the chairman has to draw a long knife on a few of his colleagues, he's more than willing to do so."
From Drudge
Mon Jan 30 2006 10:52:31 ET
Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill are privately bristling over Howard Dean’s management of the Democratic National Committee and have made those sentiments clear after new fundraising numbers showed he has spent nearly all the committee’s cash and has little left to support their efforts to gain seats this cycle, ROLL CALL reports.Congressional leaders were furious last week when they learned the DNC has just $5.5 million in the bank, compared to the Republican National Committee’s $34 million.
Senate and House Minority Leaders Harry Reid (Nev.) and Nancy Pelosi (Calif.), along with the Senate and House campaign committee chairmen Charles Schumer (N.Y.) and Rahm Emanuel (Ill.), have made their concerns -- directly or indirectly -- known to Dean, claims the paper.
Emanuel was particularly upset last week upon seeing the latest DNC numbers.
“A lot of people are scratching their heads as to what’s going on,” said one senior Democratic aide.
Another Democratic source familiar with the party fundraising apparatus said there is “obvious displeasure” among the leaders.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Weeeeeeeeee this is hilarious! What can I say...........better them then us. BUAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAHA
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:07 AM | Comments (3)
February 01, 2006
Some Quotes From President Bush's Speech

When I was growing up my parents would take us on a vacation every summer. It was always part for pure fun but also for educational purposes as well. When we visited the East coast I got to see the places that had to do with how our government was run and tour the many buildings including the monuments, Arlington Cemetry and sooo many other places. I was taught early on how important our Military is to my Freedom and living in the land of the brave. I was in awe of the House of Representatives, the color of the wood, the size of the room, the balcony we all stood on as we looked down upon the enormous room, every part of what made that place so important to our country. How the person I vote for was to speak and vote ( hopefully) for what my vote counted for. The vastness of Arlington and the sacrifices that each grave meant to my life. Impressions that were not only a learning process but something that became a part of how I think and listen when others speak.
I was thinking about all of this before President Bush spoke tonight. With a grateful heart that Bush has been our President, and yes I have not agreed with all he has done but most of the things get my stamp of approval. I was thinking of how this Nation could not have survived more years of the Clintons even if he would have been allowed to run a third time.
As President Bush said tonight, "Before history is written down in books, it is written in courage.", and it is. Our Nation is what it is with our Freedoms because of our Veterans and our troops today. Because of THEIR courage, YOUR courage you wonderful Veterans that post here! Thank you! I just pray that as Bush said tonight, our Military will run this war and NOT those in Washington, that as he said, they should "stand behind the American military."
These are just some quotes by Presient Bush tonight:
"Abroad, our nation is committed to an historic, long-term goal -- we seek the end of tyranny in our world. Some dismiss that goal as misguided idealism. In reality, the future security of America depends on it. On September the 11th, 2001, we found that problems originating in a failed and oppressive state 7,000 miles away could bring murder and destruction to our country. Dictatorships shelter terrorists, and feed resentment and radicalism, and seek weapons of mass destruction. Democracies replace resentment with hope, respect the rights of their citizens and their neighbors, and join the fight against terror. Every step toward freedom in the world makes our country safer -- so we will act boldly in freedom's cause. ""We love our freedom, and we will fight to keep it."
"If we were to leave these vicious attackers alone, they would not leave us alone. They would simply move the battlefield to our own shores. There is no peace in retreat. And there is no honor in retreat. By allowing radical Islam to work its will -- by leaving an assaulted world to fend for itself -- we would signal to all that we no longer believe in our own ideals, or even in our own courage. But our enemies and our friends can be certain: The United States will not retreat from the world, and we will never surrender to evil."
"Our work in Iraq is difficult because our enemy is brutal. But that brutality has not stopped the dramatic progress of a new democracy. In less than three years, the nation has gone from dictatorship to liberation, to sovereignty, to a constitution, to national elections. At the same time, our coalition has been relentless in shutting off terrorist infiltration, clearing out insurgent strongholds, and turning over territory to Iraqi security forces. I am confident in our plan for victory; I am confident in the will of the Iraqi people; I am confident in the skill and spirit of our military. Fellow citizens, we are in this fight to win, and we are winning."
"The road of victory is the road that will take our troops home. As we make progress on the ground, and Iraqi forces increasingly take the lead, we should be able to further decrease our troop levels -- but those decisions will be made by our military commanders, not by politicians in Washington, D.C."
"Our coalition has learned from our experience in Iraq. We've adjusted our military tactics and changed our approach to reconstruction. Along the way, we have benefitted from responsible criticism and counsel offered by members of Congress of both parties. In the coming year, I will continue to reach out and seek your good advice. Yet, there is a difference between responsible criticism that aims for success, and defeatism that refuses to acknowledge anything but failure. Hindsight alone is not wisdom, and second-guessing is not a strategy."
"With so much in the balance, those of us in public office have a duty to speak with candor. A sudden withdrawal of our forces from Iraq would abandon our Iraqi allies to death and prison, would put men like bin Laden and Zarqawi in charge of a strategic country, and show that a pledge from America means little. Members of Congress, however we feel about the decisions and debates of the past, our nation has only one option: We must keep our word, defeat our enemies, and stand behind the American military in this vital mission."
"Our men and women in uniform are making sacrifices -- and showing a sense of duty stronger than all fear. They know what it's like to fight house to house in a maze of streets, to wear heavy gear in the desert heat, to see a comrade killed by a roadside bomb. And those who know the costs also know the stakes. Marine Staff Sergeant Dan Clay was killed last month fighting in Fallujah. He left behind a letter to his family, but his words could just as well be addressed to every American. Here is what Dan wrote: "I know what honor is. ... It has been an honor to protect and serve all of you. I faced death with the secure knowledge that you would not have to.... Never falter! Don't hesitate to honor and support those of us who have the honor of protecting that which is worth protecting."
"The Palestinian people have voted in elections. And now the leaders of Hamas must recognize Israel, disarm, reject terrorism, and work for lasting peace."
"The same is true of Iran, a nation now held hostage by a small clerical elite that is isolating and repressing its people. The regime in that country sponsors terrorists in the Palestinian territories and in Lebanon -- and that must come to an end. The Iranian government is defying the world with its nuclear ambitions, and the nations of the world must not permit the Iranian regime to gain nuclear weapons. America will continue to rally the world to confront these threats."
"Tonight, let me speak directly to the citizens of Iran: America respects you, and we respect your country. We respect your right to choose your own future and win your own freedom. And our nation hopes one day to be the closest of friends with a free and democratic Iran."
"Our country must also remain on the offensive against terrorism here at home. The enemy has not lost the desire or capability to attack us. Fortunately, this nation has superb professionals in law enforcement, intelligence, the military, and homeland security. These men and women are dedicating their lives, protecting us all, and they deserve our support and our thanks. They also deserve the same tools they already use to fight drug trafficking and organized crime -- so I ask you to reauthorize the Patriot Act."
"Fellow citizens, we've been called to leadership in a period of consequence. We've entered a great ideological conflict we did nothing to invite. We see great changes in science and commerce that will influence all our lives. Sometimes it can seem that history is turning in a wide arc, toward an unknown shore. Yet the destination of history is determined by human action, and every great movement of history comes to a point of choosing. "
"Lincoln could have accepted peace at the cost of disunity and continued slavery. Martin Luther King could have stopped at Birmingham or at Selma, and achieved only half a victory over segregation. The United States could have accepted the permanent division of Europe, and been complicit in the oppression of others. Today, having come far in our own historical journey, we must decide: Will we turn back, or finish well?""Before history is written down in books, it is written in courage. Like Americans before us, we will show that courage and we will finish well. We will lead freedom's advance. We will compete and excel in the global economy. We will renew the defining moral commitments of this land. And so we move forward -- optimistic about our country, faithful to its cause, and confident of the victories to come."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:07 AM | Comments (2)
January 31, 2006
Congratulations Justice Alito

Don't be alarmed by the sudden gusts of wind blowing through the Capitol area....that's just Kerry and Kennedy's heads exploding.

BEST Producer: Geroge W. Bush..he packaged the whole enchilada by winning in 2004 and keeping his campaign promise to appoint conservative nominees..
BEST Director: Karl Rove. I mean, is there ANY doubt here?
BEST Actor: Samuel Alito, for his portrayal of Jack Webb as a judge...strong, silent, nary a smile, nor a scowl.."Just the facts, senator"
BEST Actress:The lady in the bright red suit who was seen sheparding Alito around the halls and corridors of Congress. He did not get lost, did not miss ONE appointment with a senator. And her photogenic presence helped draw attention to the fact that Alito was indeed "making the rounds. "Ergo..she gets much of the credit.
BEST Screenplay: John Roberts. He wrote the script, which Alito followed faithfully..
BEST Supporting Actress: Martha Alito. She stole the picture with a brief, though very poignant tear-filled scene. What a dear woman she is!!
BEST Supporting Actor Sen Tom Coburn. His short, though powerful comments during the hearing, in defense of the unborn stood in stark contrast to the Democrats' plaintive defense of "choice."
BEST Musical Score: The "Gang of 14" They wrote a hit song, though when it was first released it was derided in most of the red states, it ultimately began a hit, and the 14 all sang from the same page almost all the time...
And now, because "politics ain't beanbag",here are the nominees for that title......
Not so oddly, it's really difficult. It's a target rich environment.
First,Kerry and Orca are not losers her, per se. They accomplished their mission. They were determined to stake out the left-wing fringe of the Dem party, and attach it to Kerry as he tries again in 2008. The patient, i.e. the Dem party..may ultimately die, but this operation was a success..
Harry Reid proved yet again that his word is worthless, and that he cannot control his caucus..
Joe Biden proved yet again that Mark Levin's discription of him as the "dumbest man in the Senate" is far too kind. It should at the least be expanded to cover all of Congress..and considering the moonbats in the House, that goes a far ways..
Pat Leahy....Well, twice now he's led his troops into battle, and both times they've got their asses whupped. Hello! Hello?
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:47 PM | Comments (6)
January 30, 2006
Hershey, PA Must Just Love Mayor Ray Nagin or Not
Please CLICK
image above to hear the Ray Nagin song
In New Orleans, outside City Hall, Mayor Ray Nagin called for “black people … to come together. It’s time for us to rebuild New Orleans — the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans ... a majority African American city.”Nagin further commented that “It’s the way God wants it to be. You can’t have New Orleans no other way.” While he was in the process of reading the Almighty’s mind, he added, “Surely God is mad at America. He sent us hurricane after hurricane after hurricane, and it’s destroyed and put stress on this country.” And he added, “Surely he doesn’t approve of us being in Iraq under false pretenses."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:17 AM | Comments (2)
January 29, 2006
Is Dean On Our Payroll Or What?

From NewsMax
Sunday, Jan. 29, 2006 10:56 a.m. EST
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said Sunday that Democrats who took money from Indian tribes represented by Jack Abramoff and who did something on behalf of those tribes have "a big problem."Dean made the statement apparently unaware that Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid has reportedly done exactly that.
Under questioning by "Fox News Sunday's" Chris Wallace, Dean claimed that Democrats did no favors for Abramoff's Indian tribe clients:
"Nobody got anything out of the Democrats from Jack Abramoff," the top Democrat insisted. "No Democrat delivered anything and there's no accusation and no investigation that any Democrat ever delivered anything to Jack Abramoff. And that's not true of the Republicans."
But Wallace countered: "So if we find that there were some Democrats who wrote letters on behalf of some of the Indian tribes that Abramoff represented, then what do you say, sir?"
Dean's response: "That's a big problem. And those Democrats are in trouble. And they should be in trouble."In November 2005 the Associated Press reported that Senate Minority Leader Reid had accepted tens of thousands of dollars from an Abramoff client, the Coushatta Indian tribe, after interceding with Secretary of the Interior Gail Norton over a casino dispute with a rival tribe.
Reid "sent a letter to Norton on March 5, 2002," the AP said. "The next day, the Coushattas issued a $5,000 check to Reid's tax-exempt political group, the Searchlight Leadership Fund. A second tribe represented by Abramoff sent an additional $5,000 to Reid's group. Reid ultimately received more than $66,000 in Abramoff-related donations between 2001 and 2004."
Questioned about the donations in December by "Fox News Sunday's" Wallace, Reid immediately turned testy.
Wild Thing's comment...........
ROTFLMAO. Open mouth, insert foot once again. YEEEEEHAAAAAAW
Remember his rant last week.....Not ONE RED DIME went to Democrats!"
It was a classic moment watching Dean back track and try to deny something he said within seconds of making the statement. Please let this loud mouthed cretin appear more often.
Here Howard, Lunch is on me............... haha
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:57 AM | Comments (11)
January 27, 2006
NEW Video from RNC: "The PATRIOT Act: Connecting The Dots"
Remember when Harry Reid said..........."Senator Harry Reid (D-NV): “We Killed The PATRIOT Act.”
Here's what Reid is proud of: Trying to kill a vital law that breaks down the wall between intelligence and law enforcement, and makes it easier to prevent and detect attacks on America. Reid's boast shows how reckless the Democrats have become when it comes to safeguarding America.
Here is The RNC replies! tah dah!
RNC Releases New Television Ad On Senate Democrat Leader Harry Reid's Obstruction Of The PATRIOT Act Entitled, "The PATRIOT Act: Connecting The Dots"
WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee today unveiled a new television advertisement targeting the Harry Reid-led Democrat obstruction of the PATRIOT Act. The advertisement, entitled “The PATRIOT Act: Connecting The Dots,” will begin airing on national cable and local Las Vegas television stations this weekend. The ad will also be emailed to Republican grassroots supporters and is available for viewing now at www.GOP.com
Republican National Committee / 60 Advertisement
"The ad will also appear on national cable TV, and in Reid's home state of Nevada. When Democrats brag about undermining an important part of the War on Terror, we hold them accountable."
“The PATRIOT Act: Connecting The Dots”..........
....at GOP.com
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 PM
January 26, 2006
Sen. John Kerry Calls For a Filibuster of Samuel Alito's Nomination
Kerry calling for a filibuster.......
Sen. John Kerry has decided to support a filibuster to block the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, CNN's Congressional Correspondent Ed Henry reported Thursday.
Kerry, in Davos, Switzerland, to attend the World Economic Forum, was marshaling support in phone calls during the day, Henry said.
He announced his decision Wednesday to a group of Democratic senators, urging they join him, Henry said. Kerry also has the support of his fellow Massachusetts senator, Democrat Edward Kennedy.
Some senior Democrats said they are worried that the move could backfire.
Republicans need 60 votes to overturn a filibuster.
Senior White House officials said the move makes the Democrats look bad, and Republicans already have enough votes to overcome any filibuster attempt.
The posters at the Democratic Underground are orgasmic............
The Democratic Underground is threatning anyone that wants to be president in 2008 and does not have the balls to filibuster they will not support..this must be why Lurch is in a panic mode! hahaha too funny.
For those that can stand it, I couldn't.......here is the entire BS from Kerry at HIS site.....................

Then there is this....................
Democatic Sen. Johnson to Back Alito Jan 26 11:05 AM US/Eastern Democatic Sen. Johnson to Back Alito
Jan 26 11:05 AM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer
Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito picked up his second Democratic supporter on Thursday, with Tim Johnson of South Dakota announcing he will vote for the conservative judge to become the nation's 110th justice.
Johnson joins fellow Democrat Ben Nelson of Nebraska as the only members of their party to announce Senate support for the conservative judge. Fifty-one Republicans are supporting Alito, guaranteeing his confirmation as the replacement for retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who throughout her years on the high court often has been a key fifth vote on contentious social issues including abortion, affirmative action and the death penalty.
Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito picked up his second Democratic supporter on Thursday, with Tim Johnson of South Dakota announcing he will vote for the conservative judge to become the nation's 110th justice.
Johnson joins fellow Democrat Ben Nelson of Nebraska as the only members of their party to announce Senate support for the conservative judge.
Fifty-one Republicans are supporting Alito, guaranteeing his confirmation as the replacement for retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who throughout her years on the high court often has been a key fifth vote on contentious social issues including abortion, affirmative action and the death penalty.
* Michelle Malkin
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:08 PM | Comments (6)
Helen Thomas Babbles On and On and On.....
President Bush today again avoided taking a question from White House doyenne Helen Thomas during his 45-minute press conference, even though he took questions from every reporter around her front-row, center seat.
"He's a coward," Thomas said afterward. "He's supposed to be this macho guy. He'll take on Osama bin Laden, but he won't take me on."
Thomas, who worked as the UPI White House reporter for 57 years and is now a columnist, raised her hand every time the president was concluding an answer to a reporter's question, but he never called on her.
She had a few questions in mind, though. "I wanted to ask about Iraq: 'You said you didn't go in for oil or for Israel or for WMDs. So why did you go in?' "
She also had another question at the ready, just in case, this one about the president's contention that a 28-year-old wiretapping law known as FISA is out of date, which prompted him to order the National Security Agency to conduct a secret electronic surveillance program that Democrats contend is illegal.
"You keep saying it's a 1978 law, but the Constitution 200 years old. Is that out of date, too?"
Afterward, Thomas sat sullenly in her chair in the White House press work area, huddled in her leopard-print winter coat.
But as she left, she made a prediction: "He came on to my turf. I'll bet the next press conference will be in Room 450 of the EEOB," a theater-style room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, where she would not be in the front row.
Wild Thing comment.........
Now wait a dog gone minute here....... "He won't take me on?" Hey Helen why would be want to. He is the President. Hellooooo Helen! Maybe he was afraid he would turn to stone if he looked directly at her.
"He came on to my turf." Actually Helen you are on the people's turf.
Just chill out Helen and remember the good ole days with Clinton............

Posted by Wild Thing at 04:31 PM | Comments (8)
Dems Pick Villaraigosa to Rebut State of Union, in Spanish
Photo of Antonio Villaraigosa with Kerry during the last Presidential election year...............

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa will give the Spanish-language response to President Bush's State of the Union address on Tuesday, Democratic congressional leaders announced.
Villaraigosa has been seen as a rising Democratic star since his election in May as the first Hispanic in 133 years to lead Los Angeles, the country's second-largest city. He will deliver his remarks from his Los Angeles office, said Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
"Mayor Villaraigosa is working hard to increase economic opportunity and provide affordable and quality education for the people of Los Angeles," Reid and Pelosi said in a joint statement Wednesday. "As the first Latino mayor of Los Angeles in more than a century, we are proud to have his diverse voice within the party."
The Democrats' English-language response is being given by newly elected Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine.
Hispanics are the nation's largest minority group and a critical voting bloc that typically leans Democratic.
In the last presidential election, exit polls conducted for The Associated Press and television networks found Bush winning 44 percent of the Hispanic vote, up from 35 percent in 2000. Democratic Sen. John Kerry won 53 percent, down from 62 percent four years earlier for Democrat Al Gore.
Stop the presses............Just who is Antonio Villaraigosa????

Antonio Villaraigosa (then, Tony Villar) leading a protest to include the Communist organization "Committee to Free Los Tres" on the Steering Committee of the Chicano Studies Center. UCLA campus, May 23, 1974.
While on campus, Villar joined the UCLA chapter of Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA), and was part of its leadership by 1974. MEChA had only been founded as a regional movement in 1969, and in many ways, the UCLA chapter, and the radical Chicano student left today, is a direct product of Villar’s work then.
Villaraigosa refuses to repudiate the aims of Chicano separatists for a nation of Aztlan. Instead he hides behind the Museum of Tolerance, which is looking more and more like one of the old Communist Reeducation Camps.
Villaraigosa want illegal aliens to get taxpayer- provided college education!
Aztlan is the name Chicano activists have given California and the southwestern U.S., land taken from [sold by] Mexico after the War of 1848. Barbara Coe of CCIR said MEChA has distributed "anti-American hate literature on our campuses" and has attempted to "poison the minds of impressionable youth" with the assertion that the southwestern United States was stolen from Mexico.
Villaraigosa quotes....
" "I was chairperson of MEChA 20 some years ago," Villaraigosa said. "I'm proud of it. "Villaraigosa sharply criticized unnamed Latino leaders for supporting legislation that denies driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. "They don't belong in office, friends," Villaraigosa said.
The current attitude of militant Hispanics toward the United States, the English language, European-Americans, and seizing control of the U.S. Southwest -- or Aztlan -- was revealed at a strategy session held in January 1995 at the University of California at Riverside under the title "Latino Leadership Summit Response to Prop 187."
Antonio Villaraigosa was also a speaker at that meeting. Among the many declarations uttered at the meeting which Villaraigosa did not repudiate were "English should be a foreign language"; "We are hostages in our own land, prisoners of war"; "We live under occupying alien force."; "We live in the annexed territories of Aztlan"; and "We're in a state of war ... a vicious threat to our existence."
Although Villaraigosa was and is a public official, he did not condemn the repeated calls for the establishment of an independent country of Aztlan or the references to this country as "AmeriKKKa" and the "United Snakes of America." In fact, Villaraigosa praised one of the participants, Jose Angel Gutierrez, Director of Mexican-American Studies Center at the University of Texas at Arlington, who has professed since 1970 that "Our devil has pale skin and blue eyes," and who once said at a MAYA (Mexican American Youth Organization, the forerunner to MEChA) meeting, "To the gringos in the audience, I have one final message to convey, 'Up yours, baby. You've had it, from now on.' "
Two of Antonio Villaraigosa's close friends are California State Senator, Richard Alarcon and his sister, Evelina Alarcon. Evelina Alarcon is Vice Chair of CPUSA (Communist Party U.S.A.) and is chair of the Southern California District of the Communist Party USA and is the Secretary of its National Mexican American Equality Commission. She also writes editorials for the communist "People's Weekly World."
Wild Thing's comment.........
Will someone also deliver a speech in Polish? There's a large voting block of poles in the US too. What about Italian? Or how about German, French, or Russian? Maybe he can even deliver it in Chinese and Japanese? I hear there are many immigrants in the US who came from those countries too. Oh yea I forgot, all these immigrants were decent enough to bother to learn the language. Like my parents did from Switzerland. hmmmmm Do you think our Forefathers are tired of turning over in their graves because of all the things the Democratic party does and says just about every day of the week?
I think everyone should take pride in their heritage and where and how their families came to this awesome country. They should pass down to their children the pride they had in coming here and the hope of a better future. And tell their children why this is the greatest Nation on earth and why we live in the land of the free. Teach them to respect our Military and the price they paid so we can live with the freedoms and security we have. To thank Veterans and why it is important never to forget what our Veterans have done for us and the world.
But to single out and encourage and pit one group against another. To demand and force on others a constant reminder of differences instead of oneness in ones land and country is not good. This kind of thing goes way beyond social get togethers of a Cinco de Mayo or Octoberfest, or when Italians, Greeks, Irish etc. celebrate.
"There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism.... A hyphenated American is not an American at all... Americanism is a matter of the spirit, and of the soul...The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English-Americans, French-Americans...each preserving its separate nationality.... The men who do not become Americans and nothing else are hyphenated Americans.... There is no such thing as a hyphenated American who is a good American." Theodore Roosevelt
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:04 AM | Comments (6)
January 25, 2006
The United Nations Film "Broken Promises"

We all know how vile the U.N. is and as for me I believe it is one of our enemies. I just found out about it today and am glad that at least this film was made , it is a start to bringing to the world how awful the U.N. is. When Arafat died, Flags were flown at half mast at the United Nations, as the world body paid tribute to late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat ( TERRORIST) by granting him the same honours as a head of state!!! UN Secretary General “Kofi Annan said of Arafats death that he was "deeply moved". sheesh!!
Broken Promises.....the film
Executive Producers: David Bossie and Ron Silver
Written and Directed by Kevin Knoblock
Narrated by Ron Silver ( actor and he also voted for Bush, you may have seen him on Fox News a lot)
A powerful documentary, newly released to DVD, illustrates the U.N.'s disturbing record of failure, nearly from the moment of its founding.Broken Promises: The United Nations at 60 was produced by the Citizens United Foundation and actor Ron Silver, who also narrates it.
While the film doesn't reveal any fresh U.N. scandals, it succeeds brilliantly in assembling the world body's catalogue of ineptitude and corruption into a single, easy-to-understand narrative.
Like any good documentary, the film's foundation is an extraordinary group of interviews with experts, scholars and notable figures. Through these interviews, the filmmakers successfully tell the story of U.N. failure from the world body's founding through its most recent tragedies and scandals.
But the film's most powerful moments are interviews with two victims of U.N. failure. The first is Eugenie Mukeshimana, a survivor of the Rwanda genocide. She recounts how she and her husband hid in separate houses as rampaging Hutus, bent on genocide, went from house to house, hacking her friends and neighbors to death with machetes. She describes surviving the initial onslaught even as the U.N. decided to pull 90 percent of its peacekeeping force out of the country. And she reveals that even as the U.N. sat by and did nothing, pro-Hutu radio stations were sponsoring the killings, featuring the most prolific murders on the air and urging Hutus to "stamp out the cockroaches." She laments her husband's murder and explains her fortunate escape.
Supplementing Eugenie's tale are interviews with General Romeo Dallaire, the Canadian commander of the U.N. force in Rwanda, and Ken Cain, who was then working as a civilian staff member with the U.N.'s Rwanda mission. General Dallaire recounts his request for permission to engage his forces in order to stop the slaughter and the U.N.'s subsequent rejection of his request, explaining the need to maintain the appearance of the world body's impartiality. The General describes how, after being forced to sit by and witness the slaughter, he took to leaving his base, alone and unescorted for hours on end, hoping to be killed.
The second interview with a U.N. victim is with Hasan Nuhanovic, a survivor of the effort by Serbs to exterminate Bosnian Muslims.
Hasan describes how, after fleeing the Serbs over the countryside, he and his family came to the U.N.-designated safe haven in the village of Srebrenica. There, Hasan found a battalion of Dutch troops operating as U.N. peacekeepers. After a short time, Hasan found himself working for the Dutch as a translator. For weeks, the Dutch troops and Bosnian locals knew that the Serbs would come. But the U.N. commanders promised that air support from NATO planes and the troops on the ground would protect the Bosnians.
When the Serbs did come, the air support did not. U.N. peacekeepers simply handed the Bosnians over to their executioners. Indeed, U.N. troops even forced Hasan's family to leave the protection of their base and walk into the arms of the Serbs while Hasan stayed behind. As the Serbs rounded up the Bosnians throughout the safe-haven, Hasan describes how the U.N. troops sat in their barracks, drinking beer and listening to music. Years later, Hasan still has not discovered where the Serbs buried his family.
Others interviewed for the film include Natan Sharansky, former dissident in the Soviet Union and Israeli cabinet minister; Former U.S. Senator George Mitchell; Cuban-born U.S. Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen; Former Israeli Ambassador to the United National Dore Gold; and many others.
The film successfully weaves these tales of horror together with stories of U.N. corruption and scandal as well as a thoughtful discussion of the structural problems that are the recipe for the world body's on-going failure to achieve its core mission: protecting peace and security. As such, it's a must-see for anyone with an interest in the United Nations and the threat it poses to freedom in the 21st Century.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:18 PM | Comments (4)
"I will not cry in public, I will not cry in public, I will not....

Reuters Photo of Senator Harry Reid after Alito Vote
Tue Jan 24, 3:44 PM ET
Democratic Leader of the U.S. Senate Harry Reid (D-NV) pauses while talking about the results of the vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee of the nomination of Samuel Alito for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court while on Capitol Hill in Washington January 24, 2006. The committee voted in favor of Alito and will now send his nomination to the floor of the U.S. Senate for a full vote. REUTERS/Larry Downing

Wild Thing's comment.........
Dems are full of sour grapes as they are having a fit over Alito. They are experts at turning fine wine into vinegar.
Aww heck...they would botch vinegar too.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:29 AM | Comments (4)
January 24, 2006
Want To Know How Many Lives Destroyed by Roe vs. Wade?
Today is the 33rd anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision.
The Consequences of Roe v. Wade
45,951,133 Total Abortions since 1973
Now take a look at what President Reagan said about abortion...............
"Our nation-wide policy of abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy was neither voted for by our people, nor enacted by our legislators--not a single state had such unrestricted abortion before the Supreme Court decreed it to be national policy in 1973. [It was] an act of raw judicial power"..."Make no mistake, abortion-on-demand is not a right granted by the Constitution. Nowhere do the plain words of the Constitution even hint at a "right" so sweeping as to permit abortion up to the time the child is ready to be born."
"We cannot diminish the value of one category of human life--the unborn--without diminishing the value of all human life."
"Abraham Lincoln recognized that we could not survive as a free land when some men could decide that others were not fit to be free and should therefore be slaves. Likewise, we cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion or infanticide. My Administration is dedicated to the preservation of America as a free land, and there is no cause more important for preserving that freedom than affirming the transcendent right to life of all human beings, the right without which no other rights have any meaning."
- President Ronald Reagan : "Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation", 1983
Wild Thing's comment.........
Years ago I when I was getting my nails done the woman doing my nails told me how she had just had an abortion. This woman had an adorable 9 year year old son. I had been going to her for 4 years. I asked her why did she get an abortion????
She was single and got pregnant from a man she had a few dates with. She informed me it was no big deal that this was her 11th abortion!!!!
I sat there in silence, shocked. Then I asked her why didn't she use some form of birth control since there were so many out there. Get this............ She responded that it was easier to take her chances and then IF she got pregnant she could just have an abortioin.
When she finished doing my nails, she was going to give me my next appointment. I told her no thanks I was not going to fund her abortions and that I would be going elsewhere.
I am adopted, I was 3 weeks old and I will be forever grateful to my biological mom for doing what she did. She was young, just out of highschool but she wanted me to live and have a chance in life. No I have never contacted her and do not wish to, not because of disrespect but because of it. She went on with her life and I had my own with awesome parents that adopted me. I was given her photo and was told her story of what happened. It is a love story that ended abruptly when the man two years older then she was killed serving our country in the Military.
Even if I was not adopted I would be against abortion. IT IS WRONG!
It's stripping away the child's natural right to live. Next time you look at a little child think about if that child was aborted. It wouldn't have even had the chance to live and have a life... can someone make that decision for the unborn child?
I believe that once the child is conceived it starts growing and is developing every second into the person that it will be for the rest of its life. It really is a living person. I don't know how anyone can say it isn't when you look at it. At 2 weeks, it starts to grow brain cells. And at 8 weeks, it is entirely formed with hands, arms, legs, feet, all of it. If that's not a person, then I don't know what is, why not just say it's okay to kill a child that's 8 or 9 years old if you decide you can't afford him, or don't want to deal with him. That is how awful abortion is.
History is full of examples of unwanted children who were conceived and became historical figures and legends of human history.You don't know if you've aborted the next Michelangelo, Monet, Vermeer, Bach, Beethoven, Galileo, Newton or Einstein. And heck just wonderful human beings that want a chance at life.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:25 AM | Comments (9)
January 21, 2006
President of Greatness ~ Ronald Reagan

Twenty-five years ago today, Ronald Reagan was sworn in as the 40th President of the United States of America.
President Reagan walked the high ground and
stayed the course. I am forever thankful for his strengths
and knowing the cost of our Freedom and NOT allowing others
to change their calling.
~ Wild Thing
Some quotes by President Reagan:
We dare not shirk our responsibility to keep America free, secure, and at peace. - Ronald Reagan, State of the Union Address, January 25, 1984.America must remain freedom's staunchest friend, for freedom is our best ally.
- Ronald Reagan, Second Inaugural Address, January 21, 1985.
We must restore America's ability to defend itself and fulfill its responsibilities as a trustee of freedom and peace in the world...
- President Ronald Reagan, Radio Address to the Nation on Administration Policies, August 25, 1984.There must be no wavering by us, nor any doubts by others, that America will meet her responsibilities to remain free, secure, and at peace.
- Ronald Reagan, Second Inaugural Address, January 21, 1985.My fellow citizens, our Nation is poised for greatness. We must do what we know is right and do it with all our might. Let history say of us, "These were golden years—when the American Revolution
was reborn, when freedom gained new life, when America reached for her best."
- Ronald Reagan, Second Inaugural Address, January 21, 1985.So, let me today speak for a united people. Let me say simply: We're Americans. We love this country. We love what she stands for, and we will always defend her.... We live for freedom -- our own, our children's -- and we will always stand ready to sacrifice for that freedom.
- President Ronald Reagan, Remarks at the Annual Convention
of the American Bar Association, July 8, 1985.How can we not believe in the greatness of America?
How can we not do what is right and needed to preserve
this last best hope of man on Earth? After all our struggles
to restore America, to revive confidence in our country,
hope for our future, after all our hard-won victories earned
through the patience and courage of every citizen, we cannot,
must not, and will not turn back. We will finish our job.
How could we do less? We're Americans.
- Ronald Reagan, State of the Union Address, January 25, 1984

"The house we hope to build is not for my generation but for yours. It is your future that matters. And I hope that when you are my age, you will be able to say as I have been able to say: We lived in freedom. We lived lives that were a statement, not an apology.""Every lesson of history tells us that appeasement does not lead to peace. It invites an aggressor to test the will of a nation unprepared to meet that test. And tragically, those who seemingly want peace the most, our young people, pay the heaviest price for our failure to maintain our strength." - Governor Ronald Reagan, Speech, Sept. 15, 1972.
* Michelle Malkin
* Mike's America
* The Political Teen
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:20 PM | Comments (6)
January 19, 2006
Top Ten Things The Dems Don't Want You To Know About Their Ties To Jack Abramoff

HYPOCRISY n.: An Act Or Instance Of Such Falseness
10. Larry Noble, Executive Director Of The Center For Responsive Politics, A Non-Partisan Government Watchdog Group, Says Democrats Are Just As Caught Up In The Abramoff Scandal. Noble: "I Would Say, Broadly Defined As A Question Of The Tribes' Buying Influence In Washington, It Includes Democrats." (Donald Lambro, "Dean Denies Party Ties To Abramoff," The Washington Times, 1/11/06)
9. 39 Of 44 Senate Democrats, And 1 Of 1 Senate Independents, Have Accepted Contributions From Abramoff Affiliated Lobbying Firms And Indian Tribes. (Charles Hurt, "Dorgan Returns Abramoff Money," The Washington Times, 12/14/05)
8. Abramoff Affiliated Lobbying Firms And Indian Tribes Have Contributed Over $3.1 Million To Democrat Party Interests Between 1997 And 2004. (Political Money Line Website, www.tray.com, Accessed 1/17/06)
"Of The 18 Largest Recipients Of Tribe Contributions Directed By Abramoff's Group, Six, Or One-Third, Were Democrats." (Jeffrey H. Birnbaum and Derek Willis, "Democrats Also Got Tribal Donations," The Washington Post, 6/3/05)
7. Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) Used Abramoff's MCI Center Skybox For Fundraisers In 2002 And 2003, Without Proper Reimbursement. (Sharon Theimer, "Lobbyist Helped Draft Harkin Letters To Interior," The Associated Press, 12/3/05)
6. Sen. Harry Reid's (D-NV) Former Legislative Counsel, Edward Ayoob, Was "Team Abramoff's" Top Democrat. While Working With Abramoff, Ayoob Held Fundraisers For Reid And Contributed Nearly $40,000 To Democrats. (Jeffrey H. Birnbaum and Derek Willis, "Democrats Also Got Tribal Donations," The Washington Post, 6/3/05; The Center For Responsive Politics Website, www.opensecrets.org, Accessed 1/17/06)
5. Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) Has Received $14,891 From Abramoff Affiliated Lobbying Firms And Indian Tribes. (Political Money Line Website, www.tray.com, Accessed 1/4/06)
4. Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), A Member Of The Democrats "Clean House Team" To Propose Lobbying Reform, Took A Trip To Northern Mariana Islands Improperly Paid For By Jack Abramoff. (Larry Margasak, "Records Say Travel By Two Democratic Lawmakers And Two Delay Aides Paid By Lobbyist And Firm," The Associated Press, 5/3/05)
3. Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) Used Abramoff's MCI Center Skybox For A Fundraiser In 2001, Without Proper Reimbursement, And Accepted More Than $10,000 In Contributions From "Team Abramoff" Lobbyists After Reviving One Of Their Issues. (John Solomon and Sharon Theimer, "Abramoff Investigator Used Lobbyist's Skybox, Helped Client," The Associated Press, 12/1/05)
2. Abramoff Affiliated Lobbying Firms And Indian Tribes Contributed More Than $1.2 Million To The DNC, DCCC, And DSCC. (Political Money Line Website, www.tray.com, Accessed 1/4/06)
1. Democratic Sens. Harry Reid (D-NV) And Byron Dorgan (D-ND) Are Reportedly Part Of "First Tier" Of Lawmakers Being Scrutinized By Justice Department In Influence Peddling Investigation. (Donald Lambro, "Dean Denies Party Ties To Abramoff," The Washington Times, 1/11/06)
Yesterday, ( January 18,2006) the Democrats signed a declaration to rid the Congress of corruption and save the day. This sounds like one of those ‘promise rings’ type of measures that gives Democrats a good photo-op and makes it look like they are accomplishing something. Photo above is from C-Span
Wild Thing's comment.............
Reid and Polosi took out a pen and piece of paper and say they now have struck a''pledge'' with America that they (the RATS) will now take the government back from the evil corrupt Republicans by ''pledging'' to the people that they are for ''honest leadership and open government''. All we have to do is put them back in the Whitehouse and give them the Congress and Senate back and everything we'll be fine again!! Then they took out this giant pen and piece of paper and all the reporters took pictures of them signing their'' pledge to America''!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (6)
With The Democrats Hypocrisy Has No Limit
The Democrats marched over to the Library of Congress for a staged signing ceremony. Ironically, the LoC website says the venue may not be used for political events. But nonetheless, the Dems staged an event at the Library of Congress where they signed a pledge "committing them to honest leadership and open government."
Now did they not know that the Library of Congress is not allowed to be used for political purposes! ?!
The Library of Congress Guildlines
And this.......
Nancy Pelosi, has been claiming in recent weeks they want to ban lobbyist gifts to lawmakers. Well, isn't it interesting that Nancy Pelosi voted AGAINST a provision in 1995 which would have banned lobbyist gifts to members of Congress!
Washington Post.........
Congressional Democrats today( January 18, 2006) laid out a plan to change what they called a Republican "culture of corruption" in Washington, trying to secure a political advantage even as they wrestle with ethics charges against their own lawmakers.
Wild Thing comment...............
It is EXACTLY the same thing the GOP Leadership outlined at their presser yesterday. Exactly. As usual our Junk Journalists did NOT even cover what the Republican plan was before hyperventilating about the Dems.

And then on "Fox News Sunday" with Chris Wallace last weekend,
Harry Reid refuses to hold himself to the same standards he holds for Republicans, or even the standards of his fellow Democrats, who have returned donations they received connected to embattled lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Reid was unable to admit his hypocrisy for being connected to Abramoff, and once again refused to return the donations he's received:WALLACE: ... One of the biggest scandals in Washington right now involves Jack Abramoff, a lobbyist who's under investigation, and his clients.
It turns out that you received $66,000 in campaign contributions from Abramoff and his clients. Some of your colleagues...
REID: Chris, Chris...
WALLACE: May I ask the question?
REID: Don't try to say I received money from Abramoff.
REID: I've never met the man, don't know anything...
WALLACE: But you've received money from...
REID: Make sure that all your viewers understand — not a penny from Abramoff. I've been on the Indian Affairs Committee my whole time in the Senate.
WALLACE: But you've received money from his firm. You've received money from some of his clients. The question I'm asking if I may get the question out, Senator. Some of your colleagues, both Republican and Democrats, have given back campaign contributions that had any taint of Abramoff to it. Are you going to do so?
REID: Well, first of all, Chris, make sure that — again, I'll repeat, Abramoff gave me no money. His firm gave me no money. He may have worked a firm where people have given me money. But I have — I feel totally at ease that I haven't done anything that is even close to being wrong.
And I'm going to continue doing what I've done for my entire tenure in Congress. My record — any money that I've received — it's a federal law. You can look who gave it to me, how much, when they gave it to me, and what their occupations are.
So don't lump me in with Jack Abramoff. This is a Republican scandal. Don't try to give any of it to me.
Harry Reid Says GOP Makes Mafia Blush
Human Events Online
In a mass e-mail today publicizing his "Jack Abramoff Rule" to bar lawmakers and staffers from receiving gifts, meals and travel from lobbyists, Senate Democrat Leader Harry Reid discusses past threats on his life and tells supporters that the GOP's "'K Street Project' is a shakedown machine that would make the mafia blush."He explains, "Republicans will be introducing their own ethics legislation. Quite frankly, having Republicans trying to clean up the mess in Washington would be like asking Jonh Gotti to clean up organized crime."Before drawing comparisons between Republicans and mobsters, Reid tells his supporters of his troubles as chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission, which was "being overrun by organized crime."
In those years, Reid said, "there would be threats on my life, FBI stings and even a car bomb placed in my family's station wagon."
But, those experiences are incomparable to what he alleges is happening today. "I have been in public service for over 40 years and never been as disillusioned as I am today. ... What is happening in Washington is every bit as corrupt as when Las Vegas was run by the mob, but the consquences for our country are worse."
Below is the full text of the e-mail sent by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee on behalf of Reid
Wild Thing's comment..........
Poor old Harry seems to have forgotten the corrupt Clintons, Al Gore and the Chinese, the Daleys of Chicago, the Kennedy Machine, and Lord knows how many other examples of Dems distorting the democratic process!
This is ONLY a Republican scandal you say Harry???? huh? Patrick Kennedy was the second highest recipient of the Abramoff money, and he sure is no Republican. Abramoff was an equal opportunity kind of guy.
Dems are the "do as I say, not as I do", or the "It applies to you, but not to me" party.
I have been in public service for over 40 years and never been as disillusioned as I am today. In 1977, I was appointed chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission. It was a difficult time for the gaming industry and Las Vegas, which were being overrun by organized crime
During the next few years, there would be threats on my life, FBI stings and even a car bomb placed in my family's station wagon. What is happening today in Washington is every bit as corrupt as when Las Vegas was run by the mob, but the consequences for our country are worse. These Republicans have created the most corrupt government in our history. Their "K Street Project" is a shakedown machine that would make the mafia blush. We cleaned up Las Vegas, and we will clean up Washington DC.
Today, Democrats from Howard Dean in Ohio to Nancy Pelosi and me in Washington are declaring our commitment to a government as good and honest as the people it serves. To achieve that vision, this morning we introduced the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act. Our tough, real reforms go beyond the public relations fixes Republicans suggest.
For example, a key proposal in the Act, known as "The Jack Abramoff Rule," will ban staff and members from receiving gifts, meals and travel from lobbyists. This is not just about talking the talk; we are going to walk the walk, right now. Last night I told my staff that even though this bill is not yet law, our office will follow its provisions starting today. I am going to lead by example, and I challenge George Bush to do the same.
Join me, Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, and hundreds of Democratic elected officials from around the country by signing the Honest Leadership Pledge. Our goal is to have one million Americans join us in this commitment to honest government:
Republicans will be introducing their own ethics legislation. Quite frankly, having Republicans trying to clean up the mess in Washington would be like asking John Gotti to clean up organized crime.
There is a price to pay for the culture of corruption, and we can see it in almost every major issue facing our country. Big Oil, protected by Republicans, reaped $100 billion in profits in 2005 while middle class families are paying more for gas, heat and other needs. Take the state of health care. There are the HMOs that benefited from the $10 billion slush fund in the Medicare bill. On the other side are seniors who face gaps in their coverage and skyrocketing prescription drug costs.
And then there is our national debt. On one side are the special interests and the multimillionaires who have received tremendous tax breaks over the last five years. On the other side are our children and grandchildren who will pay for these tax cuts when they inherit billions in debt.
We are seeing what happens when lawmakers and lobbyists conspire to put the needs of special interests before the needs of the American people. Democrats will put a stop to the culture of corruption -- period.
Join us and sign the Honest Leadership Pledge today by visiting:
Thank you,
Harry Reid
P.S. I know similar emails are being sent today by a variety of Democratic organizations. If you are receiving multiple emails on the same topic, it is only because this issue is so important, we are banding together, as a party, to address this issue in one voice.
Miss Carpenter is Assistant Editor for HUMAN EVENTS.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:24 AM | Comments (4)
January 17, 2006
Dems Wear Cloak Of Spite

CNSNews.com) -
As announced last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee was scheduled to meet today -- Tuesday -- to vote on the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court. But it's not going to happen as planned.Despite protests from Republicans, Democrats on the committee have pushed back the Judiciary Committee vote by one week, to Tuesday, Jan. 24, invoking their right to do so under Senate rules.
And this from National Review Online:
Democrats, anticipating that Alito ultimately will be confirmed, are trying to deny the White House that victory as long as possible, particularly in the days before the State of the Union address President Bush is to deliver Jan. 31. Although Senate rules do not enable them to defer the confirmation vote until after the speech, Democratic senators would like to reduce the victory period immediately before the speech, one of the broadest public stages the president commands each year.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:04 PM | Comments (7)
January 16, 2006
Harry Reid Spouting Off - Aren't His 15 Minutes UP Yet?

The Salt Lake Tribune
Americans are asking serious questions about what is happening in government, and they are right to be disappointed by what they see. Never before in our history have we seen such corruption. It's not only the scandals at the House, Senate and White House that are contributing to the corruption, but the corrupt priorities of lawmakers, too.Hey Harry!Washington has become a place where special interests rule. It's now a city where the powerful and the well-connected get taken care of and everyone else gets left behind.
The problem is Washington is run by leaders who put their own political interests ahead of America's interests. Wined and dined by their well-connected friends, these individuals have forgotten who they really work for. There's a price to pay for this corruption, and it's the American people who are forced to pay it. Year after year, they see special interests get the perks, while their priorities go unaddressed.
Consider 2005. Last year, the United States Congress did not pass a single item of legislation to make health care more affordable, to create high-paying, quality jobs, to help seniors live more secure retirements or to help middle-class families make ends meet.
Now, look what the Republican Congress did manage to do. It supported billions of dollars in tax breaks for special interests and multimillionaires and paid for them by cutting student loans and health care for seniors.
Is it any wonder Americans are fed up with how Washington works?
This New Year, Democrats resolve to clean up Washington, so America's government can once again focus on priorities of America's people.

(Rest of article is below)
Wild Thing's comment.......
Harry what are we going to do with you and all your BS
Harry you are part of the problem!
We have a plan to put an end to business as usual in the nation's capitol. Democrats want to shine a bright light on the relationship between lobbyists and lawmakers, and clean up the system of quid pro quo and pay-to-play politics that gave rise to Jack Abramoff and Tom DeLay.
Honest leadership isn't a partisan goal. It is the key to a stronger union. When leaders work together in a bipartisan manner and put progress ahead of politics, there is no limit to how far America can go.
We can have an economy that creates jobs with good pay and pays down the debt. We can kick our dependence on foreign oil. We can help middle-class families make ends meet, and we can protect Americans, whether the threat is terrorism, avian flu or a disaster like Katrina.
In a few weeks, President Bush will deliver his State of the Union address. When he does, I want you to ask yourself, is this the best America can do - a government where the special interests come before the people? Or can we do better for your family and friends?
U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nevada, is the Senate Democratic Leader.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:05 AM | Comments (11)
January 12, 2006
DemoRATS Bring NEW Meaning To The Word Lowlife Scum

GRAHAM: ...Are you really a closet bigot?
ALITO: I'm not any kind of a bigot, I'm not.GRAHAM: No, sir, you're not. And you know why I believe that? Not because you just said it -- but that's a good enough reason, because you seem to be a decent, honorable man. I have got reams of quotes from people who have worked with you, African American judges -- I've lost my quotes.
Judge Higginbotham -- I don't know where they're at. But glowing quotes about who you are, the way you've lived your life; law clerks, men and women, black and white, your colleagues who say that Sam Alito, whether I agree with him or not, is a really good man.
You know why I believe you when you say that you disavow those quotes? Because the way you have lived your life and the way you and your wife are raising your children.
Let me tell you this: Guilt by association is going to drive good men and women away from wanting to sit where you're sitting. And we're going to go through a bit of this ourselves as congressmen and senators.
People are going to take a fact that we got a campaign donation from somebody who's found out to be a little different than we thought they were -- and our political opponent's going to say, "Aha, I got you!"
And we're going to say, "Wait a minute. I didn't know that. I didn't take the money for that reason."
And you know what? I'm going to believe these senators and congressmen for the most part, because that's the way we do our business. We meet people here every day. We have photos taken with people -- and sometimes you wish you didn't have your photo taken.
But that doesn't mean that you're a bad person because of that association.
Judge Alito, I am sorry that you've had to go through this. I am sorry that your family has had to sit here and listen to this.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Sen Graham's voice cracked when he offered the apology to Mrs. Mrs. Alito, the man known as Kennedy that is grilling your husband is just a drunken pig with delusion of grandeur who murdered a young woman over 35 years ago. He is not fit to shine your husband's shoes.
How Kennedy of all people can dare to be critical of anyone is beyond my comprehension. He should have been in jail many years ago.
I am SOOOOOoooooooooo done, so totally done with the left and their behavior, beliefs and treatment of others. Then add into that factor that I truly believe they need to be punished for their treason to America and to our Military.

Posted by Wild Thing at 12:42 PM | Comments (8)
January 11, 2006
UPDATES ON: Insane Howard Dean Sunday Morning on CNN’s Late Edition With Wolf Blitzer

"There are no Democrats who took money from Jack Abramoff, not one, not one single Democrat. Every person named in this scandal is a Republican. Every person under investigation is a Republican. Every person indicted is a Republican. This is a Republican finance scandal. There is no evidence that Jack Abramoff ever gave any Democrat any money and we’ve looked through all of the F.E.C. reports to make sure that’s true…I know the Republican National Committee would like to get the Democrats involved in this. They're scared. They should be scared. They haven't told the truth. They have misled the American people, and now it appears they're stealing from Indian tribes. The Democrats are not involved in this.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Hey Howard, your brain lives in a liberal fairy tale:

Read it and weep Howie!
40 Of The 45 Members Of The Senate Democrat Caucus:
Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) Received At Least – $22,500
Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN) Received At Least – $6,500
Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE) Received At Least – $1,250
Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) Received At Least – $2,000
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) Received At Least – $20,250
Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) Received At Least – $21,765
Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) Received At Least – $7,500
Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) Received At Least – $12,950
Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) Received At Least – $8,000
Senator Jon Corzine (D-NJ) Received At Least – $7,500
Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) Received At Least – $14,792
Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) Received At Least – $79,300
Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) Received At Least – $14,000
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Received At Least – $2,000
Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) Received At Least – $1,250
Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) Received At Least – $45,750
Senator Daniel Inouye (D-HI) Received At Least – $9,000
Senator Jim Jeffords (I-VT) Received At Least – $2,000
Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) Received At Least – $14,250
Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) Received At Least – $3,300
Senator John Kerry (D-MA) Received At Least – $98,550
Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) Received At Least – $28,000
Senator Pat Leahy (D-VT) Received At Least – $4,000
Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) Received At Least – $6,000
Senator Joe Lieberman (D-CT) Received At Least – $29,830
Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) Received At Least – $14,891
Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) Received At Least – $10,550
Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) Received At Least – $78,991
Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) Received At Least – $20,168
Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) Received At Least – $5,200
Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) Received At Least – $7,500
Senator Mark Pryor (D-AR) Received At Least – $2,300
Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) Received At Least – $3,500
Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) Received At Least – $68,941
Senator John Rockefeller (D-WV) Received At Least – $4,000
Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO) Received At Least – $4,500
Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) Received At Least – $4,300
Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Received At Least – $29,550
Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) Received At Least – $6,250
Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) Received At Least – $6,250
UPDATE.........January 11,2006
The Washington Times
Dean denies party ties to Abramoff
By Donald Lambro
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean says that Democrats took no money from Jack Abramoff in the lobbying scandal, but a public-interest group official said yesterday that they did accept contributions from the lobbyist's clients, who were trying to buy influence. Mr. Dean has stepped up attacks on Republicans, charging, "Every person named in this scandal is a Republican." "Every person under investigation is a Republican. Every person indicted is a Republican. This is a Republican finance scandal," Mr. Dean said Sunday on CNN's "Late Edition." But Republican officials and a major public-integrity group counter his assertion with a growing list of Democrats who have received contributions from American Indian tribes represented by Abramoff, who has pleaded guilty to tax evasion and fraud in connection with his lobbying activities. "What our list shows is that both Republicans and Democrats received contributions from Indian tribes that were represented at one time by Jack Abramoff," said Lawrence Noble, executive director and general counsel for the Center for Responsive Politics. "So the answer to Dean depends on how you define scandal," Mr. Noble said. "I would say, broadly defined as a question of the tribes' buying influence in Washington, it includes Democrats." The political news wire the Hotline has compiled a list of nearly three dozen Democrats who have received campaign contributions from Abramoff-related tribes. More than a dozen of them to date have refused to give back the money, saying that the contributions were legal. Leading the list of Democrats is Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, who has received $61,000 in campaign contributions from various donors with links to Abramoff. His office has said he will not return any of the funds because they "were part of lawful fundraising." Other Democrats listed who have refused to return Abramoff-linked money include Sens. Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, Patty Murray of Washington and Ron Wyden of Oregon. Some of the Democratic senators who have returned a portion of the money from Abramoff clients or donated it to charity include Max Baucus of Montana, Maria Cantwell of Washington, and Kent Conrad and Byron L. Dorgan of North Dakota. A top aide to Mr. Dean defended the assertion that "as far as we know," no Democrats were directly or indirectly part of the influence-buying scandal that is under a Justice Department investigation. "Indian tribes are not criminals. Jack Abramoff is a criminal who did not give any money to Democrats," said Karen Finney, the DNC's spokeswoman. But Mr. Noble said Abramoff may have had a hand in who received money from the tribes he represented. "We assume that Abramoff gave the tribes a list of names of members [of Congress] who should receive contributions," Mr. Noble said.
And take a gander at these :
An NRSC Report Shows That Nearly 90 Percent Of Senate “Democrats Have Taken Abramoff-Related Money.” “The NRSC has begun circulating among fellow Republicans new reports showing that all but five of the chamber’s 44 Democrats have taken Abramoff-related money. In addition, the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee have taken more than $1.2 million, according to records provided to The Washington Times.” (Charles Hurt, “Dorgan Returns Abramoff Money,” The Washington Times, December 14, 2005)
“If The Democrats Are Alleging That Republicans Are Guilty Of Any Wrongdoing, They’re Sitting In The Same Boat.” “Democrats have run two television advertisements in Montana, castigating Burns for his activities on behalf of Abramoff, but as the lobbyist’s taint spreads, its political impact may dissipate, said Brian Nick, spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee. ‘If the Democrats are alleging that Republicans are guilty of any wrongdoing, they’re sitting in the same boat,’ he said. ‘It just becomes a nonstarter.’” (Jonathan Weisman and Derek Willis “Democrat On Panel Probing Abramoff To Return Tribal Donations,” The Washington Post, December 14, 2005)
Tribal Clients And Associates Of Jack Abramoff Have Contributed Over $3.1 Million To Democrat Party Interests Between 1997 And 2004. (Campaign Finance Analysis Project Website, www.campaignfinanceanalysisproject.com, Accessed December 2005; Political Money Line Website, www.tray.com, Accessed December 2005)
National Democrat Party Affiliated Committees Received Over $1.2 Million From Indian Tribe Clients And Lobbying Associates Of Jack Abramoff. (Campaign Finance Analysis Project Website, www.campaignfinanceanalysisproject.com, Accessed December 7, 2005; Political Money Line Website, www.tray.com, Accessed December 7, 2005; Internal Revenue Service Website, www.irs.gov, Accessed April 21, 2005)
The Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) Received Over – $430,000
The Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Received Over – $629,000
The Democrat National Committee (DNC) Received Over – $177,000
Incumbent Senate Democrat-Affiliated Campaign And Leadership Committees Received Over $729,000 From Indian Tribe Clients And Lobbying Associates Of Jack Abramoff*. (Campaign Finance Analysis Project Website, www.campaignfinanceanalysisproject.com, Accessed December 7, 2005; Political Money Line Website, www.tray.com, Accessed December 7, 2005; Internal Revenue Service Website, www.irs.gov, Accessed April 21, 2005)
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:08 AM | Comments (12)
January 10, 2006
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R.-Ala.) Took Kennedy To Task

Kennedy Asserts Alito Is Racist....from Human Events Online
Among Sen. Teddy Kennedy's many complaints about Samuel Alito, the one that caught the attention of Republicans today was his assertion that Alito is a racist."In Alito's 15-years on the bench, Judge Alito has not written one single opinion on the merits in favor of a person of color who alleged race discrimination in the workplace."
Moments later, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R.-Ala.) took Kennedy to task, leaving the liberal Massachusetts senator shaking his head.
Sessions cited three cases in which Alito demonstrated that "all Americans receive equal protection of the laws, regardless of race."
Among them:
U.S. v. Kithcart: In this case, Alito said the Constitution doesn't allow police officers to racially profile black drivers. His opinion, citing a violation of the 4th Amendment, stated: "The mere fact that Kithcart is black and the perpetrators had been described as two black males is plainly insufficient. ... Officer Nelson could not justifiably arrest any African-American man who happened to drive by in any type of black sports car."
Brinson v. Vaughn: Alito ruled that the Constitution don't allow prosecutors to exclude black jurors. In his ruling, Alito granted the prisoner's habeas petition. He said the Constitution guarantees "that a state does not use peremptory challenges to remove any black juror because of his race. Thus, a prosecutor's decision to refrain from discrimination against some African-American jurors does not cure discrimination against others."
Zubi v. AT&T: Alito authored the lone dissent in which he called for an expansive view of civil rights laws. In this case, the plaintiff sued his employer for firing him on the basis of race. While the majority ruled against the plaintiff's claim based on the time it had taken him to bring his case, Alito rejected that argument. The Supreme Court later vindicated Alito's view in a unanimous decision.
Mr. Bluey is editor of Human Events Online.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Acutally Kennedy asserted that a Mr. Alioto was a racist. The numbnut can't even get his name right. Not only is Alito not a racist, but he wouldn't leave a woman to drown so he could salvage a political career. love it when Sessions hands Kennedy his a$$ like this. Tah dah!
Mary Jo Kopechne was unavailable for comment.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:34 AM | Comments (4)
January 09, 2006
Vice President Cheney Handling The Press

Vice President Dick Cheney uses a cane during a tour of the Harley Davidson plant in Kansas City, Mo., Friday, Jan. 6, 2006. Jim Ziemer, right, CEO of Harley Davidson and Karl Eberle, middle, vice president and general manager host the tour.

Vice President Dick Cheney gets a round of applause after addressing troops at a rally at Fort Leavenworth Friday, Jan. 6, 2006, in Leavenworth, Kan.
"I'm using a cane today, and it's driving the press nuts. (Laughter.) They keep asking my staff what happened to the Vice President, is it serious? And so I said, no, Secretary Rumsfeld bit me in the ankle. (Laughter.) Not to worry. (Laughter.) But don't tell him I said that. (Laughter.) "
Wild Thing's comment........
I love Cheney's sense of humor. And also President Bush's sense of humor. With all the stress aimed at them and then to hear them joke like this makes my day. In a way it is like a little slap to the Dems. hahahaha
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:14 AM
January 03, 2006
Sen. "Swimmer" Opens His Trap

More than a week after the story was exposed as a hoax, Sen. Ted Kennedy has yet to apologize for touting false claims from a University of Massachusetts student who said officials from the Department of Homeland Security visited his home and repeatedly interrogated him after he tried to obtain a copy of Mao Tse-Tung's "Little Red Book."
In mid-December, the unidentified student instigated the hoax by describing the phony grilling to reporters for the New Bedford Standard-Times. The story appeared on Dec. 17, the day after the New York Times reported that the Bush administration was monitoring the phone calls of U.S. residents suspected of communicating with terrorists abroad.
In a Dec. 22 op-ed piece for the Boston Globe, however, Kennedy conflated the Times report along with the U. Mass student's bogus allegation to blast the Bush administration for what he insisted was an illegal invasion of privacy.
"Just this past week," Kennedy wrote, "there were public reports that a college student in Massachusetts had two government agents show up at his house because he had gone to the library and asked for the official Chinese version of Mao Tse-tung's Communist Manifesto. Following his professor's instructions to use original source material, this young man discovered that he, too, was on the government's watch list."
"Incredibly," the top Democrat fumed, "we are now in an era where reading a controversial book may be evidence of a link to terrorists." He demanded "a thorough and independent investigation of these activities."
However, on Dec. 24 the Times-Standard reported:
"The UMass Dartmouth student who claimed to have been visited by Homeland Security agents over his request for 'The Little Red Book' by Mao Zedong has admitted to making up the entire story."
The revelation left Sen. Kennedy uncharacteristically silent.
Asked if he shouldn't have verified the incendiary account before citing it in print, Kennedy spokeswoman Laura Capps insisted to the Boston Globe: "Even if the assertion was a hoax, it did not detract from Kennedy's broader point that the Bush administration has gone too far in engaging in surveillance."

Wild Thing's comment........
Mary Jo Kopechne, was unvailable for comment. This whole thing about the hoax has me laughing! OH it is a hoax but that is OK because it is Kennedy. Good grief!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:11 AM | Comments (6)
December 17, 2005
What Is On President Bush's IPod

Ever wondered what the most powerful man in the world listens to in his spare time? In a rare departure from formal media interviews, George Bush has revealed what is on his personal IPod.
Click Here to find out.................It is Brit Hume’s Interview Video via SkyNews.
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:25 PM
November 04, 2005
To All The Dems I Loved Before....NOT!

Excuse me Democrats but I do believe WE are in the Majority so stop acting like you own the joint and sit down and shut up! That goes for you Harry Reid and all the rest of ya'.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:52 AM
October 31, 2005
Bush Hits a Grand Slam

Our President has chosen Federal Judge Samuel Alito as his next Supreme Court nominee. Alito is often called "Scalito" because of his judicial similarity to Justice Scalia. I am proud of President Bush, he has indeed gotten the message and will no longer alow the minority Democrats to dictate who his nominees will be.
Now let the fight begin and I am ready for it. I am sick up to ^ with the Dems behaving like they are the Majority and treating us like we are renting the country from them. I am thrilled with this choice!
Harry Reid is crying this Halloween night he won't get any candy either! Here is what he had to say......
"I am disappointed in this choice for several reasons. First, unlike previous nominations, this one was not the product of consultation with Senate Democrats. Last Friday, Senator Leahy and I wrote to President Bush urging him to work with us to find a consensus nominee. The President has rejected that approach."
Kennedy has not chimmed in yet but he may have to eat his words ......heh heh..........
SEN. TED KENNEDY (D-MA): “You Have Obviously Had A Very Distinguished Record, And I Certainly Commend You For Long Service In The Public Interest. I Think It Is A Very Commendable Career And I Am Sure You Will Have A Successful One As A Judge.” (Sen. Ted Kennedy, Committee On The Judiciary, U.S. Senate, Hearing, 4/5/90)
Howard Dean is well, I have not seen what he said yet. I will post it later when I see it.
Let's look back in time to what some of the DemoRats have said about Alito:
SEN. FRANK LAUTENBERG (D-NJ): “I Believe Mr. Alito Has The Experience And The Skills To Be The Kind Of Judge The Public Deserves – One Who Is Impartial, Thoughtful, And Fair. I Urge The Senate To Confirm His Nomination.” (Sen. Frank Lautenberg, Congressional Record, 4/27/90, p. S5281)
FORMER SEN. BILL BRADLEY (D-NJ): “[T]he Confirmation Of Sam Alito As U.S. Attorney For New Jersey Is Testimony To The Commitment He Has Shown And The Success Of His Efforts As A Law Enforcement Official. I Am Confident That He Will Continue To Do All He Can To Uphold The Laws Of This Nation With The Kind Of Determination And Vigor That Has Been His Trademark In The Past.” (Sen. Bill Bradley, Congressional Record, 12/8/87, p. S17427)
Judge Alito’s first confirmation - in April of 1990. He was confirmed by unanimous consent - reported favorably from the Democrat-controlled Judiciary Committee by none other than Joe Biden.
Nineteen currently serving Senate Democrats were part of that unanimous consent.
Christopher Dodd
Joseph Lieberman
Joseph Biden
Daniel Inouye
Tom Harkin
Paul Sarbanes
Barbara Mikulski
Edward Kennedy
John Kerry
Carl Levin
Max Baucus
Harry Reid
Frank Lautenberg
Jeff Bingaman
Kent Conrad
Patrick Leahy
Robert Byrd
Jay Rockefeller
Herbert Kohl
Check out other webblogs that are posting about this too. Beth at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy even has fireworks. Tah dah!
STOP The ACLU, and Don Surber, a very nice photo of Samuel Alito's family over at Wizbang's
Banner from Blogs for Bush

Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 PM | Comments (2)
October 07, 2005
Pelosi Statement on Ramadan- GRRRrrrrr
Washington, D.C. – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement in recognition of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which begins today:
“As Muslims around the world recognize the holy month of Ramadan, we take this opportunity to celebrate the contributions of millions of Muslim Americans. They enrich our country while deepening America's respect for Muslims here at home and around the world. As they observe this sacred month, they honor Islam's teachings of self-discipline, compassion and commitment to family.“As we celebrate Ramadan, we are reminded that we are a country of many faiths, and as such, we must continue to work to promote religious tolerance; our diversity as a nation is one of our greatest strengths.”

Posted by Wild Thing at 10:04 AM | Comments (5)
October 05, 2005
Supreme Court Judges

There is a contract between our government and the governed, the contract that is the US Constitution – the supreme law of the land. It is “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and it is a heck of a lot more then a quote or a jingle for a politician to use. The Constitution is the principle, direction of moral conduct, order, a directive, it is the precept that is included in the Declaration of Independence that helped to inspire our Constitution. It is a phrase that epitomizes the principles employed in the construction of this contract between our government and the governed.
The Supreme Court IMO is made up of a selection of individuals that are to be protectors of our Constitution, the keepers of the flame so to speak. I want these people on the Supreme Court to hold the Constitution higher than politics. Our Founders created it for all the people of the United States not just for those that have the clout, the power, or the lobbyist to get their agenda heard. Politics should never enter in to the arena of our Constitution.
“We the People” should demand a level of excellence for our Constitution’s guards, keepers of the flame……the Constitutional sentinels. They should be individuals that will honor our Founding Fathers and their creation. I want them to be men and women who will weigh, with deep contemplation, all the far-reaching implications of their decisions without deference to pressure from special interests, no matter how noble the cause.
As to the recent pick that our President has chosen. I could care less how long he has known Harriet Miers....I have known some people for a long time (some even family members) that I would not allow them to feed my animals if I were out of town.
I could care less that she gave money to the piece of crap Al Gore. I adored Reagan and he used to be a freaking democrat and for me....President Reagan was the best President in my life time. I believe people can see the light, get a brain and change from being a Democrat to a Republican.
The fact the fact that Harry Reid thinks she is great IS a concern to me.....Hell it scare the s$%^ out of me. Reid is a waste of good air, I have no respect for him at all. (I cleaned that one up as to the words I chose to use because I can’t stand him)
Our nation’s future may very well depend on decisions made today by those we entrust with this duty. It cannot be taken lightly. It cannot be a decision made to avoid the stress of combat from the left, to avoid more controversy, to appease the other side (the Democrats).
I agree with this statement....
"This is a pick that was made from weakness. There was an opportunity here to show strength and confidence, and I don't think this is it. There are plenty of known quantities out there who would be superb for the court." - Rush Limbaugh
One of the things I will never understand is this….. we are in power and Bush has won twice and we are in the majority. We do not have to cow tow to the left, kiss up to them and yet time and time again I see this happening. It angers me beyond words. I watch the political talking heads on Sunday mornings and it is ONLY the Republicans that come on and say things like “My friend” so and so (a Republican saying to a Democrat) My Friend? You will NOT hear a Democrat say that…..I never have never heard it !!!!! That is major kissing up and it is NOT necessary.
I don’t like our country to show weakness, our Republican leadership to show weakness, it goes against everything I believe in about America. I want our military to be feared by our enemy and respected by those they fight for. That is why I despise the anti war commies that live in the freedom our military fight for them, but they do not respect our military. I want our country to be feared and respected for our strength as well as our fighting for freedom for others to have freedom in their countries like we enjoy.
If you show you are weak to others, in sports, in chess, in war, as a parent, as a boss, in decision making, if you show weakness to your opponents you give them the upper hand, you encourage them to continue to bully you, to attack you, to take you apart.
But if you stand by your convictions and stay strong, not giving in to be well liked, to avoid confrontation in matters of character, honor and choices you make in life…..many times the bullies soon disappear and give up, the enemy will know how strong you are and know they don’t have a chance. Oh the enemy will still hate you but so what. I would rather be hated by the enemy then be mediocre and wishie washie on things I believe in to try and appease anyone.
So as I said earlier, I want these choices for the Supreme Court to be held higher than politics. Most definitely not choices made to avoid confrontation between parties, or to appease those that show so little regard to our Constitution as the Democrats have done over the years. The Constitution is NOT about politics it is our very bone marrow of what we are about.
I want my President to stand tall in his beliefs, those beliefs that were the ones that caused me to vote for him in the first place. And NOT to cave in to the crowd of agitators and attackers from the left that are trying to wear him down little by little with their constant barrage of lies, innuendo’s and slander over the years. If Bush had stayed strong from day one and not given in to them over these two terms as he has periodically he would not feel the pressure he does now if this is a decision of appeasement.
If you talk the talk then by golly you damn well better walk it.If you get my vote on the premise you will be strong and not weak against those wanting to destroy our Constitution and our freedoms in this country….then you damn well better keep your word, stay strong and not let the anti- American crowd get to you no matter what. Bush was so strong about going after the terrorists, I felt so proud of him, I beamed with pride in our President and in our response to the attacks on us. I have always known President Bush is not, has not been and will never be a true Conservative. The borders etc. have shown me this, his kissing up to the left when I felt it was wrong and not necessary when we are in the majority on several issues.
Our nation’s future depends on decisions made today by those we entrust with this duty for the Supreme Court. This decision must be made from strength not weakness for someone that will put our Constitution first and foremost. If Meirs was so strong so right for this position, this country, those of us that are political junkies……well my bet is we would have heard of her before now and would already be impressed. As for me, I am NOT impressed and right now I am extremely disappointed and hell I am furious!
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:56 AM | Comments (2)