March 27, 2007
Thinking Blog Award
Yankeemom has informed me that I have won a Thinking Blogger Award. Thank you Yankeemom!
Yankeemom is a dear friend and also has a wonderful blog. Yankeemom is the mother of a soldier, it is also the journey of her fight against the left in her northern California town.
I feel so blessed, I also got tagged for Thinking Blog by another dear friend Beth at Blue Star Chronicles.
Beth is an awesome blogger like Yankeemom has a loved one serving now. Thank you for your friendship.
It all originated with ilker yoldas at The Thinking Blog, who picked 5 blogs that made him think rather than just answer a simple meme about what his favorite color is.
Since the idea is to list only 5 blogs that make you think, this is hard for me, as most of the blogs I read serve that purpose. I am listing people who I think will "play" and haven't already been tagged and also have made me think and I have learned a lot from.
Congratulations, you have won a Thinking Blogger!
Here are my five, gosh this is hard there are so many I truly love. Because it is hard to pick only 5 I have picked 5 that are my personal heroes for variouis reasons. I am not going to pick just a blog because I know they will respond to listing 5 blogs of theirs, I know that is how it is done. But sometimes a blog I truly admire is not the kind of blog that will be up for this. Too much pressure in a world we need less pressure in. I also picked blogs that are some of the ones like it states....that make me think.
My personal Heroes and blogs that make me think........
1. Something....and Half of Something, Linda is a wonderful friend, my Blog Mom and much more then that. Linda's blog is full of information about Israel, politics and supporting the troops with some wonderful humor as well along the way.
2. And Rightly So, Raven is also a friend and like I stated above a personal hero of mine. Her blog is informative about politics and supporting the troops. She adds in her marvelous sense of humor.
3. Knowledge is Power , SondraK is also an awesome person and a friend. Her blog is unique like non others. Knowledge truly IS power and her blog is full of information and fun at the same time. She discussus politics and is also a suppporter of our awesome troops.
4. Conservative Insurgent, Jack is a friend and I have learned a lot from him. His blog is very informative and his knowledge of the things he discusses shows as he gives not only information but a lot of personal experience along the way. He also discuses politics and is a supporter of our troops.
5. My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Beth is a friend and was one of the first blogs I ever read. I have learned a lot at her blog, even when she says she is not going to blog anymore she still comes back with powerful, informative posts loaded with information.
6. Daisy Cutter, DC is awesome and a friend. I love how he gives information along with a commentary that he writes. I always learn from him, and his comments cause me to think of all the things that I might miss when my passion on a topic takes over and my mind cannot put things into words.
7. The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, Emperor Misha is someone I have learned so much from. I love his passion and his fearless attacks as he comments on things happening. His blog is also about politics and he supports our troops as all of my choices do without fail. His posts are so complete as he gives tons of information which helps a lot in the thinking dept. of learning about something.
OK yes I went beyond the 5, but I just could not help it. heh heh Just be glad I stopped at 7 instead of 20 or 30 that I can think of that I go to every day. giggle
Should you choose to participate, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging. I thought it would be appropriate to include them with the meme.
The participation rules are simple:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
Well I hope you managed to get to the end of the post, be safe and have a great day.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 PM | Comments (10)
March 21, 2007
What Season Are You?
You Belong in Winter |
![]() Quiet, calm, and totally at peace... You're happy to be at home, wrapped in a blanket, completely snowed in Whether you're lighting a fire or having a snowball fight, you always feel best in the winter. |
LOL this is so true, I adore winter. My energy soars in the winter months. hahaha
I love all the seasons, but my number one favorite is winter, the smell of a fireplace and all cozy inside. I even turn up the air conditioning in the summer so the fireplace won't make the room too hot. heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (8)
February 23, 2006
Photos From Hubble Telescope
I got this link from Jack that has Conservative Insurgent Blog, and it is soooo cool to watch and the music they picked for it, well it is perfect!
Thank you Jack for sending this to me
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
January 22, 2006
Mensa Test ~ Try It You Might Like It

I took the MENSA Intelligence Test
According to MENSA, if you get 19 + of these, you are a "genius".
Only 2 MENSA members achieved full marks. See how well you do.
Scoring: 1 to 5 is Average, 6 - 11 Somewhat Intelligent, 12 to 18 Intelligent, 19 + Genius
My score : 27 of the 33
It was fun you might like to try it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:33 PM | Comments (12)
November 05, 2005
What type of soldier are you?
I love quizes, well not all of them but a lot of them.haha Here is one we can take to see what we are made of.
But first I want to thank all those that truly are serving now............OUR AWESOME MILITARY!

Combat Infantry | 81% | ||
Support Gunner | 75% | ||
Special Ops | 75% | ||
Officer | 69% | ||
Engineer | 63% | ||
Medic | 38% | ||
Artillery | 25% | ||
Civilian | 25% |
Which soldier type are you?
created with

Linked at:
Big Dog's Weblog
My Vast Right Wing Conspirscy
Soldier's Angels....Holly Aho
Something....and Half of Something
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:58 AM
October 22, 2005
Backstreet Time
I just saw this over at Blackfive. It is soooo funny! I just love it!
BSB-I Want It That Way(Google Video link)

Posted by Wild Thing at 08:58 AM
October 02, 2005
Puzzle Fun
I love tests and puzzles.I know (hahaha) I have too much time on my hands. But it is Sunday and my day off. LOL
I saw the link for the Puzzle over at Knowledge Is Power. You can use any graphic you like.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:42 PM