September 25, 2019
Clinton White House was den of coke, mistresses: ex-Secret Service officer
Clinton White House was den of coke, mistresses: ex-Secret Service officer
Gary J. Byrne has devoted his life to serving his country, and risked it to do the same — as a member of the US Air Force, a uniformed White House Secret Service officer, and a federal air marshal.
And he believes it is his patriotic duty to do anything he can to prevent Hillary Clinton from becoming president of the United States.
As someone who guarded the Oval Office during the Clinton presidency, Byrne, in an exclusive interview with The Post, tells how he witnessed “the Clinton machine leaving a wake of destruction in just about everything they do.”
He says he has also seen Hillary’s “dangerous,” abusive, paranoid behavior.
“It’s like hitting yourself with a hammer every day,” Byrne, pounding a fist into his open hand, says of the former first lady’s explosive anger.
In his new book, “Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate,” out Tuesday, Byrne makes no apologies for his anti-Clinton motivations.
“ ‘America first’ is in my blood,” he writes, sounding very similar to another presidential hopeful.
Byrne says he wants Americans to “vote [their] conscience,” but pledges to make sure “they have all the information that they need.”
For one, he thinks the Clintons’ own behavior bred an immoral White House culture.
Byrne revealed to The Post during the interview that Clinton staffers used cocaine on the job.
“There were some drug issues,” Byrne says. “Some people would come in to work in the morning, and they were barely walking, they would drop stuff off at the office, and go to the restroom where they would come out minutes later happy as a clown.”
He also exposes the “jogging list” for the first time.
“In the beginning of his first administration, when President Clinton was jogging outside, women who were dressed as if they were going clubbing or working out, started showing up at the southeast gate,” Byrne explains. “The agents . . . would get the women’s names, and run them to see who they were. If the women wouldn’t cooperate, they would be ushered out of the jogging group.
“Agents … insinuated that this list was used by President Clinton to try to meet these women,” Byrne says.
The book details how the president had as many as three mistresses during the same time period, including former Vice President Walter Mondale’s daughter, Eleanor, whom Byrne once discovered “making out on the Map Room table” with Bill Clinton.
What bothered Byrne more than the infidelity was the way Bill Clinton programmed the entire White House to accommodate his cheating ways.
Hillary, meanwhile, was a human minefield. The Secret Service was convinced Hillary posed a physical threat to her husband, and even gave him a black eye, Byrne writes.
She also cursed out her security detail, and she and Bill would often try to evade the Secret Service, making it difficult to protect them and putting agents at greater risk, Byrne says.
But what sticks most in Byrne’s mind is the personal destruction the Clintons wrought in his own life — the fear and turmoil he had to endure as authorities subpoenaed and harassed him as they investigated the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
It all could have been avoided, Byrne maintains, if Bill Clinton had simply told the truth.
Byrne’s revelations have come under fire recently, with some critics doubting he had the access to the Clintons he claims he had, and that his book details do not align exactly with his testimony to prosecutors nearly two decades ago.
Hillary Clinton’s spokesman has ripped the book, telling Page Six: “Gary Byrne joins the ranks of Ed Klein and other ‘authors’ in this latest in a long line of books attempting to cash in on the election cycle with their nonsense. It should be put in the fantasy section of the bookstore.”
“Anybody who asserts that what I’m saying is not true,” Byrne says, his voice cracking with emotion, “they don’t know any better or they’re flat-out lying.”
Yet, he confesses, “I’m not completely comfortable telling the story, but I am telling it.”
He says a number of people could vouch for his access, including George Stephanopoulos, the former Bill Clinton communications director; John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign chairman, who worked in the Clinton White House; and Jennifer Palmieri, Hillary Clinton’s current campaign communications director, who worked near Byrne in the White House.
As for his testimony during the Ken Starr investigation, Byrne — who never signed a non-disclosure agreement with the Secret Service — says at the time he gave narrow answers to specific questions, as instructed.
“[I]f my testimony wasn’t true, I would end up doing seven years,” he says.
To prove he’s being truthful, he says, he’s willing to undergo a polygraph test — if Hillary takes one too.
Byrne says he is not committed to Donald Trump, despite sharing his slogans.
“The only thing I’ve ever heard about Donald Trump,” says Byrne, “was that he built a lot of buildings and he gave a lot of money away to charity.”
But, he says, he will never vote for a Clinton.
“I know what the public image of the Clintons is and I know what the real image is,” he says. “And the real one’s dangerous.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:59 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 01, 2019
Lindsey Graham BLISTERING Statement On Mueller Report And Hillary Clinton
Lindsey Graham BLISTERING Statement On Mueller Report And Hillary Clinton
Hearings to examine the Department of Justice's investigation of Russian interference with the 2016 presidential electio
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:49 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 18, 2019
GOP senators demand info on Clinton email probe
GOP senators demand info on Clinton email probe
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:12 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 02, 2019
Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham on FISA abuse scandal and what went wrong in the Hillary Clinton probe
Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham on FISA abuse scandal and what went wrong in the Hillary Clinton probe.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:29 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 14, 2017
President Trump: Hillary Clinton 'Would Be Going To Trial' if Comey Wasn't 'Very, Very Good' to Her
Trump: Hillary Clinton 'Would Be Going To Trial' if Comey Wasn't 'Very, Very Good' to Her
Trump: "When he (Comey) was reading those charges, she was guilty of every charge"
President Trump argued in a television interview that aired Wednesday that former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton would be "going to trial" if FBI director Jim Comey hadn't been "very, very good" to her.
Speaking to Fox Business Network's Maria Bartiromo, Trump brought up how Comey announced in July he wouldn't recommend prosecution over Clinton's email server while secretary of state.
"Don't forget when Jim Comey came out, he saved Hillary Clinton," Trump said. "People don't realize that. He saved her life. Because I call it 'Comey 1.' And I joke about it a little bit. When he was reading those charges, she was guilty of every charge. And then he said she was essentially OK
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:55 AM | Comments (1)
October 01, 2016
Trey Gowdy Dismantles FBI Director Comey Over Clinton Email Investigation
Trey Gowdy Dismantles FBI Director Comey Over Clinton Email Investigation
'What would she have had to do to warrant your recommendation for prosecution?'
Wild Thing's comment..................
Trey Gowdy is so good.
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:47 AM
August 03, 2016
Learn About the Muslim Khizr Khan, NOT a man to respect!
Khizr Khan, the Muslim Gold Star father that the mainstream media and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have been using to criticize Donald J. Trump, has deep ties to the government of Saudi Arabia—and to international Islamist investors through his own law firm. In addition to those ties to the wealthy Islamist nation, Khan also has ties to controversial immigration programs that wealthy foreigners can use to essentially buy their way into the United States—and has deep ties to the “Clinton Cash” narrative through the Clinton Foundation.
Khan and his wife Ghazala Khan both appeared on stage at the Democratic National Convention to attack, on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s behalf, Donald Trump—the Republican nominee for president. Their son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, was killed in Iraq in 2004. Khizr Khan, in his speech to the DNC, lambasted Donald Trump for wanting to temporarily halt Islamic migration to America from countries with a proven history of exporting terrorists.
Since then, Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos—who served as a senior adviser to the president in Bill Clinton’s White House and is a Clinton Foundation donor as well as a host on the ABC network—pushed Trump on the matter in an interview. Trump’s comments in that interview have sparked the same mini-rebellion inside his party, in the media and across the aisle that has happened many times before. The usual suspects inside the GOP, from former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to House Speaker Paul Ryan to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to Ohio Gov. John Kasich, have condemned Trump in one way or another. The media condemnation has been swift and Democrats, as well their friends throughout media, are driving the train as fast as they can.
But until now, it looked like the Khans were just Gold Star parents who the big bad Donald Trump attacked. It turns out, however, in addition to being Gold Star parents, the Khans are financially and legally tied deeply to the industry of Muslim migration–and to the government of Saudi Arabia and to the Clintons themselves.
Khan, according to Intelius as also reported by Walid Shoebat, used to work at the law firm Hogan Lovells, LLP, a major D.C. law firm that has been on retainer as the law firm representing the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States for years. Citing federal government disclosure forms, the Washington Free Beacon reported the connection between Saudi Arabia and Hogan Lovells a couple weeks ago.
“Hogan Lovells LLP, another U.S. firm hired by the Saudis, is registered to work for the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia through 2016, disclosures show,” Joe Schoffstall of the Free Beacon reported.
The federal form filed with the Department of Justice is a requirement under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, which makes lobbyists and lawyers working on behalf of foreign governments and other agents from abroad with interests in the United States register with the federal government.
The government of Saudi Arabia, of course, has donated heavily to the Clinton Foundation.
“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has given between $10 and $25 million to the foundation while Friends of Saudi Arabia has contributed between $1 and $5 million,” Schoffstall wrote.
Trump, of course, has called on Hillary Clinton to have the Clinton Foundation return the money.
“Saudi Arabia and many of the countries that gave vast amounts of money to the Clinton Foundation want women as slaves and to kill gays,” Trump wrote in a Facebook post back in June, according to Politico. “Hillary must return all money from such countries!”
“Crooked Hillary says we must call on Saudi Arabia and other countries to stop funding hate,” Trump posted in a separate Facebook posting at the time. “I am calling on her to immediately return the $25 million plus she got from them for the Clinton Foundation!”
Of course, to this day, Hillary Clinton and her Clinton Foundation has kept the money from the Saudi Arabian government.
Schoffstall’s piece in the Washington Free Beacon also notes how Hogan Lovells lobbyist Robert Kyle, per Federal Election Commission (FEC) records, has bundled more than $50,000 in donations for Clinton’s campaign this year.
Khan’s connections with the Hogan Lovells firm run deep, according to a report from written by Katelyn Polantz.
“Many lawyers at Hogan Lovells remember the week in 2004 when U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan lost his life to a suicide bomber,” Polantz wrote. “Then-Hogan & Hartson attorneys mourned the death because the soldier’s father, Khizr Khan, a Muslim American immigrant, was among their beloved colleagues.”
Polantz wrote that Khan worked at the mega-D.C. law firm for years.
“Khan spent seven years, from 2000 to 2007, in the Washington, D.C., office of then-Hogan & Hartson,” Polantz wrote. “He served as the firm’s manager of litigation technology. Although he did not practice law while at Hogan, Khan was well versed in understanding the American courts system. On Thursday night, he described his late son dreaming of becoming a military lawyer.”
But representing the Clinton Foundation backing Saudi Arabian government and having one of its lobbyists bundle $50,000-plus for Clinton’s campaign are hardly the only places where the Khan-connected Hogan Lovells D.C. mega-firm brush elbows with Clinton Cash.
The firm also handles Hillary Clinton’s taxes and is deeply connected with the email scandal whereby when she was Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton set up a home-brew email server system that jeopardized classified information handling and was “extremely careless” according to FBI director James Comey.
“A lawyer at Hogan & Hartson [Howard Topaz] has been Bill and Hillary Clinton’s go-to guy for tax advice since 2004, according to documents released Friday by Hillary Clinton’s campaign,” The American Lawyer’s Nate Raymond wrote in 2008, as Hillary Clinton ran for president that year. “The Clintons’ tax returns for 2000-07 show combined earnings of $109 million, on which they paid $33 million in taxes. New York-based tax partner Howard Topaz has a broad tax practice, and also regularly advises corporations on M&A and executive compensation.”
Breitbart News’ Patrick Howley, in a deep investigative piece on Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, late last year uncovered how Topaz’s firm—which employed Khan while Topaz did Hillary Clinton’s taxes—is also connected to the email scandal.
“Topaz was a partner at Hogan & Hartson, which later merged to become known as Hogan Lovells, where Topaz continues to practice. The firm’s lawyers were major donors to Hillary Clinton’s first presidential campaign,” Howley wrote.
For her private email system, Clinton used a spam filtering program MX Logic.
“Hogan & Hartson handled the patent for MX Logic’s email-filtering program, which McAfee bought the small company for $140 million in 2009 in order to acquire,” Howley wrote. “The MX Logic company’s application for a trademark for its SPAMTRAQ program was filed in 2004 on Hogan & Hartson stationery and signed by a Hogan & Hartson attorney. Hogan & Hartson has been responsible for MX Logic annual reports. The email company’s Clinton links present more evidence that Clinton’s political and legal establishment was monitoring her private email use.”
If that all isn’t enough, that same Hogan & Hartson law firm—now Hogan Lovells—employed Loretta Lynch, the current Attorney General of the United States. Lynch infamously just a few weeks ago met with Bill Clinton, Hillary’s husband and the former president, on her private jet in Phoenix just before clearing Hillary Clinton of any wrongdoing when it came to her illicit private email server system.
Khan’s own website for his own personal law firm KM Khan Law Office shows he represents clients in the business of buying visas to enter the United States. One of his specific areas of practice, according to the website, is “E2 Treaty Investors, EB5 Investments & Related Immigration Services.”
Continue reading just CLICK HERE..............
Wild Thing's comment.................
Khan & his son had an 'estranged' relationship & unfortunately the Father has been brought out to act as a TOOL for the DNC. Trump fell for it, Paul Ryan & Mitch McConnell fell for it & here we are.
His son died a HERO in service to America but his Father is NO Patriot. There are more articles coming out about Mr Khan and his estranged relationship he had with his son plus his Muslim brotherhood involvement as a Lawyer & Agent for them here in the USA....
Khan is a Lawyer who represents the Muslim Brotherhood & is a supporter of Sharia Law here in the USA. He has written numerous articles plus legal briefs on the subject. Now it appears he's in the business of selling Visas to Muslims from Overseas who want to come to America.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:20 PM | Comments (1)
July 29, 2016
Bill Clinton And Tim Kaine Fight To Stay Awake During Hillary’s Acceptance Speech
Bill Clinton And Tim Kaine Fight To Stay Awake During Hillary’s Acceptance Speech…
Wild Thing's comment...........
Go ahead and go to sleep, it was a terrible,boring speech.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:28 PM
June 06, 2016
Bill, White House staff lived in fear of Hillary: Ex-Secret Service officer
Hillary Clinton has a “Jekyll and Hyde” personality that left White House staffers scared stiff of her explosive — and even physical — outbursts, an ex-Secret Service officer claims in a scathing new tell-all.
Gary Byrne, who was posted outside the Oval Office when Bill Clinton was president, portrays Hillary as too “erratic, uncontrollable and occasionally violent” to become leader of the free world, according to advance promotional materials exclusively obtained by Page Six.
The allegations from Byrne, a 29-year veteran of the military and federal law enforcement, threaten to derail her campaign days before she is expected to clinch the Democratic presidential nomination.
He describes Hillary Clinton as acting friendly one moment, then raging the next.
“What I saw in the 1990s sickened me,” he writes in the intro of the book, “Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses his Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate.”
The book claims she repeatedly screamed obscenities at her husband, Secret Service personnel and White House staffers — all of whom lived in terror of her next tirade.
Secret Service agents had discussions about the possibility that they would have to protect Bill from his wife’s physical attacks, Byrne writes, and the couple had one “violent encounter” the morning of a key presidential address to the nation.
Meanwhile, a paranoid Hillary Clinton tried to have the Secret Service banned from the White House and once tried to ditch her security detail, Byrne says.
“Hillary Clinton is now poised to become the Democratic nominee for president of the United States, but she simply lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office,” he writes.
“From the bottom of my soul I know this to be true. And with Hillary’s latest rise, I realize that her own leadership style — volcanic, impulsive, enabled by sycophants, and disdainful of the rules set for everyone else — hasn’t changed a bit.”
The book isn’t set for release until June 28, but pre-orders have sent it to No. 1 on Amazon’s best-seller list.
Byrne — who was subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury that investigated Bill Clinton’s affair with intern Monica Lewinsky — claims in the book that he interrupted the president’s sexual shenanigans in the White House.
Byrne says he walked into a room where the president was “involved inappropriately with a woman” who was neither his wife nor Lewinsky.
And he says he once threw out a White House towel stained with a woman’s lipstick — and the president’s “bodily fluids.”
Byrne describes arriving for work one day in 1995 following a loud fight between the Clintons the night before.
The dust-up, he says, left a light blue vase “smashed to bits” and Bill sporting a “real, live, put-a-steak-on-it black eye.”
Byrne’s book amplifies earlier allegations of mistreatment of Secret Service personnel by Hillary Clinton — including in 2014’s “First Family Detail” by former Washington Post reporter Ronald Kessler and last year’s “The Residence: Inside the Private World of the White House,” which also detailed a fight between Bill and Hillary over the Lewinsky affair.
Wild Thing's comment............
I laughed when I saw this because there have been so many books about Hillary and the other day I posted one story much like this on FB. It is sad how so many do not care how bad Hilary is or the kind of person she is and would still vote for her.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:04 AM | Comments (1)
May 24, 2016
Continued Clinton CHINAGATE Scandal with Terry McAuliffe
Feds Investigating Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe
Terry McAuliffe being investigated by the DOJ and FBI for illegal contributions.
WASHINGTON — Federal authorities have been investigating whether Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s 2013 campaign accepted improper contributions, a federal law enforcement official said Monday.
The official, who is not authorized to comment publicly, said the inquiry has included a review of donations made by Wang Wenliang, a Chinese businessman and politician who has residency status in the U.S.
The development was first reported by CNN. In a statement Wednesday, McAuliffe attorney Marc Elias said that "neither the governor nor his former campaign has knowledge of this matter.''
Elias characterized the Wang contributions as "completely lawful.''
"The governor will certainly cooperate with the government if he is contacted about it,'' Elias said.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Because he is a dem and a friend of the Clintons and this is all connected to the Clinton chinagate corruption and sandal McAuliffe will get away with anything he does.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 PM
May 22, 2016
LOL Al Gore Asked If He's Voting For Hillary- He has NO Response
Al Gore Asked If He's Voting For Hillary - he has no response
Wild Thing's comment.........
Hahahaha the media wants us to think the only party that is not happy with their candidate is the Republican party but that is simply not true. The democrat party is also not in that ole happy place.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
May 21, 2016
Bill Clinton: ‘I Sometimes Feel Like I’m Totally Useless In This Election Season’
Bill Clinton: ‘I Sometimes Feel Like I’m Totally Useless In This Election Season’
Former President Bill Clinton sounded frustrated about his value to his wife’s presidential bid on the campaign trail in South Dakota on Friday.
The ex-president took a moment to ponder his lot in life onstage, and revealed the exasperation he has experienced stumping for Hillary Clinton.
“I sometimes feel that I’m totally useless in this election season because I’m a happy grandfather. I’m not mad enough at anybody,” Clinton said. “And because the life I spend now is driven by the real world and facts. I mean, we live in kind of a fact-free political universe, you know?”
Wild Thing's comment................
LOL ask me if I care. So the liar, draft dodger, rapist, feels useless.............. awe poor thing.........NOT.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (1)
May 20, 2016
Clinton Declares Democratic Primary Over: ‘There Is No Way That I Won’t Be’ the Nominee
Clinton Declares Democratic Primary Over: ‘There Is No Way That I Won’t Be’ the Nominee
Wild Thing's comment..............
God help us all if she becomes president.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
May 18, 2016
Bill Clinton: It Was My Idea To Be Hillary’s ‘Economic Czar’
Bill Clinton: It Was My Idea To Be Hillary’s ‘Economic Czar’
Bill Clinton said today that it was his idea to become Hillary’s economic ambassador.
‘I have asked actually to be being given the job of trying to help every part of the United States that has been left out and left behind economically,’ he said today during a campaign stop in Bayamón, Puerto Rico.
The former two-term president said he’s made it his personal mission to take his wife’s message struggling parts of the country, including Puerto Rico, and he believes that outreach is ‘very, very important.’
Ending his remarks, he said, ‘I will do everything I can to help, should she be elected.’
Wild Thing's comment...................
He had two terms as president and with Hillary as guilty as he was they had one corruption after the other. Never forget Chinagate, travel gate, Whitewater, file gate, and the list goes on and on. It will be just like that again if Hillary become president.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:45 AM | Comments (2)
May 13, 2016
NRSC Releases Ad Tying TOXIC Hilary Clinton To Senate Democrats
NRSC Releases Ad Tying TOXIC Hillary Clinton To Senate Democrats
The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) released a new ad Friday targeting Democratic candidates for the Senate for having to bear the burden of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
The ad, called “Toxic,” takes on the litany of scandals to face Clinton and references Washington Free Beacon reporting on Clinton’s defense of a child rapist in the 1970s.
The ad also references Whitewater, Travelgate, Chinagate and Filegate, among many other controversies to surround the former First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State.
Clinton is the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination, and she will likely clinch the bid within the next month, in spite of a strong challenge from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.).
The presidential campaign has taken up much of the press space about the 2016 election, but control of the Senate and the House also hangs in the balance. Republicans control both chambers after a midterm rout in 2014.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Democrats will vote for Democrats no matter HOW awful the ethical and criminal record of the candidate. Democrats will even vote for Democrats after felony criminal convictions and time in prison.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:07 PM
May 11, 2016
LOL....Hillary Yells at Crowd that We need to Stop Yelling so Much!
LOL....Hillary Yells at Crowd that We need to Stop Yelling so Much!
Wild Thing's comment.................
She is such a nut case. Can you imgaine having to hear her voice for 4 years and God forbid 8 years as president. HORRRRIBLE!!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:04 AM | Comments (1)
May 05, 2016
West Virginia Coal Miners: If Hillary Clinton Wins, 'Pure and Simple, We Are DOOMED!'
West Virginia Coal Miners: If Hillary Clinton Wins, 'Pure and Simple, We Are DOOMED!'
5 years ago, there were 300 coal mines in West Virginia, today there are less than 70.
After speaking to the West Virginia Coal Association President who says the situation there is grim, Griff speaks to 2 coal miners and asks them about what it means for them if Clinton wins in November.
Listen to these 2 coal miners on what they think of Hillary (and her lies)
Wild Thing"s comment.............
I hope other miners will listen to these people about Hillary. Yes they will be doomed if she wins.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
April 09, 2016
Hillary Laughs Off GOP Hope That She Might Be Led Off In Handcuffs, Calls It A ‘Fantasy’
Hillary Laughs Off GOP Hope That She Might Be Led Off In Handcuffs, Calls It A ‘Fantasy’
Hillary Clinton on Friday laughed off as a “fantasy” the Republicans’ hopes that the federal probe into her use of a private email server will lead to her being led off in handcuffs.
“Oh my goodness!” the Democratic front-runner told Matt Lauer in an interview that aired Friday morning on NBC’s “Today” show.
“I know that they live in that world of fantasy and hope because they’ve got a mess on their hands on the Republican side. That is not gonna happen. There is not even the remotest chance that it’s going to happen,” she told Lauer on Thursday in a Bronx diner.
The FBI is still investigating the emails of the former secretary of state — but she dismissed the probe of her homebrew server as a mere “security review.”
“We’re certainly gonna carry on,” she said. “It’s a security review, and there are lots of those that are conducted in our government all the time, and you don’t hear about most of them.
“You’ll hear about this one because it does involve me, so that’s why it gets so much attention.”
Wild Thing's comment.............
This election is the absolute worst in my lifetime. The good men are out, Perry and Rubio and we are left with the dreggs, Trump and Cruz probably the worst of them all.
Socialists communist Hillary and Bernie Sanders.
sheesh this is such a nightmare.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:07 AM
April 06, 2016
Hillary on NBC: An Unborn Child Does Not Have Constitutional Rights
Hillary on NBC: An Unborn Child Does Not Have Constitutional Rights
Hillary Clinton said during an interview on Meet the Press that an "unborn person" does not have rights when asked by moderator Chuck Todd about her abortion stance and whether she believes an "unborn child" has constitutional protections.
"Well, under our laws currently, that is not something that exists. The unborn person doesn't have constitutional rights. Now, that doesn't mean that we don't do everything we possibly can in the vast majority of instances to, you know, help a mother who is carrying a child and wants to make sure that child will be healthy, to have appropriate medical support"
Wild Thing's comment.............
Hillary loves that babies can be killed before given a chance at life.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
March 05, 2016
Hillary Clinton: ‘I’ve Been The Most Transparent Public Official In Modern Times’ - LMAO what a LIE!
Hillary Clinton: ‘I’ve Been The Most Transparent Public Official In Modern Times’
Hillary Clinton told CNBC’s John Harwood she’d been the “most transparent public official in modern times” during an interview in Detroit Friday.
Harwood asked Clinton if she would concede she and other State Department officials had been “sloppy” given more than 1,000 emails from the server had been deemed classified, some even top secret.
“No, no, because let’s be clear about this,” Clinton said. “There wasn’t a single one of those that was marked classified, either sent or received. That hasn’t changed … I said make them all public. I’ve been the most transparent public official in modern times as far as I know. When that process is undertaken, then other agencies get to weigh in and get to say, ‘Wait a minute, I don’t think that should come out now,’ whether or not the State Department, or if I were in some other agency, agrees.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Its amazing how many democrats in recent years have claimed to be "the most transparent in history." Every single time they are caught in some sort of scandal, or hypocrisy or some such, they seem to be the most transparent ever. LOL
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (2)
March 03, 2016
Bill Clinton Appears To Have Violated Election Rules At At Least 4 Polling Places
Bill Clinton Appears To Have Violated Election Rules At At Least 4 Polling Places
President Bill Clinton appears to have put the “Slick” back in Slick Willie once again.
Multiple media outlets are reporting that the former United States President may have been in violation of Massachusetts voting law at multiple polling stations — as many as four — today during Super Tuesday voting efforts.
Voting and Counting Procedures for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts clearly states:
Within 150 feet of a polling place as defined in 950 CMR 53.03(18)(c), no person shall solicit votes for or against, or otherwise promote or oppose, any person or political party or position on a ballot question, to be voted on at the current election.
However, President Clinton wandered into a polling station in Boston on Tuesday and “chatted up voters, kissed an old lady on the head, posed for photos, and bought a cup of coffee,” according to a report filed from
Wild Thing's comment.............
LOL the Clinton's could not be honest if their very lives depended on it. They are corrupt from every part of their DNA.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (1)
March 02, 2016
General Election Head-To-Head: Hillary Clinton Tops Trump 52%-44%
General Election Head-To-Head: Hillary Clinton Tops Trump 52%-44%
In the same survey...
Marco Rubio defeats Hillary Clinton by 3 points 50%-47%
Ted Cruz defeats Clinton by 1 point 49%-48%
Washington (CNN)—Both of the remaining Democratic candidates for president easily top Republican front-runner Donald Trump in hypothetical general election match-ups, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll.
But Hillary Clinton, who is well ahead in the Democratic race for the presidency, would likely face a stronger challenge should Florida Sen. Marco Rubio or Texas Sen. Ted Cruz capture the Republican nomination for president.
In the scenario that appears most likely to emerge from the primary contests, Clinton tops Trump 52% to 44% among registered voters. That result has tilted in Clinton's favor since the last CNN/ORC Poll on the match-up in January.
But when the former secretary of state faces off with either of the other two top Republicans, things are much tighter and roughly the same as they were in January. Clinton trails against Rubio, with 50% choosing the Florida senator compared to 47% for Clinton, identical to the results in January. Against Cruz, Clinton holds 48% to his 49%,
Clinton and Trump, are seen unfavorably by majorities of voters. Almost 6-in-10 have a negative view of Trump in this CNN POLL, 59% unfavorable vs. 38% favorable, and 53% have a negative view of Clinton, 44% see her positively.
Wild Thing's comment.............
LOL read it and weep.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM
February 19, 2016
Hillary Clinton on CBS Evening News: "I've Always Tried To" Tell the Truth to the American People ~ LOL
Clinton on CBS Evening News: "I've Always Tried To" Tell the Truth to the American People
Scott Pelley: Have you always told the truth?
Hillary: I've always tried to
Scott Pelley: 'Sounds like wiggle room...
She then says she doesn't believe she has EVER lied to the American people
Wild Thing's comment.............
You can read about Hillary Clinton's long list of lies over the last 30 years CLICK HERE
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (2)
February 17, 2016
Hillary barks like a dog During Her Campaign Speech
Hillary Clinton has a bone to pick with critics, so fetch your slippers and sit up — up! up! up! — and listen. The beleaguered Democratic coronation candidate offers her rendition of Who Let The Dogs Out in an attempt to dig up a bone in South Carolina. This apparently has something to do with fact checking critics, but, er … that dog won’t hunt, especially for Hillary:
“We need to get that dog and follow him around and every time they say these things, like, ‘oh the Great Recession was caused by too much regulation,” Clinton said before yelping, “Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf!”
Wild Thing's comment.............
Isn't she just the best our country has to offer??? NO. hahhaaha
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (2)
February 12, 2016
Clinton Foundation Subpoenaed By State Dept Investigators
Clinton Foundation Subpoenaed By State Dept Investigators
Investigators with the State Department issued a subpoena to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation last fall seeking documents about the charity’s projects that may have required approval from the federal government during Hillary Clinton’s term as secretary of state, according to people familiar with the subpoena and written correspondence about it.
The subpoena also asked for records related to Huma Abedin, a longtime Clinton aide who for six months in 2012 was employed simultaneously by the State Department, the foundation, Clinton’s personal office, and a private consulting firm with ties to the Clintons.
The full scope and status of the inquiry, conducted by the State Department’s inspector general, were not clear from the material correspondence reviewed by The Washington Post.
Wild Thing's comment...........
The Clinton crime family at work.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (2)
February 11, 2016
At Least A Dozen Email Accounts Handled ‘Top Secret’ Intel On Clinton Server
At Least A Dozen Email Accounts Handled ‘Top Secret’ Intel On Clinton Server
At least a dozen email accounts handled the “top secret” intelligence that was found on Hillary Clinton’s server and recently deemed too damaging for national security to release, a U.S. government official close to the review told Fox News.
The official said the accounts include not only Clinton’s but those of top aides – including Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, Jake Sullivan and Philippe Reines – as well as State Department Under Secretary for Management Patrick Kennedy and others.
A second source not authorized to speak on the record said the number of accounts involved could be as high as 30 and reflects how the intelligence was broadly shared, replied to, and copied to individuals using the unsecured server.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Please arrest her now. Of course I realize it might somewhat inconvenience her election campaign, but even so....
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
February 10, 2016
Judge Napolitano: Hillary Clinton is a Felon and Should Be Indicted
Judge Napolitano: Hillary Clinton is a Felon and Should Be Indicted
JEANINE PIRRO: Let's talk to the viewer. Let's talk to the public. They're like, "Who cares about her emails? Could you explain why these are so important?
ANDREW NAPOLITANO: These are important because they show the manner and methods by which the United States government acquires foreign intelligence. And they name the names of people who supply United States intelligence. People in foreign countries, who if their names came out, they would be dead. They name the names of American agents who work with these people, people who if their names came out would be dead.
...she has shown a cavalier attitude about preserving these secrets, which violates an oath she took when she became Secretary of State. Which violates the same federal criminal statute that was used to prosecute General Petraeus. ... Now, ‘Why should the American public be concerned about this woman?’ Because she want’s to be the POTUS and she’s a felon and she should be indicted for it.
Wild Thing's comment............
Hillary should be arrested and thrown in jail.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
February 09, 2016
LIAR and Impeached Bill Clinton: Hillary Wasn’t Responsible For Benghazi Consulate’s Security
Bill Clinton: Hillary Wasn’t Responsible For Benghazi Consulate’s Security
Ambassador Stevens, who begged the State Department for security, certainly seemed to think she was.
Former president Bill Clinton suggested Sunday that his wife Hillary Clinton was not responsible for the security of the Benghazi consulate while she was secretary of state, claiming she had been absolved by a “very tough report” on the 2012 terrorist attack.
“A non-partisan, very tough report on the Benghazi incident said there were serious holes in the way we provided for security, not just for the two State Department employees who lost their lives, one of them was a very close friend of ours, but for the two CIA contractors who were there trying to provide defense,” Clinton said. “But the secretary of state was not personally responsible because no secretary of state had ever overseen the details of security operations, even Colin Powell, who was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.”
Speaking at an event in New Hampshire, Clinton said the scrutiny Hillary faced since leaving the State Department amounted to something that “no public official in the history of the republic has ever faced.”
Republicans “went to work on her for three years,” he said, appearing to blame the fall in her popularity since she was secretary of state on partisanship.
Hillary Clinton now finds herself trailing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) in the New Hampshire polls with the primary a day away. Bill Clinton has sharpened his attacks on Sanders in recent days, accusing supporters of Sanders of sexism during the same appearance Sunday
Wild Thing's comment...............
BS Bill! Both Hillary and Obama have blood on their hands for the deaths of 4 Americans.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
February 03, 2016
CBS Anchors Laugh At Hillary When She Claims She Is ‘Not In The Pocket Of Anyone’
CBS Anchors Laugh At Hillary When She Claims She Is ‘Not In The Pocket Of Anyone’
The anchors of CBS This Morning started chuckling on Monday when Hillary Clinton said during their interview that she was “not in the pocket of anyone.”
“And on the campaign trail, how do you answer that charge that Senator Sanders has made that you’re in the pocket of Wall Street or beholden to their interests?” co-host Norah O’Donnell asked.
“Well, look, anybody who knows me knows I’m not in the pocket of anyone, and anyone who thinks they can influence me certainly doesn’t know me,” Clinton said, while soft laughing was heard in the background from Charlie Rose and at least one other host.
Clinton used a similar line when she was interviewed by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Jan. 27. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) has ripped Clinton repeatedly for the exorbitant speaking fees she’s received from institutions like Goldman Sachs.
Clinton is the only Democratic candidate who’s gotten money from Wall Street, and the Washington Free Beacon reported on 31 Clinton fundraisers, past and future, involving the finance industry.
Clinton’s long relationship with the financial sector has given Sanders a lot to point out, and she continues to give him new ammunition. Just this week, she was criticized for spending her time raising money at an investment bank rather than spending it talking to voters in Iowa.
Attending fundraisers hosted by finance executives has become standard practice for Clinton, who had already raised $5.9 million from the securities and investment industry leading into the most recent fundraising quarter.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Toward the beginning of the video you can hear them laughing in the background.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (2)
February 02, 2016
Hillary Clinton Put Spies Lives At Risk
Hillary Clinton Put Spies Lives At Risk
FoxNews has reported that those twenty-two Top Secret emails included “operational intelligence” that involves espionage sources and methods, adding that lives have been put at risk by Hillary’s mishandling of this information.
At a minimum, valuable covers have been blown, careers have been ruined, and lives have been put at serious risk.
I can confirm that the FoxNews report, which lacks any specifics about exactly what was compromised, is accurate. And what was actually in those Top Secret emails found on Hillary’s “unclassified” personal bathroom server was colossally damaging to our national security and has put lives at risk.
Discussions with Intelligence Community officials have revealed that Ms. Clinton’s “unclassified” emails included Holy Grail items of American espionage such as the true names of Central Intelligence Agency intelligence officers serving overseas under cover. Worse, some of those exposed are serving under non-official cover. NOCs (see this for an explanation of their important role in espionage) are the pointy end of the CIA spear and they are always at risk of exposure – which is what Ms. Clinton’s emails have done.
Not only have these spies had their lives put in serious risk by this, it’s a clear violation of Federal law. The Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982, enacted due to the murder of the CIA’s station chief in Athens after his cover was blown by the left-wing media, makes it a Federal crime to divulge the true identity of any covert operative serving U.S. intelligence if that person has not previous been publicly acknowledged to be working for our spy agencies.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Hillary for Prison 2016...... but she will walk, she will not be punished at all. The Clinton's will always get away with their crimes. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
February 01, 2016
Vile and Evil George Soros Contributes $6 Million To Hillary
Soros Contributes $6 Million To Hillary
Billionaire George Soros contributed $6 million to a super-PAC supporting Hillary Clinton last month, according to the committee’s latest financial statement.
The investor has now contributed a total of $7 million in this election cycle to Priorities USA Action, which raised $41 million on behalf of Clinton in 2015.
In the last 6 months, the super-PAC raised $25.3 million, meaning that Soros’s contribution accounted for almost a quarter of its fundraising haul.
Also making large contributions to the committee in 2015 were media mogul Haim Saban and his wife Cheryl, who gave a total of $5 million, philanthropist Laure Woods, who gave $2.3 million, and investor Donald Sussman, who contributed $2.5 million.
This group, along with Soros, accounted for two-fifths of Priorities total fundraising in 2015.
Soros, a longtime Democratic donor, was a fundraising force for John Kerry’s 2004 presidential run.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Disgusting. Soros is one of the worst things that ever happened to America and the entire world.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
January 31, 2016
John Kerry Sent Hillary Email With ‘Secret’ Info, Hillary Had Aide Print It Out
John Kerry Sent Hillary Email With ‘Secret’ Info, Hillary Had Aide Print It Out
Emails released by the State Department on Friday show that in 2011, then-Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry sent then-Sec. of State Hillary Clinton an email from his iPad that has been deemed to contain information classified as “Secret.”
While previous releases of Clinton’s emails have shown that she and her staff communicated directly with Kerry when he was a senator, the new email is the first from Kerry that the State Department has determined contains sensitive information.
Kerry has largely been silent throughout the Clinton email controversy. He has sent letters asking the State Department’s inspector general to review the agency’s records keeping practices, but he has not publicly criticized Clinton for exclusively using a personal email account and a home-brew email server.
Perhaps now we know why.
In the heavily-redacted email, dated May 19, 2011, Kerry, who then chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, appears to be discussing negotiations between India and Pakistan. Besides Clinton, the email was sent to Tom Donilon, who then served as President Obama’s National Security Advisor.
Clinton forwarded the email to an aide, instructing her to “Pls print” the document.
The redactions in the email are listed under the Freedom of Information Act exemptions 1.4(b) and 1.4(d), which are categories reserved for information gleaned from foreign government sources.
The kicker is that Kerry sent Clinton the information from his iPad, a communications device that would have been much more vulnerable to hackers than an encrypted communications system.
According to the Republican National Committee, which flagged the Kerry email in an email to reporters, the batch of Clinton records released on Friday contained 11 emails that the State Department now says contain “Secret” information. That’s more than double the number of emails that contained similarly classified information released in all of the previous releases combined.
According to the RNC’s calculations, 243 emails released Friday were classified at some level, bringing the overall number of classified Clinton emails to 1,583. The State Department also announced Friday that it is withholding in full and into perpetuity 22 emails that contain “Top Secret” information — the highest classification category.
Another question Kerry hasn’t answered is why, since he knew that Clinton used a personal email account while at the State Department, he failed to demand that she turn her emails over to the State Department until autumn 2014 after agency lawyers uncovered Clinton’s email address while reviewing documents related to the House Select Committee on Benghazi’s investigation.
Wild Thing's comment...............
Let's put all three in jail, Obama, Hillary and Kerry. That sounds good to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
January 30, 2016
Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release
Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release
Wild Thing's comment................
Just this information alone should make it where Hillary should be arrested.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM
Obama's State Dept. Withholding 18 Emails Between Hillary, Obama
State Dept. Withholding 18 Emails Between Hillary, Obama
The State Department is withholding 18 emails between former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama, agency spokesman John Kirby said Friday.
The news comes at the same time that the State Department announced that 22 of Clinton’s emails contain “top secret” information. That’s a far higher number than had previously been disclosed. The agency’s Freedom of Information Act department is withholding seven email chains in full in order to protect the highly classified information.
In Friday’s press briefing, Kirby was asked by Associated Press reporter Matt Lee whether it is believed that Clinton and Obama emailed only 18 times while she was at the State Department, a span that stretched from Jan. 2009 to Feb. 2013.
“Of the 55,000 pages of traffic that was handed over by former Secretary Clinton to us for us to go through for release through FOIA, we have found these 18, and I do not expect that there will be more,” Kirby said.
The White House has previously stated that Obama did email with Clinton on her personal email account. That despite there being regulations and rules against federal officials using private email accounts. The White House has claimed that Obama did not know that Clinton was operating a private email system and using a home-brew server.
Wild Thing's comment...............
Lock her up already.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
January 27, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Plan Would Raise Taxes By Half A Trillion Over Next Decade
Hillary Clinton’s Plan Would Raise Taxes By Half A Trillion Over Next Decade
Hillary Clinton’s proposed tax plan would raise taxes by $498 billion over the next decade and would reduce the economy’s size by 1 percent, according to analysis by the Tax Foundation.
In order to pay for the new and expanded government programs Clinton has touted on the campaign trail, her proposed tax plan will increase marginal tax rates on income, labor, and capital, a move that will in turn reduce GDP, lower wages, and eliminate jobs.
Most of the $498 billion in tax revenue over the next decade would come from individual income taxes, the estate tax, and taxes on corporations.
According to the Tax Foundation, Clinton’s plan would increase marginal rates for taxpayers with incomes over $5 million, establish a 30 percent minimum tax on taxpayers who earn more than $1 million, cap itemized deductions to a tax value of 28 percent, and alter the long-term capital gains schedule.
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus called Clinton’s tax plan “an absolute disaster.”
“Hillary Clinton’s tax hike plan is an absolute disaster,” he said. “Not only do Clinton’s tax increases fail to pay for her $1.2 trillion spending spree, they will slow economic growth, drive down wages, and kill the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of full-time jobs.”
“This study shows Hillary Clinton’s plan to double down on the failed Obama economic agenda will only keep the American Dream out of reach of more Americans and bury the country in even more debt,” he continued. “The need for new Republican leadership in the White House couldn’t be clearer.”
Wild Thing's comment................
Hillary would Tax us all to death.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
January 12, 2016
New Email Shows Hillary Considered Secret Plan To Create Palestinian Unrest To Pressure Israel
New Email Shows Hillary Considered Secret Plan To Create Palestinian Unrest To Pressure Israel
Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton considered a secret plan created by her then-advisers to foment unrest among Palestinian citizens and spark protests in order to push the Israeli government back to the negotiating table, according to emails released as part of the investigation into the Democratic presidential frontrunner’s private email server.
In a Dec, 18, 2011, email, former U.S. ambassador to Israel Thomas Pickering suggested that Clinton consider a plan to restart then-stalled peace negotiations by kickstarting Palestinian demonstrations against Israel.
Pickering described the effort as a potential “game changer in the region,” recommending that the United States undertake a clandestine campaign to generate unrest. Clinton requested that his email be printed.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Obama's ambassador to Israel conspires against Israel.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM | Comments (1)
November 30, 2015
Hillary Made Bill Take HIV Test
Hillary Made Bill Take HIV Test
Hillary Clinton once forced her horn dog hubby Bill to get an HIV test because she knew he preferred to do things au naturel with multiple mistresses, according to an explosive new book, “Bill and Hillary: So This Is That Thing Called Love,” the New York Post gossip section “Page Six” reported Sunday night.
Hillary got tested also. The Clintons drew a collective sigh of relief when they proved negative.
Authors Darwin Porter and Danforth Prince also claim that Bill waged his own little war on a woman named Jackie Kennedy Onassis at her Fifth Avenue apartment.
The former First Lady apparently met resistance when she rebuffed his advances. “We almost indulged in a wrestling match. It was most embarrassing,” she allegedly later told longtime Washington Post publisher Katherine Graham.
“I mean, I was flattered that I turned him on so much at my age, but Bill was just like Jack [Kennedy] in the sense that neither of them wanted to take ‘no’ for an answer. Ever since that day, I prefer not to be alone with Bill.”
Wild Thing's comment...............
This story won't hurt Hillary at all, nothing ever does hurt most dems. They always get away with their crimes.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 15, 2015
One day after Paris attacks, Hillary Clinton refuses to use term “Radical Islam"
One day after Paris attacks, Hillary Clinton refuses to use term “Radical Islam"
Watch How Hillary Responds When Asked if She Thinks U.S. Is at War With ‘Radical Islam’
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton refused to use the term “radical Islam” at Saturday’s Democratic debate, just one day after the deadly terror attacks in Paris.
“Marco Rubio, also running for president, said this attack showed that we are at war with radical Islam. Do you agree with that characterization, radical Islam?” the CBS News moderator asked.
“I don’t think we are at war with Islam,” Clinton replied. “I don’t think we are at war with all Muslims. I think we are at war with jihadists.”
The moderator interjected, “Just to interrupt. He didn’t say all Muslims. He just said radical Islam. Is that a phrase you don’t?”
“I think you can talk about Islamists who clearly are also jihadists, but I also think it’s not particularly helpful — to make the case that Senator Sanders was just making that I agree with we have to reach out to Muslim countries, we have to have them part of our coalition — if they hear people running for president who basically short cut it to say to say we are somehow against Islam,” Clinton said. “That was one of the real contributions, despite all the other problems, that George W. Bush made after 9/11.”
Wild Thing's comment.............
ISIS must be laughing hard. To quote Dr. Sebastian Gorka :
"How can you defeat an enemy you can’t describe? It’s like deploying to the beaches of Normandy in 1944, but telling our brave servicemen, “Hang on, guys, don’t use the word Nazi, cause you might offend somebody.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
November 13, 2015
Big Hillary Clinton Backer in Ohio Dumps Her for Bernie Sanders
Big Hillary Clinton Backer in Ohio Dumps Her for Bernie Sanders
Former Ohio state senator Nina Turner, a leader on voting rights, has been one of Clinton’s key allies in Ohio as a member of Hillary’s super PAC. Turner joined Hillary supporters at a big Clinton rally in Cleveland and was part of another such rally in New York last fall.
Her support leant legitimacy to Clinton who has need of support from prominent African-Americans.
Turner was also a member of Correct the Record, the Clinton super PAC founded by Democratic activist David Brock, a longtime Clinton flack who started the left-wing Internet propaganda site Media Matters for America.
In fact, Brock has been disseminating anti-Sanders opposition research to damage Sanders as much as possible ever since he announced that his newest goal was to get Hillary elected president in 2016.
Turner is not currently an officeholder, having lost her recent campaign to become the Buckeye State’s Secretary of State—a campaign that Bill Clinton supported.
But now, Turner told The Plain Dealer that she is joining the Sanders campaign because she agrees with his position on voting rights and his stance on the minimum wage.
“I’m very attracted by his message and his style—and that he has held pretty much strong on his beliefs and the world is catching up with him,” Turner told the paper.
Turner will introduce Sanders at a rally at Cleveland State University’s Wolstein Center next Monday.
“We are extremely, extremely humbled by the support of Sen. Nina Turner,” a Sanders spokesman said. “She is nationally known as a voice for voting rights, for workers’ rights and for marginalized people. The support of someone with that record of standing up for middle-income and working people is tremendously important.”
Despite her many connections to Hillary’s 2016 campaign, Turner insists that she never officially endorsed the former secretary of state.
Turner also noted that a Hillary supporter has already attacked her for jumping to team Sanders.
“I was approached by a Clinton supporter who said that I am doing a disservice to the country,” Turner told the paper. “It was very insulting.”
The former Ohio Democrat Party Chair announced that she is stepping down from the current groups she is working with in order to stump for the senator.
Wild Thing's comment...............
I really don't see that much of a difference between Hillary and Sanders. Both are socialists and will continue what Obama has been doing destroying our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 12, 2015
Hillary Clinton Refuses To Declare War On ISIS
Hillary Clinton Refuses To Declare War On ISIS
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has said that she is against declaring war on the Islamic State terror group, arguing that it would be too much of a strain on the U.S. budget.
“If you have a declaration of war, you’d better have a budget that backs it up,” Clinton said during a campaign stop in New Hampshire, according to Reuters.
“I do think that we have to do a better job of understanding the threat that is posed by radical Islamic jihadist groups,” she added.
The U.S. and a broad team of international allies have been launching airstrike operations against IS, which has captured several cities across Iraq and Syria.
President Obama, however, has yet to sign a formal declaration of war, preferring to stick to coordinated missions aimed at slowing the advance of the Islamic militants who are trying to establish their Caliphate on the captured territory.
Wild Thing's comment...............
So stupid...the more you let them go the stronger they become.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
November 02, 2015
Hillary Clinton Was Warned Not to Blame Benghazi on Youtube Video
Hillary Clinton Was Warned Not to Blame Benghazi on Youtube Video
The House Benghazi Committee released a new email Saturday that a Tripoli embassy official sent to Clinton’s underlings in Washington, D.C., on September 14, 2012, two days before Susan Rice appeared on Sunday talk shows to use the administration’s “video” talking point.
“Colleagues, I mentioned to [redacted] this morning, and want to share with all of you, our view at Embassy Tripoli that we must be cautious in our local messaging with regard to the inflammatory film trailer, adapting it to Libyan conditions,” the official wrote.
The official added:
Our monitoring of the Libyan media and conversations with Libyans suggest that the films [sic] not as explosive of an issue here as it appears to be in other countries in the region. The overwhelming majority of the FB comments and tweets we’ve received from Libyans since the Ambassador’s death have expressed deep sympathy, sorrow, and regret. They have expressed anger at the attackers, and emphasized that this attack does not represent Libyans or Islam. Relatively few have even mentioned the inflammatory video. So if we post messaging about the video specifically, we may draw unwanted attention to it.
“And it is becoming increasingly clear that the series of events in Benghazi was much more terrorist attack than a protest which escalated into violence,” the official continued. “It is our opinion that in our messaging, we want to distinguish, not conflate, the events in other countries with this well-planned attack by militant extremists. I have discussed this with [redacted] and he shares PAS’s view.”
According to a statement by Matt Wolking, press secretary of the House Select Committee on Benghazi:
This email shows that State Department staff privately raised serious concerns about conflating the terrorist attacks in Benghazi with a video on the Internet, even as the Secretary of State and other Obama administration officials continued to do so publicly.
Wild Thing's comment.............
This crap never ends. I am so sick of all the corruption.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
October 27, 2015
Hillary Clinton Says the VA Scandal was not serious even though 2014 found that nearly 1,000 US veterans died as a result of subpar treatment
Hillary on VA — "Scandals are not widespread" and not serious.
Hillary Clinton complained to Rachel Maddow this weekend that the VA Scandal was not serious – And just part of the GOP ideological agenda.
A 90-page report released by Senator Tom Coburn in 2014 found that nearly 1,000 US veterans died as a result of subpar treatment.
Hillary says this is not a serious scandal.
“Veterans who do get treated are satisfied with their treatment… Nobody would believe that from the coverage that you see and the constant berating of the VA that comes from the Republicans, in part in pursuit of the ideological agenda that they have. But it’s not been as widespread as it’s been made out to be.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
She is just so truly horrible, corrupt, a liar and just everything that is bad.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
October 23, 2015
Former New York City Mayor and federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani weighed in on today’s Benghazi hearing with Hillary Clinton
Former New York City Mayor and federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani weighed in on today’s Benghazi hearing with Hillary Clinton
Former New York City Mayor and federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani weighed in on today’s Benghazi hearing with Hillary Clinton. Giuliani told Sean Hannity, “This seals the case… She’s lying.”
“This seals the case. Before you didn’t know if she was incompetent or lying. Now you know she’s lying because they knew from the very, very beginning that this was a spontaneous attack, one they hadn’t prepared for, one they should have been prepared for. It happened on September 11th, Sean. My goodness… Hillary owns Libya. Her record of Secretary of State is incompetent and then lying for political purposes in order to cover up what’s happening.”
Wild Thing's comment..............
Rudy Giuliani is a good man, I will never forget all he did to make things in NY better.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:46 AM
October 17, 2015
The FBI Agents Investigating Hillary Are Furious With Obama, And Here’s Why
The FBI Agents Investigating Hillary Are Furious With Obama, And Here’s Why
F.B.I. agents are reportedly angry over President Obama’s decision last Sunday to weigh in concerning their ongoing investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.
Before the agency has had a chance to review over 30,000 of Clinton’s emails to determine if she mishandled classified information, the president told 60 Minutes, “I don’t think it posed a national security problem.” He went on to characterize her actions as a “mistake.” Obama also stated definitively, “This is not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.”
The New York Times reports, “Those statements angered F.B.I. agents who have been working for months to determine whether Ms. Clinton’s email setup had in fact put any of the nation’s secrets at risk, according to current and former law enforcement officials.”
The White House backed off the president’s words the next day promising he is not trying to influence the outcome of an ongoing investigation. “There’s a debate among national security experts, as part of their ongoing, independent review, about how or even whether to classify sections of those emails,” said Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary. “But, as the president said, there is no evidence to indicate that the information in those emails endangered our national security.”
A spokesman for the F.B.I. declined to comment to the New York Times about the president’s remarks. But Ron Hosko, a former senior F.B.I. official who retired in 2014, said it was inappropriate for Obama to “suggest what side of the investigation he is on” when the F.B.I. is still investigating.
“Injecting politics into what is supposed to be a fact-finding inquiry leaves a foul taste in the F.B.I.’s mouth and makes them fear that no matter what they find, the Justice Department will take the president’s signal and not bring a case,” said Hosko, who maintains close contact with current agents.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Obama could care less if he said the wrong thing. I wish so much when they left does things they would not always get away with it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
October 09, 2015
Horrible Hillary Clinton: “NRA’s Position Reminds Me of… Iranians or Communists”
Hillary Clinton: “NRA’s Position Reminds Me of… Iranians or Communists”
Hillary Clinton compared the NRA to Iranians and Communists during her stop in Mount Vernon, Iowa on Wednesday.
“You know the NRA’s position reminds me of negotiating with the Iranians or the Communists. You know there’s no possible discussion and it’s for political purposes.”
Wild Thing's comment............
She is just so wonderful...........NOT! And of course the mush brain dems in the audience nod in agreement.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
October 03, 2015
Hillary Campaigns to Half-Empty Gym at Florida College
Hillary Campaigns to Half-Empty Gym at Florida College
Wild Thing's comment...........
This must really shock her. I can only imagine how she must have thought she had it made to be the next president and it is not going well for her at all. I am so glad. The weird thing is they have Bernie Sanders who states it clearly he is a socialist and yet so is Hillary. hahaha They really are not that much different.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
October 01, 2015
WTF! Hillary Clinton says it’s DISRESPECTFUL to the military to make her answer for BENGHAZI!
Hillary Clinton says it’s DISRESPECTFUL to the military to make her answer for BENGHAZI!
Hillary is just so offended that anyone would make her answer for why four Americans died at Benghazi that she is now saying it’s an insult to their memory, and to the entire military, to investigate her.
Wild Thing's comment..........
sheesh! Will she ever be punished for her crimes and corruption.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Hillary Clinton Camp Is Making Moves To Check Joe Biden
Hillary Clinton Camp Is Making Moves To Check Joe Biden
Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign, increasingly worried about the threat of a challenge from Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., is making a sudden and urgent effort to throw roadblocks into his path
After months of voicing doubt about a challenge from the vice president, Clinton campaign operatives are viewing Mr. Biden’s entry into the contest as a serious possibility and are trying to rally the party’s apparatus and its donors to her side. They have flooded uncommitted Democrats with emails, phone calls and a plea for them to sign a letter, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times. In the letter, Democrats are asked to “pledge to support Hillary Rodham Clinton at the 2016 Democratic National Committee Convention with my unpledged delegate vote.”
A campaign aide said that given the mistakes of Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 campaign, they had always planned to make an early and aggressive push to lock down superdelegate support.
Wild Thing's comment........
Hillary worried about Biden and I keep seeing Biden is supposed to be high in the polls. It will be a nice relief to see the dems fighting instead of the republicans.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
September 27, 2015
Draft Dodger, Corrupt, sexual-attacker Bill Clinton Blames Republicans for Hillary's email scandals
Draft Dodger, Corrupt, sexual-attacker Bill Clinton Blames Republicans for Hillary's email scandals
Bill Clinton took some time off from his perpetual womanizing in Little Rock, Arkansas in order to do what the Clintons do best – blame the Republicans for all of their failures and faults.
Even John King couldn’t swallow Clinton’s snow job, as he immediately pointed out that it was Hillary who caused her own email scandals, not the Republicans.
Read more:
Wild Thing's comment...............
Typical of both the Clinton's to blame others.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:09 PM
Chuck Todd Can’t Believe How Bad Clinton’s Poll Numbers Are: “I Thought I Was Misreading It”
Chuck Todd Can’t Believe How Bad Clinton’s Poll Numbers Are: “I Thought I Was Misreading It”
Chuck Todd: Can we take a minute here? Hillary Clinton is down double digits to Bernie Sanders in NH?
Both Scarborough and Chuck Todd are stunned by the new numbers showing Clinton tanking.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Interesting how politics is a constant change in elections.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
September 26, 2015
FBI Arrests Clinton Chinese Friend
FBI Arrests Clinton Chinese Friend
by Kevin Jackson
This is just the tip of the iceberg, and what we will soon find out about the Clintons will likely not only damage the Clintons, but the Democrats in general.
Recall the scandal surrounding the Clintons, as they were accused of selling secrets to the Chinese, and taking illegal campaign funds. We now learn that Ng Lap Seng was arrested in New York last weekend by FBI agents working with federal prosecutors assigned to the public corruption squad in the Southern District of New York.
His arrest came on the same day the Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Seattle for a state visit to the United States.
Ng is a prominent real estate developer on the gambling center island of Macau, and is said to have close ties to the Chinese government, reported to be a member of a senior advisory group called the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.
A criminal complaint against Ng, filed in federal court, described a series of trips Ng made to the U.S., where he arrived often by private jet, carrying large amounts of cash. Supposedly Ng lied about the purpose for bringing the cash, falsely claiming it was for the purchase of real estate, art or for gambling.
According to the complaint, FBI agents surveilled Ng on several of his most recent trips and found that “at no point” was he seen “looking at paintings available for purchase, purchasing paintings, or gambling.”
The complaint does not offer details about who the government believes received the cash, other than identifying a “Business Associate-1”.
The Clinton campaign of course denies any contact with Ng, as one would surmise they would do. Nevertheless there is a history.
Ng was identified in a 1998 Senate report as the source of hundreds of thousands of dollars illegally funneled through an Arkansas restaurant owner, Charlie Trie, to the Democratic National Committee during the Clinton administration.
Where there is smoke there is fire. I believe this is the shot over the bow for the Clintons.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Wow, the old Chinagate of Bill and Hillary continues. I will never forget how involved Chinagate was, all the players and the treason. It still shocks me how they got away with so many crimes.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
September 24, 2015
It Continues....FBI investigating Clinton email server
FBI investigating Clinton email server
Wild Thing's comment........
It just goes on and on, it sure takes forever to get this done by those investigating. I realize it is because of the drip drip drip way the emails are coming in but still............. I hope for once the vile Hillary does not get away with this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
September 16, 2015
Andrea Mitchell: White Women ‘Abandoning’ Hillary Clinton ‘In Droves’
Andrea Mitchell: White Women ‘Abandoning’ Hillary Clinton ‘In Droves’
NBC’s Andrea Mitchell reported on the Today show Tuesday that white women were abandoning Hillary Clinton “in droves,” and that the Democratic presidential candidate was desperately trying to win them back.
“Hillary Clinton is reaching out to that group that she had always counted on, white women voters, who are now abandoning her in droves during the last two months,” Mitchell reported.
Clinton has spent the past few weeks doing everything possible to court women voters, even going so far as to seek out women-owned businesses to grab lunch. “This after seeing her support among white women in one new poll go from 71% in July to just 42% now, a 29% drop in only eight weeks as Clinton has been hammered with questions about her private emails,” Mitchell noted.
Mitchell, one of the few hard news reporters to have interviewed the candidate so far, noted that Clinton is reaching out to women by doing “softer interviews,” including talking to Mario Lopez about meeting Kim Kardashian.
Wild Thing's comment............
If they do want Hillary, it will be one corruption after another just like when Bill was president.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
September 15, 2015
Hillary Clinton on Bill as Vice President: ‘It Has Crossed My Mind’
Hillary Clinton on Bill as Vice President: ‘It Has Crossed My Mind’
Hillary Clinton said the thought of selecting Bill as her running mate has “crossed” her mind, but added that she has been told it’s likely unconstitutional.
“He would be good, but he’s not eligible, under the Constitution,” the Democratic frontrunner said of her husband in an interview with Extra. “He has served his two terms and I think the argument would be as vice president it would not be possible for him to ever succeed to the position — at least that’s what I’ve been told.”
“It has crossed my mind,” she jokingly added to host Mario Lopez.
Wild Thing's comment...............
Joking or testing the waters....... who knows.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (1)
September 12, 2015
Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Literally Collapsing, Takes Out American Flag In The Process
Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Literally Collapsing, Takes Out American Flag In The Process…
Wild Thing's comment...............
LOL except for our American Flag this is funny..
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (1)
September 04, 2015
IT Person Who Set Up Hillary’s Private Server Was Paid With Taxpayer Dollars, Will Plead The Fifth During Testimony
The IT specialist who set up Hillary Clinton’s controversial private email was paid with taxpayer dollars after he helped the former Secretary of State skirt the law.
And Bryan Pagliano is finding his own words could be coming back to bite him. ‘Some things that look like good ideas…may actually have bad consequences,’ he told an IT webinar last year.
Pagliano, 39, was taken on by the State Department when Clinton was appointed the nation’s top diplomat in 2009. He had previously worked for her presidential campaign.
Now the married father of two, says he will plead the Fifth Amendment to prevent him testifying to Congress about his work at Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, NY.
Wild Thing's comment............
The Clinton's have always gotten away with every crime, corruption, dead person so why would it be any different now. I wish they would go to jail for their crimes but that would have to be in a different world.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
September 01, 2015
State Dept Just Released Clinton Emails - The Kelly File
State Dept Just Released Clinton Emails - The Kelly File
The State Department is set to release a batch of 6,000 personal emails belonging to Clinton tonight, but we're already getting a sneak peak of what they contain.
That's right, 150 more documents flagged for classified information. This news comes on top of revelations earlier this month Clinton had at least 300 classified documents passing through her private email server, which intelligence officials are almost certain was hacked by foreign governments. Also keep in mind that out of hundreds of classified documents, at least two found in Clinton's system were deemed top secret (the highest level of classification).
As Guy wrote about last week, the FBI is reportedly using it's "A-Team" to investigate the legal aspects of Clinton's inappropriate handling of classified information with the prosecutor who took down General David Petraeus leading the way. Felonies for Clinton could be on the table if she is in fact indicted.
An FBI "A-team" is leading the "extremely serious" investigation into Hillary Clinton's server and the focus includes a provision of the law pertaining to "gathering, transmitting or losing defense information," an intelligence source told Fox News. The section of the Espionage Act is known as 18 US Code 793. A separate source, who also was not authorized to speak on the record, said the FBI will further determine whether Clinton should have known, based on the quality and detail of the material, that emails passing through her server contained classified information regardless of the markings. The campaign's standard defense and that of Clinton is that she "never sent nor received any email that was marked classified" at the time. It is not clear how the FBI team's findings will impact the probe itself. But the details offer a window into what investigators are looking for -- as the Clinton campaign itself downplays the controversy...A leading national security attorney, who recently defended former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling in a leak investigation, told Fox News that violating the Espionage Act provision in question is a felony and pointed to a particular sub-section...The Clinton campaign did not provide an on-the-record comment on the matter when given questions by Fox News.
Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign's response to increasing pressure surrounding classified information has gone from the former Secretary "never sending or receiving any classified information" to "she never knowingly sent or received classified information."
Wild Thing's comment..........
And if she becomes president SHE WILL BE BLACKMAILED, BRIBED, EXTORTED and ‘you name it’ by ALL of the foreign governments who have the entire contents of her UNsecured private server!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM
August 31, 2015
Another DEAD body in the Clinton's world. Spy Found Dead In Bag He Had Hacked Into Secret Data On Bill Clinton
Another DEAD body in the Clinton's world. Spy Found Dead In Bag He Had Hacked Into Secret Data On Bill Clinton
- Gareth Williams's body was found in a bag at his London flat five years ago
- Spy illegally hacked into secret data on former U.S. president Bill Clinton
- Personal voicemail messages left by the spy were deleted after he died
The British spy whose body was found padlocked inside a bag in his flat had illegally hacked into secret data on former U.S. president Bill Clinton, it has been revealed.
Gareth Williams, 31, was discovered in a holdall in the bath at his London home five years ago this month, but the mystery surrounding his death has never been solved.
Today, it has been revealed the spy had dug out a guest list for an event Clinton was due to attend as a favor for a friend.
The hack breached Mr Williams' security clearance and this sparked anger among MI6 bosses as tensions rose with U.S. security services over the spy's transatlantic work, The Sun on Sunday has reported.
A source said: 'The Clinton diary hack came at a time when Williams' work with America was of the most sensitive nature.
'It was a diplomatic nightmare for Sir John Sawers, the new director of MI6 at the time.'
The paper has also reported that voicemail messages Mr Williams, a maths genius and expert cryptographer, left for family and friends were deleted shortly after his death.
Earlier this month, it was revealed that detectives who investigated the mysterious death believe he was murdered and that his killers then broke back in through a skylight to cover their tracks.
The claim centres on the revelation that part of the forensic equipment placed in the flat after the body was found was moved – despite the fact the building was under armed police guard.
The theory supports his family’s suspicions he was murdered by ‘agents specialising in the dark arts of the secret services’.
Mr Williams had been working with the American National Security Agency in Washington before returning to London, where he underwent training and was sent on active operations.
Dr Wilcox concluded that Mr Williams’s death was ‘unnatural and likely to have been criminally mediated’.
She said she was satisfied ‘on the balance of probabilities that Gareth was killed unlawfully’, as it was likely someone else had put his body in the bag and locked it.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Crossed the Clintons and ended up dead. What.A.Surprise. Not. Just another victim of the Vince Foster Syndrome.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
August 29, 2015
Hillary Clinton Being Investigated For Violating The Espionage Act
Hillary Clinton Being Investigated For Violating The Espionage Act
An FBI “A-team” is leading the “extremely serious” investigation into Hillary Clinton’s server and the focus includes a provision of the law pertaining to “gathering, transmitting or losing defense information,” an intelligence source told Fox News.
The section of the Espionage Act is known as 18 US Code 793.
A separate source, who also was not authorized to speak on the record, said the FBI will further determine whether Clinton should have known, based on the quality and detail of the material, that emails passing through her server contained classified information regardless of the markings.
The campaign’s standard defense and that of Clinton is that she “never sent nor received any email that was marked classified” at the time.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Mark Levin said,it doesn't matter if documents were marked, if they were sent or received - opened or unopened - in emails, or even if she didn't recognize any markings. The sole fact that even one of these secure documents was on her personal server altogether is a violation of the Espionage Act.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM
Hillary Clinton Response To Fox Reporter: You Are ‘Entitled’ To Only One Question
Clinton Response To Fox Reporter: You Are ‘Entitled’ To Only One Question
When Fox News reporter Ed Henry asked Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton three straightforward questions about her email scandal on Friday, she quickly told him she would only be answering one.
“Well, let me answer one of your questions, because I think that’s what you’re entitled to,” Clinton said.
Here are the three questions Henry asked:
• “Were you aware that your husband wanted to give paid speeches to repressive regimes like North Korea?”
• “Do you have any comment on these new emails that have raised questions about conflict of interest involving your aide Huma Abedin?”
• “You’ve said there’s nothing unique about this situation…can you name one other cabinet secretary who has their own server?”
Clinton chose only to answer the first one, saying that she implemented a policy that required any request that her husband received be sent to the State Department to “be vetted.”
“It didn’t matter where it was coming from, it was going to go to the State Department,” she added. “And there were some unusual requests, but they all went through the process to try to make sure that the State Department conducted its independent review.”
She added, “He did neither of those speeches,” referring to reports that he sought to give speeches in North Korea and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Clinton’s exchange with Henry came after her address to the Democratic National Committee.
Wild Thing's comment............
LOL the Queen bee.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
August 28, 2015
Obituaries Keep Requesting Loved Ones Not Vote for Hillary
Obituaries Keep Requesting Loved Ones Not Vote for Hillary
An Arkansas man has requested in his obituary that loved ones do not vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, making him at least the third individual to do so since Clinton launched her campaign in April.
The obituary for Richard Buckman of Beebe, Ark., reads, “In lieu of flowers, please do not vote for Hillary,” mirroring text that was included in a recent obituary for a deceased New Jersey woman.
Buckman died on Aug. 22 at the age of 75, three days after news broke that the obituary for 63-year-old Elaine Fydrych of Gloucester Township, N.J., advised funeral goers, “Elaine requests, ‘In lieu of flowers, please do not vote for Hillary Clinton.’”
Indeed, such requests have become something of a trend. The obituary for a 81-year-old North Carolina man who died the day after Clinton launched her presidential campaign also asked loved ones to refrain from voting for the Democratic presidential candidate.
Wild Thing's comment.............
LOL this is kind of funny, since the Democrats use so many dead people to vote.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Ex-Clinton Advisor: Clinton Team In ‘Sheer Panic’, It’s A ‘Bad Day In Clintonland’
Ex-Clinton Advisor: Clinton Team In ‘Sheer Panic’, It’s A ‘Bad Day In Clintonland’…
Doug Shoen -- Hillary's email scandal not going away
Wild Thing's comment.............
She has done to to herself. Karma from all the crimes of both the Clinton's.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
August 18, 2015
Obama's State Department Turns Up Over 81,000 Emails From Top Hillary Clinton Aide They Swore Didn’t Exist
State Department Turns Up Over 81,000 Emails From Top Hillary Clinton Aide They Swore Didn’t Exist
State Department officials have uncovered thousands of emails between Philippe Reines, a top Hillary Clinton aide, and members of the media, they previously said did not exist.
In a court filing last Thursday, the State Department estimated that a recent search turned up more than 81,000 emails from Reines’s official account while at the State Department. And 17,855 potentially fall within a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by Gawker earlier this year.
That is a reversal from 2013, when the State Department said a thorough search turned up no responsive records for Gawker’s request. In 2012, Gawker requested all emails between Reines and reporters from 34 media outlets.
The State Department did not explain the reversal in the court document, nor did it return a request for comment.
It will begin releasing a tranche of Reines’s emails by the end of September.
After it was revealed earlier this year that Clinton, and potentially some of her aides, used personal email accounts for official business, Gawker sued the State Department over its initial request for communications between Reines and reporters.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Is Obama throwing her under the bus? hahahaha
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
August 16, 2015
Judge Jeanine: Hilliary Guilty and Cannot be President
Judge Jeanine: Hilliary Guilty and Cannot be President
Judge Jeanine walks through the litany of probably felonies committed by Hillary Clinton in the handling of her emails while Secretary of State. Based on the evident, the judge declares Hillary GUILTY. Therefore she cannot and must not be our president.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Good for Judge Jeanine.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Another LIE from Hillary - Clinton: Voters not interested in email scandal
Clinton: Voters not interested in email scandal
Wild Thing's comment..............
She is a natural born liar. People like this, and like Obama have no conscience at all.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
August 14, 2015
LMAO....Howard Dean: Hillary Clinton Has Been Completely Truthful - This Is An Attempt By Republicans to Smear the Frontrunner
Howard Dean: Hillary Clinton Has Been Completely Truthful - This Is An Attempt By Republicans to Smear the Frontrunner
DEAN on NBC: "This is nothing but a partisan witch hunt"
Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, the former chair of the Democratic National Committee, tells Matt Lauer that the Justice Department investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server will show "no criminality" and that her Republican rivals are attempting to "smear the frontrunner early on."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Oh Howard you must think we are all stupid like the democrats.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
August 13, 2015
Brent Bozell: Hillary Scandal '100 Times Worse' Than Watergate
Brent Bozell: Hillary Scandal '100 Times Worse' Than Watergate
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell on Wednesday urged journalists to continue covering the bombshell developments related to Hillary Clinton's use of a private E-mail server as Secretary of State. Appearing on Varney and Company, Bozell compared the story to Watergate and Richard Nixon: "His entire presidency was destroyed because of this. Now, compare that to what we're learning about Hillary Clinton, which is 100 times more serious."
The MRC president and Stuart Varney discussed how journalists actually covered the news that Clinton is surrendering her server, as well as the revelation that her e-mails included at least some top secret information sent on the unsecured server.
Wild Thing's comment............
We will see how bad it comes down on Hillary, every time we think this time will do it, she gets away with it. deep sigh.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
August 12, 2015
Hillary Clinton: “As President, I Would Model The Kind Of Behavior I Would Hope All Americans Would Have”
Hillary Clinton said at a Tuesday town hall meeting that she would strive as president to “model the kind of behavior” that hopefully all Americans would have.
Clinton made the remark while responding to a question about cultural intolerance in Claremont, New Hampshire, according to The Blaze.
“My question is about something that’s troubling me about our culture in the United States right now,” the town hall participant said. “There is a strong undercurrent of hatred with racism, homophobia, transphobia, classism. Besides being good neighbors to each other, what can you do and will you do as our leader to help us move beyond all of that?”
“I think we have to, as a nation, really ask ourselves some hard questions about how we truly feel about and treat each other, and the level of vitriol and insult that we see on the Internet is so distressing to me, and it goes exactly after people in the categories you have outlined,” Clinton said. “As president, I would do my very best to model the kind of behavior that I would hope all of our citizens would have. I’m not asking people to like everybody. I’m asking people to be respectful.”
Wild Thing's comment........
'Americas secrets shouldn't belong to you'. (two of four Top Secret emails missing, containing material at the highest classification) Inspector Generals office. The FBI is involved."....Mark Levin.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Gowdy Does Not Mince Words Reacting to Hillary Email Revelation: ‘This Is a National Security Issue
Gowdy Does Not Mince Words Reacting to Hillary Email Revelation: ‘This Is a National Security Issue
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, released a statement Tuesday night calling the Hillary Clinton email matter a “national security issue.”
The conservative congressman was reacting to news that the Democratic frontrunner would turn her private home server, used to send emails while secretary of state, over to the Justice Department.
“For months the Select Committee on Benghazi has called on Secretary Clinton to turn over her server to a neutral, detached third party for independent forensic examination. She refused every entreat,” Gowdy said. “Secretary Clinton said she created this unusual email arrangement with herself for ‘convenience.’ It may have been convenient for her, but it has been troubling at multiple levels for the rest of the country.”
“Congress, the media, the public, private litigants and FOIA requestors were denied access to public documents, and recently the Inspectors General for two separate Executive Branch entities expressed concern about the possible exposure of classified material as a direct result of her decision to eschew the email rules applicable to everyone else and create her own,” he continued.
Gowdy expressed much concern over the inspector general for the intelligence community noting that emails deemed “TOP SECRET” traversed through her server.
“The IC Inspector General revealed Secretary Clinton’s emails and server contained not just ‘top secret’ classified information, but ‘compartmented’ classified intelligence not releasable to foreigners, which must be noted in the timing of this announcement,” Gowdy said.
He added, “This is a serious national security issue, and the seriousness of it should transcend normal, partisan politics.”
Gowdy concluded by suggesting the revelations surrounding Clinton’s email were only exposed because truth-seekers continued to demand answers.
“The revelation that Secretary Clinton exclusively used private email for official public business, and the multitude of issues that emanated from her decision, including this most recent one, demonstrates what can happen when Congress and those equally committed to exposing the truth, doggedly pursue facts and follow them,” he said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I hope something comes of all of this. It seems like forever to get justice Obama and Hillary have been dong all they can to keep information from Gowdy.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Hillary Clinton Will Turn Over Private Server to DOJ
Clinton Will Turn Over Private Server to DOJ
The news comes just hours after the Intelligence Community Inspector General told Congress that her email server contained emails that have now been classified “top secret.”
Spokesman Nick Merrill said Clinton “pledged to cooperate with the government’s security inquiry.”
“She directed her team to give her email server that was used during her tenure as Secretary to the Department of Justice, as well as a thumb drive containing copies of her emails already provided to the State Department,” Merrill said in a statement provided to The Hill.
“If there are more questions, we will continue to address them.”
The statement added that Clinton has worked with State to "ensure that her emails are stored in a safe and secure manner."
While Clinton turned over the emails she deemed work-related, she deleted a similar amount that her team said were strictly personal.
Clinton’s use of her personal email server has dogged her since even before she entered the presidential race, and some Democrats have worried that it has contributed to her fledgling poll numbers on trustworthiness.
"The majority of Americans don't trust her, and they're right. She put our national security at risk for selfish reasons. She couldn't be trusted at the State Department; she certainly can't be trusted in the Oval Office."
Jamal Ware, the spokesman for the House Benghazi Committee, criticized Clinton, noting that "she refused every entreat" as the committee called on her to turn the server over.
"Secretary Clinton's decision to prioritize her own convenience - and desire for control - over the security of our country's intelligence should concern all people of good conscience," he said.
"This is a serious national security issue, and the seriousness of it should transcend normal, partisan politics."
House Speaker John Boehner added in a statement: “It's about time. Secretary Clinton's previous statements that she possessed no classified information were patently untrue. Her mishandling of classified information must be fully investigated."
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) released two pages of the memo sent to a handful of members of Congress that confirmed the Intelligence Community Inspector General's finding.
“This information revealed by the inspector general makes it even more important that the FBI and the State Department secure these documents,” he said.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Both the Clinton's are corrupt, to even consider either of them to be good for our country is a joke....a bad one.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
July 30, 2015
Hillary Clinton Not Big On Answering Questions She Plays Plays Dodgeball
Hillary Clinton Not Big On Answering Questions She Plays Plays Dodgeball
Wild Thing's comment..........
LOL can you imagine running for office, any office and not giving answers or an opinion.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
July 28, 2015
Hillary Clinton Dodges Keystone Pipeline Question
Hillary Clinton Dodges Keystone Pipeline Question
During an Iowa speech on climate change Monday, Clinton refused to weigh in on the project. She argued that because she served as President Obama’s secretary of State when the pipeline was under consideration, it would be inappropriate for her to comment.
“No other presidential candidate was secretary of state when this process started, and I put together a very thorough, deliberative, evidence-based process to evaluate the environmental impact and other considerations of Keystone,” Clinton said at the Des Moines event.
“So I will refrain from commenting, because I had a leading role in getting that process started, and I think that we have to let it run its course,” she continued.
Clinton’s comments are likely to further infuriate environmentalists, who have criticized her for years for avoiding the project’s controversy and declining to weigh in on oil drilling, hydraulic fracturing or other environmental measures.
Wild Thing's comment...............
I am shocked! Shocked, I say!! LOL not, I would expect her to dodge important questions.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
July 27, 2015
Idiot Hillary's New Video On Urgent Threat We Face…Now Get this it is Climate Change
Idiot Hillary's New Video On Urgent Threat We Face…Now Get this it is Climate Change
Wild Thing's comment.........
Good grief, amazing the depth of insanity from the left. I think we all should appreciate and take care of our land, don't trash up things, protect animals and birds from things like those horrible windmillls that kill hundreds of birds and our Eagles etc.
But to say that climate change is a threat to our lives, our country is stupid.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
July 09, 2015
Hillary Claimed (LIED) During Interview She Wasn’t Subpoenaed, Trey Gowdy Releases Copy Of Subpoena
Claimed (LIED) During Interview She Wasn’t Subpoenaed, Trey Gowdy Releases Copy Of Subpoena
Hillary Clinton falsely claimed in an interview that she had not received a subpoena for her emails. But Trey Gowdy, the chair of the House Benghazi committee, released the subpoena he sent the former secretary of state after hearing Clinton not tell the truth:
The Benghazi committee says in a statement:
The House Select Committee on Benghazi today released its March 4, 2015, subpoena to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in response to her inaccurate claim she had not been subpoenaed. The committee subpoenaed Clinton directly after it became aware of her exclusive use of personal email and a server and that the State Department was not the custodian of Clinton’s official record. The State Department failed to reveal this essential information to the Benghazi Committee or any other investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attacks until days before a media outlet was going to publish the information, meaning no investigation prior to the Benghazi Committee’s had access to the Secretary of State’s communications as part of its review.
Wild Thing's comment..............
She is like Obama and so many especially on the left, telling lies is something that comes naturally to them. They feel no guilt, have no conscience, no souls.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
June 26, 2015
Corrupt Hillary Takes Private Jet To Give Speech On ‘Social Inequality’
Hillary Takes Private Jet To Give Speech On ‘Social Inequality’
Hillary Clinton gave a speech Tuesday near Ferguson, Missouri, site of anti-police riots inspired by the controversial shooting death of Michael Brown. Clinton’s speech at Christ the King United Methodist Church of Christ in the nearby town of Florissant focused on issues of racial and social inequality. “Despite our best efforts and our highest hopes, America’s long struggle with race is far from finished,” she said. “We can’t hide from hard truths about race and justice. We have to name them, own them and change them.”
Naturally, she arrived in a private jet. After the speech, Clinton was whisked away to a $2,700-per-person fundraiser hosted by a Budweiser heiress.
Wild Thing's comment...............
The nightmare with our country will continue if she gets elected.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:42 AM
June 23, 2015
Harassment Complaints Tripled At State Dept Under Clinton And Kerry
Harassment Complaints Tripled At State Dept Under Clinton And Kerry
Harassment complaints nearly tripled at the State Department under the watch of Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, according to a State Department watchdog report released Thursday.
The Washington Times reports that harassment complaints hit 88 formal claims during Clinton’s third year at State in 2011. This number jumped to 248 formal claims just three years later in 2014 with Kerry serving as secretary. Hundreds more informal harassment complaints were also filed during this time.
Last year, more than one-third, or 38 percent of complaints filed by employees, dealt with sex discrimination or reprisals. An additional 43 percent of complaints were made up of alleged harassment dealing with unfair hiring or promotions.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Kerry and both the Clinton's are such terrible people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM
June 18, 2015
Hillary Talks About Her Future 2 Terms as President
Here's an arrogant Hillary Clinton talking about being a 2-term President a year and a half before the election of 2016.
So, she's not only gonna win in 2016, she's already got herself winning reelection in 2020, this at a time when she is absolutely plummeting in nearly every head-to-head poll released in the last month.
Wild Thing's comment............
LOL wow what arrogance.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
June 17, 2015
Hillary Clinton charged a kids’ charity $200,000 to speak — and she pocketed every dime
Hillary Clinton charged a kids’ charity $200,000 to speak — and she pocketed every dime.
Clinton reportedly charged the Boys and Girls Club of Long Beach $200,000 for a speech earlier this year, according to new speaking disclosures made available on the Clinton Foundation website.
Clinton spoke at a Boys and Girls Club of Long Beach fundraiser in California on March 3, reportedly speaking to 300 Long Beach “movers and shakers” at an event that was closed to the press. The event was marked by Secret Service security and bomb-sniffing dogs outside before Clinton got there.
The Boys and Girls Club of Long Beach’s programs promote character, education, health, and sports and art involvement for children.
When former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice spoke to the same group in 2009, she reportedly donated the nearly $60,000 they paid her back to the charity.
Wild Thing's comment............
Hillary is a disgusting leech on society.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
June 13, 2015
Hillary Clinton Wrong for America
The GOP has come out swinging at Hillary Clinton with a new video two days before Clinton’s re-do announcement speech in New York.
The 30-second ad, titled “Wrong for America,” is made up of clips from news coverage of Clinton’s sliding poll numbers, her disconnect with “everyday Americans” she wants to champion, and her exorbitant wealth.
The video ends with a final punch from Larry Sabato.
“They act like she is allergic to real people.”
Wild Thing's comment.............
It is one thing to be making these videos to share online, but I hope the GOP will be putting them on TV in markets that the left watches a lot.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM
June 12, 2015
GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiornia on Hillary Clinton
GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiornia decided to throw down the gloves and go full bareknuckle on Hillary Clinton in her latest political ad.
What makes this ad so amazing though is that it isn’t mud slinging, because the main point of the video is that Clinton hasn’t accomplished anything of any significance during her political career, particularly during her time as secretary of state, which is true.
Wild Thing's comment............
Great ad.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
June 03, 2015
Feds alarmed over Hillary's record keeping for 5 years
Federal officials voiced growing alarm over Clinton’s compliance with records laws, documents show
OVER A 5-YEAR SPAN, senior officials at the National Archives and Records Administration voiced growing alarm about Hillary Clinton's record keeping practices as secretary of state, according to internal documents obtained by Fox News.
During Clinton’s final days in office, Paul Wester, the director of Modern Records Programs at NARA – essentially the agency’s chief records custodian – privately emailed five NARA colleagues to confide his fear that Clinton would take her official records with her when she left office, in violation of federal statutes.
Referring to a colleague whose full name is unknown, Wester wrote on December 11, 2012: “Tom heard (or thought he heard) from the Clinton Library Director that there are or may be plans afoot for taking her records from State to Little Rock." That was a reference to the possibility that Clinton might seek to house her records at the Clinton Presidential Center, which was largely funded by the Clinton Foundation.
"[W]e need to discuss what we know, and how we should delicately go about learning more about…the transition plans for Secretary Clinton’s departure from State," Wester added. He did not specify why the situation required “delicate” handling, but added that colleagues had “continued to invoke the specter of the Henry Kissinger experience vis-à-vis Hilary [sic] Clinton.”
That was a reference to how the secretary of state during the Nixon and Ford administrations, preparing to leave office in January 1977, stashed large segments of his classified papers on the upstate New York estate of his friend, Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller. It wasn’t until 2001 that Kissinger relented to demands from scholars and the U.S. government and made the documents available for research.
Under the Federal Records Act, NARA is entrusted with official oversight of Executive Branch agencies and their employees, aimed at ensuring that the records they generate in the discharge of their official duties are being properly preserved and stored.
The Wester email and 72 other internal documents released by NARA and the State Department earlier this month show NARA officers repeatedly expressed concerns that Clinton and her office were not observing the federal laws and regulations that govern recordkeeping – but that NARA never did much about it.
The 73 documents from NARA and State were turned over to Cause of Action, a non-partisan government accountability watchdog that had filed a Freedom of Information Act request in March, after the New York Times revealed that Clinton had exclusively used a private email server and domain name during her tenure as secretary of state. Cause of Action shared the documentswith Fox News on an exclusive basis, ahead of Senate testimony by the group’s executive director, Daniel Epstein.
“Given NARA’s stated concerns,” Epstein said in written testimony submitted this week to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, “it either was aware of the failure to preserve Mrs. Clinton’s emails or was extremely negligent in its efforts to monitor [the preservation of] senior officials’ emails.”
The alarm bells sounded fairly early in Clinton’s tenure at Foggy Bottom. In a November 2009 email, written when Clinton had not yet completed her first year on the job, NARA archivist David Langbart wrote to his colleague, Michael Kurtz, about a “huge issue on which there has been little progress” – namely, the proper preservation of “high-level memos” generated by employees at “S/ES.” That is the abbreviation for the office of the secretary of state within the State Department’s Executive Secretariat.
“[Members of a task force] are still working with the Executive Secretariat on the high-level memos issue,” Langbart wrote on November 2. “Earlier it sounded like S/ES was going to relay on SMART [an updated recordkeeping program for the State Department] but it now appears that they will be establishing their own recordkeeping system…”
Previously unpublished notes taken at a conference of NARA and State Department officials in July 2014, after Clinton had left the government, reflect continued concern that recordkeeping practices at Clinton’s agency had never met federal standards.
The handwritten notes, turned over to Cause of Action, refer to employees at State “using gmail with no r/k [recordkeeping] system,” and lamenting the “total disaster” that had apparently occurred when the Department of Interior had adopted a Google app for government use. The notes show the officials discussed “targeting senior leaders” at the State Department, in part by having assistant secretaries of state at each of the department’s bureaus establish “Bureau Records coordinators.”
The most recent private expressions of concern by NARA officials came after Michael Schmidt, the New York Times reporter who broke the Clinton private emails story on March 2, began making inquiries at NARA a few days before his story ran. “I’m working on a story about government employees who use their personal email addresses to conduct government business,” Schmidt wrote, without disclosing initially that his focus was on Clinton, in a February 27 email to NARA general counsel Gary Stern.
Within about two hours, Stern secured approval from NARA Chief Operating Officer William Bosanko (“No objections from me”) for Stern to speak with Schmidt. The two connected on Sunday, March 1, after which Stern privately emailed the National Archivist himself, David Ferriero, and Wester, the agency’s chief records custodian, who had two years earlier expressed fears about Clinton unlawfully taking her records with her when she left office.
Wild Thing's comment........
Just like all the gates when Bill Clinton was president. Corruption and lies are a part of the DNA of the Clinton's. Laws and rules mean nothing to them except something to break and not follow.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
June 02, 2015
Hillary Clinton tells a supporter who wanted a picture to “go to the end of the line.”
Hillary Clinton tells a supporter who wanted a picture to “go to the end of the line.”
Wild Thing's comment............
LOL and the idiot will still vote for her. Rude Hillary and how she treats her subjects.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
June 01, 2015
What does Queen Hillary Do Well?
What does Queen Hillary Do Well?
There's a reason I am so critical of Hillary Rodham Clinton. Someone has to be! From First Lady to "dead broke" and Benghazi Gate, she's got some explaining to do!
'On Point with Tomi Lahren' on One America
Wild Thing's comment........
Having Hillary run for president could be compared to some Mafia boss running for president. Both lie, cheat, are corrupt and have dead body count in their lives. I could add Obama to that too, weird how democrats have so much of this kind of thing in their lives.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
May 30, 2015
Hillary Clinton Exchanged Favors to Sweden for $26 Million Donation
Hillary Clinton Exchanged Favors to Sweden for $26 Million Donation
Wild Thing's comment.............
So much corruption and yet people will still vote for this low life Hillary.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
May 29, 2015
Emails show Clinton’s interest in arming Libyan rebels despite prohibitions
Emails show Clinton’s interest in arming Libyan rebels despite prohibitions
Recently released emails detail then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s interest in arming Libyan opposition groups using private security contractors before the fall of Muammar Qaddafi in 2011 – though at the time, the opposition was not formally recognized by the U.S. or United Nations, which prohibited arming without following strict guidelines and oversight.
The issue remains so sensitive that the emails recently released by the State Department redacted a key line on the matter. But the unredacted version of the same email, released to the congressional Benghazi Select Committee and first posted by The New York Times last Thursday, showed Clinton appearing to endorse the idea of using private contractors to her then-deputy chief of staff, Jake Sullivan.
“FYI. The idea of using private security experts to arm the opposition should be considered,” Clinton wrote to Sullivan on April 8, 2011, attaching an intelligence report from Hillary’s adviser Sidney Blumenthal. The opposition was known as the Transitional National Council, or TNC.
Another email released by the State Department shows that five days earlier, on April 3, 2011, Bill Clinton said he would not rule out arming the Libyan opposition. The story was circulated by Cheryl Mills, Hillary Clinton’s principal personal adviser at the State Department, to “H.” While it’s not clear who “H” is, based on the message traffic it is likely Hillary Clinton or possibly adviser Huma Abedin.
Later that same year, a Sept. 10, 2011 email with a subject line “Rogers” said, “Apparently wants to see you to talk Libya/weapons.”
At the time, the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee was Mike Rogers, who abruptly announced he would not seek re-election in the spring of 2014. Rogers did not immediately respond to questions seeking comment. Fox News also filed its own Freedom of Information Act request for the documents in October 2012.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Dangerous filthy criminals. It is sickening.
The Conservative Treehouse absolutely nailed all this in The Benghazi Brief. That was one of the best news article analysis pieces I have ever read. Lengthy, but right on the money
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
May 28, 2015
Judge orders Hillary Clinton email releases every 30 days
Judge orders Hillary Clinton email releases every 30 days
A federal judge issued an order Wednesday requiring the State Department to make public batches of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails every 30 days starting next month.
U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras also set particular targets for the agency to meet each month as it wades through the roughly 30,000 emails totaling about 55,000 pages. (The percentages set for each disclosure can be viewed in the judge’s written order, posted here.)
The monthly disclosure essentially splits the difference between the State Department’s most recent proposal of releases every 60 days and lawyers for Vice News reporter Jason Leopold, who proposed releases every two weeks.
The State Department initially proposed releasing the vast majority of the emails in a single batch by next January, but Contreras rejected that suggestion, citing the public interest in the materials.
Clinton, now a Democratic candidate for president, has said she wants the emails released by State as quickly as possible.
Vice News sought the emails and other records from Clinton’s office last year under the Freedom of Information Act and filed suit earlier this year when the media outlet received no substantive response.
Clinton returned the 55,000 pages of emails to her former agency in December after an October request to four former secretaries asking for any official records in their possession. The former secretary, who used a private account for all her emails during her four years as America’s top diplomat, also has said she had erased a roughly equivalent number of emails her lawyers determined to be personal or private.
Wild Thing's comment...............
Weill see if she so does this or not. She is so corrupt, a real criminal .
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
May 23, 2015
Krauthammer : Clinton Emails a Farce
Krauthammer Clinton Emails a Farce
Wild Thing's comment..........
She will get away with what she did, it seems to always happen that way. sheesh
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
May 21, 2015
Good Man Fox News' Ed Henry Asks Hillary a Question and She Will Have None of it
Hillary Shuts Down Fox News' Ed Henry When He Tries to Ask a Question He Dares To Ask Question Clinton Has None Of It
Wild Thing's comment............
She is really something, she is the same kind of dictator we have now with the freak jerk Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
May 16, 2015
The Money laundering grifters the Clintons Made $25 Million Just For Speeches Since Jan 2014
Clintons Made $25 Million Just For Speeches Since Jan 2014
Hillary Rodham Clinton and former President Bill Clinton reported Friday they earned more than $25 million combined in speaking fees since January 2014.
Clinton’s presidential campaign reported the income in a personal financial disclosure report filed with the Federal Election Commission. The report, required of every candidate for the White House, also shows Hillary Clinton earned more than $5 million from her 2014 memoirs, “Hard Choices.”
The details of the report were described by a Clinton campaign official who spoke on condition of anonymity in order to discuss a report not yet publicly available from the FEC. The report was expected to be released publicly later Friday.
Wild Thing's comment...........
I could care less what they make for making a speech to idiots that want to listen to them. But the point is the corruption about what they do, what they use it for etc. and the money laundering imo that has gone on with them and getting paid to push through certain things our government does ..........the pay for play thing is big time with the Clinton's .
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
May 07, 2015
George Will: Bill Clinton is Intellectually Sociopathic' He is completely cut off from reality
George Will: 'It's Not News When President Clinton Says Something Intellectually Sociopathic'
Yesterday Bill Clinton on CNN: 'We are the most transparent of all the presidential foundations'
George Will: Bill Clinton is completely cutoff from reality.
Wild Thing's comment...........
The most "transparent " haha good one. I cannot think of any democrat that has been transparent , they are corrupt and lie to exist.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Krauthammer: 'If We Elect Hillary, We're Going to Get This for Another 8 Years
Krauthammer: 'If We Elect Hillary, We're Going to Get This for Another 8 Years
On "Special Report" tonight, Charles Krauthammer weighed in on the latest in the "Clinton Cash" controversy, including comments from former President Bill Clinton defending the Clinton Foundation's transparency and alleging that author Peter Schweizer doesn't have a shred of evidence.
"It's sort of amusing,"Krauthammer said. "It reminds you of what they've said about a lot of other stuff they lied about consistently in the 90s."
"And this is just a guarantee that if we elect Hillary, we're going to get this for another eight years."
Wild Thing's comment...........
I cannot handle 9 years of Hillary, I am almost not able to make it through the rest of these Obama years.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM
May 06, 2015
Krauthammer's Take: Hillary 'Hiding in the Bunker' as Clinton Foundation Story Creates Problems
Krauthammer's Take: Hillary 'Hiding in the Bunker' as Clinton Foundation Story Creates Problems
Wild Thing's comment...........
So far this is the weirdest presidential campaign year.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
May 05, 2015
Brit Hume: When It Comes To Sheer Audacity, The Clintons Are in a Class By Themselves
Brit Hume: When It Comes To Sheer Audacity, The Clintons Are in a Class By Themselves
Hume hammers the Clintons for being slick politicians and hits Bill's comments that the Clinton Foundation has done nothing wrong. He also discusses Hillary's plunging poll numbers on honesty and trustworthiness
Wild Thing's comment..........
The nightmare of Obama would continue if Hillary is elected. It would end it IMO for our country. There would be way too much destruction to ever fix.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:01 AM | Comments (1)
April 30, 2015
George Will: The Clintons Have an 'Absolute Inability To Feel Embarrassment'
George Will: The Clintons Have an 'Absolute Inability To Feel Embarrassment'
Wild Thing's comment...........
I would also add the Clinton's have no inner feeling of guilt if they do something wrong or corrupt or the many lies that tell. Just like Obama, they would not feel sorry or remorse about anything.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
April 25, 2015
Krauthammer Slams the ‘Unbelievable Arrogance Of The Clintons’ Over Uranium Deal
Krauthammer Slams the ‘Unbelievable Arrogance Of The Clintons’ Over Uranium Deal
Charles Krauthammer said the “unbelievable arrogance of the Clintons” is only display with the Hillary Clinton Uranium Scandal. The very idea they think they “can get away with” this slimy pay to play activity.
Wild Thing's comment............
I agree and they will continue to get more and more arrogant as they keep getting away with the things they do.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
April 24, 2015
Bret Baier Fox News Reporting: The Tangled Clinton Web on Clinton's Tonight 10pm EST
Bret Baier Fox News Reporting: The Tangled Clinton Web on Clinton's Tonight 10pm EST
Wild Thing's comment............
Yesterday morning Bret was on Martha's show on FOX and they discussed the report he has worked on for tonight at a special time at 10 EST.
Here is some of what they discussed.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Hillary Clinton Donors Funnel Uranium To Russia
Hillary Clinton Donors Funnel Uranium To Russia
Investors in the company Uranium One donated millions upon millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation, after which Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed off on a deal transferring Uranium One's assets to the government of Russia. Secretary Clinton hid the donations from the Obama administration.
Wild Thing's comment........
Hillary’s greatest accomplishments have been eternal lying, denials, coverups and stonewalling!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
Charles Krauthammer: Unbelievable Arrogance of the Clintons Who Fully Expect to Get Away With This
Charles Krauthammer: Unbelievable Arrogance of the Clintons Who Fully Expect to Get Away With This
Charles: They think in the end they're gonna get away with it. Then next year, the Clintons will say 'this is old news'
That is a great point. The Clintons have a long history of sailing right through a scandal that would sink any Republican instantly.
Wild Thing's comment...........
They will get away with anything they do, they always have. I am so fed up with how the Clintons and Obama get away with all the things they do. Disgusted!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
April 16, 2015
Hillary Campaign Fakery and E-mail Destruction
Hillary Campaign Fakery and E-mail Destruction
Hillary Clinton is attending carefully staged events, but avoiding questions from the press.
Bret Baier introduces this video and Ed Henry carries it. He also gets into the e-mail fray, referring to the letter sent to Hillary (and others) regarding her use of e-mails. Hillary ignored that.
Wild Thing's comment............
People like Hillary and Obama cannot tell the truth, they lie as easily as they breath.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
April 15, 2015
Brit Hume: 'This Idea That Hillary Is Going to Present Herself as an Ordinary Person is Ridiculous'
Brit Hume: 'This Idea That Hillary Is Going to Present Herself as an Ordinary Person is Ridiculous'
Wild Thing's comment............
LOL she is so totally out of her league plus all the other things about her.
She has never accomplished anything except for corruption etc.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
New Ad Hammers Hillary over Lack of Trustworthiness
New 2 minute ad from “America Rising” provides a blueprint for how to go after Hillary Clinton. It attacks her where she is most vulnerable – on the issue of “trust.” It highlights her Foreign Policy failures as Secretary of State, and brings up her repeated lies about Benghazi, the Email Scandal, and her claiming to have been under “sniper fire” when she got off a plane in Bosnia in 1996. Hillary has so much baggage. Republicans must not be afraid to go after her. The liberal media will squeal about it. But the GOP must not pull any punches.
Wild Thing's comment........
Good ad I hope they have the guts to run it TV where the low information voters will see it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
March 28, 2015
More Corruption from Hillary Clinton as she 'WIPED HER SERVER CLEAN'
No Copies of Clinton Emails on Server, Lawyer Says
An examination of the server that housed the personal email account that Hillary Rodham Clinton used exclusively when she was secretary of state showed that there are no copies of any emails she sent during her time in office, her lawyer told a congressional committee on Friday.
After her representatives determined which emails were government-related and which were private, a setting on the account was changed to retain only emails sent in the previous 60 days, her lawyer, David Kendall, said. He said the setting was altered after she gave the records to the government.
“Thus, there are no emails from Secretary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state on the server for any review, even if such review were appropriate or legally authorized,” Mr. Kendall said in a letter to the House select committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya.
Mrs. Clinton’s disclosure on Friday only heightened suspicions by the committee’s chairman, Representative Trey Gowdy, Republican of South Carolina, about how she handled her emails, and it is likely to lead to more tension between her and the committee.
Mr. Gowdy said in a written statement that it appeared that Mrs. Clinton deleted the emails after Oct. 28, when the State Department first asked her to turn over emails that were government records.
“Not only was the secretary the sole arbiter of what was a public record, she also summarily decided to delete all emails from her server, ensuring no one could check behind her analysis in the public interest,” Mr. Gowdy said.
Mrs. Clinton’s “unprecedented email arrangement with herself and her decision nearly two years after she left office to permanently delete all emails” had deprived Americans of a full record of her time in office, he added.
Mr. Gowdy said that Mrs. Clinton would have to answer questions from Congress about her decision, but he did not say whether that would be at a hearing or a private interview.
Wild Thing's comment..........
This is clearly a felony. Destruction of evidence. I am so sick of how the Clinton's and Obama get away with all their crimes and corruption.
I always thought deleting files doesn’t mean they are unrecoverable. Even reformatting doesn’t mean complete obliteration.
Send the Sgt at Arms to seize her and the server.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
March 24, 2015
Hillary Clinton ponders who she’ll call after White House win
Hillary Clinton ponders who she’ll call after White House win
Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Monday showed that an email scandal hasn’t shaken her confidence in advance of a White House run, publicly joking about who she’ll tap for her administration as she anticipates a 2016 win.
Speaking at a policy roundtable at a liberal Washington think tank, Mrs. Clinton praised Compton, California, Mayor Aja Brown for her anti-gang programs and told her that she could be called up.
“Don’t be surprised if you get a call,” Mrs. Clinton said, drawing laughs form the crowd at the Center for American Progress.
“Maybe we’ll start not too far from here in a beautiful domed building,” she continued, “where we’ll get everybody in the same room and start that conversation. It could lead to collaboration and better results for our cities and our country.”
Mrs. Clinton, who hasn’t announced her candidacy but remains the undisputed front-runner for the Democratic nomination, has faced sharp criticism for exclusively using a private email account and a private server in her home for conduction official business while serving as secretary of state.
Wild Thing's comment............
LOL she is beyond weird besides being as far to the left as Obama. Both the same in what they want for our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
March 18, 2015
FNC’s Kelly: If Clinton “Willfully Concealed These Emails” Then “She Cannot Be President"
FNC’s Kelly: If Clinton “Willfully Concealed These Emails” Then “She Cannot Be President"
Wild Thing's comment.......
I agree and there are also tons of other reasons as well Hillary should never be president.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
March 15, 2015
Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett leaked to the press details of Hillary Clinton’s use of private e-mail
Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett leaked to the press details of Hillary Clinton’s use of private e-mail
Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett leaked to the press details of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail address during her time as secretary of state, sources tell me.
But she did so through people outside the administration, so the story couldn’t be traced to her or the White House.
In addition, at Jarrett’s behest, the State Department was ordered to launch a series of investigations into Hillary’s conduct at Foggy Bottom, including the use of her expense account, the disbursement of funds, her contact with foreign leaders and her possible collusion with the Clinton Foundation.
Six separate probes into Hillary’s performance have been going on at the State Department. I’m told that the e-mail scandal was timed to come out just as Hillary was on the verge of formally announcing that she was running for president — and that there’s more to come.
Members of Bill Clinton’s camp say the former president suspects the White House is the source of the leak and is furious.
“My contacts and friends in newspapers and TV tell me that they’ve been contacted by the White House and offered all kinds of negative stories about us,” one of Bill’s friends quotes him as saying. “The Obamas are behind the e-mail story, and they’re spreading rumors that I’ve been with women, that Hillary promoted people at the State Department who’d done favors for our foundation, that John Kerry had to clean up diplomatic messes Hillary left behind.”
Then, according to this source, Bill added: “The Obamas are out to get us any way they can.”[…[
“Obama and Valerie Jarrett will go to any lengths to prevent Hillary from becoming president,” a source close to the White House told me. “They believe that Hillary, like her husband, is left of center, not a true-blue liberal.”
If she gets into the White House, they believe she will compromise with the Republicans in Congress and undo Obama’s legacy.
Wild Thing's comment..............
This is funny to hear about because Hillary is just as far to the left as Obama. But at the same time Obama and his Valerie Jarrett are bound to do anything their whims desire.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
March 12, 2015
Hillary " I did not email any classified anyone on my email." Bill Clinton" I did not have sex with that woman".
Hillary " I did not email any classified anyone on my email." Bill Clinton" I did not have sex with that woman".
Wild Thing's comment..............
When they break the laws, or do something they should not do, their strategy is to get mad at anyone pointing out their wrong doings and then they lie , lie lie lie lie.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
Getting Worse....Hillary’s Top Two Aides Also Used Personal Email At The State Department
Hillary’s Top Two Aides Also Used Personal Email At The State Department…
Wild Thing's comment............
Clinton's just like Obama, impossible for them to do what is right.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
March 11, 2015
Trey Gowdy : we cannot take Hillary Clinton's word
Trey Gowdy : we cannot take Hillary Clinton's word
Trey Gowdy last night on Fox News said we cannot take Hillary Clinton's word when she says "we" separated the public emails from the private.
Gowdy asks "who is we? And who gets to make that determination?" He blasted Clinton for deleting her personal emails and simply isn't buying the 2 phones defense.
"This is solely her doing, she is the reason we are having this conversation"
Congressman Gowdy wants to show Clinton how to put 2 email accounts on one phone.
He talked to Greta tonight on what the Benghazi Select Committee plans to do next.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Trey Gowdy is so good.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
Krauthammer on the Hillary Email Scandal: The Damage Is Already Done Because It Revives the Memories of the Clintons in the 90s
Krauthammer on the Hillary Email Scandal: The Damage Is Already Done Because It Revives the Memories of the Clintons in the 90s
"This is who the Clintons are"..."It raises the question, do you want to have this baggage around for the next 4 years or 8 years?"
Wild Thing's comment.............
Good point from Charles.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
March 09, 2015
Chris Wallace Battles Lanny Davis: Do You Ever Get Tired of Cleaning Up After the Clintons?
Chris Wallace Battles Lanny Davis: Do You Ever Get Tired of Cleaning Up After the Clintons?
Chris Wallace really gave Clinton defender Lanny Davis a run for his money when he pummeled him with question after question on the Hillary email scandal.
Wild Thing's comment........
Lanny Davis has been one of Hillary's people since forever it seems. I do love how Chris Wallace hammered him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
March 07, 2015
Charles Krauthammer...... 'Early-Onset Clinton Fatigue.'
Krauthammer: Early-Onset Clinton Fatigue.'
They can't throw her under the bus, there is no more room under the bus. Have to get a second bus
Wild Thing's comment...........
"They can't throw her under the bus, there is no more room under the bus. Have to get a second bus."
LOL I LOVE when he said this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
March 06, 2015
Krauthammer's Take: Hillary Is Not Trying to Clear the Air, Because She Can't
Krauthammer's Take: Hillary Is Not Trying to Clear the Air, Because She Can't
Wild Thing's comment.........
These Clintons they just can't do anything without breaking laws and scamming people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
March 04, 2015
Krauthammer: It's As If the Clintons Are Entitled To Their Own Rules.Charles calls it 'Clintonian'.
Krauthammer: It's As If the Clintons Are Entitled To Their Own Rules.Charles calls it 'Clintonian'.
Foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation and now using her own private email while she is Secretary of State.
The Right Pundit
Congress will probe Hillary Clinton’s emails
Oversight Committee To Join Benghazi Committee In Probing Hillary Emails For Violation Of Federal Law
A congressional committee will review whether Hillary Clinton violated federal law by using a personal email account to conduct government business as secretary of state, it was announced Tuesday.
House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said his panel will join with the Benghazi committee in reviewing whether Clinton broke any disclosure laws.
“Violations of the Federal Records Act within federal agencies is something we take very seriously,” Chaffetz said.
“The House Oversight Committee will work with (Chairman) Mr. (Trey) Gowdy and the Select Committee on Benghazi to further explore Hillary Clinton’s use of personal emails while at the State Department.”
Clinton, still facing fallout from a 2012 attack on a diplomatic outpost in Libya that killed an ambassador and three security aides, is under fire for the email controversy.
Critics said that by using a personal email address, Clinton may have breached security and broken disclosure laws.
Not only did Clinton send and receive tens of thousands of emails from the unregulated address, she was never during her four-year tenure issued an official government account with which to communicate.
Chairman Trey Gowdy told reporters on Tuesday that lawyers for the Benghazi Committee would be issuing the new requests - which he didn’t rule out could come in the form of subpoenas - to Clinton and her email providers in the coming weeks.
“It was not as if she had both an official and a private email account. She did not use personal email in addition to government email. She used personal email in lieu of government email,” Gowdy said. “And she had more than one private email account.”
“The State Department cannot certify that have produced all of former Secretary Clinton’s emails because they do not have all of former Secretary Clinton’s emails nor do they control access to them,” he said.
Wild Thing's comment.............
This is all so typical of the Clinton's. Bill Clinton's residency showed he thought he was above the law a lot of the time with all the 'gates" and Hillary is just the same.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
January 23, 2015
Hillary Would Consider Naming Obama To Supreme Court After 2016 Win
Hillary Would Consider Naming Obama To Supreme Court After 2016 Win
In response to an email from a supporter in Iowa, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she would consider naming current President Barack Obama to the US Supreme Court if she won the 2016 presidential race, provided she decides to run, while hinting that he might be given a cabinet position if “the legality checks out.”
Molly Warren of Mason City, Iowa emailed Clinton two weeks ago, saying that she was going into law school after being inspired by Clinton’s story. After vowing to vote for Clinton in 2016, which will be the first presidential election she’ll have been eligible to vote in, Warren asked if Clinton would consider placing President Obama on the Supreme Court, noting his legal education and background.
“As for President Obama, I would imagine he’s looking forward to retiring from public life and taking a rest,” Clinton said in part of her response. “I know my husband wanted a short break after his eight years in the White House, before starting the Clinton Global Initiative. As for Barack, though, I would of course consider him for the Supreme Court. I believe he would make a great justice, and he’s certainly qualified for the role. No US President has ever gone to the Supreme Court, nor has any individual ever served in all three branches of our government, so it would be unprecedented. But I agree; he’d definitely make for a great Supreme Court Justice, at a time when we need those seats filled with strong independent minds.”
Clinton went on to say she’d consider Obama for other roles, too. “If President Obama weren’t up for the Supreme Court, I would absolutely love to have him in the cabinet, so long as the legality checks out. I would have to verify any rules that might prohibit him from holding certain offices due to the line of succession, but I think the world of President Obama and would love to see him keep up the good fight for the people of this great nation.”
Clinton would not say whether she was going to run or not, nor would she address Warren’s question about other likely candidates, like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Chris Christie, Mitt Romney, or Rand Paul. Instead, she kept it vague, in classic Hillary fashion, saying “I haven’t made up my mind yet, but you’ll know soon whose pin you’ll be wearing during the upcoming election [smiley face].”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Good grief! Keep praying if she does run she will not win. I could not stand one second more of Obama, it is hard enough now, feeling sick to my stomach at his being in our WH.
Plus Hillary will be her own kind of nightmare to our country.
Hillary said Hillary, “No US President has ever gone to the Supreme Court…” Well, surprise surprise, that’s not true! Look up William Howard Taft.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
December 19, 2014
Hillary Praises Obama’s Cuba Deal
Hillary Praises Obama’s Cuba Deal
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issued a statement on Wednesday evening expressing her “support” for the major shift in US policy towards Cuba that President Barack Obama announced earlier in the day.
Clinton, who is widely considered the Democratic frontrunner in the 2016 presidential elections, echoed Obama’s claim the shift will help improve human rights and free expression for Cubans living under the Communist government started by Fidel Castro.
“Despite good intentions, our decades-long policy of isolation has only strengthened the Castro regime’s grip on power. As I have said, the best way to bring change to Cuba is to expose its people to the values, information, and material comforts of the outside world,” Clinton said. “The goal of increased U.S. engagement in the days and years ahead should be to encourage real and lasting reforms for the Cuban people. And the other nations of the Americas should join us in this effort.”
Relations between America and Cuba began to deteriorate following the revolution that brought Castro to power in 1959. The US subsequently began an embargo against Cuba and cut diplomatic ties. Obama’s policy shift will include the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries as well as an easing of travel and commercial restrictions.
Along with articulating her support for the deal, Clinton praised the prisoner swap that precipitated the policy shift.
Wild Thing's comment.......
God help us if she gets elected we need a conservative to run and win so badly.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
December 13, 2014
“Ready For Hillary” The largest Hillary Clinton super PAC is already in debt ( Dems Drive everything into the ground)
“Ready For Hillary” PAC Is In Debt
Ready for Hillary, arguably the largest and most well-know Hillary Clinton super PAC, is already in the negatives.
Despite pulling in tens of thousands of donors — mainly small contributions — and raising nearly $11 million since it was founded just last year, they’re somehow in debt.
According to the New York Times, on November 24, the group had $875,626 in the bank. Problem was, they also owed $1 million for a loan from Amalgamated — a union-tied bank that many Democrats use as a means of borrowing money. The purpose of the loan is to expand grassroots efforts of the PAC which they believe, in turn,will bring in many more small contributors.
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is so typical of all the things the dems run.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
December 11, 2014
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters on Hillary Clinton’s “Empathize” with our Enemies Remark: “That Woman is Not Fit to be President. . .She’s Demented”
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters on Hillary Clinton’s “Empathize” with our Enemies Remark: “That Woman is Not Fit to be President. . .She’s Demented”
Wild Thing's comment.........
Lt. Col. Peters is correct. Hillary prefers to feel for the terrorists.
Both Bill and Hillary have no loyalty to our country and they never have. Bill was a draft dodger and then when he was President he never went after the terrorists the first time the twin towers were attacked.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
December 04, 2014
Hillary Speaks To Empty Seats At Georgetown
Hillary Speaks To Empty Seats At Georgetown
With the midterms over and the next presidential cycle officially underway, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke at Georgetown University Wednesday morning to bundles of empty seats littered throughout the auditorium.
In pictures, empty seats are shown throughout the balcony level of the auditorium, with other empty seats shown in the lower level as well.
Clinton spoke to a foreign policy conference centered on “Security” and “Inclusive Leadership,” according to the university. The conference was held at the university’s famed Gaston Hall, which includes the 750-seat auditorium Clinton spoke at Wednesday.
Wild Thing's comment............
I bet she is not a happy camper about this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (2)
November 28, 2014
Hillary Demands Royal Treatment On Speaking Tour
Hillary Demands Royal Treatment On Speaking Tour
It was like a scene out of "The Princess and the Pea," only this was real life. Along with her $300,000 fee for her speech at UCLA , Hillary Clinton had a list of demands, one of which was "that the chairs be outfitted with two long, rectangular pillows — and that two cushions be kept backstage in case the chair was too deep and she needed additional back support."
Through a Freedom of Information Act request the Washington Post received the emails exchanged between UCLA and Clinton's people as they were preparing for her March 5, 2014 speech at the school.
The documents show that Clinton’s representatives at the Harry Walker Agency exerted considerable control over her appearance and managed even the smallest details — from requesting lemon wedges and water on stage to a computer, scanner, and a spread of hummus and crudité in the green room backstage.
When the University reminded Clinton's people that UCLA was a public school and asked for a reduction of the $300,000, the presumptive Democratic Party candidate's staff responded that $300,000 is the “special university rate.” The fee went to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton foundation.
It is commonplace for celebrity speakers to request special accommodations — and Clinton was no exception. Her representatives asked for a case of still water, room temperature, to be deposited stage right. They also asked that “a carafe of warm/hot water, coffee cup and saucer, pitcher of room temperature water, water glass, and lemon wedges” be situated both on a table on stage as well as in another room where Clinton would stand for photos with VIPs.
For the green room, Clinton’s representatives requested: “Coffee, tea, room temp sparkling and still water, diet ginger ale, crudité, hummus and sliced fruit.” They also asked for a computer, mouse and printer, as well as a scanner, which the university had to purchase for the occasion.
Clinton's team even micro-managed the way Clinton was to receive the UCLA Medal during her visit to the campus. The team asked that it be presented to her in a box rather than draped around her neck. Perhaps she did not want to direct her attention to her neck.
By contract, Clinton’s approval was needed for any promotional materials. Clinton gave permission for the university to record the event, but “for archival purposes only.” For public distribution, Clinton’s speaking agency approved only a two-minute highlight video to upload to YouTube. “Please make sure it is available only for one (1) year from the date of posting,” a Harry Walker Agency official added" [presumingly this was done incase she made a gaffe during her appearance].
Her staff even regulated the number of pictures she would stand for and whether or not there were "do overs."
“We get a total of 50 clicks,” one university official explained — as well as two group photos. Lippert wrote to colleagues that Clinton’s representatives wanted the group shots “prestaged,” with participants assembled and ready to take the photographs before Clinton arrived “so the secretary isn’t waiting for these folks to get their act together.”
During her book tour in June, Clinton caused an uproar when she told ABC's Diane Sawyer when she and Bill left the White House they were dead broke. It demonstrated a lack of compassion and understanding for those who are really impoverished. When that faux pas is added to other details, like her exorbitant speaking fees and list of royal of demands, it makes one wonder if she will be able to carry the populist message the progressive Democrats demand.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Someone should hire a Vince Foster look-a-like to sit in the front row and heckle her.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
October 31, 2014
At Hillary Clinton Event, News Camera Catches Many Empty Seats (video)
At Hillary Clinton Event, News Camera Catches Many Empty Seats
Wild Thing's comment....
Let's hope it continues like this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
October 25, 2014
Socialist Hillary Clinton: “Don’t Let Anybody Tell You That It’s Corporations And Businesses That Create Jobs”
Hillary Clinton: “Don’t Let Anybody Tell You That It’s Corporations And Businesses That Create Jobs”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Typical thinking of a socialist, communist Hillary. If she runs and wins it will be more of the progressive agenda and more destruction of our country if there is anything left by then..Plus I would imagine more of the 'gates' (file gate, China gate, travel gate, etc.) like we had to live through with Bill as president.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
July 30, 2014
Hillary Claims Hamas Fires Rockets From Schools Because “Gaza Is Small” (Video)
Hillary Claims Hamas Fires Rockets From Schools Because “Gaza Is Small”
In an interview on Fusion TV former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claimed Hamas fired rockets from schools because “Gaza is small.”
There are so many things wrong with this statement:
“I think Hamas intended to provoke Israel, because that is why they started the rocket fire again. As I said when I negotiated a ceasefire it held until just this month. And, then Hamas which has its back against the wall decided to once again fire rockets into Israel. Israel made it clear that wasn’t acceptable… The problem is, and I’m not a military planner, Hamas puts its missiles, its rockets into civilian areas. Part of it is because Gaza is pretty small and it’s densely populated.“
Hamas and other extremist groups in Gaza have fired 2,491 rockets into Israel so far this year.
There was no ceasefire.
And, for the third time this month a terrorist rocket arsenal was found at a UN school in Gaza Tuesday.
Wild Thing's comment.........
LOL oh my she this stupid or what???!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
July 29, 2014
Hillary Clinton: “I Know How Hard It Is To Be The Leader Of a Small Country- LOL and she is serious!
Hillary Clinton: “I Know How Hard It Is To Be The Leader Of a Small Country” ( VIDEO at link )
Hillary Clinton said Sunday that she knows how difficult it is “to be the leader of a relatively small country.”
Come again?
I think I would have remembered President or Prime Minister or Queen Hillary.
Clinton made the comments on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” while discussing the conflict between Israel and Hamas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu.
“I’ve known Bibi a long time and I have a very good relationship with him, in part because we can yell at each other – and we do,” Clinton said. “And I was often the designated yeller.” [...]
“I know how hard it is to be the leader of a relatively small country that is under constant pressure and does face a lot of legitimate threats to its existence from those around it,” Clinton said.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Hahaha she is nuts.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
June 26, 2014
A Poor-Off - Hillary Clinton Vs Joe Biden - Jon Stewart - Special Report
A Poor-Off - Hillary Clinton Vs Joe Biden - Jon Stewart - Special Report
Wild Thing's comment............
LOL thought you might like to see this from Bret Baier's show pm FOX.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
June 24, 2014
CNN Anchors Can’t Keep from Laughing at Hillary Clinton’s, “I’m not Truly Well-Off” Remark!
CNN Anchors Can’t Keep from Laughing at Hillary Clinton’s, “I’m not Truly Well-Off” Remark!
Wild Thing's comment........
It makes me smile to see this happening, when the left media does this to their own.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (2)
June 10, 2014
Hillary Clinton Says She Doesn’t Regret “What Difference Does It Make” Remark On Benghazi
Hillary Clinton Says She Doesn’t Regret “What Difference Does It Make” Remark On Benghazi
Wild Thing's comment.............
Well OK for you then. It can always be a campaign slogan against you Hillary if you run for president. She is so self involved she doesn't even get it how horrible her remark was ....... "what difference does it make."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
June 09, 2014
Hillary: I May Not Testify, If Subpoenaed By Benghazi Committee, If I Don’t Like How They Conduct Themselves
Hillary: I May Not Testify, If Subpoenaed By Benghazi Committee, If I Don’t Like How They Conduct Themselves
In the interview, Sawyer also asked about the new congressional committee that will examine the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya. Clinton did not say definitively whether or not she will testify before the new committee if called to do so.
“That’s going to be up to the people running the hearing,” she said. “We’ll see what they decide to do, how they conduct themselves, whether or not this is, you know, one more travesty about the loss of four Americans, or whether this is, in the best tradition of the Congress, an effort to figure out how – what we can do better.”
Check that. She’s saying if she is called to testify before the Select Committee (hence, under subpoena), SHE would decide whether or not she would go, depending upon whether she likes the way the committee conducts itself. The hubris and PR ever on display…
Wild Thing's comment............
Typical of both Hillary and Bill when it comes to our laws and investigations when they are needing to be questioned.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
May 31, 2014
Chance To Eat Lunch With Grifters Bill And Hillary Clinton Being Auctioned Off For $300,000
Chance To Eat Lunch With Bill And Hillary Clinton Being Auctioned Off For $300,000
How much would someone pay to have lunch with Bill and Hillary Clinton? Apparently more than $300,000.
Less than three hours is left on the auction for lunch with the political power couple, and the bidding stands at $305,000.
“Bid now on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have a private lunch with President Bill Clinton and Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton at the Clinton Foundation’s headquarters in New York City,” the description of the auction item reads. The money will go to support the Clinton Foundation.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Vince Foster would say it is not worth your life.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
May 30, 2014
Tickets For Hillary Clinton Event Reduced From $175 To Just $59 Because of Lack of Demand
Tickets For Hillary Clinton Event Reduced From $175 To Just $59 Because of Lack of Demand
Seeing Hillary Clinton live and up close isn’t quite as attractive as her machine thinks; tickets to see her in person at an event in Broomfield, Colorado next week have been reduced from $175 to $59 because the venue is finding buyers hard to come by.
Even with the 66% break in the price, the event, to be held at the 1STBANK Center, which seats between 6,500 and 7,500, has elicited only 200 tickets sold through the discount website, according to Living Social.
what you get
$59 for One Price Level 2 Ticket
Hear Hillary Rodham Clinton Deliver a Keynote Speech
Former Secretary of State & Former US Senator from New York Hillary Rodham Clinton served as the 67th US Secretary of State from 2009 until 2013, after nearly four decades in public service. Her "smart power" approach to foreign policy repositioned American diplomacy and development for the 21st century. Earlier, as First Lady and Senator from New York, she was a champion of human rights, democracy, and opportunities for women and girls. Clinton also worked to provide health care to millions of children, create jobs and opportunity, and support first responders who risked their lives at Ground Zero. Now, head to 1STBANK Center to hear her deliver a keynote address on Monday, June 2.
Wild Thing's comment.............
I guess the worship Hillary people had other things to know like clean out their closest or something.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
May 07, 2014
Hillary Clinton Pushes Gun Control: “We Have To Reign In” Americans Support For Second Amendment Rights
Hillary Clinton on Tuesday offered her most detailed comments on domestic policy in months, calling for tighter gun restrictions while also going to bat for Obamacare and warning that rising economic inequality is contributing to “social collapse.”
As to whether she’ll run for the White House, however, Clinton said she’s still mulling it because there’s “a cost to everything.”
The former secretary of state, who would be the Democratic frontrunner in 2016 should she run, was delivering the keynote address at a conference held by the National Council for Behavioral Health, an organization that focuses on mental health.
“We have to rein in what has become [an] almost article of faith, that anybody can own a gun anywhere, anytime. And I don’t believe that,” she said.
Clinton, who argued it was possible to hold her position and still support the right to gun ownership, warned that unfettered access to guns could have dangerous consequences.
She painted a dark picture, warning that, “At the rate we’re going, we’re going to have so many people with guns everywhere, fully licensed, fully validated, in settings where [one] could be in a movie theater, and they don’t like someone chewing gum loudly or talking on their cell phone and decide they have the perfect right to defend themselves against the gum chewer or cell phone user by shooting.”
Wild Thing's comment............
The only thing gun laws and restrictions effect are the already law abiding people. Bad guys could care less about laws.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
April 30, 2014
Charles Krauthammer: Most Scandalous Element of Benghazi Is Hillary Invoking Video When Consoling Victims’ Families
Krauthammer: Most Scandalous Element of Benghazi Is Hillary Invoking Video When Consoling Victims’ Families
Charles Krauthammer expressed outrage over Hillary Clinton’s inappropriate mention of the video that purportedly spurred the Benghazi attacks to the victims’ family members at the transfer of remains ceremony.
A report from Judicial Watch today strongly suggests there was an effort by White House staff to insulate President Obama from criticism and push the narrative an anti-Islam video was responsible for the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton invoked the video at a transfer ceremony of the Benghazi victims after other administration officials were already aware the video played no role in the attack.
Krauthammer told the Special Report panel:
“I find the most scandalous element of this from purely just a human point of view, is the fact that the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, with the bodies of the dead lying in front of her and with the families there, brought up the video and said a video with which we had nothing to do, and then according to one of the family members, when she went over to console that family member, she said ‘We’re going to get the guy who did the video.’ Now, that to me, if she knew that this was a phony story and I’m not sure I can understand how it would be otherwise, is a form of deception that I think is truly scandalous.”
Wild Thing's comment...........
He is right, Hillary is cold and always has been. Interesting how both she and Obama have no real feeling for Americans, it sure shows to be true by their actions and words as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
April 14, 2014
Obama’s HHS Nominee Proved Her Loyalty to Clinton by Digging Through a Dead Vince Foster's Trash
Obama’s HHS Nominee Proved Her Loyalty to Clinton by Digging Through a Dead Vince Foster's Trash
Obama on Friday formally nominated Sylvia Mathews Burwell to head the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) following the botched resignation of Kathleen Sebelius.
Burwell served in several positions under the Bill Clinton administration, including as a deputy aide to then-budget director Jack Lew. In July 1995, Burwell (then Sylvia Mathews) was one of several key aides questioned by the Senate Whitewater Committee regarding the death of deputy White House counsel Vince Foster.
Foster’s death was officially ruled a suicide. The Clinton White House eventually admitted to misleading investigators about how senior officials had seized and disposed of files relating to the first couple’s controversial investments in the Whitewater Development Corporation, a failed real estate venture.
Clinton spokeswoman Dee Dee Myers admitted that then-White House counsel Bernard Nussbaum, who had recovered documents relating to the Whitewater controversy from Foster’s office after his death, did not turn over the documents to the Clinton family’s personal attorney, contrary to what White House officials had claimed. Nussbaum had actually given the documents to Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, who placed them in a White House safe for five days before being turned over to the family attorney.
Under questioning, Sylvia Mathews and her colleagues denied impeding a police investigation into Foster’s death after his body was found in a northern Virginia park. According to the New York Times, Mathews testified “in laborious detail about what she had found in Mr. Foster’s garbage on the night he died.”
That experience may come in handy as she prepares to oversee the implementation of Obamacare.
Wild Thing's comment...........
I hope they bring this up at her hearing but I have my doubts they will. Vince Foster was murdered and there was plenty of proof, it is another one of those deaths that ill and Hillary got away with.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
April 11, 2014
Woman Throws Shoe at Hillary Clinton (Video)
Woman Throws Shoe at Hillary Clinton (Video)
A woman threw a shoe at Hillary Clinton on Thursday as the former secretary of state was delivering a speech at a Las Vegas hotel, but Clinton dodged it and continued with her remarks, a U.S. Secret Service spokesman said.
Secret Service spokesman George Ogilvie said the shoe-thrower was not a ticketed guest for Clinton’s speech at the Mandalay Bay hotel and had been spotted by Secret Service agents and hotel security guards before the incident.
“As agents and hotel security approached her she threw a shoe and was immediately taken into custody by the Secret Service and hotel security,” Ogilvie said.
Footage of the incident broadcast by KTNV-TV showed Clinton, 66, crouching to dodge an object as she stood on stage.
Wild Thing's comment...........
To quote Hillary........ "What Difference Does It Make"
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM | Comments (1)
April 05, 2014
Corrupt Former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton ... Her State Department “Misplaced” $6 Billion Under Hillary Clinton
State Department Misplaced $6B Under Hillary Clinton
IG report reveals incomplete, lost contract files worth $6B
The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mainly during the tenure of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, according to a newly released Inspector General report.
The $6 billion in unaccounted funds poses a “significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions,” according to the report.
The alert, originally sent on March 20 and just released this week, warns that the missing contracting funds “could expose the department to substantial financial losses.”
The report centered on State Department contracts worth “more than $6 billion in which contract files were incomplete or could not be located at all,” according to the alert.
“The failure to maintain contract files adequately creates significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions,” the alert states.
The situation “creates conditions conducive to fraud, as corrupt individuals may attempt to conceal evidence of illicit behavior by omitting key documents from the contract file,” the report concluded.
The State Department’s inability to properly file its paperwork is causing most of the losses, according to the report.
The IG “found repeated examples of poor contract file administration” over the years, the report said.
Contracts related to the U.S. war in Iraq, for instance, could not be produced in 33 out of 115 instances, according to the report.
“A recent OIG audit of the closeout process for contracts supporting the U.S. Mission in Iraq revealed that contracting officials were unable to provide 33 of 115 contract files requested in accordance with the audit sampling plan,” the report states.
The value of the 33 “missing files” totaled $2.1 billion, according to the report.
Additionally, 48 of the 82 contract files that were produced “did not contain all of the documentation required by” internal regulations, according to the report.
The 48 “incomplete files” were worth another $2.1 billion, according to the report.
A further audit of the department’s Bureau of African Affairs found that administrators “were unable to provide complete contract administration files for any of the eight contracts that were reviewed.”
These contracts were worth $34.8 million.
The investigation also found instances in which a company owned by the spouse of a contractor employee was not properly documented.
“In the case of work undertaken by OIG’s Office of Investigations, one investigation revealed that a contract file did not contain documentation reflecting that modifications and task orders were awarded to the company owned by the spouse of a contractor employee performing as a Contract Specialist for the contract,” the report states.
The contract in question was worth $52 million.
The report outlines several other instances in which contracts worth great values were mishandled.
Wild Thing's comment.............
So typical of anything that Hillary is connected too....there is always corruption, stealing and lies.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM
April 04, 2014
Hillary Clinton Cancels Appearance In San Diego After Benghazi Protests Planned
Hillary Clinton Cancels Appearance In San Diego After Benghazi Protests Planned…
Hillary Clinton cancelled her upcoming visit to San Diego in the midst of a planned protest.
Clinton will be the keynote speaker for the 17th Annual Western Healthcare Leadership Academy on April 11. She was originally going to deliver the speech in person, but will now be seen by satellite.
The three day event will be being held at the San Diego Convention Center with 700 people expected to attend.
Jan Iverson created an organization called “The Difference Matters” to protest Mrs. Clinton’s quest for the presidency, because of her role in Benghazi.
“She is not welcome here in San Diego by so many of us. We don’t want her here,” said Iverson.
Pat Smith lost her son, Sean Smith, during an attack in Benghazi and plans to be at the center of the protest, Iverson said.
“Working with her is gratifying, and it spurs on what we are doing,” Iverson said.
Dr. Ted Mazer believes people should put politics aside, because Clinton is well versed on the hottest topic at the conference.
Wild Thing's comment...........
She is so horrible, I will never forget what she said about Benghazi and how she has treated the loved ones of those murdered.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
March 20, 2014
“Heads Exploding” In Biden’s Office As Top Obama Admin Officials Begin Preparing Staff For Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run
“Heads Exploding” In Biden’s Office As Top Obama Admin Officials Begin Preparing Staff For Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run
CNN reporter Peter Hamby said a report out of today’s Wall Street Journal indicating the White House is trying to organize meetings to prep Hillary Clinton’s staff for a 2016 run must be causing consternation in Vice President Biden’s office.
Wild Thing's comment...........
LOL poor Biden ..not . I do wish he would run though, it would at least give us some laughs with all his gaffe's. Plus the more dems that run it will take the momentum away from Hillary.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM | Comments (1)
February 11, 2014
Petraeus: Hillary Clinton Would Be A "Tremendous President" - Lt Col Ralph Peters Weighs In
Petraeus: Hillary Clinton Would Be A "Tremendous President" - Lt Col Ralph Peters Weighs In
Wild Thing's comment...........
Disappointing to say the least.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:58 AM | Comments (2)
October 24, 2013
HILLARY HECKLED IN BUFFALO: “Benghazi!… You Let Them Die! (Video)
HILLARY HECKLED IN BUFFALO: “Benghazi!… You Let Them Die!
Hilary Clinton was interrupted last night during her speech at the University of Buffalo. A heckler reminded the crowd that Hillary did nothing as our heroes were slaughtered in Benghazi on 9-11.
“Benghazi!… You let them die!”
The heckler was dragged out of her speech.
Wild Thing's comment..............
She deserves this to happen and it should happen more often, like every time she shows up.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
August 17, 2013
Hillary Clinton exploded at congressman two days after Benghazi for suggesting attack was work of terrorists
Fox and Friends Interviews Adam Kinzinger – R – Illinois
Clinton screamed at a colleague in congress when they dared question the white house line about the video.
Right after Benghazi – behind closed doors –in a loud angry voice – Hillary Clinton said it was irresponsible to suggest it is a terrorist attack.
An Illinois Republican congressman told constituents at a town hall meeting on Wednesday that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton screamed at a fellow member of Congress two days after a U.S. diplomatic station in Benghazi, Libya was destroyed, merely for saying aloud that the attack was carried out by terrorist groups.
Obama and his White House officials initially maintained that the deaths of four Americans and the firebomb attack on the State Department mission was the result of a spontaneous protest against a low-budget YouTube film that was critical of the Muslim prophet Muhammad.
'Two days after this attack,' said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, 'we were in a briefing with Hillary Clinton and she screamed at a member of Congress who’d dare suggest that this was a terrorist attack.'
'Now we find out that while it was happening, they knew it was a terrorist attack. These are answers that we're going to get to the bottom of.'
Wild Thing's comment............
This is a great quote from what he said. “When the US leadership retreats from the world chaos fills the vacuum.”
God bless this man Adam Kinzinger.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
July 30, 2013
CNN To Produce Hillary Clinton Propaganda Film
CNN To Produce Hillary Clinton Propaganda Film
CNN Films has tapped documentary filmmaker Charles H. Ferguson to direct a film about former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, POLITICO has learned.
“CNN is very pleased to be working with Academy-Award winner Charles Ferguson on the film, which will be released in theaters and air on CNN,” Allison Gollust, the network’s senior vice president of communications, told POLITICO on Monday. The release date has yet to be determined.
The film adds yet another installment to the growing list of Hillary-related television projects and books slated for release before the 2016 presidential campaign. But is also presents a potential image problem for CNN’s News division as it covers Clinton in the run up to her highly anticipated bid for the White House.
Gollust told POLITICO, “CNN’s editorial side has no role in the production of the film, just as it has no role in any of the films produced or acquired by CNN Films.”
Nevertheless, the project could cause some headaches for CNN as it seeks to ensure both Clinton’s opponents and her supporters that the project will have no bearing on the network’s news reporting. Conservatives will likely criticize CNN for devoting so much airtime to a Democratic candidate, while the Clinton campaign is likely to take issue with the network for dedicating so much of its energy to their candidate, rather than her likely competitors.
Wild Thing's comment.................
So it begins, CNN pushed Obama non stop and now they will push Hillary. It is disgraceful how a once news source has become nothing more then a propaganda machine for the left.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
May 11, 2013
Hillary Clinton blamed a video when she (and Obama)knew it was a terrorist attack in Benghzai
Hillary Clinton blamed a video after she knew it was a terrorist attack
Wild Thing's comment.................
Both the Clinton's are scum and Hillary keeps proving that as she continues their lies and trying to get away with what they do.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM
April 24, 2013
House Report Blames Obama and Hillary Clinton Are To Blame for Their Unforgivable Response on Benghazi For Cutting Security at Benghazi Consulate
White House Officials Altered Benghazi Talking Points To Protect Hillary Clinton For Approving Reduced Security…
House Report Blames Hillary For Cutting Security at Benghazi Consulate
The White House lied, Americans died.
A House report released today blames Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for cutting security at the Benghazi Consulate before the 9-11 attack. The report also blames the Obama Administration for lying about the attack afterward.
House Republicans have concluded that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was responsible for cutting security at the consulate in Benghazi ahead of last year’s attack there, and that the administration lied about why it downplayed terrorism as the cause of the assault.
A new report — the result of months of investigation by five different House committees — says there was plenty of intelligence that presaged the attack, but the State Department and President Obama failed to heed the warnings or give the Defense Department the authority to respond to such an attack.
The report exonerates the Pentagon itself, saying the military did what it could to respond once the attack began, but “was hindered on account of U.S. military forces not being properly postured” beforehand.
In the most damning finding, House Republicans said Mr. Obama and his team lied about the attacks afterward, first by blaming mob violence spawned by an anti-Muslim video, and then wrongly saying it had misled the public because it was trying to protect an FBI investigation.
“This progress report reveals a fundamental lack of understanding at the highest levels of the State Department as to the dangers presented in Benghazi, Libya, as well as a concerted attempt to insulate the Department of State from blame following the terrorist attacks,” the GOP investigation concluded in its 46-page report.
The Obama administration has acknowledged providing an inaccurate explanation for the attacks early on — even though officials at the Defense Department said they knew it was a terrorist assault from the beginning.
A critical report (attached below) drafted by five GOP-led House committees has determined that reduced security in Benghazi in the days leading up to the Sept. 11, 2012 attack were approved by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The report also found that White House and high-ranking officials at the State Department changed CIA talking points following the attacks, which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others, in order to shield the State Department from “criticism for inadequate security levels,” on the ground in Benghazi.
The 46-page report provides a timeline of events leading up to the attacks in Benghazi and investigation that followed.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Obama and Hillary both have blood on their hands. I wish with all my heart they would be punished for what they did.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
House Report: Hillary Clinton Lied Under Oath When She Denied Knowing Benghazi Consulate Requested Additional Security
House Report: Hillary Clinton Lied Under Oath When She Denied Knowing Benghazi Consulate Requested Additional Security…
House Republicans released their report on the investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attack, having concluded that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was not telling the truth when she told Congress that she wasn’t aware that officials at the U.S. mission in Benghazi had requested extra security.
“The specific security requests pertaining to Benghazi, you know were handled by the security professionals in the department,” Clinton told Congress in January. “I didn’t see those requests, they didn’t come to me, I didn’t approve them, I didn’t deny them.”
The House report suggests that Clinton received a request for more security from Gene Cretz, who preceded Christopher Stevens as ambassador to Libya.
“On April 19, 2012, the response cable from the Department of State to Embassy Tripoli, bearing Secretary Clinton’s signature, acknowledges Ambassador Cretz’s request for additional security but instead articulates a plan to scale back security assets for the U.S. Mission in Libya, including the Benghazi Mission,” the House report says.
Wild Thing's comment.................
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
January 31, 2013
Wolf Blitzer: Hillary Clinton Will Run In 2016 Because She Sees History 'Being on her side'
Wolf Blitzer: Hillary Clinton Will Run In 2016 Because She Sees History 'Being on her side'
Wild Thing's comment...................
NO thank you!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (1)
January 30, 2013
Hillary Clinton 'Got Away With Murder' In Benghazi
Lindsey Graham: Hillary Clinton 'Got Away With Murder' In Benghazi
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has upped his already harsh rhetoric against outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, claiming that she "got away with murder" in the Benghazi, Libya, attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.
"I haven't forgotten about Benghazi. Hillary Clinton got away with murder, in my view," Graham said on Fox News Monday evening, speaking to Greta Van Susteren. "She said they had a clear-eyed view of the threats. How could you have a clear-eyed view of the threats in Benghazi when you didn't know about the ambassador's cable coming back from Libya?"
He also threatened to block the nomination of former Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) as President Barack Obama's next secretary of defense until outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta testifies about the attack.
Graham was part of a cadre of GOP senators who loudly protested the possible nomination of United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice as secretary of state over comments she made four days after the Benghazi attack, reflecting the then intelligence assessment of the incident as linked to an anti-Islam video. Rice withdrew from consideration under their criticism.
Clinton appeared in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last Wednesday to answer questions about the attack. Exasperated by a similar what-did-you-know-when line of questioning from Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), she said, "With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest, or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?"
Wild Thing's comment................
Yes and I would add Obama to that as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Hillary Clinton Compares GOP To Jihadists Who Carried Out Benghazi Attack
Hillary Clinton warns GOP lawmakers not to act like North Africa terrorists
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, while lamenting the partisanship of congressional Republicans who grilled her about the Benghazi attack, encouraged Republicans not to imitate the unwillingness to compromise evinced by terrorists in North Africa.
“It has been increasingly partisan,” Clinton said today at the Newseum when asked to comment on the questioning she faced from Republicans last week. “You can be partisan, you can have a strong sense of the rightness of your position, but democracy and certainly legislative bodies require compromise. And you can’t let compromise become a dirty word because then you veer toward fanaticism.”
“I mean, we were just talking about extremists who think it’s only their way, they are the ones who have the truth, none of the rest of us have any kind of claim on what is real in their views,” she continued. “And so it’s important in our democracies – like Australia, like the United States – that yes, be passionate, be intense about your feelings, but at the end of the day you’ve got to serve the people who sent you there, and that requires compromise.”
The “extremists” Clinton had just been discussing included those that carried out the terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, resulting in the deaths of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans.
Wild Thing's comment...............
Hillary Clinton the woman that knows exactly what happened to Vince Foster and many others that are DEAD from the Bill and Hillary regime thinks it is OK to compare GOP to Jihadists...go to hell Hillary.
Many of us have had it with these low life attacks on the GOP and Republican voters.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
January 29, 2013
Hillary super PAC readies launch
Hillary super PAC readies launch
Long-time supporters of Hillary Clinton have opened a super PAC to lay the groundwork for a 2016 presidential campaign, even though Clinton, just finishing a four-year term as secretary of state, has said nothing about her future plans.
ReadyForHillary launches a splash page next Monday at its website, Allida Black and Judy Beck, two veteran Clinton fundraisers, are spearheading the new organization. They recruited Adam Parkhomeko, who helped launch a "Draft Hillary" movement in 2003 and was later hired by the campaign, to corral the far-flung vestiges of the Clinton campaign organization. NGP Software, which designed the Clinton campaign website in 2008, has been hired by the PAC.
Several former Clinton campaign staffers are offering input and suggestions. The PAC has no formal affiliation with Clinton or any of her top aides.
In an interview that aired last night on 60 Minutes, Clinton said neither she nor President Barack Obama "can make predictions about what's going to happen tomorrow or the next year," referring to the prospect of a presidential run. Clinton confidantes have said that Clinton has not telegraphed to them in any way what her intentions are after she takes a well-deserved break from the stresses of the public eye and public diplomacy.
ReadyForHillary aims to have its ducks in a row should Clinton decide to press go on a 2016 bid. It will serve as a virtual gathering place for supporters and donors. When prominent Democrats like Donna Brazile offer their endorsements — like Brazile did today in a tweet — the organization, which already claims close to 50,000 Twitter followers, will document them and push them out to the world.
And why the name? It was chosen, according to someone involved in the group, because everyone seems "Ready for Hillary."
Wild Thing's comment.............
Why anyone would give money in support before a candidate eve3n says they will run for office never made sense to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM
December 31, 2012
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Hospitalized for a Blood Clot – Video
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Hospitalized for a Blood Clot – Video Report
Hillary Clinton has been admitted to New York Presbyterian Hospital and is being treated for a blood clot that has resulted from the concussion she suffered in a recent fall. She is reportedly being treated with anti-coagulants and will be monitored over the next 48 hours in the hospital.
State Dept. Press Release on Hillary
Press Statement
Office of the Spokesperson
Philippe Reines, Deputy Assistant Secretary
Washington, DC
December 30, 2012
In the course of a follow-up exam today, Secretary Clinton's doctors discovered a blood clot had formed, stemming from the concussion she sustained several weeks ago. She is being treated with anti-coagulants and is at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital so that they can monitor the medication over the next 48 hours.
Her doctors will continue to assess her condition, including other issues associated with her concussion. They will determine if any further action is required.
Wild Thing's comment..............
It says a lot when the first time I read this, i wondered if it was a lie or the truth. The Clinton's have been liars about so many things over the years and during Bill Clinton's presidency.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (3)
December 18, 2012
John Bolton: Hillary Has What’s Called a ‘Diplomatic Illness,’ That’s When You Don’t Want to Go To a Conference or Event
Bolton: Hillary Has What’s Called a ‘Diplomatic Illness,’ That’s When You Don’t Want to Go
To a Conference or Event
‘She may beat testifying this week, but she’s not gonna escape this forever’ Bolton said on Fox News On the Record tonight. Bolton adds, “I think she was waiting for this report so she could find out what it said and then fashion her testimony accordingly. Nothing more embarrassing than to say something and then have it contradicted and have to change her story later. So now, she’s had a chance to read the report and she can write her testimony at her leisure.”
Bolton also points out the many times Secretary Clinton just happened to be unavailable at critic points in the last 3 months.
Wild Thing's comment.............
LOL she sure does. Love John Bolton.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (2)
December 16, 2012
Timing Is Everything or is it.....Hillary Clinton Won’t Testify On Benghazi After Suffering A Concussion
Convenient: Hillary Clinton Won’t Testify On Benghazi After Suffering A Concussion
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won’t testify to Congress next week on Benghazi, after fainting and suffering a concussion Saturday and due to her ongoing stomach ailment.
“While suffering from a stomach virus, Secretary Clinton became dehydrated and fainted, sustaining a concussion,” Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Philippe Reines said in a statement. “She has been recovering at home and will continue to be monitored regularly by her doctors. At their recommendation, she will continue to work from home next week, staying in regular contact with Department and other officials. She is looking forward to being back in the office soon.”
Deputy Secretaries of State Bill Burns and Tom Nides will both testify in Clinton’s place, according to the office of Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-MA).
“Secretary Clinton’s team contacted Senator Kerry this morning to inform them of the Secretary’s concussion. Senator Kerry was relieved to hear that the Secretary is on the mend, but he insisted that given her condition, she could not and should not appear on Thursday as previously planned, and that the nation’s best interests are served by the report and hearings proceeding as scheduled with senior officials appearing in her place,” said Kerry spokeswoman Jodi Seth in a statement.
Wild Thing's comment...............
Way to convenient especially since she has put it off already, what will she come up with next as an excuse not to testily.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (3)
December 05, 2012
Hillary's First 2016 Campaign Ad???
Hillary's First 2016 Campaign Ad???????
Hillary Clinton Presented With Tribute Video Featuring World Leaders
The Saban Forum 2012 (which focuses on Middle East issues as related to U.S. foreign policy) kicked off with a keynote speech by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Clinton's remarks were immediately preceded by a tribute video to her career in service of the United States.
President Barack Obama, Senator John McCain, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Henry Kissinger, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others are featured offering praise for Secretary Clinton's life, career, and good works.
"From someone who knows a thing or two about political comebacks, I can tell you I don't think we've heard the last of Hillary Clinton," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says of Clinton in the tribute.
"I just have an instinct that the best is yet to come," Tony Blair says.
Wild Thing's comment...............
Just my feeling, but if Hillary does run for President she will win.
Obama stole the election from her in 2008 with voter fraud. Then Obama stole the election in part from Romney in 2012 with more voter fraud then we have ever seen before in any election.
I hope I am wrong, and like I said it is just a feeling.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (4)
November 14, 2012
Hillary Goes Wine Tasting in Australia Instead of Staying Home To Answer Questions About Benghazi
Hillary Goes Wine Tasting in Australia Instead of Staying Home To Answer Questions About Benghazi
Remember that “scheduling conflict” that was going to prevent Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from testifying at the closed Benghazi hearings? It’s a wine tasting with friends in Australia.
Few details of Ms Clinton’s visit on Wednesday and Thursday have been revealed, but it is understood she will visit close friends, one whom is connected to the Carnegie Mellon University. It also believed that:
- The 150-strong entourage is likely to visit Penfolds’ Magill Estate for either a wine tasting session or private function.
- The entourage has booked more than 100 rooms over several floors at the Intercontinental Hotel on North Tce.
- Heavy traffic restrictions are likely from late Wednesday ahead of her anticipated arrival that night.
- Her entourage will leave Adelaide on Friday morning.
Wild Thing's comment.......................
I guess getting drunk precludes testifying about the Benghazi cover-up. How convenient she finds herself on the other side of the planet slurping down some drinks while Congress attempts to get some answers on Benghazi.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (2)
January 13, 2011
Hillary Clinton Says Tucson Shooting Was Extremism Like The Al Qaeda
Clinton: Arizona shooting a form of 'extremism"
Hillary Clinton told CNN that she believes the shooting tragedy in Tucson, Arizona was motivated from “political extremism.”
“Based on what I know, this is a criminal defendant who was in some ways motivated by his own political views, who had a particular animus toward the congresswoman, and I think when you cross the line from expressing opinions that are of conflicting differences in our political environment into taking action – violent action- that’s a hallmark of extremism. Whether it comes from the right, the left, Al Qaeda, from anarchists, whoever it is.”
In remarks on the shooting in the United Arab Emirates on Sunday, Clinton said the incident was proof there were extremists in the U.S.
"I think that when you're a criminal who is in some way pursuing criminal activity connected to - however bizarre and poorly thought through - your political views, that's a form of extremism," she said on Wednesday.
Wild Thing's comment........
Good Lord! To compare what happened in AZ. to what the Al Qaeda is about????!!!!
When Nidal Hassan killed 13 and wounded 32 at Fort Hood in what by all accounts (those of first hand witnesses and those with prior experience with Hassan) an act of islamic terrorism - Obama and crew nearly bent themselves in half trying to disassociate his horrific act of terrorism from his ideaology. They IMMEDIATLY blamed EVERYTHING other than the reality that this pile of filth chose to kill his fellow soldiers in the name of allah.
Then this killer in AZ. who is a REGISTERED INDEPENDENT, who has NO history of political activism, and who has NO affiliation with right-wing causes is represented in front of our nation and by THE SECRETARY OF STATE IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE WORLD as an "extremist."
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (4)
April 18, 2010
Clinton Alludes To 1995 Bombing, Says Words Matter ~ Just NOT His!
Clinton claims the majority of threats from from "right wing" warns of Oklahoma City
Clinton alludes to 1995 bombing, says words matter
My Way news
Bill Clinton warned of a slippery slope from angry anti-government rhetoric to violence like the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, saying "the words we use really do matter."
The two-term Democratic president insisted he wasn't trying to restrict free speech, but in remarks Friday he said incendiary language can be taken the wrong way by some Americans. He drew parallels to words demonizing the government before Oklahoma City.
On April 19, 1995, an anti-government conspiracy led by Army veteran Timothy McVeigh exploded a truck bomb outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, killing 168 people.
"What we learned from Oklahoma City is not that we should gag each other or that we should reduce our passion for the positions we hold - but that the words we use really do matter, because there's this vast echo chamber, and they go across space and they fall on the serious and the delirious alike. They fall on the connected and the unhinged alike," he said.
"One of the things that the conservatives have always brought to the table in America is a reminder that no law can replace personal responsibility. And the more power you have and the more influence you have, the more responsibility you have."
Clinton made the remarks at events sponsored by the Center for American Progress Action Fund on the upcoming anniversary of the bombing.
He mentioned the rancorous fight over President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. Passage of the law elicited threats against some lawmakers.
"I'm glad they're fighting over health care and everything else. Let them have at it. But I think that all you have to do is read the paper every day to see how many people there are who are deeply, deeply troubled," he said.
He also alluded to the anti-government tea party movement, which held protests in several states Thursday. At the Washington rally, Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota railed against "gangster government."
Clinton argued that the Boston Tea Party was in response to taxation without representation. The current protesters, he said, are challenging taxation by elected officials, and the demonstrators have the power to vote them out of office.
"By all means keep fighting, by all means, keep arguing," he said. "But remember, words have consequences as much as actions do, and what we advocate, commensurate with our position and responsibility, we have to take responsibility for. We owe that to Oklahoma City."
Wild Thing's comment.......
McVeigh was motivated and upset by the Waco invasion of the Branch Davidian compound. Attorney General Reno ordered tanks to be used against American citizens. McVeigh was not inspired by rhetoric. He was angered by action taken by the Clinton administration.
“There can be real consequences when what you say animates people who do things you would never do,”
gee...ya mean like BILL AYERS????????
To the scumbag Bill Clinton this is for you. We like the founders, are just a bunch of freedom-loving, tyranny-hating citizens, Mr. Impeached Rapist.
In thoughts of Bill Clinton we have: WACO
1993 bombing of the WTC. Yousef and Yasin flew from Bagdhad on Iraqi passports, completed their missions and Yasin returned to Bagdhad to be a hero's welcome by Saddam on Iraqi tv. Yet we are supposed to believe that Iraq and islam was no threat to us. Jayna Davis produced a lot of compelling evidence for the Iraqi connection in her book "The Third Terrorist".
Bill Clinton PARDONED convicted Puerto Rican terrorists.
Bill Clinton ALSO pardoned convicted members of the Weather Underground.
OBAMA's buddy ...Bill Ayers he belongs to Obama of course, and he bombed the Pentagon. ....“I don’t regret setting bombs,” Bill Ayers said. “I feel we didn’t do enough.”
Clinton turned down the chance to capture Osama bin Laden. The Clinton Administration wanted no part of a war against international Islamic terrorism. They did little in response to the Kobar Towers destruction, The USS Cole destruction, et al.
Bombing an asprin factory
The 9-11 attack was in the planning since 1998 stateside .
During the Clinton regime I remember a lot of people who were questioned by the Secret Service and a lot of people who had the IRS going through their personal and business records. The FBI files they had one everyone....something like 80 people DEAD of them. Travel gate, Chinagate, so many gates they would have needed their own vault to keep track of the information out there about them and how guilty Bill and Hillary were. And I remember how much it cost a lot of people, personally. The clintons were using tactics straight out of the Soviet Union and Communist China. I also remember a lot of people (somewhere in the low 80's in the total ) who lost their lives, some were body guards. Interesting how all these people died and in very mysterious ways.
The Tea Party movement is shaking the pillars of liberalism and liberals are scared to death of it. They know it represents the beginning of the end of their reign, and they will do whatever it takes to destroy the movement, even trying to stir violence against its members. I know these people in power won't stop with just words, they're going to get as violent as possible, and they're going to justify that violence by claiming the Tea Party is dangerous to America. That's what all this anti-Tea Party rhetoric is about, they're preparing the way to justify their future actions. ....Just my gut feeling, I pray I am wrong about the plans the left has up their sleeve.
Ruish Limbaugh on his Friday show about the above statements by Bill Clinton : " The tea party people are peaceful. They are festive. They're described that way even by the regime's media. Festive and good cheer. They're not taunting anybody, they're not menacing anybody; they're not threatening anybody. All they are is dissenting. They disagree with the direction the regime is taking the country. mean, it's just infuriating to associate peaceful people with acts of terrorism that have not happened. And yet we cannot associate real terrorists with acts that have happened because we might offend them. But we can go ahead and offend decent American citizens who simply are trying to save what's left of their civilization.
Limbaugh turned the tables on Clinton by saying that Clinton has now set the stage for violence by essentially predicting it will happen:
RUSH: ""With this comment, you have just set the stage for violence in this country. Any future acts of violence are on your shoulders, Mr. Clinton. You just gave the kooks in this country an excuse to go be violent. Nobody on the right's doing this. Nobody on talk radio is advocating anything of the sort of that you are predicting. You, sir, are predicting it."
Draft Dodger,LIAR Bill Clinton Says Rush Limbaugh Response "Does Not Make Any Sense"
After Rush discussed Clinton on his Friday show, Clinton mouthed off back about what Rush had said.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (4)
August 11, 2009
Hillary in Congo "Hillary Clinton: I'm Secretary of State, Not Bill " ~ Bill in Las Vegas
Hillary Clinton: I'm Secretary of State, Not Bill
Perturbed by a question about her husband's thinking, the secretary of state said she's not visiting the Congo to channel the former president.
KINSHASA, Congo -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's temper flared on Monday when a Congolese university student asked her for her husband's thinking on an international financial matter.
A week after former President Bill Clinton traveled to North Korea to secure the release of two detained American journalists and stole the limelight from the start of his wife's first trip to Africa, Clinton was clearly displeased by the question at town hall forum in Kinshasa.
You want me to tell you what my husband thinks?" she replied incredulously when the male student asked her what "Mr. Clinton" thought of World Bank concerns about a multi-billion-dollar Chinese loan offer to the Congo.
"My husband is not secretary of state, I am," an obviously annoyed Clinton said sharply. "If you want my opinion, I will tell you my opinion. I am not going to be channeling my husband."
The question was left unanswered as the moderator of the event quickly moved on.
Wild Thing's comment........
LMAO oh my gosh, this is a a classic Hillary. Look out Bill I don't think she liked all the attention you got going to N. Korea.
Whew she sure does have a temper. Adn what the heck is she doing she is sitting all slumped in her chair like that. It looks odd to do that at an event no matter what the thing is about.
Oh wait look what as at Drudge. Bill Clinton 63rd birthday bash. Well he doesn't have to be concerned with Obama carre but mabe Hillary care might not be too healthy.
Bill Clinton Celebrates His 63rd in Las Vegas
LAS VEGAS – No one can say former President Bill Clinton doesn’t know how to throw a birthday party for former President Bill Clinton.
Mr. Clinton is in Las Vegas on Monday as one of the marquee speakers at the National Clean Energy Summit, put together by Harry Reid of Nevada, the Senate majority leader. The event has drawn a pretty impressive turn-out, from former Vice President Al Gore to the wealthy oilman T. Boone Pickens.
But it became clear that something else was afoot in this sweltering desert city when some of Mr. Clinton’s friends – the kind who would appear not to have a particular interest or expertise in the kind of summit Mr. Reid has arranged – were spotted on the Vegas strip.
Turns out Mr. Clinton decided to celebrate his 63rd birthday with a dinner at one of this city’s hottest – and most pricey – restaurants: Craftsteak at the MGM Grand hotel. How pricey? The 8-ounce wagyu New York strip steak goes for $240. (Potatoes and other sides are extra.)
Among those who are on the list:
Terry McAuliffe, the former leader of the Democratic National Committee who is Mr. Clinton’s long-time friend and golfing buddy
Paul Begala, a senior adviser from his 1992 presidential campaign
John D. Podesta, a former White House chief of staff under Mr. Clinton
Haim Saban, a friend, Hollywood executive and significant financial contributor to Mr. Clinton and his efforts
Steve Bing, the Hollywood media mogul who has become one of Mr. Clinton’s best friends and regularly lends him his private jet. (Most recently, Mr. Clinton used the jet for his trip to North Korea, where he helped negotiate the release of two American journalists who worked for Mr. Gore.
Hillary Rodham Clinton, the secretary of state, is in The Congo, as part of her trip to Africa, and thus will miss the celebration. No worries. Mr. Clinton might be celebrating on the strip on Monday, but his actual birthday is not until Aug. 19.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (16)
May 19, 2009
Bill Clinton to Be Named U.N. Haiti Envoy
Bill Clinton to Be Named U.N. Haiti Envoy: Officials
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon plans to name former U.S. President Bill Clinton as his special envoy to Haiti, U.N. officials said on Monday, in a move that could attract investment in the Western Hemisphere's poorest nation and help stabilize the country.
"The announcement is expected to come soon," one U.N. official told Reuters on condition of anonymity. The official said a formal announcement could come as early as Tuesday.
Clinton, who has galvanized efforts to help the impoverished Caribbean nation recover from the devastating impact of four hurricanes last year, accompanied Ban on a trip to Haiti earlier this year.
Several other diplomats confirmed the appointment of the former president, who is trying to help Haiti through his Clinton Global Initiative foundation.
Wild Thing's comment............
An appropriate appointment for our first black President. LOL He is going to be the ambassador to the country he invaded.
Isn’t there rampant AIDS in Haiti? Slick Willie better have his interns’ health screened.
Bill Clinton is a traitor, he should be in prison for selling our nuclear secrets to the chicoms and North Koreans. It’s a shame that both he and his wife are still walking the streets .
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (12)
February 19, 2009
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's First Tour
Hillary Clinton's first stop was Tokyo , the first stop on her weeklong tour of Asia, which also includes stops in Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, and China.
Day One on Hillary Tour
Hillary Blames Bush For North Korean Nukes
Clinton warns North Korea during Tokyo visit
During her plane trip, she implicitly criticized the Bush administration for abandoning the so-called 1994 Agreed Framework with North Korea, reached during President Bill Clinton's first term in the White House, which called for the North to give up its plutonium-based weapons program.
Day Two Hillary Tour
Hillary Bashes Christians for the terrorists Attacks
Clinton Says U.S. Seeks Unity With Muslim World
Clinton, who on Wednesday will travel to Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country, told students at Tokyo University that "this is one of the central security challenges we face -- as to how to better communicate in a way that gets through the rhetoric and through the demagogy and is heard by people who can make judgments about what we stand for and who we truly are."
Clinton's remarks came in response to a question about the "prejudice" in the United States against Muslims because of terrorism, a term she rejected forcefully, pointing to the history of Christians. "I am a Christian," she said. "Through the centuries we have had many people who have done terrible things in the name of Christianity. They have perverted the religion."
Rally at Jakarta's presidential palace February 18, 2009. U.S Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Indonesia on Wednesday for a goodwill visit to the world's most populous Muslim nation.
Day Three Hillary Tour
Hillary apologizes for American crimes
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton moved Wednesday to boost U.S. ties with the world's most populous Muslim nation and its neighbors, pledging a new American willingness to work with and listen to Indonesia and the rest of Southeast Asia.
Her message was received warmly by officials in Jakarta, the childhood home of President Barack Obama, although small and scattered protests were held in several cities, with some Islamic hard-liners setting tires on fire and others throwing shoes at caricatures of Clinton.
The arrival of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Indonesia sparks anti-U.S. protests, with signs and caricatures of Clinton. Several protesters were arrested by police. (Feb. 18)
Notice that the Muslims never want to improve their image with the US.
Wild Thing's comment........
Democrats just can't leave the country without bashing it. I wish one day they would just stay away and not come back. Carter, Kerry, Bill Clinton and that apology tour he made years ago, and now Hillary. ENOIUGH!
Why isn't Hillary going to India? She's in Japan, Korea, Indonesia and China but no India? What the heck is this administration trying to tell us and the world? Oh wait, I had forgotten, India is hated by their dear terrorist friends and since Hillary is kissing up to the Muslims.....well that explains it then.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (18)
June 29, 2008
Bill Clinton Says Barack Obama Must 'kiss my ass' For His Support
Bill Clinton says Barack Obama must 'kiss my ass' for his support
Bill Clinton is so bitter about Barack Obama's victory over his wife Hillary that he has told friends the Democratic nominee will have to beg for his wholehearted support.
Mr Obama is expected to speak to Mr Clinton for the first time since he won the nomination in the next few days, but campaign insiders say that the former president's future campaign role is a "sticking point" in peace talks with Mrs Clinton's aides.
The Telegraph has learned that the former president's rage is still so great that even loyal allies are shocked by his patronising attitude to Mr Obama, and believe that he risks damaging his own reputation by his intransigence.
A senior Democrat who worked for Mr Clinton has revealed that he recently told friends Mr Obama could "kiss my ass" in return for his support.
A second source said that the former president has kept his distance because he still does not believe Mr Obama can win the election.
Mr Clinton last week issued a tepid statement, through a spokesman, in which he said he "is obviously committed to doing whatever he can and is asked to do to ensure Senator Obama is the next president of the United States ".
Mr Obama was more effusive at his unity event with Mrs Clinton on Friday, speaking fondly of the absent former president, who attended Nelson Mandela's birthday celebrations in London instead.
The candidate told the crowd: "I know how much we need both Bill and Hillary Clinton as a party. They have done so much great work. We need them badly."
But his aides said he has so far concentrated on cementing relations with Mrs Clinton first. They say they are content to let relations with Mr Clinton thaw gradually.
It has long been known that Mr Clinton is angry at the way his own reputation was tarnished during the primary battle when several of his comments were interpreted as racist.
But his lingering fury has shocked his friends. The Democrat told the Telegraph: "He's been angry for a while. But everyone thought he would get over it. He hasn't. I've spoken to a couple of people who he's been in contact with and he is mad as hell.
"He's saying he's not going to reach out, that Obama has to come to him. One person told me that Bill said Obama would have to quote kiss my ass close quote, if he wants his support.
"You can't talk like that about Obama - he's the nominee of your party, not some house boy you can order around.
"Hillary's just getting on with it and so should Bill."
Another Democrat said that despite polls showing Mr Obama with a healthy lead over Republican John McCain, Mr Clinton doesn't think he can win.
The party strategist, who was allied to one of the early rivals to Mr Obama and the former First Lady, said Mr Clinton was "very unhopeful" about the nominee's prospects in November.
"Bill Clinton knows the party will unite behind Obama, but he is telling people he doesn't believe Obama can win round voting groups, especially working-class whites, in the swing states," the strategist said.
"He just doesn't think Obama will be able to connect with the voters he needs."
Joe Klein, the author of Primary Colours, a fictionalised account of Mr Clinton's 1992 election, who has known the former president for 20 years, said he also heard that he was "very, very bitter", from people who have spoken with him.
"It's time for him to get over it or go off and do his charitable work. He knows the rules of the road. What's going on now is kind of strange. I think his behaviour is really, really shocking."
Wild Thing's comment........
This is most excellent!....KEEP flaming the fire bubba! THE CHAOS CONTINUES!!!
At least it keeps the election fun when it is so horrible otherwise. hahahaha
Obama is just as bad when he said this......LOL
Senator Barack Obama has angered senior allies of his vanquished Democratic rival Senator Hillary Clinton by telling them to "get over it".
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (24)
June 05, 2008
UPDATE: Hillary Clinton To Drop Out Of Race On Friday NOPE Now It Is Saturday! LOL
Sen. Hillary Clinton will drop out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination Friday
Sen. Hillary Clinton will drop out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination Friday, The Post has learned.
Her decision ends speculation about what she would do after Sen. Barack Obama captured the nomination yesterday.
Last night, a defiant Clinton conceded nothing to Obama.
In a speech at Baruch College, Clinton said she needed time to consider her next move.
Clinton ran down the list of every state she has won, trumpeted the nearly 18 million people who voted for her in this year's contests and demanded that her supporters be given "respect."
Clinton also said she had won the "swing states" needed to get the 270 electoral votes to capture the White House, as her supporters broke into chants of, "Yes, we will!" - a dig on Obama's slogan, "Yes we can!"
But today party leaders began calling for Clinton to drop out, hoping that such a move would encourage party unity.
"I don't see why we don't get on with it and endorse [Obama]," said Rep. Charles Rangel, a Clinton supporter. He said it was only a matter of time before he and other Clinton supporters formally back Barack.
Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, an Obama supporter, said Clinton's non-concession "creates a pretty delicate situation here, an awkward situation."
"I don't want to push her. Nobody is going to push her," Durbin said on MSNBC. "But the sooner she does, I think the more likely we're going to be organized and ready to win in November."
There were signs aplenty earlier in the day that Clinton was closing shop. She began bidding campaign staff members farewell, and a number were told not to come to work after Friday. Last paychecks were expected to go out June 15.
Obama, meanwhile, began focusing on who will join his ticket in the fall. His campaign said the vetting of potential running mates was to be managed by a three-person team of Caroline Kennedy, former Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder and longtime Washington insider Jim Johnson.
Clinton has told lawmakers privately that she would be interested in the vice presidential nomination.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is in the news, but since I don't trust the Clinton's I will wait and see if it happens. Just one of those trust but verify thingie's. haha
From Talking Points Memo
Dear XXX,
I wanted you to be one of the first to know: on Saturday, I will hold an event in Washington D.C. to thank everyone who has supported my campaign.
Over the course of the last 16 months, I have been privileged and touched to witness the incredible dedication and sacrifice of so many people working for our campaign. Every minute you put into helping us win, every dollar you gave to keep up the fight meant more to me than I can ever possibly tell you.
On Saturday, I will extend my congratulations to Senator Obama and my support for his candidacy. This has been a long and hard-fought campaign, but as I have always said, my differences with Senator Obama are small compared to the differences we have with Senator McCain and the Republicans.
I have said throughout the campaign that I would strongly support Senator Obama if he were the Democratic Party's nominee, and I intend to deliver on that promise.
When I decided to run for president, I knew exactly why I was getting into this race: to work hard every day for the millions of Americans who need a voice in the White House.
I made you -- and everyone who supported me -- a promise: to stand up for our shared values and to never back down. I'm going to keep that promise today, tomorrow, and for the rest of my life.
I will be speaking on Saturday about how together we can rally the party behind Senator Obama. The stakes are too high and the task before us too important to do otherwise.
I know as I continue my lifelong work for a stronger America and a better world, I will turn to you for the support, the strength, and the commitment that you have shown me in the past 16 months. And I will always keep faith with the issues and causes that are important to you.
In the past few days, you have shown that support once again with hundreds of thousands of messages to the campaign, and again, I am touched by your thoughtfulness and kindness.
I can never possibly express my gratitude, so let me say simply, thank you.
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (10)
June 01, 2008
Harold Ickes At the DNC Rules & Bylaws Committee Meeting
At the DNC Rules & Bylaws Committee Meeting, Ickes states, "Mrs Clinton has asked me to reserve her rights to take this to the credentials committee."
In defiance of the vote by the Rules Committee to admit all Michigan with half a vote, Ickes threatens to take the fight to the convention.
Hillary supporters cheered Ickes' threat by chanting, "Den-ver! Den-ver!"
The Hillary campaign immediately issued a statement in support of Ickes' remark.
Here is Clinton's senior advisor Harold Ickes
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama likes to brag in speeches about how brave he was to go up to Michigan and tell the auto industry that they would have to raise fuel mileage standards, raising costs and costing Michigan jobs.
What he doesn’t mention, of course, was that he gave that brave speech after he’d seen the polling indicating he was going to lose Michigan to Clinton and pulled his name off the ballot. LOL What a twit jerk and any name you like to use for this B. Hussein Obama.
So a guy that took his name OFF the ballot gets votes given to him. Go figure. hahahaha Only in America!
Harold Ickes was ticked as well he should be which of course is also a good example of how glad I am that at least so far to be a Republican our votes count.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (14)
Hillary Supporters Angry About Stolen Votes
WOW this woman is really upset. This first one is really kind of scary.
Clinton supporter Harriet Christian angry after Rules & Bylaws committee meeting on Florida and Michigan.
And another one outspoken Clinton supporter here who unloads on Barack Obama and promises to vote for John McCain in the fall.
Check this out. hahaa
LOL these are long awaited for after all these years of the DNC bashing Bush and Republican's. hahahahhahaa
Just another day at the office of the DNC messing with votes. LOL
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (16)
Lanny Davis Ignored by Media
At a press conference with leading Florida Democrats, no one wanted to hear from Lanny Davis. Must be a shocker to Lanny, he was the media favorite all during the Clinton Monica lying era and later the Impeachment.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (4)
May 23, 2008
Obama /Clinton Ticket Is Toast ~ Whoopsie
Hillary Clinton today brought up the assassination of Sen. Robert Kennedy while defending her decision to stay in the race against Barack Obama.
"My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don't understand it," she said, dismissing calls to drop out.
UPDATE:The kind of sort of not really apology Clinton style.
Clinton apologizes for RFK assassination comment
BRANDON, South Dakota (CNN) – Hillary Clinton said Friday she regretted comments that evoked the June 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy as part of her explanation for why she was staying in the presidential race late into the primary season.
"Earlier today, I was discussing the Democratic primary history and in the course of that discussion mentioned the campaigns that both my husband and Senator Kennedy waged in California in June in 1992 and 1968, and I was referencing those to make the point that we have had nominating primary contests that go into June. That's an historic fact,” she told reporters.
“The Kennedys have been much on my mind in the last days because of Senator [Ted] Kennedy, and I regret that if my referencing that moment of trauma for our entire nation and particularly for the Kennedy family was in any way offensive. I certainly had no intention of that whatsoever,” she added.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama would definitely need a waffle taster if she is on the ticket with him.
Vince Foster to Obama...... stay out of the park.
Wonder if the DNC will be publishing the "Clinton Death List," and handing them out at their convention.
* Stop the ACLU ....thank you for the video
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 PM | Comments (11)
May 20, 2008
Hillary Clinton: "This is Nowhere Near Over"
Hillary Clinton, in advance of the possibility that the Obama campaign will declare victory on Tuesday based on an advantage in pledged delegates, told a crowd Monday morning that a Democratic nominee will not be determined by tomorrow.
"This is nowhere near over. None of us is going to have the number of delegates we're going to need to get to the nomination. Although I understand – my opponents and his supporters are going to claim that - and the fact is we have to include Michigan and Florida." Clinton continued, "We cannot claim we have a nominee based on 48 states, particularly two states that are so important for us to win in the fall. So part of our challenge is making sure that we nominate the person most able to win. And I believe that I'm the stronger candidate."
Clinton said later in her speech, "I'm gonna make my case and I'm gonna make it until we have a nominee - but were not going to have one today and we're not going to have one tomorrow and we're not going to have one the next day. And if Kentucky turns out tomorrow, I will be closer to that nomination."
Wild Thing's comment.........
LOL there are some funny comments at the link for the article.
The Operation Chaos is still in effect for today so we will see what happens. I would love to see them go at each other up to the end. heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (8)
May 02, 2008
Hillary Blasts Bush For Defense Defense Technology Work Sent To China
Clinton blasts Bush for project Bill OK'd
McClatchy Newspapers ...for complete article
Hillary Clinton loves to tell the story about how the Chinese government bought a good American company in Indiana, laid off all its workers and moved its critical defense technology work to China.
It’s a story with a dramatic, political ending. Republican President George W. Bush could have stopped it, but he didn’t.
If she were president, Clinton says, she’d fight to protect those jobs. It’s just the kind of talk that’s helping her win support from working-class Democrats worried about their jobs and paychecks, not to mention their country’s security.
What Clinton never includes in the oft-repeated tale is the role that prominent Democrats played in selling the company and its technology to the Chinese. She never mentions that big-time Democratic contributor George Soros helped put together the deal to sell the company or that the sale was approved by her husband's administration.
In response, the Clinton campaign said that Bill Clinton's administration had gotten assurances at the time it approved the deal that production would remain inside the United States, and that the shift of jobs to China didn't occur until under the Bush administration.
“Hillary Clinton must have been hoping we Hoosiers have short memories,” Ed Dixon of Valparaiso said in a letter to a local newspaper after a recent Clinton visit. “Her husband was president at the time and allowed this to happen.”
“They would have us believe Bush was behind this sale,” added Fred Sliger of Valparaiso in another letter, “when in fact the Clinton administration rubber-stamped this along with the sale of numerous other high-tech secrets to the Chinese. …Let's get the facts straight.”
McClatchy Newspapers ...for complete article
Wild Thing's comment........
Hillary’s gears are slipping. She is forgetting that there are those of us out here that know that she is full of crap.
What I want to know is WHY we are allowing an enemy nation to purchase our corporations AT ALL.
"Former London Sunday Times correspondent James Adams wrote a book in which he described the Chinese success with the Clinton crowd as "an espionage coup of epic proportions."
• According to the New York Times, Clinton removed $2 billion in trade with China from national security scrutiny. Among the results: 77 supercomputers – capable of 13 billion calculations per second – that could scramble and unscramble secret data and design nuclear weapons. These were purchased by the Chinese without a peep stateside. At least some of them would be used by the Chinese military.
Where was the retribution and punishment at the the discovery by Energy Department officials poring over Chinese nuclear weapons data that had the chill of a classic Cold War scandal: Beijing, possibly working through a sympathetic scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory, had stolen the technology needed to miniaturize nuclear warheads, making it easier, in turn, to deploy missiles that could threaten the United States."
....Thank you Lynn for this article and link.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (10)
April 28, 2008
"We could even do it on the back of a flatbed truck"
Hillary Clinton, invoking the drama of a lusty street fight, repeated her challenge to Barack Obama for a debate free of moderators or a set agenda.
“We could even do it on the back of a flatbed truck. It doesn’t even need to be in some fancy studio somewhere,” she told a campaign rally on the banks of the Cape Fear River.
Her rival for the Democratic Party presidential nomination has deflected the request and said he would debate her after primary votes in Indiana and North Carolina on May 6.
“We need a president on day one ready to be our commander in chief, ready to turn our economy around. That is why I have to say I am very, very regretful that my opponent will not agree to a debate in North Carolina, because I think these issues are worth debating,” she said, goading her opponent for not being ‘tough’ enough.
“Tough questions in a debate is nothing like the tough decisions you’ve got to make in the White House…no moderators, just the 2 of us on a stage for 90 minutes.”
Wild Thing's comment........
“We could even do it on the back of a flatbed truck. It doesn’t even need to be in some fancy studio somewhere,”
LMAO I can't help it, this hit my funny bone how she said this. Hilarious! That's a visual I just didn't need! And oh wait, wait....... maybe it can be driven by illegal aliens!!!
Other then the scary part of WHO we have running. This has been the most entertaining election year ever! hahahahaha
Can you imagine some kind of movie, and the cast??? Rev. Wright screaming his G_D damn America, and the things he said about Hillary and the N word etc. Michelle Obama and her "I am for the first time proud of America." Bill entering the fray with his remarks, Hillary and her sniper fire story totally untrue. Obama and his I went to that church for 20 years but never heard those kinds of sermons and his terrorists backing him and terrorist Ayers friend etc.
Too many things to even list in this comment....but never ending. And add in John McCain with his "my friend " saying all the time and his wimping out about the ole Rev..'s video and other things. Doing the old " Rodney King" BS like "Can't we all just get along."
And then Hillary saying Obama could be her VP as long as she is on top. hahaahha
And now this about the flat bed truck. LMAO ok I just can't help it.
Whew just too much and no one could make this stuff up, no one would believe them. LOL
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:27 AM | Comments (10)
April 23, 2008
Hillary Clinton Wins Pennsylvania Democratic Primary
Hillary Clinton won the Pennsylvania primary Tuesday.
Pennsylvania Precincts Reporting 96% ( at the time of this posting)
CLINTON 1,202,096
Hillary Rodham Clinton won the Pennsylvania primary Tuesday, buoyed by support from women and blue-collar voters and pushing her duel with Barack Obama on to Indiana and North Carolina on May 6.
Amid brisk turnout, Clinton won a victory that many polls had predicted and which the New York senator had to have. The ultimate margin hovered around double digits — Clinton led 55 percent to 45 percent with nearly 80 percent of the vote counted — but no matter the numbers, her campaign insisted that a victory was a victory, particularly amid a spending onslaught by a more financially more robust Obama campaign.
Wild Thing's comment........
Operation Chaos should continue at full speed. Hillary is broke. The media hates her. And her party has turned their backs on her. If she continues like this what we'll start to see is an all out brawl. Imagine how worried Howard Dean and Barack Obama are right now! heh heh
The point of Operation Chaos, is to continue to allow the deep divisions that now exist in the dem party. The Republicans didn’t cause this “civil war” within the dem party, but it now exists, so why not prolong it, if possible.
New exit poll data?
1 in 5 Dems is going to sit it out or vote for McCain if his/her candidate loses. Each Dem in emminently unqualified and fatally flawed to the point that they will both be toast after a bloody, scorched Earth Nominating Convention in Denver.
The demoncrat party is one big mish-mash of every disaffected, empty hand out for something free, mentally unstable, congenitally damaged group and sub group known to mankind.
It's held together by smoke and mirrors, lies, money, special favors and promises un-kept. It's fun watching these freaks pile on the hate and animosity.
Like Rush said: " We can not beat Hussein on what he has done we need to defeat him because of what he will do. He would probably make Rev. Wright Sec. of State and Bin Laden Sec. of Defense."
The bottom line for me is that I can't stand Hillary or Obama but then I am not a Democrat. I am no fan of McCain either, it is awful feeling like this and not being able to get excited about a candidate.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (12)
April 17, 2008
Hillary's Lies From 1992 Through 2008
The video montage shows footage of Clinton from 1992 through 2008 from her first 60 Minutes interview to her lies about sniper fire, NAFTA, and Iraq.
Wild Thing's comment........
I just can't get over this that we have the lowest in character running for President.
We are the greatest country in the world, we have men and women of such awesome character and dedication and their love for this country, our freedom whose DNA is Red, White and Blue serving our country. Our veterans who set the way for those serving now.
And then to have people like we have now running for office, and let's include those in office, Pelosi, Murtha, Reid, Kennedy, Kerry, the list would be long if I named them all. Each one disgusting beyond belief, each one someone I would not allow on our property, let alone do I even want them in our country.
Liars all, racists, and top that off with terrorists endorsing our candidates!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (6)
April 15, 2008
You Can Tell Hillary What You Think ~ LOL
We want to know what you think -- about the state of the race, our campaign strategy, or your ideas for doing things differently. You've made an investment in this campaign, and I want your input as we plan the days, weeks, and months to come. Share your thoughts.
Her website
Wild Thing's comment........
How about where is Craig Livingstone? Hillary was the one that hired him. hmmmmm and he has disappeared since the death of Vince Foster.
OK I just could not resist this opportunity. hahaha
I did it and I asked her about Craig Livingstone. haha I told her I was curious whatever happened to ger good buddy. Craig Livingstone.
Here is the page that came up after I clicked to send my comment/question
LOL The funny thing is NO WAY AM I CONTRIBUTING but it still put the message through anyway.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:49 AM | Comments (7)
April 07, 2008
Hillary Clinton Photo Op at Children's Hospital ~ We Will NEVER Forget This Phony Hillary
Hillary Clinton Visit to Children at the Hospital
(Story originally appreared in the American Spectator, March 97)
Also here
It seems that Hillary, who's had her fingerprints found on all the new scandals that are breaking on a daily basis is trying to fix her public image.
So, to promote the new effort, showing how deeply Hillary cares about children, especially sick children in hospitals, Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington got a call. Hillary Clinton would be coming over soon with children's author Maurice Sendak. Hillary's advance team would be showing up arranging the security and logistics. The team did show up. What they saw horrified them.
The kids in the hospital children's ward really looked sick! Some of them had tubes sticking out. Some had lost their hair to chemotherapy. Some were groggy because of the pain killers they had to take.
Hospital officials were quickly told this would not do. Hillary would look bad in a newspaper photo if she posed with sickly looking children. They were told. "No children that look drowsy, skip bald kids, sick looking kids, or kids with tubes sticking out."
So here's what the hospital actually did. They outfitted a hospital conference room with toys and kids decorations. They ordered hospital staff members to bring in their healthy children who would pose as sick children in photos with the great St. Hillary.
So, on January 10th, Hillary Clinton showed up to Georgetown University Medical Center and read to a bunch of kids with author Maurice Sendak. Had you read the papers or heard the news the next day, you might have been bowled over by her compassion. Actually she demonstrated the opposite. You see the real sick kids, who were originally told they would be visited by the first lady were originally extremely happy and excited at the prospect of her visit.
When they were later told, they were too sick looking to be with the great Hillary, some became deeply depressed. After all how would anyone feel not being good enough for Ms. compassion herself.
Of course the press published the photos of Hillary reading to the cute kids the next day. They just forgot to tell you that Hillary, in the quest of the perfect photo could not bring herself to be photographed with an actual sick child.
The phony mask of compassion that Hillary hides behind has slipped once again. Just around Purim time too!
Wild Thing's comment........
Hitlery is the one who's sick...she has no heart!!!! She is such a total piece of crap! What a sick DEMONIC woman she is. To USE children in any way and sick children to be treated this way by her is so horrible.
And can you imagine the kind of people who serve on Hillary's staff? How does she find people who have absolutely no shame or self-esteem to fetch for her? I mean, they have to be scumbags too.
Also seen here from 1997 at Official White House link:
Office of the Press Secretary ....Please click to read
For Immediate Release January 10, 1997
Georgetown Medical Center
Washington, DC
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (14)
Sir Edmund Hillary
Wild Thing's comment.........
LMAO I love it. hahahahhaa
....Thank you RAC for sending this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (6)
April 06, 2008
UPDATE to : Ohio Hospital Contests a Story Clinton Tells
Ohio Hospital Contests a Story Clinton Tells
Over the last five weeks, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York has featured in her campaign stump speeches the story of a health care horror: an uninsured pregnant woman who lost her baby and died herself after being denied care by an Ohio hospital because she could not come up with a $100 fee.
The woman, Trina Bachtel, did die last August, two weeks after her baby boy was stillborn at O’Bleness Memorial Hospital in Athens, Ohio. But hospital administrators said Friday that Ms. Bachtel was under the care of an obstetrics practice affiliated with the hospital, that she was never refused treatment and that she was, in fact, insured.
“We implore the Clinton campaign to immediately desist from repeating this story,” said Rick Castrop, chief executive officer of the O’Bleness Health System.
Linda M. Weiss, a spokeswoman for the not-for-profit hospital, said the Clinton campaign had never contacted the hospital to check the accuracy of the story, which Mrs. Clinton had first heard from a Meigs County, Ohio, sheriff’s deputy in late February.
A Clinton spokesman, Mo Elleithee, said candidates would frequently retell stories relayed to them, vetting them when possible. “In this case, we did try but were not able to fully vet it,” Mr. Elleithee said. “If the hospital claims it did not happen that way, we respect that.”
The sheriff’s deputy, Bryan Holman, had played host to Mrs. Clinton in his home before the Ohio primary. Deputy Holman said in a telephone interview that a conversation about health care led him to relate the story of Ms. Bachtel. He never mentioned the name of the hospital that supposedly turned her away because he did not know it, he said.
Deputy Holman knew Ms. Bachtel’s story only secondhand, having learned it from close relatives of the woman. Ms. Bachtel’s relatives did not return phone calls Friday.
As Deputy Holman understood it, Ms. Bachtel had died of complications from a stillbirth after being turned away by a local hospital for her failure to pay $100 upfront.
“I mentioned this story to Senator Clinton, and she apparently took to it and liked it,” Deputy Holman said, “and one of her aides said she’d be using it at some rallies.”
Indeed, saying that the story haunted her, Mrs. Clinton repeatedly offered it as a dire example of a broken health care system. At one March rally in Wyoming, for instance, she referred to Ms. Bachtel, a 35-year-old who managed a Pizza Hut, as a young, uninsured minimum-wage worker, saying,
“It hurts me that in our country, as rich and good of a country as we are, this young woman and her baby died because she couldn’t come up with $100 to see the doctor.”
Mrs. Clinton does not name Ms. Bachtel or the hospital in her speeches. As she tells it, the woman was turned away twice by a local hospital when she was experiencing difficulty with her pregnancy.
“The hospital said, ‘Well, you don’t have insurance.’ She said, ‘No, I don’t.’ They said, ‘Well, we can’t see you until you give $100.’ She said, ‘Where am I going to get $100?’
“The next time she came back to the hospital, she came in an ambulance,” Mrs. Clinton continued. “She was in distress. The doctors and the nurses worked on her and couldn’t save the baby.”
Since Ms. Bachtel’s baby died at O’Bleness Memorial Hospital, the story implicitly and inaccurately accuses that hospital of turning her away, said Ms. Weiss, the spokeswoman for O’Bleness Memorial said. Instead, the O’Bleness health care system treated her, both at the hospital and at the affiliated River Rose Obstetrics and Gynecology practice, Ms. Weiss said.
The hospital would not provide details about the woman’s case, citing privacy concerns; she died two weeks after the stillbirth at a medical center in Columbus.
“We reviewed the medical and patient account records of this patient,” said Mr. Castrop, the health system’s chief executive. Any implication that the system was “involved in denying care is definitely not true.”
Although Mrs. Clinton has told the story repeatedly, it first came to the attention of the hospital after The Washington Post cited it as a staple of her stump speeches on Thursday. That brought it to the attention of The Daily Sentinel in Pomeroy, Ohio, which published an article on Friday.
Neither paper named the hospital or challenged Mrs. Clinton’s account.
Clinton drops hospital story from stump speech
CNN for complete story update
Hillary Clinton’s campaign says the candidate will stop telling the story of an uninsured pregnant woman who lost the baby and died after being denied medical care, following a hospital raising questions over its accuracy.
Clinton has frequently told the emotional story of the woman from rural Ohio since late February. In the speech, Clinton said the woman made minimum wage working at a local pizza restaurant, without insurance, when she became pregnant. Clinton said the woman ran into trouble, went to a hospital in a nearby county but was denied treatment because she couldn’t afford a $100 payment. In the speech, Clinton said the woman later was taken to the hospital by ambulance and lost the baby. The young woman was then taken by helicopter to a Columbus hospital where she died of complications.
As recently as Friday night in Grand Forks, North Dakota, Clinton said, “As I was listening to this story being told, I was just aching inside. It is so wrong, in this good, great and rich country, that a young woman and her baby would die because she didn’t have health insurance or a hundred dollars to get examined.”
Wild Thing's comment........
The casual way this woman lies, the public shrugging at her lies, the willingness to make up things to advance a cause for her is just breathtaking. And to take a dead woman, to lie about her death for a political point, is just, well, there is no word for it.
REGARDING THE UPDATE....... Ah, the old “Fake, but accurate” defense. Well good, too bad she didn't do it because she felt bad about her lie. Who's writing her stuff? Dan Rather?
With Hillary’s ability to remember things that never happened and Obama’s ability to “disremember” things that did happen, we have the perfect team to lead the moonbats off into Candy Land, where everything they bake will be satisfying and delicious—talk about your childhood wishes, you can even eat the dishes—la, la, la, la.
...Thank you Mark for this information and article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 PM | Comments (11)
April 04, 2008
Clinton Appears on "The Tonight Show"
Clinton Appears on "The Tonight Show"
Hillary Rodham Clinton made fun of herself Thursday, telling "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno she almost didn't make it to his studio.
"It is so great to be here, I was so worried I wasn't going to make it. I was pinned down by sniper fire," Clinton said after joining him onstage, referring to her claims - since disputed - that she dodged sniper bullets while arriving in Bosnia as first lady. Clinton later said she had "misspoke."
As she entered, Leno's band played the "Rocky" theme, jumping off her statement this week that she is the underdog in the Democratic nominating contest against Barack Obama, just like the fictitious boxer was against his opponent in the Oscar-winning movie.
"This has been such a mismatch of words and action," Clinton continued. "Obviously I've been so privileged to represent our country in more than 80 other countries, lots of war zones. I wrote about it in my book and obviously had a lapse. But here I am, safe and sound."
Leno asked how much sleep Clinton was getting. "Answering the phone at 3:00, that's gotta be tough," he joked, referring to her campaign commercials that ask which candidate would be the best prepared as president for middle-of-the-night emergencies.
"It happens every single night. Someone calls up and they have something to say. You've got to stop calling me," Clinton told Leno.
Clinton said she was proud of her daughter, Chelsea, 28, who has been campaigning for her. But she said her "stomach is in knots" most days thinking about what she might encounter each day. Chelsea Clinton has fielded some tough questions in recent appearances, particularly about her father's relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Her response has been that it's none of the questioner's business.
Asked about her daughter telling a voter that her mother might make a better president than her father, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton grinned and said: "She is such a smart young woman."
Leno also asked about moments during the campaign in which the former president has blown up at reporters and others.
"When you're supporting someone you love, you really do take it very much to heart," she said. "I said 'OK, honey, that's all right, we don't have to go get excited about it.' He's doing a great job for me but he does get a little carried away sometimes."
Wild Thing's comment.......
"It is so great to be here, I was so worried I wasn't going to make it. I was pinned down by sniper fire," Clinton said after joining him onstage, referring to her claims - since disputed - that she dodged sniper bullets while arriving in Bosnia as first lady. Clinton later said she had "misspoke."
Obviously telling lies does not interfere with their lives! There life is a big lie! She has absolutely NO shame at all and to joke about what she said like that makes it even more disgusting then it was in the first place.
To make a joke out of running from sniper fire, really is a slap in the face to our military, who do this daily, and I have yet to hear any of them make a joke of it..
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (12)
Hillary Fired For Lies and Unethical Behavior
Watergate committee staff boss: Hillary was fired for lies, unethical behavior
Zeifman is a life-long Democrat, served for 17 years as Counsel to the House Judiciary Committee, and is the author of Without Honor: Crimes of Camelot and Impeachment of President Clinton (1995) and Hillary’s Pursuit of Power (2007)
This is also his website
I have just seen Hillary Clinton and her former Yale law professor both in tears at a campaign rally here in my home state of Connecticut. Her tearful professor said how proud he was that his former student was likely to become our next President. Hillary responded in tears.
My own reaction was of regret that, when I terminated her employment on the Nixon impeachment staff, I had not reported her unethical practices to the appropriate bar associations.
Hillary as I knew her in 1974
Here is the abbreviated version of Hillary's shenanigans when she was working for the House Judiciary Committee
Hillary Rodham gets a spot on the legal staff of the House Judiciary Committee upon the recommendation of a lawyer pal of Ted Kennedy.
* The man who hires Hillary is Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat.
* The House Judiciary Committee is investigating Richard Nixon with an eye on impeachment.
* A question arises as to whether or not Nixon is legally entitled to counsel during the investigation. If so, his council would be allowed to cross examine witnesses appearing before the panel.
* The concern about having counsel for Nixon cross examine witnesses centered on E. Howard Hunt. Democrats on the committee feared that Nixon's counsel would elicit information from Hunt that would be very damaging to the Kennedys.
* Zeifman tells Hillary that Nixon is entitled to counsel. He cites documents in the committee's public file referencing the fact that Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas had representation four years earlier while he was being investigated.
* Hillary removes the documents from the committees public file and places them under lock and key in her office where they are not available for media or public scrutiny.
* Hillary then prepares a brief for filing with a federal judge which falsely states that there is no precedent for an official being investigated by the committee to have legal representation during that investigation.
* Nixon resigns before Hillary has a chance to submit the brief in which she makes knowingly false claims.
* Zeifman then fires Hillary. Hillary asks for a letter of recommendation. Zeifman says no. This was only the third time in Zeifman's 17 years with the committee that he had refused a letter of recommendation.
* Zeifman told Dan Calabrese that if Hillary had actually submitted the brief she most likely would have been disbarred.
Two decades later Bill Clinton became President. As was later to be described in the Wall Street Journal by Henry Ruth-the lead Watergate courtroom prosecutor- "The Clintons corrupted the soul of the Democratic Party."
Wild Thing's comment........
Note to Jerry Zeifman. Do not get on small aircraft. Do not get near Ft Marcy Park. Ensure you have a food taster in your party.
This came out right after Clinton got elected the first time, but as usual the media ignored it. I am glad it is being brought up maybe some people will finally see that Hillary cannot become President. We need to never again see Bill or Hillary in our White House.
We are at war, right here, at home, for the very heart and soul of all that we love and cherish.
Democrat politicians, their supporters, and their operatives could not be lower or more disgusting in the opinions of honest, decent people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (12)
March 27, 2008
Hillary Arrives On A Tank ~ LOL
Wild Thing's comment......
The music is the Panzie lied song. haha
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 PM | Comments (6)
Hillary wasn't lying! Bosnia Gunfire Footage Discovered ~ LOL
Wild Thing's comment.........
Barely Political is a left leaning site but they have lots of funny stuff there in some of their other video's. It’s also were the Obama girl videos come from.
The most important thing people need to take from this gaffe is just what an empty suit she really is. If she strays from the script even a little, she steps in do-do. thats why her interviews are scripted and managed. She cannot function when the end result is not pre-arranged.
I knew this was going to be a parody, but I didn’t think it would be this funny. ROTFLMAO! Personal fav: the part where she executed the terrorist.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:09 PM | Comments (5)
Insulted Military Blasts Hillary's Serial 'Sniper" Lies
New York Post
Hillary Rodham Clinton's lies about risking her life under sniper fire during a visit to Bosnia as first lady have infuriated the US military brass and troops.
"She has no sense of what a statement like that does to soldiers," fumed retired Maj. Gen. Walter Stewart, the former head of the Pennsylvania National Guard.
"She is insulting the command in its entirety," he said yesterday.
Clinton came under fire after saying she "misspoke" about what happened during the trip and claimed it was the first time she erred in describing her visit - an assertion Barack Obama's campaign quickly disproved by finding at least three prior occasions over the last few months where she's claimed there was sniper fire.
Stewart, who was assigned to the Army's European headquarters at the time of Clinton's visit in 1996, called her statements "really astonishing."
"Believe me, heads would have rolled all over" if the military put the then-first lady at "unacceptable risk," added Stewart, who is supporting Barack Obama.
Air Force Lt. Gen. Buster Glosson, a John McCain supporter who ran the air attack in the first Gulf War, said, "It bothers me any time anyone running for the highest office in the land fabricates a story.
"That should bother any American, whether you're military or nonmilitary."
Another source, a former Army analyst who was stationed abroad when dignitaries visited, said, "You know, we have soldiers overseas now who are getting shot at by real bullets from real enemies who really want to kill them.
"Getting shot at by snipers is not something you forget - or make light of," he added.
Wild Thing's comment........
Hillary is a congenital, pathological, blatant, obvious, non-caring liar! EVIL and so is Obama, both sent to us from the hell of the democrat party.
Interesting to note on one of the military quotes....this one from Maj.. Gen. Walter Stewart::
Maj. Gen. Stewart, a surrogate for B.Hussein Obama, aka “God Damn America” Obama. Hillary is a liar and a fraud but the person that the good Maj. Gen. is supporting is no better!
More power to Operation Chaos.
I am still hoping that she hoping that she hangs on long enough to make the Democrat convention a total mess.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (10)
March 26, 2008
Bill Clinton Voodoo doll very funny ~ Oldie But Very Funny
Bill Clinton Voodoo doll very funny
Wild Thing's comment.........
I remember seeing this back when Bill Clinton was President and just saw it again. It is very funny.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (3)
March 24, 2008
Hillary Clinton's "Bosnia Sniper fire" Lie
Photo refutes Hillary 'sniper fire' account
Image of Bosnia ceremony contradicts story used to boost foreign policy cred
Sen. Hillary Clinton has used a story of arriving in Bosnia under sniper fire to bolster her foreign policy bona fides, but the Washington Post retrieved a photo showing that upon landing, she actually was greeted in a customary tarmac ceremony, complete with a kiss for a native child.
Clinton has declared on the campaign trail that a welcoming ceremony for the March 25, 1996, arrival in Tuzla was canceled, and she had to run from the airplane into an airport building for safety.
The then-first lady's traveling party included 15-year-old daughter Chelsea, the comedian Sinbad and singer Sheryl Crow.
"I remember landing under sniper fire," Clinton recounted. "There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."
But the Post's Michael Dobbs says that "as a reporter who visited Bosnia soon after the December 1995 Dayton Peace agreement, I can attest that the physical risks were minimal during this period, particularly at a heavily fortified U.S. Air Force base, such as Tuzla."
Dobbs's report in the Post's "Fact Checker" column has been noted by weblogs Newsbusters and but virtually ignored by mainstream media.
"Had Hillary Clinton's plane come 'under sniper fire' in March 1996, we would certainly have heard about it long before now," Dobbs writes.
He pointed out that numerous reporters, including the Post's John Pomfret, covered Clinton's trip, and a review of nearly 100 news accounts of their visit "shows that not a single newspaper or television station reported any security threat to the first lady."
Pomfret declared, "As a former AP wire service hack, I can safely say that it would have been in my lead had anything like that happened,".
Dobbs says Clinton and her entourage were greeted by smiling U.S. and Bosnian officials, and an 8-year-old Muslim girl, Emina Bicakcic, read a poem in English.
The actor Sinbad had a different account of the trip than Clinton, telling the Post's "Sleuth" column Monday the "scariest" part was worrying about whether "we eat here or at the next place."
Clinton defended her story on the campaign trail this week and dismissed the actor's contention, saying, "Sinbad is a comedian."
Clinton repeated the Bosnia story, saying she remembers "landing under sniper fire" and that "we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."
Hillary in Tuzla: The Tale of Bosnian Sniper Fire
and another one...........
No Sniper Fire: Hillary Lies Again!
Clinton 'Misspoke' on Bosnia Trip
Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign said she "misspoke" last week when she said she had landed under sniper fire during a trip she took as first lady to Bosnia in March 1996. The Obama campaign suggested it was a deliberate exaggeration on Clinton's part.
Clinton often cites the goodwill trip she took with her daughter and several celebrities as a part of her foreign policy experience.
During a speech last Monday about Iraq, she said of the trip: "I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."
Wild Thing's comment........
Misspoke??? LMAO oh sure well ok. hahaha HOw about an out an out lie dahling!
Here's what really sucks about this. The people who support her will continue too because they don't care about her lying. They only care about her gaining power. It's obvious she's lying, and she's got to know it doesn't matter. GRRRRRR
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 PM | Comments (13)
March 22, 2008
Jeremiah Wright Met With President Clinton
The Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. and President Bill Clinton at a prayer breakfast at the White House in September 1998
Photograph of Bill Clinton and Rev. Wright Surfaces
During one of the most difficult periods in the presidency of Bill Clinton, he addressed a group of clerics at an annual prayer breakfast in September 1998 just as the Starr report outlining his dalliance with Monica Lewinsky was about to be published.
Among those in attendance, was the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., who is seen shaking hands with Mr. Clinton in a photograph provided today by the Obama campaign. Mr. Wright’s relationship with Senator Barack Obama, as his longtime pastor, has been the subject of considerable controversy in recent days because of incendiary excerpts of sermons Mr. Wright gave at their church, Trinity United Church of Christ, in Chicago.
In providing the photograph to The New York Times, the Obama campaign appeared to be trying to divert some attention to the Clintons after a week in which Mr. Obama’s relationship with Mr. Wright has left him facing one of the biggest challenges of his campaign. There is nothing in the picture or the note that addresses whether Mr. Clinton had met Mr. Wright prior to the White House meeting or whether he or Mrs. Clinton knew anything about Mr. Wright’s views.
Asked for a response tonight through email, Howard Wolfson, a top aide to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, wrote, “Urgent indeed — a picture — oooooooo!”
Senator Clinton’s spokesman, Phil Singer, sent along this reply to a request for comment:
In the course of his two terms in office, Bill Clinton met with, corresponded with and took pictures with literally tens of thousands of people.
Mr. Wright was invited to the 1998 prayer breakfast, and in addition, he received a thank-you note from former President Clinton for his expressions of support about six weeks later.
According to an account by James Bennet, former White House correspondent who has since left The Times:
With tears in his eyes, President Clinton told a roomful of clerics this morning that he had sinned, speaking just hours before the world was presented a painstaking account by prosecutors of when, where and how.Addressing an annual prayer breakfast at the White House, Mr. Clinton drew on the New Testament, the Yom Kippur liturgy and Ernest Hemingway as he made his most abject confession yet of personal failure, while declaring that he would defend and redeem his Presidency.
‘’I don’t think there is a fancy way to say that I have sinned,'’ he admitted softly, saying that after resisting expressions of contrition he had reached ‘’the rock-bottom truth of where I am.'’
For the first time, Mr. Clinton also asked for forgiveness from Monica S. Lewinsky, on the day that the details of their intimate relationship — details that he had denied and struggled to suppress — poured out through the Internet, whose wonders as a tool of communication he has so often extolled.
Mr. Wright is not mentioned in the article. Also visible in the photograph is Vice President Al Gore.
And according to the newly released schedules of Mrs. Clinton by the National Archives of her years as first lady, she was in attendance, too.
Her schedule reads:
Religion Leaders Breakfast (w/POTUS)” in the East Room from 9-10:30 a.m.
- The President and First Lady are announced into the East Room and proceed to their tables.
- The Vice President makes remarks and introduces The President.
- The President makes remarks and introduces Dr. Reverend Gerald Mann.
- Dr. Reverend Gerald Mann gives blessing.
- Breakfast is served.
- Following breakfast, The President opens discussion.
- Upon conclusion of the discussion, The President introduces Dr. Reverend James Forbes.
- Dr. Reverend James Forbes gives benediction.
- The President, First Lady, and Vice President depart.
PARTICIPANTS: Approx. 130 guests to attend.
The wording of Mr. Clinton’s thank-you note to Mr. Wright, dated Oct. 28, 1998:
Dear Pastor Wright: Thank you so much for your kind message. I am touched by your prayers and by the many expressions of encouragement and support I have received from friends across our country. You have my best wishes. Sincerely, Bill Clinton
UPDATE: The Clinton campaign is not happy about the release of this photo:
"The Obama campaign put this photo out? How pathetic," he said. "Less than 48 hours after calling for a high-minded conversation on race, the Obama campaign is peddling photos of an occasion when President Clinton shook hands with Rev. Wright.." .....from the Clinton's campaign.
Wild Thing's comment........
How wonderful how Obama and the Clinton's are all connected. So Wright is popular with the left, LOL, and now they all can fight over who knew him first or better yet who does not want to admit to knowing Wright.
I wonder if we will also find out that Wright also went for dinner with Saddam or Osama Bin Laden. That Wright sure does get around. Free food must be a strong pull on the ole hate monger. LOL
....Thank you Mark for this article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (8)
Clinton Camp Raps Obama Over Photo ~ LOL
Clinton Camp Raps Obama Over Photo
Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign criticized Barack Obama's campaign Friday for "peddling photos" of former President Clinton and Obama's longtime pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
A photograph of the former president and Wright shows the two shaking hands with at a White House prayer breakfast in September 1998. The New York Times posted the photo to its Web site on Thursday and said it was provided by the Obama campaign.
Excerpts of Wright's sermons have been the source of controversy for Obama in recent days. Videos of the former pastor railing against the United States and accusing the country of bringing on the Sept. 11 attacks by spreading terrorism have appeared on television and the Internet.
Obama strongly condemned Wright's most controversial statements in a speech on racial issues on Tuesday in Philadelphia. But he did not repudiate Wright or his overall ministry, saying the man who officiated at his wedding is like a family member.
"Less than 48 hours after giving a great speech calling for a high- minded conversation on race, the Obama campaign is peddling photos of an occasion when President Clinton shook hands with Rev. Wright, though President Clinton took tens of thousands of photos during his 8 years as president," said Clinton spokesman Jay Carson.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is really great to watch. Quite an illuminating view into the abyss of the Dem party.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (6)
March 18, 2008
Hillary: I'll Ban Armed Private Contractors In Iraq
Hillary: I'll Ban Armed Private Contractors In Iraq
Speaking this morning, Hillary hits Obama for not ruling out continuing to use armed private contractors in Iraq. She wants to ban such contractors.
Those contractors are protecting Iraqi government officials. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised, as Hillary once called for threatening to take away Iraqi lawmakers' security if they didn't reach a deal. And at least one Democrat didn't find that to be a wise move:
Addressing Mrs. Clinton’s latest proposal to cap American troops and to threaten Iraqi leaders with cuts in funding, Mr. Biden lowered his voice and leaned in close over the table.“From the part of Hillary’s proposal, the part that really baffles me is, ‘We’re going to teach the Iraqis a lesson.’ We’re not going to equip them? O.K. Cap our troops and withdraw support from the Iraqis? That’s a real good idea.”
The result of Mrs. Clinton’s position on Iraq, Mr. Biden says, would be “nothing but disaster.”
She goes on to talk about how she'll go after the favorite Democratic bogeyman, the infamous "no-bid" contracts.
"There's been a lot of talk about earmarks in this town (and she hasn't released her lists; credit Obama for going that far) but no-bid contracts are ten times more costly than earmarks. When I introduced my legislation, I could not get, as of this moment, Senator McCain's support for that."
Wild Thing's comment........
Well that was easy! Now she can just ban terrorism, too!
So her "plan" includes drawing down military in Iraq by XX per month (can't remember if she said a Division, Brigade, or just what) AND banning all armed civilian contractors. She said she'd remove the contractors that "perform the functions our military normally would" in the same sentence she said she'd drawdown the military. Sooo...we're going to completely abandon the Iraqis under her plan.
Hillary Clinton isn’t fit to command a platoon Mess Hall... Unless you’re trying to give them all Ptomaine poisoning. She’s just gonna get people slaughtered..our troops, our allies, our friends. I guess she could always send Janet Reno after them with a tank.
A perfect illustration of one of the fundamental tenets of Leftist thinking; everyting must pass through their bureaucratic filter, and be under Politburo control of the commissars. Everything.
They despise private enterprise, prvate initiative and even basic private behavior (smoking, guns, food, and yes even your toilet), with every fiber of their being.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (4)
February 23, 2008
Hillary Fires Back At B. Hussein Obama
Image is from the movie " Scarface", it is what came to my mind when I saw Hillary as she fired back at Obama today.
Hillary Clinton: "Shame on You, Barack Obama"
Today, Hillary Clinton aggressively went after Barack Obama, criticizing him for playing similar political games to Karl Rove and at one point saying, "Shame on you, Barack Obama."
Speaking to reporters following a rally at a community college here, Clinton slammed Obama and his campaign for distributing mailings to Ohio voters attacking Clinton’s universal health care plan and her position on NAFTA.
“Today in the crowd I was given two mailings that Senator Obama’s campaign is sending and I have to express my deep disappointment that he is continuing to send false and discredited mailings with information that is not true to the voters of Ohio. He says one thing in speeches and then he turns around does this,” Clinton said waiving the two mailings at the cameras.
“Just because Senator Obama chose not to present a universal health care plan does not give him the right to attack me because I did. So let’s have a real campaign. Enough with the speeches and the big rallies and then using tactics that are right out of Karl Rove's playbook, this is wrong and every Democrat should be outraged.”
“Everything in those mailers is completely accurate," Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement. "We look forward to having a debate this Tuesday on the facts, and the facts are that Senator Clinton was a supporter of NAFTA and the China permanent trade treaties until this campaign began. And she herself has said that under the Clinton health care plan, she would consider 'going after the wages' of Americans who don't purchase health insurance, whether they can afford it or not,” Burton continued.
Clinton’s tough tone and sharp words are a stark difference from her tone and appearance on a debate in Austin, Texas two days ago.
When asked about her new tone Clinton skirted the question going back to the mailings and attacking the Obama campaign for funding them.
“This election is about misleading, false and discredited attacks that interfere with voters being able to make an informed judgment,” she said.
“I am not going to stand here and see this campaign polluted by the kind of misleading, discredited and false attacks. We deserve better than that. He’s been called out on it, he has been contradicted on it, he knows better and here it is ‘Paid for by the Obama for America Campaign.’”
“So, shame on you Barack Obama. It is time you ran a campaign consistent with your messages in public, that’s what I expect from you. Meet me in Ohio and let’s have a debate about your tactics and your behavior in this campaign.”
Earlier at the rally, she slammed President Bush, saying that under his presidency “the American people got shafted.”
She also suggested a parallel between Bush and her opponent Barack Obama, saying that talking "about change" doesn't necessarily translate into a successful presidency.
“You know people talk a lot about change in this election,” Clinton said.
”We have lived through some of the worst change anybody could imagine over the last 7 years. Do you think people voting in 2000 knew what they were getting? I don’t. People thought they were getting a compassionate conservative; and it turns out we got neither and we have lived with the consequences of those mistakes year after year after year.”
“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!” she added.
“Now more than ever we need a president we can count on, a president who’s in it for you,” said Clinton.
Clinton will hold another event in Ohio today before heading to Louisiana and Texas later this evening.
HERE are the first mailesr of the presidential race and it's a doozy.
"Only Barack Obama consistently opposed NAFTA," it declares. "A little more than a year ago, Hillary Clinton thought NAFTA was a 'boon' to the economy," it continues (citing a 9/11/06 item in Newsday). And, "Hillary Clinton was not with Ohio when our jobs were on the line. Why should we be with her now?"
The piece targets not just Clinton's record on trade but her credibility. It says that she is "changing her tune" now that she's campaigning in places like Ohio, but when Obama says he will fix broken trade deals "we can believe him."
Wild Thing's comment........
"So let’s have a real campaign. Enough with the speeches and the big rallies and then using tactics that are right out of Karl Rove's playbook, this is wrong and every Democrat should be outraged."
WOW! She is not only b!tching like only America's Ex-Wife could, but her jealously of Obama's turnouts compared to hers is on display like a billboard.
Her challenge to B.Huessin Obama.....Meet me at dawn in Fort Marcy Park.
Being MAD to the Clinton's = That is Clinton code for Mutual Assured Destruction
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:14 PM | Comments (13)
February 20, 2008
Hillary Wants A Gun Summit
Clinton wants a gun summit
Another new wrinkle from Hillary Clinton today: she wants a presidential summit on gun control.
That came up in the Q-and-A session of her stop in De Pere, after a woman asked about dealing with shootings such as the Northern Illinois University carnage.
Clinton started with the line she rolled out a couple days ago about recognizing that there is “no conflict” between letting lawful gunowners have weapons and keeping guns out of the hands of bad guys and the mentally ill.
She went on to propose a solution to coming up with a solution for the problem — kind of like her plan to come up with a plan for fixing another politically difficult problem, Social Security.
“I believe we really should have a summit where everybody comes together on all sides of this issue,” Clinton said. “Let’s figure out how we can be consistent with the Second Amendment, which I wholeheartedly support, and do more to keep people safe.
“I think we can do that, but it’s going to require us all to maybe give a little and understand the point of view of the other people,” she said. “That’s something I would do as President to really bring people together.”
“We know we need better background checks and we know we’ve got to have mental health information in there,” she said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Molon labe
"Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with the view of confiscating them and leaving the population defenseless." --Vladimir Ilich Lenin
“I stand in support of this common sense legislation to license everyone who wishes to purchase a gun, I also believe that every new handgun sale or transfer should be registered in a national registry." --Hillary Clinton, Jun 2, 2000
Obama has the same anti-gun rights views.
Maybe we can get Dick Cheney to take these two hunting. heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (17)
February 19, 2008
Bill Clinton Loses Temper, Lashes Out at Pro-Lifers
Bill Clinton goes nuts after being greeted by over a hundred pro-life students from Franciscan University of Steubenville protesting him on his abortion policies as president.
Wild Thing's comment........
Most people approved of the ban by Congress of partial-birth abortion. Clinton twice vetoed the bill.
There is so much hateful anger pent up in those two people. I get the sense that something awful is going to happen when they finally lose in a big way. It’s going to be ugly.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (12)
February 18, 2008
Bill Clinton: Obama's ignoring my White House legacy
Bill Clinton: Obama's ignoring my White House legacy
Former President Clinton on Friday accused Sen. Barack Obama, his wife's rival for the Democratic nomination, of trying to ignore any accomplishments they achieved during their years in the White House.
"You have one candidate who's made the explicit argument that the only way we can change America is to move into a post-partisan future and therefore we have to eliminate from consideration for the presidency anybody who made good things happen in the '90s or stopped bad things from happening in this decade," said Clinton, who was winding up a day of East Texas campaign appearances for his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
"It doesn't matter how much good you did," the former president said at Stephen F. Austin University. "We've got to get rid of you because you had to fight to make something good happen. You had to fight to stop something bad from happening. And if you fought, you made somebody mad, we ought to give you an old watch and retire you. You can't possibly make a contribution to America's future."
Without mentioning Obama by name, Clinton said the Illinois senator was promoting a position that it's "actually an advantage to not have any experience because you've not made anybody mad."
"It's been very effective," Clinton said. "It's already taken four good candidates out. It would have taken Hillary out if she didn't have so much grass-roots support and so much guts."
Clinton said his wife's position is to "bridge the party divides when we can, but we also need to be prepared to fight."
Wild Thing's comment.......
I would of thought Bill would be glad Obama was ignoring his legacy. Or perhaps he wants Obama to bring up the fact he sold US Missile tech to the Chinese Communists in exchange for illegal campaign contributions in 1995-1996?
Hmmmmmmmmmm Legacy oh yes we can't and won't forget the Bill Clinrton Legacy:
RECORDS SET- The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
- Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates**
- Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation
- Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify
- Most number of witnesses to die suddenly
- First president sued for sexual harassment.
- First president accused of rape.
- First first lady to come under criminal investigation
- Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case
- First president to establish a legal defense fund.
- Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions
- Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad
STARR-RAY INVESTIGATION- Number of Starr-Ray investigation convictions or guilty pleas (including one governor, one associate attorney general and two Clinton business partners): 14
- Number of Clinton cabinet members who came under criminal investigation: 5
- Number of Reagan cabinet members who came under criminal investigation: 4
- Number of top officials jailed in the Teapot Dome Scandal: 3
CRIME STATS- Number of individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes: 47
- Number of these convictions during Clinton’s presidency: 33
- Number of indictments/misdemeanor charges: 61
- Number of congressional witnesses who have pleaded the Fifth Amendment, fled the country to avoid testifying, or (in the case of foreign witnesses) refused to be interviewed: 122
SMALTZ INVESTIGATION- Guilty pleas and convictions obtained by Donald Smaltz in cases involving charges of bribery and fraud against former Agriculture
Secretary Mike Espy and associated individuals and businesses: 15
- Acquitted or overturned cases (including Espy): 6
- Fines and penalties assessed: $11.5 million
- Amount Tyson Food paid in fines and court costs: $6 million
Drug trafficking (3), racketeering, extortion, bribery (4), tax evasion, kickbacks, embezzlement (2), fraud (12), conspiracy (5), fraudulent loans, illegal gifts (1), illegal campaign contributions (5), money laundering (6), perjury, obstruction of justice.
Bank and mail fraud, violations of campaign finance laws, illegal foreign campaign funding, improper exports of sensitive technology, physical violence and threats of violence, solicitation of perjury, intimidation of witnesses, bribery of witnesses, attempted intimidation of prosecutors, perjury before congressional committees, lying in statements to federal investigators and regulatory officials, flight of witnesses, obstruction of justice, bribery of cabinet members, real estate fraud, tax fraud, drug trafficking, failure to investigate drug trafficking, bribery of state officials, use of state police for personal purposes, exchange of promotions or benefits for sexual favors, using state police to provide false court testimony, laundering of drug money through a state agency, false reports by medical examiners and others investigating suspicious deaths, the firing of the RTC and FBI director when these agencies were investigating Clinton and his associates, failure to conduct autopsies in suspicious deaths, providing jobs in return for silence by witnesses, drug abuse, improper acquisition and use of 900 FBI files, improper futures trading, murder, sexual abuse of employees, false testimony before a federal judge, shredding of documents, withholding and concealment of subpoenaed documents, fabricated charges against (and improper firing of) White House employees, inviting drug traffickers, foreign agents and participants in organized crime to the White House.
Number of times that Clinton figures who testified in court or before Congress said that they didn’t remember, didn’t know, or something similar.
Bill Kennedy 116
Harold Ickes 148
Ricki Seidman 160
Bruce Lindsey 161
Bill Burton 191
Mark Gearan 221
Mack McLarty 233
Neil Egglseston 250
Hillary Clinton 250
John Podesta 264
Jennifer O’Connor 343
Dwight Holton 348
Patsy Thomasson 420
Jeff Eller 697
going far beyond Monica Lewinski, were a major liability for Al Gore in 2000, far more so than Ralph Nader. According to the 2000 exits polls:
- 60% of voters disapproved of Clinton as a person
- 59% - including some who approved of him - disliked him
- 68% said he would go down in the history books for his scandals rather than for his leadership
- 44% thought the Clinton scandals were important or somewhat important. In contrast, only 28% thought Bush’s drunk driving arrest was important or somewhat important.
- 15% of those who had voted for Clinton in 1996 voted for Bush in 2000.
CLINTON LAID THE FOUNDATION for the excesses of the war on terror in a number of ways:
- He conducted a deadly and lawless raid on the Waco compound including the use of the military in civilian law enforcement.
- In the wake of Oklahoma City, the Clinton administration proposed restricting habeas corpus and increasing wiretaps.
- As Doug Bandow reported in the National Review, Clinton “essentially sought to eliminate the requirement of a warrant for searches from the Fourth Amendment. The president claimed to possess ‘inherent authority to conduct warrantless searches for foreign intelligence purposes.’ The administration required public-housing residents to sign away their constitutional right that authorities procure a warrant to search their dwellings and personal property. The Justice Department backed warrantless (indeed, suspicionless) drug tests for high-school athletes. The administration requested greater FBI authority to conduct “roving wiretaps,” without a court order.
- “The administration was tougher than its predecessor on drugs. Marijuana arrests were up 50 percent over Bush-41 . . . When asked about the criticism that sellers of crack were being punished far more severely than those who peddled cocaine, the president responded that penalties for the latter - which already ensured that minor drug dealers spend more time in jail than do many armed robbers, rapists, and murderers - should be raised. . .
- “The Clinton-Gore administration advanced additional thuggish policies and proposals - curfews for kids, random drug tests for welfare recipients and kids seeking drivers licenses, attacks on the requirement of a jury trial,. . . attempts to gain court sanction for uncompensated property takings, prosecutions implicating the double-jeopardy clause, pretentious claims of federal criminal jurisdiction, infringements of the Second Amendment right to possess a firearm, et al.”
Vincent Foster (Whitehouse Deputy Counsel, Gunshot to mouth, neck wounds)
Kathy Ferguson (ex-wife of Clinton co-defendant, Gunshot to head)
Bill Shelton (Arkansas state trooper, Kathy Ferguson’s fiancee, Gunshot to head)
Susan Coleman (Alleged Clinton Girlfriend, 7.5 months pregnant, Gunshot to head)
Jon Parnell Walker (RTC Investigator on Whitewater, fell from top of Lincoln Towers)
Niko Junic (In charge of the radio beacon/Brown Crash, Gunshot)
John A. Wilson (Former Wash D.C. councilman, hung)
Terrance Yeakey (First policeman at the Murrah Building, gun shot wound/slashes)
Ian Spiro (Inslaw Witness, Gunshot to Head)
Sharlott A. Donovan (Ret TechSgt/WH Comm Office, Plastic Bag over Head)
Admiral Boorda (CNO, gunshot chest)
Frank Aller (Clinton roommate at Oxford, repentant of draft dodging, Gunshot to mouth)
Robert Bates (Mena mechanic, witness) - drank himself to death on mouthwash
James Bunch (”Black Book” keeper, gunshot)
Wallace Blaylock (husband of Lenora Steinkamp - lady in Drudge video taped 93 aired 9/98, gunshot)
Raymond Albright (shot 5 times in chest, ruled suicide by M.E. Malak)
Charles Wilbourne Miller, Exec of Alltel - successor to Jackson Stephen’s Systematics (gunshot)
Gordon Matteson (Clinton friend/associate, Shot to head)
Danny Casolaro (Investigator Inslaw, “Octopus” - Wrists Slashed)
Calvin Walraven (Witness Jocelyn Elders son’s drug case, Gunshot)
Marine Cpl Eric S. Fox, assigned to helicopter squadron for president (gun shot to head)
Peter John Berwick, shot to death witness in federal investigation Arkansas company
John Arthur Paisley (CIA, gunshot to head, found in river…)
Laurence Martin (OKC surviver, suicide by plane crash)
Kenneth Trentadue (OK prisoner)
Li Fuxiang (foreign exchange, jump)
John I Millis (House Intelligence, CIA)
Evan Hunziker (held in North Korea)
Charlene Edwards (INS Miami)
Franz Lanz (ARL scientist, informant)
Mary Mahoney (Former White House intern shot multiple times in a Starbucks, pockets picked, no cash register money taken)
Luther “Jerry” Parks (Provided security for Clinton’s campaign, multiple gunshots)
Kevin Ives (Witness to Mena, skull crushed, left to be run over by train)
Don Henry (Witness to Mena, stabbed, left to be run over by train)
Eric Butera (Starbucks informant, beaten to death in sting)
Jeff Rhodes (Ives/Henry Witness, gunshot to head)
Ed Gould (Clinton’s HIV/AIDS Advisory Council, Toxic)
Florence Martin (Accountant with info on Barry Seal, Gunshot to head)
Alder Berriman (Barry) Seal (Mena, Murdered)
Keith McKaskle (Ives/Henry Informant, Stabbed)
Gregory Collins (Ives/Henry Informant, Gunshot to Head)
James Milon (Ives/Henry Informant, Decapitated)
Richard Winters (Ives/Henry Suspect, Shotgunned)
Jordan Ketelson (Ives/Henry Informant, Shotgunned)
Larry Guerin (Inslaw Investigator, unknown)
Alan Standorf (NSA, Inslaw Investigator, unknown)
Dennis Eisman (Inslaw attorney, Shot)
Mitchell D. Abel, (Cocaine dealer and student re Tyson, Gunshot)
Mike Samples (Ives/Henry witness)
Eric L. Henderson (financial advisor to Ron Brown, shot while riding bicycle)
Steve Leung (investor in China, beaten)
Mary Beth (Pixie) Grismore (politically connected, murdered)
Judy Danielak (journalist, sniper)
Cecil Boren (by escaped inmate, tainted blood whistleblower)
Lee Scott Hall (stabbed, Lawrence Livermore Lab employee)
JohnD Muskopf (CIA Analyst, murder in robbery attempt)
Note: all are before Clinton’s administration, but are included here because of other information dealing with criminal activity in the South
Rep Larkin Smith - died in airplane accident, was previously a Dixie Mafia target
Pauline Pusser - killed in an ambush (Buford Pusser’s wife)
Harry Bennett – shot
L.B. Kelly – shot
Ellwood T. Steube – shot
George Fuqua – shot
Doris Ann Willingham Grooms – shot
Deputy Sheriff E.R. “Buddy” Walthers - shot when he went to question a Dixie Mafia member
Gary Elbert McDaniel – shot
Margie George – victim, hatchet and shot
Carl Douglas “Towhead” White – shot
Bobby Gale Gwinn – shot
Donald Lester “Jimmy” James – shot
Jack Howard Joy - shot in the chest, soaked and set on fire
Winston Fairley – dismembered
George Albert McGann – shot
Jerry Michael Meshell – shot
Clifford Hugh Fuller - shot
Johnson, Tracy – shot
William Mulvey – shot
Stephen Jeffrey Lee – shot
Dewey D’Angelo - shot
James Whitake (Mena airplane mechanic)
James Avant (helicopter crash, Deputy Sherrif Pulaski County)
Kevin Brosch (helicopter crash, Criminal Investigator)
Jim McDougal, Heart Attack in Solitary (Witness in Whitewater)
John Crawford (Informant Inslaw, Heart Attack)
Susie Deer (Clinton’s mother’s patient)
Laura Lee Slayton (Clinton’s mother’s patient)
Victims of HIV contaminated blood taken from Arkansas prisoners and sold to Canada and perhaps elsewhere
Stanley Huggins (Partner, lawfirm investigating Madison Guarantee) pneumonia
John Hillyer (NBC cameraman, Mena information) heart attack
Ricky Ray Rector (Arkansas prisoner mentally ill) execution
M Franklin Squires (Sematech, heart attack)
Carlos Ghigliotti (FLIR, heart attack)
Eddie Pack (McNulty investigator, burst of microwave energy causing cancer)
Sheriff Jack Harwell (Waco, heart attack)
Barbara Wise (ITA John Huang Associate found dead, nude, in a locked office at Commerce)
Paul Tulley (Democratic National Committee, in Hotel Room)
Boonie Bearden? Disappeared (Ives/Henry Witness)
Paul Wilcher (Mena Investigator)
Henry Hamilton (Bag man for payments from McDougal to Gov. Clinton)
Gary Baugh (Lassater Attorney, alleged jump disputed)
Ray Walsh (briefed on wildfires, died in sleep)
Ron Miller
Kearn A Cottingham (Loral employee)
FOIA officer
Ron Brown, Plane Crash (Commerce, Pathologists question wound to head on xrays) – see section on Ron Brown Plane Crash
Victor Raisner, Plane Crash (National Finance Co-Chair Clinton for President)
R. Montgomery Raiser, Plane Crash (Clinton campaign)
Herschell Friday, Plane Crash (Presidential Campaign Finance Committee)
Paula Gober, Car Accident (Clinton Speech Interpreter)
Stanley Heard, Plane Crash (Clinton Health Care Advisory Committee)
Steven Dickson, Plane Crash (Clinton Health Care Advisory Committee)
Johnny Lawhon, Car Accident (Found Whitewater Canceled Check in Car after Tornado)
Theodore Williams, Betty Currie’s brother, Beaten before Betty’s Senate testimony then Car/Pedestrian Accident during Monica story(Key Witness’ brother)
Shelley Kelly, Survived Brown Plane Crash - died hours later (Stewardess)
Judy Gibbs, Fire (Alleged Clinton Girlfriend, Witness)
Keith Coney, Motorcycle Accident (Ives/Henry Witness)
Dr Donald Chumley, Plane Crash (Physician at the OKC Murrah building)
Jim Wilhite, Ski Accident (Friend of McLarty)
Dr. Ronald Rogers, Plane Crash (Informant)
Paul Olson, Plane Crash (Witness)
Neal Cooper Moody, Car Accident (Step Son of Vince Foster Widow, Lisa)
William Colby, canoe drowning (former Director of the CIA, editor of “Strategic Investment” which hired experts to investigate Vince Foster’s suicide note)
Randall Tyson, choked on a cookie (half brother to Don Tyson)
Woody Lemons, wife and mother, private airplane crash (OKC informant)
Mohammed Samir Ferrat, TWA 800 Plane Crash (Brown connections, initial suspect) – see Ron Brown Plane Crash section
Jan Kopold, accidental fall in Turkey in 1970
Dan Dutko (Head Injuries, Bike accident) DNC Fund Raiser
David Drye, Plane Crash (friend of Matrisciana – Clinton’s Chronicles, etc.)
Lt Colonel Mark Cwick (auto accident, Clinton pilot)
Major Marc Hohle (helicopter crash Okinawa, Clinton pilot)
Eddie Pack (Waco research, microwave exposure)
Reverend Roger Howard (Waco research, automobile)
Manual Howard (Waco research, automobile)
James Ray Dobbins (Waco research, automobile)
Admiral Donald Engen (Accident investigations, glider crash)
Rep Larkin (see Dixie Mafia section)
Reverend Roger Howard (McNulty investigator, auto hit and struck by car w/2 men)
Manual Howard (McNulty investigator, Reverend Roger Howard’s son, same accident)
James Ray Dobbins (McNulty investigator, same accident)
Ralph Baker (Arkansas, automobile)
Lt Gen McCloud (air accident)
Robert Deas(auto accident, scientist/informant)
Steve Willis, Waco (Clinton bodyguard)
Robert Williams, Waco (Clinton bodyguard)
Conway LeBleu, Waco (Clinton bodyguard)
Todd McKeehan, Waco (Clinton bodyguard)
Lieutenant Colonel Carmine Calo, Italian UN official killed in Afghanistan bombing
David Gibbs, Kosovo – Apache Helicopter
Kevin Reichert, Kosovo – Apache Helicopter
12 Crewmen from two HH-60 Pave Hawks, Nev
Spec. Anthony W. Brown, 29 - Ft Campbell Black Hawk 4/99
Pfc. Earl C. Eoff, 29 - Ft Campbell Black Hawk 4/99
Sgt. Robert G. Millward, 32 - Ft Campbell Black Hawk 4/99
Spec. James R. Murphy Jr., 25 - Ft Campbell Black Hawk 4/99
Chief Warrant Officer 2 Aaron K. Power, 30 - Ft Campbell Black Hawk 4/99
Spec. Fury J. Rice, 21 - Ft Campbell Black Hawk 4/99
Sgt. Julius R. Wilkes Jr., 23. - Ft Campbell Black Hawk 4/99
4 crew members 1996 Sikorsky military helicopter crash
Pilot and 8 Department of Interior Employees
10 crewmen plus passengers - 11/22/96 King-56 Crash
Staff Sgt. Brian Haney, Helicopter Crash (Clinton Bodyguard)
Marine Sgt. Timothy Sabel, Helicopter Crash (Clinton Bodyguard)
Maj. William Barkley, Helicopter Crash (Clinton Bodyguard)
Capt. Scott Reynolds, Helicopter Crash (Clinton Bodyguard)
Aldo Franscoia Secret Service Agent , C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY
Capt. Kevin N. Earnest, aircraft commander, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY
Capt. Kimberly Jo Wielhouwer, pilot, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY
2d Lt. Benjamin T. Hall, navigator, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY
SSgt. Michael J. Smith, Jr., loadmaster, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY
SrA. Rick L. Merritt, flight engineer, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY
SSgt. Michael R. York, loadmaster, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY
SrA. Billy R. Ogston, crew chief, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY
Amn. Thomas A. Stevens, loadmaster, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY
Maj. Gen. William Robertson Deputy Commanding General, V Corps, Europe, helicopter crash, Weisbaden
Col William Densberger V Corps Chief of Operations and Plans, helicopter crash, Weisbaden
Col. Robert Kelly V Corps Chief of Intelligence, helicopter crash, Weisbaden
Spec. Gary Rhodes Crew Chief, helicopter crash, Weisbaden
Capt Jennifer J Odom, US Army - Colombia
Capt Jose A Santiago – Colombia
Chief Warrant Office Thomas G Moore – Colombia
Specialist T Bruce Cluff – Colombia
Specialist Ray Krueger – Colombia
Lt Cmdr Jon A Rystrom – Hawkeye Crash
Lt William R Dyer– Hawkeye Crash
Lt Robert A Forwalder– Hawkeye Crash
Lt Patrick Ardaiz– Hawkeye Crash
Lt John A Messier– Hawkeye Crash
FBI Special Agent Martha Dixon Martinez
FBI Special Agent Michael John Miller
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (14)
February 13, 2008
For $1,000 You Can Enjoy “Cocktails With President Bill Clinton At Whitehaven
Drinks with ex-prez Clinton aren’t cheap
Generally speaking, even the bars on K Street lower their prices for happy hour as a lure for the work-weary to kick back a few and ease the stress of a long day.
So charging $1,000 for drinks might seem a bit steep, even for power drinkers enjoying bottles off the top shelf.
A fundraising e-mail from Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s (D-N.Y.) presidential campaign, however, is offering just that. For $1,000, attendees can enjoy “Cocktails with President Bill Clinton at Whitehaven.”
The e-mail, obtained by The Hill, said the Clintons’ Georgetown home on Whitehaven Street has “a handful of slots available” for those willing to pony up $1,000 to drink with the former president from 5 to 6:30 Wednesday evening.
The catch, other than the cost and possible liver damage, is that only those who still have money available to be used for the primaries are invited. In other words, the legions of Clinton contributors who have already maxed out will have to rely on their flasks and are not welcome Wednesday for drinks with Bill Clinton.
The invitation to primary contributors speaks loudly to the mad dash for cash the Clintons are engaged in with rival Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) as the primary battle now looks to go even deeper into the states.
Wild Thing's comment........
So I wonder what he is charging for groping? yikes
The Clinton's are such “grifters” ! They will lose money if Teddy shows up. heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (14)
February 12, 2008
Hillary's New Campaign Manager Maggie Williams
Meet Maggie Williams, Hillary Clinton's new campaign manager
Among Billaryland's inner circle, Maggie Williams is renowned as the ultimate Hillary loyalist, fierce and unwavering in her devotion for nearly 25 years.
As the First Lady's chief of staff, her office was in the West Wing, right next to Hillary's.
Her title gave away the extent of her clout: assistant to the President as well as Hillary's gatekeeper and chief enforcer.
Even detractors agree with her admirers that Williams would go to the mat for Hillary.
A Kansas City native, Williams, 53, was a central player in the Clinton damage-control machine during the White House years.
In 1995, a uniformed Secret Service officer swore under oath he saw her leave White House lawyer and Hillary confidant Vince Foster's office carrying documents after Foster committed suicide. Williams denied it.
She ran up more than $100,000 in legal bills defending Hillary in various investigations.
A former aide to Reps. Morris Udall of Arizona and Robert Torricelli (later senator) of New Jersey, Williams' ties to Hillary date to when they both were at the Children's Defense Fund in the 1980s.
After the Clintons left the White House, Williams was named president of Fenton Communications, a leading public relations and consulting firm.
When Bill and Hillary Clinton made remarks before the South Carolina primary that offended African-Americans, the campaign put her on the airwaves to try to quell the uproar.
"She's never run a political campaign, but she has run a staff and isn't afraid to crack heads," a Democratic booster said.
And also this............
She was knee-deep in the Johnny Chung scandal.
She was knee-deep in the Johnny Chung scandal.
Flashback: March 17, 1997, Time mag:
Sometimes,” President Bill Clinton mused on Friday afternoon, “there is a difference between what is legal and what ought to be done.” And with that he offered a guided tour of Washington’s favorite hideaway–the fertile, foggy valley that lies somewhere between what is wrong and what is illegal. You don’t have to be a lawyer to get in, but it helps to think like one.Hillary Clinton’s top aide, Maggie Williams, was spending the day there in March 1995, when California businessman Johnny Chung walked into her White House office one morning and handed her a check for $50,000. It was just “a rather unusual circumstance,” Clinton explained last week. She didn’t actually ask Chung for the money as the price of admission to sit in on the President’s radio address two days later. She wasn’t “receiving” contributions on federal property; she was just passing them along. And she certainly didn’t “solicit” them, which federal law forbids.
Or does it? Or did she? Chung’s lawyer, Brian Sun, told TIME that Chung had approached Williams’ aide Evan Ryan the day before, hoping to arrange a cozy lunch in the White House mess for some Chinese businessmen and a later meeting with the First Lady. Somehow the subject turned to Democratic Party needs. Ryan remarked that the President’s party had to cover the costs of political events held by the First Lady at the White House, although Ryan “does not recall” that conversation. So Chung came back the next day and handed Williams that “unsolicited” $50,000 check for the Democratic National Committee. According to Sun, Chung did so with the understanding that it would help him gain access for his guests, who indeed dined in the mess and had their pictures taken with Hillary the next day.
Wild Thing's comment........
Hillary must think she's in real trouble to bring in a fixer like Maggie.
Maggie was also allegedly the "bag lady" for unlawful campaign contributions delivered to the White House, including Chinese funny-money in clear violation of the FEC.
Her involvement in Vince Foster's unfortunate mishap in a remote DC park is also malodorous. She was apparently involved in sanitizing Vince's office of all White Water evidence, and had at least a minor role in the mysterious "suicide" note caper.
When asked at the White Water hearings why she took them home, her reply was she had to do laundry in the middle of the day. This is also the women who lived in France after the White Water hearings until the dust settled.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (8)
February 07, 2008
Hillary President? ~ LOL
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL I thought this was so funny and scary too.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (10)
February 04, 2008
Bill and Hllary NEVER Again!
Bill Clinton registers for the draft on September 08, 1964, accepting all contractual conditions of registering for the draft. Selective Service Number is 326 46 228.
Bill Clinton classified 2-S on November 17, 1964.
Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on March 20, 1968.
Bill Clinton ordered to report for induction on July 28, 1969 .
Bill Clinton refuses to report and is not inducted into the military.
Bill Clinton reclassified 1-D after enlisting in the United States Army Reserves on August 07, 1969, under authority of COL. E. Holmes.
Clinton signs enlistment papers and takes oath of enlistment.
Bill Clinton fails to report to his duty station at the University of Arkansas ROTC , September 1969.
Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on October 30, 1969, as enlistment with Army Reserves is revoked by Colonel E. Holmes and Clinton now AWOL and subject to arrest under Public Law 90-40 (2) (a) regis t rant who has failed to report...remain liable for induction.
Bill Clinton's birth date lottery number is 311, drawn December 1, 1969 , but anyone who has already been ordered to report for induction is INELIGIBLE!
Bill Clinton runs for Congress (1974), while a fugitive from justice under Public Law 90-40.
Bill Clinton runs for Arkansas Attorney General (1976), while a fugitive from justice.
Bill Clinton receives pardon on January 21, 1977, from President Carter.
Bill Clinton becomes the FIRST PARDONED FEDERAL FELON ever to serve as President of the United States.
All these facts come from Freedom of Information requests, public laws, and various books that have been published, and have not been refuted by Clinton.
After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia , which killed five U.S. military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 and injured 200 U.S . military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa , which killed 224 and injured 5,000, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39 U.S. sailors, Clinton promised that those responsible be hunted down and punished.
Maybe if Clinton had kept those promises, an estimated 3,000 people in New York and Washington, DC. who are now dead would be alive today.
THINK ABOUT IT! It is a strange turn of events. Hillary gets $8 Million for her forthcoming memoir. Bill gets about $12 Million for his memoir's yet to be written. This from two people who spent 8 years being unable to recall anything about past events while under oath.
Sincerely, Cdr. Hamilton McWhorter USN (ret)
....Thank you Rhod for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (13)
January 31, 2008
Madeleine Albright At Hillary's SF Campaign Headquarters
Madeleine Albright visiting Hillary's SF campaign headquarters
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright walked through the door of the San Francisco campaign headquarters, and made a beeline to the tables of phone bankers. Secretary Albright thanked all the volunteers in the office, posed for photos and shared praises for Senator Hillary Clinton. Secretary Albright listened to the volunteers' concerns on diplomatic issues.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Bill and Hillary are really stuck in their past. Madeline Albright was also on stage with them ( photo op) after one of the primaries.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:40 AM | Comments (15)
January 29, 2008
Kennedy Dumps On Clinton's
First a look at Kennedy's LACK OF CHARACTER!
Ted Kennedy making excuses for driving drunk and causing Mary Jo Kopechne to drown in his overturned car. The water was only about 6 feet deep with no current based on police reports at the time. Police diver John Farrar's testimony suggested that she survived for as long as two hours in the submerged automobile by breathing a pocket of trapped air. Kennedy spent the nine hours after the accident attempting to cover-up his involvement, while Mary Jo Kopechne was left to die in his submerged automobile.
Ted Kennedy did more than welcome Barack Obama into the warm embrace of his legendary family. He also consigned the Clintons and their brass-knuckle brand of politics to the past.
"With Barack Obama, we will turn the page on the old politics of misrepresentation and distortion," the Massachusetts senator said Monday in endorsing Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination. "With Barack Obama, we will close the book on the old politics of race against race, gender against gender, ethnic group against ethnic group, and straight against gay."
In an eloquent speech laced with stinging subtleties, Kennedy called Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton a friend who "has been in the forefront of issues." But he might as well have called her a "has-been" — a legacy of 1990s-style politics that rewards distortion, cynicism, self-aggrandizement and even failure.
Because that must be what Kennedy believes; there is no other way to interpret the clues tucked between the lines of his address.
Kennedy is ticked at Sen. Clinton and her husband, Bill, for trying to marginalize Obama after his triumph in Iowa's caucuses, according to officials close to the senator. Like many other Democratic leaders, Kennedy worries that playing the race card will divide blacks, whites and Hispanics — and cause irreparable harm to the Democratic coalition.
Kennedy's endorsement helps Obama on a number of fronts: It lends him a measure of the family's political aura; it provides cover to Democratic operatives who were afraid of bucking the Clintons; and it signals to Hispanic voters, who historically are reluctant to support black candidates, that Obama is a rightful heir to the support and adulation earned by the late Robert Kennedy during his 1968 presidential campaign.
But the endorsement also says something about how the Clintons are viewed by many institutional Democrats — some of whom never cottoned to the couple from Arkansas, and only grudgingly accepted their dominance of the party since 1993.
Look at how Kennedy compared Obama to his brother, John F. Kennedy — and, by inference, Bill Clinton to a curmudgeonly Harry Truman.
"There was another time, when another young candidate was running for president and challenging America to cross a New Frontier," Kennedy said. "He faced public criticism from the preceding Democratic president, who was widely respected in the party. Harry Truman said we needed 'someone with greater experience' — and added: 'May I urge you to be patient." And John Kennedy replied: 'The world is changing. The old ways will not do ... It is time for a new generation of leadership.'"
Kennedy didn't have to remind the crowd that Bill Clinton said that Obama was asking voters to "roll the dice" and back him.
Or that Obama has replied that he has the right experience to respond to "the fierce urgency of now."
Line after line of the speech contained a coded criticism of the Clintons, or a defense of Obama.
He said Obama's campaign is "not just about himself," a dig at Bill Clinton, who talks as much about himself as his wife on the campaign trail.
He said Obama will "break the old gridlock and finally" provide universal health care, a jab at Sen. Clinton, who failed to reform health care when given the opportunity during her husband's first term.
He said Obama had the courage to oppose the war in Iraq from the start. "And let no one deny that truth," he added, knowing full well that the Clintons have questioned Obama's courage.
The irony is that Bill Clinton could have made a credible case that Obama's anti-war stance was not a risky move to take during a Democratic primary in Illinois. Instead, the former president smugly dismissed Obama's assertion as a "fairy tale," and some black leaders thought Clinton was dismissing a black man's chance of being president.
Kennedy pointedly said Obama would not be "trapped in the patterns of the past" and could fight for Democratic causes "without demonizing those who hold a different view." Could he be talking about Sen. Clinton, who falsely accuses Obama of not wanting to give all Americans health insurance?
Or perhaps he was referring to Bill Clinton, who acknowledged Obama's landslide victory in South Carolina by noting that another black man, Jesse Jackson, had won the state in the past — so, big deal.
Or he might have had in mind the fact that that Clinton surrogates raised the issue of Obama's drug use as a youth.
Maybe he had both Clintons in mind. The Democratic Party's most powerful couple twisted Obama's admiration of Ronald Reagan's political success — sentiments they themselves have expressed — into an endorsement of GOP ideas.
Kennedy certainly had the Clintons in mind when he said Obama would be "ready to be president one Day One."
Sen. Clinton likes to say that about herself.
Bill Clinton likes to say that about his wife.
They're a powerful, talented couple and odds are at least 50-50 that Sen. Clinton will win the nomination and extend the Clintons' grip on the Democratic Party. That is, unless the young lion Obama and old lion Kennedy have their way.
"I feel change in the air," Kennedy said.
He has now cast his lot with the promise of a new brand of politics, not knowing whether it will lead to victory — much less any real change.
Wild Thing's comment........
Old time ‘rats are fleeing the good ship Clinton. Ted knows he can pull more strings with Obama than he can with the Clintons.
Paging Al Gore, your endorsement microphone is awaiting!
Rush Limbaugh said that the Swimmer makes sure he has his insurance policy by praising Mrs. Clinton first...just protecting his kneecaps. Rush said that the Dems are longing for another Camelot but the Clintons are not Camelot—they are the evil knights hiding out in the woods.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (24)
Sharpton to Bill Clinton: 'Shut Up'
Sharpton weighs in........
abc news blog
Al Sharpton on Monday weighed in on the raging debate inside the Democratic Party over former President Bill Clinton's advocacy on behalf of his wife's campaign, with two choice words for the former president: "Shut up."
On ABC's "The View," Sharpton said voters are hearing "race charges, race-tinged rhetoric" in the Democratic primary campaign, and called on the former president to cease.
"I think it's time for him to just be quiet," said Sharpton, who was a Democratic presidential candidate in 2004. "I think it's time for him to stop. As one of the most outspoken people in America, there's a time to shut up, and I think that time has come."
Sharpton didn't say which comments in particular bothered him. But many Democrats were particularly upset that the former president made an explicit comparison of Obama's campaign to Jesse Jackson's victories in South Carolina in 1984 and 1988, in an apparent attempt to explain why his wife didn't win the South Carolina primary on Saturday.
For his part, Jackson told The New York Times that he wasn't bothered by the comparison. Still, he told the newspaper that he had spoken to both Obama and President Clinton over the weekend, and told both to "take it to a higher ground."
Wild Thing's comment........
The Clintons are losing all of their "friends". No honor among thieves and all of that stuff.
“Jackson told The New York Times that he wasn’t bothered by the comparison.”
Jesse Jackson was just delighted his name was in print!
LOL I have to say. . .I’m loving all this drama going on in the Democrat party. Quite entertaining.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:40 AM | Comments (12)
January 28, 2008
Ice Queen Breaks Ranks With Democrats And Comes To Florida
Hillary Clinton comes to Florida, but is it campaigning?
A day after losing big in South Carolina, Hillary Clinton jetted into Florida for private events Sunday, raising money and hopes that her campaign is still on track.
In South Florida, Clinton was greeted by Miami Mayor Manny Diaz outside the Lucky Strike Lanes, a bowling alley on South Beach, site of the night's first fundraiser in the area.
"She emphasized having enough turnout (Tuesday) to see that the Florida delegates are seated," said Mike Garretson, deputy superintendent of the Broward County Schools. Garretson and his wife, Patricia, were among those who paid $500 each to attend.
Clinton, who earlier attended a fundraiser in Sarasota, spoke for about 30 minutes at the Lucky Strike before heading to a developer's house for the second fundraiser.
Clinton and the other Democratic presidential hopefuls pledged not to campaign in Florida after the state's primary was scheduled in January. The party also stripped the state of delegates to the party's convention, but Clinton on Friday issued a statement saying she would urge seating delegates from Florida and Michigan, another state that scheduled an early primary.
Clinton said Sunday she was going to Florida to assure Democrats that "their voices are heard" and to underscore her commitment to seeing the state's delegation seated at the national convention.
"Hundreds of thousands of people have already voted in Florida (in early voting) and I want them to know I will be there to be part of what they have tried to do to make sure their voices are heard," Clinton said in Memphis, Tenn., before heading for Florida.
She arrived in Sarasota taking care to abide by the details of the agreement not to campaign, because events in Sarasota and later in Miami were not open to the public.
With a wink at the deal, Clinton carefully staged her arrival so she left her airplane with palm trees in the background for photographers. Asked if she was happy to be in Florida, she said: "How could you not be. It is absolutely glorious. It is a perfect day here in Florida."
At least two Obama supporters charged that Clinton's presence in Florida constituted campaigning.
"She's campaigning by her presence here. She's telling Florida voters she cares," said Brooke Gaebe, 24, of Miami Beach. "That's campaigning."
She stood outside the bowling alley holding a homemade sign that read, in part, "We want a president that can keep a promise."
Among Clinton supporters at the first fundraiser was Michael John McCann, 52, of Delray Beach. He said the results in South Carolina didn't worry him: "That was expected. She's going to take Florida like (Barack Obama) took South Carolina."
Wild Thing's comment........
Oh my gosh! LOL This is sooooo rich!! Now that Hillary is in Florida, I hope the Oranges don’t get frost bite.
There you have it ... Hillary pulls a rope-a-dope on her opponents. She is after the delegates and will now claim they are disenfranchied - even though she was instrumental in the disenfranchisement as a party bigwig.
Dem candidates had agreed NOT to campaign here in Florida because they moved their primary date.
This FL & MI play is a "Hail Mary" pass if ever there was one.
Once again the Clintons PROVE that they can’t be trusted, no promise is binding, and it all depends on what the definition of “is” is.
The analysis by a CBS news political correspondent on tonight's CBS Evening News to Clinton's complete disregard of the rules that the rat's put in place for the seating of Florida and Michigan's delegates was, and I quote.........
"It is what it is"
That was the entire explanation.
And THIS quote is the best part of the entire article ROTFLMAO
She stood outside the bowling alley holding a homemade sign that read, in part, "We want a president that can keep a promise."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (21)
January 26, 2008
Hillary ~ Rules? We don’t need no stinkin’ rules!
Statement by Senator Hillary Clinton on the Seating of Delegates at the Democratic National Convention
Press release from Hillary for President
"I hear all the time from people in Florida and Michigan that they want their voices heard in selecting the Democratic nominee."I believe our nominee will need the enthusiastic support of Democrats in these states to win the general election, and so I will ask my Democratic convention delegates to support seating the delegations from Florida and Michigan. I know not all of my delegates will do so and I fully respect that decision. But I hope to be President of all 50 states and U.S. territories, and that we have all 50 states represented and counted at the Democratic convention.
"I hope my fellow potential nominees will join me in this.
"I will of course be following the no-campaigning pledge that I signed, and expect others will as well."
Wild Thing's comment........
Both Michigan and Florida were penalized delegates by the DNC for moving forward in the calendar against party rules. Clinton won Michigan unopposed, and is expected to win Florida as well. By now asking that all these delegates be seated, Clinton is trying to grab extra votes at the convention that shouldn’t be competed for. If Obama would have won she would not be doing this. The Clintons CHEAT!
More very dirty tricks by the Clinton's to try to win. Maybe the Clinton Campaign is seeing REAL TROUBLE on the Horizon for FEB. 5, and are trying to lock this up, now. The rest of this year is going to be unbelievably nasty.
One of the stuntmen a friend of Nick's sent this link to from Daily KOS oh my gosh. LOL They have a thread there called..."Hillary Clinton to Howard Dean: Screw you." and as of right now there are 1190 comments in the thread and they are furious. hahahaha
Intro to thread
...."Hillary Clinton's campaign is actively and, for the first time, openly seeking to undermine Howard Dean.
The context, of course, is the seating of the Michigan and Florida delegations. Where no one has campaigned. And, in the case of Michigan, where Clinton was the only one on the ballot.
And where the DNC made a decision, at great cost and pain, to strip them of delegates for violating party rules.
But, rules don't apply if they don't help the Clintons"
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (17)
January 24, 2008
Hillary Told Hispanics "bring their brooms and vacuum cleaners to the White House"
Clinton: This Is Personal
ABC News' Eloise Harper reports:
Speaking in North Bergen, N.J., Sen. Hillary Clinton was brought on stage by Sen. Bob Menendez. Menedez spoke in Spanish and riled up the majority-Hispanic crowd.
A banner behind a group of Clinton supporters read: "Juntos con Hillary, Una Vida Mejor."
Clinton rattled through her stump speech. She told the crowd that she is going to need their help cleaning up the White House and suggested they bring their brooms and vacuum cleaners to help.
Clinton closed with a line that she doesn't normally use.
"This is really personal to me," Clinton said. "I want New Jersey to be with me not just on Feb. 5 and all the way through the election in November."
Then Clinton began chanting/yelling, "Will you help me? Will you help me? Will you help me? Will you help me? Will you help me? Will you help me?"
After that members of the crowd chanted back, "Will you help me?" -- and the cries soon turned into calls of "Hillary! Hillary!"
Wild Thing's comment........
“Clinton rattled through her stump speech. She told the crowd that she is going to need their help cleaning up the White House and suggested they bring their brooms and vacuum cleaners to help. “
Holy moley!!! Did she then ask for a that a mint be left on her pillow????
Can you imagine the outrage had a Republican said this?? Hillary has absolutely NO class and she wants to represent us to the rest of the world? YIKES Disgusting! I hope the good Lord will have mercy on us.
This is a whole new level of pandering and insult, even for Hillary. When will a politician pander to me by delivering a speech in Swiss/German and stand their wearing laderhosen. LOL
What I will have to assume is that it seems the group she was talking to may not have understood what she said since it was in English or perhaps it didn't sink in.
Will Hillary bring the silverware back with her?
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (17)
January 23, 2008
Bill Clinton May Get Payout of $20 Million
Bill Clinton May Get Payout of $20 Million
Former President Clinton stands to reap around $20 million -- and will sever a politically sensitive partnership tie to Dubai -- by ending his high-profile business relationship with the investment firm of billionaire friend Ron Burkle.Mr. Clinton is negotiating to end his relationship with Mr. Burkle's Yucaipa Cos. as part of a broader effort to protect the presidential campaign of his wife, Sen. Hillary Clinton, from potential conflicts of interest.
Details of Mr. Clinton's involvement in Yucaipa and his efforts to unwind it come from documents and interviews with people familiar with the matter.
The former president has had links to Yucaipa since early 2002, when Mr. Burkle -- a longtime friend and political contributor -- offered him a role there.
Mr. Clinton's association with the firm began at a time when he was looking to earn large amounts of money, partly to pay heavy legal bills accumulated to defend himself and Mrs. Clinton from several investigations during his presidency.
Now, as he negotiates with Yucaipa to withdraw from the relationship, he is a wealthy man, thanks partly to tens of millions of dollars he has earned making speeches around the world.Mr. Clinton initially signed on with Mr. Burkle as a senior adviser to closely held Yucaipa.
As part of that arrangement, Mr. Burkle agreed to give Mr. Clinton a share of the profits from two Yucaipa domestic investment funds if their returns reached a certain threshold. Mr. Clinton's adviser arrangement ended in early 2007, five years after it began. But Mr. Clinton still hasn't settled the issue of his payout.
Wild Thing's comment........
When the hell is this crap going to end?
The Clintons “foreign policy” is choosing which offshore account to use. The world turned ujpside down when Bill and Hillary got away with all their many crimes and 'gates'. Yes it is criminal justice and not victim justice that's for sure.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:45 AM | Comments (24)
January 22, 2008
Bill Clinton ~ I have a Dream~ OOPS! ~ LOL
Former president Clinton nodded off during the MLK awards presentation.
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL This is sooooo funny! I know how this kind of tired feels, but he needed to pinch his fingers or something and try to stay awake.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (8)
January 20, 2008
Leading Democrats To Bill Clinton: Pipe Down ~ LOL
Leading Democrats To Bill Clinton: Pipe Down
By Jonathan Alter
NEWSWEEK ...for complete article
Prominent Democrats are upset with the aggressive role that Bill Clinton is playing in the 2008 campaign, a role they believe is inappropriate for a former president and the titular head of the Democratic Party. In recent weeks, Sen. Edward Kennedy and Rep. Rahm Emanuel, both currently neutral in the Democratic contest, have told their old friend heatedly on the phone that he needs to change his tone and stop attacking Sen. Barack Obama, according to two sources familiar with the conversations who asked for anonymity because of their sensitive nature. Clinton, Kennedy and Emanuel all declined to comment.
On balance, aides to both Bill and Hillary still see Bill as a huge net plus in fund-raising, attracting large crowds and providing a megaphone to raise doubts about Obama—even if some of those doubts are distortions. But there's concern that in hatcheting the Illinois senator and losing his temper with the news media (last week he thrashed a San Francisco TV reporter for asking about a lawsuit filed by Clinton-backing teachers union members to limit the number of Nevada caucuses), Clinton is drawing down his political capital and harming his role as a global statesman. "This is excruciating," says a member of the Clintons' circle, who asked for anonymity. "But the stakes couldn't be higher. It's worth it to tarnish himself a bit now to win the presidency."
During a December taping with PBS's Charlie Rose, a frustrated Clinton called Obama "a roll of the dice," as aides tried to end the interview.
Wild Thing's comment........
LMAO Keep up the good fight Bill. Don’t listen to those pesky RATS. LOL He’s tasteless trailer trash and all about himself. They encouraged him for years. Why would they think he would shut up now?
It would have suited me if he had shut up somewhere around 1960.
LOL....Remember Bill, this is your reelection, your redemption, your legacy--a time to reverse all those bad things that people said and did to you. Remember one other piece of advice: If she doesn't win, it is because you f*cked up, sat on your duff, didn't do squat for her, said the wrong thing, put your foot in your mouth, came off as too aggressive or, alternatively, dumber than shinola, and you will hear about it for an eternity. (Hint: Look for the note attached to the flying lamp as it sails by.) She won't be busy at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or traveling around the world. She'll have oodles of time to teach you a few lessons. So get out there and fight! Obama deserves to go down! And you're just the guy to do it. We're counting on you.
heh heh couldn't help myself. hahaha
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (16)
FrankJ as Bill Clinton Road To The White House
Comedian Impressionist Frank Caliendo's: Bill Clinton sketch
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (4)
January 19, 2008
Hillary Cartoons
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (6)
January 18, 2008
Clinton Concerned Might Not Get 3rd Term ~ LOL
A federal judge in Las Vegas ruled in the case Thursday, with a decision that will apparently benefit the Obama campaign. The judge, James C. Mahan, held that some hotel-casinos, as arranged by the Nevada Democratic Party, would be permitted to set up caucus precincts on site so employees who work Saturday can participate. Many of those Nevadans are members of Culinary Workers Union Local 226, which has endorsed Mr. Obama, and their votes on Saturday could help him significantly against Mrs. Clinton.
The suit was brought by the state teachers’ union, which maintained that the arrangement gave the hotel employees an advantage that others working Saturday did not have. Some of this union’s top officials have endorsed Mrs. Clinton. But her campaign has denied involvement in the suit, and when the television reporter suggested a connection between it and her supporters, the former president, stumping for her in Oakland, Calif., narrowed his eyes. As his aides looked on with concern, Mr. Clinton’s voice took on an edge.
Bill Clinton Argues With ABC Reporter Over Nevada Caucuses
Wild Thing's comment........
LMAO it just feels good to have either of the anti-American, military loathing, socialists Clinton's upset. He chooses a typical Clinton tactic: Restate the other person's position in such a way as to make it unreasonable (and untrue). Lots of Dems have learned this trick.
We could call it "Canardians".
Canard: a deliberately misleading fabrication.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (11)
January 16, 2008
Sign About Bill Clinton ~ LOL
Hooters sign says........ Hey Hillary , Bill is in here.
A Hooters restaurant sign referring to former President Bill Clinton and Democratic presidential candidate and US Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) is seen in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina January 16, 2008. REUTERS/Joshua Lott (UNITED STATES) US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN 2008
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank you Hooters, LOL
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:45 AM | Comments (9)
January 08, 2008
Carville & Begala To Join Clinton Campaign ~ Good Ole Smear Days?
Back to the Future: Carville & Begala to join Clinton campaign
by Major Garrett
It’s back to the future at Hillary Clinton’s campaign as some of the top advisers to former President Clinton are set to join to Hillary’s faltering campaign as early as tomorrow.
Senior Clinton sources tell Fox that Hillary intends to bring in as top day-to-day advisers James Carville and Paul Begala. The campaign could also add other strategists from Clinton’s presidential years, but Carville and Begala are the biggest names and are set to join the campaign after a post-New Hampshire strategy meeting tomorrow.
Carville and Begala will serve as top strategists on politics and communication and likely overshadow the current role of Mark Penn, Hillary’s senior strategist, and Patty Solis Doyle, Hillary’s current campaign manager.
Top sources tell Fox Hillary won’t fire anyone but will merely seek to “enlarge” her pool of advisers.One Democratic described it as “addition by subtraction.” The subtraction won’t come in the form of lost jobs, but lost influence, meaning Carville and Begala’s strategic advise will now carry greater weight than that of the original team that devised a strategy that has led to a defeat in the Iowa caucuses and a likely defeat in tonight’s New Hampshire primary.
From NBC's Andrea Mitchell
Tuesday, January 08, 2008 3:29 PM by Mark Murray
There are clearly changes coming but...
Contrary to a Fox News report, James Carville tells me he has no role in the Clinton campaign. He will continue talking to his friends in the campaign, but: "Reports that I will have a role are ludicrous."
"My role in the campaign is the same as its been all along -- I'm a Clinton supporter, sympathizer. I talk to people in the campaign all along"
His advice all along has been to "put her out there" -- and let Hillary be Hillary.
Wild Thing's comment........
Carville and Begala, bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
The Clinton smear machine isn’t going to work this time. See, with Obama he gets to play the race card every time the Clinton attack machine kicks into gear. Hussein Obama is attracting major momentum and money and locking up an increasing amount of the balck vote and the anyone but Hillary vote so the same old dirty tricks won’t fly.
LOL well typical of the left.....MAKE UP YOUR MINDS YOU GUYS! I hate making a post and then they change their minds of the informtion. sheesh democrats! lol
....Thank you Mark for the graphic.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:08 PM | Comments (6)
January 06, 2008
New Hampshire Not Pleased With Hildabeast
News analysis of undecided voters in New Hampshire shows strong support for change and the campaign of Barack Obama.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Nick and I watched football, but he also had the second screen open on the TV with the debate and kept going back and forth. Here are some things to share with all of you.
And the final results from Wyoming. Romney won, gaining 8 delegates, but my guy Fred was second, and got three delegates. Also ran Duncan Hunter got one delegate, shutting out Ron Paul who was expected to well out there.
Debate Stats LOL
"Bush's Fault" mentioned Scorecard.
Richardson - 1
Hillary - 5
Obama - 4
Edwards -1
Well it is a long tired road that the Dems are trying to convey a message that they are for change and all of them are for change and it ends up that the Edward’s wants change because his daddy worked in the mines. Hillary wants change because she works for change all her life. Richardson wants change because he worked his life for negotiations, Obama is for change because Bush is bad, Oh whatever.....LMAO
The word "Change" mentioned count.
Edwards - 162
Hillary - 102
Obama - 108
Richardson - 31
Final Tally, may not be accurate but very close.
LOL Hillary called out for a reality break? LMAO Then she attacked Obama. hahahahaha
Richardson....does a can't we all get along speech. hahahahaha
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (14)
January 05, 2008
Hillary Booed at NH Democratic Party Dinner
Hillary Booed at NH Democratic Party Dinner
If the New Hampshire Democratic Party’s 100 Club dinner is any bell weather – Barack Obama will handily win here.
When Obama, the dinner’s last speaker, took the stage the crowd surged forward chanting “O-bam-a” and “Fired Up, Ready to Go!” So many people pressed toward the stage that an announcer asked people to “please take their seats for safety concerns.”
By comparison Hillary was twice booed. The first time was when she said she has always and will continue to work for "change for you. The audience, particularly from Obama supporters (they were waving Obama signs) let out a noise that sounded like a thousand people collectively groaning. The second time came a few minutes later when Clinton said: "The there are two big questions for voters in New Hampshire. One is: who will be ready to lead from day one? The second," and here Clinton was forced to pause as boos from the crowd mixed with cheers from her own supporters. "Is who can we nominate who will go the distance against the Republicans?”
The dinner held in the Hampshire Dome in Milford is the largest political dinner in New Hampshire history, Republican or Democrat. More than 3,000 people attended.
Wild Thing's comment........
That’s gotta hurt." Put some ice on it" Hillary.
One could almost feel sorry for her--almost--BUT NO WAY! The l memory of all the awful, underhanded, personally destructive things this pair has done to the American public in general and people who knew them up close and personal in particular. They are the authors of the art of personal destruction.
So instead of feeling sorry, here's a rasberry for you, Hill---pfussst!
As much as I enjoy the idea of Hillary being booed, the idea that so many young people are having orgasms over the idea of electing Obama is almost as nauseating as the thought of Hillary being cheered. There is nothing left of good sense in this nation. No sane person can make a case for why Obama is the best the Democratic party can bring forth, it is all like some dark comedy.
One thing about the KKKlintons, no matter how dead you think they are, they always come back. It’s like a horror movie. Never make the mistake of thinking the KKKlintons are beaten. Hellary may have a hard time in Iowa and NH, but she is far ahead in most other states. Conventional wisdom is that if she loses in Iowa and NH she is a gonner. However, conventional wisdom does not apply to the evil duo.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (17)
January 02, 2008
Bill Clinton Library
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (8)
December 27, 2007
"Elect me and oil prices instantly drop" ~ Hillary
Elect me and oil prices instantly drop, says Hillary Clinton in Iowa
Hillary Clinton predicted Saturday that just electing her President will cut the price of oil.
When the world hears her commitment at her inauguration about ending American dependence on foreign fuel, Clinton says, oil-pumping countries will lower prices to stifle America's incentive to develop alternative energy.
"I predict to you, the oil-producing countries will drop the price of oil," Clinton said, speaking at the Manchester YWCA. "They will once again assume, once the cost pressure is off, Americans and our political process will recede."
Clinton argued that former President Jimmy Carter in the late 1970s actually started moving in the right direction toward energy independence, but his successor, Ronald Reagan, "dismantled" that work.
"Because costs were low, people didn't care, didn't complain," she said.
She warned that folks shouldn't be grateful now if oil countries cut prices from near $100 a barrel to $60 or $70, and compared it to trying to boil a frog.
"You put him in hot water, it jumps right out, you put him in cold water and turn up the heat - he's a goner," she said. "We've got to figure out how were going to not be the frog in the cold water anymore."
Wild Thing's comment........
Please, PLEASE! Someone tell me people aren't dumb enough to believe this tripe! Yes I know, the reality is that there are people that do believe this baloney! How scary is that!
Said the Beast: “Elect me and oil prices will drop as fast as Billys pants drop when an intern enters the office.”
I am amazed at how much contempt this filth has for her/its countrymen.
Down Home accents to Black audiences, the transparant New York Yankees outrage, etc., ALL the clumsy fakery that would be ridiculed and reviled in the Press, if it were anyone else. When will it stop?
What next I wonder, will she turn water into wine or heal lepers?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (12)
Felons Removed From Clinton's TN Steering Committee
Felons removed from Clinton's TN steering committee
Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign has revised its list of Tennessee supporters on its statewide steering committee to remove the names of two convicted felons.
The original list of more than 100 committee members had included former state House Majority Leader Tommy Burnett and West Tennessee Democratic Party activist Gladys Crain.
Both are familiar names, with familiar rap sheets, in Tennessee political circles. Both have been politically active for decades, both before and after their convictions.
Gladys Crain, of Halls, was convicted in 1981 on federal charges connected with a scheme to rig bids on a state highway construction project.
Former state House Majority Leader Tommy Burnett, of Jamestown, was imprisoned in 1984 for failure to file an income tax return.
Burnett was re-elected from his jail cell, but was later caught up in Operation Rocky Top federal corruption probe and went back to prison for another year on federal conspiracy and illegal gambling charges.
He currently works as a state House lobbyist.
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL The party of Bill and Hillary Clinton IS the party of criminals and if she gets in the White House all their crimes will continue. How about removing the felon for whom they are working! Maybe they will also remove the dead people from the dumb-o-crats voters list too. Naw, that would have them being too honest and they might shrivel up and die from so much honesty.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (8)
December 19, 2007
Hillary Movie Trailor ~ Are You Watching Hildabeast?
Below is the link for ther trailor, it is excellent!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (12)
December 16, 2007
Hillary Cackle
Can you imagine Cackles as Commander in Chief????
YIKES! She has the Gore sigh, the Dean scream, the Clinton cackle.
YIKES, please do not let her become President.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (12)
December 15, 2007
Hillary Clinton Set To Whir Across Iowa
Hillary Clinton Set To Whir Across Iowa
by Jason George
IOWA CITY, IA – It's a bird. It's a plane. It's a Hill-A-Copter!
Or so the Clinton camp has branded a helicopter that the candidate will fly around in during her "Every County Counts Tour" across Iowa, beginning Sunday.
Campaign staffers are calling the tour a five-day blitz across Iowa's 99 counties, but Clinton herself will only appear in 12. Husband/President Bill and "others" will hit the remaining 87 checkerboard jurisdictions that make up the Hawkeye State.
“In the final days before the Iowa caucuses, I want to tap into that spirit so that every voice is heard on caucus night for universal health care, a stronger economy and an end to the war in Iraq,” Candidate Clinton said last night in Iowa, according to a press release.
There was no word on the former president's mode of transportation, but given the recent ice storm in the eastern half of the state, a His-and-Hers helicopter combo might not be a bad idea.
He might also consider a dog sled, which Estes Kefauver used to cross snowy New Hampshire during the 1952 and 1956 presidential primary. (Kefauver, a Tennessee senator, often outfitted himself in a coonskin cap too. President Clinton rarely wore headgear on the trail, except a baseball cap when jogging.)
The dogsled stunt worked for Kefauver, at least in New Hampshire, where he won both times, before losing the nomination – again, both times – to Adlai Stevenson.
Wild Thing's comment........
Flight of the Valkyries playing as she flys in her chopper anyone?? hahaha
Or maybe one like this a solar powered chopper just for Hillary.
..... Thank you Les for sending this article to me.And the graphic of the Hillary witch. LOL Too funny!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (23)
Tryphorgetin From DNC Pharmaceuticals
Wild Thing's comment........
Maybe this is how people don't seem to want to remember all those Gates and the many crimes of the Clinton's. I mean it has to be something, because the nerve it takes for Hillary to run for office after all the years of "gates ' and deaths ...hello Vince Foster, Ron Brown, Colby and soooooooo many others.......... how else could a person forget.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (8)
December 03, 2007
Hillary The Witch ~ 'Kosovo Bush's Fault'~ What the heck?
Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on Future Status of Kosovo
On December 10, the US-EU-Russian troika seeking a mutually acceptable settlement of the future status of Kosovo will make its report to the United Nations and to the world.
Given the current position of the Russian government, it is unlikely that any agreement will be reached. If this is the case, I believe that further delay would be highly inadvisable.
This process, which started far too late thanks to the neglect of the Bush Administration in its first term, has run its course. With Russia threatening to veto any arrangement submitted to the U.N. Security Council, we must be prepared to strongly support the will of the majority of the people of Kosovo. If the government in Pristina decides for independence, I would strongly support prompt U.S. recognition, and I would urge the European Union to do the same. I also congratulate the people of Kosovo on the orderly, peaceful election they have just completed.
In supporting the independence of Kosovo, I want to stress the high importance that I attach to full protection of the rights of all minorities in Kosovo, especially the Serbs. This is an absolute necessity as Kosovo goes forward.
I am also concerned about the deterioration of the situation in Bosnia. Twelve years after the Dayton Agreement ended that war, a combination of American neglect, European Union weakness, and Russian and Serbian obstructionism threatens the stability and future of Bosnia. I urge the Administration to pay more attention to this issue, so that it does not once again become a major threat to European stability, especially at the same time as the Kosovo situation approaches a historic juncture.
Wild Thing's comment........
I have posted about this meeting coming up a few days ago. Now we have a statement seen above, from the wicked witch, HIllary.
This woman is a glittering jewel of colossal ignorance. Were it not for Pelosi and Boxer, Hillary would be a most sterling example of the term “Bimbo”. Without Bill, she is nothing. And boy, when you’ve got to rely on him for your intelligence, you’re really desparate.
If she follows Bill’s footsteps she will exaggerate the atrocities and then bomb a bunch of civilians and maybe the Chinese Embassy.
So, this scheming witch believes handing the Jihadists a terror state from Serbian lands is a good thing as is forcing the Christian Serbs in Bosnia to remain subject to the Muslims and preventing their succession.
Of course the monstrous imperialist Hillary Rodham Izetbegovic Khomeini supports the "independence" of a Kosovo-Albanian rogue state, and the continued existence of the terrorist and subversive entity that is muslim-dominated "Bosnia"! After all, these constitute the centerpiece of the foreign-policy "legacy" of the clinton crime family. And Senator Khomeini gets to blame delays in acheiving "Kosovo independence" on THREE of her chief enemies--Orthodox Christian Serbia and Russia, and George W Bush!
The Hillary monster is a long-time muslim shill, whose campaigns have always been financed by muslim organizations suspected of terrorist ties. Now we find out that she has a very suspicious Saudi female "assistant", who follows her everywhere she goes, and who has no visible means of support. Then we find out that Hillary's "assistant" was her intern (!!!!) in the late 1990s, around the same time as the clintons started celebrating Eid Al-Fitr in the White House. Did BOTH clintons have "intern issues", with Hillary's intern being much more sinister than Monica Lewinsky?
Now we are supposed to have sympathy for Hillary because of that "hostage incident", which comes at a very "convenient" time to revive interest in her tired campaign. But Hillary clinton remains a New World Order megalomaniac and both a muslim and a Chinese communist shill, whom not even liberals should vote for!!!!
May she burn in Hell! Bye Bye Hillary!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (15)
December 02, 2007
The Good Ole Days Of The Clinton's ~ NOT
The New Observer ...for complete article....Below are just snipets
GRUNDY CENTER, IOWA - For many Democrats, the 1990s, when Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton were in the White House, were the good old days.
The economy was booming before the dot-com meltdown. The Berlin Wall had fallen, and the Twin Towers were still standing. The country was more or less at peace.
"I loved them," said Richard Hubble, a 54-year old retired career military man, at a political rally in Grundy Center. He is supporting Sen. Hillary Clinton for president. "There wasn't any federal deficit. They were great years."
"I just want to get back to fiscal responsibility," Clinton told a crowd in a school in rural Vinton. "It took one Clinton to clean up after the first Bush. It will probably take another."
The Democrats are renewing an old debate as they seek to recapture the White House after seven years out of power.
Wild Thing's comment........
People are nuts to want the Clinton's back in the White House. It is amazing how they suffer from short term memory loss when it comes to their evil democrat power abusing couple.
For many Democrats, the 1990s, when Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton were in the White House, were the good old days. I don't think so!
1993 First World Trade Center bombing, February 26th
1994 Air France Hijacking, Dec 24,1994
1995 Attack on US Diplomats in Pakistan, Mar 8,1995
1995 Military Installation Attack, Nov 13, 1995
1995 Kashmiri Hostage taking, July 4,1995
1996 Khobar Towers attack
1996 Sudanese Missionarys Kidnapping, Aug 17,1996
1996 Paris Subway Explosion, Dec 3,1996
1997 Israeli Shopping Mall Bombing, Sept 4, 1997
1997 Yemeni Kidnappings, Oct 30,1997
1998 Somali Hostage taking crisis, April 15,1998
1998 U.S. Embassy Bombing in Peru, Jan 15, 1998
1998 U.S. Kenya Embassy blown up, 100's murdered
1998 U.S. Tanzania Embassy blown up, 100's murdered
1999 Plot to blow up Space Needle (thwarted)
2000 USS Cole attacked, many U.S. Navy sailors murdered
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (14)
November 28, 2007
Hillary Says Colin Powell For Foreign Policy Expert If Elected
Clinton Says She'd Tap Colin Powell for Foreign Policy Expertise If Elected
Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that if elected U.S. president she would call on former Secretary of State Colin Powell as part of a bipartisan diplomatic delegation to be sent abroad to restore America's image.
Noting Powell's foreign policy expertise, Clinton publicly offered fresh details in her plan — often described in general terms — that she says she would institute before her would-be inauguration.
Clinton has previously mentioned Powell and George H.W. Bush as potential members of that delegation during interviews, but rarely names names when speaking publicly.
But Tuesday she specifically told a group of black ministers who were endorsing her in Spartanburg, S.C., that to restore the country's reputation, she would tap the man who under President Bush led the foreign policy argument to invade Iraq in pursuit of weapons of mass destruction.
"I won't even wait until I'm inaugurated, but as soon as I'm elected I'm going to be asking distinguished Americans of both parties — people like Colin Powell, for example and others — who can represent our country well, including someone I know very well, " she said smiling while making reference to her husband and former President Bill Clinton. "Because I want to send a message heard across the world. The era of cowboy diplomacy is over."
Wild Thing's comment........
"I won't even wait until I'm inaugurated, but as soon as I'm elected I'm going to be asking distinguished Americans of both parties — people like Colin Powell, for example and others — who can represent our country well, including someone I know very well, " she said smiling while making reference to her husband and former President Bill Clinton. "Because I want to send a message heard across the world. The era of cowboy diplomacy is over."
The over-reaching hubris of this woman is absolutely stunning. Have you ever noticed that every sentence out of her mouth has 3 or 4 "I's" in it? That's all I can say right now without popping a blood vessel in my head.
Remember when Powell let it be known, during the Florida recount, when everyone expected GWB to pick him as Secretary of State, that he'd be open to serving in a Gore administration if Gore won Florida? And then of course he kept quiet during the Valerie Plame uproar, all the while knowing that Richard Armitage was the leaker, even though he was still the Secretary of State and the controversy was damaging to President Bush.
Hey Colin, just a slight warning for you, don't forget about the other black man the Clinton's had on their team, Ron Brown, he ended up dead in an airplane crash. If you sign on with Hillary be alert at all times. I don't like Powell at all, but I do so hate to have to go through another Clinton GATE of any kind. We had so many of them when Bill was President.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (14)
November 27, 2007
Hillary ~ "It will be me"
Sen. Hillary Clinton tells Katie Couric: I will be the Democratic nominee
Is Sen. Hillary Clinton feeling any doubts about winning the Democratic nomination for president? Not at all.
"It will be me," Clinton tells Katie Couric in an interview to air Monday on the "CBS Evening News With Katie Couric." The broadcast airs at 6:30 p.m. on WKMG-Channel 6.
Couric also asked if Clinton is concerned that Oprah Winfrey could boost Sen. Barack Obama by campaigning for him in three key states.
"No, at the end of the day," Clinton says. "I'm proud to have my husband support me ... with his knowledge, experience and incredible ability to vouch for me."
Clinton says she hasn't raised expectations of success in the Iowa caucus on Jan. 14, which is the first contest.
"When I got into the race, I was so far behind in Iowa it was embarrassing," Clinton says.
The candidate said she is encouraged by her progress and predicts Iowa will be a tight race.
Wild Thing's comment........
So the keeper of all those FBI files declares herself a winner. LOL Now she can relax and pick out the draperies for the White House. OH wait..... She already has the draperies picked out, they're the same ones she and Bill stole on Jan 20, 2001, (along with the White House silverware.) I guess it depends on what the definition of VOUCH is.
"incredible ability to vouch for me"
WOW well yes it is incredible how the two of them vouch for each other. She's being vouched for by a man convicted of perjury!! LOL
Criminals BOTH! Will people DIE if it ISN’T her!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (12)
November 15, 2007
Hey Wolf Blitzer Will You Have Arkancidophobia At Debate Tonight?
Blitzer: No Campaign Has Pressured Me on Debate Questions
CNN Anchor Wolf Blitzer told Cybercast News Service Wednesday that no presidential campaign of either party has tried to pressure him to influence his questioning in CNN-hosted presidential debates.
The issue arose on Tuesday when the Drudge Report reported - under the banner headline "Wolf Warned: No Ganging Up on Hillary in Vegas"- that "Wolf Blitzer has been warned not to focus Thursday's Dem debate on Hillary."
The report quoted an unnamed "top Clinton insider" who said: "This campaign is about issues, not on who we can bring down and destroy. ... Blitzer should not go down to the levels of character attack and pull 'a Russert.'"
On Tuesday afternoon's edition of CNN's "The Situation Room," where this writer was making a regular weekly appearance as a guest commentator, Blitzer refuted the report.
"Not true," Blitzer said, when asked about the Drudge piece by his CNN colleague Jack Cafferty. "No one has pressured me, no one has threatened me. No one is trying to intimidate me."
Blitzer added, "No one has even called me to try to pressure me or anything like that."
On Wednesday, Blitzer was asked by Cybercast News Service whether Mrs. Clinton's campaign had attempted to influence the questioning in the debate he will moderate Thursday night in Las Vegas, or whether any Republican campaign had attempted to influence his questioning in the GOP presidential debates he has moderated.
"Nobody from Senator Clinton's campaign put any pressure on me, or threatened me in any way," Blitzer said. "No other Democratic campaign has tried to pressure me about my questions. Likewise, no Republican campaign has ever tried to pressure me before a Republican debate."
Wild Thing's comment........
Um, well it IS the Clinton News Network afterall. And Wolf may be a leftie but he is not wanting to be the next Vince Foster either. hahahahaha Or Ron Brown or Colby or any of the other DEAD people associated with the Clinton's on their last time in power.
Words mean something and notice that Blitzer never said that that anyone in the Clinton campaign had spoken to him...
Just that he had not been threatened and/or warned.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (10)
Is This Your Final Answer Hillary?? ~ LOL
Clinton Says No to Licenses for Illegals
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Wednesday came out against granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, after weeks of pressure in the presidential race to take a position on a now-failed ID plan from her home state governor.
Clinton has faced criticism from candidates in both parties for her noncommittal answers on New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's attempt to allow illegal immigrants in his state to receive driver's licenses. Spitzer abandoned the effort Wednesday.
"I support Governor Spitzer's decision today to withdraw his proposal," Clinton said in a statement.
"As president, I will not support driver's licenses for undocumented people and will press for comprehensive immigration reform that deals with all of the issues around illegal immigration including border security and fixing our broken system."
Clinton stumbled when asked about the issue during a Democratic debate two weeks ago, and her new position comes the day before another debate where opponents are expected to raise the issue again.
Spitzer met with New York lawmakers in Washington on Wednesday, and conceded that there was too much public opposition to his plan. Clinton did not attend the meeting.
Wild Thing's comment........
We knew she would do this and the day before the debate tonight. hahahahahaha
Oh Lord give us strength. LOL If a Repub;lican did this baloney on flip flopping they would be hung out to dry.
I was against it before I was for it.
Wait, I am against it, and always have been.
Wait, Bill, they're picking on me.
Oh, darn!
ClintonSpeak for, “I never said what I said. You can’t prove I said it. Even if you can prove I said it, it’s old news. Let’s move on.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (10)
November 14, 2007
The Hillary Clinton Scream Campaign
Hillary Clinton's speech recently at the Jefferson Jackson dinner in Iowa.
Wild Thing's comment..........
This is SCARY, when you watch it listen how she builds louder and louder and more intense with her horrible voice, exactly how Howard Dean did a few years ago. Weird how similar they are in their leftie scream.
I know I will not be able to stand her voice for 4 LONG years, that commie screaming like she is standing in Red Square, Russia handing out pamplets to join a commie party and yelling at those that will listen. That is the scene I always think of when I hear her talk. augh!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (17)
November 13, 2007
Hillary Reveals Her ‘Gay’ Strategy For Presidential Run
Sen. Hillary Clinton at Human Rights Campaign Board Meeting
this is from March 8, 2007
Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) recently appeared before the Human Rights Campaign to present a keynote speech on her support of the homosexual/bisexual/transgender agenda and her efforts to defeat any attempts by Congress to pass a constitutional amendment that will ban same-sex marriage.
HRC President Joe Solomese introduced Clinton and revealed their long-term relationship in fighting against the pro-family movement. Solomese describes numerous meetings with Clinton as they strategized together about how to defeat any constitutional amendment on marriage.
According to Clinton, “I am proud to stand by your side.”
Clinton also noted that with Democrats in control of the both the House and Senate with Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid in power positions, groups like HRC have less to worry about having a constitutional amendment passed that will ban homosexual marriage.
Clinton told her homosexual activist audience that they will have a close “partnership … when I am President.”
Wild Thing's comment........
I pray she NEVER becomes President. It was a total nightmare when Bill was President.
Here’s what will be on the White House Christmas tree ....and it already was during BJ Clinton’s regime
From “Unlimited Access” by Gary Aldrich, reviewed here: ( also this is an excellent review of his book)
“Gary Aldrich tells of being asked to help decorate some of the Christmas trees in the various rooms of the White House in December 1994 and being horrified when he discovered that the Christmas-tree decorations supplied by Hillary consisted of condoms, various miniature items of drug paraphernalia, and little sex toys.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (10)
November 08, 2007
Both Clinton's Draw Criticisim ~ Yippee!
Bill Clinton draws criticism as Democratic campaign grows ever more caustic
Bill Clinton was hit with caustic criticism Tuesday from his wife's Democratic rivals, who accused the popular former president of falsely comparing questions about her candor to smears of past campaigns.
In a presidential nomination fight growing more intense by the day, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama also criticized the former first lady for having voted in the Senate against incentives for ethanol production and higher fuel efficiency standards. And 2004 vice presidential nominee John Edwards challenged her to spell out what she would do about Iraq.
The week after Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign accused her rivals of “piling on,” those foes showed no sign of easing up. They even went so far as to criticize the former president, a strategy that comes with risks in a party filled with voters who admire him for resurrecting the party in the 1990s.
On Monday, in defense of his wife against political critics, Bill Clinton cited the “swift boat” television ads of the 2004 presidential campaign that questioned John Kerry's patriotism and the campaign commercials in 2002 that suggested Sen. Max Cleland of Georgia was soft on terrorism.
Obama told The Associated Press he was “stunned” to hear Clinton make the comparison. Both Kerry, who commanded a Navy swift boat in Vietnam, and Cleland, who lost three limbs in that war, are decorated veterans who were defeated by Republicans.
Obama said Hillary Clinton contradicted herself at the end of a Democratic presidential debate last week when asked whether she supported a plan by the New York governor to issue driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. This week, the Illinois senator and former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina have repeatedly reproached her on that subject.
“How you would then draw an analogy to distorting somebody's military record is a reach,” Obama said.
Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd, another candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, called the Clintons' response to the debate “outrageous.”
“To have the former president come out and suggest this is a form of swift boating ... is way over the top in my view,” Dodd said in a telephone interview.
A senior adviser to Sen. Clinton's campaign, speaking only on condition of anonymity, said the former president's remarks were not part of campaign strategy and in fact were considered counterproductive by the her advisers.
But Bill Clinton is a powerful advocate in the Democratic primary, and he is returning to the all-important first-voting state of Iowa Thursday to campaign on his wife's behalf. Roughly half of respondents to recent polls say they approve of him, and even more say looking back they approve of how he ran the White House.
The morning after last week's debate, Sen. Clinton's campaign issued a video called “Pile On” that featured each of her male rivals calling her name the night before. Then, at Wellesley College, she joked about presidential politics being an “all-boys club,” and campaign surrogates suggested that sexism was behind the criticism.
Only then did Clinton herself say it wasn't her gender but her lead in the Democratic race that had led to the intensified criticism.
Said Dodd on Tuesday:
“If elected to the presidency, there will be a lot of tough questions, and if you can't handle it in a debate without accusing everybody who has an issue with you of piling on or a sexist attack, somehow, first of all that's unwise and, secondly, it's false.”
Sen. Clinton acknowledged Tuesday that she could have done better in the debate, but denied that her stance on illegal immigrants has been unclear.
“I wasn't at my best the other night,” Clinton said on CNN. “We've had a bunch of debates, and I wouldn't rank that up in my very top list. But I've answered probably, I don't know, more than 5,000 questions over the last 10 months and I have been very clear about where I stand and what I want to do for the country.”
“If they want to use their energy attacking me, that's their choice,” she said. “I'm going to use my energy focusing on a new energy policy and so much else.”
In fact, her energy policy was the focus of criticism from Obama, with his campaign accusing her of voting 13 times against ethanol from 2002-2006, including measures to increase the amount of ethanol to be used as an additive in gasoline and to give liability protection for ethanol manufacturers.
“I think it is important to look at who has been a consistent champion on these issues,” Obama said. “I think I can make a legitimate claim that I have been consistent even when the politics is hard.”
Clinton's campaign said she has backed tax incentives for blending ethanol into gasoline, tax credits for installing ethanol pumps and a mandate that the nation's fuel supply contain 36 billion gallons of ethanol by 2022.
“She has always been a supporter of ethanol except for a time when there was evidence that New York would be hurt economically,” said Clinton spokesman Phil Singer. “Apparently, Senator Obama thinks misleading the voters about his fellow candidates' records is what the politics of hope is all about.”
Clinton also was the focus of criticism in New Hampshire. Edwards said she must answer questions about her plans for Iraq, including whether she would continue combat missions.
“If you believe what Senator Clinton believes, then you can support her,” Edwards said. “But if you believe that we need to bring this war to an end by getting all combat troops out and ending combat missions in Iraq, that is what I will do as president of the United States.”
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL this is the first time, really, anyone has talked back to the Clintons. Chris Dodd better watch his back and NEVER go near Ft. Marcy Park.
Now, she has cried “foul play” when faced with questions that no one helped her prepare for, there was no script for her to follow, no defensive player to run ahead for her. She used the “victim” card, of all stupid – and telling - things! Look what happened – the cracks have finally appeared to more than her advisories, and her true weakness has shown through. What next? Tears? Besides everything else vile about her, can anyone with a brain think this coommunist would make a good President or anything level of leadership in our government. Sheesh
At 61 years of age, after living a lifetime of lies, frauds, and needing others to keep her secrets, she is slipping – the mask she wears can’t hide all the ugly truths much longer.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (10)
November 05, 2007
Mondale Endorses Hillary For President ~ Party Anyone LOL
Mondale Endorses (Hillary) Clinton for President
Former Vice President Walter Mondale is endorsing Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton for president, the Clinton campaign announced Sunday.
"America is ready for change, and Hillary Clinton has the strength and experience to deliver it," Mondale said in a statement released by the campaign. "Hillary is uniquely qualified to rebuild America's standing in the world and lead this nation from her first day in the White House."
Mondale, a former U.S. senator from Minnesota, was vice president from 1977 to 1981 under President Carter. He was the Democratic nominee for president in 1984, but lost to Ronald Reagan in the general election.
Mondale also was U.S. Ambassador to Japan from 1993 to 1996.
Clinton, D-N.Y., said she was "deeply honored" to have Mondale's support.
The Republican National Committee noted with glee that it was her second endorsement by a failed Democratic presidential nominee. The other endorsement came from George McGovern, the 1972 nominee who was soundly defeated in the general election by Richard Nixon.
"Hillary Clinton's endorsement from yet another failed Democrat presidential candidate underscores concerns the American people will have with her own candidacy," said RNC spokesman Danny Diaz.
Wild Thing's comment........
Mondale, a former U.S. senator from Minnesota, was vice president from 1977 to 1981 under President Carter [who lost in a landslide in 1980 - 489-49 electoral]. He was the Democratic nominee for president in 1984, but lost to Ronald Reagan in the general election [also a landslide - 525-13]
There now THAT is better. heh heh
Hmmmmm Has Martin Van Buren weighed in yet?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (8)
October 29, 2007
Clinton Statue To Be Larger Than Life ~ UGH
Clinton statue to be larger than life
Hillary Clinton isn’t the only one who thinks Bill Clinton has a “bigger-than-life” presence. So does Conway artist Finton Shaw: He’s creating a 91⁄2 to 10-foot sculpture of the former president.
According to Shaw, “Everybody that sees it says, ‘You’re doing the Man?’
“I say, ‘Well, who’s the Man?’
“They say, ‘Well, Bill Clinton.’”
Shaw started on the sculpture, made from nonshrink grout, about two weeks ago and already has completed the head. It’s unmistakably Clinton.
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL oh my gosh, we just can rid ourselves of these Clinton's. I have never understood what women saw in him for one thing. And why people think he was such a great President is something I will never agree to. Not even if hell freezes over, NO WAY.
"made from nonshrink grout"
LMAO well Bill Clinton might like that it suits him. grout? hahhaha I'm telling you a person just just can't make this stuff up.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (8)
October 28, 2007
Terrorists: "Vote Hillary; Kill Rudy"
Terrorists: Vote Hillary; Kill Rudy
by Deroy Murdock
Human Events
Senator Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is gaining fans, even on the West Bank.
“I hope Hillary is elected in order to have the occasion to carry out all the promises she is giving regarding Iraq,” said Ala Senakreh, West Bank chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a Palestinian terror group. “President Clinton wanted to give the Palestinians 98 percent of the West Bank territories. I hope Hillary will move a step forward and will give the Palestinians all their rights.”
Senakreh and other top Islamo-fascists want Hillary in the Oval Office. These mass murders also have “gone negative.” They want GOP contender Rudy Giuliani dead.
“We see Hillary and other candidates are competing on who will withdraw from Iraq,” said Abu Jihad of Al Aqsa’s Nablus unit. “This is a moment of glory for the revolutionary movements in the Arab world…”
Al Aqsa’s Nasser Abu Aziz, considered it “very good” that there are “voices like Hillary and others who are now attacking the Iraq invasion.”
Islamic Jihad’s Abu Ayman felt “emboldened” by Clinton’s demands that America retreat from Iraq. He said: “It is clear that it is the resistance operations of the mujahideen that have brought about these calls for withdrawal.”
“All Americans must vote Democrat,” insisted Jihad Jaara, an exiled Al Aqsa agent who commanded 2002’s siege of Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity.
Since 1995, these terrorists’ organizations have killed an estimated 162 and wounded 368 others in Israel. Aaron Klein, an Orthodox Jew who is’s Jerusalem Bureau Chief, interviewed some three dozen leading Muslim fanatics, including those quoted here. His new book, “Schmoozing with Terrorists,” details these chilling encounters with violent Islamic extremists in Israel’s Palestinian territories.
Why do these hardened butchers have a soft spot for Hillary Clinton? Perhaps because the New York Democrat is soft on terrorism.
*Clinton rejects robustly interrogating terrorists even in “ticking time bomb” scenarios. In a September 26 Democratic debate, she said: “It cannot be American policy, period.”
*Clinton opposes the U.S. Terrorist Surveillance Program, calling it “a secret program that spies on Americans.”
*Clinton voted against military tribunals for terror suspects, including al-Qaeda detainees.
* Clinton has zigzagged on Iraq. In autumn 2002, she voted for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Last January 18, she told PBS: “I think the timetable still remains problematic” for leaving Iraq. But on February 17, she stated: “It’s time to say the redeployment should start in 90 days…”
Wild Thing's comment........
Can you imagine having a President that is someone the terrorists prefer? VERY SCARY.
And of course they are going to hate Rudy or anyone else that has taken a strong stand on terrorists.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (14)
October 26, 2007
Hillary Birthday Bash A Fund Raiser
60! Hillary To Hold Star-Studded NYC Birthday Bash
Fundraiser At Beacon Theater To Feature Billy Crystal, Elvis Costello
What's a presidential candidate to do on the eve of an important birthday? Hold a big fundraiser, of course.
Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton planned to celebrate her 60th birthday at a star-studded gala Thursday night at New York's historic Beacon Theater. Her husband, former President Bill Clinton, was to host the celebration, with comedian Billy Crystal serving as master of ceremonies. Musical guests Elvis Costello and the Wallflowers were set to round out the program.
The party was expected to rake in over $1 million for the New York senator's presidential bid. Her birthday is Friday, Oct. 26.
It's the second major birthday fundraiser for Clinton's campaign this week. Movie director Rob Reiner threw a party for her at his Los Angeles home Sunday night, with several Hollywood celebrities on hand.
The campaign has also used her birthday as an organizing tool, posting a video message on her campaign Web site from former President Clinton urging supporters to send birthday greetings.
It's a milestone birthday for the former first lady, who made her debut on the national stage in her husband's 1992 presidential race. Then, the Clintons were portrayed as a youthful power couple who would bring new energy and a generational shift to the White House -- a message Democrat Barack Obama has tried to capture this time.
Clinton has joked publicly about her age in several recent campaign appearances.
"I have been reminded by some of my friends that when you get to be my age having so many men pay attention to you is kind of flattering," Clinton said in Iowa this week, referring to her political rivals.
Wild Thing's comment........
Here is my wish for Hillary on her birthday. May she never ever celebrate her birthday as President.
And if your stomach can handle it.......LOL Just think we can all tell her Happy Birthday..........NOT!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (12)
October 14, 2007
Hillary Congratulates Muslims on the Occasion of Eid ul-Fitr
Clinton Congratulates Muslim-Americans on the Occasion of Eid ul-Fitr
Her stupid website
Hillary Clinton today released the following statement in celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr, which marks the end the month of Ramadan or fasting.
"I am pleased to join Muslim-Americans today in celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr, marking the end of the sacred month of Ramadan. During these times of conflict, it is critical that we recognize the positive role of spiritual renewal, compassion, and charity that the month of Ramadan symbolizes. In the United States, millions of Muslims represent hard-working, law-abiding, and family-oriented Americans of all ethnicities and national origins."I am committed to encouraging the principles of diversity and mutual respect that are the bedrock of our nation. We need to help all Americans understand the important contributions that Muslim-Americans make to keep our communities and country strong. I wish Eid Mubarak, or Happy Eid, with prayers for peace and harmony to all."
Wild Thing's comment........
"We need to help all Americans understand the important contributions that Muslim-Americans make to keep our communities and country strong."
Good grief, I can't think of anything in my life, or anyones life that has imporved in any way by an invention, a scientific breakthrough or anything else by a Muslim. I can't think of even ONE thing. I’m sure the enemy appreciates the aid and comfort.
One day there will be a Nobel Prize for Muslim Ass Kissing and Bush and Hillary can compete.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (15)
October 12, 2007
Mrs.Clinton Says She'd Negotiate With Iran
Clinton Says She'd Negotiate With Iran
Hillary Rodham Clinton called Barack Obama naive when he said he'd meet with the leaders of Iran without precondition. Now she says she'd do the same thing, too.
During a Democratic presidential debate in July, Obama said he would be willing to meet without precondition in the first year of his presidency with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea.
Standing with him on stage, Clinton said she would first send envoys to test the waters and called Obama's position irresponsible and naive.
But asked about it Thursday by a voter, the New York senator said twice that she, too, would negotiate with Iran "with no conditions."
"I would engage in negotiations with Iran, with no conditions, because we don't really understand how Iran works. We think we do, from the outside, but I think that is misleading," she said at an apple orchard.
She characterized her recent vote to label Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization as a way to gain leverage for those negotiations.
Obama and other rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination have been criticizing Clinton's vote late last month in favor of the resolution, comparing it to her 2002 vote authorizing the war in Iraq.
They have suggested that the Iran vote was the first step toward a military invasion there.
Wild Thing's comment........
"I would engage in negotiations with Iran, with no conditions, because we don't really understand how Iran works. We think we do, from the outside, but I think that is misleading,"
Who is she talking about when she said "we"? If she doesn't understand Iran, that doesn't mean "we" don't understand Iran. We don't engage in negotiations with Iran because we do understand how Iran works. And if you have no conditions, how do you negotiate?
Will she give Iran free 401Ks too?
A few other things Hillary has said: from NO To Hillary
"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
"We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society.”
"It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, for the few, and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."
"We can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people.""
"We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own turf in order to create this common ground."
"I certainly think the free market has failed."
"I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector [oil] in the entire economy, that they are being watched."
"What I want to do is take those profits and apply them to alternative energy."
"I have a million ideas. The country can't afford them all."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (9)
October 09, 2007
Sandy Berger Joins Hillary Clinton Campaign
GOP Lawmakers Blast Hillary Clinton for Taking Advice From Sandy Berger
Fox News
October 9,2007
WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton claims Sandy Berger has "no official role" in her campaign after Republican lawmakers blasted her Monday upon learning that Clinton's campaign is taking advice from the former top aide to President Bill Clinton who admitted stealing classified documents and disposing them.
"I think it’s a bad move," said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, speaking with FOX News. "He stole documents, classified documents, from the National Archives, destroyed them, lied about what he did (and) is not the kind of adviser that you would want surrounding a candidate for president of the United States. I think it’s a bad decision."
"I think anyone who would surround themselves with advisers like that is demonstrating bad judgment, and I think Sen. Clinton should reconsider," he added.
And Rep. Peter Hoekstra, R-Mich., said: "I am not surprised but I think it's a very inappropriate choice."
Hoekstra said Clinton's campaign "should clearly distance themselves from Sandy Berger. This person should not be a key adviser to one of the leading presidential candidates in 2007."
And Republican National Committee spokesman Danny Diaz added this shot: "It is beyond belief that Hillary Clinton would have someone advising her campaign who has pled guilty to stealing and destroying national security documents. Sen. Clinton tries to sound tough on national security issues, but it seems that repaying old friends like and Sandy Berger is her real priority."
And there is also this.............
He’s back: Sandy Berger now advising Hillary Clinton
Sandy Berger, who stole highly classified terrorism documents from the National Archives, destroyed them and lied to investigators, is now an adviser to presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Berger, who was fired from John Kerry’s presidential campaign when the scandal broke in 2004, has assumed a similar role in Clinton’s campaign, even though his security clearance has been suspended until September 2008. This is raising eyebrows even among Clinton’s admirers.
“It shows poor judgment and a lack of regard for Berger’s serious misdeeds,” said law professor Jonathan Adler of Case Western Reserve University, who nonetheless called Clinton “by far the most impressive candidate in the Democratic field.”
Adler told The Examiner that it is “simply incomprehensible to me that a serious contender for the presidency would rely upon him as a key foreign policy advisor.”
He added: “If Senator Clinton becomes the Democratic nominee, at some point she will begin to receive national security briefings that will include sensitive information. At such a point, continuing to keep Berger on board as a key advisor, where he might have access to sensitive material, would be beyond incomprehensible.”
The Clinton campaign declined to comment.
Berger has admitted stealing documents from the National Archives in advance of the 9/11 Commission hearings in 2003. The documents, written by White House counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke, were a “tough review” of the Clinton administration’s shortcomings in dealing with terrorism, Clarke’s lawyer told the Washington Post.
On several occasions, Berger stuffed highly classified documents into his pants and socks before spiriting them out of the Archives building in Washington, according to investigators. On one occasion, upon reaching the street, he hid documents under a construction trailer after checking the windows of the Archives and Justice Department buildings to make sure he was not being watched.
Berger came back later and retrieved the documents, taking them home and cutting them up with scissors. Two days later, he was informed by Archive employees that his removal of documents had been detected.
“Berger panicked because he realized he was caught,” said a report by the National Archives inspector general, which also recounted his initial reaction. “Berger lied.”
Berger also lied to the public, telling reporters he made an “honest mistake” by “inadvertently” taking the documents, which he blamed on his own “sloppiness.” Bill Clinton vouched for the explanation for Berger, who served as his national security adviser.
Berger later conceded: “I was giving a benign explanation for what was not benign.”
At his sentencing in September 2005, Berger was fined $50,000, placed on probation for two years and stripped of his security clearance for three years.
Wild Thing's comment........
Hillary is really brazen to put Berger on. Maybe this is a way to send some hush money his way by means of a salary.
You know, if our party doesn’t have the guts to show a bright light on all of the dirt that Hillary Clinton and her vile husband have all over themselves and their co-horts - then we don’t deserve to win.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (22)
October 06, 2007
Bill Clinton Envisions Diplomatic Role
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, left, and former US President Bill Clinton smile as they wait for the arrival of Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, at the Elysee Palace in Paris
Bill Clinton envisions diplomatic role Yahoo news LONDON
Former President Clinton has said his wife wants him to lead efforts to rebuild the United States' tarnished reputation abroad — if she is elected to the White House next year.
The former president made the comments in interviews released Friday in Britain where he was fundraising for Hillary Rodham Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for next year's presidential election.
Clinton was asked what his public role might be if his wife becomes president, in interviews with The Guardian newspaper and British Broadcasting Corp. television.
He joked that his Scottish friends have suggested his title could be "first laddie."
"What Hillary has said is that if she were elected she would ask me, and others — including former Republican presidents — to go out and immediately try to restore America's standing, go out and tell people America was open for business and cooperation again," he was quoted as telling the newspaper.
He said for the first time in his political experience, "ordinary Americans in the heartlands" were concerned about how the world sees the U.S. after years of unilateralism of President Bush's administration on issues such as Iraq, climate change, and nuclear nonproliferation.
"The collective effect of that was to enrage the world at the very moment when we had more world support than we've had in recent memory because of 9/11. It was an unbelievable turnaround," Clinton said.
As an example of how the U.S. can win by working with others, Clinton pointed to the six-nation North Korea arms talks this week, where the country committed to disabling its main nuclear facilities by year-end.
"You can see in the recent success of the North Korean nuclear effort that when America moved from unilateralism to working through, and with, others it works pretty well," he said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Just what we need, Clinton out there straightening things out for us. ( NOT)
He should be in Ft. Leavenworth wearing an orange jumpsuit and so should his wife.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (16)
September 13, 2007
A Vote For Clinton's Is A Vote For More 'GATES'
Report: $40 Million Borrowed by Dirty Democratic Fundraiser Norman Hsu is MissingFox News
The mystery of where a dirty Democratic fundraiser got the money to lead a lavish lifestyle, fund political campaigns and post a $2 million bond to get out of jail appears to have a Woodstock connection, according to a report published in Wednesday's Wall Street Journal.The newspaper reports that a company run by Norman Hsu, who donated nearly $2 million to Democratic candidates since 2004 — including presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Clinton — recently received $40 million from a Madison Avenue investment fund run by Joel Rosenman, one of the creators of the fabled Woodstock rock festival in 1969.
Now, that $40 million is missing, Rosenman reportedly told investors this week.
Hsu reportedly told Rosenman the funds provided by Source Financing Investors would be used to manufacture apparel in China for top designers such as Gucci and Prada, and would yield a 40 percent profit, according to documents examined by the newspaper.
Rosenman now says that when Source Financing tried to cash checks from Hsu's company, Components Ltd., the checks bounced.
Rosenman reportedly now wants Hsu to repay the entire $40 million.
Source Financing's dealings with Hsu appear similar to the 1991 fraud case in which Hsu was convicted of grand theft for failing to repay investors in a Chinese latex gloves deal.
He was scheduled to be sentenced in 1992, but fled before the hearing. He turned himself in Aug. 31 after 15 years on the run, only to become a fugitive once again last week when he failed to appear for a bail reduction hearing.
He was arrested last Thursday in Colorado.Rosenman told his investors that the Manhattan District Attorney's office is looking into the case. The Wall Street Journal, however, reported that a spokesman for the district attorney did not respond for comment.
The newspaper reported that its analysis of Hsu's campaign finance reform records shows he has links to more than $1.8 million in donations to Democrats since 2004.
He also is credited with raising $850,000 for Clinton's presidential campaign, which announced Monday that it would return all donations linked to Hsu.
Wild Thing's comment........
Again it all goes back to mainland China somehow. What a bunch of clowns! Let’s hope that the witch is really going to melt this time! IMO ........that cool 40mil is first and foremost ChiCom money sent to the USA, to be laundered thru Wall Street into the Clinton’s pockets.
So, connecting the dots. Hsu borrows 40 million, and donates it to demcorats over the years in the names of people that have no money.
Now, Hillary thinks she will give almost a million of it back. But not to Hsu (or more rationally, Hsu’s creditors), but instead to the people Hsu listed as the donors.
Then these people, having received free money, will be asked by Clinton if they want to donate it back to her.
And we are supposed to believe that these people, who illegally lent their names to Hsu to use in this scheme, will not just give the money back? Or at least part of it, while keeping the rest as a “payment” for their services?
So now we go from $23,000 from Hsu, to $850,000 being returned by Hillary, to $40 MILLION possibly being laundered into Hillary's campaign!!! My God. I didn't think even Terry McAuliffe was capable of that!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (17)
September 12, 2007
Bill Clinton's Wife Ms. “I loath the military” Spars With General on Credibility
It's Clinton Versus Petraeus
The New York Sun ....article is 3 pages, to read complete article just click on the link. Thank you.
Senator Clinton.........came closer than any of her colleagues to calling the commander of the multinational forces in Iraq a liar.
Using blunter language than any other Democrat in the last two days, Mrs. Clinton told General Petraeus that his progress report on Iraq required "a willing suspension of disbelief."
Referring to the charts General Petraeus brought to the House and Senate this week, Mrs. Clinton said:
"Although the charts tell part of the story, I don't think they tell the whole story." She said the "bottom-up" political reconciliation was "anecdotal" and that the success in Anbar province, where sheiks turned on Al Qaeda, started before the surge.
At the end of her speech, Mrs. Clinton pointed to what she saw as a discrepancy in the general's responses to questions from other senators about whether he would recommend that America keep 130,000 troops in Iraq a year from now if no progress was made toward national reconciliation.
"Don't you think the American people deserve a very specific answer about what is expected from our country in the face of the failure of the Iraqi government and its failure to achieve its political agenda?" she asked.
General Petraeus responded calmly. "I don't see quite as big a difference as you do," he said. "I would be very hard pressed at that time to recommend a continuation of our current troop levels" if conditions on the ground were the same in a year as they are now. He added that Mrs. Clinton's question was "quite a bit hypothetical."
Wild Thing's comment........
In a perfect world this Hitlery scum would not be allowed to be in the same room with a member of our awesome military. At least in my world if things could be how I would want them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (23)
August 30, 2007
Castro: Hillary Will Win
Castro: Hillary Will Win NY Post ....for complete article
Hillary Rodham Clinton got a boost yesterday from an unwanted source - Fidel Castro.
A column purportedly written by the badly ailing Cuban dictator said that Clinton would likely win the presidency in 2008, with Barack Obama as her running mate.
"The word today is that an apparently unbeatable ticket could be Hillary for president and Obama as her running mate," Castro wrote in a piece about U.S. presidents published by the Communist Party newspaper Granma.
Meanwhile, Castro offered a favorable assessment of only one of the 10 men who have been president during his regime - Jimmy Carter.
"I only knew one who, for ethical-religious reasons, was not complicit to the brutal terrorism against Cuba: James Carter," the essay read.
Wild Thing's comment........
The GOP couldn’t buy better PR.....LOL And to think, Castro almost died again the other day. heh heh He has turned NOT dying into a third world art. hahaha
Her first endorsement. She must be so thrilled. Since Castro will be dead by then, he can vote for her. Democrat party has a history of dead people voting so a dead Castor is par for the course.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (12)
August 09, 2007
She Who Loathes The Military Commander-In-Chief? ~ No Way!
Bill Clinton says Hillary gaining military support
herald tribune
Former President Bill Clinton says his wife has strong support among military voters and that the Democratic presidential candidate is up to the task of rebuilding the nation's military after years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"I think she will do better than you think (with military voters) because she has an enormous amount of allies around the country in the military," Clinton told The Associated Press on Monday night following a private, $2,300-a-plate fundraiser for Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Florida Panhandle.
Sen. Clinton, D-N.Y., did not attend the event.
Speaking after a fundraiser in this heavily Republican and heavily military Panhandle county, Clinton said military voters should be especially concerned about how the next president goes about rebuilding a depleted military.
And Clinton said his wife is the best candidate for that job.
“goes about rebuilding a depleted military”
You’ve got to be kidding me???? He had the nerve to say such a thing after what he did to our military???? What a pig. The Clinton’s would not allow uniformed Pentagon staff to enter the White House and Chelsea used to tell the Marine Guards that her parents loathed them.
Bill is the one who dismantled the military, eliminating 40% of the standing armed services, to balance the budget.
Once again we see Bill Clinton just making crap up.
Of all the VA hospitals I have been to, all the military bases I got to visit, the Veterans that I know now and those I have kept in touch with over the years and our troops today........... there is no way I believe what Bill Commie Clinton is saying. But unfortunately saying it enough well it does make it so - in the minds of uneducated voters, and we've got tons of 'em. Truth is irrelevant - hammer a point home often enough and it will be accepted as a truth whether or not it actually is. (See Global Warming)
OH but there is the Red Army of China, the North Korean Army, and the Islamic Intifida Force all support hillary’s candidacy wholeheartedly.
From one of the troops..............
"The Hildabeest came to Baghdad while I was there. She came to the Presidential Palace, now the US embassy, to have lunch with the troops, though none of them would sit with here and if she sat at their table, they finished their meal and promptly left. I was standing at the salad bar when she kind of pushed her way to the front of the line. A SPC (E-4) made the comment "just who in the hell does she think she is?" A Secret Service agent promptly chided him and told him "that's a US Senator you're talking about" to which he replied "So? LGEN Sanchez and Amb. Bremer run this place and they get at the end of the line like everyone else. What makes her so damn special?" Upon hearing this, Clinton got this rather sheepish look on her face but was undeterred. Being an E-7 I can not get away with what a basically bulletproof E-4 can. I did congratulate him later on though for saying what I was thinking but could not say."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (12)
July 26, 2007
Attempted Murder Of This Attorney Saved Bill Clinton's 1992 Campaign
Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Mena Arkansas cocaine smuggling operation they ran while Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas.
Viewing time: is 1 hr 43 min long. But it is VERY interesting.
Bill Clinton was really upset by this production and called it "That damn video."
The interview is with attorney Gary Johnson. Johnson's tape was stolen and he was beaten to within an inch of his life. I don't believe in coincedence and certainly not in regards to people connected to either of the Clinton's.
Here is the overview. Johnson lived next door to Gennifer Flowers at the Quapaw Towers. The security camera used to protect his condo also caught her door. That camera taped Bill going into Gennifer Flowers' condo on numerous occasions with his own key.
Keep in mind that Clinton was denying the affair with Gennifer Flowers. Anthony Pellicano, the guy now in prison in California, was hired to claim that Flowers' taped conversations with Bill were doctored. They were not. That has been proven.
You will hear Johnson tell how three henchmen confiscated the tape, then proceeded to smash in his nasal cavity, break his collarbone, break his elbows, puncture his bladder and spleen, and leave him for dead.
No, this kind of stuff is not old news and will come back stronger than ever with Hillary in the White House. The Clintons have used private investigators to threaten witnesses and have used the IRS against its enemies.
Unfortunately, what is sealed within the Barrett Report is not for public view. Someone who knew what he had to do threatened the lives of Kathleen Willey's children to try to keep her from testifying in the Paula Jones case. Those who are charged with protecting the interests of the Clintons will always do what they need to do. You saw what they did to Billy Dale. There is still much that the public does not even know.
Watch the Johnson interview. Pass it on.
As the person that shared this video has said......."Do not ever doubt that Hillary Rodham Clinton is capable of doing anything for power. Anything."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (14)
June 25, 2007
Hillary Campaign Finance Felonies Caught on Video
History was made in Paul v Clinton when this smoking gun video of Hillary Clinton's phone call to Peter Paul on July 17, 2000 was introduced June 21, 2007 as evidence of Hillary's illegal misconduct, for the California Appeals' Court review of Hillary's First Amendment protection for her illegal fundraising solicitations in 2000.
This tape was withheld by the U.S. Attorney in New York from 2001 until April 11, 2007, when it was released to Paul's attorneys at the US Justice Foundation, depriving three federal investigations of this evidence of Hillary Clinton's role in the campaign finance frauds for which her finance director David Rosen was indicted in 2005.
'Smoking Gun' Clinton Tape Released to Public
( .....for complete article
The video described in a civil suit as "smoking gun" evidence that Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) committed felonies became available on the Internet Friday.
On the tape the former first lady and leading Democratic presidential contender is heard speaking in 2000 with Hollywood mogul Peter Paul, comic book icon Stan Lee, and director Aaron Tonkin about a massive fundraising event for her 2000 Senate race. Paul spent about $2 million of his own money to produce the event but later had a fallout with the Clintons.
If she helped to plan the event, it could legally constitute a direct hard money donation to Clinton's Senate campaign, rather than to her joint fundraising committee called New York Senate 2000. If that is the case, the donation from Paul would be 10 times the legal limit of $2,000. Knowingly soliciting a contribution of $25,000 or more is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.
The conversation appears to show Clinton actively helping to plan the event. The suit alleges that she violated federal campaign finance laws by directly soliciting a contribution from Paul.
"And you know, Aaron, I'm so grateful because I know how hard you've worked on it because it's your constant effort and outreach," Clinton is heard to say over a speaker phone. "You know, I talked with [celebrity singer] Cher and she was just great. Said she was really so excited. And I hadn't talked to her so you must have done a really good job selling it to her."
At no point did Clinton suggest that the event and the Paul donation were not going directly to her campaign, even as the other three in the conversation referenced it repeatedly.
Tonkin later is heard to say, "We've got people like Cher and others that have really never done anything before that are like coming out in full force knowing this is for your Senate race, it's unbelievable."
"I'm just thrilled," Clinton answers. "I'll check in with you from time to time because I know that putting something like this together is challenging even when people are enthusiastic and looking forward to doing it. It's still, there's so much work that's involved."
Wild Thing's comment............
The Clintons are riddled with crimes and they keep going on and on and on. I wonder if just once they will be taken down for all their crimes. They should be, they should have been long ago. I would also love to see a film of them conspiring to murder all those folks they’ve had murdered.
.......Thank you Jack for sending the article to me.
Jack's blog.....Conservative Insurgent
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (10)
June 20, 2007
See The Commercial of Hillary and Bill's Spoof of Soprano's Ending for Her Campaign Song
Hillary and Bill Spoof the Soprano's Ending on the Hillary Campaign Song
Hillary's presidential campaign on Tuesday unveiled its new campaign song with a Web video that spoofs the final scene of the popular HBO mobster series.
The scene: A diner and a jukebox. A nostalgic song. A long fade to black. It worked as a finale for "The Sopranos."
In the new Clinton clip, Hillary Clinton, like Tony Soprano, spins through the musical selections in a diner in Mt. Kisco, N.Y., near her home in Chappaqua.
Where's Chelsea?" Sen. Clinton asks. Outside a car tire hits the curb. "Parallel parking," President Clinton replies.
"How's the campaign going?" he asks.
"Well, like you always say, focus on the good times."
"So what's the winning song," he presses.
"You'll see."
"My money is on Smash Mouth," he says. "Everybody in America wants to know how it's going to end."
"Ready?" Hillary asks.
The scene fades to black.
But, no, unlike the Sopranos, it's not over. You can click to hear Dion's song. A new page pops up. The most prominent word stands out against a red background:
Wild Thing's comment..........
This is so weird, here we have America's most criminal draft dodger EX President and his wife. The couple that brought us one criminal 'GATE ' after the other, one dead body after the other in their rise to powe,r and to stay power. All the lives they destroyed in their trail to the White House and what do they decide to use for a commercial????
A copycat version from a hit TV Mafia series, the Soprano's!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (15)
May 04, 2007
Evil Clinton's Got Away With This ~ Another Thing to Add To Their Crimes
Sorry had to delete the video
it was not working right.
Thank you
Hillary Clinton 1984 in 2008: The Big Lie That Won Her Election to the Senate
This is a very interesting documentary trailer that exposes the lies Hillary made to the voters and her opponent through the Washington Post and to the FEC in 2000 about who her largest contributor was, ( Spider Man creator Stan Lee's partner Peter F. Paul) how much he gave and why he gave more then $1 million to her so he could have Bill Clinton work with his public company, Stan Lee Media, when Clinton left the White House.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Nothing will ever surprise me about either of the Clinton's. In this video the Clinton's Travelgate is mentioned and other things as well. TravelGate was one of the gates that really ticked me off, they destroyed lives, but then they always did and will continue to do so.
The Clinton's are pure evil, criminals,traitors, treasonous, dead bodies strewn along their path to power, and when I saw how they got away with every crime they committed it was the first time in my life that I knew that the America I had known and loved so much was truly doomed as I knew it. And that feeling has never changed. I pray with all my heart it does. I pray the good guys take America back and that people like the Clinton's and their ilk will one day be punished for their many crimes.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (8)
April 10, 2007
What cha' Think of Hillary's Expression....
Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York reacts to seeing and old friend during a campaign stop at the National Education Association New Hampshire, in Concord, N.H.( AP)
Wild Thing's comment..........
LMAO this is too funny, it says she is reacting to seeing and old friend. She looks more like she is angry then happy. I would hate to see that look coming at me from a friend I had not seen in a long time. Yikes!
Some suggestions for her photo...........
“You gave money to Obama!”
"He's doing WHAT to all the female donors!???"
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (8)
March 06, 2007
Is Hillary Auditioning for Amos 'n' Andy??
Hillary Adopts Southern Drawl In Church Service
Disgusting pandering. The thing is, that's not a Southern accent. It is insulting! But it also is hilarious how obvious she is in doing this kind of thing.
"I just want to begin by giving praise to the Lord Almighty," said Mrs Clinton, 59, with a Southern twang not normally detectable in her speeches, as she announced she had come as "a sister in worship and a grateful friend and beneficiary of what happened in Selma 42 years ago".
Remember a few years ago when she tried to talk "black" to the NAACP?
"And youse know wha I'ma a talkin 'bout!"
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (13)
March 05, 2007
FBI Looks For Man Who Held Clinton, Boxer Fundraisers
FBI looks for man who held Clinton, Boxer fundraisers
Pakistani immigrant is alleged to have supplied illegal contributions
A Pakistani immigrant who hosted fundraisers for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is being sought by the FBI on allegations that he funneled illegal contributions to Clinton's political action committee and to Sen. Barbara Boxer's 2004 re-election campaign.
Authorities say Northridge, Calif., businessman Abdul Rehman Jinnah, 56, fled the country shortly after being indicted on charges of engineering more than $50,000 in illegal donations to the Democratic committees. A business associate charged as Jinnah's co-conspirator has entered a guilty plea and is scheduled to be sentenced in Los Angeles next week.
...The case has transformed Jinnah from a political point man on Pakistani issues, a man often photographed next to foreign dignitaries and U.S. leaders, into a fugitive with his mug shot on the FBI's most-wanted list.
Jinnah's profile peaked in 2004 and 2005 as he wooed members of Congress to join a caucus advancing Pakistani concerns and brought Clinton to speak to prominent Pakistani-Americans, lauding their homeland's contributions to the war on terrorism and calling relations with Pakistan beneficial to U.S. interests.
...Authorities say that from June 2004 to February 2005, Jinnah directly or indirectly solicited contributions from more than a dozen "conduits," reimbursing them with funds from his company, All American Distributing, a seller of cell phone service and accessories.
The scheme allowed Jinnah to get around limits then in effect on individual donors of $5,000 per year to PACs and $2,000 per election to candidates, as well as the ban on using corporate money for political donations.
...The indictment, handed down last May without a press release, mentions only the initials of the committees that received the illegal donations, referring to them as "HP" and "FB." However, the charging document filed against Jinnah's co-conspirator, Stuart Schoenburg, identifies one of the committees as HILLPAC
By The FBI
Photograph taken in 2003
Alias: Ray Jinnah
Date of Birth Used: February 6, 1951 Hair: Black
Place of Birth: Pakistan Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'9" Sex: Male
Weight: 168 pounds Race: White
(Central Asian)
NCIC: W150502690 Nationality: Pakistani
Occupation: Jinnah has owned several businesses, including ones that sell cellular phones and accessories, and frozen yogurt. Additionally, he is known to have an interest in purchasing real estate.
Scars and Marks: None known
Remarks: Jinnah has connections to Karachi, Pakistan, and Los Angeles, California, and is known to travel to London and United Arab Emirates. He may suffer from heart problems.
Abdul Rehman Jinnah is wanted for the alleged violation of United States federal election laws. Between June 2004 and February 2005, Jinnah allegedly solicited employees, family members, and business contacts to provide campaign contributions to several United States federal and state politicians. Jinnah then allegedly reimbursed the contributors with corporate monies from his own business. On May 18, 2006, a federal arrest warrant was issued by the United States District Court, Central District of California, after Jinnah was charged with illegal campaign contributions and conspiracy.
TELEPHONE: (202) 324-3000
Wild Thing's comment..........
Well this is not surprising, once again the name Clinton connected to something done illegally to obtain their goals of power. Hmmmm but which party is the one accused by the Democrats as the party of the "culture of corruption??!!
I can't wait for the AP, the New York Times, and CNN to pick up on this! We have to rely on the Baltimore Sun to report this? Well, of course, our lousy Democrat lying liberal news media only reports Republican scandals.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (10)
February 16, 2007
Hillary Buys Black Vote in South Carolina
U.S. Presidential candidate, Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) looks at a model of the U.S. Capitol Building that was presented to her as an award during an event on Capitol Hill in Washington, February 15, 2007
Hillary Clinton Buying Black Vote for $200,000
The press reported on Tuesday that Sen. Hillary Clinton had scored a coup in the presidential race by winning the endorsement of a key black political leader in South Carolina, state Sen. Darrell Jackson.
Now it has come to light that just days earlier, Clinton’s campaign reached a deal to pay Jackson’s consulting firm $10,000 a month through the 2008 elections – a deal worth more than $200,000.
"Jackson had also been in talks with Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign about endorsing him and entering into a consulting contract for more than $5,000, sources said – raising questions about whether Jackson’s endorsement was bought by a higher bidder,” the New York Post reported.
Jackson – who is also the minister of a large church in the state capital, Columbia – acknowledged that he should have revealed his financial dealings with the Clinton campaign when he and fellow state Sen. Robert Ford, who is also African-American, endorsed Clinton.
But he told the Post: "It’s not about the money – there were some other candidates who offered to double Clinton’s offer,” Jackson told the Post, although he declined to name them.
Support from black voters is key in South Carolina, where 49 percent of the Democratic presidential primary vote came from blacks in 2004. The state will host the first Southern primaries for both the Democrats and the GOP in 2008.
Wild Thing's comment.......
A shoping we will go, a shopping we will go, hi ho the derry-o a shopping we will go. Whoulda thunk it?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (11)
February 04, 2007
Shrillary's Back and Screaming A Usual
New York Post
February 3, 2007
Pumping her fists and shouting to the rooftops, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton vowed yesterday to bring an immediate end to the war in Iraq if she's elected president.
"If we in Congress don't end this war before January 2009, as president, I will," Clinton pledged in a speech to the Democratic faithful as she staked out a new position on the conflict.
While she has been escalating her criticism of the war for months, yesterday was the first time Clinton spoke about what she would do about it if she wins the White House in 2008.
The former first lady's pledge to pull the plug on Iraq and bring the troops home came during the Democratic National Committee's annual winter meeting. She and her top-tier White House rivals, Sen. Barack Obama and former Sen. John Edwards, took tough stands against the war.
Clinton, raising her voice at one point to be heard above a few anti-war hecklers, also suggested that calls from Edwards and others to cut off funding for President Bush's troop increase are unlikely to win approval in a narrowly divided Senate.
"Believe me, I understand the frustration and the outrage," said Clinton, who is backing a Senate resolution that expresses disapproval of the troop surge but would not cut off funding.
Wild Thing's comment......
What is her plan? And if she has a plan, why doesn't she share it now? I still remeber how she came to the floor of the Senate in October of 2002 and supported the war; she even said that Hussein was associated with al Qaeda.
She says if she were president in Oct 2002 she wouldn't have started 'this war.' A-hem Hillary we went into Afghanistan in Oct 2001 and into Iraq in March 2003. Better have your team get their act together on the dates before you start yelling and screaming at voters your demands and pleas to become President.
September 15th, 2002, on Meet the Press, Tim Russert says to Hillary, "Do you believe that we could have disarmament without regime change?"HILLARY: I doubt it. I can support the president. I can support an action against Saddam Hussein because I think it's in the long-term interests of our national security.
Neville Chamberlain said he would end war with Germany. You can always end war by unconditionally surrendering. When are liberals ever going to understand that appeasement and surrender do not equal peace?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (18)
January 21, 2007
The Red Chinese Army is proud ~ Hillary Says "I'm In"
"I'm in. And I'm in to win. Today I am announcing that I will form an exploratory committee to run for president.
And I want you to join me not just for the campaign but for a conversation about the future of our country -- about the bold but practical changes we need to overcome six years of Bush administration failures."
Here is her VIDEO
Then she went on with her commie socialist yadda yadda yadda at her website.
Wild Thing's comment......
Something weird I think. She says "I'm in. And I'm in to win."............ and then goes on to say "form an exploratory committee to run for president".........Hahahaha ........ ah Hillary make up your mind.
Vince Foster, Ron Brown and rather a huge list of dead, yep DEAD people might have something to say about this POS trying to get back in the White House. List of DEAD people associated with the Clinton's.
Now the womens' magazines will go orgasmic, with pictures of the Hill and the words "First Woman President?" all over their covers. She will no longer be acting as senator, but will be appearing on as many media outlets as she possibly can.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (17)
December 06, 2006
Clinton Pays Tribute to Ho Chi Minh at Mausoleum
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton goes to pay tribute to late Vietnamese revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum in Hanoi, Vietnam, Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2006. Clinton came to Hanoi to sign an agreement with the Vietnamese government under which his Clinton Foundation will provide pediatric drugs to children living with HIV and AIDS. (AP Photo/Tran Van Minh) Email Photo Print Photo
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton goes to pay tribute to late Vietnamese revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum in Hanoi, Vietnam
HANOI, Vietnam (AP) - Former President Clinton was swarmed for autographs, handshakes and photographs on the streets of Hanoi Wednesday by throngs of admirers whose warm welcome contrasted sharply with the restrained reception given President Bush last month.
Clinton, in town to sign an agreement between his foundation and the Vietnamese to get more AIDS drugs to children, left the Hilton Hotel in the center of Hanoi, crossed an intersection buzzing with motorbikes, and strolled toward Hoan Kiem Lake, the spiritual heart of the city.
"It feels great to be back," Clinton said as he set off for his stroll.
Followed by Secret Service agents and Vietnamese police, Clinton stopped along a half-mile route to chat with his Vietnamese admirers before making his way to an art gallery in Hanoi's Old Quarter and then to the tomb of Ho Chi Minh, who led Vietnam's communist revolution.
Wild Thing's comment......
So communist Clinton pays tribute to the man he was routing for during the war. I'm so sick of US leaders who pay tribute to the worst jackals of the world! The communists know their won kind.
A wonderful world we live in where ruthless dictators are praised and protected, dishonest heads of state are lionized and honest men who act only for the good of their nations are belittled and scorned.
I can't stand these traitors, Clinton, Carter, Gore, Kerry etc. I am sick of this shit! Hey Clinton just stay in Nam why don't you.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:04 PM | Comments (10)
September 02, 2006
Clinton Trying To Get "The Path To 9/11" Recut!
There is a movie, a mini-series running on ABC on September 10th and 11th, called The Path to 9/11.
I want to share this with you from Rush Limbaugh's show.
Bill Clinton Personally Attempts to Get ABC's Path to 9/11 Mini-Series Recut
September 1, 2006
The Path to 9/11 essentially chronicles everything we know that happened in the nineties that prevented the capture of Osama bin Laden.
It indicts the Clinton administration, Madeleine Albright, Sandy Berger.
It is just devastating to the Clinton administration. It talks about how we had chances to capture bin Laden in specific detail, which I will get to in just a moment.
That's not the point. I mentioned to you yesterday or the day before, the days are running together, that a friend of mine did this. His first name is Cyrus, and Cyrus has got some other film credits.
He took it to Washington in the middle of last week and screened it for people and it caused nearly bloody uproar where they showed it.
Richard Ben-Veniste went up in Cyrus's face and told him it was disgusting. This film was disgusting.
It caused all kinds of havoc and that led to the creation of efforts to try to get this program banned, put pressure on ABC to get it canceled and not run and so forth.
It also had a lot of people in the room that loved it. There were many people, Michael Barone saw it, a lot of people were in the screening there and loved it.
Here is what is happening today. Bill Clinton himself is going to call Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney, and demand or ask that this mini-series, The Path to 9/11, be reedited and recut so as not to depict Bill Clinton and his administration as they are currently portrayed in this mini-series.
Bill Clinton himself is going to call Bob Iger -- and this is not breaking news; I got the e-mail on this last night, and there have been some local hosts out in California who have been talking about this, but there is a huge movement afoot from inside the Clinton administration to put pressure on ABC to get this thing recut, reedited, if not more.
Very powerful players obviously, much higher than just Richard Ben-Veniste and so forth.
You know, folks, the whole 9/11 Commission, if you go back and look at these things that we know now, the Clinton administration's ability to camouflage history, to rewrite it, is just amazing.
Look at who they got on the 9/11 Commission. They got Jamie Gorelick, who authored the wall, and this mini-series explains the wall and gives illustrations of fact of how it hurt our ability to capture Osama bin Laden.
I'll get to that in just a second. They had had Gorelick on there; they had Ben-Veniste (who was a partisan hack lawyer from the Watergate days), and Tim Roemer, who is a Democrat from Indiana, and that was to ensure that the Clinton administration was protected, and so that the top structural explanation for intelligence failure was white-washed.
I don't understand why the Bush administration, the Department of Justice, gave Burglar the sweetheart deal of the century, then suppressed all the evidence involved in his action. Like I asked at the time, can you imagine if Condoleezza Rice had pled guilty to a misdemeanor mishandling of classified information, the media sitting silent about it?
HERE is the complete transcript of Rush on this topic.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am sooooo sick of the Clinton's. We had enough of both of them during their regime and they just never stop! All the "gates" so many of them I lost count. Travel gate, yep and bimbo gate and Vince Foster killed, and on and on and on. If they recut this film that is not user friendly for Bill Clinton it will be yet another time they get favored to hide their many crimes and actions against this country. This really ticks me off!
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (12)
February 10, 2006
Democrats Dish It Out But Can't Take It
I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti."
Hillary Clinton Ally Threatens Ken Mehlman
A longtime media ally of Sen. Hillary Clinton is warning Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman that Mrs. Clinton will "get even" with him for saying she's too angry to win the White House.
"As Mehlman will find out, Hillary doesn't get angry, she gets even," predicts Bloomberg News columnist Margaret Carlson, in a screed published Thursday.
Carlson, a longtime booster of Mrs. Clinton going back to her days at Time magazine and CNN, vowed that Hillary won't be steamrolled by hardball GOP tactics, saying:
"The senator who has reached a 60 percent approval rating with teeth-gritting determination, hold-your-nose alliances and practiced good cheer won't be Swift-boated or goaded by Mehlman's name-calling."
Carlson's prediction that Mehlman will pay for attacking Mrs. Clinton comports with the former first lady's long history of playing "get even" politics. Throughout the 1990s, for instance, Clinton accusers often found themselves targeted by IRS audits - or had embarrassing details about their private lives leaked to the press.
Just this week, Anthony Pellicano - a private eye the Clintons used to dig up dirt on their opponents - was indicted in Los Angeles on wiretapping charges.
Wild Thing's comment......
Just like Muslims who react violently to criticism that they're violent, Hillary reacts angrily to criticism that she's angry. "Hillary doesn't get angry, she gets even" that statement is 100% right on that point. The woman has the patience of Satan, the political instincts of Machiavelli, with a hang over and integrity of Al Capone, on a bad day.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:37 AM
January 30, 2006
Bill Clinton’s $5K Handshake ~ Good Grief!

Sunday, Jan. 29, 2006 9:42 a.m. EST
Washed up baseball players can still make a killing by autographing baseballs for their old fans. For ex-president Bill Clinton, it's even easier to cash in on his political celebrity.Mr. Clinton will be charging $5,000 a piece to New Zealand businessmen who want to spend an hour in his presence when he travels to Auckland next month.
Reports the New Zealand Herald:
"A small group can book an hour with the former president for $5000 a head and for that they will get a handshake and a photograph and a chance to mingle with the only Democratic president the win two terms in the last 60 years."
Mr. Clinton is offering a volume discount for groups of 50 or more - who will pay a mere $150,000 [$3,000 a head] for the honor of basking in his aura.
Clinton's handshake fee is in addition the $2,400 cost of attending the one-day business forum. [$1,895 if tickets purchased before Jan. 31.)
Other speakers include former Disney Corp. CEO Michael Eisner and Carly Fiorina, who used to run Hewlett Packard.
Mr. Eisner and Ms. Fiorina will apparently be shaking hands at no extra cost.
Wild Thing's comment......
Thank you Chrys soooo much for this darling doll graphic I love it.Chrys has a wonderful blog called Pettifog.
There is nothing about Bill Clinton that should be worth $5K or 5 cents.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (8)
January 17, 2006
The Constitutional Record of President Clinton
Clinton's Presidency = Dereliction Of Duty
But wait.....let's hear from Hillary first.
Hillary Clinton slams Bush White House in Harlem....entire article at link.
NEW YORK (AP) — Sen. Hillary Clinton on Monday blasted the Bush administration as "one of the worst" in U.S. history and compared the Republican-controlled House of Representatives to a plantation where dissenting voices are squelched.
The House "has been run like a plantation, and you know what I'm talking about," said Clinton, D-N.Y. "It has been run in a way so that nobody with a contrary view has had a chance to present legislation, to make an argument, to be heard."
"We have a culture of corruption, we have cronyism, we have incompetence," she said. "I predict to you that this administration will go down in history as one of the worst that has ever governed our country."
Now check this out at Cato Institute:
Dereliction Of Duty: The Constitutional Record of President Clinton
It is very long so here is part of it...........................
The Clinton administration has repeatedly attempted to play down the significance of the warrant clause. In fact, President Clinton has asserted the power to conduct warrantless searches, warrantless drug testing of public school students, and warrantless wiretapping.
Warrantless "National Security" Searches
The Clinton administration claims that it can bypass the warrant clause for "national security" purposes. In July 1994 Deputy Attorney General Jamie S. Gorelick told the House Select Committee on Intelligence that the president "has inherent authority to conduct warrantless searches for foreign intelligence purposes." [51] According to Gorelick, the president (or his attorney general) need only satisfy himself that an American is working in conjunction with a foreign power before a search can take place.
The warrant clause was designed to give the American people greater security than that afforded by the mere words of politicians. It requires the attorney general, or others, to make a showing of "probable cause" to a magistrate. The proponents of national security searches are hard-pressed to find any support for their position in the text or history of the Constitution. That is why they argue from the "inherent authority" of the Oval Office--a patently circular argument. The scope of such "authority" is of course unbounded in principle. Yet the Clinton Justice Department has said that the warrant clause is fully applicable to murder suspects but not to persons suspected of violating the export control regulations of the federal government. [52] If the Framers had wanted to insert a national security exception to the warrant clause, they would have done so. They did not.
The Clinton administration's national security exception to the warrant clause is nothing more, of course, than an unsupported assertion of power by executive branch officials. The Nixon administration relied on similar constitutional assertions in the 1970s to rationalize "black bag" break-ins to the quarters of its political opponents. [53] The Clinton White House--even after the Filegate scandal--assures Congress, the media, and the general public that it has no intention of abusing this power.
Attorney General Reno has already signed off on the warrantless search of an American home on the basis of the dubious "inherent authority" theory. [54] The actual number of clandestine "national security" searches conducted since 1993 is known only to the White House and senior Justice Department officials.
Warrantless Searches of Public Housing
In the spring of 1994 the Chicago Public Housing Authority responded to gang violence by conducting warrantless "sweeps" of entire apartment buildings. Closets, desks, dressers, kitchen cabinets, and personal effects were examined regardless of whether the police had probable cause to suspect particular residents of any wrongdoing. Some apartments were searched when the residents were not home. Although such searches were supported by the Clinton administration, Federal District Judge Wayne Anderson declared the Chicago sweeps unconstitutional. [55] Judge Anderson found the government's claim of "exigent circumstances" to be exaggerated since all of the sweeps occurred days after the gang-related shootings. He also noted that even in emergency situations, housing officials needed probable cause in order to search specific apartments. Unlike many governmental officials who fear demagogic criticism for being "soft on crime," Judge Anderson stood up for the Fourth Amendment rights of the tenants, noting that he had "sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution" and that he would not "use the power of [his] office to override it, amend it or subvert it." [56]
The White House response was swift. President Clinton publicly ordered Attorney General Reno and HUD secretary Henry Cisneros to find a way to circumvent Judge Anderson's ruling. One month later the president announced a "constitutionally effective way" of searching public housing units. The Clinton administration would now ask tenants to sign lease provisions that would give government agents the power to search their homes without warrants. [57]
The Clinton plan was roundly criticized by lawyers and columnists for giving short shrift to the constitutional rights of the tenants. [58] A New York Times editorial observed that the president had "missed the point" of Judge Anderson's ruling. [59] Harvard law professors Charles Ogletree and Abbe Smith rightly condemned the Clinton proposal as an open invitation to the police to "tear up" the homes of poor people. [60]
Warrantless Drug Testing in Public Schools
The Clinton administration has defended warrantless drug testing programs in the public schools. In March 1995 the Supreme Court heard arguments on whether public school officials could drug test student athletes without a warrant or any articulable suspicion of illegal drug use. The Department of Justice sided with the school authorities, arguing that the privacy rights of individual students were outweighed by the interest of the school in deterring drug use by the student body generally. [61]
Solicitor General Days, arguing for the government, claimed that the school district "could not effectively educate its students unless it undertook suspicionless drug testing as part of a broader drug-prevention program." [62] Days maintained that the Fourth Amendment's requirement of individualized suspicion would "jeopardize" the school's drug program. Justices Sandra Day O'Connor, John Paul Stevens, and David Souter expressed skepticism about that claim and pointed out that if the Supreme Court followed the Justice Department's reasoning, America's public school students might well end up receiving less constitutional protection under the Fourth Amendment than do convicted criminals under correctional supervision. [63]
The Clinton administration supports warrantless drug tests in other contexts as well. Thus, when Republican presidential candidate Robert Dole said, during the 1996 campaign, that he would subject welfare recipients to warrantless, suspicionless drug tests, President Clinton quickly followed suit with his own approval of such an initiative. [64]
Warrantless Wiretapping
The Supreme Court has recognized that electronic surveillance, such as wiretapping and eavesdropping, impinges on the privacy rights of individuals and organizations and is therefore subject to the Fourth Amendment's warrant clause. [65] President Clinton, however, has asked Congress to pass legislation that would give the Federal Bureau of Investigation the power to use "roving wiretaps" without a court order. [66] The president also fought for sweeping legislation that is forcing the telephone industry to make its network more easily accessible to law enforcement wiretaps. Those initiatives have led ACLU officials to describe the Clinton White House as "the most wiretap-friendly administration in history." [67]
It is unclear why the president made warrantless roving wiretaps a priority matter since judges routinely approve wiretap applications by federal prosecutors. According to a 1995 report by the Administrative Office of U.S. Courts, it had been years since a federal district court turned down a prosecutor's request for a wiretap order. [68] President Clinton is apparently seeking to free his administration from any potential judicial interference with its wiretapping plans. There is a problem, of course, with the power that the president desires: it is precisely the sort of unchecked power that the Fourth Amendment's warrant clause was designed to curb. As the Supreme Court noted in Katz v. United States (1967), the judicial procedure of antecedent justification before a neutral magistrate is a "constitutional precondition," not only to the search of a home, but also to eavesdropping on private conversations within the home. [69]
President Clinton also lobbied for and signed the Orwellian Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, which is forcing every telephone company in America to retrofit its phone lines and networks so that they will be more accessible to police wiretaps. [70] The cost of that makeover is expected to be several billion dollars. Any communications carrier that fails to meet the technology standards of the attorney general can be fined up to $10,000 per day. The passage of that law prompted Attorney General Reno to marvel at her newly acquired power: "I don't think J. Edgar Hoover would contemplate what we can do today." [71] That is unfortunately true. In the past, law enforcement had to rely on the goodwill and voluntary cooperation of the American people for investigative assistance. That tradition is giving way to a regime of coercive mandates. [72] (snip)
President Clinton and the Legislature
President Clinton claims the Constitution gives him the unilateral power to attack other countries whenever he deems that course of action appropriate. Over the last four years, he has authorized missile attacks against Iraq, ordered air strikes in Bosnia, and threatened to invade Haiti. In each instance the president claimed that it was unnecessary to seek any constitutional authorization from Congress.
The Framers of the Constitution gave the war power careful consideration. Although in the European countries of the 18th century the war power was commonly vested in monarchs, the Framers made a deliberate decision to leave the war-making power with the national legislature, not the president. [114] Article I of the Constitution states that "Congress shall have the power . . . to declare war." The president was to exercise his article II responsibilities as commander in chief within the framework established by the Constitution. The American executive would direct the military operations that the people's representatives in Congress had authorized.
When President Clinton threatened to invade Haiti, 10 prominent legal scholars sent him a letter to remind him of the constitutional boundaries of his office:
The President may not order the United States Armed Forces to make war without first meaningfully consulting with Congress and receiving its affirmative authorization. . . . In our view, those principles, as well as your oath of office, require you to follow President Bush's example in the Persian Gulf War: to seek and obtain Congress's express prior approval before launching a military invasion of Haiti. [115]
President Clinton ignored that letter and came perilously close to commanding U.S. forces to attack the Haitian military. [116]
Haiti was not an isolated incident. The Clinton administration has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to use military force without congressional authorization. In September 1996, for example, President Clinton ordered a cruise missile attack on Iraq. [117] The president characterized that attack as a "retaliatory strike" because Iraqi forces were engaged in murderous activity in an "exclusion zone" that President Bush had created, on his own authority, in 1991. (Recall that Congress only authorized U.S. military forces to expel the Iraqi military from Kuwait; President Bush created exclusion zones on Iraqi territory for the Kurdish people after the successful conclusion of Operation Desert Storm.)
President Clinton's rationale for his Iraqi missile attack is extremely distressing because it perfectly illustrates the dangerous propensities that the Founders apprehended at the Constitutional Convention. The Framers wanted the legislative branch to have the war power because of the ambitious tendencies of the executive branch. As James Madison noted, "The executive is the branch of power most interested in war, and most prone to it." [118] James Wilson, though an advocate of a strong presidency, approvingly observed that the new constitutional system "will not hurry us into war" since the war-making power "will not be vested in the power of a single man." [119]
* Michelle Milken ......"HILLARY'S MLK DAY DEMAGOGUERY"
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:23 AM | Comments (6)
January 14, 2006
Hillary Clinton mixes with Harry Belafonte

The New York Observer is reporting that Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) will appear Thursday at a luncheon with Calypso singer turned Bush-bashing liberal activist Harry Belafonte. The luncheon is an awards ceremony given by the Children’s Defense Fund, a liberal interest group.Belafonte gained recent attention by calling President Bush the “world’s greatest terrorist” while visiting Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez. Belafonte was joined on the Venezuela trip by a group of outspoken liberal Americans, including actor Danny Glover and Princeton University Professor Cornel West.
“No matter what the greatest tyrant in the world, the greatest terrorist in the world, George W. Bush says,” Belafonte told Chavez, “we’re here to tell you: Not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of the American people ... support your revolution.” Belafonte finished his appearance on Chavez’s television and radio broadcast with the shout in Spanish, “Viva la revolucion!”
It will not be the first time that Hillary Clinton has appeared with Belafonte after the 78-year-old singer has made controversial remarks. In September, Belafonte told the Congressional Black Caucus that the Bush foreign policy “has made a wreck of this planet”.
“I’m always in Africa,” Belafonte ranted, “and when I go to these places I see American policy written on the walls of oppression everywhere.” Sen. Clinton was the next speaker at the event. Following up, she noted, “What Harry said is so important.”
As reported by Cybercast News Service, during a civil rights march in Atlanta last August, Belafonte called prominent African-American officials in the Bush administration, such as Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, “black tyrants.” He has also compared the Bush administration to Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany and, in 2002, described then-Secretary of State Powell as a “house slave.”The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a conservative black leader, accused Belafonte of treason. “Harry Belafonte’s hatred of President Bush is causing him to embrace America’s enemies,” the Rev. Peterson said in a press release. “I also believe that his actions are treasonous as described by Article Three, Section Three of the U.S. Constitution, which says that ‘adhering to our enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort’ constitutes treason."
Wild Thing's comment.........
My Father always taught me "You are who you associate with." Hillary is doing just that as always. And why not, two communists together at the Children’s Defense Fund, a liberal interest group. How perfect they are together............yep makes one proud of two such great Americans. NOT! Go away Hillary and you can take Belafonte with you. Maybe a cabana in Cuba.
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:57 AM | Comments (5)
November 15, 2005
Clinton to Israel: "Put some ice on it"....
Bill Clinton to Israel: Iran No Threat
Article from NewsMax
Ex-president Bill Clinton urged Israelis over the weekend not to overreact to comments by newly elected Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad recommending that Israel be "wiped off the map."
Speaking at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on Saturday, Clinton acknowledged that the remark was "outrageous," but he cautioned that the Iranian leader was "not elected because of his hatred for Israel or the West."
"He was elected because of the economic distress of ordinary Iranians, and which he promised to relieve by giving them financial assistance," Clinton explained, according to the Jerusalem Post.
He warned Israel not to act unilaterally when reacting to terrorist threats, saying that "true peace and security can only come through principled compromise."
Clinton urged Israelis to "organize their politics" so "their search for peace can continue" regardless of domestic policies.
On Oct. 27, President Ahmadinejad told a "World Without Zionism" conference that Israel is a "disgraceful blot" on the Middle East that should be "wiped off the map."
Wild Thing's comment...........
First of all we already know that Bill and Hillary are anti-semites!
Biographer Jerry Oppenheimer’s book STATE OF A UNION: INSIDE THE COMPLEX MARRIAGE OF BILL AND Hillary CLINTON …In one particularly shocking passage in the book, Oppenheimer quotes a campaign official who describes an angry attack by Hillary in which she screams at him, "You fucking Jew bastard!"
Two sourced eyewitnesses confirmed to Oppenheimer that they heard the verbal assault.
And who the hell wants to hear advice from the man who saw the '93 bombing of the WTC, as just some silly crime, that should be handled by the N.Y.C. cops and then forgotten, who refused to take OBL, THRICE, when offered up on a silver platter, virtually ignored every scrap of evidence that terrorist/al Qaeda members were blowing up and killing people all over the world, ignored the warning about the bombing of the USS Cole, etc.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:09 AM
October 19, 2005
What "IS" is or ....
insurance by switching to GEICO
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:59 AM
October 08, 2005
The Truth Shall Set You Freeh

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh has written a book detailing his career, including his eight years as head of the bureau during the Clinton administration - where he describes his frustration over the fact that Bill Clinton wouldn't take his warnings about the terrorist threat seriously.
Freeh's book - due out in October and titled "My FBI: Bringing Down the Mafia, Investigating Bill Clinton, and Waging War on Terror" - promises to be the first in-depth account by the nation's former top cop of his days presiding over FBI investigations into one Clinton scandal after another.
Freeh says the former president let down the American people and the families of victims of the Khobar Towers terror attack in Saudi Arabia. After promising to bring to justice those responsible for the bombing that killed 19 and injured hundreds, Freeh says Clinton refused to personally ask Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah to allow the FBI to question bombing suspects the kingdom had in custody – the only way the bureau could secure the interviews, according to Freeh. Freeh writes in the book, “Bill Clinton raised the subject only to tell the crown prince that he understood the Saudis’ reluctance to cooperate and then he hit Abdullah up for a contribution to the Clinton Presidential Library.” Says Freeh, “That’s a fact that I am reporting.”
A spokesman for ex-President Clinton attacked a new book by former FBI director Louis Freeh that's sharply critical of Clinton's handling of the war on terrorism, calling Freeh "a man who's desperate to clear his name." More at NewsMax
Here is a list of Louis Freeh’s campaign contributions
Short list of Clinton's Legacy of Crime
- The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
- Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*
- Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation
- Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify
- Most number of witnesses to die suddenly
- First president sued for sexual harassment.
- First president accused of rape.
- First first lady to come under criminal investigation
- Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case
- First president to establish a legal defense fund.
- First president to be held in contempt of court
- Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions
- Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad
- First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court
As for me I welcome the book, but have to wonder why it took Freeh so long to come out with it. Watch the miserable press do everything they can to discredit Freeh as well. I always thought that Louis Freeh was a terrible director of the FBI. What did he ever do about all those FBI files that Hillary had? The only reason the Clintons appointed him was because they thought he could be easily tricked or at least held at bay.
The Clinton's of course will go into their "deny, deflect and defame" mode over this book. I suggest that Freeh stay out of Marcy Park and small airplanes.
Unfortunately we're only going to be rid of the Clintons when God Himself personally drop-kicks them both through the portals of Hell.
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:10 AM | Comments (2)