March 04, 2011
Lawmakers Introduce Bills to Block EPA’s “Backdoor Cap-and-Trade”
Lawmakers introduce bills to block EPA’s “Backdoor Cap-and-Trade”
After weeks of talk, legislation was introduced into the House and Senate Thursday afternoon to repeal Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regulations of greenhouse gases, or what proponents are calling “backdoor cap-and-trade.” The Energy Tax Prevention Act clarifies the EPA’s authority to regulate gases like carbon emissions under the Clean Air Act.
The bill was introduced by Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan, chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, along with Republican Rep. Ed Whitfield of Kentucky, among others. It even had at least two Democratic co-sponsors – Reps. Collin Peterson of Minnesota and Nick Rahall of West Virginia.
The companion bill in the Senate was introduced by Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma, ranking member on the Committee on Environment and Public Works. The Senate version has 42 co-sponsors, all Republican.
“Whether at the pump or on their monthly utility bills, American families, farmers, and employers feel the pinch when energy prices go up,” said Upton in a statement. “The very last thing the federal government should do is make matters worse by intentionally driving up the cost of energy. Yet that is exactly what’s in store if the EPA moves forward with its plans to regulate and penalize carbon emissions under the Clean Air Act,”
“The EPA needs to be reined in. If Congress does not do something about the regulations being imposed on our farmers, ranchers and rural communities, the economic effects could be devastating,” added Peterson.
The bill’s introduction has already been met with praise from some in the industry.
“The EPA’s sweeping regulations will affect the lives of millions of Americans, from their electricity bills to the economy as a whole,” said Steve Miller, president and CEO of American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity. “Given this wide-ranging impact, it is important that Congress – not the EPA – address greenhouse gas emissions in a manner that takes into consideration both environmental and economic impacts.”
Wild Thing's comment......
Surprised to see any Democrat for this. So it is ood to see some anti-EPA Democrats. Maybe these dems can get some more to agree. Let's hope so.
Three cheers always for our Republicansn that are following through on what we told them at the Tea Parties, emails, phone calls and Townhall events.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (2)
October 16, 2010
Obama His Hate For America Abounds As He Continues His Assault On Goal Industry
The far left radicals at the Sierra Club announced that Obama EPA officials will not allow mining at the largest mountaintop removal coal mine.
Victory for Appalachians as a Determined EPA Recommends No More Mining at Biggest Proposed Mountaintop Removal Coal Mine
Statement from Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune
Washington, D.C. — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) took courageous action today to protect the people and waterways of Appalachia when Shawn Garvin, the agency’s Region 3 Administrator, recommended the withdrawal of the mining permit for America’s largest proposed mountaintop removal coal mine site, the Spruce No. 1 Mine in Logan County, West Virginia.
In response Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune issued the following statement:
“The Sierra Club praises the EPA, Lisa Jackson and Regional Administrator Shawn Garvin for staring down Big Coal and industry lobbyists and doing what’s right for Appalachians and hardworking Americans everywhere. This mother of all mountaintop removal coal mines would destroy thousands of acres of land, bury seven miles of streams and end a way of life for too many Appalachian families.
“We stand with the local grassroots heroes who have spent over a decade fighting this largest mountaintop removal coal mine, and today’s announcement is a victory for everyone who has stood up for their air, water and health. While the coal industry has been cutting jobs and cutting corners in Appalachia, clean energy and efficiency investments there could generate almost 80,000 jobs by 2030 and save consumers more than $25 billion in energy costs.*
Senator Barack Obama Speaking on Cap and Trade San Francisco Chronicle January 17, 2008
“Under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Businesses would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that cost onto consumers.”
Obama admitted that cap and trade will likely cost $700 to $1,400 dollars per US family each year.
Wild Thing's comment........
Our country is under absolute assault.
Obama is doing exactly what he set out to do from the start. Destroy America and bring her citizens to their knees. He needs to be thrown out of office before 2012 and his minions with him. He is a devil.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (6)
July 07, 2010
Rob Portman ad in Ohio Tells Honest Look At Obama's Destroyer "Cap and Trade"
Rob Portman ad in Ohio that slams the “Cap and Trade” legislation being pushed in Washington right now by Obama and the Democrats. Portman says the legislation would amount to an “energy tax,” and that it would be a “job-killer.”
Portman said the legislation could tax us for “turning on a light, using our computer, or even cooking dinner.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Good for Portman!
Republicans need to keep making a huge issue of what “Cap and Trade” would do to America.
Becfause it is HUGE and there still are people that have no clue about it at all. Amazing !
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:44 AM | Comments (1)
June 15, 2010
Sen. James Inhofe ( R- Oklahoma) Warns of Obama Attempt to Use Gulf Disaster to Push Cap and Tax ~ Must See Video
Below a MUST See Video!!!! Sent it to others if you want to get the word out. This video below is excellent to watch, Sen. Inhofe's speech on the Floor. Awesome speech and he goes in to a little more detail about Cap and Trade ( Tax) OMG he also tells about a letter that went out from Obama to his supporters. sheesh more of Obama's trying to control everything. ~ Wild Thing
Inhofe Responds to Obama Attempt to Us Gulf Spill To Push Cap and Tax
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama will be giving his speech tonight AUGH! And I am so glad that Sen. Inhofe has given his own speech about Cap and Trade and Obama's agenda.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (4)
June 11, 2010
Democrats In Senate Reject Move to Block Greenhouse Gas Regs
Republican senators highlight the dangers of allowing the EPA to draft its own regulations on greenhouse gas emissions. The EPA's plan would result in lost jobs and burden American families and businesses with high energy taxes. Congress, not unaccountable federal bureaucrats, should be drafting carbon regulations.
Senate Rejects Move to Block Greenhouse Gas Regs
The vote was 53-47...........
53 Democrats rejected a bid by Republicans to block the new restrictions on American manufacturing!
The Senate has rejected a bid to stop the Obama administration from imposing regulations on greenhouse gases, giving a boost to President Barack Obama as he pursues broader clean energy legislation.
Senators turned back a resolution that would have rescinded the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act.
Supporters of the measure, mostly Republicans, argued that the EPA had usurped the authority of Congress to set climate policy and that the EPA regulations would increase energy costs and kill jobs.
But the White House, which threatened to veto the measure, said depriving the EPA of its ability to regulate carbon and other greenhouse emissions would result in greater dependence on oil and more pollution.
Question: On the Motion to Proceed (Motion to Proceed to S.J. Res. 26 )
Vote Number: 184 Vote Date: June 10, 2010, 03:52 PM
Required For Majority: 1/2 Vote Result: Motion to Proceed Rejected
Vote Counts:
YEAs 47
NAYs 53
Akaka (D-HI), Nay
Alexander (R-TN), Yea
Barrasso (R-WY), Yea
Baucus (D-MT), Nay
Bayh (D-IN), Yea
Begich (D-AK), Nay
Bennet (D-CO), Nay
Bennett (R-UT), Yea
Bingaman (D-NM), Nay
Bond (R-MO), Yea
Boxer (D-CA), Nay
Brown (D-OH), Nay
Brown (R-MA), Yea
Brownback (R-KS), Yea
Bunning (R-KY), Yea
Burr (R-NC), Yea
Burris (D-IL), Nay
Byrd (D-WV), Nay
Cantwell (D-WA), Nay
Cardin (D-MD), Nay
Carper (D-DE), Nay
Casey (D-PA), Nay
Chambliss (R-GA), Yea
Coburn (R-OK), Yea
Cochran (R-MS), Yea
Collins (R-ME), Yea
Conrad (D-ND), Nay
Corker (R-TN), Yea
Cornyn (R-TX), Yea
Crapo (R-ID), Yea
DeMint (R-SC), Yea
Dodd (D-CT), Nay
Dorgan (D-ND), Nay
Durbin (D-IL), Nay
Ensign (R-NV), Yea
Enzi (R-WY), Yea
Feingold (D-WI), Nay
Feinstein (D-CA), Nay
Franken (D-MN), Nay
Gillibrand (D-NY), Nay
Graham (R-SC), Yea
Grassley (R-IA), Yea
Gregg (R-NH), Yea
Hagan (D-NC), Nay
Harkin (D-IA), Nay
Hatch (R-UT), Yea
Hutchison (R-TX), Yea
Inhofe (R-OK), Yea
Inouye (D-HI), Nay
Isakson (R-GA), Yea
Johanns (R-NE), Yea
Johnson (D-SD), Nay
Kaufman (D-DE), Nay
Kerry (D-MA), Nay
Klobuchar (D-MN), Nay
Kohl (D-WI), Nay
Kyl (R-AZ), Yea
Landrieu (D-LA), Yea
Lautenberg (D-NJ), Nay
Leahy (D-VT), Nay
LeMieux (R-FL), Yea
Levin (D-MI), Nay
Lieberman (ID-CT), Nay
Lincoln (D-AR), Yea
Lugar (R-IN), Yea
McCain (R-AZ), Yea
McCaskill (D-MO), Nay
McConnell (R-KY), Yea
Menendez (D-NJ), Nay
Merkley (D-OR), Nay
Mikulski (D-MD), Nay
Murkowski (R-AK), Yea
Murray (D-WA), Nay
Nelson (D-FL), Nay
Nelson (D-NE), Yea
Pryor (D-AR), Yea
Reed (D-RI), Nay
Reid (D-NV), Nay
Risch (R-ID), Yea
Roberts (R-KS), Yea
Rockefeller (D-WV), Yea
Sanders (I-VT), Nay
Schumer (D-NY), Nay
Sessions (R-AL), Yea
Shaheen (D-NH), Nay
Shelby (R-AL), Yea
Snowe (R-ME), Yea
Specter (D-PA), Nay
Stabenow (D-MI), Nay
Tester (D-MT), Nay
Thune (R-SD), Yea
Udall (D-CO), Nay
Udall (D-NM), Nay
Vitter (R-LA), Yea
Voinovich (R-OH), Yea
Warner (D-VA), Nay
Webb (D-VA), Nay
Whitehouse (D-RI), Nay
Wicker (R-MS), Yea
Wyden (D-OR)
Wild Thing's comment......
OMG these people HATE our country!!!! Between this and the adverse effect of the Gulf drilling ban, this is all too much to stand!!!
Watch them cram as much through as they can between now and November. Pray for our survival until then.
I sure hope all this being done by the dems and Obama can be changed back, and undone.
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:55 AM | Comments (6)
April 22, 2010
Sen. Lindsey Graham Pimping His Cap and Trade (TAX) Bill Through
Next week Lindsey Graham will push the biggest tax on the American public in the nation’s history. Graham, along with fellow progressives John Kerry and Joe Lieberman, are going to push their cap and trade bill in the US Senate. The bill will cause electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket and will bankrupt the coal industry. The state-run media is already pushing the junk science in anticipation of the upcoming debate in the senate.
US climate report publicized in runup to Senate bill
An environmental coalition publicized a new U.S. draft report on climate change on Monday, one week before the expected unveiling of a compromise U.S. Senate bill that aims to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
The Project on Climate Science, a coalition of environmental groups, publicized the report in advance of Earth Day on April 22, a spokeswoman said. The report was released with little fanfare on April 7 and posted on the Federal Register on April 8.
The report, a draft of the Fifth U.S. Climate Action Report that will be sent to the United Nations, says bluntly: “Global warming is unequivocal and primarily human-induced … Global temperature has increased over the past 50 years. This observed increase is due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases.”
Without action to stop them, climate-warming greenhouse gas emissions will rise over 8,000 megatonnes by mid-century, the draft said. By adopting measures detailed in a bill passed last year by the U.S. House of Representatives, these emissions will drop beneath 2,000 megatonnes. They’re now about 6,500 megatonnes. The United Nations measures greenhouse gas emissions in megatonnes, or million metric tons.
The effects of climate change are already evident, the draft said: warming air and oceans, vanishing mountain glaciers, thawing permafrost, signs of instability in the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica and rising sea levels.
The State Department draft, now open for public comment, precedes the expected April 26 unveiling of Senate legislation by Democrat John Kerry, Republican Lindsey Graham and Independent Joe Lieberman.
Supporters of the bill hope this will pave the way for the full Senate to debate and pass a measure in June or July.
Wild Thing's comment.......
These people doing this are imo more dangerous to our countries survival then terrorists.
Unfortunately, South Carolina does not have a recall statute and Lindsey does not have to stand for election until 2014. He figures, in potitical time, that's light years from away.
So Lindsey Graham isn't running for re-election until 2014. Even he wouldn't be this dumb if his seat came open this year. There's no way he'd win the primary. Having said that, this RINO is willfully pushing an agenda he KNOWS his constituents don't want.
Oh, and not only is Lindsey on the same page with Osama in this area, he's also aligning with John Kerry and Climate czar, Carol Browner. Not only that but Graham and John McCain are practically two peas in a pod when it comes to what legislation they're for.
However , unlilke Lindsey, McCain IS up for re-election this year and I would guess he's going to wait until at least after the primar to speak and support Graham on this even though you and I know he is for it.
If I was J.D. Hayworth I would be bringing this up a lot!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (5)
December 09, 2009
Obama's EPA Already Accused Of Scientific Abuse and Misconduct To Help Pass Cap and Tax
Congressman Mike Pence appeared on the Fox Business Channel with Neil Cavuto to discuss the EPA and the possibility of cap and tax as well as other forms of regulation.
Krauthammer says, in this video, that if the EPA forces environmentalism on America, as opposed to such action being decided by Congress, there will be a revolution on Obama’s hands. Either way, it looks as if the country is headed for a fight!
EPA, already accused of scientific misconduct, abuses its regulatory authority to enrich special interests
The Environmental Protection Agency, whose mission is to protect people from toxic pollutants like sulfur and nitrogen oxides, today declared carbon dioxide--a gas that we all generate and exhale every few seconds--a hazard to human life that must be regulated.
We have little doubt that the EPA abused its regulatory authority on behalf of, or even on the direct orders of, Barack Obama for the purpose of enriching investment banks--Kirsten Gillibrand named J.P. Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs as explicit beneficiaries of cap and trade mandates--whose executives, partners, and/or stockholders bundled a total of seven figures worth of campaign contributions to help elect him. Bundled contributions are entirely legal but it is nonetheless eminently clear that Barack Obama's loyalties are not to the $5 donors whom he says are so important to him. His loyalties are to the kind of people who can peel off $2300 ($4600 for couples) from a wad of money as if it was pocket change, and then burn another C-note to light a $20 cigar and/or Barry's cigarette for good measure.
Kimberley Strassel of the Wall Street Journal already published a credible allegation that the EPA committed scientific misconduct by suppressing research or findings that go against Team Obama's cap and trade agenda.
Historic EPA Finding: Greenhouse gasses harm humans
WASHINGTON – The Obama administration took a major step Monday toward imposing the first federal limits on climate-changing pollution from cars, power plants and factories, declaring there was compelling scientific evidence that global warming from manmade greenhouse gases endangers Americans' health.
The announcement by the Environmental Protection Agency was clearly timed to build momentum toward an agreement at the international conference on climate change that opened Monday in Copenhagen, Denmark. It signaled the administration was prepared to push ahead for significant controls in the U.S. if Congress doesn't act first on its own.
The price could be steep for both industry and consumers. The EPA finding clears the way for rules that eventually could force the sale of more fuel-efficient vehicles and require plants to install costly new equipment — at a cost of billions or even many tens of billions of dollars — or shift to other forms of energy.
No analysis has been conducted by the EPA on costs of such broad regulations, although the agency put the price tag of its proposed climate-related car rules at $60 billion, with an estimated benefit of $250 billion.
Wild Thing's comment..........
He no longer needs Congress. His agencies and Czars will just do it for him.
Obama is so far out of bounds on this one that it defies belief. Obama and his EPA all must have missed third grade science.
What is next CO2 monitors in our homes?
These EPA goons are lying when say that they are doing this for our “health” as CO2 doesn't cause global warming because there is no global warming. Global warming is hoax, a scam.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (4)
November 06, 2009
Barbara Boxer ( D-Calif) Passes Climate Bill Without GOP
Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) discussed the outrageous move by the democrats
Senator Barbara Boxer Breaks Senate Committee Rules. The liberal California senator passed the dem’s cap-&-tax legislation out of committee without a single GOP member in attendance. This is against the rules and the first time it has ever happened.
The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee approved climate change legislation Thursday with no Republicans voting for the bill or even participating in the process.
With Republican boycotting the proceedings, Committee Chairman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) relied on a little used interpretation of committee rules to move the legislation. Traditionally, two minority members are required to conduct committee business.
Boxer said that she passed the bill “in full accordance with long-standing committee and Senate rules.”
“This is not a procedure we wanted; it’s a procedure that’s available to us,” said Boxer. “The majority has to be able to do its work…otherwise the whole Senate could come to a screeching halt.”
Republicans called Boxer’s move the “nuclear option,” warning that it violated decades of committee precedent.
“I am here to appeal to you and the members of the committee,” Sen. Jim Inhofe, the top Republican on the committee, said in a brief statement. “In the history of this committee, we have not been able to find a time when the bill has been marked up without minority.”
Eleven Democrats voted for the bill, enough to give the legislation a majority of the 19 members on the committee.
Montana Sen. Max Baucus was the only Democratic to vote against the bill, citing concerns about the agriculture provisions included in the legislation.
But Baucus vowed to use his post as chairman of the Senate Finance Committee to pass a climate bill.
“I’m going to work to get climate change legislation that gets 60 votes through the U.S. Senate and signed into law,” he said.
Republicans asked Boxer to delay the hearing by several weeks to allow the Environmental Protection Agency to conduct an additional study on the economic ramifications of the bill.
Boxer and committee Democrats dismissed the request as a delay tactic, saying that the agency had already completed sufficient analysis of the bill. On Tuesday, a top EPA official came to a hearing to answer questions from committee members. No Republicans attended.
“The absence of the Republicans during the EPA’s presentation was a clear message that their criticism of the EPA analysis was not a substantive one,” said Boxer.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Rep. Barbara Boxer, chairman of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee, moved quickly to pass the bill, which for the first time would set mandatory limits on heat-trapping gases, without any of the seven GOP senators on the panel present.
So much for bipartisanship! The rino's and left have put tyrants in charge of our gov't. The communists takeover of America is still going on full force. Some day the public will realize that the Democratic Party is really the communists party and they have been taken in.
Cap and Trade, AND Health Care are only about P-O-W-E-R for the Left. America IS the most powerful Nation on this Earth, and IS therefore their most important target to control. They must be defeated, and their aggressive organization rendered useless.
America is a country where the politicians might want to rethink doing things like this. There are over 200,000,000 firearms in this country. The last year has seen ammunition and weapons flying off the shelf.
The line is getting crossed and they ought to start looking in history books at what happens to fascist dictators when the people get enough fill.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (10)
November 05, 2009
Kerry and Graham Whip Up Compromise on Global Warming / Cap and Trade
Kerry and Graham whip up compromise on global warming
Even as a Senate global-warming bill remained in limbo with Democrats refusing to delay a committee vote until an economic analysis was completed, hopes rose for a potential bipartisan compromise.
The Senate, meanwhile, appears to be moving away from the bill, authored by Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., and Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., which would require a 20 percent reduction in carbon emissions by 2020 and would have the government sell the right to emit carbon dioxide.
Even as Boxer conducted an unusual one-sided hearing on her bill in the Environment and Public Works Committee, Kerry, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. and Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., held a news conference to announce they are working on a compromise that might attract GOP votes and has earned a tentative endorsement from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Boxer supports this separate effort and made note of it during the hearing. She said the chamber's endorsement was "a game changer."
Kerry, Lieberman and Graham released few details about the new bill, but said it would include a cap and trade proposal. They said it would also address increasing nuclear energy, more drilling and clean coal technology, all initiatives that are high on the wish list of Republicans willing to work on a climate change compromise.
Kerry said he and Graham have already had meetings about the new proposal with White House officials, including Interior Secretary Ken Salazar.
The compromise effort increases the chances that a global warming bill could pass the Senate sometime in the next year or two, as the original Kerry-Boxer bill had little GOP support and lots of moderate Democratic opposition.
Boxer, meanwhile, plans to push forward Thursday on the original bill, despite a letter sent late Wednesday from moderate Republicans, including Graham, asking the EPA for an in-depth analysis before proceeding.
Republicans said if Boxer proceeded to vote on amendments or on passing the bill out of committee this week, it would violate rules requiring at least two Republican senators to be present and would kill any chance of bipartisan compromise on climate change legislation.
"Choosing to set aside the committee's longstanding rules would jeopardize our ability to work together on other issues,' " The committee's top Republican, James Inhofe, R-Okla, warned Boxer, before walking out.
Boxer allowed Democratic members to speak Wednesday, and she and other lawmakers interviewed Democratic committee staff about the bill. She said Republicans are simply trying to stall climate change legislation and should be satisfied with information on the bill the EPA has already provided.
"We are here to fill the record with why we feel it is so important to move forward," said Boxer. "And why the Republican reason for not showing up is totally without merit."
Lindsey Graham warns GOP against going too far right
The morning after Republicans lost an upstate New York House seat, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) warned that conservative activists will bring destruction to the Republican Party if they drive out moderate candidates across the country.
“To those people who are pursuing purity, you’ll become a club not a party,” Graham told POLITICO in the Capitol Wednesday. “Those people who are trying to embrace conservatism in a thoughtful way that fits the region and the state and the district are going to do well. Conservativism is an asset. Blind ideology is not.”
Graham, who has sparred with his party’s right wing on issues ranging from climate change to Guantanamo Bay to Sonia Sotomayor’s Supreme Court nomination, warned that those concerned about the state of the GOP should help find candidates who are electable — not ones who adhere to a particular type of ideology. And he said that both the GOP nominee, Dede Scozzafava and the conservative party candidate Doug Hoffman were both out of the mainstream of the upstate New York district – which lead to the victory of Democrat Bill Owens Tuesday night.
“If your goal is to make everybody just like you in terms of ideology, that’s a self-centered approach to politics,” Graham said.
Wild Thing's comment......
I am so sick of these turncoat mole politicians with an R beside their name voting for the liberal bills giving the Dems their precious “bipartisan”.
He’s been in DC since 1995.
Hey Twinkle Toes........YOU and your ilk are whats wrong with the Republican Party! Conservatives will make it their life’s work to unseat you in the next election!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (9)
October 21, 2009
Nike, Starbucks and Others Team Up With the Left to Sell Cap-and-Trade
Nike, Starbucks and Others Team Up With the Left to Sell Cap-and-Trade
By Thomas J. Borelli
"Yes We Can!" the slogan used by then-Senator Obama during last year’s presidential campaign – is now being used by Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and John Kerry (D-Mass.) to launch a last ditch effort to jumpstart cap-and-trade legislation in the Senate.
Graham and Kerry’s commentary, “Yes We Can (Pass Climate Change Legislation)” published in the New York Times last weekend outlines elements of a bipartisan legislative framework on cap-and-trade.
The commentary follows the launch of "We Can Lead" -- a campaign to promote climate change legislation by a coalition of big business, environmental, labor and left-wing special interest groups.
This high-profile corporate support of Obama’s energy policy exposes a long-simmering development in public policy: the progressive takeover of the boardroom.
The unification of big business with liberal activist groups on important public policy issues poses a significant threat to liberty and limited government. As we are observing, the collective power of these groups is big enough to fashion a bipartisan compromise on climate change even during a raging national debate over health care.
We Can Lead, a broad-based corporation coalition of energy, technology and other companies, including Duke Energy, Hewlett Packard and Starbucks, is mounting a high-profile campaign to promote cap-and-trade legislation.
Coalition members have paid for ads in newspapers, including an open letter to President Obama and Congress urging action on cap-and-trade legislation, stating, “We need you to swiftly enact comprehensive legislation to cut carbon pollution and create an economy-wide cap and trade program.”
Last week, We Can Lead spearheaded a “Business Advocacy Day” in Washington, D.C. to advance the global warming bill directly with lawmakers. According to news reports, executives from more than a hundred businesses will participate in a two-day lobbying fest that includes briefing sessions, media training and speeches by Administration officials and Hill visits targeting key Senate offices.
The fine print disclosures about We Can Lead, reveal that two left-wing advocacy groups – Apollo Alliance and CERES – are behind the corporate effort.
The Apollo Alliance is “a coalition of labor, business, environmental, and community leaders” that seeks to advance a green energy economy that will produce “a new generation of high-quality, green-collar jobs.” Its board members include representatives from environmental organizations and labor unions – the United Steelworkers of America (USWA) and Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Van Jones, former White House "green jobs czar" was also board member.
CERES is a coalition of investors, labor and environmental organizations that pressures corporations to advance environmental policies, such as legislation to fight the perceived threat of global warming. Its board members include environmental and labor union representatives, and also state pension fund officials from the California State Teachers Retirement System (CSTRS), the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) and representatives from the Connecticut State Treasurer and the New York City Comptroller’s office.
CERES played a major role in the corporate boardroom by leveraging the shareholder standing of the pension fund coalition members to sway corporate policies.
After years of environmental and labor activism targeting corporations, some CEOs have decided it’s easier to switch than fight. These executives realized that by supporting environmental initiatives they could avoid the headache of liberal activism while also reaping the reputational benefits of being perceived as “green.”
Some companies also realized they could profit by advancing environmental initiatives, such as global warming legislation.
Power companies such as Duke Energy, FPL Group and Exelon see "green" in being green – they were the biggest winners in the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill that narrowly passed the House in May. Utilities won the "House bill lottery," receiving 35 percent of free allowances from a generous Congress – an amount that translates into billions of dollars to the companies. General Electric also gains by a federal mandate for electricity derived from renewable energy sources which would benefit its wind turbine business.
The profit motive also explains why Exelon decided to end its membership in the U.S Chamber of Commerce. The trade group is facing criticism from some of its members because it opposed the Waxman-Markey bill and it recently called on the EPA to review the science on climate change in a public hearing.
Nike and Starbucks are very active in pushing for cap-and-trade legislation through another business environmental coalition, Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy. In this instance these companies are more concerned about generating a positive brand image than on making money on carbon credits. Whatever the reason, whether profit or image, companies lobbying for carbon dioxide emissions caps frequently ignore the economic consequences of the legislation.
Higher energy prices, slower economic growth and higher unemployment would likely harm companies that sell premium-priced consumer products such as Starbucks coffee and Nike sneakers that can sell for over $100.
Those of us who believe in limited government must now deal with the threat posed by an emergence of a state where the powers of government, liberal activist groups and corporate interests loot us of our liberty.
But there is something we can do: Every day we have an opportunity to vote with our wallets by letting companies know there is a price to pay for colluding with those who oppose our values.
This is a list from last July of companies that support Cap and Trade:
List of corporations and associations that WANT Cap and Trade to Pass.
Duke Energy
PG&E Corporation
FPL Group
Austin Energy
National Grid
PNM Resources
NRG Energy Inc.
Edison Electric Institute
Constellation Energy
Austin Energy
Renewable Fuels Assn.
Dow Chemical
Dow Corning
National Semiconductor
Business Council on Sustainable Energy
Solar Power Industries
John Deere
Alstom Power
Johnson & Johnson
Rio Tinto
BP Solar
Applied Materials
Levi Strauss
Seventh Generation
Clif Bar
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Buyers
Calpine Corp.
Communications Workers
Laborers International
Services Employees
Utilities Workers Union
Building and Construction Trades
National Farmers Union
American Farmland Trust
Growth Energy
U.S. Conference of Mayors
Environmental Defense Fund
League of Women Voters
National Parks Conservation Assn.
National Wildlife Federation
National Resource Defense Council
The Wilderness Society
American Institute of Architects
World Resources Institute
Pew Center on Global Climate Change
The Nature Conservancy
Sierra Club
HipHop Caucus
Center for American Progress
Latino Coalition
Union of Concerned Scientists
National Congress of American Indians
World Wildlife Fund
American Public Health Association
Defenders of Wildlife
League of Conservation Voters
Pew Environment Group
National Audubon Society
Renewable Fuels Assn.
American Chemical Society
American Rivers
Clean Water Action
Environment America
International Forum on Globalization
Oxfam Oceana
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Jewish Council for Public Affairs
Izaak Walton League of America
Baptist Pastors and Theologians
Woods Hole Research Center/20 eminent scientists and leaders
United Nations Foundation
The Episcopal Church
United States Conf. of Catholic Bishops
Catholic Relief Services
Evangelical Climate Initiative
National Council of Churches
National Assn. of Clean Air Agencies
Trout Unlimited
United Methodist Church-General Board of Church & Society
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Climate Communities/ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA
Wild Thing's comment........
Stupid Nike and starbucks. Who’s going to have the cash for $100 sneakers and over-priced coffee once our utility bills double as well as the cost of everything else. Fools!
And Lindsey Graham once again diggs in deeper for his rino standing which will never change. GET him out of politics PLEASE!!!!!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (8)
October 11, 2009
GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham Has Signed on to the Democrats’ Cap and Trade ( TAX )
Yes We Can (Pass Climate Change Legislation)
The New York Times ...for complete article
h/t Michelle Malkin
Snipets from article:
...we refuse to accept the argument that the United States cannot lead the world in addressing global climate change. We are also convinced that we have found both a framework for climate legislation to pass Congress and the blueprint for a clean-energy future that will revitalize our economy, protect current jobs and create new ones, safeguard our national security and reduce pollution.
Our partnership represents a fresh attempt to find consensus that adheres to our core principles and leads to both a climate change solution and energy independence. It begins now, not months from now — with a road to 60 votes in the Senate.
It’s true that we come from different parts of the country and represent different constituencies and that we supported different presidential candidates in 2008. We even have different accents. But we speak with one voice in saying that the best way to make America stronger is to work together to address an urgent crisis facing the world.
This process requires honest give-and-take and genuine bipartisanship. In that spirit, we have come together to put forward proposals that address legitimate concerns among Democrats and Republicans and the other constituencies with stakes in this legislation. We’re looking for a new beginning, informed by the work of our colleagues and legislation that is already before Congress.
~ snipet ~
Failure to act comes with another cost. If Congress does not pass legislation dealing with climate change, the administration will use the Environmental Protection Agency to impose new regulations. Imposed regulations are likely to be tougher and they certainly will not include the job protections and investment incentives we are proposing.
The message to those who have stalled for years is clear: killing a Senate bill is not success; indeed, given the threat of agency regulation, those who have been content to make the legislative process grind to a halt would later come running to Congress in a panic to secure the kinds of incentives and investments we can pass today. Industry needs the certainty that comes with Congressional action.
Wild Thing's comment..........
If it's not socialized medicine it's cap-and-tax. If it's not John McCain selling out the Republicans, it's Lindsey Graham.
Climate change? What happened to Global Warming? This is the biggest con going sense Chicken Little declared that the sky was falling!! The world is full of complete idiots.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (18)
October 05, 2009
Obama's Cap-and-conceal
The Obama administration just blew the whistle on . . . itself: The Treasury Department has reported that Team Obama’s claims about the “nominal” costs of its cap-and-trade bill aren’t really so nominal, after all.
And Team Obama knew it all along.
Nice. In one fell swoop, the Obama folks broke two separate campaign promises:
* No new taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 a year.
* Complete transparency in the legislative process.
How exactly did it break these vows?
Look at the Treasury report.
The report shows that the cap and-trade bill the White House is pushing in Congress — in which companies have to buy “allowances” for carbon emissions — is far more expensive for Americans than advertised.
Sure, everyone knew the firms would pass these costs along to customers. But supporters of the bill claimed that consumers would face only “nominal” increases — barely $200 a year.
Wrong. The Treasury analysis puts the actual nationwide cost of cap-and-trade at some $200 billion a year — or $1,761 per household. That figure is very close to the $1,870 amount estimated by the Heritage Foundation prior to the vote in the House.
Families will be hit with a steep climate-change tax, after all. And that will certainly include working- and middle-class folks who make less than $250,000 a year.
Second, the analysis was kept secret and only recently leaked. That directly violates President Obama’s vows of transparency.
Even so, the bill barely passed in the House, 219-212, with 40 Democrats voting against it. It’s facing difficulty in the Senate, too: Ten Dems there urged that it be dumped in favor of a carbon tariff. (This is called compromise, Democratic-style: Instead of a job-killing cap-and-trade tax, they settle for a job-killing import tax.)
This bill needs to die in the Senate.
More troubling, though, is the wholesale breaking of Obama’s vows.
After all, this is only his first year in office.
Wild Thing's comment........
More spending, more taxes, more power over all of us.
Brace yourself for another round of obama TV appearances with this one too.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (4)
September 23, 2009
Talking Down To Americans....Steven Chu:"Americans Are Like ‘Teenage Kids’ When It Comes to Energy"
Steven Chu: Americans Are Like ‘Teenage Kids’ When It Comes to Energy
When it comes to greenhouse-gas emissions, Energy Secretary Steven Chu sees Americans as unruly teenagers and the Administration as the parent that will have to teach them a few lessons.
Speaking on the sidelines of a smart grid conference in Washington, Dr. Chu said he didn’t think average folks had the know-how or will to to change their behavior enough to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.
“The American public…just like your teenage kids, aren’t acting in a way that they should act,” Dr. Chu said. “The American public has to really understand in their core how important this issue is.” (In that case, the Energy Department has a few renegade teens of its own.)
The administration aims to teach them—literally. The Environmental Protection Agency is focusing on real children. Partnering with the Parent Teacher Organization, the agency earlier this month launched a cross-country tour of 6,000 schools to teach students about climate change and energy efficiency.
“We’re showing people across the country how energy efficiency can be part of what they do every day,” said EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. “Confronting climate change, saving money on our utility bills, and reducing our use of heavily-polluting energy can be as easy as making a few small changes.”
Still, Secretary Chu said he didn’t think that the public would throw the same political temper tantrum over climate legislation has has happened with the healthcare debate.
Asked if he expected a town-hall style pushback, Dr. Chu said he was optimistic the public would buy the administration’s arguments that energy efficiency and caps on greenhouse-gas emissions will spark an economic rebound.
“I don’t think so…maybe I’m optimistic, but there’s very little debate” that a new green energy economy will bring economic prosperity, Mr. Chu told reporters.
Don’t look now, but there’s actually quite a lot of debate as to the economic merits of the new green-energy economy. Whether that will spell a healthcare-style revolt against the energy and climate bill stewing in the Senate is another question.
An update: Energy Department spokesman Dan Leistikow added: “Secretary Chu was not comparing the public to teenagers. He was saying that we need to educate teenagers about ways to save energy. He also recognized the need to educate the broader public about how important clean energy industries are to our competitive position in the global economy. He believes public officials do have an obligation to make their case to the American people on major legislation, and that’s what he’s doing.”
Wild Thing's comment........
First of all, LOL . Love the update note in the article. Don’t believe what you hear - we’ll interpret it for you because you’re too dumb to understand it
Dr. Chu said he didn’t think average folks had the know-how or will to to change their behavior
The lib-Dem philosophy in a nutshell -- "government knows how to run your life better than you do."
Chu is an idiot and unless he would be for drilling for oil on our land and offshore he can put his wishes and opinion where the sun does not shine. His first name should be FU. That would suit him just fine.....Fu Chu....
Chu on this!!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (9)
August 21, 2009
Carbon Traders Arrested for Tax Fraud
Rush Limbaugh:
Few of you heard of a bill that passed through the House of Representatives before they took their break this month. Very few of you heard about it. It's called "The Waxman-Markey Climate Change Bill." It's one of the Obama administration's agenda items implementing a cap-and-trade limit on tens of thousands of businesses, if not more -- and we learned today that the first major case of tax fraud in the European Union cap-and-trade program, these guys (laughing), they were fraudulently trading and reporting on their trades. They were not investing in the offsets, they were taking the money instead and buying lavish cars and vacations and so forth, it's another disaster waiting to happen.
Carbon Traders Arrested for Tax Fraud
August 20, 2009
By James Kanter
British customs officials arrested seven people near London on Wednesday who are suspected of dodging taxes that should have been paid for selling large amounts of carbon dioxide permits — the main currency in the European Union’s Emissions Trading System.
The suspected fraud amounted to £38 million, or nearly $63 million, the British tax agency, HM Revenue & Customs, said in a statement.
“It is thought that the proceeds of this crime have then been used to finance lavish lifestyles and the purchase of prestige vehicles. Further arrests are likely and the investigation continues,” the agency said, adding that it had searched 27 properties during the sweep and used dogs to search for cash.
Many polluting businesses in Europe are required to buy the permits, which are part of a cap-and-trade system similar to the one under consideration in the United States, and which currently trade for about 15 euros ($21) for each ton of CO2 emitted.
The market, created in 2005, has been criticized for volatility and for rewarding some of the largest utilities with billions of euros in windfall profits.
This year, some analysts said the market was finally showing signs of working, by pushing companies to switch to cleaner technologies, such as using natural gas instead of coal, to produce electricity.
British officials said the people arrested could be part of an organized group that operated a network of companies trading large volumes of the permits. The officials did not name those arrested. The agency said the fraud was carried out by companies in the network that bought the carbon permits outside of Britain without paying Value Added Tax, a levy known as V.A.T.
The companies in the network are suspected of adding the V.A.T. to the price of the permits, which they sold in Britain. The companies then disappeared before paying the tax to British authorities.
Last month, Britain exempted carbon trading from the V.A.T. to curb the possibility of similar cases in the future. France and the Netherlands took similar steps earlier in the summer. Even so, the tax agency said it “still intends to pursue relentlessly those that may have used carbon credit trading to cheat the public purse.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
One could not invent a political initiative that invited fraud more effectively than the carbon credit charade.
You start with a fraudelent premise, use political frauds to gin up fraudulent legislation, then have them tip off their fraudulent kickback buddies, and surprise, you end up with fraud.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (6)
August 01, 2009
Americans for Prosperity "Hot Air Tour" To Fight Against Cap and Trade
Climate alarmist have bombarded citizens with apocalyptic scenarios and pressured them into environmental political correctness. It's time to tell the other side of the story.
Americans for Prosperity ( AFP ) is working hard to bring you the missing half of the global warming debate. What will the impacts of reactionary legislation be for your family and our economy?
-AFP targets key senators in the cap-and-trade debate at grassroots rallies-
-Fourth leg of cross-country “Hot Air Tour” begins August 4th, travels to four states-
As debate on cap-and-trade legislation heats up in Congress, the free-market grassroots group Americans for Prosperity is launching the fourth leg of its 2009 Nationwide Hot Air Tour on August 4th, exposing the extreme economic costs of proposed cap-and-trade legislation to the American taxpayer.
The tour will bring its 70-foot-tall hot air balloon to Monroe, Louisiana, Jonesboro and El Dorado, Arkansas, Sikeston, Missouri and Evansville, Indiana from August 4-6.
“This cap-and-trade scheme is nothing more than a tax on energy- plain and simple,” said AFP President Tim Phillips. “We think American families need to know what these proposals will cost them – lost jobs, even higher energy prices, and less freedom.”
The Hot Air Tour has the goal of building grassroots pressure against costly state, local, and federal climate change policies. AFP has pledged to mobilize citizens in order to fight off any attempts to pass a cap-and-trade regulatory scheme, traveling to 13 states in April and June of this year and hosting grassroots rallies with hundreds of citizen activists.
“As cap-and-trade legislation moves quickly into the Senate, we’re asking citizens at each event to urge their legislators to sign our No Climate Tax Pledge,” said Phillips. “We’re asking them to reject any form of the bill that increases the burden on taxpayers.” Nearly 200 office holders have already taken the pledge, and citizens can send letters urging their legislators to sign the pledge at ....
Make no mistake, tough challenges lie ahead.
Radical environmental groups are badly outspending us. You've probably seen their ads. Sadly, President Obama is willing to say just about anything. Yesterday at his news conference he actually said that Cap-and-Trade "will be paid for by the polluters who currently emit the dangerous carbon emissions ." He has to know such rhetoric is untruthful. You and I will be footing the bill.
But, our message that we cannot afford massive job killing energy taxes for a radical ideology is working. We have a solid strategic plan that focuses our time and talent on the United States Senate where the decisive events will occur.
However, we need to show the grassroots fire against Cap-and-Trade now BEFORE the decisive Senate confrontation later in September.
Below is the schedule of Hot Air Tour events:
Tuesday – August 4, 2009
Monroe, LA – 9:00 - 10:30AM
El Dorado, AR – 5:00 -6:30 PM
Wednesday – August 5, 2009
Jonesboro, AR – 9:00-10:30 AM
Sikeston, MO – 5:00-6:30 PM
Thursday – August 6, 2009
Evansville, IN – 9:00 – 10:30AM
They have been doing this also last month. Look at this about Gore house. He found out about it ahead of time...........
At the last moment, Nashville Parks Department officials revoked a permit for the free-market grassroots group Americans for Prosperity to launch and fly a balloon over Al Gore’s Nashville-area mansion. The “mysterious” decision was handed down following an article published by The Tennessean in which Al Gore’s spokeswoman said they were “looking into whether the balloon launch violated any local ordinances.”
“This is a suspicious decision to say the least,” said AFP President Tim Phillips. “But taxpayers will not be silenced when it comes to the economic costs of Al Gore’s global warming alarmism.”
The fly-over of Al Gore’s mansion is part of AFP’s nationwide hot air balloon tour, which aims to provide an economic reality check on the “hot air” in the global warming debate. The launch will now take place on private property after AFP scrambled to find another location.
AFP event-planning staff had numerous conversations with the Parks Department and took all the necessary steps to ensure the balloon event was in compliance with local rules. Friday was the first time AFP was notified of any problem. Roy Wilson, Director of the Board of Metro Parks and Recreation, threatened police presence would be at Warner Park to ensure the event did not take place.
“We made a good faith effort to comply with all local rules, which included having extensive conversations with the Parks Department, filing the necessary insurance information, and making payment for the permit,” said Phillips. “We’ve already held a dozen events as part of this Tour. It is disappointing and disconcerting that, here in Mr. Gore’s hometown, government officials would see fit to revoke a permit on the day of the event.”
“In these uncertain economic times it is foolhardy to push for regulations that would transfer dollars from families and businesses to bureaucratic big-government,” said Phillips. “We want to make sure citizens know what global warming alarmism will cost them – higher taxes, lost jobs, and less freedom. Those who claim global warming policies are healthy for our economy are spewing a lot of hot air and we want to expose that."
“The United States Hot Air Balloon Team has conducted launches and tethers from Mt. Rushmore, New York’s Central Park, and the Grand Canyon,” said U.S. Hot Air Balloon Team Lead Pilot Stan Hess, who is flying for the Tour. “In my 25-plus years of ballooning we have never had an issue like this. The balloon is federally registered aircraft and once you are in the air you are under FAA jurisdiction.”
The second leg of the Hot Air Tour will make seven stops in six states from June 17-21.And then more in July and August. The Tour, which was launched in Washington, DC, will hold at least two-dozen events around the country. AFP’s Hot Air Tour has already educated and mobilized hundreds of citizens with stops last month in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Louisiana.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I love this so much. What a great idea and they are really getting a lot of signatures. It makes me so proud to see all the different ways we as Americans fight back and get the word out. Your letters and phone calls and the Tea Parties and other groups, the Town Hall meetings and protests all is so awesome. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about the part of America that LOVES our country and we do fight back and want our voices to be heard.
This is one of my favorite since I love going on a Hot Air Balloon . I have only done it about 5 or 6 times, but each time it was fantastic.
Where we used to live Hot Air Balloons would go over our home every weekend very early in the morning. I loved watching them go by. The people riding would wave down at us and we waved back. Just so neat.
God bless America.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:44 AM | Comments (4)
July 23, 2009
Listen Up Obama ~ 2 Out of 3 Americans Oppose Your Cap and Trade
2 out of 3 Americans oppose carbon taxes
Survey shows huge majority resists opening wallets for Cap-and-Trade
Almost half of the Americans who responded to a new poll say they have concerns about the impact of carbon dioxide on the climate, but two out of three say they have no interest whatsoever in opening their wallets to pay for any mitigation.
Asked whether they "believe that man-produced carbon dioxide and other so-called greenhouse gases will induce catastrophic climate change" if unaddressed, 49.6 percent of the respondents said yes. Twenty-seven percent said no, and 23.4 percent were uncertain. The concern from Democrats and Republicans was reversed with Democrats saying 10-1 yes and Republicans saying 2-1 no.
However, when asked if they were willing to "pay significantly higher energy bills in the hope of heading off what some scientists believe to be impending climate change," 63.6 percent said no. That included Democrats by a margin of almost 3-1 and members of the GOP by 12-1.
The WND/Wenzel survey was conducted July 12-17 using an automated telephone technology calling a random sampling of listed telephone numbers nationwide. The survey included 16 questions and carries a 95 percent confidence interval. It included 807 adult respondents. It carries a margin of error of +/– 3.4 percentage points.
Asked about the pending "cap and trade" legislation in Congress that restricts the amount of carbon dioxide and water vapor that can be produced – generating financial penalties for violators – only 23.7 percent of the respondents support the measure.
Nearly 42 percent opposed it and another 35 percent were unsure.
"As the U.S. Senate considers the bill, the fact that fewer than one in four Americans favors its passage should give them serious pause," Wenzel commented.
The core of the opposition appeared to be the costs, but Americans also were worried about the impact on the economy from rocketing prices for gasoline, natural gas, electricity and other sources of energy.
U.S. top greenhouse gas emitter, counting imports
The United States is by far the biggest greenhouse gas emitter ahead of China if consumers in rich nations are given responsibility for energy used to make imported goods, a researcher said on Wednesday.
Greenhouse gases, including by factories making goods such as cars or televisions for export, usually count toward the total of the country where they are made. Such data indicate that China has overtaken the United States as top emitter.
But adjusting emissions according to the country where consumers of goods live swells emissions by developed nations, said Glen Peters, a researcher at the Center for International Climate and Environment Research in Oslo (CICERO).
"The ranking makes a lot of rich countries look worse and a lot of poor countries look better," he told Reuters.
In the ranking of 73 nations, Americans have the biggest annual "carbon footprint" at the equivalent of 29 tonnes of carbon dioxide per capita, ahead of Australians on 21 tonnes and Canadians on 20 tonnes.
Wild Thing's comment........
Scientists who seek data to support their conclusions and not the other way around are the worst sort of charlatans.
Hold on, hold on...let me get this straight. We are responsible for the pollution that we create AND for the pollution that others create, simply because we buy their cheap junk?
The twists and turns that some people go through, just to blame America for something mystifies me.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (9)
July 12, 2009
Scam Artist Al Gore Hoping For "global governance" With Taxes From Cap andn Trade
Here is his video of his speech. I am putting it here but there is no way I can stand it to watch it. LOL I just have a zero tolerance to hear his voice. But if anyone is stronger then I am it is here for you. ~ Wild Thing
Gore boasts: 'Global governance' coming with carbon tax
Tells conference U.S. responding to warming threat with 'cap-and-trade'
Former Vice President Al Gore, whose "An Inconvenient Truth" video epistle on the claims of global warming has not weathered recent scientific research, now has promised at a conference in the United Kingdom that the impending virtual energy tax under the U.S. "cap-and-trade" legislation will bring about "global governance."
Gore, who this year famously left his Nashville mansion's driveway brightly illuminated during the "Earth Hour" event that promoted energy savings, was speaking at the Smith School World Forum on Enterprise and the Environment.
He cited the "cap-and-trade" legislation in the U.S. Congress that by President Obama's own estimate would cause utility bills to skyrocket for American consumers.
Those taxes are good, Gore said.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Global warming all about control of us by THEM.
"the impending virtual energy tax under the U.S. "cap-and-trade" legislation will bring about "global governance."
So long, sovereignty.
Al Gore's Dad was a bud to Armand Hammer who was the ONLY American (and I use that title very loosely here) allowed to fly his private jet into and out of the USSR under Stalin and his successors without either US or USSR diplomatic clearance. Hammer cranked up and ran many businesses for old Uncle Joe Stalin.
Old Armand gave Al, Sr. TONS of campaign dough and Al, Sr. carried Armand's water on Capitol Hill for years.
And here's a REAL piece of irony: Hammer owned a significant stake in Occidental Petroleum which was responsible for the LOVE CANAL toxic waste mess in New York. Gotta wonder how much of born-again envirowhacko Al, Jr's current assets flowed from the profits Hammer and Occidental generated from burying those thousands of barrels of sickening toxic sludge at Love Canal.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (10)
July 10, 2009
EPA Admits Cap-and-Trade Will Fail
Morning Bell: EPA Admits Cap-and-Trade Will Fail
The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee began their hearings on the 1,500 page Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade legislation Tuesday, and ranking member Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) won a startling admission from Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lisa Jackson.
Inhofe produced an EPA chart generated last year during the Senate’s debate of the Lieberman-Warner cap-and-trade legislation. The chart showed that the carbon reductions under that bill would not materially effect global carbon concentrations in the atmosphere. Inhofe then asked Jackson if she agreed with the chart’s conclusions.
Jackson replied: “I believe that essential parts of the chart are that the U.S. action alone will not impact CO2 levels.”
Also, at the hearing, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said he did not agree with chart. This is interesting ,since all the best science confirms Inhofe’s and Jackson’s conclusions.
For example, a recent study of cap-and-trade by MIT concluded:
“The different U.S. policies have relatively small effects on the CO2 concentration if other regions do not follow the U.S. lead…The Developed Only scenario cuts only about 0.5 °C of the warming from the reference, again illustrating the importance of developing country participation.”
So how is that “developing country participation” going? The New York Times reports from the Group of 8 summit in L’Aquila, Italy:
“The world’s biggest developing nations, led by China and India, refused Wednesday to commit to specific goals for slashing heat-trapping gases by 2050, undercutting the drive to build a global consensus by the end of this year to reverse the threat of climate change.”
For anyone that has been following the issue, this development should come as no surprise. On June 30th of this year India’s Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh told Bloomberg: “India will not accept any emission-reduction target — period. This is a non-negotiable stand.
” China has also made it explicitly clear that they view the carbon tariffs in the Waxman-Markey bill as a violation of World Trade Organization rules.
So if other countries will not sacrifice their own economic growth to meet carbon cutting goals, then what is the economic hit Americans are taking?
The left is touting a recent Congressional Budget Office study which they say shows Waxman-Markey would only cost Americans $175 a year. However, the left is seriously misrepresenting what the CBO study is.
Footnote three on page four of the CBO study explicitly admits:
“The resource cost does not indicate the potential decrease in gross domestic product (GDP) that could result from the cap. The reduction in GDP would also include indirect general equilibrium effects, such as changes in the labor supply resulting from reductions in real wages and potential reductions in the productivity of capital and labor.”
In other words, the CBO study is not an economic analysis at all. Instead it is a simple accounting of how energy tax revenue that Waxman-Markey collects is distributed. When the economic costs of Waxman-Markey are included, the harm to American families skyrockets. According to Heritage’s Center for Data Analysis Waxman-Markey will decrease GDP in 2020 by $161 billion (2009 dollars). For a family of four, that is $1,870 that the CBO simply ignores.
All economic pain, for no environmental gain. No wonder the Obama economy is failing.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Cap and Trade is primarily a very large tax. It’s primary purpose is to take more money out of our pockets and give that money to the government. Crippling the coal and oil industries is a secondary goal.
But if reducing carbon usage were a primary goal of the bill, the bill would look completely different than it does.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (4)
July 09, 2009
If You Don't Hate the Cap and Trade Bill, Let Me Show You Section 304
Rep. Waxman: "I don't know the details. I rely on the scientists."
If You Don't Hate the Cap and Trade Bill, Let Me Show You Section 304
I bet you thought that if you bought a house, you actually own it and can, with reasonable exceptions, do with it what you want. You probably think that if you want to live in a log cabin, with wood stoves that belch smoke into the air for heat, and an old washer and dryer that don't have those little EnergyStar stickers on them you can because it's your life and your property. You paid for it with money you earned with the sweat of your brow and what the heck is America anyhow if a body can't live in the home they want furnished with the appliances they want?
Ah, silly you. You didn't reckon on the Democratic Party's desire to control every miniscule aspect of your life.
Let me introduce you to a little section of the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill called the "Building Energy Performance Labeling Program". It's section 304 of the bill and it says, basically, that your house belongs to the state. See, the Federal Government really wants a country full of energy-efficient homes, so much so that the bill mandates that new homes be 30 percent more energy efficient than the current building code on the very day the law is signed. That efficiency goes up to 50 percent by 2014 and only goes higher from there, all the way to 2030. That, by the way, is not merely a target but a requirement of the law. New homes must reach those efficiency targets no matter what.
But what does that have to do with current homeowners like you? Well, I'm glad you asked. You're certainly not off the hook, no way, no how. Here's what the Democrats have planned for you. The program requires that states label their buildings so that we can all know how efficient every building (that includes residential and non-residential buildings) is and it requires that the information be made public. To that end, the bill suggests a number of circumstances under which the states could inspect a building, including:
(A) preparation, and public disclosure of the label through filing with tax and title records at the time of
(i) a building audit conducted with support from Federal or State funds;
(ii) a building energy-efficiency retrofit conducted in response to such an audit;
(iii) a final inspection of major renovations or additions made to a building in accordance with a building permit issued by a local government entity;
(iv) a sale that is recorded for title and tax purposes consistent with paragraph (8);
(v) a new lien recorded on the property for more than a set percentage of the assessed value of the property, if that lien reflects public financial assistance for energy-related improvements to that building; or
(vi) a change in ownership or operation of the building for purposes of utility billing; or
(B) other appropriate means.
Pay close attention to (iii), (iv), and (vi) because those hit you right where you live. What that's saying is the state will be empowered to inspect your home if you want to 1) renovate your house in any way that requires a building permit, 2) sell your house, or 3) change the name of the person responsible for any utility bill.
By now, if you haven't swallowed your tongue and are in need of medical attention, you're probably wondering if there's a penalty for not being in compliance with the new efficiency ratings. The answer is no, and yes. Here's where the bill gets really sneaky. So far as I can tell, there is no direct penalty if your house does not meet the bill's target. However, it does require that the number of buildings inspected by the state meet certain percentage targets and if they do not, the state loses out on a significant portion of the money it could get from Washington. In other words, the bill demands certain things from the states, but ties funding for those demands to compliance with the demands.
Did I say the bill gets sneaky? I was wrong. The bill strong-arms the states like a couple mob heavies leaning on a witness in a Rico trial. In turn, the states are going to put the screws to you, so it gets the billions of dollars Washington is dangling in front of them. So while the Federal government won't directly punish you, it will provide the states with lots and lots of rectangular, green reasons to do so.
And it gets worse. The Federal government has graciously offered to help homeowners with the retrofits the states will force them to do through a program called the Retrofit for Energy and Environmental Purposes (REEP). REEP sets aside a pool of money in each state for property owners who have to turn their polar bear-killing buildings into lean, mean, green machines. But, and I'm sure you've guessed this already, there's a catch. Before I get to that, here's the magic formula (and don't read ahead and spoil the surprise!):
(i) AWARDS- For residential buildings--
(I) support for a free or low-cost detailed building energy audit that prescribes, as part of a energy-reducing measures sufficient to achieve at least a 20 percent reduction in energy use, by providing an incentive equal to the documented cost of such audit, but not more than $200, in addition to any earned by achieving a 20 percent or greater efficiency improvement;
(II) a total of $1,000 for a combination of measures, prescribed in an audit conducted under subclause (I), designed to reduce energy consumption by more than 10 percent, and $2,000 for a combination of measures prescribed in such an audit, designed to reduce energy consumption by more than 20 percent;
(III) $3,000 for demonstrated savings of 20 percent, pursuant to a performance-based building retrofit program; and
(IV) $1,000 for each additional 5 percentage points of energy savings achieved beyond savings for which funding is provided under subclause (II) or (III).
If you want to hit that 50 percent savings mark that all new homes have to hit, then you can get as much as $12,200, including inspection, as you scoop all those awards. That's a pretty good chunk of change that should cover most, if not all of the costs of a retrofit on any moderately-sized older house, right? Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy.
Except for that catch and boy is it a doozy.
(ii) MAXIMUM PERCENTAGE- Awards under clause (i) shall not exceed 50 percent of retrofit costs for each building. For buildings with multiple residential units, awards under clause (i) shall not be greater than 50 percent of the total cost of retrofitting the building, prorated among individual residential units on the basis of relative costs of the retrofit.
Did you get that? You'll be on the hook for half of the cost of the retrofit, no matter what. To get the full effect of that part of the bill, I suggest you visit this web page and click the big yellow button right after you finish reading it.
I think Mark Steyn sums it up rather nicely:
I confess I'm finding it harder and harder to see why you fellows bothered holding a revolution. Under this bill, it will be illegal for me to sell my property to a willing buyer without first bringing it into line with some twerp bureaucrat's arbitrary and ever shifting "environmental" regulations originally designed for California, and which have helped turn the Golden State into the foldin' state, but which are nevertheless now to be applied from Maine to Alaska. And no matter what you spend a couple of years down the road the standards will be "revised" and you'll be out of compliance all over again.
And the very worst thing about all this is that it is only one little bit of what the Democrats in Washington want to do to you. Are you getting a little bit upset yet? If not, here are 49 more things they want to do to you in the name of climate change. I'm sure you can find something in there that might give you a reason to contact your Senator today.
And how will this bill affect you? It has regulations on every single aspect of your daily life. There are light bulb restrictions (no more than 60 watts in your candelabra); in fact there’s a whole section that deals with lamps. If you decide to build a new home, it must meet new and specific energy requirements. If you decide to sell your existing home, a federal inspector must inspect your home, determine it’s energy rating, and if your home is found to be unacceptable then you must retrofit and make changes before you will be able to sell.
There’s an entire section on planting trees including guidelines on “scientific based measurements outlining the species and minimum distance required between trees planted…in addition to the minimum required distance to be maintained between such trees and building foundations, air conditioning units, driveways and walkways…”. Do we really need the federal government telling us where we can plant trees?
There’s a section dealing with outdoor lighting in which you are given instructions about landscape lights, lights in your swimming pool, lights on artwork and other architectural lighting. The federal government is going to tell you what wattage that light can be and how many you can have. In some cases the lights must be capable of producing two different light levels (100 and 60 watt).
There are new government regulations for water dispensers, hot tubs and other appliances. They’re going to regulate water usage, and regulate wood stoves. Any wood stove that does not meet regulation must be “destroyed and recycled.”
Data Dump: What’s In The Cap And Tax Bill?
"This thing is so long that I had to go back and restart the text of it, as it timed out 5 times (that happens at Thomas). I can’t say I actually read it, but, sure skimmed quite a bit, though, I do not think the 300 page attachment is included yet in the text of the bill. That’s where the pork probably lies. I’m going to give you a slightly disjointed data dump, in some cases long passages, in others just things I saw."
Such as:
They’re coming after your TVs, your furnaces, your blenders, you name it. And there is a requirement that CO2 output be part of the labels on appliances. More cost.
Trips to the dentists will be more expensive if you want Nitrous Oxide, or, maybe dentists will just do away with it, due to the certain coming cost of maintaining the paperwork. If Los Federales allow dentists to even keep it. And notice that last part. the Administrator can designate whatever he wants as a bad gas. Sulfer hexafluoride has many applications, and regulation will drive your costs up. Nitrogen trifluoride is used in flat screen displays. Perfluorocarbon’s have many medical uses, as well as in electrical devices and cosmetics. Cost. Go. Up.
Wild Thing's comment........
Stop the ACLU has a really LONG list from the text of the Cap and Trade bill so if you like I suggest gonig to the link just above and checking it out.
I am terrified of this Cap and Trade and the socialized medicine one coming up. It does not feel good to be afraid like this and I don't like it at all.
It is like these people doing this, writing this bill, PigMan Waxman etc. have all been lifelong patients in a mental hospital and someone let them out in our government and given them free reign. 100% of this crap in this bill should have had them laughing at themselves what idiots they were to even consider it. But they were taken seriously, how scary is that!
That does it, I can't handle it, I am going to put an old movie video on TV and escape, at least we can do that till the Monster bill passes or does not pass. None of this bill should pass, not one sentence, it should be thrown into a big incinerator. IMO it is an insult to our country and it's citizens. It treats us like we are mindless and can't know not to waste water, or not to turn on every light where we live. It is disgusting beyond words!!!!
OH and just one more thing.....Look at this.....sheesh! Waxman making THREATS!
Henry Waxman: GOP rooting against USA
Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), who has had an eventful couple of weeks to say the least, believes House Republican opposition to climate change legislation and the stimulus indicates they’re cheering against the good ol’ US of A.
“It appears that the Republican Party leadership in the Congress has made a decision that they want to deny President Obama success, which means, in my mind, they are rooting against the country, as well,” the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee chairman told WAMU radio host Diane Rehm on Tuesday morning, promoting his new book, “The Waxman Report.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (12)
June 30, 2009
Can't Sell Your House Without Obama's Government Approval
Glenn Beck—Obama's Cap-and-Trade [Nazi-Germany Laws]: Can't Sell Your House Without Gov't Approval
From Rush's show Monday regarding Cap pand Trade vote last Friday
RUSH: Have you heard about this, folks? When you sell your house, environmental experts have to come in and do a survey to find out if you've got leaky windows, if all the environmental systems are correct, if you have relatively new appliances, and until you modernize in the way they say, you can't sell -- that's in the bill. I'm not kidding, Brian. See, you can't believe it. You can't. It's in the bill. It was in this amendment that Boehner read.
We gotta face reality and we're dealing with an Obama State-Run Media here. Of course they're not going to give Boehner any support or even any coverage or any publicity. But she's right, sell your house, before you can do that, you have to pass an environmental test that some government person is going to come in and make sure you have proper storm windows and if you live in a hurricane area the inspection is even more Draconian. You have to have modern appliances, a kitchen and that sort of thing, energy efficient TVs and this sort of stuff and until you replace all that stuff you can't sell it. Now, normally that would be up to seller and buyer. If the buyer wants to accept some old TVs and a kitchen that's not stainless steel, fine, you negotiate that on price. But now it's not going to be a matter of negotiation. Before you can be approved in selling your house, some government regulator is to come in and give you an examination.
Now, just to illustrate how this is going to work, once again I have a piece of property that would pass inspection, right now if this were the law. But do you think some government regulator coming into my house is going to pass me if it's the Obama administration or if it's some Democrat-run bureaucracy? No way. Everything is going to be political and this is how they are going to get people to switch party to become Democrat so that they're not harassed.
This is an outrage, this is such a travesty.. This is something that everybody who voted for this thing needs to be sent packing because it wasn't even written. There is a requirement that the bill being voted on be in the well of the House. It was not there because it hadn't been written, much less read.
This whole bill, this nonexistent bill is so un-American everybody who voted for it from Pelosi on down needs to be jacked out of there in the next election. That's how bad this is. Don't sit there and get all comfy over the fact, "Well, Rush, it's not going to go anywhere in the Senate." That's what we're being told and we don't know that for sure. Dingy Harry wants to take it up in September. Now, Dingy Harry is one of these that said it doesn't have a chance in the House, but that's Dingy Harry saying it and Dingy Harry might be saying it just to get some of the Republicans in the Senate to sort of go easy. Here's Andrea Mitchell, NBC News, Washington, this morning on MSNBC answering a question, the question: "How does the administration plan to fight this, especially since it seems like it might be a squeaker in the Senate as well?"
MITCHELL: Well, more than a squeaker. They just don't have the votes. In fact Harry Reid has said that he's not going to even think about bringing it up to the Senate. This vote in the House, which is a huge tribute to Nancy Pelosi and to the president's leadership, to, you know, Phil Schiliro and Rahm Emanuel and the others and clearly David Axelrod and the others in the White House.
RUSH: That's what it's all about. It's a tribute to Pelosi, a tribute to a bunch of leftist, extreme leftist radicals from Obama to Pelosi to Rahm Emanuel to whoever the hell else, and that makes it a wonderful thing, whoa look what they did. Harry Reid, "It isn't going to go anywhere in the Senate, not even going to bring it up there." So somebody wanted to go on record as being all for this in the House, but it's just an abomination. This is one of the most outrageous things an elective body in a representative republic, a free country, has ever come up with.
This is a disgrace this country might want to think long and hard about. This is a national scandal. This is irresponsibility to the core. The bill was not even written, much less read, and yet it was voted on. So what we have here is central planning mechanisms are being put in place for a command-and-control economy, and the whole process was totally lacking in transparency. It's a perfect representation of the Obama presidency. You couldn't find... By the way, legislation like this is supposed to be on the website for five days so all of us can read it, right? It wasn't written! No wonder the Drive-Bys, the State-Run Media are so enamored of Colin Powell. He would remake the Republican Party just as Obama would remake America. And this would destroy it. We have to assume he agreed with all this; he voted for the guy; didn't come out against it. We have to assume these eight Republicans are Colin Powell's kind of Republicans.
RUSH: A couple of audio sound bites here, Der Kommissar is Here, is the title of the bump tune. It fits. Barack Obama this afternoon in the White House extolled the virtues of cap and trade.
OBAMA: Just last Friday the House of Representatives came together to pass an extraordinary piece of legislation that will finally open the door to decreasing our dependence on foreign oil, preventing the worst consequences of climate change and making clean energy the profitable kind of energy. Thanks to members of Congress who were willing to place America's progress before the usual Washington politics, this bill will create new businesses, new industries --
RUSH: Stop it. I can't handle it. All of this is lies and there's no other way to put this. All of this, everything you heard him say, is lies. Let's start from the top. Well, they did pass an extraordinary piece of legislation. That's true. But will it finally open the door to decreasing our dependence on foreign oil? It's just the opposite. We're going to be importing more because we're going to be producing less domestically to avoid the new carbon taxes. Preventing the worst consequences of climate change? We're not causing climate change! It is vanity unparalleled to say so. Making clean energy the profitable kind of energy. This bill will create news businesses, new industries, and millions of new jobs. It will also kill many more millions of new jobs. These millions of new jobs created are going to have to be subsidized by the government because there's no market for any of this stuff. I talked about this Thursday and Friday. There's no market for wind. If there were, it would be in existence. You cannot mandate the existence of new technology from Washington. You just can't do it.
I was watching the Fox All Stars on Friday afternoon, and it was a good illustration of what we're up against. Charles Krauthammer was making 150% sense in all this, saying exact same thing. You can't mandate the creation of new technologies from Washington. There's nobody there that knows how to do it. It happens in the private sector when there's a market need for it. When there's a profit to be made is when people will get into it, not before.
Do you realize conservatives are more informed on what the left thinks? Conservatives are far more widely informed than liberals are. Liberals have a narrow little focus and they don't allow anything that contradicts their little cocoon to enter it.
OBAMA: The first step we're taking sets new efficiency standards on fluorescent and incandescent lighting. I know lightbulbs may not seem sexy, but this simple action holds enormous promise because 7% of all the energy consumed in America is used to light our homes and our businesses. Between 2012 and 2042 these new standards will save consumers up to $4 billion a year. We're going to start here at the White House. Secretary Chu has already started to take a look at our lightbulbs and we're going to see what we need to replace them with energy efficient lightbulbs.
RUSH: Jimmy Carter. This is Jimmy Carter all over again, the cardigan sweater, the thermostat down to 68 in the wintertime. We're going to start here in the White House, going to get rid of all these bulbs, we're going to put these compact fluorescents in there. And this is absurd. I know a lot of you are in the compact fluorescent business. If people want them, that's fine. I really don't care. But don't tell me I have to buy one of the damn things because I'm destroying the planet otherwise. I refuse to have my intelligence insulted that way.
And that's the way all this crap is being sold to people, all this stuff that is irrelevant and makes no smidgen's difference whatsoever, is being pitched as, you have to do this to save the planet, and if you don't do it, we're going to make you do it, like the kind of car we're going to make you drive and all this other rotgut. Dictatorial, statist crap coming out of this administration.
So we got hell breaking loose in Honduras. Oh, and you know we learned about Honduras? We learned the Obama administration tried to stop the coup.
Now, the coup was what many of you wish would happen here without the military. What happened in Honduras was that the president down there was constitutionally prevented from seeking another term of office, said, to hell with it. I'm going to run, I'm staying here. Right out of a book of Hugo Chavez. And opposition got the military -- you are not going to destroy the Honduras constitution that way. So they kicked him out of office, and now you've got the Obama administration upset about that and they tried to stop this from happening. So they'll meddle in all these countries that are going to promote dictators. Obama will be happy to help dictators survive, including in Iran. He didn't meddle there. He meddled in Honduras, but time to throw Israel overboard, an ally. With all this garbage going on, the president of the United States makes a little press conference speech about lightbulbs and a mythical financial statistic that between 2012 and 2042 Americans will save $4 billion in energy costs?
Wild Thing's comment....
Thanks to Glenn Beck and Rush.
Can you believe it the bill wasn't even in the well , that is like not even being touched by human hands or seen my anyone. That all just added to the shock of how they keep passing and voting on Bills that no one has read and not only that, but no one is given a chance to.
Like a thief in the night putting out the 300 additional pages and oh man I never thought our country would be a dictatorship like the one Pelosi and Obama and the rest of the dems are doing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (10)
June 29, 2009
Rep. Michele Bachmann on Cap and Trade Bill
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) stated on the House floor that the cap-and-trade bill is a choice between liberty and tyranny. The Congresswoman says she chooses liberty.
“It is time to stand up and say, ‘We get to choose,’” Bachman urged. “We choose liberty or we choose tyranny. It’s one of the two.”
“It’s our choice,” concluded Bachmann. “Will we choose liberty or we will choose tyranny?”
This one is good too, she is really great. ~ Wild Thing
"We Now Have A Gangster Government"
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) speaking on the House floor:
"Now weve moved into the realm of gangster government. We have gangster government when the Federal Government has set up a new cartel and private businesses now have to go begging with their hand out to their local, hopefully well politically connected Congressman or their Senator so they can buy a peace offering for that local business. Is that the kind of country we are going to have in the future?"
Wild Thing's comment......
Awesome, I am so glad she is on our side. She does not hold back and always speaks the truth.
Conservative favorites, Governor Sarah Palin, Representative Michele Bachmann, and Ms Liz Cheney.
....Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (7)
June 28, 2009
Boehner: Climate bill a 'pile of s--t'
The article is below, but I wanted to share this interview with you from the Mark Levin show. Boehner explains in it how the Senate will have even more pressure on them to vote NO .
Boehner: Climate bill a 'pile of s--t'
Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) had a few choice words about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) landmark climate-change bill after its passage Friday.
When asked why he read portions of the cap-and-trade bill on the floor Friday night, Boehner told The Hill, "Hey, people deserve to know what's in this pile of s--t."
Even though Sen. Majorty Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) holds the bill's fate in his hands, House Republicans intend to hammer Speaker Pelosi's signature climate-change measure over recess.
And GOP Conference Chairman Rep. Mike Pence (Ind.) said "we have only just begun to fight” as he left the Capitol Friday night.
Mike Pence encouraged GOP rank-and-file lawmakers to hold energy summits in their districts over the Independence Day recess. In the recess packets sent home with members, he even included directions on how to organize energy summits.
The goal of holding an energy forum is to “educate your constituents about the Democrats’ national energy tax legislation and let them know what 'all of the above' solution you support.”
All of the above” solution is a reference to the Republicans' plan that would increase the use of and exploration for domestic energy supplies.
Further, officials with the House GOP's campaign arm, the National Republican Congressional Committee, confirm that they will run with paid media over recess in districts of conservative Dems who voted for the bill. The official would not reveal details on the ad buys at this time.
One Democrat was upset that his leaders would needlessly force vulnerable Dems to vote for a bill that will come back to haunt them. Mississippi Rep. Gene Taylor (D) voted against the measure that he says will die in the Senate.
"A lot of people walked the plank on a bill that will never become law," Taylor told The Hill after the gavel came down.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am glad to hear Mike Pence and what they plan on doing so the Semate knows information they have on this as well. I hope they show them that video where Obama talks about the real cost of this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (12)
GOP's Cap & Trade 8 Traitors To America!
H/T Michelle Malkin
The 8 cap-and-tax RINO's
Bono Mack (CA) (202) 225-5330
Castle (DE) (202) 225-4165
Kirk (IL) (202) 225-4385 (And he’s seriously considering running for Senate!)
Lance (NJ) (202) 225-5361
LoBiondo (NJ) (202) 225-6572
McHugh (NY) (202) 225-4611
Reichert (WA) (202) 225-7761
Smith (NJ) (202) 225-3765
44 Democrat NAY votes:
Davis (AL)
Davis (TN)
Donnelly (IN)
Edwards (TX)
Herseth Sandlin
Kirkpatrick (AZ)
Wilson (OH)
Wild Thing's comment........
These RINO's really hate listening to the people. Amnesty and health care bills are next.
Right now they are in recess for two weks for the 4th of July Holiday.
Our country is at war with in itself and too many people care more about child molester Michael Jackson.
Now we have to get the Senate to vote NO on this monster. Obama is pushing for the Senate to vote on this.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (8)
June 27, 2009
Far Left Group Greenpeace Opposed Waxman-Markey
Greenpeace Opposes Waxman-Markey
Climate Bill not Science-Based; Benefits Polluters
Washington, D.C., United States — In advance of tomorrow’s vote on the American Clean Energy and Security Act in the House of Representatives, Greenpeace USA Deputy Campaigns Director Carroll Muffett issued the following statement:
"Since the Waxman-Markey bill left the Energy and Commerce committee, yet another fleet of industry lobbysists has weakened the bill even more, and further widened the gap between what Waxman-Markey does and what science demands. As a result, Greenpeace opposes this bill in its current form. We are calling upon Congress to vote against this bill unless substantial measures are taken to strengthen it. Despite President Obama’s assurance that he would enact strong, science-based legislation, we are now watching him put his full support behind a bill that chooses politics over science, elevates industry interests over national interest, and shows the significant limitations of what this Congress believes is possible.
“As it comes to the floor, the Waxman-Markey bill sets emission reduction targets far lower than science demands, then undermines even those targets with massive offsets. The giveaways and preferences in the bill will actually spur a new generation of nuclear and coal-fired power plants to the detriment of real energy solutions. To support such a bill is to abandon the real leadership that is called for at this pivotal moment in history. We simply no longer have the time for legislation this weak.
“With many others in the environmental, faith and consumer rights communities, Greenpeace has expressed tremendous concern about the role of offsets in this legislation. Unless strictly controlled, the abuse of offsets could prevent real emission reductions for more than a decade. The decision to move authority over offsets from EPA to the Department of Agriculture further reduces the likelihood that such controls will be maintained and increases the likelihood they will undermine real reductions.
This legislation sends a strong and unmistakable signal to the world that the United States is not yet ready to show the leadership necessary to reach a strong agreement at Copenhagen in December. Already, we are seeing the impact of this signal as one country after another retreats from the aggressive targets needed to avoid catastrophic climate change.
We call on the Congress to reject this bill and begin immediate and urgent work on legislation that treats seriously the dire threat of climate change. We call on President Obama to move beyond rhetoric and deliver on his commitments to “restore science to its proper place” and to lead the world in addressing climate change.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Greenpeace says it doesn't do enough, so they oppose it.
Enviro groups are never satisfied, not that I can ever remember. No matter how horrible a bill is like this Cap and Trade which is beyond horrible, the enviro's would want more. Like all right wingers to stop breathing or something.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (8)
Waxman Tries To Stop Boehner
House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), one of the bill’s sponsors, interrupted Boehner’s filibuster with a parliamentary inquiry as to whether there was any limit to how long the Ohio Republican could speak – and suggested that he was hoping to talk so long that member might leave before the vote.
“It’s the custom of the House to hear the leader’s remarks,” replied Tauscher, who looking apologetic as Republicans applauded.
“Reclaiming my time,” Boehner said, “the gentleman’s had his 30 years to put this bill together. And the House is going to spend a whopping five hours debating the most profound piece of legislation to come to this floor in 100 years. And the chairman has the audacity to drop a 300-plus page amendment in the hopper at 3:09 a.m. this morning. And so I would ask my colleagues, don’t you think the American people expect us to understand what’s in this bill before we vote on it?”
“And so to get to page 34,” he continued.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Nostrilsdamnus Waxman — anything that slimey rat is involved with, is liberal garbage. This gutter-crawler has infested our state for far too long
“Reclaiming my time,” Boehner said, “the gentleman’s had his 30 years to put this bill together. And the House is going to spend a whopping five hours debating the most profound piece of legislation to come to this floor in 100 years. And the chairman has the audacity to drop a 300-plus page amendment in the hopper at 3:09 a.m. this morning. And so I would ask my colleagues, don’t you think the American people expect us to understand what’s in this bill before we vote on it?”
Krauthammer just called the bill “an abomination.”
....Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:46 AM | Comments (15)
June 26, 2009
Obama's MONSTER Cap and Trade (Tax) Bill Against America
Debate and voting
Here are my notes on this ~ Wild Thing
C-SPAN Live Stream
Newt Gingrich is on Hannity says the phones are burning.
TX-R- Kevin Brady——HELL NO!!!!!
Wisconsin’s own Tammy Baldwin just spoke for Cap and Trade. All the normal dem talking points. If we “respond to this challenge” it will result in loss of lives, species destruction, declines in health, blah, blah, blah... Ad nauseum.
OMG...this turd (Rep GK Butterfield, D-NC) said... "this historic SAVE THE PLANET"....
Wow...Marsha blackburn, R-Memphis, TN is rocking...!
Nick Rahall voted NO! He is a Dem from WV.
Rep. Wally Herger, R-CA (chino, Redding) against. "We all want to protect our environment, but not my government micromanagement".
Gohmert from Texas said that 300 pages are missing that were added last night. he does not have the entire bill at this hour!
We are hearing 210 - 210 with 14 undecided. Keep calling the swtichboard 202-224-3121
Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) has spent the past 15 minutes demanding a brief recess to "find" 300 pages of the climate change bill he claims are missing from the House.
Trying to delay the final vote, Barton claims that the mandated official copy of the bill, including the rules amendments passed late last night, is not present.
Tauscher keeps shooting Barton and fellow House Republicans down
Al Gore has written a last minute blog post urging passage of Waxman-Markey.
Gore emphasized that, while the bill isn't perfect, it's the only option:
Today is an historic opportunity to pass truly meaningful legislation to limit global warming pollution, vastly expand our use of renewable energy, and use energy far more efficiently. A victory today in the House of Representatives on the American Clean Energy and Security (ACES) Act would represent an essential first step towards solving the climate crisis. This bill doesn't solve every problem, but passage today means that we build momentum for the debate coming up in the Senate and negotiations for the treaty talks in December which will put in place a global solution to the climate crisis.
There is no back-up plan. There is not a stronger bill waiting to pass the House of Representatives. It's time to get started on a plan that will create jobs, increase our national security, and build the clean energy economy that will Repower America.
Gore–along with Obama, Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis–is reportedly also making phone calls to undecided Democrats,
At least three House lawmakers will miss this evening's series of votes on landmark climate change legislation.
Three members — two Democrats and one Republican — have confirmed they will miss the vote this evening, scheduled to begin at 5 p.m.
Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) will miss the vote due to a family conflict, Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.) is in rehab seeking treatment for alcoholism, and Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.) is in Albania.
Since that will bring the total number of voting lawmakers for today down to at least 432, House Democrats will need 217 votes to pass the climate change bill.
Rep. Tom Latham (R-Iowa) accused the U.S. Congress of handing China a "gift" containing "American jobs" in the climate change bill before them.
Railing against the effect of the Waxman-Markey climate change bill scheduled for a vote this evening, Latham brought a prop to the debate.
Latham literally brought a gift box up with him to the podium during his one-minute speech, with the "present" inside: A hard hat with "American jobs" labeled on it.
Republicans have said that the bill would hurt American consumers and employers by making production more expensive.
The Waxman-Markey climate change legislation is too burdensome on the southeast United States, Rep. Artur Davis (D-Ala.) said today.
"There are some regions and some places in the country where this bill is going to be frankly a net winner," Davis admitted. "But unfortunately, Alabama is not one of those places, and the southeast is not one of those places."
Davis explained that the bill would "wreak havoc on the manufacturing sector," which is particularly important to Alabama's economy.
"All of us have to ultimately represent the interests of our district and our state," Davis said.
The "and our state" part of that sentence is crucial: Davis is running for Governor in 2010, meaning he'll have to garner support outside of his heavily Democratic district.
The only thing that is historic is the historic idiocy of our current congress and President. I will keep adding to this as I can, so be sure to refresh the page in case of updates. Thank you all so much. .......... ~ Wild Thing
Rep. Tom Price (R-Okla.) just asked for a "moment of silence" to commemorate all the jobs that will be lost if Waxman-Markey passes.... It appears that the House (very briefly) indulged his request.
The Waxman-Markey legislation represents tyrannical rule by the federal government, Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-Minn.) said on the House floor moments ago.
If the legislation passes, "the federal government will virtually have control over every aspect of lives of the American people," Bachmann said.
The choice, Bachmann added, is stark and clear. We choose liberty, or we choose tyranny," she sad. "It's one of the two."
She’s right that it is tyranny vs liberty ~ Wild Thing
Rep. Patrick Kennedy leaves rehab for climate vote
In a clear sign that Democrats need every vote they can get on climate change legislation, Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.) has returned from medical treatment for alcoholism to vote on the bill.
Kennedy, who has missed every vote since going into rehab on June 12, was seen on the House floor talking to his Democratic colleagues.The House is expected to vote on the climate bill on Friday evening.
Rep. Hoyer D-maryland is using the - we wanted change and this is change tactic.
Bringing in the image of Obama .. he keep using the buzz words.
This is a “MORAL necessity?” Are you fricking kidding me? A dem talking about morals.. ha ha ha
210 - 210 with 14 undecided
U.S. Capitol Switchboard — (202) 224-3121
Republican Cloak Room — (202) 225-7350
Democratic Cloak Room — (202) 225-7330
Boehner’s doing a good job. Making the plan look like the boondoggle it is. Difficult time in our economy. Unemployment rising. Just passed 1100 page bill that no one read. The bill was about spending, spending, spending. Am. people seeing lots of spending, lots of money going to govt., no new jobs.
Dems will hate this Boehner making too much sense for them.
“There’s a better way to do this. We need to have energy to grow our economy. We need to have more drilling in United States.”
John Boehner is kicking ass out there. He is proving this is just a bureaucratic power grab. Talking about how we would have to import from China because they aren’t under the same rules.
Ha, said he read part of 300 page amendment, and told how it purposely jumps all around etc. The managers’ memo was nothing but crap. What does everything mean?
3:09 A.M. this morning he got this crap
The Dems tried to stop Boehner from speaking any longer then a couple of minutes.
The chairman said "“It is the custom of the house to hear the leaders remarks”
Boehner to filibuster. He has unlimited time. Boehner will read entire 300-page amendment! LOL This is GREAT!!!!
John Boehner is laying the smack down on all the spending already done and the promises that were not met, but the pork that was spent. Boehner is showing a bureaucracy chart from Hell if this passes.
Bohner is saying that 2.5 million jobs will be lost each year because of it.
Plus we as americans will be paying billions to other countries to plant trees.
He is up to page 158 of the adderd pages. hahahaha he is doing great.
ROCK ‘EM ‘n SOCK ‘EM BOEHNER! He has had APPLAUSE from the floor abot 5 times so far and laughter too when he puts down the dems bill. !
This bill is an abomination. The people who want this are enemies of America. Boehner has done his homework! He's doing what the other Republicans should have done today. Dissect this bill bit by bit. And they say we don't have future leaders of the GOP? In my opinio we have some prertty darn good people, Boehner, Pence, Demint, Sarah Palin and others and the left hates it. and the rinos hate it. ~ Wild Thing
“I just wonder if ACORN would qualify for any of these grants.” APPLUASE and laughter.
"Ladies and gentlement does this all give you some idea why people say Congress is out of touch? "
"If we give people the right incentives they make the right decisions."
Boehner is setting the stage to make anyone who votes for it held accountable now!
“The fight we have between the 2 sides of the aisle boils down to one word: freedom.”
BRAVEHEART BOEHNER “freedom” William Wallace
Phenomenal This is freakin' awesome! This gave me goosebumps, there is something when I hear the word FREEDOM, I always get tears in my eyes.~ Wild Thing
he is getting a standing applause...No order in the house. Keep applauding. Keep talking about Freedom
here comes waxman pissed off that he can’t talk because of the applause for Boehner
SMACKDOWN Waxman, he was told .......“The gentleman ( Boehner) used the customary amount of time.....”
and Waxman is whining.
This Cap and Trade bill means they will be voting whether to declare war on the American people.~ Wild Thing
from The Hill
Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) knew exactly what he was doing as he strode on the House floor to quasi-filibuster the American Clean Energy and Security Act tonight.
When asked beforehand by a fellow Republican what he had in store for his speech, Boehner quipped "just wait and see."
The Leader was seen relaxing and centering himself with a cigarette in the Republican cloakroom minutes before his epic floor speech.
Boehner controlled the microphone on the House floor for one hour as he read the 309 page leadership amendment.
–Michael M. Gleeson
The House of Representatives passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act tonight by a final vote of 219 to 212.
Eight Republicans voted in favor of the bill, with 44 Democrats voting against it.
GOP Yeas....The Traitors to America
Bono Mack
Smith (NJ)
The RINO's will rue this day in the next election!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 PM | Comments (14)
EPA Scandal
CEI Releases Global Warming Study Censored by EPA
Public Shouldn’t Be Kept in the Dark by an Agency Supposedly Committed to Transparency
Washington, D.C., June 26, 2009
The Competitive Enterprise Institute is today making public an internal study on climate science which was suppressed by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Internal EPA email messages, released by CEI earlier in the week, indicate that the report was kept under wraps and its author silenced because of pressure to support the Administration’s agenda of regulating carbon dioxide.
The report finds that EPA, by adopting the United Nations’ 2007 “Fourth Assessment” report, is relying on outdated research and is ignoring major new developments. Those developments include a continued decline in global temperatures, a new consensus that future hurricanes will not be more frequent or intense, and new findings that water vapor will moderate, rather than exacerbate, temperature.
New data also indicate that ocean cycles are probably the most important single factor in explaining temperature fluctuations, though solar cycles may play a role as well, and that reliable satellite data undercut the likelihood of endangerment from greenhouse gases. All of this demonstrates EPA should independently analyze the science, rather than just adopt the conclusions of outside organizations.
The released report is a draft version, prepared under EPA’s unusually short internal review schedule, and thus may contain inaccuracies which were corrected in the final report.
“While we hoped that EPA would release the final report, we’re tired of waiting for this agency to become transparent, even though its Administrator has been talking transparency since she took office. So we are releasing a draft version of the report ourselves, today,” said CEI General Counsel Sam Kazman.
Wild Thing's comment........
Mark, mentioned this in one of his comments how they had been silenced. Rush Limbaugh also mentioned it. This is HUGE. I mean today they are coming out with this even though they have been threatened and silenced!!!!!
OK here is the skinny on this:
The EPA tried to bury a report that shows the studies the EPA is relying on for global warming are BS.
The emails basically say “Its too late and this info will only hurt our agenda. Don’t publicize this report!”
The free market-based Competitive Enterprise Institute in Washington has obtained a set of internal e-mails exposing Team Obama's willful and reckless disregard for data that undermine the illusion of "consensus."
This is dynamite. A full draft copy of Dr. Carlin's paper, which was suppressed by the EPA, is linked in the story and it is truly devastating, both in terms of content and as proof of the appalling dodging and weaving which has been going on to support this travesty.
This should be sent to EVERY member of congress immediately because then they will have no excuse but to at least postpone any decision on the bill for further consideration.
This is also a gigantic can of worms and scandal at the EPA which, inevitably, would also drag in the IPCC. In other words, it needs to be spread far and wide.
( CEI is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy group dedicated to the principles of free enterprise and limited government. )
If there is any time left, we need to email this to our Congressmen and then again to the Senators when it comes time for them to vote if it goes that far.
This is another article about this..........
The EPA's internal nightmare over global warming: Part 1
Update: Because I was on deadline (no excuse) I didn't credit Anthony Watts and his weblog Watts Up With That for a) alerting me to this issue in the first place, b) providing adequate background to help my understanding enough of the issue to proceed and c) facilitating contact with the source interviewed below. I have mentioned Mr. Watts and his weblog on numerous occasions (I'm not affiliated with them, by the way), but certainly not enough on this occasion. Watts Up With That, winner of the Science Blog of the Year, has once again provided an invaluable service to those interested in issues surrounding global warming.
A source inside the Environmental Protection Agency confirmed many of the claims made by analyst Alan Carlin, the economist/physicist who yesterday went public with accusations that science was being ignored in evaluating the danger of CO2.
The source, who chooses not to be identified for fear of retaliation, said that Carlin was rebuffed in his attempt to introduce scientific evidence that does not accord with the EPA's view of global warming, which largely relies on IPCC reports. The source also saw Carlin's report and said that it was 'based on 8 points of peer-reviewed, recent and relevant scientific publications' that cast doubt on the wisdom of regulating CO2 as a pollutant.
The EPA's draft Endangerment Finding was initially written over a year ago during the Bush administration, and Lisa Jackson (the new head of the EPA) and her team wanted to get the Finding out on or near Earth Day, according to a schedule that was made public about a week before formal publication of the proposal. The draft was submitted to agency workgroups with only one week for review and comment, which is unprecedented, and received only light comments--except for Carlin's.
Alan Carlin, who had hosted a series of seminars featuring peer-reviewed scientists who disagree with the IPCC reports (but were unattended by members of the workgroup developing the Endangerment Finding) went public (UPDATE: Mr. Carlin, who I interviewed this evening, says that he did not approach the Competitive Enterprise Institute and did not know they were involved until a reporter contacted him on Tuesday). via the Competitive Enterprise Institute after realising that there would be no debate about the science. The lectures by the scientists are available on the EPA website, but were not even mentioned in the Finding. Carlin was advised to get an attorney--and has since been reassigned to mundane work, some of which is normally performed by outside contractors.
All this comes despite the peculiar bind the EPA finds itself in. Regulating CO2 as a pollutant under the Clean Air Act is not something they really want to do--unless new legislation makes it possible for them to ignore smaller emitters. As it stands, the EPA would find it necessary to regulate entities as small as churches and schools, if they have buses that emit more than 250 tons of CO2 per year. But there is no certainty that new legislation will arrive at all, much less contain the restrictions the EPA needs.
Meanwhile, the many comments received by the EPA will now be evaluated. Our source indicates that it is most likely that the initial compilation and review will be conducted by outside contractors, who may also provide draft responses, which is really supposed to be done only by EPA staff. Our source notes that the EPA may not have the expertise to evaluate many of the comments, as they are more charged with dealing with the effects of global warming through regulation rather than determining the true nature of the cause. Our source says members of the workgroup complained to other EPA staff that they don't understand these issues, much less how to relate the scientific studies identified in Carlin's report to the IPCC report.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (5)
Boehner Speaking the Truth About Cap and Trade ~ "I have never seen anything this ridiculous"
Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH)
Washington, Jun 25
House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today released a new chart underscoring the bureaucratic nightmare that is Speaker Pelosi’s national energy tax. The chart highlights the slew of new government programs Democrats will create in order to take and redistribute trillions of dollars from family budgets and workers payrolls in the form of allowances – all overseen by a confusing web of government agencies.
Make sense? Not really. In fact, in a news conference earlier today, Boehner called it “ridiculous”:
“If you look at this chart, this is how this process will work. With the EPA being in the middle, look at all of these different agencies that are involved. This is the most elaborate thing that I have seen and you know, I have been here a while and I’ve seen some pretty crazy things, but I have never seen anything this ridiculous.”
The depiction of how Speaker Pelosi’s national energy tax will work is bad enough. But its consequences for families and small businesses across the country are even worse. The tax – which may come up for a House vote tomorrow – will be forced upon anyone who drives a car, buys an American-made product, or flips on a light switch. As a result, it will drive up energy costs, send millions of jobs to countries like China and India who do not have national energy taxes of their own, and place an especially heavy burden on rural America. Democratic leaders have been scrambling to round up votes for the legislation, and they initially called in former Vice President Gore to help. But at the last minute, they told him to stay home, realizing that rural Democrats who are already in a difficult situation because of this painful vote would rather not be associated with the former Vice President and other left-swing special interests. Boehner highlighted the on-again, off-again invitation for the Vice President to rally support for Speaker Pelosi’s national energy tax:
“You know, Al Gore stands for higher electricity bills, higher gasoline prices, and shipping millions of jobs overseas. Some of our members still remember his BTU tax from 1993 where he tried this idea of imposing this tax on all BTUs in the country. A lot of Democrat members got burnt on that vote for those of you that might have been around. So it is no surprise that as quickly as Al Gore was invited to come to Washington to help lobby on this, it seems that he was disinvited rather quickly.”
Democratic leaders are poised to march many moderate Democrats over a cliff tomorrow by forcing them to vote for a national energy tax that is unpopular throughout the heartland – and just as Members head home for the July Fourth recess, no less. At the same time, they’ll be marching middle-class families and small businesses off a cliff as well – asking them to pay more than ever for energy at a time when they can afford it least and risking devastating job loss with unemployment already soaring. This will be a decisive vote in the 111th Congress, and the American people will not forget it. Are moderate Democrats ready to support this costly, jobs-killing bureaucratic nightmare?
Wild Thing's comment...........
A radio news report said there were a few Republicans in the House who could vote for Cap and Trade. Who are they?
Bartlett (MD)
Bono Mack (CA)
Castle (DE)
Dent (PA)
Ehlers (MI)
Frelinghuysen (NJ)
Gerlach (PA)
Inglis (SC)
Tim Johnson (IL)
Kirk (IL)
Lance (NJ)
LoBiondo (NJ)
Petri (WI)
Platts (PA)
Ros-Lehtinen (FL)
I hope they don't vote for it, I PRAY they say NO.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (5)
June 25, 2009
Nancy Pelosi Unsure of Cap and Trade Bill's Passage
House Democratic leaders are furiously lobbying their members and moderate Republicans to support a landmark energy bill in the face of resistance from some conservative members of their own party, and staunch opposition from the GOP — roadblocks that are making it difficult to find the 218 votes necessary to pass the measure, according to Democratic leadership aides.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi conceded Wednesday evening that there were not enough votes to pass the bill, but that meetings with Democrats and Republicans were ongoing. Many Democrats from rural districts are concerned about the bill's effect on the manufacturing of ethanol and other biofuels, while Republicans have questioned the overall price tag to Americans.
"This legislation has really been quite an experience for all of us," said Pelosi. "This is really about regional differences, as well as philosophical differences."
The legislation's lead sponsors held a pep rally outside the Capitol on Wednesday to whip up support for the legislation's passage.
"We are going to pass the most important energy and environment bill in history," declared Rep Ed Markey, D-Masachusetts, chairman of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. "We are going to reduce the carbon we send up into the atmosphere but at the same time we are going to begin to back out the oil that we import from countries that we should not be importing it from."
Wild Thing's comment..........
This is pure madness. The only thing government achieves when getting involved with any part of our economy, is to make things worse. This will make energy even more unaffordable and force people with limited incomes to choose between food, medicine and heating or cooling their homes.
Obama has the dems lobbying the republicans and the dems that are not gung ho about this. I hope whoever the hold outs are they stay strong. They have got to know we are taking names and they will be at risk with their precious power they so love the next election.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:42 PM | Comments (8)
Cap-and-Trade Bill H.R. 2454 Set for FRIDAY Vote!!
American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, H.R. 2454 imposes a system of "cap-and-tax" in order to combat so-called "global warming." This massive, across-the-board household energy tax is being disguised by congressional liberals and is being sold under the slogan "cap-and-trade," which simply means giving the government power to put a cap on the amount of carbon emissions (CO2) produced by the production of electricity, gasoline, and heating oil, and forcing businesses to actively lobby Congress for higher cap levels and to buy permits for the emissions they are allowed.
Rather than calling it "cap-and-trade," it should be called "cap-and-tax"-as it caps Americans' standard of living and taxes our use of products whose manufacture emits CO2.
This bill is an absolute nightmare, and will result in nothing short of sheer destruction of American business and industry, and will exponentially increase energy costs for individuals and families of all income levels from coast to coast.
I would urge you to contact our representatives concerning this bill.
Call NOW. It doesn't matter if they are a Democrat, a Republican, or somewhere in between. Let them know that their vote on this disastrous bill is a bona fide determinative factor when it comes to their re-election in 2010. Support means they're going home, plain and simple.
I cannot stress enough exactly how devastating this piece of legislation is. Frankly, I am absolutely astounded that something so detrimental to our national economy is even being considered nonetheless voted upon.
This is winnable for concerned Americans like you and like me. Let's make sure this doesn't make it out of the House.
Thank you my fellow Patriot Fighters.
A quick breakdown of some of the expected costs:
* The typical family of four will see its direct energy costs rise by over $1,500 per year.
* Pain at the electric meter will cause consumers to reduce electricity consumption by 36 percent. Even with this cutback, the electric bill for a family of four will be $754 more that year and $12,200 more in total from 2012 to 2035.
* The higher gasoline prices will have forced households to cut consumption by 15 percent, but a family of four will still pay $596 more that year and $7,500 more between 2012 and 2035.
* In total, for the years 2012-2035, a family of four will see its direct energy costs rise by $22,800. These inflation-adjusted numbers do not include the indirect energy costs consumers will pay as producers are forced to raise the price of their products to reflect the higher costs of production. Nor does the $22,800 include the higher expenditure for such things as more energy-efficient cars and appliances or the disutility of driving smaller, less safe vehicles or the discomfort of using less heating and cooling.
* As the economy adjusts to shrinking GDP and rising energy prices, employment will take a big hit. On average, employment is lower by 1,105,000 jobs. In some years cap and trade reduces employment by nearly 2.5 million jobs.
* The negative economic impacts accumulate, and the national debt is no exception: Waxman-Markey will drive up the national debt 29 percent by 2035. This is 26 percent above what it would be without the legislation and represents an additional $29,150 per person, or $116,600 for a family of four. To reiterate, these burdens come after adjusting for inflation and are in addition to the $450,000 per family of federal debt that will accrue over this period even without cap and trade.
You can find your representatives HERE.
Also this.....
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
Toll free capital switchboard number are below.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I think anyone that votes for H.R. 2454 should never get another vote to be elected again. Not under any circumstances.
......Thank you Richard for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (11)
June 24, 2009
Pelosi's National Energy Tax (Cap and Trade) Will Cost 2.5 Million

During yet another closed-door meeting in the House of Representatives, the liberal Majority maneuvered to bring the highly unpopular 946-page energy-rationing bill, better known as the Waxman-Markey cap-and-tax bill, to the House floor for a vote by the end of this week!
Sponsored by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Rep. Edward Markey (D-MA), the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, H.R. 2454 imposes a system of "cap-and-tax" in order to combat so-called "global warming."
This massive, across-the-board household energy tax is being disguised by congressional liberals and is being sold under the slogan "cap-and-trade," which simply means giving the government power to put a cap on the amount of carbon emissions (CO2) produced by the production of electricity, gasoline, and heating oil, and forcing businesses to actively lobby Congress for higher cap levels and to buy permits for the emissions they are allowed.
Rather than calling it "cap-and-trade," it should be called "cap-and-tax"-as it caps Americans' standard of living and taxes our use of products whose manufacture emits CO2.
If passed and signed into law, H.R. 2454 will further cripple our economy and drain your pockets in the following ways:
* It will raise your household electricity rates by 90 percent, gasoline by 74 percent, and residential natural gas prices by 55 percent by 2035, after adjusting for inflation.
* It imposes an annual burden of $144.8 billion per year on U.S. households, and it will reduce household earnings by a projected $37.8 billion.
* It will further cut U.S. employment levels by 965,000 jobs by reducing economic output by $136 billion per year-this translates to a $1,145 increase in energy costs per American household.
* It will force low-income households to disproportionately bear the across-the-board energy cost increase, as a larger percentage of the poor's income goes toward energy costs, as opposed to wealthier households.
* It sets the stage to effectively kill the coal industry as it will be taxed so heavily, it will not be able to sustain itself.
House Republican Leader John Boehner
Speaker Pelosi's National Energy Tax Will Cost 2.5 Million American Jobs, Hit Every Region...
Speaker Pelosi's National Energy Tax Will Cost 2.5 Million American Jobs, Hit Every Region of the Country With Millions in Job Losses Already This Year, Is a Job-Killing National Energy Tax Really the Message Democrats Want to Send to Workers, Small Businesses?
Washington, Jun 23
Speaker Pelosi’s national energy tax is a massive job-killer. According to a National Black Chamber of Commerce study, the devastating plan will cost 2.5 million American jobs thanks to the higher energy costs it will force consumers, small businesses, and other employers to pay. The impact will be felt from coast to coast – literally. The following chart shows the projected job loss in every single region, with especially large job losses in areas of the country already hit hard by the recession:
Source: CRA International Study Prepared for National Black Chamber of Commerce, May 2009
As the House prepares to vote on Speaker Pelosi’s national energy tax as soon as this Friday, are Democrats representing these regions of the country really prepared to vote for even more job loss? Is that a message they want to bring home to middle-class families and small businesses in their districts heading into the Independence Day recess?
House Republicans don’t think so – and in an op-ed published in this morning’s Washington Examiner, House GOP Leader John Boehner (R-OH) highlighted the job-killing nature of Speaker Pelosi’s national energy taxes and House Republicans’ “all of the above” plan for more jobs, lower energy prices, and a cleaner environment:
“On energy and the environment, under the guise of reducing carbon emissions, Democrats are poised to force anyone who drives a car, buys an American-made product, or flips on a light switch to pay a national energy tax.”
“Not only will this drive up prices for food, gasoline, and electricity, it will ship millions of jobs to competitors like China and India that refuse to take the same approach. A study by the National Black Chamber of Commerce estimates the Democrats' plan will cost 2.5 million jobs.”
“House Republicans have a better way: An ‘all-of-the-above’ strategy to clean up the environment, lower energy costs, and create more jobs. Our legislation, the American Energy Act, will increase environmentally-safe energy production, promote alternative fuels to reduce carbon emissions, and encourage increased efficiencies and technologies to maximize America's energy potential.”
All year long, Democrats have been promising more and more jobs, but nearly three million have been lost since January. After a record spending binge on the trillion-dollar “stimulus,” the $400 billion omnibus loaded with 9,000 earmarks, a $3.6 trillion budget that spends, taxes, and borrows too much, and endless bailouts, American workers are asking, “Where are the jobs?” If House Democrats get their way and pass Speaker Pelosi’s national energy tax, those jobs will be leaving America and headed to competitors like China and India, who won’t enact a national energy tax of their own. During this time of economic crisis, is this really a policy Washington Democrats want to pursue?
Wild Thing's comment......
This is pure Marxism imo.
With all they have been doing it sure seems this is the effort IS to collapse the US economy so the ACORN structure, already established, can “come to the rescue”. All under the congressionally unregulated czars and the current president. Backdooring the constitution to make it obsolete.
Marxism is not about individual liberty and broad-based economic prosperity. It’s about repressed rights, all power in the hands of the State, a command economy, rationing and subservience through economic privation. To that end, the national energy tax is an essential element.
Just say NO to the Cap n Trade bill Congress is trying to pass Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (6)
Obama Just Loves His Cap & Trade Since It Hurts Americans!
Wild Thing's comment.......
Cap and Trade system will speed up job losses and offshoring/outsourcing.
It will encourage more overseas business rather than here at home. Nothing about this is good for America.
Not only is Cap and Trade a disaster that will destroy American business, Obama is a disaster that is destroying America.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (4)
June 04, 2009
Democrats' National Energy Tax Will Devastate Rurial American and Farmers
Democrats' National Energy Tax ( Cap & Trade) Will Devastate Rurial American, Family Farmers
Washington, Jun 3
The Democrats’ national energy tax – to be paid by anyone who drives a car, buys an American-made product, or has the audacity to flip on a light switch – would disproportionately target rural America by increasing the energy bills for every American family, hurting family farmers, and threatening small businesses.
The legislation recently passed by the Energy & Commerce Committee and making its way to the House floor – often called “cap-and-trade” by its supporters – purports to combat global warming by setting strict limits on carbon emissions. To do so, it would impose enormous taxes and restrictions on energy use, which would place an especially heavy burden on rural America and family farmers. And that isn’t sitting well with Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN), the Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee:
- “Peterson also has been an outspoken critic of the entire measure; he and other farm-state lawmakers say it tilts too heavily in favor of urban interests instead of rural ones.” (“For climate change bill, hard part starts now,” San Francisco Chronicle, May 31, 2009)
- “If they don’t want to change it, then they’ll have to find the votes some other place,” Peterson said. “In my district, a ‘no’ vote would be a good vote.” (“Energy and Commerce ‘emissaries’ a key to House floor success for climate plan,” The New York Times, May 22, 2009)
- “Peterson earlier this week met with the 26 Democrats on his panel and emerged with a ‘virtually unanimous’ agreement that his committee members would stand with him in opposition to a climate change bill that didn’t adequately address the concerns of the agriculture industry, according to one of those Democrats. ‘We’ve thrown a pitchfork in the sand,’ the Democrat said.” (“Cap-and-trade showdown,” The Hill, May 20, 2009)
Indeed, rural Americans will be hit the hardest by a national energy tax because agriculture is so energy-intensive.
On average, 65 percent of farmers’ costs are dedicated to fuel, electricity, fertilizer, and chemicals – meaning even a small increase in operating costs could devastate countless family farmers. Moreover, Americans in rural areas travel farther for routine errands – 25 percent more miles than urban households according to the most recent federal highway data – and rural households spend 58 percent more on fuel as a percentage of their income than urban residents.
As a result, higher gasoline prices and other rising energy costs will force agricultural producers to pay more for seed, equipment, machinery, steel, and other supplies needed to operate their farms.
The “cap and trade” proposal would cost families about $3,100 per year, making it clear why rural America – and all of America – has so much at stake as Democrats attempt to force this national energy tax through Congress. Led by Reps. Frank Lucas (R-OK), Sam Graves (R-MO), and Doc Hastings (R-WA), the House GOP’s Rural America Solutions Group is working with Rep. Pence’s (R-IN) American Energy Solutions Group to highlight the consequences on the Democrats’ plan and an “all of the above” strategy to clean up the environment, create jobs in rural America and across the country, and lower energy prices.
Cornerstones of the strategy include:
- Increasing environmentally-safe energy production on remote lands and far off our shores;
- Promoting the use of alternative fuels that will reduce carbon emissions, such as nuclear, clean-coal, and renewable energy technologies; and
- Encouraging increased efficiencies and cutting edge technologies to maximize America’s energy potential.
As the national energy tax makes its way to the House floor, the questions facing Democrats who represent rural districts are straightforward. Do they stand with their Party leaders who want to saddle Americans with a new tax that will devastate family farms and small businesses? Or do they stand with Chairman Peterson and House Republicans who want to protect rural Americans – and all Americans – from this harmful national energy tax?
Wild Thing's comment..........
How does a person live with themselves when they know what they are doing will destroy so many lives and livelhood of so many families. I know, they just don't care. Obama could care less.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:46 AM | Comments (4)
May 31, 2009
Obama's Cap and Trade (TAX) He LIED To HIS Voters About No Taxes
President Obama has said that cap and trade would cause electricity prices to skyrocket. Do you have an extra $1,500 a year to spend on energy?
GOP attacks Democrats for climate proposal
H. Josef Hebert
Republicans on Saturday attacked the climate change proposal crafted by congressional Democrats and endorsed by President Barrack Obama as doing little to reduce global warming while saddling Americans with high energy costs.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, in the GOP's weekly radio and Internet address, called the House climate bill "a classic example of unwise government." The address culminated a week of coordinated Republican attacks on the Democratic proposal which would require the first nationwide reductions in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases blamed for global warming.
GOP House members used the weeklong Memorial Day congressional recess to drum up voter opposition to the Democratic bill.
The governor's criticism echoed Republican lawmakers' arguments at "energy summits" in Pennsylvania, Indiana and California and at other forums during the week.
The proposal to cap greenhouse emissions "will cost us dearly in jobs and income and it stands no chance of achieving its objective of a cooler earth" because other nation's such as China and India will not have to follow, argues Daniels, according to a transcript of the Saturday address.
"The cost for all American taxpayers will be certain, huge, and immediate. Any benefits are extremely uncertain, minuscule, and decades distant," maintains Daniels.
The climate bill would require a 17 percent reduction in greenhouse gases by 2020 and 83 percent reduction by mid-century. It advanced from the House Energy and Commerce Committee shortly before lawmakers left Washington for their holiday break, getting only one GOP vote.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said she wants to take up the measure in the full House this summer.
"The national energy tax imposed by Speaker Pelosi's climate change bill would double electric bills here in Indiana, working a severe hardship on low income families, but that's only where the damage starts," says Daniels. "In a state where we like to make things, like steel and autos and RVs, it would cost us countless jobs. ... Our farmers and livestock producers would see their costs skyrocket. and our coal miners would be looking for new work."
Wild Thing's comment......
How about this, why not just have those that voted for this anti-American military hater Obama pay all the taxes and let those of us that knew better off the hook. Let them pay, they asked for this crap. LOL
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (4)
May 23, 2009
Radical Cap and Trade Bill Largest Tax Increase in History
Cap and trade bill includes unemployment benefits - Largest tax increase in history
by Dianna Cotter
Hold onto your hats folks, here it comes…
In a revealing editorial today, the Washington Examiner (not related to revealed a huge unemployment package buried in the Waxman-Markley Cap and trade energy bill.
At first glance this just seems like more of the usual Washington shuck-n-jive. However, when one considers the implications of this, it becomes apparent that the writers of the cap and trade bill are very clearly aware that this bill will cost thousands of jobs. So much so that unemployment benefits for those losing their jobs because of it will go for THREE YEARS, 156 weeks. Obviously they are not expecting these hapless folks to find new work easily! The Washington examiner reports that these victims of Washington DC legislation and Congress will get 80% of their insurance premiums paid, a 1500$ relocation allowance, and job search expenses of up to 1500$.
If this is an energy bill… which by the way, is being sold as legislation that will create higher paying “Green” jobs, in higher numbers than those lost, then what are unemployment benefits for up to three years doing in it?
Note to all of those who are supporting this bill, both Nationally and locally here in Oregon, be prepared for your energy costs to go up by a minimum of 50%, and by some estimates up to 90%. Let’s put some numbers with that. Say your average electric bill for a year is 100$ a month. That’s 1200$ a year. Your bill will go up to 150$ a month, for a total of 1800$ a year with just a 50% increase. With a 90% increase that number will be 2280$, or 190$ a month. But that’s not all; the cost of your Natural gas will go up similarly. So will the grocery store’s electric bill, 50% higher refrigeration costs = 50% higher cost passed on to you the consumer. Your Hairdresser’s electricity cost will go up, and so will the cost of your shampoo blow-dry, and Color. Every single industry that uses power of any sort will go up, and your cost of living will rise exponentially.
All this for less that 2 tenths of a degree cooling over the next century, which will absolutely crack up the Chinese and Indians who are praying (if the communist government of China would admit to praying) that this legislation passes! Why?
Because it will absolutely kill the productive engine that is the lifeblood of the United States of America, the economic engine of the world! Of course they want it to pass, it will make them the world’s only superpower. Throw in the fact they own a huge swath of our national debt, and you should now be seeing a very dark black cloud rising over our future.
It should be stressed here, that even a COMMUNIST Government will not institute legislation that will destroy its economy to the extent that this bill will.
This is no doom and gloom prediction, clearly the writers of the bill know it too, or there would not be three years worth of unemployment benefits in it. The section we are speaking of it on page 781 of the 946 page bill. “Title IV, Subtitle B, Part2, Section 426 of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009” Ah such innocuous and lovely sounding poison they come up with now a days!
Would you like that with a side of Arsenic? Hemlock perhaps?
Exactly where is all of the money going to come from to pay for all those unemployment benefits? The Rich? They will leave the country and take their money with them, just as they did in Cuba so long ago. Big Business? Oh no, they will leave too if they can, or they will fold and be Nationalized as well as GM and 2/3rds of the Auto industry. The Small business owner? They will go out of business. The only ones left will be the little guys, and that means all the rest of us. Can you smell the tax hike coming? There is no fiscal way this can be done without raising taxes to pay for the huge numbers of unemployed that are expected to need this craftily buried unemployment package. Assuming you aren’t on it that is. But don’t expect that to protect you, you still have to pay taxes on your unemployment benefits. A delicious irony no?
Forget Electric cars the only truly green alternative, they will be too darned expensive to charge. The irony of this is just too precious not to comment on…. The only possible alternative to liquid fueled cars will be legislated right out of existence before they can even get produced! Paradox of all green paradoxes! I think the space time continuum just wrinkled a bit… the only truly green car… the contradiction is just too perfect.
Has Washington lost its collective mind? Who is running this place and why are they trying to kill us and our livelihoods? Why are they deliberately trying to take food out of the mouths of our kids? That’s what they are doing. For 2 tenths of a degree? Certainly as China and India make up for our non-productivity, and with the knowlage that they indeed will not institute legislation as stupid and financially unsound as this, it is pointless. They have publically stated they will not do such damage to their economies. Knowing this... that 2 tenths of 1 degree seems likely to get swallowed up by an increase in Chinese and Indian productivity. Can you think of anything more pointless than this? Spitting into the wind perhaps?
Folks the insanity being considered in Washington DC may well make it impossible to live in the United States and live a successful prosperous life. Mexicans won’t be coming here anymore; it will be Americans going to Mexico looking for jobs.
That’s no joke.
The Washington Examiner quotes Ben Lieberman of the Heritage Foundation: “The fact that generous unemployment benefits are buried in the bill means that “green jobs are bunk,”” The Foundation found that “Waxman-Markey is the largest, most intrusive energy tax increase in American history. It would reduce the nation’s GDP by 7.4 Trillion, raise electricity rates 90 percent and gasoline prices 74%.”
So, how do you like that “Hope and Change” now? This what you were expecting and voted for? We were warned by Obama himself, he said he was going to do it in the campaign, kill coal… this is your government at work.
Unless you stop it by contacting your congressperson now.
Otherwise get ready for the worst; you might want to buy a lot of extra blankets while the prices are still low.
For more info: Washington Examiner
Wild Thing's comment............
Fantastic article. The best one I have seen on the cap and trade legislation now wending its way thru Congress.
Pray for America.
At the current rate we will spend 26 Trillion in the first year of the Obama regime. Yep killing the economy is the agenda and they are doing a fine job of it.
“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” —Winston Churchill
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:48 AM | Comments (3)
May 20, 2009
Obama's Plan for Enviro Cars As Cap and Trade Legislation Through
Obama touts plan for cleaner, more efficient cars
Barack Obama's new fuel and emission standards for cars and trucks will save billions of barrels of oil but are expected to cost consumers an extra $1,300 per vehicle by the time the plan is complete in 2016.
Obama on Tuesday planned to announce the first-ever national emissions limits for vehicles, as well as require an overall or industry average fuel efficiency standard at 35.5 miles per gallon...
Administration officials said consumers were going to pay an extra $700, anyway, for mileage standards that had already been approved. The Obama plan adds another $600 to the price of a vehicle, a senior administration official said, bringing the total cost to $1,300 by 2016.
Democrats are also moving their cap and trade legislation through committee this week. The cap and trade plan will cost Americans $700 to $1,400 dollars per family per year.
Barack Obama admitted in an interview with The San Francisco Chronicle during the campaign that cap and trade energy policy would "cause electricity prices to skyrocket."
Wild Thing's comment........
And the systematic destruction of the US marches on.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (10)
May 14, 2009
Smoking Gun Memo on C02 Myth It's NOT a Pollutant and White House Knows It
Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) Uncovers EPA Deception
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).Holds ‘Smoking Gun’ Memo from the White House
Today I exposed a “smoking gun” White House memo to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The memo warns that regulation of small CO2 emitters will have “serious economic consequences” for businesses and the overall economy. I was questioning EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson during the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee budget hearing.
I received the memo this morning, that’s marked ‘Deliberative: Attorney-Client Privilege’. In this memo Counsel for the White House repeatedly, repeatedly suggests a lack of scientific support for this proposed finding. This is a smoking gun, saying that the EPA findings were political and not scientific.
The EPA has failed to release the memo and has ignored the advice.
The nine-page White House memo undermines the EPA’s reasoning for a proposed finding that greenhouse gases are a danger to public health.
This misuse of the Clean Air Act will be a trigger for overwhelming regulation and lawsuits based on gases emitted from cars, schools, hospitals and small business. This will affect any number of other sources, including lawn mowers, snowmobiles and farms. This will be a disaster for the small businesses that drive America.
To quote from the memo to the EPA, “making the decision to regulate carbon dioxide under the Clean Air Act for the first time is likely to have serious economic consequences for regulated entities throughout the US economy, including small businesses and small communities.”
The memo is an amalgamation of findings from government agencies’ sent from the Office of Management and Budget to the EPA.
This smoking gun memo is in stark contrast to the official position presented by the Administration and the EPA Administrator.
Despite the findings in the memo, the White House has given the EPA the green light to move ahead with regulation under the Clean Air Act.
According to government records, the document was submitted by the OMB as comment on the EPA’s April proposed finding that greenhouse gases are a danger to public health and welfare.
The memo - marked as “Deliberative-Attorney Client Privilege” - doesn’t have a date or a named author. But an OMB spokesman confirmed to news agencies that it was prepared by Obama administration staff.
BACKGROUND: The White House brief questions the link between the EPA’s scientific technical endangerment proposal and the EPA’s political summary. Administrator Jackson said in the endangerment summary that “scientific findings in totality point to compelling evidence of human-induced climate change, and that serious risks and potential impacts to public health and welfare have been clearly identified…”
The White House memo notes, the EPA endangerment technical document points out there are several areas where essential behaviors of greenhouse gases are “not well determined” and “not well understood.”
It warns about the adequacy of the EPA finding that the gases are a harm to the public when there is “no demonstrated direct health effects,” and the scientific data on which the agency relies are “almost exclusively from non-EPA sources.”
The memo contends that the endangerment finding, if finalized by the administration, could make agencies vulnerable to litigation alleging inadequate environmental permitting reviews, adding that the proposal could unintentionally trigger a cascade of regulations.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Yesterday EPW Committee hearing, Senator Barrasso asked EPA administrator Lisa Jackson about a "smoking gun" OMB Memo on the Serious Economic Impact Likely From EPA CO2 Rules.
This memo admits that CO2 is not a pollutant. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. This memo alludes to the fact that there is no proof. This memo debunks everything environmental wackos and global warming people have been saying. And THE BEST THING OF ALL IT COMES FROM THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATIOIN.!!!
LOL how great is that! hahahha
God bless Senator John Barrasso, a Republican from Wyoming!
Rush talked about it on his show yesterday.
She didn't answer the question. She did not answer the question in any way, shape, manner, or form. She said, nah, this is somebody's opinion, precursor to cap-and-trade, then she throws in this business that they're not going to tax people who can least afford to pay it. But the dirty little secret is that that's who always gets hurt with liberalism. That's who always gets hurt, the people who can least afford it. The little guy either loses his job, increased taxes or what have you. But there you've heard it, this memo is out, attorney-client privilege from the White House, the Obama White House, and just to paraphrase what Barrasso said, it's nine pages, Lisa Jackson, the EPA administrator mentioned on every page, the memo questions the lack of scientific support for the finding that CO2 is a pollutant. It's a smoking gun memo saying that the findings were political, not scientific.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (8)