Theodore's World: President Trump jokes with D-Day veteran who flirted with Melania

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June 05, 2019

President Trump jokes with D-Day veteran who flirted with Melania

President Trump jokes with D-Day veteran who flirted with Melania

President Trump jokes that WWII veteran who flirted with first lady Melania Trump 'could handle it' at D-Day anniversary event in the U.K.

Veteran: If I was 20 years younger ! ( looking at Melania)
Trump : You can handle it !
Melania said "sweet"

The D-Day fighting spirit lives on !

Wild Thing's comment.......

Heh heh The FLOTUS is extraordinarily gorgeous. Who can blame him for flirting? He might be old but
he 'ain't' dead.
Trump's answer was great.... Oh.. You could handle it.
He paid for the "right to flirt" on the beaches that day! This man defended freedom and the free world. God bless him and God bless America. God bless Trump and Melania! Trump Trump Trump, it is the most wonderful genuine President ever!

Posted by Wild Thing at June 5, 2019 05:55 PM

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