Theodore's World: "Radical Islamic Terrorists Targeting Gun-Free Malls"

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June 30, 2016

"Radical Islamic Terrorists Targeting Gun-Free Malls"

"Radical Islamic Terrorists Targeting Gun-Free Malls"

Veteran U.S. Navy SEAL Dom Raso warns that radical Islamic terrorists are in America and planning to attack our shopping malls. They've spent a generation dreaming of this twisted goal and are waiting for the right moment to strike. Gun-free malls in states and cities where politicians have reduced our Second Amendment freedoms are the most vulnerable—they give terrorists and the lone wolves they inspire an upper hand against defenseless Americans. Elitists who want to restrict our right to bear arms will call this fear mongering. They are wrong. Their failures to keep America safe have made this our new reality. We either accept it and take measures to prevent impending attacks, or we idly wait for the dire consequences.

Wild Thing's comment............

Thank you Dom for all you are doing.

Posted by Wild Thing at June 30, 2016 12:50 AM