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September 18, 2015
Obama Vows to Veto Bill Holding Planned Parenthood Liable for Harvesting Baby Organs
Obama Vows to Veto Bill Holding Planned Parenthood Liable for Harvesting Baby Organs
During his stint as an Illinois lawmaker Barack Obama voted four times in support of infanticide.
Obama opposed life-sustaining treatments for babies born alive after failed abortions. It’s one of his extremist positions that the liberal media likes to overlook.
The White House has issued a Statement of Administration Policy vowing to veto a new pro-life bill the House of Representatives will vote on tomorrow that would hold the Planned Parenthood abortion business criminally liable for harvesting body parts from aborted babies who are technically still alive.
The center for Medical Progress has released 10 videos catching and exposing Planned Parenthood officials selling aborted babies and their body parts. One of the most shocking videos caught the nation’s biggest abortion business harvesting the brain of an aborted baby who was still alive.
The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, sponsored by pro-life Congressman Trent Franks would make failure to provide standard medical care to children born alive during an abortion a federal crime. It would also apply stronger penalties in cases where an overt act is taken to kill the abortion survivor.
Under the pro-life bill, slated to get a full House vote later this week, there is also a civil right of action for mothers of children who survive an abortion to hold the abortion provider accountable.
Wild Thing's comment.........
He's so disgustingly sick!
Posted by Wild Thing at September 18, 2015 01:45 AM