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May 06, 2015
Good Grief! Jeb Bush Marks Cinco de Mayo with Spanish
Jeb Bush Marks Cinco de Mayo with Spanish
Jeb Bush marked Cinco de Mayo with a new Spanish-language video from his super-PAC that emphasizes his ties to the Hispanic community.
"Here in the U.S., Cinco de Mayo has become a date when we recognize and celebrate our relationship and our ties to Mexico and the great contributions of the Mexican-American community to our country," he says in the video.
"For me, this relationship is very profound." Bush goes on to note that his wife, Columba, is from Mexico, and his family has "strong ties with Mexico." He said he has "great respect and affection" for Mexicans.
He met Columba while on an exchange program in León, Mexico. The video comes as Bush weighs a bid for president.
Wild Thing's comment............
Jeb should think more of moving to Mexico and running for office down there.
Posted by Wild Thing at May 6, 2015 12:50 AM
It was his brother George who said Illegals are doing the jobs Americans won't do.
Posted by: BobF at May 6, 2015 06:55 AM