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February 04, 2015
ISIS murdered Jordanian pilot - Jordan announced Tuesday it will execute all their prisoners associated with ISIS
The release of the video has prompted Jordan to announce it will execute all prisoners convicted of association with ISIS ‘within hours’. This includes Sajida al-Rishawi – the female failed suicide bomber whom ISIS had originally demanded Jordan release in exchange for Kasasbeh.
Within an hour of the video’s publication, Jordan reportedly moved five ISIS-linked prisoners to a jail in the south of the country which is usually used for state executions.
Kasasbeh was captured by ISIS after his F-16 fighter jet crashed in territory controlled by the militants in northern Syria in December.
Jordan executes ISIS jihadists: Female suicide bomber among two put to death in dawn hangings in retaliation for terrorists releasing video of pilot being torched to death in cage
- Jordan had vowed to execute six of its ISIS-linked prisoners at dawn today
- Government officials reveal that two of them have now been hanged
- Sajida al-Rishawi and Ziad al-Karbouli were both executed this morning
Jordan executes 2 Iraqi prisoners in response to ISIS killing of pilot
AMMAN - Jordan has executed by hanging a jailed Iraqi woman militant whose release had been demanded by the Islamic State group that burnt a captured Jordanian pilot to death, a security source said on Wednesday.
Responding to the killing of the pilot, whose death was announced on Tuesday, the Jordanian authorities also executed another senior al-Qaida prisoner sentenced to death for plots to wage attacks against the pro-Western kingdom in the last decade.
Sajida al-Rishawi, the Iraqi woman militant, was sentenced to death for her role in a 2005 suicide bomb attack that killed 60 people. Ziyad Karboli, an Iraqi al-Qaida operative, who was convicted in 2008 for killing a Jordanian, was also executed at dawn, the source said.
Jordan, which has been mounting air raids in Syria as part of the US-led alliance against Islamic State insurgents, said it would deliver a "strong, earth-shaking and decisive" response to the killing of pilot Mouath al-Kasaesbeh.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Good for Jordan, they could teach Muslim POS Obama a lesson.
Posted by Wild Thing at February 4, 2015 12:49 AM