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November 11, 2014
What Newly Elected Senator Joni Ernst Did 2 Days After the Election Tells Us All About Her Character
What Newly Elected Senator Joni Ernst Did 2 Days After the Election Tells Us All About Her Character
Joni Ernst was elected Iowa’s first female U.S. Senator on Tuesday and was in uniform and on duty with the Iowa National Guard on Thursday.
Lt. Col. Joni Ernst has been juggling her civilian and military lives since joining the National Guard in 1993. She is on duty every week, according to her husband Gail, who told National Review:
Not many folks know she is in uniform on Thursday and Friday. She does it without fanfare.
Ernst, a combat veteran in Operation Iraqi Freedom, has told the Guard she wants no special treatment, but had to re-schedule her drilling from last weekend to till after the election.[...]
Her National Guard duty made it hard on the campaign trail. She stepped away from the campaign for a week to drill over the summer.
Joni Ernst speaks for many Americans who think service, honor, and country should be top priority for every single U.S. elected official. She not only talks about it, she’s doing it.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama wouldn't have a clue about serving our country. He is the enemy within big time God bless Joni.
Posted by Wild Thing at November 11, 2014 12:50 AM
This is a woman who understands exactly what Duty, Honor, and Country are all about. We need more like her in Congress.
Posted by: BobF at November 11, 2014 07:05 AM
The WAR against Marxism isn't over patriots...
GOD BLESS AMERICA and it's the patriots past, present and future that gave/give US all LIBERTY and CHARACTER!
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at November 11, 2014 10:04 AM
She is now one of the very few senators with military service. What a shame so few have volunteered.
Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at November 11, 2014 03:04 PM