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November 16, 2014
Erdogan, the president of Turkey Says Muslims Discovered America, not Christopher Columbus
Erdogan, the president of Turkey Says Muslims Discovered America, not Christopher Columbus
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told a group of Muslim leaders from Latin America that Muslims discovered America hundreds of years before Christopher Columbus.
And they built a mosque in Cuba.
Muslims discovered the Americas in the 12 century, nearly 300 years before Christopher Columbus made his famous voyage there, according to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey.
His words, delivered in a televised speech, will lend support to a controversial theory that has been debunked repeatedly by historians.
That did not seem to bother the Turkish president during a summit in Istanbul of Muslim leaders from Latin America.
“Contacts between Latin America and Islam date back to the 12th century. Muslims discovered America in 1178, not Christopher Columbus,” he said.
Mr Erdogan went on to say that Columbus descibed the existence of a mosque on a hill by the Cuban site and that Ankara was prepared to fund a new place of worship for Muslims there.
Wild Thing's comment.......
LOL Excuse me , but the Vikings dispute that claim. Muslims haven’t even discovered basic civility yet, and it’s looking them in the face all the time.
Posted by Wild Thing at November 16, 2014 12:55 AM
Caesar Hussein Obola most likely agrees too!
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at November 16, 2014 05:49 AM
Darth is right. Obama probably agrees with him.
Posted by: BobF at November 16, 2014 08:24 AM
One of these days the infidel world will completely tire of islam and just wipe it off the face of the Earth. And the world will be the better for it.
Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at November 16, 2014 01:17 PM