Theodore's World: Judge Pirro : Obama Golfing After 3rd Beheading & Being “Truly Clueless” After Failed Rescue Attempt

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September 15, 2014

Judge Pirro : Obama Golfing After 3rd Beheading & Being “Truly Clueless” After Failed Rescue Attempt

Judge Pirro : Obama Golfing After 3rd Beheading & Being “Truly Clueless” After Failed Rescue Attempt

The Judge continued, on her special Sunday edition show, where she left off from her previous show blasting obama’s weak leadership under the ISIS threat to America and the world. Obama is more concerned at being relaxed and on vacation than handle the nation’s business. The golfer in chief is completely disconnected from reality at this point showing zero signs of leadership. Everything is political to obama and this guy is more worried about his optics domestically but internationally. He is telling the world “you don’t have to fear America anymore”. Pirro runs through a list of failures:
– apology tour
– his admin ignoring calls for help in Benghazi leaving four Americans for dead
– reducing our military to pre-World War II level
– signaling the US is not a superpower

… all of which have sent a clear message of weakness to ISIS and our enemies around the world.

Wild Thing's comment...............

The eyes...the window of the soul. Anyone else notice how Obama's eyes are empty, dead looking even more then they usually are.

Posted by Wild Thing at September 15, 2014 12:45 AM


The Deathstar II hears that as a golfer ObaMo is a hacker and pretty well SUCKS! He should go to Myrtle Beach and try to master miniature golf, eh?

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at September 15, 2014 07:52 AM

obama cares only about himself. One of his goals, reducing America's power and influence in the world, has almost been accomplished. Too many of his other goals are also being implemented. National healthcare, a non military security force, increased govt spending and increased debt are just a few of the catastrophic goals of this Marxist muslim racist bastard.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at September 15, 2014 12:43 PM