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July 23, 2014
Obama's State Dept. Refused Sandbags & Machine Gun at Benghazi Consulate- “It Would Upset the Neighbors” (Video)
State Dept. Refused Sandbags & Machine Gun at Benghazi Consulate- “It Would Upset the Neighbors”
They were told it wasn’t “aesthetically pleasing” and “would upset the neighbors.”
Nearly a year before the Benghazi attack on 9-11 2012, the consulate warned the State Department under Hillary Clinton that an Islamic militia group had moved in right next door.
Wild Thing's comment........
Unforgivable what Obama, his people and Hillary have done.
Posted by Wild Thing at July 23, 2014 12:45 AM
Would also upset the local Libyan YOU TUBE viewers as well?
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at July 23, 2014 08:55 AM