« 295 Killed (23 Americans) when Malaysian Air jetliner shot down in eastern Ukraine and Obama goes to more fundraisers | Main | Unlike Obama, Watch a REAL Man, a REAL President..Ronald Reagan’s 1983 Speech on Russians Shooting Down KAL007 (video) »
July 18, 2014
Obama on Shooting Down of Malaysian Airliner “It Looks Like it MAY be a Terrible Tragedy”;Speaks a Whole 40 Seconds; Goes on with Planned Remarks/Fundraisers
Obama on Shooting Down of Malaysian Airliner over Ukraine: “It Looks Like it May be a Terrible Tragedy”; Speaks a Whole 40 Seconds; Goes on with Planned Remarks/Fundraisers
Wild Thing's comment............
Obama a traitor, that is the bottom line. We have an enemy agent in the nations highest office.
Another time Obama left the White House to attend a fund raiser was during the Benghazi attack when he left our Ambassador and four servicemen to die.
Posted by Wild Thing at July 18, 2014 12:50 AM
Natanyahu knows how to DEFEND Israel by ACTING! WE have to hold out for another 108 days in order to take back the SENATE but will the GOPhers act afterwards with impeachment proceedings?
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at July 18, 2014 06:57 AM
Fundraisers, vacations, golf and Wednesday night Soul Train at the White House. These are obama's priorities. America's needs are irrelevant to him.
Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at July 18, 2014 01:28 PM