Theodore's World: ISIS Forces Iraq Shopkeepers to Put Veils on Mannequins Faces

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July 23, 2014

ISIS Forces Iraq Shopkeepers to Put Veils on Mannequins Faces

ISIS Forces Iraq Shopkeepers to Put Veils on Mannequins Faces

ISIS has ordered shopkeepers in the Iraqi city of Mosul to cover the faces of mannequins, The Associated Press reported Tuesday.

The Sunni extremist group recently declared a caliphate – or Islamic State - covering parts of Syria and Iraq. Shop owners in Mosul said they had been told to cover the faces of male and female mannequins, apparently in line with strict interpretations of Shariah law that forbid statues or artwork depicting the human form.

Wild Thing's comment.......

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Seriously??? Those poor mannequins. Is there nothing safe from these sickos????

Evil naughty mannequins according to Allah.

Posted by Wild Thing at July 23, 2014 12:47 AM


Shame they can't enforce this on THE VIEW Babeushka Wild Thingskov!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at July 23, 2014 08:53 AM