Theodore's World: DOCTOR WARNS — US Schools Could Face HEALTH CRISIS as Illegal Immigrants Enter Classrooms This Fall (Video)

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July 19, 2014

DOCTOR WARNS — US Schools Could Face HEALTH CRISIS as Illegal Immigrants Enter Classrooms This Fall (Video)

DOCTOR WARNS — US Schools Could Face HEALTH CRISIS as Illegal Immigrants Enter Classrooms This Fall

Dr. Elaina George, an ear, nose, throat and chest specialist from Atlanta, told Charles Payne on FOX News today that the US could be facing a health crisis as the thousands of newly illegal children enter the classrooms this fall.

“There’s an example in Maryland, where parents got a letter from the school that there children had been exposed to an illegal child who had TB who was one of their classmates. So this fall it is potentially possible that these children entering the school systems could be carrying all sorts of things, diseases that are not on the radar.”

Wild Thing's comment...........

Of course Obama and his administration could care less.

Posted by Wild Thing at July 19, 2014 12:55 AM


Obama could care less about how many children he puts at risk. All he knows is his daughters will never be put at risk because no illegal kid will ever be at their school.

Posted by: BobF at July 19, 2014 07:01 AM

The BLUE STATE public school teachers unions voted for Barack Hussein Obama TWICE so smile while they get ready to PAY their CO-PAYS !!!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at July 19, 2014 07:32 AM

Oh how I hope these illegal kids are sent back to their contries of origin. It will be a crime on obama's part if these kids are siphoned into our population. Damn obama to Hell.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at July 19, 2014 12:48 PM