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June 04, 2014
Hagel Visits Afghanistan....Troops React With Silence When Hagel Informs Them of Bergdahl’s Release
Hagel Visits Afghanistan....Troops React With Silence When Hagel Informs Them of Bergdahl’s Release
Questions persisted, too, about the circumstances of Bergdahl’s 2009 capture. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel declined to comment on earlier reports that the sergeant had walked away from his unit, disillusioned with the war. Such matters “will be dealt with later,” Hagel said.
Hagel, visiting troops in Afghanistan, was met with silence when he told a group of them in a Bagram Air Field hangar: “This is a happy day. We got one of our own back.” It was unclear whether the absence of cheers and applause came from a reluctance to display emotion in front of the Pentagon chief or from any doubts among the troops about Bergdahl.
Wild Thing's comment...........
I can only imagine how shocked our troops were to hear the news. To know fellow soldiers that have been killed when they captured the 5 Taliban and now to hear they are released for a deserter..........horrible.
Posted by Wild Thing at June 4, 2014 12:49 AM
SILENCE is GOLDEN when Claudius Hagel has their backs - and the back of deserters too!
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at June 4, 2014 05:55 AM
"It was unclear whether the absence of cheers and applause came from a reluctance to display emotion in front of the Pentagon chief"
Funny, the troops never had a problem expressing emotion in front of President Bush. Last I knew, the President was a much higher lever than a SecDef.
Posted by: BobF at June 4, 2014 07:05 AM
The troops know that the obama administration is anti military. Just like the Clinton bunch. The troops also know that many of them will be discharged as a reult of obama defense cuts. Those that aren't rifed will see massive cuts in their equipment and training.
Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at June 4, 2014 01:17 PM