Theodore's World: Disgusting Obama: Enforcing Our Immigration Laws Is “Not Smart. It Doesn’t Make Sense”

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May 14, 2014

Disgusting Obama: Enforcing Our Immigration Laws Is “Not Smart. It Doesn’t Make Sense”

Obama: Enforcing Our Immigration Laws Is “Not Smart. It Doesn’t Make Sense”

Enforcing immigration law “isn’t smart,” President Barack Obama told law enforcement officials Tuesday, just one day after the public learned he had released 36,007 illegal-immigrant murderers, rapists, thieves and other criminals into the nation’s communities.

Cops should be going after major criminals, not the many illegal immigrants that are quietly living in their districts, said Obama, who has twice sworn to uphold the nation’s laws.

“You’ve got to spend time dealing with somebody who is not causing any other trouble other than the fact that they were trying to make a living for their families,” Obama said.

“That’s just not a good use of our resources. It’s not smart. It doesn’t make sense,” said Obama, who has already directed immigration police to minimize enforcement of illegal living far from the bordei.

Wild Thing's comment...........

Shocking to hear an American president speak this way about our laws.

Both post today show how Obama is ramping up his intensity to push amnesty.

Posted by Wild Thing at May 14, 2014 12:55 AM


The average member of Organized Crime isn't causing any trouble for anyone; unless you cross them. They're only trying to make a living and put food on the table for their families by providing certain "services" many people want: Gambling, vice, drugs, etc. They're no different than the Illegals Obama is so concerned about.

Posted by: BobF at May 14, 2014 09:48 AM

OUR individual LEGAL American CITIZEN vote is NEGATED when law breaking illegals vote so in less than 175 days WE THE PEOPLE will take bake the US Senate - unless released convicts and illegals can NEGATE our votes!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at May 14, 2014 09:52 AM