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February 22, 2014
Federal Communications Commission announced Friday it is putting on hold Government Monitors In Newsrooms
Federal Communications Commission announced Friday it is putting on hold Government Monitors In Newsrooms
The Federal Communications Commission announced Friday that it was putting on hold a controversial study of American newsrooms, after complaints from Republican lawmakers and media groups that the project was too intrusive.
FCC spokeswoman Shannon Gilson said Chairman Tom Wheeler agreed with critics that some of the study’s proposed questions for reporters and news directors “may not have been appropriate.”
The agency announced that a proposed pilot study in South Carolina will be shelved, at least until a “new study design” is finalized. But the agency made clear that any future studies will not involve interviews with “media owners, news directors or reporters.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
Good riddance!!
Posted by Wild Thing at February 22, 2014 12:45 AM