Theodore's World: Obama governing by temper-tantrum, he closes Ocean Due to HIS shutdown ( NO fishing in Florida Bay and Biscayne National Park)

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October 06, 2013

Obama governing by temper-tantrum, he closes Ocean Due to HIS shutdown ( NO fishing in Florida Bay and Biscayne National Park)

Obama and his obsessive shutdowns


Just before the weekend, the National Park Service informed charter boat captains in Florida that the Florida Bay was "closed" due to the shutdown. Until government funding is restored, the fishing boats are prohibited from taking anglers into 1,100 square-miles of open ocean. Fishing is also prohibited at Biscayne National Park during the shutdown.

The Park Service will also have rangers on duty to police the ban... of access to an ocean. The government will probably use more personnel and spend more resources to attempt to close the ocean, than it would in its normal course of business.

This is governing by temper-tantrum. It is on par with the government's ham-fisted attempts to close the DC WWII Memorial, an open-air public monument that is normally accessible 24 hours a day. By accessible I mean, you walk up to it. When you have finished reflecting, you then walk away from it.

At least that Memorial is an actual structure, with some kind of perimeter that can be fenced off. Florida Bay is the ocean. How, pray tell, do you "close" 1,100 square miles of ocean? Why would one even need to do so?

Apparently, according to an anonymous Park Service ranger, “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”

Centuries ago, King Canute famously failed to command the ocean tide to stop. His display was actually a means to educate his subjects on the limits of royal power. Today, however, our President actually believes he has the power to control the oceans.

Obama’s out of control. This week, a Park Service ranger spoke out against Obama’s “disgusting” tactics. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”
He’s threatening Catholic priests from saying mass to the troops, he has German Shepherds guarding our nation’s war memorials AGAINST our veterans, and he’s using fear mongering with the world markets, telling them we’re going to default on our debt.

Wild Thing's comment...............

He sure knows how to make people hate his guts.

Posted by Wild Thing at October 6, 2013 12:50 AM


Inflict as much pain as possible upon the American people, especially those (working) who may not have voted for him.

Posted by: bobf at October 6, 2013 07:02 PM