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May 07, 2013
Sen. Ted Cruz Stands Up for Americans Against the Internet Sales Tax
Sen. Ted Cruz Stands Up for Americans Against the Internet Sales Tax
Here is video of Sen. Ted Cruz today rising on the Senate Floor to stand up for Americans against the Internet Sales Tax legislation. Cruz gave a great speech, and said the bill will “hurt economic growth,” and will in effect, “create a national internet sales tax.” Cruz said this is the last thing we ought to be doing at a time of economic hardship. He just destroys the legislation, pointing out how it will be a devastating and unsustainable burden of compliance for so many small businesses to collect the correct sales tax amount and send it to more than 9,600 different jurisdictions. They would also be subject to audits by every one of those jurisdictions.
Cruz nails it when he points out this bill is driven by the big-box retailers and gigantic online retailers because they want to drive the smaller competitors out of business.
Unfortunately the Senate passed internet sales tax bill amid opposition from conservatives
Wild Thing's comment................
Cruz is a good man and I am grateful for his stand on many things.
Posted by Wild Thing at May 7, 2013 12:50 AM
I am very pleased with and proud of Ted Cruz. We just need 99 more of him.
Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at May 7, 2013 12:23 PM