Theodore's World: Obama's Influence US Army Tells Troops to Scrape Bible Verses Off Their Weapons

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April 23, 2013

Obama's Influence US Army Tells Troops to Scrape Bible Verses Off Their Weapons

US Army Tells Troops to Scrape Bible Verses Off Their Weapons

The US Army is directing troops to scrape Bible verses off of their weapons.

Army Removes Bible Reference from Scopes


The U.S. Army is directing troops to remove a Bible inscription that a vendor etched into the serial numbers of weapon scopes, Fox News has learned.

Soldiers at Fort Wainwright in Alaska told Fox News they received a directive to turn in their scopes so the Bible references could be removed.

The scopes were made by Trijicom and referenced New Testament passages in John 8:12 and Second Corinthians 4:6. The verses appeared at the end of the scope serial numbers – “JN8:12” and “2COR4:6.”

“The biblical verse (JN8:12) must be removed utilizing a Dremel type tool and then painted black,” read instructions on how to remedy the matter.

After the letters and numbers were scraped off, soldiers were directed to use apply black paint to ensure the verses were totally covered.

Wild Thing's comment..............

So I guess it is no longer, God and country, just country now and whatever the left agenda is about.

And for those of you thinking our military will not fire on we the people if told to by Obama, dream on. I would not bet either way what would happen. Not in the AMERICA Obama has made of our country.

I love our troops so much and respect them and always will. But I am very concerned with the changes happening.

Posted by Wild Thing at April 23, 2013 12:48 AM


I have mixed feelings. However, I tend to believe most of our troops would not fire on Americans. Then I remember Kent State. Let's just hope that choice never has to be made.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at April 23, 2013 11:07 AM