Theodore's World: What Do You Do When Your President Is the Enemy of our country

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March 03, 2013

What Do You Do When Your President Is the Enemy of our country

What Do You Do When Your President Is Your Enemy?

What do you do when your president is your enemy? Obama is destructive and has 4 more years to destroy this country. Obamas job is to protect America but when he doesn't get his way he gets vindictive and destroys it. The sequester has been in place for a 1.5 years and Barack vacations and plays golf and then blames the GOP for a bill he signed into law.

Wild Thing's comment........................

Kevin Jackson is awesome. He did this video and he also has a radio show.

Posted by Wild Thing at March 3, 2013 12:50 AM


Obama is *THE*RULER* that our Founders warned us about...

Posted by: Willy at March 4, 2013 02:30 PM