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January 16, 2013
PETA Wants Obama To Include Hunting Ban In His Anti-Gun Measures
PETA Wants Obama To Include Hunting Ban In His Anti-Gun Measures
Wondering if the administration is “against senseless violence and slaughter, or it isn’t,” People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is making an 11th hour pitch to President Obama to include a hunting ban in his gun control measures to be unveiled Wednesday.
“Americans’ views are evolving on many issues, from same-sex marriage to gun control, and the time is right to reconsider the dangerous message that the practice of killing animals for fun is acceptable and should even be protected,” Tracy Reiman, PETA’s executive vice president said in a letter to Obama.
The animal rights group is angered that Vice President Biden has been calling hunting “responsible” gun ownership.
Wild Thing's comment............
All the agenda driven groups want to jump on Obama's anti-American agenda.
Posted by Wild Thing at January 16, 2013 12:47 AM