Theodore's World: Marco Rubio at the Jack Kemp Leadership Award Dinner

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December 05, 2012

Marco Rubio at the Jack Kemp Leadership Award Dinner

Marco Rubio at the Jack Kemp Leadership Award Dinner

Wild Thing's comment..................

I sure hope we don't lose Rubio in Florida, especially since Allen West lost. West was and is so awesome.

Marco got a standing ovation.

Posted by Wild Thing at December 5, 2012 03:47 AM


West lost because the RNC wanted him out. He was a Tea Party man who didn't kowtow to the RNC leadership.

Posted by: BobF at December 5, 2012 07:42 AM

I like Rubio. I like West. I like Florida's governor and attorney general. I just wish the mainstream voter in Florida was less liberal. Too many NE snowbirds and too many liberal Jews. And, as Bob points out, an establishment GOP that prefers "moderates". I hope there is a place of importance in America's future for Col. West.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at December 5, 2012 01:16 PM

I like Rubio. I like West. I like Florida's governor and attorney general. I just wish the mainstream voter in Florida was less liberal. Too many NE snowbirds and too many liberal Jews. And, as Bob points out, an establishment GOP that prefers "moderates". I hope there is a place of importance in America's future for Col. West.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at December 5, 2012 01:22 PM