Theodore's World: Liz Cheney:" Obama Administration is Engaging in “One of the Worst Cover-Ups in the History of the Republic” - video

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October 11, 2012

Liz Cheney:" Obama Administration is Engaging in “One of the Worst Cover-Ups in the History of the Republic” - video

Liz Cheney Says the Obama Administration is Engaging in “One of the Worst Cover-Ups in the History of the Republic” over the Benghazi Terrorist Attack that Killed Four Americans

Here is video of Liz Cheney on with Sean Hannity tonight where she said the Obama Administration’s cover-up of what happened with the terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya is “one of the worst cover-ups, probably in the history of the Republic.”

For days the Obama White House claimed the attack was caused by an anti-Islamic video, when it is clear they knew within 24 hours it was an Al-Qaeda terrorist attack. The cover-up may be connected to repeated requests for additional security that was denied by the Obama State Department, even though numerous smaller attacks and incidents had taken place for months leading up to September 11, 2012, when U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed in Benghazi.

Wild Thing's comment..............

Thank you Liz. She is always good, honest and she truly loves America.

Posted by Wild Thing at October 11, 2012 02:55 AM


I don't care much for her father, but I think Liz cheney is one of the brightest lights in the political arena. If I was prez, I would beg, plead, bribe her to take a position in my administration. I would want Liz and John Bolton for my VP and SecState. Thomas Sowell for TreasSec, Allen West DefSec, Charles Krauthammer for both WH chief of Staff and press sec., Sarah Palin for SecEnergy. I would abolish dept of Education, get one of my SF buddies for VA administrator, the Donald or Mr Wynn for SecCommerce, no more DeptHealth. I would then go to town with that crew. Might have to provide an "accident" for a couple old liberal SCOTUS so I could replace them with the AGs of Florida and Texas. Hot damn would America be great again!!!

Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at October 11, 2012 09:44 AM