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August 08, 2012
What Would Obama’s Second Term Look Like?
Author Aaron Klein appeared on Fox and Friends the other day to discuss his new book, “Fool Me Twice.” Let’s just say that if Barack Obama is re-elected, it will not be a pretty picture in America.
Wild Thing's comment..............
No way will I let Obama easily get a second term. This is war, war against the enemy within.
Posted by Wild Thing at August 8, 2012 02:55 AM
Yes to what Klein predicts. It falls right into place with what obama has said and written and what his first term has shown. And, yes, the evidence is out in the open if the MSM wants to be honest and report the true facts.
Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at August 8, 2012 02:22 PM
Tom, thank you so much.
Posted by: Wild Thing at August 9, 2012 03:22 AM