Theodore's World: Sen. Marco Rubio: Obama Using Executive Order to “Deliberately Divide Americans” and Circumvent Congress – Video

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June 19, 2012

Sen. Marco Rubio: Obama Using Executive Order to “Deliberately Divide Americans” and Circumvent Congress – Video

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Sen. Marco Rubio: Obama Using Executive Order to “Deliberately Divide Americans” and Circumvent Congress

en. Marco Rubio saying President Obama’s Executive Order going around Congress to stop enforcing Immigration Law in deporting Illegal Aliens under 30 was the wrong way to deal with the problem. Instead, Rubio said it should be addressed through Congress.

Rubio said what Obama is up to is trying to “deliberately divide Americans” for his own political gain. While that is “common in politics” Rubio conceded, Obama said he would be different, and had a chance to be, but has chosen not to.

Wild Thing's comment.............

Good for Marco.

Posted by Wild Thing at June 19, 2012 12:45 AM


Congress wouldn't allow any other president to get away with this crap. It's about time they grew a pair and put a stop to the dictators edicts.

Posted by: BobF at June 19, 2012 07:35 AM

Bob, exactly, well said thank you.

Posted by: Wild Thing at June 20, 2012 02:25 AM