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May 04, 2012
GOOD from Our Heroes!!! More Navy SEALs To Speak Out About Obama.
In the wake of a warm conservative reception for a web video trashing the president for “spiking the football” on the anniversary of Osama Bin Laden’s death, the conservative group Veterans for a Strong America plans to gather Navy SEALs and Special Forces operators to criticize the White House during the 2012 campaign.
“We’re looking to [put together] a coalition, to field SEALs and operators that want to come out publicly,” executive director of Veterans for a Strong America, Joel Arends, tells BuzzFeed. “I’ve had a lot of discussions with former SEALs and current SEALs. I’ve been talking to operators in the community. There is palatable discontent.”
The video, which took about ten days to produce, went viral. The ad has had more than 250,000 views on YouTube and he’s received some 4,000 emails. Arends was featured on Fox News channel Thursday morning.
Karl Rove also tweeted his support of the ad.
Arends says the group is now looking at airing the advertisement on television in geographic areas with military communities. “Right now we’re going through the process analyzing where we think it would play best,” he says.
“They’re going to have the money” to air the spot, another Republican source told BuzzFeed.
Arends denies he’s trying to “swift boat” Obama, however, a phrase coined in the conservative attacks on the details of John Kerry's service in Vietnam. “I’m not adverse to that term,” he says. “But we’re not going to run a swift boat campaign against him. We’re going to talk about the issues.”
Arends declined to disclose the source of funding for his group, saying he prefers to keep the donors “anonymity,” and that he’s under no legal obligation to do so.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I am praying for these Heroes and I do not trust Obama. He already had something to do with the death's of those other Navy SEALs...imo.
Posted by Wild Thing at May 4, 2012 02:55 AM
They can't use any active duty people or those in the Guard and Reserves as they already discharged Sgt Gary Stein for criticizing Obama on Facebook. Now, what Stein did was wrong and he should have received some disciplinary action such as a letter of counseling or reprimand but to discharge him was nothing but a strong message to military personnel. The kowtowing brass chose to make an example with this by giving him a less than honorable discharge. Any current Special Forces operators participating with Veterans for a Strong America can expect the same treatment as Sgt Stein got.
Posted by: BobF at May 4, 2012 07:19 AM
In 2004 the Swift Boat sailors took out Lurch Kerry...
Same will happen in less than six months when the
U.S. Navy Seals do the same to Caesar ObaMao...
Leon Panetta ordered this take out and NOT Dr. Zhicago!
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at May 4, 2012 08:06 AM
I hope they get this ad out in public. It will carry weight and influence some fence sitting voters. Just as the Swift Boat ads did. Most veterans and active military are not going to vote for obama. I noticed in obama's recent campaign stop in Afghanistan his reception by the troops used as photo op background was much less than enthusiastic.
Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at May 4, 2012 11:29 AM
Bob, thank you and your right. Thank you too for sharing about Sgt Gary Stein.
Posted by: Wild Thing at May 5, 2012 02:20 AM
Darth, thank you, good point too. God bless the Swift Boat sailors.
Posted by: Wild Thing at May 5, 2012 02:22 AM
Tom, I sure hope so too. They need to show it on TV.
Posted by: Wild Thing at May 5, 2012 02:25 AM