Theodore's World: Dem Sen. Mark Warner Defends Bain Capital From Obama Attacks…

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May 23, 2012

Dem Sen. Mark Warner Defends Bain Capital From Obama Attacks…

Dem Sen. Mark Warner Defends Bain Capital From Obama Attacks…

MSNBC, former venture capitalist Sen. Mark Warner D-Va. admitted that Bain Capital was “very successful” and “did what they were supposed to do.”

When asked about whether attacks on private equity were fair, Warner said that he was “proud” of his previous career in the private sector but noted that public service required a “different skill set.”

Wild Thing's comment......

I would think that business men and women on either side of the isle would be getting ticked at Obama for his attacks on capitolism. I guess it depends if they put their political party ahdead of common sense. These attacks on Bain are outrageous. I did not like it when Republican candidates were doing it too. More companies were helped then not helped.

Posted by Wild Thing at May 23, 2012 02:47 AM


This all out attack on Capitalism, is going to be one of the main determinants, in this Presidential election.

The people of the United States are being given a clear choice regarding the path, that this Country will take, over the next four years, and beyond.

Do we elect Obama, and a Democrat controlled Legislature, or do we elect Romney and give him majorities or at least workable numbers in both Houses?

The first choice will show the existing Administration, that we approve of continued Government regulations, controls and takeovers of exisiting businesses in the Private Sector. The end result being, we become a Socialist leaning Democracy/Republic.

The second choice is one that allows the Private sector businesses to operate with fewer restrictions, thereby creating jobs, and a stronger economy. In other words, a return to the pricipals put forth by the Founding Fathers, when this Country was formed.

We know that this is true, if we recall the "open mike" slip/quote of Obama's a month or so ago when he declared that if re-elected he could proceed without having to compromise his positions.

Vote like your life and the lives of generations to come depend upon it, because it does.

Posted by: Sean at May 23, 2012 10:17 AM

This all out attack on Capitalism, is going to be one of the main determinants, in this Presidential election.

The people of the United States are being given a clear choice regarding the path, that this Country will take, over the next four years, and beyond.

Do we elect Obama, and a Democrat controlled Legislature, or do we elect Romney and give him majorities or at least workable numbers in both Houses?

The first choice will show the existing Administration, that we approve of continued Government regulations, controls and takeovers of exisiting businesses in the Private Sector. The end result being, we become a Socialist leaning Democracy/Republic.

The second choice is one that allows the Private sector businesses to operate with fewer restrictions, thereby creating jobs, and a stronger economy. In other words, a return to the pricipals put forth by the Founding Fathers, when this Country was formed.

We know that this is true, if we recall the "open mike" slip/quote of Obama's a month or so ago when he declared that if re-elected he could proceed without having to compromise his positions.

Vote like your life and the lives of generations to come depend upon it, because it does.

Posted by: Sean at May 23, 2012 10:19 AM