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May 19, 2012
Armed Forces Day Is May 19, 2012
Wild Thing's comment.........
Thank you and God bless all of our Veterans and our troops. Thank you with all my heart.
Posted by Wild Thing at May 19, 2012 04:55 AM
Look at today's four posts:
One on how this administration continues to draw upon the basest of human emotions: jealousy and class envy
-the Vice President of the United States overtly encouraging people to covet with authority, dividing Americans from themselves, demonizing those of us who save and have more, those of us who actually provide employment within the industrious private sector base that provides for everything and everyone, stifling progress, productivity and continued prosperity with this administration's creed of sloth and deceit.
A post of the President himself who is so detached and so disengaged his own budget proposal could not garner a single vote in either house of congress, and in his self absorbed delusion characterizes himself as one of the greatest Presidents in American history.
A post of an alternative who well describes how massive public sector spending $787 billion on public works programs in a single year doesn't erase historic unemployment. It doesn't produce an economic recovery, it postpones one.
-American labor spinning in circles in temporary make work jobs instead of true and full economic growth within a vibrant private sector,
private capital and resources deployed together with essential private risk taking and private recourse that provides true and sustaining employment within enduring private concerns creating an expanding economy and a growing tax base creating the true and solid wealth creation of a nation and the prosperity that comes with it.
And finally a post recognizing Armed Forces Day today, May 19, not a patronizing acknowledgement, but a sincere heartfelt expression of respect and gratitude to our troops and veterans every third Saturday in May.
Well done, Wild Thing.
Honestly, in this stark and so divergent contrast, a choice as clear as day, who's side can you truly be on ?
Take pause, reflect and listen to American broadcaster Paul Harvey from 1965:
Posted by: Carlos at May 19, 2012 11:23 AM
Wild Thing - and Thank You also to the loyal Americans who support our military and veterans.
Good points Carlos. A comparison of those who serve the nation and those who can only serve themselves.
Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at May 19, 2012 12:33 PM
Carlos,wow, thank you so much.
And thank you for the link to the Paul Harvey broadcast..fantastic.
Posted by: Wild Thing at May 20, 2012 02:39 AM
Tom, thank you so much.
Posted by: Wild Thing at May 20, 2012 02:41 AM