Theodore's World: Senator Jeff Sessions to US Senate: “Americans Shouldn’t Send Another Dime to This Place” (Video) ~ Good one!!!

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April 20, 2012

Senator Jeff Sessions to US Senate: “Americans Shouldn’t Send Another Dime to This Place” (Video) ~ Good one!!!

Jeff Sessions to US Senate: “Americans Shouldn’t Send Another Dime to This Place”

Senator Jeff Sessions told the US Senate that until they pass a budget the American public “shouldn’t send another dime to this place.

“I can’t imagine that they would want to go to the American people and ask for higher taxes when they refuse to comply with the plain statutory law that says they should have a budget to tell where that money is going to be spent. If you won’t tell the American people where you’re going to spend the money, how much debt you’re going to run up, how much spending you’re going to cut or not cut, then I don’t think the American people ought to send another dime to this place. Not another dime!”


Wild Thing's comment.........

Thank you Senator Jeff Sessions!! In watching how many of the Republican politicans have been speaking up this last month especially, I think they are really gathering strength in slamming Obama. It took too long but I won't dwell on that, especially since they finally are speaking out like this. At least they know half of America has had enough of the destruction from Obama and his agenda.

Posted by Wild Thing at April 20, 2012 12:55 AM


Plain common sense and honesty. The MSM should be playing this 46 sec sound bite over and over.

Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at April 20, 2012 12:21 PM

Tom, love all you said.

Posted by: Wild Thing at April 21, 2012 02:43 AM