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February 21, 2012
Michelle Obama's latest vacation (ski trip) marks 16 Tax Payer Funded Obama vacations
Michelle Obama Takes Taxpayer Funded Vacation No. 16
“No country can be well governed unless its citizens as a body keep religiously before their minds that they are the guardians of the law, and that the law officers are only the machinery for its execution, nothing more.”
Mark Twain The Gilded Age (1874)
Life is good when you’re not an average tax-paying, slave-laboring prole in America:
"First lady Michelle Obama’s weekend jaunt to Aspen, Colorado for a President’s Day ski holiday with her daughters Sasha and Malia makes the 16th time members of the first family have gone on extended vacations during their three years in office."
The Obama Vacation List
when Air Force One is used it is $184,000 an hour to fly
* President’s Day 2012, Michelle and the first daughters in Aspen, Colorado to ski.
* Christmas 2011, the first family in Hawaii for an extended vacation.
* Summer 2011, in Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., for the annual beach break.
* June 2011, the first lady, her mother and daughters traveled to South Africa and Botswana.
* President’s Day 2011, the first lady and first daughters travel to Vail to ski.
* Christmas 2010, in Hawaii.
* August 2010, the first family traveled to Panama City Beach, Fla., for some sun and fun at the beach.
* August 2010, Obama spent the weekend alone in Chicago for his 49th birthday bash.
* August 2010, the first lady and daughter Sasha traveled to Spain for a mother-daughter vacation.
* August 2010, summer vacation again at Martha’s Vineyard.
* July 2010, the first family went to Mount Desert Island, Maine.
* May 2010, the first family had a four-day trip to Chicago.
* March 2010, first lady and daughter spend Spring Break in New York City.
* Christmas 2009, Hawaii again for the annual break.
* August 2009, at Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Canyon for a short vacation.
* August 2009, their first summer vacation as first family at Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.
Millions are out of work, tens of millions more are living in poverty and struggling to feed themselves, the government is printing trillions of dollars to stay afloat, yet our First Lady has determined that it is prudent to take a vacation, on average, once every two and a half months at taxpayer expense.
Wild Thing's comment......
I refuse to cal her First Lady, I never have and never will.
In all my years I have never witnessed anyone in their capacity whose level of contempt against America combined with unconscionable spending of taxpayer dollars remotely approached these fetid scum.
LOL Rush Limbaugh is funny. He went off on Michelle and what she and her kids are eating and what a phony Michelle is about diet.
Posted by Wild Thing at February 21, 2012 03:55 AM
I guess this is Michelle's way of making America pay for her "sins".
Posted by: BobF at February 21, 2012 08:05 AM
The obama's act like true dictators, especially Michelle. She does the occasional obligatory photo-op in which she suffers through appearing humble. Most of the rest of the time she just excels in racking up all the benefits she can as wife of the president. She really is an exact replica of Marie Antoinette.
Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at February 21, 2012 09:18 AM
I refer to moose shell as the first skank. Nothin more than black trailer trash.
Posted by: cuchieddie (enemy of the state) at February 22, 2012 07:27 PM
That was so good Chrissie that I swiped it to pass on to other like minded folk who need to know.
Posted by: cuchieddie (enemy of the state) at February 22, 2012 07:29 PM