Theodore's World: Mitt Romney Refuses to Call Obama a Socialist,Instead Says Obama Is Just a Liberal Democrat ~ Mitt Is Like McCain!

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November 22, 2011

Mitt Romney Refuses to Call Obama a Socialist,Instead Says Obama Is Just a Liberal Democrat ~ Mitt Is Like McCain!

During his interview with Sean Hannity tonight Mitt Romney would not call Obama a socialist. Instead, the former Massachusetts governor said Obama was a typical “liberal democrat” like other democrats he’s dealt with over the years. Obviously, Mitt didn’t want to offend any of the media elites.

Wild Thing's comment......

I am shaking in my boots Mitt, such strong words.... " lliberal democrat" WOW that will put the fear of God in the enemy within. LOL

This reminds me of when John McCain answered that woman in his audience when she asked about Obama and McCain answered....." Obama is a man of honor, he is a good man and loves America".

Posted by Wild Thing at November 22, 2011 04:45 AM


Before I write or say anything derogatory of any Republican I am often reminded of what Ronald Reagan so wisely instructed.

I will however say this:

Nothing raises the ire and anger of conservatives more than the written or spoken word of a blatant lie.

Nothing raises the ire and anger of liberals more than the written or spoken word of the truth.

No candidate for high office, for whatever reason, that cannot bring himself to clearly speak truth to power, cannot/will not lead decisively or govern effectively, nor long endure in office.

Posted by: Carlos at November 22, 2011 02:41 PM