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October 19, 2011
Once Again Herman Cain Backtracks On A Comment He Made ~ This Is Concerning If He Were To Be President!
Herman Cain says he may not have understood the question earlier in the afternoon when he told CNN's Wolf Blitzer prior to the debate that he would be willing to trade hundreds of Guantanamo Bay prisoners for a single U.S. soldier. Anderson Cooper asks him about it right after the candidates left the debate stage. "If I said that, I spoke in error."
Wild Thing's comment.......
I think this makes it 3 times or 4 that Cain has had to do this. The other times he said he was joking and one other time he said he did not have enough information or something. Shooting from the hip is ok, but Cain is having this backtrack a lot lately.
Posted by Wild Thing at October 19, 2011 12:48 AM