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October 22, 2011
Charles Krauthammer on Herman Cain: "Entirely Incoherent"..When You Combine Abortion With 9-9-9, It's Not Just He Hasn't Thought It Out, "He's Winging It"
Krauthammer on Herman Cain: "Entirely Incoherent"..When You Combine Abortion With 9-9-9, It's Not Just He Hasn't Thought It Out, "He's Winging It"
Krauthammer: I saw him on Stossel. On abortion, entirely incoherent. One the one hand people ought to have choice, on the other life is sacred from the very beginning and abortion ought to be illegal. This isn't a complicated issue, it's either one or the other, it can't be both. Stossel was simply stunned and if you combine it with the 9-9-9 stuff, it's not just he hasn't thought it out, he's winging it and that's a real problem"
Wild Thing's comment......
Charles does not hold back that's for sure. Cain had a back week that's for sure. He can get back on track and more probably will. I think the only candidate that has not had much trouble so far has been Mitt. I wish the GOP would get behind conservatives instead of talking about backing Romneycare Romney.
And what the heck is going on with Ann Coulter, I don't get it. She wants Romney and was pushing for Christie. weird since she has writtien so many books on liberals.
Posted by Wild Thing at October 22, 2011 04:47 AM
Cain seems to be almost as poor at answering questions as Perry is at debating. Neither Cain nor Perry are as smooth as Romney. That is because Romney either lies or flip-flops with no shame. Yes, the GOP and the MSM and the Dems want Romney to win the GOP nomination.
Ann is funny. I also think she is nuts.
Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at October 22, 2011 01:38 PM
Herman Cain is not taking this campaign seriously. from his comments on recent interviews about prolife stance where he flip flopped when being asked about what he beleived with regards to abortion for a woman who was raped to his most recent commercial which garnered attention but showed him to be nothing more than a joke. If hes the number one candidate for the repulican party we are out of luck. I think Mitt romney is the most presentable of the bunch although he has made some seriouse miscalculations as well.
Posted by: gold is jewelry at October 28, 2011 08:39 PM