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September 25, 2011
Herman Cain Wins Florida Straw Poll

“Thank you to the Republican voters for this incredible honor of being named the winner of the Presidency 5 straw poll in Florida today,” Mr. Cain said. “This is a sign of our growing momentum and my candidacy that cannot be ignored. I will continue to share my message of ‘common-sense solutions’ across this country and look forward to spending more time in Florida, a critical state for both the nomination and the general election.”
2,637 Ballots Cast
Herman Cain, 37.1%
Rick Perry, 15.4%
Mitt Romney, 14.0%
Rick Santorum, 10.9%
Ron Paul, 10.4%
Newt Gingrich, 8.4%
Jon Huntsman, 2.3%
Michele Bachmann, 1.5%
986 – Herman Cain
410 – Rick Perry
372 – Mitt Romney
289 – Rick Santorum
276 – Ron Paul
224 – Newt Gingrich
60 – Jon Huntsman
40 – Michele Bachmann
Matt Gaetz, member of the Florida House of Representatives and supporter of Rick Perry posted this on his twitter account approx. 2 hours before the results. This could explain why there was not just a Herman Cain win, but a wipe out. Keep in mind that he is a Perry supporter.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Congratulations to Herman Cain!!!
Regarding the tweet I shared above, who knows what happened. I would not put anything past Romnney, he did things like that in the last presidential campaign and got in trouble for it.
Posted by Wild Thing at September 25, 2011 06:55 AM
Felicitations are in order.
Gotta love seeing an underdog win like this, so resoundingly, and well deserved.
Conservative Herman Cain received more votes than Perry and Romney combined.
This Florida straw poll in Orlando comprised about 3,500 active Florida Republicans who each paid $175 to attend and vote at this event hosted by the Florida GOP.
Here are some pictures of Herman Cain on the campaign trail including this one of him with his wife of 43 years, Gloria. They live in a suburb of Atlanta:
This isn't like winning a state primary, it's an early straw poll of Floridian Republicans, but it is indicative of current GOP sentiment at least in Florida.
Posted by: Carlos at September 25, 2011 08:47 AM
I could live with Herman Cain being president. He definitely came out on top in the recent debate. Perry did not do well at that debate. Dirty tricks by Romney would not surprise me. Many months left before the primaries and lots can happen/change before then. If Romney wins the primaries all of my optimism is out the window.
Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at September 25, 2011 01:12 PM
I believe having both Cain and Perry on the ticket is what this nation needs.
Posted by: BobF at September 25, 2011 02:43 PM
Carlos, that was great, thank you so much for think link too.
Posted by: Wild Thing at September 26, 2011 12:07 AM
Tom, I agree, if Romney wins this it will be a sad day and I am not sure he will get rid of the many things Obama has done.
Posted by: Wild Thing at September 26, 2011 12:09 AM
Bob, that would be great.
Posted by: Wild Thing at September 26, 2011 12:10 AM
When someone becomes President they need to staff about 300 positions immediately with people. These people do not need to be great but they need to not be trying to stab the President in the back. I have been very happy with the people I see behind Rick Perry's Governorship in Texas but I have seen few of the people from Herman Cain's staff. VP Herman Cain sounds pretty good to me.
I would not trust Mitt Romney’s staff from Massachusetts to run a dog pound.
Posted by: Avitar at September 26, 2011 11:36 AM