Theodore's World: Awesome Speech By President George W. Bush Spoke Yesterday At The Flight 93 Memorial in Pennsylvania

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September 11, 2011

Awesome Speech By President George W. Bush Spoke Yesterday At The Flight 93 Memorial in Pennsylvania

President George W. Bush spoke this afternoon at the Flight 93 Memorial in Pennsylvania.

From his speech yesterday:

On 9-11, “The most lives lost on American soil on a single day since the Battle of Antietam.”

“One of the lessons of 9-11 is that evil is real and so is courage.”

“At the moment American democracy was under attack our citizens defied their captors by holding a vote. The choice they made would cost them their lives. And they knew it. Many passengers called their loved ones to say good-bye. Then hung up to perform their final act.”

“The Flight 93 heroes led the first counter attack in the WAR ON TERROR.”

“The temptation of isolation is deadly wrong.”

Bush receives a standing ovation. Even Bill Clinton and Veep Joe Biden stood up.


Wild Thing's comment.....

Wonderful speech by G.W.

One day we will have a real President in office again. Not a fraud, not a limp wrisred Muslim and Muslim loving, America hating POS like Obama.

God bless President Bush and Laura.

Posted by Wild Thing at September 11, 2011 04:55 AM


God Bless this man and his family. Thank God we had him in charge on 9-11-01.

Posted by: jan at September 11, 2011 09:56 AM

What a difference between presidents. I bet obama is honoring the hijackers today.

Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at September 11, 2011 02:03 PM

Notice there isn't any "I's" or "me's" in his speech.

Posted by: BobF at September 11, 2011 07:57 PM

Now you know why the Democrats hate Bush. Three years out of office and he is still more Presidental than Obama is in front of a joint session of Congress.

Posted by: Avitar at September 12, 2011 02:16 PM