Theodore's World: " Come and Take It "

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August 19, 2011

" Come and Take It "

"Come and Take It" reads the white-on-black lettering across the top of Texas Gov. Rick Perry's boots, a slogan ostensibly about the 1835 Texas War of Independence but one that could easily apply to his 2010 Republican primary challenge from Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison.

More about 'Come and Take it':

“Come and take it” was a slogan used in the Texas Revolution in 1835. In March 1831, Lt. Juan Gomez of the Mexican army gave a small bronze cannon to the colony of San Antonio. It was later transported to Gonzales. There it was used during the minor skirmish known as the Battle of Gonzales, when a small group of Texans resisted Mexican forces who had orders to take back the cannon. As a symbol of defiance, the Texans hastily fashioned a flag with a black star and an image of the cannon along with the taunt “Come and take it!”

Wikipedia claims the slogan and symbol has also been adopted by modern day gun rights' advocates.



Wild Thing's comment......

LOL I love it.

Posted by Wild Thing at August 19, 2011 03:47 AM


There will be many independent voters and even some frustrated Democrats that seeing the huge vacuum of any leadership in the White House will vote for Rick Perry so hungry for a President with real convictions and someone that actually stands for something unlike the clueless community organizer.

Posted by: Carlos at August 19, 2011 08:11 AM

Carlos, thank you.

It will really shock me if Obama wins again. It shocked me the first time even though McCain practically handed the win to him. I still thought people would vote against obama more then for McCain. I was wrong. God help us if people do not see we have to get a conservative in office.

Posted by: Wild Thing at August 20, 2011 01:06 AM