Theodore's World: Obama Says Election Assessment Of HIS Leadership

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July 21, 2011

Obama Says Election Assessment Of HIS Leadership

Obama says election assessment of his leadership


Associated Press

President Barack Obama said Wednesday that he’ll be re-elected for a second term if voters feel like he’s been on their side, working as hard as he can and getting things done.

“If they don’t,” the president said, “then I’ll lose.”

The blunt political assessment from Obama cast next year’s presidential contest as a referendum on his leadership rather than a choice between him and whoever his GOP opponent will be.

“That’s not to say that the other candidate is irrelevant,” Obama said, “but it does mean that I’m probably going to win or lose depending on their assessment of my stewardship.”

The president made his comments in an interview with KMBC-TV in Kansas City, Mo. He was responding to a question about who in the Republican field could beat him, but Obama declined to speculate, saying he was too occupied to be spending a lot of time worrying about the GOP hopefuls.

The president said that when voters go to the polls, "what they're going to be asking themselves is who's got a better vision for moving the country forward."

"They don't expect everything to be solved overnight," Obama said. "They do expect that their president's going to be thinking about them every single day and going to be focused on how do we win the future."

"And if next November they feel like I've been on their side and I've been working as hard as I can and have been getting some things done to move us in the right direction, I'll win. If they don't, then I'll lose."


Wild Thing's comment........

The guy has an ego bigger than that of Mao, Ho, Stalin, Khruschev, Castro, Hugo Chavez and Achmedgenocide put together.

They are going to have to create a new word in the dictionary for “Malignant Narcissist” and put obama's photo with it.

November 2012 will determine whether America will survive or whether the Marxist-In-Chief will be able to say, “Yes We Did” (destroy capitalism).


Posted by Wild Thing at July 21, 2011 04:55 AM


This is the bipolar antithesis of Ronald Reagan.

Reagan spoke proudly about America and freedom, its good and noble history, its exceptionalism at home and abroad, its bright future, and its providence.

Reagan never spoke about himself. He spoke about God and Country.

This clueless bloke we now have in the White House cannot bring himself to speak about either.

Singular and unilateral, it's all about him.

Insular sociopath.


There's no need to scratch any further. There's no depth. There's nothing there. Abyss.

This is one empty suit.

"If they don't, then I'll lose."

-A self fulfilling prophecy.

Posted by: Carlos at July 21, 2011 07:10 AM

"Working as hard as I can." yeah, at his golf game (70+ games sofar)

Posted by: Dave 18Zulu at July 21, 2011 12:41 PM

Uh-oh, more "Obama Money!" to get spread around and more debt for the rest of us.

Posted by: Anonymous at July 21, 2011 10:22 PM

Carlos, beautifully put, thank you.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 22, 2011 01:42 AM

Dave, exactly.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 22, 2011 01:45 AM

Anonymous,you are so right.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 22, 2011 01:48 AM