Theodore's World: Muslims in U.K.(London-istan) Stage Mock Funeral For Bin Laden

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May 07, 2011

Muslims in U.K.(London-istan) Stage Mock Funeral For Bin Laden

Muslim protesters clash with police outside the American Embassy in London


Muslim argues with one police officer as other officers attempt to control the protests


Violence: Pakistani protesters burn U.S. flag in protest against the killing of Osama bin Laden in Multan today as hundreds of Pakistanis took to the streets cheering for the leader and shouting 'death to America'


This just in from London-istan: Violent clashes outside U.S. Embassy after hundreds of UK Muslims stage mock funeral for 'murdered' Bin Laden


Violent clashes broke out around the world today as thousands of supporters of Osama bin Laden took to the streets to protest at the Al-Qaeda leader's death.

While many protests took place across the Muslim world, the most extraordinary took place in London, where hundreds of supporters gathered at the U.S. embassy to stage a mock 'funeral service' for the slain terror leader.

The violence erupted just days after the city - often dubbed London-istan because of its reputation for Islamic extremism - was branded a major recruiting ground for Al Qaeda.

Dozens of police officers struggled with protesters who tried to storm the embassy with radicals carrying placards proclaiming that 'Islam will dominate the world' and branding U.S. leaders 'murderers'.

'It is only a matter of time before another atrocity - the West is the enemy,' Abu Muaz, 28, from east London, said.
The protest comes amid heightened security in London fearing revenge attacks by Al-Qaeda.

Over the past decade, the meida reported that London had become a 'feeding ground for hate' and a 'magnet for terrorism'.

The large Muslim community who live there are said to exploit civil liberties and openly preach jihad.

In fact, recent leaked documents showed that Britain's mosques became an international haven for extremists who enjoyed state benefits while being trained for terrorism.

The WikiLeaks files, written by U.S. military chiefs, revealed that at least 35 Guantanamo terrorists were radicalised in London mosques before being sent to fight against the West.

This is believed to be more than any other Western country.

Of these, just 17 were British nationals or had been granted asylum, while 18 had travelled from abroad – cementing Britain’s reputation as a global training camp for terrorists.

In other parts of the world, American flags were burned and thousands of Islamists held demonstrations vowing that more figures like Bin Laden would arise to wage holy war against the United States.

About 1,500 Islamists demonstrated near the city of Quetta, capital of Baluchistan province in the southwest.

Cleric Fazal Mohammad Baraich said amid shouts of 'Down with America' that: 'Jihad (holy war) against America will not stop with the death of Osama.

'Osama Bin Laden is a shaheed (martyr). The blood of Osama will give birth to thousands of other Osamas.'

In London, a member of the English Defence League - a far right group which opposes the spread of Islamic extremism - managed to slip through police lines to unveil an effigy of bin Laden in the middle of the 300-strong group of extremist Muslims.

It prompted screams of 'USA, burn in hell' and 'Obama, burn in hell' from angry protesters.


Wild Thing's comment..........

So much for NOT showing the photos and the funeral OBL had.....into the sea.

I'm expecting the real Muslims/moderates to come out and condemn this anytime now.


Waiting...... tap tap tap

I won't hold my breath.

So burning the flag is ok. Then burning the koran should be ok too. No?

Posted by Wild Thing at May 7, 2011 01:55 AM


Obama's still looking for a brain. If he had one why not stop the leaks to Wiki. This is rediculous, how somebody in the WH or other places is getting away with giving away National Secrets. Why isn't this looked into by this inept do nothing AG Holder. This whole administration is useless.

Posted by: Mark at May 7, 2011 08:02 AM


Posted by: karen at May 7, 2011 08:13 AM

Yup, I haven't heard a thing either way from the supposed moderate Muslims.

Jay Leno said Muslims want to rename the Arabian Sea, Martyr's Sea in honor of bin Laden since he was burried there. Leno said since he had been in hiding behind women for 5 years, they should name it Chicken of the Sea.

Posted by: BobF at May 7, 2011 09:50 AM

What can I say! I hate islam. It is a dangerous screwball cult hiding under the guise of a religion. It's god was a bloodthirsty pedophile. May piss be upon mohammed.

Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at May 7, 2011 11:22 AM

Mark, LOL good one.

"Obama's still looking for a brain."

Posted by: Wild Thing at May 8, 2011 12:52 AM

Bob, Hahahahha good one. Thanks for sharing what Leno said.

Posted by: Wild Thing at May 8, 2011 12:54 AM

Tom, well said and I agree with every word.

Posted by: Wild Thing at May 8, 2011 12:56 AM