Theodore's World: Vitter Blocks Interior Nominee Untill Offshore Permits Issued

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February 17, 2011

Vitter Blocks Interior Nominee Untill Offshore Permits Issued

Vitter Blocks Interior Nominee Untill Offshore Permits Issued

Vitter says the Obama Administration is solely responsible for Seahawk Drilling Company going bankrupt earlier this week. VITTER: "I am using every tool at my disposal to try to demand change".

Senator Vitter says the Interior Department and the Obama Administration are responsible for the bankruptcy of Seahawk Drilling and refuses to confirm the new heads to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration until new drilling permits are approved.

Wild Thing's comment........

Stay strong, David Vitter.

Posted by Wild Thing at February 17, 2011 03:40 AM


So WE THE PEOPLE finally have one that...
has a pair!!!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at February 17, 2011 08:59 AM

Darth, yes. haha

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 18, 2011 12:05 AM