Theodore's World: Sarah Palin To Headline Celebration To Honor the 100th Anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s Birth

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January 30, 2011

Sarah Palin To Headline Celebration To Honor the 100th Anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s Birth

Young America’s Foundation announced today that Governor Sarah Palin will give the keynote address on February 4 at its Reagan 100 Opening Banquet at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, California, for the 100th anniversary celebration of President Reagan’s birthday. Governor Palin was Alaska’s youngest and first woman governor and the first female Vice Presidential candidate in the history of the GOP.

“I am very excited to have been selected to address Young America’s Foundation’s Reagan 100 dinner,” Governor Palin said. “Young America’s Foundation has been sharing the values of President Reagan with young people for more than 40 years, and there is no organization more committed to preserving freedom’s future.”

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s birth, Governor Palin will reflect on the seminal speech by President Reagan, “Time for Choosing,” that discussed the risks and rewards before an America at a crossroads in the early 1960’s. Governor Palin will draw parallels to today while calling for young people to continue the Reagan revolution into the future.

Vice President Dick Cheney will also headline the celebration weekend and deliver the keynote address at the closing Reagan 100 Dinner Banquet on Saturday, February 5 at the Reagan Ranch Center.

Ronald Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara


Ronald Reagan's Jeep Scrambler Displayed at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, California


Wild Thing's comment......

This is AWESOME speak at this event is a huge honor.

Reagan was a great leader because he had faith in the greatness of the American people. Sarah Palin is very much like him in that respect.

Posted by Wild Thing at January 30, 2011 03:55 AM


I'd like to visit the Reagan Ranch Center someday. It's too bad it's in California.

Posted by: BobF at January 30, 2011 09:50 AM

Yes, Sarah will be a great keynote speaker. She has so many of the qualities and characteristics of Ronald Reagan. Sarah's speech should be a good one. I will be anxious to hear it on You Tube.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at January 30, 2011 10:42 AM

Sarah, Michelle Bachmann, Liz Cheney, are three names that come to mind, when one thinks of the greatness of our Country under the leadership of President Reagan.
The cycle of politics in America is an interesting study. We are at the present time in a cycle that is similar to the Johnson and Carter Administrations.
The fact that the above named women, plus the likes of Pence, Ryan and others, are in the National Spotlight, is a strong indicator that the swing is headed back to a more Reagan type Government.
The Elections of 2010 were just the beginning.

Posted by: Sean at January 30, 2011 10:58 AM

Excellent observation, Sean.

Posted by: Carlos at January 30, 2011 01:22 PM


A successor to Young Americans for Freedom which Ronald Reagan was a part of, Young America's Foundation which now owns the Reagan Ranch does a lot to counter the left's hold on our young people in our schools.

I contribute regularly to YAF, and every year I hand out Reagan Ranch calendars.

Learn more at:

Posted by: Carlos at January 30, 2011 01:27 PM

I look forward to her speech too. I hope they will have it on YouTube, they usually do.

Thanks everyone so much.

Posted by: Wild Thing at January 31, 2011 04:28 AM